#i got some stuff done(kind of) but asking my mom for help .= inviting herbto be mean to me for some reason
paladinncleric · 7 months
Kitchen Capers.
Pairing(s): Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
Summary: Jenna and R's attempt at 'cooking'
Warning(s): fluff
Words: 1k+
A/N: Not a big fan of this, but kinda enjoyed writing it. Hope you like it!
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"Babe." Jenna poked my cheek as I concentrated on beating my highest score on Flappy Bird.
"What?" I said giving her a quarter of my attention.
"Babe." She poked my cheek again.
"Babeeeee" She said as she repeatedly poked my cheek.
I groaned as I stared at the 'Game Over' on my screen just a few points away from my top score. I looked at her sitting beside me on the couch giving me her best innocent smile as I glared at her.
"Now what exactly do you need me for, Your Highness?"
She climbed up on my lap, straddling me, as she squished my cheeks together causing me to look like a duck, she repeatedly pecked my squished-up lips as I sat there with my arms crossed, which I eventually melted into cause who could resist her kisses? Certainly not me.
"Stop being cute and tell me what you want." I said as I caressed both her thighs exposed from her shorts while she caressed my neck, still in my lap.
"I was thinking we could make pasta to take to my mom's tonight."
"Okay...that sounds easy enough?"
"It's not."
"It's not?"
"I was thinking of making it from scratch..." Said Jenna trailing off absentmindedly playing with my shirt.
"Oh like not the store-bought kind?" I asked and she nodded.
"Well...can you?"
See, after recently moving in together we realized neither of us are all that big into cooking, with me lacking the skill and Jenna's career keeping her away most of the time. So, I've taken up some cooking classes to at least be able to feed both of us. But it's only been like a week so my skills are nowhere near good enough, I don't wanna accidentally poison someone. That's why we've been striving off of takeouts and dinners in her parent's place every once in a while.
Which is also why we've been invited to her family's house tonight for dinner, and Jenna being Jenna was determined to show them that she's capable of living alone without their help.
"Of course I can, I've watched my mom make it a hundred times." She said as she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
I chuckled and said to her, "Babe I'm sure you're aware that there's a difference between watching someone make it and making it yourself."
She stared at me annoyed, "Obviously, but how hard can it be right? I'm pretty sure I know all the stuff that goes in there."
"Are you actually sure? Cause we can call your mom an-"
"No! I want to do it all by myself and without her help for once."
I sighed at her stubbornness and said with my eyes narrowed "If I die tonight because of your food, I'm haunting you for the rest of your life."
"Wouldn't want it any other way, baby." She said with a chuckle and a quick kiss to my cheek and got up from my lap already on her way to the kitchen.
I sighed as I fall back on the couch and I pulled out my phone again to try and beat my score for the 5th time, but as soon as I got comfortable Jenna's voice boomed through the house.
I groaned as I got up and made my way to the kitchen with slumped shoulders and mumbled a quiet "Yes mom."
Jenna immediately turned towards me again and asked with a glare "What was that?" Making it clear she heard me.
"Nothing." I said avoiding eye contact with her.
"That's what I thought. Now, get to work." She said then went back to taking out all the ingredients, which I followed to do after dramatically groaning.
"Uh babe are you sure we added the right things?" I said as I looked at her trying to massage the watery dough.
"I mean, yeah, I'm pretty sure." She said with furrowed eyebrows and flour covering almost every inch of her face. I chuckled as I took a towel and turned her face towards me as I gently cleaned her face. After I was done, I gave her a kiss on her nose as she smiled at me softly and I smiled back.
"Thanks." She whispered.
I caressed her cheek with my hands as I replied, "You're welcome, gorgeous." She kissed my chin then went back to her work.
I watched her struggle for 10 more minutes as I say, " Uh we can check google if you want?"
"No! Nope! I said I'm not taking any help tonight. I'll figure it out myself." Jenna's stubborn ass said.
I sighed as I leaned back against the counter knowing it's gonna take a while. I would try and help her normally, but in these situations I'm even worse than her.
I watched her for a while, now with an hour and a half till we need to leave. When finally, she groaned and pushed away from the dough. She turned around almost into tears. I open my arms for her as she stumbles into it, her holding the back my shirt as I rub her back while trying not to instinctually move away from the wet dough smearing on my shirt from her hands.
"I really thought *sniffle* I could do this."
"Hey it's ok babe, don't be sad. I can totally become the perfect housewife/trophy wife for you after I'm done with my course. I mean, c'mon, at that point I'll almost be a professional chef."
"Shut up." She said with a giggle as she backed away from the hug and wiped under her eyes with her dough hands as she froze.
I saw her analyzing everything with wide eyes, to my dough-covered shirt, to her dough covered clothes from vigorous stirring of the dough, to her face now filled with dough to her hair and the kitchen floor covered in flour. Then finally, her eyes landed on the clock above my head which read exactly an hour left to leave.
"Shit!" She exclaimed as she ran for the bathroom.
"Hey! I need to shower too!" I yelled after her.
"Join me!"
I smirked at that and was about to respond, when she said, "Without your unholy thoughts!"
I laughed to myself, as I quickly cleaned the floor and threw the dough away while trying not to touch it. After about 10 minutes I was done, as I stripped my clothes along the way to the bathroom and threw it on the floor of the laundry room.
I finally got in the shower, as I saw Jenna washing her hair butt naked. I smirked and went to slide my hands around her waist, when she abruptly turned around and said with narrowed eyes.
"Don't even think about it."
I threw my hands up in surrender as I exaggeratedly looked her up and down with a teasing smile on my face. She groaned and went back to showering as I joined her under the water.
After showering, I wear some slightly baggy jeans with a button-up and my converse, while Jenna wears something similar too.
We both nod at each other with an approving smile, as we run towards the door with us already being 15 minutes late.
We enter their house with Nat standing and pointing at her watch at the entrance. We both sheepishly smile as I give her a quick hug and Jenna gives her a kiss on the cheek as we both move on to greet the rest of the family.
"So, how's everything going back home? Settling well?" Jenna's dad, Ed asked us after we all finally settled on the table for dinner.
"I'm sure they are, was probably too busy 'unpacking' to get here on time." Aliyah said while quoting 'unpacking' with her fingers.
I coughed as I picked up my glass to drink my water so I didn't have to reply, while Jenna subtly kicked her under the table. I saw Aliyah wince as I struggled to hold my chuckle in.
"Everything's going great Dad." Jenna clarified.
"Except." I said as Jenna's head snapped towards me as she threatened me with her eyes.
"Don't you dare."
"Her attempt at spaghetti ended up failing so bad, it was hard to distinguish the edible part."
Aliyah and her parents burst out laughing, Jenna glared at me and smacked my shoulder with her hand as I stuck my tongue out at her.
"You could have asked for my help mija.”
I saw Jenna’s shoulder slump and she pouted at the table.
“I know but I wanted to prove a point.” She grumbled as she shoved bread in her mouth.
“Yea you proved it very well.” Aliyah said sarcastically.
“I’m still proud of you for trying at least, God help me I don’t wanna step foot in a kitchen anytime soon.” I said exasperatedly.
“You ever plan on cooking?” Asked Aliyah.
“Of course but only when I have the assurance I can cook something decent and won’t burn the house down.”
“Take all the time you need, Y/N. At least in this way I get to see my daughter more often.” Said Ed taunting Jenna.
“Daaaaaad.” Whined Jenna
“What?” Said Ed laughing at his daughter as she sat pouting again.
“Okay that’s enough, let the poor girl eat.” Said Natalie as she shook her head smiling.
I unlocked the door as Jenna stomped in and went straight to our room as I sighed at her child-like antics. How can a person be so poise and yet childish? Fuck if I know. I locked the door behind me as I approached our bedroom slowly dreading what I’d have to face. I get in the room to see her getting ready to wipe her makeup already in her sleeping clothes. I stood there staring at her through the reflection of the mirror. Her eyes caught mine as she raised her eyebrows at me as I squinted my eyes at her.
“Do you have something to say?” She asked.
“Uh no…do you?” I replied as I stared at her confused.
“Oh okay great!” I brightened up significantly as I thought she had forgiven me.
I happily walked to the bathroom. Did all the necessary things, emptied my stomach, changed clothes, brushed. I happily trudged back into my room to see Jenna taking up the whole bed and my pillow nowhere to be seen.
Uh oh.
“So uh dumb question but where’s my pillow?”
“Oh they’re on the couch.”
Well, shit.
“My I ask why…?”
She just stared at me blankly as she faced away from me. I sighed and groaned as I flopped on the bed, half on her and half on the bed.
“I’m sorryyyy, we just always joke about your culinary skills and I thought you wouldn’t mind.”
“I told you I was trying to prove my independency to them, but you saying that proved the opposite.”
“Jen I’m pretty sure they know you’re independent, you literally travel country from country shooting films, most of the time alone.” I said as I looked at her quizzically.
“Well…yea but they were still reluctant with me moving in with you.” She countered back.
I laughed as I pull my head up to look at her and say “That’s because you’re their little girl and of course they’re gonna be sad and kinda worried about you moving out of their home for the first time.”
Jenna groaned as she put a pillow on top of her face and said “I knowww it’s just them being so, I don’t know, over-protective this way makes me feel like they don’t trust me with taking care of myself.”
“At the end of the day, they still let you right? focus on that. I think they let you ‘cause they know I’ll be here.” I said with a smug smile as Jenna rolled her eyes at the bullshit I just spewed.
“Also I think you’re parents think we’re like, some sort of, sex crazed people...oh my god is this why they were reluctant?” I said as I made a ‘mind blown’ face.
“No, of course not why would they think that?” Jenna said as she looked at me confused.
“Well with the way your mom makes sure we have weekly check-ups and your dad’s The, by the way very terrifying, ‘Talk’ he gave me I’m pretty sure they do.”
“Oh my god, shut up you’re being ridiculous.” Jenna said laughing as I smiled finally hearing it.
We laid there for a while, me half on her and half on the bed as she stroked my hair. After a while, she stops and says.
“I’m still mad at you though.”
“Oh please, woman you’re not fooling anyone.” I say as I get up to get my pillow back.
“Ugh you’re lucky you’re cute." She said and I responded with a 'duh' face.
"The lower half of my body is numb because of you asshole.” Jenna said as she wiggles her toes in my face as I stand in the doorway of our bedroom and smack her feet away.
“This is what it feels like being the bigger spoon most of the time, except it's the upper half, so now YOU deal with it.” I say as I quickly stick my tongue out and move out of the way as a pillow comes straight to the door. I stuck my head in again as I look at the pillow and her on the bed with deadpan eyes and say.
“Hahaha you miss-“ a pillow smacks against my face.
“Now go get your pillow and hurry up I’m tired.” Jenna said as she situated herself on the bed again.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Does it actually feel bad to be the bigger spoon?”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“But you just said.”
“I like it as long as you’re my little spoon.”
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the girl next door 12
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
“How about it, Holly?” Steve’s voice brings you back from your trance.
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You only realise then that you’ve zoned out. You look down at your plate, your burger half-eaten and the salad mostly gone. As your mom babbled on, you’d lost yourself staring out at the lawn. It didn’t really matter, she barely acknowledged you since you came out with dinner.
You glance between her and Steve, lost in the conversation already underway.
“I’d love that, it will be nice,” your mom answers, beaming across the table; the shade of the umbrella gathering in the lines of her face.
“How about you, kiddo? Grab you pajamas and join the party,” Steve looks at you.
“Huh?” You and your mom utter in unison.
“Both of us?” She asks in a brittle quaver.
“Yeah, sure, it’ll be a nice way to connect. Holly, I know you’re a mother first, it’s a package deal.”
“Mm, yeah, I just... I misinterpreted,” she puts her hand against her neck. “A sleepover, that’s fun.”
“I felt bad about last time. Don’t want anyone left out of movie night. I got popcorn, mph,” he turns to you again, “do you like cream soda? I got some cane stuff in the glass bottles--”
“That’s a lot of sugar,” your mother murmurs.
“It’s one night,” he shrugs, “it won’t hurt. Lots to go around.”
