#i guess it's not like the worst thing it just sorta caught me off guard lmao
ms-cartoon · 8 months
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Warning: This post will contain mentions of assault or anything along the lines of it. You get the idea.
My review for HH ep 2 was supposed to be out by now, but there are some things I have to say first. My reasoning for sticking around for Hazbin Hotel is all gone except for Vox right now. I love Husk too, but they really just kinda ruined him for me in ep 4. I'm probably being dramatic but that's just how I feel. If he's supposed to be this wise bartender who's meant to make people feel better and help reach an understanding of some sort, he really just failed at that.
EP 4 of Hazbin Hotel is probably the worst one out of all the eps released so far. There are PLENTY of flaws to point out, but they can be said for some other posts I'll upload soon. What I'm mainly concerned with as of now is that "Loser Baby" song sung by HuskerDust.
So it's revealed that Husk was once an overlord and was always gambling. He betted his status and powers when playing against Alastor and lost. Now I guess he's forced to do whatever Alastor wants such as being a bartender. . . .
Sorry to get off topic here but. . . . Husk was an overlord??? I don't like how they just suddenly reveal that. It caught me off guard. I know they sorta foreshadowed it in the pilot, but they should've given most newcomers to the show a hint or something. It honestly feels like the writers just pulled that revelation out their asses just to add some positivity and similarity between Angel and Husk's relationship (because Viv and the fans just love idea of this ship oh so much)
Also, since he was previously an overlord, how come nobody's heard of him??? Everybody will get shocked when they hear or see Alastor or recognize him by his radio shows. Everybody knows the Three Vs, Camilla, etc. but not a Husk??? The Overlord with a gambling addiction?? Charlie and Vaggie will get shocked when Alastor comes in the picture but look at Husk like he's some random dude that just popped outta nowhere?
Plus, Alastor didn't force Husk to work as a bartender. In the pilot, he was easily convinced with cheap booze.
Speaking of his gambling addiction; well we all know he likes to gamble judging by his appearance. But gambling being his addiction?? Since when was that implied?
Anyway . . . . At this point, I don't get what the idea of that song is or what Husk meant by it. Maybe I am overlooking it, but its pretty hard not to believe knowing how Viv screws up her writing skills and how she went about it. According to all the Viv defenders, the song was meant to say Angel isn't alone in being stuck in a situation he feels he can't get out of and that Husk can understand where he's coming from and what he's going through. Well sorry to burst y'all's bubble, but even if that was, they just did wrong ENTIRELY. (Sidenote: If you Hazbin lovers wanna see it how u see it, then fine. But Imma stick with what I believe and there's nothing that could be said to change my mind, so don't bother trying to correct me.)
Husk makes it seem like he knows exactly what it's like being in Angel's shoes; signing a contract and being forced to do something against his will. That part seems to be the only thing they have similar. Except what happened with Husk in the past should NOT count as a similarity!
Husk: Loses a bet against Alastor, costing his soul and status as an overlord. Agrees to commit to Alastor's biddings apparently, including being a bartender for a hotel (which he wasn't really forced to do. He doesn't seem to be afraid in refusing Alastor's requests. I partially don't even believe it was apart of the deal to do what Alastor wanted)
Angel: Is a pornstar. Forced to be a pornstar and do whatever Val wants him to do. Including submitting to him and his sexual needs, getting beaten, r8ped, assaulted (sexually even), exploited, drugged, etc.
What part of Angel's problem should Husk be understanding? Alastor doesn't beat or r8pe Husk! It's never even revealed what Husk goes through with Alastor. I doubt it's anything bad on his part, since he clearly isn't afraid to talk smack to the powerful radio demon who could kill him in an instant. They just . . . had that past and now Husk is doing him a permanant favor. What Husk is doing now isn't even anything bad. He's working as a bartender for a hotel and is being paid to do it. He may not like, but it's nothing bad. What ANGEL is going through on the other hand?? The word "bad" doesn't even begin to cover it.
Husk may not know what Angel goes through (though he should connect the dots since Angel hinted at him when he revealed he gets drugged all the time) but Angel just full on agreeing with him and accepting that he's a loser for what he goes through and having to embrace his situation????
Ummm . . . . NO!
Bro! You just saw Angel about to get drugged!! He should NOT have to accept that!!
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somelazyassartist · 2 years
Wait there are people unironically attracted to Kurt from Spree. Are you telling me there are also people unironically attracted to Patrick Bateman too
#i guess it's not like the worst thing it just sorta caught me off guard lmao#like PLEASE don't get me wrong#i LOVE a fucked up man covered in blood#but like..... they're parody characters lmao#they're meant to satirize these types of guys doing anything to be their view of 'perfect' but in doing so are pathetic for it#Kurtz ramping his content from regular stuff to illegal stuff to murder in order to try to get social media popularity#but in turn becoming more and more pathetic and desperate for attention and getting clumsier with his work because of it#and Patrick Bateman obsessively trying to become The Perfect Guy™ and fitting in with high society to an unhealthy degree#but who turns into a whiny crybaby brat whenever he doesn't get his way and who can't handle any slight ounce of criticism#like... their motivations are their downfalls#they're a parody of themselves the more they try to succeed the more pathetic and cringe they're supposed to be seen like#like. they're a joke. they're meant as a joke#they're their own downfall and they're whiny babies and i love making fun of how stupid they are#so looking up spree and seeing like 15 posts of reader x fanfiction about the whiny baby loser murderer lmao#again there's nothing wrong with it necessarily whatever floats your boat they're fictional whatever idc#not here for morality discourse or anything lmao#i just think it's kinda interesting and a little funny to see people interpret satire characters in that way#literally just think it's interesting from like an interpretation standpoint this isn't a judgment lmao
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zvnphoria · 3 years
Hi!! Could i request a kazutora x fem reader fluff where he bothers her whiles shes in class? Thank you!
- kazutora bothering fem!reader while in class
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✉️ - requested by @injjjured
monday. the worst day of the week is what people comment about it, although you sorta find comfort in it. except today you were practically facing hell. why? it was that time of the month.
what’s even worse is that you rarely get cramps, so you’re not even used to this pain. you don’t have any pills or anything to assist you with this hell. but you do have someone.
kazutora hanemiya, the most attractive boy at your school, was glancing at you wondering why you were clutching onto your stomach like that. he was worried. i mean, he is your classmate after all. everyone, and i mean everyone was interested in him. he practically already stood out with his yellow highlights and tiger tattoo on his neck.
everyone except you were not interested in him. you have other priorities of course. and, i mean, he’s in a gang after all. there are probably more surprising people right?
little did you know, he was very curious of you. always glancing at you in class, always looks for you in a room not even to talk but just to stare. the reason for this behavior was - well he didn’t know. yet.
you’re the only person he ever talks to in your class and probably including the whole school day too. everyone noticed this, some girls even started disliking you for it. everyone but you noticed this.
“hey l/n, is something wrong?” he asked.
uh oh he noticed
you were sweating like bullets when he asked that. you hated being helped because being independent made you strong and it’s one of the main things that keep you going, even though it’s part of the reason why you barely have any friends
“i’m fi-” just as you were about to finish, he interrupted you as if he knew you were gonna lie.
“liar...” he dragged out in a sing-song way.
“bastard,” you mutter. he heard this and chuckled a bit.
“tell me what’s really going on, won’t you?” he pleads as he rests his chin on his palm.
you try to move on and act like nothing just happened. i mean, you’re supposed to be listening in class right now..
“heyyy don’t ignore me >:(” and yes he did make that face...
“you better keep ignoring him l/n, otherwise you’ll both get detention,” your teacher remarked.
the whole class looked at both of you, some even laughing a bit.
“sorry ma’am, i’m only worried about her which is why i-” he began
“save it for the end of class. i’ll talk to you two until then.” she cut off.
both of you two just sighed and continued listening. except for kazutora, he was just looking out the window beside him almost the entire time.
class had finally ended, and you both waited til everyone had packed their backs and left
“honestly, you two always do this. i’m surprised you aren’t dating,” she stated
you and kazutora had dumbfounded looks on your faces. it caught you both off-guard on how your strict teacher said those words.
kazutora, in fact, did not mind the idea. honestly he wanted to see your reaction and - well, you were trying to restrain your blushing but it obviously didn’t work. he wanted to laugh. keep it in, tora. don’t laugh don’t laugh..
“well, that’s all i needed to say. just stop doing this in the class alright you lovebirds? now, off to your next class,” she sighed
“right miss. thank you and see you,” you both said synchronized.
you both walked out and felt relieved. kazutora walking with his hands in his pockets, looking at you and debating whether or not he should say something. kazutora being kazutora, he ended up did starting a conversation.
“so are you gonna tell me what’s wrong now?” he questioned.
“you’re really a persistent person are you, hanemiya?” you reply sarcastically.
“i keep telling you to call me kazutora!” he pouts.
“yeah yeah whatever - nevermind that but why are you going the same way as me? i mean we don’t even have the same class,” you grunted.
before he answered, he stopped walking and looked you straight in the eye
“who said i cant walk you to class? is this not allowed now?” he teased.
all you could do was sigh, but this time you laughed. now it was his time to get caught off guard. it was the first time he saw you laugh - or even smile!
“okay whatever i’m not stopping you, i guess,” you groaned.
kazutora was screaming inside - as if he won a battle or something. he kept his cool in front of you though.
after you both arrived at your class, he said something that made you wanna scream and run away
“oh and by the way, i already knew what was happening from the start,” he says while making his escape before you catch up to him.
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True Love’s Kiss
Summary: Jefferson loves his family but when Regina puts (y/n) under a sleeping curse he risks it all to save her only to end up separated from them for more than 28 years. Also shout out to @fangirltrash15 for asking for this fic. I know you didn’t ask me specifically but I hope you like it.
Warnings: Spell check? We don’t know her!
A/N: This is the longest story I have ever written in one sitting and I loved writing it. I honestly love writing for Jefferson. He’s such and untapped potential for fanfiction and I blame that for his lack of screen time which I blame on the fact that he was dating Jennifer Morrison and they broke up so I guess it was weird for him to be on the show but there was a wonderland spin off and there is no reason he shouldn’t have been on that.
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Jefferson was making his way down the street like he did every night. Only stopping outside the Tea Grove cafe to look through its window on the other side of the street where he couldn’t be seen. He watched as the young woman in the store turned off the open sign and began to sweep away at the floors. He just loved walking by her store to watch her close up at night. He knew he could never talk to her. In this life she didn’t know him and he couldn’t tell her what he knew because knowing was the worst curse.
The enchanted forest.
(Y/n) was running through the forest. Dodging every tree she could and jumping over the big roots of trees that stuck out of the ground. She ran until she eventually found a hollow tree to hide in. She did her best to remain silent while she caught her breath but her hiding place must not have been good enough...
“I found you!” Said the little blonde as she popped her head into the tree (y/n) had hidden herself in.
“So you did sweet Grace,” she laughed “at least tell me you found your father first.” (Y/n) climbed her way out of the tree and finally stood up.
“She did.” Said a slight grumpy voice from behind the tree.
“Oh well good, that means at least I didn’t lose.” (Y/n) said smiling and laughing at the handsome man who was leaning against the tree.
“Just because grace found me first does not mean I lost.” He huffed.
“It kind of does,” He rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, admit it, you're just upset that you lost to a girl at hide and seek. Come on admit I beat you.” She said teasing him and pointing at his chest.
“Ok find you beat me, you always do.” He laughed.
“Damn straight.” (Y/n) said finally getting close enough to Jefferson to throw her arms around his shoulders and pull him down for a quick kiss. Making a mental note that grace was still there.
She had been living with Grace and Jefferson for a couple of years now but she was always sure to keep things g-rated around Grace. Especially since she wasn’t Grace’s actual mother, though she loved Grace no less, (y/n) knew she could never fully replace her like that.
“Come on papa let’s go back to the house and have our tea party.”
“Of course my dear Grace,” Jefferson said holding his hand out for his little girl. Grace took her fathers hand and then offered her other hand for (y/n).
Present day.
(Y/n) finished locking up the store and turned to head toward her car. It was pouring down rain and as she opened her umbrella a gust of wind blew it out of her hand and down the street. She quickly chased after it down the road. She paid no attention to the road as cars tried to swerve around her. As she made it to the other side of the road she ran down the sidewalk never getting much closer to her umbrella till a strange man finally caught it and walked over to her.
He set the umbrella straight and held it over her head. “You uh... dropped this I think.”
“Thank you, so much really.”
He seemed nervous or even panicked. She had never seen him around before which was so strange for this small town. “Here I’ll walk you to your car.”
They both walked back up the street till they reached her car. He helped her get in and handed her the umbrella. “Thank you so much, uh I actually don’t know your name.”
“Jefferson,” he said with pain on his face.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Jefferson, I’m (y/n). I guess you’re sorta like my knight in shining armor tonight aren’t you? You really saved me out there.” She laughed.
He frowned at the ground before looking at the girl in the car again. “Trust me I’m no knight and you didn’t need my saving.” He said before walking away from the car.
The enchanted forest
After having visited the market that evening with Grace, (y/n) came back home to find the queen's Carriage sitting by their house. (Y/n) bent down to her knees so she was at eye level with the young girl. “Wait, stop Grace. We should hang out in the woods for a bit ok? We can play our game for a while.” She smiled at the little girl.
“Who’s at the house with papa?” She questioned being the smart girl she was.
“I think it’s the Queen.”
“The Queen, at our house. What does she want? Shouldn’t we go inside and check on papa?”
(Y/n) rubbed up and down Grace’s arms. “No sweetie. Me and your father made a deal a long time ago that if our past ever came back that one of us would stay with you. He doesn’t want you to ever be alone. Ok? So for now let’s go into the woods and play our game. Your father can handle this.” She smiled.
After spending sometime in the forest the girls walked back to the house. This time with no carriage in sight. When they went inside they found Jefferson sitting at the table in the kitchen contemplating the box in front of him.
“Papa!” Grace ran and hugged her father.
“You're both back late. Did you enjoy yourselves at the market?”
“Yes we did but when we got home we saw the queen's carriage so we stayed and played in the woods for a while.”
“Oh I see. Grace why don’t you go play in your room while I talk to (y/n) for a moment.” She smiled and ran off to her room.
(Y/n) frowned and set down beside Jefferson. “What did the Queen want?”
“She wanted me to portal jump.” He said running his hands through his hair.
(Y/n) began to rub calming circles on his back, “and what did you tell her?”
“I told her I didn’t do that anymore. I have a family now.”
“And so she just left?”
“Yeah I think so.”
“ I doubt that she doesn’t have a plan to come back.”
“I know. When Regina wants something she’ll get it. Whatever the cost.” (Y/n) rest her head on his shoulder.
“Is that why you brought out your hat? Incase she comes back?”
“I don’t know. I just keep thinking maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just do one more job. We wouldn’t have to worry about money ever again. You and Grace wouldn’t have to live so poorly.”
“Jefferson, me and Grace are just happy with the life we have. We don’t need money to be afamily and we need you here. With us.”
He smiled faintly and kissed the top of her head. This was why he needed (y/n) she reminded him of why he put that hat away. He belonged here.
A couple of days later
It was getting late and (y/n) still wasn’t back from the market. She left hours ago and it was almost supper time. She should be back by now and Jefferson was beginning to worry.
With the sun beginning to set he grabbed his hat and told Grace to go stay at the neighbors house till either he or (y/n) came home. He knew they had once said that in times like these one of them would always stay with Grace but he needed to bring (y/n) back home.
He knew exactly where she was; he didn’t need to look. He quickly made his way to the queen's castle and by nightfall he marched through the doors. No guards stopped him so obviously he was in the right place and the Queen wanted him here.
He finally reached the queen's quarters and tossed his hat bose on to the floor. “Here that damned hat Regina, now where’s (y/n)!”
“Calm down mister Jefferson. We both know that I don’t know how to use that hat without ending up somewhere useless. Only you know how to use it properly. It’s useless to me but if you're looking for your little girlfriend I’m sure I can help you with that.” She stood up from her seat and walked over to the middle of the room where Jefferson stood.
She waved her hand and a mirror appeared. “Here this will show you anyone you wish to see.”
He cautiously took the mirror from Regina and held it in his hands and thought of (y/n). The mirror in the cloud of smoke showed through a picture of (y/n), she appeared to be unconscious, almost appearing to be dead.
“What did you do to her!”
“She’s fine Hatter. She’s only sleeping.”
“Wake her, I know you can!”
“Well of course I can but why would I do that? Not to worry though, if you want to wake her on your own all you have to do is give her true love's kiss.” Jefferson's face dropped. “That is if you believe in your true love?”
“I love (y/n)”
“Yes but is it good enough? I mean does she truly love you? All you can offer her is a small house with little money and a daughter who's not even hers.”
“And what do you want? What would I have to do in exchange for you waking her?” He said through gritted teeth.
“Like I said before. I want to go to wonderland of course.
Present day.
Jefferson set alone in his house like always, using his telescope to check on his family. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about (y/n) since he last saw her on the street.
Ever since Emma came to town he’s had this annoying hope that maybe she could break this curse and he could be with his family again. He knew it wouldn’t be that easy though. He abandoned his family many years before the curse, who says they would want him back now. Besides, Emma was convinced in not believing in magic. He tried to show her and despite all his proof she didn’t believe him.
As he peered through his telescope he spotted a glitter in the sky. It seemed as though it was moving closer like a wavy. Before he could even process it the wave washed over him. At first he felt nothing, like nothing was different but he looked back through his telescope this timing aiming it at the town square. He could see everyone coming out of their shops and houses and hugging and reuniting with people on the streets. He couldn’t believe it, there was no way this was possible. They were waking up.
Jefferson passed back and forth through his whole house. This was all he had waited for for 28 years, even longer when counting the time he spent in wonderland. But he couldn’t muster up the courage to go find his family. He finally forced himself to go outside onto the street. Families and reunited loved ones pass him all around. He slowly made his way down the street but not long after the first wave he saw another come toward him. This one was like smoke, purple smoke. No one had time to cover for shelter but as soon as it covered the street it was gone. Everyone began to panic but he knew what this was. He had been a dabler of magic; he could feel it here.
Pain rang through him as he thought of what would happen now that magic was in town. He quickly ran down the street toward the little tea shop he had passed millions of times before. When he finally reached the shop there was a small crowd of customers who crowded around the entrance. As he approached the crowd and tried to push passed through them, he heard a familiar voice.
“Grace, my darling” he hugged his little girl as hard as he could, too scared to let her go.
“I was going to find you but (y/n) found me first. She was fine but when the smoke came by she collapsed. I don’t know what’s wrong with her papa.” He did his best to calm the girl and then stood up and pushed the crowd away to finally reach (y/n).
“No no no, this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be fine in this world.” He knelt beside (y/n) and held her unconscious form in his arms.
