#i gotta stop giving free art to people too
I feel as though I've lost interest in drawing...and I'm sad about it.
I still draw in my sketchbook, but it's been a while since I've done a full piece. Everytime I'm with my mom, she's always bragging to people about how proud she is of my art, I appreciate it. What I don't appreciate is when she's basically telling me to show what I'm working on or show my sketchbook. :\ But like, it's my hobby. If I wanna tell people I like to draw, or show ppl my art, let me do it on my own terms or if it's ever brought up during a conversation. I don't even like to tell people I draw anymore cause the convos are always the same. 'I can't even draw stick people!' 'wow that's cool!' and the worst one, 'can you draw something for me??'
I HATE when everyone asks me to draw something for them. I always had a hard time saying no, bcause I feel like if I do, I disappoint them and they won't care about talking to me anymore. :\ it's weird. Not only that, but I rarely recieve anything other than a 'I love it, thank you!'. I don't expect anything really. But what are people doing with my pictures afterwards? Hang it up on a wall? Put it down somewhere and forget to grab it when you leave?
plus I got all this art supplies built up from the past few years, I don't really use anymore. (srsly I got three sets of gouache I don't even use.....why me....why did you buy three sets of gouache? YOU COULD'VE BOUGHT MANGA WITH THAT!! )
another thing is it's just not really fun to share my art with ppl anymore. I'm very particular of what I draw these days, so it's very limiting on improving my art, not only that but with my adhd and very awful attention span, it's gotten even worse. I used to be able to spend hours working on something. Now I spend around 20 or so minutes, and I'm bored.
Also people tell me 'YOU SHOULD SELL YOUR ART!' okay. cool. you gonna buy it? how do you expect me to make copies of every drawing? printers cost money. ink costs money. shipping stuff out costs money. buying photo paper costs money. buying any kind of supplies to run any kind of small business cost money.
you say you want me to sell my art, but that costs money too. :\
and heck if I start telling people it's $5 or even $10 for a drawing, they always say nevermind.
I always told people; I love drawing. I don't want to turn it into a thing and eventually start hating it.
I know this all sounds negative of me, but it's just how I'm feeling about the hobby. I really should go through my supplies.
I really would like to try to find a new hobby.
Thanks for reading my rant lol
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2knightt · 1 year
Hii! Idk if you’ve gotten this req before, but can you do the gang with an artist s/o? Thanks:)
↳10-4, no switichin’ sides!₊˚✧
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—IN WHICH, the gang dates an artist s/o!
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Johnny Cade ;
he loves watching you draw omfg.
he thinks your process is so cool!!!
tries to draw with you, but he gives up in the end and draws stick figures instead.
“what’re you drawin—oh.”
“i gave up, okay? don’t judge, y/n.”
if you draw him i think he’ll actually explode.
“whatchu drawin’ this time?”
he’s legit gonna be blushing so hard.
“re-really? can i see?”
if you have a sketch book and theres pages full of him he might pass out.
he will pass out.
he’s just so flattered you’d draw him out of all people!
he doesn’t get it.
but, he loves your hobby so much and if you want to do it as a job one day, he’ll support you 110%.
Dallas Winston ;
doesn’t understand why you like art.
no matter how much you explain it to him, it’s like everything goes in one ear and out the other.
“plus, the finished product is always something gorgeous.”
“…i can do that if i take a picture, y/n.”
“yeah but, you don’t get that sense of pride.”
“i get that sense of pride when i beat the tar outta a kid. that pride don’t mean nothin’ to me.”
if you draw him or he catches you drawing him, he’ll tease you so bad.
like actually, good luck bru.
“ouu, someones head over heels, huh?”
“a ‘good job,’ would also be nice, dal.”
“yeah, yeah. good job, sugar.”
if anyone else teases you about it? he’s onto them. they ain’t safe.
if you tell him like, anyone said anything bad about your art, he will go to jail for the 50th time.
he’s ready to go to jail for you, do not play with dallas.
if you want to make art your job, he still won’t get it, but he’ll let you because it makes you happy.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
when he finds out you’re an artist, he’s over the moon!
he’s so happy someone else can share his hobby :)!!
if you draw him something he likes, he’d probably hang it up in his room.
“i remember you saying that tiger lilies were your favourite flower, so, i drew it for you.”
“wow, y/n! this is really good!”
if you draw him, he will tear up.
he’s just so flattered you’d waste your talent on a guy with his looks.
“look, pony. i drew you! thought you looked real pretty in that lighting.”
“y/n…you didn’t have too.”
“but i wanted too! wai-wait are you crying?!”
“i’m jus—so happy.”
if you ask him for help, he will not sugarcoat shit. so, if you aren’t ready to hear the hard truth, i wouldn’t recommend asking him for help.
he will support you fully, no matter if you want art to be your life long passion or not.
Sodapop Curtis ;
thinks you’re the best artist out there, no joke.
he thinks you’re Picasso or something.
will not stop bragging about you.
literally, it’s all he talks about.
“dude, my partner does such good paintings. they’re beautiful!”
“i know, soda. it’s all you talk about.”
if you draw him, he will show everybody.
“oh my glory, y/n! this is amazing!! i gotta show steve!”
“wai-wait, soda! it’s not finished!”
another one that will beat the shit out of anyone that bad mouths your art.
he isn’t afraid to sock someone in the mouth.
especially since it’s for you!
soda really wouldn’t understand if you wanted to art full time but he will be your #1 fan!
Darry Curtis ;
also..doesn’t get art..but he tries!
he thinks you doing art is fine but, why?
he’ll support you 110% you just, gotta explain to him.
“and also, because i just, love seeing the outcome after weeks or months of hardwork!”
“oh, makes sense.”
if you draw him something, he’ll fold it up and put it in his wallet.
he looks at it when he has free time at work and just smiles.
if you draw him, he might MIGHT just smile, teeth n all in front of the gang.
“this is, stunning, y/n.”
“yo, what the fuck?”
“holy shit, they made darry smile.”
“dude, go tell him your gay he’s in a good mood.”
Steve Randle ;
he is obsessed with your works, oh my lord.
he will not stop looking at them if you give him one.
“is, is it good?”
“it’s wonderful!”
similar to his best friend, he also doesn’t shut up about you.
“and then they painted this cat and dog, and it’s so pretty.”
“you told me this, steve.”
“did i?”
he will not hesitate to throw hands in your name.
“what d’ya mean, ‘ew?’”
“i mean, ew. it’s just so ug—“
knocked out, on the floor.
Two-bit Matthews ;
he is so proud of you.
‘so proud,’ is an understatement, though.
he loves any and all of your artwork.
if he finds something from when you were 5, he’d still love it.
“i love the colours in this!”
“i made that in like 1st grade, two. what?”
“oh. it’s still super good!”
“did you just compare my work to a 1st graders?”
“…i ain’t mean it like that.”
another one who is willing to go to jail for you.
he will knock out a bitch for you.
he can, and he will.
if you draw him like mickey or something, he’ll love it forever.
“here. i know you like mickey mouse, so.”
“AHHH—this is amazing, y/n!!!”
he’s fangirling.
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single-malt-scotch · 1 month
Mindcrack had many moments of interacting w fandom in a way people basically don't see at all anymore that it's understandable people are surprised and put off that doc "suddenly" said he wanted to read fan fic or whatever.
I mean for one, if you're not watching doc already you should know that tbh hes like on of THE most fandom involved hermits by far imo. Seriously. He's been a huge supporter of fan art no matter (well ya know to an extent) what it is. He commissions fan artists and asks permission for unpaid fan art to be thumbnails in his videos and always credits them in the intro. He's actively taken up 'headcanons' to his skin (goat horns, butterfly wings) or other things ppl draw him in (maid dress). He has talked many times about ships with him and seems generally unbothered and jokes about it.
So in mindcrack days it was not at all uncommon for them to pick up a fan fic to read (at a podcast or something)- which iirc they asked and got permission for (at least some I know of, it has been a while). But they also (mostly) knew about shipping too and talking about it esp in context to when they'd read fics (because yes they did read some ship fics). They had their "that's weird" moments for sure but that was kinda it. And well, back then many of us on our lil Tumblr space did think it was cool because we were excited they interacted with us at all lol...
