#i get that society is rapidly changing so it feels like we are too different to associate with each other
theamazingannie · 2 years
I really don’t think anyone knows what a generation is. Millennials are like a fifteen year gap max and gen z is about the same. They’re supposed to be 25 years, and considering we are having kids later and later, it should be longer, yet they keep getting shorter. I spent so long thinking I was a millennial cuz I was born in the late 90s and my parents were born in 1975 but somehow there’s an entire generation between us despite being 24 years apart and I’m under 25 and an elder gen z but somehow we already have gen alphas after us? This is way too confusing
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script-a-world · 20 days
Submitted via Google Form:
The post you had earlier about how quickly new technology has come in recently years is amazing and just puts things into perspective. Each decade will in fact look quite different as to what would be available. Stuff just 10 years ago can already be dated. I have a sci-fi story set in my own universe in which the story spans multiple decades. How do I create a similar advancement througout the decades? In fact, in thinking of other fictions that span decades or more - I don't really see such advancement. Some, yes, but nothing that appears and they always keep certain things 'retro' anyway. Not sure if it matters from this viewpoint but I can watch/read something, I don't find it easy to pinpoint its decade within the story just by tech cues. Whereas anything set in the last century, I generally absolutely can identify when its supposed to be. Especially if it's say... surrounding tech and not tech directly at the forefront of the story. Feels like there is something that I am missing that I could insert into my story that will explicitly date the events by its tech. Perhaps that's quite a pedantic point that most people don't really focus on, but I think it definitely would make things stand out and feel like it's an innovative society that makes advancements over the years.
Addy: I feel like there are two major possibilities for sci-fi: continued rapid development or a sort of slowed not-quite-a-plateau. In the second one, you'd see things like our developments with phones, but at a slower pace. Phones came out a while back, but they've been getting smaller (and then larger) with more features. Now they're basically mini-tablets with cell data. On another track, airplanes have certain limitations due to efficiency and interactions with air currents (flying too fast drives up your fuel consumption *rapidly*), and we also still use the SR-71 Blackbird, which came out in the 60s. Our ability to model things and develop things has improved massively, but the SR-71 still works really really well. It gets the job done and, more importantly, we already have it. Our world is a mixture of tried-and-true classics and new developments.
For sci-fi, I'd say a lot of it depends on where they turn their attention to. Can't get new developments in brightly-colored concrete if nobody's pursuing it, after all.... and a lot of that comes down to trends. Look at home development trends - the 2000s had a lot of heavy wood and whatnot, and then it swung into minimalism, and now it's slowly emerging from greige-land (gray+beige) into "some colors, but not too many (yet)." Call it around 15-20 years for a housing style to change. If you walk into a house with 70s decor, you can just tell. The style/era has characteristic features. The whole reason we have so many developments in phones is because people are interested in phones. If nobody cared, nothing would happen.
So what are people prioritizing for research, and how does that affect new developments? New methods of wood engineering, growing organs in labs (maybe there's a breakthrough that massively reduces the cost or reduces the rejection rate), vibrantly colored steel (not currently possible, to my knowledge, and I'm the steel person here), or something with temperature-sensitive plants to act as "natural" thermometers.
People want to develop and grow, it's just a matter of what we develop and when. What's the style of your era? What's the trend? How does that affect industrial research? Or, on the flip side, a new development could launch off a trend. Say you can make color-changing paint - that's going to launch a whole thing of people doing highly customizable rooms with whatever accent walls you want. And for why it doesn't take over and last forever... maybe it becomes kinda tacky after a few years. People might use color-changing paint while deciding what colors to use, but then go get proper paint for the "real thing" because color-changing paint just feels tacky and kinda outdated. Maybe it flakes off easily or is easily removable, or maybe it's super hard to remove. Either could make it feel troublesome to the layperson.
Maybe there have been some difficulties with growing most crops in lunar soil (which is basically rocks with no microbiome), and someone went "hey, if we add this chemical, that'd allow for better water penetration, which would allow for more plant variety" so now you've got a more varied diet instead of subsisting off of 2-3 plants.
One example of IRL research is someone whose project was to look at the amount of white on the wings of monarch butterflies before the migration and after the migration (seeing which butterflies survived to reproduce during that). They found that butterflies with more dappled edges did better, and that may be due to microcurrents at the edges of their wings kinda breaking up the wind. How that ties into the colors? Well, black absorbs heat and white reflects it, and that heat difference causes pressure differences that cause tiny tiny currents. That's the current theory, anyway, it's still being looked into.
People had looked into color differences a little bit, but hadn't really gotten into it properly. Maybe your world(s) didn't really think about it from that angle, and so after a certain year, all atmospheric vehicles with wings have characteristic dappled edges. Maybe those dapples change with time, like how the camouflage on military uniforms is more pixelated now to confuse cameras moreso than people. Maybe you see it on kites for children as well, or on drones or rotors or whatever else. Is the payoff worth it? Maybe not, but it's sci-fi. Why not?
For sci-fi fiction, I think that many franchises want it to appear sort of timeless, where everything kinda has the same general "sci-fi aesthetic" look to it. From that perspective, changes don't matter as much. I will say that Star Trek does have some of their aspects change over time (like more developed communicators and phasers, better EVO outfits, etc - compare Enterprise, TOS, and TNG, for example), though more slowly than in our modern day. The shapes of ships, the tools they use, etc.
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nebulouscoffee · 9 months
7, 23, 27, and 33 for the Star Trek ask meme?
Thank you for the ask!
7. Who would make up your crew dream team?
You know, this is something I've thought about before (shoutout to @fancy-a-dance-brigadier for always asking the real questions lol) - but I could never quite find an answer I was satisfied with! Because I don't think taking all my favourites and smushing them together works, they just aren't as interesting together as mixups between characters who have bigger ideological differences. Like, he might be my fav captain but I don't want to choose Sisko over Janeway and Picard, I want to see him interact with Janeway and Picard, you know? So here's a sort of half-cooked, this-would-change-every-time-you-asked-me answer:
Captain: Ben Sisko First Officer: Michael Burnham (I wanna see them interact!!) Chief of Operations: Data Chief Xenoanthropologist: Chakotay (I know this is not an actual position in Star Trek but it should be!! The dude who makes sure dealings with alien cultures are being handled with respect, basically) Chief of Security: La'an Singh (trying to mix and match here) Chief Science Officer: Jadzia Dax (ft. Harry Kim always giving her ideas) Counsellor: Deanna Troi (ft. trainee Ezri Tigan) Chief Medical Officer: Julian Bashir (ft. Kes starting graphic and unhinged conversations about autopsies with him) Chief Engineer: Geordi La Forge (ft. B'Elanna on staff. Drama!!!) Helmsman: Ro Laren Communications: Hoshi Sato Also There: Kira Nerys (recurring character who works with them when it's relevant), Guinan (bartender), Admiral Picard (recurring character that makes Sisko do the iconic "Kai Winn is boarding the station" facepalm), Jake Sisko (son), Garak (local menace), and Admiral Janeway (temporal menace)
23. Favorite tropes?
Character's past comes back to haunt them. Character is forced to confront their inner demons in a way that blurs the line between imagination and reality. Member of an alien society seeks asylum. A peek into the world from the "outsider" character's eyes. Two people from opposite sides are forced to spend time together (and the guest character SLAPS). Captain is out of commission and the unlikeliest people are forced to step up. Oh no the holodeck isn't shutting down and the only way we can save everyone's life is to LARP through this thing fully committing to the bit. Here is a spacial anomaly that makes everyone act weird one by one (either revealing important hidden truths about the characters, or just letting the actors have too much fun). ALL of us have to go back in time together for some stupid reason (and it's amazing)
27. What do you wish they had handled differently?
SO many potential answers- but since it's always on my mind, I wish they'd followed through on the thread of Jem'Hadar dissent. In 'The Abandoned' we find out they're genetically engineered to (rapidly) grow very strong, be dependant on drugs, and loyal to the Founders while demanding no individual rights, which frames them as tragic victims. Then we get a Jem'Hadar character who not only broke free of the Dominion's hold on him, not only expresses but also acts on the dream of freeing his fellow soldiers- and a lead character (Julian) risks his career for him! Sisko tries to get through to them in 'Rocks and Shoals'. They're so clearly complex beings with unique thoughts & personalities & feelings & needs, and are constantly fighting this inhumanely imposed programming that tells them they're just killing machines who live to serve their masters. Even in lighthearted episodes like 'One Little Ship' we see conflict between the Gamma and Alpha Quadrant soldiers, for example. We could've had this be relevant to the Dominion War's resolution! We could've had a defector Jem'Hadar as a recurring character! We could've had Julian finally make that breakthrough & help start a Jem'Hadar revolt!! It could've been so much more interesting (and so much less racist)
33. Whose twitter feed would you most want to follow?
My first instinct was Dax, but I'm leaning more towards Jake Sisko- I feel like because he's the son of a Starfleet officer (but not in the service himself) he'd have absolutely zero fear of authority & he'd just post the most savage things about prominent Starfleet officers and blow up incredibly unflattering pics of all the admirals lol
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bettathanyou · 1 year
Babysitter Blues, Pt. 2
Part 2 of the Babysitter Blues fanfic, enjoy!! Thank you all for the love you've shown in part 1 <3
Ik this wasn't as long as the first chapter, but tbh it was really hard to write this part 💀 my ADHD and personal commitments was holding this middle part hostage. I just want this out of my drafts already, man 😭
but this story will wrap up in one more chapter, dunno when I'll get around to it but I aim to have it done by the end of this week <3
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"Alright, so what do you want to see, Auntie- flowers, puppetry, or the pretty spell?" Calista questioned, her large brown eyes peering up at you with a cheeky smile.
Your mind went blank as you looked down at the little girl before you. All of Calista's options were cleverly disguised as vague, and being naturally indecisive didn't help in your selection process. Feeling antsy to give a reply, you decide to speak what's exactly on your mind.
"To be honest, you gave such good options I'm not sure which to pick. Is 'all of the above' an answer?" You chuckle at your joke in an attempt to mask your embarrassment.
"Well, I guess we could do all of it... Not at the same time though, of course!"
Calista joins merrily in your laughter, and as you both laugh the embarrassment melts away from your core. As your laughter quiets, Calista readies her wand.
"I'll start off with the pretty spell, then!" Calista exclaims, flourishing her wand in dramatic, swooping arcs high above her head.
"A flair for the dramatic... just like her mother and uncle, it seems." You mused with a smile.
Looking at Calista's wand, your mind shuffled through the possibilities of what this spell entailed. You imagine it probably changes people's appearance, or the appearance of objects to be "pretty".
Even though such a spell could be harmless, you feel yourself worried about why a young girl has access to magic like that. You know too well of society's standards for women and girls, and the thought of someone teaching her to help uphold that standard made your skin tingle with anger.
"Calista, what exactly is this "pretty spell", anyways?" You asked, keeping your tone breezy and aloof to not offend her.
"I mean... I can't imagine you'd need it. You're lovely, just as you are." You added earnestly, clasping her hands into your own.
Calista's eyes widened at your compliment, her smile as bright and big as the sun.
"Aww... Thank you! That's what Mummy says too!" Calista beamed, her eyes shining with love at the mention of her mother.
As Calista smiles up at you, you suddenly remember the way Cordelia smiled as she called her daughter beautiful. Thinking of that tender moment makes a smile bloom on your own face as well.
"Right, of course. That's what mothers do." You nodded in affirmation.
"I learned this spell from watching her, too! Mummy's busy all the time, so sometimes she doesn't have time for makeup." Calista shrugged.
"Ahh, I see. So the spell puts her makeup on?" You quipped, nodding in understanding.
"Oh, no! That's a different spell." Calista waved you off. Seeing your confused stare, she waves you over.
Tentatively, you walk over and kneel down to Calista's height. She cups her hand near her mouth and leans into your ear, as if to whisper a secret. Instinctively, you lean in closer to hear her better.
"Mummy uses this spell for her wrinkles...! And her raven's feet!" Calista spoke quickly and quietly, pursing her lips shut tightly as she drew back from you.
"Raven's feet?" You mirror back, eyes blinking rapidly. As the words left your mouth, you felt what Calista was trying to say begin to click.
"Oh! You exclaimed, but Calista quickly put her finger to her lips and shushed you. Immediately, you drop your voice back down to a whisper.
"Oh... You mean crows feet?" You ask, and Calista nods in confirmation. There's a beat of silence, and your eyes widen at the realization that Calista just told you her mother uses magic to hide her age.
You bite your tongue to hold in your laughter, smirking to yourself. You wish Cedric was here to see this. You feel a laugh bubbling up from your throat, but quickly squash it down with a sharp cough. You look at Calista again, attempting to keep your face neutral.
"Well... That spell definitely has its uses." You murmur, unsure of what to say about that information you didn't want or need to know.
"Mhm! You can even use it too if you wanna!" Calista grinned, giving you an encouraging smile.
Your eyes widen at the child's remark, scoffing in equal parts shock and amusement. After a full second of just staring awestruck, you burst out laughing.
"Thank you, Calista. I'll keep it in mind... But for now, I plan on keeping my wrinkles." You purse your lips into a sarcastic smirk, trying to keep your chuckling to a minimum.
"If you say so, Auntie." Calista shrugged lazily, twirling her wand in her hand.
"Why did you learn a spell like that anyways? You're far from having to worry about things like that, Calista." You chided her, tongue clicking in disapproval.
"Allow me to demonstrate!" Calista's back straightens, her wand set slow in bright crimson light. Calista's wand dances in wide arcs as the spell leaves her lips.
"Ageitatus, reciproco, puerulus!" Calista sang, the words echoing off the stone walls of Cedric's tower.
With a flash, Calista's body shrank down twice it's normal size. Her wand landed with a loud clack as it hit the stone floor, rolling eerily next to your feet. The child's shoulder length locs now was a cropped mess of wispy black hair, her signature white streaks gone. Instead of red sorcerer robes, a red satin dress with fanning white ruffles laid snug against her tiny body. A dark red bow at her throat matched the smaller red bow clipped to her hair, pinning it in place away from her big doe eyes. Short stubby fingers reached out to you, her infant coos needy and fussy.
