#i gotta shut her down more often its getting out of HAND now ok- but thats for another time
cutemeat · 2 years
i wish the wga site would let me innnn... and by that i mean i wish theyd post the writers that are gonna be on the team for s16 already grrr why arent they all listed for me to seeeee ://
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calamitycross · 2 years
Its been awhile but hey I got some stories left and i don't mind writing a bit....
Dont got a sample yet... But there is something Ive been dying to put out
The Boy And the Wind
Chapter 1: And so He took Flight
[9 years ago...]
Wednesday  4:30 pm on a hill at the end of town
"Whats the matter Lief?"
"Nothing, its just that... Do you ever wonder what itd be like to just leave this place?"
"I haven't the faintest idea"
"Oh come on, You're saying that genius, round and enormous forehead of yours doesn't have dreams?"
He sighs and chuckles before he says
"Ok first off, its not that big and second of course i have "dreams" its just a little bit hard to choose. I wanna be a pilot, doesn't mean that I'm any good. I could be a professor or a doctor, doesn't guarantee I can do it well"
"All Im hearing is that Milo Cryss is a lazy couch potato"
Milo sarcastically replies "Ha ha very funny, anyway what about you? What do you dream of then?"
Lief looks off into the sky
"Ok then... Look around you, what do YOU see Milo?"
"Hmmm, I see  old buildings, some old people and thats about it. What does this have to do with your dream?"
"Its simple Milo, I dont wanna grow old here. People are born here and they die here, I wanna see the world, I wanna feel the wind in my hair and not have to do the same old thing here with you-"
"What's wrong with me?"
"You know what I mean, Its suffocating and I'm not going to be like my parents, I've got bigger dreams than this old town. You get it... Right?"
"I guess-"
Ring!*Ring!*  Ring!*Ring!*
Milo opens his eyes and looks around and slams his arm ferociously to stop his alarm clock.
He takes a few seconds to make sense of what happened
And gets up from his bed and sighs discontently
"I still cant answer you Lief"
[Present Day]
Friday 6:00 am Milo's room
"MILO! You're gonna be late if ya dont get your ass of that damn-"
"Yeah Mom! I know, no need to get profane."
Milo rushes down
"You know you have to wake up early"
"So why dont you wake up early?"
"If you know the answer then do something about it, what happens if I leave you?"
"Now we both know, you love me too much"
Milo's mother simply rolls her eyes and smirks yet sternly, says
"Of course sweetie but you gotta take care of yourself. What would Lief think if she saw you like this?"
Milo simply walks to the door in a hurry
"Mom if its all the same to you, dont bring that up"
And shuts it
Fanfare on television plays as a program plays
"WELCOME! One and All to the biggest fighting stage in the world! Welcome To The Grand Nexus!"
It slowly fades into the distance as Milo passes the window of the furniture shop
I wonder how many people actually buy that?*
Beep*Beep* Beep*Beep*
"Holy- Im really running late!"
"Okay everybody! Settle down" said the teacher to the roaring classroom. With no effect he tries a different approach.
"Okay..." he steps on to his chair and props himself onto the table
"If there is anymore noise by the time this eraser hits the ground! One of you will be selected to recite a poem made by... Miss Faye"
The students stopped at the sound of her name and scrambled to their seats
What followed in the next few seconds was silence, completely dead silence
"Huh, if thats all it takes then I'm going to be makimg this threat more often. Now allow me to introduce myself, My name is Mel S. Robert but you may call me Mr. Mel"
In unison "Good morning, Mr. Mel"
"Now If you dont mind I'd like to take attendance, If I call your name raise your hand. I want to remember your face in case I forget your name, now... Alvin Mint?"
One by one Mr. Mel called on his students
Tap* Tap* Tap* Tap*
"Luna Comb?"
Tap* Tap* Tap* Tap*
"Milo Cryss? Is there a Milo Cryss here?"
Tap* Tap*
"No Milo Cryss? Anyone at all? -"
"Who is it?"
"Its Milo Cryss! Im sorry Im late!"
Its like Beetlejuice, you say his name too many times and poof waddya know?*
"You may come in Milo"
"Thank you so much- who are you? Wheres miss Lowell?"
"Oh Im sorry, Miss Lowell was transferred. Im her replacement, You may call me Mr. Mel"
"Well ok then"
"If thats all please head to your seat, I have a schedule to keep and an announcement to make"
Milo hurriedly takes his seat at the back
"Very good. Ok then speaking of transfers we were supposed to have a new student joining us but it seems she's not here, so just in case, I will tell you about her. Her name is Laura Alder she's 16 from Canada and when she's here you can ask her about everything else. Now! Lets begin shall we?"
Class went on as normal... Im still wondering if I can answer Lief's question. How long has it been? -
"Mr. Milo? Mr. Milo!"
"Who? Huh what?"
"Class is done, schools over, but Im a little concerned if you were listening. You were paying attention, right?"
"You're hesitation astounds me Mr. Milo, no matter since its my first day and I dont wamma send anyone to detention, you have my mercy."
"Thank you"
"However... You are the last one here so, in return for my mercy i want you to clean this place up a bit. Nothing too fancy, just rearrange the chairs and tables and sweep the floor"
"Sounds fair enough. I'll do it"
"Thank you, dont expect me to be this forgiving next time. I encourage you to at least make an effort like everyone else Mr. Milo. I'd hate for even one person to fail my class especially if my class is the easiest compared to the others"
"I'll try Mr. Mel"
"Oh right its Mr. Robert now, yes a student pointed out that I shared the same name with one Mr. Mel Gunther. So to avoid confusion I prefer you call me Mr. Robert"
"Ok then, Mr. Robert"
"Very good, Well then I'll be off. The janitor will probably be here late since the other rooms are also in need of cleaning. He'll lock up once you're done"
"Thanks for the heads up Sir"
The day was done yet Milo was left behind to clean although it didn't take him long he was feeling rather sleepy again so he finished up sweeping and started to head home
In the hallway however something catches his eye, a girl in a white dress runs across the end of the hall
Milo curiously followed this maiden clad in white, he turns his head at the conjoining hallway spinning lefy and right until he sees her dark ebony hair in the stairway
"Hey, hold on!"
He quickly runs down the stairs jumping to skip the last few steps. He runs into the open area in the middle of the school, and sees this beautiful lady in white with dark ebony hair almost shining with the sunset and brown eyes that matches amber like resin underneath the big tree in the middle of the school.
"Hi! Been a while silly!"
"Lief...? Lief is that you?"
Milo moves closer to get a better look and is dumbfounded at the sight of his old friend
"It really is you!"
He runs towards her only to be blown back by a strong gust of wind knocking him on his butt
"I think that's far enough Milo"  She smiles and chuckled lightly
"Ouch, Jeez what the heck was that?"
"It's nothing special so how are you?"
"I could be better. Not the same without you around"
"Aww no adventure in your life?"
"Nope, there's just no one around to make sure that bee's nests dont go unpoked"
"That was fun though, wasn't it?"
"It wasn't, but I dont mind. Why didn't you tell me you came back? There's so much you missed out on!"
Lief's smile slowly disappeared from her face
"Milo, Im not back... Im not even here"
"W- what? What are you talking about? You're here look I can hold you-"
Milo reaches for her hand but his hand phases through
"Milo... Are you still trying to sleep your problems away?"
Milo wakes up in a cold sweat and hesitates before he puts his hand on the clock, stopping it
It didn't dawn on Milo at that moment nor did it ever in any point in his life but for a brief second he asked
"What did you want from me?"
Its the morning after and Milo goes on with his day as usual
Wakes up early this time, passes the Furniture shop with the big TV in front, and walks through the gates of school although he hears a whisper this time as He reaches the steps
"Aren't you bored?"
Milo turns to his left but sees no one, he presses forward into his class and this time he's early
"Ah! Mr. Milo, early this time eh? Looks like you're taking my advice"
"Im trying to Mr. Robert"
"Well thats ok, baby steps turn into giant leaps eventually. What matters is that you are changing Milo!"
"I respect the enthusiasm" Milo said slyly
"Well, everyone please take your seats we have a new student coming in. I believe I already told you so quiet now!"
The students return to their seats in no rush, more calm rather than reluctant Milo simply put his head down to rest for a bit before class
"Great, You may come inside Ms. Alder"
Milo peaked a little just to see who was coming inside, however the first thing that catchea his eye is her dark ebony hair and brown amber eyes, she bares a great resemblance to
"Lief..." he said under his breath
"Care to introduce yourself?"
"Yes, Hello my name is Laura Alder, Im 16 from the UK although I was born in America"
Milo couldn't believe it, she looked so much like her yet it wasn't her exactly he felt his heart pounding, his leg was fidgeting, so antsy that he couldn't stay still. In fact he has drowned out this lady's whole introduction to the class
-Who the hell? How the hell? WHAT the hell? Is all he thought when suddenly
"And thats my story. I moved from Boston when I was 7 to the UK and my parents sent me here so I can live with my Aunt while they work"
"Thats wonderful Laura, now how about you find yourself a seat while I get the projector ready?"
Laura's eyes dart around the room looking for a seat meanwhile in Milo's head
-Not here, not here. Simple just dont make eye contact, its really easy-
"Theres a seat here!"
-Damn it, whats wrong with me?! -
"Thank you"
Laura sits down and looks at Milo
"Thanks for offering me a seat"
Gritting his teeth Milo replies
"Dont mention it" and grins
"Yes very gentlemanly Mr. Milo, now if we're all done todays topic is..."
The day went on as normal and by the end of it Milo looked like he had seen better days his face looked shaded
Laura tapped his shoulder
"Hey! Um, I don't know this school very well. I was hoping you would... Give me a tour?"
Milo knew the right answer for himself, it was no but he couldn't very well leave a person lost in a new environment
"Yeah... Sure uh just let me grab my stuff and we'll walk around till we reach the exit"
"Thats great!"
Ziiiiip! *
"Ok, ready?"
"Yup, lead the way Mr. Tour guide!"
-Oy vey-
Milo gave a brief explanation for each segment of the school
"This what we are on is the second floor obviously, then theres the third floor for the where you'll find the Audio Visual Room or AVR for short, uh the library is also up there it also doubles as kindergarten for the children here. The hallways kind of criss cross so uhm theres the front of the school and back and we go around this little center here"
"This place is enormous!"
"Yup! On the first floor we got the Teachers office, The janitors place and clinic. The fourth floor aint anything special it just has the teachers lounge and a few extra classrooms"
"What are these spaces with Black boards?"
"Those are for students who are behind on certain subjects and this is the exit and entrance, did you get all that? Oh and there are available restrooms on every floor"
"Yeah but I have a question"
"Ok, shoot"
"Did I say something wrong? Or did I leave a bad impression? I just feel like you're... Well, avoiding me I guess?"
"Avoiding you? I just took you on a tour of the school how does that even make sense?"
"That! Right there, you're mad at me but I don't know why"
"Im not mad, just stay out of it will ya?"
"I guess"
Milo knew he acted far and aloof, he knew it wasn't appropriate but he couldn't care less. He was just overwhelmed with Laura's presence and her resemblance to Lief
"Listen, Im sorry. Im going home now"
In Laura's head
-Great job you nut! Get a friend, its that simple. Already you you botch the first day by sleeping in and now a kind stranger shows you around your new school and you cant even get his name? -
On her way home she said to herself
"Bollocks... I'll just try again, Im sure I'll get it right next time"
Meanwhile on Milo's side
"Aaauuuughggghhh!" he yells into his pillow
-what was that? I don't think I've ever yelled at anyone. Not even online! Damn that was rude... I need a walk-
Milo grabs his jacket and goes outside for fresh air, hoping to clear his head, he notices that the wind is a little strong tonight
"Its really chilly, thank god I brought my jacket."
-She really did look like Lief though..."
Milo walked for a while and soon finds himself on the hill where he and Lief would relax and talk
"This place is still so empty huh Lief" he said to himself
~ almost as empty as that jar you used to keep under your bed~
-There it is again-
~Milo looks around trying to find who keeps saying stuff in his ear~
"Hey, whoever you are just come out!"
"This isn't funny"
"Lief if thats you, tell me where you are!"
Milo's head starts spinning yet he cant find anything to link the voice to
~Wind... Take him home
Suddenly, a small breeze picks up between Milo's fingers he feels the wind pushing him forward and finally from his feet...
" Aaaahhhh! Oh my f%#&!# God!!"
Up into the air Milo goes, flailing around helplessly grabbing at imaginary strings he keeps going up and up
"Somebody, please... Help me. Lief..."
He shuts his eyes as he rises to the very height of the clouds and hopes that he is once again only dreaming, until two hands grab his face he hears
"Hey stupid, open your eyes. This is the best part"
Milo pries his eyes open
Milo grabs her close and hugs her tight
"Milo you're choking me..."
"You're alive!-"
"Wrong again, sheesh and I thought you were smart"
Milo looks around him and remembers that he was floating in the air
"Dont drop me"
Lief chuckles heartily at Milo's well founded fear
"You wont fall Milo, cant you see where you are?"
Milo stops staring at Lief for a moment and looks around one last time
The clouds clear from underneath his feet and he sees the town, glowing beautifully in the night. Cars and streetlights coloring the roads, he looks up to see a much bigger Moon and lets go of Liefs hands
"Where are we?"
"Thats the town we grew up in, its beautiful isnt it?"
Milo turns to Lief
"Yes, you are"
Lief chuckles
"Ha! Nice try, almost made me feel something"
"Lief, there's something you're not telling me. How are you here? Why are we floating?"
Lief turns to Milo wearing a grim look on her face and rushes towards him burying her face in his chest
"Im sorry Milo... I couldn't make it"
Milo's eyes teared up and as he tries to hug Lief once again she pulls away with her back turned she says
"Forget about me Milo... You can live your life now, Im sorry I got you in to my mess"
"What are you saying? I dont care about your messes, I just miss you"
She turns and smirks...
"If you ever wanna talk, Im always listening"
Next Chapter is in the works~
Find the Title on WEBNOVEL for the rest of the story and keep updated. Feel free to suggest fanfiction and certain kinks i can write about for here😁😁
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ptergwen · 4 years
hi my love! i was wondering if you could do something to do with teacher!tom and teacher!reader, where they’re dating but their students don’t know it, until they see one of them walk past the others zoom class or something. it’s okay if you’re not accepting requests atm! 💛
caught in the act
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w/c: 1.0k
warnings: one swear and suggestive joke
a/n: hi sorry this took me a little! if only you could hear the way i squealed when i read itttgvsfs i adore the concept :,)
tom’s alarm goes off before yours, shrieking at him to start his day. he’s insistent on waking up early because it’s the key to success, and he has to set a good example. you’re more of a roll out of bed and turn on the computer kind of girl. you have pretty different teaching techniques, but it keeps your work lives fresh. there’s never a dull moment after you receive school emails or attend a meeting.
you’re an english teacher, and tom teaches history. you both teach the same grade, though. a lot of your students have you both, so you come up quite often in each other’s classes. your assignments sometimes go hand in hand together also. whether it be his students using writing techniques you taught them, your students doing essays based on events he covered, you work together all the time.
you like to plan your lessons together over wine and many, many kisses. it’s honestly super fun.
you’ve got a bunch of tweens on your hands, which means they gossip. that includes about school faculty, you and tom meeting the requirements. there was once a rumor circulating that you both have your own families and started an affair. you laughed it off because it was so elaborate and so not true. but, you never confirmed or denied if you’re a couple.
“please turn that off. please, please, please,” you whine as the alarm buzzes in your ear. tom retrieves his phone with a chuckle. “since you asked so nicely.” after putting on his glasses to see the screen, he snoozes it. he then leans over and presses a warm kiss to your temple. “‘m gonna make a quick breakfast, if you’d like to join.” although that sounds nice, his healthy eggs aren’t worth losing sleep for.
“i wouldn’t,” you hum, tilting your head up to peck his lips. tom smiles against yours, you turning onto your other side. “right,” he mumbles to himself. “still want your cuppa?” he’s taken the liberty of making you tea each morning because you don’t give yourself enough time to do it. you nod lazily in response, eyes drooping shut. “mhm, thanks. love you.” “love you more.”
he makes his way to the kitchen while you head back to dreamland.
you’re awoken a little later to a mug of tea on one side of you and tom on the other. he shakes your shoulder gently, grimacing when you kick your covers around in protest. your first class isn’t for another hour. “ugh, what?” you groan at him. tom runs his fingers down your arm apologetically. “have you seen my, erm, yellow button up anywhere?” you open your eyes only so you can roll them, in a lighthearted way.
you pay tom back for the morning tea by laying out his outfits every night. he’s pretty forgetful about those things, right now being an example.
“on the dresser. have a good day, mr. holland.” you shoot him a grin over your shoulder. tom pushes his glasses up and squeezes your arm. “i will, thanks. tea’s right there when you want it.” he’s hopped out of bed to change before you can say another word. now, there’s a man who’s committed to the craft.
once you finally get up, tom is halfway through his first class. he’s talking about what sounds like some revolution, sat at your desk. you love to listen to him teach and sip your earl grey. he makes history actually interesting, recounting things like they’re one of his wild stories. even the most difficult kids pay attention. he’s got a gift, and getting to witness him use it is a treat on its own.
it’s tempting to keep watching, though you should probably use the bathroom before your class. you wait until the kids are doing independent work, and head in. tom calls everyone back to go over the questions while you’re gone. he’s usually done by now, only someone didn’t understand the last one. that means class goes over a bit.
unaware of this, you come into the room with a toothbrush in your mouth and paste coating your lips.
“no, don’t worry. i’ve recorded the lesson so you can watch-“ tom cuts himself off when you appear in his camera tile. amusement instantly flashes across everyone’s faces. you’re still scrubbing at your teeth without a clue. “um, love? i haven’t finished,” he lets you know quietly, your eyes going wide. “sorry!” you say through a mouthful of toothpaste.
you dodge off camera quickly after. it’s too late, the damage has already been done. “hey, was that ms. y/l/n?” michael asks, one of your more outspoken students. he tries to look for you in the reflection of tom’s glasses. “it’s... well...” tom glances back at you. not sure what to tell him, you only offer a shrug. he decides to change the subject.
“you know what, i’m gonna let you guys go. we’ve gone over!” he plasters on a grin. his face feels hot, having so many eyes on it. another student unmutes herself, snickering. “that’s gotta be her! look at him, he’s blushing!” “mr. holland has a girlfriend,” someone else sings to him. other kids point and laugh along.
this is all in good fun, and their reaction is sweet. at the same time, you’d rather not have your students see you like this. you wipe your mouth clean and wince as tom endures their remarks, cheeks burning pink on the screen. this is the first time he’s out of things to say.
“maybe they’re just hooking up-“ “ok!” tom yells over michael, moving his curser to the end call button. “see everyone tomorrow, same time!” he leaves the class and immediately lets out the biggest sigh. his rosy face is hidden in his hands now, you coming over to the desk. you put a comforting hand on his back.
“sorry about that,” tom murmurs, taking his hands away. “i’m the one who crashed your lesson,” you dismiss him and sling both arms around his neck from behind. he rests his head on one of your arms and looks up at you. “i held class late.” “well, that is your job.” your remark earns a low laugh from him. the hint of a smile crosses his face. “god, what are we gonna do?” you cringe at the situation.
“i don’t know, but i really need to. i’m about to see these little shits... again.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂, 𝓟𝓲𝓷𝓴, 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓾𝓯𝓯𝔂 (𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲) 𝓡𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒊 (𝑨𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒛)× 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 (𝑭𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆)
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: 𝑺𝒎𝒖𝒕, 𝑭𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 4.2K
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝑩𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒘 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆, 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒊 𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂 𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒐 𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒚𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒎.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝑼𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑩𝑫𝑺𝑴 𝒕𝒐𝒚𝒔 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒔/𝒗𝒊𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒅/𝒑*𝒔𝒔𝒚 𝒑𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒔, 𝒔𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒈𝒆, 𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍 (𝒇𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈), 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒔𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒙 (𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏) 𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝑫𝒐𝒎! 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒊 × 𝑺𝒖𝒃! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓.
𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy
Thanking the kind delivery person and wishing them a safe journey, Mingi shut the door behind him and stared at the package he was currently holding. Recognizing the logo of the company, he excitedly walked in a speedy form across the hallway and back into the bedroom, where his girlfriend, Y/N, was still in the same position as he left her: laying on the bed, a pillow tucked underneath her chest as she hugged it whilst staring up at the movie playing on the television. Mingi couldn't help but find her cute as one of her legs swung up and down, telltale sign she was enjoying the movie so far.
"What'd you get?" She asked when she felt the bed dip behind her when he sat on it.
"Oh just some cute little things I found on the internet. I'm just going to check and make sure they're not broken or something."
The girl simply hummed out at his response and resumed her focus back on the movie, ignoring the tearing of tape and shuffling of wrapping paper behind her. Carefully taking out each item one by one, Mingi set them down on the soft mattress, arranging them in an orderly fashion. His heart beat faster with each article he touched, palms getting sweaty as he began to imagine all the possible ways he could use all the items he bought. Soon enough, the corner of the bed where he sat at was arrayed with some of the various toys he had purchased: rope, blindfolds, soft and furry handcuffs, vibrators that ranged from bullet all the way to rabbit ones, mouth gags, floggers, assorted dildos, a collar with a leash set, different types of anal plugs including one that had a faux cat tail attached to it, and nipple clamps, all in a pretty pale pink color. However there was still one more item he had not yet taken out yet, still hidden inside the box. Pushing some of the leftover paper over, Mingi's hand slightly trembled as he looked down at the bright dark pink device that he had bought on a whim after he viewed some very explicit content on the internet the other day. His finger gently touched the plastic cylinder that was on one end of the toy, mind already thinking about putting it to use. Slowly, he turned his head to look over at his darling girlfriend, who was still absentmindedly fixed on the screen in front of her. Her leg had long stopped moving around, her body now completely relaxed.
"Perfect." Mingi thought.
Setting the box aside, he shifted so he was sitting right where her legs were. His fingers began grazing the hem of the babydoll lingerie dress Y/N was donning, the color matching with the toys he had bought. He had always loved the light shades of pink adorned, not just on her, but on her body, sometimes bordering on red if he got a little too carried away when he had his way with her. Lifting part of the dress up to reveal the matching lace panties, his hand cupped part of her left butt cheek, which resulted in a tiny giggle from her.
"Mingi? What are you up to?"
When she tried to shift around to see him, his hands immediately pressed her back down to her original position.
"Just stay like that princess and relax for me ok?"
Noticing the change of tone and his use of that particular nickname, Y/N did as she was told, eagerly anticipating what he had in store for her. Mingi slid his finger across her covered slit, probing around a little longer near her opening, slightly pushing part of his finger in there. When pulling it back, there was a wet arousal spot left there. Smiling fondly down at her, Mingi placed his arms at either sides of her body, lowering himself enough so he could start placing kisses along the nape of her neck and traveled them to the start of her back. She began to let out soft hums when his hands began caressing her sides, running them around the outline of her waist.
"My pretty baby. I hope you don't mind, but I bought you a few things."
Ears perking up and with glimmering eyes, Y/N allowed her doting boyfriend to help lift her up and sit her on his lap, making her face towards the rows of toys displayed out on the bed. A faint blush spread across the apples of her cheeks, fascination spreading around her body. Full of curiosity, her hand leaned out to hover above the items, some of which she knew what they were and some which were unfamiliar to her.
"It's ok babygirl. You can touch them." Mingi's soothing voice assured her when she hesitated to touch the nearest ones in her reach.
Gaining a bit of courage, she picked up one of cuter looking wands, her palms cupping the dome shaped top. Brushing some of the hair out of the way, Mingi pressed a chaste kiss to her shoulder.
"You like that one?"
She nodded.
"It's cute."
Giggling softly, Mingi nuzzled his nose against her neck.
"Just like you princess."
Y/N let out a soft squeal as Mingi gently tackled her down onto the bed, his hands intertwining with hers. Starting with her forehead, he began peppering kisses all over her face before eventually reaching her lips and placing small tiny pecks on them, smiling occasionally against them. After a while, Mingi's kisses became more heated, his hands which were holding his girlfriend's hands in place were now gripping onto her thighs, running them down and up them before eventually wrapping them around his hips which were currently rolling themselves against hers. Y/N's faint moans were being swallowed up by Mingi's mouth as his tongue roamed the inside of hers, swirling her tongue around his before eventually tugging it out slightly so he could give it a tiny suck. Y/N's hands were already tangled on the back of Mingi's dyed red locks, messing them up just a tiny bit. When he pulled away, they were both left breathless, a tiny string of saliva that connected to their lips suddenly breaking apart as they stared in each other's eyes.
"Princess, will you let Daddy use some of the new toys on you?"
