#i get that the whole 'got eaten by dragon' thing was not meant to be the Whole Plot but i feel like the background plot is just not my thing
my-thoughts-and-junk · 4 months
reading dungeon meshi
#random thoughts#it has the kind of plot i hate where you retread the same plot point repeatedly while making progress elsewhere#like hi falin bye falin#like i cared about them finding falin. then they found her. and now she's gone again.#i don't like marcille but in like. a compelling way. she's my favorite archetype of character who is specifically female for some reason?#lady who thinks her way is the right way and she's morally right and therefore everyone else is wrong#high conscientiousness with low openness to experience. see themselves as agreeable dutiful and restrained while not being any of that#they tend to take on moralistic causes but they usually don't have a defined reason for WHY they're doing it so it just comes off as preachy#and the narrative tends to take their side with no basis in why#like when marcille tried to prove herself with the mandrakes and put everyone in danger and senshi conceded he was ALSO in the wrong???#and even marcille was like 'that wasn't my point at all'#that entire chapter made me mad it was so good#it's also doing that thing i hate when a piece of media introduces too many characters at once#like who's who what's what who is important who should i remember#i love the detail put into the cooking sessions!!!#i love how all the characters are so fucked up and not even in plot-important ways#like chilchuck's cowardice is very important to the plot but senshi was straight-up willing to let a man die for his flavorful cooking lmao#laios is. my man. i need him carnally.#i get that the whole 'got eaten by dragon' thing was not meant to be the Whole Plot but i feel like the background plot is just not my thing#either that or it wasn't set up in a compelling enough way?#idk. im still reading#all in all i think dungeon meshi might just not be my thing? plot-wise i mean. i love the characters and the general premise#of monster biology and environmentalism and cooking and augh#i don't like how everytime senshi corrects marcille on something so far he ends up going 'i guess i also need to learn a thing or two'#like on the mandrakes? the man has FIELD EXPERIENCE he was entirely in the right to prefer his method!!!#and on the environment thing? first of all marcille's whole thing is building artificial dungeons she SHOULD care about the food chain#SECOND OF ALL telling marcille she shouldn't kill so many fishmen isn't playing GOD or whatever#that kraken was a fucking. extenuating circumstance. it was literally there just to make marcille's argument credible#animals killing each other through the food chain is different from marcille using what is essentially a rocket launcher#god i ran out of tags. peace and luv bruvs 🤟 kind of have a hate crush on marcille now. need her
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!! monsterfucking !! it’s sorta kinda dragon porn time !!
and other fairy tale shenanigans.
royalty doesn’t fucking make sense. 
you were pretty sure there was only one prince. there’s only been one prince this whole time! so how could it be POSSIBLE that there were two princesses brought in from far-off lands to marry to the prince? and beyond that, how is it possible that the king needs a THIRD bride??
doesn’t matter, you suppose. father, the king’s favorite shepherd, was ordered to cough up your younger sister, and like hell you were gonna let that happen. 
and then there was a witch, and some confusing advice… life could be stranger. probably. 
the ten dresses made some sense. they really added to the poof of a wedding dress, and they helped create a curve or two you didn’t have yourself. under the veil, your face was hidden- the king wouldn’t be the wiser. you’d marry off and hide it from the prince who’s last two wives weren’t good enough, for some definitely not-death reason, and your sister would be free to live her life. it’s really no trouble at all. you can’t very comfortably sit down, in the ten dresses, but uh… you’ll be fine. 
oh. uh, also, there’s a dragon. 
royalty doesn’t fucking make sense. 
you suppose there’s one more prince, and this one is a dragon. that explains the very-most-definitely-not-eaten princesses. and the witch’s advice to “tell him to shed a skin with every dress he asks you to take off.” the rope hidden under your bodice makes a bit more sense, too. 
the only question left was what she meant by “lie with him to break his curse.”
you’ll figure it out. 
all things considered, he’s not that massive. probably four of your leg lengths in circumference, hands maybe the size of your rib cage. manageable… once he’s shed ten skins to match your ten dresses. he’s looking pretty sorry for himself, tired and weak, when you stand before him with no clothing. his eyes flick up at you. 
“you’re no… no princess…” he pants out, and you lash his wrists each to the metal torch cages, spreading his arms wide and propping his back against the wall. 
“and you’re a dragon. whine about it.” you cross your arms as you take him in. with so many skins shed, his scales aren’t as sharp or dirty, and you aren’t afraid to touch him while his hands are bound. you walk along the length of his body closer to his head. 
“the witch told me how to break your curse. i think i know what she meant.” silent, he keeps his gaze on you. 
you climb onto the great dragon and straddle his body to keep your balance. as such, your cock pressed down into the cool scales, soft and ridged. you let out a soft whimper, closing your eyes and pressing your palms down to hold yourself still and stable. 
you feel a rumble beneath you, and look up at him. he’s lifted his chin slightly. 
“scoot back. just a bit.” confused but trusting him, you do as he asks, and feel something warm and slick press against your ass. you look over your shoulder, and his weeping member has jutted out proudly between his scales. somehow, you gain enough traction to lift yourself up and back down again so now his cock sits between your thighs, pressed against your core and your stomach. he’s… well, draconic. big. 
you steel your nerve and line yourself up, sinking down over him with a long moan and almost a choking feeling. he is still big, and you can feel him, surprisingly warm and pulsing inside you. your body throbs in time with him and you squeeze around him, whimpering, unmoving. 
but then there is a flash of magic, and you shut your eyes against it. he gets warmer, hotter, brighter, and you have to lift one elbow to cover your eyes. you feel him shift beneath you, but he stays inside you, and when the light is gone, you open your eyes again. 
he’s a man. he’s got slitted eyes, still, and rough scale-like skin on his collar- and cheek- bones, his rib cage. his knuckles, too, when he lifts his hands to look at them. 
“am i..?”
“your curse is broken. like the witch said.”
now having your knees pressed to the soft rug, you have far more purchase to raise your hips over him and drop down again. you catch a glimpse of fangs as he moans. it’s only one or two bounces before he sits up, pulling you to his chest to kiss you, letting you feel the scratchiness of his scales. 
“to the bed, my bride,” he growls with a smile, and you can hardly tear yourself from him. 
the king barges into the dragon’s room in the morning, expecting to see another woman dead and a dragon demanding a new bride. instead, he sees a valiant son, peacefully asleep wrapped around his favorite shepherd’s son. for his own peace of mind, he ignores the hickeys spread across both of their bear chests. 
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missglaskin · 2 years
Yandere Aegon II Targaryen (Romantic) would include: 
Warnings: Forced relationship, toxic and abusive behavior, NONCON also spoilers 
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Note: While I use the gif for the younger version, this is supposed to be for the older!Aegon, but I can’t find any gifs of him 
If Aegon were ever to be defined by his sins, there would be three. His first sin was wrath; described as a man who’s quick to anger and slow to forgive. His second sin was gluttony, always overindulging himself. And his third most prominent sin was his lust. He kept an eye on every pretty lady and servant, and they were frequently found in his bed. In the end, Aegon always walks away with pride while they walk away with shame. 
He has always been drawn to lovely things. It should not have come as a surprise when you got his attention. You are beautiful, young, and pure—all the qualities he liked in a woman. Aegon is shameless; regardless of whether you were engaged or already married, he would still pursue you. Sadly, Aegon won't accept "no," and soon enough, his interest develops into infatuation, which then develops into obsession.
The blood of the dragon is coursing through Aegon. It's in his nature to be possessive and protective, but as a yandere, he becomes suffocating. He is without a doubt among the worst yanderes in his family. While the others also exhibit his possessiveness, Aegon is more on the extreme side, in that he views you more as a trophy for him to win rather than as a person with feelings and aspirations. 
Another thing that makes Aegon different from the others is that they know their darling is only with them because of coercion. But Aegon doesn’t see it this. He becomes a semi-delusional yandere as a result. Hence why he is so agitated when you keep turning him down—it forces him to deal with reality.
Aegon will marry you one way or another. Despite his mother's and grandfather's advice to the contrary. Aegon doesn't handle rejection well, as was already mentioned, and he'll react violently if his engagement to you is rejected. Aegon might even go so far as to deflower you—either voluntarily or against your will—so that you would be compelled to wed him in order to maintain your honor. 
Aegon will continue to have an affair with you regardless of whether he marries Helaena. The problem arises when he refuses to keep it secret. There will be a lot of gossip around the court regarding the whole arrangement, and it will be extremely scandalous. And obviously, your family will be humiliated as a result. Still, it doesn’t bother Aegon. If anything, he sees it as their payback for refusing to accept your engagement to him. 
Deep-seated jealousy consumes Aegon. Even the slightest interactions you have with the opposite sex make him paranoid. Playing on Aegon's jealousy is the riskiest thing you can do because it will likely result in someone dying-possibly getting eaten by his dragon. His brothers are not exempt from this either, and as a result, they tend to avoid you. Everyone in the court—the lord, the ladies, and the servants—knows to keep their distance if they want to stay out of Aegon's crosshairs. 
Whatever you may think of Aemond and Daemon, there is at least a sense that they care about their kids, even if they are merely a tool for subjugation. On the other hand, Aegon doesn't really care about your kids, and if he had to choose between you and them, he would pick you without giving it a second thought. 
He’s hungry for you and Aegon takes what he wants. He loves seeing you squirm, the tears you shed, the sounds you let out; in particular when you moan his name. If you reject him, he'll gladly force himself on you. And all the guards who were meant to protect you will simply stand there as they listen to their prince king forces himself on you. Aegon deludes himself into thinking you want this, but you're just being coy. 
Aegon is desperate for your touch even outside of the bedroom. Holding your hands wherever you go. His lips are always finding yours; his kisses are passionate and deeply left. In spite of his lack of enthusiasm for dancing, he will dance with you on any given occasion. His mother has to caution him against making physical displays of affection because other people perceive his clinginess as a weakness.
As the future king, he demands respect. He demands others to give you the same respect. Regardless of whether you are his mistress or his wife, Aegon won't tolerate any disrespect or insults directed at you. The subsequent time they do so will be the final occasion when their tongue is intact.
If you play your cards well, Aegon will be in your good graces. You've discovered how simple it is to seduce Aegon. How eagerly he awaits your admiration. Aegon also enjoys treating you to many luxuries. Even if you ask for something odd, like a pony, he'll bring it to you. 
As time goes on, you will slowly be able to get him to do your bedding, but you must make him feel that you are happy with him, that you have accepted his place in your life, and that you love him completely. You must be careful though, despite Aegon's love for you. If your plans are discovered, you’re not exempt from his wrath. 
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destinygoldenstar · 7 months
I Analyzed The Ninjago Movie Instead Of Sleeping
I have real mixed feelings on this movie. But not for the reasons you might think from a fan of the TV show.
The movie didn’t NEED to be connected to the show. And it clearly wasn’t trying to.
It was meant to be an AU in a way.
(If you look at the behind the scenes one of their original rewrites was a plot of them going back in time to save Lloyd’s dad from becoming the villainous figure he is in the present day.)
So I can forgive the inaccuracy so long as it could stand on its own as a proper story.
It doesn’t do that.
If you DON’T compare it to the show:
You got a movie with SOME good jokes, amazing animation, (SERIOUSLY THIS MOVIE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL AND VISUALS ALONE ARE A CHEFS KISS TO ME) but is so strangely paced that it feels like the movie starts at the middle of the story and never shows the beginning, and feels like a completely different movie halfway through, and is also very choppily edited.
(I even double checked a clip of the movie just to prove my point there: When Lloyd uses all his dragon mech weapons on Garmadon, they play the exact same sound effect and explosion, just with different angles, SIX TIMES. FSM WAS THAT EDITOR HUNG OVER WHEN DOING THEIR JOB THAT DAY?! And that’s just one example I’ve got. I think this was the first time EVER when I was in a movie theater and I distinctly remember asking “What is wrong with the editing here? Who thought this was good editing?? Who thought this was appropriate in any way???” So I thank this movie for giving me such a memory and making me value good editing.)
You also got a world that isn’t very well fleshed out, characters that the movie chooses to not focus on except the main character and the main villain. And you got a movie that tells its audience it’s okay to forgive your parents that neglected you and are active terrorists even if they earned or done absolutely no redemption whatsoever.
