#i got an 8 (a*) in english lit
we-r-loonies · 1 month
there must be a weird domino effect between discovering fanfiction at 10 years old, and getting HIGHHH grades in english.
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lilacthebooklover · 3 months
it really annoys me how casual the invigilators are in exams. like today, i took an english lit paper. i was given 2 hours, fifteen minutes and a booklet with 13 pages to write on so i could answer four questions. 2 of those questions were worth 30 marks, 1 worth 24 marks, and the last worth 8 marks- so naturally, it took a lot of planning, and a lot of writing. i finished the booklet after answering the third question, so raised my hand to get someone's attention to be given more paper to write on. at this point, i had roughly 15 minutes left. it took 3 for someone to notice me, 30 seconds for them to walk over, a minute for them to get the paper, and another 30 secs back. i physically couldn't do anything to continue writing in the 5 minutes it took for them to get me another answer booklet, which i then had to re fill in with my details at the top. like this is?? my exam??? it's important?? they just do not give a single damn about the time limit hjhfkgkg
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medeaaa · 14 days
Mmm not feeling good about mock exams not feeling good at all.. feels like there is snakes under my skin.. very nervous
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darkeyedghost · 10 months
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I got my gcse results today and I got a bagel and the sun was shining and things are good!
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pissywiser · 5 months
not to be an annoying nob but ihave to boast about this im sorry .. i got a grade 9 for my english language exam 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
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vulpinesaint · 10 months
in other news i get two weeks of summer break!!! :D i thought my summer classes were going to just lead me straight into school again but i do actually get some breathing room before it all starts up once more :D
#can't WAIT to be back in french class i'm gonna have so much fun#and like! ten thousand english classes!!!! everybody say yayyyyyy!!!!#gonna see what i'm taking rn actually. chronicle it#taking literary theory + criticism ; us literature 1 ; folklore and mythology ; sacred texts ; nd emerging lit in global context#on the waitlist for the emerging lit one. but i am first on the waitlist so. it's practically my class already#absolutely no doubt that someone will drop if i'm not just allowed to crash#even if i don't get it it's no big deal though honestly! it would be my only tuesday/thursday class so i wouldn't have to be on campus...#spending five days a week on campus is pretty silly. i got through it last semester but it'd be nice not to have that#nd i'm at 18 units with that class so if i don't take it i'll be back down to 15 which is totally reasonable#bracken's favorite hobby is actually being completely insane with his school + work schedule#18 units and i'm still like 'yeah i wanna work 20 hours though'#you have clinical issues. shut up.#anyway hopefully i'll be able to work 20 hours a week on top of this sdkfjghdsf#if monica gives me morning shifts! i can do that easy peasy (afternoon shifts are 5 hours instead of 3 and a half now. kiss kiss)#so two + a half afternoon shifts a week and a couple morning shifts... we're so set#'bracken when will you have time to do homework' that's a problem for me to solve by just not having free time <3#one of my classes is asynchronous so. ha. haha. i'm sure i'll have appropriate amounts of time to do work.#mondays + wednesdays i have class straight from 1:30 to 7 but it's FINE! it's FINE!#i'm sure i will be very reasonable about it#i got through my three hour 5-8 film lecture last semester. so i can do anything#would i prefer morning classes? oh absolutely. but having the morning for homework will still be good for me#so excited to be back in school i love school so much#( <— has been in school this whole time w/ summer classes )#OH MY GOD I WAS GONNA SAY THOUGH. I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED TO TAKE FOLKLORE AND MYTHOLOGY#anyway#valentine notes
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
well that makes sense, you're a great writer! and good job!! (dw about boasting. you're alright /gen)
aww thank you! my english teacher agrees with you on that at least hdkdjd she was devastated that i chose to pursue science rather than english lol
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anathemaloren · 8 months
can you make a fic where jake peralta is a girl dad?? he would be such a good girl dad too 😭😭 learning to do different hairstyles just for her, playing with her dolls, etc.
his daughter would totally be a mini amy though
Learning takes time
Jake Peralta x f!reader - fluff with a hint of angst
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★ Summary: Jake Peralta becomes a girl dad, and he has to learn something new every step of the way.
★ Word count: 3.8k (I always think I write WAY more than I do)
★ Proofread: no :)
★ Warnings: cutie patooties being cuie patooties? and english is not my first language and the timeline is weird at some point
★ Note: Anon this is so good I'm LIVING for jake peralta as a girl's dad! And I know you said Amy but I didn't realized that until like halfway writing this but I hope is not too bad anyways. Also some parts are based on my boyfriend's little brother and my baby cousin so shot out to them.
★ In The Beggining ★
When Jake became a dad he couldn't believe his eyes. The beautiful baby he held in his hands was HIS, she had a part of him in her. Like, DNA or somethign. And she was adorable. She definitely took a lot from her mother, who was now resting after 49 hours of delivery. Y/n has said the moment she held her that she was definitely going to take after him, fighting like she had been for staying near Y/n for a bit more. Jake knew she was joking but who was he kidding, his wife was so right. But now the baby was here. The baby. The small, little, minuscule person he had been waiting for for the last 8 months, since they foud out Y/n was pregnant after she refused to eat popcorn because they had been upsetting her stomach lately. It was Jake who had figures out what happened, realizing his wife would never turn down popcorn and that she hadn't had her period that month. And them BOOM! She's pregnant, 8 months go by in a flash and now he is holding her. Wow. He snuggled a little bit closer to her although he knew it was becoming impossible to be nearer, but it felt like heaven. A piece of heaven at least. She definitely was an angel. His girl. His girls, because Y/n was starting to be awake and spoke with a rough voice of screaming so much the past 2 days.
'Hello love' Jake said with a blinding smile on his face. 'Hi, handsome' she said smiling, tired but happy. Jake got close to the bed and sat on it, handing the little bundle of love to Y/n. She looked at the baby with the same affection and adoration as Jake, but then she seemed to remember something and looked at him, looking a little bit stressed. 'Jake' she called him, gaining his attention and making him stop looking at the baby. 'Yep?' he asked tentatively, worried about the look on his wife's face. 'We haven't chosen a name for her yet!' she exclaimed whispering at the same time, and Jake seemed to realized that too. 'Oh, shoot!' he said while she just nodded along 'We really have to!' he continued. 'You don't say!' Y/n retorted. They both looked down at the small person in Y/n's arms. 'How could we forget something so important?' she asked. 'I have no clue. Who even forgets putting a name to their daughter?' he moaned.
To be fair, they had been looking for a name since the day they foud out they were having a daughter, but nothing had shined as the perfect name. 'Maybe now that we see her face we can think of something' he proposed, and Y/n just looked at him sourly 'What? What did I say?' he asked then. 'Jake darling the problem isn't not having ideas, is having a good one and actually agreeing in one for once!' she said, half scolding him for the names he had suggested the past few months. 'The names I said weren't that bad' he defended himself. 'Should I remind you that you wanted to name our daughter Johanna after McClain?' she told him 'It's brilliant!' Jake exclaimed. 'Jake we are not going to name our daughter after a guy doing thingies in a building on Christmas!' she exclaimed back. 'Hey, take that back! I never said anything when you suggested Beth because of Little Women!' he retorted. 'Maybe because that's a sensible name' she argumented, finishing off the conversation saying 'Maybe now that we can see her we can think of a name' she said, and they both turned to look at the sleeping baby.
'She's cute' he said. 'Of course she's cute, she's ours' she turned to look at him smiling, and a lightbulb seemed to appear above Jake's head. 'That's it! he said, happily. 'What's it?' Y/n asked, confused about her husband's behaviour. 'Adelaide' he stated. A few seconds of silence were followed by a 'what??' coming out of Y/n's mouth. 'Think about it, I'm a genius!' Jake continued, starting to pace around the room like he was solving a vital case 'We've always talked about wanting to go to Adelaide, and it was where went for our honeymoon. Plus, is not too long because we can call her Addie but it would still sound good in a professional setting when she grows up! It's perfect!' he sentenced. Y/n pondered the information about a few seconds that felt like hours for Jake, who wanted his wife agreement on that. 'Okay, you ARE a genius' Y/n said after the everlasting silence. Jake bounced a bit before going back to the hospital bed, where he looked at his baby and at his wife, who was focused on her baby with a satisfied look on her face. 'Adelaide' he said, looking at the little girl fondly. 'Addie... damn it does sound good' Y/n said, also trying out the name. And after a moment of tranquility, peace and quiet, Y/n looked at Jake again and talked again 'you do know we still need a second name right?' All Jake coul do was groan a bit while Y/n laughed at the defeated attitude of her husband. There were going to be some difficult years for Jake.
★ First times ★
Life as a father had challenged Jake in ways he couldn't imagine. Changing diapers had probably traumatized him forever, and he learnt that bathing a baby was not too far from just bathing himself, especially when Addie started becoming more aware of her surroundings and she started splashing everywhere and Y/n and Jake were wet from head to toe after giving her a bath. But the worst for Jake hadn't been the diapers or the first times eating new foods where Addie decided to just throw food absolutely everywhere, no - the worst were the first steps.
Jake knew he was supossed to be excited about his daughter's first steps. And the first ones were no problem - she stumbled a bit and fell about a million times and then cried for about 20 minutes before settling down, but that wasn't out of the usual and him and Y/n were over the moon - the problem came when she dominated the art of walking, and then the practice of running.
