#title banners
danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Danni! Where do you get the images you use for your banners? They always look so good and convey such strong vibes! xoxo
Hi there Anon! Thanks so much! I've always envied people who had such cute banners so it feels really good to have ones for myself that I really like now! 😄 The answer is: Canva!
I've only been doing this for like a week but I started getting things setup for @hp-fruit-fest and needed banners! So I toyed around for a few hours one night until I got some images I liked. It was very trial and error, but it was a good starting point since "clean, simple, colorful" was the vibe I wanted.
Once I was more comfortable making images for fest use, I decided to play around some more in Canva for potential story banners. The natural place to start was Contempt. A story I really loved and was really familiar with and was willing to do a lot of trial and error on.
In fact, let me go un-delete some photos so you can see the progression:
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My very first thought was to search "red silk" because I liked the idea of it, but quickly nixed it after doing a series of "fabric themed" titles for the series. (The other options I won't show since the stories aren't out yet!) They were cute, but weren't quite right.
Then I moved onto fire. A natural choice imo! Harry our fiery Leo; the fire of his passion, and how it energizes and consumes him. The second image got me to breakdown and pay for a monthly subscription.
On the note of subscriptions: I don't think I'll keep it ongoing, as I think it's a bit pricey for something I don't imagine I'll be using super often outside of my immediate needs. You can create perfectly serviceable images with the free option, but it is annoying that when you search stuff the "pro" options show up as well. I will say if you're tempted by the pro version, do it a month when you have the money to spare and a lot of images you want to make and just do it a month at a time. 🤷‍♀️ But definitely not necessary!
Anyway, so the second image's background tempted me too much at the time, though I'm less impressed by it now. The look of like a fiery sky with stars! That led me to another round of series images that were sky themed. I did keep one image from that round, for the Kinkuary fic I'm posting on the 14th!
After a while I just wasn't impressed with any of the fire images I was creating, and so then I moved onto snake. Specifically: a red one!
I have a lot of thoughts about symbolism in general, but specifically for Contempt. In fact, I wrote a whole meta about it that I soon deleted out of embarrassment. 😂 Maybe I'll put it back up one day, idk, we'll see!
So there's the representation at face value: the snake for Slytherin for Severus. Red for Gryffindor for Harry. Then you get into the symbolism of the serpent (rebirth, eternity, life, danger, lies, evil) and the symbolism of red (passion, courage, anger, danger, violence.) Then the specific connections to the story, with the serpent on Severus' door (and the symbolism of doors being either imprisonment or opportunity.) Then, when discussing the embroidery with Mari (onbeinganangel) I got into the nature symbolism, and how it represented both beauty and brutality, which I associated with their love and their story.
Luckily searching "red snake" landed me the perfect image. Then I spent ages determining the font. Actually what's really missing from the lineup above was a really cool but also terrible font choice. Maybe I should go recreate it just to show you. 😂
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Ngl, I still like it, I'm just not sure it's the right mood. 😅
Anyway, by this point, "perfecting" Contempt made me feel much more confident in what I was doing. So I actually spent a lot of time yesterday creating title banners. Only a few I've shared, though! Some I have saved for future "Self-Rec Saturdays" and 2 for the 2 Kinkuary stories that are finished but not yet posted! (Snarry coming on the 14th and Riddledore on the 27th!)
Most of them I had a pretty good idea of images to search for, but for the Swiftly Snarry series I was actually at a bit of a loss. No imagery really stuck out at me, at least nothing I could easily find and use. I did a lot of random word searches. "Headmaster's office", "wizard office", "antique office", "antique desk", etc. I searched "books" and...hmm. Other stuff I'm forgetting at the moment.
I actually found the key image I used for A Chain Reaction of Countermoves first. I had to create a new page to drop the image into so I wouldn't lose it! Then I went back to the page I was working on Clandestine Meetings & Stolen Stares in. The key worked in my head since in the story they're meeting in an inn and the whole "key to my heart" idea. Plus it had the antiquey feel I was sort of looking for.
Settling on the key also made me decide to have a "one object" feel for Clandestine Meetings, so I searched "quill" and...tbh still spent too much time looking, but at least I had an idea of what I wanted after that. Then a matter of choosing the right colors for the font. The font itself was easy enough as it's a text template I like that is easily adjusted for size and color.
