#i got them. creative zoomies
mars-ipan · 11 months
going rabid going feral going rabid going feral
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Okay I'm so sorry cuz, not to post two things literally minutes apart, but I just got some inspiration for a post that's been sitting in my drafts for like 5 months now so. I want you Girlies to enjoy some Diviner headcanons I came up with
Storm wizards can visibly bristle. You know how like when your hair stands on end for any varying reasons (static shock, fear, the cold), well Storm wizards can just do this whenever. Excitement, anger, shock, etc., it can make their hair puff up and out like a dandelion. It's cute shut up
Storm wizards are physically more resistant to hearing loss (tinnitus) than any other type of wizard, but ironically enough they're the most likely to suffer from it when they're older. Along with spells of crashing storms and roaring waves they have to endure whenever they use their magic, it's common for Storm wizards to go into constructive work as adults; which involves drills and shit. A large percentage of diviners have partial or total hearing loss when they're nearing their elder years
As mentioned above, Storm wizards typically invest their time in work that involves building something in some way. Architects, plumbers, construction workers, inventors, even woodworking are jobs that you'll find are mostly Storm dominated. Due to their skill, creativity, and interest in that field they're often sought out and they often apply when they're of age
Funny enough they're paired with their magical opposite, Myth wizards, when it comes to certain things because they're also good at creating things for some reason(?). Myth wizards typically create things like art, so you'll see Myth wizards being authors, movie and play directors, performers, song writers, etc. Whether they need props for their shows or some Diviner thinks they can just do it better than a Myth wizard they usually find themselves together in a professional setting. Sparks fly
Storm wizards typically have incredible vocal range and are able to do really cool things with their voices. Ventriloquism, since they're able to throw their voice around. Mimicking other people's voices and even animal sounds with an eerie accuracy and some are even very good singers. (I'm pulling this from the website where it says that storm wizards use their voices to charm storm creatures into helping them. and also the Sirens exist)
Storm wizards are also just kinda loud. They shout and yell a lot even when they don't have to. They're banned from libraries /j
If their magic is strong enough, Diviners can sense, smell, and even taste storms miles away from when they hit. Not all of them can do this but it's very fortunate to have a friend go "oh yeah we're gonna have a tornado in a couple of hours" even if they were warned on the weather for cats beforehand
(((i was gonna say that they would be good hypnotists because that sounds metal as fuck and it seems like they have that kind of power anyway. but im afraid im making them too OP as it is so this is just kinda up in the air)))
Diviners get zoomies. It's common for them to be very "flighty" in general but when they get that random burst of energy or when they just feel super happy or euphoric for some reason they are flipping off walls man. Running around and squirming and shit. Menaces
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Sonic Prime Extended Universe HCs - New Yoke
so we know that the Shatterverses aren’t “real,” full universes, just distorted reflections of the Prime that aren’t fully-formed, hence why there’s only like 6 people and two locations. However fucking around is fun fun fun so I’m just gonna do a post for each universe dissecting where the other Sonic Universe characters would be and what they’d be up to. Please for the love of GOD add your own ideas/hcs in the comments I want us all to melt into creativity mush.
Team Chaotix are lowkey rebels. They pretend to be model citizens while aiding Rebel and Renegade’s forces from the sidelines. Well, when I say “they,” I mean all of them but Charmy. He is noooot the subtle type so they just hide him inside. This keeps him alive but his zoomies are insane. House has been on fire at least twice.
You guys know Fiona’s backstory in Archie where she was besties with Mighty and Ray and they tried to revolt and it didn’t end well? Yeah I feel like that literally happens 1-1 here; Mighty and Ray think Fiona is dead, she’s digging her way out of isolation. The boys are on the run and NOT having a good time.
The other 1-1 is Whisper’s backstory. oops
Tangle and Jewel are in the Resistance; Tangle’s a fighter obvsly, Jewel works espionage/organization/keeping Tangle from dying.
SatAM Freedom Fighters are literally just doing the same shit. However without Sonic they’re missing their most crucial team member (the Distraction™) so they have to be way more sneaky and careful. then again if there IS a New Yoke!Sonic he could very well be here so maybe they’re all just vibin
StC Freedom Fighters are here too; their resistance is way smaller and they can’t do a lot but they are doing their BEST okay?? Porker and Tekno are making some kickass robots and Shortfuse is a huge win for them. Johnny was their main fighter and uh. well. right before the Sonic Incident™ he kinda got blasted just like in canon. Sorry buddy
Vanilla and Cream are hiding the chao in their basement. Literally, they dug out a basement to function as a makeshift chao garden so that the little guys wouldn’t get killed by the mass roboticization. It’s not going too well because chao need clean water to survive and there’s only so much they can get. They’re not involved with the rebellion though; they’re doing all they can to keep themselves and their chao alive, and without meeting Amy or Sonic they’ve never made contact with the main cast. Perhaps, similar to Advance 2, they make contact when Vanilla gets captured for roboticization and Cream teams up with the rebels to rescue her?
Tikal peekin out of the ME cause she hasn’t seen Knuckles in a while: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
If we assume Robotnik has control of the Continents too, I like to think the Sonic X humans are running the rebellions over there. Chris has built Helen a rocket-powered wheelchair with guns on it and she is a little bit too happy about it
Elise is under a ton of pressure to keep her kingdom alive with the new dictatorship; they’re constantly checking in on her and roboticizing “criminals” in her kingdom and she hates it but if she objects they all die. Not having a good time!!
If Blaze is in this dimension she’s got a bit more freedom than Elise what with her superpowers; I feel like she probably has isolated her kingdom from the rest of the world while desperately trying to defeat oncoming invaders all by herself with her fire powers (+ with Silver maybe?). One day she goes too far and passes out, only to be saved by little Marine who encourages her to keep fighting.
Zeti peekin down at the planet below cause they’ve been seeing a lot of explosions lately: lol nice
actually Zeti would be a HUGe threat if they decided to invade. these bitches control electronics and you know what 90% of the planet is now
Sticks is THRIVING. Girl expected a robo-pocalypse for years and it finally came and now she’s rescued a few stragglers and they have a mini-civilization in her bunker in the woods. She often leads attacks on the robots just to fuck with the Council and also cause she thinks it’s fun.
Babylon Rogues aren’t on the Council’s side but they’re also not really helping the rebellion. They just run around stealing shit like they normally do
Surge and Kit happen after the Sonic Incident™; Starline tries to recreate Sonic’s power and it goes. about as well as you’d expect.
and finally, OUR BOTS:
the Edgy™ Scratch and Grounder concepts from Underground production are Real™
the reason we don’t see Orbot and Cubot here imo is that they’re running factories in farther areas. Not well but they’re doing an adequate enough job they haven’t been scrapped yet
Snively is also running a factory somewhere, but his obsequious nature might get him roboticized just out of annoyance one day.