Your breath caught in your throat, looking down at the child- no.
In front of you. Your jaw hung slack, and you felt as if time itself had stopped. Your ears begin to ring, and you swallow hard against your now dry throat. You watch, frozen, as baby Calista begins moving towards you.
"Calista, th-this isn't funny. Y-you need to turn yourself back, right now!"
You choke out, tongue tied with horror.
Oblivious to your commands, the child continues to inch towards you on her chubby hands and knees. You follow Calista's gaze, and find out her goal wasn't you- instead, it was her wand that fell adjacent to your feet.
Your heart soared.
Maybe she's trying to reverse the spell after all? She could just look like a baby, but still be Calista on the inside... Right? You thought hastily, kneeling to pick up the wand at your feet.
Calista babbled at the sight of her wand, and with shaking hands you give it to her.
A squeal of happiness escapes her tiny lips, Calista's tiny fingers squeezing around the red object. She babbles while she shakes the wand around, her eyes twinkling like stars. Despite your panicked state, you feel your heart melt just a smidge.
"Okay, you have your wand; now, reverse the spell...!" You exclaimed, eyes searching for any signs of her understanding you.
The babe gave you an empty stare, her round and innocent eyes boring holes into you. You stare back, your eyes pleading for her to do something. As if on cue, Calista began to wander the room, absentmindedly waving her wand around. After a minute of desperate attempts at begging, you finally accept the fact that Calista was an infant through and through.
With the grim reality settling in, you feel a switch go off inside your brain. You tear your gaze away from Calista, turning instead to Cedric's work table.
You grasp at the worn leather surface of his spellbook, flipping through the pages. Thankfully, unlike his workshop, the spell book was neatly categorized in alphabetical order. You start shifting through the C's hoping to find a counter spell for Calista's plight.
As your eyes descend the pages, a loud BANG! makes you jump out of your skin from fright. Your head whips around to the source of the noise, finding the culprit giggling wickedly.
Calista holds out her pudgy arm, various bottles levitating in the air. With a clumsy wave of her wand, another bottle from the shelf flies towards the wall.
Reacting quickly, you manifest your wand and halt the object in its tracks. You sigh heavily, frustration bubbling up from your core. Gathering the levitating objects, you mutter a spell under your breath that sends them shooting back to their respective places.
"Looks like someone just lost their wand privileges for today." You muttered angrily.
With a huff you reach down to pluck the wand from Calista's grasp. Her brows furrowed as you wiggled the wand from her clamped fist, whimpers of protest leaving her.
"I know, I'm sorry honey; it's for your own good..." And for my own sanity, you thought to yourself. Successfully getting the wand from the child, you tuck it away in your dress pocket.
However, Calista's face was quickly turning as red as her dress. Her mouth was screwed up in a tight scowl, big brown saucers filled to the brim with tears. A howl ripped across the room, activating your nervous system.
"No, no no no! Please don't cry..!" You plead, kneeling down before her. You had very very little experience with happy babies, let alone the upset kind.
Her wails grew increasingly louder, but you still held firm in your decision to confiscate the wand. Sitting cross legged, you pull the crying babe onto your knee.
You hold her squirming body close to you, your mind reeling about how to comfort the poor girl. You tried digging around your brain to remember things Calista likes, but her cries drowned out all trace thoughts. It didn't help that Cedric's tower tends to be somewhat of an echo chamber. You felt suffocated by the constant stimuli, and Calista's rising screams made your temples throb.
At this point you wanted to cry with her.
You feel tears threaten to fall, but you quickly wipe your eyes and draw in a shaky breath. You keep taking deep breaths, actively ignoring the stress building up from the upset child. After a couple more deep breaths, you pull out your wand from your side.
You conjure up a rocking chair, lifting yourself off the ground with Calista on your hip. Her violent sobs make her entire frame shake, but you maintain an ironclad grip. You carefully drape the curtains over Cedric's window, only allowing a sliver of light to peek through. You murmur a spell that sets a nearby candle aflame and with a sigh, you gently settle yourself into the wooden rocking chair.
You put the upset child to your chest, cradling her into the crook of your neck. You feel tears and snot cooling rapidly on your skin, but you try not to think too hard about it. You begin to hum a lullaby as you gently push off the rocking chair using your feet. With steady momentum going, you hum a little bit louder to soothe yourself along with Calista.
You aren't sure of how much time passes, but eventually Calista's crying slowed into sniffles and finally into deep breaths of slumber. Your arm has lost all feeling from cradling Calista, but you weren't sure if moving her would be the best idea. After all the effort to calm her, you weren't ready for another meltdown. However, you still needed to find a way to fix this mess, and sitting on your ass wasn't the solution to this particular problem.
You fumble with your free hand as you slowly pull your wand from your dress pocket. With bated breath, you cautiously lift Calista using your magic. With the gentlest movements possible, you lay the girl onto Cedric's bed.
You begin to tuck Calista in, but you gasp as you almost forgot that blankets for children this young could kill them.
Merlin's mushrooms, why are babies so fragile?? You yell inwardly, gathering Cedric's blankets in your arms. His scent wafts up from movement of the fabric, and you take in as much air as your lungs would allow.
The smell of old books, his soap, and the earthy smell of dried herbs makes your heart flutter. Your moment is ruined, however, when you think of how Cedric would react to seeing his niece in such a state on your watch. Your mouth becomes dry, and you hastily tuck Cedric's bedding into his clothes closet. Shutting the door, you push the thought into the back of your mind.
"I can fix this..." You whisper to yourself anxiously. There were simply no other options; you had to fix this- hopefully, with no one knowing the wiser.
Grabbing the candle you lit earlier, you perch at Cedric's worktable to resume your counter spell searching. Your heart claws with anxiety with every page you flip. Your finger traces the words you silently read aloud, but nothing seems to match what you need. Disappointed but not dissuaded, you continue.
Digging through spells that could relate to aging or changing one's body, a knock coming from the other side of Cedric's door pulls the air from of your lungs.
You stare at the door in silence, your skin tingling with terror. You hear your heart thundering in your chest, and your palms quickly grow slick with sweat. Your breathing feels unbearably loud, coming in short erratic bursts.
A knock on the door appears again, firmer this time. A voice calls out, cutting the silence like a sharp blade.
"Mr. Cedric? Are you there?"
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lirri-eats-eyes · 8 months
okay i want to talk about this more bc it was important to me. i know skyborn's ending felt rushed to me specifically, but after rereading it, it isn't necessarily unrealistic. ellie is a serial optimist and she's known for being stubborn, so with things looking up for her, it makes sense that she would want to embrace this ideal new setting and not think too much about the past, with nox still being her foil (he's more reluctant to fit a role in society, even in this Totally New and Better Perfect one)
i recognize the fact that the new thelantis might need a force to protect corion/other royalty since tensions are still probably running high with the rapid transition of power, and maybe they need a force to help with rescuing and construction, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that there's still effectively an organized police force after there were two whole books instructing us that That's A Bad Idea, Actually. It honestly feels like they're continuing the tradition because they don't know how to rule in any other way, and again, that makes realistic sense. But there's probably more change and instability to come even after the ending which is painted ideally in Ellie's final POV.
I think this specific conflict is bound to happen because both Ellie and Mother Rosemarie are changing rapidly near the end. Ellie was already orphaned at a young age, but she was also tasked with literally Saving The World at what, age 12-13? There's that weird combination of "you weren't chosen because you were special, don't let it get to your head" and "you were right about a lot of things actually, and no one listened to you even though they should have." She's been forced into this role of a leader and a fighter against the entire world, and it takes an extremely visible toll on her mental health by the third book. She longs for any adult to just listen to her and take on her burden instead. At the same time…she can't be comfortable in a child's role anymore. She understands her own power and won't hesitate to enforce it, something most kids aren't allowed to do. She'll be stuck in this weird in between where she wants nothing more than to be cared for, but she doesn't want to be coddled.
Additionally, she's seen a lot more things than most of the adults in the sparrow village have never dreamed of, so it's hard to see where her travelled experience ends and where their lived experience begins. She's going to be frustrated at the lack of knowledge Mother Rosemarie has, but she's also not going to listen to the valid advice Rosemarie can give her.
Mother Rosemarie, on the other hand...ok this part is more speculation but I see her as someone who was an extreme realist when it came to the tangible power her people had as second-class citizens; she reasons to herself that no, she doesn't actually think sparrows are weak, but as things are, there's no way one could become a goldwing, and that's unfair, but there's nothing she can do about it. and maybe that turns into "well, maybe what they're saying about the biological difference is true" and "we just don't have the right temperment; it's not in our culture." Maybe part of her feels protective about ellie because of a possible similarity -- maybe she sees ellie as a younger her whose dreams are inevitably crushed.
By phoenix rising though, she breaks through that line of thinking and recognizes the true power of the sparrow clan, and is completely on board with ellie's plan. There is this new appreciation for her culture that she's never been allowed to tap into, and it must be so cathartic. To finally be proud to call oneself a sparrow, to believe in the dreams she repressed early on. Perhaps a bit too invested in this idea, and that's where this conflict begins
There's also a bit of old dialogue that we have to consider. Ellie feels betrayed by mother rosemarie as only a kid can. you can only hear "it's for your own good" so many times before you never trust other people to be invested in your wellbeing again. Mother Rosemarie feels like Ellie is naiive and doesn't acknowledge her status as a sparrow and consequent status in society, maybe even feels like Ellie, who wants to be a Goldwing, is ashamed of her species and the barrier it creates for her. This is never addressed by the end, and all I know is that if there's a problem as big as that, it's rarely ever going to be taken to someone's grave.
so, there's the crux of the issue. Ellie doesn't respect Mother Rosemarie's real experience and power because she's been forced into a role where children have to hold the power or else they all die, and she doesn't trust an adult to properly wield that power anymore. She takes something like "I'm concerned that so much pressure is being put on you, how about you take a step back before you burn out?" as "I'm holding my authority over your head because I feel like it." Mother Rosemarie is riding the high of her newfound empowerment as a sparrow, failing to notice that Ellie has baggage when it comes to pride in one's species*, and inaccurately reading any baggage as straight-up shame. This is compounded by the fact that neither of them are listening to eachother, Ellie because her conclusions have been validated many times and she's still learning how to properly interact with people who disagree with her, and Mother Rosemarie because she's misinterpreting Ellie's words as rhetoric that has kept her down for most of her life and has only recently been disproved. They both feel like the other is very far behind.
*this is also a headcannon. Throughout the story Ellie remains connected to certain parts of her culture like sunflower oil for her wings, or even arguably her way of problem solving or her morals, but culture isn't just substances and traits. It's also the people; and the people haven't been perfect to Ellie. No doubt she feels connected to the community that raised her, but it was also the community who kept her down for so long, and it was a crow, a falcon, and a mockingbird-crane clanner who finally uplifted her.
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[OC Outfit Doodle Asks] Any of the Dezina cast in sleep attire, especially if it'd be particularly adorable and/or funny
*rises from the dead to answer this*
I was doing a little research on this question and every time I do I realize how different our current concept of underwear/sleepwear is from most cultures throughout history.
Since my comic is vaguely based on early 1900's time period, it would make sense for them to have sleepwear is is literally just the clothes they wear under their outer garments. I could see Ellie gravitating towards the ribbed tanktop and shorts because it would feel more familiar to her.
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Of course, that being said, I can picture the Avian cultures as having some variety in sleepwear (they aren't a monoculture!) so I think the concept of having sleepwear that is isn't just your undergarments wouldn't be unusual to them.
I gave Tayver some loose fitting pajamas with a t-shirt because-- hey, T-shirts where actually getting manufactured in 1898 as an undergarment! :D (the more you know!)
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For Narine, I liked the idea of giving her more of a loose tunic with more traditional pajama pants (ie, loose fitted but taper at the ankle). She obviously couldn't wear this under her normal clothes, so this would be sleepwear only. Perhaps distinct sleepwear is a form of modesty if Avian womens' undergarments changed to become more form fitting?
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Now... when I discussed historical underwear with my historical fashion comic nerds friends, they got hooked on the union suit (aka, the Victorian onesie). So I decided to draw Lyson in it. He seems like a guy who likes to be comfy.
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Now let me just say. The more I read about the union suit, the more I was filled with sinking dread. I always thought they were goofy and didn't want to touch them with a 6ft pole, but apparently these things were really popular!
Backing up a bit... the union suit was originally designed for WOMEN to be a more comfortable alternative than what they normally wore (chemise + corset) but it didn't really catch on... instead men got really into it.
And I can see it's utility... you never have to worry about undershirts getting untucked, or freezing in a house with no central heating... But there were stories about dudes putting on their union suits for winter and just WEARING IT ALL WINTER (they had butt flaps, so... I guess this was feasible). One guy supposedly wore his for so long that his leg hair grew through the fabric and he had to be cut out of it!
Anyways, union suits are mostly seen in a comedic way nowadays, so there must have been a falling out at some point. I have a theory for why that is. I think we flew too close to the sun. The union suits provided too much comfort for people to handle responsibly. They must have been like the sweatpants or yogapants of the day where it took society by storm and oversaturated the population until everyone got sick of them, causing them to rapidly fall out of style.
Anyways, these are the challenges of writing historical fiction that no one talks about. Navigating dumb trends that are only dumb in hindsight! So hard to frame these things as normal to the characters when you know readers are gonna read it with modern eyes.
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alexanicholsauthor · 1 year
Questions To Ask A Wild Rampaging Alexa...
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Ripped from the website Ponly
What books can you recommend?
So many. My favorites are the Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor Lavey, The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker, and numerous other occult and metaphysical books... my interests are all over the place!
What was the last joke that made you laugh?
I tend to laugh at everything, especially TikTok videos and memes. I can't even remember.
