#i had soooo much fun working on this and learning more about these characters
hannahwashington · 9 months
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Hey there, @salempie! I'm your secret santa! I drew Elka/Franke/Kitty, and was inspired by the 'snowed in' prompt! You can never really know what whacky stuff can happen, like sudden snowstorms in the middle of summer… Unless you have future vision ;D I have included a version without some of the effects so there's nothing obscuring the characters. Hope you like it!! :D
A huuuuge thanks to @kibasniper111 for hosting!
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Can I get a hcs of Loki, Beelzebub and Hermes knowing that only one human (us) is their worshipper in the modern days? These Gods are not worshipped as much as back then so what would be their reaction to that? (Platonic/romantic is up to you! I'm fine with any of them)
Tyy <3
Ofc!!! I'll do my best. 😌
⚠️Just a disclaimer, I did some research on how the gods were worshipped by their different believers, so please forgive me if I get anything wrong‼️⚠️
Ror characters reacting to only one worshipper
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- Loki was known for being a trickster, and it's not uncommon to dislike him. he plays tricks, pranks, and is just over all annoying.
- He sure is aware of people's distaste for him and his little games, but it never did bother the man one little bit. Why should he care anyway? He was only in it for the fun, nothing else.
- that was how his mindset worked until he found a certain little mortal wandering out and about, making an offering to him. Now that? That REALLY sparked his interest.
- you wouldn't imagine that evil little grin of mischief on his face. I mean, he was never worshipped before, this was an entirely new feeling to him!
- Even knowing the horrible deeds he's done, or what type of person he is...you didn't care. You did your thing anyway, showing your respect to him. That little tint of hope on your face, completely determined to worship him...
- That was one hell of a turn on.
- He was so so so so soooo excited. overjoyed and overwhelmed with emotions, is this what respected gods get to experience? And HE, out of everyone, was missing out on the fun???
- After that day, the gods were always left with someone lacking in a meeting. Or perhaps, the room just wasn't as full of sly comments or remarks. It was eerily peaceful to say the least. But it's better than putting up with some green headed jerk, right?
- Loki on the other hand, would always be seen watching over you with lovestruck eyes. Sometimes going into the mortal realm and turning into little insects, spying on you.
- Mans was lovestruck as hell.
- Like forget playing pranks on people, he had a new form of entertainment. Probably giving little clues in your surroundings whenever you ask for signs that he was listening.
- he'd learn your name, and get incredibly upset whenever your attention was not on him. You were his worshipper, so you had too act like it, no arguments needed.
- I just imagine one time the gods are in a meeting, he'd randomly brag about his dear loyal worshipper, making comments like "oh, my dear beloved (y/n) also has a thing like that in the mortal world~" when Thor was literally in the middle of talking about a brutal slaughter that occured somewhere around the place. 💀
- it even weirds out the deities thinking about how much he knew about you.
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- now, beel here is different. He's been known to be evil itself, and all the works written about him is just all the brutal and horrible things he's done.
- He was also aware that many disliked him, but what could he do? He was rumoured to be Satan himself. it wasn't his fault, but all the fingers were pointing at him.
- then he found you, a very determined worshipper with sworn loyalty to him. You believed that he was innocent, and it wasn't his fault. Catching him off guard for once.
- that of course, made him feel a little nice inside. But he had to stop himself. You were just a pitiful mortal with hope, and hope doesn't last very long.
- it made him nervous. What if he repeated the same mistake he had committed before? What of he kills another innocent life who wanted nothing but to worship him?
- he'd try to send signals to you, a sign that you should stop. Trying to get you off his back. But you never did, you didn't care.
- it made him warm, and nice. For the first time in ages, he experienced a nice feeling. And now that he's more controlled with his emotions, he could atleast try. Maybe give it a little chance.
- he found out what your name was, and it brought him peace whenever that same name took up some space in his thoughts.
- Maybe here and there, he'll help you out a bit, Getting rid of those who've done wrong to you. Maybe even showing vulnerability in some occasions.
- and on very very rare occasions, he'd get a little jealous. A little jealous when you show care towards another. He actually did enjoy your love towards him, and had gotten used to it.
- even if he was cold and unapproachable, He had a little soft spot for you in his heart.
- He wanted to cherish this feeling, just for a little while.
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- mf literally goes around spying on people's private affairs. You know when Poseidon 'killed' adamas? Bro was literally eavesdropping, but got caught anyway. Not even afraid of admitting that he was a rotten scoundrel/cause for a few problems.
- that's why the gods keep an eye out for him, knowing that if word ever got out about anything, it may as well end in chaos.
- he's pretty chill, unless you try him. Finding out that he had a worshipper did quite amuse him in a way. Not to the point where he'd be like Loki..*cough*
- maybe a word would slip out of his mouth, a little "oh my.." possibly.
- I have a little headcanon that since he's pretty handsome, he has a few share of admirers. Maybe nymphs and so on. That's why a worshipper wouldn't really come off as too much of a surprise. I could be wrong.
- But all that aside, seeing your desication and loyalty to him was a nice feeling. especially since nowadays, there weren't many who bothered worshipping deities they couldn't even see. Some growing detached from their own beliefs, and giving up.
- The world is a big place, yet you were the one to catch his eye the most. And maybe he might've grown a little fond of you.
- in his spare time, he'd be composing beautiful melodies dedicated to you. Ehem, as a way of showing his appreciation of course. Don't have your mind wandering off any further than that.
- There were probably also deities out there who hated his guts, not that it mattered to him. He has no more interest in that. he was more busy and happy to give his attention towards you and your little beliefs.
- Maybe at night, you might hear the faint sound of a violin, a beautiful melody that puts you to sleep. Waking up to believe that it was just a dream..or so you thought.
- that's right, just close your eyes and let him take care of you.
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
Erin I have a question ⁉️
How did you start writing LoF? Like,.not writing it in general, I mean like how did you get—or learned—or studied—all the information regarding the Batfam and their backgrounds, and also about Peter and the Avengers, etc.
Currently, I'm honestly planning on writing a small fiction about Peter ending up in Gotham (You must know your words hold a very dangerous power to inspire) but unfortunately, I don't have the right information to actually START writing it TT_TT. Do you have any tips on how I can start?
(P.S Apologies if this sounds a little confusing, I am not entirely the best at explaining 😞🤞)
There's one person to blame for getting me into DC, and it's @alighterwood
I've always been a fan of Spider-Man. He was my first hero, I wanted to be him soooo bad. I had gotten around to sort of writing my own fic for it with my own version of Peter around last year? (Very much inspired by ITSV, LoF Peter came about because he's his own universe and is based on Spider-Man lore from multiple media versions). I had never thought about writing a Spider-Man fic until ATSV, but at the time I was pretty much dead set on rewriting VLD. I got inspired after rewatching ITSV and then watching ATSV.
But it wasn't until alighterwood got me reading their favorite Batfam fics (specifically Tim) that I started to enjoy Batfam or DC in general.
(My favorite Batfam fic is "The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne" )
From there I started branching out into learning more about Batfam, what is and isn't fanon, and forming my own opinions. It was a natural progression into "I want my favorite characters to meet each other" and alighterwood's evil genius plan ended up working.
I've read a few comics (mostly the Red Robin series, because Tim was my intro to Batfam so I figured I'd start there) but most of my information?
Wikis, reddits, forums from years (a few of them from decades) ago, my father (who was a Batman fan as a kid) and his friends (my uncles, who were all DC and Marvel nerds), my own friends- basically anything I can get my hands on. If I had a question, it was (probably) answered somewhere, or there was someone else with the same question that made me feel better for not getting it. The internet has a BOATLOAD of information about both Marvel and DC.
It's a LOT of research and note taking, to be honest. I have a physical notebook where I take notes on lore so I don't forget it. I comb through fanon AND canon and I decide from there what I want and what I don't want/what doesn't work and what does work for what I'm writing.
