#i got an error making this post 2 times and it deleted it both times
layaboutace · 9 months
Clara Oswald and River Song are strange in that they are completely unrelated characters, yet have similar character traits and a unique relationship with the doctor. they are also similar in their rather inconsistent writing, with Clara having a terrible opening and disappointing ending, with an amazing in-between, and River having an amazing opening and ending, while having a terrible in-between.
clara was so disappointing from her first episodes, zero chemistry with matt smith and just a terrible plot line that showed absolutely nothing about her personality, she was so underdeveloped that they could simply switch her job from nanny to teacher out of nowhere and nothing would change. however when the 12th doctor showed up, its almost like she regenerated as well into a better more realistic character! not only does she have an entire seen life outside of the doctor, but the doctor effects her and brings out her worst character traits. she tries to be like the doctor and her curiosity becomes carelessness and her sharp wit becomes pathologic lying to her boyfriend, she becomes reckless and somewhat cruel, immitating the man that she used to criticize for having those traits, she becomes addicted to traveling with the doctor, and to the doctor himself. its very interesting in how it effects the doctor as well, because no matter how deep clara gets into her dark side, the doctor is always by her side, helping her, even when she betrays him, even when she does something stupid, hes always read to be by her side. their dynamic is complex and in many ways toxic, and its very interesting! the ending of season 8, with clara lying to the doctor about danny coming back, and the doctor lying to clara about finding gallifrey, would have been a perfect ending, its them looking at each other and hugging, to hide their true faces, what the doctor had taught clara to do. last Christmas, the season 8 Christmas special, would have also been a perfect ending, the doctor and clara going on one last adventure in a dream, and the doctor reuniting with an old clara was beautiful, as the two opened up to each other about their lies. then it didn't end and surprise its another dream shes actually young. i don't like this at all, but i really like what they did at the end of season 9. face the raven is claras 3rd perfect ending, its the drastic conclusion to all the negative traits her relationship with the doctor has brought out in her, and she pays the price for it, dying tragically attempting to be clever. and then it doesn't end. heaven sent was a perfect finale for this, with the doctor battling with grief before overcoming it. except he didn't now its time for hell bent, and messy conclusion with some of moffats worst moffatisms all in one episode with messy themes and a terrible ending. i like the idea of clara traveling on her own, I don't like her evading death, yes she will die eventually, but still becoming doctorlike wasn't her end, it brought her to come back and then mess with the mind wipe device, making the doctor forget about her, she in the end is rewarded with effective immorality and a tardis of her own for being like the doctor. the doctor isn't even rewarded for being like the doctor thats often what makes him so lonely! its so sad because she had 3 perfect outs and for her actual ending it was completely flubbed of any thematic closure for a happy ending with immortal clara.
Similarly, river song has a rocky history of quality. silence in the library is an amazing opening, and it perfectly sets her up as an engematic reccuring character by making you ask the right questions while making her an actual intriguing character, unlike season 7b clara who often came across as a plot device. however after that she completely falls apart. she is a femme fatal written by a straight man who wants her to step on him. she is in love with the doctor and her whole life revolves around him and she lives for the few days she sees him and she loves him so. she have zero chemistry with matt smith, something she shares with most people interacting with matt smith, so I don't buy their Romance, I don't buy that they did the dirty, seriously i hate that in season 5 11 was pretty definitively asexual but after that hes kissing lesbians without consent and making innuendos with his sonic screwdriver! Her story is also makes no sense, its overly complicated the way moffat loves to write things and has zero emotional payoff. her being amy and rorys kid is something that i don't like as a concept, but if it was done well i could roll with it, but its not done well and has zero emotional pay off for anyone involved. this is compounded by the second twist that mels, Amy and Rorys best friend since childhood who was literally never mentioned until now, is actually river, who can regenerate! not only do amy and rory not have a reaction to it, but afterwards its just never mentioned and they just roll with it??? its just incredibly poor writing, im sure river is better written in the big finish stories, but in the actual stories, shes one of the most poorly written characters in the show. however, she has an amazing ending. the husbands of river song is an amazing episode that shows river as a character who has an interesting life outside of the doctor, she has amazing chemistry with capaldi, and is just a really fun episode, with a sad but satisfying ending to rivers story. honestly both these characters suffer from some of moffats worst qualities in his writing, and while i would say river got the worse end of the stick, clara is still let down by her terrible introduction and ending
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Errors, “Errors,” and Animorphs
So in a different post I ranted about how a tiny non-distracting unfixable difference between two shirts is not an error in Jurassic Park.  IMHO, a continuity gap is only an error if:
It draws attention to itself and distracts the audience
It could’ve been fixed pretty easily in-story
It makes character, plot, or setting nonsensical
Animorphs has continuity gaps of its own.  And I have opinions about what we readers do and do not count as “error.”  First, an example that’s clearly an error:
I wondered if Tobias had heard my thought. I concentrated. Tobias, can     you hear me?
«Yeah,» he said, «I hear you.»
“Did you hear my thoughts before that?” I asked.
«No, I don’t think it works that way.  You have to think at me for me to     hear.»
—#1: The Invasion
Tobias briefly hearing Jake thought-speak in #1 breaks the rules of the setting; several other books (#2, #23, #31, #33, #46) clearly state that it’s impossible to thought-speak if one is human and not in morph.  It’s an easy fix; the re-releases and audiobooks delete this moment, and the graphic novel makes Tobias unable to hear Jake.  It distracts the audience; I’ve gotten 5 or 6 separate asks over the years of people going “I was rereading #1, and the weirdest thing...” It’s an error.  I can’t say what happened behind the scenes — K.A. Applegate toyed with a thread that was later dropped, or decided to introduce a limitation for plot fuel at a later time.  But it’s an error.
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Second, an example that I don’t think counts as an error:
I returned to my life, feeling strange and out of place. That night Jake came over. We went outside.
"I tried morphing the Tyrannosaurus," he said. "Nothing. Didn't work."
"You could ask Ax. He may know why."
Jake laughed. "Yeah, but even if he explains it, I still won't understand it."
—MM2: In the Time of the Dinosaurs [Cassie’s narration]
The kids not being able to morph dinosaurs outside of the Cretaceous Era makes a lot of sense in context.  The whole book series would fundamentally change if they could use T. rex — that would become heavily a favored morph for many of them.  It kicks off all kinds of plot questions that demand answers: Where do the controllers think the “andalite bandits” got dino DNA? What anti-dinosaur measures would they be forced to adopt? Would the Animorphs’ whole strategy change around having those morphs? How would Rachel feel about everyone but Tobias suddenly having a much stronger morph than her? Would they even bother with contemporary animal morphs afterward?
If the kids are morphing dinosaurs all the time after ~#18, then the series loses a lot of its uniqueness.  Applegate has said that most of the inspiration for the series was about trying to help kids understand what it would really be like to be inside an animal mind, with as many animals as possible.  That’s part of why so many of the plots hinge on giving the Animorphs an excuse to learn a new morph (e.g. #4, #17, #27, #47, #52) so that we can experience the coolness right along with them.  That’s why the war is explicitly about fighting for Earth, nonhumans and all (#7, #23, #53).  If it’s not a menagerie of six different critters — including one immigrant from space — rolling up to battle, then it’s not Animorphs. No, it makes no dang sense that sario rip morphs stop working once the rip gets unripped.  But the series acknowledges it, and it allows us both to have a unique animal-based story (dinosaurs! Heckin dinosaurs!) without ruining its own premise.
Third, one that I find fascinating because it’s kind of right on the margin:
"What I don't get is why I have to be a girl wolf," Marco grumbled.
"We had one male and one female," Cassie explained for the tenth time. "If two of us morphed into the male, we'd have two males. Two male wolves might decide they had to fight for dominance."
"I could control it," Marco said.
"Marco, you and Jake already fight for dominance, and you're just ordinary guys," Rachel pointed out.
—#3: The Encounter
Later, Tobias’s narration uses the word “alpha” to describe Jake’s morphed behavior — howling and peeing to mark territory, challenging another wolf pack to protect his own.
There is scientific consensus right now, as of the 2020s, that the term “alpha” is an inaccurate descriptor of pack-lead behavior, and that dominance fights between adult males are almost nonexistent.  That although wolves usually run in a phalanx-like shape with one middle-aged male and female at the point, this isn’t the result of dominance fights but rather an effort to have the physically strongest wolves absorb blows from rogue prey animals or rival predators.  That the dominance fights observed in captive wolves in the 1970s were the result of an ecology error, putting wolves from rival packs into single enclosures.  Fox (1972, 1973) gave a reasonably accurate description of how wolves behave if you put a bunch of adult strangers in a zoo together: the young adult males fight, the winner of that fight wins first access to food, and the mate of the winner gets the most resources for her puppies.
However, time rolls forward, and advances like hidden cameras (and the resurgence of wild wolf populations) allow us to watch wolves without needing to capture them first.  Mech (1999) follows some such wolves around, and quickly realizes that dominance and submission aren’t nearly as important among wolves who chose to make a pack.  Stahler et al. (2002) figure out a better way to introduce stranger wolves in captivity, and get full cooperation among young adult males.  Nowadays drones and radio collars get 1000s of times the wolf data Fox had to work with, and reveal intense cooperation with little more than play-fighting among puppies.
The Encounter comes out 1997.  Mech publishes the first big takedown of the alpha concept 1999.
Did an error occur anywhere in this process?
No, in that Applegate presumably doesn’t own a Time Matrix and published a book based on the scientific consensus at the time about how wolf social dynamics worked.
Yes, in that the error is pretty distracting — I get drawn up short by it every time I reread #3, and I know others have too.
No, in that the error was corrected in the graphic novel adaptation.
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Yes, in that the error is still present in the audiobook, and Michael Crouch delivers the moment about Jake being backed into a dominance fight with all of Tobias’s exasperated humor.
No, in that the error allows for some character moments, both silly (Jake peeing on trees) and sweet (Jake being ready to take on an entire rival pack alone, over a rabbit he doesn’t want).
Yes, in that the error takes away from one of the series’ most fundamental purposes, to educate kids about animals.