“We tried to help her but we can’t tell what’s wrong with her. Someone already called 911.” Said some man in the crowd.
“They won’t do her any good. This is a magic problem and it needs a magic solution.” He snapped. He tuned the rest of them out as they all stood around them. He leaned his forehead down to hers as he brushed some hair out of face. “(Y/n) if you can hear me… I I need you to wake up. Ok?” He paused for a second but she didn’t move. He closed his eyes and pressed a small kiss to her forehead.
(Y/n) eyes flew open and she jumped as she quickly awoke from her sleep. She looked around her and saw Jefferson and sweet Grace by her side. She smiled, finally being able to remember them after seeing them everyday but never truly seeing them. She cupped Jefferson's cheek with her hand and smiled. “How did you know that would work?”
He laughed slightly as he took her hand and placed a kiss in her palm. “I didn’t.” He swiftly pulled her into a passionate kiss with all the love he could conjure. “I love you”
(Y/n) smiled, “I love you too”
Jefferson pulled his family into a hug as they all sat on the floor. He had been dreaming of this day for too long. “Let’s go home” he said smiling at his small family.
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grantyort · 4 years
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Clearing the Air
[The trio cruises along the empty city streets. Chris is fast asleep in the backseat while Daniel fidgets anxiously in the front.]
SEAN: Need to pee or something? 
DANIEL: Nah, I’m just nervous.
SEAN: [chuckles] About what?
DANIEL: Uh… Nothing. Never mind.
SEAN: [sighs] Whatever you say dude.
DANIEL: [turning to Chris] Is he... okay?
DANIEL: Yeah. He just hasn’t slept well since… you know.
SEAN: Well before he wakes up, we need to have a serious talk about all this.
[Sean pulls the car over to the side of the road. He gets out and sits on the hood, motioning Daniel to join him. Daniel reluctantly agrees]
DANIEL: Sean Iisten-
SEAN: No, you listen! I went through hell just so we could stay in this country, so you could live a normal life! Now you’re just gonna throw it all away on some wild goose chase?! Don’t you even care? I swear this is like Nevada all over again!
[Daniel looks ashamed and on the verge of tears]
DANIEL: I’m s-sorry Sean. It’s just that… we haven’t seen each other in months, and you don’t answer my texts and I thought if I-
SEAN: No… you’re right. That wasn’t fair. I’m guess I’m still… trying to figure this whole thing out.
DANIEL: I know.
SEAN: Why didn’t you just tell me, instead of pulling a stupid stunt like this?
DANIEL: I… didn’t want to drag you into this.
SEAN: Well guess what Daniel? I’m in it now whether you like it or not. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of a package deal.
DANIEL: I’m sorry.
SEAN: There you go again. Always apologizing after the fact. For once, I want you to think things through before you go running off on your next crusade!
DANIEL: I’ll try.
SEAN: You damn well better. Remember the deal we made with the Feds, no big splashes! If they catch even a whiff of what you’re doing… ¡se acabó! They’ll throw my ass back in jail and lock you in some government black site. We’ll never see each other again. Is that what you want?!
DANIEL: No of course not! It’s just… Chris has lost everything. I just want to help him get answers and justice. It’s the least we can after all he’s done for us. We owe him that much!
SEAN: [scoffs] You’ve really grown up, haven’t you?
[Sean leans over and hugs Daniel who is taken off-guard but sinks into Sean’s arms, savoring the familiar comfort]
DANIEL: What was that for?
SEAN: Oh nothing. Just getting you back for earlier.
[Daniel smiles and rests his head on his brother’s shoulder]
SEAN: Enano, listen… I’m sorry I’ve been so… distant. College’s just been hectic as fuck. I’ve got a side-gig going on, and I know haven’t always been… there for you, like I should be.
DANIEL: You don’t have to apologize, Sean. You’ve already done so much. You should go live your own life for a change. Besides, I’m not a kid anymore. I can take care of myself now.
SEAN: [laughs] I’ve heard that one before.
DANIEL: I’m serious! You don’t have to worry about me. Go to parties, hook up, cram for exams or whatever. I don’t wanna be a burden anymore.
SEAN: You’re not a burden, Daniel and worrying about you is kind of in the job description. I mean the hours are long and you don’t get paid, but at the end of the day it’s all worth it, you know?
DANIEL: Yeah I know… thanks, Sean.
If Daniel threatened Sean back at the bus depot:
DANIEL: S-sorry for what happened back at the bus station. I don’t know what got into me.
SEAN: You should be. We don’t see each other for weeks and the first thing you do is try to pick a fight.
DANIEL: I just… got caught up in the moment.
SEAN: Hope you haven’t been doubling up on your pills again.
DANIEL: Of course not! I’m not stupid Sean!
SEAN: Never said you were.
DANIEL: Sorry. I don’t wanna fight.
SEAN: Me neither. But just for the record, I would have kicked your ass.
DANIEL: (rolling his eyes) Sure Sean.
SEAN: I did last time.
DANIEL: That didn’t count! You caught me off-guard!
SEAN: That’s kind of the point, genius. You think the bad guys are gonna warn you before attacking?
DANIEL: What bad guys? Besides, even if one of them got the jump on me, I’d still stop them all. Easy-peasy!
SEAN: This isn’t a superhero movie, it’s real life. You gotta pay attention to your surroundings at all times!
DANIEL: (mockingly) Whatever you say… sensei.
DANIEL: Are you… doing okay?
SEAN: What do you mean?
DANIEL: You know… with college, and track and everything. I don’t really know much except what I hear from Lyla-
SEAN: Oh you mean your little spy? I still haven’t forgotten about the library incident you know.
DANIEL: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
SEAN: Yeah, yeah! play dumb! You’re lucky that marker was washable otherwise your ass would be grass right now!
DANIEL: I thought you were supposed to be able to see that sorta stuff coming.
SEAN: I was asleep! Besides that’s not how it works!
DANIEL: Pfft excuses!
SEAN: Don’t push it. I’m still mad at you, you know.
DANIEL: (making a funny face) Yeah? How about now?
SEAN: [laughs] Okay. I’m letting you off the hook this time.
[Daniel pulls a chock-o-crisp out his pocket and begins to eat]
SEAN: Still eating those?
DANIEL: (mouth full) What? I’m hungry!
SEAN: I read an article that chock-o-crisps can stunt your growth. You better cut back or you might be stuck an enano forever.
DANIEL: That’s bullshit! I grew 3 inches since Christmas. I’ll probably be taller than you soon!
SEAN: Ha You wish! [he ruffles Daniel’s hair]
DANIEL: Stop it! You know how long it took me to get it just right?
SEAN: Since when do you care so much about your hair?
DANIEL: Chris says that it looks cool like this.
SEAN: I thought you “always looked good”.
DANIEL: Yeah, but I just like it better this way.
SEAN: Okay, okay. Hands off the hair. Got it.
DANIEL: So Sean, you...
Seeing anyone? 
Talk to Mom lately?
Seeing anyone?
SEAN: Taking an interest in my love life? Who would've thought?
DANIEL: It’s not like I really care. I just… don’t want you to get lonely.
SEAN: Don’t worry about that, enano, I got plenty of term papers and angry TAs to keep me company.
DANIEL: I’m being serious Sean.
SEAN: Well if you must know, I did meet someone recently. We were actually supposed to have dinner tonight but… you know.
DANIEL: Oh… sorry.
SEAN: (jokingly) You should be. We don’t even live in the same state anymore and somehow you still manage to cock-block me!
DANIEL: (cheekily) That’s my real superpower!
SEAN: (rolling eyes) Yeah, yeah keep laughing. Who knows? Maybe someday, I’ll return the favor.
(They both laugh)
SEAN: How about you? How’s school? Anyone giving you shit?  
DANIEL: Nah. Everyone likes me, well except Wilkes and Brad. But they’re assholes. Anyway, there is this dance coming up next week and I still don’t have a date. I was thinking of asking this one girl, Millie. We text and stuff and I guess she’s pretty!
SEAN: Whoa dude, slow down! Focus on keeping your grades up. You’ve got plenty of time for that stuff later. Me on the other hand. I think I’m just about ready to die alone.
LYLA <-> FINN/CASSIDY (Determinant)
DANIEL: What about Lyla? She’s single! 
SEAN: Dude no! It’d be way too weird. We’ve known each other since forever. It would never work. And besides, I’d never take her from you.
DANIEL: S-shut up. That was just a stupid crush! I’m totally over her! 
SEAN: (deadpanning) Oh no. I’m sure she’ll be devastated.
DANIEL: What about… what’s her name? The smelly hippie with the purple wig.
SEAN: Cassidy? She’s all the way up in Canada, dude! Plus, I need to get clearance every time I leave the country. It would never work.
DANIEL: That’s okay. You can totally do better!
SEAN: Oh ouch. Still holding a grudge, eh?
DANIEL: I just think… you’re too good for her.
SEAN: I’ll take that as a compliment. I guess.
DANIEL: What about Finn? Weren’t you totally into him?
SEAN: Finn’s still in jail dude. What are we supposed to do? Make out through the glass?
DANIEL: Haha true.
(If Sean forgave Finn in Episode 4)
DANIEL: Do you ever wish things turned out differently with him?
SEAN: Sure… sometimes, but life’s too short for regrets.
DANIEL: You’re starting to sound like Mom.
SEAN: I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that.
(If the player did not forgive Finn in Episode 4)
SEAN: He’s applying for early parole and wants to me be at his hearing. Can you believe that?
DANIEL: You’re not going, are you? He totally used us. He deserves to be locked up!
SEAN: Whoa where’s this coming from? Didn’t you use to be his biggest fan?
DANIEL: What are you talking about?
SEAN: (mockingly) Oooo Finn’s so cool! Finn lets me do whatever I want. I wish Finn was my brother!
DANIEL: What?! I never said that! Besides, I was just a stupid kid back then!
SEAN: Yeah and no one’s denying that.
DANIEL: Whatever. If you want to go, go.
SEAN: Nah… I’m done with Finn. There’s plenty of better guys out there.
Talk to Mom lately?
SEAN: Yeah got a call from her two weeks ago. Business has been booming ever since… they legalized it in Arizona. So, expect an extra big birthday present this year.
DANIEL: Bet you want to move there so you can (he makes a toking motion)
SEAN: Haha, maybe after I graduate!
DANIEL: (sigh) I miss Away.
SEAN: I do too. There was something special about that place. Everyone there was so chill. Not like here.
Ask about Away
DANIEL: And Joanne? Is she still-
SEAN: [sigh] The latest round of chemo didn’t work. So they’re preparing for the worst…
DANIEL: I want to see her Sean, before…
SEAN: I know enano. But Arizona’s too far and way too close to the border. The Feds would never go for it.
DANIEL: I don’t care!  I need to say goodbye to her, in-person.
SEAN: [sigh] Okay. I’ll talk to Flores, see if we can work something out.
DANIEL: Thanks Sean.
SEAN: Arthur and Stanley got a new puppy! His name is Rufus. He’s a bit of a handful but super cute.
DANIEL: No way!
SEAN: I’ve got pictures.
DANIEL: Dude! Send them now!
Ask About Sean’s Eye:
DANIEL: How’s your eye?
SEAN: Can’t complain. Still gets itchy from time to time but that’s what the eye lube’s for. 
DANIEL: Ew, can you not call it that?
Ask about Sean’s Appearance
DANIEL: Dude what’s with the beard? It looks all itchy and gross!
SEAN: You’re just jealous cuz you can’t grow one!
DANIEL: Could too! I just don’t want to.
SEAN: Yeah sure… Have your heuvos even dropped yet? 
DANIEL: Ewwww, shut up!
SEAN: I’ll take that as a no. And since you love my beard so much. Here, feel it! [He rubs his cheek against Daniel’s.]
DANIEL: (laughing) Stop Sean! That tickles! Quit it!
[Sean drapes his arm over Daniel who leans on his shoulder. They look at the night sky together]
DANIEL: Whoa... check out that moon!
SEAN: How about a team howl? For old times’ sake?
DANIEL: Yeah! Diaz Lobos! 
[They howl together as “Into the Woods” plays]
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febuwhump day 3 - imprisonment
i’m following yesterday with another classic witcher trope - yennefer and jaskier both getting captured and having to share a cell! i’m not super happy with this one and the ending really bugged me but here she is!
yennskier (sorta) | 1003 words | cw - implied violence & torture
He isn’t sure how long he has been here – wherever here is. They had cornered him in a town when he was on his way to Oxenfurt. The whispers about Nilfgaard and their movements had grown slowly louder over the past few months, and he was certain that his long association with a certain long-haired Witcher was going to make him interesting to them so he started heading to the one place where he knew would be safe. He’s still not sure how they had exactly managed to find him, he had been extremely careful and kept a low profile – he had stopped for the night in an inn and taken a sip from his ale, and before he could comment on its peculiar taste, his eyes were blurring and then he was blinking awake in this cell.
He at least hoped that they had put him in a more interesting cell, or maybe with someone else, or at least turn him round because if he has to stare at this wall for any longer he isn’t sure what will happen. There is only so many times a man can count the number of bricks in front of him.
Actually that is a lie, he would rather count the bricks in this wall forever than spend another second with the guards and their methods for questioning. He winces as he remembers the punches to his stomach, he doesn’t think he has any broken any ribs but, because his arms are shackled high above his head stretching out from side to side, he hasn’t been able to properly check. He’s fine. Probably.
The cell has no windows, no light, so he has no idea what time it is. He managed to sleep for a while earlier before he had been rudely awakened for another round of questioning. He doesn’t know why they keep coming back because he is telling the truth – he hasn’t seen Geralt since the mountain and he has absolutely no idea where he is or what he has been up to for the last year. But they seemed to be convinced that he knows something, hence the punches.
Then the door of the cell bangs open and someone is being thrown in. He manages to turn his head slightly over his shoulder to get a look at his new cellmate; they look to be in a worse state than he is, their dress in tatters and their skin bruised and bloody. There is something familiar about it and then they are lifting their head up and Jaskier finds himself staring into a pair of very familiar violet eyes.
“Hello bardling.”
It could be worse, she thinks to herself, the bard isn’t the worst person to be stuck with, it’s just the fact that he won’t stop talking.
She’s surprised he has the energy for it – she hasn’t been able to get a good look at him from where she has been shackled to the wall behind him, but when he turns his head she can see the bruises lining the side of his face. Not that she imagines she looks any better. She hadn’t had a chance to wash the marks left behind by Sodden off before they got to her, and she certainly wasn’t going to be able to do anything now trapped in these dimeritium cuffs. She’s not sure what they are going to do with her, whether they will take her out and question her the way they do with the bard, or whether they will just sit and wait for the dimeritium to take effect. Although, what she has gathered from the whispers of the guards, they are instead waiting until the mistress gets here until they begin to question her, and it doesn’t take much guessing to know who they are talking about.
But that is all the information she has managed to gather due to the bards incessant chatter.
“Do you ever stop talking?”
Jaskier seems to startle at her words, as though he had forgotten she was there.
“Yes, obviously. It’s hard to talk when eating, and I don’t talk when my mouth is otherwise occupied. Well, not unless the other person wants me to. Really its surprising quite how many noblewomen like it when you say certain things to them. And I’m not talking about pleasant nicknames, if you catch my drift,” he says, and if Yennefer could see his face properly she would imagine with an insufferable smirk on his face.
She rolls her eyes. “Yes, bard. Drift well and truly caught.”
There is a pause and then Jaskier says, subdued “Sorry, I know I am talking too much. I just – I was here alone for god knows how long and it was the only way to stop myself from going completely mad.”
She feels a pang of sympathy for him, knows how much he depends on the company of others, the time here cannot have been easy for him. She doesn’t know how long he has been here, but the smell in the cell certainly suggests it has been a while, and he still seems to be holding strong. She wonders how long it will be before he breaks.
“I tried singing too for a while but it turns out they weren’t such a fan of the classics,” he interrupts her thoughts, voice back to its cheery tone. “I mean you’d think that even Nilfgaardians would like a good drinking song.”
“Beers shit in Nilfgaard. No-one wants to drink, let alone sing about it.”
“You’re not wrong – do you think they’ll like this one instead?”
And then he is off, loudly singing some very bawdy tune about the ladies of Nilfgaard, and Yennefer cannot help the snort that escapes her at the terrible puns and lewd jokes that he directs towards the guards standing outside the cell.
Yes, it could be worse, she thinks as she joins Jaskier in song, a small smile on her face. It could be worse.
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how to never stop being sad
Summary: Following his brother's acceptance, Roman's life felt like it was falling apart. His family was turning against him, that awful snake was being allowed in their home, and worst of all, he still couldn't seem to do anything right, no matter how hard he tried.
How does he choose to deal with it?
Not in a good way, that's for sure.
Warnings: Gore/Death/Violence (none actually occur but it is described), food mention, cursing
AO3 link
Chapter 1
Repeat to yourself that they’re not really gone
Time has proven
That fooling yourself into believing a lie
Is the most effective way
To deal with things you have no control over
Roman was fine. Completely 100% percent, absolutely fine, and he would tolerate no thinking to the contrary. Things were abnormal, sure, but he was coping. Maybe he felt a bit (a lot) guilty for letting things in the Mindscape get so bad, but it’s okay! He’s managing! Maybe he’s surrounded by people that barely tolerate him now, but he’ll fix it!
Right now, though, he’s in his room. Alone, as is usual these days. Usually, he’d ask Patton or Virgil to hang out with him, but after the last video, things were… Tense, to say the least. 
Patton wasn’t mad at him, of course; he wasn’t ever truly mad at any of them. However, Roman would have to be stupid not to notice the disappointed looks Patton gave him when he thought he wasn’t looking or the way that after Roman left the room, he always made a point to talk to Janus afterwards, as if he needed special attention just for enduring Roman’s presence.
Things were a little better with Virgil, but he was frustrated with Roman for tolerating Janus’ presence at all. Despite his obvious vitriol towards him, he still outright refused to talk about what exactly Janus had ever done to him. So Roman was forced to choose between Patton, his father figure who’d never meant to do him wrong (who had acted like Roman was unreasonable for sticking to the very moral rule set that Patton had imposed on him since they were children), or Virgil, who Roman had been wrong in not listening to before, & who was obviously extremely hurt and betrayed by both Janus, and now his own family.
He still hadn’t quite been able to choose, straddling the line between adhering to Patton’s kindness policy towards Janus and respecting Virgil’s feelings. It didn’t really work-- rather, it just seemed to leave them both dissatisfied. Roman could hardly stand it.
...but it’s fine. Really. It’ll blow over eventually. He isn’t quite sure how, exactly, but things always turn out alright in the end, right? There’s always a happy ending.
Except when there isn’t, but… bad endings only happen in Remus’ stories, & he doesn’t have power here in the Mindscape.
