#i got my teeth drilled into for a cavity filling
fire-rose · 1 year
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So, how’s everyone’s morning going 🙃
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omgkawaiipinkhime · 8 months
My dentist canceled on me without telling me first 😩😩😩😩😩
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glitchydraws · 3 months
Dental appointments suck!
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I just got home from the dentist who did an hour-long Cavity fill on the front teeth on my top jaw. My nose and top lip is still numb and puffy, I was shaking and I wanna cry again. The Dentist also kicked my bottom lip with a drill but I know they didn't mean to. I'm going to miserable for a while. TT^TT
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farfromstrange · 2 years
Cavities | Matt Murdock x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x gender neutral!Reader
Summary: based on this request by a lovely anon. You need to have your cavities taken care of. Matt offers to stay by your side.
Warnings: none (not proof read)
A/n: I hope you like it! I’ve never had any cavities and the last big procedure I had was my wisdom teeth removal, so I tried my best to write something that’s comforting enough. It’s pretty short, I think you can count it as a Drabble. I wish you all the best of luck, anon, and that everything works out!
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If you take a look at the doctor profession, there are some doctors we are naturally programmed to fear. One of those being the dentist. Don’t get me wrong, you go to your mandatory appointments — albeit hesitant — get your teeth checked like any other adult and then go on your way. You’ve always been a little queasy, but it’s been tolerable so far. Until your doctor walked into the room the other day and revealed that your perfect teeth, that you have claimed to be perfectly healthy, are actually quite a little damaged.
When he came in to tell you that you had eight cavities, you almost instantly lost your mind. It would mean you’d have to get it fixed because cavities and crowns are not something you want to wait with. But it’s one of those procedures that make you want to rather die than sit in that godforsaken chair and let them drill into your mouth.
You have already searched for your passport and found your travel-sized bag in the closet of you and your boyfriend’s shared apartment. If you left the country, it surely wouldn’t kill you, right? You can’t say it hasn’t actively crossed your mind. You hate going to the dentist, especially when higher things need to be done than just the occasional check-up. Your past experiences have not left you with a good memory. And even though your dentist is the kindest doctor you can think of, you can’t bring yourself up to relax. All you can think about is how you don’t want this and you’d rather die than let your mouth be poked open and drilled into. The sounds, the feeling, everything that you connect with the experience already drives you crazy long before you’re set for your appointment.
But unlike all the times before, you’re not alone this time.
“Eight cavities,” you whine as you roll over in bed, the piece of paper that signed your demise on the living room table. “Eight cavities, Matt!” you say louder and he flinches at your voice so close and loud to his sensitive ear.
“And they want to fill four. Four, Matt! At once.”
Matt chuckles. He's already dressed in his work attire while you’re left in your pyjamas. “You’ve said that about a million times, sweetheart,” he says.
“Because it’s not fair! What did I ever do to deserve this?”
“It’s a standard procedure. It happens. Most of us will get cavities at least once in our lives. There is literally nothing to be ashamed or worry about.”
You give a dramatic sigh. “God hates me.”
“He doesn’t.” He kisses your forehead gently from where he bows over you. “I strongly believe God loves you more than anything. You’re gonna be fine. I’ll be there and hold your hand all the way through, okay? I promise you. No one’s gonna hurt you.”
“The drill is gonna hurt me,” you retort.
When you weakly told your boyfriend about the whole Dilemma, he didn’t laugh at you, although it seemed like he wanted to. Instead, he understood and he offered his help. You were more than surprised to find him so willing to hold your hand, but you agreed. You wouldn’t say no to his everlasting support. Though the closer the date comes, the more nervous you’re starting to feel, and suddenly his support seems a little less important because it still feels like they are going to kill you in that stupid dentist’s office.
You haven’t properly slept since you got the news, he knows that, but he also knows he can’t take away your fear entirely, no matter how much he wishes he could.
