eatmy-customjorts · 1 year
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day 1: beach
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dottybot · 1 year
Lost housing and almost killed by our landlords
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C*sh app: $dottybot
V*nmo: @dottybot
@translesbo's Paypal: [email protected]
My partner, @translesbo, and I after signing a lease, were put through 2 big gas leaks during times we had planned on and had been close to sleeping in the apartment. The entire time the place made us sick and was hard to breathe in with a strong awful smell and remained unihabitable, causing us to be without a home since July 3rd, 2023 due to it.
We are a brown latine lesbian couple and both trans (her transfem and myself tme cafab) and autistic along with other disabilities, and have 2 esa cats.
The whole time during the lease, the landlord would excuse the lack of cleanliness and poor maintenance of the building with that it was an old building, deny things she once acknowledge, and imply that we were just lying or causing the problems and even giving us trouble with getting out of the lease. But before that it led up to 2 big gas leaks.
To not make the post appear too lengthy, the rest is under a cut.
So the 1st gas leak, we were earlier sure about taking and about to load up the cats with us to all attempt sleeping there for the night, only last minute getting the feeling like we should not bring them and then deciding not to. Once in the apartment, we were there, windows shut the entire time, for 3+ hours. I went from the regular struggle to breath, head pain, and sickly feel to escalating much more and becoming very out of it, struggling to stay awake to beginning to feel so out of control, and I never would have guess we were being poisoned due to the state it had already put me in. Kat only noticed by chance, the smell of gas by the oven, when she was just starting to feel more off, which we otherwise wouldn't have spotted with how strong the place smelled. We were so close to not noticing it at all.
Kat had been barely able to drive but got us to the nearby ER, and doctors confirmed the gas poisoning, and kept us there for 3 or 4 hours through the night until recovered enough, fortunately due to it being short term, we had no lasting damage on our bodies, just both felt very ill the next day, and myself barely able to move I remained sick from it for 3 days.
That morning, Kat had contacted the gas company as the doctors suggested, though they could not do anything as we followed the leases direction and were not notified during the event, so no one but the apartment maintenance would be able to even confirm it happening. However, the fire departmen came with a firetruck, since it was also recommended by the doctor to get the place checked out by them.
The landlord later called, after us updating her of current apartment issues promptly as per lease requirements, and this call she went too far. She kept up with her same tactics but worse. She tried implying either we made up that there was a leak or we intentionally gave ourselves gas poisoning (like we were still very sick from the previous night) and was then many times claiming everything is fine with the maintenance man the landlord insists "he knows what he's doing" and "no one has ever had a problem with him", because we had included our concerns with him-- this guy had tried making kat sound like she overreacted and didn't know anything, kept claiming that "Gas does Not spread" so we should have been fine, not having any effects of poisoning, along with other contrary claims.
Anyways, the landlord lady was very clearly implying she thinks we are liars about there even being a gas leak, implying we didnt contact the gas and fire department which she claimed to "work closely with so they wouldn't lie, because she contacted the places and no one had documentation since maintenance was the only one to witness, it was her word against ours. This is when we realize due to the lease instructions to forgo contact to a third party professional to fix gas leaks, we would not be able to have paper documentation against her to prove it. She even "randomly" asked the name of our previous apartment place, and mentioned threatening like "didnt you have a gas leak there too?" As even more reason to accuse us, and saying she may have to contact our previous apartment place and saying how odd she thinks it was to have another leak, though this one worse,
On the 3rd day, after the 1st leak I was still feeling ill only starting to recover, the 2nd leak happened. this time we had to bring our cats with us, since we had no where else to stay with our previous lease over, and the apartment still uninhabitable and made us both more sickly, and still feared being there.
Earlier in that day, we were reassured multiple times that it was fixed and that "the stove SHOULD be putting out a gas smell for the next hour or 2", and that it means it's "Fixed, working" the maintenance man kept insisting, even the landlord lady was there strongly confirming multiple times it was true because "he Knows what he is doing" again, even confirming therepair was checked later in the day to make sure there was no leak and that it was safe.
We were afraid to go back after the 1st leak after how badly to us at least it seemed to be pouring out earlier in the day and their claim that it was supposed to be that way, but it was the only option we had.
We were unsure if we were just overreacting for a while and imagining the smell, it was several hours laters with all windows having been left open, though eventually calling our gas company this time to get proper documentation and a professional, since the smell had not diminished.
Kat was told by the gas man that gas was shooting out, and he's seen fires breakout from similar.. so we had to get Out.
Which led to us being homeless and having to sleep in the car and soon after, we were fortunately able to stay at Kat's parents house though they do not have space for us, keeping us and our cats in her nephew's small cramped room, with Kat sleeping on a broken bed that is messing with her scoliosis, and me havung to sleep on the floor for over a month now really taking a toll on me. And our cats have been under constant stress, making them require more care and expense.
This whole thing has made me lose my job, has been traumatic for us both, and lose easily over $2,500 into cost of the apartment and our repairs alone, and $250 on an attourney that did not try to help much but was able to get us out of the lease. On top of kat recently being wrongfully stopped by a cop for a made up reason, giving her a $135 ticket, along with having to take a 5 week un paid leave of absence to be able to help deal with our situation. And we can no longer put off car repairs, we have put off this whole year since it sputters most of the time instead of starting now along with other concerning issues.
We have currently been trying to find better jobs and a place to live, though due to the unstable living situation and and loss of income it has been more difficult to find a place.
So, any mutua*aid if you have the means and any reblogs would really help and be appreciated a ton
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dani-says-stuff · 1 year
The Art of Distraction
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
- couldn't wait to bulk post, i'm actually pretty proud of this one
- i didn't end up using the exact line/prompt in the request because it didnt really fit, but it's similar enough for the point to get across
Nate Hardy x fem!reader
Summary: Based on this request
i tried lol, i dont know if it's as spicy as you were hoping it to be, but i packed it with extra stuff just incase that part came out super cringy.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: cringe, suggestive(?), mentions of a haunting that i completely made up for background, very very loosely based on the witch's forest video, inconsistent capitalization, my usual grammar warning... i dont think theres anything bad in here but to be honest i cant really remember
Dialogue Key: Probably dont even need this, but just for consistancy
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couldnt really find a great gif for this fic, but i think its funny so im dropping it here.
It had been a few hours since you had returned home and you'd yet to stop shaking. You'd been on investigations with Nate and the boys in the past, but this one in particular threw you way more than you thought it would. 
For the entire car ride back home, the events wouldn't stop rapidly flicking through your mind. Nate's arm resting on the console and his hand softly placed on your thigh did little to ground you as it normally did. The thought of reaching down and intertwining your fingers as you'd done many times before didn't even come to mind, your hands too busy picking at your sleeves to do anything else. 
Dark midnight skies barely visible through clusters of twisted curling tree branches. 
Thick wooden trunks placed around you like a maze, they all looked the same no matter which direction you went. 
Dry dirt and bits of gravel kicking up in clouds behind you, scraping up the backs of your legs from the speed at which you were running. 
Branches strewn across the overgrown path splitting and cracking loudly beneath your feet. 
Your throat, raw from screaming out to the boys. 
Your heartbeat, deafening in your ears. 
Nate's one-sided conversation through the duration of the ride back barely made its way to your ears, it felt like you were underwater or your ears were stuffed with cotton.
The only thing you could hear clearly was the memory of your own panicked screams earlier that night. 
It had started just as any other investigation had, and for the first time in a while, it wasn't happening in a building. 
The first half of the video held a strangely nostalgic vibe. In the days of a better quality Sam and Colby channel, where they were now able to book the big shot hauntings and go to different countries with loads of equipment, would sit a small video similar to those of their early days.
They were once again investigating an area that wasn't highly publicized, the only ones to know of it being the eager locals with decades of ghost stories to share. 
It was said that there was a witch who lived deep within the forest many centuries ago. She dwelled in a quaint cottage where she would practice her spells and hexes... or at least that's how the villagers of the time saw her.
It didn't matter that the woman was in the woods alone because her family had all perished from sickness.
It didn't matter that she was cooking up the same herbal home remedies as everyone else.
When the drought came and wiped out the village crops but the witch's garden in the woods flourished due to the untouched aquifer beneath her land, they were furious.
It was said that they marched upon her house late one night, torches and pitchforks held high, enraged at the witch in the woods. They yelled, taunting her to emerge so they could take her into the small town square. When she refused, they tossed their torches at the structure, laughter overpowering the screams of the woman inside as the house was engulfed in flame. 
It was thought to be an old wives tale, the witch deep in the woods brooding silently as she worked on enchantments was hardly anything new. It was simply a story passed down from parent to child in hopes of keeping the energetic children from venturing off too far on their own. 
But then they started finding things.
The ruins of a small house, a foundation of stone left behind in the middle of the forest.
Old, hand-made historic brick, placed in a careful circle like the makings of a well.
The bones found throughout the property, most likely scattered by animals and winds over time.
With the influx of people from the small town once again venturing into the forest, it was only natural that the witch would awaken. 
So, you all ventured into the woods with no more than a flashlight each, a spirit box, and a REM pod to see if you would be able to communicate with the spirit of the witch that haunted the woods.
When the sun set was when everything went wrong.
The REM pod began going off rapidly, pointing in every direction, no clear responses being drawn from the item. The spirit box chirped to life despite never being turned on, spouting one word.
Branches cracked from close behind you, startling your group of four to do exactly that. 
You made it a few feet when you tripped over something cold and solid, just tall enough to catch the end of your shoe as you ran. Your flashlight tumbled from your hand, rolling across the ground to show two very terrifying things. 
One, the lack of the three boys running along behind you, meaning that you had managed to run off in a different direction than they had. You were now completely alone in the forest that was difficult to navigate in a group. 
Two, a short stone wall standing before you, encapsulating the leafy floor you were splayed across. You had managed to run straight into the remains of the cottage. 
If matters couldn't get any worse, the very thing commonly experienced by those who ventured to this area happened to you. It was said that if you ventured onto her land, the witch would drain the power of your devices and most often—the batteries of your flashlights.
Any sort of light brought near the ruins in the dead of night would be promptly snuffed out, assumingly because of the tragedy that occurred the last time beacons of light were brought to the location. 
Your flashlight began to flicker. 
And then the light was gone, submerging you completely in the stale darkness of night. 
Everything after that was a blur, all you could comprehend were the quick flashes terrorizing your mind. 
Dark midnight skies.
Clusters of twisted tree branches. 
A wooden maze of towering trees. 
Dry dirt and bits of gravel stinging your legs. 
Burning muscles. 
Overgrown paths.
Panicked screams of both you and Nate as you scrambled blindly through the wood. 
Your heartbeat pounding in your head.
Just as it felt like you were running aimlessly then, you felt as if you could make no progress now. 
No matter how far you ran—no matter how much time had passed—you stayed terrified. 
Both bedside lamps were on as you burrowed yourself under countless layers of blankets and sheets, your body curled in a tight ball. After all, if your blankets are covering you, the monster under the bed doesn't know you are there.
All that peaked out from the fluffy mass on the bed were your eyes, gaze solely focused on the Disney movie you'd turned on moments before, proving to yourself that witches aren't really as scary as they appear.
Good always wins and bad things can't reach you. 
Nate entered the room about fifteen minutes into your movie, hair still damp from the shower and one of your favorite shirts of his draped over his shoulders. It was an old T-shirt from who knows how long ago, but it was soft from wear and one of the most comforting things in the world to have pressed against your skin when he pulled you into his chest at night. 
His eyebrows furrowed at your eyes, wide and alert, quickly darting to him when he entered the bedroom, "Babe?" he spoke softly, slowly approaching and kneeling down by the bedside, fishing for your hand beneath the blankets, "Are you ok?" 
His eyes were sincere and brimming with worry as he looked upon you, gaze scanning over what he could see of you, assessing any damage that may have occurred in the brief time he left you alone.
You nodded slowly, eyes abandoning the movie and choosing to find solace in him instead. 
Once deeming you in no worse condition than he left you in, his head moved finally noticing the laptop perched on the mattress and the movie that previously held your attention playing out on the screen. 
A teasing smirk graced his features, "Really?"
Heat rose to your cheeks and you somehow managed to descend deeper into your cocoon. Your words were muffled by the comforter blocking the lower half of your face, "I needed to get my mind off of it." Nate laughed quietly at your explanation making you double down out of embarrassment, "I needed something to distract me so I could sleep." 
"A Disney movie?" he spoke, equal parts teasing and condescending. 
"What?" you whined rolling your eyes at him, "It always worked when I was younger." 
He hummed, standing up and plucking the laptop from the bed, quickly shutting it off and placing it to the side despite your protests. 
"Well," Nate spoke, waggling his eyebrows at you a few times in order to get you to laugh, "now you don't need 'em."  
You raised a single eyebrow, scanning him skeptically, "Why's that?" 
"Because," he trailed off, leaning to press a loving kiss to your forehead, "I'm going to be the best damn distraction you've ever seen."
"Oh really?" 
He hummed again, pressing a kiss to your nose.
You tilted your head slightly to the side with wide puppy dog eyes staring up at him, not quite getting what he was implying, "And how exactly are you going to do that?" 
Nate pulled the covers down to your chin with a soft, lovesick smile, "Like this." he whispered, finally placing a kiss on your lips. 
Your eyes fluttered closed, a warmth flooding your body unlike the one gained from the blankets. This was a warmth that came from the innermost parts of your soul, igniting each and every nerve, setting them on fire. 
He slowly peeled back the blankets to reveal your form, arms covered with goosebumps from the stark temperature difference flew up to wrap around his neck the second they were released, fingers sinking into his hair. His own arms swiftly moved around your waist, pulling your bodies even closer as he moved onto the bed hovering over you, never once daring to break the kiss. 
The only time his lips left yours where when they moved to trace your jawline and trail down your neck leaving you breathless. 
He moved across your skin, leaving a tapestry of red and purple in his wake, painting your skin the same colors as the fireworks dancing behind your eyelids. With your mind focused on him, there was no room to think of anything else, he moved in a way that you couldn't fathom wanting to think of anything else. 
His hands dipped lower and lower, teasing beneath the hemming of your sleepshirt and caressing your warm skin.
He leaned back, removing his lips from you after what felt like hours, pupils blown wide and a loving, lustful haze clouding over his eyes. 
