#i genuinely love how the ones i've sewed on look so far so i WILL keep going but also omfg
seekingthestars · 5 months
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i hate that i do think it'll be cute to have so many more flowers on eevee 3.0 bc hand-sewing 72 appliqués is gonna be a huge pain 😭
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michaelawinter · 14 days
My genuine head canons about Eddie Gluskin that I wrote in my notes app:
I'd like to add a little disclaimer: these head canons involve some heavy topics, so, if you're not comfortable, you aren't obligated to stay.
Also, I do not support any of Eddie's actions..just to make it clear..
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Like the idea of him being a tailor (if you don't know what that means it basically means a person whose occupation is making or altering suits, jackets, and dresses typically to fit a particular person.) He's so creative and almost patient enough to work with materials. I also like to think that's something he shares in common with his mother who must've taught him a good few things about creating and measurements..
He'll hum a little tune to himself as he's working, makes him concentrate more..
It's not always, though, sometimes he loses his patience if the sewing machine isn't cooperating like it should be..
Although his whole character is based on "love" and wanting to find a special bride who loves him just as much as he loves his bride, it's sad to say that his needs will never be fulfilled..
What I mean by this is that not only are his delusions serving him zero purpose but not only that, hurting anyone that comes across him cause he's so desperate to be loved. However, these delusions could be a result of a coping mechanism from all the trauma he went through.
It's like trying to break the generational trauma but instead making it far worse than you could imagine..
So, being severely damaged as he already is, he takes it upon himself to somehow create this little world where he has a family of his own, a beautiful wife and children.
I also like to think of him being trapped in his little cell where he has nothing but a bed and his own little imagination.., staring off into either the ceiling or some random thing and just sits there..,maybe even talking to himself or laughing..
- His mother's lack of acknowledgement for what had happened to him when he was small made him develop some sense of protective nature as a fully grown adult especially when he mentions the topic about having his own children..
- "He appears so charming and friendly" is what he wants some to believe, he cares about how he presents himself time to time..
He wants you to believe he can be good, a perfect groom, a perfect father he never had. He will show you this people pleasing, gentle, kind and loving personality before he completely switches up and becomes the opposite..
- So, about the love part. Some describe him as overly obsessive, which don't get me wrong, he is. Though, it might seem like this isn't much of a big deal to him cause he will show you every ounce of love he has and shower you with it, if you plan on giving yourself to him that is. You'd be his number one priority, you'll never feel like a choice, you are his everything.. It's always like living the dream from the very start, it'll feel like a movie in Hollywood but slowly yet surely this doesn't last how it should...
Imagine being taken care of by someone as charming and loving as he is, imagine him calling you loving words in his English accent and no I'm not just talking about "darling" , I'm talking about :
"Are you alright, my love?"
"Your virtues have so strangely taken up my thoughts.."
"I think you're stunning.."
"You look as pretty as always.."
He is old fashioned, so he will eventually take it upon himself to act like a gentleman around you, he will make the first move, gets you flowers, he plans everything since he would love spend time with you.. It's all about getting to know eachother..
You'd never have to do such work, stay at home and he will do all the providing. 50/50 chance he comes back home with some nice flowers or small gifts..,like I said, old fashioned..
His thoughts would only be you. His number one priorit would always be you. But,... it's not you?..
You're you but also you're not?..
His mind creates this character of you, it's what he's expecting from you, how you act, how you talk, how you dress, how you walk..it's what he expects from you rather accepting you for who you are. This results to a lot of guilt tripping..
And I know, it sucks, but should've thought about it that before going for a psychopathic maniac that's in an asylum for a reason..
- It's quite easy to spot this one, but one of his most common triggers is when someone makes him think they're going to abandon him.
"I can't be alone!.."
By the way, his height and his strength is actually so scary that if you do eventually try to abandon him by walking away, he'll break the door down, he'll find you, he'll do unspeakable things to either you or the furniture that's in his way of trying to get close to you
(Speaking of which: I've noticed a lot of people using the term "Yandere" for an individual with mental illness. Please, stop that..)
Outside of the asylum I like to think his sense of fashion is probably top tier old money, just casual and nice..
Probably likes taking night walks with his nice coat on. That'll keep anyone from expecting him to be a psychopath..
Originally, the man ((((COULD)))) be from England, however, his parents decided to move countries from Europe to America cause they probably liked it more that way..
Eddie is definitely those kinds of people who have that one parent that's always been treating them like shit their entire childhood but still hold a special place in their heart for them cause they don't have anyone else.. That's Eddie towards his mother, I mean, he was her son...all he had was her and deep down he believes that, there was a point she wanted to help..(Even though her absence permanently damaged him)..
But somehow..that caring nature, that charming side of him, that right there, that came from her..
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thekatebridgerton · 1 month
Rewatching s3 I realized that I never actually gave my opinion on the full season to you guys.
Mostly because it was good, every single Penelope and Colin scene was well written, well paced and crafted to bring their relationship full circle. In fact if I could edit s3 into a movie I'd cut everything off and leave the 1 or 2 hours of accumlated screentime that Penelope and Colin had together. Nicola and Luke really brought their A game.
Lord Debling wasa solid character, I really liked him, at first I thought he was going to be like Theo and have no purpose other than make Colin jealous, but he stood his ground as a well developed character ( for the few episodes he was in), I'm sad that he seemingly disappeared after Penelope and Colin got together and I genuinely wish he'd have found a good bride who would write to him and take care of his estate in his absence.
Francesca's storyline with John was also very complimentary, I once said I wanted to see how Eloise related to Francesca who didn't mind being a debutante just like Daphne and I am glad they gave Francesca her own unique charm as well as her own brand of awkwardness, not as obsessed with being perfect as Daphne but also not as antagonizing as Eloise. John was just the right ammount of kind and special that you can see how much Francesca really loves him. ( I'm choosing to ignore what I know of the books and look at Francesca's meeting with Michaela as just another awkward moment Francesca suffers in front of an extrovert .. mostly because I think its weird that neither John or his staff told Michaela he was married and to a Bridgerton sparkler at that, the whole ' and you are' felt really out of place and made me scratch my head)
The featheringtons actually felt more organically integrated into the plotline because this season they are in the position of being the female lead relatives so their shenanigans actually feel more plot relevant. And add levity to what would otherwise be a very dramatic series of episodes
Now on to the things I made fun of: every scene Benedict had with Lady Tilly, is very skippable, and honestly not plot relevant, after 2 seasons of watching him hoe around, a third one is just overkill. Also lady Tilly catching feelings and Benedict activating ' I want my freedom' mode is so hilarious. Gosh I wish him a very sexually frustrated and abstinent season 4.
Eloise friendship with Cressida also felt like filler. I know I've been saying Eloise needs friends since forever but I meant Kate, or Edwina or Sophie. Cressida Cowper was..a choice. And one that ultimately added very little to Eloise character development. But hey at least Eloise tried to make friends this season, I call that a step in the right direction.
Overall it was a good season, I'm sorry if I complain a lot about the parts I didn't like, but for the most part, it was good watchable content with a few snags that can be ironed out in fanfiction. The dresses were amazing and I hope their wardrobe department gets a raise for the hard work they put in these 2 years of sewing and pattern making. Hopefully one day I'll get a documentary about the Bridgerton wardrobe department process of selecting fabrics and making dresses. It would be lovely to see.
So far that's been my very belated season 3 review. And that's the tea
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falconearring · 11 months
Hello Falcon, first off LOVE you're AU and designs, their so unique. I was just curious and I don't think anyone's ever asked this but.. What did everyone do before the Apocalypse? Aside from Scar which you already answered. :)
Hi hi! So happy to hear you're enjoying! I think here and there I've mentioned bits and pieces of some character's pre-apocalypse lives, but never all at once. Here's a comprehensive list of everybody's prior occupations, with some supplementary info for the characters that I've thought about the most.