But here's something to keep in mind: at the end of the day, you're not writing FOR anyone else. You're not out to please people who are 100% canon, all the time, nor are you trying to accommodate people who only read fanon material. You're writing for YOU. This part is fun for me, but could be very tedious for other people. I'm a little weird like that (I started writing essays for fun since I learned about them in school).
I like doing research. Like a lot of writers, I go down multiple rabbit holes a day. I start by googling a simple question that should take five minutes and then I see something and go "oh! What's this!?" and pick it up, and the cycle continues when I see something else and eventually remember that I was writing.
I enjoy the research and figuring out the balance. Because DC and Marvel do the same shit with their own works! Shit gets retconned, or they bring characters back from the dead, blah blah blah. The fun part for me IS going insane trying to figure out the Flash Family and their STUPID family tree, or learning about characters that were basically forgotten by everyone- even the writers. The best part is that since it's my fic I'm writing, I can go: "What's the most entertaining way I can use this?" And no one can stop me.
But if YOU don't enjoy that part, and you try to do it, you might lose your spark!! Your inspiration!! You might not have fun, and that's what writing is all about!! My thing is, is that basically every fan interpretation, whether they try to stick to the original source as closely as they can or not, IS FANON. And fanon is fun!!
Basically it all stems down to: it's your sandbox and you can play in there however you want to. And sometimes, people see what you're doing and they're like "Can I play too?" and you're like "Yes that'd be awesome!!"
If you find that you do enjoy the research, I think it's well worth it. It's very satisfying to put together all that work and then get a comment from someone where they say "OMG!! I know that reference!" or "I love this interpretation of this very obscure thing!!"
My advice for writing a Peter in Gotham fic is to know where YOU are starting at, before you start writing your fic. If you're a Spider-Man fan and you don't know much about the Batfam, try reading a comic about them, or find some favorite fics and base your information on that. It works vice-versa, if you know more about Batfam and not a lot about Peter.
Imagine there are two people sitting in front of you. One is a Marvel fan, the other is a DC fan, and they know NOTHING about the other comics. But they both want to hear your story where you have combined them. It's important that you don't lean too much into either side: you keep both of their interest by appreciating the details from both DC and Marvel.
The Marvel fan will be happy to see Peter reacting to a new world and situations, even if they don't know everything you're referencing. But the DC fan will be excited because you care about the place that Peter is interacting with enough to make a joke that maybe only they would get.
So: have fun, explore everywhere you want to, and get a little crazy. Don't worry too much about not knowing everything there is to know. I don't know everything about DC or Marvel either!
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sepublic · 6 months
The Owl House's Ending Anniversary...
So it's officially been one whole year since The Owl House ended.
One year ago, I wondered how I would move on. How I would keep going. But I also knew I would, no matter what, because time keeps going on. Things will eventually pass, they always do, that's how so many moments and days for me have gone. Even entire periods of my life.
So I'm not surprised how things have gone on since then; I still had plenty more things to say about TOH, and I still love it just as I have. I've gotten new hyperfixations, and even returned to old ones as some of you can see with recent posts, so it's only a matter of time before TOH circles back again.
And man does it feel so slow, only to feel so brief, it really feels like this anniversary has snuck up on and surprised me! And once again, we have some other, appropriate event lined up; A solar eclipse on this anniversary! Luckily there's no sigils nor coven heads gathered to make me worry. But dang, it was raining in Connecticut when Luz returned there, and it was the rebirth of Jesus when Luz was resurrected.
Makes me wonder if anyone of the Boiling Isles, justifiably, has had PTSD from solar eclipses, and dreaded any that showed up, despite knowing it couldn't happen again. People must've held their breaths the entire time during the first eclipse, panicked at even the slightest fatigue, and then it passed and they realized it really was impermanent and over. And that there was another step towards moving on, which I guess I can relate to now, though this is something I'm much less happy to see gone.
I think a lot about how TOH has influenced both me and my writing, how I approach characters and stories now. I've found myself gravitating more and more towards personal, character-driven stories and situations now. I still have a bit of a taste for grander-scale stuff, but TOH was special for me in that it feels like the first time I really got and understood a show and its characters from the ground-up as I experienced it all in real time. The first time I truly grasped themes and character arcs and could make reasoned predictions based on those, some of which came true! It really feels like THE big start of my media literacy in a way?
It's been fun looking back at TOH as a 'whole' work more or less to reevaluate, and learning other things behind-the-scenes about the show. We've had a few more livestreams and stuff confirmed. Dana's done more drawings, including on her Patreon.
I haven't been writing as much TOH stuff lately, and tbf I've already said soooo much. I might have other, new things to say later down the line, and I do have a few thoughts I've written in notes that maybe could be fully-fledged posts in their own right. I've found comparisons to protagonists of other media, like Miles Morales, or Arin from Ninjago.
The Owl House still is and will probably always be something truly special to me; It feels like my first real fandom experience. My first time understanding and learning a show, appreciating it as it develops and even as I speculate. It broadened my tastes and horizons, my ability to participate with others in stuff.
I miss it; I miss new episodes, new developments. I'm still agonized over things that could've been, things I would've loved to see more of. I'm apprehensive over whether we'll get that Raeda prequel because I don't wanna get my hopes up. Plus Dana needs a well-deserved break and is trying and experimenting with new, different things. And I get that.
It's bittersweet, it's scary, it's freeing, it's sad, it's happy. I've gone so far, this show and fandom has gone so far. And it'll keep going, it has to, time keeps marching on. Luz had to lose her father Manny, process that, but still keep going and must be surprised looking back how much she's adjusted since then, how much she's still grown and gained and learned, while still holding him dear; The same applies for the Titan and the magic she once wielded. With grief and acceptance being a core theme in this show, I'm not surprised that it prepped up the viewers to do the same, and now we have.
And you know what? I'm gonna keep going on, like Luz Noceda, possibly my favorite protagonist of all time, one of the greats and a huge inspiration now for how I really want to write and focus on my own protagonists, too. I'm gonna keep doing this like it never ended. The rate and frequency might fluctuate, but every now and then I'll have things to say, and stuff to drop by and check, such as with the tag and the occasional trending post, others' reblogs, and so forth.
So again, thanks to Dana and the crew. Thanks to Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne, King Clawthorne, and the other many, many characters! Luz's story is one where it feels like the show really is about her at its core and wraps around to her, and I want to do a story one day that accomplishes the same feeling. And as I see how Dana has been inspired by past influences, I can't help but look forward to future generations and stories that will themselves have been inspired by The Owl House, I know I've been already, retroactively applying it to things that were already fairly compatible to begin with, and really needed the fresh breath of new inspiration.
I'm repeating a lot of the same things I've said last year. Will I say the same stuff another whole year from now? I'll see. But until next time... BBBBYYYYYYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
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ccraccz · 10 months
Could you do headcanons of Kayn and Yone with a fem!k-pop choreographer!reader?
Choreography is art
Characters: Kayn, Yone x Fem!Reader
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He wouldn't really mind
Though, he'd get a bit pouty if you make a choreo for some male idol/s
He'd task for kisses and cuddles after that
But he'd totally understand that a job is a job and you love making choreos for popular dancers and more
He loves to dance to them himself, in secret because he knows you'd tease him to no end
If you were to make a choreo for PARANOIA for them?
Before that, he most likely begged Yone and Sett to hire you for their dance choreo
He'd learn it in a flash!
He'd watch every choreo you make, learn most of them (with struggle in some parts)
Either way, he loves you and your creativity with music
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He would love you so much
Your choreos would give him so much silent pride
How is he with such a creative woman?
He loves you so much
And is so interested in how you come up with such creative choreographies
He'd talk about it first with Alune and Sett and convince them that a choreo for PARANOIA would be for the best
When they agree, because they're not going to disagree on such an amazing suggestion
And because it's a request from Yone, the mom with the best ideas
They're not going to say no to that!