The only reason he parted was to drag the shirt up off your body with his own quickly following suit to be thrown blindly into a corner, lips hungrily returning to your own the minute the barrier was gone. 
He held your attention fully until the sun breached the horizon line, chasing the moon and darkness of night away as it found its rightful place up in the sky. The night was over, any thoughts you had of terrible twisting branches and evil witches dissolved in the light of morning—at least the ones that hadn't been valiantly chased away by your very own knight in shining armor. 
You lay in bed beneath the single bedsheet, head resting against Nate's chest as he absentmidedly traced shapes across your back, humming a random melody as he did so. The warm light of day breaching through the cracks of the drawn curtains, bathing your tangled limbs in soft gold. 
He was right, you didn't need to distract yourself with the technicolor animations of your childhood. You didn't need to dull your senses with endless hours of princes and princesses saving the day anymore. 
Not when you had your very own fairytale sitting right in front of you, ready and waiting to do whatever it takes to give you your happy ending. 
With that thought and a sweet smile gracing your lips you closed your eyes, finally able to get some sleep. 
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
fifteen hermits worth of liveblogging. i am losing my mind. LONG POST AHEAD.
JOE HILLS (First HC8 Video)
Mumbo did the speech. he forgot everything he was supposed to say <3
Pearl and Gemini were just .in a pit . having stuff thrown onto them
Every Hermit is staying on the same continent !!
FIRST DEATHS VERY QUICKLY, Iron Golems took out Tango and Etho (maybe more?)
Joe seems to be the only one looting the chests
Evil Jevin !!
Evil Xisuma appearance on Jevin’s 60 second video!
Pearl has something planned for an “archeticual wonder” for a resupply area upon death?
Stress, Xisuma and Joe are capturing villagers and starting up a resupply debut.
Bdubs is killed by Cleo and is now OUT FOR BLOOD
First death counts- Etho, Tango, Bdubs, Cleo?
Cleo was killed by Keralis
Joe has now supplied Cleo with weapons and food . She left but not before saying “Time to kill BDubs again!”
Gemini was killed by Bdubs! They both died and are now at spawn.
Pearl was killed by Cleo
Pearl is planning a respawn inn !!
Cleo was killed by Iskall
Cleo was killed by Pearl
False, Stress, and Gemini team up??? AA!!! they brought a delivery of supplies to Joe <3
i wish i knew what was happening on that end .
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Iskall is the first with Diamonds??
Breathe in that ash !
the big eyed trio are now off to shake down Gemini
Joe fell in Lava in the Nether
Joe Death To Lava Two: Electric Boogaloo
Joe drowned trying to kill a glowsquid
Zedaph Episode Recap
Zed gave us a recap of the continent every Hermit will be living on !!
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Wouldn’t recommend Zedaph as the first video for the season, he skips the intro/speech but it’s Zedaph and hes making it fun!! Lots of nice editing :)
Zedaph.. why is your starter base made out of concrete ?
There are no sheeps whatsoever on his mountain
Hes calling his lab an icecream sandwich..yeah i see it
Zed tried to make a portal underater...f
Scar died to a creeper </3
Zedaphs base is gonna be tracking how long hes there/someones loading the chunk!
A cool cinema scene of him becoming an axolotl!! <3
XIsuma’s baseplans need over 45 THOUSAND BLOCKS TO BE PLACED
He’s also planning on making a shulkershell farm!!
i’m not gonna lie ! talking axolotl X is horrifying ! thanks !
Day one Villager Breeder... chaos.
Xisuma Derp! looked straight at a buncha wool and said how badly he needed beds and then walked away
day one and Xisuma has got his axolotl!!
Very pretty starterbase!!
..I’m not gonna lie theres not much to say!! He’s very calm :) he says hes going into it without a plan, and htat last season was the only time he had any thought of what he was gonna do.
He made a real nice starter house and thats about it!
Bdubs: “She ain’t gonna hurt me!! i’m invincible, babey!”
Cleo learnt that BDubs will never hurt her even if she deserves it . I am starting to realize why she kills him
“Alright I found my mission for the season! Murder.”
Cleo, Mumbo, Grian, and Scar are all holed up in a cave together!
..Scar died from a skeleton !
Cleo has now split from Grian and Mumbo! Scar is missing in action
she got a HORSE <3 and Joe gave her a saddle! I think her name is..Widget?
She LOVES the candles for shamboo n waterbottles and bits n bobs for her armorstands!!
Got her Armorstand stickgod book <3
Geminitay POV
She has a LOVELY voice!!
The pov of her in a hole . being surrrounded . is kinda hilarious
It might’ve been Etho who was first death?? I GENUIENLY CANNOT TELL BECAUSE OF EDITING
All the murder was just for heads!
Seriously her voice is. wow
False, Gemini, and Stress are on the great journey for MOSS !
Gem just blew their minds with the moss.
TANGO KERALIS AND BDUBS ARE BACK Keralis: “Show the diamonds show the diamonds show the diamonds!” Gem: “Keralis. This is not how you make friends.”
The boys suecessfully recieved a diamond each
Etho n Iskall are travelling together!! You dont see those two together often
Etho got a glowsquid head!!
Gem: “Etho doesn’t share, is what i’m learning..?”
Etho hooked her with a fishing rod and said she has to do what he said .
In order to get the diamonds, Tango, Keralis, and BDubs placed down a sign saying “Gem is Great!” and Gem used a glow inksack on it.
Etho: “So..What is this? Do you have an ego, or this a motivational thing, or..?” He said, while laughing
Iskall: “I think its really funny that you have set your base up in the middle of a birch forest.” Gem: “I love birch forests! Do you not like my birch forest? Iskall: “I love it, yeah.” Gem: “This is the best biome in the game, Iskall.” Iskall: “Mmmm..” Etho: “I’m pretty sure I heard Iskall talking earlier that like, of all the biomes in the game, there was one he hated more than anything. Gem: “Oh really? And what was that one?” Iskall: “..Taiga.” Gem: “Taiga.. That’s true, thats a good one, thats a good one.” Iskall: “Don’t like Taiga.” Gem: “Mhm.” Etho: “Which one do you hate more than anyone?” Iskall: “..Diorite fields. Thats a bad one.” Etho: “Yeah thats a bad one.” Gem: “Didn’t know about that one. Well make sure to avoid’em. Birch forests are really good.” Iskall: “I’m a big fan of birch forests.” Gem: “Yeah, me too, me too. I’m glad we’re on the same page :) This is so beautiful! All the white and- and the like zebra stripes! is fantastic.” Iskall: “I..Um.. Yes.”
She accidentally found an enchanted golden apple in a mineshaft!! she thinks its the first she ever found in survival!!
She has a cow, sheep, and a few crop farms set up!! Her starter house has INTERRIOR!
shes doing a cottage core inspired base!
BDUBS IS HERE and he is so so so impressed by the tree ?!
also hes carrying a clock.. :(
He’s here with a present!
she thinks its so funny that he stops conversations to sleep AOIDHFEAUI\
WE GOT A TRANSITION SCENE!! the canonical reason for the bed in his old village always being occupied is because underneath it, was his wizard portal!
Bdubs: “It’s a new season! You’re the little guy now!”
They are all very amused by that ^
they’re rubbing the fleece of bdubs jacket .
His starter base is gonna be a wagon and he wants the end game to be a bioshock esque skyscraper!
he confused a horse for a player . flashback to iskall thinking mumbo was a mob
Scar, Mumbo, and Grian.. have NO braincells. at all. THey just placed a crafting table with a boat on top with a bed on top with a boat on top .
this is what BROS FOR LIFE looks like.
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it seems like Grian, Mumbo, and Scar are working together !!!! HOLY SHIT !!
he died several times trying to catch a skeleton with a sword
its a giant ass house boat wagon . its pulled by a llama . that killed him . so now its trapped, pulling hte agon, forever
Grian: “..Thats a very big house, for a very little hat.”
they really came out here . and killed the egg already.
Scar: “..I touched the thing”
We see the three big eyed boys forming <3 they interrupted Tangos intro
they found an axolotl and Bdubs was TERRIFIED just screaming “WHAT IS THAT YELLOW THING?!”
okay nope Bdubs caught one and Tango lost it
Bdubs is naming his axolotl Idiot
Impulse POV
so it looks like those four are hteo nes who grouped up together
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So its gonna be about five people in the same area!!
YOO!! Fantasy build for Impulse!!
G gave Impulse a spyglass, they had a fun moment of zooming in on eachothers face and complimenting eachother IHAUDIHAW
Grian and Impulse worked on an xp farm!
a pillager stole his boat . not just any pillager . the one with a banner. </3
he has to live with Mumbo tuning a song .. </3 haha
Mumbo POV
it took fifteen seconds until Grian ran in during Mumbos intro
Grian: “Can you..Briefly explain why you’re just wearing a hawaiian shirt?” Mumbo: “Uh- what do you mean ‘just wearing a hawaiin shirt? I have shorts on as-well, dude”
Mumbo: “Can you explain why you’re wearing a red jumper?” Grian: “You know- you know i was born with this!”
Grian: “Is that Scar?” Mumbo: “I can’t see past your giant waffle!”
DSFSDFJIOA they did an edit where they placed down a boat, both Mumbo and Grian got in, they made noises and then bopped up on top of the ravine they were in <3
..Mumbo is trying to be a pacifist this season!
Grian’s taunting him with beheaded things
And obviously part of being pacifist means he’s gonna be vegetarian in minecraft!
..he cannot use monster farms because pacifisim..
Mumbo was in the middle of reading the magical Timmy shack that Tango made (did i remember to mention that? who knows) and IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING TO THE PART ABOUT IF YOU REMOVE STUFF FROM THE CHEST, NOTHING WILL BE ADDED IN IT AGAIN. Grian opened the chest . Mumbo SHOUTED HIAUDHUW Grian jumped man
They renamed it “Cave of Do Not Enter” HIAUEDUH
Mumbo and Scar BOTH did not know- at least Mumbo didn’t, Scar forgot,  that podzol spawns from two-by-two spruce..
him and his guitar song to be played underneath his house.. it goes with the aesthetic i suppose
Mumbo: “What.. On Earth.. Scar, it’s meant to be a starterbase, buddy! What is this? This is many things, many many things, a starterbase is NOT one of them!”
nothing special we havent seen yet!! just him screaming about axolotls.
He was working in the Mesa in his intro, skipping the “speech” from Mumbo
He released Idiot the Axolotl and lost it .
While Gemini gave away those three diamonds, Keralis got so excited he won a bet with Tango and Bdubs, that he gave back . two of the diamonds . and none of htem released until well after they left
Bdubs: “That’s why i have my mwoss skin!” PLEASE I LOVE THE WAY HE SAYS IT.. make the moss hood.. REAL..
it took me a while to figure out what his base is but i LOVE IT so so much!!!
Nothing much new to add !!
Stress pov
please i love her . very good !! False seems to have joined her sheerly because Stress sounded like she knew what she was doing. she does not.
False felt peerpressured and asked Stress for permission to fight her because everyone was killing eachother .
It ended up with Stress following False. they found a village!
ISKALL only saw him one other time today!!
Ren: “Ya look goregous, Stress!” Stress: “Thanks! Don’t murder my dog!”
She’s so proud of herself for caving!! (with False n Gem
Iskall blew up!
..Iskall fell from a high place
Stress has a LOVELY ravine base!!
False wants to become pirates with Stress <3
gatekeep gaslight girlboss
it looks like a mushroom church and i LOVE IT.
Nothing new we didn’t see from Gem. She does want to come up with a banner design for her base, though!
..Mumbo just thought Grian had a purpose so decided to follow him <3
Grian is SO PROUD of the fact taht they got good loot from a treasure map. Ren and Doc are NOT IMPRESSED
Grian: “Lets go, potato boy!”
Mumbo: “I don’t have to replace everything I break! Peace Love and Plants- are these plants..?” He says, mining amethyst
he who controls the egg, controls the server... Grian.. you’re doing great sir
...He decided.. his goal.. is to make his OWN..caves and cliffs update... HELLO..?
Grian was the first one to kill the enderdragon, MAN. Speedrunning career WHEN? /j
Grian: “And now [Mumbo] is flexing on my bed!”
he might not have a base. but he has an egg.
It is now 2am. i cannot do this anymore. This will be continued.. tomorrow!
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 // larkspur lane/the whisper box
this post is a double whammy cause they have 2 eps happen in the same day if u can believe it (thats how awful judging timelines in this show is!!)
-"hi josh..." LMAOOOOOOO
-BESS just breaking in lmaooo how many god damn times does bess just shit the bed in this show
-LOVE her frowny face at nancys closet ("my expectations are low" lmfaoooo but this would totally be me)
-"bet she meant it metaphorically" okayyy but then why did lucy say that at all? i feel like theres defo more to this story, combined with josh's cagey behavior (part of which is to get nancy to stop looking into shit d/t him and karen but still)
-"they dont accept visitors unless they're family" .....🙂
-ace "youre really good at that" to bess i fuckin love this friendship with all my heart (also love their talk at the claw mirroring nick & nancys talk in the last ep)
-also PINK AND ORANGE BESS ARE U BLIND (also 1) why tf would nancy own this and 2) where would she wear it??)
-okay wtf is vampire dip
-"boss??" see this is what i meant yesterday about nancy ruining everything for nick/george
-god DAMN she sucks at dealing with this news lmaooo that emotional competency babey + love george literally agrees to help bc she feels bad (AND nicks immediate look of "you just reprimanded me for helping her last ep and i know why youre doing this rn" lmaoooo)
-LOVE george noticing nick "shout out to jean valjean" lmaooo once again nancy would never have noticed/commented on something like that
-"get the hell out of here" was this foreshadowing for an epic dad joke for these two eps? "how do you make holy water? you boil the hell out of it" 😂😂😂😂
-so what i dont get about the whole haunting is the ball + kids' laughter but its all the emphasis on "mr roper" the adult? wtf like what kind of entity is this
-"how did you ever have a solo career??" 😂
-okay amaya's hair is gorgeous here (also "you feel like a snack" ....👀) *ahhh so the reason bess feels so off balance is bc its like a top vs a top scenario
-has anyone who's ever been to prison confirmed this is what it looks like?
