#i get it Luis is a very sweet character and I love him as much as y’all but please listen to Latinos when they say to stop making weird smut
residenceevil · 2 years
Luis get behind me I’ll protect u from all the white ppl that r gonna be writing smut about you and fetishizing the fact that you’re Hispanic
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louissatturi · 1 year
My oppinions on the quarentena character's
"Dr" Benito Camelo: he is one of the character's that surprised me the most and also did't surprised me AT ALL (weird i know) i thought he would be more of a joke character since its name is literally a joke name (literally a Paula Tejano) but seeing quackity's rp from the first minutes the character got predictible (in a wonderful and good way) to me, FINNALY an asshole that would not save a child or actually help his team, he got my heart pretty quickly since he was a asshole like my bisexual queen Elizabeth Webber, he is also a character witch i want to see his fake asshole mascarede to break, the very very small moments of his "goodness" are so interesting, even when he only saved emi to test on her and was being an ass to this poor orphan child, he did't wanted her to see the dead (defenily becoming a creature) body of her father, exited on where this character is going for now one, will he get character growth and actually help his team and being a father figure to emi?(comparing him a little bit to liz in here sorry) or will he still being a sellfish bastard? I hope if he survives he comes back to the universe, interesting character and had alot to give for the story and universe of ordem paranormal
Luis Miguel Kennedy: omg the moment roier oppened his mouth to roplay luis i feel in love with him, luis is type of character in ordem that i unfortunaly always fall in love with "Combatente class character that has a hero complex that is funny" (lírio and joui jouki my obssesions) and i adore him, i loved the parody batman voice actor that roier did to him, i liked that he was basicly the only one in the group if more "hero" like morality and im obbessed with his ridiculous name that implies some american heritegy but something that got my attention is his hatred for people that he dosent wiew as "good" or "worth" of saving, the way he acts with benito says a lot about the character, they way would defenily kill benito if emi asked is TERREFYING, he would kill for other but basicly only how he finds worth and its a fun shake up of this trope and he is so Bisexual i LOVED HIM
Jeffrey Bacon: i really enjoyed him as a character, and found him really funny even if the jokes did't landed with me most of the time, he is quirky in a straight men way is very interesting, he is just a regular guy defenily not prepered to be dealing with the ordem paranormal bullshit that he is seeing, i found foolish rp for Jeffrey wonderful but Jeffrey as a character did't impressed me tbh, i really want to see how foolish will do to Jeffrey when it's time to take Jeffrey seriously and in more dramatic moments where jokes aren't really fit for the situation since foolish clearely is going to a more comic-relif rp, im scared for this poor soul since cellbit will traumatize this character the most
Lucie Pocharde: i really enjoyed her, more from how baghera played rather then lucie by herself, she is pretty much what i expected her to be but with a bonus of her being actually annoying!, idk how baghera endured the session being so late for her but she did amazing (horrible dice aside) hopefully now that baghera know more what to do with her rp regarding lucie we will see lucie's more as her own character, she is pretty interesting but her alone as a character did't grew that much on me but i loved to see baghera playing, waiting for next saturday to know more about her so I can have a better jugment
Diego Thalles: he is really sweet, really fofo and gay, thats all, since pac was very clearly nervous with the whole situation pac kinda "hided" his rp talents that could me good for Diego, its a easy character that we dont know much about so i enjoyed his pressence but for me if he dies the only loss is that we wont have pac in a ordem table tbh, he is the character im the most neutral about, waiting next week so we know more of him and hopefully pac lets his rp talent shine
Emília (emi): cellbit showing once more that he does not know who to do preteens especially preteen girls with emi lol, at fist i did't cared much of her since she has such obvious death flags but she grew on me FAST, such a annoying brat love her, especially her interactions with lucie and benito those moments ware iconic, waiting to see what cellbit does to her, honestly i want her to be the sole survival of this group, if a tpk heppens, i hope more people on the group besides luis interact with her more so we understand her personality betted
Mikael: Really fucking hot omg does ordem artists do not know how to NOT make peopls hot???? This character surprised me because i thought he was a ordo realitas agent 100% but nah he is actually a "villan" lol im exited in witch vibe cellbit is leaning with him, exited to see him dying horrible since he is a antagonist and a hottie
Thats all!
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nerdsbianhokie · 3 months
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Decided to do @queerliblib s summer bingo cause I like reading and ticking boxes.
The rainbow books are spaces I already have a book in my immediate to-read pile, so I can track what I will fill in for sure.
List of books I've read below the cut
Format switch: The Rainbow Parade by Emily Neilson, read in a read along formet.
This one was tricky cause I cannot read ebooks, no matter how much I try. So, I figured I'd go for something shorter and saw that they have read along books and decided to go with that. It's a cute little story that my conservative brother would not want to read to his child and that's a massive win.
Stonewall Award winner: The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta
This has been sitting on my shelf for months and I read it in one sitting this morning. I really liked it, but it's another tick in the 'most young adult stories don't do it for me anymore' colomn, which if very long if i'm honest. Do recomend.
Memoir: All Boys Aren't Blue by George M. Johnson
A memoir about growing up black and gay. The voice was really good, and enhanced because it was read by the author.
Book with a Protagonist Older than 40: How Y'all Doing by Leslie Jordan
Focus of a memoir is the protagonist, right? Imma say it is. I've never been into instagram and such, so I didn't see Leslie Jordan's contant beyond what filtered to tumblr, but knew enough about him to be interested. A genuinly funny read, and he narrated it so well in the audio book.
Queer non-fiction: The Women's House of Detention: A Queer History of a Forgotten Prison by Hugh Ryan
An interesting and difficult read. Really highlights the cruelty of the criminal legal system and how pivitol it is to the queer community in New York.
Indigenous Author: This Town Sleeps by Dennis E. Staples
An interesting quick read. The audio book made switching POVs confusing at times, but not enough to really pull me out of the story. I adore the dog's name and the reason behind it.
Genre fiction: The Route of Ice and Salt by José Luis Zárate and translated by David Bowles
A retelling of the journey of The Demeter from Dracula, from the pov of the gay captain. Very literary and very good.
Comic, manga, or graphic novel: Anne: An Adpatation of Anne of Green Gables (Sort Of) by Kathleen Gros
I started another book for this one, but couldn't get into it, then I saw this one while browsing the library on libby and was hooked. A quick, easy read and very sweet. I love this version of Anne and the ways the original book events are adapted.
Set in the past: The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow
Such a good read. I love the small bits of world building done through the differences in tales and rhymes we have today. Each character is very distinct and I would die for James Juniper.
Coming of age: The Western Alienation Merit Badge by Nancy Jo Cullen
tbh, I had no real idea what to expect with this one, probably more connections to merit badges. Really got into it and very emotional at points.
Main character doesn't share an identity with you: Melissa by Alex Gino
I've heard of this one, obviously, but never read it. It's very cute and I really enjoyed it.
Queer Picture book: Let Me Out: a pop-out about coming out! by Omis Razavi
Got this one through their crowdfunding years ago. It's great
Do a subject heading search to find a book: The Trees Grew Because I Bled There: Collected Stories by Eric LaRocca
I searched horror and found this one. Some of the stories are better than others, and the writing style made it a little hard for me to get into some of them, but very good overall.
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illmetkismet · 8 months
Hihihi!!!!! I Hope You don’t mind yet another ask from me!!!!!!! I’ve already said this before but I absolutely adore the way you answer questions and analyse stuff, it’s such a breath of fresh air to see!!!! This is totally self-indulgent so I hope you don’t mind me asking, but do you have any personal headcannons/analysis thoughts on Luis perhaps??? It feels strange to admit but he’s a very big special interest of mine so I just wanted an excuse to hear somebody else’s thoughts on him!! I hope You’re having a good day regardless!!!!
Always happy to see an ask from you, and don't even start with the strangeness or self-indulgence of being really into or asking about Luis; just yesterday I was wondering whether I should wait for spring to get a splish splash fish ankle tattoo or just do it now and deal with an itchy ankle in my winter boots lol...
So yeah, Luis is my love my turtledove the light of my life and I would LOVE the chance to talk about him!!! He was one half of why I got into resi in the first place (serennedy had me like 'hmmmm maybe horror games are not too scary for me if they have cuties in them....'), and every time I think about him my brain does that thing where you put your head in your hands and sigh while cartoon hearts float up above you...
He's just..... So good.... And despite that, he's made SUCH shitty choices. I love how painful that is for him, but that he's got enough self awareness to understand when he fucks up. He doesn't try to blame anyone else - he faces his mistakes and his own shortcomings (pride, willful ignorance, cowardice) head on, and tries so desperately to make up for them, even as he keeps making them.
I love that he's not some perfect angel, that he hangs on to the amber and intends on handing it over to Ada at first, in exchange for getting out of Valdelobos, despite knowing full well that no good will come of that. The part in Separate Ways where he tells her he doesn't care who she works for, could be the devil himself, so long as she gets him out of there was so shocking for me to hear at first, but then I realized that's the core of his tragedy - that he's a good man trapped in a horrible situation, and he's scared, he wants out, he wants to live so badly! Unlike Leon, he's got a healthy dose of self-preservation, and honestly, if I were in his shoes I would probably make the same choices.
But still - he runs into the burning lab, he risks his life to get the suppressant to Leon, he tells Ada he won't leave her, he picks up his 'lance' and says alright, let's go rescue the princess! He's so full of regret and fear and he keeps making shitty choices, but he also keeps doing the right thing.
The way he's written and acted is so rich and nuanced. Watching him, I understand exactly where he's coming from and every single one of his choices. Out of all the characters in re4r he feels the most real to me, the most human. Every second he's on screen is a joy, even the horrible painful seconds at the end.
I wanted him to live so badly, and not just because I like him, but because he wanted to live so badly... All the re6 AU's I've seen floating around where he meets up with Leon again are among my favourite things to come out of this fandom!! I know Capcom is never gonna do that, but in my head it's canon: when Ada told the helicopter pilot to change course she actually went back for Luis, gave him a little first aid spray, and then they joined forces and lalalala everything is fine!!
Ok I'm gonna wrap it up cause if I keep talking about him I'm gonna be late for work, but thank you so much for the chance to gush!! I love Luis so much and I think about him all the time.... My sweet bisexual disaster man..... Going to his death with a smile:
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my re4r analysis  (spoilers for gameplay, story/plot, characters, aeon)
analysis here is without information about separate ways for re4r so please keep that in mind as my opinion may (and will mostly likely) change slightly 
(for my separate ways analysis read here)
It very much falls in line with a newer modern interpretation of the series. There’s gameplay that caters to new and old audiences. If you’ve already played re4, you’ll still find re4r enjoyable as well.
the dark and moody look to the game is so well done and overall the visual designs are beautiful and devastating stunning.
there is still a considerable amount of things cut that I don’t think was detrimental to the overall gameplay style. 
the lack of QTEs was a good thing, and the parry system was the perfect way to allow players a new way of playing resident evil games. 
each chapter felt like the right amount of time, and has an amazing amount of replayability.
Because of the open world nature of the game, there are many possibilities to miss things and I’ve seen many people accidentally miss things because they rushed their first playthrough or didn’t bother to check every single little thing.
og re4 players can play on standard or hardcore and still have an INCREDIBLY difficult time finishing the game with a good rank
there’s still a bit of adaptive difficult, if you’re on hardcore and continue dying, it will help you out and switch to assisted if it’s continual deaths. 
pacing was very well done, but again, some scenes were removed for a lot of characters and i wish they were still included in some way
the changing of luis was JUST the right about of lore that was needed to flesh out a more cohesive story. why we want to know more about him and why he’s doing what he’s doing. (this also leads to why we need separate ways and how he works with Ada)
a lot of people tend to not read the notes but you are missing a lot of the story that way.