I mean Garmadon in this movie BETRAYS them and leaves them to rot so he could terrorize the city again at the end. Then gets eaten by the cat. Then Lloyd forgives him. Idk what more you want me to say.
I’m not gonna act like Crystalized did it any better though. Pick your poison.
But then you got fans of the show. The people who watched the show since kids (that includes me). Who are naturally bias towards the shows lore and characterization…
I don’t hate EVERY portrayal of the ninja in the movie as much as other people. I actually think there’s some good ideas for an AU version of these characters here. Problem is the movie never does anything with them.
Well, I say I don’t hate every portrayal, the one I truly cannot stand is Zane’s.
There’s just so much wrong with how they portrayed Zane that it just does not work. Not as an adaptation of the character. Not in any way that makes sense for this universe and is actually kinda insulting.
There’s no other robots in this city. (Like there are in the show) Why is Zane the only one and why is he in high school? Why would Wu ever pick a robot to be a ninja?
In the show the reason is pretty simple: Wu didn’t know at the time.
But everyone knows in the movie. What’s movie Wu’s excuse?
There’s also in terms of personality.
Keep in mind later seasons of the show have the same issues, so I’m talking about what it was at the time of the movie.
Zane’s whole robot identity is crucial to his character. The show introduced him as ‘the strange one’. As he couldn’t understand social cues, took things very seriously, didn’t share the same sense of humor as the rest of the team, had a hard time displaying his emotions, and bonded with things the others didn’t and excelled at certain areas like cooking.
He’s a character that connected to a lot of neurodivergent people in the audience who could relate to him. No he’s not intentional autistic rep, but one that definitely mattered to the people that headcannoned him as such.
(Also helps that they introduce other robot characters later that clearly don’t have the same characteristics he does. So really it depends on what you see.)
So the reveal that he was a robot was such a huge deal to not just the plot but to him as he finally got a concrete definition of what he is and who he is. And the show NEVER decides to say “You know, it would be so much better if you were a human!”
“Why can’t you just be normal?!”
That’s part of why I personally can’t stand fics that make Zane human. It just doesn’t feel right to me and misses the point of the character.
While I absolutely did not expect the movie to cover his… really heavy backstory with his inventor/father and how he outlived him, then got his memory and sense of identity wiped by him moments before death, which was meant to be an act of sympathy but would actually harm Zane’s mentality for the entire show…
The movie didn’t need to adapt that. For all we know, movie Zane could have a very happy backstory. And that would be fine. All I wanted was for the identity-seeking aspect of Zane’s character to matter in some way.
It didn’t.
The jokes they use for Zane in this movie are that of “Haha, he’s a robot. Isn’t it so funny that he doesn’t understand humanity very well?”
You know, something that in one episode of the show was portrayed as a BAD THING for people to think that of him! And that those people needed to learn to respect him for who he is!
And that’s the ONLY thing they do with him. Just robot jokes. Very stereotypical robot jokes.
Again, later seasons of the show are guilty of this too. So I will not act like the show is perfect.
For the reasons I listed, these are actually far more offensive and harmful than you think. Especially fans of the show watching the movie. Him being the only robot in this movie world makes me think even more that this actually is autistic coding… and that makes it so much worse.
Zane being a robot being equal to autism is its own discussion. And has its own problems on paper alone. Whether or not this is your headcanon of him, and whether or not you think this is good representation either way is up to your feelings and experiences. (Personally I think it’s better than some live action shows attempting this)
The others don’t even seem to trust or want to be around him that much. The others seem annoyed by him half the time. Like they’re only tolerating him because he’s on their team. Yeah they don’t say that but simple looks and gestures are enough to get that impression. And not once does anyone ever express Zane’s value in their team. That’s the ONE thing that would’ve had me forgive this all.
But there’s my rant. The others?
Jay is mostly fine. I think this personality for the movie is a neat AU concept. Yes show Jay is openly terrified of things and awkward, but if there’s something he wasn’t was SHY.
Movie Jay is a shy and nervous wreck. And you know what? For a high school AU, I think it works. It doesn’t erase Jay’s essence entirely. They at the very least kept the detail of his character that he’s a fast learner.
I appreciate that.
Cole is actually a REALLY interesting concept to me with the AU idea they gave.
On the surface it’s just ‘He’s a DJ and willingly old school’
But if you see the show, this is actually an ODD approach. Because show Cole has a very complicated relationship with music.
In the show, Cole’s parents thrived in singing and dancing. His father specifically was a performer that won several awards with his band ‘The Royal Blacksmiths’. After Cole’s mother passed away, his father proceeded to push his ideals and his passions onto his kid and pressuring him to become another version of him. It got stressful enough that Cole ran away from home and resented music, something that used to be a bond of family for them, and that’s where Wu found him and made him a ninja.
Throughout the show, Cole would open up to music again more, but it’s pretty gradual and a very subtle bit of character development for him throughout the show. He doesn’t need to say “I hate making music” to get the point across. He only starts the music route again whenever it has something to do with making a family member, blood or not, happy.
So movie Cole is interesting to me for that reason. Because at the start, he basically IS a mini Lou. His whole thing is music and it’s heavily reflected on his personality.
To the point where his element in the movie isn’t even animated or portrayed as earth like it’s supposed to, instead it’s… sound waves?
Weird choice. Interesting one though cause maybe that’s just how movie Cole functions.
So it’s “Oh, what if Cole DID follow in his fathers footsteps and DID want to become a musician?”
Very interesting approach for a completely different approach of character development.
But the problem? Just like the others, not utilized.
But I do think this was an interesting AU idea. Is it accurate to the show version of the character? No. But that’s kind of the point I think.
Then there’s the RGB siblings. This is where it gets kinda weird for me.
Thanks to the movie, a lot of my friends mistook Kai and Nya for being twins.
They are not twins in the show. Kai is older.
I don’t think that dents their characters too much in the movie so long as the same points were across. They’re the blood related brother and sister who raised themselves when their parents abandoned them, and climbed out of the ashes to protect each other, and found a new expansion on their family that didn’t have to be blood related to count.
These two, in different ways, are the support of the team and especially Lloyd. They’re usually the lancer characters that Lloyd goes to when he can.
I still say that about Nya even though originally, she was NOT a ninja, but rather was a Samurai with a mech of her own invention that acted as a Tuxedo Mask for the ninja. She didn’t become the water ninja until Season 5.
Which… I know the movie takes heavy inspiration from the first two seasons, the beginning, so for those who haven’t seen the show watching the movie… yikes I feel bad about the lack of a spoiler warning. Same goes for Zane being a robot.
But I think that’s also a factor into Kai, at the former half of this show, (again I’m talking pre-movie with this). He was the first character we were introduced to and we’re following in the show before Lloyd ever showed up. So naturally he’d be the one with the most attention to supporting the Green Ninja. Something that was very vital character development for him individually as well.
He’s the old school one. He’s the cool one. He’s the one who looks out for you even if you don’t want them to. He’s the one that will jump to anything without thinking. He’s also the one with the most value in tradition out of the ninja, as a blacksmith instead of a techie and as a traditional sword fighter rather than a fancy complicated weapon. He doesn’t get involved in tech willingly till he learns Twitter is a thing.
And in the movie, I think they took this characterization and said “Eh, give it to the girl instead.”
So most of show Kai’s character traits are now movie Nya’s. She’s the cool one with the most passion for traditional stories, she’s the one with arguably the most talks with Lloyd to calm him, and she’s pretty loud and brash in personality.
Not saying show Nya is not those things, she is. But the difference in the show was that Nya was HUGE on independence and doing her own thing. Being the only woman and a younger sibling in the main cast is actually a big deal to her. Not wanting to have her destiny be decided by the world or her brother as a damsel in distress or a sacrifice, she took to tech to invent her own ways of helping. Her own character.
Until destiny told her “Actually no, you can’t be the person you want to be. You have to stick to tradition that your mother had and be the water ninja.”
That’s… honestly a very brutally honest message that not a lot of people I see give credit for. Cause yes, expressing yourself and being your own person and being able to make your own fate is amazing… but it’s not always possible.
Sometimes you can’t be the person you want. Sometimes the world just will not let you. That doesn’t mean your identity is worthless, though. If you go with the flow, you can actually find that fate has plans for you that might not suck after all.
Basically a ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ messaging there.
It’s part of why Nya’s whole thing throughout the show is her starting as a damsel trying to reinvent herself and her stereotype, and ending as a willing sacrifice and death of her whole identity that she doesn’t regret because she’s embraced the flow of life and purpose. Even if she forgets herself in the realm of spirituality, her loves one’s never will.
…Until Crystalized undid ALL of that. BUT LETS NOT.
Movie Nya just really isn’t any of that. She’s basically just her brother.
Which… I’m actually fine with. The show has some bumps in the road in execution of her story anyway. And they want the only female of this team to not be a background character cause that’s look bad. I totally understand that. And her being a sibling to Kai makes me forgive it a whole lot more cause it does make sense.
But again, we don’t know what their lives are like or if they have similar backstories to theirs in the show at all.
But where does that leave Kai?
Well his whole character in the movie seems to basically be “I’m the loud one and a complete klutz and meathead.”
Basically TD Tyler.
It’s a personality in the movie that bled in the show post movie. While I personally think it was not THAT bad in the show, Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu made me go “Okay. I understand now.”
As for movie Kai, that’s really about it.
It really was an early indicator of just giving Kai’s character traits to other characters. Before the show was visibly doing it.
Cause movie Lloyd is also basically just Kai but with a different backstory and context to situation. But honestly, I DO see what they were going for here.
As the ONLY ninja to get ANY focus, this version of Lloyd is well explained on what his life is.
In the show, he’s an abandoned child in an abusive boarding school who heavily idolizes his father, Lord Garmadon, and runs away to become a super villain. Only for Destiny to tell him not to, and we see his true colors and that he just wanted his family together and to love him. Something that was… hard. Considering who Garmadon is.
That is actually carried into the movie. Just cut out him running away. Here’s the difference.
Show Lloyd loves his dad and refuses to hurt him until he has to. While he is the Green Ninja, he didn’t resent himself being Garmadon’s son. What he resented was the destiny that took them apart.
Movie Lloyd HATES his dad for abandoning him, terrorizing the city, making said city cancel him for EXISTING, and he wants every excuse to shut this man out of his life forever.
That does make sense. And to the movie’s credit, the movie logic DOES work to make this version of Lloyd make sense.
It makes the movie pretty mean spirited and kinda unpleasant at times. But it works for the story.
I described Lloyd as ‘The Emo Child’. In the show. But that’s two words.
He’s still a kid. He’s still the youngest. He still has his own child-like wonder of the world and the aspirations that of a child would.
Yeah he’s a lot of angst. But he’s also a sweet kid who deserves hugs.
That’s not very apparent in movie Lloyd. Not that it needs to fit movie context.
But because we never see how the ninja in the movie got together, we have no idea why Lloyd even accepted being the Green Ninja in the first place. He even says in the movie that he’d give it up if it meant he didn’t have to be Garmadon’s son.
Movie Lloyd is the only ninja in this movie with an actual character arc. He resents his dad, tries to be rid of him, only to get consequences for it, goes on a quest to fix his mistake, bonds with his dad to learn he’s… sympathetic? I guess?? And in the end forgives his dad and chooses to let him in his life again.
Simple. Fine. It works on Lloyds end just fine. And I have to give credit for the movie making Lloyd resenting Garmadon more logical than Crystalized ever did.
It’s Garmadon’s end that just makes the whole thing a bad message in the end of ‘forgive your abusers.’
Yes he’s funny. That doesn’t undo his actions.
No it’s not undone in the show either, but at least you can buy the forgiveness there because every character knew that he had no choice.
In the show, Garmadon is the Oni Child of the FSM. Thus all it took was for another Oni creature, the Great Devourer, to trigger his blood and FORCE him into the evil role without his consent. It forced him to do nasty things to his loved ones and the land his dad created, and by the time he became his evil form, he was forcefully stripped away from all of his loved ones and a chance at normal life. So the only way he could ever get that back was to turn the world into his own image, thus having the world become him too. A monster.
The show made it abundantly clear that most of Garmadon’s evil deeds are either out of ambition for what he deems as helping the family, or not his fault at all due to snake venom influence.
I THINK the movie also has this because they do address him getting bit and becoming the creature he appears as in both versions.
Better than nothing I guess.
