#i had a woman apologize to me for speaking to her DAUGHTER in their OWN LANGUAGE
rainymoodlet · 1 year
Ohh Daniel speaks Spanish! You too?
not all that well, unfortunately! daniel speaking spanish (in-game selvadoradan) was something that developed sort of naturally? my fiance speaks spanish rather fluently & some local dialects he learned from people he's worked with, so he helps me with most of my translations and colloquialisms but i also use online translators because... i suck. :|
i am learning though! my coworkers in the kitchen and up front speak spanish and they've been teaching me a lot (i want to communicate with them more as i'm not ignorant to the fact that im a textbook gringa dskfdklfjs) and it's been a wonderful experience! i am more than open to people correcting me and letting me know what's right and what's wrong, etc. i'm very eager to learn more!✨
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jacaerysgf · 1 month
Unexpected Surprise
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Summary: While attempting to gain the support of the vale, jeyne arryn has plans of her own for the prince.
r.q: Everyone forgets house Arryn😔🤘🏻 baddies of the vale Can you write something w Jace and an Arryn maybe lady Jayne’s little sister or daughter or something? Not a totally unreasonable alliance !! They have the coolest castle and knights also Ms Aemma Arryn ™️ like hello!! (I’m impatient as hell for more Vale coverage in season 2)
w.c: 900+
c.w: baela and jacaerys are not betrothed, arryn!reader jenye’s daughter, FLUFF, just a very cute fic, drabble, not proofread
a.n: IVE HAD THIS DONE SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR NO REASON OMGGGG but with the recent jeyne content i felt inspired to write this !! just something super simple <3 HOPE YOU ENJOY !! LOVE UUUU GUYS
masterlist - requests open
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“Im sorry, what my lady?”
“I wish for you to marry my daughter.”
This is not how jacaerys thought this would go. When he arrived in the vale he thought he thought he would have to make simple small talk, present some of the benefits, hells even throw some complements her way in order to convince her. This however had not been in his cards.
“I'm sorry my lady i do not understand.”
“My daughter, y/n remains unmarried, around your age, a sweet girl, agree to wed her and me and my men will bend the knee.”
He blinks. He has no clue what to say to her. Jeyne stands after a moment, “I shall go fetch her.” He watches as one of the guards tries to stop her and tells her he will go retrieve the girl but Jeyne seems determined to go herself and he moves letting her leave. Jacaerys stands awkwardly in the middle of the room unsure of what to do.
He is not too sure he can just flat out agree to a proposal without his mother position, it is not like he is a second son, he is the heir to the queen. The next king, his wife to be the next queen. Yet when he sees you walking into the room, wearing a long dress in your house colors with your mother trialing behind with a pleased look on her face he finds himself wanting to agree to the marriage right away.
You are stunning. Easily the most beautiful women he’s ever seen, sure he hasn’t seen that many women but it doesn’t matter. He watches as you bow and mindlessly nods in acknowledgment, unable to take his eyes off you.
Jeyne looks between the two of you with a satisfied look. “Why don’t you show the prince around?” She gives you a pointed look to which you nod, “Of course i would be happy to.”
He walks over and offers you his arm with a smile on his face and you graceful take it before you begin to walk off with him. Jeyne stays behind and smiles to herself.
“My mother is very forward i apologize to you.” He simply shakes his head, he finds himself look at you instead of the halls he’s supposed to be looking at. “It is not an issue my lady, I rather appreciate it.” You look at him curiously but turn away once you notice he is already looking at you. “Whatever do you mean?”
“Many people speak in riddles, not saying what they mean or truly want, your mother is a rare gem.” You smile at the praise of your mother, “She truly is.”
You lead him outside and begin to tell him about the different plants and different sculptures around the courtyards. He is so charmed by you. The way you light up when you spot something and you begin to tell him of a memory you have, like how your mother scolded you for jumping around in the fountain, or when you almost fell out of one of the window's when you fell asleep.
“You truly love this place.” He can tell. The way you smile at the guards as they walk by or the way you know every detail about everything in the walls. But he sees the way you falter slightly at his words, “Am i wrong?”
You shake your head vigorously, “no no i do, its just i have never been away from here. My mother is a very protective woman, she waves away any suitors, she never even lets me leave the eyrie it is ridiculous!” You realize you're letting your emotions show too much and bow your head, “i am sorry that was out of line.”
He grabs your hands and you look at him with wide eyes. “I understand my lady, my mother is similar, i have truly never traveled to far, i wish to explore, once my mother has her rightful throne i believe i will take the time to see westeros a little bit,” He pauses before he speaks again, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, “I could take you with me? if that is what you wish my lady.”
He watches as your eyes begin to glow and you beam at him, “truly? oh nothing would make me happier.” He nods and grips your hands tighter, “I shall take you everywhere.”
He does not expect you to throw your hands around his neck and pull him into a hug. He wraps his hands around your lower back, pushing his head into your neck and breathing in your scent. “I will accept your mothers propsal at once. You will fly with me to winterfell.” You pull back and give him an eager look. “Winterfell? Truly?” He nods, “I am to go meet lord cregan stark.”
You can barely contain your excitement at the thought of seeing something that was not the eyrie, especially a place as grand as winterfell.
Jeyne watched you two smile at one another from a window above with a small smile on her face. She does not hear the guard approaching her from behind, “You seem pleased my lady.” She says nothing to him for a moment, simply continuing to stare at the two of you. “Tell my men to ready themselves for war. It seems he will accept my proposal.”
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perm jacaerys taglist <3
@tyronesien @itsbookworm987 @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aegonswife
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norman-fucking-reedus · 3 months
Thinking a lot about GirlDaddy Daryl… like nobody can convince me that he wouldn’t be absolutely soft for his daughter
When she’s a baby his heart is just so full, the first months after having her he just cried everytime he held her. He’d think about how he has a family of his own to protect, and how he’s gonna work his ass off to be a worthy father unlike his own.
The toddler stage catches him way off guard. He now has a walking talking mini female version of him tailing along behind his every step. She follows him EVERYWHERE its absolutely adorable. He spends every day playing questionnaire.
“Daddy wha’s tha?”
“Don’ touch tha’ ya could get hurt”
Yes she would definitely pick up his accent, and yes it is the cutest thing. She lives up her nickname Lil Dixon all the way.
When she reaches the tween stages, tempers start to flare and arguments ensue, only unfortunately for Daryl his daughter is, well his, and not Judith, so instead of walking away she bites back, and surprisingly hard.
“Dammit girl jus’ listen ta me alrigh’?!”
“Fuck you!”
“Aye! Watch yer damn mouth missy- Don’ walk away from me!”
The conversation ended with a frilly bedroom door being slammed in his face, leaving him more grounded more than anything. He obviously ends up feeling horrible about, almost spiraling in your arms as he sobbed about how he was ending up lile his dad. You had to reassure him that “Good parents can still argue with their kids. Give her some time and then go talk to her”
Daryl may or may not have felt slightly sick when he knocked on her door a few hours later, but it was quickly washed away when the door open and she jumped into his arms.
“M’sorry fer swearin’ daddy”
“M’sorry fer yellin’ at ya kiddo”
Can you blame the man for crying a little? He didn’t get apologizes as a kid and right now he was healing himself.
Surprisingly the teenage stage ends up being the best, her having gained your sense of humor and a laidback personality, also not being afraid to speak her mind and defend her thoughts.
“Dad, yer gettin’ prettyy fuckin’ old. What am I gon inherit from ya?”
“M’not dyin’ any goddamn time soon girl, get away from me”
“Hey! S’rude to push women! Didn’t moms teach ya anythin?”
“Ya ain’t a woman, yer a girl. Now scram”
“Why are ya tearing me down?”
“Are ya gettin’ a kick out of botherin’ me?”
“Yes very much so”
She becomes his second best friend, constantly getting on his nerves and harassing him throughout the day. Having grown up with Merle, Daryl was used to some of her antics, at one point starting a prank war against her.
“Daryl, do you wanna explain to me why you’re filling balloons with glitter?”
“Yer daughter is gon have some real sparkly hair”
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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sassypossumm · 2 months
Is The Tooth Fairy A Rat?
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We LOVE Dad!Miguel, especially when he's standing up to snobby principles and school counselors.... just a little fluffy comedy from our fave dad....
"Babe, please don't apologize, the multiverse waits for no man and all that jazz." Glancing up you saw the principle standing in the doorway of her office, arms folded. "I love you too." Turning off your phone, you stuffed it into your purse. Just as you stepped towards her office, and hand on your arm caused you to cry out in surprise. Turning you came face to face with none other than your husband.
"Did I miss anything?" He chuckled, eyes flashing with mischief. Narrowing your own, you patted your chest and frowned up at him. 
"I thought you couldn't make it." The smile slipped from Miguel's face, replaced by sheer sincerity. 
"This was more important." 
Glancing over your shoulder, you winced at the impatient stance of the principle. 
"Please be on your best behavior." You whispered, straightening his tie. A sly grin spread slowly across Miguel's face, and he raised a brow. 
"When am I not, mi vida?" Shaking your head, you gently grasped his arm and tugged him towards the principal's office. With a tight smile, she ushered you into the small space and closed the door. You were immediately caught off guard by the presence of a second woman who was already seated in a chair, sifting through a manilla folder. Sitting in one of the chairs opposite her desk, you wound your hands together in your lap. 
"Mrs. O'Hara, Mr. O'Hara, thank you for agreeing to meet with me." She folded her hands on the desk and turned from you to Miguel with a crisp smile. Not missing a beat, she continued. "Do you know why I requested to speak with you two?"
"Honestly, Mrs. Meyers, I think I speak for the both of us when I say, no." You glanced at Miguel, and he nodded, not turning his eyes off of Mrs. Meyers. She pulled out a pair of glasses and slid them up the bridge of her nose before reaching for a notebook. 
"Well, as Gabi's parents, we thought it pertinent to bring our concerns to you." You bristled at that. Almost unperceptively Miguel slipped you his hand. Lacing your fingers through his, you clenched your jaw and squeezed the long capable fingers in your grasp. 
"Concerns?" Miguel narrowed his eyes at Mrs. Meyers. 
"Yes." She continued without looking up. If she had, she might have noticed that her words were placing her on thin ice with your husband. "Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara, you have a bright daughter." You gave Miguel a warm smile. "However," The smile slipped and you turned your eyes back onto the woman. 
"However?" You leaned forward. 
"Mrs. O'Hara, I don't know any other way to put this," She paused to lower her glasses a fraction before looking at you intently. " But have you considered having your daughter tested?" 
"Tested for what exactly?" Miguel was the one to pull his hand free of yours. Not a good sign. Mrs. Meyers wasn't phased in the slightest. 
"Gabi has been exhibiting some rather concerning behaviors." She removed her glasses and leaned forward with a sympathetic smile. Your eyes flit to the woman in the corner who was now looking up at you with a similar expression. It was as if you'd had a bucket of ice water dumped on your head. Mrs. Meyers noticed your attention stray to the woman. 
"This is Dr. Childers, she's our school counselor." 
"Mrs. O'Hara," She gave you a bright smile and stood to reach for your hand. Stiffening, you turned back to Mrs. Meyers and cleared your throat. 
"I don't mean to be rude, but I'd like to know exactly what you consider 'concerning behaviors' to be." Dr. Childers' smile melted off her face and she retreated back to her seat. Mrs. Meyers gave you a stiff smile and opened her notebook. 
"Certainly, Mrs. O'Hara." She flipped through the book, stopping on a page and ran her finger down the page. "As a matter of fact, there was an incident recently." She glanced up and looked from you to Gabi. Neither of you looked impressed. Clearing her throat, she continued. "As of last week, it seems that Gabi has been telling her classmates that the tooth fairy is a... giant sewer rat in a tutu." Miguel's brows raised and you snorted. Mrs. Meyers colored and turned to the next page revealing a rather inspired drawing by your daughter. Pulling the page free she slid it across the desktop.  "She went on to draw this, she said it was meant to express how the... tooth mafia operates." 
Reaching for the picture you groaned. Gabi had indeed drawn a detailed depiction of a large rat in a tutu throttling some poor stick figure. Mrs. Meyers cleared her throat and pulled at her collar. 
"It seems this poor soul didn't want to... give up his teeth." Mrs. Meyers cleared her throat and pulled at her collar. Passing the picture to Miguel you covered your mouth to smother a laugh. 
"Peter." Miguel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
"Mr. O'Hara, Mrs. O'Hara, I hope you realize that this isn't a laughing matter." Mrs. Meyers sputtered, reaching to pull back the picture. Beating her to it, you snatched back the drawing and stuffed it into your purse. 
"Of course not, Mrs. Meyers, but I hardly think this was worth wasting the school councilors' time," 
"Oh, on the contrary, Mrs. O'Hara." Mrs. Childers cut you off, leaning forward in her chair. "Displays such as this, especially when disturbing in nature can often," 
"Disturbing?" Miguel cut in, glaring up at the woman over his hand. Mrs. Childers flinched. "Tell me, Dr. Childers, is it not true that most parents are still trying to convince their children that an ancient tiny chubby man flies through the sky with his reindeer once a year to bring gifts to the good children?" His eyes darkened and she shrank back into her chair, closing her folder. You quietly laced your fingers through his. Miguel gently squeezed your hands and turned hardened eyes on Mrs. Meyers. "And tell me, Educator Meyers, did you call the parents of the stellar scholar I saw sitting in the administrative office several minutes ago? I'm sure his parents would appreciate being told how disturbing their child is for having a marble stuck up his nose." Narrowing his eyes, he stood and stormed out of the office, you in tow. You jogged to keep step with Miguel until you reached your car. After opening the door for you, he sat in the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. You sat in silence for several minutes just letting him fume, and if you were honest, you were still fuming. 
"If we weren't in an elementary school parking lot, I'd kiss you till your ears pop, O'Hara." You turned to look at your husband. Unclenching his jaw, Miguel turned to look at you with a raised brow. 
"Oh really?" He smirked. 
"Oh yeah." You turned fully to face him.
"And why is that mi tesoro?" He mirrored your position and leaned forward. 
"That was probably the hottest thing I've ever seen." You grinned and ran your fingers through his hair. "Seeing you get all defensive and protective, hm, it does things to me." 
"Eres una tempera ." Miguel shifted his pants and groaned. 
"You love it though." Biting your lip, you winked and started the car. 
"I am going to kill Peter." Miguel grumbled, turning to look out the window. 
"That picture is totally going on our fridge." You chuckled, pulling out of the parking lot. 
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explicit-tae · 4 months
Love You (Just A Little Too Much)
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You're brought down memory lane and come face to face with someone you've completely forgotten about. @bloodline1632 @seokjinkismet @babycandy111 @minshookie29 @whipwhoops
Warning: smut, light yandere, teasing, sex toy usage, sub/dom, edging/orgasm denial, overstimulation, crying, restraints/bound, mentions of assault, manipulation, sadistic/masochistic tendencies, crying/sobbing, begging, slapping,
Word Count: 6.076
Valentine's Day Masterlist
“What’s on your mind?”
Your eyes blink at Jay, your boyfriend, and you could only offer a faint smile. “I don’t want to ruin dinner with my thoughts.” you reply. You drop your fork and grasp your glass of wine. 
Jay scoffs. “I can tell your head isn’t here,” he says. “Come on, tell me.”
You swallow your wine and lick your lips. “It’s Valentine’s Day.”
Jay raises a brow and leans in closer. He smirks. “So?” he murmurs. “I’m your boyfriend, you know. You can tell me what’s on your mind.”
Jay was correct - he was your boyfriend and someone you’ve grown close to for the last year. You were able to speak with him freely as if he was your best friend and it came naturally even if he was the opposite sex.
You sigh and nod your head. “You’re right.” you say. “I…haven’t talked to any of my friends in months. It’s like we all slowly just…”
“Grew apart?” Jay offers and when you nod, so does he. “I understand. What do you think happened?”
You shrug your shoulders. You’re unsure yourself of the reason. There wasn’t any bad blood between the four of you - there was nothing that could be done to a group of friends that has been established since middle school. You all managed to make it through High School and college without breaking apart. 
Sure, there were a few petty arguments, but nothing that lasted months - hell, not even a full week.
Not speaking with them collectively had you nervous, but you were all adults. You four lived separate adult lives, Jang-Mi having moved hours away to start a new job. Minji had gotten married and divorce all under three years and had chosen to distract herself with work while Mi-sun focused on raising her daughter on her lonesome.
“And you haven’t spoken to either of them on the phone?” Jay questions.
“No.” you shake your head. “Only through text messages, but even those seem dry. Maybe I’m just overreacting.” you shake your head and release a humorless laugh. “Sorry. Today is supposed to be about us.”
Jay shakes his head. He offers you his hand and you take it. His hands are always soft, you notice, softer than yours. He presses a kiss onto your hand, soft lips tickling your skin. “It is about us.” Jay murmurs. “Today is our anniversary,” he continues. “but you’re still the woman I love and if somethings on your mind, I want you to talk about it.”
You love Jay - and this was one of the many reasons why. He was caring - genuinely caring. He always puts your wants and needs far beyond his own. A year isn’t a long time to be together for most people, but for you it was. You couldn’t see yourself being with another man, not when Jay was amazing as he was.
You met Jay a year prior while out, having bumped into one another. Literally. You recall the way your phone went flying and you nearly fell onto the ground when a pair of arms caught you - said arms had let you go immediately when you regained your balance. “I-I didn’t mean to grab you it’s-” the stranger began. “I’m so sorry I should’ve been looking where I was going.” you apologized profusely.
You learned that his name was Jay and as an apology, he asked you out for coffee. The two of you hit it off easily as he was a nice person to talk to. He was funny as he was kind and in the short time that you’ve known him, it was as if you and he knew one another for years. 