It does feel like a few things are missing, (again maybe it will be better with separate ways) but particularly with krauser I feel like a lot is missing)
I also laughed too hard at the “fight”-xposition (exposition + fight)
there were a few retcons with how the scenarios worked out but i either liked them or felt indifferent about it
I actually initially disliked the attitude change they gave for Leon. He seemed so rude and distant, even from Ashley. Og re4 he was incredibly sweet to ashley, his voice getting higher and more gentle sounding. Whereas in re4r, Leon just ignores Ashley a lot of the time. He’s cold and it may be a facade he plays to get over the trauma he had gone through.
(Although I do like the scene where Leon comforts Ashley because she’s upset after she “changed” and attacked him. It was the right amount of comfort needed with a bit of humor as well.)
He doesn’t want to feel anything good, maybe he thinks he doesn’t deserve it. It’s a much colder interpretation of Leon (think Vendetta Leon) In the end, I don’t really hate it, but I wish we got to see some sweetness with him. He was nice to Ashley one time, Luis only when he was dying, and Ada when he lets her go after their initial meeting. (It’s the first time he smiles in the game- when he sees Ada.) 
I kinda miss the canonical cheek scar Leon has from og re4 that is still there in re6. I guess this cut is retconned for the newer timeline. 
I’m still a fan of Nick for Leon’s voice but I will say that I much enjoy him as re2r Leon as opposed to re4r. It’s still obviously familiar to me, and although I still think he did decent work, I am still a fan of Matt Mercer for Leon as he was the one I fell in love with first. 
His design is good as well, and I don’t mind the slight alterations. 
Now a lot of people think that her character has been completely changed and or “ruined,” but I really think that capcom had decided to work on Ada’s “redemption arc” as soon as humanly possible in the canon. 
I do like that she seemed more like a person in this interpretation. She’s not constantly putting on the “Sexy spy lady,” facade. And since a LARGE majority of RE fans outside of aeon stans, still to this day think of Ada as an “evil” woman. I think it’s fine that capcom decided to get her to show more of an emotional side, that she does pine over Leon. And that despite her job, she still tries to help Leon. (but people who play Separate Ways or her re6 campaign, would KNOW that Ada continually and consistently tries to help Leon and save him.)
Even though she had “more screen time” in re4r than in og re4, I do miss the few scenes that were removed with her.
Lily’s expressions for Ada are SO incredibly heartbreaking and oh boy did they push up the angst. 
Lily’s voice for Ada grew on me more and more, she she has a coldness that makes sense for her character’s growth and development. The fact that men were thinking she’s not sexy enough is more of a them problem than anything.
Because Ada’s re4r design is incredibly hot and sexy and I 100% think capcom decided to keep her almost entirely covered with clothing to keep her from being overly sexualized. (And her old outfit didn’t make sense for the cold weather but... I digress.) 
I don’t know how they managed to do it but they made her an extremely likeable person. She’s ambitious but scared. Terrified but excited. She’s the perfect self insert :P BUT yes, I do enjoy how they changed her and allowed to somewhat be able to be more capable.
She does “flirt” with Leon a lot but I barely blame her. But her subtle hints at flirting go on deaf ears lol As Leon continually ignores her or rebuffs her statements. And furthermore calls her a kid/young girl twice when talking about her in third person. 
A lot of people still think that Ashley’s just being nice to Leon rather than flirting, which is also fair. We need to have more platonic relationships in games, and the fact that capcom explicitly removed the ability to hold Ashley’s hand because they didn’t want the relationship to be interpreted as romantic says a lot. (I didn’t care much for the removal, but it made the few times that they did hold hands make it seem more friend like rather than romantic, I do agree with that.)
Even towards the end of the game when Ashley asks for Leon for her protective detail, he still turns her down. “You don’t need me.” Rather he encourages her to protect herself. 
I think her AI was a bit dodgy at times, it’s so easy to get her killed. Too easy imo. And having her downed all the time was a bit annoying. Even in good playthroughs that I watched, people lost Ashley after she died over something really stupid.
WE love love love more lore and backstory. The fact Luis helped to make nemesis??? WOW
His banter with Leon and Ada (god I’m hoping for more in separate ways) is SO SO good, and he’s so flirty and unserious at times, which makes his death so much more upsetting. He’s trying so hard to atone for his sins and even from the beginning we can already see he’s very similar to Ada. Wanting to do good despite all the red in his ledger. he wants to make amends in any way possible. 
Also Luis has smokes later!! Did Ada remember?? Where did he get the smokes from :’)
The switch from Ada to Luis, saving Leon in that fight made me like Luis more, but also a bit sad that this scene was cut from Ada. Especially since capcom has a habit of favoring their male characters as opposed to their women characters.
Jack Krauser
I initially did not like his voice. It just seemed odd to me, but once I had more information on why the actor decided to go that way. it kind of made sense for his character. That he was “silenced,” in some way so that it actually affected his vocals. His rasp that’s not sexy but damaged sounding. 
His design is.. interesting.. I made a point to realize that he looks like a messed up Matt Donovan from TVD, and i can’t unsee that so that’s great LOL
His scenes are a bit lackluster, the only one I really liked was when he showed up after killing Luis.
That man is not straight.
I do not like that she was basically gone for the entire rest of the game after she loses connection with Leon. She doesn’t even get confirmation at the end of the game if Leon and Ashley are even safe. I felt like they really did her dirty imo.
LOVED her redesign though she is gorgeous 
it’s wesking time
I WANT EVERYONE TO GET OVER THE FACT HE DOESN’T SOUND LIKE WESKER. We (og fans) know that Ada is talking to Wesker at her second? scene, and it would’ve been way too obvious to viewers that it was Wesker if he was like MMRHRHAAHWWW YESSSSS IM WESKERRRRR IT’S WESKING TIME KITTENWHISKERSMEEYAEAAHSSS That bit of his voice is JUST enough for me to still read it as Wesker. And the banter between Wesker and Ada. 
“Don’t come crying to me when you get bit.” “Control your dog.” OH MY GOD. Ada’s, “He’s a good boy, predictable.”
This also removes the whole fight with Ada and Wesker though. “I don’t play by your rules Wesker,” so I don’t really know how I feel about that, but in saying that, this ALSO fleshes out the relationship between Wesker and Ada. The fact that Wesker already knows about Leon and Ada in THAT kind of context makes me WOW.
Did Ada go crying to Wesker about Leon before? OH MY GOD SO GOOD
I also think his redesign is good, tbh most of the redesigns were UP >>>> as opposed to og re4
The Merchant
Every single playthrough I watched, everyone wanted to kill the merchant and found him annoying lol
He kind of grew on me and I do like his voice even though people hated it because it wasn’t a carbon copy from og re4
The Enemies
I don’t want to go into every single enemy type so 
the ones that scared me the most were Armaduras and the Regeneradors
At some point during the game, the enemies are a bit repetitive but at the end it’s not that much of a complaint since you’re still hit with new enemies a lot. 
I HATE THE BUG ONES even though those are the easiest to kill they just scared me randomly the most
now ever since the game came out people have been asking me my opinions on aeon “do i think the ship is ruined?” etc.
Absolutely not. If anything, it helped the ship. 
OG re series had Leon be this flirtatious, (often times cringe) type of ladies man, where it kind of doesn’t make sense? 
“I’m a one lady type of guy.” Is a complete retcon from og Leon. (This is also since his gf in re2 is retconned in re2r, and his flirting with Hunnigan is also retconned. And he’s outright mean to Ashley a lot in re4r tbh or just ignores her. He’s also a bit rude to Ada (which is actually more justified tbh since he’s angry with her, but he doesn’t have a reason to be mean to Ashley.)
We have to remember that between 1998 and 2004 is 6 years of NO CONTACT FOR THEM. Leon thinks Ada is dead. And he’s had 6 years of trauma, mental anguish and survivors guilt. Which heavily affects Leon and how he interacts with the world. He’s just genuinely a lot meaner. He sees the world as broken still. And when she just shows up alive, he’s allowed to be angry. Instead of having re4 Leon just be like
“Your right hand comes off?” “No THANKS BRO.” He still has some one liners here and there, but he’s not as goofy as fuck anymore. He’s more grounded. (And you’re completely allowed to enjoy re4 more than re4r, that’s an okay opinion to have imo.) I firmly believe that both can still be enjoyed.
Now for Ada we have, is what I believe is what capcom intended for her. She was immediately labeled as “an evil woman,” and nothing else. And capcom wanted to get rid of that idea immediately. “Nothing personal Leon,” she is just doing her job. And in that ending she betrays Wesker as soon as she realizes that he’s going to kill billions of people. She may have a questionable moral compass but ultimately she’ll do what she thinks is better. And she KNOWS THIS. She’s very much the lesser of two evils type when it comes to her work.
“Have you changed Ada?” “What do you think?” She wants her actions to be louder than her words. She never has her finger on the trigger when she first sees Leon. (re2, she never had bullets left in her chamber when she threatened him with her gun) 
She invites him onto the helicopter knowing that Leon would say no. She even has the back up with the keys and bear (thank you capcom for the bear) Capcom clearly wanted to show that Ada still wants him, even in ways that general audiences couldn’t see. (Where as aeon stans who played separate ways, and her re6 campaign, already know that Ada tries to save him whenever she can. Same with Damnation. She warns him and does what she can to get away.)
I think the whole banter of “you owe me,” is simply a way to continue their relationship, that there’s a promise of seeing each other again. 
I’m honestly not the hugest fan of the whole marvel “WE SAID THE THING :D” because true og fans know that separate ways is Ada’s campaign. BUT it serves for the angst. We know that we don’t see aeon on screen till damnation which is another 6 years but the developers have already stated that their lives continued on off screen as well. That’s where we get the re5 off screen “that night.” 
When the developers were remaking the games, they knew that the whole re2 “They fell in love immediately,” and then they said, “that’s not right, there needs to be more interaction first.” Which COMPLETELY goes with where capcom is going with a more realistic interaction of the ship. 
The fact that they flipped the “she’s like a part of me I can’t let go,” to “HE’S like a part of me I can’t let go,” is a BIG change for how capcom is interpreting their relationship and expressing it WAY MORE CLEARLY that Ada is interested. 
A LOT of people still see Ada as someone who doesn’t care about Leon, which is the furthest thing from the truth. The fact that Capcom felt the need to do the reversal really shows that they always intended for the ship to be mutual. That it was merely their lifestyles and jobs that would make it difficult for their relationship to work. Which is what AEON FANS ALWAYS KNEW.
But this is for outsiders, new fans who don’t have all that information. That the slightest bit of a redemption arc, and VISIBLE hurt from Ada from Leon’s “rejection,” is what people needed to see to see that they are still mutually interested in each other. 
Even after receiving the bear keychain, Leon still looks longingly at Ada as she flies away. He doesn’t question her, he simply accepts the fact that their jobs make it so that he can not follow her. 
And reminder again we have 6 YEARS to flesh out what happens next.
Overall, I still very much enjoyed the game, I feel like a few things were missing but not entirely enough so that I felt like parts were missing, more like beats were missing. But again, with separate ways, we’ll maybe get to see more of the other side of the story.
gameplay 8/10
story/plot 9/10
characters 7/10
aeon 8/10
overall 32/40
and as leon said it,
“take it however you like it.”
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digitalgate02 · 10 months
SO, THOUGHTS! THOUGHTS ABOUT THE MOVIE I WAS WAITING FOR SO LONG TO WATCH, believing i’d never watch it that fast like happened lol.
First of all, I’ll assure EVERYONE who’s afraid of the Brazilian dub of the movie that the dub of it is not like that PV and i was right – the final dub is way better and incredible! I loved them all, all of them.
