#i get that you’re busy
roastedinmarch · 1 year
it’d be great if people on dating apps were actually interested in dating me
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brother-emperors · 4 months
hey! hi! the cartoonist cooperative has an e-sim drive for gaza, offering art for e-sim donations (instructions etc in the link)
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theold-ultraviolence · 2 months
You guys are so fucking weird about Joseph Quinn and then wonder why he seems different now than how he was two years ago, my god
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petrovna-zamo · 21 days
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liyazaki · 7 months
my downstairs neighbor (a saint who’s decided to adopt me): do you think you could pick me up some butter while you’re at the store?
me (thrilled she’s finally letting me do SOMETHING for her): ON IT 🫡
cut to me giving her the butter & her handing me a bag before basically running off into the night before I could give it back to her (she’s slick).
inside the bag? two sweaters she randomly bought because she thought I’d like them (I do) & she knows I’m about to go to Europe where it’s chilly, plus a freaking $20 bill.
neighbor: 1000 points; me: negative 10/🥺😭💀
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gojonanami · 6 days
fwb satoru fwb satoru fwb satoru—
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coconut530 · 4 months
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#Nevermore#Nevermore Webtoon#Webtoon#Funny episode liked it a lot#Monty playing with Prospero’s cravat funyyyyyy#“I’m anybody” HE’S SO DONE IT’S HILARIOUS#Prospero Monty relationship who thought#He’s the dad of the group it’s hilarious and all the kids and his wife are giving him troubleeeeeeeeee#Doctor’s bag??????? What did you use it for in life my guy#“We couldn’t just leave Montresor to die!” …it was an option and omg their faces on the bottom panel 🤣#LENORE STOP YOU’RE TOO HOT OH MY GODDDDDDD *FANS SELF* “LOOK WHO IT IS GENTS” LENOOOOOORRRREEEEEEEEEEEE#I want to redraw but life be busy so soon ish#Episode 25 “Stains are so hard to get out of mahogany!” I knew it before Duke even said it 😂#He saw a ghost and it hit him on the head smacked his face sliced his shoulder sliced his side and broke his leg 😂#Lenore is unfaaaaaaazzzzzzeeeeeddddd also Duke wanna protect his bestie#“…A little bit. Maybe” I THINK IT’S MORE THAN A LITTLE BIT#MAZE TRIO LAUGHING BEING FRIENDS LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT#LENORE AND MONTY SHOWDOWN MY FAVE IT ESCALATES SO WELL ALSO ANNABEL’S THE ONE WITH A BULLET IN HER GRAVE SORRY TO SAY#“Go to hell” 😂 this is the best#Annabel did NOT prepare for her to say that#Will doesn’t even have a roommate just throw Monty in there Will likes him enough and Prospero’s kinda wary of people it works out#Although Prospero you gave Annabel your key with ZERO hesitation or question so mayyybe you should’ve been more careful#Very funny episode I liked it a lotttttttttt oh no we’re heading into the formal divorce arc oh nooooooo
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mrhyde-mrseek · 5 months
Reasons why my town could be a cryptidcore town:
Already plenty of ghost stories, several of which are downtown by the waterfront alone.
My own house is 230+ years old and haunted by a little girl, there’s another house on my street that I think is around 300 years old.
Said ~300 year old house is owned by a woman who hosts a knitting club. There are constantly cars in her driveway. It’s a super old house. My sister and I are of the firm belief that she leads a knitting coven of witches.
There’s a creepy (and also super racist and misogynistic) cult that lives within walking distance of my house and also owns a store and deli downtown. They have tried to kidnap people.
Old buildings in general, just—everywhere.
Somewhere along the highway you can see an armchair sitting in the woods facing the road. No idea when, how, or why it was placed there.
The local mall is still functioning, but it’s so empty all the time that it’s practically abandoned.
Dunkins EVERYWHERE. Which is not at all abnormal for my area, but I work at one and it’s utter chaos. Things break ALL. THE. TIME. It has to be paranormal interference at this point. The dumpster out back is near a copse of trees and feels super creepy, especially at night in the pitch darkness.
There’s this one shop in the mall I went into over the summer with some friends. I had been to the mall less than a week before, and that shop had NOT been there. Then the owner started talking to us about the Johnny Depp trial like it was recent news. At that point in time it was not recent news. The next time I visited the mall that shop was in a completely different place than last time.
Seriously being in the mall late at night or very early in the morning is like a liminal space I swear to god.
There’s an antique store that used to contain a painting that gave me weird vibes and made the entire room it was in feel haunted.
When I was little I saw a crow in my front yard that to this very day I swear on my life was the size of a turkey. I never saw it again. Nobody believes me.
