#i got a date for my hand surgery today!
dumbf1sketches · 7 months
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Right, that's it, never drawing again. Truly cursed Oscar within.
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If I had to see it, you have to see it
I'm still trying to figure out his face, so I'm just doing tons of little speed sketches, and I thought he looked like a lil Pokémon trainer with his cap. Obv the heart eyes are for Lando
Also yes I'm just posting this because I want to talk in the tags lol.
Edit: I got a very lovely but very (sweetly) aggressive ask telling me to stop putting my art behind cuts 🫠🫠 I'm sorry I am just.... Not good at thinking nice things about my drawings and thinking that less people will see it makes me feel better about posting
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Heart III
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You get adopted
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The day you get adopted, you wear a special dress.
You've got lots of clothes now that you live with Mapi and Ingrid. You didn't use to have so many before because you lived in the hospital but now you have lots and a new, super special dress for your adoption.
It's a busy day, Ingrid says, so you have to wake up early to get to the court. Ingrid's got a super special dress on too and Mapi's wearing a suit in the same colour so you can all match.
The judge who's signing the papers is kind of old with a big white beard and a happy smile. He goes through boring things with your case worker before he beckons you all over to sign the papers.
A picture is taken with you holding the adoption certificate as you stand between your new mummies.
It's still a busy day though so Mami stops off to get ice cream as you and Mama get nice and bundled up in the car. She pulls down the front of your dress to check your scar.
She does that a lot when something big has happened. She did it the first day you came home from surgery and after the first time you went out again.
"You're my mama now," You giggle when Mama pulls away, happy that nothing has changed with your scar.
"Yeah, I am." She's beaming at you and, even though you're strapped into your car seat, you lean forward to kiss her cheek.
She kisses your cheek too and Mami climbs into the car with a tub of ice cream for you.
"Oh, Mapi," Mama says," Don't you think that's a bit too much?"
"No such thing as too much," Mami laughs," Besides, it's a special day. She can have as much ice cream as she wants."
Mama rolls her eyes fondly as she starts the car and drives off.
Today's a very busy day. It was your adoption ceremony and the El Clásico so Ingrid makes sure to get to the stadium as quick as she can. They've been prepared for this ever since the date was confirmed.
Mapi's got a bag packed with a change of clothes for each of you so your special adoption clothes don't get dirty and Ingrid's also got a surprise waiting for you at the stadium.
She picks you up easily when you arrive and walk you straight into the changing room. Everyone else is already out doing the pitch inspection so Ingrid gets you changed into the shirt and shorts Mapi packed.
She kisses you on the cheek before pushing you over to Mapi, who has already changed out of her suit.
"Come on," Mapi says," Let's go and see the others."
You've never been on a pitch before. A few weeks, when you started coming with Mama and Mami to practice, you sat in the stands and coloured. You were still healing from getting your new Santa heart so Mama wanted to make sure that you didn't stress it out.
This is your first time on grass and it's a little scary. You wiggle your feet nervously as you stand on the side, grasping tightly to Mami's hand.
"It's okay," Mami says as if reading your mind," It's just grass. Nothing to worry about." She points over to where Pina and Patri are waving at you. "See? How about we head on over?"
Mami holds your hand as you jog over to her teammates. The grass is kind of springy under your feet and still sort of firm like if you were walking on the floor of the hospital.
You kind of like it.
"Mami," You say, puffing out your chest," I'm walkin' on grass."
"You are," Mami laughs," Feels good, huh?"
Mama shows you your special surprise when you return to the changing room. You reach out to touch it. It's got your new last name on it, 'Engen-Leon' for everyone to see.
"Do you like it?" Mama asks even though she already knows your answer by the way that you try to pull it over the shirt that you're still wearing.
"Love it!" You turn to look at Mami. "Look, Mami! It's got my name!"
"It does," Mami agrees as she helps you put it on," You'll look extra good when you walk out with me."
"With you?" Mama laughs with a shake of the head," You mean with me."
Mami laughs too as she laces up her boots.
"For what it's worth," Patri says from across the room," If you guys are struggling to choose, she can walk out with me."
"No chance!"
"Rock paper scissors for it?" Mami offers, holding her fist out and Mama rolls her eyes but still agrees.
Mami must regret choosing to play because Mama wins happily and walks out with you in your brand new jersey.
Both Mama and Mami are starting off on the pitch so you're left with Pina and Patri on the bench.
It's an El Clásico so it's very important Barcelona wins and Pina and Patri are eager for their own chances on the field even as the team go two-nil up within the first fifteen minutes.
Mami takes a free kick that flies straight into the goal from distance and instead of celebrating with the team she comes straight over to the sidelines to hug you.
You giggle as she presses a kiss to your cheek before returning you to your babysitters.
The score goes up to five-nil in the second half and Real Madrid concede a corner.
The team all line up to take it but it's Mama's head that hits it into the goal. She jumps and pumps her fist into the air before coming to the sidelines towards you as well.
She rains kisses down on your face and kisses the Barca crest on your chest.
"Mama!" You giggle as she keeps kissing you," You have to play!"
She kisses you one last time before cradling your face in her hands. "We'll finish up here," She says," And then we'll go get dinner, okay?"
You smile. "Okay, Mama!"
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ts19009 · 26 days
Hong's Anatomy: Part 2
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Pediatrician surgeon!  Joshua x pediatric surgeon!  Female Reader 
Synopsis: Coming to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital wasn’t on your bucket list, that’s for sure, but when you meet the head of your department, Joshua Hong, it's one of the only things that constantly brightens your day. 
Warnings: swearing, made up medical terms and procedures, i have no idea if any of this is medically accurate it’s just for story, flirting, smut (18+) (fingering, oral: f -receiving, penetrative sex, no protection, aftercare)
Words: 5.4k words
You hadn’t been on a date in at least a year. What do you even wear to a non-official date with your co-worker? 
You were going to a fairly fancy restaurant, so casual was out of the question. It was down to two options. The red or black dress.
You had done your hair and makeup nicer than you normally do for work, it was fun getting dressed up like this after work. 
Just like you had planned, Jeonghan rang your doorbell right at eight. To which you opened it to see him in a dress shirt, holding a bouquet of flowers. 
“Good evening Doctor. L/N. These are for you,” he smirked, bowing and then handing the flowers to you. They were beautiful lilies with a few tulips scattered in the bouquet. 
“Come in, I just need a few more things,” you said, opening the door more for him to slip himself in. He immediately darted for the couch and layed down. 
“I had an awful shift today. Someone double booked me and I had to do back-to-back surgeries right at the end. Please tell me you had a better day.” 
“Somewhat. No double surgeries, but I did skip out on my lunch break, so I’m starving,” you said, making sure that your earrings were on correctly and grabbed your purse. “Now, I’ve waited on you long enough.” Jeonghan smiled, and got off of the couch offering his arm. 
“So tell me. Why did you ask me out?” Jeonghan asked, taking a sip of his wine. You took a minute. You didn’t want to say it was to try and “get over” his best friend, so you brought up the other truth. 
“My therapist challenged me to make one new friend by our next session next month,” you admitted. 
“You don’t have any friends here?” He questioned again.
“Well now I do. You, Joshua, Rose, Jake. You’ve all been very nice to me. I would consider you my friend.” 
“Am I just a friend?” 
The question caught you off guard, and made you choke on the wine you had just sipped. You quickly brought your napkin to your mouth to prevent spitting on him and coughed. 
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting that question.” Jeonghand had a smirk on his face, but was patient while you wiped your lips. “To be honest, I didn’t think this was a date until Jake told me. He was eavesdropping on our conversation and told me to “have fun on my date”.” 
“It’s only a date if you want it to be.” He was smooth, putting the ball in your court. 
“I think calling it a date would be fun, but I’m going to be honest. I can’t promise another date,” you warned. 
“I expect nonetheless,” he chuckled, holding up his wine to cheer you with. 
“Cheers. To making new friends.” You chuckled at his statement and took a sip of wine before your food came.
“How was the date?” Joshua asked, walking up to you at the Ped’s desk. You had just finished your rounds and was about to start prepping for your first surgery. 
“Dinner was good, thank you for asking,” you said, Joshua chuckled but nodded. “Just trying to make some friends.” 
“I’m your friend. Am I not?” 
“This is the first time you’ve called me your friend, but I guess you are now,” you said, not looking up from your tablet which caused Joshua to dramatically exhale. 
“What surgery do you have first?” He asked, trying to change the subject. 
“A poor little girl who has 3rd degree burns is looking for a skin graft. Jeonghan and I are going to try and give her a skin graft and then try to get her to generate new skin.” Joshua’s face soured at the mention of his best friend. 
“Good luck. That sounds like a rough case.” You nodded. When doing rounds you saw the poor girl who was in pain by just speaking due to the blistered and bleeding skin. 
“I asked Jeonghan to start without me. Watching her during rounds was awful. I don’t know if I could watch her when she was being put to sleep,” you scoffed. 
“Jeonghan is pretty good at cases like that. He’s good at detaching himself when he needs to,” Joshua said, ‘I gotta get going to my first surgery, but good luck with yours!” 
You nodded and waved goodbye as he hustled down the hallway. What did Joshua mean when he said Jeonghan was good at detaching himself? 
I guess you’d have to find out by being his friend. Or potentially more. 
About an hour passed when you were paged to finally head into surgery. Jeonghan had sedated the girl and had already started the skin grafting. You were kinda just there in case anything went wrong and as an extra hand. 
Plastics is way out of your knowledge. 
“How’d it go?” You asked, as Lia gowned and gloved you. 
“It was hard on her, but she fell asleep fast. Let’s just hope we only have to do this once for her sake,” Jeonghan noted. He hadn’t looked up from her face yet, but you could tell he was pretty focused, so you didn’t say anything else. 
“Okay. I’ve got the burnt and dead skin off. Let’s get that skin graft on and can you start prepping the fluid for the regen process?” Lia nodded and started getting out syringes and brushes. 
“I can help with the grafting,” you offered. 
“Sure,” Jeonghan nodded. You carefully picked up the individual strips of graft and carefully put the piece on her cheek bone. Then Jeonghan quickly took a bowl or solution and a brush and brushed over the graft to ensure it would stay and in hopes that it would spark regeneration underneath. “Perfect. Just like that, good job Doctor. L/N.” 
“He let me do a skin graft Joshua,” you exclaimed, clearly excited. 
“That’s exciting,” he said, clearly not as excited as you, but trying to be nice about it. 
“And he said that he could already see signs that the regeneration process will go well and that she can grow her own skin!” Joshua smiled and looked up from his tablet. 
“Congratulations on the successful surgery,” he said, before moving away. 
“Wait? Did I do something wrong?” You asked. Confused where his cold attitude was coming from. 
“I lost my patient. She had a stroke and died on the table. So while I am happy that you did something new and saved YOUR patient, I’m trying not to be sad or angry that I lost mine,” he said, not briefly looking at you before looking to the ground and walking away. 
Leaving you to feel like a jerk. 
“What just happened?” Jeonghan asked, taking a seat next to you. He had seen the entire interaction take place. 
“I was just telling Joshua about the skin graft, but he was going through a hard time and had to leave,” you said, not wanting to make Joshua out to be the bad guy or share your interaction entirely. 
“Ahh I see. Joshua tends to bottle up his feelings and then they come crashing down all at once. Maybe he was upset because he hasn’t been in a while,” Jeonghan explained, leaning against the desk. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” you stuttered, “Just a little shaken up.” 
“Doctor Y/N!” Jonah exclaimed, as you rushed into your first patient's room. “He’s seizing!” 
“Roll him on his side and push 10 milligrams of diazepam,” you ordered, as Jonah nodded and rolled the boy to his side. You quickly listened to his heart beat before moving to the side so that Jake could push the medication. A few moments later the boy stop seizing and stilled. 
“Can you book a CT scan for him Jake?” He nodded and left the room while you looked at his chart. The CT scan you had was almost three days old. A lot can change in that time. 
When the boy Michael was in the machine, Joshua popped his head into the room. 
“Ah sorry, I’ll come back later.” 
“No, we’re almost done. Just be a minute or two,” you tried to argue.
“No, I was just wanting to copy some scans to study and teach Carter,” he said, pointing to his intern. Kennedy Carter. 
“Well why don’t you both come in and try and help me find out what’s causing the boy’s seizures?” You suggested, as Josua looked to Kennedy, who was nodding. “He’s been having seizures for the past two weeks. One more and I'm scared he won't come back.”
Kennedy looked at the scans as Joshua looked at her charts. 
“Epilepsy?” Kennedy suggested, but Joshua shook his head. 
“His scans eliminate that and his charts say that he’s been in a stable environment for over a week. Did you page Doctor. Xu?” Joshua asked, as you nodded your head. 
“He suggests that we do a removal of the section that stimulates the seizures. That because he’s so young that his brain will adapt and make up for the missing section,” you say, “like a modern day lobotomy.” 
“That sounds crazy,” Kennedy chuckled. 
“It sounds like the best option, because we can’t figure out what’s causing the seizures,” you say, “we’re done now Albert. We’re going to get you back to the room.” 
Albert nodded and closed his eyes as the nurses transported him to another bed and rolled him back to his room. You only stayed a few more moments to finish some charts, but moved out of the way for Joshua and Kennedy. 
“I’m looking forward to the party Friday. Will you be there?” Joshua asked, interrupting your charting. You had gotten the invitation from Vernon, but hadn’t given it much thought, but it was Tuesday, you probably should let him know. 
“I think so, “ you muttered, “I’ll be a little late, I don’t get off till 10.” 
“I’ll save you a drink then,” Joshua grinned, as you looked up from your charting, a light blush spreading across your cheeks. You quickly glanced at Kennedy, who was smirking, but luckily, she didn’t say anything. 
 “Doctor. Xu, are you sure this is the only way we can prevent seizures?” Albert’s mother asked. Mingaho sighed, but nodded. 
“Albert’s condition is quite rare, we can’t get to the bottom of why he’s seizing so often. So we figured that stopping them all together would be better than letting them go on while we think of what’s causing them.” You nodded. 
“I agree with Doctor. Xu. The long we wait, the harder it gets on Albert. He’s lucky to remain as intact as he is,” you admit, “the sooner we act, the better.” 
Alberts mother sighs and looks to her husband. Alberts Stepfather. 
“Alright, just help our boy,” he says as you and Minghao both nod. 
“Of course,” you smiled, “we’re going to go take him up now. If you want to say a few words, now would be the time.” Albert’s mother nodded and darted into his room while her father gathered her purse and coat before going in. 
“Have you ever done this before Minghao?” You asked, watching Albert’s mother and father wrap him in a hug. Minghao looked around and grabbed your elbow before guiding you down a little further, assumingly away from the family. 
“No, but this is our only option,” he whispered, “Doctor. Jeon is the only one who has done it, but only once and he refused to do it again.” You sighed and nodded. This wasn’t going to be easy or fun. 
Scrubbing in was always the worst part of surgeries. It took, what felt like forever. All any surgeon wanted to do was dive right in and start operating, but sanitization was just as important as anything else. 
So when you were scrubbing in for your surgery you looked up at the gallery to see Joshua and Kennedy. 
Great. Something else to think about. 
“Are you going to the party on Friday?” A voice sounded from beside you, breaking you out of your thoughts. It was Minghao.
“I am. I just told Vernon,” you answered, “what about you?” 
“Yup, I wasn’t going to at first but Joshua convinced me. Told me that there was a new type of spiked tea that he was bringing,” he chuckled. That’s right, Mingaho Xu was a yoga, meditating, tea lover when he wasn’t operating on brains. 
“Then I’ll see you at the tea kettle,” you joked as he chuckled and nodded at you before heading into the OR. 
Maybe making friends wasn’t as hard as you thought. 
Once Mingaho had opened Albert’s brain up, he took a few moments to make sure everything was in order before starting to cut a good section out of the left side of the brain. 
Your job was to make sure that the brain stayed moist so you would spray it with saline and then you would start operating after the section was gone and seal up any brain bleeds. 
You only looked up at Joshua once. He was watching you closely and smiled down at you pretty quickly. Before you could smile back the monitor started beeping rapidly. 
“Brain bleed Doctor. L/N!” Minghao said, not looking up, but pointing to the bleed. It was a medium sized bleed and located right in the center of the cut. You were quickly handed a a suction and irrigation device and started washing away the bleed. 
“Doctor L/N,” Minghao warned, you only had a few minutes before the bleeding would completely kill the brain and leave the patient brain dead. 
“Almost,” you said, very concentrated. A few seconds later the bleed stopped and the machines stopped beeping as well. “All clear Doctor. Xu.” 
Minghao nodded and resumed. After removing the remaining section of the brian Minghao let you close and then checked in on Albert’s vitals that were going steady. 
“Albert’s out of surgery, he did really well,” you said, to Albert’s mother and stepfather. They both cried out in joy and hugged each other. 
“Can we see him?” You nodded. 
“It’ll just be a few minutes, and we need to keep him in a coma for a few days, but you can sit with him until visiting hours are over.” They nodded and smiled before sitting down and waiting for a nurse to come let them in. 
This was your last scheduled surgery, so you were now just on call. You had been up for a good six hours, with a total of maybe three hours of sleep. 
You needed a nap. 
You had found a fairly quiet on-call room close to the Ped’s unit, and close to the food court if you wanted a snack mid nap. You had only slept there once, but now seemed like a perfect time. So quickly, but quietly made your way to the food court and ordered a sandwich and iced coffee. 
Just as you got to the on-call room, you could hear someone behind the door. 
Shit, someone was in there. 
You knocked on the door, praying that the person was leaving. You could hear the ruffling behind the door before it opened a few seconds later to reveal Joshua, donning a gnarly bedhead. 
“Hey,” he yawned. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you apologize as he shakes his head and raises his hands. 
“No, I was getting ready to leave,” he reassured, “were you wanting to sleep here?” You nodded and raised your lunch. 
“I like to eat here then take a power nap. It’s the only fairly quiet place on this side of the hospital.”
“Tell me about it,” he chuckled, “well it’s all yours.” You nod and step in, watching him move around and collect his coat and throw out his can. “You did amazing in your surgery by the way. I didn’t stay for the whole thing, but I watched you fix that brain bleed.” 
You smiled, “thanks. I haven’t done a lot of neuro, so I really enjoyed it.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiled, “have a good lunch Y/N.” 
You indeed were late to the party much later than you hoped for. You got home at ten, and didn’t get back out the door until almost eleven. Luckily, you texted Jeonghan and made sure that the party was going to last longer. It was, so when you pulled up to the party it was almost midnight. 
“Y/N!” Jeonghan exclaimed, opening his door to see you with a bottle of wine. “You made it.” 
“I’m so sorry I’m late. I didn’t get out of work until ten,” you sighed, handing him the wine. He smiled and led you to the living room where everyone was. 
“I’ll get you a glass, just wait a minute,” he smiled. You nodded and took a stand by the fire place. 
“Y/N!” Joshua said, from across the room. You smiled and waved at him as he approached you. “You look great! I don’t often see you out of scrubs.” 
“Hey, we got drinks together twice,” you joked. Joshua chuckled and raised his hands. 
