#i guess that's why we are the same MBTI type
simgerale · 4 months
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a few weeks later, gwen decided that she would make an abandoned cottage in brindleton bay a home full of love
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oiblackestsheep · 21 days
what, in your opinion, are an intp’s needs in a relationship? (coming from an infj.) love your blog, you’ve got some amazing insights 🫶
Aww, thanks INFJ anon. 🫶 I try my best to have interesting insights that bring something fresh to the table!
INTP's Needs in a Relationship
I've been in the same relationship for 8.5 years (and we actually MET ON TUMBLR BECAUSE OF THIS BLOG WHICH IS SO FUNNY AND NERDY), all of this to say, I've had a lot of time to think about my relationship needs even from the MBTI perspective as an INTP, because that was how my ENFJ and I kinda started out getting to know, like, what we each needed from each other, so, here we go!
Disclaimer: This is assuming that the INTP is already getting everything that everyone needs in a basic healthy relationship like, you know, feeling emotionally safe and being treated with respect, etc..
Intellectual stimulation: INTPs generally love understanding new things and how they work, so ideally their partner can share that interest with them in some way! They can be pretty curious people, so joining them in their quest for uncovering the "how" and "why" of everything will make them feel understood, themselves, and closer to you in the process!
Clear explanations of your feelings: Because INTPs have inferior Fe, they tend to have a habit of intellectualizing their own emotions when they talk about them, which can cause complications with understanding other people's emotions, too. Finding a way to be patient and know that even healthy INTPs might still struggle with connecting with other people's emotions (especially at first in a relationship) isn't necessarily because they don't want to, but more that it doesn't always come naturally, so they don't always know how to. If they're a healthy person, they will want to understand, just try not to take it personally while they are practicing/learning!
Alone time: This one should be pretty straight-forward lmao. They're introverted, so they like to recharge doing solo-activities, and they're intuitives, so they have their own little theoretical world full of bizarre ideas to entertain themselves with that might not always be easy to follow at first. I find that introverts in general (maybe the INxx types even moreso) like to engage in parallel play where their partner also does something quietly nearby, but still a separate activity. As an INFJ, yourself, I'm sure you can relate in your own way, so it's likely easy to give them what they need!
Humor them/hear them out: This might sound a little vague, and I guess in some ways it is, but this is mostly about their auxiliary Ne. ENTPs and ENFPs get most of the attention when it comes to high Ne, but INTPs (and INFPs, too!) place a lot of importance on it, too, which can often manifest itself in conversations like "what if __", "imagine if __", etc.. To put it bluntly, it might seem a bit... directionless, and that's because sometimes it kind of is! It's just about thinking of random possibilities that are non-serious and funny in the moment, and don't really go anywhere else outside of the current discussion or hold any larger, overarching significance. Sometimes it's less about the actual topic itself, and more about having some random fun and "playing along" that makes a world of a difference to a playful INTP (or high Ne user in general). This point got away from me a little bit which I think, in a way, is the perfect exemplification of what I was trying to say in the first place, lmao. Hope that makes sense! If your INTP ever sounds like whatever the hell I just said, just try not to disengage right away, because they probably have a point that they are struggling to reach. Put that dom Ni to work and summarize it for them, I know you can do it from experience with my own ENFJ lmao.
Anyway, uhhhhh: Every single point on this list has gotten progressively longer because my Ne loves extrapolating (and I love Ne, but sometimes its gotta CHILL you know?), so I'm gonna end it here before it gets WILDLY OUT OF CONTROL.
This was a fun question, anon!: Thanks again for reaching out, and basically giving me full range to just write multiple paragraphs about myself and my relationship!
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
made-up mbti types for dd and gg
So the GQ event that dd attended recently (you know, the one with the love hat) was supposedly gonna share his MBTI type with us. I don't think they ever did, probably because dd just didn't do the test thing. I'm not surprised we never got to see his mbti type, but I did have my own guess as to what he'd score, so I figured I'd share here.
(As a note, MBTI is pretty much junk science but it's fun. Just don't take it too seriously. I used to be really into it in a fannish sense and it's the closest I get to woo-stuff. If you don't know what MBTI is, here have fun.)
Cut to the chase: I'd guess dd is ISFP. My reasoning below the cut.
Introvert - The best way I've found to describe the difference is that introverts recharge by being alone. That is, a weekend full of social engagements is something they need some alone-time after. For an extrovert, social events, themselves, recharge them. Being alone is what's exhausting and what they try to avoid.
DD's probably rarely fully alone, given his busy schedule and the life of a celebrity. But introverts have ways to introverting, even among a bunch of people. I think sometimes people conflate "introvert" to mean "shy", but they're not the same. I don't think dd is particularly shy. It's just all about where your energy comes from.
Sensing - This one is about how you process information.
As an illustration, my bff and I were on a road trip once. She's the type who liked to literally pull over a smell the freaking flowers. And she could name every single flower/plant/tree she came across. Her eye for detail and ability to describe things with precision is always boggling to me, because to me, the most I can say is something like "It was sunny and the trees are green". Very vague. All about the overall impression rather than the details.
In MBTI terms, my bff would be Sensing while I'm Intuition (this is the N. Just go with it). Intuition folks are thought of as the big picture, abstract thinkers while Sensing is about the details and about the Facts of the World.
I mentioned before that dd strikes me as a pretty literal thinker, and that type of thinking overlaps with Sensing more than Intuition.
Feeling - People get confused by this one. It's not about whether the person expresses emotions or anything like that. It's about decision-making. When making a choice, does this person weigh the pros and cons? Try to come to a reasonable and sound decision? Or do they go by gut, following their emotions like animes tell them to?
This is hard to assess because we don't know much about how dd goes about making the decisions he makes. We don't know what went into his decision to go into idol training, say, or why he put his hat in the ring for The Untamed.
I'm making a guess that he's more driven by emotion than thinking. This isn't to say he acts blindly without any thought or that he never makes rational decisions, but he weighs his feelings highly. He'll pursue a gay romantic relationship with another celebrity, despite the risks, because he's in love and, you know, he follows his heart. His decision to submit his headshot for The Untamed, especially, strikes me as being Feeling-driven. Given his career at the time, acting in a BL adaptation was off the beaten path and risky. He lost fans because of it.
I think both gg and dd make a feelings-based decision to drop candies for turtles. There's no rational business case to do so. It's simply because they value having a group of fans who recognize them as a couple and they want to keep those fans with them.
Perceiving - This one's about how you plan or organize your time (or don't).
Judgers are the type to have a planner with a set schedule a routine. They have trouble adapting when their schedule gets disrupted. Perceivers are more go with the flow, able to take things as they come. When taking vacays, they would rather not have a packed itinerary bc they want the freedom to go where the moment takes them.