-love how ace is the only employee there when they all leave so he had to fucking close the place when he goes
-why does she take the whole file? time constraints? it'd be smarter to take pics + replace it (better sleuthing) but this place is clearly not well run anyway 😂
-so this is a pretty decent cover she invents but theres no way she would get away with it so easily for a real guard
-love how ace recognizes ryan's car (+ is able to find it by driving around)
-"my father wouldnt do anything like that" LMFAOOOOOO SIS WHY ARE U DEFENDING HIM ironically, ace is actually the best person suited to engage w ryan here d/t the car accident + connection with laura being ryans SIL. its a unique set up
-i am fascinated by the concept of priests + holy water being so effective here combined with mcginnis' beliefs and basically nondenominational ghosts/seances etc after that. the show is very clearly big on diversity but definitely steers clear from too much WASP stuff yk? wonder if other stuff from christianity works against the ghosts/demons like taking refuge in a church "holy ground" or using silver etc
-"did this start after the night of sept 10?" *this is where you get the time line for the seance if you didnt know
-this is so fucking funny when u realize that patient sal talks to is actually a ghost so sal really is psycho i guess 😂
-bitchsplain/tall jar of mayonnaise 🙏🏻😌 2gether 4ever
-how did ace get this van? also heart attack when he yells at carson (but then grins at him like a goofball lmaooo)
-"for nancys sake and yours" damn she owes ace big time for all this shit
-"what do we do for 7 minutes?" ...ummm play 7 minutes in heaven lmaooo 👀🥵
-was not expecting ace to look this sexy holding an axe but okay (*ah, its his short sleeve shirt showing his arms. usually hes a sleeves guy)
-"desperate for attention" nancy (from gomber) vs "bc she's starved for attention" patrice --> lucy (and candace also...) we know nancys detective work makes her seem like an attention seeker, but what was lucy doing to make them all think that? she was trying to hide her relationship with ryan, not expose it. unless they just mean the rumors about her?
-so is patrice hiding lucy's "truth" talking about lucy being a whore or lucy being a ghost? what is lucy's secret? did patrice guess she was pregnant or did patrice's somehow garbled mind remember tiffany trying to show patrice the video with lucy on it?
-wonder what captain thom thinks of this stand off w ace lmaooo
-"like you do?" top v top shenanigans
-how awko for carson to talk to karen again like this
-"oh no" ACE 😂
-love how amaya says "be a human" like shes kind of admitting people in rich circles typically arent (^this is an interesting focus in s2 when bess's rich family rejects her, thus making her human again, but nancy embraces her rich fam and experiences subsequent moral struggle which is predicted with the wraith)
-wonder what ryan thinks he could get from the marvins (which he cant get now lmaooo)
-this damn whisper box. so many questions. who named it the whisper box? why are the ropers' old possessions still there? who decided to build a mental hospital on top of it? and patrice! she "hid lucy's secrets" hannah gruen thinks tiffany tried to show patrice video w lucy on it, which patrice then specifically says she hid in the thin mans book. so patrice knows of the thin man? can she see him? does she know he was a ghost/supernatural? she must have a supernatural sense to know about him (unless sal told or some shit) so then when tiffany shows up w/ lucy being supernatural in it patrice hides it to protect her? is this why she is "crazy" kinda like victoria? supernatural elements or ability to sense ghosts makes her unstable? this is why lucy being a ghost/nursery rhyme that she repeats makes patrice worse/"stroke"? how did patrice even get into the whisper box to put the key in the bible and get out without getting trapped? also, her dementia --> lucidity is really fucking off, some people mildly switch like that but usually with dementia they cant even register new shit anymore
-...so did bess take the ride? 👀
-interesting how celia says "your father will be disappointed" but nothing of her own opinion. wonder how much celia truly puts up with to keep everett calm and nonhomicidal
-like george asking nick follow up questions that nancy never really would have asked
-is this bitch just eating a plain pancake with her bare hand?
-"extra case load and excessive volunteering" ugh. nancy's family here are like, gross in how "good" of people they are // unrealistic, trying to paint carson in the best light/ no way ryan could ever compare (but the reality is theyre not that good of people for lying about nancy) **and shes arrogant to think shes better than everyone else ie the only one who truly lives virtuously, thinks she can do no wrong sometimes even tho using sex to cope, breaking and entering, etc is not morally "good" stuff she still thinks she is the only one who doesnt lie and plays fair (like in the pilot she lists everyone else as a suspect but herself- obviously we know she isnt guilty but no one else does. (i mean in theory we really dont, what if nancy was an unreliable narrator and was actually guilty, that would be a hella cool show)its reactions like that where she cant understand why others like the chief suspect her
-ooooh ironic that in the Good Place carson readily agrees to pay her for helping with cases as opposed to s2 in reality
-nick's house has "problems" so why does he need a lawyer? as opposed to an interior designer, plumber, or realtor?
-in the Good Place nick and george realize they are not going to work out after one date. does this failure in the Good Place predict failure in reality, or merely an easier way of figuring out the truth? does this mean that the "opposite" of the Good Place is reality, or only an opinion of what is better? (nancy says "you all like me" as her opinion of them liking her is skewed; does this then only reflect nancys version for what is the "perfect life"?)
-why is bess a hippie??? and love how george curls her hair and wears pink lipstick here
-if this dream is so realistic then why is the one thing it cant conjure smoke? like how random
-love the locket being a key realization bc with things like jewelry you dont notice the weight of them until theyre gone
-"you all like me" in her perfect life nancy means they "like" her objectively/regardless of circumstance even though liking her is still an objective choice (like they "like" her because of other reasons instead of her working at the claw? (like how you make friends with coworkers/people at school every day but after you leave the job/graduate you never speak to them again) and her "thanks for showing up!" as if theyre not doing exactly that in reality 😐like where is she getting this shit? she sort of acknowledges in earlier eps she is hard to like/that she puts mysteries before friends, but also pushing them away to avoid danger like the previous ep "why do u show up" etc
-is it just me or does the inside of nicks "house" look like the drews'?
-nick has a dick scar lmaooooo (or more likely was hit in the balls or smth)
-love how nick + george match their anger in confronting sal 100% on the same level
-so when did ace go back to work after having such a busy day earlier?? lmaooo
-damn father shane is a creep (casting defo hired him for his voice) and how tf did he just poof + escape? and what did he request???
-love bess's white hair bow here 😌+ her jacket, whole outfit on point as usual
-like how bess is right that nancy has to find her way out but thats kind of a nonstarter for a room full of panicked people wanting to help
-in the Good Place theres no bad blood between drews + hudsons bc nancy is really theirs
-"the only one who has the key is you" in the Good Place nancy has the key (smaller picture, to finding out what happened to lucy but bigger picture, post-reveal) but ryan has the clues nancy needs- following the Good Place's mirroring, this just means that in reality ryan will either be completely useless or an active hindrance (but you KNOW this is a dream bc in what universe would ryan remember clues like that 😂)
-so in a perfect universe ryan acknowledges his family's "criminal empire" as opposed to reality where he only makes under cover jabs about disengaging with being an "entitled corrupt legacy criminal" ie finding the bonny scot relics but does nothing about them, etc
-"strippers" 😂
-okay what is nancys obsession w her beanie?? bc her mom made it? "wear beanies do crimes?" idk
-making the call: nancy -unable to make up for lost time/both her mothers had to find out/suffer alone / in the Good Place nancy was able to be with kate while she called, and in reality she had carson; somethig about seeing the mother looking to the daughter for strength in the Good Place instead of the reverse (which is what reality sounded like, kate being strong for nancy through the illness despite the struggle)
-concept: nancy & nick "let's wait out the storm"
-"i believe that you believe it" nick in the Good Place + owen in reality both trust nancy when she says she's seen things (owen's is the teeth) but nick in reality (and not really knowing details) doesnt think much of their "moment" bc it wasnt real (so she had to leave the Good Place to save carson- but if she had known then he wasnt her real dad, would she have stayed to be w nick?)
-stranger - suede james 💙👌🏻
-"really anxious as a kid" v telling bc of her desire to know everything to remain in control of situations like she always does now
-"the medicine or the metaphysics?"/"you cannot beat supernatural with science"
-i love nancy playing with her pinky while saying goodbye 🥺
-"always seek out the truth even if it hurts" this is straight irony bc kate never told nancy anything. like does that include the truth about nancys parentage? they taught her to seek out the truth, but who taught her that the truth is the only thing to live by? ie things dont count anymore like carson and kate straight up raising her is tossed out bc she finds out its not "the truth" like all that work/stress to protect carson + she just drops him? with kate maybe shes just upset thst she spent all that time mourning for someone who lied. and would she do the same to ryan if needed? probably
-bess and ace head tilt 💙
-like how for all the time she spent there nancy only has a subconscious memory of blue curtains
-YESSSSS i LOVEthese beautiful overhead shots of hannah's hands. so out of character for the show lmao but so gorgeous
-i feel like future eps/grand future will be nancy going through the lock boxes to help people who asked hannah for help
-the video is officially dated Aug 22, 2019
-soooooo in the first ep nancy breaks into the hudsons house and finds tiffanys secret drawer w the nail polish and finds the amulet with a note that says "for your protection HG" yet on this video tiffany says she talked to a medium who gave her the amulet sooooo am i just confused? HG is hannah gruen obvi so is the address for the medium what hannah gave her? or was the address on the amulet which nancy dissolved in salt water to see? so how would tiffany know where to go? its chicken and the egg which came first hannah or the medium?
and lastly:
i close these two eps with a thought that everything in this show is sealed in death. all the lies, the imagery, the fake constructs people put up to get by all crumple the second someone dies- all the secrets come clean just like these doors have been unsealed.
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randomoranges · 4 years
this week i got this idea. idk i like doing remake post version of things and such. then i checked to see if the ride was still open and apparently it closed in 2019 but not permanently??? but it didnt say when it’d reopen??? so im using my powers to have it be open in this future. 
anyways, yeah it should all read familiar to the og piece cause i had it open and followed the path of that one. 
Fort Edmonton II
Summer, 202X
 “Hey, let’s go out,” Étienne lazily tells him one afternoon. The weather has finally let up and it seems like the rest of the day might actually be nice, if he’s to judge by the sun he can finally see. It had been a quiet day, considering Edward had arrived late last night and he’d gone to pick him up from the airport. They’d gone back to Étienne’s place, Edward had emptied out some of his suitcase, he had freshened up and then they’d ended up spending the rest of the evening catching up and reacquainting themselves with one another, before getting some shut eye in the early hours of the morning.
 It’s a good thing there’s no real plan to their visits other than “spend time together” and “go out and see the sights” and “whatever the hell else we feel like.” Now, if anything, they have grown comfortable with the idea of spending time without having to do anything grand and it’s nice to know that just being together is fine and welcomed as well.
  From his spot on the couch, Edward shifts and rearranges himself until he’s no longer resting on Étienne’s chest, but instead laying next to him. He cranes his head up to find green eyes silently observing him, amused and fond, as always. He still looks different without his glasses, but the look suits him and he supposes the same can be said about him.
 “Where to?” Edward asks without really moving. There’s no urgency to this, he can tell. Étienne probably feels a little restless and the idea of stretching their legs sounds nice, but at the same time, it’s nice and cool here, in Étienne’s living room and outside is most likely hot and sticky. However, it is the afternoon, so maybe it won’t be as bad, he tries to tell himself, even though he knows better.
 “You’ll see,” Étienne replies with an enigmatic smile, before he bounces off the sofa, laughing, as he makes his way to the washroom, to presumably shower and change. Edward hears the end of what sounds like “it’ll be fun” and gets an eyeful of Étienne’s back, before he groans and flops back into the vacant spot left by his boyfriend.
 They take the métro and the ride is longer than usual, but not unpleasant. Edward pesters Étienne with questions as to where they’re going, until Étienne threatens to blindfold him if he doesn’t stop. Edward keeps quiet afterwards and figures he’ll piece it together once they get off at whatever stop. He’s endeared by Étienne’s buoyant childlike expression as they make their way to their destination and when they finally get off at Jean Drapeau, Edward still isn’t entirely sure where they’re going, even if it does narrow down some of Étienne’s usual go to places. He does wonder if Étienne doesn’t have any ulterior motives as to the place they’re going to, but he keeps the thought to himself as he follows his boyfriend to their destination.
 Edward barely registers all of the information Étienne throws, as he speaks a mile a minute, mixing French and English as he normally does when he gets excited and exuberant. It’s nice to see him this animated and Edward does his best to keep up with him as they walk along the path. He gets the words “still open” and “a classic” and “fireworks” and leaves it at that.
 It’s finally once they make it closer to the place that Edward realises they’re going to La Ronde and he can’t help but laugh. He hasn’t been here in ages and the place certainly brings back memories of previous trips of lifetimes ago. He thinks he’s in for an eclectic walk through the park and that Étienne will bring him from one ride to another as his fancy sees fit, but instead, Edward is surprised when Étienne heads in one specific location. He doesn’t pay much attention when Étienne takes his hand as it now feels like a natural thing for him to experience, but he is a little surprised when they make it to the ride.
 Étienne comes to a stop in front of a rather older looking ride and grins large and wide at him, as if pleased with himself and his clever little plan of his; the proverbial cat that got the cream and such.
 “Here we are!” He declares and steps out of the way so that Edward can get an eye full of his clever little scheme. Edward is – amused and touched somehow – when he sees the name of the ride. He’d recognised it earlier, but now that they’re standing in front of it, he wonders if Étienne is as aware of its significance as he is. (He’s sure he is. Edward has come to realise with time that everything Étienne does is calculated and that his boyfriend’s mind is a treasure throve of nostalgic memories.)  
 “Not quite the same as your original Fort Edmonton, but, it’ll have to do.” He adds, still grinning and Edward can’t help but laugh.
 “Please, my own Fort Edmonton isn’t even fully original, so yes, it’ll have to do.” Edward quips as they step in the rather non-existent line to wait their turn. “Any particular reason you dragged me all the way here?”
 Étienne shrugs, “Thought it’d be nice to come back and see it. I know it’s not the same as when we came here ages ago – it’s not even the same as during Expo, but – the view’s still nice.”
 Edward nods at the comment and they both fall quiet for a moment.
 “D’you ever look back on Expo and wonder if it wasn’t some mass hallucination brought on by some drug induced fever dream? Like – I was there, but whenever I look back I’m just like – no, that didn’t happen.”