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whyoneartheven · 5 months
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for being the most amazing friends!! I haven’t talked to a lot of you in a while since I’ve barely been on tumblr at all, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you! May God bless you all :)
@akchimp75 @kiwi-der-vogel-alt @unclemoriarty @margindoodles2407 @ginjusttalkaboutnothing @almost-an-artist @taddy-cat @phoenix-arts7 @bluevaractyl @cal-the-duende @uniquevoidflowers @luciennelune @cheerfullycatholic @endlessartpumpkin @jullbnt @mrmedimedes @kommandantpinks @onceuponaladye @star-ocean-peahen @snowiwyvern @cextra-loz @candy8448 @adrift-in-thyme @prince-of-red-lions @marsnoodlesoup @grenapple0547 @isasan347 @sparkledragon04 @anime-obsessed @yeriah
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have this picture my dad took early Christmas morning!! (at like 1 am XD)
Also here is my church, all lit up with candles for Christmas Mass :D
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moominpopzz · 29 days
Wonder how William felt having to watch David get all the “you’re going to be the one to get out of here” lines from their parents,, how he felt knowing David was going to make it out all while he was slowly losing his mind surrounded by those woods. Had he ever been told he was going to make it? Was it switched to him when David finally did get out? Or was it only said as a quick goodbye before he left, a small “I knew you’d make it out too” as his parents are watching him leave
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Okay my favorite batshit au for Spiderman that’s incredibly self indulgent to me is:
Peter starts out as a Spider mutant, of course no one really knows this because he’s a very quiet and cautious kid and the stuff he has isn’t that noticeable to other people
On top of that, due to the age gap between his dad and his uncle, Ben and May already old when they take in young Peter (closer to comic canon), which comes with the side effects of being raised by older legal guardians
Side effects like because of their age they’re so tired when they come home from work that they can’t really give Peter the attention and energy that he needs and they want to give him, and because they’re always so tired and old and stuff, Peter, who’s already an obedient kid, doesn’t want to make their lives harder and their health worse, hides away anything that can upset them
(This is very important because it explains how Peter gets away with so much as a kid, there’s gonna be a lot of well meaning neglect in this au, and is also the very beginning of that deep anger taking seed inside of him, he feels can’t show emotion about his parents abandoning him, can’t make a fuss about Flash bullying him because the school won’t help and it’ll only stress out his aunt and uncle, he just feels like he can’t show anything and has no outlet for it all)
So Peter, even before going to live with his aunt and uncle didn’t get much attention because his parents were focused on their research and trying not to get killed, and then after moving in with them, feels like he has to make his presence as little as possible
He becomes a very, very independent little kid, even though May and Ben keep trying to let him know he can just be a kid, it’s okay, but at some point one of them has a health scare, there’s the hospital bill from it and the possible chance of future medical bills, so both adults start working more and more hours to afford all that
Which leaves poor Peter alone most of the time, he doesn’t want to make a fuss so he just accepts, and because the adults are too busy to really sit down and coordinate their time together, they don’t even realize how much they’ve left him on his own, thinking that the other adult was helping him
Peter gets himself up for school, washes the laundry, cleans what he cans, and cooks himself breakfast and maybe makes some for Ben or May if they haven’t left yet, packs his own lunch, then he’s responsible for getting himself on the bus to school (where he gets bullied all day), and then getting back to school, then because of the hours they’re working, he usually comes back to an empty house and makes everyone dinner, eats his, then puts himself to bed early after doing homework alone
At this point, Peter is now 10 years old, he’s formed a new friendship with his next door neighbor, MJ, who’s being purposely neglected by her shitty angry drunk dad, and another boy at school, Harry, who’s being emotionally neglected by his dad
The three of them start hanging out at Oscorp and getting to see the new stuff that the company is developing before it’s put out, one of those things is radioactive spiders, and one of the spiders with specific markings becomes Peter’s favorite
After some time, Norman makes a deal with the army to sell one of the spiders to them because of their own research with radioactive bio specimens, unfortunately, the spider he sells is Peter’s favorite one
For the first time in his life, Peter decides to try and be vocal about something he wants, but he’s too scared to interrupt Norman’s conversation, too used to being quiet, so he follows Norman along, waiting for a break in the conversation to ask him to sell a different spider, just following aaaallll the way to the army base, just being so quiet that no one notices him
Norman makes the handoff and Peter ends up following the spider, eventually getting his hands on it and accidentally releasing it from its container where it then bites Peter
Now remember, Peter was already a mutant, these spider mutant powers already included super strength, climbing on walls, and being able to produce webs, and also because being Spidery was a core part of his being, he has also has a ton of spider behaviors and instincts that he has to constantly fight to appear normal in public so no one calls his relatives and stress them out