Breezie is considered their most dangerous robot. She’s a shapeshifter and can disguise herself as a normal mobian in order to get information on the Resistance; they’re constantly terrified that anybody could be Her.
Robotnik JR is here too, also a shifter; he’s made to be a robotic duplicate of the Chaos Council for certain public appearances in case of assassination attempts.
Decoe and Bocoe I don’t see as being here, but I dO see Bokkun as being WAY scarier than funny here. He is a detonation-bot and he’s damn good at his job and he’s a scary lil gremlin guy
Hope lost most of her family and is living under the Chaos Council’s ““care””. She absolutely hates them and is trying to aid the Resistance, but she’s under constant observation and thus can make no actual contact with them. Every now and again she’s been able to delete a file or turn off a camera. There’s no telling how many of them she’s saved with these small acts. They don’t know she exists.
Belle and Sage are not here... yet.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Hi hello hi
I really really really LOVE YOUR STORIES
They're so so so so so good
And i love to reread them and i come back to em (my sense of time awareness -temporal awareness???- is terrible tho so sometimes I think it's been weeks since i read one but it turns out to only be a day)
Anyways, your writing
I love it
Love the way you write Vil and Rook and reallly all of the characters
It's so delicious so delightful so wonderful and so satisfying and just THE BEST
I don't want to repeatedly reblog at times mostly cause i know that tends to translate as lots lots of notifs (i can be a bit spammy with my comments and reblogs so i try not to be too much but also your stuff is so so so so so so so so so GOOD )
The writing is simply immaculate in that it's so cozy and so delightful to read yet one still feels like it's the character and it's one of those cases of "the writing makes it feel canon even if that character doesn't always act like that". Not sure if that makes sense, but understand it's positive connotations. I love how you create these stories and the way you write them. The wording is so good and it feels both descriptive and gets details and emotions across yet not blandly concise and dry. It's really really really such a delight to read your stuff and i wanted you to know that without obliterating notifs with stuff (also cause i get tired or even WORSE - i blank out in the comment section or reblog section cause i got too excited and then i can't think about what exactly to write down lol)
Anyway, dropping this in the ask box
P.S. - pardon if overly energetic, trying not to be too much after sipping multiple cups of coffee- I'm so jittery and my heart is hype and it doesn't help that i was rereading your stuff and i just get so damn happy that i get jittery and big burst of energy. Like like idk lol
Like being attacked by cozy feelings and joy and kicking your feet under the covers kinda feeling (i wonder if this is how my guinea pig feels when she popcorns and jumps or when my dog does zoomies. I bet they're squeeing lol)
I think it's also cause I tend to have high energy and feel relatively intensely about lots of things (though it's more like JUST feeling though not affecting the actions as much lol- like squeeing but i can get up and do chores after??? Idk)
Super good and super awesome and i love them (again am hype on so much coffee and also from stories so combo whammy lol)
first of all! let it be known that I LOVE getting spammed, reblog and like and comment as much as your heart desires because it makes me SO happy, I love have my notifs blown up
second of all! THANK YOU SO MUCH
I keep like every nice comment I get, they give me the motivation to get through the day =w= I read all of yours especially, I think they're just so sweet and detailed and I love them... I think the first time you left a nice comment on one of my works I showed my friends because I got so excited
and thank you so so much about the comments on my characterization... I really enjoy getting to analyze and understand a character and then writing them with that in mind. I'm not perfect at it for all the twst characters just yet but my scope has definitely improved since I started here! it's kind of an exploratory process
I'd attribute my writing style to my background in poetry ^w^ I was formally trained as a poet until ~15 (tho I kept writing on my own) I'm unable to give every fic my all but I try to be a little creative with them at the very least! and the headcanons too
as for vil and rook... pomefiore has always been my fave dorm since snow white is my second favorite disney movie, I think about them all so much, I really relate to both epel and vil for various reasons too. my beloveds, really
ANYWAY. knowing that I'm doing something that makes people so happy is really the highlight of this, there's no better feeling than seeing someone go feral over my writing in the notes! truly the best part about creating art is seeing its emotional effect on people
this is the first x reader blog I've ever had (I made one like 2 years ago but was too shy to post so I deleted) and the experience I've had here so far has been so good. I used to be very scared of interacting w fandoms, being a naturally kinda scaredy person, but everyone here is so nice and talented?? it's the best I love it here
and feel free to ramble anytime! I love it
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I've been thinking a lot as of late about Django's skill set, and the almost nightmarish reality of the type of violence and destruction he's capable of committing all on his very own. I'll probably make this into a more structured and proper HC post in the future. But for now, I just kinda want to ramble about this for a second because I don't think I've really had the opportunity to fully display just what kind of a one-man wrecking crew/army he is.
Talk to anyone who's a fan of SR and takes pride in their own version of The Boss, and they will tell you what sort of aspects they really lean into when depicting them in writing, art, or anything remotely creative. For me, aside from wanting to really explore the whole idea of a customizable character and that disconnect from most people, I really leaned into the more violent aspects that make up the character. And that's because when you stop and think about it, the sort of things that The Boss is able to accomplish throughout the original series—at least on their own—is really fucking astounding. And even more so terrifying.
You can make the argument that the original iteration of the Saints wouldn't have gotten to the point they did if The Boss hadn't come in and just carried the load, and got their hands as dirty as they did. Which isn't to say that everyone else wasn't pulling their weight. But it's clear to me that anything that was remotely significant was handed off to this random kid who got swept into the gang life. And when I apply that to my portrayal, Django starts to come across as almost relentless whenever there's work for him to do.
Said relentlessness can also be applied to how he handles the work he receives, or really, any sort of task at hand. He is goal-oriented. He is focused, despite what he may lead you to believe. A plan may fall apart and make it seem as if you need to go back and reconsider your approach. Not for Django. He will finish the task at hand by any means necessary. Even if wanton destruction is left in his wake. He is the human equivalent of the nastiest hurricane you could ever imagine. And he's got the body count and property damage to back that title up.
Let's talk about violence for a second. The guy loves it. Fighting in general gets his blood pumping, and his adrenaline spiking higher and higher. He is a sick freak that enjoys hurting his enemies and fighting tougher opponents just to better his own skills. Whenever he REALLY starts to get into a fight, I would equate it to a dog being let off a leash and getting zoomies. He's basically frenzied, and more than ready to put someone down if it comes to that.