This isn't to say you can't be uncomfortable!! Of course. Idk if doc has read anything on stream yet but I wouldn't be too worried as I'd also expect him to ask permission (and as fans maybe take openings to remind him to do so).
I think we all know rule number one as a fan is "don't show the cc stuff unless they ask for it". But rule number two in regards to them is "if the cc goes looking it's their fault and their responsibility for what they find". You might still worry about cc reaction despite that and to that I say stop giving a shit. Let go of shame and fear. Anyone can see your public posts. A cc might be looking right and now you'd only get uncomfy if you knew it, but you don't. You'd can't control people and if the cc are an ass about it despite looking for it? Feel free to say something but otherwise shrug it off because it's not your fault. (And if they're enough of an ass stop engaging with them lol). Mcyt (and other similar) are real people fandoms and you gotta remember that. You cannot control this and that's alright that's just how this kind of fandom has to work. So stop worrying about it
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Pizza Tower/Evil dead crossover Peppino
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He had to cut off his own hand to stop from turning into a pizza monster, and he’s mad as hell about it. Also I decided to give him a sleeve harness for his BIG HONKIN PIZZA CUTTER BUZZSAW cus it looked strange on the end of his more noodle looking arm. And this gives him more heft and motion. I’ll put what I’ve got so far about the au under a readmore.
So a chain restaurant opens in a historic landmark, the tower, where during renovation they accidentally unearth an ancient spooky power. Which gets harnessed by the human who would soon become PizzaHead.
Setting off a very monkey's paw be careful what you wish for situation, cus the guy basically wanted a “pizza empire”. He meant that in terms of creating a huge and wealthy corporation, but the tower magic took it literally. So now not only is it spawning armies of pizza monsters, but Pizzahead has the power to turn humans into more pizza monsters.
So he starts by inviting all the owners of the local businesses to the restaurant part of the tower for a little get together before the grand opening.Targeting them first to cut down the competition and ensure the maximum amount of customers would instead be visiting his restaurant. This being the moment that first gets everyone scared, as a 6+ foot tall man made out of cheese with a pizza for a face bursts into the restaurant. Acting like some kind of unhinged cartoon clown, and trying to get the people who haven't eaten the free pizza yet to try some. Though it seems like his presence speeds up the pizza monster transformations. As the ones who were infected start to turn, while Gustavo, Mr. stick, and Peppino escape into the tower.
So in this instance, the bosses are other humans who showed up to the party and got turned into pizza monsters as part of Pizzaheads army. Like pepperman used to be the owner of an arts and crafts store. Vigilante was a farmer who restaurants would sometimes buy meat and veggies from locally. Noise and Noisette were a young couple involved in journalism who were covering the opening of the new restaurant. And some of the other one-off monsters could be other local business owners.
Peppino never ate any of the pizza, but he did get a slice of it shoved into his hand by pizzahead when he showed up and terrified everyone by being an unhinged pizza monster, and it took him a moment before dropping it. So after a bit of adventuring, it turns out his hand is infected, and he's gotta cut it off to keep the pizza transformation from spreading. As his screaming and comically slamming his cheese and pepperoni hand on various walls does little more than stun the cheese hand in a cartoony sorta way (Like with stars spinning over it’s head).
After a building of panic as the cheese starts to spread over his wrist, he cuts it off in a grocery store-like location within the tower with a industrial strength pizza cutter, that is really more like a big buzzsaw, splattering himself with his own blood. Though the pizza monsters are threatening to break in, so he attaches the big buzzsaw to his stump arm, and goes on a blind rage chainsaw massacre style rampage. Eventually collapsing from blood loss and overexertion in the abandoned looking Bruno's pizza when it looks like he’s killed all the monsters nearby.
He wakes up with something trying to force his mouth open, and it's his severed cheese hand. He tries to kill it, but it tricks him into screaming and it's able to get into his mouth. He tries to puke it out, but instead he pukes out a whole grey shirt Peppino clone, which he screams at, it screams back, and it melts into inert goo. He vomits a few more times, with a similar outcome of spawning a short lived lumpy looking clone of himself, and he's able too look inside his mouth in a reflective surface, and his mouth and throat is full of goopy hands. No longer made of cheese, but more looking made out of melty rubber skin. So he quickly boils a pot of water and drinks the boiling water while screaming and swearing much like how it goes down in army of darkness, with the clones screaming as the boiling water hits them. A very brief moment for Peppino to catch his breath, hoping it's over, but then stuff starts growing under his skin, and he undergoes a rapid, but disturbing mitosis.
The two Peppinos pulling apart and falling to the ground. With Peppino having a moment of excitement as his hand has grown back
But he spots his doppelganger and scrambles to his feet, fake Peppino currently being a perfect mirror of him. Matching Peppino’s looks and movements exactly. Peppino takes a moment to process how weird this is, doing stuff like moving his arm and hand, with Fake Peppino mirroring the motion, before trying to back away slowly. But when he takes a step back, fake pep steps forward. And again. Before Peppino tries to book it, and fake pep lunges after him, causing him to scream, and fake pep screams back, revealing himself as a warped goo monster, and the chase is on. And that’s as far as I’ve got with the au so far. Can let me know if you have any ideas to expand on the au with.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
helloo :D <3 hope you're having a super lovely day!!
the topic came up while talking with a friend so i thought it'd be fun to ask here too, how would you rate the om cast (i suppose from best to worst? however you want haha) in terms of reacting to you crying?
feel free to answer specifically in regards to yourself, since i know different people want different things (ie satan is great but while his logic and rational thinking may work for some people if he so much as tried to ask why i was crying i would probably start crying harder OOPS)
Hello there!! My day has been splendid and I hope you're having a lovely one as well!! (I really love your art style btw!)
Fun fact about me - I am a crier. Movies, weddings, sad commercials, beautiful melodies, you name it and it's likely made me cry at some point. I personally would just be like don't worry about it, I do this all the time, just give it a minute.
However I've also had bouts of crying that were brought on by stress. Like you're just overwhelmed or there's just too much to deal with or something genuinely awful happened. So assuming it's a situation like this and not just me crying about puppies, here is my rank, from best to worst!
Barbatos: This is definitely due to my bias and what I personally would want in such moments. I think Barbatos would be the kind of person who would simply sit with you. If you wanted him to hold you, he would. If you wanted him to listen to you talk about what's bothering you, he would. He would comfort you and probably make you tea and just be present. I have a lot of really strong and swirling emotions and it really helps just to be with someone who is calm.
Simeon: He also strikes me as the one to keep his cool, stay calm, and just hold you. I think he'd be a little bit more doting than Barb - like he might fuss over you a bit. I also see him being more cuddly, like his first reaction is to hold you close and keep you there. And then his second reaction is to cook something for you lol.
Solomon: This is another one that is likely just due to my bias. Because Solomon cares a lot about MC specifically and if they came crying to him, he would alternate between wanting to comfort them and wanting to do something to stop whatever is causing them to suffer. I think Solomon might get a little solution oriented at first, asking you questions about what's going on, possibly asking if he needs to fight someone or something - but if you tell him that you just need him right then, he'll listen.
Beelzebub: Another one who will be the calming presence in the face of chaotic emotions. He would likely try to feed you, too, but aside from that, I think Beel would just listen and be present.
Asmodeus: More empathic in reaction than the others, I think Asmo wouldn't just sit there and try to comfort you. I think he'd see you crying and then start crying himself. Now he's crying with you and there's something therapeutic about crying together.
Diavolo: Kinda like Solomon in that I think he'd initially be like okay what do I need to do to fix this. He's also solution oriented right of the bat, but will listen if you say you just want him to comfort you. Then he switches to his more sympathetic side and might even shed a few tears himself.