(Thoughts ahead -- spoiler-free btw)
The new voices for Davis, TK, Kari and Wormmon are WONDERFUL! Davis is very much like he used to be in the original dub, but older. I was curious if he would sound goofy like Davis in the series’ dub or like in the Japanese version. Well, the voice is perfect for the character, he sounded pretty fun and I’m glad they picked someone who nailed this role wonderfully. I think the new Kari is also okay, and i’m glad the legacy of the late OG BR dub TK’s voice actor is in good hands now.
As for Lui… He got not one, not two but THREE voice actors. And the adult one is one of my fave VAs… who also dubs Adrien/Cat Noir. So yeah, it was interesting. I don’t think he was unfitting or weird, but I think no one can beat the highest bar that is casting Ogata Megumi as him. Again, i love his BR VA! It’s just i think if you see someone saying something like “it’s weird” be aware it’s because there’s a very very HIGH bar here to surpass. And i don’t think the purpose was to beat it. So I’m here like “I love both VAs equally.”
Ukkomon’s is very good too, his voice is very sweet and soothing? smooth? idk how to describe it now. I’m glad we had amazing VAs in this movie, and i totally recommend watching it dubbed too if you want to!
As for the OG cast returning… GDI I WAS FULL OF HEART EYES AT YOLEI’S VA RETURN – I’VE BEEN ALWAYS DREAMING WITH A DUB OF A NEW MOVIE WITH HER IN IT. Like, I've been a real fan of this lady since i was a kid!! SHE VOICED SUPER PIG/CASSIE c’mon!! And also Yolei in the OG dub is so bright and energetic and now adult Yolei’s voice is so… soo… [chef kiss] Like gdi man! I’d watch this movie again and dubbed again and again and again AND AGAIN because of her! (oh and the rest of the cast too!!)
But you might understand my peak curiosity was about Cody. Because if you don’t know… Cody in the BR dub of the series was voiced by a KID! Yeah, it was a kid! And when i saw that he was returning… I was like “WOW THAT THE NATURAL GROWTH HERE!?” It’s fantastic witnessing a young VA returning to this role, as an adult! And Cody is an adult (ok almost) in the movie too!! I’m so shook about this!!
And then Ken. Ngl i think Ken sounded like an adult after the Kaiser arc in-series. His VA suited pretty well for the Kaiser role though. I like him okay, don’t get me wrong!! And I’m not surprised that his voice also sounded exactly like the OG series LOL Which means… yeah, i think it fits Ken-chan now haha (pls forgive me, sir… I’m glad you came back to voice our beloved Kenzinho orz)
The digimon made me nostalgic as well – all the main 5 returned, also the voices for Angewomon and Stingmon too (yeah, they were voiced by different peeps here) – I know they didn’t talk too much but man… I’m happy with them all. I’M HAPPY OKAYY!?
[Ni don’t just gushes about the BR cast of the movie and talk about the movie itself challenge]
Ok. About the MOVIE itself… Its pacing is much better than Kizuna’s. I think this movie is the kind to not hold many surprises to the audience – you get big warnings when something is going to get bad and creepy. Like, A LOT OF RED FLAGS by the music, coloring and especially by the animation. The movie is PRETTY STRAIGHTFORWARD. Yes, something that’s very rare to happen in Adventure/02 material. This movie is simple to understand, there’s no big plot twists that could catch you off surprise. You see things coming. And yet, it hits you hard in the feels. Also the scenes are well placed too.
And if you think there’s no battle… Uh, there’s some sort of a battle yeah, so it can be a mandatory digimon movie. Also i’m still laughing internally about the faux padding effect this movie has with the evolution animations. It felt as if this was 02 episode 51!!
The music is so fantastic! OH THE REMIXES ARE SO GOOD but there’s also new tracks in it. The insert songs in it are very good too and they feel they connect each other in their style of music (yes, a friend told me this and now that i saw it by myself i agree with her) – I hope they release the OST album soon ;o;
“Various Colors” is my favorite song now. It's very good and refreshing, it’s not sad and it’s fitting for both Rui and Ukkomon’s story. I hope to see the lyrics translated someday so i can see if my feelings were right about it.
Anyway, the movie is so beautifully animated. I love the usage of the colors in it, it’s pretty and it made me not blink a second! Except for one scene, but… yeah, you might know when you watch it. The design of the characters are so cool and i loved them all!! I’m happy that Hikari-chan and Ken-chan got scarves in the end!! Oh man, they all are stylish~
But my only only ISSUES with it were the fact Wormmon himself couldn’t pronounce “Wormmon” correctly. Ken did pronounce it correctly alas. Also it was a little weird how Paildramon is pronounced in it as well. Oh and Shakkoumon too… But okay, besides that…
… Oh yeah, the other thing that made me chuckle nervously was them translating “Motomiya Ramen” as “Macarrão Lamen” (TL: “Noodle Ramen”) – because it was weird for me… But okay, i know it’s a little hard to read もとみや (Motomiya) in the paper sign lol
Anyway, i wish i could go watch the movie again and subbed this time but it’s too far from my place and i can’t afford to go there atm ;o; But i’m glad i was able to watch it at least dubbed, and it was a good idea in the end. GO WATCH IT, SUBBED OR DUBBED!! RIGHT. NOW!!
I’m totes buying a Blu-Ray of this movie. I hope they release it here too, this dub deserves to be preserved!!
Thank you and see ya~
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clemjolichose · 10 months
Hello!! Can I ask 2, 6, 12, 16, 35 and 41 for the writer ask game? Thank you 😊
2 - Where do you get your fic ideas?
I mostly get them from songs, words and ambiances, that give me ideas in form of images and more words. I write about these images after. My ideas also revolve around my interests and background: I am religious, I want to write about religions. I love architecture, I write about it. I am passionate about the fight against AIDS and HIV, I develop my longest story ever around that. Just as simple as that! I usually doon’t actively search for ideas.
6 - What’s the last line you wrote?
Oooh, interesting question. It’s the last line of the fanfiction that I’ll publish around Christmas!
Tant qu’il ne rentrait pas à son appartement, auprès d’Olivier, ça lui allait.
Who is that Olivier? I wonder...
12 - Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
I barely outline them. The most I do is writing down ideas in a list and then find out in what order I’ll write them, that’s all. And I don’t do that all the time, because I mostly write without that (yes, even the 30-35k words fanfictions).
16 - Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
90% of the time, it’s on my laptop. Sometimes on my phone and sometimes I just start fic ideas on paper while in class or in a meeting, to write later on my laptop.
35 - What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
Very good question. My heart is split between Amour Lavande and comme des hommes bien élevés, though I also really love “Il faudrait ne jamais devenir grand.”... Ah, it’s hard but I’d say comme des hommes bien élevés because that one is my longest ever, a real accomplishment though it’s not finished yet. And it was such a rollercoaster to write those two parts and such!! I love it.
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
I’d say Pierre in comme des hommes bien élevés. I love what I’ve done with him and how his story goes and the backstory I’ve built around my idea. If we’re talking about characters I’ve entirely created, it’s a tight fight between Sara, Maxime, Sofiane and Mélissa. Sara is fierce, Maxime is carefree, Sofiane too but not in the same way and Mélissa, sweet Mélissa is just a baby but I know how I’ll write her after and that melts my heart. She’ll be amazing. But I’d say Sara. I had so much fun writing her!! (all of them tho, and Annaëlle too, and Charlie that I love so dearly, and such).
Hope it answers your questions!!!
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
People really did assume the worst about Wednesday pre-release in some very strange ways that turned out not to be true at all. I remember I was going “where are you even getting that idea from??” and other people were like “no, this terrible thing is definitely going to happen, it’s unavoidable!”, and then...none of it happened.
Things I actually saw people saying pre-release:
“The casting call mentioned wanting someone 18-20 for Wednesday, so this is DEFINITIVE PROOF that the show is going to be full of gratuitous sex scenes for her, why else would they want to cast an adult (no it can’t possibly just be because they want a more experienced adult actor or they don’t want to deal with the extra legal/ethical/etc issues that getting child actors involved can bring, it MUST be about sex! This show is disgusting!” And then there’s no sex in the entire show beyond a couple of mild references in dialogue that aren’t about Wednesday herself, she barely shows much romantic interest in people let alone sexual, her outfits aren’t remotely revealing and the same goes for pretty much every other teenage character on the show.
“Look at Gomez’s smile in the trailer! It looks evil! Only creeps and predators smile like that! [Never mind that Luis Guzman seems to smile like that naturally and I’ve never heard any evidence for him being a bad person.] This one scene in the trailer is proof that Gomez will be the villain of the show and an abusive creep towards Wednesday, how dare Tim Burton make Gomez evil, I hate this!” And then Gomez is, of course, not remotely the villain, and is a good dad who gets some very sweet interactions with Wednesday, just like every other Gomez
“Wednesday calls her parents evil puppet masters in that one clip! This is proof her parents are going to be abusive and the villains of the show!” and then it’s obvious from the very first episode that they want the best for her, because guess what, Wednesday “I’ve decided with zero evidence that they love the baby more than me and that the only answer is to kill him” “Dear Mother and Father, I hate you, Love, Wednesday” Addams had assumed the worst and overreacted.
“Wednesday throws piranhas into a swimming pool! Never mind that it was made clear she didn’t kill anyone and that the guys were bullies who had it coming, this show is clearly going to be making all the Addamses completely unrepentantly horrible evil murderers with no redeeming features because villainising POC!” And then not only is the show very much based around Wednesday standing up to bullies (seriously, who thinks setting piranhas on bullies is evil, anyway?) and bigots, defying corrupt people in authority, caring about people and trying to protect them and save people from the actual villains, and generally is a series that really shows her as a principled (if often harsh and ruthless) person with a strong sense of justice... but I’ve now seen people claiming that the Addamses are OOC for not being homicidal ENOUGH (which I disagree with because I think the show does still establish them as OK with killing people in certain circumstances, and no version except possibly some of the older comics ever just went around deliberately murdering random innocent people for the sake of it, but still). (The show DOES have issues with its depiction of Black characters--but that’s not what people were shouting about pre-release.)
“Gomez’s actor is credited as a guest star, this is proof they’re going to kill him off!” No they didn’t.
Like people really did leap to some wild conclusions with zero evidence and then start complaining about all the things the show was supposedly “obviously” going to do...that it then did not in fact do and I’m not sure why anyone ever expected them to do it.
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Can i ask for a request? prompt 23 but it's Kitana reacting to reader getting flirted with, please ❣ (if u don't write for her or FxF just ignore it, no problem)
I'm so fucking sorry for being late!! I was so busy recently and overwhelmed that I had to spend time to myself. But here you are! This takes place before they were a couple. I'm sorry this isn't too good :/
Kitana's S/O being flirted with
The first time in years that a trip like this would possible- Jade, Kitana, Y/N, Lui Kang, and Kung Lao all going to China during a New Year's celebration.
They were just patrolling and watching the fireworks and eating little New Year's cakes, and had to have Lui Kang and Kung Lao order all food for them.
As we all know, Kade and Kitana are Edenian. Y/N was [specy] but didn't know Chinese aside from a few words she picked up when working for Shang Tsung.
As the group passed a patch of peonies, Kung Lao pulled one out. Sneaking up behind her, he snuck a flower into Y/N's hair. "Hmm?" She hummed as she spun look up and saw Lao looking down at her. She smiled brightly and giggled, "Laooo-"
Kitana giggled as the rest if the group did. I suppose nothing was funny but the high energy in the air was enough to make it happen. But Kitana felt a little confused as well. Why did Kung Lao do that, she asked herself. The two are very close but he doesn't normally act so romantic with her.