He didn't need to ask twice as Y/N was already nodding, also curious and aching to try out some of the toys. Raising her arms up and arching her back slightly, she allowed Mingi to strip the babydoll dress off her body, her panties soon following suit as they layed scattered on the floor next to the bed. Mingi admired her naked body, never getting tired of seeing her underneath him, legs spread as she let him view her in her most vulnerable state, always feeling like the first time he had her in such a position. Reaching for the same wand vibrator she had picked out before, Mingi turned it on, a slight buzzing noise coming out of it. Making sure it was on the mildest setting, he lowered it down and pressed it between her breasts, her body shivering slightly when she felt the vibrations hit against her skin.
"How does it feel so far princess?" He asked first before attempting to move it anywhere else.
"G-good. Feels good. But I want it somewhere else." She admitted.
Mingi chuckled at her answer.
"Somewhere else? Where exactly babygirl? Perhaps here?"
Y/N let out a sharp gasp as Mingi moved the vibrator over to caress one of her nipples, immediately making it poke out. Mingi held the device on her nipple briefly, often circling it around the rest of her breast before pressing back against her sensitive little nub. He made sure to repeat the same actions to her other nipple, not forgetting to let it receive the same treatment as its fellow twin. Once he felt her nipples had received enough attention, he began to move the wand down her stomach, inching it closer and closer towards her mound. Y/N's hands clutched onto the blanket underneath her.
Mingi began teasing her as he made the vibrator roam around her inner thighs, getting dangerously close to her core before pulling it away and dragging it further from where she wanted and needed it most.
"Mingi!" She whined at him.
"Yes princess? Is there something you want?" He tilted his head at her, smiling mischievously when she batted her eyelashes at him.
"Princess you gotta use your words. Daddy isn't a mind reader."
Taking a deep breath, Y/N dragged one hand down her body, cupping one of her breasts, her fingers toying with her sensitive nipple.
"I want...want the toy-" She bit her lip in frustration, eyebrows furrowed up at him.
"This?" Mingi retracted the device from her body, holding it up and swinging it around his hand. "Where does my princess want this now?"
He let out a pleased smile when Y/N grabbed his free hand to place it right on top of her clit.
"Here. I want daddy to put it right here." She answered as she moved his fingers so they could rub against her genitals, producing more slick to accumulate inside of her.
"Right here? You want daddy to put it right there?"
She nodded furiously, spreading her legs even further to get her point across. The buzzing sound of the vibrator got louder as Mingi turned it up a level. When it made contact with Y/N's clit, a breath got stuck in her throat. It pulsated so powerfully against her mound her body began to instinctively move away, but Mingi's hand pressed her down onto the bed, holding her in place as he angled the wand so it could hit all over her nerves.
"Don't baby. You said you wanted it right here and that's where it's staying."
Mingi had to admit watching her squirm underneath him, trying to escape his grasp while he watched in earnest as her pussy began turning a light shade of pink whilst it throbbed against the wand had the tent in his pants tightening even further. She was already leaking so much and her pussy looked so delicious it made him wonder just how much prettier it was going to look after he used the special device he bought for her. Y/N's legs began to tremble the longer Mingi held the vibrator next to her mound, her breathing becoming labored as she felt that familiar coil build up at the pit of her stomach. Just as soon as it was fast approaching, Mingi selfishly turned off the wand, putting an end to the addicting vibrations she was just enjoying. Mingi let out a subtle snort when he saw her glaring up at him.
"I'm sorry baby, but I just couldn't help to think that... it feels like something's missing. I think you'll look much prettier if you had something adorning you."
Scanning over the many articles layed out before him, Mingi picked up the tail butt plug. Stroking the fluffy part across her chin, he waved it in front of her face. Y/N however was confused about where it was supposed to go. Noticing her confusion, especially when she pointed at it, Mingi lowered it down so it was rubbing across her slick folds.
"This little toy right here babygirl....goes right here."
When Y/N felt the slightly cool metal piece rubbing against her rim, she widened her eyes and immediately retracted her body away from it.
"Mingi you are not sticking anything up my ass." She firmly declared.
His bottom lip poked out.
"Are you sure about that?"
"I'm very sure. Don't you dare." She continued.
Mingi nodded, not going to press her any further with something she was saying a hard no to. Going back to the clutter of toys, his fingers picked up two nipple clamps that had a white bow with a pink button attached to them. Holding them out in front of her breasts, Mingi smiled in satisfaction when she gave him the thumbs up to put them on. She would have thought that they would pinch a lot harder but surprisingly the didn't. The clamps seemed to be squeezing her nipples just right, applying the perfect amount of pressure on them. Testing them out, Mingi flicked his index fingers across them, getting an immediate reaction as Y/N grunted softly at his ministrations.
"How do they feel?" He inquired.
"They feel nice. Do they look pretty?" She rose her chest a bit.
"Oh they look absolutely beautiful on you princess. You look beautiful."
When his hand came down to caress her cheek, Y/N leaned into his touch, enjoying the small and gentle gesture of affection. Leaning down, Mingi kissed her forehead and then looked at her straight in the eyes.
"And you're going to look even more beautiful after we use a little something special I bought."
Mingi reached for the box that had been pushed aside yet had not been forgotten by him. Casting the box aside, he finally revealed what had been kept hidden inside:
A bright pink vaginal pump.
Y/N looked at the sex toy with fascination. It looked pretty and it was nothing she'd ever seen. Although it slightly intimidated her, she found herself drawn to it.
"What's that for?" She pointed towards it.
Glad that she'd ask, Mingi cupped the cylinder piece and gave it a tiny squeeze to show her it was flexible.
"See darling, I'm going to put this little piece right over here on your pretty little pussy. And then this part."
He picked up the other end with his other hand which was medicinal-ball styled pump and smelled down at her.
"Is going to suck those pretty lips of yours until they're left swollen and sensitive to the touch. That way when I fuck you I'm going to have you cumming over and over again."
Y/N was intrigued by his words so she just obeyed Mingi and patiently waited as he began lubricating the edges of the plastic cylinder dome. Once that was done, he meticulously positioned it on top of her mound, pressing it down to make sure it would stay put and would seal around it.
"God I bet you're going to look so pretty." He couldn't wait to see the results.
Picking up the pumper once more, he reminded her their safe word in case she felt uncomfortable or, heaven forbid in pain, and he'd immediately release the emergency valve so it'd come off her body instantly. Y/N nodded and then took a deep breath to steady her nerves, reminding herself to just relax and trust Mingi. When Mingi squeezed the pump for the first time, she felt her pussy get sucked into the cup, her breath hitching as it felt like those times Mingi would go down on her and would suckle on her clit. But this felt even better as she felt it not only on her clit, but all around her.
"You ok?" Mingi wanted to make sure before proceeding.
"I-I'm good. It's good, keep going." She encouraged him, which delighted him greatly.
Mingi pumped the valve 2 more times, watching in earnest as his girlfriend's hips arched up as the toy suctioned more of her inside. Her eyes were closed and her mouth which was agape was spilling out tiny moans as the blood flow was increasing throughout her nether region. She could already feel it become more sensitive and she could only imagine how it would feel afterwards.
"Please more." She cried out to her boyfriend, wanting to feel it suck her up even more.
Obliging to her request, Mingi pressed the pumper 2 more times, dick hardening as he watched her pussy lips cover the entire space around the rim of the cup, nearly bulging out at the sides. With the way Y/N's legs curled up he knew it was enough for now. Pressing the release valve, the cup began emitting a hushed hissing sound as it began detaching itself from his girlfriend's body, plopping down on the bed in between her legs.
"Holy hell." Mingi couldn't hide his shock when he saw the clearly visible results:
Her labia folds were engorged beyond anything he'd ever seen, her inner lips had a reddish tint to them and could be seen protruding out slightly, her clitoris was swollen and her entire region was pink colored due to all the pressure it had been under. Y/N curiously looked down to see and she herself was surprised by how her pussy was looking.
"Oh fuck." Her hand came up to cup her mouth.
Mingi couldn't stop staring at the image. She looked utterly delicious that he couldn't help himself as he began lowering his face until it was right in between her legs. Testing the waters first, he stuck his tongue out, laying it flat against her clit. When she felt his wet muscle touch her, Y/N let out a small whimper, her body moving slightly away from him as the sensation was too strong, her pussy feeling completely delicate.
"Too sensitive babygirl?" Mingi lifted his head up to take in her reaction.
"Like crazy." She had a tiny pout on her face which had Mingi smiling.
"I'll be sure to be very gently then princess."
With complete tenderness, Mingi began to place small kitten licks around her clit, sometimes flicking his tongue out, hitting her overly reactive bundle of nerves that had her shivering to an extent. With a slow movement, he dragged his tongue down one side of her puffy lips, once reaching her entrance he made sure to shove his tongue inside it, moderately thrusting it and out of her hole, muffled animalistic groans spilling from his luscious lips as he lapped up the secretions that were exuding from her body. Y/N began writhing more and more as Mingi dragged his tongue back up her other lip, teeth slightly grazing across it.
"Princess if you keep trying to push me away like that how am I supposed to fuck you?"
Biting down her lip, Y/N gestured with a roll of her eyes towards the pile of toys next to them.
"Tie me up daddy." Her voice came out as a challenge.
Raising an eyebrow at her, Mingi already began reaching for one of the silk ties that were available to him.
"You want that darling? Want daddy to tie you up and hold you down as I fuck your swollen pink pussy?"
Y/N's eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head as she imagined that.
"Oh God yes. Please fuck me."
Hearing her beg in earnest for him had Mingi fumbling to rid himself of his clothes. Y/N chuckled as it sort of reminded her of the very first time they were intimate. How he was super awkward yet eager to please her in any way he could. In a way, nothing really changed. The only change was that Mingi got more and more confident over time, clearly evident in as he began tying her hands together, one of them gripping her bound wrists to keep her arms above her head while the other began lining himself against her opening. He couldn't resist himself as he slapped his tip against her clit, seeing it twitch as Y/N whined in his ear, her thighs squeezing together from the overwhelming sting she felt. Giggling rather evilly, Mingi pried her legs open staring intently in between them as he began to push his length inside of her. Her walls were practically clinging onto him the more he stuffed himself inside her, her body involuntarily clenching around his cock as it was overly and intensely sensitive, her folds practically throbbing against his raw intrusion.
Pushing out slowly, Mingi moved very carefully, wanting to see first how much could she handle before he got more rough with her. Y/N was already releasing blissful pants, eyes shut as she began to get lost in the utterly obliterating pleasure she was receiving. It seemed whenever Mingi would pull out, it'd get harder as her cavern would hug him even tighter, craving him back inside where it belonged. Before she knew it her previously orgasm that was taken away slowly crept up once more, rapidly spreading down to the pit of her stomach, more so since her intimate parts were more receptive to any touch, but were especially reacting to the way Mingi's cock was sliding in and out of them. When Mingi's mouth began to suckle on the side of her neck, Y/N could feel like she was going to lose it. She didn't want to cum so early and on so little, but Mingi's kisses and his hot breath on her skin weren't helping her case.
"You have no idea how absolutely adorable your swollen lips look hugging my big cock. I wish you could see it."
Grunting softly as he picked up his pace, he bit down onto her shoulder, leaving behind a purple blotch.
"Maybe I should grab my phone and record it all for you to see. Would you like that princess? So you can see how daddy's fat cock looks against your engorged pussy?"
Before she could even comprehend what was happening or how, Y/N trembled under Mingi's body, her hips jolting up as she began spasming from the high she was currently reaching. Mingi looked at her in utter amazement, unable to believe she really just came so fast. Sure he knew the toy would make the sex feel even better...but he never imagined it'd be that good. Even so, he couldn't help the relentless teasing he was going to give her.
"Awww princess..you came so fast, it's such a shame."
Smiling darkly down at her, Mingi began to ram his dick deep inside her, hips snapping up at a brutal pace as his pelvis brushed against her throbbing clit each time his bulbous tip hit that sweet spot inside of her. Y/N began squirming and writhing, her body both pleading to get away from him but also wanting to keep the feeling from continuing. The room was becoming filled with the sound of their skin slapping against each other, the frantic wailing coming out of Y/N's lips and Mingi's sinful growls that protruded from his throat. The hand that was holding her hip down moved to place itself on top of her stomach, pressing her down further onto the bed while simultaneously rubbing the bulge that was clearly outlining his length which was currently destroying her insides.
"So small, such a tiny precious baby. You're so pretty my little one."
He couldn't hide the smug grin on his face as she began clenching once more around him.
"You love it when I remind you how much bigger I am in comparison to you right? Of course you do. Otherwise you wouldn't let me be here now, with my cock buried so deep inside of you princess even if it'll leave you shaking and limping for days."
Y/N couldn't contain herself as she began cumming once more under him, her toes curling and mind going numb as all she could focus on was the immense amount of pleasure Mingi was giving her. Her vision was brimmed with tears, some of them beginning to roll down her cheeks as she began whimpering and crying out at the intensity of it all.
"Awww princess. Dirty talk makes you become a mess all over me? How cute. I don't think you've cum this much in so little time."
Moving from her abdomen upwards, Mingi tugged on the nipple clamps still adorning her chest slightly, her body beginning to fret even more with the increased sensitivity he was putting her through.
"Can you cum a third time for me? I'm going to cum soon too. Cum all over your pretty, pink and puffy pussy. Cover it completely with my cum, I'm going to ruin you my little angel. I'll make sure you're a crying mess too."
Y/N's back arched as Mingi's hand began to rub against her clit which had turned from a pink shade to a more light red hue. The overstimulation from her two previous orgasms, her swollen lips that were sensitive even to a simple blow of air, Mingi's cock ramming deep inside her and his fingers working in between her legs, she began to shake and quiver as tiny splashes of liquid came rushing out, staining the blanket underneath them and some of it spurting onto her boyfriend's abs.
"Holy shit! Yes- just like that princess. Make a mess all over daddy's cock like the filthy girl I know you are."
Giving her just a couple more thrusts, Mingi pulled his glistening cock out and began pumping himself furiously, a stream of white liquid squirting out and landing on her thighs and on her enlarged lips. He raspy and carnal grunts were emitted by him as he finished himself off all over his girlfriend's reddened mound, the girl completely laying still as she had a look of being completely fucked out, her eyes staring intently at the ceiling. She regained her senses when she saw something coming over to cover her eyes, effectively rendering her blind for the moment.
"I'm not done yet princess. Daddy still wants to try more toys on you."
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calaofnoldor · 4 years
Driving My Baby
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Characters: Dean x Reader (gender neutral)
Words: 2,183 (i can’t drabble)
Summary: Dean doesn’t know about your mad skills behind the wheel, but it turns out there’s nothing hotter than seeing his baby driving his Baby.
Warnings: implied smut, language, fluff, dean’s bow legs, references to the fast and furious franchise
A/N: was originally gonna post a slightly angsty 2-part dean fic next, but decided against it in light off recent events lol. there’s really no plot or substance here, just some light floof. (and yes, the title is a reference to the song ‘you’re having my baby’)
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The roar of Baby’s engine rumbled to a halt as Dean glanced over at you, “Alright, so you gonna sit tight while I go scope this place out?”
You sent him a close-lipped smile, trying your best to repress the excitement bubbling within you. “Mhm!” you concurred with a bouncy nod, pausing to sneak a quick peek at his shapely behind when he stepped out of the car, “I’ll try and see if I can get a hold of that morgue guy again.”
Walking over to the passenger side, Dean bent down to kiss you through the open window. “Mmkay, I’ll be back soon,” he mumbled against your lips, before turning to commence his search for the potential vamp hideout you suspected was in the vicinity.
“Oh wait! Dean!” you called out, stopping him in his tracks.
“The keys?”
Dean looked down at his pocket where the Impala’s keys were safely nestled and then back up at you with raised brows.
“You’re not gonna leave me in here like a dog, are you?” There was a subtle hint of amusement in your voice, but also a challenging edge, as well as a slight pout which you added for good measure. You knew he could never really say ‘no’ to you.
And as expected, Dean returned to deposit the keys into your waiting hands. You gave him a wide smile in return, “Thank you! Love you!”
Your boyfriend narrowed his glimmering green eyes at you, imparting one last suspicious glimpse in your direction as he grumbled somewhat warily, “Love you too,” and then finally sauntered off for good.
Biting your lip, you watched with bated breath as his figure grew smaller in the rear-view mirror. Normally, you would have enjoyed the exquisite vision of what you often dubbed his ‘sexy ass bow-legged swagger’, but this time, it was when Dean was no longer in sight that a devilish grin broke out across your face.
But really, who could blame you? You’d been a car enthusiast all your life, and classic cars were your weakness. “It’s just you and me now, Baby.” Your fingers glided along the dashboard.
With Sam on the bench due to a broken ankle (courtesy of the werewolf from your last hunt), you and Dean had driven out to Piedmont to take care of this vampire case on your own. So now after two years with the Winchesters, you finally had a chance to explore the front seat of Dean’s Baby, his pride and joy, the glorious, refurbished 1967 Chevy Impala.
When you’d joined forces with the brothers, it was readily agreed upon that you would be better off riding together in the sleek American muscle car, so you ditched your stolen, rusty 2003 Honda Accord and never looked back. Since there was a giant moose to accommodate, you were naturally relegated to the back seat, and rightfully so, but boy, did you miss the thrill of being in the driver’s seat.
You were always a bit of a demon behind the wheel, and it’d been ages since you’d gotten the chance to flex your driving skills. Back when you and Dean first got together, he promised you joyrides (and other recreational activities) in Baby, but the hunting life never seemed to let you get it on.
Sliding across the bench seat, your lungs released a contented sigh as you wrapped your hands around the leather-bound steering wheel. Dean’s bowlegs, however sexy, were not the same length as yours, so you pulled the lever beneath the seat to adjust its position to your liking. Perfect.
You took your time getting to know the ins and outs at the helm of the Impala, though it seemed like none at all had passed when you suddenly heard Dean’s deep voice cry out.
“Y/N!” Your eyes shot up to the rear-view mirror to find an image of the older Winchester running towards the car. “We gotta go!”
Well that’s strange, you thought. Dean never ran – not unless someone, or more often something, was chasing him… Oh shit. Had he somehow woken the vampires? But the sun was still thriving; how much could they retaliate out in the open at this point during the day?
“We gotta get outta here! Now!”
Dean’s voice was much closer now and if you’d learned anything from your experiences hunting with the Winchesters, it was to never doubt your boyfriend’s commands. He was a seasoned pro and possessed instincts like you’d never seen. It’s a good thing you’ve also got some of your own.
Plunging Baby’s key into the ignition, you started the car without hesitation, allowing yourself only a second to relish in the thunderous purr of the engine below you and the incomparable feeling of glee that always sprouted in your chest whenever you were sat at the wheel of a powerful, capable vehicle. Indeed, the adrenaline was already rearing.
As Dean approached the car, you quickly reached over to open the passenger side door for him. “Get in the car!”
“You- Wha-“ Dean stumbled for a split second, so accustomed to taking the driver’s seat. “Y/N, they’re awake and they’ve got bikes – a bunch of Harleys!” he continued to explain, as if that would get you to move out of his designated spot.
“OK, so hurry up!” you yelled again.
Seeing no better option, Dean hastily climbed into the car. Just as he got in, your ears picked up the unmistakable resounding growl of revving motorcycle engines. From the sound of it, they couldn’t be too far off. So when Dean slammed the door shut, your foot came down fast and heavy against Baby’s gas pedal, propelling you forward with an aggressive lurch before you whizzed off, burning rubber and leaving nothing but flying leaves and dust in your wake.
“Jesus!” Dean bellowed; his eyes had grown to about twice their usual size.
You paid him no attention though, too busy reveling in the delightful buzz that vibrated through your body starting from your fingers and toes, where you could feel every unit of Baby’s intoxicating horsepower, and travelling up your limbs until the exhilaration settled deep within your very core.
Stealing a glance at the rear-view mirror, you caught sight of the monster-driven motorcade advancing considerably, so you decided to take the next available turn as an attempt to throw them off. Things were getting truly exciting now.
“Vamps on bikes? Really?! And covered in leather?” you huffed mirthfully with a shake of your head.
But it was Dean’s turn to ignore you. He was clutching at his door tightly, as if afraid your driving might somehow hurl him out of it. In fact, when you took the first corner without warning, Dean just about fell over.
“Woah! Slow down, Toretto!” he shouted in alarm, looking over at you as if you’d grown a second head.
Seeing you’d managed to surprise the vampires with your unexpected maneuver however, a loaded smirk was your only reply.
It took you about twenty minutes to get the vamps off your tail, during which time Dean managed to recover from his initial shock and began instead to absorb your radiant form. The look of exuberance on your face and the utter determination in your bright eyes, mixed with the mischievous tug of your lips, and combined with the all-around liberated and euphoric aura that surrounded you was sexy as hell, not to mention your sheer competence. All of it astounded him and caused his blood to flow to places he could not have foreseen.
You seemed to be completely at one with his esteemed Baby, handling her with perfect control and aptitude, and all the while enjoying yourself so very much. It was something Dean never knew you were capable of, but more so, it was something he never knew he needed.
Dean had always loved how much you loved and appreciated his car, but this made him feel like he was seeing you in a new light; it made him feel like he was falling for you all over again. That devilish glint in your normally kind and virtuous eyes, your ever jubilant and fervent love for life after enduring so much pain and grief, the way you never ceased to amaze and surprise him – it was all gloriously heady and irresistibly addictive. His teeth couldn’t help but pull at his lower lip, emerald eyes glazing over with lust and adoration as he stared over at you in the driver’s seat.
So when you ultimately pulled into an empty clearing, not wanting to lead the vamps straight back to your motel room, Dean was at a loss for words.
“So, a bloodsucking motorcycle gang, huh? Can’t say I’ve seen that before,” you speculated in a cheery, nonchalant tone, feeling perfectly satisfied after your little stunt driving escapade.
Dean, on the other hand, appeared not unlike a fish out of water with his furrowed brows and pouty lips which appeared undecided as to whether they should remain open or closed.
“That was… I just- You-… I don’t even know…” he ran his hands through his hair, pulling the short strands forward roughly, “What just happened?”
You sent him a small, innocent shrug, rather amused at his adorably stuttery response.
“You never told me you could drive like that.”
“You never asked,” you replied truthfully.
“Fuck, Y/N. That was… so… incredibly…”
What? Your curiosity was killing you. Dean’s opinion always mattered to you and at the moment, you could read a myriad of emotions upon his face. He looked stunned and confused, perhaps a bit frightened, but at the same time awed and impressed, and maybe even – were you reading that right? – slightly… aroused?
Dean lowered his voice to answer your unspoken question, “Hot,” he finished emphatically.
You heaved a breathy laugh, “Yeah?”
“Fuck yes! Baby, that was incredible. The way you handled Baby like a fucking pro, the little faces you made when you were living for the thrill of the chase. The skill, the speed, the Tokyo drifting, all of it. Goddamn, you are so sexy when you’re driving my Baby like that.”
“Well that’s a coincidence ‘cause I also happen to find you amazingly sexy when you’re behind this wheel,” you joked lightly, “In fact, I think seeing you drive this car might’ve been part of the reason I fell in love with you.”
“And I think I just fell in love with you all over again,” came Dean’s suave response.
You giggled a bit, but soon sobered when you saw his gorgeous eyes cloud over with wanton desire. One minute you were dwelling in the heavily charged sexual tension that seemed to consume the entire car, watching his gaze wander down to your lips while yours did the same, and in the next your mouths met ferociously as your bodies swooped forwards simultaneously, crashing together in the center of Baby’s front seat.
You moaned into the kiss, your hands finding their way around Dean’s ridiculously broad shoulders and up to his thick neck. When you were forced to come up for air, his lips began to work their way down to your collar bone. “Mmm, god Dean.”
“Seriously baby, that was such a turn on,” he rambled across your skin, “I didn’t even know driving could be so hot.”
Your laughter was really more just an exhalation of air. “Are we finally gonna do it? Are we gonna christen Baby now, thanks to your newfound kink?” you whispered salaciously, your brain already presenting obscene images of the two of you re-enacting something akin to the infamous Titanic scene.
Dean paused for a moment, allowing you to rip off his outer layers with relish before he brought his large hands up to cup your cheeks. “See I wouldn’t call it ‘newfound’,” he started, dazzling forest orbs boring into your soul, ���Cause I’m pretty sure it only turns me on when it’s you behind the wheel, and I’ve always had a kink for you.”
You stare at him in disbelief, unable to keep the smile off your face, “You are such a smooth fucker sometimes, Dean Winchester.” And with that, your lips and bodies collided yet again. His strong hands held you impossibly close while yours ran joyously across his expansive chest before travelling down to find the zipper of his jeans.