“I guess...” she forces a smile.
“Well, we can always hold off. I did promise ice cream,” he sits back and claps his thighs. “You all done?”
You stare at the table then look up in the silence. You don’t realise he’s talking to you. You nod. Your stomach won’t settle. It’s been off all day; you wonder if maybe the maple syrup was a bit too much yesterday.
“I’ll wrap it up for you, you can have it later if you want,” he stands and takes your plate, then your mother’s and his own. Where you nibbled through barely half, they had nothing left.
You sit back and cross your arms as Steve goes inside. Your mother sighs and glares past you. She’s annoyed even if you hadn’t made the decision yourself. You didn’t even accept the invitation.
“Sorry,” you mumble.
“Whatever,” she rolls her eyes, “you just can’t help but get in the way.”
She leans forward. When she’s angry, her tremors worsen. She’s barely able to keep her head still.
“I didn’t...”
“Oh, be quiet. He only feels bad for you because he knows I can’t get rid of you,” she sneers. “He knows you have nothing go for you. No job, no friends, no hobbies.” She sits back and huffs, “I tried to raise you better. I really did. I don’t know what happened.”
You lower your head. Maybe you can come up with a lie. If you can find an excuse to leave, she won’t be able to hate you.
“I could say I’m not feeling well--”
“Just stay out of the way,” she snarls.
You sniff and turn away, hiding the gloss of tears in your eyes. Sometimes, you don’t do anything at all and she’s mad. You hear Steve coming back out and you wipe your nose, keeping your face down as you shrink.
You can be invisible. You’re good at that.
Not wanting to seem ungrateful, you accept a bowl of ice cream and finish it. Strawberry. It's delicious but you just can't enjoy it. You're uneasy, unsure.
You go to grab some pajamas, your mother issuing another warning before you return to Steve's. You wear a pair of polka dot bottoms and a jersey shirt. You'll just be watching tv, and hopefully, if you can settle down, sleeping.
Your mother sits on the couch. You can see the fatigue quivering in her lip and drooping in her eyelids. She never did as much before your new neighbour. You only ever stayed inside and wilted in the sunlight.
"Holly, you need anything?" Steve asks as he pushes up the ottoman, "how about you put your feet up. I just wanted to show her something."
"What's that?" Your mom asks.
"Oh, yeah, well, I know she likes art so I wanted to show her my studio. Or office, whatever you wanna call it."
"Mm, right. Upstairs, huh?" She grumbles.
"Right," he confirms, "we won't be too long. You can find a movie." He hands her the remote, "I had some extra pencils and stuff I found on the move. Figured she could take em off my hands."
"Sure, sure," she yawns and leans her head in her hands. You can't tell if she's witholding herself out of exhaustion or for Steve's benefit.
"Come on. We'll just pop up for minute," Steve nudges your arm.
You hug one arm across your stomach and push your shoulder up. You take his direction as he points you actoss the room. You go to the stairs and climb one by one.
Further down, he takes you into another room, just across from an open bedroom. You shuffle inside and can't help marvel at the interior. The walls are hung with still lifes in pencil, charcoal, and ink, and an easel stands by the window, a large drafting table at the center of the room.
"You do these?" You ask bluntly.
"Ha, yeah, I... when I saw your sketchbook, I admit, I got a bit excited. A fellow artist."
"You're an artist? You make money off of this?"
"Sure do," he smiles proudly. "Did some time in the army then had to get out, find some peace. Always found painting calms me."
"I wanted to say something sooner but I wanted to show you," he enters and brushes by you, hand dragging across your back. "Let me find those pencils."
You nod and pace cautiously around the table. There's an open sketchbook. A woman's naked back greets you, a piece of fabric draped around her hips as her refined profile is etched perfectly.
He's good. Better than you. You back away as he sorts through the shelf.
'Ah, here," he turns to you again, "pencils, sketchbook, oh and maybe you'll want these watercolours. I was sent two by accident."
"Oh, uh, thanks, but... you don't have to."
"You're talented. You'll make good use of them, I know it."
"Mm, I... try."
"There's this place I know. Great view. Maybe you can come one day. Good fodder," he offers. "Trees, water, and the sunset..."
"Maybe," you agree half-heartedly.
"Then maybe you can bring it to my next art show."
"Art show?" You mutter, eyes rounding.
"Sure. It'll be good for you. I know you take care of your mom and that's sweet but you gotta make your way. Eventually."
"I know," you slump and take the sketchbooks and flat tins from him. "Thank you. I..." you look at the brand names. You know they're expensive from the catalogues you look at but never buy from. "No one... these are so nice. I appreciate it."
"No problem, sweetie. Let me know if you need anything else. Hell, if you want a quiet place to work..." he stops behind you and looks around, "even just an escape..."
“That's okay,” you say as you go back into the hall.
You head back downstairs, the pencils clattering just a little in your hands. As you enter the living room, you hear a snort. Your mom's head lolls back against the couch as she snores. Steve walks into you from behind as he stops too late.
“Oop,” he frames your hips for just a moment as he presses again your back then parts. “Sleepyhead,” he chuckles and sidles past you, a waft of his cologne filling your lungs. He didn't smell so strongly before. “Well, guess it's your choice, sweetie,” he takes the remote and holds it out to you.
“Oh, uh, you choose,” you try to wave him off but he pushes the remote into your hand.
“You can put your stuff on the table,” he points to the sketchbook clutches against your chest, “better get cozy while I get the popcorn going.”
Before you can argue, he's gone. You turn to look at your mom. Why did she have to fall asleep? She could've said no to all of this, that she's too tired. Now it's you and Steve. Hopefully, the movie keeps the chatter to a minimum.
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AITA for trying to block evade?
This happened several years ago, so I'll put the ages that we were at the time.
I [17F at the time], had an extremely close friend [17F] of 3+ years, and I still haven't found any kind of friendship that came close to the level of trust / openness that was there. So some of this backstory ranges from 14yrs to 17yrs.
My home was abusive, and she and her mom helped me figure out what was rational vs irrational, normal vs not normal, and pointing out local resources to get help - which was absolutely amazing and I could not thank them enough.
She invited me to her house pretty regularly, a couple times a week. We'd have hours of skype calls. She got me roped into Undertale & the fandom. Well, not that we really interacted with the fandom at large. We only publically posted some of the art and barely got noticed haha. Between the two of us, we had something like 26 AUs and had a lot of rp with multiverse shenanigans - like over 1200+ pages of google docs rp, because that's where we did like 90% of it. After we hit like 100-200 pages, we'd make a new doc so it wouldn't take so long to load. And we had like, at least like 9 docs I think. I was mostly in it for her, because it was really fun to just make up stories together. I could've done it with any fandom she threw at me, undertale is just the one that was popular at the time.
At one point, I think when we were around 16, I asked her if she wanted to start dating. She said something along the lines of maybe in the future, but not right now - she wanted to focus on school. Even though she declined at the time, she did say she appreciated me asking and that it meant a lot to her. And there were 0 hard feelings about the answer, we just kept on going the way we were going.
She got hit with a really bad level of depression, and stopped coming to school. After 2-3 days, I started calling her every day around lunch time just to check in on her and see how she was doing. See if there was anything I could do to help - bring some snacks, catch her up on classwork for the couple classes we shared, stuff like that. This was for couple months. More than just a mental health day, and the only reason she gave was Depression.
After a week or two of the daily calls, there was probably an aspect of toxic positivity on my end. Like "You gotta Do Something to avoid being trapped in your misery, even if it's just baby steps like sitting outside on the porch or going on a walk down the block" Not maliciously, but more out of not knowing how to handle a situation like this & genuinely wanting to help her because of all the help she's offered me in the past & fueled a little bit by fear because Depresssion is the excuse that my abusive parents used to justify their shitty behavior & neglect. Not because I was afraid of what she'd do to me, but more what she'd do to herself. That's one of the only things I could think where I went wrong, which I completely acknowledge and understand now.
She was still inviting me to her house, and we were still doing our normal thing there. Drawing and writing stories together.
After 4-5 weeks [? estimate, time is an illusion] of her not showing up to school, I can't remember if I asked if it was helpful or if she suggested that I stop calling every day. Calling every day was making her feel worse.
I did end up calling the next day or two at lunch - crossing the boundary was not my intent. We had planned to hang out on the weekend again, lunch is just when I remembered & had time to call to ask if she still wanted to hang out or if she wanted some space. I think she said yes to hanging out, didn't mention anything about crossing the boundary. Same with the next day - there was something I needed to ask clarification on, it wasn't a check in, nothing was mentioned of the boundary. I can't remember what it was now. This is another one of the places where I think I went wrong, which I acknowledge & understand.
I did stop the check ins like requested though. After those two off days, I did stop calling her every day at lunch.
She finished out the school year having shown up to class maybe 3ish times, I think.
Again, we were still hanging out regularly. There was no indication that I was doing anything wrong, there was no indication that anything I was doing was wrong. She was still the one inviting me to hang out at least half the time.
There were some problems that I was noticing that I just wanted to have a casual chat about and figure out, but she kept pushing it off as a "I don't have the energy right now, we can talk about it later" and we'd go back to the fun things. I don't really remember what those problems were.
In the summer, I went to a different state to visit my older sister that I hadn't seen in years. I talked to her about it, I was excited for it. We were still chatting regularly during my trip over skype or discord.
And then, during my trip that I was so excited about, she drops this bombshell. She sends me several massive messages detailing out a bullet point list of everything I've done wrong, that she's explicitly breaking off the friendship, and blocks me. 95% of things on that list either flat weren't true, or gross misunderstandings of what happened.
It was genuinely horrible things too.
For example, one of the things on the list was "Suicide baiting" or "Suicide guilt tripping" or something along those lines, which had happened several months if not a year before this. -I've only ever communicated feeling acutely suicidal to her 1 time. -Long before that, she made me promise that if I ever felt suicidal that I was supposed to immediately talk to her about it, for her own peace of mind so she wouldn't worry about me. -I reached a point of feeling acutely suicidal due to abuse at home & general existential dread, that happened to be during a time we had an issue.
I purposefully waited until after the issue was resolved, like 2 weeks, before telling her. I did that specifically so it would not be taken as a guilt trip or a form of coercion while still holding as true as I could to my promise. She made me promise to tell her, it was something very important to her. I made very clear to say "this is something I experienced a couple weeks ago due to unrelated things, it is resolved now, I got help through xyz means and genuinely feel better. You made me promise to tell you so I am telling you, I didn't want to say anything while we were having a problem for xyz reason." I just wanted to talk, and clear up the misunderstandings. I wanted to have a good conversation about figuring out where the communication went wrong, try and figure out how she came to these conclusions, and how that differs from my point of view. Do something to work it out, and just talk about it, and try and salvage this 3+ year friendship.
After I realized I was blocked, I was going through so so many emotions all at once. The whiplash of going from 5 to 100, Upset that I wasn't given any sort of chance to explain, the 5 stages of grief, being thrown away like the gum off your shoe, worrying about her and if this was the stage of isolation for depression, holding out the hope that we could still just talk and work things out, angry that she kept pushing off and refusing to have any sort of serious talk before this, doubting if anything she had said on 'normal vs not normal' - particularly communication styles, thoughts that maybe she was abusive and manipulative all along, maybe I was continuing the cycle of abuse, trauma flashbacks, anxieties that I had since squashed as 'irrational', fear that this was a sign that she was about to fucking kill herself and maybe the whole list was a lie so I wouldn't try and reach out and stop her, doubting my own reality and maybe the entire list she sent me was true and she was justified in her actions.
Simultaneously trying to process intense feelings and realities if it was true and I'm really secretly a horrible monster, if it wasn't true and she was about to die, and old traumas getting dug out of the grave.
God I was such an emotional wreck and did not know how to process or understand anything that was happening.
This is where the AITA comes in -
I was pushing through back to back panic attacks trying to contact her and figure out what was going on. I didn't want her to die, if that's what was happening. I didn't want to be discarded and thrown away like a piece of trash, if that's what was happening. I didn't want to have 0 chance of learning & growing as a person even if this friendship wasn't salvageable due to my monstrous nature, if that's what was happening.
