#i finally finished it but i am Unsatisfied
3cosmicfrogs · 1 year
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i emerge from the depths of Real World Job to give you an idea dump.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 month
I really find it frustrating how very different in regards to effort the different companion quests in BG3 are.
Like, you have Astarion and Shadowheart who both have those really nice paced out companion quests with a rather good structure in the story, a dungeon for that quest each and this big bombastic finale with stuff that is only connected to their quest and nothing else. They both also - regardless of whether you romance them or not - have quite a few of cut scenes connected to the quest.
Then there are Gale and Lae'zel. Their companion quests are a lot more weaved into the actual main quest which you can see both positive and negative. Positive: They are a lot more related to the plot. Negative: You will do most of the stuff from their quests either way. You can argue that the creché is a dungeon connected to Lae'zel, and you can also make the argument that Laroakan's tower is kinda Gale's dungeon.
Then there is Wyll, who mostly just hangs around during Act 1 and 2 and then has a little tiny bit of quest in Act 3, though the game will very much make sure to push you into the quest even if you have not recruited Wyll or Wyll has left the party. So, yeah, depending how you read it, there are two dungeons that are kinda connected to Wyll (the Iron Throne and then the Ansur dungeon).
And then... there is Karlach. Karlach's quest can be summarized by: "Fight some fake paladins, get one piece of infernal iron, get a second piece of infernal iron, defeat Gortash." The Gortash fight is not even like the two Wyll dungeons, that are not really Wyll exclusive (I mean, technically none of the quests is), that are optional outside of the Wyll questline. No, you will have to confront Gortash in one way or another to finish the game, no matter whether you have Karlach recruited or not.
And it makes it just feel so very... unsatisfying. I think a lot of the problems that people (like me) have with act 3 of the game really are connected to the fact that the endings for the companions outside of Astarion and Shadowheart feel rather, well, as I said: unsatisfying.
I mean, yes, Gale and Lae'zel are connected with the plot, but also their resolution is kinda pushed somehow into this "post-final-boss" scene and hence feels not really as if it actually resolves somethng. Especially as it feels also so very disconnected from basically everything else in the game you do with them.
With Wyll I would even argue that technically the post-Ansur stuff could almost serve as a proper resolution... If the dialogue was not bugged as hell. At least it is for me. And of course it still does not compare at all with the stuff happening with Astarion and Shadowheart.
And then there is Karlach. I just... I am sorry, I hate how the game handels Karlach. Especially because she is such a cool character. But her companion quest gives you less to do than your average side-quest. It is a fucking fetch quest. That's it. And it has no proper resolution. Because in Act 3 there is not even an attempt made to solve her issue. I spoke about that before: I would be totally fine if there was a quest in Act 3 where the player tries to get the engine fixed in the city. BUT THERE ISN'T. It is like: "Well, Dammon does not know anything. Tough luck Karlach. You gotta either die or go back to hell." Meanwhile I am like: "THEN ASK SOMEONE ELSE?" Ask the Ironhand Gnomes, ask the Gondians, ask bloody Gortash, try to make a deal with Raphael. Like, there has to be something, right?
And look, while I would have loved some Halsin content in Act 3, I am fine with the fact that there is not really anything. That is alright. Because really, the entire Act 2 stuff and how Halsin is interwoven with it might very well be the game's highlight for me.
Just as I am fine that Jaheira and Minsc are more like cameos with not that big of a role in Act 3.
(Again, I cannot talk minthy, because I failed to recruit her so far because I do not like to play evil characters.)
But... Yeah. I will not go here and argue that the game is incomplete. It is not. But it still is very frustrating how the game handles the companion quests in this regard, because the companions are the beating heart of the game. And I think the ending of the game would have been more satisfying if the companion quests had been more comparable in quality.
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xioterep-art · 8 months
New POV! I got the idea all thanks to this playlist!
POV: you shock Scaramouche with your sudden dominance.. || 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♡
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Bossy Scaramouche x obedient Subordinate Reader (what he thought)
Trigger warning: suggestive themes, violence, curses, slight nsfw (suggestive), bullying, dom reader.
Disclaimer: the art is not mine, it belongs to たなみ on pixiv!
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You were the most obedient subordinate he could ever have, which was annoying him for some unknown reason. He finally got a brainless idiot human at his disposition, yet why was he so unsatisfied? Scaramouche couldn't understand the reason behind this. All he had to do was look at your dumb facial expression, and he would sigh deeply with his usual gloomy frown.
As usual, Scaramouche was sitting in his assigned office, working on some paperwork when you entered with some rapport in your hands, that dumb smile as always was on your face. Avoiding to look at your face, Scaramouche didn't want to get irritated more as he was already, all because of that arrogant bastard, Dottore.
"My lord, here's the rapport you asked for," you said quietly as you walked to his side. Humphing in response, he does not raise his head to look at you, and as his loyal subject, you understand very well what he wants. All he needed was to think, and you would already take action. From an outsider's perspective, it would look as if you two were communicating using telepathy.
Putting the rapport at his side, you stood silently next to him as you waited for an order, which was weird knowing that you were that talkative and annoying type of person who even in front of Lord Scaramouche would not shut up.
Scaramouche kept working without giving the order to leave. As he ignored your presence, you kept your mouth shut as you were strangely in a bad mood. Usually, when you are in his presence you seem to forget all your problems, yet, today, you feel annoyed, and it even surprised you.
Frowning slightly, you kept your posture straight, neither moving at all nor looking at what the sixth was doing. Just when you were minding your own business for the first time, you suddenly heard a sneer escaping his beautiful mouth that made you finally glance his way.
"This bastard! I am going to fucking kill him someday!" The Balladeer roared angrily. He is most likely talking about the second again, you assumed unfazed as you calmly stared at the scene of Scaramouche throwing things to the other side of the room.
You sigh softly with a smile that wasn't a smile, "quell down your anger, my lord..." You said as you walked up to the mess created by the almighty Balladeer and reached to clean it.
As you finished the cleaning, you stood up with the pile of papers in your hands when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your forehead and soon enough you felt the hot red liquid sliding down your cheek. You froze while looking straight into Scaramouche's eyes. The pain became slightly unbearable as you squinted your eyes when the sixth lord stood up and walked up to you angrily.
"Put that shit away and fucking scram, stupid monkey!" He said as he kicked your side, venting his anger on you.
Now, you must admit that this got on your damn nerves. To be his stepstone every time someone messes with him is fucking annoying. Usually, you would take on his wrath gladly, yet this time you didn't feel like it.
What about you? Can't you feel anger or vent it? You don't even know what was wrong with you.
Snapping back to reality, you saw his hand flying towards you. He was about to push you but you grabbed it firmly, unfazed when your eyes met his deadliest glare.
"Fucking let go, now!" He articulates slowly, clearly pissed off. "No," You simply answered, which left him stunned for a moment.
Feeling the air becoming static, you sneered as you pushed him violently onto the desk. A loud noise was heard when he came in contact with the hard material, earning him a loud groan.
This completely took him off guard. His obedient dog was biting back! He couldn't believe that. Gasping slightly, he felt pain in his right side as it dumped into the edge of his desk.
That sure was painful.
Wanting to face you again, he put a hand on the desk for support, and as he was about to turn towards you, he was again being pushed against the flat surface.
Not understanding what was happening to him, he suddenly had to face you as you were looking down at him, sending shivers down his spine.
The way you looked at him left him breathless. This mean version of you was new to him. he had never seen this side of you, nor did he even give it a chance in his imagination.
The sixth Harbinger's stunned expression soon turned into anger, "what the hell you are doing?" he yelled, trying to push you aside, and of course, you were not budging at all.
You were a strong and talented Dendro swordsman recruited by the Fatui a long time ago, and you were assigned to Scaramouche on the first day since then you have taken all his anger and snarky attitude. Sometimes, he would treat you even worse than shit if you commit the slightest mistake, while some other times, he would act as if you did not exist.
If it wasn't for the admiration you held for him, you would have long ago snapped. Just like now.
You were between his legs with him pinned by you on the desk, one of your hands next to his head with your eyes squinted and a frown on your face as you kept looking at him intensely, stealing away his words.
Feeling the energy shift in the air, Scaramouche gasped as he felt something rolling around his wrists. It was your Dendro ability. Trying to fight back, Scaramouche squirmed under you yet the roots violently pinned both his wrists above his head in response.
"You are annoying, my lord," You said softly as you kept looking at him, "let go of me! you fucking dog!" He snaps back.
You chuckle as that free hand of yours caresses his white soft-looking cheek, "My lord is the prettiest, " you compliment him, "what a shame that such a beauty has a sharp and nasty temper..." You ease up the frown on your face as you lean more toward him, a dangerous glint in your eyes.
"W- What is wrong with you? back off!" He yells again, squirming around, his face flustered while looking away.
"You could've used your Electro power to stop me, Lord," you chuckled sarcastically, your breath now mixed with his, "I had enough of this, you see..." You vented as you bit his lower lip.
The frozen Scaramouche widened his eyes. The Balladeer seemed to forget how powerful he was and only used his legs to kick you off of him, his face blushing wildly.
Not letting go of his lower lip, you grabbed one of his flying legs and secured it by putting it over your shoulder.
"I think that lord Scaramouche needs some punishment, right?" You whisper in his ear in a dangerous tone, not caring anymore about the consequences to come.
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moonlitstoriess · 2 months
Across the Universe-ch.16 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terrasen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
See masterlist
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Unsatisfied and frustrated doesn't even begin to describe how she was feeling at the moment. After Eva called her down, Fenrys and Y/n waited until she was gone before adjusting their appearances and leaving her room together. Of course, throughout their little journey towards the sitting room, they could only steal glances at each other because there were servants all around them.
And it was killing her. It was killing her how she couldn't just drag him back into the room and finish what they started but....all this lust started to disappear as soon as they entered the room and she heard the ugly voice of the Book of Breathings hissing.
They entered at the same time as Aelin and Rowan and moved towards the table around which everyone was gathered, their faces frustrated and confused. The book just wouldn't stop hissing and once she reached the table, coming to stand right beside Lysandra, y/n could finally understand what it was talking about.
"They are coming"
"For her, for her"
"They are coming for her"
"Magic is shifting"
"What in the seven hells does any of this mea-" Aedion's words cut off by Yrene shushing him, clearly telling everyone to be quite for a little more.
"They are interfering"
"Gates, shifting"
It was as if there were multiple voices, all hissing the same things at once.
Aelin looked concerned as she looked at no one in particular and asked, "I don't understand. Is it talking about the valg's coming? Because we already know that."
Yrene shook her head, "No. You're right, we do know that already so it must be saying something else. Did you hear what it said? Something about shifting magic and interference."
Elide crossed her arms, gaze still locked on the book. "Yes, but what does that mean? Who is interfering?"
Y/n took a sharp breath in before asking the book directly, "What are you talking about, exactly? Who is interfering? Is this about the valgs?"
And then the book said only two words which were more than enough to answer her questions,
"Death Incarnate."
Y/n may not be the most genius fae to ever exist, but she for sure would know that only one being across any universe has this title.
Her ex friend, her ex high lord, the one who came to her doorstep in the first place.
Her gaze locked with Lucien's who, seemingly, also understood what was going on as his eyes widened.
Her body suddenly grew colder as she asked with a shaky voice, "Is-is he interfering with the gates? Is he the reason for the shift in magic or whatever? Is- are they coming?"
"What are you talking about, y/n?"
"Who is 'he'?"
She ignored everyone elses questions as her mind was solely focused on the book and what it would say.
"Yes. They are trying to come."
She should feel happy, hopeful. They were coming to get her and once the valgs were killed, the gates were closed, she would get to go back to her world. She should be happy. She should be grateful. But why wasn't she? All she felt was dread and anger at the prospect of having to face them as well.
"Shhh, y/n. I am here, you are safe, just relax."
It wasn't until she felt Fenrys' grounding touch and sweet whispers in her ear that she realized her whole body was shaking as her eyes were distant, ears not hearing anyone but her own thoughts.
"Someone, please get water."
Fenrys led her to the small lounge chair and sat her down as Lysandra gave the cup full of water for her but quickly changed the route and handed it to Fenrys after seeing her shaking hands. The male helped her drink it before placing the cup on a nearby table and holding her hand while caressing her back with the other hand.
Chaol looked at Lucien, "What is going on?"
The prince just sighed before replying, "Death Incarnate is the title of Rhysand. The high lord of the Night Court. And y/n was asking if it was him who was the cause for the shift in the gates, if he and the rest of his court were trying to come here and apparently, according to the book, they are."
Once Lucien's words were out, y/n felt Fenrys' whole body stiffen, his hold on her to tighten as he slowly turned his head sideways to look at her friend.
Manon looked at Lucien, her anger clearly evident in her voice as she asked, "The same court that mistreated her? That lied to her?"
"What are you talking about?" Aedion's voice was full of confusion as he looked at the witch, expecting her to reply.
Manon's gaze came to y/n, her eyes asking for permission to tell them what they need to know. She nodded her head, too tired to argue or think of anything as the witch turned back around and explained what y/n once told her, filling the ones who didn't know in on the situation back in Prythian.
Once she was done explaining, y/n could physically feel the tension in the room that could be cut with a knife.
"Oh Gods..." Aedion's mouth was hanging open as Lysandra crossed her arms, the shifters tone cool as she declared, "They are fools for coming here, then."
Rowan nodded his head. "Because we won't let them live what they did to you down."
Elide put her head on a distressed Lorcan's arm as she said, "How can you go back with them, y/n? I do hope that once you do, you will leave them immediately."
Dorian shook his head, glanced at Fenrys with a knowing look, "Whatever the case is, they are not welcome here. They are clearly not wanted by the book either because their interference is causing a shift in the magic. We have to finish this job by the day of the lunar eclipse. And if they do somehow appear, then the choice to make will be y/n's and no one elses."
Lucien sighed, coming forward and placing a comforting hand on y/n's shoulder, "They- I don't even know what happened to them. I will be honest, me and them were never truly close....we have a long and complicated history which is why they never fully liked me, especially Rhysand and Mor-"
"Who is Mor?!" Petrah's voice sounded frustrated and protective as she looked directly at Lucien from her position on the opposite couch.
The prince gave Manon's second in command a small shake of his head and said, "She is....well, let that be a story for another time because her main issue isn't even directly related to me, her issue is with my brother."
"So, she is an idiot then."
They all looked at Lorcan as Lucien coughed out an "Excuse me?!"
The tall man just shrugged his shoulders, "If she is hating on you simply for whatever your brother did, then she is a fool and so is the rest of them if they support her."
"I agree." Petrah didn't sound happy at all as she voiced her agreement.
Y/n managed to place a reassuring hand on Lucien's as the redhead said, "Well, that isn't the main point. My point is, they- I never expected them to be like that towards y/n because, after all, they knew her for so long and from what I saw, enjoyed her company extensively. They were like family. Especially Cassian, Rhysand, Mor and Amren. And then Feyre and her sisters came into the portrait and everything just went downhill from there. And Azriel-"
"Is mine."
Y/n froze.
Lucien froze.
Everyone froze.
The room went silent as all head turned to the owner of that statement.
When she looked at him, y/n only saw anger, possessiveness and violence readiating of off him. His expression, his eyes and his body.
She broke the silence, speaking for the first time since sitting down. "Fenrys, what- what do you mean?"
His intense gaze landed on her as he simply said in a chilly tone, "I mean, if he dares to step here, to come within my vicinity, then he is mine. Mine to break, mine to deal with, mine to beat up and mine to destroy. You all can deal with the rest of them but I will say it now, no one touches Azriel. He is mine."
Her eyes widened as she and Lucien spoke at the same time,
"Fenrys, no. You don't- it will only bring more trouble than necessary to you."
"Rhysand is the most powerful high lord, he won't let you treat his brother like that."
"Watch me."
From the way he sounded and looked, Fenrys was not fooling around, nor was he afraid of what Lucien just revealed to him. Y/n didn't know whether to feel safe or worried.
Aelin cleared her throat, drawing all the attention to her. "Well....this is definitely a new side of Fenrys I have never seen. What about you two?" she looked between her mate and Lorcan.
The two male's exchanged knowing looks, Rowan seemingly realizing the reason for Fenrys' sudden protectiveness as he said, "Believe me fire heart, this is new for us as well."
Lorcan smirked, "Yes, very new."
Yrene's calm voice filled the room as she said, "I don't think I can keep that book in our room, it talks too much."
Aelin moved towards the object and took it, ignoring it's protests as she turned towards the doors, followed by her mate, "I am taking this to the library. I need Arthur to have a look at this thing."
As everyone slowly began to leave the room, Lucien gave her shoulder one final squeeze before moving to help a struggling Petrah up, and leaving with her still asking him, "What's that Mor's issue with you?"
"Petrah, not now."
"No! Tell me, I must know so that when I see her, I will know how to attack her."
"Are you mad?! Over my dead body will I allow you to get yourself involved in this mess."
Y/n smiled at the couple's banter as their voices slowly began fading away, leaving her and Fenrys alone in the room. She sighed but leaned her head on his chest, causing his arm to come around her waist and slowly help her get up.
Once out in the hall, she detached herself from him as they began to walk silently.
"Fenrys, you shouldn't attack Azriel if he shows up here."
"Y/n, my respect and care for you is eternal, but I will have to go against your wishes on this one because even hearing his name causes so much rage to bubble up within me. Now, imagine I get to finally see him in real life, how can I hold myself back? It's as if fate has delivered him to me on a silver platter. As if he is wishing for death by coming here."
As they began climbing up the stairs she could only manage to squeeze his arm, "Fenrys-"
"What did I tell you, y/n? That I will protect your light from any darkness that dares to approach. Azriel is that darkness and I won't hesitate to end him if he even comes into the same world as you."
They reached her room, she opened her door and turned to look at him, "Please, please, Fenrys. You may hurt yourself-"
"And what about you? You were hurt countless times by him, by his friends and by someone else whom you clearly won't tell me about but that is fine, I am willing to wait on that. Whatever the case is, you are not alone princess. Not anymore. Not as long as I live."
And with that, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and turned towards his own room, quietly saying, "Get some rest now, princess. You have had a long day."
She couldn't sleep the night away, her thoughts filled with everything that was happening around her. By the time sunrise hit, y/n was once again heading towards the training area but stopped once a thought came to her head. She turned in her path, heading towards the library, her determination growing with each step that she took.
When she reachd the large area, y/n saw a tall, frail and quite old male in robes putting books inside the shelves. When he heard her enter the room, the male turned towards her and gave y/n a small, polite smile, "Welcome, my name is Arthur and I am one of the three head protectors of this ancient library."
Y/n gave him a small smile in return and said, "Hello, Arthur. My name is Y/n and I believe queen Aelin brought a book here last night?"
The librarian nodded his head, "Oh, yes. Her majesty asked me to keep it safe and protected here so I put it under wards."
She fiddled with her fingers as she asked him, "Could I- could I please take it for a short moment? I have some questions that I believe it can answer so..."
Arthur smiled and gestured for her to follow him. "Of course, y/n. I know of you so I am aware that the book responds well to you and only you. No one else."
He brought her to a medium sized, square table. with the book in it's center, emanating magical essence from around it. Arthur said a couple of words before the room suddenly felt less heavy and suffocating. He turned towards her and said, "I removed the main wards, still keeping some precautionary ones around. Do be careful, y/n, don't stay with it for too long."
She nodded her head at him. "Believe me, I am very well aware of it. Thank you, Arthur. I only need a couple of minutes."
The male nodded and left the corner in which they were in, heading back towards the other end of the room, leaving her alone with the ancient object.
Y/n sighed before coming to stand right in front of it, steadying her voice as she spoke, "I am not scared of you anymore. You fooled me the first time by sending me here but you can't fool me this time around."
The book replied with a knowing tone, "Good, because I am not sending you anywhere anymore, Illyrian."
Realization slowly dawned upon her, "You knew, didn't you? All this time, you knew that I had a mate here. That this was where I was meant to be sent."
"I did say that you are home now when I sent you here didn't I, child?"
She sighed, "Yes, you did. And....what now? Do I just accept it because you sent me here?"
"You tell me, witch. What do you think you must do?"
"I don't know."
"My job was to only send you here. The choice to make will be yours. Elara said as much."
"Wait. My mother- you- how?"
"She managed to bypass all of the high lord's wards and contact me. Ordered me to do what I did and how could I say no to the most powerful ironteeth witch, Elara?"
Her heart warmed. Her mother, the woman whom she didn't even know of for most of her life, was the one who started it all. She smiled gently, reminiscing the mother whom she only knew for such a short time.
"I think I know my answer now."
"You do not have any more questions left in you?"
"No, I have finally understood my purpose. Goodbye."
As she turned around and left, y/n heard the book say, "Make the right choice, child."
"She is your mate, isn't she?"
Fenrys paused his eating and lifted his head to see Rowan enter the room. The blond just muttered some incoherent sentence before resuming his eating. Rowan came and sat on the opposite chair, giving him an amused look.
"Seems like you have worked up quite the appetite. Apparently being a territorial fae bastard turns you into a starved wolf."
"I am not a territorial fae bastard." Fenrys grumbled while his mouth was full of food.
Rowan smirked, "Well, Aelin calls me that whenever I do what you just did in the sitting room last night."
"And what did I do exactly?"
"Get all protective and posessive over your mate."
"We aren't mates."
Rowan chuckled "Oh please, Fenrys. We all saw you stake a claim on y/n in that room. Besides, I already had my suspicions and Lorcan isn't the best secret keeper."
Fenrys clenched his fists on the table. "That little prick. I knew I couldn't trust him."
"So you are mates. Fenrys, you hurt my feelings by choosing to tell this to Lorcan over me."
Fenrys playfully rolled his eyes at his friend and said, "Shut up, bird. Besides, we don't even know if we will be together. Neither of us has accepted the bond."
Rowan's expression became grim. "So I've heard. Seems like you both are scared."
Fenrys sighed "Truthfully, I would be lying if I said that I am sure everything will be perfect. That I will accept the bond and already be deep in love with her. I do feel a lot for y/n but love is something I never had any experience in and.....with the kind of a past that I have, I am of course afraid. Afraid of scaring her away or doing something wrong. But what I do know is that I would never hurt her. And I am willing to accept the bond because I do like her and imagining a forever with y/n does bring me so much joy."
The prince nodded his head at his friends confession and after a moment replied, "You truly need one another, Fenrys. You need healing and so does she, from whatever nightmares she has endured. You both can heal together. Heal each other. Learn to love not only yourselves but also the world around you."
Fenrys gazed towards the window behind his friend, his expression thoughtful. "She is afraid, Rowan. Her life hasn't been easy and it seems like she hasn't gotten to feel joyful much because so many good things have been taken away from her. One of them being..." Fenrys had to reign his anger in as he said, "Azriel."
Rowan nodded his head slowly, gesturing for his companion to go on. Fenrys inhaled a sharp breath in before continuing, "He pretended to be in love with her, Rowan. In love. And she believed him, she believed him and overlooked all the other signs like them not being mates in favor of loving him. But, all this time he was being a bastard who lied to her. What a little coward. I hate him for breaking her, for shattering her heart and making her doubt herself. I meant what I said, Rowan. I will kill him if I see him."
The prince shook his head slowly, "No, you can't kill him."
Fenrys' brows furrowed "What?"
"I said, you can't kill him. I won't allow you to."
Fenrys scoffed, "Please, don't act so almighty with me. If the roles were reversed and Azriel had done all that to Aelin, you would rip him to shreds."
Rowan smiled slightly, "True, but the roles aren't reversed, are they? So, I won't allow you to kill him"
"What?! That's just-"
"He has a mate, Fenrys. You can't do that."
"Like I care. That viper mate of his should also stay away from me if she values her life. She has just as much of a fault in this as he does. I will kill him, Rowan. I am sorry but I won't follow your order on this one."
"I said don't kill him but I never said don't beat him to the brink of death."
Fenrys' eyes widened as Rowan laughed and winked at his friend before getting up and heading towards the door, "You underestimate me, Fenrys. They hurt your mate so of course you should destroy him, just don't kill him and cause an extra headache for us all with a court that isn't even from our world. Oh, and...."
Rowan gave a final look at Fenrys before closing the door, "If they even manage to come here and try something, believe me Fenrys, they will be going back home with broken ego's and shattered bones. Whether or not y/n will be going with them is up to her."
The old house stood silent, its windows staring out like blank eyes into the night.
Y/n must have read this sentence for what feels like the millionth time in the book. Her mind was just too mixed up with other things that she couldn't even concentrate on reading a single sentence from a random book.
"You are reading 'Whispering Windows'? Gods, that's the most boring book I've ever read."
Y/n looked from her place on the couch to see Manon and Eva entering the room as the younger girl made a disgusted face at the book y/n was holding.
"What, you don't like it?"
"Like it? The whole plot is so predictable that by the end when the supposed plot twist happens, you already expected it."
Manon came and sat beside y/n as Eva lay down on the carpeted floor, propping her head on one hand. The witch smirked after taking a peek into the book y/n was reading. "Don't worry Eva, it seems like y/n hasn't even gotten past the first page yet."
Y/n sighed and put the book down, "Yes, can't really concentrate right now."
"Why not?" Eva's voice sounded curious but Manon gave a knowing look at y/n as she said, "Because her mind is currently elsewhere. Something having to do with a certain mate perhaps?"
Eva's eyes widened and she immediately jumped up before y/n could even answer the question, "You have a mate?! Since when?! Is it Fenrys-"
Y/n quickly put her palm on the girls mouth, shutting her up, as she hissed, "Yes, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't go around shouting it for all to hear."
She brought her palm down from Eva's mouth as the girl whispered, "Fenrys is your mate? Oh Godsss!!"
"Calm down, it's not like either of them has accepted it yet." Manon crossed her arms as she looked expectantly at y/n.
"How did you-"
"Know? Hmmm, I have my ways." the queen winked at her before nudging her on the ribs, "So, what will happen between you two? Are you planning on accepting it?"
Y/n tilted her head backwards on the couch and closed her eyes.
Y/n's eyes opened once again as she looked at Eva "What?! I didn't even say anything yet."
The girl shrugged her shoulders before smiling, "You don't need to. Your posture just told me everything I needed to know and then your delay in answer proved me right."
Y/n and Manon both looked at her with slightly wide eyes as the former whispered, "Wow"
Manon turned to look at her once again, "You are going to reject the bond?! Why?"
Y/n sighed, "I went and talked with the Book of Breathings earlier today and turns out my mother was the one behind it all from the start. She knew I had a mate here so she managed to get me sent to this place, effectively making my and Fenrys' paths cross and that just gave me the answer I needed. Assured me of my choice."
"Which is?"
Y/n looked at both of them beore saying in a steady voice, "No."
Both the queen and the girl shouted at the same time, still looking surprised by her choice.
She put her palm over both of their mouths' as she said, "If you will just shut up and allow me to talk, I will explain."
Once they both stayed quiet, y/n let out a breath and said, "As I mentioned, my mother had a hand in this, in us crossing paths. That's why I feel as if I have forced myself upon Fenrys. If I accept this, I will force him to be with me because we didn't meet naturally. I am afraid that at some point, he will realise this and stop feeling all those things for me and leave like Azriel did. Like everyone always does-"
"I will have to stop you right there." Manon's voice sounded firm yet reassuring and determined as she placed a hand on y/n's shoulder.
"I understand your fears. You have had some hard times in your life it seems, and have loved the very few things you considered good. Such as those fae and especially Azriel. But, they left you alone after you have loved so much and been so vulnerable that now you find it hard to open up again. But believe me, y/n. That isn't your fault at all. They didn't leave because you were mean, bad, unusual or something else but because they themselves are the problem. They are the liars and hypocrites. Not you."
When y/n opened her mouth to say something, Manon put up a hand and said, "Now, as for the whole being sent here situation, if not now then when? If your mother wouldn't have done what she did at that exact time to get you here then when, exactly would you have a chance to come here again? To cross paths with Fenrys? He adores you, y/n. He is ready to go to the ends of the world as long as it's with you. Believe me, Fenrys has changed so much for the better since your arrival. No one has had this effect on him but you. Only you."
Y/n's eyes watered slightly as Eva hugged her silently and Manon squeezed her hand with a reassuring smile, "Just think about it."
Y/n gave her a small smile in return as she nodded her head and sat with them in a comforting silence a little more, thinking over what Manon just said.
It was sunset when she was sitting in the gazebo, staring out into the ethereal view of flowers and other plants. Her surroundings were so serene and peaceful, contrasting with her inner turmoil as y/n was once again, lost.
"May I?"
That voice that always caused a warm feeling to envelop her. That calm yet deep voice that never fails to make her squirm in her seat. The only voice that ever made her feel such things.
Fenrys' voice.
Y/n lifted her head up to see him standing in front of the gazebo, a small smile on his face, looking as angelic as ever. She managed to smile back and nod her head.
He came and sat right next to her, his comforting scent invading all her senses as she couldn't stop her body from leaning against him causing Fenrys to immediately wrap an arm around her waist and put his head on hers.
She felt so safe in his arms. So safe and protected, as if no harm could ever come to her as long as she was with him. And truthfully, y/n did start thinking that it was like that. But then again, another small part of her was still unsure, still telling her that this would never end well. That this was a forced story.
"You seem deep in thought"
His voice that seems to turn gentle only when talking to her brought her back from her thoughts as y/n asked him the question she has been dying to get an answer for.
"Are you truly happy to have me as a mate?"
"Where is this coming from?"
"I don't know, just.... I don't know"
She felt him pull her slightly away so that they can look at each other. Fenrys' brows were furrowed as he looked expectantly at her.
Y/n sighed, "I- I just- forget it."
"No, I won't forget it because you will tell me what is causing you any trouble so that I can smooth it out."
Her eyes widened, "You care about me that much? You- you would try to solve my problems for me?"
Fenrys' arm around her tightened as he said, "Of course I care about you. In fact, I more than care about you. Your troubles are my troubles and so, I would do everything in my power to get rid of every single one of them until you are feeling at peace. Feeling safe-"
"I do feel safe, Fen. Whenever I am with you is when I feel safe."
He seemed to be surprised about that because now it was his eyes that widened. "You do?"
"Of course I do, Fenrys. I feel safe, cared, supported, appreciated and even loved whenever I am with you. You have shown me the love no one has ever shown before. That's why I am afraid that you may doubt this at some point in the future. I am afraid that you- that your feelings will change and you will also leave-"
Her words were silenced by Fenrys' lips on hers. He kissed her fiercely, full of adoration and passion while his hand kept on caressing her back.
When he pulled away from her, his breath heaving, as he put both of his hands on each side of her face, "Never say such things ever again. I would never and I mean never knowingly hurt you. I would rather get my skin ripped off my body than ever betray you, princess. I am ready to spend an eternity with you, I will accept it right this moment, even. But I am more than willing to wait until you are ready to make a choice."
A tear slipped down her eye before Fenrys kissed it away as y/n smiled at him, feeling so warm after the confession he made. "I think- I think I know my answer, Fen. I just need a little more time to be sure."
Fenrys smiled brightly and kissed her other cheek as he pulled her back into his chest and put his head back on hers. "Once you are ready, I will be here, waiting and ready to soothe your doubts."
Once they arrived to dinner, the room was full with everyone chattering and discussing things, Dorian's voice loudest of all as he mentioned that there were only two days left until the lunar eclipse now.
"Well, with two groups, I believe we have a chance at winning." Lysandras confident voice filled the room as she playfully hit the back of Dorian's head while passing by his chair.
Y/n sat down next to Fenrys as she asked no one in particular, "Who is going where?"
Dorian smiled brightly and pointed to himself as he said, "Of course, the one and only me, Eva, Elide, Yrene and Lucien are staying with you. The rest are going after the valgs."
"And me." came Fenrys' voice from beside her, full of determination.
Aelin cleared her throat, "Fenrys, you can shift. You would be more helpful with us-"
"I am staying with y/n."
"Fenrys," y/n put her hand on his, causing him to look at her, his gaze immediately softening.
"Please, you will be more helpful in the fight against the valg."
"I will be fine, Fen. I won't be alone, right?"
Yrene nodded her head "Of course, we will be with you every step of the way."
Y/n smiled and looked back at him. "See? You shouldn't worry about me."
He sighed and clearly was willing to protest more but one look from y/n caused him to give her a resigned nod.
After a while, as everyone kept on talking, y/n noticed that Petrah seemed to be smiling which was the most unusual thing ever because y/n never saw her smile fully. One look at Lucien confirmed what she thought. He told her that they were mates and from the small shake of his head that Lucien gave y/n, she understood that neither of them haven't accepted the bond, just getting to first know more of one another. Just like her and Fenrys, it seems.
As the dinner went on, y/n's doubts were mostly fogotten as she immersed herself in the endless conversations happening around her, feeling more at home than she ever had. And through it all, she felt Fenrys' firm yet reassuring hold on her hand, his presence like a light at the end of the dark tunnel.
Y/n knew that this was far from over, that they had trouble coming in two days but right in this moment, she was more than ready to face whatever that was coming as long as she had Fenrys by her side.
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
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sex-storytime · 1 year
Our Arrangement
It was already late in the afternoon when I arrived home, relieved to have a break from the algorithms and variables that filled my typical work day. Even more, I was looking forward to my homemade lunch and the company it provided which was what made the whole fifteen-minute drive home from the office worthwhile. "Hayley... are you there?"
Climbing the stairs up from the two-car garage below, I noticed the living room off to my right was perfectly set. The sofa's pillows were recently fluffed, the carpet vacuumed and every surface was dust-free. Even the air smelled cleaner in the room than when I left that morning; just a hint of vanilla and a dash of her perfume. I breathed in deep, intoxicated by just the smell of her.
I peeked into the dining room and kitchen area to see if I could find Hayley before heading down the hallway toward the bedrooms. Her meticulous hand had perfectly placed every object and cleaned every speck of dust along the way. I nearly felt guilty just walking on the floor as everything was so perfect.
"Hay-" the sudden roar of the vacuum cut me off as I peered into the master bedroom, freezing completely still. My jaw dropped as I caught my breath; my eyes widened and nature took over my lower body at the sight of my young housekeeper. She was down on her hands and knees, her gorgeous round derriere pointing directly at me as her head squeezed under my queen-size bed while she vacuumed with the hose. Long waves of her pink dyed hair slowly slid off her slender form. Her ass, painted with soft blue yoga pants, wiggled enticingly in the awkward position with each jarring motion of her arm. I nearly lost all self control right then and there.
I'm really not sure just how long I stood there, leaning against the open doorway, thoroughly enjoying the view of her as she moved. It could have been hours though more likely just a few minutes. I knew the decent thing would be to get her attention or just leave but part of me truly wanted to believe she knew I was there, gyrating her sexy hips on purpose to catch my eye.
She pulled her head back out from under the bed, pulling my focus from her bottom to her upper half. Her hair was a sexy mess, strands flying every which way with electrostatic frizz as she set the vacuum's hose down and smoothed the waves back into place. Unsatisfied still, she pulled a scrunchie from her wrist and raised her arms, calling my attention to her modest feminine curves. Her tee hugged her bra tightly, the very contours of the bra's design evident in the shirt's material as it raised just enough for a peek at her pale midriff. With a few jiggles of her, she began to tie her hair back into a ponytail. 
My eyes scanned followed the curve of her perfect body, slowly, savoring the narrowness at her waistline, the way she rounded out the backside of her yoga pants and, yes, the more-than-handful globes in her blouse, much of which appeared in the loose fitting, deep vee cut of her blouse. The material set off her pale and lightly freckled skin of her boobs very well.
I looked up as she stretched her hands above her head, her blouse riding up a little, and my heart-rate quickly doubled. She was gorgeous. She had magnificent blue eyes, her dyed pink hair, cut very attractively so that it just broke in curls on her shoulders, was now tied back revealing her face. Her makeup was impeccably done, in either perfect lines or smoothly fading changes as the case might be. Her skin was as smooth as silk with no visible blemishes. I moved toward her slowly so as not to startle her, savoring her loveliness. I could have stood there and just watched her forever.
Finishing with the ponytail, she finally looked my way a bit surprised, suddenly realising that I was standing there. By the embarrassed smile that came over her, she must have guessed that I had been there for quite some time. "Jeff," she shut off the vacuum, "I am so sorry. I didn't hear you come in."
"That's quite alright Hayley," I instinctively offered her a hand as she pushed herself up off the floor. Her fingers were so delicate and soft in mine, I didn't really want to let go. "I hate to interrupt... but I was kind of hoping there might be one of your delicious lunches today."
Her beautiful smile beamed, compliments on her cooking always well taken. "Of course, Sir." Though I stood a full head over her in height, she shooed me through the door like a mother to a small child. "To the kitchen. I made your favourite today."
Back in the kitchen, she sat me down at the dining table and donned an apron, moving about the kitchen with expertise as if she were the owner of the house instead of me. As I watched her, the idea came over me of what it might be like to have her living there permanently like a steady girlfriend instead of just coming by four days a week. It was a perfectly good arrangement but in all honesty, I probably didn't need the extra help. Hayley was just too good to turn down. Given my extremely limited history of live-in girlfriends, just the thought of having her here everyday put a smirk on my face. Having a young, pink haired lover would certainly set the neighbours tongues wagging.
"You look very happy today, Jeff?" Hayley sat a steaming bowl of my favourite soup in front of me, a specialty that she often prepared.
"I'm always happy when you're around, Hayley." I couldn't help but smile at her, my glasses sliding down my scrunched nose. Typically I was too shy to even talk around beautiful young women, much less someone so clearly out of my league. Her genuine friendliness had recently been pulling me out of my shell though. Increasingly I found myself able to open up with her, even flirt a bit and I think, though maybe it was just my wishful thinking, that sometimes she returned them in kind.
She smiled back at me from the kitchen as she spooned some rice onto a plate. "You are so sweet for me, Jeff." I chuckled at the irony of her mis-speech; she had no clue just how 'sweet for her' I was becoming over the passing weeks. My whole life was beginning to center around those half-hour lunches that I spent with her; she was the reason I'd started driving all the way home for lunch after all. I just couldn't bring myself to do more than talk with her though; there's no way she was as attracted to me as I was to her. I knew instinctively that if I ever crossed that line, she would hate me and most likely leave my life forever. I couldn't risk it. Life was just too good with her in it, even if only as my maid.
"I am..." she paused for a moment next to me at the table, holding my plate in her hand as she contemplated what to say next. She was an intelligent woman, approaching twenty, and I knew she was destined for better things. Her ability to express herself was improving with leaps and bounds since I had first hired her. I needed some much needed assistance with my 'bachelor pad' and she needed a way of making some cash to ease her way through education. "I am very happy... when you are around too, Sir." Her blue eyes sparkled as she laid the plate before me, taking a seat across the table for herself.
"Please Hayley," I grabbed my nearby fork hungrily, "it's just Jeff. You don't have to say Sir." I shrugged my shoulders and started to dig into my meal. "I mean, I know I'm older than you… and... well 'Sir' just sounds like I'm an old man. I'm not your superior, you're more than just a maid..." I couldn't stop from chuckling at that point. "I'm just Jeff."
Hayley was suppressing a grin as she ate her own meal. "Okay, Sir... old man Jeff," she broke down into that beautiful laugh of hers. Taking a moment to calm herself, she wiped a tear from the side of her eye. "Honestly, Jeff," her deep blue eyes locked directly onto mine, "Please, forgive me. I just mean to show you some respect. You've been very good to me… I like you… and I want us to be friends."
"Wow, thank you, Hayley," sure I knew she meant it purely platonically, if even that, but my insides were still bursting. Outwardly, I nodded while chewing a mouthful of the most delicious chicken I'd eaten since... well, the last time she had made chicken. I was thankful for the moment to think of what to say without overstepping my boundaries.
"I really like you too," I looked around the room purposefully trying to give an impression that it was her work as much as her that I was talking about. Then I couldn't help myself and looked right at her, deep into her eyes and lost myself for half a moment before I recovered. "I'd be completely lost without your beautiful smile around here." Though I had tried to hide it, I had the impression that she knew exactly what I was really thinking, the very smile I spoke of spreading on her lips. "And might I add," I had to add something before it turned awkward, "your cooking is awesome. Great job."
Once more she blushed looking down at her dish. "Like I say, Jeff... you are so sweet for me," she giggled while taking another bite of her food. Only the sounds of clinking silverware on ceramic plates were heard for the next few minutes as we ate together in a strangely serene silence. We didn't need to speak. It was as if each other's company made the lunch perfect; at least it did for me.
Finishing her own lunch first, Hayley watched me enjoy the rest of the meal she had prepared with pride. Then looking over at the clock, she suddenly jumped into action. "Jeff, you are going to be late for work again." I also looked up at the clock and jumped from my chair, fiddling with my now empty dishes. "No, don't worry, Jeff," she waved me on. "I will clean everything up, you just go."
"Thanks, Hayley," I tucked in my shirt that had come undone over my lunch hour as I looked longingly at my housekeeper. It would be two full days before I'd see her again and that time without her was getting more difficult to bear with each passing day. "Thanks for everything. You're the greatest."
She turned me toward her to help fix my collar so it wasn't sticking up in the back and then to my utter delight, she leaned up on her tiptoes and gave me one of those friendly cheek-kiss things. I nearly had an accident in my pants right there.
"I'll be back on Wednesday... Jeff."
"How was college?" Hayley greeted her younger sister, Ellen as the latter came into their small shared living room. She dropped her books on the end table with a sigh, plopping onto the couch next to her. "So... I take it you had a rough day?"
"How in the world..." Ellen replied, turning to look at her sister. "did you ever learn this shit?" She threw her hands in the air as if pleading to the heavens. "It... it doesn't make any sense. I'll never be able to get a decent job and pay my way..." she looked back over at her smiling sister, "...I'm not good enough."
Hayley put her arm around her sister, hugging her close, holding back the laugh as she remembered her own early struggles. "Just give it time, Ellen; it'll come to you." With a gentle squeeze, she added, "Before you know it, you'll be in Uni with me. Don't give up; you'll see."
"But..." Ellen buried her face in her hands, rubbing away the stress from her tired eyes. "Hayley... you don't seem to have the problems like I do though. You're able to talk with people... you have instagram and tick-tock followers. People love you and you take to things so easily. You even have a handsome, self sufficient man to look after. How do you do it?"
At the mention of her boss, Hayley just couldn't hold back the grin from her lips. "Well now, there's the secret. You just have to find someone really patient and understanding to talk with every day... like Jeff. He's been amazing with me, honestly; my biggest help." She shook her head with a sigh, memories of their recent conversations in mind.
"Jeff?" Ellen raised her eyebrows. "So now you're on a first name basis with this rich old man whose house you clean?" Her eyes narrowed in on her sister like a detective trying to figure out her suspect. "Is something going on there that you haven't told me about, Hayley?"
Rolling her eyes, Hayley couldn't help but laugh out loud. "It's all quite innocent... and he's sweet," she shrugged. Ellen raised her eyebrows once more, awaiting the rest. Hayley tried her hardest to suppress the grin that would give her secret away. "Oh, alright... I admit it," she threw her hands up in surrender. "He's cute... I suppose. Okay?"
Understanding dawning, Ellen nodded slowly. "So," she drew out the word teasingly, "what you're saying is that he's a tall, socially awkward yet romantic nerd and he managed to make you fall madly in love with him? Is he a pilot?"
Hayley couldn't stop laughing at her sister's description. "Well, Jeff's not a pilot, thank God... but he is a computer programmer so I guess..." she shrugged, still laughing, "you would probably call him a nerd." She suddenly started to blush just thinking about her boss. "It's not like I'm in love with him or anything... but I admit he's very attractive. If he ever asked me out... I wouldn't think twice in accepting," she sighed, shaking her head, "but I'm just the maid."
Ellen laughed, "You always did go for the nerdy ones." She shook her head as if bewildered. "What is UP with that?"
"Funny. I seem to recall that someone was so jealous of my last boyfriend that she stole him away from me!"
Ellen started blushing, "Yes well, I'll admit that your ex wasn't exactly a typical nerd." The room started to get a little tense as Hayley recalled the New Year's Eve party when the sisters ended up fighting over her man. They had moved beyond it; Ellen was a different person now, but the images were still there in her mind.
"So uh... about this university interview on Thursday," Ellen sighed, purposefully changing the subject. "I'm really nervous about it. It just doesn't seem like I have much of a chance." Ellen brought her index finger to her lips, chewing on the tip of the nail. "You have all the brains in the family..." she shook her head, "I am always living in your shadow."
The previous tension quickly melted away to a new, stronger version that both women shared equally. "You have to try..." Hayley shook her head defiantly. "I won't let you undersell yourself," she put her hand on her sister's arm. "...I promise if this doesn't work, then we'll find something else for you that will." Hayley pulled her sister close, wishing she felt as confident as she tried to sound. "I want you enrolled here, Ellen. I don’t want to lose you."
"I just wish..." Ellen hugged her sister in return, "you know, that I had a better idea what to expect."
"Don't worry. We'll find a way." The two sisters embraced for several minutes, each one to her own thoughts. "How about I ask Jeff if I can borrow the computer to do some research before your appointment," Hayley pulled back from the hug. "That way you'll be more prepared."
Ellen perked up, a bit of hope growing in her eyes. "Do you think he'll let you? You don't think he'd mind?"
Hayley shook her head confidently. "If I know anything about Jeff, it's that he's too sweet to say no."
I hated Tuesdays. While I'll admit that Thursdays were nearly just as bad, at least there were two days of Hayley coming over to my house to look forward to as well as having the weekend off from work. Tuesdays were just rough though. Still more than half the week to go and her perfume had already dissipated from the house, in its place the smell of cheap Chinese take-out. To make matters worse, the whole house just felt so empty. It was like the house missed her as much as I did.
The thing about lonely Tuesday nights is that bedtime tends to come early. The problem was I couldn't get her out of my head enough to fall asleep. Images of Hayley danced and played in my mind; her exotic pale skin, her gorgeous smile, her bouncy pink hair, her beautiful laugh, the feel of her fingers on mine as I helped her off the floor... the shape of her succulent lips as she spoke my name with her sexy accent.
Thoughts of adoration were slowly invaded by more lustful images of her jiggling breasts and that gorgeous ass sticking up at me, wiggling enticingly from the bedside. Damn, why didn't I have a camera with me to capture that moment forever.
My watch beeped that it was ten o'clock, pulling me abruptly from my fantastic visions. It was then that I realised my soldier was standing at full attention, throbbing in agreement to my longing desires. I tried to just ignore it and fall asleep but the more I tried to make him stand down, the more stubborn he was about being attended to.
Entering incognito mode on my Google Chrome browser, I first searched if I could find her on social media. I knew she had instagram but was scared she would be offended if I followed her, I wasn't looking to stalk her or anything. I just really... really wanted to see a picture of that gorgeous smile. She produced a lot of online content and the desire to see her became too great. I found her account, her striking pink hair and cute looks helped her accumulate quite a following… but I closed the app. It felt wrong… watching her… as I gripped my manhood. It wasn’t healthy and I still needed to get along with her in the real world without turning her into a masturbation fantasy.
Resigning myself to the inevitable need for porn to find sexual relief, I typed the first thing that came to mind. "Sexy nude maids pink hair," I read out loud as my fingers flowed over the keyboard. As expected there were a million plus responses and most of the first page were all sites with 5-minute porn star trailers trying to convince consumers to subscribe in order to see the grand finale. I didn't even bother with them; they never had what I was looking for. Near the bottom of the page though, I found one that held some promise “Maid Service”.
The girls in the ads were promisingly gorgeous and the movie trailers definitely seemed to be right up my alley. Of course the best part was that every single girl seemed to become Hayley as I watched.
Over the course of ten minutes, my heartbeat throbbed in my manhood pinned down within my pajama pants. There wasn't even a need to touch it. In great anticipation, I dropped my pants and boxers to the floor, getting ready for the relief I knew would come quickly once I found the right girl.
A quarter of the way through the list, I found one that looked close enough like Hayley that she could easily pass for a cousin. She had a similar complexion but her face wasn't quite as pretty. Too much makeup in my opinion. Her breasts were a bit large for my tastes too, sagging by the weight and most likely silicone. She did have a perfect ass though and her long pink hair was close enough in length and style to feed right into my desperate illicit fantasy.
The movie definitely didn't go as I suspected, my erect member held in the palm of my right hand while I controlled the movie with my left. Instead of some absurd story-line that lasted all of two minutes before they dropped the pretense and just began fucking, amazingly this porn movie actually held some degree of promise; at least for my tastes.
A presumed employer behind the camera invited my Hayley look-alike into his house and filmed her as she cleaned, making excuses that he wanted to remember the maid whose work he liked best so as to hire her again. She went about her job while the employer zoomed in on her ass as it wiggled and her tits as they swayed from her efforts. As long as he kept the camera on her lower-half, I could easily believe I was ogling Hayley herself and she looked fucking fantastic without even taking any clothes off yet!
Soon the guy was flirting her up though, tapping her shoulder to stop her in her work. He offered her a few compliments and finally a very generous tip if she'd agree to take her pants off while she kept cleaning. I figured that was the end of the story-line right there; typical porn movies had such poor acting that I was convinced they would jump leaps and bounds, skipping the rest of the build-up that made the scenario so believable.
I couldn't have been more mistaken. The maid was genuinely nervous about the proposal; she didn't even seem like she was acting at all. It was so real I was honestly starting to believe they had sprung this on her completely ad-lib. She was obviously tempted by the money, staring at it in his hand and then back at the camera, her nerves betraying her. With a little prodding and a promise to keep his distance while she worked, the sexy maid accepted his offer. Immediately whatever slack I had in my erection from the menial work in searching for this gem was gone. My soldier again straightened right up as she slid off her pants, showing off her gorgeous round ass.
She continued simply cleaning the house, the cameraman making her bend over into every possible nook and cranny he could invent, honing the camera on her thong-covered ass nearly the whole time. At one point he even knocked over a can of soda, calling her attention to it. While she bent over cleaning up the mess, his camera zoomed in on her crotch, the lips of her pussy indenting the thin material between her legs, hinting at treasures I was now dying to see. "Oh baby..." I scooted my chair a little closer, my hand picking up speed in its rhythmic motion. "Can't wait to see that delicious pussy of yours Hayley. Ahhhh…Mmmmmmm…"
A few more dollars in hand bought her shirt and then her bra for her employer. Her dark brown areolas, a characteristic that surprised me, were wide on her large breasts. I was already going wild with my fist pumping and here the hardcore action hadn't even started yet! The cameraman had her bent over his kitchen table, scrubbing a stain with all her strength while her breasts bounced and jiggled freely for my delight. The tip of my rod started oozing out clear liquid as I pictured those gorgeous brown tips on smaller, perkier breasts like what I imagined Hayley's to be.
They were finally in the bathroom when he offered to buy her thong as well. The girl looked both horrified and turned on at the idea, staring again at the money he waved before her. Her hands visibly trembling, she removed her last article, standing naked before her employer and letting his eyes and camera devour a close up of her smooth and sexy shaved snatch.