But then you get his ‘sympathetic backstory’ which is pretty much just a love story between him and Koko-
Yeah Lloyds moms name is actually different in both versions. And in role.
Misako abandoned her child to try and solve the destiny crisis, then returned to his life to help her kid out.
Koko remained a mother to her kid and supported him even when everyone hated him.
These are very different characters basically, and which one you prefer is up to you. Personally… I actually prefer the movie. I do think the mom was the one character that the movie actually improved upon. Especially with a very interesting story for her.
In the show, Misako is a researcher and just the fair maiden figure that Wu and Garmadon fell in love with. To which she chose Garmadon because of Wu’s letter that Garmadon forged his name on… it’s complicated.
In the movie, she was actually a fighter as well and took a part of the wars Garmadon was in. She enjoyed the thrill of the fight and fell in love with her opponent in a pretty cute montage.
But then they had a baby and her reality changed, realizing she could not raise her child on the battlefield. And when Garmadon refused to change his mind, she took Lloyd and left him behind. So she could be a mother.
Explains her actions in the movie all throughout very well and I never got lost when it came to her. She’s probably the one character in the movie I felt the most sorry for. She’s such a sweet parent and her interactions with Lloyd are probably the best parts of the movie. I wanna hug her.
But that’s all that’s shown of Garmadon. Apparently Garmadon was oppressed, but that’s told at the end and not shown or been significant at all.
They don’t hate you cause you look funky. They hate you cause YOU TERRORIZE THEIR CITY ON A DAILY BASIS AND SHOOT PEOPLE OUT OF A VOLCANO
Yeah show Garmadon did similar stuff, but again, WASNT HIS CHOICE.
Here, it’s absolutely his choice cause nothing indicated otherwise.
Garmadon doesn’t even PROCESS his kids existence or his own negligence three quarters of the time. And you expect me to buy a redemption from him?
You know, I’d be fine with it if he was just a one dimensional villain and the story of the movie was about Lloyd putting his energy away from a family that doesn’t care about him and more towards a surrogate one he has.
But no. You gotta have Lloyd forgive Garmadon and have Garmadon redeemed.
Cause that’s what the show did.
Even though this is supposed to be an AU not connected to the show so we can do whatever we want.
The most they do for Garmadon’s redemption is force him to be the mentor after Wu got yeeted off a bridge by a butterfly, have him go “Oh yeah, I DID shoot people out of a volcano!”, teach his son how to catch, and tell his son his backstory.
(Speaking if, Wu to me is basically the same. Just different voice actor delivery. I got nothing to say on him)
And then if that IS redemption, then he failed it. Because he offers Lloyd to be his general when they take over the city again, showing he’s learned nothing. Then when Lloyd says no, he steals their magic weapons and ditches them in a temple leaving them to DIE. Then he goes to terrorize the city again.
What redemption. /s
Again, this was all HIS choice. If it was not and if it was snake venom, they couldn’t at least give a visual cue or address it?
And now LLOYD has to apologize?
It just paints an unintentional bad message of ‘you have to forgive your abusers’
I’m sorry but Lloyd doesn’t owe this Garmadon anything.
I do like Lloyd’s VA delivery though, and the speech about green being the color of life. I actually like the idea of Lloyds power being his heart. Yeah it’s not flashy powers like in the show, but for an AU, it’s a really cool idea and I wish they used it more.
I have mixed feelings on the celebrity casting. Did I expect the original voice actors? No. But this casting wasn’t awful.
Garmadon’s VA is amazing in this movie. Jackie Chan as Wu is very subjective I feel, love it or hate it. Nya and Jay’s were really good too. I think the only one that didn’t work for me was Kai’s VA. Just… why does this teenager sound like a 50 year old man??
But honestly, I think the thing that got to me the most about the movie was something I praised about the show not too long ago.
The bond between the ninja.
I talked about how the show is a master class at character dynamics. There is almost no point where the characters are just standing there in one big clunk. Someone is saying something, someone is making a comment, someone is doing something, and it’s usually there for others to see and react to. It’s a very small thing, but it keeps the scenes alive and fresh the whole time and helps the audience be sold on the characters bond.
They don’t wait for the scenes of “Okay it’s time for characters to interact”. They just do it all the time.
And guess what the movie did? They’re just there in one big chunk all the time. With “okay it’s time for characters to interact” bits.
It’s one thing to not explore the other ninja at all. It’s another to ignore their bond.
In the show, they’re a found family. They all had rough upbringings in life and find a new sense of purpose in each other.
That’s NEVER emphasized in the movie except for one speech at the end Lloyd makes. Mostly cause we don’t know the other ninjas lives, and we don’t know how they even got together. Cause as I said, the movie starts at the middle, and awkwardly cuts after Garmadon is forgiven to be the end. We don’t know what it is about THIS ninja team that we should care about. It’s not shown.
All were shown is them being a team by circumstance only. Then Lloyd pulls out the cat laser and the cat nearly kills them. Then they hate Lloyd for it and spend the rest of the movie making fun of Lloyd.
Which yeah they make fun of each other in the show too, but where it ended in the show was playful teasing in the middle of moments that showed they cared about each other. And when one bond between two or more of them was broken, you felt it.
Here? I don’t know that and there isn’t anything besides the high school montage to show they cared. Just some comments about “Oh it’s okay Lloyd, it’s just awkward that your dad is a terrorist”. And then they make fun of Lloyds expense.
It’s mean spirited. It makes me think they don’t like each other. And it’s not like they ever apologize for it. They’re just teammates because Wu said so. They’re just tolerating Lloyd cause Wu said so.
Honestly the bloopers for this movie show more personality and more of this bond than the entire movie does.
…OOF that took awhile. I don’t even know why I did this, I just didn’t feel like sleeping. Uh… you read this, congrats. Idk why you did.
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A dragon keeping their finest treasure (a prey) safe and warm in their tum? I've always really liked the concept of being kept safe in a belly by such a 'greedy' being.
Yes yes yes 1000% yes
You're tapping into another part of my brain that may or may not like object vore.
Im just gonna,,
You watch as the gemstone slides down your captor's throat... which would be a boringly long wait with their cartoonishly large neck, but you find yourself fixated the whole time.
Things could be worse. The Dragon, whom you have decided to name Glut (short for gluttony; it's not too creative, but it works), had taken good care of you. You can feel the sunlight on supervised outings in the fields near their den. They even bring you home a lamb every few days and wood so you can make a fire and roast it. This was after you refused to eat... erm, any bipedal meat. Most importantly, though, they keep you warm at night.
It returns to that damn gemstone, an opal, now deposited in Glut's stomach with a content gurgle. Glut doesn't eat every treasure they get: only the most precious, and in this case, fragile, pieces. Opal cracks if it's not kept moist. It's why opal jewelry needs to be worn often.
At first, you thought it was because you were fragile, prone to freezing at night, surrounded by the rocky cave walls. You believed that Glut swallowed you up most nights only to prevent hypothermia. He made it very clear that the few precious pieces in there with you were not meant to be touched.
Not that you could see any of them. You could barely see your hands in front of you. The only break from the darkness was yet another part of the dragon, just a slight glow, barely visible unless you squint, from Glut’s burning fire inside. That was until a crystal ball became one of their many treasures. It glowed, allowing you to see, and appreciate the treasure inside. Once Gult understood you really did see the value, you were allowed to move things around.  
"Getting lost in thought now, are we?"
Glut's low, rumbling voice practically shook the cave walls; you could almost feel it in your bones. They sounded so amused, and you're sure if they had an eyebrow, they'd be cocking it. However, when you open your mouth to apologize, their jaws quickly descend upon you.
You know it's safe. You always know it's safe. That split second still makes your heart stop every time, though. Glut is quick to gently gulp you down, as if handling any of their other fragiles. Their razor-sharp teeth pinned your ankles but didn't even break the skin. Sometimes you wondered if that was physical or if magical intervention was involved in keeping you intact.
There's never too much time to think of it when you're getting eaten alive. You can feel gravity shift as they lift their head up, using the force to aid with your descent. Inside is hot, cramped and... You've grown used to the sensation of the firm muscle pulling you deeper and deeper into the beast. At least they were soft; at least it made Glut happy. You wished they wouldn't swallow you head-first so much, though...
It didn't matter in the end, because no matter how much you squirmed and fought for freedom, you never got it, so the short ride, and particularly it's ending, had become somewhat calming. Maybe. Your brain had trouble coming to terms with that. 
Before you know it, pressure rolls up your body as you pass the Dragon's neck, then, an even tighter squeeze before you sink into their stomach with a harmless gurgle. Glut hums contently at your annoyed kick. They had agreed to give you a warning first. 
"Oh don't give me that~" Glut purrs. They got back to picking up another one of their precious treasures, poking their forked tongue out at the pretty colours. They were a dork in the end, really. "I saw that look you were giving my neck, you were practically begging to go in with just your eyes. It was impressive~."
You feel the chamber around you shake with Glut's warm laugh, and you smile. At this point, you're a master at not getting smothered by any treasure that slides around with all that movement. You've settled right in, in fact. 
Today, though, you don't have to worry about that too much. Most of their prized possessions aside from the opal and that same crystal ball are in their broad pouch, a calmer fleshy compartment adjacent to you in their warm stomach. It was less slimy, gurgly, and gross, really, but that meant it was less personal. Something about being squished and moved by the warm flesh of Glut's strong gut felt right. You weren't their young, you don't belong in that pouch, you're something unique, and you both knew deep down Glut's stomach was where you were meant to be. The crystal ball and the gemstone are warm as they press into you when the stomach walls squeeze you tightly. Glut wasn't laying down, so that was a hug directly from the Dragon's contented stomach. 
 You used to just think you were in here because you were fragile. Glut just wanted you well preserved. That's still the case, of course. Right now, though, not only is Glut keeping you warm and protected, Glut is prepping to move for the winter. Just a few mountain ranges over, so they can be by the hot springs. 
They've eaten you just now to take you with them—their most precious treasure.
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goldenavenger02 · 7 months
Prompt: the rest of the ninja finding out about Cole and Geo's relationship. Fluff.
It is a LITTLE angsty. Just a little. I hope you enjoy
When Cole arrived in the courtyard with no warning, Kai wasn’t sure he had ever run faster.
Well, he was sure that he had run faster in stressful situations, but he hadn’t hugged Cole in so long; he was just glad that it felt the same, it felt warm and strong and safe. 
He didn’t want to let go, it had been years since he had seen him but he also knew that the same was true of Lloyd and Zane so he found himself letting go just a few moments later to let everyone else get their fill of hugs in.
Even Wyldfyre, who acted like a feral being towards everyone new and old, was even interested in Cole’s arrival to the point of asking multiple questions about the place Nya had said that she found him, The Land of Lost Things.
Kai didn’t miss the solemn, almost sad look on his face as he spoke about where he had ended up after The Merge. A look he hadn’t seen in years, not since Shintaro.
But the look faded when the subject was changed to Lloyd explaining how the Mergequakes were stopped and everything returned to the happy, bubbly energy that had filled the monastery since Kai had returned.
And as Cole came into his room hours later and laid on the mostly clean floor, Kai was baffled by how everything felt so close to normal, to how it had been after they had defeated the Crystal King.
All that was missing was Jay lounging in the bean bag chair in the corner and playing some sort of Sonic game, only responding to every third sentence and being thoroughly confused when they laughed at his lack of context.
“Has Lloyd started acting as stuffy as Master Wu yet?”
“Nah. He tried to keep the whole monastery in order and broke a bunch of plates in the process.”
“Anger issues?”
“Nah, they fell out of the sink,” Cole’s laugh was infectious and filled Kai’s chest to the point where it hurt long after it faded into giggles that punctured his next sentence, “he’s doing his best, but he’s still Lloyd.”
“That’s good, I think,” Cole mused before sitting up and looking directly into Kai’s eyes, “do you still make edibles and hide them under your bed?”
“Even if I did,” Kai started, smiling as the famous incident of everyone taking his brownies that were just meant for when the long nights got too long and resulting in him simultaneously getting banned from the kitchen unless there was his mother’s or one of Zane’s cookbooks involved came to mind, “there’s that dragon, Riyu. He’ll eat them and either be high off of his ass or vomit on my bed.”
“He’s eaten your edibles before?”