“Sorry. Haven’t seen you out of scrubs in a while,” he corrected as you chuckled but rolled your eyes. 
“You look good too, and I’m sorry I haven’t asked you out after work in a while,” you started but was interrupted by Jeonghan. 
“This is really good wine!” He said, handing you a glass and taking a sip of his. “Oh, hey Shua. Did you want a glass?” 
“No no, I have a glass of whiskey somewhere here,” he answered, “I just promised Y/N that I’d save her a drink and was going to offer her one. But it looks like you beat me to it.” 
Jeonghan smirked, “not my fault you didn’t open the door.” Joshua just smiled and then sent a little glare his way. You could feel the tense atmosphere and looked between the two men glaring at each other before Chan interrupted. 
“Joshua, is this your whiskey? Can I have it?” He said lifting the glass and pointing to it. 
“No Chan..” he sighed, “I’ll be right back,” he smiled at you and sent another little glare at Jeonghan before rushing to save his drink. 
“What was that about?” You asked Jeonghan, who just shrugged. 
“Me and Shua have always gravitated toward similar people. Both friendship wise and romantically, it’s caused a few arguments in the past, but we’ve always come out okay on the other side.”
“You’re interested in me?” You exclaimed. Jeonghan chuckled and nodded his head. 
“Was that not obvious? I mean I did ask if our last date was a date. I mean I can’t speak for Shua, but I can tell he definitely doesn’t just like you as a friend.” 
Hearing the blatant confession made you blush on both cheeks and caused you to look away, not being able to look Jeonghan in the eyes. Two very attractive, hard working, kind men. Interested in you? This doesn’t sound real. 
“Sorry, I managed to get my drink back,” Joshua chuckled before playfully glaring at Chan. “What did I miss?” Jeonghan just smirked and took a sip of his wine before making his way to the patio where Seokmin and Wonwoo were. 
Joshua stayed practically glued to your side the entire night. You would wander to each of the rooms talking with almost every person, but Joshua would wander with you, fetching you new drinks, food, and contributing to conversations. The moment he went to the bathroom Mingyu chuckled. 
“He’s pretty keen on you,” he smiled. 
“So I’ve been told,” you blush, “I don’t mind.”
“I mean, he’s practically waiting on you hand and foot.” 
Right before you could say anything else, Joshua returned from the bathroom looking down at his phone. 
“I just ordered an uber, do you want to ride with me?” He asked, as you looked at the time. It was just hitting three. 
“I better, thanks,” you smiled, as Joshua looked up from his phone and smiled. Everyone was slowly starting to leave, Seungkwan, Chan, Mingyu, and Jun were the only ones left and they were all in the living room watching a rerun of a football game.  You both made your way and took a seat on the couch together before the uber pulled up. It was quite a tight fit for the both of you, your knees were touching and because of the amount of drinks you had, you started leaning your head on his shoulder. 
“Y/N, the uber’s here,” Joshua said, nudging your shoulder and helping you stand up. “Thanks for the party Jeonghan, I had fun.” 
Jeonghan smiled, and gave him a hug, before giving you a hug as well. 
“Let me know when you both get home,” he smiled. You nodded and waved to everyone while Joshua was waiting for you at the door.
“Thank you for the uber I had a good time tonight,” you blushed, at Joshua. He had insisted on walking you to the door. 
“I had fun as well. Let’s do it again sometime,” he smirked, as you playfully rolled your eyes. You were quite close, you leaning against the door and him standing almost a step away. 
He smelled like vanilla and you could hear his steady breathing. You could still feel a light buzz due to the few drinks you had, but he was getting closer. 
“Joshua,” you looked up at him to see his face awfully close to yours. 
“Tell me to stop,” he whispered, leaning in closer. 
“That’s the thing. I don’t want you to stop,” you whispered back, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips together. He reached up and cupped your cheek with his right hand. “Joshua,” you moaned as you both moved further into your home and he pressed you against the door. “What about the uber?” 
“Should I tell him to go on?” He panted, out of breath from all the kissing. You nodded and Joshua smiled, before kissing you again. “I’ll go tell him that I’ll be staying.” You nodded and watched him quickly run out to the uber. 
You smiled, and fixed your hair in the mirror before Joshua knocked on the door again. You opened it to see no uber and a handsome doctor waiting for you. You wrapped your arms around his neck again and practically pulled him inside. 
“Did. I. Tell you. How. Gorgeous. You look. Tonight?” Joshua confessed in between kisses. 
You giggled, but didn’t stop kissing him, running your fingers through his hair and pulled him towards your couch. The back of his knees hit it and he fell backwards onto it. This was it, you hadn’t slept with anyone in well over a year, let alone kissed anyone. You were extremely nervous, and Joshua could tell by the look of your face. 
“It’s okay, we can go slow if you’d like,” he smiled, pushing his hair out of his face and starting to undo the buttons on his dress shirt prompting you to start undoing your shirt as well. 
You hadn’t worn anything fancy, but luckily it was all matching. When your shirt had hit the ground Joshua was looking up at you, smirking again. You leaned down and connected your lips again sitting on his lap. Joshua’s hand went up to cup your cheek again while the other ran down your side and squeezed your hip, before dipping it into your skirt. He slipped a finger under your panites and snapped the fabric against your hip before moving lower towards your core. 
Before he could go any further, you moved to take your skirt off and throw it right by your shirt. Joshua’s shirt hadn’t been completely discarded, but simply unbuttoned, you quickly pushed it off his shoulders as he slid both his hands to his pants and also discarded them. 
You went back to kissing for a few moments before one of your bra straps started falling off your shoulders. Joshua chuckled and pushed them both off before undoing the clasp in the back and letting it fall off, leaving you almost completely bare. You shuttered as Joshua started pressing kisses down your neck. While he was kissing down your neck to your collarbones and then chest you slid your hands that were in his hair and around his neck to run up and down his chest. He wasn’t ripped to shreds, but he was definitely toned. You ran your hands across his abs before he started kissing your chest more passionately this time. You moaned and pulled his hair a little harder than before, letting Joshua laugh. 
“God, you’re so hot,” he moaned again before he started kissing farther down towards your stomach. Sooner or later he was right in between your thighs.
“Joshua,” you moaned as he kissed along your legs.
“It’s okay babe, just relax and have fun,” he smirked, sliding your panties down your legs and throwing them by the t.v. “Do you have work tomorrow?” He asked, as you shook your head no. “Good,” he said before diving in and attaching his lips to your core. His tongue went straight to licking your clint, causing you to throw your head back and arch your chest. 
Joshua continued to lick and suck at your core while one of his hands went up to massage your breast and the other to hold your hips down. 
“Stop moving so much babe,” he muttered. You whined and pushed his head down. He continued to lick and suck on your clit as you moaned more and started moving your hips into his face more, getting closer to finishing. “Stop moving!” 
“Then make me cum,” you moan, looking down at Joshua. He was smirking. 
“I’m trying, but I can’t if you keep moving,” he said using both his hands to hold you down and went right back between your thighs, this time using his nose to rub your clit while his tongue licks around your hole. “Tongue or fingers babe?” 
“God, your tongue. It was doing so well,” you sighed, taking one of his hands and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. He nodded and started licking and sucking on your clit again, this time faster making you come in a matter of minutes. Just as you finished your climax, Joshua slid two fingers into your hole and started moving as well. “What are you doing?” You cried, still sensitive and watched him slide up and kiss you. 
“You don’t have work tomorrow, we’re gonna go all night baby,” he flirted, still fingering you. 
“It’s already nearly five in the morning,” you whined as Joshua added a third finger. 
“I’ve never had morning sex before,” he grinned, “and to think, we’re not even in bed.” 
“Morning couch sex. Who woulda thought?” You joked before moaning at a particular spot that Joshua hit with his fingers. 
“I’m not opposed,” he said as you came again. This time Joshua gave you some time to breathe. “That was quite lovely,” he said, sitting up and throwing your legs over his lap. 
“Do you want to keep going?” You asked, as he started massaging your ankles. 
“Again, I’m not opposed to doing more,” he said. 
“Do you want to go to my bedroom?” You asked, as he stopped massaging your ankles and nodded. You smiled and held out your hands and stood up, he took them and you practically pulled him straight off the couch. 
“Your place is really nice for only being here for a month,” he complimented. 
“Thanks, I had to buy new furniture and decorations for a place that I really only sleep in,” you joked, “I guess I’m doing more than sleeping now.” Joshua smirked but didn’t say anything as you opened your bedroom door and flicked on the lightswitch which controlled the bedside lamp. 
Joshua held your hand and guided you to the bed and gently laid you down before laying beside you. He was still holding your hand and started playing with your fingers.
“Do you have any condoms?” He asked, you shook your head. 
“No, but I’m on birth control and I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone in a long time,” you say as he stops playing with your fingers to look up at you. 
“I’m clean as well, but it seems like Joe already told you,” he joked, referring to your first day after work, when Joe admitted that Joshua hadn’t been on a date in the six years he had lived in Seattle. “Are you sure you don’t want a condom?” 
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him on top of you. “I’m sure. I just wanna feel you.”
Joshua smiled and grabbed his cock, before lining it up with your entrance. 
“You’re so wet,” he moaned. 
“You did make me cum twice before this,” you joke. 
“Har har,” Joshua jokes back, “works out in our favor though,” he says before pushing himself into you. He didn’t push himself fast, but it was enough to catch you off guard. His one hand reached out and grabbed yours, pinning it above your head, while the other cupped your cheek more and started kissing you to swallow your moans. 
“Oh,” you moaned. 
“That it baby,” Joshua sighed into your mouth as he pressed himself all the way into you.  When he got all the way in, he stopped to let you adjust to him, he could feel you clenching around him and it drove him crazy. About 20 seconds later you finally felt good enough for him to start, so you squeezed his hand for him to start. 
Joshua smiled and started thrusting into you at a steady pace. Everytime he would slam his cock back into you it sent you seeing stars.
“Josh, it feels so good,” you moaned, arching your back, letting your chest and perked nipples brush against his. Joshua smiled and moved his other hand that was holding your leg around his waist to squeeze your nipple. You moaned again, clenching around him harder this time feeling a building pressure in your stomach. “Don’t stop.” 
“I won’t,” he moaned, pressing more kisses against your neck and face before thrusting into you a few more times and then cumming. He let out a groan, but continued to keep thrusting into you, bringing the hand that was holding your hand to rub circles on your clit until you started to feel the pressure in your stomach burst. 
You came hard. 
Joshua smiled and brushed some sweaty hair away from your face as you caught your breath and started kissing you again. You could feel the cum dripping down your thighs, you needed a break. 
“I can’t go again. I need a few minutes,” you whispered, pulling away from the kiss to try and catch your breath again. Joshua nodded and pressed one last kiss to your lips before slowly pulling out of you and reaching over to the bedside table for tissues. 
He carefully opened your legs and started cleaning you up while you took a sip of water. You winced when the cloth hit your core, but Joshua didn’t really flinch and continued to wipe around your legs. 
When Joshua was done, he got off the bed and picked you up, carrying you to the bathroom. Damn, he was good at sex and made sure to provide aftercare, you really know how to pick’em. 
After you peed Joshua carried you back to bed. You lifted the covers and slipped under as Joshua went back to the living room to get some clothes. He came back in his boxers and your underwear. 
“Can you go to my closet and get a sleep shirt? You can grab a shirt too if one looks like it fits,” you asked. Joshua nodded and walked into your closet. A few minutes later he came out in your old oversized band shirt and a new pair of panties and oversized shirt, for you. 
He handed them to you and crawled into bed next to you. 
“I can stay right?” He asked, as you nodded. 
“We’re still drunk. So yeah, you can stay,” you said, snuggling up next to him and nuzzling your face into his shoulder. You both laid there in silence for a while before Joshua looked down to see you fast asleep on his chest. 
taglist: @asasilentreader , @myjaeyunn, @gaslysainz @itsnotjop
A/N: Omg this is my first ever smut. I looked over it a few time to make sure it all made sense and was fluid, but if there are any weird things about it lmk. Anyways! So happy and excited that they did have sex because it opens up boyfriend Joshua core and I'm excited to dive into that. Don't worry, we're still going to get some love triangle with Jeonghan, but this defiantly adds something to the mix.
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed! And feel free to talk to me in the comments <3
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
Do you think you could do a reader who has a fake shoulder which cracks randomly in cold weather and scares the driver because he’s never heard it happen before?
I had to get the muscle that keeps my shoulder in place replaced with a medical rope and screws. So now anytime it’s cold out my shoulder cracks really loudly randomly 🤭
Scares the crap out of my roommates 😂
Note: I had to go and look it up because I wasn't sure I knew what it was (I had some idea because Grey's Anatomy is my comfort show), and I hope it's okay!
Even though it wasn't the warmest day, the sun was still shinning and Charles wanted to take you out on a date before racing duties started tightening up his schedule and make it harder for him to show you just how serious he was about you.
"Ready to go?", Charles asked as you buckled yourself in the car, driving off when you nodded as you caught up with eachother's week.
"I forgot to ask", Charles tapped his forehead, "do you get sea sick?", he looked at you with wide eyes as he parked near the marina.
"I'm pretty okay with it, I don't usually have any trouble", you assured him as relief took over his features.
"Good, that's good - how could I be so stupid and not ask you if you would like the date idea in the first place?", he mumbled to himself before you took hold of his hand and squeezing it in reassurance.
"I said I wouldn't mind surprises", you tranquillized him before you left the car and walked up with him to his boat.
Charles started driving it, telling you the plans he had for the afternoon, "I know it's cold today, but when it's sunny like this, the coastline looks beautiful and I wanted to show you it and spend some time just the two of us", he smiled. He didn't mind his fans and he would happily sign and take photos whenever they approached him, and you had assured him multiple times that he should take all the time he needed to do that and that you'd just stand on the side without a worry, but like this, he could ensure no one interrupted you.
The breeze was getting chillier and Charles got one of his cardigan like sweaters from the room, "I always have spare ones here", he smiled as he helped you put it on.
The moment you pulled your arm to fit the sleeve, a loud crack was heard and Charles stopped what he was doing, "what was that? It came from your arm! Did I hurt you? We're in the sea, I need to drive back to the harbou-", he frantically tried to think of a plan as you giggled, "how can you laugh? Are you not in pain?".
"I'm fine, Charles", you said, getting it to crack again after a couple of attempts, "I had surgery on my shoulder because my muscles there gave me a lot of trouble - it's like I have a fake shoulder and it cracks randomly. It's all screws and medical rope though, I don't feel anything", you reassured him, "I'm sorry if it scared you".
"I wasn't scared for the noise, I just thought I had hurt you and that we were nowhere near a hospital", he raised his hands before pulling the piece of clothing on your torso and standing closer to your face. Your lips were right there, pink and plump as you warmed up.
"Do you know what would make it better?", you smirked, "a kiss - I think it would help a lot", you smiled.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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eclairsnme · 11 months
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♡ POV: Being The Itoshi Brother’s Elder Sister ♡
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
The troubles of an Idol.
tags: idol!you, crack comedy, reunion, familial love, sfw, somewhat of a brat (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
notes: she's back with more demands and silliness!! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
“Could you make that,” pointing to your chest subtly, “a little bigger?”
Sitting beside the photo editor, you closely observe her working magic on your recent photoshoot with a swimwear brand.
You thought the photos looked great until you caught on to an important missing element.
Big boobs to be specific.
You had boobs but they were not like Hana Haruna’s (*a Japanese pornstar*).
What is the point of posing for a swimwear brand when you lack the assets?
“Maybe if you could just accentuate it a little more,” you gestured your hands to reiterate your idea of a big boob.
“Miss, if I make it any bigger here it’ll look as if you have watermelon jugs as big as your head.”
Your photo editor had a point; your edited chest resembled overblown balloons.
But still! (╯•﹏•╰)
“Isn’t that what the people like? Do you know what they always say? ‘Big boobs don’t lie’.”
“I think you got the wrong idea here, miss.”
“We cannot let the people out there catch me lacking!”
This was your first ever swimwear photoshoot in your entire career. Usually, you will pose for makeup brands and luxury clothing brands.
Swimwear was an uncharted territory. Of course, you were a little overzealous.
Me! The idol who is perfect in every way! Perfect face, perfect figure, and perfect life — an idol who everyone knows and loves.
“Hold on a second, let me refer to my advisor for their advice.”
Imitating a handheld phone with your hands and fingers, you held it towards your ear and spoke through the mock phone.
“Hello, myself. Do you think big boobs are better or small boobs?”
You halted for a second before replying to your own quandary, “Most definitely big boobs.”
With that, you ended the “call”.
“There you have it, miss photo editor. You just have to make it big enough to look natural.”
“If you say so...”
“I am the perfect idol. I cannot lack!”
Maintaining the image of an idol sure is a tough job.
“Did she gain some weight?”
“She looked like she had some plastic surgery done to her nose.”
“Oh, I heard she’s dating that one foreign guy!”
“Didn’t you hear how she seduced her way into…”
“She looks like she aged like rotten cheese since her teenage years.”
“Don’t you think she’s the least talented of her siblings?”
Those were just some of the many comments you could ascertain from your dear haters coming from the live audience seat.
You know you are the epitome of perfection. No matter what they say, it would not make you hot under the collar.
Jealously sure is a terrible disease. ┐(´~`)┌
Currently, you are on a TV show with your male costar, whom you could not really remember his name for he is just a mere NPC.
Today’s show required you to promote a romance drama you acted in last year that has finally been broadcasted this year.
You played the role of the female lead, who fell in love with the male lead at first sight.
It turns out, the group of people who were talking behind your back was this NPC costar’s groupies.
Tsk. Bunch of buzzing bees.
They were on a nonstop mission to pour vitriolic attacks on you.
Despite all the hate, you thought it was quite flattering that they were giving you such undivided attention albeit having their “idol” — NPC costar — right beside you.
Yet again, you have proved to yourself that you are indeed the star of the show! Haters are part of the package of being so irresistible!
You giggled at that.
“This is the hottest romance drama of this season that is sure to get you excited!” The host bellowed, prompting a wave of applause from the audience.
You smiled at the reception.
The interview was filled with scripted questions which you accordingly answered to.
Too easy.
You just had to smile sweetly at everyone to have them fall in love with you. Even the bunch of groupies could not help but to fall for your charm.
Everything was going swimmingly until the host pulled out his wild card — an unscripted question directed at you.
“As a famous idol, do you have any real-life romantic experiences that are swoon-worthy to share with the audience?” The host said in an overly enthusiastic tone.
The audience gasps.
All the cameras were then angled at you anticipating your response.
You smiled sweetly at the host.
Does this guy hate me or something? He must be my number one hater!
Your privacy has always been prioritised as an idol.
Not much was known about your private life until the recent news of your relationship with the Itoshi siblings broke out.
Disregarding that, the matter of your romantic relationship was a topic deemed taboo even to your fans.
The genesis of the taboo nature of your private romantic life started from an honest discussion among the netizens.
They were speculating who you were romantically involved with but it was all for naught as they could not find even a speck of man involved with you.
Even when feverish stalkers took matters into their own hands, they still could not find dirt on you.
