#i finished this first chapter months and months ago but held off putting it out for Reasons but now im like
viceroywrites · 1 month
deja vu - part 1
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i decided to make a full-fledged multi-chapter fic out of this idea that i posted a few days ago with a cyoa ending potentially
thanks so much to everyone who showed so much love for it and hope you enjoy this series!
this is my first time writing for gravity falls so i hope to do it justice!
planning out your road trip through the pacific northwest, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to the town of gravity falls.
little did you know that this town held more memories than you could have possibly imagined.
too bad you didn't remember any of them.
stan x fem!reader/ford x fem!reader
tag list: @awitchersbard / @theilluminatidragonqueen / @jazzypop-op/ @maryclanders/ @chaimshelii /
@starship606/ @swimmingrascalbatdragon / @stanfordsbaby
He wasn’t in bed.
You woke up in the middle of the night to find the space beside you empty, the blankets cool to touch, indicating that a warm body had not even slipped into the sheets. Begrudgingly, you slip out of the warm comfort of your bed to search for your lover.
Your bare feet pad against the wood floorboards, creaking with each step you take. Your fingers balancing a candle that you used to illuminate the way, too lazy to try and turn on the lights. 
You descend down to the basement, pushing open the metal door that reveals an intricate lab full of oddities and gadgets with a triangle shaped portal looming just behind the glass window. You let out a yawn, approaching the figure that had his back turned towards you. His six-fingers spin the pen in his hand effortlessly as he rests his chin in the palm of his hand.
Your soft yet groggy voice calls out as you place your hand on his shoulder, “Ford, come to bed. Your research will be here in the morning.”
Stanford jumps at your sudden touch before relaxing when he hears the sound of your voice. He puts his pen down, placing his hand over yours with his thumb running soothingly over the back of your hand, “I’ll be there soon, just head back upstairs. I just need to finish this last equation that's been driving me mad the whole day.”
“Stanford…” You say with an edge to your voice, knowing that he could easily stay up the rest of the night working tirelessly on this portal that he had been working on for the past few months.
“Alright… I concede. You win this round, my dear.” Ford sighs, turning to face you finally with a tired smile. He gets up from his seat, pressing a soft kiss against the top of your head before following you up the stairs but not before looking back at the portal.
You had the dream again.
It always starts the same. Walking down a staircase, the floorboards creaked with each step you took. Your eyelids feel heavy almost as if you’re resisting the urge to fall asleep. Your feet carrying you down to a basement. The warm flames of the candle you hold illuminating the way.
Your fingertips push the cool metal frame of the door to reveal a figure sitting in front of a desk, facing away from you. Your hand reaches out to touch their shoulder and as they turn around to reveal their face to you, you awaken.
Your eyes open abruptly, staring at the dark ceiling as your alarm echoes through the empty room. Slowly sitting up in bed, you instinctively reach across to turn off your alarm and turn on your lamp before your hand reaches to open the drawer of your bedside table, feeling around for something. Your fingertips brush against leather and wrap around the item, pulling it out to reveal a journal.
These dreams happened almost every night over the years. It had gotten to a point where you started logging them, just trying to find any pattern or meaning behind them.
You turn to the page labeled ‘The Basement’ - adding another tally mark in the margins that you used to keep track of the frequency of each dream. You close your eyes, trying to conjure up any distinguishable features from this mystery person but nothing new arises. 
Sighing, you shut the leather-bound journal, putting it to the side.
Now was not the time to be worrying about your cryptic dreams, you were supposed to be getting ready for the trip you had been planning for the past few months. 
A road trip through the Pacific Northwest, starting in Northern California and making your way up to Seattle.
You hop out of bed to start getting ready for your journey ahead. After completing your morning routine and slipping on some comfortable clothing for the long drive, you make your way to the kitchen, grabbing the map that was stuck to the fridge with a magnet from your alma mater, Backupsmore. 
Having already packed your bags into the car the night before, your feet make a beeline out the door, wanting to hit the road before sunrise to give you enough time to hit the places you wanted to visit on the way up to your final destination for the day, Portland. 
Unraveling the map in your lap, your eyes scan over it, reviewing over the route you had planned out today. Your gaze lingered on one particular spot you had circled closer to Portland that was unlike any of the stops you had chosen.
Gravity Falls.
You couldn’t explain what drew you in to choose this town to stop in out of all the surrounding towns near Portland. You knew that you had an old friend, Fiddleford, who had moved out to this area to do research. You had even visited him once during his time out there. However, you hadn’t heard from Fiddleford in years, correspondence seemingly dropping off as he stopped answering your calls and your letters always ended up returning to you.
Trying to push aside thoughts of your lost connection, you put your car in reverse, pulling out of your parking spot and heading out onto the open road. The winding roads take you through the lush forests that enveloped the region. As each hour passed, you could see the sun slowly starting to make its way up the horizon and decided to stop to watch the sunrise at Redwood National Park. 
After the brief stop that you used to stretch your legs and grab a cup of coffee, you make your way back on the road. Your original plan was to stop at almost every National Park on the way up to Oregon but after hitting a pocket of traffic that put you behind a whole hour, you decide to skip a few stops and make your way directly to the town of Gravity Falls, figuring it would be your last stop with the remaining amount of daylight you had left.
Unfortunately, you had hit another bump in the road, pretty much derailing the first day of your methodically planned out trip.
Your car had suddenly stopped in the middle of the forest about five miles out from the town.
Cursing under your breath, you step out to assess the cause of your delay. Your hands pop open the hood of your car, breathing a slight sigh of relief when you don’t see any steam or smoke. Figuring that the most likely cause is the battery dying on you, you pull out your phone, trying to look up the nearest towing company to hopefully bring you into town to get it looked at.
As you’re waiting for the screen to load due to the poor signal out in this forested area, a gruff voice calls out, asking if you need a hand.
You look up to see a red convertible with the phrase ‘El Diablo’ etched on the side on the other side of the road. Its owner, a man with gray hair, glasses and a stubbled yet chiseled jawline, wearing a black tank, a shiny medallion that sat on his exposed graying chest hairs, and a brown leather jacket, stares back at you, one hand on the steering wheel while his arm dangles lazily outside of the rolled down window.
You pause, taken aback as something about his features seems… familiar. You quickly snap out of your stupor, realizing you’ve just been standing there in silence.
"Uhm… yeah if you have jumper cables, I just need to get my car running to get to the next town and hopefully get a replacement battery,” You reply, figuring this option would be way cheaper than hiring a whole tow truck.
"Of course, I have jumper cables, toots - look at my car, you think I haven't been stranded out here myself." The stranger chuckles, making an effortless U-Turn with one hand before pulling his car close to yours. Your cheeks warm at the nickname given to you by this man you met literally seconds ago, This guy’s a total silver fox.
You step to the side to give him access to hook up the jumper cables after he fishes them out of his own trunk. You both stand in silence while he attaches the cables to your car before his deep voice cuts through, "So uh, what brings you out here? You just driving through?"
You almost chuckle at his awkward attempt to make small talk, "Sort of. I'm doing a whole road trip through the Pacific Northwest. I was gonna check out this town ahead, Gravity Falls, before I make my way up to Portland."
The older man blinks, expecting you to just be passing through the town at this time of a day. Normally, tourists only stop into town in the early hours of the day on their own journeys up north. His lips spread into a grin, pulling out a business card from his leather jacket. "Well, if you're stopping by, you gotta check out the Mystery Shack! One stop shop for mysterious oddities!"
You take the business card with a giant question mark on the front. He retreats back to his car, turning on his engine before nodding over at you as a signal for you to start up your own engine. You slip back into the car, slipping the card into your pocket before turning on the ignition. You breathe a sigh of relief as your car stutters back to life. Glancing up, you see him grinning back at you before the two of you step out of your respective vehicles.
“Thanks again for your help… sorry, I didn’t catch your name. I’m Y/N.” You say, extending your hand out in gratitude. The silver fox’s large hand envelops yours, shaking your hand firmly, “Stan Pines, nice to meet ya. It’s no problem, wouldn’t want to leave a lady like yourself stranded in the middle of the woods.”
“Do you say that to all the ladies that end up stranded in the woods?” You can’t help but tease, earning a hearty chuckle from Stan. “Well, let’s just say that’s not a common occurrence out here. So you thinkin’ about stopping by the Mystery Shack?”
You pause, stuffing your hands into your pockets as you thumb the edge of the business card Stan had given you. On one hand, you should probably be heading back on the road to make it to Portland and this Mystery Shack sounded like a tourist trap. On the other hand, the sun was starting to set and you weren’t keen on driving through the forest in the dark. Maybe it would be best if you stayed the night in this quaint town and start again the next morning. As you look up at Stan, you make your decision, deciding to appease the man who helped you so graciously.
You also had to admit you found him quite charming and curiosity got the better of you.
“Sure, lead the way.” You say with a casual shrug. Stan grins, “I’ll make sure you get a personal tour of the Mystery Shack. No need to worry about other tourists.” Your eyebrow raises in amusement before slipping into your car, “What, you know the owner?” You blink at the smirk that spreads across Stan’s lips, “Sweetheart, you’re looking at the former owner, Mr. Mystery himself.”
You bite back a giggle, “No wonder you were laying it on thick, just trying to get more tourists to visit, huh?” Stan rolls his eyes mirthfully “Hey, I was trying to lend a helping hand… though I have a good sales pitch, don’t I?” He grins, shooting finger guns towards you with a wink.
This’ll be interesting. You think to yourself as you follow behind Stan in your car, pulling into the empty lot of the Mystery Shack. You snort, seeing how the S dangles off the side spelling out Mystery Hack, before pointing it out to Stan as he exits his car. His features grimace as he grumbles out, “I noticed” before beckoning you to follow him, twirling his keys on his index finger.
Stan proceeded to give you a detailed tour of the Mystery Shack, spinning elaborate tales surrounding the variety of taxidermy animals that he had mismatched together. Despite the absurdity of it all, you can’t help but get sucked into his tales, seeing the clear passion and excitement he had for this place. You burst out into laughter at the sight of the Sascrotch to which Stan beamed at, “Good one, right? Probably one of the highlights of the Mystery Shack.”
You weaved your way through the shack, though there were certain sections of it that looked oddly familiar. Almost like you had walked down these hallways before. A wave of deja vu hit you as you walked through the doorway into the gift shop. “Usually this is the part where I try to sell people on an overpriced souvenir but I have a feeling that the whole schtick isn’t gonna work on you, is it?” Stan admits.
“Probably not but I’ll take a look around and see if there’s anything that catches my eye.” You chuckle, making your way around the space as your eyes scan the various trinkets. Your fingertips run across the mugs with question marks painted on them. You decide to use this opportunity to make small talk as you mill around the gift shop while Stan leans back against the counter, “So, you said you’re the former owner? Who owns it now?”
“One of my former employees, Soos. Kid’s been working for me since he was… well a kid. Only person with as much passion as me about this place.” Stan says, glancing over at the Employee of the Month picture that still hung behind the counter that showed a younger Soos. “What made you step down as owner?” You hum, thumbing through the t-shirt rack. 
Stan smiles fondly, “Me and my twin brother actually just got back from traveling, we’re only in town for the summer. It was always our dream to travel the world together by boat, and we finally got to make that happen.” You look up, smiling at how warmly he spoke of his brother. Stan catches you staring and crosses his arms defensively, “What?”
“Nothing,” You say, shaking your head before thumbing through the assortment of keychains and stickers that were displayed. “So twin brother, huh? What’s he like?”
“You’re sure asking a lot of questions… not sure if I should be flattered but it feels like I’m being interrogated by a government official.” Stan comments with a grin. You pause with dramatic effect before looking up and admitting, “Well technically, I do work for the government.”
Stan freezes, his stance becoming defensive as he looks you up and down, “Oh shit, really? Man, these cover-ups are getting better and better but I swear I haven’t broken any laws… recently at least.” Your warm laughter fills the room, finding the look on his face priceless, “Relax, I work for the National Parks.” Stan’s posture relaxes at the realization and he rolls his eyes, “Alright, you got me good. So what do you do? Are you like a park ranger or something?”
“No, I’m a geoscientist. I pretty much study rocks and fossils. Kinda boring day to day but sometimes I’ll come across a precious gemstone and keep it for myself… even though we’re not supposed to take anything off a dig site.” You admit sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “Using the government’s resources to your own advantage? I like the way you think.” Stan chuckles.
You pick out a magnet to add to your fridge when you return as a reminder of your side quest at the Mystery Shack. Stan rings you up though you notice a significant markdown in the original price after he insists on giving you the employee discount. As you walk out of the gift shop outside, you round the corner back to your car. 
Little did you know that you would run into the man that you once loved as someone with a long tan trench coat was outside fiddling with a device with his back turned to you. Stan elbows you in the arm to catch your attention, "That's my poindexter brother that I mentioned, Ford. He's always working on some geeky invention."
"You know I can hear you, Stanley?" Ford sighs, turning around to face you two.
Time slows down as he meets your eyes, memories flooding back to him before landing on the last memory he had of you - your back turning away from him, your hand slipping through his fingers after he chose to continue with his research despite your pleas.
He freezes, seeing the woman that left him all those years ago, "Y/N?" He calls out to you.
You blink, staring back at this man that you had never met before calling out your name.
Stan is just as confused as you are, looking between the two of you. 
You tilt your head in confusion, “Uhm… sorry, have we met before? How do you know my name?”
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duskandcobalt · 4 months
Everywhere, Everything: Chapter Five
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Chapter Summary: On her last night in Velaris before she heads home, Elain and Azriel finally gets a chance to talk about what's going on between them.
Word Count: 5.9k
Missed the first four chapters? You can find the Masterlist for this fic here 🥰
A/N: As always, thank you for all the love on the last chapter of this fic. It's always so much fun to hear what you guys think. An extra thank you for your patience with me in getting chapter five out. This past month has been a rough one and I haven't been writing much because of it but I finally managed to sit down and finish this chapter and I'm happy with how it turned out. I hope you are too. As always, I must remind you that this is a slow burn and we must get through a heavy dose of angst before we can reap our reward. The good news is, the reward is coming very soon.
Read on AO3
The first time Elain had sex with Graysen was also the first time he’d asked her about the necklace. 
It was the last week of January and he’d invited her back to his apartment after he’d taken her out to dinner at a glamorous hotel that offered unbelievable views of the city for their fourth date. She’d seen the invitation for what it was. Knew exactly what he had in mind from the way he’d lowered his voice to ask her, the pad of his thumb sliding over her bottom lip. Elain had only hesitated for a moment before she’d accepted his offer, Nesta’s voice in her head from a night years ago when she imparted some wisdom to Feyre after a particularly bad breakup, her hands on Feyre’s shoulders as she looked into her teary eyes. 
“Fey, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” 
Elain had laughed at her sister’s advice at the time but standing there outside the restaurant that night, looking at Graysen as snowflakes drifted lazily from the dark winter to sky to cling to her hair and eyelashes, she’d decided that she wanted to put Nesta’s advice to the test.
She’d spent weeks in a daze, unable to sleep as the memory of Christmas night played on repeat in her mind as if it was some sort of faulty film reel incapable of moving past a certain scene and insistent on torturing her. She had grown sick of it - sick of the guilt that consumed her for still daring to think of Azriel. For wanting him again even though she had been the one to leave. 
Dating Graysen had only done so much to take the edge off, providing her a few hours of distraction each week, but she needed more. She needed to attempt to replace the phantom feeling of Azriel’s weight on top of her, the feeling of him inside her.
In a way, sleeping with Graysen had helped. She’d always liked sex. She enjoyed being close to another person, appreciated the immediate intimacy that came with having a pair of hands gripping her hips and someone’s lips on her skin. In the few times that she’d pondered what Graysen would be like in bed, she’d suspected that he would be much like the other guys she’d been with over the years and she’d been right. 
His initial careful kisses had quickly progressed to deeper, bruising ones. The gentle hands that had slowly undone the zipper on the back of her dress had transitioned into firm hands that held her down and maneuvered her whichever way he liked, taking her how he wanted without taking a second to even check if she enjoyed the things he did.
Elain was used to this treatment. The rough sex. She’d come to like it - crave it, even. But every now and then, there was an occasional moment where her partner would leave and she’d be left by herself in a cold bed, thinking about things a little too long until angry tears welled in her eyes at the realisation that most of the men she’d been with felt entitled to do whatever they wanted to her. That no matter how respectful they may have been towards her or how much they genuinely liked her, they all seemed to get off on debauching a girl that was otherwise quite reserved. Graysen had been no different and because she’d always desired touch, she couldn’t help but take it however it was presented to her. 
Graysen had taken the small golden pendant in between his fingers minutes after they’d finished, propping himself up on one elbow until his shadow loomed over her. His thumb had dragged over the engraving on the front - smoothing over the intricately detailed rose- before he flipped it over to study the back, turning it this way and that until it caught the little bit of dim light streaming in his window from the streetlamp outside. 
“What’s the deal with this?” He’d asked her, the slightest edge to his voice. “You never take it off.”
Elain had tried her best not to freeze at the question but she couldn’t help the way her heart stopped for a split second before her heart rate picked up again, slamming against her chest like an anvil. She gently took the pendant back from him, easing it out of his grip to press it tight against her chest until she knew it would leave an oval shaped indentation on her bare skin. It was a grounding tactic, something she did to bring herself back into her body whenever her anxiety veered out of control.
What was she supposed to tell him? How could she begin to explain the necklace that she’d worn religiously every single day for the last four years? The sentimental value that such a small object held? 
She couldn’t exactly tell him that every time she touched it, she thought of the hands that had made it just for her, thought of the way those same hands had grazed her skin the night Azriel had fastened it around her neck and all the things those hands had done to her the last time she’d visited home before she started dating Graysen. When she’d been propped up on Azriel’s kitchen counter and splayed out in his bed. 
There was no simple way to explain that she’d never mustered up the courage to ask whether the tiny ‘A’ he’d engraved on the back stood for her last name or his first. 
Instead, Elain had settled for the most honest answer she was willing to give him at the time. 
“It was a birthday gift from a friend back home.” 
She’d never thought that they’d get to the point where she’d have to divulge exactly who that friend was, let alone have that friend and her boyfriend in the same room together. She’d been a fool to think that Graysen wouldn’t put two and two together and last night she’d been well and truly caught out. She’d stood in front of him like a deer in headlights, one arm wrapped defensively around her stomach while her other hand clutched the necklace tight in between her fingers as if she was afraid that he’d reach out and pry it right off of her. 
“Is he or is he not the friend that gave you that necklace, Elain?” Graysen had asked her once more, his lips pressed together in a firm line. 
Elain had hesitated for a moment but she knew there was no way around this. There was no lie she could possibly make up to steer him away from the truth. It was plain as day who had given her that necklace and so all she could do was just nod silently and try to keep her hands from shaking.
“Unbelievable,” Graysen ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the short strands. “He’s not just a fucking friend then, is he? Didn’t seem like he goes around making jewelry for all of his friends.” 
He was right. Azriel had never made anything for anyone except her. It was something that Feyre and Nesta never let him forget.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Elain took a deep breath, dropping her necklace back down and crossing her arms in front of her chest. “A friend made me a necklace for my birthday. There’s nothing else to it.”
“Did you date him?” He’d asked, his gaze unwavering as he stared her down. Daring her to try and lie to him.
“No.” Elain answered easily and honestly. “We never dated. Never even came close to it.” 
Even if she’d spent plenty of time daydreaming of what it would be like to date Azriel, she’d never pursued anything more with him for reasons that were all too complicated to explain.
“But you’ve fucked him.” 
He hadn’t phrased it as a question. It was a statement, his shoulders squared and his voice sure. 
Elain had hesitated a second too long and she watched as something settled in his eyes that made her realise that he’d been hoping he’d been wrong and was sorely disappointed to find out that his assumption was correct.  
“How many times?”
She had scoffed, shaking her head. Couldn’t believe that he would have the audacity to even ask her that question. 
She’d been about to open her mouth to argue back, to ask him what number would qualify as too many times or if knowing how many times she’d slept with Azriel would affect anything, but the sound of footsteps running down the hallway caused her to pause. 
She’d been saved by her nephew who had popped his little curly-haired head around the door to Rhysand’s study to innocently ask if she’d read him a book before bed.
Elain hadn’t even spared a second to look at Graysen again before taking Nyx’s small hand and allowing him to lead her up the stairs to his bedroom where he spent entirely too long picking out his book for the night. 
She slipped out of Nyx’s room an hour or so later, only padding down to the kitchen to say goodnight to Feyre and Rhys, before heading back upstairs. She’d been simultaneously relieved and disappointed that Azriel had left just ten minutes before with Nesta and Cassian. 
Elain had tiptoed into the room she and Graysen had taken over for the weekend, had quickly changed and silently crawled into bed, facing away from Graysen who excused himself to bed not long after their ill-fated conversation. He’d sidled up to her after a couple minutes, pulling her back against his chest while one hand slid up her stomach to cup her breast. 
“Gray,” she tried her best not to flinch away from his touch. “We can’t. Not here.”
“El,” he muttered into her hair. “Come on.”
“Thought you were mad at me,” she couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped her as the hand that wasn’t circling her nipple dipped under the waistband of her underwear.
“You can’t blame me for being jealous when someone else looks at you like that.” His teeth scraped over the sliver of skin that the stretched out neckline of her shirt left exposed.
“There’s nothing to be jealous of,” Elain whispered, biting down on her lip as he turned her around and pulled her on top of him. 
He ground his hips upwards, letting her feel him hard against her. “Prove it to me.” 
She wasn’t particularly in the mood for this but she relented, allowing him to lift her shirt over her head before she bent down and pressed kisses all the way down the center of his chest. 
This was the opportunity she needed - not to take her mind off anything that had happened that day. There was nothing that could keep those memories at bay. It was simply a distraction, exactly what she needed to hopefully keep Graysen from asking more questions that she wasn’t ready to answer.
She’d give him this, let him have her just how he liked while her mind wandered elsewhere. To a place where the hands on hips weren’t his but someone else’s. To a night that featured her fingers buried in dark hair while a pair of hazel eyes looked up at her from between her thighs. It was wrong - so unbelievably wrong - to think about someone else in a moment like that. But she couldn’t help it. Couldn’t bring herself to feel guilty as she let herself get lost in the fantasy of tattooed, golden skin sliding over her own bare skin.  She was only thankful that Graysen’s hand was over her mouth to keep her quiet because if it hadn’t been, she would’ve had to fight to keep a different name from slipping out from between her lips. 
One more night. She just needed to make it through one more night and then she could go back to her new city and do what she did best - pretend that the life she had in this town, and the person that she was when she was here, didn’t exist at all. 
A few months before their wedding, Nesta and Cassian had moved to a sprawling property on the outskirts of Velaris that featured a gorgeous ranch style home complete with the porch of Elain’s dreams - one that wrapped around the entire perimeter of the house and featured a built-in swing to the right of the front door. It was picture book perfect and it helped to ease the loss both Feyre and Elain felt when Nesta moved… even if she was only a forty-five minute drive away. 
Elain had always looked forward to spending a weekend at Nesta and Cassian’s. She and Feyre would pack a bag and head up to their cousin’s house where the three of them would sit shoulder to shoulder on the swing, a thick blanket draped across their laps as they watched the sun set over the mountains. If they were lucky, Cassian would bring them snacks and drinks until either bugs or the cold sent the three of them heading back inside. 
This time, instead of a gossip filled car ride with her sister, Elain and Graysen had made the journey in almost complete silence. She had hoped that they’d made their peace last night but when she’d awoken this morning, it was clear that there was still some awkwardness lingering between them… perhaps at the knowledge that the subject of their argument would be sharing a wall with them tonight.
He hadn’t left her alone for even a second since they’d walked into the house to find Azriel already there, a dish towel slung over his shoulder as he chopped onions for whatever it was Nesta had on the menu for the evening. Even when she went to greet Azriel with a hug, deciding that it would be more suspicious if she greeted him any differently today, Graysen’s fingers had stayed on her back.
She remained patient with him, pushing aside the anxiety she felt at his constant proximity. She did her best to reassure him any way she could that he had nothing to worry about, all the while hoping that maybe she could convince herself of the very same thing in the process.
There had been no ducking out of his arms or dodging his kisses tonight. There had only been soft smiles and reassuring touches at all the right moments. Still, she couldn’t help that as she stood around the kitchen counter with her family - her attention had shifted, catching the subtle flex of Azriel’s forearms as he leant forward, his hands wrapping around the lip of the counter as he spoke to Cassian.