Etho worked on an industrial farm. He was mainly tasked with planting and harvesting vegetables, and other miscellaneous labor tasks. When he wasn't working, he spent much of his time with Cleo and Bdubs. He's notorious for leaving his flip phone on the kitchen counter in his apartment when he goes out for the day, so it can be a bit difficult to get a hold of him. In general, he's pretty content with his life, and enjoys the routine his job offers.
Joel sort of just goes through the motions. He works a number of minimum wage jobs during his adult years, and doesn't really do much else. It isn't until the apocalypse, when he starts to meet new people and he realizes being lonely sucked. If you ask him, though, he's never felt lonely in his entire life-that would just be silly.
Grian spends his late childhood learning how to cook in a local restaurant. The owner and staff look after him best they can, but despite their hospitality, he resolves one day to grab as much cash as possible and head to a seaside town to start his early adult life. There he finds a small funeral home, and lands an apprenticeship only because they could really use the help and the owner themselves isn’t particularly concerned if they have to cut corners. It isn’t long before his inexperience starts to cause problems, and he takes off yet again when it comes to light the name he had been going by was stolen from an obituary a few cities over. He continues as he was, from place to place and name to name. It’s become somewhat routine for him to cheat every person he comes into contact with, in some way shape or form.
Scar, as we discussed in this post, has an extensive criminal history. Him and Grian somewhat deserve each other in that regard.
Cleo does a lot of crafting in their free time. I don't think I ever decided what she does for work, but on the side she does jewelry making, pottery, crotchet and a bit of sewing. She often sells some of what she makes, or gifts it to friends.
Bdubs does a trades program and is just starting out doing construction work. He takes up drawing as a hobby, mainly life drawing. His two best friends are his whole entire world, baby! He somewhat struggles with his independence, and usually wants to spend his time with Etho and Cleo.
Martyn is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past and future life progressions/regressions. He also claims to be a surgeon, but it's unclear what kind or when exactly he got a PhD.
Bigb was a racecar driver. Later in his career, he switched from cars to offroad motorcycle racing. He fell in love with modifying bikes and became a really knowledgeable mechanic.
Tango was a paramedic. Not much time for anything, but when he can he usually would meet up with some of his buddies to play board games.
Ren worked at the saw mill where Etho's friends are set up. At the time, he was living in a cabin in the woods not far from his work. He was somewhat of a hermit, and he has all sorts of woodsy knowledge and equipment at the ready.
Impulse has a bachelors of engineering and worked as an electrician for a few years. Loved his job, loved having to take out all his piercings most days a lot less. He's always been very close with his brother, Skizz, and they meet up often.
Skizz worked a 9-5 office job, and genuinely could not be any happier about it. He's the type of person to make extra time to exercise, or wake up early just to have some quiet time.
Pearl was an art student on exchange from Australia. She has a passion for installation pieces and painting. Some of her work is a bit strange.
Mumbo was a programmer. What did he program? I don't know. I'm sorry Mumbo fans. If it's any consolation he is so disoriented and so scared and so stressed.
Jimmy lived on a small farm with his family. It was all he knew growing up, and it was all he really knew going into adulthood.
Lizzie had a part time job at an aquarium in her town. She gave tours and sometimes did workshops with the kids where she did aquatic themed arts and crafts.
Scott.... I have a hard time imagining what he was up to before everything happened. Who can say for sure what he did in his spare time? (<- the guy who is writing the AU and can't think of an answer)
Hopefully this is helpful! Sorry some of it is more sparse than other parts. Take care, thank you for reading ^_^
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OK. Hear me out: The reader making cute little plushies for the Elsens.
That's it. Go crazy. Go stupid
Ahhhh I envy reader in this one, I really wish I was capable of making plushies as well! That idea is so cute, the Elsen deserve to have a nice and warm, cuddly friend with them at all times! I wrote this a few months ago, in June or July, while I was still at school, so I don't remember if I've proofread this or not! And, in all honesty, I have too much commuting to do today to be able to properly do so either, so, sorry about that ^^'
Reader Making Cute Plushies for the Elsen
As someone who has always had a passion for creating and bringing smiles upon others, it pained you to see those poor inhabitants of such a bleak world, wishing to give them something to make them happy, to bring them joy and glee in this dreadful place. So, you’ve decided to make some plushies for them, a passion of yours for quite some time now. Anything and everything that came to mind, things, that those poor creatures have likely never seen before.
From armadillos to zebras, you’ve made it all as cute as possible, not wanting to scare away the shy and anxious Elsen. And some of them took a liking to your work as you went on with it, watching you with interest from the corners of their eyes, some even going as far as watching you over your shoulders as you oh so masterfully sewed together the ears of a panda. Once you’ve finished the animal and gave it to the first Elsen in your vicinity, the one observing your work and asking you about it, his eyes growing wide in surprise.
Cautiously, he took it from you, scrutinising it from every angle, trying to find the danger or harm in it. What if there was a bomb in it? What if meat was going to ooze from it? But no matter how much he poked and squeezed the plushie, nothing happened. In fact, the worst it did was give him the impression it was going to make a squeaky noise at any opportunity, but it never did. For a second, it seemed as though he was shaking with excitement, his tired smile turning genuine. Turning around, he showed off the gift he had received, with the other Elsen immediately taking to it.
As soon as the others had each taken their turn touching the felt, petting and squeezing it, the original Elsen took back its newly prized possession, thanking you and bowing low to you, wishing to show his gratitude. Soon after he had left, the others would flock to you, watching you intently, hoping to each receive a small gift from you, which you happily obliged with, giving each of them a small friend to call their own.
Soon enough, after a few days of preparation and weeks worth of work, every one of them had a small plushie with them at all times, cuddling them, making them have tea parties, yes, even living out their dreams through them together.
It didn’t take too long for all of them to plot and scheme together, knowing fully well that they would have a newfound guardian with them along with their original one. And yet, as much love as they have found within their novel toys, they were going to pay that exact same love back to you. They may not have had much, but they were willing to share what they did have with you. And thus, one day, you would find yourself getting dragged around by those small creatures into the library, the central part of zone 2. For as much as they looked down upon noise and intruders, they would hold a small “party” for you there. Even if calling it such was nothing short of a severe exaggeration, it was sweet nevertheless. And thus, they gifted you a cake, shaped in the likes of many a creatures you gifted them. Crocodiles, ostriches, turtles, everything you could think of was there. It was quite the small spectacle, but one of love, adoration and gratitude for you.
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enigma-absolute · 5 months
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)
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Both you and @choasuqeen had sent me this at roughly the same time, so I guess I’m gonna have to answer this with ten things instead, which is fine!
I was able to cut, sew and stitch on a collar on to my Steve shirt in time to wear it out to my local convention with Blue in hand! Here's one of many photos!
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2. Still can't believe I'm saying this, but I managed to rope in three friends to help me sing a cover of 'The Rainbow Connection' for a friend's belated birthday present. I genuinely still listen to it because... wow. It genuinely made both my friend and I tear up when we listened to it together over discord.
(And honestly, we could all do with a bigger choir together...)
3. I'm actually kinda proud of how far my art's come since I started keeping sketchbooks. Looking at the shelf on my right from 2019 to now (though I started in 2013), it's nuts how much I've drawn in those years.
4. On the topic of sewing and sketchbooks, I'm actually kinda surprised I still have bookbound my own sketchbooks, and now they sit in wait to be used someday, ready and waiting in their drawers until I choose the next to go ham with.
5. ...oh my god I still can't fully grasp the weight of having written my show's complete pilot episode, complete since last year for Honours. I know I usually talk and think about it in a very light manner, but dude! I have LORE for that story in SEVERAL notebooks, building and retconning and rewriting as I've gone. I did that??? I DID that?????!!!!!
6. If I really like someone international and online (PLATONICALLY), I'm the kind of woman to mail them physical gifts. The fact that I've sent so much mail and have a minor hoarde of envelopes and sealing wax should say something. This only comes at a certain level of closeness though, since, well, of course. You don't go exchanging physically addresses that easily.
