#i got an operation today and i miss my best friend :(
women-are-hot · 8 months
currently reading my old fics and damn...
why did people like that 😭
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Hardest Thing Is Letting Go
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
1.9K words
Warnings: Funeral
guy's im still so sorry for this one, it's incredibly angsty - I promise I'll make things fluffier soon
Series Masterlist
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"There was a time when I was afraid of the world. I was afraid of what was happening in my life and what it was becoming. I was afraid of the world we find ourselves being apart of."
Y/N had never addressed a room like this. Each and every mafia boss stared at her. Her own husband stared at her, with admiration in his eyes, Lando too. He was so proud of his little sister for doing something like this.
She shouldn't have to do it. The fact that she was standing in front of everybody to honour her best friend was astounding.
Tears were ready to fall, but Y/N wouldn't let them. She was going to be strong. For Oscar.
"There was one person who I could count on when I was this scared. He watched over me, kept me company and made me feel normal. There were times when I was breaking down and he'd play some music and get me to dance, taking my mind off of everything.
"That man was Oscar Jack Piastri."
She'd started writing this letter the moment that Carlos had gotten her back to Spain. It had started out as a letter to Oscar, with a lot more in it than she was willing to say in his funeral.
"Oscar wasn't a part of the Norris family," she continued. "In theory, we were never destined to meet. Every day since he first came into my life, I thank my lucky stars that we had him on loan from Webber."
Her hands shook as she turned the page.
"Without Oscar, I wouldn't be here today. He saved my life in so many ways. There was a time in my life, without him by my side, I would have ended it all."
The tears were free flowing now. Carlos stood from his seat and came to stand beside his wife, trying to gently coax her to sit down, but she wouldn't. She had a a speech to make.
She skipped over the next little section. That bit was for her and her only. "Oscar was the bravest of us all. He endured so much. He didn't have to be harsh or domineering to show just what power he had.
"But he was also kind and sweet." He was my soulmate, in the most platonic sense of the word.
Platonic, Y/N thought. But a small part of her was so sure, had circumstances been different, it would be Oscar she was in love with, Oscar who was holding her through the night. Even if they were still in with world of crime and mafia families, if Y/N didn't have to marry Carlos, she was sure she and Oscar would have been together.
She knew this before she got married, but she couldn't say anything. In another universe she would have loved Oscar.
"He saved my life more than once, and I will never be able to repay that debt," she said, wiping away the tears rolling down her cheeks. "He was the very best of us and our world will never be the same without him. Oscar-" But she stopped, just a second to compose himself. "Oscar..."
This time, when Carlos wrapped his arms around her, Y/N fell into him, crying against his chest. He held her for a moment, stroked her back and ran his fingers through her hair.
He moved Y/N behind him and addressed his fellow heads of family. "Oscar became a very dear friend of mine. Without him, I wouldn't have my beautiful wife standing by my side. To that, I say we raise our glasses-" Nobody had a glass in hand "-to a man we will sorely miss."
It was different to the funeral of Norris. The grief Y/N felt was different, harder to deal with.
After the funeral, Carlos took his wife home. They sat in the very back of the car as they were driven to the Webber plane hangar. Lando had organised food for everybody for after the funeral, but Y/N just couldn't be here. And Carlos knew it, too.
They sat beside each other on the jet, her head on Carlos's shoulder as she cried herself to sleep. Oscar was gone. The words still felt foreign to her.
It was incredibly long flight, with the couple stopping over in Malaysia. They had been the ones to take Oscar's body back to Australia, back to his family, to be buried. It meant a long trip for them, but they didn't care. After all that Oscar had done for them, this was the least they could do for him.
It was near a day later that they touched down in Spain. Their stay in Madrid had been short lived, just long enough to refuel the Spain. They should have stayed in Australia, the couple thought. But that was too painful.
Carlos drove them back to the house. He kept his hand on her leg as the radio played quietly, filling the space between them. They didn't have to speak; it wouldn't help anything for the time being.
"I wish he could have met baby Oscar," she whispered as they approached the gate in front of the house. She cradled her bump with one hand, the other on top of Carlos's.
Before the funeral, Carlos had insisted that they go to the hospital, for Y/N's first prenatal check up. They found out just how far along she was and the sex of the baby.
As soon as they found out they were having a boy, she knew they had to call him Oscar. Oscar Sainz, after the man that had saved his life. His middle name was chosen by his father. Pau, a Spanish name. OP Sainz. Their baby was OP Sainz.
Carlos drove through the gates when they opened and pulled into the garage. He opened the car door for Y/N and held her hand as they walked through the house. The house was different now, it felt colder somehow.
"I'm going to get us guard dogs," he said as they climbed the stairs.
Y/N nodded her head as she walked through the hall, heading towards the room that Carlos and Oscar had decorated for the baby. She hadn't seen it yet, just listened as Carlos told her about it to try and calm her down.
Her breath caught in her throat as she walked into the nursery. "You two did all of this?" She asked as she looked around the room, They had done everything, put up shelves and built the drawers and wardrobe. They'd painted the walls and set up the crib, including a little tee-pee tent full of cushions and blankets.
There was a blanket in the crib, one decorated with giraffes. Y/N picked it up and held it close to her chest as she looked around the room. Her husband and her best friend had done all of this for her baby. It was a living memory to Oscar, just like the baby would be.
"I'm thinking of painting his name on the door," said Carlos as Y/N turned towards him.
Y/N put the blanket back and fell against her husband, pressing her lips to his. "My wonderful husband," she whispered, her eyes closed as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly.
He took her hand and walked her out to the window. "Take a look," he said and she looked to where the golf course used to be.
Carlos had set up an entire play area for their child. If Y/N had the strength to cry, she would have. But she couldn't anymore, her body too exhausted.
"What would you like for dinner, mi corazon?" He asked, his finger trailing up her arm.
"I just want to sleep, Carlos," she croaked, exhausted.
That was fine, he'd let her sleep. Carlos followed her out of the nursery. He watched as Y/N turned left, heading back to her old room. That was right, he hadn't told her yet. "Querida, wait!" He called as he grabbed a hold of her arm. "This way."
Carlos led her into his bedroom, the bedroom they now shared. He'd moved all of her things in during those twelve weeks that he had been alone. He sat her on the bed and got her changed into her loosest and comfiest pyjamas. "Sleep, mi corazon. I'll have dinner for you ready when you take up," he said and pulled the sheets back.
Y/N climbed under it. She closed her eyes as Carlos kissed her forehead and left the room.
He spent the next few hours making his way through work. It was comforting, having things back to normal. Or, as normal as they could be. Most of the work he went through was sorting through his fathers affairs.
After three hours of working, there was a knock at the office door. He glanced up briefly and returned to his work. "Not now, madre," he muttered under his breath as he strode into the room.
"¿Y? ¿Ya no hablamos nuestra lengua materna?" She asked as she sat in the seat opposite him. (And? Don't we speak our native language anymore?)
Letting out a sigh, Carlos looked up from his work and placed his pen down. "Podemos hablar nuestra lengua materna, madre. ¿Qué te gustaría hablar?" (we can speak our mother tongue, mother. What would you like to talk about?)
"No hemos tenido una cena familiar desde que murió tu padre," she said, correcting her posture and sitting up straighter. (We haven't had a family dinner since your father died.)
Carlos shut his eyes for a moment. It was their first night back in the house since Y/N's kidnapping. "Por favor madre. No es una cena familiar a menos que mi esposa esté allí. Después de todo lo que él ha pasado, ella necesita tiempo." (please mother It's not a family dinner unless my wife is there. After everything he's been through, she needs time.)
He stood up. "Now, if you'll excuse me," he began as he switched back to English. "I'm going to make my wife some dinner."
Carlos strode out of his office, leaving his mother where she was.
And he really did make Y/N dinner. He didn't ask the cooks to do it, he got stuck in and made her something to eat. It was surprising, just how good of a cook Carlos was. It was also surprising how much he enjoyed it.
He made her dinner, along with a side of buttered toast, just in case she didn't want what he made her. He walked it up to the bedroom and placed it on the dresser as he gently woke her up. He whispered her name and shook her shoulder gently. "Wake my, mi amor. I made you dinner."
Y/N opened her eyes. It was clear from the way she stared at him, eyes wide, that her sleep hadn't been peaceful. Carlos placed the plates in front of her as she sat her. "Here, querida," he said and pulled the cutlery from his pocket.
She dug into her dinner, eating it all (including the toast). "My wonderful husband," she said as he placed the plates back onto the dresser.
Carlos climbed onto the bed and sat himself beside her. He grabbed a hold of her and pulled her onto his lap. "I love you," he whispered, his forehead pressed against hers. "My beautiful wife. I'm never going to let you go."
She grabbed his cheeks and lifted his mouth to hers.
Taglist (CLOSED): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @formulaal @graciewrote @biancathecool @evans-dejong @sparklyperfectionstranger @venusesworld @goldenharrysworld @cassie0sstuff @gracielukey @watermelonworries @celesteblack08 @shobaes @chonkybonky
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jae-bummer · 1 year
The Janitor's Closet
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Request: hi, i love everything i've read from you!!! can i request some hyunjin friends to lovers fluff? :) i don't want to give you too many directions to let you work your magic !
Pairing: Stray Kids Hyunjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"I don't know what I'm late for, but I know that I am," Hyunjin muttered, looking down at his watch.
You glanced up at him as you walked side by side toward one of the practice rooms. When he had asked if you wanted to meet for lunch, you figured he was probably blowing something else off, but you weren't going to decline. Time with your best friend was like gold, and you often got very little of it.
"Dance practice?" you asked. "Studio time?"
"Nooo," he hummed, scrunching his face. "It'll come to me."
"Yeah, once you miss whatever it is," you chuckled, coming to a pause in the hallway. "Thanks for the food today."
Hyunjin stopped as well, checking his phone before turning his attention to you.
"Don't be weird," he laughed, pushing you lightly on the shoulder. "Why are you thanking me?"
You tried not to internalize the small pang that stabbed through your chest at his reaction. Hyunjin always downplayed the little things he did that made you feel special. Going to lunch wasn't just meeting up with a friend. He put you into his schedule, usually picked the restaurant you liked best, and always insisted on paying. He knew what your go-to order was, so he'd pick that just in case you didn't like what you deviated to. It was all more than enough to be thankful for.
If only you could verbalize it without making things awkward.
"I know you don't have a lot of time," you settled on saying. "I appreciate it when you spend it with me."
"Y/N," he smirked, shaking his head. "So sentimental."
He was right. You were sentimental, but he was dismissive only when it came to things he did. If the roles were reversed, he would hold you in reverence. That's just how he operated.
Staring up at the boy you had grown so close to over the years, you tried not to let out a dreamy sigh. While the line separating your friendship from anything more was abundantly clear, you couldn't help but fall a little bit more in love with him on days like today. You had harbored a crush since you had first crossed paths, and that wasn't something that faded as you grew closer. When it was someone like Hyunjin, your feelings were left to their own devices. That meant even when untended, they grew like a weed.
"Shit," Hyunjin hissed, shaking you out of your thoughts. You furrowed your brow as you watched him read over a text. "It was my English lesson."
"Aaaah," you hummed knowingly. "That's what you conveniently forgot."
"Why do I need formal tutoring?" he muttered. "My best friend is fluent."
"You only ever ask me to teach you inappropriate phrases."
"Because they're useful!" he gasped.
"In what?" you grinned. "Perpetuating your death wish when pissing off your members?"
"Just because Lee Know-" he started, but immediately stilled. Like a deer in headlights, he looked past you with wide eyes.
"What?" you asked. Turning to look over your shoulder, you were surprised when he gripped your arm and held you still instead.
"In here," he said quickly, yanking open the door closest to the two of you. Shoving you inside, he quickly crammed his body beside yours in what appeared to be a janitorial closet.
"Hyunjin, what the fu-" you started, but he immediately put a hand over your mouth.
"I swear I just saw him," a familiar voice you recognized as Seungmin's sighed. "He knew we were reviewing our tour speeches today."
Fuck, he mouthed, leaning his head back on the shelves behind him and shutting his eyes.
You were guessing he had forgotten about that part.
An unfamiliar man's voice grumbled beside Seungmin. "Let's just go back. He sent me a copy to review. I can email back over my notes."
Seungmin made a scoffing noise before you heard the two sets of footsteps wander away.
Letting out a sigh, it took Hyunjin a moment before realizing his fingers were still over your mouth. Admittedly, you were too busy being preoccupied by the fact that your bodies were nearly flush against each other to remove it yourself.
"Sorry," he groaned, dropping his hand. "Let's wait this out another five minutes or so and then we can make a run for it."
You licked your lips, trying to process the situation. It was cramped, dark, and smelled vaguely of bleach.
"Or," you said, free to speak again. "You could go to your English lesson."
"I'm doubling down," he said quietly, his expression moody. "I'm already in hiding. I'm not wasting it."
"Wasting it?" you laughed. "Hyunjin, we are crammed together in a closet, breathing in toilet cleaner."
"And here I thought you had a new perfume," he teased, wrinkling his nose.
Rolling your eyes, you opened your mouth to argue again, but were instantly cut off by Hyunjin's gasp. "Something pulled my hair."
Shuffling back and forth in alarm, his body moved even closer to yours, closing what was already a small gap.
"Something?" you muttered, trying to keep your breathing even. You didn't think you had been this physically close to Hyunjin in the entirety of knowing him. "Was it the ghosts of janitor's past?"
"You're not funny!" he whined, patting at the back of his head. "Check with your flashlight, is there a spider back there?"
"I wasn't aware of spiders having hands," you sighed, reaching toward your back pocket to tug out your phone. After a small struggle, you accepted that you would need to lean forward to get to it. Trying to remain calm, you pushed your chest into his and yanked.
"Sorry," you said quietly. Standing on your tiptoes, you flipped on the light and tried to angle your body around his. "I don't see anything."
By the time you realized that Hyunjin had fallen completely silent, your body was already wrapped around his.
"Sorry," you said again, trying to create distance that just didn't exist in the tight space.
"It's-it's okay," he managed, his voice hoarse. "I asked you to check."
"Right," you said quietly, sliding your phone easily into your front pocket instead.
After a few moments of silence, and what seemed like an eternity of analyzing every area your body touched his, Hyunjin finally cleared his throat. "Y/N?"
"Have you ever thought about us?"
"Us?" you croaked. "I think about us all the time."
"No," he sighed. "Not in that way."
You remained quiet a moment. Surely, he didn't mean...
"What answer are you looking for, Hyunjin?"
"I don't knooow," he groaned, his hands flying up to cover his face. "You're just so warm and so comfortable. And you smell so much better than toilet cleaner, I promise I was joking."
"I hope you were," you laughed, amazed at the man falling apart in front of you. "What is happening right now?"
"I don't know!" he repeated. "When you were trying to save my life from the sadistic spider lord, a switch flipped somewhere in my head."
"Okay," you said slowly. There was a lot to unpack there.
"I'm touch starved and attracted to you in the worst way," he whispered. "I know I shouldn't think about you like that, but you make it so hard."
"Oh," you said, disbelief coating your tone. "So, this is my fault then?"
"Yes!" he gasped dramatically. His hands fell from his face and revealed a pained expression. "Honestly, you are so hard to resist, you should be ashamed of yourself."
You let out a choked laugh of surprise. Was it possible that Hyunjin, who you had known for countless years at this point, actually had similar feelings for you that you had for him?
"You suck at confessing," you muttered, shaking your head. You couldn't believe that simply verbalizing his emotions was causing his head to nearly explode.
"I suck at a lot of things!" he said, seeming to be more frustrated with himself than anyone in the situation. "But I don't want to suck at being a boyfriend, which is why I've never said anything, and now my big dumb face has no control because I'm locked in like a six-by-six cupboard with you and literally you are all I can think about."
"Hyunjin," you laughed. "I like you too."
"Don't play with my feelings, Y/N," he croaked. "I'm fragile."
"I know this," you sighed, reaching up to cradle his cheek with your palm. "Who do you think has been protecting you all of this time?"
"Who says I need protecting?" he muttered.
"You," you grinned.
"Okay, maybe, but are you serious? Do you really feel the same way?" he said, his expression achingly hopeful.
"Of course, I do," you said quietly, pulling yourself to your toes. Kissing him softly on the tip of his nose, you smiled. "How can anyone who knows you not fall in love with you?"
"Love?" he squeaked, his face going from hope to pleasant surprise. A slow smile began to tug at the corners of his lips. "You love me?"
"Well, I-" you struggled. You thought that much had been apparent.
Hyunjin giggled before wrapping his arms around your waist. Pressing his face into your neck, he nuzzled you. "You love me."
"Against my better judgement," you sighed.
Pulling away slightly, Hyunjin's eyes flitted across your face before zeroing in on your lips. "Would now be a bad time to kiss you?"
"You already confessed to me in a janitorial closet," you teased. "What even is a bad time anymore?"
This caused him to laugh before he tilted his head toward yours. Closing your eyes, you braced for what you had always hoped for.
And would continue to hope for.
"Found you!" you heard Seungmin gasp just as the small space was flooded with light.
Blinking up at the intruder, you could only sigh. "Really, Seungmin?"
"He's late for his lesson!" he grumbled, crossing his arms. Looking back and forth between the two of you, his eyebrows rose. "And now I see why."
Without missing a beat, Hyunjin shoved Seungmin roughly in the shoulder, causing him to retreat a few steps. "Five more minutes."
Yanking the door closed again, he nestled you in his arms. "Now, where were we?"
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jo-harrington · 11 months
Interview Prep (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is worried about making a change to some routines.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.03
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual Pining and Slow Burn, Meeting the Family, Anxiety, Fluff
Note: Special thanks to @chestylarouxx @fracturedarkness and @courtingchaos for reading my snippets, listening to my rambling, and easing my nerves with this one. It's been in my drafts since February! And it's always kind of eluded me, but it's very special so I appreciate the time you took to help me out. So so much.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
“…and I swear the sound is so much better than my Fender. Like a thousand times better. I’m gonna need a new amp, I think. She is way too good for that hunk of junk that Rick got from his buddy way back when.”
“Uh huh.”
“God, I wish you could come to a show to hear it. Maybe...maybe I can ask Tom at the Hideout if our set could be a little later one night so you could come out after the store closed?"
“And then we could get pickle and bologna milkshakes at Benny's afterwards."
"Sounds great."
"Am I boring you?” Eddie finally stopped as he hit the button on the bailer and put his hands on his hips. "You're not even listening."
“What?” You freed yourself from your thoughts and got a good look at him. "I...what? No."
It was break time, which meant cardboard got crushed and garbage tossed before you ventured into the food court for something to eat. And on a day like today when your schedules aligned, that also meant your break was spent with your closest friend--only friend--in Hawkins.
And on any other day, you would have happily listened to his story.
Hell, you actually had listened to him...for most of it at least--he boasted about his new guitar, how he named her Sweetheart, and her first actual performance outside of Gareth's garage that had occurred the night prior--before you got too caught up in your own head.
It had been a normal Wednesday when you got to the store for your opening shift. The registers were counted, gate pushed up, and you were about to confidently post the new schedule.
Then the mail was delivered.
And with it, a larger envelope from home office that contained a very hefty packet inside.
Normally a package like that would make you happy; it was a sign that one of your favorite weeks of the year was approaching: planogram week. It was, quite honestly, not only your favorite week but your favorite part of the job altogether. More than your team, more than your discount...certainly more than helping customers.
Summer was coming to an end, which meant all of the trendy accessories would make way for backpacks, water bottles, notebooks, and lunch boxes. Things that stayed hidden away for 75% of the year, but were suddenly at the forefront of every parent and pre-teen's mind as they got ready to look their best on the first day of school.
Today, however, you suddenly felt a sense of dread as you opened the package because a planogram meant that you would have to schedule an overnight shift on the one night of the week that the mall closed early.
Sunday Night.
Date Night with Eddie.
Eddie's favorite night. And yours.
Your favorite part of your job encroached on what was becoming an essential part of your life.
So you spiraled until your break because it was easier to worry and overthink than it was to just...communicate the fact that you might have to miss a Sunday and face the possibility that Eddie could be mad at you.
Unfortunately he seemed a little steamed right now because he thought you hadn't been listening to him.
His little grumpy face was cute though.
Why was this harder than having to call your team to ask if they were ok with an unexpected overnight shift? God damn it, you needed to get a grip.
“You weren’t listening to anything I said,” he repeated.
“Yes I was,” you insisted.
“What did I say then?”
“You nailed the solo.”
“And you actually got a round of applause.”
“And you need a new amp.”
“Uhm… a-and…”
Shit…maybe you had delved a little bit too far.
Growing up with a big, loud family--including an overbearing mother and two annoying brothers--meant you had the innate ability to split your brain in half and listen to them while also worrying about your own shit.
However, thanks to the intensity of your worrying, that ability failed you.
You wracked your brain for a good 30 seconds until Eddie’s scowl turned into a wicked smile, and then you knew he was just being a jerk.
“You’re the worst,” you grumbled at him.
“Excuse me,” he placed a hand on his chest in fake affront and stumbled back a few steps to collapse against the side of the trash compactor. “I'm the worst? You agreed to Pickle and Bologna milkshakes and ignored your best friend. Not very metal, sweetheart."
"I just have a lot on my mind." You shook your head and sighed. "Sorry."
"Well it's a good thing that I am a great listener. Unlike someone."
Eddie pushed himself off the compactor, put his hand on your shoulder, and guided you back inside to the food court. You got your meals of choice and tucked yourselves into a table in the corner by the JCPenney entrance.
"Alright," he started with his mouth full of fries. "Tell dear old Eddie what's bothering you."
You swallowed a mouthful of food and took a deep breath.
It was now or never.
"Well...there's this big thing coming up at work...planogram...uh...floor set," you began. "And it's really important and after it's done...we'll get visitors from corporate and my boss will probably make a few visits to see how it's going. I just want to do really well."
"Well, you've been doing a good job so far right?" Eddie shrugged. "Why wouldn't they think so now?"
"I don't know, I don't wanna mess it up," you admitted. "I'm a new store manager. And a lot of the team never worked retail before. I literally cried my first floor set as a sales associate. It's tough."
"You're just giving yourself the yips. I do it all the time when we add a new song to the set list."
"Don't just say that to make me feel better."
"Last week I forgot how to do a G-chord," he crossed his heart. "Scouts honor."
"You were a Boy Scout?" you asked skeptically.
"Stop distracting me." He popped another French fry in his mouth in an exaggerated fashion. "What else?"
"Well...we have to schedule floor sets on a Sunday."
"After the store closes."
Eddie sipped his drink thoughtfully and stared at you with his abyss-like eyes; they didn't betray a single thought going through his head and it made you nervous.
And nervous meant that you didn't shut up.