 Étienne laughs and leans closer to him for a moment, looking for support, before he teeter-totters over the railing, “My dear, I’m thoroughly convinced it was.”
 They chuckle their way to the front of the line and get the next mini-rail all to themselves. Étienne has them sit up front, since it’s where they can get the best view, and pats the spot beside him. Edward follows him, before he takes his seat. It’s a shame this is only part of the original path the ride covered during Expo, but the scenery is still nice and the rhythmic movement of the old carts is soothing.
 “Still the best seat in the house,” Étienne declares. Edward doesn’t offer any commentary to that and instead sits back to enjoy the proverbial ride. He smiles to himself when he feels his boyfriend’s hand on top of his own and spares him a glance that’s fond and loving. “It’s still the best seat to hold hands as well,” Étienne adds as he leans in close. Edward let’s him and agrees with the statement.
 The mini-rail goes on its merry way, giving them a grand tour of the park. Edward troubles himself to take in the view and Étienne points out the interesting facts and changes in the landscape since the last time they’d done this, all the while holding on to his hand.
 “I’ve gotta ask,” Edward interrupts some time later when they reach a clearing that gives them a good view of the city, “Why d’you name this after some part of – me – as opposed to any other place in Canada?” He’s always wondered, truth be told, but he never dared ask, afraid of what Étienne might tell him – that it would either be loaded or accidental. But now, he doesn’t care if Étienne tells him that he’d pulled the name out of a hat, or if it had meant something all along. They’re in a better place now and he knows how his boyfriend feels about him. He doesn’t need this to validate the time and energy he’s spent in this relationship anymore.
 Étienne is quick with his answer; “It was the logical choice. You’ve always meant a lot to me – still do. It was my own way of honouring our friendship back then.”
 It still manages to flummox him, despite everything and he supposes Étienne will always have that effect on him – will always find ways to surprise him, no matter how long they will know each other and he supposes that it’s one of the reasons he likes him. Still, his heart does a funny loop at that and it has nothing to do with the roller coasters that paint the backdrop of their little ride.
 He turns back towards his boyfriend in time to see the setting sun reflect off his smiling face and the tableau steals his breath for a moment. The light gently bounces off Étienne’s glasses and highlights the auburn of his hair, while framing his face just so. For a second longer, Étienne is at peace with the world and Edward sees the pride Étienne has for his city. It’s breathtaking, in short, and there’s something unguarded about the expression on Étienne’s face that is always lovely to see. And finally, after all these years, it feels as though Étienne has put the last of his barriers down for good.
 Edward lets go of Étienne’s hand and swings his arm around his shoulders, before his boyfriend can protest the absence of his hand. There’s no one else on the ride, but even so, and even though this type of outright display still isn’t his scene, he knows Étienne loves it. He makes an effort for Étienne every now and again and every time, he is rewarded with the prettiest of smiles that graces Étienne’s face.
 And he has to admit that this, still, is the best view of the city.
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bastardnev · 5 years
Cheat Day
in which i inexplicably decided to write a fic about mustafa’s cereal-nutella-oreos breakfast combination
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling, All Elite Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mustafa Ali/Pac | Adrian Neville Characters: Mustafa Ali, Pac | Adrian Neville Additional Tags: damn i guess i gotta start tagging aew in my nevstafa fics huh, Fluff, Silly, mischief involving nutella and oreos Series: Part 1 of Jess Has Too Many Fics In Her Notes Summary: Neville wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the scene in his kitchen that morning.
(ao3 link)
i ended up making a new tag list bc its been so long since i last posted a nevstafa fic + i didnt wanna tag ppl who might not be interested anymore -- im going off the likes/replies to the post i made abt this yesterday so if you’re not on the list and you wanna be added lemme know !! i’ll add you 🥰
tag list: @sailor-slam-dunk @residentjoth @riveliciousx @lambchopviking @storyranger
Neville wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the scene in his kitchen that morning.
He had heard Mustafa get out of bed earlier, but he figured he was just going to get breakfast started — it was his turn, after all. Technically, he still was, but not at all in the way that Neville anticipated. Rather than finding him cooking the pancakes they’d agreed upon the night before, Neville instead walked in on him preparing a bowl of cereal in a large serving dish he’d placed on the island. This in itself wouldn’t have been so odd (other than his choice of bowl) if he didn’t follow up his milk pouring with a big search around the kitchen. He was rummaging through the cabinets that lined the walls for... for something. Something that Neville couldn't quite figure out, especially since the only thing he could plausibly be looking for was a spoon. What a can of olives had to do with anything, Neville had absolutely no idea.
And so, he choose to ask him about it. “What the hell are you doing?”
Mustafa glanced over at Neville quickly before putting the can back and going right back to his hunt. “Oh, good morning. Where’s your snack stash?”
Neville blinked, confused. “My what?”
“Your snack stash. Y’know, where you keep the snacks?”
“I— I know what a snack stash is, Mustafa.”
“Then where’s yours? I know you have one — everyone does. Fess up.”
What was he trying to do? The fact that he still hadn't given Neville a clear answer was a bit concerning. “What does it matter where my snacks are? Wait, forget about that, aren’t you supposed to be cooking pancakes?”
"Who said anything about me making pancakes?"
"You did. Just last night."
"Ehh, that was just pillow talk."
"You told me about how badly you were craving them when we were eating dinner." Why would they be discussing pancakes during pillow talk, of all things?!
Mustafa scoffed, and he offered no further response other than continuing to push aside the items stacked up on the shelf. "Are you planning on answering my question at all?" Neville crossed his arms. "What are you doing?"
“You'll see!" Mustafa responded when he finally decided to speak again. "I’ve got something even better than pancakes in mind."
Mustafa placing a breakfast food above pancakes was almost enough for Neville to consider the idea that he'd been replaced with an imposter. Almost. “And, that is...?”
“A secret — until you tell me where your snack stash is, of course.”
Neville sighed, rolling his eyes. He knew there was no getting out of this no matter how hard he tried. “Oh for the love of God, it’s the one under the microwave,” he at last confessed.
“The only one I didn’t check!” Mustafa grinned, and he darted over to the appropriate cabinet, digging around excitedly. “Ooh, you’ve got a lot of good stuff in here!”
“No need for the commentary, just take what you need.”
“You’re pretty defensive over your candy, huh?”
“You’ve got the biggest sweet tooth out of anyone I know — how can I not?” Now that he thought about it, seeing as Mustafa now knew where he hid all of his sweets, Neville would probably have to find a new hiding spot once this visit was over...
“Hmm.” Mustafa pouted as he moved a variety pack of mini candy bars aside. “You bought the Oreos I asked for, right?”
“Of course.” Like Neville honestly wasn’t going to do so after Mustafa practically begged him to pick some up when he went on his most recent grocery run.
“You do love me!” The package of cookies in his hands, Mustafa triumphantly brought it over to the island, pulling back the seal.
“Can you tell me what you’re doing now?”
“Patience, Nev! Geez. You can’t rush these things, you know?”
Neville wanted to retort, but the distinctive crunch of Mustafa crushing a fistful of Oreos over the serving dish interrupted him, and all he could do was watch in silent awe (and confusion). Mustafa repeated this process over and over again, unblinking, until he’d gone through one of the sleeves. “There...” He muttered, sealing the pack back up and putting it aside. “Now for the last part...”
Last part? Neville found himself a little afraid to say this out loud. His question received an answer anyway, however, as Mustafa then returned to the cabinet, pulling out the large jar of Nutella that Neville was secretly hoping he wouldn’t notice. (Man goes through jars quicker than I can count.) "Not really much I can work with here..." Mustafa mumbled as he put the lid aside, looking at the jar's contents. "You ate it all on me. Naughty boy."
"I'm... sorry?"
"Better be." Mustafa then went to the silverware drawer and pulled out a big spoon, and before Neville could wrap his mind around what was happening he'd scooped out a healthy amount. "This'll work, though."
Neville wasn't able to finish this sentence, as just as he was going to Mustafa let the Nutella drop right on top of his cereal. Neville looked back and forth between the bowl and Mustafa, who appeared to be debating what to do next with his messy spoon. Rather than put it in the sink like Neville assumed he would, however, he shrugged, dipping it into the bowl.
It was right as he was about to put a spoonful of cereal into his mouth that Neville decided to go through with asking his question. "Okay, what the hell?!"
Mustafa paused, spoon hanging in the air. "What?"
"What is this..." Neville gestured towards the bowl, trying to find the right words to describe what he was seeing. "This... concoction?"
"It's... my cheat day breakfast?" Mustafa said this as if it were the most obvious thing ever, like he couldn't understand why Neville so was baffled. "Duh?"
"How did you even come up with this?"
"Easy — I woke up one morning, couldn't decide what I wanted for breakfast, so I just mixed everything I wanted together. It's better than you think it is, really."
Neville pointed to the package of Oreos. "You wanted to eat those for breakfast?"
"You haven't thought about eating cookies for breakfast before? What are you, an amateur?"
"And— And the Nutella, what were you planning on doing with that if you hadn't thought to throw everything together?"
Mustafa didn't respond, instead choosing to avert his gaze. Suspicious, Neville followed up with, "You weren't seriously considering eating it straight from the jar, were you?"
Mustafa made eye contact with Neville again, and neither of them said anything for a solid few seconds. Eventually, though, Mustafa shot Neville a sheepish grin, and the latter brought his hand to his forehead, slowly shaking his head. "Oh, God..." He let out a breath. "All this, yet you still have those abs..."
"I sure do." Mustafa brought the spoon back to the cereal and mixed it up a bit. "Now, maybe instead of pickin' on me you can come give this a try. You might like it."
"I have no use for any of that."
"False — everyone needs this in their lives."
"Not everyone needs something loaded with sugar so early in the morning."
"What are you gonna have instead, then? Egg whites?" Mustafa shuddered at his own suggestion, and he held a spoonful out towards Neville, who leaned away. "You know you want toooo..."
Neville looked at the spoon with a narrowed gaze. He knew damn well that he gave in to Mustafa way too often (something about the look in his eyes, he figured). He'd told himself that he would stop being such a pushover when it came to him, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to stick to his word for once. Mustafa wanted him to try some food combo that he swore was amazing, something that Neville thought was completely ridiculous. He would be lying if he said he found it to be anything but.
...But he would also be lying if he said that he wasn't at least a little curious as to what Mustafa saw in it. Not to mention that he was giving him the dreaded eyes...
Neville said nothing. Instead, he took a few steps closer to Mustafa, allowing him to put the spoon into his mouth. "There we go..." Mustafa took it out a moment later, giving Neville a second to chew and swallow before asking, "It's good, isn't it?"
It was. "It's fucking disgusting."
"Liar, liar..." Mustafa singsonged, and Neville huffed. There was no point in denying it.
"Maybe you're right..."
"Ha! I knew it."
"Why do I always agree to go along with your nonsense..." Neville lamented, and Mustafa chuckled, leaning over to give him a kiss.
"Because you love me," he replied as he pulled away, and Neville struggled to hide the little fond smile that forced its way onto his face.
"...Yes, I do."
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somnilogical · 5 years
that cistem is our enemy
btw realizing that i was cut-and-dry sexually assaulted by robert lecnik was downstream of untangling and piecing together how transfems were oppressed, how that oppression was erased, how pointing these things out was tagged "talking incomprehensibly". (this is a convergent strategy to silence transfems across communities, canmom talked about it on tumblr https://canmom.tumblr.com/post/185908592767/accessibility-in-terms-of-not-using-difficult).
stuff like: the cis admin of the rationalist feminists group was using this technique when they said https://thenewinquiry.com/hot-allostatic-load/ didnt relate to the groups purpose and iirc was written in a style that didnt fit in with the group. https://somnilogical.tumblr.com/post/175420481784/i-tried-to-post-to-rationalist-feminists-closed
when it is a central piece of feminist writing and frequently referenced by transfems. and the other posts in the group were like “How many romantic novels/movies/etc do we have left, once we take away all the ones focused on a man relentlessly trying to convince a woman through trickery and persistence and stalking that she should really have sex with him” or “the White Knight/Damsel in Distress dynamic”
i hope that if people can talk about these things stripped of people like linta trying to direct sight away from the structure of cissexism, constantly in so many contexts; people calling a transfem indistinguishable from a rapist downstream of their dissent, elle saying that the same transfem thought torturing children was hot. neither of these things are true, both are bullshit. if transfems lived in a world where they didnt deal with this bullshit, they can build structures for the world they live in and realize things like that they are being predated on, or that cis people treat them as if they are morality holes, or that they will be tagged as some sort of monster when they dissent. https://somnilogical.tumblr.com/post/189587932494/if-darvo-is-a-thing-in-reality-then-you-can
if i didnt do any of this work i maybe wouldnt have remembered that i was sexually assaulted because that was classed as an undifferentiated part of the horrorscape instead of something someone did to me.
i am saying this in reply to an imaginary critic that says its awefully strange that i have all these thoughts about cissexism right after coming out as being sexually assaulted. like this is accounted for by noticing the structure of cissexism leading to things like noticing i was sexually assaulted.
actually not imaginary, i think this critic is my sim of zack davis saying im a "weird nondominant man" seeking political victimhood so i could get status. nope.
i was sexually assaulted by someone with a pattern of this sort of behaviour towards me and others. like this is really clear cut, in a non-cissexist world without an ambient aura of predation on trans women, without only cissexist places known to me to talk with about this i would have noticed this earlier. if i didnt live in a world where 0 cfar employees, 0 reach abuse panel members, and 0 admins of rationalist feminist were trans women.
linta did the same thing, i tried to talk with them about how they were oppressing a subset of transfems and she iteratively bent it towards me wanting more food within my system for my "friends". bullshit. porpentine is not my friend, the wachowskis are not my friends, a few transfems i know and do not get along with are also oppressed by this.
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feverhalo · 7 years
So. Heres this old fic from uhhhhhhhhhhhhh I really don’t remember how long ago. Originally I had it split into 3 parts on the posts that inspired it- and it was my first attempt at writing anything along the lines of stuffing, but it kind of ended up more like he was already coming down with something. It was on my first attempt at a fic blog- way back when and it got deleted because I didnt know how sideblogs worked back then and goofed. Thought I lost everything, then I found an old disc with a whole whack of it on there.