“Ungh, wait a sec,” you pulled back a little with knitted brows, a playfully incredulous tone taking over your voice, “Did you call me Dominic Toretto earlier?”
“Well, yeah. You were driving like a madman!” Dean exclaimed candidly.
You smirked, “So does that make you Letty Ortiz?”
“Sweetheart, I will gladly be the Letty to your Dom anytime you want… I still can’t believe you just took me on a high-speed car chase, that was fucking awesome! Just wait ‘til Sam hears about this one!”
Laughing as you pulled him back in, you shut him up with your tongue as it invaded his mouth, pausing only to smile against his luscious lips, “Mmm, well maybe he doesn’t have to hear about this next part?”
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A/N #2: thank you so much for reading, feedback always appreciated! oh and here’s a look at some new stuff at lexicolor.redbubble.com :)
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paperstarwriters · 3 years
The arcana crew as beast-kin
Why? Because I wanna :P
General notes:
Everyone is based off of the card they’re associated with
Beast-kin tend to have magic that lets them look human (three forms; 1: anthropomorphic beast, 2: human with animal ears/wings and tails, and them as a normal human—I’ll be focusing on the animal aspects)
Just because they can do glamour magic doesn’t mean they can do other types of magic.
They still have their familiars, don’t worry.
If you wanna reference for the first form, just watch Beastars. The design is pretty similar (mainly thinking about the birds)
If you wanna reference for beast-kin in general check out the manga “Milady Just Wants to Relax” it’s what I’ve based the abilities off of and just beast-kin in general.
This sly fox :)
It’s probably because of my ties with anime but I imagine him like a multi-tailed fox
It’s purely so that you have more tails to cuddle and snuggle with.
You know how when foxes are in the snow they leap into the air then get their whole upper half stuck in the snow?
Well, when Asra hears something they want to catch, or they’re playing with Faust, they sometimes just... well....
It’s funny to see honestly.
Lowkey acts like a dog sometimes. They Loves the pats and chin scratches he can get and will whine until you give him more.
Sometimes you wake up to their tail(s) in your face. Good or bad, you decide.
In most folklore that have them, foxes aren’t exactly trusted, so often, Asra uses his glamour to make himself look like a human. However, when a customer runs unsavoury or maybe there’s just some mean brat that he wants to scare, his shadow still shows off his ears and tail(s)
Cuddles??? Cuddles!!!! Foxes are just so fluffy... Asra is no different. (In fact he might just be even fluffier)
Hate to delve a little into angst territory, but as a child since he was an orphan and all, Asra probably learned to basically act like a dog or a cat depending on the person to get more food, or to convince them that they’re a harmless beast-kin.
Design wise, I love humanoid bird designs with their wings doubling as their arms and hands. Don’t ask me how this works logically right now we’re talking about crazy fantasy elements anyways, let me have this.
One thing I cannot get out of my mind is:
Nadia has her back to Lucio and he’s just talking and chattering nonsense. Then Lucio says something insanely stupid or offensive and whoever is talking to Lucio can see Nadia behind him just—
Whips her freaking head around 180°
It’s worse if she’s somewhere dark cause then you just see two red eyes coming into view as she slowly turns to glare at you.
Our queen is proud of her pretty talons, honestly probably spends a day sharpening them with Portia.
Goes out flying with Chandra at dusk if she has the time, and if you can fly (via spells, wings, a broomstick, etc.) you’re welcome to come along
Super accurate hearing. Honestly. It’s hard to hide an injury from Nadia even without her being an owl but she hears you Yelp in pain on the other side of the palace and she’s there in minutes.
Pretty problematic when she has headaches though :(
Preen feathers with her!! She’ll love having you card your fingers though her feathers making them less itchy. You’ll often help her preen after a bath, but honestly she’ll appreciate the sentiment anywhere but during an important meeting. It’s hard to concentrate when you’re providing her such wonderful affection.
Please don’t make owl jokes. She doesn’t like them. Sometimes she just avoids saying “who” so people don’t make that annoying joke. (It’s Natiqa’s favorite joke to make please spare Nadia the pain.)
“...and to whom will I be sending this?” “don’t you mean to “who” Dia?” *glare*
This is a happy raven ok? HAPPY. no birdie in a cage, ok?
The look we all know is probably his second form leaning to the first. Nadia’s would look somewhat similar
Crows & ravens are pretty dramatic birds. Reminds you of someone doesn’t it?
Idk if Edger Allan Poe even exists in this world, or any variant of it, but if it does... ooohhh if it does... this guy is totally gonna recite the poem in a dramatic flourish, and when he’s drunk you can sometimes find him chanting “ever more” same applies to any and all raven/crow themed media.
Screams. A lot. “Caw, caw b**ch” or “quoth the raven: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
Once convinced a bunch of birds to just go n take a dump on Lucio & his statue. He helped the servants clean when the work was dumped on them but they all agreed the bleat he made was hilarious(more on that later)
Shiny thing collector. Portia tried to get him to clean his stuff up but he has since bribed her out of it with a ball of yarn.
He and Portia make an odd pair of siblings, they’re still pretty much the same though. Crows are kinda just cats with wings.
“One day Illia, I’m probably just gonna eat you.”
*overly dramatic offended gasp*
All in good humor lol
Speaking of, their familiars are the same animal as they are!
So sometimes Julian scoops up Malak and says in a dramatic fashion (because however else would he say it) “I’ve found you my long lost brother! Oh how I’ve missed you!”
Portia does the same (more on that later)
Because his sister is a cat, Julian sometimes does a lot of cat-like things. (Case in point, he bleps. Tongue just kinda left out after yawning or something.)
Flies around with Malak often, like Nadia does, and sometimes carries Portia around with him. Will do the same for you if you want him to, sometimes if you don’t want him to as well. Expect to be grabbed from the ground and flown up into the sky at some point.
Bread. Boy loves his lobster claws but bread is a close second. “Aww yisss motha freaking bread crumbs”
Sometimes on a bad day, he just walks in dragging Pepi behind him who has her mouth latched on his tail
(If this were modern times) “you know, like, nya~!”
Look. Portia is so sweet to be around. But take that plus PURRING? And a soft as all frick FUR?
Honestly I think that sometimes when with Nadia has a bad headache, Portia purring is a great way to calm her down. You—you lucky MC, get to fall asleep to that.
She falls asleep on your lap and you are stuck there. Bound by a rule that transcends time and space. Her purring does little to aid the fact that YOU NEED TO PEE. The universe does not care of your internal tides, for your lover, who is also a cat, rests in your lap.
When she’s chasing down Julian for something stupid he often yells about being hunted. All in good fun!
“Mazelinka!!! Portia’s hunting me again!!!” “I wouldn’t be chasing you if you’d just clean your stuff!!!!”
Small boxes are her jam! Julian hates them, and like other birds doesn’t like closed spaces, but Portia loves em.
Good at squeezing into and out of tight places. Which is really helpful for sneaking around, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
Swishy swishy tail.
Cast a little light spell for her to case down. She loves it, you love it, Pepi loves it— everyone wins! (Except for the furniture she crashes into)
Yes, she has picked up Pepi before and yelled very loudly for Julian to hear (often after he’s made the joke of his long lost brother Malak) “Oh Pepi, you’re my favorite sister!!!”
On a bad day, Malak may be found in Portia’s mouth. He’s completely unharmed if only a little ruffled, but it’s gotta be a pretty bad day to find her doing that.
If Camio is in her mouth it’s same business as always. She won’t kill hem either but if Mr. Sh**bird doesn’t shut up she’ll make him shut up. You don’t even know why he keeps coming back.
Not all cats like cuddling, but like Pepi, Portia LOVES it. So long as you’re the right person and not someone unpleasant.
Please don’t step on the tail.
As much as she doesn’t like baths she still does properly was herself. She just really doesn’t like it when her fur is all wet and clings to her body. Do you have a spell to dry her off quickly? Please use it. Save her the misery.
pretty sure he’s even bigger as a bear. Like, it’s probably because of the added fur but— woah... Big. Bear.
Big arse bear with scars is SUPER intimidating buuuuut you saw him sitting in the sunlight with Inanna once, just napping in the sun. He looked so peaceful and so dang fluffy!!
He enjoys headpats and gets very flustered at belly rubs. He’s seen you do so to Inanna many times probably kinda wanting you to do the same to him though he would never willingly admit it.
When you two get closer expect to spend some time with his head in your lap. Pat his head rub his ears, Inanna may get jealous if you don’t also provide her attention
Just don’t let him fall asleep there, he’s gonna have a sore back later and you’re going to have numb legs.
Hunting, swimming, carrying you, this boy can do it all.
Unlike his usual(cannon) self, Muriel probably doesn’t carve any bear statures. The only one he’d have was probably a gift from Asra. Carves birds, bunnies, foxes, and wolves instead. Does NOT carve goats. Never have never will.
Again I hate to go int angst but Muriel probably wants to get his claws removed somehow. It’d hurt and it probably insanely unsafe, but they were used as weapons before and its one of the things on him that everyone is afraid of. If he could he’d probably try to change his teeth too.
Show him that claws aren’t something to be feared. They don’t have to be a weapon. They help him climb and hunt food and sometimes to even carve wood. Like humans and knives, his claws aren’t bad or inherently evil, and neither is he.
Giant. Teddy Bear. You will be getting hugs and falling asleep with a Giant Teddy Bear.
He probably keeps in his mostly human form though, because he stands out less that way and he looks a little less intimidating.
Short little bear tail on his butt. Plz don’t touch, he’s going to be blushing so hard if you do (let’s be honest, that’s all the more reason to do so)
In “Milady Just Wants to Relax” Beast-kin are feared as monsters and I don’t think it’d do Muriel any good to have to live with that kind of fear from everyone. However, when you come around un afraid and eager to provide head-pats, but patient enough to let him get comfortable with it, Muriel will probably start using less energy to try and glamour himself.
Sometimes he’s so caught up with you that when you go to the market together he forgets to cast a glamour. While some do get scared off most of the people who you buy from are only a little surprised and take things in stride. They still treat him like he’s human, and he’s forever grateful for that.
If I could write a beast-kin version of his route, the moment you and Muriel meet Morga is probably when you first realize he isn’t human. And it’s because Morga pointed it out.
“Why didn’t you fight? As a beast you’re stronger than them.”
He knows you’ve spent time with Asra but he probably assumed they kept it hidden from you most of the time.
Just love him please. Platonic or romantic doesn’t matter, just give him headpats and belly rubs and boop his nose. Keep him assured that you aren’t afraid of this giant teddy bear.
We know of both first and second forms. They’re pretty much cannon, but just not a ghost.
Which means you finally get to pet the fluffy white fur.
This also means his horns can do an irritating amount of damage.
Also he’s so much more noisier now
*loud stupid goat noises*
It’s fun to make him bleat a lot. He tends to bleat when embarrassed. If you’re topping him expect a bleat every time you pin him to the wall.
Tries to butt heads with EVERYONE. Please stop him, Lucio is the only prey animal in the lineup!
Seriously, how has he survived this long?? Muriel is a bear! he could just.... chomp.
not that he would obviously, but I don’t think Asra would hesitate after what he’s done to you and his parents...
Portia too for that matter, if she realized that Lucio had forcefully given Julian the plague, Lucio would be forever running from a feral cat.
I know he’s probably skilled in fighting or whatever, enough to take down various fantastical beasts, but stiiiiiiilllll.....
Is it obvious I dislike Lucio?
Grouchy bias aside, Lucio is really good at climbing. Like I’m pretty sure he’s a sword fighter so just imagine him leaping onto ledges in order to get the high ground.
Still uses eyeliner. I don’t know how since he has fur sometimes, but yeah, he still somehow uses eyeliner.
Honestly he probably keeps in a mostly human form or just entirely human form for that reason exactly. It’s just easier to look good when he’s more human.
But if you wanna pet his luxurious fur then he is all but willing to take on his goat form. In fact, if he turns into his goat form around you (which is always) he pretty much expects you to brush his fur or just run your hands through his fur. He will whine very loudly if you don’t.
Spare everyone else’s ears (especially Nadia’s) and just give him the head pats.
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hermit-god-au-pog · 3 years
[OLD AND MAY BECOME NON-CANON LATER ON] Got some short stories for ya’ll!
After much struggle i managed to think of some more lore based prompts for some short stories! They’ll be under the cut!
One of a conversation between Helsknight and EvilXisuma, the other of an interaction between TFC and GeminiTay! What can i say im a sucker for these two. The stuff is only slightly proof-read by myself so sorry for any mistakes in grammer or if things sound weird lol
Anyway, I hope ya’ll enjoy! And if i need to add any tw’s just say! I dont think i will though! Long post under the cut though
EX&Hels have a conversation
“So let me get this straight,” Helsknight sat up in his seat and leaned on the table between the two” You’re not considered a hels hermit at all?” Evil Xisuma rolls his eyes but chuckles at the other, he doesn’t blame him for not knowing, hell the only ones who probably knew were him and Grian’s little buddies.
“No, I am not a hels hermit like you. But, I work very similarly. Me personally, I’m the axolotl’s evil clone according to my code. But, and I can’t speak for the others, I still fill up the role of why a hels is created.” Helsknight slowly blinked at the other and rose an eyebrow.
“What is that supposed to mean exactly?” Evil X let out a snort at the other’s question.
“Well basically, Hels exist for one reason, to keep the gods, or hermits as we know them, in check. Granted they’re all too nice to do anything we’d do, but the point still stands. Hels are here to counteract the hermits, and the Axolotl doesn’t have a hels per say because I exist. But that’s not stopping the void from making a hels version if need be.” Helsknight leaned back and crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at Evil X.
“Ok, so because you already existed, the void didn’t make a counterpart for the admin. But what do you mean it could make another? Why would we need a third Xisuma?” Evil X tapped his chin as he thinks of what he should say.
“Well, let’s just say the void has already planned for that” Helsknight could feel the shit-eating grin the other was giving him. But Evil X gestures to another person in the room. Helsknight, begrudgingly, decided to look, and see’s what the other was talking about. There was a turtle Xisuma sitting at a bar, but he looked almost vacant, like an NPC almost.
“Now, I’ve never talked to that guy, and based on the interactions they’ve had with others, he’s entirely just a placeholder, an NPC ready to be coded into action.” Helsknight turned back to Evil X who was looking at him now.”But unless something happens to me, I keep the role of a ‘hels counterpart’ even though I’m not a hels.” Blinking, helsknight picked up his drink, downing the rest of its contents, this was a very weird conversation they were having but, informative. Then something struck him.
“You said something about others earlier” Evil X feigned innocence and confusion, making helsknight growl.
“Earlier this conversation! You said ‘ But, and I can’t speak for the others, I still fill up the role of why a hels is created’. There are others who aren’t technically hels hermits on the server?” Evil X snorted then started laughing. Helsknight slammed his hands on the table and stood up.
“No! I’m serious! Who the hell are the others?!” After Evil X got done with his laughing fit, he pretended to wipe away some tears.
“You really are dense my friend” before the other could reply, Evil X continued” The only ones I personally know of, are actually Grian’s-”
“You said that using plurals, does Grian seriously have 2?” Helsknight looked at the other bewildered as he nodded.
“Indeed he does my friend. I don’t entirely understand it myself. One calls themself NpcGrian, or NPG for short, the other one calls themself Robot Grian or RG for short. And between us, RG is definitely the eviler and smarter one of the two. He’s probably the one considered the hels version.” Helsknight slumped back in his seat and rubbed his temple, letting out a heavy sigh.
“Alright, to get away from that confusing topic, you said hels were made to counter the gods?” Evil X nodded.
“Yee-p” popping the p at the end, Evil X leaned forward.” All the gods being together in one space can be seen as quite a dangerous predicament, and if they ever decided to team up and rise up for some reason, no one would know before it’s too late. So to try and stop that, keep the gods on their toes and aware, the hels were made. You were one of the first to become sentient and seek out your counterpart actually”
Helsknight looked at the other for a moment then realized something. Something that didn’t settle right with him.
“How do you know all of this information? I’m pretty sure not even Xisuma knows this crap.” Hels rose an eyebrow as the other’s expression got darker behind the mask he wore.
“Let’s just say, being locked in the void for ages gives you some free time. And the ability to look through your and your clone’s codes, even though I was never able to edit them.” Huh, well that made sense.
TFC helps Gem out/aka being a god is overwhelming
    Sometimes, to really appreciate the world you live in, you just gotta walk around. Taking in the sights of what the world holds and what your fellow hermits have made. And honestly, TFC is usually blown away by how talented the hermits are. He may not be much of a builder himself, but he’s happy they’ve kept him along the way nonetheless. Little ol’ miner TFC, walking amongst godly builders, figuratively and literally.
    Sometimes on TFC’s walks, he’ll come across other hermits, not often, but it’s always pleasant when he does. TFC admits, he should get out to talk to the others more, but he can’t help it. The mines make him feel at home. But today, walking into one of the newer hermits areas, he had a bad feeling in his gut.
    Deciding to stray from the path TFC decided to look around the area, a bit more in dept. And low and behold, once getting close to one of the new hermits custom trees, he heard soft, stifled crying. Like they were trying to cover it up. Eyes softening, TFC went over to the home next to this wonderful tree and knocked, before letting himself peek inside.
    GeminiTay sat in the corner, her head snapped up and it was obvious how overwhelmed and tired she looked. TFC gave a slight smile and walked inside, closing the door gently. Gemini watched tensely as TFC walked over, his pickaxe he used as a cane clicking with every step. But, TFC sat down next to her and softly asked.
    “Would physical touch help this situation or worsen it?” Seeing Gemini’s tears starting to well up more, TFC opened his arms, offering her a safe space. And she took it. Gemini scrambled to get up and hug the other. She didn’t know why his presence felt so...comforting, but it did, and once she started the hug, the floodgates were let loose. She couldn’t hold back her tears even if she tried.
    TFC held the young girl close, gently rubbing circles into her back as her whole frame shook and twitched. TFC did notice the leaves that moved like butterflies flying about in the home. He semi-watched them as he comforted the hermit in his arms, taking notes on the situation.
    Once TFC heard the girls’ cries soften and as her body became less shaky, he decided to start talking.
    “I understand if you’re too overwhelmed to talk right now, but was this panic caused by some aspect of your godly nature?” TFC waited patiently, and when he felt a soft nod on his shoulder he let out a little sigh.
    “You are one of the newest gods in general, not even to the server, have you been taught anything more than the basics yet?” a small shake of her head.”So you’re not yet in tune with who you are and the powers you possess, and due to that, something within you snapped, and you started hearing noises or voices, am I correct?” TFC could feel Gem tense like he had just read her mind, but she gave a soft nod. TFC looked around at the leaf butterflies, more seem to have gathered.
    “Are the voices still present? Have they gotten any louder or more intense?” With the soft nod, TFC was starting to understand a bit more. Gently sitting Gemini up, he made the corner they were in into a cozy one full of blankets and pillows. 
    Gemini then watched, rubbing her slightly puffed-up eyes, as TFC started to gather the leaf butterflies. Once he got a good amount he gently set them free outside. And the more he let go, the less overwhelmed Gemini felt. Once most of the creatures were out TFC made his way back over and sat across from Gemini.
    “Ready to talk?” Gemini nodded, sniffling and wiping away any stray tears. Taking a deep breath Gemini starts talking.
    “So...So I was just doing my normal routine, today I decided to do some enchanting. But then my tree, my /tree/ started talking to me and I got confused. So I went over and put a hand on the tree.”Gemini paused, breath hitching again. TFC gently held one of her hands, reassuring her to take her time. After catching her breath, Gem continued.
    “And..And then I...And then I heard all these voices and cries. Some were asking me for help, some were..thanking me? Some were crying, some cheering...But they all came at once and I couldn’t shut them off. Then I started hearing more despair than anything else and I... I couldn’t do it. My body got all fuzzy! And my eyes got blurry but different from tear blur. I felt my body...change. And so I ran in here. And I only started to feel my body go back to normal shortly before you came..” Gem panted softly when she was done, her tears back and starting to fall again. She was looking down at her feet.
    But when she felt a soft big hand on her cheek, whipping away her tears, she looked up. TFC gave her a gentle smile, a reassuring one, and, it honestly helped her more than she would have thought.
    “That my dear was your body being forced into its godly form. Every god has one, but most prefer not to be in them, as they can be taxing after long uses. But they’re nothing to be afraid of. You just went into it unwillingly.” Gemini nods softly, following along so far.”And if you would like, I can help you learn how to go into it and out of it, at will. I’ll do it with you.”
Gemini thought about it for a while. She didn’t know how long, but TFC never rushed her into deciding, only waiting patiently, giving her time to think. But, if she learned how to control that form, maybe it would be less frightening if this ever happened again. Gem then looked at TFC and gave a quick nod.
“Yea, ok. I, I want to learn how to control this...godly form of mine. But you’ll do it with me right?” TFC nodded and scooted so that they bot sat criss-cross, knees touching each other. TFC then gently held both of her hands.
“Ok, to start off with, think of why you became a god, and what you’re the god of. Think of what that means to you.” Gem nodded, closing her eyes as she held TFC’s hands. Furrowing her brows a bit Gemini thought.
Thought of the event that lead her to be a god, why she did what she did. She thought of what that event meant to her and why she would do it again. And she felt the tension in her shoulders released. Gem then thought of what it meant to be the goddess of the forest, what the responsibility and future actions might hold for her.
“Good, you’re doing great” TFC’s voice rang through her ears.”Now hold onto that feeling, clutch onto it, cherish it. Once you’ve done that, let go. Let yourself feel your body change, let it morph and melt into something new.”
Taking one more deep breath, Gem followed his instructions. The feeling her ‘job’ gave her, the hope she had for herself, and so on, she held it close to her heart, and let herself stop caring about the mortal plane for a bit. And she felt herself change. Like what happened earlier, but less jarring and harsh. She felt her body almost melt, felt it slither around while being on one spot. The feeling wasn’t unpleasant like it was before. It felt like shifting over in bed, something familiar.
“There we go, you’ve done it, you can open your eyes.” Cautiously, Gem opened her eyes, and instead of being met with the soft grandpa from before, there was a whole new person. They looked like TFC but also now. They had more sharp edges and the particles of different ores around them were very present, and they radiated the energy of a god. He reached over and cupped her cheek.
“How do you feel?” Gemini thinks, she looked down at her new self, realizing how much bigger the two were now. She looked at all the leaf butterflies, not being as scared of them now. She felt power coursing through her, the whispered of the plants and tree’s outside. But now that she’s not in her panicked state, it was a lot more comforting. Gem felt a soft smile form over their lips. Looking up at TFC she felt warmth in her chest.
“Now that I’m not panicking, it feels nice. It feels warm, and I feel stronger.” TFC nods, looking pleased.
“Now, let’s go back to normal shall we?” Gem nods and puts her head down, closing her eyes again.
“Now, recognize your form, recognize the power coursing through you. Hold that feeling, and imagine yourself tucking it away for later. Let yourself relax and let your body morph once more” And once again, Gem tried her best to follow along.
And next time she opened her eyes, the normal TFC sat in front of her. Looking down at herself, Gem saw her she was back to normal. Smiling Gem leaped up to hug TFC. Hugging back TFC gently pet her hair.
“Now, let’s get you to bed, You need some rest after all that. Tomorrow we’ll talk more about this stuff ok?” 
And with that, TFC and Gem got comfy in the small comfort fort TFC had made and Gem fell asleep. During the afternoon Bdubs came to see gem, but finding her and TFC sleeping, he just smiled fondly and closed the door quietly. Informing the server not to disturb the two for the rest of the night and left the sleeping duo to rest
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hiiii, please response me😭
Honestly I wonder why Jk jealous of taemin when taemin & jimin having friendship?? I mean I can clearly see jk's jealousy. Please answer..... Borahae 💜
Ehhhhhh??????? JK is jealous of Taemin????
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That's both an understatement and the most ridiculous thing I ever heard! Lol
Don't be shy, he wants to kill him. Say it! Lmho
Why is JK jealous of Taemin? Sounds like an existential question and I don't want to get into all of that mess.
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I just slicked my edges down. Can't have these angry mobs peeling it off by force 🤧
But I get it. I used to find JK and Taemin's dynamic intriguing too but frankly, I'm over it. Lol.
I don't think it's as deep as the fandom make it seem. Especially not in 2021.
Word on the streets was Taemin had a thing for JM? and JK wasn't too happy about that- not sure about that but I can't fault him if ever he did. It's Jimin. Who doesn't want him.
But I think it's more delicate than that.