Male costars? You treated them like dirt off-camera.
Other male celebrities? You did not even bother looking in their direction or bear to breathe the same air as them for you are better than them.
It soon became apparent to them that perhaps you had a secret affair or were involved in something incredibly scandalous — maybe you were interested in unique deviances?
Their theories then became out of control and so out of pocket that everyone began making up weird conclusions of their own online, which caused a huge uproar.
In the end, everyone decided to be more hush about that topic.
In reality, the truth as to why no one was able to dig up any evidence of you in a relationship was simply because you have always been single as a pringle.
How could a young eligible, gorgeous and talented bachelorette be so single? ( ▀ 益 ▀ )
That is because your brain only contains idol-related information. Everything else? Nil.
Is this man mocking me?
“Surely someone as pretty as you would have countless opportunities for love isn’t it?” The host continued with his onslaught of probing.
Should I strangle him? Or should I just slap him? No no no. Evil monologue shut up.
You look over to your manager and gave him the death glare.
In response to that, he expeditiously told the producers to temporarily halt the program.
With hands akimbo, your tall and slim frame overwhelmed the short and stubby manager.
You frowned at him and harshly whispered to his ears, “Get me a boyfriend ASAP!”
The program ended and you finally let out a long sigh in the car.
“So did you find me a boyfriend yet?”
“I-I don’t think that is how relationships work! I cannot just magically bring you a boyfriend.”
“But I want a boyfriend! So find me one!” You exclaimed helplessly.
Your manager sighed at your zero concepts of relationships and love.
“Have you loved someone before?”
“Other than yourself?”
“Is this a trick question or something?”
Mr Manager glances at the rearview mirror with a defeated expression.
“Have you experienced love before?”
“What’s that?” You asked, fingers on your chin unsure what the heck that meant. ಠ╭╮ಠ
“The butterflies in your stomach when you meet someone you love!” He exasperated.
“Oh, that! Whenever I catch glimpses of myself in the mirror, I get this inexplicable feeling of that thing you described!”
This was a lost cause. Although you acted in numerous romance dramas, you still did not grasp the meaning of love. What a hypocrisy it is.
“To have a boyfriend, you must first love that person!”
“What? That sounds like a hassle. I just want a boyfriend.”
Mr manager scrunched his nose in disbelief.
“And why do you exactly want a ‘boyfriend’? This can’t be another of your impulsive thoughts is it?”
Mr manager had a déjà vu of a time when you ordered him to get you a pet tiger.
“No, it is not! What with all these questions, Mr interrogator?”
“Shut up and just get me a boyfriend.”
“So I have the right to set you up on a date?”
“Whatever it is, I want a boyfriend. I am being very extremely superbly serious!” You said with finality.
Mr Manager could only sigh in defeat yet again for the umpteenth time.
“But you are a public figure–”
You snapped at Mr Manager, “Shut up!”
He continued driving the car, looking at you through the rear-view mirror.
Any man would die to date you; you were a beguiling and dazzling lady. However, your attitude was something he was not sure any man would be able to handle.
In his entire career of being your manager, not once has he had a good day. Every day was filled with problems caused by you that he had to solve.
His brow scrunched together in grim defeat.
Boyfriend huh? Good luck to that unlucky guy.
You, on the other hand, seating cross-legged in the backseat, were marinating in annoyance.
After experiencing the mockery of the host deprecating your love life, you could not let that slide.
You had to ratio him.
Was it immature? Debatable.
Your only participation in this so-called romantic relationship concept was acting in dramas and movies.
And your exposure to the male species was…
Despite being an idol, your otherwise desolate personal life painted you as a lone wolf.
In your life, it was all work and dedication to being the best.
You were on fire! On fire to get a boyfriend! You will show them that you are capable of anything, and not lacking in any department!
The constant buzz of your phone eventually broke you out of your daze.
When you saw the screen, you immediately picked up the call.
“I’m one step closer to demolishing brother.”
Eh? !(◎_◎;)
You took the phone away from your ear and stared into the screen making sure you have the right person on the phone.
After confirming it’s the right person, you responded, “What do you mean demolishing your brother?”
“I’ve joined Paris X Gen in Blue Lock to become the best striker and to destroy brother.”
“Mmm… you are destroying my heart, Rin. Why are you still talking about your brother like this?”
“I will be better and he will finally acknowledge me.”
You murmured incoherent thoughts with a frown.
This pent-up hatred can go no further!
“Where are you now?”
“In the Blue Lock facility. Why?”
You hung up the phone.
“Drive me to this Blue Lock facility place,” you ordered Mr Manager.
As soon as you arrive at the Blue Lock building, you were met with strict security.
“Let me in you low-life man.”
“Miss, this is not a place you can just walk in.”
“And a measly man like you can?”
You had been at this for a good 10 minutes, going back and forth with the stubby man and his group of security guards.
Getting sick and tired of this nonsense, you slap the man's fake wig off his head. The wig which was so fake you could see your reflection on it, flew away dramatically and plopped onto the hard asphalt ground.
“M-my hair!” He ran straight to the plastic wig.
“What’s with all these ruckus?”
The hairless man exclaimed at the sight of the short-haired woman.
Your attention went towards the petite, short-haired woman. She looked about your age. As she moved closer to you, almost immediately, your attention snapped to her big bust.
Those are what I call knockers! OMG! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Too busy ogling at her melons, you didn’t realise she was calling out for you.
Snapping yourself out of it, you introduced yourself.
“You are the popular idol!” The busty lady interrupted you, “I am, Anri Teieri, the manager of this facility. This is a strictly out-of-bounds area. What business does an idol like you have here?”
“Miss Anri, you see I have an underaged brother here and I, as his attending guardian, need to see him.”
“I’m sorry, but only authorised personnel can enter the premises.”
“Then authorise me. My little brother is feeling so homesick he was practically begging on his knees to meet me.”
“Every participant here is dedicated to being the best striker, we cannot afford any distractions such as yourself. I’m sure your little brother understands this — it’s all part of the process,” Anri puffed her chest out.
Seeing the physics of her melons do their job, you unconsciously covered your own chest.
That’s unfair! _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
Anri observed the female opposite her. Hands down, you are the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. A face sculpted by the gods and paired with those glassy teal eyes that just compelled attraction. Of course, she knew who you are — who doesn’t.
Honestly, Anri was a huge fan of your work. She had collected all your albums and watched all your shows.
You could say that she’s a fan girl.
She also knew that you were the older sister of Rin Itoshi. She had looked through each player's records and with the recent breakout news that you are related to the Itoshi siblings, no doubt you are his sister.
However, she cannot haphazardly let you enter.
What goes on inside Blue Lock is confidential.
“Who is in charge of this building? Call him out now,” you demanded, unwilling to leave until you got what you want.
As if the big man up there had heard your quandary, Anri’s phone rang and it was Ego.
“Let her in,” the deep voice reverberated in her ear.
Ego stared at the monitor, observing Anri and the idol through the surveillance camera.
“But,” Anri tried to protest to no avail as Ego quickly intercepted.
“No harm letting her in.”
With that, the call ended, leaving a befuddled Anri.
“The general manager called and said you are allowed in,” Anri hesitantly said.
“That wasn’t too hard isn’t it?” You smiled, satisfied.
EHE god is always on my side. ✌︎('ω')✌︎
The Blue Lock facility was a massive site. It was bigger than any skyscraper you had ever seen. This could easily be the most impressive building in Japan.
The space was so big that every step you took became a loud echo.
“Hey, big melon woman,” you called out for her.
“P-pardon m-m-me?” Anri is flustered at your bluntness.
“Yes, you.” You replied, disregarding her blushing face, “Where’s Rin?”
“The Blue Lock players are currently undergoing their training as of now, therefore I’ll be bringing you to the surveillance room where Ego is at.”
“And should I know what this Ego thing is?”
“Ego is a man I chose to oversee this Blue Lock project.”
“Oho — so you are the mastermind? That’s pretty impressive.”
That was impressive. You had an inkling an old, wrinkly man was behind Blue Lock but to think it was the big melon woman? That was impressive in your books.
Well, that and coupled with your bias for big boobs. (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
Leading you through the vast hallway, both of you finally arrived at your destination.
Anri knocked on the door a couple of times.
“Come in,” came a reply.
As soon as the door opened, you were welcomed by the bright screens of many monitors.
Looking at the screens, they were all surveilling all of the Blue Lock players in the facility.
“Ego, this is the idol you told me to bring along.”
“Here, what you are witnessing are all the unpolished diamonds striving to become the best striker the world will soon witness,” Ego stood up, overwhelming your frame even though you weren’t short by any means.
Ego was a tall, lanky man and you cannot help but compare him to the game character called “Slenderman”.
“Make no mistake that we are the next revolution of football,” continued Ego.
You took a step towards the monitors and scrutinised trying to locate Rin.
“Note this, every day, every boy here only thinks about eating, sleeping and football,” continued Ego.
Still unable to find Rin, you pulled Anri and ask her to help you look for him. More pair of eyes will get the job done.
“We have never allowed any outsider to our facility and you are the first. Consider this a blessing that I am a fan of your works and have allowed you to witness this holy sanctuary,” continued Ego.
Where is Rin?!
“There he is!” Anri smiled as she pointed at a monitor to your far left.
Rin was on the field practising with other players.
“Bring me to him,” you interrupted Ego’s nonstop rant.
“I will, but I have a better idea,” he suspiciously said.
On the side of the field, Rin took off his football boots.
The nonstop practice and matches had worn out his boots till the original colour was gone.
It was not even a week since he had joined Paris X Gen, and the regiment was even harsher than before.
It was not for nothing though, he could feel his stamina, strength and ability getting better.
Nothing can stop him from achieving greater heights.
Be it the jerk Shidou or Isagi, he will be better.
But he cannot help to still feel that he is lacking somethi-
The speaker rumbled throughout the entire Blue Lock building.
The big screen flickered and you came to view.
Rin sank back and covered his face; covering the heavy blush that instantly painted his face bright red.
"Sister..." he muttered under his breath, "What are you doing here?"
Embarrassment was currently the biggest understatement as he tried to pretend he did not hear or see anything.
"Hey, isn't that the idol? Am I dreaming right now?" Karasu gasps at your appearance.
"Rin, can you hear me?" You waved your hand trying to get your little brother's attention.
The Ego man told you that you can communicate with Rin through the screen but what a big liar he was!
On the monitor, the figure of Rin showed that he was still minding his own business as if he did not know you are here.
"Your dearly beloved sister is here!" You shouted into the mic again thinking that perhaps it was some faulty audio.
Your voice echoed throughout the building again, everyone in the building had their attention on you.
Uproars could be heard from the players in every room exclaiming at the sight of a popular idol.
You continued calling out for brother. After all, Ego had nicely set up a Zoom call for you, you cannot let this opportunity go to waste.
Why isn't he looking at me? (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
At the corner of the room, away from the screen, Ego held back his laughter and Anri silently stood unable to help you.
"Hey, Reo-" Nagi poked Reo, "isn't that the videogame character?"
"She's the person the videogame character was modelled after," Reo replied.
“She’s a real person?” Nagi said in disbelief.
Unlike Nagi, who only knew you from his game, Reo has actually went to your live concerts multiple times.
After all, your concerts were sponsored by Mikage Corporation.
“Even in real life, she look like a video game character.”
“Is it because she look so unreal?” Reo replied.
"Meine Leibe, you have come for me," Kaiser stopped his track as soon as he heard your voice.
Pushing Isagi out of his way, he walked towards the screen with both arms out.
“This must be fate.”
☆〜(ゝ。∂)the end (for now) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Part 4
<ehe did you feel that second-hand embarrassment? (I hope you did)>
<why does she keep bothering Rin? It’s because she still sees him as the small baby he used to be and can't stop being the protective (overbearing) sister - she doesn’t know that yet cuzzzz she’s dense>
<if you have any suggestions or whomever you think she should be paired with, don't be shy to share your thoughts!>
<Thankiew for reading!!!>
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winchesterwild78 · 15 days
Austin part 2
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Austin Master List
Chapter Warnings: Language, cheating, angst, Fluff, feels
A/N: Reader is new to the Austin area with her husband and teenage son. When a car accident brings her face to face with Jensen Ackles. Absolutely no disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction and does not represent reality. This chapter is a little long, but I needed to set up the story. I edited this fast so please overlook any mistakes. I’m trying to turn out chapters fast because I’m having wrist surgery in a few weeks. Enjoy! ☺️
All work is my own, don’t take it
18+ Minors DNI
The next morning you woke up later than you intended. You saw your husband was already gone so you crawled out of bed. You jumped in the shower and your mind kept drifting to Jensen and his smile. “Girl, stop it! He’s married and so are you. He’s happy with his wife.” You told yourself. You were confused when you felt a bit of sadness at the thought of him being happy with his marriage. You told yourself you were being stupid and projecting your bad marriage onto his.
You’ve seen his posts and heard him talk about Danneel. He’s head over heels for her. Who wouldn’t be. She’s absolutely gorgeous and she gave him three adorable children. You turned off the shower and got out. You realized just how sore you were from the accident. You smiled because you told Jensen you would be. Walking downstairs you called out for your son but he didn’t answer. You looked at your phone and saw you had some texts.
Jacob: Hey Ma. You were sleeping so I didn’t want to wake you up. Meeting some friends and going to the lake. Love you. I’ll have my phone if you need me.
You sent a reply back.
You: that’s great you’ve found some kids to hang out with. Have fun at the lake and be careful. Love you too kiddo.
The next text took your breath away.
Jensen: Good morning Y/N. I’m just seeing how sore you are today. I hope not too bad.
You smiled and felt your chest warm. You replied back.
You: Hey. Good morning to you too. Yeah I’m sore this morning but nothing I can’t handle. Thanks for checking on me. 😊
You bit your lip and smiled. You grabbed your coffee cup and started to make yourself a cup of coffee when your phone went off.
Jensen: I’m sorry you’re sore. Let me take you out for some coffee and maybe brunch if you’re feeling up to it this morning.
Your breath hitched in your throat and your heart beat wildly in your chest. This is just a friendly gesture. He’s a great guy WHO IS MARRIED! You yelled at yourself. Still you couldn’t help but feel a little excited.
You: Sure. That sounds great. Where would you like to meet?
Jensen: Great 😊 meet me at the coffee shop across from the ice cream shop. Can’t wait to see you. Meet you there in 20?
You: That sounds great. See you in 20.
You finished getting ready and paid close attention to your hair and put on light make up. This isn’t a date, it’s brunch with a friend. You told yourself to help with your nerves.
You drove to the coffee shop and saw him standing outside leaning against his beautiful 1967 Chevy Impala. Baby looks even better in person and damn did he look hot. He was wearing a t shirt that hugged his body, jeans, a backwards hat and sunglasses. It should be a crime to look that damn hot.
You parked and got out. When Jensen saw you he pushed off the car and smiled. “Glad you could make it” he said touching the small of your back. His touch ignited a fire on your skin. His hand guided you in. The hostess greeted you and sat you two at a table near the back. You were thankful it was away from people. Jensen pulled out your chair and you sat down thanking him. He smiled and nodded. He sat across from you and the air was filled with anticipation. The waitress came over and took your order and left.
There was a silence that fell over you two. Jensen broke the silence by asking “ Y/N are you sure you’re okay. You don’t think you need to go to the doctor do you?” You smiled softly and shook your head no. “I’ll be fine. Just tensed up too much during the wreck. I’ll just take some medicine and apply heat and ice.”
He smiled and said okay. “So was your husband upset about the accident. I’ll be happy to talk to him if he wants to talk.” Jensen said. Before you could reply the food and coffee came and you started to eat. “I appreciate you offering to talk to him. He wasn’t too concerned about the accident or anything. He was more concerned about talking to his girlfriend.” You blurted out without realizing.
Jensen’s eyes grew wide and he coughed choking on his coffee. “I’m sorry what” Jensen asked. You looked at him and then dropped your head. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I told you that.” Jensen reached for your hand “Y/N, please look at me. Is your husband cheating on you? Please talk to me.” You looked at your hand in his and your heart sped up. Tears pricked your eyes and you shook your head yes. “That’s why we moved here. To save our marriage and get away from her. Little did I know he’s still seeing her. I overheard them last night and she’s moving out here to be with him. I feel so stupid. I honestly thought he was going to fight for our marriage. I was wrong. She’s about ten years younger than me, skinny and beautiful.” You looked at Jensen and you saw sadness and something else in his eyes. “You’re beautiful and you deserve someone who loves you and treats you like you’re the only woman on earth.” You smiled softly and took your hand back wiping your eyes. “Thank you Jensen”.
“So tell me about your family” you said as the two of you continued to eat. Jensen talked about his kids and his wife. His eyes sparkled when he talked about his kids. “So you met your wife years before you dated. That’s pretty cool.” You said.
A pregnant silence fell between you two again. You looked up at him and he looked at you. Time stood still. His eyes pierced your soul and your heart beat fast. You bit your lip and watched him mirror your action. His hand brushed yours and a spark shot through you. You knew he felt it too. You swallowed hard and excused yourself. As you stood so did he. “I’ll be right back” you said as your face blushed. “Okay” Jensen said softly.
You went to the bathroom and stood in a stall. Your heart beating so fast and loud it was ringing in your ears. You could feel the heat on your face and the warmth filling your soul. You can’t feel this way about him. He’s happily married and he’s just being nice. You took a really deep breath and walked out of the stall. You washed your hands and left the bathroom.
As you walked back to the table you saw Jensen’s face and he looked really upset. He was looking at something on his phone. You walked up to the table and he looked up. His green eyes filled with tears. “Oh my goodness Jensen. What’s wrong. Are you okay” you asked full of concern. He shook his head no. You started to panic. Thinking it was something you did.
The waitress came back and asked how everything was and you said great and asked for the check. Jensen wiped his eyes. You took his hand and told him you were there if he wanted to talk. When the check came Jensen paid even though you tried to protest.
The two of you walked out of the restaurant. His hand found its way to the small of your back again. He walked you to your car. “Jensen, thank you for a lovely morning. The food and conversation were wonderful. I really hope I didn’t do anything that caused you to get upset.” “Y/N, it wasn’t you at all. You’ve been amazing. Today has been amazing. I just received some pretty devastating news while you were away. I’m not sure how to process it. I’m sorry if you felt like it was anything you did. I really enjoy being around you.”
“Can I hug you” you asked Jensen. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly. God his arms felt amazing around you and he smelt incredible. As he pulled out of the hug he stopped and looked in your eyes. Instead of pulling away he started to lean back in. You froze and you saw his eyes trace your lips. Jensen took his hand, lifted your chin and placed a soft kiss on your lips. At first you didn’t know what to do. Jensen’s tongue licked your lips and you parted them. The next thing you knew your tongues were fighting for dominance. The kiss was amazing and sent chills through your body. You moaned into his mouth and his hand reached around into your hair.
You hadn’t felt this way in a really long time. Then reality came crashing down on your head. He’s married and so are you. You pulled away placing your fingers to your lips. Jensen looked at you “I’m sorry Y/N. I don’t know what came over me.” “It’s okay. I um I should go. Thank you again for brunch. Goodbye Jensen” you said as you got in your car.
