#i forgot to work on the prompts until today oops
eatmy-customjorts · 1 year
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day 1: beach
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d8tl55c · 6 months
something cool happened yesterday
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so there's this game, "Different Strokes" in which you: - go around drawing on empty paintings set up in an infinite art gallery, - find other people's works also lying around, - and if no one else has yet, you can add a second layer over top of someone else's to fix something, react to a prompt, add in little details to spice it up, or completely redraw the whole piece. but then that's it, it's your contribution and theirs locked in place together. (there's other stuff(?) but im new and haven't found it yet (??? lol))
genius concept, fell in love with the idea immediately, my friend told me about it FOUR MONTHS ago, but i was going through it and could not open the game for the life of me. until today yesterday.
i got in. i was walking aimlessly through the exhibits, bumbling deeper into the maze of them. and there, from across the room, i see this:
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wow! the gorgeous, shiny swirlies draw me in, the minor oops in the mid-right-center where the bluegrey pierces the greenwhite tugs me, BEGS me to interact and give it some tlc (even though i was terrified of messing up someone's work before),
and as i was serenely paint-bucketing the bluegrey back to white
i had a vision
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in a classic noob move i forgot to log in before working on this so by the time i was 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 hours in, there was no way to save the painting as edited by me :V
^ so here's a screenshot i took from the editor lol- to prove it's mine- xd and here's its link so you can flip back and forth between the two layers
so??? that was a fantastic experience???????? thank you "storm_the_base" for the original layer!! whoever you are, the anonymous editor of your pretty blobs was i. <3 i loved em, tried to preserve and respect them as much as possible around The Vision i had in mind. <3 <3
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probadbatch · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
I owe like so many people a last line challenge at this point @kybercrystals94 @just-here-with-my-thoughts @huntressdarkness and @theproblemwithstardust (twice!)
To be honest, almost everything I've been working on is unrepentant Crosshair x Hunter smut and I feel weird tagging people in that so I was waiting until I at least had something family friendly to offer and then I forgot. So anyway, here are some last lines from the last few things I worked on.
Technically, the last line I wrote was from this fic that I posted today
“Bounty hunter,” Hunter says, honestly but not completely.
But here's the second to last line which is from a @summer-of-bad-batch prompt I meant to finish two months ago oops
He hates this. He just got his family back together and now he’s losing his brother again.
No pressure tagging: @wolveria @faceofpoe @inkyclone99 @nightfall-1409 @morethansky
And I'm uno-reversing you guys @kybercrystals94 @just-here-with-my-thoughts @huntressdarkness @theproblemwithstardust
(Bonus last lines from the smut fics behind the cut, if you're into that - though nothing is actually explicit in these lines lol)
This one is very much inspired by @morethansky's desire in all its splendor which was amazing
Crosshair’s breathing stutters and he wraps his arm around Hunter, drawing him closer against his chest. His other hand weaves its way into Hunter’s hair, stroking through the curls soothingly as Crosshair dips his head down to press a soft kiss to the top of Hunter’s.
And this is from a fic that might be post-able soon although it is badly in need of some hefty edits
Hunter groans his approval as Crosshair’s hand tangles in his hair. Crosshair smirks into the kiss and takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in alongside Hunter’s.
... I swear that Cross's fixation with Hunter's hair is purely coincidental and not at all me projecting
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djarintreble · 2 years
the last in line || e. munson (part eight)
series master list
eddie munson tag list
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
a/n: hi friends! its been so long!! if you've seen my blog, I've been so busy with school. I'm in my last year of college and its been hectic... I plan for this series to be a good 15-20 part series so thank you for being patient with me as I balance writing with school!! thank you for all the love. Even if I haven't been active, I see all the comments and love and reblogs. thank you, I love you so much !! summary: instead of going to the game's after party, you decide to ask Eddie to take you home. he decides to show you his favorite diner on the way and you both end the night closer than expected.
tags: some mature language, discussion of drugs, so much fluff, greasy burgers and milkshake(s), dnd explained by someone who's never played, Eddie the dramatic, the end of this part is what we all have been waiting for, I forgot I was writing a slow burn oops, this is a long one so get a snack and buckle up,
word count: 6.6k, yeah I didn't know where to stop. here's my gift in return of you all having to wait so long for me to actually write. ilyyyy
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The halls of Hawkins High felt eerie at night. You walked alone through the main hallway as the building seemed to shift tones. The stories of Hawkins being haunted danced in your mind as you peered down the next hallway. Nothing but a myth yet here you were curious to the secrets the walls held.
You didn’t know where you were going but you followed the sounds of laughter and occasional yelling down toward the end of hall. As you ventured closer, your nerves seemed to take over. You wondered if you were making a mistake by observing the famous hellfire club; If you messed up everything by leaving the jocks and creating social suicide earlier today. Something told you, however, no matter what happened today, you’d find yourself detaching from that group of basketball players. At least with this option, you weren’t alone. Besides, the leader of the so-called cult caught your eye and you couldn’t help but allow yourself to be drawn to him. 
The theater room came into view and you instinctively straightened out your skirt and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before walking into whatever was waiting for you. 
Right before you stepped in, the entire table jumped up in disbelief, screaming over something that was thrown onto the table. You stayed behind the door in case you were interrupting something. 
The screaming unraveled into a mix of grumbles and muttered words underneath Eddie’s narration. 
“Well gentlemen, we all learned a valuable lesson this fine evening; don’t let Gareth make the final roll.”
“Fuck off” Gareth muttered as he gathered his dice and figure off the table. 
“Looks like you will have to wait until next week to see just how bad Gareth’s decision was to the mission. Now get outta here I got shit to do before I can leave.” He said the last part somewhat joking but still prompting them to pack up. 
It seemed that the night was over for them as well. You missed it. A part of you was upset as you were really looking forward to watching. It made sense though, some of the boys had rides that were at the basketball game so they’d have to finish. 
You finally opened the door to reveal the party. At the sound of the old creaking door, the boys turned around. 
“Hey we’re cleaning up don’t loc- Oh! Y/N! Hey! Uh- welcome to the hellfire club. Hate to say we’re just finishing up now.” The freshman, Dustin, spoke up. 
There were six boys lined up on the sides of the table with Eddie at the end, sitting on a made up throne. When you finally locked eyes with him, the look he was giving you was hard to read. It was almost a smirk with a hint of intrigue. He was leaning back in the chair with one foot propped up and his arms held onto the armrest of the chair as he stared at you. You haven’t seen him this confident or relaxed before. 
“I’m sorry I missed, I thought I’d at least be able to see the end. The game went on longer than I thought.” you said as you gained the confidence to walk further into the room.
“It’s alright, princess.” A few days ago, you’d roll your eyes at his mocking nickname but it was growing on you. “How was the game?” He spoke over the collection of noises made by the boys packing up as if they weren’t there. It was just you and him. 
“Besides getting pushed down at the end of the halftime dance, it went well. We won.” you shrugged. 
“You got pushed?” Dustin asked with a tone of concern. Gareth held back a laugh and the other boys let out mumbles of concerns and annoyance toward the jocks. 
“I’ll get used to it. I did it to myself when I decided to join your table at lunch.” 
“Still don’t understand why you did that.” Eddie said quietly. You wrapped around the table over next to where Eddie was sitting. He leaned back more into the chair and you couldn’t help but admit to yourself that he looked quite nice with this view. You shook the thought from your mind and put your hands on your hips. 
“They were talking shit. That’s not my thing. I’d rather hang out with people that don’t make a joke out of me.” You trailed off at the end but Eddie caught on to what you were saying. He sat back up from the throne and looked at you with a face of concern. 
The boys began to trail out, reading the room. They whispered among themselves bets between the two of you and what Eddie meant earlier by things to do; thinking, knowing it involved you. He wouldn’t admit it, you couldn’t see it, but they saw just how smitten he was over you. 
“Did they say something about you? Is that really why you left?” He asked quietly. You shrugged.
“Something about you only wanting me around for your virgin sacrifices.” You rolled your eyes. You knew it wasn’t the case, in fact, in reality, it was them that only wanted you around because you were new. But as you’ve told yourself, and they would soon know, new doesn’t equal naive. 
“They got some goddamn nerves.” He muttered as he got up. He started folding up his screen along with the books and binders that created a barricade on the table. It was the first time you got a good look at the table. A fictional map was laid out across the table along with collections of dice and figurines. Drawings that presumably were drawn by Eddie himself scattered around. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“So this is Dungeon and Dragons…” You began, changing the subject. You dragged your finger across the map and lingered over a particular drawing. It was of a creature, you couldn’t name, but it wore a rugged robe and was missing an arm. It had shriveled skin that almost made it look skeleton-like. Some sort of red magic or flames surrounded him in the drawing. “Did you draw this?”
You looked back up toward Eddie who stopped packing up to observe your reactions to the table. He was looking for any sign of judgment or you being weirded out at one of his passions. Instead, you gave him a look of awe and curiosity. He put his weight onto one side and crossed his arms across his chest. His confidence returned once he settled for your reaction. 
“Maybe,” he shrugged.
“I didn’t know you could draw. This is amazing. I don’t even know what it is but I’m just impressed it was made by you.” You smiled at the metalhead as you picked it up and gave it to him to pack. 
He wasn’t used to someone acknowledging his drawings. Let alone complimenting them. Sure his uncle always said he was an artist, his fridge covered in doodles created by a younger Eddie, but hearing it from someone else was different. Even the club treated his art as accessories to the campaign and was too involved in the story to process the hours it took for Eddie to draw and shape such props. He never took it to heart, he liked that it was a more private hobby. He was trying to justify why he felt this warm feeling inside. It was because of his art, not the person complimenting it. But that was a lie. One he was all too well learning to master. 
He didn’t even know how to admit such a thing; The fact that he loved hearing how you spoke lighter and faster when you praised his art work or recognized a song or artist he loved. The fact that he was definitely falling for you and he doesn’t know how else to express it than to just ignore it. He wasn’t prepared for this, no more than a test in Mrs. O'Donnell's next week. At least that one came with a study guide. 
“I dabble.” He remarked before taking the drawing from your hand. “This is Vecna. He’s the main villain of this campaign. He was killed by the hands of Kas early on in the story. See, what they don’t know is that he will return next week and they have to try and defeat him once again.” He had to stop himself from explaining in heavy details of why and how. He would refrain until he’s had time to sit and teach you the basics of the game. 
“And you write these stories?” You asked, impressed with how much time and dedication this took from Eddie. 
“Yeah, well they have overall lore and storylines you can follow but really the story unfolds as we go. That’s what most of the fun comes from.” He smiled. 
“And if I played, I could be a princess?” 
“We can make that happen.” Eddie smiled. It made his heart swell knowing you were intrigued by it.  
“So hey… there’s this after party happening at Andy’s.” You began as you helped pick up some of the figures on the table. Looking up, you saw Eddie give you a trivial face. “I realized I’m not one for parties and my supposed ride is going. So if you’re not doing anything, I was wondering if you could give me a ride home? I'm starving. We could grab some food as well.” 
The boy’s face softened. You were choosing him over them yet again. He laughed quietly and shook his head. You caught on and giggled softly. 
“I just- you’re something else, L/N. You really are.”
“What do you mean?” You asked, giving him the last of the figurines as he placed it in his bag. Eddie stared at the bag with a smile before looking back up at you. 
“You could be anywhere tonight. Hawkins just made it to the championship and they’re all out celebrating but you’d rather hang out with me. I just don’t get it.” 
You frowned at the idea Eddie didn’t think he was worth your time. He was in fact someone you considered a friend. If there was one thing for certain in your short time here in Hawkins, you had two real friends. Chrissy and Eddie. An odd bunch for sure but everyone else were merely acquaintances when they weren’t pushing you during half-time shows or mocking you at lunch. Why would you want to spend your time getting drunk with a bunch of fake jocks when you could hang out with someone who actually got you. Someone who sparked your love to explore music. Someone who saw you as more than a new face. Of course he was worth your time. 
“So is that a no?” you teased. His eyes shot wide and he was quick to recover.
“N-no! I mean yes, no- ugh” he cleared his throat. Never did he ever feel this awkward at this table. This table made him feel like a king. You were his kryptonite. “No, I would love your company. I didn’t have anything going on myself. I am starving. Do burgers sound nice? I can introduce you to the best diner in town.” He looked back down picking up the last of his items in order to avoid eye contact and the possible rejection. 
“That actually sounds perfect.” You smiled. He couldn’t hide the smile that came along with your acceptance. 
It was a fair drive to the diner that consisted of a few songs from Black Sabbath’s master of reality album. One he told you was a short but classic set of songs to add to your music library. You caught yourself nodding to ‘Into the Void’, which proved his point. 
The diner resided on the outer part of town. You noticed Eddie tended to be attracted to these smaller hole-in-the-wall places and it made sense. You could see the appeal. It was those kinds of places where popular locals avoided and the same ones found their way back again. People like Eddie who liked to know everyone by name and they knew him by his. Where they knew his order and it was already being made the second they heard the bell ring at his arrival. It was a comfort, it was familiar. This was what this diner resembled. 
The letter “n” was not lit, making the sign spell out “CRYSTAL’S DIER.” Two cars occupied the lot in addition to Eddie’s van. It made sense as it was right after 8. 
After the reoccurring excuse of the broken door handle, Eddie opened the passenger side for you and followed as you entered the place. The smell of grease and salt filled your senses. Soft music played from the old jukebox in the corner. The floor had the black and white checkered tiles that clashed with the purple and blue run down wallpaper but it still somehow made sense for a place like this. Whoever Crystal was clearly didn’t have the skills for interior design, seeing they made their way into the food business. Only time would tell if that was a good choice. 
“Well if isn’t it Mr. Munson?” a shorter lady stepped out of the kitchen in a light yellow dress. Her white hair tucked into a hair net and paper hat. Makeup painted her face but didn’t hide the years of smiles that made her wiser. She placed the coffee pot that was in her hand down on the counter before wrapping around and making her way toward Eddie. “I was about to go find your old uncle to check up on you. How are you doing, son?” 
“I’m doing good, Ms. Crys.” his voice at an unfamiliar pitch. She pulled him into a hug to which he gladly accepted. The height difference made Eddie bend his knees and lean over which put him at an awkward angle. She kept him in this hug for a few seconds before realizing your existence. 
“And you finally brought a friend. I was getting tired of serving for a party of one.” She playfully elbowed him. He dramatically rubbed his arm with a frown.
“I have brought people here before, Crys. Stop making me sound like a loser.” 
“Hello, doll. I’m Crystal but everyone calls me Crys. You must be new in town, I never forget a face.” 
"I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you. I just moved in last week.”
“Well it’s a pleasure, sweetie.” Crys led you to a table in the corner that had a wrap-around booth. Eddie and you made your way into the booth and scooted in so that you both sat with only the corner of the table separating you two. It gave you both an angle to see out into the diner and look back up at Crys, who waited for you two to get situated. “I’m taking it that Eds here is treating you right? If not, I’ll take care of it.” 
A nervous laugh came from your left as you caught a glimpse of Eddie fidgeting with the napkins Crys just dropped onto your table. It was unusual seeing Eddie this flustered. It contrasted with the cocky persona he inhabited when you first met. It made you wonder if things would have been different if this was the side of him you saw from the beginning. When thinking about it, you in fact did that very first time. The moment when you pointed out the Dio shirt that he hand sewed into his denim jacket. For a split second, you caught him off guard. That was when you first saw this side of Eddie. It was when he was trying to avoid you that the other persona took place. It was his attempt to push you away. Clearly it didn’t work. 
“Yes, ma’am.” You laughed as you gently nudged Eddie and gave him a smile before looking back at Crys. “He’s been showing me all the good places in Hawkins, including your diner.” The smile she gave you in return was different than before. This one revealed more wrinkles around her eyes. That comment must have meant a lot to her. 
“Well in that case… dinner is on the house tonight. Order whatever you would like, sweetie.” She tapped the table with her notepad before walking away. 
With that you grabbed a menu, suddenly aware of how hungry you were. You looked back up toward Eddie who just stared at you. 
“What?” you whispered, smiling in curiosity toward the metalhead. His grin widened and he simply shook his head. He picked out a menu himself and shrugged before hiding his face in it.
“Nothing.” he said, nonchalantly.
“What?” Reiterating as you laughed and kicked at his feet from under the table. At that, he placed the menu back on the table to look at you. You saw the hesitation in his eyes before he rolled them. 
“The cheeseburger is a must. Ask for the diner special and she puts this sauce on it that just-“ he sighs in satisfaction. Words unable to describe the effect of this special sauce. 