"I mean I don't want to have to cancel our night out," you started with the word vomit. "It's just the way things are always done and you'll see one day if you still work at Tape World for long enough, that's one of those things that...I don't know, if you try to do things differently it always comes back to bite you in the ass.
"And I'm young and whenever we have a conference call to talk about sales...my DM doesn't let me forget that I'm a baby compared to everyone else and it's so frustrating because I feel like I can't even suggest anything new because it immediately is dismissed as naive. It's like they keep waiting for me to fail. So I wish...I wish I could make a change so we could keep our plans. Like if it was anything else I could make it work but I...this thing I just can't, you know?
"But...but...b-because I would have to work on Sunday overnight I would probably be off another day so if you're ok with it we can do something else? Maybe on...I don't think I could get Tuesday off because of everyone's availability...maybe Friday if your friends are cool with me crashing your club night. Or...you open on Saturdays. We could do Saturday night instead?"
The punctuation to the drawn out sentence was your labored breath and Eddie noisily sucking the dregs of his soda through the straw. Shithead that he was didn't even have the decency to do anything but continue watching you with his big dumb cute eyes.
"Weeellllll..." he started in a sing-song tone and then paused and sucked at the straw some more.
Could he just tell you to fuck off already so this wouldn't be as painful as it was?
"That really sucks you need to work overnight," he finished his thought with a grin and shoved his cup to the side. "Being in the mall after hours...sounds kinda creepy. Do you think there are ghosts?"
"Are you kidding me right now?" you deadpanned. "You let me go on and on like that for nothing?"
"It was funny."
"I hate you."
"You cherish me."
"It was painful." You groaned. "Like I think I'm sweating. My heart hurts Edward."
"Don't act like you've never let me do that before," he scoffed and rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. You threw a fry at him. "Don't start what you can't finish sweetheart. One fry can turn into a food fight and I would hate to find out the hard way why I'm Hawkins High's food fighting champion."
"Ok so...Saturday night?" you asked. "This Saturday...are you doing anything?"
"Uh..." Eddie hesitated and sat up a little straighter. "I mean...no hot dates or anything. What did you have in mind?"
"Maybe just what we normally do?" you suggested. "Drive around, eat a bunch of junk food. Or if you want to come over to my place and I--"
"So, I have a confession to make," he interrupted you. "I actually do have plans on Saturday. More like...standing plans than anything. My uncle Wayne is off on Saturdays and we've always watched reruns on TV and ordered pizza. Family night or whatever. My mom used to do the same thing so...Wayne thought it would be...I dunno, good for stability or something.
"It's silly but I don't want to just ditch him without asking," Eddie explained and your heart melted.
Of course you didn't want to take time away from his family; you knew how important his uncle was to him.
"Oh...well that's ok...we can rain check for another day then or--"
"Why don't you just come over?" Eddie asked. "He won't mind. I am opening this Saturday so I'll be done by 5; you can get there in time for Wheel of Fortune. That way he can't yell at me when I try to solve the puzzles with lewd words." He mimics, what you assume is, Wayne's voice.
Eddie looked so eager that you immediately agreed.
Your heart stopped in your chest though.
Come over? And meet his uncle?
Sure...you'd already met Benny a few weeks ago...and yeah you'd thought of it like meeting someone from Eddie's family but...this was his actual family. What if you insulted his uncle or...or made yourself look stupid.
You needed to put your best foot forward. Make a good impression.
"How about..." your mouth started moving before your brain could catch up. "...instead of ordering pizza, I cook for you guys instead? I'll be off Saturday since I'm doing the overnight on Sunday. I can just bring everything over."
Eddie's eyes lit up and as he teased you about the impressive cooking skills that you had supposedly boasted about previously, all you could think was...
How did this situation get even more stressful?
The rest of the week leading up to Saturday had been overwhelming to say the least.
To you, food was life. Cooking for someone was everything that you could do to show them that you cared. How many hours had you spent with your grandma making cookies for neighbors at Christmas, or freezer meals when a distant relative had a baby, or a tray of something after a friend of the family had passed.
Food was love and friendship, and as much as what you had done for Eddie with the guitar had been a show of friendship...this meant so much more.
So you needed to hit a home run...or a bullseye...or whatever sports terminology signified that you won.
Which meant you'd spent some down time flipping through your grandma's old recipes that she had gifted you once upon a time--a thin, pocket-sized spiral notebook with a purple cover that was filled with her illegible handwriting and personal shorthand--and thinking of ideas that would be both impressive and hearty. You'd already changed your mind twice, and had made just as many trips to Bradleys for extra ingredients.
You'd also pestered Eddie several times through the course of the week to get his input without giving anything away.
"Does your uncle like cheese?"
"Of course he does."
"Some people don't."
"Would we get pizza every Saturday if we didn't like cheese?"
"There's some pizza that doesn't have cheese."
"Why the questions? Are you nervous sweetheart?"
And that was when he started to tease you. Every chance he got. Lunches, breaks, passing you on the way to the employee lot as you started a shift and he ended one.
He asked if you wanted their phone number so you could call Wayne and make kissy noises at each other for hours, if you wanted him to bring love letters home to save on stamps, and if you were planning to dress really nice for your date with his uncle.
"I'll be sure to grab extra chapstick for him so his lips are ready for you tomorrow," he laughed and leaned closer to make the biggest, noisiest smacking kiss noise in your ear as you waited for your break time cookies.
"You're an idiot," you rolled your eyes after he uttered the last one. "I don't want him to hate me because...what if he doesn't want me to hang around you anymore. I'd kind of lose my mind."
"Oh, uh," Eddie backed away a little bit and rubbed the back of his neck, then shoved his hands in his back pockets. "Wayne wouldn't do that. He's...a little bit of a grump, but he's harmless."
"Guess we know where you got it from," you muttered.
"I didn't know you were...actually worried," Eddie continued. "I'm sorry. But it'll be ok. Even if you...wore a potato sack and brought canned beans that we had to heat on the stove for dinner. He'll think you're great. Because you are."
You were both a little silent after that, Eddie staring at his feet bashfully as you felt your heart race and your head spin.
You finalized your plans that night when you got home and immediately started on your dessert, sure that it was all gonna be a hit with both Munsons.
It was gonna be great. Because Eddie thought you were great.
And Saturday, the doubt didn't creep on you at all. Not while you cooked, not as you packed your casserole dish and Tupperware into a large cooler bag, and not even as you drove across town, following Eddie's directions to Forest Hills without getting lost once.
It wasn't until you stepped out of your car and stared at the front door that you felt your stomach drop a little.
Those four cement steps might as well have been a thousand.
But...your sneakers only needed to crunch on the gravel before the door was thrown open and a slightly-breathless Eddie smiled at you...and then all the worry disappeared.
"Hey," he greeted. "D-did you need any help?"
"Yeah, if you don't mind," you shrugged.
He jogged down the steps in socked-feet and crossed to the passenger's side door of your car, talking a mile a minute as he reached in to grab your things.
"I, uh, got home an hour ago," he rambled. "The A/C at the store conked out...and then Paulie had me make a trash run before I left. Had a big shipment today. So if I'm still a little sweaty...that's why."
"You're fine," you laughed.
"Don't worry. I've been cooking so I'm probably a little sweaty too. Lasagna and July...sort of don't go together that well."
He raced up the steps and held the door open for you.
"Lasagna? Oh the old man is gonna love you," Eddie chuckled.
You entered the Munson abode and were immediately hit by the strongest sense of home that you'd felt since...well, since you'd still been at home. Not necessarily that it was a place where you belonged, but...it was a place of belonging.
Mugs and hats and other memorabilia lined the walls, reminiscent of the tchotchkes that your mother stacked to high heaven on every available surface. The couch was a little faded but looked comfortable and soft as though you could sink into the cushions and disappear into a soft nether-realm.
Your grandpa had a couch like that. His spot sunk to the shape of his body. It was still your favorite place to sit when he wasn't already there. It was like a hug.
That was when your eyes found the armchair, molded around the shape of the man seated in it. He was older, a little weathered and greying, hairline receding, and even though he isn't smiling right now, the lines around his mouth were indication enough that he smiled quite a bit.
Just like his nephew.
"Uh, Wayne this is my friend from the mall," Eddie introduced you as he juggled your cooler bag and your large Tupperware to the kitchen counter. "The one I told you about. Works at the jewelry store."
"Nice to meet you," you smiled and held a hand out to him to shake. He took your hand in a firm grasp and as you shook his the way your grandfather taught you--to command respect and trust--his eyes narrowed.
"I had to hear about you through Rick, who heard about you through Benny," Wayne started. "And I haven't the slightest idea why my nephew thought he needed to keep you a secret; not the first girlfriend he's brought around--"
Eddie groaned something unintelligible from the kitchen and you fought the urge to break eye contact with Wayne so you could look at him.
"--but I just watched him run around for the past hour tidying up. And he's never done that before. So if you can help him keep the habit, you're alright in my book." Wayne smiled widely and let your hand go.
"Thank you," you chuckled nervously, suddenly realizing how silly it had been that you were even worried in the first place.
Eddie had been right.
You could never admit that to him.
"Even did the dishes," Wayne looked past you at Eddie. "He never does the dishes."
"W-we're having dinner," Eddie whined. "Gotta have clean plates."
The two of them bantered back and forth comfortably and you joined Eddie in the kitchen to get everything plated. There was a salad, buttery mashed potatoes, and of course your still-warm and gooey lasagna.
Eddie explained that it was Wayne's favorite that he rarely got to have homemade--
"Stoffers will do in a pinch," Wayne explained.
--and that you were already more loved than he was simply for making it, to which Wayne agreed. And he even pointed out the well-loved Garfield mug that he had gotten Wayne for Father's Day one year for that fact alone.
Eddie tried to protest when you took the dessert bowl from him to stow it away in the fridge until it was the appropriate time.
"I didn't even get to have cookies with you today," he reasoned. "Or a soda. See? I suffer when you're not working. How am I--a growing boy--supposed to reach my fullest potential without proper sustenance?"
You snorted and brought the plates out to the living area while Eddie trailed behind you.
"He's just grumpy because you're making him eat vegetables," Wayne chuckled as he took his plate. "A feat I have yet to achieve in 8 years. So if you weren't already in my good books, you are now."
Dinner passed relatively uneventfully at first. You and Eddie sat on the couch--which was just as comfy as you thought it would be--as Wayne occupied the armchair. They inhaled their first helping and showered you with compliments. Eddie begrudgingly admitted that your cooking was as good as you had bragged, and even said the dressing on your salad "wasn't Ranch but was still pretty tasty."
As Eddie had told you days ago, Wheel of Fortune started promptly at 7:30 and he and Wayne tried to solve as many puzzles as possible around mouthfuls of food. They teased each other when their guesses were particularly ridiculous, and celebrated when they got one right.
You solved a long puzzle correctly--your only contribution to their little competition--before there were very many tiles revealed on the board and Eddie patted your thigh in praise when you got it right with a soft "that's my girl" that nearly had you drop your plate.
When Wheel ended, Wayne stood up to grab seconds for himself and Eddie and a couple of beers for you all. Before he sat back down he grabbed a tape from a basket beside the television and popped it into the VCR.
"I hope you don't mind," he said sheepishly. "I like the background noise and Love Boat doesn't start til 9."
As the static on the screen cleared, you were treated to a good look of a Map to Illustrate the Ponderosa in Nevada.
"Mind? I love Bonanza," you laughed, and Eddie groaned beside you.
"No I already have to endure Wayne and Rick and their western reruns, and now you too?"
Conversation then turned to you. Turned to the usual stuff that you talked about when you met someone new. And you really...didn't like talking about yourself. The middle child and the only girl with two strong-willed brothers and parents that liked to pick and pick and pick at every imperfection; it was ingrained in you.
Thankfully, Eddie seemed to really like to talk to you, at you, about you.
"I work at Claire's. We do like...ear piercing and cute accessories for kids."
"She works there? She's the store manager. And the youngest one in the company. Right? Is that...no...in the district. Anyway..."
And where you faltered, he picked up the reins.
"I mean it's just community college. Everyone graduates. I'm not smart or anything."
"Are you shitting me right now? Sweetheart I can't even graduate high school."
"And there was this one time, I shit you not Wayne," Eddie's hands mimed as he tried to tell his story. "She literally balanced on one foot on the top rung of a ladder. Had to have been...20 feet high...to get this kitten that was stuck on top of the bailer. How it got there? I couldn't tell you."
"It was not the top rung."
"It was."
"It wasn't 20 feet!"
"Let me tell the story."
"I'm supposed to be telling the story," you laughed at him.
"Ok, you're right, but you weren't telling it good enough," Eddie argued. "You have to emphasize."
"He means fib," Wayne clarified.
"I mean...bend the truth for entertainment purposes only," Eddie explained rapidly.
Eventually dinner was done and it was time for dessert, which Eddie eagerly followed you into the kitchen for.
"How am I doing?" you asked nervously as you rummaged in the fridge.
"You're doing great. How many times do I have to tell you he would like you?" he huffed good-naturedly.
"I don't know, I just needed reassurance."
"Are you kidding me?" he scoffed. "You're doing great. I'm sure he'll be asking me when the next time you'll be over is so he can maybe get some more lasagna. He doesn't just let anyone watch A Rose for Lotta with him. You're special."
"Am I?"
"You're special to me."
You looked up at Eddie a little shocked and he smiled sheepishly and shrugged.
You couldn't get your hopes up. You just...couldn't.
"What's taking so long in there?" Wayne asked as he ejected the tape from the VCR so he could flip to ABC. You both looked over and found him watching you with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye.
"I dunno," Eddie replied petulantly. "Someone's withholding my reward."
You rolled your eyes and grabbed another set of plates from the drying rack by the sink. You opened your container to reveal the fluffy green mounds of pudding and whipped cream and marshmallows studded with bright maraschino cherries.
"Sweetheart, you didn't," Eddie grabbed you by the shoulders and leaned over to look into the Tupperware.
"I did," you beamed.
The perfect end to a great night.
Because you might not have known that lasagna was Wayne's favorite.
But you knew that Watergate salad was Eddie's.
It was late by the time Eddie walked you out to your car, way past your usual bedtime, and later than you should have been up especially considering that you would be doing the overnight tomorrow.
The dessert had been consumed in its entirety; once you and Wayne had your fill, Eddie ate the remainder out of the bowl looking, quite literally, like a kid in a candy store. And as Captain Stubing and Doc Bricker bickered aboard the Pacific Princess, you began dozing on Eddie's shoulder.
He shook you awake and you said your goodbyes to Wayne.
"You're welcome anytime," he insisted as you headed to the door. "Lasagna or no. Don't let Ed trick you into spoiling us. He's still young but my waistband can't handle it."
And now you were standing with Eddie, the driver's side door between you as you sort of refused to get in and drive away. It was a real Midwest Goodbye.
"I'll see you at work..." you fumbled over your words as you tried to think of the next time you'd actually get to see him. You had the overnight tomorrow, and you'd be off Monday. Eddie would be off Tuesday which meant... "Oh god, well...Wednesday? That seems so far away."
"It doesn't have to be Wednesday," Eddie shrugged. "What if I brought you breakfast on Monday? After your floor set is over?"
"God that's gonna be so early for you," you dismissed his idea.
"So? You just made us the best dinner and there's leftovers for a few days, which you didn't want. Let me get you breakfast."
"I don't want to put you out."
The two of you bickered back and forth for a minute before you put your foot down and told him to sleep in because he had to close on Monday night.
"Thanks though," you said. "This was nice. Family dinner at home. It was really nice. Makes me a little homesick but...I guess Hawkins is my home for now."
"Hey, of course, any time," Eddie replied. He looked pensive for a second and then turned so he didn't have to look at you. Like he was hesitant about what you would say or think. "We don't...I mean I guess what I mean is...I really enjoy hanging out on Sundays and I know this is sort of a one-off thing. But...you know we don't only have to hang out on Sundays. We can do...I mean...have dinner again sometimes or meet you after work even if I'm off...or see a movie again...get something from Family Video or..."
"You wanna hang out with me more?" you cut into his rambling.
"Yeah, why not?"
"Friends hang out all the time but..." You shrugged. "Don't...skip out on...I mean I guess I don't know what it is you do with the guys outside of band practice and DnD. Don't skip out on them just for me."
"No, hey now, wait," Eddie held his hand out to stop you. "Those turds already see me all the time and are gonna see me more once school's back in session. And...I'll probably work less so...I'll take any time with you now that I can get."
"Alright." You beamed.
"Alright." He mirrored you. "More non-Sunday hangouts."
You agreed and he held out his pinky. You immediately hooked yours into it.
“See you Wednesday sweetheart,” Eddie said his farewell. “Don’t dream of me too much.”
"Alright guys, it's almost 7am, time to clean up," you announced to your overnight crew with a clap of your hands.
It had been a fun but trying night, but ultimately successful.
Saturday had been perfect but your whole Sunday routine had already been thrown off and you spent a majority of your day sleeping and cleaning and wondering what Eddie was getting up to at work.
As you predicted, everyone was more than a little confused by the planogram booklet but you were a patient teacher. Everyone thought they had an eye for store layout until they were faced with twenty shipment boxes of pencil cases and locker decor. You had to talk a few of them down from near-panics several times throughout the night.
Over the course of the floorset, side ponytails became even more askew than normal, a few pairs of shoes got kicked into a pile by the gate, and everyone turned into tired, sweaty messes.
To keep morale up, you had insisted on everyone bringing a favorite tape that alternated in the shop radio and you had stocked up at Bradley's with an assortment of sugary snacks and drinks for the break room. Thankfully, the treats had prevented anyone from bursting into tears or threatening to quit, as you had witnessed countless times during your time working in retail.
You really channeled Eddie's sweet tooth when making your choices and it had paid off.
But after 12 hours of unpacking, stacking, dusting, shifting, and sliding, you were all ready to go home.
You ushered everyone out of the store and locked the gate behind you, and as the group walked toward the employee exit, excitement had returned. Pride for a seemingly-impossible task completed.
"The store looks so good! Mindy is gonna shit herself when she comes in to open."
"Oh my god, do you think we're gonna have a store visit? Can you let me know what they think of the hair wall?"
"We're gonna make so many sales! Who can say no to that unicorn backpack?"
You entertained their conversation but when you set foot outside and saw a familiar van parked next to your car, you lost all ability to speak.
He had said he was gonna surprise you with breakfast...but you told him not to. Of course he didn't listen; it had you rolling your eyes in annoyed amusement.
God you knew everyone was a gossip, this was gonna get to Mindy and then she was gonna give you an earful. She already let you have it when she heard about your invitation to dinner.
You quickly thanked your team and ushered them to their cars before you meandered towards yours. You ignored the questioning looks that they shot you as you hesitated to get into your car but you waved goodbye as they drove away.
When the last car left the lot, you immediately stormed over to the passenger's side door of the van and threw it open to find a McDonald's bag on the seat, two coffees in the cupholders, and a tired-eyed Eddie in the driver's seat. His fingers tapped on the steering wheel in time with Kiss's Beth.
"I'm always somewhere else," he turned his upper body towards you dramatically and began serenading you. "And you're always there alone."
"Unbelievable," you scoffed at him.
"Just a few more hours and I'll be right home to you. I think I hear them calling. Oh Beth what can I do?" He slapped his hands against the steering wheel dramatically. "Beth what can I do?"
You climbed into the passengers seat, closed the door behind you, and opened the McDonalds bag to the delightful smell of hot, fresh, crispy hash browns and egg McMuffins.
"If it's not obvious," Eddie announced as he reached across the van to shove his hand into the bag for a hash brown of his own. "I'm Beth in this scenario because you left me alone for hours and hours and hours last night."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah I got into all sorts of trouble."
“I told you not to bring breakfast.”
“I wanted to surprise you.”
"You didn't need to come if you were tired."
"I wanted to and I pretty much do whatever I want anyways," he insisted, and then thankfully focused on his food as you felt your face heat up.
"Well, if you'd like to know, me and the boys were not actually playing all night," you remarked and dug the sandwiches out of the brown bag. You handed one to Eddie, whose mouth was already full of salty, potatoey goodness after he'd shoved the hash brown in one piece. His cheeks were all round and full like a chipmunks and you held back a giggle.
God he was too cute. And he brought you breakfast after a long overnight shift. And he had called you his girl and told you you were special. How were you supposed to stop yourself from having a crush on him if this was...just how he was?
The two of you got to talking about your night, about his Sunday shift, about what you did before work, about what he did after it. And it was nice.
And as you sat there watching him slurp the hot coffee and watch the sparse traffic around the mall dive, you finally found the right words and the strength not to make an absolute fool of yourself.
"This was really nice of you, Eddie. You're wonderful."
He put his hand on his chest and looked a little sheepish.
"I'm wonderful?"
"You're wonderful to me."
Next Part: Corrective Action
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armored-angel4798 · 1 month
Eddie was excited. It’s hard not to be when you get to hang out with your best friend who you hadn’t seen for TWO WEEKS. Steve had been clocking a lot of overtime at his new vet tech job. While he loves that Steve is doing something he enjoys now, he misses his beautiful face. Robin was coming much later in the day because unfortunately, she still had to work. Eddie was so excited to get some alone time with Steve. He could hear the stereo playing from the front door. Not really Eddie’s music, but if it makes Steve smile he’ll listen to anything. The scene Eddie was met with when he walked into the house turned his brain into mush.
Steve was dancing through the kitchen in his briefs that left NOTHING to the imagination and using a spatula as a microphone. Eggs were frying on the stove, almost seeming forgotten as Separate Ways played. Eddie officially loves Journey, in fact, he needs to go buy their tapes right now. He’s frozen. Looking away from Steve being happy and free (read: in tight little briefs) is the most monumental task he has ever attempted. He failed. Much like his first two attempts at senior year. He was debating on clearing his throat to let Steve know he was there when he pointed the spatula right at him. Steve froze. Eddie, still frozen, gulped and kept staring. Really, what else was he supposed to do? He has been in love with his best friend for the better part of a year and he walks in on this? His brain is gone. It has leaked out of his ears and been replaced with his dick. His dick that had very much chubbed up without his say so.
“Eddie!” Steve sounds shocked.
It broke Eddie out of his brainmushdickhardfrozen state, and he panicked.
“I’ll go, um, I should leave, yeah. I’ll leave and you can call me, uh, when you’re decent. NOT that you aren’t decent. You’re the most decent man I know and I really respect you so much. So I gotta go.”
“Eddie! Eddie! Wait don’t go.”
“You’re…. IT’S really fine, Steve. I can come back later I’m sorry to interrupt your morning.”
Eddie convinced his cinder block feet to turn so he could walk away. A hand wrapped around Eddie’s wrist before he could take a step.
“Eddie, please stay. I’ll.. I’ll put on some clothes and we can hang. I just didn’t realize you’d be up so early.”