This is also something I don't feel I have a lot of insight on. DD's schedule is heavily managed and heavily packed, and he spends most of his time diligently following along with that schedule. That's part of his job, though. On his own, would he be inclined to keep to a schedule? I kinda don't think so.
I'm just going based on his...um...general chaotic energy. That and his tendency to do his KPI social media posts all at the last minute. Classic Perceiver move.
So, ISFP. In truth, each of these traits is a spectrum and people show examples all along the different traits at different times (for instance, dd's decision-making in SDC is typically strategic rather than based on feelings). Most things are based on context. But this feels right to me, overall.
For gg, I haven't watched near as much of him as I have of dd, but a guess would be INFJ.
Feel free to share your own ideas. Or squee about the love hat. Whatever. 🐢🐢🐢
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Heya! Here for the match up thingamajig :) ty for doing this, it sounds really fun. go through this in your own time, i know these asks get long 👍🏽 i'll try to provide some useful information here lol Hm. Ok I get two of the mbti personalities on repeat everytime i take the quiz, either INTP (logician) or ISFJ (defender). Right now, it's ISFJ, though I'm able to speak my mind well enough. Idk what my enneagram type is. My friends have called me loyal, stubborn and strong on multiple occasions. Also that I have a "spine of iron", and I take pride in that. I'm the one in the party that pulls everyone in to dance. I love parties, booze or no booze. I'm a social introvert, if that makes sense. I'm good with a crowd but I don't make friends easy. I'm restless sometimes, it manifests as zoomies and tons and tons of art. I've even made art for the fandom :)
As for the song, I've had Rigamarole by ROZET on loop for a while now. Specifically the chorus, "' 'Cause I ain't satisfied, you ain't satisfied, You know I can't lie, You know I'm bored out of my mind, 'Cause I ain't satisfied, you ain't satisfied, Same thing, new day, man, I'd rather die."
My imaginary friend was the guy that leaped over buildings alongside the car :) more than just picturing him running along the ride, i used to pretend he was real and make conversation.
I like my name, but if I had to change it, it'd be Surya. The hindu god of the sun. I've always kind of taken the celestial body as an example for what I should do. To keep burning and keep shedding light, constantly. I like how you can't stare at the sun for too long. I love the moon, but the intensity of the sun speaks to me.
Now to the redacted questions : I lack appeal for Marcus tbh. Idk why, I've tried, he hasn't stuck. I'm platonically attracted to David Shaw, which apparently is an obvious guess. He's a big man in terms of capability, what with being the alpha to the most famous pack in dahlia. I don't wanna befriend him because of his power - I have this thing where I try to make friends with people who I think are better than me, people that make me uncomfortable in my own pride. I think he's capable of shaking me up because of how he handles intense responsibility alng with everything else.
My favourite playlist rn is my "current favs" one lmao. a bunch of screamo rap and trap rock. Idk it's a phase i think.
And last but not least - my guilty pleasure media is bf asmr 👍🏽
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Okay, you’re going to think this is just because of the Sun and Sunshine metaphors, but hear me out, I promise, I swear there’s SO many reasons I want to pair you with Elliott-!
The way you describe yourself socially, the kind of friend you are, makes me imagine you and Elliott as just the It Couple, especially at parties. Elliott also strikes me as the social chameleon type who fits in well, balancing that intro-ambivert vibe of mood making and knowing when he needs time alone with you to recharge. It’s that lovely friends to lovers image of y’all being that couple that never makes anyone feel like the third wheel because you’re so genuinely fun to be around.
I also like the bit where you mentioned surrounding yourself with impressive people you admire, because Elliott is so cool. He’s, like, a government-contracted Defensive Dream Designer which must require skill, ambition, creativity, all that jazz. I can see that pairing well with you and your art. Imagine him taking you into dreams and helping you construct visual models of your ideas, bringing them to life for you to recreate, the two of you making art together!
Hush, hush, the world is quiet/ Hush, hush, we both can't fight it/ It's us that made this mess/ Why can't you understand?/ Whoa, I won't sleep tonight
I like this song for y’all because of the fun, “will they, won’t they”, undeniable tension vibes of it; like, the opening line is literally “I kind of want to be more than friends.” It’s perfect! I also think it’d be a fun party song for dancing, in my non-party going opinion, and Elliott strikes me as an alt/indie kind of guy, so this seems like the genre he’d like.
I like Guy as a runner-up for you because I think he also has that restless energy and bright, sociable nature that would make y’all the absolute best party guests, However, I love Sam as a runner-up because one, “loyal, stubborn, and strong” is also how I’d describe him, Two, I am obsessed with pairing vampires with partners who radiate strong Sun energy, okay, there’s nothing like it.
note: thank you for your patience, I hope you like your results! 💖
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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kirua9 · 2 years
Hi there! I was really impressed by your Laito’s mbti post, you have such huge knowledge of the functions!!! *1 more vote for INFJ let’s goooo*
May i ask, what is your thought about Ruki? 😳 Which do you see more, INTJ or ISTJ? 🤔
Hey hii anon!
Ruki, you say...Damn, interesting, also a character I've started liking recently 🤔🤝
But still, I'm gonna talk only about MB route, because I haven't read Ruki's DF or other games, so... All my thoughts are based on MB.
INTJ => Ni Te Fi Se
ISTJ => Si Te Fi Ne
● So talking abt Ruki there's no doubt which judgemental functions he has, but with perceptive functions I have some problems...
● Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not into saying his dom function is a perceptive function, because any of N or S show kinda rarely...
● But what we actually have. From his flashbacks (pre orphanage) it's seen how low his Se is. He doesn't really fare about food and physical things, he even judges some girl for jumping in cold water to pick coins from there... He was like:" I'd never be like that, even if I'm also that pathetic." He's not interested in surviving "physically", only mentally, I guess. So Se is here, but it's low asf => +to INTJ
● Moving on. What about Si??? Well... Si operates the experience, attention to small details (again, material, aka physical) and collects such ⬆️ information. What do we have with Ruki? He often refers to past experience, when tries to say that people are liars (when Yui treated him kindly without any mercenary intentions, he didn't get it, because in his own past experience things didn't work like this, people were cruel and abandoned him.) So, he has experienced it, now he uses this knowledge, everything seems to be logical, BUT. Ruki clearly realizes that he doesn't learn on his mistakes. Yes, he gained some lessons of life in the past, but what now? He treats Yui just like those servants, calling her livestock, as if he ignores the reason why he was "punished". I mean, literally, he says :" everything what's happened to me is a punishment for my sins (aka violence aka ignorance). Is that okay, that a Si dom treats his experience as something non essential? Really? Also, he doesn't seemed to be detailed-oriented person, when he was discussing the escaping plan from the orphanage with others, he didn't really pay enough attention to things, which could have helped them escape successfully... He was only about "never stop, run as fast as you can" bla bla. That was a rather maket of a plan than a plan lmao... So, I really doubt about any Si here
● Well Te and Fi are obvious here, and since they stand on the same positions in these 2 types, I'm not gonna dig into them.