Amazingly, even then they didn't switch into porn mode. Instead he asked her to clean the bathtub, insisting she put a lot of elbow grease into her work. Of course, as he well knew, she had to spread her legs wide and tight against the tub's side to get good traction in the scrubbing, the succulent meaty lips of her full glory spread open for the camera's view, revealing just a hint of the pink flesh within.
It was at that moment I paused the movie, having nearly a constant stream flowing down my knuckles, my mind flying somewhere outside my body from being so worked up. Focused on the closeup of her spread gash I jerked my rod with fury. "Oh... Hayley," I moaned, leaning just a little closer, wishing those wet succulent lips were real so I could run my tongue along their length; the boiling rage of eruption quickly building.
"Oh yes... you're so beautiful, Hayley," I growled at the screen, my stomach muscles jerking every few seconds as my orgasm drove nearer. "Show me your pussy... Spread it wide for me." My left hand grabbed the desk for better leverage, inadvertently pressing the spacebar to make the movie play once more. Though unintentional, it was even better; her gorgeous ass and visible lips shaking back and forth as she put all her might into her work.
"Oh my God... Hayley!" I whimpered, the muscles in my stomach instinctively crunching down one last time. My chin squeezed to my chest, my eyes rolled back fluttering as I lunged my hips forward bursting streams of relief from the swollen head of my manhood. It landed everywhere; my hand, the desk, the chair but mostly on the floor all around me.
When at last the final drops oozed from my quickly softening member, my muscles finally loosened from the built up tension and I leaned my head back completely exhausted. "Damn!" my wits slipping away like I was about to pass out.
It took all the inner force I could muster just to get up and shut down the website. I carefully cleaned every speck of evidence that I could possibly find knowing Hayley was thorough and I'd be very embarrassed the next day if she happened to find any of it. By the time I was done, I was more than ready for bed taking only a few moments to fall asleep. In my dreams, I was met by a sexy nude maid with the face of an angel teaching me to dance with her.
"Jeff, it's good to hear from you," Hayley's sweet accent answered the phone as my eyes roamed over the horrid email on my screen. I just couldn't believe my dumb luck. It couldn't have been worse if I had tried.
"Hi, Hayley. I’m afraid I won't be able to make it home for lunch today. They're calling a mandatory lunch meeting I can't get out of." The agonising feeling of dreadful longing I had endured all of Monday night and Tuesday returned with each word. It would now be two whole days more before I would see her again. I was going to go insane.
"Oh, Okay. Don’t worry," she didn't take the news as hard as I did but, then again, why would she. Having me come home at lunchtime was just an extra burden she put up with because I paid her decently well. It wasn't like she really enjoyed my company; it was just her job after all. "I have to go shopping for some groceries, so I’ll do that instead." Listening to the soft sing-song of her voice, I was tempted to ask her to repeat it. I just loved hearing her melodic tones.
"Alright, well I guess..." my words laid heavily on my lips.
"You’ll be home at five thirty, yes?" She cut me off before I could finish speaking. "I will have dinner ready for you. It sounds like you’re going to have a long day."
"Just leave it in the microwave like normal," I probably sounded like I'd just learned a family member had died. "I'll get it when I get home."
There was a muffled giggle on her end before she came back. "If it’s okay with you, I will wait for you. I actually have a favour to ask..." her voice trailed off as a few soft spoken words emerged, "I uhm... can use your computer while I wait? My sister needs to do some research and print off some paperwork… and we only have our phones and don’t have a computer with a printer at home."
A moment of absolute delight suddenly mixed with sheer panic as I mentally went over the prior evening's activities on that machine in my head. Had I shut down the website? Yes. Had I cleared out the history? Well, I had used incognito mode so I was safe there too. There was nothing I could think of where she could possibly suspect a thing. Besides, I really... really wanted her to stay.
"Of course!" My coworker in the neighboring office looked over at me with annoyance as I shouted with renewed vigour. "I'd love to see you at dinner time and definitely... feel free to use the computer... or the TV or anything whenever you want."
"Okay, thank you Sir... uhm, Jeff, yes. Thank you very much. Is there something special you want for dinner tonight?"
That was a loaded question, at least the way I looked at it. It seemed like all I wanted for dinner was actually going to be there, so I was feeling on top of the world as it was. I could do anything at that moment. "Just having you with me for dinner makes it perfect, Hayley. Whatever you'd like to make, I'll be happy."
"Awww," she sounded like a schoolgirl going gooey-eyed for a puppy dog. "Okay, Jeff. I promise I’ll make the dinner extra special for you tonight. Thank you for letting me use your computer. See you after work."
"Bye Hayley," my head was soaring through the clouds as I hung up with her. Not only was I going to see her but I might have the chance to actually enjoy her company for a short while. Just the thought of it put an extra bounce to my step as I left my cubicle, heading for the mandatory lunch meeting. As it turned out... things couldn't have been more perfect if I had tried.
"Maid Service?" Hayley was confused, reading the sender of the recently opened email. She had finished the research for her sister's assignment, jotting down a few notes and important facts while printing off a couple of articles. Closing down the windows in preparation to return to work, she ran across Jeff's email still open in the background. While not meaning to be nosy, she noticed the one email that made her heart skip a beat.
'Is Jeff looking for another house keeper?' A million ideas ran through her mind of why her boss might be signing up for what she assumed to be a maid recruitment website; the thought of being replaced stinging to her core and bringing a tear to the corner of her eye. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked the computer as if it held all the answers. "I thought we were becoming friends. I thought he liked me."
Her mind was racing, subconsciously chewing on her bottom lip, looking at the email in question and then around the room and half expecting someone to sneak up behind her. 'What could I be doing so wrong?' she shook her head, going over the past few days in her mind. She had never left a room untouched, was never late for work or in preparing his lunches. Exasperated, she slammed her hand down on the desk, grabbing the mouse.
"Let's just see what you're asking for, Jeff," extra emphasis was put on his name as she refused to acknowledge the tears that were sliding down her cheeks. "I can't believe Jeff would do..." she clicked the link to the website.
When the site served up the home page, her eyes went wide in utter disbelief, her previous thoughts completely cut short. "Fuck me!" she covered her mouth with both hands, once more looking around her as if Jeff were about to appear out of the woodwork to catch her. Looking back at the page, she started squealing into her hands in embarrassment and then finally breaking down into a hearty laugh.
"Well, at least I know he's not looking to replace me now," she whispered to nobody, completely embarrassed, her cheeks blushing as she watched one trailer where a young woman was mopping the floor in just her underwear while her boss obviously enjoyed her natural beauty. Hayley stopped short of grabbing the mouse to close the window, contemplating the movie clip as the employer offered the girl a very generous amount of money to continue working fully nude. The clip froze there, leaving the question in the air and it was a curious question indeed... would she be willing to do her job in the nude if he offered her twice the normal pay... three times the pay?
"No way... that's disgusting," she shook her head defiantly to the question directed at the girl on the screen. Her mind immediately pictured Jeff in front of her though; his intelligent golden eyes piercing hers through his glasses, his soft yet masculine features towering over her, his words commanding, yet endearing and sweet. She bit her bottom lip imagining the scene as he made the request... her heart raced at the thought of it... that he would be so caught up by her as to be so bold... so confident. That he wanted to see her; that he desired her.
No, the idea of Jeff asking her to do something like that wasn't disgusting; it was hot. She inhaled deep, imagining his eyes on her flesh as she accepted his offer, his longing for her nude body as she showed him her feminine treasures. She squeezed her legs together, her hand slowly finding its way between her thighs. It had been too long... way too long since a man had made her feel that way.
"This is crazy," she shook off the sensation, closing the website down and standing up with determination to leave it all behind her. Jeff was her boss and she truly enjoyed her job. Those people were just actors, playing on the fetishes of their targeted audience, nothing more. So what if Jeff watched porn. He was single and probably lonely... she couldn't exactly blame him. There were nights she had found solace and relief in a vivid fantasy too; one that may have centered around her boss if she actually admitted to it.
She looked back at the computer from the doorway. It wasn't real. People just don't do that in real life and she didn't have time for that nonsense. Convincing herself, she walked away from the room with purpose and grabbed the mop bucket. Curiosity ate at her though as she returned to work completely distracted by all she'd seen. She had already admitted to her sister that she was attracted to Jeff, but could it be that he was actually interested in her too? Had he been thinking of her when he joined that site?
Filling the mop bucket with water, she sighed, shaking her head again. No... he just has a thing for pink haired porn stars. A lot of guys did and there were a lot prettier girls out there earning millions more than her. Surely Jeff could have any one of them that he wanted; he was successful, handsome, kind... damn near the closest she'd seen to the perfect guy since her ex; at least for a girl like her. He was just shy; that's all.
But still... a maid site? That seemed to be pretty convincing evidence that she had to at least have been on his mind. 'Okay, Hayley, pull yourself together,' she added soap to the bucket, finally breaking down in a girlish giggle. She couldn't deny it any longer; the evidence was right there staring her in the face. There was no doubt that to some degree, he had been thinking about her the night before. For her, the evidence proved the attraction between them was mutual. While completely lost in thought of the possibilities, the mop bucket started overflowing onto the floor, pulling her back to the present.
"I can't believe this! They rejected me." Ellen shouted at her sister as they approached their rusty old Honda hatchback. She plopped into the passenger seat, throwing her bag in the back and slamming the door shut. Then she let out such a foul string of vulgarity, Hayley blushed wondering how her sweet younger sister had ever learned such words. Once she had gotten her frustration out she leaned forward, rubbing her temples with her fingers, "I can’t afford to move away, Hayley. Staying with you is the only way I can survive. I am going to have to give up my dreams of going to University. I’ll get a regular job and help out with the bills… I promise."
Resting her hand on her sister's shoulder to calm her down, Hayley felt the same anxiety building in her stomach. "You just can't give up," she replied, trying to sound resolute as she did all she could to force her voice to stay calm. "Not yet." There was no point in both of them going off the deep end; Ellen was usually hot-headed enough for the both of them anyway. "According to my research on Jeff's computer yesterday, there are still other options we can try and you can study here, with me."
Turning to look at her sister like she had two heads and green skin, Ellen was quickly losing her nerve, tears growing with each passing second. "Other options?" She thrust her arms out toward the immigration office situated only a stone's throw away. "I can’t afford the fees. I have no choice," she shook her head. "I'm out of time, Hayley. You’ve always looked after me but you’re not my legal guardian. You can’t make me older or speed up the process. I have no other option." Like a faucet being turned on, the tears began to fall in full form as Ellen buried her face in her hands.
Hayley sat quietly, rubbing her hand along her sister's back trying to sooth her. This just couldn't be the end; she wouldn't let it be. Her mind swept over all that she had learned about applications online the day before. "I will adopt you. In the meantime maybe we can get you... a bursary? Or maybe a sponsor…" even as the words left her lips, she knew the answer.
"Those take months to process," Ellen shook her head, sniffling in her tears. "Besides, I just don’t have it in me. You’re the talented one."
“You’re more intelligent than you think! You can do this. You just need a rich boyfriend…”
“A sugar daddy? Ha! I can’t even get my own boyfriend without stealing yours. Who’s going to want me?”
Hayley sighed, knowing of only one real option they had left. With only two short weeks to go, it was a long shot but... as far as she could find this was their only shot. "Listen Ellen. There is one other option." Her sister looked up at her and with a deep breath she continued, "You could get married before the deadline, become someone else’s legal guardian, someone who ties you here," she bit her bottom lip. The words alone sounded crazy.
"Married?" Ellen slowly raised her head, her mouth hanging open. "Just who the hell am I supposed to marry?" She shook her head defiantly, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You’re crazy! Two weeks isn't enough time to even find someone, much less get married. What kind of a complete stranger would do that?"
"What if he wasn't a stranger though?" Hayley's gut was twisting with nerves, her own teary eyes starting to overflow. She just couldn't let her little sister be sent away, all alone; they only had each other after all. "What if we found someone we know to help us out?"
Ellen opened her mouth for an instant rebuttal but held short, contemplating the possibilities. "We don’t know anyone!" she finally shook her head.
But there was someone else that had come into Hayley's mind; the only man who was ever on her mind these days. He also happened to be the only single guy she knew with a heart sweet enough to actually help them out... maybe. "My boss, Jeff. He..." she paused. Sweet compliments, better pay than she deserved with a flexible work schedule, and even the use of his personal computer anytime she wanted was one thing; but agreeing to marry her sister just for legal papers? "He might do it. Maybe."
"Your boss?" Ellen blinked her eyes in disbelief. "How could I possibly...? I don't even know the guy! Besides, he probably doesn't even like women anyway," she twisted her lips back and forth, thinking. "It's not like he's actually made any advances on you, right?"
"Oh, I'm pretty sure he likes women," Hayley couldn't help but laugh, drying her tears as she recalled the explicit adult website she'd accidentally seen. "I think he's just really shy, even more than me. Besides, it's only for the papers so you can stay; not like it'll be a real marriage or anything."
Ellen raised her eyebrows curiously. "You can't honestly think he's going to get married and not expect... you know, some kind of... marital rights. You're not that naive, I hope?" She suddenly snapped her fingers as if having an epiphany. "That's it! You should marry him," she nearly jumped from her seat. "You know him well... and you already have a crush on him anyway. You can just request me legally as a dependent afterward. That's what Maria did a few months back."
"Me?" The blush on Hayley's cheeks couldn't have been redder. "I... No. I can't get married," she shook her head. "You know I have my own aspirations," she shrugged.
"Hayley the television presenter? You’re just a maid!" Ellen threw her hands in the air. "This guy is rich! You won't even need a career."
Hayley started chuckling, losing herself a little to the fantasy. "He's not that rich really. Compared to us he is but..." she shook her head, grinning from ear to ear at the thought of being someone that special in Jeff's life. With a sigh, she came back to her senses. "Besides, requesting a sister as a dependant isn't as easy as a parent or child. It could take years to process and we don't have time for that."
Reality hit Ellen in the face, slinking her back into her seat as she crossed her arms with a huff. "So... I guess... we try your insane plan. It looks like I have no choice other than to marry your nerdy boss." She looked like she had just eaten something completely sour. "Are you sure you'll be okay with that?" She put her hand on her sister's shoulder. "Like I said, I know you have a crush on him and I know… I know last time I slept with someone you were in love with… it almost destroyed us."
Silence filled the car for a moment as Hayley slowly started blushing again, thoughts taking form. "This is different... it's not like you'll actually be married to him. I could..." she bit her bottom lip, "accept it… you know… If he wants his... marital rights..." she shrugged, a sheepish grin across her face.
It took but a few seconds for Ellen to fully register what her sister was proposing. Then she actually brightened up into a full real smile. "That's just crazy enough to actually work," she shook her head with a hearty laugh.
Hayley started the car. "We at least have to ask, Ellen. Jeff's probably our only chance..." she looked back at her sister with all sincerity.
Ellen shook her head defiantly. "I don’t even know if I like the guy!" Her fist slammed down on her knee. "Alright; I'll do it. I'll even fuck him if I have to... as long as it means we get to stay together. So how do we convince him to marry me in less than two weeks?"
"Give me that gorgeous pussy," I growled, my hand stroking my hardened rod along to the rhythmic slapping of bare skin on my screen. Another maid from my new favourite website had sold her clothes and now her body to her boss; the camera catching all their animalistic action from down below.
"Oh yes... oh shit Hayley!" escaped through my gritted teeth as the guy's balls slapped her exposed swollen clit repeatedly, making her whimper loudly with each thrust. He had her bent over the recently made bed while holding a tight fist of her long pink hair like reins on a horse as he rode her. My member was red from my heavy hand, the head a deepening purple as I worked my way ever closer to the inevitable edge while staring at the girl's plump pussy lips frothing in her cream, fully swallowing the lucky employer's oversized rod over and again.
"Chirp... chirp!" my phone suddenly went off, marking a received message and pulling me momentarily out of my fantasy. A little put off, I decided to ignore it. After all, it was probably just another text from work or something like that; I never received texts from anyone important.
Trying to get back in the mood I skipped the movie forward several minutes to the next scene where I found the maid riding on top and leaning back with her arms out behind her. Her pussy was stretched wide around the invading cock, her clit hard and exposed while her small chocolate-tipped breasts bounced up and down frantically as she rode the porn actor's prick into ecstasy. "Hell yeah! Ride me baby!" her man cheered her on, but she was moaning away and had her eyes closed, as if nearing her own climax. With enthusiasm I resumed jerking wildly, trying to time myself to cum right along with her. We were both so damn close! Suddenly my phone chirped again, distracting me entirely from my goal and making me pause the movie.
"Hi Jeff, it’s Hayley =)" came the first text I read while sitting on the edge of the bed, my red swollen member throbbing and pointing straight into the air. "Do you have a minute to talk?" was the second. I was truly caught between a rock and a hard place; Hayley had never texted me on a Thursday night before. And right now anyone else in the world I would have ignored entirely... but as it came from her, I just couldn't help myself.
"I will always make time to talk with you, beautiful," I wrote back, my head swimming from a lack of blood flow to the brain. I had never been so brazen with my flirts before but I wasn't exactly thinking with the right head at the moment anyway, my hand still sliding along the shaft, keeping it rigid. The moment's silence made me doubt my message, starting a recant to claim it as just a joke so she wouldn't get angry. In fact, I had composed a long apology and was just about to send it when her reply came back.
"Oh thank you, my handsome boss ;)" came the heart-stopping reply; reference to my being handsome by the prettiest and sexiest woman I knew instantly made me throb even harder than before. "Is it possible I could stay and work late tomorrow? They are pushing you ever so hard at work and I would like to cook you dinner again." I inhaled deeply, my hand squeezing the shaft as my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe my own eyes; twice I had to read the message to be sure when another came just as I finished. "I would really like to spend time with you. =)"
Subconsciously I started stroking again while reading the messages over and over, picturing her before me, moving her sexy body like a lap dance just for me. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew she didn't mean it the flirtatious way I was taking it; I was just far too worked up to be thinking straight. I deleted everything I'd been about to say and instead wrote, "I love spending time with you too. Truth is I wish I could see more of you!"
Setting down the phone, I leaned back on my bed, closing my eyes and once more picturing Hayley in my mind. The edge was so near; all I needed was a little push but the phone chirped once more. "You are so sweet Jeff." Immediately following was a second, "What is the part you want to see more of? My face or my body?" followed by a third "hahahaha."
Even in my delirious condition I could tell she was actually flirting with me, outwardly and openly. I couldn't believe it, a million things running through my mind of why and what to reply but she didn't even give me a chance. "It’s more likely that you would probably want to see my sister. She is younger and even more pretty than I am. All the guys want her =P"
I shook my head quickly as if she could see me. "That's impossible. No one is prettier than you." Just as soon as I hit send, my hand went back to stroking my rod. I wasn't quite on the verge anymore, but just the idea of flirting with Hayley directly kept me very worked up.
"Ellen is intrigued by my handsome boss. She wants to see a picture of you but I can't find you on any social media platform." My eyes were wide to her reply. "Ok. I admit. I want to see a picture of you too. Would you send me one?" she added. I was getting more light-headed by the second just reading the texts over and over, unsure of what to do. She actually wanted a picture? Of me? Seriously? Well, she was the one asking for it after all.
"Only if you send me one of you too." I stood up excited at the prospect of finally having a picture of her then suddenly decided to add, "a picture of both you and your sister." I was curious to see how the latter compared to the hottest woman I knew. Scrounging around the room for a decent looking shirt, I must have pulled every shirt I owned out of my closet until I found something that, I felt at least, made me look not entirely horrible.
"Ok =)" I threw on the shirt and fixed my hair in the mirror, quickly holding up the phone like I had seen others do selfies before and snapped the photo. With a quick check to make sure my nude manhood wasn't in the photo, I sent it to her before I lost all the nerve to do so. "Wow!" she replied almost instantly. "I like that VERY much. Ellen likes you too BTW. She says you really ARE a handsome man!"
Quickly I tossed the shirt aside once more, jumping on the bed and laying back, my phone in my left hand and the resuming rhythmic stroke in my right. I couldn't possibly fathom why she was acting this way with me but it was turning out to be one of the best nights of my life. "I’d like to see both of you some time." I typed one-handed, not bothering to spell-check and never breaking rhythm.
It seemed like an eternity and thoughts of the college pranks I was subjected to by the girls I had liked years ago played in my head, making me doubt whether Hayley and her sister were really just laughing about my patheticness at their house. She wouldn't do that to me, right? She couldn't be that mean... not to me, I was sure of it. I hoped.
Finally, after an agonising several minutes, my phone chirped again and my jaw dropped open, my manhood twitching uncontrollably, suddenly leaking at the tip. Hayley was cheek-to-cheek with a near twin, her blue eyes seducing the camera as she smiled while her sister had her big sexy lips puckered in an exaggerated kiss, her neck extended forward just a bit. Their shoulders were bare, a single spaghetti strap fallen off Hayley's right shoulder, the left hidden behind her sister who wore a black halter top that held a deep sexy valley of cleavage easily seen at the bottom of the picture. Her breasts were definitely fuller than Hayley's; more attention-grabbing though not so exaggerated as to be a turn off either.
"OMG!" was my first reply, letting go of myself before I went completely over the edge. "Wow! I love that picture."
"I told you she is prettier than me," Hayley replied and I'll admit I had to look back at the photo another time. Ellen, as she had called her sister earlier, was definitely a gorgeous woman... sexy as hell! But between them, honestly, Hayley still beat her.
"Your sister is amazingly gorgeous, I admit." My hands trembled over the phone's keyboard as I wrote. Under normal circumstances there was no way in hell I would have the courage to ever say this but she had been openly flirting with me from the beginning of the conversation. "I still say you're the prettiest woman I know. Ellen's a very close second."
Any second I just knew this was all going to come crashing down on me; I was going to say something that went too far and mess it up but I just couldn't help myself. "Thank you =) You've made Ellen very jealous and me very happy," came her reply. I started typing but she quickly sent another. "She says you didn't look properly at her tits. Hers are bigger."
Was she kidding me right now? Seriously? Of course I had noticed her boobs... my manhood was twitching and throbbing just looking at that picture. Still, if they wanted to call my attention to their tits, who was I to stop them? "Yes, the picture is hard to compare." I didn't honestly expect them to do anything more than laugh; that was the whole point.
The phone became eerily quiet for several minutes and my panic button started to go off. That was it! I had passed the unspoken line and she was pissed at me now. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," I quickly wrote then erased, thinking twice, and finally writing it again. Just when I was going to hit send, my phone chirped in reply.
Without touching myself at all, I instantly felt the rushing surge of orgasm burst through my body and explode onto my bed immediately upon viewing the photo. Both women wore only their bras, bent way over in front of the camera where only their mouths could be seen. Hayley held the camera with one hand, the other holding her strapless bra in place. Her sister did likewise, crossing her two wrists and pulling the material back a little to fully show off her amazing round cleavage. Hayley's was a bit smaller and not quite so rounded though it was hard to tell as she squished them under her arm. Still, a tan line was clearly evident just above the bra's cups. It was by far the sexiest picture I had ever received in my life.
"I hope you enjoy the picture Jeff ;) I will see you tomorrow after work." I laughed at the irony of the message. Did she know I was just fantasising about her? It certainly sounded that way though it was probably just in my head from being worked up for so long. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that she knew; somehow, she knew. "Good night Jeff. Love Hayley and Ellen x."
"Nothing overly romantic," I told the florist. "Just something that says 'I think you're an amazing woman and appreciate everything you do for me.'." I pulled a few notes from my wallet as the florist passed me the small bouquet. "They're for my housekeeper."
"She's a lucky woman," the florist smiled, giving me back the change.
"Not half as lucky as I am to have her." I was pretty confident the flirting of the night before had been just a fluke; surely Hayley had come to her good senses by now. Part of my brain said they were just playing or had been drinking. By now she was probably a bit upset at me for somehow conning her into sending that risque picture which meant a little gift would come in handy in setting things right between us again. On the other hand, if by some miracle she had actually meant what she said, then the bouquet might be my ticket to a first date... if I could just work up the nerve to ask her. I swear the drive home felt like an eternity, my heart stopping with every red light.
"Hayley?" I called up the stairs as I closed the garage door behind me. With the bouquet in hand, my mind raced as to how I might give it to her without coming across as awkwardly desperate. Would she start yelling at me the moment she saw me? Latinas were known to be feisty, after all. Would she actually be pleased to see me? Would she even like the flowers? Just as I was about to head up the stairs, I heard the hiss of steam off to my left calling my attention.
I poked my head into the large open room across from the garage entrance that was used mostly for laundry. "Hayl-whoa!" instantly I fell back against the door frame, my free hand grasping for a hold. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight I suddenly beheld.
Hayley was busy ironing clothes, her head bobbing along to the music in her headphones and completely oblivious to my presence. To my utter amazement, her entire body from the waist up was nude save for a white bra with black fine-lined flower embroidery along the cups' edges. She wore a short pair of jean-shorts as well completing the sexy ensemble that blew my mind. I could even see the tan line I'd noticed in the picture the night before.
The guilt of watching her as she cheerfully danced to the music gnawed at my conscience. I knew it was wrong to just stay quiet and enjoy the view. Still, the number of women whom I'd ever seen in their underwear in my entire lifetime could be counted on one hand and still have a couple of fingers left over, even now including Hayley and her sister. Wrong or not, I couldn't tear myself away; I was mesmerised just watching her.
She ironed two of my shirts and a couple pairs of boxers before the song must have finished. Glancing up at me, her eyes looking directly at mine, she caught me red-handed ogling her bra-covered body. Panicked, I immediately held up the flowers to her, hoping to soften the blow of discovery with the gift. Her cheeks went deep red, her hand covering her mouth as her eyes grew wide. "Flowers?"
The iron nearly tipped over as she raced the short distance toward me, taking the flowers in one hand while wrapping her other arm around my neck. I flinched expecting to receive a slap or some other admonishment but instead she pulled me down to her height, giving me another of those cheek-kisses that made my heart rate soar. Instinctively I wrapped an arm around her just to keep from tipping over, feeling the soft bare skin of her waist on my hand and pushing my heart rate to even more dangerous levels. "You are so sweet, Jeff."
Bewildered, I watched her as she stepped back, bringing the flowers to her nose with excitement and closing her eyes. She was all smiles, lost in the aroma and feel of the petals on her cheeks. Did she honestly not realise that she was only wearing a bra? I had to say something; it was the only decent thing to do. "Hayley? You do realise you're in your underwear, right?"
She was dreamy-eyed, looking up at me with an ear-to-ear grin. "I love flowers, Jeff. My favourite... favourite. Oh, thank you!" She made a big show of inhaling the scent like it was sending her on a direct flight to heaven.
"Your uhm..." I pointed at her chest. "You're flashing your bra at me right now." She looked confused, holding the flowers away from her and looking down, exposing that sexy coned cleavage from an even closer point of view.
"What’s wrong? You don’t like my bra?" she exaggerated a pout, adjusting the cups and making an evident show of jiggling her breasts enticingly under the material. "I think it’s pretty."
Clearing my throat, I stumbled for words while my soldier quickly woke up. "I uh... yeah, uhm..." I swallowed hard which made her start giggling, twisting her shoulders back and forth while she smiled at me, her head cocked to the side. "It's uh... beautiful on you. I just didn't, you know... expect to see it."
Her angelic innocent smile turned mischievous; her lips pursed. "Last night you saw me in my bra," she shrugged, shaking her head. "Anyway, my shirt has sauce on it from making dinner so I put it in the wash. I hope that’s OK?." She strolled past me, her hand gently caressing my chest and slowly sliding across to my arm while she held the bouquet in her other arm like a small child. My eyes followed her every movement like a dumbfounded idiot, unable to break free from her charm. Hers followed mine in turn, her head and finally her body turning all the way until she reached the stairs.
"Are you... sure you don't want to borrow one of mine?" I swallowed hard again, mentally praying she'd deny my gentleman's offer. She stopped with one foot on the stairs, her hand on the wall as she looked back at me over her shoulder. "I mean, I don't want you to feel... uncomfortable."
"No worries," she bit her bottom lip as she smiled. "I feel very comfortable around you," she transferred the flowers to her other arm, holding out her hand to me like she expected me to grab it. "Unless you want me to wear a shirt?" Her smile grew even larger as I took her hand, marveling in the feel of her soft fingers once more. "Come on," she pulled me up the stairs, holding my hand behind her, letting it gently bounce off her ass with each step we climbed. "I made fettucine with shrimp for you tonight. I hope you like it."
The entire time she served the dinner, I couldn't take my eyes off her for even a second. I wanted to memorise that gorgeous figure forever; burn it into my memory. She looked over at me several times, seeing me watch her every move, giggling and blushing like a schoolgirl before finally turning back toward the food.
When the plates were ready, she set hers down first and then stepped around the table to give me mine. "I made it especially for you," she emphasised with sweetness as she set the plate down on the table, bending over a lot further than was actually necessary. Her hands between her knees, her face was only inches from mine as I was treated to a direct yet fleeting view of her coned cleavage and the previously hidden tan-less treasures further down. "Or can I interest you in something else?"
Almost instantly her long hair fell from around her body and hid the view, forcing my eyes back up to hers. She was smiling ear-to-ear, her eyes telling me that she knew perfectly well what she... and I had just done. "Oh..." she stood up, clapping her hands together. I was sure I was busted. "The wine," she stated instead as if she had forgotten. A flurry of movement and a few moments later she had two glasses and a bottle. Bending over the same way once more to fill my glass, she broke down into her beautiful flirty laugh.
"So are you done driving me crazy with your teasing yet?" If I had still doubted the flirting from the night before, her actions since I had arrived home made it perfectly clear what her thoughts were. I was on top of the world because somehow it seemed I actually had a real chance with this gorgeous woman... the girl of my dreams. Somehow I hadn't blown it and more amazingly she actually seemed to be enjoying it! I raised my glass to her in a toast as she finished and took her seat.
She raised her glass as well and shrugged. "I do not know what you mean," she shook her head slowly with a pretentious grin. "What teasing?"
I studied her gorgeous blue eyes closely for a few moments while I took a sip, unable to ascertain whether she was serious or just continuing the tease even more. It was really tough to tell. Due to her learning the language still, I figured it was a safe bet that she honestly didn't know what it meant though. "Teasing me is like... you know, showing me your boobs," I put my hand out as if indicating the evidence. "Driving me crazy with your sexiness."
She gasped in extreme exaggeration, her jaw dropping open while she put her hands over her half-naked chest in feigned protest. "I would never do such a thing..." she turned her head up and away from me, shaking her hair down her back in an obvious act of pretense to ignore me. All I could do was laugh.
For several moments we ate in silence, our eyes connecting at moments, my gaze drifting down to her cleavage quite often when she wasn't paying as close attention. So many times I wanted to say something to her, to tell her just how I felt about her, just how gorgeous she was to me. I started to several times but my brain just shut down and the words wouldn't come making me sound more like I was grunting while I ate.
Finally, Hayley was the one to speak first. "Jeff?" She started to look nervous, biting her bottom lip as she looked at me. "Do you want to see them?"
"See them?" I took my last bite and put my fork down, pushing the empty plate away fully satisfied. "What do you mean?"
"My breasts..." she slowly moved her hands behind her back, her body trembling in her nerves, reaching up as if to unclasp her bra. "I will show you them if..." her eyes were pleading as she looked at me, "you promise to listen. I have a favour to ask of you. A very serious one."
"Wait, what?" I held up my hands. This was a porn set-up I'd enjoyed many times but... it was an instant turn-off now with the woman I loved. The last thing I wanted was for her to do something like that because she felt blackmailed into it. I stopped her quickly and tried to explain. "You don't have to show me anything just so I'll listen to you," I reached across the table, holding out my hand and hoping that she'd take it. "I mean, don't get me wrong," I chuckled as she hesitantly put her hands in mine, leaving her bra in place. "I'd absolutely love to see them... I admit... I've dreamed about it but," I squeezed her fingers a bit, "not like that. I care for you and I promise I'll listen to anything you have to say; no bribes needed."
She blushed and laughed, lowering her head. "It's just..." she chewed on her bottom lip again. I could even feel her hands shaking in mine. "...it is a really big favour that I'm going to ask of you."
I stood up from the table, holding her hands up so she'd follow suit. "Let's go to the living room and talk seriously then," I guided her to the couch before she could even say no. "Now what's this all about?" I nodded at her. "Is this the real reason I found you shirtless today? Just so that I'd listen to you?"
Hayley rocked back and forth on the couch, chuckling shyly as she looked away. Looking back at me, she took a big breath and then started waving her hand in front of her face like she was very hot. Suddenly I realized her eyes were watering too, tears slipping down her cheeks. "Jeff... I don’y know how to ask this," she grabbed my hands and held them tightly.
"Hayley," my heart was breaking in two to see her tears. "Whatever it is," I caressed her cheek gently with the back of my fingers, "I'll help you. I swear; whatever you need. I'm here for you."
Between the falling tears, a thin smile formed and a hint of hope spread along her face. "You are the only hope we have," she shook her head. "Jeff..." she exhaled heavily, "in two weeks my sister is going to have to give up her dreams of a degree and a career… she may have to move away to study and I will have to go with her to support her… unless," she cringed, the hope fading from her eyes. "Well, unless I can make a legal claim to keep her with me… I could make her my dependent… adopt her; those take time. Maybe, instead, I could marry her off to someone close."
I sat motionless for several seconds, not even my eyes blinking as I slowly registered what she said. "Wait… So you have to leave," I nodded slowly, "unless your sister gets married?" I scratched my head, shocked and trying to come to grips with the concept. "...and you are asking me to..."
The tears were sliding down her cheeks even faster than before. "You are the only chance we have," she shook her head. Quickly she grabbed my hands again, pleading... begging. "Jeff, I promise... I will do anything you ask of me for all my life..."
"You mean... if I marry your sister?" My hands were sweating at just the thought of it. Me? Get married?
She nodded in return, putting her hands slowly behind her back. "Anything you want of me, Jeff. Just please... keep us together… a family. Marry my sister. Save her so she stays here… so I can stay here too. Please? I will do anything…"
Before I realised what she was doing this time her bra was unclasped and she crossed her arms over her chest, pulling the bra-straps slowly down on both sides. The cups leaned off her breasts, her sexy tan-less skin bared before my eyes, the faint edges of her pink areolas in my view. Unable to believe what she was doing, my body lustfully begged for her to finish while my heart broke to see her feel so obligated in helping her sister.
I grabbed her arms just below the straps, stopping her advance and gently pushed them back into place on her shoulders. Her teary eyes flooded like I had just rejected her; like I had told her I didn't want her, which couldn't have been farther from the truth. "I told you... you don't have to bribe me," I shook my head trying to explain, feeling guilty I had let her even get that far. "I care about you; this isn't a question of sex here." No matter how much I was enjoying the amazing sight of her beautiful tits, I didn't want it like this. If she was going to show me, it had to be because she honestly wanted to. "Besides, if I marry Ellen, she and I would have to be… together. I have feelings for you, Hayley, not your sister."
"Jeff, do you want to be with me?"
"I'm sure you know I do! But, if I make that sort of commitment to your sister… what if… she wants to... you know, be intimate?"
Hayley started blushing, her head lowering. "The marriage is for convenience only but... if you prefer her, yes, you could be intimate with her…" she shrugged. "Last night you said I was your preference. So... I hope..." she raised her head once more, her watery eyes gazing into mine as she sighed heavily through a sniffle, the tears continuing to fall.
"The truth is, Jeff... I want you. If you take Ellen to be your wife it is right you should both have sex together. I would understand. It's the price I would have to pay. But I want you…  and my sister knows this."
"It sounds complicated, Hayley."
"It is. But it's the truth. I want to be with you..." she grabbed my hands, leaning into her words. "...for many months now I've kept my distance… tried to be professional. I like you a lot... but I'm shy. You're older and you wouldn't be interested in me." I let go of one hand, gently wiping away her tears from her cheeks as she spoke. Her head leaned into my hand, rubbing her soft cheek against my palm. "But now… now, I think maybe you like me, too. I could easily fall in love with a man like you. So… Give us a chance? Becoming part of my family will be the chance we need... this could be a good thing?" Slowly she looked away from me. "If you say no..." she shook her head, "I will have to leave. Our chance will be over. My sister is everything. She is my only family now."
My mind was spinning wildly. Honestly, I had been prepared that she would ask for money and I would have gladly given it to her, or maybe a place to stay for a few weeks. Getting married was the last thing I had ever expected. Still, it wasn't like I had any other likely romantic prospects. Besides, there was no way I was going to let her leave… not now. I'd be completely devastated if I lost her. The clinching fact was, of course, that few men ever were so lucky to have a wife or girlfriend as gorgeous and sexy as Hayley - or Ellen - and here I was being given my pick of the two. Naturally, the pick for me was easy; I'd already made my choice.
"Don't worry, Hayley. I'm not letting you get away from me, I want us to have our chance," I brought her hands to my lips and kissed them softly. "I'll help you. It wouldn't be a real marriage anyway. Most of my friends and colleagues have already been married and divorced! When do you want me to plan on uhm... getting married?"
Her face lit up like a light bulb being turned on, the happiness glowing off her skin. "Really? Jeff, oh thank you!" Before I knew what happened, she lunged at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her lips tight against mine. It was our first kiss; the moment feeling like electricity coursing through our bodies and instinct taking over as we sort of melted into each other.
While it may have started off as innocent and spur of the moment, neither of us could resist it any more now that we were there. For the first few minutes our lips danced over each other, our bodies leaning in the awkward position. Without breaking the embrace for even a second, she scooted closer to me, setting her bottom on my lap and immediately causing a major stir in my groin.
Our lips sliding and slipping in awkward yet savory inexperience, she wrapped herself closer to me still, her arms hugging my neck harder, pulling my face into her and her chest against mine with growing intensity. Suddenly she parted her lips even more, turning her head to the side as I felt her tongue hesitantly make its way into my mouth, touching the tip of my tongue. Following her lead, I took the hint, joining in her sexy game of tongues while holding tight around her bare waist.
Eyes still closed, she guided one of my hands up her bare body, stopping my fingers just at the curvature of her breast. It was like a game, she was setting me up for the next move and I decided a little boldness couldn't hurt given the circumstances. Inching my fingers up along her skin, she chuckled into our kiss, pushing her chest down such that my fingers quickly encompassed her round bosom entirely.
She was soft and warm as my palm cupped her left breast, her rapidly beating heart tingled through my touch. Her erect nipple felt quite long poking into my grasp; I rolled it around in my hand like a marble as I massaged her warm intimate flesh. She moaned into our kiss, pushing her chest a little harder against my hand. I was hard as a rock, throbbing painfully in my pants, wanting more than anything to look at the gorgeous skin she was baring for me and touch that sweet hard nipple with my tongue. Any hint that I gave of breaking our embrace though, brought more pressure from her arms around my neck to keep us fully intact.
"Thank you, Jeff," she whispered through a pant, finally breaking the kiss and clasping her bra back in place before I could even get in a good peek."We can't afford to wait. Tomorrow we should go to the registrar and sort out all the paperwork that needs to be in place." Her underwear back in place, she rested her forehead against mine, our noses only an inch apart. 
She sensed my lust for her. My heavy breathing. My straining manhood against the fabric of my pants. My disappointment as she disengaged from our physical connection.
"I promise you, Jeff... I give you all you desire," she giggled, her smile growing wide. "My heart, my body... after tomorrow, you tell me what you want and I will give it to you," she brought her hands to my cheeks, pressing our lips together in another kiss, though more hurried and less passionate than the first. "I even clean the house naked if you want. Just..." she shook her head quickly, standing up and leaving me with a very hard erection, "right now I have to tell my sister and get her ready. We have to find the papers and everything."
She smiled at me, putting her lips to her fingers and then touching mine. "I think maybe, we are falling in love," her eyes were teary again though she was definitely happy. "I promise I will be here when you wake up in the morning," she bolted for the door.
"Hayley..." I called after her quickly, trying to stand up though the extreme erection in my pants made it difficult. "Hayley, wait!" She stopped at the top of the door and looked back at me, her expression excited and very emotional. I wanted to say a million things, but all that came to my mouth was the obvious. "You realise you're still just in your bra? Are you planning to drive home like that?" Looking down quite surprised, she squealed in embarrassment, covering her mouth and her chest while laughing.
"Fuck me! I almost forgot! Is it okay if I borrow your shirt after all? My top is wet in the washing machine," she headed downstairs before I could even answer though of course I agreed. Just like that, quick as a flash, she ran back and out the front door. "Good night, Jeff."
"Good night, Hayley," I chuckled to myself since she couldn't hear me. I plopped back on the couch and leaned back to look up at the ceiling. I ran my fingers through my hair, completely unable to believe what had just happened and tried to make sense of it all. First of all, I had just made out with the girl of my dreams... and then agreed to marry her sister. Slowly I shook my head, unable to believe it wasn't all just a fantastic dream. I was actually getting married... tomorrow! Tomorrow? Even more... Hayley was going to be... well, my mistress I guess. Anyway... she said that she loved me! I laughed out loud at the whole thing; I wasn't even married yet and I was already planning on cheating on my soon-to-be wife with her own sister. The strangest part being... that was the whole plan.
The whole plan... my smile slowly faded, doubt filling my mind as I recalled how Hayley was so willing to show her body to me just so I would accept her proposal. Were her expressed feelings just part of that plan too? Was the entire night just a ploy so that I would accept no matter what? Was I just being played? Analyzing the evening closely in my head, I suddenly realized something. "Did she just say... she'd clean the house naked if I wanted?"
Putting two and two together, I ran for my computer, quickly opening my browser history. I had always used incognito mode when I browsed so there shouldn't have been any references to any compromising website at all. Not entirely surprised, I found a single link on Wednesday and several instances on Friday like she had gone back to it multiple times. I obviously hadn't been careful enough and she'd found out about what I'd been watching online. "So that's why she was only wearing a bra when I got home." Realisation dawned.
I had been played. I was just a puppet and she was using me. But was that such a bad thing if I got what I wanted from this arrangement? I felt the disappointment fade but I still felt more than a little confused. I headed to bed and closed my eyes. Tomorrow… I would make sense of it all tomorrow.
On one hand, Hayley was now mine and unless she suddenly backed out of the deal, we were going to be together no matter what. She even seemed to be into my maid fantasy... maybe. My conscience nagged at me though. Was I now just an obligation to her? Was she becoming no more than the porn stars on a website, selling her body to me as a means to an end? No... she was more than that. She said that she had liked me for months... that she was just shy. I knew first hand just how rough shyness could be... but was it real?
"Jeff..." a soft female voice sung softly in my ears, stretching my name out in sweet song. It was one of those wonderfully lucid dreams that felt so real... so tangible I swear I could actually feel her gentle fingers caressing my forehead and then my cheek. Then her soft lips started kissing my neck, my jaw, my chin and finally working her way up to my lips.
Knowing that it was just a fanciful dream, I let go my normal shyness and embraced my desires with boldness, returning the gentle kiss of my fair maiden with the confidence of a bawdy knight, my fingers playing through the waves of her pink hair as I pulled her close to me in a tight embrace. Her mystical, sweet smell drove me absolutely crazy, a primal mix of heartfelt love and carnal lust swelling in my chest and groin; oh, that I should never awaken lest I lose such a precious moment…
"Good morning, Jeff," Hayley giggled as I moaned my regret of our parting lips, everything going fuzzy as my mind transitioned from a dream state to consciousness. Slowly opening my eyes, I was pained by the bright morning light, yet also was met with the face of an angel still inches above me. Her sparkling blue eyes gazed into mine; her gorgeous smile instantly pulling on my heart. Her pink, shiny hair cascaded to one side, shading all but a sliver of the morning light from the window and creating a tunnel view between us, like we were the only ones in the entire world at that moment. A silver heart with a little red stone in the center dangled delicately from her right ear, a simple white flower adorning her divine hair.
"I think I've died and gone to heaven," I whispered, the boldness of my subconscious still hanging on momentarily as I caressed her cheek with my fingers, still clinging to some part of my mind that refused to believe this was real. "Because there's an angel floating above me right now." Though surely even angels weren't this breath-takingly beautiful; she was more like a goddess to me.
Her gaze adoring, she blushed with her smile, nuzzling the palm of my hand and giving it a soft kiss. "If your intention is for me to fall in love with you... it's too late, Jeff," she leaned forward, embracing my lips with hers once more. "I have fallen already," she giggled, then stood up to grab a tray from my nearby desk. My eyes were drawn to her swaying hips and bare, naturally tanned, sexy legs as she moved, the pleats of her gray dress only coming to mid-thigh, just long enough to cover her alluring backside as she bent over.
"I've brought you breakfast in bed; it's a big day for us." With a groan at getting my groggy body moving, I pushed myself up into a sitting position, the covers falling away from my nude chest as I eagerly accepted my morning surprise. Her eyes immediately roamed my naked torso as she set the tray over my legs, making no effort to hide her sheepish grin. Becoming self-conscious, I pulled the covers over my not-so-toned chest, but she stopped me with her hand, pulling them back down so that I was bared once more. "You are too handsome to hide from me," she chuckled, running her fingertips over my chest and finally circling around one small nipple. My manhood swelled along with the nipple at her touch.
"Keep doing that and I'm going to do it back to you," I teasingly whispered, shivering at the tingling sensation. Her grin turned mischievous as she dragged her fingernails softly across my chest, switching to the other nipple as if to call me on my bluff. "I uhm..." I cleared my throat, the lustful excitement swelling below the comforter from her soft caress above. "Last night... you know..." I swallowed hard, my mind losing the direction I had focused on all night. My gaze honed in on the v-neckline of her gray dress, a silver heart pendant matching her earring pointing like an arrow straight down to her cleavage as my mind drifted further toward an overwhelming desire for my gorgeous tormentor.
"Last night?" she lifted her finger from my chest, giggling again as she made a sensual show of chewing on its tip. "Do you remember last night, Jeff?" Her laughter was like music to my ears but also gave me a moment to try and redirect toward my previous thoughts. As much as I would love to continue our game, we had a lot to discuss before going forward with her plan.
"I uh... couldn't really sleep so I..." again I swallowed hard, my eyes getting lost in hers. "...ended up doing some research about getting married ... you know... online." Immediately her hands dropped to her lap and her smile faded, a worried expression taking its place. I sighed heavily, regretting that I had to stay so serious at that precise moment; she had been in such a playful mood. "Turns out this isn't going to be as easy as we thought."
She bit her lip nervously, "Jeff, are you having second thoughts? Is there a problem?" her hand balled into a fist, covering her mouth as if she awaited the worst news possible.
"No, we can still do it but," I stabbed a few eggs and potatoes with my fork, trying to allow myself to fully calm down so I could focus on the conversation we had to have. I had planned it out all night well into the wee hours of the morning, but now I just lost track of my talking points from the arousing way she woke me up. I took a moment to close my eyes and chew the delicious breakfast she'd cooked as I mentally reorganized the list of everything we had to cover to sort out all the particulars. There was just too much at stake for all of us with less than a two-week deadline. "There's a lot to do first, though. One thing... the court house isn't even open until Monday so we couldn't have had the wedding today, anyway."
A wave of relief came through her sigh, her eyes momentarily closing as the beautiful smile hesitantly returned. "So you still agree to marry Ellen... on Monday, yes?"
"Sort of," I bobbed my head in a so-so manner. "Monday at lunch time, I'll go get the marriage license for us... but I found out there's a 72-hour mandatory wait-period between getting the license and actually having the ceremony." I paused to give her a moment, making sure she was following me well enough.
Doing calculations in her head, her finger counted the days in mid-air. "So Thursday… we have to wait until Thursday for the wedding?" she raised her eyebrows, hopeful and nervous.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Now for Ellen's age... turns out she will need permission from her family according to the website," my hands spoke along with the words, one jumping the other a few inches as if visual clues might help her better comprehend the idea. They probably weren't needed, though.
She shook her head, "Our parents are not going to be able to help." Her eyes started to water as she put everything together. "I'm her guardian. Is this an issue? Is there enough time to sort this out?"
Hope was quickly fading, tears welling in her eyes. "No, no... don't worry, my angel," I added, lifting her chin to look back at me as the compliment flowed naturally before I could even think twice about it. "I've already made... and paid for the appointment on the automatic system last night. We go a week from Monday; just a few days after the wedding. We'll have plenty of time as long as we prepare well enough."
Teary eyes accompanied the biggest smile I'd ever seen as a sobbing chuckle escaped her lips. "Oh, Jeff... you fixed everything." She cocked her head to the side, her hair sliding down over one shoulder. "You are the most wonderful-est man ever," her hand covered her mouth as she looked like she was about to cry, but now out of pure joy.
I'll admit I was feeling pretty good about myself, but I couldn't stop just yet. There were still more pressing matters to address. "Now hold on," I held up my hand to stop her before she got too carried away. "We still need to line up another witness to go with us on Thursday," I held out my hand indicating her. "I figured you would be one... but we need another."
Hayley nodded quickly. "That's easy; Ellen has friends at the salon where she works. Maybe one can help?"
"Alright. And now for the last thing..." I swallowed hard, unsure how I was actually going to say this. I'd been thinking about it all night, contemplating whether it was actually necessary or just due to my overwhelming desires to be near her... to see her as often as possible. I still swore it was required due to the heavy risk we were taking, but would she agree? Would Ellen agree? "Listen to me closely, Hayley," I took her hands in mine. "You understand that what we are about to do is… taboo… even illegal."
She looked at me like I was being ridiculous, shaking her head in complete disbelief. "No, Jeff... it's a marriage. How is it possible that it could be illegal?" She shrugged, bewildered, "people fall in love all the time, people have affairs all the time, people get married... all the time."
"Actually..." I continued, cringing at the very words, "we'll be committing marriage fraud, not to mention that it's nothing more than an arranged marriage. Is she still a teenager? I'm a lot older. People will have suspicions for sure!" I'd never even been ticketed for speeding in my entire life, having always chosen the slow and safe route. In fact, the night before I had nearly decided to tell Hayley I just couldn't go through with it. I had practiced saying those words, that I knew would break her heart, to the gorgeous picture on my phone... until I had finally realised, looking at her there, that I was willing to do anything in the world for the love of that beautiful woman; even commit to sham marriage to someone I hadn't even met.
"Look... Ellen and I are getting married for the sole intention of her legal standing," I continued, my hands emphasizing my point. "This is a big deal! If we're found out... that's a prison sentence." Her eyes went wide, her jaw dropping as she shook her head slowly. "So you've got to understand... and Ellen does too, that everyone... and I DO mean everyone... has to completely believe that Ellen and I are a truly happily married couple. Absolutely nobody can even think otherwise."