So I block evaded like fckn crazy. Gmail, pet game sites, discord, skype, deviantart, whatever online platform that we shared that had messaging enabled. I called her phone several times. On the 3-4th call, her mom picked up and told me that none of the above was true. That she wasn't about to die, that I wasn't being thrown away like trash, and that I wasn't a monster. She didn't agree with her daughters actions and thought it unfair to me, but ultimately it was my friend's choice. All simultaneously which just did not compute.
If the list she sent me was true, I was a shitty horrible person. If it wasn't, and she isn't about to die, then not be able to just have a calm sit-down conversation at some point about it and clear it up - if I wasn't worth even attempting to make that effort then I was being thrown away like trash. I kept trying for days afterwards to talk to her - just, anything at all. Nothing got through, she never responded to anything.
And... that was that.
I didn't have a chance to talk to her again. I didn't have a chance to clear up misunderstandings, or understand what I did actually wrong and where, or any sort of closure.
Sometimes if I'm remembering it and feeling paranoid, I'll check and see if she's alive by looking at her online profiles for any activity. Like, maybe once a year tops now. According to the petgame sites, she's still alive at least. I'm assuming she got new social media. Literally it's just a "is she alive, do I have to worry about causing her suicide" check, I don't stalk or look into anything further than that.
Anyway, AITA for how extensively & desperately I was block evading?
What are these acronyms?
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wheels-of-despair · 2 years
Classy Girl and the Scruffy Boy Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie's girl invites him over for a romantic dinner and a movie. It's... not exactly what he expected. Contains: Dinner and a movie? Word Count: 1.2k-ish
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"Hi," you whisper, easing yourself onto Eddie's lap in the school library.
"Hi?" he responds, a little surprised to see you.
You wrap an arm around his shoulders, and his circle around your waist. He tilts his chin up for a kiss, which you gladly give him.
"So I just found out that Mom has a meeting this evening," you tell him quietly, "and she won't be home 'til late. I'll have the house allll to myself."
"Oh yeah?" he asks, instantly perking up.
"What are you gonna do with that big empty house all to yourself?"
"Hmmm…" you wonder aloud, tapping your chin thoughtfully with your free hand. "I thought maybe I could invite this really cute guy over… and I could make him a romantic dinner… and we could watch one of the best love stories ever told."
"Is it a chick flick?"
"It's not a chick flick."
"It's a chick flick."
"It's about a classy girl who falls for a scruffy boy. I think it's technically a love story, but there's some pretty scary stuff in it too. I might need you to hold me."
He looks like he's considering it.
"If you're a good boy, maybe we could even re-enact one of my favorite love scenes."
His eyes widen.
"It might get a little messy, though," you tease with a whisper.
"That's what I thought," you give him a kiss on the forehead and rake your fingers through his hair.
"I've gotta get back to class. Meet you at the van after school?"
He nods, breathing a little harder, his pupils blown. You lean down for another kiss and get off his lap. He gives your ass a smack as you walk away, and you turn to shoot him a fake glare before spinning back around and heading toward the exit with a grin on your face.
He'll never know what hit him.
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He was already by the van when you arrived at 3:03. His last class of the day was farther away than yours; he must've run all the way there.
You had him stop by Bradley's Big Buy on the way home to get a few extra ingredients. He didn't mind. It was for him, after all.
When you got home, you put your groceries away, sat at the table, and started pulling homework out of your backpack.
"What are you doing?"
"Eddie, it's not even 4 yet. Are you seriously ready for dinner already?"
He pouts.
"Go get your damn books, I know you've got work to do."
His jaw drops indignantly.
But he listens.
Two hours and several completed assignments he'd been putting off later, he's happily watching you move around the kitchen, making the romantic dinner he was promised. He wasn't thrilled about being tricked into doing work, but you'd helped him get enough done to keep his teachers off his back for a few days, so that was nice. Now, he got to relax, and see what kind of surprise you had planned.
Oh, Eddie. If only you knew who you were dealing with.
Some time later, you bring two steaming bowls of spaghetti into the living room and place them on the coffee table next to your glasses of soda and a plate of bread, buttered and toasted to perfection.
"Do you want me to put the movie in?"
"It's already in," you answer, picking up the remote and turning the TV on, trying to contain your glee. You'd put the tape in while he was taking a bathroom break, not wanting to risk him seeing the box and ruining the surprise.
The VCR clunks to life, and you fast-forward through the previews. You press play and watch him from the corner of your eye.
He's confused. He's so confused.
"This is a cartoon."
You say nothing, struggling to keep your face blank.
Once he realizes he's been had, he grabs the remote and presses stop, then turns to you with a hard look in his eyes.
"What the fuck?"
"What?" you ask innocently.
He gestures to the TV.
"You were promised a romantic dinner and a love story, were you not?"
"You didn't say it was Lady and the Fucking Tramp!"
"I said it was a love story about a classy girl and a scruffy boy."
His jaw clenches.
"You said it was scary."
"Have you SEEN the size of that freakin' rat? That's trying to EAT THE BABY?"
He fumes. He fumes at you for tricking him, and at himself for falling for something like this AGAIN.
"You purposely got me all worked up over a CARTOON!"
"It's not my fault you're a pervert!" You bite back your laughter.
"I had to go to the BATHROOM during ENGLISH and rub one out!"
You lose it.
"THAT'S IT!" he yells and lunges at you, howling with laughter at his expense. Next thing you know, you're on your back and he's on top of you, nipping at your neck and grinding against you.
"Oh yeah, you got me good Munson, please stop this unbearable torture!" you choke out between cackles.
He goes limp, dropping all his weight on top of you. He may look little, but it knocks the wind out of you with an "oof!"
You wiggle, trying to shake him off. He moans. Nevermind.
He lifts his head and cocks an eyebrow. "Wait, what were we supposed to be re-enacting from the DOG movie?"
"The spaghetti scene, duh."
"The what?"
"Have you not seen it?"
"Not… all of it?"
"Get up. This is unacceptable."
"So we're not going to do anything? After all that?"
"I mean, if you don't mind cold bread and reheated spag--"
And suddenly his mouth is on yours, your romantic dinner growing cold just a few feet away.
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Your mother returns from her meeting a few hours later, eyes narrowing when she sees Eddie's van in the driveway. She's still wary about you two being alone together. She debates between loudly announcing herself so she doesn't see anything gross, or quietly coming in and catching you in the act, which would secure free, complaint-free labor for the deep cleaning she'd been putting off.
The house is silent when she enters. There's a big pot of spaghetti on the stove, and the kitchen table is covered with books and what appears to be finished homework. Curiosity getting the better of her, she creeps toward the living room, still a little afraid of what she might find.
But it's a blue screen on the TV, a pile of dirty dishes on the coffee table, and two fully clothed teenagers sleeping on the couch. She turns off the TV and goes to get herself a bowl of spaghetti.
You later told her how you Lady and the Tramped him with the promise of a romantic dinner and a love story about a classy girl and a scruffy boy, and she'd laughed almost as hard as you had. (You'd also told her how Eddie had teared up when he saw all the sad dogs at the pound, but she was forbidden from ever repeating that.) That was the day she decided that maybe you could be trusted together. You two definitely weren't like other teenagers.
What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
Friends help each other
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Requested: No
Pairings: Tommy Lee x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Semi Dark!Obesssive!Tommy, innocent!reader, loss of virginity, coercion, manipulation (but make it hot), dub/con, I think that’s it.
A/n: Both you and Tommy are 19 in this and it’s set around the start of motley.
Summary: Your best friend invites you over to his house, but it’s not what you expected.
You laughed over the loud rock and roll music that was playing from the stereo of Tommy’s car. The two of you had just got done eating at the diner when he invited you to hang out at his place. You love going to Tommy’s house, so of course you accepted! You hoped his mom was there so she could maybe teach you some more recipes. She was more like a mom to you than your real mom, she cared about you like your real mom didn’t.
Once he pulled in the driveway, you noticed the main car was gone. He noticed your look of confusion, “Mom and dad took Athena to Disneyland today. Sorry, forgot to mention it.”
“No, it’s fine.” You said before the two of you got out of the car and walked towards the house. Once inside, you couldn’t help but get this feeling. Sure, you’ve hung out plenty of times when his family wasn’t home, but this time felt…off. Maybe it’s the air, the house is warm and stuffy because the AC wasn’t needed when no one was home.
“Hey, Tommy can you turn on the air conditioner? It’s kind of hot in here.” You asked as you sat down on the couch at an uncomfortably slow pace.
“Sure.” He responded before adjusting the thermostat. “Let’s go to my room.”
For some reason, you didn’t want to go to his room. “Umm I kind of wanna stay out here. Maybe we can watch a movie?” You offered.
You could almost hear the low groan he let out but you didn’t quite reach your ears. “Nah, I wanna show you some new stuff I’m working on.” Yes, his new band Motley Crue that was supposed to be very successful. You could only hope. You’d honestly do anything for Tommy especially to make him happy and successful.
“Oh- okay.” You said before getting up off the couch and following him to his room. You walked in and sat on his bed watching as he locked the door. That’s weird, he never locks the door. He took his brown leather jacket off and threw it on the floor before sitting next to you on the bed. Close enough to where your thighs were touching.
“Hey.” He said in a soft voice.
“Hey.” You said back, “So, what have you been working on?”
“Actually,” he said shifting impossibly closer to you. Your heart rate picked up. And were suddenly so captivated by his features. His tan skin, long brown hair, brown eyes and a dopey smile that always gives you butterflies.
“Y/n, you remember when I met you that first day of sophomore year?” How could you forget? He bumped into you in the hallway made you fall, scraping your knee. He felt guilty so he took you out to lunch to make it up to you. Ever since then you’ve been best friends.
“Yes, of course. What about it?” You chuckled softly not knowing where he was going with this.
“And we’ve been friends for three years.” Tommy stated and you nodded in confirmation.
The brunette suddenly took your hand and placed it on the bulge in his pants. You gasped, trying to move your hand away but he was so much stronger than you, and kept your hand there.
“Tommy…what are you doing?” You asked.
“Do you feel that? Every time I look at you and you’re in one of those skirts like you are right now this happens to me. Care to help a guy out?”
“What? No! You’re…we’re…we can’t. Are you insane?” You asked. Though, part of you wanted it. You felt butterflies and a tingle in your core when he put your hand on his crotch.
“We’re friends right?” He asked a little more sternly this time.
“Of course-“
“Friends help each other. That’s what friends are for.” He cut you off. The drummer caressed your face, now having let go of your hand. His other hand snakes behind your lower back. “You understand, don’t you honey?”
You nodded. “Good girl.” He whispered before leaning in to kiss you. His lips were soft, warm, comforting. You kissed him back with such ease since you’ve already had a first kiss.
The kiss became more passionate and he slowly leaned forward, making you lean back before eventually falling to lay on the bed. Tommy stayed on top of you, kissing more rougher, his more primal side coming out. He began kissing down your neck, then your collarbone before slowly undoing the buttons on your shirt. You froze. “Um I don’t-“ “Shh, it’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you. Just let me see those beauties huh?” A cheeky smirk was plastered on your friends face as he continued to unbutton your shirt. Once it was completely unbuttoned, he forcefully pulled it off you when you didn’t move.
“Come on baby, don’t make this difficult for me.” He groaned and it shot straight to your core. Something about how demanding he was really did something to you. Made you see him in a different light. Of course you’ve always had a crush on Tommy, who wouldn’t? But now you’re having lustful feelings for him.
You arched your back so he could in lip your bra in which he muttered a “good girl.”
Tommy was happy that you were slowly giving into him. He’s wanted you for a long time now. He started fantasizing about you in all different kinds of ways. One of how you’d be such a sweet wife for him to come home to after a long day at the studio. One to call on tour. And you’d stay home for him like a good girl.
Once your bra was off he immediately went to grope and massage your breasts before pulling and erect nipple into his mouth. You gasped, never have felt this feeling before.
“What?” He asked.