So, Ne. And here's the showtime starts. There's a small ray of hope to Ne inf, because Ruki was considering the imaginary situations "if I was born non human, I'd be free" bla bla, A LOT. As if he really regrets the missed chances, lost opportunities, which had never existed then.
If you're a Ne dom user, therefore you have Si inferior, and you about to regret something from the past, feeling smth like : "ohhh I could do it in the other way and the consequences would be different", but if you're Si dom with Ne inf, then you're gonna to see a lot of ways of solving the problem, but you'll be scared of this huge number of possibilities. It'll distract and scare you, and Ruki is just regrets about the situation, which could never happened to him but he's dreaming about it... This kinda looks like Ne inf? => + to ISTJ?
● But now I'm gonna discuss his Ni... Honestly, it doesn't shine bright as the dominant function (aux seems to beat it haha), but Ni, just like Si, can refer to past experience but be more abstract and intuitive (obviously). I won't say Ruki talks with metaphors (like Laito, for instance) or uses a lot of images, but sometimes there are small evidences of it. He calls himself "snake", also called Eve the "Goddes", referring to her abilities of creating the new race, payed attention to blue sky as a symbol of freedom and thinks in abstract ways. Like, he was talking about the necessity of being reborn, the cycle he could live again and again, as if he's circled into his own sins and can't escape, but why? He just understands it and can't explain, like its his fate and he has some missiom. Like Ni sometimes just understands the connection of events, but can't explain. I'd say he's like that. When he was a child he had already thought about those "reborn"-themed things, he was seeing the future lmao => +to INTJ
So here are results:
Si<Se (sorry Si can be mistaken for Ni)
Ni>Ne (but Ne is also kinda exists for me here)
And Te aux Fi tret are okay.
Another small conclusion INTJ>ISTJ. It looks like INTJ characters are the ones who have the actual urge to action, and ISTJ are more static, they're mostly happy about the hierarchy in which they are. That's why (but maybe it's a freaking myth just like statement that all INFPs are crybabies) INTJs are more innovative, they go against the system, because they don't like it. And Ruki wasn't happy with orphanage life, so he chose action here. Again, it looks like ISTJ are more cautious and grounded.
And another thought. Idk, for me Ruki seems to be a character with Te dom function, not the auxiliary, because I see him as a pure revenger with his main idea of take a revenge to world... But then he's gonna be ENTJ, Te Ni Se Fi , but it looks ew because of Fi inf and Se tret, his Fi is much more clear than Se, so INTJ totally wins
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mbti-notes · 9 months
Anon wrote: Hello, thank you so much for your blog. You're the only source i trust when it comes to mbti. I don't know my type. I know I'm Fi-Te but not sure if I'm ESFP or ENFP.
I'm very imaginative but i guess is because of wanting life to be more interesting and at the moment I can't be very present oriented because i want my present to change and i can't right now (because of lack of financial independence - I know i need a job a job, I'm searching), so i just make up fake scenarios inside my head usually accompanied with great music.
Also I've realized that getting outside of my head is good for my mental health even if it's just going to the grocery store or watching netflix (I tend to stay at home, i still live with my parents and I don't want to go out alone without friends and my friends are usually unavailable).
So, can ESFPs have their head in the clouds and be imaginative just because they like it? I want to create stories (but writing is always boring so I don't do it) and i love learning history, psychology, philosophy and I like to learn about society but then we have to ask why do i do this things, like you said, and i think the answer is "because i like it and it's fun", so it is that Se-Ni? I don't want to stay in my head forever because I've done it many years already and I had enough, I want to live my life and to explore my freedom but ENFPs also want that so I'm confused.
Also it's strange to think I'm Si inf since it's a function you'll only use well way later in life (I'm 26) and I like to be careful sometimes and I have a lot of life-learned lessons and I would hate to make the same mistakes again because it would lead to more sadness and i had enough of it (i had severe depression for years at the past + self-loathing issues because of bullying at school and emotional neglected parents). I also like some past techniques because they work, if they don't then that's when we should think of something new.
So I might be ESFP even though not a stereotypical one because of childhood and environmental factors.
I tend to do what I like without thinking if it's a good decision of not because I just wanna do it, which includes A LOT of imagination but I'm getting tired of it because I want to go to new places and what's better than creating a great story is living one.
I can live outside of my head when my reality is one that I like but I'm using imagination as long as I can remember since I'm a little kid. I like to talk to people about ideas but I've changed a lot because i grew up and I've realized that not everything in life needs to be changed, you can just appreciate the great things you have now like music, photography, love, friendship, food and i want to do all the things i haven't done yet, like dating, going out at night, sleepovers, etc).
When on grip I tend to think about the stuff that hurted me or get paranoid about people hurting me, i guess my biggest grip episode was me on depression, because who wouldn't suffer in their own misery when everyone around me was horrible to me? I had therapy and i still do and it saved my life.
So what do you think? Am I ENFP or ESFP? I've read a lot of your Theory Guide but the only thing that helper my more was the Function Dynamics part because the Se-Ne and inf Si-Ni is confusing to me because for me it feels like I can be both types and i know there's only one. Ne dom makes a lot of sense but Si inf just doesn't.
I do take objects as how they are but I also like to use it to improve life (eg books are made of paper but books help with making new ideas written on paper which helps people improve their lives/all actions need words and ideas first). However I don't want to just to think in a better future without living in my present because it just seems like I'm running forever to catch a train I never can catch and I don't want to live my whole life wanting to search for something without filling fulfilled and satisfied. I do love physical sensations like food.
I'm also very spiritual, I like the idea I'm guided and loved by an superior source because I didn't have that growing up that much, my parents have a different love language than me but now that I'm older i tend to become more strategic and cold (Te tert kicking in). I forgive them, but i just wanted to tell you this for the reason of loving God and my spiritual journey.
Function stacks:
Ne: loves brainstorming, generate ideas, likes and needs new experiences for mental health/ Fi: learning to cope and deal with my intense feelings, prioritizing my desires, / Te: likes to resolve problems with tasks and values efficiency, knows to make sacrifices for a greater cause / Si: gets bored by mundane tasks or same-old things.
Se: my main priority in life is happiness, pleasure and fun, i like to get the desire/thing now if i don't i get angry (eg finding stuff in my never ending bag) / Fi: learning to cope and deal with my intense feelings, prioritizing my desires, / Te: likes to resolve problems with tasks and values efficiency, knows to make sacrifices for a greater cause / Ni: I do want to have a meaningful life and want to be remembered, I also tend to have intuition moments (eg don't put detergent on same grocery bag as food cuz is dangerous).
Sorry about the silly examples but that's what I got. I hope this is not confusing.