“What is it?” you asked, laughing at his actions. 
“I don’t know, Ms. Crys says it’s a secret. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was simply cocaine, it’s addictive.” He picked back up the menu and lightly tapped it against the table as he looked back around the diner. 
The joke reminded you of the favor Chrissy asked you earlier that week. You have yet to tell Eddie that she was hoping to deal with him. The main reason being was that you hoped she changed her mind, It just didn’t seem to be a good combination with what she described she was dealing with. Secondly, you forgot about it every time you’ve interacted with Eddie this week. Your mind was… usually occupied whenever you’ve talked to the boy in front of you. Part of you even forgot about his side job; it only being mentioned by the Hawkins basketball team. 
“Now it’s my turn to ask what’s going on in that head of yours.” He got your attention. 
“And I’m guessing I’m not allowed to change the topic like you just did?” You teased. 
“Nope. Spill it, L/N.” He leaned back into the cushioned benched, raising his arms up to rest his head in his hands. His relaxed and confident side reappeared. 
“That just got me thinking of something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Your laugh became more nervous, not knowing how bringing this up would go. 
“What? Cocaine fries?” He almost snorted at his own joke. You rolled your eyes, barely trying to hide your grin.
“Well the first part. You know- your business.” You didn’t mean for it to come out as awkward as it did but here you were. The last part was said quieter than you meant to. 
“Where I sell drugs, yes. That business.” He nodded. 
“Yes. That business. I was wondering about a deal- n-not for me. no. uh I’m not into all that. It’s uh- for a friend.” You didn’t know why you couldn’t get it out any less awkwardly. It wasn’t everyday you pitched a drug deal for a friend. 
“Y/N, if you wanted to smoke, all you had to do was ask. Free of charge with me.” Eddie laughed, clearly amused. He shifted his weight to where he leaned more forward, placing his arms on the table and tilting his head toward you. “But if it’s for a friend… How can I be of service?” 
“It’s for Chrissy.”
“Yes, Chrissy. She uh-“ Before you could finish, you were interrupted by the now familiar sound of a notepad hitting the table and the lingering presence of an expensive perfume. 
“So did I give y’all enough time to figure out what you want? Dave is getting bored back there in the back and threatened to leave if I didn’t give him another order to work on.” She rolled her eyes with a hint of amusement. 
“Wouldn’t want to leave Dave getting paid for nothing do we?” Eddie spoke up, giving his menu one more tap against the table before sliding it toward Crys. “I’ll have my usual. Thanks, Mrs. C.” 
“You got it. Chocolate milkshake and double burger-” She trailed off as she wrote down his order. “And you, sweetheart?” She asked.
“I’ll take a chocolate milkshake and the cheeseburger-“ You looked over at Eddie with a smile. “And can I get the diner special?” 
“Why yes, glad to know Eds here is endorsing it still.”
“He said the sauce is a secret.” You smiled, intrigued for her response.
“Nah, I’ll tell you. As long as he’s not around.” 
“What?” Eddie gasped, offended by her answer. “I’ve known you my whole life. You’ve known her for 15 minutes and she gets the secret diner special recipe?” He imitated getting stabbed in the chest and dramatically fell over in the booth. “I have been betrayed.” He croaked out from under the table. 
Mrs. Crys rolled her eyes, clearly used to his dramatic flair he tended to have sometimes. “Oh get up, Eddie. I’ll let her know so she can make it for you long after I’m gone and you can bother her about the recipe. I’m simply passing the ropes here.” She joked. You laughed along but also questioned her exact meaning behind that. 
“This kind of betrayal strikes right to the core.”
“Save it for you games, I’m gonna go get started on that food for ya.” Crys laughed as she walked away, yelling at Dave in the back to start on the patties.
“I will never forgive you for that.” Eddie shuffled back up in his seat. He cleared his throat and looked back at you seriously. “So Chrissy Cunningham.” He started.
“Oh yeah, she uh… she’s been getting these really bad headaches apparently. She said she’s also been having these intense dreams and not able to sleep? The medicine she’s been using hasn’t been doing the trick so she was wondering what you’d have that would help her calm her nerves and maybe help with that.”
“Mhmm…” Eddie sounded concerned. 
“I told her I didn’t like that idea. She wanted me to ask so that Jason wasn’t made aware and I don’t know if drugs is the answer. I want her to go to a doctor but she also said that’s a no. Something about her mom…But she’s my friend and I wanted to see what you thought.” 
Eddie also could see the problem with this. He understood distracting from the pain. He usually would never turn down a client. But there was something about the situation that didn’t sit right with him. He also didn’t like the idea of this particular client’s boyfriend finding out. 
“I’ll meet with her and give her a small dosage of the good stuff.” 
“The good stuff?”
“The good stuff.” He smirked. “It’s harmless and she’ll probably not even like it. But just to make her feel better. If she comes back for more, then we’ll figure something out for her.”
“Are you sure?”
“Business is business.”
“Promise me you won’t give her anything crazy, Eddie.” Part of him wanted to be offended by that comment but he had to remember that you were already stressed to bring this up and you were simply being concerned for a friend. He knew you knew he wouldn’t. You just needed reassurance you weren’t doing the wrong thing by bringing this up. 
“I might like the money from it, but I still have boundaries when it comes to my clients. I know a cry for help when I see one, trust me. I wouldn’t give her anything she couldn’t handle.”
“Okay good.” Relief poured over you. It didn’t help that you were not familiar with the whole drug dealing business. The number of church camps and awareness you’ve seen throughout your life always scared you away from it. You almost felt embarrassed with how you were acting toward the whole situation. 
“Just figure out a good time she’d want to meet and I’ll make sure it’s in a secret place so Jason won’t find out.” He said, his tone more serious than before. He didn’t like the idea at all. Chrissy turning to this was way more than just headaches and weird dreams. He would know. There’s a reason he turned to them himself. 
“I’ll let her know. Thank you, I’m sorry I am so awkward when it comes to that.”
“Drugs?” He said in a mocking tone. “Crack? Marijua-“
“Stop making fun of me.” You laughed. “I get it, I'm naive or whatever they say.” 
Eddie just gave you a lazy smile, thinking about the fact that he’d never imagine discussing a drug deal with a particular pastor's daughter. Sure he dealt with church kids all the time. They were usually his best clients, as reputable as Jason. Something about sitting here with you as you tried to keep hush about it made him almost fall over in this stupid feeling he’s been getting familiar with. He was a bad influence for the pastor's daughter… but he couldn’t help that it looked so damn good on you. 
If anything, you were a bad influence on him. He’d quit dealing on the spot if you asked him to. He’d walk into Sunday service and even thank God for you. He’d do that and more if it meant getting to keep you close. This feeling, this type of chemistry was one he was not used to. Better yet, one he didn’t believe he deserved. It being handed to him so freely was a shock of its own. You haven’t walked away yet. Maybe you wouldn’t have to. 
“No, you’re different.” 
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Not at all. You’re just the kind person I- Hawkins needs.” He said. 
“Oh good.” You said softly. 
Silence fell over the both of you. The jukebox was playing a song with occasional cuts in the track that seemed to harmonize along with the sounds of the kitchen and muffled dialogue that you assumed was between Dave and Crys. There was only one other person in the diner and it was an older man who sat up against the bar sipping on the same cup of coffee since you both entered. It was a good kind of quiet. The kind that you wish you had access to more often. The kind that made it easier to think. 
All you could think about right now was the boy in front of you and how much you wish you could ask him what he meant by you being the kind of person HE needed before he changed it to all of Hawkins. You wished but you knew it would encourage a conversation you weren’t ready to have. You had to remind yourself you’ve only known him for about 2 weeks. Not 2 years. And you also had to be okay with the thought that maybe… maybe he didn’t feel the same. 
The silence was broken by Crys who sat her tray on the table. Greasy burgers and fries were still steaming from the kitchen. It distracted you from the fact that she only put down one chocolate shake. 
“Yeah sorry about that, kids. There was only enough stuff to make one shake. But I brought two straws. I figured you wouldn’t mind.” She winked over at Eddie who returned the gesture with a blank face. 
“Oh that’s alright. I can take a water and let Eddie have it.” You said, trying to ease the tension you felt from Eddie’s side of the booth. 
“Nonsense, Y/N. I’ll just get a Dr. Pepper.” Eddie added.
“How about this… Share the shake and I’ll get you your other drinks. You are making this too complicated.” Crys rolled her eyes, annoyed that her little trick was spoiled.
As she left, you both looked at each other with wide eyes. A silent gesture seeing who would take the shake first. 
“Well if you won’t, I will.” Eddie shrugged and grabbed the shake, putting his straw in it and taking a big sip. “Ahhh” he sighed and sat it back on the table. 
“Well now I feel like I’m missing out, hand it over.” You replied, taking it and using your own straw to try it. 
It really was a good chocolate milkshake. 
“I see what you mean.” You took another sip. “This is one hell of a shake.” 
Eddie laughed and began to eat his meal. You picked up your own burger and tried it. The sauce was the perfect touch along with the melted cheese and greasy patty. A diner masterpiece. 
The meal was enjoyed in silence. Besides the back and forth sips on the milkshake and a loud slurping noise coming from Eddie, you both went back to being in your heads. 
It took everything for Eddie not to think of this as a date. Especially when Crys pulled the milkshake trick. He’s seen her do it before. He would be lying if he said he didn’t think of it being a date before they even walked into the diner. He was careful with what he said and made sure to pay attention to see if any part of you was uncomfortable with the situation. All he could read on your face was contentment. Maybe it wouldn’t have to be said. Maybe you thought this was a date too. He would settle with a silent agreement. 
“Well, it’s getting kinda late. I better take you back to your place before your dad burns me at the stake.” He laughed, digging into his pocket for his wallet. 
“Wow I didn’t even think about the time. Yeah we should get going.” You also went to dig through your purse for some cash before Eddie jumped up and walked to the counter and gave Crys some money. 
“I thought dinner was on the house. Now I feel bad. Here take thi-“ You went to give him some cash before he pushed your hand back and shook his head. 
“Don’t worry about it. That was her tip anyways. Equals to the meals. Shall we?” He motioned to the door. You scooted out of the booth and walked toward the door. 
“That was really nice of you.” 
“The least I can do for all she’s done for me and my old man.” He smiled back toward you. “Bye Mrs. Crys, don’t work too hard.” 
“Bye Eddie, tell your uncle to come see me sometime. I’ve missed his pretty face.” She stopped to greet a new customer who sat at the booth before acknowledging you. “Bye hon, it was nice to meet you. Welcome to Hawkins.” 
“Thank you. It was nice meeting you!” You replied. You both began to leave and before the door shut, you heard Crys yell out “one chocolate milkshake coming up!” 
Eddie opened the so-called broken door for you to hop into his van so you could head back toward your place. You had a gut feeling you might be in trouble for how late it was but also there was a part of you that didn’t care. This night was worth it. 
The sound of the ignition starting pulled you out of your thoughts and you gave Eddie a big smile as he pushed the cassette back into the player. It began where it left off, a new song beginning. A gentle guitar solo crescendoed in which contrasted with the song that previously played. 
The van pulled out of the parking lot and began down the dark road that was surrounded with trees. You remained quiet as Eddie began to sing along with the song.
“My name, it means nothing, my fortune is less. My future is shrouded in dark wilderness. Sunshine is far away. Clouds linger on. Everything I possessed, now they are gone. They are gone.” He sang under his breath, tapping the steering wheel like a drum. 
This was probably your favorite version of Eddie. It made you happy when he would get lost in his music. It was a part of him, he didn’t even have to think about the lyrics or the pattern of the drums. He just knew it. All those hours he spent alone with headphones over his ears and his head stuck up next to a cassette player were shown on his face when a familiar song began. His whole body would relax. You couldn’t help but smile watching him as he drove down the empty road, singing mindlessly. You felt honored to know he felt comfortable revealing that side of himself to you. 
“Like the view?” He finally spoke up, acknowledging your stare. The smile he gave you as he peered over was cocky. 
“Yeah, actually.” You responded. 
“Oh.” Is all he responded with a hint of surprise in his voice. He was thrown off by your honest answer.
“I like seeing this side of you.”
“What do you mean?” He asked, his voice softer than before. Eddie usually didn’t care what others thought of him, or so he told himself. Your opinion, however, was slowly becoming one of the most important ones. 
“I’ve only seen you like this with your club and Mrs. Crys or Randy from the music store. Then around other people you try to act all- well the way you were around me when we first met.” He laughed. 
“And that was?” He entertained.
“You were all ‘Hi I’m Edward Munson. Yeah I’m a freak so what- Social conformity, Devil this- that,I don’t care, Hey princess, don’t talk to me. I’m a pain in the ass.’” You said in a deeper voice, attempting to sound like the metalhead. 
“Wow I really am a pain in the ass.” Eddie shook his head. “And I sound stupid.” He laughed along with your antics. 
“Shut up, that’s what you were trying to be but that’s not the real you.” 
“I was a pain in the ass though.” He restated. The van pulled into your driveway and he turned off the headlights as you both continued talking. You took off your seatbelt and shifted over to face Eddie more, him mirroring you. 
“You were.” 
“And now?” He leaned his head against the back of the chair as he looked at you with sincerity. The movement allowed the one light outside to shine right on his face, making his brown eyes shimmer slightly and his curls highlight the frame of his silhouette. 
“Not anymore.” You smiled at him. “You are one of the only good things I look forward to since moving here.” 
That statement alone was enough to make Eddie’s chest burst. He wasn’t used to being a person someone actually looked forward to seeing. Sure he had his little sheep who followed him around. They were growing on him; little Dustin began to feel like a little brother lately. 
Sure his band depended on him. But man, it was different hearing you say that he was considered a good thing to look forward to. 
“Oh- T-Thank you.” He started fidgeting with his rings. 
“Seriously, Eddie. You have a big heart. You’ve managed to find all these people in Hawkins that feel misunderstood and make them feel seen. Those kids in your club look up to you. Crys, Randy, they care for you. That’s the real you.” 
“Making me sound like some kind of hero.” He laughed, still looking down at his rings. 
Without thinking you reached over and grabbed his hands to make him look up at you. The heat of his hands contrasted with your cold fingers. His wide eyes followed yours. 
“You better believe me here, Munson. You’re a good guy. Take the compliment.” You leaned back over to your seat, letting go of his hand. The lack of heat suddenly becoming unbearable. 
“Thank you, Y/N. It’s good to hear it sometimes.” He said, honesty laced in his voice. 
“And what about me?” You smirked. Eddie smiled and looked away before looking back at you. “Am I who you thought I was? What’s your verdict?” The attempt to lighten the situation succeeded. His dramatic sigh reassured you. 
“You are not who I thought you’d be. I saw they knew you and I wasn’t going to even give it a chance. But you’re not like them. I tried to stay away from you but you kept coming back.” He rolled his eyes, jokingly. “I was an idiot for trying to push you away in the beginning.” 
“I thought you hated me.” You laughed. 
"I didn't hate you.” 
"I was intimidated by you...never would I have thought a nice, pretty girl like you would want to be around me.” 
Eddie waited for an answer. Surely he read the van properly. You both were being honest and well- he had to be honest with himself. 
“I-“ a light flickered out of the corner of your eye. You glanced over to see a silhouette moving from your kitchen and the light flickered again revealing your father looking out. He was signaling you to come in. That gut feeling of this not ending well for you came back. “I gotta go.” 
“Right… Here let me get the door.” Eddie jumped out, walking around the front of the car hoping his face didn’t reveal how he really felt. Discouraged by your response and the wonderful timing of your father. Nevertheless, he had to stick to the broken door story and now he was being watched. Your dad needed to know that Eddie was a good guy. So he’d show just that.
When Eddie shut the door, you used that time to groan and cover your face as you wanted to yell at how that scene played out. You know how Eddie might take that. 
The door opened and Eddie gave you a small smile before walking next to you toward your door.
“You don’t have to walk me to my door, you know.” 
“I know.” He shrugged. 
“Thank you, Eddie.” 
“For what?” He raised an eyebrow.
“For being you. I like being around you… more than you think.” You smiled at him before reaching up and giving him a small kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight, Eddie.” 
The boy was frozen. He was replaying your small gesture over and over in his head as he stood on your porch. You kissed his cheek and he did nothing but stand there with his eyes wide as you opened your door and stepped inside. He should have pulled you in for a real kiss, maybe kiss your forehead. He could still feel the impression your lips made onto his cheek as he walked back to his car. A sense of comfort and relief laid over him as he drove back to his shared trailer with his uncle in complete silence. 