At the moment I can only find 2 of the 3 posts of the art that inspired it here and here. I’ll link the missing post as soon as I find it.
so um, warnings for vomit, cussing, and over-eating-ish and mentions of drinking. and I also am not editing it because im super lazy so its in the same glory as it was when i posted it years ago (2012 apparently)
2,864 words, apparently.
“Come on people! When I say I want you all mobilized in fifteen I don’t mean in half a damn hour. I mean twenty minutes ago.” Fury fumed over the intercom from his station on scene. His voice bounced off the inside of the transport van and rung through each individual earpiece. “Rise and shine, ‘cause we are in a fucking war against some baddies if you haven’t all noticed. You are my agents and I am expecting you to do your damn jobs at my order.”
“Load of fucking shit,” the sniper agent to Clint’s left mumbled, “two a.m. wakeup call is horseshit. I just finished a mission and got back at ten last night.”
“Yeah, welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D brother, what did you think this was? Day camp?” Clint double checked his packet was still together. He’d read it once they got to their positions, it was too dark inside the van. He shook his head a bit when the other agent went back to fuming. Running on low sleep was nothing, sure the headaches and fuzziness were a pain in the ass sometimes but it’s not hard to get used to. You have to get used to it in this job. Same with messed up schedules on basically everything. They would get an hour tops to set up and get ready for a long haul on their stations.
What he managed to make sense of before climbing in the back of the vehicle through his sleep-fogged mind was that they needed to be ready for anything by three thirty, three forty five at the latest with the other crew up ahead of them set up. He rubbed his face trying to wake up more, must be all the time he’s spent on normal schedule lately, it was causing a real issue. He wasn’t looking forward to the no doubt shitty and militant type food they were all going to have for breakfast within the next hour either. He was getting soft on the new routine of near-normal sleep and actual tasteful food instead of vacuum packed crap made for boosting endurance.
He leaned back to try and get into the mindset for the day. It was going to be a very very long one. Someone mentioned they might be stuck out there until seven that night. By then they’d have relief agents come in to give them a break, but as Hawkeye, well he was probably expected to stay around. Most teams wouldn’t shelf their best shooter if they could help it. He’d probably get a nap in at some stationed area. Though the accidental nap he got on the way there wasn’t something he completely cursed even though he didn’t like the fact of it.
“Alright, come on move out you all got a lot to go over and not much time.” The voice crackling into his ear is what startled him awake, and the hatch of the van swinging open definitely helped make that happen faster. Keeping near silent, everyone filed out and headed into the building while Agent Hill took control of their transport and directed it to their station a little ways away hidden in a different building.
Everyone was handed a pack; filled with the shitty food and bottles of water for their posts, their weapons if they hadn’t brought any and extra ammo and pieces if they did, additional intel for their briefing packages according to pay grade, and some quick hushed instruction to where they were all to be.
Clint took his without a word and made his way to his post. Abandoned, or purposefully emptied, industrial building and the usual sort of interior. Too much moving about would give away his position on the metal catwalk. He had a few windows to observe through and a railing to his back. He dropped his pack as lightly and quietly as he could and set himself facing the railing to observe everyone being dispatched while he read over his briefing package.
Exact sort of thing he expected since they woke him up. Nothing too big, but big enough to require a lot of force if anything went bad. He was given another radio code with instructions to call the other Avengers if things turned too ugly. And it was going to be a long-ass day. No break in sight until afternoon if they were lucky. He ripped open the first package of… well. He opened the first nutritional packet and set to work on it mindlessly while he kept reading and rereading. This was coded, but memorizing it and burning it was always his procedure.
By the fourth read through he was nearly done the second pack. Best to eat as much as he could, as much as he hated it and was off-put by eating at such a strange time after the Avengers got together. Professional agent Clint Barton, code name Hawkeye, sharpest shooter as they came- but totally useless without a sugar rush to start him at this time of night, and hell to deal with if he crashes afterward. Carbs, protein, sugar. The three biggest and most annoying things to eat right now, low on time and rushing to compensate for his mental sluggishness at this hour.
He startled himself with a small belch and nearly dropped everything. He did a quick scan and everything seemed normal. Confused for a second longer as to the origin of the sound, he came to the realization when he hiccupped. Ah. Right. He was eating, and apparently at the speed he was reading if the blooming discomfort in his slightly distended abdomen was anything to go by. He took a swig of the only soda from his pack, no doubt put there as a favor from a very sneaky woman. He let it fizz up in his mouth before swallowing it.
New diet. That’s another thing he reminded himself to update S.H.I.E.L.D on before the next mission. He downed some more soda and let the carbonation work its way back out in a few more small burps. It was definitely a good feeling. He just had to work the rest of the air out before the mission started. No big deal.
“Relax Barton,” He shifted in his new ‘nest’, “nothing you haven’t had to do before. Good to know I can still get mission jitters, heh. Maybe this’ll be fun.” He wanted it to be. He definitely wasn’t expecting this call when he decided to turn in early last night. He tried to tell himself the slight trembling feeling, not that he’d let his hands shake at all if it could be helped, was from nerves. Big man in the world now, sure, but unexpected missions always had excitement to them. Sometimes it left you a little shaken in the best ways. Not that he was sure how good this sort of shaken felt yet, all he could say for certain was that it was strange.
He shrugged his shoulders and straightened out before packing away the left overs and digging out a lighter to burn the paper with. The wind howled a little outside, bringing to his mind the chill of the night.
An hour later had him leaning lazily at a windowsill; nothing happened yet that needed his attention or intervention. He kept flitting his eyes about in a restless sort of way, glancing about but never focusing too long and trying to keep that trembling, tingling feeling filling him up at bay. He thought back to the night before, and about being so tired.
“See anything?” Another agent’s voice crackled through his earpiece. He pressed down on his microphone button to reply.
“Not a damn thing,” he drawled, “Anything from your sights?”
“Nothing yet,”
He let up off the mic and sighed. He felt his body buzz again in a wave under his skin and couldn’t help but shake his shoulders trying to get it out. Part of his mind nagged at him with a reminder of feeling distinctly unwell last night.
Drinking. Stark roped us all into it. Thinks just because he has a miracle liver means we all do.
Though it was harder to remind himself of that when he had to shake his shoulders and head again to fight off a wave of fuzziness.
It wasn’t for another forty-five minutes, and three updates from Fury himself, until Barton had something to hold his attention. He was crouched low at his post and grabbed at the shirt over his stomach as another wave of pain and sudden nausea shot through him. Sure he’d started idly rubbing his stomach a little earlier; he was getting butterflies was all. Usually something happened by now when they got this many people out that fast. He was getting more nervous the entire time, who didn’t when it came to performance issues? He was still having trouble focusing on the vast nothingness happening today by the time the butterflies started. But now this was throwing him off.
“Any news yet? Getting real bored up here,” he clicked the mic off after and waited.
“Nothing. Should be another hour at most. Getting antsy there, a little flighty? Ha.”
“Ha. Leave the jokes to someone who can handle them, Keith.” He turned down the radio and double checked the microphone was off when he curled up tighter into himself and put his head against the sill as another wave of discomfort washed over him.
Eventually, he had to get back up and in proper position. He felt a bit better after some time elapsed and figured as long as he didn’t over do anything and stayed relatively well hydrated he’d be good enough. He turned the radio back up and opened his water bottle as he slid back into the favored hiding position he found where he could stand full height without being seen. Another hour tops and he’d have something in his sights…
Hawkeye swallowed hard and backed away from his post. This was getting a little ridiculous. He stepped back until the guard rail pressed into his back. He hazarded a quick glimpse over before having to go back to staring at part of the wall to calm his roiling stomach, but his eyes didn’t miss a thing. All S.H.I.E.L.D’s other snipers were still focused at their stations. No other agents or personnel were in the area. He figured it was safe enough to sit down for a little and wait this out. Again.
He dropped slowly and cautiously, trying not to upset anything further, and dropped his legs over the side. He pressed his forehead to the cool metal of the guard rail and tried to focus on breathing evenly. At least if it all went to hell, it would go right the hell off his platform. Damn, even some personal snark wasn’t helping anything.
He shut his eyes tight and willed himself not to moan out-loud. Getting seen and getting heard were two ways to royally fuck up in this job, and now were also two ways to grab unwanted attention and ridicule over his gastric distress. His snaked one arm around the bar running at chest level and pulled his head down to lean heavily on it, holding it for dear life if his whitened knuckles were anything to go by. Clint’s other hand rested lightly on his stomach, too nervous to even try and ease the nausea by rubbing or curling up this time. By how ragged his breathing sounded, even trying to call in now wouldn’t work. His jaw felt glued together anyway, he really didn’t trust opening his damn trap for anything. Static fizzled over his earpiece and some other agents gave short updates.
After a few minutes with no relief Clint resigned that he might just actually lose it here. He shoved the microphone back and double checked it was switched off. Still on the right channel so just in case they did need him it was easy to radio back, he couldn’t back out but like hell he could get up right now. His stomach lurched and gurgled, leaving him coughing a little into his hand to stifle the sound and hopefully to help keep everything down. He felt a rush of stifling heat and sweat beaded on his neck.
Did he mention this was going to be a long-ass night?
“Got someone moving.” Clint perked up as best he could in this situation. Not the best idea, he shuddered and folded forward a bit more. He groped blindly for the water bottle he had been taking sips from to help quell the nausea with until now. He popped it open with his teeth and waited for someone else to give up more information. Nobody would realize he wasn’t looking right now, they’d all be too busy searching their own areas and figuring he was either doing the same or trained on the target already.
“Can’t see them.” Clint groaned aloud, unable to help it. He took another sip from the bottle, but just ended up spitting it out.
“I swear I will never say anything bad about anyone ever again…” he started mumbling to himself disjointedly. Promising things to any deity he ever heard of, cursing them all out.
“It’s the Director. No worries, everyone,” Agent Hill came over the comms. “He and I are double checking parts of the perimeter. The targets shouldn’t be this far back at all.”
“Fuck. Fuck everything and the damn horse it rode in on,” he swallowed hard and tried to ignore the burning at the back of his throat.
“Confirmed. It is Director Fury and Agent Hill.”
Radio silence returned for another stretch of time. Felt like almost another hour. Clint spat down on to the floor below again. Finally giving in to the urge to wrap his arm tightly around his middle, he rocked himself slightly to see if it helped. It did for a small moment. He let out a shaky sigh and glanced back over at the windows where the sun was now creeping up through the clouds of dirt and grime on the glass. He considered moving back a bit and laying down before radioing in his distress, but not before he was sure it was something he could handle. After a few more intense seconds he decided that was the best plan of action.
After about four more seconds his stomach decided that was a stupid idea and he needed to keep his ass very still right the hell where it was. And less than a second after that, Barton was parting with a good portion of his stomach’s contents. There was no elegant or quiet and stealthy way to cover that. He retched. He shut his eyes and shook a little harder after the fact. Resting his head, defeated, on the railing again, he Clint tried to work up the strength and his voice well enough to call it in if someone wasn’t already beating him to it.
“Damnit Barton,” Fury’s voice vaulted up to where Hawkeye was slumped, “What the hell?!”
Clint opened his eyes slowly, he shook a little more in some vague form of terror that filtered through his sickened mind. He scooted back a bit, ignoring the wet dripping of his own vomit onto the floor below. He pulled the mic piece down and flicked it on.
“Sorry sir, Agent Hawkeye reporting,” his voice shook, wavered and cracked a little, but still carried over the radio and down from his nest, “I think I’m a little under the weather.”
“Well no fucking shit.” Agent Hill had retreated a number of steps from Fury and the mess surrounding him. She pulled her clipboard up and started flipping through pages while putting out a radio call for a med truck and a replacement. If he had felt any better, Clint would have laughed at the absurd sight, but unfortunately he was back to fighting to keep down what was left in his stomach. “If you’re gonna do that again I’d like some damn warning.”
All Hawkeye could manage for warning was a quick ‘move-aside’ hand motion before leaning through the gap in the rail again and vomiting once more. By now everyone in the building knew what was going on and were switching radio channels and trying to ignore the sounds of Clint losing it all over the cemented floor.
After a third bout of being sick, Clint was left dry-heaving and limp against the fever-warmed metal. Too shaky to even hold the water bottle that hadn’t left his side today, leaving it to fall below him too when he tried to grab it. Within minutes two medical technicians were helping him down from his nest. He felt so shaky and wrung out he didn’t even attempt to fight them over being taken out on a stretcher. He just laid on his side and curled in on himself as they pushed him past Hill and Fury, who was still cleaning himself up.
“Next time spare us the damn show and call it in before the firework finale, alright?”
“Got it.”
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exactlysweetzombie · 3 years
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This page will serve to list all known Console Commands and cheat codes on the PC Version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Like games such as Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, players on the PC can open. Kingdom come deliverance console commands 2019. Hello my fellow comrades! I wanted to use a cheat code but everytime i try to launch it, i get a message like Unknown command: cheatadditem I already added: -devmode to steam. (I dont know if it matters, but when i tried to install nexus mod manager earlier, it didnt have permission to create files on my Hard Drive (where KCD is installed on).) Best regards. Me P.s.: please dont slag me for. The PC version of the Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD) allows you to customize certain features. When you're playing KCD, you can use KCD console commands to manipulate some parameters of the game and control the graphics. Activate cheats in KCD: If you've already played KCD during its testing stages, then you may know that there was the. We’ve already listed some great Kingdom Come Deliverance cheats, in the form of console commands that require no mods to activate. For players wanting some basic tweaks, they’re great. Kingdom Come Cheat Codes. The beta and alpha versions of Kingdom Come: Deliverance had more console commands and cheat codes to make it easier to test and modify the game. Warhorse Studios released the final version and rendered most of the cheat codes and some of the console commands.