Thank for your time! Happy holidays.
First, your understanding of Se isn't very good or deep, which is why you're getting confused. This fact by itself is usually enough to indicate it isn't the dominant function, since people should naturally have a good and deep understanding of the dominant function, especially once they learn about it through function theory. Second, a lot if not all of the major struggles you experience are typical manifestations of N-S imbalance (not S-N imbalance). Therefore, I'd have to conclude that ENFP is by far the much better fit.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi Charity!
First, what do you think this guy’s mbti is? I feel like he is ISFP with positive enneagram (maybe 9w1?). And on the offhand, he is so cute (defo my type) and nice. He melts my heart, AWW!!! (Rian Dawson from All Time Low)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuLBLOsnvrg (You’ll love him lol)
I don’t know. ISFP 9 seems okay as a guess, though.
Below is a rant (and it’d be great if you could tell me what do you think about this stereotype… (Warning, super long).
Why people tend to think IFP has no Te and assume we must be emotional hellion who can’t plan or be disciplined in going after what we want?
For the same reason everyone mistypes themselves, assumes they are a thinker, assumes they are an intuitive, or assumes anything about themselves or another type -- ignorance. It’s really not more complicated than that. Some IFPs are highly successful as artists, writers, creators, etc.
I’m sorry if this sounds like a rant, but it’s pretty annoying when people in my life (who knows mbti and enneagram) thinks I’m NTJ 3w2 because I can 'plan’ and I’m ambitious. They ignore obvious Fi-dom because they think 'ISFP has inferior Te and weak Ni. You have strong Ni and decent Te, so you 'obviously’ can’t be that’. Like WHAT?! Just because I haul myself up to get things done doesn’t mean I’m NTJ or 3w2 man!
I think you would be happier if you stopped internalizing what others say about you, and using it as fuel to get upset. I realize as a 9w8 / 963 it’s hard not to constantly chew on what people say about you, but you will get a lot further in what you want to do by focusing on your goals and on enjoying your life, rather than feeling you have to constantly defend yourself and/or change people’s perceptions of a type that may or may not be accurate for yourself.
It’s hard for me to know how to say this graciously -- but often when I deal with 369s in any order, I see the exact same pattern playing out over and over again -- they rely on me or someone else to tell them who they are, and then they adopt that reality as the truth and start speaking from that agenda (as if they are an “expert” on a type they’ve only identified as for a few days), rather than looking inward and self-locating (which is hard for triple attachment, I know). Rather than assuming a type is true for you, sit with it for a while, see how it plays out, give it enough time to notice what fits and what doesn’t. The more you self-observe without an agenda, the more self-aware you will become, and the more you know your actual self, the less you will care about external opinions or allow them to make you question yourself again.
Your submission felt very 6ish, in the sense that you were angry about perceptions about ISFPs and typed out this whole long thing as if to “prove” to me how these stereotypes don’t fit you. It makes me wonder what you want from me, if you want me to validate you in some way, tell you that your dreams aren’t far-fetched, etc. I can’t do that. I don’t know you. I know you “talk” a good game, but I’m not there with you and able to see whether you actually carry out your plans proactively or not. A lot of people boast about their mad skills with various functions, when in reality it’s not true of how they “live” from day to day. Some of them are deluding themselves and others know they are not being honest with others in over-inflating their talents.
Your MBTI type is not going to hold you back from what you want; you can work for it, but you also need to have realistic expectations -- and this tends to be where inferior Te users falter, because it’s sometimes hard for them to accept that what they want isn’t always possible in the real world. I’m not saying this to deflate your ambitions, but you did ask why this stereotype exists. That’s why.
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away-ward · 1 year
(MBTI headcanon cont.) I think your observation of Will's family's interest is super spot on, because guess what? Misha from Punk 57 has very similar personality with Em. He's a geek! Movies, things, music etc. i guess it really does run in the family. I remember Ryen always making fun of him about it. And yeah i agree about your take about Nightfall in general about the side characters drama and present interaction of willemmy too.
Also i think i dont elaborate the last part of willemmy's characteristics of "finishing doing something" really well. Thats my description that were related to their P and J types. Em would have a lot of things she wants to do, and prioritise what needs to be done, but if she completely lost interest, she wouldnt bat an eye to them anymore. (The more i think abiut it, the more she sounds like INTP). As long as its done, its done. But will, the J guy, coupled with curious mind, wouldnt have a linear timeline to his growth compared to everyone else beside him, but everytime he was shown an interest and want something, he sticks to it until the end, doesnt matter how painful or less worth it seems to anyone. He's a giver and caretaker, having this passion of loving others. Big heart guy. Yeah, ENFJ really suits him.
part 2:
Adding to my two MBTI asks before and ohmygod!!! Architects are usually INTJ! Theyre usually the adventurous type too. I guess my observation from before about emmy being a P is rather more closely related to her individual personality being a P and her P nature in her most volatile personal decisions in general rather than being a J. But i can see why she would be an INTx with interchanging P or J type. And Misha is will's cousin from Punk57, forgot to mention this. And im so sorry for the spoiler if you havent read punk57 🙏🥺 And I agree about Alex, but I'm not sure myself what Alex's MBTI would be other than E and F because we werent really given much insights to her thoughts. We only see her through other characters' povs and Alex was known to be highly adaptable too so idk its because of her personality, her job, her circumstances etc. yk. But she IS adventurous, and i think thats partly why Aydin can get along with Emmy in a way, and Em with Alex, and Alex with Em, and them with Will. Because Im sure Micah's characterisation was really different than these 4, right? But i think Alex is more F than T though. Idk haha, cant say much about side characters that werent given much characterisation through their povs tbh. As for whether or not Emmy's MBTI was the product of her circumstances, that too, idk. I dont think much would change honestly. She was always a girl who loves to have fun and be adventurous, but nowhere was mentioned before that she thrives off of communication with others as much as Will. We were only told that she had no worries in the world when she was little, but no mention of with whom. So it can safe to say, she could be an E or still an I. I remember this because I noticed, she didnt have friends, not only because: she was scared that she was going to be in an abusive relationship, her brother would hurt them, the teenagers around her came from different backgrounds from her, they want different things than her at the same stage of life, so it was harder for her to relate to them, but also because she genuinely enjoy and feels recharged when she's just doing things alone. She wants to have friends, but it wasnt the utmost priority like Will or Alex. And when she wants to connect with others, she cant do casual relationships because it wasnt enough for her. As an E, thats why Will couldnt understand, but when you look at Emmys interactions, outside of what was already happening between her brother, her schoolmates and the town, she was just like that, and she loves it. She did needed a friend, but not the ones that are too invasive. So when it comes to the I E type, I dont think it would change much like her P and J functions. Her P and J functions were heavily influenced by her emotional state. And theyre turbulent. When it comes to her T function, maybe in her volatile or outburst of feeling, she couldve been an F. But that too didnt make much sense, because she was shown to actually LIKE to think, rather than just feel because p feelings didnt always give her the most thrill. We saw her having fun when she felt something intense, but there were a lot of thinking that accompanies those feelings. Even when she waned to fuck alex, or get will out of the jail, or dig out the cemetery, she was already making so much thinking in her head, and she had fun knowing the consequences or mysteries behind it. So safe to say, even when she goes over the edge, she CAN feel the most like Will, but unlike Will, that might just not be her dominant function.