You, however, had little time to replay what you did because the second you walked in, your dad cleared his throat from the kitchen. 
“Hey dad.”
“Carver’s boy called the house about an hour ago concerned because you were supposed to go to some celebration dinner but didn’t show up with your ride. I expected you’d find a way home. I didn’t realize you’d come back very late in that boy’s van.”
“Dad, I promise I was in better hands-“
“I told you I don’t like you hanging around him.”
“I know but-“
“I know we just moved here and you’re having a difficult time with being new, but you are an influence on this church and I don’t want this falling back on you.”
There it was.
This sort of expectancy to act as if everyone was watching your every move. Well... they were. But why did that mean you'd have to stay away from the people that are socially unacceptable. It broke your heart that even your father, a man who use to claim everyone was capable of good, would sit here and tell you to stay away from someone. The people he praised were the exact people that needed to be exposed for their double life.
This was your biggest struggle when it came to your dad's profession and your own beliefs. Why was it that the good looking people with bad intentions always get the spotlight when there was people like Eddie who had no real intention of hurting or destroying anything? Why was he seen as someone to avoid, unworthy of change, judged? Why were people like Jason praised and seen as someone worthy of everyone's time and respect?
What was worse was the constant expectation that you, too, were to align with this. No, you didn't want to. Why did you have to walk away from a good friend in order to please those who had a better eye to the public? Wasn't that the exact opposite of what you were raised to do?
You wanted to walk away. Go up to your room and ignore this discussion. Bite your tongue and save it for another day. But you couldn't. Not when you just kissed the boy, who is claimed to be a bad influence, on the cheek. You chose him. He was your friend. Maybe you would be the first to actually stand up for him when others chose to do what was "right" and walk away.
"You don't want it to fall back on me? Or fall back on you, dad? Maybe my influence isn't such a bad thing. He's a good guy. I wish you would trust your daughter on this... not some pastor's son who is definitely not at a celebratory dinner right now." You left him with that as you turned away to walk up to your room.
You chose Eddie the second you left the lunch table that day, you weren't going to walk away from him now.
tag list: @hollyismentallyillhelp @totallynotkaibiased @cryuki-patootie @stratospherewalker @padfootpottah99 @noiralei @lolnopenick @elektricvenus @jfjsjdhxjs @alice-greenleaf @combobooo @kawaiifoxlillygzb@windchaser1986@renaroo123@dxlceprincessa-blog@sin-respuestas @efvyqrs @majesticavenger @marvelbrokeme @sebastianstansimp @eww-eeww @paulavsu@snoopwashere@milkiane @dark-academia-slut @julesclues @ches-86 @eddiesbirdie @brodcake @mopeymopeymouse @denyart-rb @ilikechocolatemilkh @papaya184 @eg-dr3amer3 @aedicn @loliakeoghan23 @asteria33 @boltonbritreads @foxsmvlder @a-lil-pr1ncess @munsonsmel0dy @wojciechovsk @kittsu-makes-glass @ahoyyharrington @preciousbabypeter @singularattitudeofasafetypin @lilylilyyyyyy @minamilinaqueen @elyssa-writes @meredeph @laurenlokirby @tingsilikes @lulukings92 @gaslight19 @mslunawinchester @starrywhitenight @ick90 @winchestergirl87-blog @that-gay-snail @tvserie-s-world @ghostimpala @maripinkman @mvsonlover @a-lil-pr1ncess
if I missed you on the list, please let me know!!
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saltiestcoconut · 1 year
can i request an aiyusa sickfic (either one of them gets sick) 👀 as fluffy or as angsty as you like. thank you in advanced!
This is exactly what you asked for huh nonny? (It is not its more comedic than fluff oops~)
Pairing: aiyusa/aiball Rating: T Content Warnings: None
Friendly reminder that I'm accepting requests for aiyusa prompts (ps if you want an angstier take on this prompt-ish do look forward to aiyusa month~ it's going to be fun!)
Yusaku knew something was wrong when Ai didn't respond first thing in the morning. While laziness was the norm for Ai, he made sure Yusaku had food to eat during the weekdays. 
Yusaku shook Ai's SOLtis, but he was unresponsive. Yusaku shrugged and got ready for school anyways. 
"Bye, Ai. I'm going to school, now, without anything to eat, because I forgot to make food."
No response. Yusaku thought it would be enough to rouse Ai from his stupor. 
Yusaku leaned over Ai, his tie creasing the side of Ai's face. "Ai, I'm leaving. Don't you have something to say to me before I leave?" 
No response. 
Yusaku straighted up, then announced, "I can no longer afford to spend 500 en a month. I'm going to cancel Hulu and instead use the money to invest in crypto." 
Ai shot up. "You wouldn't. You need Spotify to live, you're so addicted to it. Why would you even invest in crypto, invest in me instead I can actually make you money, popular, whatever you want."
Yusaku crossed his arms. "Got you. What's wrong? You were ready to let me walk out without saying bye, or making me eat."
Ai blinked his too long eyelashed, "sorry Yusaku-chan, I couldn't respond to anything today. I think I might have picked up a virus somewhere."
"Were you watching porn again or something?" 
"No! Gosh that was a joke, Yusaku, stop bringing it up all the time!" 
Yusaku smirked, then sat down at his computer. He rummaged around for a few minutes until he was able to slap Ai's porting cable on his desk. "A virus, huh? Then let's take care of that real quick." 
Ai pressed himself against the wall. "Don't you have school? Go to school, and you can deal with this later, I'll be fine." 
"No. School is just a formality, you're more important than anything school has to offer."
Yusaku knew he trapped Ai when Ai's cheeks turned pink and he quickly averted his eyes. "Don't say that…" Ai then pointed an accusatory finger at Yusaku. "You're just using me as an excuse to not go to school!"
Yusaku smiled at Ai. "Turn around, I need to hook you up to the computer." 
"No! Go to school!" 
Yusaku crawled on the bed and tried to turn Ai around. Ai, however, fought Yusaku with gusto. 
"Help! Help! Yusaku-chan is molesting me! I don't want anything to be stuck in me right now!"
"Damnit Ai, we've done this multiple times, why the fuss now?" 
"You need to go to school!"
"Let me take care of you! You're my responsibility, so let me handle this." 
Ai stopped struggling, long enough for Yusaku to tug him closer to the computer.
"You're not… I didn't mean… I'm not something you have to take care of all the time."
Yusaku gathered Ai's hair in a loose ponytail and twisted it into a shitty bun. "I didn't mean it like that. You entrusted me with the cyberse, didn't you? I'm just doing the minimum." 
Yusaku hooked Ai up to the computer. He heard a huff. "Classic Yusaku, not saying what's on his mind. I know what you really mean, though." 
"Do you now?" Yusaku said half-heartedly in favor of scanning Ai's code. As a more complex virus, ordinary anti-virus softwares wouldn't work for Ai. 
"Yeah. I know that you love me, and that you care for me, and what you really wanted to say is that we take care of each other." 
"Yeah… something… like that…" Yusaku trailed off. He had already been absorbed by the task at hand. 
"You're not even paying attention to me," Ai whined. "I thought we were having a heart to heart moment!" 
Yusaku hummed. Finally, he found the virus, which seemed to be the type of virus that gathered information and sent it somewhere else. He carefully dealt with the virus as Ai chanted his name. 
"Yeah, you're right," Yusaku finally said, if only to get him to shut up. 
"So you agree you're emotionally constipated!" 
Yusaku finished his sweep of Ai's code and leaned over to power off the SOLtis. He needed to restart the SOLtis to properly rid it of the virus. 
Yusaku detached the cable and casually tossed it aside. While Ai powered back on, Yusaku laid him down and dragged his chair closer to the bed. 
Ai slowly lifted himself from the bed. "What time is it?" 
"Two thirty."
Ai stared at him. "You're the worst." 
"Glad you're okay." 
Ai tugged Yusaku onto the bed. "Your punishment for being such a bad boy is to rest with me." 
"You don't need to sleep off a virus." 
"Yes I do. Let's go to sleep." 
Yusaku was thus forced to spend the rest of the day smothered in Ai's embrace. 
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Day four of the Horror on Cherry Lane Challenge! Today’s prompt was Sunglasses!
Steve has a lot of secrets. Too many probably.
Most teenagers’ secrets are things like sleeping with the wrong people, smoking the cheap shit the jocks pass out, broken curfews and failing grades. He’s got all of those too, but Steve's secret runs much deeper than that.
His is the kind of secret that’d have men in black suits coming to take him away, or at this point, more than a decade after letting him go in the first place, putting a bullet in the back of his skull and calling it a day before any trouble comes up.
He’s been stuck in Hawkins all his life. Been fed the knowledge about the world off a silver spoon he didn’t ask for. His first five years of life are well forgotten to shock therapy and to the lab, where they intended to use him and the rest of the kids like him as weapons. Pawns in their big game of life.
But Steve was different. He could turn his powers off, make them undetectable by the machines they hooked him up to. They thought he was just a failure, so after so long, they wiped his brain with their very own cocktail of drugs and just let him go. Adopted him out to a middle aged dink couple who wouldn’t run their mouths about where their little bundle of joy came from as long as their pockets were lined with enough hush money, and that was that.
It didn’t take long for them to realize though, that he wasn’t as normal as they had been convinced he was. Not even knowing he was doing anything wrong, little Stevie would have outbursts, or small tantrums as momma always tried to convince everyone who told her Steve was too much for her to handle.
These weren’t just normal crying fits though. Anyone who got near him would be just as sad or scared or frustrated as he was. A single sob from that boy had enough power to crack the foundations of the family home.
Most kids when they have a cranky morning will get on the nerves of their parents, but Steve could disrupt the whole neighborhood without even realizing it. And that was his power.
They didn’t have a name for it, really. The range of what he can do is too broad, too undefined by anything else. There was a telekinetic girl, a pyrokinetic he’s pretty sure is dead now. But Steve was just special. Part of what made it so easy to go under their radar was this, but it also made him a risk.
The only reason he wasn’t immediately reported and given back to the bad men was the power this frail boy carried. It scared Ruthie and John, and they decided that they’d rather face the men at that lab again than a seven year old who could accidentally destroy them with his emotions.
So they kept him, and certainly kept their distance. They forced him into a little mold of how to behave properly and made him take pills to weaken his powers. They send him to behavioral therapy and make him act like he’s not a failed government experiment. A fact which he only learned a couple of years ago after his pills worked a little too well at messing with his memory that he forgot to take them, and memories came flooding back.
For the same reasons, Steve’s bored of being careful. Bored of following all the rules and being passive, just pretending he’s like everyone else so mommy and daddy dearest are safe. He starts getting a little riskier, testing what he can do, since this is the first time he’s ever really had control over his ability. He finds a link with other people and their emotions, something of an empathy power, but he doesn’t get far in his research, because his plan very quickly goes to shit when Billy Hargrove rolls into town.
Where to begin with Billy. That boy makes him feel all sorts of things he never even considered. The very first day he showed his unimpressed (but very impressive) face at Hawkins high, Steve cracks his windshield. Oops.
He was able to tap into that control and tone it down, but that reserve dwindled the more he’s around Billy, and from there it just spirals. Bending the basketball hoop on accident, exploding light fixtures, giving everyone in the school headaches. It gets to the point where Steve has to come to terms with the fact that he had a crush on Billy, and that he has to do something to get it back under his control before somebody gets hurt.
That and he doesn’t want to get caught now. He just got back into the swing of using his powers before Billy interrupted his calm. Going back there, or whatever else might happen, is the last thing he wants for himself.
He settles for a pair of ray bans.
It’s stupid, but when Steve was still young and all but popping his mommas brains every single time he cried, she was desperate to find a way to get him to stop. She started to notice he’d concentrate hard on one thing and another would happen, staring at a lamp until it shattered, looking into her face until her ears started to ring and pop. So she does what she can to break that subconscious focus. Puts a barrier between him and all that he’s hurting. A plastic, race car themed barrier, but it does its job, and it worked every time until they got him on meds. So now that he’s old enough not to just tear the damn things right off his face, he figures it’s worth a shot.
Because nothing had made him this emotional, this out of control since the day he found out the truth about his past. Billy is special, and the very last thing he wants is to lose control and hurt him.
He still feels like a dope walking into the school with a pair of shades on. Everyone starts to stare in that way he tries not to let remind him of the lab and the doctors standing in circles around him, prodding and waiting for a reaction. Steve thinks wearing sunglass inside is the least weird thing to happen in the halls of a highschool if Tina can come in with a perm high enough to touch the ceiling, but whatever. He’ll get over it.
The fact that nothing’s exploded from how on edge he is, mostly from wondering if his momma’s trick will work and not because of their judgement, is a very good sign.
Boldly, he decides to put it to the ultimate test, and approaches Billy.
In his head, he’s so focused on just going to talk to Billy, he has nothing planned to say to him, but he thinks he would’ve forgotten anyways, what with the lazy smile Billy flashes him when he notices him approaching.
Steve’s gaze quickly darts past Billy to check for damage to anything, the racing in his chest from just a look like that typically enough to at least crack a window. Maybe he’s not as confident about this as he thought, or maybe Billy’s just really good at making him flustered.
Doesn’t matter, because he’s at the other boys locker before he has time to process what he’s doing, “Lookin’ for somethin’ Harrington?”
“Oh, yeah, I was just checking for uh, my fans. Yeah, they follow me around everywhere, you know?” It’s bullshit, and it sounds more than dumb coming out of Steve’s mouth, but it makes Billy laugh, real low and raspy and that’s a win in his book.
“That what the little disguise is for?” Billy hums and taps his temple, clearly referring to the sun glasses perched on Steve’s nose.
“Oh these? No, I uh, wear these ‘cause of the uh.. because I wanna sleep in class and down want the teachers to know?” His answer comes as more of a question than anything, so he’s grateful when Billy seems to be more interested in his excuse than the subject at hand.
“Pfft, yeah right. I’ve heard you sleepin’ on the basketball bus. Ain’t no way your snoring doesn’t get you caught before your eyes do.”
Steve just waves him off, laughs with Billy even if his heart isn’t in it.
Billy closes his locker door, switching the subject as the scenery switches. It’s all a distraction to Steve, but he forces himself to look Billy in the face as the other boy asks him, “Seriously though dude, you okay? It ain’t like you to switch up your look. You’re not hiding anythin’ under the shades are you?”
“Nah. Just been thinking, I’m not the King because I’m not cool anymore, right? So I’m tryin’ to look a little more.. interesting.” Steve’s not a very quick or good liar, despite the military guarded secret that is himself and the little black number seven carved into his arm, and he can tell Billy doesn’t buy it.
He’s a good sport though, throwing an arm around Steve’s shoulders and assuring him with a little jostle, “Aw, Stevie, you're cool in my book. At least as long as you quit comin’ up with reasons not to hang with me, yeah?”
“Yeah, I- alright. I can do that. Sorry for flaking so much though. Didn’t realize until you said something.”
“S’Cool. Just meet me at the quarry after dark and it’ll make up for it.” Billy offers, obviously trying to play up the coolness neither of them apparently actually have, and Steve can’t help but call him on it. “It gets dark at like, four-thirty, five o’clock anymore?”
“Fine. Meet me at nine, pretty boy.” Billy smirks, dropping his voice to add knowingly, “And lose the shades. I think you’re much more interesting without ‘em.”
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Butchered Plans-Technoblade
#113 from this prompt list. Check out my masterlist here! 
This is a Technoblade x GN reader!
This will not really follow what actually happened in the dreamsmp roleplay but I hope you enjoy it all the same! 
Y/N finds out about the Butcher Army and attempts to put a stop to their plan. 
L’Manberg was quiet today… Too quiet. I hadn’t seen Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, Ranboo, Ghostbur or Philza around all day. Ever since Tommy’s exile I was sure that I spoke to each of them at least once a day for 15 minutes or longer. Tommy was ripped away from me, from L’Manberg and I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to the boy that had become my brother. I had no idea the debate that raged on between the boys and Dream and by the time I was clued in it was too late. He was gone. 
I sighed as I strolled down Prime Path, heading toward the new L’Manberg. I kept my eyes peeled, looking for a sign of any movement. Any life. Anyone. Suddenly, a tall tower I had never seen before was in the center of the square caught my eye. “What the-” I muttered, jogging toward it. As I got closer, I began to hear voices. I caught a glimpse of Carl tied to a post and I broke in a full sprint. 