And when I think about that kind of attitude, plus the way he can seemingly go through wave after wave of enemies, it really begins to paint a picture of what that may look like to an outside observer. Or hell, anyone for that matter, regardless of what side they're on. Like, it wouldn't surprise me if, as the years go on, people just made up ghost stories about the guy. Sure, he's prolific as hell. But you can't imagine what kinds of things he gets up to whenever there isn't a news camera on him. Plus, I would think that with everything he and the gang have accomplished, that anyone in the big leagues—whether it be in the criminal underworld, or from law enforcement—would take heavy consideration as to how to approach the guy given what he's able to do.
We're talking about someone here who has not only toppled several different gangs with varying degrees of influence and power, but gone up against cops, SWAT teams, the FBI, and even people who are as close to the honest-to-god military as possible.
I really don't have a proper way to end this because it was meant to be a long ramble in the first place. But man, I don't know. There's just a lot to consider about what Django's reputation would be throughout the world in his own canon. And this also goes for crossovers, AU's, all sorts of things. His penchant for violence is something that will be on full display no matter what the playing field may be when writing the guy. And I just hope people keep that in mind whenever we plot stuff out, or just have discussions in general.
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I'd really love to keep a Shroodle as a pet, what in particular should I keep in mind? I can't seem to find much information about keeping Shroodles, as most people think they're gross. I also should add that I'm an artist person myself, and I wonder if there's any "creative" activities we could do together to better bond. Thank you!
shroodles are honestly really lovely little pokemon! they're generally mellow, good-natured guys, though being poison type, they do have some quirks.
one thing to know about shroodles is your house is going to stink. they drip a foul-smelling fluid from glands in their mouth and near their cloaca, which they then smear around their territory- it's a natural behavior for them, and there's really no getting rid of it, though fixing and litterbox training them can help control it. you'll get used to the scent over time, but your houseguests might not love it lol
in terms of enrichment activities, you can definitely paint with your shroodle! smearing a little pokemon-safe paint around mimics their natural territory-marking behavior, and it's great enrichment for them. they also enjoy foraging, since they spend a lot of time snuffling through the grass and bushes for berries and small bug types. and even though they've got those short little legs, watch out- these guys are actually pretty quick for their size! shroodle zoomies are ADORABLE. i recommend getting some little tunnels for a shroodle to race in and out of.
also, keep in mind that shroodle's venom, while not typically fatal to humans, can cause temporary limb paralysis and make breathing difficult. it's super important to keep human-grade antidote on hand for it!
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winterandwords · 2 years
🌃 Project Frequency Update: 23 October 2022 (with bonus doggo content)
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📖 WIP summary 📢 Join the tag list
📝 Status
Editing draft 02 I managed to let draft 01 sit for a couple of weeks, which isn't as long as I'd hoped for but the brain wants what it wants. I did a read-through, made a fuckload of notes, and now I'm working my way through them, doing the edits.
✅ Next step
Finish draft 02, rest, then begin draft 03 I think draft 03 will probably be a very close-up line edit. I feel like all the plot stuff and technical stuff will be solid after draft 02, then I can just obsess over finding exactly the right words for things (which is my favourite part).
💜 Feels
I got to the bottom of some lingering bleh that had been floating around my head about writing (I rambled about it here, if you want to read about that) and it felt like the last piece that needed to fall into place to allow me to beat the shoulds into submission.
It's had a really positive effect on my writing process because I've finally managed to break through a life-long pattern of works well under pressure (self-destructive) and I'm feeling a lot more chill about everything. Writing isn't my career or my job and I don't want it to be. It's something I do because I enjoy it, which is equally valid, and now I'm...actually enjoying it. No pressure, no stress, no hassle. Just creativity and good vibes.
✍ Snippet
Gillen stares into the space between us, watching particles of air or drifting sounds. It might just be the way I’m seeing things right now, but something about him seems softer, less protected than usual. “Death,” he says. Everything beyond him is a blur. Everything in my head is a blur too. “What about it?” “It suits you.” “I guess so.” And maybe it does. However I came to be wearing it, maybe I still slide my arms into it and wrap it around myself. It keeps everyone else out. Or it keeps me in. He turns my hands over on the table and runs his fingers down the ladders of healed cuts and burns on my forearms. “You look dangerous.” “Because of the scars?” He shakes his head. “Nothing to do with the scars.”
👀 Bonus bits
I'm absolutely cheating here because this month's bonus bits have nothing to do with the book. Just over a week ago, we adopted a traumatised doggo and that's where almost all my time has been going. She's a huge gentle soul and she's so happy when we're having cuddles or she's doing zoomies round the garden, but she's terrified of everything and needs constant contact and reassurance.
She hasn't left my side since we got her. I have to sit next to her when I feed her or she won't eat. She sleeps in bed with me when my husband is at work (and with both of us on his nights off). I keep finding scars on her body and legs. She wakes up in the middle of the night crying and shaking and won't go back to sleep unless I'm holding her.
I try not to think too much about what she went through when she was a pup because it makes me so fucking angry (may the people who hurt her get exactly what they deserve) and I'd rather channel that energy into loving her and helping her live her best life.
This is my daughter Shadow. She's beautiful and I love her.
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💜 Tag list
Thanks for your support and encouragement! Comment or message me to be added or removed. @drabbleitout @ezestreet @i-can-even-burn-salad @manathen @thegreatobsesso
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heimesweek · 1 year
Cannot give enough praise and gratitude to the astounding stuff people have made so far... you're all so talented and creative and seeing all of it genuinley gives me the zoomies!!! 💕💕💕😭😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️ now this prompt, I can't begin to express how eager I am to see the creativity that spawns from it 🥺🥺💓
Day 5: Crossover/Alternate Universe
Have you ever wanted to see these two in your favorite other media? Or perhaps you have an alternate universe where they are already existing in a certain other reality? Maybe you wanted to see them in the Elder Scrolls universe, or them in a Modern AU, or them with a Pokemon team. Show us what ya got! Go hog wild!
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shizunitis · 1 month
What’s something you want to talk about but never get the opportunity to?
i want to say my wips. but it's less that i don't have the opportunity (i can and will yap about shit unto eternity unprompted with no shame whatsoever) and more that i'm not great at discussing them. mostly because i'm lazy and the english language is my mafia ceo alpha enemy and lover 200k slow burn unfinished abandoned yadda yadda
if you catch me the one day a month i've got the creativity zoomies, i'll pile you with all the half-formed ideas i've got, and then the next day i'll be like '??? i never said that. who are you talking about. i can't even read' because it's too much effort to actually kick my brain back into gear and speak words
my notes and tumblr drafts are a mess. mostly because i have a 'oooh what if' moment or am feeling particularly melancholy about binghe and have to shitpost about it, but then i go, "hm. this says too much about who i am. perhaps not now. let's put a pin in that," and then my enthusiasm flags until i'm in an editing mood. which is a rare and precious occurrence that i have no control over. many have been lost and forgotten because of this
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literarynecromancy · 10 months
Hiya, how are you doing today?