“He’s eaten so many things that he shouldn’t and for some reason, my bed has to be where he gets rid of it,” Kai corrected before laying back down, “do you still have that bottle of fireball in your room?”
“That shit has to be rancid by now, it was opened before the Merge,” Cole shook his head, also laying back down and staring at the ceiling, “I suppose I could always go and get more tomorrow though.”
“We’re a bit old to hide edibles and alcohol in our rooms, I think. Lloyd’s even old enough to drink now.”
“Remind me to take the kid to a bar and make sure he’s not taking straight shots of vodka.”
“Noted.” Kai agreed, even if the idea of Lloyd drinking forced him to slip into the protective role he was so used to when it came to the green ninja.
“Besides, even if Lloyd’s old enough to drink, Sora, Arin and the feral one, they’re still kids. Not to mention the dragon who pukes in your bed.”
“Her name is Wyldfyre, and that was actually way different for her, since she’s usually trying to light things on fire or prove she’s the best. She was raised by a dragon, manners aren’t exactly her thing.”
“She sounds a lot like you.”
“I wasn’t raised by a dragon.”
“No, you were raised by yourself, which might be worse.”
Kai threw a pillow at Cole’s face; the pillow he threw back knocked him onto the floor tailbone first.
“You good?”
“Yep, just a sore ass,” Kai confirmed as he maneuvered onto his back and laid next to Cole, the sounds of their breathing filling the silence, “Nya told us when she got back, about the Finders.”
“Yeah, the Formling and the Hypnobri kids, and the Munce and the Skulkin who are our age,” Kai could have sworn that he saw a blush spread across Cole’s face at the mention of the Munce, “do you wanna tell me about them?”
“Fritz, the Formling, reminds me a lot of Lloyd when he was a kid. Adventurous, kind and pokes his nose where it doesn’t belong. Spitz is much more reserved and shy, but loves playing with Fritz and gets himself into trouble a lot because of it. Bonzal…well, I’ve known her for years, but she isn’t very forthcoming. She’s got a great sense of humor though, crochets a lot of blankets and also collects bones.”
“Whenever you ask, she just says they’re extremely useful; but, she wouldn’t hurt a fly so I’m not worried about it.”
“Okay,” Kai nodded while trying to get back on topic, but when he asked “what about the Munce?” he was able to guess why Cole’s cheeks flushed at the mention even before he started speaking.
“Geo. He’s the elemental master of fusion, he turns lost things into these large art sculptures. He’s good with the boys, he makes sure that they’re always taken care of, no matter what. He’s the only one who can get Bonzal to say more than a few sentences. He’s so caring, and funny and…he might be one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”
“He sounds great,” Kai agreed with a nod before asking, “so, why didn’t you bring them with you? Because the monastery is big-”
“It wasn’t a space issue. First Master, I wish it was a space issue,” Cole’s voice filling with tears made Kai’s heart pang with regret, “whenever they tried to leave, this fog would engulf them and lead them back. They had been forgotten for so long that they couldn’t leave. I only left because I thought I heard Master Wu…but it just led me here.”
Kai reached over and pulled Cole into a hug; he had needed the hug when he finally returned, but given how he tucked his head against his shoulder, he knew that it was Cole who needed a hug now.
They stayed like that until Cole finally spoke again, the sobs evident in his voice as he kept his face pressed against Kai’s shoulder.
“I…I miss them so much.”
“Hey,” Kai finally spoke and cupped a hand around Cole’s face to brush a few tears off of his cheeks, “we found Nya, we found Zane and we found you. We’ll get the others out of there and we’ll find Jay, PIXAL and Master Wu.”
“I know,” Cole agreed, taking in a shuddering breath while wiping his face on his sleeve, “it’s just really gonna suck until we do.”
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vivisandg · 1 year
Hi so I rarely request anything but I’ve fallen back into the httyd rabbit hole again and the lack of eret son of eret content on here is criminal. I came across your eret x pregnant reader and OH. MY. HEART... it’s beautiful! I was wondering if you could write some fluffy Eret x reader who is a dragon nurse? Like a vet for dragons who’s really gentle and compassionate but takes some time to trust him because of the whole ex trapper thing? Thanks and hope you’re enjoying your day and staying hydrated :)
Love thank you sooo much! And yes, I’m trying to stay hydrated, so all of YOU🫵 get some water and drink it RIGHT NOW. Anyways, this is a really good ask and the lack of eret content is, in fact, criminal. I will try my best on this, feel free to criticize and ask for more!
Healing takes Time
Pairing: Eret son of Eret x (g.n/fem)reader
Summary: As a healer for Berk’s dragons, you meet a lot of new dragons in different situations… but nothing prepared you for a certain ex-trapper asking for your help.
     You are one of Berk’s best dragon healers, spending almost 24/7 in the “dragon infirmary” as most call it. To you, it was home. You had been doing this job since Berk made peace with the creatures that you grew to find beautiful, feeling they needed to be treated as equals. You had always loved to help people and were known as one of the kindest Vikings in the archipelago.
     Of course, when the evil Drago Bludvist came about and practically demolished your home, you had a change of heart. You became a bit colder to newcomers and strangers, a bit, but a noticeable bit. After Hiccup and Toothless had successfully taken the madman down, it came as a shock to no one that many dragons needed healing and care for a while.
     One day, as you were releasing a Snafflefang named Muds back to his family, you were greeted by a slightly beat up Skullcrusher with none other than Eret son of Eret, the famous ex-dragon trapper at his side with concern painting his face. It dimmed your heart to see the tall man and not Stoick, the only father figure you ever had, at Skullcrusher’s side, but you would have to get used to it. You had always been skittish around the young Viking, as his tribe killed your dragon before your eyes. You weren’t sure if Eret was there when it happened, you didn’t care, all you saw was your beautiful Raincutter, Sinkah, get beheaded and thrown into the boat next to her.
     It was time to stop thinking about that and face the problem in front of you. “What brings you and Skullcrusher in, Son of Eret?” You ask with more malice than you meant. “He flew through a good 7 trees while finding boulders to rebuild, tore the beast up, they did.” You pursed you lips a bit when he said ‘beast’, but that’s the only way to describe the dragon. “He looks like he got scratched a bit, I’ll have him out of here in about and hour,” you say while examining the slashes on his green wings. “Alright. Thank you, (y/n),” Eret says as he starts to walk away.
     To your surprise, he turns back around and asks you “is there anything that I can help you with? Finding herbs or stuff to help?” This takes you aback, as you expected him to be arrogant, as he seems all the time. You look at him questionably as you ponder why he asks. “If you could get me a few perch from the lake in the east side of the island, that would be great,” you say as both you and Skullcrusher were hungry. Eret says nothing, but nods as he hurries away. That was a bit odd, you thought.
     Eret gets back in a good 30 minutes with a basket of perch, just as you had asked him. You watch as he returns, putting the last few bandages on Skullcrusher, and heading towards him. “Thank you,” you say with sincerity, as you hadn’t eaten in about 5 hours. “No problem, thanks for helping Skullcrusher,” he says back. He then asks a question you weren’t expecting: “ Do you hate me or something?”
     You are taken aback, again, by him. “Why?” You ask this because you don’t even know. “You glare at me every time you see me, specifically the markings on my chin because that’s about as high as your eyes can reach,” he says blankly. “If you must know, your tribe killed my dragon in front of me and threw her into a nearby boat and dumped me into the ocean,” you say, frowning at the memory. Eret looks appalled, he had seen those men that day, sure he was younger, but he saw how heartbroken you looked. He had sabotaged those men’s work so that Drago punished them; he never saw those men again.
     Telling you this, you realized why he always looked at you like you were familiar, why he looked at you with a look of ‘I will protect you’, rather than sympathy. Finally, shocking Eret, you hug him and mutter a thousand ‘sorry’s. He hugs back and says it’s ok. Maybe you can heal dragons in an hour, but for people, healing takes time.
That’s it for this request. Again, wonderful ask, I wrote this in 2 hours💀😭 bc I loved it soo much. Again also, feel free to request stuff in my ask box, have a good day!❤️
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angelynmoon · 6 months
There was something poking him, not in a sexy way, because Lancelot was always the bid spoon, he liked holding Merlin, knowing that, for the moment at least the Warlock was safe. When they were on patrol it meant that Merlin was nearest the fire, Lancelot's back to whatever danger might approach, of couse Merlinalways set eards amd they had watches, but still. When they were in their rooms at Camelot it meant that Lancelot caged his Mate between him and the wall, Lancelot's back facing the door, Merlin had put a little bell on it so they would hear it open, but it had made no noise and yet something was poking him.
Lancelot turned over, it couldn't be dangerous, Merlin had wards set to keep Ellie and Effie safe so Lancelot wasn't too concerned.
A small finger poked his cheek and Lancelot startled as his eyes snapped open.
Lancelot blinked, frowned and sighed as his hand reached back for Merlin.
Wide golden eyes stared at him from two tiny faces, which in itself wasn't unusual, however, the fact that those faces were human was.
One child had silvery blue hair curled around it while the other was purple streaked.
"Merlin, wake up." Lancelot said smacking at the other man's thigh.
"Lancelot?" Merlin questioned sleepily as he sat up, Merlin turned to look at the bedside and blinked, "Oh! Good morning."
"Daddy." The child Lancelot was certain was Ellie said, "Are you up now?"
"Yes, we're up." Merlin said as he climbed over Lancelot to get out of bed, he seemed unfazed by the Hatchlings' change, then again Merlin was never really awake until he'd eaten.
Merlin dressed, then dressed the girls, conjuring clothes for them absentmindedly, like he did for himself when he changed back into a human.
"I want to go with Father." The one Lancelot guessed was Effie said, "Please? I'll be good."
Lancelot sighed and got ready himself, as he pulled on his shirt he tried to remind himself that he had signed up for this when he agreed to parent two Dragon Hatchlings with Merlin, though he hadn't realized that they would be able to be Human. He probably should have, things tended to happen around, to, or because of Merlin.
"You have to listen close, and do what I say, you don't have the protections you usually do." Lancelot said as he lifted Effie onto his hip as Merlin did the same with Ellie.
Ellie was dressed in a cute little green dress that was similar to one that Morgana had, the only difference being the high collar and half sleeves.
Effie, however, was dressed in a miniature version of Lancelot's outfitn minus the chainmail he'd put on for practice.
"I'll see you once we've checked Camelots' wards." Merlin told him as they exited their rooms, having a quick kiss before they parted ways.
Lancelot watched Merlin go, wondering just how he'd react when he registered that that their Dragonlings were human.
Lancelot chuckled to himself.
"What's funny, Father?" Effie asked as she poked at his smile.
"Your daddy." Lancelot told her as he began to walk to the training field, stopping by the kitchens to grab a snack for Effie and one for Ellie to have later.
As Dragons they didn't eat a whole lot, maybe once or twice a week, being creatures of Magic, the Magic of nature seemed to sustain them but since they were babies they ate more than an adult Dragon would.
As humans Lancelot knew they would need more food and was worried at how they would react to eating three times a day, at least.
Lancelot handed Effie her sweetroll and tucked the second into a handkerchief for Ellie.
The roll was gone by the time they reached the training field and Effie's face and hands were sticky, much to her annoyance.
"Father, make them better." Effie said putting her hands on his face as the other knights turned to look who had brought their child with them.
"Lancelot? How could you do this to Merlin?" Percival cried as he stared at the child, he looked almost angry.
"Effie, get your hands out of my face." Lancelot said, patiently.
"But you need to fix it." Effie said.
"And I will, but I need to get water to wash your hands." Lancelot told her.
"Why?" Effie asked as Lancelot set her down.
"Because I don't have Magic like you and Daddy." Lancelot explained.
"Why?" Effie asked as several knights began to laugh.
"Because the Mother Goddess didn't give me the ability." Lancelot said as he took the wet rag Elyan handed him.
"I don't know." Lancelot admitted.
"Why?" Effie asked staring at him while he wiped her face and then her hands.
"Sometimes I don't know the answer, that's what kings are for." Lancelot said as Arthur arrived.
Effie looked over and ran to him.
"Uncle Arthur! Uncle Arthur!" Effie yelled as she ran, throwing herself at the king in a tackle of his legs that took him to the ground, "Uncle Arthur, why doesn't Father have Magic like Daddy and Ellie and me?"
Arthur blinked at the strange child that had attacked him.
"Effie?" Arthur asked.