"You would look great with a flower crown on, Y/N," Kitana commented. Y/N thanked her, messing with the flower in her hair.
Let's skip like 10 minutes when they pass a stand that Y/N seems to have a lot of interest in. Kitana smiled sweetly when she noticed that Y/N couldn't stop looking at the food. "I would love to buy you some," Kitana spoke up, earning a sweet gasp from Y/N. And just minutes later, here Y/N was stuffing her face with these sweet rice cakes.
"You know," Y/N spoke as she held another New Year's treat to her mouth. "During this time of year, Shang Tsung would have a private celebration he hoped no one would find out about. Only the chefs and I caught on but never said a word. We knew he was missing home."
While Lui Kang hummed and commented, Kitana felt a shiver travel down her spin. A small frown found its way onto her mouth and a slight pain in her chest erupted. She always forgets by how carefree and lovable Y/N is that she once worked for a terrible man.
"These are so good, and sweet!" Y/N commented as she finished the cake. Kung Lao chuckled, leaning a little closer to her.
"Doubt it can match your sweetness. It might be a little envious." Cliche Earthrealm pickup lines are so strong against this lady. But too bad she doesn't even realize he's flirting smh.
Y/N smiled and thanked him while Kitana frowned underneath her mask. Does she realize what he's doing? A little pit was formed in her stomach as she grew saddened. Kung Lao clearly likes her.
Despite always being secret about her feelings for Y/N, she couldn't help but feel a little betrayed. But she told herself that she couldn't be mad because two females together is wrong according to so many. The only thing making her feel comfortable with her orientation is how Raiden told her that no fighter cares who her heart desires, but what her heart desires.
Kitana dwelled on this for a few minutes. Maybe this is what she gets for rejected Lui Kang?
Speaking of Lui Kang, he was able to catch on to Kitana's sadness easily.
The group made their way to a table and sat down right in front of a Yi Mein stand. Yi Mein, or long-life noodles, is an traditional food around this time of year.
"Hmm, have any of you ever tried those?" Lui Kang asked, referring to the food. Kung Lao smirked as Y/N shook her head with a smile on her face.
"No, but I always wanted to try it! It smells so good!" Jade snickered at Y/N behavior while Kitana rolled her eyes playfully.
"Well, I'd love to buy you some," Kung Lao offered to Y/N. A glare from Kitana came towards Kung Lao. Yet, just before she could say anything, Lui Kang spoke.
"Actually, I have a little more money to spare. Y/N, Jade, can you two join me please? I will need help picking up the bowls?"
Jade stood up and followed Lui Kang to the stand. Y/N had this stupid smile on her face as she walked with then. And this leaves Kung Lao and Kitana by themselves.
It was painfully silent between the two. Kitana stared sadly at her lap as Kung Lao stared dreamingly at the table. Kitana knew why Lui Kang wanted to leave the two alone. It was pretty obvious.
Then suddenly, the princess just sighed and looked up with desperate eyes.
"I know you love her, Kung Lao. I know you do. But please, I have something to ask of you."
Kung Lao felt his face heat up. "What it is?"
Kitana took a deep breath and just let it out. "Y/N is...very important to me. In fact, she- she's made me feel things I've never felt before and..."
Kitana paused, fumbling with her fingers. This was so out of character for her, and Kung Lao caught on to her anxiety.
"Do you think that you can confess to her later? With your romantic gestures and how special tonight is, it would be the perfect time to tell her how you feel. But I ask that were to please, please tell her much later."
Kung Lao furrowed his eyebrows before his widened a bit. A shiver went down his spine as he registered how soft and pleading the princesses voice and words really were. It was so out of character that it scared him.
"Princess Kitana," Kung Lao spoke softly. "Do you love her as well?"
Kitana didn't answer as she felt heat rise to her face and tears wanting to form.
"Hmm. I see. You know, I have a younger cousin who also feels that way. Please, have no worries of judgement. I don't care who you love as long as it's healthy," he confided in her as he pat her shoulder.
A smile on her face formed underneath her mask as she nodded.
"I promise I'll tell her long times later. In the meantime, feel free to engage in activities with her. She may fall in love you as well."
And soon after that, the three came with five bowls in their hands.
The food was amazing and crippling anxiety within Kitana's stomach disappeared as they continued their journey throughout China.
If course, with a few exceptions. Y/N going overboard on buying food that is, and her excitement getting to her as she saw fireworks. And when Y/N grabbed Kitana's hand and pointed at a firework, the princess could have sworn she was gonna pass out.
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sourapplesauces · 2 years
Bot Boy Idea 13: Things Vanessa does to get over Vanny, a sequel to Idea 6 (kinda)
As has been previously stated, I consider Vannys personality to effectively be the polar opposite of Vanessa's, with some exceptions. I wanted to expand on that with this idea that Vanessa would try to do things as differently from Vanny as possible. She does this in order to help convince herself that they were not the same. Here is a list of some of those things, ranging from minor to major, in no particular order:
She stops wearing hats indoors.
Uses a different hair style (something easier to do than a damn ponytail, which according to Roxy, "hasn't been popular since the 70s". So Roxy gives her a friendly makeover)
Tries to avoid getting slightly upset or mad at anyone, but especially children. Vanessa is absolutely TERRIFIED of losing her temper in front of children, because then that means they will be scared of her. This makes Vanessa, in her mind, just as bad as Vanny. This is because Vanny was constantly irritated and annoyed by everything, and that was basically one of 2 emotions that she felt. The other emotion was…
…pure unadulterated bliss, which Vanny only felt when she was murdering her victims while also wearing a deranged smile. As a result, she tries to find more reasons to be happy and smile softly in her life. This is comparatively easy, (although it is still a lot more difficult to be happy and positive then it was before) the animatronics help her by being available to talk to. Luis also assists by just being supportive and he is especially great for whenever she needs some comforting words of encouragement. He and Gregory also offer to play some games with her, which she really appreciates because of the company.
She stops wearing clothes with long sleeves like sweatshirts and jeans. The stuffy feeling they give her feels way too much like HER costume, something she only discovered after she tried wearing "her" work uniform for the first time after being freed. She had a flashback, had a small panic attack, and quietly sobbed in her bedroom for 30 minutes. She ended up just showing up out of uniform, but no one really cared so it was fine.
Starts making cupcakes and cooking again, something she loved doing before this mess happened (check the cut FNAF AR emails.) Everyone at her workplace loved them, Luis even had some made for him especially ;). Chica even asks for her recipe after Vanessa brings some to eat at the pizzaplex and the 2 end up sharing multiple recipes with each other and become great friends.
After being freed, Vanessa is extremely hesitant to be near knives, let alone hold one, for obvious reasons. However she really wants to get over this fear she has because she wants to start cooking things since that was a hobby she had before… before. (again, cut emails)
Vanessa would start by having Gregory take out a knife and put it on her kitchen counter.
Then once she gets acclimated to the knife's presence, she would move a bit closer.
She would repeat these steps until she is within arms reach of the knife. Now comes a more difficult step, touching it
Vanessa moves her arm very slowly towards the knife, gives it a small poke, and then quickly darts away like she touched hot coals. This repeats, each poke lasting a longer amount of time, until she is able to rest her hand on the knife.
The next step is the scariest for her, holding it. She takes it even slower, constantly reminding herself that she is in control and that nothing bad is going to happen. She manages to give it, moves it around, and then gently places it back in the drawer.
Vanessa relaxes, lets out the breath she was holding, and walks out of the kitchen.
Actually cutting something will come later, but for now this is enough.
All of this sounds extremely accurate, what makes me sad about the game is that Vanessa legit has little to no scenes and also no depth to her character!! I like how this idea talks more about how she bonds with the people (and the animatronics) around her, the cupcakes idea is really sweet and as for the knife... im sure she'll warm up to it someday 😅😅😬
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
I love Kung Lao so so much. And Bi-han from the latest movie. Any imagines you got I would love!! Maybe them being jealous and protective?
Jealous and protective. pt 1
I feel this alot they are two of my favourite characters and I loved the actors who played them so I'm going to keep with the 2021 movie for this version. Hope these are to your liking Bi-hans is more domestic protection but he is a jealous man. So don't touch what is his.
Warings Sergestive scenes, mention of sex, nudity, bathing together
Photos are not mine just used as headers.
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Kung lao: jealous and protective
Kung lao when jealous gets this little pinch between his eyebrows, his jaw tightens to the point of pain and the young man stares. It's no secret really that Kung lao loves getting under people's skin, but when it's someone else doing it to him it's very much a different story. It's well known Kung lao doesn't like Kano, most of the shaolin monks didn't like the man. But what had him on high alert right now was how close the man is too you. His eyes dart across the fight pit, watching and waiting to see if his assistants would be needed for the brute of man. Kung Lao knows that you can handle yourself in a fight, he and Lui Kang had trained with you since you arrived long before the new fighters.
"Come on!, stop dancing around and fight. Unless you want a dance but best I can do for ya is the naked one" The Australian man calls out. "How about you focus on not getting your ass kicked Kano. It's starting to seem like it's your new hobby" Kung Lao smiles a little under the shade of his hat. His love knew how to rile someone up, wither it in a fight or shared moments between them in the shadows of there rooms.
Kung Lao doesn't know why he's jealous, let alone of Kano. His lover had made it very clear that they are not interested in the man. Perhaps it's the constant of flirty coming from Kano, the degrading, sexist and rasict comments that all came from this man.
"Oh you wanna play dirt hun? We'll play dirty then" kung lao tense as he continues to watch them fight making sure no harm comes to his partner. He can see Kano is hitting his peak of anger, he can see the red in his eye become brighter. Kung Lao is quick and almost in the blink of an eye he is beside his lover his hat being used as a shield against the laser once more. It is quite between the three, one of his arms are wrapped around his partner's waist holding them close as he slowly lowers his hat. There's many emotions there but the one which is the most obvious is the anger towards the Australian man.
"The training is over, Kano if you do not learn to control your anger or arcana you will continue to fail." Kung Lao said nothing else as he drags you from the fight pit. You let him pull you thought the many halls of the temple until you can feel your arm staring to hurt from the pressure he's putting on your wrist. "Lao?" Your voice is soft and soothing to his nerves. "Are you hurt?" His eyes meet yours as he finally stops walking. "I'm alright, but you on the other hand have a serious case of jealousy" you laugh lightly, it gains a grunt from him as he rolls his eyes. you run your hands over his shoulders, leaning up to place a kiss on his lips, he let's out a sigh of relief. His shoulders let go of their tension as he pulls you closer.
"Forgive me for being too over bearing, I just do not like that man touching you" he says resting his head on his loves shoulder. His hands rest against their hips as they both stand together is a blissful moment. "Lao you don't have to be sorry, I know very much at Kano likes trying to get under your skin just as much as you do his. But you happen to be the man I love and adore." He smiles bringing you in for another kiss. "I also happen to love you riled up and jealous, it doesn't happen often" you chuckle. "That it doesn't, my love"
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Bi-han: jealous and protective
Bi-han is very good at hiding us I emotions, but when something happens that invoke him they show like wild fire. Jealous is something he feels very often, his sweet love he knows very much is his. Has stated on many occasions to reassure him. Not many people knew about you, and that's how he wished to keep it, anyone who found you ended up dead or mutilated to no recognition. your his love, the one thing that means the world to him other then the Lin Kuei. And he wouldn't let anyone into his house where his heart was.