It was the smallest movement, barely noticeable, yet it triggered something in her brain that thrust her straight back into the memory that she’d tried and failed to avoid for the past few months. 
Suddenly, she couldn’t concentrate on anything else, unable to tear her eyes away from the familiar ridges and veins of his hands. The heat of Graysen’s palm flat against the middle of her back faded into nothing as she remembered the taste of cinnamon and cream. Remembered the way she had once been perched on a counter so similar to the one they were currently standing around. The easy way Azriel had slotted himself between her knees, her dress rising up her thighs. The feeling of his fingers dragging up her legs until they slipped under her hem. The gentleness with which he’d touched her. She swore she could feel his breath against her neck. Swore she could hear the things he’d whispered into her ear that night. 
“Helloooo… Earth to Elain!” Feyre’s voice brought her back to reality, her sister’s hand waving in front of her face as Elain’s vision cleared and she attempted to remember where the hell she was and what she was doing. “I asked if you wanted another drink?” 
Elain could only nod, afraid of how her voice might betray her if she attempted to speak. It didn’t help that she was all too aware of the way Graysen watched her, blue eyes once again filled with the suspicion she’d been working so hard to keep at bay as he  tracked her gaze to the pair of hazel eyes that were now staring directly back at her from the other side of the counter.
She readily accepted the margarita Feyre handed her, not wasting any time before downing half of it in one go. She’d never needed a drink more in her entire life. 
Azriel stood directly outside the kitchen. He hadn’t turned any lights on when he’d wandered out a little while ago so it was just him, the stars, and the tiny smoldering ember of amber light flickering at the end of the lit cigarette slotted in between his index and middle finger.
He was utterly exhausted, eyes bleary as he tried and failed to link the stars together to form a constellation. He’d tried to fall asleep but he was too distracted by racing thoughts of the way Elain had looked at him from across the kitchen counter. The fleeting want that had appeared in her eyes - there and gone in a second, a lingering blush on her cheeks the only evidence that he hadn’t imagined the whole thing. He told himself it was just the margarita in her hands that had caused the sudden rush of heat to her cheeks but he knew her better than that. He knew all her tells. 
That’s why it had hurt even more to see her disappear down the hallway and into her room, her piece-of-shit boyfriend in tow. Azriel didn’t know how long he’d lasted laying in bed before he’d gotten back up and stumbled outside, too paranoid about each and every noise that he could hear from the room that shared a wall with the one he stayed in each time he found himself crashing at Nesta and Cassian’s for the night. 
If Graysen had been annoying at Nyx’s party yesterday, he’d been ever worse this evening because he’d scaled up the charisma and had seemed hell bent on befriending Azriel only to then become increasingly quietly irritated when Azriel made it clear that he was completely disinterested in anything that even remotely hinted at any sort of camaraderie.
He’d also taken to being even clingier with Elain. Hadn’t given her even a second to breathe all night, trailing behind her every chance he got, pulling her back into his side any time she strayed more than a few inches away. Even stranger, Elain had seemed intent on appeasing him and had stayed faithfully by Graysen’s side the entire time. She hadn’t even disappeared for a moment alone with Feyre and Nesta to talk about whatever the hell those three talked about whenever they were left alone together. All Azriel knew was that it usually resulted in raised voices, either in the form of an argument or incomprehensible half sentences interrupted by high pitched giggles as they all spoke over each other. 
Azriel saw Graysen’s overbearing behaviour for what it was - insecurity. 
Insecurity that came with a front row seat to the realisation that his prized girlfriend had an entire life before him. Without him. That she had family and friends that cared about her. 
Azriel had a feeling Elain’s life in Meadowview revolved heavily around Graysen. They probably spent time with his friends. Went to his favourite restaurants. Did his favourite activities. He wondered if she’d managed to retain any part of herself when she was halfway around the country, isolated in a bubble with Graysen, with no real escape other than her job. 
Maybe it wasn’t fair to jump to conclusions, to assume that she hadn’t been able to maintain a sense of self. He hoped for the best, desperately wanted to be wrong, but he knew her too well to know that he most likely wasn’t far off.  
He wanted to talk to her about it to try and decipher for himself exactly how she was doing but he hadn’t been able to get her alone - either because she’d been avoiding him or because of the five foot ten, blonde, walking trust fund  who’d been glued to her hip for the past eight hours. 
That’s why when the lamp in the kitchen switched on, the soft golden glow illuminating the window over the sink, it felt like a prayer was answered. 
He didn’t know exactly how he knew that she’d been the source of that light or that she’d be the one to walk outside but he knew when he turned to look, she’d be there - hair gilded by the light behind her. It was something about the gentle way the storm door creaked open, the feather light footsteps against the wooden floorboards. Something about the even, familiar rhythm of her breath.
He’d managed to get in one last deep drag of his cigarette before she was standing beside him, close enough that her arm brushed his. She reached up, lazily taking the cigarette from his fingers. She studied it and for one singular moment, he wondered if she’d surprise them both and take it between her lips. But this was Elain and so all he could do was huff out an amused laugh as she frowned, letting the cigarette fall to the floor until she could snub it out with her slipper covered foot. 
“Filthy habit,” Elain muttered. 
It was only then that he really allowed himself to look at her. He was thankful for the little bit of light from the kitchen lamp as his eyes traveled from her feet and up her bare legs to the hint of lilac shorts that he could only see the ruffled hem of because they were largely covered by the sweatshirt that fell right down to the top of her thighs. 
It was a Velaris University sweatshirt that at one point had been black but now resembled a faded gray and included a smattering of tiny holes around the stretched out collar. That sweatshirt had been missing from his closet for the better part of a decade. She’d had it in her possession for so long that Azriel wasn’t entirely sure that she would even remember who its original owner had been. It’s why he didn’t let himself read too much into her wearing that particular sweatshirt while sharing a bed with someone else. 
His eyes continued their journey upwards, over those full lips and the perfect slope of her nose. All the way up to drowsy, brown eyes and the tousled hair that he hoped and prayed was just the result of a restless night’s sleep and not the other option that sprung  to mind. 
Her eyes were fixed on him, clearly drinking in the sight of him just like she’d done when he’d first walked into Nyx’s party. 
There was a beat of silence between them, neither of them really knowing where to begin now that they were alone together. 
“Hi.” Her voice was barely a squeak, nervous and high and he couldn’t stand it. Hated this awkwardness between them. Hated that she felt any level of unease around him. 
“Trouble sleeping?” He raised an eyebrow, offering her a slow, sleepy smile that he hoped would work to put her at ease. 
Satisfaction settled in his chest when he saw her shoulders relax a little, at least a fraction of the tension she held within her melting into the night. 
He fought the urge to reach out and touch her, to place a hand on the back of her neck and slide his thumb around the knot he knew he’d find there. He resisted the temptation to tuck her hair behind her ear so he could see her face without it being half hidden in shadows. 
“Yeah,” Elain nodded. “Couldn’t get the fan to work and I need…”
“The white noise,” Azriel finished for her, another wave of satisfaction flowing through him at the first upward tilt of her lips. 
“What about you?” Elain asked, her gaze still focused straight ahead. “Trouble sleeping?”
“Something like that,” He replied, schooling his expression into one that would hopefully hide the real reason he was awake. “At least it worked in my favour this time.”
“What do you mean?” 
“It means that I’ve been trying to get a minute alone with you for two days now.”
“Oh,” she bit her lip. “Well, yesterday was so busy with all the kids and then tonight has been a lot as well…• 
“Yeah,” Azriel laughed, leaning into her just enough for his arm to press against hers. It was meant to be an innocent, playful touch yet it still managed to send a spark straight down his spine. “It was the kids that were keeping us from talking and definitely not because you’ve been actively avoiding me.” 
“I didn't think it would be so obvious,” Elain groaned, glancing up at him from the corner of her eye. “I was hoping you wouldn't notice.”
“I notice everything about you, Lain.” He adjusted his stance slightly, pivoting at the waist so he was turned towards her. “Always have.” 
There was another second of silence as she looked away from him, nervously running a hand through her hair. “You can’t say things like that.”
“It’s true, though.” He shrugged, choosing to move on with the conversation before she could ruminate on that any further.“How have you been?”
“Thought you noticed everything about me.” He could practically hear her smirk even through the sleepy rasp of her voice and he loved it. Appreciated the fleeting moment of playfulness. Of normalcy. “Shouldn’t you know the answer?”
“I want to hear it from you.”
“I’ve been good,” Elain still didn’t look at him. Her eyes were focused steadily, stubbornly ahead. “Meadowview is good. Work is good. Everything’s good.”
“Say good one more time and maybe I’ll believe you.” He hadn’t missed that she’d neglected to mention her boyfriend.
“Funny,” she rolled her eyes. “How have you been?” 
“Fine,” he shrugged. Then, before he could stop himself he asked her one of the questions that had been haunting him since last night. “Why have you never told me you didn’t like when I called you  ‘Lain?’” 
Elain paused, her brows furrowing. She clearly hadn’t expected that question from him. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Last night… Graysen said that you didn’t like it when he called you that. You said that you preferred to be called ‘El.’” 
She ducked her head, the bridge of her nose wrinkling as she looked down at her feet. A surefire sign she was embarrassed by something. “I only like it when it’s coming from you.” 
He bit back a smile, rocking back on his heels in an attempt to dull the sudden rush of emotion he felt at her admission. 
“Thank god.” He pressed a hand to his chest in a show of relief. “I’ve been worried that I’ve been unknowingly pissing you off for the past ten years.”
Azriel chuckled, teeth dragging over his lower lip as she turned to look at him. She gave him a wry smile and a shake of her head and though he wanted to live in this moment forever, he couldn’t put it off any longer, there were far more pressing matters to discuss.
“Lain,” Azriel let out a breath, his smile slipping into something more serious. He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. “If you’re upset or if I misread the situation that night, I’m sorry but just tell me so I can -”
“Azriel, we can’t.” She whispered, cutting him off before he could even get out everything he wanted and needed to say.
“I can’t… we can’t talk about this.” Her voice was strained, her hands twisted in the cuffs of her sweater.
“We have to talk about it, Elain.” He insisted. “It’s been months of silence and we can’t keep going like this.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” she swallowed, shoulders once again tensing as she turned to face him. 
“You can’t be serious,” Azriel couldn’t keep the exasperation out of his voice. 
Even with such scarce lighting, he could see the blush that crept up her neck as she defensively crossed her arms in front of her chest. 
“Nothing happened. It’s fine.” Elain said, her voice low. “It was just sex. We got caught up in the moment and that’s all it was.”
“Just sex,” Azriel shook his head. “You wouldn’t have left and stopped talking to me if it was just fucking sex.” 
He’d always prided himself on maintaining a mask of cool composure around other people but it always seemed to falter around Elain. He couldn’t hide from her. Had never felt the need to. This was no exception.
“I didn’t -”
“Don’t.” He interrupted her. “Whatever you’re about to say about not cutting me off or about things being fine between us, it’s absolute bullshit and you know it.” 
“Azriel,” Her voice broke, splitting his name into two halves. “I shouldn’t have left and I know that and I’m sorry but I just can’t…”
“Do you regret it?”
“Do you regret it?” He asked again, making a point to look directly at her. “Sleeping with me. Do you regret it?”
Azriel watched as she closed her eyes, one hand of hers coming up to clutch at her necklace as she took a deep breath. It felt like a lifetime before she finally spoke. 
“I only regret it in the sense that I can’t stop thinking about it.” He could barely hear her over the crickets and the frogs and whatever other nocturnal creatures occupied the field around his friends’ home. “I only regret it because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
He couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t make sense of her saying exactly what he’d hoped but never dreamed that she’d go as far as admitting it. Suddenly, he didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know what to do. It was involuntary, really… the way he reached for her. One arm extending, his hand mere inches from her hip. The tips of his fingers just grazed her sweatshirt before she stepped back, just out of his reach. 
“Az.” The pounding of his heart came to an abrupt stop in his chest as he watched her eyes fill with tears. “It happened and it was good and I promise you I don’t regret it but I can’t do this. We just can’t…” 
“Just tell me why you left then, Lain.” He pleaded. “Full, complete honesty. I just want to know why you left without saying anything. I thought - everything was fine when I fell asleep.” 
“It doesn’t matter now, Az.” She wiped away a stray tear. “What’s it going to solve? What’s done is done.”
“It does. I need to know. I need to understand.” 
“I don’t know why. I wish I did but I don’t...” she started. “I panicked and then I realised how awful I’d been for leaving like that and I thought you’d be upset.” She took another deep, wavering breath. “I thought you hated me.”
Her voice was once again so small, so timid. It shattered every part of him. 
“Elain,” Azriel reached up and tugged at his hair just so he had something to do with his hands. Too afraid that he’d reach for her again. “If I were capable of hating you, this would all be a whole lot easier.” 
“I’m sorry,” she breathed, tears falling faster now. “I’m so sorry that it’s like this between us but I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to fix this.”
“I just want my friend back, Lain.” He said gently. “I’m not asking for anything more than to have you back in my life as my friend. I miss you so fucking much and if the only thing that’s stopping you from talking to me is what happened between us that night then we can forget it. If that’s what it takes, we can agree to pretend it never happened.”
“It’s not that easy. You know it. I know it. It’s been months and I can’t forget it.” She shook her head. “It’s just easier this way, Az. You and me… we just can’t be friends the way we were. Not right now at least.”
“You don’t mean that, Elain.” His nails dug into the palms of his hands. “I know that’s not what you want. Look me in the eye and tell me you mean it.”
He waited for her to seal their fate. To look him in the eye and tell him that she’d meant every word. That she really wanted nothing more to do with him. But she didn’t look him in the eye. Didn’t really look at him at all. She only stepped further back, her gaze fixed on some arbitrary spot above his right shoulder.
“I miss you, Azriel. More than you know.” Her voice broke as she began to turn away from him, walking towards the door. 
“Wait,” he followed behind her, his fingers closing around her wrist to stop her from reaching for the handle of the screen door. 
She didn’t pull away from him this time. Didn’t try to step back. She just twisted around to face him fully, her pulse rapid under his touch. 
“Do whatever you need to do.” The words left him in a rush. “ Go home, think about things. I can handle you being with someone else, I’ve done it for a decade… but please…. please don’t stay with someone that doesn’t make you happy just to prove a point to yourself or to me or to anyone else.”
There was another stretch of silence to accompany the crease that formed in between her eyebrows as she mulled over his words.
“Goodnight, Az.” She stepped forward, her chest against his. He released his grasp on her wrist  just in time to wrap his arms around her waist as she reached up on her toes and slung her arms loosely around his neck. Every part of her pressed against him for a split second. It was over before it began but he felt the cool, dampness of her tears against his cheek as her lips brushed his skin just once before she pulled back from the hug.
He let her go, his fingers slipping slowly from her skin. “Goodnight, Lain.”
Elain disappeared inside the house and the kitchen light flickered off a few seconds later. Azriel turned back around, sitting down on the porch step after pulling a stray cigarette and lighter out of his back pocket. He closed his eyes and counted to sixty. When he opened his eyes again, he was right back to what he’d been doing fifteen minutes ago, before she’d come outside. 
Once again, it was just him, the stars,and the dim light from the lit end of his cigarette. He didn’t know how long he stayed out there going over what just happened but he was still there, staring up at the sky and rehashing answers to questions he couldn’t decide if he regretted asking when the sun began to rise.
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vrshxw · 9 months
Sandor Clegane x fem!Martell!OC
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Fucking a stranger while being held prisoner by the Brotherhood Without Banners wasn't Adora Martell's brightest idea.
warnings: sexual content (piv), slight!irrelevant!bondage
word count: 1.2k
A/N:!this is only the first chapter of my ongoing fanfic on wattpad (vrshxw), so for additional content check it there!
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The small ray of sun that glistened through the cracks of the wooden caravan was the only thing that kept her sane. It was a hope, a reminder of the freedom she had and could reclaim.
The time spent locked away was measured by the strained, drunk voices of the Brotherhood, mainly Thoros'. As long as the sun was still shining he was chirping and groaning and humming. A not so foreign want to smash her head against the filthy wood of the caravan crept in again and again until he went to sleep. But even then, the bastard will start moaning and bluffing.
Adora could only wait patiently and enjoy some of the only moments of silence she'll get until the thieves finished their meal. She only ate during supper, enough to survive and be able to sleep without having a growling stomach and the Brotherhood quickly realised that after some failed attempts to shove food up her throat, thinking she'd starve herself.
The small door suddenly opened, pulling her out of thought. A couple of hysterical laughs were loudly audible, as she heard them throwing some other cursed soul in. "We have found you a friend, princess!" The archer's comment brought an even scowl to her figures.
And then, it was dark a quiet again. The new companion was silent as fuck, not even moving from the place in which the thieves put him. Adora cleared her throat, trying to get some reaction out of him. A man it seemed he was, a voluminous man, by the struggle of the Brotherhood to get him in. What kind of man his size let some cunts like them to capture him? She was dying to get the bag off her head and see him. The tight ropes around her and the smelly bag on her head that caused more grease to appear in her hair were the aftermath of a failed attempt of escaping. Damn the archer! If it wasn't for him she'd be far already. But no, he had to fire his arrow right into her already too weakened calf. The wound was long forgotten, one of their pathetic excuse of a healer made sure to add some salve on and bind it with rags. That was several weeks ago, months maybe, she was sure it was healed, however she couldn't test it due to the bindings around her.
She cleared her throat again, louder this time, bored by the man's quiet nature. After some minutes of listening to his even breath that reeked of cheap ale, Adora finally realised that he was unconscious. She huffed loudly, the first sound she let out for some good days.
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Was it a couple of hours? Or just mare minutes? The dornish princess couldn't say. The man finally moved, letting out a hoarse groan.
He attempted to move, and only after he tried he realised that there were ropes that bound his whole body tightly.
A bitter voice laughed at him.
His eyes travelled in the dark of the caravan to catch the glimpse of the figure of a woman. Her binds were matching his, however she had a bag over her head, that prevented her from seeing his face.
The man's gaze continued to scan his surroundings, only finding unknown, the small ray of sun on the roof that allowed the smallest amount of light in showing him just that.
"Lost?" The woman's mocking voice stopped his gazing around. It was almost like her stare could burn through the bag on her head, allowing her to see every one of his chaotic moves, that ideed signaled that he was confused.
"Who the fuck are you?" He asked, thankful she couldn't see the look on his face, because if she did she would've seen a perplexed idiot.
He could feel the woman's smirk under her bag. "Someone not very differed from yourself"
The man let out a sound that could be classified as a laugh, even though it was more like a sneer. "I doubt that"
Her nostrils flared "You might be right actually, I could never stink the way you do"
He scoffed at her response, yet finding it quite appealing. He was need of a bath indeed. He could tell the woman also haven't got the chance to bathe in a while, but it was clearly not as bad as in his case.
"You don't know what I'd give for a bath" He grumbled, now paying a precise attention to the smell of his sweat.
"And perhaps a maiden or two to massage your shoulders as you do so, I take it?" She rose a brow inside the dullnes of her bag, her tone obvious, familiar to the nature of men.
"I might make you to do so, you seem quite content with it" He straightened his posture, stretching his tired bones.
She let out a 'hmph', tilting her head. "Well, I am quite entertaining"
The corner of his lip twitched. "Bet you are." For the first time he took his time to check her out and analyse every inch of her.
Feeling his deep stare, she crawled closer to him as fast as she could due to the ropes. She stopped next to him, bringing her chest forward. He somehow twisted is hand in the bindings and made a move to grip her arse.
She let out a faint chuckle, understating he had the same desires-no, desperations as her.
It was plain that neither of them had the chance to fulfil their needs. He took advantage of the fact that she wasn't able to see his face. She might be the only woman who fucked him wiggly, except the older whores that would fuck any man without remorse, but still they were paid whores and she was a willing woman for all he knew.
She ended up in his lap, undoing her breeches as his hands were tied behid his back unable to move, leaving all the word to be done by her.
Both of them groaned feeling her grind against him before succeeding to slip inside her with an even guttural moan. Her shoulders were pressed against his armoured chest, leaning on it to help herself ride him with the lack of balance the ropes around her legs gave her.
Adora found herself letting sounds loud enough for the members of the Brotherhood outside to hear them, the rough slapping of her bottom on him, along with his groans there and there. A faint headache would root at the level of her head from all the noise she was doing, as she felt herself tightening around him, but it was good, not only because she was close to her peak, but because it felt like revenge, like those thieves outside were paying for it with their ears falling off and unsuccessful curses.
And she continued to do so, until she, herself was tired of the vengeful sounds she was making.
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read future chapters on wattpad
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m-jelly · 4 months
Mask of the heart - Chapter 6
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Levi x fem!readerRoyalty, Demon Levi Ackerman, Protective Levi Ackerman, Possessive Levi Ackerman, Cuddly Levi Ackerman, Masks, Curvy Reader,
In this chapter: Levi and you are finally on your honeymoon. As you enjoy your first day you face someone from Levi's past. You give in to Levi and ask for a doctor to investigate your recent sicknesses.
Part 7
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The carriage rocked gently as it moved down the path towards your honeymoon destination. Even though your wedding had happened almost two months ago, you were ready to have the time off to be a couple because all the work had been finished. While the two of you would have your holiday, Erwin would put your plan into action about your land. It had been a very busy time for you, Levi and Erwin. It was wonderful that Erwin now had his girlfriend Kate to support him.
Due to the journey being a bit long, you had decided to nap inside the carriage. Levi set up a little be on the floor between the seats, there were so many blankets and cushions for comfort. The two of you were cuddled up together with a blanket over the two of you. Levi wasn’t sleeping much because he didn’t need to, but he adored how you were using him as a bed and pillow. He had you wrapped up in his arms as he pressed his lips against your temple.
He perked up when you shifted a little because it meant you were waking up. He smiled when you hummed a bit. “Hello, my precious bunny wife.”
You rubbed your eyes and hummed. “Hello, handsome husband.” You snuggled closer and kissed his cheek. “You okay?”
“Better now you’re awake.”
You sleepily laughed. “I’m sorry I slept so much, but I feel so drained these days.” You yawned. “Maybe I’m working too much.”
“You work a lot.” He kissed you. “It’s also because we’ve been making love a lot. I should tone it down.”
You giggled as you rubbed his chest. “I want it, my handsome man.” You leaned up and looked down at him. “You’re so sweet.” You caressed his cheek. “So caring.” You leaned down and kissed him. “Makes my heart sing.”
“I love you.” He played with your hair a little. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
He touched under your eye. “You look tired.”
You lowered your head. “I am. I don’t know why, but I’m very tired these days.”
Levi sat up as worry filled him. “Mm…maybe we should see a doctor. I’m worried about you.”
You smiled at him. “It might be nothing. We have been working a lot and I’m adjusting to being immortal now.”
He hugged you tightly. “Possibly, but I do worry about you.”
You snuggled up to him. “How about I see a doctor once we go back home? I want to enjoy our honeymoon with little worries.”
He processed your offer and then accepted it all and nodded. “Alright, we’ll enjoy these two weeks and see the doctor after, but promise me that if you get worse over these two weeks you tell me and we will see the doctor.”
“I promise.”
He kissed you and hummed in happiness. “Thank you.”
You cuddled up to Levi as the carriage rocked. “Sleepy.”
Levi held you tightly in his arms. “Sleep as much as you need to, okay?”
You closed your eyes again. “You sure? I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“I’m happy as long as I get to hold you.”
The journey went on a bit longer before the carriage arrived. Without disturbing your sleep, Levi scooped you up and carried you inside the summer home. He carefully laid you on the grand bed and placed a delicate kiss on your forehead. He tucked you in before working with the small staff at the home to make the place look cosy and perfect for you. He wanted to make sure that the honeymoon was perfect for you because he believed you deserved the world due to you doing so much for Levi and breaking his curse.
You woke up with your hair a bit messy and felt a bit groggy but a bit better. You slipped out of bed and noticed the room was set up and all your clothes were put in place. So, you changed your dress, did up your hair and made sure your makeup was okay. You walked through the home and smiled at the friendly staff before heading outside to see you were right on the beach. As you looked around at the views you noticed Levi was setting up a nice sitting spot.
You squealed in delight as you felt a rush of emotions go through you. You sprinted down the beach and launched yourself at Levi’s back. “Levi!”
Levi stumbled forward a bit. “Bunny.” He turned around when you dropped to your feet. “You’re awake.”