7. Something I hadn’t noticed myself until someone had pointed it out to me is that I’m very outwardly silly in front of my friends. And why shouldn’t I be, I love it! I love that I can say or do something that can make my friends laugh; that I have the lack of care to just do a family guy death pose in a video games shop, get a lab coat for a Beaker Bit, or even have the dumbest grin and cackle while everyone else is done at another dad joke I can think of on the spot.
8. It’s hard to believe it now, but me ten years ago on this hellsite didn’t really have two cares about fashion aside from emulating her idol at the time. Now? I’ve developed some tastes and aesthetics, and while I still have a way to keep growing, I’ve found multiple styles and dream outfits and even outfits I own that not only work in comfort, but also style. Velvet green flared pants? Gold jeans? Bright blue overcoat? Vests? YES.
9. Now that I think about it, I’m… actually kind of impressed with my range of voice acting and impressions? Yes it’s very silly and often for the bit, but I’ve had people compliment my Kermit the Frog voice before, and even if I can’t reach the octave Columbo is at, I can still do the vibes.
10. This is off the back of having a psychology appointment recently, but... I'm kinda proud of how far I've come, honestly. From a lost and lonely and scared girl stuck in NZ to someone about to get a teacher's aide job (hopefully, pray for me y'all!) at her old school's sister school for kids on the spectrum - WITH a Bachelor's and Honours in Animation. In Australia. Who would've thought? I sure didn't. But now I'm here.
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drewzelle · 8 months
“nine mutuals you want to know better” tag game!
Tagged by @sarenhale ! I didn't have access to my computer the past couple days so I'm a bit late, but this was a lot of fun!! Thank you for the tag <3
Last Song: lately I've been relaxing to the Hollow Knight OST (City of Tears best track) but in terms of lyrical music, I recently rewatched the music video for "Little Dark Age" by MGMT because its vibes are fucking impeccable and mesmerizing (I can watch it on repeat for hours)
Favorite Color: purple is my go-to answer (especially blue-ish purples), but I also really love dark greens and desaturated earthy colors so much
Last Movie/TV Show: I feel like I haven't been watching movies lately (I'm more of a show person because I like longer form narratives) but I think the last one I watched was "Better Off Dead" while I was visiting my family for the holidays. It was a weird/surreal but good time! As for shows, I finally got around to watching Scavenger’s Reign!! Every aspect was just amazing, especially the worldbuilding and visuals. 2D animation is probably my favorite medium, so I'm really glad we're seeing more animation for adults that wants to tell a story instead of being a delivery device for lame sex jokes and cringe humor. OH ALSO DUNGEON MESHI!!! For a lot of the same reasons! Excited to watch the new episode tonight :>
Sweet / Spicy / Savory: I have a HUGE sweet tooth, so if I had to pick one, that would be it. Savory foods are great and I love them, I just have a leftover "now's your chance!" impulse from not being allowed much sugar as a kid that I can't seem to get rid of. I'm also weak to the "I deserve a lil treat" trap if I've got a bunch of sweet snacks around, so I have to be careful. As for spicy….I am SO completely unable to handle spicy food it’s almost funny, but really it’s just tragic because I LOVE cuisines known for being spicy, like mexican and thai. If I eat out, I always have to be like “can you please make it mild?” and even then, if it's not seasoned for the babiest of babies, my mouth will burn and my weak, white-person tummy will hurt.
Relationship Status: I keep forgetting I’m getting married in less than six months. My partner and I got engaged like two years ago and have lived together for almost five, so my brain just defaults to "there’s probably a guy nearby" and doesn’t think much deeper on it than that.
Last thing I googled: "morels" because I was discussing mushrooms with my friend and those are some cool lookin' guys! Shaggy ink caps too!
Current Obsession: …….One Piece 😅 I was a big fan as a teen but only got as far as the Skypiea arc before I fell off reading/watching it. The hype over the new live action version reminded me the series existed, so I’ve been not so slowly making my way through again, picking up where I left off. I love how absolutely bonkers, there-are-no-rules, anime-ass-anime it is, but also how genuine and heartfelt it can be. I also enjoy how character-driven so much of the plot is which works because of how interesting the characters are (Chopper, Robin, and Franky are my favs). I just got to the timeskip, so I’m maybe…halfway through? between this and BG3, RIP my free time lol
Last Book: I've been reading through Seiji Yoshida's "Houses with a Story" (slowly, because I want to really take it in and savor it) and it's been a delight. Very relaxing and inspiring :> (up next, I finally got copies of the Locked Tomb series, so soon I will be enjoying The Space Lesbians)
Looking forward to: Being able to organize and enjoy my "new" office space after some hectic days! My partner and I realized we barely spend any time in our bedroom except for sleeping, so we swapped my office into the bigger room in our apartment! There were some complications with getting the internet working on my PC, but we finally got it all smoothed out. Now I finally have all my books and sewing/crafting/creative stuff in one place without it feeling cramped or hiding things away in storage :>
Thank you again for the tag! I'm tagging @justagoos, @icicleteeth, @lunarliart, @saltsparkle, @fael-draws, @juliedillon, @ninamodaffari, @crabdominalpain, and the final slot for anyone else who wants to join in - but please don't feel obligated, this is just for fun! :>
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hillbillyoracle · 3 years
Hi! Just wanted to say I love your blog and I am so thankful for the resources you’ve shared online. Your info about tarot has helped me a ton and I’ve really enjoyed learning about myself through tarot. I wanted to ask, do you have any good book recs about tarot? Not necessarily the meanings of each card, but books about how to approach tarot reading and ways to make tarot a part of your life. Sorry if this has been asked before, I’m kinda new here. Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for your kind words! You have no idea how much they mean to me. Genuinely. <3
As for books, I don't really have many to recommend. I haven't read a ton and I don't feel like I can recommend the ones I have read so far.
Even among the books I've read, I'm not sure I can think of any that quite fit this criteria but it's something I'll be keeping an eye out for in the future.
It's no book, but some thoughts from me if they're at all helpful -
Tarot is ultimately a tool. It wasn't usually a path unto itself but rather reflected a given path it was sometimes used along side - think Rider-Waite-Smith + Golden Dawn and Thoth + Ordo Templi Orientis. It's kind of like asking, how do I make using a hammer part of my life?
And the answer is...well, what do you want to use a hammer for? Make that a part of your life and using tarot will naturally follow.
So when it comes to making tarot a part of your life, it deeply depends on whatever path or practice you work with outside of tarot. The path is what determines whether it's tarot versus another tool that gets used. Kind of like how knitting and embroidery will both tell me to use a sewing needle but at very different points in the project and alongside other tools as well.
If you don't currently have a path - tarot can help direct you to one that could be a good fit given your current needs.
My stock "path" I recommend to folks who are new to pagan and pagan adjacent practices is essentially what Daniel Foor outlines in this article on a deep level.
On the more concrete level it looks like:
learning two divination systems
establishing a relationship with the place you're in through care, communication, and offerings
creating rituals of connection with ancestors both in mundane life and for celebrations
doing self work to radically and lovingly tend to our pain so that it does not spread or multiply
learning at least one magical system to affect the changes we need and want to see in our lives
How does tarot fit into this? Well it's one of your two divination systems. When you're establishing relationships with spirits of place and ancestors, it becomes a tool for communication/to receive messages. When you do self work, it serves to reflect and highlight what needs mended and what paths are most likely to assist you. When you use a magical system, it can be used to suggest spellwork and to check if the spellwork actually, you know, worked. Though with each of these it's best to check with a second tool as well.
When you're working on a path like this, tarot becomes a part of your life because you need it, it's the tool you have to use for the job.
Pick one of those bullet points, schedule time for it once a week and you'll be well on your way to using tarot often.