...except he sorta does, now. After his video, he’d (albeit reluctantly) been accepted. His ideas were considered, even valued, now. Sometimes, he was even chosen over Roman. Not only by Thomas, but also by the other sides, at times; Logan may think he’s slick, but Roman’s seen him specifically request his brother’s assistance in the Imagination, in the living room, in the archives, in his room- It made Roman sick to think about, and whenever he walked through the house, he could see evidence of his brother’s influence littered throughout. For the life of him, he couldn’t understand the appeal. When had society fallen so far as to value a duke more than a prince?
Roman hadn’t thought he’d been in his room for long; he’d only meant to duck in to get a breather after having to endure Remus’ maniacal ramblings for nearly half an hour, but it seemed he’d been brooding long enough to attract Logan’s concern. He heard a knock at his door and broke out of his haze, looking towards it.
“I apologize for bothering you Roman, but I was wanting to inquire whether you were alright. It’s been an hour,” Logan said. Had Roman really been away for that long? No wonder Logan was checking on him.
“Yeah, Specs- Sorry. I’ll be out in a minute, just finishing a project,” he lied. Logan was so cold, calm, rational- Surely he would look down on Roman’s groveling simply because he couldn't deal with his brother for more than a few minutes. As much as Roman was full of himself and proud of his work, he thought if Logan talked down to him, he’d break down and cry.
“We’re currently 'hanging out' in the common room. You’re welcome to join whenever you finish. I look forward to hearing about what you’ve been working on.” Roman could hear his footsteps slowly grow farther from the door.
Shit. Now Logan thought he’d been working on something, so now he had to do something-- he couldn't just show up empty-handed. They’d see through his lies in an instant. He’d be just as bad as Janus, imagine what Virgil would think--
He took a steadying breath. Okay, yeah, he’d lied, but that wasn’t so awful, he just had to make it right. He just had to make something, and that shouldn’t be so hard, right? That’s his job! He’ll just think of something real quick, and it’ll be done in a jiffy, and then it won’t be a lie anymore, and on top of that, he’ll have something to talk about! Talking parts were hard to come by sometimes when you had to find something that would include the two people you hate most, your former-enemy-turned-best-friend, your dad and your colleague (as he insisted to be called), but everyone was always eager to hear his new ideas, so this would be perfect.
It was nothing special, but it would do. He hadn’t had the time or energy to think of a concept for a whole scripted video, so instead, he’d written the next Shoutout Sunday. Simple, but it had to be done, and it was already Friday, anyways. He closed his notebook, and stood up, keeping it under his arm. He never knew when inspiration would strike, so he tried to carry it with him whenever possible. He opened his door and stepped out from his room, making his way down the hallway past the multicolored doors of the other sides, pointedly avoiding looking at Janus’ signature black and yellow-colored door. Out of sight, out of mind.
As he walked into the commons, the conversations faltered for a moment, but everyone quickly returned to what they were doing. Remus was noticeably absent; Patton and Virgil were curled up on the couch, sharing a blanket between them and speaking in excited whispers; and Logan and Janus were speaking across the counter separating the living room and the kitchen while Logan made dinner on the stove and Janus leaned with his hands crossed under his chin. 
Roman lingered by the stairs for a moment, caught off guard by the lack of greeting, but continued to the side of the couch not occupied by Patton and Virgil. He’d hoped to share his script with Logan, but he was busy at the moment, and he so rarely was this casual with the others; Roman figured it better to let him be for the time being. He pulled his notebook from under his arm and summoned a pencil from his desk. If he couldn’t share his idea, he might as well get started on the next.
He spent around five minutes doodling a new creature to introduce into the Imagination when Logan finally seemed to notice he was there.
“Ah, Roman! Apologies, I hadn’t noticed you were here. What was the idea you were working on?” he asked. He turned off the stove and fully turned to Roman, looking past Janus. Roman was almost ashamed to say he felt a certain degree of satisfaction that Logan had put aside his conversation with Janus in favor of speaking with him. Keyword being "almost."
“Well, it is a most illustrious, melodic creation--” Roman sunk down from the living room and rose into the kitchen, laid his now open notebook on the counter, and gestured towards it with a bow-- “Behold, the newest Shoutout Sunday!” He smiled and rose from his position, bouncing on his feet a bit as Logan rested his chin on his hand, looking thoughtful, and read it. Logan gave a slight, satisfied smile.
“So you’ve worked ahead of schedule, then. Wonderful! Good work, Roman."
“I know,” Roman replied, beaming, “I shall have a new idea by the morn-- perhaps I can even start the next video script!”
“So long as you do not burn yourself out, Roman. Otherwise, I look forward to your next contribution.” Logan closed Roman’s notebook, handed it back to him, and then opened a cabinet, gathering bowls for… Whatever healthy monstrosity was in the pot on the stove. Roman could only guess what it was. Some sort of soup, maybe? “Will you be joining us for dinner tonight, Roman?”
“I’m afraid there are simply too many ideas and too little time, I must return to my work!” Roman replied. Janus narrowed his eyes at him from across the counter.
“I wouldn’t be witnessing any self-neglect right now, would I, Roman?” his voice dripped, cool and patronizing. It carried a lilt of care, but it was clearly faked-- Patton would have scolded him if he’d been listening. Roman rolled his eyes.
“No, I am simply dedicated to my craft! Creations don’t come from thin air, do they?” he replied. Logan tilted his head, brows furrowed.
“...They do,” he said. He raised his palm, and atop it, a paper appeared. “As you can clearly see, I’ve just summoned this piece of paper- Now, it’s not on par with many of your creations, of course, but I’m sure you understand my point. Just last week, you summoned me a new Rubik’s Cube. Don’t you remember?”
Virgil snorted from across the room, and Roman sighed. “Yes, Specs, I- I remember. I meant that metaphorically.”
“That was not a metaphor. According to Oxford Languages Dictionary, a metaphor is 'a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.' Would you like an example?”
“Not now, Logan. I’ll be taking my leave-”
“Aw,” Patton interrupted, “why not stay? You’ve spent so much time up in your room- Now, I know sometimes we need our alone time, but spending some time with your famILY won’t kill ya!”
“Did someone say kill?” came Remus’ shrill, excited voice from by the lamp where he’d just appeared.
“Not that kind of kill!” Patton rushed, “there will be absolutely no killing on my watch, mister!” Remus put his hands on his hips and blew a raspberry at that, exaggeratedly pouting at him.
“You’re no fun,” he replied. “Nothing wrong with a little casual murder to pass the time! Everyone dies sometime, might as well make it exciting.” Patton grimaced as Virgil’s eyes went wide and he groaned.
“...Everyone dies sometime. We are going to die. Thomas is going to die. Death is inevitable,” Virgil mumbled shakily, though it was still quite loud once the tempest tongue kicked in. He put his hands in his hair, but before he could pull at it, Patton led his hands away.
“Now Remus, that may be true, but there’s no need to dwell on it, especially when you know it will upset Virgil,” Logan said with a strict tone.
“Oh oh, I wonder who’ll go first when Thomas dies? Think it’ll be all at once, or one by one? I vote Roman-”
“Won’t you just shut up?” Roman spoke up, voice raised. “You’re harming Virgil and you know it. Keep your ideas in your side of the Mindscape; We don’t want them here.” His fists balled up as he glared at his brother. Oh, what he’d give to be able to walk up to him, to punch him square in the jaw. He’d love to unsheathe his sword and bury it right in his fucking stomach, to watch the emotions flicker through his eyes as they slowly went glassy and he collapsed to his knees, the blade continuing up through his skin like it was paper, the blood leaking through his clothing and pooling around him on the floor-
Roman blinked hard, brows furrowed. No one had responded to him yet, because it had only been a moment. What kind of thought was that? Certainly not one becoming of a prince. Was Remus messing with him somehow? Roman knew he could project thoughts into Thomas and the others’ heads, but Roman had never experienced it himself-- Why would Remus give him an intrusive thought right now, especially one so gruesome as to include his own gory death by Roman’s hands? He didn’t look like he had done anything, but he had to have, right? Roman didn’t come up with ideas like that. He was light creativity, he was good creativity!
Patton must’ve noticed his distress, as he quickly looked between the two. “Oooookay,” he began, “Remus is being a little inconsiderate of Virgil. And that isn’t okay! But that doesn’t mean we don’t want him at all. Everyone messes up from time to time!”
“But he’s doing it on purpose!” Roman exclaimed. He gestured his arms towards Remus and waved them incredulously. “I mean, look at him! He doesn’t even care!” 
Remus didn’t respond, continuing to stand in his spot, smiling and unblinking. Janus cleared his throat, gathering their attention. 
“I’m sure Remus just loves being talked about as if he isn’t here. Regardless, it’s hardly fair to criticize him for one incident that’s a result of his function as intrusive thoughts, especially considering that you’ve shown a pattern of worse behavior over the past… What, three years?” He looked towards Logan for confirmation.
“Yes, approximately that long, although that’s a misleading usage of the information. He’s improved over time,” Logan responded.
“Only if you consider his treatment of Virgil exclusively. Regardless, you've proved my point,” Janus said, sounding satisfied. “If it took Roman three years to warm up to Virgil, why does Remus only get a few months? Not to mention that he’s just being told that he’s unwanted and to leave, you've never experienced despite your actions, and which is preposterous notwithstanding.”
Virgil finally ripped his hands from Patton and covered his ears, shutting his eyes tightly.
“Shut up shut up shut up!” he said frantically. Patton bit his lip and looked around the room.
“Listen, usually I’d encourage a healthy family discussion, but now’s really not the time to be doing this-- Roman, please go to your room. Remus, I’m not mad at you, but I’d really appreciate it if you would go ahead and leave for the night, too.”
Roman stared at Patton for a moment, mouth agape and brows furrowed. “My room- Patton, I’m not five! This isn’t even my fault-”
“Don’t argue, Roman,” Logan cut him off, “Do as Patton said. We’ll discuss this more in-depth later.”
Roman gave a loud scoff as he trudged across the room and began making his way up the stairs. He gave one last glare to Remus, who’d finally begun to move, and then continued to his room, where he fell backwards onto his bed. He closed the door with a flick of his hand, and stared at the ceiling, letting out a resigned sigh as he reminisced. Why was everything so backwards nowadays, he wondered? When had the dastardly acts of his brother become the new norm, overshadowing his own heroism and creativity?
It wasn’t as if Roman could even do anything about it, either; Patton’s decisions on what was right and wrong was like the word of law in the Mindscape. Sure, Roman could challenge his thinking, but he hardly wanted a repeat of his… Frog incident. He couldn’t bear it if he distressed him that much again. All Roman could hope for was that one day, sooner rather than later, someone would either talk some sense into him, or he’d come to the realization himself that Remus was merely a parasite to their famILY.
For now, at least, Roman could dream. 
‘Patton loves me just as much as the others. He’s a dad! Dads love all their children equally.‘
‘Even if it seems like it sometimes, no one really hates me- Well, besides Remus.’
‘...And even if they do, I can fix it.’
Even if it meant lying to himself.
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malneiro · 4 years
Part One | Part Two
Character B held Character A’s head firmly to his chest, the blankets pulled up around them in the empty apartment. They were tangled together, coming down from the afterglow. A was nestled against B’s chest, tracing light circles against the other’s skin. B couldn’t help but smile, and moved a strand of hair away from A’s face. He looked so content. Still, he couldn’t get how broken he had sounded before out of his head. B broke the silence and began, “So….”
A groaned and buried his face against B’s chest. “Oh God. Time to talk?”
B quickly added, “If you don’t want to tell me what happened, it’s fine. I know we’re not….” He cleared his throat. “But I have to wonder what would be so bad that your first instinct would be to go to me for help of all people,” he said softly. Not pushing hard for answers, more concerned if anything.
After a few moments consideration, A shook his head, and shifted to lie against him comfortably again. “No. No, I want to. It’s funny, I don’t know why. I just feel like I can trust you with this stuff.”
That caught B’s attention. “Oh?”
A nodded. “I know what to expect from you, and I know you can handle this. You’ve seen every shade of the worst from me, and nothing’s shaken you so far. So, yeah. Something like that,” he finished uncertainly. It was true, but still it felt oddly intimate to talk about it while they were still tangled up in each other.
B blinked in surprise then smirked. “Ah. Well, happy to be of use.” It had the edge of his deadpan humor, but A could tell from his tone he was pleased under it, and he smiled. “Still, I don’t get how having me fuck you into the mattress in our empty hookup apartment would be of any help.”
A laughed softly and turned slightly red in spite of himself, then sat up a bit more in the bed so he could lay his head on B’s shoulder, and nestle his face into the crook of his neck. His hair felt soft against his forehead, and he tried to concentrate on that feeling, and the feeling of B’s warmth under him to keep the nasty emotions from earlier resurfacing. “It was too much. I needed to be distracted so I didn’t do something drastic, you know? I could feel that coming on. And I guess I did need some way to get all those emotions out. Safely.”
B hummed in agreement. “Better this drastic than something else.” He gestured vaguely between the two of them.
A snorted. “Right.” A smiled as B absentmindedly ran his hands through his hair. He did that a lot after they were finished. It was a very intimate gesture considering they were just sleeping together, but A didn’t feel like telling him that. Honestly, he probably wasn’t even aware that he did it and besides, A liked it.
“So what happened?” B asked. The intense note of concern slipped back into his voice, ever present underneath everything.
A frowned, thinking back to the fight from early. The ugliness. The rage. “It was stupid. I got into an argument with my mentor, it was over something trivial. Unimportant. I don’t even remember what it was honestly, but it spun out of control so fast. I lost my temper. He lost his temper. And….” A swallowed hard, squeezing his eyes shut tight for a second. “It was something he said. Just a comment, but I reacted the wrong way and it spun so fucking out of control so fast.” His voice cracked for a second, so he paused and sucked in a deep breath. “I vaguely remember punching the wall, I don’t know. It was a blur. I freaked out, badly, and I just sorta… left. Went to the roof and called you, then here we are.”
B was quiet for a long time after that, and A tensed up, nervous about what he was going to say. He looked like he was thinking hard about something or other, and A didn’t know whether to be cautious of it. A almost said something, until B finally broke the silence in a soft voice, uncharacteristically so. “They suspect, don’t they? About us?”
A looked down. The nasty knot of tangling emotions tightened in his stomach. They’d worked so hard to keep their thing a secret from the people around them and in the end it amounted to nothing. “Yes.”
“Damn it,” he said sharply. “Are you okay?”
“Fine. It’s just… he was so fucking angry. The shit he said to me. It was only suspicions, he didn’t know anything for sure, but still. He sort of implied it in an offhand comment, and I was caught off guard, and he kept going in on me. And he said some nasty things about you, and that didn’t help because it pissed me off. Probably wasn’t smart of me. I mean, they don’t even fucking know you, not really, and they go mouthing off like they do. I can’t stand it. How could they say shit like that?” A sighed. To be fair, A used to have that one dimensional view of B. It seemed so long ago now. But still, anyone with half a brain who spent more than five minutes actually talking with him could see the nasty gossip about the supposed enemy wasn’t true. “It just fucked me up so badly. What the hell would he do if he knew we really are… I don’t know, a thing? We’re not together, but we’re not not together. That wasn’t his thought, though. He was implying that you either seduced me and made me your sock puppet, or we were together. Like, boyfriends.”
“Hmm. As if I could make you do anything,” B murmured, feigning disappointment.
A laughed and traced a line lazily up B’s collar bone. “That’s true.” 
“Well, I understand why you freaked out so badly. That’s… that’s a hell of a thing to be caught off guard by.” He paused, and though A couldn’t see B’s face very well from where he was, he felt him tense up. “You know, I could just beat the shit out of that old bastard. It wouldn’t raise any eyebrows, he knows I hate him already,” he said, fists clenching and unclenching. 
A shook his head and took one of B’s fists, lowering it down. “No, I don’t want you to put yourself in danger.” 
B grumbled, relaxing his hand under A’s touch. “Fine.”
“I don’t think I gave anything away, though. I was angry, but I think he thought it was because I was insulted that he thought we were a thing,” he said. B nodded, murmuring to himself. A bit his lip, frowning at the covers on the both of them, then decided to steel his nerves and just say it before he lost the nerve. “I obviously wouldn’t be insulted. If you know, we were actually…  if we gave us a shot beyond just hooking up sometimes, I definitely wouldn’t mind.” 
B tensed under him and it sent A’s heart racing, but not in the fun way. Shit. He kicked himself mentally, and started trying to think of ways to backpedal. He should have known saying something like that was a mistake, he hadn’t even really thought through his own feelings enough to know what they really meant. “What are you trying to say?”
Shit, no way he could just brush it off now. A took a deep breath and tried to collect his scattered thoughts. “Well… I like you. Really like you. I don’t know how it happened, but it did, somewhere along the way. And I just… I’ve never met anyone like you. You make me feel things I’ve never felt for anyone else, and as much as that freaks me the fuck out, I want it. I want to give us a shot, for real. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, and if you don’t want to see me again after this, but I figured you should know. So we’re on the same page or whatever.” B fell deadly silent when he finished. A cringed, and started seriously gearing up to push away from him and run. This had to be the worst possible time to make things awkward between them. Of course, he had to blurt it out when they were lying on each other after the fact. Idiot. “Say something, or I swear I’m gonna freak out.”
“No, it’s….” He laughed to himself. “God, you’re such an idiot it baffles me.”
A sprang up and away from him, horror-stricken, and got ready to bolt for good. “What do you mean?” he asked sharply. “Shit, I knew it. I shouldn’t have said anything.” He started to get out of bed.
B pulled him back to him and kissed him once, soft and sweet, leaving A dumbstruck. B smiled and lightly traced A’s lips with his thumb. “I meant that you’re an idiot if you think I don’t feel the same way. One would think you’d have picked up on that by now.”
“Do you mean that?” His voice sounded hopeful.
B nodded, gently pulling A back down. He went with it and nestled his head against B’s shoulder. “Yeah.” B snickered. “Oh God, this is a mess. We really do need to talk about this, when we’re both in our right minds. Nice and collected. Not right now though.” He settled further down into the blankets, rolling over to throw his arms across A’s chest. 
A nodded, looking down at B and his half-lidded eyes, slightly sleepy and relaxed and content against his chest. Six months ago, if someone told him that B had this side of him, besides the vicious, unpredictable person he’d known, he wouldn’t have believed him. The fact that B let him see this vulnerable part of him still caught him off guard sometimes. “Fuck ‘em all. If they find out and they turn on either of us, I swear I’ll… I don’t know. But fuck that.”
B smiled and nodded. “Noted. We’ll go down swinging. Now go to sleep, babe.”