My emphasised words ran through her mind; it was like I could see the wheels turning as she contemplated them thoroughly. Though the minutes passed in awkward silence, I appreciated that she was taking this as seriously as I did. We all had to be on board or the plan just wouldn't work. Finally, she nodded solemnly, "Okay, Jeff... yes. I understand... I will explain it to my sister too," she shook her head and forced a smile. "I promise... all the world will see that this marriage is very real."
"That also means that she... and you..." I paused, taking a big breath for the real moment of truth. One last time, I told myself it was absolutely necessary. "Well, both of you will have to come and live with me... or nobody is going to believe us."
Her head shot up in a flash, her eyes growing wide as she blinked several times. "Jeff? You want... me to live here… with you and my sister?" Her face brightened several shades, a smile growing from ear to ear.
"Actually, I require it," I nodded. "Both of you have to come or..." I shook my head, hoping that she really was as excited as she seemed to be. "Well, I can't agree to go through with this unless you do. I am doing all of this… for you, Hayley. Because I want to be with you. I want you in my life. I want you to be more than just my sister-in-law."
She was completely obvious in her attempts to hide her excitement about the idea. "I did not expect this," she nodded overly enthusiastically. "But I understand... and I agree. It would definitely be for the better," she started looking around my room as if seeing it for the first time with new eyes. "Oh, Jeff..." she shook her head and looked back at me with adoring eyes, "You are the sweetest man I've ever known..." her face beamed in joy. "I used to dream of living in a beautiful house like this..." she looked back at me, grabbing my hands and holding them close to her chest. "To live with... and love the most perfect man. I will keep the house perfect, Jeff. Always... I promise."
"I want you close to me, Hayley. I hope your sister understands."
Her hands were suddenly on my cheeks and our lips embraced in a passion-filled kiss as our tongues began the dance of lovers. Just as suddenly, she parted, looking off as if a thought had grabbed hold of her. "I must tell my sister everything," she jumped up, grabbing her phone quickly from the desk nearby and started dialing.
I couldn't help laughing. "Are you sure we can't at least finish our kiss first? I was enjoying that."
She bit her bottom lip, shaking her hand like she was quite nervous. "I'm so sorry, Jeff," she pleaded. "You don't understand. Ellen works at the hair salon..." she put the phone up to her ear. "They love to gossip," she raised her eyebrows curiously, "so, maybe she needs to tell them some story to make it all believable." She walked for the door, focused on her task but stopped abruptly at the doorway, looking back at me. With a sweet smile and an enticing rolling wave of her fingers, she blew me a kiss.
As she left, I laid my head back against the wall with a sigh. I had actually done it; Hayley was going to come live with me... and her sexy sister too. What more could I possibly ask for? Coming home from work to two hot, sexy women... one that I was married to, the other that I was in love with. Okay... I admit it was going to be complicated... but it sure beat coming home to an empty house. Besides, Hayley was in love with me, too... she had said it twice now and that's all that really mattered to me at that moment.
Still, I'd never actually met her sister yet, my fiancée now, I guess. If she was anything like Hayley, this was going to be amazing. All I'd seen of her was a small photo of her nice big cleavage on my phone, though. Thinking back now, that's why they'd done that in the first place, wasn't it? They weren't just being playful, but testing me to see if I was actually interested in them. They'd already planned to have me marry Ellen and were just feeling me out before popping the question. Part of me felt played, falling for their routine like a naive young schoolboy falling for a prank, that I was just a means to an end for them, but I pushed that idea down and tried to ignore it.
Hayley was at the kitchen sink when I found her after my shower. She was scrubbing a pan from the morning meal, her hips swaying back and forth with her efforts, her dress flowing in response like a sexy hypnotic metronome. As I watched her from the doorway to the dining room, I lost myself to her hypnosis completely. "My God... she's beautiful."
I was just about to call her attention when a sudden thought came over me, recalling how she had taken the initiative to wake me in such a tender way that morning. Could I be so bold as well? Would she appreciate it as much as I had? We were supposedly building a relationship after all, so I decided to take the chance at spontaneity.
Quiet as a mouse, I slowly approached her, enjoying more than a momentary glance at that gorgeous ass I had fantasized about so often. Finally, I slid my hands along her waist from behind, interlocking my fingers at her stomach and pulled her close. She inhaled deeply at my touch, a little squeak as she jumped, but just as quickly her hands covered mine and she leaned back against my body, resting her head on my chest.
"You scared me... but… I like it when you touch me," I heard her whisper as I lowered my nose to nuzzle her hair right behind the white flower she wore, becoming intoxicated by the very smell of her. She must have assumed I had other intentions though, her hand pulling her hair to one side, completely baring her sexy neck and cocking her head so I had free access to it.
In all honesty, I hadn't actually thought that far ahead. My imagination had been limited to just the surprise embrace, but even with my limited experiences, I could see what she was hinting at. I molded myself into her exotic flesh as she relaxed completely into my body. "Mmmm," she moaned, marveling in the sensations as I began kissing along her neck slowly toward her ear. She was whispering something I couldn't hear, words that I wish I could understand as they sounded so sexy, her head moving slowly around as she gently guided my lips up from the base of her neck to her ear. She moaned her pleasure and pressed her ass hard against my crotch as I took her earlobe between my lips, gently brushing it with my teeth.
I was embarrassed at first, knowing she could easily feel my growing hardness. Her hips rocked against my erection, making me lose all self-consciousness as I continued to kiss and nibble her neck and ear. She was driving me beyond simply being turned on; I was losing myself in her as I began a soft caress of her midsection with my hands. Hayley had her head back on my shoulder, looking toward the ceiling, her eyes closed in bliss with a slight tremble, her breathing deep and labored as she moaned her pleasures into my name while I trailed my lips along her jaw. I couldn't help myself anymore and let my hands roam boldly further, brushing against the curves of her breasts as my hunger for her progressed to even greater heights.
Suddenly, she pushed me away just enough to spin around in my arms to face me. "Oh, Jeff... You make me so hot…," her big, blue eyes looked up at me with seductive innocence, begging in that silent gaze that I would love her forever just like that moment. My hands pulled her back to me at the small of her back beneath her long, flowing hair as she slowly closed her eyes and pushed up on her toes. She wrapped her arms around my neck, our lips finding each other in a continuance of the warm passion our bodies shared as we pressed hard, one against the other, once more.
"Ouch... my toes hurt," she suddenly broke our embrace after several minutes of heavy petting, laughing as she dropped back down and wiggled each foot in turn. I assumed our moment was over, already lasting a lot longer than I had ever hoped for. Before I realised what was happening, though, she pushed and guided me backwards, making me fall into a dining room chair. She then pushed my knees together, giggling as she hiked up the back of her dress and gave me a glancing view of her hips and upper thighs before straddling my legs, sitting on my lap. "Much better," that mischievous grin of hers crossed her lips as she wrapped her arms around me once again, continuing our make out session with fervor, as if we'd never stopped.
She was driving me nuts, my penis was aching and throbbing in my jeans as she ground her beautiful body against mine. Her breasts pressed rhythmically on my chest in her breathing, our bodies melding closer and closer as if we were trying to force ourselves into becoming just one person. After the initial euphoria wore off, I regained a bit of my boldness. My fingers ran along her back; one hand venturing upward, playing along the clasp of her bra strap through her dress; the other downward, inching in progressive circles toward her succulent ass.
"Don't be shy, Jeff... I want you to touch me," she insisted with a husky whisper from her laboured breathing, reaching behind her to hold the pleats of the dress up with one hand before continuing our labial embrace. I was too turned on to even be shocked, both hands diving under her dress like a child in a toy store, palming her gorgeous ass cheeks that I had dreamed of so often. My fingers kneading her bare flesh as I rubbed her ass and pulled her ever closer to me, delightfully tickled that I hadn't detected any fabric under her dress. "You're not wearing panties today," I chuckled, my mind going crazy with the idea of her feminine nudity so close to me under that dress.
"You wish! I'm actually wearing a thong," she giggled, correcting me, the fiery heat between her legs still warming my erection as she scooted about as if trying to make me feel the scant cloth through my own boxers and pants, sitting nearly on top of it. "I've seen you watch me on your lunch breaks while I work," she whispered, kissing the corners of my mouth and slowly rocking her body back and forth. "For weeks I've been wearing a thong... and tight pants or skirt," her kisses moved along my jaw, getting closer to my ear. "I hoped that maybe you would like it… if I drew your attention to me," she whispered seductively right into my ear before coming back around to face me directly, her lip exaggeratedly pouting. "...but you were always so professional."
Instincts and hormones were taking over my body, my hips pressing my rigidity up against her, desiring all our clothing to just go away. "From the first day...," I attacked her neck with my lips, "I hired you..." her head moved to give me access, her breathing becoming deeper and stronger, "you've had..." I gave her small pecks between each word, "all my attention... beautiful."
She was trembling, shivering... her hands suddenly leaving my neck, fiddling near the button of my jeans. My body tensed in anticipation, my breath held tight as I thought she might actually touch my cock. I was nervous about it, what she'd think of me, what she'd say... yet pleading she would actually do it. Instead, once my pants were loosened, she pulled my shirt out from being tucked in, unbuttoned the bottom two and ran her fingers up my chest under it. That touch, along with her continued constant rocking along the length of my erection and her panted breathing, nearly made me lose myself right there as I suddenly inhaled with delirious desire.
I followed her lead, sliding my hands under her dress and up her back, feeling the thin band of her thong along the way. My intention was to find the clasp of her bra and unhook it, but I just couldn't get past the black belt around her waist. She was chuckling in short breaths, helping me out by unhooking the belt herself and letting it slide to the floor when suddenly her phone started vibrating, ringing with some modern song from the other room.
"Ooh," she pouted adorably. "Ellen! Of course she has to call right now," she sighed, reluctantly ending our make-out session by standing up. She did give me a quick kiss before hurrying out of the room to retrieve her phone. Her dress fell back into place, though with her belt still left on the floor it did flip up a lot more, only granting me a slight glimpse of her thonged ass crack that I was just dying to see and touch more of.
Eyes trailing her all the way into the living room, my member ached uncomfortably in my now much too tight jeans. Just as she was out of sight, I stood up and stuck a hand down my unclasped pants to adjust myself to a slightly more comfortable angle before following her into the other room like a lovesick puppy dog. She was on the phone talking a million words a minute, smiling at me from ear to ear when she saw me appear. I sat down on the couch where I could enjoy listening to her sing-song voice and allow my eyes to devour the view of her sexy body with a raving hunger to do far more than just look. All I could think about was getting my hands and lips back on her wonderfully smooth skin as soon as possible.
"We need to leave, we are going to pick up my sister from the salon," she sauntered toward me after hanging up the phone, her eyes meeting mine then roaming down my body to fixate on the trapped bulge in my jeans. My adjustment must have actually made it more noticeable. I could nearly feel her stare on me, and her grin growing wider.
My instinct was to hide from embarrassment, but I forced myself to lean back on the couch instead, enjoying the idea of her wanting me as much I wanted her. "You said 'WE should leave to pick her up'?"
"Yes..." she nodded, her eyes not leaving my body for a second. She bit her bottom lip while her breathing labored. "We will need to leave right now," she finally lifted her eyes to meet mine, "or it will be too late... for me." She giggled and held out her hand.
I took it, looking up at her and contemplating the possibilities of just pulling her back down on top of me. She was obviously as worked up as I was... maybe even more so; she probably wouldn't resist me even for a second if I did. Her eyes gazed back into mine, her mind seemingly thinking the same thing. But she'd just talked to her sister and obviously explained what I'd told her earlier. With a long drawn out breath, I pulled myself up instead; she was right, we needed to go now or we might not get there on time. Ellen was taking time off after her morning shift to meet us... to meet me... for a long lunch, and keeping a woman waiting wasn't a good way to start off a relationship, much less a marriage... even if it was only a fake one.
Ellen sat at her station, her foot bouncing nervously on the footrest of her styling chair as she stared at the clock on the wall. The minutes had seemed to stop entirely; even the seconds trudged by like time was on the verge of standing still. If they didn't get there soon, she was going to go crazy... yet the very idea of their arrival had her heart beating so hard, she could barely breathe.
How the hell had she gotten into this disaster? She had known her sister had a crush on Jeff when she agreed to the plan, but after hearing her talk about him on the phone, that girlish excitement in her voice as she explained how they were going to live with him, there was no doubt in Ellen's mind that her sister was completely in love with him now. She should have realised it earlier, her sexually prude sister actually agreeing to take a photo in her bra to send to this guy on Thursday night. Hell, the signs had been there for months now that she thought about it. Ever since Hayley had come home all excited from work two months ago and begged to go on a shopping spree together. She had bought sexy underwear and yoga pants!
Even still, it would have been easy enough to accept marrying her sister's new boyfriend if it were just a simple piece of paper. That had been the plan anyway; just go down to the courthouse and sign, then on to University to complete the required paperwork. Life goes on for everyone; simple as that.
Now things were changing... and once again, Ellen was wrapped up in the middle of her sister's relationship, a position she had sworn never to repeat. Hayley had taken so long to move on, to pick up the pieces of her heart after her fall out with her one time fiance, Joseph. Worse still, she had destroyed that relationship by getting caught fucking him. Ellen just couldn't ruin this for her... not again. But exactly how was she to prove to the world that she was supposedly in love with Jeff Computer-guy and not her older sister? She didn't even know his last name… her name to be!
Well, it was either go through with it or be seperated, probably forever from her only remaining family member. If they got caught it could mean a prison sentence for them both, according to her sister. Maybe going into the big wide world alone wasn't such a bad idea after all? Hayley could just marry Jeff herself and, after a few years, request her as a dependent like so many other families had done. Immediately she shook her head, knowing full well that wasn't a real possibility. Her sister was unconditional in her love for her; she'd follow Ellen anywhere and probably resent it. No… that just wasn't an option at all... and so Ellen couldn't even consider it for herself either.
So just how was she supposed to prove to the world that she loved this guy? She didn't even know how to love... not that mushy, tender love that Hayley was always going on about anyway. For Hayley, showing the world she was in love with a guy she'd never slept with was easy. After all, she'd fallen madly in love with her ex years before they were engaged to be married, saving her precious virginity for their wedding night and nearly losing her would-be husband in the process. She was always preaching to Ellen that sex should be an expression of love between two people, a result of that love. What the fuck!
Ellen had always been more realistic. She knew a girl could never love a guy until she knew if they were truly compatible. That's how she'd been in love the one and only time in her life. He was the right guy... at completely the wrong time, but no other man had ever compared to him, before or since. Still, it broke her heart every single time she had to look her sister in the eye afterward, swearing to herself that was the very last time.
Her sister's impending marriage had been saved before it even began, all thanks to Ellen stepping in her sister's place to keep her man around until the wedding night. Hayley had been so hung up on her own romantic fantasies that she was completely clueless about his wandering eye and manly needs. It was just sex after all... at the time, only a means to an end to keep her sister naively happy. She had never counted on him being so good, making her orgasm four and five mind-numbing times a night, soaking the sheets of her bed as she forcefully squirted all over his amazing cock every time they were together for the entire illicit three-year affair. No other man had ever come close to making her feel that way... or to making her completely explode like that. Hayley just didn't understand; that's how love was made in the real world... two compatible people creating it through amazing sex.
Crossing her legs and squeezing her thighs together, the memories of her illicit affair getting to her, Ellen looked around the salon at her friends who were going about their business, cutting hair, sweeping the floor, and just chatting about their pathetic problems amongst themselves. They didn't know what real problems were, not like she did.
"They should be here by now," she whispered to herself, annoyed at having to just wait, looking back toward the front door and finally down at her phone, pulling up the selfie of Jeff that her sister had sent her. Honestly, he seemed like a fairly decent guy... better than most the jerks she'd dated, both before and after Joseph. Besides, he was rich, successful, and had a big house and nice car according to Hayley's descriptions. Given all that... she could easily see herself being picked up by him at a nightclub... older guy or not. Sure he was a computer nerd; she just loved to tease Hayley about her nerdy tastes, but truth be told she could honestly see why Hayley was so attracted to him. Take away the glasses, scruff up the hair a little and get him a decent shirt... he could be handsome... and definitely fuckable if the size of his hands were any indication.
Ellen shook her head, trying to push those inappropriate thoughts straight out of her head. She couldn't even go there. He was Hayley's guy now and it didn't matter if he was going to be her fake husband or not, she was not going to hurt her sister again... even if Hayley never knew the full truth about her and Joseph. She thought they had only slept together the once - More like one hundred times! Over the years they were careful to keep their sex a secret. If only she hadn’t come home early to find me riding him. As interesting as Jeff might be… Ellen would not fuck him. It would devastate her sister. But… she would be married to him after all... maybe...
No... once more she shook her head, standing up quickly as if the chair had put the ideas into her mind. Her sister had said she'd have to kiss him in public due to the circumstances... and there would have to be some flirting or no one would believe them, especially anyone who knew just how flirtatious Ellen tended to be. She could start with that... maybe it'd be enough to convince the assholes in the office. The first test would be right there in the salon once they arrived though; proving their relationship to her friends, one of whom was needed as a witness on Thursday. Apparently, that had been Hayley's idea.
Suddenly the front door bell jingled, calling her attention from her thoughts as her sister walked through followed by a handsome, tall, guy with light brown hair and sexy blue eyes. He was dressed to the hilt with an exquisitely well-fit, gray, two-button suit, a plaid handkerchief adorning his left breast-pocket and a white-dotted navy-blue tie down his front held in place by a gorgeous gold tie-bar. His jacket was left open, her sister's touch she was sure, his light-blue button shirt fitting his slim masculine form perfectly. Ellen gasped, her mouth hanging open as she looked at him in utter disbelief. He looked sharp... and completely gorgeous! Even his glasses looked sexy on him, nothing nerdy about him but a distinguished gentleman look that made her downright weak in the knees.
"Damn, he's tall," Ellen visually absorbed the tower of a man she was soon to marry, her breathing labored and short. "And sexy as hell..." she mumbled to herself, her grin growing from ear to ear. He stood a whole head taller than her sister, commanding the room with a manly presence. At least, he was commanding her attention entirely.
So that's Jeff? She felt bad for teasing her sister about him; Hayley had every reason to be in love with this guy. Hell, Ellen could see herself totally falling for him... just one night in bed with a gorgeous man like that and she'd be smitten for life. Damn! Maybe this marriage business wasn't going to be so bad after all... or more likely, this was going to be a complete sexual hell. After all, her hormones were already going wild, a sensation of the like she'd only experienced one other time in her life. "Damn, karma is a fucking bitch!" she muttered into her hand that still covered her mouth.
Hayley looked at her, silently nodding toward Jeff. It was show time.
To say I felt out of place would be the understatement of the year. My pulse raced, my hands trembled and I just knew I was going to trip over my own two feet as we walked into the salon filled with gossiping women of all ages. Older ladies and even young girls; they were chattering and laughing amongst themselves, most loudly over the noise of hair dryers and each other. It was like a disjointed chorus, hairdressers and their clients alike joining in. Hayley had convinced me to wear a suit, the only one I owned that was usually reserved for Easter Sundays and business conventions. First impressions were everything she had said, though within moments of arriving, every eye in the place was suddenly turned and went silent. Everyone was gawking at me in my monkey suit like some extra-terrestrial wandering aimlessly into their private establishment.
Subconsciously I stepped closer to Hayley, hoping her presence would be explanation enough as to why I was there and perhaps even for the strange attire; at least it helped me feel a little less vulnerable, standing around the front with one hand in my pants pocket. The salon's chatter quickly started back up again, only now I was sure they were talking about me instead of whatever other gossip they had been bantering about. I only heard a few words so I couldn't be sure, but I did hear Hayley's name mentioned quite often, both from people in their own conversations and from several of the women who greeted her from their stations. Feeling their eyes digging into me, but understanding nothing of what they said, I scanned the room for the whole reason we were there, hoping to get this over with as quickly as possible. Hayley had already found her and I followed; she was walking up from the far corner, her full lips smiling, her eyes beaming brightly as she looked right at me. Her pretty face, and her large... assets were unmistakable from the picture... or from being Hayley's sister.
They were clearly sisters from how similar their facial structure was, the same button-like nose and plump, kissable lips. In fact, they could have been twins except for their eyes; Ellen's were a markedly lighter shade of blue. She was very nearly a slightly younger replica of the gorgeous woman I was in love with. Her skin was pale, almost white, maybe Hayley's was little darker from some extra time in the sun, but the more I looked at them as they grew close and started to talk, I could also see the differences.
Ellen's makeup was bolder, brighter lipstick and eyeshadow, more eye-catching, her lashes longer and darker while her earrings were larger, more gaudy. Ellen was just a little shorter than her sister as well, at least two inches... maybe three, her smaller height pronouncing her fuller breasts all the more. Her waist was a little smaller too... or her hips a little wider, not sure which, but either way creating more curves. Her fitted sleeveless white top showed off her bare belly-button that was pierced with a dangling silver chain while a peach-colored A-line mini competed for the attention to her sexy toned legs. Her hair was straight and blonde with highlighted silvery strands dusted throughout two platted, tight ponytails, long enough to still fall down beyond her shoulders and sway enticingly with each approaching step as they came to talk with me. So this was the woman I am supposed to marry? Damn!
"Good morning, Jeff," Ellen smiled, apprehensively putting her hand on my forearm, her long well-manicured fingernails sliding slowly along my sleeve. She hesitated, glancing quickly at the women nearest us; the stylist and her client both still noisily gossiping while watching our exchange like we were a soap opera unfolding before their eyes. Suddenly she slipped between Hayley and me, her ample breasts pressed into me at the base of my ribs as she put an arm around my waist, the other upon my chest under the chest-pocket of my jacket. She looked up at me, those big gorgeous pale blue eyes expectant and nervous. Wow, she sure was short... and amazingly sexy!
My head was spinning... my heart pounding so loud I could hear it in my ears as I forced a smile back at her. Hayley had briefed me on the way over about the plan at the salon; I just couldn't believe what they actually expected me to do... though it did make sense. After all, we needed one of those stylists to serve as a witness for our wedding later that week, so we had to start convincing people immediately. There wasn't time for a slow build-up.
I swallowed hard, losing any confidence I had the instant she touched me. I just knew that I didn't actually have the nerve to pull this off. "How..." my voice cracked and I quickly coughed to cover it up. "How are you, Ellen..." I had realised halfway through her name that I sounded more like I was reading a book out loud than in love with her and tried to compensate for it. "...baby," I added as an awkward afterthought.
She broke into a genuine ear-to-ear grin, her cheeks beaming as her eyes completely lit up. "Ellen-baby?" Damn, her accent was sexy, too! Different from Hayley's suaver voice... but just as sexy. "I like Ellen-baby... happy to see you... my lover." Our exchange caught a few more ears in the salon, each station in turn looking back to see what exactly was going on now that it had gotten interesting. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her a bit closer, knowing full well what I had to do though my entire body was shaking as her warm body melded into me. She looked nervous too, chewing on her bottom lip like her sister often did, her eyes telling on her as she raised her hand up to my neck in anticipation of the show we were about to give.
The joyous chatter in the salon stopped again as they watched, all eyes on us as I bent over... way over since she was so much shorter... to kiss this sexy woman whom I had just met, my fiancée. Our lips grew closer and the chorus began in unison all around, women cheering in giggles, whoops and hollers like young schoolgirls on a playground as one of their own kissed the cute boy at school for the very first time. If they only knew the truth! It made both of us laugh nervously, our mouths only inches away as we hesitated a brief second to follow through until Ellen suddenly pulled me down into her with sheer brute force by my lapels.
I was totally out of my league with Ellen, the suave, slow, tender kisses I'd shared with Hayley being all I really had to go on in years. Though a few years younger her sister was a sexual temptress, though, clearly a skilled and passionate ball of fire. She guided our sliding and slipping lips with the simple motion of her head like an expert until I easily fell into my role. My stomach churned with nerves; I'd never had an audience before and I felt every eye on us, but more importantly, I knew Hayley was watching too. I'm sure my performance was rather lackluster, hardly convincing at all, but Ellen was a good enough actress for the both of us. She really controlled the whole thing, our tongues dancing to a heavenly waltz by her lead, her body meshing and pressing into mine as one of her hands reached around to squeeze my ass as if we'd been lovers for years.
"Okay... okay..." Hayley finally interjected before Ellen took things further, her leg starting to inch up mine as she really got into the spirit of making out with me. "Hey you're in a public place... get a room you two," she laughed forcibly, eyeing her sister as we separated. She shrugged her shoulders, giving some excuse or explanation to the cheering crowd that seemed to say "I just can't take them anywhere," holding her arms out like she had completely given up on us. All at once, several women started clamoring at Hayley and Ellen both, obviously asking a hundred questions, though not a single one did I understand. I did hear them both say my name a few times though.
"You're how old?" a short, elderly woman suddenly grabbed my arm, looking me over like I was a pure fraud, a con-man of hearts. "How did you make..." she pulled Ellen closer, her arm wrapped around her bare shoulders like a protective mother over a small, innocent child, "...my Ellen want to marry you? What did you do to her, tall man? What did you promise her?"
Completely bewildered, I had no idea how to reply, falling back a step from her verbal attack. Obviously we couldn't even mention the truth, but what exactly was I supposed to say? I could feel my breath growing short as I desperately searched for something, running my hand over my gel-styled hair.
Fortunately, I didn't have to respond. A dark-skinned woman with short curly hair and a few upper-arm tattoos responded to her instead, pushing her way into the group of women surrounding me. I just wish I understood what she said, especially when all the women started laughing as she nudged Ellen toward me, the latter quickly wrapping her arms around my waist as she blushed a deep red.
"You sweet talked her into your bedroom, I bet?" the woman turned to me, finally saying the first words I could follow. I also blushed, hesitantly putting my arm around Ellen as she hugged me closely. "I know what she likes. You're just her type. I think this," she grabbed my free hand, caressing it slowly in her fingers like a gypsy palm-reader, "played a part. Ellen likes the big, strong hands like these," she winked at me, met by a resounding chorus of giggles and laughter. Many of the women added their own comments like "very sexy!" and "I bet he's a stallion!" while Hayley tried her best to hide her laughter behind her hand.
Several minutes of this went on as the women slowly drifted back into their private conversations and continued with their beauty care. A few hugs from some of the staff and patrons went around as it appeared they were congratulating Ellen on the engagement, all the while glancing back at me. Sometimes I wasn't sure of their feelings. Some seemed to approve, as if I were a possession of social prestige to own like a fancy car or a big yacht, while to some I was a pharia, a thief seducing and stealing away their loved one. A cradle snatcher or worse, I couldn't really be sure.
Things finally settled down and I saw Hayley finish talking with a young woman off to the side; maybe a potential candidate to be the second witness, I presumed. She had been the one who called me 'sexy' so I liked her already. We headed for the door, Ellen walking arm in arm with me for good show while Hayley held onto my other arm, though not so intimately. With confidence in my stride, a lot more than when I had walked in, and perhaps a little touch of swagger in each step, I held my head high as we left the salon. The women of the salon called out behind me, "Bye, Jeff," and for the first time in my life, it sure felt good to be me!
Looking up longingly from the driveway toward the lit second-story window to where she knew Jeff's bedroom was, Hayley sighed heavily. It was getting quite late, the sun had already set, and the street lights had already been on for some time. She had been in no hurry to leave all afternoon even after spending so many hours working there during the week. Not only was it her job to take care of it, something she did with pride, but the house was already starting to feel more like home than her small duplex ever had. And Jeff, with his handsome presence, gentle heart, and warm, loving smile, just made it perfect.
She had stalled, using every excuse she could invent to hold off from leaving, hoping that perhaps he might invite her to stay the night. After all, she would be living there soon anyway, right? Why not start immediately? Hayley chuckled, knowing all too well it wasn't really fair to send her sister home to finish all the packing alone, but maybe they could have explored their newly developing relationship a little deeper... or perhaps a lot deeper... if she had stayed. After that sensual episode of kissing him in the kitchen earlier that day, and then seeing him dressed so finely, so smart and professional in that handsome suit, her body was simply yearning for his touch, begging for his attention. If her sister hadn't made a scene of needing help with packing, she was sure she'd be in his bed right now, doing...
No... it was for the best that she went home for now. Things were moving too fast and she knew she needed to calm down. The cool evening air was clearing her head and letting her think straight again. There was a lot of work to do and there wasn't much time to finish as they had all agreed during their lunch date that moving into his place would have to happen tomorrow; there was simply no other time more readily available before the wedding.
Besides, she hadn't taken birth-control in years and being alone with Jeff now, she knew there was no way she could trust herself. She wanted him, desired him, needed him... more than she'd ever wanted anyone before, even more than Joseph. Jeff was so sensual, so soft and loving in his touch, so sweet and attentive to her, like she was the absolute center of his world and she loved every minute of it. If he had decided to strip her clothes off right there in the kitchen that morning, she wouldn't have stopped him and gone right ahead and made mad, passionate love to him. Now she realised that was just being foolish, feeling like a highschooler with a crush. Being single and without a date for so long, Jeff didn't have any condoms in his drawers; she hadn't really intended on snooping, but since she was already doing his housekeeping, it was one of the things she'd noticed. And the possibility of getting pregnant by the man who was going to marry her sister, all while trying to convince the authorities that her sister's relationship was real, sounded like a crazy soap opera plot line. She couldn't be that irresponsible, but just thinking about it was getting her panties wet again already. This was what Ellen had alluded to in their arguments regarding her ex. Yes… she would need to see a doctor for a prescription to get on birth control fast! 
"So are we going, Hayley?" Ellen asked, leaning over and waving a hand in front of her sister's daydreaming eyes. "Maybe I should drive tonight."
Hayley sighed once more, subconsciously squeezing her thighs together. Turning to her sister, she gave her a forced smile as she started the car. "No, I'm fine," she insisted, backing the car out of the driveway. "Let's get home so we can pack; there's not much time."
"Well, you know... if you hadn't been taking your sweet time about leaving," Ellen laughed, shaking her head, "we'd be there and probably done already."
"You weren't exactly running out the front door, either, Ellen," Hayley raised her eyebrows at her sister curiously as she put the car in drive and headed out of the middle-class neighborhood. "So what... you finally realise that nerdy guys aren't that bad after all?" She couldn't help but chuckle, having noticed that look in her sister's eyes all afternoon. It was that same wanting look she always had when she really liked something, or someone.
Ellen covered her eyes with her hands, laughing hard and blushing terribly. "Ok... ok... I admit it," she shook her head. "You were totally right about him," she wiped a tear of laughter from her eye, looking back at her sister. "My God, Hayley... he's fucking amazing! Sexy as hell, especially in that suit... and since he's willing to go this far for us, he really seems like a great guy too." She couldn't stop smiling, her eyes lost in thought as she gazed back at Hayley. "How did you ever resist him for so long... and why the hell didn't you snag him?"
Unsure what to say, Hayley half-shrugged uneasily as she turned onto the main road. "I really didn't think he was all that into me, to be honest," she explained. "He was always so shy... never said anything to me about it, but..." she stopped at a red light, turning to her sister. "Well, remember that day we went shopping all around the mall a couple of months back... you remember, for the yoga pants?" Ellen nodded, "I had totally caught him staring at my butt earlier that day," Hayley giggled, "and I realised that I... I really wanted to keep him looking at me."
Ellen burst out laughing as they continued down the road. Hayley paused a moment, then added, as if staking her verbal claim on him, "Jeff loves to watch me, whether I'm vacuuming, washing dishes, mopping, anything really. Whenever he's with me at the house, he just can't seem to keep his eyes off me..." Was it really such an exaggeration? She had actually caught him often enough, after all... like that last Monday when she was vacuuming under the bed. "What's really cute is he tries to hide it," she tittered. "Sometimes I even wiggle my butt at him on purpose."
"You're so bad..." Ellen nudged her sister's arm. "but I bet he enjoys that! You have a great ass!" she laughed heartily before adding, "Almost as nice as mine!" Hayley rolled her eyes at her sister's boast, but didn't respond with more than a laugh as she turned the car into their neighborhood on the older, lower-class eastern side of town. She knew it was true, though. Ellen had always beat her in everything. Bigger bust, better curves, a prettier face, a nicer butt, and she wasn't nearly as shy about flaunting it either. She had the guys just falling at her feet for years.
"So did it work?" Ellen broke the short silence of her silly jealous thoughts. "Are you two a thing now?" Then to emphasize her meaning, she leaned close into Hayley's shoulder, trying not to laugh, "Did you finally get laid last night?"
She didn't answer at first, twisting her lips back and forth. She was unsure what to confess exactly as they neared the duplex; she wanted to convince her sister that Jeff was completely hers, but had Jeff ever actually said they were together? Well, he'd showed his interest in her body for sure, but was it just that? Perhaps that was the only reason why he had gone along with this whole crazy plan to begin with. "Oh, we're definitely a couple," she nodded with a little extra enthusiasm, more to calm her own doubt than that of her sister as she shut the car off in their driveway. "The way he looks at me... How he touches me... The way he kisses me... He drives me completely crazy!" She grabbed her sister's hand and brought it up over her bosom to her heart. "See how my heart races just thinking about him?"
"I'm so happy for you, Hayley," Ellen used her hand on her sister to pull her into a hug. "You deserve him, and you deserve to be happy." It was true, and about time she had someone in her life. Letting go, she quickly gathered her things, opening the car door to head into their shared unit before stopping to say, "I have to admit it's just a shame, though."
"A shame for what exactly?" Hayley raised her head from gathering her own things as well, suddenly alarmed.
"That I get to marry him," Ellen said smugly like she had stolen Jeff from her. Hayley felt a little upset, but then she saw the teasing look on her sister's face. Ellen was already headed toward the front door as she turned around, walking backwards and giggling. "And that he doesn't have a twin brother!"
Hayley leaned her head back as she relaxed in the tiny tub of her apartment around midnight. Ellen had already gone to bed exhausted, but Hayley decided she needed to have some time to herself. She tucked her hair in a loose bun and just let the warm water caress her tired flesh; doing its job of massaging out all her small aches and pains from her almost frantic packing spree that lasted several hours. It hadn't really taken long to finish given their small living space and meager possessions, not to mention they had already been packing for weeks in preparation of finding a new place when the lease ran out. Jeff's request that they live at his house couldn't have come at a better time.
Before she worked for Jeff, she made barely enough to pay for her food and rent, and after the devastating end to her relationship with Joseph things were hard. She forgave Ellen, of course, and she moved into her small apartment with just a small suitcase. Ellen had moved in with her three months later, but even then there was only so much stuff you could squeeze into such a small space in that much time. Now that the chores were done, she was free to just relax in the water... and think about Jeff.
Unconsciously at first, she let her hands roam over her lithe, supple body, letting the hot water work its magic on her. Gentle waves created from her breathing splashed upon her breasts, the soothing water coursing down her skin in tiny streams, caressing suavely along its way. It collected over her perky, feminine curves, the larger droplets leisurely dripping off the ends of her prominent, brown nipples which gradually hardened with each pass of her hand.
Her thoughts had returned to that morning, replaying like a steamy movie in her mind as she closed her eyes, picturing Jeff's sexy, bare chest before her. She heard his teasing words about touching her nipples if she didn't stop her playful torturing of him. Her fingers slowly encircled one erect nipple, then the other, both tightening in arousal and causing a pleasurable tremble to shiver through her body. Her thighs tensed together, aching to feel his touch again. Oh, if only she could feel his soft, big hands at that very moment.
Her palms cupped each breast in turn, recalling his sensual touch and trying to forget that her own small hands were not in fact his. Eyes still closed, she rolled her hard nipple around just as Jeff had done. "Oh... Jeff," she cooed and inhaled deeply, thrusting her chest out while pressing her sensitive flesh deep into her palms, letting herself go as she shook with passionate craving.
Opening her eyes, she looked down over her wet breasts, wondering what Jeff would think of her the first time he saw her naked. It was going to happen soon, the only question was when. She knew he liked to watch her as she worked; he was definitely a visual guy given the evidence of that maid website she'd found. Would he like her better, though? And would she still interest him when there was nothing left to the imagination? Were her breasts big enough for his likes... or perhaps her nipples were too long for his tastes? She had always been a bit self-conscious about them, though her nipples were her favourite part of her body, even if they did often become embarrassing when she didn't wear a thick enough bra.
With her thumb and index fingers encircling each areola, a bit swollen and puffy by her arousal, she gently squeezed, pinching her nipples at their thick base. Fully taut and erect, they were as long as her finger was wide, the gentle nipping pressure felt so good as it sent out blissful waves of pleasure through her whole body. Her eyes rolled back as she let her hands go, rhythmically pulling them up and out, just far enough to cause a hint of tender pain. Then she switched to slowly rolling and twisting them between her fingers before releasing again, allowing the breasts to bounce back to their naturally perky, conical shape.
If only Jeff were there at that moment, she longed to feel his lips suckling her breast, his tongue teasing at her nips; she was already feeling so good that she'd likely orgasm right now if he did it just right. To her, breast suckling was intensely sensual, and if he was half as good at that as he was with his kisses... She once fooled around with Joseph and he had made her cum by just sucking her tits, although he usually paid very little attention to her breasts, often complaining of their smaller size. Jeff seemed different though, claiming to actually dream of seeing her petite, bare chest like she was truly special, and he got all flustered just upon seeing her in a bra. He had really seemed to enjoy touching and caressing her, too, as though he were more interested in giving her pleasure than receiving his own which was a big and welcome change to what she was used to.
Her eyes evaluated her whole body once more. Would he still think her beautiful after seeing everything, or was she simply not enough? Would her allure remain even when he knew her intimately, or was it perhaps the thrill of adventure and conquest that drove him? Her legs parted under the water, the short, coarse, black hairs of her womanly muff churning in the water's movement, catching her eye as it hid most of her womanhood from view. She usually kept it trimmed and given that soon Jeff would be seeing her there, it was definitely time for another trim.
After the water cooled, she stood up and got out of the tub, drying her body off but leaving her pubic hair damp. Joseph always complained about her bush when they shared intimate moments. It was one of the reasons why she wasn’t ready to fuck him; he never seemed to really appreciate her body. She didn’t realise at the time that he preferred Ellen’s bare vulva. She didn’t realise that she had pushed him away and into the arms of her sister… between the legs of her sister. This time it would be different. She really wanted to make a good first impression on Jeff, and she didn't want to disappoint him. Given the circumstances, she was also competing with those ‘maids’ on the internet as well as her own sister for his attention, at least on some level. Sure, she was the only one he would be kissing and touching, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure he was satisfied enough not to stray. Even if he was getting married to someone else, it was for her sake he was even going through with this after all.
But what exactly did he like, sexually speaking? Should she trim it or just shave it off completely? While searching out the shaving cream, a couple of brand new razors and some scissors, her mind went over the one thing she felt confident would keep his attention. The girls on his website had all been shaved bare, at least all the ones she'd seen. Though she'd never considered doing it before watching that first video, the idea really appealed to her. Was that what he liked? Would that make him enjoy the view of her even more seeing her on hands and knees, her legs spread open while pretending to clean the floor as he got an eyeful of her bare, vulnerable, wet pussy, shaved clean and smooth? She shuddered, inhaling with nervous excitement at the thought of actually playing out that fantasy with him.
She spread out two towels; one on the edge of the tub, the other on the floor beneath her. Though she was focused and determined, her hands trembled at the thought of actually shaving... down there... completely bald. Would she look as sexy as those girls on the website, at least to Jeff's eyes? Would she look ridiculous when it was done, like some prepubescent child perhaps? She pushed the idea from her mind, focusing solely on the task at hand. If he watched those videos, it had to be that he liked that look and, besides, it would grow back on its own if he didn't.
Using the scissors, she trimmed as close as she dared get to her intimate skin, holding her breath at moments to keep from shaking her hands. An ample covering of cream and a few meticulously slow sweeps of the razor had the remaining short hairs completely disappearing. Strips of bare skin came into view with each careful pass along the grain. It was the strangest sensation seeing her vulva completely exposed, bare as the day she was born, but it felt oddly sexy, too. Her hand caressed along the skin, but it wasn't nearly as smooth as it first appeared so she applied a second covering of cream and used a fresh razor, this time going against the grain and carefully scraping every small nook of her delicate feminine folds.
Finally she finished and applied a bit of aloe vera, marveling in the new feeling of her own sexy smoothness and the heightened sensitivity at even her own touch. "I did it..." she exhaled deeply, a tremble flowing through her as her cool, cream-covered fingers inspected the completed job. "Just for you, Jeff."
She hadn't planned on anything more, but each slow pass of her fingers along her freshly shaved skin felt like pure heaven, shooting a warmth through her body that she simply couldn't stop, especially after being so worked up throughout the day with Jeff. Circling her mound, she inched ever closer to her still moist slit, closing her eyes and tilting her head back. She gasped as her middle finger finally slid right down the middle, applying a little pressure and just barely parting her tight lips. Curling the finger ever so slightly, she moved torturously slow on the way back up, sliding between the sensitive, wet folds and stopping just before she reached her swelling clit.
"Mmmm," she moaned slightly and leaned her free hand against the wall behind her. With the added support she lifted one leg up to open wider, her hips shifting to meet her touch more directly. "Ohh... Jeff," she whimpered between short breaths, her mouth opening a little more as her index finger joined the self-pleasure, slipping through the crevice of her womanly folds. Both fingers cradling her pearl on either side as they curled down deeper now, barely brushing against the entrance to her wet vaginal opening, her hips rocking forward instinctively pushing them just inside before pulling them back up to provide more direct pressure on her sensitive button.
The orgasmic sensations were just building up and she was sure she was going to cum in just a few more moments right as a knock at the door took her by surprise. "Hayley?" her sister's voice called out, freezing her in a moment of panic until she remembered she had locked it. "I need to use the bathroom, Hayley!"
"Sorry!" she half-shouted, half-whispered as she jumped from the tub and frantically tried to cover up what she'd done. She wiped the fallen hairs from the towel into the little covered trash can along with the razors, tossing the other items haphazardly under the sink. She then wrapped herself in the towel she had been sitting on and finally opened the door. "Sorry," she smiled, stepping aside for her sister, trying really hard not to blush and give herself away. "I fell asleep in the tub." Ellen chuckled and shook her head, preparing herself to use the toilet which Hayley took as her cue to leave, closing the door behind her and quietly dashing to the privacy of her room.
Feeling like a teenager with a crush, she locked her door and tossing the towel aside, then found her phone and flopped back onto the bed. The heart-pounding excitement and terror of almost getting caught, along with a sense of daring freedom in her freshly shaved nudity, she pulled up the photo of Jeff on her phone and resumed what she had left unfinished in the bathroom. Her hand slid softly down her parted thighs, brushing her fingertips along the tender skin, trying to imagine it was his hand instead. She gazed into his eyes from the picture, and an interesting idea came over her just as her finger once more found her slick, wet folds. The idea made her nervous and excited; a little surprised by the very boldness of it, but just the thought was making her wetter by the second. She just had to hear his voice.
"Jeff? You are awake?" she typed slowly with one hand, the other still sliding two fingers in a 'v' to either side of her clit. "Maybe I could call you?" She laid the phone aside and leaned her head back on her pillow, pushing up with her legs to roll her hips along to the movement of her hand. "Jeff..." she whispered, her free hand grabbing her breast and squeezing it just enough.
The phone suddenly started its ringtone, a song she had chosen a few weeks back just for Jeff's number. Relaxing back into the bed, she couldn't stop smiling as she thought of those sweet, sensual kisses they'd shared... her wish had come true and so much more wonderful than she'd ever dreamed possible. "Hi, Jeff," her voice held all the excitement of her heart.
"Hey, Hayley..." he sounded really excited, too, "...my angel. I was just thinking of you." She squeezed her thighs together, loving the sound of his accent that she found so sexy. He was thinking of her in the same way at the same time? Was he maybe doing the same thing? Had he been looking at her picture? Was he just as naked as she was, his penis standing up, rock hard in his slowly stroking hand, laying back on his bed as he talked to her? She could just feel her pussy tingling, the thought driving her crazy.
"I am thinking of you, too," she tried to sound a little extra sweet to offset just how already worked up she was as she continued to slowly caress her clit with her free hand. If she didn't go slowly she was sure she would cum too quickly. "I was reminiscing… our time together in the kitchen this morning… your lips on mine… I’ve been thinking of you a lot tonight." Her fingers slid further down, dipping between her inner folds, pressing into her velvety entrance as she bit her lower lip to keep the sudden inhale quiet. "I wish my sister hadn't called."
He chuckled, sounding nervous on his end. "I've been uhm... remembering those kisses quite a lot, too, actually." He sighed heavily. "I can't wait to kiss you again. Too bad you couldn't stay a little longer today... or maybe all night."
Her toes curling, her body squirming, her middle finger slid inside her up to the first knuckle, forcing her eyes closed from the intense pleasure. Her head strained back onto the pillow while she held the phone pressed painfully tight to her ear. "Oh, Jeff... you should have said something," her voice was low and raspy, exhaling just loud enough that he heard. "I didn’t want to leave at all," she whispered. Her finger slipped back out of her slit, now thoroughly soaked and slippery, and returned to gently circling all around her very hard nub. She cocked up her shoulder and leaned the phone between it and her ear while straining to spread her thighs open as wide as she could. With her free second hand she pulled her womanly skin tight, receding the hood to fully uncover her clit as she rubbed it back and forth with her wet finger, harder now with her quickly building desperation.
"I wanted to ask you," he whispered back in a deep, sultry voice. "...but your sister… I know you had to pack," he paused, inhaling like he was nervous... really nervous. "Truth is, Hayley... I always want you around me... I’ve felt like that for months now. Every moment of the day I'd have you with me if I could be that selfish."
His words were so sweet and deep, her heart was literally melting, tears of joy swelling in her eyes. So maybe it wasn't just her body he wanted. Maybe he...? Oh... why did she leave his house? She could be in his loving arms right now... naked and on the verge as she was... making sweet love to him all night long. "I want always to be..." she inhaled sharply, her hips jerking involuntarily as her fingers constantly rubbed her clit with ever increasing speed, over the top and then around the sides, back to the top. "...around you, Jeff. Always… when I can… when it’s appropriate." It was becoming really difficult to concentrate on speaking, but his sexy voice... his sweet words, his presence on the phone with her was quickly sending her over the edge.
"Are you okay?" he sounded worried and she blushed, realising he had heard her reaction. She knew she should stop; she was playing on dangerous ground and he'd probably hear more if she didn't. It was already all she could do to keep from breathing deeply into the phone, panting as she quickly approached that point of no return. Part of her wanted him to know, as embarrassing as that would be. She wanted him to know just how she felt about him, that she was touching herself, thinking of him... fantasising about making love with him.
"I'm fine," she exhaled, her breathing extremely labored. She held her breath long enough to get it under control a little so she could speak. "Just... I am uhm... very excited to think of us… together… to kiss you... to imagine you touching me again." Every few seconds her body was jerking, stomach contracting, hips jumping, and eyes clenching shut as small waves coursed through her body. She was so close now it was almost painful. "I wish you were here right now," she whispered, her mind slipping off into that delirious state as her body started losing control.
"Hayley... I uhm..." his voice sounded shaky, nervous, but yet still so sexy. "I just... I want to tell you..." he was so adorable, swallowing hard, having difficulty to say whatever it was he wanted her to know; she just really hoped he said it soon, before... "Hayley, my angel... I'm completely in love with you."
She inhaled deeply as her entire body just exploded upon hearing those wonderful words of his, electricity pulsing through her very core, flowing out from her pussy and spreading outward to every finger and toe at the speed of light. Her thighs clenched shut while her stomach muscles contracted, curling her up into a ball. Then she spasmed back and her hips jumped off the bed, pushing higher into the air. Her toes curled as her thighs squeezed tightly around her hand, pressing it onto her vagina and rapidly drenching her fingers. Her mouth wrenched open in heavenly agony, squealing out a powerful mix of pure ecstasy and loving delight.
The room was spinning... or was that just her head? Everything was sideways and she felt like at any moment she was going to fall from her bed. It was probably one of the most intense orgasms she'd ever experienced in her life and she was still riding it out when she heard Jeff's voice, distant from the phone that had slid away from her thrashing. "Hayley? Are you okay? What happened? Did I... maybe I shouldn't have told you that... I'm so sorry... I’ve ruined everything." He was worried... just how sweet and adorable could he possibly be?
Trying to steady her hand and make it work she snatched it back up and brought it to her ear. "No..." she whimpered, trying to speak but no other words would come to her. She was crying in pure happiness, her heart beating wildly in euphoria, her body shaking from her orgasm. He was actually in love with her... it was real! Oh, fucking hell, it was all real! "Oh, Jeff... I love you, too..." She was breathing hard, trying to focus on the world coming back to her. "I always did… I always will. I am uhm..." what could she possibly say about her reaction? He had just given her the biggest orgasm of her life when he had told her that? "I was just so excited to hear those words," she panted heavily, "because... I’ve fallen in love with you," she laughed and cried into the phone at the same time.
He chuckled, the sound of pure relief from his end. "I love you, too, angel. I believe that I started falling for you the day we met and that's the God's honest truth; I can't wait to see you tomorrow morning."
"Awww," her smile was so wide it hurt as she nodded like he could actually see her. "I can't wait for that, too." It was the most amazing feeling to finally know that her love was not in vain. "Tomorrow night, I will be with you... at your house, with or without your fiancés consent. I will be with you always." If she had any say in the matter, tomorrow they would be together and every single day afterward for the rest of her life. Tomorrow, she was going to make sure he was well prepared, too. Inappropriate or not. "In fact, I am going to sleep now... so I can see you faster," she giggled, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Goodnight, Jeff... my love."
"Okay... sweet dreams, my angel," he said and then the line clicked off. She continued to hold the phone, not even bother plugging it in, just held it to her heaving bosom as it was an extension of him as she drifted off to sleep.
The middle-class houses of the northwest side of town slowly disappeared behind me; the older, deteriorated homes, duplexes and businesses of the older eastern side gradually taking their place. Soon metal bars appeared on the windows and graffiti painted the walls with murals of modern artwork proclaiming undying love or scandalous slander to unknown recipients in the area. There was even a giant phone number, impossible to miss, advertising blowjobs with a huge, cartoon phallus that made me blush upon seeing it.
My stomach was in knots as my GPS guided me closer to her place, clearly due to being overly anxious to see Hayley again. I couldn't wait to hold her once more in my arms; to kiss her as passionately as I had the day before. For hours up until the phone call she had requested and even several hours afterward, I had been looking at her picture on my phone, admiring her gorgeous smile and trying to comprehend just how such a beautiful woman could possibly be in love with me. For a brief moment, I had pulled up the maid website as well, but it no longer held as much interest. They paled in comparison to her, and she was all I could think about; all I truly desired was Hayley, my pink haired angel.
Well, mostly all I could think of was her. I refused to admit it, even to myself, but my eyes often ventured to look at Ellen in the picture as well, those gorgeous blue eyes, those succulent, kissable lips and those seductive pert breasts. Hayley was absolutely gorgeous, the girl of my dreams, but Ellen was just downright sexy! A base part of me... that part I simply refused to acknowledge in my conscious mind... was just as excited to see her that morning as I was her older sister. I rationolised in my head that this was right - afterall she was my fiancé, it was right that I should be attracted to her.