Well I found the boys I had been looking for all day. Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, and Ranboo stood on the outer edges of the stage dressed in bloody aprons. Philza stood outside his front door, watching what was happening. Ghostbur stood off to the side of the stage with a blue sheep. There was one more person that was standing on the stage. Technoblade. 
Technoblade and I have had an interesting relationship ever since he joined the server. I had been really good friends with his brothers and when they were banished from L’Manberg, it broke my heart. I spent a lot of time giving them supplies and intel about the things that were happening under Schlatt’s control. Wherever I would visit them, Techno would always throw flirty remarks my way, leaving me flustered. One time I decided to throw one back at his, causing him to blush like crazy. The next time I went over, Techno asked me on a date. I accepted, of course and ever since then the two of us had been a couple.
I stood by him through a lot of important events. I helped raise Carl. I helped him farm wither skulls. I had been there with him when he spawned the withers and blew up L’Manberg. He and I spent many days looking for a place to build his “retirement” home and then many days then building said house. We spent a lot of time together and I really did love him.  
“What the hell is going on here?!” I demanded as I stomped on the stage. All eyes snapped to me as I stood there, fuming on the stage. “Y/N” Tubbo began nervously, “You shouldn’t be here. Quackity, I thought you took care of them!” he hissed to his partner in crime. Quackity rubbed the back of his neck, “Oops. I guess I forgot.” I crossed my arms across my chest and glowered at the four boys. “That doesn’t answer my question of what is going on here.” I hissed out. Tubbo cleared his throat and nervously looked to his feet. “An execution…” He whispered. I was silent as I soaked up Tubbo’s words. “We made a list. A list of people that threaten the peace of L’Manberg. Techno is on that list and then to make sure we have that peace, he must die.” Tubbo finished. 
I stared at him with an eyebrow raised. “Really? You think that this is going to solve your problems?” I questioned, “You know he has all of his cannon lives. If he dies, when he comes back you’re going to have to pay full price for what you did to him… You really think this is a smart play.” Tubbo gave me a half shrug while the other three stared at each other. “He had to pay for what he’s done,” Fundy spoke up. I let out a laugh and shook my head, “He did exactly what he told you he was going to do. You knew how much he hates governments and yet you literally formed one in front of him… If anything it’s your own fault.” I informed them with a shrug. 
I brushed past Tubbo and made my way to the cage that sat in the middle of the stage, the two right next to it. “Hey there.” I greeted my partner with a smile. Techno mirrored my smile as he gave me a small wave, “Fancy seeing you here. Whatcha doing?” I asked, swinging my bag off my shoulder, looking for my pickaxe. “Oh, you know… Being executed.” He claimed nonchalantly. I giggled at his casualness as I brought my pick out of my bag. I was about to swing my pick to break the iron lock that kept my boyfriend contained in a one by one block, but a hand landed on my shoulder stopping my motions. 
“Y/N! You can’t do this! We, the Butcher Army, have made a decision! He must die!” Tubbo whined. I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand off of my shoulder, “I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it” I announced turning back to the cage that housed my boyfriend. I brought my pick up and swung at the iron lock, instantly breaking it causing the cell door to swing open. “NOOOOOO!” The four boys screeched. They rushed forward, trying with all their might to push the pink haired man back into the cage, but the two of us were too strong for him. 
The two of us easily pushed the four boys off of us and to the ground. They stayed down, a bit dazed allowing us to make our escape. I grabbed my boyfriend’s hand and ran toward where I saw Carl tied up. With ease, Techno hoisted himself up onto his cherished horse as I untied the prized horse from the post. I handed Techno the reigns before jumping on the animal myself. “Stop! Prisoner!” I heard the voices shout from behind us. “Let’s go Carl!” Techno shouted, giving the animal a swift kick sparking the horse into action. Carl whinnied and began galloping at full speed down the prime path. “NOOOOOOO!” the four voices screamed, fading out of earshot as we rode off toward Techno’s retirement home. 
I let out a breath of relief as Techno’s home appeared in my field of view. Carl came to a stop right outside the front door. Techno quickly hopped off of his pet and tied him to his post. Techno then reached up and helped me off of the animal. The two of us locked eyes as we stood there. I let out a giggle at what had just happened. My laughter caused Techno to laugh as well. “I cannot believe you did that” He admitted, wrapping his arms around my waist, leaning his forehead on my own. I let out a content sigh, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I’d do anything for you,” I admitted. His brown eyes stared into my own lovingly. “I don’t know how I could ever repay you,” He mumbled, leaning down and pressing a kiss onto my lips. I let out a giggle, immediately kissing back. “Well I know one way.” I mumbled against his lips. 
Techno pulled back slightly and raised his eyebrow. “And that is?” “Well considering I just betrayed the L’Manberg president, I don’t think I’ll be welcome in their land anytime soon… So you could let me crash here for a while.” Techno let out a chuckle and pecked my lips once more. “Of course,” He hummed, “You’re always welcome here.” I gave my boyfriend a soft smile at his response. “Thank you” “Anytime.”
We stood there for a few minutes before a shiver ran down my spine. “I’m cold” I claimed with a pout on my lips. Techno let out a laugh and rolled his eyes, “Of course you are. Come on, I’ll make you something hot to drink.” Techno let go of my waist and turned toward the front door. “You’re the best” I hummed, reaching forward and intertwining our fingers. Techno brought our hands up to his mouth and placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand. “I know… You’re pretty okay too.” He teased, opening the door. I let out a gasp in mock offense, “Excuse you?!” I exclaimed as the two of us made our way to the kitchen, “I literally just saved you from the Butcher Army and this is how you repay me?” Techno led me to a seat and sat me down before turning to the stove and began making my drink, “In that case. I guess you’re pretty cool too… Ya know… For butchering their plans….” 
 There was a silence in the kitchen before laughter came bubbling out of my mouth. “I can’t believe you just made that pun!” I laughed, holding my stomach. Techno threw a smile over his shoulder as he worked. “I figured you would like it.” The laughter slowly died down as I took deep breaths to calm myself. Techno set my favorite mug down in front of me before sitting down beside me. His arm wrapped around my shoulder and a kiss was placed upon my temple. I smiled as I brought my own mug to my lips and took a sip. I let out a content sigh as I rested my head on my boyfriend’s shoulder. “I could get used to this,” I admitted, turning slightly to look at my love. Techno gave me a gentle smile, leaning down, and pressing a kiss on the top of my head before pulling me closer to him. “So could I”
There you go! I hope you enjoyed!! If so, please be sure to leave a like! Maybe even a reply or a reblog telling me what you liked about it!! Until next time!
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nkogneatho · 4 years
hiii! Can I get number 12 for a poly relationship with Kuroo and Kenma (haikyuu)? Thank you in advance~
► "I guess we'll have to touch every square inch of your Body" + Kuroo Tetsuro, Kenma Kozume.
Warnings: Nsfw, established poly relationship.
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12. Stripping in front of them. (Prompt list here)
It's been pretty busy lately. Kuroo with his meetings, Kenma with his streamings and you with your own job not to mention you had to work overtime mostly. The only thing that relieves your stress is coming home to your lovely boyfriends.
Despite everyone's judgments, you three never left each other because you've never felt such a comfort in life. Rather than having fake friends, you will much more prefer having two prettiest and most loving boyfriends over everyone.
But since you all were occupied in your own life lately, it felt like you were kind of drifting. The minute you're boss dismissed you early one day, you stormed out of the company building heading straight to home.
On the way home a lewd idea strucked your mind. It's been pretty long since you guys had even made out let alone have sex.
You opened the doorknob to see Kuroo making dinner in the kitchen and Kenma on the couch playing video games.
"Hello kitten, you're home early today?", the rooster-haired smiled as the blonde greeted you with love but his eyes didn't leave the screen.
"Yeah they let me go early.", you sighed placing your handbag on the table.
"Ah. Our baby deserves it after all that overtime", Kuroo approached to you what you felt like a hug but was just him reaching the drawer to pull out some wine.
Why aren't you guys touching me? Come closer. Kiss, hug, touch anything! is what was going through your mind. Buying slutty lingerie on the way home didn't seem like a bad idea now.
Fine. You're not gonna touch me? I'll make you. "I think I'm gonna go change", you walked towards the bedroom. Little did they know, you were plotting such filthy things against them.
It's been a while since you're in there. You've never wore such a thing in your life so it took a while for you to adjust and be all whore in that outfit.
"Babe it's been a while since you're in there. Are you alright?", Kenma worried while fingers moving the controller.
"So what's for dinner?", you asked Kuroo as you stood there all sassy. One hand on the doorwall, while another on the waist.
Kuroo turned to answer but he didn't expect to see this. The spatula in his hands dropped making kozume turn his head to see if everything's okay.
"Hey what happen-", his eyes finally left the screen and now was hooked on you.
"What the f-fuck?", he cursed.
"Why don't I give you boys a show?", since when did you become like this is all they thought. You grabbed both of them, pushed them on the sofa, pulling them almost for a kiss but na-ah. Agonize them a bit more.
"Oops, seems like I forgot to take of my shirt. Do you guys wanna see what's in?", you smirked.
"Kitten why are you doin-" "Shh", you placed your index finger on your lips gesturing them to just shush and just watch their amazing girlfriend strip.
You slyly unbuttoned your shirt, making sure that your movements are slow but agonizing. You dropped it on the floor as you revealed your matching net bra. Cloth barely covering your breasts, making your boyfriends gulp down air as they saw you.
You played with the lace of your panty for a while until both of them stood up and literally started kissing you. Kenma was fondling your breasts as Kuroo dropped down marking hickeys on your hips.
"Since when did you become so naughty?", Kozume asked as he kissed your neck.
"Since you both started ignoring my touch", you taunted.
"We didn't ignore you baby. We were just giving you your space cause you were busy and tired", Tetsu bit you.
"Well now after all this show of yours, I guess we'll have to touch each square inch of your body", Kenma smirked giving Kuroo a confirmation glance to take the rest to the bedroom.
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pottersfia · 3 years
putting on an act | hp x fem!reader
part four
warnings: angst, fluff, not read over oops
11: “Be real with me; how much of this was fake?”
35: “Did I buy this cologne/perfume because you use it and the smell reminds me of you? Yes yes I did”
17: height difference kisses where one person has to bend down and the other is on their tippy toes
2: moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bed
a/n: this is the last part thank you to everyone that enjoyed it :)
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harry regretted everything. how could he have been so insensitive? if he could take back his choices that night, he would.
“hey harry.” the boy looked up to see cho smiling at him. he gave her a forced tight lipped smile back.
“hello cho.”
just five minutes before that, he was with you. he watched as you ran back to your friends and joined them in dancing again with a smile on his face. then, he was interrupted.
“having fun?” cho asked him. he shrugged.
“i’m doing fine.” he replied and they fell into a momentary awkward silence. “um, what about you?” he asked back. cho shrugged.
“harry, i wanted to ask.” she began and harry looked at her, suddenly very attentive. “that kiss that we had a few weeks ago, erm, did it mean anything?” harry had almost forgot it happened. he looked over at you. he never expected it but he knew the feelings he felt weren’t gonna go anytime soon. he was doing this to get with cho and to his knowledge, you weren’t interested. his silence was answer enough for cho.
“right. i’ll be going then.” she said and turned away from him. harry watched cho head for the door. the only way for him to get his head in the right place was to distract himself. he could get over you, he just needed someone else, right?
harry quickly followed after cho, dodging the crowd of students.
“cho! wait!” he called for her and she turned around. harry caught up to her and stood in front of her.
“no, harry i get it. you obviously really like-” harry cut her off, pulling her into a kiss. he felt nothing. there was no buzz or excitement like the first time he kissed her, he simply wasn’t feeling it.
cho must’ve sensed this, she pulled away and opened her eyes for a brief second. in the corner of her eye, she saw you. she instantly pulled away. harry looked at her confused then followed her gaze and saw you. you looked like you were gonna break down in tears.
honestly at first harry was confused why it bothered you so much. you were the one that always encouraged him to go for cho. then it hit him; you were supposed to be dating. technically he pretty much cheated. he never told you beforehand that he was gonna do this but he did it anyway.
all he wanted to do was talk to you but you avoided him for the past week. it simply hurt too much and you didn’t know how you would explain your reaction. you noticed how harry barely talked to cho anymore, but you didn’t care. it was all pretend, just an act.
your attempts to avoid harry were harder than expected.
you were in potions class listening to professor slughorn explain amortentia. he paired everyone up to work together and just to your luck he put you with harry.
“professor, is it ok if i switch partners?” you asked him privately.
“i’m sorry y/n but your partners are final.” he replied. you let out a heavy sigh and walked to harry. the two of you worked in silence. mostly you watched him do the work until,
“can you tell me what the next part is while i stir this?” harry asked.
“why don’t you read it yourself?” you quickly replied. harry looked at you, shocked. you avoided eye contact.
“it would be better if we actually worked together on this.”
“you’re not so good at teamwork though, are you.” you practically mumbled but he heard you. harry carried on.
“alright now that you’re all done, smell the amortentia and your partner will write down what it is you smell.” you looked at harry expectantly as he hesitated to smell the potion. his eyes widened, only slightly, but you noticed it.
“what is it?” you asked as you grabbed your quill.
“erm, it’s flowery.” he finally spoke out.
“flowery?” you questioned him while writing it down.
“yes. you heard me.” he looked at you sternly. you sighed and took your turn. suddenly your senses were filled with the scent of your favorite fruit, old broomsticks, and something that reminded you of a candle you once smelled. flannel. it was unexpected but your mind instantly made the connection to similar scents, and yes. you smelled what reminded you of harry.
“alright, what about you?” he asked. you cleared your throat.
“fruit, old broomsticks, and flannel.” he quickly wrote it down and class was dismissed.
later that day, all you could think of was harry. you honestly found it concerning how much he took over your thoughts the last few days.
“y/n, why don’t you just talk to him.” hermione said from the other end of your bed where she sat.
“why would i do that?” you scoffed. hermione rolled her eyes.
“oh come on, he likes you! haven’t you seen the way he hasn’t talked to cho at all.” she pointed out. you paused at the comment. harry likes you? why was he being an idiot if your assumption was right?
“then why did he kiss her? it’s like he wanted to ruin how other people see me like i’ll be the one who wasn’t good enough for him or something and-” your rant was cut off.
“i’m tired of this. you two need to figure this out soon.” hermione looked back at the book she was reading. you sighed as you laid back and let your mind wander.
everyone around seemed tense. they approached you with caution and concern and it honestly pissed you off. especially today. it wasn’t the sunniest day hogwarts had ever faced but ironically it matched your mood.
the day was spent with you dodging harry at all costs, as usual. that was until you saw ron walk up to you as you sat in the gryffindor common room with ginny and hermione.
“y/n, someone’s looking for you at the quidditch pitch.” ron said. you raised an eyebrow.
“the quidditch pitch? in this weather? i highly doubt that, ron.” you laughed.
“no he’s right, uh, they said it was really important.” hermione added on.
“who is it?” you asked.
“just go, will you?” ginny pulled you up from your spot and the 3 dragged you outside only because you had convinced them to walk with you.
the weather was dull, there was a light sprinkle of rain but it had been like that all day. the air was thick and humid, and the ground was wet and muddy.
sure enough, you saw someone standing in the middle of the quidditch pitch and you guessed it, it was harry.
“are you guys serious right now?” you rolled your eyes. they stopped and looked at you.
“go talk to him.” hermione said.
“now.” ginny pushed you forward a bit as the three left. you slowly walked towards harry dreading every step you took.
“harry.” you called to him and he turned to look at you. he gave a small wave and you returned a tight lipped smile that lasted about 2 seconds.
“uh, hermione said you wanted to talk?” he stood awkwardly. you shook your head with a sigh.
“she thinks we should talk.” you replied, breaking eye contact.
“oh.” the two of you fell into an awkward silence. harry wiped the rain drops that fell on his glasses as he tried to find what to say.
“y/n-” he said but you looked at him as you cut him off.
“why did you kiss her harry.” you blurted out. he looked back in shock. you were still mad, upset at him and it made him upset.
“well wasn’t the entire point of us dating about me and cho?” he snapped back.
“obviously but you could’ve at least told me! now it just looks like you cheated on me and she let you.” you looked down at your hands as you played with your fingers nervously.
“yeah it wasn’t the best idea but it really wasn’t like that. cho didn’t really get the chance to stop me.” you were silent, as if he wasn’t even there. “a-and i don’t even like her like that anymore.”
“then why did you kiss her!” you slightly yelled at him.