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nelllraiser · 3 years
adventures in guilt | dave & nell
TIMING: shortly after nell summoned a shark-jellyfish demon. PARTIES: @seizethecarpe and @nelllraiser. SUMMARY: dave returns the jacket nell forgot on the boat, and the two try to navigate a life with guilt. CONTENT: sibling death mentions.
Dave carefully folded down the coat over his arm, smoothing out the material idly. That wasn’t the full reason, the texture of the scales under his fingers was captivating, more interesting than anything else nearby. But this was the college campus, Dave wasn’t sure he would want to touch anything else, the risk of beer stickiness on everything was too damn high. It was drizzling, cool gusts biting the needles off of nearby trees and blowing them around the park bench. As unbothered as he was by the cold, Dave hated icy winds. The sooner the ‘caster showed up, the better. He waved at her when he spotted her, standing up from the bench. This’d be interesting. 
Generally Nell didn’t come to campus this early. Her visits to the university mostly consisted of visits to her friends, and the occasional sleuthing for a bounty, but classes hadn’t even begun yet for the day. Thankfully she hadn’t overslept, because the witch hadn’t slumbered in the first place. With Bea gone to New York, the house was just herself and Luce, and far too much like it had been when their third sister had been struck down, existing only as a ghost. It made for restless nights that came more often than they already had, though Nell had managed to fill a good amount of them with work. As Dave came into sight, Nell felt the familiar sensation of guilt flooding her stomach, a feeling that hadn’t left her since the accidental deaths she’d caused— but one she’d learned how to manage in a way that allowed her to function rather than wallow. Unfortunately the sight of the selkie brought all the regrets of that day back the instant she set eyes on him, though she squared her shoulders in sheer refusal of letting them overwhelm her. Finally getting within speaking distance, she gave the man a nod before speaking. “Hey.” Shit, what else was she supposed to say? There had to be something else, right? “Thanks for keeping my jacket.”
“Wasn’t about to do anything else with it,” Dave said, handing it over, scrutinising her with a trademark scowl, that did little to show what he was really thinking. Somehow, she looked older now than the last time they’d met, and he knew how that kind of guilt could eat at someone’s youth in the worst possible ways. But he also knew that the younger you were, the more important it was to be able to hide that kind of shit, and he had no doubt that plenty of her younger friends didn’t see it at all. “You holding up alright?”
Under any other circumstance Nell might have jokingly asked about whether or not the jacket was his color, or if he’d sneaked one single try on. Nevermind the fact that she was fairly certain he wouldn’t even be able to get his arm into the sleeves of the tiny jacket. Instead, she just accepted the jacket wordlessly before layering it over the sweater she was already wearing. Yet another thing she hadn’t inherited along with her lack of fire abilities was the heightened body temperature that went along with it, and Nell was almost endlessly cold in the winters of Maine. His question caught her wholly off-guard, rather convinced that he still thought her some idiotic, and guitless spellcaster who didn’t know what she was doing, and didn’t care to think beyond that. Surprise flickered ever so briefly over her features before it was quickly replaced with a frown, and suspiciously drawn eyebrows. “I’m not the one who got eaten by a demon shark.” She wasn’t about to admit the truth to a man who’d witnessed one of her greatest mistakes when she barely admitted it to herself.
“No. But I know a thing or two about being eaten by guilt,” Dave replied slowly, like the words were being dragged out of him. That he knew he could offer her the comfort that people who hadn’t been there couldn’t. He still wasn’t convinced she deserved it. He wasn’t convinced power like that, the kind that was at once a tempest and could summon a tempest, ought to be allowed to live. But that sorta shit wasn’t his call to make, not unless she was deliberately slaughtering people. Hell, in a town like this, there was probably some sort of person who specialised in ‘casters. 
Nell watched the man with a guarded gaze, as if trying to see below his exterior to see what secrets or well-hidden intentions were hidden underneath the apparent concern he was now exhibiting. Though even calling it concern might be a bit of a stretch. His words seemed reluctant— almost as unwillingly spoken as her reply was. “And you think that’s what’s happening to me?” Nevermind that it was the truth. Beyond her inability to properly express herself was the question of why he was bothering with her in the first place. WIth the way he’d reacted on the boat paired with his attempts to pin her against the railing- she’d thought he’d want to get in and out of this situation as quickly as possible.
 “Don’t know. It’s why I’m asking. Doesn’t mean you gotta answer.” Dave replied with an off handed shrug tracing his fingers over the grain of the bench. The arm of the bench had been smashed off once or twice before, the wood was a different age to the age of the sea, but even still there was an unnerving stain deep inside the grain of the wood, that couldn’t quite be washed out no matter how hard the college tried. Dave knew a thing or two about that sort of stain, too. “Well,” he said after a moment, “If that’s all,” He eyed her, just the hint of softness buried in all his wrinkles. “I know how busy you young folk are. Wouldn’t want to keep you.”
“But...why do you care to ask?” Nell replied with another question, still not entirely willing to answer his question. There was still a wariness to her gaze, as if she were waiting for him to turn around and start yelling like he had on the boat. Why did he care whether the guilt was eating her alive or not? She couldn’t help shake the feeling that Dave was simply waiting to turn the tables once again, that he’d change his mind and cast her out just as easily as the coven and her parents had. He was right about her being busy, though. Between the demon cult, her bounty hunting, and potential new jobs she’d been kept running. Still...there was something making her want to linger despite her anxious certainty that nothing good would come of it. Perhaps it was the smallest hint of softness beneath his words, and the fact that she found so little of it these days. “What about you? You said you know about being eaten by guilt.”
“I can take the question back if it bothers you so,” Dave replied with a nonplussed lookin on his face, because the answer to her question was complicated as hell. “Sure do. Life as long and messy as mine, I got plenty to feel guilty for. Not summonin’ demon sharks, I’ll give you that, but enough messes with a body count, that’s for sure.” Dave rubbed the bridge of his nose. Grey clouds overhead were beginning to promise rain. He wasn’t about to share the nature and brunt of his messes, whether they were the sinking boat variety, victims of a monster Dave had failed to stop, or drowning someone who… it was probably not right to have drowned. “Just saying, storing that emotional stuff like a Molotov’s just gonna have it blow in your face. I’d know.” 
“It doesn't bother me,” Nell commented defensively, even though the opposite was true. She just didn’t want to admit such a thing. Not to herself and certainly not to the man who’d already see too much of things she wanted to hide or forget. “Does my question bother you?” She posed the rebuttal as a means of trying to get the burden of explanation off herself, shifting it in Dave’s direction instead. The mention of a body count wasn’t something she’d expected from the selkie, and it was plain to see her curiosity had been piqued. Fortunately, she knew better than to ask for details at a time like this, but that didn’t stop her from asking another question. “Well then...what do you do with it?” Her tone was uncomfortable, arms folded defensively over her chest. She wasn’t fond of appearing weak in front of people she barely knew, or asking for help at all, but desperation was starting to get the better of her. Besides- maybe he would just think she was asking for someone else’s sake. 
“No,” Dave replied honestly, eyebrows raised at her defensive demeanor, quietly letting her know that he could see just how reticent she was to talk about it. But he didn’t push again, getting ready to leave her to her coat and her guilt when she pried another question out of herself. Dave’s look was probably more understanding than she’d like, but he still sighed. 
“Agh, hell,” Dave ran his hand through his hair, turning so he was side on to her when he leant against a nearby fence, his brows dipped deep in thought. For all his gentle cajoling, he wasn’t quite ready to open up to a stranger either. “Different things for different guilts. Some folks act like they never did anything wrong, bottle it up and continue on like nothing ever happened. Some folks spend a lifetime chasing a type of redemption that doesn’t exist, so they can do enough good to outbalance the bad, like it’s some cosmic scale they just gotta weigh up right. Hard to say which way leaves you more fucked up. Guess I deal with it with something in the middle. ‘M not a good person, but I can ensure I don’t make the same fuck ups as before. Focus on what keeps me going. If I face judgement after, I’ll have earned it.” He looked at her sidelong, trying to parse her reaction. “That answer your question?” As vague an answer as it was. There was no talking about the nights with angry outbursts, darker shades that he saw the world in, how quickly his mind twisted to the thought of solving issues by killing. He barely knew this girl, after all. 
Nell still didn’t understand why he’d taken the time to answer her questions to begin with, constantly surprised when he continued to linger with her as they spoke. She was silent as she mulled over Dave’s words, trying to fit them into cracks that lived in her as a result of her own guilt. She knew redemption wasn’t an option, one good thing didn’t magically replace one bad. And ignoring her guilt had never been an option for her, not when she was much better at wallowing in it. “So what you’re saying is it doesn’t get any better,” Nell snorted somewhat derisively, but it was meant as a comment at her own expense rather than Dave’s. She was thankful for his words, even if they hadn’t necessarily filled her with hope. Her foot scuffed at the ground, still uncomfortable despite letting the clam shell of her emotional state open in the slightest. “I mean- thanks for answering. I guess it makes sense that you just gotta learn from it and then deal with it.” After all that had been her experience so far, hadn’t it? Something about not being a good person struck a nerve in her, and she couldn’t help but think of how close Adam’s guilt had gotten him to making a lifelong mistake. “I think trying to be better is at least...the mark of a decent person.” That was the closest she managed to get when it came to offering Dave an opinion on his judgement day.
"Wouldn’t say it doesn’t get easier with time,” Dave replied, tilting his head until his neck cracked, easing some of the tension this conversation was giving him. “More manageable, less raw. Easier to put these things in perspective. You’re still young, you’ve got time to figure out how you want to deal.” Even if it didn’t, Dave was always aware that when he talked to young adults about shit, they had so little framework for how much they still had time to change and grow that he didn’t want to say shit to stifle that. The surest way to keep someone the same was to tell them they had no chance of changing. He looked at her sidelong, the tiniest corner of a smile on his face. “I like to think so,” he replied, in a distant, hypothetical way. It wasn’t something he was interested in applying to himself. 
He was right, technically. Nell was still young. But it felt like she’d been aged some fifteen years in that last twelve months alone. Being raised in White Crest meant she was more than familiar with its oddities and quirks, but she hadn’t remembered the little town being quite so emotionally destructive. Or maybe she’d just been too wrapped up in the swaddle of youth to experience it herself before she’d left, only to return after seeing how gruesome the rest of the world could be. For some naive reason she hadn’t expected it to follow her back home, but here she was with the literal scars along her arms and neck to prove otherwise. Her lips pursed as Dave refused to take part in her little charade of ‘asking for a friend’, feeling set off kilter when he addressed her and the guilt she held directly. “I never said I was talking about me,” she replied stubbornly as her face took on a somewhat petulant expression despite it being obvious that she’d been doing just that.
The beginning of his smile also caught Nell off-guard, and parts of why she’d found it so hard to believe that he could turn his anger from the boat around so quickly fell into place. She’d wanted him to be the persecutor, to tell her that she’d fucked up and confirm her as deserving of the guilt that lived in her chest like an iron set of chains. To give her the punishment she felt she deserved like her mother had done. The realization had her looking away from him, not wanting to give away any more emotion than she already had. “So you...what? Don’t have time to figure it out anymore?” For once her words weren’t meant as an old person joke at the expense of who she was asking. “Or have you just been letting it ‘get easier’ and put into perspective? And that’s the thing you’ve figured out?”
“Hmmm,” Came Dave’s noncommittal response, just looking at her sidelong. When she pouted like that, it was damn hard to remember that the girl was an adult who had gotten folk killed, not just a lost kid finding her way through the world. Which was what made her more dangerous.
“No. Just got bigger fish to fry.” It was a pact he’d made with himself a long damn time ago, as unhealthy as anything else on his list. He’d face his penance, whether that came at the end of a hunter’s knife or an Aipaloovik’s embrace. Dave knew damn well there were consequences to the choices he’d made over the past couple years, but that didn’t slow him down. He’d face it all, but only once the fury was dead, and he had his family’s pelts once more. He could carry the other, less important deaths he’d caused by choice or negligence or malice until that day. He was, in fact, doing just what he’d told Nell not to, letting a guilt define every part of him. “When it came down to it, I learned to carry what I needed to so that I could do what I had to. That’s all.”
“Yeah...yeah I get what you mean,” Nell mused as she thought back to the other times guilt had threatened to consume her. She’d gotten Bea killed. Watched her sister die because she’d been reckless and selfish, and hadn’t taken care of her problems properly. But even as that sickening knowledge had clawed away at her gut, she’d learned how to stomach it well enough to focus on bringing Bea back. Done what she needed to do...just like Dave had. Or at least it sounded that way. At this point she wasn’t sure what else there was to say, already feeling as if she’d said perhaps a little too much. “Anyway...thanks for the jacket.” Nell shrugged her shoulders to help it sit better on her shoulders as she stood and waited to see if Dave had anything else to say on the subject of guilt and otherwise.
“Sure,” Dave replied, noting the quick shut down of conversation with a wry smile. He straightened, shaking his head to work out any cricks as he began to turn to leave. “I know when I’ve been dismissed.” He began to walk away, before turning back to give her a stern look. “Don’t summon any more demon sharks, kid. I won’t be so nice next time.” Dave said, tapping the top of his head like he was tipping his cap to her. This time when he turned, he did not look back. Hell, he even whistled a tune he hadn’t been able to hear for 30 years.
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the-enby-bird · 3 years
For the ones we love (Ch 6?)
Couldn’t help myself, so have more chapters.
The sketch for the drawing I mentioned is done, so tomorrow I have to do the worst part- lineart. But colouring is fun, so I have that to look forward to! And maybe Tumblr will actually let me post it this time!
Anyways! Enjoy an oreo attempting to flirt with a squid
Ink ran down the street, trying to ignore the distracting hunger pangs in his nonexistent stomach. He was running low on magic too… Lost in his thoughts, he tripped over the curb, and would have face planted into the pavement, had he not been caught by an incredibly fluffy person.
“You good?” Ink looked up, only to be caught off guard by a familiar face.
“C-cross?!?” He shouted, surprised.
“The one and probably only!”
“What’re you doing here, I thought you moved away? Or died?? Or something??” Cross set him back on his feet, snickering slightly as his scarf flopped over his head. 
“I moved. And then moved back. Didn’t expect you to still be here, Inky. Figured you’d move to a more welcoming place.”
“Nope, I stayed here. Best art schools around and all. I’m more confused why you’d move back. I thought you hated it here? Did you miss me?” Ink teased.
“Police academy things. I got a scholarship here, so I guess it’s worth a few years of misery.” Ink smiled, miserable was definitely the term for this place. And the people in it are insufferable, as well. “But you make the miserable better~ And I kinda did want to see you again. I missed you, squid.” He pulled the smaller skeleton into a hug.
“Pfft! Cross, save the cuddles for the inevitable movie marathons.”
“You’re already planning dates? Sheesh!”
“Oh, stuff it, oreo.”
“I mean oreos are known for their filli-” Ink interrupted him halfway through his sentence. 
“Nope. Nope. Nope. None of that. I swear, in the five years we have been apart you have not changed one iota. At least, your sense of humor is still terrible.”
“Whatever. Where are you off to that requires being so speedy?”
“Oh, I wanted to run to the store before Dream came over tonight, we were gonna try to get a practice in before the concert-”
“Since when were you a musician?”
“Since Dream and Fresh dragged me into their band because I’m the only one with any knowledge on writing music. Not that I’m complaining, it’s really fun!”
“I sorta know who Fresh is, but who’s Dream?”
“Friend. We met when we started high school, you probably wouldn’t know him.”
“Yeah probably not.”
“You can tag along when we visit them later, we were planning on meeting up at 2:30 this afternoon.” Ink said hopefully.
“Sure, sounds fun. You should get your shopping done though, before you forget.”
“Oh, right! Thanks! Seeya!”
“Oh! Right! We were going to pick Dream up and then meet up with Fresh at the park. The one with the fountain and all the derpy deformed bird statues. The ones that we kept sticking googly eyes on.”
“I know the one.”
“Oh yeah Dream lives at (Insert address here). It’s the only apartment complex on the block, it’s pretty hard to miss.”
“Alright, seeya then! Bye squid!”
“Adios oreo!”
Ink is scary calm for just running into a person who’s been missing and presumed dead for like five years
Guess he’s just to dumb- sorry, forgetful- to care
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buckysdove · 4 years
The Hero & Lover
Request: yes or no
Word count: 4,801
A/N: This is a request from @artiza-n​. You should definitely check them out. they’re a fantastic person. They are really sweet and offer excellent writing advice! Also, i took some inspiration from the twilight movies since Robert Patterson played both roles. I also took some inspiration from the books. NGL Edward in the books is a simp 😳 and I live for it!!! 🤭 (also typing on computer sorry if it looks weird.)
Warnings: Just a lot of fluff hehe (might be some cursing idk) Also name calling.
Pairing: Cedric x Hufflepuff!reader/fem!reader
Just for reference: Bold italics are flashbacks! And you have a dress in this story so i mean here’s the reference pic: 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Really it was a day like any day. Only today was the day the first challenge took place. You were quite worried because a dear friend of yours, Cedric Diggory, was participating in the tournament. A few days ago in the courtyard, you had overheard Cedric and Harry talking. At the first mention of dragons your heart dropped. After their conversation, You didn’t even let Cedric return to his group of friends. “What in the bloody hell did I just hear?” Your concern seeping through every poor of your body. “What do you mean?” He nervously laughed and you couldn’t tell if it was from the news he had just gotten for his first task or if it was from your almost yelling. “The fucking dragons!” Now about everyone was staring at you. He drags you further into the castle stepping away from the onlookers. “Y/N listen, I don’t know what you heard but-” He looked around before continuing. “You have to trust me ok? I know what I’m doing.”
“Do you? Have you ever even seen a dragon? I mean a real dragon. One that flies and breaths fire?” he just laughs, licks his lips, and looks back at you. “Y/N I already have a plan. Don’t worry.” He placed a hand on your shoulder that trailed up to cup your face. “I just don’t want you to get hurt Ced.” He just smiles and leans in. Your heart started to pick up its pace. You stayed still making sure not to move. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and whispered a sweet “Thank You” to you before pulling away. “Y/N, it makes me happy to know that you're worried about me but I’ll be fine.” he smiles sweetly at you before telling you that you have to go or you’ll miss your next class.
Your heart absolutely melted at the sight of Cedric. Whenever he touched you or kissed your head lightly, you always had butterflies in your stomach, and your heart rate would quicken. So when the possibility of Cedric getting hurt sprung up, you couldn’t help but worry. He’d tell you he was fine and well prepared but, you still felt uneasy. What if the plan didn’t work? Or it backfired in some way. To be honest you were the only one to object to Cedric putting his name in the goblet of fire. And when he was chosen your heart dropped, the only thing that was echoing in your mind was the one moment.
“Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the champion selection.” Dumbledore's voice roared over all of the students. it immediately getting quiet after he spoke. Waving his hand around the room the lighting dimming with the movements. He walked up and placed his hands on the goblet then stepping back. The fire turned a pinkish-red color before spitting out the first name to be chosen. You sat beside Cedric hoping he wouldn’t get picked. You crossed your fingers and toes hoping and wishing it truly wouldn’t be him. You guessed he saw you tensed up because he grabbed your hand tightly squeezing to get your attention. You looked up from your feet to be met with his soft smile. You relaxed some until you realized that the moment had come. The first to be chosen was Victor Krum, the next was Fleur Delacour, but the last one was definitely your worst nightmare. Your heart sank and your face turned white at the name that was spoken. “The Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory.” Everyone cheered as he stood up and left but the only thing you felt was fear. The fear of losing your best friend and your crush made you immobile, frozen. You stared as he walked off into a dark corridor. After he was gone a tear fell down your check. Wiping it away quickly before anyone noticed.
He hadn’t returned to the common room until late. Talking to one of the other Hufflepuffs before finding you sitting on the couch with your head in your hands in front of the fire. “Oh Y/N? What's wrong?” he had come over to sit next to you and now had his hand on your back. “I truly wish it wasn’t you.” your words caught him off guard and it was truly a surprise he could understand you from the quivering in your voice. You turn to face him your eyes red from the tears that are still streaming down your face. He stares at you for a moment before he took you in his embrace. You sobbed against his chest while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. After you had quieted down he took your face in his hands and spoke. “Try to be happy for me ok? You know i really wanted this.” you stared at him in disbelief. “Ced people die in this tournament. I don’t want you to end up like those people.” you grasped onto him hugging him tightly. “Oh come on Y/N, you really think this tournament will kill me?” You nodded into his chest before you spoke. “Ced, you can still get hurt.” He just smiled down at you giving you that “I’ll be fine” look. you weakly smiled back at him before putting your head back on his chest and listen to his steady breathing.
You had snuck to the tent that held all of the champions hoping to catch Cedric before his turn to do his task. You peak into the tent catching his eye quickly. You run up and hug him tightly. Since he was taller than you, when he hugged you backed he sorta picked you up. your feet hovering over the ground slightly. He kissed the top of your head lightly like always before he put you down and let go. “Ced, how do you feel?”
“I’m fine, nervous, but fine.” you laugh slightly and hug him again. “You’ll do great. You’re going to be fine. But I swear if you get your ass roasted by one of those dragons I will personally kill you myself” You joke earning a hearty chuckle from the boy in front of you. “But seriously Cedric... Please be careful.” he just looked down at you. Then he flashed you his signature smile. Your face also lit up and you hugged him once more before kissing his cheek and quickly leaving. Once you had realized what you had done you quickly left out of embarrassment catching a glimpse of Cedric’s surprised face.
Right after the tournament you had taken Cedric to the infirmary so Madam Pomfrey could look at his wounds. “Y/N they’re just scratches and bruises.” You were more worried than infuriated but you were still mad. “Oh really?” you poked one of the bruises that were on his side. he grimaced in pain instantly going to hold his side. He hissed while doing so. “Ouch...Ok fine. maybe some aren’t just bruises but there isn’t anything you can do about it. It’s not like you can fight the damned thing.” He said jokingly but somehow you took it seriously. “Hey no. You aren’t fighting a dragon. Especially not alone.” You cross your arms and pout. “I wasn’t going to.”
“No, but you were thinking about it.”
“Well, it hurt you.”
“What are you? My Guardian Angel?” At his words, you blush slightly and smile. “I don’t know...Maybe? I mean you are still alive, right? Maybe my being there helped you live.” He pulls you down on the bed he’s sitting on and starts to tickle you. Your laughs echoed through the halls. “Ced...please...stop...you’re gonna...hurt yourself.” Between almost every word you had to catch your breath or laugh. “What is going on here?” When Madam Pomfrey came in he immediately stopped. “N-Nothing Madam Pomfrey.” You stand up and correct your uniform. “I was just hoping you would check out Ced’s wounds.” you smiled sheepishly to Cedric who was also blushing. “He looks perfectly fine to me if he can move around like he just was.” Your smile dropped. “Please, don’t you see these bruises and cuts. What if he broke something.” she looks at you and smiles. “With the way, he’s moving I'm sure he hasn’t broken anything dear. But I’ll clean his open wounds and he can go back and rest.”
Eventually, she was finished and I was stuck staring at his half-naked man in an infirmary. “What? Is my spine poking out my back?” He joked which brought you out of your daze and you chuckled lightly. “N-no it's just um...I’ve never seen you...like this...” He blushed slightly as he pulled the cover up some. Covering the bandages on his torso. “I-I’m sorry!” Blushed a great deal before turning around. “It’s alright. Um...so you know about the yule ball right?” Your heart sped up. Was he really going to ask you to the Yule ball? “Um, yeah? why?” You waited as he paused. “Well, I was thinking...if I should ask Cho.” Your heart sank. It was your dream for Cedric to ask you to the Yule ball. Instead, he wants to go with Cho Chang. “Oh...” He looked up at you. “Are you ok?”
“oh well do you have anyone in mind?” you paused to think. It took everything in you to not blurt out ‘You’ but you didn’t. Instead, you said something that surprised you both. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe George?” the sat up quickly. “George Weasley?!”
“No. Definitely not.” Now you were...Mad? Protective? “Why not?” he didn’t have an answer ready. “W-Well because...He’s a git.” You scoffed at the name given. “Well it's none of your business who I date now is it Cedric?” after your thought was exclaimed to had left him dumbfounded in the infirmary. Him staring at your back as you marched away.
It had been a few weeks since then. Everyone knew something was up because you hadn’t talked to Cedric or been near him. It was unusual because you were basically joined at the hip. you had also heard from some of your friends that some of his were hinting at him asking you. “Sorry I can’t. I already have a date.” Was now a frequent phrase of yours. A lot of the guys from Durmstrang had asked you and you replied with the same thing. You were surprised so many guys would ask you. Of course, you had a date but...it wasn’t really a date. You were going as friends with George and you two were going to go with Angelina & Fred. You remembered the way you asked him. It was sorta embarrassing. It was also the night you and Cedric got into a fight.
“Hey gorge? Can we talk for a minute?” You caught the group of people's attention. it wasn’t like a Hufflepuff to be in the Gryffindor common room. “Of course.” He’d bid his farewells and “I’ll be right backs” as you dragged him out into the hall. “Well, I was wondering...If you’d like to go to the Yule ball with me? As friends?” He raised an eyebrow. Of course, he had been asked out by girls before but never did a Hufflepuff summon up the courage to ask him. “Well, why would I do that darling?” He exclaimed with a mischievous smile on his face. “I thought Diggory would have asked you?” Your face fell and so did his at the sight of yours. “Well, he’s asking someone else and...I wanted to go with you because...” You paused but before you could finish he cut in. “To make him jealous?” The smile was back on his face. he bent down closer to you to hear your answer since your voice had become hushed. “Y-Yes.” he smiled and chuckled. “I’ll tell you what...I’ll do it but...You have to do something in return.” You looked up at him a small smile on your face.
“What is it?” you asked your voice a little higher at the acceptance of your proposal. “I want you to...” he paused moving slightly to pin you to the wall. He looked around. His eye caught something then he turned back to you. “Kiss my cheek.” His smile was now a smirk and your smile was now flustered. “W-What?” You stammered out just loud enough for the two of you to hear. “Right here Right now, I want you to kiss my cheek.” You looked at him. Scanning his eyes to see if it was a joke but he seemed serious. “If I do this you’ll go with me?” He just nods and you swallow a lump in your throat. “Fine.” That was all you said before you leaned in and lightly pressed a kiss into George's cheek. He smiled and stepped away from you. You ran off and he went back to his common room.
After a few hours, you got a string of aggressive knocks on your door. “It’s open!” you yelled out maintaining a safe distance from the door. Cedric came in before closing the door behind him and locking it. “What is this I’m hearing about you kissing George Weasley by the Gryffindor common room?” You were surprised not only that he knew this but also by the anger in his voice. “How do you know about that?” you stood from your bed. “So it's true?” He came closer to you. “One it was just his cheek and two why in the bloody hell do you care? It's not like we are dating.” you snapped back. He just stood there staring at you. He inhaled a sharp breath before speaking. “I don’t...do whatever with him.” Then he left. You just stared at the door. Sooner or later you go back to your bed to go to sleep.
Now you were shopping for a dress. You were looking at the yellow dresses but they found the most beautiful laced, open back dress with a floral engraving in the lace. The only thing was it was in red. You didn’t have anything against it, but your mother did say it didn’t fit your style, whatever that meant. You picked it out anyway. Also getting some other dresses in other colors. When you got back to the castle you put it on to see how it fit. I was perfect. It showed off all the right curves in all the right places. You couldn’t look away but that was when you saw him standing in your door frame. “You look...wow.” He started to come up behind to finish the tie off that held the traps together since it was hard to do by yourself. “Thank you, Cedric.” You look back in the mirror. His hands had now fallen around your waist.” Y/N? I’m sorry for my behavior lately.” He put his head on your shoulder. After everything, you would be lying if you said you didn’t like Cedric anymore. You unwrapped his hands from around you and turned around. You took him in a short hug before pulling away and going back to your bathroom. “So have you asked out Cho yet?” You have said through the door while he explored around your room. “Um yeah...She said yes.” You had a small smile on your face. Of course, it hurt you to know that he was with another girl but...at least he was happy right? You had opened the door and come out by now so you go up to him and take one of his hands in yours. “That’s good...but it’s getting late and I should head to sleep.”
It had been a few weeks since that night and tomorrow was the night of the Yule ball. It was rare that you sat at other tables but today you sat at the Gryffindor table. You sat between George and Fred, George’s arm around your waist. You weren’t really listening to the things they were saying around the table. Your focus was completely on Cedric. “Y/N?” Your head snaps back to the table. “What?” You asked confused.
“Have you gotten a dress for the ball yet?”
“Oh yes. Yes, I have.”
“Really? What’s it look like?”
“It's a beautiful open back with floral design weaved into the lace. It goes just above my knee...and it's this beautiful shade of red.” They all looked surprised. “I’ve never seen you wear red.” you blush just a little. “I wanted to try something different.” George gets closer to your ear. “Did you get it for me?” he said quietly so you could hear but it was harder for the others unless they really focused on what he’s saying. “No...I got it for myself.” You look at him. His eyebrow was now raised and he had a smirk on his face. You stand up and grab your books. “I’m going to head to class but ill see you later.” you were talking directly to George. He nods and you bend down to kiss his cheek. Everyone else’s eyes go wide. Georges as well as it was unexpected. You just left after hearing one comment. “I didn’t know you two were going together like that.” A girl said but you were too far away to even remember whose voice it was.
It was later that evening and you had just finished the homework for Charms. You went down to the common room to head to see George but you were stopped by a strong arm wrapping around your waist. “Are you and George Weasley dating?” The familiar voice is clear in your mind. “No Cedric. We’re just friends.”
“How could you say that? I saw you kiss him in the Great Hall.” 
“I kiss you don’t I? And we aren’t dating.” He just looked at you. You could see the sadness in his eyes at his words. “No. No you aren’t.” He lets go of you. You look up at him and take his face in your hands. “Are you alright Ced?” He just smiled weakly before nodding and heading to his dorm. You then leave and head to the Gryffindor common room. 
It didn’t take to long but as you got closer you heard a few girls talking while they were coming down the hall. You weren’t one for gossip but when you heard your name it intrigued you. “Wasn’t she throwing herself onto that Cedric guy?” 
“Yeah but I heard that she’s going after George Weasley now”
“Wow. She moves on quickly.”
“I heard that she kissed both of them.”
“Geez what a slut.” You felt tears in your eyes as you stepped out into view. Their faces went white as you trudged back in the direction of your common room. In the quickness of your rage and the blurriness of your vision you bumped into someone else. “Y/N? Oh god whats wrong?” It was Georges twin Fred. His grip tight on you making sure you wouldn’t fall. “There were these girls. They called me a slut.” you said, the tears now flowing down your cheeks. He just takes you into an inviting hug. “You don’t think I’m a slut do you?” He pulls you away from him to look you in the eyes. He takes his thumbs and wipes away your tears. “Y/N, never in a million years would I ever think of you like that. George told me everything. And to be honest Cedric Diggory is blind if he can’t see how much you are madly in love with him.” You sniffle and smile lightly at his words. “Come on, I’m sure George is waiting.” He leads the way with his arm around your shoulder in a comforting manor.
Tonight was the night. You had your beautiful dress on and your beautiful (Y/H/C) hair was pinned up into nice curls. You had your makeup done by another hufflepuff and you had your matching heels as well. The only thing you needed now was you “date”. When you walked down your stair case you were met with a very handsome George and Fred Weasley and Angelina. They were dressed in very nice robes. Fred's hair was as wild as usual but George tried to at least maintain it. And to be honest he looked like a tall red haired Malfoy. When you reached the bottom of the stairs they just starred at you. Their jaws hung as their eyes fluttered over you. “Wow you look...” his voice trailed off as he kept staring and his brother finished his sentence. “Heavenly? God-like? Ravishing?” You giggled at Fred’s words and just saw George nod. “All of the above.” was all he said before he came and took your hand in his.
You smiled as he led you to the great hall. Almost everyone’s heads turned in your direction. Having so many eyes kind of embarrassed you because truly you only wanted one pair. His eyes on you and that's all. Only Cedric’s eyes. You entered trough the doors and immediately headed for the food table to grab a drink and sit in a corner. You didn’t really expect George to hang out with you all night. “Hey, where are you off too?” Georges voice of course startled you. It wasn’t like the place was so quiet you could hear a pen drop but not many people were talking. I’m sure it was mainly because the champions would be coming any minute and starting off the ball with their waltz. “I’m going to go get a drink and probably sit down.”
“Oh no, you’re not bailing on me.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you back towards him. “Godrick George! Don’t be so rough!” with your last few words you laughed and caused him to laugh as well. He wrapped his arm around you and just gave you a hug. “G-George?” 
“Shh. Just for a moment.” By this time they were already dancing. You hadn’t even noticed. “George is everything ok?” you asked worried. His face was tucked between the nook in your neck between your shoulder. He inhaled a deep breathe before looking back at you. “Yeah I just had to get my head in the game. And im sure Cedric is boiling with rage at how dangerously close i am to you right now.” You looked over at the dance floor. George was right. A small scowl was now on Cedric's face as he Watched you and George. He was barely paying attention. He was just staring at you and...Glaring at George. “Do you want to make him more mad?” The question caught you off guard of course. It wasn’t often you saw Cedric mad. But when you did...It was terrifying. The last time he was mad...He basically broke anything he could his hands on. You didn’t know what he was mad about but he was furious. It took a whole hour for you to calm him down. “I don’t know...” He just smiles playfully and takes a hand in his. He leads you to the dance floor where you as well start to waltz. “George, how doe this make him mad.”
“Oldest trick in the book. Deception.” You look at him confused. “Just smile and laugh. But not maniacally. Laugh like I told you a really funny joke or maybe that I gave you a really nice complement.” You giggle slightly in response and continue dancing. “There ya go! You’re a natural.” You smile not really understanding how this would make Cedric mad but you were still having fun. “Thank you George! This is amazing!” he smiles back at you and gives you a “You’re welcome.” Before you both head off to get something to drink. 
The ball lasted quite the while. You mostly laughed at jokes with the twins and their friends and danced to the band that played but it finally came time when you were to tired to even walk back to your dorm. You went to go sit down before a tall figure blocked your way. “Where do you think you’re going?” The voice echoed. You knew it anywhere. The voice sickeningly sweet but in a good way. A voice that could put an angels song to shame. A voice as soft and smooth as velvet. His voice. “I was going to sit down. I’m tired.” 
“Why not go to your dorm room and rest?”
“I’m to tired to walk.” The next thing you knew your feet were floating above the ground. The Hufflepuff had taken you in his arms bridal style and started carrying you to the Hufflepuff common room. You weren’t mad or embarrassed to be carried by him. You just wished that your heart wasn’t beating so quickly in your ears so you could enjoy it. It didn’t take long to reach the common room. The password was spoken and the panting swung open and closed. He carried you up the stairs and through your dorm room door. Surprisingly none of your dorm mates were there yet so it was just you and Cedric. He placed you gently on the bed before taking off your shoes. “Ced?” he looked up at you from where he knelt. Out of no where your lips touched his softly. Shock and worried filled your face as you jerked back and covered your mouth. You gasped before you felt him grab you wrist and move it away. In an instant his lips were back on your’s but it wasn’t rough or needy. It was slow and passionate. He stepped up and dragged you to lay on top of him on your bed. You could hear his heart beat to a steady rhythm. “Why so sudden? The kiss” 
“I-I’m sorry I just-”
“Don’t apologize. I liked it even though it caught me off guard but...I guess my main question is, if you liked me why did you go to the ball with George?”
“Why go to the ball with Cho?”
“Because I didn’t think you felt the same way.” You sat up and looked at him. “Of course I did. You almost broke my heart when you said you wanted to go with Cho. I went with George to make you jealous.” He just chuckled and took you back into his arms. “I think your plan worked out. It was very hard to try and not beat up George for having his hands all over you.” you just laugh. “You wouldn’t hurt him. I know you wouldn’t” there was silence for a minute. “We’ll see.” Was all he said before he leaned back down and kissed you more passionately than before. 
The week had gone by in a blur. You were having the time of your life being with Cedric even though you weren’t to public yet. Really the only ones who knew were Fred, George, and Cedric’s friends. It had been later than you thought. The charms homework was a little tougher than usual and you had to take more time to do it. That’s when everything went black. The next thing you knew the only thing you felt was cold. You also felt like you were floating. Like you were submerged in something. Water? Dear Godrick what did you get yourself into?
The next time I opened my eyes i was surrounded by my friends and I was in Cedric's arms. When he saw me open my eyes he immediately hugged me. It was tight, desperate. I hugged him back before coughing a little. “Merlin I got so scared.” His voice was low, almost a whisper when he spoke. When everyone had come up safely the scores were announced before everyone headed back to the castle. “Cedric are you alright?” You asked worried about him. “Y/N, I keep thinking about what would have happened if I didn’t make it in time. If I got you but it was too late and you drowned. Or if I didn’t get you at all. I was scared when i hadn’t seen you that day and my fear only deepened when I saw you in the water. You didn’t even look alive. You looked like you had frozen to death.” He was now sitting on your bed. His head in his hands as he spoke. “Cedric I’m fine now see.” You took his face in your hands and pressed a kiss to his forehead like he used to do to you. He placed his hands on your waist before standing up and leaning down to press his soft lips of yours. “Just don’t do that again ok?” he smiled after he spoke and you giggle before wrapping your arms around his neck and placing your hands in his hair. His kissed you once more, and this time deeper, before you both had to go and get changed from your wet uniforms.