Besides, Jealousy shouldn't be our only go to label to explain every Jungkook emotion out there where JM is concerned.
Personally, I've sought to revolutionize the term Jeonlous and Jimlous in the way that we as a fandom perceive and think on it as a complex human emotion, one that centers mostly on boundaries rather than frivolous feelings of possessiveness or envy.
So to me, if JK really is 'jealous' in regards to Taemin then I'd assume it's because Taemin breached his personal boundaries where JM is concerned. It's as simple as that.
Which I believe was the case.
I try not to speculate on dynamics other than BTS's as it goes against my better conscience- Yes I have one. Shut up and read. Lol.
I tortured myself to death, figuratively speaking of course, the last time I tried commenting on a dynamic outside of BTS- JK and Mijoo's situation.
I don't think it's ethical...
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When it comes to JK and Taemin's dynamic, one thing you should understand is they aren't friends. Not that we know of.
Jimin and Taemin are friends in the same interest group, the Padding Squad. JK isn't a member of that interest group- perhaps because he doesn't share their interests.
Jhope passed on becoming a member of the Padding Squad because his hobbies and interests didn't align with that of the members- Sungwoon. He introduced Sungwoon to Suga instead who then introduced him to JM.
One thing that Jhope said about Sungwoon was that he enjoyed outing which was a lifestyle incompatible with his own.
Now since Sungwoon said he clicked with JM right away, I'd assume its because JM enjoyed going out and stuff like that- among other things.
Jk in those days wasn't known as the outing kind and preferred staying indoors to going out. I think this is one of the contrasts between JK and Jimin's personalities.
So if JM has a bunch of friends who enjoy going out as much, then I don't see how JK would fit into that circle.
Taemin and JK move in totally different circles. They don't have much in common beyond the fact they are both close to Jimin. In my opinion. I could be wrong.
Jimin have said he doesn't like to share his friends but of course we've seen him, Sungwoon and JK hang out a few times. Those three have a friendship going on unlike in TaeminMinKook's case.
It's speculated, Jimin introduced JK to Sungwoon but this was during one of Sungwoon's time off and the three got to hang together which I think is great.
Not sure if, JM has had similar opportunity to introduce Taemin and JK. That would depend on their schedules and what they do during their free time.
Introductions are necessary in friendship culture and we cannot undervalue JM's role in facilitating camaradship between those two.
If they are 'not friends' ask JM why. Smirk.
Their 'differences' and why their 'not friends' to me has more to do with their unique individualities and interests but also their age difference and culture?
Jealousy sounds plausible but you have to consider the fact age is a huge thing in the South Korean culture.
Taemin is much older than JK and ordinarily we cannot reasonably expect for them to be as close much less be friends to begin with- per the dictates of their culture.
As much as we love to rave on about the hyung/dongsaeng dynamics in their culture, from the little I know of their culture, older people and younger people aren't expected to mingle so easily or act so casually.
Besides, hyung/dongsaengs aren't considered friendmates in their culture.
A high level of respect and reverence is required within such a dynamic and boundaries are expected to be upheld at all times too so I guess we can chalk it up to that too I think.
The only way a younger person can be considered friends with or close with or even treat an older person as 'a friend' is if the older one allows for that level of familiarity between them.
Without that kind of permission, their relationship is viewed as strictly an older hyung to younger dongsaeng relationship and formality must be respected by both sides.
I think we've talked about this? This is what JK was going on about in his conversation with Tae in Soop. Tae was giving JK permission to treat him as 'friends' within the group but JK insisted on the formality and boundaries expected between them as hyung as and dongsaeng.
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If JK believes he needs to uphold boundaries with people older than him and not get too close to them, what makes you think he would consider older people besides his bandmates 'friends' or treat them casually like one?
The thing about JK, he is a bit cliquey... in my opinion that is. I'm gonna get in trouble, am I not? Chilee.
I often talk about JK and exclusivity or his tendencies for exclusive behaviors....
Once my sister told me, when she first enrolled to uni, how everyone she'd met would ask of her age first before they even asked which country she was from and some of the girls on her floor wouldn't talk to her because they considered her older than them and as such kept their distance or something like that- out of respect for and she had to give those that fuxked with her permission to address her a casual way- personally, I thought they were just being ageists and racists as fuck but then a year into her stay she said she sort of got the hang of it. That it was a cultural thing- Stockholms is real people. Lmho.
Bitxh wouldn't know a friend from a foe. Can't relate. Foe till proven friends!
Gotta smart yourself out here- Hold on...
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Is this why I don't have no friends???!!!!!
Chilee. This is not good.
She explained, most of the people she later became friends with seemed to prefer making friends with foreigners because they felt the age barrier thingy didn't apply there and they had the freedom to express themselves freely with them regardless of their age.
People that are considered 'friends' in their culture are usually people around the same age while a hyung/dongsaeng friendship dynamic often invite brows and gazes- if you know what I mean. A hyung who allows a dongsaeng to be friends with them gives that dongsaeng status at best, at worst is opening the younger one to cultural criticism especially in how the older one is addressed.
So when Namjoon refers to Jimin as a friend it hits hard and reflects how deep and special their bond is as compared to say Vmin or NamHope who are close in age. Same age friendships would have to be qualified to denote how special their bond is. So for Vmin you'd see them going out of their way to talk about that they are soulmates, besties etc.
When JM talks about that all of his friends are hyungs, it a form of social proof. One cannot be friends with hyungs just like that. Jimin is cool and has social status.
If Jimin ever refers to JK as a friend he would be admitting he allows for a certain level of familiarity between them that is out of the ordinary just as his dynamic with Taemin and RM is.
I say all this so you can deep it when an older says to a young one, he is my friend.
RM says JM is his friend.
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Mess with Minimoni, I'll stab you.
Taemin says JM is his closest 'friend' in the padding squad- or maybe I misunderstood what he meant but he keeps talking about Jimin and how close they are and how special their relationship is in the media and what not...
Deep it and deep it for JK too. Lmho.
He's lucky he is alive!
In my opinion, JK doesn't do too well around people who pull ranks over him. He tends to have his guard up around them and he tries to maintain formality with them.
It all depends on how comfortable JK is around certain group of friends Jimin has. Just as, it's not all friends of JK JM vibes with. Smirk.
Ok listen, I tried this sane shipper thingy yall recommended, it's not working for me-
If Taemin is not fucking with JK, JK is not gonna be fucking with him. So simple. I tried beating around the bush but chilee JK is not the problem Taemin is. There I said it.
In my opinion of course.
Whatever thing they had going on seemed personal and it could be as a result of anything.
It could be JK doesn't agree with his choices, lifestyle or influence on JM. It could also be Taemin does not approve of JK for JM. It could be he said something JK took offense at. Literally anything.
Whereas JK have reacted strongly to him in the past, I don't think I've seen Taemin have a similar strong reaction to JK. I could be wrong.
To me, he's always laughed those moments off as if JK were overreacting to something trivial- which, it's Jk, I won't put it past him but I find that behavior annoying and condescending as fuck coming from Taemin. No disrespect to Taemin.
For whatever reason, JM has always put his friendships on a pedestal talking about that his relationships is gold to him and what not and he prides himself in the fact he goes out of his way to nurture his relationships.... cool.
Love it for him.
But JK on the other hand has been striving to put up boundaries for JM in regards to the people he surrounds himself with and I don't think Taemin is an exception or was an exception.
JK has a lot of boundaries, I keep saying and they may not be the kind of boundaries you expect to see from him but he has them regardless.
He prefers for instance not to be so casual with people older than him for obvious reasons as he keeps saying, I'd assume it's a value he's tried to pass on to JM several times over the years- what is JM's view on that? Clearly JM has his own values.
JK has said he doesn't have friends and when he started making friends they were all within the same age group- the 97 liners.
JM on the other hand says all his friends are hyungs and he has one same age friend- V. Sidenote: Can't he just make Idol friends within the same age group besides V?
What goes on?!
Do y'all see the conflict of values there?
It's not always about Jealousy if you ask me.
Their values on certain things don't align.
I'm sorry. Lmho.
I mean I have said this several times now!
It's taken JK a hot minute to come to terms with, accept and get used to certain things especially in his relationship and personal life and it shows in the way he talked about 'dressing up' more often in his recent VLive, and how he seems to be acknowledging that he is a celebrity with power and status and he has to be conscious of that going forward.
Contrast that with a two years ago when he didn't even care about how he dressed to the airport and Jm said he had to use tactics to get him to get rid of his old bag or even care about how he dressed.
Significant improvement.
Jimin, as we've said claims he's come to the realization friends ain't shit- the emphasis is mine. Lol.
So I guess my answer to your question is, I don't think JK is jealous necessarily when it comes to Taemin. He reacts to him the same way he reacts to Namjoon or whosoever breaches his boundaries in regards to JM.
And that to me translates as, Taemin doesn't respect JK's boundaries for whatever reason. It could be because like I said, he doesn't think JK has a place in JM's space as his boyfriend, could be because he treats JK as JM's dongsaeng and not his equal partner.
It could be JK doesn't approve of Taemin's friendship with Jimin because he expects Jm to have boundaries especially with certain people around him- I mean I wonder how many of their friends know they are a thing. Can't be all of them💀
That too can create issues with the way they handle their boundaries with either of Jikook.
Or it can be because he is jealous too. We can't know for sure.
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rachaelswrites · 4 years
Party Time is Over
Noah Schnapp x Gyllenhaal!reader
You and Noah go to a party
Word Count: 2,247
A/N: I got a little carried but I really love this paring so please send in more ideas for them
Warnings: fluff, underage drinking/partying, brief mention of hickeys
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You and Noah rarely got time to yourselves, in between his and your dad’s filming schedule. This weekend was the one chance Noah was in town with no work responsibilities and you wanted to surprise him. He thought you were still in London with Jake, but his project finished early and you got home that weekend. You’re really close to Noah’s whole family and especially Chloe, his twin. You asked her for his flight information and met him at the airport Friday night. 
You were both extremely jet lagged and fell asleep as soon as you got into his bed. Chloe of course, saw and posted a picture of the two of you asleep. You and Noah didn’t post about your relationship often but when you did, fans went crazy. 
You woke with one of Noah’s arms around your waist and his other hand occupied with his phone, scrolling through TikTok. “Good morning,” you mumbled while kissing his cheek. 
“How’d you sleep?” 
“Good,” you said sitting up and stretching your arms, “Much better than in London. Try sharing a room with my dad,” 
“I can only imagine,”
“Sometimes I wonder if he stays up all night to make noise and make me miserable on purpose. Because if he is, its working,”
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” he replied, setting his phone down. He rolled over and sat so he was now facing you. He grabbed your hands and started pressing kisses to your knuckles, making you giggle, “So. What do you want to do today?” he asked. 
“I dunno. Just spend time with you. Dad has a new project soon so I want to be with you as much as I can,”
“We can stay in and watch movies. Finn told me about some good ones I think you’d like,”
“Ok sounds good,” you kissed him and got up from the bed, “Let me shower real quick and I’ll meet you on the couch,” 
You quickly showered and got ready. You changed into sweatpants and one of your favorite band tees, but as you were leaving Noah’s room, you spotted a hoodie that you wanted to steal. You slipped it on and made your way downstairs. Noah was wrapped in a blanket and was laying on his back. You walked over and laid down next him, placing your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. You looked at him, studying his face. 
“What’s up Y/n? You’re staring at me,”
“Sorry. You’re just really handsome,”
“I look dead. I literally woke up like thirty minutes ago,”
“Still a cutie,” you mumbled. 
“Aww. You two are so cute,” Chloe said from the kitchen. Noah stuck his tongue out at her which she responded with a middle finger. 
You slapped Noah’s chest playfully “Stop bickering and start the movie please,” 
“Fine,” he said going to Netflix, “I know you don’t like watching movies your dad is in, but this one is really good, according to Finn,” 
“No this one is fine. It’s actually my favorite of his,” you watched as he pushed play on Wildlife. You watched a few more movies until you got bored. You stood up from the couch and walked over to the window, “It’s nice out today. We should go out,” you turned and looked at your boyfriend, seeing his expression, “or we can stay if you want. I’m just bored,”
“No, it's fine. I know you have the attention span of a goldfish,”
“Hey! It's not my fault,” 
“I know. It’s one of the reasons I love you,” he said getting up and walking over to you. He hugged you from behind and kissed the side of your neck. 
“Mm hmm. Sure. I love you too,” You turned in his arms and kissed him. 
“I gotta go get ready. I’ll be down soon,” he said, pulling away. 
“M’kay,” you sat back down on the couch and waited. 
After ten minutes, you and him were walking hand and hand down the streets of New York. “Let’s go on the subway,”
“Why? Where are we going babe?” 
“Let’s go to my place. We can find something to do there,”
Noah nodded and you two caught a train and took your seats. You were on the other side of the city so the ride would take a while. Your phone started buzzing in the pocket of your sweatpants, so you fished it out and answered it.
“Hey honey I got a notification that you left Noah’s house and saw that you were moving. I was just wondering what you’re up to,” your dad said. 
“Oh yeah. Just on the subway,” 
“You’re on the subway by yourself? You know I don’t like you going there by yourself,” 
“I’m not by myself Dad, I’m with Noah. He’ll keep me safe. Right Noah?” you asked your boyfriend, he nodded. “He said he would. We’ll be fine,”
“Text me when you get off then,”
“Will do. Bye Dad,” 
“Bye Y/n,” he hung up and you and Noah continued your conversation. 
You got off at your stop and walked the few blocks to the apartment. You opened the door and greeted your dad, who was at the kitchen table reading. 
“Dad we’re going up to my room is that ok?” you asked.
“Yeah just keep the door open and hands to yourselves. I don’t need mini yous crawling around here anytime soon,” 
You rolled your eyes and went to your room, Noah following. You two just sat around lazily watching TV or scrolling through social media. Noah was sitting at your desk when his phone started ringing and he answered it. You were sitting on the floor by your bed and rolled over closer to him. “Hey what’s up man?” he asked. You tried to hear what the other person said but couldn’t make it out, “I would love to but I’m with Y/n today. I don’t know when we’ll see each other again,” he paused to listen to the other person, “I can ask her,” he lowered the phone and looked down at you.
“Do you want to go to a party later. Some of my friends are throwing one and they invited me. We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,”
“Are you kidding? Of course I want to go! For the past three weeks I have been stuck in London, spending the whole time in a theater or hotel room with my dad. Do you know how much I miss interacting with people my age!” you said, jumping up
“So is that a yes then?” he asked
“Duh,” you walked towards your closet to pick something out to wear. 
Noah turned back to the phone, “I guess we’ll be there at six,” he hung up and watched you, “What are you doing,” 
“Picking something out. I can’t wear this,” you gestured to your current outfit, “To a party. What do you think about this dress?” you held up a black mini dress, one you could find people wearing in a club, (nothing too revealing otherwise Jake would flip). Noah gave you a thumbs up and you changed in the bathroom. You came back out and looked for your favorite pair of heels. 
“You look good Y/n,” he said. 
You pulled on a pair of silver heels and responded, “Thank you. You do too,” he was wearing black jeans and a blue bomber jacket with a white shirt underneath. You grabbed a denim jacket to throw on over your dress. As you walked downstairs, you yelled to your dad, “We’re going out, I don’t know when we’ll be back,”
“Hang on. Where are you going?”
“To a party,”
“Be safe,” your dad said, pointing a finger at you, “No drugs and no drinking,”
“Ok I promise bye,” you waved to him and shut the door. That promise was not kept for long.
By Eleven, you were surprised you and Noah weren’t blacked out by now. You didn’t plan on drinking but it started with one drink, then two, and then too many more that you lost count. You only realized Chloe was there when she came over and pulled you from Noah. You and him had been dancing in the center of the room. His hands were on your waist and he was kissing all over your neck and collarbone, most likely leaving at least one mark you would find the next morning. 
“Chlo Chlo! What are you doing? M’dancing with Noah,” you slurred. 
“You’ve had too much to drink. Let me call your dad so he can come get you.”
You shook your head and tried to get away but she grabbed your hand, “Y/n come on, where’s your phone?” you pointed to the pocket of your jacket on the floor and she reached over and grabbed it. She saw you had several missed calls from Jake. Her grip on you loosened and you slipped away going to find Noah again. Chloe found you two again but this time you were making out. She separated you two again and led you to the doorway of the apartment you were in. “Your dad is here. Take your phone and jacket,”
She opened the door and walked you down to the lobby where your dad was. “Oh my God. Y/n what the hell?” he said putting his hands on your shoulders, “You smell like alcohol. How much do you drink?” 
“I didn’t drink anything Dad. I told you I wouldn’t,” you said, very clearly intoxicated.
“Y/n,” he warned, “Tell me how much you drank,” 
You started counting on your fingers but once you reached five and kept going, Jake had enough, “Ok I get it. Let’s get you home sweetheart. Can you walk?” 
You shook your head. Even if you could, you didn’t want to. You had discarded your shoes two hours ago but your feet still hurt. “Ok. I’ll carry you then,”  he helped you put your jacket back on and picked you up but was confused when you didn’t have shoes, “Where are your shoes?”
“I dunno,” you mumbled. Luckily, Chloe came back to the lobby with your shoes in hand. 
“She forgot her shoes. Thought she might want them,” 
“Thank you Chloe,” he took the shoes from her and carried you to the car. He set you in the backseat and tried to buckle you in but you kept slapping his hand, “Y/n stop. Let me put your seatbelt on,” 
You stopped attacking him and he got in the driver’s seat and drove back to the apartment.
You managed to walk to the elevator and inside the apartment before collapsing on the couch. “Dad can you get me some water?” 
“Sure,” he said from the kitchen. He filled up a glass and offered it to you. You swallowed it in one big gulp. 
“Do you want to change out of that dress. I can get you some stuff from your room,” 
You nodded and pulled a blanket over you. He came back carrying a t-shirt and shorts and tossed them at you, “Hey c’mon wake up.” 
You groaned and got up and trudged to the bathroom. You changed and walked back out and flopped on the couch. Jake picked up the dress you left on the bathroom floor and headed upstairs to his own room, “Goodnight Y/n, I love you,” but you didn’t hear him because you had already fallen asleep. 
You woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. The light from the kitchen was hurting your eyes and you felt a weight on your legs. You sat up squinting. You saw your dad using your legs as a laptop stand. Jake noticed, and looked at you, “Good morning sunshine,” he said cheerily. 
You groaned, his voice ringing in your ears, “Shhh. Stop yelling. You’re being too loud,” you whisper-shouted. 
“I'm not even yelling. I’m just talking,” he responded.
“Shhh. I have a headache,” you moved your finger to your lips.
“I figured you would. You partied hard last night. I left you some stuff in the bathroom,” 
You rolled off the couch and made your way to the bathroom. He left you a bottle of Advil and Gatorade. You took the pills and took a drink of Gatorade. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you looked awful. You looked like a train ran over you three times. Your shirt moved and exposed your collarbone. You caught a glance and gasped. There was a huge hickey left by Noah. You had no idea how to hide it from your dad.
You left the bathroom and went into your room, searching for something to use. You spotted the hoodie you stole from Noah the day before and slipped it on. You went into the living room to join your dad. “Why’d you put a jacket on?” he asked.
You shrugged sitting next to him and putting your head on his shoulder, “Just got cold,” 
“It’s not for hiding that giant hickey I hope. Cause I already saw that,” 
You shot up, “What! When?”
“Earlier this morning. I went to see if you were still alive, I saw it,” he explained, “Don’t feel bad. I’ve seen worse,”
“Eww,” you said, smacking his arm, “I didn’t need to hear that,”
“I’m joking. Just next time you go out, don’t get wasted. I love you, but next time Noah can take care of you,”
“Sounds good to me,”
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @teenage-incompetence
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rosemaidenvixen · 3 years
A Secret’s Worth
Chapter 15: Claire
Claire’s teeth dug sharply into her lip. The three of them had gotten into their share of mischief over the years, ranging from harmless fun to being grounded for an entire month. But this was by far the worst thing they’d ever done.  
She risked a peek out of the top of the bush, forcing herself to ignore the pointy branches digging into her skin. So far both the house and the street were quiet, but Claire didn’t want to risk getting closer when they still weren’t sure where Dr. Lake was.
“Anything yet?” Darci whispered.
“Not yet,” Claire said softly “But Dr. Lake is due back any minute so let’s stay put.
The leaves gave a slight rustle as Claire sank back down, nestling back in next to Mary and Darci.
To be fair this wasn’t Claire’s idea, the whole thing had been Mary’s plan from the start. After Darci had told them what she’d overheard her dad say on the phone, Mary had brought up the idea of doubling back after school and sneaking over to Jim’s house to watch things go down. 
Sneak in and out with no one ever seeing them. Easy peasy...provided one of the many many many ways this plan could go horribly wrong didn’t happen.
So yeah, Claire had a bad feeling about this right from the start, but ended up letting Darci and Mary talk her into it anyway. In spite of the nagging little voice in the back of her head that kept saying this was going to blow up in their faces.
And when they got there and saw Jim’s bike outside and an unfamiliar car parked on the curb and their reaction had been to cut across someone's backyard and duck into the bushes alongside Jim’s house; it more or less confirmed that this was going to end badly.
“What do you think’s happening?” Darci whispered again.
“I don’t know, maybe--”
“Guys shut up!”
Claire whipped her head around, branch slapping against her cheek, ready to jump down Mary’s throat for snapping at them, only for her heart to shoot up into her throat. Dr. Lake’s car, with Dr. Lake behind the wheel, ambling into the cul de sac and pulling up into the driveway. The three of them stayed as still as possible, silently watching as she stepped out of the car and walked up to the house.
About five seconds after the door shut behind her Claire spoke up.
“We gotta see what’s going on in there,”
Darci pushed herself up onto her knees, as the tallest scouting was her responsibility “Over there,” she pointed to some hedges just outside the living room window. 
Staying low to the ground, Claire began crawling towards their new vantage point, Mary and Darci right behind her. They were making good progress, right up until Claire bumped into an obstacle. 
Oh fudgeknucles what now?
She stopped in her tracks, perched on her hands and knees, trying to prod whatever it was out of the way with her elbow.
Behind her Mary squirmed impatiently “Claire what’s the holdup?”
“I don’t know,” she continued to try and dislodge the unknown object “Something’s blocking me,”
Too soft to be a rock, but too firm to be a plant, so what was--
Suddenly the ‘object’ let out a grunt and flopped over on its side.
The three of them let out a chorus of startled gasps. 
“Toby!?” Claire squeaked “What are you--”
“Either keep quiet or get your own hiding spot!”
She shut her mouth, more stunned than anything else. 
Toby looked at them through narrowed eyes, they stared back just as warily. After a few seconds of tense silence he scooted over to the side, creating a space large enough for the three of them to shuffle into place under the window.
Pulse still pounding in her ears, Claire slowly raised her gaze and peeked through the glass. Jim and Dr. Lake were inside sitting on the couch, across from them was an unfamiliar woman dressed in slacks and a blouse. It looked like they were all just talking right now, with the mystery woman occasionally taking notes, but Jim and Dr. Lake both looked incredibly tense.
Seeing how there wasn’t too much action going on right now, Claire’s eyes flickered over from the window to her side “Toby,” she whispered from the corner of her mouth “What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here!?”
“Practicing our underwater basket weaving,” Mary leaned across Claire to hiss at him “What does it look like we’re doing!?”
“It looks like you’re spying on Jim and Dr. Lake!” 
“I could say the same about you!”
“Why are you even--”
“Guys quiet!” Darci hushed them as loud as she could without blowing their cover “Something’s happening,”
Four sets of eyes swiveled back up to the window. Someone new had entered the room, an older man in khakis and a button up shirt. He was holding up a large t-shirt, based on the way he was glancing back and forth between the shirt and Jim and Dr. Lake it looked like he was asking them something about it.
“That’s Chuck,” Darci whispered “He’s my dad’s partner,”  
Chuck kept speaking for a few more seconds, then the woman on the couch said something and stood up. In response Chuck put down the shirt and they all got to their feet, turned, and headed towards the stairs.
As soon as the last person disappeared upstairs Claire let out a shaky breath. Looks like they were back to waiting.
“I’m here because I saw the car from across the street and came over to investigate,” Toby said in a low murmur, not even turning his head to speak “What I want to know is why you guys are here,”
Claire squirmed, her eyes were locked on the top of the stairs, but she could practically hear the suspicious frown etched into Toby’s face “Sorry Toby but right now we really need to focus on this, I promise we’ll explain everything later,”
She couldn’t see what his face looked like after hearing that, but after letting out a sigh he sat back and didn’t say anything else.