"Bi-han?" He's staring again he knows, but he loves being close to you, watching you as you move around and work. It doesn't help that he's just tracked blood all into the house as he stand there watching them in the kitchen. They turn around to meet his gaze. "Bi-han!, baby what did I tell you about blood on the floors!" He chuckles moving closer to them pulling them into a reluctant hug that they squeal and try to escape. "BI-HAN!" "Wǒ de xīn, please let me enjoy this" he lifts you to sit on the kitchen bench ad he pulls us I mask off and kisses you.
"You're lucky I love you" he laughs lightly kissing their forehead then cheeks before returning to their lips. It's quite between them. Both enjoying being close to one another basking in each other's love. "Bi, did you find the man who broke in, and would this happen to be his or your blood, becuase you need a bath" he hums lightly pulling away a little seeing the small specks of blood now on your face and covering your hands and clothes. "His" is the only reply he gives as he picks his lover up and carries them towards the bathroom.
Bi-han sets them down in the bathroom as he begins to undo all of his armor, he can hear the water begin to pour into the bathtub. "You have blood all thought your hair Baby, how badly did you leave his body?" Bi-han turns to his love as he continue removing his clothing. "That man broke onto my home, where my Wǒ de xīn is, he is lucky I was will ikng to show him enough mercy to grant him a quick death." he finishes stripping of his clothes and makes his way into the bathtub, sinking down into it and let's out a sigh. His pale eyes flick to his love. "Tiánmì de ài, come" that's all he has to say as his little heart strips before joining him in the bath. He pulls them back against his chest, resting his head on their back. His lips trail sweet kisses against his lovers skin. His skin is such a different contrast from the hot water pooling into the bathtub. "Would you like an to wash your hair Bi?" He lets out a soft sigh as he nods into your shoulder. "Yes" he let's you move to face him resting against his legs. He reaches back grabbing a bottle of shampoo before handing it to his love. this is something he will fight for, the moments like this with shampoo in his blood soaked hair as he wipes blood off his lovers face. "Sorry I'm not as traditional as you Bi-han, I know I'm probably very different to what you were used to back then" his hands rest on his lovers hips pulling them closer. "You are everything to me, I do not care that you are not from my time. You are my heart, my love and I'll be damned to the hells if I ever lost you Tiánmì de ài" he leans down pulling his sweet one into another kiss as they run their hands thought his hair. "We are going to have a red bath soon baby" "then I hope the next man who tries to break in here will learn the same lesson if this is where I will be after I kill him" he leans back pulling his sweet partner to lay against his chest. "I wish to just stay like this for a little"
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 3 years
A Tight Squeeze
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A/N: You all can blame @contesa-lui-alucard for this monstrosity... I literally am in love with this character now and I will never stop... I slept on him SO hard and I REGRET IT! Thank you for the inspiration and this fic is so self indulgent I wish Pat was my true baby daddy... Enjoy loves!🖤
Warnings: tw: pregnancy, tw: pregnancy kink, obscene amounts of marital fluff and love, tw: breeding kink, tw: unprotected sex, tw: doggystyle, tw: very slight edging, tw: body image, tw: slight depression (regarding body image and self esteem), lots of fluff (because Pat is fluffy), tw: daddy kink, tw: hair pulling, creampies (I mean when am I NOT doing a creampie?) a smidgen of Dom!Pat because I CANNOT control myself
(PLZfor the love of Satan lmk if I miss a tag or TW... I am only human and I make errors all the time)
“Goddammit!” you practically cried, seeing the thousandth piece of clothing you owned barely fitting around your new curves. The look of defeat and sorrow running across your pretty face from the mirror as you twisted and turned to somehow wish the new poundage away.
“Honey?” a sheepish voice called from the kitchen in your quaint home, his heavy footfalls coming steadily as he padded back to your bathroom.
His precious features gracing the floor-length mirror as he crowded the edge of the molding on the frame of the closet.
He gasped slightly, surveying the scene before him. His cock stirred in his jeans as he appraised your body, the new planes from the growing baby inside you making you glow with an effervescence he had never seen before.
His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he caught his breath, your tits plunging out of the small tank top, bouncing as you frustratingly tried to pull it over your growing bump, to no avail as the bottom half and your belly button poked from under the hemline.
The leggings barely fitting on your thighs as they clutched onto your globe of an ass. He wished on all the stars that you couldn’t fit into your underwear and had forgone them all together so he could rip the seam and go to town on your backside.
“Pat,” you whined his name, running your hands over your belly, clearly upset you had a dwindling wardrobe as the days progressed.
“I need to get some new stuff honey,” your pretty lips going into a full pout as the tears rolled down your cheeks. You never had any reason to feel as unattractive as you had just now. He had never given you any indication he didn’t think you were the most beautiful creature on this planet. In fact, when he and you had found out about the baby, he was completely overjoyed and more touchy than he had ever been in the years he’d been married to you.
His feral instincts had kicked into hyperdrive when he became a father-to-be. Making sure you were well taken care of in all aspects including but not limited to cleaning, cooking, foot rubs, nightly baths, and of course reading poetry to you and your unborn son as he grew bigger and bigger.
He loved every detail of it. The gross and good parts, and ebbed and flowed with every single mood swing and nauseous feeling you had. He was the perfect husband, and here he was, looking at you as if you were the most gorgeous goddess he had ever seen. In fact, you were to him, no matter how many times he had been in utter disbelieve that you gave him the time of day let alone let him fuck you three or more times a day.
“Okay baby,” he cooed, coming over to wrap you in the biggest hug he could, rubbing your back as you sobbed over this minor detail in your pregnancy.
He hushed and rocked you, petting your hair, while you inhaled his fresh scent, rubbing your face in his cotton t-shirt as he whispered the sweetest nothings into your ear.
“It’s gonna be okay honey,” he murmured, “you still look absolutely perfect to me my sweet love,” the words making you tear up even more as he kept with his praises.
“You’re absolutely amazing,” his chorus kept going, the baby suddenly joining in the party as he kept talking, “we both think you are, mama,” the sobs catching in your throat as your son kicked a series in your stomach, his low baritone only encouraging the movements as he kept on.
“In fact, I think mama could use a nice bath and something sweet to eat… What do you think?” he arched back to see your head pop up from its place, his precious smirk making you smile with glassy eyes while you nodded.
“That’s exactly what I think too,” kissing your forehead with the lightest effort, “okay, go get out of these, and I’ll get it going for you, deal?” his eyebrows raised as he ran a hand over the expanse of your bump, cradling underneath while you wiped your cheeks off with your hands.
He kissed over your face before heading to the bathroom to run the tub, the lavender scent emanating as the water filled the basin.
You struggled out of your clothing, cursing the companies who made your clothes as you did so. You felt like burning them in a fire or ripping them to shreds but settled on maturity rather than violence as the clothes weren’t the issue.
Your body ached from the weight of everything. The baby of course wasn’t your average-sized fetus, being that his father was a whopper when he was born. You never assumed, however, that he could be as heavy as he felt the more he grew inside you. And you also didn’t take into account the toll his size would take on yourself as the months dragged on. But willful ignorance is what you went with, and with that came karma in its truest form.
No matter how much you hurt and complained, you loved your boys, size and all, and you knew you wouldn’t do this for any man except for your precious Pat.
He was truly just the best partner in every sense of the word. And this simple gesture of making sure you practiced some self-care was his way, amongst many, of showing you how much he appreciated the sacrifices you were making for him and your growing family.
You waded into the steaming water, the enveloping hug of warmth shrouding your emotional state into numbness as the floral notes caressed your senses. This was heavenly, you thought, submerging your body as far as possible into the water, the top of your belly poking out like a small island in the ocean as you relaxed.
You closed your eyes, trying to take in the serenity, rubbing slow circles on the sides of your taut stomach as the baby relaxed within you.
Your meditation was so deep after a few minutes, you never heard Pat come in to check on you.
His hand found the exposed skin, calloused fingers enveloping it in a heated touch as he whispered to you, “how are we doing now mama?” he cooed, his soft smile in the warm light bringing you to tears again.
He was the sweetest thing on this planet. You hoped to any entity that was listening that your son had his perfect features. Those golden eyes, his soft lips, the freckles that speckled his body, his calm demeanor.
“Better,” you whispered back, unconsciously pushing your body into his touch, “thank you, daddy,” smiling at his sweet face.
“Good,” holding his gaze for a moment to peer at your perfection for just a second longer, his smile widening as yours did too.
“When you’re ready to get out I’ll help you get all lotioned and dressed… I’ve got one of my shirts and sweats out for you babe,” his lips pressing against your forehead again as you exhaled a relieved sigh.
“We’ll go get you some new stuff in the morning,” rubbing the top of your bump as you smiled brighter and brighter, “that okay?”
You nodded, peacefully, not wanting him to leave this spot until you were finished.
You spent about twenty more minutes in there until the water became too cold, his cue to get you and little man from the tub.
He helped you get dried off, making sure to gingerly rub your skin before grabbing the lotion from the cabinet. He knew you liked the lavender scent, so he had picked up a bottle when he was at the store earlier in the month. The fact that it was just about gone being an indication of a good purchase on his part.
He rubbed your relaxed muscles, making sure to massage the cream into every crack and crevice he could reach for you, the primal instincts rising within as he ran his hands over the curves and dimples on your skin.
He tried to shake the thoughts, thinking of the task at hand, but being hopelessly derailed after you let out the fifth or sixth moan in pure bliss.
He snapped then, the ambient lighting in the room looking so good on your naked body as you laid out perched in the best way for him.
“Pat?” his sudden stop causing you to look up from your spot, the pillows you had stacked so you were comfortable during his massage able to push you to see his looming body over your belly.
“What’s wrong honey?” gazing at him in the warm light, his hair tousled from the work he had been doing, his lips quivering as he gulped a dry swallow upon seeing your eyes meet his.
“I need you to get on your hands and knees and arch that perfect back of yours before I paint my jeans,” his tone deep enough to cause a stir in your nether regions.
Your eyes dilating immediately upon his sudden domineering behavior, “like this baby?” you made a show out of it all, wiggling your ass as you crawled up the bed, gripping the sheets in both hands as your back arched just the way he liked it.
“Such a good fucking mama,” he cooed, the sounds of his pants unzipping and the clang of them on the floor, coupled by the bed creaking slightly from his weight on the edge, “back up to me honey,” his hands gripping the sides of your hips as he helped you ease your body to meet his.
His tip barely touching your ass, causing a hiss to leave his chest, and a moan to leave yours upon feeling his pubic hair graze your mound.
“I’m gonna destroy this pussy of mine,” he growled, his voice getting deeper and deeper as he grabbed and rubbed his tip in your wet folds, “fuck this wet little pussy until you can’t take it anymore,” gritting as your hole sucked the head in, your warmth coating it so perfectly.
“Fuck Pat,” you whined, his hold on your hips bruising as he stilled his tip for a moment or two before sheathing it to its base, “y-you’re s-so f-fucking b-bi,” not able to even finish as he plunged even further, pushing your hips so you both let out a chorus of groans.
“Y-you t-take t-this b-big c-cock of m-mine s-so w-well m-mama,” he gasped out, picking up his pace as he fucked further and further into you, his hand pressing into your lower back as you arched more and more.
“I-I’m s-such a g-good g-girl,” you mused back, “I-I l-love p-pleasing m-my b-baby,” feeling his dick harden even more in your squelching cunt as he plummeted further into your hole.
“S-such a g-good g-girl,” he recanted, “k-keeping m-my c-cum s-so g-good,” speeding up even further, your moans picking up as he found your G-spot.
“Y-you l-love b-being all f-full of m-me,” the slaps of sweaty skin and balls hammering the room as the moans turned into feral screams.
“I-I l-love c-carrying y-your b-baby P-Pat,” the tears streaming as you felt the shroud of warmth begin to expand from your cunt to the rest of your body.
