#i had a bad day :(
aucoba · 8 months
I am so sad people are being such dicks about the finale. Yes the season went freackingly (too) fast. Yes I cried and screamed and have some criticisms about how it was done. Yes I feel a bit underwhelmed after such an amazing first season
This finale wasn't a "disrespect" to us, we weren't mocked or punished or anything like that! The artists did the best they could with what they got, which was so fucking little! They brought us many fulfilling love stories and I won't care for any half wit sad hearted insults and far fetched interpretations you might cook yourself up, trying to make sense of your feelings you twats.
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valentineodium · 7 months
Fun fact!
Today wasn’t real! It never happened! You don’t have to worry about a single bad thing that happened today because it wasn’t real. (*^‿^*)
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bubbbl3gummb1tch · 1 year
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Today sucked ✌️
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absolute-d00fus · 6 months
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Pairing: Ramattra x Reader
Words: 4017
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: General
“It seems you’ve sprung a leak.” A scoff, an amused observation when Ramattra reaches your side, and you both slow to a stop beside one another. What a pitiful attempt to get you to grin.
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queeriboh · 2 months
metal is one of my favorite genres but like I cant call myself a metalhead bc I never even like learned all the breeds you know?
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worldsworstfemale · 3 months
alright i’m gonna get high and snuggle my cat
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pawsandsuch-office · 5 months
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He's eating pasta
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a-sassy-bench · 1 month
that overwhelming feeling when the universe collapses in on itself, the crushing weight of atoms smashing into atoms, as matter condenses into a vacuum because none of the restaurants you like are taking delivery orders right now
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delphiniumjoy · 1 year
At the moment I’m actually kinda jealous of the other autistic people who can have violent meltdowns instead of sitting like a frog in the slowly simmering pot of their own overwhelm, unable to do anything but turn statuesque and desperately hope someone takes pity, knowing full well that screaming and hitting and ripping their hair out is what they want to do but can’t.
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souloftheintrovert · 5 months
i hope everyone reading this has a great day. and if you didn't, i hope tomorrow is your great day. or the next day. now go eat some food, scream, punch something, and go the fuck to sleep.
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eclipsedsuns · 6 months
i need french fries or i'm going to burst into tears
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averydeadshootingstar · 3 months
I was sooo productive today (iamlying)
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sweatertheman · 2 years
I love Ralsei he's just so mentally ill
he's not okay at all, he probably thinks he can't do anything right. He probably hates himself and sometimes wishes he were anyone else because for some reason nothing he does ever turns out right
he'll tell you he's fine but inside he knows the scars from his troubled past will never truly disappear, and that thought makes him feel hopeless. He probably sits alone, wondering what's wrong with him, why he always seems to make everything worse, why he can't seem to do even the simplest task correctly. I bet the only thing he really wants deep down inside is to feel safe and loved, but it's something he doesn't think he can ever find, or even if it's something he deserves.
he probably berates himself when things go wrong because he was SUCH a fool to make that decision, because what does he know anyway, he should just let someone else make the decisions, they know better. But I bet he still feels guilty about being so weak and helpless and pathetic that he needs someone else to tell him how to do even the most basic tasks, because he's just being a burden on their life.
i bet he lays awake at night trying not to think about everything that went wrong, all the mistakes he made, how much he hates himself for being so pathetic, how much he wishes things could just be okay, that he could be blissfully ignorant and spend every day going on inconsequential adventures with his friends, that he'd never have to feel this profound emptiness again. But as hard as he tries those thoughts rise to the top and stay until he's too drowsy to think anymore.
then, as soon as he wakes up the next day he pushes it all back down again. he likes to pretend it isnt still there, bubbling beneath the surface, influcencing every decision he makes. but he knows it's still there, and he's one fuck up away from falling back into that pit.
He's just such a cute little ball of self-loathing and childhood trauma, i love him.
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paranormeow7 · 1 year
he might not look like he gets bitches but honey that dick is eleven inches cmon fuck me emo boy cmon fuck me emo boy
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l0cal-catb0y · 2 years
Comfort (Moon x Reader)
sorry, this is rushed and short n not my best work but i had a horrible day n i need comfort yknow? some days you just wanna be held by a silly animatronic
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You did not want to go into work, your head was aching, and your bed just called for you, but you need money so off you went. The pizzaplex greeted you with shut off lights and locked doors, the lock was a hassle and the struggle only made you feel worse. After the brief struggle you shuffled inside and clocked in, luckily it was a short walk to where you decided you would spend your shift. As you approached the daycare the calm music and the lights being off signaled you would be dealing with Moon this evening instead of Sun, which seemed a lot better to your tired mind no matter how much you loved Sun. Slowly you pushed open the large doors n almost immediately you called out "Moon? You awake bud?" Off on the other side of the room two red dots appeared and the sound of bells jingling reached your ears. You watched as slowly the dots grew closer before you were able to make out the lanky shape of Moon making his way towards you. Once he stood before you, you just leaned you head forward to rest against his chest and sighed. After a moment you felt Moon move to pull you closer and wrap his arms around you.
"Good evening little one, what brings on this wave of affection hm?" Moon whispered to you as you rested your weight against him. "Just a bad day, yknow how it is." He hummed in response before muttering for you to follow him to the nap time area. Upon arrival he moved about quickly as he looked to be setting up an area for you two. Once finished he gestured for you to get in and get comfortable, when you did Moon slid in next to you and wrapped you back up in his arms. Quietly you nuzzled you face into his chest and held back a sob, it felt so good after the hard day to just be held for a moment and to be treated like something delicate. Moon seemed to notice but did no comment, just began humming out a soft tune to comfort you. And comfort it did, the stress of the day finally sapping away as the tiredness finally caught up to you completely. As you began to slip into sleep you heard Moon mumble out a goodnight to you before you completely fell into the realm of sleep.
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