“They’ll numb the area,” Matt explains. “You won’t feel a thing. The pressure, maybe, but that’s normal. It’s not gonna hurt you. You’ll see, you’re gonna feel so much better after. There is nothing you can’t do, okay? You’re one of the strongest people I know.” This time, he plants his lips on yours in a living kiss that screams in his supportive nature.
You ease into his touch, allowing yourself to relax a little.
“I love you, sweetheart,” he says.
You sigh. “I love you too.”
“Good. Can I leave you alone now or are you gonna start tearing the walls down?”
“I’m okay.”
“Alright. I gotta get work, get a head start so my missing tomorrow won’t be as bad. You know, new client and all that.”
His steps disappear out of the bedroom and into the living room. As soon as he’s even just an inch from you, your mind begins to reel again.
“What if they take my teeth?”
Matt groans. “They will not take your teeth!”
“They might,” you say. “And you can’t tell if they are because you can’t see them. You’d just be like, what are they doing? Sounds weird, but I’ll allow it. And in the end I’ll wake up without my teeth.”
“They won’t take your teeth. What would they want with a whole set of teeth anyway?”
“I don’t know, sell them? Use them as prosthesis for other people without teeth?”
“Okay,” he laughs, “No one’s gonna sell your teeth. They’re important, you still need them. Dentists are not teeth thieves. And even if they were, your boyfriend’s a lawyer. I can sue them.”
“You would do that?” you say.
He pokes his head around the corner of the bedroom. “Of course, I would. You’re the love of my life. Now stop overthinking or I’ll take you with me and tie you to Foggy’s desk.”
You don’t stop overthinking, not until you walk into your dentist’s Office the Next day and the sterile smell as well as the sight of all the instruments before you almost give you a heart attack.
You turn around. “Nope, not gonna happen.” But Matt has already grabbed your shoulders and forced you to stay.
“Sit,” he instructs.
“Sweetheart, I know it’s scary, but you’re not alone. This is not a torture chamber and you are not on death row. So sit down!” He pushes you into the chair.
You groan. “Matt, please, let’s just fake my death. I… I don’t want to do this.” Your lip quivers and your voice starts to shake. The stress is tearing away at your bones and you’re this close to getting your passport and feeling.
This close.
Matt catches the frustrated tear that slips your eye with his finger. Your arms are crossed over your chest, and your head is turned away from him and all the torturous Instruments before you.
“It’s gonna be okay, baby. After this, I promise I’m gonna cuddle you for as long as you want,” he says oh-so-sweetly. “And when you’re allowed to have ice cream again, I’ll get all your favorite flavors. We’ll have an ice cream party.”
“Even chocolate?” you ask.
“Even chocolate,” he says.
“But you hate chocolate.”
“I’d do it for you. I’d do anything for you.”
You look at the hand he is offering you, then his soft smile and the white light reflected in his red glasses. And though your limbs are shaking violently, you take his hand and he instantly pulls you close. He holds your hand with an intensity that gives you strength. The look on his face and his hand are enough to ease some of the anxiety.
The nurse compliments you at some point, “What a great boyfriend you have!” she says. You smile and nod, but it doesn’t hit the mark.
You’re still shaking by the the time they pull out the sedative.
“I don’t like this,” you murmur. “Can’t we just go?”
“It’s that or the pain,” says the nurse.
“I don’t like to be numb.”
Matt squeezes your hand. “The pain is only gonna be worse if you don’t take it,” he says. “I’m here, okay?”
You think about it, but eventually nod to give the go-ahead. Your nails dig into his skin and it must hurt, but he doesn’t say anything.
As soon as the sedative has set and you can barely feel your mouth anymore, the rest of the procedure goes smoothly. There is no doubt in your mind that without Matt, you would have gotten a heart attack.
“Bad experience with dentists?” the doctor asks halfway through the procedure when he catches sight of how tightly you’re holding your boyfriend’s hand.
You glare at him. With his pesky little fingers in your mouth, you can’t speak.
Matt jumps to your defense. “Bad is an understatement,” he says.