“T-that’s f-fucking r-right y-you d-do,” he growled, his teeth snarling as the sweat dripped in a waterfall from his short locks, the songs of your cries opening his senses to overdrive as he watched you writhe under him.
“Y-you c-cum on t-this m-monster c-cock of y-yours,” he grunted, feeling your walls vibrate around him and your screams emanate. As a last-ditch effort, he moved his hand on your back to grab your messy bun, pulling the hair to cement your rapture.
“F-fuck P-Pat!” you came, and you came hard. The damn breaking to coat his dick in your sweet sticky release wave upon wave, the wet sounds sending him over the edge as he pummeled the last of his efforts into your spent pussy.
He grit his teeth again, pushing in two more times before emptying his large load into your occupied cunt, the overload spilling out in a thick mixture while he pumped lazily in and out, musing at the sight.
He pulled out slowly, holding your hips so you could relax a little bit before guiding you to the side and surrounding your body with an abundance of pillows once more.
“So much for a bath,” you sighed and laughed, fanning yourself in a sweaty haze.
“I’m sorry honey,” he chuckled too, grabbing a towel to wipe you and then himself off, “I wasn’t even thinking about it… I just got too riled up from the clothes you were wearing earlier, and I…” he trailed off, watching a smile creep over your face as he talked.
“Really?” your curiosity getting the better of you, “you liked me in those clothes?”
“Ummm,” he sheepishly blushed, “y-yes?” itching the back of his head trying to avoid any eye contact with you.
“Well....” you adjusted as the baby began to make himself known for the night, “I guess I know what I need to do in the future,” winking as he found the other side of the bed, curling up to run his hand over your belly.
“Honey,” he whispered, “you don’t have to be doing anything for me to get turned on by you… I’m just in love with you either way,” his admission making you misty-eyed while you felt his light touches on your skin.
“But I have to admit… I really like this kind of look on you,” gesturing to all of your figure from head to toe.
“Well, you made me this way,” inching in to kiss his plush lips, him returning as you both pecked each other for a few seconds.
“I’ll keep you this way if you want me to,” his voice barely loud enough for you to hear, “keep you all knocked up and gorgeous for as long as you let me,” his words going straight to your cunt again as he kissed you again and again.
“As many times as you wish… Daddy,” winking and kissing him deeply, a smile inching over his lips as yours met.
“I love you,” his faint words cutting into your soul as if he was saying it for the first time.
“I love you,” returning it with a smile and a nuzzle into his neck as you began to drift off together in sticky paradise.
Well... What did we all learn today? That I have a total fucking issue with not being his baby mama and that I have staples that I stick to and will not waiver from in my deepest darkest fantasies... Goodnight everyone I love you and I'll be crawling back into my festering hole to think about what I have done.
Oneshot Taglist: @maybe-your-left, @safarigirlsp, @clydesfavoritegirl, @thepalaceofmelanie, @hopeamarsu, @caillea, @historyandfandoms50, @mariesackler, @millenialcatlady, @thepriceofstars, @roanniom, @kathorax, @driversmutbucket, @clydes-hole, @xxcatrenxx, @paper-n-ashes
(Plz lmk if you would love to be added/removed from the taglist... Thank you all for the love and the support for this absolute garbage)
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nitrateglow · 4 years
Favorite films discovered in 2020
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Well, this year sucked. I did see some good movies though. Some even made after I was born!
Perfect Blue (dir. Satoshi Kon, 1997)
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I watch a lot of thrillers and horror movies, but precious few actually unsettle me in any lasting way. This cannot be said of Perfect Blue, which gave me one of the most visceral cinematic experiences of my life. Beyond the brief flashes of bloodletting (you will never look at a screwdriver the same way again), the scariest thing about Perfect Blue might be how the protagonist has both her life and her sense of self threatened by the villains. The movie’s prescience regarding public persona is also incredibly eerie, especially in our age of social media. While anime is seen as a very niche interest (albeit one that has become more mainstream in recent years), I would highly recommend this movie to thriller fans, whether they typically watch anime or not. It’s right up there with the best of Hitchcock or De Palma.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (dir. Sergio Leone, 1966)
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Nothing is better than when an iconic movie lives up to the hype. Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef play off of one another perfectly. I was impressed by Wallach as Tuco in particular: his character initially seems like a one-dimensional greedy criminal, but the performance is packed with wonderful moments of humanity. Do I really need to say anything about the direction? Or about the wonderful storyline, which takes on an almost mythic feel in its grandeur? Or that soundtrack?
Die Niebelungen (both movies) (dir. Fritz Lang, 1924)
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I did NOT expect to love these movies as much as I did. That they would be dazzlingly gorgeous I never doubted: the medieval world of the story is brought to vivid life through the geometrical mise en scene and detailed costuming. However, the plot itself is so, so riveting, never losing steam over the course of the four hours it takes to watch both movies. The first half is heroic fantasy; the second half involves a revenge plot of almost Shakespearean proportions. This might actually be my favorite silent Fritz Lang movie now.
Muppet Treasure Island (dir. Brian Henson, 1996)
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I understand that people have different tastes and all, but how does this movie have such a mixed reception? It’s absolutely hilarious. How could anybody get through the scene with “THA BLACK SPOT AGGHHHHHHH” and not declare this a masterpiece of comedy? And I risk being excommunicated from the Muppet fandom for saying it, but I like this one more than The Great Muppet Caper. It’s probably now my second favorite Muppet movie.
Belle de Jour (dir. Luis Bunuel, 1967)
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I confess I’m not terribly fond of “but was it real???” movies. They tend to feel gimmicky more often than not. Belle de Jour is an exception. This is about more than a repressed housewife getting her kicks working as a daytime prostitute. The film delves into victim blaming, trauma, class, and identity-- sure, this sounds academic and dry when I put it that way, but what I’m trying to say is that these are very complicated characters and the blurring of fantasy and reality becomes thought-provoking rather than trite due to that complexity.
Secondhand Lions (dir. Tim McCanlies, 2003)
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The term “family movie” is often used as a synonym for “children’s movie.” However, there is an important distinction: children’s movies only appeal to kids, while family movies retain their appeal as one grows up. Secondhand Lions is perhaps a perfect family movie, with a great deal more nuance than one might expect regarding the need for storytelling and its purpose in creating meaning for one’s life. It’s also amazingly cast: Haley Joel Osment is excellent as the juvenile lead, and Michael Caine and Robert Duvall steal the show as Osment’s eccentric uncles.
The Pawnbroker (dir. Sidney Lumet, 1964)
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Controversial in its day for depicting frontal nudity, The Pawnbroker shocks today for different reasons. As the top review of the film on IMDB says, we’re used to victims of great atrocities being presented as sympathetic, good people in fiction. Here, Rod Steiger’s Sol Nazerman subverts such a trope: his suffering at the hands of the Nazis has made him a hard, closed-off person, dismissive of his second wife (herself also a survivor of the Holocaust), cold to his friendly assistant, and bitter towards himself. The movie follows Nazerman’s postwar life, vividly presenting his inner pain in a way that is almost too much to bear. Gotta say, Steiger gives one of the best performances I have ever seen in a movie here: he’s so three-dimensional and complex. The emotions on his face are registered with Falconetti-level brilliance.
The Apartment (dir. Billy Wilder, 1960)
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While not the most depressing Christmas movie ever, The Apartment certainly puts a good injection of cynicism into the season. I have rarely seen a movie so adept at blending comedy, romance, and satire without feeling tone-deaf. There are a lot of things to praise about The Apartment, but I want to give a special shoutout to the dialogue. “Witty” dialogue that sounds natural is hard to come by-- so often, it just feels smart-assy and strained. Not here.
Anatomy of a Murder (dir. Otto Preminger, 1959)
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I’m not big into courtroom dramas, but Anatomy of a Murder is a big exception. Its morally ambiguous characters elevate it from being a mere “whodunit” (or I guess in the case of this movie, “whydunit”), because if there’s something you’re not going to get with this movie, it’s a clear answer as to what happened on the night of the crime. Jimmy Stewart gives one of his least characteristic performances as the cynical lawyer, and is absolutely brilliant. 
Oldboy (dir. Park Chan-Wook, 2003)
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Oldboy reminded me a great deal of John Webster’s 17th century tragedy The Duchess of Malfi. Both are gruesome, frightening, and heartbreaking works of art, straddling the line between sensationalism and intelligence, proving the two are not mutually exclusive. It’s both entertaining and difficult to watch. The thought of revisiting it terrifies me but I feel there is so much more to appreciate about the sheer craft on display.
Family Plot (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1976)
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Family Plot is an enjoyable comedy; you guys are just mean. I know in an ideal world, Hitchcock’s swan song would be a great thriller masterpiece in the vein of Vertigo or Psycho. Family Plot is instead a silly send-up of Hitchcock’s favorite tropes, lampooning everything from the dangerous blonde archetype (with not one but two characters) to complicated MacGuffin plots. You’ll probably demand my film buff card be revoked for my opinion, but to hell with it-- this is my favorite of Hitchcock’s post-Psycho movies.
My Best Girl (dir. Sam Taylor, 1927)
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Mary Pickford’s farewell to silent film also happens to be among her best movies. It’s a simple, charming romantic comedy starring her future husband, Charles “Buddy” Rogers. Pickford also gets to play an adult character here, rather than the little girl parts her public demanded she essay even well into her thirties. She and Rogers are sweet together without being diabetes-inducing, and the comedy is often laugh out loud funny. It even mocks a few tropes that anyone who watches enough old movies will recognize and probably dislike-- such as “break his heart to save him!!” (my personal most loathed 1920s/1930s trope).
Parasite (dir. Bong Joon-ho, 2019)
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This feels like such a zeitgeist movie. It’s about the gap between the rich and the poor, it’s ironic,  it’s depressing, it’s unpredictable as hell. I don’t like terms like “modern classic,” because by its very definition, a classic can only be deemed as such after a long passage of time, but I have a good feeling Parasite will be considered one of the definitive films of the 2010s in the years to come.
Indiscreet (dir. Stanley Donen, 1958)
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Indiscreet often gets criticized for not being Notorious more or less, which is a shame. It’s not SUPPOSED to be-- it’s cinematic souffle and both Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant elevate that light material with their perfect chemistry and comedic timing. It’s also refreshing to see a rom-com with characters over 40 as the leads-- and the movie does not try to make them seem younger or less mature, making the zany moments all the more hilarious. It’s worth seeing for Cary Grant’s jig (picture above) alone.
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (dir. Joseph Sargent, 1974)
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This movie embodies so much of what I love about 70s cinema: it’s gritty, irreverent, and hard-hitting. It’s both hilarious and suspenseful-- I was tense all throughout the run time. I heard there was a remake and it just seems... so, so pointless when you already have this gem perfect as it is.
They All Laughed (dir. Peter Bogdonavich, 1981)
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Bogdonavich’s lesser known homage to 1930s screwball comedy is also a weirdly autumnal movie. Among the last gasps of the New Hollywood movement, it is also marks the final time Audrey Hepburn would star in a theatrical release. The gentle comedy, excellent ensemble cast (John Ritter is the standout), and the mature but short-lived romance between Hepburn and Ben Gazarra’s characters make this a memorably bittersweet gem.
The Palm Beach Story (dir. Preston Sturges, 1942)
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Absolutely hilarious. I was watching this with my parents in the room. My mom tends to like old movies while my dad doesn’t, but both of them were laughing aloud at this one. Not much else to say about it, other than I love Joel McCrea the more movies I see him in-- though it’s weird seeing him in comedies since I’m so used to him as a back-breaking man on the edge in The Most Dangerous Game!