You linked your arms around his neck and kissed him. “This place is beautiful.”
“I wanted only the best for you.”
You noticed the look on his face. “Let me guess, I’m more beautiful?”
He blushed hard. “Yes, but I thought it was silly to say.”
You hummed a laugh and lightly kissed him. “You romantic softie.” You kissed the end of his nose. “Can we explore the town?”
He nodded. “Yes, I think that’d be nice.” He put his arm around you before glancing at the butler. “Just taking a walk in the town. We’ll be back for dinner.” He kissed you. “We’re having lunch in town.”
“Really? That’s lovely.”
He held you close as you walked together down the beach towards the beach town. “Let me know if you get tired, okay?”
You smiled up at him. “I’m okay. I’ll keep you updated all the time.”
“Thank you.” He picked you up making you giggle in delight as he carried you a little towards a shop. “Look, they bake things in here.”
You gazed inside. “Oh, wonderful!”
He placed you on your feet. “You want a few things?”
You gasped in delight. “Please. Look at this wonderful bread and baked goods!”
He caressed your cheek. “Wait here, okay? I’ll buy a few things. You take a seat and enjoy the sunshine and summer breeze.”
You took a seat outside the shop and smiled at him. “Sure, handsome.” You gave Levi a little wave as he went inside before turning to the street. “Mm. Warm.”
Your body relaxed as the sea breeze washed over you. As you looked around you noticed a woman with long black and very wavy hair staring at you with her dark brown eyes. Her eyes were big and you could see there was a tiredness under them. Her ears were pointed indicating she was an elf. You gave her a little smile but she didn’t smile back, instead, she just stood there glaring at you. She was darkly beautiful with her sickly pale skin, very slim frame and long dark grey dress that was almost black. The front of the dress was rather low, so the sides of her small breasts could be seen.
You frowned a little before turning your head away and looking elsewhere. “Hmm.”
“Excuse me.”
You looked up to see the woman was now standing in front of you and looking down at you. “Ah, um…hello?”
She tilted her head to the side a bit so you could see how long and luscious her hair was, along with her long delicate earrings. “The man you are with.”
You fiddled with your rings. “Y-Yes?”
“That is Count Levi Ackerman, correct?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
She looked inside the building. “He’s not wearing a mask.”
“Yes, his curse someone put on him was broken.”
She looked back at you with a pink colour on her cheeks. “Broken? By who?”
You felt your heart flutter. “He’ll say by me, but I believe he broke it by believing and loving himself.”
She stared at you. “I’m Milena, who are you?”
You gave your first name. “Nice to meet you.”
“Who are you to the Count?”
You showed her your rings. “His wife. I’m Countess Ackerman.”
Her eyes widened at the news. “He’s married? I…this is surprising news…”
“Did you used to work with him or maybe an old friend?”
She stared at you with a wicked glare. “He didn’t tell you about me? I’m surprised because I made the biggest impact on his life.”
You rose to your feet when the realisation hit you, she was the person who cursed Levi. “You’re her, aren’t you? You’re the one who cursed Levi because you couldn’t have him.”
She walked closer to you. “Oh, sweet innocent human, I did have him. He fucked me good.” She hummed a laugh. “His demon cock is so addictive.”
You clenched your jaw. “I don’t know what you want or your reason for approaching me, but I kindly ask you to step back and leave my husband and me alone.”
She grabbed your wrist and yanked on it. “Those rings should be mine!”
“Milena!” The two of you gazed at your dashing husband with paper bags in his arms full of food. “Let go of my wife.”
Milena gasped. “But.”
The area around the three of you got dark and cold, Levi’s eyes became black as scales appeared on his skin. His voice was so very deep as he spoke causing you to shiver with pleasure. “Now.”
She released you and backed up while clutching her chest as if Levi’s dark tone hurt her in some way. “I uh…it’s just…”
He dumped the bags on the table before cupping your face. “Are you okay?” He ignored Milena. “Did she hurt you?” He released your face and inspected your left hand and wrist. “It’s red, she did hurt you.” He turned to Milena. “I’ll rip your soul out.”
You hugged Levi from behind. “Levi.”
He calmed down and placed his hand on yours. “Sorry, darling bunny.” He turned around in your arms and faced you. “Shall we go home and have our picnic?”
You nodded. “Yes. We can have some ham and cheese on the fresh bread.”
He leaned down and kissed you. “Perfect. Let’s go to the butchers.”
You picked up a bag. “I’ve got this one, you get the others, my strong man.”
He smiled and gathered up the others and walked with you. “You’re so beautiful.”
Milena huffed. “Levi! Levi, let’s talk.”
Levi hummed in thought. “How about lemonade?”
You nodded. “I think that’d be lovely.” You waited outside the butchers for Levi as Milena paced a bit, her once stoic air about her gone. As soon as Levi joined you again you smiled. “Ready?”
He led the way home. “I hate that I can’t carry you, but I need to feed you delicious things.”
You giggled at how much he cared about you. You looked back to see Milena was no longer following you. “Levi?”
You looked ahead to see the house was getting closer. “Did you and Milena ever have sex?”
He clenched his bags. “Ah, well…we were a couple for a bit and then we slept together once and she got strange with me.” He whined. “I got a bit scared with how controlling she was of me and I was so young.” He released a long sigh. “I broke up with her with the help of my friends and family. After leaving her, she stalked me for a long time and then after she mentally messed with me she then cursed me with her elven magic.”
You reached over and rubbed his back. “I’m so sorry. Want me to slap her?”
Levi laughed. “That would be wonderful, but I’m not hurting anymore because I have you. All I have is rage towards her.” He frowned in thought. “I don’t have any fears. You made me see I’m beautiful and wonderful.” He leaned over and kissed you. “All I need is you.”
You smiled a little. “You’re sweet.”
“I promise you, you’re the only one for me. I broke up with her over ten years ago, which isn’t long ago I guess...”
You gasped. “Ten years? That’s ages!”
He paused a moment. “It is?” He blushed. “Oh, it would be for a mortal person…but you’re immortal now.”
“I am.”
“It makes me so happy.” He shifted the bags. “You have no idea how sad I’d be if you weren’t.”
You saw he was getting upset. “Levi? I’m immortal, there’s no need to think about if I wasn’t.”
He smiled at you. “You’re right. You’re all mine for eternity.”
You giggled. “That’s right.”
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Levi rubbed your back as he softly whined. “Bunny.”
You coughed a bit and hummed. “Sorry, I’m ruining our honeymoon by vomiting.”
He hugged you tightly from behind. “Don’t be sorry.” He kissed your shoulder. “Maybe you’re still adjusting to becoming immortal.”
You sighed before looking at Levi. “I want to see a doctor.”
Levi went white. “Doctor?”
You nodded. “Just in case. I promised you I would when we returned, but I think I should see someone now.”
He kissed your temple as he hummed a moment. “Okay. I’ll ask for a doctor to come to our home.” He scooped you into his arms and carried you outside to the back garden. “Some fresh air for you. Do you want a lemonade?”
You took Levi’s hand and kissed it. “If you don’t mind.”
“Of course not.” He kissed the end of your nose. “Rest here, okay?”
“I will.” You blew him a kiss before looking out at the beautiful views of the ocean and the woods. You smiled at seeing a few ships sailing along. “So peaceful.”
The cold glass of your lemonade was tapped against your shoulder making you squeak. Levi chuckled and handed you the glass. “Doctor will be here very soon. Enjoy your drink while we wait, okay?”
You nodded. “I will. Thank you.”
He placed a blanket on your lap before kissing you. “I worry about you.”
You watched him sit next to you. “I know. I’m okay though, just a bit of sickness in the morning.”
He whined a bit. “You’ve been a bit drained and tired since the ceremony.”
You kissed his temple. “It’s probably my body adjusting.”
He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. “Maybe it is.” He pressed his lips against your head and prayed to all the gods that you were well. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Levi.”
“Count and Countess Ackerman.” A lady stepped out with a sweet smile, a little leather bag in hand. She adjusted her glasses a little. “I believe you called for me.”
Levi sat up. “Yes, my wife isn’t well and we’re concerned.”
“Do you mind if I talk to your wife alone?”
Levi stood and felt a little awkward but you held his hand causing him to relax. “I’ll be inside if you need me.”
You kissed Levi’s hand. “I’ll be okay.”
The doctor waited for Levi to leave before sitting down in the single seat. “Right, Countess Ackerman, why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you.”
You released a long sigh. “Well, for about two months now since the turning ceremony I’ve been a bit weird.”
She smiled at you. “Congratulations on the ceremony.”
You felt your heart flutter. “Thank you.”
She opened her bag and checked you over. “How do you feel since then?”
“Well, I was okay at first but as time went on I started feeling tired, achy, hungry and I have been sick in the morning.”
She smiled a little as he touched your neck. “Right, right and you’ve never experienced these symptoms before?”
You shook your head. “No.”
She nodded and then listened to your chest as you breathed. “Mm, and when was your last cycle?”
You felt flustered. “I thought you stopped having them when you do the ceremony.”
She paused and stared at you. “Did you have sex after the ceremony?”
You shyly nodded. “Right after, like within seconds.”
She packed her things up. “Well, the demon ceremonies don’t stop periods. Your cycles are longer apart, but normally after the ceremony, you start the new cycle. So…”
You gasped. “I should have had my period soon after.”
You watched her pack everything. “How come you’re packing everything?”
She smiled. “I only need to do one test.” She pulled out a needle and a vial. “Something magical happens during the demon ceremony. When a woman is turned during the ceremony and she is in between cycles, the fertile egg she has turned as well and because of that it’s a very sacred egg. If that egg is fertilised you will get an extra special baby. A lot of these children are treated like they are close to the gods because they were conceived during a time when a life became eternal.” She dropped some of your blood in the vial and smiled when the clear liquid became white with glitter in. “Exactly as I thought.”
You gazed at the pretty colours. “What is it?”
“You, Countess Ackerman, are pregnant with a ceremony child. We call them children of the stars.”
You welled up as you smiled happily. “Really?”
She wiped your tears away. “Yes. Congratulations. I know it’s probably early for you both, but it happens.”
You placed your hand on your belly. “It is, but Levi and I haven’t done things normally as a couple.” You giggled. “I’m excited.”
She rose to her feet. “I will talk to the Count as I need to tell him how to take care of a pregnant immortal human.”
You nodded. “Thank you.” You sipped your drink and waited for Levi to be told the news. After a few minutes you heard running and then Levi appeared. “Hey, honey.”
He welled up as he gazed at you. “Are you happy?”
You stood up as tears filled your eyes. “Yes, yes I’m so happy.” You laughed a bit. “I’m so very happy.”
Levi tackled you into a hug. “Me too!” He released you and showered your face with kisses. “A sweet ceremony baby. They’ll be so special.” He kissed you again. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You sniffed a bit. “Thank you for checking if I’m okay first.”
He rubbed your tears away as he let his fall. “You’re the most important in all this, my darling bunny. Your happiness takes priority.”
Your heart fluttered. “You’re incredible. I’m a very lucky woman and our sweet little baby will be very lucky to have you as their daddy and dada.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “Daddy and dada…” He picked you up and spun around with you. “I love it!”
You hugged Levi. “We’ll need to break the news to your parents.”
Levi lifted you and spun around with you. “This is wonderful news.” He lowered you and started dancing with you. “I’ll make sure you’re safe, loved, cared for and protected. We’ll need to get you on a special meal plan.” He kissed you over and over. “Demon babies are very demanding from their mummies. Plus, this is a special baby.”
You gazed at your husband. “We’ve done this very fast, haven’t we? We’re not a year in of being a couple.”
“It’s okay. We’re going at a different pace, but that’s okay. We’re filled with love. We have eternity together, so when our first baby is grown up, we can be a couple for a while and then have our second.”
You hummed a laugh. “Sounds perfect.”
He tapped his forehead against yours. “But two little ones would be cute.”
You giggled. “It would.”
“You think it could be twins? They’d be extra special if we had twins.”
You cupped his face and wiggled it. “Twins are rare. Let’s focus on our honeymoon and the pregnancy, we’ll think about everything else later.”
“I’m going to use a communication crystal to tell Mum and Dad.”
You giggled. “It’ll make their day.”
He picked you up and hurried inside to the cosy room used for cuddling. He sat you down before grabbing a crystal. “Mum? Dad?”
Kuchel squealed in delight. “Hi, my babies! You both are so beautiful!”
Vincent put his arms around Kuchel. “Relax, you feisty kitten. How is your honeymoon going?”
Levi hugged you. “Great. Thank you.”
You gazed at Levi. “Levi faced the woman who cursed him.”
Kuchel gasped. “That bitch Milena was there?”
Levi rubbed the back of his neck. “Yes, but she’s been dealt with for now. I am confident in myself and my wife. I won’t question anything.” He gazed deep into your eyes and smiled. “Even more so now that we’ll be parents in a few months.”
Kuchel screamed in delight. “Baby!”
Vincent laughed. “Congratulations you two! This is incredible news.” He clapped his hands together. “Wait. Is this a child of the stars? A ceremony child?”
Kuchel flapped her arms. “Oh my goodness! Is it?”
You nodded as Levi kissed your head. “Yes, it is.”
Vincent hugged his wife. “This is wonderful. Please be careful, okay?” He called your name. “You’ll be rather drained a lot, but I know you’ll do fantastic. If you need anything, anything at all you’ll let us know, right?”
You nodded. “I promise.”
Kuchel welled up a little. “Please look after yourself, okay? Little stress as possible and rest a lot. Let are you setting up a meal plan?”
Levi squeezed you. “Already on it. Plenty of meat and sweets.”
You huffed. “I’m going to be so spoiled, more than I already am.”
Vincent smirked. “The lad gets that from me. I spoil my stunning wife so much.”
Kuchel giggled as Vincent showered her face and neck with kisses. “Bear!”
“My beautiful kitten.”
You gazed at Levi as he groaned. “You’re just like your dad.”
Levi blushed. “I…I guess I am. I was raised in a loving home. My dad taught me to worship your wife, so I do.” He kissed you and smiled. “I love you.”
You leaned up and kissed him. “I love you so much.”
The four of you talked for a while, Kuchel talked about things she could buy for the baby and wanted approval from Levi and you. The four of you agreed to let Vincent and Kuchel start setting up a baby room at the mansion, then Levi and you would come home and finish it off. It was exciting making plans as a family and the possible impending trouble that could be coming with Prince Jareth was not even thought about.
You waved goodbye to Levi’s parents and sat there in the quiet room for a moment as a rush of emotions hit you. You covered your mouth as you let out a little sob. “S-Sorry.”
Levi wiped your tears away. “Talk to me.”
“I miss my mum and dad.”
Levi wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes. “It’s okay, let it all out.” He kissed the top of your head. “I can’t imagine how hard it has been for you.”
You sniffed a little. “I just wish they were here for my wedding and now my pregnancy. I bet they would love to be grandparents.”
“I’m sure.” He squeezed you. “They would say they are so proud of you.”
You rubbed your tears. “You think so?”
“I can feel it.” He kissed the end of your nose. “How can they not? You’re so adorable and cute.”
You giggled. “Thank you.”
He wiped your tears more. “I’m sure they’re watching you and think you’re wonderful.”
You tilted your head. “I hope they don’t watch me all the time because we’re perverts. I mean, we sleep with each other almost every night and a few times during the day as well.”
Levi’s cheeks flushed. “You’re right. I hope they don’t watch us all the time. I am very perverted with you.” He tickled and squeezed you making you squeak and laugh. “You’re just so sexy and cute, I just can’t help myself.”
“Says the most sexy man in the world.”
He kissed you and hummed in happiness. “Little bunny?”
You hummed a laugh as he started touching you. “Yes?”
“How about we go to our room and celebrate?”
You tangled your fingers in his hair and kissed him. “Yes please.”
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mamaestapa · 1 year
The Morning After
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: You and Joe have a very important conversation the morning after your post game rendezvous
•word count: 1.9K
•warnings: Mentions of sex, condoms, suggestive language, lots of fluff, a very rushed chapter lol
series masterlist
January 17, 2023
You woke up to the feeling of Joe's arms wrapped around your body. He was holding you so close to him. You snuggled into his chest and let out a content sigh as his arms instinctively pulled you even closer. You didn’t think it was possible for you to be any closer to Joe’s body, but he found a way to make it possible. His chest was soft, yet firm at the same time and his arms were warm, his embrace comforting.
Gosh, why couldn't we have done this months ago? You thought to yourself.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Joe brushing his fingertips along the soft skin of your forearm. You tilted your head up and smiled softly at him. Joe stayed silent and returned the same smile. You laid your head back down, laying in silence and just enjoying the early morning with him. Until Joe's stomach growled loudly, ruining the moment and making both of your laughter fill the quiet room.
"Good morning to you too." you said, a teasing smile on your face.
"I'm sorry." He chuckled, "I haven't had anything to eat since before the game yesterday. I'm starving."
You giggled, "It sounds like it." You pulled yourself out of his arms and got out of bed, putting your panties back on and sliding one of Joe's shirts on over your naked body.
"I'll go make you something to eat. What sounds good?"
"You." He said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes. Of course he was already thinking about round two.
"Let's get some real food in your belly first. Then we'll talk." you replied, winking at him after you finished your sentence.
He smirked and reached out to grab your hand, succeeding in pulling you back down onto the bed. You laughed and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his pink lips. Joe smiled at you and brought his hand up to brush a strand of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. You smiled and were about to say something to him, but Joe's growling stomach beat you to it. His eyes widened at his stomachs outburst, —which had ruined the moment once again. You giggled and stood from the bed, holding your hand out for him.
"Come on Joey, let's go feed ya."
He chuckled and grabbed your hand, "Yes ma'am." you pulled him up from the bed, Joe helping you by pushing himself off the mattress. You stumbled backwards as he stood from the bed, the two of you laughing as you regained your footing. You held onto his hand and brought him out from the bedroom and into the kitchen. You let go of his hand and opened the fridge, looking to see what type of breakfast food you or Joe had in the fridge.
"Um," you said, opening one of the fridge drawers, "we have turkey bacon, eggs, maybe some spinach?" you turned around to face Joe, "what sounds good?"
"You don't have to make me anything." He said, smiling softly. You rolled your eyes and got the ingredients for an omelette out of the fridge, setting them on the counter.
"Yes I do," you crossed your arms and turned to look at him. Winking after you said, "consider it a thank you for last night."
Joe just shook his head and chuckled. He sat down on the barstool in the kitchen as you prepared breakfast for the two of you. As you were making Joe's omelette, your thoughts wandered to last night. Oh last night...last night was so good. The Bengals won and you and Joe finally broke that growing tension between you. Last night couldn't have gone any better. It was truly something special.
You turned the stove off and plated the omelets. You picked the plates up and brought them over to where Joe was seated, placing his omelet down in front of him.
"Thanks sweets," he said, his mouth watering from the delicious smell of the meal in front of him, "this looks delicious."
"You're welcome," you smiled sweetly, "hopefully it tastes as good as it looks."
"Well, if it's anything like you, it should." He said as he picked up his fork and shot you a wink. A blush rose to your cheeks as you shook your head at his comment.
"Eat your breakfast you dork."
He chuckled at your response and took a bite of the omelet, moaning in delight as the mixture of egg, cheese, spinach, and turkey bacon touched his tongue. You grabbed your coffee cup and walked to the other side of the kitchen, looking at Joe with raised eyebrows as you sat down on the barstool next to him.
"That good?"
"Almost as good as you," he replied, a sly grin on his face as he looked at you with those soft blue eyes you loved so much.
You playfully rolled your eyes and took a sip of your hot coffee. Joe took a few more bites of his omelet before he set his fork down on the plate. The clinking of silverware against the plate caused you to look over at him. He cleared his throat and rubbed his palms over his thighs that were clad in his black athletic shorts. Joe wet his lips as he stared into your eyes, his expression hard to read.
"I think we should talk about," he laughed lightly, "well, everything."
Everything. Everything could mean so many different things.
You nodded in agreement. There was a lot you two needed to discuss. "I think we should too." you said softly, setting your fork down on your plate as you gave Joe your full attention. He took a deep breath before he started speaking, "Last night was a lot for me. Winning the game was great and all, but coming home to you was the best part. I always thought you hated me, I know you did at first, but-."
"Only because of the condoms," you interrupted Joe, making both of us laugh.
"Yes, only because of the condoms. Which, I promise will be kept in the bedroom from here on out."
"Good," you said chuckling softly, "we don't need our friends seeing condom wrappers on the counters when they come over."
Joe let out a laugh and nodded in agreement. You smiled, "Sorry, anyways continue."
Joe returned the smile and continued to talk. "but hearing you say that you love me makes me so happy. I remember when you first moved in, we didn't get along—at all. We butt heads over everything, and I was so convinced we'd never get past that. But we did, eventually. It took some time, but we slowly started to become friends. I always thought you were so beautiful and sweet. You gave me butterflies all the time during those first few months Y/n, and I haven't felt those in such a long time."
He reached out and grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"You still give me butterflies. Even more so now than you did back in October."
You could feel your heart swelling with joy. You never knew that you made Joe feel this way. At least, you didn’t know you’ve made him feel like this for so long.
"I pushed those feelings away for a while, but when you got with Evan, that's when I knew I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. I just felt so jealous and I wanted you to be with me and only me. Then the whole Jake situation just made it worse. I felt like I couldn't act on my feelings because as your roommate, I promised you that I wouldn't get in the way of your personal life. Just like you promised to me when you first moved in here. But you mean so much to me Y/n."
You smiled and squeezed Joe’s hand reassuringly as a way to silently urge him to continue.
He cleared his throat, and his nose scrunched up slightly, "I'm not the best at these kinds of conversations, but, I guess what I'm trying to say is," You noticed his breath hitch and his pink lips part slightly. He sighed softly before saying, "Last night was amazing with you. It gave me the confirmation that I needed. You're not just my roommate anymore, Y/n. You're the girl I'm in love with," he gulped, adams apple prominently bobbing in his throat, "and if you feel the same way, I'd love to make you more than just my roommate."
Your smile widened at his words. You couldn't help it as he confessed his feelings about you to you. Joe's confession was the perfect mix of quirky, sweet, and genuine. Just like him. You let go of his hand, instead placing your smaller hand gently on his left cheek. You leaned in and kissed him softly, putting all of your love into this one kiss. Your mouths moved in perfect sync as Joe placed his hands on your waist, pulling you off of the barstool and into his lap. You pulled away and rest your forehead against his as the two of you m stared into each others eyes. You planted one last kiss to his lips before taking your forehead away from his. You and Joe looked at each other with so much love and adoration. You let out a small, content sigh as you began to speak.
"If that's your way of asking me to be your girlfriend," a small smile pulled at your lips, "then my answers yes."
Joe's eyes crinkled up and his perfect white teeth were on display as he grinned happily. You have never seen Joe grin that big before. It made you so happy to see him this happy, especially knowing that you were the reason that beautiful smile of his was so bright. Joe pulled you into a gentle and comforting embrace, wrapping his muscular arms (that you swore grew bigger by the day) around your body. 
"I love you, Y/n." Joe mumbled as you stroked his back and hummed into his chest.
"And I love you, Joey." you said, slightly pulling away from his embrace so that you could look up at him. He smiled down at you, leaning his head down so he could place a sweet kiss on your lips. The two of you pulled away, wide grins on both of your faces as you sat back in tour barstools and enjoyed your breakfast together. Although this breakfast was very different from the rest. You were eating breakfast…
Not as roommates...
Not as friends...
But as an official couple.
And that made you and Joe so, so happy.
hey loves!!
first of all i just want to say, the joe content we've got in the last two days...we have been BLESSED😩 all i can think about right now is how good he looked in all of those photos, videos, and his press conference, MMM. i apologize for who i have become since all that content dropped
anyways lol, this chapter was a bit shorter than usual. but i was REALLY struggling with writers block on this one so that's why. i apologize if it's a bit underwhelming, but i think it's still sweet!
i don't have too much to say, just that we're getting very close to the end of the this book! there still more important things to come in the next few chapters, so hopefully that keeps you all interested to continue reading this story ;)
your support on this story means so much to me. i love and appreciate every single one of you that has taken the time to read, like, reblog and comment on these chapters. it truly means so much🤍
tags: @jackharloww @ilovejoeburroww @dandelionwrites8 @ijustcrypretty @sinners-98-world @a-moment-captured @stainednailpolishremover @spooky-stoner @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kkrenae
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lavendercffin · 1 year
Wally x Fem!reader
This is gonna be a longgg chapter, lol
as always headers are by onethousandayys
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Chapter two: I do
You sat on the edge of your bed, you were pretty much thrown there as Sally and Julie jumped up and down in excitement. You asked poppy to make your dress months ago and poppy being your best friend she agreed in a heartbeat. You were nervous but knew it would be beautiful but would it be beautiful on you??