Maybe Jay’s physical appearance helped a little - he was tall and fit. He dressed appropriately each time you and him met and he even offered to help you dress so the two of you matched for the occasion. His skin was the clearest you’ve ever seen on a man and appeared utterly glass and he had such perfect teeth.
It was hard in the beginning to be seen with Jay simply because of how beautiful he was, but he always made it known just how beautiful he thought you were and how much he appreciated you for being by his side. 
“So,” Jay offers you a toothy grin. “talk to me like I’m your friend and not your boyfriend.”
You do, a part of you feels terrible about doing this while at dinner with him, but Jay was an understanding person. He could tell your head was elsewhere.
You tell Jay about everything - how you rarely saw your friends face to face and how you couldn’t even remember the last time you all spoke on the phone. You wanted to be understanding because the four of you were adults now and didn’t need to spend every waking moment together - but a call wasn’t asking for much.
At the end of it all, Jay is nodding his head in agreement. He hasn’t spoken much and instead decided to allow you to vent all your pent up frustrations. 
“Felt good?” Jay snickers and you nod with a low grin. “I’m glad. I can’t excuse your friends' behaviors but I can try to see things from their point of view.”
You listen as Jay speaks. 
“We’re all adults going through our adult lives. Jang-Mi had moved so far away it’s hard to go back into the routine you two had when she was closer. I’m sure she works long hours.”
You nod your head with a sigh, your heart sinking as you begin to feel bad for thinking that your friends were leaving you behind.
“Mi-sun is a mother and it’s tough raising a child on your own. She just doesn't live for herself anymore. Minji probably buries herself into work to get her mind off of the divorce. It wasn’t an…easy one.”
You recall the amount of times Minji had called you throughout the last year about how ultimately, she was going to be left with nothing after the divorce - Jay had been there the entire time listening as you tried to console your friend.
“You’re right.” you pick up your wine glass and take a sip. “We’ve all been through…so much.”
Jay raises a brow. “What do you mean?”
You eye him for a moment. 
“I think it’s karma.” you shrug your shoulders. “We were terrible people in our youth.” you try to joke but you swallow thickly. “What we’re going through now is just what we deserve.”
Jay chuckles. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” he takes a sip of his own wine. 
“Before I met you my life was going to shit. I couldn’t keep a job to save my life and…” there wasn’t a need to focus on what you were going through at that moment because Jay knew. “..you helped me. Sometimes I believe I don’t deserve you.”
“It’s Valentine’s Day, Y/N.” Jay sighs, but his lips stretch into a smile. “Don’t get too emotional on me.” he jokes. 
“I know…” you trail  off. “The divorce with Minji and how she had to work so hard  to get her life together. Jang-Mi left and got a new job hours away because of that scandal. Mi-sun had to raise a child all alone without any help that wasn’t us. I can’t sound crazy to believe our past actions had shaped our future.”
Jay is quiet as he hears you speak, so eerily silent that you glance away from him. “Or maybe I am crazy.” you murmur. “You aren’t.” Jay shakes his head. “Whatever…you  did in your past could have shaped the present. Truth is often stranger than fiction.” Jay grasps your hand into his own. “But you’re better now, Y/N. With me. You’ll never fall as long as I’m by your side.”
Jay gives you a smile that has your heart clenching.
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The room is beautiful and you are positive that Jay put a lot of thought into decorating it for you. The amount of rose petals leading up to the bed was one gesture you loved, but also the candles that were lit. You pondered when he had time to do such a thing.
Jay wraps an arm around you and brings you closer to him. His lips are soft as they kiss along your neck.  “I love this color on you.” Jay compliments, his hand sliding your sides. “Black is lovely against your skin.”
Your body flushes at the compliment and you could only giggle, giddy at the way your heart jumps. Jay insisted on you wearing the lingerie - a black lace and mesh material that leaves little to the imagination. The stockings are high and stop mid thigh.
“I like this color on you.” you tell Jay. He’s dressed down from his suit from early. Now, he sports a silk, red robe that’s tightly loosely around him. His tan skin peaks from beneath it.
“Valentine’s Day is all about you. I want to make you feel good.” Jay kisses down your neck towards your collarbone, leaving slightly wet kisses. “I want to try something new.”
You weren’t sure what to expect when being told “something new”. You were laid onto the bed you share with Jay, his lips continuing to kiss down your body. His eyes flicker upwards at you and he offers a mischievous grin that has your legs quivering. 
“Something new” wasn't a robe tied tightly around your wrist and keeping you bound against your bed frame. You wouldn’t lie and say your body wasn’t filled with excitement - you and Jay never did this and sex was already enjoyable enough.
Jay licks his lips, his eyes meeting your curious ones. “You’re so beautiful. Always has been.” he murmurs, speaking aloud by himself. 
Jay forces your legs open, his hand wrapping more rope around your ankles that he then ties to the end of the bed frame. He proceeds to do the same thing to your free leg. 
“I can see how wet you are now.” Jay’s voice is deep and sultry, slowly consumed with his own lust. “You’ve always been the submissive type. The type to do whatever is asked of you.”
Jay’s hand trails teasingly up your leg, his fingertips feeling like feathers tickling your skin. 
Jay’s finger taps lightly at your clothed clit, smirking at you teasingly. His index forces itself through the mesh material and he slides it to the side. “So wet.” he murmurs. “Relax, baby. I have something you’d like.”
Your pussy clenches with anticipation and your eyes watch Jay get up from the bed. He goes to the side of the bed and appears to go through a bag. 
“I want you to feel good.” Jay says, turning towards you. Once more, your pussy clenches at the sight of the vibrator in the palm of his hand. “You’d let me, right?”
Hastily you nod your head, licking your lips with anticipation. 
Jay turns on the vibrator and it’s loud, the buzzing noise tingling through your ears. He places it on your thigh to tease you and it does so greatly. He slides it across your thigh closer and closer between your legs.
“Baby?” Jay hums, gently pressing the vibrator against your clit.  “There’s no lies between us, right?”
Your legs begin to shake at the vibrators pressure against your clit. “N-No.” you stutter out.
“Then you’d tell me what you and your friends did, right?” Jay questions, pressing the vibrator even harder against you.
You struggle against the rope restraints. “W-What are you talking about?” you sigh - more like a moan. Your stomach was bubbling and you couldn’t contain the rest of the moans releasing from your mouth. 
“Remember earlier…you said it must be karma why your lives have turned the way they did.” Jay begins to circle the vibrator against your clit. You’re so wet that it’s now fully coated in your sweet arousal. “Tell me what you’ve done that karma has come before you all?”
You aren’t sure what Jay is getting at and why he suddenly wanted to do this now. Your toes begin to curl.
Jay removes the vibrator from your swollen bud, his eyes dark with lust.  “Tell me.” he demands.
“I-I…nothing.” you shake your head, panting. Your lack of pleasure sends shock waves through your body. “Why are you-”
Your throat releases a shriek when the vibrator is brought back to your clit. Your eyes shut tightly as, once more, your thigh shakes. “Please-”
“You know,”Jay begins, circling the vibrator against you. “There’s four types of lies.”
“Jay…” the way you say his name causes his cock to jump in his pants. You’re full of lust and pleasure and he’s sure you’re not fully able to comprehend him.
“A white lie, a gray lie, a black lie and a red lie.” Jay continues. “A white lie is to first seek to help others. A gray lie is an in between; to partly help others and ourselves.”
Your toes begin to curl as Jay continues. 
“A black lie…” Jay trails off, his eyes boring into your face. Your eyes are clenched shut and you’re panting. “...is pure selfishness. Nothing is gained from others when a black lie is told and it is used to purely get the liar out of trouble.”
Jay removes the vibrator once more and this time you cry out in protest. Your eyes snap open, sadden as you peer at Jay.
“You’re such a whore, Y/N.” he chuckles cruely, his demeanor changed from the caring boyfriend of just an hour early. Your body yearns for him regardless of this act. “You’re about to cry.”
“I just wanna cum, Jay.” you murmur in defeat. 
“Yeah?” Jay comes closer to your face. “A red lie…” Jay places the vibrator against your clit, this time pressing the buttons on the side to increase the power. “...is done solely out of spite. Revenge. To harm others.”
Your eyes never leave his, even with the amount of blinking you’re doing to remain conscious. You’re groaning now, body shaking with pleasure. 
“Can you guess which one I am, baby?”
“If you guess right, I’ll let you cum.”
Your breathing increases and the only thing you can think about is cumming. “W-White.”
“Wrong.” Jay turns off the vibrator, but keeps it against your clit. “Can you guess which type of liar you are?”
“Jay…” you shake  your head. This act was making you impatient. “Please-”
“Tell me, Y/N. If you’ve done nothing in your past, then why have you and your friends gone through such terrible karma?”
“This act you’re doing is too much, Jay.”
“What act?” Jay scoffs. “Since you don’t know, baby. You’re a black liar. You’re selfish and you’re deflecting from your own involvement in the past.”
Your eyebrows knit together. “Jay…that isn’t funny-”
The vibrator turns on once more, shocking you. 
“As for me, I’m a red liar. None of you recognized me.” Jay speaks in a tone - monotone like; narrative. “You didn’t recognize Jay. Minji didn’t recognize Jung-ho. Mi-sun didn’t recognize Jong-seok and Jang-Mi never recognized Ju-ho…”
“Jay…?” your intentions aren’t to moan, but you cannot help it. Jay is pressing the vibrator with such pressure that even now in this unknown situation, you cannot help but want to cum hard. 
Just as you were about to cum, you cry out once more when the vibrator cuts off. You’re trembling, your wrist burning as the friction of the robe rubs against them.
“My name’s not Jay, Y/N. You know my name.”
Your eyes widen slowly. “Stop.” you plead with Jay. “It isn’t funny anymore…”
“I never told you a joke.” Jay scoffs. “Look at me and tell me you don’t remember who I am, Y/N.”
You swallow the lump in your throat as goosebumps begin to erupt onto your skin. Your heart is beating outside your chest and you wished Jay would flip the switch and return to the boyfriend you know and love.
“Look. At. Me.” Jay grits out each word with such venom, his cheerful personality long gone. “It’s been a decade since High School but have I truly changed that much, Y/N?”
You remain silent, your eyes remain on the man in front of you. 
“I had to change schools because of what your friends said I did.” Jay murmurs, and as the words hit your ears your eyes begin to widen. 
Mi-sun lifts her hand up and hums, tilting her head. “I think I want pink.” she says. “But a soft pink, not a hot one.”
Jang-Mi snorts.
Mi-sun raises a brow at Jang-Mi, but she doesn’t respond. 
“Like this one?” Minji asks after rummaging through her tote of beauty items. She holds up a bright pink color - taffy. 
Mi-sun nods with excitement. 
You sit and listen to the exchange, head in Jang-Mi’s lap.
You were all in Mi-sun’s room, a room that was overly pink, but neither of the girls in the friend group complained. Her walls were white, but her bed - a large queen size that sat in the middle of her room - had a bubblegum pink comforter set with matching pillows. While her floors were hardwood, the rugs inside of her room were round and flamingo colored. 
“So,” Jang-Mi starts. “What is this year's dare?”
You sighed deeply, ready to hear just what the hell your friends had planned for you this year.
Every year your group of friends would dare one another to do something - anything - at the start of the school year. It was a tradition, after all, spawning since primary school.
The year prior, Mi-sun had dared Minji to walk in the boys locker-room “accidentally” and shower just minutes before the boys were done with their practice. Minji was the daredevil of the group and accepted it without a problem - even if she did have a months worth of detention and had several boys profess their “undying love” for her.
While Minji’s dare were dare-devil like, Jang-Mi’s were spontaneous. Her dare the year prior was to smoke bomb the teacher lounge - that earned her two months of detention (thanks to her uncle being the principal).
“You,” Minji points to you. “And you,” she then points to Mi-sun. “Need to step it up. Jang-Mi and I always do the impulsive dares!”
You lick your lips. “My dare last year was pretty impulsive.”
It wasn’t. The dare you agreed upon was to egg the principal's car - you weren’t caught and maybe that’s what they were upset about. Your poor principal was going through it and his niece never appeared to care much.
Jang-Mi rolls her eyes and snickers. “Egging a car is pretty impulsive.” she says with a hint of sarcasm. 
“Okay, let’s start then.” Minji claps her hands together. “Jang-Mi, I dare you…” Minji hums, her mind wandering as to what she would possibly say. “It’s like we’ve done everything already.”
“We have.” Jang-mi looks down at you. “This year is about you and Mi-sun.”
Mi-sun finishes painting her right hand and she raises a brow. “No fair.”
“Too bad.” Jang-Mi smirks. 
“I agree.” Minji smiles wide. “We have to think of something good. So we’ll start tomorrow.”
Your stomach churns at the thought of them coming up with something impulsive - it was your last year of highschool after all.
Mi-sun rolls her eyes. “I’m not scared.” she snaps.
“I’m scared.” Mi-sun hisses, hands trembling with wide eyes.
“Pussy.” Jang-Mi giggles. 
There was a few minutes before class started and it was as if Jang-Mi and Minji were ready to start the day off with a bang. 
“It’s not like it’s that difficult.” Minji hisses. “Just go ahead and kiss him.”
“You dared her to kiss a professor.” you deadpan - but you’re glad this dare wasn’t yours. Minji and Jang-mi had claimed they hadn't come up with anything yet. 
The yet scares you.
Said professor walks by - Professor Song. He’s tall, dark brown hair with matching eyes. He’s young, only a few years older than those he is teaching and an obvious eye-candy for the female students. He nods his head and waves at a few students as he strolls pass and Jang-Mi proceeds to push Mi-sun forward.
You gulp. This dare was a risky one. It was just a kiss yes, but this was a kiss between someone that had authority. Professor Song could lose his job - and teaching career - if this went the wrong way. 
Professor Song hisses at the impact of Mi-sun knocking into him. His glasses are knocked off of his face and it drops onto the ground beside him. He lowers himself to grab it and Mi-sun bites her lip before doing the dare.
Mi-sun presses her lips against Professor Song’s. It was a quick peck, but it stuns the man nonetheless. He stumbles back a bit and before he could speak, Mi-sun is running down the hall to her classroom with Jang-Mi, Minji and you following close behind. Jang-Mi and Minji are laughing while you’re too bewildered to speak.
“That. Was. So. Humiliating!” Mi-sun hisses as she reaches the classroom. Class was about to start and her face was as red as a tomato. “I swear if I’m expelled-”
“Stop being so dramatic.” Minji shrugs it off. She reaches her desk - besides Mi-sun, and sits. 
“Uncle knows of our yearly dares.” Jang-mi assures. “He should be expecting this by now.”
You take your seat behind Jang-mi. 
“Now all that is left is our little Y/N.” Jang-Mi turns and offers a wide grin. “Aren’t you excited?”
No, but you wouldn’t cower before them. 
“Whatever.” you grunt.
Your teacher comes strutting in. He’s a short older man with a large gut - a beer gut you’re certain. His arms are as skinny as his legs and his face is similar to a skeleton. You never even see the man eat, but he always had a water bottle in his hands that smells of vodka when he opens it.
“Kim Mi-sun.” he calls as he slams down a black briefcase. “Office.” he says without looking at the body of students. He takes a seat at his desk and Mi-sun groans with annoyance.
“That was fast.” Minji giggles quietly. “It hasn’t even been ten minutes.”
“Fuck off.” Mi-sun hisses. She gathers her things and makes her way out of the classroom just as more students are scurrying inside. 
“Hey, Y/N.”
Your eyes lift to see the source of the greeting and you offer a small - very small and uninterested - smile to the boy seated a few desks in front of you. 
Jang-Mi watches the exchange and she turns her head to Minji. She wiggles her eyebrows and tilts her head to the boy. 
“Who’s that?” she mouths.
Jang-mi shrugs. “Not sure.” she mouths back. “Y’N’s dare.”
Minji furrows a brow, eyes shining with realization. She erupts in a fit of giggles that causes Jang-Mi to do the same. 
Your fingers twirl a piece of your hair as your eyes watch him a few seats away from you. Your ears catch the whispered conversation of your friends besides you. 
"When are you going to say something?" asks Mi-sun with a roll of her eyes. "The dare was a week ago."
Your gum pops dramatically after Mi-sun's question. You manage to roll your own eyes, but you don't take them off of him - Jung Hoseok. His cheeks are childishly chubby, he was tall, but thin - even for a senior in high school. He wore braces and you couldn't imagine him without them - they have been implanted in his teeth for years now. 
You were no fool to Jung Hoseok's crush on you. You noticed the side eyes he'd give you in class. When your eyes met his, his eyes would blink away, and his cheeks would turn to a deep crimson. It was cute, you thought, pathetically so. As did your friends. They would laugh each time they saw Hoseok looking at you, claiming that he was nothing but a lost, kicked puppy. You'd laugh along with them even if you did see the embarrassed look on his face. 
Your friends enjoyed teasing Hoseok so much that they thought it would be an amazing idea for you - his crush - to go along with the teasing. "Ask him out. Lead him on." suggested Mi-sun. "Then break his sad, pathetic heart." laughs Jang-Mi.
You thought about their request. You never spoke to Hoseok before and never had the reason or desire to. What you knew of Hoseok was that he was smart, not straight A smart like most, but he passed his classes. He wasn't popular when it came to friend groups and opted to stay to himself or a small set of friends. 
"Oh my..." Minji hums, she leans back into her chair and crosses her arms. She just cut her long, black locs to a sharp bob. The new appearance makes her much more intimidating. "...you like him." she declares.
"I do not." your eyes glance to Minji hurriedly. "I just...he's a loser."
Mi-sun giggles and agrees.
"I don't want to be associated with a loser." you reach into your uniform skirt pocket and remove a small tube of lipgloss. You proceed to coat your lips slowly with the glossy substance, eyes on Hoseok just in time for his eyes to meet yours. His eyes glance down to your lips - plump and coated - and his cheeks flush. 
Minji cackles, followed by Mi-sun and Jang-Mi. Hoseok's head snaps away and you know he's mentally cursing at himself.