My reply:
Haha. Yeah…in all of my excitement to talk about willemmy, I went way off topic huh? I completely forgot to connect it all back to MBTI. My bad.
(I have read Punk 57, so I’m familiar with Misha, and that all tracks.)
Don’t worry. It’s not you. I’m just overly dense sometimes. I might have unconsciously avoided it. As much as I read up on MBTI, my understanding has always been very surface level and understanding the individual functions and how they work in the stack is confusing for me, and at this point, I’m very rusty.  My explanations will be clunky, but I’ll try my best.
Architects are usually INTJ! Theyre usually the adventurous type too.
Starting off with Emory’s types, at first, I was leaning towards ISTJ, but I do see where you’re coming from with INTJ. I’m still struggling with her dominate function. Mainly because it is so difficult to tell what is the result of her abuse and what comes natural to her.
Em would have a lot of things she wants to do, and prioritise what needs to be done, but if she completely lost interest, she wouldnt bat an eye to them anymore.
When you say she would stop working on something once she lost interest, I would have to disagree with you. I see Emory as someone who follows through to complete what she’s started. I would point to her finishing the gazebo, even though she wasn’t interested in it anymore. I believe she quits things when her depression gets the best of her. She quit swimming because of the bruises, but she quit band only after her final fight with Will. I don’t remember if she gave a clear reason, or if her excuse was that she wouldn’t be getting a scholarship for it. However, I firmly believe she just couldn’t sit in the stands and watch his games anymore. She was angry and depressed, and that's what caused her to temporarily give up on things. Otherwise, even if she wasn’t going to get scholarships for swim or band, she would have completed them for the sake of it. I do believe she’s a “finish what you start” type of person.
Both ISTJs and INTJs are:
Strong willed
Driven, with strong work ethic
Tendency towards perfectionism
Struggle with emotions, theirs's and other's
Strong moral codes
To me, all of these traits match Emory pretty well. When looking at the differences between the traits, I would lean more towards INTJ. I think she has a dominate Ni. I do agree that Emory would have been an introvert either way.
As for Will, I’m still up in the air about whether he’s got a dominate Se or Ne function, though I’m leaning towards Se. Just based on surface level, I see him as an ESFP. Though I can definitely see why you’re leaning towards ENFJ.
I haven’t even begun to consider any of the other characters, but Alex is an extrovert, but whether she’s Te or Fe dominate, I’m not sure. Way out of my depth.
I wish I could go into more detail and actually narrow it down to a type for all the characters. I think that would be a fun project!
Edit: I eventually did end up doing it... here you go.
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notanotherinfjblog · 2 years
How would you describe aural memory and recall? It seems less accurate in INFJs but it's hard to describe why. Thank you.
Hi anon! :)
Just to be clear, you are talking about the ability to recall auditory stimuli like conversations, sounds, etc. over a longer period of time, right? Sorry, I'm sadly not a psychologist or neuroscientist or something like that, but I'll try!
I think the reason that it seems less accurate in INFJs (or NJs in general if you ask me) is the abstract nature of Ni. Ni abstracts away everything. For instance, I'm generally very good at recognising different voices of people and I can recall them in my mind relatively easily, but completely devoid of any words. Sounds strange and it probably is, but the exact words and the tone of voice do not get stored together in my brain. I usually don't remember the exact words someone said. I abstract them away, summarise them, draw conclusions, form judgements. That's what I store in my memory, so it will absolutely not be identical to what was actually said since it's tainted by my own interpretation of it. I've had quite a few discussions about memory with an ESFJ and an ISTJ and their way of processing and storing memories is vastly different from mine. They store this information in an Si way, can replay moments of their lives again and again in their minds like a movie, which sounds completely insane to me. My memories are by far not as detailed. They are fragmented. And so, yes, less accurate. An example that seems fitting here is an interview with Wes Anderson (an ENFJ) that I watched for (and linked on) my collection post of interviews with different MBTI types. At some point, the interviewer quotes him back to him. It was about something that Wes Anderson had said in a previous interview and the interviewer wanted some clarification on what he meant by that. And he replied something along the lines of "I said that? Huh. Well, I think I understand what I meant by that. And I think I agree with it." That's some complete Ni detachment to vaguely agree with your own former self as if it was another person, having no recollection of ever being them. And funnily enough, that's something I've heard other NJs say as well, but not any other types. Don't ask me what I said or did or believed in in the past. I have no memory of ever being a different version of myself than the one I am today.
Another aspect to consider here is how badly developed Se is in NJs. We are so very oblivious to the real world around us as we block out so much sensory information (of any kind), it's kind of ridiculous. An example: I've met an ENTJ recently and it's extremely funny to watch that low Se at work in another person from an outside perspective because we fail in the exact same way. Entering our small office building from the back entrance? Orientation lost. Other people approaching and asking to sit on the chair that ENTJ is resting his arm on? Gets startled by the chair suddenly disappearing from below his arm cause he didn't hear or notice anything. Knowing where the exit of the canteen is that we've been going to for years? Uh, give us a moment.
We need to abstract away the little sensory information that we gathered because otherwise we wouldn't be able to remember anything. I can't replay any conversations in my mind. All my memories are best guesses that I assume happened that way, but probably didn't. And I don't remember things in the right order. When I think back on a conversation that I've had with someone, then I remember it like I remember the way to supermarket: some landmarks in-between as orientation points, but the space between these landmarks is a void. I don't know which landmark comes first or second or how to get from one to the other. I only remember that they exist. So, when I think back on a conversation, I might remember that we talked about where we were going to celebrate Christmas, the rude thing my boss did this time, new office supplies, etc., but have absolutely no idea how we got to any of these points in which order or what else happened between them. I won't remember the exact words or the tone of voice or the facial expressions etc. etc. This all gets stored either completely separately from the content of the conversation or not at all.