“Alright it's time” Poppy grabbed the bag holding the mystery dress. You were hyper focused on the bag until, Your eyes were covered by a pair of hands! “Sally, why are you covering my eyes..?” you were so nervous already, “well for the Grand reveal of course!” Sally replied cheerfully, for a few minutes all you could hear was shuffling and something dragging across the carpet, the only audio from anyone in the room was Sally and Julie's gaps and screams from the dress, you were growing more and more impatient as the seconds ticked by. “Alright, it's ready” you felt Sally's hands slowly move off your face. You blinked a few times and tried to adjust to the light, and there it was, your wedding dress. 
In Front of you was a dress on the mannequin, the dress had intricate lace detailing on the bodice, with an embellished waistline. The sleeves were your classic juliet sleeves,it was fairly simple but plain was far from it, it was beautiful, and the amount of blood sweat tears and love that went into it made it even more beautiful, you smiled and teared up as you slowly walked over to the dress and held one of the sleeves in your hands. You stood there in silence admiring the dress for what felt like an eternity to everyone in the room.
Finally, Poppy spoke up “well…do you like it Y/N? I know it's not what your fami-” you cut her off with a hug before she could finish her sentence. “I love it, it's perfect Poppy! It's more than perfect. I couldn't see myself getting married in anything else. Thank you thank you thank you” you held her tight, and she hugged back “of course Y/n. I'm so glad you love it.”
“Well, let's get her in it! You only get married to the love of your life once!” frank said, you nodded and went to the bathroom to put on the dress, once you came out they all stared in awe, the dress fit you perfectly, more than that the dress made you look like you were glowing, the fabric cinched at your waist and flowed down so effortlessly, now you truly felt like a bride.
Hearing your footsteps they all turned around seeing you for the first time in your wedding dress. “YOU LOOK AMAZING!!” Sally jumped with joy, “ALRIGHTY MY TURN!!” Julie stormed over and sat you down at your vanity and started doing your makeup while Sally,Poppy and Frank Started getting dressed.
“So Frank, how was it getting married to Eddie? Were you scared?” he realized what you were doing, “well, yeah but I knew he loved me and that's what I wanted, plus I had you all there which made it easier. Truth be told, I've never been happier after being with Eddie and that day it felt even better. The nerves go away and get replaced with joy and love, and that's the most important part.” you couldn't do nothing but smile “aww Frank’s getting all sentimental” Julie teased, his face turned red, and everyone giggled.
By the time everyone was finally dressed and ready for the events your nerves seemed to calm down a bit, a mixture of joy and anxiety overwhelmed you, you felt like your stomach was in knots, and at the same time joy. Joy at the fact that in a few hours you’ll be married to the puppet you love more than anything else. “Y/N! It's time to go, come on!!” Julie ushered you to the door to join the others.
Home didn't have a lot of places for a wedding, but thankfully Sally offered her house! It was the perfect place to hold the event, it was large enough for all of the neighbors and for actually having the ceremony, you couldn't thank her enough when she offered, and you still couldn't now.  You saw Sally's house getting closer and closer as you approached, the butterflies you had at the beginning of the day quickly came back. 
“Alright, this is it” you stood there for a few minutes as the others went inside to take their seats, Poppy being the last outside with you, giving an affirming smile and hug. You couldn't help but hug back and as your grip loosened she walked inside. You looked around you as you heard the sounds of everything inside, the joy and the murmuring for your friends and the growing sound of the music indicating you arrived becoming louder and louder, you stared at the door and took a deep breath as you walked inside.
To say it was breathtaking would be an understatement, it was absolutely perfect. (you can imagine it how you like :3 it’s your wedding)  walking down the fresh carpet laid out just for this day, the you kept your eyes trained on a certain blue pompadour, you smiled as he turned around to face you, in that moment you wanted nothing more then to run down the aisle to him, but you didn't need to. You knew Wally would wait an eternity for you, and you two had all the time in the world.
Finally reaching the end of what felt like the world's longest aisle you turned to face Wally, he reached out and held your hand, standing in front of you both was howdy who offered to ordain today, “You look beautiful Y/N, I can't take my eyes off you…” Wally never breaks contact with your eyes, you could only smile.
You both looked at Howdy and he began his speech. “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate Wally Darling and Y/n L/n, who today will share their lives together for the rest of time, Wally Do you take Y/N to be your Wife” Wally smiles “I Do”
“And Y/n, Do you take Wally to be your husband?” the smile creeping across your face “I Do”
“I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs. Darling” Wally cupped your face in his hands and kissed you.
You were now and forever will be Y/N darling, and you couldn't be happier.
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themoonitselff · 1 year
For The First Time. | Kurapika x Male! Reader
Warnings: fluff, a bit nsfw at the end, reader has a femenine body. THIS WAS MADE WITH TRANSLATOR.
Summary : Kurapika and you are dating but you have a private relationship, and after he completes his Revenge, he comes back for you. (Literally no one knows you're dating but his Friends.😭)
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Being Kurapika Kuruta's partner was complicated, since he was not always at home, and when he came back he was very tired, you didn't have time to be together, and when he had free days, he was pending of other things, like his obsessive and compulsive idea of finishing with the Phantom Troupe; However, you did not have much free time either, you worked double-shift in a cafeteria which limited you to see him, or even check his messages, it is as if life wanted to split the relationship you had in two. Although there was never lacking the gifts he used to send you at your door when he didn't come home, the love letters you loved so much and the strong hugs he gave you when he saw you in private, because you two were only friends for the public, for both sake, because if any of his enemies found out that you were his boyfriend, they would go after you.
Two months ago he told you that he would annihilate the Phantom Troupe forever and ever, that would mean that you wouldn't see him for a long time, you would cut off all communication between you so as not to risk each other's lives and, finally, he promised to put a promise ring on your finger when you are together again. Now you are here, waiting for him, every day is getting heavier, you don't know if he is coming back or if he is dead, if he has eaten, if he has slept well, if he killed them already, you were totally worried, and the worry was leading you to depression that caused you to not be able to do anything about it, not knowing anything about him, you felt vulnerable.
You were in the living room of your house, watching TV with a container of ice cream in your hands, watching your favorite series, almost about to finish the first chapter, you were not eating ice cream because of the Hollywood female cliché, rather, you were doing it because you needed something sweet for the occasion, and ice cream was the best option. Suddenly, you receive a message from an unknown number, you feel intrigued and a little weird because nobody usually writes you at midnight, anyway you read the notification, it reads as follows:
"Look at your window."
You panic, and a feeling of dread begins to devour your heart. Who was it? what does it want? how does it know where you live? On impulse, you did exactly what the stranger asked, you took a few steps to the nearest window, and peeked out slightly, you began to cry from joy and tremble with excitement, your boyfriend was in your garden with a bouquet of roses and a present in his other hand.
You ran out the door of your house, running and barefoot, your body pounced on Kurapika's to hug him tightly.
“I missed you, sweetheart.” You looked straight into his eyes, which no longer looked depressed or empty.... They shone with intensity, devotion, you could feel his peace and that made you happier.
“Me too, my love, but I'm here, I'm back, I'm with you, and I promise to never let you go, I won't leave you alone again.” He handed you the bouquet and approached you to kiss you with passion and desire, he needed you, he longed for you, those 8 weeks without you were hard for him.
You both went inside your house to be more comfortable, you left the gifts and the bouquet on the table to go back into his arms and kiss him, again and again, he took your waist and ran his fingers through your hair with the other, you held his hips and murmured in between the kiss how much you loved him, because you really loved him, and you could no longer see yourself without him in your life.
The kisses became more unbridled, Kurapika's hands touched your back and sometimes your breasts, and when you opened your eyes you were already on the bed with him on top of you, you opened your legs to give him more space, so that he would be closer to your body, his lips ran over your face, neck, collarbones, and in every place he left hickeys, and the marks of his teeth on your skin, you moaned and your body writhed from pleasure, you could feel his cock getting harder and the bulging area bump against your soaking and wetty pussy that was dying for being fucked.
“Easy, easy, we have a whole night for the two of us, and from now on all my time will be for you, my love.”
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miss-shawdowsinger · 2 years
Soothing Darkness - Azriel X reader fanfic
Chapter 9
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Summary: Starfall is here. Y/N decides she needs some space so goes to find her own place to watch...
Warnings: talks of past trauma, swearing and fluff
AN: Eeeek so I love this!! I hope you love it as much as me ❤️⭐
Chapter 1
“Stop fidgeting” Nesta snarled at you as she completed the finishing touches to your hair. She let the ringlets fall down your back pulling the loose strands away from your face. The dress she was letting you borrow was like nothing you had worn before. It was a dark blue, almost black in some lights and floor length. The material sparkled even in the dimmest of lights. It was long sleeved but backless with a low neckline that showed off the top of your breasts. “Alright, I’m done. Go have a look” Nesta pointed to the full length mirror in the corner of her room.
You stood before the mirror, taking in your own image. The difference you saw from the girl in the mirror a couple of months ago to now was incredible. You had a full toned body, not the weak one you used to have. Your hair had grown longer and your eyes seemed brighter. You sighed deeply.
“You don’t like it?” Nesta snapped. “How can you not, you look beautiful” she spun round with a pair of silver stilettoes in her hand and held them out for you to take.
“No, I love it” you quickly said. “It looks amazing. I just wish Gwyn and Emerie were going to be here tonight” the thought had rattled through your brain all afternoon. You wanted to enjoy Starfall with all your friends. Nesta would be there, but she also had Cassian and her family.
“I feel the same but at least we have each other” Nesta smiled, stopping you mid thought. “I will leave you to put these on” she handed you the stilettoes. “Everyone would have arrived by now, so I better go play host but come find me when you are ready”. You nodded in agreement before she left the room.
You sat on the bed, putting the silver shoes on. They lased around your ancles and up to your calves. It took you a lot longer than you would admit to fiddle around with the laces to get them to sit neatly. You stood in front of the mirror one last time. The dress was beautiful and it hugged your new figure perfectly. You took a deep breath, debating if you could get away with just hiding for the night. Before you could let your thoughts get the better of you, you made your way out of the room and headed to the party.
The room wasn’t as full as the last party, but the atmosphere was still as loud. There were refreshments and small nibbles on tables. Most guests were happily chatting away with quiet music playing in the background. You wondered the outskirts of the room, trying to find Nesta.
“You look like you need a drink” you turned to see Mor with a glass of wine outstretched to you.
“It’s like you read my mind” you laughed and took the wine gratefully. You had only briefly seen Mor since the Winter solstice ball. Sometimes she would arrive just after training and have lunch or be messenger for Rhys to Cassian and Azriel.
“Where are your friends tonight? Gwyn and…. Emerie is it?” Mor feigned not knowing Emerie’s name with a little side glance at you.
“They had other plans unfortunately” you weren’t sure if telling Mor about Emerie’s date was a good idea but you smiled knowingly.
“Ahh” she took a long gulp from her wine. “That’s a shame. Come on, lets go see the others” Mor linked her arm with yours and led you to the balcony. There were more guests on the balcony then inside, ready to see the stars shoot across the midnight blue sky.
“There you are” Nesta was the first of the small group to see you and Mor arrive. Cassian was by her side, along with Rhysand, Fayre, Nyx. “I thought you had gotten lost, or you had made a run for it” she whispered the last bit to you.
“I found her looking like a bit of a lost puppy” Mor squeezed your arm and you gave her a fake scowl which she laughed at. You greeted everyone whilst sipping from your wine, already needing a top up. You were about to excuse yourself when a familiar face stepped out of the shadows and joined the group. Azriel wore his black jacket and trousers with a white shirt. His hazel eyes caught yours and he smiled. His smile nearly made your knees buckle.
“Y/N” Rhys pulled your attention away from the Illyrian. “May I have a quick word?” he gestured to step away from the group and you weren’t about to refuse the high lord. You glanced a look at Azriel, who’s brows were knitted together slightly as you followed Rhysand to a quiet part of the balcony. “How are you?” Rhys voice was soft but laced with concern.
“I’m alright thank you” you nodded barley able to keep contact with his violet eyes. “You?”
“I’m good” he chuckled slightly. “I meant after everything a couple of months ago. I’m sorry I haven’t been around to check on you. I hear you are still living in the house?” he took you by surprise. You knew the high lord of the night court wasn’t what most people knew him to be. But you never thought for one moment that he would want to or feel he had to check on you after what had happened, let alone apologise.
“Oh” words failed you. “I’m better but yes I am staying here…. but it’s only temporary, I didn’t mean to outstay my welcome” You began to nervously ramble. Rhys held up his hand to stop you.
“Whoa, I didn’t mean that” he smiled politely. “Stay as long as you need, you could never outstay your welcome. There is plenty of room. I just wanted to make sure you feel safe”. Safe? You still had sleepless night, woken up by past terrors but you couldn’t be more safe then where you were.
“I do” you nodded. “Thank you”.
“Is the training helping? I hear you’ve progressed”. You glanced back at the two Illyrians on the other side of the balcony. Cassian was laughing at something Mor was saying and Azriel was looking in your direction. He quickly turned his attention elsewhere when he noticed you looking his way.
“Yes, the training has helped a lot. Cassian and Azriel are good teachers” you swallowed. You were unsure where this convocation was heading. The High lord of the night court was asking you about your daily life, you were staying at his house. It all felt very unreal.
“They are my best worriers” Rhys smiled. “I’m sure Azriel has made it clear but I assure you that nothing like that will happen again. You have my word” his violet eyes met yours. There was no hesitation or white lie there. He meant what he said, and you could see the guilt that hid behind his stare.
“I believe you” you said it more for him then for you. His face softened with relief. Just from the short convocation with Rhysand you could tell he really cared for the people of Velaris. He didn’t want anyone to feel unsafe in his city. For that, you could trust him.
“I hope you enjoy tonight. If you ever have any issues please let me know” Rhys patted you lightly on the shoulder. You nodded your thanks to him as the two of you began to make your way back over to the group. You noticed another two people had joined. Amren was now stood with Fayre and Elain was stood next to Azriel. Her blush pink dress matched her soft complexion as her beautiful long hair fell to one side. Your heart dropped as she smiled so longingly at the Illyrian you had grown to care for. He was smiling back as they exchanged pleasant convocation.
Mor handed you another glass of wine as you reached her side. You had to stop yourself from downing the whole thing. You kept your attention on Mor as she spoke to the group, trying to ignore Elain and Azriel. You could see them in your peripheral vision, you could hear her giggling at something he had said. It was like you were being punched in the gut but you put on a front. You didn’t want anyone to see the truth of your feelings towards the spymaster. This silly schoolgirl crush you had on him.
“It’s about to start” Fayre picked Nyx up in her arms and strode to the railing of the balcony. Everyone formed a line along the rails to get a good view at the stars above. You were about to join when you saw Azriel lead Elain over to the balcony her arm snaked through his elbow. They stood next to one another and looked out waiting for the stars to fall. At first there was a small gap between them but Elain began to lean into him, closing the gap.
Fuck it. You gulped back the last of your wine. The last thing you wanted was to have to watch them flirt with each other all night. As everyone’s attention was on the view ahead of them, you took the opportunity and left the balcony. You knew there was another, quieter balcony you could go to that was only two floors up.
You picked the hem of your dress up as you started to climb the stairs. The last two Starfalls you had sat at the window in your apartment watching by yourself. This year would be no different apart from the better view. When you reached the second level, you were the only one there. You breathed a sigh of relief as you stepped out into the night and leaned your forearms against the railing of the quiet balcony. You could hear the faint chatter from two floors below, but this seemed right somehow. More peaceful.
Staring out at the dark sky, you wished your mother were here. Starfall had always been her favourite holiday in Velaris. You would climb to the roof of the bakery and sit out all night with snacks as the stars shot across the sky. This would be your third Starfall without her.
“So, this is where you ran off to” a voice broke through your thoughts. You spun round to see Azriel stood in the doorway to the balcony.
“I didn’t run” you gulped as your heart leaped into your throat. “I just wanted to watch somewhere more quiet” you half lied.
“Mind if I join you on that?” he waited in the doorway.
“Don’t you want to watch with the others?” with Elain, you thought.
“I quite enjoy the quiet too” Azriel’s shadows circled around his neck. “I’ve spent many Starfall’s with them, I’m sure they won’t mind if I spend this one two floors above them” he smirked.
“If you are sure, then go ahead” you smiled. He made his way across the balcony and stood at the railing beside you. He rested one of his arms on the rail with his body turned to face you.
“You look beautiful” his deep voice sent shivers up your spine. Heat rushed to your cheeks at the compliment.
“A bit of a difference from fighting leathers?” your voice came out slightly squeaky. Azriel gave a small laugh as his eyes met yours.
Just as he opened his mouth to speak a star shot across you vision. It lit the black sky up with colour as more stars started flying. It was beautiful, each star seemed to paint the black canvas with bright light. You and Azriel stood closely together staring up and watching as hundreds of bright stars danced together.
The two of you stayed like that. Hearing the downstairs balcony gasp and laugh as Stars fell so closely you could almost touch them. Azriel’s forearm rested right next to yours. His wings slightly held behind your back to allow his closeness. His warmth radiating onto you as you silently watched.
“It’s nice that you do this every year” you said as a star rushed past your head, leaving a bright green trail behind it. “Spending it surrounded by the people you love” you briefly looked down at the group on the balcony below. Your eyes landed on Elain as she stared up to the stars. You breathed in a sigh, thinking about the way they looked at one another. Why wasn’t he with her now?
“How did you used to spend it?” he asked as you turned you attention back to the skies.
“With my mother. She used to absolutely love this” you said as a small tear fell down your cheek.
“My mother did too” his voice was laced with sorrow. You glanced up at him. It was the first time Azriel had spoken about is actual family to you. He stared out at the falling stars, his eyes shining with their bright light. “It was one of the few things I actually knew about her”.
“I’m sorry” you didn’t know what to say. He carried on staring out at the sky above, his face unreadable. He sighed softly.
“There isn’t anything to apologise for” he shook his head. “It was my father and step-mothers fault I barely knew her” you stayed silent. You didn’t want to push him with questions so you waited to see if he wanted to carry on. “I was born a bastard. My step-mother hated me. I was a constant reminder of my father’s adultery, so she locked me away for the first eleven years of my life. Out of sight, out of mind” Azriel’s teeth clenched as he gripped the railing in front of him. “The room was always dark and small. It had no windows, no room to fly.
“I was only able to see my mother for one hour every week. I didn’t learn much about her, but it was the only kindness I was ever shown. I imagine if she had the chance, she would have been a good mother. It wasn’t until I was eleven when my father dumped me at windhaven to train that I actually spent any time out of the room. I was miles behind everyone, I’d never even used my wings. I had to learn how to fly when everyone else had been flying as long as they could walk. If it wasn’t for Rhys and Cassian I wouldn’t have survived. But I never saw my mother again.” he finally looked up to you. Your eyebrows knitted together as you felt the tears sting your eyes.
“Azriel, I-“ you couldn’t find the words. His hazel eyes glanced at the scar on your neck and then to his own scared hands.
“When I was eight years old my two half brothers thought it would be fun to experiment on me. Illyrians have fast healing powers and they wanted to see how fast they truly were” his voice turned cold. Your chest tightened as you swallowed hard, forcing yourself to listen to the horrors he endured. “They covered my hands in oil and set them on fire. My fathers warriors heard me but they were too late to save my hands” he stared at his scared hands, flexing them in front of his face.
His face had returned to the one you saw on the night of the attack. Laced with nothing but pure anger as he stared at his hands. Your heart pounded in your chest. You wanted to do anything, say anything that would bring him comfort but you couldn’t find the words.
“These” he flexed his hands. “I was left with these ugly, ruined hands as a constant reminder” he growled, a mixture of pain and shame plastered on his face. You couldn’t bare to think about what ran through his mind or how he viewed himself whenever he looked at the scars.
“No” your almost shouted voice came as a shock even to you. He turned to face you, still holding his hands in front of him, his face unreadable. Your heart broke for him as his hazel eyes met yours. Without thinking you took his scared hands gently in yours. “There is nothing about you that is ugly Azriel. Not to me.” the words flowed out of you.
His eyes widened slightly as you held his warm hands. You looked up at him, waiting for him to push you away or break the ever growing silence. But he just looked at you, stunned. You swallowed as the stars kept falling behind you, illuminating his beautiful features. He closed the distance between the two of you. His tall frame towering above you, sheltering you from the cold wind.
One of his hands dropped yours in order to caress your cheek, sending warm shivers throughout your body. Your breath hitched in your throat as his eyes flicked from yours to your lips. Time slowed down as Azriel tilted his head down, his throat bobbed slightly. The world seemed to go silent as his lips met yours.
His lips were warm and soft as he kissed you. His hand moved to the back of your neck tilting your head while the other now sat at your waist, pulling your body into his. Your heart began racing as he held onto you, deepening the kiss. His tongue grazed along your bottom lip asking for permission. You granted it, by opening your mouth.
He took full access, moving his tongue against yours in perfect harmony. Using his hand on your waist, he pulled you even closer to him. Your bodies now fully flushed against one another whist your arms wrapped around his neck. He broke this kiss for a split second, allowing you to catch your breath before reattaching his lips to yours. He tasted amazing on your tongue. His hands wondered down your spine to the curve of you ass, leaving a hot trail behind them.
Every fibre of your being was telling you to give him more. To give him everything but he pulled away. He leant his forehead on yours whilst you caught your breath. Both his arms now held you around your waist, keeping you in place against him. His hazel eyes met yours. Sudden dread arose in you.
What if he regretted the kiss? Was it just a heat of the moment thing and Elain was downstairs waiting for him? You would never be able to look at him again.
He smiled brightly before placing one gentler kiss to your lips. The dread faded away as quickly as it came as you returned his smile. Still catching his breath, he said “You have no idea how long I’ve….”
“There you are” Azriel was cut off. The two of you spun round, releasing each other quickly. The heat from him leaving you cold instantly. You were both too caught up in the moment to hear that someone had approached and was now waiting in the doorway with a huge smirk plastered across his face. “Rhys wondered where you were and told me to come find you” Cassian had his arms crossed over his chest, one eyebrow raised in a knowing look.
“Of course he did” Azriel almost growled at Cassian.
“After you” Cassian gestured to the door, trying to keep himself from laughing. Azriel turned to you, placing a hand on your lower back in a gesture for you to go first. You moved across the balcony to Cassian who winked at you as you passed him. You gave him a rude gesture which only made him laugh more.
You felt as if you were being escorted through the house as the two Illyrians followed closely behind you. Glancing back, you saw Azriel’s face back to it’s unreadableness and Cassian smirking to himself. You couldn’t believe what had just happened. Azriel had kissed you. You could still taste his lips on yours as you made your way to the main balcony.
The small group were where you had left them, gathered along the balcony as Starfall came to an end. You joined them, standing next to Nesta as Azriel stood at your other side between you and Elain. His warm presence once again at your side.
“Where did you run off too?” Nesta snapped.
“I went to find somewhere quiet to watch Starfall. I’m sorry Nesta” you cringed. Not completely a lie. You tried to steady your racing heart as your cheeks burnt with the thought of what had just happened. Nesta said something else but your attention was occupied with Elain and Azriel’s convocation.
She had asked him where he had been, and he simply said to find you. “You missed it” she sighed sadly. “You’ll have to make up for it next year” she smiled shyly at him. He just nodded in response unaware of you eavesdropping.
The rest of the night was full of drinking and dancing until there was only the small group of you left at the house of wind. You all retired to the living room, huddled together on sofas in front of a warm fire. There was a small space in between Mor and Fayre which you took gladly.
Azriel took as seat on the sofa opposite you. Every so often you would catch his eye and smile, heat flushing your cheeks. Your mind was going crazy as you listened to the group around you. What was going to happen now? Would you wake up tomorrow and he regret the whole thing? What would have happened if Cassian hadn’t had interrupted?
“Did you enjoy Starfall Y/N?” Fayre asked sweetly. Tearing your attention away from your own thoughts, you looked at the beautiful High Lady.