“because i thought it would distract me from you!” he quickly yelled back. you looked at him as he sighed loudly, clearly frustrated. you were quiet again. did he mean it in the way you thought he did?
“ok, be real with me; how much of this was fake?” you stared at him blankly and responded with a simple what? even though you knew exactly what he was asking.
“i need to know if you felt anything. i sure as bloody hell did, y/n. you wanna know what i smelled in potions today?” you simply nodded your head as signal for him to continue. he pulled out a small plastic bottle from his pocket. it was a body spray.
“this.” he held it up to you. “did i buy this perfume because you use it and the smell reminds me of you? yes, yes i did. and it’s what i smelled in the amortentia today.” he handed the bottle to you and it was in fact the scent you used.
“harry why didn’t you tell me?” you looked back up at him. he shrugged.
“i didn’t want to loose you as a friend. i-i thought i could somehow start liking cho again but it didn’t work.” you stared at him and bit the inside of your bottom lip. he actually liked you and everything felt bright again.
“you’re being very quiet.” he nervously chuckled. you smiled at him.
“i like you a lot harry.” he smiled back. the moment was so tender, reassuring, warm that you barely noticed the coldness that ran over your skin, that was until it decided to rain down harder. if you weren’t wet before you are definitely soaking now. you gasped as you and harry started to laugh.
“we’d better get inside!” harry called out. you nodded. he grabbed your hand and began to walk back towards the building but you tugged on his hand making him stop. you stared up at him once again with a loving smile and pulled him down to finally connect your lips. you slightly stood on your tippy toes as he bent down to reach you, eagerly returning to kiss. his hand remained in yours and the other one rested at your waist. your other hand was holding on to his cheek, rubbing it softly with your thumb. you parted to catch your breath, heavy breaths were all that was heard besides to rain harshly falling to the ground. you shared one last glance before running back to the castle.
you were once again dry and in your pajamas. harry had invited you to his dorm after the two of you had time to get washed ip. you closed the door to your dorm and quietly made your way to harry’s. you knocked lightly and suddenly you were pulled inside. you looked up and smiled at harry. he smiled back.
“hi.” he said.
“hello.” you replied.
“i’ve wanted to do this for so long.” he pulled you into another kiss, but this was different from the first. that kiss was sweet, full of forgiveness, it was welcoming and reassuring. this kiss was passionate and full of longly, and referring to what harry said it was long overdue.
you two were in the heat of the moment. all you wanted was for this to last forever. the hand that was on your waist moved up to your shoulder as he pushed you back, aiming for the wall. you bumped into a small desk and the chair fell but neither of you cared. in this moment it was just you and him. and that’s how you wanted it to stay.
@harold-pothead @inglourious-imagines @oldschoolkiddo
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todoscript · 4 years
10, Tamaki Amajiki, fluff or smut
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prompt: 10. “You really shouldn’t touch that… I told you.” genre: fluff.  pairing: amajiki tamaki x fem!reader word count: 2.0k+ warnings: mentions of insecurities.
author’s note: This is longer than a drabble should be but I couldn’t control myself. Also, this is my first time writing for Tamaki so I hope I did well portraying him. Big thank you to @burnedbyshoto for being my beta reader as well as recommending the title for this work!
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Tamaki Amajiki has experienced an extraordinary amount of circumstances in his life so far that not many boys his age could even imagine to go through. He’s fought crooks, robots, supervillains, hell even the yakuza, and has managed to come out in one piece every time and claim victory. Of course, he has his training and studies from a prestigious hero school to thank for equipping him with the tools he needs to combat such peril. However, no amount of training or experience could truly prepare him for this new, menacing adversary.
A classroom full of school children.
Being a trio backed up by the honorable title of The Big 3, Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki were given the opportunity to represent U.A. High School as they speak to classrooms of elementary students next week. This was a chance to talk with the younger generation and encourage them to think about a possible career as a crime fighter, while also ensuring that their futures were in safe hands thanks to heroes like them.
As a shy, introverted person whose solution in these social situations is to envisage everyone in the form of vegetables, Tamaki was not keen on this idea. Kids were boisterous and contained way too much energy in their little bodies to handle, making it much harder to conjure them as potatoes in his head. Not only that, but these days they’ve grown judgemental and full of themselves. They boast about their newly developed quirks amongst each other at playgrounds, already comparing their abilities at such an early age. All in all, his fragile spirit cannot handle interacting with these miniature monsters.
Nejire and Mirio seemed much better suited for this task. They glowed with charisma, and their energetic personalities naturally drew people to them. No doubt, the kids will especially be fond of how receptive they are to their young and frisky attitudes. Tamaki felt he just paled in comparison behind their light; however, his two friends would not allow him to deem himself that way.
“C’mon Tamaki, you have so many things going for you!” assures an optimistic Mirio during lunch as Tamaki sulks in the thought of meeting the kids. “You have an amazing quirk! I bet if you show it off, the kids will love it.”
True, the ability to manifest certain animal attributes depending on whatever he digests could tide the youngsters into liking him. But at the same time, would they really be captivated that easily? Aren’t kids at that age more into flashy things like lasers and explosions? No one wants to see him with cow hooves and clam hands, not with Nejire spiraling concussive vitality from her palms and Mirio shooting right up out of solid ground.
“I… I don’t know if the kids would be into my quirk…” he murmurs, eyes averting to his twiddling thumbs beneath the table.
“Amajiki, if you’re aiming to be a Pro Hero, you can’t let a bunch of ten-year-olds deter you!” chides Nejire. She forks a bit of her strewn pasta.
“Easy for you to say, Hadou. You’re bubbly and approachable. Everyone always comes to you. Meanwhile, the freshmen were intimidated by me before I even spoke a word.” Tamaki broods at his plate of food that grows colder during the conversation, but he can’t muster an appetite to eat it. “I can’t imagine how the kids would feel.”
Nejire chews on her noodles with a pitched hum. The trill ceases the moment her eyes light up, an idea flickering in her head.
“Say, how about you visit ____ at support during hero training today? I bet she can hook you up with some flashy gear that they’ll like.”
The utter of your name sends Tamaki’s body rigid.
“Oop, I think you touched something you shouldn’t have, Nejire,” Mirio gestures to the steely expression written over their friend’s face.
Dealing with children was one thing, but you were another matter entirely.
Being enrolled at U.A. since their very first year, the senior students of the hero and support departments coincided together. They drew out each other’s potentials—whether it was fighting on the battlefield or producing new innovative gadgets in workshops. Naturally, within that time, Tamaki developed a fondness for you.
You were a spirited individual driven by your passion for creating and bringing out the very best out of everyone you worked with, which included himself. With him, you were patient, never one to discourage or berate him despite his nervous and awkward nature that he viewed as probably a displeasure to work with. You took all his strengths and weaknesses to heart, and created the right tools to make him shine in triumph.
If Tamaki is the dead night, then you are the moon and stars that lit up his dark twilight, enlightening the world with his true potential.
However, the boy has never brought up his feelings to you, driven back by the thought you didn’t reciprocate, or wanted to focus more on your future as a craftswoman rather than prattle with romance. To bring you up in his dilemma of having to interact with mere elementary school kids is the last thing he wants to do.
“I don’t—”
“C’mon Tamaki! This is the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!” Nejire enthusiastically waves a finger ready to describe her expertly thought-out plan. “You come to ____ asking for some of her gear, the ordeal brings you closer together, and then boom, you naturally confess your feelings and then impress those kids next week!” She sits with a proud, lifted head and hands on her hips after explaining her master proposal.
“Hm that’s quite an ambitious plan, Nejire,” chuckles Mirio.
“Way too ambitious if you ask me,” Tamaki scowls, uncertainty forming in his features.
“Confessing to someone you’ve liked for so long doesn’t come that easily…”
Nejire pouts, spinning the last remnants of her pasta around her fork. “Well I say you should still think it over! If anything, the new gear could help.”
And so he does. Lunch soon passes in the next flutter of an eyelash. During an academic class, Tamaki ponders the idea a bit more until it’s eventually time for their hero training course.
Lo and behold, he’s standing right outside the development studio with wickedly narrow brows and contemplating eyes, acting like if he glared at the door hard enough, all his problems would be solved. With his feet cemented into the ground, he doesn’t budge for the next couple of minutes. His mind bounces between his predicament and the possible solutions at hand, reaching to a standstill. Ultimately, he knows nothing will come out of not making a decision, so after another second of thought, he decides to progress.
The steel door jars open at a slide of the handle and Tamaki ganders at the messy workspace before him. He navigates through a mess of gizmos and gadgets with careful hesitant steps.
“____? Are you in here? I, um, need your help with something,” he calls, tentative voice drawing out across the room.
“Tamaki? Is that you?” He hears the distance between your voices, “Sorry, I’ll be with you in just a minute…”
He nods to no one in particular, standing in place as his fingers play with the hem of his white, hooded cape. Too late to turn back now, he thinks. While he dawdles, he can’t help but let his eyes wander around the room, eyeing the vast amounts of meticulously crafted contraptions and accessories all developed in a high school workshop.
The support course sure is something else, Tamaki regards the creativity such students have, being able to construct so many complicated gadgets. He doesn’t know how you do it, but supposes that was another charm about you that he admired so much.
Suddenly, a whirring noise catches his attention, and he turns in its direction. He spots a device flaring in place on a table across from him, the widget shifting and flashing into an assortment of colors that isn’t comfortable for his liking.
“Uh… ____… C-Can you come out real quick? I think there’s something wrong with this thing,” he warns, tone rising with every dissonant sound the device continues to resonate.
“OK Tamaki, I’m done. What do you need— Whoa!”
Your words are cut off by Tamaki, pulling you to him using vines sprouted from his fingers, thanks to the vegetables he managed to eat today. Confused, you brace against his chest as the evident droning whir increases in volume. Tamaki holds a wavering hand over the device.
“Ah wait, Tamaki, you really shouldn’t touch that!” you cautioned. However, Tamaki’s entire hand transforms into a giant clam that quickly envelopes the contraption just as it flares and reaches its peak. He contains the small burst of energy within his shell with a wince, preventing any catastrophe from befalling on both of you and the work studio.
“Hehe, told you,” you shakily laugh off which makes him sigh as he releases you from his steady grasp.
“____, you could’ve gotten severely hurt,” he chides.
“But I didn’t because of you, so thank you very much, Suneater,” you say with a grin. Tamaki slightly tugs his hood down to obscure the growing blush on his cheeks that threaten to expose his flustered reaction to your gratitude.
“It... It was nothing,” he manages. You nod in response before approaching the faulty contraption, shifting your gaze side-to-side to inspect the damage.
“Sorry about that, I think this is one of Hatsume’s inventions from Class 1-F.”
You toss it into a pile of other defective equipment, relaying in your mind to reprimand your junior later.
“Anyways, is there anything I can do for you, Tamaki? You said something about needing my help?” Ah, right, he nearly forgot. He slowly nods.
“I need some new gear…” he admits. A light of passion infused with curiosity dazzles in your eyes.
“What for? Going to face a new powerhouse crime organization next week? Ooh, maybe another gangster threat in the criminal underground? Or perhaps you need something to combat a future natural disaster?” you surmise, but Tamaki only avoids your gaze at all your grand guesses when comparing it to the true reason:
“I need something to impress these kids I’ll be talking to next week…” he mutters under his breath, as if embarrassed.
“Huh?” You knit your eyebrows, muddled by the answer. Tamaki’s head imbues with self-conscious, anxious thoughts about what you must be thinking. However, your response to his predicament is one that leaves him more perplexed than you are.
“Why? You don’t need any gear to impress anyone. You’re fine the way you are,” you say without a single pause or hint of doubt in your tone. Tamaki pauses, grabbing his bearings at your statement before eyeing his spread out hands, unsure.
“But I’m so plain, not flashy or charismatic like Mirio and Hadou… Would kids like me the way I am?” he urges the question with uncertainty, keeping his stare on his calloused palms.
Would you like me the way I am?
You reach out for his hands, holding your own over them and bringing his wavering gaze to peer into yours.
“Tamaki, the kids will like you for who you are as long as you’re passionate about what you’re aiming to do. And that’s to save everyone and become a hero, right?” you assure, slightly tilting your head.
“You protected me without even a thought in your mind just now. That makes you heroic and courageous,” you continue, “Your nervous and shy personality are just small little quirks about you that make you who you are. You don’t need to change that.”
A smile of pure adoration forms on your lips. “Plus it’s what I like so much about you.”
Tamaki’s eyes lift in realization at your statement, his hands slowly gripping yours from below like he may not have heard you correctly.
“You like me?” he repeats, and you nod your head.
“I’ve liked you since our first year, silly.” You giggle at the stunned look etched on his face.
“I…” his words are caught in his throat for a second over the growing developments, but with every ounce of his being, he musters them out, his tone laced in only warmth and affection for you.
“I’ve liked you too, ___, I-I always have. You were so dazzling that I couldn’t help but let these feelings for you grow, and now, I’m glad I got to say them to you.” He finally admits to all the emotions stirred inside him for the past three years, and your smile widens. You inch forward, planting a small peck on his cheek that renders him a flustered mess from the surprise.
“Alright, go show those kids who Suneater is next week!”
Nejire’s plan was a success, after all.
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laurenairay · 4 years
Sangiovese - C. Kreider
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Summary: wine + sofa snuggles = a sweet night in with your boyfriend Chris.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: established relationship, fluff, domesticity, kissing
A/N: this one is for @itsbadgerbadgermushroom​ (and thank you for the wine recommendation J, you star!) 💚 Manifesting the captaincy for him!
“More wine?”
You looked up at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice, smiling at him as he wiggled the bottle of appassimento sangiovese at you.
“Yeah, please Chris,” you nodded, picking your empty glass off the coffee table and passing it to him.
He’d surprised you with a couple of bottles of your favourite red wine when you’d gotten home from work, as well as with his plan for the evening, and after a hour or so of charcuterie and cheese, along with that perfect wine, the two of you were relaxing on the sofa, legs kicked up with a gentle fire going. Chris had only gotten up to add a couple more logs to the fire, and you already missed his embrace. There wasn’t anything in particular that you were celebrating, no anniversary or event, not even a particularly bad day. Chris had just wanted to spend the evening in relaxing, only the two of you, and there was no way you were going to say no to that sweet request. Who would say no? He wanted to spend some quality time together, and that could only made you smile.
“Here you go, sweetheart,”
Chris passed you back the full wineglass with a warm smile, your fingers brushing ever so slightly, and even that gentle motion sent butterflies trembling through your body. His soft touch paired with his soft smile just made your heart feel so full. That this gorgeous man had chosen you, and continued to choose you, truly did mystify you sometimes – but it was moments like this, when he looked at you like there was nowhere else he would rather be, that you felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
He just made everything feel so…easy. You had always been attracted to the strong silent type, quietly intelligent, the type who didn’t need to boast about how amazing they were because it was clear as day – and Chris had those attributes in spades. He had swept you off your feet from the moment you met him, and you hadn’t looked back. Why would you? Chris was everything you had ever dreamed of, and you could only hope every day that you were the same for him.
“Lean forward for me, darling,”
You did as he asked with a smile, letting him sit behind you on the sofa, legs either side of your body so you could recline against his chest. Perfect. Chris slid his free arm around your waist, letting you rest your hand on his, your fingers tangling together, and the smile on your lips only deepened. How did this action, so simple but so sweet, feel like so much more?
“Thank you for tonight, Chris. I really needed it,” you murmured, leaning your head back against his shoulder.
Chris made a soft noise, kissing the side of your head. “Of course, whenever you want,”
“And you,” you pouted.
He laughed, giving your hand a squeeze. “And me,” he agreed, “I like the sound of that,”
You just grinned, taking a sip of your wine. Mm, so good.
“So, you said that you were catching up with your mum today?” he prompted.
You couldn’t help but sigh. Oh God yeah, that was a conversation and a half. Chris laughed at the frustration in your expression, taking a sip of his wine to prepare himself. He kept his arms wrapped around you as you talked, recounting the long phone call you’d had with your mum, laughing in all the right places as the two of you sipped on that beautiful wine. One of the things you loved most about Chris was that he was such a good listener – he genuinely paid attention to what you talked about, even if it was something as insignificant as the catch-up you’d had about your mum’s ridiculous book club, and he never made you feel dumb or disregarded. He cared. He really, truly, cared. And it made your heart swell with happiness every time.
Naturally, your mum loved him, but that was a whole other story.
“She says hello, by the way. And that you still need to send her that recipe for that pasta dish you promised,” you finished, grinning up at him.