“Well, we’re almost done.”
You thank whatever God he believes in once the ordeal is finally over and you allow yourself to breathe again. Your tongue is flapping around funnily in your mouth and you can't feel anything, but it’s better than the pain.
“Good job,” Matt cooes into your ear. “I knew you could do it.”
You huff. “Jus’ ‘ake me home.”
“You sound even funnier than when you’re drunk.” His eyes crinkle and he giggles when he senses the murderous look in your eyes.
“‘M gonna shove my foot s’ far up your ass…”
“Sure thing, sweetheart. You’d have to reach that far first.”
You land on the bed exhausted, drained and numb. When Matt tries to leave, you grab his hand, afraid he might leave you miserable like this.
He shushes your pleas. “I’m just getting some comfortable clothes and some water for you. I’ll be right back and then I’ll cuddle you, okay?” he says. “I promised to take care of you. I’m not gonna leave you.”
And he does. He comes back with a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. He gets you dressed, fluffs your pillows and gets an extra blanket. There’s water and some snacks once you can eat again on the nightstand and his arms land around you, finally, after what feels like an eternity.
Until you’ve found a comfortable position it takes a while, but once you do and his heartbeat sounds strong in your ear, you can’t help but sigh and let the exhaustion fall off of you.
“And,” he muses, “was is it really that bad?”
“The worst,” you slur.
He chuckles, rubbing your back with his large hand. “It’s alright. Dentists are scary. But you’re okay now. You did it and you didn’t kill anyone in the process.”
You snort.
“Kidding! You really did good. I’m proud of you. And now it’s over and you don’t have to worry anymore. There is nothing you can’t conquer,” he says, “and you prove it every day, sweetheart.”
Another tear slides down your cheek and onto his shirt. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me for telling the truth. I love you, sweetie.”
“Love you too, Matty.”
“C’mon, get some rest. I’ll be right here with you. And tomorrow, ice cream.”
You snuggle into his warm arms, completely disappearing as you melt like an ice cube.
“Ice cream,” you sigh in approval.
You couldn’t have asked for a better companion, let alone a better boyfriend. There is no one than can match up to Matt Murdock and the dedication he gives to the people he loves — the dedication he gives to you. And with him by your side, getting a few cavities filled feels just a little worse than it actually is.
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proudsilkies · 1 year
Natasha Thinks They Kissed. ft Kate and Yelena. Part 1.
*Natasha and Yelena at the dentist's office.*
Dentil Hygienist: Alright Yelena, just sit here.
*Yelena sits down in the chair*
DH: Let me adjust this for you.
*The chair starts tipping back. Yelena freaked out*: Whoa! What are you doing, Lady?!
Natasha: She's just gonna have you lie down.
Yelena: Oh. Well, I do like laying down.
*DH grabs a bib*: And I'm gonna put this around your neck.
Yelena: Ooo what are we having? Ribs?
DH: No. See when the dentist starts drilling into your teeth-
*Yelena starts thrashing*: Drilling into my teeth?!?!
*Natasha wrestling Yelena back into the chair*: No! No! It's okay! It's okay!
Yelena: I don't want to do this! I don't want to do this!
Natasha: You can do this, sestra. Doctor?! You better get in here soon!!
*The Dentist runs in*: Hey! Hey! Girls, girls, girls!
Natasha: Hi Dr. Wheeler. This is my sister, Yelena. She's a little nervous.
Yelena: Way nervous.
Natasha: She hasn't been to the dentist since...*trying to do the mental math*...She's never been to a dentist.
Dr Wheeler: Yelena, there is nothing to worry about.
*Yelena threateningly*: There better not be.
*Dr. Wheeler turns to Natasha*: Why don't you go sit out in the waiting room and I'll get Yelena's teeth checked out.