“I would rather you didn’t put on clothes.”
Steve’s eyes widened and Eddie slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Oh, really?” Steve asked.
“Oh my god!” Eddie shrieked not hearing Steve’s seductive tone. “I can’t believe I said that out loud! I’m so sorry Steve, I will go. I’ll just go. I don’t need to be here today. I’m just making a fool of myself. I’m…”
Eddie was shut up by a pair of lips pressing to his. Operation brainmushdickhard was back in full swing as he was pressed against a wall.
“Shut up, Eddie.” Steve whispered when he pulled away.
“You, uh, you are really good at making me.”
“I gotta get my eggs, but then we can discuss further what our plans are for the day.”
Eddie has died. This is the only explanation. He’s dead and this is his heaven. The only thing that would make this better is if Ozzy Osbourne burst through the door asking him to join his band. He stared at the door waiting for it to happen. Then he realized looking at the door was making him miss Steve’s ass jiggling. Can’t have that. Steve was turning back towards him. Plate of eggs abandoned on the counter, pan in the sink. Eddie imagines that this is what it feels like to be a prey animal stalked by a lion. Steve kissed him again and Eddie was helpless, his knees weak as Steve ran his hand down Eddie’s torso. Steve nipped at his ear and Eddie /whined/.
“What do you say we see what we can do about this, hmm?” Steve whispered in his ear as he palmed Eddie through his jeans.
“Is this real?” He asked
“If you want it to be.”
“I want it. I want you so bad.”
“You have me, baby.”
Eddie melted. When Robin got to Steve’s house they were clothed on the couch (thank God). Eddie was practically in Steve’s lap.
“Oh, you finally got your shit together.” She said when she saw them, “also, I’m not staying over if you didn’t change your sheets.”
Eddie blushed and Steve laughed opening his other side for Robin to join them.
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alexiaputellasera · 2 months
You can find my writings on wattpad.
Rehab Chapter One.
Every professional female athlete knows that sound, the agonising cry from a team mate who is now sprawled across the floor clutching their knee tears streaming down their face. Trainers and physios running from every angle with concern warped on their faces.
July 2022, London England.
The Spanish women's national team are training for the euros to start in just one day when an agonising howl is heard in the penalty area of a shooting drill.
The players look over to see Alexia Putellas their countries hero laying on the floor in floods of tears. Physios immediately surround her calming her down and start what is known as a Lachman test to see the integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament followed by a shake of the head towards the teams national manager.
Team mates have now made their way over to Alexia who is heard telling staff, "I felt it pop, no one touched me I was shooting" her eyes brimmed with tears. She knew, she knew her tournament was over with one day remaining before their journey was to begin.
Staff assisted her up and immediately took her to the medical room, she was closely followed by Mapi her best friend who held her hand whilst they conducted further testing.
Her knee now swollen where the blood has rushed to the joint in a reaction to the injury and now rapidly mobility was getting stiffer by the minute. Crutches were now being passed to her by the medical staff and a van was waiting to collect her to return to the team hotel where she was currently staying.
Alexia was a shell of herself from just hours ago, barely speaking a word. Team mates arriving constantly to just pop in and say hello to let her know they were thinking about her.
Hours later after they got the news her mother and Alba arrived by her side, this is when the Spanish midfielder really broke down. She had just had the season of her life and was determined to win the euros after all the pain and suffering the national team squad had faced this was just another reason she should never of caved and come back to join up with her team. She should have listened to the doubt in her head.
Sleep was difficult she had her knee propped up under some pillows and had yet to hear from her girlfriend who was let know by Mapi what had happened earlier.
3am rolls around and she receives a FaceTime call from her seemingly drunk girlfriend who doesn't even mention the injury just that she wishes she was here to take care of her and that she missed sex. Alexia didn't usually mind these calls but not today she needed her on a less physical level and more of an emotional level. The FaceTime was ended by Alexia after her girlfriend Olga had crashed out on the bed at their home in Barcelona leaving Alexia to hang up feeling worse than she already did.
She had texted her manager Jona declaring she was 'done with football and to buy a new midfielder'. At this moment in time she was done, she didn't want to conquer that steep mountain of rehab and hard work and that same question had repeatedly popped into her head 'why me?'.
Alexia woke with puffy eyes and a ringing head, today was game day and she was going to watch before flying back to Barcelona for the big operation and to start the recovery process.
Grabbing the crutches and already struggling with it she threw her legs over the side of the bed and got up to get ready for the day. A small knock on her door and it opening slowly because heavens forbid they would be allowed to lock their door on international duty  and Mapi appeared with a small pitiful smile on her face.
"Bon dia hermana are you ready for breakfast?".
"Si" was all that came out of Alexias mouth before she moved slowly over to the wardrobe to grab some Spain gear and joined Mapi in the elevator.
Spain would play Finland today in their opening match and were one of the favourites to win the entire tournament, breakfast was full of loud noise everyone ready for the opening game.
Alexia was joined by Jenni and Misa two of her close friends on the team who didn't really know what to say so tried to act as normal as they could but she didn't laugh instead she sat there quietly sipping away at her coffee and barely touching her eggs.
The girls all got on the coach and made their way to the stadium, Alexia sat near the front tears now brimming she could hear everyone getting into game mode and that broke her heart even more. She shoved her AirPods in and listened to some music looking out the window watching them travel through the English city.
Sat pitch side was horrible, the game was frustrating a lot harder than it really should have been, the injury of Alexia seemingly stuck in the other athletes heads. Aitana scored and dedicated her goal to Alexia who loved the sentiment although it made her sadder than she had ever been before.
After the game Alexia went straight to her room not wanting to join in the celebrations for a win she didn't even participate in.
After what felt like an eternity she fell asleep knowing tomorrow she would fly home and start the next processes in her recovery knowing an operation was imminent.
Morning came and went and Alexia said goodbye to all of her team mates, they were sad to see her leave but sadder because of her injury most of them embracing her for longer than normal. The athletes did not want to be left with the Spanish federation without their loyal captain to protect and guide them, she was like their secret manager they mainly listened to what she said and not the idiot that was Jorge Vilda and his stupid arse.
The flight was a mere 2 hours long and Alexia fell asleep in pure exhaustion. She was met by her mother and Alba at the airport who could see their loved one was deeply hurting but hurried her into their car after they saw journalists spot her and would begin to hound her knowing her mental state was vulnerable they got her safely away.
Back at her home Alexia laid on the sofa hands over her face whilst for the first time she truly broke down, her mother held her and Alba whispered positivity into her ear, completely falling on deaf ears.
The front door opened and Olga arrived by Alexias side bringing her into a deep hug "how are we feeling Bebe?".
"Like shit Olga".
Olga screwed her face up at the comment and Alexia immediately apologised "lo siento mi amor I'm just frustrated".
Olga smiled and kissed her forehead, usually Alexia likes this sign of affection but not today, Olga hadn't bothered to contact her this was the first time she had asked her because she was too busy out partying at her club.
The tension in the room was thick, Alexia asked if she would join her at the hospital tomorrow to which Olga declined saying she had an important meeting. Alexia felt her stomach drop, she had deep feelings for this girl it wasn't quite love yet but while Olga loved her in a physical manner it wasn't matched by the level of manner that Alexia distributed towards her, hence the heavy imbalance in the relationship.
"We're coming carino" Eli gestures towards her and Alba. Alexia smiled at the words and flicked the tv on to watch yesterdays match, hell if she couldn't play she sure was going to analyse the shit out of it.
The day went slowly, the anticipation building up for tomorrow and the new fear setting in that she wouldn't be anywhere near as good as before.
Olga had already made dinner plans with her friends so Alexia was left alone for the evening to fight the fight that was now going on in her head. Moving about the apartment was difficult the crutches kept catching on everything and this made Alexia angrier by the second, in the end she resided to her bed defeated and sad about the position she was currently in.
Messages worldwide were now streaming in to support the captain and she had several missed calls from the Barcelona higher ups including her team manager Jona who had assured her everything was going to be fine and that he could never replace her. She snorted at that last comment and slammed her phone down on the side, knowing she was mentally done today she gave up and fell asleep.
Morning came and Alexia was a bundle of nerves, Olgas arms draped over her chest. She didn't even hear the Madrid girl come home last night she must of been exhausted.
Today was the day she would have her left knee operated on, she got up and made herself busy, making coffee and bringing Olga tablets and a fresh bottle of water for what she presumed would be a hangover any minute now.
Sitting at the kitchen counter drinking her coffee Olga emerged from her pit kissing her girlfriend good morning and pouring herself some fresh coffee.
"Good morning Bonita are you ready for today?".
"Si Bebe I'm nervous" Alexia had a tear in her eye but Olga didn't notice she was too busy replying to a text from her friends. "You will be fine Bonita and I'll be here to look after you" she kissed Alexias lips and made her way to the bathroom to shower for her day ahead.
A hard lump in her throat Alexia half knew that Olga wasn't going to be the one she needed to do this recovery process with, leaving Alexia ready to quit the game she loved altogether.
An hour later Alexias mother and sister arrived to take her to the hospital, once there a lot of different people spoke to her she didn't absorb any of that information and luckily her mother was paying attention.
As they prepped her for surgery that's when she became emotional, her mother holding her hand and kissing her, her sister calmly stroking her face but also visibly upset because her sister was hurt. Doctors entered the room all talking in fast Spanish and drawing lines on the areas that surrounded her knee ready for the operation.
As the medication kicked in Alexia started to relax and then everything went black.
As she opened her eyes there was a slight twinge in her left knee, she was still hooked up to the machines. Her mother was asleep holding her hand and Alba was in the corner sat on her phone waiting for the midfielder ti wake up.
"Ale!" Alba squealed coming over to hug her, Eli woke up at this noise and gently kissed her daughters hands receiving a small smile from her eldest daughter.
"How are you feeling?" Eli asked quizzically.
"Okay, but I'm guessing that's the drugs talking" they all laughed at that comment.
"Did it go okay?".
"Si we believe so carino, we will know more in the next few days".
Alexia felt the panic lower from her chest taking in a deep breath, she knew the road to recovery was going to take maybe over a year and that was incredibly daunting for her. Because of the length of time and also because she wasn't sure if it was what she wanted right now, she felt very lost in that moment.
Alexia was a pioneer for women's football and had fought tooth and nail to be the very best in the game and the hard work had come in many trophies and adoring fans recognising her efforts and achievements. Where did she go from here?
Alexia is discharged from hospital and returns home, Olga is now back trying to make small talk but getting nothing in response, Alexia didn't want to talk, talking would not help the situation she was in right now. She was ready to give it all up and disappear away from prying eyes and away from everyone she felt she had let down by sustaining this injury. She looked at her knee in anger the same left leg that had given her the life she had giving out on her before one of the biggest tournaments of her life.
Not giving any kind of response Olga decided she would go out and in such a decline in their relationship would begin. Olga had never been a supportive girlfriend as such she was also headstrong like Alexia and was on her own path. She was rarely at a game due to her own commitments and usually Alexia didn't mind as the sex made up for it. But now as much as she kept pushing Olga away she needed her right now.
A week passed and no one has heard from the Catalan star, Olga hasn't updated anyone probably because she hasn't been around. Alexia choosing to ignore all contact and wallow in self pity over her injury. But the timing of this injury and where she was right now was crucial as she had to began her rehab to progress to the next step but she hadn't she had locked herself away and laid on the couch all week watching crappy television and watching her team lose to Germany much to her annoyance.
At the end of week one she is ready to give it all up her knee was stiff and sore and she was rapidly losing muscle. Olga was almost a figment of her imagination going out for dinner and coming home at all hours of the morning. She had also tried to initiate some physical connection but was rejected by Alexia who felt like a failure at the moment in that department.
Barcelona staff and her mother and sister were worried sick and together they joined and came up with some kind of solution that could possibly pull her out of her slump and put her back on the right path.
It was early Thursday morning when there was a loud knock on Alexias door, Alexia used her crutches to steady herself and made her way over. Opening the door she was met by a face she did not recognise, but this women was wearing a Barcelona muscle top and shorts so she must of been sent by the club.
"Hola Alexia I'm Jay I've been sent by the club to help start processing your rehab".
"No" was all that came out of the captains mouth and she began to close the door before a foot stopped it and Jay slid past her and made her way into her home.
"Wait a minute you can't just..".
"Alexia with all due respect I've been sent by the club and you have a contract to uphold which includes major injuries and rehabilitation".
Alexia was stunned at this women's abruptness, Jay or what she had referred to herself as was quietly looking around the apartment taking it all in. Alexia took the moment to graze her eyes over the women, she was English based on her accent, quite tall about 5 foot 9 Alexia would say, tanned skin with tattoos clearly on show, long blonde hair, very blue eyes and very muscular. If Alexia wasn't so pissed or in the situation she was in she probably would have brought the girl a drink.
"Jay is it? I don't need help.. I'm fine here thank you I'll make contact with the club when you leave" Jay laughed which immediately pissed Alexia off.
"Alexia, the club has been trying to contact you I'm your last resort. But I will take care of all your rehabilitation and nutrition to help you get back to wherever you want to be".
Alexia scoffed and rolled her eyes, Jay caught this immediately "problem?".
"You are my problem now get out of my home" Alexia scolded.
"No" was the answer and a smile appeared before she rudely went and sat in Alexias living room.
Alexia hobbled behind her ready to engage in any kind of war she could but she stumbled bringing Jay immediately to her feet and over to assist Alexia. Jays warm hands came to Alexias waist to stabilise her and for a second their eyes made contact before Alexia came to her senses pushing the Barca staff member off of her.
Sitting down Alexia asked why she had never seen her before at Barca. "I've been brought in just for you, they know you are struggling and I want to help, so let's begin".
The interaction was interrupted by the door opening and closing, Olga appeared and spotted Jay on the sofa but wasn't concerned due to her attire but she didn't take a moment to rake her eyes over the girl.
"Hola" leaning down to shake Jays hand who reciprocated the gesture.
Jay went on to explain why she was there but could tell Olga wasn't really interested making small talk and announced that she would be going out for dinner with her friends causing Alexia to roll her eyes, Jay caught this interaction and could see this relationship wasn't working but it was not her place to overstep.
"Alexia do you have any questions for me?" Jay asks trying to interrupt the tension that has settled amongst her and Olga.
"Nope" Alexia replies bluntly.
"Great here is my number, I will see you tomorrow at 9am. We've got a lot to do" passing over her card which Alexia took sharply huffing in the process.
"Alexia you can call me anytime I live just over there" pointing to an apartment Alexia could see over the street. Alexia nodded and closed the door behind Jay.
Jay immediately went to Eli's house and informed her of her concerns for Alexias wellbeing. Alba arrived and bit her lip when she saw Jay a face Jay grinned at because Alba had a reputation about her. One Jay did not plan on indulging in because she took her job seriously and unbeknown to Alexia she was a huge fan of hers following her journey for years after hers had ended.
Jay left Eli's and went back to her own place looking up at Alexias window as she arrived. Weirdly their apartments were dead opposite each other both having the penthouses but she didn't know that before today otherwise she probably would have made contact sooner.
Alexia made herself some avocados and eggs and settled on her balcony to eat looking across the city she had loved since as long as she could remember a tear fell down her cheek as she couldn't begin to imagine the amount of work she had to do to get back to where she was.
Jay now back at her apartment had plans for the evening, she was off to the club with her friends for a wind down today was exhausting and she just wanted a drink and a dance with a random girl that didn't mean anything at all.
Olga appeared on the balcony kissing Alexia who didn't really kiss her back and told her where she would be. Alexia nodded and Olga left as quickly as she appeared, she was alone again. Alone with her thoughts.
Several drinks in Jay was starting to let loose, she could dance fairly well and had already been grinding with this younger Spanish girl all night. As she approached the bar she was met by a familiar face she had met earlier that day, "Olga what are you doing here?" "Hola Jay I could ask the same thing".
"Just enjoying my night off, how is Alexia?".
"Same as earlier doesn't talk to me doesn't even look at me" this made Jay feel instantly sad, "she has had a major operation Olga she needs stability and support".
"I've tried she doesn't want it, she doesn't even touch me like she used too, we haven't had sex in over a month".
This announcement surprised Jay, Alexia didn't need sex she needed a shoulder to cry on and a motivator to help her get back on her feet.
Jay was joined at the bar by the girl she had been dancing with who whispered in her ear that she wanted to leave. Jay downed her drink said goodbye to Olga and they both jumped in a taxi to her place.
As soon as she shut the apartment door the girl was on her, flicking the lights on so she could see where she was going and what she was doing.
Meanwhile Alexia hadn't moved from the balcony the food she made earlier was stone cold and she herself was getting colder by the minute.
Lights going on at the apartment over the street caught her eyes and she saw two people kissing against a wall. She smirked at the two before realising it was Jays apartment and then she saw Jay lifting a girl up and carrying her to the next room.
Alexia smiled to herself, she couldn't remember the last time she had been treated like that and then she came to a realisation that it was Jay and actually she wasn't fond of her right now.
Throwing the girl down on the bed she made short work of her orgasms letting her know that she had to be out at 8 as she had work. The girl nodded bringing Jay into another kiss as the pair went at it again.
Morning came and Jay said goodbye to the girl who had stayed the night before and made herself some coffee and breakfast.
Eating it on her balcony, she looked across the street to see Alexia slumped under some blankets on her own balcony fast asleep, not in a good position for her knee. She showered and got dressed and made her way over to Alexias knocking on her door loudly knowing she was on the balcony.
Loud bangs on the door were what woke Alexia up, her stiff knee causing her immediate discomfort as she steadied herself to get herself up before looking at her watch and realising it was 9 am and that it was likely Jay. As she walks through her room she's met by Olga who is still fast asleep the clubs stamp still smudged on her hand from the night before.
The door opened gently, "I need to shower and dress" "that's fine I can wait" as she brought Alexia a fresh cappuccino and walked past her with pastries from the local bakery down the street. Alexia guided her to the living room where she would leave Jay while she showered. Thirty minutes later Alexia appeared with dripping wet hair in the living room as Jay was writing notes on her laptop.
As she shuffled closer causing Jay to look up and make eye contact. Again longer than it should be, Jay looked at Alexia studying her features, her hazel eyes looked sad but were beautiful her dripping wet brown hair was slung over her shoulders and her tanned skin was glowing in the light that entered the apartment.
"Shall we begin?".
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
My Favorite Things
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Paring: Ari Levinson x Plus Size!Reader
Summary: Ari is your best friend in town. Could he be a little more?
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, SMUT, RPF. Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. Age gap: Ari is 40 and Reader is 28. Pining, teasing, drinking, a lil bit of Angst, hints of family drama/trauma at the holidays, friends to lovers, body comparison issues, tit worship/nipple play, hair kink, slight pain kink, tiny bit of a Daddy kink, begging kink, ripped panties, p in v, raw sex (wrap it when you tap it), begging, bukkake? cum play
A/N: This is for #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on this ask and this very detailed one!
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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It was Christmas Eve and Ari was missing you after only two days. The gym was open until noon and Bobby and the other trainer, Mitchell, jumped at the chance for overtime.
Many of their clients wanted an excuse to eat more at Christmas dinner. Ari shook his head. People went to great lengths to not feel guilty about everything, including celebrations. 
As a result, you were missed by your personal training clients today, but you deserved the time off to visit family for the holidays, you were the hardest working trainer at RSDR Training, aside from Ari.
Ari checked his phone and realized that he hadn’t had any word from you. He debated texting; you were a grown woman, after all, but he was worried so he did it.
After thirty minutes and no response, he called you.
In your living room, you stared at the call and watched the time as you waited for it to stop ringing. 10:37 am. You just wanted to stay on the couch all day eating cheese puffs and sleeping. Fuck the holidays.
You breathed a sigh of relief when the phone stopped, pulled your weighted blanket over you head and continued to wish for sleep and/or oblivion.
But your mind, which was drowning in negative thoughts, could not stay sunk as you thought of Ari calling you. He was your best friend in the city and had been nothing but supportive of you over the last eight months of working together.
Your heart beat faster, and thoughts of his smile would not let you continue to wallow in your feelings.
You sat up, sighed, and dialed him back.
“Ari? Hey, yeah. I saw that you called.”
Ari didn’t know that he was holding his breath until he heard your voice and exhaled.
“I did. I was just checking on you. You said you’d send me a text when you got home, and pics?”
There was an awkward silence. Ari felt dumb. You were probably too busy celebrating to worry about him.
“Sorry to interrupt your good time. I’ll let you go…”
“Ari, wait. I’m… not in Philly. My mom called while I was on the way to the train station. She got back her ex and told me they were going to Aspen for the holiday with his family instead.”
“That sucks.” 
Ari knew that your relationship with your mother was strained because of your step father, but that’s about all he knew.
“Yeah. She invited me, but I'm not going anywhere he is. I thought she was finally going to leave him.”
“Wow. I’m sorry, Kitten.”
Ari felt the gut punch for you.  And you had just broken up with that joker Patrick last month. You had to be lonely.
“So… what are you doing tonight?”
You couldn’t help but smile into the phone. Ari always tried to cheer you up.
“Nothing. Riding the couch. Eating junk.”
You picked up a half spilled bag of Cheetos.
Ari cleared his throat at the thought of you riding anything.
“Well, get off the couch. We’re coming over to celebrate with you.”
“We’ll bring food from Little Bangkok…”
“Don’t want to hear another word. We’ll bring everything.”
You stopped trying to argue. Attempting to stop Ari when he was on a mission was impossible. He would find a way around any obstacle. 
“That’s my girl! We'll be there as soon as possible.”
You didn’t know why you were smiling when you hung up the phone. Maybe it was because Ari called you his girl. But that wasn’t a big deal. You were buddies. He was your boy.
But then you looked around your studio apartment. It was a mess. You needed to clean up. You should have time to do a quick sweep and shower before Ari closed up shop at noon…
An hour and a half later, you were in the shower when you thought you heard a noise. You turned off the water to hear someone knocking on your door. You picked up your phone and saw that it was just 12:15. It couldn’t be them. 
Not yet.
You got in your robe and padded out to the living room. You looked out of the peephole to see… Ari and crew. You sighed and opened the door.
The door swung open and there you were, your wet curves barely contained by your robe and your braids in your giant shower cap. Your cleavage was so delectable and the startled look on your face made Ari want to…
“Ari? You’re here early. I thought you wouldn’t be here until later.”
Ari just stood there, blocking everyone’s view of you, his eyes sliding down your body. You remembered that you were naked under your robe and pulled your robe closed, but not before you caught Ari’s look. You bit your lip as you covered up.
“Um… I was in the shower. Didn’t expect you for another hour.”
Bobby was trying to look over Ari’s shoulder and Mitch complained that he wanted to set the bags down. His girlfriend, Trixie, was right behind him.
“We closed an hour early.” 