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warm-starlight · 4 years
Before this arc I would've never thought that so many people would support and promote genocide and even celebrate such a fucked up thing to "save humanity" and that it would even make a character more popular because of it like, how?? I get it, humanity can be cruel and messed up, but to murder EVERYONE because of it really ain't it, at this point Eren might as well be a modern teenage titan Hitler, except that people are now simping for him smh... I kind of wish this series would've been just about humans vs titans or even humans vs humans like in season 3 and having the series end with them seeing the ocean or something, if only cause I really miss the time where the fandom was mostly on the same page and making memes and getting along (sorta *cough*)
I wonder when and how all the yeagarist suddenly changed their minds and said "fuck the alliance, the need to die. Go chad Eren!" Like did they read and watch the series with blank faces whenever the other characters had their moments and jumped on the opportunity to possibly see them lose or die or did they actually like them, but the moment they said fuck genocide they went "y'all are delusional lmao" and start hating on them?
Especially since it didn't even seem like Eren was THAT popular before as Levi and Mikasa were stanned and thirsted over by basically everyone and even Erwin, Hange, Armin, Sasha, Jean, etc. were/are fan favourites... so what exactly happened there? The majority of the Japanese fandom seems to be pro Alliance, its the western fandom that is super split on the whole Yeagarist vs Alliance war tho... I wonder what Isayama thinks about all of this and whether it might influence his decision on the ending or not, probably not but idk it's wild
Sorry for that salty ass rant btw, I've never actually interacted with the Aot/Snk fandom before and all these fandom wars, character and irl people bashing and overall toxicty really caught me off guard ngl
Eren isn't doing the genocide to save humanity. He is doing it to protect his homeland and basically because he thinks he deserves the whole world for himself and his people.
I think the themes SnK is exploring is actually pretty interesting. Globalism vs Nationalism, Nihilism vs Existentialism.... Thing is, Isayama made the whole "Eren had no other choice" plot point unrealistic and forced and it's why i find so hard to get behind Eren. There were other, mpre viable options that would of course require sacrifices, but not nearly as many. Eren chose the Worst option of them all because he couldn't take any risks or make sacrifices. He chose to sacrifice all those he has Zero emotional connection with instead.
Somehow some people feel more "unique" if they support a guy with questionable morals. Those "good guys" everyone likes are boring haha.
Idk why that is but a lot of people seem to root for villains in the stories. I guess it's because they can relate to them more? I kinda think people who support Eren are young, like 13 to 15 on average. I can't imagine any person older than 19 would root for him. Of course there are always exceptions.
Anyway, i rambled too much haha.
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aureolusfirewrites · 4 years
Here we go again
This one finally has some brooken fluff dont worry though because I'm to angst filled to have to much fluff for to long before absolutely ruining everything
Veined in Black
Chapter 3
/October 31/
Rook waited outside the door to Ben's room. After he knocked the first time and got no response his mind immediately flickered to the idea that Ben might be sick or hurt or worse but the second time he had heard some rustling and a voice call out "Just a second!" 
When Ben finally stepped out he looked great. A lot better than he had yesterday which, to be fair, wouldn't take much. He was still pale and there were still bags under his eyes but he didn't seem like he was about to fall over sick any second. "Well you are looking much better" he commented.
"Hey Rook!" Ben said cheerfully. "You ready for the Halloween party tonight!" Rook chuckled at his partner's excitement. "Indeed I am though you have not told me what you will be going as" he didn't know why Ben refused to tell him unless it was for some sort of surprise. Ben had done that before, held off information to reveal it at the right time but Rook didn't understand the importance of hiding his costume. 
"Are you coming?" Ben called running down the hallway. Rook chased after him and caught up easily. Ben never had very much luck outrunning him he was simply to short to have a lead for to long. 
"Ben where are you going?" He asked quizzically. "Well I was thinking what if instead of Bellwood we patrol undertown today" Rook quirked his head, Ben liked undertown Rook understood that but he also remembered quite clearly that Ben had been avoiding it during halloween. There were so many criminals down in undertown and when undertown did halloween they did halloween hard. 
"Why may I asked would you want to tour undertown?" Ben smiled and shook his head. "Oh c'mon Rook it's halloween think of all the cool stuff that's gonna be down there! I bet the entire city is decked out!"
He ducked and backed up as the teenager frantically waved his arms around as he talked. Rook had noticed this pattern of body language very early on in their partnership and he knew that Ben didn't notice he did so, and didn't control it either. Most of the time this led to Ben accidentally smacking his hands into Rook but he had learned how to dodge. 
"Are you sure you want to risk going to undertown today? I know you don't like to talk about it but are you not concerned about having a potential... breakdown?"
Ben stopped and put his hand up to his chin. Rook wasn't sure what he was looking at. Normally at the mention of Ben's occasional mental instability he would get a glare or snarky comment or on a rare occasion just a gentle 'its fine' but now Ben looked confused. As if he wasn't even sure what Rook had meant. 
It started happening a few months ago, well longer than that but Rook had started noticing a few months ago. The uneven breaths Ben sometimes had to take, the jumping and flinching at contact in certain areas. Rook had easily guessed what might be going on with his overly heroic self-sacrificing partner, but it had been confirmed in the worst way possible. 
Zombozo had shown up again and Rook had noticed Ben was already panting at the sight of the clown. He couldn't imagine how bad it would get though.
After the fight Ben had fallen to his hands and knees staring at the ground panting gasping and shaking with his pupils no bigger than pinpricks. Rook bent over and put a hand on Ben's shoulder. Apprently that had been the wrong move. Ben whipped around faster than light and smacked Rook off of him. Then Ben was pushing himself backwards screaming at Rook saying "GET AWAY FROM ME" and "DON'T TOUCH ME!"  One look into Ben's eyes and Rook could tell he wasn't  really seeing him anymore. The thin pupils glancing around wildly as if there was a crowd surrounding him. 
Rook knew what it was, just never expected to see the Ben 10 having a panic attack.  Rook simply sat down on the ground and talked to Ben from a distance not making any move forward and just letting Ben hear his voice. 
Rook had no idea how he hadn't noticed any sooner. With how early Ben was thrown into this lifestyle and the constant threats against him Rook was surprised he hadn't developed any form of PTSD earlier. 
After a while Ben's breathing evened out and he was able to choke out Rook's name before he curled up and started bawling his eyes out. Rook had never seen his partner cry before but it seemed like this was long overdue as Ben buried his face into Rook's chest clinging to him like a lifeline. Ben had passed out after a while still hanging on to Rook who had taken him home and told Max about the incident. 
Since then Rook had just tried to understand the condition better and help keep his partner grounded.
Ben was mumbling and Rook could only hear half of it. "Breakdown- I didn't think he- that would explain-" 
"Don't worry Rook it won't be a problem I'm feeling good about today!" Ben said finally getting back on task. "If you say so..." 
The trip in undertown went unsettlingly better than he would've thought. Ben never flinched when people bumped into him, never sent a nervous glance at anyone, not even a slight hitch in his breath. Which was quite a feat considering their surroundings. 
Undertown had transformed for the holiday. The vendors had painted their carts and hung up orange lanterns pumpkins and other things had faces carved into them and were glowing casting haunting light over everything. And the entire city hummed with purple light where there wasn't orange. To summarize Undertown had turned into an earthen version of Anur Transyl.
Ben walked around looking at things and laughing with Rook. He was happy to see his partner so carefree the sky above knows he needed it but also unnerved him. Ben just seemed off to him. 
"So about the plumber's party tonight, I was thinking maybe we could go... Together?" Rook quirked his head to the side in confusion. "Were we not already going to attend the party together?" Ben's face burned red. "I- I- mean maybe as like a kinda sorta... Date?" 
Rook was pretty sure his brain did a... What would Ben call it? Short circuit? 
"AUGH no" Ben buried his now entirely red face in his hands "stupid, I'm so stupid this is stupid, just forget I said anything-" "I'd love to" Ben froze and glanced at Rook. "Really?" "Would you like me to stop by your room at eight?" Ben smiled widely "y- yeah that'd be awesome." 
They stayed like that for a while on the boardwalk not saying anything until the omnitrix beeped. 
"Oh right I forgot I set that, Rook I gotta go back to my room and get ready... See you in a bit?"
Rook nodded with a smile and watched Ben walk a ways away before getting up and doing what Ben called a 'fist pump' and walking to his truck.
Rook looked at the costume he had prepared. Ben said that a costume enough would've been not wearing his armor but plumber base had a tendency to take advantage of letting your guard down so he had this. 
He had taken the main pieces of his armor and spray painted them changing it from a dark blue to a ghostly white. He put it on and looked in the mirror. It had turned out better than Rook could've expected he looked just like he was wearing a skeleton costume and he had found a special coating to it would glow in the dark to. 
Rook was excited wondering what costume Ben had chosen. He really hadn't been expecting a date proposition while they were in undertown but he also couldn't say he hadn't wanted it. Truthfully he had been avoiding the idea of having feelings for his partner, but for Ben to return the feeling...
Rook stopped in front of Ben's room. A pit had suddenly formed in his stomach. He thought for a moment he might just be nervous but it was more like his 'danger radar' was going off. He opened to door and walked inside. The lights were all turned off odd...
"Ben? It is almost time for the party are you prepared?" The door behind him slammed shut suddenly. Rook jumped startled away from it the only light in the room was his armor until... 
'czzrk crrk zrrkc' crackling noises came from above him and he looked up at something flashing. Suddenly humming split the terrifying atmosphere making the eerie feeling worse. It was a haunting melody that carried loudly and sounded like it came from a child. Rook looked up at the rafters.
There was crackling green electricity sparking with purple swinging back and forth. Illuminating a figure above him. "...Ben?" 
A raspy chuckle came from the teenager.
"So​​​rry Blonko Ben isn't home right now."
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
AU where Piper doesn't give up the godhood and instead disappears to parts unknown to cause chaos. Leo, up in Elderland, is drowning himself in his work as an escape. Phoebe, unable to deal with the trauma of losing yet another family member to magic, swears off magic and moves to Hong Kong with Jason. Paige is left trying to raise Wyatt and fight demons with only Chris for support.
yoooo fuckin grunge rendition & a perfect kickoff for a dark future tho in this dark future i don’t think it’s be like Evil Wyatt™ i think it’s be more like the world falls out of balance with the charmed ones severed and piper’s off fucking up shit i think we’ll put paige & henry together somehow in this au but like eventually they’re gonna have to leave the manor bc it’s such a seat of power and without the charmed ones they’re really vulnerable so henry’s like okay well i know you haven’t spoken with your sister in like almost a year but don’t you think it’s time let’s just go there so paige is like alright everyone pack your bags and chris is like i’m not going and paige is like what don’t be ridiculous of course you’re going and chris is like no i’ll stay here and protect the manor and paige is like you’ll die and chris is like i’m dying anyways. well, ceasing to exist, more like and paige is all like what sudden plot device are you springing on me now and chris is like well um in short i kinda fucked up and paige is like noah fence but i sorta got that when you made piper a god with no plan to get it out of her and chris is like yes okay i mean like globally i fucked up there but like on a personal level i also sorta fucked up? yeah. piper’s my mom. and paige is like !!!!!!! okay What??? and chris is like i needed to get close to the charmed ones to stop the dark future from happening i figured i could pose as your whitelighter you know stop the world from turning evil but that meant i had to get rid of leo. my dad. and paige is like okay i Need to sit down what the fuck What The Fuck and you did all this- and you- and now everything’s worse- and chris is like if it’s any consolation i’m pretty sure i at least got us off the evil dictator wyatt timeline and paige is like WHAT and chris is like yeah :/ but you’re- you’re doing a great job paige. if anyone can fix this, you can. sorry. and paige like goes downstairs and henry has wyatt and like a duffel and is like where’s chris and paige is like he’s staying behind and henry’s like what he can’t and paige is like no. he can. let’s go. and she orbs them out meanwhile chris’s math is telling him he’s got like a week maybe a week and a half til his conception so if there’s any time to use witchcraft it’s now i guess and he begins a ritual to tether him to the house. as long as it still stands, he’ll still be with it, guarding it from evil. it takes him almost a week to get the spell right, but he does it, unknowingly fusing himself with the nexus in the process. leo notices paige is gone and the house is empty and orbs in fearing the worst, only to find a chris that isn’t entirely chris well more like he is entirely chris and then some. he can tell he’s fused with the nexus. he’s also see-through, stuck permanently in the fade out of existence, but not to truly die until the house is gone. and leo has nothing to say. he has nothing to say bc everything here is his fault and this is all his doing and oh my god the world is falling apart and now there’s a ghost chris haunting the manor and he’ll never see his wife again and oh my god so he just sorta sits down in defeat and chris sorta sits down next to him like sorry i fucked all this up and leo’s like it’s not your fault. i did this and chris is like you can’t take all the blame i made the moves to put you in that position and leo’s like yeah and i still made them gods that was my own choice. and chris is like. did beat the titans tho. and leo’s like yeah lmao looks like we saved the world huh and chris is like yeah. it’s only going up from here. and it’s quiet for a minute and chris is like can i need to tell you something and leo’s like okay and chris is just like quiet and leo’s like are you actually gonna tell me and chris is like yeah but then he’s quiet again and leo’s just sorta like gonna sit there like let him take his time and they just like Sit There and after a while chris is like i’m your son and you know it’s not like leo was necessarily expecting anything but he really wasn’t expecting That and leo’s like like you’re my. like my son, like me & piper’s. son. and chris is like yeah :/ and leo’s just like oh. sorry. and chris is like for what? and leo’s like you had to come back to save the future clearly i fucked that one up to and chris is like no you didn’t. you... and leo’s like what and chris is like you never stopped believing in good. and he’s not entirely sure why he’s saying all this bc up until this very moment he thought that was his father’s biggest flaw and it’s what he hated about him but like right now. like what else can they really do but hope for the good in people. and leo’s like were we close? and chris is like no not really. and leo’s like oh :( and they just sit there. and after a while the elders chime and leo’s like i gotta go i guess. and chris is like yeah. and leo’s like i’m not giving up. not yet. we can still save the future. and chris just looks over at his dad and like leo means it like he’s got this look in his eyes this newfound fire and it sorta makes chris hope too and leo tries to pat chris on the shoulder but his hand sorta just waves through him but chris almost smiles like he gets the sentiment and leo orbs out and for the first time in like a long time chris just. cries. over in hong kong phoebe is hosting paige and henry (& baby wyatt) and she’s being cordial but it’s obvious she’s on edge and she’s practically begging paige to stay with her, to bind her magic. they’re protected and cloaked and they can live a normal life like they always wanted and paige is like i never wanted a normal life. i don’t want to live in a world without magic, i don’t want to live in a world without my sisters and phoebe’s like a world with magic is a world without your sisters. i should know. please don’t let it take you too.