“I-I’ve never felt this way before.”
“You’ve never touched yourself?”
You shook your head, and he caressed your chin, “You poor thing. So when you get turned on you just let that little pussy drip? Aww poor baby. Don’t worry Tommy’s here now.” His voice was soft and full of empathy it seemed, making you feel safe. You’ve always felt safe with him.
The brunette continued his assault on your nipples before kissing his way down your stomach causing goosebumps to arise.
Once he reached the waistband of your shorts, he unbuttoned them and tugged them off. He then got rid of your panties as well.
He sat back on his knees and admired you before taking off his shirt. You admired his slim body, trailing your eyes down all the way to his very large bulge. He smirked at your ogling before leaned down again and gently spreading your legs to see your soaked pussy.
You tried to close them but he forced them back open again. You watched as he licked his lips before diving in and licking a bold stripe against it. You squirmed, never feeling this feeling before and threw your head back, almost screaming at the feeling. Tommy flicked his tongue on your clit and you bit down on your bottom lip, fisting the sheets. “Mmm Tommy…” you whimpered.
“What is it, honey?” He asked and as he asked you he slipped a finger inside your tight, wet hole. Your mouth fell open in a gasp, you looked at him with wide doe eyes.
Tommy was living for how you were reacting to him. It’s all he’s ever wanted besides being in a band. “Come on, you can tell me.”
“It feels…so…good.” You mustered the words out. He smirked, “I know it does baby.”
The drummer pumped his finger in out of your slowly before adding a second, curling them and hitting that special spot you didn’t even know existed. As he did this he rubbed his thumb on your clit making you scream as you felt this overstimulating tingle that made your brain go fuzzy.
“Tommy I don’t know, this ah! It’s too much stop!” You cried.
“Don’t worry baby. It’s normal you’re about to come it’s okay, let it go. I’m right here sweet girl.” And you clenched around him as an overwhelming sensation overcame your senses.
You screamed in pleasure. “Good girl!” Tommy praised. He slowly pulled his fingers out after you came down from your high and licked them clean.
He then stood up to undo his belt and pulled his jeans and boxers down. Your eyes widened at his length. He was…big. And you never had sex before.
You sat up in a panic before trying to leave but he pushed you back down. “Stay.” He commanded you as if you were a dog. And it did something to you.
He lined himself up to your entrance before pushing in. You squealed, tears springing in your eyes. He pressed a kiss to your lips before wiping your tears away with his thumb.
“Tommy, it hurts.” You cried.
“Shh, I know baby.” He cooed. “Fuck your tight.” He moaned, rolling his eyes in the back of his head as he picked up the pace, thrusting in and out of you. The pain quickly faded into pleasure and you began moaning with him as well.
“Thatta girl.” Tommy cooed.
It wasn’t long before he came to his own orgasm, finishing inside you. He cleaned the two of you up before laying next to you, pulling you to rest your head on his chest. You could feel his heart beating fast.
Then something hit you, “Oh my god you..you..you finished inside me! I’m gonna get pregnant!”
“Shh, it’s okay. They have pill for stuff like that it’s okay. Besides it’s good practice for when we actually have kids.”
“Wait what?”’
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maginxlia · 2 years
Staring Draken In ✰ Second Chance At Love
Cast line up Draken x Black Fem! Reader
Rated TV-MA
Minors This Isn’t For You
Summary Requested By The Beautiful @lovelygeniegirl1012 , Draken Falling In love with you after his divorce! It get spicy towards the end!
After His Divorce from Emma, Draken's main concern was Hana his Beautiful daughter the two of them shared. He didn't care about finding love again hell that was the last thing on his mind but then he met You.
It was a Saturday, how could he forget? He had his daughter for the weekend and Emma didn't have time to get Hana's hair done So Draken was forced to attempt a style on his daughter's curly hair, So Happened his Daughter was very Particular about how her hair was done and for a One Year old she was very demanding. Draken could only sigh in desperation as Hana threw a fit while her hair looked worse than before he started.
Draken's only choice was to call Akkun and see if he could fit them in for an appointment, “ Sorry Draken but I'm all booked up for the Weekend. I do have a New Stylist here who is amazing with children and She Specializes In Different Hair Textures. I'm sure Hana would love her” Akkun replied back to Draken as Draken Tried his best to soothe his daughter. “We will be over there before one, Thank you so much Akkun,” Draken said while Breathing a sigh of relief.
Walking Into Akkun Hair Studio Draken had Hana firmly in his arms as he greeted Akkun, “ Hey Y/N, Your client is here” Akkun said before getting back to styling his client's hair. Draken watched as you walked from the Back “ Sorry about that Akkun, Akemi didn't want to take her nap” You sighed before greeting Draken, “ Hello. My Name is Y/N and It's my pleasure to style your little one's hair today. What's the little princess's name if you don't mind me asking??” You said while Draken took in your beautiful Face before answering. “Hana and My name is Ken but everyone calls me Draken” Draken answered while shaking your soft hand before handing Hana to you.
Draken sat down as he observed you detangling and Styling Hanas Hair, He had to admit his eyes stayed on you. You were beautiful with your full curves and gorgeous skin that glowed in the sunlight that shone through the shop windows, It didn't help that you were tender and so kind to Hana as you took care of her hair. Hana didn't Fuss once while you comb through her curls
You didn't take long styling her hair or Maybe you did, Draken didn't notice time slipping by as he was too busy admiring you. “ All done Hana! You look absolutely beautiful” You said while smiling as Draken approached you, “ How Much would it be?” Draken asked as he got out his wallet. “ Nine Thousand yen (66 USD!)” you answered him softly while he handed you 15,000 Yen (110 USD!). “ Don't worry about the change” Draken said while giving you a soft smile as you thanked him
“ Hana, let's get you some ice cream for behaving so well. Do you want to come with us?? Of course, you can Bring Akemi.” Draken asked you while Hana Played with his hair, “You can go, I can take care of the shop” Akkun said while you were mulling over whether you should go or not. “ Thank you Akkun, Let me get Akemi.” You said while grabbing your stuff before walking to the back to get your daughter
Draken and You watched your babies eat their ice cream while you two chatted, “ I don't see any ring on your finger, does that mean you are single??” You asked Draken while your eyes stayed on the girls, “ Divorced before Hana's first Birthday but her Mom and I share custody , what about you? Are you single?” Draken asked you a question of his own. “Divorced Before Akemi's first Birthday too, Her dad travels for work a lot so it's just us” you answered back before getting up and Wiping Akemi's face with a napkin
“It's been nice Draken but I want to get back to the shop and help out Akkun, Thank you for inviting us,” you said with a smile before handing your number to him while Akemi laid her head on your chest while waving at Hana, “ Call me sometimes, Goodbye Hana and Draken,” You said as your heels clicked away.
Draken would never forget that day. Ever since that day you found time in your busy schedule for him, you stopped calling Him Draken and now refer to him as Your Kenny. you’re such a good mother and such a hard worker but you always make time for Hana and Him. Needless to say, He's madly in love with you…. “ Kenny, are you okay baby? You asked him while he stared at you from across the table, “ Just thinking about how hard-working you are” Draken said while smiling back at you, “ To us and the success of your new shop” Draken raised his glass as you both toasted.
With Hana with her mother and Akemi with the sitter, The two of you could relax and get fully wrapped in each other. Draken could barely unlock his door as his lips moved on your neck sucking away as you moaned his ear
“ Kenny, I need to feel you inside me,” you said needily as you grind your ass against him making Draken Groan, “ Fuck. let me open the door baby” Draken said while he was finally able to unlock the door
His fingers tugged under your dress pulling your thong off you as You palmed him through his pants while you two walked into his apartment. He was quick to pull your dress up as he got on his knees “ So wet already” Draken said while he pushed your folds apart with his fingers while he begin licking your pussy
His Tongue fucking up into you while you grinded yourself on his face as you held up your dress “ So good Kenny” you Moaned as you lost yourself in pleasure, His lips wrapping around your clit ever so often driving you wild as you freed your titties from your dress before pinching your nipples
“ Taste so sweet,” He said as he pulled his face from your pussy, “ Let Me taste you Kenny” You whined as he shook his head. “ Tonight is all about your pleasure baby,” Draken said before getting back to eating you out
Your eyes rolled as you came hard on his tongue as he lapped you up, “ Please Kenny fuck me” You moaned as he got up from the floor before leading you to his bedroom while you took down his hair
You took off your dress before laying on your belly on his bed, your fat ass bare to him as he stroked his dick. “ Fuck. So Beautiful” Draken said while he slowly entered your pussy letting you get adjusted to his size as his big dick stretched you so good making you moan his name
Your pussy felt so good to him that he had to close his eyes before giving you slow deep strokes, “ Feel so good gripping my dick” Draken said as he fucked up into you. Your pussy holding him tight with each thrust as his hands held your ass as it bounced against him
“So fucking Hot” Draken groaned as he fuck you deep, his dick easily finding your G-Spot making you arch your back while you shaked your ass making Draken spank you, “Alway giving your all even as I fuck you” Draken grunted while he fucked you so hard the bed moved under you
“Kenny Ahh Gonna cum” You moaned as you met his thrusts making him lay against you as he fuck into you ever so deeper, “Cum for me baby” He commanded as you obeyed him. Your Orgasm came down on you hard as you struggled to keep your back arched, Draken hands roaming your body as your pussy creamed around him while throbbing making him groan your name
Draken could barely pull out of you before cumming on your back saying your name Broken with each rope of cum that shot out of him “Fuck. Y/N, you're perfect” He groaned as he got up to get a wet towel to clean you up with
“I need to buy Akkun a Gift for Introducing us,” Draken thought as he wiped down your back before kissing the back of your neck.
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Please Don’t Steal My Shit
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littlerosetrove · 6 months
HOLY SHIT!!!!! 🩷💜💙 I have a lot to say.
My initial Spoiler Thoughts for 7x4 in no particular order.
The Bachelor stuff, as expected, was cringe. In a fun way, but still cringe. Chimney definitely has a little crush on Joey (hello bi Chimney? 👀), and clearly Maddie and Josh are huge Bachelor fans. I learned that it was Jennifer LH that loves the show and so pitched this crossover to the writers. Good on her since she helped create Madney and Buddie. <3
Eddie gave Buck a look at Buck's comment of, “Sorry, I have a rule that I don’t date anyone I meet on a call.” 
Bobby could tell something was off with Harry… from the waffles? Also, was that the same actor who plays Harry? It’s been a couple years, so no surprise he’s grown a lot and looks a bit different since we last saw him I think in maybe season 5A.  
That has to be a low-key dig at Buck with Eddie saying “...it’s like that thing when you meet somebody and you just, click.” A reference to the cemetery scene and Buck saying the nonsense about how Natalia, after talking twice, sees him. As Eddie should. 
Ravi is back! He looked fantastic and beautiful. Heh, loved the brief comedy bit of him asking who was gonna go into the sewer. 
Eddie had Marisol babysit Chris twice in one week? ……..I feel mixed about that. I know Eddie is in a better place than he was with Ana, but for him to leave his kid with his, as far as we can tell, casual girlfriend? What confuses me and makes this harder to even analyze for why Eddie is comfortable with this is that, hi. We still know jack shit about Marisol. We just know she and Eddie are casual boyfriend and girlfriend, but not serious. And because we don’t know anything about Marisol nor their relationship, there’s too much to guess why Eddie is, again, cool with having Marisol babysit Chris. I’ve also seen some Latina folks, in the past few days, comment on the stereotype of people like Ana and Marisol playing “the perfect” girlfriend, being motherly and such, and there not really being anything else there. I have no further comment on that, but something to put out there I guess.  
Buck complained to Maddie about Eddie having a new friend. And Maddie saying that Buck probably kept digging at Chris for questions. Buck is definitely feeling very insecure that Chris finds Tommy cool, and has some kind of connection with Tommy already (though we know nowhere close to what Buck and Chris have or will ever have). I feel for Buck, I do. Cause y'all, this guy is going to have abandonment issues probably the rest of his life. Yes he should know his place in Eddie and Chris's life by now, but....idk, it's still hard for Buck to trust his place in peoples lives. Buck go back to therapy, please.