None of them said anything for a long time, all intensely focused on the window, waiting for something to happen. What Claire didn’t know.
If anything the dead quiet coming from the house made everything worse. At least with shouting and screaming they would know what was going on, but silence...that could mean a lot of things.
They all felt the tension, the only noises coming from them the occasional rattle of leaves and sticks when someone shifted around in the bush to try and avoid the worst of the poking branches. Waiting and waiting as their nerves wound tighter and tighter.
Finally, after the longest twenty minutes of Claire's life, everyone in the house came back down the stairs. The four of them letting out small, simultaneous sighs of relief.
Meanwhile everyone inside went into the kitchen, mystery woman opening drawers and cabinets still talking to Jim and Dr. Lake. At first everything looked normal, then Claire started to notice. The little flinches Jim made whenever mystery woman spoke to him. How Dr. Lake seemed to wince every time she answered a question.
Things were definitely heating up. 
Then from out of nowhere Jim put his foot up on a chair and rolled up his pant leg, talking and gesturing towards his ankle. Both mystery woman and Chuck were looking at his leg intently.
Ok this was weird, Claire could understand CPS talking and going through people’s stuff, even checking the kids out if they were super bruised and beat up or something. But why the hell were they looking at Jim’s--
A lightbulb flicked on in her brain. 
Last November. Jim had come back from a camping trip with a bandage around his ankle.
He told them it was from a fox bite.
Before her brain could fully process what this could mean, Jim put his foot down just as abruptly as he’d lifted it, turned, and headed up the stairs. Everyone one in the room watched him go but no one tried to stop him.
After Jim left Dr. Lake and mystery woman sat down at the table and kept talking. For a little while things looked more or less normal. But at this point Claire knew better. She kept her eyes on Dr. Lake, watching as the conversion went on. Watching as the corners of her mouth twisted more and more until it looked like she’d been chewing on a lemon. How her eyes crinkled at the edges, forcing her to blink more than usual.
It looked like Dr. Lake was about to cry. 
Heat filled Claire’s cheeks even as she kept up her surveillance. Despite everything else that was going on it still felt weird to spy on someone who looked like they were about to burst into tears.
But why was she so upset? Claire could understand better if Dr. Lake got mad or defensive after talking to the CPS workers who were accusing her of being a bad mom, but why was she--
Suddenly mystery woman stood and tore a piece of paper out of her notebook, sliding it towards Dr. Lake. Who scribbled something on it before sliding it back. Mystery woman handed some more papers to her as they both spoke a little more, then she and Chuck headed towards the door.
“Follow them,” Darci spoke up in a voice that was barely audible “We need to hear what they’re talking about,”
Moving as fast as they could without making noise, the four of them hastily crawled through the bushes until they were right next to the car in the driveway, watching the two adults steadily approach.
Chuck spoke up first “So, what did you think?”
Claire held her breath.
“It’s too soon to say anything for sure,” mystery woman quickly tucked her notebook into her purse before getting out the car keys “But she definitely seems controlling, and I do not like how often their stories contradicted each other,”
Her legs were starting to cramp and her hands were scratched raw from branches and thorns, but Claire couldn’t care less. Her entire world had narrowed down to the two voices less than six feet away, leaning forward as much as she could without breaching the bush.
“I can’t imagine how much harder this would have been if we didn’t have the warrant,” Chuck added, slipping his hands into his pockets “Thank god that teacher added another report on top of Louis’s,”
Darci gasped. In a flash Mary clapped a hand over her mouth, snapping her head over and  piercing the adults with a hawk-like gaze.
Fortunately the sound went unnoticed and they continued on to the car without missing a beat.
But what did he mean about a second report?
Darci’s dad had made a report after they’d talked to him, so where did a second one come from?
Chuck shook his head, stepping around and getting into the passenger’s seat “And did you see those scars? Animal bite my ass,”
A jagged lump of ice dropped in Claire’s ribcage.
No. Dr. Lake couldn’t have.
Jim might have been dodgy about the whole basement thing but there was no way he wouldn’t tell them if his mom was--
“I couldn’t agree more,” mystery woman put the key in and started the engine “Those marks were made with a scalpel, no buts about it,”
For a moment she forgot how to breath, lungs frozen, the chill spreading out from her chest across her whole body.
The sounds of the car pulling out and driving away seemed a million miles away.
Scalpel marks. Not animal bites.
Her stomach was rolling. She’d never believed people could puke from bad news alone until this moment.
Before today Claire thought that the worst thing happening to Jim was being locked in the basement but now--
Now she didn’t know what to think.
A gentle tug on the elbow brought her back to reality “My house, quick,” Toby hissed.
Following Toby’s lead, the four of them scurried around the cul de sac, taking the long way and keeping to the bushes to avoid being spotted. At the end they had to dart back out into plain sight while Toby fumbled with his door lock. Claire noticed Mary kept glancing behind them towards Jim’s house as he did. Finally Toby was able to get the door open, all of them rushing in. He shut the door behind him, letting out a whoosh of air as he sagged against it in relief. Claire, Mary, and Darci all letting out similar sighs.
At last. Safe.
“Toby pie?”
They all jumped like they’d stepped on live wires.
“Is that you?” his Nana’s voice continued to call out from the kitchen “Are your friends with you?”
Toby was perched against the door, fingers stiffened into claws and spine ramrod straight “Yeah, uh…. we all came over to work on our...history project,” he started gesturing wildly toward the stairs “Just need to all go upstairs where we can...talk, about our project,”
Claire could take a hint. She turned and jogged up the stairs, Darci and Mary hot on her heels.
“Do you kids want any refreshments?” Nana asked again.
“No thanks Mrs. D,” Mary shouted back as they booked it out of there.
“Well let me know if you change your minds dearies,”
They all hurried into Toby’s bedroom, where hopefully they could talk in private, Toby tailing them in and then gently shutting the door behind him.
For a moment they all just stood in silence, too wired and frazzled to even try for conversation.
It didn’t last long.
“What the actual fuck was all that!?” Mary shrieked.
Claire slumped against the wall, hands shaking “I think...I think there’s more going on than we first thought,”
“What I want to know is who filed that other report,” Darci gripped her elbows, hugging herself “He said it was a teacher, but which teacher was it and why did they do it?”
“It was Mr. Strickler,”
They all slowly turned towards Toby. 
Toby met their gazes without flinching, his expression pinched and tense, but Claire could see traces of steel underneath it “And he did it because I told him,”
He plunked down on his bed, head drooping, the words all coming out in a rush “I know it was an extreme step-- and I totally took the nuclear option-- and this is going to screw a lot of things up for Jim and Dr. Lake, but I couldn’t stand by and do nothing!”
Claire glanced over at Mary and Darci, the three of them sharing an uneasy look.
“What?” Toby glanced back and forth between them 
“Toby….” Darci gently sat down next to him “We called CPS….also,”
He blinked “You what?”
“We went and talked to my dad about Jim...it’s like you said, we couldn’t just stand by and do nothing, not with what was going on,”
Toby’s eyes got huge “The second report…”
“And it’s a damn good thing we did,” Mary screeched, startling the rest of them “Did you hear them-- Jim’s mom went nuts on him with a scalpel!”
Both Claire and Toby flinched while Darci’s face curdled into a deep wince, like they seriously needed reminded of that part.
But now they knew. This went way beyond locked doors and curfews.
Jim’s mom was hurting him.
Claire stepped over and put a hand on Mary’s shoulder, partly to calm Mary down and partly to steady herself “That’s why we gotta keep our cool and focus. There could still be a lot more stuff we don’t know about going on, so we need to be ready for--”
“There is more,” Toby’s voice was deathly quiet “A lot more, I don’t know everything but I know a lot,”
Everyone in the room went still.
“....what do you mean?” Darci said, voice barely above a whisper.
When he look up at them Toby’s expression was dark “Back when we were in Elementary school his mom fell asleep at the wheel while we were in the back seat, a semi truck nearly hit us,”
Mary’s mouth fell open, stunned into silence. Darci folded her arms against her stomach, face green. Claire didn’t react, she couldn’t even if she wanted to, pushed by everything that had happened to a place beyond shock.
“Jim does almost all of the chores at their house,” Toby kept going, voice a monotone “Has since he was in Elementary school. Back then Dr. Lake would never let anyone babysit him, not even Nana. When we were in fourth grade she said she got him a babysitter for work nights but I think she was leaving him home alone,”
Darci’s jaw worked up and down, struggling for words she couldn’t manage to find. Next to her Claire could see the blood draining from Mary’s face leaving her the color of wax. 
And it wasn’t like she was much better, Claire could hear her heartbeat booming in her ears, skull light and head swimming. She was about half a second away from passing out.
“Every Halloween since I’ve known him his mom never let him trick or treat, not once. When we were in the mole scouts he got kicked out for missing too many meetings, he said it was because he got sick but it happened way too often for that to be true,”
His voice dropped even lower “They go on camping trips all the time, always to the middle of nowhere, and always just the two of them,”
The next part was so quiet Claire almost didn’t hear it, almost.
“They never take pictures of their trips. And once when we were in middle school Jim came back with his entire back covered in bruises, and the last time he came back with cuts on his ankle,”
Claire was shaking all over, her grip on Mary’s shoulder not enough to anchor her any more. She pried her fingers off one by one, moving slowly and deliberately to avoid falling down, and took a seat at the desk chair.
What else. What other horrible things were going on in Jim’s house that they’d had no idea about?
All those months Claire had spent crushing on him how could she have been completely blind to...to...
She didn’t know how much more Toby had to say, but if he kept going Claire was going to faint.
“Toby,” Claire spoke up in a breathless voice “Stop, please,”
He complied, netting his fingers together and hanging his head.
Silence weighed over them like a lead blanket, heavy and suffocating.
“Oh my god,” Darci practically whimpered “What do we even do?”
If the deafening quiet that followed her question was anything to go by, none of them knew the answer to that question.
All of a sudden the loud ringing of a phone went off, causing all of them to jump. Toby pulled out his offending device, motions jittery, only for his eyes to bug out once he spotted the screen “It’s Jim!”
Claire’s heart shot up into her throat for the second time today. Jim was calling, why? Had he figured out what they’d done?
Toby fumbled with his phone before setting it on his desk “I’m going to put it on speaker,” he glanced from side to side at them “No one say anything,”
Both Claire and Darci nodded, Mary making the zipping motion over her own lips while scurrying up even closer. No doubt wanting to hear every detail even without being able to contribute to the conversation.
With a slight but unmistakable quiver to his fingers, Toby tapped his phone screen twice “Hey Jimbo,” his cheerful tone a direct contrast to the anxious look on his face “How’s it hanging?”
“Toby…” Jim’s voice echoed out of the device “Can you just….talk about something?”
“Talk about what?”
“I don’t know, I just--” his voice cracked and Claire could practically see him hunched over, holding himself in a desperate attempt to keep from breaking down “I...I just had the worst thing happen and I really want to just listen to your voice right now,”
“Oh….ok,” Toby reached over and picked up a rock sitting on the corner of the desk “I just got a new bismuth from Nana for my rock collection,”
“Uh huh,”
Taking that ‘Uh huh’ as a sign of approval, Toby kept going “She bought it from one of her friends in her bingo club. She doesn’t remember where her friend got it, but because it’s in crystal form it must have been made by someone. Bismuth crystals are grown a lot in labs, but if you know what you’re doing you can also grow it in your own kitchen....”
Half tuning out Toby’s rant, Claire kept her eyes locked on the phone, waiting for Jim’s voice to emerge from it again. Without even meaning to, she found herself leaning over slightly towards the silent device, Darci and Mary mirroring her actions. Quick, occasional glances at her watch told Claire that Toby’s bismuth ramble had been going for a little over ten minutes.
“...so it turns out bismuth does decay into thallium, but it’s half life is like twenty billion years, so I can see why they missed that,” Toby paused, the phone emanating nothing but silence “You still there Jimbo?”
“Yeah,” Jim’s voice rang out, causing everyone to instantly perk up “I’m here,”
“Are you...are you doing better now?”
“I…” Jim let out a gusty sigh, deeper than Claire thought him capable of “Yes, I’m doing better,”
Toby bit his lip, weighing over something in his mind “So...what happened? Anything I can help out with?”
The phone sat silently on the desk.
“Jim,” a tremor had entered Toby’s voice, uncertainty etching deep lines into his face “Did you hear me?”
Claire was bent so far towards the phone so much she was practically hanging out of her seat, Darci right there with her, and Mary standing hunched over with her face just inches away from the screen.
“Toby,” Jim’s voice was surprisingly hard, causing them all to jolt back “I need to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest with me,”
Oh no.
The panicky look on Toby’s face matched Darci and Mary’s; and undoubtedly Claire’s to.
“Sure,” Toby’s expression was strained with the effort of keeping his voice light “What is it?”
 “Toby, do you--” Jim’s voice cracked. “Did you…”
He trailed off, the phone staying silent for so long Claire wondered if he’d hung up.
Toby wrung his hands together “Yeah Jim? You still there?”
“Toby do you...do you…. do you want to have lunch at the diner tomorrow?”
“Oh,” Toby deflated, along with the rest of them.
That was surprisingly anticlimactic. Although Claire was about ninety nine percent sure that wasn’t what Jim had originally planned on asking.
“Ok sure, sounds great, I’ll run it by the girls,” his eyes flickered towards them “But I think that they’ll be down for that,”
Jim let out a husky sigh, 
And they certainly had a lot bigger things to worry about right now, but did everyone’s voice sound this much deeper over the phone? Jim had practically gone from a tenor to a bass.
“Thanks Tobes, I’ll see you tomorrow,”
“Awesome, see you then, bye Jimbo,”
“Bye Toby,”
Toby tapped his phone again, shutting off Jim’s voice and filling the room with silence once again.
Finally Claire couldn’t stand it any longer “Ok, this is really bad, like a lot worse than any of us were thinking, but it sounds like Jim doesn’t know that we were the ones who told on him. And we need to keep it that way,”
“But Claire…” Darci said hesitantly “I really think we need to be honest about this. You remember how bad Jim freaked out when we tried to talk to the first time he. I really think it would be better if we told him that we called CPS ourselves right away. If he finds out later from other people…”
“You...you’re not wrong, and we should tell him eventually, but….” Claire let out a breath, bracing herself “But you heard what your dad said, we have to stay in contact with Jim in case the investigation doesn’t come up with anything, and I don’t want to risk Jim giving us all the glacial shoulder again,”
Her voice nearly broke as she forced the next words out “Especially if his mom….hurts him again,”
“Claire’s right,” Toby stood up “And there could still be even more stuff I don’t know about, we can’t risk Jim cutting us off again,”
By now Mary was so pale she practically looked anemic, but she still managed to find her voice “Yeah, we have to be there for him in case his mom does something….even worse,”
Claire couldn’t help but shudder a little at that.
Darci swallowed hard “You’re right, our first priority is staying in the loop with him. So we play dumb and don’t let Jim know we made the call, for now,”
All of them nodded along with her words in silent agreement
Claire didn’t feel great about keeping secrets like this, especially since it was four on one. But Jim freezing them out the way he did had been scary. Bottom line they couldn’t risk that happening again, even if that meant they had to lie to him.
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 3 years
Fifty Shades of Mikaelson: Shade 2
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Authors Note: Ok so my original plan was to release Shade 2 and Shade 3 after Shade 1 but then I realised that there bits in Shade 2 and 3 that could add to the upcoming chapters for the trilogy. Everything in this AU is connected so you’ll get even more of a story.  Word Count: 1877 Warnings: None. Yet. Pairing: Kol X Reader
Fifty Shades Tag List: @xxwritemeastoryxx​ @tomarisela​ @akshi8278​
Missed Shade 1? Catch up from the beginning chapters for all Shades will be updated in the upcoming weeks/months. 
Richmond Virginia is the home to Mikaelson Enterprises, one of the largest companies in the US to date, with countless connections across the country and the world. After receiving the company from the untimely death of their parents and younger brother Henrik the six remaining siblings all took a share and equal role within the company. 
The loss of their parents and younger brother was hard on the remaining family and became so tough on Freya and Finn that they ultimately took a step back from public eye of the company and became silent partners, this allowed Elijah, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah to have a free rein on the company so to speak.
What made Mikaelson Enterprises different to all the others was the fact that it didn’t have one sole purpose. The company originally thrived at investing low market sales. Rather than take the risk and invest in the higher term stock markets each sibling took to different sectors and reaped the rewards of their own doing which allowed them to endeavour into other opportunities.
Each sibling was different, Rebekah stuck to fashion. Her aim was that she wanted people to look great whilst not breaking the bank and so she worked with a large team of designers to manufacture a line of clothing that was stylish while being at affordable prices. Kol and Niklaus went into business together to create the bourbon of bourbons, wanting to create a new brand and enjoying the odd glass or two led them to a likely partnership. Elijah was different compared to his other siblings rather than go out into the world and create a new product he used his studies and degree and built a highly respectable law firm. And each separate business venture was all under the same roof in the tallest building in the city.
Richmond was the also the home to Salvatore Industries and happened to be one of the biggest competitors to Mikaelson Enterprises and being the savvy independent business woman I was I often used their constant feud to my advantages, whilst they were always trying to outdo one another it often allowed me to swoop in and close whatever deal or buy out other small businesses they had been competing for, so I could add them to my small arsenal and ever growing empire. And for the majority of the time it worked. Much to the dismay of my rivals. But with me plucking opportunities from the sky showed both the Mikaelson’s and the Salvatore’s that I was not a woman to be messed with.
I ran my own distillery and bottling company, a much smaller one at that. But it was still able to compete with the high demand of the other much larger companies and I was able to keep up with distributing to bars in and around the city. I was always around alcohol as a child but that was because my parents ran their own bar and when I was old enough I worked part time to help pay for my studies at business school. By the young ripe age of twenty five I created my own brand of vodka, with its smoother taste and lighter afterburn it was an instant hit and by twenty six I bought my first distillery and opened up my office later in that year. Here I was months later enjoying the views from my office building. I often loved taking a step back and just observing others. There was just something about people-watching that was so satisfying and calming, and the best place to do that was from the large windows in the meeting room. As I took a sip of the ice cold water in my hand I heard the intercom buzz through.
“Y/N, your three o’clock is here.” Gia, my secretary informed me from the intercom.
Taking a step back from the window I turned and reached over and pressed the button to speak. “Thank you, Gia. Why don’t you finish early for the day? I can wrap things up here.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t mind staying?” 
“No, no. Go home early today Gia, you’ve earned it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I replied to her in a sincere voice. 
The glass doors to the meeting room opened and my eyes looked upwards at the man walking into the room.  
“Kol.” I say playfully, as the door slowly closes shut.
“Now I thought you and your brother were coming to this meeting, I wanted to finally meet both of the brains behind Hybrid in person. But I must say I’m impressed, your burst onto the liquor scene seems to have lasted. Now what can I do for you?” I added, raising an eyebrow as I gestured for him to take a seat at the large table. 
“Nik’s sources tell me that you recently purchased ‘The Compound Distillery’ from under our noses.” Kol starts as he takes a seat at the table.
“By Nik’s sources? You must mean Elijah. But it’s nice to see you too Kol. Regarding ‘The Compound’ you and your lawyers were taking far too long with the negotiations. I just so happened to arrive just in time to help speed the proceedings up.” I interrupted with a sly smile, fluttering my eyelashes I took another sip from my glass.
“Drinking on the job are we?” He asked, trying to change the subject teasing me as I walked around the room.
“Just water. I like to have a clear head especially when I have my business rivals enter through my door.”
“What did you offer them?” He asked, propping up his elbows.
“You’ve always been a curious one. Alright I’ll tell you. They wanted a quick sale but didn't get the asking price they wanted however, so in return for the lower price I just kept all of their employees so the lucky souls now all work for me.” I replied, taking a seat at the opposite end of the table.
“I don’t mean to pry but what are you here for Kol? If you're here to ask questions then we could've easily had this meeting on the phone.”
“I’ve come to buy you out.” He stated. 
“My my aren’t we feeling bold?” I replied with a laugh, eyeing him up and down. “But I’ll give you a simple answer. No.” 
Flashing me a smile. “I thought you would say that.”
“Then why ask?”
“Simple psychology darling, because I now have a better chance of getting a yes with my next question.” 
“Oh? And what would that be?” I asked tilting my head ever so slightly. 
“Join me for dinner.” 
“Why on earth would I say yes to that?” I asked, licking my bottom lip.
“I enjoy your company darling. And perhaps we could get better acquainted to strike up a deal for the future.” Kol replied, shifting in his seat. 
“Don’t they teach you at business school to not mix business with pleasure?” I purred with a seductive tone. 
“Whilst you were in that lecture I must have missed that one, so darling what do you say?” 
“Alright you’ve convinced me. But it’s strictly business.”
“Course darling.” 
Kol left the my meeting room shortly after but made sure to slide his business card over the desk his way of giving me his mobile number in the most subtle way possible, however Kol Mikaelson and subtle don’t go together one bit. Running a hand through my Y/H/C tugging on a few of the strands that had gotten knotted during the day. Whenever Kol called me ‘darling’ it did things to me that I would never admit to. 
“He’s not changed since the day we met as business school.” I said to myself with a smile.
Leaving the meeting room and walking back to my office, I turned the phone to face me and picked up the receiver holding it in my hand whilst I used the other to dial a number. 
“Hello, Salvatore Industries Elena speaking how can I help you?” 
“Hi Elena it’s Y/N is it possible to speak with Damon please?” I asked.
“Of course I’ll put you through.”
“Eternal stud speaking.” Damon said as I was transferred to his line.
 “It is really a good thing that you pay a whole lot more than to what Mason Lockwood offered me.” 
“You love me really.” He teased.
“Sure it’s that and not the stacks of cash I get put into my account each month. Just checking you wanted double the amount sent over to the bar tomorrow.” 
“It's the main thing I sell on student nights so I gotta keep up with the demand, any chance you’ll be doing different flavours in the future?” Damon asked.
“You’ll be the first person to know when I do, you can even be my taste tester.” 
“Speaking of the delivery Bob-Bon will be signing for it tomorrow. Me and Elena have a OBGYN appointment.”
“I’ll be sure to let Ric know. But between working with your brother and owning a bar on the side I’m surprised how you even had the time to get Elena pregnant.” I replied with a giggle.
“I always find the time for those special business meetings, if you catch my drift.” 
“And now I’m disgusted by you.” I said faking a gagging sound.
“C’mon Y/NN, thought you would have gotten used to my good looks, my style, my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.”
“Goodbye Damon.” I shouted and put the phone down and back in the base. 
I moved the phone back in its usual spot on my desk and started to pack away my laptop and other bits I wanted to do at home, as I was looking for a marketing plan in my desk drawer I heard my office door open.
“What is the point of owning a phone if I can never reach you on it?”
I smiled as I saw my best friend in the doorway.
“Bekah...You know I have an empire to run.” I teased, grinning at her.
“And causing mayhem to where my brothers are concerned no less. You have no idea what I have to listen to especially when we have dinner each and every night.” She replied, crossing her arms.
“Well if they’re talking about me then I really must be making a name for myself, you should understand that being a woman in business isn’t as easy as it looks.” I told her, walking to her and bringing her into a hug. 
As the two of us embraced in our hug, she pulled away. “Speaking of business. I have some exciting news.” She said excitedly.
“Your new line is ready?” I asked, sounding hopeful.
“Almost. But I wanted to get some promo shoots out for the public and I wanted you to be the model!”
I looked at her shocked. “Shut. Up.” 
“I’m serious. You’re a strong woman in ever growing business, you earned everything you have today and what better person to have showcasing my line is you. We need to have a dinner date to celebrate!” 
“Oh speaking of dinner. I have gossip, how about we take this to the nearest bar?” 
Feedback makes me a better writer and encourages me to write more and often! 
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 (𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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Part Two
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡/𝐄𝐦𝐨! 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)/ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥/𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞/𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞/𝐝*𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐣𝐨𝐛 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐩*𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧).
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐘/𝐍 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟓𝐊+
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @hanatiny @vocalyunho @galaxteez (payback you little bitch)
Awoken from her daydream, Y/N grumbled when her best friend shoved his notebook in her face.
"Earth to Y/N!" He shouted as he ruffled her hair with the object in his hand.
"Mingi! What the hell?" She complained as she pushed the notebook away.
"I've been trying to get your attention for the past 3 minutes. Are you even listening to me?" He questioned her.
"I am!" She interjected.
Giving her a quizzical look, he crossed his arms.
"Really? Then can you tell me what the answer is?"
Ripping the notebook from his hands, she looked over the equation that filling half the page, squinting at it every now and then before ultimately admitting defeat as she slowly handed it back to the genius sitting next to her on the bench.