You started the car, took one last look at him and drove off. Your heart and mind were racing. That kiss was incredible and you didn’t regret it. You just didn’t understand why he kissed you. On your way home your phone kept going off. In your hurry to leave you didn’t connect your phone to the car so you had to wait until you got home to check the messages.
You pulled in your driveway and noticed Rob was home early. It was a little strange but you didn’t think too much about it. You checked your phone and it was Jensen. He apologized for overstepping and told you he really did enjoy today. The next message said he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable but he doesn’t regret kissing you. Then the last message made your heart skip.
Jensen: Y/N. I’ve wanted to kiss you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I’m sorry your husband doesn’t see how amazing you are. If you were mine I’d make sure you never questioned your worth or my love for you.
You smiled and wanted to reply but you weren’t sure what to say yet.
As you walked in the house you heard a weird sound. You put your stuff down and followed it. Standing at your bedroom door you saw what the sound was. Cindi was bouncing up and down on your husband. You stood there frozen. Then rage filled your whole body. They hadn’t seen you. “What the actual Fuck?!” You shouted. They stopped and Cindi screamed covering herself. You walked in the room and told them both to get the fuck out. Rob tried to plead with you and you told him to fuck off. Your marriage was over. You left the room going downstairs and a few minutes later they came down the stairs. Cindi hid behind Rob. You stood up and walked over to him. “I want a divorce. You lied to me. You told me this was over and it’s obviously not. Now you’re free to have her. I’m keeping the house and Jacob is staying with me. You will continue to support this household and once I find a job we will discuss child support. Now get out and leave your key.” You stood your ground while inside you were crumbling.
After they left you collapsed on the floor. Sobbing and cursing his name. Not thinking straight you picked up your phone and called Jensen. He answered but all he could hear was you crying. “Y/N? What’s wrong. What happened?! Where are you?!?” Panic filled his voice. You told him you needed him and gave him the address.
About 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door and Jensen came in. He saw you on the floor and ran to your side. He sat on the floor and held you. “Shhh it’s okay. Take a deep breath. Come on Y/N. Breathe with me sweetheart. (You took a deep breath with him) That’s right. Just like that.” He rubbed your back helping you calm down. “Whenever you’re ready tell me what happened” he said softly.
“I came home and saw Rob’s car. I thought it was weird. I came in the house, heard a noise and found him screwing his girlfriend in our bed. I lost it. Kicked him out and told him I wanted a divorce. I really am stupid. Thinking he would want me over her.” You sobbed again. “He’s a fool. An absolute fool to not want you.” Jensen kissed your head. “Oh Jensen, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have called you. I don’t know why I did.” “Yes you should have. I care about you and you shouldn’t be alone right now. Where’s Jacob” he asked you. “He’s at the lake with some new friends. I don’t want to bother him right now. I’ll talk to him when he gets home.” You sighed.
“Then I’ll stay here until he gets home. I don’t want to leave you alone” Jensen said helping you off the floor. “Jensen you don’t have to do that. Your wife and kids need you at home. I don’t know when Jacob’s coming home.” You protested. “The kids are spending the weekend with Jared and his family and Danneel, well she’s packing. She’s moving out.” He said softly. You looked at him shocked. “What? Was it me, us?” You asked. “No. It wasn’t you. When we were at the restaurant earlier, she told me she wanted to leave. She said she didn’t love me anymore that we had drifted apart and she had met someone.” He whispered. “Oh Jensen, I’m so sorry.” You wrapped your arms around him hugging him.
You met his eyes and he looked so broken. It broke your heart more than finding your husband in bed with someone else. You cupped his face and ran your thumb over his cheek. He leaned into your touch.
You leaned towards him and he towards you. Your breath hitched “is this okay?” He nodded “more than okay.” Your lips pressed softly against his plump pink lips. His hand found its way to your hair and your’s ran into his hair. Jensen pulled you deeper into the kiss. Your mind was racing. You both were still married but the marriages were over. Did that matter, could you two be together, did you care if it was wrong? All these things running through your head.
You moaned into his mouth. Jensen’s hands started to move around your body and he pulled you closer. You knew he could feel how fast your heart was pounding. The two of you parted to catch your breath. As you two parted you looked in his eyes. There was that look again. The one you saw earlier. There was no longer sadness in his eyes. No, the sadness was replaced with want. Jensen Ackles was looking at you with want and need in his eyes. He wanted YOU!
You smiled and laid your head on his chest. You wanted him too. More ways than you probably should. You could feel excitement through your body and slick pooling between your thighs. He pulled your body flush to his and you could feel his arousal press against you. You swallowed thinking about his body intertwined with yours.
As he lifted your face to kiss you again the front door opened. The two of you separated quickly and you looked up and saw Jacob. Jacob looked at you and then over at Jensen. His jaw hit the floor. “Um, mom. Why is Jensen Ackles standing in our living room?” He asked.
“Well, (you cleared your throat) Jensen is the one who hit my car yesterday. Honey go get cleaned up. There is something I need to talk to you about.” You said looking at your son. “Oh yeah, sure Mom. Um, Mr Ackles, I’m Jacob. It’s nice to meet you” he extended his hand. “Hello Jacob, please call me Jensen. It’s nice to finally meet you too.” He shook his hand.
Jacob left to go get cleaned up and you sat on the couch with Jensen. “Do you need me to stay with you” he questioned. “No, I’m okay. Jacob is a great kid. He’ll be here for me and I’ll be there for him. I’m more worried about you. I can’t believe she wants to split. It seemed like everything was okay.” You said holding his hand. “I’ll be okay. I have a great new friend that understands how I’m feeling. I appreciate your concern. How about we be there for each other. No expectations just friendship and a shoulder to lean on.” He whispered.
You smiled and nodded yes. “Can we at least talk about the kiss we shared. I’m not going to lie. It was amazing and I wanted it. I just want to know what it meant to you.” You whispered shyly terrified of the answer. “I wanted it too, Y/N. God you’re so beautiful and I really like kissing you. Right now our feelings are so raw I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not comfortable with. I know we need time to figure us out, but I’d really like to get to know you more if you’re up for it.” Jensen cupped your face making you look him in the eyes. “I’d like that very much, Jensen. More than you know” you whispered. Like two magnets being pulled towards each other, your lips landed on each others again. This time the kiss seemed more needed and deeper. It reached your very soul and ignited a fire you thought was long extinguished. Jensen felt it too. He whispered “Call me later and let me know how it goes with Jacob”. He kissed you one last time before he left.
About ten minutes later Jacob came back downstairs and sat on the couch. “Hey Mom, what’s going on” he asked. “So I need to talk to you about something. I came home today and saw your dad was home. When I came in I found him in bed with his girlfriend. I kicked him out and told him I wanted a divorce. I told him you were staying with me and he would support this house until I find a job. So he’s not coming home.” You sighed. Jacob sat stunned and then looked at you. “I’m so sorry mom. I’m glad you kicked his ass out. You deserve so much better than that. I wouldn’t want to leave you so you’re stuck with me. Now, can we talk about why Jensen Ackles was here hugging you.” He laughed. “He’s just a friend. He really did hit my car yesterday and when everything happened today I needed someone to talk to. He hugged me because I was crying so hard. If anything develops between us you will be the first to know.” You reassured him. Jacob smiled at you “hey I wouldn’t mind having him as a stepdad.” You laughed and playfully hit Jacob’s arm. “Jacob Andrew, we aren’t dating let alone getting married.” You laughed. Jacob laughed and said “Mom, you’ve been out of the game too long but that man has it bad for you.” You smiled and told him to stop being silly.
You couldn’t help but wonder if he was right though. Could Jensen really want you. You just met him. There is no way he already developed feelings for you, but that kiss. Man it was amazing.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles @chriszgirl92
@n-o-p-e-never so sorry I forgot your tag 🤦‍♀️
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m-jelly · 4 months
The bunny's keeper - Chapter 2
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@ladycheesington <3
Levi x fem! reader.
Modern AU, fluff, romance, falling in love, Levi has tattoos and piercings, bad boy Levi, protective Levi, mentions of blood and violence, smut, pierced penis, foreplay, asking for consent.
In this chapter: Levi has a busy day with his side job with Erwin. Levi misses you after a day full of working so he goes over to yours and the two of you have sex for the first time as a couple.
Massive thank you to @ladycheesington for helping me flesh this story out and helping with the side plot of Erwin and how the gang started
Part 3
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The texts Levi and you were exchanging were pure love and affection. It was hard not to contact each other, but you just adored each other. Even though Levi’s job was busy, he still made time for you. Saying I love you was on the tips of your tongues, but you were waiting for the right moment. Levi sent one last adoration text before going elbow-deep into a car again. He grabbed what appeared to be making a rattling sound, it was a tracking device. He knew the owner wasn’t going to be too happy.
Levi’s workshop did mostly help normal people, but they also did things for those in the criminal world. They would help people out linked to the criminal world, mainly because Erwin was starting a gang and Levi was his righthand man. He would help people out with their vehicles and charge them a bit extra, but by helping them they help Levi and Erwin in return.
He fiddled with the tracker and walked over to the woman who brought it in, she was the daughter of a well-known gang leader and someone Erwin intended to take out someday, but today Levi was helping her. The way her eyes sparkled as he approached made Levi uncomfortable, he only wanted you to look at him this way.
She smiled sweetly. “So?”
Levi showed her the device. “Someone was tracking you. Looks like it came loose and that’s what you heard rattling around.”
She pouted a bit. “My daddy won’t be happy about this.”
“Mm. Well, it is a good job I found it.”
She took the device. “I’m sure I can find out who put it there.”
“Sure.” He sighed. “Anyway, that’s everything. Head to reception to pay and I’ll get your car out.”
She trotted on her six-inch heels after Levi. “Um, Levi?”
He stopped in his tracks and turned to her. “Something wrong?”
“Could I get your number? I want to take you out on a date.”
Levi stared at her for a while, he always found himself in these situations where women would ask him out and he never knew why. Levi never thought much of himself and he did understand some ladies liked bad boys, but he was rather popular. He wasn’t sure what this woman wanted from him. Levi knew what this type of woman liked and it was normally rich men who had just as much plastic surgery as she did, even though she was in her 20s.
He grabbed a cloth and released a long sigh. “No.”
She whined and pouted hard. “Why not!? I’m pretty and rich!”
Levi rolled his eyes. “Just because you think you’re that, doesn’t mean I think that.!
“You don’t think I’m pretty?”
He raised a brow. “No. I find my girlfriend pretty. She’s stunning and cute. I want to nibble her.”
She folded her arms. “I bet I’m better looking.”
“No, impossible. She’s the ultimate cute and sexy person.” He pointed to the door. “Reception is that way.”
He waved over his shoulder at her as he walked away. Once his hands were clean, he moved her car to the front and passed her the keys. “Take care, miss.” He returned to the shop and raised the next car. He got to work right away fixing the underside of the car.
Smart shoes tapped on the floor and grew closer to Levi as he worked. It was easy for Levi to recognise who it was because of survival instincts, he had trained himself to recognise people’s footsteps so he knew if he needed to fight or not. These shoes belonged to his nearest and dearest of friends, Erwin.
He lowered his hands and sighed. “Afternoon, Erwin.”
Erwin smirked. “Afternoon. I saw a young lady leave here in a huff. You break her heart?”
Levi climbed out and cleaned his hands. “She asked for my number and I said no. She asked if she was pretty and I said my girlfriend was prettier. She was pissed.” He sighed. “She’s the daughter of that big-time gangster you’re planning to end, right?”
Erwin put his hands in his pockets. “You’re right. Wanna know why?”
“Sure. Would help.”
Erwin nodded his head towards the room in the back used for business. “He’s the number one producer of heroin in this city. You and I have seen how fucked up that drug is.”
Levi took a seat in the room and sighed. “My uncle’s friend passed after countless years of using. He was a walking corpse.”
“I’ve seen lives ruined, young people look old and people steal just to get money to get a hit.”
Levi sat back. “Killing him makes perfect sense.” He let out a long sigh. “I worry though. Getting rid of him is for the good of everyone, but at the same time I don’t know how Bunny will feel about me doing something like that.”
Erwin smiled at his friend. “Don’t worry, you won’t be doing the dirty work. I need you to train people, as well as make people talk. You’re skilled in self-defence and you can break a man easily.”
“I don’t think that is something I should be proud of.” He pulled his phone out after it vibrated. He smiled softly and texted you back. “I’m guessing you’re here because you want my help? If it is to hang out, that’s good.”
“Sorry to disappoint you. We can hang out this weekend, but today I need your help.”
“Money collection?”
Erwin smiled a little. “Money collection. I have also hunted down a nasty piece of shit that needs your gentle touch if you know what I mean.”
Levi cracked his knuckles. “What did he do?”
“He hurt a lot of good people. He likes to hurt women.”
Levi clenched his jaw. “Like my bunny?”
Levi stood up. “Let’s go. I want to break his face in.”
Erwin led Levi out of the workshop as the team continued to work. “We have a few visits to do. You okay with that?”
Levi nodded. “Sure. I have nothing planned. You seeing your girlfriend later?”
“I am.” He smiled at Levi. “You?”
Levi blushed a little as he thought of you. “Yeah, she’s coming over. We’re talking about moving in together. My job is dangerous and keeping her close is good. Her housemate is becoming a right dick at the moment as well. They’re upset she has a boyfriend and they’re rarely home. Bunny has been in a few fights with her housemate about it and she’s had enough. We think it’d be good to move in together. I will suggest it.”
“I think it’s a good idea. Keep the people we care about close. After my father was betrayed by so many and my mother and I were at risk, he just moved here and kept us closer than ever for protection.”
“We need to be stronger so we can protect our pretty girlfriends.”
Erwin chuckled. “You’re right.” He pushed the door to the local butchers. “We’ll protect them.” He slipped into the shop and smiled at the owner. “Afternoon, how are you today?”
The owner smiled at Erwin. “I’m good, Mr Smith. Lovely to see you.” He opened a drawer before handing over an envelope full of cash. “Thank you for your help this month.”
“You’re welcome. You had any issues recently?” He started counting the cash as he waited.
The owner sighed. “Not that I can think of. Just some kids, but since Mr Ackerman has been coming to do rounds, we’ve been safe.”
Erwin chuckled. “It’s Levi’s scary look.”
Levi hummed. “I guess. You have my number just in case, right?”
The owner nodded. “I do.” He gasped. “I have something for you as a thank you for the little shits last week.” He moved around before handing over some meat wrapped up for Levi and Erwin. “I appreciate you both.”
“Thank you, this is kind of you.”
Erwin smiled. “I will enjoy cooking this tonight for my girlfriend. Call us anytime you need us.”
The two of them moved from shop to shop collecting money or dropping things off. Each person they spoke to had a bright smile and welcomed the two with open arms. Some even gave them gifts along with the money. After doing their normal rounds and dropping in on new potential clients, they finally made their way to where Erwin had hunted down.
Erwin paused in front of the restaurant. “The guy is in the back here. The team here hate him, so they are helping us.”
Levi hummed as he looked at the building. “Tch, this place is filthy.”
“We can’t all be clean like you.”
Levi followed Erwin inside. “I’m not that clean.”
Erwin laughed. “You are very clean, but I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.”
“It sounded like it.”
Erwin walked with Levi and waved at the owner. “Well, I apologise if it came across as that. I think it’s good you are clean, I am just saying that others don’t have that strong of a virtue.”
Levi stood in the kitchen and saw the grease on the walls. “Tch, you’re right.”
Erwin held back the urge to vomit. “I wish more people were like you.” He glanced at Levi. “You ready to grab this guy and go?”
Erwin flicked his gaze to the owner and waited for him to unlock a door. “Thank you.” He walked into the room and saw a skinny dirty man sitting in the corner on a stained mattress. “Hello, Mr Williams. I’ve finally tracked you down.”
Mr Williams cowered into his corner. “A-Are you here to he-help?”
Erwin put his hands in his pockets and chuckled. “Nope. I’m here because you can’t run from your past.” He smiled as Levi stormed closer to Mr Williams. “You hurt a lot of women, many of whom are recently protected by me. I look after my people. They’re my family.”
Mr Williams started crying as Levi grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted him. “I-I’m sorry!”
Erwin sighed. “A simple sorry won’t do. You took so much from these women. You think a sorry will fix that?” Erwin leaned against the wall and folded his arms. “Besides, my friend here Levi knows very well that this sorry is only coming from you due to fear of being hurt.” He pulled his phone out. “Levi? Do your best.”
The sound of bones cracking and breaking filled the room. Screams of a terrified man rang out and echoed off the dirty walls. Blood and teeth flew across the floor, but the damage done to this man was not enough. For a moment, Erwin glanced up to see Levi’s hair was messy and he was breaking a small sweat, but that was mainly due to the room being hot and stuffy. The cries started to become gargled and then muffled, meaning Mr Williams was fully destroyed by Levi’s rage.
Erwin sent his girlfriend a loving text before slipping his phone into his pocket. “Levi.”
Levi dropped Mr Williams onto the floor. “What next?”
“Police will take him. I have a contact there and he’s waiting for him.”
Levi grabbed the man’s ankle and dragged him across the floor. “He going to be okay with him being fucked up?”
Erwin chuckled. “He’s expecting it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the police did something. One of the survivors of this man is linked to the police.”
Levi growled. “Tch, he’s so fucked.”
“You can say that again.” He led the way out and saw a black car waiting with a man leaning up against it. “Detective.”
The man lowered his glasses. “Mr Smith, good to see you. You have the trash for me?”
Levi dragged Mr Williams over. “Here is the walking garbage for you.”
The detective looked down at the man. “You did a number on him.” He glanced at Levi’s hands. “Little tip for you, seeing as you are young now and you will be doing this a lot for Mr Smith and me, wear leather gloves or something close to protect your knuckles.”
Levi looked at his cut and bloodied knuckles. “You’re right.”
“Could also protect you in case the person you’re punishing has a blood disease.” He kicked Mr Williams making him groan. “This little shit is clean, which is lucky for you.”
Levi released a long sigh. “Good. Thank you for the tip.”
The detective watched his partner drag Mr Williams into the back of the car. “I owe you both for this. This little shit was like a rat for years.” He pulled out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Erwin. ��You know the police don’t like gangs, but you’re the only one that seems to want to go good. So, I can see us getting along really well.”
Erwin took the money and put it in his pocket. “Me too. We’ll be in touch.”
The detective bowed his head. “You bet. Have a nice evening, gentlemen.”
Erwin waved to them before turning to Levi. “You can head home now.”
Levi hummed. “I need to check on my workshop first.”
Erwin turned on his heels and started walking. “Very dedicated of you, but there is a very lonely girlfriend in an apartment who would probably love to nurse you to health.”
A tingle surged through Levi when he thought about you looking after him. “Mm…I’ll be fast at work.”
Erwin chuckled as he watched Levi speed-walk to his shop. “You going to hers?”
“I am.” Levi walked over to his receptionist and checked the records. “Anything I need to know?”
She shook her head. “Nothing really, you’ve had good sales today.”