After the bite, all of the hair on his body, not just the hair on his head, but the body hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, just everywhere, becomes bright red and blue patterned, his eyesight becomes supernaturally incredible, but when he uses his eyes like that, they become entirely black, I’m talking pupil, iris, and the whites become a dark inky black, and when he’s not using it, his eyes look normal, but his eyesight is back to being crap, he also now has fangs that produce a high intensity venom, and his super strength becomes so much stronger than it was before
These effects start slowly taking over as Peter starts wandering around with his spider, that he’s already forgiven for biting him because of course the poor thing is scared, trying to find an exit, but instead he stumbles upon the other radioactive specimen in the army’s care: the Hulk
Peter, being the sweet kid he is, lets the Hulk out and the Hulk remembers that and becomes a lifetime friend of “bug-man’s” from that, and the two escape the army base with the cameras capturing footage of a blue and red spidery creature helping the Hulk, starting Norman Osborn’s lifetime hatred for Spiderman (no one notices Peter’s excursion which takes a couple of days getting back home because quiet kid, kinda being neglected, teachers didn’t even mark him absent because they didn’t notice he hadn’t actually showed up, etc)
Peter is now visibly a mutant and so his friend and neighbor MJ notices immediately when he comes back and helps him out immediately even though she likes his new look, but it gives her a chance to try out makeup looks and hair dyes on someone else, and that’s what starts them becoming best friends, MJ starts hanging out more at his house to get away from her home life, Peter isn’t so alone anymore, it works out great for the two kids and starts Peter’s huge crush on her since this is the first time he’s actually been close and open with another person
(Also cause of the neglect, man it feels awful saying May and Ben neglected him in this au but there’s no other way to put it, Peter doesn’t ever return to the doctors and get checkups, and no one investigates because fuck it they lost Peter’s file or something)
Peter and Harry don’t have that moment where they suddenly intensely bond over something, but over the next four years, the three of them slowly become inseparable, to the point that many times MJ and Peter forget that they haven’t shared their big secret with Harry
(Although Peter hasn’t become a vigilante yet, him and MJ still go off and have adventures during this time, like helping the Hulk or meeting up with the x-men, this ends up being another thing that helps him hide his identity as cameras keep picking up grainy images of him without the stuff he uses to hide his looks at school and of course no one’s gonna assume a kid is out doing these things, so Spiderman, when he makes his debut, has to be much older than the Parker kid is what everyone thinks)
So instead of the spider bite being what causes his fight with Uncle Ben leading to him running out and consequently his uncle dying, it’s Harry finding out that MJ and Peter had this secret they hadn’t been sharing with him, and Peter’s resentment at not being able to go to his relatives for advice because how would he even explain any of that to them?? He doesn’t even know how they feel about mutants much less a mutant who’s now been made radioactive!! That causes his anger issues acting up and then the origin story with Uncle Ben except now his death includes him apologizing to Peter for not being there more often and knowing that he’s a mutant (but not the other stuff) and letting him know that he’s okay with it and he’s sorry he made Peter feel like he couldn’t share that with him
This is depressing for everyone, because even though him and Aunt May dropped the ball a lot (in this specific au), he was still a great relative when he was able to be there for him, he was also a great adult figure to MJ and Harry
So after that, all 3 of them decide to get into the vigilante business, with Peter being the face of it since he’s the only one that could actually handle fights and stuff (but with Harry’s money and Peter’s smarts they do end up making equipment for Harry and MJ), just these 3 little traumatized, neglected 14 year olds forming a vigilante group together
They find an Oscorp warehouse that Norman forgot about, put it in Harry’s name, and completely reinvented it to be their base, and over time it becomes less lonely, at first it’s just the Hulk hiding out there occasionally, maybe some x-men they befriended, but once they turn 18 and Spiderman becomes less of a cryptid and starts actively putting himself out there (because Harry and MJ couldn’t stand the idea of losing him so they made him promise to stay out of the limelight) their group starts really taking off
(Getting people like Gwen Stacy, Daredevil, Nova, Iron Fist, White Tiger, Power Man, Wolverine, Venom, Squirrel Girl, etc)
While staying completely hidden from SHIELD the entire time, Nick Fury doesn’t find out for ages that all these other heroes were secretly connected to Spiderman and had a base together this whole time
And eventually of course Miles joins, with his origin story being that he found Spiderman on the brink of death, saved him, accidentally got pierced by one of his venomous fangs, which acted the same way a bite from a radioactive spider would affect him, which is not something any of them had known, apparently a full on bite would kill a person, but a tiny amount of venom makes them radioactive, so that’s something to worry about now
Miles’ uncle eventually joins their little superhero gang sometime after that because it’s my self indulgent au and I want that kid to be happy with his family
Also after Uncle Ben’s death, Aunt May makes a concentrated effort to actually full on be there for Peter and all his friends, it doesn’t magically make his childhood better, but it’s healing
And a good portion about this is: Peter’s identity being so hard to find because how he shows himself in his civilian life isn’t what he actually looks like, so when his mask gets ripped off there’s not actually much to worry about, doesn’t mean he’s not still doing The Most™️ to hide his identity to protect not only Aunt May now but also his group