Anyway, books are great, science is imperfect, and I think the more we all engage with amateur criticism the more we’re all going to learn about what counts as an error in fiction writing with inspiration in scientific reality.
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oz-me · 1 year
I have to do this. More posts to come about this, but this is a quick post from my twitter about everything that happened with Sad Milk.: This context is entirely from twitter, with the expectation Blair will see it.
I think it’s time that I actually speak out on the current twitter threads regarding Sad Milk. I cannot express how scared I am to do this, the fear I have in my gut to even speak out. However, I do feel it’s important to say my peace on this subject matter.
Yeah, it’s a mess, but the tweet threads posted by wonder and Click, and what they have stated about Sad Milk is the truth. I will be adding those threads below.
The whole project was a mess. From start to finish. I really wish I didn’t need to do this, but with the flurry of Dm’s I’ve been getting, I don’t have a choice but to speak out.
Blair, I’m sorry, but you have hurt me. I need to speak without being told by you “Oh I’m just the villain? I’m always in the wrong?” or something along those lines. Words I have heard from you consistently. I want to be heard for once. I need to clear my mind and conscious after holding this in for 2 years. Forgive me, but it's what needs to be done. When looking at the whole of the project, it was mostly controlled and run by Blair. 
Her main worry was that because of her, in her words, "Lack of Personality" she felt as though her contribution to sadmilk needed to be the managerial bureaucracy behind the scenes to justify her presence. This led to a defensive approach when anyone would attempt to assist with the nitty gritty behind the scenes. (Despite her claiming that no one wanted to help her. One of the factors she claims to be the final nail in the coffin of Sad Milk). Blair was indeed the aggressor. She always has been. As an example of this behavior, look at the legal eagle situation. Blair has the habit of starting fights, but will almost never publicly apologize if proven wrong.
She will instead hide behind a private apology probably, and from my perspective, act as though this makes everything better. Afterall, she would express to me that admitting error would only make her look stupid and weak.
This will be followed by her blocking people on twitter, silencing her detractors through youtube channel bans, deleting comments, and putting her accounts on the downlow to prevent interaction. For example, on Sad Milk, she would blacklist former collaborators from being mentioned, but manually approve hateful comments towards them, which in my opinion, were specifically ones which instead praised her or the remaining members. Including me. This is her MO. It has been for the 4 years that I’ve known her. It actually perfectly ties into how we first met and began to be on speaking terms in April of 2019. Sadmilk was very much like this. At the first sign of dissonance, her response was to have me confront OT and Click with this list of talking points in an attempt to show them just how wrong they were. Which I accepted. This brings me to, well. Me. What is missing from both Click and Wonders threads, is that fact that I acted as Blairs front runner. Anything Blair needed to say went through me first. Essentially act as a spokesman. This was actually a common factor in our relationship. 
I would always act as a filter to keep her out of drama or from saying things which would be seen as offensive or kindle for a larger fire. I stopped doing this in January. This does not excuse me from protecting her for this long, but it is the truth. I could take the approach and say I was manipulated. Which, perhaps I was, but I still knew what I was doing was wrong. I always did, and it always hurt. It left a huge blackmark on my spirit and my ability to feel comfortable in my own skin. I had moved to Colorado, got a house, and lived with her at the time. She was in my life every day and I would hear these theories and villainous explanations directed at anyone who “wronged” her. It was hard to avoid, let alone not fall for them. I believed it was my responsibility to protect my friend from something that, in my view, was clearly hurting her, something that I felt was eating at her and making her daily life worse. Things which in hindsight, could have been solved with a conversation she was unwilling to have. Instead the conspiring, backstabbing, and rumor machine were put into full swing. I, much as wonder and Salty, were forced by Blair to choose between her or Click and OT. Of course I chose the person I lived with. What was I going to do? Move again? I mean I could have.. Once I chose my side, I was met with praise and adoration from her and her modstaff. It, at the time, felt like I was making the right decision. Fuck man. Boy was I wrong. I’ve lost so many friends, isolated myself, been at her side despite feeling like my connections to the world were being severed. I always acted as her talking piece, from yelling at One Topic, to berating click, and other things I did in service of someone who at the time, I believed every word of. I trusted Blair to hell and back and thought I was doing good. I have learned since then, through both self reflection and conversations with old friends, just how much I was (unintentionally, hopefully) used. 
There, of course, is more. Much more. More than I could ever hope to cram into this stupid fucking twitter thread that I know I’m going to get angry DMs and phone calls over. 
Blair. I need you to know that YOU hurt me. More than you realize. I know you’re scanning this and having your team read over it. Maybe even looking at sending me a legal threat as you parade around to do so. But I want you to apologize for once in your life and take accountability. Please. Blair, you would rather paint the world red than admit you have fault. 
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id-element0 · 1 year
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A Nifty Workaround for the Error Code 12 ?
Hi folks, I've been doing stuff other than sims 3 but the other day I opened my save and after a few mysterious CTDs it magically fixed itself so after playing for a while I tried to save and it gave me the dreaded error code 12. A few weeks earlier, when I had the error I decided to try something new and it seemingly worked. This time, I had the chance to test it again to see if it would work again. Now, it can be a coincidence or a fluke but it's worth trying. So, some testers are needed. Next time you have this error, please give it a try.
Basically, when I got the save error, on both times, I went into Edit Town mode and entered a lot and draw a wall or something then hit Ctrl-z, went back to Edit Town and hit Save As. Both times, it saved. I don't know if this was mentioned anywhere before. I don't remember reading anything like this but regardless, I believe it's good information. This is not the same as "Try saving in Edit Town/Map View" tip. Since there's an extra step which I've never encountered before on the internet. But, then I live under a rock, so...
It doesn't have to be an empty lot; it can be an unoccupied residential lot or a community lot. But error 12 is known to be followed by a CTD so it's safer to load an empty lot. Just put a wall or a fence somewhere, undo, go back to Edit Town and save as a new save. Hopefully, it's not a fluke. Because reset town thing is annoying and it doesn't always work. Spread the word if this works for you. Happy simming!
Update: I have 3 more save errors this week on different occasions; two of them occured while using @polrbearsims' method which is pointing the camera to the ground with nothing else in view while saving. Unfortunately, this didn't help much in my case, since my current save is really, really borked. I'm on thin ice here... So, in a healthy save it may actually help. Luckily, though, the empty lot method mentioned in this post have worked on three occasions and my game saved. So it can be used as a last resort if you're getting persistent save errors, as long as your game doesn't crash right away. Well, that's that.
Update #2: It seems like I finally managed to make my save stable enough to play for hours without a CTD. The last couple of crashes were apparently caused by my forgetfulness because I didn't delete the contents of CurrentGame.sims3 folder in my frustration. Heh. I only have one save error at the end of my long, long session. And I always save pointing the camera to ground as previously mentioned. The save error was really persistent and luckily my game didnt't crash. So I tried, tried and tried. My empty lot method didn't work either. So I let the game play itself. Dismissed the maid who was abusing the juice keg. Sent my sims here and there. And alternate between the two methods. In the end my game saved. I don't know if these updates would help anyone but I leave it here anyway. This will most likely be my last update. Thanks everyone for commenting and sharing.
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filthforfriends · 2 years
We have to talk about these MÅ covers
On February 17th 2018, Måneskin performed at the Afterlife Live Club in Ponte San Giovanni. They played a medley of "Prisoner" by James Arthur and "Watch Me" by Jaden Smith. Måneskin performed the first minute and 42 seconds of "Watch Me." That section of the song includes the n-word twice and Damiano said it both times.
“Watch Me” starts at 2:26. The n-word is said at 2:43 and 3:44.
Below are the lyrics from the section Måneskin performed. Since Damiano defers from them, I’ve put all the lyrics he recites as they were written in bold.
Watch me (x3) do this / Watch me (x3) do this
Can't find me up up and away / I give a fuck bout your wave / My n@#$% I surf everyday / Drownin' my soul in the basement, aye / I ain't got much in the bank / I got a lot I could say / Tied up with goddesses, hey / I hope you forgive my mistakes
Yeah, ride around with a renegade / You should take a seat, save your energy / I try to heal the gods with a band-aid / And in time of need, you call your enemies
I landed in Ibiza and I need a visa / I ain't playin' with you this no Mamma Mia / Need a Hottie Tottie with a body, yeah / I just spit the knowledge then I'm out of here
That's what they yell when we come around / (Yeah!) This is your town? Well we run it now / (Yeah!) How big is your army, a hunnit thou? / (Yeah!) If you want the rain then we comin' down
I stumbled it cool / I'm awesome, kick flip in the Carsons / We should run for the pool / I got the fire flow, the department exhausted / I owe nothing to you / I'm in the Tahoe, man you making me nauseous / Pullin up with the crew / You such a hypebeast, man you making me vomit
Look / Watch me (x3) do this / It's always been more than the music / You riding waves in the back of my cruise ship
Look, watch me / Watch me (x2) do this / Since 2012 I've been the coolest / If you do not get it, my n@#$% you foolish
That's what they yell when we come around / (Yeah!) This is your town? Well we run it now / (Yeah!) How big is your army, a hunnit thou? / (Yeah!) If you want the rain then we comin' down
The Context:
This video was filmed during the first concert of Måneskin’s first tour. Creatively named Tour 2018, it ran from February to June. It's also been referred to as the "covers tour" or "X factor tour." For the sake of this post, I'm ignoring TV and radio gigs because those performances only have one or two songs. The only relevant dates are actual concerts (because the entire setlist was performed).
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I found this image of the Tour 2018 setlist on Twitter. I can't locate its source, but I assume it was posted by Maneskin then deleted because of spelling errors. "Watch Me" is misspelled "Eatch Me," (hence the typo in the video title.) This spelling error is why theres conveniently no record of "Watch Me" being in a Maneskin setlist.
The setlist from the Afterlife Live Club 2/17/18 falsely credits "Catch Me" by Yellow Claw instead of "Watch Me" by Jaden Smith. As we can see in the video, Damiano clearly isn't singing the lyrics to "Catch Me." Because this was a relatively small tour, there are only setlists available for four other dates. Casa della Musica 2/24/18, The Cage Theatre 3/8/18, Vox Club 3/11/18, Santeria Toscana 31 4/20/18. Since the subsequent setlists were based on the first one, each make the same mistake of crediting "Catch Me" by Yellow Claw instead of "Watch Me" by Jaden Smith.