Rolling his eyes, Mingi let out a small sigh as he began packing up his belongings, deeming it useless to continue his semi-tutoring session.
"Don't give me that look Min, not everyone is a cute nerd like you that can solve an advanced calculus problem in mere seconds."
"Ok! Although that may be true.." He held up a finger as he paused to fully zip up his bag.
"You're pretty smart too Y/N."
She gave him a small thankful smile at his comment.
"You're problem isn't that you're dumb. Your problem is currently standing right over there."
She hesitantly tilted her head to where his head gestured at, knowing fully well what she'd see. But as soon as she caught a glimpse of the black combat boots, her eyes stayed fixated on the figure reclining against the lamppost. Her eyes trailed up his ripped black skinny jeans, up his torso which was covered by a striped black and dark red turtleneck, its sleeves peeking out of the black studded leather jacket layered on top, until they landed on his nonchalant gaze. His eyes were looking down at his phone, the input connected to the headphones that were currently resting on top of his dark ash grey head. That was how one would mostly find Kim Hongjoong: lost in his own little world, blocking out the rest of his environment with a click of his music playlist, no doubt filled with bands like Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin and MCR. Y/N wasn't going to lie, more than once she often thought about playing a G note near him just to see if he'd react or not. Thinking about him actually reacting to anything made her giggle on the inside.
"And there you go again!" Mingi's voice yelled in her ear.
She was so startled by his piercing scream, she actually fell over and hit the pavement kinda hard. She winced as she felt a pain on her derriere.
"Ow. Ow. Ow." She groaned as she began lifting herself up.
Out of nowhere, a pair of arms scooped her up and helped her stand upright.
"You all right?" The person asked.
"I think so. Thank you for-"
Her words got caught on her throat as a pair of dark brown eyes looked at her, black eyeliner smoked out to accentuate the shape of his eyes and make them look more intense than they already were.
He smirked at her before looking over at Mingi and nodding at him.
"Yunho sent you the invite right?"
Although he was quite familiar and somewhat friendly with Hongjoong, Mingi still had a hard time talking to him, so he merely tilted his head down in a half nod.
"So you're coming or are you going to stay home again and study for any surprise quiz Professor Nam might try to give us?"
Mingi poked his bottom lip out, somewhat offended at being called out like that. The dark male let out a soft snort.
"Seriously Mingi, going out once in a while won't hurt you. You don't even have to get fucked up if you don't want. Just come hang out."
Turning his attention back at the girl silently admiring him, he flashed her a wink.
"Bring a friend if you want too."
Bringing the headphones up to cover his overly pierced ears, he shoved his hands into his pockets and walked away in that usual way of his that made several people think he was on his way to commit a felony or crime.
Y/N watched him leave until he was completely out of sight, and even then, she still stayed staring at the corner he turned. Leaning in, Mingi stared at her with widened eyes.
"Your middle school phase of liking Andy Biersack copycats is really showing Y/N."
She scoffed and pushed his face away from hers.
"Shut up, you act like you didn't have your own infatuation with Hayley Williams."
Mingi stiffened, his ears turning slightly red at the memories.
"I got over it didn't I?"
"I don't know? Did you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him teasingly.
"Some friend you are. And here I was actually thinking of taking you with me to the weekend bash Yunho and his friends invited me to."
Y/N looked at him in disbelief.
"First off, why would they even invite you? You're not even a part of their clique. Second, even if they had invited you, you wouldn't go. You're too uptight." She accused him.
Squinting his eyes at her, Mingi cleared his throat.
"For your information, I got paired up with Yunho, Hongjoong and Jongho once for a group project and we actually keep in touch since then."
Y/N dropped her hands to the side, a loud slapping noise made against her thighs.
"When was this?"
"Around the time you went to that trip with your parents back home." He answered.
Her mouth dropped open.
"And you never told me this because.....?"
Mingi rolled his eyes.
"Because you would have teased me or would have said something about a nerd, a jock, a teacher's pet and an emo goth, whatever hell spawn demon he is, in a room together and actually getting along."
"I mean, I get them getting along, not so sure about a boring old prick like you though." She stuck her tongue out at him.
Mingi held his fingers up, threatening to flick her forehead if she continued, but Y/N flinched away.
"You ass. And here I was actually thinking of going and taking you so you can hit on your dream boy." He expressed as he began his walk back home, already deeming it late to stay behind on campus grounds.
Following suit and placing herself on his left, Y/N uttered out.
"He's not my dream boy..."
"Really? Then why do you keep drooling over him and looking at him with googly eyes about to pop out of their sockets?" He inquired.
"He's just.....he's just a complex character. Full of mystery and shrouded in this dark aura that I want to get past and see what's behind it...."
She hesitated even though she was supposed to be answering a question. She felt kinda stupid for thinking like that, making Hongjoong seem like some type of enigma when in reality, he could just be a normal person like all the other people that walked past her on the streets. Her friend didn't judge her though, owing some of her curiosity to her psychology major and passion. Slumping an arm around her, he playfully nuzzled his nose against her cheek, making her emit a half-whine half snort hybrid sound at his antics, trying to release herself from his grasp.
"You're so cute. Now come on. I have to take you shopping."
Not even bothering to ask if she had plans or needed to be somewhere else, Mingi linked hands with her and pulled her with him as he speedily walked in the direction of the nearest mall available.
"Explain to me why that is necessary Einstein? You always hated going shopping with me." She nearly tripped trying to keep up with his long strides.
"Because if you want to win emo boy's heart, you at least gotta start looking like his type." He called back at her.
"And what exactly would his type be?"
"Just trust me and leave it all to me."
Y/N wasn't sure about trusting Mingi anymore as they made their way through a dense, misty and dark forest, the only illumination available being the moonlight that casted a blue tinted beam at their surroundings. Her head whipped with every strange noise that came from bushes or behind a tree. It was kinda chilly and the light breeze that whooshed past them had her legs shivering, making her regret wearing the distressed black shorts and fishnet tights under an oversized Scorpions tshirt that covered most of the shorts, making it look like a no pants look.
"Mingi? Are you sure about this?" She was only thankful of her purchase of some Dr. Martens 1460 black boots which helped her not fall or trip easily on the dirt road.
Mingi, who was an even more scared baby than she was, was fumbled with the sleeves of his pullover hoodie.
"Yeah, Yunho sent me directions and it should be around here somewhere..." He tussled his hair back, trying to hear or distinguish any sound.
"Are you sure he didn't send you to his murder site?" She asked, looking around for any suspicious thing.
Right at that moment, a figure jumped out in front of them, causing both of them to start screaming in terror. Mingi in particular, pushed Y/N to the side and began running in the opposite direction.
"Well dang, he didn't even let me yell boo or something."
Y/N recognized the buff male in front of her as Choi Jongho, the running back of the football team. Giving her an apologetic look, he helped her up after Mingi accidentally pushed her onto the dirt. As she dusted the dirt off, Jongho looked at her band tee.
"Scorpions?" He pointed at it.
He uttered a small 'cool' before signaling her to follow him. Turns out, they were actually not far off from the location, which was actually an old abandoned 2 story summer house that resembled more a barn to her than an actual living space. Cars were all parked out around the area and music was blasting from speakers connected to who knows where. People who hung outside were either vaping their Juuls and chugging back bottles of Smirnoff or Mike's Hard beers, some already halfway to being wasted while others simply held it in their hands, hardly taking a sip as they scanned around trying to find someone to go back home with.
"Don't worry about Mingi. I'll go get him......eventually."
Hearing him snicker, Y/N was actually more worried about herself than Mingi. She only agreed to come because, as surprising as it was, he encouraged her to and knowing he'd be there by her side, being the only person she could stick to cause she did not know anyone else, gave her a little bit of courage. But not anymore after he just totally ditched her and left her alone in God knows where.
Seeing her shift around uncomfortably as they passed through a crowd of wild jumping people, Jongho laced his fingers in hers and brought her over to a more quiet side of the place, where 3 other people were standing around, chatting amongst themselves. Once the two huddled up close to each other saw Jongho and a mystery girl they'd never seen before, they began nudging and whispering among themselves, one of them chuckling under his breath. Hongjoong could already guess what his friend's conversations was about, but he simply rolled his eyes at their behavior and lustful gazes.
Until he turned his head and saw who it was next to Jongho. Then took out the red vape in from his lips and made it a point to exhale the fumes onto the younger member's faces.
"Yah! Hyung! What the hell?" His friend with cat like eyes remarked as he coughed and fanned away the cancerous smoke.
"Just cause you don't care about contracting lung's disease at an early age, doesn't mean San or I want any part of it." The other said.
"Wow. I'm impressed you actually know what contracting means Wooyoung." He smiled amusingly at his younger friend, who was not very pleased with his little joke.
"Hey guys! While trying to retrieve Mingi, I made a new friend." Jongho greeted them like a happy bunny as he held up his hand which was still holding Y/N's.
Hongjoong's eyes narrowed down at where they connected, an eyebrow raised at their physical contact as the hand that held his vape pen began fidgeting it rapidly between his fingers. Jongho of course was oblivious to the anger burning through Hongjoong's stare while Wooyoung and San caught on pretty quick and began debating whether to laugh or step in before bottles were thrown.
"Ok, so where is Mingi now?" San asked him.
"He ran off." Jongho shrugged.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Wooyoung pushed himself in between them both, effectively separating them as he pulled Jongho away.
"Great! Now we gotta go find him before he gets lost."
Looking back at Y/N, he waved.
"Hi! I'm Wooyoung, I'm bi and goodbye! You seem nice. Hopefully there's a next time."
Y/N blinked at the flamboyant boy's introduction and exit, wondering if it was planned or-
"No he didn't actually mean to rhyme. He's cute but too dumb to make up a poem on the spot." San answered the question on her mind.
Looking back at Hongjoong, he smiled mischievously.
"Hongjoong definitely can. He's into dark poetry and that Edward Pie guy. Have him recite something to you."
Hongjoong fumed at San who merely patted his shoulder and placed his cup in Hongjoong's hand before sauntering off with the other two.
"Edgar Allen Poe you fucking moron!" Hongjoong yelled as he lifted the cup up, tempted to throw it at him.
Y/N held her hand to her lips for a brief instant, trying to suppress the smile threatening to form across her lips. Hongjoong sighed as he stared down at the contents in the cup, swirling it around casually before holding it out to Y/N.
"Want some?" He offered.
She didn't even know why she accepted it. She'd never drank before in her life and for all she knew, it could have been laced with something. But not wanting to look like a little priss, she took a deep breath before trying to gulp down whatever alcohol was inside. It burned down her throat and she spat some of it back in the cup, unable to hide the cringing expression at the strong liquor.
"What. Is. That?" She questioned as she wiped the liquid that was on her chin and lips.
Hongjoong snorted as he responded that it was straight vodka, making Y/N feel embarrassed to have let him see such a spectacle from her.
"You're not much of a drinker are you? Or hardly one right?"
Her sheepish look was a dead giveaway which had Hongjoong laughing slightly, his lips parting slightly. Y/N was not only surprised to hear him laugh for the first time, but was intrigued when she saw something metallic on his tongue, making her wonder if he was chewing on something. Noticing her curious gaze, Hongjoong's lip curled up at one corner.
"Oh. That's just a piercing."
He had no qualms and simply stuck his tongue out to let her see the silver bar that was plunged through his tongue, each end having a round ball.
"Wow.....that's impressive." She couldn't deny it was extremely attractive.
Hongjoong himself was just attractive in general. Standing there wearing his usual leather jacket, a black tshirt with red letters, and a red turtleneck peeking out from the top, covering his neck. His usual preference for ripped black jeans was not missing, only this time, he added a little flare by having a piece of red plaid fabric chained around his waist, making it look like a half-skirt look. It seriously made him more hotter than he already was.
"Yeah I know. It's even more impressive when I put it to work."
Pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against, he stepped closer to Y/N, one arm propping against the wall in front of her as he looked at her with hunger and desire in his eyes, those eyes that were once again covered with smoked out eyeliner, only this time he added a hint of red that really made them stand out more and seemed to lure you in and see deep in his soul.
"Wanna experience it first hand?"
She was so lost in his eyes, she almost didn't hear him, until she realized what he meant.
"Here?" She mouthed and gestured around them.
Hongjoong threw his head back and laughed.
"Obviously not here. I'm not like those people outside who are probably already getting to 2nd base in front of everyone."
"Oh....." Now she really felt her cheeks flush red.
Hongjoong patiently tapped his black colored fingernails on the concrete wall, waiting for her answer. She seemed to be debating withing herself so much, until her eyes fell on the patch of skin that was showing when his jacket sleeve rose up, letting her catch a glimpse of black ink that probably went up his arm.
"Listen, if you don't want to that's fine. I know when no means no-" He began to assure her.
"Ok." She quickly responded, interrupting his speech.
"Wait- you're serious?" He slumped his arm off the wall, quite shocked she'd agree.
She nodded. "Yeah."
When it was now Hongjoong who was standing quiet, Y/N giggled and leaned in.
"I mean...if you don't want to-"
She had no time to finish the sentence and his hands gripped her waist and pressed her against him, his breath fanning over hers, the strawberry scent of the vape pen still lingering in his mouth.
"Trust me, I've wanted to for a long time."
As soon as the door to Hongjoong's room in the dorm clicked shut, the tension in the room seemed to thicken. Y/N gulped slightly as she realized this is really happening. Not that she didn't want it to, but to actually have Hongjoong standing in front of her, his eyes already undressing and fucking her, while his bottom lip was caught in his front teeth, was definitely not a reality her brain was fully convincing. It wasn't until Hongjoong's thumb grazed her bottom lip, making her exhale a tiny gasp, that it fully dawned on her what was going to happen.
"Don't worry babydoll. I promise you'll get breathless after I'm done with you."
Wrapping his hand on the back of her neck to tilt it slightly upwards, his lips came down and covered her own, pressing against them before slightly parting and covering them once more. He started out slow before turning it more intense, nipping down roughly at her top lip in an effort to get her to open her mouth for him. When she did, his hands cupped the sides of her jaw, thumbs pressed against her cheeks to keep her face from moving as his tongue poked out and slipped inside her mouth. A muffled moan protruded from her throat when Hongjoong rolled his tongue over hers, his tongue piercing grazing the roof of her mouth. He then began swirling his wet muscle around her own, letting her feel the cold metallic jewelry that was sending shocks down her body. When his hands released their hold on her face, they only did so to glide down her torso before snaking down underneath her shirt to cup the back of her shorts, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks, nails lightly raking across the exposed skin under the ripped hem.
Feeling like things weren't going fast enough for how needy she was growing, Y/N ran her hands across Hongjoong's chest, going up to his shoulders and sliding his leather jacket off them. Getting the hint, Hongjoong let it fall to the floor and soon his graphic tshirt followed suit, leaving him in his tight fitted red turtleneck that practically clung to his skin, his pectoral muscles that were well above average for someone his size perfectly outlined. As eye catching as it was, that wasn't what caught her attention. What kept her eyes trained on his chest was some weird thing poking out suspiciously.
He chuckled as he knew what she was curious about.
"Oh. That my dear doll, are another pair of piercings I got."
Y/N nearly drooled as he lifted his shirt off, not only revealing the hidden 11 abs he owned, but the arm sleeve tattoo that went from his wrist to a little bit above his right upper arm. On his left side, there was no tattoo on his arm, but instead on his ribcage. But the thing that made her squeeze her thighs together were the black colored metal pieces that were lined across his nipples. Unable to help herself, her hands reached out to touch them, but Hongjoong quickly stopped her.
"Ok doll, before you get ahead of yourself, at least one article of clothing has to come off your body." He smiled cheekily at her.
No hesitation, Y/N soon discarded her own shirt, tossing it somewhere on the room, leaving her torso covered with only her black lace bra that didn't exactly cover much.
"Fuck babygirl, where you hiding that all this- Oh, oh my!"
Hongjoong nearly fell back on his bed when Y/N pressed her face against his chest, her tongue darting out to lick around his pierced nipples. He swallowed as he collected himself, trying not to get too turned on as her tongue played around with the piercings, sometimes nipping at them. Hongjoong arched his back slightly, letting her take as much of him in her mouth as she pleased. The nipple that wasn't being made out with her mouth, was being pleasured by her hand, pinching and gently tugging at it.
"You can go as hard as you want."
Giggling darkly, he took her free hand and placed it on the erection poking out in his pants.
"I'll have you know I enjoy a little pain."
Making her squeeze down on it, Y/N could feel something odd, which prompted her to poke and grope him more fiercely. Wanting to satisfy her curiosity, Hongjoong unzipped his pants and pulled them down mid thigh to let her admire the last set of piercings he owned:
A Jacob's ladder running up the base of his dick and an ampallang pierced through the head.
"Holy shit...." Whether she said it out loud or not, Y/N didn't care. It was the most erotic image she had ever seen and she could not believe that in mere minutes, it would be inside her, no doubt destroying and tearing her walls apart.
Leaning in, Hongjoong sloppily kissed and sucked her jaw and down her upper neck.
"You're free to play with it as you wish doll. I got them for more than one reason. And that's one of them."
Not needing to be told twice, her hand wrapped around the base of his erect cock, her thumb running across his slit. Hongjoong hissed slightly when her hand began pumping him slowly, purposefully applying pressure to the silver metal adorning his length. Taking advantage of the his hazy state, Y/N returned to her previous task of playing with his nipple piercings. Hongjoong threw his head back at immense pleasure he was feeling, loving when Y/N would squeeze him a little to harsh or bite roughly at his nipples. He felt more intoxicated and high being painfully pleasured by her hand and mouth than with any THC chemical he'd ever introduce inside his system.
Without realizing it, he instinctively began bucking his hips up, wanting to chase the release that was building up inside him. Knowing what he wanted, Y/N lifted her head up and sucked on his neck, speeding up her hand movements.
"You gonna cum for me Joongie? Gonna cum all over my hand? Make a mess and soak my fingers with your dirty cum?" She taunted at him.
Unable to hold back especially after her dirty teasing, with a mutter of curses, he spilled himself all over her hand, some of it splattering onto her fishnets. Once he regained his senses, he looked down to find her looking at him with a shit eating grin.
"Heh......don't think you're in charge here doll. This is still my territory."
Swooping her up, she let out a little yelp when he tossed her onto his bed, immediately crawling in between her legs. After getting rid of his pants and briefs, his hands gripped on her belt loops to pull her shorts down. His eyes scanned her body, trying to decide on something. He hummed softly as his hand pressed down onto her clothed heat.
"I'm not going deny it, those fishnets do look remarkably sexy on you....."
With mock pity, he sighed. "Oh well."
Y/N gasped in horror as he tore a hole right in the crotch area, leaving the rest untouched. Opening his desk drawer, she widened her eyes when he took out a pocket knife and flashed it across her face.
"Relax doll. I like pain, but knife play isn't really my thing. On me or my partner."
After ordering her to stay still, she watched as he carefully cut on the sides of her lace panties, just enough to carefully slip them off her body without having to take off her tights. Although in any other situation she would have instantly closed her legs, she didn't feel like doing it this time. It turned her on and made her feel sexier to instead pry her legs open, letting Hongjoong peer down at her glistening folds that he caused, her hands running themselves down her chest as she bit down at her lip.
"Fuck! You're practically drenched already Y/N." Hongjoong cocked an eyebrow at her.
She only giggled before reaching behind her to unclasp her bra, slowly pulling the straps down before flinging it behind Hongjoong, letting it join the other pile of clothes scattered about. Hongjoong instantly became hard again, but as much as he wanted to bury his pierced cock inside her and fuck her senseless, there was still one thing he really wanted to do.
Positioning herself in between her legs, his hands gripped the back of her thighs. Looking back at her, he sent a wink her way before attaching his mouth to her soaking heat, causing her to jolt up at the sudden sensation. Knowing exactly how to get her head spinning, Hongjoong slid his tongue up her slit, making sure to drag the metal piece across her folds. It was unlike anything she felt before. Hongjoong already was demonstrating his powerful tongue skills, but the piercing just added a whole new sensation that had her shivering. She couldn't contain the moans spilling out her mouth when his tongue slipped inside her hole, her noises only turning louder when he flicked his tongue in a particular way that made the round metal tip thump against her clit. Hongjoong especially loved doing that little maneuver of hitting her clit with it.
When she felt herself about to burst, Y/N's hands clutched the sheets underneath her.
"Hong-Hongjoong I'm gonna- Aaah!"
The fire pooling in her lower abdomen broke free and rushed down, sending burning sparks up her body as her body trembled at the sensation. Pressing a hand down to hold her still, Hongjoong lapped up her her juices, moaning on her clit, the vibrations only serving to make her more sensitive to any move he made on her body.
When he felt she was ready, he swiftly sat up and positioned his pierced member at her entrance. Making sure to prep her, he got out a bottle of lube out of his drawer and poured some onto the tip of his fingers, spreading it around before inserting two fingers inside her. It had a slight cooling effect that made Y/N hum in pleasure, her mouth going slightly agape when he inserted a third finger, scissoring her out and overall making sure she was stretched out enough.
"Patience doll. I don't want to cause any unnecessary pain....."
She let out a whimper when he withdrew his hand and slapped her clit.
"That much." He finished.
Propping herself on her elbows, she kept her gaze in between their legs. She let out a cry when Hongjoong's head slipped inside her, the round tips of the ampallang piercing stretching her hole in a delicious burn. Next came the metal ridges that scraped against her lower walls, it was an absolutely exhilarating experience. Hongjoong himself let out a groan when he fit himself inside her tight and warm cavern.
"Jesus babydoll. When was the last time you had a good fuck?" He gripped her hips, trying to keep himself from moving just yet.
"Too f-fucking long." She disclosed, her head falling back against the pillow in a disappointed look.
"Well don't worry babe. I'll make sure to fuck any name out of that brain of yours, you won't even remember your own."
Snapping his hips up, he began a rather hard and fast pace, making sure to angle himself so he hit her g-spot. Y/N's hands held onto his arms, choked breaths and screams coming out of her mouth as she began drowning in the immense pleasure he was giving her. The way the metallic piercings raked against her walls every time Hongjoong thrusted in and out of her was indescribable. At first it felt strange and slightly painful, but soon it became addicting, almost to the point of being overwhelming.
Hongjoong took notice of the way her lips parted whenever the ladder piercing grazed at a particular spot.
"You're enjoying this my angel? Like being fucked by my pierced dick?"
Licking his hand, he dropped it down to spank her throbbing and swollen clit, grinning almost sadistically when she shrieked out at his pleasurable torture.
"Do you just enjoy being used like a dirty little hole? Isn't that what you are in the end? Just a filthy hole for me to fuck as I like?"
The corners of her eyes began spilling out tiny droplets of tears as his hand continued his assault on her clit, slapping it until it turned a bright shade of pink. Feeling the intensity build up yet again in the pit of her stomach.
"Hongjoong! I'm gonna cum!" She warned him.
Snaking his hand to grip her neck, Hongjoong sped up his thrusts, fucking her in a frenzy, sending her into a mental state of pure euphoria as he cut off part of her breathing. Y/N shut her eyes as a violent orgasm ripped through her body, her body thrashing and quivering under Hongjoong's. With clenched teeth and furrowed eyes, Hongjoong completely shattered on top of her, spilling himself inside her clenched walls that were milking him past his breaking point. Releasing his grip on her neck, he collapsed on top of her body, his hands spread out to keep himself from dropping all his weight on her.
"Oh my god!" He panted harshly as he tried to collect his breath and thoughts.
She was in no better state than he was, hair all disheveled, pussy still throbbing and her chest heaving up and down as her mind went blank. She only came to her senses when she felt Hongjoong get up and go out of his room, leaving her confused.
Did he regret it? Did he not enjoy it? Was he going to ask her to leave?
It turns out it was none of the above since he came back with a packet of wet tissues.
"You ok?" He asked, looking at her with concern.
After being reassured that she was fine, he plucked out some of the tissues and began wiping between her legs and thighs.
"Ok, these gotta go."
Hongjoong ripped more of the already destroyed fishnet tights and got them off her body, letting it hit the floor.
"Not like I would have used them again." Y/N agreed.
After cleaning both her and himself up, they both stayed quiet. Clearing her throat, Y/N made way to get up.
"Guess it's my cue to leave.."
"Wait don't go!"
Grasping her wrist, he pulled her back onto the bed, making her slightly straddle his lap. Looking up at her with such tender eyes, he offered:
"Stay the night. I don't want you to go just yet."
He said it with such a pleading tone that Y/N didn't have the heart to refuse his request. She just allowed him to place her beside him on the bed, his chest pressed against her back as one of his arms wrapped around her. She closed her eyes and slowly began drifting off to sleep. She was halfway gone when she felt Hongjoong wrapped something cold around her neck. Opening her eyes, she reached up and felt leather on her skin.