*Yelena as Natasha is walking out*: ya tebya nenavizhu (i hate you)
Natasha: Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu (i love you too)
*Natasha shuts the door behind her and takes a few steps. She hears screaming coming from the room and heads back in to see that Yelena has somehow pinned both the dentist and his assistant into the chair while threatening them with the dentil picks.*
*Natasha, Dr. Wheeler, and the Dental Hygienist are all looking at Yelena's teeth*
Natasha: Her teeth look good!
Dr. Wheeler: Yep. I fitted her for her missing tooth. Put in a temporary, and filled three other cavities.
Natasha: You hear that, Yelena?
*Yelena giggling*: You're blurry, pretty blurry woman.
*Natasha to Dr. Wheeler*: You gave her laughing gas?
Dr. Wheeler: It really calmed her down. She might be a little loopy for awhile.
*Dr. Wheeler and his assistant leave the room. Natasha looks over at Yelena and she's holding all the sharp scalpels.*
*Natasha grabbing them out of Yelena's hand*: How're you doing?
Yelena: Okay. But we need to get out of here, because I need to go to the dentist.
Natasha: We're at the dentist.
Yelena: Whoa! That was fast.
*Yelena looking down at her fist*: Whoa. It's gone.
Natasha: What's gone?
Yelena: My thumb. It was here a second ago.
*Natasha takes her hand and gently uncurls her fist*: Here. See? Your thumb came back.
*Yelena starts laughing really hard. It causes Natasha to show a fond smile. Then Yelena abruptly stops.*
*Yelena very seriously*: What's so funny?
Natasha: You.
*Yelena giggling*: Oh. Hey. Come here. I want to tell you a secret.
*Yelena grabs Nat by the face and pulls her close, whispering*: I like...hot sauce on my Mac & Cheese.
*Natasha laughing*: It's not a secret that you like hot sauce on your Mac & Cheese.
Yelena: I know. That's because I got scared to tell you my real secret.
*Natasha amused*: What's the real secret?
*Yelena grabs Nat by the cheeks and pulls her close again, whispering*: Me and Kate Bishop kissed.
*Natasha's smile falls*: What?
*Yelena whispering louder:* Me and Kate Bishop. We kissed.
*Natasha completely shocked*: What?!
*Yelena makes kissy faces at her:* You know, like this.
Natasha: You and Kate kissed?!
*Yelena giggling and whispering*: Shh! Don't tell Natasha!
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therecordchanger62279 · 5 months
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I had to get a couple of cavities filled at the dentist today - never a fun way to spend the morning. My dentist also talked me into getting a slight cosmetic repair on one of my front teeth. It bugged her a lot more than it did me, but I got tired of her asking me if I wanted her to fix it, so I finally said, "Sure, go ahead."
Two cavities required a double shot of numbing agent which lasted three-and-a-half hours after the appointment ended. And there was a funny aftertaste in my mouth that probably had to do with the cosmetic fix. So, all things considered, it was an experience I don't care to repeat anytime soon.
But you know what bothered me most? They had some satellite radio station playing overhead, and it played The Beatles Let It Be, but they played the album track with the inferior guitar solo instead of the single track. That was more than I could take. The single track was good enough for radio for more than 50 years, and now, suddenly, the album track has been substituted because nobody is steering the ship. Next thing you know, they'll only be playing the Giles Martin remixed versions of the originals, and once that happens, the world as I knew it will have officially ended. Dentistry might be better now that it was 50 years ago, but radio - any kind - is far worse. You want to punish a music lover? Strap him to a dentist chair and turn the overhead music system up so loud it drowns out the sound of the drill. Next time, fill my ears before you do the cavities!
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sadnesslaughs · 1 year
The 10 sit around the table in horror as the final decision is revealed. Their stomachs sink as they all remember the last time the entire Guild of Dentists were in agreement.
The guild of dentists all frantically looked at one another. Every member waiting for someone to speak an ill word towards the Hyaio brand of peppermint toothpaste that laid on the table. They couldn’t all agree for once. There had to be a mistake. Mark, the youngest of the dentists, looked at Agitha. Hoping she might have some choice words for this new brand of toothpaste.