"Look at him." Minji scoffs with a shake of her head, appearing to have pity for Hoseok. "He is a loser."
"Much the more reason to play with him." Jang-Mi singsongs. She was always the much more mischievous type in the friendship. She enjoyed playing tricks and pranks, no matter how cruel they were. Min-sun would be considered the "ditzy" one of the group, but she was just as mischievous as Jang-Mi, maybe even more.
You can feel their eyes on you now. Min-sun bats her eyelashes, cat-like eyes stabbing holes into you. Jang-Mi tilts her head impatiently awaiting your response while Minji does nothing but glare. 
"If you don't, I will." Jang-Mi smirks, and now you're shaking your head. Hoseok wasn't an asshole like the rest of the boys at this school. He didn't deserve whatever cruel prank Jang-Mi would surely throw his way. 
"I'll do it." you roll your eyes and laugh. You proceed to bite your lip. "I'm sure it'll be fun."
Fun it was. You started the following day, but you remained subtle. It would cause alarms to go off in Hoseok's mind if you casually strolled up to him and became flirtatious. You didn't want to scare him off - especially if Jang-Mi's words of Hoseok being a virgin rang true. You had a plan, instead. Hoseok and you shared multiple classes and in each one, you would offer him a small smile. Your smile soon became a short wave that he would return - after looking around to ensure you were indeed waving at him and not someone else. 
Minji had grown bored of the slow burn happening before her. When you had strolled into class and ready to sit at your desk, she had slammed her foot against your chair and shook her head. She jerks her head to the side, and you follow her gaze - a desk directly next to Hoseok remains empty. 
You took a deep breath and nodded. 
You drop your bag at your new desk, startling the box next to you. His eyes slowly reached to who was beside him. His eyes catch your legs, smooth and seemingly soft. He drags them forward slowly until they notice your eyes. He freezes, heart thumping outside his chest. 
"Is this seat taken?" you ask lowly, a smirk forming on your glossy lips. 
Hoseok shakes his head but remains quiet. His palms grow sweaty, and he's worried suddenly if he remembered to wear deodorant. 
You sit beside him, eyes glancing to Minji who raises a brow at you, nodding her head. You weren't going to be able to go back to your regular seat until you did something to get closer to Hoseok.
Class starts and you go without speaking with Hoseok, even if you do notice his eyes glancing your way every few minutes. However, you understood your part in this assignment. You'd accidentally - purposely - would brush your knee on his and apologize with a cute smile. You'd proceed to lean closer towards him so your side would briefly touch his.
Hoseok's mind was going crazy the following weeks. You continued to sit beside him day by day. Your touching now was much less subtle and he's unsure of what to take of it. You never appeared to be interested in him before. He was no idiot - he was certain you caught on to his crush on you. Maybe that's why - you pitied him and his pathetic crush.
"H-huh?" Hoseok blinks a few times and shakes his head. His cheeks are tinted red with further embarrassment.
"I said," you grasp your bag and lean forward. The bell rang and it was time for lunch, but Hoseok was far too in his thoughts to notice. "do you want to come home with me?"
Your breast peaked through the uniform top and Hoseok nearly fainted at your words. He's tongue tied and soon you're cackling. 
"To study for the test, silly." you're laughing a melodic laugh that calms Hoseok's nerves. "I've seen your grades on the quizzes we had. You're so smart, Hoseok."
You think he's smart, Hosoek gulps.
"I wish I could be as smart as you." you sigh almost dramatically. 
"Y-you are....smart." Hoseok mentally shoots himself at the lame compliment.
"Thank you." you tilt your head. "So, what do you say?" 
Hoseok nods his head hesitantly. He understands that he'd want nothing more than to have you close to him. But, he couldn't be as desperate - he didn't want to scare you off. "I can come study." he murmurs lowly. 
You clap your hands together gleefully. "Thank you!"
Hoseok allows his heart shaped lips to smile at you. You looked beautiful when you were cheerful.
"We can walk home after school, okay?' you're walking backwards waiting for his response.
"Okay." Hoseok nods, heart beating outside his chest and goosebumps erupting the skin of his arm.
That was only the beginning of what happened with Hoseok - not Jay.
“Hoseok…?” you murmur, your eyes scanning his face while your mind compares it to the younger version of the man. Shame and humiliation runs through you - how could you not remember the boy; now a man?
“Ah, that’s what it took for you to remember me?” Hoseok begins to laugh, his beautiful teeth shining in front of you. “Mi-sun didn’t remember me either but she loved Jong-seok as the father of her daughter.” Hoseok shakes his head with a chuckle. 
Your blood runs cold at Hoseok’s words.
“Years ago…I remember her stating that I would never be someone she’d ever love…fuck…yet that child is mine and I don’t feel any remorse for leaving her alone and struggling.” Hoseok chuckles once more. “Ju-ho was the reason Jang-Mi had to find a new job hours away. Especially when it was revealed she was stealing from the company…”
“Hoseok, please-”
“Of course it was just a rumor but something like that doesn’t go lightly, Y/N. Her career was over and the only job willing to hire her after that…” Hoseok shrugs. “...and, Jung-ho was the one who introduced Mini to her cheating husband. He never took her seriously like she never took anything in others' lives seriously. What goes around comes around, I suppose.”
Hoseok wasn’t Jay - Jay was an act. Hoseok was cold; calculated. He strived off of revenge and spite; and the red robe he wore told you just how calculated the man truly was. 
You’re unsure what you want to tell him. You never thought you’d see Hoseok again - much less like this. 
Hoseok tilts his head. “I didn’t tell them who I was, you know”? he admits. “I just left when my time was done.”
“You are different, Y/N. You always were.” Hoseok presses the vibrator button and allows the pleasure to come back. “You felt remorse for what you’ve done. You admitted that I never assaulted you like your friends had said…but by then it was too late.”
Hoseok presses the buttons on the vibrator three more times and your back arches at the newfound pressure. 
“I had to change schools and only because you spoke up I wasn’t put on any registry.” Hoseok explains, his eyes fixed on how your pussy begins to leak with arousal. “Back then you pretended to like me. You allowed me to take you on dates and admit things I would never had the courage to if you never made me comfortable.”
“Please…” you pleaded, unable to talk more than one word at a time. “It’s too…much.”
“You can take it.” Hoseok grumbles, voice raspy. “You allowed me to hold your hand. You kissed me back. You…you liked it, Y/N. Only when you were caught did you back down.”
Hoseok knows you’re cumming. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and your breath hitches - and he enjoys every moment of it.
“To cover up the fact that you liked it, you pushed me away, remember?” Hoseok slams a hand against your cheek to regain your attention.
 You yelp aloud, a wave of pleasure going through you. “Y-Yes!”
“You were so humiliated…frightened at what your friends would think.” Hoseok slaps you again, positive that you like what he’s doing to  you. “But I knew you adored being around me, Y/N.I was the only person you didn’t have to pretend with.”
Hoseok removes the vibrator just as you cum, you arousal coating the bed sheets. The vibrating sound echoes through the room, mixed with your low sobs. 
“I thought about what punishment you all deserved but I could never bring myself to punish you.” Hoseok speaks after a moment. He allows you to catch your breath. “Even when I met you a year ago, Y/N, it felt like it did when we were in High School.”
You flinch when Hoseok touches your face. 
“You’re flinching as if I’d ever hurt you.” Hoseok shakes his head. “I got you out of your own debt, remember? I helped uplift you while your friends were going through their own karma. I did.” Hoseok speaks, each word his voice raises higher and higher. “Right?”
“Hoseok please-”
You flinch once more at the shout. “Yes.” you respond meekly. “I-I didn’t mean to go that far with you.”
“I know, baby.” Hoseok discards the vibrator and places both hands onto your face. “I know,” he repeats. “That’s why I chose to forgive you and give you another chance. Now you and I could truly be together.”
Hoseok frightened you - deep  down you tell yourself that Jay was in there somewhere. A year of loving one another, there was never any slip up. Jay cared for you. He loved you unconditionally and put you before anything.
“Don’t look at me with those eyes, Y/N.” Hoseok sighs. “You’re not scared of me. You’re scared of the situation. I would never hurt you or I would have already.”
That doesn’t make your heart beat slow.
“You and I could be together again truthfully. We can continue to love one another.” Hoseok kisses along your face, the same feathery kisses that Jay would give you. “No Mi-sun, no Jang-Mi, no Minji. Just you and I.” he speaks again, his lips pecking yours. “Right?”
Jay always loved you, but this was Hoseok and at the moment, Hoseok terrified you to the core. You were nothing without Jay and you allowed Jay to fully take care of you like he insisted.  
“Yes.” you nod, defeated and unsure of what to do. Your bound wrist hurt as did your ankles. 
“I love you, baby.” Hoseok pecks your lips once more, smiling into it.
You were sure Jay loved you, wherever inside Hoseok he was residing - and that fact was the only thing keeping you from crying further.
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
Fighting About A Funnel Cake
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Female!Reader
Summary: You're mad at Rafe, and much to your displeasure, he figures out the real reason.
Word Count:1k
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Few things have ever scared Rafe Cameron. He's had guns held to his head, fist-fought his own father, and been in business with people who have the power to make him disappear. He never even flinched. 
The few things that have scared him, were nothing to do with him and everything to do with you and your life together. 
He was struck with deep visceral fear when he found out about your son, James, and down petrified when he found out about your daughter, Eleanor. 
He was drowning in fear driving you to the hospital as contractions ripped through you, and he almost threw up the first time your son got an injury. 
However, nothing elicits terror all the way in his bones as much as that look in your eyes or the fire in your voice when you're angry at him. 
Usually, he knows he did something and gets ahead of the storm. He buys you something nice, plans a date, and prepares an elaborate apology. 
You see it from a mile away, but it usually works. Tonight, however, he's blindsided and has no clue what's gotten you so worked up. It's always worse when he's clueless about his fuck up.
He has no doubt he did something; he screws up all the time without realizing it. But knowing allows him to have a game plan and tailored approach. 
Right now he's floundering. 
"Kids, go to your room. I need to talk to your father." 
There's thinly veiled rage in your voice as you try your best not to show it in front of your children. They stand to leave and Rafe's frantic voice rings out. 
"No, kids stay. Please." 
Your eyes narrow as your seven and nine-year-old falter and look between the two of you. 
They start walking again and Rafe stops them. 
"No, stay. I'll pay you each $50 if you sit back down." 
Your son looks at his sister and they seem to have a silent conversation when you speak through gritted teeth. 
"Go, now.' 
Your daughter starts to leave while your son stays in place and Rafe tries to grab her arm as she passes by. 
"Eleanor, stay!" 
His pleading falls on deaf ears as she beelines for the stairs and he turns to your son that's now moving in the same direction. 
"James, don't go!" 
He watches as they both disappear and calls out after them. 
"Kids, don't leave me!"
He turns back to you with a timid smile and shrinks back when he sees the storm brewing in your usually bright eyes. 
"Hone-" He starts but you cut him off. 
"Don't, Rafe."
His mouth snaps shut and he waits for you to continue. The ball is in your court, it always is. You're the only woman that's ever been able to put him in his place, and while it's the reason he fell for you, it's also the reason he fears for his life sometimes. This is one of those moments. 
Your eyes bore into him for a few moments and you take in the genuinely clueless look on his handsome features. 
"You have no idea why I'm mad, do you?"
His silence is all the answer you need, and you huff. 
"Were you going to tell me you took the kids out of school for a joyride in Charleston?"
The words come down on him like a hammer and his eyes flutter closed. Fuck.
"Don't be mad."
You scoff and cross your arms. 
"I think we both know we're well past that." 
He does know that, but he figures it couldn't hurt to try. 
"They've been begging to go to that amusement park, and our weekends have been so booked up we haven't had the chance. I felt bad, and my dad never did stuff like that with us. I just wanted to make a memory with them." 
You feel yourself deflate a bit at his reasoning, but it doesn't make it okay. 
"I understand that, Rafe. But their education is important. When you do stuff like that, especially behind my back, it makes me look like the fun-sucking parent. We promised when we found out about James that we wouldn't do that."
He nods his head and you feel the anger dissipate at the genuine sorrow in his eyes. 
"I know, baby. I'm sorry. I won't do it again."
You stand still with your lips pursed for a moment before nodding. It's silent for a few seconds when a smile breaks out on your husband's face. 
"Wait, are you really mad about that? Because we've done stuff like that before. Or are you mad that you missed out and didn't get a funnel cake?" 
The way this man sees right through you gets on your nerves sometimes, and you scramble to hide the fact you've been caught. 
"What? No, of course not. That's ridiculous." 
His smile only grows as he stands and wraps his arms around you. You stare up at him with defiance and he tilts his head to the side like a puppy. 
"Is it?"
You roll your eyes and will yourself not to give in. 
He nods with a shit-eating grin and lowers his face to nip on your ear. 
"Would you still be mad if I told you we can go back this weekend and you can get all the snacks you want?"
He nuzzles into your neck when he feels your smile on the side of his face before pulling back. 
His heart warms at the way you light up like a little kid at the idea and he nods. 
He sees the moment your walls come down and you return his embrace. 
"Can we play the games too?"
He chuckles and kisses your temple softly. 
"Anything you want." 
The last of the fight leaves you and you surrender to him completely.
"Okay, fine. You're forgiven."
You squeal as he spins you around and loud laughter bubbles from your chest. 
"That's my girl. I love you."
You grin as he sets you back down and nudge his shoulder. 
"I love you too. Even if you do piss me off."
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avaritia-apotheosis · 10 months
They Might Be Giants
Alfred Pennyworth receives a phone call and is given custody over his recently orphaned nephew Danny Fenton.
A DPxDC Crossover // Read on [AO3] // Fic Masterlist
Alfred received the phone call on an idyllic Sunday afternoon. Wayne Manor was a sleepy old thing in this weather, the house quiet and still as Alfred polished the silver to a shine. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne were out, taking little Master Bruce with them to see a new exhibit on the Mesozoic period.
He picked up the ringing kitchen landline and cradled the receiver in the juncture of his shoulder and ear, a practiced speech of “ Wayne Manor, may I know who is speaking? Apologies, the masters are unavailable at this moment, but may I pass on a message?” already at the tip of his tongue. 
Before he could open his mouth, the caller spoke. “Is this Mr. Alfred Beagle?”
Beagle was his mother’s maiden name, and the name Alfred took when he worked in Britain. The Pennyworth name, after all, was too closely associated with the Waynes. No one had called him that for years, now. He adjusted his grip on the receiver before resuming his polishing. “This is he. May I know who is calling?”
The caller—a tired sounding woman with a midwestern lilt—introduced herself as Mrs. Eller, the attorney to Jack and Madeline Fenton. “I am sorry that you had to learn about it like this, Mr. Pennyworth, but your cousin, Maddie Fenton, her husband, and their daughter Jasmine recently passed away in an accident this Wednesday. You have my deepest condolences.”
They were second cousins. That was the first thought that came to Alfred’s mind, the cloth in his hand frozen at the dip of the spoon he was shining. Their fathers were cousins who lived on opposite sides of the pond. Despite this, Alfred and Maddie remained in close contact with each other throughout their childhood. They were penpals, sending letters and photos and holiday postcards (Maddie more so than Alfred).
He was even invited to their wedding.
And now—
“Wait a minute…” Alfred’s mind stalled. He set down the silver and the cloth. “You said that the daughter died as well. They had a younger son. What happened to him?”
“He is alive and…as well as he could be in this situation. Danny is actually the reason why I needed to contact you.” Mrs. Eller cleared her throat. “In the Fentons’ will, you were named as their childrens’ legal guardian in case…the worst ever came to pass.”
“I…me? What about Alicia? Maddie’s sister?”
“It’s the late Doctors Fentons’ will, sir. And Danny has agreed to it as well.”
“I see.” Alfred’s breath came out in a shuddering gasp. “Well, if my dear late cousin willed it, then I am willing to comply. Please, let me make some arrangements first, and then I will get back to you with the details.” 
He hung up the phone—
—buried his face in his hands—
—and breathed. 
Alfred could not afford to cry right now.
Thomas and Martha were more than happy to accommodate Danny within the manor when Alfred told them about his current situation. It was expected—the Waynes always had a penchant for generosity—but Alfred couldn’t help the sigh of relief all the same. 
(Master Bruce, precocious eight-year-old that he was, wrinkled his brows at the news. While fine with sharing his own things, the attention of his favorite people on the other hand, he hoards like a greedy dragon.)
A week after that terrible phone call, Alfred pulled the black Bentley up to the correct airport terminal and waited for his new charge’s arrival. 
Alfred had seen grief in many faces. Had experienced it himself. Despite this, nothing would ever prepare him for the utter desolation that seeped through Danny’s body. The boy was wan faced— skin almost gray. His cheeks were sunken and hollow, eyes bruised by shadows and stained red by tears. His back was hunched, less from the weight of his backpack and more so from the grief that hung on his shoulders. 
“Mr. Pennyworth?”  Danny’s voice was a dull timbre, nearly cracking at the edges. Alfred shook his hand (freezing cold, but not clammy). “I remember you. Mom always made sure to send you a Christmas card.”
The Fenton family Christmas card was always something Alfred appreciated. He had no family of his own that he was particularly close to, his immediate relatives all dead or estranged in some way. That Alfred received a card without fail every Christmas was always a novel feeling. It was…nice, to know that he still had ties somewhere. Danny, Alfred remembered, never really smiled in those cards. Oh he’d stretch his lips wide and show his teeth, but it was obvious from the way the smile never reached his eyes, and the tightness around his jaw that Danny wasn’t a Christmas person. 
And now, with only a few weeks left till Christmas, he might never be one. 
The two slid into the Bentley and drove off in relative silence. Danny had his head pressed against the window, eyes glazed as he watched the high-rise Gotham streets soon fade into open, rolling hills, and then the palatial monument that was Wayne Manor. 