The GPS beeped indicating that I had reached my destination as I pulled up in front of an old duplex, "So this must be the place?" I muttered to myself as I looked at the decrepit building, unbelieving that anyone would even live here. The driveway was so broken it looked more like gravel than concrete. The windows looked rotten and the door looked like it had been busted into on more than one occasion. The grass didn't appear to have been cut in weeks leaving tall weeds, thistles, and wild flowers growing up along the calamitous structure.
Hesitantly, I walked to the front door, only trusting that I was actually in the right place from recognizing her clunker of a car in the driveway. My heart ached seeing the conditions that these two beautiful women had been living in. I knew they didn't have much money; two adults trying to live on the money I was paying Hayley must be tough, even with whatever Ellen brought in from her part-time hours at the salon. Still, if I had known for all these months they had been living like this... I shook my head.
It was only the extreme circumstances that had brought us together. Two overly-shy people, falling for each other and too nervous to say a word of it, forced into finally confessing out of pure necessity. Well, I wasn't exactly forced but still, I never would have told her without... I shuddered to think how long it might have taken us to finally get together, if ever, had Ellen not been in such dire need.
"It’s Jeff!" Ellen's voice sang through the small unit when I knocked, "Hurry up!" I had the impression that my presence had just been announced, especially when I heard Hayley's high-pitched excitement calling in return. Absolutely nothing could have wiped the huge grin off my face at that precise moment; such a gorgeous woman actually excited to see me... in fact, both sisters sounded excited that I was there.
Moments later, Ellen opened the door, smiling brightly at me as she stepped aside to invite me in. "Good morning, Jeff," I looked down to her short height, smiling to answer back, but my mouth forgot how to work as my jaw dropped to the floor. Her bright pink spaghetti-strap top greeted me with a perfect view from my height down her deep, feminine valley with more sexy cleavage than I'd ever seen in real life so close before me. I must have stared for a few seconds, noticeably long enough for her to notice, too. "Ellen", she said with a giggle pointing to her face.
"Ellen..." I guiltily cleared my throat, snapping my eyes back up to hers with embarrassment, "Good morning!." She chuckled, her lips pursed mischievously as her cheeks beamed radiantly with a knowing look in her eyes that I was so busted. The strange thing was, she didn't seem to mind, the grin on her lips spreading wide as if I had just given her quite the compliment. Reaching up with her hand, she pulled me down to her and gave me one of those cheek-kisses. I had first experienced them with Hayley, a custom that I was really beginning to enjoy as she pressed her lightly-clothed breasts hard against my chest from the awkward angle.
Hayley came around the corner just as we parted, wearing a black pair of those sexy, tight yoga pants she so often did while cleaning my house and a similar light-gray spaghetti-strap top, though hers wasn't as tight, nor did it show nearly as much cleavage as her sister's. Still, she was gorgeous and as sexy as ever baring her shoulders with her hair pulled back in a high plaited ponytail. It was my favorite look on her, the typical working outfit she would wear these last couple of months. Still, somehow now she just looked even more amazing to me than ever. It had to be how wide her smile was and how her cheeks almost glowed as she looked at me.
"Hi, Jeff..." she sauntered toward me, raising her arms toward my shoulders, "mi amor." She reached her head up to kiss me as if that had been our ritual every time we'd seen each other, as if we'd always been in love. After my revelation of feelings the prior night I expected to be nervous around her, or her around me, but there was no hesitancy or question about it on either side. It came completely naturally for us as she turned her head, our lips embracing while my hands fell to her waist. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, playing with mine as her body meshed ever closer to me. She trembled in my arms and my need to hold her close to me grew. And I could feel it in her as well, a desperation to feel my touch... to feel my love.
By the time we parted, Ellen had disappeared, obviously giving us some privacy given the sound of rummaging boxes coming from the other room. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked, still holding her in my arms, her hands resting on my chest as she gazed up at me.
"The plan?" she raised her eyebrows innocently. Her eyes sparkled as she gazed into mine, her cheeks glowing with pure joy. "You mean, I can’t just kiss you right here all day?" I laughed as she stuck out her bottom lip, batting her eyes sweetly with an adorable pout. I felt like I would cross oceans and mountains just to give her anything she asked at that moment, but all I could do was give a goofy grin in return.
She sighed heavily and turned around to look at the upheaved room, boxes piled in all the corners. She turned in my arms and started directing me to take a few of them out to my SUV so I let her go to get started, figuring we definitely had a good bit of work ahead of us. But before I could move to grab the first box she grabbed my wrist, pulling my arm around her waist again, pressing my body into hers from behind. She must have suddenly felt my hardness pushing between her cheeks; I sure did! Quickly looking back over her shoulder at me, blushing and giggling, her ass wiggling against me. "I see you are happy to see me too."
Embarrassed that I had probably started to get hard gazing at her sister, I tried to pull away but she wouldn't let me, grabbing to hold my arms tightly around her. "You can’t leave yet," she continued her giggle, leaning her head back on my chest, "I like this too much." I knew we had to get to work, but she was being so adorably stubborn and I was getting really turned on.
Two could play at that game I figured, and she wouldn't stop me based on my experience the day before, so I forced my hands up her body toward her breasts. Her grip on them wouldn't let me go, laughing and giggling as she playfully resisted me. I tried tickling her and wiggling out of her grip when suddenly I switched directions on her, pushing down and catching her completely off-guard. One hand broke free and slid downward between her legs, making her inhale deeply and her body tensed up immediately as her head threw back against my shoulder.
"Oh..." she whimpered, shaking her head frantically, "no, no, no..." she tried to pull my hand away and finding herself unable to, finally squirmed out of my grip to look at me at arm's length. I started to apologise profusely as I realised I'd crossed the line and claim that we were only playing, afraid that she was turning angry at me. But she was blushing and still smiling as she laughed, her thighs held together tightly as her hands covered her crotch. "You shouldn’t start that now," she bit her bottom lip as she shook her head. "I wouldn’t be able to stop myself and we would never get the work done... Oh, and your fiancés is in the next room."
My eyebrows raised curiously, "So... that's the only reason you stopped me?" I chuckled nervously and somehow she blushed an even deeper shade of red in reply. Staring me in the eye, she brought a finger to her lips, the tip held between her teeth as she slowly nodded. God... she could be so insanely sexy!
Her eyes were similarly roaming up and down my body, her smile growing ever bigger and she started to giggle like she was really embarrassed. "Did you… did you buy uhm..." still nibbling on her finger and now twisting her shoulders back and forth, her other hand gave short, rapid points of her index finger toward my lower body like an endearing child shyly asking for a cookie, "...rubbers." She giggled again, her cheeks going red.
"Rubbers?" I repeated, my puzzlement showing. Then she pantomimed two fingers up and made a ring over them with the fingers of her other hand, then moved them down and suddenly she made perfect sense. "Condoms! You mean condoms?" I chuckled, a bit embarrassed at saying it aloud and yet even more excited that she was the one actually bringing it up. "For when we..." I pointed my finger back and forth between the thumb and forefinger of my other hand and she smiled from ear-to-ear in her own embarrassment, nodding slowly once more.
I should have thought of that, but was so excited by the sheer concept of falling in love that the physical reality of it never crossed my mind. We were both quiet for a moment, letting the reality sink in. She was still twisting her shoulders back and forth, turning her head to the side like she was contemplating saying something until it seemed she had come to a conclusion. Approaching me, she laid her hand on my chest once more and pushed up on her tiptoes, bringing her hand to her mouth up to my ear. "I am not on the pill and Ellen has the bed… for when we move to your house today," she whispered softly. Resting back on her heels, her eyes gazing up at me, batting adorably with her pouting lip returning. "I hope you don’t make me sleep on your couch." As of that moment, if there had ever been a doubt of my love for her in my heart, my need for her, or my pure desire... it was completely gone now. Like a fish in the sea, I was totally caught hook, line, and sinker!
The move would take a few trips but, apparently, it had been Ellen's suggestion for Hayley to stay behind at my house... our house, after the first load of boxes and suitcases had been dropped off. She knew the house better than anyone and one of us needed to prepare the extra bedroom for the arrival of the single bed and begin putting things away. Hayley protested in a stubborn discussion with her sister that went too fast to follow, but in the end, she reluctantly agreed that it made sense. We only needed my SUV to bring the rest of their stuff back and Ellen could help me with lifting the bed.
Just as I was about to head down the stairs, Ellen just ahead walking to the front door, Hayley caught hold of my hand and turned me toward her. "Jeff..." she looked up at me, her eyes showing a bit of anxiety. She went to say something a couple of times, her eyes darting toward her sister and then back at me. Finally, she held back whatever it was and just gave me a sweet smile, putting her hand on my cheek. "I love you... but be careful." I returned with a gentle kiss on her lips, one that she prolonged, both her hands caressing my cheeks until Ellen finally grabbed my hand from behind, laughing and pulling me down the stairs.
She tapped her wrist insistently before adding what sounded like a whispered war of words with her sister, then opened the front door. Hayley waved from the top of the steps as we headed out the door. So that's what it's like to have a woman kiss me goodbye when I'm off to work in the morning? If it was anything like that, I could get used to it real quick!
Getting in the front seat, Ellen put on her seatbelt and leaned on the armrest toward me, smiling warmly... I'd say almost flirtatiously given how the seatbelt pressed against her bosom, making the tightness of her pink top even more pronounced. For my part, though I had just left behind the woman I love in my house, I couldn't exactly stop my male hormones from taking in my passenger's busty display only inches away from me. She leaned over toward me, either clueless of her effect on me or she was just a big tease, and I was starting to suspect it was the latter. "Let’s go fast!" she pointed at the road with a hearty laugh that caused those strained chest pillows to bounce so heavenly, then sat back straight in her seat and adjusting her neckline in a fruitless attempt to cover herself.
The first half of the trip back over to the duplex was quiet... actually awkward between us. We shared a lot of smiles and Ellen would look at me occasionally like she wanted to say something, but then she'd just start giggling again. I knew she was younger, almost too young but she had a confidence beyond any of us. Her energy was contagious. Without sharing a word she was making me laugh with her. I wanted to talk with her, to get to know this mysterious, beautiful woman who I was supposed to marry soon, but I wasn't sure just how she'd understand. "So, Ellen, how long have you been doing hair?" I turned toward her when a red-light stopped me on the east side of town, deciding to give it a shot.
"Hair?" she raised her eyebrows curiously, her hands stroking the silvery-pink strands beside her neck. "You like... my hair?"
A bit flustered by the misunderstanding I decided to go along with it. As long as we were communicating about something, it was better than nothing. We would be found out for sure if we didn't start learning some way of talking together soon. "Well... actually, yes. I do like your hair. It's blonde and beautiful..."
Her lips grew in a huge smile at the mention of the last word which I guess she understood. "Thank you, Jeff," she interrupted before I could continue, leaning on the armrest again, her chin resting on her hand. "I think... you’re... beautiful," she laughed, distracting me entirely with her jiggling, womanly sexiness, a golden cross around her neck swinging back and forth like a tantalizing pendulum across the base of her firm breasts. "Sorry... I always do Hayley’s hair for her Instagram followers. It is harder to do your own. I thought you might prefer hers," she continued laughing, her cheeks blushing in embarrassment. Only when the car behind me blew its horn did I finally look away, realising the light had already turned green.
"You do amazing work. Hayley’s hair always looks perfect and… so pink!” I chuckled, embarrassed.
“Thanks, you’re too kind. She likes it, but I know men prefer blondes,” She looked at me with her pale blue eyes through her eyelashes, holding her stare for far too long.
“Then I’m privileged to be sharing the ride with a real blonde.” I laughed, trying to break the tension.
“How do you know I’m a real blonde?” Ellen teased.
“I… err… don’t…” I said nervously.
“Would you like to find out?” She smiled a crooked smile and I suddenly couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. “I’m sorry Jeff, I don’t mean to be such a tease.”
“You don’t need to apologise, Ellen. It’s my fault,” I tried to concentrate on the road, “I just wanted to make small talk and you have a pretty voice." That was an understatement; her voice was just plain hypnotic, but I didn't expect her to understand my compliment anyway. Immediately my thoughts returned to Hayley left behind in the house, a bit of guilt on my conscience at finding myself so attracted to her sister. Did that mean I wasn't actually in love with her as much as I thought I was? Was I just the worst man ever because of it?
I glanced back at Ellen who was now sitting upright in her chair again, one bare leg bent so her foot rested on the edge of her seat as she looked out the window at the passing buildings. No... any man with a pulse couldn't help but be attracted to her. I couldn't be blamed for that, and it didn't change how I felt for Hayley either. Besides, Ellen and I had to eventually pretend to the world that we were a real couple and in love, and the fact that she was damn sexy as hell would definitely help.
It was already late afternoon when we finally arrived back at the duplex. I started backing into the driveway and I saw Ellen twist around towards me to watch where I was going as well. What she didn't see was her shirt pulling tighter across her chest, the material sliding down a little further on one side. Little indentions of her nipples had formed in the thinly stretched material. I was floored until suddenly I heard the scraping noise of a bush on the metal exterior of my SUV. I cursed and quickly threw the SUV into drive again.
What was wrong with me? I had a gorgeous woman back at home who was anxiously awaiting my arrival... she had even said she wanted to make love and sleep in my bed with me tonight! Why couldn't I keep control of myself around her sister? They were just breasts, for crying out loud! Every woman had them and I'd seen enough in porn. I glanced back at her while she unbuckled her seatbelt as though to convince myself they were no big deal. Okay, so maybe they were more... well, more than most women had, I conceded, shrugging as I opened the door.
Chastising myself while checking the scratches from the bush, it dawned on me what my real problem was. I just needed to have sex, plain and simple. It had been too long since I had been with a real woman and internet porn only goes so far; surely my body was just reacting naturally. What was it now, five years... ten since Melanie had broken my heart in college? She wasn't even very exciting in bed compared to the stories I'd read online, but still, she was my one and only sexual experience so far.
So it was no wonder my focus was so easily swayed by Ellen at the moment; once Hayley and I were together the first time... physically and emotionally intimate with each other in pure love making... that would calm my hormones down, right? Until then, I'd just have to try to ignore Ellen... and those gorgeous toned legs as I stared at her walking away from me... and that sexy, peachy ass being hugged by tight, little shorts which followed every succulent curve as she climbed the steps to her front door. Dammit! My erection throbbed in my jeans as I watched her walk. Damn... I needed to buy those condoms on the way home!
For about fifteen minutes I was able to focus entirely on the task at hand, my erection subsiding as my mind went about working. That and only seeing her as the two of us passed each other while taking boxes out to my SUV. Soon enough, though I'm not sure if it was my subconscious intention or not, I found myself arriving just as Ellen was bending over into the back, stretching to set the boxes on top of each other. Her gorgeous ass stuck out like a model of feminine perfection, her tight shorts raising on her cheeks, exposing the bottoms of her sweet flesh as she struggled with the boxes within. All I could do was wait until she finished... watching her move like a dumbfounded idiot, my erection returning instantly and even harder than before.
We continued this pattern for the remaining boxes in the house, taking another twenty minutes or so to finish. Ellen was either dancing along to a Spanish rhythm in her head or she had caught on to my sly plan, wiggling her hips back and forth in an enticing tease just about the time I would arrive with my hands full. After a while, I barely even bothered to hide the fact that I was staring at her ass, enjoying how tightly her mini-shorts hugged her curves from behind. Was that even a hint of her feminine treasure between her legs that I was seeing? It looked like her shorts had wedged themselves between her lips, the outlines faintly visible, but it could easily have only been my imagination on complete overdrive.
The last boxes in hand, I was really getting into her teasing wiggle and starting to second guess my previous decisions. Was I really confident that Hayley was the sister that I wanted? After all, I was going to marry Ellen; this gorgeous woman before me was about to be my legal wife in four days... I would have every reasonable right to sexually enjoy her gorgeous body and make her mine. And, given the way she had teased me, it didn't seem like she would be put off by the idea either. That way we wouldn't even have to lie about the marriage...
No! I shook my head, turning away from her and setting down the boxes. Then I walked briskly inside while taking long, deep breaths, feeling ashamed of my own thoughts. Hayley had told me it would only be sex with Ellen and that's all I was seeing her for at that moment, a sexual object meant solely for my animalistic needs. That wasn't real; with Hayley we had a connection of hearts, shared feelings of love between us. That's what I wanted... that's what I longed for, a love that would last a lifetime. I could see that possibility with Hayley; it wasn't just about the sex, and once Hayley and I made love, surely my growing desire for Ellen would simply go away. I just knew it would.
As much as possible, I completely avoided looking at Ellen the rest of the time we finished loading. She helped me lift the bed to the roof of the SUV, standing inside an open door to barely reach the top and I tied it down on both sides firmly with bungee cords. Ellen was constantly by my side, helping everywhere she could, holding things tight and putting a grand effort into her part so we could finish quickly. She was a hard worker, I had to give her that.
Finally, with everything ready to go, I took a last walk through their unit, making sure all that was left behind were the furniture and decorations that Hayley had told me should stay. Under the bathroom sink I found a few odd personal hygiene items which I threw into a bag and tossed in the back of my SUV. Once I was in, Ellen leaned over to smile at me once more like she had when we first left the house, but I refused to look at her again like I had been, fearful of what treasons my mind would commit if I did.
"Jeff?" out of my peripheral, I could make out that her smile was turning quite concerned by my cold reactions, but still I refused to look at her. "Jeff..." she insisted, waving a hand in front of my face. I sighed heavily and I shook my head, knowing it was of no use. I couldn't be rude to her; she didn't deserve that at all. Besides, she was just too playfully sweet, so I looked back at her and smiled.
"Ready to go home, Ellen?" I focused solely on her eyes, not letting my view go anywhere else. Don't look down... don't look down, I repeated in my mind. Damn, why did she have to have such gorgeous eyes? I smiled even bigger, probably looking quite silly, but I had to pretend there was absolutely nothing wrong at all. As I started the vehicle, she smiled back at me, a relief visually spreading over her.
"I think..." she leaned a little closer, her hand resting on my shoulder, "you’re mad at me." She shook her head and stuck out her bottom lip like Hayley had done earlier, her eyes drooping sadly like a puppy dog being left home alone. Oh, my God! Please don't do this to me...
"No, I'm not mad at you, Ellen," I shifted into drive, purposefully looking away but she immediately put her hand over mine and forcefully shifted it back into park.
She leaned even closer, her face getting dangerously near mine. I could smell her sweet perfume, stronger than Hayley's... a sexier, more aggressive smell. It was driving me wild. "You’re not mad?" she shook her head, touching her fingertip to her pursed lips, "...thn kiss me better." I laughed uneasily, hiding my trembling hand by running it through my hair, using the excuse to look away from her. Kissing her was the last thing I wanted to do... well, actually, it was exactly what I wanted to do, more than anything at that moment, but it was the last thing I should be doing. "No kiss for your fiancé?" she shook her head, grabbing my jaw and forcibly turning me toward her as she pouted again, "hmmm, you are mad at me."
I inhaled deeply, confused on what I should do. It was just a kiss, after all, no big deal, right? I had kissed her in the salon and Hayley had even insisted that I do it. Was it really any different now? It wasn't like I was going to strip her naked and fuck her right there in the car... not that the fantasy hadn't crossed my mind, maybe more than once... damn, she was driving me crazy! Still, I couldn't exactly let her believe I was mad at her for some stupid reason. She hadn't done anything wrong... well, she had been teasing me, but I was the pervert who just couldn't stop ogling her sexy body. That wasn't really her fault.
Breathing deep once more, I resigned myself to it and leaned forward, our lips came together in just a quick peck before she sat back in her seat, laughing playfully and put her seatbelt on. "Goood. Now we should go. Hayley wants us home," she pointed ahead and put her hand over mine again as if to shift the vehicle into drive. "But… We will have time together soon… as husband and wife. I will need more than a kiss! Go, Jeff..." Cracking up laughing with my mind a jumbled mess, I put the SUV into drive.
Her mentioning of Hayley brought my thoughts back to her immediately and then the request she had made of me. Making love to her was exactly what I needed... and maybe she needed it, too. Maybe that's why she had mentioned it instead of waiting on me to say something first. She had seemed so adorably shy about it, yet she had made it quite clear what she wanted. The very next pharmacy I saw, I pulled in.
"We’re stopping?" Ellen looked puzzled at me.
"I need to pick something up... for Hayley," I didn't even consider whether she would understand me, shutting off the engine in a hurry. To my embarrassed horror, Ellen started to get out of the SUV as well. "No," I nearly shouted at her, holding up my hand to stop her. "You need to stay..." I used my hands to point inside the vehicle, "...with the bed," and then toward the roof. After a moment she understood, smiling and laughing, but most importantly, returning to her seat. There was just no way I could get up the courage to buy condoms with her beside me. I was going to be embarrassed enough as it was.
Walking around the store aimlessly, I waited until no one was in line up front. Back in college, Melanie always had a large supply, probably because she was a lot more sexually experienced than I was, so having never bought any myself before I grabbed a couple of random boxes of condoms. Being unsure which had what purpose and not wanting to take the time to figure it out at that moment, I headed to the cashier. I refused to look him in the eye either as I paid, taking my bag with a snappy "Thanks," and leaving out the door just as quickly as I could.
Opening the backdoor to my SUV, I set the bag down inside, but by the time I had sat in the driver's seat again, Ellen had grabbed it before I could stop her and was quite interested in its contents. "Oh, Hayley will be very happy..." she laughed, digging through my recent purchases, holding the boxes up one at a time as if to inspect them. Then, nudging my arm teasingly, she added, "Or... are these intended for me?", she bit her bottom lip and wiggled her eyebrows at me very exaggeratedly, her eyes peeking between my legs as if my manhood were on full display for her. “I prefer not to use them.” She cracked up laughing and I faked laughing along, out of pure embarrassment as I snatched the bag back from her, blushing a deep, dark red. I threw it in the back again and started up the engine.
By the time they had finished bringing everything inside, setting up her bed and unpacking most of the boxes, Ellen was exhausted. Thankfully, Hayley had thought to cook up a quick dinner while they were out, already playing the happy housewife that she seemed born to do. She'd greeted Jeff with an enthusiastic and passionate kiss as well as a warm, delicious dinner upon their arrival. They ate and enjoyed each other's company with mostly harmless small talk, though Ellen had been tempted to tease her sister about the bag full of prophylactics Jeff had bought, but instead held her tongue. Then they returned to the unpacking work, and her great meal gave them the energy to get done before sunset.
"Let's watch a movie together?" Hayley suggested first to her sister before wordlessly communicating with Jeff. Ellen truly admired her for that ability, wishing she had learned a little more in school and was growing more determined by the minute to try even harder to better herself. After all, she had a real motive now that she'd lacked before, that is if she ever wanted to talk directly with Jeff, her soon-to-be husband, in a more open manner.
Several minutes later after a lot of back and forth between her and her sister, Hayley translating the choices and ideas constantly as Jeff said he didn't care, they jointly decided to share a romantic comedy. Jeff set up the TV, before taking his place at one end of the couch, Hayley immediately claiming her rightful place snuggled up next to him, curling her legs under her body and resting her head on his chest. With a blissful sigh, she draped her arm across his body as he wrapped his around her waist.
Ellen sat in the nearby chair, her bare legs draped over the edge, leaving space for the new lovebirds to cuddle freely. Though the movie was predictably cute, she wasn't all that interested in it, preferring instead to just watch them out of the corner of her eye. Hayley was slowly drifting to sleep while lying on his chest, like he was a giant teddy bear that kept her warm and safe. She looked so peaceful there, so blissfully happy that Ellen couldn't help but smile widely. They truly did make a beautiful couple... and she couldn't be happier for her sister.
Her gaze drifted from the two of them to just Jeff after a while, her eyes roaming his masculine body from head to toe. After several long minutes, she let out a heavy sigh. Hayley was definitely lucky... damn lucky. Jeff had turned out to be surprisingly amazing; she had known he was rich and had a nice house, one that she now got to live in which was awesome on its own account. What she hadn't counted on was him being attractive, funny, sweet and just plain enjoyable to be around.
Ellen had always liked to flirt, many times to a fault, thoroughly enjoying the attention that it brought her. The thrill of a little exhibition excited her, but recently she had to hold back, being careful not to go too far. On more than one occasion, when out with friends, there had been a few close calls, guys taking her actions as invitations to more than just looking and trying to force themselves on her. After one such incident ended with her screaming for help and the guy getting thrown out of the bar by a bouncer, she had avoided all flirting for quite some time to be on the safe side, feeling like a chastised Catholic school girl surrounded constantly by nuns.
But there was something about Jeff that made her feel comfortable when he was near, like some kind of connection was shared between them. It had been fun, no... absolutely thrilling, to flirt with and tease him throughout the day, seeing that look of surprise and attraction in his eyes. The whole time she knew in her heart that she was perfectly safe, that he'd never hurt her or take advantage of her and so she could enjoy being herself freely.
After all, he was doing such an enormous favour for her and had requested nothing in return. He was in a position to demand anything he wanted from them... anything he wanted from her. If he had so desired, he could have demanded her to be his sexual slave, stripped her of any dignity she might have held onto and she wouldn't have had much of a choice in the matter, but no. Jeff had simply fallen in love with her sister and he seemed willing to do anything for her, even marry her younger sister. Was it really so bad to pay his kindness back with a little thrill here and there? There was no doubt he was attracted to her, or more truthfully that they shared a mutual attraction, which was a really good thing since they had to prove to everyone outside the house that they were the ones in love and besides, it would surely make the sex for Hayley all the better in the end if he was a little riled up throughout the day.
Still, his sweet, gentle, caring nature made part of her silently wish it was her that he had fallen in love with instead. Not that she'd ever wish to take away that sweet, peaceful smile from Hayley's lips as she now slept soundly on his chest, of course. Her thoughts returned to that kiss in the salon, the sudden shock that had rocked her body when she first felt their lips touch. Though she had been dying of nerves at first, kissing a complete stranger in front of the people she worked with, it suddenly became all too easy to pretend to really be the perfect couple to her friends with him. It was like he pulled at her heart the moment she saw him.
Which brought another thought to her mind. Given the circumstances they were in, Hayley was already kind of sharing him with her. They were expected to kiss and flirt while out in public; it was all part of the plan to make it believable. So would it really be so bad to have his arm wrapped around her while inside the house as well? Maybe even have her head laying on his chest and sleeping soundly by his side along with her sister? Maybe we could share a bed, and Hayley could watch as man and wife became one?
Ellen chuckled at the thought, knowing that wasn't really fair to Hayley. She imagined that she must have felt something similar when they were in the salon, desiring to kiss him and show everyone just how she felt about him, but couldn't. Besides, if Ellen had that chance, she wouldn't exactly be sleeping right now like her sister was. Instead, she knew she'd hint that they escape to his bedroom and maybe use one of those condoms he just bought and it was about time! From seeing his reactions to her teasing earlier, that bulge growing in his jeans when she pressed her tits out at him, she'd gotten a pretty good idea that the size of his manhood had to be... impressive.
Then it dawned on her, that's what Hayley was doing, just pretending to be asleep and biding her time until they could be alone so she could enjoy him. How could she be so blind? Of course, she was in their way right now, preventing Jeff and her sister from the alone time they wanted. The whole movie request had just been a polite way of including her in his home. Personally, if the tables were turned, she'd have just told Hayley flat out that they were going to fuck like animals, but Hayley would never be that direct. It'd be just like her to wait all night until she went to bed on her own accord before finally accompanying him to the bedroom they were going to share.
"Jeff," Ellen stood up, suddenly feeling bad for being in their way. "I’m so tired… I’m going to head to bed," she pointed to her room, but before leaving, decided to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. When his eyes looked straight down her shirt as her cleavage hung freely in his view, that thrill from earlier suddenly returned and a mischievous smile crossed her lips. For the first time that day, it had been a true accident, but as she looked at him blushing, both of them knew he had looked, and since she stayed there a moment longer, that she had enjoyed seeing a swollen nipple or two. Damn, living in the same house with him was going to be a lot of fun! "Thank you..." she stood up and waved her hand around the room trying to get her point across to him, "for everything."
"...happy... you’re here," was all she heard of his reply, but got the gist of what he was telling her. "Good night, Ellen."
She started to walk away, then suddenly remembered one last thing. Didn't they need to be together to get the marriage license tomorrow? Wouldn't it seem odd if only one showed up at the courthouse? Besides, it would be nice to spend a little time with him out of the house where he was hers, if only in pretense. Maybe she could have an excuse to kiss him properly without Hayley being upset. But how was she supposed to tell him what she wanted without waking Hayley? "I want to go... with you... tomorrow? Please?" She whispered. Damn, she hated not being able to speak her thoughts more directly.
"Of course...12:30... the courthouse?" Ellen nodded with a smile. Like lovers trying not to wake their children… At least they could communicate; she gave herself that much. She bent over to give him another kiss on the cheek, this time modestly covering her chest as she did before turning to her bedroom. She couldn't be too obvious about it after all.
"Good night, Jeff," she closed the door behind her and stripped off her clothing, settling into her bed completely nude for the first time in as long as she could remember. She'd stayed modest for so long with her sister around that she usually slept in a nightshirt. For several minutes she curiously listened for movement in the hallway. How long would they wait before running off to the bedroom together? Were they waiting for her to fall asleep first? Why was it taking them so long? If it was her she'd have him naked on the sofa and riding his hard cock into heaven at that very moment.
Her hand reached down, softly touching her slightly damp slit, tilting her head back into her pillow as she thought about it. Was Hayley actually sucking him off right now out there on the couch? Did she even know how to give a proper blowjob? She was always so proper and reserved, she couldn't even imagine her doing it, much less ever let him cum in her mouth Ellen knew her way around a cock and figured she could definitely make him see stars if she were even given the chance.
But surely her sister couldn't be that bad at it; he'd seemed to get hard at the drop of a hat, so any minute now and they'd be sneaking past her door, stripping their clothes off along the way in a fit of built up passion... or maybe their groans and grunts would come from the living room as Hayley mounted him right then and there. She stopped touching herself and just waited... straining to listen and anxiously waiting... but still there was no sound but the faint murmur of the movie still playing on the television. If she didn’t fuck Jeff soon… history was destined to repeat itself. If Hayley wasn’t going to give him the pleasures of sex, then maybe she should? Afterall, there is nothing wrong with intercourse between a husband and wife.
The tell tale noises of two bodies joined in carnal lust were not present. Hayley would lose Jeff if she didn’t give herself to him. She listened in the darkness, making sure there was nothing going on and resolved to check the condom packet in the morning. No sounds, no sex. She listened intently in the dark for at least half an hour and held off touching herself until she was sure. She knew what she would have to do, she surmised, as she strummed her swollen clitoris. If Hayley wasn’t going to give him what he needed then, to keep them all together, she would give herself to him gladly.
She teased her inner lips open, the warm flesh slick and swollen. Slowly she pushed two fingers inside, then drew them out again, sliding them up between her lips and over her throbbing clit. Rubbing herself in small circles, she let her eyes drift closed and imagined Jeff naked. With thoughts of being bent over his computer desk playing in her head, Ellen stuffed her fingers back inside her wet little hole, fingering herself hard and fast. Her free hand covering her mouth to stifle the moans as an orgasm washed through her young body. Finally the long day caught up with her and she fell fast asleep.
"What? Really, Jeff? You're getting married?" my boss said with a strange brooding voice after I broke the news to him. Slowly David Brown leaned back in his tall, black office chair and crossed his hands behind his head. His voice was boisterous as ever, making me cringe as he said it, certain the entire IT department had just heard the announcement. I had hoped to keep it rather quiet as gossip like this had a way of flying through the office within minutes and could easily get out of hand. Jumping up quickly, I closed his office door to keep the rest of our conversation private. "Congratulations, Jeff!" he leaned forward offering his hand out.
"Thanks," I said. trying to sound optimistic as I shook it before taking my seat in front of his large mahogany desk. "So anyway... that's why I need Thursday afternoon and next Monday off... if that's okay with you." He nodded along, his hands returning behind his head, a big grin growing on his lips. "Also, I might be a few minutes late getting back from lunch today. We have to pick up the marriage license from the courthouse," I shrugged. "I'm not really sure how long that will take."
"That won't be a problem... You're one of my hardest working programmers after all," he leaned forward and jotted down a few quick notes, no doubt for reporting my absences to Human Resources. "Wow... so you’re finally getting married..." he shook his head as if in disbelief. "I guess I didn't realise you were even seeing someone." His pen started tapping the desk, a little, annoying habit he had that always made me want to yank the pen from his hand during our morning planning meetings. "So why didn't you bring her to the company picnic last month? You know how important family is to the owners. They love family involvement in the company. We all could've met her..." his lips twisted to the side, looking away from me for a moment. "It is a her... isn't it?"
"Of course, she's a woman!" Nervous and a bit perturbed at the insinuation, I pushed my glasses up my nose, stalling for a moment to think. "I'm not gay, David..." my mind added that I just didn't know her a month ago while a million thoughts jumbled about, each one more uncertain than the last. How exactly was I supposed to reply to this? To make matters worse, David wasn't just my boss. I also considered him a friend of sorts, the two of us working in adjoining cubicles for years before he got the promotion to manager. Lying to his face really stung; I never liked to lie, especially to my friends, but in this case I didn't have any other choice. "She was uhm... out of town that week," I looked away from him, down at my hands fiddling in my lap. "So you know... I couldn't."
"Hmmm," he sat back again, this time rubbing his chin between his index finger and thumb. My right knee started bouncing nervously. Was I completely blowing it? Surely I must be the worst poker player in the world; of course he'll see right through me. "So do you at least have a picture of this lucky girl?"
I quickly pulled out my phone, bringing up the first picture they had sent me, thankful that I had asked Hayley for one of them both last week. Turning the phone to show him, I nearly pointed at the wrong sister before correcting myself at the last moment, my finger landing between the two of them. "That's her," I smiled widely with a tinge of pride. Fake marriage or not, Ellen was definitely the kind of woman that a guy like me could be proud of showing off; any guy would be proud for that matter. "That's my Ellen on the right."
"Holy shit!" he abruptly grabbed my phone, pulling it a little closer, his eyes growing wide. "You mean the one with the blonde hair? Hey, that’s Hayley on the left. I follow her on instagram! She’s hot!" I scowled at him, killing him instantly with daggers in my eyes as I yanked my phone away. He just laughed heartily and held up his hands in total surrender, "Sorry, Jeff... No harm, no foul... you know me," he shook his head back and forth slowly, "but damn, you’re marrying Hayley’s sister!" He held out his fist and I reluctantly gave him the bump to let him off the hook.
Looking longingly back at the photo myself, my eyes lingered on Hayley for a brief moment and then darted between both sisters. "Yeah, she's definitely pretty special alright," I looked back up at him, a part of me wishing I could boast a bit of the truth; after all, both of those gorgeous women were mine... in a way. How many guys could actually claim something like that?
He nodded toward my phone, "So I wonder why her sister isn’t on Insta. She's easily as pretty as Hayley but looks young." Chuckling, he returned his hands behind his head once again. "Hayley is amazing. I have always imagined that pink haired hottie naked! Maybe you can talk to your wife and put in a good word for me with her sister?"
My gut twisted and churned at the idea of him picturing Hayley that way. "Oh, er... I couldn’t do that," I shook my head defiantly. "She's got a man and uhm," I cleared my throat, "I hear he's super jealous... besides, she's crazy in love with him." I exaggerated a frown as if to prove my point, "Not gonna happen, buddy." In other words, don't even think about it; she's mine!
Snapping his fingers, he nodded. "Ah shit. The pretty ones are always taken," he turned toward his computer as if it were nothing, typing a few things onto the screen. "Well, I'm happy for you, Jeff." he hit a few last keys with emphasis and turned back to me. "Tell you what," he nodded. "Bring her by after lunch today so we can all meet her," he pointed toward the door behind me, "and I'll set it up with HR so you can have admin leave from Thursday through Monday," he shrugged with a friendly grin.
"Seriously?" my mood instantly changed for the better. At one point in my life, all I cared about was being at work, in front of my computer and getting things done. Hayley coming into my life had changed all that so that now I only wanted to be with her; she was literally all I could think about. Okay, I admit that the entire morning Ellen hadn't been far from my mind either, but surely that was because I was talking about her so much. It had absolutely nothing to do with the sexy playfulness that she had around me all weekend... yeah, right! Still, five days off to spend with her... Hayley, I mean... well both of them really, was going to be amazing. I scooched forward in my chair, offering out my hand again for another shake. "That's awesome, David! Thank you so much."
"Hey! Don't mention it," he shook my hand firmly. "Won't come out of your vacation time either... my wedding present for a friend." He typed in a few more words onto the screen and sent out whatever email he had been creating. "So where are you taking her on the honeymoon anyway?" Suddenly, I froze stiff, my heart instantly beating so loud I could hear it in my ears. I hadn't even thought of that, of course people would expect that. "That's what you needed the Monday off for, right?"
"Uh... yeah," I nodded quickly, my hands rubbing back and forth nervously between my knees. Where did people even go on honeymoons? What would be considered a normal place to go? I'd heard of Europe or Tahiti, but I only had a three-day weekend, well now four and the wedding day thanks to David's gift, but still it couldn't be a place too far away. "You know..." I shrugged, shaking my head then saying the first thing that came to mind, "Disney World... Orlando."
He chuckled, nodding his head in approval and I let out a small, hidden sigh of relief that he had bought it. "That's my man! Great choice..." he leaned forward like he was about to share a secret, "make sure to take her on that Small World ride," his fingers made an OK sign, "...chicks think it’s really romantic," he started laughing again. Looking to either side as if someone could possibly be over-hearing him, he added, "I personally made out with more than one complete stranger on that ride before."
I laughed along with him, knowing full well that David would totally do something like that. He was well-known in the company to be a firm believer of the non-committal one-night stand. Office grapevines claimed at least a few ladies up in Accounting had even taken him up on that offer, too. "Will do, David," standing up, I was getting ready to leave the office. "And thanks. I really appreciate the admin time off."
"Don't forget," he pointed at me sternly. "Bring her by after lunch so the team and the owners can meet her. I'll get everything pushed through for you..." he started typing again into his computer and then held short. "Oh, and talk with HR about changing your paperwork, too. You'll want to adjust your tax forms and get her on your insurance ASAP, I'm sure." I gave him a thumbs up and a smile then left the office.
Sitting in my vehicle just outside the county courthouse, I waited for Ellen to arrive, turning my neck this way and that, trying to work out the stiff cricks from sleeping most of the night on the couch. Hayley had fallen asleep on my chest, her arm draped across my body, my hands softly caressing her hair until the movie had ended. She just looked so peaceful there, so beautiful - like an angel sleeping on a cloud - I didn't have the heart to wake her or even move more than a few inches all night long. I had just sat there for hours, caressing her silky hair and simply enjoying being so close to her. It was really such a marvelous feeling, being overwhelmed with love for her, that I was perfectly content. At some point in the middle of the night I had fallen asleep, but not by choice. I could have stayed there in that perfect moment forever.
In the early hours of morning she had finally awoken me and we both moved groggily to my bed. Much like a dream, I vaguely remembered her undressing, but my eyes were heavy and closed for a brief second. Then, like magic, she was dressed in a silky, purple nightgown that I wished I could have enjoyed, but I was just too tired. She helped me into some pajama pants that I didn't realise I owned, my mind too far gone to even be embarrassed by her seeing me in just my boxers for that brief moment. As I thought about it with more clarity while sitting there in the SUV, I realised she did seem to take her sweet time in pulling the pants up my legs but, then again, that could have just been in my imagination.
Next thing I knew, she was waking me up with the smell of a cup of rich, Colombian roast coffee, her gorgeous, loving smile and her perky nipples poking out like sexy, little headlights under the thin, draping fabric of her nightgown. Drinking my coffee in the bed, I enjoyed the flavour like never before as she sat with me, her hand caressing my leg through the comforter, ensuring that my morning erection would absolutely refuse to fade. Even as I had tried to hide it, twisting my hips to the side a bit, I was pretty sure she kept glancing down at the tent I was creating, trying to hide the smile from her lips. Every giggle she made, every little movement of her body as she caressed me, was like pure magic as I gazed at her in complete awe, my manhood throbbing achingly. "I love you, my angel," were the first words I had actually spoken that morning.
After that she left me so I could take a long, warm shower which was followed by a homemade breakfast and topped off with a deep, passionate kiss that included my hands rubbing her bare ass cheeks under the nighty. She had sent me off to work with the words, "I love you, Jeff... hurry home for me. My sister has college tonight." She had blushed and giggled, rolling her fingers in a wave goodbye ever so enticingly as I walked out the door, my mind already dreaming about five o'clock.
The heat from the beating sun brought me back to my current predicament, waiting outside the courthouse for my future wife to arrive. The SUV was getting unbearably hot, or perhaps it was just me getting all worked up from the memories. Either way, I was just about to get out and go wait inside when Hayley's old car suddenly pulled up beside mine and Ellen stepped out of the driver's side. Every thought I had in my mind suddenly went blank, my jaw dropping open as I watched her walk toward me. Her royal-blue, off-the-shoulders dress, with a hemline not quite reaching her mid-thigh, contoured her gorgeous curves and sexy sway perfectly. She had an off-white sash around her small waist, tied into a bow on the left side, and her hair fell straight, held by a similar off-white ribbon of some kind, leaving only a few silvery-pink strands flowing over her bare shoulders.
"You look stunningly beautiful," I greeted her, getting out of my vehicle, making sure to include that last word as I knew she at least understood that one. "Wow," my head shook slowly, making a big to-do of looking her over from head to toe with absolute admiration as she approached. I didn't know her all that well yet, after only two days, but I'd already figured out that she definitely liked to be visually appreciated. And there was quite a bit worthy of appreciation, too!
When she reached me, her head tilted back and her hands grasped at my shirt as she beamed a bright smile from ear to ear, her pale blue eyes gazing up into mine. "You think I’m beautiful? I just want to make my husband happy," she giggled.
"Oh, I'm very happy to see you," I laughed and she followed suit, reaching up with her hand to my neck. I bent forward to receive the cheek-kiss that I was getting quite used to, but to my complete surprise she twisted and pressed her full lips suddenly against mine, her other hand quickly wrapping around my neck to hold me into her surprise kiss, and then her tongue parted my shocked lips.
I was feeling more than a bit guilty at being so intimate with my girlfriend's sister, and even more so for enjoying it much more than I knew I should. I silenced my panic by reasoning that it was only for show, its purpose nothing more than to convince anyone who saw us in the parking lot that we were truly in love. Thinking quickly to play along, I put my hands on her waist, pulling her even closer to me like lovers would do. Certain at first it would only be for a moment, just long enough to look believably real, somewhere along the way I lost myself entirely to making out with her. Her lips danced over mine with what felt like true passion, her mouth actually making love to mine, her tongue invading the furthest reaches as she pulled me ever closer.
Her head turned one way and then the other, and I followed her every move, the swelling in my slacks that had started from the memories of Hayley became a full-on erection, poking and pressing into Ellen's stomach while her full breasts were crushed against my ribs. Her whole body pushed against mine, making me stumble back against the hood of my SUV and no doubt feeling every inch of my intimate hardened manhood's length grind up against her body in what could only be described as a lustful need. Damn, she was good! Even I was starting to be convinced that she was into me.
For just a moment she broke our embrace, her eyes piercing straight into mine, her breathing heavy and labored as she looked up at me. I had this sudden feeling like she wanted more. Like she was about to jump up into my arms or push me back into the SUV, her gaze holding secrets that just perhaps she wasn't entirely faking all this, or maybe she had just let it get out of hand more than she planned. I was breathing heavy as well, entirely tempted by her, wishing this were real, confused by my thoughts and feelings. Memories of the day before and how I'd let my eyes devour her body instantly returned.
Whatever she was thinking, she started to pull me back toward her, but I had the good sense to put my hands up and stop her. Faking love to get married was one thing, but I couldn't let this continue. 'I love Hayley' I scolded myself in my head. But, damn this sexy girl knew how to press my buttons! Taking a deep breath, I knew I couldn't trust myself right now. I was so worked up that there was no telling what I might do if we continued and I wasn't entirely convinced she would even stop me.
Ellen looked hurt and confused when I stopped her so I tried to explain, taking a moment to gather up some words that she might understand. How could I possibly tell her that we didn't need to do this? I'd only known her two days and besides, this was all supposed to be just for show.
Instead of saying what I really was thinking I just said,"We don't have much time." Then I pointed at my empty wrist as if I were wearing a watch and then toward the courthouse. Everything else could wait. Just getting this over with had to be the safer route. "We need to go get the marriage license," I insisted, hoping she'd go along with it.
Thankfully she started giggling and laughing as she backed away, her cheeks turning red as she buried her face in her hands and shook her head. Had she forgotten why we were there? Had she actually gotten that carried away in the moment? "Sorry, we will have plenty of time after we’re married." she said and forcibly wrapped her arm in mine, pulling me close to her side and then indicated that I should lead the way.
A few steps toward the building, she stopped suddenly and held up a single finger like she had just remembered something. "Fuck!" she walked back to her car as quick as her high-heels would let her, hips swaying all the more by the quick yet short, awkward steps. Opening the door, she bent over like she was rummaging around inside for something. Her dress instantly rode up her legs, threatening to expose her amazing, succulent ass right there in the parking lot at any moment. I inhaled deep, biting my bottom lip painfully as my eyes nearly popped out of my head. It was all I could do not to lose it right then and there just watching her rear end wiggle. Damn, she was hot!
She bent one leg and then the other until finally she found whatever she was searching for. Closing her door, she adjusted her dress back into place, pulling the skirt down her hips and smoothing out the wrinkles before walking quickly in small steps back to me, nearly tripping once on a crack in the pavement along the way. With a huge, adorable grin, she waved a document in her hand toward me. I assumed it must have been a birth certificate or something but didn't ask as she wrapped her arm through mine once more and we continued towards the building. To be honest, I was thankful she couldn't walk very fast in those high-heels; I was having a lot of difficulty walking at that moment also.
"Marriage licenses..." I started to ask the front receptionist when my voice cracked. Ellen, looking up at me in surprise, her hand covering her mouth as she chuckled. Trying to regain my composure I finished, "...please?" We were given the directions and followed them, Ellen slowly lowering her grip on my arm until soon we were holding hands, our fingers naturally interlocking. At first I was surprised at this more intimate display but, just as quickly, realised that she was only playing her part to perfection. After all, we were supposed to be the perfect couple, madly in love, and thus looking to get married. Sometimes, though, it didn't feel like we were faking it; after all, we were getting married for real, no matter the reason.
"We need to get a marriage license, please," I said to the clerk once we reached the right place, this time around I sounded at least a bit more confident, as if Ellen's hand in mine was somehow instilling a great sense of calmness in me. It was like she was saying 'we're in this together; we are a team.' As if on cue, she squeezed my hand in hers, looking up and smiling at me as I looked back at her while the woman behind the counter turned to get some paperwork. Damn, she was such an amazing woman.
"Driver's license and birth certificate for each of you," the woman commanded of us in typical government monotone, holding her hand out while not even looking up at us. I pulled my documents out of my back pocket and Ellen, upon seeing what I was doing, set her purse on the counter and dug through it for her license with one hand, the other never letting go of me for even a second. "You are aware there's a 72-hour waiting period, right?" I swear the woman's voice never wavered from that single stale tone even once.
"Yes, we know," I assured her, then added, "We'd like to go ahead and make an appointment for a ceremony on Thursday, please." The woman skimmed through my papers like she hadn't even paid attention to what I said and set them aside, examining Ellen's as well.
"This document isn’t valid, it hasn’t been verified, it’s just a copy," she groaned. Even if it was annoyed, it was the first time she actually sounded almost human, breaking from her memorized script and monotone voice and I wondered if this was the first time she had done so all day. "I’ll need to see your fiancé’s birth certificate," she passed all the documents back across the counter, clearly through with helping us and sounding like she'd be glad when we left her alone. "You'll have to make another appointment."
At first I froze, completely unsure of what I should do. Ellen was on such a tight timeline that we just couldn't leave empty-handed. If we didn't get this license today... I shook my head, looking at her and she gazed back, her eyebrows raising like she was concerned and didn't understand what was happening. What could I possibly tell her? How could I make her understand what this woman was telling me without blowing our cover entirely. How could I tell Hayley? I shook my head, Ellen's eyes growing deep with concern and a touch of fear. No... that wasn't going to happen. I wouldn't let it! I was going to marry this gorgeous woman on Thursday and that was final.
"Ma'am, with all due respect," I turned back to her, speaking sternly and yet somehow held my complete calm, fearing that if I lost it the world would come crashing down. Ellen's hand squeezed mine tightly as if knowing that whatever was happening had something to do with her. "I know for a fact that you don't actually keep copies of the birth certificates that are used in requesting marriage licenses," my free hand made a fist on the counter, thumping down gently. The woman leaned back, now actually looking at my face for the first time. She looked a little intimidated and I smiled at that, pressing on, "It even says so right there on the website so that means, all you really need is proof of the name matching her ID, and that the date of birth and the location of birth match so you can properly fill out your paperwork."
I leaned forward, letting go of Ellen's hand while shaking my head slowly. Opening the birth certificate, I held it where both the government employee and I could see it. Looking at it closely, it wasn't really that hard to figure out either. "See..." I pointed to a line toward the top, "her full name is Ellen Isabel McArthur," in the back of my mind I was thinking how pretty her name sounded on my lips, but unfortunately I didn't have time at the moment to dwell on it. "Here... I'm pretty sure that it says where she was born," then I skimmed down a little more and found a date written out in numbers, "on February seventeenth, twenty... "
I paused and the woman used it to snatch the paper from me and spun around in her chair. She called an assistant and left to confer with her for a moment. "You're only eighteen years old?" I asked Ellen quietly, noticing our sixteen-year age difference and wondering just how old Hayley was, too. Ellen just looked at me with a smile, shrugging.
An older and, thankfully, more approachable woman, who I assumed to be the assistant, arrived and looked over the birth certificate and finally nodded her head in agreement. The monotone woman finally turned back toward us, took back the rest of the documents once more and began copying data onto a triplicate form as if nothing at all had happened. Once she was done, she returned our original documents to us.
"There’s just the fee... and I need both your signatures here," she pointed to an 'x' on the page she laid out before us and then another, "and here." While she was swiping my credit card we both signed as indicated. "Would you like the ceremony on Thursday morning at 10am or in the afternoon at 2pm?" I chose the afternoon, thanked the woman for her help, ignoring her earlier refusal to do so, and we walked away with our papers in hand. Ellen was beaming at me as we walked, so happy she seemed like she'd be skipping for joy if her heels actually allowed her.