With so little evidence, I can't definitively say how many times Damiano used the n-word, but I can make an educated guess. I estimate Maneskin performed “Watch Me” about 22 times from February to April of 2018 on the following dates: Ponte San Giovanni 2/17/18, Naples 2/24/18, Modugno 2/25/18, Palermo 3/2/18, Catania 3/3/18, Livorno 3/8/18, Florence 3/9/18, Nonantola 3/11/18, Bologna 3/15/18 & 3/17/18, Parma 3/18/18, Milan 3/21/18 & 3/23/18 & 3/25/18 & 4/20/18, Roncade 3/24/18, Bassano Del Grappa 3/26/18, Turin 3/30/18, Genoa 3/31/18, Rome 4/6/18 & 4/7/18 & 4/22/18. Unless he got educated, that'd mean Damiano said the n-word 44 times in about two months.
Remember that Maneskin profited off this tour where the n-word was sang twice a night. They made their first album and started their career with that money.
Four Years Later:
"Watch Me" wasn't the end of Maneskin using racial slurs in their covers. Damiano sings the c-slur twice in Manskin's cover of "Black Skinhead" by Kanye West, but avoids the n-word. This means Maneskin are aware that "Watch Me" was a mistake, but can't be fucking bothered to didn't google a list of racial slurs when covering another Black artist.
The c-slur is said at 1:05 and 1:21.
Maneskin performed "Black Skinhead" from 2019 to 2021. Above is the final rendition on June 16th during a TikTok livestream from Berlin. Damiano received minor backlash for using the c-slur on that occasion and issued an apology on Twitter. Notably, Maneskin have never acknowledged using the n-word in "Watch Me." Hypothetically, that could lead a person to believe that Damiano's primary motivation for apologizing for using the c-slur was that he got called out. Considering his support for Black Lives Matter, the perception that Damiano prioritizes marketability over genuine remorse looks like some lazy ass, token allyship that only a white dude would get congratulated for hypocritical.
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Maneskin performed an abridged version of "Black Skinhead," from beginning to 2:16 on the original track. Let's take a close look at which lyrics Damiano censored.
For my theme song / My leather black jeans on / My by any means on🔎Reference to Malcolm X’s speech at the OAAU’s founding, where he repeats that Afro-Americans will find equality in the following sectors: 1. Establishment 2. Self-defense 3. Education 4. Politics & Economics 5. Social “by any means necessary.” 
Pardon, I'm getting my scream on / Enter the kingdom / But watch who you bring home / They see a black man with a white woman / At the top floor they gone come to kill King Kong🔎 Originating with slave traders, there is a long history of Black Americans being characterized as apes. The dehumanization is used to justify Black suffering. Notice the initials KKK, as in Klu Klux Klan, which are also present in the titles alternative spelling, "BLKKK SKKKNHEAD."
Middle America packed in / Came to see me in my Black skin 🔎In this version Damiano avoids the phrase "in my Black skin," but in past performances he sang the lyric.
Number one question they asking / Fuck every question you asking / If I don't get ran out by Catholics / Here come some conservative Baptists / Claiming I'm overreacting / Like them black kids in Chiraq bitch 🔎 “Chiraq” is a reference to the extremely high homicide rate in Chicago. According to BBC, more Americans have been killed in Chicago than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Most victims are young Black men.
Four in the morning, and I'm zoning / They say / I'm possessed, it's an omen / I keep it 300, like the Romans / 300 bitches, where's the Trojans? / Baby we living in the moment / I've been a menace for the longest / But I ain't finished, I'm devoted / And you know it, and you know it
So follow me up cause this shit's about to go / I'm doing 500, I'm outta control / But there's nowhere to go / And there's no way to slow / If I knew what I knew in the past / I would've been blacked out on your ass 🔎In this case, "blacked out" isn't necessarily a racialized term. It refers to a dramatic moment of anger so intense that the speaker doesn't remember their actions.
Stop all that c*%& shit 🔎This term comes from C*%& Songs, which were played at minstrel shows. Kanye is telling someone to stop acting out a caricature of blackness for the consumption of white people.
Early morning cartoon shit / This is that goon shit / Fuck up your whole afternoon shit / I'm aware I'm a wolf / Soon as the moon hit / I'm aware I'm a king / Back out the tomb bitch / Black out the room, bitch 🔎 Damiano repeats the line above to avoid singing this lyric, which actually isn't offensive. In this case, "black out" refers to making a room completely dark by closing curtains etc.
Stop all that c*%& shit / These n@#$%* ain't doin' shit (x2) / Come on homie what happened / You n@#$%* ain't breathing you gasping / These n@#$%* ain't ready for action / (Ready) Ready for action (Action)
In Conclusion:
Damiano censored each lyric with the word "black" to avoid being offensive. In addition to those three instances, the world "black" is repeated in the background 14 times. If Damiano thinks it's offensive to say the word "black" in a song that contains it 17 times, is titled "Black Skinhead," and is about the Black experience, he shouldn't be singing it at all. He censored lyrics that don't reference race because he doesn't know what the song is about. That ignorance is the same reason he didn't know that c*%& is a slur.
Yes, Maneskin should have educated themselves about a song they didn't understand with words they didn't recognize before performing it in front of thousands. Yes, they should have learned their lesson since racism is literally the consequence. Yes, this mistake is inexcusable from BLM allies. However, in reality, Maneskin shouldn't have performed "Black Skinhead" at all. The fact that this song wasn't made for white people's consumption is obvious from the inflammatory title. Lyrically, Kanye is describing his nuanced and complex lived experience as a Black American surviving the intersection of oppressive colonialist forces. "Watch Me" may not have substantive lyrics, but "Black Skinhead" and its subject matter is not to be repackaged into a catchy little rock song by four white Europeans for their mostly white fanbase. It's not our cultural experience and it's not intended to be adopted it as such. I don't know how else to explain it.
"we have artists who are geniuses...When you and I begin to support the black artists, then the black artists can play that black role...when he can sing and dance to please black men, he sings a different song and he dances a different step. When we get together, we’ve got a step all our own. We have a step that nobody can do but us, because we have a reason for doing it that nobody can understand but us."
-Malcolm X
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itlivesproject · 2 years
do any of you guys have your own saves? like, do y’all play the game outside of making it, I mean? or do you get tired of looking at it for too long? and if you play, what do you think is your favorite detail that you guys have come up with?
We sure do have our own MCs! This lil guy here is Orion Murphy. He's my tester MC and he very well may end up becoming my main MC because I've grown attached to him.
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(Spoiler alert, this screen cap is from chapter 18 😱 Orion has wormed his way into the future)
I was planning on playing with an fMC named Rowan Burke but I kinda love Orion. He's genuine, wants to go to college, is interested in focusing on his real life, and his main LI is Lincoln but as he's a tester he romances everyone 🤭 but in my heart, those other alternate romances happen in alternate timelines.
Now tbh, I don't really play outside of testing the game because during testing passes, I'll play each scene 5+ times, and that’s after becoming intimately familiar with said scenes during the writing/editing passes, so I just don't really have time. Once it's completely finished though, I plan on replaying from the beginning and just going through it without skipping around or focusing on testing and changing things. It also makes it hard to play through without testing because you'll be playing and the game will end abruptly because the next scene hasn't been coded lol.
[Mod M hijacking]
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This here is Linnet Barker, potential Lincoln romancer (I'm playing... Very slowly (I'm on chapter 2)), and dignified unhinged in the way of "listening to the Sweeney Todd numbers on repeat helps her relax ." She's sarcastic and not interested in college but also a massive liar who has never once treated anyone with an ounce of authenticity, what are you talking about, the fact that she's been friends with Amalia for ten years means nothing to her.
[Mod Eri hijacking the post from Mod M]
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I've got two MCs. Amina "Ami" Kajeem and Danielo "Danny" David. Amina got me through testing the entirety of part 1. She's helped me catch so many errors while romancing Amalia and being an incompetent genuine bean. Danielo was created and left to forever wander chapter 2 aimlessly. Both currently don't exist cause I deleted my saves for science a while ago. I still haven't had the time to play the game for fun with a "main" mc... Someday I will. Someday 🥲
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Danni! Where do you get the images you use for your banners? They always look so good and convey such strong vibes! xoxo
Hi there Anon! Thanks so much! I've always envied people who had such cute banners so it feels really good to have ones for myself that I really like now! 😄 The answer is: Canva!
I've only been doing this for like a week but I started getting things setup for @hp-fruit-fest and needed banners! So I toyed around for a few hours one night until I got some images I liked. It was very trial and error, but it was a good starting point since "clean, simple, colorful" was the vibe I wanted.
Once I was more comfortable making images for fest use, I decided to play around some more in Canva for potential story banners. The natural place to start was Contempt. A story I really loved and was really familiar with and was willing to do a lot of trial and error on.
In fact, let me go un-delete some photos so you can see the progression:
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My very first thought was to search "red silk" because I liked the idea of it, but quickly nixed it after doing a series of "fabric themed" titles for the series. (The other options I won't show since the stories aren't out yet!) They were cute, but weren't quite right.
Then I moved onto fire. A natural choice imo! Harry our fiery Leo; the fire of his passion, and how it energizes and consumes him. The second image got me to breakdown and pay for a monthly subscription.
On the note of subscriptions: I don't think I'll keep it ongoing, as I think it's a bit pricey for something I don't imagine I'll be using super often outside of my immediate needs. You can create perfectly serviceable images with the free option, but it is annoying that when you search stuff the "pro" options show up as well. I will say if you're tempted by the pro version, do it a month when you have the money to spare and a lot of images you want to make and just do it a month at a time. 🤷‍♀️ But definitely not necessary!
Anyway, so the second image's background tempted me too much at the time, though I'm less impressed by it now. The look of like a fiery sky with stars! That led me to another round of series images that were sky themed. I did keep one image from that round, for the Kinkuary fic I'm posting on the 14th!