“Yes, very much. Thank you” you could feel Azriel’s eyes on you as you answered. “Was this Nyx’s first?” you deflected.
“Yes” she beamed holding the beautiful baby in her arms. “I think he rather enjoyed it”.
An hour passed before you finally decided to take your leave and go to bed. You said goodnight to everyone that was still awake and left the room. There was a small piece of you that wished a certain someone would follow you but that would have made things a bit too obvious.
As you shut your bedroom door behind you, you allowed yourself to smile. You couldn’t control it anymore. Your fingers featherlight touched your lips where Azriel’s had been just a couple of hours ago. The warmth they had brought as his body pressed against yours. Your mind played the scene over and over in your head.
Although you were playing the kiss over and over again in your head. Azriel had also confined a small part of his past with you. How he was treated. He was right when he told you that he understood how you felt, way back when you told him about your own past. All you wanted him to know was that there was no part of himself to be ashamed of and he had kissed you for it. Tomorrow. What was tomorrow going to bring? You would not only have to face Azriel but Cassian. Cassian had caught you holding one another closely. You just hoped that whatever tomorrow brought, it wasn’t going to be awkward.
Chapter 10
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My Sweetest Downfall - Chapter Seven
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
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Work Summary:
Eddie’s back from the Upside Down, but things aren’t exactly how he left them. Hawkins is in pieces, his friends are scattered and the love of his life is… pregnant?
Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Epilogue
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3839
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye @eddiesgirlforever @harrys-tittie @munsonmoonshine86
Taglist info
Previous Chapter
this chapter brought to you by my love for erica sinclair (she's just a baby)
warnings for general violence, violence against children specifically, mind control, upside down stuff, being pregnant and in danger, weed smoking, alcohol, eddie is a bit of an unwashed boy, mentions of jerking off, reader is protective of both eddie and steve, children in danger, a touch of lumax
1 more chapter + an epilogue to go.
It was starting to rain as you biked towards Reefer Rick’s. You peddled faster, which was hard, because your backpack was very heavy. As your fingers curled around the handlebars, stiff with cold and wet with rain, you knew that you wouldn’t do this for anyone else.
But this was for Eddie.
When the house came into view, you breathed a sigh of relief. You stashed your bike in the boathouse – you didn’t want there to be any sign that anyone was living here – and knocked on the door of the house.
It opened immediately. Eddie was standing there, dressed in the same outfit he’d been wearing for three days. You wrinkled your nose.
“Oh, thank god it’s you,” he said, grabbing you by the arms and pulling you inside.
“I brought you some supplies,” you said, dumping your backpack on the table. You unzipped it and pulled out a denim jacket. “You left this at my house like a year ago.” You tossed it at him.
“Oh my god. Have you been keeping this from me the whole time?”
“I didn’t know it was there! Steve found it, actually. I think it got mixed in with his stuff. Speaking of.” You pulled out a few more items of clothing. “He said you could borrow these, so that you’re not stuck wearing the same stuff forever. Oh, and here’s a t-shirt you left at my house.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” he said.
“I’m not done.” You gave him a mischievous smile he couldn’t help but return. “I picked these up for you from the store. I figured you wouldn’t wanna borrow Steve’s.” You threw a packet of five sets of underwear at him.
He held them to his chest. “My hero.”
“That’s just the clothes. I brought other stuff, too.” Eddie watched as you pulled out various toiletries, a couple of frozen pizzas, cereal, chips, as well as some tinned foods. As you held out a 6-pack of his favourite beer, his face morphed into a grin. You noticed. “You think that’s exciting, just wait for the main event.”
From a side pocket in your bag, you removed a small tin. You pressed it into his hands. He flicked it open, and saw three pre-rolled joints.
“Are these the ones I gave you for your birthday?” he asked, incredulous that they’d lasted so long.
“Don’t look so surprised. I almost never smoke without you, and if I’m with you, you’re rolling fresh ones.”
“These were a present though!”
“Well, you can pay me back after we’ve cleared your name, can’t we?”
“Fuck yes.” He reached for one of the joints but you slapped his hand away.
“Shower first,” you said, taking the tin back. He groaned. “I’m gonna heat up these pizzas.”
Despite his protestations, he took his time in the shower. He emerged twenty minutes later, with wet hair and smelling like moisturiser.
“Your pizza is in the oven,” you said, taking another bite of your own. It was almost half-finished.
Eddie grabbed his own food, put it on a tray and took up his seat beside you on the couch.
“Alright, I’ve waited long enough. Give me the stuff,” he said, making grabby hands at you. You tossed him the tin. He deftly pulled out a joint, put it between his lips, and lit it.
“Will Rick mind us smoking in here?” He gave you an incredulous look. “Right, stupid question.”
He took a few tokes on the spliff, and then passed it over to you. You took a deep drag, letting the smoke fill your lungs.
“I don’t know about this lotion stuff you brought me. I feel all slimy.”
You giggled. “You’ll thank me for it later when your skin is really soft.”
“I’ve never really used lotion for that. Just for, you know, other stuff.”
“Other stuff?” The weed had left you feeling tingly and warm.
“You know, like…” He made a jerking off motion.
Your cheeks heated up, and you burst out laughing. “Stop, stop, you’re making me picture it!”
“Oh come on, the mental image can’t be that bad! I’m a performer! I can put on a good show!”
“You’re so gross!”
“You love it.”
He was right about that. As the two of you ate your pizza and talked, you tried to ignore the buzzing in your stomach.
Eddie was your best friend. Sure, he was hot. But he’d never led you to believe that he wanted you too. There was no way you could make the first move.
As the two of you finished your food, you lapsed into a companionable silence. Eddie was normally so restless, desperate to fill any space with meaningless talk, but not with you. With you, he could sit and not have to talk. You couldn’t help but feel honoured.  
“How did you cope with it?” he asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Cope with what?”
“All this.” He made a grand, all-encompassing gesture. “Monsters. Superpowers. The Upside-Down. How did you come to terms with the fact that the world wasn’t what you thought it was?”
You took a contemplative sip of your beer. “I got roped into it by Dustin Henderson. Steve had tried to keep me out of it, but I ended up helping the two of them track down Dustin’s pet demodog, Dart. Steve was furious that Dustin had told me all about it, and I was furious that Steve had kept it from me. Of course, he was just trying to protect me, but who protects him, you know? My brother has always had a self-sacrificing streak. It scares me, honestly.”
Eddie took your hand between both of his own and squeezed it. His skin was very warm where it was pressed against yours. “That’s why you’ve gotta stick around, right? To make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid?”
“Well, not just that. I gotta help keep the kids safe, too. I don’t wanna lose anyone else to this.” Eddie’s expression was grave. Although your head felt light, your heart felt heavy. “But yeah, the others don’t watch out for Steve the way they should. They think that because he says he’s fine, he’s fine, you know? And I know it’s because they’ve all got their own shit going on. But still. I have to make sure he’s okay.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m looking out for him now too. I’m gonna make sure your big dumb hero brother doesn’t do anything stupid, alright?”
You smiled at him. “That’s how I got through it. That’s how I coped.”
“By realising that I didn’t have to do this alone.”
You met Eddie’s eyes, and found his gaze on you so intense you had to look away. You took another drag on the joint, and when you set it down in the ashtray, he was still looking at you.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” he said.
“What makes you say that?”
He shifted closer to you. With a surprisingly gentle hand, he brushed your hair out of your face. “You care about people, so much. I always thought that caring was dangerous, that it made me vulnerable. But you’re out here, dealing with a world of monsters that have killed people you care about, and you still love like the world isn’t ending.” His hand was on your cheek now, his skin hot against yours. “That’s pretty fucking amazing, if you ask me.”
“Eddie…” You looked up at him. His eyes were big and bright, boring a hole into your soul.
“If I knew how to love even half as good as you do…” He sighed.
“… Yeah?”
He couldn’t seem to meet your eyes. “…Maybe I’d come close to deserving you.”
The rubber band keeping your heart in place snapped. You launched yourself at him, landing in his lap with your hands tangled in his hair. He caught you with his hands and with his lips. You kissed each other feverishly, like your lives depended on it.
Erica was trembling. Your heart ached. She always tried so hard to seem strong and unbothered, but right now she was fighting back tears. You pulled her into a hug.
Normally, you were sure she would’ve pushed you away, but right now, she just hugged you back, taking a shuddering breath.
“It’s okay,” you murmured, rubbing her back. “It’s okay.”
“What are we going to do?” she asked, her voice trembling.
You tried to think. You were the only adult here now. Your numbers were severely depleted, and there were demodogs outside. It pained you, but you couldn’t go looking for Will and Mike. You just couldn’t risk it.
You turned to Dustin, who was lying in the shattered remains of the switchboard. Dark bruises were starting to form on his arms.
“You okay, kiddo?” you asked, extending a hand to him. With great effort, you helped him to his feet.
He wrapped his arms around himself. “I think he cracked some of my ribs.”
Your stomach dropped, the image of Eddie throwing Dustin into the switchboard flashing across your mind. It was jarring.
“I’m sorry,” you said. It was a little ridiculous, but it felt like you were the one who owed him an apology.
He winced. “I’ll be okay.”
“Did you manage to tell the others that Will and Mike were gone before the switchboard broke?”
He shook his head. “No. But I do have a back-up.” His backpack was lying beside the couch. He rummaged through it, pulling out his walkie-talkie.
“Can you call the others on that thing?”
He grinned at you. “Sure can.”
“Alright. Tell them to watch out for Eddie, and that Will and Mike are out there too. Hopefully they can look for them even if we can’t.”
“We can’t?” Dustin’s face fell. “But we’ve got to! We can’t leave them out there alone!”
“I’m pregnant and you’ve got cracked ribs. I hate to say it, but the only able-bodied person left here is Lucas. I can’t risk all our lives like that.”
“What about me?” asked Erica. She seemed to have regained some of her composure.
“You’re eleven.” Both of them started speaking at once, but you quieted them by holding up a hand. “Don’t argue with me, there’s no time. Dustin, make the call. Erica, come with me.”
You led Erica into the bedroom. Max was laying back against the pillows, her eyes now closed. Lucas was sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking her hair.
“Hey,” you murmured.
He didn’t look at you, but said, “hey,” back.
“How is she doing?”
“She isn’t in a trance anymore. I think she’s sleeping.” His voice was tight. He sounded like he was holding back tears.
“Lucas, I hate to do this, but I need you to help me with something.”
He finally looked at you. “What?”
“There are demodogs outside. We don’t have much time before they start trying to break in. I need your help holding them off.”
“But… Max?”
“She’ll be safe in here,” you said. “As long as we can hold them off out there. Erica can stay with her.”
Lucas looked at Erica. She nodded at him. He exhaled. “Fine. Stay with her,” he said to his little sister, getting to his feet. Wordlessly, she put her arms around him.
As they hugged, you walked over to the table where the weapons were laid out. You picked up a shotgun, stuffed your pockets full of shells and then walked back out into the living room.
Dustin was fiddling with his walkie-talkie. You walked over to the front door. The windows were boarded up, but there were a few cracks between the boards that you could see through. Your stomach plummeted.
Three demodogs were prowling up and down the porch. As you stood there watching them, they turned their ugly, unseeing faces towards you. 
“Dustin?” you called over your shoulder.
“Grab a weapon. Make sure Lucas gets one too.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Something hit the outside of the door. Peeking through the gap, you saw a demodog throw itself bodily into the wood, which made a concerning cracking sound.
There were a few jackets hanging up by the door. You grabbed one, figuring that the leather would be better protection than nothing, and then transferred the shotgun shells into your new pockets. You hung the baseball bat from your belt and slung your shotgun over your shoulder.
Dustin and Lucas returned, both carrying guns. Lucas had another baseball bat, while Dustin had knives, and they were both carrying Molotov cocktails.
Max and Erica were now barricaded in the bedroom. You felt the weight of the shotgun in your hand while you loaded it.
“We can’t let them knock down the door,” you said, “we’ll be completely defenceless if something worse comes along. We’ve got to take the fight to them.”
“We could open the door and throw a Molotov at them?” Dustin suggested, but you shook your head. There was another thud as a demodog hit the door.
“The whole cabin is made of wood.” THUD. “Fire might keep us safe for a little while but we’ll have nowhere to go if this place burns down. We only use molotovs for the demodogs that aren’t on the porch, understood?” THUD. They both nodded. “They’ll be easier if we divide and conquer. Lucas, on my signal, I want you to open the door. If we can lure one of them in – just one of them –” THUD.   “Dustin and I can kill it while you close the door.”
Lucas swallowed nervously. “What if I’m not fast enough?”
You put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed. THUD. “You will be. I know you will. You’re an athlete. Ready?”
“…Ready.” THUD. CRACK.
You turned to Dustin. He gulped, and lifted up his knives. “Ready.”
You positioned yourself around the door, ready to fight. You prayed that this would work. If it didn’t, you had killed everyone.
“Watch their movements,” you said. “Get them when one is ready to pounce.”
Lucas exhaled through his nose. “Three, two…” He pulled the door open and the demodog, which had been mid-leap, sailed through the air towards you. You swung your bat at it, knocking it to the ground.
To your relief, Lucas slammed the front door shut before any others made it through. There were thuds and hisses from the outside as the other two tried to break in. You brought your bat down hard on the demodog again, and Dustin got in far closer to it than you were comfortable with, sinking the knife into its chest.
It was no longer moving. Its blood was seeping into the floorboards. To be sure, you took one of Dustin’s knives and decapitated it.
“Same again?” asked Lucas.
You grimaced. “They’ll be expecting it this time. We took care of this one pretty handily, but two is completely different matter.”
“Uh… Guys…” Lucas was staring through the gap in the barricade. You realised that it had been far too long since you’d last heard a thud. You found your own gap and gasped.
The two demodogs had retreated from the porch, but you could still see them, prowling up and down in front of the cabin.
They had brought friends. Fifteen. Maybe twenty. And those were just the ones you could see. The shadows seemed to be swirling with them. Bile rose in your throat. You swallowed hard.
The boys were both staring out through the barricade, mouths agape.
“What do we do?” asked Dustin.
“I… I don’t know.” Fear was building in your chest, but you tried to push it down. Will and Mike were out there. So was Eddie. If you couldn’t pull it together, you might lose everyone. You took a deep breath. “Molotovs. Lucas, you’ve got a good arm. Dustin, you take the door. We do one at a time, shutting the door between each throw. If any get through, we’ll deal with them.” You cocked your shotgun. “Understood?”
The boys both nodded and got into position. You stood by Lucas’ side, pointing your shotgun at the door while he readied a Molotov.
On Lucas’ signal, Dustin pulled the door back, and you raised the gun. A demodog pounced, leaping towards you in what felt like slow motion, until it collided with a Molotov in mid-air. You didn’t have time to see what happened next, because Dustin slammed the door.
You scrambled for your gap in the barricade, watching as the creature burst into flames, landing on top of several others, which scattered.
“Good. That was good,” you said. “Again, before they have a chance to regroup.”
The second Molotov wasn’t quite so successful. It smashed into the ground, setting some grass on fire, but missing any demodogs. Lucas looked crestfallen.
“It’s okay,” you assured him. “You’ll get the next one.” He grimaced, but nodded.
The third time that Dustin opened the door, Lucas didn’t have a chance to throw the Molotov, because a demodog took the opportunity to leap through the gap, going straight for him.
You shot it out of the air, and it crumpled immediately. “Shut the door,” you shouted to Dustin, and he did. “Fuck.”
“They’re getting closer,” said Dustin, staring through a gap. “Even if we manage to hit them, they might still make it inside.”
There was a thud of one of them hitting the door again. “Okay, we need a new plan.”
Distantly, from far out in the woods, you heard a scream. You pushed your face right up against the barricade. The demodogs were dispersing. They were turning to run back into the woods. There was half a breath of relief, and then a deep sense of dread. Something was wrong.  
Wordlessly, you wrenched the door open. You recognised the voice screaming in the woods. Mike Wheeler. Your stomach roiled with the knowledge that you were supposed to be protecting him.
“Grab molotovs,” you yelled at the two boys. “We have to draw them off.”
You could see that Dustin’s hands were shaking, but he didn’t complain. The three of you stood on the porch, tossing Molotovs into the writhing mass of demodog bodies. Some of them turned to face you, but most carried on running.
You took potshots at the ones who got too close, adrenaline running high. So focused were you on the edge of the woods, on the two young boys out there that you hadn’t been able to protect, you didn’t notice you were being flanked.
The full force of a demodog hit you in the side, bowling you over. The shotgun slipped from your hands, skidding across the porch. You reached for your baseball bat, but you were at an awkward angle, and claws sank into your arm, the pain stopping you in your tracks.
You looked to Dustin and Lucas for help, but they were both occupied, fighting off their own demodogs.
So this was it.
This was how you were going to die. Failing to save a group of children from monsters. You hoped, at the very least, that the barricade protecting Max and Erica would hold.
You waited for a final blow that never came. Instead, the creature was wrenched away from you bodily, tearing a deep cut into your arm as it did so.
You looked up at your saviour. Eddie had pulled the thing off you with his bare hands, tossing it to the side like it was nothing.
“Get back inside,” he said, pulling you to your feet with one hand. Your eyes widened at his strength.
“But- Will and Mike-”
“Leave it to me. Don’t let me back in, okay?” He pressed a kiss to your temple, and then pushed you through the door. Dustin and Lucas were waiting on the other side, catching you as you stumbled backwards. The door slammed shut by itself. 
“Let me go,” you said weakly, disentangling yourself from the boys and stumbling back to the barricade. You stood on tiptoes to watch Eddie through the gap.
You’d never seen anything like this before. Belatedly, you realised he’d taken the baseball bat from your belt when he’d pushed you inside.
He was fast, and stronger than you could’ve believed. He killed demodogs with a single blow, splattering viscera and gore across the porch.
Whatever Vecna had done to Eddie in the Upside Down, he wasn’t the man he’d been before. You had no idea whether that was good or bad, but as he slayed Vecna’s minions, it was hard to see the downside.
“There are too many of them,” said Dustin, desperately, and you realised that he was right.
For every one that Eddie killed, two seemed to take its place. He was being swarmed. He was being overpowered. Your mind flashed back to the demobats, and the way they’d taken him from you in the first place. You hadn’t witnessed it, but Dustin’s description had been awfully vivid. You took a deep, shuddering breath.
“What do we do?” asked Lucas. “What can we do?”
Don’t let me back in, okay?
Eddie’s words played back in your head. You knew that he was only trying to protect you, that stupid, self-sacrificing bastard. You needed him. Couldn’t he see that?
“‘We’ aren’t doing anything. You two, fall back to the bedroom with Max and Erica. Take the walkie-talkie. Try to get call for back-up. Or an evacuation.”
“What about you?” asked Lucas.
“I’m going to save Eddie.” You could see them about to protest, but you were saved from the argument by the sound of the barricade by the back door cracking. “Go. Hurry.”
The two boys gave you one last look before they retreated. You breathed deep. If you died tonight, then you died with Eddie.
And maybe little Melody wouldn’t get to live, but Dustin and Lucas and Max and Erica would. Maybe that was enough. Maybe it had to be.
Unable to stall any longer, you opened the door.
Eddie turned to you, four demodogs hanging off him, terror in his eyes. “No!” he shouted, but you didn’t listen. You scooped up your shotgun from where it was laying on the ground and took a shot at one of the creatures. Its body exploded, freeing Eddie to yank another one off himself.
You shot another, and while you reloaded, he tossed the other two back over the fence.
“I told you to go inside!” he said.
“Well, I decided not to listen.” You aimed at the nearest demodog and blow its head clean off. “If you die, I die.”
He let out a growl of frustration but didn’t protest further. The two of you stood back-to-back, ready to take on the world.
The world wasn’t ready to take on you. A demodog leapt at you up the stairs of the porch, but before it had a chance to reach you, it disintegrated into dust.
Next Chapter
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whenthepawnstrikes · 2 years
Between His Finger and the Trigger Chapter Four: identity.
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Summary: Ghost believes you have betrayed him, you try to prove your innocence.
Warnings: This particular chapter deals with violence towards the reader (Ghost has trust issues and believes you betrayed him, so he threatens to kill you with a knife, he doesn't actually hurt reader though). This can be a potentially triggering subject, so please, read with caution!
You take your hand off of the collar of your shirt, and slowly stand up. Ghost stands across from you, knife in his steady hand.
“I was talking to Price.”
Ghost takes a step forward.
“Who do you think I was talking to?” You reach for your knife.
“Put your hands up before I slit your goddamn throat.” Ghost warns, taking another step.
“Slitting my throat? What the fuck is wrong with you?” You put your hands up beside your head.
Ghost steps forward menacingly, knife at the ready, your back hits the wall.
“I was talking to Price, I had just enough signal to have a short conversation. Everyone is alive, we were the last ones he couldn’t contact.” You spoke slowly, calmly.
“And why should I believe that? Why should I trust you? You’re the reason the mission went to shit, you’re the reason we were found out, how am I supposed to believe that you aren’t working for the other side?” Ghost looks furious now. His eyebrows are furrowed, his eyes show nothing but anger.
“Work for the other side? I’ve been a part of your fucking team for months now, Ghost. If I were with the enemy, wouldn’t I have betrayed you a long time ago?” You defended yourself, trying your hardest to rationalize, to talk to the man in front of you.
But it was already apparent that Ghost was no ordinary man, he is what his name entails. He was mysterious, threatening. He walked steadily towards you, the blade in his hands was held tighter than ever.
“Ghost- Please, I-” You stammered, you tried to come up with something to prove your innocence.
You heard the familiar crackle of the comms.
Ghost stopped.
He shook his head at you, as if to tell you “no”, and pressed the button on his mic.
“This is Bravo-6, Rookie, are You still there?”
“No, this is Ghost.”
“Is Rookie with You?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Did they tell you I had contacted them earlier?” Price questioned, “You two were the last ones that needed confirmation of…survival. If that makes sense.”
Ghost took a second to look in your direction, the knife he held in his right hand was soon holstered onto his thigh.
“I heard. “ Ghost replied, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Good, now, we are obviously far apart. The signals’ shit, so I’ll make this quick.” Price continued, “We all separated into groups, Soap, Gaz, and Vargas all found each other, and then they found me. Where are you two?”
“Small cabin, in the woods.”
“Good, stay there. The enemy is everywhere, make yourselves obsolete, try not to bring attention.” Price finished.
“Already done, sir.”
“Good,” Static interrupted Price’s voice, “Shit, signals out. Over.”
Ghost let go of the button on his collar, and looked up at you, and then backed away. He went across the room, and sat down on that same stool by the window. The silence was almost deafening. You felt the dried tears on your face evaporate from the hot air of the stove. They were soon replaced, and it pissed you off. Weakness, not allowed in your line of work. Tears are almost as bad as having regret, or remorse. These weren’t tears of sadness, in fact, you weren’t even sure why you were crying.
The fire reminded you of your guilt from earlier. Ghost wasn’t going to talk first, so you might as well.
“Thank you.”
Ghost froze, and looked up from the floor, “Why?”
It was all you could think to say in the moment, almost getting your throat slit by the guy who’s supposed to be your teammate was a little unnerving.
“For the meat, the firewood..” the tears were flowing heavier now, “For…” You just shut up at that point, and leaned against the wall. You slid down until you were seated on the floor. You stared at your knees.
The silence was so tiring. You were sick of silence, but you had nothing to fill it.
“You’re welcome.” Ghost said.
His words were almost an apology, there was a somberness behind them, but also a stubbornness. Like he knew what he did, but didn’t want to admit it. At this point, You were so pissed you couldn’t even try to make him apologize. You were so mad you just cried.
Another moment of silence, why was it always quiet in this fucking cabin? It’s in the middle of the woods, and there’s no noise? If you fell in this forest, would you make a sound? Did that dead man make a sound? Did Ghost’s gun make one when he took the shot? Did yours make one when you missed your shot?
And in the middle of this spiral of negative feelings, you heard the birds sing, for what felt like the first time.
Birds. Trees. Forest. Snow. The painting. Your grandmother's house. That same nostalgic feeling from earlier fills your chest, the painting, safety, warmth. The tears slowly stopped. You know why you were crying now, fear. Even with that behemoth of a man with you, you still felt scared, alone. Task Force 141 was a pillar, a sturdy thing for you to hold onto. And now it’s gone, for now at least, and it was debatably your fault-
“I should have trusted you. You were right, I was wrong.” Ghost whispered.