"Let’s head home and tell Hayley at once," Ellen stated while standing between the two vehicles, her hands resting gently on my arms. Her head was tilted back once more and she looked like she was hoping I'd kiss her again. Fighting between the urge of giving in and not, I suddenly remembered what David had said.
"Actually, no," I answered and scratched the back of my head. How exactly was I going to explain this one to her? "I uhm... need you," I took her hands in mine, "...to come with me," I brought her hands up to my chest, "...come to my work for a little while." The look on her face was classically adorable. She seemed to like what I was doing, but she probably didn't have a clue what I was saying, being completely lost in the momentous moment.
"You... and me," my mind searched frantically for what I might say to clarify it simpler. "...my office... uhm, to meet my…" It was like a light-bulb going off, her face brightening up immediately as she nodded enthusiastically. She held up her finger as she had before and turned around to open her door. As she bent over to rummage around in her car for something again, this time I purposefully looked away for the first few seconds, but the pure temptation still got the better of me in the end. I couldn't stop from looking back down at her ass while she was bent over but the sexy view didn't last as she stood up again, locked her doors, and then walked around to the passenger side of my SUV. "I can just drop you off at Uni after work," I said to myself and shrugged as we both got in.
Her heart had been racing all morning since Ellen had first awoken, but now it was soaring through the heavens, pounding so hard she could feel each beat in her chest. She was getting married! Though they had spoken of it for several days now, the reality of it was finally sinking in as she looked at the papers lying in her lap. Out of the three forms, she focused on her signature and Jeff's. She was actually getting married... and to the most amazing guy ever! Hayley had no idea just how much of a man he really was.
Gazing over at Jeff driving beside her, she couldn't hold back the smile that covered her face or the tears from swelling in her eyes. Her heart was so full at that moment; full of admiration, of gratitude, of appreciation, of... dare she even think that word? Surely it was just the elated emotions of the moment, but never in her life had she felt this way toward any person, any guy before. Could this be that amazing feeling Hayley had preached to her about all those times?
Jeff had really done it... he'd actually carried through with his promise, even fought for it when that horrid lady had tried to stop him with whatever had happened, she still wasn't sure, but it didn't matter. Ellen clutched the papers against her chest, holding them dearly as if they were the keys to the mythical city of gold, closing her eyes as the tears overflowed and slid down her cheeks. She hadn't understood what the courthouse clerk had said, but when the documents were passed back without the license, she was certain that was the end of all hope for her to stay with her sister. Any other guy would have just copped out and shrugged it off saying he tried and now you're on your own. Then again, any other guy would probably have never even gone this far to begin with.
But Jeff wasn't like any other guy she'd ever known in her life; he had defended her and stood up for her to make this dream happen no matter what, never once losing his head or backing down. He had been bold and determined, even a little forceful and intimidating with the clerk, yet somehow still managed to keep his voice kind and calm the entire time. He had been absolutely wonderful! It was almost as if marrying her were as important to him as... no, she sighed heavily, wiping the flowing tears with the back of her fingers as she came back to reality. No matter what her heart might wish at that moment, she knew Jeff did all this because he was in love with her sister, not with her.
Ellen gazed over at him again as he drove, shaking her head slowly in disbelief that such a perfect man could even exist, much less be so dedicated to helping her, even putting himself in harm's way if they were to fail. His heart had to be made of pure gold; he was her hero, her knight in shining armor like she had dreamed of as a little girl come to sweep her away to a far-off magical castle. Dammit, why couldn't they have met first? If only he had just fallen in love with her, everything would have been wonderful! He was just so damn... perfect! There really was no better word. Maybe if she had joined her sister in the cleaning business instead. If she had, then maybe she'd have been the one he loved. Of course, he was clearly attracted to her; the way he looked at her while they were moving and the tent in his pants he couldn't hide told her that much. Hell, she'd even be willing to share him with her sister if he ever did love her. His heart was so big, surely he would be capable of truly loving them both…
She had checked the packet of condoms. They were still sealed. Hayley’s chast attitude to sex was going to be her undoing. Here was a man clearly in his prime and needing the touch of a woman. If Hayley couldn’t perform for him then she would have to. It was her duty as his fiancé… as his wife. She would need to because no both she and Hayley needed him. If Jeff wasn’t rewarded and satisfied… everything would fall apart. She watched him as he confidently wove his way through the traffic and felt her nipples tingle and her panties moisten.
Her lips hurt from smiling so wide as the tears continued to leak from her eyes. "Thank you, Jeff," she took his right hand in hers since he was steering with his left and tried desperately to find the words. "You..." her hand made circles in the air as she bit her bottom lip, trying to speak and say that he was the most wonderful, amazing, sexy, adorable, generous, sweet-hearted man she'd ever met... if only she knew how to say any of those things, she'd tell him in a heartbeat, but all she could do was sniffle and use her extremely limited vocabulary. "You are a... beautiful man." Perhaps her eyes could say the rest as she gazed longingly at him.
He stopped at a red light and turned toward her, his eyes meeting hers, the back of his hand caressing her cheek as he smiled warmly, endearingly, while catching a falling tear on his finger. "You're welcome," she understood that much, but though he continued speaking with that deep, sultry voice of his, she didn't get another word more out of it. At the end, though, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently, melting her heart into a total puddle. She wanted so badly to kiss him passionately as they had in the parking lot, to feel his arms around her as he did with Hayley, to show him her loving adoration that she was feeling at that moment, but the light turned green and he just continued driving.
"...my office block," he pulled into a large parking lot before a huge multi-story building and got out. Hurriedly, Ellen touched up her make-up in the mirror, fixing the small lines where her tears had smudged her mascara. Her husband-to-be opened the door for her and waited patiently; on top of it all, he was a perfect gentleman, too. Dammit! He just had to stop being so damn perfect... or well... she wouldn't be held responsible for her actions!
A moment later she finished, took his extended hand, and got out looking up in awe at the tall, majestic building that must have been one of the highlights of the city's skyline and then back at him. He smiled proudly, holding out his arm for her to take his elbow. She opted instead to hold his hand, once more intimately interlocking their fingers together and cuddling against his arm as they walked inside. They were in public after all and though it might be a bit selfish of her to think so, outside the house he was completely her man and she had the right to show the world truly how in love with him she really was, even though she knew he only thought of it as an act.
It all became a bit of a blur as she was passed around from desk to desk and introduced to so many people. All seemed genuinely happy to meet her. She knew how to make the men jealous and the women envious and she used every trick in the book to be the model girlfriend… no, wife-to-be of the most eligible and attractive man in the building. 
Jeff, her handsome fiancé finally ushered her into his office where he left her for a short while as he spoke with his boss. He looked a little sleazy but alright, she supposed. She surveyed his work room, no exterior windows, but a shuttered blind on the one facing down the office corridor. She smiled to herself as she sauntered over and pulled the blind closed. Then she headed for his desk and sat on the edge, waiting for her husband-to-be. 
He wasn't long. He stepped inside, closed the door behind him and exhaled. She smiled as his eyes met hers and felt proud to be a part of his world. She felt like she really was the love of his life and he was fast becoming hers. Then she realised the truth of it… Jeff was Hayley's boyfriend. But just as Joseph had been, Ellen knew she would have to step up to keep him. Hayley seemed scared of showing her sexuality. Ellen relished in projecting hers.
"I have a few things I need to take care of before my boss will let me go. Make yourself comfortable, Ellen. Is there anything I can get you?"
"No thank you Jeff, I have everything I need right here." She sent him a smoldering look, pushed her tits together and watched him gulp. "You do what you need to do and I'll…. I'll be your personal secretary. Do you have any appointments this afternoon?"
"None at all. This will take me about an hour then we can see Hayley."
“Don’t forget you need to take me to the Campus.”
Jeff nodded, settled into his office chair and logged into his computer. He began typing away as she watched on in awe. This was it. Her opportunity. The desk had an open front and drawers on either side. She swiftly dropped down to her knees and slotted into the space between the drawers.
“Ellen, what are you doing?” Jeff whispered.
“Hayley wished that I gave you a present… from her… from us both.” Ellen smiled up at him between his open thighs and she hoped he would be in the mood to be sucked off. She really wanted to feel his big cock sliding between her lips and crowding into her mouth, she wanted to taste and feel the texture of the cum that he would squirt onto her tongue. 
“I know my sister. I know she loves you but when it comes to… being with a man… she can be impossible. I know you. I know you love Hayley very much… but you have needs… that she doesn’t understand.” She paused, watching the emotions flash across his face. His confusion began to fade but he still looked conflicted. Jeff gawped down at her, as she sat expectantly beneath his desk. Ellen smiled her mischievous smile as she ran her fingers through her blonde hair. 
"What… do you mean?"
“I have needs too. I like you, Jeff. A lot. I want you and I want to thank you. From both of us. Afterall, we are betrothed.” As she spoke, she rolled his swivel chair backward and to the side and turned it so he was sitting in it facing her. Jeff also slid forward on the seat with his legs spread. Fully aware of what Ellen meant, time seemed to stand still but she knew that his cock was hard and available to her that afternoon, if she wanted it.
She smiled happily at his obvious invitation. "You deserve to be rewarded," Ellen responded, scuffing out of her shoes and kneeling on the floor between his legs.
Ellen started by running her hands up his thighs. God, they felt great! Hard, muscular and manly. She then carefully began unbuttoning the bottom of his shirt and pulling it aside. She eagerly reached up to unbuckle his belt and unfasten his pants and started to pull them down. He raised his ass from the chair to help her, and she tugged them all the way off and laid them out neatly on the floor. His boxer shorts were removed the same way, leaving him naked below the waist, and seated on the edge of his chair with his legs spread and stretched in front of him. In anticipation of what his fiancé would momentarily be doing for it, Jeff's cock was erect, and sticking up in the air. Ellen looked at it lustfully. It was long and thick and would delightfully fill her mouth, just the way she liked and everything she had dreamed of.
Before that could happen, though, Ellen got herself comfortable, unbuttoning her blouse and revealing her bra. Her breasts were ample, possibly her best feature, and she intended to use them to her advantage. 
“Do you want to see my titties?" she sexily asked as she finished unbuttoning the front of her blouse and slipping it off her shoulders.
Ellen reached behind and unclipped the bra pulling the straps off her shoulders and her titties. Many tits droop down when released but Ellen's breasts and nipples stuck straight out like a teenagers with no sag at all looking fresh and new like a virgin. While not overly large they were an inviting handful to press, mold and squeeze like putty. Jeff’s mouth hung open.
They were pure white with eraser sized pinkish-brown nipples surrounded by lighter brown areolas filled with sebaceous glands that enhanced their beauty. She wondered how large he could make her nipples with sucking and pulling at them but her nipples were very sensitive, and she would play with them while sucking the cock that awaited her, until she was wet between her legs. When her pussy was ready, she would moisten her fingers with that slippery wetness and caress her clit until she climaxed. It would be a long time before her orgasm would claim her. She knew how to take it slow and make her blow job last a long and immensely pleasurable time.
When she was ready, Ellen moved closer, to be between Jeff's legs and held his erect cock in one hand. She brushed a few strands of her blond hair from her face and wordlessly raised her face above his lap and lowered her mouth until she could reach out and lick the velvety head. Slowly, moving her tongue in a spiral, she lowered her face until she was licking under the ridge. After reaching that point, Ellen happily closed her lips around the head of the stiff cock, letting her tongue work its way downward and caress the shaft while she looked up adoringly at the man who was letting her suck him off.
That man, of course, was enjoying her fellatio every bit as much as Ellen was, maybe more. She was so similar to her sister, but her mouth was talented, and she could tell despite his conflictions he very much enjoyed being sucked off by her. The best part was what her lips and tongue and the whole inside of her mouth did, but he also liked the way she enjoyed it so much, and the way she looked up at him while his cock was sliding all the way in and out of her mouth.
“I’m in love with your sister…” Jeff breathed.
“I know.” Ellen replied between mouthfuls, and smiled as she felt his hips begin to piston. He was no longer in control and this was the moment she loved during sex; when her man was so completely into her that his body had taken over, giving into his illicit needs.
Ellen started sucking on his incredible erection. She loved the feel of it gliding between her widely spread lips, all the way until the tip pressed against the back of her throat. Using a trick she had learned on the internet, Ellen adjusted the angle of her head, opened her throat and took his long cock all the way inside her mouth, until Jeff's pubic hair was tickling her lips. She left it there for a few seconds, massaging the head with her throat muscles and caressing the shaft with her tongue, before raising her face again. She did not remove her mouth from around his cock, but kept the head between her lips and licked it. After a few seconds of this, she slowly lowered her head again, until her throat was stuffed once more and her lips were being tickled.
The sensation of deep-throating a man and having his big, thick cock cram her mouth full was more arousing to Ellen than anything else he might do. While her right hand stayed on her fiancés crotch, her left hand went to her erect nipples to start tweaking them, moving from one to another. In seconds, the connection between them and her clit was established, and currents of pleasure flowed through the triangle. A few drops of fluid started forming in her pussy, not enough for her to leave her nipples and play with her clit, but enough to give herself a warm, erotic feeling. With even greater enthusiasm, she continued sucking Jeff's cock.
He was deriving immense pleasure too. His ass squirmed on the seat and his hands gripped and released the padded arms of his chair. He looked down again and saw Ellen's pretty blue eyes looking up at him, and he watched her head slowly bobbing up and down, and his cock going in and out of her warm, wet giver of pleasure. It was giving plenty of that to him. Her mouth squeezed his shaft with the perfect pressure and her tongue laved the entire length of his cock as it went in and out, and licked the head at the end of every stroke, while she held it between her lips. To add to his sensory pleasures, he could hear Ellen murmuring happily around his cock, and smell the fresh juices that he knew were starting to trickle from her pussy. Jeff really loved being sucked off!
But not any more than she loved doing it. Holding the stiff cock as deeply in her mouth as it would go, Ellen hiked up her short skirt, tucked her thumbs into the elastic of her panties, and pushed them down over her ass and hips, until the waistband was around the middle of her thighs. Her pussy was dripping wet by that time, and she was able to dip her right hand into the juices and place her clit between the index and middle finger. Ellen was too engorged and sensitive there to touch herself directly, but by squeezing her clit gently between folds of her pussy lips, she was able to start stroking herself. In seconds, the movement of her fingers was at the same slow tempo as the bobbing of her head as her mouth engulfed and released Jeff's cock.
She continued like that for almost a half an hour, but Ellen's mouth wasn't the only place where she enjoyed the presence of a stiff cock. After one stroke, she raised her head all the way, removing the object of her lust from between her lips, kissing it, and holding it in her fingers while she smiled at him around it. He knew what was about to happen and smiled back at her. Ellen rubbed the hard shaft back and forth against one of her breasts, especially caressing it with her rigidly erect nipple. She was elated to hear Jeff moaning blissfully at the different sensation she was giving him, and moved his cock to rub it against the other of the small twins.
The three-sided connection between her nipples and her clit was re-established when Ellen moved his cock back and forth from one breast to the other. The fingers of Ellen's right hand continued moving up and down on her clit while her breasts massaged the hard shaft. She could feel her climax building, but wanted her husband-to-be to cum first, filling her mouth with his semen, before its presence and her agile fingers brought her to an orgasm.
Jeff writhed on his chair and sighed and moaned from the exquisite pleasure Ellen was giving him. He reveled in the sensations of the soft skin of her breasts and the diamond hardness of her nipple, and the contrast between those two sensations and that he had received from her warm, wet mouth. His climax was building also, but he knew she would know when it was close, and she would take his cock back into her mouth so he would cum there. He would not need to tell her he was about to cum, but she already knew he would anyway, just out of courtesy.
The stiff shaft she was rubbing against her body started to throb, and Ellen knew he was close to cumming. Once again, she engulfed it in her mouth but this time she used shorter strokes and did not take the head down her throat. She wanted to make sure that when he ejaculated, it would be onto her tongue, so she would be able to savour its taste and enjoy its texture before swallowing the viscous fluid. Her lips were tighter too, and she stroked harder and faster with them while the fingers fondling her clit kept pace with her mouth.
"Fuck! Ellen…Uh! Uhhh!" Jeff moaned blissfully. The volcano of pleasure that had been building up inside him erupted, and he started to ejaculate into the mouth that had brought him to that splendid circumstance.
The first gush of cum covered Ellen's tongue, and she briefly stopped sucking in order to derive the most pleasure from it. It was delicious and, after relishing the taste, she swirled the semen around in her mouth, reveling in its texture, before swallowing it, and letting it slide down her throat. While her mouth was active, her fingers were even busier, thrusting up and down on her clit, and sending swirls of joy reverberating through her body.
Ellen knew Jeff was not through cumming, and she resumed sucking his cock, her lips clamped tightly on the shaft so none of his juice could dribble out of her mouth. Her tongue was rewarded with another spurt of semen, which was just as delectable as the first one had been, and felt just as good to the inside of her mouth and her throat when she finally swallowed it. Not being willing to settle for just two tastes of his cum, Ellen resumed sucking his cock. Her diligence reaped benefits, as Jeff moaned aloud and spurted again into her mouth. This gift of his juices received the same treatment as the others had, and gave her the same joy.
Ellen's fingers had not paused, nor did they do so after she swallowed the third jet of his sticky seed. They continued rapidly stroking, and she could feel her orgasm building higher and getting nearer, intensified by the delicious treat Jeff's cock had given to her mouth. She continued sucking and, when no more ejaculate was forthcoming, went after the cum that she knew was still inside Jeff's long cock. While the fingers of one hand pumped furiously on her pussy, Ellen removed the still-hard organ from her mouth and held it in her hand to lick everything off the head and the shaft, being especially careful to get whatever was hiding under the ridge.
After cleaning off the outside, Ellen placed her thumb in front of Jeff's scrotum and her fingers on the upper surface of his cock. Slowly, she brought that hand toward her face, her tongue catching the cum that was squeezed out. She continued until her thumb was right at the slit and her fingers were squeezing the head. Whatever had oozed out onto her tongue was treated the same as the rest of his semen had been, and delighted Ellen as much. Not wanting to waste any of it, her tongue laved the entire cock again, followed by licking her lips to get anything that might otherwise have been wasted.
The pleasure of sucking off her soon to be husband, combined with the gushers of semen he fed to her and what her fingers were doing for her clit brought Ellen over the top. She cried out ecstatically as she started cumming, and toppled slowly onto her back. Her fingers continued their labour of love, while she thrashed about on the carpet, crooning happily in the throes of her climax. Abruptly, the muscles in her body spasmed, evoking a shout of joy. Completely lacking in coyness, Ellen lay on her back, smiling, her eyes closed and her hand still resting on her pussy. 
“You are a real blonde…” Jeff panted.
She didn't care that he saw what she had at the apex of her legs, because he had been the one responsible for her orgasm.
After a few minutes they regained their strength from their respective climaxes, and knew he would have to get back to work. Ellen helped him with his pants and shorts and, while he was putting them on, pulled her panties back up. The cotton garment quickly soaked up the juice from her pussy, but that didn't bother Ellen. She would be able to smell its aroma all day and be reminded of the great time she had just experienced. With her panties in place, she refastened and adjusted her other clothing, including her shoes. It was time for him to get back to work so she could tell her sister everything… well, almost everything.
"Will there be anything else, Jeff," she asked.
"No, Ellen. Thank you very much."
“From Hayley,” she breathed heavily, “but also with thanks… from me. Was I good?”
“You were amazing…” but guilt was plastered all over his face.
“Jeff, I will satisfy you when Hayley can’t. This is for her… for all of us. This is our arrangement and my sister doesn’t need to know.” She looked at him as her words sunk in. “I am going to be your wife. A wife has duties and this is my duty to both you and my sister.”
Ellen wiped her mouth and rose up to sit in an empty office chair.
“You have a beautiful cock. I am a very lucky girl.” Her pale blue eyes sparkled and he turned his attention back to his computer. 
Hayley looked herself over in the dresser's mirror as she adjusted her little black dress to show just the right amount of cleavage. "If only they were a little bigger," she mumbled to herself, pulling the material down as far as she could and trying to squeeze her breasts together a bit to form a deeper valley, but they kept plopping back to their natural resting place after only a moment. "A little more like Ellen's perhaps," she sighed, trying again, but once more upon letting go, her breasts fell back into their naturally braless position, the dress' material draping over her now semi-erect nipples from being stimulated gliding over the silky material. From the look on Jeff's face earlier that morning, he definitely enjoyed how she looked without her bra on so she had opted to go without since she was really hoping to get his attention that evening.
Content that the dress was as good an option as she was going to find in her limited wardrobe, hugging her curves and emphasising her legs just right, she went about hanging the other garments back in the closet. Nearly every possible combination had been tried on as she searched for the perfect look before he got home from work. Everything had to be perfect; the house was clean and everything neatly ordered, dinner cooking in the oven, wine chilling in the fridge, and... She squeezed her thighs together, feeling the uncomfortable squish in her tingling loins. She already was eagerly ready to receive him as well, but that would have to wait for several more hours now.
Moving the vacuum cleaner aside momentarily to reach the rest of her clothes strewn out on the queen-sized bed they now shared, she started giggling, embarrassed with herself by what she had planned out. A select few of the daily chores hadn't actually been completed yet, like the vacuuming under his bed and the dusting in the living room, being left aside on purpose just in case she actually worked up the nerve to have him watch her work with the way she was dressed. That was the whole point of wearing the dress after all; she had wanted to so bad, had even purchased the silky, string-tied, black thong she now wore for that sole purpose as it was part of the whole fantasy, but when it came right down to it, she was so nervous. Could she actually go through with any of it?
She knew that Ellen would have if she had the chance with him. Hell, she probably already had been flaunting her assets at him at some point when they were alone. That would be just like her and the way she'd gone on and on that morning about seeing Jeff at the courthouse, pretending she had just spent three hours getting ready for just that brief little interview, Hayley knew she was probably vying for his attention, even if it was unwittingly. After all, the way she had kissed Jeff at the salon, almost attacking him, how she had looked at him all day Saturday and insisted on going alone with him to the duplex on Sunday and, then, when Hayley had offered to go to the courthouse, her sister had made some ridiculous excuse as to why she shouldn't. It was pretty obvious to her that Ellen was extremely attracted to her boyfriend, even if she couldn't bring herself to admit it.
Still, there wasn't much Hayley could really do about it; unfortunately they had to kiss and flirt and look like a couple in love or she could possibly lose them both to prison if their lie were ever found out. It was truly a confusing dilemma where, on one hand, wishing her sister would just stay out of the way for her and Jeff to be happy together but, on the other hand, hoping they could get along well enough that their marriage was believable so there would be no danger to either of them. Given the circumstances they were in, though, she didn't like it one bit, she understood that she had to give him up to her sister in public; it was part of the plan they had all agreed to. It was their arrangement. She just wished that she could trust Ellen to actually play by the rules and not try to steal him away entirely. He had professed his love to her and, as long as he truly did love her, she would force herself to be happy no matter what circumstances they were in. And maybe with this dress and what they were going to finally do tonight, she'd be sure to keep him hers, no matter what he did with Ellen.
Her thoughts back to her plans for Jeff tonight had her body's desires for him growing ever stronger. She lifted her dress, toying with the tiny strings that held the suave, triangular patch in place over her shaved womanhood. To be honest, she was torn between feeling sexy and a little ridiculous, the tiny fabric being so much smaller than anything she'd ever dared wear before. It was hardly there at all, some of the parts she had shaved a couple of days ago not even covered, making her feel naked and completely vulnerable, yet just imagining Jeff looking at her like that made her whole body tremble in nervous anticipation. She wanted him so bad, to feel his loving embrace around her body, his sensual kisses on her neck and lips, and his touch on her... intimate areas. He wasn't even home yet and she was already getting sopping wet just thinking about him.
"Maybe I should just go naked under the dress?" she asked her reflection in the mirror, pushing her panties down by the knots to her knees while holding the dress up, blushing at the very thought of it. That would definitely surprise him for sure, bending over to vacuum when she supposedly hadn't noticed him home yet, her bare, shaved pussy for him to see. She laughed out loud, pulling her panties back up quickly and letting the dress fall back into place, feeling silly and a little slutty at even thinking it. Going without a bra was bad enough. Still, looking over her shoulder at the floor beside the bed, she could easily imagine Jeff standing right where she was, looking at her... wanting her... getting turned on by her. She inhaled deeply, her eyes closing as her body shivered, her nipples growing tautly erect under the smooth material.
What would he do if he did find her like that? How much would he actually be turned on by it? Would he drop his pants and start stroking himself while watching her like the guys did in those maid videos? Maybe he'd start playing with her wet slit using his fingers or maybe even his tongue? Her entire body was now trembling, forcing her to sit down on the bed before her legs completely gave out beneath her. Never before had she felt what that was like or had even imagined it until seeing the women on the website wriggling about and crying out in pure ecstasy with the guy's head nuzzled between their legs. They had orgasms that looked harder than she had ever known was possible and with Jeff's sensual style of kissing, that just had to be amazing.
But was Jeff into that? Was that something guys only did on porn videos or did real guys like doing that too? Maybe he'd think it was gross like she had for so many years? Joseph had once brought it up but she had absolutely refused, disgusted by the very idea of it. Truth be told, it still made her a little squeamish, but so many women on the internet seemed to really like it... In fact, if Jeff were willing to at least give it a try some time, she'd be up to trying out a few other things with him, as well.
The guys in those videos were really into girls sucking their dicks, and while she'd flatly refused to do that for Joseph, now she found herself considering it if Jeff asked her to. There was a first time for everything and those slutty girls sure seemed to enjoy doing it just as much, but could she actually do it? What would it taste like? Would it hurt her mouth? Would she have to let him cum in her open, waiting tongue like the girls on the website? If she did, what would that taste like?
Suddenly she broke down laughing heartily, falling back onto the bed blushing and squealing loudly, covering her eyes with her hands and kicking her legs up and down on the bed at her own embarrassment. What had come over her? She was as excited as a schoolgirl half her age going out on her first date with a boy. Watching those erotic maid videos sure had changed her point of view about sex! Never would she have even considered being so pervertedly adventurous, much less actually planning on doing them, yet now... She grabbed a pillow, burying her face into it to muffle her squealing loud excitement once again.
After several minutes she caught her breath and forced herself to calm down, trying to think about the reality of it all. It was one thing to only fantasize and dream about pure sexual debauchery with Jeff, but another entirely to actually do it, and the last thing she wanted now was to disappoint him. She sat up on the bed, her legs crossed under her, pondering about when the time would come would she be able go through with any of this? Or was it just a girlish fantasy in her mind, brought on by watching too many maid porn videos of late? Her whole life had been a reality where she was timid, shy, and nervous, even while she was married! Hayley always tried to do the right thing, but she knew now she'd been woefully unprepared for Joseph in bedroom skills. Now, even years later, it had been so difficult to even tell Jeff that she wanted him to buy condoms; would she ever be able to tell him what she truly wanted in sex without giving into her anxious nerves and simply reverting back to the same old Hayley?
Her mind suddenly flashed to memories of Joseph, wondering if that was why he had strayed from her. Those were the rumors she'd heard about, anyway; though, she'd only ever caught him that one time. But if he had, maybe it was because she was boring in bed. Or maybe her body was just not exciting enough or he had simply not really loved her as much as she had once thought. Would that ever happen with Jeff?
"No!" she said aloud firmly to herself shaking her head with conviction. She swore that would never happen again, whether or not it ever really did happen the first time. No matter how embarrassing, gross or silly she might think something was, if Jeff asked it of her then she'd do her best to oblige him. She would do it because she loved him and trusted him and she knew that he loved her. Sure, Ellen might be the one marrying him and they'd end up kissing and flirting and who knows how far her sister might try to take it when she wasn't around, but Hayley would always be the one he truly loved in his heart and made love to every night... Starting tonight and hopefully for the rest of their lives. She just hoped Ellen hadn’t got her long fingernails into him first.
Determined with her newfound resolve and still quite a bit worked up thinking about sex, Hayley jumped off the bed and sat herself down at the computer, pulling up the Maid website. If she was going to venture outside her comfort zone, at least to try it once, she needed some inspiration and a teacher. Putting in Jeff's username and password that she had memorized from visiting the site quite often on Friday and even Sunday when Jeff was back at the duplex... and even already twice earlier that morning after Ellen had left, with her heart pumping fast, she searched the videos for the parts where the girl was giving a blowjob to her new master, especially the ones that had really tight closeups. It was time to learn all she could about pleasing a man with her mouth.
Dropping Ellen off back at her car on the way home, I watched her as she got in and drove off to her evening class, sighing in both relief and a little disappointment. The day together at my office had been magical and yet torturous at the same time. It was hard not to get swept up into the wedding fever with my many coworkers congratulating us, making a scene over her charm, her sweetness and, of course, her beauty, not to mention remarking just how cute of a couple we made together. We had kissed so many times throughout the day to people's encouragement and applause that everything was starting to feel a little too surreal and I didn't doubt for a second that Ellen was feeling it too. Her kisses were too passionate, the hand-holding was too constant, the smiles too big, and her sparkling eyes too sparkling. After a while it just felt so natural to hold and kiss her that I had to sternly remind myself this was just an act.
Then, in the relative seclusion of my office, with blind down she slipped under my desk. I was frozen, shocked and too stunned to do anything but watch her mischevious smile form. No… this couldn’t be happening. I remembered every moment, as if it were etched into my brain to permanently remind me.
“Hayley wished that I gave you a present… from her… from us both.” A present… from Hayley? Ellen smiled up at me between my open thighs. “I know my sister. I know she loves you but when it comes to… being with a man… she can be impossible. I know you. I know you love Hayley very much… but you have needs… that she doesn’t understand.” 
It was true, I supposed. Ellen was hot, no man could deny her… but I loved Hayley. Surely Ellen must love and respect her sister too? Hayley wouldn’t have agreed to this… would she?
"What… do you mean?"
“I have needs to0. I like you, Jeff. A lot. I want you and I want to thank you. From both of us. Afterall, we are betrothed.” As she spoke, she rolled my office chair backward and to the side and turned it so that I was sitting facing her. I found myself involuntarily opening my legs wider, fully aware of what Ellen meant, time seemed to stand still. My heart stopped. Anyone could come into the office. Did Hayley really want this for him… from her sister?
"You deserve to be rewarded," Ellen responded, scuffing out of her shoes and kneeling on the floor between his legs. I watched in silence as she unbuckled my belt and slid down my pants, swiftly followed by my boxers. 
The blonde bombshell reached up and took my cock in her soft hand and began stroking it. Ellen ran her fingers up and down my hardening penis. She continued to stroke my cock as she moved her other hand to my balls. Ashamed but feeling I had no choice, I let Ellen move her face to my throbbing member. Her silky tongue tentatively emerged from between her soft lips. Then, ever so slowly, her tongue touched the underside of my cock. Unsure of herself, she licked cautiously at my hard shaft, then her lips caressed my cock. She licked my cock from its head to its root and back to its head. Still sobbing, she opened her mouth wide and moved her lips to my cock. She sucked my cock into her warm, welcoming mouth. Ellen’s soft, perfectly painted red lips closed around my thick cock. My cock began to grow as her tongue moved along the shaft. She moved her head back and forth, sucking as much of my growing shaft into her throat.
Her moist, watery mouth covered my cock shaft with hot saliva. My mushroom shaped head grew larger and more resilient with each passing second. The rhythmic sucking and milking of her soft velvety mouth made my cock grow harder. I began moving my hips back and forth as she swallowed more of my cock into her warm mouth.
As she continued to suck my cock, she slid her hand onto her chest and explored her breasts. As she sucked my cock, I watched, opened mouthed as her fingers traced her tit. I watched her nipples harden beneath the fabric and she immediately rubbed and kneaded them. My wife-to-be sucked harder, driven by her hands on her tits, pursing her lips tightly around my thick cock.
Ellen paused and looked at my needy erection then returned her mouth onto it. She licked and kissed the underside from the base of my cock to its head as she continued to massage her magnificent breasts. When her lips returned to the head of my cock, there were drops of pre-cum oozing out. She licked around my slit, scooping my pre-cum into her mouth with her tongue and swallowing it. Her lips hungrily engulfed my hard-on once again.
I found I was thrusting into her pretty face and the blowjob Ellen was giving me was beginning to affect her subconsciously too. Her nipples were hard and erect, her bra was unclasped exposing her titties. She was really getting into it. Soft murmurs were escaping from within her every now and then as she continued to torment her aroused nipples. I was looking down on her, watching my cock slide in and out of the young, soon to be married, eighteen year old’s mouth. I watched her head bob back and forth as her lips held my cockshaft tightly and her tongue flicked madly at the sensitive underside of my manhood. I knew she was getting into it, she was really enjoying sucking me off.
She seemed to be an experienced cocksucker and had no trouble swallowing more than half of my thick cock. She continually alternated between sucking near the head and kissing and licking further down from mid cock to the base where her hand was gently stroking and milking my shaft. Still stroking my cock with her hand she moved her mouth over to my cum filled balls and licked them. She sucked one of my balls into her mouth as I groaned.
Her tongue and lips worked to devour one cum filled ball, then switched to the other. When she thought she had sucked on my balls long enough, she kissed and licked each one gently before returning her mouth to my cock. I looked down at her and watched my cock slide in and out of her mouth. As she felt up her tit, she moaned, and I realised her free hand was now in her panties.
Ellen could feel my cock getting bigger and hotter. Her eyes looked up at me as she feverishly sucked on my cock. I began fucking her mouth faster and faster. On each pump, I pushed more and more of my cock into her throat. Her moist tender lips grasped tighter and tighter around my glistening prick as her warm wet mouth took more and more of my thick shaft.
Within moments she had my entire shaft buried in her mouth, her nose resting on my pubic hair. I held her head steady and pumped my entire cockshaft rapidly in and out of her mouth. I fucked her accepting mouth for several minutes, burying my cock deep in her throat.
Ellen’s fingers were now hard at work between her thighs, her mouth filled completely with the thick, mass of my cock. Her tongue licked and flicked along the underside of my shaft as I reamed it in and out of her throat. I grabbed her head by her long blonde hair and held her head as she bobbed back and forth along my member. I wondered if her panties were soaked with her juices. 
As her fingers worked their way up and down her slit her legs involuntarily spread. For the first time I could see all of her beautiful pussy. A tight blonde triangle of fur pointed to her slit, which was starting to spread and expose her vulva. As her pussy continued to drip she began to trace small circles around her clit, making sure not to touch it directly. Her left hand wass massaging the nipple of her left tit, in a sporadically gentle to rough motion, sometimes squeezing, sometimes massaging. She was totally in her own little world now. Her left hand trails its way down between her tits making its way to her splayed pussy. It was too much for me!
"Fuck! Ellen…Uh! Uhhh!" I gasped as I felt my balls swell in anticipation of exploding with a heavy load of sticky cum.
Ellen sucked harder as she instinctively murmured, “mmmmmmmmm.” I sensed that any second now it would be over. Only a few seconds more I thought just as Ellen’s lovely young lips tightly pursed around my pulsating cock, greedily slurping my cock, trying to milk my cum from me. My body holding back the inevitable. My hands grabbed her head and I shoved her hungrily cock-sucking mouth down hard onto my jerking cock. I exploded in her mouth as I spurted three or four large loads of my spunk into her mouth.
Her right hand was now fingering her clit lightly as her left hand was tracing up and down her slit, teasing her pussy lips. I could see her vulva beginning to become engorged as she continued to tease her clit and her pussy lips. As her slit involuntarily spread open in hope of more attention, her right index finger earnestly rubbed her now fully erect clit. At the same time her left index finger was alternately tracing up and down her soaked pussy lips and inserting it into her hot hole. Her pulsing pussy was trying to grip her elusive finger as it darted in and out of her now steaming pussy.
Ellen continued sucking greedily on my cock as I emptied every drop down her throat. She tried to lick every bit of my cum from the throbbing head of my cock. She tried to swallow it all, but some slipped from her lips.
She took the finger of her left hand that had just been buried deep in her wet pussy and began licking it off and sucking on it. Now her right index finger was frigging the side of her clitoral hood giving her sensitive clit the attention she desperately wanted to give it, yet decreasing the friction of direct contact with her clit. I could see how much her excitement had increased as her hips moved up and down in rhythm with the fingering of her hole. I could see the almost pained look on her face as she got closer to her peak. Her hips began to shake and the wetness from her pussy began streaming down to the office floor.
The whole room smelled so wonderfully of her pussy. I drank in the heavenly smell. As she got closer and closer to her orgasm her hips began to shake and buck uncontrollably and she was breathing very shallow and fast. She looked so fucking cute! Her pussy walls were beginning to contract around her fingers. Her whole body shuddered for a couple minutes as she arched her back to meet her probing fingers. Her body tensed, her orgasm taking control of her body. As she continued to shudder in ecstasy she sighed and she collapsed on the bed fulfilled and relaxed as her pussy continued it pulsing. Completely lacking in coyness, Ellen lay on her back, smiling, her eyes closed and her hand still resting on her pussy. 
“You are a real blonde…” I panted.
She smiled up at me, like she had won some great prize. I suddenly felt shamed. After a few minutes we regained our strength from our respective climaxes, and I knew I would have to get back to work. Ellen helped me with my pants and shorts and, and while I was putting them on, she pulled her panties back up. The cotton garment quickly soaked up the juice from her pussy, but that didn't seem to bother her. 
I sat back in complete disbelief as to what had just happened, barely hearing the words Ellen spoke.
“Remember… that was from Hayley,” she breathed heavily, “but also with thanks… from me. Was I good?”
“You were amazing…” but the guilt I felt consumed me.
“Jeff, I will satisfy you when Hayley can’t. This is for her… for all of us. This is our arrangement and my sister doesn’t need to know.” She stared into my eyes as her words sunk in. “I am going to be your wife. A wife has duties and this is my duty to both you and my sister.”
Ellen wiped her mouth and rose up to sit in an empty office chair. Maybe this was how it was going to be? Could I be in love with Hayley and make love to her sister… my wife?
“You have a beautiful cock. I am a very lucky girl.” Her pale blue eyes sparkled and I turned my attention back to my computer screen in horror at what I had just done. Anyone could have walked in! I supposed the office staff would have simply assumed something intimate was transpiring behind the closed blinds anyway. It wasn’t the first time the gossips had pondered what exactly went on behind closed doors. 
If Hayley knew about this or not, I knew I had to keep it between Ellen and myself as she had suggested. I knew I would willingly uphold ‘Our Arrangement’ for all our sakes. It turns out a man really will do anything for the woman he loves. I loved Hayley with every fiber of my being. 
Ellen flirted with me outrageously for the rest of the afternoon. With the IT department, owners, and even many of the other employees in the building thoroughly convinced about us, I returned to my job in earnest. Ellen at one point opened the blind and nonchalantly sat on my lap. My office neighbours kept looking over every few minutes and she seemed to have done her best to make them not only convinced of our relationship, but thoroughly jealous of my seemingly good fortunes with such a knockout blonde girl. As I logged off after about an hour she broke into a fit of giggles.
To be honest, it had been disturbingly comfortable with her gorgeous, featherweight body sitting atop of me as she watched me work with fascination, every few minutes leaning forward and looking at me directly. Her delicate fingers would brush a strand of hair from my forehead or she'd leave a kiss on my cheek, lips, ear, or even neck. The entire time I was trying desperately to focus on work and not think about the throbbing erection in my boxers that I'm pretty sure she felt, her bottom wiggling every few minutes almost as if she were purposefully trying to keep me hard and on the edge for the last hour of the day.
I sat in my car seat, and buckled up. I watched Ellen disappear from sight in her old car and restarted my SUV. My mind wandered back to the comments a few people had made - that she wasn't wearing an engagement ring and asking if we'd picked out our wedding bands yet. As I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home, I decided we'd definitely have to go shopping or that might raise too many questions in the future. So as to be fair to Hayley, I was also thinking to buy her a ring as well, something that would remind her every day just how much I loved her, even if I couldn't tell anyone else in the world. 
Maybe Hayley could even go with us this time so I wouldn't feel so guilty... or perhaps that would just make it worse. Having her there to watch me convince the people around us that I was in love with her sister instead of her, kissing and touching her, instead... No... If it was hard on me, I could only imagine how difficult it must be for her to watch from the outside.
My life was complicated… but I seemed ready to accept whatever it had in store.
"Hayley?" I called up the stairs, "Where are you?" I heard the oven door close and a metal pan being set down on the stove and was soon greeted at the top of the stairs with a sudden excited embrace. Her two delicate arms pleasantly gripped around my neck and two soft, warm lips were instantly smothering mine. Startled a bit, I nearly fell back down the stairs, taking her with me, but caught myself against the wall. Once I was steady, my hands went straight to her ass as we kissed, my favorite place to grab. She was already pushed up on her tiptoes, so with just a bit of a lift, I had her off the ground and carried her toward the living room.
"I missed you today," she finally broke off our embrace when her legs felt the couch behind her. Sitting on the edge, she pulled me down to sit next to her, then quickly swung one leg over mine to straddle me with a knee on either side. Leaning forward to continue making out, she stopped as if something had caught her eye. She ran her fingers along my neck, raising her eyebrows curiously. "Hmmm, so Ellen went to work with you today..." she crossed her arms over her chest, "after getting the marriage license?"
Cringing sheepishly as if I'd been caught red-handed, I replied, "Yeah, my boss wanted to meet her before he approved some time off for me." I smiled widely, caressing her cheek in my hand, thinking she'd nuzzle it as she always had before. Instead, she just twisted her lips back and forth and looked at me, her eyes piercing like she was quite upset. "I get to spend five whole days at home with you, angel... Thursday through Monday with no work to go to; isn't that great?"
"To spend with me?" I started to get nervous from her angry gaze, "or with Ellen?" My hands started to shake, my heart racing, my mind convinced I had really messed up this time. Perhaps I should have called her first and let her know the plan? Maybe I should have found a way not to take Ellen with me? I only did it to be convincing at the office like we planned, it's not like... well, yes, I did enjoy the blow job, but still. If I could be showing Hayley off to the world as my girlfriend, of course I would have in a heartbeat.
I stuttered in answer, but Hayley cut me off, trying to hide a growing smirk as she did. "I think she must have done good job convincing everyone at work." Her smirk broke into a wide grin and I finally realised she was just playing with me. Exhaling deeply, my nerves still a little on end, I started chuckling while she laughed.
"Yeah, they're all pretty convinced now," I nodded and she leaned a little closer to me, licking her finger and wiping my neck. "They're giving me the time off to go on a honeymoon to Disney World. Well, supposedly. That's where I said we're going."
"Disney World?" she giggled, "Maybe, you should just take me... and leave Ellen at home." She laughed holding up her fingers, a bit of red colouring on their tips. "And next time my sister is trying to convince people, clean off her lipstick before you come home to me," she pursed her lips, pretending to be mad. Looking in her eyes, I thought I could see a hint of truth to that even though she now acted like it was just a joke. I returned a sheepish grin, mentally noting that things with Ellen clearly had to calm down before I really did screw things up with Hayley. "I know what happens between you and Ellen... but I don't want to be reminded of it."
I apologised and gave her a soft, brief kiss to show her I meant it and, after a few more moments of awkward silence between us, she seemed to push it off and returned her arms around my neck, looking straight into my eyes and turning on that seductive gaze she had before she'd noticed what must have been Ellen's lipstick on my collar. "Now is the time for you to convince me..." she scooted a little closer, setting her bottom directly on my legs, "who do you really love?"
My hands wrapped around her waist and I pulled her closer, her head a little higher than mine in this position, raised up on her knees and leaning against me. Her smaller breasts rested against my chest and my head tipped back over the couch to look up at the beauty of her face as it hovered above me. She was putting on a good spirit about it, but I could see that she was honestly nervous about losing me to her sister under the circumstances. I'd noted again that I'd have to be a lot more careful around Ellen from now on. Looking straight into her eyes as she gazed down at me, our noses nearly touching, I spoke as sincerely as I knew how. "I swear to you, Hayley, you're the one I'm in love with; the only woman I want."
She caressed the tip of my nose with hers, her hair falling to either side like a blanket hiding us from the world. Suppressing a giggle which made her blush even more than normal, her eyes never left mine even once, "You still need to convince me."
Hesitating a brief moment, unsure what exactly she was hinting at, I slowly slid one hand down from her waist to her ass while I reached my other to the back of her head. I pulled her lips down to mine, opening my lips to softly caress hers and, for the first time, I was the one who started parting her lips with my tongue. Meanwhile, my fingers on her rear inched up under the tight, silky material of her dress to squeeze her bare cheek. Like a child in a playground, I indulged myself in groping her sweet ass, pulling her even harder against me while making love to her mouth with my probing tongue. I'd learned that from Ellen, but I wasn't exactly going to admit to that.
After several long minutes of passionately making out, she pushed away from me, her hands on the back of the couch to hold her head away. "It was a good try," she whispered, her eyes opening slowly as she grinned widely, "but still I am not convinced it’s true." When I tried to kiss her again, she resisted my pulls, keeping her lips just out of reach. Instead she arched her back and pressed her cleavage up toward my face. The dress was already pulled tight, pushing up her prominent bosom with her nipples noticeably poking through and a clear showing of her tan line over her almost exposed chest. Clearly I was now seeing much more than she ever let out in public.
She gazed at me as if her eyes were speaking her thoughts, her desires. I knew she was shy so perhaps she was just trying to get me to act without her having to say what she wanted me to do. My right hand left her ass and slowly traveled up her back, making her shiver as she kept her eyes locked on mine. Upon reaching her bare shoulder, my hand slowly pushed the thin shoulder strap of her dress down her arm while leaning in and kissing her neck on the opposite side.
Pulling her fine pink hair to the side and tilting her head to give me space, she pulled her elbow through the strap once I had reached that far, confirming to me I was on the right track. Knowing her breast was now bare, I was simply dying to see it, but I didn't want to break the tender moment we were building so, instead, I slowly trailed my kisses along her jawline and around to the front of her neck to switch sides. I let that hand caress back down her spine to return to her ass as the other hand came down her neck and over to the opposite shoulder.
"Mmmm," she moaned as my lips suckled on her earlobe while my hand began pushing her dress down that arm and, once it was free, down to her waist. Kissing back down her neck and along her bare shoulder, she leaned back as I moved slowly downward and brought my hands back to join in grasping my goal. I soon felt the curving, soft skin of her breast and lifted the two orbs up to my lips, leaving a trail of little kisses all over the tops of her soft, curvy flesh. My kisses worked in arcs back and forth, closing slowly in on her coveted peaks. Finally, my chin brushed a nipple and she inhaled sharply, throwing her head back in pleasure.
"Please, Jeff," her voice was raspy, speaking under her breath as she pleaded, "More..." I indulged her with my own desires eager to taste her, opening my mouth and drawing the entire length of her nipple between my puckered lips with my tongue, a little surprised by its full extent. Once I had it firmly in my mouth, I gently began suckling upon it like I would a piece of candy while my tongue flicked its sensitive end over and over. "Oh, Jeff..." her body suddenly quivered, her hand pulled tight on the back of my head, crushing her breast harder against me. I opened my mouth wider, trying to encompass as much of her flesh as I could, taking the whole areola in my gaping maw and ran wet circles along its edges. After bathing the entirety of it with my tongue, I closed tight on her nipple and began suckling once again, this time much harder, as if I were trying to actually extract milk from her breast.
The whole time my manhood ached, desperately trying to stand, but was trapped within my shorts and pinned down under her now writhing body. As painful as it was, I ignored it, focusing solely on her pleasure as I moved to begin coddling and groping her other breast. Her nipple called to my blind fingers like a magnet to metal, and soon I was playing and rolling the erect bud between my fingertips while my tongue enjoyed a slippery, erotic dance across her cleavage until it took over stimulating her hard, erect nipple. "Ohhh… ahhh…," she moaned as the shaking of her body grew with intensity. Rhythmically her chest was now thrusting out to meet me as she sensuously danced upon my lap. "Yes… oh yes," her words muttered through desperate breaths while her hips ground down upon my legs and pinched my cock.
I'd always known nipples were erotic for women, my college girlfriend had always enjoyed it as a build up to sex all those years ago, but I was quite surprised just how much this was affecting Hayley. I loved how enraptured she was from just my fingers and tongue on her breasts, putting her in a state of such obvious sexual bliss, I decided to take things another step and add a little more to her sensations. Still suckling and playing with her breasts with one hand and my mouth, I let my other hand return to caressing her ass slowly in circles, then slid it down the cleft of her rear, closing in on the rising heat between her legs as far as I could reach around.
Suddenly she rose up on her knees, holding my head to follow her breast while she scooted back along my legs a few inches. My hand around her ass returned to her hip as she pulled away, but then, to my surprise, she pulled it around to her front and placed it directly against her silky, flimsy material at her crotch. It was warm and damp from her aroused intimate zone and my heart beat faster being so close to her most intimate treasure that she was clearly giving me permission to explore. "Oh, my love…" she bent her head closer to my ear, whispering, begging, her breathing heavy and labored. "Touch me... please," her legs spread apart just a little further as her hand laid on my cock between us, slowly sliding up and down its length through my slacks.
Feeling her soft fingers on my manhood through my clothes, I eagerly returned the favour with pleasure, massaging her moist pussy through her tiny panties, teasing at the edges of the fabric. My fingertips felt her soft folds give way under the thin material to the pressure of my short to-and-fro motions. She let go of my head and I soon felt both her hands fiddling on the zipper of my slacks. Once the fly was down, I sucked in to let her unbuckle my belt and pop the button of my trousers. A moment later her hand was sliding in towards my attentive soldier through the flap of my boxers, slowly running along my length with her soft, delicate fingers.
Too worked up now to think calmly anymore, I sucked down hard on her nipple as my tongue rapidly flicked the erect tip. Through her panties, my fingers parted her womanly lips and focused my massaging pressure on her clit above her warm, heavenly opening. "Ohh... Jeff," she trembled and her body shook, her hand seized up and she squeezed brutally hard on my cock, but now I didn't let up and I focused all the suction I could around just her nipple. "Fuck... yesss...", her brisk words of arousal turned into a muffled squeal that came in short spurts and a rising pitch as she quivered against my fingers, thrashing her head frantically from side to side. I don't remember ever having seen my ex react so violently in our sexplay so I couldn't really be sure, but she sure seemed like she was about to…
Suddenly her head lurched forward as she collapsed upon me. I heard her inhaling deeply in my ear as she pushed her face into my neck with her knees closed tight and squeezed my legs. She hugged me through the intense erratic spasms of her orgasm holding her shaking body against mine while still giving my shaft a painful yet erotic squeeze in her hand. I throbbed excitedly, yet wincing at her nails which dug into my sensitive flesh and that alone actually kept me from going over the edge right there with her. Still, it was a magical moment for me, holding her close as she rode out her pleasure in my lap.