Lucifer: Lower on the list because this man is so emotionally repressed, I don't think he'd know what to do with a crying MC. His logic would be the thing that prevails, trying to find solutions, but also knowing to just comfort you if necessary. I think he'd try but his success rate might not be great lol.
Satan: Just like you said, I think Satan would be all about finding a way to fix things. My dad is like this. Any time anyone is upset, he tries to find the best solution. And in order to find the best solution, you gotta discuss the problem. And in order to discuss the problem, you gotta maybe stop crying if you can. Like okay you are not helping lol. And I don't know if Satan would be able to fully disengage from that need to fix things. Like I appreciate it and I would go to him when I was ready to talk about solutions and such, but a lot of times the solution is just to cry it out.
Belphegor: Belphie strikes me as the type who would be like okay let's take a nap or let's distract you and worry about this later. This puts him low on my personal list because I use sleep as a way to avoid things and that's never been good. It's been a real problem for me personally. I think if you were the kind of person who would find comfort in taking a break from the feelings for a bit, then it might work better for sure.
Mammon: Mammon is also low on my list for similar reasons. I think he would try to distract you. Let's watch a movie or let's go out or something along those lines. I also think he might just straight up panic if you showed up crying. He might start crying with you too but in a I don't know what to do about this kind of way.
Leviathan: I love Levi, I really do, but he is the lowest on my list because I don't think he would be calm at all. I think he would be extremely nervous, have no idea what to do, be overly worried about you. You could convince him to calm down and just hold you, but I know I wouldn't have the mental capacity to do that if I was in that state. He would also try to distract with anime and video games and that's all well and good but only after I've cried it out lol.
I didn't include the newbies because I feel like I don't know them well enough to put them in the rank. But currently I love the idea of Thirteen being soft and sweet, the calm one that will hold you. Mephisto might be alarmed at first, but then eventually realize you need comfort, too. Raphael I dunno he kinda seems like he might go the Satan route lol.
Anyway, that's just my personal ranking! It's definitely going to be different for everyone, as you said! In the end, I think they'd all do their best to help you.
Thank you for asking, this was fun to think about!
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basics-academy-yum · 9 months
Info dump about the students in high school. Do they go to the same one coincidentaly? Are they still in touch with the teachers?
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prepare for an unskippable cutscene <3
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SO SO SO SO SO!!!! Most of them do go to highschool together, considering they don't live to far from each other in the first place... And to answer your second question... yes. They are still in touch with the teachers. More than you might think :]
Playtime, Paisley, and Andrew (Baldi's son, for those unaware) honestly treat each other like cousins. Paisley's legal guardian is Micah, Playtime's stepdad is Prince... and Prince and Baldi are best friends, so those 3 are super close.
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Paisley Playtime Andrew Art Billy
I'll give you little bio of each of them :]
Paisley - 15 (she/her) Super overprotective of Playtime. Stays out late hanging out with Andrew. She's finally on medication for her OCD so she rarely ever has hallucinations anymore!! Yippee!! She's pretty mature actually, for a 15 year old.
Playtime - 15 (she/her) Gonna be so real, puberty hits this poor kid like a truck, some days it takes ever fiber of her being to not curl up in her bed and cry. She's super studious and loves laying in bed watching magical girl anime. She's very into soft harajuku styles as well (like yume kawaii and a bit of lolita and stuff <3). She does get relentlessly bullied, but luckily she's got some pretty cool friends that tend to beat people up a bit too much–
Andrew - 15 (he/him) In a bunch of AP and honors courses and is burnt the hell out!!! He's pretty depressed and constantly beating himself up... Paisley will help him escape all the work and ruminations and just be a teenager sometimes. It's pretty awesome :D
Art Audrey- 14 (she/her) She's a very reserved art student, but believe it or not she's been managing her anxiety pretty great! She's been dating Billy, and boy does that kid have some enemies for protecting the LADIES in his life. Speaking of which...
Billy - 14 (he/him) He's still got anger issues, but he's learned how to be a lot more true to his feelings. Any time he sees his girlfriend or his childhood friend, Playtime, getting bullied, boy does he let them have it. Anyway, him and Audrey love to make comics and stories together, they have a huge universe with the craziest plot– it's super nifty 👍
Now I know what you're probably not thinking, but I've gotta bring it up. Playtime's bestie, 1st Prize!!! They stay best friends of course but... gosh, there's really no good way to put it. Philip (that's 1st Prize btw) passes away when he's about... 17. Playtime visits him all the time, of course. Some days she'll sit by his grave for hours, doing homework or telling him how her week has been or plots to her favorite anime... she'll also visit his mom sometimes and just hang out with her :]
Another big thing you've probably noticed is AUDREY!!!!!! Yeah, she's trans, pretty cool B) Now, as for interacting with her in the current timeline of the blog (pre-transition), it's best to still just use Art and he/him, solely because at 8 years old he's like "damn being a girl would be so awesome, too bad that's impossible" (if anyone wants to throw little asks at him about said topic tho to help him figure things the freak out, i cant stop you 😳🤭)
Anyway those are the basics (no pun intended), but if you guys wanna know more i will GLADLY tell little stories with them (idk about drawing them but i can write them 🤭!!) also feel free to use this knowledge as you wish, you can ask questions to them as highschoolers or as elementary schoolers, you can bring things up to try to figure out how they get for point A to point B.... all sortsa fun stuff!!! go go!! :D!!!
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fangbangerghoul · 5 months
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Hello, my lovely mutuals and fanfic readers! I am happy to be here again to share some of one of my current fics for Snippet Sunday!
Tagging: @eridanidreams, @silurisanguine, @atonalginger, @staticpallour, @5oh5, @booburry, @bearlytolerant, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, and @therealgchu (I'll leave some off, so the others have people to tag! As usual there is no requirement to participate!)
This is going to be a snippet from Chapter 9 of Fleeting Pleasures. I know my writing has been taking a bit longer than it did in the beginning but with my classes and winter taking a toll, it's been difficult to stick to a good writing routine.
Feel free to check out my tag #The Coemancer Crew to check out some other lovely Starfield fics and art while you wait for the update! If you are interested in joining a Starfield community I do host a Sam Coe Discord Server. Everyone under my The Coemancer Crew tag is a community member!
Chapter 9: bad decisions snippet
Ghoul exited through the doors and away from the noise to see the mess from the night before still lingering about. There was dried blood all over the place, glass bottles, and out of the corner of her eye she saw a pack of cigarettes left on one of the small crates. She swiped it before anyone else came walking by and immediately used the lighter that was with the pack to light one. Ghoul felt a small rush of relief when the smoke entered her lungs and the nicotine bled into her system. As she blew out the smoke, she saw Jessamine kick a bottle on her way out of doors from The Last Nova. She huffed something and that was when she noticed Ghoul standing there smoking the cigarette. Her dusty pink hair and yellow eyes akin to Ghoul’s always caught her attention in the bar but they never spoke much. Jessamine strode over with confidence and held out her hand, her two fingers stretched out waiting. Ghoul looked her over with a quick glance and then smirked, handing her the cigarette without protest.  “I heard Delgado is finally off your back. You must have really pissed him off.” Jessamine sounded amused at the thought and her accent sounded straight out of a Celtic fairy tale she was forced to read before. Jessamine puffed on her cigarette watching her with keen eyes. Ghoul was unsure what the approach this woman was trying to take with her, but she thought she could play along, as a distraction.  “From what I have seen, that isn’t too hard to do. He can be a real dictator sometimes.” Ghoul said with a smile they both started to walk forward as they spoke, their step-in rhythm.  “You gotta be with all the people who join, considered.” She shrugged and the slight draw on some of the vowels she pronounced were fun to hear her say. They had no destination set but aimlessly walking around The Key. It was a change of pace of what Ghoul usually did and it helped keep her mind off of her empty stomach.   “All hail the king, hmm?” Ghoul rolled her eyes at the thought. Though she knew at this point it wasn’t like she was in a position to say much, not after what she just did for Delgado.  “I wouldn’t go that far.” Jessamine laughed and stopped them in the center of the front end of The Key. The docked spaceships were on the other side of the door ahead and it seemed they were going to come full circle if they continued anymore. “When is the next time you are going on a run? Care to hire someone?”  Ghoul knew she shouldn’t be too surprised. She had heard Jessamine’s pitch a few times while drinking in the bar, but she never thought about it herself. Jessamine was itching to get off The Key which was the exact opposite of Ghoul right now. Ghoul thought perhaps maybe she should be itching to get off this damn space station. She had been locked in here for months, now she was starving again, and for that time was supposedly undercover for a government ran authority she didn’t give a shit about until she blew her own cover. Ghoul took in a deep breath and sighed before answering the eager face standing before her.  “I have a ship and that’s it.” Ghoul said with warning and her arms crossed. Her body was stiff, and she leaned back a bit with one foot pointing at Jessamine and the other out to the ships. “I didn’t ask for the ship, but Delgado relinquished it to me anyway. I don’t have any credits, but I guarantee we'll have some soon.”   Jessamine now was the one sizing her up. Ghoul could see the hesitance in her body language, and she didn’t blame her. Ghoul probably wouldn't take up her own offer.