Erwin leaned on the desk and looked it over. “Looking good, Levi. Seems like you’re making more and more money.”
Levi closed the books and sighed. “We’re scraping by.”
Erwin smiled. “Give it time, Levi.” He pulled back and walked with Levi out of the workshop. “Speaking of money.” Erwin pulled out an envelope and counted some money. “Here.”
Levi took it and felt his cheeks burning. “This is too much.”
“Levi, the money you’ll get from me will only increase more and more over the years.”
Levi smiled a little. “I just want to help people and punish the bad. Plus, the money I get will all be used to make my sweet girlfriend comfortable and happy.” He sighed. “Speaking of, I think I’ll buy her something on my way home. She deserves the best.”
Erwin looked at his watch. “Most places will be closed. What are you thinking?”
“You can always collect some.”
Levi thought about it for a moment. “I know just the place to grab some.” He waved to Erwin. “See you later.”
He changed his clothes before climbing onto his bike and driving through the city. He stopped at a park right near your apartment full of flowers and saw no one was around. He climbed off and gathered a big bouquet before going into the small corner shop. He bought all the snacks you liked before going into the lift and up to your floor. Excitement bubbled inside Levi, he just wanted to cuddle and kiss you all night.
He knocked on your door and stared at your roommate. Levi said your name as he stared. “I’m here for her.”
Your roommate folded his arms. “I know who you are and why you’re here. I don’t want you here.”
“Tough shit. I’m here for my girlfriend, not you. I won’t be in your part of the apartment, only hers.”
He snarled at Levi. “You’re a criminal.”
Levi rolled his eyes. “Fuck sake.”
“She’s my roommate. She’s mine.”
“Yours?” Levi’s brow raised. “That’s a bold claim.”
“Look, she doesn’t want you here, so leave.”
You hurried over with a bright smile. “Levi! Hi! I heard your bike.” You grabbed Levi’s hand and gave him a strained smile. “Come with me.”
Levi stumbled behind you. “Sure.”
You pulled him into your room and closed the door behind you. “I have slippers for you in here.”
Levi slipped his shoes off and put on the slippers waiting for him. He looked up and saw you but a bolt on the door and a chain. “Bunny?”
You turned and gazed at him. “Mm?”
He reached over and caressed your cheek. “Does your roommate scare you?”
You gulped hard. “He concerns me.”
“Want me to break him?”
You hummed a laugh. “No, it’s okay. I plan on moving out soon, I just need to find a cheap place.”
Levi blushed hard. “You could live with me.”
Your cheeks burned. “Only if you want me.”
He put his bag and flowers down before cupping your face. “Of course, I want you. I always want you.” He tilted his head and kissed you. “I love and adore you.”
Your eyes widened. “You love me?”
He nodded. “So much.”
You crashed your lips against his. “I love you too.”
He hugged you tightly as he whined. “I’m so glad.” He pulled back as he smiled. “I have things for you.”
You giggled as he grabbed a bag and the flowers. “Thank you.”
“I got you flowers and umm some snacks.”
A tingle went through your body. “You’re so sweet.” You noticed his knuckles were cut up. “Grumpy! What happened here?”
He studied his hands. “I uh…cut them up at work.”
“Poor grumpy.” You took the flowers and put them in a vase quickly before holding Levi’s hands and pulling him into your private bathroom. “Let me clean them and patch them up.”
He felt happy that you were making such a fuss over him. “Thank you, Bunny.”
You patted his hands dry and inspected. “I’ll get my first aid kit.”
Levi stumbled behind you and followed you into your bedroom. “You don’t need to make a fuss of me.”
You sat on your bed and opened your kit. “I want to.” You patted the bed. “Because I love you.”
He blushed hard before sitting down. Those three words went right to his heart, he was willing to do anything for you. He gave you his hands and watched you work. “Mm. You’re delicate.”
You wrapped his hands up and kissed them. “All better.”
He leaned closer and kissed you. “Thank you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Levi.”
Tension filled the air as your hearts raced. The two of you had kissed and held each other for a month and a half, but that was all you did. Now you knew you loved each other there was this desire in you, but Levi had a slight fear because he was a little different than most men when he was naked. It wasn’t the muscles he had, but something else.
Levi tilted his head and softly said your name against your lips. “I umm…”
You placed your hand on his thigh and massaged. “Mm?”
He gulped hard as your hand moved closer to his penis. “Y-You.”
“If you want me to stop, I will.”
He placed his hand on yours. “I have piercings.”
You stared at Levi. “I know.”
He whined a little. “No, I have piercings you haven’t seen yet.”
You pulled back and noticed him glance down to his crotch. “Oh…can I see?”
Levi gasped a little. “You want to see?”
You nodded. “I do.” You smiled brightly at him. “If we are going to have sex right now, then I will need to see it.”
A rush of pleasure and excitement went through him. “You want…you…”
You leaned closer and kissed him. “If you’re too nervous, I’ll show you my boobs.”
Levi stared at your chest. “I would love to see them.”
You giggled at his reaction. It was understandable that he was nervous because it wasn’t normal that men had their dicks pierced, but you loved the idea of it because you knew it was going to rub your g-spot just right. You dragged your hoodie and strap top up and over your head to show Levi your breasts nicely held in your bra.
Levi shivered. “So beautiful.”
You blushed a bit. “Where do you want me?”
He clambered across the bed until he was sat at the top, his back against the headboard. “Here?”
You crawled over to him and then straddled his lap. “Nice and slow, okay? If you’re not ready, that’s okay.”
He let out a long sigh. “I want this. I want you.”
“I want you too.” You took his hand and placed it on your breast. “You can touch me. If you want, I can take my bra off.”
His cheeks prickled pink. “Please.”
You reached behind you and undid your bra before slipping it off and tossing it to the floor. “They’re not perky, but I know you don’t care.”
He reached over and gripped both. “They’re wonderful.” He squeezed them a little. “Soft, warm and big.” He moved and massaged them slowly as if they were fascinating to him and he’d never seen a pair before. He ran his thumb over your nipple and glanced at your face to see you mewl in delight. “Sensitive.”
You shivered in delight. “I am.”
He licked his lips. “Can I lick them?”
He dragged his pierced tongue up your breast and flicked your nipple. He opened his mouth and took your nipple into his mouth and sucked. He moved his tongue over your peak to tease you as much as possible. He glanced up at you and smiled at you causing you to blush. He pushed his hand down your body to the band of your jogging bottoms. He played slowly with your sensitive skin.
You massaged your fingers in his hair. “You can touch me more.”
He dragged his tongue against you. “Thank you for giving consent.” He pushed his hand down and began moving his fingers against your pussy lips. “You’re so warm and wet.”
You shivered as his hot breath against your skin. “I’ve been thinking about you so much.”
He moved his fingers against your clit as he purred. “Me too. I’ve been dreaming of you.”
You rolled your hips against his hand as you lightly panted. “Love me like you do in your dreams.”
He playfully bit your breast before sucking a mark. “I intend to.” He pushed two fingers slowly into your pussy. “Fuck, you’re so hot and wet.” He rubbed your clit with his thumb. “You’re so pretty.”
You moved a little faster against Levi as you felt your coil tighten. A rush of pleasure burned through you as Levi caressed your body. The way his tongue moved against your nipple and his fingers deep in you was electrifying. You yanked his face against your chest and panted in pleasure. Your toes squeezed tightly as you felt your orgasm rushing closer. You yanked Levi’s face against you more and hugged him a little as you let go.
You moaned as you felt a rush and a euphoric release. “Levi.”
He blushed as your walls spasmed around his fingers. He popped his mouth from your breast and admired your orgasmic face. “So pretty.” He smiled a little before kissing you. “I love you.”
You panted and hummed. “I love you.”
He dragged his fingers from you and licked them clean. “Can I eat you?”
Your cheeks burned. “Mm, yes, but only if you want to.”
He lifted you and turned on the bed. “I really do.” He lay you on your back and admired you. “You are so cute.” He gripped the top of your jogging bottoms and panties. “I just love you so much.” He dragged both off you and tossed them to the floor. “Fuck.”
You giggled as he gazed at your naked body. “I’d look better if you were naked too.”
Levi whipped his top off and threw it. He panted as his muscles flexed and he felt a rush of excitement inside him. “Do you have condoms? I have some in my pocket.”
You nodded. “I do, but I am on the implant.”
He gazed at you. “I’ll get a-.”
You pressed your fingers on his lips. “I trust that you’re healthy and clean. I want to feel you, all of you and the implant will do its job.” You nibbled your lip. “If you don’t want to, we can use a condom.”
He gulped hard. “I uh…I want to try w-without. I’ve never tried without before.”
“Nor have I, but I want it badly with you.” You felt heat fill your cheeks. “I hope I feel good.”
He undid his belt and then pulled his trousers and boxers off as he spoke. “I know you’ll be incredible, my bunny.” He paused a moment. “I hope you’re not scared.”
You looked down at his throbbing erection and marvelled at how beautiful he was. He was thick with a pretty vein wrapping around him. The tip was a kissable pink. The first piercing on him was on the underside near his tip, it was a pretty bar going through the skin with little balls on the end. The other was on the top part and went through the ridge and was known as dydoe or king’s crown. Both piercings were going to add extra pleasure to you.
You pawed at Levi’s chest. “Can we skip the eating and get to the fucking? I want to feel you inside me.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “I want that too, but uh…”
You cupped Levi’s face. “How about next time you can devour me for as long as you like.”
Levi perked up with a sparkle in his eyes. “Please. I want that.”
You hummed a laugh. “Will you let me devour you?”
He blushed. “You want to suck my dick?”
“If you let me.”
He pushed your legs apart and massaged them. “I would like to try.” He leaned over you and kissed you. “Are you sure about this? About me?”
You reached down and lightly wrapped your hand around his erection causing him to quickly suck air between his teeth. “You’re so warm.” You moved your hand up and down on him. “I want you, Levi. I adore you. Every inch of you.”
He shivered at your touch. “Bunny.”
You ran him up and down yourself before pressing him slowly into you. “Levi, please.”
He pressed his hand onto your pelvis and moved his thumb against your clit causing you to purr with pleasure. “Just to warn you, feeling both piercings will be weird at first.”
You giggled. “I’m excited and ready for you.”
You gasped as he slowly sank his cock into you. There was a mixture of sensations inside you. The thickness of his cock was incredible because he stretched you just the right amount and not too much. The piercings caressed and popped past pleasure points inside you causing you to buck and mewl in delight. It was incredible how he was making you feel just by pushing his cock deep into you. The length was perfect too, it wasn’t big at all, and it was just the right amount to feel you and touch you where you needed it. His cock was the perfect one that you could just take over and over.
As every inch of Levi moved into you he had to grip the sheets below your head to contain himself. He’d never gone deep into a woman before without a condom. This was special though because this was you. There was something so addictive and intoxicating about you. The way you wrapped around him and dragged his cock in made him feel so desirable and sexy. He was in awe of you, your body was just divine and perfect. The two of you fit together so perfectly. Levi was a little worried about how long he was going to last due to how good you felt. He was going to make sure you came at least once with his cock and then hope he could get a second in, but he wasn’t sure. You were both young and each other’s second sexual partner, so there was a lot of fun learning ahead.
Levi tangled his fingers into your hair. “Are you okay? Does it feel bad?”
You shivered. “You’re incredible.” You wrapped your arms around Levi and gripped his back. “Your cock is so perfect.” You smiled at him. “You fit me so wonderfully.”
He tapped his forehead against yours and smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay. I have worried about this so much.”
“You are so sweet.”
He kissed you and hummed. “You’re much sweeter.” He nuzzled the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent. “Can I move?”
You shivered at his hot breath and deep voice. “Please do.”
He dragged some of his cock back before plunging in and made sure to angle his hips just a little. A smile spread over his lips when your walls clenched him and the sweetest, yet sexiest moan escaped you. He moved slow and deep into you causing your body to tingle with pleasure. It was passionate and loving like he was trying to feel every single inch of you. Plus, he was still a little worried that you might suddenly hate his pierced cock. However, you seemed to have pleasure written all over your face. He had to just admire how cute and sexy you looked under him.
You purred in delight before wrapping your legs around Levi’s hips. You dragged your nails across his muscular back and loved how his muscles moved under your fingers. As Levi was admiring your body you were taking in every single inch of him. The pink tinge on his cheeks was adorable and the wide pupils made him look like a hungry beast. When he noticed you were staring at him so lovingly, he smiled and let out a little chuckle causing you to blush all over your body. There was something so arousing about him being balls deep inside you, smiling and chuckling.
Levi pressed his lips against yours and hummed. “You’re so adorable watching me like that.”
You turned your head a little. “Mm, you are just so handsome.” You moaned as he rolled his hips a little harder and deeper. “A-Ah, mm you feel so good.”
He caressed your cheek and turned your head. “You’re incredible.” He kissed you roughly before biting your lip. He pushed his tongue into your mouth and growled as your tongues moved together. He gripped you tighter and pressed his body fully against yours, meaning he could feel your incredible breasts against his chest. He pulled back for a moment just to praise you. “I love you so much.”
You leaned your head back and mewled. “I love you too.”
Levi dragged his tongue up your neck before sucking a mark right over your voice box. He smiled when he felt the vibration of your moan against his lips. “So perfect. Your body is amazing.”
You gasped as he moved his hips faster causing his tip and piercings to drag and press against your G-spot. “A-Ah, fuck.” You dug your nails into his back. “Mm!” Your legs started to shake a little as the pleasure that was a warming soft feeling was now becoming loud and explosive. “I’m mm…Levi.”
Levi kissed your neck and nibbled. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Y-Yes. Keep going. Don’t stop.”
He bit your jawline as he kept moving against you. “Anything for you.”
Your eyes rolled back in your head. “Little up and faster.” You cried out when you felt the most pleasure you have ever felt. You slapped your hand over your mouth and moaned loudly over and over. You felt flustered that this man could do this to you and you didn’t want your roommate to hear. “Just like that.”
Levi gripped the bedsheets as your walls fluttered around you. He grunted and moaned as he pushed you closer to your orgasm. Levi knew he wasn’t going to last because being deep inside you was just too addictive and good. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. He kissed you over and over as he focused on making you cum first before he lost himself in your body. He made sure that his pelvis rubbed against your clit so you got as much pleasure as possible.
You turned your head and playfully bit Levi’s neck making him moan in pleasure. “I love you, Levi.” Your legs shook as you felt on the cusp of an orgasm. You bit Levi again ad sucked hard causing a big lovebite to appear. You clenched up and felt the pop and then a rush of pleasure. You released his neck and moaned in delight as your orgasm burned through your body. “Mm.”
Levi grunted and panted as your walls massaged him. He tapped his forehead against the bed and pressed in deep as he came hard. He moaned as he felt his cum enter you. “F-Fuck.”
You shivered in delight as you felt him release a big load inside you. “Levi. Mm. This is incredible.” You panted and smiled at him when he pulled back. “Can we do this again?”
Levi blushed. “I would love to. It feels really good.”
You caressed his cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He turned his head and kissed your hand. He hugged you tightly and dragged himself out of you. He held you closer and whined. “Mine.”
You giggled in delight as you cuddled with your man. “Yours.”
He pulled back a bit. “I promise next time I’ll last longer.”
You blushed a bit. “I think this was perfect, Levi. It was better than anything I’ve had before.”
Levi’s eyes sparkled. “Really? You are the best too.” He kissed you and sighed.
You wiggled a little and got comfy. “Mm, sorry to break the sweet moment, but do you want something to eat? I’m a bit hungry.”
Levi chuckled. “I can make something. I got meat today from a butcher.” He climbed off the bed and yanked his boxers on.
You sat up and pulled the blanket at the end of your bed up against your chest. “You buy it?”
“I was gifted it.”
You smiled. “Because you fixed his car?”
Levi stiffened a little knowing you had no idea about the gangster things he did for Erwin. “Yeah, I helped him out big time.”
“You’re amazing.”
He saw you had your own little kitchen area to cook, which showed him how much you tried to avoid your roommate. He opened the window and started cooking. “Thanks. So, do you want to move in soon?”
You smiled sweetly. “I would love to.”
He glanced over at you and smiled. “We’ll get you safely to mine, I promise.”
You nibbled your lip as you felt excited. “I can’t wait. Mm, this smells so good. I’m so hungry.”
Levi walked over and kissed you. “I hope you enjoy what I make for you, my cute little bunny.”
“I know I will.” You lightly touched his abs. “Maybe after eating we can have more sex?”
He blushed a little. “Yes. I’d love that.”
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mangogobibiboo · 5 months
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Nagi's Payment
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Nagi Seishiro x Reader // Warnings: Mentions of food and eating // Word Count: 800+
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"You are my new pillow."
“Come on! Just this one thing, and then we can go back to playing games,” you say as you tug your boyfriend’s hand through the crowd. Not that it was very easy; this boy was 190 cm and solid muscle. There was a seasonal drink that you had been dying to taste, and it was always sold out whenever you went to get it. Today, you were on a mission! You will have your taste of the ‘Sugar Cookie Gingerbread Caramel Crumble Oreo latte’! You had finally managed to get Nagi away from his game console long enough to convince him to come with you. And after all the work it took to get him here, you deserved that damn drink!
“Why couldn’t you just order it for delivery?” Nagi says as he sluggishly flows you. Finally, moving on his own will giving you a much-needed break from your impromptu tugging workout. You opt to link your arm to him and lean into him a bit.
“Because it costs like twice as much that way! I swear it will that like five min- Damn…” You stopped walking. Unfortunately, you guys had come a little too late. There was a huge line waiting to get into the café.
Eventually, after about 15 minutes of standing in line, a worker announced that they had started a ticket system instead so people wouldn’t have to wait outside. Instead, you would scan a QR code and get a number, and whenever you got a notification, you would come back and be let in. Your mission might still be alive, you could almost taste the overly surgery morsel on your tongue. 
This kind of worked out perfectly because you could extend your date. You didn’t really get much time with Nagi as his time was spent between you, soccer, and his Reo. And not to mention sleeping. However, if you did factor in all the naps you two took together, the number of hours you spent together would definitely double. Even so, you would like to have some more memories of dates when both of you were conscious.
You take this chance to walk around the plaza a little. The decorations, for the most part, were pretty muted; the plaza had been strung with lights, and everything looked so warm, even in the winter under all the yellow light.
You guys actually ended up finding a small ramen place just down the block from the café. When you opened the door, your nose was filled with the most delicious smells. You patted your stomach as a small rumble moved through it. “Did you not eat today?” Nagi looked down at you. It took you a second to retrace your day in your head, but you guess in your excitement to go out, you didn’t really have a meal today. Your stomach took its chance to rumble again. This time, Nagi led you to sit and ordered two bowls of ramen. 
“I guess not.” You look away, slightly embarrassed at the fact that you were so giddy to go out with Nagi that you didn’t eat. God, you felt like a child. 
“You should really take better care of yourself,” you could feel that small smirk in his voice, and that embarrassment left you as quickly as it came. Your nagging words to him were being thrown right back at you. ANYONE but him could tease you about not taking care of themselves. Mr. “too sleepy to eat” did not have a leg to stand on!