Oh so Eddie has wanted Buck to hang out, like with the basketball games, but Buck has passed on that. Thus Eddie invited Tommy. And Eddie had looked so excited at the prospect of Buck getting to come watch the fight as well. 
Ohhh really interesting scene with Athena and Harry. Harry even brought up the incident of years ago, of a cop pulling over his dad and pointing a gun at Harry. Harry in this scene was asking, basically, which is more important being a cop or my mom. Harry has the impression Athena cares more about being a cop and………. well………. history shows she does “”understand”” the cops side. 
Honestly? I really think Eddie was talking to Tommy on the phone at the station. Given the episode, it probably was. Some may say it could be Marisol, but given how miniscule a role she’s played *gestures* in everything? Nah, it was Tommy. Even from his dialogue I could catch, idk, I still say Tommy. And goddd Buck was trying So Hard to get Eddie’s attention. Buck honey…. you’re embarrassing yourself. 
The scene with Athena and the mom who accidentally shot her son got me. Well done, I cried. Let me also just say I’m so happy to have 911 calls that aren’t longer than necessary, but more so just right. Season 6 had an issue of dragging out the calls. 
Ha! Chimney covering for Buck at the court and calling himself a beard. Chimney knows something is up, especially with Buck. 
Can I just say, I loved seeing Eddie look so happy?? Being more at ease looks fantastic on him. <333
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Eddie act so broey with someone. Tommy really brings out Eddie’s “hey bro man dude what’s going on” side. Interesting interesting… But I am glad that Eddie has someone to connect with about the army, his interest in fighting, and apparently cars???? Stuff like that. 
Tommy called Buck Evan, the entire episode. *squints* I’m not mad about it, but I’m a little ?????? about it. I don’t recall any past girlfriends of Buck who called him Evan. Always Buck. And Buck always introduces himself as Buck to everyone, sooooooo what? The only people to ever call Buck Evan is his parents, Maddie, and Eddie once in the memorable and iconic Will Scene. Like having Tommy call Buck Evan certainly sets him apart from everyone else and definitely past love interests…...
Good on Maddie for rightfully being pissed at Buck for, even though he’s not sure he did it intentionally or not, but for hurting Eddie. I’m a bit pissed at Buck for that too. Like Maddie said, you don’t hurt the people you care about. 🤨
Well I’m glad that Athena stuck by Harry’s side through the whole process, buuuut I still think Athena needs to retire. (we know she won’t, especially with the confirmed 8th season, and who knows how many more. maybe in the last season.) 
Eddie feels bad? Nah see it’s explained in this post by @bihoebuck about how neither Buck nor Eddie are right or wrong. It’s a quick post, read that and it’ll make sense. 
I can't wait to see and hear more from Eddie next episode. Buck may now be focusing on his queer awakening instead of figuring out his feelings about Eddie (spoiler: he's in love with Eddie, we know this), but all of this must get Eddie thinking too. And not just "oh Buck was feeling left out, and I feel like I may have left him out too." Nah there's gotta me more to shake loose in Eddie's head, you know??
BI BUCK IS CANON BABYYYYY!!!! I gotta say the build up to the kiss was really good. And? Like y’all. I really liked how confident Tommy was. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders, saying a lot of right things to clear the air about Chris (that Chris couldn’t stop talking about Buck) and Eddie and such. Tommy even admitting that he’s a bit jealous of the family at the 118, since we know it was Not like that when he worked there. I’m guessing it’s not like that even at the station he currently works at. Now. Once again though we have another case of Buck Misunderstanding the mother-effing Assignment. And I do feel sorry for Tommy because Buck is… basically pivoting in his jealousy about Eddie - feeling like he’s losing Eddie and Chris because Buck will probably forever have abandonment issues - and instead of continuing to really think about why he’s feeling jealous in any regards about Eddie, he’s now thinking, “Oh. I was just wanting to spend time with Tommy. And oh holy shit I’m into guys? Yeah. Yeah I am!!” And so Buck’s queer awakening is kinda clouding his judgment and perspective. Don’t get me wrong! Buck is definitely bi, BLESS, but now he’s going to focus on this part, focus on Tommy, instead of figuring out his feelings about Eddie. I think Buck is still afraid to truly look close at his feelings for Eddie and untangle what it all means. I really wonder just how long Buck will consciously and subconsciously avoid thinking about what Eddie really means to him. I just hope Tommy doesn’t get hurt along the way. =|
PHEW. I got most of my thoughts out, but I’m sure I missed some details. Another really good episode in my books. Not perfect, but pretty dang awesome. 😎
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karimwillia · 2 years
Part 2
Warnings: Fluff
Riri makes it to class and with no issue it’s time for lunch. Her and MJ walk past the huge portrait of Shuri that hangs in the foyer of the school. The banner always showcases the student of the year. “Ri so spill I was hearing the rumbles about what happened in Doc Stevens today.”
Riri turns auburn red. “Ugh why is this place so huge but rumors spread like the population is 2. We got assigned new lab partners. No biggie.” Riri tries to play off her fluster. “Girl you are a terrible liar. I know you got paired with Shuri!! Omg! I know you died.” Riri was getting hot now.
She reached and grabbed MJ. “Shhh no not really but what could have killed me is she was flirty today.” Pausing a moment, MJ was stunned. “Girl Shut Up! Flirty how!?! I knew y’all was kinda cool but not like that.” Ri breathes and calms down.
“Ok you know I’m not the best at social stuff but she spoke to me when we stood up. Just saying how it’s been a while and that she missed me. Then she said we have to talk outside of school more so she locked her number in my phone.”
MJ screams laughing. “Yo she was hard body flirting. Omg! Friend, what if she likes you?” Riri twists her face. Sure she can think that during the moment but Shuri is a naturally flirty person. Riri has seen it 1000 times. She winks and smiles and calls all “cute girls” sweethearts. It’s her thing but for them it was new.
“Michelle Jordan I am the last person she is interested in. I’m not like these other girls she has been with. I’m not the tall model type. She’s nice to me because we are school friends.
MJ’s face falls to a frown from a goofy wide smile. “Ri do you know you are beautiful and I’m sure Shuri sees that. Plus that is not the same as how she flirts with others.” Riri is so red now as she thinks it over. “Ugh help MJ how am I supposed to do this? My brain hurts, and you know how I get anxious.” MJ stops her right there. “No I’m not accepting that! You talk to her all the time and you are just fine. What is the difference now?”
Riri and MJ have settled in the bleachers of the gym as people play basketball and chat around them. “Ok when I lack confidence that’s when I struggle.” MJ listens and she grabs Ri’s hand. “You have to be more confident in yourself then. Friend you are a baddie under these 2 size to big hoodies. Intelligent, funny, kind and humble. Anyone is lucky to know you girl. That’s the attitude you need. It’s senior year and you have never been to a dance or done a school function. We are fixing that!”
Taking out her iPad MJ opened the notes app and sat back. “We are making a senior year bucket list. The ultimate to-do list for this school year.” The girls talk back and forth while MJ creates the list. “M this is ridiculous, I am not a total square. I have done some stuff.” “Yep all academics and school related trips. This list is to break you out of this shell you put yourself in. You are only young once.” Riri is kind of hesitant. But is MJ right? Ri was always a student first. That was the priority. In reality she was scared of being social because it was unpredictable. She could not prepare, she just had to be and that is terrifying.
The girls complete the list and it feels good. There is just one problem.
“MJ how am I supposed to get invited to things or go on a date? No one knows me.” MJ smiles and winks looking out on the court. Shuri is taking a deep 3 point shot. She had been playing for most of lunch getting distracted every so often looking up at Riri.
Riri’s eyes widened at the realization. “No no no no. I don’t want to ask her.” MJ’s smile is neurotic. “Listen! What harm would it cause? Ask her for help and you never know you two may fall in love.” Riri contemplates the words. “Oh my…God”
A custom buzz comes through on Riri’s phone that she’s never heard. Who is texting her at this time a day. Her Mom is at work, her Sister is at work and MJ is with her. A name pops up: “Daddy Panther🖤✨” Shuri was texting her…The conversation was cute but stopped after a short exchange.
MJ snatches the phone and looks at it. With a holler. “Ooooooh you mean to tell me you think she puts that in everyone’s phone!?” Riri shakes her head. Good lord maybe this is not a one sided crush.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @shuriris-stuff
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Some totally random questions:
How does Hayley feel when the new babies are finally brought home and she actually has siblings in her house now?
Mickey and Maggie vs decorating a nursery and assembling the crib, are they good at this or is there Chaos?
Are Mickey and/or Hayley there when the babies first start kicking? How do they react?
lmao you can tell we were having this conversation at like 1am because i did not even realize you had send this to my inbox 😂 but my brain is firing on a much higher level now anyway so i am going to answer. all of these
with twins Maggie starts feeling the kicks earlier than she expected... they're actually having a family beach weekend in July and the cold smoothie Maggie has is exciting to the babies apparently because that's the first time she feels them moving
it surprises her and so Mickey and Hayley can tell something's happening, ironically Hayley is the one who is concerned at first until Maggie explains
Mickey asks if he can feel and Maggie says she doubts he'll be able to but he's all over her anyway
Hayley forgets about being worried because it's her duty as a 15yo to remind her parents that they're being embarrassing and also that this is kind of weird if you really think about it and mom is it weird?? it seems like it would feel weird
(Maggie says yes, but it was weirder the first time around. Mickey jumps on this by proclaiming that Hayley has always been a weird one. Hayley rolls her eyes and heads back into the water and Mickey decides this is an invitation to a splash fight)
("daaaaad you're buying my next box of hair dye if the salt water washes out the pink!" "well it would stay better if i got you a salon appointment wouldn't it?" [maggie from shore] "michael haller what are you promising her now??")
for most of July Maggie and Mickey both are still reeling from getting the news about twins (and work stuff I guess. Mickey did have quite a lot to deal with after the Trammel murder trial. it's probably better that she's arrested and hates him than walking free and obsessed with him and aware of his family??)
by the time Hayley is going back to school though they Need to start preparing and decorating
there was a moment where Maggie wanted to move; Mickey's place is pretty much a bachelor pad
but Mickey points out that they have the space and moving would be too much stress
Hayley seals the deal; she loooooves the house in the hills and the view and totally flexes the whole place when she has her friends over
Mickey claims that his gift to Maggie for agreeing to stay in place is letting her have full creative control over the nursery plans. she thinks he would've done that anyway
Maggie picks an intense jewel tone green because she says a bright color will make it easier to leave the walls solid and focus their decorating in other areas
Mickey enlists Hayley to paint with him so they don't have to hire anybody
(they could do that easily. but he has it in his head that this is excellent father-daughter bonding)
it goes well for them until he accidentally trips over a paint pan and spills it all over them both. Hayley's new jeans are ruined and she doesn't speak to him for 48 hours
("mija if you didn't want paint on those jeans why didn't you change?? hey, quit slamming doors, your mother is resting!!")
a few days later Hayley comes home from school with her jeans covered in even more paint
("yeah Luna stole a bunch of fabric paint from the art closet because the teacher is obsessed with her and even gave her her own key. And then while I was telling her and Dante what happened they both offered to come help paint. And Julia just didn't want to go back home right after school")
Mickey establishes that all four of them are in good painting clothes and then leads his new train of teenagers straight to work
Maggie is watching all this go down from the kitchen like "I have two arraignments tomorrow I'm not cooking I hope you all like takeout"
all working together, they finish the rest of the painting that night. and Hayley declares those are still her favorite jeans
this was sort of. 1.5 of the three questions here? but i think i will save maggie and mickey putting furniture together for maybe actually in the fic,,,, and other than that i do have to make food now. but thank you for the inspirationnnn
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 2 years
To the well meaning folks that keep telling me not to do things on my own because it’s “dangerous”…..
Shut up before you find out how dangerous I can be!!!!