And the best part is when he tell you!!
He loves you with all his heart
But it feels great knowing your work, something you love to do, your way of art, is being portrayed by someone you live in the big stages.
I have no excuses for not writing this whole time other than writers' block and school 😰😰
Anyways, lovely I'm so so sooooo sorry for not posting your request sooner because this was so fun to write, but I really had no idea how to start this, and I constantly forgot to save it as a draft (I did it like 5 times, it's not funny 😭)
Thank you so so soooo much for the request lovely and I hope you forgive me for such a late post!!
Same with the other requests, I'm so sorry for not posting. I will get back to it now!!! 💙💙💙
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cyber-skeletons · 5 months
You asked, we delivered: a sequel to Whoops! We had soooo much fun with this <3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Fandom(s): Transformers: Prime
Relationship(s): Megatron/Optimus Prime
Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Optimus Prime
Additional Tags: Sequel, Mech Preg (Transformers), Unplanned Pregnancy, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Angst, Magical Healing Cock, Spark Sexual Interfacing (Transformers), Fade to Black, Getting Back Together, Transformers Spark Bonds
Fic below the cut!
In response to learning that Optimus Prime was carrying his sparkling, Megatron called for an immediate ceasefire. Initially it was conditional, limited only to Earth, but one threat from Optimus to make Ratchet the sire and raise the bitlet as an Autobot had Megatron grumbling to all his forces throughout the galaxy to not engage in hostile actions against Autobots or any other species — save for self-defense. Megatron wasn’t an idiot, despite certain claims.
“So when can I see you?” Megatron prompted through a wide grin, resting his chinguard on his palm and swinging his leg where he sat on call with Optimus. “Send me the coordinates to your base and I’ll come over immediately.”
Judging by the sigh on the other end of the line, Megatron could perfectly imagine the petulant look on his sparkling’s carrier’s faceplate (his sparkling, he was carrying Megatron’s sparkling!). As things stood, he could only stare dreamily at the caller ID image of Optimus frowning constipatedly at him. “This trust is very, very tentative, Megatron,” the Prime said tiredly. “And the circumstances of this conception are quite volatile. If we were in any other position in our respective factions, our… dalliance would be considered high treason. I do not think it wise to reveal the location of the Autobot base on Earth to you.”
“Come now, Optimus,” Megatron crooned, tilting his helm and tracing hearts around his picture. “Stop stressing about such things! It’s bad for the bitlet! And you know, separation from the sire is also bad for a carriage. I’m sure your medic can tell you that. We’re going to be lying together many, many times over the course of this next stellar-cycle; can you really not trust me?”
“You have given me nothing to make me believe that you will not offline me immediately post-emergence and raise our sparkling as your heir while you lay waste to my armies.”
“Fine, how’s this: I give you my word.”
“Allow me to rephrase: nothing substantial.”
Megatron smirked and purred, “I like it when you’re feisty.”
“Megatron, be serious.”
“I am deathly serious right now.”
Another petulant sigh. “I would be willing to… t-to…” The sound of a shaky vent came through the call.
“I know, this situation is quite breathtaking,” Megatron chuckled, resting his chin in both his palms and swinging both legs.
Optimus made a noise on the other end of the call as if he were beginning to speak, only for the loud whine of overclocked machinery to sound off immediately before a deafening crash.
Megatron snapped to attention. “Optimus?”
Muffled shouts and yells came through the call, but none of them were Optimus’s voice.
Megatron stood up and yelled, “Optimus, are you alright?!”
The call ended.
Megatron was nano-kliks away from ordering the entire Decepticon fleet to invade Earth in search of Optimus when Soundwave pinged him with an urgent comm from the Autobot line.
Making his way swiftly away from the bridge and to Soundwave’s station, Megatron stepped up to his amica’s side and answered the call. “Optimus?”
That grouchy Autobot medic Ratchet’s ID picture appeared instead. “Megatron, whatever slag you’re thinking about doing, cool it. Optimus and the bitlet are stable for now, and the last thing they need is more stress to bring on another attack.”
“Attack? What kind of attack?” Megatron snapped, deigning to ignore the disrespect in leaving out his title.
“Optimus’s forge is drawing extraordinary amounts of power from his frame, far more than any carriage I’ve ever seen. If it weren’t for the Matrix keeping his spark stable, Optimus’s spark would have been snuffed out completely during his episode. As things stand, he’s exhausted and weak, and energon infusions aren’t working.”
“What does he need? You’re a renowned medic, what do we need to do to fix this?” Megatron babbled. “Whatever it is, I will do it. I will raze the galaxy for this sparkling. Just-”
“Will you shut the slag up for 2 fragging nano-kliks?” Ratchet snapped. “Look. I’ve never seen anything like this before, which means that there’s a variable we’re not accounting for. Now what about you of all mechs being the sire could destabilize a Prime so terribly, hm?”
Cold dawning realization washed over Megatron as he rested a servo over his spark chamber. “Dark energon…”
“That’s my conclusion as well,” Ratchet said tiredly, a faint tremor in his voice. “Which is why… it is my… very, very pained recommendation that… you personally attend to Optimus through his term. Optimus has requested as much from berth rest.”
Megatron cycled his optics, then set his shoulders. “He will have a place of honor aboard the Nemesis with full attendance by myself and my finest medical staff. Let me take the ship into Earth’s atmosphere and we will send you coordinates to ground bridge to so we may receive him.”
“Good to know you can be reasonable.”
“Why, you…” Megatron growled with a deep rumble of his engine, but the medic already ended the call.
Megatron’s entire army was in position to receive the Prime by that evening. His vehicons and seekers stood at attention in neat lines on the flight deck of the Nemesis, with Soundwave and Shockwave standing at attention and Starscream sporting a sneering grimace-smile that didn’t reach his optics as he idly clapped.
Sure enough, the ground bridge opened up at the end of the runway at the agreed-upon time, and the Prime walked through under his own power, displaying no signs of weakness save for the palor that had overtaken his plating. He looked around at Megatron’s army critically for a long moment, inclining his helm in acknowledgment to a few vehicons and seekers before locking optics with Megatron.
It was the first time Megatron had seen Optimus since learning of his carriage, and even with a sickly palor, he had never looked more beautiful.
Megatron found himself drifting forward, breaking his very painstaking, professional, grand formation to first walk, then trot, then run towards Optimus, a beaming smile on his faceplate. Optimus braced himself as if to meet an attack, only for Megatron to reach out and fold his servos around his abdominal plating, cradling it tenderly.
“Optimus,” Megatron greeted, his plating flared out happily.
“Megatron,” Optimus returned, his optics softening.
“EVERYONE!” Megatron then bellowed, turning around while Optimus cringed and covered an audial. Grandiosely holding his arms out to frame his Prime, Megatron projected, “GREET THE CARRIER OF MY SPARKLING!”
All the vehicons and seekers began clapping and cheering; Knock Out had some kind of human noisemaker for some reason where he sat on Breakdown’s broad shoulders, Soundwave displayed a :) on his visor, and even Shockwave was clapping.
The ground bridge closed behind them, and Optimus grew tense, finnials twitching wildly as he stammered, “This is… very kind…”
“Oh, don’t be shy, my spark,” Megatron soothed, sweeping Optimus off of his pedes and into his arms, prompting a squawk from the usually stoic Prime. “You will want for nothing with me, I assure you.”
“We shall see,” Optimus muttered, though as Megatron walked them down the runway and carried him through the threshold of the Nemesis, a small smile overtook his intake.
As night fell over Earth, the planet turning away from its star to sleep, Megatron and Optimus lay in Megatron’s berth after Optimus finished unpacking. He had paltry few belongings to his name, despite his status — only a few physical pictures in frames that he lovingly set up on Megatron’s side table of his team and the fleshlings.