okay this keeps going for another 3000 words i have no self restraint. the rest is under the cut
and paige really has to grapple with that because it’s sort of true. either she hides or she goes down fighting because it doesn’t seem like she can make it out of this one alive. and she knows if it was just her, she’d fight. she’d fight to the bitter end but it’s not just her it’s her and henry and baby wyatt it’s not just her. so it’s not just her decision to make. and phoebe says she can stay as long as she wants so long as she doesn’t practice any magic. demons can’t really track them if they never actively use their magic, and with the most basic wards phoebe set up, they’re practically invisible to the other side (jason has been informed about magic but he stays on a need to know basis). & paige hates it. i mean for starters she’s miles from home in a foreign country and while she still has her whitelighter gift of omnilingualism she sees phoebe tense up whenever she speaks mandarin so she stops using it around the house. and jason’s place is really nice and spacious and it’s not like they’re all living on top of one another but like paige feels insanely cooped up and she keeps watching the news and sees all these things happening and they’re like wow this is so unexplainable. experts are baffled. no scientific explanation. and she knows it’s magic and she knows she has to do something about it and henry can sense she’s getting antsy and he wants her to know that no matter what she chooses he’s behind her 100% and paige is like no it’s way too dangerous and henry’s like i don’t care paige i’m not going to sit on the sidelines and do nothing especially if this is as dangerous as you say it is and paige is like i can’t let you get hurt and henry’s like you don’t think i feel the same way? if we go down, we’re going down together. i’m with you in this. for better or worse. and paige is like okay. but just one thing first. and henry’s ready to argue to put up a fight but is completely caught off guard when paige says marry me. and phoebe is overjoyed to have a wedding and like jason’s completely willing to cover the whole thing because he hasn’t seen phoebe smile like this since piper went missing but paige and henry really don’t want all the bells and whistles so they just have a super lowkey ceremony in the living room which to be fair is huge & extravagant and has a beautiful view of the hong kong skyline and phoebe’s feeling like this happiness and hope that she hasn’t felt in such a long time and she even lets paige conjure a wedding dress even though paige said she was fine just getting married in one of phoebe’s nice white dresses phoebe’s like no this is your special day this is your wedding it should be yours it should be you and paige smiles and gives her a hug and even though phoebe’s powers are bound she can feel this tug from her empathy as if it’s trying to bubble to the surface. so blah blah blah paige and henry get married and they’re getting ready to like you know do their best to try to save the world namely to get piper back and they’re leaving wyatt with phoebe and jason but paige pulls phoebe aside like come with us. piper’s your sister too, you can save her. and phoebe’s like i can’t. i couldn’t then, i can’t now, i’m not strong enough. and paige is like i think that’s bullshit i think you are strong enough i think you’re just scared. and phoebe’s like paige you might think you know me but you don’t know me that well. i’m not scared; i’m terrified. and if i was strong enough, i’d stop you. i’d stop you from going on a suicide mission and i’d stop you from leaving me the last man standing but if there’s one thing it seems i’ve never been strong enough to do it’s save my sisters. and paige is like you saved me. way back in s4, you saved me. you are strong enough. come with me. and phoebe’s like i can’t blah blah blah henry’s been talking with jason because jason’s like oh are you gonna go save the world and henry’s like nah i’m probably just gonna die and jasons like oh. . is that like your game plan? and henry’s like paige is gonna try to find piper. she hopes if she can bring her back, she can fix the balance. and jasons like bring her back from where and henry sorta sighs that sigh that you sigh when you’re in way over your head and he’s like godhood and jason’s like excuse me and henry like yeah know all the freak storms that have been happening lately and jason’s like that’s piper? and henry’s like yeah and jason’s like shit. and he sort looks over at phoebe who’d like now in the kitchen and she’s got a death grip on a mug of tea and looks like she’s trying not to feel anything and henry looks over at paige who’s like basically putting on her war paint and stocking up on potion ingredients and this that and the other and both these lads know this situations fucked up and jason’s like look not that i’m trying to rush you off to your death but and henry’s like great start and jason’s like i own a satellite company or some bullshit blah blah blah basically we’ve been tracking these storms trying to figure out where the next one’s gonna hit and henry’s you can track piper. and jason’s like. yeah. i had no idea, but yeah. and henry’s like where’s the next one gonna be and jason makes a call blah blah blah it’s all in mandarin so henry has no idea what’s going on and jason’s like it looks like you have home field advantage. the next one’s gonna be in san francisco. and so paige and henry orb back to the manor and paige is like brewing potions like nobody’s business and henry’s like so what’s the plan and paige is like uhh to be perfectly frank there is no plan we’re just gonna wing it try to talk her down and if that doesn’t work... and henry’s like if that doesn’t work? paige is like try to stop her. and henry nods and paige is like it’s not too late to back out. and henry’s like not a chance. and paige is like brewing potions when chris floats in a paige is so shocked she almost blows up the whole attic adding an ingredient to a potion. and chris is like what’re you doing here? and paige is like you still exist? and henry’s like wait what does that mean? why can i see through you? and chris is like i tethered myself to the house. as long as it’s here i’m here. and paige is like that works?? and henry’s like you’re a ghost?? and chris is like i don’t think so. dad- leo says i’m the nexus. and paige is like you’re the nexus??? and henry’s like leo’s your father??? and paige is like yeah wait circle back you’ve talked to leo?????? and chris is like is like yes to all but can you answer my question and paige is like what was your question and chris is like why are you here and paige is like oh. and she’s looking at all her potions and like wondering whether or not she should tell chris she's here to throw hands with his mom when henry cuts in and says piper’s coming. and chris is like what? how do you know? and henry’s like jason’s weather tracking. a giant storm’s gonna hit in an hour, maybe two if we’re lucky. and with it- is gonna be my mom. and chris is like okay. what’s the plan. and paige is like there is no plan. and chris is like what do you mean there’s no plan? and henry’s like we’re gonna try to talk her down. chris is like and if that doesn’t work? and paige is like well then we try not to die. and chris is like well what are you going to say and paige is like ...i don’t know yet. it’ll come to me in the moment. and chris is like you’re joking and paige is like well do you have a better idea? and chris is like orbs out but when he does it’s like polluted with a dark smoke that paige recognizes as the nexus and she’s just like god this is so fucked up and then like lightning strikes and thunder rumbles and rain starts falling down and henry’s like i think it’s about to get worse. and paige like grabs a fistful of potions and she’s like you ready? and henry’s like there’s no one i’d rather face the end of the world with and takes her hand and they go out to the front steps of the manor and paige starts yelling to the sky like piper! piper it’s your sister! it’s paige! please come talk to me! piper! and like she and henry are already soaked to the bone and lightning strikes and brings down a tree near the side of the house but henry and paige stay standing and paige is like piper i’m not going anywhere! you’re my family; i’m not leaving! and piper’s like i don’t have a family. and she’s like a far cry from the party city goddess we saw in the season five her hair is long and wild and there seems to be vines growing intertwined with it and he dress has been soaked with mud and seawater and earth so many times it’s now like a fucked up brown and it’s got rips and tears that have been patched over by moss that seems to grow out of her skin and when she moves the earth seems to bend towards her. meanwhile in hong kong jason’s like why didn’t you tell me it was piper and phoebe’s like what and jason’s like this the world ending the apocalypse why didn’t you tell me it was piper? and phoebe’s like would it have made a difference? and jason’s like yes! phoebe she’s your sister, she means the world to you and phoebe’s like she’s not my sister anymore and jason’s like what and phoebe’s like that thing inside her, that power, it’s taken over. it’s not piper; piper would never do this. and she just sorta starts crying and jason pulls her in close and phoebe’s just like it’s not piper. i wish i had piper. and jason’s like i think you should go. with paige. i think you should go save her. and phoebe’s like what? and jason’s like i’ll watch wyatt. i can get you off the ground within the hour and have you land the as close as you can to san francisco, and i’ll- i’ll get a car to be there for you can you can drive the rest of the way but phoebe you need to be there. and phoebe’s like to do what? and jason’s like to tell her how much you need her. and phoebe just sort of wipes off her tears and is like okay and jason’s like i call the pilot and phoebe’s like there’s no time. i just need some rosemary, cypress, and yarrow root. and jason’s like what? and phoebe’s already like dragging stuff down from the cabinets and mixing it all in a bowl and like grabs a knife and jason’s just sorta like !!! and phoebe’s you know like power of the witches rise / course unseen across the skies / magic that i must unbind / a lost sister i must find and she looks over and jason and she’s terrified and jason kisses her and says i love you and phoebe says i love you too and she cuts open her finger spilling blood and chants blood to blood i call to you / blood to blood i return to and like a swirl of witches orbs and she’s gone and jason just hopes she comes back bc he’s got a ring ready for her when she does. and phoebe finds herself in the manor in the middle of what feels like a hurricane. and she can hear paige screaming outside. you do have a family, piper! we’re your family. and she hears piper scream and the earth shift and phoebe’s terrified like she might actually have a panic attack like terrified and she wonders if she should just go home where it’s safe but she looks around and. she is home. this is her home. and she can’t run anymore. and paige is still trying to talk piper down like wyatt still needs you! your son, wyatt, he needs his mother! and phoebe just hears a crashing sound and henry yelling like paige we need to get inside. and paige is like i’m staying right here! you hear that, piper? you’re gonna have to kill me, because there’s no way i’m leaving you! and phoebe like runs out in the pouring rain because she’s like 90% sure piper is about to kill paige so she just like. throws herself in front of paige, placing herself firmly between her and piper and yells piper! piper this isn’t you! you’re not a god you’re a charmed one! you’re my sister! you’re our family! and piper stops moving and it looks like tears might be running down her face but it might just be the torrential rain and phoebe starts walking towards her like you were there. when i was born. right in the living room piper you have been with me every second of my life! you taught me how to ride a bike! you let me back in after i ran away! and when i had lost myself to the greatest evil, when i thought i could never come back, you saved me, piper. come back. and she’d like a few feet away from piper and she can see how much this women changed how inhuman she’s become but it doesn’t matter bc she can still see piper and she just repeats like come back piper. come home. and thunder stops rumbling and the wind stops howling but it’s still a downpour of rain and paige hands all of her potions over to henry and runs over to piper and piper looks like a cornered animal and she just looks scared. she looks scared and angry and upset and she’s looking to phoebe and paige like she’s begging them to have the answers and paige is like you have a family. we’re your family. and piper’s like no. my family is gone. and phoebe’s like we’re right here. and piper words are just catching in her throat and she can’t even speak and when she hears the words i’m sorry, i should have never left you. the rain just stops all together and as she turns around to see leo her dress starts to disintegrate deteriorating like it would if it wasn’t held together by magic and she’s looking at leo like she can’t believe her eyes and leo just holds out his hands and is like i miss you, more than words can tell i miss you and i love you i never stopped i’ll never stop, piper... and there’s this insane amount of lightning and it just crackles everywhere and henry calls out because he’s sure paige just got fried and the whole place smells like ozone and when it clears and eyes adjust it’s piper, still a god, but different. moss no longer grows from her skin and vines don’t sprout from her hair, her ruined gown is back to a pristine white, and she’s holding leo’s hands. and leo’s just like come back home piper. and she hugs him, still crying as the essence of a god leaves her body. and phoebe and paige immediately make this a group hug completely forgetting boundaries bc like it’s piper again and they have waited so long to see piper again and piper just sort of. laughs, mixed in with a sob. and they all hold her so so super tight and she’s like okay people. can you let me breathe and uhh like Everyone is crying a lil bit (save for henry who’s just like. a lil bit confused) and piper goes back into the manor and sees like nexus!chris and she’s like woah why are you a ghost and chris is like it doesn’t matter. i’m gonna- i’m gonna go move on. it seems like the future’s saved, so... and leo’s like you don’t have to go. you could stay. and chris is like this isn’t my world. i’ve been clinging onto existence for too long, it’s time to let go and leo like looks at chris and he knows that he’s made up his mind and there’s no changing it so he just goes in to give chris a hug and when he does he actually cna make contact and he squeezes him tight and chris’s final words are just i love you, dad before he fades out of existence and piper’s like i’m sorry. dad? and leo’s like yeah um it’s a long story and piper’s like uh huh. and paige is like also i got married! and henry’s like hi. and piper’s like uh huh! okay! and she turns to phoebe like any surprises from you? and phoebe’s like no. um i’ve been going to a lot of therapy. and piper’s just like. alrighty then. and she’s sorta looking around the house and it’s sorta a shitshow like it’s been near destroyed by the storm and she’s just like you know looking around like fuck i really did all this oh god i just did like a lot of this i did a lot of damage around the world and leo notices her and is like. you know. by magic done can be magic undone. and piper’s like excuse me? and leo’s like whatever you did as a god. it can be reversed. it won’t change the memories of the time lost but... and piper’s just sort of nodding and she’s like it sounds like we’ll need the power of three and paige is like i can’t tell you how good it feels to hear that again and the girls all hold hands and close their eyes and phoebe starts off like a world out of balance a sisterhood broken / reunited and healed with these words spoken and paige is like we call on the power of three to guide us / drawing on good magic to save us from crisis and piper’s like to reverse the damage and harm that was done / we three witches ask as one and like top it off with an in unison as we will it / so mote it be and like you know a soft gold light like pours out and flows over everything you know the clouds part and the sun shines and the trees right themselves and glass repairs itself and henry’s like woahhh bc like he’s never seen magic on this level before and paige can’t help but smile and she kisses him and like piper’s with leo and phoebe’s like word. cue the screech of burning rubber sound of pounding footsteps and desperate knocking on the door and phoebe’s like i’ll get that i guess and she opens the door to find jason dean red faced and out of breath on her doorstep and phoebe’s like surprised and she goes in to hug him but as soon as he sees her he like drops to one knee and still trying to catch his breath pulls out a ring like phoebe halliwell will you marry me? and phoebe’s like !!! yes! and like jason’s driver comes up the front steps holding baby wyatt and he’s sorta hovering behind like is this jason’s baby he seems a lil busy right now i guess i’ll keep holding this kid when wyatt sees piper and is like mama! and orbing right out of that man’s handing into piper’s arms and jason’s like yeah uh pretend you didn’t see that and the drivers like yeah. i’m gonna go wait in the car. blah blah blah happy ending wyatt telekinetically closes the door.
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Power Rangers AU-Chapter 7
Pairings: romantic Logicality, Prinxiety, Demus, Remile
This Chapter Features: Patton centric storyline, YouTuber!Patton, discussions of a fake fanfiction about Reddie
This Chapter Warnings: swearing, falling from a building, fighting, allusions to anxiety, a transphobic comment, fainting/passing out, use of the word slut(1 time), sympathetic Deceit and Remus
Credit for this AU goes to @when-day-met-the-knight (specifically this post)
If you would like to be added to the taglist for this fic please let me know in reply!
This chapter is long, I didn’t expect it to be so long and to take so long, but this quarentine is not going so good for me. I’m gonna try and get another chapter out soon, but we’ll see. Sorry it’s so long, but I don’t want to split it in half. Anyway, please all of you stay safe and virus free!
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Chapter 7-Blank
"Okay, this is our last shot to figure something out about Virgilius before we can't predict when he's gonna show up again!" Thomas yelled.
"Correct. We have to make this count!" Logan agreed.
Patton and the others nodded and continued running to the sight of the breach. It was a nice Wednesday afternoon and Virgilius had apparently decided to let them finish the school day before attacking. As October drawled on the nights became just a little chillier with the ocean breeze swirling through town. Patton was naturally a faster runner than the others so Logan had assigned him to racing ahead, getting to a high vantage point, and helping him assess the situation.
Patton rounded a street corner and arrived at the little crossroads in the city where many restaurants had outdoor seating and a lot of public activity. Now, the usually quiant area, had a giant rip in space and time the was pouring out monsters like an open wound. Patton summoned his bow, spotted a perfect building roof just next to him, and shot and arrow. As the arrow flew to the roof, a pink lasso type of string extended from it, and once the arrow landed, Patton was pulled into the air.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, when the heck did you get grappling hook arrows?!" Remus shouted.
"Training on Sunday. I found out I could summon them!" Patton replied.
"If you had been there you would have seen it." Roman remarked.
Patton reached the roof and climbed over the ledge, running across so he faced the square. Monsters were piling out of the breach and pedestrians were all around, cowering and screaming. Patton knocked an arrow back and began firing at the breach.
"Yeah well," Remus paused. "I was busy."
"What could you have possibly been doing?!" Logan asked.
"More like who could you have been doing." Roman mumbled.
"Heard that." Patton chastized.
"Are you slut shaming me right now?" Remus asked incredulously.
"I dunno are you being a s-"
"Shut it you two!" Dee barked.
"What do you see?" Logan asked.
"Pedestrians are everywhere, it doesn't seem like the minions are engaging with them, but if we don't hurry I think they might." Patton explained, firing another arrow.
"What's the call?" Roman asked.
The rest of the Rangers entered the square and looked to Logan expectantly.
"Are they looking to leave the square or are they staying here?" Logan asked.
"Staying here."
"Alright. Here's the plan. Green and Yellow, you two handle the minions around the outside, any of the ones that look like they're ready to attack civilians or ones that might leave the square. Black and Red, you two cover the breach. I'm going to try and direct civilians out of the square and behind the Twisters. Pink, I want you to cover my flank so the others don't have to worry." Logan explained. "Got it?"
Everyone gave an affirmative response.
"Okay." Logan nodded back.
The Rangers broke off. Remus and Dee ran in opposite directions, handling any straggling monsters that strayed from the rest. Roman and Thomas ran forward, slashing through the monsters that hoarded around the breach. Logan raced to the restaurant side of the sqaure, and began helping pedestrians up and getting them running to the alley that let out behind Twisters.
Megan's working today. Patton remembered, his stomach dropping a little. She's in that Twisters. Patton didn't want to think about her possibly getting hurt and continued to try and focus on helping Logan safely transport the pedestrians, but he found it more difficult than usual.
"Hey, so, did you ever come up with a new name for these things?" Remus asked.
"What?" Logan scoffed.
"I hate the word minions, you know that. Those yellow demons plague my nightmares. So, can we please think of something else!" He whined.
"I think just referring to them as monsters is fine." Logan replied.
"That's because you have no imagniation!" Roman, ever the one for dramatics, accompanied him saying this with a slash of his sword and triumphant stance.
"I have-" Logan stooped down to help a small child and their mother out of their hiding place and directed them to the twisters. "an adequate amount of imagination."
"Thinkin' about Patton without a shirt on, is not imagination." Remus sighed.
"Green!!" Thomas, Roman, and Dee scolded.
Patton tried his best to stay focused on helping protect the pedestrians, but he found it more and more difficult, however he didn't think the others' conversation had to do with it.
"Anyway, back to what I was saying earlier, I hate the word minion I say we call them something like, Witchlings!"
"Witchlings?" Thomas asked. "Explain."
"Well ya know, Dragon Witch, Witchlings. It sorta works." Remus shrugged.
"Can't we just stick with monsters?" Logan sighed.
"No!" Remus practically howled.
"Patton how does the breach look now?" Roman asked.
"Um," Patton turned. "Monsters are coming out much slower, and you've lessened the amount quite a bit, but I wouldn't take any chances."
"That was the last of the pedestrians." Logan informed. "Green and Yellow, join me and close in around the breach. Pink, I want you to take over for those two."
"On it!" Patton replied, lowering his bow and searching the sqaure.
He assumed the others were following Logan's orders and tried not to worry. Patton found a monster and pulled an arrow back, firing directly between its shoulder blades. The monster turned to ash. Patton looked around again and found another straggler heading for one of the restaurants.
"This looks like the last of them!" Thomas called.
"Okay, stay on your guard everyone, we all know what happens next." Roman said.
"Do your best to recall anything that happens, all of this interaction could be important." Logan reminded.
Patton affirmed the directions and turned his attention back to lookng for any monsters that left the pack. Then a chill went down his spine. Patton stiffined, the hair on his neck stood up and a bad feeling washed over him. Something is wrong.
"Heya Pink. We don't really get to talk much do we?" A dark voice said behind him.
Patton whipped his body around and came face-to-face with Virgilius. His crown even more daunting up close. The bad feeling only got worse. It was unnatural. Wrong. Patton wanted to get away as fast as he could. To his legs that apparently meant stepping back far too much, tripping on the side of the building, and falling.
He screamed. The wind rushed by him and he felt weightless as he fell. He wasn't thinking. All that ran through his mind was that feeling of uneasy wrong that hit him in the chest. It spread and overwhelmed his senses. His unfocused manner and inability to grasp the situation only made him more worried.
Then the wind stopped. He was in someone's arms so quickly he felt whiplash in his neck. His eyes were still unfocused but he could see and register Remus's green armor. Patton pulled in closer to Remus and grasped what he could.
"Pat are you okay?" Remus asked.
"I-" Patton paused. "yeah, I-I think I am."
Patton released Remus from his hug and allowed him to set him down. The feeling was lessened, but not completely gone. It was almost like phantom pains, not his feelings, but the affect someone else's feelings had on him.
"Aww Pink, why'd ya leave so soon. I was just getting started." Virgilius practically cackled from the roof.
Patton turned back up to him. His eyes caught the gaze of the six purple ones and he tried to read any emotion behind them. Nothing. Unable to see any of Virgilius's other features, Patton tried to focus on his posture. Relaxed, almost lazy.
Patton's attention was torn away. He felt a content and calming feeling push into him. It was frantic though, as if someone was trying desperately to make him feel good again. To take away the fear that Patton worried could consume him. When he registered the arms wrapped around him Patton turned to face Logan who was holding him tightly. Logan buried his head into Patton's shoulder. He wasn't used to Logan hugging him. Typically in times of distress one of the two would place a comforting hand on the other's forearm. This hug though, it was new and certainly welcomed. Patton realized he should proabably hug back, and did so with great enthusiasm. However, almost right away Logan let go.
"I'm sorry." He said, his voice level, but on edge. "I-I suppose I was scared. I'm not entirely sure why though, even if Remus didn't catch you, with your armor being so protective you would have suffered a broken bone or two at the very worst. It's illogical for me to feel so worrisome over such a fall."
"Aww." Patton reached out to hold Logan's forearm like he had done so many times before. "Guess I'm just turning you into a big ol' hugger huh?"
"I wouldn't have phrased it like that, but I guess more physical affection is something I have been growing more accomadated to. Especially with you." Logan's voice had grown more shaky as he said this, but it only made Patton's heart melt.
"That's friendship my dear Blue." Patton chuckled.
It was quiet for a little bit too long.
"I'm sorry am I too far away, or did Kirby here just friendzone this poor guy?" Virgilius yelled from his vantage point.