After a while I just wasn't impressed with any of the fire images I was creating, and so then I moved onto snake. Specifically: a red one!
I have a lot of thoughts about symbolism in general, but specifically for Contempt. In fact, I wrote a whole meta about it that I soon deleted out of embarrassment. 😂 Maybe I'll put it back up one day, idk, we'll see!
So there's the representation at face value: the snake for Slytherin for Severus. Red for Gryffindor for Harry. Then you get into the symbolism of the serpent (rebirth, eternity, life, danger, lies, evil) and the symbolism of red (passion, courage, anger, danger, violence.) Then the specific connections to the story, with the serpent on Severus' door (and the symbolism of doors being either imprisonment or opportunity.) Then, when discussing the embroidery with Mari (onbeinganangel) I got into the nature symbolism, and how it represented both beauty and brutality, which I associated with their love and their story.
Luckily searching "red snake" landed me the perfect image. Then I spent ages determining the font. Actually what's really missing from the lineup above was a really cool but also terrible font choice. Maybe I should go recreate it just to show you. 😂
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Ngl, I still like it, I'm just not sure it's the right mood. 😅
Anyway, by this point, "perfecting" Contempt made me feel much more confident in what I was doing. So I actually spent a lot of time yesterday creating title banners. Only a few I've shared, though! Some I have saved for future "Self-Rec Saturdays" and 2 for the 2 Kinkuary stories that are finished but not yet posted! (Snarry coming on the 14th and Riddledore on the 27th!)
Most of them I had a pretty good idea of images to search for, but for the Swiftly Snarry series I was actually at a bit of a loss. No imagery really stuck out at me, at least nothing I could easily find and use. I did a lot of random word searches. "Headmaster's office", "wizard office", "antique office", "antique desk", etc. I searched "books" and...hmm. Other stuff I'm forgetting at the moment.
I actually found the key image I used for A Chain Reaction of Countermoves first. I had to create a new page to drop the image into so I wouldn't lose it! Then I went back to the page I was working on Clandestine Meetings & Stolen Stares in. The key worked in my head since in the story they're meeting in an inn and the whole "key to my heart" idea. Plus it had the antiquey feel I was sort of looking for.
Settling on the key also made me decide to have a "one object" feel for Clandestine Meetings, so I searched "quill" and...tbh still spent too much time looking, but at least I had an idea of what I wanted after that. Then a matter of choosing the right colors for the font. The font itself was easy enough as it's a text template I like that is easily adjusted for size and color.
Then, last night, while making a "Self-Rec Saturday" banner and testing how the drafts looked on Tumblr...I realized Canva had an option to save with a transparent background! -gasp-
Original Self-Rec banner options:
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Which are still cute, don't get me wrong, and maybe I'll use them one day, but the transparent background???? Look!!!!
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That was some trial and error of it's own having to check how it would look once on Tumblr, too, with font color (but also remembering I use Tumblr in dark mode hahaha) and image size.
So yeah that's what I've been doing all week. Playing with Canva. 😂
TL;DR: I used Canva. It takes some trial and error and practice to use but once you get the hang of it you can get some cute stuff!
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magzjournal · 24 days
it’s the year 2024 baby
Michelle found this blog and reminded me about it this morning (the one I’m posting on). We both totally forgot about its existence, but I’m kinda glad she found it. I just got done reading everything. I’m starting to form some opinions on how I feel about it, but it’s all still sinking in.
I guess 1) I feel like that person who wrote the previous posts is almost foreign to me…but I can still see some similar themes in my life today.
2) I’m happy to have read it, and to have seen some of the old pictures I posted, just…seeing something that made it through the usual me just deleting everything after I’m done thing.
and 3) makes me want to write some more…so I have something to come back to again a year from now when I forget about it again.
but maybe right now I need it.
this time I won’t put so much pressure on writing every day or whatever. Just write when I feel like writing and positing whatever I feel like posting.
I think I will carry the adding photos to every post into this NEW GENERATION because it was pretty cool to see old stuff. This time I’ll try to post more stuff even if I don’t think it’s that interesting…because I know for sure future me would love seeing it.
So here’s some stuff:
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I’m going to leave it with this one picture. I actually chose 20 images but there was some sort of error, but this was the first one I picked so this one stays!
time for bed
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my-weird-news · 1 year
🔥 Wildfires Rage as Canadian Officials Slam Facebook's News Ban! 😱
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Facebook vs. Wildfires: A Comedy of Errors So there I was, sitting in my cozy Canadian igloo, sipping on my maple syrup-infused tea, when suddenly the whole city of Yellowknife decided it was time for a mass evacuation. Oh, sure, wildfires were closing in, but instead of just shouting out the window, "Hey, grab your moose slippers and let's get outta here!", they turned to their trusty pal, Facebook. Now, you'd think this would be a straightforward situation, right? I mean, how hard is it to post a link to some serious news about impending wildfires? Apparently, as hard as convincing a beaver to take up knitting. The city's brilliant idea? "Hey folks, instead of making things easy and posting the news directly, let's make everyone play a game of digital hide-and-seek! Step 1: Open Google. Step 2: Type in 'CPAC Canada' or visit www.cpac.ca (just remove those pesky spaces). Can you feel the excitement in the air? It's like an online scavenger hunt, wildfire edition! Oh, but wait, there's a plot twist! You see, Facebook, being the drama queen it is, decided to give news articles the cold shoulder in Canada. Why, you ask? Well, apparently, our friendly neighborhood lawmakers passed a law that's all like, "Hey, Meta, pay up for the news, will ya?" And Meta was like, "Nah, I'd rather eat poutine flavored with sorrow." So, they decided to just delete all the news from Canadian feeds. Meanwhile, the Online News Act is waiting backstage, ready to make its grand entrance in December. But Meta, oh no, they're waving their hands in surrender like a hockey player who just lost a tooth: "We can't do this, eh? We're shutting down the news, buddy." Now, I get it, it's a bit tough. But honestly, this is like your pet moose deciding to moonwalk when you're facing a stampede. Canadians love their Facebook and Instagram, you know? Especially the folks in the middle of nowhere who rely on them more than they do on their hockey sticks. And who better to add a dash of maple-flavored sarcasm to the mix than good ol' Prime Minister Justin Trudeau? He's like, "Hey, Facebook, we're drowning in wildfires up here, and all you care about is your Tim Hortons order." I might've added the Tim Hortons part, but you get the idea. So, what's a Canadian to do? Well, some have become internet ninjas, typing out full URLs, taking screenshots like it's a selfie spree, or just giving Facebook and Instagram the cold shoulder (like they haven't seen enough of that already, eh?). Then there's Ollie Williams, the news editor at Cabin Radio. He's like, "Facebook, you're about as useful as a screen door on a submarine." They've thrown in the towel and are doing the news tango somewhere else. But hey, there's a silver lining to this cloud of digital chaos. Cabin Radio's audience has stepped up like a beaver building an extra-strong dam. They're screenshotting news like it's the latest meme and spreading the word like hockey fans at a winning game. Turns out, in the battle of news vs. Facebook, the audience took the puck and scored. But not everyone's riding this comedy train. Melissa David, founder of Parachutes for Pets, is trying to save animals from the wildfires. She's all like, "We need Facebook for verified info," but Facebook's playing hard to get. Without a news article, her announcement got lost in the digital tundra. So, she's recruiting extra volunteers, because, you know, the more the merrier when dealing with flaming furballs. And let's not forget Trevor Moss, head honcho at the Central Okanagan Food Bank. He's like, "Come on, Facebook, we're in a food crisis, not a social media drama." But alas, Facebook's ghosting news, leaving them hungry for both bites and bytes. So there you have it, the great Facebook news blackout of Canada. It's like a sitcom where Facebook's the quirky neighbor who's decided to wear a paper bag over its head, just when we needed information the most. Will the Online News Act swoop in like a superhero to save the day? Will Canadians continue to outsmart Facebook's shenanigans? Stay tuned, eh? # Facebook vs. Wildfires: A Comedy of Errors So there I was, sitting in my cozy Canadian igloo, sipping on my maple syrup-infused tea, when suddenly the whole city of Yellowknife decided it was time for a mass evacuation. Oh, sure, wildfires were closing in, but instead of just shouting out the window, "Hey, grab your moose slippers and let's get outta here!", they turned to their trusty pal, Facebook. Now, you'd think this would be a straightforward situation, right? I mean, how hard is it to post a link to some serious news about impending wildfires? Apparently, as hard as convincing a beaver to take up knitting. The city's brilliant idea? "Hey folks, instead of making things easy and posting the news directly, let's make everyone play a game of digital hide-and-seek! Step 1: Open Google. Step 2: Type in 'CPAC Canada' or visit www.cpac.ca (just remove those pesky spaces). Can you feel the excitement in the air? It's like an online scavenger hunt, wildfire edition! Oh, but wait, there's a plot twist! You see, Facebook, being the drama queen it is, decided to give news articles the cold shoulder in Canada. Why, you ask? Well, apparently, our friendly neighborhood lawmakers passed a law that's all like, "Hey, Meta, pay up for the news, will ya?" And Meta was like, "Nah, I'd rather eat poutine flavored with sorrow." So, they decided to just delete all the news from Canadian feeds. Meanwhile, the Online News Act is waiting backstage, ready to make its grand entrance in December. But Meta, oh no, they're waving their hands in surrender like a hockey player who just lost a tooth: "We can't do this, eh? We're shutting down the news, buddy." Now, I get it, it's a bit tough. But honestly, this is like your pet moose deciding to moonwalk when you're facing a stampede. Canadians love their Facebook and Instagram, you know? Especially the folks in the middle of nowhere who rely on them more than they do on their hockey sticks. And who better to add a dash of maple-flavored sarcasm to the mix than good ol' Prime Minister Justin Trudeau? He's like, "Hey, Facebook, we're drowning in wildfires up here, and all you care about is your Tim Hortons order." I might've added the Tim Hortons part, but you get the idea. So, what's a Canadian to do? Well, some have become internet ninjas, typing out full URLs, taking screenshots like it's a selfie spree, or just giving Facebook and Instagram the cold shoulder (like they haven't seen enough of that already, eh?). Then there's Ollie Williams, the news editor at Cabin Radio. He's like, "Facebook, you're about as useful as a screen door on a submarine." They've thrown in the towel and are doing the news tango somewhere else. But hey, there's a silver lining to this cloud of digital chaos. Cabin Radio's audience has stepped up like a beaver building an extra-strong dam. They're screenshotting news like it's the latest meme and spreading the word like hockey fans at a winning game. Turns out, in the battle of news vs. Facebook, the audience took the puck and scored. But not everyone's riding this comedy train. Melissa David, founder of Parachutes for Pets, is trying to save animals from the wildfires. She's all like, "We need Facebook for verified info," but Facebook's playing hard to get. Without a news article, her announcement got lost in the digital tundra. So, she's recruiting extra volunteers, because, you know, the more the merrier when dealing with flaming furballs. And let's not forget Trevor Moss, head honcho at the Central Okanagan Food Bank. He's like, "Come on, Facebook, we're in a food crisis, not a social media drama." But alas, Facebook's ghosting news, leaving them hungry for both bites and bytes. So there you have it, the great Facebook news blackout of Canada. It's like a sitcom where Facebook's the quirky neighbor who's decided to wear a paper bag over its head, just when we needed information the most. Will the Online News Act swoop in like a superhero to save the day? Will Canadians continue to outsmart Facebook's shenanigans? Stay tuned, eh? Read the full article
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iamjalen-unhinged · 2 years
Before you read: This is a long post about my ex. I promise you I am not posting this for you to read, however if you do, enjoy the ride. If not it's really just to vent and let it go. The following will have grammatical errors, and spelling errors. I don't care, I'm currently high and venting. I might delete this, I'm not really too sure. But here goes...