"Yep, Ellie and I wanted to be like Daddy and Father." Effie explained as she stared down at the king.
"Father, Father!" Another little voice yelled from across the field and a tiny blur tackled Lancelot as well.
"So, Ellie and Effie are human for the moment." Merlin stated the obvious.
"How?" Arthur asked form his spot on the ground.
Merlin looked down at him, "I suppose they saw me changing from human to Dragon and back and decided they could do it too."
"Wonderful." Arthur sighed as he lay back on the grass, closing his eyes.
"Uncle Arthur?" Ellie asked as she sat next to his head, poking his cheek.
Arthur opened one eye to look at her.
"Yes, Ellie?" Arthur answered.
"Can we learn to play with swords like you and Father do?" Ellie asked as Gwaine burst into laughter.
"Play?" Arthur sputtered.
"Sure, you can, kiddo, I'll even teach you my special trick that I wouldn't even teach Arthur." Gwaine grinned as he lifted a child under each arm.
Merlin opened his mouth but Percival smiled at him, silently promising to keep an eye on Gwaine's lesson, Elyan following along with them, taking the sweetroll Lancelot had brought for Ellie to have with him.
"They seem older than I would expect." Arthur said as he got up, most of the knights dispersing now that the entertainment was occupied with lessons.
"Dragons mature faster, given the maturity of their Dragon forms, I'd say they are just about right in age." Merlin told him, "Effie and Ellie have been speaking full sentences in the Dragontongue for a while now."
"Gwen and Morgana are going to love them." Leon said, for once not on Morgana duty, she and Gwen were making the rounds with Gaius and Gaius thought Guards or Knights got in the way of their healing duty, Merlin wasn't worried, Gaius could subdue Morgana if it came to that, which he doubted it would.
Merlin smiled as Effie climbed up Percival to sit on the man's shoulders, the man's hands gentle as he kept her steady.
Ellie was paying close attention to something Gwaine was telling her and then she was attempting his trick with one of the Squires' practice swords. She failed but she didn't give up, trying again and again until she almost not quite managed, though with the way the knights erupted into cheers you would think otherwise.
Lancelot put his arm around Merlin's shoulders as Arthur went to join the others.
"We have a great family." Lancelot told him as he kissed Merlin's temple, watching Arthur engage Effie in a mock duel, gently teaching her how to parry and dodge, nudging her into proper footwork.
"He'll be a good dad one day, don't you think?" Merlin asked as he watched Arthur pretend to be defeated.
"He might have to grow up a little." Lancelot mostly agreed as Arthur caught Effie and began to tickle her, her delighted laughter echoing over the field, Arthur's joining as Ellie threw herself at him to rescue her sister.
"You might be right, then again...." Merlin trailed off as Elyan, Gwaine, Percival and even Leon joined the tickle pile.
Lancelot let out a bright laugh that Merlin joined, head pressing down on Lancelot's shoulder, he wished he could bottle this joyful feeling.
A/n: i want to say Effie and Ellie are around 5 or 6 here, old enough to speak clearly
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laylaylamode · 7 months
Got any fun Noize interactions?
Dusk wrinkled his noise at the strange looking bacon that Noize was eating out of a clear plastic bag. What he assumed was bacon, anyway. It smelled like woodsmoke and looked uncooked.
"What're you eating?"
Noize gnawed on a strip as he spoke, smiling around it. "Molted dragon skin." He extended the bag to him. "Want some? It's high in protein—"
"Stop. Dragon what?"
Noize laughed at the expected reaction. "Molted dragon skin, mate. Tastes far better than it sounds."
"Pass." Dusk moved the bag away, but Dawn and Rain looked up with interest and leaned forward to get a better look. He eyed his siblings warily. "Don't even think about it..."
Naturally they ignored him. Anything that had to do with food always caught their attention. "What's it taste like?" Dawn asked.
"Spicy bacon. Not as tender but it packs a lot of flavor if you boil and season it right. Go on." Noize shook the bag, offering more of the strips that Dawn and Rain grabbed eagerly.
"It doesn't hurt the dragons right?" Rain frowned, thinking of Sear, Pepper, and their cute little dragon babies.
"No dragons were harmed in the making. Completely humane, and the dragon I get it from can attest to that."
Dusk watched in disgust as his siblings at the molted dragon skin. They both hummed in delight and went back for more pieces. "I can't believe you're actually eating that."
"The whole world's a kitchen, mate." Noize smirked. "Don't knock it till you try it. I can show you some receipts that might change your mind."
"Hard pass" Dusk was never going to eat anything offered from Noize again. Some things just...weren't meant to be eaten.
Rain watched curiously as Noize traced a giant glyph into the sand. Currently they were the only ones on the beach, save for the loud seagulls loudly chirping above them with urgency.
"What are they saying now?" Noize asked, not breaking his concentration from the fortification glyphs he was drawing.
"They said that the storm is an hour away and we have to hurry." She knelt down beside him. "Are you sure this will stop the flood?"
"It should," Noize replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "I charmed every grain of sand lining the shore to work as a repellent, so it should send the water back to where it came instead of letting it gather and flood."
"What about the law of conservation?" Rain tilted her head. "The water will have to gather somewhere else, rght?"
"That's where our lovely weather girl comes in," Noize said with a smirk, making Rain's cheek marks glow faintly. He pointed above them. "I already summoned some clouds. If you increase the humidity then it'll speed up the water cycle. The water will go up, disperse in the clouds, and be carted off elsewhere."
"Sounds doable." Rain stood up and started stretching her arms. Increasing the humidity would be simple enough, and she and Noize could push back whatever waves still came through if they had too.
Noize stood up and dusted the sand off his pants. He examined the glyph for an errors and sighed with satisfaction when he found none. A strange feeling of excitement came over him, and a light blush came to his cheeks.
"Thanks for asking me to help. Even though I mess up constantly."
Rain glanced over at him, but Noize was staring up at the forming clouds with his hand shielding his eyes. She smiled and turned her gaze to the sky too, watching the seagulls take off so they could keep tabs on the coming storm. "I think you're pretty great."
Rain didn't see it, but Noize had smiled too.
DJ glanced around his bedroom with confusion. Something was horribly wrong with it: it was clean. He had no recollection of doing so himself, and despite his parents constantly telling him to do so, there was no way that they would take it upon himself. DJ preferred the mess because he could find things easier. And cleaning in general was boring.
"Hey, down there. How's it going?"
DJ jumped at the sound of the foreign voiced and glanced upward. He stared at where Noize was currently stuck to his ceiling. "Uhhh...hi? What are you doing?"
"Funny story, that." Noize cleared his throat. "See, I was trying to find the skateboard you were looking for, but it looked like a hurricane had a bash in your room, and I had to tidy up just to see the carpet"
"But the clean up spell I used had less clean and more up." Noize grimaced. "So, here I've been...for two hours. Mind giving me a hand, mate?"
DJ snorted and grabbed his nightstand. He focused on changing it into a tall ladder and climbed up carefully, then started tugging Noize's arm down. "You could have waited for to get home and helped me find it."
"I could have...but then there'd be less time to go coaster surfing."
DJ blinked, having never head of such a thing. "Coaster surfing?"
"Yeah! You never surfed on rollercoaster tracks?" Noize had enough of himself freed to start prying the rest of him off the ceiling. He dangled from his hands and finally dropped to the floor, landing on his feet carefully. "Just put a magnetism spell on your board and find an empty coaster to surf on. It's fun!"
"Cool!" DJ jumped down from the ladder. "Let's go!"
"Still haven't found the—"
DJ turned the ladder into a skateboard and tucked it under his arm. "Problem solved." He smirked. "Lead the way."
Noize did a double take and furrowed his eyebrows. Did he seriously just waste to hours when the solution could have been achieved in less than two seconds?
He pointed at the board. "...you could have done that the whole time?"
DJ shrugged. "Yeah, dude."
"Then why didn't you?"
"You didn't ask, dummy."
Noize considered his words and then shrugged in defeat "You know what? You're right. That's on me." He walked to the door and cracked his neck loudly. "Agh. Gonna need a massage from a steamroller after this..."
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Dragon Witch on the Unholy Night
Valentine's season was always a bit hectic in Chaldea. There were enough Servants running around (and time had been undone for long enough) that it usually lasted for at least a full week. And as could be expected, the ways that Servants showed their affection was something Val had all but stopped trying to predict. She could expect chocolate at some point. There was no guarantee if it wouldn't be inedible, drugged, or a literal dumbbell, but it was at least something she could expect to see. Everything else was anybody's guess, though. A giant plush hippogryph. A fursuit. An eternal tropical vacation (that the Count had thankfully saw fit to bring an end to). A fucking gun. At their worst, they strained the definition of what could be reasonably considered a Valentine's gift.
By that standard, The Coffee Incident had been downright reasonable. Alter had still been adjusting to... everything, and hadn't quite gotten a hang on things like "earnest emotional expression" and "being able to have feelings outside of hatred". Still, Val had appreciated the gesture (even if it had firmly cemented her distaste for the drink. Ten cups, ugh.)
For Alter, though, that moment was like a lead weight. Even though she had grown closer to her Master, she found Valentine's to be a source of shame, frustration, and anger. It had started with a handful of singed Servants, but quickly settled to Alter shutting herself away for the season, like she was hibernating until everything died down before reappearing. It wasn't ideal, but Val could understand needing some space.
This meant it was a little concerning when Alter showed up two days into the festivities, dragging Val off to the Master's room.
"Everything okay?"
Alter just stared at Val, like she was trying to work herself up to say something. Then, faster than Val could react, a hand shot out and grabbed her by the neck. Heat flared, just shy of being uncomfortable, and then was gone, leaving a patch of tender skin. Alter nodded, evidently satisfied.
"...Okay, what was that?"
Alter huffed.
"Wanted to do something special, show you that you're stuck with me. Chocolate's just gonna get eaten, and stuff's gonna get lost, so I figured I'd give you something that would stick with you. Something that'll last. Lucky me, that blue asshole owed me one, and runes are bullshit that can do whatever the hell you want them to, so I didn't need to learn how to use one of those needle gun things."
"...Did you just give me a neck tattoo?"
Alter nodded, a satisfied look on her face.
Val did her best to suppress a sigh. It wasn't that she didn't like the idea of getting a tattoo. Val kinda wanted one, but between not knowing what she would get and the whole incineration of humanity business, it had just never come up. She was a sucker for Alter's designs, so she was sure it looked fine, but she really wished she had been consulted first. Really, she just wished that it went somewhere else. Maybe on her wrist, so she could look at it when she wanted to. But what was done was done, so she resolved to appreciate it for what it was. Turning around to face a mirror, Val tilted her neck to get a better look.
"...Uh, Alter?"
"There's nothing there."
Val turned back around, pointing at the empty patch of skin where Alter had grabbed her.
"...Okay, what the fuck! 'Should be simple enough' my ASS! Next time I see that guy I'm gonna grab his staff and shove it so far up his ass he'll be coughing out splinters for a month!"
Val could smell the smoke already. Not great. She looped an arm around Alter in a loose one armed hug, in the hopes of keeping fires to a minimum while they got this fixed.
"It's okay, we can just get a new one done together, right? How about you show me how you wanted it to look, we'll find someplace to get it done, annnnnnd..."
Val trailed off, the thought dying on her lips. She stared, as black ink streamed across the skin of her arm, tongues of stylized flame spiraling up to her wrist. She pulled away to get a better look, watching as a pool of black flickered on her palm, like it was one of Alter's fireballs. It almost seemed to have a pulse of its own, synced up with Alter's breathing.
"Alter? You gave me a living tattoo. Holy shit this is awesome."
Alter's eyes were glued to Val's arm, watching the ink before swirling into a gently flickering ring around Val's wrist.
"Of course, now you really need to show me what you designed. I have to see what ideas you came up with. Come on!"
Val took Alter by the hand. Flames jumping between their intertwined fingers, she dragged the red-faced Servant out of her room.
A/N: Oh hey there, been a while. Guess what's looks at wrist 4 months late. In case it wasn't clear, blue guy is CasCu. Anyway, this too is Yuri.
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crossroadsdimension · 2 years
After spending a little time training with different soul stones, and taking a little vacation to go treasure hunting (and helping Tataru with her shop’s endeavors in the east), Cross happened to swing by Radz-at-Hahn right when they were planning another trek out into the void.