Look, I get it. You think if I climb a ladder I’ll fall and break my neck, if I go to the woods a snake will bite me, if I swim I’ll drown, or whatever. You imagine the worst possibilities and it scares you to think if these things happening to someone that doesn’t have some one there ready to rescue them.
But, damn it, you don’t get it. I don’t EVER have anyone waiting to rescue me!
You have friends, families, lovers , someone of some kind to do stuff with you. You might have to wait or make arrangements, but doing things with someone can happen if you want.
I have no choice! I’ve got no one!
If things are going to get done I have to do it myself. Sometimes it’s something that urgently needs doing and sometimes it’s just something that brings happiness to my life, but either way it’s the same. My choice is only between doing it alone or not doing it at all!
Do these folks honestly expect me to wait until some hypothetical day when I have someone else to live?
I used to assume there would come a day when I had someone.
When I was little I had lots of friends and family. I could count on them, trust them, rely on them. I ALWAYS wanted them there, sharing whatever was going on, good or bad…together.
And when I grew up and everyone had drifted away or died, I assumed it was just a lull. One day I’d meet someone who would care enough to want to be there the way my loved ones had. If you stay friendly, helpful, open and always yourself people, at least a few, will want to be your friend…..
HAH! Don’t count on it!
In my experience friendly people and friends are not the same. Friends you count on and count on you. They might come to your rescue. Friendly though, well don’t count on them for more than a smile and a wave as you bleed out in the gutter.
99% of the people that I’ve asked for help or, worse, have offered it enthusiastically, have failed to come through. To be fair to them, I think they all meant it in the moment. “If you ever need help…” “I can cut that up with my chainsaw” “Let me give you a hand when you do it” It’s all so easy to say, and you get to feel good about yourself for being so caring….
But they almost never come through. I wait and they never show up. I call and they don’t come. They forget, regret offering because now they find it inconvenient, or whatever.
Now I don’t get angry. I completely understand. I’m not a priority to anyone. I’m not family and friendly isn’t friends. Going out of your way for someone you love isn’t the same as doing it for someone you find friendly but a bit weird. They care casual, not care deep. I’m the person they will help if it’s easy. I’m not the top of anyone’s mind. I’m the one you forget about, never invite to parties, don’t send cards to….I’m the afterthought. People only can stretch caring so far, and I get the scraps left over when they are done with the people that matter to them.
It’s okay. I may never understand what is “wrong” about me that keeps people liking me lightly but never loving me, but I accept it.
My parents were the last people in the world that loved me, and now Pop’s dead and Mom can’t even help herself anymore. It’s just the way it is. It was easy to hope that “one day” I’d have my own family, traditional or not I hardly cared. But when you realize you are closer to death than birth and still alone, that no one that didn’t first know you as a child had ever loved you, you can’t keep clinging to hope.
Reality means if I need or want to do a thing, I do it alone or it never gets done.
Now, I do things carefully and cautiously. I am not an idiot. I also have many years of experience doing “dangerous” things. That helps. Contrary to popular belief I’m not insanely reckless.
Actually, all this telling me NOT to do things pisses me off on several levels. It isn’t just everyone assuming I can chose to have someone help me, that I have people that care, and that I have the luxury of not doing things until I am not alone. But there is also this aspect, this nagging dismissal of my judgement and abilities. They treat me like a child or a fool, someone without any awareness of risks. I do not appreciate that AT ALL!
So yes, I know about dangers. I’m hyper aware of risks and achingly aware of the ways being alone makes life harder. I can imagine all the worst case scenarios even better than you can, and realize all the ways thins should be done to be safe.
None of that means I can curl up and do nothing!
I wish I had company or someone I could depend on. I wish I had help. I wish I lived the sort of life you assume I do. But wishes are pointless.
This is my life. I have to do what I can while I can. I have to try to keep my life livable, even when it involves risk. I also am not willing to sacrifice all the joys of my life simply because I am alone.
If I listened to these people the kitchen wall would still be a waterfall and I would have to resign myself to never swimming again for the rest if my life. I’d never clean out Ryoga’s house or the soot filled chimney. I’d never watch the beavers swim around the swamp or photograph mushrooms in the woods. My living situation would be unendurable and the pleasures in my life would shrink to the tiniest of cages.
I refuse to wait to live for someone to decide they give a damn about me. Yes, I may one day die doing something “dangerous”, but at least I will have lived until that moment!
Anyway, folks that feel so free to tell me not to climb a ladder or walk in the woods, you COULD always join me instead of lecturing!
(How the fuck would they feel if I went “OMG! You shouldn’t drive! Do you know how dangerous cars are?!? Yeah, there is no mass transit at all around here and it’s too far to walk…… but DON’T DRIVE, it’s too DANGEROUS!!!!!!” That’s about how it feels to me.)
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
Consider this an open invitation to expand on the topic of Georgina and religion 👀
Well, see, it’s less Georgina and religion and more the Sparks family and religion.
(And a note before we begin: to be clear, I’m not talking shit about any of these denominations as a whole, or about conversion as a whole, or Christianity as a whole. I’m talking about the experiences of characters who are clearly having not great times, and so I don’t focus on the good stuff, but Christianity does have lots of very, very good stuff in it. Unfortunately, it’s also got stuff like this.)
So here’s the thing. For Georgina to end up in her special little cult experience, her parents had to send her there. Which, like, I know we only get one scene of them but just personally I honestly would have pegged them for more like. Terrible Episcopalians than terrible Baptists
(My guess on the group Georgina was with’s background comes without having watched those episodes again, but A) focus on dressed down style, B) ‘no alcohol’ rule, and C) the whole thing with the tambourines.)
So. Georgina’s parents. They’d actually sent her to various rehabs pre-series, and other such things, and one of the more unfortunate habits of certain Christian denominations (especially your terrible Baptists) is their habit of hardcore proselytizing. Usually this functions to get their members rejected and to create a more defined in-group that feels a sense of persecution, but sometimes—especially when it happens to people under stress—it works.
I’d guess that this is happens sometime during season one.
Georgina’s relationship to religion after ‘the bitch is back’ goes a little all over the place—“i haven’t been this bored since I believed in Jesus” comes in between “Jesus and I have redefined our relationship” and “Jesus owes me one.” Probably because she’s doing a lot of redefining—she’s questioning, and she’s not sure how she feels about any of this stuff
And the thing is that Georgina, more than anything, just wants someone she loves to stay. Of course, wanting to burn everything down until she stops being bored is a very close second, but it happens. Still, one of the premises of Christianity—especially the kind you get on a worship retreat full of teenagers—is that Jesus loves the whole of humanity, unconditionally. And I figure that that’s why, despite her trouble with the whole ‘morals’ thing (and, like, all the legitimately fucked up shamed-based overly restrictive shit she probably got fed), Georgina can’t just decide she’s done.
I think that Milo probably grows up attending irregularly—Christmas and Easter with his grandparents, every year, but anything else depends on his mom. He doesn’t have a lot of positive associations with holidays—they’re high stress and he gets yelled at a lot—and spending an hour or two sitting in a pew (or a folding chair, seeing as these are Baptists) listening to some guy talk about salvation… doesn’t really help.
Someone probably asked about him getting baptized once he turned twelve, and didn’t take his uncomfortable shrug well, so he’s probably technically done that in a haze of fire and brimstone fear and adult talking loudly and aggressively obedience.
I think Dan’s somewhere on the line between agnostic and atheist—he’s a pretentious fucker, and if he thought religion mattered much at all to his life experience, we’d have heard about it. Serena isn’t really into the whole organized religion thing but she is a believer in spiritual somethings.
Dan probably kind of awkwardly brings it up when Milo first moves in, and Milo just says no, no, he’s good, and then again in December, and Milo hesitates a little more this time before deciding that he’d rather not. He keeps feeling weird about it for a good long time, though. It is what it is.
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Day 2: Plans for Chaos
Natasha and Maria stared down at the paper the new girl showed them, and looked back up at May stood behind the girl and another one, possibly younger.
“You want to organize… a surprise Christmas party… for Fury… and Coulson?” Maria asked slowly. “You realize they’re the directors of SHIELD for a reason?”
The girls named Daisy and Simmons nodded.
“And this is why we’ve asked the best spies SHIELD can offer to help us,” Simmons said.
May chuckled. “Flattery’s not going to work on these two. I’ve known them their entire career here. I watched Maria graduate.” She looked directly at the agent in question. “She was the only one who didn’t throw up her cap.”
Maria glared at May. “At least I invited you.”
“I would’ve came with or without the invitation,” the older agent said. “I went with Phil.”
Natasha nodded. “Yes, Phil, who was definitely not your date and not in love with you at the time.”
Daisy laughed but May glared at her and she stopped. “Sorry, Mom,” she muttered.
Natasha glanced between the two younger agents and May. “‘Mom’?” she mouthed.
May sent her a look that said ‘don’t ask’ in a very dark way.
“But anyways,” Simmons said, clapping her hands. “Basically, I’m going to ask some other people to help out as well, and Daisy and May are in charge of distracting Coulson. And I was hoping you would help with distracting Director Fury.”
Maria massaged her temples. “And why are we doing this again?”
“Because they need more problems and it’s Christmas!” Daisy answered cheerfully. “What better gift than a non-fatal problem?”
“An actual gift?” Natasha said. “You know, socks, a coffee maker, knives, ammunition; you know, useful stuff. You can get Coulson a bazooka.”
May waved her off. “He working on one with Fitz.”
Natasha shook her head. “Say we agree. Who else are you asking?” she asked.
“Peter Parker and his group of friends. Wanda. Vision.” Daisy looked to Simmons. “Who am I forgetting?”
“Princess Shuri.”
“No, she’s within Parker’s group.”
Daisy and Simmons muttered to each other before looking back up.
“That’s it for now,” Simmons said, Daisy nodding behind her.
MJ dialled up the last person on the list, Kate Bishop. “Hey.”
“Hi!” Kate was a year younger than MJ, but they’ve been friends ever since they met at the compound last year.
“We’re doing it,” MJ said, trying to bat away Peter, who was snooping on the phone.
“Really?” Kate asked excitedly. They’ve been talking about the party since Hallowe’en.
They had all met Director Coulson and Director Fury when they were in the first full Junior Avengers meeting, with Princess Shuri, Peter, MJ, Riri, and Yelena. Yelena was pretty miffed that she got stuck with the Juniors, but apparently Natasha had told her that she was ‘supervising’ them.
“Yeah. We’re having a meeting– hang on–” MJ broke off, listening to Peter whisper something in her ear– “Peter– ugh, fine.” She spoke to Kate. “Peter says to call it a ‘secret’ meeting. I don’t give a shit what you call it. It’s at the compound tomorrow in the residential wing.”
“See you.” MJ hung up and looked at her frowning Peter. “What?”
“Nothing.” He flopped back onto her bed. “So. We’re organizing a secret party for the world’s best spies.”
MJ sent him a wry smile. “What kind of idiots would do that?”
“Graduating, sleep-deprived, super-heroing, MIT students,” Peter groaned, rolling over. “I have never been more tired.”
MJ spun in her chair. “They offered us an out when we graduated high school, Peter. It’s hardly their fault.”
“I’m not saying it was.” Peter studied her eyes. “Did you? Want to?”
“Not really,” MJ said. “I mean, I had my doubts. I definitely didn’t want to burn down our school campus. But we made it through. We’re graduating in–” she checked the countdown clock they had mounted on their wall– “five months, three weeks, and half a day. And we’ve done it.”
Peter nodded seriously before winking at her upside-down.
MJ laughed. “Don’t even start. Don’t distract me. I have to study.”
“You’re smart,” Peter grinned, rolling of the bed elegantly and dropping to sit by her feet. “My lovely girlfriend is going to ace her exams without even trying.”
“Shut up, Parker.”
“Talking to a mirror?” he teased.
MJ groaned and threw an eraser at him. “Don’t be an idiot.”
“Ow–” Peter plucked the eraser that fell into his hair. “Hey, just because I have spider-sense doesn’t mean I have common sense.”
“I can’t believe I’ve been dating you for five and a half years, you dummy,” she laughed.
“Neither can I!”