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psychelis-new · 2 years
Hi!!! :D i’m sorry i’m late for feedback but here i am! i first wanted to say your reasoning for your mbti makes a lot of sense, i was just wondering if you knew about mbti functions? because that will be different and helps cement down your type instead of mbti constantly changing depending on your mood. however! i do think you sound very infj so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ HAHA! secondly i know of enneagram! that’s so cool! i love your enneagram type, they always sound very sincere in their purpose! do you know about instincts for ennea? they’re an extra layer mentioned that you could check out for fun!
okay but back to the point, i really think your intuition always hits the spot. i’ve been destabilised by a big conflict although it was a long time coming, however she was the one last connection to my past. and i just want to move on because i didn’t want to tolerate that behaviour anymore. and your advice really sunk in, about taking it slowly and gently without rushing. it’s something i’ve always struggled with! and i still had lingering guilt because this person is (was?) close to me so i kept dithering between the decision to move on or try again and go back. so the main reason why your reading hit was because i was really pressuring myself into acting right now when i was literally the one being hurt, and it wasn’t my fault. so honestly, thank you so much, i know you felt like you had a block in your intuition, but ig just know that to the rest of us you’re as illuminating as ever 🥺🌠
i hope you’re well and happy!!! 🌃🐬🥰
Hey, you're not late! I have been taking the test (I know it's not that accurate but still) many times for different years and I've always been and INFJ so I guess that's my core self no matter what LOL I should retake it one day, just to see^^. I don't know much about MBTIs functions, so I cannot really say anything from that point of view. And I don't know about instincts for enneagrams, but now that you mentioned, I might even try to check that too, just out of curiosity! Thanks :D
Thank you a lot for your feedback, I'm glad it resonated despite my small problems :). Yeah, sometimes it's not easy to decide what to do, especially when it involves people we're so used to be with, no matter what. So many emotions may come in between, and I totally get that you feel guilty too, cause they're part of your life and it's scary to lose others (especially those that are parts of our roots: feels like losing ourself or our comfort area, but it's not so. We're always the same, we do not depend on others. Our comfort comes from within). But if they hurt us, they just hurt us. And no matter how long we've been with them, how much we have afforded and seen together, the only thing that matters is that we're hurt and we need to heal and take time for ourselves. And we need them to understand they hurt us and talk things out (when possible; if not, we give closure to that ourselves). So again, after your feedback, I confirm: for now take time for yourself, to take care of you, to understand it was not on you, and then you can decide... evaluate objectively the situation and how you feel (follow your instincts. Only move towards the decision that will bring the best result for you. It's not selfishness, it's self respect: staying with people that may probably only hurt us, is just useless. And remember, just in case: it's not on you and probably not even on them, it's just life happening. We all grow, it's okay to grow differently from the people we are used to be with, sometimes).
Take care and be happy and hopeful<3
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contentgreenearth · 2 years
This was a post that I should have made eons ago, but I feel compelled to make it now, because there's a group of MBTI purists who are trying to push their followers to believe Simplified Original Jungian Typology is not Jungian. Sounds crazy, but it's true 🥴
So I guess I'm on a quest to defend Simplified Original Jungian Typology, here, as well as show the differences between the two systems. So let's start.
Simplified Original Jungian Typology (SOJT) had its origin in Europe, among Jung's pupils and their pupils. It types people exactly how Jung did in Psychological Types. It types both your cognition and your differentiation.
So on my blog , when I talk about SOJT type families, I'm talking about all the SOJT differentiation patterns that have the same cognition. It uses terms like, let's take the type ESFP for example, Se-f, fe-S, Se, S-f, etc. to describe the different differentiation patterns that all have the same cognition. What do all those examples have in common? An Se dominant function, and an Fe auxiliary function. They just have different differentiation patterns, for example S-f alternates between Se Fe and Si Fi for the conscious, hence, we don't know whether to label the person e or i, so we just label them S-f (and that's the best description I've written yet for undifferentiated attitude 👏👏👏Yay!).
The Se-f, in this case, would be the fully differentiated type. All fully differentiated types look this way. I've had some of those MBTI purists say that's not Jungian, because it doesn't say "Se-fe". Guys, this is not the MBTI. This is SOJT. It's a totally different typology, and if "e" appears anywhere in the annotation, it means the whole conscious is extroverted; and if "i" appears anywhere in the annotation, it mens the whole conscious is introverted.
One final interesting note I will say about SOJT before I move on, and talk about the MBTI. That's the difference in grades between SOJT and the MBTI. SOJT consistently scores 80% or higher on several metrics, such as accuracy, reliability, validity and test-retest. The MBTI, on the other hand, consistently fails in all those metrics, scoring less than 60% , and that is all forms of the MBTI, including the dichotomy test from the official MBTI 😳, which is the highest ranking of all MBTI methods. If you're wondering why people who are really vested in the MBTI would try to steer you away from SOJT, look no further. It's because they don't want you to know you're mistyped, and they don't want to lose business 🤫
Now, we move on to the MBTI. Dang, where do I begin? There are are so many factions of MBTI, it's not funny. You have Grant Stackers (probably the majority of the community), you have MBTI purists (who use eeii and iiee order/IJs are judgers/IPs are perceivers), you have people who totally type by temperaments (Kiersey, Berens and CS Joseph), you have people who only believe the dichotomy test is valid, etc, and I could go on. I'll just leave it there.
The whole MBTI community is fragmented, the functions mean different things, depending on whose method you're using. The purists have the right and *only* right definitions of the functions, but they tend to disfavor the functions, and prefer to use MBTI facets, MBTI letter cluster behaviors and temperaments over the functions 🤔 That's sadly, where even the purists falter. They fail to realize that *nothing* about the MBTI is accurate.
I don't think I need to share the background story of the MBTI, because I'm pretty sure anyone who reads this knows the story of how the MBTI originated. But Briggs and Myers definitely interpreted Jung their own way. Then Grant got hold of Briggs and Myers' theory, and created his own. And every MBTI theory after Grant is an interpretation of Grant. The MBTI is like a massive, unending, "telephone game", where the message at the end of the line is extremely altered from the original message, and the original message is lost
That's exactly why I tell people to not even bother to use the MBTI to figure out their MBTI type, and to use Simplified Original Jungian Typology and DISC instead. Oh, and by the way, DISC is the only other typology that scores 80% or higher on all the metrics I listed above for SOJT. Yep. SOJT and DISC is the way to go, if you really want to figure out your MBTI type. I tell people that all the time
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bluesky88diary · 1 year
Happiness never comes alone. There is always connections... Me with God, with nature around, with beloved, or merely moment. The photo I've made on Sep, 18 in mysterious way reflects another side of universe, where you dive in depth of blue. How could I know? Honestly, there is very little because of me, because I didn't know, but love knows everything.
The week was happy and easy. At my job I got very good position and even better coworker. One awesome guy who tries very hard to make every job done near perfection. Interesting what is his type of character, because it's pleasure to work with him. Yes, he is very demanding and sometimes annoying, asking me to do what I thing isn't necessarily at the moment, but I notice our types cooperate very well. However, I am please to work with this type, but also thought, what if my wife could have the similar character, and... Maybe it's ENTJ, need to ask him pass mbti test. Yet I don't feel myself comfortable with "E" types, they always push things too far. "We have to do this the best we can, and we have to do it right now", I might describe this person this way. But INFJ rarely rush thing forward, and even more I don't like to argue. By the way, his occupation was lawyer back in Ukraine, perhaps good one. Thus, at my job this goes better and better. But at very first opportunity to go full time videographer I will quit this job.