You playfully hit him, teasing him about his habits. The conversation over ramen basically consisted of all the shenanigans that had gone down in the blue lock. He may not look like it, but it was very fun to gossip with him. Nagi might not have much beef, but he knows about all of it, You must say you were kind of hooked on the saga of Itoshi Rin vs. Isagi Yoichi. You really could not wait to see one of those games.
After the big dinner, you could see Nagi let out a big yawn as you two started to walk back. As you guys got back, there were still a couple of people in front of you in the queue, so you decided to sit on the benches around the block.
You both start holding hands looking out into the main street that was threaded with lights. 
“Thank you for coming with me,” you say, looking over to Nagi only to be met with a poof of white hair on your face.
“MhM” was his only reply.
“SEI! Don't doze off yet! We didn’t even get what we came for yet,” you whine as you try to shake him. All in vain as he grabs your hand only to kiss your palm and set it on his cheek, basically cradling his face on your shoulder. 
“You’re my new pillow. I'll take this as my payment for dragging me out.” his words come out clearly even though his eyes refuse to open. 
“Sei, that's us, come on! You can sleep on me at home!”
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A/N: I am very slow and I am sorry
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thewulf · 1 year
My Girl || Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Summary: Request! Hello!! I saw that your requests are open, and was wondering if you could do a beau "cyclone" Simpson or a tom "iceman" Kazansky one shot, where cyclone/iceman are in an established relationship w a doctor and dagger squad/1986 top gun squad find out about the reader?
A/N: This one was so fun to write, although a bit shorter than my normal one shots. It just came so easily. I went with Tom in the Original 1986 version! There’s lots of flipping back and forth between names and callsigns, just a warning!
Pairing: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x Y/N
Word Count: 3,200+
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Once you parked your car in the driveway you took a moment to collect your thoughts. The residency was tough, kicking your ass even. You had opted to go into pediatric surgery which wasn’t for the faint of heart. More often than not things did go your way but today was one of those days where you lost a baby right at the end of the surgery, shattering you. These cases always felt worse than the best cases made you feel happy.
Tom was home you noted. His truck sitting in the driveway next to your much smaller car. He had moved into your condo after three years of dating. Things between the two of you were great. More than great. The both of you understood how demanding each other’s careers were so when you did get time together you loved to just relax with each other. You were rather looking forward to falling asleep on Tom’s shoulder or lap in a few hours.
Walking through the front door you found him sitting on the couch reading through what looked like a manual. Tom had just gotten into Top Gun with his RIO Slider, or as you knew him, Ron. Luckily, Top Gun wasn’t far from where you he was already stationed in San Diego so selfishly you got to have him home for a little while longer. That was the hardest of it all when Tom was deployed on a mission. You knew just how good he was in the air but there was that fear that always sat in the back of your mind when he left. You always just prayed he’d make it home safe. He hadn’t let you down yet.
“Hi baby,” Leaning down you kissed his cheek. Breaking him right of the trance he was in, “Everything okay?”
“Y/N.” He smiled pulling your neck down for an actual kiss, “I’m great sweetheart. Just making sure I’ve got everything before our practical tomorrow. Viper wasn’t happy we shot him down today, so I think he wants to prove a point.”
“Pete giving you any trouble today?” You asked while plopping yourself down next to him. Cuddling into him you took a deep breath finding immense comfort in his scent.
He grinned pulling you right on top of him, throwing the manual off to the side, “Mav’s always giving me trouble. But I don’t want to talk about him. I want to talk about you. How was your day?”
You sighed placing your head onto his chest, “Not good T. Lost an infant. Another five-year-old isn’t doing great either.” You didn’t feel like elaborating. Tom already knew how you felt. Completely and utterly defeated.
Rubbing your head he squeezed you with his other hand, “I’m sorry baby.”
“It’s okay,” You whispered, “Occupational hazard I suppose.”
“Doesn’t make it any easier.” He placed his chin on top of your head, “It’s okay to be sad.”
“I know, you make it easier though.” Mumbling you closed your eyes, listening to the steady rhythm of your boyfriend’s heart. Always finding comfort in him.
“You can’t fall asleep yet sweetheart.” His vibrations of the laughing coming from his chest only soothing you further.
“And why not?” You pouted while still keeping your eyes closed.
He paused, not sure if he wanted to bring up his plan anymore. See, the guys at Top Gun didn’t believe Ice the last time they were all at the Hard Deck. They didn’t believe he had a doctor girlfriend. Ice refused to even look at another woman knowing you were working late that night. Really the only reason he ever went out was if you were stuck at the hospital. He’d much rather spend his nights in with you on the couch watching some dumb show neither of you paid attention to.
Mav and Goose teased that he had no game. Not accepting that he had a girlfriend. Nonetheless one that was literally smarter than all of them combined. Claiming that Ice was far too cold of a person to ever get a girlfriend like that. Let alone keep one for four years. But your Tom was a whole lot different than the Iceman that all the aviators knew.
They really didn’t believe him when he described you. Even a few other aviators had to agree with the pair. Not believing Iceman was emotionally capable of obtaining somebody like you for that amount of time. You sounded way too grounded, smart, and beautiful to be wrapped up in the life of an aviator’s girlfriend. But the two of you made it work. You always made it a point to communicate as much as you could, even when things were tough.
The whole group all about lost it when Ice showed off the engagement ring he carried around with him. He didn’t know when he was going to propose to you, but he wanted to have the ring ready to go for when it felt right. He’d bought it a few months ago, the longer he lived with you the more it reinforced that he knew you were it for him. He saw himself starting a family with you. Being forever happy with you.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to babe.” He kissed the top of your head, “I was thinking we go to the Hard Deck tonight?”
You looked up at him turning your head in confusion. He never invited you to the Hard Deck. Not that you minded, at all. That was his place with the guys. You trusted Tom with your life. Of course, you’d let him have his place, “The Hard Deck?”
“Mhmm,” He rubbed circles on your back, “Maybe you could grab a few drinks, not think about the day?”
“Did you say the Hard Deck?” You asked again, making sure you heard him right.
“Yes.” He smiled, “There something wrong with it?”
You shook your head quickly, “No! I just haven’t been with you before.”
He frowned almost instantly, “Really?”
“Yeah, but it never bothered me. I promise. I know it’s your place.” You gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“No wonder they don’t believe me.” Tom sighed leaning back into the couch, pulling you right along with him.
Over time you found that Tom’s love language was physical touch and quality time. He always pulled you into him or onto him. He found solace in your touch, loving every single second of it.
“What are you talking about?” You laughed, “You’re confusing me tonight, T.”
He smiled at his favorite nickname, “The guys don’t believe that you exist. That I’m making you up.”
“Ahh, now you’re making some more sense my love.” You giggled, “You want to show them that I exist then?”
He smirked pinching your side, “I want to show you off baby.”
“I’ve got a lot of work to do if you want to show me off.” You sighed feeling the ugliness of the day consuming the way you felt as well.
“Hardly. You’re so beautiful.”
Blushing lightly, you never got tired of the shower of compliments he always gave you, “Shush you cheese.”
“Only for you.” He bopped your nose.
“Let me shower really quick and then we can go.”
“Yeah?” He smiled knowing you would do anything for him, “We don’t have to go if you’re tired and just want to relax.”
You shook your head, “And miss my chance to meet Maverick? The only human whose ever made you angry. Never.” You giggled hopping right off him and running upstairs before he could protest.
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You opted for a nice floral sundress. One because it was over a hundred damn degrees in San Diego during the summer and two you had to dress to impress. Tom wanted to show you off and you wanted to try your best. Hopefully you weren’t as awkward as you normally felt you were.
“Baby, you look amazing. As always.” Tom winked pulled you into his side, “I’m so lucky.”
“Always such a mush.” You cooed wrapping an arm around his side.
“What? I can’t fawn over my beautiful girl.”
Blushing you rolled your eyes, “Shush, you know what you’re doing.”
He shrugged, “I love seeing you blush.” Chucking he gave you a squeeze before going to open the door for you. The ride to the Hard Deck was short, you lived close to the base. You didn’t work at the Naval hospital but the civilian one down the road.
Before he let you hop out, he stopped you, “I might act a little different than normal.”
“Like what?” You smiled seeing him so nervous.
“A bit of an asshole.”
Your turn to laugh, “I expected that, Tom. I do pay attention to your stories you know.”
He returned your smile with one of his own, “God, I love you. You know that?”
Nodding your head, you leaned in for a kiss, “I do. I love you to pieces too.”
Breaking the kiss, he quickly got out to open the door for you. Four years later and you never grew tired of his gestures. He always thought of you in everything that he did. How could you not be madly in love with a man like that?
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders pulling you close into him as you both entered the bar. Whether he was staking his claim on you or what you didn’t care, you loved being close to him. You loved it even more when he wasn’t afraid to show it. Who knew a bunch of Naval aviators would push him to do something so wildly out of his comfort zone. Tom at home was lovey and mushy always. Tom in public was sweet but never got too affectionate. Nothing like what he was doing right now.
Tom quickly spotted Slider pulling you along with him. He let you take the seat next to him white he stood behind you.
“I’ll be damned. Is this Y/N really out at the Hard Deck.” Ron put his aviators on top of his head eyeing the pair curiously. You adored Tom’s RIO. You guys often had him over for dinner once you moved in. He was good company and saw the rare soft side that Tom really only reserved for you on occasion.
“Your eyes don’t deceive you, Ronny.” You grinned using your favorite nickname for him. It still felt odd calling him Slider even though that’s exclusively how Tom referred to him as.
Ron looked up towards Ice waiting for his response, “What?” Ice questioned his RIO.
“Mav and Goose get under your skin that bad?”
Tom scoffed, “Hardly. I just wanted to go out with my girl. Is that such a crime?”
Ron smirked up at his friend knowing he was bullshitting him hard. Ever since Ice heard what happened to Cougar with the MIG’s and dropping out of the Navy as a whole pissed him off. Mav took Cougar’s spot. His rightful spot that he worked years for. Of course, he held resentment. Then he met the guy. He had to admit that you were right. There weren’t many people who could agitate Tom, Mav ended up being one.
Tom spotted him just as he was thinking of him sitting across the bar. Smirking Tom decided to lean down and give you a long kiss on the cheek hoping Mav would see before whispering, “Mav, 2 o’clock.” To you.
You looked over in that general direction and had to have spotted the man that seemed to torture your Tom. He looked a little shocked before replacing it was a cocky façade you were sure most aviators wore.
It wasn’t a moment later the man made his way over to where the three of you were.
“Your girl actually exists Ice?” Pete asked Tom but looked at you. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off you.
Taking a long sip of your cocktail you eyed him up and down, “That’s it?” You looked back up at Tom curiously.
“What hon?” He asked you quizzically. Not having a clue what you were getting at.
“I was just expecting more that’s all.” You smiled sweetly at the man. Ron up and started laughing. Tom’s mouth almost completely dropped, and Pete looked a little pissed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Pete questioned you with a confused expression garnering his face.
You shrugged, “For such a dominant callsign of Maverick I was just expecting more. That’s all.”
“What are you doing?” Tom whispered in your ear albeit with a small smile forming on his face.
“Pissing him off baby.” You kissed his cheek slowly.
“Because he pisses you off. Fair is fair.” You giggled before grabbing for your cocktail again. You weren’t sure what was coming over you. You weren’t overly attention seeking but when somebody wound up your boyfriend like that you just had to do the same back. Tom protected you fiercely it was your turn to do the same. Even if it was all just in good fun.
Pete stood there confused. You decided to rub salt on the wound, “Would you like a drink or?”
“Are you paying?” He smirked getting his confidence back.
“Ha!” You let out an obnoxious laugh earning the attention of a few more aviators unbeknownst to you, “You wish hot shot. Your boyfriend down there is paying.” You pointed straight to the blonde who was avidly watching what was going down between the group.
You looked up at Tom who looked pleasantly surprised. His girlfriend more than holding her own against the arrogant asshole that drove him mad.
“Goose.” Mav sighed rolling his eyes before darting off to go find him.
You smiled up to your boyfriend feeling the buzz start to take over as you downed your first drink a little too quickly.
“Ice! That’s your girl?” A group of aviators in uniform came over. Turning towards the group you smiled kindly to the trio that made their way over.
“No shit, you actually exist. How do you stand him?”
“Hollywood shut it.” Tom nearly growled stepping closer to your barstool.
“Easily.” You continued after Tom interjected.
“Really?” The one standing next to Hollywood spoke up.
Tom looked like he was going to explode on them if they didn’t back off soon, “Really Wolfman?”
“Just surprising.” He muttered looking away from the gaze that could kill.
“It’s nice to meet you all.” You attempted to break the tension between all the men that happened out of nowhere, “Tom says great things about you all.”
“You too!” Hollywood clapped walking over to you, “Now I need to pick your brain on Iceman over here.”
“No way Hollywood.” Tom laughed blocking him from taking a seat next to you. He had his mask for work for a reason. He had to build up his reputation to be called Iceman, he didn’t want that to be ruined. He was cool calm collected Iceman who never broke in the air. Flew cold as ice. There is no way in hell he’d ever let one of them learn about the other side of himself. The soft side of him. The truer side where he felt his best when he was with you. He knew he was weak for you, but he always knew you were just as weak for him.
Tom never really believed in soul mates before he met you. But when he accidentally ran into you, literally, at the hospital you worked at his heart nearly stopped right then and there. He knocked you flat on your ass, but you were nothing but gracious. You started laughing, likely in embarrassment but it was a better reaction than anger. Tom insisted he buy you a coffee for the trouble and you accepted. You were on hour fourteen of a hell shift and a coffee sounded more than wonderful. From that moment on Tom believed. He was so thankful he literally ran you over.
Little did the two of you know that would kick off the world wind romance you found yourself in, but you couldn’t be more grateful. Tom was everything to you. You quickly fell in love with him, and it terrified you. You were so useed to shitty men and shitty relationships this relationship made you constantly on edge. Waiting on the other shoe to drop. But it never did. Tom just kept treating you better and better the longer you two dated. It was month four that you knew you loved him deeply. Luckily, he told you first which negated any fear you had in the relationship.
“Come on Ice!” Hollywood attempted to pout earning a laugh from Slider and Wolfman.
“Like I said. No fucking way.”
Smiling you loved watching the interaction between all of the aviators. He was different but he was still your Tom. He just threw that mask up to protect himself. You understood. You had to do the same thing at work. Feeling like you had to be a stone-cold bitch many times to prove yourself to your attending because you were a woman. There weren’t many woman surgeons let alone ones that specialized in pediatrics in the 80’s. You were sure that Tom would hardly recognize you at work, an almost heartless version of yourself.
A few more aviators came over seeing a crowd forming around you. Tom viscerally groaned knowing this was likely going to happen. He brought it upon himself but now the guys were picking on him by giving you so much attention. Tom wanted nothing more than to throw you over his shoulder and take you home away from all of them.
“Ice! She’s pretty. How in the hell did you manage that?”
Tom rolled his eyes knowing you heard the comment, “Shut up Merlin.”
Slider started cracking up seeing the irritation grow on his pilot’s face, “Hey Merlin, ever thought it was because he’s amazing in the sack?”
Your face grew bright red at the comment. He surely wasn’t wrong, but you certainly weren’t going to admit it to the now group of pilots that surrounded you and Ron at the bar.
Ice slapped the back of his head, “The hell is wrong with you?”
“Her face is bright red! It must be true!”
You shrugged grabbing your refreshed cocktail instead of answering.
“Oh, shut the hell up Goose!” Tom groaned flipping him off earning a roar of laughter from the Top Gun group.
“I always knew you were a legend man.” Slider commented while winking over at him making sure to dig his hole deeper.
“You’re on my shit list.” Tom tried to keep a straight face before joining in the group laughing at the situation.
For the next few hours, you chatted with random pilots finding the best conversation with Nick Bradshaw. He reminded you of your brother finding an easy casual conversation with him. You still made sure to give Pete a hard time, for the sake of Tom.
Tom pulled you aside when he had enough, “Ready to go home? I want some time with you sweetheart.”
You nodded finding it so attractive he wanted you to himself, “Let’s go.”
He helped you up from your stool waving the crowd of aviators off. The two of you blaming your work for your early departure. One perk of being a doctor is being able to use that as an excuse to leave anything you didn’t want to be at.
“For the record, I’m not only with you because you’re good in bed. But it’s a perk.”
He smirked, “Let’s utilize that perk when we get home, yeah?”
You looped your arm in his, “Hell yeah.”
“That’s my girl.”
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@wildellaa I hope you enjoy!
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ladybelladonna76 · 4 months
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Rachel didn't know what her stepdad saw in that stupid girl he was dating
She was obviously hot, but she was also bitchy, vain, and materialistic
Unsurprisingly he'd met this goldigger shortly after the medical negligence payout from her mother's accidental death, at the hands of a drunk quack doctor, when Daddy had been looking for some comfort at the bottom of a whiskey glass in questionable bars
"We're going to have so much fun, Daddy says we can spend whatever we want today, I have permission to spoil us both rotten"
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Rachel rolled her eyes
"Let's just get this over and done with"
"Okay Rachey, I promise you're going to love it, this salon works miracles, then we go shopping!", Rosie squealed as she said shopping like some over excited middle school girl on a carnival ride
"Whatever, I'm doing this because DAD asked me too that's all, after the salon you can drop me off home before going out shopping"
"Okay meanie" Rosie pouted
Inside the salon it was as bad as Rachel had feared. This was just a grooming kennel for over primped high maintenance bitches, she couldn't think of one treatment she wanted to try.
"Please try the New U facial treatment Rachey" Rosie whined in her bimbo voice for the hundredth time
"Fine if you'll shut up, at least I get to lay down and relax"
She laid back and the beautician put the mask over her face
The mask started to emit a pulsing wave of light
It feels wrong, invasive, it hurts
She tried to sit up but couldn't move
Her brain felt like it was aflame as the light seemed to penetrate her skull
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Suddenly words and concepts started to run through Rachel's head.
Bitch, cuckold, homewrecker, conniving, golddigger, manipulative
Every word brought a flood of images and memories of Rachel as the living embodiment of these words
Rachel knew she wasn't, there was no way she could be, she had never, would never do any of those things, her mom and dad raised her with a strong sense of right and wrong and everything she saw herself doing was wrong.
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Rachel could sense new color behind her eyelids even though her eyes were closed tight
More information washed over her, new feelings and ideas.
She had secretly coveted her Step Daddy for years after her mom had married him. No he was always her Daddy, no my Dad, wasn't he?
I'd fucked that gold digging bitch's plastic surgeon behind her back, mommy dearest was fucking him to get a discount so he was fair game.
That's how I got him addicted to drugs and me, I got him drunk, high, and fucked him all night before the day of the surgery. I'd made him botch the surgery
Rachel screamed inside the mask, that's not me I wouldn't, I couldn't, I love my Mommy
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Rachel felt her body starting to alter as the new light worked it's magic
She started to groan inside the mask as she felt her body staring to firm and tone, her breasts grew as implants formed inside them, her lips plumped, her nails lengthened into beautiful manicured claws.
Daddy loved her body so much better than her mom's pathetic..