“We convene at the first annual meeting of the secret organization of the Fury-Coulson Christmas party,” Kate whispered.
“Why are we whispering?” Shuri asked in a hushed voice. “This is fun, but why?”
“Because it’s a secret meeting!” Peter said quietly.
“Screw this,” MJ said louder. “The walls are soundproof and I turned off the cameras.”
“Thank god,” Yelena sighed. “I hated it.”
“You haven’t said anything yet, though,” Wanda said, holding hands with her boyfriend, Vision.
Yelena shrugged.
Simmons stood at the head of the table with Leo Fitz, her husband. She clapped her hands happily. “Let’s review the plan.
“So, Peter, MJ, and Shuri are in charge of keeping the directors away from the party. Not distracting them like May, Daisy, Agent Hill or Agent Romanoff, but like that movie Home Alone.
“Kate and Yelena are in charge of the people involved and all the bad guys are disposed of for the night.
“Wanda and Vision, you guys cater food and drinks.
“Leo and I will be here if you have any questions but mostly we’d probably be wrapping gifts.” Simmons sighed happily. “All righty?”
Kate whooped but she stopped when everyone stared. “Sorry, it just felt like—” she shook her head. “Never mind.”
“Let’s set this plan in motion.”
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audiovisualrecall · 2 months
Yesterday I was trying to find out from our older sister if she was still cool with the plan to grill for dinner, and also I wanted to ask if our parents were interested in coming or not/if they had other plans for dinner (we already ate 2 dinners at their place, so). So I sent a group text. And our sister didn't reply. But our parents did, and firstly I had a typo so they were confused, and so we said oh we were thinking of grilling. So then ma called steph and basically they were interested. But none of us ever typed that out in the group chat or thought to try calling our older sister, who was out fishing.... well me and steph and her hubby (and then just us 2 after his sunburn started to be an issue again) went and did our own things and we went and started painting - we were figuring we would eventually hear from oldest sister and discuss who was going to go food shop or whatever...yes we should have called, idk I don't usually think to call people, and I thought the group chat had the info but idk it just. Anyway we had a failure to communicate, obviously, and that is really my fault, bc I'm the one who invited our parents and I should have thought oh oldest sister didn't reply to the text, let's call her. But we were kind of annoyed at the lack of reply? I guess or at least steph was annoyed/assumed that oldest sister just doesnt like her and thats why there was no reply, and I allowed that to color my choices and also allowed adhd brain to forget about like, the passage of time and that I should act on my own planning? And well, she was fishing, so she didnt see the texts till later. And when they were done fishing my dad called her and was like hey so we're coming for dinner right? And she was confused like uhhhh okayyy... and idk what else happened but I guess she decided they would go do the food shopping since they were out, and she texted us hey what do you want to add to the grocery list? And steph was irritated that she didn't call us or something before heading to buy stuff... but we didn't call her... idk. Anyway steph's hubby was like ooh we could roast marshmallows? So steph suggested that.... obviously we did not do that, and maybe that request was also part of what annoyed oldest sister's husband??? idk. I'm just... anyway, so we moved into the kitchen to paint because it was getting cold outside, so we had taken over the kitchen table when they came back with the groceries, and steph was like '(oh shit), sorry yeah we took over haha' and we were about to clean up so we could start working on unpacking groceries and prepping to cook, when bro in law walks in and calls steph a moron. Possibly a fucking moron, idk. And she whips around and says in a 'I'm trying not to react' voice 'why am I a moron?' And I think he said something about it being the kitchen or something implying that his issue was that we had taken over the kitchen table. So I got mad, and on steph's defense, bc you don't walk in and insult somebody in front of me and get away with it. I yelled bc I do, that we had a right to take over the kitchen (after all, his videogames and my nephew's stuff had taken over the other 2 places we could have painted!) And I definitely also said I would bite him. I defend people I love with my teeth, sorry? (Tbh if someone else had said something shitty to HIM I would also threaten to bite that person. But I'm mad at him!)
And then he stormed off upstairs to their room in the hotel house, and steph turned on our other sister like. You let your husband talk to your sister that way??? And like he needed to apologize, and we had no clue what we'd done wrong, and she was just if you have a problem its between you and him and that she wouldnt fight with her husband... which incensed steph. (Very different from how mom and dad are, for example if dad says something that upsets me, for example, ma will scold him like thats not helpful, or comfort me, or at least react in some way. Idk). and I was like getting upset and I was angry so i went up to my room first, and grabbed my phone (and key i think? Maybe i didnt) and I went okay, time for a walk. I heard steph yelling so I went down and tried to convince steph to come with especially when nephew decided to butt himself in while steph was venting to her husband, bc i figured it would be easier for her to vent and rant and cry Outside rather than in the same house??? Anyway she shrugged me off and I got frustrated with nephew being like 'the kitchen thing isn't why he said that' but he didn't know or didn't explain why he thought his dad said it, and obvs steph did too, and I was about to cry so i was like nope I'm out and went for my walk. Wherein I cried and then called ma and cried in her ear/vented to her about it. And eventually after I calmed down and also found a handful of cool rocks, I went back. And I helped prep some things and helped figure out the grill and stuff.... mostly I didn't do anything super helpful I guess. I put the veggies on skewers with my nephew, I helped find dishes and utensils and was another set of hands for figuring out how to light the grill.
Eventually our parents came over and steph came down from her room and we had dinner which bro in law didn't come down to. I hope he ate something later...
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
The Loneliest Kindest Mom in Hawkins Summary: The year is 1980. You've just gotten your first period, and you know you're supposed to buy stuff to take care of it, but you have no clue what. You're so overwhelmed by all the choices on the shelf, you're on the brink of tears. Enter Mrs. Wheeler, who becomes the best mom/friend you've ever had. Contains: Teen girl reader with no mother figure, period panic, domestic fluff, lots and lots of cookies, Mrs. Wheeler being Mom Goals, writer who was In A Mood and just needed Karen Wheeler to have a kid who doesn't dodge her at every opportunity. Word Count: 2k-ish
Before You Start: Don't. I won't hear your criticism of Mama Wheeler, and I won't respond to it. Nobody's making you read this.
I have a LOT of feelings about Karen Wheeler, aka The Loneliest Mom in Hawkins, but instead of putting those out there for the haters to pick apart, I decided to express my appreciation for her a different way: with a weird little fic I hammered out in the early hours of the morning and then allowed to collect dust for several months while I waited for Mother's Day. Surpriiiiise.
The reader is 13. She's been in Hawkins for a few months with her single dad, and her mother is not part of the picture. (Reason unspecified.) I fully believe that Mrs. Wheeler is the kind of mom that would mom the heck out of any kid who needed her. And this kid does. K, you're all caught up, proceed if you dare/care.
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This is impossible.
You stood under the "feminine hygiene" sign and stared at the shelf.
There were so many.
You had no idea what any of it meant.
No idea what made one box different from the other.
You wished you were dead.
"Sweetheart? Are you okay?"
You turned to see Nancy Wheeler's very pregnant mother standing a few feet away from you.
"Do you remember me? I'm Nancy's mom. You came to her birthday party a few months ago?"
You wish you could nod, but you're frozen to the spot.
"Do you need help?"
You need to be buried six feet under.
"Is this your first time?" she asks gently.
Your eyes fill with tears.
"Sweetheart, it's alright. Nancy just started too, it's scary at first."
You run. You don't know what else to do. You've embarrassed yourself enough. So you run.
By the time you got home, your tears had dried but your shame still hung over you like a black cloud. Fuck it, you'd just use a wad of toilet paper for the rest of your life. You entered the small house you shared with your father, who was still at work, then went to the bathroom to clean yourself up. When you were done, you face-planted into the couch to continue wallowing in your shame.
You liked Nancy's mom, and you hated that you had been rude to her. Your limited interaction with her had been your favorite part of Nancy's 13th birthday party. (Nancy had invited every girl in her class, even the new one, probably at her mother's insistence.) Mrs. Wheeler was kind, and soft-spoken, and generous. She'd noticed you hanging off to the side, not really fitting in with the other girls you'd met two months ago when you and your father had moved to Hawkins, and had come over to introduce herself. Your mom was not part of the picture, and you were absolutely fascinated by Nancy's.
You'd asked her questions about the party, which she happily answered, since she was the mastermind. (The theme was Strawberry Shortcake, which was a cartoon Nancy loved. Mrs. Wheeler had tinted the vanilla cupcake frosting with a little bit of red food coloring to make it pink, and used gift wrap to cut out cool shapes for decorations.) Mrs. Wheeler had made you feel welcome, fed you, and even convinced you to participate in some of the games.
You'd never had a themed party before, or even been to one, and although you had no idea who the heck the smiling red-headed cartoon everywhere was or why she was so happy, you were impressed by the planning this must've taken. Everything matched. There were activities and games and goodie bags to take home. It was the coolest thing you'd ever experienced.
You went back to being invisible the next Monday, but you never forgot how cool that party was, and how nice it felt to be included.
At some point in your wallowing, you must have drifted off, because you woke to the sound of tapping. No, knocking. It was knocking. You went to the door… to find Mrs. Wheeler standing on your doorstep.
You wished you could just burst into flames and be gone.
You took a deep breath and opened the door.
"I'm sorry," you interrupt.
"Sweetheart, it's okay. I understand. It's a scary, overwhelming thing. So I brought you a few things to make it a little easier."
Your eyes well up with tears again. What is wrong with you?
"Can I come in?"
You nod and step aside, begging your tears to please not spill over. She waddles over to the kitchen table, placed her purse and a grocery bag on it, then sits down. She begins removing things from the grocery bag. Things that seem a lot less intimidating at home than they did in the store an hour ago.
Mrs. Wheeler patiently explained what each item was, and how to use it. (There are instructions inside the box too, in case you forget.) She pulled out a bottle of painkillers and told you how many to take when you're feeling bad, and how often. Explained how to fill the hot water bottle, and how long you should heat the water. A bottle of bubble bath, because all women deserve to relax. And last, but certainly not least… chocolate. Mrs. Wheeler had supplied you with five full-sized chocolate bars.
"I… um… let me give you something for this," you mumble, digging into your pocket for the $5 your dad had given you for your last report card.
"No, honey," she says softly, her hand coming to rest on your wrist. "Think of it as a gift for joining the ranks of womankind." You can't remember the last time anyone did anything this nice for you.
"Thank you," you whisper.
"You are very welcome." She smiles in a way that fills you with warmth. "Do you have a pen and paper?"
You retrieve the pencil and notepad you keep by the phone and hand them to her. She writes down her number.
"If you ever need anything, you can call me. Or just come on by. You remember where it is?" You nod. "Good. Anything at all, okay? Even if you just want to talk."
She gets up with a grunt, clutching her pregnant belly. This is going to be one lucky kid.
"Can I…" you cut yourself off. This is stupid. She's not your mom.
But she read your mind like she was. She holds out her arms and takes a step forward, and you come to meet her. You hadn't had a hug like this in years.
"Anything at all, okay? You just call me or come by."
"Thank you," you said, wishing you knew how to let her know just how grateful you were. Not just for the stuff, but for the promise of someone to talk to.
"You're welcome, sweetheart. I'll talk to you soon," she said, putting her purse back on her shoulder and waddling to the door.
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Three weeks later, you heard Nancy telling Barb that her mom had brought Baby Holly home a few days ago. You weren't a big fan of babies, but you felt like a welcome home present may be in order for the woman who saved you.
There was a pretty patch of wildflowers growing just beyond your back yard. After school, you picked a bouquet of the prettiest blooms, tied them together with a ribbon, and walked toward the Wheeler's house. You knocked softly, half-hoping nobody would hear. You didn't want to bother her. When nobody answered, you placed them on the welcome mat and turned to leave.
Then the door opened.
"Yes?" A tall man with glasses looked at you expectantly.
"Uh… hi." You introduced yourself and picked up your flowers. "I brought these for Mrs. Wheeler, but I didn't want to bother her, so I was just going to leave them…"
"Karen, there's an awkward teenager here to see you!" he called into the house.
You heard her voice, but couldn't understand what she said.