Only to be interrupted when Varshan said he could sense his sister in Garlemald. Which was way out of the way, but if he sensed her aether, then....
...well, it did give them a good excuse to check on the twins, and Zero was amiable to help, since she’d eaten plenty of food from the palace and wasn’t keen on going back to the Thirteenth.
(”It’s cold in Garlemald,” Cross warned as she prepared to teleport towards the retrofitted train station. “I don’t know if the Thirteenth has any changes in temperature anymore, but--”
“The only places where temperature is different is in another voidsent’s domain,” Zero replied. “And we are built differently from you mortals. I will not be bothered by the cold.”
“As bothered, perhaps,” Y’shtola replied. “But still, should you sense any discomfort on account of the weather, tell us.”)
Alisaie was, predictably, unhappy that she wasn’t invited for the start of this whole escapade. She seemed to perk up some at Zero’s attitude, though, which Cross found hopeful and promising. Maybe Zero could learn a thing or two from Alisaie about how their world worked differently from the Thirteenth. Not like she could learn a lot when there was a voidsent problem in the area, though...apparently a number of them were coming from somewhere in the east, in a mountain range.
(The look on Julius’ face when Cross told him Zero was in fact a voidsent made her smirk a little.
“And you haven’t made a pact with her as a reaper?” Jullus asked in surprise.
“Nope. I’ve got a different voidsent for that. She was Zenos’, for a time, but doesn’t like to think about it. But so far, Zero’s been cooperative as a person, and I’m hoping she remembers some of what we do as mortals, because she used to be one, too.”)
And after a close call where they almost lost Zero to a horde of rampaging voidsent, they got what they needed to get up the mountains and to an abandoned Reaper city.
If Druisilla had been able to come with them, Cross was sure she’d have a few words about the state of the place. Maybe even for how well Cross handled taking down that reaper training dummy. (although, finding out that the man who used to make them was the man who made mammets based on voidsent he was enamored with, and thereby taught the craft to the rest of the world was...unexpected.)
And then they found the monster that had caused the problem in the first place: another one of Golbez’s four fiends, this time of water. Fighting against the flooding he brought on was certainly a pain, but Cross was relieved he didn’t try to use ceruleum to swamp the battlefield. With her in her Black Mage garb, that would not have ended well.
(she was going to have to raid this place later for gear. It made her wonder if she should take some back to the Lemures and show them the state of the Reapers’ home....)
Unfortunately, it turned out that only the eye of Vrtra’s sister had been brought through to the Source, used to fuel a void gate big enough for a fiend, now dead. Which meant they had to find a way back to the Thirteenth, and fast, if they wanted to make sure the captured dragon was still alive and could be brought home.
The fact that Zero took this all in and said she wanted to help for her own sake, to understand why all this was lighting a fire in her chest and moving her to act for the sake of others, only made Cross’ heart feel lighter and brighter.
The half-voidsent would know what it meant to give kindness without strings yet. She was sure of it.
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heylookafanfic · 2 years
Can I Trust You?
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader (angst and fluff)
Brief Summary: Eddie wonders if he can still trust you after he discovers that everyone is looking for him
Author's Note: I’m back on my Stranger Things bullshit! I forgot how much I love the show and I’m diggin this new season so mild spoiler alert if you haven't watched S4 yet :)
Word Count: 2,012
Reading Time: 7 mins, 19 secs (approx.)
Requested: No, an original
Warnings: food, reader held at knifepoint, talks of murder, spoiler alert for Stranger Things S4 vol 1, graphic description of death
You and Eddie had been dating for about a year & everything was going great. You were Hawkins High School’s social floater so everyone knew who you were, not enough to be considered popular but a face everyone was familiar with. That meant that the entire school knew you were dating Eddie “the freak” Munson. He got the “freak” nickname back in 7th grade after a rumor spread about how he tried to eat a bat like Ozzie Ozborne did (although Eddie never did) but the rumor stuck & he just ran with it after many failed attempts to clear his name. If people get to know him like you do, they’d know he’d never hurt a fly. You got backlash & looks from being with him but being together was the best decision both of you made in your life & he always did everything in his power to make you feel like you were the only person in the world.  
You remember the first time that you heard about Eddie being a suspect in Chrissy’s murder. It wasn’t through the radio or TV but when the entire senior class was staring you down Tuesday morning after the big basketball championships. Jason, the school’s star basketball player & Chrissy’s boyfriend, cornered you while you were walking to class & pressed about Eddie’s whereabouts. You knew nothing about where Eddie was or what he did but when Jason shoved the newspaper in your face, you saw the headline “Local Hawkins High Student Murdered, Drug-Dealing Classmate as Suspect”. You knew he’d never kill anyone, especially over drugs; like yeah, you know he’s a dealer but he’d rather lose product than take someone's life when it came down to it. Finding Eddie was going to be a challenge because he would take you to the most obscure places in and around Hawkins for dates. You’d lived there your whole life and never knew of the spots he took you to. 
He wouldn’t hide in the most obvious places the cops would look for him at like his uncle's house or makeout rock but you were worried about him. With the whole town looking for him, his chances of survival were slim in this tiny town. Luckily, you remembered that he plays Dungeons & Dragons with some of the underclassmen & that your little brother was friends with one of them, Dustin Henderson. Fortunately, your little brother has Dustin’s radio frequency remembered & contacted him for you. Come to find out, Dustin was looking for you, Eddie was worried sick about you & asked him to make sure you’re okay. He gave you the address to Eddie’s hideout & you were on your way. As you were making your way to him, you stopped & grabbed groceries. He probably hasn’t eaten or if he has, he’s probably munching on junk food to survive. You picked up fruit, water, healthy snacks and a few bags of chips so he could stock up. 
Finally arriving at the address, it led you to a little shack by the lake. It looked abandoned & you were about to radio Dustin to ensure he was correct until you heard a noise come from within. Hoping that the noise was Eddie, you walked to the shack. It wasn’t your smartest idea to go by yourself to an abandoned shack by the lake at night but it was worth the danger if it meant laying eyes on (a hopefully alive) Eddie. You were going to knock but the door was already cracked open a hair so, you decided to carefully creep in. You had a flashlight in your bag & quickly turned it on. There were a few kayaks on the wall along with a few ores sprawled on the ground but no Eddie. You carefully lifted the tarp that covered one of the smaller motorboats that was already in the water. To your disappointment, still no Eddie. As you went to reach for your brother's radio, you felt something sharp on your back. 
“Put the radio down” a voice said
You sucked in a sharp breath
“Now!” the voice yelled
You threw it down & put your hands up, surrendering
“Why are you here?” it asked
“I’m just looking for someone” you said as you slowly turned around
“DON’T TURN AROUND!” the voice yelled
You quickly turned back to your original position. The object that was on your back was now on your neck.
“I’m going to give you three seconds to leave before I have to hurt you. I don’t want to but you need to leave”
“Wait, please! Let me explain” you plead
There was a silence
“Y/N?” the voice said hesitantly
“Eddie?” you asked
The knife was slowly pulled away from your neck and you were spun around. He cupped your face in his hands and you dropped the bag of groceries to do the same. He just stared at you, taking in all of your features as his heart swelled with joy. You were pulled in for a bear hug & heard his sigh of relief followed by a whimper. He looked horrible, like he was sleep deprived & physically dirty due to his wrinkled shirt & jeans having holes in it, his hair was beginning to mat as well as his muddy shoes. It broke your heart.
“I’m so sorry for that. I didn’t know it was you until I heard your voice. I’m so glad to see you, babe” he lightly sniffled
You just let him hold you for as long as he needed. It had been days since you saw him last & he needed your touch, hell, you needed his. 
“It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re not dead” you replied
After a while, he pulled away & found something for you to sit on.
“Here, sit. Tell me everything. Please” he said
“Well, first of all, I brought you groceries. I don’t know if you’ve been eating but I got some healthy snacks & whatnot for you so you don’t starve.”
He rummaged through the plastic bag & gasped.
“Yeah” you chuckled
“I know you like the nacho ones so I thought to get ‘em” you continued
He opened the bag & dug in, eating them like it was his last meal
“So I have good news and bad news” you said
He stopped chewing and looked at you with his brown eyes
“What’cha want to hear first?” you continued
You let out a quick breath
“The bad news is, everyone in Hawkins is looking for you. Jason wants your head on a spike, he convinced the entire town that the Hellfire Club is a satanic cult & Chrissy was a sacrifice. The cops put a curfew but no ones abiding by it. Everyone either wants you & your friends dead or in jail.”
His face sank and his skin went pale. 
“I didn’t kill her! I promise!” he wept
 He slowly backed away from you
“You don’t think I killed her…do you?” looking at you with glossy eyes & hurt in his voice
“Absolutely not. That’s not like you at all, Ed”
He slumped over and cried
“I don’t know what to do, Y/N. Everyone wants me dead, I haven't slept in 2 days, I can’t leave Hawkins without getting caught,  I put Dustin in danger, I put YOU in danger. No one believes me about what happened to Chrissy…” 
“I believe you & I don’t even know your side of the story. I just know the headlines” you interrupt 
You pulled him into a hug & rubbed his back
“Tell me what happened”
He collected himself & wiped his eyes.
“After the basketball game, Chrissy asked about buying drugs off me, so I drove her to my uncle’s place. I went to my room to grab the stash while she was in the living room & the lights started flickering but I thought one of the fuses were bummy. I walked back in there to show her the stash & her eyes - they were rolled back and - she just stood there. I called her name a bunch of times and she wasn’t responding but the lights kept flickering more and more and-”
He got quiet & had a blank stare
“And what?” you say
“- She started floating.”
He nodded his head
“How though?” 
“I don’t know like, she was in the air and her legs snapped and then her arms and then her jaw and her eyes were gouged out and there was nothing I could do to help her & I was scared and” he started hyperventilating
“Sweetheart, you need to breathe, okay? You’re going to pass out if you don’t slow down, alright?” you said calmly while rubbing his back
You matched his breathing to help him calm down & slow his breathing. It worked.
“There you go. Breathe, baby. Listen, you’re okay now. It’s over”
“You probably think I’m crazy” he said, defeated
“Not at all but you got me puzzled as hell on the whole floating thing” you said
“I know it sounds like I’m bullshitting you or like I was having a bad trip but I promise that I wasn’t on anything that night. I would never hurt anyone intentionally”
He sighed
“I feel like I’m stuck. I can’t get out of this”
“Yes you can and I’m going to help you” you said
“How? Aren’t they after you too?” 
“Not really. The cops came over yesterday and asked me where you were but I told them that the last time I saw you was before the game. They’re not really interested in me though. They’re more focused on trying to stop Jason & the basketball team from finding you”
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry that you got pulled into this shit. It’s all my fault”
“Stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong. We just gotta convince Hawkins”
“Well, that’s where my good news comes in. My family has a vacation home in Toronto. It’s about 7 hours from here. You’re gonna have to stay in the trunk until we’re well out of the county but once we get there, you can stay at the house for as long as it takes to clear your name”
“Really? You think that’ll work?”
“I don’t know but I do know that if you stay here, you won’t have long”
“How are we going to get to Canada though? Isn’t there a border checkpoint? Won’t we get caught?”
“No, you don’t need a passport to go to Canada. Just a reason. I’ll just say I’m visiting family”’
He took a beat
“Okay. I trust you completely.”
“Good. We leave tomorrow then, alright?” 
“Tomorrow?! Wait, what about Dustin & the rest of the Hellfire Club? Aren’t they in danger too?”
“Yeah but Dustin already told me he’s got a plan. He’ll be okay.”
He pushed his hair out of his face & sighed
“If it makes you feel any better, once I get back from dropping you off in Canada, I’ll check on them, okay?” you said 
He nodded his head.
“Now, you need to get some sleep. We have a long drive tomorrow and you said you haven't slept in two days”
“What if someone finds us while we’re sleeping?”
“I’ll stand guard while you sleep. M’kay, sweetheart?” you said cupping his face
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm. Now go to sleep. You need it.”
He hugged you, squeezing you tightly. 
“I love you so much Y/N” 
“I love you too”
He walked to the canoe that he made his makeshift bed and layed in it. Within 20 minutes he was knocked out cold. This was probably the most peace he’d felt since Chrissy’s death. You weren’t 100 percent sure that your plan would work but you were willing to try. Smuggling a suspect across state lines, let alone the border could land you in prison but if it meant saving the man that you’d die for, it was worth it.