Every time they let her out of the trolley in the park, Jake had sore knees from chasing her around. She would just run and run until she tripped or slipped and then she ended up on the floor. And there were times in which she just stood up and Jake had to chase her again. But there were others in which she would truly hurt herself, and then Jake became the most soft man known. He would go sprinting to her, checking everywhere for blood because she knew she got nervous when she saw it, and then taking her and cuddling her for some time, telling her she would be ok and that daddy was with her. Y/n had told him a million times that he was spoiling her a little bit, and that she Addie had to learn to get up by herself and not cry every time she fell because then she would always do that and she had to learn to not go to dad every time something happened to her because she knows that he would give her everything he wanted if she cried a bit. Oh, what a cruel mother! Trying to give her child a small amount of reality and helping her grow up not spoiled! How dared she! Jake actually agreed with her, and he really, REALLY tried to not go to her everytime she fell, but to no avail. In each time she stumbled upon the groud, Jake would be by her side in less than 5 seconds. He couldn't bear to see her cry like that! And yes, maybe Y/n was the most sensible one for not running everytime and assessing the situation first because she honestly knew that falling in grass didn't hurt much, but he couldn't help himself. His dad had never been there for him, but now it was his turn to be there for his daughter when she fell. Even if it meant being scolded by his wife later on. At least he knew he was Addie's favourite for those things, and that she would always go to daddy when she got hurt.
★ Not-so-professional professional stylist ★
Addie liked her dad for some things, but she would always go to her mom for others. Like getting her hair done. Jake had tried to learn how to do Y/n's hair a few times during their relationship, but given he had failed the times he had tried, he decided to let the hair department to Y/n. Actually, scratch that. He had done it because, you know, he was a nice husband and father and wanted her wife and daughter to hame some quality ttime together. Yeah, that sounds quite nicer.
But some days, Y/n left earlier, and if she didn't have time to do Addie's hair, Jake had to do it. Those days, Addie's hairstyles where much simpler than the ones that Y/n did, and the girl never complained. But Jake knew she was a bit sadder when she didn't have her mom to do her hair with the braids and other thingies Y/n did to her and that she liked so much. And, being the amazing dad he wanted to be, Jake decided that he was going to learn how to do those things for her.
He started learnign when Addie was on kindergarten, practising on Y/n's hair, who was equally excited about the idea and taught him how to do the hairstyles she did to Addie while letting him do them on her hair. Jake learnt the ones that Addie liked the most, and the practised every night. When his daughter was in elementary school, he was pretty good at them. So, one of the days that Y/n had left earlier, Jake decided to try one of them on Addie.
'Hey, princess?' he called her while she was brushing her teeth. She was so grown up that he foud it hard to believe he had held her in her arms on her first ever day on earth. Cool, cool cool cool. 'Yes?' she answered, rinsing her teeth. 'Can I try a new hairdo on you today?' he asked, while Addie turned around to see him. 'Why?' she asked, trying to figure out if her dad was about to turn her hair blue. 'Well, because your mom has taught me a few and I want to try one out' he explained, hoping she would trust him. 'Okay' the girl decided after a few minutes of thinking it through. He was about to hug her when she spoke again 'BUT if you turn my hair any funky colour I'm telling mom' she said. Jake smiled fondly while hugging her, relizing how much she spoke liker her mom. 'Please don't, she would ground me' he joked, letting Addie go. 'Yeah, she better, I can't go around with pink hair or something, Aunt Ames would have a heart attack' she said while sitting on the chair Y/n used to do her hair. Jake laughed a bit. She definitely also have part of his personality on her.
After 20 minutes of carfeully doing his daughter's hair, Jake stepped back to look at it. It looked exactly like the aroud 2000 times he had tried it on Y/n's hair. But the judge wasn't him; it was Addie. 'You can go look now if you want' Jake told her, nervous. Nervous. He was nervous about the opinion of a 9 year old. When had he become like that. Addie walked slowly to the mirror with her eyes close, and then opened one of them, tensed about what she could find. But then she opened both of them when realization starting hitting her. 'Do you like it?' he asked her, smiling a bit. 'Dad, it's like the ones mom does on me!' she giggled, turning a bit o look at it from behind. She then hugged her dad tightly, overjoyed 'Thanks for learning how to do this, dad' she spoke softly. Okay, definitely worth it.
★ Playtime ★
There were many things that Jake wasn't precisely a fan of as a girl dad. But there were some other that he strangely liked, and one of them was playing with her daughter and her dolls.
The dolls were impeccable for aroud 2 months, but then Addie started playing right with them, as Jake said, and the dolls would end up painted, half-bald and with interchanged clothes. Y/n tried to convince her daughter to take more care of the dolls, but to no avail. And Jake couldn't care less about the state of the dolls. What amazed him was the stories her daughter would make up with them. No soap opera could compete with the dramatic storylines of Addie.
One of the times when Jake arrived from a case happy, he sat to play with her, being ready to try to assimilate the far-fetched stories her kid made up. And oh, my, it was probably the best story he had ever heard. And mini Shakespeare was aroud 5 at the time. Jake had the best daughter ever.
'Hi Ads' he greeted her. Addie looked up to see her dad sitting with her. 'Daddy!' she exclaimed, having been so engrossed on the dolls that she hadn't realized her dad was with her. She hugged him and the sat on his laps, between his crossed legs, like she did with everyone in that position. 'So, tell me, what are you playing to?' he asked, interested in what could the story be this time. 'Do you want me to tell you the story?' she asked excitedly, with eyes shining with emotion. 'Of course!' Jake answered, and she got up from his lap to show him the characters of her story. 'This' she said, taking a blonde Barbie on her hand 'is Lady. This' she took a red haired Barbie 'is Rosa' she said. 'Like Aunt Rosa?' Jake asked. 'Exactly!' Addie said, even though Jake knew she named her toys after everyone she knew because she could never remebmer more names. 'And this is Carlos' she showed Jake a dark haired Ken. 'Carlos?' he asked, pretty sure they didn't know a Carlos. 'Mom told me the name, it's a driver or something and mom says my Ken looks like him' she shrugged her shoulders and Jake focused on the doll until he realized his wife had put Carlos to the doll after Carlos Sainz. Goddamit, that guy was everywhere if Y/n was aroud. 'Is there any more characters in the story?' Jake asked, knowing his daughter always forgot one or two. 'Oh, yeah!' she said, taking another Ken 'This is Paolo, he's Carlos brother'. 'Paolo?' he asked. 'From Friends. dad!' maybe they shouldn't let her watch so much TV, she was learning things. 'Come on, tell me the story' Jake invited her. And so the story began.
Apparently Lady and Rosa had been friends for like, forever, but then Lady met Carlos. And Rosa was like, totally ok with it, but actually, SHE WAS NOT OKAY WITH IT (shock) because she had liked Carlos for way longer, like 2 months or so. So Rosa planned on stealing Carlos from Lady, but on like a bar or something where she was with Lady and Carlos she met Paolo and they were like totally in love and they kissed! (oh my god they kissed!) So the four of them were happy together and they even moved together, but one day Rosa came late from work and foud Lady, Carlos and Paolo having a sleepover without her! Can you believe it? (how dare they) So obviously she was like super sad so she left, and Paolo left the country because he was like SO in love with Rosa and didn't want to be with anynone else so he left to Italy and became the Pope. (Can you just become the Pope?) And then Rosa killed Lady and Carlos for having a sleepover and not telling her and she also left to go live in Mexico because she liked the beach. The end.
Jake was doumbfounded. That had took a dark twist. But Addie had a big smile on her face like she had told him that she had had pizza for dinner, so her dad just patted her in the head a bit scared, and got up from the floor to go to talk to his wife. 'Did Addie tell you what her dolls are up to lately?' he asked Y/n, who was on the couch reading Vogue. 'She told you the Lady-Rosa-Carlos-Paolo thing?' she asked, not even looking up at him. Jake dropped on the couch, still shocked. 'And you are like, ok with it?' he asked. She dropped the magazine to a side and look at him. 'Of course not, I have already told her something' Her husband sighed. 'Oh, good, what did you tell her?' he asked, wanting to be on the same page about what to tell her. 'That Carlos would NEVER have a sleepover with someone behind other people's back!' she said, like what her daughter had done had been the most offensive thing ever. Jake looked at her and then they both started laughing, with Addie looking confused at them from the other side of the living room. Jake should most definitely tell his coworkers not to talk about cases around her anymore, she was starting to pick things up.
★ The end of an era ★
'I just can't believe you're going to high school next week!' Jake exclaimed, watching his daughter get ready to leave. 'Dad, you gotta assume I'm 14 and I'm starting to leave the nest, you should talk to someone about this' she said, with the quick humour she had learnt in the last years. 'Your mom is a therapist, I have already talked to her about this and she says that this is a total normal reaction to a child advancing on school level' he retorted. 'Mom is also facing the change, maybe you should talk to someon ELSE' she got back at him, putting her hair in a braid that now she knew how to do alone. 'Yeah, but your mom is completely objective and would never lie to me' he said again. 'Dad' she said, turning away from the mirror to look at him 'mom also tells you that she doesn't hate Die Hard, maybe you should reconsider if what she tells you is always the truth' she clapped back. Damn she was good. 'Okay' he admitted his defeat. 'But I'm still kinda sad about you going to high school'. Addie sighed, and made her way out of the bathroom, taking her dad by the wrist and taking him to the couch, where she sat him and she went to sat on the armchair that was nearer to the couch.