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swiftedbethy13 · 7 years
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I’m now going to tell you about the most magical and amazing experience I’ve ever had and ever will have. This post is SO long so go grab some popcorn 🍿
So on October 2nd I was working a nightshift. It was little to do and just went in and checked my emails. I saw two emails from twitter saying Taylor Nation had sent me a DM!! I panicked so bad and went on my twitter to check if it was real. And on my twitter I have two DMs from Taylor fucking Nation. I stared shaking so bad and could barely breathe. The message said *CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE* and that they have a secret, special event they would like to talk to me about, and to send my full name, phone number and best time to contact me. Have you ever tried typing in details like that while your hands are shaking so bad like you’re on drugs?! ITS HARD MAN! I obviously gave them my details (duh), and told them my lips are sealed and it sounds so exciting! Then I panicked cos I thought my reply was too late, and had to ask if I was too late, and then I apologised for sending them so many messages 😂 They said “haha you’re all good, thanks doll”. Then I was supposed to take care of newborns and their moms and stay calm at the same time. IT WAS SUCH A STRUGGLE! I had to go to the bathroom to try and breathe.
We were not supposed to tell ANYONE, but I just had to send my friend Lyndsay a message saying it’s important to check you DMs on twitter often. And she replied “I know, you too…” and I just KNEW she had gotten a message too. If she replied with something different I wouldn’t have told her anything. We started freaking out together and it was beautiful.
I didn’t know when to expect a phone call, all I knew was that I need to have my phone on sound at all times. Like you can’t miss the most important phone call of your life! I had an evening shift the next day and told work I just have to have my phone on sound cos I’m waiting for a very important phone call. Every time my phone rang I just immediately panicked 😂. I can’t remember the time but I was at work and in a patients room when my phone started ringing. I quickly said “sorry I have to take this” and ran out of the room. I look at my phone and it’s calling from New York 😱 I die and start shaking and answer. It was Ali calling from Taylor Nation!! She confirmed it was the right person she was talking too and gave me some more details. It was going to be a secret special event in London on Friday the 13th of October from 4pm-11pm. She asked if I was going to be able to make travel arrangements and I was like “duh YAS OF COURSE”. She told me I could bring a plus’s one, and since I knew that Lyndsay was already going, I gave them my friend Alex’s details. She told me again that this was confidential and I couldn’t speak about it to anyone except my parents, guardian and boss at work. I was going to get more information early the week following. I probably sounded like the most bored person cos I was IN SHOCK, like I was just “yeah” “uhu”, “yes”, and didn’t show any excitement at all 😂. She hung up and continuing work was the hardest thing EVER!
I made travel arrangements and sorted hotels with my friends. I was already going to London on the Sunday till Wednesday before the event on Friday, so I knew the week would go quick anyways. On Sunday evening I out of the blue get an email. I was at the hotel with my mom having a pamper evening, and I was SO THROWN OFF COS I THOUGHT I WOULD GET IT ON MONDAY OR TUESDAY. My mom filmed my reaction to getting this email and it shows how Taylor Swift makes me feel nearly 24/7 😂. The email again said that it was confidential and not to post anything about it or tell anyone. They gave us an address for a Holiday In hotel where we were going to meet up. They said not to bring too much personal belongings cos this was going to be taken off us as well as our phones. AT THIS POINT I STARTED TO BE MORE CERTAIN THAT I WAS GOING TO A SECRET SESSION. Hence my reaction to getting the email lol. I still tried to not get my hopes up, and tried to tell myself that maybe I’ll get to hear a new song and have a swiftie party. Good thing I was in London and could get myself an outfit. OMG IVE NEVER BEEN MORE STRESSED ABOUT FINDING AN GOOD OUTFIT EVER!! I did find it by the help of my really good friend!
THIS STORY IS GETTING SO LONG, sorry 😂 Well done for getting this far. I’m going to skip forward to Friday now (aka the best day of my life).
So, FRIDAY THE 13TH. I get up at 4am to catch my flight to London. My stomach is doing backflips trying to catch butterflies cos I was so excited and nervous and anxious at the same time. I couldn’t listen to any Taylor music cos I would just start to cry, so I ended up listening to P!nks new album (which is amazing btw). When I get to London I meet up with Lyndsay, Megan and Alex. We head to the hotel where we are going to stay and to meet up. Here we get dressed and as I was to put my makeup on I realise that I’ve forgotten all my make up and I go in a full on panic. IM SUCH AN IDIOT! Luckily Megan had makeup I could borrow. After we got ready we headed down to outside the hotel. There were loads of girls with red lipstick and dresses so we knew we were in the right place 😍. We qued up outside, they were running late, think we stood outside for 40 minuets maybe. We then got to the front of the line and inside (finally cos I was freezing my ass of). Taylor Nation was there ready to sign us in!! We signed a confidentiality contract and showed our ID and GOT OUR WRISTBAND!!! (KANDJFJRJDJ)!! It said United Kingdom on it, written in reputation font!!! SO EXCITING! We then went down the stairs to a room with lots of chairs in. There were refreshments, and hot drinks (yay for cold me!) for us while we waited for further instructions.
Then we were told to leave our stuff behind, including phone, and the first 25 people went on a bus. Me and Alex got on the second bus. Now I stared getting SO nervous, it’s ridiculous. Before we went on we where scanned by security. Then the bus took off! We drove a title while and was driving through the most posh neighbourhood EVER, like I WANNA LIVE THERE! The bus stopped and we were told to be quiet while we went off. I realised we were at a house, and you could only guess I was thinking we were at TAYLORS HOUSE!! There were lots of security while we were taken in a back entrance of the house and in through the basement. I had to knock on the door 😂 (so I could say I knocked on Taylor Swifts door, I know I’m extra 😂). We got scanned by security again before we were taken up to the kitchen. GUYS, THIS HOUSE IS AMAZING!! ITS SO HUGE. We still haven’t by this point been told where we are, but duh 🙄. I KNEW we were at Taylor’s house. Her kitchen is beautiful! She has 4 ovens!! There were lots of snack on the counters. Homemade chicken nuggets, fruit, cheese and fizzy drinks. There were also REP cookies!! And REP m&ms! SO COOL! Andrea and Scott was also in the kitchen talking to other fans. Me and Alex just hung around and talked to a few people. Then Lyndsay and Megan arrived, we hugged each other cos they also realised where we were. We then ended up talking to Scott. He has never been to Norway!! And I told him he neeeeeds to come here.
Her house smells AMAZING. I obviously had to see which candles she was burning so I could by them 😂. We were then told to get in a line as we were going to a different room. This was after everyone had arrived and had some food. Me, Alex, lyndsay and Megan were quite up front as we were taken to a living room. There were cushions on the floor and we sat down. I sat down not even thinking about where. Me and Alex chose a high cushion and shared it. A 100 people was going to fit in this room and it got really tight! When everyone had found a spot there was some whispering and the door opened a little. THEN THE QUEEN THAT IS TAYLOR SWIFT WALKS INTO THE FUCKING ROOM AND IM SCREAMING. We were so loud! I FUCKING LOVE HER SO MUCH 😭😭 Like I couldn’t believe she was like right there in the same room as me. As I was having difficulties breathing she sat down like 2 meters away from me and Alex, we had such a good view of her like OMG. Then she said we were going to hear the whole FUCKING ALBUM AND WE DIED. We now knew this was A FUCKING SECRET SESSIONS PEOPLE! SHE ALSO SAID SHE HANDPICKED EVERYONE! I FUCKING DIED! TAYLOR HAS LURKED ME FOR A YEAR WITHOUT ME KNOWING 😭😭 I’ve never had a like or a follow, and I don’t have many followers on any social media. STILL SHE FOUND ME! I’m got eye contact with her so many times during the listening 😭😭😍! SHE IS SO HAPPY TOO!! I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH! AND IM TELLING YOU GUYS THIS ALBUM IS BLODDY AMAZING. (If you think you are stupid enough that I’m going to tell anything about the album, you are being funny, don’t bother asking 😉)
After she had pledged the album we got to look through the magazines!!! THEY ARE AMAZING AND IM SO HAPPY I WILL BE ABLE TO BUY ONE WHEN THEY COME OUT!! Then we waited to meet her JENFBDJSSHHSHDB 😭. I was getting so nervous by this point. Like I was going to meet the one person who has been there for me for so many years and I get to tell her how much I love her. We were one of the earlier ones to be sent in to meet her. Megan and Lyndsay were in front of us and a free they finished it was our turn.
I RAN OVER TO HER AND HUGGED HER AND SHE DIDNT LET GO UNTIL I DID 😭😭 I just couldn’t believe what was happening. She then hugged Alex and told me SHE FUCKING LOVE MY OUTFIT! She said “I love this whole outfit situation going on” I died. I told her that it’s not something I wear a lot and she said “you should definitely do!” IM OBVIOUSLY NEVER TAKING THIS OUTFIT OFF. Alex then said he wanted to wear the same outfit but we couldn’t match so he said I could wear it, and she laughed 😂 I love how we had a sarcastic conversation with Taylor Swift 😂 She then laughed at Alex’s apology for his bored resting face. I’m SO PROUD OF HIM SPEAKING TO TALOR, you have no idea! ❤️❤️ Then we were told to move to the side a bit cos they were going to open up the front door (so no one could see she was living there). This gave us more time with her and I’m so grateful! I then asked her about anxiety with singing and she gave me tips on singing and performing in front of people. TAYLOR FUCKING SWIFT GAVE ME ADVISE ON SINGING AND PERFORMING!! JJDNDJDJFJRJD. Alex then thanked her for giving him the best friends ever and she hugged us both again 😍 Then it was time for picture. We didn’t plan a pose, we just took one. SHE RESTED HER HEAD ON ME AND I SISNT NOTICED BEFORE I SAW THE PIC! It’s so adorable 😍 There were so much more I wanted to tell her, wish I had a few more minutes but I guess she had ALOT of other people to meet.
We then went out in the hallway and ended up talking to Andrea. She reminds me so much of my mom!! She is also a bit similar! I told her about my mom and that she was worried I was sleeping in the airport by my self the following night. We then talked about how happy Taylor is and she was tearing up 😭 It was so beautiful to see how happy her parents were for her 😍😍 We gave her a biiiiig hug and then walked down to the basement again. There we stood trying to comprehend what just happened. I still don’t believe it, don’t know if I ever will? We then got merch!!! We got a REP tote bag, pop socket, t-shirt, a sticker, a cap and the best thing ever, a exclusive keychain that only us on the secret sessions London got. IT WAS SO NICE OF THEM! We were then sent on the bus back to the hotel. There we spoke to Ali about confidentially again and what we could talk about and not. She is so sweet!! Megan and Lyndsay old us TAYLOR KNEW WE WERE IN NASHVILLE TOGETHER 😭😭 OMG!!
When we came back to the hotel I called my mom and SOBBED. I couldn’t even talk to her cos I was crying too much. Then I posted online on my social media about what happened and my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing.
I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR TALOR SWIFT. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR THIS!! And thank you to Taylor Nation for giving us this opportunity, it means so much to us ❤️ The picture ended up perfect and I’m going to hang it on my wall so I can stare at it everyday 😍 I’ve been crying since Sunday cos this has been so so emotional to me. I can’t even tell people what happened without crying.
I’m sorry this story is a mile long 😂
Thank you so much @taylorswift and @taylornation
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dazingsky · 7 years
Garden Centre Stenbrough Hc
I posted this earlier but I used the wrong #’s and the format of the post was wrong im sorrrrrry! This wasn’t requested but i am still taking requests in my ask! pls enjoy fluffy stenbrough!!! 
-Bill works at the garden centre with Eddie and Mike
-And he spends most of his time out the back looking after plants that haven’t been bought yet, and he’s well informed about them all
-And Stan comes in one day because Richie killed their last plant
-And he goes in and sees Bill and is shook because Bill is wearing a floral shirt and has blush on and he looks so pretty
-So Stan goes and asks him about what plant he should get in his apartment
-And Bill tells him loads about Roses and Lilies, and which plants to grow in hot rooms, and which to grow in cold rooms
-And Stan ends up getting a small rose bush and leaving because he got flustered when he realised he’d been talking to Bill about plants for 20 minutes
-But he needs to see Bill again
-So two days later he goes in and says that Richie accidentally set the rose bush on fire so he needs a new plant
-and he tries to work up the courage to ask out Bill, but he gets too nervous and leaves again
-and every second day for like two weeks he goes to the garden centre, with a new excuse to buy new plants
-and Bill highkey thinks Richie’s a complete dumbass for ruining every plant
-and one day, after three weeks of buying plants, Richie goes to the store, and goes to find Bill
-"You the flower boy that Stan keeps talking about?"
-"Are y-you the roommate w-who keeps messing up t-the plants?"
-Richie gets annoyed that Stan’s been such an idiot, and tells Bill that he has to go but Stan is basically in love with him, and he gives Bill their address and walks away
-And Bill is highkey shOOOK, because he cant believe Stan likes him back
-So Bill makes a bouquet of roses for Stan
-And he fills it with yellow roses, because they are the roses of friendship and a new beginning
-And then he puts a lavender rose in the middle, because it means love at first sight
-And he tells Eddie and Mike that he’s going to Stans
-Eddie doesnt really care though because hes flirting with Richie, who didnt actually have to leave, he just wanted to go see the cute boy behind the counter
-So Bill goes to Stans house as quick as he can
-And Stan is just sitting in his living room, reading about how to care for the different plants he has scattered around
-And hes so confused when the doorbell rings, and hes even more confused when its Bill
-"Richie, I told you to start bringing your key wit- You’re not Richie"
-"H-he sent me!"
-And Bill held out the bouquet to Stan, and Stan got so flustered because he remembered Bill explaining what all the Roses meant
-And Stan was looking at Bill like ???
-And Bill just stepped forward and kissed Stan
-and it was like fireworks for both of them
-and they spent the afternoon lying in each others arms on Stans couch, while Bill told Stan how to look after each plant he had bought
-And at their wedding, two years later, they only have lavender roses
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Okay, I NEED to vent.
This is a fuck managers. It’s mostly a rant about nothing, just an annoying member of management who cannot get out of his own head.
It’s about my supervisor who is actually one of my closest friends, however, I’m really sick of him at work. To make this easier, let’s call him Simon (NOT his name).
Simon has worked for the company for about five years, as a supervisor for about two years and in our store for the past 18 months. As a supervisor in general I would say he was hardworking, a motivator and very, VERY fast paced. The guy drinks about 4 coffees a shift and is constantly running around. He’s a genuine and sweet guy as well, the way he talks about his better half (and her family), his parents and so on would make your heart melt. He’s also VERY dirty and quite forward with people so he’ll ask people about anything. 