His voice seemed gruff and his eyes took you in again. 
“You getting sick, Ari?” 
The way you cocked your head at him made him clear his throat.
“No, just.. It was cold outside.”
 He had to suck it up.
“You need to wear a scarf.”
You were always harping on him to cover up. You were about the only one who cared for him, he always ended up caring for everyone else. That’s why he loved you. 
As a friend of course.
You weren’t the conventional personal trainer per the BMI charts. Your hourglass shape was bounteous, but Ari felt every curve and part of you was absolutely necessary. For you, for the clients to see that heath came in all shapes and sizes… and for him.
Working with you for the last eight months had been fun, to say the least.
You were his physical ideal, but you didn’t know that. Bobby always made sure to point out Ari’s exes to you and none of them had your body type. That was one reason why they were exes.
“You might wanna… go….”
Ari gestured to your body, making you feel some kind of way. His eyes were still sweeping over you with possession as he stayed in the doorway. A thrill ran up your spine before you responded to the underhanded command.
“Shit. Yeah. Come in.” 
You stood on tip toe to see over Ari’s broad shoulder to welcome your guests. 
“Make yourselves at home.”
You toppled into Ari and his hands came up to your waist to steady you. You giggled as you crashed into him.
“My bad. Extra ‘cause I’m wet. I’m dripping all over you.”
“THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!!” screamed Trixie as everyone laughed as they entered your small place. 
Ari was paralyzed because that scenario was highly desirable. And the feel of you in his hands was...
He had to snap out of it. You just didn’t see him that way. He was too old for you, and was probably definitely not your type. But he couldn’t help but stare at your unfettered ass under your robe. His throat was suddenly dry.
You caught Ari’s look and hurried to your bedroom alcove. Once there, the curtain closed, you took a deep breath. Ari had you open. But you had to deal with it. He was just a friend.
By the time you came out, Your place was decorated for the holiday; they even had a small table top tree and presents. 
You smiled big at your friends and gave everyone a hug, ending with Ari.
“I can’t believe you did all this, for me. I didn’t get you all presents.”
“That’s okay!” 
“No problem.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Everyone was so nice.
Your face at that moment was everything to Ari.
“For you, Anything.”
You two just stared at each other.
“I would throw up, but I haven’t eaten yet.”
You laughed.
“Sorry. I’m out of sorts today. But you all will get me right? Right?”
“Yep! Shots all around.’
Mitch had the fireball ready.
“Oh shit. That stuff’s terrible,” you laughed.
“Let’s go, let me get some glasses.”
You went for the shot glasses in the cabinet. Ari, as well as everyone else, admired you in your red Christmas sweater and red plaid leggings. When your sweater rose up to show your ass beneath your braids was when Ari thought he would have a heart attack. He moved toward you.
“Need some help, short stuff?”
He was right next to you, sharing his body heat. So why did you shiver and stand speechless beside him looking up at him under your lashes? You were acting like a damsel in distress. You frowned and turned away to catch your breath.
Ari watched you grimace and turn toward the sink. What had he done? He shouldn’t have called you short.
“Here they are!” 
You put five shot glasses on the counter. 
“Now gimme!”
Mitchell poured and you reached for a glass to knock it back. You put it down for another.
“Careful…” said Ari, as he watched you drinking.
“You need to eat something with that.”
He was getting the food out of the bags.
“Thanks, Dad,” you joked.
You kissed him on the cheek as you stood there with your plate, ready for him to serve you. Ari had the urge to take you over his knee right then.
“Yeak, Daddy, thanks for being the killjoy as usual.”
“Oh hush, Bobby, it was Ari’s idea for this party. He’s the hero tonight!”
You put one of the crowns that Trixie had brought on Ari’s head.
“He’s the king.”
You winked as you stood close to him, your breasts barely brushing him as you crowned him. It caused Ari to clench his jaw to hold back. You were so fucking hot.
For the rest of the night, Ari kept his distance, watching you have fun and celebrate without getting that close to you again. He couldn’t ruin the friendship.
You only had a few more shots, but Ari kept handing you plates of food so that you wouldn’t get too tipsy. But you were loose and flirty with everyone. It was a good time.
Around 6, everyone left, having other celebrations to go to. You were warm and full of cheer and wished everyone a Merry Christmas at the door. Ari was the only person left in your home, cleaning up in the kitchen.
“Hey, Sir. You don’t have to do that, you know. You’ve done so much today.”
Ari chuckled as he finished the last dish in the sink.
“I know. I don’t have to. But I wanted to. Like I said. Anything for you.”
Ari turned around from the sink and leaned up against it. You shoved a blue paper wrapped box into his hands and saw the look of surprise on his face.
“I thought you said…”
“I didn’t get everyone else a gift. Just you. You’re my bestie. Happy Hanukkah, Ari. Chag sameach...”
Ari looked at you for a long time, something unreadable in his eyes. 
“Chag sameach.”
You watched as Ari lifted out a fine light blue cashmere scarf. Suddenly, it clicked.
“Wow. It matches your eyes…”
You wondered how many colors of blue were in Ari’s eyes, and why you hadn’t noticed this particular shade before now. And you wondered why you picked out that color scarf. You had to have it for him when you saw it. There must have been something in your subconscious that caused you to pick that color.
Your heart was beating erratically as you took the scarf from him and stood on tiptoes to drape it around his neck and making him bend close to you again.
You interrupted Ari, attempting to keep up the conversation before you did anything stupid, but not letting go of the scarf and keeping the proximity with him that you’d created.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, why do you call me that? Is it because I’m like a feral cat that just showed up on your doorstep?”
Your voice was husky now, and you were lost deep in the pools of his eyes.
Ari chuckled and looked down at your lips.
“Yeah, something like that.”
That wasn’t the truth. Ari didn’t like cats. Cats that crossed his path always hissed and tried to scratch, but he ended up loving the ones that stuck around. His sister’s cat, Murray, the alley cat that turned out to be an escaped bodega cat from two blocks over. Just like them, you’d clawed your way into his heart, and you wouldn’t let go.
You looked deep into those blue eyes and were drawn in. You slotted yourself in between Ari’s legs and sensed that he put the box down beside him on the counter. His hands came up around your waist and you pulled on the scarf to make him bend down more as you leaned up on your toes to give him a sweet, short kiss that could have been construed as chaste. 
You leaned back and huffed as Ari licked his lips.
“Taste good. Can I have another?”
You nodded almost imperceptibly, and Ari pulled you in closer and lowered his lips again, tongue probing for you to open your mouth. You granted him access and he established that he owned you with just  a few swipes of his tongue.
You leaned into him, pressing yourself against him as his hands pulled you even closer. You could feel the excitement between his legs, pressing into your stomach. What was happening between yours was the perfect compliment to his large bulge.
You separated again, breathing hard, looking down at your hands which held the scarf balled inside your fists. Then you dared to look up at him.
“Damn Ari, you know how to give a kiss.”
Ari pulled you even closer.
“Been wanting to do that to you for so long. I’m glad it’s finally done.”
Ari smiled at you. 
“But I thought we were…just….”
Ari swooped down and kissed you again. This time making your toes curl. You whimpered in the back of your throat.
Your hands had let go of the death grip on the scarf and was smoothing it on his chest, inadvertently brushing his hard nipples.
Ari spoke, his voice gruff and deep again.
“So you want me to go?”
He didn’t move to let go of you, or to hide his growing arousal. You considered his unfairly handsome face and those lips and made your decision.
“Don’t go. Stay with me.”
“Stay? Stay and do what?”
“....Talk. Yes. Let’s talk.”
Ari sighed and gradually let go of you, and you of the scarf. You slowly backed away from him, slightly dizzy.
“Want a drink?”
You turned to get some glasses. Ari watched your ass and those hypnotizing braids of yours.
“Want a drink of you.”
You turned and looked at him over your shoulder and smiled. Then you shook your head.
“Ari… you don’t … I’m not even your type…”
You poured some bourbon into the glasses. You mixed yours with coke.
“And what is my type?”
Ari raised his eyebrow as he drank, and when he licked his lips, you almost swooned. You tried to escape into the living room, but of course, he followed you.
“Well… one of those sexy, hot, tight body types, like Mrs. Ashborne. Bobby told me that you and she… y’ know.”
You looked at him over your glass as his eyes flashed.
“Bobby’s got a big fucking mouth.” 
He took a swig and then set his glass down on the coffee table as he sat next to you on the couch.
“That was nothing. I was pent up and horny, and she was practically throwing it at me. She served a purpose. But she’s not really my type. Men can be very weak, Kitten.”
“Ah, so it is true that all men cheat.”
Ari shook his head, and moved closer.
“Not what I said. I said men can be weak, but if they have a someone worth keeping, they can be very true.”
You created a barrier between you by taking another sip of your drink.
“So, why were you pent up and horny, Ari?”
Bobby had pointed out Mrs. Ashborne shortly after you’d started working as RSDR.
Ari’s eyes raked down your body and stopped at your sweater. Your tits were staring straight at him. 
“Well. We had just hired a new trainer, and she was so hot that I was having wet dreams about her every night. I knew I was too old for her and that she only thought of me as a friend so… I hadn’t learned how to deal with that then.”
Your eyes widened.
“Shit, Ari…” 
You put down your drink. 
“You’re not too old… you’re only… how old are you again?”
You knew exactly how old he was, you had helped plan his birthday party in the summer, but Ari played along as he moved even closer to you.
“40, Kitten. I’m 40. And you’re only 28.”
‘Oh shit. You are old.”
Ari laughed.
“Fuck you, Kitten.”
You just smiled and let what he said sink in. You looked up, pretending to think.
“28 is the age of a full grown woman.”
“I could be your…”
“Next door neighbor that I have a crush on? A dilf?”
Ari smirked at you.
“You got a crush on me? A dad you’d like to fuck? But I don’t have any kids.”
“You could be Daddy.”
You watched his eyes dilate.
“Fuck, Kitten.”
“You keep saying that. But we’re friends. You are very hot, Ari. That’s why Rowena was throwing it at you. And that’s why she keeps trying so hard everytime she comes in. She wants that dick again. Must have been good.”
Ari dodged the essential question.
“Has she been back in? I hadn’t noticed.”
“Mmmmmhmmmm Ari. You know good and well she's been back in. She asks you for extra towels every time.”
Ari was busy eyeing your breasts, which he was sure sported two very erect nipples. He wondered what your areolas looked like. He licked his lips.
“Oh?” He replied, totally distracted.
You laughed. 
“You totally ignored her, and my question about that dick. Is it as good as Rowena thinks? Tell me the truth. Friend to friend.”
Ari looked into your eyes. He wanted you. 
“Who cares what Rowena thinks? You’d have to judge for yourself. Friend to friend.”
He was so damn sexy. You decided you wanted to play. You smoothed your hand down your sweater.
“You see something you like?”
Ari nodded. His eyes swept your form and back to your face.
“I see everything I like.” 
He focused on your lips. His hair fell into his eyes and you reached up and brushed it back. He leaned over and kissed your wrist and you shivered.
“Can I have that sweet mouth again?”
You couldn’t resist and nodded, melting into him as he came for you again. 
While Ari possessed your soul with this mouth, his hands pulled you closer to him. He trailed one hand up your spine, making you shiver until his fist was in your hair, feeling the texture of your braids against his fingers until he reached your nape. Then, he took a handful and tugged gently, causing you to shudder and moan into his mouth.
Ari pulled back and drew a ragged breath. 
“You want to know about my dick. I want to know about your…” He surveyed you again. “... Everything. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
You smiled and then bit your lip, stifling a laugh.
You stood up and pulled off your sweater, bringing it over your head and pulling your braids through. Ari looked up at you from the couch and could have cried at your sheer lace bra that hinted at the breasts he’d been dreaming of.
He looked down to your crotch and wanted to bury his nose in it, but he needed to be patient. You’d not given him permission, or better yet, begged for that yet.
He stood up to tower over you again, unbuttoning his blue chambray shirt and then pulling his t-shirt over his head. You stared at the beefy, hairy glory that was Ari Levinson before you. Then, you bent over toward him, making sure that he got a good view of your cleavage, and pulled your leggings down before you stepped out of them.
Ari ran his hand through his hair, and then unbuttoned his jeans, adjusting himself as he took them off. Your eyes widened at the huge tent in his boxers. It was Ari’s turn to stifle a laugh.
You gestured toward his crotch.
“Well, you aren’t showing me anything. That could be a roll of socks or something.”
Ari nodded toward your chest.
“You hiding grapefruit in there?”
“Funny boy.”
“Funny girl.”
“Ok, on the count of three.” 
Ari wanted to get to the good part. He put his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers.
 “One… two…”
You reached behind you with one hand ready to unclasp your bra. Your heart was beating a mile a minute.
You unsnapped your bra and Ari dropped his shorts. You shivered and hugged your self as you stared at the mammoth beast that your friend had been hiding. And was now pointing straight at you.
“Holy shit you’re so hot.”
Ari took you in shyly standing there staring at him. He had to have you.
“Do you like what you see, Kitten?”
“My god, Ari. I…” 
You were speechless.
“You still want to experience it?” 
Ari took a step toward you and you took a step back. 
“You good?”
You giggled nervously. 
“Yeah, I’m good. I want that.”
You pointed brazenly at his dick, and Ari looked down at it and smiled at you.
“You sure?”
He took another step and this time you didn’t move.
“Unhunh. What do you want, Ari?”
Ari waved at your whole body. 
“I want that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Definitely. Been daydreaming about it for months.”
You lids half closed as he closed the gap between you and put his rough palms on your sides.
“What… exactly… is… it?”
You sighed as his hands came up and weighed your breasts, thumbs caressing your nipples, thrumming and stretching them so that you were squirming before him. You looked in his eyes as he did it, and he held your gaze as he lowered his lips to one.
“Well, for one, I want to play with these…”
He rubbed his lips along your nipples, making your knees weak. He held you up as he started suckling you tenderly at first, and then with abandon as you moaned for him. You looked down and brushed his hair out of the way as he closed his eyes and sucked at you, his perfect lips pursed into bows as he pulled your inhibitions from you.
He picked you up, turned around and sat back on the couch with you, straddling his boner, the only barrier between you the red lace of your panties. He finished ravishing your nipples for a moment and looked up at you.
“You don’t know how hot you are, do you?”
You shook your head as he chuckled. Then, his eyes darkened as he took your breasts in his hand. He deftly twisted your nipples as you ground your crotch into him, your wantoness obvious.
“I feel how wet you are, Kitten.  Do you want me too?”
Are looked you in the eyes as he started spanking your tits, making you jerk and putting you in shock that you liked it.
“Fuuuuckkkkk, Ariiiii!”
You arched right into his grip as he manhandled you. Then, he put his hand in your braids and massaged your scalp, sending you to nirvana.
“Fuck, Kitten, you look so fucking delicious. Do you taste so?”
Ari’s hand went from your breasts to your panties, and reached inside them for his long fingers to reach your dew.
“Shit, you’re so fucking wet!”
You nodded, as the slide along the rough texture of the lace was giving you some satisfaction. You jolted as Ari brought his fingers out and tasted you, relishing the flavor.
“So delicious, Kitten. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamed of eating you out after a workout. Want to eat your sweaty pussy, baby.”
Oh shit, Ari was a freak. The jig was you were into it.
Ari tightened the hold on your hair, bending you back as he reached for your panties and tore a hole in them.
“Now’s the time to judge the quality of my dick Kitten.”
Ari lifted you up so that your thighs were on either side of his.
“You still want to?”
He still held your hair in a deliciously painful grip as he started sucking your nipples again. You just moaned and circled your hips in vain.
“You are in fact, dripping all over me again…”
“Fuck me, Ari… pleaseee.”
Your sexy moan and your fucked out face made Ari release your hair and pick you up by your thighs, biceps bulging as he easily took your full weight.
“Now, keep your eyes open Kitten.”
And he lowered you, slowly fucking you open on his cock. Your cunt stretched around his beautifully thick head and you keened.
“Yes, Ari, yessss! More, please, pleasepleasepleaseplease…”
You begged as Ari’s pounding member stretched you and slid his way into you. 
When you reached the bottom of his massive pole, you stared at him.
“Hi, Friend.”
Ari started pistoning his hips upward and the smile dropped from your face. You moved your hips in time, and Ari grabbed your hair again with his hand, and your nipple with his mouth. The free hand went to your clit, and soon you were clenching around him, cumming to beat the band. 
“Oh, shit, Ari. Daddy!”
“Fuck! That’s a lot better than ‘Friend.”
Ari started pounding inside you, and then again lifted you up.
“No….” You whined, “No Ari…”
Ari relented and dropped you on his dick, giving you a few more pumps, Then, pulled you off again and started jacking his cock. You scrambled to your knees and took his hot load on your face as he panted, moaned, and cursed.
“Nnnnnghhhgnnn. Fucking hell, so fucking beautiful, godamn…”
He aimed some on your tits and you laughed as the hot spray dripped all over you.
“That wasn’t very friendly”
You sat back on your knees and looked up at him as you played in his cum. Ari collapsed on the couch as he watched you and his dick started perking up again. He chuckled.
“No.” Ari panted. “No it wasn’t.” 
He admired you and sat up to draw his cum around your areola.
“How was the dick?”
“Pretty bomb. But I think I need more data. You know, a larger sample size.”
You gave him a filthy kiss and got up, turned around, and walked toward your shower. Ari couldn’t help but follow. He eyed your ass and licked his lips.
“Me too, Kitten. Me too. This might take until Christmas morning.”
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Reblog if it’s hot. 🥵
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Jackson Avery x reader - together again
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Can I request jackson avery x reader where they were childhood besties but went their separate ways when reader went to the military and they reunite during the merger? - Anon💜
Pulling on your scrubs, you rolled your shoulders and walked into the hallway and over to the surgery board.
“Looks like you’re pretty booked up.”
Looking over at Owen, you nodded your head.
“Yeah, think I could have one of your residents or interns for the day? Just an extra pair of hands to prep and such.”
“Not a problem, I’ll send someone to meet you at your first patients room.”
You walked to get some coffee before making your way over to the nurses station.
Sitting down, you looked through your patient files before you finally got up and made your way to the first patients room.
Inside was one of the interns and you handed him the file.
“Have you read up on the procedure?”
“Yeah, it’s a transplant, right?”
“I don’t know, is it?”
Turning to face the intern you crossed your arms across your chest and rose a brow at him.
He offered you a little smile.
“Sorry. Yes, it’s a lung transplant.”
“Yes, I’ll be having you help me today doctor?”
“Avery. Jackson Avery.”
You nodded your head and turned around to check your patient as you thought about that name.
You’d heard it somewhere, not the last name.
Of course everyone knew the name Avery. But his whole name? It rung a bell and you weren’t sure why.
“Doctor (L/N)?”
You looked towards the door at one of the other interns.
“We need your help.”
“Avery prep him.”
Jogging over the intern, you quickly helped them with their issue before you made your way to the operating room.
The whole day was tiring, and by the end you were nearly falling asleep in the hallway.
“Hey, maybe a coffee will help.”
You looked at Jackson and gave him a small smile and a nod thanks.
“Two sugars, just how you like it.” He smiled.
“How’d you know?”
“You don’t remember?”
You sat up a little and looked at him properly.
“Oh my god…”
He smiled and you laughed, reaching over to hug him lightly.
“Jackson im so sorry. It’s been so long!”
“It’s no problem, I know it has but I’m glad to know you’re safe.”
You pulled away as stood up, grabbing the coffee he handed you and gestured to the doors.
“How about some food and a catch up?”
“I’d like that.” He smiled.
It really had been years since you saw your best friend.
The moment you were old enough you left for the military while he decided to become a doctor.
Sometimes he wondered where he went in life, if he’d made it and where he decided to settle and work towards his goal.
Glancing at the man who was walking beside you, you couldn’t help but smile.
You missed him.
He was everything to you, all you’d ever known throughout your whole life. You grew up with him, now you were reunited with your best friend.
Sure, the pair of you had been apart for so long, but you were always inseparable
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Version 2: Bat Baby
Today was the day of Steve’s c-section. Steve woke up early and slipped on his large night shirt before wandering outside. He fixed himself a large glass of iced water and sat outside in one of the lawn chairs. It was colder now, which Steve always used to hate. He always preferred the warmth of summer. Since he was bitten and gotten pregnant, it's been the opposite now, more so since he's been experiencing hot flashes. He now loved the way the cool air felt against his naked legs.
"Today's the day, baby girl," Steve whispered. "Are you ready? Because I don't think that I am. Can't you stay inside me forever? I promise to keep you safe. Of course, I don't really mean that. I know you need to come out. I don't think I'll ever be ready for you to face the world. Me and Daddy will do our best, but you know, we're not perfect. I hope you know how much we love you."
"I love you too, Daddy," a squeaky voice said.
Steve looked over to find Eddie peering out of the sliding glass door with a grin and a blanket over his head. Eddie came all the way, closing the door behind him before patting his way over to Steve. He pushed the other lawn up against Steve’s and plopped down. He had his own cup, but it was just filled with crushed ice. Eddie shook a handful and poured into his mouth, crunching it with his teeth.
"I don't think I'm ready either," Eddie said.
"Terrified," Eddie said, pausing. "But at least we're scared together."
Steve took his free hand in his, and they watched the sun rise together. Eddie stroked his hand and began to sing. Steve grinned when he started to sing the Beatles' Yellow Submarine. It was one of his favorite Beatles songs. Steve chuckled when he got the idea. He opened his mouth and began to sing Master of Puppets. Eddie giggled with delight.
Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
We all live in a yellow submarine
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
We all live in a yellow submarine
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
We all live in a yellow submarine
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
We all live in a yellow submarine
Master, master
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Master, master
"That's a scary mashup," Eddie giggled.
"It shouldn't make sense," Steve said.
"But I love it," Eddie and Steve laughed.
"You're going to be okay, Stevie."
"I know."
When they arrived at the hospital, they were surprised to find that everyone was waiting for them there.
"Like we would miss this," Joyce said.
"As if I would miss my best friend having a baby," Robin said.
Everyone gave him supportive hugs, the moms lasting longer than anyone else. Claudia wouldn't stop crying.
"Come on, Claud," Wayne said in amusement. "Let the boy go."
"I'm going to be a Grammy," Claudia cried.
"Damn, I didn't think to bring any tissues," Sue said, sniffling.
"Oh, I got plenty in my purse," Claudia said.
"I think Max might need some of those," Mike said.
"I will push you in the quarry," Max snapped and walked over to hug Steve. "You're going to be a great dad."
As she walked back over, she flipped Mike off. She sat down in the waiting room and pulled out some knitting supplies.
"Are you knitting?" Mike asked.
"What did I just say?" Max asked.
Erica sat beside her and pulled out her own supplies.
"I'm competing with Max to see who can make the better baby blanket," Erica said.