'So, tell me, why is it that you are so scared about me going to high school?' she asked him, reclining back on the armchair. Jake looked at her with a surprised expression 'Are you therapizing me or something?' he asked. 'Yep' her daughter confirmed, gesturing him with the hand to start talking. Jake sighed, knowing that her daughter was smart and if he didn't tell her what what on his mind, she would eventually figure it out... ot she would ask her mom to ask him. 'I...' he started, not knowing where to begin 'I'm scared to see you leave. I know high school is not such a big deal and your'e not going to college yet or anything, but it's the last step. We don't do much things together anymore, and I'm realizing I can't stop time or make it go slower, and I definitely can't go back to do your hair or play with your dolls or running after you when you started to walk. And maybe we grow more distant the years you have left here, and the you'll leave for Standford, which is quite far away from here, and you'll move to the West Coast for a job and then we'll only see you on Christmas and you'll only call your mom and we'll never be you and me anymore, you know?' he told her. It was weird having to tell his own daughter all those things, but he knew it was for the best. When he stopped looking to the floor, he realized Addie had glossy eyes. He inmediately went to her and hugged her tightly. Some things never change.
When they let go of each other, the girl was the first one in talking 'Dad, I didn't know you felt like I never do things with you' she said. Jake smiled softly and wiped the tears from his daughter's face. 'I never told you, Ads' he said. She composed herself again and spoke 'Let's have a movie night every week' she proposed 'we choose a movie each week and we watch it, the both of us. It can be our thing!' she said, excitedly. Jake nodded. 'Of course, princess' he agreed, hugging her again. 'I love you, dad' he heard through the hug. 'I love you too, Ads' he answered her. She was still part of him.
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natimiles · 8 months
Chronology and random facts in Ikemen Vampire
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Because I was bored one day and now I can't stop thinking about it
First, their births and deaths (DD/MM/YY): Jean: ☀️ 06/01/1412 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 30/05/1431 (19yo) Vlad: 🧛🏻‍♂️ 1431 — historically 💀 1476 (45yo?) Leonardo: 🧛🏻‍♂️ 15/04/1452 — historically 💀 02/05/1519  (67yo?) Faust: ☀️ 1480 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 1540 (60yo) Shakespeare: ☀️ 26/04/1564 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 23/04/1616 (almost 52yo) Isaac: ☀️ 25/12/1642 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 31/03/1727 (84yo) Comte: 🧛🏻‍♂️ 28/05/1696 — historically 💀 27/02/1784 (87yo?) Mozart: ☀️ 27/01/1756 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 05/12/1791 (35yo) Charles: ☀️ 15/02/1739 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 04/07/1806 (67yo) Napoleon: ☀️ 15/08/1769 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 05/05/1821 (51yo) Vincent: ☀️ 30/03/1853 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 29/07/1890 (37yo) Theo: ☀️ 01/05/1857 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 25/01/1891 (33yo) Arthur: ☀️ 22/05/1859 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 07/07/1930 (71yo) Dazai: ☀️ 19/06/1909 — 🧛🏻‍♂️ 13/06/1948 (39yo)
Fact I: From what I found online, France started using electricity around 1870-1880. It intensified after 1881, after the Exposition Universelle (Universal Exposition) in Paris, when they lit up the Eiffel Tower. 
Fact II: We know we are in the 19th century in-game, but don’t know which year exactly (not that I remember). Which means: our story is around 1870-1899, because there's electricity.
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With all that information, I have so many comments and questions!
1. Imagine how freaked out Jean was when he went to the mansion! He died soooo young! And like 450 years BEFORE there was such a technology as a freaking lamp. Well, almost all of them died before the electricity… 
2. Vincent, Theo and Arthur come from the future. They actually were alive in the same years that the story passes. I guess they never leave Paris or they would’ve encountered themselves? I don’t know how this paradox would work. Dazai is also from the future.
3. I never thought Comte would be the “youngest” pure blood. I don’t remember them saying anything about it.
4. Napoleon probably met Charles before. As a fact, I googled it and found a little story about it, but apparently it’s not proven: “They met by accident near the Place de la Concorde, the same place he had killed the last king a decade earlier. Recognizing Charles, Napoleon asked if he would do the same to him if it came to it. Apparently displeased by the affirmative answer, Napoleon asked how he could sleep at night, to which Charles said, ‘If kings, emperors, and dictators can sleep well, why shouldn’t an executioner?’”
5. Arthur not only knew Shakespeare’s work, but he wrote a poem about it — and it’s so hard for someone who has english as a second language to read. It’s named “Shakespeare's Expostulation” (published in Songs of the Road) and it’s Shakespeare complaining about the attribution of authorship of his works to Francis Bacon.
6. It would be so awkward a meeting between Jean and Charles. Not related to any particular information in this post, just thought of the irony and got sad.
7. Dazai (and probably Arthur) knows what a car is. It must be weird for him to ride a carriage.
8. Aside from Jean, Theo is the youngest. Isaac is the oldest (not counting Comte).
9. Not related to this post specifically, but did you know Isaac Newton never dated anyone? He died a virgin. Now think about what an awkward snowflake he’s in-game.
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sevenpoyo · 10 months
some brooklyn slang ik for all the ppl who wanna write for miles and kilometers‼️
feel free to add more idk everything but i i am originally from there and visit a lot this stuff i hear a lot and if you wanna add slang to ur writing this is a good place to start, not all of these brooklyn or ny exclusive but that’s where a lot of american slang starts and u prolly heard some of it b4. imma list it ne ways
don’t use like 8 of these in one sentence bc it will sound weird and i can’t really cover ny puerto rican slang or any puerto rican slang really bc my grandad is a bum so if you know some add it
the city is manhattan, not the other 4 burroughs, just manhattan, cus that’s where everything’s at
to cut ass is to roast tf out of someone , to get your ass cut is get tf roasted out of you
wyling/wilding is being outta pocket, something being absurd or crazy
yeah nah means no and nah yeah means yeah idk why they gotta make it complicated just look at the second word
good looks is like good looking out
it’s bout to be winter and i’m bout to see mad christmas fics and shit but do y’all know the proper way to describe cold ny winters?
if it’s cold as hell, it’s brick outside, not regular cold, ny winter is like nipples so hard i see em thru the bra cold
ex; “how it’s so brick outside i walk to the store wit my hair wet and it deadass got icicles in it” “yeah it’s fr brick outside today” “i’m not walkin wit u in this brick ass weather for a bacon egg and cheese?” (actual convo between my sister and me last winter break)
fronting seem kinda easy to me but is like acting or pretending i can’t explain it with out an example
“why you fronting like you wouldn’t die if they text you asking u to go out with them” “you can stop fronting like you like cars it cool if you don’t” “don’t sit there fronting like u don’t wanna dance wit me”
being tight over something is just being upset or annoyed
rj is so smart they said “We say tight bc you kinda huddle close to yourself when you tense/stressed or angry” i had no idea i just be saying it i aint know it had a reason💀 it make sm sense now.
“who got you tight like that this early in the morning?” “my momma came home tight yesterday for no reason, she threw a boot at me!” “i’m so tight this damn shift change has me working all closers this week”
jack is like claiming someone or something
i talk old as hell idk what the youths be jacking nowadays
cop is basically to get, used to be mostly 4 drugs back in the day my dad said (he don’t know why im asking him this)
“just copped me some retro 3’s” “bout to cop me a few percs in a minute”
speaking of a minute, mostly for my non americans bc that’s who get confused the most when i say this one. depending on the context this can mean a actual minute, a short time or a real long
“i’ll be back in a minute” is short “i ain’t seen y’all in a minute” is long. idk how to explain the difference besides context
bop is a good song, pretty easy but i see ppl on tiktok use it wrong
bangs/banger goes hard is kinda like bob for music but i be using it for anything fr
“this push pop is banging yo”
mad can be used normal like angry but it also means a lot or really kinda like hella ig? i usually uses hella when i would say mad so ppl can understand me easier up here
dumb also mean very in the same way
ex; “my english teacher give out mad homework for no reason.” “she be giving me mad shit over the smallest stuff” “i just had some mad good wings so i’m cooling rn” “this shit is mad spicy u sure you want some?” ''This shit got me dumb tight'' “you don’t need no jacket it’s dumb hot out here”
smacked is like high as fuck idk how to elaborate ur just high
lit is drunk
“Yuuuur!'' A signal, a greeting usually used to catch the attention of someone or something very fun greeting and very hated by schools, it’s weird anywhere outside of ny kinda at least to me.
being hollywood means u get a little fame and think ur all that or just that u got a little fame and they’re jokingly hating
ex; “i saw u on the news the other day, “the prowlers return” u must be real proud of yourself huh hollywood?” “and here comes hollywood wit his trending tiktoks”
real talk is when ur about confess something or say something serious in a not real serious setting or convo
“real talk we play a lot but i love you, my life would be boring with out you around” “real talk i’d never do that to you foreal”
go together is like go out kinda, y’all kinda match behavior cus y’all a couple, this one need a sentence 2 i think. (THIS ONE IS OLD AS HELL ONLY USE IT IF UR TRYING TO RIZZ MOMMA RIO)
“he want ur number? he don’t know we we go together or sum?” “why she wanna act like we go together, ion even know her?” “don’t we go together?”
i can’t even explain it with a sentence y’all just gotta figure this one out 💀
A bodega/deli is a convenience store ik most know this from the movie but some ppl think it’s all stores or all spanish stores when it’s just a corner store
the owners of the deli closest to my granddad house is muslim. and so we keep track of all muslim holidays when he’s closed
an ock is the bodega man, miles knows the man’s name at the deli we see him visit, but at any other store he’d call the guy ock
dipping on someone is changing ur mind last minute, usually canceling plans
ex “we was supposed to go get outfits together but they dipped on me last minute”
staticky is like wanting to fight or still being pissed after a fight
static is beef or on sight energy
you good can really be anything but imma list ones i can think of
it can mean like are you ok? or don’t worry about it, or how are you, or stop, or do you got a issue? or do you want an issue? it’s all in the tone of how it’s said fr
'Word of my moms/dads I saw/ did/did not *insert topic*'' Honest term, no lying present in statement i feel like (my cousins be putting anything on they momma fr risking shit on her for no reason)
'hold it down'' handle buisness / take care of someone or something. can also be in refrence to criminal who handles ''buisness''
i hope this helps any writers that don’t live here!