"What?" Patton squeaked a little more than he would have preffered. He looked over to see the other Rangers in various states of frustration.
"We don't have time for this." Logan scowled. "Red!"
"Right!" Roman let his hand fall from where he had it on his forehead. He looked up to Virglius. "Prince Virgilius! Your reign of terror ends here! You've done nothing but wreak havok. The terrorizing of these people stops today!"
"Uh-huh, okay, and what makes you think that? Hm? You haven't stopped me in the past, and nothing about today makes your odds any better. What could possibly make you think today is the day?" Virgilus yelled back.
"What did you think about Richie and Eddie leaving?!?" Remus called up to him.
"What are you doing?" Roman turned on his brother.
"Trust me." Remus said.
"What?! No, why would I trust-"
"Roman, trust him." Dee cut in. "We talked about this we know what we're doing."
"I'm sorry what?" Virgilius asked.
"The last chapter was posted yesterday. I'm sure you read it." Dee stated, Patton didn't like how calm he was.
"Richie and Eddie left Derry, together. With the others." Remus began explaining. "It came out of nowhere. What did you think of it though? Be real."
"I-I-" Virgilius pulled his hands to his chest and stepped back. "I don't know what you're-"
"Yes you do." Dee stopped his rebuttal. "Downright ended and we know you read it. Just tell us what you thought."
It was quiet.
"Guys, this isn't-" Roman started.
"I liked it." Virgilius said, albiet hesitantly. "I know a lot of people in the comments weren't too pleased because it seemed like leaving Derry diminished the whole point of their recovery together. If they were just going to leave anyway, why spend so long trying to regain the love for the things that they had before."
It was silent again.
"But I thought it made sense." Virgilius continued. "Richie and Eddie spent a lot of time trying to reconnect with their town, but it only really made them want to go back to the past. When things were easier. Not go forward with the new lives they wanted to start together. Being together made it different. It made them realize how moving on and away from Derry wasn't running from their past, they had already accepted the past for what it was. Instead, leaving Derry together was a way of starting a new. Not burying the past, but no longer letting it affect them."
The air was still. Patton had no idea what to do other than think, I need to read this fanfiction apparently.
"So you figured me out!" Virgilius stirred them from their dazes. "What was the point of that? You got me, good for you, what are you doing just rubbing it in?!"
"No!" Dee stopped him. "I swear we're not. We-uh-we were curious. I mean, I never read fanfiction, but the ending to that one stuck with me and I've been trying to figure out why. It just seemed like a pointless build up to some kind of half-assed epiphany. Like the writer had tossed the last six chapters out the window. I was so confused about why she went that way."
"And I thought about the same thing as you!" Remus cut in. "It made sense to me when they left, it just felt more like they were leaving becuase they didn't know how to be together in a town where they didn't feel loved. Derry didn't love them and they loved each other too much to let the town get in the way. Leaving was their best chance at being with each other, being where they wanted to be."
"They just wanted to be happy together." Virgilius seemed to agree. "It didn't make sense to stay somewhere that was training them to stay apart. Being together was what made them happy. All they really wanted was each other and the rest of the Losers' Club."
Another beat of silence.
"Virgilius!" Dee got his attention. "I know we're supposed to be fighting, but I don't want to. Whatever you've been told about us, about how we're liars and cheats, it isn't true. Uh. . . to an extent. We're not perfect, but I'm sure whatever is going on up there, we can help you with."
"He's right!" Patton decided to step in. "We aren't always the best, but we try to be. I don't know what's going on with you, but I can tell that something isn't right. He means it when he says we can help. We help each other, and we help ourselves. We'll be here to help you too."
It was still again. Patton thought he could feel the exhaustion coming off of Virgilius. The weariness grew as they talked to him. It was ridiculous though to think that, how could he sense the prince's emotions from that far away. Patton couldn't see his face, so why did he feel so tired of the fighting. It wasn't his tire though, it wasn't like Logan's exhaustion, or Roman's, or any of the other Rangers'. It was foreign, and strong.
Virgilius screamed.
It was close to hellish. All of the Rangers went to cover their ears and block it out. Patton kept his eyes trained on the prince. He tried desperately to see what was happening, only to find a thick, black, inky aura beginning to surround him. It pulsed and expanded, circling Virgilius's body. Virgilius began to rise into the air, his arms and legs limp, his face still shrouded in the shadows of his crown. His eyes were no longer a glowing purple. Virgilius's body began floating to the ground, slowly and steadily, moving with the aura.
His feet his the ground and the aura exploded. It covered the entire square, encompassing everything in a shroud of blackness. Patton could still see, but it strained his eyes as he tried to find Logan's arm to hold. The screaming stopped suddenly.
"You insufferable brats!!!"
Patton looked to the source of the voice and realized he was no longer standing. None of the Rangers were. The only one standing now was Virgilius.
"Do you know how long it has taken to perfect this thing?!! Perfect my army?!!" It was a woman's voice Patton realized. The voice was domineering and overbearing with a lower undertone that followed, like it was being echoed by a demon.
Finally Patton got the strength to look up at Virgilius. He sucked in a breath of shock as he saw the hood had falled, the crown now being the only thing on his head. He could see Virgilius's face! Patton began attempting to burn it into his memory. His jaw was round, not very defined, his cheeks were a little puffy, but not as much as his own. His cheekbones were very defined however, almost unnaturally so. The first pair of eyes were small, they sat about eye brow level, then the main set of larger eyes, and finally the smallest set right below the middle ones. The outline of his eyes was like his cheekbones, unnaturally sharp. His hair fell to the left of his crown, down to the center of his middle set of eyes.
Virgilius's eyes aren't glowing purple, Patton remembered. He stared up into Virgilius's eyes. His irises were a bright angellic white and his pupils a darker than night black. It was just as unnerving as before.
"Oh I thought I had seen the last of you but you're just so persistant aren't you! It's stupidity is what it is!! It's not human nature, it's not being good people, it's not trying to help those who can't help themselves!! It's stupidity!!!" The voice screamed. "You're all so stubborn and stupid!!!"
"Ngh-" Patton heard Thomas from just a few feet away. he was shuffling around, likely trying to get to his knees. "You're going to lose! And this boy that you're using as a little pawn isn't going to be yours much longer. He's not weak and you're not in control."
"Oh . . . you're not new." The voice replied, almost bored. "How dissappointing. You won't last very long you know. And these kids you've got as the new Rangers, they aren't going to last either. You may be stubborn enough to stay alive, but you're stupid enough to keep fighting."
"And you're weak." Dee said with a strength Patton wished he could muster for himself. He begged and pleaded for his body to do more than look on.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me you sick bitch!" He yelled. "You're using him! Forcing him to fight us because you can't do it on your own. He's going to leave the twisted hold you have on him one of these days and there's nothing you can do about it. You won't even get down here yourself to fight us!!!"
"Dee-" Patton heard Remus struggle to speak.
"Boy, do you know how many worlds I've conquered? How many civilizations I've made my own?! Believe it or not, I don't care all too much about handling this planet on my own. There are other, more important places for me to be." The voice cackled, it sounded so much like Virgilius, Patton wanted to shrink away. "I don't care about Earth enough to fight for it in person. I can leave that to my little Works-In-Progress. Like this one. This place is perfect training for things like him."
"You can't keep doing this very long." Roman grunted. "We will stop you!"
"Oh please kid. I've fought much worse than you. You're nothing! At least the last Red Ranger was something worth fighting. She was certainly an opponent for my experiments. You though, you don't even come close." She snarled in return.
"Then why are we still alive?! Why are we still here, fighting you!" Logan huffed, clearly straining.
"Now Blue, your Ranger has always been something. Never the same really. I have to say, having a level headed one is a change of pace, but being the smartest in a room means nothing if you can't command respect! You hold yourself like even you can't stand the way you are. You act like you're on a higher level of thinking than others, but really you're just as much of an indiscisive mess as everyone else on this pathetic planet! You don't understand your feelings, you pretend you care only to know deep down you would do anything to be known as the smartest in the room, and to top it all off you're not even a real boy!!"
"Shut up!!!" Patton let out the words, not even realizing they were his own, but it was how he felt.
"Now here's our fighter. Pink. Unexpected sure, but then again, the hell you put yourself through in our own mind is much worse than I could ever really do. I'll give you props for that." Her voice was drowning Patton's ears. He was so angry, he just wanted her to shut up. "In fact, I'll give all of you a little credit. I've certainly thought about going the tear-them-apart-from-the-inside route, but you all are so self-destructive, you do it on your own!"
She was going on, but her words were muddled in Patton's head. He didn't know what she was saying and didn't want to. Then an idea came to mind. Patton tried his hardest, pulling all of his strength and will, he just needed to shut her up. He needed to do something other than sit there. He felt the determination bubbling inside of him, he felt the fear but he channeled, tried to force that fear to make him fight, not run. Patton summoned his bow. It felt so heavy in his hand. Everything was heavy, pulling him down, prying to keep him down. He lifted his torso, fighting the aching it gave him. Patton pulled his arms up, summoning an arrow, and knocking it back.
"Sorry Virgilius, but you gotta go for now." He said, it felt like he was yelling but only a whisper came out.
Then he fired, straight for the crown. In the blink of Patton's eyes the crown had been knocked to the ground. The black aura was gone, Virgilius collapsed to the cement, his eyes purple once again. Patton watched as the world tilted to the side, dimming. His head hit something hard, but he barely registered it.
It was black.
Virgilius scrambling, grabbing for the crown.
Virgilius again, until the boy disappeared.
Then fuzzy black again. Not like the ink. This blackness was welcoming, not overwhelming.
Patton felt a hand on his arm. He opened his eyes again and saw Logan, his mouth was moving but there was no sound other than the ringing. When did the ringing start? Patton asked himself. Logan looked so terrified. Patton didn't like that expression. Suddenly Thomas came into view, he was also speaking, but it was nothing Patton could hear.
Then finally, the fuzzy black. Patton realized he didn't like calling it black. His world wasn't black. That black, inky terror wasn't in his vision. It was more blank. That's the word, blank. Blankness. A blank world.
Patton let a smile fall on his face. He was okay with everything being blank. Just for a bit.
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors @maddarc @pheonix-inside-reblogs @thisismysanderssidesblog @almost-all-my-ships-are-gay @mostpeopleannoyme @the-smol-est @i-sexually-identify-as-a-mistake @nadja-chamack16 @too-bi-too-function @rainbowbowtie @mistypelt1234 @tricksterangel25 @authorized-trash @echocw @stripestar128128 @coffee-mugz @slitherynchicken
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So I wrote something for “The Worst Three-Legged Race.” Because, ykno, queer baiting. I’m queer, I took the bait, I wanted them to experience genuine feelings instead of a shitty joke-kiss, yadda yadda here’s some awkward genin feelings.
This is immediately after the episode ends, their hands are stuck together in a chakra ball, you know what’s up.
(1,825 words)
It wasn’t going to get easier any time soon, this Sasuke was sure of. Naruto had managed to settle down after their mission report once Kakashi Sensei and Sakura had taken turns feeding him ramen (Sasuke still had use of his dominant hand and, frankly, wouldn’t be caught dead being spoon fed).
But now, alone in Naruto’s apartment past sunset, came the upheaval of just how awkward things were destined to be for the next three days together.
Three. Whole. Days. AND nights.
Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes, feeling his brows scrunch together and downward for what felt like the millionth time since the crook had sealed their hands together with his unique (and frustratingly solid) chakra.
Kakashi sensei had the good grace to walk them back to Naruto’s apartment (Sasuke had yet to have another living soul join him on his family’s compound following the massacre and he’d be damned if NOW of all times was going to be the time he broke that trend) but once he disappeared from the scene in a flash of smoke, the boys were left alone in the entryway of the dark apartment.
“So, uh, usually I just leave my shoes over here-“ Naruto began to move down the small corridor, already knowing well enough to wait a brief moment for Sasuke to catch on to his movements so as to not send the other boy jerking along behind him.
Once they rounded the corner, just a few feet away from the door Naruto removed his shoes and waited for Sasuke to follow suit.
After that, well…it became very clear that Naruto had absolutely no plan for the evening. Which didn’t surprise Sasuke in the slightest, seeing as this whole bound-at-the-wrist thing was an admittedly new development. Had they been at Sasuke’s home, he was sure that he would fare no better than the blonde.
“Well it’s a good thing we already ate because I’m pretty sure my 24-hour-store produce wouldn’t be up to your standards.” The attempt at light banter was followed by something akin to a huff of breath mixed with an awkward chuckle, as well as with a shuffling of bare feet inches from Sasuke’s own and a barely noticeable tug on their joined hands.
Sasuke suddenly felt an unexpected and immense sympathy for the bewhiskered boy in front of him. So much so that it shocked him, but he was struck with the realization that Naruto likely hadn’t shared his space with another human being in his entire LIFE and that this was a completely foreign and embarrassing situation for the both of them.
“I don’t think instant noodle snacks count as produce, dobe.”
This earned a more genuine bark of laughter from Naruto, who undoubtedly appreciated the reciprocation of their casual-yet-teasing banter that always came so naturally.
“Shut up, teme, or I’ll just have to plan a little ‘grocery’ trip over the next couple days. I’m sure you’d LOVE a tour of my local convenience store. The clerk would LOVE you.” The shit-eating snickers that followed this threat left sasuke almost curious to find out just what kind of person this shop keeper was.
Instead of asking, Sasuke simply rolled his eyes and looked around the small living room. Naruto seemed content chuckling to himself over his seemingly-genius hypothetical scenario, while Sasuke properly took in his new surroundings.
Sasuke’s attention snapped back to his begrudgingly bound companion when the ridiculous giggles turned into an intense yawn.
“We should get to bed. The sooner we get through tomorrow the better.” Sasuke knew the bitterness of his statement was unwarranted, but as he spoke he became acutely aware that he wasn’t in control of this situation. He knew he was better off here with Naruto than with Kakashi or (god forbid) Sakura, but Sasuke wasn’t a fan of situations outside of his control- or at least his willfully consenting participation.
“Yeah, I’m beat. Tomorrow’s gonna be a nightmare.” The shorter boy’s whole body slumped forward as he finished his sentence, shooting Sasuke a brief, sidelong glance before trudging off in the direction of what Sasuke could only assume was his bedroom (please let it not be the bathroom, please let it not be the bathroom, please let it-)
Sasuke had to hold back his sigh of relief as the bed and sparse furnishings (most notably the lack of a toilet) filled his view.
“Huh.” Naruto had stopped in the middle of the room.
“What is it?”
“I mean, I guess changing into pajamas is sorta outta the question isn’t it?”
The hand that wasn’t stuck to Sasuke’s in the chakra ball reached up to scratch the hair behind Naruto’s left ear as he spoke.
“Yeah, unless you want me to cut them off you.” His Kunai knife made a dull sound against his palm through the holster as he brought his free hand down to pat against it in accordance to his threat.
However, what was meant to be a clever and sarcastic threat toward his rival instead left both of their faces burning in the dull lamp light that Naruto had turned on upon entering the room. The blood pumping in Sasuke’s ears did nothing to stop the mantra of regret filling his mind as Naruto began to splutter briefly, tripping over his words.
“S-shut up, bastard, that doesn’t even make any sense. How would I get my pajama shirt on then, huh? What, are you gonna cut it ON to me?”
“That doesn’t make any sense either.”
“None of this makes sense! Let’s just go to bed!” Naruto raised their joined hands into the air in frustration along with his own free hand.
Sasuke simply offered up a “Tch” in response to the admittedly true statement from his team mate. He anticipated Naruto’s movements and began moving toward the bed at the same time that the blonde spun on his heel.
Stopping just shy of the edge of the bed Naruto turned partly back toward sasuke, not quite facing him and blush still firmly in place. Sasuke thought maybe it had actually gotten worse in the three feet they had traveled, not that he was paying attention to that sort of thing.
“I’ve always just slept in the middle, so, I donno....do you have a preference?” The words were spoken in the softest tone Sasuke had perhaps ever heard the younger boy speak, and he found himself taken aback for the second time that night.
Of all the things to be embarrassed by in their current circumstances, choosing which side of the bed they would sleep on hadn’t crossed Sasuke’s mind as one of them. Though he supposed it made sense. Closeness of any kind was a particularly vulnerable experience when all of those close to you had been taken away. Or if you’d never known closeness to anyone at all.
At least Sasuke had experience with sharing a bed in the past. As the younger sibling, he’d not really been allowed a choice, Itachi had always instinctively taken the side of the door to protect him in case of intruders.
Sasuke clenched his jaw at the uninvited memory and felt his hand pull minutely at their joined chakra ball as he tried to physically retreat into himself on impulse.
“I’ll take the left side.” He looked directly into Naruto’s eyes as he cut him off. His eyes were cold and sharp, daring Naruto to question his brief hesitation and the bodily twitch he had definitely noticed in the dark haired boy.
Naruto’s face sobered immediately in response to the challenging expression.
“Sure, fine by me.” It was mumbled and Sasuke barely made it out as Naruto turned fully toward the bed again, bringing Sasuke with him by association.
The dark haired boy knew immediately that Naruto had misconstrued his reaction to what had clearly been a vulnerable question. But he only felt angrier at this fact, trying to shove his frustration down deep as he climbed into the bed. No point trying to fix it now. He just needed to get through the next three days.
“Please tell me you at least sleep under the covers.”
“Of course, Dobe, it’s freezing at night.” Sasuke gave him a long-suffering look, wrenching the covers aside and forcing Naruto to shuffle out from on top of them.
Once they had settled beneath the covers, bound hands laying between them on the pillow, Sasuke felt himself fighting the urge to squirm under Naruto’s concentrated gaze. It was one he’d met countless times in class or on the training field or even on a mission- but he was caught off guard by the intensity of the bright blue eyes as they watched him through the darkness of this foreign space that Naruto called home.
Sasuke hadn’t dared to share the single pillow with Naruto (although it seemed more than big enough) so he was met with only half the blonde boys face, smooshed into the pillow and blocked partially by the chakra ball. It was decidedly the most vulnerable position he’d been in with Naruto to date so he closed his eyes determinedly.
He needed to sleep. Tomorrow was already going to be difficult, he was not about to add sleep deprivation to the list of road blocks.
Sasuke felt Naruto’s toes brush against his shin as the boy shifted slightly and Sasuke flinched back minutely on instinct.
“..Sorry.” Came the mumble across from him in the darkness.
“..It’s okay.” He whispered back.
Okay. So maybe sleep wouldn’t come as easily as he’d hoped, but he’d dealt with worse nights. Way worse. At least he wasn’t alone this time.
Wait, no, hold on. Wasn’t that the whole problem?
You know what, forget it. He’d deal with these thoughts tomorrow. Or never. He just needed to sleep.
Naruto started to snore softly beside him, but the volume didn’t stay quiet for long.
It was going to be a long three days.
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