How would you characterize your best friend?
Selfless and brave.
Do you have a character you often compare yourself to?
No. I'm too weird to even attempt that!
Do you spend weekends with your family?
I try, but most of the time, I can't. I make up for this during the week as much as possible. Of course, my 'family' pretty much amounts to my baby squirrel and my big brother, so...
Who is your favorite foreign singer?
What was the last fear you were able to overcome?
It took me a while to think of an answer to this. Not because I don't have any fears, of course, but because most of the things I would consider 'fears' were conquered a looong time ago. I think the last fear I conquered would have to be social media. For most of my life, I didn't partake in it; I didn't see the need. That and all the horror stories I kept hearing acted as a serious deterrent. Now? I practically live on Twitter.
What is the weirdest game you have ever played?
Harvester. I loved, hated, and was creeped out by it - all at the same time.
What is the most mind-blowing piece of art you have ever seen?
I'm amazed by most forms of art, especially those done with obvious passion. I'm a huge fan of passion; it makes for fantastic creative works.
What is your favorite computer game?
Skyrim! Though The Witcher 3 is rapidly moving up on my list of favorites.
What things would you like to change in the world?
1. Racism. It baffles me how something as simple as skin pigment can make people feel at odds with one another. We seem to be the only creatures on the planet that does this... why?
2. Sexism. The idea that just because I'm female, I am somehow less than or weaker. Physically, yes, I understand, but there are far more important things than physical strength. In today's society, physical strength is low on the totem poll.
3. Religious entitlement. Just because someone has a different religion than you doesn't mean they are any better or worse. They are simply different. That would be like hating someone because they eat American cheese and you don't. Food tastes are different depending on the person... so is religion.
What dish would you never be able to refuse?
Eggs Benedict. They are the bane of my existence (health-wise).
What type of stereotypes are you most sick of?
That women are or should be subservient to men. That we like to be catcalled and anointed with endearing names like 'honey' or 'dear' by absolute strangers. That we want to be hit on or touched by people we don't even know. That we want unsolicited pictures of dicks.
Is there something you are afraid of asking in public?
I hate asking people for anything, even small, simple things. My big brother scolds me for this all the time. He says I have too much pride; I say I'm fiercely independent. That 'pride' has made me strong, self-sufficient, and smarter than your average. However, I do see his point: I can sometimes get overzealous...
If you could start this day anew, what would you do?
Find ways to get even more accomplished than I did. I'm huge on efficiency.
Between DC and Marvel, what would you choose?
Marvel. I don't think I've ever read a DC comic, while at one point I was actually collecting Marvel!
What is/was your favorite class at school?
Athletics. I've always been naturally athletic, so this was my favorite class. Academically, it would have to be English. Especially when we studied classical literature, like myths and pantheons. I fell in love with writing because of those.
What do you think happiness consists of?
True Friendship.
When you feel there is someone annoying at a party, how do you react?
I actively avoid/ignore them.
Have you ever had an urge to leave your city and live somewhere in the countryside surrounded by rivers and magnificent mountains?
Oh, hell no. I am way too bougie to make it in the country! I love my conveniences; there is no way I could live without them. I mean, I COULD, but I definitely wouldn't like it!
Do you have an animal you adore?
Dragons. I've always had a deep fascination with them, even when I was a little girl. If you're talking about real animals, it would have to be dogs. I love them so much. I like cats too, but I adore dogs way more.
Hearing a well-respected person criticizing your loved one, what would you do?
Light. Them. Up!
What is your happiest childhood memory?
I have so many that it would be difficult to emphasize just one. Most include my big brother; very few have anything to do with my 'parents.'
What is the thing you are most grateful for?
Would you never try rather than die trying?
I try to never say never, but skydiving is high on the list. And Bungie jumping.
Have you ever had any experiences to meet your favorite artist?
I don't have a favorite artist. More on that in a bit.
Can you cut relationships with people pulling you down?
Yes. I have a history of it. In fact, I've become good at it!
What is your dream job?
Being a writer.
What makes you feel proud of yourself?
Completing a story and then receiving feedback on said story. I put a lot of work into my works, so when it's all finally finished and in the hands of my readers - and they take time out of their lives to give me their opinions on it - bliss. I mean, they could be doing anything else, but they used their precious time to read one of my works. Fucking mind blowing!
What inspires you the most?
My baby squirrel. This little wench has not only beat cancer and was a trooper throughout the entire thing but also quit smoking and drinking cold turkey. I am honestly in awe of her, and she inspires the shit out of me when I'm undertaking, well, anything.
Do you think money can buy happiness?
Actually, yes. I know conventional wisdom says 'no,' but I believe it can.
What is your favorite flower?
Actually, I'm not too fond of flowers. Venus fly traps, maybe? Black Dahlias? Black roses?
What are three words that make you smile?
I love you. I could insert some weird or funny answers, but honestly, those three words mean a lot to me. They always put a smile on my face (not when said by strangers, though. That's creepy).
Can you name a place where you have never been to but wish to go?
Japan! (That one was so easy 😄)
What human qualities do you cherish?
Loyalty and honesty.
What language do you want to learn?
Who is the person you admire?
I admire several people, but I'm going to assume you mean "the most." That would be my big brother.
What is your favorite midnight cocktail?
I don't drink alcohol, and even when I did, I never drank cocktails. So I have no idea.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
This is easy: "Don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose."
Who is your favorite artist?
I don't have favorite artists of any genre of work; I have favorite works. And they are legion. I've always wondered about people that are fans of other people, stating that everything they make is golden. That isn't possible, nor is it true. Yes, you can have artists that resonate with you more often than not and be fond of those artists, but I don't. Not truly.
How do you deal with criticism?
It honestly depends on the person and reason. I firmly believe in the Rorschach (ink blot) test, which states that people project themselves onto you. Their observations, tone, and worldview are truly representative of the way they think and how they see themselves. People will snitch themselves off pretty quickly if you allow them to speak long enough.
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plumsmuseum · 2 years
So This Is Love?
I, in my 21 years of living, admit that I have never once held a hand, or maybe even shared a glimpse romantically. I've heard and fantasized about the kind of high school romance you'd see in a cheesy rom-com, or read from sickly sweet novels with overly gratuitous proclamations of love, intensity, and desire, of course (who hasn't!), but I never really believed I was worth enough to be loved like that.
And so, I went about my life as I had, believing I was incapable and unworthy of romance. I thought I was "an old soul" within the throes of a society favoring hookup culture as opposed to the traditional, pride and prejudice style "declaration of passionate love in the rain" I was so exposed to as a child. I thought I was too different to be understood, and I felt very, very lonely because of it.
Thinking back on it, I feel like a self-obsessed idiot for thinking that I could be so, completely unique that no one else, amongst the 7 billion people could ever relate to me. While I improved myself, and healed, I realized that everyone was as equally flawed as I was. It was a relief.
So, I thought to myself one day, "If I really am so curious about love and romance, what would be the harm in getting a dating app and exploring the market?". And so, I did. Mostly also because I wanted to get rid of all the anxiety and shyness that swept through me whenever I was near a man. It was getting a little difficult to see myself with someone if I can't even bring myself to look at the opposite sex.
I downloaded and swiped, and felt quite gross for judging people so brashly and with such ease. Truthfully, there really is no way of knowing if I'd ever actually click with someone before meeting them. I realized this then, but this will play a bigger part in the story later.
So, I matched with a few people, ignored some because of sheer overwhelm, and made uncomfortable small talk about hobbies, current studies or work, and... fruit. I cringe at the small talk, even weeks after I had initiated it.
Eventually, someone had asked me on a date. I had clearly voiced my boundary of staying friends, but we agreed to meet anyways. The meeting was painfully awkward. I mentioned my discomfort, and my date ever-so-graciously laughed in my face and stayed as quiet as possible so he could, and I quote, "watch me squirm".
Despite that, he was nice. Told me to slow down and take my time when I was running late, offered me a ride back to my sister's house, which I was staying at for the night, and consistently gave me little compliments throughout the night. Men aren't as scary and mean as I had thought. I'm glad it happened.
Even so, throughout the date I was.. a different version of myself. I was anxious and nervous, and giggled like a child, my voice high-pitched and soft, just because I was so shaky. I wrote afterwards that I had never felt as vulnerable and girlish as I had in quite a long time. Truthfully, I think that part of me should be more apparent in daily life. My femininity was an old, friendly, but socially non-existent aspect of my personality that would be good to rekindle.
I ended the night on a high. I'm not sure if it's because of the pride I had for myself for doing something hard, the adrenaline that comes from meeting someone new, or the excitement from a potential love interest in my life. I don't think it's the last one.
The date had reminded me of my competence. It made me see myself from my date's perspective; ditzy and giggly, but lovable nonetheless. Lovable. I saw myself as lovable. First time for everything, hey? But it sparked something in me. I see myself as someone worthy and capable of intimacy. I pictured myself and him in a relationship and realized that it is likely to happen, if I so choose. I realized that I had romantic potential. And I had never, ever, saw myself as someone who was capable of being in a relationship. It changed my perspective, very rapidly, very immediately, and very overwhelmingly.
Along with it came the "evaluation". The guy was nice, but we didn't have the same humor, or interests, or really much at all in common I think. The evaluation of my date, along with the small talk I had on the dating app, also woke me up to what I wanted from my relationships.
I wanted quiet, calm, and peace. I wanted someone to talk to, who would understand my neuroticism, and why I take the steps I do to prevent it. I wanted to call someone while crying over a documentary. I want someone to be as soft with me as I would be to them. Intimacy. I wanted intimacy, and support.
Which doesn't have to exist solely from men.
The bumble date made me realize I wanted to be more authentic. I wanted to dress differently and act differently as I usually do. I want to be more quiet and calm, as I usually am when I'm alone. I no longer want to hide behind a guise of friendliness. I want to wear dramatic makeup.
The bumble date made me more at peace with the abundance of love I have now, and the realization that the intimacy I craved can also come from my friends and family, if I so choose to initiate. It made me realize that I push people away because I fear getting too close. It made me realize that I actually can ring people up, or tell them about my issues, or let myself cry in front of them, as long as I make the choice to.
The bumble date made me more aware of the fact that I had been governed under the motivation to be loved for a very long time. By everyone, friends, boys, my own family. It made me realize that, even if I care about the people around me deeply, I draw a line between myself and others, never really letting anyone close. I realize that my adamant desire and drive to get people to love me was a ploy. I don't think I ever should have cared. After meeting someone new, with no attachments to any of my social circles, I realized how sick I am of socializing. How tired I am of trying to convince other people of who i am. I realized that I don't know who i am. And I realized that i really, really wanted to.
I do want love. And I do want a relationship. But I want to be happy with who I am and who I'm with, first and foremost. I think for now, I'll focus on allowing myself to just be, and allow myself to do kind things for the people in my life. The rest will come if that's what's in the cards for me.
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yourwitchmama · 4 years
What To Expect During the Mercury Retrograde 2021
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Yes, it is that time again, the infamous Mercury retrograde. Yet, the unusual paths we take and the unexpected twists in life are important to pay attention to, since they give awareness to necessary karmic lessons. It is important to understand that we need these periods in order to maintain balance in our lives. The Mercury retrogrades are known for bringing experiences of leaving one state to enter a new one, and in 2021, this retrograde will be bringing us great change. This retrograde will help us adjust to the great change and volatility in the societal system that will come from Saturn and Jupiter beginning a new cycle together, while Saturn additionally forms three square aspects with Uranus. Although Mercury retrograde has been demonized by many, it is in fact a natural phase of dissolution, purification, and regeneration that is essential to the function of Mercury. Part of Mercury’s role is to destabilize dynamics in order to loosen control and bring about a turning point in narrative and meaning. While in retrograde, Mercury transitions from being visible into an invisible phase during which it comes closest to earth in orbit, intensifying its impact on our lives. The backward motion of Mercury calls upon us to reflect upon ourselves as human beings. This the time to shed what is no longer needed, be that people, an unhealthy lifestyle, a job or house change, etc.
Think of the Death Major Arcana tarot card. It isn’t about physical death, but metaphorical death and change. The phrase “no mud, no louts” comes into play when Mercury is in retrograde, meaning that without the hard times and endings, there can be no birth and opportunity. This hope and positivity will be needed during the fundamental restructuring of societal systems that will take place in 2021. Mercury usually goes through three retrograde phases each year in the same element, and during 2021, Mercury will be retrograde in the air signs of Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. 
So, how is Mercury affected by air signs? Mercury has an affinity with the element of air, as it shares qualities with this element such as mobility, flexibility, and versatility. This means, changing our use of technology and reformulating the way we gather ideas and communicate information so that we stay current with the major changes across global society. Censoring and shadowbanning will be an issue, but without this retrograde, we wouldn’t see the problem, thus we will let it go unnoticed. No mud, no lotus. Since the air element accelerates movement, there will be rapidly developing trends and collective movements we will need to adjust to and understand. We will also need to become more effective in applying critical thinking skills toward the information we receive from external sources, and so we can utilize the periods of Mercury retrograde for realizing what needs to change in our thinking and problem solving. You need to understand who funds the information sources you are looking at, and you need to do your own research and critical thinking on every single aspect of information, or you may be following something blindly based on emotion, especially during the Mercury retrograde.
 Mercury being retrograde in each of the air signs is especially significant due to 2021 being the beginning of a new era of Jupiter and Saturn uniting in only air signs that will last until 2159. Wow, that’s a long time. Well, sometimes great change in human evolution and understanding needs time… As part of the transition, we will experience three exact square aspects between Saturn in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus that will correspond with upheaval in societal structures as we adapt to an old era passing away. Things will not be returning to the way they were before 2020, and so we will need to develop stabilizing forms while the world around us goes through radical change. We may think things will “go back to normal” but astrology and current world events tell us that we will not have anything close to “normal”.