"Did you know about this?" Mike asked Lucas.
Eddie and Steve laughed as they were guided off to the operating room by Dr. Owens. Hopper and El followed behind them. El had Jonathan's old camera strapped to her neck. They were joining them in the room just in case anything happened. Although, El had insisted that she hadn't felt anything bad coming from the baby. As they prepared him, Steve laid on the table he stared up at the ceiling.
"I'm going to miss being pregnant," Steve said.
"Is it because it's made your hair look really good?" Eddie asked.
"No. . .well, not just that," Steve said. "I just - what if I turn into my dad?"
"Not possible. I haven't seen you turn into your dad with any of the kids we babysit," Eddie said. "You've been really great with the kids, and you're going to be really great with ours."
"What if she is part bat? What if she starts climbing the walls?!" Steve asked.
"Then we'll get a ladder. That was going to happen anyway. She's part of me too," Eddie said.
"We both work during the day. What if she ends up sleeping during the day and awake at night?" Steve said.
"Then we'll figure that out too," Eddie said. "We'll figure it all out together."
"You have all the answers, don't you?" Steve muttered.
"Only when it comes to you, sweetheart," Eddie replied and paused. "Do I need to get a mom?"
"I'll get Joyce. She's had a c-section," Hopper said and left the room.
Joyce came in a moment later and knelt at Steve's side.
"You a little nervous?" Joyce asked.
"A little," Steve admitted.
"I was just as scared when I was in your situation. I had no clue what was going on. My biggest fear was that they would cut into Jonathan. It's been 18 years now, and medicine has gotten somewhat better. These doctors, they know what they're doing. The doctors I had knew what they're doing, and Jonathan turned out fine," Joyce said. "But if you need me, then I'll be with you and make sure they don't hurt the baby too. That's also what El is here for. We won't let them take her, either. You've got an entire army out there prepared to do the same."
Steve looked at her with watery eyes, knowing how hard she fought for Will, and he knew she would do the same for their baby.
"Thanks," Steve croaked. "You can stay."
Joyce stood on Steve’s other side and took his hand. Eddie smiled at her, his own eyes filled with tears.
"Thank you."
It was weird not being able to feel or see what they're doing, but judging by the looks on El and Hopper's face, they saw the entire thing. Eddie could clearly see what they were doing, and he watched his face turn into a look of awe, then they all heard it. The cry. It sounded weirder than he thought it would. It sounded more like a screech than a cry. Then, the nurse was bringing her over and putting her in Eddie's arms. Eddie was sobbing.
"Oh, fuck, Steve, look at her, she's beautiful," Eddie sobbed.
He held her close to Steve’s face, and Steve started crying with Eddie. She was so perfect. Her skin was slightly gray, but they apparently weren't worried about that. Eddie leaned his forehead against Steve’s. El smiled as she took their picture.
"We're parents, Steve, we're goddamn parents," Eddie said.
A little while later, Steve laid in his hospital bed while their daughter laid against his chest. Eddie sat next to him while everyone filled the room. She wasn't wrapped up in the blanket. She preferred the cold. Steve smiled as he rubbed a hand over her back.
"Oh, look at her little wings," Dustin cooed softly, tears filling his eyes. "Oh, man. I am so not ready for this."
"Is she - is she going to have a tail?" Robin asked.
"Looks like she's going to have three," Eddie grinned.
Just above the diaper was a small cluster of bumps.
"You gonna tell us the little stinker's name?" Wayne asked.
"Alice," Steve said.
"That's my mama's name," Eddie said softly.
"I know," Steve said softly. "I know how much you loved her, and I know how much you want her to be here. In a way, she is. I also love Alice in Wonderland, so there's something in it for me, too."
Eddie cried as he kissed Steve and placed a gentle hand on Alice's back.
"Everyone," Eddie sniffled. "This is Alice Wynonna Munson. It's the closet we could get to the girl version of Wayne."
"Oh, hell," Wayne said and burst into tears.
"I thought you were going to be cool about this, honey," Claudia teased.
"They named the damned baby after me," Wayne said.
Wayne was the first to hold the baby, followed by Robin and Dustin. Steve thought for sure Robin was going to fight Wayne when he was hogging the baby. There wasn't a dry eye in the hospital room as everyone cooed and passed the baby around. Erica was the last one to hold the baby before passing her off to Steve.
"She doesn't like being warm?" Erica asked. "Our baby blankets are just going to be decorative, aren't they?"
"Yeah, sorry," Steve laughed. "Oh, I think she's hungry."
Everyone began clearing the room, offering their congratulations as they left. Steve smiled at his daughter as she suckled at his breast. It felt weird and wonderful at the same time. It was definitely strange to feel his breasts to be so swollen with milk. Eddie smiled softly as he stroked Alice's head.
"We're a family," Eddie said. "Tied together forever through her. There's no going back."
"I never want to go back," Steve said.
Eddie kissed him.
A/N: one more chapter to go!
Part Nine
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brokenpieces-72 · 4 months
The 627th MASH Unit
Okay so this came to me yesterday and just kept going. Thought I would post it. For people who sonnt know MASH is an old series about the war in Korea, focusing on the MASH unit. I altered a few of the names and couple of other details to make it fit. Hope you enjoy.
“Fuck the paperwork it will be filled out later, this woman needs medical attention now!” Price barked.
“Paperwork first, I can’t do anything about it!” The Major said, daring to stand up to a very pissed Captain Price. Apparently because Farah wasn’t an American Soldier and was associated with Alex, a defected soldier there needed to be paperwork for her to be operated on.
“Major-“ a soldier came up next to Price.
“Captain, stay out of this!” The Major barked at her. Price looked at the smaller female captain who simply responded to her superior with a smile.
“Is that an order sir?” She asked, giving a big mischievous grin.
“That’s an order! Stay out of this and get to work.” He ordered. The captain smiled, straightened and turned to Price.
“The hand of Union Jacks with you?” She asked him. Price nodded. “Are you about to hand me paperwork?”
“I’ve been ordered to stay out of this. Sorry sir.” She said. Then she gave him a wink and a salute before leaving the conversation as quickly as she came in.
“Bring her this way.” The young captain told Gaz, Soap, Alex and Ghost. They brought Farah in on a gurney before helping her on to an operating table. The captain fled the room, ushering the rest of the men out, as if they were mice.
“Shoo shoo, no contamination!” She said, before getting another doctor to help her wash and clean up. The surgery would take some time, but for now it was best to focus on getting the shrapnel out.
“Do you need anything else from us?” Kyle asked her once they were outside.
“Not at the moment but if you pop over to the mess tent there’s a two for one pint of blood special on juice boxes and cookies.”
The two men exchanged a look once she disappeared back into the operating room. Now all they could do was pray. Alex was pacing already, worried about his friend. Soap and Gaz convinced him to pull back from the operating room, knowing his mind needed to be cleared. The best thing they could do now was take up the offer at the mess tent. Ghost decided to stay behind, able to still hear Price and Major of the MASH unit discussing the paperwork issue.
The captain got to work immediately, getting Farah under anesthesia. She worked carefully and quickly. The doctor wasn’t about to let something as ridiculous as paperwork get in the way of helping someone. She’d heard about Farah Karim’s exploits. Violent and bold they were, but respectable all the same. The Major was an idiotic teachers pet.
Gaz, Soap and Alex stepped in and greeted the chaplain who welcomed them with surprising warmth.
“Take a seat gentleman. We’ll be right with you.” They take seats at the benches. Alex’s leg kept bouncing nervously.
“Are you alright my son?” The father asked him.
“My friend is in the or. Worried about her.” Alex said.
“May I ask, who is your friend?” The father asked.
“Can’t really say father. But she means a lot to me and to a lot of other people.” Alex explained. Not all of his fellow soldiers in the MASH unit would be very pleased to know they had Farah Karim in their camp. The Major made that very clear.
“Saved our lives today.” Kyle added.
“Almost wouldn’t take her.” Soap mentioned.
“Oh I see. Is that what the commotion was with Major Borne?” The father asked innocently. They all nodded. “I see. Well the best I can do is pray for her, and hopefully get this blood to her to help.”
With that, they all willingly rolled up their sleeves.
Price had nearly lost his voice trying to get something done about Farah when he realized his men were missing. Giving up on trying to go through the Major, he decided to either find a doctor willing to go around him, or someone higher up.
He spotted the looming presence of his lieutenant outside the OR. Price made his way over to him.
“Captain.” Ghost said, addressing his captain.
“Lieutenant. We need to find some-“
“Farah’s in the OR sir.” Ghost said quietly. Price’s thoughts halted in their tracks. Did he hear that right?
“…how is she?”
“Unknown sir. But she’s being taken care of. The rest of the men are at the mess tent, donating blood. Figured the Major would try to stop the operation, so I’m keep watching unless you need me.”
Price nodded absently. They were doing it without paperwork. He needed to fill it out otherwise he would have that irritating rank pulling asswipe on his neck.
“Mess tent?” He asked. Ghost nodded. Price headed off but not before calling back, “Don’t scare off the nice nurses.”
The captain finished up, closing up her patient. The Major would come in at anytime and give the poor woman hell but it didn’t matter to her. Taking a few deep breaths under her mask she ordered the nurses to get her to post-op, giving them a routine to follow. At the moment she was too low on blood, and there were still a few more things needed to be done. Her pulse was poor, and any more operating might put her at higher risk.
The doctor took the time, to slowly remove her gloves and gown, tossing them in a hamper. Her bunkmate, came to see her.
“How is she?” Captain Tracker asked while Captain Bird-eye sat down on a bench, leaning against the wall.
“She’s in post-op, and needs to rest. Got her a pint of blood and to check up every half hour or so.” She said, arching her back to get some cracks out.
“Want to tell me we got some guy who doesn’t know when Halloween is over posted up at post-op?” He asked.
“Came with the Urzikstan conflict.” Bird-eye said with a tired smile. “How’s the vampire convention at the mess tent?”
“The three cosplaying soldiers are willing to get sucked dry for that woman.” Tracker replied.
“Well let’s go join them.” Bird said, standing up and shoving her hands in her pockets.
The two captain’s made their way to the mess tent, and once inside, they were greeted by Price, and the rest of his men.
“How is she?” Alex asked.
“She’s in post-op, and is slowly getting blood. I can continue operating once her pulse is normal and blood levels are higher. I have a nurse reporting to me every half hour. She’ll make it.” Bird explained.
Alex relaxes a little, while he is handed some food to keep from passing out, as are the rest of the 141 in the tent.
“Your major is a pain in the arse.” Price commented as Bird sat down next to him.
“The only major he isn’t is reasonable.” Bird replied in agreement. “Captain Birdeye at your service captain. Just call me bird.”
“Captain Price.” Price said, offering a hand. Bird shook it, while Price introduced the rest of his team. “My sergeants, Kyle Gaz Garrick and John Soap MacTavish. Alex Keller.”
“What about the Halloween prankster?” Tracker asked from his seat with Soap and Gaz.
“My fellow captain and partner in crime, Captain Tracker.” Bird said.
“That’s my Lieutenant, Simon Ghost Riley.” Price explained to them.
“The guy could scare away shadows.” Bird commented.
“Have him haunt the Major, convince him to believe in Christmas again.” Tracker added on.
“When will you be finished operating on her?” Price asked, breaking up their banter. Bird checked her wrist for the time, thoroughly.
“Would say quarter to freckle.” She responded sarcastically, before Price offered his own watch. “Ah much more accurate. Right now we need to wait until her vitals are a little more stable. If I go in now, then I’ll be operating quick and sloppy. It will be a few hours, so probably 0300. If there’s no positive change in her vitals, I’ll have to start sooner.”
“Seven hours…” Price sighed, taking a bite of the food to keep his blood sugar up.
“We have to wait for seven fucking hours?” Soap griped from the other table. The chaplain, straightened and cleared his throat. Soap raised a hand and politely apologized.
“Yeah, welcome to the health care system.” Tracker said to him, doing a quick check of Soap’s pulse.
“Welcome to the MASH unit, the drive thru for shrapnel, plasma and blood.” Bird added.
“What about the Major?” Kyle asked, thanking a nurse for another glass of juice. She gave him a sweet smile before going off to help the other donars.
“I think he’s just as scared of Skeletor as everyone else.” Bird said. “Not like he’d do anything, probably thinks the same way he thinks of everyone else from Urzikstan that ends up in post-op.”
“I don’t think I want to know what that is.” Alex said.
“No one in their right mind thinks like Borne, hell anyone who does is in a mental institution.” Bird commented, already noticing the major coming over. “Honestly how he’s escaped discharge is beyond me.”
The Major stormed into the mess tent. Price was about to stand to address him, but Bird kept an arm on his shoulder. Last thing she wanted was boiling blood. Tracker had to keep Alex from standing as well, reminding him to keep drinking.
“Captain, would you care to explain to me why there’s a high ranking Urzikstan officer taking up one our beds?” The Major asked. Bird blinked and let his statement register with everyone in the tent.
“You’re better off speaking to me, the other captain is a little busy.” Bird said jerking her head to Price and taking another glass of juice.
“I am talking to you.” Borne snapped at her.
“I’m sorry but the doctor can’t see you right now, any inquiries about patients can be directed to the pentagon. Please leave a message after the conflict.” Bird said. Soap and Gaz sat there stunned to see a Captain mocking their superior. Gaz had seen Price threaten one, sure but he had the skills to make good on that threat.
“Cut that out Bailey. I ought to report you for this misconduct.”
“What fucking misconduct?” Bird questioned, her face changing smug to irritated. She softened for a moment to address the chaplain. “Sorry father.”
“Going over my head for one, neglecting proper procedure and protocol, and aiding the enemy.”
“What enemy? The woman in there is with the Brits you see in this tent. What’s the problem, she ain’t decorated like a Christmas tree?”
“She’s a terrorist-“ before the last word could finish out of the major’s mouth, there was a loud slap. The Major nearly fell to the ground from the impact. The whole tent went silent, turning their attention to the scene. Even Price went quiet seeing the younger captain stand and glaring daggers into her commanding officer.
“If she was a terrorist, then why would these men care so much about her?! Try racking your head around that, the common human decency of giving a damn. All that woman has ever done is defend herself and her people, and never asked for anything else except a bit of help! All she wants is her home and everyone else is trying to evict her out of her own country! Now either get the paperwork for Captain Price, roll up your sleeve, or go cry to the general who’s got the hots for your favourite head nurse!” She yelled at him. The Major looked around for anyone to side with him. He ended up turning and leaving and honestly Bird didn’t care where he went. A patient is still a patient. Don’t matter who it is, she would operate on a bomber.
Once the Major left, she glanced around the room sighing. “As you were.”
She sat down getting a few last moments of people’s reactions. The sergeants were wide eyed and avoiding eye contact. Alex just looked incredulous, not hearing many outside of Farah’s own forces stand up for her. The captain simply shifted over letting her return to her seat. Bird straightened in the seat, clearing her throat.
“And that was her being nice.” Tracker mentioned to Gaz and Soap. Soap couldn’t help but laugh, maybe it was partially the blood loss but he had to admit that was bloody brilliant.
“Sincerest apologies captain.” Bird said.
“I appreciate you taking over for me, while I was occupied.” He said, still reeling from seeing someone so short, and lower rank give their major an earful.
“I’ll drink to that.” She said holding her glass of juice. Price obliged her with his own, and they toasted.
“You have anywhere to be for the next seven hours?” She asked.
“Nope.” Soap answered for the captain.
“Care for some poker or uno at our tent? Nurse knows to find me there later, you can get updates in real time.” Bird offered.
“You smoke?” Price asked.
“On occasion.” Bird replied.
I may continue but I would love to have some suggestions for what happens next.
@yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @H0n3y_L3m0n @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129
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mirisss · 1 year
The Art of You
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Model Seonghwa x photographer afab! reader
Requested by: @shinestarhwaa​ “Anything with Seonghwa, maybe with another job than idol”
Park Seonghwa works as a model, and he is well-known in the industry for two reasons: 
He’s incredibly good-looking. 
He’s extremely tough to work with. 
His agency is close to firing Seonghwa because of all the trouble he creates, but they decide to give him one more chance by pairing him up with one of their newer photographers who, just like Seonghwa, doesn’t have the best reputation. (Y/n) (L/n) is well-known to be a great photographer, however, she is troublesome to work with as she never seems satisfied with the photos which irritate most people she works with. The agency decides that hopefully the two young and talented people would find some balance by working together, if not maybe letting them go would be better for the agency. 
Wordcount ≈ 4k
Warnings: cursing, mentions of bullying, some offensive comments (About someone’s work and talent), insecurities about one's own looks, Seonghwa being a bit arrogant and at times described as lazy, let me know if I have missed anything. 
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This isn’t my best work but I hope you still like it!
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Third person POV
A busy buzzing was occupying a large office, phone calls, conversations, clicking of the keys on a keyboard, faded music from a screen or two, and of course, the signature sign of this office - the clicking of a camera snapping a photo. This is KQ Agency, the number one agency to be at if you want to be a model or professional photographer. If someone needs a model or photographer the first place they call is KQ.  
In a far-off corner, you will find the boss of this operation, Mr. Choi, who wasn’t having a very good day. Lately, he has gotten nothing but complaints regarding one of his models and one of his photographers. Both also happen to be the best in their own line of work. 
*Knock knock*
“Come in,” Mr. Choi was sitting at his desk looking over several papers when a firm knock was planted on his door. The person who stepped inside was the head manager of the entire agency, the right-hand man of Mr. Choi, Mr. Kim. The two were also great friends, having spent a lot of time working together and going on way too many after-works together to not be friends both inside and outside the office. “Hey man, what’s up? Haven’t seen you all day,” Mr. Choi, moved his attention from the papers toward his friend who had an exhausted look. “We got yet another complaint regarding Park Seonghwa today, it’s the third one from today. It’s ridiculous,” Mr. Kim sat down on the little couch in the room and let out an exasperated sigh after delivering the news to his boss and friend. Mr. Choi too let out a sigh. “What was it this time?” “First it was his attitude, apparently he was complaining about the lighting not being good enough, then it was laziness, he wouldn’t leave his make-up chair until he ‘felt like it’, then lastly, once again. His attitude, he wasn’t happy with how the photographer was taking the photos so, Mr. Park told the photographer that he was ‘a useless amateur who could be replaced by the wall because it has more talent and knowledge than him…’ At this rate, it isn’t even worth keeping Park Seonghwa at the agency, we have tried pairing him up with almost every photographer at our agency and others… How can we keep a model that no photographer wants to work with?” Mr. Choi let out another heavy sigh. He liked Seonghwa, he did, because Seonghwa has talent, he was almost an expert without any training when he first came to the agency, however, Mr. Choi quickly realized that the young man had a lot of opinions and he was too stubborn to let anyone else have their way. “Also, we have another problem,” “Let me guess, Miss (Y/n) (L/n). Our famous photographer,” “You are right my friend, the client complained that Miss (L/n) was impossible to work with as she was never satisfied with the set, the lighting, the poses, the pictures, nothing. So eventually the client walked away without finishing the shoot,” The two men sighed once again, their two most talented employees were also, unfortunately, their two most troublesome employees. “So, what do we do my friend?” Mr. Choi was troubled, he genuinely believed that the two youngsters were the most talented people in the industry but unless they stopped being such perfectionists they won’t find any work. “We’re at the end of the road here, but perhaps their final chance can be with each other. Considering their personalities when it comes to work, they might actually be a good pair. And if they can prove that they can work together, then we might be able to keep them here,” Mr. Kim said as he stood up from his seat on the couch. “Perhaps you are right my friend. Did we have anything upcoming for either of them?” “No, as of today neither of them has any planned schedules for another month or so. Miss (l/n) has the cherry blossom shoot at the end of March but until then she is free. Mr. Park is free until the beginning of April for his birthday shoot,” “That’s great, now don’t you think we need some new pictures to represent the company? And who better to model for them than our most popular model? And who better to take the pictures than our best photographer?” “That’s a great idea, boss. I will let the two know of their new schedules,” The two men finally smiled and hoped that their plan would work.
That very night (Y/n) and Seonghwa received an email announcing their assigned project as well as a paragraph explaining that the two must prove themselves to stay with the agency. While they felt a bit annoyed at the situation itself neither one could deny the fact that they looked forward to working with the other. Maybe this time they could work with someone who understands the art of photography and perfection. 
The next morning at the office
At exactly 7:55 AM (Y/n) walked into the office, the photographer always arrived at this exact time, never a minute earlier or later.  (Y/n) was walking with confident steps to her office room as she always does, however, on the inside, she was a nervous mess. Of course, she had heard about the Park Seonghwa. He was probably the hottest man on earth, at least in (Y/n)’s eyes. He carries himself with such grace and one could believe he is a god because of his beauty. Although, (Y/n) had also heard that he, just like her, could be quite the pain to work with so this could become quite interesting to see if they will clash or be able to work in harmony. The young woman sat down in her chair after walking inside her room and shutting the door. She had a meeting booked with Seonghwa at 8.30 so until then she would prepare some examples of concepts for the project, as they are supposed to represent the company they need a couple of different sets. (Y/n) found some inspo pics to show her ideas.
At 8:05 AM, Park Seonghwa calmly walked into the office. Unless he had a meeting at 8 or there was a photoshoot, you wouldn’t catch him coming to work on time. He always thought “What’s the use of being here at 8 AM sharp if I don’t have anything to do?” And in a way he is right, his job isn’t to come up with the concepts - no, his job is to look hot and pose for the photos. His first stop was the coffee machine to grab a cup of coffee before he would go and sit down in the room where he would meet (Y/n). Seonghwa had heard of the photographer, how could he not? Almost every single person he has ever worked for has asked him if he knows her and if he could introduce them to her. Even though she wasn’t the person in front of the camera, she seemed more famous than any female model he knew. Of course, he knew that the photographer was talented, he had seen some of her work. He was always fascinated with her ideas, the way she could make even the most boring product seem incredible with the way she posed it, and just how amazing she was at her job. Seonghwa had seen her around the office a couple of times too, though he didn’t know it, he always thought that someone that beautiful must be a model. 