At the sight of the manor, Danny blinked. “You a millionaire or something?” (Shoulders tensed. Hands curled into fist. His jaw clenched into a hard line, and there was a kind of acidity in his tone at the question. Problems with wealth? No. People with wealth.)
“No.” Alfred kept his tone bland. “But I do work for them. I am the Head Butler for the Wayne family, and have lived here with them while under their employ. They’ve graciously extended that hospitality to you.”
“Do I have to work for them or something?”
Most definitely a problem of someone with wealth.
Alfred shook his head. “While I would appreciate some help here and there, you have no obligation to do so. This is where you’ll live, with me. You can live here for as long as you’d like, and when you feel ready, we can also talk about entering you into school again.”
Danny drums his fingers against his forearm, eyes trained on the stone statues that guarded the door.
Thomas and Martha welcomed the boy with open arms. Danny shook their hands and thanked them with a raspy voice, polite smile not reaching his eyes. 
Master Bruce, shy and wary of the newest addition to the Wayne household, hid in the shadows of his mother’s ash mauve skirts. His blue eyes peeked upwards at Danny inquisitively.
(Later, after Alfred helped Danny settle into the room across from his own, Master Bruce would pull Alfred aside and ask why Danny looked so sad. 
Alfred knelt to Bruce’s eye level and pressed a warm hand on his shoulder. “He is sad because his family is gone.”
Master Bruce tilted his head. “Gone where? When will they be back?” For all that he was an intelligent lad, Bruce was barely more than a child. Death was a foreign concept. The death of a loved one was even moreso.
“Somewhere far, far away.” Alfred doesn’t want to be the one that teaches Bruce about death.)
Wayne Manor was rumored to be haunted. It was a silly rumor of course; the Manor was an old house, and old houses have a tendency to make noises. But with Danny, one might almost be tricked into thinking it was true. 
Danny was a wraith. He haunted the wide and empty hallways with preternaturally silent footsteps, the hairs on Alfred’s nape standing on ends whenever he’d suddenly catch a glimpse of the boy at the corner of his eye. Sometimes Alfred would see him linger in shadowed nooks or in the solitude of his bedroom, staring vacantly at nothing. 
“He is still grieving,” Thomas would say. “Be patient with him.”
“He needs space,” Martha advised. “Just be there for him, Alfie. Let him know you’re someone he can trust, someone he can count on for support.”
Alfred looked down at his white-gloved hands. He knew that. He knew Danny needed support, needed space, needed time . But what about after? When the pang of grief had dulled with time, and Danny decided to step into the world instead of letting it pass by him? He was a child, and all children need parents.
Alfred remembers his time as an intelligence officer, slumming with petty criminals and socializing with wealthy targets. Living double, triple, quadruple lives, and exploiting every weakness that he could dig up in order to tear people down. 
Nurturing hands he had not.
(Fatherhood would never suit someone like him.)
“I don’t know if I can,” he confessed.
“But you must either way,” said Martha. “You are all Danny has left in the world.”
“The best is all you can really do,” added Thomas. “Look on the bright side: you’re already doing so well with Bruce.”
Sighing through his nose, Alfred rubbed the ache away from his temples. Recalled, then, the distant past with his own father who cared more for another family than his own. Jarvis Pennyworth was an austere man who embodied the ‘stiff upper lip’ idiom so commonly applied to the British people. Even in Alfred’s memory, Jarvis barely smiled. 
Jarvis was not a warm father. And yet…
Alfred still remembered the warmth that bloomed in his chest whenever he was young and saw a plate of freshly peeled fruit sitting on his desk.
Jarvis was not a particularly warm father, and more often than not was clumsy and awkward with his affection. But he loved his family still. Even far away, Alfred knew that his father would always be there for him.
And maybe, that’s what Danny needed from him too. 
Alfred's previous occupation necessitated light sleeping habits, and for all Danny's too-quiet footsteps, he too was at the mercy of the Manor's age. Danny's door creaked open in the dead of night, rousing Alfred from his rest. From there, it only took Alfred fifteen seconds to ascertain that Danny had already turned around the hallway.
Alfred rose from his bed and tied his dressing robe around his waist. His nephew had a habit of wandering outside his room late at night. At first, from Alfred's observations, it was only to aimlessly walk throughout the Manor. After the first week, Danny had begun to gravitate to one place in particular.
The library.
Though it was less for the comfort of books or the rather comfortable wingback armchairs that surrounded the fireplace, and more for the small balcony that overlooked the topiary garden.
The first time Alfred had followed Danny there, he nearly had a heart attack when he saw Danny sit at the edge of the balustrade, feet dangling twenty feet above the ground. He nearly gave away his hiding spot in the shadow of some shelves. Fortunate for him that Danny wasn't the most observant person. He was like his mother in that way; for all that Maddie was an intelligent and frightfully observant little girl, she could be totally blind to some of the most obvious signs. (Alfred wondered if she ever grew past that.)
Like the first time, Danny sat at the edge of the balustrade. His fingers drummed a rhythmic pattern against the stone, head tilted up as he watched the starry sky above. Unlike the first time, Alfred made a stop at the kitchen first, coming out with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. Made just the way his own father used to. 
Alfred deliberately stepped on a few creaky floorboards on his way over to alert Danny of his presence. He set down his own mug atop the railing before offering the other to his nephew. "It's cold out."
Wordlessly, Danny wrapped his hands around the mug and tucked it close to his chest. His blue eyes— startlingly bright in the darkness—scrunched in confusion as he tried to figure out Alfred's angle.
"It's not poisoned," Alfred joked dryly. He took a sip of his own mug as if to prove it. "That's too cliche."
"Too suspicious, too. It'd be easier to just push me off the balcony. Makes it look like an accident." Danny turned pink, sheepish. "Oh no that was kinda morbid. I'm sorry, I don't — I don't know why I said that."
He chuckled. "I'm the last person to reprimand you for morbid jokes, boy. And besides, you're right." Alfred smiled from beneath his cup when he saw Danny take a sip of the hot chocolate. "What brings you out here, anyway?"
There was a line of chocolate above Danny's lip. He wiped it away with the back of his wrist. "Stargazing, I guess. It's— there's less light pollution here and I wanted to just…look, I guess."
"Do you like astronomy?"
Danny nodded, gazing upwards at the cluster of stars above. "I wanted to be an astronaut when I was little."
"And now?"
"I still do. A lot. But I don't think that's possible for me anymore."
Alfred adjusted his grip on his mug. “Why not?”
Danny shrugged. “I don’t…know, really.” His voice is infinitesimally small that it is almost carried away by the evening wind. He hunched forward, elbows resting on his knees and mug settled on the bannister. Looked as if he was teetering on the edge and Alfred’s hand itched to pull on his arm as if to anchor him. “It feels as though I’m someone else. Like the Danny that wanted to become an astronaut lives in an entirely separate reality, and it feels weird to still want that dream because he and I are so—” 
His breath catches in his throat. Eyes wide as a single tear slid down his cheek.
Then, all at once, his energy leaves him. “I’m sorry,” he said again. “I don’t know what I’m saying.”
Alfred shook his head. “No. Don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize for.” He met Danny’s gaze. Hoped that the boy would see the sincerity in his own eyes. “You are right. You are changed, Danny. I don’t know in what way, but you have changed and it is alright that you feel like a different person. Grief changes you, but it doesn’t mean you have to distance yourself from who you once were.”
Danny gripped the bannister tight. Fingers dug harshly into the stone. “I heard a lot that ‘time heals all wounds.’ ” He laughed humorlessly. “Is that actually true?”
“No,” Alfred said. “It doesn’t. The wound will never heal, but time will numb it enough that it no longer feels as painful.”
Danny looked at Alfred for a long moment, searching for something. The cold wind tousled his hair. Despite the frigid temperatures, Danny had not shivered even once.
Then, he spoke. “I still don’t think I can become an astronaut.”
Alfred’s gaze softened. “That’s alright. You’re still young, and you have plenty of time to decide what you want to do with it.”
Surprisingly—or perhaps, unsurprisingly—it was Master Bruce that pulled Danny out of the shadows of grief. Not completely, but…enough so that Danny began to finish everything on his plate and was unafraid to sleep some nights without waking up in nightmares.
Thomas and Martha were pleased, of course. For all Bruce’s brightness and endearing personality, he was so shy and struggled to make friends his own age. Danny at fourteen was still years older, but progress was progress. The Wayne couple would encourage the two’s friendship with a warm smile and an overindulgence in their antics. As long as Danny and Bruce didn’t leave the estate without their permission or stay out too late, the boys were free to wander as they liked.
In Alfred’s eyes, the connection between the two was obvious. Like called to like. Loneliness called to loneliness.
Once, Alfred caught the boys laying down in the soft grassy fields behind the manor. Their heads are pillowed by their arms, eyes craned towards the bright array of stars above, and willfully ignorant of the curfew they were breaking.
Danny lifted his arm to point at the sky. “See those three stars in a line?” he said to Bruce. “Those three stars make up Orion’s belt, and are the brightest stars in his constellation. See? If you follow it, you can sorta make the shape of a person.”
“I see it!” Master Bruce exclaimed. He traced a vague shape in the air. “There’s his chest. That, his arm. And look! I can even see his bow!”
“You know, a lot of people actually think that’s a shield.”
“But that looks nothing like a shield!” 
Alfred couldn’t see for certain, but he felt that Danny would’ve shrugged at that statement. “Shield, bow, pelt of fur, doesn’t really matter in the end. The important thing was that you could see it. The ancient Mediterraneans used Orion as, like, an old calendar to know when it was a good time to thresh—that is, to separate the seeds from like a barley plant—their crops.” He moved his hand again. “The other cool thing about Orion is that it’s a good way to find other stars. See, if you follow the line of his belt away from his bow, you’ll find Sirius, which is the brightest star in the canis major constellation.”
“Is that his dog?”
“Yeah, that’s his dog. Sirius is also the brightest star in our night sky— well, after the sun at least. Anyway, if you follow the line of Orion’s belt towards the bow and even past it, you can see a cluster of stars way up there. There should be seven, but it might be hard to see all of them.”
“I think I see it? Is it that one?”
“Uh, a bit further— yep! That one. That’s the Pleiades, an open star cluster and probably one of the most well known stars in history. There’s actually way more than seven stars up there, but as far as seeing with the naked eye goes, we can only see seven. Like Orion, they were used to mark when it was a good time to harvest, but more than that, they were used by Greek sailors to know when it was a good time to sail. If the Pleiades were setting, or they were gone from the sky, then the seas would be too dangerous and it was better to go home.”
“What about that star over there?”
Alfred sees Danny shift, his head tilting towards the small lump that made up Master Bruce. “Which one?”
“Between the Pleiades and Orion there’s this really bright orange star.”
“Alpha Taurus. The brightest star in the Taurus constellation.” A beat. “Aldebaran, I think is its name. They call it ‘The Follower’ because it always follows after the Pleiades. Fun fact, it’s like over forty-times larger than the sun.”
“Really?” Alfred could hear the incredulity in Master Bruce’s voice. “It doesn’t look like it.”
“Well, all of those stars are lightyears away. They’re so far away that, technically, we’re not really seeing the stars. The light they give takes a long time to actually reach here on earth for us to see, so what we’re looking at is the light of a star from hundreds or thousands of years ago.”
Danny went quiet for a moment. “Really…for all we know, some of the stars we’re looking at have been dead for a while. Alive to us, but dead in reality. A weird kind of limbo.”
“Does it matter though?” Master Bruce said.
He turned over, laying on his belly and holding himself up on his forearms. “Dead or alive? Does it matter?” 
“I don’t…”
“I don’t think it does.” Master Bruce flopped back down to the grass. “If it’s alive, it’s alive. If it isn’t, then… it’s still alive in a way? My dad said that you’re never truly dead as long as someone remembers you, and as long as we see the star then it’ll always stay alive.”
Danny was silent for a moment.
Then he laughed and ruffled Bruce’s hair. “You know, Bruce, you’re way too smart for your age.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No. Never. You kinda remind me of my sister a bit.” 
Alfred’s breath hitched. It was the first time he had ever heard Danny willingly bring up his family since they first met. 
“She was a huge know-it-all,” Danny continued. “Annoyed me a lot because everyone always noticed that I wasn’t smart like her, but…she had a big heart, like you.”
Danny hauled himself to his feet before offering an arm to Master Bruce. “Come on, we better head back before anyone notices that we snuck out past your bedtime.”
Master Bruce whined. “Can’t we stay a bit longer?”
“We can do this again tomorrow night.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die and all that.”
The two walked arm in arm back through the patio entrance, Danny’s footsteps still that same eerie silence, and little Bruce’s slowly matching his gait to copy Danny’s movements. Neither were aware of Alfred, who clung to the shadows, watching his two boys go.
(Alfred said nothing of the boys’ late-night astronomy lessons. He continued to say nothing whenever he caught the two of them breaking curfew. Instead, he’d settle on a chair in a hidden nook that comfortably kept the two in sight, and watched the stars.)
Months passed, and slowly, Danny learned to move on. He ate more now. Smiled more. Laughed more. Lived more. 
Danny was a delight to have in the Manor. He was an extra voice that bounced around the vast hallways, another plate set down for family meals, and a point of normalcy in the glittering world of the Waynes. He was Alfred’s apprentice in the kitchen, their handy mechanic when technology went awry, and Bruce’s ever watchful guardian. 
Martha and Thomas loved him. Bruce adored him. 
And Alfred?
Alfred could not help the little voice at the back of his head that wanted to call the boy his own. Danny was his nephew, his family along with the Waynes. 
Despite all the tragedy that brought Danny to Gotham, Alfred could not help but be happy that Danny was here with them.
But Gotham was a cruel mistress.
And Happiness was as fragile as a string of pearls.
Alfred drove Bruce away from that godforsaken alley as soon as he could. The boy (eight years old, he was eight years old and stained in his own parents’ blood) shivered in the passenger seat, an officer’s jacket slung over his small frame. He was silent. Unmoving. Hollow eyes trained at the darkening sky ahead.
They reached the Manor to find Danny furiously pacing on the front steps, teeth worrying the end of his thumb. He froze as soon as Alfred stepped out of the black Bentley.
He jumped down the front steps, shoes skidding against the gravel. “Alfred?”
What happened?
Is everything alright?
Alfred could read every bit of Danny’s body language as if the boy was an open book. The tense line of his shoulders; the rigidness of his spine; the sudden depth of his respirations as if Danny was forcing himself to calm down but couldn’t quite get there in time. There was a wild sort of desperation in his eyes— but Danny wasn’t looking at Alfred. Wasn’t here. Not completely at least.
Some part of Danny was back in Amity again. A young boy like Master Bruce watching his whole world fall apart with a bang. 
Alfred kept a stiff upper lip as he opened the passenger door and helped Master Bruce onto unsteady legs. He had to be strong now, for both his boys. 
“Alfred,” Danny started again. “What— what happened? Where’s—” At the sight of Master Bruce, Danny stumbled to his knees. 
“Bruce? Are you—” He cradled Bruce’s blood-stained cheek, fingers shaking. 
Bruce spoke. The first words he’d said since Alfred came to get him. “What do I do, Danny?” His voice is shaking and raw and so small . The wind could almost carry it away. “They’re gone, Danny. My parents are gone, too.”
Alfred could see the instant Danny broke. 
(Alfred could feel the second he broke, too.)
He pulled both his boys into his arms and held them tight. They were all each other had in this world, and Alfred begged to a god he hadn’t believed in for years that the world not separate them even more.
It’s been a week. 
Alfred found both boys curled up in the grassy fields behind Wayne Manor, staring at the dark expanse of night.
“I never want anyone else to go through what we did,” Bruce said. 
A promise. 
Danny turned to look at Bruce, a hand held out. Aldebaran shone bright and red above him. “Never again.” 
A pact. 
When Bruce is midway through his first year of university and Danny is nearly finished with his bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering, the two of them dropped out of college, packed a bag each, and disappeared into the night.
 They gave no word. They left no note.
Months later, they were declared dead. Another tragedy for the people of Gotham, who mourned their bright prince. 
All of Bruce Wayne’s finances and belongings were left to Alfred, who continued to tend to them, as if any day Bruce Wayne and his smiling shadow would return. 
Time passed.
The world turned.
Bruce Wayne and Danny Fenton remained dead. 
Until one night, when the Pleiades had begun their descent from the sky, Alfred woke to a phone call. He held the phone to his ear, spoke into the receiver in hushed tones, and hung up a few minutes later. 
He readies his uniform. Made sure that it was free of lint, and the fabric was ironed out of any wrinkles. He dressed, made himself presentable, and drove the black Bentley all the way to a lonely airfield on the outskirts of Gotham.
He waits. 
He does not wait long. (He’s waited long enough.)
A small plane descends. Landed on the runway. Stopped. 
An eternity, and the doors opened. 
Out steps two young men, tall and lean, with whipcord muscles and scars that held stories that Alfred might never know.  Their eyes are tired but bright. Hungry for vengeance, for justice, for Gotham .
Alfred smiled at his boys.
“Welcome home.”
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izfrogzy · 1 month
Soft and Innocent Part II 18+ Aemond x Sister Reader(OC.)
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Warnings: 18+ content eventually, this part is a bit angsty and a lot of pinning and longing, a bit sexism and such as what is expected of a woman and girl of the time period and world like Westeros and there's mentions of foot fetish (Due to Larys mention.)
A/N: .Mostly soft fluffy and angst at this part, for the most part a bit Angsty and such lots of hugging and seeking comfort from the Broody Brother. New to writing these sort of things for readers to read I am down for good criticism I try my best and never intend to offend or upset anyone with my writing with that being said enjoy...sorry for any bad grammar and punctuation :) I do apologize for any inaccuracies for certain characters just think of it as AUs scenarios.