Apart from that, I'm not a big advocate anymore of divination for divination's sake so card-a-day practices aren't my first suggestion. Challenges can be good structure but do best when they align with your needs in my experience.
Paying attention to need would probably be my other suggestion. Need is an overlooked and important part of divinatory work so being mindful of needs as they're arising can give you the opportunity to use tarot for clarity and guidance on a regular basis.
Part of why I can read cards as well I do at present is because I needed them a lot for the work I was doing in service of my goddess - empowering people to take decisive action in their life (preserving their sovereignty in her eyes) through divinatory clarity. Without that, I'm not sure I'd even still read tarot.
It's only been in the last half decade or so of practicing that I've seen a real uptick in people who seem to think they need to use tarot very frequently, like daily. It's odd to me. I don't feel like I'm failing if I don't use my crochet hook daily. Or my pen. Tarot is no different to me. I use those things when I need them and I'm glad to have them.
TL;DR - for folks who want to make tarot a more regular part of their life, my personal recommendation is looking at your spiritual practice and where tarot might serve that rather than developing a practice around tarot specifically.
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lovebecomeshim · 3 years
hello! your zutara posting today has finally motivated me to ask this question because I came to atla very late(last year, to be specific) and I Love It Very Much but am 1000% out of the loop as far as why what remains of fandom (at least that I've seen among my friends) is so very strongly zutara. I'm not opposed to it per se I just don't really know what has driven it to apparently be such a popular ship? can you help me understand and maybe convert me a little bit?
Hey!! Your ICON! :D I can try but I’m not sure how coherent I’ll be; however I AM sure someone a lot more competent will be willing to add to this. Either way, I’m glad you asked because my plan was to drag down as many people as possible with me.
*smacks the hood of zutara* this baby can fit so much mutual love and support!
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This got so long, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how to put it under a cut on mobile and it already got deleted once so I’m scared to mess with it lol. Moving on.
I’m gonna start this with a disclaimer that im on mobile so formatting is tricky and I’m also really new to atla in that I only completed my first watch through in like 2019??? So some of my info is all just based on what I’ve picked up from Discourse 👀 so anyway the sparknotes version: zutara was wildly popular from the beginning. To the point where the atla crew internally disagreed on which ship should be endgame. (Ex. Bryke [showrunners] asked the writers to rewrite The Southern Raiders to make Zuko seem less ideal for Katara than Aang [which failed, depending on who you ask]; the animation team purposefully created a visual parrallel between Oma and Shu in the Cave of Two Lovers and Zuko and Katara in the catacombs under Ba Sing Se in the Crossroads of Destiny; etc.)
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The ship was popular enough that Bryke actually chose to display zk fanart at a con for the sole purpose of mocking the fans, but that’s neither here nor there. The entire episode Ember Island Players, while a love letter to/parody of the whole show, was an opportunity to address zutara’s viability as a canon pairing (while, again, mocking zutaras for romanticizing that catacombs scene). Point is! It’s always been popular but with it not being endgame, there’s got to be something that’s given it staying power.
And that’s honestly got to do with three things: their dynamic, thematic cohesion, and potential.
(You know what... you know what, it’s four things. The fourth is they’re so aesthetically pleasing together and individually. Like, they’re just good looking people [specifically when they’re grown but they’re also cute kids] and that absolutely doesn’t hurt) (but it’s not the Point, it’s just nice to point out sometimes)
The dynamic is hard to get into without also looking at the canon pairings, but I think I can do that without unnecessary bashing. It’s just that part of the magic of zutara is really highlighted by what they give to each other that their other relationships don’t.
First off, it’s classic enemies to (would be) lovers. The absolute truest form of it. It’s not too different from how CS started out: a rogue antagonist with a job to do—but no personal vendetta against the future love interest—who is deeply and emotionally invested in his personal storyline (revenge/redemption) with little regard for how it effects other people after his entire life and genuine good nature are marred by suffering, and a fierce warrior girl with a strong moral compass and her own personal investment in stopping him (protect her family and save the world doing it). Obviously frustration and animosity grew between them by the nature of them being on opposing sides, but that just lends itself to the sweetness of their later reconciliation.
The thing is that while they’re wildly different on the surface (he’s a hot-headed prince of a fascist regime who is trying to capture the Avatar to please his father; she’s a nurturing daughter of the chief who is trying to protect and train the Avatar in order to topple his father’s throne) they find out that they have so much more in common both in their experiences and their personalities.
(What follows is an excessive use of the word “both” and I’m sorry about that)(I can edit it. I can do that. That IS an option............)
They both have an innate sense of justice that they are determined to see done (zuko, at the war meeting, sticking up for the Earth Kingdom kid when the guards torment his family, choosing not to steal from the pregnant couple despite his circumstances, abiding by his word to leave the SWT should Aang come willingly, etc.; katara, literally.... at any point). They both have pretty one-track minds at accomplishing certain goals once they’ve put their mind to it, regardless of a lack of support in that endeavor (it goes without saying I guess, but zuko’s entire hunt; katara’s determination to get the earth benders to fight back, her determination to absolutely destroy Pakku until he agrees to teach her, etc.). They both lost their mothers at young ages. Their worlds are war-torn and traumatizing to them both, if in different ways, but that ultimately forces them to grow up too quickly to be wholly independent individuals. They both have issues with their fathers (for WILDLY different reasons, but). They both hold extreme prejudices that they need to learn to overcome (which ties into thematic cohesion)(bit like Lizzie and Darcy in that way but magnified by a million). They’re both extremely emotional and empathetic—which can and often does result in loud outbursts. Katara’s a bit better adjusted and can temper her anger for longer than S1 Zuko can, but they both feel that anger deeply and have no compunctions expressing it (Katara is, usually, more justified, particularly in S1. Again, S1 Zuko is severely maladjusted but at the point when they could’ve feasibly become a couple, he’s so much better off with the way he carries himself). They both struggle with feelings of inferiority in their bending abilities when confronted with prodigal benders like Aang and Azula, but have the work ethic required to double down and become two of the most powerful benders in the three remaining nations. This is a little more minor but it is a parrallel that appeals to some shippers that they both have these alter egos in the Painted Lady (notably fire nation coded) and the Blue Spirit (water tribe coded) that are pretty different from who they are day-to-day and are useful in accomplishing a purpose that they as themselves cannot.
(I’m.... I just realized that this could potentially get very long. Should I have made a slide show with bullet points??????)
Anyway, similar. I know there’s more but there’s literally so much to love about zutara that I’ll drive myself a little crazy trying to compile all the ways they’re similar. (Just gonna say that at this exact moment I went back to add more similarities.... so okay then)
Once they’ve reconciled, we see how all of these things only lend themselves to a deeper intimacy together than they share with literally anyone else. There’s a steady partnership that positions them as the mom/dad of the gaang, while also providing the support necessary to allow the other to not have to carry so much responsibility. A lot of zutaras will point out how zuko is actually depicted doing the more domestic chores that are normally relegated to Katara once he joins the gaang, since the others in the group are two 12-year-olds and sokka. The one that sticks out the most is how he makes tea for the group and then serves them, while Katara is able to just relax with her friends around the fire. Fanon expands upon this a lot to Zuko helping with the laundry or the cooking or whatever else needs doing since he, as a once-refugee, is used to doing his own domestic tasks. Before Zuko joined, Katara was the one mothering everyone, sewing for them, cooking for them, etc. She’s always tending to the needs of the group, and that includes emotionally. She does the emotional labor for the gaang 99% of the time, but when she’s the one falling apart, she’s usually doing it alone and without the comfort that she normally provides for others. Until Zuko. And that’s before they’re even friends.