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cryptic-underground · 2 years
The Big Three
Also also- since magic isn't affiliated with my sitcom au, no one is a reincarnation. I mentioned it briefly in a previous post but it was in reference to Sandy, Pigsy and Tang
I bring it up now because, since there's no reincarnation, Mei is also not a reincarnation. So Ba Long Ma, the dragon from JTTW, is separate from Mei. I kinda forgot about him before last night but I didn't wanna write him out completely, so he and Mei are separate beings.
He's was Mei's uncle and was also friends with the others in highschool. He died before Mei was born those and before SWK got MK. I'll thinking he may have died from a car crash or something. I mean in the original legend, Ba Long Ma is Tripitaka's second horse since the other got eaten.
Anyway- stuff about the three
Took a business major in college
His parents owned a tools and gardening equipment store and he used to work there after school and weekends.
But when got older, around highschool, he realized he didn't want to take over his parents shop and wanted to spend his life cooking
Pigsy had bought a fixer-upper shop to turn into his noodle shop in his last year of college, he wanted to insure he would have the place hopefully mostly done by the time he graduates
He couldn't afford to hire people so he did most of the work himself
The project ended up taking a little longer but Sandy, SWK and (technically) Tang helped him finish up near the end to speed it up
SWK had broken an arm while helping-
Has an apron sewn by little Mk, he doesn't wear it at work anymore because he doesn't want to get it ruined since it's so old but he refuses to let anyone trying to fix it
Catered both Mei's and MK's birthday parties as well as their "important business meetings" aka tea parties
The three would take turns each week babysitting Mk, once the kid woke Pigsy up with a tray of questionable food he "made"
It was frozen eggo waffles with whip cream and raspberries, the kid tried
After Pigsy showed him how to safely take them out of the toaster so he can show SWK later
Is a big marvel fan but hates most of the movies, still goes to watch them in theaters though
Put shaving cream on baby Mk face because the kid wanted to be like Pigsy
Can't take photos to save his life
No one but Mac, Mei, Sandy and MK can take good photos
Plans the vacation
Books the hotel, flights all the technical stuff
Worked for a while in both an aquarium and as a life guard
Currently works as a veterinarian, but technically also took a psychology course in university and has all the requirements to be a psychiatrist
I just like the thought of Sandy being the only one really interested in the scientific end of things
He would garden with baby Mk
Got really into deadlifts and weightlifting in college
Was indeed skinny lad in highschool
Family has a house near the beach and grew up surfing a lot
Is the one the one to hold the photo out for group photos since he has the longest arms, someone else has to press the button
Is the tallest so has to crouch or sit in photos
The one that's most prepared on trips, has everything anyone could possibly need
Also carries everyone's bag if they get too tired
Scrapbooks, lots of scrapbooks
He began making them in middle school and creates one every year
SWK is especially grateful for this, since he's so bad at taking photos he wouldn't have been able to document mks childhood if it weren't for Sandy
Has scrapbooks for every year of highschool and college
The amount of blackmail this man holds for SWK, Tang and Pigsy is powerful
They are all scared for the day Sandy shows the kids and Mac these scrapbooks
Gives free hair cuts
It was mainly meant for the kids since I feel mk was afraid of the barber for a long time
And Sandy would cut his hair instead because he was a familiar face
Though after a while he has a whole lot of people coming to have him cut their hair, including Pigsy and Tang
But also SWK gets his hair cut by him too because he forgets to book himself a hair appointment
Was the first one to grow a beard in the group
In highschool the guys had a contest to see who could grow more of a beard
From most beard to least beard it went: Sandy, SWK, Tang then Pigsy
Sandy didn't even really have to try, SWK barely beat Tang and Pigsy was automatically picked to be last
Sandy will talk to Red about science since their the only ones that like it
Collects a lot of reusable material and scrap metal
Let's the kids use it for school projects or just their own personal work
Owns a lot of cats but has a few animals as well
All of his animals have movie themed cat puns for names
A few of the cats were named by a people in the group
And each person has an animal that claimed them as their favourite
And as soon as that favorite person walks in, they will not live that person's side until they have to leave
They all love Sandy obviously, most hate SWK except for like two or three
Took Greek mythology and a lot of odd sounding classes in highschool
He has a major in literature and minor in architecture
Literally can't swim
The gang learned this when Sandy invited them over and he almost drowned
Was the kid of student to tell the teacher when they forgot about the homework
SWK nearly broke his glasses trying to stop him one time because of it
Went through an punk phase in sophomore year of high-school
Introduced Mk to a lot of books, some that might've not been the best choice for his age
Taught him how to do puppy eyes to get free noodles
He had to move out of his apartment and moved in with Pigsy for what was meant to be a temporary thing but became a permanent thing
Definitely had a big atla phase in highschool and had the group dress up as them for Halloween
SWK would be sokka, Tang would be Katara, Sandy would be Aang and Pigsy would be toph
Later on Mei would be Appa, and MK would be Momo
Helps the teens with their English homework
Will stare at all the cool architecture and tell everyone about it while sprouting out historical facts
Is the one planning all the sightseeing part of the vacation
Once the location is picked, he makes sure there's at least something for everyone to enjoy
When Mac joins the group he makes sure if there's concerts or musicians he likes playing in the place they're going
Once SWK was really getting on his nerves so he took MK to get SWK favourite food, then they both took a picture of it and sent it to Wukong
When he brought mk home he instructed the kid to eat the entire thing infront of SWK without breaking eye contact
The kid did and SWK apologized to Tang right after, mumbling about how he turned his son to the dark side
Tang is petty, almost as petty as Mac
Did have lightsaber battles with Mei and MK
Mk once bonked Tang on the head really hard with his lightsaber really hard that Tang fell down
Mk started crying because he was worried he had to be sith member instead
Definitely was the most chaotic of all the babysitters
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five+-season quenta silmarillion tv show outline:
or, what i would have done if jeff gave me all that cash
season 1: how we all got into this mess. the first few episodes cover All That Noldorin Nonsense as an elaborate political costume drama, and then right in the middle of everybody’s arcs the trees get eaten. things in valinor take a turn for the apocalyptic, we get new points of view in beleriand and angband as everyone reacts to the return of the dark lord, the full scope of our story is revealed and events keep getting faster. we follow the chaos train up to... say the mereth aderthad? about the point when the status quo of the long siege sets in, in any case. might be a bit of a squeeze fitting everything in, might have to leak into season 2
season 2: tales of beleriand. we need a season or two set during the long siege, to establish what it is that gets lost when it’s broken. i kinda wanna do a long story arc about the arrival of men, but at the same time there’s other stuff we gotta set up that wouldn’t timeline easily with that. maybe one season-length arc surrounded by a bunch of one-off specials? one about finrod, one about maeglin, one about haleth, this’d probably the best place to insert original characters and storylines to flesh out the world. we get nice and used to how beleriand works, and then dragons
season 3: the quest for the silmaril, extended remix. we start from beren coming across lúthien in that grove, and from there we build up a portrait of beleriand after the bragollach. the old man and his wife’s self inserts are definitely our focus characters, but there’s a ton of b-plots weaving through the background, lots of flashbacks, lots of cameos from characters we’ve already met. we see the sincere hope that runs around the continent after the power couple do the impossible, and once they retire from the stage we follow that hope riiiight up to the nirnaeth. season ends with a panning shot of the hill of tears
season 4: everything goes to shit. our starting point is, of course, túrin too-many-names, but from his misadventures we chain into the ruin of doriath and the fall of gondolin, a three-part story in which basically the entire continent gets trashed. we’d probably need to fudge the timelines a little to make things flow dramatically, have stuff that’s actually a year or two apart happen simultaneously, but i feel like we could make it work, and it’d really emphasise how interconnected these three tragedies are. we end at sirion, first with the survivors building a new home together, and then, just when everyone’s had a chance to breathe, we smash cut to the third kinslaying
season 5: the war of wrath. we’ll start from the arrival of the hosts of valinor, with some conveniently placed flashbacks to fill in on how everything’s somehow gotten even worse since we last saw everyone. i kind of want to have post-war elrond doing a frame narrative kind of thing? certainly him and elros coming of age in a dying world would be a good throughline. we’re going to drown this thing in everything that’s left of the effects budget, and we’re going to make it very clear that despite all the heroics there’s almost no one and nothing left in beleriand to benefit. how i want to play the series finale, i’m not exactly sure, but we’re definitely going a little past the theft of the silmarils, enough to see the utter devastation
the seasons (and the s2 specials) are meant to function as full stories individually, forming a grand epic narrative as a whole but also providing a satisfying tale within themselves. at the start of each season we’ll have an abstract animated short film going over whatever background lore you need to know to understand what’s coming and also looking very pretty. once we start having human characters we’re gonna have to change them all every season, but it’s apparently been done before, i think we could make it work. the dwarves we can slowly put in old-age makeup, the elf actors are going to age but we can blame that on the war. outside of our heroes of legend and myth, i feel like we should have a few ‘touchstone characters’ (or families, for humans) that recur across seasons that we can check up on and see how they’re doing in each new period, relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things but providing a barometer for How Things Are Going. there’s enough space in the margins of the quenta silmarillion that would allow you to tell some really good stories around the ones we already have, yanno? that’s the kind of silm adaptation i’d love to see
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thefanbasewhore · 4 years
Summary: Din warned you not to follow him, it’s too dangerous. His instructions were clear, you stay in town while he goes to fight the Krayt Dragon, but if the baby gets to go, why can’t you? 
Warning/Content: This is short but violence, ya know the usual. Angry Din with some yelling but they make up in the end. Din sees reader cry for the first time. 
Paring: Din Djarin/Female Reader 
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A loud gasp falls from between your lips as you watched another body wrapped in tan cloth is thrown into the sand only feet away, blood splatters feet away, painting your skin with effortless strokes.  The air felt thick from all of this tension, the mixture of blood and sweat filled the air. The sand was spotted with blood, the first attempt at blowing the dragon up failed, instead Mando began to fly around, distracting it, you could see him but he couldn’t see you, maybe it was better that way, but without a doubt he was right, you should not be here.  There’s a whoosh of air that knocks the Mandalorian inches from the rock you’re taking shelter behind. He must be a little disoriented as slowly lifted himself to his knees, hand out in front of him for support. 
This was a terrible idea, Din pretty much spent all of yesterday telling that you can’t go no matter how much you think you can handle it, he wasn’t putting you down, didn’t once say you’re not good enough, just more training before putting yourself out like that. Naturally, you disagreed with him. After spending a year and a few months together training, being with him but like usual Din was so right. 
 Here you are, hyperventilating against a bumpy rock that is digging so roughly in your back that there must be blood. With a light head shake of pain he looks directly at you, thank god his face is covered, not wanting to see just how angry he was.
“Have you lost your fucking mind?!��  His voice is loud, snapping at you with venom. “I told you no!” His eyes dart past you, towards the dragon. “Stay here don’t move until I get back. I mean it.” 
His tone is not one to mess with, you don’t move you barely breath as the whooshing of his jet pack flies past. Peering over the rock you couldn’t help but notice Din positioning, still as he holds onto the animal but the Krayt Dragon coming right for him. 
Before you know it, your feet are running towards him, mouth opening to yell his name but the jaws of the beast take him instead. There is no more breath inside your body, throat starting to close making it hard to even think, a dull ache fills your chest as you try to rub it away.
Vision starts to blur but you wipe it away quickly as a chorus of cheers fill the air. Din is flying above that carcass of the dragon, covered in a thick, green slime but alive to say the least. 
You don’t dare move a muscle, but even if you wanted to you don’t think you can. It all flashed before your eyes, living this life with Din wasn’t much but it was better then the one you had before. Your heart is beating so fast it’s suffocating, heat filling cheeks, turning them red from either the sun or the mass hysteria that almost was. So deep in thought you don’t noticing the Mandalorian standing in your personal space, arms wrapped across his chest, his tone is displeased. “Let’s go.” 
Not saying anything you shakily following behind him. The Mandalorian does not bother to look back, at least five feet in front of you walking in complete silence. And to be honest it scared you. Sure, Din would get annoyed, grumble to himself, but never ever has he been so angry at you. With how long you have been traveling together, Din was never quiet. 