Currently, Megatron was spooning Optimus from behind, arms wrapped protectively around his abdomen.
“How are you feeling, beloved?” Megatron murmured into his neck.
“...Tired,” Optimus muttered back, finials twitching.
Megatron chuckled and spared a servo to trace one, stilling it and inciting a shiver in the Prime. “I know you well enough to know when you’re thinking.” Optimus hid his face in the berth and released a long ex-vent. Megatron frowned. “Your finials always used to twitch when something was upsetting you.”
“That,” Optimus grunted, servos curling into loose fists. “’My spark,’ ‘Beloved’… You used to call me those things, back when I…” He sighed. “I’m not Orion.”
Megatron clenched his jaw, looking away. “No,” he agreed. “You’re not.”
“And you are not Megatronus. Those young lovers are long offline.”
“Is there a point to this morbid thought spiral?” Megatron huffed, caressing the Prime’s abdomen once more.
“You don’t love me,” Optimus croaked. “This, all of this… if it were not for our sparkling in my forge, you would try to tear me limb from limb.”
Megatron paused. “...Would you not do the same?”
“No,” Optimus said immediately. “I wouldn’t.”
Slowly, Megatron let go of Optimus and sat up. Optimus weakly mirrored him, finials pinning back.
Oceans of hatred, betrayal, and resentment roiled between them.
Eventually, Megatron said, dark and flat, “It is as you said. Megatronus is dead. You do not love the mech before you. There is no Champion and his little archivist anymore. If you wish me to cease the epithets, then I will, but do not ever doubt my genuine care for this sparkling.”
“I do not doubt that,” Optimus huffed, the faintest tinge of amusement in the sound as he caressed Megatron’s chassis. “But you’re wrong.” Megatron arched a browplate and sneered. Optimus stood firm. “I do love the mech before me, and not as a ghost. You changed, Megatron — you changed into something, someone dark and twisted and full of hatred, but that is not all you are. All this time, I have ached to touch the part of you that has not been corrupted by your hatred, not to change you into the mech you were but to realize the potential of the mech you could become. And now…” He carefully grabbed Megatron’s servo and returned it to his abdomen. “I have. But I am afraid.”
Megatron tried to stoke the fires of his deep well of anger and rage, but the warm thrumming of the plating beneath his servo broke him and made his walls crumble. “Of me?” Megatron asked weakly.
“You terrify me,” Optimus managed, blue optics so painfully sad, and… dim, flickering. “Not for what you could do to me, but what you could do to yourself. What you have done to yourself.”
Tensing, Megatron tried, “Optimus…”
“Y-You… Our sparkbond, Megatron, I thought the Matrix burned it out but we could not conceive without it, it’s still there, so surely there must…” Optimus started swaying. “There… m-must… hunh…” And with that, Optimus fainted, optics going dark.
“Scrap,” Megatron hissed, catching Optimus and settling him down to the berth. He was having another attack, but — what could Megatron even do? Contact? He could do contact. Straddling Optimus, he gently pressed himself over the frame of his sparkmate like a weighted blanket and frantically pinged Knock Out. He could feel Optimus’s rapid, erratic sparkpulse through his own chest plating, growing weaker and more irregular.
Think think think. Scrap this was bad.
That was when Optimus’s chest plates swung open and smacked him across the face, making him rear back and splutter.
The Matrix of Leadership shined up at him in the darkness, all-powerful and resolute. Behind it, Optimus’s spark wobbled dangerously. And orbiting around it… a small, fragile little flickering light.
Megatron plowed through all his dark, inky compulsions to rip the Matrix out of the Prime’s chest and claim it for himself and instead opened his own chest plates, baring his own spark before pressing their chests together.
It was like being plunged into a celestial pool, spinning through the cosmos surrounded by light and sound and sensation, all of it pointless distraction. Megatron saw Optimus sinking deeper into the celestial sea and fell after him, throwing himself through the blinding rivers of light and leaving darkness in his wake, reaching out for him. Optimus looked up at him and reached back.
The two of them immediately clung to each other, pulling each other flush against their plating, and a supernova went off around them as they sank into each other and became one.
Light and darkness rapidly flashed all around them in cacophonous storms as they felt eons worth of pain hate hurt fear but also longing warmth grief love.
I miss you.
I know.
I’m sorry.
And suddenly, they were apart again, floating in a serene dawn, light perfectly blended with darkness, as a warm light flowed out of their sparks to be kindled into a fragile flame between them, pulsing in time with their synchronized sparks. Each of them leaned down to kiss it, and it flared into an inferno, whipping wind around them harmlessly with a chiming sound not unlike a newspark’s laughter.
Then Megatron was back in his frame, and their chestplates were closing. They stared at each other, optics bright with charge, vents heaving for air as their cooling fans roared. Optimus smiled. Megatron smiled back.
Both of them whipped their helms around at the sound of slow clapping.
Knock Out smirked, a carefully polished browplate arching as he drawled, “Good show, you two, very lovely. Am I still needed?”
“GET OUT!” Megatron bellowed, priming and aiming his cannon while Optimus laughed, and Knock Out shrieked before scrambling to leave so fast he transformed and sped out the door.
“That was unkind,” Optimus chided, immediately calming Megatron by cupping his helm in his servos.
“I’ll show you how kind I can be,” Megatron purred with a rev of his engine, right before he leaned down and kissed Optimus’s lights out.
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trashc-anon · 7 months
hazbin hotel is polluting my mind so if I were the editor's intern: reco
• either stretch the season into 16 episodes or cut the plotlines in half;
• definitaly cut Alastor's screen time in half (if not more)
• make up your mind how much of the pilot is canon (especially regarding Lucifer)
• episode 1 is good as is, a soft reboot from the pilot without getting in too much detail and I love hating Adam, "Hell is Forever" is banger (i hope the music writers were properly paid and Disney learns why AI is a bad idea!)
• episode 2 is a problem, because Sir Pentious presence is only because of the V's, make that episode 2/2;
• ep 1/2 - Charlie and Vaggie leave the hotel to recruit; Sir Pentious attacks, all on schedule
• Charlie or Vaggie save some of the eggs from being crushed; when the "battle" is over, Pentious is cautiosly agrees to entertain their hospitalty; angel is untrusting;
• "Starts with Sorry"
• leave the Vs as unseen foes, and Alastor's only appearance is his shadow at the end of the episode (Overlords are mysterious unseen threat)
• episode 2/2 - Vs are anxious that Alastor is with the princess;
• see, the first couple of episodes make sense, but they take away from the girls and the hotel
• but "Stayed Gone" is sooo good! maybe use at a later date?
• "Stayed Gone" is a fun song, BUT it doesn't make sense for Alastor, mysterious serial killer, to have childish rivalries; why didn't he kill Vox back when he rejected him and Vox got 'pissy'?
• either make Vox less pathetic or less there;
• soooo, episode 3/1 is would be trust exercises
• i actually liked Angel's plan with BDSM, he's not wrong and I wished he had the chance to be an adult that LIKES sex separate from the victim that uses overtsexuality as a defence mechanism
• each character could have their own moment to show what trust means to them; trust comes in different shades;
• between Angel and Maggie we see sexual intimacy and surviving extreme situations; Husk has issues with openess; Niffty with intrusive thoughts;
• IN FACT! actually stablish WHY Husk and Niffty are part of the exercises! they're not guests, Husk says as much, they are employees LOANED by Alastor; they're not there to earn redemption; *vague hand gesture in confusion*
• OKAY - Overlord meeting... ehhhhhh
• i still want to cut Alastor's screentime! whats the point of the meeting? screentime for the overlords, the dead angel (which we know, but main cast won't until episode 7) Carmila being responsible is important, we need to know who to ask for help, but ugh. I get its also, prelude that you need love to fight and win against angels, but its never stablished in canon, Carmila says it to Maggie to use as internal compass to keep her fighting beyond pain and fear; bloodlust is distracting, love is focused;
• my delight with Zestial being all dark and yummy need to take a hike for the sake of - what am i even doing any more?