Sometimes him being so fast-paced makes him difficult to work with. You’ll start a shift with him and he’ll tell you to do a task, but, not explain it properly. It might be something like fold down all the jackets hanging on the back wall, put them away through the back and put out the new jackets in their place. Tasks like this are common and also quite lengthy, but, in Simon style he’ll say “so yeah that’ll take about an hour?” and then speed off, come and check on you in an hour and get annoyed that it’s not done. My pet peeve with him is when you’re opening with him and you and another member of staff need to stock up the store - often a manager will tell you what to stock up so like you’ll only do a zone, or you’ll only do a particular item, or you’ll stock up stuff for “back to school” or “Christmas presents” - other times managers will let you use your judgement and do whatever is low - not Simon. Simon gives the vaguest idea of stocking up ever and basically makes you do the entire salesfloor. He’ll also make you “walk” with him as he points out obvious low stock. You’ll tell him it’s low because we have none in stock and nothing else to replace it with and he’ll just be like, “Nah we have loads of them in the stockroom.”
As Simon is very vague with stocking up, the likes of me and older staff tend to take our times with this and do the sales floor whilst newer staff may only do gaps and stock that looks low. None of this is good for Simon, the first takes too long and he huffs and puffs and asks why it’s taking so long (because we’re doing the whole shop fuck sake) and the latter is even worse and has Simon getting annoying because people should know what they’re doing. This is exactly what he does with every task and it’s frustrating as fuck. 
I always think Simon is stuck in his own head, like he’ll have an idea of how something should pan out but because he doesn’t explain it well enough, or think it over rationally, it doesn’t pan out in the way he thinks it will - I mean, it’ll be more than fine 99.9% of the time but it won’t be what he imagined. We did a few performance reviews where we were also told to give management feedback and I think everyone gave this exact same feedback about Simon. 
ANOTHER thing that annoys me about Simon is his ignorance. So, as I said, he’s a very kind person but he doesn’t understand a lot. Take me for example, his friend outside of work - he knows me and he knows my partner very well - but, he doesn’t understand that I’m mentally ill. I mean, he knows I’m mentally ill he just fails to understand. Like the day I took a panic attack and had to get sent him, before I left he was like, “But [name] you were fine this morning!” He seems to think every mental health issue can be sorted by a good diet, exercise and sleep. Lifestyle changes do help with mental health, I know that, I’ve managed to change my lifestyle before to reduce symptoms but I tried explaining to him that sometimes I feel so down I can’t eat and when I do I’m physically sick, that sometimes I have no energy to go to the gym and that however hard I try, I’m still not sleeping at night - even with a bedtime. He also thinks all of lifes problems are sorted with a night out. He’ll ask me time and time again if I’m going out on a Saturday night. My response is always the same, “No, because I’m working here at 8am on Sunday.” Drinking worsens the symptoms of my mental health and when I try and explain this to him it goes over his head. This is the same for a few of us, one of the new guys is very socially anxious and Simon’s response to this was to send him out in the mall to switch notes for pound coins. A simple task but for someone who is new and shy made him incredibly on edge. He also made him to this at like, 11am, when the mall only opens at nine so he was out for a good 40 minutes trying every single shop before getting something.
The main reason I’m posting this is due to two recent issues I’ve had on shift with Simon. He’s never apologised either, which makes it much more annoying. 
Anyone can give a 10% discretionary discount at my work, but, the only real approved use for this is for either students with a valid student ID or if an item is faulty. Often if a customer is nice I’ll give them a 10% discount if they’re buying a lot and I’ll file it under student, my manager doesn’t mind this and thinks it’s a nice touch. I’ll often do it as well if kids are buying a lot of stuff using their own money, as if they have a card for high school of some sort we can give them student discount too, so I’ll often just ask them if they’re at high school and give them it.
Recently, I was serving this really nice lady and her young pre-teen son. They came in the day earlier and spent loads as they were buying stuff for her husband and I was helping them with sizes. There was one we didnt have and I ordered it for next day delivery to the store, this worked out great for the mum and they had been bought a school bag for her son for his birthday that he didn’t like and they were gonna exchange it. I put the bag they wanted behind so we could exchange it. When they came in the day after they also bought the kid two jackets, a pair of trainers and jogging bottoms and a runner top for his P.E kit. They were extremely nice and their total came to about £350. So, I gave them the 10% discount as the boy actually did have his “young scot” card. 
Simon came behind me after the customers left and said, “You should know we stopped doing student discount two weeks ago.”
He seemed really annoyed and made out like everyone know and it was common knowledge. NOBODY told me this. As I asked other staff over half of us didn’t know this and a few weeks later they started doing student discount again too!
Number 2 - the cash desk drawer/sticker machine
I had been on the cash desk earlier that day but hadn’t been on it for a few hours. I started serving a customer and put them through the till, I ended up getting stuck on for two or three transactions and they were all card.
Simon pulled me up as the cash drawer was bent and said it was because I slammed it shut. I mean, I do this, but, so does everyone. And, the cash drawer had been bent all day. I suspected it was one of the newbies trying to get it open, or our manager being an idiot and left it. I told him it wasn’t me and he just shrugged, “If you say so.”
Now, we also have a very old sticker machine. It always breaks and you have to be forceful with it. 
It stopped working on this very same shift, it kept repeating itself “price?” *enters price* “price?” … Simon didn’t seem to understand what I was telling him when I said it was broke and showed me how to “reset it” which I know how to do already but whatever. When I tried typing in it when Simon reset it he just sorta shook his head at me and telling me I was doing it wrong, etc (I wasn’t). The machine crashed again and then I RESET IT, Simon watching. He then told me to wait for it to load (I was confused as it was loading) and went away. I started doing something else nearby for about 30 seconds when Simon came over and told me it wasn’t gonna fix itself. 
“You told me to let it load.”
“No I didn’t.”
As much as I love Simon he doesn’t listen. If you tell him about his management flaws he seems to override this in his head. 
I feel sad, but, I’m gonna have to go to my manager about this because it’s genuinely making work stupidly difficult and everyone agrees.
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wolf 359 star wars au
[Part 1]
Part 2- O Captain my Captain
the planet they crashed on was logged as completely deserted
of course it was
no trading posts, no spare parts, and wouldnt you know it, the distress beacon got knocked out in the crash
the crew scout around the crash site a bit and stumble on what looks like a camp not too far away. its small, maybe is only home to one person
eiffel, being eiffel, starts poking around
eiffel, being eiffel, almost gets decapitated by someone wielding a laser sword
"who are you, and what the hell are you doing on my planet"
eiffel starts spluttering a disjointed explanation of "crash- comms-- camp? jedi?? what the fuck!"
minkowski kindly intervenes with "captain lovelace?"
the captain lowers her sword
captain isabel lovelace and her crew had been missing in action for three years
and here she was, in a cave, with a laser sword
eiffel is utterly starstruck
minkowski is somewhat unimpressed
hera is mostly just confused
lovelace somehow managed to get the gist of eiffel's explanation, matched it to the loud crash she heard earlier, and asked, "what do you need to fix up your ship?"
by now she had noticed the rebel uniform from minkowski, the rebel attitude from eiffel, and the mishmash of parts that had come together to make hera
"the distress beacon should be our priority" minkowski decided
"i know a place. follow me"
eiffel, still a little incomprehensible, started after her, "can you tell us the epic tale of your jedi adventure?"
"might as well. it's a long walk
"my crew and i were on a mission to escort an asset from one location to another - it was minimal information, but the name the guy used was Elias Selberg. supposedly he was a spy for us inside the empire. i'd guess doing some kind of scientific engineering, but i don't know for sure. only, he must have got a better offer because he sold us out
"selberg was a piece of shit, but he was no army general. his attack was surgical. planned. and impossible to prove. first, there was a "tragic accident" with one of my crewmen. it's likely not a coincidence that the biggest and strongest died first. next, he took out our communications, and the comms officer along with it. then it was engineering, then our droid, and all the while he was acting terrified. like he didnt know it was coming. like he hadnt planned the whole thing.
"when it was just me and him left, i locked the asshole in the sleeping quarters and took off in an escape pod. i'd had to work on it in secret, fixing up the damage he had done when he took out engineering, but i did it. i was out
"but then i was alone. i had no comms, no supplies, and nowhere to go. i crashed here, same as you. something - the force, i guess - drew me into one of the caves, and i found all this jedi shit. i've been training with it, but its hard to know exactly what im supposed to do. jedi were supposed to have masters, but i only have the force to guide me"
the stars in eiffel's eyes are truly impressive by this point
"epic" he whispers
"the force?" minkowski scoffs "all that stuff is made up. it's a fairytale. none of it actually works"
lovelace looks at her like she knows a deep dark secret of hers
"oh, nothing. we're almost there"
they emerge into a cavern that houses the most impressive collection of trash they have ever seen
bear in mind that one of these people is doug eiffel, whose office is stacked floor-to-ceiling with all kinds of clutter
"chances are we can fix up your ship with with some of this junk"
eiffel, as the magnitude of this search hits him: "oh boy"
he turns to hera "can you like... do a scan for what we need to speed this up?"
hera does a huffy beep and scoots off to begin scanning the piles of trash
"you found a lightsaber in this mess?" doug asks
"it called to me. i didnt actually have to search for it" she answers
minkowski rolls her eyes
this is the biggest load of bullshit she's heard since phalser tried to excuse his lateness with "traffic" on a space station
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mialetters460-blog · 7 years
first time as a girl - What Everybody Ought To Know About Ftv Gils
The bus had picked up the group early that morning. They were all members of a singles activities club, and today the schedule sent the young men and women hiking up to a mountain lake. Nick instantly recognized her, and his thoughts flashed back to a secret moment earlier in the afternoon.
As half the group returned to the water in the hot sun Nick started to hike around the lake. After several miles up narrow trails and steep stairs many of the hikers immediately jumped into the cold water. After lunch the group split up til three, when the descent was to begin. He easily recognized fellow singles on the hike. Hed made out most of the way around when he found a sunlit beach, nestled between old rock slides. The tall redhead was Margaret, an administrative assistant he had first met at his job. The taller of the two brunettes was Alison, a graduate student for whom this was her first event. "So, did you like the view? Excited by the potential of a quick naked swim Nick had started towards the beach only to realize it was already occupied. Shed been the one who persuaded him to join the club but he had transferred departments and they hadnt been to many of the same events. The last woman was a compactly beautiful brunette named Sally. Stopping behind a large boulder Nick stared down at the three women who had already discovered the sheltered cove. Nick had been immediately drawn by her long legs in her tight shorts but she barely acknowledged him when hed tried to talk to her during the bus ride to the trail head. They were as much an item as was allowed within the club. Margaret lay on her back on a flat rock, chatting with Alison. Shed been the first person to greet Nick when hed first joined, raising his hopes of quickly ending his status as a single man, but since then hed discovered she was outgoing to everyone, very flirtatious, but essentially unavailable, going home with mainly one guy, David. Initially he worried that hed been spotted but after a moment none of the women gave any indication they were aware of being watched. Nick had considered her attractive but had never really studied her body and had never noticed just how gorgeous she was. Sally lay next to Alison on a towel, sunbathing in a black tied bikini. Nick only glanced at Alison before staring at his former coworker. From his vantage point Nick could see each woman clearly. " Surprised by the unexpected voice Nick started and then looked up at the young woman standing in the isle of the bus. Due to her dark sunglasses Nick could only guess that she was asleep since she hadnt moved and she wasnt participating in the conversation beside her. Afraid hed been spotted the young man got ready to disappear but Sally never even looked towards him, instead watching where Margaret and Alison had disappeared out into the lake. Margaret had chosen a bright green two piece, showing off her body in the bright sunlight. The brown haired beauty was starting out at the lake, a towel tied around her waist, her body outlined by a dark blue swimsuit. After a moment she grabbed her towel and walked towards the slide nearest Nick. However Sally had declined the invitation and as the other two women started out of the cove Sally stood and watched them go. Glorifying in the beauty below him Nick couldnt help but sigh when Alison persuaded Margaret to go for a swim. Nick knew Sally occasionally slept with other guys but he wasnt looking for a mere hookup, but instead was hoping for something more. For a moment Nick could see her groin perfectly, but then Sally reached down and hid herself with her hand. At first she just massaged between her legs but then she leaned back, spread herself wide, and went to work with both hands. Nicks disappointment didnt last long for Sally began to pleasure herself right below his hiding spot. Quietly he reached inside his shorts and started jerking off as Sally kept pleasuring herself. When he looked back Sallys back was arched with ecstasy, her face holding an expression of intense concentration as her nipples hardened and her body shook with her orgasm. Silently Nick watched her fingers disappear between her lips, her hips bouncing with her own movements, her other hand rubbing her clit hard and fast. Quietly the two lay in their respective positions, the young man hidden above, rubbing at his shorts to spread his ejaculation around to dry, the naked brunette below, sweaty and breathless in the afternoon sun. Intently watching the young woman fondle herself Nick quickly found himself filling his boxers with his load, momentarily distracting him from the spectacle below. Quickly Sally stepped behind a boulder, hiding herself from the water, but unknown to her staying perfectly within Nicks view. Above her, with a perfect view of all the action Nick couldnt help but reach down to his own crotch where his dick had gotten as hard as the rock he hid behind. Completely naked, Sally spread her towel on a log and sat down, spreading her legs. To his surprise Sally undid her top, dropping the clothing on a nearby rock, and then followed it with her bikini bottoms. Hed carefully gone out of his way so he didnt follow the three women to the trail. Nick, sure hed never see Sally undressed and completely unguarded again, carefully committed every inch of her body to memory, from her crinkled nipples to the neatly trimmed hair above her dripping pussy. He didnt want any of them suspecting hed spied on them within the cove, especially not Sally. But barely a minute had passed before splashing announced the return of Margaret and Alison. To get back in time for the hike down Nick had run through the brush and trees around the lake. Hed chosen the spot due to the dried stains of cum that covered the front of his shorts and that he knew Sally could plainly see. With a sigh Nick watched Sally quickly tie her bikini back