Then, last night, while making a "Self-Rec Saturday" banner and testing how the drafts looked on Tumblr...I realized Canva had an option to save with a transparent background! -gasp-
Original Self-Rec banner options:
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Which are still cute, don't get me wrong, and maybe I'll use them one day, but the transparent background???? Look!!!!
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That was some trial and error of it's own having to check how it would look once on Tumblr, too, with font color (but also remembering I use Tumblr in dark mode hahaha) and image size.
So yeah that's what I've been doing all week. Playing with Canva. 😂
TL;DR: I used Canva. It takes some trial and error and practice to use but once you get the hang of it you can get some cute stuff!
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ambivartence · 5 months
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WOONHAK BOYNEXTDOOR ✧ ‘Earth, Wind & Fire’ (2024)
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dorothygale · 2 years
i made some more banners bc i love the funny ones but i thought it would be nice to have more simple options as well. so of course they're eras themed
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gojonanami · 8 months
finished aphrodisiac geto — it’s 7K (I may add a little backstory tho)
well time to work on prof geto (3)….
….i’m starting the Sukuna fic too
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buniia · 2 years
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drippywing · 1 year
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the snarky smirker
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baynton · 1 year
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kiwiana-writes · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
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I am full fucking steam ahead with the arranged marriage fic this week and having a blast. It's an absolute anachronism stew of, like: fantasy geography! but also a default assumption of sexuality in this world being bi/pan/mspec rather than straight! but also arranged marriages! but also internet!—world-building is my nemesis so we are one hundred percent just rolling with it, okay? Okay.
“Good afternoon, Queen Mary,” he says, rehearsed and careful. There’s a time and a place for his usual brand of irreverence, and even Alex knows this isn’t it. “Your kingdom has offered me such a warm welcome.” “Yes, they have.” Mary doesn’t exactly seem thrilled about that, which is rude. Alex is a fucking catch, actually. “It would appear that my people are excited for this wedding to go ahead. But are you? Does the prospect of finally being married to my grandson please you?” And how the fuck is Alex meant to answer such a direct question without kicking off a whole international incident? He can’t tell the truth, but neither can he bring himself to say what he knows she wants to hear. After a long, terrifying pause in which Alex is sure the entirety of both their families are staring at him, waiting for a response, he finally manages: “Our betrothal has been overlong, Your Majesty. I will be pleased to make Windsor my new home.” Mary purses her lips. “Indeed,” is all she says in reply, a clear dismissal and a sign for the receiving line to keep moving.
Forever feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to so tagging @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @beautifulhigh @celaestis1 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @hypnostheory @iboatedhere @indestructibleheart @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @myheartalivewrites @orchidscript @rmd-writes @roseapothecary @sherryvalli @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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Spider Baby (Jack Hill, 1968)
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multiversal-madness · 5 months
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I was collecting the Pandora’s Box chapter banners as references so I figured I’d share them as well. These ones are from the Ds version because the mobile version doesn’t have the borders.
Here’s a comparison between the DS (left) and the mobile (right) chapter banners.
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
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project of insanity finally done. i can play the game now
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nordicbananas · 6 months
hey so two days ago I thought "it's 11pm. I should make those character alignment charts but with my friends"
i promise u btw that this was not made as an insult. I adore you all. this was just me having fun sdhjfshdjfdkh
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yayyy omg hahaha yayyy
(@the-twiggles @allovertheplace-writing @bipolarskittle @kxmikomrade @maopll @mikacynth @bakerysnake @m1shapanda @callilouv @floraldresvi @camvrin @melitheduck @alexisomnias @ilyuu @plsdonttakemyname @soleillunne @kaiserkisser @haismie @ceneid) i want you all to see these so tags :}
these are NOT reviewed btw hjkaskdfd
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d-bray · 1 year
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The Shell-Out Machine has been eatin' up all my money!!! Whose idea was it to make each pull 30k each :[
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revasserium · 1 year
hq headcanons with gyaru s/o?? PLS IM BEGGING tysm!!!!
ギャル! 超かわいいー (gyaru! chou kawaii ー !)