• I can't help but think how much of these decision are also based on Voice Actor salaries; because Keith David (Husk) gotta be expensive and for a character that is literaly always presented he almost never talks; and just, ALL of them being expensive and ~ahahah better make fewer episodes if you want big names in your projects~
• ughhhh that's when you know a series has issues, when trying to fix you run into a thousand more problems;
• i would respect how much they put into 8 episodes, ONLY IF it's true they didn't know they would get season 2. Because in that case a bunch of these plot lines needed to be dropped, I don't care how fanfavorite the character is;
• the Vs serve no purpose what so ever, you can easily have Valentino as a lone villain (also less confusion about hells social rules about SA and abuse);
• Lucifer should've been the last big name to enter screen; work up to the trial with Heaven for S2E01 (why even a trial)
• just how PLOT heavy is this series that Viv needed Lilith's bomb to drop in season 1? which is a major inconsistancy for a series based on the theme of redemption, a CHARACTER heavy theme;
• as it is, i don't see how Sir Pentious being redeemed is a good thing, because he died before entering Heaven, so other souls need to die too and hope it's not forever? wouldn't that fuel Exterminators cause to kill in name of 'clensing'? (holy shit, the more I write the worse it gets)
• IS there an primordial EVIL to scare the angels so badly?
• omg I hope they won't try to bring actual GOD into the series; I know there is concept art floating around, but please, do not;
• Supernatural barely got away with it in Season 5 because it was a funny 'what if' and made it got bad in Season 10 (?) (no series should ever emulate Supernatural, its a warning I mean it, don't, not worth it, you don't have 10+ years of dead horse to beat)(the fans, me, stayed out of, idk, regretfull loyalty)
• my english is not good enough for this... KAY IM DONE NOW! BYEEEE
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ravenadottir · 1 year
i started playing season 6, and i've got shit to say for the half of dozen people that are still following me in this cobweb infested blog (i apologize, i'll be explaining what's happening on a different post)
i'm only on day 2 of the season, right when it's announced that roberto is coming (which is so disappointing to me that he isn't brazilian but portuguese, like... WHEN ARE WE GETTING A GOOD BRAZILIAN CHARACTER????)
anyway, here are my thoughts:
i actually didn't see much of a problem with it so far. it feels on par with similar conversations we had in the past, except this time we're getting to know them a little deeper than, say, season 3.
knowing bella's family situation or roberto's is kind of refreshing because we barely learned bobby had a sister on a throwaway scene on s2, so... yeah, it's ok.
i like how they express themselves because as an litg player, i'm used to some eloquence, but as someone who sometimes watches the show i HAVE to suspend my disbelief since i know islanders from the show are just... NOT GOOD AT EXPRESSING THEMSELVES, to say the least.
i like the conversations we had so far, it felt fluid and fun, but then again i've only coupled up with jamal, because obviousoly i did, who would i go for, fucking ryan? WAKE UP.
the challenges piled up but because of how many dialogues we had in this little time i think it worked pretty well.
grace - girl, it's been a day and ozzy is not even that hot. HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF? he's punching, not you. chill. (and i hate they're giving the intensity they gave hope here, feels bitterly familiar and they better fucking knock it off).
bella - FINALLY a girl i like who's available and slutty (affectionate) since the beginning. i absolutely think bella might be right there with talia when it comes to arc as an LI, but we'll see. if anyone dares stealing her or if fusebox even make the slight suggestion of a slowburn i'm burning their HQ idc
ivy - alright i see you bootleg marisol, but i don't give a shit, you're annoying, die in a hole.
amelia - i think she's putting a front and deflecting the negative attention to ivy but that's just me. also, the twist of the public choosing who she should couple up with before she could tell us is extremely dumb and unnecessary, but also a reason for her to say a different name later, maintaining her image of good sister. i don't trust her, i WILL step on her head to the finale, die in a pit you're also annoying.
jamal - i like the attention but everything with moderation gives me way more tingles than a crybaby that can't stop talking about how he wants to be with me again. we were coupled up for a few hours and only had one conversation, chill bitch. it's giving ted mosby and every himym fan knows how bad that is. i'm not sure if every guy that the public chooses to be with amelia on night 1 acts the same, but i'm slightly turned off. it's too much boy, calm down, i'm here to be a slut, calm down.
ryan - get a haircut or let it grow because looking twelve and the coolest lesbian at the same time is not the look for you. its giving hipster with a chemistry kit at the local café.. also, either you're the douchey musician or a bad poet, you can't be both, PICK A STRUGGLE.
lewie - the impersonation of being stuck in traffic. i don't care for you, die in the same hole as ivy and amelia.
ozzy - fucking pulling the noah, man. i've seen this before and i'm not interested. stop being such a coward and tell grace how you feel. i know for a fact you're gonna be drama and it's because you refuse to be honest. it's so embarrassing, bestie.
roberto - HOT. i only saw the preview but i'm excited.
it's great. i think it was kind of weird how fast and furious it was with some previous seasons (remember the last season i played was 3 and half of 4 {it was soooo tedious i gave up half way through}) but i think so far it's ok. it definitely has better cliffhangers than other times when they thought they tried their darnedest.
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there's no fucking way they thought these were worth diamonds. and 22 diamonds for that frufru purple shit??? it looks like something who doesn't sew would put together with a hot glue gun, stop.
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ivy i might kill you like they kill one of those vampires at the end of the twilight saga, by opening your mouth so wide it cracks off your skull. SHUT - UP.
and amelia... you're irrelevant, get out.
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BUDDY, YOU'RE THE MOUTHPIECE OF THE GROUP NOW, HOLY SHIT. grace has me on my knees, i can't.-
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bitch, we did! i kissed you in the challenge. EXCUSE YOUR BEAUTIFUL SELF! (also, for the breasts appreciators, i feel you, boobs are great, really! but like, those... two... lines... coming out of the bikini???? yeah, that is actually what gets me. you didn't need to know but i told you anyway, because i'm happy bella is hot and cool and i don't know how to shut up when i'm love, leave me alone!) whoever designed her knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
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i'll give ryan some cool points because 1, he burned ivy in front of everyone, and 2, he admitted and owned up to it. good for you, bestie, good luck when you take a trip to the hair salon and get rid of that... hair. also, STOP SKIPPING LEG DAY BUDDY. from the waist up it's giving "abs, hot, i go to the gym", from the waist down is giving "i'm twelve and there's a reason i go to the beach in pants".
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bella and grace looking naked and glamorous but feeling threatened by this ugly ass dress is the funniest joke in the writing so far. truly. i've had mermaid costumes at 4 years of age less embarrassing than this atrocity. stop lying, bella and grace, YOU'RE BOTH NAKED AND PERFECT.
and that's what i have to say so far. i'll continue playing this season until they inevitably fuck up. i'm not being pessimistic, i'm just... well, i guess i am. but i have no reason to believe otherwise.
also, i keep forgetting ozzy is here even though it's been a day. idk why.
anyways, i'll come back with more litg brain rot in a bit.
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myloveforhergoeson · 3 months
ash's june 2024 reading round up
find all the books and fics i read this month under the cut with a link to the synopsis and my reviews/ratings attached :)
this is just for fun! i'm not a professional, i just like to read <3
Book Lovers by Emily Henry (18+!)