Which is WHY people romanticize the catacombs of Ba Sing Se so much. Katara is verbally attacking Zuko out of her own righteous anger but also her own prejudice when Zuko, surprisingly, chooses to be vulnerable with her. He’s been on a journey that’s opened his eyes a bit, but he’s never actively chosen to expose the rawest parts of his past to anyone. But for some reason he chooses to do that with Katara of all people. While she’s yelling at him. He sees her humanity, and for once can look past his prejudice and empathize with her. And this time, when she breaks down, she gets to be comforted. Katara normally talks about her mother when she’s trying to explain to someone else that she sees and understands they’re pain, as a form of comfort to them. Here, Zuko uses the exact same tactic. He sees her and he understands. And for zuko? He’s not being shut down. He’s allowed to articulate his pain regarding his mother without being ignored and made to internalize it, and he’s allowed to process how he feels about his scar out loud without being told that he deserved it. And then he lets her touch his scar, something we’ve seen him actively avoid before. He’s completely open to her and she’s completely open to him and all it took was one five minute conversation. She was about to use the little bit of Spirit water that she had, that she was saving for something Important, to heal the scar that still daily causes him pain just because they had, somehow, connected.
Plus there’s the whole parallel to the star-crossed lovers forbidden from one another, a war divides their people—
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And then zuko messes up, he regresses, he gets what he wants and he HATES it. And the sense of justice he had as a child has been restored to him against his will and he can’t think of anything he wants to do more than the Right Thing, so he joins team avatar. Before he does that though, we get to see his relationship with Mai, which is where comparison really comes in. And what we see is Zuko, fresh off of his encounter with Katara in the catacombs, trying to be emotionally honest with Mai... and getting shut down and dismissed. Which is just how Mai is and it’s fine, but not for Zuko. Still, he keeps trying, and he keeps getting ignored or scoffed at or yelled at. Which is really a larger symbol for how he doesn’t fit in his old life anymore, but again that’s about thematic cohesion. He tries to articulate his anxieties about returning home, he tries to make romantic gestures, he tries to explain how morally conflicted he’s feeling—and Mai diverts to some kind of physical affection to shut him up and a parting comment that is pretty much always, in essence, “I don’t wanna talk about this.” So they don’t. On the other hand, once zuko and Katara are friends, we see him again emotionally distraught and caught up in his anxieties about facing Iroh, and it’s Katara who comes to him and listens to him and comforts and encourages him.
Similarly, we have Aang clamming up and getting uncomfortable whenever Katara shows any negative emotion, usually resulting in him making excuses or running away. Or, in the case of the Southern Raiders, lecturing her on how she needs to just let go of her anger about her mother’s murder. People have talked this episode to death and usually better than I ever could, so imma... keep it brief. There’s a serious disconnect between Aang and Katara in his ability to empathize with Katara and her needs that has her tamping down her vulnerability and amping up her anger. He tells her that he was able to forgive his people’s genocide and appa’s kidnapping (petnapping? Theft??), which is blatantly not true but also not an entirely equal parrallel to Katara’s situation, and continues making these little remarks throughout the episode. But it’s Zuko that Katara opens up to. It’s with him that she’s able to talk about the most traumatic day of her life, and it’s with him that she’s able to get the closure she needs, cementing their bond as friends and partners. This disagreement between Aang and Katara is then... never resolved. They just never bring it up and hear what the other is saying.
There’s a fic called The Portraits of Ember Island that has a line that so completely sums up the heart of the matter for why people love their dynamic. For context, zuko has woken up early to help Katara with the cooking and they spend the whole time just letting one another talk, and zuko stops to ask why she always just lets him talk. And so she stops to ask why he’s always helping, and it goes as follows:
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There’s just... so much mutual support! Trust! Intimacy!! And it just continues like that from the Southern Raiders on, listening to each other, advising each other, watching each other’s backs! And then! Literally saving each other’s lives!! I will never be over the last Agni kai. Not ever. Zuko may have been willing to jump in front of lightning for anyone, but he actually did it for Katara. And in a show, that’s the thing that really matters. It’s a fulfilled trope usually exclusively applied to romantic pairings, and it ended up applying to Zuko and Katara. And then she ran out into the middle of a fight with tunnel vision just to get to him.
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Also!! Also Zuko pushing Katara out of the way of the falling rocks at the Western Air Temple!! And Katara catching him as he fell from the war balloon that he fought Azula on!! Before they’re even getting along, they’re the ones reaching for each other. They come to this place of equal ground, as partners, who watch each other’s backs, call each other out but still listen attentively and understand, and provide the support that the other has been sorely lacking up until they knew each other (whether that be from lack of effort or lack of understanding from others, or an unwillingness to accept it for themselves).
Then, trailing along under the surface of this, we see the themes of the show totally embodied by Zuko and Katara as individuals and in their relationship to one another. There’s a YouTuber, sneezyreviews, who has a, like, 2-hour explanation on why she not only loves zutara but also believes that their endgame would’ve actually elevated the writing of atla to new levels particularly because of thematic cohesion and resolved character arcs. It’s the zutara dissertation I never knew I needed, and it’s funny and eloquent and effective, so I’m just going to sum up her section on thematic cohesion to the best of my abilities and then link it for whenever you have the time. And I HIGHLY recommend it, especially if you want a full understanding of what makes zutara so great and gives it such longevity.
Guru pathik has a line that goes something like this: separation is an illusion; things that seem different are just two parts of the same whole. Iroh also tells Zuko something similar: balance and strength are achieved when the different nations come together and influence one another and celebrate what makes them each unique. And this lesson is a massive central arc that both Zuko and Katara go through, moving past a black-and-white, good guys-vs-bad guys, us-vs-them mentality and into a greyer, more nuanced view of the world. Zuko sees the fire nation from an entirely new perspective and while he still loves and hopes for his nations future, he surrenders his blind loyalty to them in exchange for an unflinching loyalty to peace and love. Katara too had to come to terms with the fact that cruel people exist in the earth kingdom and water tribes, while some fire nation citizens are just regular, kind people who also need and deserve to have someone speak on their behalf. And this is honed in directly on how they view each other. They grow in their individual journeys to be open to the humanity in the other and then, once they’ve found that, they’re able to grow more in compassion for others in a beautiful feedback loop. And this is all matched in the symbolism repeatedly and intentionally associated with them in canon: sun and moon, fire and water, yin and yang, Oma and Shu who found love despite their warring nations. Their individual arcs are completed in each other and complement the themes of atla beautifully.
The canon pairs... just don’t. Which, again, is fine. But the very things that give atla longevity and popularity are anchored in zutara. Kat@ang doesn’t accomplish this. They’re... nice. Sweet. Especially when you erase a good portion of their interactions in S3. It could’ve been just a sweet love story. (Personally, the dynamic between toph and aang accomplish the same thing that zutara does, with complementary personalities that fulfill the theme of opposites blending in harmony) M@iko, on the other hand, is less sweet but I think wasn’t even supposed to last. Zuko’s relationship with Mai seems to represent his relationship with his old life as a whole. He can’t be emotionally vulnerable, he’s goaded into abusing his privileges, his agency and opinions aren’t respected. They just don’t have common ground with which to discuss anything that matters, so they don’t. As far as themes, the relationship doesn’t fit with atla. It’s zuko returning to and sticking with what is (on the surface) like him, what’s expected. Fire nation with fire nation. Fluid water bender with the flexible air bender. Like with like, separated from what is different and challenging and complementary.