Share 3 songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter/fic. 
For the WIP fic game, please and thank you!
Currently working my way through the day after an all-nighter so I am in an INTERESTING position rn lmao! The creative zoomies are there under the surface because of it, but I am having trouble accessing them. Share 3 songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter/fic.
Chernobyl - Fabrizio Brugnera
It Tore Your Heart Out - Dirt Poor Robins
Entering the Capitol - James Newton Howard
I actually just got done making a 4hr ATCC playlist so this was aptly timed lmao!~ Hope you're well!
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husbandograveyard · 1 year
Hi Hazel! I hope you feel better soon!
Leona, our beloved drenched cat (affectionate).
I've been meaning to invest in some leggings for ages so that I could wear dresses in the winter but I never got around to it haha. Maybe it's time.
That makes sense! If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to learn more about your OCs. I like the idea of OCs but I'm not creative enough to think about characteristics and personalities.
Sending you all my Twst gacha luck! May everyone come home within a few pulls.
I've been reading books lately! I'm trying to get back into the habit of reading but I don't have the attention span haha.
Wishing you a speedy recovery and reminder to drink lots of water! Sending you lots of love -berry anon
Hiya Berry! He truly is our (beloved) drenched cat, hehehe. 100% recommend the leggings, maybe this is a sign haha.
I am getting better, definitely. I was sick for the better part of a week, and I am still pretty tired, but I am feeling more human again every day.
What kind of books are you reading? I try reading a bunch of books every year, but I am gloriously failing this year, I haven't been able to participate in book club much either. I need to find a balance again... and it is hard to keep off of my phone. What's your favorite book? Any recommendations?
With fall finally feeling like fall, it's ideal reading weather. Burn some candles, have a nice mug of a hot beverage and a blanket over your lap, some atmospheric music in the background.. ugh maybe I should just get to it again as well... I have a huge stack of unread books and manga (did I tell you yet I got the twst manga too? Only the first volume was available yet, the rest is in pre-order for now, but it looks GORGEOUS the art is fantastic!)
As for twst, glorious masquerade is here, and I am anxiously waiting for the Idia card to drop. I have my 200 pulls ready so he is guaranteed, but I hope he doesn't make me go all the way. Fingers crossed.
As for my OC's. I will GLADLY share, but I am SO SORRY I cannot possibly keep this brief... so I added a cut, and please feel free to just.. ignore it if it's too much, I love my OC's loads and am always a little embarrassed to talk about them because I will gush and this is... so so so long. So... here goes, OC ramble under the cut. Even if you don't get through it, wishing you a wonderful reading time and beginning of fall! Hope to hear from you soon! <3
Disclaimer before diving into my OC's (also for other people reading this). All these OC's are female, I am aware NRC is an all boy's school and this makes no sense, but these are my OC's and my alterations to the storyline, and I just go for a mixed school (with more additions, but more on that later). Some of these are more developed than others, but I love them all dearly.
Okay so I have 6 twisted wonderland OC's aside from a Yuusona which is a blatant self-insert/Yuu for in the games. I'll share a visual (the visuals are all made with the Rinmaru fantasy generator + 2 pieces of my own mediocre art) and a little blurb on their Unique magic, personality, 'storyline' (and partner, as most of them are made 'for' a specific character) and other relevant things, if there is such a thing, cause not all of them have that much. There are some very clear and some less clear Disney references in most of them, especially the unique magics. At least I tried.
Dannah Caliiya (Pronounced: Day-nah Kalee-ya)
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(with this, debut of my art, lmao)
Dannah is a Gazelle beastman, and a Savanaclaw student. She is happy-go-lucky, carefree, and very athletic. She is of average intelligence, but has massive trouble concentrating, a personification of the worst of my ADHD, if you will. She gets literal zoomies and brain zoomies, which make her a menace to have in class (especially Trein), but a delight to have in sports clubs. She is part of Savanaclaw's spelldrive team, and actually one of their star players. Her magic skills are mediocre, but her stamina is unrivalled, she can outrun nearly all other Savanaclaw members.
Her partner is -of course- Leona, and the idea came off of a romeo and juliet-esque 'forbidden' romance of what would traditionally be considered not-done, in the sense of an absolute commoner and royalty, but with a hidden layer of what could be considered a prey animal and a predator (even though beastmen don't necessarily live by those dynamics). She is, by all means, Leona's 'herbivore' (affectionate).
Her unique magic is Everything the light touches, a spell that makes a bright light appear in a location of her choice. The brightness depends on the power of the spell, and can either light a way (even through magical darkness) or temporarily blind other people.
She expresses affection towards friends, family and romantic partners by gently bonking her forehead into theirs. For Lions, rubbing ones face against someone else is generally a more intimate gesture, which will lead to some awkward misunderstandings in the beginning of the friendship between her and Leona.
Lexi Greydance
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Lexi is another Savanaclaw student, and she is also a beastman. It's not very clear from the dress up generator, but she is a Crocodile beastman. She is not a very book-smart kinda gall. Practical magic is her forte, but no one ask her any theoretical stuff, she'll draw a blank and just guess (and guess wrongly 9/10). She's overall pretty charming but has no filter, which makes her come across as blunt or sometimes even rude to those that don't know her. She does mean well. She's pretty athletic, but doesn't necessary act on it. Loves sunbathing cause she's always cold. She is pretty but doesn't put much effort in it, hot mess couture, she has this permanent "just woke up look." Her unique magic is "your head is in the clouds" Clouds appear around a targets head, blinding, deafening and disorienting them for the duration of the spell. Works best on 1-3 human-sized targets, but more is possible, it just gets harder to keep the spell going/or the spell weakens. Training can better this eventually.
She gets paired with Jack, and her role is not necessary one of a student, but more of a house 'mother' by the lack of a better word. She is actually around the age of the students, and is there as an aid to the housewarden, whoever it may be. She divides chores for the students and makes sure they're done, helps organize school- and dorm activities, oversees clubs... She gets along with Leona well enough, and they have a bond of mutual respect. They leave each other alone most of the time.
Mei Meduzo
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Meduzo means Jellyfish in esperanto and she is a Jellyfish-mermaid, based on a phantom jellyfish, also known as Stygiomedusa. So I thought the name was a nice mix of origins, translation and an alliteration.
As a mermaid, I think it's quite easy to guess she's part of Octavinelle, and she is also part of the fish mafia (Azul/Floyd/Jade). She is calm, collected and polite. She is very charming and intelligent, but errs on the lazier side for actually using her skills. She is a musician, able to sing and play violin. She works in the Mostro lounge, either behind the bar or playing background music. She also sometimes participates in their more shady business dealings; I'd like to call her Floyd's squeezing buddy. All her earnings go to luxury products, mostly makeup, accessories and clothes. She likes spoiling herself.