At 8.30 sharp, a woman opened the door to the meeting room and Seonghwa opened his resting eyes and turned toward the door to greet his new partner. The model was shocked to find the beautiful woman he sometimes saw walking around in the office walking inside the room, holding a bunch of papers in her hands and a big bag, a camera bag. This, this was (Y/n) (L/n). Holy hell. I’m gonna be working with her? Seonghwa thought as he looked her up and down before clearing his throat and standing up. (Y/n), too was a bit stunned as she opened the door to the room, she had heard from multiple people that Seonghwa wasn’t the best at being on time hence she expected him to be late. So, she was shocked to find him inside the room, meaning he was early, and based on the fact that he seemed to have made himself comfortable on the chair and even had a coffee mug on the table, he had been there for at least 5 minutes. As he stood up, (Y/n) almost swooned at his lean build and handsome face, though she did not miss the way he looked her up and down in what seemed to be awe. “Hello, I’m Park Seonghwa. Nice to meet you,” He extended his hand toward (Y/n) though she awkwardly looked up at him before they both looked down at her hands which were full of papers and the camera bag. Seonghwa chuckled a little. “Oh, sorry. haha. Come on in, sit down,” “Haha, thank you. Nice to meet you too. I’m (Y/n) (L/n),” She walked inside and put down all her things on the table. Once that was done, she extended her hand toward the model while also giving him a smile. “There, now I can shake your hand” Seonghwa involuntarily began smiling because of how cute she seemed. Hwa extended his hand once again and carefully took (Y/n)’s smaller hand into his before lightly shaking it. “Well, now we can officially begin this partnership as we have done the mandatory handshake,” They both laughed at Seonghwa’s comment before sitting down and discussing the project. 
The discussion went quite smoothly, Seonghwa was satisfied with the way she had multiple examples of each concept and how she took into account how well he would fit them. An example is, one concept needs to be a cuter and lighter vibe however with his looks that doesn’t really make sense but (Y/n) had an idea of making it a concept of him with a sibling to give it a cuter and lighter feeling without disrupting his usual manner. (Y/n) was happy with the response she was receiving from Seonghwa and how well their teamwork seemed to go. Weird, from what I have heard he’s usually not this easy to get started with… And so the meeting ended without any arguments or problems, to everyone’s surprise. As (Y/n) was beginning to pack up the papers, ready to go back to her room so she could book some venues for the photoshoots, Seonghwa asked her a question that she had never imagined he would, to anyone. “Hey, (Y/n). How come you’re not a model? I mean you’re so pretty, you would be even more popular than I am,” The photographer turned her eyes away from him and back to her papers. “I have my reasons, thank you for calling me pretty but I would much rather stand behind the camera than stand before it,” Hwa seemed a bit disappointed with her answer but he understood. 2 hours ago they had never spoken a word to each other and suddenly he’s asking her a very private question, of course, she wouldn’t answer it. “Would you ever tell me those reasons?” “Maybe someday, if we end up becoming close friends, maybe then” And with that (Y/n) walked out of the room, leaving Seonghwa behind. 
A few days later the partners were meeting up at a park at 5 am to have an outdoor workout photoshoot. The two showed up at 4:55 AM even though they came by separate means they ended up arriving at the same time. “Good morning, I have your outfit here in this bag and while you get changed I’ll set up the equipment,” (Y/n) said with a little yawn. “Good morning, okay sounds good but don’t you have a team to help you set up?” Seonghwa said as he also gave (Y/n) a little wave. “Nah, when possible I usually don’t bring a team because it just takes longer with them because I have to explain how I want things multiple times and then I end up doing it on my own either way,” “Ah, I see. Well, I’ll get changed so you can set up in peace,” And so the partners were left with their own chores for a few minutes. (Y/n) had just finished her setup when Seonghwa came back to the location dressed in a tank top that showed off his tan, well-sculpted arms, and a pair of sweatpants, his hair was styled to look a bit messy - as if he had been running his hands through it a couple of times but he still looked incredibly sexy. “Okay, let’s get this over with,” (Y/n) admired how well Hwa posed and especially how good he looked. Damn, I have never wanted to kiss a man more than now…  “Okay, let’s do some more over here of you jogging around, If you could I’d like to overemphasize the movement so that it comes out clearer in the pictures. And I want you to first run away from me and then turn around and run back. Got it?” Seonghwa admired how (Y/n) described her vision so well and never before had he been so satisfied with a photographer. “Yes, if I do this is it good or do you want more or less?” Hwa demonstrated an example of how he would jog. “Mm, the movement is perfect in size however I would like to change your form, it might feel a little awkward but try to move a little stiffer and don’t look at the camera, I want the photo to seem like I found a random person jogging in the park and not a model,” “Alright, so more like this?” “Yes, perfect! Alright let’s get going, this is the last set of pics, we should be done in maybe 15 minutes,” Seonghwa gave a thumbs up before drinking some water and then he moved over to start jogging. And so after 20 minutes, the two had packed up their things and began their separate journeys to the company. 
(Y/n) immediately went to her office to sit down and work on editing the photos she took this morning. After choosing the best ones and touching up the lighting she was satisfied, they didn’t need much fixing because Seonghwa was perfection in human form. (Y/n) sent a message to Seonghwa asking him to come by her office, to which he responded ‘on my way’. Minutes later Hwa was knocking on her door. “Come on in partner,” “Good afternoon, I brought you a cola,” “Thank you! Come, sit down here beside me. I wanna show you the photos from today,” Seonghwa walked over and sat down on the chair beside (Y/n), they sat so close to each other that their arms were touching. Seonghwa couldn’t help but admire how pretty (Y/n) looked with her hair thrown into a messy ponytail and the way she was so focused on the computer in front of her. “Okay, so here are my favorites, we need to choose just 3 of them and I have about 15 favorites so I need your help to narrow them down,” “Am I that good-looking?” “Nope, most of my favorites are pictures of you making weird faces.” “haha, you liar. I always look good no matter what,” While (Y/n) couldn’t help but think that it was true, she just shoved him playfully before they began looking at the photos. 
And so their partnership continued and after 2 weeks, the two had become quite good friends. Finding companionship in each other’s perfectionism and personality. While the two also began harboring romantic feelings for one another, neither wanted to say anything, afraid of being rejected and saying something too early. Seonghwa still wondered what reasons (Y/n) had to stay behind the camera, in his eyes the photographer was insanely pretty and beautiful so he couldn’t understand why she wasn’t a model or an actress or something like that. 
One night after a long photoshoot at a street market, their last photoshoot for the project. Seonghwa and (Y/n) decided to have a little dinner party in Seonghwa’s apartment. The party consisted of just the two of them, some pizza, some snacks, and soda - not even alcohol, but they were happy with this.
“Okay, did you know that Jung Wooyoung is number 2 on the list, just after you, of models you kind of don’t want to work with?” “What? No, I didn’t. Woo’s actually a friend of mine, I get why people don’t like me because I’m such a perfectionist and so but why don’t they like him?” “It’s not that they don’t like him, he’s very likable and sociable but that’s one of the problems. He’s so energetic and he’s not a master of concentration so he has a tendency to distract the set workers and himself. So, when working with him, the only way for it to work is if you’re doing a one-on-one shoot or Kim Hongjoong is there. Hongjoong seems to be the only one that can keep Wooyoung in check,” “Yeah, that does sound like Wooyoung. You should see him when he’s with Choi San. They’re a nightmare when together, not even Hongjoong can contain them then,” “Mm, I can imagine that. I’ve done one shoot with Wooyoung before but fortunately, I did a double of him and Hongjoong so I didn’t have that many problems. I think that was one of the few shoots I didn’t receive any complaints about,” “Yeah, it was the one featuring the new make-up line of (insert makeup brand), right?” “Exactly, Hongjoong’s an ambassador for it, and Wooyoung just happened to be picked for the pairing,” And so they continued talking about their different experiences at work and some funny stories of their private lives. 
“Hey, (Y/n)?” “Hm, yeah what is it?” “You don’t have to answer but how come you never seem to take any photos of yourself? I mean, your insta is full of pictures of your friends and place but not a single one of you” (Y/n) looked away from Seonghwa and down at the floor. Seonghwa feared that he had ruined their comfortable atmosphere with his question. “It’s because, from a young age, I always found that my photos turned out way better if I took a picture of something or someone I loved. And during my childhood, I struggled a lot with loving myself and whenever I took a picture of myself, I couldn’t see anything good with it so I stopped taking photos of myself. I know it sounds stupid, but while I can find beauty in most things, I can’t find it in myself. So, yeah. I only photograph what I love. That’s why I’m so obsessed with having my sets be perfect,” Seonghwa had a hard time believing that someone as beautiful as (Y/n), struggled with her own looks because, in his eyes, no one could compare to her. However, he also knows that you can’t decide for someone else whether they love something or not, even if that thing is themselves. “I understand that it can be challenging to find yourself beautiful, I struggle with it too. I actually never thought I could be a model, nonetheless be so popular, but now, I love it. It took quite some time for me to fall in love with the art that is me. So, maybe it is the same way for you. In my eyes, you’re the prettiest, most beautiful person I have ever seen. I have fallen in love with the art of you,” As soon as Seonghwa said it, he realized the words that had fallen from his mouth. (Y/n) too realized what the model had actually said. He’s in love with me? (Y/n) finally looked up at Seonghwa again, finding sincerity and fear in his eyes. Seonghwa found confusion and sadness swirling around in (Y/n)’s eyes. “You’re in love with me?” Seonghwa blushed as he was a little embarrassed, this was not how he was planning on telling her. “Yes. How could I not be? We’re like a match made in heaven, we complement each other so well and you’re such a beautiful person inside and out,” (Y/n) began blushing now, no one had ever spoken to her like this. No one had ever made her feel so special before. “I like you too. I can’t say I love you just yet but I know that I really like you, Seonghwa. Working with you for the past month has been amazing and the way you talk about me, is, is so new. Maybe with your help, I can finally fall in love with the art that is me,” Seonghwa gave (Y/n) a warm smile in return for her confession before he enveloped her in his arms to give her a long hug. After hugging for a couple of minutes, Seonghwa gently released his hold on the photographer to look at her face. “Be my girlfriend?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but laugh at the childish grin on his face and the way his eyes seemed so lovestruck. “Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend,” As soon as the words had left her mouth, Seonghwa once again leaned forward and gave (Y/n) a sweet kiss on her lips before pulling away and smiling at her again. (Y/n) picked up her phone from the coffee table in front of them and opened the camera, before turning around so that her back was against Hwa’s chest, Hwa quickly opened his arms to pull her closer. (Y/n) carefully snapped a photo of the two of them, while she was looking at the camera, Seonghwa was looking down at her with a silly smile on his lips and happiness in his eyes. Although (Y/n) had half a mind to delete the picture because she thought she looked bad, she didn’t. She kept it. Because even if she couldn’t find beauty in herself just yet, she didn’t have heart enough to delete the picture when Seonghwa looked so good in it. “You know what?” “What?” “You gave me a really good idea for the name of the project. I struggled with finding a good name for it considering the fact that there are many different concepts and we’re representing the company as a whole… but, thanks to you I know just what to call it,” 
And so, a few days later. The KQ agency launched their new representative photos taken by (Y/n) of model Park Seonghwa under the project name “The Art of You” a collection of photos that show different sides of a person both in casual and professional settings. The project was highly praised by the entire industry and especially by the company representatives who had assigned it to this particular pair. And with that, the new couple became permanent partners for the majority of their future work under KQ Agency. 
With Seonghwa’s help, (Y/n) began finding beauty in herself, especially whenever she was photographed together with her beloved boyfriend. 
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Pet Chapter 2 - Nick
WC: ~ 3k
Summary: You get more comfortable in the QZ. You have a friend in Nick. And you think Tess might also be a friend too. Joel and Tess do their best to be patient while they try to figure out how to get you up in their apartment.
A/N: Here is chapter 2! I hope you guys enjoy it! No beta on this so all of my mistakes are my own. Check out my Masterlist for more!
Tags: MDNI, Manipulation, Grooming, Weed, Stalking, Obsessive behavior, Reader is disabled but can work. Dark!Joel and Dark!Tess.
The next morning dawns bright and early. You wish like hell you could get two days in a row off, but that is unfortunately not a thing in the QZ. So you force yourself out of bed and into the bathroom to brush your teeth and hair, throwing the latter into a bun before going to cook some eggs. You miss coffee. 
After scarfing down some eggs and toast, you put on your worn hiking boots, throw on your favorite red hoodie, and head out into the dirty streets of Boston. You’re painting today, thank god. It’s mindless work, but it’s fairly easy, and you can mostly tune the world around you out. Besides, there is a cute boy who signs up once a week, and you two talk on occasion. Nick is about your age and is friendly enough to get you to relax a little around him. Maybe you can convince him to do a burning shift with you to pass the time a little better. You head for the FEDRA check-in table, signing your name and snagging a roller brush and a half-empty bucket of paint. 
As you make your way to the wall, setting the paint can down and looking around for your partner, you notice a few people glancing at you before skirting away. You look around and spot Nick heading your way with a roller brush of his own and a pan to pour the paint into. He bumps your brush with his as he joins you on the sidewalk, setting the pan down and snagging the paint to pour into it. “Morning, you’re stuck with me today.” You joke as he stands back up and glances over at you. 
“Howdy.” He gives you a tired smile as he drops his brush into the pan, dipping it into the paint and rolling it out before lifting it to the far side of the wall. You follow suit, starting on the opposite side. “Heard you made a new friend yesterday.” He says it casually but the fact that he knew at all had you lifting an eyebrow. 
“Met someone, wouldn’t call her a friend. She mostly just showed me around the market.” You hesitate for a moment before turning to focus solely on your work. 
Nick eyes you worriedly. “I don’t mean to freak you out or anything, but Tess doesn’t just show people around the market.” 
You frown at him, your brows furrowing. “Yeah. I figured. We got a lot of looks yesterday. Who is she?”
“How’d you two even start talking?” He asks. His lack of answer irks you. But you sigh and launch into a quiet recap of the hour you spent with Tess yesterday. 
“She seemed shocked that she didn’t know me. I just told her it was a big QZ and planned on leaving it at that, but she walked out of the booth we were in and introduced herself. I didn’t want to be rude so I let her walk with me. She seems friendly.” You shrug, not mentioning to Nick that you thought she was really pretty too. “She told me a little about what to stock up on and what’s usually always at the market. You know, that kind of thing.”
If Nick’s eyebrows raised any higher, they’d get lost in his copper-colored hair.  “Dude, what the fuck?” 
“Who is she?” You ask again, a little frustrated this time. “Should I be worried or something?”  You glance over at him, your brush falling still on the wall. 
He opens his mouth and thinks about something for a minute before closing it again. “Tess runs the underground smuggling operation in the QZ. People don’t fuck with her, and unless you’re in on her shit, she doesn’t typically fuck with you either. Sticks with her smuggling buddies.” 
You blink at him for a second. “Oh.” You turn back and start a fresh coat over where you just were. You’re pretty sure you work with a smuggler on your burning shift. Miller. “Think I work with one of those guys. Miller, right?” Again Nick gives you a concerned look. 
“When do you work with Miller?” He asked curiously. 
“Burning shifts. About twice a week. We’ve never interacted or anything, but I’ve heard whispers about him. He kinda scares me.”
Nick nods in agreement. “He’s scary as fuck. He wasn’t with Tess yesterday?” 
You shrug. “He might’ve been around, I didn’t see him though. I was a little occupied.” 
Nick nods. “Odd. Joel and Tess are always together. Pretty sure they live together too.” 
“So they’re a couple?”
Nick nods. “Scariest couple in the QZ. Seriously, don’t fuck around too much with Tess. They’re…” He trails off for a moment, searching for the right words. “Dangerous. I don’t care how nice she was to you yesterday. She’s not someone to get close to.”
You nod. “Is that why people were looking at me yesterday?” You glance around the crowded sidewalk, relieved to see most people minding their own business. You raised your eyes to look at the walkway across the street. There, on the corner of the sidewalk stood Tess, with her was a tall, dark-haired man with broad shoulders. Miller from burning detail. Or Joel is what Nick called him. For a split second, you swear he raises his dark eyes to your own. You whip back around and focus on the job at hand. You get an inkling that they’re there for you, and it makes you grit your teeth. “Fuck.”
Nick huffs, glancing back at them before dropping his brush to the pan to get fresh paint on his brush. “Maybe you made an impression.” He jokes. 
You shake your head. “I don’t even think we talked for an hour. And I didn’t answer like half of the questions she asked me.” 
“Maybe you not answering her is what caught her attention. Tess isn’t one to be ignored.” 
You’re not sure why that sends a chill down your spine, but it does. You can feel goosebumps rise on your arms under your hoodie.
Joel and Tess were just coming back from an early morning deal when Joel spotted a familiar red hoodie across the street. He nudges Tess and nods in your direction. A small smile twitches on her lips for the briefest moment when she spots you. They shuffle themselves out of the way of human traffic and rest against the corner of a building. No one would think to bother them anyway. “Well, at least it’s only painting.” She offers, already sensing that Joel isn’t pleased to see you working. With a boy too.
Neither one of them where known for their patience. After spending a lot of the night going over a plan for how to get you and what to do once you were with them, they’d both agree that it’ll take some time to prepare, and likely even longer to get you to trust Tess enough to come up to their apartment. Even so, it was like agreeing to keep you had flipped a switch in both their brains. You were theirs already, and it’s going to be torture to watch you interact with anybody without their interference. 
“Who the fuck is he?” Joel grouses as he watches you talk to some kid from afar. He’s never seen you talk much to others, a few of the other women in their detail, but mostly just ask work-related questions. 
Tess gives him an amused glance. “Relax. They’re just talking.” But she makes a mental note to figure out who’s interacting with their pet. Not just the boy, but everybody you’re friendly with is now their business. Joel scoffs and looks over at Tess. She’s always been able to hide her emotions better than him, specifically the negative ones, but he knows her. He knows Tess is just as possessive as he is, if not more so. It bugs her to see you talk to someone just as much as it does him. 
Tess meets his gaze head-on. Raising an eyebrow. Joels sighs and looks back at you. His breath hitches in his chest when he sees you already looking at him. You whip back around faster than he can do anything else, though. The boy also glances at them before saying something to you with a slight smirk on his face. Joel nearly sees red when you shake your head and respond. Whatever he says next has you freezing in your work for a moment. You look very much on edge. 
They stay for about another ten minutes before Tess mutters about a meeting they need to go to for their next street run. You don’t turn around again and Joel wonders if it’s intentional. “I think she just figured out who we are.” 
Tess glances your way with pursed lips as she guides Joel into motion with a hand on his arm. “She was bound to find out at some point.” 
Weeks went by, it’s been two months since you’ve arrived at the QZ and you’re exhausted every day. Cordyceps may be the cause of the real-life zombies in the world, but FEDRA has its own zombies here in the QZ, overworked, underfed, underpaid, and every little thing that goes through the market tents is overpriced. 
This is the third time you’ve been back here and every single time Tess has managed to find you. You two walk along together, buying different items you both need. You try to find some sort of red flag, some kind of hint that she’s setting you up in some way, but you’ve got zilch on her. She’s kind, offers good advice, and there’s no alarms ringing in your head. She doesn’t touch you, or treat you like you’re some kind of baby who needs help. It seems like she just sees you at the market and chooses to walk with you for an hour or two before you head your separate ways afterward. She’ll walk with you to your building, tell you to have a good one, and watch you climb the steps to get inside. Then she turns and disappears onto her own way home, or wherever. 
“I’m just saying it’s weird,” Nick mutters for the millionth time. You shrug. He’s really the only person you’ve gotten close to. He worries about you talking with Tess, which you get, but it's starting to irritate you. 
“It’s not like I tell her personal shit. Hell, I’m not even the one talking most of the time. I look for something off with her every time she approaches me. I got nada. She’s normal as fuck.” You explain. Nick’s frown only gets deeper with your words. You two are starting to hang out outside of shifts now and the little attraction you had towards him a month ago has turned into a full-blown crush. But the issue with your thing for Nick is that you’re also secretly fighting to not have a thing for Tess. You’re not sure if it’s actual attraction or she’s just everything you wish you were. Strong, confident, smart, perceptive, able to read others easily. Seems to have most of the answers, and when she doesn’t, she’s not afraid to tell you she doesn’t know. She’s wonderful, and it sucks that Nick doesn’t think you should trust her. Hell, you’ve gotten around a little more and have heard all kinds of rumors about Joel and Tess, but while she seems completely terrifying to others, she’s so fucking normal around you that she almost bores you sometimes.
“Maybe she’s trying to lure you into a false sense of security.” 
“Why though?” You ask exasperated. “I’m not interesting enough to draw her attention. I’m not looking for drugs, I definitely not the type they’d want for a raid, and I’m not interested in breaking rules. I’m too boring to ever get Tess’ attention.”
“What about Joel?” 
You shrug. “What about him? He’s never at the market with us. I’ve talked to him one time and it was to ask him to help me with a team lift of shift. I’m pretty sure he only speaks in grunts. I’ve never heard him say a single word.” 
“That sounds pretty normal for him, actually.” 
You chuckle. “His speech is worse than mine.” Nick chuckles with you. You two are getting far closer lately and you think he just might feel the same way you do. 
~ Two weeks later ~
You wipe sweat from your brow as you step away from the FEDRA check-in stand. You tuck the ration cards you earned from today's shift into your pocket as you head toward the main street. You look around for Nick, sometimes he comes to meet you on the shifts you two don’t share together, but he’s nowhere to be found today. You find it a little disappointing.
“He’s not very good news, ya know.” You whip around at the voice, finding Joel Miller looking down at you. 
“Uh… Sorry?" You frown, you had no clue Miller could actually talk. 
“That Nick kid you run around with all the time. He’s trouble.” 
How does Joel Miller know you run with Nick? And why would he care if Nick is trouble? “How would you know?” The question is out of your mouth before you can think of how safe it might be to challenge someone like Miller. His eyebrow raises in surprise. 
“Ya know what I do for a side gig?” He asked back as he nodded towards the sidewalk, walking next to you. You nod silently, knowing he sells illegal items to civilians and FEDRA officers alike. He nods to himself as if making some kind of note about you. “I’ve seen him around in the underground part of the QZ. He buys from other smugglers. You seem like a good kid. Don’t get mixed up in shit like that. Stay away from him.” 
You stop, turning to Joel on the sidewalk, part of you wants to defend your friend, besides, what does Miller know? He’s never spoken to you and here he is telling you who to stay away from. You debate on telling him to fuck off flat to his face, but he walks right by you, not giving you time to come up with a response. You watch his back until the crowd swallows him. You can’t help but be a little pissed that he got the last word, and it was in the form of a command nonetheless. 
“Why did Joel Miller tell me to stay away from you yesterday?” 
Nick blinked in surprise. It was the first day off you both had had together in a while and you were spending it in Nick’s living room. Normally you’d be at the market with Tess right about now, but the encounter you had with Joel yesterday had spooked you enough to keep your distance from Tess at least for the next few weeks. 
“Since when do you talk to Joel Miller?” 
“I don’t. He approached me after shift yesterday. Told me you occasionally buy from smugglers and that you were bad news. Told me to stay away from you and walked off.” Nick laughs at that. 
He gets up and reaches into a drawer for a few items before returning to you. “I buy weed from some guys sometimes.” He shows you a joint and a lighter. You raise your eyebrow and smirk at him. 
“Is that shit even real?” You joke “Bet it’s cut with crack or something.” 