And all of these things combined of course lead to the potential for the ship. I don’t know how familiar you are with the post-atla canon but... well, miss “I will never turn my back on people who need me”, miss “I don’t want to heal! I want to fight!” ends up living quietly in the SWT as a designated healer who turns a blind eye to the water tribe civil war happening right outside her front door. Which can be fine! People change! Some people just wanna stay inside. I just wanna stay inside! But the potential future for zutara is so much more satisfying, with Katara becoming the most unconventional Fire Lady the uppity old cads who are stuck on the old ways have ever seen. Fanon has her serving as a voice for the other nations within a kingdom at the point of its biggest political upheaval, as a confidante to Zuko who can actually help him while he’s trying to figure out how to move forward and make reparations. They have the opportunity, together, to accomplish what they both have set on their hearts to fight for: positive change that lends itself to harmony and balance. And the steambabies! A popular headcanon is that their firstborn daughter, the crown princess, is actually a waterbender, which causes such an uproar among the people who are adamantly clinging to the old ways. It’s just a future full of potential to be forces for good together, full of trust, intimacy, joy. The exact era of peace and love and balance that zuko announces that he intends to ring in with the start of his reign as Fire Lord is, again, magnified by the very personal zutara relationship. And we love to see it.
tl;dr zutara isn’t for everyone. Some people just don’t vibe with it. Some are nostalgic. Some love the canon they grew up with. Some have been disappointed for years. Some just see themselves in other characters and want their happiness instead. Whatever the reason, that’s fine. But for me, I love the way these two, from the moment they give each other a fair chance, are able to lower their walls and prejudices to see the other for the kindred spirits they are. They see each other’s humanity, and their response is to pour out love and support and compassion. I love that they’re a power couple in battle. I love the symbolism and, honestly, soulmatism that colors their every interaction. I love that they embody the whole storyline of atla in their relationship and how it develops, which is notably why their seasonal arcs always culminate in each finale with how they relate to one another. I love that zuko adopting a waterbending move is what actually saves his life and then katara’s. I love the chemistry! And I love the future they could’ve had, instead of the ones they were given.
So, in conclusion: I just think they’re neat and I hope you do too, at least a little bit. Even if it’s just respectfully from a disinterested distance cause you do you. And now here is the video I mentioned. I’m sorry this post got so long and then I gave you an even longer homework assignment, but I can’t recommend it enough. She says it all better than I can.
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whiskedimagines · 2 years
Ok this might be a bit silly but could I request a few familial headcanons for "world's most fucked up tween" Talia? Like I've genuinely started to pronounce lasagna and pasta wrong because of her ><"" (Good luck with the blog tho!!)
Don’t worry about it! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’ve never heard anything about her family. All the other kids get at least a passing reference to a relative or guardian, but we have no idea who’s looking after Talia. I have a suspicion that this kid could use a family.
I’m assuming you’re older than her here. If you’re not, you really shouldn’t be on Tumblr.
So you’re going to find yourself responsible for her sometimes. And wow will you have your hands full.
For one thing, she’s not one to clean up after herself. You’ll be picking up a lot of half-cooked meats and empty jars.
And you’ll have to step in when she’s threatening people with a butcher knife.
Expect to receive many jars of her signature “paste-a pastes”. Better put it on your “paste-a” sparingly; you wouldn’t want to cough up a live bird or sprout strange appendages. She isn’t being malicious (well, maybe slightly, if you’ve done something to annoy her); she’s just new to cooking, and a lot of things don’t come out quite right.
If you can, please. Please convince her to sleep in a proper bed. She can’t keep waking up covered in “luh-zay-guh-nuh” guts every morning. She’ll fight you on it, but it’s worth the effort.
I’ve wondered if it’s the lasagna shape that brings her comfort. Maybe sewing her a lasagna pillow will help her? I can see her loving the stuffing out of it.
You know how clingy she gets with Lavender? You’d probably get the same treatment. She’d try to follow you wherever you’re going a lot, even if it’s not a place she can go. 
And she’d try to “help out” with whatever you’re doing, often making it worse. (Pastrami in your carrot cake, anyone?)
But I think it’s best to be patient with her. Most people are just weirded out by her, so she’s grateful to have you. She wants to do things for you and spend time with you, even if she doesn’t say so! If you can find something you could regularly do with her, she’d be ecstatic.
Maybe the two of you could collaborate on a recipe? She’s great at thinking of ideas for those! 
(Thanks! I’m having fun so far!)
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brownielocksstuff · 5 years
At least, when it comes to Norman. Mainly, anyway.
Because darn it these parallels are here again wrecking havoc in my mind and showing, emphasizing what we may have missed before.
I didn't see it before. But this. This is really really selfish.
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In this scene Emma was willing to throw away everything. She was risking every single thing they have planned for for months to escape.
It wasn't a heroic moment. It wasn't a moment where the main character was upright and courageous, doing the right thing for the greater good. Because it wasn't the right thing to do. Norman's shipment was the way to go. (Even Ray who loves Norman maybe as much as Emma did had accepted this) Emma's plan of letting him escape in front of mama wasn't.
It was a pure act of selfishness. She didn't want to lose him. And she was losing him. He was going to die and whatshouldshedo?
Emma is a smart girl. She knows what she was doing. She knew the consequences if she succeeded. And even then, she did it anyway.
She had been willing to expose the very device everybody needed to escape. Her leg, that was very much important if she ever hoped to make it out of GF. Ray's six years of planning.
All of it was negligible compared to Norman's life. She was willing to sacrifice it all: Her chances of survival, Ray's six years, Everybody's means for escape.
It was selfish. Stupidly selfish that even Norman snapped at her for what she tried to do.
She didn't succeed here. Norman was shipped out. And she believed he was dead.
I might be bias because I love Norman and everything, but reading the arc after the escape, I think a part of Emma died with Norman.
Even after finding out about Connie's, and those who were shipped out before death, Emma still managed to be herself. She was genuinely happy and hopeful and simply a burst of sunshine and kindness. All of them were going to escape. They would all make it out of there alive.
She was Emma. She was awake to the reality of this harsh world, but she was whole. Complete. She was strong. With him by her side, they would all make it out of GF.
They had lost many but they would move on. Move forward.
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But his death hit her hard. Connie's and their other siblings' death couldn't compare. Norman was different. He always had been. It was like she lost a part of her. Maybe she did.
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With Norman, the brain, the man with the plans, the stronghold, gone, they needed someone else to be their torch to guide them. While very tactical and independent, Ray was never a leader. He was a supporter. He was the ace. He was an important key but he was never the one to open the door. So, Emma had to step up to fill up Norman's role.
She had to fill Norman's shoes. Had to be strong. Had to be the family's new guide to this unknown world. But... was she still whole?
In GF, it was like she was looking at a future. A future for all of them to live on. To live happily with everyone.
But after his death, she was moving forward for the mere sake of her family. To keep them alive. It wasn't very optimistic anymore. It was selfless. She devoted her life for the sake of her family. For their survival. Maybe even for keeping her last promise to Norman. Not for her future happiness anymore.
Emma had to grow out of naiveity. Learned how to hunt. To gather neccesities. To kill. Because she loved her family. And they needed her.
Even in Goldy Pond, she knew she couldn't die. Her family was waiting for her. She had things to do. Cattle children to liberate. A future that would keep them all safe. A promise to uphold.
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Time was good to the family. To Emma. Maybe sewed up wounds of the past. She moved on. With Ray, her family and his memory, she moved forward. But we never really see Emma catch her breath, do we? Never really do anything for herself anymore. Never act like her age and make cute little gestures we all loved back at GF. It was always for survival. And it's kind of understandable given the situation. But even then, we see the other kids being really happy, genuinely happy and living.
Even as a leader, she was entitled to do so. Back at GF, she did but now, it was all about plans and actions for Emma.
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I think maybe it's because she never really had time to properly grieve him. Between planning for escape and surviving outside, there's little room to hurt. And with all these little kids looking up to her as a pillar of support, she can't manage to show her pain. It's always bottled up; her pain for losing him.
But that changes.
We see in chapter 119 the sweet relief, the explosion of emotion from our sweet little girl who had to mother all her siblings. A throwback to her old self. (We even see her clothes and shoes change back to her past. Can't put it here coz of 10 pic limit.)
The moment she sees him, something clicks. Something breaks and something goes back to place.
For a moment, she forgets. All her plans. Her family. Survival.
Everything. She drops the very pen that kept them alive for years. And rushes forward. Because suddenly, she was whole again. There he is. The part she was missing. Her ultimate regret. Right in front of her. Breathing, smiling, saying her name as he did in her dreams.