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resi4skz · 8 days
The Lucky Winner
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Pairing: idol!Chan x fem!reader
Warnings: a little fluff but that's about it
I may write this in two parts? Or just leave it as it is? Idk yet.
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It had been just over a year that you had become a STAY. And you had loved every new things about Stray Kids. To their smiles, their handsome looks, learning their names and who was the oldest to the youngest, and watching all their music videos. You tried to catch up from their pre-debut but there was so much content to watch that you had to put a pause on the watching and mainly focused on the new.
You also changed your twitter into a fan account, sharing, reposting and posting about how hot or cute the members were. You found their music healing, in a way because a year ago, you weren't in the right state of mind. You were mentally exhausted by life giving you shit, so much that you were actually thinking about ending it all. Even your life.
Last year in April, you were crying one sunday early morning and decided to browse youtube because that's what you did when nothing else worked. You were going down the live broadcast list when someone caught your eye. 'Chan's room ep. 208.' A young man sitting on a chair with a black couch in the back, looking very handsome as he talked to, what seemed like were his fans. You immediately picked on the language he was speaking because of the amount of korean dramas you had watched.
You snuggled back into your blanket, his eords of encouragement soothed your heart as you watched him through your laptop screen. Your eyes lit up as you heard him talk in english. And was that an Australian accent? You watched him talk about the next comeback him and his group will have, sometime in June. You were curious to find more about the group and luckily one of the comments displayed 'Stray Kids.'
You picked up your phone and searched for the name. Immediately, a group of 8 men popped up as one by one you searched each of their names to know who was who. And for some reason you went from youngest to oldest without realizing. So when you typed Bang Chan in the search bar, the same man popped up from the youtube livestream. "It's him," you said, flicking your eyes on the laptop screen just as he smiled and laughed. Your heart skipped a beat and it has never done that.
And then you watch as he stands up, saying 'big hug' hugging the screen. It tugged at your heart as he sits back down. "Bye stays, baby stays, see you next time!" He holds up a peace sign by his eye, does a winky face and clicks his tongue before the livestreams ends.
Fresh tears flow down your cheeks as a sob escapes your lips. That hug felt warm to you and yet distant which the thought of it now had you bawling your eyes out. You search up Stray Kids on youtube and start watching a bunch of videos.
An hour later, you were clutching your stomach from laughing so hard. How did you ever go about your day without knowing these boys? You even watched their music videos which blew your mind at each one. You went on your twitter and searched up the bame and a bunch of posts about their upcoming comeback and where to buy the albums.
Your eyelids fell heavy and soon darkness enveloped your mind. This time no nightmares occurred, except a certain black haired man with dimples.
There had been a rumour going around that for their second comeback for 2023, they were going to be doing a contest for a lucky STAY (while others did fancalls). The only requirements was how many alvums or merch or how much your spent money on Stray Kids. But you had done neither which put you in a tough spot.
You had very badly wanted to participate but you were a 23 yr old trying to save up for a solo trip to South Korea. Maybe even scout areas for a permanent move. So far you had saved up about $2500 as was planning to save up more. As for the contest, you had put your phone number down in the category of being picked randomly in case you got a call.
You were on your lunch break at work when your phone rang. Putting your sandwich down, you glance at the screen as it showed up a number you didn't recognize. "Hello?"
"Hello, is this Y/N?" A female voice asked.
"Yes, who's this?"
"This is Yu Won from JYPE."
You blinked. "Sorry?"
"You put your phone number to get licked randomly for a fancall and for the contest?"
"Oh my g...yeah, did I get picked?!" Excitement filled your veins.
"Yes. We would like to invite you for a fancall with one of the Stray Kids members and at the end of the call, you will be asked which option you prefer to do."
"Okay! Thank you!" You smile.
She gave you instructions over the phone plus sent you an email too. The fancall would happen after the comeback in november. It was end of October so maybe you didn't have to wait long.
You sat waiting patiently in front of your pgone, hair in loose waves and light makeup. Your dog whined at your feet. "Nora, not right now, okay? I'll take you out later." Your dog, a golden retriever, laid down beside your feet. You rollded your eyes. "Okay, drama queen. Come on," you tapped your lap and she excitedly jumped in lap.
You look up and see Chan beaming, a smile on his lips. Your eye widen. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't realize-"
"It's quite alright. I just came on and you were talking to your dog, I didn't want to disturb."
"Sorry, she gets anxious if I'm doing something that doesn't involve her," you nervously explain. You notice his hair was turning into a copper color.
He laughs. "It's quite alright. My dog is the same."
"I've seen Berry from your vlogs and she seems such a nice and obedient dog. Very cute."
"That she is."
"Just like her dad," you giggle.
He covers his mouth, giggling also. "Thank you for the compliment."
"Congrats on the comeback! I love all of your songs!"
"Thanks! Which was your favorite?" He asked, genuinely curious to know.
"Hmmm, if I had to pick, I nwould say all of them but if I had to choose, it would have to be Cover Me."
"Why that song?"
"The melody is quite soothing. Plus the vocals are top tier," you replied.
"Yeah? I think my vocals could use more work."
You gape at him. "Are you kidding? Your vocals are very exciting to hear! Those high notes aren't easy to do."
He chuckles. "Alright. I'll take your word for it, Y/N.'
Y/N. He said your name. It was like hearing it for the first time. Your heart tugged again and you mentally scolded your brain to shut up. "Ever been to Korea?"
"No. But I'm planning to save up for a solo trip!"
"Solo? Oof. That's going to be difficult especially if you don't know the language."
You smirk. "Dangsin-eun naega ihaehaji moshandago saeng-gaghanayo? (You thibk I don't understand?)."
"Oh, wow. Neohante yeogijeogi boyeojugo sip-eo (I would love to show you around)."
"That would be lovely but it's not happening anytime soon."
He nods and you suddenly feel bad. "Maybe next year I'll see."
You say your goodbyes and end the call and go into your email. You pick the "buy a plushie" option and choose wolf-chan. Smiling widely, heart content to the max you finally smile to yourself. Maybe life wasn't bad after all
Your phone pings so without looking for you unlock and you scream briefly upon seeing the screen.
XX-XXXX-XXXXXX: hey this is bang chan. I stole your number from my manager
Y/N: did you just commit a crime?
You save his number as Chris.
BC: i would never
Y/N: uh huh...
BC: hey give me a break here :(
Y/N: are you....being cute?
BC: is it working?
Okay. Who is this guy?
Y/N: .... are you the same bang chan I know from my laptop screen?
BC: wait you watch us? 😱
Y/N: yeah, i do. 🤨
BC: i meant it you know
Y/N: what
BC: showing you around seoul
"Is he being funny or actually asking me out? Is that even allowed for him?" You wonder before typing an answer.
Y/N: right now, i'm saving up for the trip
BC: well you have my number so just holla at me when you're here
What the absolute fuck?
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Tags: @3rachasdomesticbanana @kayleefriedchicken
If you wanna be tagged, comment below!
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yzzart · 1 year
hi, my sweet heart!
first of all i want to tell you that you are one of my favorite writers of all time, and your Aemond fics can be considered, by me, works of art!
your writing is MAGNIFICENT!
with all this, can you write an Aemond fic involving that scene, from episode 8, where Daemon is holding Rhaenyra's hand, showing affection and strength to her? And who is faced with that scene is Daemon. — His sweet daughter with his damn nephew.
— Two dragons, two rivals.
© do not repost or translate !
characters: Aemond Targaryen x (F)Targaryen!reader.
summary: how could two people, two dragons have so many things in common including the hatred they feel for each other?
warnings: incest, explicit language, explicit words, inspired by episode 8
word count: 2.537!
english's not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!
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"ñuha jorrāelagon, gaomagon gīda." (My dear, keep calm.)
Your heavy and distressed steps were echoed by the empty room, which was lit only by the cracks of light coming from the huge window. — It was quite capable of forming a harrowing circle on the smooth floor of the cold place.
Your hands were sweating and you played nervously with your fingers, trying to balance and lessen your anxiety. — It looked like you were going to release fire from your mouth at any moment.
By the looks of it, and you've been warned, your parents, along with your siblings, are on their way to King's Landing to settle some frictions, duties and debate who will inherit the greatest roles in the dragon house. — Well, you're not worried about that, that subject never interested you as much as you were the main heir to the throne.
The eldest daughter, first of your name, hated meetings about it because deep down you knew that being a woman you would never receive the same respect that a male heir could receive.
Destined since childhood to be married to your uncle, following in your mother's footsteps; Rhaenyra thought it more correct and direct to leave you in King's Landing, of course with your father's permission, who hated the idea but learned to agree with it over time. — Daemon made a point of sending ravens with messages, mostly in the Valerian language, to you on every moon.
The rebel prince would never leave his darling daughter alone among those vultures, as he always called them.
Of course you liked the news, seeing your parents and siblings was a gift from the good gods and you thanked them. — But soon, a heavy storm fell on his head at the memory of an infuriating fact.