Chris snorted, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Damn it, I knew I forgot something,”
Oops. Oh well, it wasn’t like your mum held a grudge – and definitely not a grudge against Chris anyway. To her, you would never be able to find anyone better. No pressure then.
You turned your body to face Chris at the sound of his serious voice, frowning slightly. What?
“I really want to kiss you,” Chris murmured.
Your breath caught in your throat as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, your skin tingling as his fingers gently brushed across your cheek. Wow. Just wow. Unexpected, but you definitely weren’t complaining.
“Do it then,” you breathed.
Chris smiled, hand cupping your cheek fully as he leant his head down, pressing his lips to yours firmly. You couldn’t stop the quiet moan that slipped out of your throat, your own non-wine hand rising to slide into his hair, your fingers tangling in his curls. The kiss stayed soft and sweet, but no less intense, and your toes curled at the heat that slowly spread through your body. This was everything. The lightest of touches from him always sent your head spinning, and this was no different.
“Beautiful. So beautiful,” he said softly between kisses, making you whimper until he kissed you fully again, his tongue slowly stroking across yours, your heart and your thighs clenching. Damn you could never get enough of him. How could you ever have enough of this?
But eventually the kisses slowed down to a few soft lingering pecks, taking your breath away.
“And not a drop of wine spilled,” Chris murmured in your ear, kissing the side of your head.
You just giggled, snuggling back into his body as you turned back around, Chris’s arm sliding around you once more.
A glass of Il Passo Segreto Appassimento, the fireplace roaring and your back pressed to your gorgeous boyfriend’s chest. What more could you want?
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cali-holland · 4 years
Priceless- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Prompt: You’ve never liked people spending money on you or being at large parties, but Tom seems to forget that as he goes a bit overboard when celebrating your birthday.
Word Count: 3100
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
A/N: I wrote this weeks ago and forgot to post it, my bad if it’s shit- it’s unedited; also I have no clue how much student loans are in the uk or if they even exist so i made it based off the us average and i’ll just stop rambling now oops
“Tom, this place is really nice.” You breathed out in awe of the dimly lit, but extravagant restaurant. While you felt almost embarrassed by your simple little black dress and non-designer shoes, your hands began to shake a little, thinking about how expensive this dinner must be.
“Anything for my special birthday girl.” Tom beamed, pulling out your chair for you to sit down.
“I wish you would’ve told me we were coming here. I would’ve dressed better.” You said quietly as you sat down in the chair, eyeing the women in fancy dresses at the tables surrounding you two.
“What are you talking about? You’re the best dressed person here.” He sat down across from you, adjusting his tux as he did so, and a sharply dressed waiter came up to the table, offering you two champagne immediately. Before you could kindly decline the offer, Tom insisted on the drinks.
“We’re celebrating tonight.” Tom stated, holding up his champagne flute out to you once the waiter had left. “To the best day of the year: happy birthday, Y/N.”
“Thank you.” You smiled, clinking your own glass against his before drinking the expensive liquid. 
Being with Tom for the past two years, you were used to the sweet date nights and the amazing birthday gifts; today was just different though. He’d never taken you to such an expensive restaurant before, not one that is so pricey that they don’t even bother to add prices on the menu (which upset you because you couldn’t even choose the cheapest option). You loved your boyfriend very much and you were appreciative of all the romantic dates he took you on and of the incredible gifts he’d give you, but sometimes it concerned you how he’d so willingly spend his money on you. He’d give you a million dollars if you asked for it, no matter what day it was. That is exactly why he didn’t know about your student loans or any of your past due bills- you were a staunch believer in making your way on your own, and that meant not using your boyfriend’s seemingly endless cash flow to help yourself out.
Tom knew you weren’t a fan of him spending money on you, and he also knew you weren’t one for big parties or celebrating your birthday. The diamond necklace that sat on your neck from your last birthday was proof enough of how Tom used your birthday especially as an excuse to give you more expensive things.
“You know I’m paying you back for this, right?” You said as you looked over the menu. Tom laughed, shaking his head.
“You’re not paying for your birthday dinner.” He replied, taking your free hand and holding it in his.
“I’d let you pay for the full meal if we were at McDonald’s, not at some 5-star restaurant.” You stated.
“I think it’s only 4-star.” He joked, but his smile dropped when he saw your frown. Tom lightly squeezed your hand in his. “Let me spoil you tonight, please? Just for tonight.”
“You’re unbelievable, Holland.” You rolled your eyes at him, but still cracked a smile, your thumb gently tracing against the back of his hand.
“I love you, Y/N, but I’m paying for tonight.”
“I love you, too.” You smiled, and he leaned over the table to kiss you.
After a rather delicious five-course meal, you and Tom got into the car, and he took off his suit jacket. While he removed his tie, you took the opportunity to look at the dinner receipt from his jacket pocket.
“Wait, stop!” He reached to take it out of your hands, but it was too late because you had already seen the receipt.
“£400? Are you crazy?” You exclaimed, blinking to make sure you’d read the receipt right- that wasn’t even including his very generous tip (which you weren’t going to complain about that bit).
“Was it not a good meal?” Tom questioned, taking the receipt back from you and putting in his pants pocket this time.
“It was the best food I’ve ever had. I just wish you wouldn’t spend so much on me.” As he pulled out of the parking lot, you took out your phone, pulling up Venmo.
“No, you’re not allowed to pay me back.”
“Well, I said you weren’t allowed to spend that much money on me.”
“It’s your birthday, please let me spoil you a little.” Stopped at a red light, he turned to you and pouted. You sighed, locking your phone.
“For your birthday, I’m taking you to a ridiculously expensive restaurant too.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek before the light turned green and he had to start driving again. It took you a minute before you realized he was going in the wrong direction of your flat. “Where are we going?”
“I thought we could go for some drinks before going home.” Tom suggested, but something about his smile made you think it wasn’t a spontaneous thought.
“Yeah, why not?” You replied, not seeing the harm in just going with him. It’s not like you had a choice since he was already driving there anyway. You really just wanted to go home and have a nice night with him, but he was excited about whatever surprise he had planned for you and you weren’t going to ruin that for him- you already felt guilty enough about the dinner (although you did actually really enjoy it, all expenses aside).
“What are you up to?” You asked as he parked the car in front of a strange building. It was too dark for you to even try to guess what it was.
“Come on, love, you’ll see.” He smiled, getting out of the car and hurrying to open your door before you had the chance to. He held your hand, walking you up some sketchy looking stairs. It wasn’t until you got to the roof of the two story building that you really got confused. It was far too dark for you to decipher what was going on.
“Happy birthday!” A large crowd of people shouted, the lights kicking on to illuminate the roof. You smiled, speechless, seeing all the people cheering for your arrival. You weren’t even sure that you recognized a good amount of them.
“Happy birthday, darling.” Tom grinned, wrapping his arms around you. He gently kissed the top of your head, proud of his work.
“Wow, thank you.” You told him, sounding effortlessly enthusiastic about the party. Music started playing from the large speakers, and people started dancing along to the beat, getting back to their own conversations.
“Follow me.” Your boyfriend tugged on your hand, dragging you through the crowd to the far corner of the room, where a birthday cake was sitting in the middle of a large table. The cake itself was the size of a small table; in fact, you were sure it wouldn’t be able to fit on your own kitchen table. It was the most beautiful birthday cake you had ever seen for yourself. Covered in white frosting, it had your favorite flowers and lace all around it with “Happy Birthday, Y/N” written in your favorite color across the middle.
“Do you like it? I got it from the nicest bakery in town. My mum helped me with designing it, and I know we already had dessert at the restaurant, but you can’t have a birthday party without-” You cut off Tom’s nervous rambling by kissing him softly.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” You reassured him, giving him another kiss to calm his nerves and to calm yours as well. You already knew how expensive dinner was, and something told you this party and that cake definitely wasn’t on the inexpensive side of things. His heart was in the right place, but it was just too much for you. Needing another distraction, you spoke up again, “Drinks?”
“Right this way.” He led you over to the rooftop bar, ordering you both a couple cocktails. As the bartender worked on the drinks, Tom got a call and stepped out to the stairs for some privacy.
“If you’re the birthday girl, why are you looking so down?” The bartender asked you, a kind smile on her face.
“Is it wrong of me to say I’m not into big parties like this?” You replied with a small laugh, “I’m grateful for it, but it’s not my scene.”
“So I’ll make this extra strong for you.” She joked, but still had a heavy hand as she poured tequila into the mixture, “You know, you’ve got a pretty remarkable boyfriend there. I’ve worked here a long time and no one’s ever rented this whole place out.”
“I’m sorry?” You questioned, not sure what she meant.
“This is a rooftop bar. We don’t do individual birthday parties, but,” She trailed off whistling, “When someone offers up that much and they’re a celebrity, can’t exactly say no.”
She laughed and slid your finished cocktail over to you. You knew she meant nothing bad by her words, and yet you still felt your gut twist as you looked around the party at everyone socializing. It was a sweet gesture, yes, but did Tom really have to dent his wallet for it? With how much he was spending for today, you knew it had to have some effect on his wallet.
Just before you could take a sip from the cocktail, your phone dinged. You looked at it in confusion as a notification came through from your bank account app: “new transfer pending”. Your heart started to race, thinking someone was somehow scamming your money, but when you looked, you saw a ridiculous amount of money being transferred into your account with the memo: “happy birthday, darling”.
You shot up from your seat at the bar and marched off to find Tom. He was still at the stairs, having just gotten off the phone with a small smile on his face. He must not have processed the angry look on your face as he started, “Your birthday gift still isn’t here. I’m sorry, I really wanted it to arrive by today.”
There was a lace of sadness in his voice, clearly disappointed, but you couldn’t focus on that. Instead, you held up your phone, displaying the new transfer on your bank account. “What the hell is this?”
“That’s for your student loans.” Tom said, the happy smile returning to his face. “I don’t know how much you owe because you won’t tell me, so I just kind of guessed.”
“Tom, you can’t just give me 15,000 pounds!” You exclaimed in frustration.
“Is that not enough? I can-” He started, reaching to take out his phone again.
“No.” Tom paused at your harsh tone, “Stop giving me money. It’s suffocating me. The world already thinks I’m a golddigger just because I’m dating you and they know I can’t afford diamond necklaces.” You pointed to the shiny piece on your neck. “I know your heart’s in the right place, but I can’t keep feeling like this, like I’m your charity case first and your girlfriend second. I want to be with Tom Holland, the dorky boy from Kingston that I fell in love with, not Tom Holland, the celebrity that just flaunts his wealth every chance he gets. If you want to make me happy and make me feel special on my birthday, make me a cake yourself or something; I’d much rather have something priceless with sentimental value than have something expensive that you bought just because you could.”
It was Tom’s turn to be speechless now, completely taken aback by your words. You sighed lightly, stepping forward to give him a quick kiss.
“Thank you for tonight, but I think I’m just going to go home.” You left down the stairs quickly, calling for a cab as you did so, leaving Tom abandoned at your own birthday party as he tried to process how his genuine actions backfired so much.
You didn’t sleep well that night, too caught up in knowing you’ll have to talk to Tom about all this eventually. It wasn’t something that you wanted to break up with him over, unless it got too out of hand, like if another 15,000 pounds suddenly appeared in your bank account. As much as you needed the money and appreciated the thought, you couldn’t accept it. You loved Tom because he was so considerate and thoughtful, and you knew he was only doing this because of that loving personality of his.
It wasn’t until later that night that you started to grow worried about your relationship. Normally, if you two ever fought (which only really happened once and for some reason neither of you remembered now), it would take only a couple hours before one of you apologized, and it had been hours since you left Tom, hours since you last heard from him. You had texted him last night to let him know you got home alright, to which he replied later that he was also home, but there was no “we need to talk” text or call.
Just as you were about to go lose yourself in a pint of self-pitying ice cream, you heard a knock at the door. You were expecting Tom on the other side when you opened the door, but you weren’t expecting him to be holding a covered platter and a gift bag.
“Is it too late to celebrate your birthday properly?” Tom asked, hopefully. You smiled, stepping out of your apartment to give him a kiss.
“Come on in.” You replied softly. You opened the door further for him to step inside beside you. He placed the gift bag and the platter down on the coffee table in front of your couch.
“I’m sorry for last night. I overdid it. I just wanted you to feel special.” He said, sitting down on the couch and you sat down beside him.
“I don’t need a fancy dinner or a big party to make me feel special. You make me feel special whenever I’m with you.” You reassured him, and he picked up the platter, shakily handing it to you.
“I can’t promise it’ll be any good, but I tried.” Tom admitted sheepishly as you unwrapped the aluminum foil around the platter. You smiled in awe, looking at the two layer round chocolate cake on the glass platter, which you now recognized as Nikki’s. It was the exact opposite of the cake from last night- a messy frosting job with no flowers, lace, or letters. You could even see the cake sticking out from under the frosting when it was spread too thin.
“You- you baked me a cake?” You asked, looking over at him. You felt tears prick at your eyes and Tom let out a nervous laugh.
“You’re not supposed to cry. Does it look that bad?” There was a sense of worry in his voice, but he felt relieved as you leaned over to kiss him.
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” You set the cake aside to come back to it later.
“I didn’t make the frosting though. I tried, but it was too runny.” He stated, making you giggle.
“That’s when you add more powdered sugar.” You explained and he handed you the gift bag next. “Is this what was supposed to be here by yesterday?”
“Yes. It arrived this afternoon. There’s actually two things in there.” He replied,  a smile playing on his face while he wrapped an arm around your waist. You reached your hand into the bag and felt around. You didn’t need to fully unwrap the tissue paper to know it was a jewelry box, your eyes subconsciously widened at the feeling.
“It’s not what you think it is.” Tom laughed, knowing you’d think it was a ring.
“Not like we don’t know my answer to that.” You teased as you took out the gift. You opened the small black box to see a thin silver necklace of your birthstone resting against the velvet backdrop.
“Now, if you don’t want it because of last night, I- I can take it back.” He offered, scratching the back of his neck. “I know you don’t want me spending excessively, but I saw this weeks ago-”
“Tom, I love it.” You gently took it out of the box, handing it to him so that he could put it on you.
“Okay, so the last one,” He started nervously, before rambling, “I’ve been working on it for a couple weeks, I just needed the one last thing to actually finish it though, so I couldn’t really do it until today. I can always fix it if it doesn’t look right. And, yeah, just open it.”
“Well, now, I’m intrigued.” You laughed, slowly pulling the last gift from the bag. Tom tensed beside you, but you were far too overwhelmed, holding back tears, as you looked over the blue photo album. You turned through the pages, taking in each photograph he had put in it, reading each comment he’d written under it. It was like a story of your relationship over the years, and there was still plenty of room left in the back of the book for the future.
“See, the book was late, and that kind of set me back. I didn’t mean to ignore you today, but between the book and the cake, I was preoccupied.” He laughed lightly.
“You’re by far the best boyfriend ever. I love you so much.” You turned to him, letting a few tears escape. He wiped them away, cupping your cheek and kissing you.
“Happy belated birthday, darling.” He told you softly once he’d pulled away. You quickly got up to grab a couple forks from your kitchen before sitting on his lap on the couch. You balanced the photo album in your lap, so you could continue to go through it, while Tom held the cake platter.
“Let’s see how good this cake is.” You teased, clinking your forkful of chocolate cake against his. Tom watched as you ate your forkful first. The sweet chocolatey taste you were expecting wasn’t there; instead it tasted bitter and almost like bananas. You swallowed it and smiled, trying to play it off, but Tom could tell.
“It’s shit, isn’t it?” He asked, putting a forkful in his mouth before you could respond. He groaned at the horrible taste.
“Did you store it next to bananas?” You laughed.
“Only for like a hour!” He defended.
“I think you put too much baking powder in here. It shouldn’t be that bitter.”
Tom sighed, setting the platter down on the table. You smiled at him, still laughing a little at the cake, “You tried, and I love you for that.”
“I love you too.”
Tag List: @viagracex​ @theamazingtomholland​  @harrisonosterfieldhazmyheart​ @joyleenl​ @t-o-m-holland​ @lonikje​ @sleepybesson​ @sunkisseddreamer​ @hollandsamor​
Tom Tag List:@quaksonhehe​ @tomkindholland
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herohotline · 4 years
omg can you please do a hawks x pro hero! reader where they get partnered up for something and she's just cold and finds him extremely annoying,, one day they're just patrolling or something and he makes a joke and she SLIGHTLY smiles and hawks sees this and his heart just goes 📈📈📈,, maybe it ends with her patting his wings "oh? theyre soft" and hawks just nosebleeds lmao,, please and thank you 💞
A/N: weak for him... also wanted to write for someone other than aizawa lmao my inbox is full of him. I also made the reader tall in this fic because I thought it fit, so the reader is about 6′0 in height. small readers, just pretend ur tall, u already do it anyway. 