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Aemond was returning from the training yard. Sweat and dirt covered his clothing. His hair was sticking to his face with sweat and sweat also glistened off his skin. The only thing he wanted to do was have a bath and rest. He let out a tired huff. But as he walked past his sister's room. He heard crying which seemed to peak his curiosity. He raised his head and began to walk towards her room which his walking turned into a sprint.
Seanna glared as Alicent, Their mother, sighed trying to appease upset Seanna. “It is your duty Seanna to marry." Alicent said and Seanna sobbed and threw things at her mother. “But it had to be him of all people!” She cried out and sobbed.
Seanna inhales and exhales glaring at Alicent, though the queen, She was more then willing to defy her mother, Aemond entered the room upon the middle of this argument between his mother and little sister.
“I don’t want to marry him, he's old and he walks funny and he’s he’s.” Sobbed Seanna 
His gaze went to his sister as he tilted his head ever so slightly to the side. His expression went from cold and hard to a slightly concerned and sympathetic one as he saw her in tears. He knew how she felt. Having to be married off to someone who she does not like. It wasn't fair to her. She didn't deserve that. Aemond's expression darkened slightly as he turned his head back to his mother. Who seemed so uncaring and cold to her own daughter.
“Larys Strong is the Lord of Harrenhal and he has acquired a mass fortune after his….” Alicent tries to make the situation sound better but Seanna speaks up. “You think I care about any of that Mother?!” She sobbed and sat up scowling at Her mother, Queen Alicent.
Aemond's hand tightly clenched into a fist at his side when he heard the name of the man who he sister was betrothed to. His whole body tensed....a wave of anger, sympathy and protectiveness filled his entire being. Larys Strong was not a good man. He was a perverted old man who only cared about wealth and power. Not love or family. Which made Aemond's expression darkened even more and his jaw clenched at the thought of the pervert being near his little sister.
Seanna says more to her mother trying to reason with her, “Plus I heard he has a foot thing mother would you really subject me to such a man and how he acquired his inheritance is no secret either…Hells I'd rather marry some Greyjoy or Bolton then the likes of that decrepit man.” Seanna said frustratedly from the top of bed clearly very worked up by the whole situation.
The thought of her being married off to a Greyjoy or a Bolton did not ease Aemond's darkening anger. It still would not be a happy ending. But it was slightly better than Larys Strong. Aemond's jaw clenched again at the word foot. Knowing what his little sister meant by that....it made his stomach do twists and turns in anger that his sister had to be tied to such a man. He was a pervert and a murderer.
Alicent sighs. “It has already been arranged." She said and Seanna started sobbing. “No! I won’t marry that man, Mother! I won’t!” Seanna wailed and threw her last pillow at her mother.
Aemond's hands slowly curled into a tight fist as more anger filled his being. The way his so-called loving mother was making his sister cry and treating her like she was some commodity to trade. He gritted his teeth and then grumbled out. “Isn’t there a better match mother ...or can't such a match be held off for a while? mother?” Aemond's tone hardened at his mother which made her turn her head to look at him..
“Aemond, you know we all must do our duty and it is about time your little sister did her part for this family….as you know alliances have to be made in case…” Alicent said to him and she looked at Seanna. “You will grow accustomed to Lord Strong ... .children become the greatest comfort.” She said trying to assure Seanna who shook her head and sobbed. “Is that all I am mother?” Seanna said and hopped off the bed and stormed up to Alicent. “Like my Beloved sister Helaena I too must be one of your broodmares to offer up to the highest bidder?” She said angrily in tears and Alicent's eyes widened and grabbed her daughter. “Enough of your childish tantrum Seanna! You will marry Lord Strong and that is final!” She snapped and Seanna sobs and yanks herself away pushing Alicent out of her way and storms past Aemond without a second glance, as she runs out of her bedchambers in tears and Alicent sighs and looks at Aemond. “Duty always requires sacrifice Aemond even you know that.” She said in a serious tone to her beloved son and she sighed “It’s about time Seanna learns as well.” Alicent said a bit coldly trying to be stoic in this decision.
Aemond's jaw tensed as he began gritting his teeth once more. The anger burned furiously in his body as he listened to his mother speak in such a cold and uncaring manner. He watched as his sister tried to argue and cry only to be treated like a child by their mother. He saw the push and he watched her run out of the room crying. He let out a slow and harsh breath through his nose to stop himself from screaming at his mother's seemingly cruel decision.
“I understand the demands of duty, Mother.” Aemond said with gritted teeth as he crossed his arms. His gaze was hard and cold as he stared at his mother. “However you don't seem to understand the concept of love and care.” Aemond said in an accusing tone as he continued to look at his cold hearted mother. “My sister is still a young lady who has her whole life ahead of her. And you treat her like a pig to be sent to slaughter.” Aemond said as his jaw tightened more.
“Aemond…..Larys Strong is lord of the Strongest fortress in the Seven Kingdoms ... ..as you know. plans are being made in case your father dies and we must solidify our household…..in case.” She said approaching him. “I don’t like it anymore than you do but Marrying her off is for the greater good….to strengthen the crown and house Targaryen.” Alicent said in a lowered tone of voice.
“I know all of that.” Aemond said, slightly agitated as he let out a slow breath through his nose. “But why him?” He asked in a hard and cold tone. “Why must you marry her off to such a creature as that. Why can she not marry someone else? Someone who would love and care for her. Why, someone like him?” He questioned as his jaw clenched and he began gritting his teeth again.
“You Mean Someone like you?” Alicent asked outright as if she knew what he tried so hard to keep hidden. “Aegon and Helaena are already wedded we must form alliances not just keep our bloodline to ourselves Aemond….I see how you feel obligated to her….how you wish to keep her safe….I am no fool at what I see…..But….Duty comes first Aemond.” Alicent said calmly and she placed her hand on his shoulder as if to give him assurance.
Aemond's jaw clenched further and his breathing became much more labored as he stared at his mother. How was she so good at reading him? He was always good at hiding his emotions. But with her it was different. She always managed to figure him out. Aemond stayed quiet...he almost felt as if he had been exposed of his secret feelings.
“If I had it my way it would have been you and her who were married instead of Aegon and Helaena but it was not Aemond.” Alicent said to her son.
Aemond's eyes widened slightly at the sentence his mother had spoken. So she has figured his secret out long before he even realized it himself. He would have been better fit to marry his sister. 
“That would not have pleased father right?” Aemond asked as he looked away from his mother. His expression became cold and stoic
“Your father could care less.” She admitted, looking away. “But for the realm arranging proper and good alliances and marriages for his remaining children is ideal.”
Aemond's face remained cold and stoic but inside he was feeling a mix of different emotions. He understood the concept of duty and loyalty, and why they had to arrange marriages...but the thought of his sister being sent off to such a vile person had his blood boiling. “And this is the best you came up with.” Aemond hissed out as he turned to look at her again. “Larys Strong. That creature…” He said bitterly to his mother, the Queen.
Alicent sighs and averted her eyes and nodded, “He asked for her and I owe him…our family owes him for his loyalty.” She admitted.
Aemond let out a huff and looked away again. He clenched his jaw yet again as the anger filled his body. She not only arranged his sister's marriage to a disgusting man but because the crown owed him. It was almost as if they didn't care about her being sent off to a perverted man who had a foot fetish. In Aemond's mind....it made her seem like she didn't care at all for her daughter.
Alicent approaches Aemond as she knew he was filled with anger at this decision, and she rubbed his shoulder and sighs before speaking, “Larys promised to be kind and gentle with her, that is all I can hope for your sister's future.” Alicent said to Aemond but her son gave her an agitated look. 
Aemond's hands slowly curled into tight fists as he listened. He didn't believe that at all. “And you believe such an empty promise from a lecherous man like him?” Aemond asked as he looked at his mother in anger and disbelief.
Alicent showed some hesitation to answer when he asked and she sighed and swallowed her motherly instincts and spoke “We must for the greater good Aemond.” She said simply looking at her son.
“The greater good?” Aemond's expression was full of anger as he looked at her. What greater good was there for marrying off his sweet sister to such a perverted man. “Why not another Lord? A good man who can give her a happy life. Surely that would be better for the realm than selling her like a pig to be slaughtered?” He asked and Alicent grabbed his arms so he would look at her “It has been final Aemond…..if I was to withdrawal there would be drastic consequences for our family.” Alicent said, trying to convince her son to accept the decisions made.
Aemond's hands clenched even more. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to compose himself before speaking again. “If you will not change the betrothal. I will.” Aemond said his voice was hardened and cold. As he walked past his mother and opened the door to step out to where he knew his sister had run off to. Leaving his mother to stew in the room behind him.
Aemond knew exactly where to find his sister. He walked quickly down to the Godswoods. He began to hear sobbing. He followed the sobbing and finally stopped as he found his sister sitting on the ground sobbing. Aemond slowly walked up to her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Hoping to give her some comfort. “Seanna....sister.” Aemond said softly as knelt down and looked at her. “Shhh.”
Seanna looked at him and sniffled. “Oh Aemond I don’t want to do it.” She cried.
Aemond gently wrapped her in his strong arms and gave her a soft warm embrace. “Shhh.....shh...I know sister. I know…” His heart shattered as he saw how distraught and upset she was. He wanted to see her happy and cheerful. Not sobbing on the ground in tears.
“Why does it have to be him?” She sobbed. “How could mother do this to me?” She asked emotionally. 
Aemond continued to hold her in the embrace as he gently patted her back in a soothing manner. Trying not to think about how he would have treated her if they were married nor if he was to have her in his arms. He gently moved one of his arms to the back of her head and gently cradled her.
“I don't know...but....I promise to you. Once the time is right I won't let you be married to such a horrid man. No matter the consequences.” Aemond said his voice was soft yet filled with so much promise and conviction.
Seanna whimpers and clings to him. “I won’t marry him, I don't care what mother says or does to me.” she sobbed nuzzling into his clothed body.
Aemond holds her close as she clings to him. He rested his chin slightly atop her soft hair. He felt a sense of protective affection and love for his sister. He wanted her to be happy. He wanted to see her smile. And he knew there was no way in the seven hells that he would allow her to be married to such a horrible man. “No you won't. I promise you that.” He said as Aemond nuzzled his face into her hair.
Seanna sniffled and turned her face up and looked up at him with her pouty face and tear filled eyes. “You really promise?” She asked gently, her voice trembling.
He looked down at her. Seeing her tear filled eyes and pouty face made him want to kiss her...but no. That was not, be allowed this time. He gently placed a hand on her cheek and softly held it. A small yet warm smile spread across his face as he looked at her. “I promise my little sister. With my whole heart. I will not allow that creature to take you. No matter what.” He said though it sounded more like a vow and oath to her which made her smile slightly though still feeling upset.
 Seanna looked at him with her large eyes and rosy cheeks she sniffled. “Really?” she asked, tearing up again.
Aemond gazed back into her large eyes. He felt an overwhelming sense of love and adoration for her as he gently held her small face tenderly in his hand. He gently rubbed her chubby tear stained pink cheek. “Really. I promise. There is no need to cry or be scared. I will be by your side and I will protect you. You are my little sister. It is my duty to do so.”
She nodded. “I love you Lēkia.” She said Lēkia meaning older brother in Old Valyrian in a soft light innocent voice looking at him with her violet doe eyes.
And I love you, sweet sister. Aemond replied, still looking at those wide eyes of hers which he loved looking at so much. He gently cradled her face in his hand and then gently leaned in and placed a gentle, yet loving kiss on her forehead. The love he had for her was far more than what a brother should feel for his sister.
She clung to him and sighed totally content with her Lēkia.
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A/N: Part III is a bit more saucy and will be short but.....the small series will get steamy I promise Also named the OCSister I will do Reader or Y/N eventually but y'all can still imagine yourselves in OCs shoes obviously.
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10 ~ Cowgirl
Tonowari x Avatar! Reader x Ronal
Warnings ⚠️: Eating out, Riding, cowgirl, slight suffocation if you squint, passing out
Not Proofread
This one goes out to whoever sent me this ask I apologize for it being late, but better late than never? And I used camera instead <I’m so sorry but I hope you like it still>
Holy crud it’s been ten whole days of this event and I couldn’t be happier to spend them with you guys!
Translation Station
Tsahik: Shaman; Healer; Interpreter of the will of Eywa
Marui: Home (in the Metkayina Language)
Olo’eyktan: Male clan leader
Paysyul: Water lily
Tawtute: Sky person (Human)
Yawne: Beloved
Word Count: 3k
It had been tough news to choke down when Jake had called your brother, Norm, to come help with Kiri after she had remained in a comatose state after having connected to the spirit tree. I’d actually been the one to deliver the news to Jake that it had sounded like Kiri had suffered a seizure, but what was an even harder pill to swallow was the gorgeous pregnant Tsahik coming into the marui - a word I’d learned meant home for the Metkayina- I could have sworn her gaze had lingered on me slightly but it could have been my mind playing tricks on me. Her gaze breaking as she finally looked around the room and avoided eye contact with Neytiri.
“I see that I am not needed here.” She stated in Na’Vi, although I had been mesmerized by the difference in her pronunciation in the words to make my hands work as quickly as I’d wanted them to -out of respect for her and the title she held- I’d learned Na’Vi alongside Norm back on Earth and we often studied together, testing one another until we nailed the language.
She had been carrying a basket filled with things she would have used on Kiri had we not been occupying the space in this Marui, my gaze still caught on her as her beauty was starting to make me nervous, had we overstepped out bounds with her? Was she upset with us at the moment? I attempted to slap Norm’s hand to catch his attention so we could start removing ourselves from her way but he’d written me off as him, Max, and Jake continued talking amongst themselves, I fought to roll my eyes as I capture Neytiri grasping the woman’s arm.
“You are Tsahik!” Neytiri almost growls at the woman and as soon as she turns I realize she is heavily pregnant, I attempt to knock some sense into myself but she speaks before I could move.
“Remove these things.” The woman holds her head high and I feel like I’m about to start shaking from having upset her. Her eyes look over to Neytiri as a means to get her to translate but I’d already stood up at this moment, grabbing my bag, capturing the tsahik’s gaze once more, flinching once Neytiri had opened her mouth as I scooted past her.
“Out! You have done nothing.” I didn’t bother watching the guys scramble as I hear Jake muttering something about them taking a break. I’d taken a liking into Mo’at’s training of the next Tsahik for the Omatikaya and stayed close enough to watch what this Tsahik had been doing but far enough away to give them their privacy if they needed, but with her sturdy work and continual chanting, she’d managed to get Kiri to wake up.
Kiri’s immediate response was to start crying and as Neytiri began to comfort her daughter I could feel the tears welling up in my own eyes. I’d always been a bit sensitive since I was younger, but to have witnessed something like this was like a miracle in and of itself.
That had happened about two months ago, Jake ended up having to talk to me before we left as the Tsahik and Olo’eyktan had wanted to speak with me personally, at that moment I’d believed I’d done something wrong and started feeling nervous, had I been in my human body I would have started sweating profusely but I was metaphorically shitting bricks.
To my surprise the Tsahik had done all of the talking as her husband just watched me, Jake had been there to translate if I needed it but more as my safety cushion, I was surprised to hear that she was straightforward with how I’d managed to capture her attention, how easily I’d followed her instructions without being asked, and how emotional I had been upon seeing Kiri waking up, but she absolutely floored me when she stated that she and her husband had wanted to court me because of a pull she felt for me.
That wasn’t the last time I had been nervous around her, she was rather rough with her words but I understood that part of it was her placing boundaries between herself and her privacy, but nothing would have prepared me for what would happen when I came into our shared marui with a polaroid camera as it was a human contraption, but my intentions had been set to seeing this as a positive thing, although I wasn’t sure how the conversation would go.
Tonowari would be the most understanding out of the two as he was soft spoken, very kind, and usually won over with a kiss or two, but even then I wasn’t sure how he’d handle this either, I’d actually pulled back the flap of the marui and held the camera behind me as I walked in to the beautiful scene before me.
Tonowari had been gingerly rubbing a fragrant oil on Ronal’s belly carefully, it was the kind that helped ease her pain with the burden of having to carry such a large child, it also smelled very sweet, but I knew better than to think I’d be undetected as the woman had eyes all over her head.
“What have you got there, Paysyul?” She asks without turning her head to look at me and I stiffen my body at the thought of having been caught, I let out a sigh as I remove the object from behind my back and bring it forward instantly, knowing I couldn’t hide this thing behind my back forever.
Tonowari is the first to turn and tilt his head in curiosity, but his nose crinkled as he saw what I had been holding, they had both become familiar with being able to tell what tawtute contraptions were and from the look on his face he was leaning more toward not wanting to know what it was. Ronal easily capturing her husbands disapproval is quick to lift her gaze and settle it on mine, bypassing the camera in my hand and immediately talking to me.
“What have you brought into our home, paysyul?” She asks with a flick of her tail, ears going back as her head tilts slightly, one arm going to stroke the oil on her belly as the other planted on the floor to support her as she leans back a bit.
“A camera.” I stated stupidly as I comment on the device in my hand but feel frozen in fear as I’ve never really had an argument with them before, but I knew I was overstepping an invisible boundary by having brought this thing in here in the first place.
“And why have you brought this into our home?” Tonowari is quick to chime in as one of his hands goes to Ronal’s lower back to give her some support as the two are sitting on the floor, his other just settled on his lap.
“I- I wanted to- to tell you-“ I stopped talking at that moment as my nerves had started getting the better of me and I could feel my throat closing up, my eyes were starting to get wet but not to the point that I would cry- at least not yet.
“Take a breath paysyul, we are not mad, just curious.” Ronal stated sweetly and I could feel the tension leaving my shoulders as I drop them.
“Take a breath and start again.” She encourages and it honestly helps as I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling my heart beating back to normal and my eyes drying up, my vision no longer slightly blurred.
“This is a camera, we used it back in my home to capture a moment in time, and we saved it forever.” I responded once I’d gotten out of my own head.