"Oh my God, mom I'm sorry this isn't me, this isn't what I wanted!!"
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Rachel removed the mask and looked around for her stepmom
Where was she?
"There's only us Raquel", she thought
This didn't make any sense
"We were always jealous of Mommy since middle school, all her boy toys, her clothes, cars, vacations, we just had to bide our time until we were all grown up and then he could be ours"
Was Daddy hers now alone?
Ever nerve in her body fired in unison at this realization as an orgasm swept through her body
Of course New U Salon's machines didn't really work miracles they only used a cutting edge application of Quantum Mechanics.
They did however merge Rachel and her stepmom's quantum realities
A little tweak here and there, so the Quantum realm remained while and all was perfect with the world again
Another happy customer with guaranteed repeat business and referrals to boot
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Rachel was very satisfied
Raquel skipped shopping that day and rushed home to her Daddy
She'd wanted him since he'd first walked into her life with her bitch mother
She spent years preparing for when they could be together. Years studying her mother's manipulation techniques, daily exercise at the gym to sculpt her body into a temple to be worshiped, style to dress in a manner befitting a goddess, oh and sex, how she'd perfected the art of love making and giving, she'd become such a slut.
All to be ready for her Daddy and now he was hers, she'd never give him up
New U Salon really was miraculous
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bearrrrrrr7 · 1 day
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Haven't posted anything in like, 8 years? Got inspired today. goodbye. (don't even remember how this shirt works lmaooo)
“yo , Syd!” Carmy calls from his office. He has a hangnail he’s been chewing on. Mostly nerves, he thinks. Also because it fucking hurts. If he starts bleeding his wife is gonna kill him. 
“‘Sup, Carm?” She pushes her way through the door and peaks her head in, “Yeah?” 
“Uh, next week, on like-” he checks his phone for the date again, “wednesday, yeah Wednesday, I’m gonna be out. Gonna need you to take over until like-Monday, I think? You can call me, just won’t be in.” 
Syd scrunches her eyebrow “uh, no-yeah that’s fine, for sure. Just like - why? Are you okay? You don’t normally, like, spring this shit on me.” She fully enters his office at this point. Arms are crossed, not in an annoyed way, more so because the giant fan in his office is directly pointing at her. 
“No yeah, uh, fine.” He coughs into his shoulder. He shouldn’t feel awkward about this, he’s a fully grown man with two baby girls and a beautiful wife. “Just a procedure, medical, uh, procedure I gotta get done on Wednesday. They told me not to be on my feet too much for the next couple days.” He’s not making eye contact with Syd, fully focused on color coordinating the highlighters in his desk. 
“Procedure? Dude, what? Are you fucking okay?” Syd asks, walking a little closer to him. She has half the nerve to put the back of her hand to his forehead. 
“Yes, Syd. Jesus. I’m fuckin’ fine okay? I mean it, just - like, could you make sure this shit doesn’t burn down while I’m gone?” He runs his hand through his curls. He needs a cigarette. He tries to picture your disappointed face so he doesn’t reach for his emergency pack. 
“Yo, Syd!” Syd and Carmy both whip their heads to the door, it’s Richie. With a shit eating grin on his face. 
“What, Richie?” Syd scoffs. “Were you invited here or did you just decide to insert yourself?” 
“Insert myself. Anyways, just so you don’t pop a blood vessel, Carm’s getting surgery to he can fuck his wife without protection. Don’t worry, sweetheart, he’s gonna be juuuuuust fine” he says, winking, stupid fucking grin still on his face. 
“Jesus, Richie” Carm and Syd both say at the same time. Carmy has his head in his hands. “Don’t listen to ‘im.” Carmy finally says. “I mean - yes. I am getting, you know, uhm, that. Vasectomy. But like - that wasn’t the main reaso-” 
“Hey Carmy?” Syd interrupts him. 
“Good luck on your procedure on Wednesday and I’ll see you Monday, okay?” 
“Thank you, Chef” Carmy breathes out a laugh. Syd laughs too. “Fuckin’ Richie” he says. 
“Fuckin’ Richie” Syd agrees. 
Carmy shows up to the house 3 hours later. Apparently everyone in the bear had heard Richie’s loud fucking announcement about his surgery. His hangnail did start bleeding but he found a paw patrol bandaid in the backseat of his car. 
He hears laughter once he reaches the back door, he smiles to himself. 
“Where are my cubs?” He yells as soon as he gets through the door. He hears screaming and giggling and a jumble of “Me! I here, daddy!” and before he can get a good glimpse of them he has tiny, chunky arms wrapped around his neck. 
“Where’s mama bear’s love? She chopped liver, or what?” You come into the doorway. Your hair’s a bit disheveled. You have tiny, blue and white plaid shorts on with a shirt that has so many stains on it you might as well consider it tie-dye. You have marinara sauce on your right cheek. You’re so fuckin’ pretty, he thinks. 
“Hi, sweetheart” he says. He gets up from his crouched position, two tiny toddlers hanging around his neck. He kisses you, takes his thumb and wipes that tiny bit of marinara sauce off your cheek. You look at his bandaid and give him a look. “Couldn’t help it” he says. 
After dinner, after the girls’ bath, after three different stories, after a small glass of wine each and a rewatch of something neither of you know the name of, you rest your head on his shoulders. 
“How are you feeling about it?” You ask. 
“What?” he asks. His eyes started to close a bit, he’s not fully sure he heard your question. 
“About the snip” you say, giggling a bit. 
He snorts, “you 10-years-old?” 
“I mean it, Carm! Be honest!” You say, you lightly slap his arm, settling right back into him after. 
“Jesus, woman.” He laughs “Uhm, I mean, good? Like this, like right here - uh, you and me, and my two cubs, my Ellie and my Charlie, my beautiful wife, this is it, you know? I just feel like our life right now is perfect. And you have done everything - so much for me. For the girls. So I’m good, I’m happy to do this. I wanna keep this, just this. This is perfect.” 
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possibilistfanfiction · 5 months
for surgeons au.,, perhaps some hurt/comfort :,)
[hbd @gohandinhand. sorry but tbf... u asked for this lol (also so many of you asked for 'what if bea gets hurt' bc we all share one collective grey's anatomy-ass braincell // also on ao3]
‘dr. silva is still in the tumor resection?’
it’s only, like, your fifth week being a doctor, so there are so many things you don’t know all the time; you add dr. villaumbrosia asking this question to the list. still, she’s kind of the scariest person you’ve ever met in your life — unflappable and a little mean to everyone but her patients and their families, talented and whip-smart beyond belief, willing to take on the hardest cases — and so you answer anyway with a nod. you only know this because zaire promised he would come find you just after he’d finished with dr. silva — to celebrate at the bar down the street and hopefully more than that too — but you don’t add that; you don’t think dr. villaumbrosia would appreciate it all that much.
‘okay,’ she says, more shaken than you’ve ever seen her.
‘is something… did something go wrong, or?’
‘with ava’s surgery, no, i don’t think so.’ 
ava is new; you’re not embarrassed to admit that you and basically your whole intern class has been keeping track of who’s with whom amongst the attendings, so you know they’re all either dating or friends or some kind of family. still, dr. villaumbrosia never uses first names at work. 
‘there’s a trauma being flown in,’ she continues. ‘there was an avalanche, and dr. choi was skiing in the backcountry today. i don’t — i don’t know more details.’ she worries her hands for a moment. ‘she hasn’t answered her sat phone.’
‘oh,’ is the best you’ve got, disarmed by the obvious fear that lingers around every inch of her.
‘dr. silva can’t know, if she does come in. not until after he’s finished the hardest part of the procedure and can pass it off.’
not that you were going to be the one to randomly decide to go to dr. silva’s OR and say any of this, but you nod. ‘of course.’
‘i need you to go check on tai; she’s in daycare.’
‘uh, i don’t — i’ve never —‘
dr. villaumbrosia waves you off. ‘she’s cute. looks like choi, acts like silva.’ 
when you don’t respond immediately, dr. villaumbrosia just glares. ‘yeah, of course,’ you hurry to say.
‘and then i need you to go to the ER for the trauma. dr. masters already knows you’re coming; you’re going to see what’s going on and tell me and no one else. got it?’
‘yes, dr. villaumbrosia. will do.’
to be honest, you have no idea where the daycare even is, and this certainly isn’t what you went to a bazillion years of school for, but whatever. maybe this will get you on dr. villaumbrosia’s good side. 
‘and dr. al-najjar?’
you nod.
‘i know this seems ridiculous. but dr. choi is — she’s my favorite person. it’s important.’
you understand in your own way: you facetime your little brother every day, no matter how tired you are, no matter how late or early it is for you. ‘i’ll tell you everything as soon as i can.’
tai is, apparently, a fourteen month old, very cute toddler, who really does look like dr. choi. when you explain, very briefly, to one of the daycare teacher that dr. villaumbrosia sent you to see how she’s doing, make sure she’s okay, she nods and shows you over to an area of the room with soft mats and some wooden blocks. tai smiles at you, all baby teeth and big cheeks, and says mostly nonsense but a few words — blocks, doctor, mama — and then promptly knocks over her block tower with definite glee. 
you snap a nice, cute picture of tai smiling in her little giraffe hoodie and send it off to dr. villaumbrosia. you’ve never been a baby guy, and you’re certain she isn’t either, because there’s no way you could ever possibly choose her specialty if you were, but she loves the photo anyway — the first and only time she’ll ever respond to a text from you like that, you’re absolutely certain — and it makes you smile, just for a moment. when you wave goodbye to tai she laughs, and you hope, very concretely, that she goes home with both of her parents tonight, or soon, at least, that her family stays as full and happy and warm as it had been this morning.
you feel genuinely nervous and way too invested: you’ve met dr. choi in passing a handful of times, and she’d assisted on one of dr. villaumbrosia’s surgeries once that you’d gotten to hold a retractor for, but according to emma — the best gossip and also dr. choi’s favorite intern, allegedly — says that dr. choi is kind and quiet and a wonderful teacher, patient and skilled and efficient. you’d been looking forward to being on her service soon, honestly, and, even in the past few weeks, you’re starting to understand that the people here, that you spend so much time with, are starting to feel like family.
dr. masters nods at you, her braids already tucked away beneath a cap, trauma gown on. you’re on peds, so you don’t know if you’re really here to help with anything — dr. villaumbrosia wasn’t called down for any consults, still set for the routine bowel repair she’d been scheduled for this afternoon, so you’re fairly certain there weren’t any children coming in — but she gestures toward the gown and gloves anyway.
‘just in case we need more hands on deck,’ she says as way of explanation. ‘there’s four people, and we don’t really know the extent of their injuries.’
you nod — what else is there to say — and things are very, very still until dr. masters gets a page and then everything is moving — loudly, organized, seamless — and you’re in awe, for a moment, of dr. masters’ ER. you love trauma surgery and she’s, like, kind of the biggest badass in the country, and it’s pretty fucking cool to watch her very quickly get everyone exactly where they need to be in the amount of time it takes for her to walk to the elevator that leads up to the helipad.
the wind whips from the blades when the doors open, rainy and miserable, and your heart is caught in your throat when the door opens. you see dr. masters’ hands shake, although you’d never, ever mention it, locked behind her back in tight fists, until dr. choi’s face — a bruise along her jaw, a scrape that runs underneath her eye, all the way into her hair, the tip of her nose and the tips of her ears a painful red, probably from frostbite — comes into view.
dr. choi, strapped into a stretcher, covered in a blanket and hooked up to an IV, immediately starts talking, before the stretcher is even fully out of the helicopter. ‘the three coming out,’ she starts, ‘i dug them out as much as i could. i did an emergency thoracostomy on david, you need to push a ton of antibiotics. anna needs to go to the OR immediately for her pelvis, make sure cam —‘
‘—beatrice,’ dr. masters says, rushing to her side and, if you were to bet, wanting to sink to her knees in relief. ‘oh my god.’
‘i’m fine,’ dr. choi says, annoyed at being made to stay on the stretcher. ‘i properly deployed my avalanche airbag. but mary, listen —‘
dr. masters holds dr. choi’s face in her hands and then kisses the top of dr. choi’s head. it’s tender, and you wonder how long they’ve known each other to afford that level of intimacy, that level of care. ‘i got them, bea. i promise. we gotta take care of you too or ava will kill me.’
dr. choi relaxes, just minutely, but you can tell — maybe because you would trust dr. masters with your life or anyone else’s, maybe at the mention of dr. silva, maybe some combination of both — and she nods.
dr. masters rolls her eyes and kisses the top of dr. choi’s head once more. ‘stupid hero. let me go make all your hard work worthwhile.’
dr. choi smiles, definitely reassured now. ‘you better.’
you’re not surprised, exactly, that chief superion is waiting to take over dr. choi’s care, but you are a little surprised when dr. superion squeezes her shoulder gently and smiles, a little sad. 
‘ava is still in surgery, so let’s get the worst of it taken care of before she’s done, yes?’
dr. choi nods, growing more exhausted by the minute. which is fair, you think, as she tells dr. superion — and you, because you’re stuck in this room until you have a real report for dr. villaumbrosia beyond the text you’d sent that just said Dr. Choi is talking and moving, no head or neck injuries — about how the avalanche airbag had worked, even if it was frightening; about how her transceiver, according to SAR, had helped them get there faster than they would have otherwise.  
‘ava always teased me about how expensive the gear was, but look who’s laughing now.’
‘well, to be fair,’ dr. superion says, looking at dr. choi’s x-rays, ‘i don’t think either of you are laughing.’ 
‘oh, yikes,’ dr. choi says, looking at the films too. she’s on a fair amount of pain medicine at this point, but she’s right: there’s a few nasty fractures along the bones in her left wrist. but, other than those and a few cracked ribs and some mild frostbite on her nose, ears, and the tips of her fingers, it seems like it’s just cuts and bruises: nothing she won’t heal from, and far better off than the others who came in with her.
‘i, uh — sorry,’ you say, feeling like you’re interrupting, but they both just shake their heads, waving off your apology. ‘dr. villaumbrosia sent me to see if you’re okay, and i’m supposed to go talk to her once i know. which, i guess i know now.’ not your best work, and in front of the chief, but oh well.
dr. choi smiles fondly. ‘thank you for telling me. i’ll never let lilith forget it.’ 
dr. superion doesn’t smile, but it seems like she wants to. ‘go ahead, dr. al-najjar. you can tell her that we’re admitting dr. choi to ortho; dr. alvarez will operate tomorrow, once the swelling has gone down.’
‘and tell lilith i love her too.’
‘i — uh—‘
dr. superion laughs. ‘go, dr. al-najjar.’
you’ve just finished your report to dr. villaumbrosia — in the middle of a surgery, but it’s clear her shoulders relax immediately, continuing to operate smoothly — when dr. silva flings open the door of the OR.
‘hello ava,’ dr. villaumbrosia says, not even looking up from the stitch she’s putting in. ‘she’s okay.’
dr. silva, breathing so hard her mask is getting sucked into her mouth and nose, doubles over, her hands on her knees. ‘i gotta do more cardio, oh my god,’ he mumbles, then takes a deep breath and stands. ‘you’re sure?’
‘yes,’ dr. villaumbrosia, ‘i had dr. al-najjar make sure personally. he also checked on tai; she’s doing great.’
‘very cute,’ you say and then debate just quitting residency here altogether, but dr. silva smiles at you.
‘thanks man,’ she says. ‘sorry you missed this surgery.’
‘the bowel was perforated,’ dr. villaumbrosia says. ‘it was quite disgusting, to be honest.’
‘well then,’ dr. silva says, ‘hey, you’re welcome! you got to see my adorable kid and my sexy wife. who, as lovely as your company always is, lil, i’m gonna go see now.’
‘she deployed that avalanche airbag, dug three other people out, and did a field chest tube by the time SAR got there.’ 
‘insane, actually,’ dr. villaumbrosia says. ‘but give her my love.’
two days later you’re back on shift — after drinks and truly, genuinely great sex with zaire that still ended up happening despite everything, god bless — and you swing by ortho before you go up to peds. you’re not friends with dr. choi or dr. silva, but you do want to see how things are going anyway. your mom always says it’s better to be kinder than necessary, and you’re starting to believe it.
they’re an adorable family, you think, tai showing dr. choi her lion stuffy and babbling excitedly, sitting on the hospital bed between her legs, turning every now and then toward dr. silva in a chair by her bedside. dr. choi, her arm in a brace and a sling, looks pretty good overall: her eyes seem clear, the bruises along her jaw are already starting to turn green and yellow, a great sign of healing, and the redness on her nose and ears has lessened considerably. 
also, she’s sitting up and talking animatedly, clearly happy with her daughter and her wife there. from her chart — you looked it up in the system before you came, whatever — you’re pretty sure she’s going to get to go home today, which you suspect is what the small duffle bag by dr. silva’s feet is for. 
‘all i’m saying,’ you hear from dr. silva, ’is that your nose could’ve fallen off.’
‘ava,’ dr. choi says, exasperated and laughing.
dr. silva sits back and pouts, exaggerating with crossed arms. 
‘i will be more careful,’ dr. choi concedes, but it doesn’t feel much like a concession the way she smiles at tai and then runs a gentle hand over her wispy hair. emma — who is an incredible gossip but you’re starting to think she also just has a giant crush — had told you and zaire that dr. choi is, like, an experienced outdoors person with certifications in all kinds of different safety courses and activities; you know she and dr. villaumbrosia have done stints with MSF together too. 
‘good,’ dr. silva says. ‘because lord knows i cannot raise tai by myself.’
dr. choi frowns, then offers her good hand to dr. silva, who scoots closer and takes it with a kiss to her scraped knuckles. 
‘plus, while i would deal, obviously, you’d probably be less hot if your nose fell off.’
dr. silva shrugs. ‘i love you.’
‘i love you too.’
‘would you still love me if my nose fell off?’
‘good morning, dr. al-najjar,’ dr. choi says when you knock lightly on the open door of her office. it’s impeccably neat, a few pictures of dr. silva and tai on her desk. she’s wearing the brace on her wrist still but no sling; her bruises and frostbite have faded. in her scrubs and white coat and clogs, a fresh buzzcut and a cup of coffee in her good hand, she looks exactly the surgeon you’ve looked forward to working with. 
‘good morning, dr. choi. welcome back.’
she smiles and closes her office door, starts leading you down the hall. ‘thank you. and, apologizes in advance that you won’t have any surgeries with me for the next two weeks until i’m officially cleared.’ she rolls her eyes. 
‘that’s okay,’ you say. ‘more sleep, honestly.’
‘true. and,’ she says, opening a door to the most incredible, brand new lab you’ve ever seen, ‘i can promise that the research we’ll get to work on will be worth it.’
‘i always thought i would go into trauma,’ you tell her, ‘but i think i just fell in love.’
she grins. ‘the heart wants what it wants.’
you pause a moment but then you can’t help yourself: you laugh.
‘in that case,’ she says, ‘let me show you around, and let’s get to work.’
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coolbanana44 · 1 year
Hello I just read The Curse, I loved it, would you be up for doing a part 2 please? Maybe where the rest of the grid find out why Charles retired his car, a time jump her going to the next race and all the fans seeing what happened ect and Charles being a protective boyfriend?