Breathing deeply, I just held her like that for several minutes. Slowly she let up the pressure on my cock, and came too by nuzzling her nose up my neck. "I love you, Jeff," she whispered, sitting up again and pulling her hand from my slacks, allowing me for the first time to have a proper view of her bare breasts. They were small and coned, pointed toward the tips, her areolas dark pink and swollen, about the size of a half-dollar coin and perfectly puffy as if to say 'Jeff's mouth goes here.' Her nipples were thick and still tautly erect, and angled slightly upward on the curve of her breast, amazingly nearly an inch in length. Glistening wet from my saliva, they were making my mouth water, as if calling out for me to continue sucking on them immediately. Her marked tan line outlined her breasts, following her contours like a stringless bikini top that enhanced the darker color of her nipples. "Do you like them, my love?" her voice quivered in her nerves as she bit her bottom lip, bringing her hands up to cup herself. "Are they good enough?"
Tearing my gaze away to look up at her eyes, my smile grew from ear to ear like a dazed fool. I was still throbbing so there probably was a lack of blood flow in my head at the moment as I formulated some way to express just how truly wonderful they were and how much I'd enjoyed playing with them in my mouth.. "They're gorgeous," I shook my head slowly, "even better than I had ever imagined." Her cheeks blushed as she smiled and giggled in embarrassment, looking absolutely adorable; I just had to keep her blushing. "These have got to be the best looking pair of titties in the world."
She broke down into a hearty laugh, playfully slapped my arm, but her cheeks were beaming brightly. "You’re so sweet, but you’re also a liar. They are too small, my sisters tits are magnificent, and my..." she brought one finger up to an erect nipple,"they get so big when I’m… aroused. Do they look too long?" her eyebrows were raised like she was so nervous I might be disappointed in her.
"Are you kidding?" I brought my hands up to cup both her breasts once more, filling my palms with her sexiness, my thumb and index finger encircling those deliciously gorgeous areolas. "Your nipples are the best part; sexy as hell... and perfect for sucking on," she laughed and I slowly closed my fingers around both nipples, causing her to inhale deeply as her whole body shook. "They're really sensitive, huh?" She gazed into my eyes and nodded slowly, her smile still beaming brightly.
"I loved it when you played with them," she said in a near whisper, biting her bottom lip and then adopted a tone that sounded a lot like a little girl whining adorably to her daddy as she leaned forward, resting her head on my shoulder, "...but now you’ve made my panties all wet," she playfully slapped my stomach, "...and cold. It’s your fault."
"Take them off then," I couldn't resist from boldly suggesting looking down at her endearingly pouting lips. Then I waggled my eyebrows at her and added, "Maybe I can get you even wetter and find some way to warm you up."
She smiled slowly as her hand slid down my stomach and back over my erection that had only slightly subsided by now. "Do you buy uhm..." she blushed as her fingers wrapped around my manhood through my slacks, "the things I asked for?"
"You mean condoms?" I laughed, a mix of embarrassment and excitement, my cock twitching in her hand at the thought of us going further, causing her to giggle. "They're in a bag, hidden in the bedroom." Turning to look toward the hallway for a moment as if she were contemplating something, she then stood up and pulled her dress back on properly up her body, hiding her beautiful treasures to my great disappointment. Had I just made a mistake by not having the condoms with me? Had I completely ruined the moment just then? Her clothes back in place, she turned about and held a hand out for me to take it, her cheeks beaming brightly, her eyes sparkling.
Hand in hand I was instantly walking down the hallway to my... our bedroom in a dreamlike state, my hand in hers bouncing off her swaying hip with each step, my other hand holding my unzipped slacks to keep them from falling around my knees. The realisation of what we were about to do anxiously played through my mind as the gravity of it suddenly hit me. I was really about to make love to the woman of my dreams! But would I be good enough for her in bed? It had been so long for me and I was so worked up right now, surely I couldn't last but a few minutes. Was she going to be disappointed in me if I came too fast? Somehow I just knew that I was about to ruin everything, yet still I couldn't resist being excited.
Reaching our bedroom doorway, she suddenly turned around, her hands laying on my chest. I could feel the tremble in her hands, her eyes a mixture of excitement and nerves. "Jeff, I..." she gazed into my eyes, hers full of love, of trust, of desire. "I love you so much," she chewed her bottom lip for a second before adding, "...please be gentle with me. It has been a very long time," a nervous smile grew on her lips. "I want you... I want to make love with you," the trembling in her arms grew stronger, "but I am very nervous."
Immediately my fears and doubts went out the window, only pure love for her remaining. It was like there was suddenly no pressure, no need to be the casanova... she just wanted me to love her, and that I knew how to do that easily. "It's been a long time for me too," I dropped my pants to the floor, wrapping her in both my arms. "I love you, Hayley," was all I could say and then showed her as I brought my head down to hers. Our lips gently met, my eyes closing as her body melted into me. Using my feet to step out of my trousers quite clumsily, making her giggle in mid-kiss, we then instinctively danced our way toward the bed. We took slow steps despite our passion and made it without tripping over each other's feet. Once there I cradled her down, still keeping her lips pressed to mine in our loving kiss, allowing our bodies to fall slowly onto it as if time were standing still at that moment.
With her laying helpless, vulnerable, yet adorable below me, I held my weight off of her upon my propped elbows beside her head. I planted kisses on her neck as I'd well learned she enjoyed while I leaned one arm down, shaking a bit from my own weight and excitement, to pull the skirt of her dress up to her waist. She wiggled her hips to help and then my hand was exploring and massaging her hip and belly before once more finding the tiny triangle of fabric of her string panties. Now having the opportunity to really control the action, I trailed kisses from her lips and neck down her body, pulling both shoulder straps down to free those gorgeous breasts once more, my body gliding along hers. My heart racing a hundred miles a minute, I tried to keep my anxiety in check and go slow, making sure she felt my honest love for her in every little touch and kiss I gave her. Each nipple received more than a few moments or more suckling, bringing them both back to their rock hard states as she moaned and whimpered, but I moved on to my new goal further down her amazing body.
Though she was trying to grab hold of me so I wouldn't leave her bosom, I finally slid free and off of her entirely at the end of the bed. She leaned up to look questioningly down at me as I spread open her knees and knelt between her dangling legs, and her expression changed to surprise as my hands started caressing back up her inner thighs. Her black, silky thong with a dark, damp spot down the middle, was right before my eyes and I think she understood what I was planning to do next. Leaning up on her elbows to excitedly watch, my fingers passed her groin and went to her hips, tracing along the edge of the garment. Once I reached the small knot of string tied at each side, I gently pulled, slowly releasing the knot of the thin threads that held her sexy covering in place. Her legs trembled as much as my hands, but nothing was going to stop us now. The knots vanished and then the only thing holding the thing up were my hands. Hesitantly she arched her back, lifting her bottom up from the bed, and I gently pulled the whole thing down and away, discarding it to the floor. I realised I hadn't been breathing so I gasped for air as I finally got my first view of her breathtakingly bare vulva suddenly on display before my eyes.
Unlike her sister, she was shaved completely which was a pleasant surprise given how shy she seemed about sex. It made my cock suddenly twitch upon seeing her most intimate part so shamelessly on display for me, causing my tip to push out through the open flap of my boxers. The colour of her vulva was a couple of shades darker than her hair as it approached her puffy, womanly lips, still tightly closed to guard her inner secrets. The colour difference was emphasized even more by how much paler her surrounding skin was from the marked bikini-shaped tan line that stretched up her pelvis. She had just a hint of her pink inner lips running down the middle of her slit as I looked closer, and I could smell her sweet womanly scent pulling me in for more. I was completely mesmerised just staring at her; not only was it the most gorgeous pussy I'd ever seen, but also the first shaved pussy I'd ever seen in person. I was lost simply admiring the epic beauty of nature's most worshipped creation.
Looking down at me taking in the contours of her womanhood, she gave a half-giggle as she tried to close her legs a bit out of embarrassment, but I was positioned perfectly between her knees so she couldn't. My mouth watered with desire burning inside me to just dive in and taste her, to part those soft, succulent lips and explore her moist cavern with my tongue. I'd watched so many videos on pussy-eating techniques over the years, even read a number of articles about how to do it right, especially after my ex had complained about how poorly I'd done it the one and only time I ever had tried it in the past. Looking at her glistening pussy inches from my face, I was dying to have another opportunity and I figured it would give my cock a chance to calm down a bit too. "Is it okay for you?" her voice trembled, likely nervous from my extended silence while staring at her intimate region. "Do you not like how I look, Jeff?"
In answer, I gave her an ear-to-ear smile and surrendered to my wanting, suddenly laying my flat tongue on her womanly lips and causing her to gasp. "Oh, oh..." she was startled by my quick action, closing her legs around my head and her hand went to my hair as if to push me back. In response, I grabbed up under her knees and pried her legs open as my tongue licked her slit from bottom to top and then back down. "Oh shit!" she almost screamed and her body quivered as she lost all ability to resist. Her head fell back onto the bed and she clutched at a handful of the sheets behind her. She threw her legs up and out, so I just pushed them up farther, tipping up her hips to accept my oral invasion as I continued with torturously slow up and down licks. "Oh fuck!" the pink haired sister hissed and she sounded like I must be doing it right. I really hoped I was doing it well enough, but just continued to slather her cleft with my savory strokes.
Assuming from her continued excited exclamations that she was enjoying what I was doing and not looking to stop me any time soon, I settled into a more comfortable position. I placed her knees over my shoulders and took a firm grasp of her hips to gently pull the sexy buffet closer to me at the edge of the bed. I hadn't known what to expect given my limited cunnilingus experience, but she tasted far better than anything I had ever dreamed of! It was an addictive taste that I could truly enjoy for hours on end. After I was comfortable, I decided to reach up both hands to her breasts and found she was short enough that I could play with both her sexy bits at the same time. I tweaked and rolled her nipples between my fingers while nuzzling and licking up one side of her slit and down the other. Then, finally, I plunged my tongue right between her lips, teasing at the inner edges of her wet vaginal entrance.
Her short, panting breaths along with her groin pushing on my chin and cheeks, driving me a little into her, gave me an idea that this really felt good for her. "My love..." she called out loudly, her voice guttural and lustful. She rolled about as she breathed deeply, then one of her hands grabbed the back of my head and pulled at my hair as she thrust her hips into my face, as if she was trying to get even more of my tongue into her. "I lo... love you... fuck yes… Jeff," she gasped trying to speak to me along with her gentle hip movements. Her pussy was ineffectively fucking my penetrating tongue, but I couldn't compete with her needs with it being so weak and malleable. Still, I was enjoying it and I let her lead for a few moments, doing my best at trying to keep it rigid and lick her inner wall, going for that G-spot I'd so often heard of, as she desperately worked at pushing me a little further inside.
After a few moments, she changed directions and switched to gyrations instead, letting me rest and I took over with my tongue. I slid out of her and up her slit between her lips, sucking each one in turn into my mouth and bathing it with my tongue. She pushed herself back up on her elbows again to look down at me as my eyes gazed back up at her while my mouth took pure pleasure on working up her pussy. She bit her bottom lip as she breathed so loud through her nose, I could hear each labored breath. "Jeff... I... you’re..." I finally ran my tongue to the top of her slit, grazing just the very bottom of her clit and she gasped, throwing herself back onto the bed, squealing, legs trembling around me. "Oh fuuuuuck!" she almost sounded like she was crying now which made me stop and look up at her to make sure I hadn't hurt her.
Her head peeked down, eyes wide open and wet with tears, but she wasn't in pain. More like she was seeing stars flashing before her eyes as she looked back at me, shaking her head, pleading with me. "Please, don't st... don’t stop now, Jeff," she panted and with one hand she pushed my head back down directly over her clit. Quickly I brought one hand off her nipple and brought it in to gently pull apart her pussy folds and the skin back from her clit. From my video studies and her reaction I knew just what to do next. Up one side and down the other, I made circles around her hot, exposed little nub, careful not to go directly onto it just yet. Her legs started shaking and her other hand immediately grabbed her free breast, squeezing far more than I ever would have thought comfortable for her.
"Jeff... I... Jeff," her belly started little spasms, her hips jerking every few seconds and I could feel the heat and wetness growing quickly against my lips and especially on my chin. "I... I’m going... to orgasm," she panted and I latched around her exposed clit, sucking it into my lips much like I had her nipple earlier, wagging my tongue back and forth as fast as I could along the tip. Her hips started bucking in short, rapid succession and I could feel her back slowly arching from my hand still on her breast just before a loud cry shot from her mouth, "Jeff!"
It was unmistakable the moment her orgasm hit, grasping at sheets and pillows behind her frantically, her legs wrapping around my head, her hips rose off the bed, smashing her pelvis against my mouth as she lost all control. Her sopping pussy convulsed out a few spurts of warm liquid that hit my chin and neck as she screamed something incoherent with blissful agony.
Slowly she came down from it, her hips falling back down to the bed and her hands gently pushing me away from her sensitive groin as her eyes still fluttered with aftershocks while she breathed quite heavily. I took the moment after disengaging from her to let her rest and stand to search out the bag of condoms in the bottom drawer of my dresser; I figured it didn't matter now if I didn't last long, but at least going down on her had distracted me from my own needs for a while so I wasn't as on edge as I had been before coming in the bedroom. She probably couldn't handle much more anyway, even if she was up to continuing. Still, there was one box that claimed to be 'ribbed for her pleasure' while also using some kind of man-delay lubricant to keep guys from shooting off too quickly, or so the packaging claimed. "Are you ready, Hayley?" I turned to her, opening the box and grabbing one out before returning it to the drawer. I was ready to simply yank my boxers to the floor, throw on the condom, and jump her right now.
Managing to push herself up onto her elbows, she looked up at me, her eyes wide as she slowly started to laugh. "I... I don't know..." she shook her head, "I never had... one of those that big before." Her hand went between her legs, slowly rubbing her intimates like she was tender.
That made me feel great, but I really didn't know how to respond. "So you had an orgasm, huh?" I laughed teasingly as she looked back at me, biting her bottom lip and blushing. "I couldn't really tell," continuing the playful banter as I made a show of wiping her pussy juices from my chin and neck. "I take it you liked it. So are you convinced that I love you now?"
Breaking down into an embarrassed laugh, she nodded quite enthusiastically. Then she pushed herself back to lay on the bed fully, getting her head a pillow and in the process wiggling out of her dress completely before kicking it off to the floor with one foot. Now lying with spread open legs, her lips parting naturally open and sexy, she was simply and eagerly welcoming me to take her. "I want you to orgasm too," she was looking me in the eye with her seductive smile, curling one single finger as if she needed to urge me on. "I think I’m ready now. Make love to me."
There was no way I could hold back for another moment so I unceremoniously pulled off my shirt and yanked my boxers to the floor. Tearing open the condom package I heard her coo, "Ohh," and I looked back to see her eyes staring directly at my swollen manhood begging once more for release. I was no longer at the breaking point, but had a small bead of precum that had leaked out at the tip from the earlier sexual excitement of the evening. Not wasting any time, I quickly rolled the condom into place before turning on her like a tiger after its prey as I eagerly prowled onto the bed. She smiled and pulled me right over her, my hands planted on either side of her head, our eyes gazing into each other's.
"Please, after all this time I don't want to wait," she murmured. "I just want you inside me. I want you to fuck me," she whispered, reaching up and caressing my cheek softly with her hand. “I want to look into your eyes when you... cum inside me," one of her hands reached for my bare ass and pulled me down onto her, while the other grabbed my plastic wrapped twitching rod and guided it to her heavenly opening. Looking directly into those gorgeous blue eyes, I slowly pushed my cock inside, her mouth gasping as she felt me enter. Even through the numbing latex sheath, I could feel how wet she was from her orgasm. There wasn't much resistance, but she was extremely tight too; the warmth of her body enveloping my cock with her heavenly, velvety softness, never looking away from her eyes which widened further with each inch of my length that I slowly pushed inside her.
"Are you okay, angel?" I asked about halfway in after her eyes rolled back in her head and stopped moving to make sure she was alright when her eyes clenched closed, looking almost like she was in pain. I'd never considered myself a big guy but... perhaps for her, I was. "Am I hurting you?"
She chuckled, sending the vibrations all the way through her body down to the warm wonderland that was swallowing my cock and I inhaled deeply from the vibrating sensation. "No, no, no," she whispered and shook her head, her eyes opening and gazing lovingly back into mine. "I’m in heaven," she brought both her hands up to my cheeks, "...and I when I open my eyes I see a handsome man-angel who hovers above me… and fills me with his love." She pulled me down for a kiss, her hips trying to move me around inside her so I started a slow pumping of my shaft in and out of her gently before continuing to thrust in the rest of the way. 
I cupped one of her breasts and lowered my mouth to the nipple and took it in between my lips and sucked on it gently. I felt her shiver with excitement. I pulled my mouth away from her breast and looked up at her. Her eyes were closed and her head thrown back.
I put my lips to hers and began giving her a long open-mouthed kiss and she responded by shoving her tongue halfway down my throat. Then I returned to sucking her breasts again, moving from one to the other. I could feel her wet vagina surrounding me and she moaned sweetly. As I sucked her breasts, I put a finger in her pussy and used my thumb to play with her clit.
I pulled my rigid cock from her welcoming love tunnel and the next time that I moved up to kiss her mouth, I guided my cock toward her pussy lips and rubbed the head against her opening. She jumped when she felt it, but she didn’t stop me, so I slowly pushed my cock into her until it was about halfway in her pussy. 
I looked down at her beautiful, lithe body, and then, putting my hands under her curvy little bottom, lifted her slightly, and moved my cockhead to her entrance. She reached her hand underneath it, and shuddering, held my cock towards her as I pushed it against her parting lips. For a moment they resisted my cockhead but then it pushed through her small opening, and slowly down the tightness of her soft wet channel.
“Oh Hayley, you’ve got the nicest pussy I’ve ever been in,” I said, pausing to enjoy the feeling. Her tight little pussy was pulsing and squeezing at me. I looked down into her face to see she was biting her lips and she had a wild look in her eyes. Suddenly, she wrapped her legs around my waist and her feet spurred my ass forward. I began to stroke in and out, keeping a nice steady pace.
Hayley cried out as my penis thrust up against the bottom of her vagina, and began rocking herself against me making small sighs and moans as my throbbing cock slid up and down the exquisite length of her clinging pussy walls. I was vaguely aware of her fingernails lightly tracing patterns up and down my back, and then moving down to my backside to hold me to her as tightly as she could.
I moved in and out, sometimes deep, sometimes shallow, feeling the different shapes and surfaces inside Hayley's gripping vagina as it rubbed up and down along the length of my swollen penis. In the shadows, as I left and reentered her again and again, I watched her beautiful face, her closed eyes and lashes, and the small, ecstatic smile that played across her parted, quivering lips. And I marveled that it was for me.
My excitement was building quickly, and beneath me I could feel Hayley squirming as she appeared to orgasm. Her body shook, and her tightening pussy spasmed around my cock as she writhed and moaned. 
"Orgasm for me, Jeff," she whispered as our lips parted, opening her eyes to stare into mine one more. "Cum inside me, I'm yours now."
After being so worked up the last few days with my pink haired girl without a release and then hearing her sexy talk, I just couldn't keep the slow pace any longer. Her tight pussy loving on my cock, swallowing it to the base was just too much for me, even despite the muted feeling from the condom. Picking up speed, I focused on her eyes like she requested, driving in and out of her hot pussy, my head was spinning well beyond the point of being delirious. I drove my full length hard inside her, making her gasp as I pounded the tip of my penis, driving deep against the entrance to her womb and the world around us disappeared. Even the sounds of the bed creaking in response to each rapid, desperate thrust were gone to me. Only Hayley and I existed, joined as one in intimacy, living in the eyes of the other. Every thrust I gave her, burying my cock into her heavenly depths, was like a confirmation of my love for her; every whimper she moaned in receiving me, a reply of her love for me.
Surely, if it weren't for the delaying cream inside the condom, I'd have exploded within seconds of entering her. As it was, I was teetering on the edge, no longer thinking, just feeling the swelling of my cock inside her, harder than it had ever been before in my life. It was like the entire day had been building me up to this exact moment. "I love you, angel," I panted, looking away from her eyes for a brief moment to look down and see my condom-covered cock disappearing inside her as I pistoned my shaft in and out with a burning need to explode. She immediately raised my chin, demanding my gaze so that we would be visually connected again. "I love everything about you, angel," I could feel that point of no return boiling in my balls as they slapped against her ass. She curled her back and raised her knees to curl up in my arms, angling her pussy more direct for me as her rhythmic whimpers grew into short squeals and I drove inside her ever deeper and harder. Then I felt her feet on my ass from her legs wrapping around me, pulling her hips up in her own thrusts to meet mine with still greater need as her eyes held a firm grasp on me.
"Oh, Jeff..." her mouth opened like she was about to say something else, but her pained orgasmic expression took over once more as I suddenly felt her vaginal muscles clamping hard with rhythmic spasms around the entire length my cock, her stomach clenching hard, raising her head off the bed as she her nails dug into my arms as she tried to pull me down into her while still trying to keep her focus on my eyes. Feeling her tight canal cumming all around me, her pussy grasping at my rod to stay inside and spill my seed into her, as well as, seeing the expression plainly in her eyes, on her face, in her body, was just too much. 
She dug her fingers into my backside, and my turgid cock could hold its excitement no longer. The sperm rushed up my shaft, and my penis tightened into a spreading orgasm that I felt right down to my feet. My cum began rocketing out of its swollen tip, and in shivering uncontrolled spurts, it rushed desperate to impregnate Hayley's body.
I uttered a deep growl and pushed hard to bottom out inside her, explosions of emotion like fireworks blowing up inside my every extremity as my body shook uncontrollably from head to toe, coloured spots coming over my eyes as I lost all focus and control. My cock pulsed and contracted, the heat of my semen burned through my manhood as I felt it jet out hard and coat my swollen cockhead as it filled the condom in shot after powerful shot. I felt so good, I wanted to cry with finally achieving the release that my body had been begging for since I had first woken up that morning and, honestly, every morning since I'd met this woman of my dreams.
She held me tightly to her, jerking and sighing as she felt my pulsating cock unloading my sperm in shuddering squirts into her. She moaned as she came again, wrapping her arms more tightly around me. As our breathing began to slowly subside, she sighed. "Don't leave me. Stay inside me." 
Her orgasmic massaging of my full length continued through my entire duration, renewing in vigour and strength halfway through as she suddenly squealed my name again. Once my eyes were able to open again, I looked down at my sweating and beautiful goddess for only an instant before doubling forward and latching my lips onto hers in a frantic kiss of shared passion.
Both of us entirely spent, our bodies coming down from the natural high, she fell back onto the bed beneath me and I collapsed onto my elbows, my arms shaking as I tried to hold myself up so as not to crush her. I didn't want to move even a muscle, exhausted, every bit of my energy sapped by my explosive orgasm, but I forced myself to roll off of her quickly to prevent hurting her or have any condom accidents and slumped onto the bed beside her. She slowly scooted next to me, moving like she was as drained as I was, but needing to snuggle her nude body against mine and laid her head on my heaving chest. Proud of my lovemaking skills, I wrapped my arm around her, marveling in the natural feel of her body against me as she sighed contentedly.
"I love you, Jeff," she spoke softly, sweetly, her hand caressing my chest. Breathing deeply as we both stared into the abyss of each other's gaze, strangely she suddenly started laughing and I had to look down at her to see what was so funny. "Now I wish that I convinced you to make love to me months ago," she blushed. "That was... amazing; all of it," she inhaled deeply. "You make me feel so... complete."
I was feeling on top of the world, as if I could do no wrong; not only had I made love to the girl of my dreams, but she was completely satisfied by me too. It was the best feeling ever! "Well, in that case, I'll suck your nipples and eat your pussy every single night before making mad passionate love to you," though my body ached as I did, I couldn't help from laughing. "I'll just have a helping of your pussy for dinner every night. That's perfectly fine by me; I can live forever on just loving you."
"My pussy for dinner?" she giggled and then suddenly sat up as if she had remembered something, her eyes shooting open, her mouth dropping as she gasped. "The dinner... Oh, I completely forgot!," she groaned as she pushed herself out of bed, her succulent nude ass pointing right at me as she searched around on the floor for her dress. Bending over to retrieve it, the heaven between her legs smiling back at me, I couldn't help but admire the gorgeous view though I was too spent to even get a reaction out of my manhood at the moment.
"Do you want to try again… without a condom?" she asked.
"No," I replied, making her eyes widen. “I have to be careful. If you and I have a baby together, it will be because it's what we both want to do—not because we got turned on and couldn't control ourselves."
"I—I think you love Ellen," she stammered.
Her eyes immediately widened in fear, but I smiled and kissed her. "I love you, Hayley. But I need to do the right thing by your sister," I whispered. "We're smart people," I added, getting up to get that condom. "I'm sure we'll figure it out."
I was glad that condom didn't break. The way Hayley wrapped her legs around me and held me to her, I would never have been able to pull out. I loved everything about this experience; the way she kissed me, the way her hard nipples welcomed my mouth, the way her wet pussy welcomed me and nursed that big load of cum from my nuts. Afterward, the look of gratitude on her face bothered me. I couldn't help but feel that I had taken advantage of her.
I carefully tied off the full condom and dropped it in the wastebasket. I slid back into the bed and squeezed her to me tightly. We kissed some more before I looked into her eyes.
"Hayley, you don't think I just took advantage of you, do you?" I asked. "I mean, after you opened up to me and shared all that—I feel like maybe I shouldn't have had sex with you. At least, not now I'm marrying your sister—"
She cut me off with a passionate kiss. "Shut up," she said playfully as she stood by the bed. She sighed and pulled me onto my side facing her, rubbing her hand over my chest. "It was perfect, Jeff. If you had walked out that door I wouldn't have blamed you, but it would have been devastating. If you hadn't put on the condom, I would have feared the repercussions. You are always such a gentleman. So, no, I don't think you took advantage of me at all. You gave me exactly what I wanted, but now… dinner."
"Good," I sighed, leaning forward to kiss her again before I slipped my legs out of bed and sat on the edge of the mattress.
As she fixed her hair we heard the front door to the house opening and Ellen's voice called out, announcing her arrival home from class. Like a flash, Hayley was at the bedroom door, closing it behind her but first sticking her head back inside at me. "Hurry and dress for the dinner, lover," she giggled, "if Ellen sees you naked I may have to stop her from raping you!" She looked down the hallway for a second and then back in at me, raising her skirt quickly, flashing her gorgeous pussy. Then she brought her hand to her lips and blew a kiss at me before letting her skirt fall back into place. "I love you. With all my heart and soul."
I heard her footsteps fade as she ran down the stairs toward her sister… then they both squealed in delight.
"You got laid!" were the only coherent words I heard. Smiling, I rose from my bed, breathed in the scent of Hayley's sex and began to dress to join my lover and bride-to-be. 
"We are smart people," I repeated, buttoning up my shirt. "I'm sure we'll figure it out."
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puppycharmz · 5 months
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one more updated comm sheet to have everything be easier to see and whatnot :)
terms and conditions listed below, also available here (and more examples)
I have the right to refuse a commission. Please keep that in mind.
My turnaround time depends on the piece. At the earliest (for example, with a sketch) it will be done within a day or so. At the latest, it could be a week or so after the original commission date. Do keep in mind I have a job that does not allow me to draw while I work at times. I will keep you up to date if I need to delay your commission/it is taking longer than expected.If a commission is taking longer than you'd like, please do let me know. HOWEVER, do not spam messages day by day asking about the status of the commission. I understand being excited for a piece of art, but it will put unnecessary pressure on me as an artist and could potentially affect the quality of the finished work.Payment/Refund policy: Half payment is due before commission is started. The other half will be asked for once the commission is completed. Failure to provide the second half will result in the commission being held until it is provided. Payment can be taken through Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp and Discord Nitro (first 3 payment methods preferred). If there are alternate payment methods I am not aware of, don't be afraid of bringing it up!If a commission is complete or nearly complete, I will not offer any refund UNLESS it is a financial emergency (for example, an unexpected charge/need for money). This may vary from commission to commission, as a sketch commission is considered complete much earlier than a fully shaded one.I will be showing progress of the commission as I work. During this stage you are free to request any changes you would like to be made.If you are unsatisfied with the final piece, please let me know. I will try to make any changes necessary (within reason). Again, refunds will not be given out AFTER a piece is fully completed, even if you are still unsatisfied with the final result.
There are fandoms I will not do. The most important ones are DSMP/MCYT and any Vivziepop media. I do have some more fandoms I will not draw, but if they come up I will let you know.
Feral Characters
Anthro/Furry Characters
Simple Robots/Androids
Fandom Characters
OC x Canon
Complex Robot Characters
Intense Body Horror
Heavy Gore
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writemekpop · 1 year
Hot & Cold | Lee Taeyong
Summary: All you want is some loving from your ice cold mafia boyfriend Taeyong...
Genre: Mafia AU, angsty
Word Count: 1.3k
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You sit across from your boyfriend Taeyong in a dimly lit bar in Itaewon. 
You’ve just finished another successful mission for the Seoul mafia. Honestly, you don’t understand why Taeyong called you here – you’re not the type to go on ‘dates’. 
“They… offered me a new mission,” you said. “In Japan. For a year.”
You search Taeyong’s gaunt, handsome face for a flicker of pain, but find only seriousness. 
“That’s good,” Taeyong said coolly, sipping his beer. “You deserve it.”  
You can’t hide a little grunt of frustration that leaves your lips. 
Taeyong frowns. “You’re… unsatisfied. You want some show of emotion from me?” He looks away. “Well, you won’t find it.” 
“Oh, don’t worry,” you hiss. “I would never expect that. It’s not like you’re my boyfriend or anything.” 
Taeyong glares at you. “The Y/n I know wouldn’t care about kisses or sweet nothings. She’s lethal – feared by everyone south of the border.”
You bite your lip. “Can I not be lethal and loving?” Your voice drops. “I can’t remember the last time you said, ‘I love you.’” 
You slowly realise that this conversation, like every serious one with Taeyong, is completely one-sided. Maybe you should finally give up. 
You stand up and put on your leather jacket. “If the mission goes well… I might be moved to Japan permanently,” you say, turning. 
You tell yourself you’d be okay never seeing Taeyong again, but you know you’re lying. Secretly, you’re begging Taeyong to say something, to sweep you off your feet. What a stupid, schoolgirl fantasy. 
All Taeyong says, coldly, is, “I wish you the best.”
You take a deep breath, wondering if this was the most low-key breakup in history. 
Three years ago, you were young and hungry, with no family, eager to rise up the ranks of the mafia like Taeyong. However, he barely noticed you. 
It all changed when you took a police officer’s bullet for him, saving his life. As you lay there, bleeding out from your leg, Taeyong sat with you for hours, holding your hand with an iron grip. 
After that, he would enter your room every night to change your dressings. In the moonlight, he would gently dab your skin, showing impossible kindness. It drove you crazy to have him so close, but you waited for him to make the first move. 
One night, you told Taeyong that your leg was healed, but he came to your room anyway. Instead of tending your leg, his hand grazed up your thigh… your waist… your cheek. 
Why am I always the weak one? you remember asking. Taeyong almost smiled. Everybody has a weakness, he said, placing a kiss on the palm of your hand. You, my darling, are mine.  
Taeyong came back the next night, and the next, and so on… until, in the shadows, you created a relationship. 
A part of you always worried that Taeyong didn’t love you enough to be your boyfriend in the light of day. You realised that that was exactly right.  
Just then, you feel a strong hand gripping yours. 
You turn, and Taeyong is frowning, his eyes desperate. “Don’t – go,” he says thickly. 
Your lips are tight. “Why?” 
“Because – I don’t want you to,” he says. 
“Why not?” He gulps. “I want… you. Won’t you stay?” 
You stand there, crossing your arms. “Prove it to me.” 
Taeyong balls his hands into fists on the table, his face strained. “You know I can’t do that.”
You shrug. “Then you know my answer."
You turn away again, and suddenly, Taeyong is gripping your hand again. He bends, and pulls the long, shaggy hair away from his neck to reveal the soft skin beneath. 
A long brown scar snakes around his neck. You gasp, and unthinkingly reach out to touch it. To your shock, he does not stop you. He only grits his teeth. 
You’ve heard about Taeyong’s last girlfriend, how she betrayed Taeyong to a rival gang and almost got him killed. He’d never talked to you about it. 
“This… made me believe that love is weakness,” he says quietly. “I was wrong. Love is everything.” 
He stands, so that your bodies are only a few inches apart. 
Taeyong has never been this intimate with you, not in the daytime and certainly not in public. 
You’ll never forget the first night you saw Taeyong naked.  
All those night-time meetups in your apartment had left you sick with desire. You wanted Taeyong, you wanted to love him, to fuck him, but for some reason… it had never happened. 
One night, Taeyong abruptly said, It’s not that I don’t want to. 
You frowned, not understanding what he meant. Believe me. His eyelashes fluttered. I want to. The problem is that when you see me naked… you’ll no longer want to. 
You shook your head, unable to imagine a world where you didn’t want to sleep with Taeyong. Never, you said. 
But still, when Taeyong pulled off his black coat, waistcoat and shirt to reveal a body criss-crossed with so many wounds that it was more scar than skin, you felt a tiny jolt of fear. Each one of those scars came from fighting – and winning.
You were about to tell Taeyong that it didn’t matter, that nothing could stop you from being with him, but it was too late. As soon as he saw your reaction, he dressed again. The moment was lost. 
You continued talking, laughing, crying together… but you never broached the subject of sex again. 
You forget how to breathe. 
“May I?” he whispers. 
“Yes,” you say. 
Torturously slowly, Taeyong places his hand on your waist and pulls you tight to him. You love his hard, wounded body. So many nights, you’ve imagined kissing every part of it, memorising each scar. 
He leans closer. 
You can see the fear in his eyes. 
His breath is hot and trembling on your face. 
Finally, your lips touch. On a rollercoaster of shock and delight, you forget how hard this must be for Taeyong. You grip the back of his shoulders, and pull him closer, kissing him so deeply it’s as if you’re trying to fuse your bodies into one. 
This time, for the first time, Taeyong doesn’t stiffen, he doesn’t pull away. His hard, straight posture melts away, and he leans into you, bowing your bodies. 
When you’re finally forced to break away, you’re breathless. Stars dance in your eyes. Taeyong looks possibly worse – his face is flushed and he looks like he might need to sit down. 
“That was-“ he starts-
“Incredible,” you say. 
“Unhealthy,” he says. 
A smile creeps onto both of your faces.
“I suppose I could find a mission in Korea,” you say, taking a gulp of his beer. “Seeing as my boyfriend is so desperate to have me stay.” 
He snatches the glass from you. “Don’t forget – I could beat you in a fight.”
Laughing, you skip over to his side of the table and hook your arm around his throat, pushing his head against your chest. “Are you sure?” you whisper. 
Your heart is racing. Taeyong might get angry. You might have gone too far with the play flighting, drunk on today’s victory. 
Taeyong turns slowly in your grip. You feel his hot breath against your chest. Your arms loosen. 
To your surprise, Taeyong brings his lips to your neck and leaves a trail of kisses that is wet and smouldering and completely inappropriate for a bar. Delightful shivers run over your skin.
Taeyong looks up at you, a smile curving his lips. “I can’t believe I was so worried about my own body that I passed up the opportunity…” his eyes run up your body, shamelessly glued to every curve “to see this.” 
You intertwine his fingers in yours. “Then let’s not waste another moment.”
Taeyong smiles and rises. “Couldn’t agree more.” 
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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fillinforlater · 2 years
On her knees
Male Reader x Shen Xiaoting, Kim Jimin (Monday) (ft. Miyeon)
Length: 6469 words
Tags: daddy kink, like, very, very daddy kink, dub-con, dom!reader sub!idols, degradation, slutification, anal, anal creampie, tits play, clit play, humiliation, blowjob, breathplay, deepthroat, spitting on idol, tying up idol, bondage, slapping, tit slapping, rimming, a phone call lol, you are super powerful, tit fuck, curses, rivalry, cleaning up Xiaoting, taming Xiaoting brat!Xiaoting / goodgirl!Monday, polygamy ofc, threesome ofc, riding, anal virgin, tears and drool and juice and... okay that’s enough tags lmao
TW: my usual chaos of rough sex, idol degradation, curses and a lot of dom play with hints at emotional manipulation and dub-con, also ropes
Inspiration/Credit: Long ago, in a Discord chat far, far away @sooyadelicacies sent two gifs that made me lose my shit. I found my shit and we picked up this month old story and it’s now finished lol
(A/N: I hope you have fun with the (usual) Sooya degradation collab lol. Sorry for taking so long, more is on the way!)
“Hi, Daddy.”
Not again. She is so greedy, insatiable, never satisfied. You gave it to her four times already: two in the morning, one during lunch break, one in the bathroom—but even after hours of dance lessons and vocal recordings, she still craves you.
"I want to be full of your thick cock, Daddy. Let me feel your warm cum."
"Sorry, you won't get me today. It's already past 10 and I am exhausted."
"Fine. You don't want to play. Then I'll just find someone else to fuck me. Raw."
"You little shit—"
The moment you raise your voice, Xiaoting drops to her knees. Her black lace covered arms find their way behind her back and her bare knees rub on the floor of your living room. Of course she did not bother to change after her final dance practice. Her gorgeous beige dress with an antique design shows off her wide hips and puts her porcelain skin on display. Your anger keeps you from admiring her further.
"Yes, Daddy! Punish me. I'm such a disobedient little slut," Xiaoting says teasingly.
Your eyes can't look away. She does not deserve this attention. The best punishment would be to leave her unsatisfied. The logical thing would be to go to bed and get deserved rest. The most helpful thing would be to tie her up and leave her alone. However, it's to no avail. Your gaze is already wandering over her curves, those delicious, well-defined curves—and Xiaoting notices.
"Oh, you like my wide hips, Daddy? They were made just for you to grab on and slam your load into me. Would you like that~?"
"To make things clear: I don't need you. I can breed many girls, more beautiful than you. You're just a worthless toy for me." 
A step towards her, then you spit. The wet impact on her face makes Xiaoting groan in ecstasy. She thinks she’s got you and every bratty reaction or remark will get her closer to get what she wants from you. It's either she pours them out of her filthy mouth or reveals her neediness and willingness to be—
"I don't care what I am, just breed me!."
Immediately, you hit her wide-ass hips with the back of my hand, before pulling back her head at the handle that are her brown locks. Rinse, then another trail of spit runs down her flushed features as she cries in pain. 
"Shut up you fucking toy! Should I get Monday in here and breed her in front of you? She is such a good slut, way more worth than you."
Xiaoting smirks through the sting.
"Take us both, Daddy, if you think you can handle us, that is."
"Stupid brat! You have no idea how we play this game!" 
Squeeze the flesh on Xiaoting's thighs before giving it a resounding spank. You know it doesn't take any effort to get Monday over here. Just a quick message on your phone while Xiaoting shows her greedy, needy, bratty face and wiggles her attributes. From a drawer, you grab a rope and tie Xiaoting's arms behind her back. 
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The door opens a minute later, with Monday walking in. The view of her outfit makes you smirk in lustful delight. Always the good girl, she decided to wear one of your favorites: skimpy, tight pants in white and a red crop-top with red see through sleeves. 
"Hi, Daddy. Sorry for taking so long."
After seeing Xiaoting on the ground, she wastes no time kneeling next to her and looks at you. Those fierce eyes, something her fans adore and something that makes up a lot of her stage presence are completely different around you. She looks like an obedient puppy, ready for orders, ready to play, and happy to see the one she pledged herself to.
"It's fine. Get up."
You grab a chair and place it in front of the two girls.
"Come sit on Daddy's lap, Monday. You're such a gorgeous slut. Your ass looks great in those shorts."
Monday smiles softly and mouths a thank you while carefully planting her ass on your crotch. Your hands move under her crop top to find bare breasts underneath. This slut always does it right, you think to yourself and dive in. Your rough fondling on the mounds make Monday melt with moans as she throws herself back onto your chest.
She has always been sensitive at this part of her body. It’s of course no secret to you, as you go faster on her nipples. The supple movements of her ass on your cock become quicker, more stimulating. Combined with the sound of her sweet voice and the sight of Xiaoting's sinful body it makes your rock hard. Envy overcomes the bratty ones face.
"Play with me too, Daddy. I’m far better than Monday."
"Oh really, bitch? I think I'll enjoy Monday quite a lot. Look at her! Drooling all over herself, and she isn't even naked yet!"
Lust, though powerful, rarely makes you lose control. Spreading Monday's legs apart and revealing a damp spot right in front of Xiaoting's eyes might seem erratic, but it's planned, calculated. The effects on Xiaoting are easily predictable to you. She begins to lose control over her tongue as it leaks drool and her orbs become clouded in a haze of arousal and envy. 
"Daddy," Monday mewls, "please touch me. I'm so needy for you."
Now, Xiaoting is really on the clock. If she doesn't act accordingly, your cock will soon be in Monday's delicate pussy, and you will pump her full of her seed—and Xiaoting cannot allow that. Her knees scratch over the parquet surface and turn red as she inches towards you. Her soft cheek presses against your crotch and Monday's core, making the sensitive girl groan and you scoff:
"Hey bitch! If you want to make your pitiful existence useful, remove Monday's pants.”
If this doesn't spur on their rivalry, then nothing ever will. The two were friends for years, sure, but they always competed for the No. 1 in everything. From classes, to their dance teams, even in volleyball and their orchestra. To one-up the other is a victory they both yearn for on a weekly basis, so it's no wonder that you found yourself with two gorgeous after one of them became addicted to what you can give them. 
Being your No. 1 cumslut is just another competition.
"Daddy~" Xiaoting whispers as she gets up and moves behind you so her words only reach your ear, “I know you want your big cock in my tight ass, hm? It’s exclusively for you today.”
You smirk at what she tells you but you don't give in.
"You fucking brat. You think you can tempt me and just get your way?" 
"What did she say, Daddy?" Monday asks.
"Xiaoting is offering her ass like a common street whore." 
Monday huffs and furrows her brow in annoyance. 
"But Daddy, I'm a good girl. Xiaoting isn't. She doesn't obey like I do, I—" 
Monday was not ready for anal and she communicated that with you before, so it was a dirty trick that Xiaoting decided to pull to maybe turn the tables. Rejecting you could free the spot on your lap for the greedy Xiaoting.
"That's right, baby girl."
Your hand glides over Monday's bare abs, then into her skimpy shorts. You find a cleanly shaven, drenched pussy, but the most important thing is her clit. The hidden, small nub is filled with blood from her arousal.
Expertly, you begin to rub it. Monday's moans now become screams, her sizable breasts and thighs tremble as her whole body succumbs to shakes of a quickly approaching orgasm.
Xiaoting has waddled back in front of you. She tries to look confident in her plan, but mostly, she looks aroused and needy as hell. Her legs rub together, her tongue slips out at times and you know she would love to show you her bare ass and hips. Too bad she is still tied up.
"You are such a talented vocalist. I always love hearing you scream for me baby girl. Do you see this, Xiaoting? Monday gets rewarded first because she isn't a dumb fucking brat like you are. I don't understand it; you're top of your class back in school and a world class ballroom dancer yet you have no discipline when it comes to my cock."
"Daddy, it's because your cock made me dumb. It feels so good, I can't think of anything else. All the time, I think about it and want it in my slutty pussy. I'm such a dumb whore for Daddy's dick, I just want it to breed me."
Xiaoting's impressive rant is cut short when you give Monday's pussy a slap at just the right time and angle. In a piercing scream, Monday cums hard, squirt shoots out of her cunt in multiple ropes and stains her shorts and your hand. 
"You sound convincing, Xiao," you say with a mocking voice, while undressing a Monday who is still on her high, "but it’s mostly lies. And your ace, it falls short if Monday offers it as well."
"Daddy,” Monday softly says,” I love you. Please, fuck me first." 
Xiaoting scoffs at her rival. Monday always played a saccharine melody that would give her a better chance at getting the first bite of you. 
"You're such a good girl, Monday."
You fish out your hard on and slap it against her wet folds. Xiaoting is gawking at it with every slap. She'd burst in a frenzy the moment you'd insert the cock into her rival. The seed she wants to breed her should never be in Monday’s pussy.
Your plan is a different one however.
"Monday, you are my good girl, yes?"
"Yes, Daddy. I'm a good girl for you and your cock."
"Do you know what good girls do?"
"They do what their Daddy says."
Your slaps on her wetness stop and you adjust the light woman on your lap.
"—would you let me fuck your ass?"
Xiaoting smirks victoriously. There was no way Monday was going to let that happen, she wasn't ready. Besides that, you knew how amazing her ass was. It’s probably unbeatable. Soon, she will have you inside her and finally get her way.
Monday looks at Xiaotings gaze before resolving herself. 
"Daddy… I love you. Do whatever you want with me, I'm your good girl, your good whore. F-fuck my a-ass if you want. I belong to you only."
Xiaoting's eyes widen. Shock and fear dominate her emotions, she did not expect the brunette girl to be this brave. If not for her own restraints, it would not have come this far. However, an obscene drive to watch Monday take her first cock in her ass makes her freeze and focus on the scene before her.
Monday's eyes are shut. She squeezes down her eyelids, while you feel her asshole squeeze down around your aligned and slowly penetrating tip. She is not relaxed, which makes her tight but this is clearly not comfortable for her.
"Relax, baby girl. You are so, so good for taking it. After using your perfect ass, I'll give you a special reward, okay?."
No response from her, as your lips suck on her neck shortly. You kiss your way up her delicate throat, but the tension keeps her motionless, further penetration is impossible now.
Xiaoting’s sweaty face shows a smirk. Maybe things are as expected. Monday isn't able to take your massive cock in her ass. This will be over soon, and then you will pick her ass, because it’s actually fuckable.
"Daddy, g-go slow please, it h-hurts," Monday cries softly.
In your deepest, most soothing voice, you hum into her ear:
"Relax. You're so good. I'm almost in."
Rubs on her smooth skin, your calm breath and a deep desire to win bring Monday to relax. She loosens and your cock disappears inside her puckered hole inch by inch. 
"No," slips from Xiaoting's tongue. 
You grin at her, but before you can say something to degrade her, your entire dick is surrounded by warmth. The tight texture of Monday's unused asshole makes you groan and praise her further:
"Oh, baby girl! You are doing so well! Where is Daddy's cock?"
"My, my ass, Daddy, you're the first and only person to—my hole, this hole is yours! It belongs to you. Sh-shape it to your will, paint it with your cum and r-ruin it with your cock, Daddy!"
Pull out a little to savor Monday's tightness.
"Such a perfect slut. Unlike someone else."
Xiaoting is on her knees again. She did not expect to lose and certainly not in such a severe manner. With her arms behind her back, she is absolutely helpless and her stupid brain forces her to watch.
And watch, she does. Her skimpy lace panties you haven't even cared about inspecting are drenched with juice. Her knees and wrists have bruises from her struggle to move. Her bratty mouth is quiet, her lips shut except for a faint whimper. Desperately, she stares at your cock and how it starts to thrust into Monday.
"How is it Monday? Do you like my cock in your ass? Do you wish you had done it earlier? Hm?”
Monday's answer is interrupted by mewls and heavy breaths: 
"Y-you’re so big, Daddy, ah! T-to be honest, I-I was very scared, so I did not—fuck—want to try it."
"And what changed your mind?"
"Th-that I have to be a good girl for Daddy and that he owns all my h-holes."
"Very good answer," you coo right behind her ear, "Raise your arms, so I can see your cute breasts bounce."
Being the ever obedient girl, Monday follows your orders. You savor the sight of her well-shaven, smooth pits. How she wraps around your cock with her tight, virgin asshole leaves you groaning in joy. Who needs pace if something squeezes this intensely?
"Hey, stupid toy!" you address Xiaoting, who wordlessly kneels in between your legs, "Make yourself useful and remove Monday's top. Maybe I'll let you suck my balls if you succeed."
Xiaoting is not yet entirely mindless. With skilled movements of her legs she gets up from the ground. Because her hands are still restrained, she has to use her teeth to gently grab Monday's top and pull it over the moaning girl's head. Xiaoting's resistance falters quickly, you notice.
You then look at Xiao coldly as you fuck faster into Monday:
"You seem to have forgotten your place brat. The only fucking reason you're here is to serve me, to pleasure me. The only reason you're an idol is because of me. The only reason I am here right now is because I want to fuck you whores! You are nothing but holes for me to use." 
Pulling out your phone you scroll through your contacts. It was just a who's who of K-pop idols, an abundance of groups from across all generations.
"I can fuck whoever I want. BLACKPINK? They would reroute their flights from Europe to here right now if I called them. TWICE? I could have all nine of them here serving me. Girls Generation? From Taeyeon to Jessica, they listen to my call. IU? I'll celebrate her anniversary soon enough. 
And do you know what you are, Xiaoting? You're just an upstart, talented maybe, but don't you ever fucking think you're above any of this. Monday's getting her virgin ass stuffed by my cock because she's an obedient good girl, meanwhile you're bound up and absolutely useless all because you decided to throw a tantrum to the one person who built you with a single whisper.”
Xiaoting falls back onto her knees. No words can express the magnitude of the revelation she has just witnessed. It spins her view of this world around. This ‘Daddy play’ was more than a mere kink. There was real power behind this and she maybe should’ve seen this coming.
"Can I suck your balls, Daddy?" 
Xiaoting’s voice is stern, barely audible through Monday's increasing moans and screams. It’s a mask to hide the fact that she is limp to you if your contacts aren’t a well-planned fake. Once again, she underestimated you.
"No, bitch! You have to say it like you mean it. There is still brattiness in you. You might be the worst case of this I have ever seen."
One of your hands is securely at Monday's waist, to hold her in position. Fucking her harder and quicker is easy now and she has learned to stay relaxed at all times. Soon, she will cum from her ass for the first time and then she is finally three useful holes on a delicious body with a beautiful face. That is exactly how you like your sluts.
The same cannot be said about Xiaoting. Your second hand gives her puffed up cheek a small slap, then another and a third, before you knock her over with a hit for the ages. Xiaoting screams out in pain and her following words are a babbled mess:
"Please, Daddy! I need to suck your balls!"
"Wrong again, you selfish brat!
"I need, I need—
"I need to pleasure you, Daddy, please! Or else I'm a useless piece of meat! Please give me a purpose, Daddy!"
You smirk in delight and wrap your hand around Monday's throat. The idol's eyes have disappeared into the back of her head as you get her closer and closer to heaven. Her shrieks are in perfect rhythm with how you fuck her ass. 
In Xiaoting's brown eyes, there is desperation, the dread of not being part of her group, of not being an idol, of not being used. She has no clue if your power really stretches to all these women you have listed, but she wouldn't dare to question her Daddy. You have finally put her into place and made her a crying, drooling, leaking mess that stains your parquet with three kinds of liquids. 
"Suck on them, Xiaoting, and maybe you can have the rest that leaks out of Monday's ass."