Your father and your husband never got along. — Only the gods knew the insatiable desire of each one to want to kill each other. — Two men. Two dragons who defended their family with fire and blood, had so many identical physical and mental characteristics and also shared the reciprocal hatred.
Your father always made it clear how much he disagreed with, and hated, your husband in the letters he sent your, but a part of his heart admired your passion for the one-eyed man. — And it was impossible to deny that you and Aemond were, in fact, a copy of Daemon and Rhaenyra.
A heavy sigh deliberately escapes your lips and your head decides to turn towards the owner of that voice. — The only voice that could reassure you at that moment and make you feel lighter and less pressured and you needed support and, especially, your lover.
As you turn around, your eyes clash with the image of the oldest sitting in a leather chair, pigmented in pure black and reddish tones, watching all your steps and features that you make. — Every simple movement or even a simple swing of your hair, was perceived by Aemond.
"Come here, my love." — It was technically impossible to deny that request. Those simple words fell sweetly from Aemond's thin lips, and ended up conquering you and comforting your anxious heart. — With a reassuring smile that came to your lips quickly, your steps made their way to the chair where your dear lover was sitting.
Your dress, made of fabric blessed by the gods and dragons and beautifully crafted in shades of black and red, paying homage to your home, swept the floor along with your steps. — That dress showed and defined your beautiful curves. — Any of the seven kingdoms would say, in all honesty and honor, that you were a copy, designed by the gods, true to your mother.
And Aemond looked to the heavens and thanked all the good gods for having you.
As you approached, a sincere smile with a touch of understanding appeared on the older's lips and he reached out to grab your hand. — A gesture of pure affection and love. — Aemond's rough fingers stroked the palm of your hand, a few circular movements but slowly. Aemond's hand, which tends to be cold most of the time, was warm but still made you shiver.
"Everything is going to be perfectly fine, my wife." — Aemond reassured you, looking into your eyes. The eldest's one good eye admired you, and tried to pass a pleasant image. — "You know very well that you have my word."
Interrupting the simple but comforting finger caress, Aemond clasps your hand in his and holds it tightly, showing support for you. Even with all the friction, differences and threats between your family and Aemond, he never failed to support and protect you. — You belong together. Two dragons and only one soul, you two defined yourself with those words.
You delivered a smile that meant all your passion and admiration for Aemond, and he was able to understand that quickly. That damn man knew you like no one else.
The huge doors of pure wood along with some stone repairs are opened scaring you and taking your focus away from Aemond, and the same happens to him but the older man's hand still remains holding yours. — Soon, one of the guards, who escorted the door, enters.
"Majesties, excuse me." — The guard, whose name you didn't know, refers to your and Aemond's presence. He was young looking and a little nervous, maybe it was one of his first days as a guard. — "The presence, majestic and of high grace, of Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon already awaits the two of you"
Aemond did not fail to notice and feel the strength you exerted by squeezing his hand. It seemed that nervousness had attacked your entire body in a brutal and deadly way. — Your voice had disappeared, as if you had lost your way of speaking at that moment, and your husband noticed it immediately.
"Allow them to enter here, now." — The elder Targaryen commanded in a loud voice, causing the young guard to stiffen his stance and quickly nod to obey the order.
The huge and strong doors of pure wood, which blocked the image of the corridor, are opened again and soon your eyes can see some strands white, like snow, and very familiar. — At the exact moment, you can have a broad view of your mother next to your father.
Your heart was racing, it felt like it would burst out of your mouth at any moment and not to mention your eyes were teary and ready to shed the tears that were threatening to fall freely. It had been so long, so many moons and so many suns, without admiring and talking to your parents.
The first steps were Rhaenyra's and in your direction, she wanted to ignore her unfortunate brother's existence. The future queen hated that dragon ever since the event that caused his eye to be missing, and if Rhaenyra could; she would never leave you in that man's hands again. — But she knew she couldn't fight your feelings and the sacred seal of Targaryen marriage.
Keeping her posture and, knowing that she couldn't disrespect her brother and even in front of him, Rhaenyra faced him with respect and nodded to the youngest.
"My dear daughter and my dear…" — A not-so-long, tight sigh escaped Rhaenyra of its own accord. — "Brother."
Aemond did not show such a surprised or grateful expression or reaction with the presence of his sister, who has a feeling of reciprocal hatred and anger. The seriousness remained on Aemond's face, until he decided to watch his uncle's footsteps.
The annoying, unhappy sound of Daemon's well-crafted, presumably leather, shoes drifted past Aemond's ears. As if each simple, slow step was a deathly crack in the one-eyed head. — Aemond hated even Daemon's gait. — There wasn't one thing Aemond didn't hate about his uncle, besides his daughter; of course.
Gently and slowly taking your hand away from Aemond's, you approach your mother and don't miss the opportunity to hug her. Feeling your mother's comforting and warm affection again is a blessing to you and warms your heart. It was, in fact, an eternity since you felt that.
"I missed you so much, my sweet child." — She whispered in your ear, you could feel the affectionate smile and very typical of your mother. — "And you look so beautiful."
"I missed you too, mom." — After you reciprocated your mother, you slowly pulled away from the warm embrace that held the two of you together and finally got the chance to meet your father's eyes. Eyes identical to yours that, in one of your youthful memories; Rhaenyra said you destined the most beautiful eyes she could look up to in all the seven kingdoms, your father's.
Daemon ignored the heavy, deadly glare of the younger man who sat a few feet away from him. The rebel prince didn't care, not even a little, about that one-eyed drama. — He just wanted to have the opportunity and moment to meet again, correctly and as a father, with his beloved daughter And not even her husband could stop it.
"issa tala." (My Daughter.) — The tone of Daemon's voice took a little hitch, leaving her weak as if he were broken or even his voice totally incapable of uttering a miserable word. — But that wasn't it. Your father was thrilled to see you after so many years. — "issa dōna tala" (My sweet daughter.)
Even with his low, wistful tone, Daemon didn't lose his poise but he couldn't hide his genuine, compassionate smile when given the chance to hold your delicate hand. — Your hand that was in a reddish tone because of the countless times you rubbed and squeezed because of nervousness. — Your father understood that and didn't want to question it.
Holding your hand, Daemon's thumb caressed your fingers and analyzed some rings, pure silver, that remained lying there and, he couldn't help but analyze his engagement ring and be impressed with his nephew's taste. — The blood color stone, the color of pure red and the color of the Targaryens, of dragons; a ruby was between your finger.
"At least he knows how to put incompetence aside when it comes to choosing a ring." — A low and brief laugh came out of your mouth when he had the privilege of listening to that mocking whisper of your father. But, something catches the attention of Aemond, who was still not very happy with his uncle's arrival.
"I hope the trip was pleasant for you, uncle. From what I understand, the tide was calm, wasn't it?" — It was impossible not to recognize the teasing and sarcasm in the words that were uttered from Aemond's mouth, and he didn't even try to hide it. The weather could get worse but that was exactly what the one-eyed man wanted.
You turned your head towards your lover, wanting to question and scold, just by looking at that attitude, but again, it was impossible but you didn't stop watching him with narrowed eyes. — Your husband's single eye met yours but it was only a fleeting moment.
"I must feel honored and privileged to have conceived your concern for me, nephew." — Daemon returned in the same tone of voice. — "But i don't deny that i'd rather stay on the ship than here."
Remaining facing Aemond, you had a full view of Rhaenyra doing the same action you had previously performed on the one-eyed. — It looked like you two were in the middle of a children's discussion, that was an unfortunate and unpleasant moment to witness and participate; and besides being extremely tiring.
"I make a point of calling that ship for you." — Aemond retaliated with a thin and ridiculous smile.
"ao jurnegon raqagon riñar." (You look like children.) — For the first time that day, you had raised your voice but not in an aggressive or grotesque tone, but in pure reproach. Either you would get the attention of the two men or Rhaenyra would. — You decided to move away from your parents and return to your starting place, next to Aemond but this time, not so close to him.
Silence settled in that dark and cold room, with a tense atmosphere. — Better that than a childish argument and that could leave for something worse. — The Targaryen without one eye turned towards you with an expression, perhaps, regretful but he didn't dare to say anything at that moment.
"Glad to see you, my daughter." — Rhaenyra decided to end that silence but as if she was saying goodbye, and she kept smiling at you and continued to admire your eyes. — "Well, i'm glad to see you too, my brother." — She didn't leave Aemond's eye but kept her expression serious.
"It's good to have them back, Mom." — You returned a smile grateful for the return of your parents and praying to the good gods that your father and your husband kept their posture and did not argue anymore.
Aemond just let out his typical and common "Hm" and didn't show such a reaction or something strange, or a provocation. — You thanked him mentally for that and soon approached him again. Your act caught the attention of the king's youngest son and he missed no opportunity to join his hand with your, as he had done before Rhaenyra's arrival.
Daemon's eyes didn't want to believe what was happening in front of them, something he would never admit in his life. — It seemed that his nephew wanted to provoke him again, to make another argument happen and maybe worse. — But also for the first time in all times and moons, Aemond did not do it to provoke or defy his uncle. He did it for his beloved, for the way he shares his love and admiration for her.
And for the fact that you could be upset with him, Aemond opted for the way to apologize with the touch. A touch that seemed simple but had immense meaning.
Of course, Aemond didn't want to feel threatened in front of a person he despises so much, a person he characterizes as his rival, but he hated to keep and create these discussions in front of you. A feeling, considered rare for one who knew only the dreaded prince by sight, of regret settled over Aemond.