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Free art threads.
Made a couple of these in the past, and I'm actually considering just.. not doing them on this site anymore? I actually think I'd be better off doing free art for people on Toyhou.se instead.
Cue the rant.
So I'm sure some of y'all are familiar with the "Creative Corner" in the forums, yeah? You can share random art you've made, ask people how much they'd pay for your art, that sort of thing. Then, you got the free art threads. They can be titled things like "Drawing ur dragons :33" and "bored, draw humans. bye." and you'll also see the same couple users posting in those threads, but I'm not here to name-drop lol.
The ones who I have a problem with are the ones who don't read anything. Like, at all. You could spend thirty minutes crafting a decent looking thread, filled with information (but not TOO much, just enough to answer most people's questions) and highlight the "rules" part of your thread that has specific steps to follow for free art. Wanna know what the majority of the commentors on your thread are gonna do?
"[Insert dragon image] Pls draw :)" or "[Link to a page with over 60+ dragons] choose whatever one you want.]" and that's about it. There won't be any mention of any steps you wanted them to follow, (The steps are usually very simple, too. As in, let the artist know the bare minimum idea of what you want. I'm talking about expressions here. That's literally all they'd have to do to get some scrumptious free art.) and that feels kinda invalidating, y'know?
I'm not asking the commentors to describe a whole scene for me, I'm just asking them to give me ONE LITTLE IDEA (again, an expression or maybe if they want a bust) and I'll do the rest for them, free of charge. The art that they'd be getting isn't some random disaster of a sketch, nono, it's fully-colored and shaded. It also doesn't look like something that a 5 year old drew. (No shade to people who draw like that, I was stuck like that for years.) Bro, just do a MINIMAL amount of reading and I'll draw your dragon that has an absurd amount of apparel to tje point where it hurts my eyes.
..It doesn't just stop there, either. I've also seen these people never reply to artists who have given them an absolute masterpiece of a drawing, for free. Bro. You serious? I get that some people are inactive, which I'm not bothered by. But the ones who aren't? ...Ehh, I just think you could at least thank the artist before returning to the void with your free art.
The moral of the story is; Do the bare minimum and read what matters in a post, and thank the artists who draw your dragons for free. Especially the ones who could've easily charged you 1kg+ for the work they've done.
If you're socially awkward, then cool. I get that. If you can't afford to pay artists with fictional pixel money, then go ahead and visit the free art threads. I'm not trying to gate-keep them, I literally make these threads. I just don't enjoy having people put zero effort in their requests and then never acknowledge the fact that I drew their dragon for them. Just my thoughts, everyone views things differently and that's okay!
Btw, I mentioned Toyhou.se because I've posted on both before, and while there are SOME similarities in the users' behavior, there's also some notable differences, too.
Common flight rising free art thread comment: [doesnt read text and adds dragon image] thanks if you draw.
Common Toyhou.se free art thread comment: [links a character, goes into a VERY in-depth explanation about how said character acts, very passionate too. Usually reads rules, too.] Thanks if you draw. (gotta stay consistent lol)
Obviously there are some differences in the sites which affect how the users act, I get that. One's a literal dragon collecting game and the other one's focused on writing and drawing characters, it's expected that one would read more than the other.
...But again, free art. Not paid, but free. Someone takes time out of their day to draw your dragon. Just give them a simple "thanks" and go on your merry way. That's all you gotta do. Lets them know their effort was appreciated, and shows that you're a nice person. Win-win.
Please man, just read. Did I mention that these threads usually have a maximum of 100 words? I don't usually type this much. But damn, this just irritated me so much.
Well, that's the end of this rant. Like I said, a few people are obviously going to disagree with some/maybe everything I've said, and that's life. This was a disorganized rant, and that's all it's going to be.
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sad-leon · 10 months
Hello! I hope you're having a good day!
So many people in my life seem to be going through something right now, and I just wanted to give you an opportunity to share anything you might be going through. Good or bad, as specific or as vague as you're comfortable with. Or feel free to ignore if you'd rather not. No pressure at all!
I hope things are going well for you! But if not, I'll be sending prayers your way if you're comfortable with that!
I am... not.
and i haven't for a long time
I'll preface this entire post with a warning: THIS IS A VENT POST the only tags will be trigger warnings
I thinks i've said it once or twice, but I started school this year. This is my first year in college after taking a gap year and also telling everyon i wasnt gonna go. I know jack shit about what im doing and its fucking exhausting. Theres so many things that i feel like I should know but dont because all the college information given out in my highschool was geared toward the college in that town specifically, which is not the college im going to.
I've also moved. im entirely on my own, physically and financially. I just met with my job and am starting very soon which is not good because my sleep schedule is all wrong. I may be switching jobs soon, but i can't just quit becuase, like i said, im on my own.
and those are only the big two. lets speedrun this. my anxiety, my autism, i need new glasses, my feet hurt more than i think they should, im a system, my eating disorder, my aversions that make it hard to drink the water up here, the burnout, the exhaustion, executive dysfunction, i also likely have adhd which mean rsd. im touch starved and touch adverse
those are just what i can think of off the top of my head
but all of this had been leading to what might be a pretty nasty breakdown and soon.
im so fucking tired all the time and that makes it hard to draw, but thats one of my only ways to relax. i like playing mc, but i get bored easily and also i cant sit at my desk for long becuase it feels like my head is too heavy for my neck. it hurts. everything hurts and my job doesnt help me at fucking all.
i was able to draw tsob while dealing with most of my issues becuase all i had to worry about was work. looking at my current schedule, i can find the free time. the issue is using that freetime to draw and not just sleep or dissociate. finding home is very dear to me, but drawing it the way i am can be exhausting and i dont want to start hating it, so i just.. dont draw it most days
i stress constantly about how i appear on my blog becuase i want so badly to do this right. i want to be good at something, like, as a person, not just as an artist. but i hate myself too much to believe in any progress i make.
i know its the rsd mostly but i see groups and i feel gross. its not as bed now (any of you beans that have made it this far, ily /p) becuase i found a community i can actually interact with, but it still comes up, especially because i've moved away from all my irl friends and its so fucking hard for me to make them in the first place. like.. actual friends, not just people i can work with at school
if i keep going i'll probably talk myself in circles, so ill stop it here. theres a lot more but im not going to ramble about my suicidal, intrusive, or sh thoughts on this blog. this is a post to inform you guys of the state of mind im in. im lonely and sad and its all building up to a massive breakdown.
im not going to be leaving tumblr or giving up on my comic, but i probalby wont update as often as i did tsob. i just dont have the energy.
i also will probably post some of my traditional art cuz i gotta fill up a sketchbook for my animation class, so that also takes away from the time i use to draw digitally.
im so tired
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death-in-a-handbasket · 4 months
I joined this account today because I’m sick with no content related to my fucking hyperfixation on my beloved Yukito, so hello! ( And maybe sorry for my bad english ). Thank you for being there for Gaiden fans. I would love to share my headcannons here...