"What's this?" She questioned as her finger toyed with whatever was dangling from the device.
Hongjoong smiled fondly at the black choker strapped around her neck.
"Don't worry about it. Just wear it for me..."
His hand traced the red heart pendant dangling from the choker, the letters 'KHJ' engraved on the center of it.
"So everyone can see that you're all mine now."
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walker-journal · 3 years
Extreme Noodling (Dave+Adam)
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Timing: Near Winter’s end, before Dave got bit
Summary: Dave and Adam wrassle some giant catfish (the google searches for this chatzy changed us as people I’m pretty sure. I know too much) 
Content Warning: lots of fish gore
The frost-flecked marsh water sloshed around Adam’s boots as he waded through the mire. Feathery moss hung in pale sheets from old maples and gnarled gum trees. Vertical clumps of reeds and cattails marked where the sparse islands of solid ground gave way to sluggish swamp water. This particularly frigid winter had touched the murk with thin sheets of ice, the fragile pristine white breaking under the slightest pressure for brackish mulch to pour through the cracks.
Adam was out in the frigid marshland today at the behest of David Herring, a sailor whom Nell has possibly summoned from hell as a birthday stunt. Adam was trying to take his return to Hunting gradually. His powers were slowly returning day by day, although resurgent strength and sharpening senses hadn’t brought any answers along with them.
Even more grueling training and keeping busy at work would have to suffice now, resolved  Adam as he held his rifle dry across his shoulders and waded towards where Herring was waiting.
Dave had braced himself against a nearby tree, his bag hooked over some higher up branches. Despite the frigid early spring weather, he stood in shorts and watershoes, already water and mud logged, but like this he could feel everyone and everything coming, no matter how big or small.
It was always a smart idea to have your back braced against something when you weren’t sure exactly where you stood with the person you’d called for back up. Dave wasn’t the type to calculate who owed who after surviving something together, and you never knew exactly what flavour of hunter you were getting until they had their knife against your throat. Most of the time, it had been alright, but considering the blood that stained Dave’s hands, he wasn’t surprised when things went the other direction fast. But the water in the marshes was even more still than the lakes, so he felt the ripples of Adam wading through the water long before he saw the young hunter approaching, so he was ready and waiting by the time Adam had slogged close by.
“Walker,” he greeted, raising a hand in greeting. “You gone up against a prodigium catfish before?”
Adam had to give mad props to the titanium viking balls this dude must have to go all beachwear in an ice swamp. However, as Adam might still want to have kids someday, these waders were staying on. Manly bayou bonding would have to wait.
“Read about them, never hunted them before,” the young Hunter admitted, the hot hills of California and the holy land having been more alghoul country then noodling holes.  
Dave nodded, watching Adam intently - mostly to be able to read his lips to make sense of what he could hear. At least the swamp was quiet, in the harsh way that winters often were. He didn’t have any kind of teeth guards on this time, his long canines exposed as he talked.
“This’ll be my fourth,” he replied, “but most of the others were juveniles. Feels about… fifteen feet, at a guess. Right now it’s about sixty feet that way.” He pointed deeper into the marsh land. “Fortunately, they ain’t agile creatures at that size, but they’ll crush you if they can. If you’ve read about them, I'm figuring you know about the barbs and arms.” He shifted, unstrapping a machete from the bag he’d hung from some tree branches. “If you think you can land the perfect shot, take it. Otherwise I’m thinking it’ll be better to get it in shallow water and incapacitate its arms for an easier kill.”
“Gothya, watch out for the barbs and baby Kermit arms, we gotta beach it in the the shallows unless there's an opening,” Adam reiterated, looking out at the hushed landscape of frost and brackish silt.
“But before we start I gotta ask,” the Hunter insisted as he knelt on the soggy crust the snowy embankment. He leaned the nonessential gear against the grey trunk of a willow.
“So...are you like sensing the fish right now? Do aquaman powers come with the whole wereseal thing?”
“Selkie. Something like that,” Dave replied, with just one eyebrow raised at Adam, unsure if he was missing out on some youthful slang or that Adam was not as informed as some of the other hunters around. Wereseal. The damn nerve. Not that there was anything wrong with being a werewolf, but Dave didn’t lose control like he’d gotten rabies once a month. It was all this damn tv, now everyone thought that just because you could change forms you’d have to be some cheap knock off were-
Dave hmmphed. Tiny pulses of water against his skin warned him of the large, slow being stirring in its tunnel, its mouth resting nearby the surface, waiting for prey to come nearby. “Any other questions? Ain’t exactly your college classroom.”
Ok, wait...so like, could Dave sense fish? If he could, was that a Dave-Selkie thing or a Dave-Dave thing? A tinge of frigid heat flickered in the back of Adam’s skull as something grew near, farther and larger than the palpable “otherness” that radiated from Dave. The Hunter tensed, but wasn’t going to pass up his last chance here.
“One more question….did uh….a hot Turkish motorcycle chick call you from a Hell Dimension for her sister’s birthday?”
The frosty mire stirred with an upwelling of bubbles that brought the brackish scent of rotting things with them. The dirty ice cracked upwards as an enormous bulk  briefly surfaced fifty feet away.
“Its like..ok if its yes, just been bothering me.”
Dave just… stared at Adam.  Had he heard that right? The words were distinct on the lips, but the sentence made no sense, not even when Dave happened to know there was a Turkish spellcaster who summoned things from hell dimensions. He wasn’t sure if he should be offended or complimented by the idea. “A hell dimension?” Dave repeated, just to make sure he’d heard right.
“The fuck are they teaching hunters these days? No, Walker, unless you consider Texas a hell dimension.” He cocked his head, considering. “Guess that wouldn’t be too far from the truth.”
The turbulence of water under the surface against his ankle had Dave looking around suspiciously, but the giant catfish was just reasserting itself in the water bed much, much to the starting of many smaller fish nearby, that darted away, including in their direction. Whether or not Texas was a hell dimension would have to be debated another day, preferably over a chilled beer.  “If we steer it a little to the left, the water there’s pretty shallow, and lots of land for you to use.” Not sure he was prepared for whatever other questions Adam might have, Dave began to wade deeper into the water, looking to get much closer before he caught the catfish’s attention.
“Not gonna lie,” Adam began with cheerful candor as he parkored his way between the more solid clumps of sodden shallows. “Texas sounds like a rough time for anybody who likes water.”
Dark hazel eyes glanced again towards the breach of a large slick mass against the ice, glimpsing what might’ve been a piscine whisker, before they focused back to Dave, crinkling with suppressed mirth around the edges.
“Waaaaaait,” came the dire moment of revelation. “If you have magic skin...in Texas, did you like accessorize it?”
“Dave, my dude...did you wear sealskin chaps?”
Adam was just in the start of pantomiming the Dave sauntering around Huston in this deviant form of cowpoke asswear when bulky shape burst from the icy murk.
“Hell yeah!”
Dave’s eyebrows raised right into his hairline as he looked over  at Adam, deeply unimpressed at his realisation. For a brief second, he almost knocked Adam into the water to quiet the kid, before remembering what they were here for. Maybe later.
“You’re lucky that thing works better dry,” Dave retorted, looking down pointedly at Adam’s rifle, but the tiny quirk at the corners of his lips belied his grumpy demeanor.
It was one thing feeling it stirring in the muck, and another for the large form  to crash through the crackly thin layer of ice. Dave grinned, his canine teeth bared as the form surged through the water, its wide mouth gaping for prey, not realising that it was no longer the predator. In the water, Dave was the more obvious target, so he started backing into the shallower waters, letting it think it was hunting him.
Considering how big the damn thing was, Dave hadn’t really expected it to be able to grab a nearby tree and use that to propell itself at Dave, barely diving out of the way before its jaw shut around him. When it’s body crashed through the water again, it sent waves of water and mud flying, but in missing it had given Dave an opening to drive the machete into its back, hoping to slice through the spine. The catfish flailed in protest, grabbing Dave with an arm like a tree trunk and dragging him under water.
“Aw shit,” Adam laughed as he tried to get a hold on the slick flailing creature that was driving Dave down into the murk, “it's trying to send you back to Texas!”
The icey bog water stung Adam’s bare arms with a cold burn that was soon replaced with an oiliness that seeped between his fingers. Adam gritted his teeth and lips shut to try to to get any of the frigid brackishness in his mouth as the catfish bucked and flailed beneath him.
Adam plunged his combat knife into the creature’s side, grime mixing with pale blue blood and the sudden reek of raw damp chicken. Trying to keep hold, Adam yanked out the blade and brought it down again and again, attempting to get the catfish to favor its wounded side and hopefully roll Dave out of the water.
It was fortunate that Dave was both hard of hearing and currently being wrestled by an enormous catfish underwater, because if he had heard Adam’s comment, there might have been a sea creature versus hunter alliance. The heavy set slime on his skin kept the catfish’s hands sliding off him, but as he was knocked deeper and deeper into the dirt, the chance of dying from being crushed by catfish was increasingly looming.
Dave bared his teeth and bit into the scaled underside of the catfish with little success, unable to open his mouth enough to get any kind of hold, but the overhead action above the water seemed to have more of an effect. Dave kicked himself out from underneath the catfish as the catfish trashed and tried to reach for the human above it, more interested in a prey that it could actually drown.
It curled its other arm around Dave as it reached for Adam, distracted by the dagger slashing deeper and deeper into its side. It wasn’t watching as Dave opened his own maw and bit down on its arm, bone snapping under his canines.
When Dave emerged from the water, it was with one of the arms firmly between his teeth, torn off the body and dripping blood into the water, he grimaced, dropping it onto the roots of a nearby tree that had started to sink into the water as the soil beneath it had given way to watery mud.
“Holy shit,” Adam effused in admiration of such unmitigated badassery, a grin brightening the Hunter’s grime-covered face as he climbed up the side of the flailing catfish. He hoisted himself up with each deep stab of the knife into the catfish’s spongy flesh as if it were a rock-climber’s spike. “That was fucking ace….hey what’s it taste like? Bet you got like Marsh-Mono now or something…”
Adam’s preliminary diagnosis on what disease Dave had doubtless contracted was cut short as the Hunter accidentally stabbed too deeply and pierced an organ. Greenish black fluid hemorrhaged from the wound and Adam let out a stream of gagging curses as the slimy knife slipped from his fingers into the acrid effluvium.
That momentary loss of purchase was all the catfish needed. Adam plunged into the marshwater as the fish spun into a deathroll and opened its toothless maw wide.
Adam’s world became warm and damply dark.
“Ah, fucking hell,” Dave groaned, wading deeper into the water. He couldn’t see where Adam had gone, but he couldn’t feel anything human sized with flailing limbs moving around in the water. If he’d been knocked out, it was a matter of moments before the human risked drowning. You couldn’t heal an absence of oxygen in your lungs. Thick blue blood pumped out of the catfish’s side, murking up the water, but it was still kicking, moving towards him with its still remaining arm. This was going to be tough just by himself, and without Adam moving around in the water, Dave had no fucking idea how to find him.
The catfish swiped, and Dave dodged out of the way with a slash at its side, seeing where Adam had been hacking deep into it, where it was also bleeding and oozing viscous pus into the water, stinking up a storm. Still no sign of the wayward hunter. Shit, shit. Hoping that with its movement he might get a better feel of where Adam was. “WALKER!” He barked, watching the catfish and staying well away from its brutish arms.
Which was when he realised there was something else moving inside the catfish and he realised exactly where Walker was.
“Jesus Christ.” He drove his hand into the deep gash in the catfish’s side, causing it to spasm in pain, hoping he could distract the catfish long enough for one of them to think of a plan to get Adam out of the monsters without… risking killing him while fighting the catfish.
Adam’s silver knife appeared from the catfish’s belly, a brief protrusion of metal followed by an upwelling of dark blue ichor. The enormous fish thrashed as Dave’s hand in its wound exacerbated this new pain burrowing out from the inside. The catfish bucked in spine-twisting arcs on the frosty mire as it instinctively tried to get free of whatever invisible thing was tearing at it.
The knife blade surfaced again when the panicked  flailing no had briefly subsided, the incision growing into a long fleshly tear that spewed gummy stomach lining. Long strips of blue-tinged mucosa and yellowish subcutaneous tissue spurted from the wound each time the blade retreated, staining the marsh ice in a splots of organic dyes.
Adam’s gore-caked right arm snaked through the widened opening, trying to find some kind of grip outside as the fish’s frenzied motions turned his world into a dark barrel-roll hell of sloshing fluids and pythonic stomach muscles. It was a dicey business as the fish’s jostling and this cramped space made accidentally stabbing himself a real possibility. The Hunter had nearly opened up a vein when he’d had to fold into the fetal position to retrieve the spare silver knife.
It was times like these where being trained to abandon thought and focus only on each incremental steps of survival came in handy. The horrid smell, the acrid taste of bloody filth in his mouth, the vertigo of the fish’s thrashing, the burn on stomach acid in his skin and eyes, and the rip-popping compression of the catfish’s spasming stomach messes would’ve made it easy to just panic.
Luckily, Adam had spent enough time being taking  doses of ever-higher concentrations demonic Terevi venom as a teenager that being digested  was no longer an excuse to slack off. It’s really those salt of the earth family values that build character y’know?
Adam stuck out one leg through the widened opening and placed it again one fleshy end of the wound for leverage as he pressed the knife’s blade upward, sawing his way through sinews and fat as frigid marsh water poured in through the opening.
Something suddenly gave and the world spun. Adam hit the squishy sod with a groggy oof but convulsing to hack up catfish blood.
The first time the catfish tried to roll, Dave punched it in the eye. The second, he sliced off one of its barbs and it knocked him into the water with its remained arm. Dave’s head smacked into a tree branch and he briefly saw stars. He got out from under it, and saw a shape tearing through the scaled belly. A leg. Walker. He almost wanted to surge forward and grab him, but the bleeding hole wasn’t enough to fit a whole man through, and yanking Adam out of place might trap him and make him suffocate. Dave couldn’t let the catfish roll  again, or Adam’s leg would snap like a matchstick. Dave hacked at its back with the machete again, blood spewing his body with every swing, now he knew where the hunter was cutting his way out from, keeping the catfish from grabbing at Adam or rolling again. With a final hack and a burst of bloody flesh, its intestines spilled out into the water in large ropes and bobbing in the water like grotesque pool floats. Adam along with it. The catfish spasmed, and twitched, its gills trembling, before at last it became still.
“Jesus fuck,” Dave said, rushing over to Adam’s side. He paused, waiting for the worst of the convulsions to pass before bending down, picking up Adam’s arm and swinging it over his shoulder. If the kid passed out, Dave was worried he’d faceplant into the swamp and breathe water. “Easy does it. Easy does it now,” He muttered, lowering Adam to sit on some firmer ground. “Keep your eyes shut, I’m gonna get this crap off your off your face so you can breathe,” Dave said, not being precious as he wiped the acidic gunk from Adam’s face, pulling a flask of water out of his belt and using it to rinse Adam’s face. He held his hand so that the water wouldn’t go into Adam’s nose nor mouth. Wasn’t looking to waterboard the guy afterall, just make sure that the acid didn’t cause permanent injury to his eyes or anything.
Pressing the half-filled flask into Adam’s hand so that he could drink or wash himself as need be, Dave stepped back, giving Adam space to catch his breath and assess his own wounds. He leant against a worn out tree, feigning a casual demeanor so Adam didn’t feel as intensely scrutinised as he was being. The thick sludge of blood and grime covering Adam from head to toe was mixed with stomach acid, and the little skin that Dave could see was turning pink where it wasn’t battered blue. “Always thought hunters had a flair for the dramatic, but you really take the cake,” he joked with the hint of a smile on his features, but the worry was there. Adam’s injuries would heal faster, but Dave wasn’t the one who’d just been eaten. He just remembered the feeling. “When you’re ready, you’re gonna need to get back in the water to wash the rest of it off.”
He didn’t ask, are you alright. He didn’t ask whether it hurt. He didn’t need to. He knew how trauma was what each hunter collected by the armful, this just another harrowing near death experience out of dozens that Adam had walked away from. This one might not even leave a scar, just a story to tell over a beer. Tomorrow, Dave would feel like he’d been hit by a truck, and in a week his muscles would still give him hell. In a week, Walker would likely be right as rain. But healing hurt, both the mental and physical sort, so he waited for Adam’s cue before coming in to help him get on his feet again. His own legs began to protest under both their weights, his ribs creaking. For right now, the adrenaline rushing in his weathered veins made this just about bearable, but they needed to make a move before the tides turned against them.
“I’ll tell you what, Walker. Once we’re both patched up, I’ll buy you dinner and a beer just to celebrate you not being dinner.”
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drreidfics · 4 years
Dr. Reid and the Broken Girl pt1.
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Characters : SpencerReid x FemReader
Warnings : Abuse, Hints of Self Harm.
Here I am again, on the floor, begging him to stop. There he is again, laughing at my pleas and forcing himself inside of me. Almost every night he climbs into my bed, then in the morning, he pretends everything is normal. When anyone is around, he acts charming. He is able to trick everyone into thinking everything is fine. Well, it's not.
My phone buzzed to life at the side of me. The alarm was going off but I had been up for hours, staring at the flecks of dust dancing around the air. The sunlight streamed in through my thin, white drapes. It was beautiful out. It was the middle of May and bound to be hot out in Arizona. I could feel the warmth on my skin already. I needed to shower and get all this sticky sweat off my skin. It wasn't even mine. I felt disgusting. His touch lingered everywhere on me. The bruises he gave me stained my skin more than the self inflicted cuts.
'Morning Ms. y/l/n. Last night was lovely. See you at lunch?'. It was a text from Mr Reid. He was my psychology professor. Older than me, at thirty, he had long dark hair and deep brown eyes. His hair curled slightly at the end. He was tall and slim. Smart and nerdy, having two degrees and a doctorate, he left his job at the FBI for something less mentally draining. He had worked there since he was twenty-two.  I was twenty-one making our age gap quite small. Look at me, trying to convince myself that it even mattered. He was a lovely guy. Friendly, and handsome. He wouldn't fall in love with a student, and if he did, that student would never be me. He was too smart for that.
"Morning Dr. Reid. Thank-you for taking me. It was a fun eve! Yes, see you at lunch. We can have a chat about the stuff we saw yesterday =)". I read the message over and over again before hitting send. I was nervous as I usually always say stupid things. My low self esteem affected me very much. I was twenty-one, already with one degree and going back to do another. I was still living at Sharon's and I haven't had a boyfriend. He texted me back instantly.
"Can't wait! Need a lift to school? =)" I smiled down at my battered iPhone 6. I couldn't afford a brand new phone. I was lucky in that I only had to work a few hours a week at the local book store and that it was something I enjoyed doing. Sharon was good to me. She helped me pay for and make my way through college. I don't know what or where I would be without her. On the other hand, she brought the human spawn of the devil into my life.
"No thnx, Luna is picking me up =)" I sent but then instantly regretted it. I love my best friend but I would have preferred a ride with Dr. Reid. Our conversations were always interesting and insightful. We could talk about a wide range of subjects for hours and it would only feel like minutes passed.
"Ok, see u soon Y/N"
I smiled, almost forgetting my problems before catching glimpse of myself in the mirror. My fragile, battered body stared back. I sighed. He could never find a girl like me attractive. Not that it mattered anyway. Silly little girl crush.
After debating whether it was best to just find the nearest bridge in town and throw my self off or get ready for school (I am very mentally unwell), I decided on the latter. Luna had already texted me to inform me that she was about to set off. Knowing Luna, which I have had the pleasure of knowing for fifteen years (no sarcasm in there), ten minutes would be ten years.
I staggered down the dreaded stairs, almost losing my footing a few times, feeling light headed. I entered the brightly lit kitchen. It was so bright that I could feel an aching behind my eyes. The decor was simplistic, all white with gold features. Classic business mom who is never home asthetic going on.
       Sharon sat at the island, face absorbed in her laptop. She was in her late forties with short, mousey hair. I believe she would be referred to as a 'Karen'. She looked nothing like Dom. She was short, like me, and fairly slim. He was tall and muscular with broad shoulders. Quarterback star player with the strength to show for it. He could snap us both in half. Dominic is Sharon's only child. Yes, that is correct. She is not my mum. I lost her.
Sharon looked up at me, flashing me a warm smile, still bashing the keys to her MacBook. She took a sip of her black coffee, nibbling on some cold toast. "You look like shit" she stated; matter of factly, her face blank.   '"Thanks?'" I answered with a raised eyebrow. I walked over to the coffee machine and put in a pod, sticking my travel cup underneath. 77Kcals of goodness. All the fuel I will need this morning. "Sweetheart, don't act like that. You know I'm just saying. You need to sleep more" '"I know" I sighed. It was true... "But that makes two of us" I retorted cheekily with a grin.        "Oh sweetheart, don't I know it" she raised her cup as if toasting the comment before gulping the last bit of coffee.
Sharon was my guardian, though not anymore as I was an adult and of drinking age. She still cared for me though as if I were her own. My mom died when I was seven and my dad had a breakdown. He couldn't cope. One day I came home from school and he was gone. He didn't say a word to anyone. He packed up his stuff and  left me. I hated him for a while. The anger within me burned to my core. After a while I felt sympathy. He didn't get the help that he needed. If he did then we both wouldn't be in this mess. We'd be happy - together. I doubt he would know how to contact me now.
Aunt Sharon took me in. She wasn't really my aunt, she was my mom's best friend. She was the only connection to my mother that I had left besides her wedding ring. She loved her dearly and I believe she loves me dearly too. It's not her fault she can't protect me. She works herself to death trying to help me live my dreams. Dom wasn't the child that she had always wanted. He is doing nothing with his life. That is something I will alway's respect of her, single mom raising her child and somebody else's.
I loved her, though she did have the tendency to dish out tough love which often was way - way too harsh. And she was always away leaving me with him. I knew that if I'd only just tell her what he was capable of... What he would do to me when she left... She'd have murdered him herself with her bare hands. But it would kill her. I couldn't do that to her. He was the only thing she had who was blood. Me, I had no-one.
"shit! Is that the time? I'm going to be late. I gotta go, honey. Say bye to Dom for me." she pleaded as she stuffed the last slice of toast in her mouth and gathered her briefcase and her keys. " ...And make sure you have something to eat. You're wasting away!"                                   "Have a good day at work Shaz" I shouted after her. I doubt that she heard me. She was out the door in seconds, jangling her keys and fighting between speaking with me and the ringtone on her work mobile. I heard her professional, scripted 'Hello, Sharon Cormack speaking' as the door slammed behind her.
I made my way through the spotless kitchen Gina, Sharon's housekeeper, always did a good job. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the integrated refrigerator. I also grabbed my iced latte from the coffee machine. It was almost half eight. My first classes start at nine and Luna still wasn't anywhere in sight. I scrambled through my purse for my phone, ready to give her a piece of my mind. That girl would be late to her own funeral.
"You're up early" a voice from behind me sneered. It took all my might to not to curl up in a ball, trembling.
"I... I have school"
No reply. I felt him creeping up behind me, felt his breath against my neck.
"I can think of something much better to do with the day baby"  he whispered as he planted acid kisses on my neck. It burned. I squeezed my eyes shut, putting my hands up defensively. He pushed my back into the counter. A sharp pain ran though me.
"Please stop. I have to go" I whispered as his hand snaked its way up my neck, fist knotting tightly in my hair.
'"Why do you think a whore like you has the right to tell me what to do, hm?"
'- Hello? Katy?'  Luna's smooth voice called out in sing song.
Oh, thank god for her and her timing. He released me from his grasp and increased the distance between us. His eyes were clouded. I could tell he was pissed. I brushed passed him, running towards Luna, who was standing by the open door. I ran straight into her arms hugging her tightly.
"I thought you'd never show." I whispered. She rested her chin on my shoulder, stroking my hair. I could tell that she was staring daggers at Dom and I could tell he didn't care. Like I said, the same routine. Every morning.
By the time lunch rolled around I had had enough. had gotten into a lot of trouble with Ms. Hallows over an overdue assignment and I had spilt water all down the front of my jeans. It looked like I had pissed myself. My saving grace is that they were dark jeans and so it wasn't too noticable. That didn't stop Georgie from laughing and calling me pissy pants for half the day.
Georgie was the kind of girl that you would avoid in high school. Everybody wanted to be her but everyone hated her so bad. She had golden brunette locks, a slim face and a petite nose. Her friends Nova and Ari were just as bad. Everyone used to tell you that when you left high school things would be different. I am sorry to inform you that they don't. Bullies stay bullies forever.