Aemond's thumb passed slowly over the ring, which he had chosen, and a sense of pride and passion surged through his chest.
"I hope that the days that remain here are pleasant and possible for you." — The surprising speech of the one-eyed prince was exclaimed and listened to with great attention. The boy's one good eye landed on your hand, and he again stroked the area. — "syt ao tolī, Daemon." (For you too, Daemon.)
After the last words, Aemond began to stare deeply at Daemon. Without an expression of sarcasm, or even anger, but that didn't mean that anything good had actually come out of the young man's mouth.
"and nyke hopi ao morghūljagon." (And i hope you die.) — He answered unwillingly. Rhaenyra, again, faced her husband with no desire to participate once more in a half-baked and totally childish argument. She was already completely exhausted and Daemon sighed heavily. — "We appreciate it."
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pinkthick · 5 months
Can you write a fanfiction with Surgeon Strange and Y/N who are in a relationship and Y/N finds out she's pregnant because a colleague of hers from the hospital needed help with some students since it was their first day they will use the ultrasounds and Y/N and other nurses/doctors were the ones the students practied on.
Prompt nr 18 angst "Hey, hey it's okay. Breathe,"
Thanks! (Sorry if I have grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language.)
I AM WRITING THE REQUESTS 🙏🙏 (finally, I know) Thank you for your request!
Hey, it’s okay
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Pairing: Surgeon!Stephen Strange/ Fem!Reader
Summary: As the room buzzed with a mix of laughter and surprised murmurs, Stephen, still engaged in a conversation with Maria, glanced at the ultrasound screen wanting to see what was all the fuss about.
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Stephen and Y/N sat in the bustling hospital cafeteria, their scrubs slightly wrinkled from the day's hectic surgeries as they enjoyed a rare lunch break together. The clatter of trays and the hum of conversations filled the air around them.
Y/N sighed, exhaustion evident in her voice, "I'm already tired." Her eyes spoke volumes of the long hours and demanding nature of their medical profession — which they loved of course, but sometimes it was too much.
Stephen, his piercing gaze softened, chuckled in response, "But you actually slept last night. Like 8 hours of full sleep." He affectionately reached across the table, gently squeezing Y/N's hand.
Despite his attempt at reassurance, Y/N shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips as she was poking at her salad, "Still feels like I didn't sleep." She took a bite of his sandwich, the hospital's ever-present fluorescent lights casting a glow on her fatigued features.
As they shared the worn cafeteria table, conversations around them blurred into the background. Stephen studied Y/N with concern, his thumb tracing comforting circles on her hand, "You've been pushing yourself, love. Maybe take a day off soon?"
Y/N nodded "I know, but we're short-staffed, and Stacy will complain if I leave her alone, even for a day.” She sighed, leaning back in her chair, her tired eyes meeting Stephen's caring gaze. His attempt to respond was cut short as Tiffany, a lively colleague known for her cheerful spirit, slid into the seat next to Y/N, disrupting the tranquility of their lunch. "Mind if I sit here?" she asked with a playful grin.
Y/N chuckled while Stephen was giving Tiffany a side-eye, "You already are." Stephen rolled his eyes slightly irritated by the interruption. "Aren't you supposed to teach the ducklings today?" he asked, his tone tinged with annoyance.
Tiffany shrugged, her grin widening, "Well, I am, but I need a person since Nicole got sick. It's ultrasound training day, and we really need another woman." She flashed a pleading look at Y/N, who exchanged a glance with Stephen, silently seeking his opinion. Y/N hummed, "It depends. What exactly do you need help with?"
Tiffany leaned in with a grin "They're practicing on the ultrasound, and we need someone to guide them. Make sure they're comfortable, you know?" He gave a subtle nod to Y/N before she turned back to Tiffany "Alright, I can help. Just give me a few minutes to finish lunch." Her face lit up with gratitude, "You're a lifesaver, Y/N! I owe you one." She quickly excused herself, heading back to the bustling hospital corridors.
Stephen sighed, his playful annoyance evident, "Well, there goes our lunch break." Y/N laughed, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, "We'll catch up later.”
Stephen sighed, a hint of melodrama in his tone, "My last surgery is at 11 PM, that is if the others go right. It will be a lifetime before I'll see you again." Y/N, amused by his theatrics, quirked an eyebrow, "A bit dramatic, don't you think?"
He grinned, stealing a forkful of her salad, "I thought it was the normal amount." Y/N chuckled, swatting his hand playfully, "You're such a dork." she shook her head, making a smile appear on his face as he continued “But seriously, we need to find some time for ourselves. Maybe a weekend getaway or a quiet dinner?" Y/N smiled, appreciating his effort to bring a touch of balance to their lives, "Sounds like a plan.”
As they prepared to part ways for the remainder of the day, Stephen leaned in kissing her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him. Breaking away, Stephen smiled at Y/N, his eyes reflecting both love and understanding. "Take care, okay?" he whispered, his hand gently caressing her cheek.
Y/N nodded, reciprocating the warmth in his gaze. "You too," she replied, stealing one more kiss before they both left the cafeteria.
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Y/N made her way to the room where the medical students were gathered for the ultrasound training. Upon entering, she found Tiffany already there, coordinating the session. The room buzzed with the anticipation of learning, and Y/N could see around 15 medical students eager to enhance their skills.
Other colleagues from the hospital, including Maria and Sarah, were seated on chairs beside the ultrasound machines, ready to guide and support the students. The hum of conversation and the soft whirr of the ultrasound machines filled the room as Y/N joined the circle of mentors. Tiffany greeted Y/N with a grateful smile, "Thanks for helping out, Y/N. We're about to start. If you could take this group here," she gestured to a cluster of students, "that would be great." Y/N nodded, rolling up her sleeves and joining the students.
As Y/N took her place among the instructors, the room buzzed with anticipation. The medical students, filled with a mix of nervousness and enthusiasm, looked up to their mentors. Y/N exchanged encouraging glances with her colleagues, silently conveying the importance of this teaching moment.
The ultrasound training session unfolded, with Y/N and the other experienced doctors guiding the students through the intricacies of the procedure. In the midst of explanations, demonstrations, and hands-on practice, the room became a dynamic space of shared knowledge and collaboration.
As the ultrasound training continued, two hours had already passed. Stephen appeared in the doorway, accompanied by Billy, his assistant, holding a cup of coffee. Stephen, engrossed in a conversation with Maria, one of the ER nurses, spotted Y/N and gave her a little wave. Y/N, seated in the chair where the ultrasounds were stationed, smiled back at him.
Meanwhile, Patricia, one of the students Y/N was mentoring, was making impressive progress. She confidently manipulated the transducer, moving it around Y/N’s skin. "So, that's the liver, and... that was your gallbladder, stomach?" Patricia asked, seeking confirmation. Y/N nodded with approval, "Yeah, good job." Patricia beamed, a sense of accomplishment evident on her face.
Patricia continued to explore with the transducer, gaining confidence in her newfound skill. "I really thought it was going to be harder, but it's pretty easy," she remarked, glancing at Y/N with a proud smile. Y/N chuckled, "I told you so." The atmosphere in the room was light and filled with the excitement of learning. Patricia, still moving the transducer, continued her observations, "And that's your uterus..."
However, Y/N's initial amusement faded as she caught sight of the ultrasound screen. A wave of surprise and disbelief washed over her face. That was a pretty clear image of a fetus, around 4-5 weeks. She stared at the screen for a moment, processing the unexpected discovery. Tiffany, noticing Y/N's reaction, laughed, "No way." The realization spread across the room, and soon, the entire group of medical professionals and students turned their attention to the ultrasound screen, curiosity and disbelief etched on their faces.
As the room buzzed with a mix of laughter and surprised murmurs, Stephen, still engaged in a conversation with Maria, glanced at the ultrasound screen wanting to see what was all the fuss about. His coffee slipped from his grasp involuntarily, crashing to the floor with a clatter. The unexpected scene had caught him off guard. Y/N, stood up abruptly, excusing herself from the group. The room fell into a brief silence, the atmosphere shifting from amusement to a more solemn acknowledgment of the emotions at play.
Stephen, realizing Y/N's distress, swiftly followed her out of the room. Catching up with her, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, hey, it's okay. Breathe." Y/N, her emotions welling up, turned into his comforting embrace, tears streaming down her face.
Y/N, her emotions pouring out, cried softly, burying her face into Stephen's chest as he held her close. Her words trembled, "I thought that we were—safe, Stephen... I—" Stephen tightened his embrace, soothingly running his hand over her back. "Shh, hey, it's okay," he whispered, understanding the weight of the unexpected revelation. He gently pulled away, cupping her face to look into her eyes. "Let's go to the rooftop to get some air, okay?"
Nodding, Y/N allowed him to guide her towards the elevator. The hospital corridors blurred as they ascended, finding a temporary refuge from the whirlwind of emotions on the quiet rooftop. Once there, the cool breeze and the distant hum of the city provided a backdrop to their conversation.
Stephen held Y/N close as she continued to cry, gently kissing her forehead. "Accidents happen, Y/N," he murmured softly. "We were safe, but maybe a condom broke or... I don't know."
Y/N, her voice wavering, confessed, "I didn't even notice I missed my period. I—what do we even do?" The weight of the situation hung in the air, uncertainty clouding their thoughts. Stephen sighed, his fingers tenderly brushing through her hair, "First, we take a deep breath. Then, we talk about it. We have options, and whatever decision you make, we face it together. You're not alone in this."
Y/N's tears flowed more freely, her emotions intensifying. Stephen held her even closer, offering comfort in the face of uncertainty. "Oh darling, it's going to be okay," he whispered, his words a soothing melody amid the turmoil.