The first two exact square aspects between Saturn and Uranus on February 17 and June 14 will occur while Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius and Gemini, and so our experience of Mercury retrograde in 2021 will be pivotal in how we reorient our perception and mindset to align with the fundamental reshaping of global systems that will be taking place in correspondence. Globally, things are going to get… interesting to say the least. With numerous wars being started as we speak, and the United States being flooded with military, we are going to be in for a bumpy ride as WW3 starts looking more and more possible. You can tell something is going on if you look up, there are a lot of UFOS flying around. Check out MUFON for UFO picture submissions. I am putting this gently, but I need to tell you the truth of what is happening, or I feel like a bad sugar coating astrologer. Scared? Don’t be. This needs to happen if we want to evolve into a higher and more open minded dimension. Accept what is happening, work with it, and make it so that you will prosper and tell your children, and your children’s children what you have gone through to make their world a better place. So, how are the signs affected? 
🌎Earth Signs: ♉️ ♍️ ♑️ Sorry, earth signs, things are going to be rocky for you. There is a lack of common ground between air and earth signs. Earth signs are prone to routines that bring stability and grounding, while air signs are much more about movement and changing perspectives. The three Mercury retrograde periods will bring critical information regarding major changes you need to make with your work, schedules, and finances that will require openness to being more flexible and versatile. You won’t be able to stay in your comfort zone of the way things have been in the past. 
🔥Fire Signs: ♌️ ♈️ ♐️ Fire signs share an active quality with the element of air that is comfortable with an acceleration of events, which will be helpful in moving with the sweeping changes across society. You will need to be open to changing your mind and listening to new perspectives with Mercury retrograde in air signs. It will be important to seek out different information sources and people who think differently from you so you can gather a wider perspective on events in your decision making. Don’t rely on one person or one source or one social media platform. Look at ALL sources and make up YOUR mind instead of someone making up your mind for you. Being open to new viewpoints will also lead to important developments in your relationships and expanding your community.
🌊Water Signs: ♋️ ♏️ ♓️ While water and air signs are similar in being open to new ideas and influences, the tendency of water signs for being receptive and slowing things down will need to be adapted to the more active and accelerated quality of the air element. You will need to find outlets for processing your feelings and making space to explore how your inner world is being impacted by the great changes happening in external events. Yet you will also need to take a more active role in decision making so that you are not being too passive amidst the larger shifts in society taking place.
🌬Air Signs: ♊️ ♎️ ♒️ These changes are not going to be as hard for you to handle than the other signs, since you can go wherever the wind takes you. 
🗓 Dates for Mercury Retrograde 2021: January 15: Mercury enters retrograde shadow zone (11°01’ – 26°29’ Aquarius) January 23: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to slow down) January 30: Mercury stations retrograde at 26°29’ Aquarius February 8: Mercury conjunct the sun at 20°01’ Aquarius (closest to Earth) February 20: Mercury stations direct at 11°01’ Aquarius March 6: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to speed up) March 12: Mercury leaves retrograde shadow zone May 14: Mercury enters retrograde shadow zone (16°07’ – 24°43’ Gemini) May 17: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to slow down) May 29: Mercury stations retrograde at 24°43’ Gemini June 10: Mercury conjunct the sun at 20°21’ Gemini (closest to Earth) June 22: Mercury stations direct at 16°07’ Gemini July 5: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to speed up) July 7: Mercury leaves retrograde shadow zone September 6: Mercury enters retrograde shadow zone (10°07’ – 25°28’ Libra) September 13: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to slow down) September 26: Mercury stations retrograde at 25°28’ Libra  October 9: Mercury conjunct the sun at 16º35′ Libra (closest to Earth) October 18: Mercury stations direct at 10°07’ Libra October 25: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to speed up) November 2: Mercury leaves retrograde shadow zone
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camslightstories · 4 years
All of you
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Lena Luthor x Fem. Reader
Request - Anonymous
Warnings: Angst, homophobic comments, self hatred, negative comments and thoughts. 
Notes: Hey Guys! How are you guys doing? So First of all I'm sorry for taking so much time to write and I hope you guys are doing great! My messages and asks box are always open. I think this request has been the easiest but scariest to write and I hope you would like it! It’s a little overwhelming I know but I'm here if you need a friend.
I’m always open to hear about suggestions, comments, theories and more. Right now until I get caught up with my request I'm not accepting more but when I finished all of them, I will! Hope you guys enjoy have a great day!
Taglist: @captain-josslett​ @aznblossom​ @multi-images
National City had become your home after you and your family immigrated to the US from Y/H/C. The streets that once looked mysterious now were more than familiar. The library which took your time most of the afternoons. The park that was less than a mile away from your house where you went to find calmness when you could. The small cafe restaurant right around the park where you and your family went to celebrate sometimes when your parents could afford it. The small music store in which you spent your summers working and studying during your high school years. Everything was familiar, was safe and it didn't change with time. 
You appreciated your family, you loved them and you couldn't be more grateful for them but there were times that you wish you understood them. Every day your parents had been putting pressure on your shoulders that sometimes was too hard to manage, there were comments of how you needed to look, how you needed to be, what you needed to be, and more. You kept quiet as both of your parents recited every day what was wrong with you and what needed to change.
With the passing of the years you learned to keep quiet and just go with whatever they were saying, it was easier. Easier to explain to them why you wouldn't want things, or why you would feel a certain way. And with two parents constantly reminding you how you need it to be to fit in society, you learned to keep quiet. 
There were contradicting things, and comments that made you wonder about your life with them. Things like ‘We came here for you, we had a built life in our country but we wanted you to be better, small jokes about the LGBT community jokes about people with different weight and more. They would comment on what you were wearing, what you had done with your hair, why you wouldn't put makeup on, why you wouldn't hang out like the other kids, everything had always a small comment and you learned to live with it. 
Sometimes you wished you would say something, as you cried in your bedroom until you couldn't more. You looked at the mirror and saw all of those imperfections that they had remarked, and you hated it. You hated the fact that you stood in front of a mirror and every single time there was a self-hatred coming from you.
You hated that you didn't look like they wanted as much as you tried. You hated that you weren't comfortable with everything you did even though they said that it was going to make you feel sure of yourself. You hated the fact that you couldn't go an hour, feeling like the best you could without having a comment on how you looked. How it wasn't appropriate for society, how you looked like a shadow, a scared child, someone who doesn't take care of themselves, how you just looked unpleasant even if you tried your best. 
The black combat boots you had been longing for so long had finally found a way in your feet, after months of doubts and saving you had finally got them. You moved your feet as you sat in the car on the way to the restaurant with your family since a friend of your parents was in town. 
A smile on your face as you check your outfit, a grey crew neck knitted with black mom jeans, and your small cross-body purse on your right shoulder. Without noticing you guys had arrived at the restaurant. You got out of the car, like the moon and the stars brighten the night, looking up smiling, you registered that it was the first night out your family had made a comment about how you look, and with victory, you started to walk to the sidewalk beside your family. 
Your father looked up from his phone and eyed you from head to tone in a questionable glance, before sighing as he rubbed his temples. “Y/N, you look like a homeless person. Couldn't you at least find something good to wear in that closet of yours? We are dining with the O’mells, couldn't you at least look presentable ”
“Yeah, little sis looks like princess Fiona. All ugly” Your older brother joked as he laughed loudly, hitting you in the shoulder. Your bit the inside of your mouth as the insecurities started to come into your thoughts. Rubbing your shoulder carefully because of the impact.
Your younger brother interrupted, before both of the guys started to laugh. You looked down at your shoes, as you felt a tear ran through your cheek quickly cleaning it as you heard your father clearing his throat. “Don't get me started on the horrendous shoes, what are you a lesbian?”
“You have five minutes to look presentable, put on makeup so you don't look like a zombie, and next time you are not entering with us if you don't look like the lady you should be.” He said before opening the door of the restaurant as your mother gave you the keys to the car.
“Yes sir, I will. I’m sorry, so sorry” You responded immediately only to be ignored by them. You breathed in and out as you felt the need to let the tears fall but keep quiet looking at the car window as your reflection came across it. 
Your head was so involved in your insecurities that you see the young black-haired woman that had been standing a few meters from you watching the scene unsolved.
Lena stood there captivated by you the moment you had gotten out of the car, completely forgetting the fact that she had called over a taxi. Clenching her jaw as she saw the way your family had basically shamed you. She waited until they had left and walked to where you stood in front of the car window. 
Your Y/E/C eyes staring back at yourself lost in your head. Your hands held the car keys strongly, as a way to control your insecurities. You bit your lip as your eyes raked over your face, tears invading your eyes.
She slowly approached you before touching your shoulder softly. You flinched as she did, and turned around immediately with a concerned expression on your face. Your eyes looked down apologizing only for two green eyes to be looking right at you. 
Her black hair falling on her shoulder, a green tucked-in shirt, and a concerned expression hidden behind the charming smile of the woman. Immediately speaking as she kept eye contact. “Hi, I’m Lena”
“I’m Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N” You responded introverted after a second with fidgeting hands.
“Lovely name, for a charming person” She stated flirtatiously with a smile. You looked at the green-eyed woman confused, the older woman tilted her head as you immediately looked behind you curiously because of her comment. 
Noticing Lena’s expression you pointed at yourself, and the woman seemed to understand perfectly, nodding rapidly with a smile on her face before speaking. “You are quite lovely, and I would love to offer you dinner if you want tomorrow?”
“I-” You started as your insecurities flowed in. You were looking at the black-haired woman apologetically, only to stop as you looked over to the window to see your family on one of the tables smiling and laughing with the O’mells. 
Looking away from them, you looked down and back up. Glancing at her before finishing talking as fast as you could, letting out a sigh which converted into a small smile when the green-eyed woman laughed as she put her hand out, asking for your phone. “Yeah, I would love to”
“Okay then. Here is my number darling. See you tomorrow at 7 here then.” She stated rapidly as her hand lingered on your phone, while you annotated your number on her phone. 
A taxi stopped in front of the restaurant making the black-haired look away from you as she sighed. Lena walked closer leaving a small kiss on the palm of your hand before walking away. A redness crept on your cheeks as she did, making you look at the ground. 
Ten months, ten great months. With hidden moments that made your heart flutter every time. Kisses that grounded you, comments that made you blush furiously, cuddles after hard days, dates that you wished to be never-ending, and moments that you cherish every second of it. Your insecurities and fears were forgotten by the comments Lena made, only coming out on small moments that were inevitable, moments when you felt the self-hatred coming back, moments where you loved everything except yourself. 
The soft smell of plumerias invaded your nose as you sat in the university library, books surrounding your table as you studied with handwriting on the notebook and the other rubbing your temple while reading through the book in front of you. 
You kept studying until a soft hand touched your waist softly, immediately you moved away looking at the person weirdly ready to argue with the person only to find your girlfriend in her business attire. The bouquet was full of plumerias on one of her hands and a large bag of food on the other hand with a charming smile on her face as she sat next to you.
Your face lightened up speaking and immediately blushed when she reached for your cheek leaving a small peak on it, trying to remove the evident red mark on your cheek she rubbed it softly with her hands. “Babe! What are you doing here?”
“Hello, love. I wanted to see you, plus I knew you weren’t gonna eat anything because of your research project and I miss you” She responded immediately smiling widely.  
You tilted your head before shaking your head carefully looking at her before looking down to the carpet floor as you responded. “I miss you too, you didn’t have to come all the way here. You are a busy woman Lee, I’m not supposed to waste your time-”
“Darling, don't ever doubt that you are wasting my time. To me it's the best and most important part of my day is when I'm with you” She interrupted bringing your face up with her finger, closing the distance between the two of you immediately with a short breathtaking kiss. With your cheeks burning red, the two of you rested your foreheads with each other as she spoke softly looking at you as if you were the most precious thing on the planet, and with that glint in her eyes, she made you believe it. 
The different laughs are heard on the balcony as the rest of Lena’s friends and somewhat your friends sat on the living room floor. Screaming, laughing, eating, and competing in another game night. You stand on the balcony with a wine cup and your phone answering the text your dad had sent you. Your dry and immediate response was already answered with a goodbye. Your fingers hovering over the keyboard as you hesitated and typed the wanted message only to remove it immediately as you took every last drop of the wine on your glass. 
Staring at the lighted city, you wondered. You wondered if you were finally ready, you wondered if the feeling of happiness and butterflies in your chest would ever become pain again, you wondered if what your family had said over the years was true, you wondered if Lena would ever get tired of you, if she would wake up one day and realize the butterflies she once had for you were now gone, you wondered until you felt the familiar presence of your girlfriend hugging you from behind. 
She murmured into your neck, as she rested her chin on your shoulder. Your scented shampoo and fragrance filling her nose makes her leave small kisses on your cheek while speaking “Are you okay?”
“I want to tell my parents, Lee” You immediately admitted turning around meeting the sight of your girlfriend. Her hair was down with small waves on the end, her oversized button-up shirt you usually wore in her apartment with rolled sleeves and some of the bottoms completely open revealing some of her freckles on her cleavage.
A sincere look of confusion, worries, and happiness on her face. Grabbing both of your hands delicately she spoke when you kept silent and started to fidget with your fingers. Rubbing the palm of your hand softly as she spoke. “Y/N, love, are you sure? Whatever you want to do, whenever, and however. I'm always going to be by your side”
When the words came out of her mouth, she didn't hesitate to bring you into a warm embrace, holding you close by the waist as you rested your head on her shoulder. The two of you swaying slowly at the sound of the music Kara had put on the TV while you spoke softly looking up to kiss her only to be interrupted by a yelling voice. “Thank you-” 
“You took my potsticker! Lena, Alex took my potsticker!” Kara yelled, glaring at Alex. Alex kept her challenging stance glaring at her sister, Sam, and Lucy choking down the laugh as the Danvers Sisters kept up. 
“You ate mine! Y/N come and defend my honor, your best friend's honor” Alex shouted desperately, making you laugh as you looked at Lena, seeing her chuckled before walking inside separating the two when she took the other box of potstickers out of the refrigerator, both of them running to the kitchen to either side of the black-haired woman.