And also I wanted him to be as strong as possible, like could fight Superman strong, as well as have all these abilities that would make you think he’d be a part of the avengers fighting aliens and stuff and he’s just like “I really gotta dedicate all my attention to stopping muggers and bank robbers” because that’s so him
Also I think he’d look incredibly pretty with the red and blue coloring as well as the completely black eyes, and because it’s funny to me, while the Hulk is a part of them, Bruce Banner has no memory of this in the slightest, and Johnny Storm is pissed when he finds out Spidey has a hero team with a base that he didn’t invite him to
The neglect and stuff also really ties into not joining SHIELD, because Peter is still the unofficial leader of the group and he's not used to depending on others, but also he's worried about SHIELD trying to force him to become a big named hero when he does just want to stop robbers, and he's terrified of SHIELD knowing his and his friends' identities and what danger that could lead to for them
There’s probably a ton I forgot to put down but this post is already so long 😭 lemme know if anyone has any questions!! would love to answer any
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onceuponaneverafter · 6 months
i get the vibe that jacks gives really nice hugs. like, he never hugs anyone (not, like, EVER) so literally nobody knows but if he did. it would be surprisingly amazing
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paimonial-rage · 7 months
from your character analysis ask meme, for alhaitham: Are they prone to jealousy? would he be too logical to be jealous? Would his jealousy be in vain or would it perhaps be a sign that his partner has crossed the line of sorts?
Definition of jealousy:
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I apologize for taking some time with this ask. I’m going to answer this in a more analytical format because I think this situation calls for it. I want to say that no, under normal circumstances, Alhaitham is not the kind of person to get jealous. In my experience, there are usually three triggers for jealousy:
1. Reader interacting normally with friends and hobbies and partner gets (unreasonably) jealous
2. Reader getting too involved with spending time with friends/hobbies not realizing they’re neglecting partner which gets them (reasonably) jealous
3. Reader specifically does things that will incite jealousy within partner by purposefully doing things like ignoring partner or flirting with others
Alhaitham would not get jealous under the first instance. Being a very independent person, he would understand and respect his partner’s need for it as well. The second instance would be the closest he’d feel to your definition of jealousy. While he’d be able to withstand it for a while, eventually he’d probably feel neglected and would pull you away to capture your sole attention.
As for the third scenario, while he would get upset and would get jealous, I don’t believe this would happen in a normal relationship. Personally, I would never flirt with someone that isn’t my partner just for fun, even if I’m close to them. I think that’s a very hurtful thing to do to someone that has feelings for you.
So long story short, no, I don’t think Alhaitham is prone to jealousy. Not that he’s “too logical” to be jealous. He just understands and respects people’s need for independence. That being said, he probably can end up feeling neglected if left alone too long.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#alhaitham#alhaitham x reader#anon#character analysis ask meme#now as i always do i’m going to answer the part you’re looking for in the tags#the reason why alhaitham wouldnt be a jealous person is that hes both reasonable and he doesnt play games#when you enter into a relationship with alhaitham he will make time for you and seek you out#he's self-regulating in that way that he'll make sure to get his fill of you regularly#even if you are busy he'll find some way to slot yourself in your schedule#and like... the thing with him is that he really doesnt need much#itd take you turning him down consistently for other things for him to get jealous and feel neglected#this is when he gets immature because if you try to spend time with him after you can expect some passive aggressive sass#'hmm... you seemed to be having a lot more fun with them instead'#you'd have to make it up to him#add onto that someone flirting with you? he'd swoop in there to stake his claim#that being said i highly doubt this would happen often?#you'd have to be REALLY DENSE to neglect him up to this point#when he is feeling neglected expect him to be more physically touchy#he'd just want you near#haha#sorry this isnt much#i'm the wrong person to go to for jealousy asks#i'm not a person that finds jealousy attractive#unreasonable jealousy i find restrictive and childish#reasonable jealousy i find as a sign i am not doing my job as a significant other#my job as someone's partner is to make them feel loved and needed no matter what#so if theyre not feeling that that means i'm doing something wrong and i need to fix it
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gatogotica · 2 months
The way this whole time I’m out here assuming Herbert West is a detached emotionless asshole just based on random stuff I’ve seen then I finally get around to watching these damn movies and in the second one they have this dude as the most pathetic gay man I’ve ever seen doing the absolute most to make his man happy and that? gagged me
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
don’t have a lick of healthcare, groceries, rent + cost of living is through the roof, student loan payments are back on, no income tax, govt benefits, foster care is fucking trash, education system is cooked, degrees are useless and no jobs but we sure got 8 billion to give another country for war efforts 🤪 love it here.
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fairy-hub · 8 months
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