Y/N shook her head, overwhelmed by the weight of the situation. Stephen gently wiped away her tears, encouraging her to take a moment. "Just try to breathe," he urged. Y/N, taking a shaky breath, admitted, "I'm scared." Stephen, still holding her close, chuckled softly, "Me too." Stephen pressed his forehead against Y/N's, their breaths intermingling in the quiet space of the rooftop. "But it's going to be okay," he whispered, his words filled with unwavering certainty.
Y/N, still gripped by fear and uncertainty, voiced her doubts, "You don't know that." Stephen tenderly brushed his thumb over her cheek, "But I do. As long as we're together, everything will be fine. You'll see."
Y/N, overcome with emotion, tightened her embrace, burying her face in the crook of Stephen's neck. "Okay," she whispered, the vulnerability in her voice revealing a silent acceptance of the reassurance he offered.
They would be okay.
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Notes: I’m going to be honest, I’m not really proud how this turned out😭
Tag list: @strangesgirls @paola-carter @hamandchickensandwhich @captainannamerica @ivyheliotrope @lilithskywalker @yumeillu @winter-cant-decide @andlizeth @mintssanctuary @strangesslut @rotindselain @herseraphwings @kujosux @alahmorah @sa-filonzana @kety25jhosson @alchemxx @lucimorningst4r @dragonqueen89 @rinacreateart @clockblobber @quillweavianstuff @k1mikoz @mynamehasbeentakenbysomeperson @crazyhearttragedy @bobateadaydreams @darlingxgirl @crushingonfreddie @cloudedfairydust @robertdowneyhiddlesbatch @cemak @d0ct0rstrangewife @annabelloki @allie131313 @paola-carter @annemarielovesbeenjuice @hamandchickensandwhich @rachelessfreedom-world @strangelockd @indoraptorgirlwind
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rustys-lodge · 1 year
Requested by : anon :  Hi would you write a sis Winchester fic where sams homeschooling her?
Pairings : Sam/ sissy 
Warnings : none- just a bunch of cuteness
A/N : I am so so so so so sorry to whoever asked me to write this. I get so anxious about writing it drives me crazzy. 
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You had just woken up when the door to your room flew open and a giant silhouette appeared at the door.
"Death..is that you ?" You groaned, your voice hoarse. "Wait, no… Death is short."
A soft snort filled the silence before the lights were turned on, causing you to painfully shut your eyes while a small shriek left your mouth. It was only 8 ammm..
"Get up, we have school." Sam walked over to your bed.
Your vision went black for a second as you rolled yoru eyes to the back of your head. Was he being serious ? 
 "Sammy." You sighed. "The one perk about homeschooling is the fact that we can do it WHEN EVER"
Your brother only smirked in response, sterness flooding his face right after a little smirked appeared.
"Come on.Get up.” 
You whined, rolling over before shrieking again when the the temperature suddenly changed and your body fully froze. Sam was taking the blanket off of you. 
You curled into a ball, watching him with disbelief. He watched back. 
“Get up.” Your older brother ordered this time. “ Dean's making breakfast."
Once downstairs, Dean greeted you with a big grin, waving over towards the table before he spoke. "Come on, girls. Breakfast is ready."
You smirked, dragging your feet over to the table, where plates of fuming bacon awaited. "Dean...that’s so disrespectful. Why do you keep saying girls when there's only one girl here." You point at Sam, earning yourself a good job smirk from Dean, as he is, as always, the one you learned all that from.
Finally done with breakfast, Sam whistled at you and you looked up. 
“To the library” He commanded and you rolled your eyes, again, slumping your shoulders and pouting, in an attempt to have him let you go. But he only stared at you in response. His eyes undefeated by your attempt. So you just got up, shifting your whole body to the main room. 
You plopped down on the chair, waiting as Sam picked up the books for the day. 
He’s usually the one to choose what subject to study, as you always choose the easiest for you, english. And although Sam is pretty serious about schooling you, he sometimes let you be, cracking a few jokes along the hours to ease up the process for you. 
‘What’s it going to be today ?” You asked half-heartedly, arms crossed over your chest and eyelids heavily sitting at a low level. But instead of verbally transmitting his thoughts, he instead tossed two books over your head, as he was standing right behind you.
Your heart skipped a beat and you jumped back, unconsciously flinching as the hard cover of the books made contact with the table, causing a loud thud to echo through the space. 
“Physics.” Sam responded. 
Really ? 
“You could’ve said that without so much drama.” You gripped the side of your chest, rubbing it gently as your pulse  steadied. Sam granted you a two second glare as he walked by before pulling back the chair beside you. 
And for the next few hours you had to learn about magnetism and electromagnetism…Something about Fleming’s left-hand rule and about how electric motors work. 
As you lost interest quickly, Sam had to improvise and explain other ways, multiple times. . He also had to yell at you to snap your mind back to earth. And just as if you hadn’t suffered enough, he assigned you a few exercises to see how much you learned. Unsurprisingly to you, it only took him two quick minutes of reading to sigh and rest his head against his palm. 
You learned nothing. 
And since you learned nothing from all the yelling you got, you suppressed a little laugh, causing a sudden change in Sam’s face. As his lips stood in a straight line. He was unamused, unlike you. 
“I’m going to pretend like today didn’t happen. Tomorrow we’ll do this again.” 
Your eyes lit up. “So we’re done ?” 
“Yeah, for today. Starting tomorrow we’ll double the hours. Maybe then you’ll start learning something;” 
Sam stood up from the chair and you just internally gasped. 
“Son of a bitch !.” 
I hope yall enjoy this one. ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹
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steddieasitgoes · 6 months
@steddiemas Day 8 Prompt: Hanukkah Traditions
Tags: Established Relationship, Jewish Eddie Munson, Hanukkah Traditions, Hanukkah Fluff, Eddie Munson Is A Menace, Good Uncle Wayne Munson
wc: 1553 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Logically Steve knows there are other holidays celebrated in the month of December. He’s heard the conversations about family Hanukkah celebrations in passing walking the halls of Hawkins High. Noticed the way the house three doors down always put up blue lights instead of the traditional red and green. He even vaguely remembers learning about the holiday in grade school.
It’s just never something that has come up in his own life until now.
He hadn’t known Eddie was Jewish until two weeks into his hospital stay back in March when he caught Wayne mumbling in another language under his breath. Never one to shy away from opening his big mouth, he asked Wayne rather rudely what he was doing and Wayne, gruff yet patient as ever, explained the Hebrew prayer to him in English.
It was the first and last time either of them ever brought it up, probably because Eddie woke up the following day, and gone were the days of sitting in silence hoping for a miracle. Now their time was spent trying to keep Eddie distracted and entertained.
By the time December rolled around, Steve had almost forgotten about that night all those months ago. Eddie certainly never mentioned it and his time with Wayne was few and far between these days so it was easy to slip his mind.
That is, until two days ago when Eddie invited him to their first night of Hanukkah celebration Wayne had insisted on having.
“We usually don’t do much, but Uncle Wayne’s determined to celebrate it properly this year,” Eddie had said, tapping his fingers against the counter at Family Video. “Says we got a lot to celebrate this year and we should be thankful. I told him thankfulness is for Thanksgiving and he gave me one of his looks so I guess we’re doing Hanukkah now.”
The rambling went on for another minute or two before Steve finally cut him off, assuring him that he’d be there. Eddie left satisfied and Steve pretended to be sick and raced off to the library to research what to bring to a Hanukkah celebration.
He settled on a plate of Latkes which he probably should have left to the professionals based on the sad, soggy-looking potatoes that neither he nor the Munsons touched during dinner. It’s the thought that counts, right?
Other than the delicious sufganiyot and the small menorah set up on the kitchen counter, it’s a fairly typical visit to the Munsons. He’s sitting on the couch with Eddie, the usual bottle of beer swapped out for a mug full of wine. Wayne’s in his recliner, mug in one hand, TV remote in the other after he won it from Eddie in a heated game of rock, paper, scissors. A rerun of Gunsmoke plays on the television — more static than actual dialogue, but none of them seem to mind.
A winter chill wafts through the screen door, fanning the small flame of the lit Menorah candle. It flickers but stays lit and Steve catches the way Wayne smiles at the resilience. This time he doesn’t have to ask, he spent the last two days down a rabbit hole of research learning about what Hanukkah is about. He gets it.
“Eds,” Wayne says, pulling his eyes away from the Menorah. “You ever tell your boy ‘bout your first Hanukkah?”
“Wayne,” Eddie groans beside Steve. He shoots Wayne a warning glance before burying his head in his hands. “No.”
“No, you ain’t tell him or no you don’t want me to tell’m.”
“Oh, now I definitely need to hear this.” Adjusting himself on the couch, Steve leans forward, elbows resting on his knees so he can get a better look at Wayne. It’s not a hard feat given Eddie’s curled-up state.
Wayne lets out a gruff laugh and takes a slow sip from his mug of wine before setting it down. “His momma wasn’t Jewish. And his daddy, well the only thing good ole’ Warren ever worshipped was himself, so Eds here didn’t know a thing bout Hanukkah ’til he came to live with me after his momma got sick.
“Now I wasn’t much for celebrating back then, the war’ll do that to you, but I had this little kid living under my roof and I couldn’t do nothing. Not when everyone was talking’ ‘bout Santa this and Santa that. So I pulled out all the stops. Found my Bubbie’s old Menorah and brought it out. Sat Eds down and explained the whole thing to him.”