“Thats what our stories and song cords are for.” Ronal adds in but is given a look from our mate, I could only bite my lip nervously and looked back down.
“Does this hold a sentiment to you?” Tonowari asks sweetly and waits for my answer, all I could do was nod wordlessly.
“I can- I can show you how it works if you want.”
“Th-this isn’t what I had in m-mind-“ I moaned as I slowly slid down Tonowari’s member, my hands placed on his muscular abdomen as I lowered myself even more, still having a hard time taking all of him in, I could still feel a slight sting of pain as I was not used to having to ride him as Ronal usually took that roll. But she was busy stuffing his mouth with her cunt as she rode his face instead.
Although she was on his face she was facing me, placing her hand under my chin to keep me form looking down and closing my eyes, I wondered how a woman as pregnant as her could keep such balance but never questioned it as I’m sure she’s had practice after her first two kids, these two were truly insatiable.
I could feel her snaking her arm around my back and grasping my braid, giving it a sensual tug and hearing a moan rip out my lips, she’d brought my kuru close to her mouth and before I could question what was happening, I can feel her tongue on the tendrils of my kuru, having caught me off guard with doing that I slide all the way down Tonowari’s length, taking him to the hilt and moaning with pain and pleasure as Ronal continues to tongue fuck my kuru.
“She’s squeezing around me already,” Tonowari was strong enough to have lifted Ronal off his face just to speak only for her to shush him and slam herself back down onto his mouth.
Whenever I first had gotten my Avatar, I was eternally grateful to be a driver, but once I had to learn the ways of the Metkayina I noticed my Kuru would purposely split in two before the tendrils started going crazy. I even had to ask Norm and Jake if theirs did the same thing as I never recalled anyone else’s doing this, but to my surprise theirs didn’t, it wasn’t until I’d first mated with Ronal and Tonowari that I noticed theirs did the same, it was fashioned in such a way that the three of us could connect ourselves together while being intimate.
Just as Ronal had been done teasing my Kuru, she’d brought it over to Tonowari’s, connecting the two together and allowing me a second to feel everything he had been feeling at this moment, the gentle calmness that washed over me once connecting to him reminded me of sitting at the beach while listening to the waves lap in the distance, closing my eyes as I feel the warmth of the sun. Right when I lifted my hips from his, I could feel a newer connection, as if it were a windy almost stormy day on the beach but every fiber of my being knew everything would be alright, thats what it felt like when connecting to her.
“Oh paysyul you feel incredible, why don’t you try sliding back down on him hm?” Ronal asks as she lets go of our intertwined kuru, knowing that even if they fell to the floor they wouldn’t disconnect unless we willed them to or pulled them off one another.
Right as I slide back down I could feel Tonowari swipe his tongue over Ronal’s cunt and her hips bucking against his mouth, I let out a whimper, tossing my head back as I let out a strangled moan silently thanking Eywa for allowing us to experience what the other was feeling before a sudden flash of light stirs me out of my thoughts.
I raise my head upright, opening my eyes to find Ronal with the camera near her face as she continues looking through the lens of the camera, she then removes the camera from her face as the picture prints out, she gently takes the slip of paper and removes it from the bottom, airing it out to get the picture to develop.
“Look at you,” She coo’s, turning the picture around to let me catch a glimpse, my eyes closed in pure ecstasy, my hands still settled on Tonowari’s abdomen but you could see through the space between my arms with his teal cock buried deep inside my cobalt blue skin. I could feel the purple blush settling on my cheeks at this moment before feeling Tonowari thrust his hips upward, causing a yelp to leave my lips.
“That feels nice, ‘Wari,” Ronal states as she places her hands on his chest, still holding into the camera as she grinds herself all over his mouth. I sneak my hands past hers and grasp the camera, taking a steady hold of it and looking through the lens, snapping the picture right when Ronal had started coming.
Her eyes slightly opened but only the whites were showing, indicating her eyes were rolled to the back of her head, which often happened as she was sensitive from her pregnancy. Her bottom lip sucked in through her teeth as a sinful moan had escaped, her knee’s coming closer together toward Tonowari’s face and her hips slightly blurred due to the speed at which she had been grinding his face with, her tail raised behind her stiffly. A groan coming from the man below her, whose arms had been wrapped around her thighs in an attempt to keep her placed where she was.
I could feel everything through our bond and felt myself tighten around Tonowari’s length once more, stopping to readjust myself, i stead of having my knee’s straddling him, I’d placed the flats of my feet on the floor of the marui, giving me the best position for me to ride him better.
Ronal has a drunken expression on her face as she has felt fulfilled, she gently slides off his face and once she does I can see most of it from the nose down glistening in our mates juices. I smile down at him and use my arm to extend the camera above our bodies, since I was naked and my breast were perked up it was obvious what position I was in, I snap the picture and wait for it to print out, refusing to tear it off and handing the camera to Ronal, having her take a look at the picture as a smile frames her gorgeous face.
“This one is a moment worth savoring, paysyul.” She smiles at me and places the camera down, leaning over toward me and placing her lips on mine, I couldn’t help but grind my hips in an attempt to get closer to her, hearing our groaning partner below, who desperately grasps my hips. Ronal gently places her hand on my cheek and forces her tongue inside my mouth, as I moan I hear the click of the camera, opening my eyes, slowly sucking on Ronal’s tongue and disconnecting from her mouth fully only to see Tonowari holding the camera with a smug smile on his face.
I could only grow hotter at the scene before me as the two of them had now been paying full attention to me, Ronal placing her hands on my breasts and running her thumbs alongside my nipples, a rush of excitement running through me. Understanding what they wanted I lifted my hips up, with the help of my feet, and slid back down forcefully, coming into contact with Tonowari’s hips and moaning loudly, doing that motion once more as I felt Ronal kissing my neck.
“Goodness Paysyul, I’m closer than you think,” Tonowari growls out as he places the camera on the floor, now fully grasping my hips as he lifts me up himself, watching where our bodies were connected as he slams me down, his hips rising to meet mine, and a lewd moan slipping through my lips as Ronal plays with my nipples.
He keeps the same motion going, making me feel like I was seeing stars, accepting my fate as I screwed my eyes shut, allowing my legs to do some of the work as I rose up and slam back down on his hard cock. I swear I could see flashes going off in my vision and other was at this moment I’d no longer felt Ronal’s light touches on my breasts, I couldn’t bear opening my eyes as I felt the same heat spread across my cheeks.
“Fuck I’m close!” I yelled in English and felt Tonowari set a faster pace as I slam i to his cock without faltering.
It felt as though each slam of his cock was taking my breath away and I was struggling to catch it, I could hear my breaths coming in short shallow huffs as his iron grip on my hips keeps me at bay between losing myself and reality.
“Thats it paysyul, why don’t you be a good girl and come for us?” Ronal coo’s from whatever corner of the marui she had been standing in, another flash going off from the camera.
“I’m fuckin’ close-“ I moan out as I attempt to grasp Tonowari’s abdomen for some sort of stability, feeling as though I was dipping down low in a hole that would be impossible for me to dig myself out of.
“Come Paysyul. Paint my cock white with your juices,” He barely manages to get those words out and I can feel my pleasure toed up in a tight strong that knotted right in my stomach. I could feel it taught in my abdomen ready to burst.
“Thats it,” He coo’s at me in an encouraging manner.
“Come for us yawne,” He speaks once more and thats when I reach my limit.
Everything seems to have frozen in time and all I can feel is my orgasm fast approaching completely knocking me out cold.
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ellebakers · 4 months
☆ Fucking Targaryens II.
Part one
• Daemon Targaryen x (Martell) reader.
• Warning(s) : Angst, mention of sex, language..
@snowtargaryen here's part two.
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The room went silent after you left, everyone looking in horror and disgust at Daemon and Rhaenyra.
Aegon and Aemond, who had witnessed the scene with the greatest interest and joy, exchanged amused glances, while Viserys threw dark glances at his daughter and his brother.
Your husband was fuming with anger towards you but also towards himself.
You were a more than respected princess, Daemon's wife that the people preferred, always altruistic, kind and gentle, by cheating on you, he pissed off the entire kingdom.
Some people left the meal without the slightest sign of respect, without the slightest reversion to the Targaryen family.
"Well.." Alicent broke the silence "It seems that some things haven't changed." She affirmed, bringing her glass of wine to her lips, hiding a satisfied smile.
Daemon glared at her as the queen finished her drink.
"Uncle, you know how to keep your women, when you don't kill them, you cheat on them." Aegon smirked.
“I don’t need the comment of a cunt usurper in any way.” Daemon spat.
"It's enough !" Viserys growled. "Daemon, you and I will have a conversion but later, for now go apologize to your wife and try to get her back."
The prince stood up, picked up your wedding ring and set off towards your marital bedroom.
Alicent scoffed and shook her head "It's a lost cause. The princess is better than all that, I doubt she will accept Prince Daemon's apology. She is a woman of values." She accentuated her last words by looking at Rhaenyra with disgust, then she left, along with the rest of the Greens, leaving Rhaenyra alone with her father's wrath.
Lucerys and Jacaerys smiled sadly at their mother and left in turn..
"We need to talk.." Viserys said in a cold tone.
When Daemon arrived in your bedroom, bags had been scattered across the bed as servants rushed to put your things in them.
You stood, putting your books into a bag, you had already changed into your outer clothes.
“Leave me alone with my wife.” Daemon ordered, when he noticed that the servants were waiting for your agreement to leave he shouted "OUT."
The servants jumped and rushed out of your room, closing the door behind them.
“So there you go, are you going to run away ?” He asked you, a slight hint of anger.
You scoffed as you closed your last bag. “If for you leaving a man who has no respect for me means running away, then yes.”
"Did you have to make a scene in front of everyone? Do you have any idea of ​​the shame that-"
You threw your bag on the ground "Don't even dare talk to me about shame, it's me who's ashamed, feels dirty..."
Daemon's face softened slightly "And for your information, I didn't cause a scene, I only stated the facts. The kingdom has the right to know how rotten you and your family are."
His face hardened again. “How dare you ?” He asked through gritted teeth.
"How dare I what ? Tell the truth ? Fucking your own niece, do you have any idea how disgusting that is. You were criticizing your other nephews by claiming how disgusting and horrible they are, but you are exactly like them."
He clenched his jaw, trying to control his anger.
“I gave you everything, my love, my body, I thought our love was sincere, but you just made fun of me.”
“Do you doubt my love ?” He growled "I love you and you know it perfectly, I only think about you day and night.."
“Were you thinking about me when your cock was buried in your niece’s cunt ?”
He saw red "Shut up, that's not the way to speak for a woman of your rank."
You shook your head and scoffed. “What did you expect ? For me to remain unmoved by all this ?”
“No, but I would have preferred you to react like a grown woman.” He spat out his words.
"That's what I do ! Forgive me for not been the wife you expected." You exclaimed sarcastically.
Your sarcasm irritated him. “That’s an understatement, I would have liked to have a wife capable of providing me with children at least.”
It was seeing the pain on your face that he realized he had gone too far.
"My love, excuse me, I didn't mean it."
You shook your head and grabbed your bag. “Thank you so much for reminding me of my infertility.”
You walked past him and left the room.
“Take my bags to the stagecoach.” You asked the servants, they nodded and hurried to grab your bags, taking them outside the castle.
The prince was unable to move, how could he have screwed up so badly ? all this for a quick fuck... in less than a day he had humiliated and hurt you in many ways, but he knew that bringing your inability to have children to the table was what hurted you the most.
He sat on your bed and burst into tears, he held his head as tears drowned his face, all the moments with you flashed before his eyes, all his sweet words, your perfume, your smile... he He had lost you for good and he didn't know how he was going to continue without you.
As you were leaving the castle you saw two shadows next to your stagecoach.
"Princess." you recognized Alicent’s voice. You walked closer and saw Otto standing next to him.
"My queen." you bowed. “Please forgive me for earlier.”
She smiled tenderly and shook her head "Don't apologize."
The servants put your bags in the stagecoach and left. "I'm sad to see you leave us." Alicent said.
You gave her a sad smile. “I have to, there’s no way I can stay.”
The redhead nodded "I understand your pain and... your anger." The way she said that to you and Otto's look made you raise an eyebrow.
"My queen ?"
"I'll come see you in Dorne, you and I need to have a talk." She smiled mischievously.
You frowned but nodded. “Of course, it would be my pleasure.”
"I'll bring you a Valyrian dress.. a green dress."
You understood her implication and you nodded "With pleasure.."
You knew that allying yourself with the greens would cost you but by the seven lords you were going to make Daemon and Rhaenyra pay.
Fucking Targaryens
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literatecowboy · 9 months
The King With No Name
6. Road Bandits and Kisses
Part 1 here Next Part (7) Summary: König - the king of Caldera - has been called upon by your father to choose a bride from his daughters in order to establish an alliance to keep peace over the lands they rule. When he arrives, he is enraptured by you, your father’s eldest child - an unconventional woman by all standards. He pursues your hand in marriage, doing his best to make you fall in love with him like he has fallen in love with you - much to your dismay Author's Notes: I want to use the space here to apologize if this isn't up to my usual standards. I've been rather stressed lately and a sudden bug infestation of my home has exhausted me. Warnings: Arranged marriage, eventual smut, pining, dogged pursuit of reader’s love and affection, kisses (finally), mentions of arousal
A little after nightfall, you reached the seat of König’s power. The city that surrounded his castle was the largest you’d ever seen and still bustled with life despite the late hour. König had insisted on you riding in a carriage with him to move inconspicuously through the streets and you were too saddlesore to argue, climbing in with him quickly.
You watched out the windows as you were driven through the streets. Candles were being blown out as people turned in for bed and the world quieted. Bugs chirped and buzzed to each other across the night air. A barking dog and crying baby could faintly be heard from somewhere in the distance.
The castle was as large as the city, fit for a king as mighty as König. As the carriage stopped before the great hall, he helped you out and onto the road, heading for the open doors. A figure approached to meet him as he arrived.
“Sir, it is relieving to see you back. I must speak with you immediately. A gang of bandits has been ambushing wagons on the roads outside of the city and your guards have not lifted a finger to help us catch them. My deputies can only do so much on their own,” he said. König paused.
“I am disappointed to hear that, Sheriff Klein. Rest assured I will personally have Sir Wilhelm assist you with the issue tomorrow. The guards in question will be spoken to,” König said, shaking his head.
“It cannot wait, I am afraid. They grow bolder each day. Just last night the baker almost lost his life returning home in the evening when he had no coin to hand over,” the sheriff said, looking up at König with concern in his eyes.
“Very well, I will send for assistance as soon as possible, but I cannot help you now. My wife has arrived and I must see her inside,” König said, gesturing to you. Sheriff Klein seemed to notice you for the first time and bowed.
“My lady, I am sorry for the intrusion. I do not mean to worry you,” he said.
“No, don’t apologize. This sounds serious. König, you and I can go help him, can’t we?” you asked, stifling a yawn.
“No, maus, you must rest. I will see you inside and then I will go speak with my men,” he said, resting his hand on the small of your back and gently guiding you towards the doors.
“I will see you soon, sheriff. Wait in your office,” he said. You watched as the sheriff left, heading into one of the castle’s large towers before disappearing.
“Come in and rest, maus,’ König murmured, leading you inside and through a grand hall. You barely had time to take everything in - the light was low and he was hurrying you.
“I will show you your home tomorrow,” he promised, guiding you up a grand staircase and down several more long halls before opening a large door for you and ushering you inside.
“König, wait, I have no idea where I am,” you protested as you stepped into the room, glancing around. König slowed for a moment and took your hands gently.
“Rest, maus. Your things are here - my men have brought them for you already. Take a bath and sleep. I will be back with you by the morning,” he assured, squeezing your hands. And then he was gone, back through the door from which he had come, calling out and asking if any of the soldiers in the hall knew where Sir Wilhelm was.
You looked around as the door slammed closed, taking the exceptionally large room in. A fire roared in the fireplace, illuminating the space with flickering light. A large bed sat against the back wall, no doubt having been built especially for König.
A second doorway led off to what was no doubt a bathroom and a third revealed a balcony bathed in moonlight. You sat down on one of the lounges with a sigh and rubbed your forehead, watching out the large windows. You blinked when you caught sight of the sheriff loading up a prison wagon by himself, hitching horses to it and seemingly preparing to leave. The sight of him made you spring to life once more and you ran out to the balcony, calling out to him below.
“Are you going by yourself?” you called, waving at him to catch his attention. He looked up at you, surprised.
“I cannot wait on more men, my lady. The time in which they tend to strike is drawing near,” he admitted, climbing into the wagon’s driver’s seat.
“Wait for me!” you cried, dashing back inside. It took you a minute of digging through cabinets but you found your weapons, shoving your knife into your belt and strapping your bow to your back. Already armored for the road, you paused only to snag a large helmet from a display of König’s war armor and raced back onto the balcony.
Sheriff Klein looked nervous as you climbed down the trellis that supported the vines and flowers growing against the castle walls and glanced around several times as you hit the ground and jogged up to the wagon.
“Let’s go!” you whisper-yelled as you climbed into the seat beside him, grinning and resting your bow in your lap.
“Are you sure about this, ma’am? The men I’m hunting are dangerous. They wouldn’t think twice about killing or stealing away a woman,” he warned, eyeing you warily.
“I’ve already been stolen, sir, and I’ve been itching for a proper fight ever since.”
The wagon rumbled loudly across the cobblestones as Sheriff Klein drove quickly through the city streets, but not a soul dared to stop you. When you reached the ambush site you found yourself just outside of a little farm on a road that snaked in between two cliffs - perfect for ambushes from above.
“This is the road that they use to bring stolen goods in and out of the city,” Sheriff Klein explained as he parked the wagon a few meters off into the trees to hide it from view. He unlocked the large door to the back, which was essentially a cage built to contain up to ten men.