You laughed as you saw Lena scold your best friend and her best friend, making them walk back to the sofa giving the potstickers to Sam and Lucy and leaving some for you and her. The Danvers duo sitting on the floor as they started to shuffle the cards quietly, pouting making everyone else laughed with you. 
The silence that overwhelmed the car made your heart rate somewhat faster, thoughts, possibilities, doubts, and insecurities running through your head. As your now white knuckles were gripping the steering wheel. The sunlight of the afternoon made the pressure increase, the smell of the variety of pastries on the back of your girlfriend's car
Lena watched you worried as you sat quietly. It had been half an hour since you guys had arrived and there wasn't any movement from you, she wouldn't even know if you were breathing if your chest wouldn't move when you did. Worried now as she feared you hurting yourself, mentally. She decided to speak up softly putting her hands on top of yours which immediately softened in her hands. “Y/N/N, if you don’t-”
“I do, I'm ready” You pleaded while looking over at her, meeting her careful glance.
She responded, giving a small kiss on the cheek as you grabbed the pastries. Making you nod slowly as you got out of the car. “Okay, love. I'm right here by your side”
As you knocked on the door, the nerves that were once quiet now were rigging in your ears loudly. Your little brother opened the door and went to say something only to stop when his gaze fell on Lena, immediately accommodating his posture before opening the door completely with a smile on his face, to which Lena responded with another smile.
“Hey Jo, it's everyone here?” You asked for his attention only making him scoff, you shifted uncomfortably in your feet. A small voice in your head repeating the name again and again like a song as you stepped to the side.
He answered before extending his hand to your girlfriend. Lena looked at him weirdly, controlling her feelings when the 16-year-old kid called you that but kept the fake smile for your sake. “Yeah, but aren't you gonna present your charming friend? Thought you were better than that Fiona”
“I’m Joseph, you can call me anytime” He flirted with the green-eyed woman only to be ignored completely. 
She claimed following your glance at the pictures on the wall. Various family photos on them and also photos of your brothers with awards and trophies and only a few of them of you. “Lena”
“Y/N is here and she brought company!” Your older brother yelled as you stood in the middle of the living room, Lena by your side. 
Lena looked around as the two of you stood waiting for your parents, the house was completely clean, without a spot of dust in any place. Pillows, blankets, photos, books, and everything was perfectly placed, at first it seemed comfortable, cozy, and homey until she realized the fact that it looked too perfect. To perfect to be happy, to perfect to be comfortable, to perfect to make mistakes, to perfect to be yourself.
Your older brother was sitting on one of the edges of the couch with his phone in hand, glancing at Lena flirtatiously as she stood by your side. Your younger brother was leaning against the door frame texting when your parents came out of the kitchen. 
They looked at you curiously before speaking. Your Dad immediately commented on what you were wearing before extending his hand to take Lena’s. You gulped down when Lena looked at you when you kept quiet only responding as respectfully as she could.  “Couldn’t you at least look presentable?... Welcome to our home, I’m Y/F/N”
“Lena, Lena Luthor” She responded respectfully, shaking his hand and giving your mother a small smile. 
Your older brother, Nick, questioned as he looked at you up and down, rolling his eyes right before glancing at Lena flirting “And how in the world did Scar score to be Lena Luthor’s friend?
Lena looked at you shocked when you kept quiet and avoided her glance. She was about to counter back a response only to be stopped by the sound of your voice.
Clear worry and fear in it. You fidget with your hands after you set the box of pastries aside hearing your mom commenting “Yeah, darling put those there before you look like all of those people on the TV, horrendous” 
Lena clenched her fist and kept her head high, her expression slowly with each comment changing into her CEO character. Tensed muscles, head high, fake plastered smiles, and the confidence like she had the whole world in her hands. Even though her whole world was standing less than a foot away from her.
“I wanted to tell you guys something,” You said, taking a step towards them. All of your family watching curiously.
“I’m Y/S/T and she is my girlfriend, Lena” you continued as Lena took your hand for support. Your breathing had gotten quicker and the tears of fear in your eyes were evident, with a trembling lip as you spoke.
“That’s a good joke” Your younger brother responded letting out a small laugh while the rest of your family kept silent looking between you and your girlfriend. 
“Just because you decided to look unpleasant all the time, making no guy ever attracted to you so you know decided to be with a woman” Your father was the first one to get out of the trance scoffing in annoyance and anger. 
Your mother gasped yelling, with anger in her voice. “It’s a sin, Y/N!”
“It's a sin, Y/N. We are Christians just because you're immature and hideous and nobody is attracted to you, means you are going to break the rules, young lady” Your father claimed getting closer to you with a demanding voice, his finger pointing at you threat making you take a step back.
You pleaded to take a shaky step closer to him, only to immediately flinch as he screamed angrily. “Dad, plea-”
“NO! Absolutely no! We are not going to accept your idiotic tactics, just because you can't find someone to love you! Newsflash Y/N, like that you won't ever!” He screamed angrily, taking a step closer, making Lena step in with her CEO stand in front of you grabbing your family’s attention. 
Tears came slowly out of our eyes as you looked down, biting your lip to keep the soft whimpers and sobs that were coming out. Your dad eyed the black-haired woman up and down before stepping back letting out a sarcastic laugh, making your girlfriend raise her eyebrow in question to him.
“And her! Do you really believe someone will love you? And will be attracted to you? A woman you know how complicated women are with their taste. You need to get the thought in your head that if you don't change. YOU WON'T EVER FIND LOVE!” He shouted. 
“You have no reason nor sentiment to treat her like that!” Lena claimed as she stepped in front of your father. Clenched fits with white knuckles, a threatening stand, and an intense glare with a clenched jaw containing her anger.
You took a step forward putting a hand in her bicep making her turn around immediately, recognizing the soft touch of your hand. You spoke softly only to be interrupted by your mother’s yelling. “Lee, please. It doesn't matter-”
“Out of my house! NOW! And never ever come back until you change from being an abomination” She yelled as she slapped you, making you gasp before walking out of the door with tears coming down your eyes. 
Lena glanced at them finding pain, hatred, insecurities, and more. The soft makeup you had on your face had become black spots on your face. Your Y/E/C colored eyes were hidden behind the redness. A red evident mark on your face where your mother’s hand had made contact with your skin. Every single detail made her angrier and angrier by second, losing control at the side of you hurting. 
“She is perfect just the way she is, a completely passionate, sweet, kind, emphatic, wonderful, selfless person. And she is so much more of what you guys told her, she is perfect” Lena snapped as she felt the anger take over.
How dare they treat you like that? How dare they tell you those things? How could you stand to all of that? How dared they thought and said things like that of you? How couldn't they see the amazing human you were?
“This is my house-” Your father started as he looked at her angrier with a challenging look on his face in which your girlfriend returned.
She said, taking a step back, raging herself soothing her black dress. “It may be your house but first I will have to be dead for you or anyone else to treat the person who is my whole world like that” 
“You know, you guys may think she is a complete mistake, abomination, and more but she is perfect, she is the person I fall in love with every single minute more and more. You guys are the ones losing the greatest thing in your life, I feel sorry for you but the truth is you don't deserve, hell I don't even deserve her. Have a great day and I think it's a little over the top but if any of you tries to reach Y/N just to be like that then I can sure I will make your life a living hell” She finished letting out a smile of satisfaction when all of them clenched their jaws and kept quiet before walking out. Leaving your family madly quiet in the living room.
Your knees were high and pressed into your chest as the furiously streams of tears came down. Somehow the smell of Lena in the car calmed you, the sweet smell of mint and lavender invaded your nose. The only sound you could hear was your heavy breathing. The passenger leather seat felt uncomfortable, the salted flavor of your tears on your lips as you cried, everything felt wrong as the thoughts and insecurities run through your head.
Everything they said was true.
You are an abomination, nothing and no one will love you.
So full of imperfections, so full of horrible things, full of-
“Love? I need you to breathe with me. In and out, darling please” You heard her pleaded as she grabbed your hand, noticing the way everything felt too close, too overwhelming, too bad. 
Lena kept stroking your back as she kept your hand close to her chest making you feel the way her chest rises and falls trying to make you follow it. Your eyes kept staring at her hand with yours as your sobs started to calm down, and everything began to zoom out. In a blinking moment, you stumbled into your girlfriend's arms, holding her tight, hiding in her chest making Lena hold you as close as she could trying to keep her own tears out when she saw how hurt you were. With her reassuring and words, the minutes passed slower than usual.
“I’m sorry” You murmured repeatedly into her neck, as she started to stroke your hair. When tears began to fall again from your eyes. 
She didn't wait for another second to bring your face to rest on her forehead, both of you sharing an Eskimo kiss. The closest, the comfort of it brought you happiness and butterflies in your stomach which were abruptly kicked out when the thought of what your family said came back to you.
You pulled away meeting green tearful eyes, which made your heartbreak more. The voice in your head telling you it was all your fault, that she wouldn't want you anymore or that she ever wanted you because your family had opened her eyes to what you truly were. With a shaky and broken voice, you commented fearfully as you glanced back to her eyes and your trembling hands. Scared of what was going to happen next, scared of everything as you tried to hold on to the happiness she had made but you knew the moment, Lena would say the words. You will break in million pieces, beyond repair and everything would feel worse than it was before because you had met your sun and without it, the night would remain constantly reminding you of her  “It’s okay if you don’t want me anymore, I know what they said it's true-”
“Y/N, what they said wasn't true. You are far away from what they said you are perfect and wonderful and I don't know how they can see you like that because all I can see is my whole world, the love of my life, my person” She interrupted cleaning your tears with her thumbs as she grabbed your face by the cheeks bringing you closer to her slowly. 
Holding you like if you were glass, afraid of breaking it, afraid of losing it or damaging it because to her you were the best thing in her life and she wasn't going to let you go. It was the moment your eyes met, when you saw, heard, and felt everything. There was an understanding of what the two of you meant, all the love, all the happiness, and the pain, everything was there standing freely in silence. 
In a silence that made you believe it, she made you believe every word, every action, and the love and comfort which radiated out of her expression made you forget everything. The comforting and loving silence was more than enough to let everything behind, to dream of the desired future you both wanted. It was perfect, you wouldn't change a thing of what you were feeling or what had happened because everything led to that moment, the moment you knew you were going to be okay, the moment you realize that for the first time in your life you felt like enough, the first moment in your life you called something that was part of you perfect. The happiest moment of your life for now.
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ctl-yuejie · 3 years
How the diverse world of the addictive tv series “Cherry magic” got made
(interview with scriptwriter Yoshida Erika by Yokogawa Yoshiaki)
沼堕ち続出ドラマ“チェリまほ”の多様な世界はどうやって作られたのか【脚本家・吉田 恵里香さん】2020.12.22  横川 良明
for @howdydowdy because we were talking about what a fantastic character Fujisaki is and the notion of consent when it comes to reading someone’s mind
Currently, societal values continue to change rapidly. On one hand the movement of respecting each other’s diverse individualities and making it easier for each and every one to live in society has become more active, one the other hand it is not a rare occasion to be lost for words when suddenly unconscious discriminatory biases – derived from not being able to cut loose old values that are rooted deep in oneself – raise their heads.
How should we exist within this period of polarization? This series is to create the opportunity to think about this topic by having discussions with the toprunners in the entertainment world. The person I am introducing for the first edition is screenwriter Yoshida Erika.
She is behind the script of “Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!”, the tv series that has grabbed the first spot on the oricon satisfaction ranking for 4 weeks in a row, and has gained fast popularity despite its late-night spot. The enthusiasm for the show can be attributed to the soft view Ms. Yoshida has on the world.
Yokogawa Yoshiaki (YY): I am happily watching the series. I really liked the original work, however the way it was adapted to a television format has been brilliant. One big thing is the making of the character of Kurosawa played by Machida Keita. By Adachi’s magic (played by Akasouji Eiji), the voice of Kurosawa’s heart spills out, and while the original text had him be quite blatant in his expressions overall, the drama carefully examines them.
Yoshida Erika (YE): That is definitely where there is a difference in depth. The original has the premise of a work in the BL genre, readers are expecting a BL-like development, so they can take such things in stride, but the viewership of the tv series is more varied. Under them there might be people who do not like BL. That is why I was conscious about how different people from different backgrounds might watch this show.
It is not okay to assault someone just because you were invited to their house, kissing or touching without consent is not okay and being of the same or different sex makes no difference in this. Treating such things as okay because it is BL would be rude to the parties concerned. Because we are using the BL genre, we want to specifically protect the “firsts” of the parties concerned. That is something the producer Ms. Honma Kanami and the director agreed about and I therefore paid extra attention to.
YY: Adachi himself, as he is about to step into Kurosawa’s house thinks “Not that I might possibly get assaulted?!”, and is very vigilant, but with some soul-searching realizes that that is rude towards Kurosawa. To say it briefly, you can feel the probity of the creators.
YE: I thought that a main character that thinks that he will get assaulted when he steps into the house of someone will not be loveable. No matter how well received the person is who acts it out, if we cannot love them on a human level, this drama will not work. Adachi’s power to read people’s hearts is also the action of seeing people’s darker sides on his own volition. That’s why a character we cannot love as a person will receive push-back by the viewers.
YY: Just like you said, the act of reading peoples’ hearts includes great violence. That is why I think that when he realizes that Kurosawa has fond feelings for him, unlike the original where he reads Kurosawa’s heart on purpose, the drama treats it as an accidental force. Over the whole series, it is of focal importance that Adachi doesn’t overuse his magic.
YE: That is where we were extremely careful. In the manga easy comprehensiveness is important and that type of suspense is interesting - and we don’t intend to deny that - but if you do it as a drama, I didn’t want to make him into a young man using his powers at ease. That is why, especially in the first half, he decides and tries very hard not to use his powers when possible. The scene where he reads the CEO’s heart appears in the first issue of the original, but in the drama we pushed it back to the 5th episode. We made it a point to illustrate how Adachi is filled with the emotion to help Kurosawa and that is why he uses his powers.