I got with my ex in 2019, --my last year in college-- and it has been one of the most rocky journeys of my life. I won't get into everything, but to add context to the situation I will talk about some of the bull shit that went down, but please keep in mind, parts of the stories are left out.
First, I was cheated on while I was in another country. Mind you, I was in another country because I was jump starting my marketing career post college. What was supposed to be a happy and glorious moment, and time for me was partly ruined by the fact that I got cheated on. Mind you, the nigga gave the bull shit excuse of "I need to be by myself" and brokeup with me before I even found out about the cheating. It wasn't until a month after that, his friend slipped and told me he cheated on me.
Fast forward end of 2019 going into 2020, my dumb ass starts talking to him again, I went to visit this man a whole hour away from where I live and did so a few times. One time in the mix of partying and drinking, this man calls me the other niggas name in front of all his friends. That shit was wild (I was hysterical that night)
Now you may be thinking, why are you still fucking with this man after all this? but check my technique... it's hard to let someone go bro. Especially because he was the exact opposite of what I had before (you don't even wanna know about that emotionally abusive ass story). On top of that, I was doing off the wall shit too. I just never got caught.
So fast forward again, we've both kinda matured and are in decent places in life (mentally). We decide to be cool, and spend time together and shit like that.
Though this time around, I never put my guard down. Knowing this man and the past shit he put me through, I would never let my guard down with him again. Plus in the back of my head I never thought that us being cool and spending time together would become anything more.At that time I didn't want anything more from him or from anyone, but he brung a good nut and good times. We had also both agreed (he brung up the idea) that we would not fuck other people in fear of STIs and giving it to one another. Fair, right?
Everything was going well up until this past summer. In June, this man comes around and tells me he's going to be celibate (Bull shit). I found out in maybe September that in July (right before my birthday)... Let's just say, he broke the agreement, and exactly what we wanted to avoid, ended up happening.
So here we are in October and now this guy has a whole new situation and tbh it irritates the fuck out of me for several reasons. But I'll only list the main 2.
The first reason is... Why didn't that nigga like me? Like we had great times together and it was nothing I wouldn't have done for him, so why no matter how hard I tried this niggas just did not want me!!! and that alone is such a hard pill to swallow because I internalize it when I know I shouldn't. But I genuinely want to know, why wasn't I good enough?
Second reason, BITCH aint no way you about to prosper with this ugly ass nigga (who has the same name as me) after you did me THAT bold. Like fuck you, I hope you and that nigga rot!
Now granted I left A LOT of shit out, so this post may come off as the "bitter ex" but that's okay, I'm almost at the end process of letting it go.
I myself have a person that interests me, and I actually do like the person. I hope with time we can actually make something out of it. Because at this point, bitch, I deserve to be happy.
Also (you might be mad) I actually still talk to him to this day. I thought about cutting all ties with him and I still can, however, I don't think it's really necessary for me to do all that. I still value the friendship we did actually make, and I do like spending time with him. As long as no feelings are involved, I will be fine. I'm mature enough to do that, I think
If you actually sat and read all of this, I love you and if you want a gift (I don't have anything to offer but nudes) DM me or even like this. Thank you for taking the time. Now back to your regular scheduled programming.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Milestone Celebration Part 1: Cure For Boredom - Part 2
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Deleted scenes from Cure for Boredom: Part 2
Summary of Original Fic: You and Captain Syverson cure boredom. Together. In bed. With sex.
Pairing of Original Fic: Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Word Count: approx. 2.4k
Warnings: smut, fluff, slight angst
Authors Note: These snippets will be presented pretty much as I left them, incomplete and unedited. I'm bloody nervous about posting these, I guess because they are so unpolished, so please be gentle with me!
This was a particularly hard story for me to write at the time. I rewrote so many parts of this, I even tried to write it from Sy's POV. Eventually i got the fic to work and it's still one of my favourites. Thanks to @blakerogue, the original Beta reader of this fic.
Edited by me, there will be errors.
Milestone Celebration Masterlist
Original fic link: Cure For Boredom: Part 2
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Snippet One
Hesitantly you crawl across the pillows. When you are close enough, Sy lifts you up and places you on his lap, your legs straddling his. You feel him between your legs, his half hard cock seems to twitch beneath you and grow by the second.
Sy’s eyes roam over you, taking you in. When his gaze meets yours, you are surprised that he looks at you like he always does. You expected something else, something lustful. He holds your chin and draws your mouth to his. When his lips graze yours, you are surprised by his gentleness. He kisses you again, firmer this time and you hear a soft rumble in his chest. You move your lips against his as your body warms.
With a delicate lap, Sy licks at your lips. You open your mouth and greet him with your tongue. You hear his soft rumble again, and you let out your own moan as you place your hands on Sy’s neck, your fingertips slipping into his beard.
Although his kisses are sweet, they aren’t what you expected. You are sure he is holding back and you doubt his interest in continuing.
You pull away and say, “If you don’t want to do this anymore, we can stop.”
Sy clears his throat, but his voice seems strained, “Why would I want to stop?”
“You don’t seem into it,” you say. Sy throws his head back with laughter and you cross your arms pouting. “Its not fucking funny Sy. This was your idea.”
“What makes you think I ain't interested?”
“I can tell you're holding back,” you say. “I’m not stupid, I’ve seen you with girls before, you don’t kiss them like that.”
Sy looks uncomfortable, lowering his eyes. You see his jaw jut forward like it does when he’s frustrated. “Fuck,” he says.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you say with a sigh and go to roll off Sy’s lap.
Sy pulls you back onto his lap. “You don’t know anything, Sugar,” he says. Sy cups your cheeks, a half smile on his lips as he says, “I didn’t want those girls, like I want you.”
He grunts, and says under his breath, “Now you know how I’ve felt the past three years.”
“Really?” you ask.
“Oh, Sugar,” Sy says, shaking his head. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty, cause you ain’t clever sometimes.”
Sy moves faster than you and like a switch had been flipped, he rolls you both onto the lounge, his huge body covering yours. “You don’t know anything, Lil Girl,” he growls, pushing his hips into you, his cock pressed against you and you moan. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you make that noise for me.”
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Snippet Two
Sy lifts his arms, to give you room and you climb onto his lap, lifting your leg over his before settling on his thighs. Sy gives an appreciative hum, his hands stroking and squeezing your thighs as he looks you up and down. He is still grinning, and it puts you at ease. This is Sy you are with, you know him, you trust him, just relax.
“Hey,” you say, shyly.
“Hey yourself,” Sy says, he doesn’t seem nervous. He places his huge hands gently on your neck and his thumbs caress your cheeks. “You ok, Darlin’?” he asks, looking into your eyes.
Your gaze was drawn to the splash of brown in the corner of one of his blue eyes, and you think it's funny because you can't remember the first time you noticed it, but you always look for it now, it's a comfort somehow.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you say and it's true, you feel the nervousness fall away.
“You look good on my lap, Sweet Pea.” He leans forward and grabbing your ass he pulls you close. You gasp as you feel him, hard under his boxers while Sy half groans half chuckles as he feels you. “Oh, that’s even better,” he hums.
Sy grabs your hips and rocks them, while he lifts himself up to you. You feel like you’re riding a bull, he is so strong. He grits his teeth, sucking in breath and closes his eyes groaning as he undulates. Feeling him move like that, watching his abs roll as he pushes into you and hearing his noises nearly overwhelms you, as heat rushes to your core.
He stops as suddenly as he started and grins, “Shit, Darlin’, you got me all worked up already.”
“I didn’t do anything,” you protest. “You’re the one rolling around dry humping me, like a horny teenager. You haven’t even kissed me yet.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, and smugly he grins, “Do you want me to kiss you, Sugar?”
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Snippet Three
When you don’t move Syverson keeps patting his tree trunk thick thighs and jerking his head. He starts wiggling his eyebrows too. He knows you like it when he doesn’t take himself too seriously and when you burst out laughing he can’t help but laugh too.
“C’mon,” he says softly through his chuckles. For the first time you hear a note of desire in his voice. You feel the effect of his tone deep within you and your laughter slowly morphs into nervous giggles. You crawl across the lounge, slowly, playing up being seductive. “Atta girl.” he rumbles, his voice deep and gravelly and you wonder if you’re going to melt.