“We should post up on the cliffs and shoot them from above,” you murmured, following the sheriff as he hurried up the hill, keeping an eye out for approaching men.
“That’s the plan, but the aim is to capture, not kill. I want these men alive so that they might be tried fairly,” the sheriff said. “Kill only if necessary, in self-defense.” You nodded.
“We should block their way if they try to escape. Box them in and force them to go one way or another,” you said, scanning the moonlit road below you.
“If we had more men and more time we might have been able to spring a better trap,” Klein admitted, rubbing his chin and glancing around.
“Then this will have to do. I’ll do my best to disable the wheels of any wagon that comes across my firing line,” you said with a smile. Before Sheriff Klein could respond, the sound of an approaching wagon and several horses faded into earshot down the road, approaching the city.
“Stay out of danger, my lady. If anything goes wrong, run and save yourself.” Sheriff Klein murmured as he crouched down on the cliff, drawing his sword and watching the small group approach.
“Nonsense,” you hissed, pulling König’s helmet on and notching an arrow into your bow, kneeling by a tree that hung over the road, preparing to draw.
There were only five men with the goods split into two wagons, and once you saw the sheriff nod to confirm that these were the men he was after, you drew back and fired, your first arrow striking the road just in front of the main wagon to stop the horses.
They reared and cried out, backing away from the arrow as it sank into the ground. The two men in the wagon looked up, scanning the trees, fumbling for their weapons. You sunk another arrow into one of the wheel mechanisms of the second wagon and the wheel shuddered as it came loose. If they tried to run, it would undoubtedly fall off.
The sheriff leaped down from the cliff and landed on the road in front of the wagons, raising his sword.
“Halt there, strangers! You are under arrest for robbery! What say you in your defense?” he shouted, brandishing his blade at the men in the forward wagon.
The driver cracked his reins and before you could think twice, you leaped down from the cliff and onto the wagon as it shot off, leaving the sheriff and the three men on the disabled second wagon in the dust.
“Stop!” you cried as you sat up from where you’d landed in the back, scrambling forward and shoving the passenger harshly in the back. He and the driver shouted in surprise as the horses kept running forward. The passenger sprung up and out of his seat, clambering into the back to try to subdue you. You aimed a quick punch to his cheek which sent him off balance and dropped your bow, pulling your knife free and slashing at him with it. He stumbled as he went for his own but the wagon hit a rock and sent you both falling to the ground.
With all of your strength, you reached to your side and shoved him, sending him tumbling out of the back of the wagon and into the dust. You scrambled to your hands and knees, and having lost your knife in the fall, snagged a bit of rope from the bottom of the wagon. You lunged for the driver, wrapping the rope around his neck in one quick motion and pulling tightly, making him drop the reins and clutch at his neck.
“Stop the horses!” you yelled in his ear as he clawed at the rope around his neck, which only made you pull tighter. You gritted your teeth and grabbed at the reins that had fallen to the side, tugging back on them tightly as you tugged back on the rope.
The horses came to a stop with whinnies of protest and you released the driver as he went limp, kicking him out of the wagon and down to the road below. You whooped as you leaped down with the rope, your heart racing and adrenaline coursing through your veins as you trussed him up and stepped back to admire your work.
The sound of hooves striking the road made you look up in surprise. Expecting to see the sheriff, you paled and your smile disappeared when you caught sight of at least a half dozen soldiers riding hard for the wagon, König leading them.
They skidded to a stop as they reached the wagon and König launched off of his prancing horse, searching the scene for you with wild eyes.
“Maus!” he shouted, barreling towards you. You couldn’t help but grin despite his obvious anger.
“König, I did it!” you called proudly, trotting towards him as he approached. He reached for you, anger and concern radiating from him. You grabbed him as he bent down to embrace you and pushed his hood up to his nose, pushing your lips against his as your eyes fluttered shut.
Shock radiated through König’s body and he froze as you kissed him, his eyes closing instinctively. He grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you onto the back of the wagon, shielding your body from onlookers. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer as he kissed back, breaking away after a moment to catch your breath.
Your eyes fluttered open and met König’s through the mask. The anger was gone from him and he gestured behind himself to his soldiers. He slid his helmet from your head and placed it on his own.
“Take that man away. Clean this mess,” he growled, picking you up from where he’d sat you on the cart and setting you on his horse. He swung on behind you and wrapped one arm around your waist, pressing you to him and taking the reins with the other as he rode off back towards home.
You could feel every inch of him pressed up against your back as you rode in silence. He was fully erect, and you could feel his cock pressed up against your ass through your pants, each step the horse took grinding you back against him slightly. He held onto you tighter, not uttering a word until you reached the rest of the men.
The sheriff and several soldiers had locked the four prisoners into the wagon and were going through the stolen goods, attempting to identify the owner. König called out as you approached but didn’t bother to stop.
“Sheriff Klein, I must apologize to you for the situation my wife has placed you in. Thank you for keeping her safe,” he called, his arm tightening around you. You waved at the sheriff, a guilty smile adorning your cheeks.
“Thank you for your assistance, my lady. You held your own quite well,” he called. “And thank you, sir, for sending so many soldiers.”
König had mostly calmed down by the time you reached the castle and led you inside without a hint of aggression in his frame.
“Maus, you have done an awfully dangerous and bad thing,” he murmured to you as he guided you up the stairs and back toward his bed chamber.
“I only wanted to help and I was successful,” you argued, sighing as he opened the door for you.
“I was gathering men to assist the sheriff. You didn’t need to endanger yourself in that way,” he said, taking off the helmet you’d both worn that night and setting it on the stand.
“The men responsible for robbing merchants on the roads have been apprehended. I was only trying to help the people that you brought me here to rule,” you said, folding your arms across his chest.
“You cannot help people if you are dead or captured.”
“I apologized, didn’t I?”
“Not with your words.” You sighed.
“I’m sorry, König. I should have told you that I was leaving to help the sheriff. I just couldn’t let him go alone and get himself killed,” you said softly, taking his hands. König nodded.
“You are a brave woman, maus. A noble woman who cares for others. That is what makes you beautiful, what has drawn me to you,” he murmured, tucking a strand of hair that had fallen over your face behind your ear. You stood on your toes pushed his mask up again and he leaned down.
You kissed him again, more softly this time than you had kissed him on the road. He held you gently by the hips and pulled you closer to him, smiling and resting his forehead on yours as you broke the kiss.
“Take a bath, maus. While I would like your sweat to stain my sheets someday, I would prefer if it was not accompanied by dirt and dust,” he said softly, making you laugh and push away from him lightly.
He helped you out of your armor and sent you into the bathroom alone before unstrapping his and tucking it away. When he came into the bathroom you were settled peacefully in the massive tub, facing away from him as you dried your face on a towel.
“Maus, can I join you?” he called softly, tugging his shirt off and draping it on a nearby chair. You turned around, frowning.
“I suppose. But don’t…look at me. And don’t touch me, okay?” you asked softly, turning back around. König’s heart fluttered. He didn’t blame you for still being so shy, and even though he wanted you desperately, he had no desire to push you.
“Of course, maus,” he murmured as he slipped out of his pants and underclothes and let them fall to the ground. You turned your head politely as he approached and slid into the warm water, the flower petals that floated on the surface obscuring your body from all but the most scrutinizing viewers.
Once he’d sat down across from you, you looked up and offered him a hesitant smile. He still had the hood on, which didn’t surprise you. You sighed softly and leaned back against the tub’s wall, letting your hair hang over the edge of the tub as you relaxed, enjoying the steam.
Sometime later - you had fallen asleep - König roused you, calling your nickname quietly in your ear.
“Maus, the water has gone cold. It’s time to go to bed,” he murmured, gently brushing a towel against your cheek. He had already gotten out and dressed, and you grumbled a little and rubbed your eyes, sitting up slowly and taking the towel.
König turned his back respectfully as you got out, dried yourself, and put on a clean nightgown. Once you were finished, he took your hand and blew out the remaining candles in the bathroom.
König’s bedroom was warm and his bed was inviting. Too tired to care that you had to sleep in the same room as him, you slid into bed and buried yourself beneath the pile of warm blankets he’d retrieved for you. König followed you, watching the light from the fireplace flicker across your face as you fell asleep quickly in his arms.
taglist: @0mint-chocolate0, @elowynnlane, @littlelovebug98, @saturnknows, @passdaweedgaara, @lexuria, @numnuts, @nothingkillsyoulikeyourmind105, @acynicalcat, @poohkie90, @glitterypirateduck, @babyspice6, @hazelnutbitch, 
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miguel-ohara-lover · 9 months
Miguel x Spider-Woman W/ a Baby Pt.2
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Part one
Tbh I don’t really know how to continue this but I tried haha
CW: Fluff, dad!Mig, reader has a baby, slight angst cuz of Gabi
It had been a few weeks since that little date you and Miguel went on. He had started encouraging you to bring Alice around more often. He loved seeing your little girl, loved watching over her and taking care of her.
She would never fill the void in his heart that Gabi left behind. Even so… he loved her dearly, as if she were his own. Seeing his smile, his eyes light up when he saw her, it made you happy. You hadn’t felt this love since your ex, Alice’s father.
You didn’t dare confess to Miguel, not until after the third date. Or was this the fourth… you started to lose count, time flying by when you’re with him. Your little girl had started growing bigger, and before you knew it you were celebrating her first birthday with Miguel.
It was a surprised when she started saying mama, a welcomed surprise. You teared up when you heard the adorable babble, immediately bringing her to Miguel excitedly. You wanted to show off her new found speaking skills.
It was an even bigger surprise when she looked up at Miguel with those adorable eyes and babbled something like dada. You both thought it was just nonsense, until her tiny hands reached up to him as she babbles more ‘dada dada!’
He was frozen, and you were confused. You had no idea where she heard this from, and concluded it had to be from Mayday calling Peter that. Miguel didn’t know what to do, he hadn’t been called dad in any form since Gabriella…
The sudden weight and pressure of fatherhood laid heavy on his shoulders once again. Yeah, he wasn’t Alice’s father, but the second she said dada to him… he felt all those paternal instincts fill him. It scared him, after his daughter he didn’t know if he would be good enough.
You saw the pain and worry in his eyes. Your heart sank, knowing exactly why he felt this way, and you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Miguel…” You started. “I’m sorry if it’s too soon. I understand, and I have no idea where she learned that. I’m really so-”
“It’s okay. Really.” Miguel stopped your apology. “Really…” His voice became quieter, and your hand moved up to cup his cheek. He leaned into your touch. “She can call me that.” He have you a gentle smile.
You smiled back and nodded. “Okay, Mig. I’m so happy she has you in her life.” You felt Miguel’s cheeks warm up as a blush spread across his face. “What is it?”
“Nothing… just admiring Alice’s mami.” Now it was your turn to blush, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “We’ve been spending so much time together… and I’ve grown to love Alice as if she were my own.”
You looked into his eyes as he spoke, listening to his words intently. His sentences are broken only by Alice’s adorable babbles that caught both your attentions. Miguel took a deep breath, taking Alice into his arms like just her presence was calming to him.
“I think I’ve started to fall for you… you’re so beautiful, so kind and you’re an amazing mother. I could go on…” He paused. “If you think it is too soon I-”
“I feel the same.” You cut him off.
He stood there silently for a moment, shocked by this confession. Without another word he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. He was so tender and soft, so different from how he was with every other spider person. Only you got to see this side of him, no one else.
It wasn’t long before the society caught on to the new relationship, since you two were always together, or if you weren’t around Miguel had Alice. Hearing her call Miguel papa or dada was a surprise, especially for Peter. He wouldn’t shut up about it for weeks and that made you laugh the few times you heard it.
Maybe Miguel’s walls are coming down, he won’t ever go back to how he had been before Gabriella, but you were helping a lot. And he loved you so much.
@lewispool @meeom @deputy-videogamer @aug-ust69 @mythologicalgodsblog @ladyroseishere @autismsupermusicalassassin @ilovespiderman15 @justleavemealoneyeah @maryxlx01x @l3laze @drheinzd @saturnknows @cherrycosmos392 @oxrchd @number1gal @spikedhe4rt @oscarissac2099 @freehentai @obsessed-with-miguels-ass
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maidragoste · 1 year
I'm sorry
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra) x Aegon II Targaryen
part 6
Masterlist Serie
Hello, sorry for the delay, I hope you like the new chapter. I warn you that from now on I will probably upload drabbles or one shots of the story before publishing chapter 8 Thanks for all the support, it always makes me happy to answer your questions and comments. reblogs and likes are always appreciated
Some words are repeated a lot. especially "child" because Aemond refuses to call his son by his name and neither the Queen or Aegon know what his name is
If you want to be part of my taglist
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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"I should go with you" you insisted looking at Aemond, who was your only company in your rooms since Aegon had gone to prepare for the travel to Harrenhal.
As soon as your husbands woke up from their nap, you asked your servants to bring them dinner. While they ate the three of them had planned their next moves, of course first Aegon and Aemond told you who were the ones who conspired for your murder. The truth was that you weren't surprised to hear that your first husband's lover had been part of the conspiracy, what surprised you was that she would give herself away by sending the poison antidote. What was even more surprising was that Borros Baratheon had been a participant. You knew that he is a proud man but you did not think that he would commit treason just because Aegon had not chosen one of his daughters as his wife. By the end of dinner, it was decided that you would stay in King's Landing and handle the execution of Borros Baratheon while your husbands would go to Harrenhal and handle Alys Rivers. You wanted to go with them, you wanted to meet Aemond's mistress and see what was so special about her getting your uncle to share a bed with her. Above all, you want Nix, your dragon, to be the one to devour the woman but you were weak to fly, you had to recover your strength and they couldn't afford to waste time waiting until you recovered. Both the king and the prince were afraid that someone would inform the witch that she had been found out and she would escape from her so they would not even wait for her to wake up but would leave right now and surprise the woman.
"You have to rest" he reminded you caressing your hand.
"I could fly with you or with Aegon," you insisted. You knew that Vhagar and Sunfyre would not harm you. Also, it would not be the first time you would fly with them.
"Why don't you want me to go?" you moved your hand away causing your husband to frown “Are you afraid that I will do something to the child? He would never hurt her"
"Don't you want me to get rid of the bastard too?"
"Of course not" you answered, startled, unable to believe that he was asking you that. You hated his mother, you hated that your husband had cheated on you, and the child was the living memory of Aemond's infidelity but that was not why you wanted his death, the baby was not to blame for your husband's decisions. Killing him wouldn't make you forget your husband's slight or make you feel better. "It is not the child's fault that you cannot keep it in your pants and that you have been unfaithful to me"
You hadn't even finished speaking when you noticed the fury in the prince's eye. But as fast as he saw him he disappeared.
“I don't know how many times I have to tell you until this enters your brain but I didn't sleep with that woman because she wanted to. She put a spell on me I wasn't in her bed of my own free will ”Aemond's voice was suddenly tired, unlike the previous times when he denied having had an affair with Rivers, it denoted anger“ And I don't want the child, I hate him. He is the reminder of everything that witch did to me. That child is going to be my great torment." For a moment you thought you heard your husband's voice crack. You realized that it had not been your imagination when he cleared his throat and avoided your gaze. For an instant, it came to you. memories of a little Aemond ashamed and devastated for not having a dragon "I hate myself for being such an idiot and letting myself be bewitched by that woman. You have to believe me when I tell you that I didn't want to sleep with her. She bewitched me.", got something in my wine or food. I swear"
You couldn't bear to see the suffering on your husband's face. You felt so guilty for having turned a deaf ear to her words, for not having believed him, for having made fun of him, for letting yourself be carried away by your anger and resentment. Before you could start apologizing the prince kept talking.
"Every time I heard that woman being named, I just felt anger and hate. Sometimes I even feel like throwing up thinking about…
"Aemond. I believe you" you interrupted him and took his face between your hands. You couldn't stand him continuing to torture himself remembering the witch "I believe you" you repeated caressing his cheek "I'm so sorry" you said trying to ignore the lump that formed in your throat. It was not your time to cry. Now it was about your husband, he was the one who suffered at the hands of that witch. If you wanted to murder Alys Rivers before, now even more. You wanted to make her pay for every time she hurt Aemond. "I should have heard you before"
"What matters is that now you believe me," said the prince, feeling like a burden was lifted from him. He didn't think he could ever completely forget what had happened in Harrenhal. But at least now that didn't come between you and him. Now you believe him.
"I love you" you kissed his forehead and you saw the hint of a smile on Aemond's face so you decided to do what when he was upset or discouraged "I love you," you said again, this time kissing him on the nose. You distributed more kisses all over his face, while you told him how much you loved him and you left his lips for last. You felt your heart warm at the prince's smile. "I love you" before you could kiss him yourself your husband stepped forward and captured your lips in a sweet kiss.
"Aemond, we should be leaving now," Aegon said, entering the room.
Reluctantly you turned away from the prince. He looked annoyed at his brother for interrupting the moment.
"Have a good travel" you gave him one last kiss and watched him walk towards the door "Aemond" you called out to him before he left "It wasn't your fault what happened"
You didn't have to say more for Aemond to understand that you were talking about what happened in Harrenhal. He was surprised before your words. I didn't think you were right but it still felt good to hear them. He didn't know what to say so he just nodded in your direction and left the room. He didn't want to see you say goodbye to his brother so he decided to go ahead of Aegon and go find Vhagar.
Aegon looked at you expectantly, as if he was waiting for an invitation, you couldn't help but snort in amusement at the image of him.
"Come," you said, patting your bed and Aegon soon sat next to you "Have a good trip"
You didn't know if the first to reach the other's lips was Aegon or you. You couldn't help but feel guilty for enjoying the kiss. You felt as if you were betraying Aemond in some way as if you were cheating on him. Wanting to stop feeling that way, you pulled away from Aegon. He made a face, he wanted to keep kissing you. For him, he was never going to get enough of you but he knew he had to go.