Back to my angel, beloved you. At the moment I saw you waving after turtle with cute fish on its back, I immediately remembered your code when you were waving to... I guess it was cute Mikey Mouse. And this created very cozy feeling connecting this episode that expose your sweet personality. I laterally felt myself as if near you. This was very warm moment. Thank you for sharing. Also that mysterious shark, I think is it any related to the photo I've made? I don't know, but could be interesting to find out.
You know, that you made upset yesterday? I don't know why guys subconsciously have this stupid spirit of competition with each other, but when I noticed you last follow I thought, "What is this about? Somebody is tried you charm you?" And this was sad thought. But then I did what I should do last summer, so I remembered each beautiful moment with you and said to myself, "This cannot be so, she is better than that. Merely grateful for support". However, you what to make me jealous, to bring some fire in our hearts? My baby wanna play? Because recent day I put most of my efforts and everything in work, so you might miss my love and affection. Maybe this way you try to bring it back. But men aren't multitasking, I can be good in everything at the same time. I work hard to make the way toward you possible. Don't you know? I love you so much, my dear Seungyeon.
Till my day I made myself a gift, collected all the professional gear I need for successful work as videographer. Heavenly blessings made this possible, providing me everything I needed for very low price and yet like new quality. Only wide angle prime lens and 3rd light left on my list. But it's very tempting for me as "I" to only collect gear and avoid the purpose, where I have to deal with people, look for clients and do all the business by myself. Sounds scarry, but not for the first time. Clear goal and love in my heart make things possible.
The last good news, today I was asked to lead Facebook page in my local church, makes photos, update spotlights each week, etc. Very good opportunity to practice and show up my skills. Yeah, Jesus takes care of me whenever I go. Very pleasant. And I always pray about you, so you can share my benefits too ^^
Up next our first anniversary. Are you ready? I wish it will be comfortable time together. Then Christmas. I wander what can be more thrilling than last one, such a sweet memory.
All my worries I trust in hands of Jesus and receive back his love, which I can share with my beloved angel, you!!
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magicbeanjump · 1 year
Just as when I was about to give up on Hinge, you came along. My friend showed me your profile and we liked it. I really did not give much thoughts about it, same as the other ones because it was just too early to be hopeful. Based on past experience haha.
You said “Hey Geraldine” for the first time, and I thought why cant this person add more to this conversation and actually there’s nothing I could reply onto. But I decided to just say hi and came up with random stuff to talk about. Like the rest, you took longgg to reply (that wasnt surprising, most people on Hinge are like that which makes conversation so difficult). 
I guess the key was this comment I made about something you said on your profile. The way to win you over is to Walk with You. I thought it was something amusing and fairly simple. I didnt expect that opened up a box of pandora for you. You started typing this huge chunk of paragraph of what made you thought that way. And at the moment, I was like wow.. what’s going on. And.. the conversation flowed with us guessing each other’s MBTI.
You initiated on moving to telegram, I was surprised but just went ahead with it. I started asking what school did you go to, and you started saying your walls were kinda high and that you needed more time. I was once again taken aback, because its just the school you are studying at, I was like where’s the link whats going on. Anyhow, it all just made me so curious about you that I couldnt stop. I was thinking there’s so much more within this person that I really want to grasp on. Believe it or not, the next line you said you wanted to meet up. I was apprehensive on meeting up cos I dont feel that we communicated enough - and the past 2 dates I had, was a flop after meeting up. So I was hell of a nervous meeting up!
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seelestia · 2 years
hi!! its been a while hehe
FIRST PARAGRAPH i totally agree jsjds
i JUST took a chem test today UGH stoichiometry <<< but my fav is also bio WHAT!! i specifically love genetics, i'd like a job in it someday.
i actually just finished + posted a fic, its a childe fic where childe has to give up the reader for his family. if u find it maybe my identity will be revealed hehe
LOL i hope ur stomach is okay after all that, actually whats your fav drink? mines def water or coffee. AHHHH INFJS THE CINNAMON ROLLS!! how's life as a j? i really wanna be an intj ugh :(
ME TOO!! i mostly do it with mbti BUT WHATS UR ENNEGRAM!! and do u wanna take a shot at guessing mine? if not its okay
i wish i cld add more to this ask but something is demanding my attention very this second n i'm too lazy to rewrite this all.
BUT!! whats ur fav scent? like perfume wise?
have a nice timezone!!
-quill !
quill, hi hiiii! the way i was planning to come online when you sent the ask?? destiny. the fact that we despise chemistry??? also destiny LMAOAOOA. I SHALL PRAY FOR YOUR BRAIN 🙏 and hello??? fellow bio lovers unite! yooo, it's good to know that you'd like a job in genetics because they're super cool 😩 this makes me wanna look back at my notes abt meiosis HELP. tho, i personally love the digestive system! but i think i might just end up taking linguistics or literature courses when i go to uni soon.
(remember me when you get that huge salary, quill. so cash money of you /lh) AND OMG. i think
my fav drink is... iced chocolate. quick, act surprised LMAOAO why is this no different than choco milk 😭 but any types of iced fruit tea are super good imo! water and coffee... quill, you're so self-sufficient and easy to take care of, jfjwkkfkwm. don't be like me, be practical and save money 🚶
CINNAMON ROLLS?? US INFJS?? TY, TY! we are all silly people, i promise. like everything, being a j has its pros and cons: because we make plans and take some time to think for stability + this helps us feel secure knowing how something turns out. but at the same time, it makes us more frigid when it comes to change?? it's not like it'll kill us but most j's can get a little moody/panicky when the plans take a turn — which i do think we can afford to relax a bit more abt 😭 (i talk like a p, but i think it's just the introverted intuition (Ni) in me jfjwjkek) + it takes away our chance to experience how unpredictablity can make things more enjoyable than they seem disorganized!
YEAH! i do more with mbti and cognitive functions too but i recently researched more into enneagram. i personally recc using the sakinorva site if you haven't because they go more in depth >:)
ALSO HI YES. i'm a 9w8! your local and private cheerleader <3 and ofc, i'd want to guess, hehe. hmmm, i think... you might be a type 6?? i got this feeling because of how you said that you wish you could be a j/intj, so i can somewhat theorize that you desire security and stability (which sounds like a 6 to me but again, this is just a silly guess fjjwkdkke.