For starters, I would like to say that AYATSUJI IS GOTHIC AND ANARCHIST, because honestly, isn’t growing up being exploited by the government since childhood that your pain will be misinterpreted as just an “arrogant personality.”
And I also love to see him as someone who values ​​art. In addition to having dolls in his basement, there are also paintings that strangely seem to scream through his wounds, a reflection of what is familiarly brutal about this delicate-looking man.
The type of music he listens to ( he rarely listens to music due to sensory overload issues ) has no lyrics OR he oscillates between 3 songs from the album Lullabies to Paralyze by QOTSA ( ‘In My Head’, ‘The Blood Is Love’ and ‘You Got A Killer Scene There, Man...’ ).
His favorite type of literature is Dark Romanticism. I swear, it is no wonder that he collects semi-mythical dolls ( in a sense of to admire and preservation ), when this type of literature reflects the grotesqueness of these creatures and the austurity of human malice.
AHHH hello dearie !! welcome to yukito nerd central aka we hyperfixated on a character that the fandom does not know or give a fuck about 😔‼️ but hey we’re getting an English translation of the light novel so I’m SUPER excited (also no worries about bad english you sound just fine honey :] !!)
I need more fanfics and fanart of this man. gaiden community (referring to the same four people) save me gaiden community save me 🙏
first of all I LOVE the idea that this man is anarchist, like I feel he understands why the government is there and why it needs to do what it does but that doesn’t stop him having an abject dislike for the very organization that basically keeps him on death row and only has him alive because he’s useful, idk man you’re right that’s gotta brew contempt fr, also I like thinking about how he’s gotta specifically hate the police force too because he could practically do the work of an entire unit of officers, I don’t doubt that the police who know about him probably slack off because they know he’ll take up the slack 💀 I mean he has to or he’ll die
ALSO ART LIKER YUKITO. TRUTH. there’s no way a man with such adoration for dolls doesn’t appreciate and pay the artists who make them extremely well, I bet sculptors in his area love him because he’s an excellent patron, also he no doubt vents through the dolls and artwork he makes, all that internal anger and suffering has GOT to go somewhere
as for music, I always imagined he’d like stuff made between the 1910s and 1960s, Otis Redding is always a man that comes to mind when I think of music for him, also you have to know he’s listening to that shit on records, bro does not have Spotify ‼️
ALSO YES DARK ROMANTICISM 🙏 if him and Poe start a book club it’s over for everyone, they are reading about horror and the grotesque every day of the week and discussing it in depth 100%, these are antisocial men of course they’re reading about the terribleness of humanity <3
thank you for visiting my inbox hun !! feel free to send asks anytime, he is truly the husband of all time 🫶
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here is ms paint yukito I made during lecture as a treat :]
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Just a bunch of classic Cartoon Network quotes because those shows were my life
Lila: Care to give a free sample to a pretty lady?
Cosette: Sure. Do you know one?
Lila: … Care to give a free sample to an ugly lady?
Cosette: No, ugly ladies have to pay.
Max: Try thinking of something dry!
Adrien: Like Ivan’s sense of humor?
Max: No, that’s too dry.
Nino: Guys! I found this in Adrien locker! *holds up a letter*
Alya: Let me see that! *reads the letter* “Leave your team behind or we'll put your behind in the school yearbook?"
Kim: What does that mean?
Alya: I have no ide- *takes out a very interesting photo and appears shocked when they look at it* Oh... oh, oh no...! Is that Adrien’s heiny?!
Ivan: *looks at the picture* Wow. That is one big butt.
Alix: Let me see! *takes the picture away and looks* Whoa. Ohohoho! Wow! Wohohohoooo... wow!
Rose: *laughs* Where'd they get a camera big enough to capture all that tushie?!
Alya: C’mon, guys! This isn’t funny! We have to do something!
Nathaniel: Yeah, guys! We’ve gotta get to the bottom of this!
Akuma Class: *Laughing*
Alya: Now, come on, guys!
Alix: That is not going to fit in the yearbook!
Nino: Unless they put a big section in the rear!
*everyone except Alya laughs*
Alya: Okay, now come on, guys!
Kim: Well, if I were Adrien… I would just turn the other cheek!
Akuma Class: *Laughing*
Alya: *desperately trying not to laugh, but then gave in* HAHAHAHAHA!
The Science Kids From the First Floor: Finally! The Kids Nextdoor Super Top Secret Files!
*Once Marc opens the box, they hear ticking*
The Science Kids From the First Floor: … Jean! You’re an idiot!
Max: Oh! It is on now, girlfriend! *Grabs an apple and attempts to throw it at Aurore, but fails*
Aurore: Ha! You throw like Marinette!
Marinette: That is not true! I throw much better than he does! *Throws an apple, this time knocking Aurore’s parasol out of her hand*
Nathaniel: *Listening to Louis’ screams from outside the art classroom with Marc* Yes! Any second now, he’ll say it! He’ll say I’m the better artist!
*It suddenly goes quiet*
Nathaniel/Marc: …
Nathaniel: Any!… Second!… Now…
Marc: Louis?
Nathaniel: … What have I done?… *Takes Marc’s hand* Marc, sweetie pie, remember him fondly, for he was a good person, keep him in your heart like a candle keeps its flame, lalala.
Adrien: We’re locked out?!
Simon: Yeah! Our dumb principal screwed up the code!
Mme. Mendeleieve: *Gasps* Rose knows the code!
Ismael: I thought you were baaaad! You ain’t bad! You ain’t nuttin!
Mme. Mendeleieve: We’ll see about that! You’re going down, old man!
M. Monlataing: NO! You’re going down, OLDER woman!
Denise: Mme. Mendeleieve, why is Mme. Bustier’s class so weird?
Marc: *Belches* And gross, too!
Rose: Ooh! I see! This is a game where we make stuff up! Then I see a big green elephant! Named Herbert McHoover! He plays the drums and listens to freedom rock!
Luka: Professional friend, imaginary! I love everyone!… Except Mari.
Marinette: *Tearing up*
Luka: You know what you did!
Nathaniel: *Hitting Emani with a stick* I’ll jab you good, you filthy bug!
Emani: Why can’t you love me, Doll?! I’ll be anything you want me to be!
Austin T: This test might stop me from fulfilling my lifelong dream of growing up to be a smart and successful businesswoman.
Adrien: What about your fear of professional figure skaters?
Juleka: That’s not a fear! I just don’t trust the way they spin is all.
Austin A: Just think, TeeTee. You, me, all the control, all the power, ALL THE FREE CHICKEN!
Max: At the rate this Akuma is getting people areested, I predict this prison cell will be full in… Four hours!
*Two hours later, the Akuma Class plus Marc are all in the prison cell*
Max: Damn, he’s working fast!
Marc: I’m not even in this class!
Alix: You think you’ve won? *Lila nods* You think you’ve humiliated me, broken me, driven me crazy? When every waking moment, I’ve had to deal with-
*Quick montage of every Adrinette plan*
Alix: Compared to that, you’re just an insignificant zit on the butt of the world’s smallest amoeba. You have no power over me.
Lila: … *Walks away*
Nathaniel: *Painfully smiles*
Akuma Class: …
Marc: …
M. Monlataing: *Biting his nails*
Sabrina: You ever get the feeling something really bad is about to happen?
*Cue blindingly white explosion*
Everyone: *Screaming*
M. Monlataing: *Crying* SO BEAUTIFUL!
Mme. Bustier: What have we done?!
Marc: You fools! You’ve messed with the natural order!
Luka: Reality is falling apart!
Adrien: What’s gonna happen to us?!
Luka: I don’t know! *Hugs Adrien* But I’m gonna hold you tight and never let go!
Adrien: I love you, Luka!
Marinette: What about me?!
Luka: Uh… You’ll be fine.
Andre: Let’s get this started. Do you, Jean, take Austin to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Jean: I do!
Andre: And do you, Austin, take Jean- *A guard whispers to him* Not a wedding? Oh well. You’re the judge. *The guard whispers to him again* What do you mean I’m the judge?