The silence last about a full half an hour, trying to calm down before speaking to him. “Din, I’m sorry.” 
Once again, nothing was said. You sigh, catching up at him, hand meeting with the leather of his forearm, closer to the skin then his armor, silently begging him to look at you. “Din, Please. I’m sorry. I - ”
“No.” He mumbles. Usually he would love your close proximity, smelling the sweet floral perfume, feeling the heat of your body he scowled away. “You don’t get to Din please me! You get no say at all right now! I asked you to stay back, I asked you for one thing.”
“Din, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thin-”
“Wasn’t thinking?!” Din’s fist clench next to his side, a force a habit really. “For putting us both in danger? do you know what I would’ve did if you’ve gotten hurt or killed?! Not only did you put yourself in danger you put me in it too, I couldn’t think straight knowing you’re there! Who would take care of you if I died?!”
Despite the situation your skin heats up quickly at his words, blood bubbling underneath. “You’re one to talk! You willingly got eaten alive by it! What if you couldn’t get out?”
Din tries to talk but you keep going. “Don’t turn this around on me! I would not be the reason you died, and take care of me? You’re so full of yourself, I bet you go around telling everyone that the kid isn’t the only one you take care of.”
It clear Din doesn’t like what you’re saying, before you could even react he is an inch away from your face, finger rising in the air, poking your chest, it’s not hard at all, it doesn’t hurt but there to show you he means his words. “Don’t you talk about me like that. You know what I meant.. do not turn my words around on me.”
His close proximity along with the touch on your exposed chest, the heat of this planet making normal clothes almost impossible to bare made you blush, you wish it didn’t. “You can’t blame this all on me, you almost -.” 
You hate the way tears fill your eyes, throat clogs with emotion, cutting you off. Small hand meet with his chest plate, pushing it away. “You almost died.”
To say Din was stunned was an understatement, his jaw dropped under the helmet. Never, ever in the whole year since you joined him had he seen tears but man, he wish he never said a word. It made his heart sink, watching those eyes grow red, puffy with emotion as they slip past eyelashes. Emotion bubbles inside his own chest to match the loose sob that falls from your lips. The strongest woman he’s ever known.. breaking down in front of him and it’s all his fault. 
“Stop.” You didn’t mean to loose it like this, but it could not be helped. The yelling, the way his words burned against your heart. You choose to ignore his words, sniffling, avoiding his gaze at all costs. 
“Stop, please.” This time it was softer, almost like begging. His gloved hand, wrapping around your bare wrist gently, pulling you closer to him. “I’m sorry for yelling.”
Eyes are as wide as saucers as he places a soft hand against the nape of your neck, pulling gently to meet his forehead. It’s quiet for a few moments before he speaks. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“No, you’re right.” You mumble, surprised at the sudden touch of intimacy as his free hand cradles your cheek, angling your head to look up at him. The pad of his leather glove wipes the falling tears.
“That is no reason to make you cry, I’m sorry for yelling. I’m sorry for not realizing how much was at risk when I did that, I didn’t want to hurt you. I never want to.” His voice is low as he admits it, “You are the strongest woman I know, I never doubt you, you can fight, you can take care of yourself. I’m sorry for making you feel like you can’t because truthfully you care for me more than I ever did for you.”
You’re about to say something else but his words are out before you can even open your mouth. “I didn’t want you to come because I’m afraid to loose you.. you mean a lot to me and I’m too selfish to let the world have you.. for that I’m sorry.”
“Din.” Voice horse as pressing against his gloved hand, “It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize for wanting to keep me safe.”
“But I never want you to feel stuck, I’m sorry I said that to you, you can take care of yourself.”
“It’s not a big deal.” You argue, “I know you didn’t mean it, besides if there’s one person in all the galaxies, I know you’ll always be there to take care of me.”
He groans, “Don’t say that cyar’ika… I don’t like how it sounds. It’s undermining you, I didn’t mean it.”
The last of the tears begin to dry, but now that Din has finally made the move to hold you, comfort you he doesn’t want to let go, he wants it to be like this forever. 
“I know I’m difficult and that you -.” He doesn’t need to finish you already know what he’s going to say.
“I care for you Din. I always have.”
He pauses, “Good, because I love you.”
This makes your throat dry, but a happy smile curls against lips. “You do?”
“Mmmm.” He agrees, hand traveling from red cheeks, curling the tips of your hair to down your arm to where his hand meets your own. He doesn’t bother to curl his fingers with your own but instead gives you the choice, “Let’s go home.”
“Only if you promise to keep calling me cyar’ika.” Smaller fingers fill the gap between his own with a cheeky smile makes him chuckle.
“Don’t push your luck..” He waits a few seconds as his boots press forward, “Cyar’ika.”
The Mandalorian couldn’t never hold a grudge for long anyways
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exovapor · 3 years
The Adventure - TMNT Bitches:  Chapter 9
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CHAPTER 9:  Enter the She Turtles
·         Kari watches the elevators with anticipation and feels a wave of giddiness at as the doors slide open and two of her TMNT peeps step out into the crowded hotel lobby.  Kassie’s shorter frame leading the way in her TMNT t-shirt, jeans, and ‘Raph’ shoes, cute leather lace-up sandals, that she bought specifically for this occasion.  Holly following, her blonde head bobbing through the crowd, in her own TMNT swag, jean shorts, and green Converse tennis shoes.
·         Kari is practically bouncing when they finally walk up to join her near the receptionist station, she looks like a cat who has eaten the canary, her grin is so wide.
·         “You look mighty happy”, Holly chirps out in her thick country-southern accent.  “Yes, you look as happy if someone showed you turtle cock”, comes Kassie’s southern accented comment, as she and Holly both stare at Kari’s wide grin.
·         “Oh, it wasn’t THAT good, but it was GOOD”, Kari replies back, “you guys will never believe what I just saw!”.  
·         “Well, don’t keep us in suspense, sweetie, tell us”, Holly crosses her arms, tilts her head, and stares expectantly at Kari.
·         “I just saw a guy dressed as the Shredder!”, Kari spills out in a rush, grabbing Kassie’s upper arms and emphasizing her excitement.  “And just think, if that guy is walking around like that, there MIGHT BE TURTLES HERE!”, Kari adds, following her own train of thought and HOPING like mad that some guys decided to cosplay together, some as the Shredder and some as the Ninja Turtles.
·         Kassie’s mouth drops open and an unintentional squeal escapes her.  Her mind buzzing with how amazing cool that would be!  Her first Dragon Con, with her and her TMNT friends doing their own group cosplay of the turtles, and now there is a possibility of men cosplaying as turtles too?!!!  That would be completely EPIC if it were true!
·         “You’re shittin’ us”, Holly voices out, fully hoping that Kari isn’t playing but it seems all too good to be true.
·         “I’m dead serious, here look, I took a picture of him”, Kari holds her phone out for them to see, with the back shot of the Shredder on the escalator.
·         “Oh my gawwwdddd”, Holly drawls out while Kassie rips the phone out of Kari’s phone to get a closer look.  “That costume is AMAZING!  Look at the detail!, “ Kassie breathes out, her eyes glued to the phone’s screen.
·         “I say, as soon as Val gets here, that we go find this guy again…even though he was sort of an asshole”, Kari expresses to her friends while her face turns sour at the memory of the guy’s rude attitude.
·         “Sounds like a plan to me, Val should be here in about an hour or two, she texted that she was about to leave her house and start driving this way”, Kassie says handing Kari her phone back, “in the mean-time, let’s find some food because as soon as Val gets here we’ve got to get dressed in our costumes and start partying…Mikey style”.
·         “MMMMmmmm, Mikey Style…Mikey’s style is up against a wall or holding you upside down and just eating you alive….mmmmm”, Kari’s eyes go all day-dreamy and unfocused.
·         “Not exactly what I meant, Kari”, Kassie giggles back at her tall friend, “But, I appreciate the visual”.
·         A couple of hours later, the trio stood by the receptionist station watching the automated doors of the Mariott slide up and close for the steady stream of party-goers, cosplayers, and hotel guests.
·         Among the flow of people came a short, dark haired female with katanas strapped to her back.  “There she is!”, Kassie exclaimed excitedly and rushed forward to greet her friend and fan, “WIFEY!  Over here!”.
·         Valerie wheeled her suitcase into the hotel’s lobby and immediately hears a familiar voice, one that’s she has heard through voice recordings via the WhatsApp many times, one of her favorite writers of all time, and Tumblr wifey, Kassie!  She sees the joyful five foot three woman bouncing her way, excitedly clapping her hands and throwing her arms open wide for those hug-things that people like to do.  Valerie grins and bears it, Kassie is a touch person, Valerie gives her the hug she’s seeking.
·         Holly and Kari are close behind, joining in the hug pile and causing Valerie to shake them off exclaiming, “okay, okay, enough with the hug fest you hippies.  I just had years scared off my life and here you are trying to suffocate me to death”.
·         “Oh, no, what happened?”, Holly’s concern clear in her blue eyes.  “Yeah, who do we need to kill?”, Kari asked while grinding her knuckles into her palm.
·         “Grrrr…no one important.  Just some stupid guys LARPing in the middle of the road.  I swear, it’s like some people aren’t born with common-damn-sense”, Val growls out, the annoyance that she felt in the parking deck quickly coming back to haunt her.
·         “Forget about them!  You are here with us now and we are going to have a great time!”, Kassie says pulling Valerie into her side by the shoulder, “Come on, let’s get your stuff to the room and get our outfits on, I want to get this party started!  You’re bunking with me, Wifey.  I put the two wild children in a room together with a whole solid wall separating us….you know…so you don’t kill them at some point this weekend.”
·         “HEY!  Our room is going to be the fun party room, isn’t that right, Holly?”, Kari asks while pushing Holly in the shoulder with her fist.  “Damn skippy it is, we’ll be con legends for years to come”.
·         “Oh god”, Valerie groans, “I can see it now…we’ll be kick out of the Mariott on the first night here”.
·         “Stick in the mud”, Holly snips back teasingly.
·         “Now I truly know what poor Leo feels like all the time having to deal with Raph and Mikey”, Valerie shakes her head and allows Kassie to lead her to the elevators so that they can ascend to the room floors and go to get dressed.
·         An hour later, four scantily clad women dressed as ninja turtles exited two rooms on the fifth floor of the Mariott of Atlanta.  Out of the “Party Room”, walked two tall women, one sporting the orange of a Party Dude and one repping purple for a genius, complete with gadgets strapped around her body. Their tall figures adorable, and hot, in their green pleather corsets, green tulle skirts, complete with a green shell backpack decorated with their weaponry.  The other two women exiting, what Holly and Kari had dubbed the “Boring Room”, dressed as Leonardo and Raphael…if Leo and Raph wore corsets and tulle skirts.
·         “Oh my god, I nearly forgot!”, Kari’s eyes bugged out as she grabbed for her phone and starts swiping through it, “Val, you gotta see this.  We’ve gotta find this guy and take a picture with him, he’s dressed as the Shredder!”.
·         Kari hands Valerie the phone and Valerie stares at the image stunned.  She’s been going to DC for over twenty years.  She has seen A LOT of nice costumes, insanely good replicas that looked like they walked right off a movie set, but the suit she is looking at the in the photo is unbelievably good.  It looks so real.  That guy was either a REALLY good costume designer or just a REALLY HUGE nerd. Either way, getting a picture with him would be epic.
·         “Ok, then let’s find him”, the blue clad pseudo-leader says, “and the easiest way to do that is to split up”.
·         “Don’t forget that panel that we want to go to for Rob Paulsen, it starts in about two hours”, Kassie reminds the group, “I’ve got to hear that Donnie voice inperson”. Valerie nods her head in agreement, “If we don’t find this guy within the next hour or so, we’ll meet up around the fountain on the lower level and head over to the panel.  Kassie and I will search the lower level and you two…”, Valerie gives a weary eye to the two wild children,  “one…BEHAVE.  Two…take the main level and search for Shredder.  If either party finds him, phone the other, got it?”.
·         “Behave? What do you think is gonna happen? That you’ll find Holly and me hanging from the  railings in the atrium?”, Kari asks Valerie dubiously.
·         “Please don’t”, is all Valerie replies as she walks off, Kassie following her and giggling.
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl @kokokatsworld @the-second-circle-of-shell @nittleboo
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