• big emily henry fan here, i've read most of her other books and i just picked up her new one. this one, in comparison to the other ones i've read, was in my opinion, just kind of middle ground. it wasn't as amazing as i was expecting and it wasn't bad, i just don't think this was the book for me. about a literary agent, nora, and her rival - a brooding editor for a major company she works with, charlie - both being displaced from their big city life and finding themselves in the same small town for the summer. they keep bumping into one another in sunshine falls after a less than fortuitous business meeting in NYC a few years ago and one thing leads to another. turns out charlie isn't actually as bad as she had thought! perhaps i'm just unread in the small town romance genre, but again, this one wasn't really for me. i didn't feel like charlie and nora really had all that much chemistry. i was actually more interested in their lives separate from each other than how they meshed together oddly enough. a lot of henry's books center around family - more specifically familial grief after the death of a parent - and this book was no exception. the detailed descriptions of nora's past, dealing with the death of her mother and needing to step up to take care of her younger sister, hit really close to home for me as an older sister. learning about the course of her life come to a grinding halt and the two of them learning to pick up the pieces together was beautifully done and had major implications for the turning point of charlie and nora's story. nora and libby were the highlight of this book for me - i loved every single scene between them and i almost wish it was just about these two. charlie on the other hand, is a local of this small town and has a sordid past with many of the individuals there. i didn't like his character all that much personally, he felt kind of flat in general to me, but i did think his interactions with the other local characters was very interesting and i liked that nora had a bit of a puzzle to put together as she stayed in sunshine falls. though she accidentally went out with his cousin - yikes! overall, two very detailed stories coming together to form one that i almost wish were two separate books. romance plot in this one didn't really do it for me and that's okay! i still had a good time reading it :)
i'd recommend beach read or happy place by the same author in place of this one.
• rating 3/5 times i wondered why anyone would want to live in a small town over the city...
2. My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine (18+)
• yeah i know. guys i know. but what can i say. i'm a simple girl with simple taste and i love vampires. this book wasn't groundbreaking of course but it was soooo fucking funny. loved very moment of it! like what do you mean our fmc cassie just moves in with a random guy who has a wonderful apartment and he's super hot and sexy and he talks and dresses like he's from a different time and he tells you there's a part of your apartment you can never go and he sleeps all day and is out all night and she's just okay with it 😭 girl what if he killed you 😭 anyway. mmc fredrick j. fitzwilliam they can never make me hate you. being alive for almost 400 years is tough, especially when you need someone to teach you the modern ways of life after being asleep for the last century! every time the two of them went everywhere and did something i was like rolling in my seat with laughter. trying to pay for coffee at a hipster coffee shop where the drink names don't actually tell you what's inside? where the sizes are named after planetary phenomenons? where he pulls out a velvet sack of coins and tries to pay with dabloons? god guys it was so funny i can't even begin to put my thoughts of this down on paper. they go to a party so he studies pop culture all night and memorizes taylor swift's entire Wikipedia page???? normally i hate t swift being brought up randomly in modern romance novels (happens way too much IMO) but i'm willing to look past it this time. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE STOPPED A KIDNAPPING USING TIKTOK LIKE???? say what you will about my sense of humor but never in a million years did i guess how this book was ending. fucking hilarious and so entertaining and cassie and fredrick are very cute together. honestly the romance was like b plot for me i just thought he was too silly and wanted to know all about what weird shit fredrick was doing that day. again, not the most enlightening or literary force of nature i've ever read but i did have a very very good time. boo me if you want but i'm right <3
•rating: 4/5 times i wished cassie and fredrick wrote more notes to each other
fic list:
i read a lot i'll try to get them all im so sorry if i missed any but i've read, rb'd, and loved them all!!!
assorted works of @partiallypearl:
just another wide-eyed girl, who's desperately in love with you
keep going to the sunrise (put the car in cruise control)
'cause i can't turn to you when it all falls apart
when you love someone that's all you can do
cargan blurb
running to your heart
no notes literally every single one of these was perfect and i'm so lucky to have the privilege of reading them :) james and elisa have been on my mind so much lately, but i also really loved your other works with rhuben and logan and macie. when you love someone that's all you can do is a work of art i wish i could frame it and put it in a museum <3
• assorted works of @icegirl2772
Take a Shot in the Dark
Better than Neil (a GIFT?? for me???)
We Do (But Friends Don't)
my friend... i love your writing so much!! the new chapter if take a shot in the dark is just wonderful, can't wait to reread and leave my comment hehe. better than neil (along with being such a surprise!!) had so much love and care put into it, each section bouncing off of one another was just genius and reading it made me feel so giddy. james and kaelyn are like handmade to be perfect for each other and that story did so well of highlighting that. and we do (but friends don't) !! don't even have words. i love kaelyn and james so much and this fic makes it so clear how they care for each other and want to be cautious of that while still having fun together :) so much raw trust and honesty on display, it's just an incredible (and spicy!) read :) <3
• assorted works of @ceruleanmusings:
• .3
Mason - Band Dynamics
Big Time Confession
Big Time Double Date
desolation pt 1
desolation pt 2
omg i don't even have words for this incredible selection of works from this month. all of the mickames blurbs were so adorable, confession literally brought me to tears, double date was just hilarious, and endearment made me smile!!! i love how those all balanced out with the emotion and power tucked into both parts of desolation; the switch up really shows how hard relationships can be, even if they seem easy!, and how two people try and get past even the toughest of times together. loved the openness of difficult conversation and how james and mickey managed that together. it felt so true to real life and literally had my stomach wrenching at points. i was so worried for them, and i'm so happy they're working it out! <3 and i always love reading more about the mason band! i love them!! :))
• assorted works of @selangkir
• the girl time rush au
• jucy (no, not that one) story
ohhh my god again and again and again i read girl time rush. literally like twice a month but this month especially i wanted to highlight it bc it served as inspiration for my own little story hehe <3 stories from the perspective of james just kill me i love him so much and i feel like all three parts of girl time rush encapsulate that perfectly. from dealing with a job he didn't really want, to working behind the scenes, to a tumultuous situationship(? kind of. i don't really know what that word means but it feels appropriate) with dak zevon. god every time i read it i love it even more. and the jucy story... such a wonderful switch up of the real story and how it would affect the characters if things went differently! it was so cute, i loved it so much. can't wait to add it to my reread list <3333
• @cant-get-enough-btr-forever 's story Big Time Battle of the Bands
ahh!! i loved this story so much; the only bad thing was having to wait for the chapters to upload and not getting to read it all at once! i know i said this over and over but it truly read like a big time rush episode - you did such a wonderful job of taking the wackiness from the real show and molding it into something if your own. the battle of the bands was such a fun idea and i loved all of the girls and how they mirrored btr! jessica my beloved... it had it all: action, romance, comedy, i couldn't ask for more!!!!
• assorted works of @raging-violets:
• Around the World and Back
such a wonderful story (inspired by a wonderful song!) that put forth the trouble with touring, what happens when it comes to an end, and the toughness of a goodbye. kendall and riley have such a wonderful dynamic that was put on full display with this one! their promise to keep talking when they can (because talking is what they do best!!) was so adorable and i love that they managed to get through their tough time together :)
i believe that's everything but if i missed something IM SO SORRY!
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nkjemisin · 1 year
I’m currently struggling to go to sleep the night before a big solo performance for a school event, so I figured I’d ask one of my favorite authors a couple things I’ve been wondering about. (Does flattery still work on people?)
So, I believe I remember you saying something along the lines of “people ask me why I write about weird sex magic. It’s because I read Greek mythology, and it has a lot of weird sex magic.” And I’m paraphrasing that horribly, but I was wondering, what things *have* you drawn inspiration from? I’m in love with the way magic is portrayed in both the Dreamblood books and the Broken Earth trilogy (I’ve yet to read the inheritance series), and I was wondering what inspiration you had? They feel kind of different to me—dreamseed and it’s counterparts seem really rooted in the four humors and the way some older mythos have a big fuss around the seed of gods and all that fun stuff, but the magic in Broken Earth feels a lot more . . . introspective, I guess? It seems like you’ve written it to be much more focused on the individual’s own perception of it, and that influences what they can do/how they do things. And I don’t really think I’ve seen anything that leans into that angle, as far as mythos goes. (Though I really, really cannot claim to be knowledgeable in that.)