on and walk out to met her friends. As the group hiked down to the waiting bus Nick carefully avoided the women, but couldnt resist occasionally stealing a glance at them. And now, looking down at him as hed looked down at her only hours before, stood Sally, who Nick would never be able to look at as he had before the days adventure. At first Nick didnt respond as thoughts whirled through his head. He was sure shed try to get him kicked out of the club for watching her private moment. " Nick asked after a second of confusion and uncertainty. But the way Sally was phrasing the question didnt appear to indicate displeasure with his voyeurism. Hoping for the sight of one of the other women changing out of her swimsuit Nick stayed in his hiding spot but was disappointed when the three merely pulled on their hiking clothes and headed back to the trail head. With a chuckle Sally sat down next to Nick. Though yes, I do like to enjoy natures stimulative effects from time to time. " Sally said again, staring at Nick in his seat in the back corner of the bus. " "Tease," Nick said boldly. "Yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly," Nick responded bravely. "Ill remember every minute of it fondly. "Nick, do you really think I like to go out and masturbate in the wild for no reason? Apparently his hiding spot hadnt been as secret as hed thought. " Sally asked in a low voice. " Sally asked with a raised eyebrow. As he fell silent to think back on the afternoons performance Sally reached over and felt his crotch, where his dick had been hardening ever since shed sat down next to him. His confidence was returning quickly due to Sallys open honesty. "Id have to say I definitely enjoyed you pulling down your bottoms," Nick answered after a moment of careful thought. Quickly he looked around but none of the other hikers were close enough to hear their quiet words. As she leaned forward to push the thin cloth down her legs she let the skirt cover herself again before Nick had the chance to see anything, but now she was naked beneath her outer attire. Surprised, Nick looked over at Sally to see her naughty smirk. " "What was your favorite part? "But Im surprised that you didnt think the later parts werent better than me just getting naked. He was sure Sally wasnt fooled by his reply but Nick was curious how she would respond to his obvious game. Sally dropped the bikini into Nicks lap. Nick made his next move, confident that he would be rewarded. "There, a souvenir," Sally said with a smile. " Sally looked at him critically. "Youre not bad looking so Id expect plenty of women would love to spread their legs for you. " For the hike Sally had worn a light skirt that brushed her knees, and now beside Nick she pulled it up, and hidden by the seat in front of them, slid her now visible bikini bottoms down off her hips. " "Now thats just sad, Nick. "Well, true, Ive seen women undressing before, but they dont often spread their legs for me right afterwards. And then you reached down and I thought you were going modest on me. "What, you mean like this? " "I hope I dispelled that impression. "Its hard to say," Nick replied. " Sally looked at him with a raised eyebrow, then stared forward. If you liked this post and you would certainly such as to get additional info relating to xxx girl on girl pics kindly browse through our own webpage. "When you started pleasuring yourself I nearly broke out of my hiding spot to run down and join in. "What exactly would you have done? Shed shed her bottoms but she still had left her skirt protecting her. " As he spoke Nick reached out to gently brush Sallys knee with his hand. "Well, true, but its been a while since one let me watch the way you did. Then he began to move his hand up her thigh, pushing her skirt up towards her naked crotch. " The game had been turned around, and now she was testing him, seeing how bold hed be. As Nick felt the curve of her abdomen Sally looked at him with that naughty smile, and slid her hand into his shorts. "Im not too aggressive so Id have waited til you invited me to join in, but then Id have started by touching you somewhere safe, like your leg. " Still looking straight ahead Sally reached down but instead of halting Nicks hand she merely lifted her skirt back over her legs, covering his advance. "I think you forgot to spread your legs for me, Sally," Nick said with a mock frown. " She had picked up on his game and was playing along. " "That you most certainly did," Nick replied. "I havent forgotten anything, Nick," Sally replied. " "And just how would you have greeted such a brazen move? "Youd see my hair, but thats it. "Well, I know Id have closed my legs, as youve discovered," Sally replied. Then he twitched as Sally squeezed his tip. As her fingers found the tip of his dick Nick slowly slid his own fingers down the warm skin of her belly til he felt short hairs but was blocked by her closed legs from exploring further. " With her free hand Sally reached behind her neck to release the tie there, then reached up under her shirt to untie the back. " "Id have told you to get as naked as I was," Sally replied, slowly pushing Nicks foreskin down his tip. " "And your breasts, dont forget that," Nick threw out, making another play. "But if youd have stepped out instead of just watching, things would have gone much different, and Im going to show you exactly what I mean. " "Trust me when I say you wouldnt have been disappointed. "Id wanted to see how hard my stripping had gotten you, whether or not you were oozing yet, just as Ive discovered how taking off my swimsuit right here has gotten you wet. " "Im sure," Sally replied. Sally responded by running her fingers down his cock. The tank top she wore was now filled with her ample breasts, her nipples pressing against the thin fabric. She pulled out her bikini top and dropped it next to the bottoms in Nicks lap. She echoed his actions, beginning to stroke him within his shorts. She nodded towards the front of the bus. "Then Id start towards the spot youd shown me, where your fingers waited to guide me to your special spots. "Wait," Sally whispered after a few moments of mutual pleasure. " "I cant wait," Sally whispered. Nick looked up to see Margaret staring back at the two of them. "Now, I better go chat with the girls before they suspect anything. "Then, after I had a chance to get a good look at you, just as youd gotten a good look at me, Id have spread myself to your touch. " As Sally finished speaking she relaxed her thighs, opening them just enough for Nick to push his hand lower, where his fingers found her wet lips, and between them her warm pussy. She looked back, then dropped her purse. As she knelt she carefully let her skirt catch on an armrest, hiking it up her bent back, showing off her naked pussy, peaking from between her legs. Hidden behind seat in front of him Nick reached down inside his shorts and stroked himself slowly as he recalled Sallys show in the cove. " As wonderful as things were Nick knew it was time for a break. By the time the bus reached the parking lot where everyone had parked Nick had brought himself to the edge of orgasm several times, but carefully avoided repeating his earlier messy moment. Relishing the view Nick sighed as she stood, covering herself, but after she flashed a smile back at him, he began reliving the afternoon. He wondered if she had any idea of all that had happened that afternoon, both in the back of the bus and up by the lake. Feeling her response Nick began to caress the flower hed seen so clearly earlier in the day. Waiting as the other hikers left the bus, Nick tried to catch Sallys eye, but instead only found an odd glance from Margaret. While unlocking his door he casually looked around and saw Sally leaving the restroom, now dressed in a heavy fitted dress that flared as it ran down her legs to cover her ankles. But now all Nick cared about was what Sally had in mind for him after knowing he had enjoyed her show. Nick could tell shed put on some underwear since bright red straps showed underneath the dress straps and when she bent over to adjust her sandals her butt was crossed by a ft v girl of panty lines. " As Sally walked up the isle of the bus Nick watched her, staring at her behind. " Not quite what hed hoped for. "Ready for some fun, Nick? When he looked at her Nick could see into her car, and Sally smiled. Hed always liked her, but Nick had never gotten the courage to see if they could be anything more than friends. She reached down to her legs, where the buttons of her dress ended at her thighs, and spread, pulling the dress open to show off bright red lace, her dark pubic hair clear underneath. " "Follow me," answered Sally, covering herself. " Nick just grinned as he jumped in his car. "And no playing with yourself til we get there. Sally politely made it easy for him to follow her and they soon stopped in front of a large apartment building. " "Your place or mine? Sally led the way through the maze of hallways til she stopped and unlocked a door. As Nick reached his car his hopes fell when he didnt see Sally waiting for him. As the last button opened she pulled the fabric away and let the straps fall off her arms. " Sally asked as she pulled up next to Nick. He put away his pack, but didnt get into his car. Her bra matched the panties she had flashed at Nick earlier. Her nipples pushed against the transparent fabric, the dark skin around them mirroring the dark hair visible between her hips. The red lace supported her breasts, accenting her curves while hiding no details. She motioned Nick in, then after locking the door she strode past him into the living room. Instantly hard again, Nick looked around and saw that most of the other hikers were already leaving. With her now within arms reach, provocatively attired, exuding sexuality, the sight rendered Nick speechless. The young man quickly shook his head with a laugh as he started pulling off his shirt. Sally stepped closer as he pulled the fabric over his head. Starting with the top button Sally slowly undid her dress. " demanded Sally as Nick silently stared at her. "You are ready, arent you. "Get ready, Nick," Sally said as she turned to face him. Sally pushed his shorts and boxers down his legs and waited as Nick stepped out of the clothing. She looked down at his erection, gently brushing her belly. " "Ill never give in," replied Nick with a grin. " Sally pulled Nick close, pressing her body against him as his cock pushed against her stomach. Sally laughed as she pulled away, a wet smear where his penis had rubbed across her skin. "I am going to fuck you until you beg me to stop. Nick could feel her lacy bra on his chest as Sally brought her lips up to his ear. The room was dominated by a king sized bed. She took his hand and led him into her bedroom. " Sally licked her lips as she ran her fingers across Nicks chest. "There is nothing I dont do. " Nick gently ran his fingers across one of get breasts. She ran her fingers across his chest, brushing his abs as she reached down to unbutton his shorts. Dropping the shirt behind him Nick spread his arms to keep from interfering as Sally ran her fingers around his waist to his hips. "Are you going to get naked, or what? "Give me a bit and Im sure Ill come up with something. She leaned over and grabbed his cock, rolling down to lay across his thighs. " Sally grinned, then sat up, pushing Nick onto his back. Sally looked up at Nick as she began slowly stroking him. ftv girls dani As Nick stared at her he could feel Sally running her tongue across his skin. Quickly she pulled a pack of condoms from a drawer next to the bed. When she clamped her lips around him and sucked, Nick gasped with the intensity of the sensation. " "I dont know, all Im thinking is that Im lucky enough to be with you at all. " "Im very happy to xxx sexy fuck photos hear that. "Tell me, what do you want to do to me? " Sally tossed her hair out of her face with a practiced flip of her head. Sally pulled Nick onto the bed and lay down next to him. Reaching her stomach he slid his hand inside the lacy garment. Then she leaned down to kiss his tip before sliding her lips down his shaft. As she licked at the pre cum oozing out of his penis Nick ran his fingers down the waistband of Sallys panties. Sliding his middle finger between her folds Nick brushed the hard lump of her clit. Feeling the fuzz of her neatly trimmed patch Nick grinned at Sally before continuing down to the wet lips hed seen spread open beside the lake. Gently he ran his fingers across her nub. " Nick reached out to run his hand along her side, from her bra strap down to her hip. Beneath his touch Sally shifted her hips, rolling further onto her side and lifted one leg to open her crotch to his searching hand. As Sally twitched from the sensation of his finger penetrating her Nicks dick twitched inside her mouth at the memory of seeing her own fingers between her legs earlier in the day. Tingles of ecstasy ran up his body as Sally ran her teeth gently up and down his dick. Under Nicks hand Sally gently squirmed before settling her mouth back down on his cock. Though Sallys tongue on his cock felt extraordinary good, her question had gotten Nick thinking, and now he wanted more. Nick knew he had found her g spot when his dick vibrated with her low moan of ecstasy. Slowly he withdrew his finger from Sally, eliciting a sigh from the young woman. As she stared up at him, surprise in her eyes, Nick smiled down at her. "I think I know what you want, too, Nick," replied Sally coyly. With the extra space available Nick pushed his hand further into her panties, sliding his middle finger up inside her pussy. " Emboldened by Sallys words Nick reached down and pulled her thong down her legs. Now naked except for her lacy bra still covering her breasts, Sally licked her lips as she stared up at her guest. Then he pushed her off his legs and got to ftv free nude pics irls his knees above her on the bed. She watched as he put a condom sex in images on "Turn over," Nick ordered. Nick carefully pulled her panties off her raised hip, revealing her crotch. With a smile Sally complied. " Nick reached down to grab a handful of her hair and pull her mouth away from his dick. Sally relaxed, melting into his lap, feeling Nick explore her vagina with his finger tip. She shook her butt at Nick, looking back over her shoulder. " "Maybe later, Sally," Nick replied quietly. "Is that what you want, Nick? He ran his fingers over her ass, tickling her skin as he slid his hand down between her thighs, dragging his thumb down her crack. "I know what I want, Sally. For a moment he paused above Sally, stroking his cock slowly as she watched. Nick quickly knelt between her legs. Nick ran his ftv streaming eyes across her body, relishing the curves of naked flesh on the bed in front of him. Then he reached down, grabbed her hips and lifted her butt up towards him. With his cock barely penetrating her Nick grabbed Sallys hips again and pulled her against him, driving his penis deep into her. "Ive taken it in the ass before, Ill let you fuck me that way. "For now, spread your legs. "Fuck," Sally gasped as Nick held her against him, filling her pussy with his dick. With each shove she grunted, both from the pain of her bra being tugged and from the impact of his cock into her snatch. "Show me how you want it. " Obediently Sally opened her thighs, showing Nick her pussy, glistening from the moisture his earlier attention had brought forth. She gasped as he rocked her body with thrust after thrust. "You feel good, Sally," Nick said as he paused for a breath. He released her hair and shoulders and straightened, keeping his cock buried in her. After several thrusts Nick reached up further and grabbed a handful of smooth dark hair with one hand and a shoulder with the other. Sally came off her elbows as Nick held her head back and banged her hard and fast. Slowly Nick ran his fingers up Sallys back. "Ready for me to take over? He straddled Sally’s butt before reaching down and grabbing his dick. " Inspired by Sallys current pose Nick pulled himself out and rose to his feet. When he reached her bra strap he grabbed the fabric and pulled, keeping her against him as he started sliding himself out of her and slamming back in. He adjusted his position slightly and started banging away, grinding her face into the cushions. His tip felt the smooth skin of her crotch, and then the rippling of her lips, and within the hot fire of her vagina. Finally the sensations of Sally’s hot wet pussy overwhelmed Nick’s self control and he felt the ripples of orgasm rock his crotch. As Sally supported herself on her knees and elbows Nick reached down, grabbed his dick again, and guided it between her thighs. He changed to fast quick thrusts as he came, filling the condom with his cum. " Sallys voice was muffled as she lay her head down against her sheets. Nick could easily hear her moans as he banged into her over and over again. As the waves of pleasure subsided he stopped moving, his dick buried as deep as he could get it within Sally. "Now it’s your turn. Using his thighs he allowed his full weight to thrust his cock down into her. "Fuck you’re good," Sally said finally, lifting her head from the pillows to look back at Nick. Pushing it down he inserted it almost vertically into Sally. " With a sigh he straightened up, pulling out of Sally.
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