“Agitha. Even you agree this is the best product on the market? You’re practically a dental fossil at this point. Don’t you hate all the new stuff? You tried to convince me to brush my teeth with strawberries when I first joined, you can’t be in favor of this.” Henry pleaded, trying to sway her opinion.
“A fossil? Call me that again and I’ll be giving you a tooth extraction with my foot.” The older woman pushed up her glasses, using her middle finger to perform the action. “I didn’t tell you to brush your teeth with the strawberries. I told you it helps to whiten them. I was giving you advice because any person who enters your office will run in horror when they see those decaying teeth of yours.” She commented. Her words making Mark cover his mouth. “As I was saying. It’s flawless. The product can’t be beat.”
Gasps echoed through the guild hall. How long had it been since they agreed on a product? Rumors in the guild said that the last agreement was in Pompeii. This agreement bringing about the volcanic destruction of both Pompeii and Herculaneum. Even now, the lava that surrounded the dental guild bubbled as a few of the dentists gave it nervous glances.
The dental guild built to be hard to find, filled with labyrinths of dental floss triplines and shark infested mouthwash waters. Weirdly enough, the mouthwash didn’t kill the sharks. Only giving them minty breath that would smell rather pleasant before you were devoured. As they all sat in silence, leaning against the tooth covered stone table, a voice spoke up.
“Why don’t we lie? I’ll say I disagree with it, and everything will be fine.” Hayley offered, willing to throw her pearly white dental record away for the salvation of the world. Like Mark, she was one of the younger members of the guild. Hayley being the first dentist to implement the placebo anesthetic trick in her dental office. As everyone knows, dentists compete to make their offices the most unpleasant place imaginable. With Hayley having revolutionized the dental pain experience. Even getting the golden tooth for her innovation at the dental torment award show.
“You can lie to us, but you can’t lie to her.” Graham pointed to the hanging overhead statue of the tooth fairy. The beautiful woman holding a bloodied tooth that swung over the table. Her marble wings looking spectacular under the dim light of the hall. “She knows the truth. We have to accept the consequences. If an agreement has been made, we must hope she has mercy on the world. Praise be to the one true god. The almighty tooth giver and taker. May our teeth be cavity free in her name.”
“For the last time, Graham, it’s a statue, not a god. How much happy gas did you huff before you came here?” Agitha groaned, rubbing her temple. The guild really was letting anybody in these days. Back in her day, everyone here was a respected academic, not a member of the dental circus.
“So, how do we go about this? Got some weird home remedy that can spare us? Going to pull out some strawberries?” Mark teased, only to scoot back in his seat when Agitha stomped her foot down, scaring the young dentist.
“No, I’m proposing something more sensible. Who owns Hyaio?”
“Ah, now you’re speaking my language.” A tooth drill was heard as Nichole spoke, leaning forward in her chair. She was the only dentist missing three of her teeth, replacing them with ones that could hold an assortment of weaponized pills. Using them for any dental assassinations she needed to perform. “Are you thinking of killing the product before it hits the market?”
“I’m not… I thought we could reason with the CEO?” Agitha didn’t want to admit that the thought of assassination had crossed her mind. She considered herself above these degenerates, not wanting to lower herself to their standards.
“Heh, you want to reason with them? You can’t reason with CEOs. They crave money over anything. It’s like asking a leech not to suck your blood. At the end of the day, it’s a leech, that’s what it does. You can’t even really fault them for it. It’s in their DNA. So, I suggest we give them a checkup, if you know what I mean.”
“But we aren’t murderers.” Agitha protested.
“We still aren’t. Nichole’s the one doing it.” Mark answered.
“Yeah, our hands are clean and ready for the next patient.” Hayley said.
“Praise the tooth fairy in the spreading of teeth and blood.” Graham chanted, standing up from his chair, throwing his hands into the sky, praising the giant tooth fairy statue. The group stared at Graham, making a mental note not to invite him to the next meeting.