“I don’t know that I’d call it explaining,” Eddie says, finally joining the conversation. “If I remember correctly you told me that we were celebrating Hanukkah and when I asked what that was you said “the holiday we're celebrating” and that was that.”
“You were six what did ya want me to tell ya.”
“Uh, more than that!”
“Well, anyway,” Wayne says, shaking Eddie off with a hand through the air. “Eds wasn’t into it much as you might expect until the matches came out. Should have seen the way his eyes lit up when he saw the fire. I should’ve known better but I didn’t know what I was doin' back then.”
“You still don’t.”
“Let your uncle talk,” Steve scolds, playfully swatting Eddie’s arm.
“You see that burn mark on the curtain there?” Wayne asks, pointing to a softball-sized charred piece of the curtain.
Steve nods before giving Eddie a questioning glance. He had noticed the charred piece of fabric before. Hell, he even brought it up to Eddie months ago asking what the story behind it was. He remembers listening to him paint the picture of the memory — his first joint, a faulty lighter, a pair of jeans ruined fanning the flames.
Nothing at all having to do with a Menorah.
“Well, your boy, got so excited ‘bout lighting the match he let go of the thing and sent the flame flyin' through the air. Lucky I was standing by 'cause the curtain almost went up in flames. Trusty ol’ baseball cap from my high school days put it out before it got too dangerous.”
The annoyance he was feeling towards Eddie’s white lie drains from his body as the truth is set free. He can picture it. A younger Eddie, shorter but still larger than life. Mischievous as all hell, but ready to handle the important responsibility of lighting a match only to let his excitement get the better of him. It’s a side of Eddie he’s experienced quite a lot of in the last few months.
The only thing more dangerous than the horrors they’ve faced is an overenthusiastic Eddie Munson.
“Is that why you wouldn’t let him light the Menorah tonight?”
“You’re damn right. This place already took a beatin’ this year. Don’t need Mr. Arson over there sendin’ it up in flames.”
“Hey,” Eddie whines. “I was six! I am way more careful with fire now.”
“Didn’t you burn yourself yesterday?” Steve asks, gesturing to the blister on his thumb from where he caught his finger fidgeting with his Zippo.
“You know what,” Eddie scoffs. He throws his hands up in the air, nearly knocking them against the low-hanging rack of mugs before standing up. “The Maccaknees didn’t endure what they did for me to have to sit here and listen to you two make fun of me! Goodnight!”
Steve watches as Eddie stomps off down the hallway like a petulant child. If he wasn’t so in love with the giant dork, he’d probably find the entire thing off-putting. Hell, he probably should find Eddie’s tantrums at least a little unattractive but his heart hasn’t gotten the memo.
When the bedroom door slams shut, Steve twists on the couch until he’s facing Wayne. “Do you think we should tell him it’s the Maccabees not whatever it is he said?”
Wayne laughs, shaking his head. “Come on now, you’ve been ‘round long enough to know correctin' Eds ain’t ever a good thing. Best to let him think what he thinks.”
“I heard you!” Eddie shouts from behind the closed door. “Just for that, I’m lighting the candles tomorrow.”
The recliner creaks as Wayne slowly gets himself to his feet. The noise is enough to coax Eddie back out of his room — not that he was ever going to stay hidden in there long without Steve.
“What are you doing?”
“Checkin’ the extinguisher. Never can be too careful with fire in your hands.”
Steve laughs, earning a death glare from Eddie that only spurs him on more. “In that case, you better make sure the fire department is on the way the second you hand him the matchbox.”
“I hate you both!” Eddie groans, collapsing onto the couch in a defeated state.
Eddie manages to light the Menorah on Night Two of Hanukkah with no incident, much to the chagrin of Wayne and Steve. He manages to keep it up for several more nights until things take a turn on Night Six. Caught off guard by Steve’s hovering, the match slips from Eddie’s nimble fingers, igniting a stack of bills.
“Think you just made settin’ things on fire a Hanukkah tradition,” Wayne laughs once the flames have disappeared, leaving nothing but ash in its wake.
“The Maccaknee would be proud,” Steve teases.
“I hate you both.”
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vashtijoy · 1 year
when is a rival not a rival?
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I want to have a look at the word that’s used for rival here. That’s 好敵手 koutekishu. Also, let’s talk a bit more generally about how Akechi relates to Joker.
First of all, look at those kanji. We’ve got 好, meaning liking, preferred, good, pleasing, or even love. We’ve got 敵, “enemy”. Lastly, we’ve got 手 for arm or hand, but that’s part of the base word 敵手 tekishu—a rival or an enemy, or one of two well-matched enemies.
So what do we get if we make it a “good enemy”, a koutekishu? ejje.weblio tells us it’s an arch-rival, or a worthy opponent. It is distinct from the English word ライバル, “raibaru”, in that it doesn’t mean “a nemesis who is always at odds with you”. raibaru is the word Joker and Akechi typically use—a semi-friendly “let’s get each other”—but at these two intense moments very near the end, it gives way to a statement of something very much more. 
koutekishu is an old word. It gives the statement a formality; it gives it weight; it gives it a literary quality. Note that this isn’t Akechi saying this, with all his formality; it’s Joker. And the more common equivalent usage today is いいライバル ii raibaru—literally, “good rival”, with the 好 of koutekishu substituted for ii, meaning “good”. Does that more modern usage appear anywhere in P5? Well, yeah, since you ask.
Akechi こんな立場じゃなきゃ、いいライバル同士になれたのかもね⋯ konna tachiba ja nakya, ii raibaru doushi ni nareta no kamo ne... Under different circumstances, we could have been great rivals... or perhaps even friends. [lit. If we weren’t in this situation, maybe we could have come to share a worthy adversary relationship.] Imagine if things had been different. The fun we could have had, fighting each other. We might even have been friends.
ii raibaru doushi ni nareta means “we could have become each other’s worthy adversaries”. and it is so stunningly hard to put into sensible English that I’m just going to take liberties out the wazoo with my own translation, which is the bit in bold.
“great rivals” looks like a misreading of ii raibaru. But I like the localisation’s “rivals or perhaps friends”; it sums up the nature of a “worthy adversary”. You like them, you respect them, or you find them fascinating; you wish they could fight alongside you, but because of irreconcilable differences, you oppose them forever. Don’t forget Akechi’s repeated “you truly are interesting”, 君は面白い kimi wa omoshiroi and variants: “you’re interesting, you’re fun!”. Akechi thinks Joker is fascinating. “You’re so interesting” is something I’m sure he says to a lot of people he needs around, of course—but over the course of the year, it becomes true.
So Akechi takes a moment here to think about what might have been, before he puts it behind him—forever, as he intends it to be.
akechi and his reluctant worthy adversary
[oh so many screencaps below the cut]
Akechi’s language repeatedly hammers home this idea of the “worthy adversary”.
Here’s confidant stage 7. This is the first of the four end stages, where everything goes to shit: Akechi has his kill order, we’re into Sae’s palace, and the plan is in motion. Yet in this confidant stage, he seems to give Joker not one but two chances to back out—that is, of course, to prove unworthy of him. Because, as long as Joker is worthy, this fight only ends when one of them is dead—and if Joker is unworthy, then he isn’t deserving of Akechi’s attention or interest.
First, he tells Joker things are in motion that he cannot control—or perhaps, that neither of them can control. Maybe it’s yet another of the parallels he sees between the two of them; Akechi’s path, after all, has struck quite a few obstacles he likely never intended, of which Joker is only the most recent—because back in July, he was still telling the SIU director that the Phantom Thieves would inevitably self-destruct, without his direct involvement. Things are far more complicated now (don’t forget confidant stage 8 is next), but this is still not where Akechi intended this to go, earlier in the year.
Note the sad sprite. I come and go on these; I used to think the very emotional sprites were always performative, but I think I’ve changed my mind. This seems like a point that’s genuinely bothering him, that he has to manage away.
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Then there’s the next one, at the end: Akechi offers Joker the chance to dump his friends, do a heel turn, and join him. You can’t actually do this; he seems kind of shocked that he’s misread you, if you agree to think about it. But he wants to see if you would do it:
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Of course, Akechi can’t accept, even if he really wants to; even if Joker turns out to be kind of a slimy turncoat there being room for only one of those per game But (and this is to do with quite another facet of Akechi) by giving Joker two chances to back out, Akechi has done something else: he’s shifted the responsibility for Joker’s death onto Joker. Joker’s had every chance to walk away, and he hasn’t done it. You can’t say Akechi didn’t try—and now their fight is going to go all the way....
Here’s the “worthy adversary” chat, from the same scene. Akechi gives Joker the “we are so similar and yet we are on opposing sides” speech. They are, of course, and some of it IMO really is because Akechi is playing detective:
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Lastly, here’s confidant stage 8, with Akechi adopting his fucking side-on "I will shoot you now” pose to throw the glove, lol:
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Like, seriously: 
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anyway I do love all of this. From the end of confidant stage 2 onwards, this is the softer side of what’s going on in Akechi’s head. This is how, until he’s stripped of his masks in the engine room, he is interpreting their whole relationship: Joker is Akechi’s nemesis, his equal and opposite, the only one who can match him—but who he can never allow to match him. Joker is Moriarty to his Holmes—because it’s all part of his detective fantasy, one of the fantasies that inflates him.
And as long as all that is there, he can’t properly see anything else he may feel. Everything that happens goes into that framework for him, where he’s caught up in a great rivalry with one of the very few people he truly notices. While Joker, of course, is down for the rival thing, but can’t approach the intensity Akechi affords it, because... well... I think we all know why.
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