It wasn't any of the music programs in school, or dance competitions, any of the auditions or performances on Girls Planet 999, no, this, this right here was the most important performance of Xiaoting's life. She knew that now. She knew if she didn't impress you, if she didn't suck your balls perfectly, this could all be over for her. She would be nothing because you have it all in the grasp of your hand.
Reverentially, Xiaoting inches her lips closer to your crown jewels. Right above her is Monday bouncing up and down your cock at rapid speed. She is completely in bliss, orgasms shake through her pale body and make her beautiful limbs and features glisten in sweat.
With full concentration, Xiaoting parts her lips and takes your testicle into her mouth. The feeling of her lips, her hot mouth, her delicate tongue, they make you groan and leak more of your pre-cum into Monday, who is nothing but a mindless fleshlight now.
"Don't stop!" you shout down to the sucking and licking Xiaoting "You seem to be worth something for the first time."
Your orgasm approaches quickly, your tip ready to burst, but you want to feel Xiaoting a little longer. She deserves to be this low, to get nothing, to know that she is the last you'd actually want to impregnate.
Knead Monday's bountiful bouncing breast with an eager hand, use the other to pull Xiaoting's hair back and see her sparkling eyes. The eyes of a slave, a slave for your manhood, putting an awe inducing face on your balls because she sees it as mandatory. 
A final lick from the bottom side of your balls to the bottom of your shaft and you burst with Monday fully wrapped around and clenching on you.
"Pay close attention," you groan to Xiaoting as you feel the torrent of hot cum clean out Monday's ass. 
Xiaoting is helpless to observe the shudder of your body as she can all but feel the millions of swimmers leave their home in your sack and diligently rush to migrate into Monday's ass. She could feel how your balls feel less full, lighter as you unloaded what should have been her prize. 
Monday is helpless to stay put as she feels your spunk fill her other hole for the first time.
"Daddy, so hot! My ass, I—"
"I'm gonna use it often from now on. You have proven yourself, baby girl."
"Yes, Daddy! Fill me, my ass is yours. I love you."
Monday is left motionless. You lift her from your cock and immediately, her puckered hole clenches shut. All your baby batter remains inside her, except for a small droplet that sticks to her ass.
Xiaoting quickly tries to glide up your cock with her tongue, but you hold her hair firmly.
"Nuh uh, bitch! You don't deserve to suck it, hell, even cleaning it is too good for you. Clean Monday's ass if you want leftovers."
Xiaoting is helpless to nod and meekly turns around to try and take what she can get from Monday's ass, except Monday masterfully clenches her hole and looks back at Xiao. 
"Don't even think about it. You don't deserve this. I worked hard for this by being a good girl." 
Monday then turns to look at you. 
"Daddy, may I clean your cock, please?"
"Get on your knees, baby girl. I'll give you what you want."
"Thank you, Daddy."
Monday shoves a distraught, almost depressed Xiaoting to the back and kneels in between your legs. She opens her mouth wide and you shove her favorite piece of meat down her throat. Monday gobbles and chokes at first, but she keeps her eyes wide and her hand in her lap, just like the best sluts you trained.
Behind her, Xiaoting gets into position. She is like an addict, doing everything for a little dose of her drug. Still bound by the restraints around her wrists, she shifts into an awkward position to get her face in front of Monday's ass creek. 
No disgust or hesitation in her moves, Xiaoting immediately eats Monday's ass and tries to open the tight entrance. Monday wants to resist, but you pin her with both your hand and gaze to remain in her sucking position. Ever the obedient girl, she stays mostly calm as Xiaoting becomes violent with her slick tongue.
As much as Monday wanted to stop Xiaoting, she knew her focus should be on cleaning your cock and she would make sure she delivered in that area as well. 
You look at the sight before you, two up and comers getting their training on how to please you. They weren't anywhere near the levels of some of their older peers you had at your command, but they showed promise. Especially Monday will surely fall into the category of ‘willing good girl’. Xiaoting however is still not broken the way you need her to.
"Xiaoting, who is a female idol that inspires you?" you ask seemingly random.
"Hm," she contemplates, feeling only tiny droplets of cum on the top of her tongue, yet not giving up, "Miyeon-unnie of GI-DLE, Daddy. I adore her beauty."
"You have good taste. She looks amazing, especially in the new blonde hair style. It's funny: I made her so addicted to anal, she doesn't even want to be bred anymore. Nowadays, I'm glad some other guys can satisfy this lady, cause we both just don't have time for hour long anal sessions."
Out of a random mood, you pinch Monday's nose and watch her give you a puzzled look.
"Baby girl, would you please take it all for Daddy?"
It's not a plea, but a command, and Monday knows. She nods, a little scared of what's to come, but still goes down. Her tight throat presses on your hardening cock and the lack of air quickly makes her gag.
"Stay. Stay. Stay," you repeat calmly, Monday's nose firmly closed with your digits. Large globs of saliva begin to run down your shaft, balls—and then drip onto your floor. 
"Good job," you coo while Monday fears for her life because of lack of oxygen in her lungs. Good girls go all the way for their Daddy and she does, even when her lips are blue and cheeks stained by tears. 
You pull her off your cock and a final rain of saliva rains down. Slowly you back off and take Monday with you. She takes deep breaths and you caress her cheek with a soft smile.
"You have proven yourself. I'm impressed, you really are a masterpiece, maybe the best of this generation."
"Th-thank y-you, Daddy."
"I'll give you a gift later. Now, let's watch this bitch clean the floor with her tongue."
You shoot Xiaoting a look and she obeys. She drags her tongue on the floor to try and sop up any remaining particles of cum that remain in the sea of Monday’s saliva.
"Don't stop licking until I say so. Monday, keep sucking my cock will you?" 
As they do so, you bring your phone to your face and push a couple buttons letting it ring. The facetime call starts and a familiar face pops up on screen.
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"Daddy! It really is you!" 
Miyeon's voice is filled with delight and excitement. Her face on your screen expresses the same emotions, just with a hint of naughtiness in her expression. A lip bite from her with that blonde hair and crimson lips would be deadly for any of her fans. 
Not for you however. You made her like this.
"Hey, Miyeon. You look amazing. Nice to see that you picked up so quickly. I bet your schedule is tight."
"Not as tight as me though," she giggles as you shut your mouth to not groan at what Monday's mouth does. 
"I always have time for you. I just got back from another shooting. You'll love our new music video~"
"Mhmmm, I bet I will. If I do, I'll be sure to come and reward you. AndYuqi. And Shuhua. And, anyways, I called you because a younger idol told me you were her inspiration." 
You flip the camera around and Miyeon doesn't even bat an eye at seeing two naked girls on your apartment floor, one sucking your cock and the other licking the floor. 
"Now, the one sucking my cock is Monday, she's a good girl. The other in the back is Xiaoting and she has been rather difficult." 
Both Monday and Xiaoting were shocked to varying degrees. For Monday, being fully nude and exposed like this was a new experience which made her blush. The lack of oxygen from before however lowered her rationale significantly, so she continues to suck your cock diligently.
For Xiaoting, the revelation that you really did know other Sunbaenims leaves her in even more fear than before. Your power must be far beyond what she could imagine, and if she continued to piss you off, her idol career might be in trouble. She puckers her lips and sucks the drool in like a vacuum cleaner, anything to increase Daddy’s approval.
Miyeon is unbothered and looks at Xiaoting. 
"Hmm, I see why you chose her Daddy. I'm sorry to hear she's being disobedient. Maybe she's not worthy of you. You can always have me come over and satisfy you, Daddy, you know that."
"I know, Miyeon. You have always been eager and great at finding my needs. You deserve a great comeback with no distractions and extra tasks, so don't sweat it. Now, do you know what I should do to make her really understand and accept her role? She seems to do what I tell her, but doesn't like it."
"Well, she seems to enjoy licking and sucking your floor clean. Look at her tongue lapping it up like a dog and her lips, sucking on it like it's your cock. What even is that? Girl juice?"
"Nah, it's Monday's—fuck—saliva, mixed with rests of my cum. That's the only reason why she is so eager, I assume."
"Hmm," Miyeon ponders and taps her chin, "Show me Monday again. Does she look like she loves it?"
You point the camera back down and hear Xiaoting whimper in the background. Her dress gets stained by the rest of the saliva as she gives up on drinking it all.
"Look at her!" you say proudly, caressing Monday's hair, "She is a great pet. Was hesitant to take it in the ass, but today I pumped it full and she is keeping it clenched."
"Aww, and she looks so genuine! Daddy, you made another super star. Her feisty eyes look amazing like this. You better fill her cute mouth~"
"Shut up!" you laugh. Only idols that have proven themselves are allowed such banter, and Miyeon has definitely earned this right in the past. Her full-nelson truly is next level.
While still joking around with Miyeon, you give Monday no warning and suddenly blast your second load into her throat.
"Daddy!" Miyeon laughs over the phone and then pouts, "You're making me wet. I'm getting jealous!" 
Miyeon then directs her attention to Xiaoting. 
"I'm one of your role models? Then you should behave for Daddy. Do you have any idea how many other girls he could fuck? All I see is a spoiled brat who is wasting my Daddy's time."
"Sun-sunbaenim, I—"
"Shh. Look! He is filling his other slut again and you still fight it. I thought you wanted his glorious cum."
"I-I really want it!"
"Then act like it!"
Miyeon then turns her voice back towards you. 
"I hope I helped, Daddy. I know some of the Rookies can be a pain, but they learn eventually. I have to go but I'll be thinking of you tonight and I'll be sure to send you some photos. Come fuck me soon, okay? I got a pedicure and my nails are white."
"Ugh, you are so needy! Just find a fanboy or use Yuqi. I heard she is good with a strap."
Miyeon just giggles. Before waving you goodbye, she lowers her phone and lifts up her top. Beneath it, she wears a bra, but it is so thin and skimpy, her nipples poke through and leave little to the imagination.
"Love you, Daddy~"
Then the call ends. You groan, somewhat annoyed at Miyeon being overtly teasing, but Monday doing her final, gentle clean-up of your cock, makes you smile. She looks very, very much exhausted. You tap her temple and point at the large, red designer couch.
"You can take a rest over there. Blankets are in the box behind it, if you're cold. Don't want you to catch a cold. You've been naked the whole time."
"You're too kind, Daddy," Monday says with a hoarse voice. The thorough usage of her throat made her incapable of speaking longer sentences so she just waddles away slowly.
"You, however, are still in your skimpy dress, with the same attitude, same shackles, same posture. There is no cock in you, no pleasure, no cum. Do you understand why? Do you finally realize that resisting me is futile? That your little rebellion of neediness was absolutely stupid?"
Xiaoting lowers her head in shame. 
"You think you're the only one brat? I have whores far better than anyone in your generation! Do you think that Jessica Jung got as far as she did in SNSD by herself? Or Kwon Yuri? You think IU moved beyond being dirt poor with just her talent? And do you think I haven't tamed my share of disobedient, pretentious dumb sluts? Doyeon, Somi, Yena—I’ve tamed countless brats. You are so out of your depth, Xiaoting. Don't you ever fucking forget your place."
"Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry, Daddy."
"Let’s make something clear: What are you?" you shout with harshness, putting even drill sergeants to shame.
"I-I, uh—"
You create a makeshift ponytail out of her messy hair and yank her head up. She is red all over. A picture of shame.
"What the fuck are you?"
"I'm a good girl! A good girl who needs a Daddy!"
A slap across Xiaoting's cheek. A new kind of redness makes its painful imprint on her slutty face.
"I'm—I'm a slut! A whore, desperate for Daddy's milk—"
"Wrong again, you dumb bimbo!"
This time, your hatred for her stupid dress gets the better of you. You tear it apart and free Xiaoting's impressive melons with their stiff nipples. They swing at the release and they swing more when you smack them once from side to side. Xiaoting leans back and cries. The lower part of her dress is drenched in Monday's saliva and her own pussy juice.
"I'm a toy! I'm nothing, no idol, no girl, no human—just a toy, and Daddy owns me!"
"And what do toys do?"
"They don't resist and get used."
"And when I'm bored?"
"You throw it away."
Xiaoting sobs. She looks inconsolable. You successfully put a new understanding, and along with it, a new fear into her brain. This is what she signed up for. This is her life now.
Your hold of her hair becomes lighter until you caress it slowly, then you reach over and kiss her neck gently. 
"You can leave right now with zero consequences, Xiaoting. If this isn't for you, it isn't for you. You can leave right now and I won't think ill of you, your career will keep on going just fine. Make a choice."
"I'm a toy, I must be useful."
"Do you only do this, because you think you have to repay me, because I gave you this opportunity?" you ask, going further down and kissing her collarbone.
"N-no. It's because I love your, your cock, Daddy."
"You want to be a toy for my cock? Is it that good?"
"Yes," she says in a tiny voice, still whimpering and gasping for air through her tears.
"Well, now you know how this works. It's like the rules to a game, and everyone can win something. Every idol that has accepted to play this game has won something. Of course there is a main price—"
You suck at Xiaoting's nipple and make her moan through the whines and tears that stain her beautiful tears.
"—but that doesn't matter right now. If you agree, you will start from the bottom, kneeling, begging, like you do right now. It will be tough and this won't be your only punishment, but you can definitely achieve glorious goals."
"I want this, D-Daddy. Please, let me be your toy."
"Very well then."
You continue to suck at her tits, rolling your tongue around her nipple and latching yourself to them. 
Xiaoting can only moan as she was finally receiving just a bit of your touch, your pleasure. She didn't deserve it, but she would enjoy it while it lasted.
Once you had your taste of her tits, you were going to put her to work. 
"Xiao, give Daddy a titty fuck. This shall be a part of your test."
"Of course, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy."
You loosen the restraints around her wrists and she wiggles them off of her arms. All her struggles have left them slightly scared with bruises and cuts. She has indeed shown some determination after all.
Xiaoting puts her hands to work, not daring to touch your manhood with it, but only her breasts. She wraps the soft pillows around your base and starts to press down. It's secure in the pocket her tits form and you groan in approval.
With a tiny boost of confidence, Xiaoting starts to jerk her tits up and down to create friction, but with the lack of lubrication, it does not go smoothly. Xiaoting things for a second to not immediately put herself into a disfavorable position. She asks with a soft, submissive voice:
"Daddy, is this toy allowed to drool onto her tits?"
"Hm, Daddy will help his dumb toy. Open up."
As soon as Xiaoting opens her mouth, you stick two fingers inside and force them deep into her. Her consequent gags produce a lot of drool quickly and she can finally imagine how your cock would feel in her throat.
You go rougher, fucking her throat with your fingers until Xiaoting closes her eyes and takes your dominant attack. She leaks all over her breasts and your cock and when you pull out, she giggles in between chokes.
"Thank you, Daddy. You are so kind."
She begins jerking at a fast pace. You hiss as your cock is still sensitive, but Xiaoting's eagerness is nothing you want to stop. She enjoys finally being useful and looks at you with doey, lovey orbs that you have seen in other bratty idols. 
Jessica. Rose. Yena. Almost nostalgic how you had to tame them. If Xiaoting can ever reach their level? It's up to her. If her thighs are equally good, she can definitely make an argument to be a great toy.
Xiaoting starts to use her entire upper body to stimulate you. She almost jumps up in place and takes deep breaths to puff up her chest. It's a valiant effort that certainly has its effect on you.
"Damn, toy, you've got talent. Close your lips and look at me."
Xiaoting looks up at you and jerks out your orgasm. It creams at her melons and partially shoots across her face to cover it in streaks of white. You pull out from her softness and smear the cum on her tits all over them. She giggles but you press a finger on her luscious lips to keep them shut. Something in her expression is disappointment, but she longs for nothing but your approval. 
"Monday? Come over here, good girl, and clean my toy up! It's covered in your favorite glaze.
Monday, ready as always when her Daddy calls, jogs over and kneels next to Xiaoting. She starts to lick up all the cum from Xiaoting's tits like an greedy animal, before going up to her features. Careful licks, and nothing remains. It's all for Monday, she doesn't share and swallows it immediately. Xiaoting accepts it wordlessly.
In the meantime, you sit down on your soft, large chair and triumphantly look at your two sluts. At Monday's fat ass and her irresistible figure. At Xiaotings fat thighs and her irresistible face. God, they were an incredible catch.
"Monday, get on Daddy's lap. I'll fill up your pussy now.
"Oh, and Xiaoting! Come here and kneel before me. You may watch."
“Thank you, Daddy,” they say in unison.
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can you do hcs of dating grayson hawthorne?
grayson hawthorne x fem! reader
hcs about meeting & dating the heir apparent of the hawthorne family.
a/n: ofc!! thx sm for the request & sorry for the wait!! i just got a new one also requesting grayson so this one goes out to you too anon!! grayson hawthorne is one of the lomls🫶 i am so indecisive between him & jameson fr (but for avery i think jameson is better suited for her). hope u enjoy!! i'm a sucker for the poor x rich trope sorry & i love tobias lowkey playing match maker in these LOL & this follows some of the main story but then kinda trails off
word count: 6.8k
warnings: almost drowning (LOL), minor mature language, few spoliers for final gambit i guess?,
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before you were dating the second oldest hawthorne, you were just a girl working part-time at a diner as a waitress, trying to make enough money to buy a car. you were relentlessly getting picked up/dropped off everywhere by either one of your parent's vehicles.
being a waitress wasn't ideal when dealing with rude customers, pretentious managers, and occasional annoying co-workers, but you had decent pay, and tips weren't too bad.
most of the time you were running the show on your own. serving tables, acting as hostess, dealing with unsatisfied customers, etc. it wasn’t even the lack of staff, it was lazy behaviors of your co-workers and manager - who got the job because her dad owns the business.
one peculiar afternoon you were doing your usual job of serving tables and taking orders when an older gentleman walked in, way classier than your usual customers. you seated him, gave him a menu, and then returned to the kitchen to serve your other tables.
the diner staff seemed to be murmuring words and glancing back at the man, but you didn't pay any mind to it. it wasn't unusual for you to catch staff gossiping about customers.
going back to the table, you gave him the complimentary water and then asked for his beverage of choice - he chose a simple black coffee. you went to the kitchen and returned with his drink. you were on the verge of asking for his meal order, but he looked preoccupied with a crossword puzzle.
you peaked over, and noticed he looked possibly stuck, so you offered your help because you often did crosswords when you were bored. "do you mind if i take a look?"
he said nothing, only gesturing his head toward his little crossword booklet and pen beside it. even his pen looked fancy.
you looked over the one he was one, and after reading the hint and the number of boxes for the word, you could figure it out.
the old man peered at you as if you spoke a different language.
"it's fabric with checks and lines, the phrase is a bit old-fashioned. i only know it 'cause that's what my dad refers to his shirts as." you explained.
he looked intrigued by your words, as if you'd given him an idea. he thanked you, then went on to fill out the boxes.
words were said much after that. he drank his coffee and left sometime while you were busy serving other tables. when you returned to ask him if he wanted anything else, he was already gone. but not before leaving $200 dollar tip next to his finished coffee.
you thoroughly checked if it was real, not believing anyone would purposely leave such a tip for a cup of black coffee. but in fact, it was very real. and you even bought yourself a very cute dress to commemorate. just to double check it was legit, of course.
the older man with silver-blue eyes continued to come into the diner every few days, never ordering anything other than a black coffee and always being generous with the tip.
you two had polite conversations and odd ones rooted questions he dropped on you. you noticed a lot of them pertained to money and contributions. but you never passed on answering.
they were questions like "what jobs have you worked?", "what are your parents' occupations?", "are you interested in charities and donations?", and "what do you do with the money you earn?"
thru these visits, he finally gave you his name, tobias. it shouldn't had surprised you he had a unique name to match his unique personality.
you didn't get much information about tobias. all he revealed to you was he enjoyed games, was obviously wealthy, and has 2 daughters, one son, and 4 grandsons - who weren't too off from your age.
he liked to talk about a certain one, the second oldest, grayson. you created an image he was a closed-off, goal-driven, cunning, and loyal guy. you didn’t wanna jump to conclusions, but one could say he was slyly trying to set you up with him.
it wasn’t uncommon for grandparents to come in the diner and rave about their grandsons. at times they would even show you a multitude of photos saying how handsome they are and well-raised gentlemen who would be a great match for you.
you never had the heart to straight up tell them ‘not interested’, so you listened to their praises and then fabricated a lie as to why you were unable to date their grandson.
if tobias ever were to ever try and do that you would use the same methods. you were sure his grandson was an acceptable man, but you had no interest in going on a blind date with anytime soon.
however, the conversation didn't maneuver that direction; instead, he went on to talk about how grayson was in charge of a foundation he owns and basically manages everything.
you found that rather impressive, considering he was only eight-teen. then you thought, 'just how rich is this guy?'
this arrangement continued for a few more weeks and then it turns into a constant routine for months. still never ordering anything order than a coffee, and leaving after.
one day, tobias abruptly stopped coming into the diner. and after a two-week hiatus, you figured he was likely not returning again.
you didn't realize how tedious work was without the old man's presence, you were still as busy as ever doing everyone's job, but now you didn't have the levity from your conversations.
it stayed like that for the following three months, no word from tobias. you wanted to contact him somewhere, but you began to realize how little you knew of him, hell you didn't even know his last name. he knew all the basics of what comprised you, but you couldn't even say his favorite color. and you’d known this man for almost a year.
but as it turned out, you didn't need to contact him yourself because a man came into the diner asking for you.
at first, you thought it was an unsatisfied customer here to berate you some more; it wouldn't be the first time. but you were more than relieved it was a guy you'd never seen before, a particularly handsome and well-fitted one.
you went up to the man and politely greeted him, asking how you could help him. he took you presence in when you appeared, looking up and down. it wasn't in a 'checking-you-out' type way, it was of an 'i'm judging what type of person you are' way. you felt scrutinized in your lousy diner girl uniform. it didn't help he was dressed pristinely from head to toe.
he finally spoke, "it's pertaining to my grandfather, tobias hawthorne."
you were piqued up at the mention of tobias, this was the first time you'd heard of his last name, but you didn't know any other tobias's so it must be him.
the man in front of you was one of his infamous grandsons he loved to chat about, although you weren't sure which one. but based on his stern and disciplined attitude, you'd place your bets on grayson. but just to be sure you asked.
"right, my name is grayson hawthorne." you called it. "unfortunately, my grandfather has recently passed. my family is in the middle of gathering everyone for the matter of the will, but all parties must be preset. my grandfather's law firm has informed me you are also mentioned in it."
your heart broke at the reveal of tobias passing. you knew him less than a year, but you still had formed a connection with him.
then the other portion of his statement dawned on you, he mentioned you in his will. why?
grayson seemed to have wanted to know this too. he said tobias mentioned you in passing but didn't offer details about your relationship. he didn't hide how he was suspecting and untrusting of you.
you filled him in on details of how you met, your meetings, and the last time you conversed with him. grayson was still wary of you, but he didn't have any reason yet to say you were lying.
he then urged you to gather your belongings because the two of you had to head over to his family's residence as soon as possible. he has already informed your boss of your leave of absence.
it was all so sudden, you were still processing all this information. grayson's insistence made it nearly impossible to do anything but listen. 
so, grayson took you home to change and pack a few items. you left a note for your parents, letting them know you'd be spending a night or two at a friend's house. you knew if you explained what was really going on they would not let you go; they'd probably even scold you for befriending a random old man at work, calling you naive.
although, that had merit because you were currently off with a man you knew for like five seconds because you believed he was the grandson of a man who you also didn't know for too long.
you thought the chance of getting kidnapped was better than overworking at the diner.
you were astounded when grayson casually took you to the destination of his private jet. you'd never flown first class, let alone a private freaking jet.
you two took off, and a few hours later, arrived in texas. the moment you stepped off, a bodyguard guided the two of you into a limousine. from there, you sought off to the mansion.
when you arrived, you thought you'd been driven to some sort of fancy hotel, but not it was where grayson and the rest of the hawthorne lived. you'd likely get lost trying to go from the kitchen to your bedroom.
grayson had to physically drag you away from your jaw-dropped stare at the property.
when you entered the entrance hall , another girl was already there, an older girl with her as well.
she turned her attention toward you when she noticed you entering, she seemed to have recognized grayson, but had a questioning gaze toward you.
the older girl was the one to speak to you first. “and here i thought we’d already met everyone affiliated with this crazy rich family. hi, i’m libby and this is my sister avery. are you grayson’s girlfriend?”
you could’ve died from awkwardness right there. you didn’t even wanna take a glance at grayson’s reaction, you imagined he would have a look of discontent.
“er, no. we just met today actually. he came into my work saying i’m needed for a will reading, and next thing i know im off in a private jet and in this mansion.”
this time avery spoke up, “sorry about libby’s assumption. it was just because you guys came in together and he’s carrying your bag.”
grayson was in fact hold your small luggage bag. he taken the liberty of taking it out of the trunk of the limo and carried it since.
you didn’t say anything, you just snatched your bag out of grayson’s hands, mumbling a quiet thanks.
grayson let out a laugh, but covered it up as a cough.
avery talked about her situation being similar to yours, except she’s never met tobias hawthorne before. it made you feel better there was someone else who felt like an outsider.
you were led away by grayson, guiding you to the room the will was being read. but you ran into a numerous amount of people on the way.
first, it was xander, the youngest hawthorne grandson. he appeared out of secret passage, jump scaring you. then he introduced himself.
nash, who had a country accent, followed a bit after walking in with his mother skye. she asked you a few invading questions about yourself, and you replied cordially. very relieved when grayson excused you both.
finally, you’d met jameson on accident. you were on the way to the bathroom, using directions given to you, and that’s when you bumped into him. he was very obviously drunk. he slurred a few words, but you quickly excused yourself, not wanting to deal with whatever was going on with him.
once you were finally in the room, you took a seat next to avery since she and her sister were the best options.
finally the will reading began, and the lawyers started reciting its words and designated belongs and money to different family members. all the families were stunned that the grandsons, especially grayson, hadn't gotten the entire fortune. yours and averys names had yet to be mentioned.
"to my newfound friend y/n l/n, i leave conservatorship to the hawthorne foundation. the remainder of my estate, including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, i leave it to be shared upon y/n l/n and avery kylie grambs."
nothing could have you prepared for that. you thought it was a prank at first, some sick joke rich people do that get less-than-fortunate people's hopes up. but no, the lawyer did indeed confirm it to be true.
avery and yourself turned toward each other wide-eyed, completely flabbergasted. then the whole room erupted into chaos, everyone standing up to demand an explanation, accusing you both of having done something.
you had just met these people, and you couldn't for sure say they were capable of murder, but you'd seen enough movies about the rich to know it's definitely a possibility.
luckily, oren, tobias' (now ex) bodyguard, stood in front of you girls, preventing the hawthornes from stepping any closer. he claimed he worked for you both now, so it was his job to protect you.
"should we trust this guy? what if he's just playing us to get the inheritance." avery whispered to you.
"a bodyguard with ulterior motives is better than being left to the wolves."
"good point." libby chimed in.
it didn't end there; there were conditions for the will, saying you and avery must remain at the hawthorne estate for a full year to receive the inheritance.
so not only did you become enemy number one toward most hawthornes, but now you had to live with all of them. lovely.
that jump-started your now future of being involved with the hawthornes (and the grambs sisters)
after the will fiasco, the grayson made it his mission to unmask whatever game you played to get the inheritance, but he always came up empty-handed because you, as you insisted to multiple hawthornes, did not manipulate tobias. you didn't even know the guy's last name until you had met grayson.
if you had a talent for taking advantage of rich men, you would not be wasting time being a waitress for a shitty diner.
however, you tried to look on the very bright side of things, living in a gorgeous mansion. your bedroom was the size of your home's first floor. you;'d never slept on a comfier or larger bed.
one thing that set you apart from avery in the will was that you had complete ownership in the hawthorne foundation and his involvement with different charities. alissa had informed you that you'd need to learn to manage it- designating which associations to donate to, how much, how often, etc.
it was overwhelming to think about; if you failed to be a conservator, it would be given to the grandsons. you also knew having authority over it bothered zara hawthorne, since she'd spent basically her whole life running it. you knew it you were to make a wrong move, she'd be quick to call it out you.
alissa had arranged for you to go to the foundation and meet with someone who'd help you navigate the ropes. a part of you assumed it'd be zara meeting you there, maybe forced by alissa to help you. but instead, it was grayson, who still thought you were some master con woman.
he was the only grandson that had an issue with you and avery, but for some reason, you were more suspicious to him. xander, jameson, and nash seemed to have adjusted to events and were now somewhat friends with you. it was pretty infuriating how grayson would not listen to reason, no matter how much you tried to make amends.
grayson remained professional, not wanting his personal feud to hinder the foundation's work. he started giving you a tour and explaining an overview of how things ran. it became easier for you to imagine yourself running it.
you stopped when you passed by various black and white photos hung up in midair. they'd been hung since the beginning of your tour, but you'd only truly taken notice just now.
"who took these? they're beautiful."
"i did."
'of course, you did' you thought. he seemed to be good at everything.
"can i have a copy of this one?" you pointed toward a photo to your left; it was of a couple dancing together in the rain, in front of the eiffel tower.
"i'd always wanted to see the eiffel tower. plus, i just really like it." it was true. the photo was captured exquisitely, and going to paris had always been a goal of yours, along with traveling to different places in the world.
he didn't respond. grayson went up to the photograph and carefully unlatched it. he then turned to you and gestured for you to take it, "here, you can have it."
you were a little shocked he just gave it to you, but hundreds of photos were decorated throughout the building, so it probably didn't mean much just giving you one.
you took it in your hands gently and thanked him. you both then continued your tour into the conference room to discuss further management of the hawthorne foundation.
but unbeknownst to you, the photo you now owned was one of his favorites.
it became easier to get to know and warm up to grayson the more you visited the foundation, which you did quite often because you now that you had (or will have) conservatorship to the foundation, you wanted to ensure you knew everything involving it to ensure you'd continue its success.
you could now say the two of you were somewhat friends, but there still seemed to be a wall - built by grayson, between the two of you. likely from the lack of trust he still has toward you.
at times he'd look at you as if you were the enemy, and other times he'd treat you courteously. his constant mood changes were driving you crazy.
you had been staying up later than usual since your stay at the manor began. it didn't help that there was possibly a secret passage in your room like avery's has.
but your leading cause of distress stemmed from the mystery of the whole will situation. you'd gotten a small letter like everyone else, but it failed to offer any closure.
in fact, all it said was, "good luck". you'd never had the urge to strangle a dead old man til now.
however, this night you decided to walk outside. you'd been hesitant to wander around the mansion, but then again, you technically half owned it now, and nobody could really stop you. so you decided to go to the pool area, carefully avoiding alerting your new bodyguard of your movement.
when you got there, it was empty as you had hoped. the pool was illuminated with the lights, the area surrounding it was dimly lit.
you settled for solely dipping your feet in the pool and gazing at the stars upon the sky.
half an hour in, you heard the faint sound of someone possibly approaching. you took it as a sign to get back to your room before oren noticed, if he hadn't already.
you got up a bit too quickly, causing an imbalance in your step - leading you to stumble backward into the pool.
most people would simply swim back up to the top and pull themselves out, but you couldn't do that for one big reason. you never learned to swim.
panic began to seep into you as you flailed your arms all over the place, attempting to float to the top, but it only made you sink further. it didn't help drowning was on the top of your list of 'ways i would hate to die'.
you were midway through choking on the water when someone jumped into the pool and carried you back onto the pavement.
after coughing the water out of your lungs, you looked at the face your your savior kneeled in front of your; low and below there was grayson hawthorne - wearing nothing but swim shorts.
the sight of him shirtless made it harder to steady your breathing.
"are you alright?" you nodded in confirmation.
"what were you thinking getting into the pool so carelessly?"
"well, i just to test out my new waterproof mascara." you said sarcastically. "obviously i didn't end up in the stupid pool purposely!"
he rolled his eyes. “god, were you born a horrendous swimmer or just taught by an imbecile.”
you stayed silent, looking away from him, not wanting to admit the embarrassing truth.
“do you…do you not know how to swim?”
"….. define knowing to swim.”
he gave you an incredulous look, “seriously? even most 5-year-olds know how to swim, better yet, they wouldn’t almost drown in the 7ft part of the pool.”
“okay i get it! it’s pathetic i don’t know the basics of swimming. you don't have to be an asshole about it.” you stood up angrily in your soggy clothes and attempted to walk away - but grayson grabbed your wrist.
“wait. alright, i apologize for being quick to judge. if you want..i’ll teach you to swim.”
you were taken aback by the gesture, not quite sure what to think. on the one hand, it could be a plan to embarrass you further, but on the other hand - you really didn’t want to live your life not being able to swim any longer.
the following night he made good of his word when you went out to meet him. (oren being aware this time, after he warned you he'd lock you in your room if you snuck out without him again.)
this time you had proper swim attire, a 2 piece bikini alissa had purchased for you, along with others.
grayson was already in the pool when you arrived, swimming laps. once he noticed your arrival, he stepped out of the pool. you would've thought it was a scene from a movie from how smoothly & dreamy he moved.
you averted your eyes before you stared at his form too long.
you weren't sure if it was your imagination or you saw grayson do a double-take when he saw you.
all his attractiveness was shortly forgotten when he went to his bag to retrieve something, then handed you some plastic. it took you a moment, but then it clocked - these you arm floaties.
"you're joking right?"
"hey, after that near-drowning experience, it's better to be safe than sorry."
"it's like you want to humiliate me."
"don't worry i chose the ones with the flowers to enhance your matureness." he fought back a smile with his words.
he got a nasty glare in response.
still, you knocked down your pride on putting on the floaties before you and grayson submerged into the pool.
then grayson began reciting exercises and movements for you to do. after floating around for a bit, he instructed you to remove the floaties. you were obviously hesitant, the floaties were keeping you from drowning, but grayson insisted that you trust him.
he grabbed your waist with both hands and got behind you; that was enough to quicken your pulse.
his hands held you steady as you attempted to stay afloat by moving your arms and legs. it would get harder to focus when his hands moved up and down your back.
"okay, i'm gonna let you go now."
"ok. wait what-"
you were abruptly cut off because grayson immediately removed his hands, leaving you on your own. being caught off guard, you began a repeat of the night before, but this time attempting to swim correctly. regardless, you were still beginning to choke on water and sink down.
grayson swam back to your aid in an instant, holding you up above the water by the waist.
"shit- i'm sorry. i assumed your instincts would kick in if you had less reaction time."
"oh, because it worked so well yesterday."
"right, perhaps i should've given it more careful thought." he moved a hand to the side of your face, "are you sure you're okay?"
you nodded, unable to verbally respond. the tension in the air thickened as the two of you continued to stare to one another. for a brief moment, his gaze wandered to your lips, and you stopped breathing.
his face slowly leaned into yours. you didn't know what you'd do if he was going to kiss you - a big part of you was ready to kiss back and the other part told you i'd be a mistake if you did.
but the moment was interrupted by alissa, who was calling your name because she wanted to ho over tomorrow’s events with you.
you also knew, based on alissa's critical gaze, she'd seen what was about to possibly happen. she has already given you a fair amount of warning about getting involved with hawthornes.
grayson then pulled away, awkwardly bidding you farewell, saying he'd see you later before he made his way out of the pool.
since then, the brewing tension between the two of you grew. it didn't help you already see him quite a bit during the day, then alone at night. apparently, it was evident to everyone there was something happening because thea calligaris cornered you.
"the last girl who was with grayson ended up dead."
you were unsure what to believe after that, you really didn't trust thea, but didn't mean it couldn't be true. 'don't rich people always have some murderous secret?'
you couldn't help it, and brought up the topic to grayson, who went very still at the mention. he lashed out at you before walking away. you suppose that confirmed it.
he avoided you for a few days, even skipped out on swimming lessons, so you kept yourself busy with school and hanging with avery and xander; solving the still ongoing mystery of the will. which you'd lowkey given up on because riddles were not your forte.
you felt bad your question, but he didn’t need to act so harshly toward you. so, you weren’t going to talk to him until he approached you first.
a knock sounded in your room when you were getting ready for bed. however, it didn't come from the door but from behind a large painting.
'i swear if this house is haunted, i'm running back home'
you tried to remove the painting, but it was stuck to the wall. then you discover a small button hidden on its frame. against better judgment, you press it, making the painting and the wall behind it move forward and slide to the left.
you knew there were various passages, but having one in your own room kind of freaked you out.
behind the moving wall stood grayson. you screamed at first, only seeing a figure in the dark. but then grayson quickly stepped into the light and closer to you to put a hand over your mouth. you were relieved to see him and not someone who would possibly murder you.
he didn’t remove his hand, you gave him an expectant look.
“just hear me out, before you demand i leave. i came to apologize.”
you nodded, allowing him to continue. he sighed and pulled his hand away. then he opened up to you for the first time, telling you about a girl name emily laughlin.
he explained her condition, how both hom and jameson were involved with her, and how she died.
the more the story went on the more you felt bad for both brothers, especially grayson since it seemed it was still affecting him. you even felt for emily, obviously, she lacked something in her life to play 2 brothers.
“i'm not complaining, but why did you decide to tell me all this” the two of you at some point made your way onto your bed, sitting side by side each other
he humorlessly laughs, and looks directly at you. “to be honest, i’m not even sure. all i know is when i look into your eyes, i have this urge to tell bare my soul to you.”
deja vu to the pool incident, you both didn’t say anything, just looked at each other, slowly leaning your face closer.
you were ready to be interrupted again, stopping the act before it can happen. but there was none, and your lips were now an inch apart, and your heart was beating like you just ran a marathon.
“tell me to stop right now, or i’m afraid i won’t be able to hold myself back.”
you said nothing.
wasn't like he gave you much reaction time anyway because he kissed you a second later - like you were the last person he was ever going to kiss.
and oh boy, was it a good kiss.
even when he left your room later that night, after much kissing you were still reeling from the shock of it all.
you didn't know what it meant for the two of you - did he like you?, was it a one-time thing?, or did he kiss you as a way to forget emily?
you were only sure of one thing right now - you felt something toward grayson that crossed the friend zone.
the kiss was never brought up over the days; grayson and you continued to work together and swim at night together almost every other day. you weren't sure if you were relieved or offended he never mentioned it.
you swore he got flirter since the kiss - his hand brushing against yours, standing very close behind you when reviewing something for the foundation, hands wandering when helping you swim, even a subtle flirty remark here and there.
you confided in avery about the events. she was insistent on the fact grayson liked you, and that he didn't seem like the type of have a fling nor rebound.
you wanted to believe he liked you, but then you would hear thea's voice in your head, reminding you of emily, and how he isn't over her.
it was driving you mad, so you convinced yourself you were simply reading into things. you weren't.
it all came to a head at a charity event the both of you helped plan for the foundation. you'd wore a beautiful namebrand designer custom-made gown, the fanciest dress you ever adorned.
however, the whole night grayson ignored you and made it clear he was avoiding you. anytime you approached him he gave an excuse to the person he was talking to that he had to go somewhere. or if you tried making eye contact, he was quick to turn his head the other direction. you didn't know what his deal was.
when you took to the outside for a breather, you sensed the arrival of his presence.
you scoff, "so now you wanna talk to me or what?"
he didn't respond, which upset you more. so you opted to walk back into the ballroom, but grayson stopped you.
"anytime i look at you too long, i think of our kiss that night. then i have to hold myself back from doing it another time. and if i kiss you, i thin- no. i know i won't be able to help but fall for you."
you were again dumbfounded by such confession. a habit that seemed to always happen in the presence of grayson hawthrone.
"i don't mind."
"neither do i."
he crashed your lips together with his in a flash.
unlike the first one, the kiss was messy, and messy was never a way you thought you'd describe the pristine grayson hawthorne.
his hands made their way to your face keeping you close while his mouth was almost devouring your lips. you steadied yourself by holding onto his shoulders because you did not trust your wobbly knees to stand on their own.
you pulled away first, heavily breathing like the night you almost drowned. your mind was still hazy, unable to properly form a sentence to speak.
grayson hands stayed, caressing your face gently,
"you can have my entire being if it means i get to kiss you like that whenever."
you both didn't end up returning to the charity that night. not while your makeup was smudged and all your lipstick was transferred on grayson's face.
though it was never verbally official, the two of you were evidently more than friends at that point.
you didn't even need to tell anyone of your newfound relationship because you'd come to find out jameson had seen the two of you that night, and he would could never resist a gossip about grayson. so the information easily made its way throughout the entire hawthorne manor.
in relation, grayson fought jameson. unfortunately, you weren't allowed to watch the fight because grayson didn't want you to witness any violence. you were lowkey disappointed because you and avery were ready to place bets.
alissa also made sure to have a talk with you both regarding public appearances. she advised it was better to keep it private because everyone was still reeling from yours and avery's newfound inheritance, and this news could possibly do damage to your media reputation. plus, it was better if grayson was advertised as single.
you personally didn't mind, you weren't the biggest fan of pda when you had a thousand new eyes on you. and alissa's advice was wise since you were new to the whole being a public figure thing. and well, you both lived together anyway.
grayson was more hesitant to agree, but mostly for your benefit he listened to alissa.
it was fun in a way, acting platonic in public then kissing when you got to the mansion or even the limousine. it was like having a secret relationship.
whenever interviews tried to insinuate something, you learned how to shut it down after much lessons on pr. but grayson liked to leave sly comments; only the two of you could understand.
"yeah, y/n's quite well at exploring the mouth of new things."
"y/n and i have become very acquainted with each other."
"you could say i'm into women who sink instead of swim."
it made you wanna laugh and playfully hit him all the same.
what really made your relationship step into public light was when rumors about you and jameson dating started circling around.
a photo of the two of you had been taken getting out of a limo together then entering a building, where people rumored you had a 'date'. in reality, both of you were there to talk to skye hawthorne after she was removed from the hawthorne mansion.
grayson was less than happy about these rumors, and jameson not denying anything to the press to get a rise out of grayson, was making things worse.
so, in a grayson hawthorne manner - he took care of things himself. he bought out all of the press and made them debunk the stories.
then to be even more dramatic, the next time the two of you were out together, he made a whole show of kissing you. even going as far as dipping you down in his arms before the kiss - felt straight out of a cheesy romcom. you couldn't say you didn't enjoy it, though.
the paparazzi had a field day with those photos & the two of your the front page of gossip magazines for weeks. alissa was ready to explode after only finding out the two of you went public from the media.
being in a public relationship was harder than being in a secret one. there were somehow even more eyes on you, picking your relationship apart. they mostly targeted your flaws and even took digs at your old diner job. even a surge of online hate came at your direction.
even grayson couldn't buyout every magazine or person who had a negative thing to say about you, and trust that he very much tried to.
but being official in public also had great pros. now, grayson and you could go out on dates wherever without worrying about hiding and disguises.
you couldn't stay anywhere too far at first because of the 'stay in the house for a year' rule, but you had dates at all sorts of fancy places. even though you were technically a net-worth nigher than him,now, he always insisted on paying the bill. ever the gentleman.
grayson knew how to plan one himself. a personal favorite of yours had to be the picnic in a hot air balloon.
but once the year was up, the first place gray took you was to paris, which he knew was always your dream. paris now seemed like a mundane dream compared to all of the past year's events.
still, paris was absolutely incredible, and being there with your boyfriend made it better - and helpful because he was fluent in french while you barely passed the high school class with a B.
seeing the eiffel tower was the best part, it was even more amazing up close. standing there with grayson, the grays started to cloud, and small drizzles of water came down.
your bodyguard (one oren forcefully implanted) had advised you both to head to the car before it started pouring. you were ready to follow along, but gray tugged your sleeve, stopping your movement.
you gave him a questioning gaze, so he held out his hand, asking you to dance.
you laughed and accepted nonetheless, even when the rain started to pour in more. the two of you began a clumsy (on your part) waltz across the pavement. both of your faces filled with blissful smiles. to this day, it is a favorite memory of yours.
it was even better when grayson gifted you a photo of you two that day, one he asked the bodyguard to take. now, the picture was framed next to the one grayson had taken & grayson hung a copy of it at the hawthorne foundation.
since dating, grayson's insomnia has improved immensely. it mainly had to do with the fact you two frequently sleep in his bed together. he jokes your his personal nyquil.
it's true when they say he sleeps like a deadman, even has a tiny snore - though he keep denying it. but he has some sort of sixth sense that enables him to know when you leave the bed.
like for instance, you needed to use the bathroom one night, and the moment you got up from the bed - grayson is up and asking where you were going.
the swimming lessons were not forgotten - you two still had that nightly routine. but you weren't becoming a michael phelps anytime soon. not when most of your lessons involved more kissing than swimming.
but hey, at least you've moved past the need for floaties. because grayson just carries you himself if it's too deep for you to swim.
he loves to buy anything that reminds him of you. a jewelry piece that matches your eyes, a dress he thinks would look pretty on you, a shift from your favorite film/show/artist, or even an item you offhandedly mentioned you wanted. he'd have them wrapped and ready to give to you the next moment he saw you.
much to our surprise, grayson was also the clingy type. his love language was more gift-giving but doesn't mean he wasn't a bit touch-starved.
he revels in hugs, kisses, and intimate moments. he always wants to hold hands when you both are walking together. jameson and nash love to tease him on it.
he has as a domestic side to him. he helps you put on your coat or even sometimes makes you wear it, keeps you on the side of the sidewalk not near the street, carries your purse or shopping bags, and helping you slip on your heels and shoes.
overall, grayson hawthorne was nothing less of an amazing boyfriend. except when he sees eve for the first time.
you were in the office of the foundation looking over a few files when you saw tobias' name mentioned then initials at the bottom. 'T.T.H.'
"huh, i thought your grandfather didn't have middle name."
grayson looked over your shoulder, "oh, he didn't. at least not until had changed his legal name less than a year before his passing."
"what is it?"
"tatersall. quite peculiar right?"
you laughed to yourself. perhaps he was trying to set you up with her grandson after all.
@itzchanelx @marigold-morelli
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bravrdm · 1 year
I’ve been feeling very dark lately so here’s an interesting idea I had…
Azriel would do anything for his sweet little human wife.
He would kill anyone for his sweet little human wife.
Including the annoying fucking men who gamble and drink outside of your apartment at 2 am.
You slammed your book closed In anger, and adjusted your bonnet. absolutely fuming at the group of idiots who have been showing up in front of your apartment complex almost every night for the past month now.
They do absolutely nothing but drink,gamble,and scream at the top of their lungs.
It didn’t help that the past few weeks you kept waking up with your bonnet and headscarf halfway across the bed trying to escape in the middle of the night.
You complained yet again to your husband. The poor shadowsinger hated seeing you upset. He hated that after a long day of stressing you couldn’t even relax and finish your book.
“I’m sorry pet.” Azriel looked offer to his beautiful wife admiring he dark skin and drinking in her beauty.
You sighed, and clinched your hands tightly all the way to the bedroom. Something told Azriel that his response wasn’t sufficient enough to settle your nerves.
So after you finally drifted to sleep Azriel snuck his way out of the apartment and waltzed his way down the stairs stopping in-front of the gaggle of men throwing their fists around and chugging their liquor.
Azriel is always a gentleman when it comes to affairs involving his wife. He knew If he jumped straight to murder you would feel guilty once you found out.
He would hide it from you for as long as he could but you would find out eventually.You always do.
So after sauntering up to the gang of rowdy men he politely asked if they would quiet down.
Well, he asked as politely as he could be.
“Im guessing you are all aware of the time”
The group of men all turned to you husband, displeased to be interrupted.
“You know maybe if you put all this energy into getting a fucking job you all would actually have someplace to be instead of disturbing everyone else’s peace.”
The men were not pleased by his suggestion.
They approached Azriel at once prepared to fight for their rights to disturb the peace.
Azriel only cared about his wife’s peace and the look on you face as you stomped into the bedroom upset and unsatisfied with his empty apology.
That’s the only thing he cared about : pleasing you.
There was a philosopher who once said that going to be angry wasn’t good for your health.
It probably wasn’t good for your marriage either.
So he didn’t mind doing things like this.
For you he didn’t mind going out of his way even if it meant he would suffer for it.
Just like he didn’t mind killing the entire group of males in less than a few moments.
He didn’t mind chasing after one of the males that tried to get away either.
He certainly didn’t mind cleaning up the carnage that was left behind after the massacre.
And as he fished cleaning and soon climbed into bed after you, a strong sense of satisfaction filled his heart knowing his mate would never have to go to bed angry again.
Sorry if this shit was ass it’s been a while since I’ve written.
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kosmicdream · 4 months
I love manga and comics, but I gotta say. So many of the series i have found most influential to my work either won’t finish, have not finished, or finished in a sort of unsatisfying way. Even if they’re fine, its usually not like.. IT. This is a pretty common experience. I have had a lot more luck watching movies that have endings that felt worth the experience and I’ve started to try to read in hopes to get more exposure to “good endings”.. But i do wish it was more common in my favorite medium to like, have that experience! Even when the endings are pretty good (and there are some, i personally think “paradise kiss” had a great ending that makes me return to the series multiple times over the decades) - I also am like.. I dunno. Its never the highlight of the story, you know. Its not the main reason why you’d read it, is the ending. I would assume most stories across all mediums, the ending isn’t going to be the “best part” anyway. However, after finally finishing watching UTENA earlier this year, I can say that at least for that series (no movie spoilers pls, i still havent seen it ;n;) the ending was in fact, the best part to me and made the entire experience even more memorable and worthwhile to watch. Months later, I’m still kinda amazed that happened! Wish it was not so rare, but also what a treat to get to see something like that felt like what i think an ending to a story should be. Still not a manga/comic ofc, but y’kno. Still good.
Other strong endings for me were: Paradise Kiss (as I said above), There will be blood, Monster, NGE (specifically end of evangelion) … umm!  I don’t know.. Is that really it for me? I like the 98’ Trigun end, but i also hated it as a teenager. So its more of a “nostalgic” one to me, same with Princess Mononoke. I’ll include those just for the sake of having more to think of. There’s plenty more i am fine with and enjoy fine enough.. but i guess its a lot harder for me to find ones that last in my head as what i find to be a satisfying & impressive end.. Of course, endings are all based on taste. Maybe i just haven’t seen enough endings. I think this contributes, along with a plethora of other elements, why writing endings are so hard! There’s just a lot you want to say and it is such a long journey to get there anyway. You are filled with doubt with your executions of ideas, or maybe find the ending you thought of less satisfying than you used to think it was. The longer you spend with something, the more you might find issues. Plus, it really is so hard just to get there. You’re usually falling over with exhaustion just to get to the finish line, let alone do the ending of your dreams. I know when i get to the ends of my chapters, i’m usually so desperate just to get there, i end up feeling like they come out poorly vrs my vision for them. 