“Nah. It’s real and pure. Shitty, don’t get you too high, but it’s real.” He sticks one end in his mouth and lights it. He takes two hits before handing it out to you, raising an eyebrow. 
You hesitate. “You sure it’s not cut with anything?” 
He shakes his head. “Nah, I ain’t into that shit, and I sure as shit wouldn’t offer it to you if I thought it was. 
You believe him. You take the joint and take a hit, trying not to cough at how it catches in your throat sharply. You exhale shakily and hand it back, coughing a little at the end. It’d been years since you’d smoked weed. You two spend the afternoon talking and passing the joint between yourselves. By the time it’s finished, your mind feels emptier than it has in months and you’re giggling at everything Nick is saying. His smile is even prettier when you’re both high. You glance at the clock and realize curfew is in half an hour.
“Shit, I gotta go. I work tomorrow.” Another burning shift. Another shift with Joel Miller. 
“Can I walk you home?” 
You grin at him. “I’d like that.” He grins back. 
You’re still high as you make it you’re building, you and Nick are holding hands like it’s the easiest thing in the world and you’re both laughing at each other's every word. Damn he’s cute. You nod to your building. “This is me.” You grin. He chuckles, he’s been to your place plenty of times, he knows this is you. “I’ll walk you to your-” 
He’s cut off by somebody calling your name. You both turn to see Tess walking up to you. “Oh, Hello.” You respond with a small smile. You like Tess, but you don’t know her very well yet. 
“I missed you today.” She says. “Got worried.” 
“Oh sorry. I didn’t go to the market today. I was with Nick.” You gesture to him and he gives her a polite nod and a tight smile. She barely spares him a glance, her eyes scrutinizing your face for a moment. Then, to your surprise, she turns to Nick and gives him a small smile. 
“It’s getting late, why don’t you head home.” Nick seems just as stunned as you are before he nods. 
“Oh, of-of course.” He stutters a little before turning to give you a side hug. “See you later.” 
You fight to hide your ridiculous grin as you hug him back. "Thanks for getting me home.” You look up at him, searching for that easy camaraderie you two have been sharing all day, but his body is tense and he only gives you the same tight-lipped smile he gave Tess before turning and disappearing. 
You try not to be dejected by the behavior. He’s always been uneasy about your odd friendship with Tess. You’re sure actually seeing you interact with her throws him off a little. You turn back to Tess, who’s simply watching you curiously. “Did you need something?” You ask. It was getting close to curfew and you’re positive Tess had a further walk than Nick. 
“Like I said, I was worried about you.” She says lowly. 
Something about her tone raises your hackles a little bit. Her voice to low, like she was forcing herself to be calm with you. Maybe it’s because you’re high, but it’s the first time you got an underlying sense of danger around her. 
“I’m sorry. Didn’t need to buy anything this week.” That was true enough. You and Nick had started having dinner together and that leaves you with more food than usual after two weeks. “But I’ll probably be there next week. I’m starving!”
She watches you closely for a moment, eyes narrowing. “Are you high?” 
You let out a nervous chuckle at her question, your heart rate spiking. You’re not even sure why you’re scared, Tess literally sells and smuggles drugs. It really shouldn’t bother her at all. “Er… yeah. Nick had a joint.” You turn and step up a stair before turning back to her. 
She doesn’t say anything but you get the impression that she doesn’t like the idea of you getting high. Pffft. It’s fucking weed, who cares? “Hey, do you want to have dinner at my place tomorrow?” Her question takes you entirely off guard. 
“Joel’s bailing on me for the next few days. Since you bailed on me today, do you want to come have dinner with me tomorrow night?” 
You stand there for a moment, completely stunned. “Uh… I mean I work tomorrow but I could come over for a little bit afterward I suppose.” 
She gives you a smile. “I look forward to it.” She turns to walk away but you call out to her. 
“Tess! I don’t know where you live.” You give her a sheepish grin. 
“I’ll pick you up at four, that should give you enough time to shower and change beforehand.” She turns away and walks off. 
You get upstairs and land facefirst into your bed. The first thing you think is that Nick is never going to let you hear the end of the fact that you agreed to have dinner with Tess. The second thing you think about is that you never told Tess what time you get off. You guess Joel takes the burning shift enough for her to know when you get off, but you never told Tess you took the burning shift for tomorrow. 
Tess closes the door behind her. It’s the first time since they’ve decided on you that you’ve done something she’s had to hold herself back from wanting to berate you or even wanting to punish you. 
Joel raises an eyebrow from where he's sitting at the table looking over the plans for the upcoming raid. They weren’t going, but they’re still coordinating with the team that is. “What’s up?” 
“She didn’t show at the market.” Joel immediately sits up straighter. Tess holds up a hand to stop his immediate infuriated worry. “She’s fine. Was high when she showed up home though.” 
“High?” Joel’s lip curled into a snarl. “Who the fuck- Nick? Don’t tell me that fucker was with her today.” 
She nods. “He walked her home. She said she was with him today instead of going to the market. Saw them holding hands and giggling the whole way up the street.” 
Joel’s jaw clenched, his fingers curling into fists. “I told her to stay the fuck away from him.”
Tess raises a surprised eyebrow. “You did? When?” 
“Yesterday after shift. Saw her looking for him when she got off. I told her I’d seen him around the smugglers. Told her he was bad news and to stay away.” 
Part of Tess wants to be mad at Joel for approaching you. But she agrees with him. So she nods. “She agreed to have dinner with me tomorrow.” 
“What? Like to come over to have food with us tomorrow?” Joel's pulse spikes with anticipation. 
“Not us. I told her you were out tomorrow. I want you to disappear for a few hours. You can come home near curfew, maybe we can ambush her.” She looks at him. “Tomorrow, Joel. We get our pet tomorrow.” Finally, after months of planning, you’d be theirs.
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Imagine Staying Up With Hunter When He Can’t Sleep
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Slight Hunter X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Star Wars themed swear words, mentions of war and death, reader really just wants to shoot something
Word Count: 1.6k
(A/N:) I am so glad that Bad Batch is back! Though I am going through some MAJOR Hunter withdrawals right now! So I’ve been wanting to write this but I had to get a request done before I wrote what I wanted to! I am really proud of how this turned out and it is way longer than I thought it was going to be! So far I’m really enjoying this new season and I can’t wait to see what it holds! But hopefully this fic helps out my fellow Hunter fangirls! Maybe we’ll see him tomorrow! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
As a sniper that served on a few missions for the Grand Army of the Republic you were no stranger to clones. You even had saved a few the times you were hired out to snipe a few droids or a warlord that was too stubborn to die via normal occupation. You got the job done and then disappeared until they needed you again. But now as the Republic had fallen and no longer existed, you found yourself hunted by the new found Empire. So you turned to the one person you could trust in this time of chaos, Cid. You had ran a few smuggling missions with her at times, so you had gained the Trandoshan’s trust and respect quickly. You were a crack shot and you didn’t make a habit of missing your targets. You weren’t afraid of getting your hands dirty either as the galaxy had been cruel to you from a young age. You had to fight to survive and it made you the sniper you are today. So when Cid called you in for a particularly nasty and tough mission you were shocked to find a group of clones standing before her desk. Though you could tell immediately that these peculiar looking fellows weren’t the average Jangos the Kaminoians pushed out of the growth tubes.
An unknown interested party had come to Cid with information and a large sum of credits. According to the resources the Empire was excavating the last remaining Kyber Crystals on Jedah and the interested party was willing to pay a handsome sum for as many of these sacred crystals Cid’s best team could get their hands on. Cid didn’t ask questions, especially when the shadowy figure slid half the payment forward with no questions asked, that’s when she called you. Her best team she worried was not enough and they needed eyes that could watch their backs on the Empire infested moon. You agreed when you saw how much your cut was going to be and true to fashion Cid paid you half upfront. She knew how you ran your operation and that you wouldn’t leave until the mission was complete or or you were dead. She liked that about you.
Now as the weeks had passed, the job was becoming more and more frustrating. Just getting close to the mines was becoming a problem and you were about ready to start killing everyone who got in the way. The only thing keeping you from going berserk is the new friends you had made in this little ragtag group that called themselves The Bad Batch. Tech didn’t waste time telling you how they were defective clones with desirable glitches and after that explanation you weren’t paying much attention to the creation of clones he deemed worthy to tell you. You liked little information that told big stories, more than that and it was just about certain that you would shoot whatever annoyed you just to get it to shut up. That’s how the Republic knew to keep protocol droids out of your way. But when it came to Tech you just ignored him and kept your itchy trigger finger at bay. The nights of Jedha were colder than during the day, though the permanent winter of the moon was seeping into your joints and making it difficult to sleep. The other clones didn’t seem to be having the same problem and compared to you, were wells of patience. The surrounding trees had suffered through most of your pent up frustrations sporting blaster burns and holes from silenced blaster rifle shots as it was better than shooting something alive. As the time passed it was time to get some sleep and try again tomorrow. Wrecker was given the first watch as everyone bedded down to get whatever rest that being on such a dangerous mission could give. It didn’t take long for you to fall into an uneasy sleep, but hours later you were awoken by the loud snores of Wrecker. He laid close to where you were sleeping on the Marauder shaking the very ship with the volume that came from his mouth. You sighed deciding whether to smother him or go ahead and get up. You decided on just getting up, you had grown to care about the big lug though his sleeping habits left much to be desired. If he was asleep someone else had to be keeping watch. The ramp was only halfway up and you peeked around to see Hunter sitting outside around a lantern trying to keep a watchful eye out for any intruders. 
Hunter had explained about his “defect”. Having heightened senses had to be a pain, especially when it was time to rest or want to concentrate. You could only imagine the stress it had to cause Hunter at times. Though he probably relieved Wrecker telling him he just wasn’t sleepy, but you could tell differently. Hunter flinched when a chirping bug got too close to the lantern and you knew he couldn’t sleep because he was overwhelmed by the outside noise. As quiet as possible you dug a couple packets of instant caf out of your supply pack and heated water in two cups. Shaking in the powdered drink from the packets you stirred them a little and let the ramp down. Hunter watched curiously as you walked towards him, avoiding any sticks that would make a loud noise.
“Can’t sleep,” you asked quietly.
“Something like that,” he answered. While Cid trusted you, Hunter still had his doubts. It wasn’t that he thought you were an enemy he just had a hard time opening his circle up to anyone outside his brothers and Omega.
“Must be hard,” you replied close enough now to offer him the cup you made him. “I can’t imagine hearing every little sound or smelling everything. Sorry it’s instant caf but I made you a cup. I’d normally say if you can’t sleep you can at least enjoy some caf but it’s instant. Try not to puke.”
Hunter chuckled. “Thanks. It can be rough at times,” he admitted while taking the cup from your hand. “But I’ve grown used to it after all these years.”
“Apparently not since you’re out here in the kriffing cold when you could be lulled to sleep by the sweet sounds of Wrecker peeling the ship’s paint with his snores.”
“Snored ever since he was little,” Hunter outed his brother and you laughed. “Enjoying Jedah so far?”
“Kriff no! I haven’t been around so much mumbo jumbo in my life! If one more person says that I need spiritual guidance I may have to shoot them just to make myself feel better.” Your huffy tone gave away how frustrated you felt at this mission.
Hunter looked away twirling the dark liquid in the cup, “Do you believe in the Force?”
You sighed finally sitting down and propping yourself up against a tree, “Yeah. But I’m not some religious nut about it. I worked for the Jedi. Dank ferrik those were the days. Everything was simpler then. I made good money, got to enjoy it without somebody trying to kill me, and when it was time I did it again.”
“Yeah. Life isn’t so cut and dry now,” Hunter agreed taking a drink and grimacing. “Being a soldier was easier.”
“Yeah the instant stuff tastes like bantha fodder but finding the real caf is hard to come by, especially when you have to stay on the run like me now,” you took a drink yourself. “But Hunter I can see what you’re talking about. You were raised to be this perfect soldier who follows all the orders. Yeah you don’t know where you’re going in the galaxy and your brother is lost to you right now. But you are way better off than your brothers are that stayed.”
“Crosshair will come around,” Hunter sounded so sure.
You really hoped for the sake of his brothers that Hunter was correct. You might have just met them those few weeks ago in Cid’s office, but you had come to care about them and learn about their lives.
“I hope so for the idiot’s sake,” you nodded. “Bet I can outshoot him though.”
Hunter looked back up from the lantern taking in your smug expression. Hunter didn’t know many snipers and he had gotten to see you in action a few times already before the big fireworks started and he did have to admit that you could give his silver haired brother a run for his money.
“It definitely would be the shootout for the ages,” Hunter replied. While he couldn’t sleep due to his senses going off the deep end, in your presence he found himself beginning to relax and his senses calming. He hadn’t had many friends outside of his brothers and it was difficult for him to trust easily but the more time that passed he found himself being drawn towards you. He could also tell that you felt the same way as your heart would begin to race a little faster if he got close to you in the cramped ship. You had a steady sense of purpose that he could trust with his life and he could tell that despite your rough ways you were a caring person. You would protect him and his brothers with your very life and skills you had gained over the years. When the caf was gone and the buzz of it flowing through both your veins you both spent the rest of the night talking while the others slept. Learning about one another and becoming ever closer in a galaxy that was shifting and changing every rotation.
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freerangeranger · 11 months
<As students are filing into the lecture hall, Honoria Sorrel can be see fiddling with a projector. The first slide of the powerpoint reads: 'So You Don't Want to be a Ranger?'
Honey straightens up as the slide finally comes into focus, before glancing put at the sea of children still settling into their seats. She purses her lips slightly and wanders across the stage to a podium that had been moved aside - reconvening with Lamp the Sizzlipede who was watching her from atop the wooden stand.
No one can hear her as she speaks to the little fire-bug, although she does hand Lamp the projector control after a few moment.
As the crowd slowly settles - with much hushing from the other adult supervisors - Honoria takes a deep breath, and begins.>
"Hello Campers, welcome! My name is Honoria, and I am a Ranger stationed in Castalia city. Some of you might know me from the Shadow Sky Incident; I was one of many who assisted with relief efforts. I have been afforded the opportunity today to teach you about the Ranger Union and what it can do for you, even if you do not want to become an offical pokemon ranger."
<Honey waves her hand in the direction of Lamp, and the little bug uses his entire body weight to click the control, switching the powerpoint to the next slide. While this would have probably been easier for Honey to do herself, it was probably a bid to keep Lamp off her person, but still engaged with the lecture - probably to avoid Bug-Related Arson.>
"The Ranger Union is best known for its Area and Field Rangers... but you know, not everyone is cut out for that sort of job.
It's true! When you get older - don't give me that look, you will get older - Your life isn't always going to turn out the way you planned it. Sometimes we hurt ourselves. Maybe you will have a family! Or find that your passion is in engineering or marketing or security. Maybe you just hate being outside or in the field.
And that's okay! Just because you aren't a Ranger doesn't mean the Union is a dead end for you. There are tons of opportunities that people don't know about and most Ranger schools have programs for these jobs as well."
<The slide turns again, displaying the internal communications office for the Almia Ranger Union - a room of screens, computers and one massive monitor detailing the location of every styler in Almia.>
"Let's talk Operators. You all got your phones - yea? Did Miss Ellisa ask you to put them away? Well - not all of you are listening. I see you in the back. Yea, you! Hot tip: If you want to hide your phone, don't turn it on in a dark room. But you my friend might be a perfect fit for an Operator.
Operators are our IT management team for the Union. Prior to the invention of phones they were people who coordinated local Rangers, organized job boards and sent messages between Bases to facilitate smooth operations.
Now that we have satellite radio and modern communications integrated into our stylers, Operators work as a hub of all incoming reports and updates from Rangers in the field. Being knowedgable of software - both new and old - is crucial because if something goes wrong you are able to help with repairs, suggestions and even call emergency services. Not only that! Operators can reassign missions, give constant updates and are often the people who begin and end missions for Rangers. You get to boss us around over the phone - it's great."
<Lamp switches to the next slide, which shows a few images of strange, clunky looking stylers alongside modern, watch-like stylers. There are also a few photos of people wearing matching coveralls standing around a stange red machine. Historically astute members of the audience would recognize these as a Gigaremo Unit. It seems to have been dismantled.>
"Mechanics! The sister-field of IT. Where operators know what to do when software is on the fritz, Mechanics are responsible for building, maintaining and repairing all of the computers, stylers and other wacky gadgets that rangers use."
<The next slide contains a photo of a strange, vibrant green leaf affixed to a post. It seems almost normal - except for the mesh along the bottom and metallic components to the stem.>
"Look at this. Not quite a clunky old styler, huh? My friends, this is the first artifical pokemom leaf ever conceived. It works too! With some grafting you can attach this prosthetic to any grass pokemon that has lost a major body segment and it will provide them with a method of creating their own food. This is what I mean when I say 'mechanics'. Tools and Tech that go beyond your average smartphone.
... although it does help to know how to remove a SIM card from a phone.
If you love the idea of keeping a well oiled machine running or even inventing your own machines on someone else's dime, the Union offers scholarships for high school students - encouraging your to pursure higher education and create something that you can share with the world."
<This slide has a giant image of the Goldenrod Ecological Society's logo on it, alongside various photos of research labs, equiptment and a few remarkable members of the scientific community, including Professor Oak and Professor Sycamore. There is a noticable blank spot on the upper corner of the slide - as if a photo has been deleated hastily and not replaced in time.>
"Not many people know this, but a lot of the research that the Union supports doesn't actually relate to the field of pokemon conservation. True - creating better medical systems and styler technology is benefical to the Union as well as the medical industry. But there is a lot more to it than that. Which leads us to..."
<Honey provides a little bit of entertainment by jazz hand-ing her way through the next segway of her presentation. Although no one can see him, Lamp the Sizzlipede is also doing jazz hands. or jazz-nubbins.>
Now, this job isn't strictly 'working for the Union'. Your paycheck doesn't solely come from us. However. I don't know how many of you know this - but research is expensive! Last year the pokemon medical industry put 3.5 million dollars into new technology. Thats insane! I could buy the Union for that amount. But it gets used by people who want to know more about the world.
Now this doesn't really get explained to you so I'm going to lay it out here.
<Honey leans into the microphone, like she is about to share a deep dark secret in a hushed tone, and not through high end speakers capable of putting a Exploud to shame.>
"No one knows anything. The smartest, most well known scientist in the world can't tell you everything - heck they can't tell you anything with certainty. And thats how they like it.
The world is wide and vast and so crazy complicated. There are still arguments about photosynthesis, whether or not Flygon is a Bug or Dragon, and how bones heal. And the Union wants to support people who are trying to answer these questions - to create things like the prosthetic leaf and to inform policies to protect and manage pokemon-human interactions."
<This slide shows people hiking though thick underbrush, tagging 'mon and testing soil and water samples. While the focus of the images are clearly on the non-ranger personnel, a glimpse of @paldean-ranger-brandy can be seen in the background. Both her and her pokemon are staring up at a flock of murkrow in the tree above them.>
"Okay. So you don't wanna sit in a stuffy office looking through a microscope all day. But being a Ranger seems very stressful and you don't really want to deal with the people-side of the job.
May I present 'Survey Corps'. These are the enviromental sciences part of the Union. They are the ones responsible for long term monitoring and management of specific at-risk habitat and populations.
Their job is similar to Area Rangers, only if they see signs of human interruption they call the Area Rangers and get the heck out of dodge. Their job is strictly tagging pokemon, taking soil samples, checking water temperature and quality, monitoring construction sites for pokemon nests and even handing out hunting tickets for overpopulated species.
That doesn't tickle your fancy? What's that? You want to pet the pokemon but not get attacked by an angry Ursaring?"
<A massive photo of a little Sneasel takes up most of the projector. It is a strange color - purple instead of blue - but otherwise is staring up at the camera with a characteristic look of mischief. Other photos show pokemon being released into natural spaces, and infant pokemon nursing from bottles.>
"Rehabilitation is the name of the game! or job. Unsuprisingly there is a massive branch of pokemon welfare within the Union, both for the ride pokemon born and raised in captivity as well as injured pokemon who are going to be re-released. The Union also funds and runs its own breeding programs to reintroduce species back into their original habitats and potentially bring back ancient species that were wiped out by human intervention.
An example - not related to the Union - is with @sneasedtomeetyou who has spent time breeding hisuian sneasel - an extinct poison type - from the recessive genes recently discovered in modern sneasel. It's their hope to reintroduce these species back into Sinnoh because it was recently discovered that certain species of trees grow only after the seed has passed through the digestive tract of certain poison types."
<This slide shows what seems to be a group photo of a handful of trainers and their partners. They are all posing dramatically for the camera and wearing matching uniforms. In the distance there is a herd of Rhydon grazing peacefully, ignoring the presence of the humans and pokemon in the foreground.>
"What? Some of you want to deal with people more than pokemon? Jeez - picky crowd today.
Luckily I have a solution. The Union employs a lot of security forces both in the field and in their buildings. Because there are high risk pokemon in the protection of the Union - no I'm not going to tell you where or what they are, put your hand down - we need security guards who are skilled combatants to protect them. This is a perfect job for professional or aspiring trainers who need a fallback plan or simply don't want to be in the competitive scene anymore.
<The final slide is very empty compared to the previous ones - yet contains a lot more words. There is a provided email for the Pokemon Union as well as a large QR Code that seems to forward people to the scholarship page of the Union website.>
"In conclusion. The Union employs a wide variety of people with drastically different skills and needs. If you want to be Ranger - go for it! Be the best that you can be. But if you don't, I hope you will consider the opportunities presented here and maybe I'll hear you sometime over the phone telling me...
'Mission Clear!'"
<Honey gives a bow to the applause of the crowd, and awkwardly leaves the stage... before having to even more awkwardly return on stage, retreive a very miffed Lamp, and exit again; blushing madly.>
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Hello. Sorry if this request is too late to do, today has just been a little hard for me because of 4th of July fireworks, being in the military and having some PTSD. Um, can I maybe request a Natasha x former military, now avenger reader (you can decide if female or GN. I’m female, but again, your choice) and maybe something with fireworks at the compound and usually reader is okay with fireworks but this one time, R feels uneasy and just has a PTSD episode, and Natasha consoles her S/O? So yeah. Again it’s okay if you’re busy and you don’t have time to do this but thank you anyways!
The Fourth Of July || Natasha Romanoff
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: PTSD episodes mentioned; mentions of war/combat; mentions of military weapons; mentions of anxiety and other PTSD symptoms; mentions of injury; mentions of hallucinations; mentions of alcohol. If I have missed any warnings, please let me know.
Word Count: 3,967 words.
A/N: Thank you so much for the request anon, I really appreciate you trusting me enough to write this fic. I apologise it’s late, I kind of fell behind on my writing, but I’m slowly getting back on track. Please note this is an au so some character’s behaviours may be different to what is expected.