Sy lifts his arms to give you room and you climb onto his lap, your legs resting on the outside of his. He gives an appreciative hum, his hands stroke and squeeze your thighs as he looks you up and down. He adjusts hips under you and gripping your ass, he pulls you closer. His fingers dig into your hips as he rocks under you grinding himself against you while you gasp, not expecting him to be so hard so fast.
Sy grits his teeth, sucks in a breath and closes his eyes with a groan, “Shit, Darlin’, you got me all worked up already.”
“Do I?” you say, rolling your hips, grinding yourself against him. You let a small moan escape your lips.
“Oh, you like to tease, do you darlin’?” Sy asks grinning.
“You’re easy to tease, Sy,” you reply, returning his grin.
Sy holds your neck and brings you to his face. “Only when I let you, lil girl,” he says, you feel your core clench at his words. This is the Sy you had heard through the walls, the one you had thought about, the one you had fantasised about.
Without warning Sy’s mouth is on yours and his tongue is forcing its way in. His hand is on your throat, the other on your hip as you rub against each other and your kisses are hard and furious. He slides his hand over your ass and he squeezes it before he gives you a quick hard slap. You sit up, crying out, but God it was hot.
“Fuck,” you moan.
“You like that?” He asks, smirking. He knows you did, you can see it in his smug grin.
He see’s how he’s made you react, and his smirk returns. “You're a cocky asshole, Sy,” you say.
“Well, look atcha darlin’,” he says, “You're panting, hot, and I bet your pussy is soaked for me ain't it darlin’. Hmm?”
Your cheeks heat and you look away.
“Let’s have a look.” He slides his hands into your shorts. “Oh Darlin’, I thought so.”
His eyes rest on your breasts, “Show me, darlin’.”
You lift up your shirt slowly revealing what was underneath. Sy grinned like a kid in a candy store, eyes wide, “Fuck lil girl. You've been hiding those from me all this time?” He licks his lips, “Put ‘em in my mouth.”
Biting your lip you lean closer and he takes you in his mouth. He moans softly as he sucks on you, and grabs them in his hands.
“Oh fuck,” you say.
He goes back to your lips and nibbles, on your lower lip before asking roughly, “Your room or mine?”
“Yours,” you reply.
He lifts you and carries you, throwing you down to the bed.
“You look good in my bed darlin,’” Sy slips his hand into his boxers and you see him tug his thick cock. You watch enthralled as he pulls his cock out of his trunks, you’ve never seen a guy so unashamed of touching himself like that. “Play with your tits,” he says, his eyes on fire, “Come on darlin’, show me how you like ‘em to be touched.”
You do, you can’t help but not be shy when he seems to want to see you do it so badly.
“Fuck, take your shorts off,” he growls. You slide your little shorts down your legs and he grabs them, throwing them across the room. “Open your legs and show me your pussy.”
You watch him pant as you slowly bend your knees and widen them for him. He moans and fists himself hard a moment before forcing himself to stop.
“Fuck that’s a pretty pussy.”
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Snippet Four
Panting and without a hint of embarrassment, he says, “Darlin’ I haven’t had a woman touch me in nearly a year. I'm wound a little tight.”
You think back, trying to remember the last time you had seen him with anyone. When you first moved into the house there were different girls nearly every weekend. But over time it had been less frequent and you struggled to recall the last girl you had seen him with.
“Really?” you say, “It’s been that long?”
“Yeah,” Sy says.
He shrugs, “No real reason. Just ain't interested in one night stands anymore.”
“But you are now?”
“This isn’t the same thing,” he says firmly. “This is different.”
“Why?” you ask.
He drew his eyebrows together and tilted his head, giving me an ‘are you stupid or something’ look. “Cause it’s you, Sugar,” he says, as if it explained everything.
“Why would that make a difference?,” you ask. You’re still confused.
Sy shakes his head and barks out a laugh, but it isn’t because he found something funny. He looks away from you and clenches his teeth. He is upset about something.
“It wouldn’t,” he says, harshly. “Go on, get off me.”
“What?” you cry, your heart sinks. “Sy, this was your idea.”
“Well it was stupid.” He says, without looking at you. “Now get off.”
“No.” You say. “What did I do, Sy?”
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Snippet Five
You start giggling, you were so shocked by how big he was.
Sy lets you go and sit back on his heels, folding his arms and jutting his jaw. He looks like a petulant child and you wonder what was wrong. Then it clicked, you’d laugh at him with his dick in your hand. You force yourself not to laugh, he couldn’t possibly be worried about it could he? He was definitely the biggest you’ve seen in real life.
“Sy, I’m sorry,” you say and he starts to get off the bed. You grab his hand. “No, Sy, I just…” He stands, looking impatient and hurt. You just blurt out, “You’re fucking huge, Sy.”
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Snippet Six
My heart thundered in my chest as I patted my lap and called you over. You looked skittish, like you wanted to run away and I would have stopped if I hadn’t seen you bite your lip. I knew you too well, knew that you were stuck, frozen, wanting to move but too afraid. That was ok, I wasn’t, I’d take the lead.
I reached over the sofa for you, gripped your waist and pulled you to me. Your shriek of surprise and giggle at being manhandled made me chuckle. You were so damn cute, Sugar. I helped you onto my lap, your legs on either side of mine. I couldn’t stop my smile as I felt your weight rest on my thighs.
I had to take a deep breath, calm down. You still looked nervous and I didn’t want you to be. You were never like that with me, I wanted you to have fun, enjoy it, and realise what we could have together. I held your arms, rubbed them and I could feel you tremble. I wrapped my arms around you, guided your head to my shoulder and rubbed your back.
“Shhh, Sugar,” I said, “Don’t be like that, it's just me.” I held you until you stopped shaking and you sat up. I smiled at you and you smiled back, that wide, trusting smile you had for me.
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Snippet Seven
Sy lifts his arms off his lap to give you room to climb onto his lap. He gets a whiff of your shampoo as you do and he enjoys the view as you lift your leg over his and slowly settle onto his thighs. He gives you an appreciative hum as he strokes and squeezes your thighs. He enjoys feeling your weight on him, but he wants more as he stares at your shorts and sees the soft roundness of your pussy through your shorts. He wants to touch you there, he wants to know what you taste like, smell like, look like.
Adjusting his hips, Sy pulls you closer and when his cock feels your warmth he groans and lets out a small laugh. You feel so right to him, he has to laugh, he can’t believe he’s waited so long.
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
CPN : the never ending Ximalaya saga Part V. 🍫
for bxgs only. not real at all.
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(a sexy xiao zhan silhouette invites you in)
✿The Episode in question is Episode 123 uploaded on 1/20 at 8:05 AM. Bobo’s magical time. Lol. Then at 10:30, it was replaced with a different topic: Where are the flies in winter. 11:18 it returned to the Original episode 123. It took some time to take down the Audio and re upload it too. So what happened? He made a mistake, Bobo said those who sleep 8 hours have weaker bodies instead of 4.
CPN is:
1. It took 48 minutes to edit the sentence, meaning it was not a professional ( who works for xmly)
2. They can delete it entirely and re-record, but looks like Bobo wanted to keep the 8:05 time stamp. so they opted to just edit it.
3. During that Day, Bobo was at work from 8:30 to around 7:00 in the evening so he can’t be on his phone too much.
4. GG was the one who noticed the error and so he gave them the heads up. After all, he is allegedly using the same account. He also may have edited it personally and inserted the correct line. A clue for that is that the BGM ( for that episode ) used is a paid download from After Effects, a commonly used video production software. and GG’s recent Ace Troops last episode video used the same software.
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Also, what else happened this date 1/20/2022? Yibo posted an Ad for Chunzhen at 10:04, and then Chunzhen posted it 10:05. Which is GG’s number. Same day last year, 1/20/2021, Mengniu posted about their new Ambassador Xiao Zhan. These 2 companies are under the same umbrella. Coincidence?
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Now how about “123”. The most recent one we can recall was his Abby’s Choice fanmeet, he was asked to pick a number and he immediately said 123.
✿ Episode 101 posting time is 10:05 and the topic was about how “Starfish” eats. Starfish = Patrick = Spongebob. Which is their favorite. Episode 93, which is about how do stars “twinkle” posted 19:33 ( 33 is zhan zhan ). Star = Lonely Star = Kepler. ✨
There are other examples that I didn’t include cause it’s too 🤔 for me. It’s like as long as you clown hard enough, every post can have a cpn meaning. For example, Episode 107 was about cats and praising them — did he find that interesting because of Jianguo or it was just part of the list that he had to record? Who knows. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Another one is Episode 105 is about the slowest growing tree = The biggest feature of this type of tree is that it grows very slowly. It only grows 30 cm in 100 years. So GG’s magic number : 105 and 30 again ( GG’s age ). Some of us are just really sensitive with numbers and possible cpn connections 😂
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✿ Episode 76, which is a other one that was uploaded and then deleted. Then the next day, it’s available again. No edits. The topic is what got us 👀 >> Human beings will not mature until 30 years old? . Who is 30 years old? GG. And the time stamp is 1947, in Kadian means I have a lifetime to love you.
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NOTE: I’m late for this cause while doing the draft I had a feeling it was too cpn-y. lol. I was overthinking to the point that I can’t continue working on it. This is fun clowning and we’re not implying things about their professionalism. they both work hard. they have responsible teams - ybo & xzs that makes sure things go smoothly for them. the thought is, gg looks at web’s stuff, like the podcast so he noticed and since he cares, he’s open to help out if he can. It’s not like he cleans up after yibo or anything. or that he is somehow yibo’s keeper. I think him doing stuff like this is his love language to Yibo. That’s all. 🤍
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underfell · 3 years
Okay it’s midnight over here so I can get a little personal real quick.
this shit is long MY BAD
I think I’ve like mentioned this before on some asks/small posts before, about how I felt closing the blog and if I actually took this seriously, etc etc.
So throwback to 2015, when I was i a high schooler who had just conjured a bunch of designs inspired from my own tastes in villains at the time.
I was 100% serious about the designs because that was something I intentionally loved, corny ass villains.  At first it wasn’t supposed to be “ haha funny edgy” I was legit serious about it LOL.
I was a teenager who just made an AU for a game I really loved at the time. I’ve done it to many other things as well. I did it for myself because that was something I enjoyed doing. Just creating AU stories for fun.