I forced my way through the groups of students, crowded together in the corridors. The last thing I wanted was to be late for my chat with Mr. Reid
"Y/N" I heard Luna calling after me. I could tell that she was chasing me through the crowd of students.  "Y/N. Look, Y/N stop." I rolled my eyes.
"What?" I snapped. I could see the hurt in her eyes. She leaned on the wall, panting. I sighed. "I'm sorry. What's wrong?" I asked. I felt bad for snapping at her. All she wanted was answers, like anyone would have after walking in on what she did. But I don't give answers. I shut down. I don't tell anyone anything. She tried talking once we got in the car. I ignored her and I ran once we'd arrived at school. She didn't even need to speak. I could just tell what she wanted to talk about from the look on her face. I sighed again.
"Luna, I can't talk about this right now."  I saw the hurt in her eyes. If I kept pushing her away then eventually she wouldn't fight to stay. 'Good', a small voice whispered in my head. Maybe that would be for the best. She deserves better. Everyone does. I could just end my life today and nobody would care. I used to fight hard against the suicidal ideations that entered my mind but now I didn't see the point.
"I have my meeting and I can't be late. Taco Bell after classes?" I asked. To my relief, she smiled and nodded, that beautiful smile that I loved so much. She was so easy to please. I smiled and walked away towards room 1980. Dr. Reid's office.
"I love you!" she shouted after me smiling.
"I love you more!"
"Lesbians" Georgie mocked. She was stood near the bathrooms. I rolled my eyes.
"Grow up"
Luna was gay but we weren't together. We had been intimate a few times but nothing had come of it. But so what if it had? We both agreed it felt weird as we had known each other as friends for so long. We didn't want to ruin anything. Luna and I had been friends ever since she opened up my juice box for me in kindergarten and then hit the girl who had stolen my straw. We had been inseparable ever since. She's been with me through thick and thin. I'd hate to think where I'd have been if she hadn't been there when my mom had died. We are and will alway's be the best of friends. In another life I could see us growing old together, adopting puppies and children but sometimes, it doesn't work out. And if you love someone, you have to let them go.
I opened the door to 1980 and as soon as I did my heart fluttered in my chest. There he was, as beautiful as ever. He looked up from the book he was reading, glasses perched on his nose and smiled, he seemed glad to see me.
"Sweetie!" he said, a smile spreading across his gorgeous lips. He's the only person who calls me that.
"Dr. Reid"  I smiled back. My smile was huge and I probably looked so dorky but I don't care. My day just got brighter. I pulled up a chair next to him and kicked my feet up onto his lap. He rested his hand on my calf.
"So what did you think to the book?"
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The Love Cruise - by GleefullyCaptainSwan
Read on AO3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Or on FF
Tagging:   @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda
Chapter 4: Captain Jones
“Do you think Barbados is ready for me?” Ruby stood, showing off her tanned body in her new bikini.
“Girl, I don’t think anyone is ready for you in that. Where’s the rest of it?” She spun around and Emma fanned herself, teasing her friend.
“Why are you wearing so many layers?”
Emma tugged her cover up tighter around her waist. “Not everyone can flaunt it like you can. I look like they lock me in the closet during the day and my body never sees the sunlight.”
“Oh stop, you’re sexy as hell, Emma. I’ve seen more than a few guys turning their heads when you walk by, though usually you are running away from them so they can’t catch you.”
“Whatever, I told you I’m not interested in finding a guy on this damn cruise.”
“Not even that guy, Graham, that asked you to dance?”
Emma scrunched her nose and shook her head. “He’s cute, and a great dancer, but, eh, I don’t know.”
“You know, he’s going to be with us today?”
“What? How do you know?”
“Because I talked to him after dinner and he’s on the same excursion we are.”
“If you’re so interested in him, why don’t you hook up with him?”
“I would if he wasn’t asking about you half the time.”
Emma groaned. “Can we just go? I don’t want to talk about men all damn day. I want to enjoy the beach, the sand, the ocean in Barbados. We are in fucking Barbados, Ruby. Together. When we are back in Boston and it’s raining, will we have these men to keep us warm? No, but we will have each other.”
“Ho’s before bro’s?” She giggled as Will walked into their room.
“Do I get to be a ho?”
“You are by far the biggest ho, William!” Emma laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Are you still mad at me?” She planted her lips on his cheek and he groaned, wiping the pink smudge off his face.
“I’m not bloody happy with you, but what’s a bloke to do? You’re my best friend and I can’t stay mad at ya.” He put his finger up to her face, “But don’t do that shit again. That girl won’t stop asking me about rum recipes now.”
“You didn’t seem too upset when she kept telling you how talented you were at the bar last night.”
“Wait, what did I miss?” Emma looked between the pair on either side of her.
“One of the bartenders let him make our drinks at the piano bar. You should have seen him playing it up, flipping bottles, acting like a goddamn bar hero. He was on his game.”
“I’m fucking talented as hell, that had nothing to do with that lass.”
“You were showing off.” Emma teased. “You do like her.”
“I do not.” He resisted, less forcefully than he had the day before. Emma was sure he liked her, but she was also sure that he was probably feeling guilty about liking her also.
“You know it’s ok to like another girl, Will.” Emma slid her hand onto the back of his head, pressing his forehead to hers. “Ana’s gone. You deserve to have some fun.”
He squeezed his eyes shut. “Why are you ladies always pushing me so hard to move on from Ana? What if I don’t want to move on?”
“You don’t want to move on because you’re too afraid to open yourself up again and maybe get hurt.”
“Besides, we love you, Boo.” Ruby added, wrapping her arms around them both.
“No Boo. You both promised, not here.” His mouth turned up in a grin. “But I love you guys too.”
“Absolutely not.” Regina stood with her arms crossed in front of her.
“You can’t work 24 hours a day, we get to leave the ship for a few hours, are you really going to deny this simply because I’m going?” Robin whined.
“Yes.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Ok enough of this, we’re going.” Killian gestured to Robin before turning around and pointing at Regina, “And you’re coming with us. Captain’s orders.”
“You can’t do that.”
Killian shrugged, “I just did. I’m not going to have my Cruise Director burned out 4 days into our voyage, we are going to imbibe in some alcoholic beverages in Barbados.”
“Fine, but it is under duress.”
“At least that will be two of us on this bloody cruise under duress.” He winked at Robin and the three of them left the ship in search of a good bar.
Being the Captain did have its perks, they were directed to apparently the best bar on the beach they could find and an hour later, sitting with their feet in the sand and a bucket of beer, the three of them found themselves engaging in nonviolent conversations.
Regina was laughing, “Wait, so you were just going to leave him there?”
“Of course, I was, he was about to start a riot.” Killian said as he felt tears well up in the corners of his eyes, his body shaking from his laughter.
“Do you remember what I said to the guy?”
They both looked at each other and spoke in unison. “The only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.”
“Which one of you got punched first.” Regina eyed them with curiosity.
Robin raised his hand. “I ended up on the pool table. Killian tossed one of the guys into a stool. By that point, the manager threw us all out.”
“That was the last time we insulted the Captain’s son again.”
“You two really are idiots.” Regina quipped as she took another sip of her beer.
“But we had you laughing.” Robin winked.
“Only because I was imagining you getting your ass kicked.”
Killian nursed his beer, watching the two of them doing what he could only describe as violent flirting, until he started to feel like a third wheel.
“I’ll be back.” He announced, heading inside toward the bar, and discreetly paying the tab. “If they get anything else, just put it on the same card.”
Killian exited the bar and walked through the small town, browsing the shops until he followed the path toward the beach. He saw groups of travelers lounging on the sand or sailing on the water, most likely passengers on his ship.
He toed off his shoes and walked barefoot through the sand, looking up he saw her, laying on a towel, an oversized hat perched on her blonde locks, reading a book. She was gorgeous. Her friend, a tall brunette he had seen her with earlier was wearing a very tiny bikini, arching her back and taking in the rays to her already sun kissed skin.
There were others with them, the man she was laughing with earlier stood nearby talking to a shorter woman. A taller man with wavy hair was sitting just off to the side of Emma, he glanced at her often, but Emma seemed not to take notice, her head buried in the words in front of her.
He continued to walk along the wet sand, observing the woman who had captured his attention when she looked up, glancing at the waves out beyond him. He looked away quickly, reaching down to pick up a shell he nearly stepped on. When he looked up again, she was gone.
Emma was reading the same line over and over again in her book, trying to avoid the gaze of Graham, who was seated to her right. At first, she thought he was looking at Ruby, God knows if she were a hot-blooded man, she would be. But when she caught his eye, he smiled at her and attempted to make conversation. Emma froze and immediately buried her head in her book.
It’s not that she didn’t think he was attractive and extremely nice; she just didn’t know what to say to him. She knew he was a Sheriff in some small town in Maine and that her brother thought he was quite impressive, which made her not want to talk to him even more than she had before her brother started pointing out all the things they had in common.
She peered up from her book, a feeling washing over her like she was being watched. She peeked to her right, but Graham was talking to David and Will was finally having a real conversation with Belle as they bounced a volleyball back and forth between them.
Her eyes scanned the beach when she saw him picking up shells near the water. He seemed to look her way and then turned back toward the ocean.
“I’m gonna go dip my toes in the water.” She announced suddenly to Ruby who was currently lying ass up on the towel beside her.
“Have fun.” She replied lazily.
She jogged toward Killian who was facing the ocean now and skipped up behind him. “Are you considering throwing yourself in because if you are, I actually do know how to swim, in case you need saving.”
He turned suddenly and his bright smile made her heart skip a beat.
“Swan, fancy meeting you here.”
“Did you go on an excursion today?”
“No, I hung out at one of the bars a little way down the beach.” He pointed behind him.
“Drinking alone?”
“Oh, no I went with a few friends.”
“I didn’t realize you came with people. Or did you meet them here?”
“My buddy…” He paused. “Um, my buddy and I came together.”
“Did you ditch him?” She asked looking around for his friend.
“He is entertaining a lass back at the bar, felt like a third wheel. Have you been on the beach all day?”
“My brother dragged us all sail boarding, so I’m gonna be really sore tomorrow considering all the times I fell into the water, but it was a really good day.”
He smiled at her, his eyes crinkling as the sun beat down on him. “That sounds like you had a lot of fun.”
“Do you maybe want to get a drink later tonight?” She blurted out, wondering where that blast of courage came from.
He looked at his feet and she panicked. “I uh, I think I need to tell you something first.”
“Oh?” Suddenly there was screaming behind her on the beach and she turned to see Ruby yelling and running toward a group of people. “Oh, shit, I gotta…” She turned and ran toward Ruby, looking down the beach to what was causing her so much stress. August was lying on the ground, holding his leg.
“Oh God what happened?”
“We were playing volleyball and the old man slipped, I think he twisted his ankle.” Will said in a slight panic.
“I’m ok guys.” August groaned, “I think I just sprained it.” He stood up and then stepped down, immediately falling back down to his knees.
“Ok Mate, you’re gonna need help back to the ship, you’ll need the medic to take a look at that ankle.”
She was shocked when Killian sprung into the middle of the group, helping August to his feet. “Should we all go?” Ruby asked August.
“No, you guys stay here, have fun. I’ll just go back and make sure everything is ok.” August waved them all off.
“I’ll go with him; the sun is starting to burn my skin.” Emma announced and Killian made eye contact with her, a smile forming on his lips.
Emma stood on the other side of August, wrapping her arm around him to help support his other side. “Come on dad, let’s get you to a doctor.”
“Very funny, Emma.” He chided her and Killian laughed.
“You sure you don’t mind going back to the ship?” She asked Killian.
“Absolutely, it’s important that all the passengers are taken care of.” Emma looked at him quizzically but continued walking toward the pier.
Killian knew he should have just told her he was the damn Captain when they first met. He tried to tell her at the beach and then her friend got hurt and as Captain it was important that he took the man back to the ship, his passengers health always came first over innocent flirting with one of the women on his ship.
Once they made it to the infirmary, he spotted Tink at the back of the bay. He waved her over and she jumped into action.
“Jones, have you started combing the ship for injured passengers now?”
He laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact with Emma. “I believe we have a twisted ankle.” He helped get the man up on the bed.
“Name?” Tink questioned as she pulled up her iPad to search the passenger list.
“August Booth.”
Killian backed up against the wall and watched as she examined his ankle. He observed Emma asking questions, checking to ensure that he was going to be ok and he slowly backed out of the room. He’d tell Emma later about being the Captain, right now she had more important things to tend to.
“So, it looks like it’s just sprained.” She ran her hand over his ankle again and Emma couldn’t help but notice the way August watched the nurse in awe.
“Well, does that mean I have to spend all my time down here in the infirmary now?” He joked innocently.
Tink laughed, “Well only if you want to.” She teased and Emma suddenly felt like she was invading a private moment.
That’s when Emma noticed that Killian was no longer in the room. “Oh, did you see where the guy who helped us went?”
Tink looked up and laughed. “Jones? Pretty sure he probably went back to the bridge.”
“The bridge? What bridge would that be?”
“Of the boat, did you hit your head or something. That’s where the Captain usually is when we are getting close to leaving port.”
“You are talking about Captain Jones, right? The guy you came in with?” She pointed haphazardly toward the wall of photos behind her before turning back to August to wrap his ankle.
Emma walked up to the wall and immediately recognized the blue eyes in the largest photo in the center. Her heart was racing as she read the inscription under the portrait.
Captain Killian Jones
Holy Shit!
“Ok spill.” Emma turned to look at Ruby who was staring at her from across the room as they got ready for dinner.
“Spill what?”
“Who is he?”
“Who is who?” Emma turned back toward the mirror; confusion littered across her face.
“The hot drink of water you found on the beach; you know who I’m talking about.” Ruby glared at her with her arms crossed in front of her chest.
“What, the guy who helped August? Good Samaritan, I guess.” She shrugged nonchalantly.
“Bullshit, I was watching you before all that happened, you went directly to him on the beach.”
“What, are you spying on me now?” She accused.
“Out with it.”
Emma sighed. “He’s just some guy I keep running into. That’s all.” Emma put on her shawl and headed to the door, effectively ending the conversation.
“Ok keep your secrets.” She said with her eyes narrowed, joining her in the hall as they headed to the dining hall.
Their dinner passed by quickly, the saying was true that time would fly when you were having fun, as Emma was starting to enjoy sitting down to eat with her friends every evening. Even the newcomers were starting to fit in with everyone. Will and Belle had warmed up to each other. They were sitting quietly at the end of the table, Will trying to demonstrate how to flip a bottle without dropping it. Belle would giggle and follow his every move and he would reward her with a new blush to his cheeks.
Her brother and Mary Margaret had become inseparable, however the small kiss he gave her after dinner was a new development. August left dinner early stating that he needed to head back to the infirmary for a checkup on his ankle, though Emma was sure the visit was more to do with the cute blonde nurse than his ankle.
After dinner, the remaining group decided to relocate to the piano bar on the deck above them for a night cap. The music was enjoyable, and the bar wasn’t crowed which allowed them to spread out into different areas of the room.
“I think he likes you.” Emma set her drink down and looked over at her brother who was sitting beside her.
“Who?” David looked toward the bar and she spotted Graham looking in her direction. “Oh, he’s nice. I guess.”
“You guess? Emma, he’s a really nice guy. Did you know he’s a Sheriff in the town that Mary Margaret and Belle are from?”
“Small world.” She said softly, taking a sip of her drink and peering around the bar.
“Waiting for something better?” He questioned.
“Why would I be waiting for anything? I already told all of you that I’m not interested in finding anything here.”
“Emma, it’s been 7 years since Neal ran off, don’t you think it’s time you stop punishing yourself and think about what might be out there for you and Henry?”
“Punishing myself?” Her annoyance was rising.
“That’s not what I meant. Not really, I mean, not exactly. I just feel like you punish yourself for Neal leaving. It wasn’t your fault. You deserve to be happy, sis.”
“I love you Dave, I do. And I’m really happy that you seem to have found something on this ship that you are interested in, but please, let me handle my own happiness.”
“Alright, I’ll back off.” He said with a grin.
He went back to his date and Ruby slid up beside her. “Is he trying to get you to sleep with Graham, because if he is, do you want company?”
“Ruby!” She exclaimed, “how much have you had to drink?”
“Enough that I would take him right there on the bar.”
“Dare.” Emma smirked at her, knowing that Ruby never backed down from a dare.
Ruby’s mouth went from wide open to a firm line of determination, getting up from her seat and sauntering over to the bar. Emma looked around at all her friends, each of them distracted with other people and she took the moment to sneak out without notice.
She found herself wandering the lido deck in the dark, her drink from the bar still in her hand as she sipped it through the straw with the tiny umbrella attached. She told herself she wasn’t looking for him but that didn’t stop the disappointment she felt when she didn’t find him either.
“Everything is under control, Captain. You don’t have to stay up here if you would like to rest.”
“Thank you, Smee. I guess I just wasn’t ready to head to my quarters.” He stared out at the deck of the ship below him, there was a small group of passengers wandering her planks. A wave of blonde hair caught his attention, her hips swaying back and forth in the night breeze. “On second thought, I think I’m going to retire for the evening.”
Perhaps now was as good a time as any to confess to her who he was. He bounded down the stairs and shoved open the doors to the Lido deck. He headed in the direction she was last seen, but the deck was empty. Disappointed, he realized she may have already gone back inside.
“Captain Jones.”
He spun around to see her standing against the wall of the ship. “Ah, I guess I’m busted.” He said with a sigh. “Let me guess, Lady Bell clued you in? I swear to you I was going to tell you on the beach today.” He said honestly. “But then…”
“Then August’s old man body turned to wood and he required medical assistance.” She joked.
“Yes, that. Forgive me for being less than honest?”
“Only if you tell me why you didn’t just tell me the first day.”
“That’s fair. My friend Robin pretty much convinced me to take this job, I was less than thrilled about the theme of this cruise, and well, I was just happy to talk to someone else who seemed to be forced to be here as well.”
She shook her head in understanding. “So, you’re really the Captain huh?” She walked closer to him, her fingers trailing the sleeve of his shirt as she traced the stripes on his arm.
“I should have known when you rattled off all those facts about the ship. No one else would have paid that much attention.”
“Actually, you all should pay attention to that information.” His tone serious.
“Yes, Captain.” She smirked with a mock salute and he swallowed hard.
“I won’t put up with any sass on my watch.” He teased as they fell into step walking along the deck.
“So, how’d you become a Captain?”
“My brother convinced me to join the Navy when we were just lads, the sea became my mistress as soon as I met her. I was captivated by her tempestuous nature. On the surface she could be rough and demanding, but beneath the surface she’s calm and inviting.”
“So your brother is a Captain too?”
“He was, yes.” He paused, leaning on the rail for support. “He not with us anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“He was the best Captain to ever sail the seas. He’s out there somewhere.” He pointed to the horizon. “He’s a better man than I’ll ever be.”
“Well considering you are the Captain of the ship I currently find myself on, I hope you’re the best Captain we can ask for.”
“I wouldn’t even have had the chance to Captain such a vessel if not for my brother.” He looked over at her unsure of why he was suddenly freely sharing information he would rarely share with another.
“Did he teach you?”
“He taught me everything I know. How to be a good Captain, a good sailor, and a good man.”
“When did he pass?”
“Two years ago. We were at sea, on a mission, there was a fire, I was in the engine room when it exploded. We were taking on water and I needed to seal off the leak. I sent everyone out, I expected it to be the last good deed I ever did. But he found me, dragged me out of the pits of that ship and got me on the rescue boat.”
“Wow.” Emma was staring at him in a shocked silence.
“He went back in for the rest of his crew.”
“Because you don’t leave a man behind.” She said seemingly with a sudden understanding of their earlier conversation.
“Aye.” He nodded but didn’t continue.
“That must have been really tough.”
“One of the worst nights of my life.”
“Looks like you made the most of it though. Look at you now.” She smiled softly.
“Wow, you’re worse than me with the martyr stuff.” She laughed and he wanted to crawl into the void where her laughter filled the air and stay there forever. “I think you should try being a little easier on yourself and trust me, coming from me, that says a lot.”
“I’ll take that under consideration.” He smiled and she glanced around.
“I should get back before my friends send out a search party.”
“We can’t have that on my ship.” He smirked.
“I’ll see you around, Captain.” She said as she walked back toward the door, turning back to offer him a shy smile before she disappeared into the belly of his ship.
Perhaps this cruise wasn’t the worst idea Robin ever had after all.
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Personality Matchup
One 𝑅𝓊𝒷𝓎 coming right up for @madeofsaltiness
A/Note: I just wanted to mention I didn’t match you with him because of the popular HCs, I actually forgot you mentioned that until rereading it. I think he fits you really well and it’s just a hc and though I like the idea, there isn’t confirmation as far as I know. I hope you like the match and the HCs. I think it’s so cool that you’re a dancer and I hope one day the world get to hear your music and see you dance. I believe in you. Sorry I played a lot on the dance aspect, I always HC Sero to like dance a lot like. Lastly thank you for coming to the VAULT :) Lov <3 ~ Sar-chan
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I match you with…
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Runner Up: Shinsō Hitoshi
On with the HCs :)
I think Sero is not someone who is gonna judge you on the first meet; he’s someone that likes to warm up to someone. He isn’t a judgy person. Cold is nothing he can’t handle quite literally and personality-wise, come on he knows Bakugo and Todoroki.
I think Sero finds your shyness cute and he too will be a bit nervous to talk to you.
Sero is definitely going to protect you at all cost. He will never give up the chance to come off heroic to you. He’ll bow and say something like, “Are you ok milady?” I think he’s quirky like that.
He likes to make you flustered and often jokes around a lot.
More than often he cracks jokes to see you laugh and will take a video. I think he’ll set it as his ringtone just for fun but the truth is he’sa softie for your laughs and smiles.
100% has a picture of you just smiling and enjoying yourself as his home screen.
Sero will never joke about your insecurities but will poke fun at your stubbornness every now and then if you are ok with it. If not he’ll tell you its good thing and that you can hold your ground. Truthfully he likes that side of you.
Sero will tape Denki’s mouth shut if he tries to flirt with you and will sweep you away by carrying you away with his hand around you waist.
He’ll definitely dance with you and it becomes a daily thing. He’s not flirty with anyone except you and this definitely shows through when he’s dancing. He’ll place a hand on your waist and whisper things like “You’re so pretty” “Wish only could see this side with you.” “So beautiful my love.” He’ll even give a little wink every now and then. But this is only when you’re alone
Mina often steals you away to dance with her and likes to gossip a lot with you.
Sero definitely gets shy to dance in public with you but he’ll build confidence once he sees you enjoying yourself.
He’s the type to come up behind you and twirl and dip you. He’ll give you a kiss on the cheek and be on his way. He’s very spontaneous.
Sero loves when you teach him new dances but he wants to impress you so he’ll learn some new stuff on his own.
He definitely wants to make a TikTok account for videos of you and him dancing but he isn’t sure how to bring it up.
Sero definitely respects your space and if you don’t want to show him what you written he’s ok with that but if you do expect all the hype in the world. It warms his heart though to know you trust him.
If you tease Sero he’s going to tease you back, I can also see you guys playing pranks on each other but if he does manage to take it too far he’ll buy you ice-cream to make up for it.
Sero likes when you read to him but he does like just sitting down while both of you read a manga.
He likes to hear you talk and tell him new things. At the end of a long day he really likes to just swing in his hammock and talk about his long day with you. He loves deep conversation and will sometimes mention things on hi thoughts about the future. I think he’s really mature but can have a childish nature where he jokes a bit. Sero has definitely though a lot about his aspirations and he knows when to be serious.
I think you and Sero both share a love of music and similar tastes of course. Something you bond over more than often I think he often pops in saying, “Hey babe you gotta hear this song! Maybe you can choreograph something or not just I really like it and think you will too.”
Honestly, I think Sero is the outdoorsy type and will always be up for a hike with you. He works out regularly, so Ithink it’d be nice for a change instead of his basic routine.
I think Sero likes quality time but he will indulge in that physical touch aspect, he likes to just give little kisses there and there, he’ll sit closely or wrap his arms around you. I think he likes to be near to you, so expext lts of cuddle session.
Sero is always going to encourage you and everyday he’s going to give you a little motivation even if it’s just a small, “Remember you are so amazing, love. I’m always going to believe in you.”
Sero will learn little things to say to you in other languages I think he likes to surprise you a lot whether it be with his words or little gifts.
Style wise you guys match a lot and definitely have a lot of couple outfits.
I think he definitely has that possessive side to him to but he shows it very subtly.
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I hope you liked it :)
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