Yes.. i have been thinking about endings a lot. Its just something that’s always on my mind, with NRD nearing its close. It still is going to take time of course, but as I revise the last chapters I’m still like left with a lot of feelings with wondering how it’ll come out, if i can even do it, ect. I know i will, its inevitable. But after that, well, my big struggle with FFAK will continue. I know that NRD has given me more tools to handle a series as long as FFAK, but its still getting older and it can be harder to understand all the things I wanted to say with it, what I still can say with it and what is the most valuable to say with it. I can’t do everything! And i certainly have more ideas for it than I could draw, I’m excited to have the story close too. Before it used to make me too upset to even think it i’d cry.. But now i’m like yeah! I wanna know too. I want to share what I thought of, even if its not what readers might have thought it was going to be like. Honestly, with every choice i make in the story, i always have had at least 1 or 2 other options, and I get attached to the other versions of the story that i dont get to make. They all end up very different ends, but still more or less the same story regardless. 
Anyway, just some thoughts on writing and comics today…
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kazonandoff · 7 months
LN 5 and Maomao
Finished 5. Read the prologue to 6. That was a fascinating read and actually pretty sad.
Maomao and Jinshi finally get intimate but neither of them enjoyed it. Comes from Jinshi trying to force the relationship along and I won't talk about that, there's a great post here somewhere of someone else discussing Jinshi's side of things. I wanna talk about Maomao.
If Jinshi has a warped view of relationships, then Maomao is just as bad, of not worse. She talks about how she's incapable of love but I think that's 1) not entirely true and 2) hugely affected by the environment she grew up in.
(BTW if you relate to Maomao as aro/ace that's awesome and I'm not taking that away from you. This is just my interpretation of things).
Maomao has been born and raised in an environment where relationships are a commodity. There's little emotion involved besides the base desires. Without even bringing up her parents, Maomao's sisters have been essential in her viewing relationships this way. Pairin taught her, against her will, how to use sex as a tool and as part of power play. Meimei taught her the best relationships are the ones that give you money and a secure future. And Joka taught her men are duplicitous and will always find a way to hurt or betray you in the end. None of this thinking exactly engenders love in a romantic sense.
So you can probably imagine what this kind of environment does to a young woman's thinking. Maomao is a pragmatic realist and has not a single romantic bone to her body. But she still very much cares.
When presented with 2 young girls in desperate circumstances, the most she can do is make sure they understand the severity of their decision to sell themselves to Verdigris House. When Chou-u starts running around town, she warns him of the dangers of rape and abduction. And when Jinshi comes to her door and says he wants company, she offers him Verdigris services.
And that's the problem. Jinshi wanting her specifically is not something she's currently emotionally equipped to deal with. The definition she's been given of love is that it's a very bad and dangerous thing. So she handles her love for Jinshi in the only way she currently knows how: as a child of the pleasure district, born and raised.
And I'm very sure she loves him. When Jinshi is being himself, without the posturing and machismo, she likes being with him very much. She likes touching him and she likes taking care of him. She just can't really express that yet in a healthy way. Relationships and love are still viewed by the lens of the pleasure district.
So when cornered and pinned down (literally) she turns to the only tactics she knows. The ones her sisters taught her. As a courtesan.
So yes, they got physical, they got intimate. But neither of them particularly liked it. Jinshi is left feeling shamed and Maomao is unsatisfied. Dealing with things the courtesan way is not enough for her anymore. And Jinshi dealing with things the way a person of authority would isn't cutting it. They're not master and servant anymore, not customer and courtesan.
So, in conclusion to this rather long ramble that I am writing half asleep and on only one cup of coffee: these stupid kids need to start communicating.
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mamahersh · 1 year
Mamahersh’s Post-MAG-200 Fanfic Recommendation Mega Thread
In celebration of us finishing The Magnus Archives (even if I admittedly fell off around S2 and have been mostly lurking since then), I have compiled all of my fave post series fics for your enjoyment! I will be grouping them in some big, general categories, which I’ll list above the read more here. Depending on the size of this post, it might start looking a bit like that “Do you like the sky?” post But I can assure you that I have read all of these and can give them my stamp of approval!
If you finished the series and were wishing for your best boys to finally be happy, then boy howdy do I have some fanfiction for you!
Time Travel
Somewhere Else
Uncategorized JonMartin Fluff
By these categories, we should hopefully cover all the recommendations I have, and I hope you all find some new fics! (or enjoy rereading fics you haven’t enjoyed in awhile)
where there’s a will, we make a way by bubonickitten
"So, what does happen if an Eye learns to See within itself?
What happens is this: the Archive Beholds the Watcher – and the Watcher blinks first."
Jon goes back to before the world ended and tries to forge a different path.
Probably my fave time travel fic in this fandom hands down; it is also currently the longest whilst still unfinished. While I try not to recommend unfinished fics that I am uncertain of their return to activity, this is a big exception and personally I love everything about it! It’s got Jon dealing with trauma through the lens of his speaking only in Statements, Martin being saved from his downward spiral into the Lonely way earlier in S4, Georgie actually sticking around, Basira having a better grasp of the situation and being more understanding about it, and everyone generally sticking close to character while managing to buck parts of the narrative. I cannot recommend this fic enough, and I very likely already did back near the start of S5.
Something’s Different About You Lately by thesnadger
Jonathan Sims has been head archivist for just a few months, but he has memories of holding the position for years. He remembers monsters, and darkness, and the end of the world. Somehow, he'll have to keep everyone safe from what's coming. Meanwhile, his assistants can't understand why their prickly jerk of a boss has gone sappy all of a sudden.
So TMA time travel fics that focus on Jon going back tend to come in two varieties. There’s the “Jon’s mind goes back and replaces himself/inhabits his past self’s body” and then there’s the “Jon physically goes back so there’s two Jons”. The first two on this list are of the first variety, and if I remember right this was one of the first I ever read. However, I recommend this one specifically because this has an amazing ending. Like, it might just be me, but many of the endings in these feel relatively unsatisfying because there’s magically a third option where Jon comes out unscathed while saving his S1 archives crew from the Horrors. For whatever reason, it was incredibly satisfying having a fic that didn’t shy away from the options presented in S4 and S5 and I love how they characterize everyone in this one as well.
100 Seconds to Midnight by starspangledbread
Jon and Martin find themselves back in 2011 after attempting to release the fears from their reality. The world is the same one they left behind, but now something has come back with them. They have a chance to destroy the fears once and for all, but it proves harder than expected. Who knew that the best laid plans could be thwarted by nosy co-workers, office romance, the inevitable learning curve of being a time traveler turned grifter, and the refusal to believe in subtlety?
Did someone say Extinction!Jon? This also is a part of a series, though the true sequel to this one is currently unfinished (though it should eventually be completed and only has one chapter to go). An excellent romp, I definitely recommend if you’re looking for something kinda dark, some comedy, a little OOC, and Martin being able to embrace his crime side in the name of saving the world.
Yesterday is Here by CirrusGrey
"Who the hell are you?" Jon could feel his hands shaking. The man laughed, taking a step forward and raising a hand to point at him. "I'm you, from the future!" he said, then swayed, eyes going unfocused, and collapsed to the floor in a dead faint. -------- Post-season-four Jon and Martin time travel back to the season one Archives.
Written by my fave (and most prolific) JMart author, we have a perfect example of the other kind of time travel fix it fic in the form of Jon physically travelling to the past to try and save the world. As expected by someone I am calling my fave JMart author, we’re going to be getting double dose on the JMart. I highly recommend if you’re looking for something that starts a little bittersweet, but then ends in copious amounts of fluff.
Reverb (Series) by Wolftraps
Undoing the apocalypse would have been enough for Jon, if all his people survived. Without them, Jon's only recourse is making it so it never happened in the first place. He's going to do better this time.
Summary from the first fic in the Reverb series, I highly recommend the first two fics in this series for different reasons. “The Reverb in These Holy Halls” is a great time travel fic that takes some really interesting turns by the end and unlike most fics actually has Jon try to keep Tim safe by keeping him out of the Archives pre-S1. However “Gossip” I recommend if you enjoy those fics formatted to look like official communication of some kind. It’s got people outside the Archives trying to figure out what’s wrong with them during the events of the first fic, and while it would be very confusing to read without the first fic, I’d almost say it’s worth it if you aren’t feeling the tags on the first one. Really fun and entertaining, you can’t go wrong with either one.
The Triumph of Galatea (for Acis is transformed) by TheOestofOCs
Statement of Hazel Rutter.
Jon couldn’t stop reading.
The Fears, however, are a bit more powerful than Jonah gave them credit for. Jon opens the door, but the world can’t hold what’s on the other side.
Time falls through, instead. Past becomes present, and the future is undone.
Statement begins.
Another fic I definitely recommended back at episode 160, but is well worth the second recommendation and/or re-read. Time Travel, but what if Jon could control as well as go into the dreams of the assistants/other Eye aligned people instead of just his victims’ dreams? Very good, even if unfinished, though the author seems likely to finish someday. Check out their other work as well, it’s all very good and has my fave Circus themed fic written to date.
a map of what matters most by gruhukens
“Is that a body,” Tim blurts before he can stop himself, rising to his feet. Martin looks, if possible, even more scared.
“He’s alive!” he hisses, almost defensively. “It’s not - it’s not Gertrude again, I didn’t kill him, he just – I don’t know what happened to him, I just found him in the stacks like this.”
“And you dragged him up here?” Tim says, and then registers several things at once – the build, the hair texture; the little round scars peppering a pair of thin hands and an awfully familiar face. “Wait, is that Jon?”
Jon stumbles back into an earlier Archive, looking for a way to fix the world. (Or, mom says it's my turn for the obligatory time travel au)
Directly inspired by CirrusGrey’s fic that I recommended earlier, this is another: Jon travels physically into the past fic. This one though is far more bittersweet than “Yesterday is Here”, but still an excellent read and does a great job at fleshing out the relationships between all the characters.
Saving the Universe: For Dummies by GhostChoir
Finding a man bleeding out in the alleyway was not what Elias wanted to do today. And he certainly didn’t mean to befriend him. But things never did go how he expected.
****** A Post-MAG200 Jon meets a 1970s Elias, an Elias from before he was corrupted by Jonah. Together, the two of them learn to cope with grief, drink more tea than any two people should be able to consume, and commiserate over shitty bosses. Oh, and just for the hell of it, they stop an apocalypse along the way.
Now for a change of pace: What if Jon time travels to the time of early Gertrude and Elias pre-Jonafying? A very good fic is what! While it’s been awhile since I read this, I do remember it’s quite good and deserves a chance. Note: this is NOT Jonathan/Elias, so my apologies if you were looking for that, but it is two very lonely men getting to just have a reliable friend in times of trouble.
A Little Game of Cat and Mouse by Paptato
“Jonah Magnus.” The cloudy silhouette snarled as it’s hand clamped tightly around Jonah's ascot. That was indeed his name, but Jonah couldn’t begin to fathom what he did to have it spat out with such hatred.
But nonetheless, Jonah was a gentleman and he would kindly address the angry figure as politely as possible, “Yes, and you are?”
“What?” The form spluttered as it slowly came into focus. Ah, yes. That probably wasn’t the proper response to being held at gunpoint by a random stranger. Must have been the blow to his head.
(Or in which Jonathan Sims goes back in time and tries to pull a Terminator, but fails and Jonah Magnus finds a new mystery to solve.)
This is that Jonah Magnus/Jonathan Sims enemies to lovers fic your friends warn you about in a good way. It’s not done, but I think it’s still being updated very slowly. Even if all I ever read is the currently released 11 chapters, I will consider it my one exception to my dislike of Jonah/Jon. As you can probably guess by the description, it’s a time travel fix it where Jon gets shunted back in time to when Jonah was still very human and still trying to figure out the Fears. The Web keeps Jon from explaining his circumstances or anything to do with Jonah’s future in particular, but this is a good thing and they both get to learn how to be more human in a world that previously was very antagonistic to those goals. It’s got a heavy dose of comedy, plenty of romantic tension, and lots of both surprising and unsurprising cameos. If you enjoy Dracula Daily, you’ll probably enjoy this imho.
Déjà Vu by CirrusGrey
Sasha remembers being unmade. Tim remembers being Unknown. Jon and Martin remember being unwound. All of them think they're the only one. -------- The S1 crew wakes up in the past with memories up till the moment they died.
So, here’s another one that’s got quite the spin on it. As you can see from the description, this one is where S1 crew all get their minds sent back in time to the time right around Jon’s first statement if I remember right. Another CirrusGrey fic, so it heavily leans on JonMartin, but otherwise it’s a wonderful exploration of the four S1 characters and ends on a very hopeful note!
oh my darling, just a moment of your time by IceEckos12
The Institute is visited by a pair of time travelers, and Jon has an important question for Tim.
Have you ever had a oneshot that just kinda guts you unexpectedly? While this might not do this for everyone, this is an amazing oneshot that gets right the point. I love it a lot, because of all of the fics where future and past meet each other, it very rarely if ever is addressed that past Jon was a douche. Or well it is but past Jon doesn’t necessarily have a character moment from it. Here he does, and despite the briefness of the fic, the author does an amazing job of giving Jon and Tim a moment while making an almost critique of the TMA time travel genre. Highly, highly recommend, and it won’t overstay it’s welcome if it doesn’t end up being your thing.
The Severing of Webs by chlodobird
After Jon kills the world, he travels back in time. Once there, he gets ready to change the future, to save his Assistants, and to watch as everyone learns to hate him again.
Unfortunately, the tapes wrap around him like a fly caught in a Web—he can't move. He's trapped reliving the original timeline, stuck acting out his past actions like an actor rehearsing his lines.
Sasha will die. Tim will die. Martin—
(Jon screams inside his mind, and someone hears him. Fate is not as immutable as he fears.)
This one is a brand new one! While basically all of the others on the list have been out/updating for over a year at this point; this lengthy oneshot just released this month. tbh, very excellent, which is why it has made the list. Also, quite the twist on the usual premise, where being sent back into his head is actually a bad thing this time. Ends with a giant pile of fluff, but who would I be if all my time travel recommendations were not also fix-its?
Somewhere Else
it will be this, always by bluejayblueskies
Jon coughed again, and blood stained his lips and blood stained Martin’s hands where they pressed against Jon’s back and blood stained the floor beneath them and help, they needed help.
Martin doesn’t remember shouting. He barely remembers the faces that had surrounded them, wide-eyed and terrified, all utterly unfamiliar.
Jon and Martin wake up somewhere else. Jon begins a slow path toward physical recovery, and several important, long-put-off conversations are had as they begin to navigate a new world that they hadn’t thought they’d be alive to see.
So, I’m sure you all have gathered that I have qualms with how much disparity there is between canon and fanon Jmart. This fic is painful, but is the most in character depiction of post 200 JMart fallout I have ever read. The ending is very cathartic, and takes a “realistic” approach to what happens to Jon and Martin as they begin to navigate their relationship after they both had betrayed each other so thoroughly in the leadup and culmination of MAG 200. If you don’t want them immediately making up, this is the fic for you. They get there, but by all that is good do they take their sweet time getting there.
Out There, Somewhere by Artyphex
"I'm sorry, you were found alone."
Jon survived the apocalypse and now will go to the end of this new, unfamiliar world to find Martin again.
So I think I’m just getting all the angsty ones out of the way first lol. Another slow burn, this fic is Jon’s recovery in the new reality while he also searches for what happened to Martin. Since I don’t post the tags, I will say this ones does feature “Eventual Happy Ending”, and I do promise that both Jon and Martin made it to the new reality and lived. But Jon and Martin both get to pine and cope for a while before that happy ending tag comes into play. It’s incredibly well done and explores their characters really well. Personally, I kinda enjoyed the Reddit saga because people mistaking Jon’s pleas for Martin as an ARG is very typical internet and 100% I would have bought into that at age 13.
Of course I need a therapist. I need ten therapists, working round the clock building me a bionic coping mechanism. We have the technology. by MartinKBlackwoodESQ
A story set somewhere else.
I’mma be real with you all, if I believed that characters could write and publish their own fanfiction, I would be halfway convinced the name is accurate. All joking aside however, this is a “crack treated seriously” fic but with characterization so on point I can consistently hear the voice actors when I read this. Admittedly, it’s made easier by it being written in transcript formatting, but if you’re looking for a hilarious time where TMA is suddenly is turned into a buddy cop adventure where Jon and Martin go to a universe where the Fears hadn’t been till their arrival, and they have doubles that already exist there who are living fairly normal lives till the TMA Jon and Martin crash land into their reality... Well this fic is one I cannot recommend highly enough. It also has a sequel, and it is also well worth the read, even if it appears to be on a bit of a break in it’s updates.
Worlds like phyllo pastry by neworld
After episode 200 Jon finds himself alone in a world very much like the one he left but fractionally different. It's so similar he finds versions of his former friends existing happily in the world. Unfortunately they have never met him in this universe and have no idea who he is.
This one’s unfinished, but personally it’s well worth the read as is. Not sure how I feel about the most recent chapter, but the story up till that point is a really fun spin on “Jon and Martin get shunted to a new reality” where Jon learns how to feed in a way that doesn’t cause problems facilitated by the new reality, and re-meets all the people who he lost till this point and has a very silly antagonistic relationship with his alternate self. While fic might be more of a guilty pleasure, it still is written in such a way that I would rank it high enough for this disorganized list.
Death Is The Easy Way Out by traveller19
After having killed Jonah Magnus and ended the Change, Jon and Martin should finally be able to rest. Rest, however, proves impossible when Jon falls ill. What's more, he begins having vivid dreams of their dead friends - Tim, trapped in the destroyed Archives, and Sasha, trapped outside of them. As Jon's condition quickly worsens and the line between dream and reality begins to blur, love is all he and Martin have to hold on to, because hope is a dangerous thing.
Did someone say sickfic??? But for real, this fic has an amazing balance between an A plot and a B plot, and keeps both at the right level of tension throughout. While this is a sickfic heavy one, it also features Tim and Sasha as ghosts trying desperately not to be. There’s also a lovely sequel and plenty of fluff by the end, but this is a rough ride. ALSO, if you or a loved one had covid / any respiratory illness that caused them to be hospitalized with pneumonia and it could be trigging to read incredibly on the nose descriptions of that experience, this fic is not for you. Or very cathartic. :/
Castaways by CirrusGrey
Welcome to the Castaway Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a safe and secure landing to those lost souls banished from their home worlds by the influence of Fear.
If you wanted saccharine JMart in a new reality where they get therapy and meet old friends from different realities, this series of (mostly) one shots is for you! As you’ve probably come to expect when I suggest CirrusGrey, the writing is fantastic, the ship dynamics are exemplary, and the character are on point. There is so much to say about this series, but mostly, if you want Jon and Martin healing and then settling together and becoming the stereotypical married couple, then this is it. It’s not done, but it is wrapping up, and I hope you all if you haven’t seen this yet enjoy it as much as I do. And for those long time readers who have been reading it longer than I’ve been in the fandom, here’s your friendly reminder that it exists.
Do Before I Die by SupposedToBeWriting
Somewhere Else, Jon can't seem to shake the strange apathy that now plagues his life. Everything reminds Martin of the end of the world. For a change of pace, he and Martin rent a campervan and go on a road trip. Their mission? To fulfill the 'bucket list' Martin made when he was eighteen and lonely. Jon's looking forward to the beach.
Jon and Martin go on a Road Trip accross Britain. It’s just a wholesome and hurt/comfort as it describes. An excellent romp, and the character studies are wonderful. The Planetarium still sticks with me.
ours is a distant shore (series) by pantsoflobster
“If they ever found out about us, we could make things really complicated for them," Jon said. Martin gave a thoughtful hum and then a loaded pause before he said, “Or simpler.” “What?” “We could, you know…” Martin then made mischievous eyes at him in lieu of expanding. “What?” Jon said, thoroughly lost. “Wouldn’t it be a bit fun to sort of... nudge them in the right direction?”
Months after they arrive Somewhere Else, Jon sees himself in the shop.
Summary is from the first fic in the series, this is a fun little romp for those who hated Martin’s defeatism over his and Jon’s relationship in MAG199 and want to see what would happen if instead he accidentally kick started an alternate version and his and Jon’s relationship Somewhere Else. It’s all very silly, tho the last fic does lean more into the hurt/comfort tag than the previous two. Over all though, if you’re looking for a little crack, a lot of fluff, and Jon and Martin being silly this is a good time.
Written in the Stars Will Have to Do by GentlemanCrow
“Yeah well, god knows why, but he thinks you hung the moon, so you might try treating him at the very least like a human being once in a while.”
It was such a small thing. Small words for a small feeling cloaked in a chintzy veneer of idiomatic dismissal. A trembling little bird cupped in his scarred and battered hands and smothered. Or so he thought. Sometimes trembling little birds turn out to be phoenixes, and those who looked to someone else to hang the comfort of a wise, silvery moon in the sky already have the hammer and the picture wire at the ready.
As far as Jon was concerned, the moon only rose on their Somewhere Else because Martin deigned to pull the strings every night, not him.
This is another one of those JMart Somewhere Else fics masquerading as a Safehouse fic that made me want to cry. It’s just, so wonderful, and once again we have themes of healing, but this time through getting a hobby and sharing it with your significant other. The writing is lovely and really gives off the stuffy academic musings I would expect being in Jon’s head (which we are for the duration of this fic) but adds a layer that I didn’t realized I needed till I read it.
On Errantry by ZaliaChimera
Somewhere Else, Jon and Martin discover that their new home has a very special sort of guardian, and Jon seeks judgement from an unexpected source.
They do say that cats purring can heal...
A cute one shot that deals with Jon’s lingering guilt from S5; this is a wonderful tale from Somewhere Else featuring a giant Cat, Martin being supportive, and Jon trying to reconcile his second chance. Very sweet and fluffy, guaranteed!
Lost, Unfound, But Not Forgotten by Elynn
They didn’t find bodies. Or anything pointing to where they may have gone. In the center of the rubble, what Georgie assumed to have once been the top of the tower, was a puddle of dried, crusted blood, and the outline of bodies in the dust and scorch marks. And she knew that wherever the Fears had gone, Jon and Martin had gone with them. The last victims, snuffed and dragged away with them. --- In the weeks after the Eye-pocolypse, Georgie Barker begins the painful process of mourning her best friend.
So, I know I’m very focused on Jon, but I have one fic of Georgie here that’s 10/10. Post 200, Georgie and Melanie eventually goes to clean out Daisy’s cabin of Jon and Martin’s things for Basira (or something like that) and Georgie finds a journal of Jon’s that he kept whilst there. It’s just as bittersweet as you’d imagine, but it’s fantastically cathartic to read and in our MAG 200 feels, this is a good one for closure.
Not Quite Somewhere Else by hawkfurze
Or you can find it on Tumblr HERE
A special entry to finish out this section, I have a long running comic from Tumblr user @hawkfurze who made a TMA x Infinity Train crossover. While I had not watched the show previously (only seen the trailer/pilot from back before it got picked up by CN), the comic is still easy to understand and explains the Infinity Train parts in such a way as to not need any prior knowledge. I highly recommend this comic for anyone who wants a visual treat delving into the relationship and psyches of Jon and Martin as they try to escape into the next reality.
Two Graves by SupposedToBeWriting
Jon sends the fears far from Earth and flees London, leaving the others to assume the worst. He settles in a small village and opts to live there quietly until he dies, a self-imposed penance. This plan is foiled when the first former Avatar shows up - and Jon realizes that every domain-keeper in the apocalypse still has some faint connection to him.
After a year of being a shoulder to cry on for confused and distraught former Avatars, Jon leads a moderately happy life. He has a flourishing garden, a cat, and some company. All of that comes crashing around his ears (or his head) when a familiar face shows up to his cabin, demanding answers.
This fic is in my top 5 fics of TMA fandom. No contest. It has some of the best healing from MAG 200 for Jon and Martin and tbh the world I’ve seen. It’s got that incredible hurt/comfort and the ending makes me cry tears of joy every time I read it. If you read any JMart fic on this list, please read this one if you can only read one. While I was tempted to put this in a different category, this seemed like the best place to put it.
What Comes After by Mornrandir
More than a year after the apocalypse, the world is starting to move on. Georgie, Melanie, and Basira have learned to move on and get back to living their lives. Then Martin reappears- without Jon- and they have to learn to begin again.
A series based around the initial above description, each entry in the series follows the healing of first Martin, then Jon, then both of them together. While I am a Jon-centric woman, if you are of a more Martin-centric leaning, this first fic in the series should scratch that itch. The final entry is very sweet, and the second definitely has a unique reason as to why Jon shows up so late to the after-Fears party.
The Watcher’s Cows by lenioia
He still remembers the first cup of tea Martin brought him. That’s where it began, not with the dog incident. A sweet and strong blend, reasons for appearance unknown, how could it taste so good, also unknown. Jon stares at what will be the last cup between them. His miserable parting gift. Where it’ll end.
Alt Mag 200, or in a slightly kinder universe which differs by exactly one cup of tea, Martin is the one who switches plan last minute, and Jon’s last half-backed scheme, for once, works.
An AU splitting off MAG 199/200, where Jon’s plan actually happens, but instead of it being quite so bleak he finds a new path with the help of Martin. I know the original ending of the series is probably the most hopeful one realistically, but we all enjoy our fixits here, so this is a really sappy “by the power of love” Jon and Martin save the universe and still get to live in it AU. Highly highly recommend, and it finished within the last 8 months, so it’s “on the newer side” as it were. If you haven’t read it, give it a shot, and if you’ve read it and it’s been awhile now’s a good time to read it again.
The Eyespot Chronicles (series) by SupposedToBeWriting
To Martin Blackwood's surprise, he wakes up in the ruins of the Magnus Institute. He thought he would be dead. The world is back to normal, the Entities are gone, and everyone realizes that it's finally over. The only sticking point is that Jon isn't exactly the Jon that went into the apocalypse. Never one to give up, Martin is determined to make a life for himself and his boyfriend. Even if he is a giant moth.
Summary taken from the first in the series, this trilogy of fics covers Jon and Martin’s attempts at healing in a world that remembers what happened. The first fic focuses entirely on Martin’s struggles, the second on Jon’s, and the 3rd (as you might guess) focuses on them both. The series is excellent, and if you’ve got the fortitude for canon-typical emotional constipation after having just experienced MAG-200 it’s well worth the read.
Another Guest for Mr. Spider by Dribbledscribbles
Jon isn't eating his statements like he should.
Mr. Spider doesn't like it.
Written in transcript format, this AU considers the idea of what if the Web was more hands on it it’s approach to getting Jon to Become more monstrous; or at least not starve himself out. Incredible read, you need an AO3 account though. But I have never been that spooked by a Statement or encounter before I read this fic. If you DO NOT like spiders on you or in your mouth and you don’t like reading about it either, potentially hold off on this fic, or at least skip from where Mr. Spider says “Open your mouth. Do not move.” to when he says “Wash it down with this. Now.” But yeah if you didn’t get enough spider trauma from canon, this fic gives it in spades! (And if you want Mr. Spider getting his comeuppance, you get that too ;) )
Illicio by ThatOneGirlBehindYou
As the new Archivist debates between life and death, the Eye ponders on what to offer him in order to avoid an encore of the unfortunate situation with his predecessor.
Gerard Keay opens his eyes at what feels like fuck-ass in the morning, inside a room with far too little space and far too much dust.
A long form AU of what if Gerry Keay was brought back by the Eye to convince Jon to stay on team Monster if you will. Goes all the way through MAG-200, has some great twists and turns, and manages to turn into an “Everyone Lives AU” as well. While it is currently updating, it’s updating every week on Saturday till it finishes, and she only has 2 chapters left. If you’ve managed to never read this, now is certainly the time for it! It is Jon/Gerry/Martin, so if that’s not your exact cup of tea I’d still say give it a shot.
we should ride this wave to shore by ClarionGlass
“archives research & statement envestigation” Timothy Stoker renamed the group “drinks drinks drinks” Timothy Stoker changed Sasha James’s nickname to saucy sash Timothy Stoker changed Martin Blackwood’s nickname to martini kart Timothy Stoker changed his nickname to stonked stonked: so how bout it lads saucy sash: oh god. A TMA group chat fic where the worst problems they have to deal with start with "h" and end with "angovers"
Right, I don’t tend to read chat fics, I’m going to be honest with you all. I have two exceptions and this is one of them. It goes interesting places, the characters are not completely OOC, if it they are at least it’s consistent OOC and not in a grating way. But in all seriousness, I recommend this because of how it ties in with MAG 160 and 200; as well as how the sequel deals with canon S5. The sequel isn’t finished and is slow to update, but I am still recommending at the very least the first one. It’s a good romp and I highly recommend.
Ask an Exec: How to Navigate Cultish Colleagues, Soul-Stealing Bosses, and the End of the World at Work by shinyopals
I've recently been unexpectedly promoted to lead a department in my organisation, wrote the anonymous emailer.
As there was no one working here when I arrived, my manager, who is head of the organisation, had promised me the choice of my own assistants. However, without warning, he simply presented me with an additional assistant. This new assistant’s first act on his first day was to let a dog into the office. It took several hours to catch and clean up after this dog and it has only been downhill from there. I admit I'm not entirely sure what to do with this assistant now I'm stuck with him. I'm hoping you have some advice?
Kind regards, New Manager
Abigail Bailey runs a successful management advice blog. One frequent contributor is from a workplace with some... issues.
While this isn’t quite an AU and is basically canon compliant, I’m putting it here because it’s a “what if Jon was an avid seeker of advice on a management advice blog?” AU. It’s beautifully formatted, and features very in character interactions. If you are a sucker for the TMA trope: how do normal people react to the weirdness at the Institute, then this is a great fic for you. I know it’s probably one of the most popular things to have hit the Jonathan Sims tag on AO3 in recent months, but this is just me reminding you all it exists and well worth the re-read.
JMart Fluff
Author CirrusGrey
Literally anything by them. I think I probably recommend them every time I talk about JMart, but I think on AO3 they are both the most prolific and one of the best writers for the tag. Pick almost any fic they’ve written for TMA and it’s probably JMart. There’s too many fics of their’s to recommend, so I’ll just link you straight to their profile and you can go swimming from there lol.
Jon’s Moving Castle by IceEckos12
Martin Blackwood may not have a perfect life, but he does have a good one. That is, until a series of magical encounters leave him with an unfortunate curse. Out of other options, he goes to the wizard who lives in the moving castle for aid.
Life never goes how he intends it to, though.
Basically Howl’s Moving Castle, but with a TMA spin. You don’t need to have seen the movie to understand what’s going on, and honestly while it sticks fairly close to the movie, it doesn’t stick so close that it feels constrained by it in places where it wouldn’t make sense in the AU they’ve set up. It’s a very sweet JMart fic with a satisfying conclusion.
The 101 Kidnappings of Jonathan Sims (and Other Inconveniences) by beetlejoos
Martin Blackwood never applies for a job at the Magnus Institute. The universe seems determined that he meets Jonathan Sims anyway. But is it Fate, or something more sinister, that keeps bringing the two of them together?
Right, this mostly crack treated seriously. It’s got hurt/comfort, but it’s fairly light hearted throughout. As one could guess by the title and description, Jon is repeatedly kidnapped and brought to wherever Martin is living/working at the time. While it’s not done yet, and not on a schedule, the chapters that are out thus far are well worth the read. That and there’s some cute fan art for it that’s linked to in the end notes. But I recommend this because it’s got that vibe of S1 Jon meets S1 Martin outside of the Institute and romance (eventually) happens. Very fun read if you haven’t read it yet.
i think we’re alone now + alone-verse (series) by milliganopen
Just a couple of guys breaking into a basement. What could go wrong?
Getting trapped in your apartment with your boss, that's what.
Season 1 re-imagined if Jon and Martin had been trapped by Jane Prentiss together.
Initially I recommended this back when we had hit MAG039/022 because it was a great AU to Martin’s Statement where Jon also gets trapped in Martin’s apartment during Martin’s no good very bad 2 weeks of worm siege. HOWEVER, the author has since continued this series and is slowly working their way through canon one season/fic at a time. They’re currently on S3, and I am definitely keeping an eye on it for whenever the next update happens. If you haven’t had the time to check it out, it’s got some very good JMart moments, and their relationship manages to move faster than a glacier.
Fate, or Something by HermaeusMora
"You can't be serious." Jonathan Sims raises his eyes at last to properly look at Georgie, expecting her to laugh and make some quip about finally getting him to put the damn book down, at least.
"Well, I am," she shoots back.
He sets his book aside and turns fully towards her, betrayal clear on his face. "A blind date, really?"
Jon makes the frankly terrible decision to go on a blind date with one Martin Blackwood. Fate ensues. AU where Jon and Georgie are still friends, Georgie likes finding dates for her friends, Martin doesn't work at the institute, and everyone is just a bit happier while canon spooky stuff goes on in the background. Takes place juuust barely pre-canon in the beginning but catches up quickly. Inspired as usual by the wonderful conversations with my friend RavenXavier/somuchbetterthanthat.
A fun AU that challenges the idea that Jon and Martin are incompatible a la MAG199. Excellently done and well worth the time to check it out.
Diary by luftballoons99
Not for the first time since they ran away together, a camera reel of all the things they don't know about one another whirs behind Martin's eyes, and he can't help but look at all the sprawling magnetic tape and wonder if they’re going to wind up a romance or a tragedy.
or: Office parties, garage bands, and the joy of being known.
A bit of a bittersweet mostly fluff oneshot focused on Jon and Martin having a night in at the Safehouse and talking about good things from their pasts. (Warning, the sequel is rated E(xplicit) for a reason, so I am only recommending Diary. Both are stand alone however.)
Weaving My Heartstrings by arms_full_of_hyacinths
At least he was someone. Someone who could deal with the spiders. That was probably the source of the nerves unspooling like magnetic tape to fill Jon’s stomach with buzzing static butterflies.
Yes, Martin was much bigger than a spider. He was probably the kind of person who cupped them in his hands and talked to them as he walked them out into the garden, which shouldn’t be giving Jon a burst of warm feeling at all, since his preferred method of spider disposal was simply to squash them on sight.
Martin likes Jon almost as much as Jon hates spiders. When a statement from an institute employee sends them spiraling into the center of a complicated web, they'll need to rely on each other if they want to make it out alive.
Bit of an odd suggestion to close us out, but this one is a fun almost episodic plot about an original Statement and the shenanigans Jon and Martin get into trying to research it. It’s very good, features some very on point S1 Jon and Martin along with a bit of a fast forward on their relationship throughout.
And with that, I’ve probably overstayed my welcome lol. I hope you found something new to read! If not, I at least hope that you had fun rereading some old faves. This has taken me a day or two to compile and format, so I hope you all enjoy in whatever capacity that ends up being! Happy end of A Mag A Day, and it was a joy walking alongside you all. Congrats to A MAG A Day blog owners on all your hard work for the last ~210 days and with this post I wish you all a very fond farewell.
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noveratus · 1 month
Ok, I finished it. Here is my review, I'll do a little rewrite in a separate post. Spoilers for season 4.
Boy, am I sad that TUA was canceled after just two seasons!
For real though. This was shit. Truly and utterly shit. And it is a shame too, because it had potential.
Let's make something clear: TUA started as a parody/critique of superhero shows and an exploration of what happens when a superhero team akin to the Xmen split up. It explores how the superhero life can break someone, either from being a superhero or being pushed away from that life. Yes, the ending of season one with the world being destroyed was beautiful. But it shouldn't have been the main take away. Explaining the lore should never have been your take away. People watch the show for the characters, not your bullshit lore that makes no sense with made up elements and trying to redeem an abuser.
Season 2 was flawed, but it was beautiful, mostly because of Viktor and his discover of himself and who he was. I didn't really care for the other characters as much, but I still had a good time. It was fun! It was colorful! And people all and all felt like themselves, broken, messy but themselves.
Then came season 3, aka the character assassination of Allison Hargreeves, and I swear this season is just there to be there to make her unlikable, do the whole bullshit with Luther, who until that point was my least favorite character and then make you feel bad to dislike her as if she could be compared to Viktor in season 1. Viktor in season 1 was flawed, yes, but he didn't make every single decision to piss off the audience, and season 2 was all about him trying to prove himself to his siblings. But no. Allison just gets a get out of jail free card and gets everything go her way, but hey, if you ignore the shit show that was Allison's you have, well, you have what could have been an interesting dynamic between the families. It wasn't. But it could have been if the Sparrows hadn't been immediately killed.
And then we had season 4 which had the exact same issues as season 3 but worse because now, it isn't just Allison who is getting ruined, oh no, it is Fives, Lila and Diego because we need that forced romance and that stupid dreaded love triangle. And this is all this season is. A bunch of montages of nothing leading to an ending that is honestly very unsatisfying and doesn't make any sense:
A- They already were in a timeline where the Marigold was never released seeing as they didn't have any powers and yet they still existed.
B- They weren't the only source of Marigold. Maybe in this universe, but I'm pretty certain that Ben didn't drink all the Marigold. What about the guy Klaus splashed in Marigold? Did he get any powers? Christ, what is this bullshit?
C- No, no, I still need someone to explain to me why having multiple timelines is a bad thing??? What the fuck do you mean 'does this feel right?' There is a tentacle monster devouring that world, does that feel right? And that's the thing, you could fix this by saying that, instead of having multiple timelines be the issue, the issue is that the Marigold being released leads to the end of the world no matter what. Multiple timelines are a widely accepted theory, and isn't timelines bleeding into each other eventually going to fix the issue you have in the first place since it implies that they are all converging into one??? Stupidest time bullshit I've heard in a WHILE
D- This really leaves a sour taste in my mouth as does any and all endings that have 'death is the answer' as their conclusion. My dude, the whole point of the finale of season 1 was how no matter what, it's never too late, how people can still be saved, that's what they do with Viktor, it is all about healing and no we are abandoning that for what??? Getting gooed?! I hate this ending. I think that this trope needs to be killed and buried just like the characters they want to kill themselves.
But the ending is not even my main issue with this series. What is this show's issue with side characters? They just hate anyone who isn't Lila and the original Umbrella Academy. Why did we have to kill Luther's girlfriend in season 3? Why couldn't Fives have another love interest that wasn't the daughter of the people he killed AND the wife of his fucking brother? Also, Five felt weird this entire season, he lacked his quips and his mannerism and everything that made him Five, he just felt like a kid who was a genius or something except he never does anything particularly smart. He is just a completely different character, an emo kid who doesn't care about his family and is more interested in getting laid? Ugh. Back to the side characters, though, they implied that Viktor was having relationship issues in this season and yet that goes nowhere. Klaus and his sexuality is treated as a joke to the point of it being insulting and finally we have the final one. The big one. Ben and what's her face? I swear she gets like 10 lines max in the show despite being integral to the plot and 8 of them are spoken to Ben or about Ben. I've seen a lot of bad cases of female characters being just objects to their male counterparts but YIKES. That one was something. I'll talk more about this about my proposed rewrite for this season, however.
Also, Reginald does not deserve forgiveness. This is a Reginald hate account. Bro traumatized his son. The take away shouldn't be "maybe your abusive dad wasn't bad" the take away should be "your abusive dad doesn't deserve your forgiveness, get the fuck away from him, you don't need him, be with the people you love who love you back." Ah, found families, how I love you baby.
Those are my overall complaints. Everything else in this season hust felt pointless. You could have written this season to be 2 episodes long without really losing anything. The jokes were too childish, the choreography was ok I guess and the music (save baby shark, whoever decided to do that bit, I'm outside your house with a shotgun, don't worry, I just wanna talk) was the best part.
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aris-ink · 1 year
Hi, can I request a drabble where yandere brothers Jimin and Yoongi are overprotective and possessive of their sweet and innocent step-sister. Thank you and I love your writing ☺️💖
y e s, love you 🫰
pairing: yoongi x reader, jimin x reader
genre: forbidden romance
warnings: allusions to murder (both attempted and committed) mentions of violence (not towards the reader), pseudo incest, ✨manipulation✨, some angst, possessiveness, jealousy, fingering, edging, orgasm denial, hints of dacryphilia, praise kink, dirty talk
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It was a little evil, Yoongi thought. Still, he couldn't help feeling fascinated by the pearly drops shining on your cheeks, the quiver of your bottom lip. It was both admiration and sympathy that tugged at his heartstrings, softening his resolve. He shushed you, wiping the tears away with his thumb.
"That's enough, hm? Think you've learned your lesson?"
You nodded, sniffling. Yoongi cupped your cheek and scanned you from head to toe, his eyes hooded and thighs tensing beneath yours. It was safe to say that all the anger from before had dissolved in the heat of your cunt, dripping and swollen from the aggressive finger fucking it has been subjected to for the last hour. He didn't let you come once, stopping every time he felt you shaking and squeezing him tighter.
Why don't you ask Namjoon to let you come?
That was the only thing he had to say in response to your pitiful whines. Just letting the unfortunate man walk you home was enough to set your stepbrother off. He was only being protective; besides, why would you look for attention elsewhere if you were given everything you needed, right here at home? The question prompted more tears to flow as he continued to edge you. You ended up apologizing repeatedly in between soft cries, asking so nicely for permission to finally let go, while Yoongi watched and twitched in his pants.
"Good girl," he muttered, slipping his soaked fingers out of your heat slowly.
Your stomach flipped, eyes widening at the action. Yoongi looked away, avoiding your gaze. He tried to swallow.
"Not tonight. Finish yourself off for all I care."
Was he still angry at you? You didn't understand. But it didn't seem like he wanted to talk, or like he even had anything more to say to you. With your heart shrinking and knees wobbling, you lifted yourself off his lap and made your way outside the door.
"Goodnight, Yoongi."
A soft hum answered you.
Sighing, you pulled down the handle. Left alone in the darkness of the corridor, for some reason you remained still, hesitating. It was almost two am. You should go to your room. You really should...
The next door opened with a slight creak. You peeked inside shyly, greeted by a dark silhouette stirring under the sheets at the noise.
Jimin sat up slowly, his hair tousled and eyes still puffy from sleep.
"What's wrong?" He whispered. "Come here."
You stepped inside, turned the lock and climbed under the sheets with him. He felt so warm to the touch, arms pulling you into his chest without hesitation. You snuggled into him, inhaling the soothing, familiar scent of his skin. He leaned his cheek on the top of your head and sighed.
"What's the matter, kitten?"
You bit into your lip, unsure how to answer him. Guilt simmered low in your abdomen, along with other sensations that spiked the moment you saw him. You could do nothing about the way your pussy throbbed, clenching around nothing as he held you. It didn't help that Yoongi left you leaking and unsatisfied. Your thighs were the next to clench at the thought.
As though taking notice of that, Jimin tilted his head.
"Was Yoongi mean to you?"
The question stole your breath and made your eyes snap up to his dark ones, already burning into you. It might have been embarassment that made more wetness flow into your ruined underwear, or the raspiness in his murmur; either way, there was no denying it. Knowing you were already caught, you had no idea what to say. It wasn't like you could lie to him. Jimin leaned in, the corners of his lips tugging upwards. His hand slid down your thigh languidly, exploring the sensitive skin.
"Need some help?"
No reluctance, no sugar coating. He was all too eager to provide, to give you what you've been deprived of, pushing you onto your back and spreading your legs to pick up right where Yoongi left off.
"That's a good girl," the charming devil breathed into your ear, his palm beating against your sensitive cunt loudly, lewdly. "It was just a mistake, wasn't it? You won't let anyone else walk you home anymore, right, baby?"
He dropped a kiss onto your cheek when you mewled, nodding desperately, the knot is your stomach so close to unraveling.
"You're so naughty," he whispered, his mouth brushing against yours with each syllable, dripping with sweet mockery. "Can't follow rules and can't fuck yourself either. Your little fingers aren't enough? Had to wake me up to come?"
You moaned into his lips, tears burning your eyes again, though this time it was mostly due to the heated tension in your tummy finally snapping. Jimin groaned softly in return, his fingers curling inside you, ceaseless in their deep, hard thrusts. You felt yourself gush around them, your head spinning in the dark.
"Such a good girl," he purred, hungry, blown out eyes cast downwards. "Look at this pretty fucking cunt."
Your thighs trembled, pelvis lifting off the mattress and cunt clenching more at the filthy praise. Your hips twitched, then lowered back down. The pulsing around his digits faded in intensity, a sign for him to slow to a stop. Tingling, you let your head fall to the side, trying to take in some much needed air. You were quite literally on cloud nine, light and up somewhere in a dimension closer to dreams than wakefulness, already nodding off.
Gently, Jimin nudged you, let you lean on him as he walked you back into your bedroom to tuck you in. He barely got back into his own bed before Yoongi appeared in the doorway, his arms crossed.
"I'm not doing this anymore."
Jimin glanced over at him, prompting his head up on the pillow.
"Aw, come on. She deserved a little torture today."
Yoongi's expression remained unreadable, his tone detached.
"I don't care. If you want her here, you can get her here yourself."
Jimin frowned. No, this wasn't how things worked. You weren't quite there yet; you've barely let go of the guilt of sneaking around behind your parents' back with your stepbrother. Getting involved with both? You still needed to be reassured, seduced, coaxed; and Jimin got the short end of the stick because he didn't make his move first. How petty was this?
"I'm not cleaning up after you anymore either."
Two pairs of keys were thrown in his direction, their silver gleam catching his attention. He recognized his own chain immediately, and right beside it landed Namjoon's.
He looked up at the elder.
"I clean my own messes. Learn to clean yours, too."
With that, Yoongi turned around and left, not even bothering to close the door after himself. Moody asshole. Annoyed, Jimin let out a heavier sigh and got up to shut it properly. He was hard as a rock and he needed to get off; then to sleep. He didn't care how mad Yoongi was at him for hurting your feelings; it wasn't like he forced him to punish you or not let you come, anyway. He only asked for the latter - very politely, might he add - because how else could he be guaranteed you'd conquer your shame and end up at his door? He sure as hell didn't force him into doing any cleaning either. He had nothing to gain from that.
It was a complicated matter. Yoongi had horns, too; they just seemed a little smaller. Jimin knew he wasn't as impulsive as him. He also definitely seemed more prone to the manipulations of his heart, and probably saved the fool from bleeding to death in his own house tonight.
All because of you.
Still, he had plenty of skeletons in his closet; and his own copy of keys to Namjoon's place, locked away in the deepest corners of his drawers for the darker nights, when at last deemed necessary to use. In the end, despite their differences, he was just like Jimin. Heart torn open and bleeding endlessly, emptier with each thump. Until you touched him and all the pain faded into light, your gentle hands finding no difficulty taming a creature so scorched. And yet, the scars remained. You couldn't be there to soothe the aches all the time. And no matter how much he tried to keep himself chained to your leg, like the pathetic pet you reduced him to, sooner or later you'd always have somewhere else to be, or you'd make another mistake. And in moments like this, even if it took time, Yoongi always ended up breaking free and bringing more bones to hide in the backyard.
Because in the end, no matter how much he tried to change, he was just like Jimin. A scorched creature. And all those were creatures of habit.
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0v3rcast · 1 year
You can give no more than you have already. You leave.
(Abandoning a relationship, for your own sake. Angst.)
(Content warnings: I dunno, it's just sad? Mentions of a failing relationship?)
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Three bags of your belongings sit at your feet.
In the largest bag are your clothes. Not the clothes they'd given you or any of their clothes that you'd claimed - they are your clothes, both from before the relationship and that you'd purchased for yourself, as well as several sets of traveling clothing that you'd purchased a piece at a time in the past months.
In the second largest bag are your toiletries. Soaps for your skin and hair, a toothbrush and toothpaste, fine-toothed combs, several ornamental hairpins that had belonged to a relative, a small lint roller, and small bottles of both perfumes and colognes.
In the third bag are personal possessions. Mora, photos, a music box you'd been given as a young child, a favorite painting you'd removed from the frame and gently rolled up.
You take nothing of theirs. Nothing they'd given you. Nothing you'd found shared meaning in as a couple.
The weapon you'd learned to master rests against your leg from where you sit at the kitchen table a final time.
On the table lie the supplies you'll require to outline your grievances. Word of mouth does not carry the same hollow permanence as a written message.
It takes you some time to gather all of the scattered emotions in your chest into a tight, controlled ball.
Ink meets paper, pooling for a single solitary moment, and you begin to write.
'To my beloved:
I am sorry, but I can't do this any longer, and I suspect from your lateness and distance in recent months that neither can you.
At the beginning of our relationship, you were the only person I could see - no other living being on Teyvat had the same attractive nature you did. You were everything to me, and in some ways, you still are.
I have tried to sustain this crumbling connection we share, to preserve the magnetism that bound us so tightly. Every morning, if you are even still there when I wake, I do not recognize the person I see.
My concerns for your health seem to go unnoticed. When I make you a meal, you've either already eaten or are too tired to sit with me.
When I plead with you to rest, you refuse to, even though I can see the exhaustion in your eyes.
My presence seems to irritate you. Our conversations tend to either devolve into fights or slowly go quiet.
You feel as cold as your side of the bed we used to share.
When I ask you to join me on my trips to enjoy a night with others or to visit a restaurant, you are unavailable due to work or simply have no interest in the journey.
I know you have not been finishing what I make you. I have found the meals in the trash, often with very little having been eaten.
You have given me gifts in recent weeks. Trophies of your victories, symbols of your status, proof of your work. Once upon a time, I would have lovingly collected them and placed them in our home in such a way that all who visited would see them, would know my pride and love for you.
They are no replacement for your presence in my life. You cannot expect them to be an acceptable substitute for all the little moments we no longer spend together.
But I suppose I should thank you, as well. The argument we had last week has given me much to think on, including myself.
Your behavior leads me to a single conclusion: the fault lies with me.
Was I not enough?
Did my actions push you away?
Was it something I said?
...is there another, one who can take care of you the way I cannot?
Am I so thoroughly unsatisfying?
The answer doesn't particularly matter anymore.
I wish to ask for one final favor. You may reject it, but for both our sakes I hope you will humor it.
Find another. Move on. Heal from this. Live a life you will not regret. I will do the same.
Perhaps in another life, this would never have come to pass. But here it has.
I doubt we will meet again.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for pretending. Thank you for being here long enough to make me feel special.
Beneath this note you will find two stacks of documents. The first are a collection of every expenditure I have incurred during our relationship, in the form of invoices, receipts, and bills, itemized from most to least expensive.
The second stack are records of withdrawals from my private funds for the purpose of repayment, with signed affidavits from bank managers to confirm that I have done this of my own free will and through legally-accepted channels.
I cannot give you back your time. All I can do is return the money.
When you read this, I will be gone. The world is too vast to stay and fester miserably in the absence of you.
This is goodbye, both as a person and as your partner. I do not do this to hurt you, but to spare us both more misery.
I want you to be happier.
I love you.'
You gently lay the letter down, pack away your writing tools, and tuck them into the third bag.
The front door shuts behind you with a sense of finality, and your shadow slowly follows you in the afternoon light.
You leave the place you once thought of as a home with no outward expression of the grief and sorrow oozing inside of you like wicked poison.
Those who question your sudden departure are simply told you are going to visit family, but otherwise you say as little as possible.
When they come home, the stars now twinkling in the night sky, they find the note.
As you said, you are gone. You crept over the horizon with the sunset hours ago.
And the weight of your absence slowly begins to settle on their chest.
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