For the first time in so long. Emma finally feels. And she feelsfeelsFEELS.
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And for a moment, she was herself. Whole, happy and carefree. He was there. And finally, she was given a second chance.
But then... she sees something else.
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Something that binds him.
Something that reminds her of how she lost him in the first place.
There was a familiar tug holding him down again. A weight on his shoulders familiar to her own responsibilities but also so collossal in its difference to hers.
She sees him there, the same gentle person he was before, but he was buried in this obligation and desire to build a new and better world for every cattle children.
He was the same but he was so far away. He was here but he wasn't free. It was shipment day all over again. The entire cattle children's fate on his hands.
And she sees. Sees how probable it is for her to lose him again. Yeah. There's this fact that genocide is evil and there are other ways (pipe dreams) to liberate cattle children but in this scene...
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Emma just doesn't want him to go away again.
And she may have to lose him again. For good this time. May it be his life or humanity there's a really big chance that she's losing him in exchange of complete liberty.(I've discussed this on my post about Norman's 0 love for himself).
She's a smart girl. She knows the consequences of her deliberately opposing Norman's plans.
Knows how little their chance of survival in her plans compared to his. But her plans doesn't include mass murder.
Her plans doesn't include him sacrificing himself.
To put it roughly, her plans saves cattle children less and Norman more and demons most haha.
Because, noone would lose anything in Norman's plan. There is only gain for their growing family. And everybody else approves. Ecstatic, even. Only Norman has to bear this weight. And he was willing to do so.
But Emma (and Ray) wasn't. She can't.
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So Emma decides. She's selfish again. Wants for her happiness again. She risks everything again. For this pipe dream of hers.
Because she can't lose him for a second time. Can't sacrifice this newfound wholesome.
In chapter 130, she finally admits. She was finally able to be honest and carefree to show her family her feelings about GF escape. How it wasn't a success. Because he wasn't there.
Here, Emma was finally herself again. Her bottled up feelings are all out in the open. We see a different Emma. It's not just for survival anymore.
She sees a future again. Where Norman is there. She hopes not only for lives saved. But for smiles too. She's hopeful again.
That's why she leaves. She bears a little of his weight he carries because his freedom means hers as well.
Norman brought back Emma's sense of self again. It's more than just her family now. Because he's alive. The chain of regret she's carried for so long is cut down. And there's something to look forward to again.
And she's selfish enough not to let him give himself for the sake of cattle children.
She's selfish enough to fight for her desire to keep him. Selfish enough to fight even him to save him from himself.
Because Emma isn't having this. She's not losing him. Never again.
Emma is selfish. If it meant him returning to her with no new series of burdens and decisions to atone for, then she's willing to drag everybody and gauge this pipe dreams of her into reality.
And she repeatedly admits it.
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This stubborn, bull-headed girl we love isn't gonna lose him. Not this time. Never again. So look out Norman.
I applaud this girl for giving much love to the boi who needs it as much as he deprives himself of it. (And that Ray loves both Norman and Emma to support her in this.)
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jacobseedz · 6 years
Wrong - Thranduil x reader
requested by; @lucacangettathisass (sorry, luv, for making you wait for so long, but as i told you tumblr ruined everything ;_; hope you like it, i tried my best! *insert smiling face emoji*) 
summary; you’re quite younger than Thranduil, many say you only use him for his money, power and throne. 
sindarin in italics -> translated at the bottom
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You were a quite young elleth, but mature in every other way. Your family was not royal, known or rich. Many people, elves, dwarves and other creatures only knew you from your work. Like making new robes, sewing, painting or even teaching elflings. 
 Once you were working on a new robe for Lord Elrond, when King Thranduil came into your chambers in Rivendell, saying he needed a new robe. It was the most awkward moment in your life, but definitely worth it as after some months of talking, drinking wine, you from friends became something much more. Of course your love blossomed so you decided to move into Mirkwood, staying within his Kingdom. It was an adventure to say the least. You, the lover of the King, nobody knew you, they give you questioning glances, but made way for their King nonetheless. You haven't stopped working, at times even helping Thranduils people. They all appreciated the extra help, and many grew fond of you. 
 On a special night, your anniversary, you asked to see his whole face.
 "No, Meleth, I do not want you to hate me." he said calmly, but his heart was beating like he just ran a marathon. 
 The only thing he was afraid of after his wife's death is your leave. You'd have nightmares, you'd look at him like he was a disgusting orc. However, you loved him too much, so you whispered sweet nothings into his pointed ear, assuring him you wouldn't ever leave him. It was quite strange to see two tears drop into his knees, but he showed you what the dragon did. 
After he turned your way he gasped, not understanding why you were still there, with him. You just smiled and wrapped your arms tightly around him.
Today was no other day like before. It was the meeting of the Kings. Thranduil was to arrive in Dale to discuss important stuff. The dwarf King, Thorin Oakenshield, survived the battle, giving Azog a brutal death. He took over the Lonely Mountain, many dwarves came back from far lands to their rightful home.
All three kings came to an agreement, that didn't mean they liked each other, but they did sometimes give each other good advice. Like a King to another King. Simple as that.
Thorin once saw you with Thranduil and instantly fell in love. He envied the Elven King for stealing your heart, though that haven't stopped him from trying to get you. 
"Thranduil, you must be careful, that she elf of yours must not be trusted." thorin warned, lowering his gaze to the other King that stilled.
"And do tell me, why is that?" he asked, walking again.
Thorin let out a quiet growl, not liking what he was about to say next.
"It's in her eyes, your throne, your power, your money. As you told me once, she came from a poor family, what do you expect then?" he breathed out, trying to sound genuine. 
Thranduil's brows furrowed, not knowing if he's lying or telling the truth. But why would he lie? Thranduil knew Thorin longer than you and every advice given to him was true, so maybe he is right... 
"Where is Bard, I don't have all day." he changed the subject, quite uncomfortable. 
The dwarf King knew he struck a spot, the Elf is considering his words. Oh how wonderful, Y/N will finally be his, that's all Thorin wanted. 
When Bard arrived, everything went back to normal. Thranduil traveled back to Mirkwood, where Legolas, his only son awaited him.
"Mae g'ovannen, Adar. I am glad to see you." Legolas smiled. 
Their father - son bond was renewed. Occasionally they trained together, went riding or got rid of the nasty creatures living in the woods. They both were happy, well, Legolas only disliked you, he'd like you to leave them alone. Only his mother was meant to be with Thranduil and no one else. 
So the only thing he could think of was lying about you, one would've thought Thorin agreed with Legolas on this, though they both hadn't planned destroying Thranduils relationship. The Prince bribed his fathers most trusted adviser and member of the council, to make the King banish Y/N from Mirkwood, forever. 
"Ah, Ionneg, how did your training go?" he asked casually, nodding to his people. 
"Very well, but there is one matter I would like to talk over." Legolas said, his cheerful tone changing to a cold one.
The Elven King had enough of talking, but seeing his son's gaze it must've been something serious. He eventually led Legolas to his chambers. 
Taking a deep breath, he started, "... you know, we all worry about you and want what's best. On the other hand we cannot do that with Y/N by your side," that got Thranduils attention, Legolas tried to contain his smirk.
"Landion saw her sitting on your throne, laughing ominously , like a witch that just seduced her victim. Y/N was talking about you, about taking your throne and kingdom. Ada, you can't let her." he pleaded, obviously that made Thranduil believe him.
His golden hair flew in the air, as he turned around. His icy blue eyes, piercing Legolas'. The Elf couldn't possibly think of you doing such thing. He saw the love, adoration in your eyes. Thranduil's hands trembled, his breathing hard. Closing his eyes he breathed out a 'ego', Legolas leaving right after. He was so lost.
Help me Valar...  
Later that day you came to your shared chambers, finished with today's work you were ready to relax. Walking in the dark room the only light came from the balcony and fire. Although you heard Thranduil you didn't say anything, thinking he was asleep.