And for the second thing: do you have any tips to becoming a good reader? I can read *fast*, but I really feel like I don’t get more than just the surface and shallow ideas about the message/themes the author might intend. It always seems like people are able to come up with very introspective, in depth dissections of their favorite characters and books, and I can’t help but look at those sometimes, and go, “wow, what was *I* reading?” I guess that it might be a learned skill, but I don’t really know where to start. I guess I also wanted to ask about what themes and such you wanted to incorporate into the Broken Earth trilogy (that was my introduction to you, then Dreamblood, then the Great Cities), but that’s really just a secondary thing to this question.
Well, regardless of whether or not you answer, I just wanted to ask so I could stop thinking about it constantly. I can’t wait to jump into the Inheritance Trilogy next time I buy books.
Flattery doesn't work on me, but I do love to talk shop, so... 😄 Cutting for length:
To your first question, about the different ways I depict magic -- first, it's not just Greek mythology that I use. There are soooo many cosmologies and cosmogonies out there that show gods as rowdy, horny, petty, and basically human, just with weird magic powers on top of that. The Dreamblood books are specifically informed by ancient Egyptian mythology and culture. I did some research into ancient Egyptian medical texts -- in particular the Edwin Smith Papyrus -- so I drew from those to create Gujaareh's four dream humors. I wanted Gujaareh to feel like an ancient Egypt that might have developed if magic actually worked... and if its own version of Imhotep had been a manipulative megalomaniac who decided to start a magic-controlled theocracy. tl,dr; Ancient Egyptians had a thing for humors and surgery and gods that were into sex lettuce, so that's what I claimed for Gujaareh.
With the Inheritance Trilogy I ranged more widely in what I mooched from existing cosmologies, because I wanted to build a belief system that resembled real-world stuff but wasn't just our world's gods in costume. For example, I noticed that lots of systems suggested that existence or human genesis begins with gods banging or fighting (or both), so I came up with a creation myth chock full of gods banging and fighting. Familiar hanger, new clothes on it.
But the Broken Earth books aren't about gods. There's a mythic frame "explaining" the Seasons and past disasters and Father Earth and so on, but that wasn't the focus. I was more interested in the ways we apply myths to people, treating some marginalized groups as simultaneously superhuman and subhuman... but never simply human. Same for the Great Cities books. It's meaningful that other cultures have discovered the existence of city avatars and worked them into their cosmologies, but only as a bit of detail to make the world more complete. Again, the mythology isn't the focus there.
I can't help you on becoming a good reader, sadly, because I am a very bad reader these days. I have a lot of trouble shutting off my "inner editor voice," which is a thing that I've heard a lot of other pro authors (and editors, and reviewers) mention. People in my business spend years developing the ability to spot problems in writing... and the inner editor is what happens when you stop being able to shut that ability off. The typos, the clichés, the patches of language that could've been trimmed out, all of it just starts to glare. The thing is, all books have issues like this, and most of the time they're not even errors, just... pecadilloes. The little things that are part of reading work made by human beings. They mean the writer was tired and didn't proofread as closely as they should, or maybe the writer was waffling on word use and inadvertently ended up using one a little too much, or maybe they were having a fight with their copyeditor about spelling and missed a grammar flub. Just part of reading. But if you, like me, have an inflamed inner editor, then instead of taking in the whole picture of whatever the author is trying to show you, you get nitpicky. You get irrationally angry at typos. You hyperfocus on the author's tendency to use one word too much. (A writer friend told me I use too many "plinths," for example.) You spend time thinking about structural issues and not noticing the language, or vice versa.
But since I'm currently in self-imposed reading rehab, maybe this will help you: For me, it helps to move away from what's familiar. I read a lot of stuff outside the SFF genre, because it's easier to shut off my inner editor when I'm less familiar with the tropes, the styles, the concepts. I've also really gotten into audiobooks, for example, because when I can't see the text I can't critique it, or at least not as instantly. So that's all I can suggest. If you've developed the habit of gulping down books, find a way to throttle the flow, so to speak. Try playing audiobooks on half speed, to train yourself to patience. Read outside your comfort zone, which will force you to slow down and take things in because of the unfamiliarity. Maybe try ebooks with the text blown up a lot, so that you have to turn the page more often; I don't know, just spitballing now. Maybe folks will have better suggestions in the comments. Hope it helps!
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drbtinglecannon · 2 months
for the character ask: genshin asogi? 👀
Everything during canon happened because of the professor case... Heh, could say London really felt Genshin's Impact 🥁
How I feel about this character
Sorry Kazuma I have a lot of unholy thoughts about your dad
Haha but really I have a lot of conflicting hcs for him, like I imagine he was very serious and focused, but I also like imagining he was snarky and comedically strict about his opinions like Kazuma is (like why he wore the hackimaki in the first place or the over the top manner he talks about Karuma, etc). It's bittersweet when a character is soooo bare bones in canon, because sure I can imagine anything and it'll never be contradicted in canon! But also I want information!!! Tell me about them!!!!!
Anyway regardless of other traits I'm munching over, I always stick with he and Klint were genuinely extremely close, like Herlock&Yujin level, and they shared a joking mean humor in private like calling each other a twat over any little inconvenience
All the people I ship romantically with this character
His own wife haha, Klint, and Klint & Lady B
Kazuma has enough issues so his parents not really caring about each other doesn't do it for me. Legit tho it isn't compelling to me to think they were a loveless marriage, the only point to it I can remember being was she wasn't mentioned in his final letter, but there's bittersweetness to explaining that away as out of a sense of paranoia that it would be wishing ill on them so he had to stay quiet until he made his escape, which..we know how that went. I think them having a loving marriage also kinda ties up the original study students, with Genshin having a wife and child he's leaving, Yujin losing his wife but gaining a newborn he has to leave behind, and Jigoku not having a spouse or kids, and it mirroring each Londoner they attached to (Klint has a wife and a baby on the way by the end but loses both, Herlock loses Yujin but gains a newborn, and Stronghart never takes a family). Genshin can almost relate to Yujin too, their wives are no longer around and they have young kids back home, but he still was expected to be able to return to her one day, and his fate is so similar to Klint's, they both lose their wives and their kids end up losing their connection to the family & being taken in by someone else (iirc Kazuma is kind of cut off from the Asougi clan after they learn his dad died and was outted as "a killer"), those parallels work better if Genshin and his wife were mutual love.
Genklint had an insane unhinged yaoi ending like the homoeroticism of a duel to the death for the honor of your friend that fell so far but you still cared about him too much to leave him like that... when it would've been way smarter for them to team up and kill Stronghart then Genshin tell Klint "no more killing or istfg >:(" and that's that. I also love the mutual suffering that is Barok & Kazuma going back to the prosecutor's office after 2-5 and just staring into the room with the deepest eyebags and deadest expressions like "they definitely fucked in here"
Genklintville is just the ultimate version of genklint haha. It makes it all so much hotter AND tragic! And what more could we ask for from their canon endings
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Genshin & Yujin is a fun relationship I think about a lot. I wonder if they were both jealous of their respective British bestie for being able to get so much closer than they ever were with each other? Was Genshin the shoulder Yujin cried on during the boat trip to London and during the time before he met Herlock? Yujin went above and beyond to help Genshin when he was arrested, and maybe if Genshin listened to him on getting extradited he would've survived, but also Yujin cared so much for him to not only go to Lady B at his request but take Kazuma in once all the dust settled. Idk, I'm not sure I'd call them an OTP but they're a favorite non romantic dynamic for both characters
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ok so there was a post from a blog I love that used pixels from the games to determine character heights and deemed that Genshin was 6' tall based on that information, and I've seen a number of fics describe Genshin as very tall, and I vehemently disagree. Genshin was at most 5'10, taller than average and a tiny bit taller than Kazuma, but still noticeably shorter than Klint & Barok. I will die on this hill
One thing I wish would happen/ had happened with this character in canon
Lived haha but really I can't think of anything that wouldn't drastically change canon (him living, them killing Stronghart, him actually escaping, etc) that like is actually impactful for his role in the story. Not that I don't love AUs but I like leaving this all as my sandbox and not canon. I guess I wanna know his height so I can be correct that it's not 6' tall haha!