(since scientists still don't really know how the Stygiomedusa catches prey with their very drape-like tentacles (there are not many spotted yet), one of the theories is that prey basically gets smothered and suffocated in the drapetacles. So, I Imagine she can help Floyd with squeezing, although she is more elegant about it.)
I have no unique magic for her yet and I am not sure if I will ever get her any. Her partner is Jade. They both have the same brand of customer service smile and politeness, with some darkness lurking under the surface. They are deeply in love, but no one (except for those very close to them) knows about their relationship, just cause they are mostly reserved in public.
Leah Blackwell
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A shorter one in between, as a little resting place for you, if you're still reading. We're past the halfway point hahah, I am so sorry. I just go ham when I can ramble about my OC's.
Leah is a concept more than an actual OC. She is a princess, but I don't know of where just yet, and she is at NRC to learn how to be *independent*. She was raised extremely sheltered though, always had servants do stuff for her.
She ends up in Scarabia and is best friends with Kalim, and in turn, a huge pain in the behind for Jamil, who now has to practically babysit TWO spoilt children that HONESTLY don't know any better. She tries out to help but will 10/10 accidentally set the kitchen on fire doing the dishes.
Aestrid Anktha
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another one of my silly drawings Drawing context: Jamil has been up since 4am prepping and says that he is 'fine' and 'doesn't need any help'. Aestrid has a dark aesthetic but a soft personality. She loves reading and learning. If you need help acing exams, she's gonna be your key to succes. She will read an entire antology of magic for some light bedtime reading. She is always willing to help others out, maybe even a little bit of a pushover (make that definitely, she is definitely a huge pushover). She'll stay up late to tutor those who ask nicely. You do have to ask nicely. She will take over any and all chores or at least help. BUT if the chore is a punishment, she won't, purely out of principle. She follows school rules, values good grades, but also a proper balance of free time and chores.
Her unique magic is "Itty bitty living space" - shrinking someone to a tiny size, and sealing them in a magical bottle. They don't run out of oxygen nor do they get hungry or thirsty, it's confinement. Not death. Once the bottle is opened or destroyed the person gets back to their regular size.
She is in Scarabia, and she is Jamil's girlfriend. Their relationship is a slow-developing one, because she is extremely shy, and it's easier for her to hang out with Kalim than Jamil, even though she has a massive crush on the latter. And since Jamil is so guarded and rarely shows his true colors, it takes a while for them to get close. They bond over chores though, Aestrid always helping out Jamil when he's doing servant tasks on top of vice housewarden chores and some of the housewarden chores as well.
Melanie Furea
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[picture is a temporary placeholder made on picrew, I actually want to draw her]. This is my most recent and most elaborate OC. This one has the most story-info, is the only one not at NRC (so could technically be integrated into the story without making NRC a mixed school), and she is the one I am most proud of (I think Dannah, Aestric and Melanie are my three main babies). The story has some obvious mistakes, plotholes and otherwise still, so please ignore these as I am still finetuning her and figuring out how blot etc works precisely. I know you're not really into twst that much anymore, so idk how much you know of chapter 6, but there are some spoilers in here, just so you know. I will keep most things vague.
Melanie Furea - her friends call her Mel, at least they would, if she had any friends. Her family had been tied to the Shroud family long before they got cursed, already indebted because of a personal matter between ancestors, where a Furea promised servitude from their family to the Shrouds, in exchange for getting their family saved. The exact details are unsure, but the Furea family wouldn't exist if it weren't for the Shrouds. Then, when hundreds of years ago the Shrouds got cursed, and their servants got a hereditary curse placed upon them as well. As the Shrouds are forced to be near sources of blot, burning them incessantly before it starts eating at their own energy, the Fureas keep producing blot, overblotting if the blot doesn't get dealt with, forcing them to stay one the Isle of Woe as well, where there's the necessary precautions, or near a Shroud when they leave the Isle. If there is too much blot produced, it's a quick overblot without even having to use magic, and they will die
Somewhere a few generations back, the bond was no longer one of exact servitude, as neither families truly remember what that is for, but since they do kind of need each other to balance out the curses, they keep working on the isle as assistants/higher ups at Styx. Melanie's parents were the first to try and get away from that all, devising a plan to escape, with a magical item that they acquired that would take away their blot accumulation. It cost them all their money, and they hadn't gotten far before noticing that it was a scam. They died in their escape attempt, leaving little Melanie behind. She was 10 at the time, old enough to realize what was happening. Melanie now works for Styx, mostly as Idia's personal assistant, staying in contact with him, even when he's at NRC. They basically grew up together, the Shroud parents taking pity on her and taking her in after her parent's death. This was also one year after the Ortho-incident, so they were hoping having someone around of his age would make it easier to overcome his grief and get him out of his shell again. It didn't help much, but she is closer to Idia than anyone else (except of course Otho IA). They regularly game together and he can talk normal to her. If anything, he kind of bosses her around sometimes.
She used to dream of leaving the island, fueled by stories told by her parents, but what happened to them was enough of a shock for her to give up said dream. Now she kind of lives a meaningless existence, following Idia's lead in online escapism, having online alter egos that are living out big adventures in safer online environments.
Since there isn't much to do for her besides work and game, and there are very little people for her to socialize with, she is a bit harder to get along with. She is kind of sarcastic and has pretty high walls built around her, and most people who work at Styx need to avoid her anyway because people with low magic can get affected by the constant blot-production.
She has a little bit of a crush on Idia too, but chooses to ignore that and handles her emotions with more sarcasm and a little distance and kicking his ass at rhythm games. Because of her curse, she is planning on not being selfish like her parents and have her bloodline die out. It's not like the Shrouds 'need' them anymore anyway, as long as they return to Styx regularly they can travel around just fine.
which leaves me with an interesting idea for if she and Idia were to ever have kids, if that would break both familial curses??
Her unique magic is blooming love "get off my case" - a defensive spell which makes white flowers appear. They are harmless unless touched and then they paralyze the person who's touched them, effectively being a barrier between her and people trying to close.