Lacey: You’re boring! This is boring! Your life is boring! And this episode is boring!
Ivan: How would you rate Jagged Stone as a caregiver?
Luka: Uh, pretty good, I guess.
Juleka: … Except that he’s never remembered our birthday.
Luka: Or paid child support. In fact, he usually just plays loud guitar music in our ears.
Max: There’s something familiar about that Dora girl, I can’t put my finger on it... Let’s see... Dora... Lunch Box... And there’s that kid who goes around sprinkling pixie dust everywhere... What’s his name? Peter something... Oh yeah! Pan!... Wait, Pan. Dora. Box. Pan, Dora, Box! I just realized something horrible!... I’m about to miss my favorite show!
Kim: Oh! You mean that show about the little girl who wanders around the jungle without any adult supervision, adverting crises, conversing with wild animals with the aid of her foreign language speaking monkey?
Max: That’s the one!
Mme. Mendeleieve: Our battleships will dock at the north bay as our infantry gains ground on foot, making way for our tanks to plow through enemy lines! Thus, crushing Caline’s forces and resulting in a glorious victory for our class!
Reshma: Pardon, but we have no battleships, infantry, or-
Mme. Mendeleieve: Just keep throwing more food.
Simon: *Voiceover* Day three. War continues to rage on. The will of my men is slowly being broken.
Mireille: Hey, can we go home? I’m getting tired.
Simon: Less talk, more throwing!
Mireille: Fine. *Throws macarons at the Akuma class*
Simon: We have sustained many casualties on our side. Innocent lives have also been taken.
*Austin A gets hit with an apple*
Austin A: Ouch! I’m dying! I’m too young and beautiful to die! I’m dying!
Simon: It’s been months-
Austin A: Did I mention I’m dying?!
Simon: It’s been-
Austin A: Ooh! The pain! DYING! DYING! WHY NOW?! I had so much to almost live for!
Simon: … It’s been months since I’ve seen my loving spouse and kids.
Denise: What are you talking about? We don’t have any kids. And we’re not married.
Simon: I hate when they read my thoughts.
Denise: Then quit thinking so loud. *Leaves*
Simon: Why couldn’t they have gotten hit with a croissant?
Simon: You and that girlfriend of yours are great enough separately, but together... you're insufferable.
Cosette: Insufferable? I don't even know what that means. And hey, Zoé not my girlfriend! She's just a FRIEND, who happens to be a GIRL, just like I happen to be a DEMIGIRLFLUX, and you happen to be a DEMIBOY. It's the differences that make our planet so rich, diverse, and wonderful. *Rainbows appear in the background*
Alix: *Answers her phone* Hello?
Rose: *Whispering* Ultimate power.
Nathaniel: Yes, my boyfriend is actually a human-spider hybrid. Nobody can tell you who to fall in love with, but we've managed to make it work all these years. Leaving a whole lot of questions that don't need to be answered.
Ismael: Eh, works for me.
Jean: Me too.
Reshma: Ditto.
Cosette: ...But how did you and Marc-
Nathaniel: Leaving a whole lot of questions that don't need to be answered.
Chloé: My mom's ancient and grappling with the onsets of menopause.
Alya: Yo' momma's so ugly that people go as her for Halloween!
Students: Oooooohhhhhh!
Austin B: Yo' momma's so stupid, she sold her car for gas money!
Students: Oooooohhhhhh!
Alya: Yo' momma's so ugly, she made an onion cry!
Students: *Laughing*
Austin B: Yo' momma's so ugly, she turned Medusa to stone!
Students: Oooooohhhhhh!
Alya: Yo' momma's so stupid, she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept!
Students: Oooooohhhhhh!
Austin B: Y-yo’-
Alya: Yo' momma's so stupid, she cheated off Chloé test!
Chloé/Students: *Laughing*
Austin B: Yeah, well! Uh-
Alya: Yo' momma's so ugly, she looked out the window and got arrested for mooning!
Students: Oooooohhhhhh!
Austin B: Uh, uh, uh, Yo' momma.
Alya: Now let me tell ya somethin! Yo' momma… Is so ugly... I tell ya she's so ugly, she needs two bags to cover her face!
Alix: Love makes people do all sorts of stupid things.
Rose: I love everything!
Ismael: That explains a lot.
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dragon-business · 8 months
Kiryu and queer customs + Nishida’s touch
Oh, Kiryu learning about queer culture. Code phrases, secret language like in spy movies are all cool of course. But also have the context of the invisible wall, and hiding in plane site, and loneliness and fear. Kiryu knows a thing or two about all this already.
But there’s also the camp, the bars, and safe-spaces, and the relief of having someplace you can just relax and be. And also there’s anger of outlining yourself on purpose, just by not conforming to expectations.
Kink is welcomed at pride and in Majima Constuction ✊ Not cops, tho. Unless they are officer Majima 👉👉
(Nishida struggles 101: is it appropriate to cite your boss's fashion as an example of camp for Kiryu?) (Majima is high camp, expensive af, bright, leather, shoes too cool for this world)
– Kiryu, looking at straight porn: *cringe, disgust, looking away* Kiryu, watching naked men engage in the passionate manly bathhouse battle: *smiling, leaning in, tilting the head*
I feels like after discovering queer scene Kiryu’s tolerance for heterosexual stuff dropped. Can’t even sit through porn with a straight face 👉👉👉
Like, why even care, when martial arts movies exist. No more obligatory blank face sit through girl on balloon action :’D
Discovering he doesn’t have to do it (or enjoy it) was probably a relief, too. Unspoken rules of this world are weird and complex, but sometimes it works out.
(Remember how Kiryu immediately ranted to Rina about how boring the typical routine talks with cabare girls are? How tiresome it is to keep playing this game?) (And after that Kiryu told Goromi, that he doesn’t need to pretend with her, and it’s very freeing)
– In Kiryu’s brain, complimenting Goromi is how it’s Supposed to Be, you say nice things to ladies. But he’s still trying to understand what the rules are around mlm stuff. Gotta approach it right.
After many struggles and frustrations, Kiryu might ask Nishida for advice. His help is very needed. Someone gotta tell Kiryu that giving compliments is alright, and gender should not stop him.
Kiryu “gender is not important” Kazuma should get a moment of enlightenment there. Since childhood he has learned to compliment only the ladies. He made Nishiki and some other boys really uncomfortable a couple of times when growing up, and got told that boys don’t really say nice things to each other like that (it makes them feel vulnerable and defensive).
But still… Even if he and Nishiki would always talk all brotherly, and “hi, assface” eachother, Kiryu will always tell other people that Nishiki has the best taste in everything, great hair, and amazing karaoke voice. Because all of this is not compliments… it’s objective reality.
Kiryu himself doesn't really react when hostesses give him fake compliments, but gets super lost when approached on the street, or when girls poke at some unexpected topic. Like when Rina said he would be popular among men. 
Kiryu is an orphan with social issues, he would’ve loved to hear something nice, even if he doesn’t think he does. But he did tell Rina that he would like to be wooed and praised for once, not the one doing it.
Meanwhile, Majima suddenly got self-conscious about sending Kiryu a gift after Kiwami. Even if he did so much to surprise Kiryu, to train him, to get him to smile as well (it was an unexpected bonus at first, wasn’t really planned, but after the first one Majima started to chase those smiles like the fights)
Majima, holding a cue as a weapon: I came to challenge you! Translation: Kiryu seems to like spending time playing games. Also he smiles more when he is relaxed. Not gonna say anything about the fights then, we’re just gonna play some pool. We’re being chill. This can also be a lesson, right? Probably.
Meanwhile, a year later Kiry is watching construction boys flirt at the bars, and some mlm couples being all gooey: ……??? >C *is a bit sad now* 
He missed so much, apparently. A whole world of things. And Majima is in his denial arc now. Hitting on those “unwanted” feelings hard.
Is there some segway to be so at ease with yourself, to be openly affectionate? Is there a milestone he needs to pass? Kiryu can’t discern it >c It seems to just happen for everyone, and it’s upsetting.