"Y/N." said a raspy voice.
Thranduil sat on the love seat, near the fireplace. He held a glass of Dorwinion wine, right from Rivendell. Elves couldn't easily get intoxicated, especially Thranduil, as if he was alcohol-proof.
Taking a step forward, you replied, "Yes, my love?". Putting a hand on his shoulder you felt him tense up. For the first time in your relationship, your touch hadn't soothed him, quite the opposite.
He scoffed, ".. My love, tell me what were you doing in MY throne room?" he emphasized 'my'. 
Confused and tired, that was all you felt.
"Thranduil, I have been at work all day, what are you talking about?" he scoffed yet again, not pushing your hand off of him. He just rejected you and you don't know how to feel about that.
"Stop acting dumb. Legolas told me about your little scene. I'm not that thick as you thought. Get out of here, you witch." he spat, throwing the glass of wine onto the wall.
You shrieked, frightened of his odd behavior. The glass shattered, wine spilled on the perfect Elf-designed floor. Thranduil stood, towering over you. His icy glare did not soften, even watching your tears stained face. It only made more furious. 
"EGO MILBO ORCH!" that struck a nerve.
Your hand made contact with his cheek, the sound echoing in the room. It was quiet for a moment, before he said, "Get out of my Kingdom and never come back, witch." 
With that you left, tears streaming down your face, blurring your vision. Taking nothing you ran as fast as you could, just to be behind those gates, in the fate of the evil creatures guarding the woods.
The trip to Rivendell took you at least four days, fortunately you were a skilled hunter, so with a pained expression you ate a small bunny, fox or bird. On your way out of Mirkwood you haven't crossed roads with those nasty, six legged demons, you doubted you'd survive.
Lord Elrond was your regular customer, only letting you make his robes. Hearing the sad news from you, broke his heart. Not only did he give you food, but a place to live. Oh, how grateful you were, nearly squishing him in the tight embrace.
"My dear child, do not fear, for you love shall win over the dark. It just takes time to realize that." he said softly, rubbing your back as you sobbed.
"Th..thank you, Lord Elrond, for all of this." you rubbed your eyes, giving a weak smile.
Moving away from you, he whispered something you could not hear. All day you snuggled under the covers, trying to forget Thranduil and what he said, although your heart was still beating for him and always will.
A knock woke you up, yawning you stretched. Scrambling to the door, you opened it to face none other than Thorin Oakenshield himself. That was confusing, what was the Dwarf-King doing at your door...
"Good evening, my lady. I hope I do not impose?" he quirked his brow, a small blush on his cheeks though the massive beard made it nearly impossible to see. 
"Your highness, of course not, but what brings you to my chambers?"
He chuckled, embarrassed. "It is a fine evening, how about a walk, if you don't mind?" Thorin avoided your gaze. Sighting you tangled your arms together and wandered off.
Walking along the forest, a small lake found its way into your view. Awing, you let go of Thorin. The lake perfectly reflected the whole moon tonight. It was breathtaking.
 "Y/N, I wanted to tell you something for a while..." Thorin said, playing with his fingers from all the nerves. 
Not turning your attention, he continued, "The first time I saw you, i thought 'what an angel, i want her,' but I've never got the chance to talk with you, as you'd stay by Thranduils side-"
 "First of all, King Thorin," she spat, narrowing her eyes, now looking at him. "I am not some object you can possess, I also have feelings, but unfortunately I do not reciprocate yours. My love for Thranduil is strong and everlasting. You are not the first and last to hear this." you huffed, running back to your chambers, leaving a crushed Thorin.
Thranduil paced back and forth, Legolas told him everything after seeing his father heartbroken for some time. He didn't want that for him, it was selfish of him. The adviser that was paid to insult Y/N was no longer wanted in Mirkwood.
The Elven King was red from the anger, however he felt sorry for Legolas, understanding him in a way. And oh how bad he feels for his outburst, for saying the worst thing to you. It broke his heart into million pieces. 
Now, riding on his giant Elk, with five guards  galloping on their mares beside him, they were headed to Rivendell, for their future Queen and Thraduils love. 
You were siting on a branch of the largest tree in Rivendell, though at first it was difficult now you felt more confident. Observing the world from atop, you saw something moving, when it got closer you saw who that was. 
Groaning you still watched, of course Thranduil wants to insult you again, but you doubt he'd make an effort to travel from Mirkwood to Rivendell just for you. That was ridiculous. 
The King disappeared from your view, your heart was hammering, you missed him so much it hurt. Then again he popped up, now nearing the tree you were on. 
Dismounting the giant Elk, he looked up at you, with a frown. 
“Meleth nin, please, come down!” he shouted, worried of you falling. 
When he heard nothing, but still seeing you sitting there, watching his every move with those big, beautiful eyes, he tried again. 
“Y/N, I’m terribly sorry! Gi melin, my stars, my moon, my whole world!” 
“Nin gwerianneg.” you responded, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You saw him holding his own tears. 
Choosing to climb down you slowly and carefully pick each step. At last, your bare feet touched the wet grass. You felt Thranduils arms around you, holding tightly and never letting go.
“Forgive me, Y/N. I listened others and not my heart, but now that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, travel with you to Valinor. I want you to be my Queen.” he finished, breathing in the scent of your hair. He let himself cry, even in the presence of his guards. 
“I love you too, Thranduil, so so much. Never doubt it.”
He smiled, “I will never.”
You became the Queen of Mirkwood, and a friend to Legolas. He wasn't jealous anymore, more happy for his fathers joy. The people adored you too. 
A year later a new elfling came to the world, that day did not go without a celebration. 
Ionneg - son 
Ego - go
Gi melin - i love you
Nin gwerianneg - you betrayed me
Ego milbo orch - go kiss an orc
Mae g'ovannen, Adar - well met (basically ‘hello’), father
Meleth - love (as in ‘my love, darling’ etc)
Ada - dad, daddy (yikes the daddy word is nasty now)
OMG i hope its okay??
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lokisrevolt · 3 years
"I so enjoyed having time to spend with you for Thanksgiving. Even just watching a movie or spending some time chatting. I am still trying to get used to the idea my son is becoming his own man, with his own direction, and life that he is going to lead. I still try to hold on to the times when your face lit up everytime I came home from work and see you that way. I am sorry if this makes you feel any way other than loved. I miss knowing I was your hero that you looked up to for everything. Having the time to get to know the man you are becoming means the world to me. As drab and boring as it may seem sometimes come home I hope you always look forward to anytime we get to be together because I do. I love you, see you in a couple weeks, good luck on wrapping up the semester and know I love you and am proud of you."
Getting rid of some personal details this is my father's message to me. Getting rid of the apology for how our name brands our men. It's ok pops it's not just our name its the area. To the Catholics we swear your guy may be bigger then us in the next life but we hold dominion over this one. I'm scarred and bruised physically but keeping it together mentally. Those who gaze into souls at a glance see nothing behind the curtain... the more experienced find an intoxicating monster behind all of us. As men of this family we cook, we fight, we break our backs working, we can sew, we drive, we stay steady, but as the next up I can promise you the direct line isn't allowed to cry. As my back feels an impact all I hear is "don't be a bitch. We are indomitable. You will suffer much more then this in the real world keep that fucking grin and make sure those around you genuinely smile." I think I've kept well by it so far but over a decade of this was attempted to be washed away in two years... my counselor heard this and broke down for me. I've come to terms with this, even they thought it asinine to ask what's wrong to someone like me. I was taught to bleed till I go cold by the world before ever letting things slip. His apologies unfortunately isn't a release from my duties but seems more relinquishing his before I'm steady. I already work full time and seek full time education... I'm not sure I'm ready to add the entire family unfiltered and help manage these issues. I know I don't want a son to inherit the sins of our family but I want one day to be a father. So today is just a stepping stone.
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