Nothing Sacred (dir. William Wellman, 1937)
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I tend to associate William Wellman with the pre-code era, so I’ve tried delving more into his post-code work. Nothing Sacred is easily my favorite of those films thus far, mainly for Carole Lombard but also because the story still feels pretty fresh due to the jabs it takes at celebrity worship and moral hypocrisy. For a satire, it’s still very warm towards its characters, even when they’re misbehaving or deluding themselves, so it’s oddly a feel-good film too.
Applause (dir. Rouben Mamoulian, 1929)
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I love watching early sound movies, but my inner history nerd tends to enjoy them more than the part of me that, well, craves good, well-made movies. Most early sound films are pure awkward, but there’s always an exception and Applause is one of them. While the plot’s backstage melodrama is nothing special, the way the story is told is super sophisticated and expressive for this period of cinema history, and Helen Morgan makes the figure of the discarded burlesque queen seem truly human and tragic rather than merely sentimental.
Topaz (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1969)
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Another late Hitchcock everyone but me seems to hate. After suffering through Torn Curtain, I expected Hitchcock’s other cold war thriller was going to be dull as dishwater, but instead I found an understated espionage movie standing in stark contrast to the more popular spy movies of the period. It’ll never be top Hitchcock, of course-- still it was stylish and enjoyable, with some truly haunting moments. I think it deserves more appreciation than it’s been given.
What were your favorite cinematic discoveries in 2020?
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charlieconwayy · 3 years
D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996) is the best Ducks movie and a flawless coming of age movie
It’s no secret that The Mighty Ducks are a beloved trilogy. The three films spawned a professional NHL team named in their honor, 2021 sequel series, as well as many knockoff films released in the 1990s. But with any movie series, fans tend to rank the films and have passionate opinions on which is the best. For most Ducks fans, the answer is simple: D2. It has the Bash Brothers, Team USA dominating, the iconic “Ducks Fly Together” scene and two Queen songs. What’s not to love? But upon a rewatch of the trilogy, I came to realize that it’s not D2, or even the original, that is the best in the series.
It’s the criminally underrated 1996 D3 that for me, is the most mature and has the most heart. Perhaps it’s that the Ducks are now old enough to carry their own weight on screen. Perhaps it’s that the film takes a look at trauma, specifically trauma in teenagers, and how that manifests itself. Perhaps it’s that the film is maybe ahead of its time, in the way it discusses classism, racism and sexism. There is so much about this overly hated film that makes it the best Ducks movie and a perfect coming of age film.
The movie starts presumably a few years following the Ducks’ win against Iceland. They all look noticeably older - definitely older than the middle schoolers we left behind in 1994 - and all of the male Ducks’ voices have dropped a few octaves. Gordon Bombay, played by Emilio Estevez, is presenting the team (except for unfortunately, Jesse Hall, a leader among the Ducks who would’ve made for a strong presence in this mature film, as well as Portman, but we’ll get to him later) with scholarships to his alma mater, Eden Hall, a preparatory high school in Minnesota. Charlie Conway, played by a young, pre-Dawson’s Creek Joshua Jackson, is the Ducks’ captain and unspoken leader. There’s been much debate over the years over whether or not Charlie is the true captain of the Ducks. Adam Banks, played by Vincent Larusso, is far and away better than practically every Duck combined. Fulton Reed, played by Elden Henson, has shown more maturity and leadership at this point. It’s probably true that the Ducks as a team think that Charlie is Captain because of Bombay’s favoritism towards him (and his mother), but I think that this film makes it abundantly clear why Charlie is the captain. 
D3 is Charlie’s story. We see that in the opening scene, when Bombay tells Charlie he will not be following the team to Eden Hall, accepting a job instead in California. We learned in the original Mighty Ducks film, that Charlie and his mother left a bad situation in Charlie’s father when Charlie was very young. We also hear about Charlie’s mother, Casey’s marriage to a new man in the D2, who we can assume from what Jan says, that Charlie doesn’t like. We see in that first film, Charlie’s reaction to Bombay announcing that he is leaving the Ducks after the two of them have formed a bond. It is very clear that Charlie deals with abandonment issues, stemming from trauma in his early childhood. Charlie freaks out when a D3 Bombay announces the same thing, and storms off. 
Change is the biggest theme in D3. We see how change affects each of the Ducks, even those who don’t get many lines. Some, like Russ Tyler, played by SNL’s Kenan Thompson, think it’s a good thing. All of the Ducks don’t come from good neighborhoods and we assume that most of them don’t have the best home lives, especially when Charlie tells their new coach, Orion, played by Jeffrey Nordling, that the Ducks are the only good thing that any of them have had. Going to a preparatory school should be a good thing for them. But for most of them, it’s not. The new Ducks (who by the way, three of which are people of color, and one of which, is a woman) are immediately told that “their kind” is not welcome at Eden Hall. The Varsity team claim that they feel this way because the captain’s younger brother was not admitted onto the JV team because of the Ducks’ scholarships, but it’s very clear what they really mean. Russ commented that he’s the only black person on the whole campus earlier, and he, Luis Mendoza (The Sandlot’s Mike Vitar) and Ken Wu (Justin Wong) are the only people of color we see in the film. Change takes a toll on each member of the team. We see it the most in Charlie, but we also hear from Fulton on how the separation from his best friend, Dean Portman (Aaron Lohr), who decided not to enroll at Eden Hall, is taking a toll on him. Connie (Margerite Moreau) and Guy (Garrette Henson) have presumably broken up, as the two small scenes we get of them, they are arguing. It’s a transition period, one that the first year of high school often is. But it’s also a look on how a rich, white privileged world is vastly different than the one that the Ducks are used to. 
Coach Orion seems like a hardass, especially when he tells Charlie at their first practice that he will no longer be “Captain Duck” (as coined by D2’s Gunnar Stahl, played by Scott Whyte, who now plays the level-headed Varsity goalie Scooter). This, to the Ducks, is a line in the sand. Ever since Bombay turned District 5 into the Ducks four years previous, Charlie has been their captain. They’re in a whole new environment, where the man who gave them so much happiness and so many friendships isn’t, and their “little Duck tricks” won’t work anymore. Orion thinks Charlie is a showoff, and perhaps he is. This Charlie is vastly different than the sweet, shy Charlie we see in D1 and D2. But this Charlie is older, has just been abandoned by a man he considered a father, and is being harassed on a daily basis for being, as Varsity Captain Reilly puts it, “white trash.” I find it hard to believe sometimes that fans can look at Charlie from the outside, and not see who he is on the inside. All of Charlie’s closest relationships that we see portrayed in this movie, are with women. His mother (who he, as a teenage boy, says “I love you” to in the final scene of the movie), his teammates, Connie and Julie, who he gets a lot more screentime with, and with new love interest, Linda (Margot Finley).
I think now is a great time to talk about the shockingly impressive way all of the female characters are portrayed in this series, particularly this movie, especially for a 90s sports film. Connie has always been a leader on and off the ice. She’s in a relationship with Guy, but it’s not her only character trait. Dubbed “the Velvet Hammer” by Averman (Matt Doherty), she stands up for herself, and for her shy teammates (she literally shoves Peter Mark - a character cut out of D2 and D3 for good reason - in D1 when he insults Charlie) and stands up to the entire Varsity team despite them telling her that they hope they can “fight” with her later. Julie “The Cat” Gaffney (Columbe Jacobsen) is the second best player on the Ducks, despite the little ice time (thanks, Bombay) we see her have. She is the first person to tell of the Varsity, telling Captain Reilly that his little brother “just wasn’t good enough.” She’s a huge facilitator in the fire ant prank and despite the very weird and out of character game she had against the Blake Bears, shows that she deserves the number one goalie slot that Reilly gives her - despite what Goldberg, and the obvious underlying sexism there, have to say. I’ve also always been very impressed with Charlie’s mother, Casey (Heidi Kling). Although she has a romance with Bombay in D1, she makes it clear from the get go that her first priority is Charlie. We know that she took the two of them away from an abusive situation, and she’s a goddamn hero for that. Her scenes in D3 are limited, but they always show her chastising Charlie’s antics and encouraging him to stay in school. It goes unsaid, but it’s clear that she knows that he’s not going to get an education this good in the problematic public school system. But according to Linda, Charlie’s love interest, the private school system is no better. The first time we see Linda, she is protesting the “outdated” Warriors team name. This was in a 1996 kids movie, no less. She holds her own against Charlie, calling him out when he’s wrong. No one aside from Charlie, and maybe Fulton, get much screentime or lines aside from Bombay and Orion, but her presence and the point of her character is clear - not every rich person agrees with the horrible things that wealthy people do. 
Back to the plot.
When the Ducks receive their positions, they learn that Banks, as a freshman, has made Varsity. From an outside perspective, they seems obvious. Banks is the best player we see in any of the films, definitely miles better than the losers on Varsity, so it seems obvious that he would be promoted. But Banks is unhappy with this. Adam Banks is a fan favorite character, definitely due to the sweet, understated performance by Larusso, but we don’t see much of him. From what we do see of him though, he underwent a huge character arc from D1 to now. In D1, Banks goes against his father’s protests and joins the Ducks, claiming that he “just wants to play hockey.” Here in D3, we see that Banks is utterly miserable despite playing with some of the best players in the state, purely because he’s not with his friends. At the end of the film, he makes the (questionable) decision to rejoin the Ducks and go against the Varsity. But Varsity seems to feel that Banks fits in with them, for obvious reasons. He’s the only Duck who comes from an affluent background, and he’s definitely the most clean cut. Captain Reilly is visibly angry in the final showdown with the Ducks that they no longer have Banks on their side, as if he’s betrayed “his kind.”
The turning point of the film comes when after Charlie has quit the freshman team (no longer the Ducks), Hans, a father figure to the Ducks and Bombay, suddenly passes away. It’s an insanely dark moment for a Disney film, especially when Bombay returns to the funeral and reminds the Ducks that it was “Hans who taught them to fly” and Charlie storms off, crying. I think Joshua Jackson, in the Ducks films, as well as in Dawson’s Creek, is phenomenally good at portraying teenagers who wouldn’t normally be seen as leading men. Who let their emotions overtake them, who have anger issues, who deal with familial problems. Characters like that in leading roles were almost unheard of in the 90s, and in the upcoming scenes, it reminds us why this side of Charlie that we’ve seen throughout the movie is not the only side of Charlie.
Bombay takes Charlie to the rink to see Orion skating with his disabled daughter, who was injured in a car accident. He reveals to Charlie that Orion quit the NHL to take care of her, and this immediately changes Charlie’s opinion of him, but he’s still unconvinced about rejoining the team. The next scene is without question, the greatest and most important scene of the trilogy. The last two films spent way too much time telling us how great of a person Bombay was, how he was the Minnesota Miracle Man,despite us seeing so little of that onscreen. We see him making mistake after mistake, hurting the team, being an unjustified dick to those around him. But this scene more than makes up for all of that. I’ve put the quote from this scene below.
Bombay: I was like you, Charlie. When I played hockey, I was a total hot shot. I tried to take control of every game. I wound up quitting. So I tried the law. I ruled the courtroom, but inside, I’m a mess. Start drinking. Man, I was going down. But then this great thing happened, maybe the best thing ever - I got arrested and sentenced to community service. And there you were - Charlie and the Ducks. And as hard as I fought it, there you were. You gave me a life, Charlie, and I want to say thank you. I told Orion about all of this when I talked to him about taking over. I told him that you were the heart of the team and that you would learn something from each other. I told him that you were the real Minnesota Miracle Man. 
Charlie: You did?
Bombay: I did. So be that man, Charlie. Be that man.