And here Nishida’s help will be needed. Coming to Kiryu smoking outside the bar with a big sad frown on his face.
– If Kiryu voices his frustrations, Nishida can explain that yes, society places a lot of weird expectations on people that couldn't possibly fit everyone. And everyone has to follow them even if it's uncomfortable and even if it hurts, just to be accepted, not shut off.
Sometimes to be true to yourself in this world means being alone, and shunned. So it's alright if not everyone can go for it, this is a heavy life to handle. But that's also why people who don't fit in the "rule and form", they need to stick together. Even delinquents form gangs. And queer people have their communities, and tight friend groups. And they make the world where the things that are taboo or different are safe to exist. That's our lot in life – sometimes, to be ourselves (to do just that!), we have to decide to do it. Have to make the world where we can do it, bit by bit. It can be a bar, or a street, or a family, or just another person you are willing to trust.
Because people aren't made for being alone, Nishida thinks. And they can't live with all of themselves locked away forever.
It's a scary path to take, but it's beautiful, too. Seeing the world from a new angle, seeing the new ways you can live and love, seeing beauty where others don't – it makes the world more beautiful, doesn't it?
So yeah, men can compliment other men, just because they want to. It's as simple as that, and also is not – not for everyone. Some rando in the street can still punch you. But also someone out there probably wants to hear these words, because he's also backed up into a corner by what he's supposed to be in this world.
So you can make a new one, safe and accepting world between each other, Nishida says. That's beautiful too.
Nishida's touch needs to be applied to and absorbed by the best of us. Kiryu was telling Rina to be herself, but it came to be a little bit harder to do in practice. Kiryu for sure will come to admire her bravery. Sure, it's more acceptable for women to be affectionate with each other than it is for men. Raises less eyebrows off the bat. But still, she just goes for it. And it's inspiring, in a way.
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circesoracle · 2 months
6 (or 8. I find 6 intriguing but I want a spoiler however you're most comfortable) 14, 17 (😄), 18, 25, 29, 32, 44, 58, 66 for eternity's embrace, 79
Just a couple of questions for the fanfiction writing asks. I promise I tried not to ask too many but I couldn't help it ^-^
6/8. What’s the last line you wrote?/Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
These are functionally the same thing right now, so:
How like a saint she stood, back to the glass mural of the Martyr Sabrine, wings spread in holy dignity which did appear to sprout from the shoulders of the asari princess. From on high was the light brought down to shine upon her alone. So like an angel painted upon the sky did she stand, resplendent in the rainbow streaks of sun caught in the stained glass of the cathedral windows. Cast across her scales in prismatic patterns she was as otherworldly - as ethereal - as any who in Heaven’s Halls did walk.
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
Scrunched up in bed or sprawled out, I struggle to focus if I'm sitting up or at a table I have to be able to lounge. Gotta have my legs bent funny or I simply can't write.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
A little bit, but I find it easy to get overwhelmed by things. None of my fics have really required *research* more just double checking things.
My novel however requires massive amounts of research even if almost none of it pays off. I am a genius who decided to write a book about street racing and cars when I myself can not drive and know nothing about cars. I spent a week doing so much research about cars just so I could make up fake sci-fi parts and manufacturers. I wanted to get stuff right even though it's all sci-fi and made up, yknow?
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Writing for sure! Outlining is a pain, I do worldbuilding mostly as it's needed off a rough outline, and I never edit. If it's a one-shot there's no planning at all. So even though I take damage whenever I write it's still the most enjoyable part of the process because a lot of the time it's the only part of the process for me. Where's that defunctland tweet about the only thing worse than doing [creative pursuit] is not doing it. That's how I feel about writing a lot of the time.
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
Including this one is an act of psychological warfare.
I am proud that I do it. I'm proud that despite how much doubt and loathing I feel about my writing I still do it. Even though I think I could sit here for hours trying to pick something, trying to lie and pick out something other people tell me I'm good at but I don't believe, I still write, and I still want to write. I can't say I'm good at it, or that I think I do anything particularly well, but I write, and I'm proud that I do. I might never be in a place were I like my writing or can pick something I'm good at. I'll also never be in a place where I stop writing for good.
32. Do you take fic requests?  Why or why not?
Nebulously, yes! I ask for requests and simply never get a response from people, so I stopped saying I take requests uhh about a year ago. There just isn't enough interest I guess. I wish I was someone who could take writing commissions but even for free people don't want it 😅
44. What is your favorite genre to write?
Fantasy, easy. My writing works best for fantasy I find, something I didn't give much thought until I was writing a sci-fi novel and realised how strange my prose are in that context. I don't even particularly like fantasy, on balance I like sci-fantasy, and in media I prefer sci-fi, but fantasy has always just been where my writing goes, and what my prose seem to match.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
Any of the scenes in The Reconciliation of Oberon and Titania that allude to the specific art pieces. The Great Wave Off Kanagawa and The Birth of Venus sections in particular, which I'll include here for the sake of the question.
The Great Wave Off Kanagawa
In blue silks she splayed upon the floor of her own gallery. White-capped waves upon the crashing seas of bunched silk was her flesh, and her body pulled upwards, upwards, yearning, needing, craving the touch of her sickening unseen moon. With sexual need and the heat of a churning sea, she tipped the boat of Marika’s hand, pushing and pulling her with the force of a storm beyond tides and nightly whims. She screamed with a siren pitch. She moaned with muffled pleasure, head under her own waves as she was conjured tempest-like into howling climax. The great wave crashed and with it came her hips upon the silks and her cry of pleasure into the cream night.
The Birth of Venus
Like Venus exalted in newborn ecstasy upon her scalloped bed, Marika arched for her and laid her naked body before her in the wanting of a child. She cried out like she was experiencing the pleasure of touch upon her body for the first time, new virginity pried from between her pearl-dropped salt-slicked thighs, split open upon her birth. An opening of her own shell, a spreading of her downy dove wings, the blooming of her tear-stained red rose, before she would be spoilt and numbed to pleasure through her own lust for it ever onward.
66. What’s a fun fact about Eternity's Embrace?
Besides the two earlier versions of it I've talked about before and the working title it had when I was drafting it, the version of Eternity's Embrace that got posted started life as a hybrid Breath of the Wild AU for Liara x Femshep that got heavily reworked. Tali took the place of Urbosa hence her remaining a close ally of Liara's in Eternity's Embrace despite there maybe not being a huuuge amount of justification for that in canon (they are best friends in my imagination)
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
I suck so bad at writing advice! I just write and that's the honest truth, I have no tips, I have no advice, except don't listen to anyone purple your prose if that's how you want to write please I'm begging you. And read more, and not just fic. Read books, and read lots of them, and make sure they're varied! But that's really it, read more and write exactly how you want, if someone says no write more like this. kill them.
tysm bestie <3
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lizkreates · 2 months
Tag nine people you’d like to know better!
I'll bite! Thanks for the tag @deludedfantasy! Last song: Too Sweet - Hozier
Favorite color: Purple! Gives me warm and calming vibes~
Currently watching: A lot... :'D Just wrapped up INVINCIBLE S2 and Resident Alien S3 and started Frieren. Before that I blasted through the Devil May Cry anime and most of Gungrave for background noise. The DMC anime was SO disappointing. T_T
Sweet/savory/spicy: If you put brownies vs cornbread in front of me I'm going to chose cornbread. Donut vs bagel? Bagel. So savory! I used to have a sweet-tooth, but my interest has waned over time. I will put a gob of honey in my tea though!
Relationship status: I'll be cryptic about this, I'm like an asteroid in space.
Current obsession: Trigun has had me in a vice grip since early last year. I decided to read TriMax before watching Stampede and I have not known peace since. lol I watched Trigun 98 when it originally aired on [as] and everything reawakened. (Blue Eye Samurai has low-key been simmering in the background too. The character writing, the art, the setting!!! SO GOOD.)