NO WORRIES! go take care of those things like a boss and a good timezone to ya too, quill <3 thanks for stopping by~ i'll keep a lookout for the childe fic you wrote because ayo, the family vs lover trope??? yes. 👀
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lume-nosity · 2 years
after the pain of looking through cognitive functions and tons of research between the feeler types, i may have figured out my mbti… it may be isfj. and i hope it is because i went from infp, isfp, to debating between infp isfp infj and isfj, to isfp vs isfj, and then isfj. this whole thing probably looks stupid but, there’s that.
here’s why:
an important thing to note that’s irrelevant to the reasons why i think i’m an isfj is that one: i don’t fit the cook/nursing roles, two: i can be lazy/disorganized, three: i don’t really follow traditions and am in fact oblivious to most of them, four: i’m not religious, five: i’m not good at small talk
i researched that isfj’s like to be organized right? well, i’m not really organized for myself that’s for sure. that’s the downside i guess? but when i was at the store one time and i see items that are out of place, i put them at their usual places. (i saw those freezer doors opened so i closed it, items that aren’t in their proper spots i put them where they belong, something like those examples.)
i do have a good memory when it comes to past experiences/memories i find to be nostalgic…even embarrassing moments all the way since kindergarten. sometimes when i go to bed i feel INTENSE embarrassment over that one embarrassing moment i had in 1st grade. (but even when i say i have a good memory when it comes to nostalgic memories i AM forgetful.)
i live in the present/past more than the future, as the future scares me. and i follow social norms. i hold doors for people, i say thank you, i apologize a lot, etc.
i have an unconscious schedule to follow. (ex: school days i shower at 6:00 pm, while on weekends i shower at 6:30 pm. i go to school at 6:40-6:45 am, and wait till 7:00-7:05 am for one of my friends to find me and walk with me. if it’s later than 7:05, i get a little worried. i’ve made a screaming post about this a few days ago HFJWJF)
i like having straightforward (easy) directions to follow and build off from there. if i was not provided with directions i’d probably be dumbfounded or panic like ‘damn, so what do i do now?’
i thought i was an isfp. from what i researched, isfp’s long for freedom and they do what feels right for them/follow their heart. but for me, i follow what people want me to do/be because i’m afraid of conflict. (my close friend tends to scold me on this)
i prefer familiarity. if it’s something new, i’m hesitant of it because i’m not the type of person to try things that aren’t familiar to me. but i am willing to try if i were comfortable/want to feel the first experience.
large gatherings overwhelm me to a T (especially loud noises), but if i’m with a group of friends/people i know in the same public setting/social event then i feel more at ease. i like to stick with people i’m acquainted/friends with rather than on my own and prefer to have them take the lead. i tend to blend into said group/background and just be happy to be there/happily existing.
i prefer working with people who work at the same pace as i am or close to it. because when i was partnered up with slow people for a project as the deadline was edging closer, i was internally screaming inside because i’ve finished my part early while a few others haven’t even started theirs.
^ speaking of deadlines i tend to finish what’s assigned to me within the same day it’s assigned or a few days after it’s assigned. never a few hours before it’s due, that shit drives me nuts and then cry. i can procrastinate, but not procrastinate too much until the deadline’s close.
i’m not sure if this is an isfj thing but here’s a storytime: a friend that i know of for a few years was having a terrible headache during class and weren’t acting themself which pained me to see. this was a few minutes before the lunch bell when i noticed, so when we had to leave for lunch, i immediately asked them if they’re okay and if they need anything. they wanted me to bring them to the nurse and that is what i did. i led the way, the fastest route to the nurse, trying to hide them away from the crowd, but once we got there the nurse wasn’t there. so we had to sit next to each other in the lunchroom to eat for a bit, and while they were looking so sorrowful my heart ached. like, REALLY ached. so i was eating fast just so we can get to the nurse’s office again. i tend to check up on them every few minutes just to make sure they’re still able to at least answer me. we didn’t really exchange conversations because to me if we did, it’d probably increase their headache. when i finished, we went to the nurse. the nurse was there fortunately, and i was standing by the door to be sure that my friend is taken care of. the nurse was asking me why i was there and as my friend was gonna answer i answered with: ‘i came with them to help them get here.’ and when stuff was settled, and my friend was about to get into a room i told them ‘i hope you feel better soon.’ and they softly replied with ‘thanks.’ i still remembered this occurrence till this day. it may be my isfj calling?
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mbti-notes · 2 years
Anon wrote: Hello, ESTJ here. I generally prefer to go by facts and same applies to conversation. But I also get vibe or hunch about any situation. I will try to explain, sometimes, people say 1 thing on face but you know in background something else going on which they dont say. I feel I sense these things with significant accuracy.
For example, I was working with one INFP and we had good work relationship. However, he got to know that i have good work relationship with other teammates as well and somewhere same time things started going difficult between both of us. He started being extra critical of my work and even if it is small independent incidences, I could sense some common theme behind and came to conclusion that he is angry with me for some specific thing and instead of telling me directly, he is taking out like this. I also thought that is he jealous of my connection with other teammates but I dismissed that idea because this is purely work relation where this jealously is not really applicable.
Now , after I got to know about MBTI, I types him as INFP and got to read that INFP tend to get jealous like this even if this connection is not romantic. Question is, is this correct characteristic of INFP about possession or jealousy?
Another thing, can ESTJ who has low N function can have vibes like this or it is something else? As I am not confident about this vibes/ guess, I never act on them on time. I always let it go and connect the dots later just to find out I was rite. Can you please share your thoughts? Thanks in advance!
1) Jealousy is a universal emotion, so it isn't unique to any particular type. Different types may suffer jealousy for different reasons. Various reasons may include: insecure attachment style, greed, possessiveness, fear of loss, trust issues, unresolved past relationship trauma, misguided loyalty, etc.
2) Every type has an N function in the stack, so everyone is capable of using intuition, but not every individual uses it equally well, depending on their degree of function development. Even N dominants can be bad at using intuition when they are not in a healthy psychological state.
Unless you are N dominant, your use of intuition will be hit-or-miss, with more misses than hits. People with tertiary N often believe that their intuition is better than it actually is. Why? Tertiary loop is one reason. Another reason is that they have poor awareness of intuition in general, so they only notice the few instances when their intuition was correct (because it boosts the ego) and overlook the many other instances when their intuition was very wrong (because it hurts the ego). Even N dominants can fall prey to this selective evidence gathering when their N development hasn't progressed very well.
Intuition is probably the more difficult of the four cognitive processes to develop, just based on my observations of development issues. It is an irrational cognitive process: difficult to define, difficult to explain, difficult to observe in action, and difficult to be fully aware of its operational mechanisms. On average, Fs generally have a better time than Ts because intuition often gets intertwined with feelings and enters awareness through the emotional pathways of the mind.
To be N dominant is to use intuition automatically, applying it to everything without much effort - it is second nature, like breathing. For non N dominants, intuition is of less importance and therefore applied more sparingly, mostly limited to situations that fall within the dominant function's interests and concerns.
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