It’s a callback to D2, when Jan tells Bombay “Be that man, Gordon. Be that man.” This scene is flawless. Every good thing that has happened to the Ducks, came because of Charlie’s heart. It came because of that game when Charlie refused to cheat, and made Bombay see his wrongs. It came because of when Bombay first tried to quit the team, and seeing how hurt Charlie was, agreed to stay. It was Charlie who stepped out of the game against Iceland so that Banks could play. It was Charlie who found them Russ. Giving the credit to a young, emotionally unstable teenager, rather than their Emilio Estevez, hotshot Bombay, is the best thing this series ever did.
This movie, in my opinion, is nearly flawless. Every moment has been planned to make the same point - change sucks. Especially when you’re a teenager. Even more so when you’re a teenager with trauma.
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Which guy gives the best pussy inspections? L
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I would gladly let any of these men go to fuckin’ town on my p*ssy cat. 
ALSO I DID RESEARCH OKAY THIS IS JUST WHAT I CAME UP WITH GIVEN THEIR CHARACTER STYLES (note Kylo Ren / Ben Solo is the canon Supreme Leader-Jedi NOT any of my AUs) 
10. PROFESSOR ZACHARY ADAMS, this man will have you squirting faster than you can believe. never done it before? that's too bad babygirl, daddy’s gonna taste every inch of your glistening cunt until you’re wailing for him to stop. but he won’t until your clit is red and throbbing from his torture and then he will finally fuck you good and hard.
9. CLYDE RUSTY LOGAN, he is more than happy for you to sit your pretty pussy on his face. Rocking against his strong nose and big lips, smacking your ass as he tastes your slick coating his chin. he knows he’s limited in what he can do, so why not perfect the practice of eating you out at any moment he can. and it helps when your juicy peach is all ready for his cock. 
8. MATT THE RADAR TECHNICIAN, wants to wear your thighs like earmuffs. don’t wear those sweet jean shorts around him because he will slam you up on the nearest table and stick his tongue in your pussy. thumb circling your clit while he slurps your sweet nectar. will also smack your outer thighs so you will flinch and hold him tighter against you. 
7. PATERSON, wants to please you, excellent listener, and retains information well. he isn’t too keen on fingering which is why he’s lower on the list but will add one in when he feels you flexing your hips towards his face. just so he can massage your walls into soaking the comforter. 
6. ADAM SACKLER, more of an eager school girl seeing their first cunt, gets very excited and is desperate to have you trembling before he even fucks you. his tongue is long and sloppy, spelling out the alphabet, our only complaint is that he doesn’t do it often. it’s more of a ‘stick a finger in her, if she's wet then it's my cocks time to shine’. 
5. CHARLIE BARBER, he’s so bad at letting you be in control, will boss you around if you’re squirming too much. lots of smacks to your cunt if you’re twitching while he's lapping at you. wants your pain over pleasure, is really into 69′ing because he can shove his cock down your throat and that distracts you from flinching when he bites your clit. 
4. FLIP ZIMMERMAN, he’s an old-fashioned man. loves getting head, anytime anywhere. doesn’t really like giving, but he will if he's in the mood. will only do it on the bed because you squirt just from the sheer excitement of seeing this big bad cop between your legs. 
3. JAMIE MASSEY, somehow knows what he's doing while simultaneously is horrible. lots of kissing and nibbling, doesn’t like sticking his tongue inside, he has fingers baby. gets a good rhythm going with his tongue on your clit once in a blue moon. 
2. KYLO REN / BEN SOLO, I know. I’m upset too, but he's just too excited about having sex. has absolutely no plan, thinks that more spit means it's better. will go too ham on fingering you, pretty much turns into him attempting to fist your tight pussy while spitting on your clit before lapping at it without even focusing on the right area. when he's told ‘no hands or no force’ he is useless. 
1. TOBY GRISONI, this man is NOT a giver. he takes everything he wants and doesn’t super care about giving you anything in return unless it’s his cock. barely any foreplay with him, he is always ready to slam into you. has kissed your clit twice, doesn’t like when his jaw gets sore when he has gone down on you. 
I don’t make the rules guys... i just follow them blindly. 
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads @onlykyloscenes @candycanes19 @historyandfandoms50 @caelum-phyriina-vermillon @ghoulian13 @mrs-kylo-ren @millenialcatlady @mrs-zimmerman @relationshipwithmybed @dancingmicrobes @wayward-rose  @contesa-lui-alucard @daydreamsofren @insufferablelust @ohdamnadamm @mariesackler @caillea @safarigirlsp @jalexunderthestars @shesakillerkween @glassythoughts @zimmermansbrat @not-the-teen-witch @jynzandtonic @roanniom @celestiasin @glassbxttless
Here is the link to my Masterlist for more content on all the boys! 
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absuuuurdstarkid · 4 years
My personal highlights of the Starkid Broadway Whodunit 4/10/20
Strap in this could be long...
Lauren’s character is pregnant and she has the biggest most fake looking bump I’ve ever seen
Joey is wearing a baby carrier even though the baby isn’t due for another MONTH
James is amazing and so convincingly nervous as has character, I think he was the only one who didn’t break the whole time
Jaime is playing herself and controlling her puppet (you know, the sweet one Nick made for her wedding) but the puppet keeps saying wildly inappropriate things - think Trekkie Monster from Avenue Q
Jaime’s character later murders the puppet, cause why not
Meredith looks BEAUFITUL and her character wants to be an actress so every time she’s asked a question she turns it into a really long monologue about her upcoming one woman show
Meredith’s character (who was called Denise, love it): “I taped my breasts together with duct tape earlier and I’m worried my nipples will fall off” *drinks wine* *Andrew breaks*
Joey and Lauren used their tgwdlm newsreader voices the whole time, and Lauren was just hanging off Joey’s shoulders
Walker was playing a like 20 year old and just kept saying Dope, Dope about everything
Corey’s character was obsessed with Lauren’s (and turns out was the father) and every time he appeared Lauren moved rooms and ditched him with an UGH
Joe’s character also had a TikTok and Joe did not sound sure than he knew what TikTok was
Everyone left Joe alone in the room and he looked so offended
Lauren disappeared to ‘go pee because of the baby’ about 6000 times
Jamie Burns’ wig was even more wild than Chorn
Brian: “Can sesame street go away please” “Vicki BEAT IT”
Joe: “YEAH I am a teenager, have you SEEN my TikTok???”
Everyone had their character’s names at the bottom of their screen but there was a glitch so every time they moved rooms Lauren and Joey’s just said laurenlopez
Corey’s character Danny appeared in a ‘disguise’ which was just some sunglasses he was also wearing earlier, everyone sees through it apart from Brian
Jamie’s character was an infomercial star and came up with a product called the Butt Clamp which would stop you needing to use the toilet - everyone else kept calling it a butt plug and Jamie got increasingly angry the more this happened
Corey to Joe: “ThEy’Re GoiNG tO caNCeL YoU oN tHE inTeRNeT”
Joe’s character gets shot and dies, Lauren “He died of old age?!!!”, Brian “He looks like he has a butt clamp in” *everyone accuses Vicky of murder by butt clamp*
Andrew “I’m gonna call a private investigator”, Brian “Why don’t you call 911?”, Andrew “No!”
Andrew on the phone “please come figure out what happened”, Joey “finger who?!” *Lauren and Mere break*
Lauren “Ya butt clamp’s defective Vicky” “Yeah cause your not meant to use it on your vagina!” *Lauren, Brian and Robert all hide off camera they’re laughing so much*
The Investigator arrives aka Joe with a drawn on moustache, Jaime immediately “Is that sharpie on your face?”
Joe says some lines as the investigator so everyone can keep up with the plot, Brian “Are you reading this off of something?” “NO! what kind of question is this?!” “well your talking very robotically” “Yeah does feel like it was written” “Are you done?”
Joe “I’m going to introduce myself now, my name is...investigator ..moo-stache” everyone breaks, Joe can’t get through the line
Jaime “Are you sure sure your name isn’t investigator Sharpay?” *Andrew is so gone he gives up trying to hide his laughing, Lauren and Meredith fall out of frame*
Brian makes a suggestion, Joe “are you the investigator here or am I? SHUT UP”
Joe gets some words wrong and corrects himself, Lauren “See this makes be think you’re reading it off somewhere” “Yeah stick to the script”
Jamie Burns “Put a but clamp on your mouth and shut the hell up Mr Moustache” Joe in an incredulous voice “What did you just say to me? put an ass clamp on my mouth?!” “A BUTT CLAMP” *more people have broken than are still in character* Joe “I’ll have to come back to that one”
Lauren “Can you at least make eye contact when you’re talking to us, you’re looking at your shoes”, Brian “Listen, put whatever you’re reading more up by your camera and then It’ll look more like you’re not reading it” *everyone breaks, Andrew, Joey, Lo, Mere, James are all on the floor* Joe “I am remembering it, I have to look at my shoes to remember!”
*everyone heckles Joe, looks like he’s about to explode/have a breakdown*
Joe is now reading it higher and desperately trying to keep looking at the camera
Jamie “You’re a hack... I could figure out this whole investigation with my eyes closed and my butt clamped” *mass breaking*
Andrew announces that all the butt clamps in the world have been sold in an attempt to end this joke. It does not work.
*Inspector asks who people thing the murderer is* Meredith “Well let me look at... my thoughts that I’ve been writing down”
Joe uses the sharpie he drew his moustache on with to pretend to take notes
Andrew’s character “Can I tell you the truth”, Joe “You actually are compelled by law to to tell me the truth yes”
Brian to Joe “We have a lot in common actually, I mean...I went to the Apocalyptour too” (The poster is behind Joe on the wall) Joe, desperately trying not to break “my daughter dragged me”
“He’s not the murderer, he’s just stalking the fuckin butt plug lady”
Joe “I’ve just... got to check the notes on my shoes”
Joey desperately wants to name the baby after the murdered puppet
Lauren accuses Mere’s character of being pregnant, Meredith “Am I PREGNANT?! Is that why my breasts look so good?!”
Brian “Is that like an air drop? DID YOU AIR DROP A BABY IN HER?!” *Andrew corpses*
Corey tries another disguise, but he’s just wearing a baseball cap backwards
Turns out Joey’s character had been fucking the puppet “The thing is it’s got a big hole in its ass” *Lauren and Joey both start laughing*
Jaime “I’ve only killed one non human thing today” Joe “You killed a puppet made out of menstrual blood”
Lauren can’t remember her character’s surname and she and Joe break
*Brian tries to show something on an ipad* “I don’t know if you can see that” Joe “Yes, yes, the camera is auto adjusting the white balance I can see it perfectly” *Lauren hides laughing behind her hands*
There’s a TWIST that Robert isn’t French and called Luis (loo-E), he’s actually called Lewis but everyone had been called him Lewis all night anyway so it didn’t really work but was funny and Meredith felt so bad about it
Joe says the same thing twice and everyone accuses him of reading again “I’M THINKING, I HAVE TO LOOK AT MY SHOE WHEN I THINK AND REMEBER”
There’s a beautifully photoshopped ‘evidence picture’ of Joey and the puppet
Meredith is convinced Brian is the murderer, decides to strangle him
The proof that Brian isn’t the murderer is that in a video he doesn’t know how to use a gun
Robert accuses Lauren’s baby of being the murderer, Joey and Lauren are busy kissing Diane
Joe’s explaining the final plot points and pauses to find the next bit of paper to read “Sorry, one sec, I’m REMEMBERING” *everyone breaks* “LOOK AT YOUR SHOE!”
FINAL PLOT TWIST turns out Joe’s investigator was really the long lost triplet Gaston to the murdered Ashton and Sebastian THE END
Joe “You might think that because I was a triplet this moustache is fake, BUT IT’S NOT, IT’S REAL”
They all take their wigs off, Joe out of character sums it up: “I truly did not know what was going on”
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