Last thing you googled: "Do sparrows attack humans?" I may have recently removed a sparrow nest before they got busy with laying eggs. Let's say it was unsanitary. Part of me remembered that crows have good memories and my brain went "better check if sparrows do the same." The answer is thankfully no! They do not. If it happens, it's extreme rare, it usually when they have hatchlings.
The one before that, which probably landed me on a list, went something like "how far can a .45 penetrate wood?" IT'S FOR A FANDOM SCRIPT I SWEAR. The answer is 4-12" btw, so wood tables as defense are useless, gotta be metal or a thick slab of concrete to stop it.
No pressure tags: If you see this, feel free to copy and do the thing!
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puppyluver256 · 10 months
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[Image Description: Juan, the Gym Leader of Sootopolis City in Pokemon Emerald specifically, with his Crawdaunt. He is standing confidently with one hand on his hip, his other hand holding a red and white Pokeball, His Crawdaunt is standing behind him, looking quite intimidating with its large claws held out. The background is Sootopolis Gym as seen in Pokemon Emerald. End ID.]
“Let me ask you. Did you know? Ah, I should not be so coy. It was I who taught Wallace everything there is to know about Pokémon. Once, I had given up my position as the Gym Leader. In my place, I had entrusted Wallace with the Gym. However, a compelling reason arose for me to make a comeback. Ah, but enough chatter. Let us begin our match, shall we? Please, you shall bear witness to our artistry. A grand illusion of water sculpted by Pokémon and myself!”
Huh. What's this guy doing here? I thought this art series was focused on the ORAS designs! ... Yeah well, funny story. I know I've been saying up to this point that I was a Sapphire player as a kid, but that's...not entirely true. Sapphire may have been my entry point into Hoenn, but when Emerald came out, I absolutely played it more than both Ruby and Sapphire. I always preferred the third version of the set (at least, until they decided to stop making them for any number of reasons, either wanting to make direct sequels or AU updates and now DLC), so I poured my heart into Emerald. As a result, while I'm not really planning to do the characters exclusive to the battle facilities for any of these so I'm not doing Battle Frontier (sorry!), I couldn't just leave that game's exclusive Gym Leader behind, and when I asked via a Twitter poll...roughly a year ago now probably, the people seemed to agree with me. So here's Juan to remind us of the GBA days! And while I do love the ORAS redesigns, I gotta say that most of the original RSE designs hold up pretty well too, and Juan not getting a remake design iirc means he can stand as a testament to that :3
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are preferred as they let more people see my artwork! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Juan, Crawdaunt, and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo / GameFreak Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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melit0n · 5 months
Part one -> Title and meaning
Part two -> You're already here!
Part three -> Line by line analysis part two
Part four -> Musical/intrumental notes
Part five -> The Night in Sleep Token
Part six -> Conclusion
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“Just run it back, give me five whole minutes” → The song itself is five minutes and 13 seconds long, but Vessel only starts singing these lyrics at the 13-second mark. As the listener, you give him five whole minutes to say what he’s gotta say, but he still asks for more time. I see it as a representation of humanity. A set lifetime to do and say so many things, to change in so many ways, but it never seems to be enough.
A realisation, a revelation almost, develops across this song; change is inevitable, and that’s okay, and that having a set lifetime, having five whole minutes, is entirely what makes people human. What makes humanity.
“Thick tar on the inside burning” → This is a vivid description that can symbolise depression. Tar is a very viscous liquid that causes physical damage (rashes, headaches etc.) by merely touching it, plus, it’s very easy to get stuck in it; to let yourself be consumed by it, like depression. It’s used in literature as a metaphor to represent the feeling of being weighed down or emotionally trapped, afterall.
It could also be in reference to the visualisers for the whole album, which ends in a black liquid pouring out of the album art creatures.
“I’ve got a ghost in the hallway grinning” → This is both a callback to ‘The Apparition’, and a symbol for the past. Ghosts are relics of the past; haunting places and people they can’t let go of because they don’t know how, which means the Ghost in the hallway grinning can either be about Sleep, the people in Vessel’s past, or about Vessel himself.
Grinning is typically associated with joy, however, in this context, it adds a much more ominous feeling to the line. It implies that The Ghost is mocking Vessel with his past, finding amusement in his suffering at recalling what he wants to leave behind.
“And a heavy head that won't stop turning” → This describes how Vessel is burdened by his past that just won't leave him alone. He’s constantly kept awake by memories that taunt him, keeping him in a state of emotional turbulence.
“If my fate is a bad collision” → Callback to Granite and its foreboding theme of car crashes. ‘Bad collision’ suggests a sense of inevitability and a negative outcome. An argument in a car that goes a little bit too far and ends badly. However, what’s interesting is the comparison of fate with collisions; it illustrates the feeling of Vessel being caught up in circumstances beyond his control. His past, present and future are controlled (by Sleep) and he can do absolutely nothing about it.
“And if my mind is an open highway” → This line flows perfectly with the previous lyric. In contrast to the presented idea of fate as a collision, this line portrays Vessel’s mind as a vast, open space symbolised by a highway. Highways are typically associated with freedom, movement, and endless possibilities, but, matched with the previous line, the freedom becomes terrifying because of the way Vessel has spent his known life following fate. It becomes predestination versus free will. Divinity versus humanity. Lore-wise, it creates a perfect representation of Vessel as a vessel; a human holding a God inside his body and having to deal with it.
“Give me the twilight two-way vision” → Yet again, lyrically, duality is brought back. Twilight is the transition zone between day and night and it symbolizes mystery and threshold between opposing states. The choice of twilight over sunset or dawn, for example, suggests a desire for a moment of transition, change, as opposed to the stark clarity of daylight or the complete darkness of night. Vessel does not want the past, daylight, but he does not want his present either (night).
Further, The term ‘two-way vision’ introduces the idea of seeing life from two different perspectives, which could be about Vessel’s past and present self, Vessel and his partner, or Vessel and Sleep. The concept of this dual vision implies the recognition of the coexistence of opposites. It could also be in reference to Higher’s “‘Cause I look for scarlet and you look for ultraviolet”.
“Give me one last ride on a sunset sky lane” → The phrase ‘one last ride’ implies a sense of finality or a farewell, which links to the theory that Euclid is a eulogy above all things. Vessel is asking for one last good thing before he leaves– changes– for good. A change between day and night is yet again brought up here; sunsets bring the night, which “comes down like Heaven”; it’s the last few minutes of time Vessel has to himself before he has to devote the Holy hours of the night to Sleep. The end of the day is a time often associated with reflection, and contemplation and is one of the transitions from day to night, which is also right before twilight.
“Call me when you get the chance” → Can either interpreted as a message from Vessel to his partner, to Sleep or vice versa. The echo-y effect placed on the lyric makes it feel almost like a voicemail as well.
“I can feel the walls around me closing in” → With this lyric, the previous line can now be interpreted as a plea for help. A ‘Please help me, but only if I’m not an inconvenience. I know we are not what we were, but I need your comfort again’.
Further, walls built up around people are typically used as symbolism for boundaries; metaphorical walls put up around a person to stop them from getting hurt. Vessels’ walls are collapsing in on him because he’s changing and learning how to trust again (which is good), but it scares him enough for him to try and go back to the past. Go back to the ghost in the hallway grinning. Overall, it creates a very claustrophobic and visceral image.
“Just running forwards, a life like wires” → Wires, robots and algorithms are referenced a multitude of times throughout the whole album, which this lyric carries on. Despite it all, the vessel is running through the complicated mess of wires that is life. To quote Genius; ‘the path taken has been inevitable. The wires will continue to carry the circuit forward, and instances of life are inevitable, similar to how some view life as being ‘written in the stars’’. Which means, again, fate and predestination are being referenced.
“As I see the past on an empty ceiling” → Vessel’s memories continue to haunt him, no matter how far he runs from them. However, Vessel is still running despite it all. He’s accepting the limited amount of time he has as well as that whatever has happened is in the past now.
Plus, an empty ceiling quite literally suggests moving out and moving on; the bare ceiling which doesn’t have all the familiar stains on it reflects what once was like a mirror for him.
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