I did not expect it to blow up as fast and massive as it did. I was not prepared for both the attention and backlash it was garnering. None of it.
At first it was cool, it was fun. I didn’t mind people taking jabs at me because idk I just thought they’re strangers who don’t know how to have fun. It wasn’t until a shit load of people started sending hate/death threats to anyone who enjoyed the AU.
I know I’ve mentioned before it was because the mods were stressed, that was one of the reasons, but the BIG reason was having to read people trying to defend the AU after someone had sent them a death threat. Especially after I told everyone to have fun with the designs to promote creative freedom.
After that kind of shit started happening I thought the best decision was to shut the original blog down and delete everything on any of the blogs I posted the designs on. I was very ashamed of putting people in those kinds of positions tbh. I got a lot of flack for deleting the blog, and I did deserve it to an extent. But I was a teenager with over 20k followers on a blog about an AU I wasn’t prepared to have backfire on me like that. It was very stressful and I already had many struggles to handle that year.
I started the blog back up in 2017? 18? I forgot, because a lot of people managed to find my main, which was really insane yet heartwarming to me. Which really changed my mind on feeling ashamed, i started to feel more relieved about making the AU. Which is why I came back, because idk I deleted everything. I left off on a bad note, which I wanted to change.
To me now This AU is just an AU I enjoy, but I know to a lot of people it’s much more than that. Trust me I know how that feels to find a form of joy in some obscure media, to make friends, have fun. Make a shitload of fanart/content for it because you love it that much. I know how that feels because this AU was created from that.
I’m aware many people thank me for creating this AU and give me credit for changing their lives, but honestly that’s all on the community. I left for 2 years and it was still going strong. I came back and had so many heartwarming welcomes. Shit was insane, I like wanted to cry sometimes LOL .
Seriously thank you to everyone who enjoyed and STILL enjoys this AU. I know it’s very cheesy, but you have no idea how grateful I am to everyone who cares about this AU in any way. It’s awesome just seeing everyone have fun and being able to have fun too.
My hand is starting to hurt so I’m ending it here,
Might be a wack end to this post ( i wanted to say more lol :-/ ), but I’ve already talked a lot about the same shit I talk about every few months LOL. I will not proof read this, I trust you guys to let me know if I made any spelling errors or doubles.
Anyways as always thank you for enjoying this AU because you all made it much easier for me to enjoy too.
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I'm not sure if this is exactly the right place to say this, but I don't know if there is. And you're a smart person and critical thinker who has talked about this before. If this is totally weird, you can just delete it ofc. I've never properly watched Supergirl but I started reading fanfic around the time my mental health got real bad so it was a comfort thing I didn't bring too much thought to. I really identify with Lena and in the past, part of me has understood her actions-
and I know that they're wrong. The anti-alien rhetoric is obviously an allegory for racism or homophobia. She's violated people's basic human rights. And I'm scared that I'm a bad person because sometimes, I kind of get it. Which is insane because i'm a lesbian enby of color, i mean i get targeted by most of the -ist/ism actions. And I'm also too tired to think about things critically all the time. Supercorp was my comfort fic, content thing-
I knew it was problematic (the whole James thing makes me sick to my stomach, scared and sad) but I didn't know that Lena as a character was written that way. The metaphors never really clicked in my head because I never thought about it, but now I feel absolutely horrible about myself because I like and identify with Lena. I'm not really sure how to move on from here- I'm just tired. I wish there could be just one thing, one piece of media that wasn't prejudiced (granted sg is not the place to go if you want decent rep and the like) and all of those things I said earlier. Its just me somehow trying to justify how I felt and empathized with something I shouldn't have. So yeah, sorry that was really long. I hope you have a lovely day- sorry for the spam
FIRST of all, you’re fine, babe! Both in sending me this and in enjoying The Bad Media. That’s my thesis here: You’re fine. With this in mind, let’s unpack this big ol suitcase:
We’re living in a fandom moment where more than ever before, we’re thinking about the ideas we consume in fiction and how they may or may not affect us. This is a net positive! Fiction is not reality, but it undeniably impacts it, so for this and many other reasons, we should always think critically about what resonates with us and why. Does this mean dissecting every facet of something to find all the ways it might fall in line with oppressive power structures? Absolutely not.
You, as an individual, do not owe anyone an explanation for why you enjoy anything. Period. How you relate to a given character or why you like them is nobody's business but your own.
Supergirl, as a piece of media, is singularly awful in its lackluster lipservice to progressivism while simultaneously refusing to deliver any progressive themes. Socially and politically, it is a useless liberal wet dream. Kara is an immigrant from a dead culture working as the muscle for a secret FBI offshoot with zero accountability for all of the other aliens in diaspora she has rounded up and dumped into a cell without trial. Alex is allegedly a lesbian, but the key points of her endgame relationship are constantly deemed not important enough to get screen time, which is made even more absurd when examined from the angle that this series is marketed directly toward LGBT people. An embarrassing percentage of villains on this show are women of color, which is particularly loud when there are only 2 women in the main cast who aren't white. And "main" is extremely generous, given that Kelly is just there to Give Advice Good and everything M'gann says and does is as dry as toast.
My point here is that the whole show is rotted to its roots, and whatever quietly libertarian or even fascism-enabling bullshit they push onto Lena in a given week is par for the crusty, shitty course. Kara deciding that she's ok with the alien detection device because "there are bad aliens" is a lovely (read: awful) microcosm of why this show sucks so fucking hard. "People are entitled to their opinions" is for debates on whether pineapple goes on pizza, not for whether we should casually out, endanger, and disenfranchise our [insert minority metaphor here] because some of them are mean.
But what I would love for this fandom to wrap its head around, and what I hope you understand, anon, is that just because it happens on the show, doesn't mean we have to give a rat's ass about it. What the hell is The Canon, anyway? Especially in the case for Supergirl, which can't even get its own continuity right. Especially for an IP that has been rebooted dozens of times before and will be rebooted again in the future. We can just decide that Lena realized the horrible injustices she enabled through her position of power. We can even decide that they just didn't happen at all! This is all fake. It's not set in stone. Who came up with it, anyway? A network with a list of buzzwords they want included and a couple of D-tier showrunners cranking down caffeine to meet an absurdly tight deadline. It's not special. I can guarantee that you care about it infinitely more than they do, and you haven't even watched the damn show.
On a more personal level, people who are hurt, depressed, or traumatized have always and will always look for themselves in fiction. Myself included! And despite what lofty platitudes there may be on the matter, suffering does not make us kind. It does not make us better. Sometimes it's just suffering. Often it pulls us further from who we are meant to be. Often it just makes us "worse."
Trauma has made Lena emotionally brittle. A lifetime of manipulation and abuse has taught her to compartmentalize herself and lock her feelings behind a maze of doors. When she does let love in, she accepts it so wild and vulnerable that she can't see the red flags behind the rosy lenses. She latches so hard onto people she deems virtuous that she holds them to a standard none could fulfill. Her pain has to go somewhere, so it oozes out of her, into Non Nocere, into the post-reveal rift. She's a powder keg, and Kara spent 4 years shoveling more gunpowder onto the pile while holding the match between her teeth.
And despite these fatal flaws that make perfect sense through the eyes of Lena's trauma, she is so full of love. Like Kara, her suffering did not make her kind. She is kind in spite of her suffering. These are the characters we are drawn to when we're hurting. Lena’s trauma is an inextricable part of her, but it is not all of her, and neither are her mistakes.
There truly is not and never will be a piece of media that is absolutely innocent of the harmful structures thrust upon us by society, because we ourselves also participate in that society whether we are critical of it or not, whether we strive to change it or not. I'm flawed. You're flawed. Bettering ourselves is not a journey toward an ultimate destination of perfection. It is a garden we nurture in an endless labor of love because the joy that comes from seeing it flourish and change vastly outweighs the work we put into it and the weeds popping up around its unkempt edges. This is a lesson Lena herself could probably stand to internalize. Probably with lots and lots of therapy. Lots. And lots.
So, to circle back to the start of this? You're fine. You recognized the logic in a traumatized character's mistakes because our own gravest errors more often than not stem from the ways we have been harmed in the past. It's what makes Lena (or, at the very least, the many adaptations of Lena that exist in this fandom) a good character. She is, to her core, characterized proof that a crumbling foundation and poisonous soil do not define us. Which is why watching her heal and grow and learn a healthier kind of love is so, so wonderful.
In closing, I think it's worth mentioning that being critical of media does not mean that we stop enjoying the parts of it we like. There is a lot of gold to be pulled from the steaming pile of shit that is CW Supergirl, and that's why we're all here in the first place. So I really hope you can continue to enjoy it in whatever way makes you smile <3
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An explanation of recent events
Hi all. I am posting a timeline of the recent events that have ended up with me inviting some of the mods I trust from @advicetotraumasurvivors to this blog. It is incomplete; as of this posting (4pm CST, August 23, 2021), nobody has admitted any wrongdoing, but I know a lot of you aren't really sure what happened at all. I apologize in advance for the verb tense shift midway through. I unfortunately don't have the spoons to edit it.
Hayden does not plan to stay with the blog. Olive plans to stay at least for now. I will likely stay. I'm not sure about Henrie or Berry at the moment. Those are the only mods that currently have access to this blog. (Edit from Mod Henrie: I’ll be staying.)
The timeline will be under the cut as it is fairly long. All times are in Central Standard Time.
Around 5:30pm CST last night, April messaged the Discord telling us she was leaving the blog. She left both the Discord and the blog shortly thereafter. We got some anons asking about why she'd left and I directed those towards her @traumasurvivors blog because I didn't feel comfortable trying to speak for her, One of them felt my answers was dismissive. That anon ended up being a mod in the Discord who was triggered by my tone. We received more asks from them, one passive-aggressive and one outright guilt-trippy.
At 7:30pm CST Henrie made an announcement that everyone who participates in the blog is a volunteer. Several mods offered in the Discord to mediate since the mod who was upset didn't feel comfortable addressing the issue with me directly.