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ft oikawa; suga; bokuto; hinata; tsukki
obsessed! asks u to send pics of ur new manicure designs, knows ur manicurist by first name, sends her his love every time u go
chides you not to spend too long tanning cause the uv isn't great for your skin but loves how u look; tells u that it makes your eyes stand out and your hair look nice and has mastered the art of taking selfies from that #45degreetopdown angle
has a pic of u as his phone bk bc this man is whipped and he's not afraid to admit it; will buy you trinkets and hair clips and earrings or send u pics of cute ones sees
always holds ur hand in public and brags about u to his friends u__u
kisses you with your flavored lipgloss bc he is an agent of chaos and he likes the way he can mess you up a little; he's secretly not so secretly super happy that u have a whole string of phone charms that are just presents from him -- tiny volleyballs, bejeweled cupcakes, random little animals, a giant fluffball just cause it's soft
helps u pick out circle lenses cause he thinks they're so so pretty and can't stop staring at your eyes whenever u wear a new pair
honestly kinda fell for u the first time he saw you cause of the way you tied up ur school uniform shirt and he caught a glimpse of your bellybutton ring and thought it was like... the hottest thing ever but;;;; we don't have to talk about that
tells u every day how beautiful you are, just bc u__u
honestly doesn't rly get it but boi if he aint supportive! and he cares so much; will sit and listen intently to u when ur talking about all the different clothing brands u like or ponder out loud how ur so good with ur hands cause if he had nails like urs he'd break them immediately
would let u paint his nails in glitter tho
will tell u just to go outside w/out sunscreen if u wanna tan more (like him!!!) but after u tell him about uv and sun protection now he actively slathers sunscreen on himself before going outside and preaches it to all his friends and teammates ("akaashi! did u kno it causes premature aging of the skin!??!! wait -- what do u mean everyone knows that?!")
loves your weekend outfits so much u__u honestly he's shooketh at your eye for style, thinks you should become a fashion designer, a model, actively advertises to the world that you already are one basically; swells!!! with pride when someone on the street asks to take a pic of your outfit -- "see?!?!? told u u should be a model!!! ur pics belong in magazines!!!"
is just so so awestruck at all the sparkly/pretty things; and you're the sparkliest, prettiest of all so i mean -- that tracks!
gets just as excited as you do about new clothing lines and is super eager to spend entire weekends walking through various shops, carrying all your stuff, praising the way you look in every single outfit u try on
the blushiest!!! if u dress him up too so you guys match! holds your hand so tightly and can't stop grinning to himself so that at the end of the day his cheeks hurt but that's okay bc he got to spend the whole weekend w/ you and he wants to do it again all the time!
loves ur long nails bc it feels nice when you trail it along his arms, down his back; it makes him feel loopy and sleepy and shivery and all sorts of good, and on top of that -- they're just gorgeous to look at arent they? everything about u is gorgeous and he's so, so glad to have u
will never admit it outloud that he actually likes it; pretends it's just another level to all the "girly things" that normal girls like -- so u like more of it -- so what
but BOI if he doesn't feel his chest get all tight when you get all dressed up for your dates, when your lashes are perfectly mascaraed to set off those gorgeous new circle lenses u bought the other day that he totally, totally isn't into cause that color is just so pretty against your skin --
constantly tells u that ur nails are kind of a hassle and he doesn't understand how u get anything done with them but will wait for u outside ur salon with ur bags and grab u icecream and sigh and begrudgingly admit that the nail art is cute this time...
is secretly super fucking into the fact that u have a pic of the both of u has ur phone background and it makes him happy every single time ur phone goes off and the screen lights up; and yeah, the fact that you have a volleyball phone charm that you told him reminds you of him makes him rly, rly happy too u__u
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bottombaron · 1 year
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It's kind of funny to me, what with the exodus following season 4 and now again in season 5 with fans leaving for the warmer climate of ofmd and here I am making a new banner and icon to cement the fact that wwdits and nandermo will be my whole personality for roughly the next two to three years 🫶
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jadethest0ne · 2 years
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I created a few banners, titles, and logos for @lunawoona11 's original TMNT incarnation, TMNT Unity. It was really fun figuring out a way to incorporate all of the character motifs into the banners! Andro gave me some great direction for what to include!
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I'm particularly fond of these title logos I did. I based the lettering on the Japanese art of knot-tying, called Mizuhiki. I thought it worked best with the theme of the word "unity" and fit culturally as well.
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Finally, here's the symbol of the Yuu Clan - the family that the Turtles and Splinter belong to. Unlike the Hamato symbol, which was meant to be modeled after a cherry blossom, the Yuu symbol is that of a Japanese camelia. We also wanted 6 petals - one each to symbolize the turtles, Casey, and April, with Splinter at the center. I wanted to keep a similar style to previous incarnations' Hamato symbol, but this time with a different flower, and a different clan in mind
My Commission Sheet
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