That what I don’t want others to do unto me, I do not want to inflict on characters.
YY: His colleague Fujisaki (Satou Ryo) is a Fujoshi in the original and that premise was cut from the series. If you decided to have a Fujoshi character on a prime time show, did you think that misunderstandings might arise easily?
YE: That was definitely a thought. In BL as a genre it is not an issue that a character exists that takes the same viewpoint as the reader, and I love Fujisaki in the original, but the people who are acting it out in reality are real people. At that point, loudly fawning about someone else’s’ love life is not perceived as good conduct. At the least, I thought that I wouldn’t want to be treated like that.
YY: It is fine to envision fictional characters as romantic partners, but it is different when you make a real acquaintance the target of that.
A thought we had was that if Adachi and Kurosawa were to really date it would be one thing, but grinning at someone - who might even be heterosexual – because you inflate your own BL adjacent delusion isn’t much different from a man grinning at a woman with big breasts and calling her sexy. I wouldn’t want to get treated that way, so I didn’t want to inflict that on the characters in the story as well.
When it comes to Fujisaki it isn’t like she isn’t a Fujoshi. We do not clearly state it, but I thought there was no reason to show it in the drama. 
YY: You are saying, that it is fine that people might interpret Fujisaki as a Fujoshi when she is smiling at Adachi and Kurosawa.
YE: Yes. That is where you are free to imagine (laughs).
YY: What I thought was very fresh is that instead of proclaiming her to be a Fujoshi, Fujisaki is turned into someone who “is happily living her daily life even without romantic love”. We don’t often get characters like that in Japanese tv series.
Personally, I also like romantic tv series, but while feeling venerated when the main characters have realized their love in the final episode, when trying to build a romantic connection to someone else in real life it might not go well and beyond that, it is not that it never happens that I, who also holds interests in other things than romance, end up feeling empty because of the lonely feeling of having been left behind (when watching a romance on tv unfold).
But with having Fujisaki appear, it felt like I got rescued.
YE: Until now, for several projects I made the suggestion of a character that is not interested in romance, but I wasn’t understood. “Is it necessary to do that?” “Aren’t you overthinking it?” were things I got told often.
But with this production, when I said that I wanted Fujisaki to be asexual or aromantic, no one denied me. From that stage on I thought that this place was a good one, and thanks to the original writer giving her agreement it got turned into reality.
YY: Since this kind of character hasn’t really appeared in a tv series, it felt like people like Fujisaki were assigned to be non-existent in this world. But thanks to you envisioning her like this, seen from a person that like Fujisaki might say “I got used to acting “normal”” and feel a notion of despair when confronted with people not understanding them, it felt like it got emphasized that people like her also exist in our society. Picking such little voices feels like it is one of the purposes of entertainment.
YE: If that could become the case I would be glad about it. 10 to 20 years prior, a “fairytale gay” (describing the flamboyant gay friend, that mentally supports the heroine by giving some harsh but accurate advice) often appeared in tv series from abroad, but this portrayal slowly changed, finally it has reached the point where the view point that being gay isn’t something special has penetrated the public.
So this time, I believe that one of my duties was to tell the story of people that are not interested in romance or people who do not only love one person, not from a standpoint that is convenient for consumption, but to have properly realized characters up to their individual backgrounds.
I hope the time comes where it isn’t necessary to especially say “This is a BL series”
YY: Please let me speak on something that has confused me this far. Prior, when you explained Fujisaki in context of the script, it felt like it wasn’t okay to call her asexual or aromantic because she herself doesn’t use any of those labels. I was somewhat afraid that an outsider would just selfishly declare that “you are asexual, aren’t you!?” in regards to someone who hasn’t professed anything.
YE: There is the point of both of the terms asexual and aromantic not being widely known in Japan as much as compared to overseas and I also think there are people who just wouldn’t use these words. Even when you think you are not interested in romance at the moment, it could also be that you just haven’t found the person that makes you feel that way. That’s why I can understand how labelling someone has a violent notion.
YY: My next question is also relating to that: This applies to Cherry Maho, but generally when I write about over works that feature a lovestory between men I try not to use the word BL.
This is my own opinion but to me it feels like the term BL has too much of a sexual image.
In private I casually use the word BL. However, for the content of an article that is read by an unspecified number of people, I remember stumbling over labelling something as BL. Using BL as an easy genre specifier has the effect that there will be a layer that won’t get looked at. I simply want to have more people enjoy a piece of work. I don’t object to the editor using BL in the title but in the content I write, I try not to use the term BL story but simply “love story between two men” and keep it close to how you’d address it in reality.
YE: I understand that. Obviously, I don’t intend to shame the taste of people that like BL. However, I understand that there are people that feel a sense of resistance towards BL as a genre. That is why I also don’t use the word BL when I promote on twitter. I do think that it would be great to have a new word.
Just like women have things they don’t want to be subjected to, men also have things they don’t want to be subjected to. This kind of awareness has become more broadly spread bit by bit. However, in order to have it really penetrate society it needs for the voices of the affected people to be heard. But it is also the reality of today’s society that violence is directed at people that raise their voice. That is why I feel like it is the job of the people that create tv shows to speak up instead.
At the least, that is how I want to straightforwardly create the world, so that in 10 years without directly stating “this is a BL series” we have a society that takes it in as a “new cool romantic drama beginning” with “the leads being actor x and actor z” and as nothing unusual.  Now we really have such a transitional period, and as a writer I want to build the steps towards it.  
original article: https://mi-mollet.com/articles/-/27045?page=3&per_page=1
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kikyan · 3 years
Stuck With You (Shizuo Ending)
Disclaimer!! I wrote this back in 2018/2019, like literally 2 years after I started writing fanfic so if this sucks yeah. . .that’s why. It’s also not really that inclusive at all so I apologize. This upload is really meant for those who were curious with the fanfic I wrote and I promise I will right a more inclusive fanfiction later on in the future with these characters to make it up!! 
“ Oh? It seems he even has the Dollars searching for you!” 
“ Izaya, please I apologize for anything that I did that caused you to do this, but I need to get back to Shizuo!” 
“ And do what? Apologize for my actions and say everything is fine? You truly are different than other humans (Y/N)! Besides, does Shizu-chan know?” 
“ K-know what?” 
“You can drop the act. I know who you are (Y/N) or should I sa-?!” 
“ Izaya, I won’t ask you again. Please, I apologize for what I said or did but I must return to my fiance.” 
“ I can’t do that (Y/N). You thought you had me fool, no you thought you had the whole world fooled, but unlike Shizu-chan, I know the real you. You are far too unique, too precious to be in the hands of that brute, that damned monster!” 
“ Speak of the Devil, he really did arrive, didn’t he? (Y/N) it’s better if you stay, wait no- I want you to see God punish his worthless creation, than have his Goddess forgive him and the cycle continues!” 
Grabbing her arm, (Y/N) was dragged to the door where Shizuo lay in waiting/ Shizuo’s eyes lit up with hope as (Y/N) arrived, quickly scanning her to ensure that she was not harmed by Izaya. 
“ This is low, even for you Izaya. What the hell do you want anyways?” 
“ I want (Y/N) of course! How rude of you to keep her from society, from me! She is too perfect, in fact, she is perfection! I can’t stand you of all people, a damn monster near her!” 
“ If I am a monster, what the hell does that make you?” 
“ That hurt Shizu-chan, but I’m sure my goddess, (Y/N) would forgive you nonetheless!” 
Grabbing a stop sign Shizuo prepared to swing at Izaya before seeing (Y/N) duck down. 
‘This is too dangerous for (Y/N)! I have to lead him away. . .’ 
“ You see (Y/N)! This monster swung at you! I told you, he would only hurt you! Stay with me, my Goddess!” 
Taking his knife out, he swung it at Shizuo cutting him horizontally across his chest. As Shizuo remained unfazed he swung the sign hitting Izaya as well sending him flying back inside the apartment complex. As Izaya got up and grabbed the knife and (Y/N), before placing the knife under (Y/N)’s throat causing her to panic slightly. 
“ (Y/N)! Izaya you damned bastard! Let her go, that’s low. . .” 
“ It’s fine! Besides, my Goddess is so forgiving, I'm sure she will let this slide! In fact, I feel as if instead of the way I initially thought, it was you Shizuo who used (Y/N)!” 
Shizuo looked down before clenching his fist and looking at Izaya with a crazed expression. 
“ So you’re a leech, a filthy parasite-” 
“ (Y/N) NOW!” 
Izaya was dumbfounded as he turned to see (Y/N) duck down and Izaya was met with Shizuo’s fist. As Izaya grunted in pain, he turned to see (Y/N) looking at him in horror before turning to see Shizuo waltz up with a sturdy bookshelf and smiling at Izaya. 
“ So I guess today is the day I squash this damn cockroach! That has been infesting not only the city but our lives!” 
As Shizuo began to throw the bookshelf at Izaya he proceeded on hitting him repeatedly with immense force, causing Izaya to cough up blood and other fluids. 
“ If you kill me. . . Shizu-chan. . . w-will. . she forgive you. . . ?” 
Showing no sign of stopping, Shizuo proceeded to mercilessly hit Izaya while explaining, “ It doesn’t matter if she forgives me anymore. . . because I don’t plan on letting her go either way!” 
Letting out the last punch Shizuo looked to admire his work, a beaten and bruised Izaya no longer breathing. As Shizuo turned around he was met with (Y/N) looking in horror at the state Izaya was in before looking back up at Shizuo. 
“ No, I won’t. I am sorry Shizuo, I wasn’t able to stop Izaya and you had to get your hands dirty! O-on the bright side. . . well. . . you can start your life violence free now peacefully!” 
“ Honestly. . .how did I. . .eVeR gEt StUcK wItH yOu?” 
After the whole incident, Shizuo was more protective of (Y/N). He rarely let her be by herself so whenever she would want to go anywhere he would go with her or sometimes even ask Celty to go with her as he feared she would get hurt or taken away from him. Currently, Shizuo is working as (Y/N) was at the park with Celty discussing certain things. 
“You’re quite pale. . . is everything alright? Are you feeling okay?” 
“ Of course, my pale complexion is because Shizuo didn’t let me leave for a week until after the whole Izaya incident. I do feel a little sick but that’s what I wanted to talk to you about!” 
“Sick? That doesn’t sound good. How sick are we talking about? If you need to see someone for it, I’m sure Shinra would be glad to see you.”
“ W-well. . . I wouldn’t say I'm that sick it’s just I wanted to know if these are possible symptoms of. . . well, how about I just explain it! I get these sudden food urges and most of the time I tend to throw up certain foods! I think, well what do you think Celty?” 
“Hm. . . You know, Y/N, I think I’ve heard of these exact symptoms before. Is it possible that  you’re pregnant?”
“Well, the first thing you should do is to confirm our suspicions. Then, I think you and Shizuo have a big conversation to have.”
“C-c-could you come with me to the store to buy a test? I... I don’t want to go alone. . .” 
“Of course, Y/N. But I think we should walk to a nearby store, I don’t think my motorcycle would be good for the possible baby.”
“ Aww, I wanted to go on your motorcycle. . . okay! So onward this great adventure!” 
“U-um Celty, I could be reading this wrong but if it’s pink. . . does that mean. . .” 
Celty jumped at (Y/N) as you could see her jumping in glee before taking a picture of the test and rapidly writing on her phone. 
“You did read what pink means, right? I may be wrong. . . But it would appear that you’re pregnant! I’m so happy for you two!”
“Don’t freak out! Let me send the photo to Shinra just to confirm our suspicions. Afterward, we can make a plan for how you’ll tell him.”
To: Shinra 
From: Celty
*image of the test* 
Big Emergency: Is the test positive or negative? It looks like Shizuo and Y/N might be expecting.
To: Love of my life
From: Shinra
Hm. . . well, it seems they are expecting! Tell them I congratulate them! Does Shizuo know? 
To: Shinra
From: Celty 
Now that we know, how should Y/N approach this with Shizuo?
To: Love of my life 
From: Shinra 
Leave that to me! Just tell (Y/N) to prepare his favorite meal. I’ll tell Shizuo that he has a surprise at home and to hurry home! I’ll see you soon as I need to help someone right now but take care Celty!
“ So he is going to tell him... .? I hope this goes well! I don’t know what to say or do...Celty want to go shopping with me for ingredients?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it will go great. Both of you love each other and will be great parents if you decide to keep it. Now, let’s go shopping!” 
Soon leaving the store they headed out to purchase the ingredients needed to make Shizuo’s meal and discussed among themselves how to approach the situation. 
Tom looked down at this phone as he smiled in glee before telling Shizuo that there were no more clients and that they should head home. 
“ Are you sure? I don’t want to leave (Y/N) alone but if you still need me I could stay longer-!?” 
“ You, my friend do not understand, (Y/N) is waiting for you so go home. Besides she has a surprise for you, Shinra told me! Now head home!” 
“ A surprise? Well if you say so, Tom. . . see you tomorrow!” 
“ Also Shizuo, congrats!” 
“ On what?” 
“ Just go home and you’ll see!” 
As Shizuo was walking home he pondered about this so-called surprise as he noticed that Celty’s bike was parked outside their home. As he went inside he looked to see his favorite meal scattered along with the table as both Celty and (Y/N) were cooking and talking. 
“ Oh, Shizuo! Good afternoon! Dinner is almost ready and Shinra is almost here! He said that our close friends should be here today!” 
“ That’s cool but what’s this surprise I keep hearing about?” 
“ Silly it’s not a surprise if I tell you! Wait till Shinra gets here!” 
Soon after Shinra arrived and that’s when they all were in the living room in silence before (Y/N) pulled out the test she had and Celty pulling the message in case of a confirmation. 
“ S-shizuo. . . remember what you told me the day before the incident with Izaya... .?” 
Blushing slightly he nodded before letting his mind run loose, could she be-?! 