Around 9:00pm CST we started getting some positive messages to the blog. I started to think maybe the situation had blown over. I tried to answer one of the positive anons. Tumblr gave me an error code.
We discovered the upset mod had deleted all of our inbox messages.
At 9:30pm CST Berry noticed posts were disappearing from our blog. I had noticed some weren't showing up for me, but because Tumblr is a Hellsite I figured they were there and it was just a glitch. Even the pinned post got deleted.
I panicked and asked what if the Carrd got deleted. Unfortunately, whoever the mod was, saw that and changed the email and password to the Carrd.
At 9:36pm I started adding Henrie, Hayden, Berry, and Olive to this side blog. This ended up taking several hours because we were all disoriented and triggered pretty badly by then.
At 9:45 pm I noticed they deleted my mod tag. We kept trying to encourage them to stop. Henrie reblogged all the asks that were still there to their personal in case they got deleted.
At 9:55pm I left the server and asked Berry to invite me to the new one they said they'd make so the handful of us could discuss the situation while feeling a bit more safe. There's a gap of about 20 minutes in the timeline here but I'm not sure anything super important happened during it.
Olive rescues most of the info from the Carrd by 10:21pm. April offers to transcribe the pinned post that I managed to screenshot on my phone.
Hayden makes a post around this time saying we've moved URLs. The upset mod deletes it.
I ask April if she will write down the URLs of all of our followers on advicetotraumasurvivors and send asks to them one by one to let them know what's going on. An extremely inefficient method, but at this point I'm at a loss. Henrie starts sending the asks to our followers. April finishes transcribing the pinned post at about 10:30.
At this point I have taken my sleep med and am losing reading comprehension rapidly. I say I'm going to bed but end up not sleeping until something like 4am.
At 10:31 Olive discovers that the upset mod has password-protected the blog. Henrie copy pastes the only ask in the inbox. It came in after the others were deleted.
At 11pm Olive announces she has a download/export of the blog in progress to hopefully preserve some of the posts and information on it. I ask April to boost the new URL. Henrie asks Tumblr's customer service system about uploading the file to the new blog.
At 11:10 Berry notices the queue is being messed with. Several mods go back and forth with the saboteur mod changing how often the queue posts. I suggest that we reblog ask games to the new blog so people can get to know us better once this all dies down.
At 11:21 Hayden announces the blog title has been changed to DON'T TALK TO US. A few minutes later Olive says some extremely tasteless tags are being added to queued posts, including the r slur and the n word. We won't go to any more detail about any of the other things that were said because they were extremely triggering, but we are deeply sorry to any followers (and mods) that may have seen those tags.
11: 38pm: Henrie makes posts on both blogs saying it's not us typing these awful things and to block advicetotraumasurvivors.
11:40pm: We decide to delete all the posts on the blog and the whole queue. April starts mass deleting.
11:53pm: I screenshot all the asks in the drafts. We delete all the drafts. The upset mod continues to change the blog title to triggering and inflammatory things.
1am today (Monday): Henrie asks if it's okay to announce to the original server that we moved discords and blogs. I ask if we can avoid adding people to the new discord until we know who the mod is that's upset. We eventually agree to hold off on adding people into the new discord.
2:44am: April gets an anon apologizing for their poor/inflammatory actions on her traumasurvivors blog and posts a response separate from the ask. We wait, hoping that the anon will message April.
3am: We get a similar apology on the new blog. It gets screenshotted and sent the new Discord so everyone can see it. I delete the ask from the inbox with everyone's permission because it feels very guilt trippy to me.
3:23 April gets more anons blaming her for the situation spiraling out of control, presumably from the upset mod.
12:22pm: April has more anons when we all wake up. All of us in the new server agree that we're tired and just want the situation resolved. No one comes forward.
Edit from mod Henrie: This is a timeline of all of the “major events”, but it doesn’t convey how frantic we all were. We were all feverishly working on deleting triggering tags/deleting posts/trying to find out who was doing this/etc. in between each of these times. It was chaotic and messy and incredibly exhausting for everyone involved.
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 3 years
“It’s my fault you got hurt.”
Pairing: Minamoto Kou x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: You insisted that you want to join with Kou to find supernaturals over and over again until he agreed. Soon after, he finally gave in and let you follow him in finding a supernatural. You two finally found one and defeated it. You had fun but you were injured in the process.
Warning: grammar errors, mentions of blood, swearing, mentions of you losing legs, octopus-like-supernatural, You getting hurt in two ways, trigger warnings, mentions of bones breaking, 
Genre: fluff to angst, a bit of fluff in the end(?), comfort(a bit?),
Y/n- your name, s/o- significant other,
A/n: This was from my drafts- unfinished. When I made this, I was probably like, so energetic and happy(?) to make a headcanon with an energetic reader cause this was a bit- ugh. But I finished it and decided on posting it anyway cause it would be a shame if I stopped writing and deleting this fanfic. 
Reader: Neutral
Very energetic reader
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You knew Kou was an exorcist. How did you know? He trusted you. He- Kou Minamoto, your lover, boyfriend, s/o, and soon-to-be-husband, told you that because he loves you!
Kou was even nice enough to help you see supernaturals too! (The same method where Yashiro summoned Hanako.). And boom! That’s how you met Yashiro and Hanako!
You were stoked and asked Hanako so many questions- not too personal though, simple like: “A supernatural has powers right? What power do you have?” “What are these pink bunnies? These are so cute!” And many more.
You knew you were asking to much but you can’t help it! It was your first time seeing something so rare.
Kou can’t help but chuckle at your cute behavior, I mean like- who won’t?
Anyways- You had cleaning supplies in hand then accidentally heard that their going to do some adventures since they’re bored. You quickly burst the door and shouted “CAN I JOIN?!”
Of course, they- 3/3- said no. They said it was too dangerous and you can wait and play with the mokkes. You stood there pouting and begging to them until they finally gave in.
It took 2 minutes straight for them to finally give in. (With Hanako going out the room for a few seconds then coming in asking if your done then leaving again when he sees you still pouting.)
Hanako was the first one to agree (Kinda reluctant but still did it for you to shut up.), Yashiro was the second, she was very worried about it, but agreed to see you so desperate to join. And the last person was Kou. He didn’t want for you to join him but he knew how much you have talked about him wanting to join him with his adventures. Plus, he didn’t want to see you sad. It breaks his heart :(
You four were in the middle of somewhere. You were holding Kou’s hand while looking around the place. Whispering ‘Woaaah’ and ‘Oohhh’ every time you see something that catches your eye.
Kou holds your hand tightly while he protects you and him from supernaturals lurking somewhere near the four of you.
Yashiro was just beside you talking to you every now and then. “Y/n-san, Don’t you think this place’s a bit scary? There’s dangerous supernaturals here and you seem excited.”
“I don’t mind, plus. It’s not like we’re going to get in danger right? We have each other��s backs!”
Then soon after you said that, you and Kou were immediately teleported to another place without Hanako and Yashiro. In front of you were a octopus-like supernatural, but bigger. You watched in awe as Kou went in front of you, with his raiteijou in hand. His raiteijou was sparking and you looked at it in amusement.
“Y/n! Go somewhere safe! I’ll deal with this!” He shouted. You nodded and obliged to his command.
Once you were in a safe distance, you watched as Kou was almost squished by one of the supernatural’s tentacles. “Fuck.” You cursed, grabbing a weapon (Like, a long piece of wood that flew beside you). And running towards the supernatural.
You threw your weapon at the supernatural, distracting it for a moment. While Kou electrocuted it with lightning.
While the supernatural was being electrocuted, one of it’s tentacles were going to fall on you. Kou noticed you and the tentacle which was falling down on a fast pace, yelled to you to run.
You pushed your feet to run as fast as you can but you tripped on a rubble and fell head first on a rock, immediately making your head throb then you became unconscious. Your head bled at the impact. The tentacle landed on your legs (Of course breaking the bones.)
The crunch sound made Kou extremely worried. After the supernatural was finally defeated, He immediately went beside you, using a cloth to cover your bleeding head then carrying you bridal style. He ran back to the other side of the world and you two went to the hospital.
A few hours later, you finally woke up, you sat up and everything hurting when you move. Kou looked at you in relief and surprise and told you to lay down and rest while helping you.
“What happened?” “You tripped and hit your head.. Then one of the tentacles crushed your legs..”
Your eyes widened in fear. You didn’t like this. Negative emotions started to swarm you as you continued to think of your adventure.
You were snapped from your thoughts when you felt hands gently yet it had a firm grip of your shoulders. Your eyes met Kou’s before him softly kissing you.
“I know your devastated. It’s my fault..” Kou apologized.
“What do you mean? I wanted to join you, Yashiro and Hanako to an adventure. It’s my fault. I wished I listened to you in the first place. Maybe this wouldn’t happen.”
“No.” You flinched at Kou’s stern tone. He noticed and his voice softens once more. “It’s my fault you got hurt.”.
“If I reasoned with you more, I- I might’ve stopped this from happening. May- maybe Hanako can help you.” Kou continued, panicking himself but trying to reassure both of you.
He hugged you and you melted. He was such a sweetheart.
You did your best to try to hug him back and you both stayed hugging each other for comfort for a few minutes.
“I’m sorry.” You said after finally calming yourself down.
“I’m sorry too.”
A nurse opened the door and saw the moment. The nurse gasped and apologized, telling you and Kou that it was time for your check up.
“It’s fine. Do I need to leave?”
“No need! You can sit and wait while I check them up.”
After your check up, Yashiro ran to your room in a fast pace. She went to and hugged you while panting.
“I- I came here as fast as I can! I- it took a while for me and Hanako to get out of the place but I’m here!- Are you alright Y/n?”
Yashiro began asking you in panic and concern about your wellbeing. 
After answering almost all of them, Yashiro thought of a solution.
“Ah! We met a supernatural that can heal both people and supernaturals! This is great! We could ask them if they could heal your concussion and your legs then you’ll be good as new!”
“That’s convenient. Good news, yet so con-”
“When can we meet them?!”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
E/n: I got a bit lazy with the ending but soon after you were finally out of the hospital, you three (with Hanako) went to the supernatural and got your legs healed. The end. sorry-
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