Also, tbh, this prompt kind of strayed. I still hope you like it! ---
It’s The Chicken Wings For Me (Hawks x GN!Reader)
Keigo Takami- otherwise known as Hawks to the general public and basically everyone else he knew. The man didn’t give his name out to just anybody besides a select few- the only reason you knew his name is because you frequently worked with the guy since you were both hired by the Public Safety Commission. 
Just because you happened to know his name and work with him doesn’t mean you like him, though. 
He was cocky, purposefully arrogant (because you knew how smart he actually was), and way too comfortable, in your opinion. Each time the Commission teamed you up with him, you had a habit of making a stink. You’d think that the Commission would be annoyed by your complaints and make them stop by just Not Pairing You Together like you wanted, but no. The two of you, unfortunately, make a good team, despite your lack of chemistry. 
So you just have to put up with him and his aggravating attitude. 
Keigo knows that you hate him. 
Hate- that’s a strong word. You don’t really hate him, you just hate putting up with him. To be fair, Keigo doesn’t make it very easy for you. He acts like a little brat, honestly- he pokes and prods you that much more because he knows you don’t like it. He thrives off your clipped comments and agitated glares. 
He doesn’t really know why he likes to bother you. It’s like the kid who pulls on the pigtails of the girl he likes- something like that. 
Today, the two of you are simply out for patrols together. He usually takes off during patrols, cruising in the air to have a broader view of the streets below- but because he’s paired with you, he keeps his feet on the ground, walking by your side as he chats your ear off. 
The two of you almost look goofy together. You’re several inches taller than he is, he has to look up at you to talk to you properly- but with the way you are, you barely even give him the time of day as you refuse to look down at him. The fact you can ignore him so easily because he falls out of your line of vision really makes Keigo work that much harder to earn your attention and frustration.
“But- ah- I’ve really told you a lot about me, haven’t I?” Keigo says suddenly, and he grins up at you as he puts his hands in his pockets. “You should tell me more about you!” 
You scoff and purse your lips, finally offering him a glance as you look down at him. Always so cocky... “I disagree,” you tell him simply. “Sure, you talk a lot, but you don’t even tell me anything about yourself when you do. It’s just a bunch of stories that you happened to be a part of or witnessed, none of it says a thing about you. So, thanks for the invitation, but I’ll pass.” You look back to the road in front of you. “Besides, you should be keeping an eye on our work more than talking.”
His face falls as he sighs, putting his hands in his pockets. “You’re such a downer, ___, and you always see right through me, too!” He throws his head back as he stares up at the sky, his wings twitching just barely. He could fly off, do his job like you said, but... Keigo simply doesn’t want to. “So cold... cold as ice.” 
“Even colder than Endeavor’s kid! You know, the half and half one.” Keigo holds his chin as he thinks. “So I guess he’s not actually that cold.” 
“Doesn’t one of his other kids have an ice quirk? And his wife?” 
“Oh, you’re right. I forgot.” 
You snort in amusement. “You’re a big fan of his but forgot about his other kids, huh?” 
“I was distracted!”
“By what?”
“You! And your coldness!” 
You actually laugh then, shaking your head and smiling, god forbid. Has Keigo ever seen you smile before? He watches you with wide eyes, his wings once again twitching as he takes you in. “Right,” you roll your eyes at him, your amused smile doing things to him that you don’t even notice, “my coldness. You ever take a guess on why I’m like that around you?”
Keigo grins. “Because I’m insufferable.” 
“Exactly. You should do something about that- hmm?” You’re cut off by something brushing your arm. You had rolled up the sleeves of your suit earlier because of the heat, and when you look down, you see Keigo’s feathers lightly brushing your bare skin. Keigo follows your line of vision and when he realizes, his wing quickly folds back. 
“Oops! My bad.” He laughs casually. You stroke the area where his wing had touched you and hum, lips pursing together. 
“You keep doing that, you know,” you tell him as you look at his wings. “They keep spreading out like that because you aren’t stretching them. Go fly off and tell me if you find anything.” 
“Giving me orders?” He quirks his brow at you. 
“...” His shoulders sink and he sighs again. “Fine! Fine,” his tone is defeated as he takes a few quick steps away from you, and then his wings spread out as he gives you a cocky smile. “Impressed?” 
“I think it stops looking cool once you get to know the person behind the wings. And after you’ve seen it hundreds of times,” you deadpan. 
“But you admit that it was cool at least once.”
“Sure, fine. Go ahead and try that hard to fish for my compliments.”
“I will, thank you!” Keigo laughs and gives you a salute, and then he takes off into the air. “Don’t miss me too much!”
Your head lifts to watch him, “believe me, I won’t,” you assure him. Keigo just laughs again, and within a second, he’s suddenly gone, only leaving a burst of wind that sends chills down your naked arms behind him. You scoff. 
He totally did that on purpose.
By the time your patrol shift is over, you’re officially bored out of your mind. It’s a good thing because it means that no villains had attacked the area and everything was peaceful and safe. You had helped an old lady with her bags and then a few other pedestrians with directions around the city, but other than that, you didn’t really do much besides walk around a lot. You at least treasured the time you had to yourself when Keigo had finally taken off to patrol the city from above. 
You really don’t know why he insists on bugging you. 
Eventually, he comes back when he was bored enough, so the two of you ended your shift together. He asked you where you were headed now that you were clocked off, and you kindly told him to mind his own business. 
“I don’t think that concerns you, chicken boy,” is a very kind way to tell someone to bug off. You could have been worse. 
“Chicken boy, that’s a new one,” he replied, and for once, he actually looked fed up with you. “What about me is like a chicken, anyway? Be honest.” 
You had almost laughed at the opportunity. Instead, you reach out and put a hand on his feathers, lightly petting and putting one between your fingers as you hum. “I don’t know,” you tease, “kinda looks like a chicken to me.” 
Keigo’s nose scrunches in a way you had never seen before as he pulls his wings away from you. “Chickens are white,” he told you. 
“True enough,” you put your hand back at your side. “Chickens can’t fly, either... Their wings aren’t as soft as yours. So with all of that taken into account, it really doesn’t make sense that whenever I look at you, I still just see a scraggly old chicken. Wonder why that is.” 
You had really just been teasing him, trying to get on his nerves like he had so frequently got on yours. His face turned pink, and you thought- yes, finally. I’ve finally done it. 
But then he just smiled, wide, ear to ear. “Just admit it and say you think I’m cute.”
Of course. 
Your face falls as you just stare at him blankly, and his shit-eating grin never leaves. “Where on Earth did you get that from what I said.” 
“Chickens are cute! You don’t think so? I think you do.” 
The bickering never ended, and you didn’t even notice that he continued to follow you until you arrived at the food cart you were planning to eat at. And then the two of you continued to bicker and peck at each other, just like a couple of hens, really- as you ate dinner together. It was truly amazing how stubborn Keigo was to bother you- it almost looked like you were friends to passerby's. But you were definitely not friends, nowhere close. 
He was just a piece of gum on your shoe. Really. 
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silenceofthecookies · 4 years
hello! I couldn't help but notice that prompt 8 was still available! Can I maybe get that with Mirio from Hero Academia? I love this man, he is made out of sunshine! Congratulations on 100 followers!
Hi there Anon! You’re not the only one who loves him, just seeing him appear ont he screen makes me smile. That’s probably why this one turned out to be the longest of all sick fics! I just started typing and... oops. You don’t mind, do you? 😉 Enjoy~!
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Living as someone with a chronic disease wasn’t easy, but you made it work. Due to the medicine you had been taking all your life, as well as regular check-ups with your doctor, you got through your day mostly unaffected. The only exception was physical exercise. You could do little things at your own pace, but nothing too straining or too intense. Because of this, your childhood dream to become a hero got crushed.
It was hard on you at first, but you came to accept it and explored different fields of work. There were three people who worked hard to help you with this as a child. Two of them were your parents, of course. The third was your neighbour and childhood friend, Mirio. As kids you’d often fantasize about becoming heroes together, fighting off the baddies, protecting the innocent people,… It was a dream the both of you had, and were actively working towards.
The first step was keeping up both of your grades throughout school, and getting into UA. It was the best school for becoming a pro hero, right? And the best was exactly what the two of you were going to become. Mirio always said that your quirk was much more useful for hero work than his and that you’d make it in no problem. So it was such a shock to him when you told him you’d never make it to be a hero because of your health. He started crying when you told him, so you started crying again too, and the two of you cried together for a good while. At that moment, Mirio vowed to you he would save at least a million people, both the people he would save, and the people you would’ve saved. He’d become a hero for the both of you.
It didn’t make you grow apart in the slightest though. You still studied together, Mirio to get in UA, and you to get into your new school of choice so you could reach your new dreams as well. Even after getting into UA, you and Mirio would get together on the weekends and in the holidays to keep each other updated on your progress. You were constantly lifting each other up, and whenever someone’s spirits were down, the other would cheer them up.
The hardest period was the first half year after Mirio started attending UA. He was at the bottom of his class, and he was struggling to make anything useful out of his quirk. Sometimes he would even avoid your eyes, saying that he wasn’t sure if he could make his promise come true. Coming in last at the sport festival was probably the hardest moment for him. But after that? He kept bouncing right back, kept a positive attitude and kept on improving. His internship with Sir Nighteye definitely helped.
Now he was in his last year of UA, almost a real hero. You were still studying hard to reach your own goals, but you were on the right path as well. There was but one hurdle that you kept bumping into.
Your medicine.
No matter how many years you had already taken them, you sometimes just forgot to take them. Days where you felt fine when waking up. Days where you were too focussed on the things you were going to do. Days where you woke up too late and you had to hurry. Or days like today, a combination of all three.
Mirio had asked you out on a date. An actual, proper date. You had a crush on your blonde friend for a while now. You probably always had it, but just never realised that you loved him as more than a friend until a few years ago. You never said anything because you figured he just saw you as a friend. Apparently, he didn’t.
Just your luck, your alarm didn’t go off, or you slept right through it. Either way, you were late. Rushing to get ready and to get some form of food in as quickly as possible, you completely forgot your medicine. You almost forgot your keys as well, but remembered just in time to take them, along with your phone and wallet.
Mirio was waiting for you in front of the park. You wouldn’t really do anything new or special, just a walk in the park and some lunch together, but this time knowing it was a date, and not just hanging out as friends. It made you a little nervous, even though you knew you didn’t have to be. As you reached the park, a little out of breath, you felt something was a little off but you blamed it on having to rush this morning, and on the nerves.
“Hey, Y/N, there you are! I was worried you forgot about me.” “Oh Mirio, how could I ever forget about you? I hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” “Not at all, let’s go!”
You both started walking. Mirio and you talked about whatever came to mind, as usual. He told you some stories of things he got into with his friends, Tamaki and Nejire, and some of his work with Sir Nighteye as well. As your walk progressed, you started feeling worse and worse. When you were in the middle of the park, your legs gave out on you.
“Whoa! Y/N are you ok? Did you trip?” “No…my legs gave out on me?” “Y/N… did you take your medicine?” You looked like a deer caught in the headlights when he asked that and answered with a guilty expression. “No… I didn’t…” “Do you seriously need someone to remind you to take medicine? I’m your friend, not your father.” Despite his harsh words, Mirio’s tone wasn’t harsh at all. It was a little scolding, though it ended in him laughing. “It’d be weird if I was on a date with my father.” You laughed, and now it was Mirio’s turn to look surprised. After a few seconds of being frozen, Mirio started laughing as well. “You’re right, it would be very weird. Let’s get you back home, shall we?” Mirio hunched down in front of you, his back facing you and his arms outstretched behind him. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at you. “You’re… going to give me a piggyback ride?” “Would you rather have me carry you bridal style? I can do that too, you know.” Mirio grinned. “No! No way, that’d be way too embarrassing…” Still somewhat flustered, you got onto his back.
As you walked back, the situation dawned on you just a little more. Mirio had often given you piggyback rides when you were kids, but doing this on a date? It just added a new level of something to it, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“Hey Mirio?” “Yes?” “Sorry for ruining the date.” “You call this ruining a date, Y/N? How come? We’re together, we’re talking, and I’m carrying you, that makes me feel like the strongest man in the world, you know?” “But… your plans…” “What do plans matter? Things rarely go according to plan. I don’t mind some surprises. I’m still having fun! Though I can imagine you aren’t really right now.” “I’m… I’m having fun too, actually.”
You said as you tightened your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in the crook of his neck. Mirio chuckled and continued walking. You weren’t lying. Sure, you felt pretty bad without your medicine, but you were with Mirio. Everything became 10 times more fun when Mirio was there.
It made you wonder how much fun living together with him would be.
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Working My Way Back To You 6/10
Killian gets captured. When Emma finally rescues him, he’s traumatized and nearly broken from the torture he endured. Angst and h/c galore as Emma helps him through it.
I tried to go easy on the whumpy side of it since it’s supposed to be for Comfortember, but it’s me so I probably failed lol
Merry Christmas to my lovely readers! Hope you all are having a lovely time. Here’s a bit of fluff before we get back into the heavier angst. For the prompt “baking.”
Unbetad as always so mistakes are all mine.
Tagging @cocohook38 as requested :)
Read this chapter on AO3
Working My Way Back To You
Killian’s certain he’s never going to get over the marvel that is hot running water. Showers continue to be one of his favourite things about this realm – that and toilets. Basic hygiene had never been so easy. In fact, everything is easy. He can flip a switch and flood the room with light far more powerful than any lantern. He can turn a knob and the metal plates on the counter heat up without a fire. Never mind such amazing things like washing machines or heaters or even cars. And this thing called a mixer, which whisks ingredients together at the flick of a switch. Henry is grinning at him as he demonstrates this, and Killian tries to wipe the expression of astonishment off his own face.
“Pretty cool, huh?” Henry says, “Much faster than doing it by hand. Otherwise we’d never get this done before mom gets home.”
It had been Henry’s idea to bake these biscuits today, on Christmas Eve, while Emma was out dealing with some “grinches” who were apparently trying to ruin Christmas. Killian didn’t know what that meant, but Emma had given him a quick kiss and promised she would be back soon, and he’d decided he’d question her meaning later. He’s honestly quite relieved that she feels he’s finally recovered enough not to need her constant supervision. His stitches were removed earlier in the week, and he’s reluctantly been to see Archie after further insistence from Emma. Though Killian wasn’t comfortable sharing much of his trauma with the cricket, and even less of his feelings about it, Archie had treated him with nothing but kindness and understanding, which Killian supposed shouldn’t have surprised him, but it had. And Killian’s beginning to feel a little better, both physically and mentally. Some things are still problematic without the use of his still-splinted fingers, but Killian is nothing if not adaptable, and he’s discovered there are a lot of tasks that can actually be managed, albeit awkwardly, with just his hook and his thumb. So here they were, Henry’s enthusiasm for his self-appointed task having quickly garnered Killian’s interest, leading to this moment, which is Henry explaining no we have to do it like this with flour smudged across his cheek and Killian giving him a raised eyebrow as he challenged does it really need that much sugar? He’s starting to get the feeling that for all Henry’s knowledge on these modern kitchen tools, the lad may not have actually made this particular cuisine before.
“Yes,” Henry says firmly, a tone that leaves no room for further questioning.
Killian lets it go. Emma does like sweet foods, and since Killian hasn’t ever made snickerdoodles before, he thinks he probably should allow Henry to take the lead on this; however much it pains him to watch Henry pour that much sugar into the bowl. But he can’t resist making one last comment-
“Are you sure you’re not just making this up as you go, lad? Because ‘snickerdoodles’ doesn’t sound like a real food.”
“I’m not making it up,” Henry insists, “I’ve helped mom make them before.”
“Then where’s the recipe?”
“I read it on wickapeedia.”
And Killian’s lost again. He hasn’t a clue what a wickapeedia is.
“On what?”
“Oh, sorry. It’s a website. It has information on everything. Like, an encyclopedia, but on the internet.”
“Do you always get your recipes from this wicka… whatever?”
“Of course not.” Henry looks affronted before turning his attention back to their task. “Now, crack two eggs into this bowl. I’ll get the salt.”
Killian takes two steps away to grab the required eggs before he remembers, and he grimaces at the realization, shame washing over him.