"She's in the kitchen," he said, gesturing vaguely, before returning to his chair in front of the TV, next to a crib he started rocking with his foot. You enter cautiously, quietly closing the door behind you before walking in the direction he'd pointed.
She was elbow-deep in some kind of delicious-smelling batter.
"Hi, sweetheart! It's great to see you again! What brings you by?"
"I heard that you'd had the baby, just wanted to say congratulations and bring you these." You shyly lifted up the flowers.
"Oh my goodness, they're beautiful! Thank you so much, that was very thoughtful of you."
You stood awkwardly until she asked, "Can you look in that cabinet to the left of the sink? There should be a vase in there. I'd come do it myself, but…" she lifts her sticky, dough-covered hands and wiggles her fingers. With a smile, you opened the cabinet and pulled out a vase, filling it with water from the sink and placing the flowers inside.
"Perfect! Flowers can brighten up any room."
"What are you making?" you asked.
"Cookies for my son's first dance. He told me it was just for his grade, but I found out last night that it's for three grades at the elementary school. Which means hundreds of cookies instead of dozens." She shook her head in a frazzled but loving kind of way.
"Do you need help?" you asked quietly.
"Really?" She seems almost shocked. You nodded.
"I'd love that! Drop your coat over there and wash up." You'd never been so excited about cooking before.
You called your dad when it was time for him to get home and told him that you were busy making cookies with your friend's mom. He agreed to pick you up later. The kitchen was in shambles and overrun with cookies at dinnertime, so the Wheelers had pizza delivered. Nancy had dinner at Barb's, which you were grateful for, because you didn't really want to explain to your classmate why you liked hanging out with her mom more than her.
You and Mrs. Wheeler made 356 cookies that evening. Sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and even some with M&M's in them. She packed a bag full of the fruits of your labor for you to take home.
You were helping her dry dishes when you saw your father's headlights pull into their driveway at 8:30. She told you she could finish by herself, so you put on your coat and hugged your bag of cookies to your chest.
"Thanks for letting me help, Mrs. Wheeler."
"Are you kidding me? You were an amazing assistant. I'm going to call you every time I bake!" You beamed.
She walked you to the door and gave you a hug before you left. She waved to your dad as you walked to the truck in the dark, clutching two dozen cookies to your chest.
Your dad had no complaints about your new friend, or your sudden interest in baking.
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Your friendship with Mrs. Wheeler continued. She wasn't lying about calling you when there was baking to be done. And she did a lot of baking for someone with a new baby to take care of. You were always happy to help, even if it just meant entertaining Holly while she was on the phone or in the bathroom. You'd never cared much for babies, but you liked little Holly. And Mrs. Wheeler must've explained your presence to Nancy, because she always greeted you like there was nothing weird about you being there. You appreciated that.
You brought her flowers, she sent you home with sweets. You complained about the dumb boys in your class, she laughed and assured you they would probably not get any smarter. You told her about your mom and what you wanted to do with your life, and she listened. She told you about her childhood, and you understood her a little better. She gave very good advice. She taught you to sew and to cook. She even took you bra shopping, which your dad would be eternally grateful for.
She helped make alterations to your prom dress, fed you brownies and talked you through your first breakup, and cheered for you at graduation. You exchanged monthly letters after you left for college. There was a framed photo from your wedding on the wall in the Wheelers' living room, with two pictures side by side; one of you and the groom, one of you and the kindest person you'd ever met.
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Years later, when your own teenage daughter came out of the bathroom, announced "I'm hemorrhaging!" and planted herself face-first into the couch, you laughed and thought of your good friend Mrs. Wheeler, and that fateful day she'd come to visit with a brown paper bag full of goods. Welcome to the ranks of womankind, kid. Sorry 'bout the next 30 years or so.
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blogger360ncislarules · 4 months
Can Colter Shaw trust anyone heading into Season 2 of CBS‘ Tracker?
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For two decades, Colter believed that his older brother, Jensen Ackles’ Russell, pushed Ashton to his death. Following Dad’s demise, Dory went to live with an Uncle Dave and Aunt Melissa, and Mary urged Russell to leave home. Since then, Mom had done nothing to dissuade Colter that his older brother was responsible for Ashton’s fatal fall. In fact, she insisted that Colter ignore Russell’s calls.
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It wasn’t until Episode 12, when the Brothers Shaw were reunited for the first time since 2003, that Russell shared his truth with Colter.
“I don’t know if he fell, or if somebody else pushed him, but I do know that there was somebody else in those woods that night,” he said. “Dad had enemies…. He was a crazy son of a bitch.”
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That brings us to Episode 13. The final installment in Tracker‘s freshman run introduces Justin Hartley‘s This Is Us co-star Jennifer Morrison as family friend Lizzy Hawking. Colter helps Lizzy track down her M.I.A. daughter, then Colter and Lizzy catch up over breakfast, where Lizzy serves up more than just pancakes. She hands Colter fresh intel on Dad….
Years ago, Ashton worked with Lizzy’s mother. First they were coworkers, then they were lovers. “They were having an affair… but that’s not the weirdest part,” Lizzy says. “Last year, when my mom passed away, I was going through her stuff and most of it was junk… but there was this file box under her bed. Inside it were all these research papers and journals — very personal ones. At first, I didn’t know what it was, and then I realized it belonged to your father. It was his work.”
“Why would she have something like that?” Colter asks.
“I asked myself that same thing,” Lizzy answers. She brings up a recently recovered memory of Ashton visiting her mom right before he died. “My room overlooked the driveway, and I could hear shouting one night. I looked out the window, and my mom and your dad were having some kind of argument. Then they stopped, and hugged, and she carried this box into the house.”
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If Colter wants to pursue the truth, Lizzy suggests that he get in touch with Mary. Alas, Colter isn’t so sure he can trust Mom after what Russell told him about Dad’s death.
“What are you going to do now?” Lizzy asks.
“Right now? Nothing,” Colter answers.
He leaves, he goes surfing, he sits on a beach and he contemplates his next move.
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Reenie, meanwhile, has been in touch with Colter’s brother. Russell’s in Argentina, and invites Reenie to fly out and join him. Suffice it to say, she’s got her hands full at the moment: Not only is she secretly investigating Russell’s employer — The Horizon Group, a shady private security firm first referenced in Episode 12 — but she’s in the midst of a major career change. In the finale, we learn that she’s resigned from her cushy law firm. Will she join Colter’s team full time in Season 2?
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As previously reported, Tracker has been renewed at CBS. Season 2 will premiere this fall (release date TBD) and air at a new, earlier time — Sundays at 8/7c — following 60 Minutes; episodes stream next day on Paramount+. TVLine will keep you posted as we learn more (and share a Season 2 trailer once it’s made available), so be sure to bookmark this page and check back soon.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
 Hart and Hunter - Chapter 10 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Dane Hunter
Briefly, I describe Detective Derek Erickson and my, mutual dislike and the two most recent incidents.
"Wow. What a dick," she concludes when I finish.
"And what kind of dick name is 'Derek Erickson' anyway?"
"Figure he can't help his name," I say.
"The rest is another matter."
"You know where he lives?"
"Not off-hand. Why?"
She leans on my arm as we walk.
"We should go to his house as Wolves... teach him a lesson."
I stop in my tracks, taken aback.
"Why would you even suggest that?"
"I don't mean we'd hurt him," she says quickly, frowning at me with wide eyes.
"I just meant we should scare him a little."
I shake my head and start walking again.
"That isn't how we do things, Grids."
She jogs to keep up with me.
"Shit, I was just joking," she says, beginning to sulk and sounding a little out of breath.
"Don't take everything so serious."
I hold my silence until we reach the car.
As we load our bags in the back, I clear my throat.
"Look, I know some Packs do things differently but Mom and Dad never used the Wolf to harm or frighten and neither will I and don't say stuff like that around Julian... even as a joke."
"Jeez, Dane," she huffs.
"He's not a baby. He's..."
"He was Hunted, Ingrid," I snap.
"By wolves who meant to kill him. I still see that fear in his eyes, sometimes, when he looks at me as a wolf. Even if he knows I never would, he knows what I could do,and that's enough. So don't talk about scaring people... even as a joke."
"Fine," she says, suitably chagrined.
"I'm sorry."
Sighing, I release the tension that's been building up in my shoulders since 'Pauline' realized who she was talking to.
"Don't worry about it and it's not like I'm any better... I threatened Erickson to his face when he dropped a hint he knows about you. Guess you musta made some impression on his sister."
Ingrid huffs again and settles back in her seat with her arms crossed.
"She's alright. She's just..."
"The sort who likes 'diversity' as long as it makes her look good?" I suggest and she nods.
"She offered me some of her hand-me-down clothes. I can afford my own damn clothes, thanks."
I grunt and suddenly, the hair appointment and the shopping spree make more sense.
"Well," I say, looking over at her.
"Even though I'd never do it and I don't condone even joking about such a thing, I'll admit I've fantasized about scaring the shit out of Erickson myself, once or twice."
She giggles, spirits restored.
At the same time, my cell-phone buzzes and I see Noah's name on the screen.
I answer it.
"Noah. You got something for me, bro?"
"Dane... those runes you sent me. Where did you find them again?"
"Written on the walls of a couple of stores that got burglarized. Are they Fae, like Julian thought?"
"Definitely," Noah pauses and I wait, giving him a chance to get his thoughts and words in order.
Brilliant linguist though he may be, he has an ironic tendency to stutter when he's nervous.
"Do you remember how Fae runes have multiple layers of meaning?" he asks.
"Not really."
To be honest, I never paid that much attention.
"Well, they do. Depending on the context, the same rune can indicate a sound or a syllable, a whole word or a name or an entire range of concepts. Connotation and denotation and so on."
"Uh huh."
It's easier to pretend I know what he's talking about than to invite more explanation.
"Anyway, the runes you sent me could mean a bunch of different things but I narrowed it down to a few I thought made the most sense. The second one... the one you said they found in the bike-shop... means 'justice' or 'done' and can also mean 'death' or 'fate.' It's also a Fae family name... ha' Lárán."
"Which means?"
"Son of Lárán, I'd guess," Noah says.
"So, did the thief or murderer, sign his crime? Or is it just coincidence?"
"I don't know but I'd say the meaning is intentional."
"And the first rune?"
Noah hesitates and I wait as patiently as I can, imagining him beginning to pace or fiddle with something as he does when nervous.
"That one was harder. The meaning of the runes can change depending on how they're written... right side up, upside down or paired with other runes. As best as I can tell, it means 'warning' or 'danger' and..."
"And what?"
"And it's also the rune for a stag," he pauses, as if this should mean something important to me but I draw a blank.
"A stag. So?"
"A specific kind of stag," Noah continues.
"One that's old enough to be hunted."
Something Julian once told me comes back to me and I go stiff.
"A hart?"
"The word's not the same, of course but that would be the most accurate translation."
"Shit. So, is it a warning or a threat?"
"That, I can't say but either way, it would seem to be meant for Julian."
I rub my hand over my mouth.
"Anything else?"
"No, that's all I could discern. But send me anything else you find," his voice warms with academic enthusiasm as he speaks and I can't help smiling as I imagine him pushing his glasses up his nose and taking notes.
"This is actually quite fascinating. The runes are an older form, so my interpretations are somewhat subjective, of course but..."
"Thanks, Noah. We'll be in touch," I say, cutting him before he gets too far into lecture mode and end the call.
"What did he say?" Ingrid asks, as I put the car in reverse and back out of the parking spot.
"He figures it might not be coincidence Julian found the first rune. It has the same meaning as his last name and was probably meant for him."
"What about the second one?"
"That could be a name, too, though I haven't heard it before.. 'ha' Lárán' or something."
"Halloran? Isn't that the guy Jules is with?"
I admit my car's not the quietest ride but Ingrid's wolf's ears should be able to compensate for the noise at her age.
"No, not 'Halloran.' It's..." I trail off as the sounds align and then swear.
The way Julian had stared at the guy had made no sense, almost as if he'd recognized him, somehow.
"Shit. Hold on to your lunch," I say.
"We're about to break some speed limits."
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