Underneath is some more brainrot and ramble i pulled straight from discord, so if it's a little more chaotic that's why. Hercules is one of my favorite movies and Idia is my favorite together with Leona, which is why I put so much effort in this OC. I just simply had way more to play with for Idia, as chapter 6 has so much more lore than chapter 2. No matter how much I love Leona, his story was so far the worst, and I am still a little salty about that.
discord blurb 1: "3 am Melanie thoughts: since there's some physical representation of the curse as there is with the Shrouds, I'm putting it in her hair as well. It's pitch black, like a manifestation of blot. It looks like a strange mix of fluid/gaseous, but it's neither, with little drips falling down but never hitting the floor. It generally looks wavy/curly, but also changes shape with emotions, though never color. When she's excited, angry or generally experiencing intense emotions, it becomes more curly/wild/voluminous looking. When sad/shy/deflated/anxious it becomes flatter and flatter, even hanging in front of her face (think Violet from the Incredibles). She mostly wears it in a ponytail though, to keep it out of her face since she hates it as a reminder to why she's practically chained to the Isle."
discord blurb 2: "Oh and considering Idia's feelings around her, she's always been better at hiding feelings so where Idia was a shutin and became increasingly anxious around people, she's mostly been harboring anger which makes her mostly a little intimidating and generally hard to approach. So i am standing with my Idia being both attracted to her but also intimidated by her on a personal level, but professionally and for gaming opportunities they get along just fine. He has a habit of still kind of ordering her around without thinking about it even when she's off the clock, and she will 100% just chuck the things he needs at his head whenever she's off the clock, which serves as a great reminder."
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IF you read through all of this, Berry, I am sending you all the internet points and cookies. Thank you SO MUCH for letting me ramble and elaborate on my OCs. I have so much feelings about them and I love talking about them, but I also always feel a little embarassed cause I don't want to push them in people's faces. And well.. now you have seen some of my drawings too I guess. Sending you loads of love!
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prettylittlelyres · 1 year
Hi there buddy, my name is Athena. I'm coming to say hi, see how you're doing and this is a chance to ramble about your wips. How many ocs do you have, how many have been through a lot and do you keep everything tracked and organised with tables and stuff?
Hiya, Athena! I'm doing well, on a train at the moment so feeling the creative zoomies.
I've got so many OCs I'm actually not sure how many there are; there's about twelve PoV Characters in "This Still Happens", another ten or so important characters in "Curls of Smoke", and nine in "Vogeltje".
I've recently realised (my originally standalone book) "Violins and Violets" actually needs to be a series, because there isn't time enough in a single novel to develop the characters properly. There's one character (Hans) who appears in "Violins and Violets" and "Vogeltje" (he's the Bindenglied), but not including him, there are ten to twelve important figures in "Violins and Violets".
I do a lot of headhopping in "This Still Happens", and it's long, so the characters do get developed, but I still want to develop a sequel for it where TSH characters meet some people from "Curls of Smoke".
All these stories are actually set in the same universe (which is really similar to ours but with a few extra composers and one extra luthier), so the sequel would also feature a descendant of two characters from "Vogeltje"!
As to your second question: "How many have been through a lot?" - it depends what you mean by "a lot". Short answer: most of them.
"This Still Happens" leaves most of its characters badly shaken up, and some even end up with PTSD/CPTSD. Gordon survives an attempt on his life, which is what starts the plot rolling, but he's not the most traumatised person in the group - not by the end of the book, or even, come to think of it, at the beginning - he just doesn't know it yet. Stefan had a pretty nasty childhood but it's plain sailing for him from now on, and although things are intolerable for Ffion, she will be happy one day. She will thrive.
Florian from "Curls of Smoke" had a financially privileged but emotionally horrible start in life, and now he's dealing with scary medical stuff.
Marianne from "Vogeltje" is from an aristocratic family and about as privileged as it gets... but she was orphaned at five, and she's got (undiagnosed in the 18th century) Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which is causing serious problems for her health. Another character is pregnant and unmarried, and won't be allowed to marry her baby's father. Yet another character had a really horrible breakup after she had a pregnancy scare of her own, and has to see her horrible ex every day. Another character loses her best friend far too young. In real life, King George III was severely ill, and he and Queen Charlotte outlived three of their children (two of whom have already died by the time "Vogeltje" starts).
Katharina from "Violins and Violets" wants to be a composer, but her father is so adamantly against this that he destroys all her work in front of her, and tries to force her into an arranged marriage she doesn't want. She's been uprooted from everywhere she's ever lived after just a few months, she's never really been able to keep the few friends she's made, and she knows her father is disappointed in her. The bright side is that her brother, Hans, thinks she's absolutely brilliant, and he encourages her to pursue her dreams no matter what their father says.
Do I keep things organised? Do I keep things organised? ... Do I keep things... Organised? I use spreadsheets and a writerly bujo and usually a story bible to write down key information about my characters and plan out plots. In theory, I should be extremely well organised... But then I am not. Can't stick to my plans. Can't explain why. It's a secret (from me, most of all).
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pyraffin-drgo · 2 years
Things are better???
4 years of suffering physically and countless meds and things that didn't help, including surgery. A while ago I had yet another doctors appointment, in a new place, and I just expected to be brushed off again, have another blood test done and told nothing was actually wrong, maybe to be thrown yet more pills.
Well, I was given more pills. But it didn't feel like they just threw them at me without hearing my issues like the others had. But I was still terrified of trying yet more new pills. Chronic pain treatment that doubles as antidepressants/anxiety meds. I read the paper that comes with them and it does not help my base level anxiety lmao. On top of that I didn't have much hope for my suffering ever easing anymore. I was also worried that being antidepressants, it would change my brain. I worried it would somehow destroy my weird creative process, prevent me from latching onto hyperfixations, or whatever.
But... they work? As intended??
I still have the occasional pain. No where as bad or disabling as it was. But my nausea... is gone? A few days into taking the pills and I had the best day in my life in 4 years. I had no pain. No nausea. I ate decently and didn't feel in miserable recovery for 5 hours after!! I ate and could walk after!
I was happy, giddy even, relaxed, ENJOYING! I developed a new hyperfixation after not being able to find anything interesting in so long!!! I felt like I could sprint around the world! Zoomies!! I had energy! I wanted to get out and walk around some place, even a walmart! I loved the world and wanted to be in it again.
My creative process hasn't changed. I'm still out of the loop in some of it but I've been broken for so long so it's understandable. With the spare energy I can actually work on it. I'm happier! I'm okay! My stomach is manageable! It's so much easier to be kinder to myself now. I don't feel a pang of fear at every little thing I feel inside my body anymore. I can tell myself "it'll be fine" and I actually believe it.
I'm not numb anymore. Last year the grass and trees and flowers budding didn't make me feel anything, when previously it made my day every day. Now... it does again. I can't wait to feel the joy summer brings again.
But my general everything else is still kinda fucked. I'm still used to eating too late, then staying up too late because of that, and I also need to get back into the habit of brushing my teeth. I never had the energy to do it before, but now that I do I need to work it into the routine again.
I got a lot of work to do... but it actually doesn't scare me. I'm just glad I can finally do the work now. And can enjoy things along the way. That's why I'm cringe on main.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 22 (100TH episode) Ephermeral
For this review I will not being doing my standard Live Reaction, But I will be going over points in the episode and how I thought about them. Then giving my review
-Bob Roth's akumatization and Akuma were hilarious and honestly I would have LOVED for it to have been its own episode
-Gabriel just GTFO to go akumatize someone is so Gabriel at this point.