“Henry, I… I can’t…”
It takes Henry a moment, the room falling into silence – well, not quiet silence because there’s still the ever-present festive music playing somewhat discordant strains in the background, because Henry insisted on it. It’s a long, agonizing moment of scrutiny and Killian’s explanation dies on his tongue, an intense discomfort creeping up his spine. He can’t bring himself to put to words how useless he is.
“Oh, crap,” Henry says intensely, finally, wide eyed, “I’m so sorry, Killian, I forgot. Uh, you…” he casts his gaze frantically around the kitchen for something Killian can do with only a thumb and a hook, and apparently comes up with nothing.
Killian looks away, swallowing hard. He had thought himself crippled all those years ago when the Crocodile took his hand, and all the painful days following it as he struggled to learn how to function as less than whole, his body and soul wrecked in an instant by Rumpelstiltskin’s callous actions. He’d thought at the time that was the worst fate that could have been laid on him. But now he doesn’t even have the use of his right hand and he’s the most useless he’s ever been. Killian is struck with a desperate need to get away. Perhaps he will find some calm on the Jolly Roger. He glances out the window. There is a bank of clouds gathering in the distance, but the sun is still shining brightly.
“Never mind, lad, I can-”
“No, wait, you’re in charge of the mixer. Here, let me just-”
Killian watches rather dejectedly as Henry places the necessary ingredients in the bowl and sets it in place to be mixed, leaving Killian with the meagre job of pressing the button. While he appreciates Henry’s attempt to include him, it hasn’t done anything to alleviate his feel of inadequacy. Damn the men who did this to him, to the deepest depths of the Underworld. Simply leaving them locked in a brig seems an insufficient penalty for what they’ve done, and Killian muses on better ways to punish them while he watches the mixer whisking the ingredients together. He gets some satisfaction out of his rather grisly fantasies. But he knows they’ll remain only fantasies. As badly as he desires to hurt his torturers like they hurt him, he’s better than that now, and he forces his thoughts away from it.
Once the “snickerdoodles” are in the oven, Killian settles onto the couch. There’s not much he can do around the house yet, not until his splints are removed, so he distracts himself by playing a game of chess with Henry. It feels good, getting him out of his own head again. He slips easily into verbal sparring, and he’s taught Henry well because the lad is almost able to match Killian’s quick wit during their banter – but he still can’t quite match Killian’s ability to win at chess. He’s just about to trap Henry into a checkmate when-
“What the hell is that?” Killian will never admit how high his voice went in his fright, as the house is suddenly filled with a deafening screaming sound.
Henry bolts to his feet and bumps the chess board roughly in his haste, sending pieces flying.
“The snickerdoodles!” he shouts over the noise.
Killian’s fairly sure it’s not the snickerdoodles. He can’t be certain, of course, but creating baked goods that scream seems a bit odd, even for this realm. But smoke is billowing out of the kitchen. Killian doesn’t know how neither of them noticed until now; apparently, they’d been too immersed in their chess match. Henry’s frantically trying to rescue the biscuits, or something, and Killian’s at a loss for what he should be doing. Perhaps they should abandon the house. Perhaps he should call Emma.
“Open some windows! We have to clear this smoke!” Henry shouts, and he’s coughing now, and Killian continues to stand by helplessly because he can’t even unlatch a bloody window.
“Henry, I-”
“Damn it,” says Henry, and then a quick “Sorry!” for his language before he scampers around opening the windows himself.
If she were here, Emma would have pulled him up on it. Killian thinks they have more pressing concerns at this point. It seems the snickerdoodles are beyond saving.
“How do we turn this bloody thing off?” Killian asks.
“There should be a button on it. Or something.” Henry looks frazzled, flapping his hands about as if he can shoo the smoke out the window faster by doing so.
Killian looks up at the offending object, a white disc fastened to the ceiling, and his mind finally settles into a strategy.
“Henry, use a dishtowel to move the smoke,” he instructs.
He uses his hook to drag a kitchen chair into place under the still-shrieking disc, giving him the height he needs to… He can’t see the button Henry mentioned and the close proximity to the horrid noise is making his head feel like it’ll burst. Ah, well, time for a new plan then. He jams his hook into the side of the disc, close to the ceiling, and yanks hard downwards. The disc comes loose with a cracking sound as something gives way, and the screaming cuts off immediately. The broken disc clatters to the floor, just as the front door bursts open.
“Henry! Killian!” shouts a remarkably familiar voice, and Killian instantly regrets his hasty plan-making.
“Mom,” Henry splutters, “Uh, we were… Um, just… Oops?”
Killian quickly clambers off the chair. The smoke has abated somewhat, thanks to Henry’s waving of the dishtowel. Emma’s eyes are wide, her breaths a little quick, her phone in her hand like she was about to make a call. She looks frightened.
“Apologies, love. It seems the snickerdoodles required a little more attention than we gave them,” Killian says lightly, hoping to put her at ease.
“I saw all the smoke and I thought…” she laughs shakily, clearly struggling to pull herself together.
“We’re fine, mom, really. It got a little smoky, but it was nothing we couldn’t handle.”
Henry gives her a reassuring smile. Thankfully, seeing them unharmed seems to be enough to calm her, because she doesn’t even complain about the acrid smell of burned biscuits still pervading the kitchen. She shoves her phone back into her pocket and pulls them both in for a hug instead.
“Killian, you destroyed the smoke alarm,” she says with a shaky laugh when they break apart.
Killian looks at the item in question.
“We were certainly alarmed enough about all this, without its infernal screaming,” he says wryly, “But I admit, I may have a been… a little hasty with my method. Henry told me there was a button that would silence it?”
“Yeah. It’s right there.” She points out the button on the disc, easily noticeable now that Killian’s not being deafened by it. “But it’s okay. We can replace it.”
Once the blackened snickerdoodles are sufficiently cooled, Henry takes them out to the trash, and Killian pulls Emma into another embrace.
“I am truly sorry for scaring you, love,” he says softly, “Henry wanted to give you a surprise gift, and he said you would enjoy these biscuits. We were playing chess while we waited for them to cook, and time got away from us. But there was no fire. We were actually quite safe, despite how it must have appeared.”
“It’s okay, really. I overreacted.” Emma sighs heavily, her fingers curling gently around the back of Killian’s neck, content just to be held for a moment. “Ugh. I do love it, but all this Christmas stuff is so stressful.”
Killian coaxes her chin up with his thumb so he can kiss her, just briefly, because Henry will be back shortly and will undoubtedly make some comment about how gross they are if he catches them in such a position.
“I’m sorry I’ve added to that stress,” he says remorsefully, still so close, his mouth reluctant to let go of hers.
“It’s fine, Killian. Hey, did I ever tell you about that time…”
Emma launches into a colourful tale of a past Christmas endeavour, and of mistakes far greater than the snickerdoodle incident, and when Henry returns, he too shares some hilarious anecdotes. And they end up laughing until Killian’s sides hurt and Emma is wiping tears from her eyes, and Henry has collapsed on the floor in a fit of giggles. Killian wishes he could just stay in this moment and this feeling of pure joy for the rest of his life.
After dinner, all three of them settle onto the couch, basking in the warmth of the fire and the twinkling of the lights on the tree in the corner of the room. Emma’s chosen a movie for them to watch, one that is apparently a “Christmas classic.” Killian hasn’t seen it before, but he doesn’t find it very captivating, though he doesn’t let Emma or Henry know that. He is extremely appreciative that they are including him in their holiday traditions, though he doesn’t quite understand this whole Christmas thing. It seems rather like a bunch of disjointed stories all strung together, and Killian still doesn’t get the connection between the birth of a god and an overweight man climbing down a chimney to deliver gifts. But no matter. He’s all warm and cosy, and he feels completely safe – a feeling that has been all too rare recently. And he wonders how he got so lucky to find such a family. His family. By all the gods, he’s a lucky man. Despite everything he is, everything he’s done, they love him. And come tomorrow, Snow and David will visit with their child, eager to celebrate Christmas with them. The thought makes Killian feel both elated and terrified, because they want to spend time with him and Emma and Henry and he’s so fortunate to have people like that, but they probably both know how broken he is and he won’t be able to stand their looks of pity.
When they wake to Henry knocking on their bedroom door loudly and gleefully shouting that it’s a white Christmas, it’s barely daylight.
“We’ll be out in a minute,” Emma calls out, her voice a bit hoarse from sleep.
“Okay!” and they hear him rushing down the stairs.
Outside, there’s the strange sort of quiet that heralds the falling snow, and Emma only burrows deeper into the soft blankets surrounding them, clearly having no desire to leave the cosy warmth of their bed. Killian props himself up on his elbow, a small smile curving his lips as he looks at her.
“Merry Christmas,” she whispers, sleepy, and utterly gorgeous.
He really wants to kiss her right on the mouth, but he knows from past experiences that it’ll make her pull away from him, because ‘morning breath’ and all that. So Killian kisses her cheek instead, soft and gentle, and a calm warmth settles in his chest. His heart has never felt so full.
“Merry Christmas, Emma.”
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aviss · 4 years
5 for J x B?:)
Hi Anon! thanks for the prompt, I apparently forgot it was supposed to be short... oops. 
So, one night stand and unplanned pregnancy.
Brienne sat in the doctor's waiting room with the kind of expression on her face one would expect at a funeral, not when about to bring a new life into the world. Or so Marg had said when they came the previous time. She couldn't help it, she had never prepared herself for motherhood and to say that she was terrified would be a vast understatement.  
With a sigh, Brienne pressed her hands against her swollen belly and forced herself to relax. 
"You're not unwanted," she said to the tiny being that was forming inside of her, it was important that they knew even before they were born that they were loved. "Just unexpected."
Another understatement. 
Unexpected had been finding out her boyfriend was cheating on her the day before they were due to leave on holiday, and Brienne's sudden decision to go on her own to the Summer Islands since she had already paid for the holiday. Equipped with a few dresses, a bottle of sunblock, and a few books Brienne had spent a week in a resort sipping margaritas by the beach and getting used to the idea that she was better off without Hyle. 
The man who had taken the sunbed next to her on the day before she was due to leave, golden and beautiful as a good, had been as surprising as his overt flirting.
"You missed a spot on your back," he had said, rousing her from the doze she had fallen in while she read. Brienne had turned her head to see a set of abs that belonged on a movie made with CGI, a sculpted torso with a scattering of fine blond hair, a grinning mouth and piercing green eyes topped by golden curls falling to taut and bronzed shoulders. Her mouth had dried and her skin had flushed, not that her entire body didn't already feel on fire. "This is not a come-on, you're going to get sunburned."
Brienne had blinked, still fuzzy from sleep, and had wondered whether she was really awake. The Warrior only came to her in dreams.
The man's smile had ticked up in one corner, amused. She had obviously said that out loud, and even if she wasn't sunburned she was about to spontaneously combust from embarrassment. He'd then given Brienne the most obvious and over the top checking look of her entire life, his eyes raking her body from her long and bony feet, up her legs and torso while she turned on the sunbed to face him. He had finally stopped by her face, but instead of the usual shock and distaste she was so used to see, he had only smiled wider.
"You know what, feel free to consider this a come-on if it works," he had said with a smile that had no business being so attractive. "I'm Jaime."
It had worked. 
"I'm Brienne," she had said handing him the bottle of sunblock and very deliberately turning her back to him. 
At the first touch of his hands, Brienne had already known she was going to spend the night with him, another very unexpected thing, and a low simmer of want had started in her gut.
Brienne had never had a one night stand. Most men didn't go for someone with her looks, and Brienne was a romantic at heart and wanted something more than sex. But it was her last night on the island, a man as handsome as the Warrior was clearly interested in her, and she had just broken up with her boyfriend. 
She had to be crazy to turn down what was on offer.
She had thought it would be quick and a bit sleazy, the way Marg's string of hookups and one night stands had always felt for her. Instead, Jaime had ordered another round of drinks and lounged on his own sunbed chatting with her for hours, the sun inching down over the sea until the sky became pink and purple. They had gone for dinner after, the conversation never faltering or turning personal. 
By the time they had gone to Jaime's room, Brienne had known his first name and the fact that his little brother had sent him on vacation. She had also known that he liked medieval history and martial arts, that he wasn't much of a reader but devoured audiobooks, that he preferred sci-fi to fantasy and movies to TV shows, he was allergic to cats but he would endure the sneezing session if it made his little nephew, who was obsessed with them, smile for a bit. She had learned that he loved diving and swimming and that he missed the sea as much as Brienne did, he disliked peppers but loved everything peanut, and that he looked at her as if she was a spread he wanted to devour.
He had done just that the moment they were behind closed doors. 
"I have wanted to do this for hours," he had growled against the skin of her throat after the first few kisses, her lips still tingling with the force of them. 
They had stumbled to his bed where he had wasted no time spreading her open and putting his mouth everywhere, diving with gusto as if making her scream was a treat for him instead of her. He had made her scream, but that hadn't been the most memorable thing about the night. He had also made her laugh, Brienne had not known sex was supposed to be funny, and breathless, and silly. That between kisses and touches there were conversations to be had, lying naked on the bed and sharing a glass of wine. 
"Can I draw constellations on your skin?" Jaime had asked while their sweat dried the second time, and he had dipped his finger in the wine and traced Brienne's freckles only to then lick the wine off her.
"I saw a school of fishes when diving today, they were the most extraordinary colour," he had whispered against her breasts, raising goosebumps and making her shiver, "and they weren't as beautiful as your eyes."
He had dozed with his head on her stomach, a low sound that was almost a purr coming from him while she tangled her fingers into his hair. "You remind me of a big cat, a golden one like the one in old heraldry," she had whispered and felt the reverberations of his laughter on her skin. 
He had finally fallen asleep when the sun was peeking out of the horizon, Brienne had regretfully disentangled herself from him and gone back to her room to pick up her things and head to the airport. She had a couple of hours extra wait there, but if she had stayed longer in bed with him, Brienne might have decided to never leave and that wasn't what he had signed up for. She had thought about leaving her phone, something to give him a chance to contact her, but they had not shared personal information for a reason. 
It was a one night stand, one that had felt more like the beginning of something, but it was just that.
Jaime had not been far from her thoughts during the month after she returned to her normal life in King's Landing, her apartment thankfully empty of her ex, their day together had felt like one of those romcoms that Sansa adored and Brienne pretended not to. She had thought less and less about him, or at least she had tried to, it was ridiculous to be so infatuated with a one night stand she was never going to see again. 
Then her period hadn't come and she had thought nothing of it because they had used protection, she knew she had not had sex with Hyle between her last period and their break up, what were the chances of one of the condoms to have failed on that particular night?
Then she had missed a second period. Seeing the line in the pregnancy test changing colours had not been unexpected, had been life-altering. For an entire week, Brienne had been too stunned and too afraid by what was happening, her mind either screeching to halt or skittering around the subject when she even thought about the P-word.
She had considered trying to contact Jaime then but the truth was she didn't know how, and one night stands, no matter how good, were not supposed to bring this kind of complications. 
She had thought about him, though. Frequently. Had wondered whether he would smile like he had done during their dinner together while they argued about the merits of the TV adaptation of the Long Night series. Not much of an argument, both of them had agreed it was mishandled and then spent the entire dinner pointing out historical inaccuracies on both book and show. Would he be the kind of man to spoil their child like he seemed to spoil his nephew? Would he look at them the way her father looked at her, regardless of their appearance? She had the feeling he would be, that even if they never had anything else together, he would love their child. 
Sometimes Brienne wished she hadn't been so hasty to run and had asked for his number. Or given him hers. 
"Miss Tarth?" A nurse called her snapping her out of her thoughts. Brienne looked up and tried for a smile, not very successfully. "Doctor Lannister will see you know."
Brienne stood up and headed to the door with the name 'Dr. J. Lannister' on the door, a referral from her GP. He was supposed to be the best OB-Gyn in King's Landing. 
The first thing she saw when she opened the door was a mass of golden curls, then Dr. Lannister's head lifted from the file in his hand and there were those green eyes, and those high cheekbones and the sharp jaw, now slack in shock. Brienne's breath left her lungs in a rush, her knees threatening to dump her on the floor. 
"Brienne?" Jaime asked, his eyes moving all over her avidly, as if he had also wanted to see her again, as if he had thought about her as well. "You are Brienne Tarth."
She nodded at him, dumbly, and walked to the chair on unsteady feet. What were the odds?
"You're pregnant," his voice sounded strange, strangled. He looked down at the paperwork she remembered filling, how precise she had been on one particular field. "That night?"
She nodded again and waited for the explosion. Then he smiled, wide and happy. 
That was the most unexpected thing of them all.
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