You looked up, he was standing in front of you. Holding his hand out to help you up.
You nod, and take his hand. With a small grunt, he pulled you to your feet. You now stood, your nose barely reaching his neck.
“Don’t get used to apologies Rookie, I’m rarely wrong.”
You smile, “You call that an apology?”
Ghost’s eyes crinkle, “Sure."
“I owe you one anyway, maybe I deserved that, for being so...” You tried to rationalize, why were you sparing his feelings?
“No, you don’t. I owe you, if anything.” Ghost replied.
“Really? You owe me now?” You asked.
“Yes, don’t get used to that now.” Ghost scoffed.
“Okay, do one thing for me then.” You smirked.
“Already? It better not be stupid.”
“How’d you cut the meat so cleanly?”
Ghost paused, “That’s it?”
“Answer the question.”
Ghost took a deep breath, “I was a butcher.”
“I only owe you one. And it’s been repaid.”
“No buts, let’s just figure this shit out.” Ghost interrupted.
“Figure what out, exactly?” You asked.
“How we’re gonna find our team.” Ghost stated.
Our Team.
The both of us.
You smiled again, and looked him in the eyes, “Of course."
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Movie Night
Part Three of Two Hearts by the Ocean
Javier Gutierrez x Abigail (plus size OFC)
This part is for teens and up - rating will depend on individual parts. Overall will be 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 2.3k
Summary: Watching movies with Javier calms Abigail and they’re both able to enjoy each other’s company. However, a shadow looms on the horizon.
Warnings: two cinnamon rolls, possible Nic Cage movie overload, one kiss, mentions of harm to women and threats
Notes: We’re at chapter three and we got one kiss! 😘 They’re adorable. We’re setting a few things up also just having fun. Don’t worry too much about the tags yet. 👀 There’s a reason I’ve kept the overall rating 18+ and keep doing it individually. Special thanks to @angelofsmalldeath-codeine for helping with translations. I feel like I always pick the wrong version of the word. 🙃 It’s one of many goals this year.
Dividers are by the ever talented @saradika-graphics
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If you’d told Abigail that she was going to meet a handsome man and be watching movies with him, she would have called you insane or told you that she’s watching movies in bed and those are the only handsome men she was seeing as of late. She also would have laughed very hard to hear that the same man had a compound and a private beach with his own movie theater inside his home. She sat on the couch with Javier, wearing yellow fuzzy socks that a maid had brought her in addition to some hot chocolate to go with her cake. She thanked the woman who gave her a quizzical look, and held her hand out. Javi explained it was to put their phones in a basket on the bookshelf so the blue light from the phones wouldn’t disturb the picture from the big screen. Abigail still wondered about the look the maid gave her and put it quickly out of her mind as the movie started. While watching, she laughed and pointed out that she recognized some of the actors and actresses from other shows. She became quiet again, realizing that it's a movie, you're not supposed to talk during a movie.
Javier was delighted to finally have someone else to watch movies with. It’s been months since Gabriella left and she had been his only friend in the home. Not that he didn’t have occasional lady friends over, but they were more interested in party boy Javier and not cinephile Javier. He answered Abby’s questions and listened to her comments which despite the movie playing, he didn’t mind because she was engaged and though her movie knowledge paled in comparison to his, it was fun hearing what she had to say. Slowly over the course of the first movie, he’d been able to inch closer to her. Javi even took a piece of her chocolate cake and she offered him a second one to which they split two more pieces. At the end of the first move, his knee was touching hers as they sat together and discussed if either of them had ever had a marmalade sandwich.
“I think it is only for Paddington, no? I may have some marmalade on toast or a roll but not just in a sandwich.” Javier chuckled. Abby nodded as she set the plate on the table before them next to her mug which she had finished quite a while ago.
“Yeah. I’ve only had jam or jelly and maybe some preserves on baked goods. Never marmalade. I enjoyed the movie a lot more than I thought I would. I wasn’t quite sure what I was expecting though.” She smiled and Javi returned it. He suggested that they could go for a short walk to stretch their legs before watching the second movie.
“Well if you enjoyed this one my dear Abigail, you will love Paddington two. I guarantee it.” Javier opened a patio door off the hallway just outside of the theater and they walked out together after putting their shoes back on. There was a small path next to the house that ran along a hill above the beach. The view was breathtaking. The water reflected the crimson, mustard and orange with dashes of pinks that dotted the sky. The pair stood as they watched the sky and Abby reached for Javier’s hand while looking at him, almost believing that he wouldn’t take it. He did not, opting to put an arm around her shoulders as they continued to watch the sun dip behind the ocean. It was a moment that she was content remaining in for hours. Javier’s arm around her as they watched the sun dip beyond the horizon. Her arm found its way around his back and settled on his hip. She was still nervous about touching the man and him touching her, but he was rather disarming. Or would one say inviting? His entire presence seemed to draw her in and whisper that it’s fine to touch, hold, and hug. More than even that aspect, was the sense of tranquility she sensed from him.
Javier was glad to note that Abigail appeared to feel safe in being in his home. He was concerned when he picked her up, but thankfully it worked out. She’s the first person in a while that he’s had a connection with over his interests. He wondered how he could make the most of her time here, in addition to figuring out the budget and such for the estate, he wanted to keep her close. His cousin wanted him to spend money to help wash ‘donations’ they received for their services. Things that Javier had a vague idea of what his cousin did but didn’t want to know the details. It was better he didn’t know. He couldn’t think of a better way to spend the money he’s supposed to then taking Abby out to see the island, he would ask if she wanted to. He was tempted to kiss her cheek, but decided against it as they hadn’t seen the second movie and he didn’t want her to think that it was the reason why he invited her to his home. Though her complement of his body had made him feel proud and fueled some other thoughts that would be pushed aside for now.
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The pair went back inside and settled back onto the couch, only this time, Abigail sat right next to Javi and took hold of his hand. She liked the feeling of her small hand in his, plus it was warm like the rest of him. After they confirmed that they were comfortable, the second Paddington movie began. There were laughs, a few tears, several gasps and by the end after becoming fully engrossed in the film, both Javier and Abigail stood and cheered for the little bear coming out of his coma to be reunited with his family and his Aunt Lucy. Their palms were pressed together, swaying back and forth as they looked at the screen, the credits starting to roll. Abby and Javi were laughing, first at the movie’s ending and then at each other. It was a tad absurd that two adults were cheering this hard to a kids move some would say, but that’s what made it so much fun. To engage the part you may still have of yourself not jaded by the life lived. As their movements slowed to a stop, Abby didn’t let go of Javi’s hands as he expected.
“I take it you liked the movie Abby?” Javier asked with his trademark wide smile. He was well aware of the answer, but he wasn’t sure what else to say. Abby giggled and looked down at her yellow socks then back up at Javier. The day started out a bit tenuous but the afternoon and evening had been perfect. She tried something that had Javi’s lips form a small ‘o’ and lifted his left hand, kissing the back of it. Certainly not the kiss Javi had in mind, and it seemed more intimate as the warmth from her lips lingered on his skin.
“I did. Very much so. Thank you so much Javi. This is the most fun I’ve had in quite a long time.” Her smile had him move forward and close the short gap between them. Javier made sure to be wary of her body language for it seemed like she’d opened up to him a bit more. He thought of kissing her lips again, but finally kissed her cheek, his mustache and stubble from his beard grazed her skin and she released a quiet sigh. “I...um…should we…” Her voice was barely above a whisper, Abigail wasn’t exactly sure what she might say next. She was certain she didn’t come to his home just for such advances. They weren’t unwelcome, actually, much too welcome. She reminded herself that she’s supposed to be having fun and she’s going to see him later. Nothing needs to happen right now. Is she even wearing the right underwear for that?
Javier swallowed the thought first, pushing it back down. “We can watch one of Mr. Cage’s movies. I have all of them. I happen to be a very big fan of his. “ Their eyes met again and he knew he should sit back down, if he continued to stand with her, he would pull her over to the couch and that’s not been discussed at all, at least aloud. Via eyes and body language, however, they were loud and clear. Abigail walked to the couch first while still holding Javier’s hand and he followed her, though she didn’t pull him down. He sat next to her and they began watching ‘National Treasure,’ the frantic fun energy was replaced by a simmering heat between them.
The night rolled on as the movies continued. After ‘National Treasure’ the pair watched ‘Con Air,’ ‘Ghost Rider,’ and ‘The Sorcerer's Apprentice.”Though, by the last movie, both were nodding off on the couch, Javi’s head was on Abby’s shoulder and they were still holding hands as their eyes became heavier. By the time either of them woke up, they’d been asleep for a few hours, both with sore necks from the sleeping positions. Javi woke first and was worried that she was gone, except he felt his hand first and then looked up seeing her neutral sleeping face. They were still holding hands even while they slept, the wide grin on his face expressed his feelings on the matter.
“Mi diosa linda. Soy tan afortunado de despertarme a tu lado (My beautiful goddess. I am lucky to wake up to you).” He’s careful to move as he sits up and does not disturb her yet. He’s going to need to wake her but not yet. Just a little longer. If the moment could last a bit more.
“Ah-choo!” Abigail’s body jerks with her sneeze and she jolts awake. Her eyes blink as she looks around the room, her eyes adjusting to the light. She looks at Javi who’s holding in a laugh at her expense. She uses her shoulder and give him a gentle nudge to which he releases a roar of a laugh, she does as well and wonders how long they were asleep. There weren’t any clocks in the movie theater. No extra lights to allow for the best picture on the screen. “I’m glad I made you laugh, Javi. What time is it though?”
“I am not sure. I will go check, stay here and warm up a bit.” He stood and put a throw blanket over her legs, she pulled it closer and spread it out. “Did you want some tea? Um…” Javi thought carefully about how to ask, and decided it would be best to just say it. “Abigail. You don’t have to leave, You can stay the night. It is much too dark to drive the golf cart. We would not be staying in the same room. I can have a room made ready for you to use. Not just for tonight.” Javier placed a hand on the back of the couch and sat back down briefly, making sure to keep eye contact as he spoke. He was sincere and maybe she didn’t need to know that he already had a room ready. He could have also left out the part about it being not only for one night but he’s already said it. Not that he would ask her to stay longer if she didn’t want to. He would make sure she made it back to her resort safely.
Abigail was elated to hear that he wanted her to stay. She didn’t want to go, who would? If she can stay in whatever fever dream this was a little longer, she would take the opportunity. She pecked his cheek and nodded. “I’m happy you want me to stay, Javi. I kinda didn’t want to go. Not yet anyway. I should come with you. That way if you want tea or something else, you won't have to make trips or try carrying it by yourself.” Javier shook his head and insisted that she remain here, Abby sighed and agreed but did ask for her phone so she could text her friends and let them know that she’s alright, she’s just out for the night. She will be back tomorrow afternoon.
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Javier happily made his way to the kitchen and proceeded to make some tea, though he’d forgotten to ask what tea Abby might like. He went with peppermint for the both of them and two spoons of honey in hers. She appeared to be a fan of sweets. The maid who’d brought the socks and snack entered the kitchen and greeted Javi. She asked if his lady friend was still here and he replied that she was. The maid nodded and informed him that his cousin may be back tomorrow or the following day. It depends when he finishes whatever business they had to take care of in Greece, for her safety, it would be best if she left tomorrow.
“For the record señor Gutierrez, she appears like a kind woman. Your cousin and his associates seem to like to harm such women. You’ll also need to increase your spending again. He’s been keeping watch. I… Lo siento, señor (I am sorry sir).” This particular maid was older and had been with Javier and his cousin Lucas since they bought the compound about five years ago. She’d trained many of the other maids that had come and gone, as such, Lucas had given his goons instructions to not bother her, though they did know where her son and daughter were and their families so she kept Lucas abreast of Javier’s activities when he was away.
“Tia Lupe, gracias cómo siempre (Thank you, always).” Javier said softly before kissing her a peck on the cheek and adding a spoon of honey to his tea as well. He’d need something sweet for the update he’d been given.
Part two. Part Four
Peeps who will watch the sunset 🌅 and a movie marathon:
@innerpersonunknown @trulybetty @tinytinymenace @maggiemayhemnj @megamindsecretlair @grogusmum @secretelephanttattoo @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @morallyinept @lady-bess @readingiskeepingmegoing @gwendibleywrites @avastrasposts @bitchwitch1981 @missladym1981 @anoverwhelmingdin
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btheleaf · 3 months
Writing promt. Pema’s first birthday with the acolytes.
Read it on ao3
Koshe tapped her pen against her journal, lost in thought. She had already flipped through the pages to see if she had accidentally put the information she was looking for elsewhere but found nothing.
She had been surprised to see that Pema's arrival date was one year ago today according to her notes, she figured her memory must not be as bad as she thought, but couldn't for the life of her understand how Pema had been here for a whole year and she hadn't written down her birthday. She flipped through some of the pages just to confirm that she had been writing down the birth dates of the other acolytes. Everyone else she knew for more than a few months had the information scribbled by their name.
Pema knew her birthday. The girl had even baked her a small sweet cake and refused to eat any of it, insisting that it was all for her.
She closed the journal and went to go find her. It took a few tries, the girl liked to squirrel herself away in places where no one would find her. It was a habit they were trying to break her out of. Koshe checked all of the usual spots and couldn't find her. She scratched her head and moved to the common areas to ask around if anyone had seen her.
Pema sat at one of the low tables eating an apple with a large book open before her. Koshe smiled, seeing the efforts of breaking two bad habits were paying off. It had taken nearly the full year since she arrived to convince her that the open door policy in the kitchen was there for a reason. No one had to go hungry among the acolytes, and the girl honestly needed to eat more. Koshe sat down next to her.
Pema glanced up and smiled but kept reading. Koshe kept quiet, knowing if she tried to interrupt her now, the apple would go to the wayside, and she would be upset that she couldn't finish her chapter. She shifted behind her and began to braid her long hair. She could tell Pema was trying not to laugh but held her resolve and kept reading and snacking. Eventually, the apple was nothing but a core, and she closed the book. Koshe finished up the intricate braid and Pema reached back to feel what she'd done as she settled next to her again.
"Did you know you've been here for a year?" she asked.
Pema smiled widely. "No. Has it really been a whole year?"
Koshe nodded. "I have a problem, though."
"What it is?" Pema reached for her hand.
"I don't know when your birthday is."
She seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. Koshe gave her all the time she needed, content to sit with her while she worked through whatever it was she was thinking about.
"It's in the winter... or... maybe the spring?"
Koshe did her best not to frown. This poor child. It was summer now. "I missed it then. Give me a date so I can write it down for next year."
Pema scoffed. "But I don't know when it is."
"Pick a day. It'll be all yours. Whenever you want."
She shook her head after another moment of thought. "You pick a day."
Now it was Koshe's turn to laugh. "Dear, I'm not going to pick your birthday for you."
Pema ducked her head in embarrassment. "I don't know, Koshe. I think I remember getting a stuffed badgermole once. It was kind of cold outside, but there was no snow."
Koshe reached out to rub comforting circles on her back. "How about today? The day you got here?"
"The day I became an acolyte. The day I met you." Pema smiled.
Koshe's heart soared. She loved seeing Pema smile. "Today it is. Happy birthday, my sweet Pema."
Pema's lip quivered as she tried to keep the smile going. She reached up to wipe a tear from her eye. "Thank you."
Her arms wrapped around Koshe's shoulders quickly. She hugged her back in a firm hold.
"How old are you?"
"Uhm. Sixteen?"
Koshe kept holding her. "Do you know what year you were born?"
She nodded and was quiet for another moment. "Okay. Actually, I'm seventeen."
"Happy seventeenth birthday, Pema."
Pema started to shake, and Koshe continued to hold her. A few deep breaths later, she calmed down and pulled back.
"What do people do on their birthdays?" she asked as she wiped the fresh tears off her face.
"Whatever they want."
Pema thought for another long moment. "Want to go see if we can get away with raiding the chocolate stores?" she asked mischievously.
Koshe nodded. "I'll distract Liten. You sneak by and get something for us."
Pema grabbed her hand and stood, pulling her along in the direction of the pantry.
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theaceace · 7 months
A while ago I decided that my ideal Good Omens/Sandman crossover involved Lucifer giving the key to Hell to Adam instead of Dream during Season of Mists, and what the fallout of that might be. I don't think I'll ever manage to finish it, but here's the theoretical first chapter
The first thing any of Them knew about it was the fact that there were no mugs in the sink. This was not at all a common occurrence; despite Wensleydale’s fastidiousness, Brian's refusal to drink from anything other than directly from the milk bottle, and Pepper’s insistence on ‘supporting local businesses near campus’1, there was usually a precarious mountain of tea-stained mugs stacked up in monument to Adam's unfortunate sleeping habits. To anyone else, under normal circumstances, this might have been considered a good – even miraculous – change.
All of Them had come to develop a very healthy suspicion of both normal circumstances and miraculous changes.
“That's weird, right?” Brian said, balancing on one leg to idly scratch at his calf with his other foot. “I mean, it's not just me that thinks that's weird?” Pepper, who had thrown open the cupboards to check that the mugs were still in the land of the living, and hadn't been smashed or otherwise disappeared in a fit of pique or supernatural intervention, made a little uh-hm noise.
“It's definitely weird,” she agreed, staring at the cupboard, which was precisely as full and disordered as it ought to be. “But that doesn't mean it's, y’know, weird-weird. It could be normally weird.”
“Did anyone hear Adam get in last night?” Wensleydale asked, which was a very sensible question that neither Pepper nor Brian had thought to ask.
“He was still out when I went to bed,” Brian said, glancing at Pepper.
“He said he was going to the library,” she said, frowning. Wensleydale nodded thoughtfully.
“It is open twenty-four seven,” he mused. “Adam might still be there. Maybe he fell asleep in one of the quiet study rooms?”
It wasn't impossible, they all silently agreed, glancing around at one another. Who among them hadn't lost track of time in the unchanging fluorescent glow, only to wake up some absurd number of hours later with a pen stuck to their cheek and an embarrassingly large puddle of drool forming on the table2?
“Okay, well, I'll just call him,” Pepper said decisively after a moment. 
“His phone’ll be on silent,” Brian pointed out.
“Still,” Wensleydale said. “If it's on vibrate he might notice it. And even if it's not, he'll see it when he looks at his phone next. Go ahead, Pepper.”
“Already on it,” she said, and indeed her thumbs were flying over her phone. She tapped the button to put it on speaker, and held the phone in the centre of the circle of Them with an odd reverence. Together, they watched Adam's name and number flashed across the screen as the phone began to ring, before it cut itself abruptly off.
“I’m sorry,” started the robotic message, “the number you have dialled cannot be reached at this time. Please try again later.” The message cut off with a cheerful beep. A moment later, Pepper’s phone, rather less cheerfully, burst into flames. She dropped it onto the tiled kitchen floor, where it went right on blazing.
All three of the remaining Them stared at it in horror.
“Right,” said Pepper faintly.
“I think that might be weird-weird,” Brian agreed, a shade more faintly. Wensleydale, being the only one of Them who was not only concerned that Pepper’s phone was on fire, but also that her phone was on fire, started swatting at it ineffectually with a tea towel. 
“OK,” Pepper said, gathering herself, “Brian, give me your phone.”
“What? Hang on, I only got this last month! You can't go around seeing if that'll set other people's phones on fire just because yours spontaneously combusted, Pep, that's not fair.” Pepper, being somewhat more nimble, and considerably less indignant than Brian, used this opportunity to lean over and pluck his phone from the depths of his hoodie pocket. “Hey!”
“Here's what we're going to do,” Pepper said decisively.  In Adam's absence,  one of Them had to be the one making the decisions, and that one might as well be her. “You two are going to go to the library and check there, just in case. Maybe this is… coincidental weird-weirdness. Call me when you get there, let me know if you find anything.”
“And what about you? What are you going to do?” Wensleydale asked, giving up the tea towel as a bad job, and accepting the fact that the phone seemed to be burning itself out quite nicely on its own.
“I'm going to ask around, and email in sick for all of us,” Pepper said. “Maybe one of Adam's other friends saw something, or heard something, or… y’know,  something. Wens, call Mr. Young – he likes you the best, he'll be happy to speak to you, but don't let on just yet what's happening.”
“What is happening?” Brian asked, a little helplessly. Rather than admitting she had no more idea than any of the rest of Them, Pepper just shook her head darkly.
“Nothing good,” she muttered. “OK. Alright. Meet back here at, say, half eleven? If we haven't found anything before then, I mean.” Brian and Wensleydale both nodded, looking a little peaky, and glanced at each other. Wensleydale swallowed, and piped up with the question that was troubling them both. 
“And what do we do then, if we haven't found anything?” 
“Then,” Pepper said, with all the grim determination of a General sending her troops to their certain deaths, “we call the Witch.”
The first thing Anathema knew about it was that she picked up a stack of old magazines to throw away, only for a sheet of old parchment to flutter lazily out and come to rest on her shoes. She wasn't sure where old Agnes had ended up after her explosive exit from this mortal coil, so she glared first at the ceiling and then at the floor for good measure.
“I burnt that book for a reason,” she sternly told the page. The page, naturally, did not reply.
Anathema stared at it for a few long seconds, dithering. She wasn't a person predisposed to dithering, but had found in the last couple of years that it was nice to indulge oneself in a change of pace, from time to time. Still, having no natural talent for it, and being far more inclined to action anyway, she only allowed this for a brief time, before snatching up the page and casting a curious eye over it.
“Oh,” she said, swiftly followed by, “hm.” 
Then, “right.” 
A few seconds later, “what?” 
And, with hardly a pause for breath, “I see.”
Before finally, “oh. Oh dear.”
In the next room, from its perch on the coffee table, her phone started to ring.
(Halfway across the country, the first thing Constantine knew about it was that the demon she was attempting to banish back to the bowels of Hell laughed in her face. It stopped laughing with gratifying speed at the first splash of holy water, but it was enough to set her thinking.
Thinking, however, could wait until she'd downed roughly half her weight of Robbie's Secret Whisky Stash, and fallen face-first onto her sofa for the next sixty hours or so. 
Which was exactly what she did.)
The first thing Aziraphale knew about it – though he wouldn't realise such for a few days yet – was the abrupt interruption of his quarterly book club3.
He'd been enjoying a rather excellent cup of lapsang souchong in companionable silence, a collection of poems that Oscar had enthused about but never committed to paper propped open in front of him, when the summons arrived.
“Lucienne. I must speak with you. Meet me in the throne room as soon as is convenient.” A momentary pause. “Please.”
On the other side of the room, primly seated on a velvet sofa, Lucienne, librarian of the Dreaming, quite deliberately did not sigh. She hardly had to – her silence spoke volumes. Marking her page with a delicate silver bookmark, she set the book to one side and stood, brushing at her immaculate waistcoat.
“I am so sorry,” she said, unsmiling but warm around the eyes. “I hate to cut this short, but –”
“Not at all, not at all,” Aziraphale replied, waving a hand and offering her as understanding a smile as he could muster4. He did, after all, have some notion of what it was like to work for an entity vastly more powerful than oneself, towards a cause that one broadly believed in but did occasionally cut into one's leisure time. “I gather it must be something frightfully important – you know, I'm not sure I've ever heard Lord Morpheus make such a polite request?”
That did bring a smile to his companion's face, small and conspiratorial, though still unflinchingly professional.
“As a matter of fact, since our Lord's return and his latest… trials, he has been making a considerable effort to show his appreciation to myself and the other residents of the Dreaming. Please don't misunderstand me, Lord Morpheus has always valued our work, but –”
Aziraphale nodded as she trailed off.
“He has, perhaps, come to realise that expressing his appreciation may be beneficial to both the work and morale,” he suggested. He didn't remember such tactics ever being successfully applied in Heaven, but they had worked a treat on dear young Warlock. It had been difficult on the poor boy, of course, to have positive reinforcement applied by two very different entities in completely opposing directions, but he had appeared to cope well enough with the confusion. Children were remarkably resilient that way.
“Exactly,” Lucienne agreed, apparently relieved that he understood. “You'll have to excuse me – of course, you're free to remain in the library as long as you like, and if there's anything else you need, just let the library know and one of the palace staff should be sent along to assist.” 
So what could Aziraphale do but hum and thank her, before finishing his cup of tea and taking his leave of the Dreaming, after which he failed to give the incident a single thought more for several days?
Well. There were, perhaps, many things he could have done – but, crucially, he did none of them, and so such hypotheticals really don't matter very much in the grand scheme of things, do they?