Please do not repost (on here or any social media platform), copy, translate or take ownership of my work. Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated <3.
*AO stands for ‘Area of Operations’.*
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GIF not mine
The Fourth Of July: Natasha Romanoff-
“Clint! How many of these ‘Willow’ fireworks do you want me to use?” Tony shouts from across the field, readying up the firework display in progress.
“I don’t know man, just use the whole lot. I bought plenty at the store.” Clint replies as he taps the side of his beer bottle, creating a little tune to keep himself entertained.
It’s the Fourth of July; not only a day of celebration of Independence for America, but a birthday celebration for the Captain himself- Steve Rogers.
Every year, the team has a small get together to celebrate both occasions- just close friends and family gathered around at the compound.
Whilst Bruce and Tony configure a plan in which each firework will be activated- using a clever device Tony produced that will release each firework in any desired order. The rest of the team are gathered around the picnic area of the compound’s grounds, sitting at a table and enjoying some drinks before the spectacular show.
“Mr Rogers, how old are you exactly? You know with the whole being frozen in ice situation and everything?” Peter Parker curiously asks, as he pours himself another glass of water.
“Dude, you can’t just ask people their age. You’ve got to introduce a guessing game first so everyone can get involved.” Sam says teasingly from the end of the table.
“Not happening, all the guesses will be that I’m ‘way older than Thor’, or someone will ask if my ‘first best friend was a dinosaur’.” Steve answers in protest; knowing that these answers have in fact come up in conversation before.
“Oh man, you’re becoming more boring with age.” Sam teases at the Captain, causing Steve to throw a piece of candy from the table in the Falcon’s direction.
Sam instantly catches it and shoves it into his mouth, causing Steve to shake his head, not the slightest bit surprised at his friend’s antics.
“Anyway, why do you ask Parker?” Steve redirects his attention to the young Avenger.
“Oh, it’s nothing really. I was just curious.” Peter starts to sink himself into his chair, suddenly shying away from the topic of discussion.
The team members present look between each other in confusion, causing Wanda to send a wave of magic through her system and read Peter’s thoughts.
“Ahh, it’s a question for his History homework.”
At Wanda’s words, Peter’s gaze shoots up in horror. Worried that the team will scold him for asking such a question in order to gain the answers in an easy way opposed to carrying out extensive research like the rest of his classmates.
“I-I’m sorry, I just need to ace this upcoming test. Mr Stark said if I fail a test this semester, he’ll confiscate my upgraded web shooters and make me use the old ones.” Peter says as his tone is laced with nervousness.
A few of the team members roll their eyes in unison, not believing the billionaire’s words for a second, “Please, that man doesn’t have a stern bone in his body when it comes to you. Besides, he doesn’t always set the best of examples.” Clint says as he points a finger in the direction of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.
The team present turns their line of sight towards the two men, only to notice Tony stomping out a small fire that has somehow broken out in their testing area.
Natasha reaches forward to grab a small bowl filled with M&M’s, sporting the iconic combination of red, white and blue. As she takes a random handful, she subconsciously offers the bowl towards you, expecting you to take a handful as she inspects the array of colours that decorate her palm.
When Natasha fails to feel the pressure of your hand roaming the miniature treats, she takes a moment to look over at you. That’s when she notices your vacant expression.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Natasha questions gently, being wary of what state you’re in.
To Natasha it seems that your mind is locked off into yourself, as you study a particular area of the table in front of you.
Natasha places the bowl back on the table, before leaning an inch closer to you.
She gently calls out your name once more; placing a hand on your shoulder.
To her surprise, this sudden contact sends an influential jolt through your system, causing you to move in your chair slightly before allowing your frantic eyes to meet Natasha’s concerned ones.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?” Your girlfriend queries as calmly as she can, attempting to avoid you recoiling back into your vacant state.
You use the arm rests of your chair to push your body up somewhat, trying to straighten up your posture before addressing Natasha.
You clear your throat a bit before speaking, attempting to remove any sign of hesitation from your next words, “Yes, sorry. I just started daydreaming once Peter started talking about History.” There’s a small hint of jest in your tone, however Natasha can see right through it.
Natasha studies your face intently, she knows you’re lying. The question is, why are you lying to her? You’re not one to daydream during team conversations, you’re usually on the mark to engage where possible; especially now considering how close you have become to each team member since joining directly from the Military.
To answer the question in your own terms, you’re petrified of what’s to come. You can’t exactly explain what it is, but there’s this heaviness inside you, dragging you down into oblivion. Your mind is racing, though you can’t pinpoint what’s causing it. Your body is tense, causing each muscle to ache uncontrollably. Part of you wonders whether it’s the excitement of the day getting to you in a divergent way- you normally adore the Fourth of July.
You wish you could confide in Natasha about this, but you don’t want to worry her on a day like this. All you can do is plaster on a smile and hope that you can make it through the night without letting your feelings of anxiety consume you.
As Natasha’s concerned gaze continues, you make quick work of reassuring her, “Nat, honestly I’m fine. I’m just a little bit bored from waiting, that’s all.”
Natasha takes a moment to process your words before releasing a sigh, opting not to push you on the matter but ensuring to monitor you closely for any sign of uneasiness, “Okay detka, once we’re finished up here we can watch a movie. It’s your turn to pick.” Natasha chooses to move the conversation forward, whilst displaying her M&M filled hand in front of you.
You smile in appreciation, for both the dropping of the tense topic and the candy on offer. You pick up a red and blue M&M from the pile and instantly shove them into your mouth, “Thank you, my love.”
Natasha leans in to place a delicate kiss on your cheek. Though, before she can say anything further, Tony shouts over to the group.
“Let’s get this show on the road team! The display is ready to go!” Tony uses his hands to cup around his mouth, allowing his voice to travel further and clearer towards the team.
“Ahhh, finally. It is extremely boring being sat over here.” Thor says as he makes his way out of his chair.
Wanda scoffs in offence, “Thanks Thor.” She lets out sarcastically.
Thor displays a proud smile, completely missing the sarcastic nature of Wanda’s tone, “You are very welcome.”
“Right, let’s go see the marvellous creation of Banner and Stark.” Steve vocalises to the group, attempting to move them towards the makeshift viewing area for the firework display.
You attempt to push down the feeling of your heart rate rising, concentrating on the feeling of Natasha wrapping her hand around yours to guide you up from your seat.
Natasha smiles sweetly at you, “Are you ready?”
You choose not to speak, knowing a waver in your voice will give away your nerves, so instead you give Natasha a firm nod and a smirk.
Natasha pulls you into her embrace, wanting to keep you close on the way over to the fireworks. As she works one of her arms across your shoulders, you in turn wrap one of yours around her waist as the two of you begin to walk.
Every step closer fills you with an unknown dread.
“Okay, stand back everyone, let the professionals get to work.” Tony addresses the team as he configures data to input on his device connected to each firework.
“Yeah, when are the professionals getting here again?” Sam asks in a mocking way.
“Ha, ha you’re hilarious Wilson.”
As Tony and Sam start a teasing, yet friendly exchange, you focus on grounding your emotions.
Natasha is just to the side of you, talking to Wanda. You take a small step back to give yourself some space, not realising someone was standing right behind you.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to get in your way.” Peter says immediately after you bump into him.
You move your hands around your clothing furiously, trying to seek comfort from the uncomfortable situation.
“No, it was my fault. Sorry Peter.” You can’t meet Peter’s gaze, causing you to study anywhere but his face.
You can sense he is about to ask you the same question that Natasha has repeated throughout the night, there’s only a certain amount of times that you can confirm that you are okay without it becoming suspicious in combination with your uneasiness.
You’re about to move forwards again, ready to ask Natasha if the two of you could leave the area; knowing something is seriously wrong.
However, before you can put your question forward, Tony starts an instant countdown from three. Rushing through the numbers too quickly for your liking.
The sound that follows causes your body to freeze, the whistling of one of the fireworks travelling up triggers something in you.
Your body fills with a wave of nausea that practically bursts alongside the sound of the firework exploding in the sky.
The bang puts your mind elsewhere, involuntarily.
That one firework has taken you from the Avengers’ compound field to the battlefield you once fought on in the Military.
As you look around all you can see are your fellow soldiers desperately crying out for help. You stand there helpless, looking around for any sign of an escape.
More explosions fill your ears, causing your eyes to flood with tears, you don’t want to be back here. You need to find a way out. You can feel as the scorching heat around you sends a sinister coating of sweat on your skin, making you uncomfortable to the maximum level.
The explosions are becoming more frequent now, each one sending a shock of dread through you. Your body cannot cope with this, the stress and environment sends your mind into overdrive, causing an unforgiving headache to form.
It all feels so real to you, from the dirt cascading down from the falling bombs to the pain surging through your body from loose shrapnel.
You want to take cover but your feet feel as though they’re bolted to the ground.
The smell of burning fills your senses, increasing your worries more. You try to convince yourself it’s a hallucination, though unfortunately your mind would rather convince you that this is all very real.
At this point, the sounds are blending together, a combination of gunfire and bomb explosions surround you, yet they feel closer with each addition of the next one going off.
A wave of dizziness takes over your body, causing everything around you to become disoriented and practically in slow motion. You begin to rub at your skin in desperation to feel anything other than the fear that’s striking you down.
With one final clutch to the roots of your hair, you close your eyes in an attempt to block out the menacing environment.
As the battle continues in your mind, those surrounding you at the compound start to notice your distress.
The team gaze up at the sky in absolute awe, loving the way the colours spread across the night sky.
Peter smiles in wonderment, focused on the impressive display in front of him. That is until he hears your pained whimpers.
He looks to his right to see you clutching at your hair and burying your face deep into your arms as a form of protection.
Your body is shaking violently, causing Peter to panic.
“Y/n, are you okay?!” With Peter’s heightened tone, Natasha’s head whips around to see your distressed state. Causing her heart to shatter, the thoughts that flood her mind are that of guilt. She will not forgive herself for allowing this to happen under her watch.
Just as Natasha is about to move towards you to comfort you, Peter beats her to it and places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
What they both failed to realise is that you’re now on high alert in anticipation of an attack.
As soon as you register the touch on your shoulder, you grab Peter’s hand and twist it around in an unforgiving way, causing a crack to sound along the bangs of the fireworks.
Peter yelps out in pain, catching the attention of the rest of the team.
Their horror filled eyes can’t comprehend the actions taking place.
You twist Peter’s arm behind his back and push it into him, before swiping at his legs and flooring him.
The team gasps in fright, not understanding why you’re attacking Peter.
“What is she doing?!” Tony shouts as he rushes over to you.
Natasha puts her arm out to stop him, “Don’t, she only attacked Peter because he touched her, there’s something wrong.”
Once Natasha releases those details, things start to click in Sam’s mind.
The combination of your actions and the fireworks has to mean you’re having a PTSD episode.
“Everyone stand back and give her space, she’s in combat mode.” Sam says urgently and he moves to the front and pushes everyone back.
The team look at him in confusion, “What do you mean, we need to stop her.” Tony lets out.
Steve’s face drops in realisation, “It’s the fireworks isn’t it, she thinks she’s on the field.”
Sam nods his head at Steve’s words.
The two of them slowly and carefully make their way towards you. Making sure not to make any sudden movements that you may mistake as a threat.
They crouch down to your level, knowing what they need to do to help ease you out of your episode.
“Y/L/N, the AO is clear, you’re safe.”Steve starts the process.
Your glare is focused on Peter, pushing hard on his body to keep him down. He releases whimpers of pain at your force, not being able to move from the position you’ve trapped him in.
“Hey, I’m a friendly alright, I was down range. It’s all clear, you don’t need to do this, Peter is a friend.” Sam continues, trying to gently get through to you.
The team can’t do anything but watch, hoping Sam and Steve find a way to help you.
“Tony, stop the fireworks, it will be making it worse.” Natasha says firmly, trying to avoid the tears from spilling from her eyes.
Tony snaps out of his trance, “Yeah, sorry, Bruce activate the lockdown protocol on the device.”
As Tony and Bruce begin to remove the trigger of your actions, you start to release your grip on Peter, slowly but surely coming out of your trance.
Steve waves Natasha closer, signalling for her to help. She instantly crouches down towards you, “Y/n, you’re safe, I’m right here, you’re at the compound. No one can hurt you detka.” Natasha speaks softly to you.
Natasha’s soothing voice is what manages to break you out of your own mind. You look around with tear filled eyes, not sure of what is going on.
When you look down and notice Peter underneath you, you instantly push away from him, placing your hand over your mouth in despair.
“I’m sorry, oh Peter I’m so sorry.” You sob out, clutching at your knees.
Sam and Steve rush over to Peter, attempting to help him up. Whereas Natasha moves closer to you, “Detka, I’m going to touch you now okay.”
Before Natasha has the chance you rush into her embrace, grabbing at her in agony.
You cry uncontrollably into Natasha, coming to the realisation of what you have done, and dealing with the aftermath of your episode.
Your breaths quicken to a wild pace, surging you into a panic attack. Natasha is quick to help you to avoid that from happening. She pulls you away from her so she can place both hands on each side of your face.
“Hey, look at me okay, copy my breathing. We’re going to take some deep breaths okay. Deep breath in, and out.” Natasha places her forehead against yours, attempting to give you the contact you need for grounding. You struggle to follow her breathing sequence, having your worries putting a strain on your regular breathing abilities.
Natasha patiently guides you through the breathing exercise, never once making you feel rushed or pressured, “You’re doing so well my love, I’m so proud of you.”
Once your breathing has regulated, Natasha places a kiss on the top of your head.
Suddenly a rogue firework is activated by mistake, sending a feeling of panic through everyone.
Wanda instantly encases it with her powers, avoiding the possibility of it going off and triggering you further.
“Natasha, I can’t hold it long.” Wanda says in a struggled way as the firework attempts to work its way through her scarlet red barrier.
“Can you move it away or something?” Natasha asks in a short manner, silently scolding herself for letting the stress influence her tone.
“I can try, but if it goes off-“
“Go, I’ll cover her ears if you hurry.” With that Wanda sends herself up towards the firework and moves it away from the site.
Natasha wraps her hands around your ears, protecting you from the sound of the firework going off. Luckily you barely hear it, with Wanda's and Natasha’s quick actions being carried out successfully.
Once Natasha removes her hands, she says to you, “I want to make sure you’re grounded, can we try something sweetheart?”
You nod instantly, trusting Natasha. Ignoring the sound of Wanda landing beside you, to put your focus on Natasha.
“Okay, can you name three things you can feel?” You look at Natasha’s face as you answer.
“Um, the grass, you and the breeze.” You answer quietly.
“Good job detka, now I’ll keep it easy. Can you name three things you can see?”
You pick up your gaze as you look around, “The trees, the compound and-“ That’s when you release the whole team has been watching you this entire time.
Embarrassment fills your system, causing you to pull away from Natasha. She stops you, “My love, it’s alright, we all want to make sure you’re safe.”
“Of course we do, we’re family.” Clint says as he crouches beside you and Natasha, trying to comfort you.
You look towards Peter to realise he’s being escorted inside by Tony and Sam.
Steve makes his way over to you, causing you to worry that he’s mad at you.
“He’s going to be okay, he’s more worried about you than anything. Tony sent me over here to make sure you’re okay too.” Steve says.
You bow your head, “I don’t even know what happened.”
“Y/n, this wasn’t your fault. It is most likely PTSD, and we will do everything in our power to help you through this okay. No one blames you for this.” Steve continues to reassure you.
“I ruined-“ You begin but Natasha places a finger on your lips.
“No, don’t do that to yourself. You haven’t ruined anything okay. You are not to blame. We all love you so much, okay, you’re safe.”
Tears invade your eyes, but this time they’re of gratitude.
“Let’s get you inside for a check up.” Bruce suggests, holding his hand out in support.
You slowly take it, allowing Natasha to help you up.
You all make your way to the compound, feeling safe with your team and family around you.
After your check up, Natasha suggested you get some rest. Which leads you to the current situation of having your head resting on Natasha’s legs as the two of you lay on the living area couch.
“Here you are Lady y/l/n, this should help.” Thor offers you an iridescent formed drink, causing you to scan it in interest.
Natasha guides you up to scan the drink also, “Thor, what is it?”
“It’s a beverage we make in Asgard to help with nerves. I was hoping it would help.”
You smile in respect, “Thank you Thor, I’m sure it will help.”
Natasha pulls you in closer as she wraps an arm around you.
You take gentle sips of the drink, a combination of citrus and sweet dances around in your mouth.
“How is it my darling?” Natasha asks.
“Really good, do you want some?”
Natasha shakes her head, “No thank you my love.”
As you turn your gaze to the TV, the exhaustion of the events on the field start to catch up with you. Causing your eyes to briefly shut.
Natasha notices as your head drops, “Love, why don’t we go to bed?”
You inhale sharply through your nose, “Please can we stay up longer, I don’t want to sleep yet.”
Natasha agrees, knowing the remnants of the episode most likely continue to linger in your mind.
She chooses to take the drink out of your hand to avoid any spillages from occurring.
As she goes to lean back, Peter walks into the room, wearing a light form of bandaging on his injured hand.
Your eyes shoot wide open, “Peter! I’m so sor-“
Peter instantly interrupts you, “Please don’t apologise. I understand what happened, and I’m really okay, that heightened healing of mine had to come into use sometime. It will be healed really soon.” He says in a light manner.
“As long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters. We’re all here for you alright. I’ll do my best to make sure I understand your boundaries and how to help if it happens again.”
You slowly stand up to hug Peter.
“Thank you, Peter.” You say wholeheartedly.
“Anytime, now Mr Stark promised me that we could go through some late night training exercises to strengthen my hand further, so I’ll catch you guys later.”
You and Natasha bid him a goodbye as he jogs out of the room and towards Tony’s lab.
You snuggle back into Natasha, causing her to start running her fingers through your hair.
“I know you want to ask about it.” You decide to break the silence.
“Only with what you’re comfortable in telling me detka.” Natasha replies as she continues to stroke through your hair delicately.
“It just built up out of nowhere.” You say as you stare blankly at the TV, watching as the pixel forms move around.
“You’re not sure what triggered it?” Natasha asks.
“Not exactly, I have an idea of what it could have been.” You start to draw patterns on Natasha’s clothing, trying to occupy your mind from the difficult topic.
“We’ll figure it out together dove, you’re not alone in this okay.” Natasha says as she tilts your chin up to ensure she has your full attention.
You nod to confirm her words, “Thank you Natasha, I love you.”
Natasha smiles and places a kiss on the tip of your nose, “I love you too.”
Though today was extremely difficult, the support of your family and friends shows that you are safe and loved within this world.
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greetings-humans · 3 months
DC: the very basics
@athenov trust me there are a lot of dc comics and a lot of reading lists but the list i tagged you on seems to be pretty basic and decent afaik! i trust @lornahs's lists a lot!
now, originally this was just for athenov but tbh it ended up so long that it might as well be a generic intro to dc post! it's very basic and slightly oriented to damian wayne (the character that I'm trying to get athenov into)
so, I usually crossreference multiple reading lists to get somewhere, so try crossreferencing that damian wayne one with this. as a general rule of thumb, tumblr usually knows better, but sites like the one linked aren't too bad.
another thing: dc works in phases. every few decades they have an event they call "crisis" (i. e. crisis on infinite earths, infinite crisis, flashpoint, etc, etc) and after that, they essentially reboot most or all of dc.
they might recreate character's back stories, they might change them depending on the author's preferences, they also tend to disregard events from before the crisis. this is a double edged sword. yes they can disregard stupid plotlines. but they have also historically ignored character development, character relationships, etc.
they have literally transplanted one character (Roy Harper) from X dude's close friend to Y dude's best friend, with no reason whatsoever other than not wanting to debute someone new. and mind you in the process of that, Roy lost so much character development!!! and naturally this happened during the new 52 ugh
anyways-- these reboots have specific names that we use to know what period of DC comics we're talking about. a pretty detailed explanation is here.
for brevity, I'll give you the very basics here and a more in-depth explanation below the cut.
Golden Age (1938-1956)
Silver Age & Bronze Age (1956-1985)
Modern Age (1986-2011) (very good, imo) (damian intro was here!)
New 52 (2011-2016) (bad!!! this fucked over more than just roy!)
Rebirth (2016-2018) (better but only sometimes)
DC Infinite Frontier (2021-2023)
Dawn of DC (2023-today)
essentially, you just run away from n52 and you'll be good. also dc wiki is your friend. feel free to ask me if you have any questions tho!! (and this stands not just for athenov! i consider myself relatively new to dc comics cause I've only been into comics for two or three years, after all, and some people are much more obsessed than I am. but I'll def try to help any of the new fans out as much as i can! even if that just means pointing you to another person that can answer your question)
so about the more detailed version of those periods!
we've got golden age, silver age, bronze age. these are old. golden age started during the 1940s. bronze age ended in 1985. I tend to not read anything before 1985 because they're all over the place usually. the themes are also weird cause the comics are old.
then crisis on infinite earths happened and rebooted everything to make things less ambiguous. (until this crisis, if you didn't like the way, say, superman handled things in this issue, you'd just ignore that and go against it and it'd be passed on like a superman from another earth than the other superman. the multiverse was very useful for dc of golden-silver-bronze era. continuity was a hit or miss, at best)
then we have modern age until 2011. this era is the one I usually operate on! many of my favorite characters got some very good runs during this time. damian wayne also debuted in this era with batman #655, which was issued in 2006, according to google.
anyways stan the modern age!
and now things get weird again. the problem with crisis on infinite earths is that it solved some problems but also created new ones. some other crisis events happened to try to fix them but it didn't exactly work out and then we got flashpoint to reboot dc again.
the next reboot is called "new 52" because dc canceled everything and started 52 new titles that could theoretically easily introduce people to these characters. unfortunately, they butchered a lot of characters during this arc, narratively and a esthetically. my own favs have suffered from the new 52. generally, it's not a good era for dc. it was only around for like 5ish years (2011-2016) before DC had to do another crisis and reboot so that tells you how bad things were. (considering the fact that modern age lasted 25 years, this is just sad yknow)
the new era is called rebirth (2016-2018). they basically picked up the stories from modern age and ignored new 52 for the most part, which is iconic. there was another brief era after this to clear up some confusions and restore some memories from modern age that the new 52 had disregarded but all in all things are decent, especially compared to the new 52. admittedly, I haven't read a lot of stuff from after modern age, so take this with a grain of salt.
a few other things happened, like infinite frontier. I don't know anything about it tbh. something weird happened with time and space. this era is a big crisis event essentially, from what i can tell? do we even count it as an era? idfk. I'd say no but the site I linked waayyy above considered it an era so I'll do the same so as to not confuse anyone.
and then there's the dawn of dc, which started like last year or sth, so I got nothing for you about it.
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