The Curse Pt. 2 - C.L
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AN: My first request! I am very happy you guys are liking my writing! I am thinking of maybe writing a Steve Harrington x reader next, so I would be grateful for ideas and what you would like to see! Thank you guys so much for the love!
The formula 1 world was going crazy about why Charles would retire his car and leave the race in a frenzy. Charles didn’t want the world to know yet that his girl was in a car wreck, he wanted to protect you from the world until you were better, knowing that mean and rude comments would happen. But you thought that eventually word would go around and you didn’t want his fans being left in the dark, so you convinced him to post something about what had happened once you were out of the hospital.`
You had been doing great and you can thank Charles for that as he was there everyday motivating you and helping you to get out of the small hospital bed. He would walk with you to the cafeteria to get food and would even help you in the shower since your arm was broken. He was truly the man you adored. When you heard that he had retired the car and rushed straight to you, your heart swelled and you couldn’t believe that he would do that for you, but a small part of you felt guilty and sad that he didn’t finish his home race. He assured you and smothered you in kisses and told you he would do it another 100 times for you, but joked and said he hopes this doesn’t happen again. 
Today was the day you can get out of the hospital and thankfully you were discharged on a Tuesday so you had a day at home in your apartment with Charles before you had to leave for Spain the next day for the race. Once Charles guided you into bed and made sure you took your painkillers, you and Charles decided it was time to tell the fans. So Charles took a picture of you both and posted the picture on Instagram with the caption, Hey guys, I know a lot of you are wondering what happened this past race. Y/N was in an accident on her way to the track and they had to rush her to emergency surgery, but thankfully the doctors did an amazing job and were able to help mon ange. She was discharged today and is doing great! She also convinced me to bring her to Spain, so if you see her there please be gentle! Thank you! You hit him on the arm when you read the last part, laughing at his protectiveness.
“Gotta make sure no one hurts you mon amour.” He was very sincere. 
After the post, you and Charles got a lot of calls from the other drivers, well more like the girlfriends called you and the drivers called Charles. After everyone’s words of love and happiness that you were okay, Charles decided to cook you his famous pasta. You thought this was the perfect time to check how the post was doing. One of your weaknesses was reading every single comment on any post Charles makes with you in it. You would think after you and Charles have been dating for 2 years you would learn not to take what other people would say or think at heart. You started reading the comments, some rude saying why would Charles give up a race for her, or with all the bruises she's even more ugly. But you tried to divert your focus on all the positive comments, Happy you are okay Y/N, Hoping for a speedy recovery. It was nice to know some fans cared and even supported your relationship. 
Charles and you decided it would be best if you stayed at the hotel for practice and qualifying to save your strength for race day. And after 4 days of staying in a way too fancy hotel with Lorenzo and Arthur being your only source of entertainment you were so glad to be out of that bed and stepping into the Paddock with Charles hand tightly wrapped around your one good hand. He was nervous having you here, worried that you would injure yourself further with anything and everything. If someone was walking too close on your right, he would ask the person to give you some room. If saw you wince while walking he would slow down and ask you if you wanted a wheelchair. You would tell him you were just a little sore and that you weren’t a baby. You were starting to get a little annoyed with  him being overprotective, but you wouldn’t tell him that as you know you would be the same way if it was the other way around. 
You guys were in the garage getting ready for the race. The engineers were running tests on the car when Charles brought you over to his brothers. 
“Alright I need to be in the car in five minutes, you two are in charge of Y/N. She has her medication in her purse, make sure she takes it in 30 minutes. If she needs anything, get it for her”. His brothers just nodded, but you snapped.
“Charles, I can take care of myself.” You didn’t want it to come out as rude, but you just needed a little break from him babying you. You instantly apologized.
“I’m sorry I-.” He cut you off
“It’s okay mon amour I understand.” He gives you a kiss on your forehead. You smiled and leaned into the kiss.
“Now I need that lucky handshake.” He said as he laughed. You finish the handshake, say you good luck and love you and he was off. 
Charles crossed the finish line in first and you couldn’t help yourself from screaming and jumping up and down, celebrating with everyone in the garage. You rushed with everyone to the gate just wanting to give him a kiss. Everyone was nice enough to give you space at the front of the gate (or just scared that Charles would be angry if you squished), and you all watched as Charles parked at the 1st place spot and jumped out of the car and ran over to you. He immediately gave you a kiss and hugged you over the gate, being careful not to squish you too tight. He whispered in your ear. 
“You are my good luck charm mon ange. This race is for you.” 
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gloomyhearts · 7 months
We got this ~ Vivianne Miedema x f!reader
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Part two
As the month flew by, Viv takes big steps in her recovery and forward her being able to play again. With you along the hard and long way, she found strength to keep going, staying positive. Always keeping her occupied, she visits your games, or you stay with her on the straps as Arsenal was playing. Marking the month after her surgery, you guys went on several dates, in restaurants, museums, or casual strolls around parks. You two decide to take the next step and decide to level your relationship to girlfriends.
"I’m heading to an appointment, but afterwards I’m all yours.”
"What kind of?"
"Nothing bad, just with the manager."
"Okay, liefje. See you soon. Any wishes for lunch?”
"Anything you make tastes delicious, surprise me.”
"All right, doing my best."
"You are the best,” you click your tongue.
"Such a charmer.”
"I’ve got so much more. Maybe I’ll show you later but now I gotta go see you. "
"I keep my eyes open.” You can hear her smile through the phone, how she squeezes her eyes shut and her lips turning up, so her dimples are visible.
Beth and Katie came over for some company they’re looking forward to see you 😊
Over the months Beth was a true friend to Vivianne as she understood her in every situation and could help with emotions different to how you could help her, saying sweet nothings and motivational, showing her the bright side, the positive, keep her going. Katie being Viv’s biggest fan and number one supporter, she was there every step as well cheering as the next milestone was reached.
You ring the bell, and second after, you were greeted by a brunette woman, “Y/N’s here!” Katie shouts back into the house.
"You expecting someone else?” You step next to Viv at the kitchen island where she sits on the bar stool and sling an arm around her back, kissing her cheek, “your other girlfriend?”
"No, no, the girl ordered us food.”
"I’m not even getting your delicious food?” You turn towards the guests. “Thank you guys.”
"Cry me a river,” Katie smirks.
"So what happened at your appointment?”
"Thank you Viv great question,” you face Beth. “Didn’t know I’d only get you in a trio.”
“They asked where you were I told them,” a laughter escape her lips and you shake your head chuckling, pecking her lips. Beth and Katie made vomiting sounds in union.
"Not a big deal, just some adjustments on my contract, my vision for the future.”
"Your big dreams,” Viv remarks, bringing her arms around your waist and pulling you closer, kissing your neck.
It was difficult to get into the building of Arsenal without any of her teammates noticing. You had everything planned. Todays the day Viv has her first training on the field, another big step in her recovery. Changing into your kit, you rub your palms on your shorts, taking a shaky breath. You step out of the room. As you arrive at the pitch, the team is standing in a big circle, chatting about their last days, laughing and enjoying. Your girlfriend soon sets her feet on the grass as well, all cheering her up as she begins to run her tracks. Taking further steps to the group, Katie is the first to catch you, and she runs off to you. “Y/N!” throwing her arms around you and jumping against you. You caught the Irish woman and your stability before falling over.
"Wouldn’t believe you’d be this excited to see me,” you laugh against her shoulder.
A hand rests on your shoulder and Katie gets down on the ground again. “What are you doing here?” she observes you from head to toe. “In Arsenal clothes that aren’t mine?”
"Surprise,” you open your arms, shaking your hands. “If you don’t wanna, I can leave.”
"No, it is indeed a surprise but wonderful,” she lays her arms around your neck and pulls you closer.
"We probably should get going.”
"I understand,” she huffs.
"We’ll cuddle after training gorgeous,” you wink at her before leaving for your first session.
It’s the 22th of October you made it in the staring line on the right wing, it was an intense game with two scored bangers from Katie McCabe. You made important sprints and crosses helped the defense and had a few chances yourself, but they were blocked in any way.
You groaned on your latest chance in the additional minute, but the resentment was out of your body as you’ve made your way back in your half and saw Viv stand at the sideline. In the short sequence, you could lay an eye on her she struggled with tears, her lips pressed together, one dimple showing. She was subbed in, and on the next attack, she was involved. Getting a cross from you, the goalkeeper stopped her shoot. You made my way over to her, and you two high fived. “Good idea, keeper sucks.”
"The cross was amazing, do another.” You hold her your thumb up and jog back into position.
The final whistle blows, and you run towards Vivianne, jumping on her back and sling your arms around her neck. Your head rests on hers. She piggybacks you around the pitch as she hugs the other plays. Then she lets you down, “now give me a proper celebration.” You take her face in your hands and pull her closer, connecting your lips. She drapes her hands on your waist, and after you pull apart, you embrace her as tight as you possible could.
“I’m so proud of you.” Your girlfriend doesn’t move an inch. Her mouth fell apart, and her eyes wide open. “You're not happy you're back?” You snip your fingers in front of her face. “Vivianne? Are you okay?” A hand on each side of her upper arms, you slightly shake her. “Youre scaring me.”
"You just kissed me.
"I mean you're my girlfriend.
"But.. but were still in the stadium,” she stutters, and your eyes widen as well.
"Shit.. shit.. I'm sorry if you didn’t .. that wasn’t what we wanted,” you clap your hands over your mouth.
"It's all right, liefje. It's fine.” She kisses you again.
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samynnad102687 · 2 months
Growing Old
April 16 Prompt: Growing Old | 1216 words | Jegulus
James was lying in the bed at their rented villa on the French Riveria with his now-husband. He still couldn't believe that Regulus agreed to date him let alone marry him. They had just spent the last month touring different countries in Europe and it was their last day before they had to go back home to London and back to real life. James was not ready to give up this little bubble they had created.
James looked over to find Regulus still sleeping, curled up into James' side with his head on his chest. James couldn't help but smile down at him. He raised one hand slightly to card his fingers through his hair. Regulus hummed in his sleep as he crowded James even more. James tried not to laugh but it came out anyway.
"Jamie," Regulus mumbled into his chest.
"Yeah, Starlight?"
"Go back to sleep."
"I'd love to but you know me, once I'm up, I'm up."
Regulus peeked up at him from under his lashes with a slight glare but both of them knew it didn't mean anything.
"Why did I marry you?"
"Because you love me and you want to grow old with me," James beamed at his husband.
"Oh, yeah. That," Regulus replied sleepily. "Well, stop moving so I can go back to sleep."
"We go home today, love."
"Nope, we're gonna freeze time and stay here forever," Regulus declared as he gripped James' waist tighter.
"Is that so?"
James was okay with that plan.
James was running around the house trying to get everything ready for Harry's first day of reception. Regulus was in Harry's room getting him dressed. Regulus and James got the honour of dropping him off with Luna while Lily and Pandora got to pick him up after school since he was spending the night with them while James and Regulus went out for the night. In the last ten years, they tried to keep a weekly date night so they didn't get burnt out with work and parenthood.
"Are you ready, James?" Regulus called from the top of the stairs.
"Yeah. Just need to grab his jacket and then everything is set," James replied as he whirled around to look for the jacket he just had in his hand and now wasn't.
"You mean this jacket?" Regulus chuckled as he held up Harry's Spiderman jacket that Pandora got him for Christmas last year.
"I swear it was just in my hand," James laughed as he kissed his husband on the lips.
"I'm sure it was, Mon Soleil."
Regulus shook his head before he helped Harry into his jacket.
"All ready, Haz?" James asked the obviously excited five-year-old.
"Yeah. Is Luna gonna be in my class?"
"Yes, she is," Regulus confirmed.
Harry and Luna were only a few months apart, so they have been inseparable since birth. James and Regulus loaded Harry up into the car and made sure his buckle was secured before James pulled out of the drive. The drive to the school wasn't long but James could already feel the nerves about having his child start school and not being home all day anymore. They arrived and Harry was practically bouncing in his booster seat.
"Do you need help, Haz?" Regulus asked after he opened the back door.
"No. I got it."
Harry unbuckled himself and James handed him his backpack before the three of them walked up to the school and into his classroom.
James never wanted to end up in a hospital's waiting room again. He had just dropped Harry off with the Weasleys for the night when he got a call from the hospital. Regulus was in a car accident, so here he was sitting antsy as fuck and waiting to hear how his husband was doing. The receptionist refused to tell him anything aside from he was still in surgery.
Two hours later, the doctor finally came out to talk to him. By that time, James had called Lily, Pandora and Sirius. He hadn't told Harry yet. Mainly because he wanted to wait and find out how bad it was. James was listening to the doctor but the only thing that came through his cloudy mind was 'Regulus is going to be just fine.' James could have dropped to his knees right then and there in relief if Sirius wasn't holding him up.
After James got his bearings again, he followed the doctor back to the recovery room where Regulus was. Regulus had his leg elevated and in a cast as well as some scrapes and bruises along the side of his neck and chest. James hated that he was injured and mentally cursed whoever hit him.
"It's not as bad as it looks, love," Regulus chuckled lightly as he reached out for James' hand.
"It looks pretty bad, Reg," James whispered as he took his husband's hand. "What happened?"
"Somebody ran a red light and t-boned my passenger side. The doctor said if there was anybody else in the car, they wouldn't have survived and I'm lucky to only have a broken leg and some bruising," Regulus replied as he squeezed James' hand in reassurance. "Everything is going to be okay. Where's Harry?"
"At Ron's. I didn't want to worry him so I didn't tell him anything yet," James replied absentmindedly as he looked at Regulus' injuries.
"Probably a good idea," Regulus mused.
"Haz, hurry up before you're late for your own graduation," James shouted up the stairs.
"I'm coming, Dad. Don't get your knickers in a twist."
Regulus was sitting on the couch laughing quietly and James spun around to glare at him.
"I don't want to hear it," James pointed at him but had no bite to his tone.
"If I remember correctly, you were almost late to your own graduation too, so I wouldn't give him so much grief. He does take after his father after all."
"He's your son too, you know," James remarked before he kissed Regulus on the forehead. "Maybe, he'll come down quicker for you."
Regulus shrugged and stood up before he walked to the stairs and called for Harry, "Haz, it's time to go."
"Be right down, Papa," Harry replied and was on the landing within the next minute.
Regulus turned towards James and smirked.
The summer night air was a little sticky after the rain storm but it didn't stop the great-grandkids from playing in the puddles and the mud, no matter how much James and Regulus told them not to. James couldn't help the love that swelled in his heart as he watched them.
James and Regulus were sitting on their wrap-around porch watching them chase each other around the garden. The older two were making sure that the younger three were included instead of ignoring them like most teenagers would do. They weren't on their phones either which James appreciated.
"Can you believe we get to watch our great-grandkids run around like this?" Regulus asked as he cuddled closer to James on the porch swing.
"I told you we would," James replied as he kissed his forehead gently.
"Yeah, you did." Regulus smiled up at him before he continued, "I love you, Mon Soleil."
"I love you too, Mon étoile."
Also posted on Ao3: As Time Passes
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0anonnymouslyours0 · 2 years
you are perfect - joseph quinn
warnings / description: this was requested by @kellysimagines!! joseph!quinn x female!reader. req: joe and the reader have been together since s4 shooting, and they're in brazil with jamie at a meet and greet. reader gets insecure because there are so many pretty girls, she feels insecure of her chest size. warnings: fighting, insecure/jealous reader, kissing, titty sucking ..
"y/n! joe! look over here at the camera!"
"can we get your autograph!"
"what was it like acting in stranger things with each other?"
"how long have you guys been dating?"
you blink twice, feeling the pressure of hundreds of eyes watching you. you knew the press tours were going to be busy, but you weren't excepting them to be quite this stressful. you stood next to joe and jamie on the podium, answering questions, signing various items and taking pictures with fans.
you glanced at the queue of girls that had formed next to joe, all wanting to take a picture with him. they were all so beautiful. there hair was all perfectly done, make up flawless, beautiful figures. one girl stepped up, next in line to take a photo with joe. she had a small black crop top on, cleavage on full display. you glanced down at your own chest, cheeks heating. you had always been a little self-conscious about your chest size. now dating joe, you were even more aware, because of the thousands of beautiful girls who threw themselves at him daily.
"y/n? can i get your autograph? i'm a big fan of your work." a girl said, smiling at you.
you exhaled quickly, before smiling at her brightly. you needed to focus your attention on your own fans, and the meet and greet, not your insecurities.
"of course!" you replied.
the meet and greet had finished a couple hours ago. you had gone back to your hotel, exhausted. joe had gone out with jamie, seeming to have much more energy then you. you scrolled through instagram. there were a few posts about todays meet and greet, along with photos of girls smiling next to joe, or looking up at him with large doe eyes. you frowned, when you came across a picture of the same girl you saw earlier. the feeling of self consciousness came over you again. you clicked away from the picture, shaking your head. then you got an idea. you googled the best plastic surgeons in brazil, taking a screenshot of the results. this way you could be just as beautiful as those girls, beautiful for joe.
"hey love! im home!"
"joe!" you said hugging him as he walked into your room.
"how was your time with jamie?"
"yeah fun- got bombarded by paparazzi though." he said placing a kiss on your cheek.
"thats a shame." you said, frowning.
"yeah- oh that reminds me, do you have that photo of us at the event today?"
"yeah its on my phone, just send it to yourself." you said handing him the phone, before laying back down on your bed.
he nodded, walking of to find his phone in the other room.
"y/n? that the hell is this?" joe called angrily.
you sat up quickly, racking your brain for what he could of seen. there was nothing weird- was there?
the screen shot of the plastic surgeons. joe came in, brandishing the phone in front of your face.
"why are you looking at plastic surgeons?" he asked, dropping the phone on the bed.
"i- i'm not sure.."
"don't lie."
"i was thinking about getting.. um a surgery."
"why would you do that?"
you felt tears brimming. you hated fighting with him. you hated that you were so insecure about this. it was just pathetic.
"i wanted to.. to be pretty for you."
he face immediately relaxed, a frown forming on his brow.
"oh honey, you're so pretty."
he sat down next to you, pulling you into a hug. he pulled away kissing you while cupping your cheeks.
"you are so pretty baby. you don't need anything changed."
he kissed down your jawline, his hands coming up to fiddle with the strings of your top. he pulled your top down, and it pooled at your waist. he moved back to your face, kissing your mouth. you moaned, as his hands unexpectedly came up to grab your breasts roughly.
"you are so pretty. so so pretty." he whispered into your ear.
he unclasped your bra, throwing it across the room. he kissed down along your collarbone. you chest heaved as his lips closed around your nipple. he ran his tongue around it. a groan escaped his mouth, vibrating along your skin. you arched your back, giving him more access. you moaned as you delivered a quick bite to the skin. he moved to your other breast, repeating the seem motions. he kissed back up to your chin, hands cupping your breasts. he kissed you, leaning back and grinning stupidly.
"don't ever change anything about you. you are perfect."
this took forever. also tysm for 160 followers !! i feel so lucky :) i also had a crisis halfway through writing this and kept spelling his name joeseph?
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