-I really like the fight scene with Moolak. It was creative, and I enjoyed how they got around it despite Adrien not being there.
-I am sad that the combination was NOT 0420 or 6969
-Su Han just shows up whenever he feels like it. And honestly he is kind of reasonable in this case. (I know i am shocked I feel the same)
-Okay so Luka, YOU KNOW WHO CHAT NOIR IS ALREADY! This would have been a great time to come clean and admit it. But no, instead you let Marinette (because you f***ing know its her) come up with this deceptive plan to find out his identity. Not gonna lie, DICK MOVE bro.
-Also, I am a bit disappointed in Marinette here. Now it is in character for her to come up with such a CONVOLUTED plan to find out Chat noir's identity. But its really deceptive. (In a way it is kind of like what Chat noir did knowing Ladybug is marinette in chat blanc. But the difference is that Ladybug premeditated finding out and then blatantly hiding it and resetting.
-Simpleman literally told her NOT to over-complicate things. She could have just told him "Hey, Su Han needs to know your identity." and thats it. Chat noir would have listened. But then there wouldnt be an episode, so okay sure.
-Now, This is a nit pick, but I think Alix should have been the one Marinette trusted with this plan, not Luka. Because Alix doesnt have a timer. She could easily just go back in time and just TELL her past self. Marinette already knows future alix can "keep a secret"
-Ladybug laughing when chat noir told her he was Adrien agreste SEEMS more hurtful than it is. I mean, WE KNOW he is serious. But think of it logically. It would be like telling someone you were a famous celebrity. And Chat noir does joke around, so Ladybug laughing is totally valid.
-Adrien's reaction to finally telling Ladybug (KITTY HAS THE ZOOMIES)
-Plagg is like "This s*** stinks" cause Plagg ALWAYS KNOWS S*** IS GONNA GO DOWN! (also this is the only call back to chat blanc )
-So Marinette/Ladybug going through her process of finding out Adrien is Chat noir is the best part of this episode. Because she had mentally separated them in her head. She now has to figure out which side of him is the real him. And she figures out that its actually both.
-Now I bagged on Luka earlier but his talk with Marinette was actually a good thing and I commend him for that.
-But also he is kind of an a**hole here because he f***ing knows why Marinette is going through all this.
-The scene when she reveals herself to Adrien. That was the best scene. I did wish for a kiss scene but this was Masterfully done.
-Marinette and Adrien Post-reveal but before dating was DELICIOUS.
-Now Gabriel figuring out Adrien was Chat noir based on ONE overheard conversation? I call bulls***. Gabriel doesnt pay attention to his son enough for it to make sense.
-Okay now for the elephant in the room. Everyone talked about how the "RING CONTAINS THE AMOK" and that the scene when Adrien gets akumatized is 100% proof that Adrien is a sentimonster. I see that interpretation, but one scene came to mind
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-And please do remember that Adrien was ALONE with his father and emotionally shook. So Gabriel reigning him in without Ladybug/marinette there to help him resist maybe the valid reason for giving in.
-I was disappointed by adrien's akuma power. But it also was such a perfect way to defeat ladybug.
-Shadow noir looked actually intimidating
-Seeing Akuma adrien appologize was heartbreaking
-Now why did marinette message Luka? It would have made more sense for her to message Alya. Unless something happens that Makes Marinette not trust Alya (but I dont think that happened)
-So I really love the explanation on HOW the wish works. It basically recreates the universe. For something so small it can re-arrange EVERYTHING. And thats REALLY COOL.
-Sass using his powers is insane. Also WHY NOT USE BUNNYX!? I am sorry but this is bulls***. It would have been so much less dangerous with a person using Bunnyx.
-Seeing a past Ladybug was kind of fun.
-I am glad we got the whole space transformation and all, but I really dont get how fixing a satellite fixed everything.
-(Also is chat noir Not gonna question why Luka was on the other line when it was supposed to be just Him and Ladybug talking?)
-So basically no one but sass knows what happened thus making this episode NOT adrien's chat blanc which I personally think is stupid.
-Su han getting chewed out by Ladybug and then him just being like "Actually you are great" feels a bit... Anticlimactic. But not story breaking.
I am VERY mixed on this episode
On one hand, the emotional moments are very fun. Marinette figuring it all out is one of my favorite moments for her all season.
But on the other hand... I feel REALLY disappointed.
There are no real emotional stakes.
All of the 'Revelations' are not permanent. And this becomes just another reason why "THEY CANT KNOW EACHOTHER'S" identities.
Also Luka is such a central part of this episode and he is basically at fault for this.
This isnt just salt, I mean it. He, as a character, had at LEAST 3 opportunities from stopping this from going south. I am not gonna say he is an awful person, but saying this isn't even PARTIALLY his fault is F***ING SNAKE S***.
"BUT HE SAVED THE DAY" he did. But he also could have AVOIDED all of this if he had just done one of 2 things.
1. Told Marinette he knew who chat noir was earlier (and I mean this at ANYTIME AFTER WISHMAKER
2. Just reset time immediately and just said he knew.
3. Heck, even telling her after she decided not to go through with the plan. (still would have had damage done, but it would have been out of his hands at that point.
I am not saying Luka is the biggest d-bag in that situation (That is still Shadowmoth followed by Su-Han). But he gets the bronze medal.
So if I had to give this episode an honest rating.
I think I expected too much from this episode, but aside from that the emotional highs are still very well done. But there are like ZERO repercussion.
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tazcreates · 3 years
FNaF SB Headcannons:
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Dad friend
Has anxiety
Can tell somethings wrong without even looking
Would try to fix your problems
Really apologetic for something that's not his fault
Dating Bonnie and Monty
Would cry over snakes
Heavy sleeper(snores too)
He is a very fluffy boy
Awesome cuddles and hugs
Would be ticked off if you hurt his boyfriend(s)
MEN he loves men
Mother hen
The short one TM
Loves food, will cook for you, will cook for your friends, will cook for a complete stranger
Bffs with Bonnie
Dating Roxy
She praises Roxy for almost everything. She knows she has self esteem issues
Stress eats
Also very fluffy
Good hugs
Would only get mad at you if you took her food away for said something rude about Roxy
Very energetic
Sometimes gets the zoomies, if she has them, she immediately goes to mazersize.