“ Well, it seems you might get the chance to be a father and I a mother!” 
Holding the test out for Shizuo to see the pink line indicating that (Y/N) was pregnant, he grabbed it before setting it down and jumping to hold his fiance. 
“ I won’t let you down, I won’t let us down. I promise I'll change to be the best father I can be, I swear (Y/N)!” 
“ Silly, you are already the best person you can be! I’m sure we will be the best of parents!” 
Exchanging a kiss, they all laughed and gathered around the dinner table to consume the food made by both (Y/N) and Celty. (Y/N) was with child, Shizuo’s child and he vowed to protect you both no matter the cost. He didn’t care if you looked at him like a monster in the near future because he wasn’t letting you or the child leave him, after all, it was possible for a monster like him to be happy, but he wasn’t going to let this happiness leave and be destroyed. The child was born healthy, it was a boy named Izaya, ironically. Izaya was gifted with many things such as friends for his kind behavior and kind mother. He never had problems and if he did well they would disappear the next day, like his principal when he chose to falsely accuse him of attacking someone using his father as an excuse. Well, let’s just say he isn’t alive anymore. Any friend that double-crossed him would immediately come back and apologize saying how their mother told them that what they did was wrong. It didn’t matter if Shizuo was a monster because he had (Y/N) and his child was the red string that binds them together. Seriously, how did Shizuo get to be so lucky and get stuck with you? 
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Burning Bright
AN: -
Word Count: 2436
Warnings: smut/lemon, wax play, sensation play
Description: DW Kinktober Day 2; Prompt: Sensation play The Master and you try out wax play for the first time.
Tag List: @c-s-stars @queerconfusionthings @how-masterful @truthbehindthemysteries
You couldn’t help but twitch and squirm in anticipation from your spot on the bed. Laying naked and waiting patiently was hardly a talent you possessed. The Master could attest to that with the number of times he had to tie you up to get through a punishment without squirming enough to risk a badly placed hit. Your nerves about the matter were not helping you to calm down either. The Master’s hands gently rubbed lotion into your skin, soothing you even if you didn’t see the connection between his actions and getting prepared for your dip into wax play.
He didn’t miss an inch of skin, showing equal attention to your breasts and your stomach. His affectionate and lavish attention allowed you to slowly reign in your nervous anticipation.
“Why the lotion Master?” You curiously questioned now that your mind wasn’t spiraling into a panic about what was to come.
“The lotion will help to get the cooled wax off with ease, making aftercare less stressful for the both of us. It also has the added benefit of being a precautionary measure in case you don’t like the sensation.”
Nerves returning at the mention of possibly not liking the feeling of hot wax on your body you uncomfortably shifted. Ever the attentive lover the Master noticed. His soft brown eyes gleaming with concern.
“My dear,” he hesitantly broached the subject, "perhaps we should try this again on a different day. You’re working yourself up to the point I fear you may be sick with worry.”
“No!” You almost yelled. “No, I really do want to try this. I always get like this with new kinks Master.”
You were shy in admitting this. He had never seen you like this before all full of nervous energy at the prospect of trying a new kink.
“I already knew I was into all of the other things we typically do... So this is something outside of my comfort zone, but I really do think I’ll like it.”
“Alright,” he conceded. “But you simply must calm yourself down, my dear! If you cannot relax enough to dismiss my concerns for your headspace I will stop this before it has even started.”
Finished with their task of rubbing the lotion fully into your skin the Master’s hands guided you to lay back down. Propped up by smooth silk pillows, the angle that you were laying at was chosen to ensure the wax would drip down your body and not all pool in one area.
Once you were settled down the Master lit the first candle. The dark black candle was held in place by a small ring stand, clearly stolen from his own lab for convenience. Beneath the candle was a small golden dish that you had seen on the Master’s desk. Normally it had been used to collect wax for sealing letters closed, so it was a perfect fit as an addition to your foray into wax play.
As the Master busied himself preparing the candle and ensuring it was safely burning your mind drifted off. Thinking back on what had inspired the two of you to try this new kink out. It had been an art exhibition with live models where you had watched an alien be made into an art piece with droplets of wax. The elite of high alien society often watched odd demonstrations of all sorts of things. Both you and the Master found yourselves more appreciative of the art exhibitions than the other types. The science ones were normally child’s play for the Master and the torture ones were too graphic for your tastes. 
The soft moans that the model had made as they were covered in wax and the image they made had captivated you. Your eyes unable to pull themselves away from the sight of wax slowly dripping down and then off their body onto the floor. The Master had only had eyes for your reaction. He had been the one to suggest trying it yourselves. After he extensively researched into how to make it safe for you, of course. You had eagerly agreed, the high of emotions from having seen it for the first time making any hesitations you normally would have had disappear. Now, with the moment so close to happening the nerves had appeared.
Your reminiscing was interrupted by the Master sitting down on the bed with you. You watched as he unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled up his sleeves. Exposing his forearms to you. The perfect image of a man in control of the situation.  As always you loved to watch him undress even the slightest bit. Time Lord modesty your personal enemy.
Shocking you the Master lifted the candle above his own skin, letting several drops fall onto the underside of his arm. Heart swelling with a warmth at how seriously he took your safety.
“Your arm, my dear?”
Less of a request and more of a demand, you quickly gave your arm over to him. Palm facing up, he pressed a kiss to your lifeline as the hand not holding onto the burning candle cradled yours. His head slowly lifting, looking deep into your eyes.
“You will let me know if the test drops are too hot.”
His voice was firm, strict even as he told you what you would do.
“Yes, Master. I will tell you if they are too much.”
He always wanted you to demonstrate that you understood what he said. If you didn’t fully respond, the scene would stop for a check-in. You didn’t want to give yourself a chance to back out now.
Time slowed down as you watched the first drop of wax slowly drip onto your skin. The heat was a lot to process, but it quickly subsided. Goosebumps covered your skin as you shivered in pleasure. Now you were eager to feel the sensation on the rest of your skin.
“Is this alright, my dear?” You nodded with no further prompting needed. “A verbal response, my dear.”
Oh right, you had literally just been thinking about the need for that. As you found your voice the Master placed the dripping candle back into its makeshift holder.
“Yes, Master. That was wonderful, please continue.”
“Remember to stay as still as you can, we wouldn’t want to end this pleasant moment of candlelight intimacy with misplaced wax.”
The small crucible of wax was held above your skin, tipped ever so slowly so as to give you time to anticipate the sensation the wax meeting your skin would have. Gasping as your back instinctively arched with the heat of the wax. The burning sensation rapidly changed to shivers of pleasure as the wax rapidly cooled on your skin. Looking down you saw the river of black wax covering the skin between your breasts reaching down to your stomach and stopping before your belly button. Your arching back having made the wax creep towards your breasts in bursts like fireworks.
“More please Master,” you begged.
“Patience is a virtue, my dear. One you will have to learn if we continue to enjoy wax play, it does take time for the wax to melt.”
Chastised you didn’t dare utter another word, waiting in eager anticipation for the next pour of wax. The next pours were smaller amounts, focused on covering the skin of your breasts. The wax covering your breast was thinner than the first pour had been, more care being taken to ensure that the sensitive skin of your breasts was not burned. It left you with a patch of exposed skin on the underside of your breasts, where the wax hadn’t traveled to fully.
His canvas now almost fully covered in black wax, the Master started to burn the gold candle. He had asked you to pick the colors to be used on your body as soon as he had finished researching what candles could be used. He had been as eager to try this as you were. The combination of black and gold had seemed perfect to you. Black being the color he wore the most and the gold matching the subtle flecks of gold in his eyes. Not that you had told him the reason for your choices. Even without the symbolism, you had in mind the color combination was a good one.
Without waiting too long for the gold candle wax to start dripping the Master held it above your skin. Letting it start to fall onto the already present wax. Dripping down your body until it cooled as a small drop of wax, ending its journey. Some of the droplets splattered as they hit your body, too small an amount to trail down your body. Leaving small circular marks dotting your wax-covered skin like freckles. You felt like a work of art. 
You giggled as the Master picked up a glass stir rod. Was he just raiding his lab for things to use?
“What’s the glass stir rod for Master?” You teased.
He fixed you with a playful glare as he responded, “I thought that some more control over where the wax dropped would help with the masterpiece we were making of your body, but if you’d rather I freehand the drops to make sure they trail down your body to cover your very sensitive nipples...”
“Uh nope, no the stir rod is fine!” You squealed. You did not think you were ready for the feeling of hot wax poured directly on your nipples.
Carefully the Master continued to drip wax onto you, making the cooling drips of wax aesthetically pleasing. You loved it, you felt stunning. All of the Master's attention to detail hyper-focused on you and you alone. Your pleasure, your beauty, your comfort, only you.
One last drop of wax trailed down your body like a shooting star across the galaxy. Reaching your stomach before it cooled, it was the largest droplet yet. With no warning, the Master pressed his signature ring into the hot wax on your body. Holding it in place until it cooled. Moaning wildly at the action, you felt so owned being marked, branded as the Master’s. 
You kept staring at the sign of his ownership over you. Not noticing that he had put the candles away until he was lifting you into his lap. Just holding you close as the wax fully cooled and hardened.
“I feel like you’ve made me into a masterpiece, a work of art to be admired by all.”
“You’ve always been a sight that inspired awe, my dear. Forgive me, however, if I selfishly hide you away from all others."
Reverently your fingertips brushed over the indentation the Master's signature ring had made in the gold wax, feather-light almost afraid to ruin it. 
"I belong to you Master."
"For as long as you want to, my dear."
You basked in the Master's affection, his hands exploring the still uncovered skin. All too soon you could feel the Master start to chip away at the cooled wax covering your body. A blunt-edged business card covered in a laminate-like material seemed to be his tool of choice. One of his previous aliases was the name stamped on the card.  Unexpectedly, to you, the sensation of the wax being removed was pleasurable. In a very different way than it being poured or dripped onto you was. Removing it reminded you of peeling off old paint in long strips. Just, oddly satisfying. You couldn't think of another way to describe it.
"You like this part a lot, don't you Master? The soothing, repetitive motion is meditative for you."
"Your reactions to all of the sensations you experienced were all entrancing. The sight of your body coming alive as the wax hit it, exquisite. But this moment, here with you in the quiet, held close in my arms. Yes, this is my favorite moment."
The last of the wax flicked off of your body with a flourish freed you to nestle face-first into the Master's soft silk dress shirt.
"Charmer," you muttered, hiding your face in his chest.
Stroking your hair, the Master began to gently start interrogating you. 
“Would you want to give this another try, my dear? Was it what you hoped it would be?”
Humming you tried to think of how to verbalize your feelings.
“I liked it, a lot. Over time I could feel the wax less, just due to the thickness of the layers already on me. Maybe next time we take that into account?”
Kissing the crown of your head the Master considered your words, “a simple enough request, my dear.”
You hesitated to bring up your next ideas, but it couldn’t hurt to ask. He could always just say no.
“Next time could we, maybe add some impact play, or use some ice as well?”
“We can certainly try and incorporate a spanking, my dear. A tried and true experience that we both enjoy thoroughly. As for the addition of ice, I hope you won’t mind my hesitation to include that in our play. At least in conjunction with wax,” he paused to shift you into a more comfortable position in his lap as he reached for something on the floor. “I don’t want to risk any shock to your nerves from the extreme temperature change.”
A warm and wet washcloth was being carefully rubbed over your still flushed skin. Eyes fluttering closed at the comfortable repetitive passed he was making up and down your skin. Twitching just a bit as he brushed over your nipples. They were very sensitive compared to the rest of your skin.
“Fair enough, Master,” you gave your delayed reply to his concerns. “Thank you.”
He chuckled before inquiring, “whatever could you be thanking me for, my darling?”
“Taking care of me like this.”
Something smooth and silky was maneuvered onto your body. Eyes opening just enough for a quick peek, it appeared to be some sort of silk slip. Mhm, it felt heavenly against your skin.
“My dear, there is no need to thank me for what is a privilege and pleasure to do.”
His hand slipped underneath the short hem of the dress he had put you in. Lifting you by your thighs and shifting you to lay next to him as he moved to lay down fully on the bed. Fixated on the feeling of the cold metal of his ring against your skin you let yourself drift back into a blissful afterglow. This was definitely worth enduring through the nerves, you couldn’t wait to do it again.
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In your ask about how the nameless guy could be the nameless woman, you said that you thought the statute of secrecy is much younger than what is said in the series. Please elaborate how you know (not that I disagree with you. the wizards are s*** at keeping themselves a secret)
So, as I’ve discussed before, one has to take anything about history in the wizarding world with a large grain of salt. Specifically, I doubt the wizarding world approaches the discipline of history the way we do, history doesn’t seem to be much of an academic field (the wizarding world seems to only have two historians, one of which is dead), and there seems to be a strong incentive and tradition of propaganda.
So, that alone makes me suspicious of anything we learn relating to The Founders, Merlin, and even the Statute of Secrecy.
And now, JKR’s wiki.
JKR places the statute in the midst of the witch burnings (late 17th century) as basically an emergency action on the part of the wizarding community. Who had been steadily ostracized for about a century. 
The children were particularly vulnerable and eventually they put their feet down, across the entire world (Tibet is somehow included in this), and agreed to make all the muggles forget about them.
I actually had thought JKR had made the statute earlier than that, which is my bad, so I would probably date it nearish the same time (and they do probably have records of when they put it into law) but I think the why and the how are a little different than wizards remember.
The Modern Wizarding World
To me, the Wizarding World we see in Harry Potter doesn’t reflect this story.
We see extreme anti-muggleborn sentiment in Salazar Slytheirn (who is supposed to be dated 500 years earlier). Granted, this is likely propaganda/popular legend dated to near when the statute went into effect, showing that “SEE THIS HAS ALWAYS PLAGUED OUR PEOPLE”, except he’s portrayed in a very negative light.