"Wait, Aegon" you took your hand when he was getting up making him settle back "I need you to do something for me"
"Anything" he answered instantly causing you to look at him with a raised eyebrow for not even thinking about it before.
"You will take care of Aemond and avoid something he might regret," you asked although the truth sounded more like an order.
"In general it's the other way around" replied the king with a hint of amusement "But I'll try"
"I'm serious" you sighed, hesitating to tell him what you really feared but needed him to take care of "I don't think Aemond would hurt the boy but I'm afraid that in a moment of anger, he made a decision he may regret. You guys they're just going to get rid of Alys Rivers. If he hurt the child people will think we're cruel and we'll just give them another reason why the Targaryens shouldn't rule."
Some people already thought of your family as monsters for committing relative murder. Mostly people talked about Aemond, how cruel he had been for murdering your 13-year-old brother, and how sadistic he was for killing all the men except Larys of the Strong family. If your husband were to hurt the child, his own child, his reputation only gets worse. You couldn't let that happen if you wanted him to be Hand of the King one day. They could not build the kingdom again with only fear in your favor. "Then what should we do with the child? Bring him to court?" Aegon didn't even know his nephew but he already felt sorry for him imagining him growing up in the court. He was sure that he was hearing the word bastard wherever he went. He was even sure that not even his own mother would accept it. Alicent loved her grandchildren but couldn't imagine her mother taking care of Aemond's bastard.
"No" you answered instantly remembering your first husband's words, Aemond would not be at peace in his own house knowing that the child was there “The child will stay in Harrenhal. Just take care of finding someone to take care of him."
"You say that as if it were easy," said the king. "There is no lord in Harrenhal to care for him."
"I'm sure you'll find someone. Some childless couple or a servant who has lost their own child in the war. In addition, the crown will take care of sending him coins for the care of the child "
"The council will not agree," Aegon said with a grimace, already thinking of the future headaches he would have during council meetings.
"The boy has Targaryen blood, we can't leave him to his fate" you frowned.
"I said that the council would not agree, not me," said the king raising both hands as a sign of innocence. He didn't want you to be upset with him "I'm on your side"
"Thank you" you gave him a small smile "You should go before Aemond kicks your ass for taking so long" Aegon sighed exaggeratedly making you roll your eyes.
"And whose fault is it?" he replied before giving you one last kiss and leaving.
It wasn't in your plans to go to your brother's room but after executing Borros Baratheon you didn't want to be alone and your own mind would start to eat away at you. You need to distract yourself from the image of your mother being burned by Sunfyre. Yes, you ordered Nix to burn the man alive. Maybe you should have chosen to cut off his head yourself because now you couldn't stop thinking about your mother.
"Egg" you didn't even bother to knock on the door you just went inside.
You felt relieved to see that he wasn't busy with his lessons but your relief didn't last when you noticed that he didn't react to your call and that he was once again sitting and looking out the window in silence. You walked towards him making as much noise as possible but he still didn't react. "Egg" You touched his shoulder slowly hoping not to scare him but still, he flinched at your touch. "I'm sorry" you moved your hand away not wanting to bother him but he took your hand and began to play with your fingers without saying anything "What were you thinking?" you asked, unable to stand more in silence. In general, it is always you who starts the conversation.
"At your wedding," he replied without meeting your eyes. He didn't want you to see that he was still scared. He almost lost you. You're all he had left besides Rhaena and Baela. to Baela. If you died, he would be left alone.
"Master Finnian told me that you helped him find the antidote"
"It didn't help anyway. I didn't save you" your brother said angrily with himself. He had felt so helpless seeing you unconscious and unable to help you. He felt just as helpless as when he had watched Sunfyre helplessly burn her mother. When he saw you delirious with fever he thought that again he would have to watch another member of his family die.
"Egg, don't be hard on yourself," you asked and with your free hand, you took his chin and caressed his face gently. For a moment Aegon closed his eyes and pretended that the person caressing him so tenderly was his mother. Tears slipped down her cheeks and you felt guilty so you tried to calm her down "That poison was invented by a witch and she was the only one who had the solution. But we don't have to worry anymore, the king and the prince will take care of her" you said without knowing that you just broke Aegon's spell, bringing him back to reality.
"I'm always going to worry. Now they'll take care of the witch but what if someone else shows up?" Your heart ached to hear your little brother's words. He was just a child, his only worries should be his lessons and being able to steal sweets from the kitchens without being discovered. You hated that you couldn't have protected Aegon's innocence. The war had taken your grandparents, your mother, Jace, Luke, Joffrey, and Viserys, but it had also taken Egg from you. You were sure that he would never be the same again and you couldn't blame him because you would never be the same as before. But you wished with all your heart that Egg would be the same innocent and happy boy as always. How you wanted to hear him laugh again.
"Now the whole family will have a taster, we'll be more careful" you assured and you wiped his tears with your fingers "And if someone wants to fight us then we'll respond with fire and blood" you felt stupid when you saw how Aegon seemed more anguished at your last words. You clearly made me remember your mother's death again "I'm sorry" you apologized with a shaky voice. It hurt you that you couldn't even say the words of your house without making your brother suffer. It pained you to think that Egg would always be scarred by war. It hurt you to think that he would never want a dragon again, that he would never live that bond again. "I'm sorry" you repeated and this time they were both in tears.
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tag list: @hannaeditzs @multi-fandoms-stuff @zverea @m1tzifa1ry
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sungiesbabygirl · 6 months
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summary : after your mother re-married, you find out that you have stepbrothers. Feeling odd feelings for them that no sibling should feel. It’s only a matter of time before they confess. Which one will it be first? - my imagination
warnings : step!cest, swearing, mutual pining, age gap (the boys are older by 2 years)
pairings : enha!0t7 x fem!reader
a/n : hey guys, I’m still writing these parts and I really do apologize if the chapter are short or don’t have enough detail. I’m trying my hardest, this is my first time in a while writing and it’s my first ever time making a multi series. Please be patient with the updates !!
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"Girl they both have a huge ass crush on you, but you are so dense to the point you can't see that! If I was you, my virginity would have been completely gone by the first 5 minutes of meeting them.", the annoying and dramatic voice of beomgyu said to me over the phone, his face plastered on my screen. Much to my dismay.
I let out a laugh adjusting my position on the bed, trying to get comfortable. "Gyu, their my step brothers and they are completely dicks to me for no reason whatsoever. It's like they have a vendetta against me. I mean my mother blamed me for the mess in the kitchen all because Jay told her I had done it, then Heeseung came in acting like the mess was his. He can't cook anything but ramen, I've seen him literally choke on a pepper that he tried eating."
It's silent for a few moments, beomgyu having to take in what I just said, before a loud hyena like laugh blew from my phone. My soul left my body for a second, a scream leaving my throat at the laugh that came out of no where.
"Jesus fucking Christ gyu, you scared the absolute shit out of me.", my hand instinctively holds onto my chest where my heart is, deep breaths leaving my lips as my phone continues to vibrate. I shake my head looking closer at the screen, seeing beomgyu in tears, thankfully his laughter was dying down.
My mouth opens to speak, quickly being cut off by a knock on my door. I turn my head to face the door now hearing beomgyu's laughter completely shut off his attention on me.
"Y/N? Are you in there?".
I stay frozen in my position as I hear the deep voice of the younger sibling, outside my door. "Yeah I'm in here Riki, what's wrong?". I sit up on my bed, facing my phone on its screen as the door starts to open.
Riki stands in the doorway, his body towering over my view of the wall that lay behind him. I look down at his outfit seeing he's in a white vest, a red plaid shirt and some baggy jeans. He looked so fine. Clearing his throat he walks over to my desk, taking a seat on my chair.
"Heeseung hyung told me what happened earlier, he said that he saved you from an even worse scolding than what you were getting.", I gulp down the little bit of saliva that was in my mouth, now feeling like the Sahara dessert rented out a place to stay.
I could see a smirk slowly makes its way to the edge of Ni-Ki's lips, my eyes squinting in confusion.
"He seemed to have fooled your mother, poor dense woman, we both know he can't cook.", with the smirk stitched to his lips, he stands up walking closer to the bed.
I back up as far as I can without having my back hit the wall, my eyes staring straight at his lips. It stayed silent for a few minutes, you could mentally hear a pin drop on the floor, before cold but large hands made their way up my sides.
"Lucky for you pretty girl, Heeseung seems to be infatuated with your presence. He wouldn't allow you to take a fall like that, especially not after your bitch of a mother believed jay over her own daughter.", a deep chuckle left his throat, pulling me closer to his body. My arms were frozen, like I couldn't move them at all no matter how hard I tried.
"Ni-ki.. what are you doing?", the pounding of my heart hammered against my ears, my hands moving to rest on his chest. I couldn't think of what to do in that moment, 'what the hell is going on'.
I was bought out of my thoughts by a soft breath hitting my lips. This couldn't be happening right now, I'm imagining everything right? My eyes ran from his eyes down to his lips, I wondered what it was like to have them on my own. They looked so plush.. so soft, so intoxicating.
I could feel my whole body get hotter, like someone had lit a fire nearby. Ni-Ki's hands stayed firmly against my hips, breath mixing with mine at how close together we was. This wasn't happening.. surely not?
The clearing of a throat made the both of us move away from each other, our heads quickly turning to the door. My face physically paled at the sight of jay, my eyes ran over his body, taking in the sight that I was seeing. He had on a black suit, the arm sleeves rolled up. I could see how his watch sat perfectly on his wrist, his hair slicked back, the front part of his hair out of place.
"What are you guys doing?", his voice was deep, I don't know how to describe it, but it made butterflies erupt in my stomach. Me and Ni-ki both looked at eachother, horror struck on our faces as Jay starts to walk into the room.
"I said what are you doing.", his words came out harsher, like he caught his own girlfriend cheating. "You know you aren't suppose to touch her Ni-Ki, at least not yet. It's Heeseungs orders."
My eyebrows furrowed as I look between the both of them. "Excuse me? Since when could Heeseung decide who I kiss or who kisses me." Moving to get off my bed, I grab hold of my phone seeing beomgyu had muted himself. My eyes stayed strained on the both of them, a scoff leaving my lips.
"Get out. Both of you get out.", I move over to my door, opening it wide enough for the both of them to fit. None of them made an attempt to move. "I said get the fuck out!", I could feel tears of frustration build up in the corner of my eyes, wondering why the hell this is happening to me. I knew it was wrong to feel things for my stepbrothers but they weren't related to me through blood.
My body instinctively moved out arms reach as Ni-Ki came towards me, jay trailing behind him. I couldn't even look at them, I felt a whole range of emotions that I had never felt before. It was only me and jay in the room now, Ni-Ki had left once I had stepped away from him.
"We're only doing what we were told princess.. we don't mean any harm but it will all make sense soon. Just please wait for us."
That was the last thing that was said before he walked out, the strong sent of his cologne filling my nostrils. As I closed the door, I could still feel the feeling of Ni-Ki’s hands on my hips, a feeling I wanted to experience more.
Grabbing my phone I quickly ended the call on beomgyu, not letting him say anything to me about what just happened. I felt embarrassed to say the least, embarrassed that he witnessed everything.
Laying on my bed had never felt so good, I needed a long nap after the bad karma that had happened to me today. I stared up at the ceiling, all my thoughts swarming my brain, making it hard to focus on anything else.
It didn't make sense what jay had said to me, probably because I wasn't in the right mindset to listen. All I knew is I had to get answers, I needed to ask the one person I knew that couldn't keep secrets.
Yang Jungwon.
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storiesbyjes2g · 25 days
3.116 What if
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One morning, I got up, determined to ease back into the SimTube game. I wasn't quite ready to make another video, so I opted to read and respond to comments, mostly apologizing for my absence. Scrolling and reading through them, I began to understand why my one video performed so well. The comments were predominantly from thirsty girls shooting their shots. It was kinda weird knowing women drooling over me fueled my success, but it got me paid, so... Sophia would have a field day with that one.
I heard her march downstairs, enter the bathroom, and turn on the tub. Minutes later, the toilet flushed. Then, the crying started. Though I loved and admired her tenacity, I couldn't take much more of her heartbreak. The treatments should have worked already. Was the doctor wrong? It felt like we were dealing with infertility, not low fertility. Suddenly, a heaviness accompanied by a random yet à propos thought fell on me. What if she wasn't the only one with a problem? What if I was the reason she hadn't gotten pregnant yet? As chilling as that thought was, it gave me a weird sense of hope. If I had a problem, maybe a doctor could fix it. I got up immediately and left the house as quietly as I could because I didn't want to Sophia hear me leaving while she was in there bawling her eyes out. I went to the hospital to get my fertility checked, and it turned out I too had low fertility. Of course I did. Nothing in my life was ever easy. The doctor gave me the same schpiel: try the treatments blah blah blah...artificial insemination yada yada yada...adoption and surrogacy womp womp womp. We were painfully aware of our options, but of course he didn't know that. I hadn't given up hope that we could birth our own child, but I knew Sophia wouldn't want us spending more time and money on those treatments, especially since we both needed them now. I told the doctor we would probably want to do IVF and asked if I could go ahead and leave a sample, and he said yes.
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When I got home, Sophia was entertaining Chris Michaelson. We lived next door to them now, and he came to welcome us.
"Luca! Where'd you go?" she asked.
"Uhhh...I'll tell you later."
Seeing him under these circumstances reminded me Celeste had mentioned their children were adopted. I chatted and caught up with him for a bit, but when Sophia was out of earshot, I got down to business and asked him about his experience with adopting children. I hadn't realized Celeste was a trans woman, so they had always planned to adopt. Though their experience differed greatly from ours, I still enjoyed hearing about his life and the joy his children brought him. Time had flown by crazy fast, though. When I first met them, Orion, their daughter, was just a baby. Now she was in high school! And their son, Atlas, was married. I still felt as young as I was back then, but my birthday came barreling around the corner right behind Sophia's. Mama used to look at Less and I and jokingly ask us to stop growing. I totally understood what she meant now.
Speaking of Less, she texted me, inviting us to bar hop with her and some friends. First of all, since when did she have friends? Secondly, weren't we too old to be bar hopping like university students? Third, I didn't feel like being social. I had some potentially devastating news to share with my wife, and who knew if she would be up for it. Unfortunately for me, Sophia was nearby when my notification chime went off, and I made the mistake of groaning after reading the message. Naturally, she asked what was wrong, and I told her of the invite. She was in a good mood at the time and insisted I accept.
"Maybe that guy she was swooning about will be there," she said.
I did want to meet that schmuck and see what kind of spell he put on my sister. I also didn't want to ruin Sophia's good mood with my news, so I replied and told Less we'd be there. The tears could wait until tomorrow.
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I hate Gwen’s dad.
Maybe this is just my own personal bias because he reminds me a lot of my dad, but if we’re being honest here, George Stacy is a fucking horrible dad. His ‘redemption’ arc isn’t even a redemption, he tried to hunt down Spider-Woman, and most importantly; he almost FUCKING SHOT HIS OWN DAUGHTER.
I understand that he thinks Spider-Woman murdered Peter, and it’s his duty as a cop to arrest her, but come on. He thought by hunting down Spider-Woman he was doing the right thing but in actuality he was just hurting his daughter more and more. I made a whole analysis of the arrest scene covering this, but this bitch seriously tried to arrest his own daughter after finding out she’s Spider-Woman because now he thinks she’s a murderer. Gwen was trying SO FUCKING HARD to get George to listen to her, but instead of hearing his own daughter out, he decided to be a little pussy ass bitch and be scared of her. Then he proceeds to AIM A FUCKING GUN AT GWEN and yells at her to not come any closer. If that doesn’t tell you that George is a terrible parent then I don’t know what does, this man willingly pointed a gun at his own daughter and yet somehow he still gets redeemed.
I honestly have no clue how Gwen managed to forgive her dad after all of this. No fucking wonder she left Earth 65 😭 If my dad did HALF of the shit George did I would never speak to him again, pointing a gun at your own daughter is crazy.
This is why Jeff is the best dad in both Spider-Verse films. He’s a cop just like George, but he’s chill with Spider-Man. He thought Spider-Man killed his brother but he quickly realized he was wrong about him. Why couldn’t George do the same with Spider-Woman? This man could’ve just listened to Gwen. He could’ve just believed her and heard what she had to say, but no. He fucking didn’t, and he almost shot her. Idc HOW many times this man says sorry, I will never forgive him for doing what he did. If I was Gwen I would’ve beaten his ass right then and there 💀 Not to mention how Peter was literally Gwen’s childhood friend, and George STILL thinks she’s responsible for his death?? Be so fr.
Another reason I don’t forgive George for what he did even after he was ‘redeemed’, is because he never said sorry to Gwen. All he did was say some emotional shit, quit his job, and hugged it out with her. That’s literally it. I may be wrong, but if you’re apologizing to someone, you’re usually supposed to say the words “I’m sorry”, but did George? NOPE!!! Honestly, his redemption just wasn’t enough. He never admitted Gwen didn’t kill Peter, he never told Gwen that he’s sorry for trying to arrest her and pointing a gun at her, not ONCE did he ever take accountability for his actions. The line “You’re the best thing I’ve ever done” was really heartwarming, but definitely was not enough to make me forgive his irredeemable actions.
He aimed a gun at his daughter, that’s permanent no-contact shit. Like I said I have no fucking idea how Gwen forgave him after this, she must have an AMAZING capacity to forgive people because that is just insane. The fact that she still loves him even after everything he did to her just goes to show how good of a heart she has. To be honest, I don’t like how the movie tried to play off George as someone you should feel sorry for, because I, and many others didn’t. I think he’s great character writing wise, but he’s genuinely awful at parenting and just a downright horrible dad.
He didn’t really redeem himself in ATSV, so I hope in Beyond he’ll finally prove that he’s not a straight-up douche.
But for now, FUCK GEORGE STACY! 🗣️🔥
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