“So, what am I doing? Am I giving him a checkup?” Nichole asked. The group muttered a little indecisively before nodding. Soon, they gave their votes and all ten dentists agreed that this was the best course of action to take. “Funny, who would have thought all ten dentists would agree on something twice in one day? Don’t worry, he will be saying Ahhhh before the toothpaste hits the shelves. Once he’s out of the way, we can impose a shadow CEO into the company and get them to pull the product. I’ll leave that stage to the rest of you. May your teeth sparkle.”
“May your teeth sparkle.” The group responded, watching as Nichole left. Hoping she could prevent the doom that would soon be coming for them.
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elizabethplaid · 1 year
note for Sept 6, 2023 (even though it's the 7th now)
There was a cancellation at my dentist's office, so I got one of my filling-appointments earlier than planned. Wednesday, I had a couple of my front teeth filled, including the incisor with the half-circle shadow on my x-ray. They said they did 2 teeth total, but they might've done 3? Because the one next to seems to be re-filled (drilled out the old filling and redid it) and a not-yet-filled cavity was also repaired on the next tooth over.
If you know how they number teeth and/or refer to the x-ray, the incisor in question is #8. Then #7 and #6 are the other two, going away from the center. So yeah, they billed us for 2 teeth being filled, but I think he snuck that 3rd filling in because it was so small and wasn't a redo of old work. (Was still $600+)
I did really well, anxiety-wise. Learned that Sleep Token is not ideal, because there are too many quiet parts that happened at inconvenient times. (I need the loud music to cover the drilling sounds.) Switched to Coheed and Cambria's "Year of the Black Rainbow", starting with the song "Here We Are Juggernaut". Ooooh, even the less-intense songs still had the proper audio fill. Lesson learned.
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
procrastinating writing my WIP who wants to know about my weird filling story
so from ages 11 - 14 I had braces, I got em off right before starting high school. when I got them off and they checked for cavities, they found one in a back molar where one of the band for my braces were. this cavity was apparently so severe it was shocking I wasn't in agony, they had to check to make sure the tooth itself wasn't completely dead. anyways, got a filling done on it, but the filling was. weird
what the dentist did was he drilled away most of my tooth. and then, instead of filling it, he sort of just. covered it? so this tooth has always looked like it had a big scoop taken out of it. so fast forward a couple years, and I am suddenly feeling pain in that tooth. I have fillings much older than that one that still to this day havent done this, so its weird, but whatever. go in, get it taken out, get a temporary filling put in for a week, and then go back and get it all replaced. back to having a weird scooped-out tooth
fast forward to a couple months ago, so 8 years after this replacement incident and 10 years after the first filling. I notice it feels a bit odd in my mouth, like there's something caught, but I cant see anything so im kinda just feeling it out
and then I spit out part of the filling
I go and check and sure enough there's a big chip in it. I know its the filling, cause im not feeling any pain. I didnt know if I had insurance coverage, and im not exactly swimming in money, so I decide to leave it for a bit and go when its more feasible. surely it can wait till I get my new job and my benefits kick in, guaranteeing some coverage, right?
wrong. few weeks ago im eating and this time I hear it crack. I go check and now there's a big gap in the filling. fuck
delay it for a bit still, but last week I called the dentist and explained the situation. jump to today I go in, and this guy (new guy at the same place ive gone for years) looks at my filling and yeah, big crack, but easy fix. he fixes it up, and then he's like. kinda checking it out. before going "yeah no I dont like this, this isnt gonna stick at all, im fixing all of this" and spends another bit going in and basically buffing up this filling until he's satisfied
so now this tooth is back to looking like all my other teeth, and it feels fucking weird but im also immediately noticing great differences. for one thing, without the scoop-shape, this molar is no longer a food trap. for another, I can actually floss there now between that molar and the one behind it. there was just like, no tooth there, a little stubby bit where the scoop-looking-bit was. looking at it im shocked my gums never tried to overtake it
but yeah thats my weird filling story. id gotten used to the weirdness because I had that scooped-out tooth for a literal decade, but now im back to having a pretty normal tooth and it is WILD
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skidar · 1 year
So excited to have my teeth drilled and filled next week so I can actually enjoy sweet stuff again x.x
I got my first ever cavity this year (in my 30s x,x) and I do not recommend them
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stabyou · 2 years
teddy got me on his dental insurance finally and im so happy i feel like crying because as a child of poverty and a single parent i never got access to dentists, that was one of the last things on the agenda.. and when i finally did go again at 13/14, the medicaid dentists i got didn't care about the patients they had, and they ruined just about every single one of my teeth that they worked on. like the bad fillings that have almost all come out by now or the tooth they drilled TO THE NERVE and only stopped when i was bawling in the chair.