And the first thing Crowley knew about it was the shrill ring of Aziraphale’s landline jolting him out of a very pleasant nap.
“Whozzit?” He muttered from his place face-down on the sofa. “‘m gonna kill’m.”
“Oh, you'll do no such thing,” Aziraphale scolded as he bustled over to the phone. “It's barely midday, it's a perfectly reasonable time to call. Hello? A Z Fell and Co rare books, I'm afraid we're very much closed for the rest of – oh! Well hello dear girl! How lovely to hear from you – you know, I was just saying to Crowley the other day, we –”
“Who is it?” Crowley repeated, this time managing to include enough syllables to make it three clear and distinct words. Not that it seemed to matter to Aziraphale, who made a complicated but ultimately meaningless hand gesture towards him but otherwise didn't answer. 
“Yes of course I'm free to talk; anytime you need Anathema, you know that.” Which did at least answer Crowley's question. He blew out a noisy sigh and closed his eyes again. Might as well try to get a few more hours’ kip. Those two could natter like fishwives when they got into the swing of it.
“Adam? No, not since he popped ‘round last month during his reading week for a visit. Why do you –”
Aziraphale paused, and the silence stretched long enough that Crowley peeled his eyes back open. The angel had gone very, very pale, and the hand that gripped the phone was white-knuckled. Crowley frowned and pushed himself upright.
“You're quite sure?” Aziraphale asked faintly. Crowley's brows leapt up towards his hairline. “No, we haven't heard anything. Do his parents –?”
Slow and sinuous, Crowley unfurled himself from the sofa and inched towards Aziraphale, who appeared on the verge of shaking. It was, he had to admit, a little alarming to see. A chair that hadn't been behind the angel until a few moments ago5 let out a faint wumpf as he pushed Aziraphale down to sit on it. This close, he could hear the tinny echo of Anathema’s voice, but couldn't quite make out the individual words.
“We certainly haven't felt anything,” Aziraphale said. His free hand had curled around the arm of the chair – Crowley unpeeled his fingers and offered up his own hand as a sacrifice in place of the upholstery. “Neither of us get any word from, ah, the head offices anymore, as it were, but I haven't heard anything through any other channels, not that many of them keep in close touch these days. I don't suppose Agnes –?”
He paused to listen to her agitated response, lips pressed together. Crowley rubbed his thumb against the back of his knuckles, in the vain hope he might relax his grip a little. The little bones in his hand were in imminent danger of collision.
“Yes, yes, tell me now – I'll remember,” Aziraphale said with all the solemnity of a true vow. The tinny little echo of Anathema's voice came again, this time in a distinct rhythm that Crowley usually associated with poetry or prayer. Aziraphale nodded along, his brow furrowing the longer she went on, his own mouth shaping the occasional word as she went. 
Crowley, meanwhile, was starting to get a headache.
“No, of course, of course, I'll let you know the moment I think of something,” Aziraphale said, which perhaps wasn't the hastiest promise he'd ever made to the witch, but did still make Crowley's skin itch vaguely. “Yes – he's right here, would you like to speak to him?”
Ignoring Crowley's increasingly frantic head shaking, Aziraphale handed the phone over. Crowley grimaced, weighed up the pros and cons of just hanging up (pros: it would be rude, which as a demon was something he was rather fond of being. Cons: it would be rude, which would upset Aziraphale, who was already looking remarkably distressed. Also, he may not get to find out what was going on), before accepting both the inevitable and the phone.
“Yeah?” He said, trying his best to sound like he didn't give a single damn about whatever Anathema had to say. Anathema, who was very used to this by now, and swiftly climbing the ranks of living people well-equipped to both see through and handle Anthony J Crowley, did not bother mincing her words.
“Adam's missing. Last seen yesterday evening, as best we can tell. His friends are looking for him the human way and running interference with the university and his parents, in case it's something… esoteric. Also, I have a new prophecy from Agnes that I think is about him, but I haven't quite managed to figure it out just yet. I thought you might know something.”
Crowley's blood ran cold. Well. Colder.
Most of Crowley's knowledge about what to do to find a missing human was both theoretical and gleaned from procedural police dramas, and he suspected that the angel's wasn't much better, except that he could likely replace procedural police dramas with Agatha Christie first editions. They hadn't even managed to find the right antichrist until the day of the apocalypse, and he hadn't technically been missing.
“He's definitely disappeared?” He tried, perhaps a little desperately. “He hasn't, er, just wandered off for a bit and forgot to text?” That was a thing, wasn't it? You had to wait for a day or two before you could call someone missing, if they were an adult doing their own thing. He was fairly sure that was a thing.
“Pepper says that he didn't go back to their accommodation last night, and all of his notes and books were still at the library. She thinks he must have his bag and his phone on him, but no-one’s been able to get through to him.” Anathema sounded harried, and the sharpness of her tone set something bristling in Crowley, before he forced himself calm again. Aziraphale was hurriedly scrawling something on a scrap of paper, so fast that the ink flew and dotted his hands and sleeves.
“So do they think he was – what, grabbed?” Crowley tried to imagine the sort of thing that would be capable of grabbing Adam if he didn't want to be grabbed, and succeeded only in feeling vaguely ill.
“No, but they think he must have left in a hurry and none of them know why, or why he wouldn't have contacted somebody.” The somebody like you went unsaid but very clearly implied. 
“He didn't leave the stove on, I'm guessing?” Crowley asked hopelessly. Anathema did him the grace of ignoring that.
The problem, Crowley decided, was that there were simply too many places that Adam could have buggered off to to even begin narrowing the list down. He wouldn't know where to start. He wouldn't know how to start. There were very few places in the universe that Adam couldn't get into, if he put his mind to it. Heaven, he supposed, but that seemed very unlikely given that Adam's opinion of Heaven as a concept was ambivalent at best, and outright scornful at worst (Crowley was oddly proud of that, considering he'd had almost nothing to do with it).
“Fine. Well, did they find anything with his stuff at the library? A lingering smell of sulphur, a stray feather from, oh as a random example, an angel's wing? A helpful note detailing exactly where he was going and how long he might be gone for? A circle of runes burnt into the nearest flat surface large enough to walk through?”
“Oh yes, how silly of me, I completely forgot to mention the ransom note of newspaper clippings,” Anathema replied, so lightly that it managed to loop back around to scathing. “No, of course there wasn't anything there.”
Crowley dragged in a breath, and let it out so gustily that he almost missed the little um that came down the line.
“Um. Well, actually.  Now that you mention it. Pepper did say that when she tried to call him, her phone sort of. Caught fire?”
Crowley blinked, which was something he didn't do often, and always felt a little bit weird about.
“It what?”
“Caught fire.”
“S’what I hoped you hadn't said.”
“Mhm. Shit?”
“Yeah,” he agreed, and his laugh was so far from humour that he suspected it wouldn't even be visible as a little dot on the horizon. “Couldn't have put it better myself.”
The first thing Crowley did after hanging up was try to phone Adam himself. It was lucky that angels, and those originally of angel-stock, had a good head for remembering numbers,  though in this case it was made simpler by the fact that Adam had thought it was funny that every mobile number he'd had since he'd been gifted his first phone aged thirteen had ended with 666. He dialled quickly, and held his unnecessary breath as the phone began to ring. He glared down at the ancient landline, silently daring it to try anything so silly as bursting into flames. Whether because it feared a fate worse than fiery death, or just because it had no more reason to than at any other time it had been used, the phone did nothing more than ring. It then rang several more times, before a detachedly cheerful voice implored him to leave a voicemail.
Was that a good sign? Crowley honestly wasn't sure at this point. He made a note of it anyway, just in case.
Aziraphale groaned from his spot at his desk, and dropped his head into his hands.
“What?” Crowley asked. “What did Agnes have to say about all this?”
Aziraphale groaned again.
“Well that's half the problem,” he said. “Without any context it's almost impossible to be sure. Trying to decipher a prophecy before it's come to pass is like trying to derive meaning from –”
“From one particular needle in a stack full of other, identical and maybe just as important needles?”
“Well. Yes, now that you mention it,” Aziraphale turned to face him, wide eyed. “I just don't understand! There's been nothing for years, no movement from either side, no interest in Adam whatsoever. What could have possibly changed, and without either of us noticing?”
“I mean, are we sure it was Heaven or Hell? There's lots of other things out there that might be interested in the antichrist.” Not many that would be capable of hiding themselves from both an angel and a demon, and vanishingly few that would also be capable of persuading Adam to go with them. Unless he wanted to, of course, but Crowley was trying not to think about that too much. Would it be the better outcome for everyone involved? Possibly, but he wasn't willing to bet on it. Certainly not when he would be betting Adam's life, or mind, or general wellbeing6.
“But surely we still would have heard something. I know neither of us keep up with the latest news bulletins, but I hardly think any plans of this sort of scale would be quiet.”
It was a fair point. They each had their contacts among the various communities on this and a few other planes of existence. Not that either of them got out much these days, but it didn't take too much effort to send a letter here, or listen to an ominous whisper there. But, as Aziraphale had quite rightly pointed out, there had been nothing.
“Right, and I'm guessing you haven't accidentally been sent any golden post-its?”
Aziraphale shot him a look so withering that Crowley suspected it may have been used as a weapon of righteous smiting a time or two, back in the day.
“Of course not! I don't hear from Heaven any more than you do from Hell. Less, I should imagine. It's not as though my lot ever thought to take out advertising space in the middle of your new radio plays with the fancy name, or start keeping in touch via electronic mail.”
Resisting the urge to point out that they’re podcasts angel, not radio plays, we've been over this and I know you remember what they're called, I know you're doing this to me on purpose, because Aziraphale had, once again, made a very good point. Even if he wasn't aware of it.
"Huh. Yeah. Hang on – maybe Hell sent something out. Lemme check."
Crowley wove his way around the piles of books in a fashion that probably would have looked hurried on anyone else, but on him looked mostly like the room had rearranged itself to minimise the number of steps required to get to the door of Aziraphale's office.
"Let you check? Check what, Crowley, I didn't think you were, ah – what's the phrase? Connected to Hell's net-works anymore." 
Perhaps one day Aziraphale would manage to drag himself into something resembling the twenty-first century, Crowley mused glumly. If the off-white plastic box humbly masquerading as a computer on his other desk were any indication, it wouldn't be before the world once again tried to off itself. He tapped the enter key impatiently a few times until the screen lit up, something that came as a terrible shock to the computer – which was, until that very moment, both switched off and unplugged. Crowley, who had never plugged in a single appliance in his life and didn't intend to start now, hadn't bothered to check. 
Brilliant things, computers – except for when they weren't.
Despite its age, the computer in question had a healthy appetite for its continued existence, and so at Crowley's impatient prompting, navigated itself to Gmail without any of the ponderous delays it usually employed. Aziraphale was particularly forgiving of ponderous delays, as they provided an ample excuse to refill his mug of tea. Somehow, it suspected the irate demon wiggling the mouse wouldn't be quite as keen on a page that loaded just slowly enough to pop the kettle on.
The thing about Hell was that they wanted to give the impression that they were always aware of your every move, no matter what plane of existence you happened to be residing in at the time. It wasn’t true, of course – Crowley knew that better than almost anyone – but that didn't stop them putting in a reasonable amount of effort to maintain the illusion. Mostly it was just a bit of a hassle, but at times it could come in handy. 
Like now, for instance. Hell wanted its agents on Earth to feel just as surveilled as the poor buggers still Down There, so as well as just butting into whatever you happened to be watching or listening to anytime they wanted your attention, they'd also made sure you could access every one of your emails, memos, and warnings from any service provider anywhere in any world. A bit unnerving, perhaps, but useful for any demon willing to get a bit creative7.
It was also a relatively impressive feat, given that Hell itself had only just managed to install dial-up a couple of years immediately prior to the world not-ending. Crowley'd only stuck his head in once or twice in that time, but the noise had been God… had been Satan…
It had been Someone-awful.
"Mm, I'm not, technically," Crowley replied, stabbing at the keyboard.
There was no technically about it. Crowley had been removed from Hell's mailing list, so to speak. His account had been wiped out, and it was mostly luck, a few miracles here and there, and currying favour with the then-pre-teen antichrist8 that had kept him from being wiped out right alongside it. 
It was, then, fortunate that every demon in Hell had been assigned a username with the same standard formula (rank, hyphen, circle of Hell, hyphen, name) as well as the same password (HailSatan123!, no hyphens). It was also quite fortunate that Crowley was the only one capable of figuring out how to change the password9. He'd been keeping tabs on Hastur's account since the Apocalypse-that-wasn't; partly to stay in the loop, and partly to laugh at the ongoing chain between Hastur and Dagon as they argued over who would get to claim the soul of, as they put it, 'that Nigerian prince feller'.
The computer, having a better sense of self-preservation than most of the human race, accepted both username and password with remarkable speed, and only one single pop-up box that politely enquired if the user might like to save their password for their own convenience and improved experience in the future? At Crowley's pointed handwave, the box promptly vanished, and he was – as the hackers said – in.
It was tempting, as it always was, to take the time to sift through the near-countless unread emails to find something fun. The latest update in the exchange with Dagon (the subject line of which now had too many Re:s to be readable, but no doubt chronicled precisely how close they each were to securing the soul of the next in line to the Nigerian throne for their lord and master) was right there, bracketed by countless – pointless – memos from low-level imps, and a call for any last-minute rota swaps from Andromalius. Not that any swap requests would be entertained, much less honoured. Hard to swap shifts when you were always working, and utterly unable to escape.
"Well?" Aziraphale asked, having abandoned his heavenly patience at the door. Even the computer shuddered a little. Crowley, not to be outdone by a piece of hardware and also rather more certain of his place in Aziraphale's good graces, decidedly did not.
“Hold your bloody horses,” Crolwey muttered. “It's not like the idiot has any sort of organisational system. Or any sort of system at all, come to think of it.” He scrolled a little more, scanning in a way that he would never, under any circumstance, admit to being frantic. Aziraphale rested a hand soothingly on his shoulder, which he thought was a little rich, given the angel's reaction to Anathema's call.
In fact, his not-frantic scrolling was fast enough that at first, he glanced right past the innocuous little email that had been sent out to everyone from an email address that was, even to Crowley, incomprehensible, and whose subject line simply read: get out. He might have written it off as chain mail, of the sort that hadn't been seen anywhere except Hell for approximately ten years, and promised a grisly fate if one didn't send it on to at least twenty of one's dearest friends and family, were it not for the abiding sense of dread that filled him when he hovered the cursor over it10.
By definition, as a demon, Crowley wasn't meant to be put off by abiding senses of dread. In fact, he was meant to be not only drawn to senses of abiding dread, but also frequently responsible for them. 
Despite this, Crowley found himself hesitating long enough that Aziraphale noticed.
“Do you think that's–?” He asked, trailing off as Crowley swallowed hard and opened the email. They both read in silence11, the dawning horror of its contents creeping up on them rather like a spider in the shower – that was to say, a moment of peace before they truly registered just what they'd seen, followed by an immediate rejection of any reality where this could be allowed to happen, particularly while one was already in so vulnerable a state as nudity, or having just received word that the antichrist was, once again, missing.
“That,” Aziraphale started, before taking a shaky breath and trying again. “That does at least explain what Agnes was on about with that bit about the Tempest.” He cleared his throat, which did absolutely nothing to help the situation, and continued, “I should probably phone Anathema back. Be a dear, and pop the kettle on, won't you? I think I could do with a strong cup of tea.”
Crowley nodded distantly, and made no move to get up. In the kitchenette at the back of the shop, the kettle obediently clicked itself on, having assumed (rightly) that Crowley wasn't quite up to the trip just yet. Instead, he just stared at the screen through blurry eyes and tried to pretend this was all just a bad dream. 
Hell is empty, he thought morosely,  reading over the email that was, for all intents and purposes, an eviction notice, and all the devils are here.
Meanwhile, some six miles away as the raven flies12, a young man slouched his way into a pleasant London pub just in time to miss the lunch rush.
1 Here, the reader may wish to substitute ‘supporting local businesses’ with ‘attempting to flirt with a local barista over poorly-roasted coffee and soggy pastries’
2 Adam was the only one among Them that had never succumbed to the tempting lure of the library's sleepy clutches, a point all of Them were working hard to ignore
3 Though to call it a book club was, perhaps, a generous exaggeration. For the most part it was two like-minded individuals enjoying a cup of tea in mutual, silent appreciation. The occasional discussions regarding fine literature and unusual misprints were a pleasant addition rather than a requirement 
4 a more understanding smile had never before, nor since, been mustered
5 the chair in question was a rather hideous paisley, which left an unpleasant taste in Crowley's mouth but would serve to cheer the angel when he was again in a fit state to notice such things
6 And, by extension, lives, minds, and wellbeing of the rest of Creation
7 Crowley, exclusively 
8 A simple enough endeavour for Crowley, as there is very little difference between a pre-teen antichrist and a pre-teen human, and functionally no difference at all between a pre-teen human and a demon
9 As well as the only one that had managed to switch on the spam filter
10 Not to be confused with the generally abiding sense of dread felt while one was generally checking one's emails
11 Aziraphale just a touch faster than Crowley,  though the difference was so slight as to be effectively negligible 
12 Which is not quite as direct as the crow flies, particularly if the raven in question is new to the job and easily distracted (not to mention still unpracticed at flying against the wind) but still a sight more direct than a magpie making the same trip
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depressedhouseplant · 7 months
🔞 In Darkness I Found You 🔞
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Chapter 3
Tags: Smut! Come get your smut! Also sex slavery.
Yoongi came off bed rest after a month. He’d filled out and was even starting to show a little bit of a bump. Tae still insisted he take it easy. Hobi had temporarily switched to online consulting so he could stay home with Yoongi. At first Yoongi had told him not to change his life around on account of him. He’d lost that fight relatively quickly.
After the first night, simple kissing and scenting had progressed to heavy makeout sessions where Hobi would have to finish himself in the bathroom before they went to sleep. Yoongi apologized every time Hobi had to get up and finish himself, but Hobi insisted that the pup’s health came first and he’d do it that way until Yoongi had the pup if he had to.
“How do they know who the pup belongs to?” Hobi asked one night after he got back in bed.
“They do a paternity test and contact the Alpha when the pup is born,” Yoongi replied.
“So the Alpha pays, but has no idea if they got what they paid for?” Hobi asked. Yoongi was quiet for a moment. His hand went to his belly.
“Some of them don’t pay to breed,” he said.
“Say what?” Hobi asked.
“They pay to knot an Omega and if the Omega gets pregnant then they’ll pass the pup off to another Alpha who paid for the breeding services, but it didn’t take,” Yoongi tried to steady his voice. “At least if we were pregnant then we were out of the rotation.”
“There are Alphas who treat it like a brothel?” Hobi was also trying to stay calm.
“Yeah,” Yoongi breathed. “I think this pup belongs to one of them.”
Hobi held Yoongi as close to his chest as his bump would allow.
“By the time I escaped, almost none of the Alphas were looking for Breeders. They were looking for whores,” Yoongi said. “At first I was worried they’d miss this pup, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized around that time almost none of them actually wanted a pup. They just wanted an Omega to knot.”
“I want this pup,” Hobi said.
“What?” Yoongi looked up at him.
“I want this to be our pup,” he said. Two months ago Hobi hadn’t even thought he’d have a mate. Yoongi’s pup meant everything to him. Yoongi meant everything to Hobi.
“Are you asking me to be your mate?” Yoongi asked.
“I guess I am,” Hobi replied.
“I’d love to be your mate, Hobi,” Yoongi grinned. “And pup is happy to have you as its Alpha daddy.”
“The minute Tae says it’s safe…” Hobi kissed him.
“What about Tae?” Yoongi asked.
“At minimum, he wouldn’t let you go anywhere until he was confident you won’t lose the pup. I think he’s accepted you aren’t going anywhere, though,” Hobi kissed him again. He didn’t care if he had to finish himself in the bathroom for a second time. He needed to kiss Yoongi. He needed to kiss his future mate. He needed to kiss the Omega who had survived so much hardship and still believed in fairytales. Then Hobi smelled slick and felt Yoongi pawing at his top.
“No, it’s not safe,” he insisted.
“Then use your hand,” Yoongi said. “That should be safe.”
“Are you sure?” Hobi asked. Yoongi grabbed Hobi’s hand and put it between his legs.
“You tell me,” he replied. His hole was covered in slick and Yoongi whined when Hobi’s fingers grazed it.
“If this is what you really want,” Hobi said as he slid 3 fingers into Yoongi’s hole. He groaned.
“I want your knot, but I’ll take what I can get,” he’d wrapped his arms around Hobi’s neck and was grinding against Hobi’s fingers. Yoongi kissed him aggressively. Hobi held his hand still and let Yoongi fuck himself on his fingers. He’d been with an Omega all of twice. He had no idea what to do. Yoongi was going after Hobi like he was in heat even though he was pregnant. After all his shitty experiences with sex, Hobi was fine with it. His hand was dripping with slick and Yoongi had all but slobbered all over his face.
“Fuck, I’m close,” Yoongi gasped.
“Should I...do anything?” Hobi asked.
“Put another finger in,” Yoongi had tossed his head back and pushed his hips as far forward as they would go.
“Okay…” Hobi slid in a 4th finger and Yoongi started biting his lip to keep from crying out. He was fucking Hobi’s hand as hard as he could. Hobi felt him start to shake, then contract around his fingers. Yoongi had buried his face in Hobi’s neck and was trying to stay quiet. He was panting when he finished and Hobi withdrew his fingers. He wiped off his hand on a towel he’d tossed by the bed earlier.
“I can tell you right now my knot isn’t that big,” Hobi leaned his forehead on Yoongi’s.
“I’d be shocked if it were. Hands are a different feeling,” Yoongi told him.
“Do I want to know?” Hobi asked.
“There was one Alpha, long time ago, he couldn’t get it up, but refused to tell his mate. I think he didn’t like the idea of knotting anyone else. He was nice and he’d paid for the time, so he’d use his hands. He said I should at least get something out of it if he couldn’t. I wonder what happened to him a lot. He was one of the few who was actually nice. Maybe he and his mate got one of the abandoned pups,” Yoongi told him as he wiped himself down.
“I hope so, too,” Hobi agreed. Yoongi lied back down so the bump was in between them. They could still cuddle decently because the bump wasn’t huge. Yoongi liked to have the pup between them, though if he did roll over during the night, he’d still wake up with Hobi’s hands on his belly. Protecting him and what he’d declared was now their pup.
“I’m going to need to do an ultrasound,” Tae said at breakfast a few days later. “Both Yuna and I have some free time this afternoon. I want to make sure I was right about everything with the pup and it’s doing okay.”
“I have to go to the hospital?” Yoongi asked.
“Well, yes…” Tae started.
“No, I’m not going,” Yoongi shook his head vigorously. “I’m not going to a hospital again unless I’m absolutely going to die if I don’t.”
“Okay, it’s okay,” Hobi said, putting his hand on Yoongi’s knee. “Is there another option? Is there a portable machine?”
“We do have one. It’s not as good as the ones in the hospital, but it would get the job done,” Tae said. “I can see if Yuna is free later and if we can borrow the machine.”
Yoongi looked at Hobi wild eyed. Hobi hadn’t seen him look this stressed or scared since the night he brought him in the house.
“It’s for the pup. We need to make sure the pup is okay,” Hobi started grooming him.
“For the pup,” Yoongi repeated.
“I’ll check with Yuna and let you know as soon as I know,” Tae said.
“Okay,” Hobi replied. Yoongi’s breathing had started to speed up and he’d started to shake.
“Let’s go back to bed,” Hobi said. Yoongi nodded. He gave Tae a sympathetic nod as he helped Yoongi up and went to the bedroom. Hobi lied him down and cuddled up behind him and put his hands on Yoongi’s bump.
“Ultrasounds don’t hurt,” Hobi said.
“I know,” Yoongi whispered.
“Yuna and Tae will make it quick,” Hobi continued.
“You got ultrasounds every month, but they wouldn’t tell you anything. I didn’t even know how many pups I was carrying until I gave birth. I could tell if it was more than one, but nothing beyond that. The screen was faced so we couldn’t see it. The nurses weren’t allowed to talk to us. The last month was the worst. You knew you were close to having them and this was one of the last steps to make sure the Alphas were getting what they paid for. A healthy pup,” Yoongi told him.