Fruity af
Makes weird faces
Stronger than you would think
Knows where you are almost all the time
He hears you
He hears everything
Smol UwU bean
Cuddle bunny
Teases Monty 24/7
Bffs with Chica
Wensday Bowling with Chica as they talk about their partners and how annoying the staff bots are
He skips around the pizzaplex when hes happy
Will fuck you up
If you touch her gf you will get kicked in the face
Self esteem 📉📉
Hair is very soft
Floofy tail
10/10 would pet her, but you gotta ask first
Sibling-Like relationship with Monty
She would hit him, run away, then bring him a smoothie and play golf
Zoomies? I think so
When she has the zoomies she either
Runs around the pizzaplex
Goes to Roxy Raceway
Beats up a staff bot
Violent sometimes
She either has the zoomies, depressive episodes, or is with Chica. I don't think theres an in between
Show off. All the time. Showing off.
Bisexual with a preference for women
I'm just gonna say it, I'm a simp
Sexy leezord man
Same with Roxy: Touch Bonnie or Freddy and you get wHACKED
Would throw a golf club at you
Anger issues started when Bonnie went missing
No he didn't do it, thought the staff seems to think so and a lot of evidence points to him.
Would crush your skull with his big strong arms
Hes actually really gentle tho
Invades Bonnie or Freddy's room at 3A.M. if he isn't already there
He just wants to talk let him speak
Long tail go woosh- accidentally trips people sometimes.
His tail is almost always in the way, it knocks over everything!
It also got him banned from the Daycare
But we don't talk about that
He needs to be holding Freddy or Bonnie's hand at all times
Hell, why not both?
Big dumb baby man
"There is NO such thing as way too much fun"
If he an another animatronic are mad, he will snatch them and take them to a backroom and trash it.
Hes doing his best
Separation anxiety
Very creative
They can come up with games right on the spot
Very fun!! 10/10 would recommend hanging out with them
They would comment a lot during a movie but at least they're funny
Loves the slide
Very good a distracting kids,
Would give someone a free plushie if they got hurt. Make them feel better
Really comforting
Would race up the slide
Encourages kids to have fun but also follow rules
Has really good eyesight and knows where almost everyone is at all times
Wears bells so vision impaired people know where they are
Knows sign language for hearing impaired people
Almost the same as sun, but a little darker
Not as energetic, pretty laid back and chill
Would not comment during a movie, but would hush people who spoke during it
Carrys sleepy kids to bed
Almost always has a blanket on them
Has melatonin for nap time
Doesn't care much for rules, but also doesn't want kids to be wound up and crazy
Not as creative but rather has a set list for down times
Great listener. Would let you come into the Daycare just to vent
That's all I got for right now! Feel free to send me asks on anything else :)
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Let's dooooo... 🍊, 🥒, and 🌧 for both - I hope those are fun for you to answer for them. <3
Orange (raspberry/tangerine - what do they like most about themselves): I'm going with a self-relation sort of love here; something about their relationship to themselves, rather than something about their relationship to others.
Aleis lives their own physicality. A lifetime of martial arts, dancing, and magic that involves both of these, have given them both the strength one would expect of their build, as well as flexibility, endurance and precision of movement - and they love all of it with the fierce ardour of someone who lives wholeheartedly in the moment. Whether it is magic, sparring, dance, parkour, or sex, they love the skill and the exertion of being.
Turel loves his curiosity. It is, to him, the root of him; not just of his ceaseless creativity, or his frankly surreal sense of humour, or the precision of his workmanship, but of his approach to life. Instead of any loquaciousness at all, he might joke (usually in ink, or in sign,) he got a double serving of listening - and of observation, in general. Rather than binaries of big picture/small picture, important/not important, he thinks more in terms of patterns - not geometric and unbreakable, but interconnected parts, like the fractal branching of a tree or river, or the golden spiral of a nautilus. Everything is involved with everything else and he's interested in *all of it*. Tell him about esoteric music theories! Teach him some incredibly niche skill for a hobby that, like, you and two other people in all of Vesuvia do! Marvel at his patience as he spends literally all day observing a mushroom and all the tiny comings and goings of all the near-invisible creatures that interact with it! There's something to learn from everyone and everything, if you have the patience, which he does. He is never bored.
Cucumber (cucumber melon - what do they do to wind down after a stressful day):
Depending on how buzzy they are, Aleis has options. A basic low level one is "take an indica edible, then either have a wank and a nap, read a book, or noodle around with an art project." The latter two are usually accompanied by a pint or so of stout ale. Higher energy alternatives include any combination of having sex with one or more of their partners, sparring, dancing, swimming, or parkour; or, *not* combined with any of the above, do more labour- and attention-intensive art project things.
If it's sunny and/or hot, they'll definitely opt for the lower-energy options, because they're not feeling their best. If it's hot *and* sunny, they'll escape to their retreat, or their and Lua's shared gate.
Turel is a very low maintenance person. He just??? goes for a long-ass walk??? "Long-ass" here meaning "the walk does not officially begin until he's out of sight of town." Whenever possible, and it isn't like his cryptid ass has a strict schedule, he'll spend the night out in the wild. The guy has wilderness survival skills out the wazoo, so he packs very lightly, if at all. If you have unlocked that ultimate knowing-an-introvert achievement "not counting as people," you may be welcome to accompany him. Ability to physically keep up doesn't matter - taking public transport or whatever to the edge of town is acceptable, and if your company is welcome to begin with, he doesn't need to go any further than you're comfortable with. Be prepared for a lot of silence unless you yourself have a lot of things to say - he's even less talkative when he's unwinding. Then again, if he's this comfortable with you, you're fine with this anyway.
Rain cloud (eucalyptis rain- how do they like to spend a rainy day):
If it was entirely up to Aleis, and not pesky things like "ecology" and "not being murdered by hoards of vitamin-D deprived people," *every* day would be rainy, so the answer would be "whatever they damn well feel like doing." Needs to be dry? Do it indoors or just bend the rain away from it. They like to go for long walks, frequently ending up at a pub or coffee house, where they'll sketch and drink and maybe chat.
They gain energy from naturally-occurring storms, and won't stay inside if they have any choice in the matter. Basically, they get the zoomies. Then, after they've had a good run/fight/screw/swim, whatever, they'll drink a cold stout in a hot bath by an open window with no lights on.
Turel will, at the very least, open every window available if he's indoors - unless rain would come in and cause damage, of course. If he's working at a forge or workshop with a canvas wall that can be rolled up, he'll do that. The main thing is that he wants to be able to really hear and smell the rain, maybe get a bit damp around the edges. If he isn't working, he'll go for a long, rambling walk, and if there isn't lightning, he'll go swimming. His rain walks are more likely to be long in time than in distance, depending on what catches his attention. He, too, sometimes walks to a pub or coffeehouse to sit by a window or on the patio and sketch or just...watch. People, pigeons, the rain, the light shifting, whatever.
Sometimes he just. Fucking. Lies on the ground in the garden or a field or something? Possibly he is communing with microrhyzal fungi. Who knows. He frequently ends up covered in frogs.
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