and i haven't had money since to get real dental work done. im missing two molars because they were beyond repair and i paid the money out of my pocket to pull them.. they were both teeth that needed root canals but they didn't do the right work on them, so over time they just had to be pulled. i have so many cavities exposed from the lost fillings. i brush and floss as much as everyone else does, multiple times a day. my teeth are just genetically really weak.. so having no access to dental care fucking sucked even more. but now i will be able to go without THOUSANDS out of pocket... literally i cried a little at the prospect of being able to chew without pain. i can barely imagine it
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sp-ud · 2 years
I think my dentist might've fucked up when filling my cavities last week.
Like, there's a spot that looks darker than the rest and one of the teeth its near (but not the one it's on, at least from the angle I can see. Its on the side inbetween the two teeth) Has been very sensitive to sweets lately.
The same tooth that's been hurting had a very sensitive gum line with spots of blood when I first got back from the dentist.
... and i just remembered when I first got back from the dentist and looked there was some weird kinda hardened crap inbetween the same two teeth but more kinda on the gums so I scratched it off.
... I stg if when I go back for round 3 of cavity fillings and it turns out I somehow accidentally removed the filling in that area I'm gonna be so annoyed.
And I remember the dentist having trouble flossing between two of my teeth after doing one of the fillings she had to bring back out one of the like. Drills or whatever (I don't like to pay attention to what they're using)
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medicinalfoods · 8 months
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CAVITY HEALING UPDATE: I just had my first dental checkup in 7 years with my Dentist here in Hawaii. We took X-rays, got a cleaning and the results are in! ZERO Cavities! 🦷✨ Gone are the days where every check up revealed new cavities and more Drilling, Filling and Billing. And more tooth structure gone. I’m not saying this to brag (well maybe a little 🙂 But really to say, “Hey, it’s working!“ And to congratulate and encourage those of you who have been on this journey with me of healing tooth decay through cutting edge resources and nutrition. Big ups to all those taking responsibility for your health in alternative ways. Interestingly, on this recent trip to the dentist he informed me he started using nanoHydroxyapatite, a key ingredient in my Dentite Tooth Armor, even on himself. It’s exciting to see dental professionals recognizing and adopting these innovative approaches. Remember, dentists play a crucial role in tracking our progress on the Cavity Healing Lifestyle journey. Apart from using Dentite Tooth Armor, I’ve been dedicated to my cavity healing protocol which includes Oil Pulling with Gumtite Ozonated Oil, consuming fat-soluble vitamins like FCLO and Centrifuge Butter Oil. These nutrients are vital for allowing calcium and phosphorus to bond to the teeth, building strong teeth and bones… and yes, despite what dentists say… regrowing tooth enamel. Check out my full Cavity Healing Protocol for free on my site (link in bio) and take the first step towards a healthier, and more sovereign smile. A new PDF version of my Cavity Healing Protocol is available to download with your order. Let’s embrace a fluoride-free approach to strong, 💪 healthy teeth 🦷 and heal tooth decay naturally! ✨ #toothremineralization #strongteeth #fluoridefree #healtoothdecay”
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chrismerle · 8 months
so for the tooth i got root canal'd back in september, i finally got the temporary filling drilled out and replaced with a permanent filling, and i have a temporary crown. i go back in //checks calendar// a little less than three weeks to get the proper crown. they took a bunch of scans of my teeth today.