“It won’t be like that this time. They’ll talk to you. They want to make sure that the pup that’s yours is healthy and growing right. I’ll be there with you the whole time. If you changed your mind, they can tell you if it’s a boy or a girl,” Hobi hugged him and scented the back of his neck.
“I don’t want to know,” Yoongi said. “I don’t want to get attached.”
“Hush, this pup will make it,” Hobi told him.
“How do you know?” Yoongi asked.
“Because we're going to do everything we can for both of you,” Hobi replied. Hobi’s phone dinged. It was probably Tae. Hobi wrestled an arm loose and checked it.
Yuna is free. Will do it when I get home.
“They’re gonna get it down today,” he told Yoongi.
“Okay,” Yoongi started to sniffle.
“I’ll be with you the whole time,” Hobi reassured.
All Yoongi could do was whimper.
They stayed in bed until Tae and Yuna arrived with the portable ultrasound machine. Yoongi started to get upset the minute he saw it. Hobi sat them up, rested against the headboard, and put Yoongi’s back against his chest. He looped one arm under Yoongi’s arms and groomed him with his free hand.
“It’s gonna be fine. They’re not gonna take your pup. They just need to make sure it’s okay. Breathe with me. Let the pup settle,” Hobi told him. Yoongi had started to cry. Hobi carefully pulled up Yoongi’s shirt with his free hand, exposing his belly. Yoongi whined.
“They’re not gonna take your pup. They’re here to help. It won’t take long, right?” Hobi asked.
“We’ll go as quick as we can,” Yuna said. Tae had likely told her that Yoongi had been a Breeder and he was more than a little skittish around medical professionals. “Do you want me to do it or do you want Tae to do it?” Yoongi’s eyes darted over to Tae.
“Okay, here we go,” Tae said. It cut Hobi to the core listening to his (future) mate whimper and cry through a procedure as simple as an ultrasound. He held him and soothed him as much as he could, but these issues ran deeper than that. Yoongi had mentioned that he’d given birth 5 times already and this was pup number 10. He’d had 8 other pups before he escaped. Assuming he presented around 14 and he was 25 now, he’d been pregnant for almost 4 years of 11 in his life. Someday maybe Yoongi would tell him how old he was when he got pregnant the first time. Hobi wasn’t going to press the issue.
“Almost done,” Tae said. “Do you want to know if it’s a boy or girl?” Yoongi shook his head. Hobi wanted to know. Hobi really wanted to know. Maybe he’d get Tae to tell him later.
“That’s it,” Tae declared as he cleaned off Yoongi’s belly and fixed his shirt.
“It’s all good news,” Yuna said. “Pup is growing well. It’s still a little small, but not the runt I’m sure it was a month ago. Tae was right with his guess. You’re about 4 months along right now. I’d put your due date around late October, but pups show up when they’re good and ready in my experience.”
“So in theory it could show up on Halloween?” Hobi asked.
“In theory,” Yuna replied.
“Did you hear that pup? You might show up on Alpha daddy’s favorite holiday,” Hobi grinned. Yoongi had stopped crying for the moment and was rubbing his belly through his shirt. “What’s Omega daddy’s favorite holiday?”
“Christmas, at least that’s what I remember,” he said quietly.
“Then we’ll have a big Christmas. We’ll do it up right. We’ll have a new pup and Uncle Tae’s birthday is 5 days after Christmas, too. Lots to celebrate,” Hobi hugged him.
“We’ll leave you 2 to it, but this doesn’t mean you can skip dinner,” Tae said. “I’ll make your favorite.”
“Grilled cheese?” Yoongi asked.
“With the fancy cheese and some tomato soup,” Tae replied.
“Thank you,” It was barely audible.
“Anytime,” Tae and Yuna collected the equipment and left the room.
“See? It’s all over & everything is okay. Pup is growing nice and big. Before you know it, you’ll be huge,” Hobi kissed the side of Yoongi’s head.
“You really want this pup, too?” Yoongi asked.
“I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a liar. I want you and I want the pup. Okay?” Hobi told him.
“Okay,” Yoongi hesitated.
Hobi let Yoongi doze off against his chest while Tae made him something to eat. Hobi had gotten a glimpse into just how bad Yoongi’s life had been. If he ever got his hands on who did it to him, he’d murder them on the spot without compunction or remorse. Ever.
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deaddie-munson · 2 years
Video Killed The Radio Star
Joseph Quinn x Reader
18+ (Minors DNI or I’ll hex you and that’s a promise)
Angst, slow burn, strangers to lovers, femme AFAB reader, eventual smut, mentions of drug use (Weed, Nicotine, alcohol.), Mentions of past abuse, reader is a radio host, reader is from Canada, use of Y/N, more to be added as things progress.
AN- Hi! This is the first fan fiction I’ve written since middle school. you can let me know if you want to be on a tag list. I work full-time and have adult responsibilities so I will try to write chapters when I can, but there will likely be some inconsistent posting. Just trying fic writing again to get my creative juices flowing. 
Chapter 1 “You’re Hired”
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“Come on Y/N, you need to get back out there eventually.” Alex said, snatching your phone out of your hand and holding it away from you.
“No, Alex, I do not need to get back out there,” you said making air quotes. You tried to grab the phone back, but you couldn’t reach it as she held it over the aisle of the bus.  
“I’m downloading tinder and making you an account.” Alex said turning the phone towards you to use your face ID. “You need to find at least a fling while you’re on this trip. All the guys would melt at your voice in an instant, I know it.”  
You sighed and held your head in your hands. You weren’t ready to move on yet, thoughts of your ex still swirling around in your brain. He dumped you 7 months ago, but that was the kicker. He. Dumped. You. You were still very much in love when it happened. No, he wasn’t anywhere near perfect. He was a little controlling at times, but you loved him. He had you hook, line, and sinker. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, he kicked you out of your shared apartment, and you were forced to sleep on Alex’s couch. It was older than you with springs poking your back the moment you shifted your weight even the slightest.  
“I think I should, I don’t know, get settled, and maybe get my own apartment before I jump into that, Alex. Seriously, I don’t want a relationship right now, and I don’t do hookups.” You gave her a cold stare as she was going through your camera roll, trying to find the best photos to put on your profile.  
“Y/N, holy shit you look smoking hot in this.” Alex stared at the photo in question. It was a photo from Halloween, Your Playboy bunny costume leaving little to the imagination. It was 3 weeks after your breakup, and after not being allowed to show your body off for 3 years you decided to say fuck it. You thought taking a guy home would help soothe the pain you felt in the pit of your stomach, but after 3 minutes of grunting while you lay underneath, stiff as a board, it was safe to say hookups were not your cup of tea after that.  
“I don’t want people to get the wrong idea about me. I’m not looking to hook up with people, Alex. That night made me realize that.” You sighed as you stared out the window, the streets of London bustling as you rode from the hotel to your job interview.  
“Well this could be a fresh start for you, Y/N. No one here has a clue who you are. Maybe all these British men are sex gods or something. Everyone knows everyone in our town, this place is worlds different. A lot easier to avoid the ones that finish in 2 minutes.” Alex laughed at herself, thinking she was a comedian as you keep a close eye on the bus stops.  
“We’re here, Alex. Now give me my damn phone.” You said, snatching it out of her hands. She turned to you with puppy dog eyes. You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at her as you pushed her to get up and off the bus.  
“I still can’t believe you got a job interview in London, and they were so insistent on meeting you in person that they let you take me.” Alex raved as you walked the last few blocks to your destination.  
“I know, it was a little strange. I thought they would just do everything online since I certainly didn’t have the money to fly here myself,” you slow your pace, taking in the city surrounding you. You sigh and look at your best friend. “I just needed any excuse to get out of that town. It was too much pain for me to stay. I’m just glad the station let me take the remote gear so I can still do my show. ‘Y/N live from The Big Smoke.’”
“If you get this gig that means you are moving to another continent, and I’m never going to see you again.” Alex pouts.
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. You’ll be taking plenty of vacations here to see me. Not like you need to pay for a hotel, you can sleep on whatever shitty couch I grab off the side of the road,” you laugh.  
“Okay, rude,” Alex retorts. “I just mean I'll miss you, Y/N. I won’t know who to do tequila shots at the bar with anymore.”
“I’m sure lots of guys will want to do shots with you. Maybe other stuff too...” You chuckle to yourself as you see the building come into view. “I think this is it. Looks pretty swanky.”  
You press the buzzer and an older lady answers. “104.5 The Surge, how can I help you?”
“Um, Yeah, Hi. My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I’m here for my interview with George Thomas for the Program Director Position.” You feel your heart pick up speed and your hands are suddenly clammy.
“Don’t be nervous, Y/N. They will love you, I promise.” Alex whispers. She could see your body tense, clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth together as the lady on the intercom responds.
“Oh yes dear, we were expecting you. I’ll buzz you in.” The door unlocks and you hold the door open for Alex to step through. Giving her a wide-eyed expression so she knew how much you were panicking.  
“Just breathe. You’ll be fine,” Alex said as you step into the lobby. The walls were a rusty orange, autographed records and photos covering the walls. A locked trophy case filled with awards catching your attention as you stepped towards it.
“Is that a grammy? Wow, I wonder how they got their hands on that?” You looked in awe at all the awards and slowly walked to the desk where the lady from the intercom sat, Typing away while humming the song faintly playing in the background.
“Y/N, it’s nice to finally put a face to the name! George has not stopped talking about you since your first interview.” She beamed up at you.
“Really? Oh, well, I guess I’m glad I left a good impression.” You played with a hangnail on the side of your thumb, focusing on anything but the fact you were about have a job interview for the opportunity of a lifetime.  
“George will just be a few minutes, because one of his meetings is running a little late. If you want to take a seat over there by the fireplace He will be out soon and come to get you. If you need anything in the meantime, my name is Cynthia.” She gestured to the opposite side of the lobby where there were a group of green leather couches, looking pristine and comfortable.
“This sure beats your couch, huh Alex.” You plop down on the couch with a thud, feeling the plush memory foam of the cushion allowing you to sink into it.  
“Well you won’t have to sleep on any couches if you get this job.” Alex quips back.  
A familiar voice comes into ear shot. Very low and gravely with a very posh accent. “Well, I’m glad you could stop by to interview for the podcast before you fly out. We really appreciate your time,”
Another voice, that sounds much younger responds, a pretty accent on him that made his words sound like silk. “It’s really not a problem, I always remember where I started, George.” He sounds... Familiar. No one else was ever in your online interviews, so you can’t pinpoint who the voice belongs too.
The older man you recognize swoops around the corner and sees you and he stops in his tracks. “Y/N! I’m glad you made it! I’ll be with you in just a minute.”
“Absolutely Sir, take your time.” You said, a little more chipper than you wanted it to come out.  
“Oh, call me George,” he says as he continues towards the door. The man behind him follows around the corner and you recognize him immediately. You look over at Alex and her jaw could have been on the floor.
On the plane ride from YHZ to LCY the two of you decided to watch the new season of Stranger Things since it just came out and you needed something that would last you at least a good chunk of the ride. You downloaded them on Netflix the night before you left and started watching together on your iPad while it was propped up on the tiny tray table. You were watching together in silence until you saw a new character being introduced.
“Ooo... A new person? I’m interested.” Alex says as she leans in a little closer to the screen. When the face from behind the magazine appears, she backs away from the screen and slumps back in her seat turning to face you. “Damn I was hoping for another Steve Harrington to thirst over, what do you think Y/N-”
You were staring at the screen. Mouth agape, eyes fixed on the man on the screen in front of you.
“Y/N. Really? Joe Keery exists and THIS is who you see and immediately have the hots for?” Alex teased.
“I do not!” You hit her with your elbow and paused the show.
“I never knew you were into freaks, Y/N.” Alex laughs pretending to wipe drool from your mouth with her sleeve.
“Wait was I seriously drooling?” You grab your phone to look at yourself in your camera.
“HA! Gotcha! You do have the hots for him.” Alex laughed, trying to contain herself so she doesn’t annoy everyone on the plane.
“I need to find out who his actor is as soon as we land,” you said.  
You sat there in shock, and looked at Alex who was still sitting beside you. Eyes wide and mouth wide open. You elbow her and she comes back to reality, smoothing her hair and adjusting her posture so she looked as pretty and feminine as possible.  
“Y/N, this is Joseph Quinn. I don’t know if you’re a Stranger Things fan but he has just had his big break as their new addition to the main cast,” George said. Gesturing to Joseph. He was blushing at his introduction, not being used to celebrity status yet.  
You get up from your seat on the couch and start panicking immediately. You weren't mentally prepared for this interview, let alone meeting the man who somehow awakened something in you hadn’t felt in 3 years. “Yeah um hi, it’s nice to meet you Joseph. I’m Y/N Y/L/N since I guess we’re on full name basis here.”
He chuckles at your introduction. Oh my god he thinks I’m funny. “Oh, just call me Joe. It’s lovely to meet you Y/N, and this is?” He said gesturing to the girl beside you. Once again, she is stiff as a board with her mouth wide open in shock.
“Well, this is Alex. She is a big Stranger Things fan so I think she might be a little star struck right now,” you giggle as she comes to from hearing her name. She gets up and rushes over eagerly, taking Joe’s hand in a firm (and probably a little too enthusiastic) handshake.
“I can already tell you're not from here, so what brings you to The Surge? New project you’re chatting with George about?” He said taking in your features as he talks. Your head looks at the ground while you laugh, but you can still feel his big brown eyes on you. You felt a little weak in the knees.
“Y/N is here from a small town in eastern Canada, and she is actually interviewing to take over my position. I’m moving into a less hands on roll I can do from home as I ease myself into retirement,” he said. “I can’t wait to be able to travel with Rhonda and do the things we’ve talked about before we get too old.”
“Well that’s lovely, George. You deserve it. Good luck with the interview, Y/N. I may be seeing a lot more of you.” Joe said giving you a smile and reaching out his hand to shake yours. You were now acutely aware your hands are very clammy. You quickly rubbed your hand on your pant leg and he cupped your hand in between both of his, feeling something light in your hand as you closed it into a fist, and stuffed it in your pocket to look at later.  
“C-can I get a photo if you don’t mind?” Alex said, holding her phone out to you.
“Uh, sure absolutely,” Joe said, wrapping an arm around Alex as you back up and snap a photo of them.  
“One of those should work,” You said to Alex as she steals her phone out of your hand and Looks through the photos.
“Y/N. You better get this job. I want to walk in here to see Joe Keery walking out next.” She whispered in your ear as she walked back to the couches in the lobby.  
Joe looked at you and gave you a quick wink and cheeky smile as he headed out the door. George a few steps ahead to open it for him “Don’t be a stranger, Joe.” He said as Joe steps out the door.
“I’ll let you know when I’m back in London!” He calls back, walking to the car waiting for him.  
“Alright, Y/N, let’s get this party started shall we? Follow me.” George leads the way to a conference room with a large circular table with 15 chairs around it.  
“This is a lot bigger then the board room at my home station,” you said scanning your eyes at all the art and memorabilia that covered the walls, the newest one sitting on top of the table. A framed Hellfire club shirt with Joe’s signature.
“That’s an original from the show,” he brags. “Joe interned here as a kid before he started acting. I always knew he was going to go somewhere. So this is a big deal for us here, but enough about Joe. This is about you. How was your flight?”
“No delays, surprisingly,” you said. Feeling some of the nerves start to dissipate as you sit on opposite sides of the large table.  
“Well, I must say, it’s a first for us to be flying someone out for an interview, but with the rave references you got and how much you’ve accomplished in your short career, I can’t help but think you’d be a perfect fit to bring a breath of fresh air back into this station.” George said.
“Wow, well it’s a passion so I try to give my all in everything I do. When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life, right?” You ask.
“Absolutely, and I know I said this was an interview, but I actually just wanted to offer you the job in person,” he explained. “I think you can do a lot of good for this station, and nobody else seems to love the job as much as you do. What do you think about that?”
“A-absolutely I accept. Thank you so much, I will not let you down,” you stutter. Your hands shaking as you reach over the table to shake his hand.  
“Now, we will pay for your trip home and back to grab your things, but we have a fully furnished flat ready for you to move into,” he explained. “Joe’s new building had an opening and he just bought all  new furniture so he gave his old stuff to us to put in there for you.”
“Joe, as in the Joe I just met?” you asked.  
“Yeah, he just messaged me saying you can pop by before 5 o’clock tonight and he will give you the grand tour. Apparently, it’s pretty nice. Don’t worry about the first month's rent either, we will cover that for you, and it’s well within your budget,” he said, handing you a keycard. “This is for the station door. Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
“This is a dream come true, truly. Thank you for this opportunity, I am so excited to start,” you said.
“Well, I think you have a friend in the lobby waiting to hear the good news!” George holds the door open for you and you step out, walking down the hall to see Alex in the lobby. She looked at you with a hopeful gaze and you slowly revealed the key card from behind your back. She immediately jumped out of her seat and hugged you, picking you up and spinning you around.
“My best friend is a radio star!” She squealed.
“Yeah right,” you rolled your eyes when she put you down. “We will see about that.”
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. You as well, Alex. I’ll walk you out,” George said. Gesturing for the door.  
You dug in your pocket and felt what Joe put in your hand earlier. You pulled it out and noticed it was a gum wrapper. Confused, you unravel it to see a note written in red pen.
My number is on the back. Call me and I’ll show you the best place for a celebratory drink. Congratulations.
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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Chapter 8- A Softer Side of You |Melone x Reader Fluff|
Warning: strong language, threats, sexual conversations, implied sex. MA.
Melones POV
Melone was deeply in love with you. Despite it only being a month, he felt a strong connection to you. In his eyes, he saw perfection. Even in things other men would find fault in, he found pure perfection. You were his entire world - you hung the moon and the stars. You were the center of his entire universe. You were everything to him, and that was something special for a man like him.
Weird. That's what women always thought when they saw him staring at them, appreciating their beauty. These women.. they looked down on him, even sex workers would deny sleeping with him no matter how much he paid because one time seven years ago he scared one of the girls. It wasn't his fault. He was extremely excited about losing his virginity and got carried away. After he finished, he was banned, and his luck with women never got better.
He might have gone overboard with his brutal slayings of women, his stand manifesting that as it ripped through every woman it touched. He wasn't a monster. He made sure the women rejected him first, and they always did. It used to hurt his feelings and make him get violent, but now he was used to the constant rejection. When you came along, he expected you to treat him just as they all did, but he was still kind. He just.. he found you so beautiful from the moment he saw you.
Instead of rejecting or ignoring him, you seemed to be actually interested in what he had to say. You weren't rolling your eyes and moving away from him when he sat near you; you would actually turn towards him slightly so you could listen to what he was saying better. Within the first hour of meeting you, he was in love, in deep love.
This was a completely new experience for him, having never experienced being in love before. He loved it. He never wanted to experience life without you. Seeing Illuso have his hands on you like that.. he almost fucking killed him. Despite being teammates and even friends with Illuso he felt territorial when he saw him beating on you. He couldn't kill Illuso but he wanted to badly, but he would instead keep his distance from him and he would make sure you did as well.
As he heard the water in the bathroom turn off, he sat up straight, eyes flashing to stare at the door. He wanted so badly to take a shower with you, to wash your body gently, feeling your soft skin.. he loved to feel you. Despite wanting you always, he also respected that you did need to have private moments to yourself. He could respect that. He loved you enough to respect you, and he knows that you respect him.
You stepped out the bathroom wearing a slighly loose t-shirt and leggings, your beautiful feet sadly covered with fuzzy black socks. You held you dirty clothes in your hands, walking over to your bag.
"Baby, just put your dirty clothes in the small bag I put on top of your clothes," he spoke to you softly, not wanting you to mix those bloody and ripped up clothes with your clean ones.
You leaned down, dropping your clothes in the already opened black bag on top of your clothes. "Thank you for everything," you told him, walking over to him, sitting next to him on the edge of his bed. "I would rather you not do things that hurt yourself. Like, I don't want to see you get hurt. I don't want to have to hurt someone for hurting you."
That caught him by surprise, that being the first thing that you said to him that he considered romantic. It made his heart skip a beat, a smile appearing on his lips as he wrapped his arm around your waist, his other hand dropping to rest on your thigh. "I'm going to do whatever it takes to protect you, and I will be fine. You don't have to worry."
"Please don't physically fight the others ever for my sake. I can handle them on my own," you told him, causing you to frown. "You're really strong Melone, you could really hurt someone."
"Look at what Illuso did to you," he spoke to you softly, rubbing your thigh in a way that he hoped sooth you. "I can't allow him to beat on you like that. I'll do whatever I can to defend you."
"No," you told him, the authority in your soft tone causing his cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. "Please, we need to keep the peace. Please don't say anything to Illuso and don't get involved if he punches me again. It isn't good for you all to fight."
He sighed, wanting to disagree with you so badly, but it was hard for him to tell you no. It would physically pain him to look you in the eyes and say no, so he had to agree. "I'll try my best. Okay? I can't control myself when I see you in danger, I just snap." It seemed the only person that was able to calm him down was you, and you really did bring him so much comfort. "I love you so much, I want to protect you."
Suddenly, you pulled away from him, turning so that you were fully facing him. "Melone," you spoke softly, his head immediately turning to look at you, "I return your feelings."
He froze, eyes widening. "What?" He questioned, in complete shock. Did you actually just say you love him? That was an 'I love you,' wasn't it?
"Love." You nodded your head once before you climbed into his queen size bed, laying on your side. "I've never said that to a guy before."
Just as you've never said it, he's never heard it. Not even his own mother told him those three little words that he so desperately wanted to hear. But you did. Kind of. That was good enough for him. "Y/N I-"
"I love you, Melone, and I mean it. I'm not fucking around here. And I love you because you're you," you told him, leaning forward, your lips pressing against his. You kissed him first, another thing that you've never done until right now. "Now please, try not to get involved with my relationships with the others. If one of them hurt you then I'll have to hit them in the head and split them open, and I don't want that. It would upset Risotto."
"Can I ask.. how do you feel about Risotto?" He questioned, not wanting to ruin this warm moment between you and him, but he was very curious. He wondered, did you feel safe when around Risotto, or did you feel wary? Considering he was the one that found you and brought you here. Melone hoped that Risotto was good to you.
"I always have to listen to Risotto," you told him, sounding glum. "He's my permanent boss, and I guess that's fine. He isn't mean to me. It's just.. weird to have so many rules to follow. He's okay, thought, I don't spend any time with him anyway."
"Do you like Ghiaccio?" He questioned, his hand reaching up to gently caress the bruise on your face. "He's my closest friend on the team. I know he may seem angry, but he means well, he wouldn't hurt you. He just yells a lot."
You rolled your eyes. "I can handle myself, Melone. I was about to beat up Illuso. I had a plan before you came outside. I'm not scared of any of them." You crossed your arms over your chest, causing him to gently touch your nose, finding your attitude cute. "I was going to bite him really hard." You seemed to ignore his question about Ghiaccio so he wouldn't pry.
"I wish you would bite me really hard," he muttered, gently poking your nose again. "I'd let you do anything to me. That's how much I love you."
You pulled away from him, suddenly your cheeks flashed pink as you turned your face away from him. "Listen, I don't do shit like this ever! And I've only seen this in like one video, but I know you're into this.. and you're a good boyfriend." You let out a giggle, a cute giggle that made him want you so bad.
"What is it, baby?" He placed his hand on your back, gently rubbing. "You can tell me anything. You don't need to be shy and turn away." He wondered what it was that made you seem so.. shy. He hoped that you weren't upset with him.
"Would you like a footjob right now?" You questioned, causing his hand to instantly freeze on your back, his cock instantly getting hard. "I'm serious. No fucking around, I want to give you a footjob before we go to bed."
He's always fantasized about getting a footjob.. fuck. He loved you so fucking much, this was truly amazing, exciting. "Yes! Only if you are physically capable and really want to!"
"Oh, I'm very physically capable, Melone. Please don't ever tell anyone I now jack you off with my feet, our sex life's freaky. Let's keep it private," you told him, turning to face him. "I mean, you can brag, but don't tell them the freaky shit we do! I'm only doing this to you only!"
He couldn't contain himself, gently pushing you on the bed as he climbed on top of you. "Baby, I'll do anything you say. You have my word," he promised you, meaning those words deeply. He loved you so much, so much more than he could even express. You were perfect. You were everything to him. He felt so lucky to be with you, to be able to call you his girlfriend.
You looked up at him, and your beautiful face flushed slightly. "Well, I guess I better get my feet out. Oh, you're eager, I didn't even know you could reach my socks in this angle."
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