Salazar is a known dark wizard and when he doesn’t get what he wants, he puts a monster in the basement of the school. Even before Voldemort warped society’s perception of Slytherin, this is...
Well, it’s not the kind of legend you have about the other three founders.
That’s... not what your Cassandra should be doing.
Wizards treat the witch burnings as a joke. Oh, they don’t like the sentiment, but within the books Hermione notably reads historical accounts of witches and wizards who enjoyed getting caught by muggles because they liked being lit on fire and laughing in their faces.
Now, this is one account we get to see, but that this is something taught to the children just emphasizes that muggles aren’t viewed as a threat. They’re a nuisance or else a people to be pitied for their lack of magic.
While it has been 400 years, I think that the reasons for the founding of modern wizarding society would run deep. If it was truly because of the witch hunts alone, and fear of persecution, their narrative and attitudes would look very different.
This is not a society that went into hiding because of big bad muggles.
It’s a society that went into hiding because they were sick of this bullshit
The Bullshit Turmoil of 17th Century Europe
17th century Europe was a mess. Large parts of countries changed hands all the time, the continent was nearly always at war, and England might have been one of the biggest messes of all. Civil war, deposed kings, reform of the state religion multiple times, the witch burnings, etc.
I think the wizards just got tired of it and didn’t want to deal with it anymore. They already likely had Hogwarts, their own private, secret, educational institution, and already feel quite cut off from muggle society. Why should they pay taxes to muggle kings who change every week and whose religions constantly persecute them?
So, in the midst of all this chaos, they enact the statute. And I imagine it’s surprisingly simple. Most pack up and move, creating all wizarding neighborhoods, they have a council of their most important families meeting every so often which becomes the Wizengamot, and they become essentially a sovereign nation that just happens to leach off muggle infrastructure.
And as the years go on, and they like this not paying taxes or going to church thing, they slowly become more and more alienated from muggle society until they fail to understand it at all.
And so you have the modern wizard who literally has no clue why they separated off except that the witch burnings had something to do with it. The idea that muggles even have problems like these (politics, civil war, changing of state religion multiple times) is likely an anathema to them.
They’ve completely forgotten that they once had to deal with this too.
What About the Other Countries?
JKR doesn’t really cite when it became an international law but it’s presumably around the same time.
And you’re telling me that they were able to get people from every country, not just Western Europe, with starkly different cultures and attitudes towards magic, to agree to this? All at the same time?
To me, I think it was rapidly adopted in stages in Western Europe. Britain may have done it first then the French wizards went, “Hey, that looks like a great idea!” and went along for the ride.
I think it was imperialism/colonialism/westernization that spread the statue elsewhere. The British wizards get to China and India, sorry locals, you get to use wands, build magical academies, and have to go live separate from the muggles now. Doesn’t matter what you were doing before, our way is the right way!
With westernization, I imagine that the wizarding communities in those nations saw the changing times, and most decided to switch over to the more western model of disappearing as muggles seemed to appreciate them less and less. And even then we still have things like Rasputin happening.
The Statute Today
With increased technology, communication, and travel the Statute is untenable. It will fail. Eventually there will be something wizards can’t cover up with a gas leak. As it is, that’s very nearly Harry and Ron in 1992 when they fly a car over a populated city.
More, the alienation of the wizarding world doesn’t help. They now have no understanding of muggle culture. The only real understanding they have is through muggleborns and they’re disconnected from muggles as well as they’re essentially taken out of that society at the age of eleven.
The way wizards talk, the statute will always hold. Doesn’t matter that the obliviation department seems busier than ever, the idea that this didn’t always exist, that it can crumble, doesn’t even occur to them. 
But yes, those are my general thoughts on the statute.
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thed4rkhand · 3 years
Im lacking mentally so I’m not 100% sure that aspects are like different placements in someone’s chart but assuming they are could u say a little about Namjoon’s sag moon? I’m a sag moon but I know with the rest of someone’s chart it’ll effect them differently. Sorry if this is just wrong but if it’s not thank u 💜
Hey! This is absolutely true, sag moons differ from one another a lot depending on the rest of the chart. Since I mostly Vedic astrology, I’ll analyse his chart based on that!
We have to note that while western astrology is usually more advisory in nature, Vedic astrology’s main purpose is to predict. Also, we usually go a sign back in Vedic astrology, so according to that for example, Namjoon would actually have a Scorpio moon. ( you would too if you use western astrology and then convert it to Vedic!)
Now let’s be aware that the chart may be a bit different, but given the main d1 (Lagna) chart remains the same for about 2 hours, let’s focus on that and the moon chart (rashi chart) for this reading. We can also just look at d9 for strength but not house placements as that can be time sensitive.
According to sources online, Namjoon was born at about 12noon, in Seoul (don’t worry if it’s another city, since Korea is fairly small, it wouldn’t matter too much, plus they follow a uniform time zone) on 12th September, 1994.
Coming to the actual reading now, please read the above part or you’ll be a bit confused. In case you’re unfamiliar with Vedic astrology, feel free to inquire about any of the astrology jargon that is about to be poured here analysing this!
What does moon represent in a chart? As the natural ruler of the 4th house and thus cancer, it represents the mother, it also represents our mind and emotion, and also fame and foreign lands. (It represents a lot a lot more, but main things are these)
What does the sixth house of a chart represent? Daily work, routine, small animals, wage labour, loans, enemies and so so much more.
What does Scorpio represent? Being ruled by both Ketu (south node) and Mars, it covers topics of occult, transformations, obsession, research, mental duress, hidden wealth, and so so sooooo much more too.
Moon in his chart is at 13’ 39 in Scorpio, which means it’s debilitated. Debilation in a chart means that the planet is in a sign which weakens it considerably.
A very generic interpretation of this would thus imply a lot of mental duress within a person, a workoholic, someone who craves routine, someone who finds it hard to connect with their emotions, a communicative relationship with the mother (natural 4th lord is 3rd from 4th house), close to younger siblings but on the bad side we have a dual faced person or person that is very different at heart as compared to their image (see how Scorpio has two rulers, representing two different things), someone who is very insecure and on the search for his enemies at all times, very strong oppositions in life, etc.
Given the fact that the moon here is the lord of 3rd house and siting in the 6th house, one can see that one’s job may be related to communication of words and ideas, and given the lord here is moon, this can be through emotional and/or creative methods (we all know how good joon is at penning lyrics), here, in 3rd house we also see the sun sitting in cancer, which means the 4th lord is 12 houses away. We can thus see that the lyrics or emotions portrayed here may at times be against oppression or defined boundaries of the legal system or society (12 represents losses, and sun is the ruler). Since sun here is also the 4th lord, the communication may also include elements of childhood nostalgia at times. The person may also have learned how to write creatively from their mother, or the mother may have been very dominating during their early education.
Given the lord of the 6th house is sitting 8 houses away, in the 1st house itself, it indicates that the job of such an Individual is transformative in nature, however the person is very passionate about this job himself. Given that here, Mars is sitting in Gemini, a sign that represents youthfulness, the person may also work with younger people, have a very modern outlook on things, have rapidly changing opinions, be very opinionated and aggressive at times, work for the youth, and more.
Given the sublord is sitting 6 houses away (south node Ketu) in the 11th house in Pisces we can get even more clues about him. Such a placement causes devotion to work, as Pisces is all about devotion, however Ketu kicks in the escapist tendencies, making the person confused about what they want (they can be very moody, have periods of working a lot and then long periods of depression). However since Ketu itself is spiritual in nature, such a person finds solace in work itself. They might have a lot of material goods and friends, and may be extremely charming (11th house qualities), but they tend to be quite over it most of the time. So having an ambivert kind of personality, where they actually find their own company quite satisfactory but act as quite a magnet to other people (the Pisces charm), making their true personalities quite a surprise to most people.
Now coming to the Nakshatra placements of this moon (each sign has these constellations within them, which are called Nakshatras, so rather than classifying a whole sign as an archetype, nakshatras, according to degrees, help us decode them better! They also help in reading empty houses or energies of houses on their own!
Namjoon has his moon in Anuradha Nakshatra, which is considered one of the most auspicious nakshatras to have your moon in! It literally translates to the follower, so someone who passionately follows their heart’s desire!
Having one’s moon here often leads to obsessive thoughts and task orientated personalities who don’t know how to let go and relax. The symbol of the Nakshatra is a lotus, which blooms despite being born in muddy waters. Such people may have a poor or average upbringing, but attain fame and wealth on their own might. They might get angry very quickly and may often let loose of their tongues. They might be extremely blunt and staring forward at times, and thus people are careful around them. They are not the kind of people who show off, and thus tend to stay humble even after becoming successful. They tend to become breadwinners for the family quite young, at around 17-18 itself.
They are extremely hard working and dedicated at their jobs. They are extremely disciplined in life and tend to follow principles of the society as a whole. They learn life lesson by their struggles in life. People tend to come to such people for advice because they’re natural born leaders and mature, they are also able to get rid of any of life’s hurdles thrown at them. These people are very concerned with investing in non liquid property such as houses and cars, gold and jewellery. They may also invest a lot in stocks and as a result tend to be quite rich even when not actively working.
Lastly, the lord of this nakshatra is Saturn, which means that the person with such a Nakshatra May deal with masses of people and may serve the masses too (UN hello? Future politician?). Given that Joon’s Saturn is retrograde in the 9th house in Capricorn, he’s had quite a lot of mental resets where he’s constantly putting himself down for not working hard enough, or even when he is working, he often doesn’t see tangible results from it. (Saturn is work), his luck tends to go up and down, and this really affects his mental state, as he is literally one with work. Expect this one to be really really moody but really really helpful and organised due to his Saturn.
Interestingly, since moon represents fluids, it causes issues with fluids in the body too. (Who remembers the nose surgery because joon’s nosebridge collapsed or something?). Such a person may also be a hypochondriac actually.
Sooo this was my analysis, and obviously I could go on and on and on about it for hours, there is so much to say, but I doubt anyone would be interested in so much. Since I wasn’t sure what you wanted to know with the moon, I just put in a bit of everything. In case you do want to know more, give in a more detailed ask and we’ll just dive in and get all the dates and minutes out.
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archived-and-moving · 3 years
Do elves have like elite classes for medicine ?
The Elf Body and how it works for level 7& 8
Reproduction and how to legally create ur own servants for level 8
Periods and how it's not good for your physical being to make any blood related jokes during this time for levels 7&8
Puberty and how pimples suck for level 7
I know this is a joke but this is a legitimate question that I have so I'm probably gonna get ramble-y. 
So, Foxfire is supposed to represent years 6-12, yet the last two levels (7 and 8) are what I think are made to represent College/University levels, since only people with abilities can enter, and it is required to get into the nobility.
Foxfire was founded before Bronte's time, and according to the KotLC Wiki it says that the latest was 2000 BC, meaning that Elves were way ahead of humans, since we were still mostly hunting and gathering, although a few state societies were founded.
I think that elves were definitely ahead of us, but that their norms and society as a whole changed rapidly over the development of different methods and new technology.
Their understanding of anatomy, sciences, inventions, etc. has probably changed a lot over the millenia that they’ve been alive. Foxfire would support that. The classes were probably all together, then maybe apart, then finally one-on-one. The content of the classes probably changed as the basic elven understanding of the world around them did too. So think maybe they originally had biology, but then maybe switched that to elementalism. 
I think the only subject that wouldn’t change would be the Universe, since I think that elves would have shared that curiosity that humans do about the stars and how to harness them.
That would also probably change and adapt with the human race as well.
So, what I'm getting at is Foxfire's education has been around a long time- and I bet the teaching system reflects that throughout history. I'm thankfully not giving a whole lesson on what I think Foxfire is like, but I do feel that we should take into account medicine.
Obviously we know that elves do not take the same things that we do into account. And I'm curious to see what their perspective is on the gnome situation, maybe an ancient, or an elf who really doesn't agree with the whole servent situation.
I know that Alden and Fitz were horrified that Sophie thought of them as servants in the first book, but I feel that someone with a different perspective could be like "Hey so, this is really messed up."
I feel like it'd be someone like Kesler--both rebel organizations have been shown to be quite apathetic towards the gnome situation, so I'm not going to count them-- who can see that the Elven Government is flawed, and even corrupt at times.
But on to the actual contents of your ask; wtf is wrong with the elven education system, and when do they learn to be a corrupt species? Well;
I'm assuming that the Elvin Body class would span over levels 7 and 8. I'd like to think that those going into the medical field would get a more detailed study, but everyone gets a basic understanding of it. (think of like a health class for us)
We could also assume that parents teach their kids, especially if they’re a physician or even animal rehabilitator (Sophie, Jolie, and Stina probably know a lot about not elvin animals just from being around their parents.) 
So, I think there would be more specific courses. Like maybe each year is broken into around four units, each giving students a better understanding of the subject. I also think they should let them choose as to if they want their classes to be one on one, in small groups, or all together.
The medical students would probably have more in-depth classes, and I think they’d pick a physician specializing in a certain field to apprentice under before they graduate.
Like, Elwin might specialize in healing and working with children. And maybe Keefe would want to be a medical student. So, Keefe would take all the required classes certain days of the week, then other days he would just go with Elwin and watch and learn how he does it.
Each medical student would be given a mentor, (and if there were a lot of them, they’d be doubled up with that mentor,) and I’m thinking that the valedictorian would be offered to serve the council after a few more years of training.
Here's what I'd think (read, want) the Average Elite Level medical student schedule to look like;
(Let’s say this is Keefe’s)
Monday: Elvin Body (AM)  Lunch  Empathy (PM)
Tuesday: Elixirs (AM)  Lunch  Elective of choice (PM) 
Wednesday: Day of Internship
Thursday: Reproduction (AM)  Lunch  Empathy (PM)
Friday: Day of Internship
So, yeah, there’s my really long explanation of what I think the average Medical Student would go through at Foxfire.
Can’t help with that servant problem though. Rumor is that certain triplets are planning something big to help the gnomes and upset the government- but I don’t know specifics.
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