but also the filling was unexpectedly complicated. i guess part of the tooth had basically been fully consumed by decay/the cavity, so it was just filling material, so it sort of adhered to my gums, which means that by the time the temporary filling was drilled out and they were trying to do the permanent one, my gums were so irritated that just TOUCHING them made them bleed. like 60% of the appointment was just us loitering around waiting for my mouth to stop bleeding so the blood wouldn't contaminate the new filling. they put some sort of powder in my mouth that i swear was just the oral equivalent of the shit they put on dogs' toes when their nails get clipped too short.
but also the temporary filling was kind of adhered to the filling of the next tooth over. the dentist was perplexed as to how i'd been flossing (answer: i use a waterpik). so when i go back for the permanent crown they're also going to fix THAT filling because it got a bit mangled in the process.
the endodontist did not do a very neat job with the temporary filling. luckily i do not need another root canal (though i do need to get a separate filling fixed this summer)
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You're a dentist, not a doctor (rant)
I truly do not believe dentists are doctors, at least not from my experience. The ones I've seen - it's almost embarrassing to call them doctors. They know nothing about health, all they know is drill, fill, bill, brush, floss, and fluoride.
However, I did meet with dentists who were super cool and open-minded and had a complete health and holistic approach to dentistry. Meaning that they look at the entire mouth, head, and even the rest of the body. One helped me a lot with my nutrition, and the other helped me with my airway and breathing, 2 important things that are necessary for optimal oral health (along with the usual brushing and flossing). I have never had a dentist bring these up to me in the past. If they were truly doctors, they most certainly would have. For years, they never noticed my tongue tie and narrow palate which can cause a ton of health complications in the future (I'm going to need surgery to fix these). This causes gum disease, heart problems, and sleep apnea, and I don't want to deal with any serious health problems when I'm older.
The most damning thing, on top of that, is their overtreatment. My old dentists told me I have 5 cavities, my new one said I have none! They wanted to destroy 5 perfectly healthy teeth. Not only that, but my old dentists accused me of not flossing when they forgot to floss my teeth during my cleanings. They're in no position to call me out on that. And when I ask why do I have cavities they tell me I don't know. Dentists who don't know how to floss and don't know what causes cavities, you're a failure who doesn't give a fuck about my health. Don't embarrass yourself by calling yourself a doctor. You're anything but.
I was crushed and devastated, I did not want to go to the dentist for months. I even went back a few weeks ago for my x-ray reviews. The fact that I got the balls to do that and to see additional dentists for x-ray opinions rewarded me significantly in the end. I met dentists who care about my health and have a minimally invasive approach to dentistry and do not run cheap shit practices. I deserve better healthcare, I am incredibly disappointed.
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inked-succubus · 2 years
Got a permanent filling for my chip tooth today. Honestly it went better than I expected and ngl it makes me really appreciate my dentist.
Used to go to this one as a child and she was a nightmare. Sure she was nice but she was awful at providing pain management. I had to lie and say the numbing injecting wasn’t working so I could get a second dose and make sure I would stay numb. And one time during a filling for a cavity it wore off and the drilling hurt like hell. I don’t even want to imagine what getting a chip tooth repaired would be like with her 😭 Not to mention when time I got a cleaning there as a kid and when my mom checked my mouth my teeth were covered in plaque still. I think that was when we finally switched.
But my current dentist is outstanding. Only thing that hurt was when she injected the area with the numbing agent (she applied a numbing gel before hand too) and I noticed I rarely get any reports of cavities (this could be due to my dental hygiene improving and me cutting out more sugary drinks like pop)
Honestly it’s amazing what a good healthcare provider (do dentist fit under this category, idk) you can trust and feel safe with can do. I can safely say I’m no longer scared of the dentist.
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