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Vision Of The Crimson Rose AU
(Made by @klai-16xoxo )
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Welcome one and all to the world behind the curtains of reality!
Would you like to accompany Kalim and Riddle to their adventure through what it’s meant to be hidden from the world? And unlock many roads and stories and meets new characters that may or may not seem familiar to you?
If that the case then let’s go! Firstly why not get to know the two main characters a bit?
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{Riddle Roseheart}
In this au, Riddle had been raised extra strictly by his mother to the point that his mother had developed an unhealthy obsession of perfection and placed a lot of expectations on him. That why when he started to go blind she didn’t like that and viewed it as a huge flaw… in which she was willing to do anything to get his vision back. So kuch so that with some connection, a mysterious Doctor had offered her a beautiful crimson red eyes to be his, in which she happily agreed… not knowing the dark secrets and event that followed those beautiful Crimson eyes.
Riddle in this au kinda has Abathy. While he has shown fear,anger,compassion and happiness, these would be rare, fleeting and moderate. He dose not fake his emotions tho, so whenever he shows them, they would be 100% genuine, while if he faked them it would be painfully obvious!
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{Kalim Al Asim}
Kalim’s past is unclear even for himself, all he knows is that he had been drowned and his eyes had been stolen from him, despite that he somehow able to still use his other senses to move around and interact with his surroundings. It is only when Riddle had claimed his eyes that he finally can see again but through Riddle’s POV, Kalim want to uncover more about his past and would do anything to achieve this goal!
As for his personality… well it is pretty much just like the one in the game, he such a kind soul and always try to look at the bright side of things but deep down there is more to him then meet the eyes.
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{referring and small facts}
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// this au is still under work and tbh I made it for fun and it story still being worked at, meaning I am just going with the wind! All I know this au is like a horror rpg games like pocket mirror, mad father and so one! Tho I had a lot of help from @sleepy-meep when making this au so thank you bestie🫶 anyway let me just attack ye all with random facts!
// as for the fact, there so many bu I would not say all of them but here are few!
Riddle in this au may have abathy but tbh he such a sweet heart and a lil silly but I like to imagine him like Rachel from Angels of Death.
Kalim actually basically fucking Paimon from genshin lol he make sure to guide Riddle around and tell him all he knows… which surprisingly is a lot.
In the au, the two would go literally behind the curtains of reality and to multiple realms that is ruled by different Wardens and each one had it different themed
There this one character titled as “The Archiver” and the most powerful character in the au that oversees everything in the realms (also he is my twst oc, Takara lol you can learn all about him from my blog @klai-16xoxo )
In this au, NRC dose not really matter that much at, since the boys didn’t even go to it soooo~ yeah! I am not even sure if it dose exist hahah
Kalim can beet ass and wouldn’t hesitate, keep ya hand off Riddle ò<ó
Sometimes I would open an event where a “Love DLC” happen where you can romance the characters that or have Riddle do it or any other characters you ship but keep in mind that some would not be answered if I find them inappropriate!
This blog is like a side blog for me and idk if I would be that much active in it but I would try my best!
I am not the best writers so if I wrote down some stuff they may not be that good so forgive me!
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elftwink · 5 months
been learning to play ironsworn (gritty fantasy ttrpg which you can play with a gm but is mostly suited for solo or small group co-op gmless play) after having the rulebook pdf for several years (stars finally aligned to remove invisible thing blocking me from reading it idk) because i'm on another solo ttrpg kick & i don't know what took me so long to get around to this game because it genuinely is exactly what i was looking for. years ago when i was playing through solo 5e modules i should have just been playing ironsworn (believe it or not, 5e isn't very suited to solo play and is extremely clunky when you try lol).
also though i have dabbled in some other solo ttrpgs, a considerable amount of them are journaling games which is fun but imo considerably more work (usually by the time i'm a quarter of the way through the journal entry, i know how to entire scene played out and i want to move on to the next gameplay thing, so i get frustrated and bored quickly. it feels like when you solve a level in a video game but don't have the coordination to pull off the necessary move so you have to spend 20 extra minutes doing something you already figured out), so i really appreciate like not needing to write something for the game to progress (ive been taking notes for my own record since im playing solo and thus am not really out loud roleplaying the way you do in a group, but i definitely could do that instead and not take notes and the game would still function perfectly)
& ive been playing by myself but also in the past ive played a lot of ttrpgs in very small groups which has been other games but is mostly dnd and like. we also should have been playing ironsworn so that having a gm was not necessary. have definitely played games where we had to adapt the rules soooo much to do something that is just base game included in ironsworn. plus it's rules-light enough to do pretty complex moves that pose difficulties in bulkier games (ever introduced someone to dnd and they tell you they want to do a sick backflip and catch something and then attack and you have to tell them that will require several different consecutive rolls and some creative liberties with how the rules are 'supposed' to let you move? you can just Do That in ironsworn. use the strike move and describe it. done!)
the one thing is that although it's rules-light enough to theoretically play any setting or genre (some with more difficulty than others), ive found so far that like... the grittiness and sense of threat is very built into the mechanics so that would be sort of difficult to work around or change (but i think it's great from a game design perspective). what i mean is like, okay: you start with 5 max hp. there isn't really a way to raise this max hp, you just slowly gain abilities (assets) that make you less likely to have to lose the hp in the first place, or that make it easier to recover. when you encounter foes, you rank them on a scale of 1 -5, and enemies on the lowest side of this scale do one harm to you, while enemies on the highest side do five harm to you. so even though encountering an epic enemy won't always be deadly due to the assets you have, they are ALWAYS capable of taking you down to 0 hp with one good hit. so the feeling of threat is much more present compared to games where your character starts to be able to just tank and push through a failure or huge threat.
admittedly also i'm playing solo, im still learning how to balance combat, and also i built a character who has NO combat talents and iron (the close quarters fighting stat) is one of my lowest stats so i personally am under much more threat than if you built a character who knew how to fight or who could do deadly harm. but also the other thing about combat is it's extremely difficult to maintain control of the fight; you have to score a strong hit to do it on basically all moves, and there's a really limited pool of moves available when you don't have the initiative, and obviously none of them really favour you. i don't know that this makes combat genuinely more difficult, but it does make you feel like the fight is always about to spiral out of your control. every second you let it drag without decisive action feels like it brings you closer to dying. like i said, this is a feature of the game design and not a problem in any way. just thinking about it because when i was initially learning i was going to try to supplant it into a homebrew fantasy world of my own but the tone just wouldn't be right. and that it is somewhat difficult to replicate the kind of worlds that i typically play or run for dnd, which tend to lean somewhat sillier and definitely much higher fantasy
but i like to try new things and tbh especially in dnd i find that i very rarely feel that sense of threat and when i do feel it, it has nothing at all to do with the actual mechanics and reality of the combat and everything to do with how well the dm sells it to me and makes it sound and feel scary and dangerous. which is a testament to what a good gm can do for you but i do appreciate the threat feeling more built-in and also being actually real.
#good idea generator#kas plays ironsworn#am giving it a tag because i will continue to talk about this. its my blog#idk i just find in dnd like. players often FEEL threatened WAY before they actually are threatened#which makes it really hard to balance combat because players treat evenly matched fights like hopeless death traps#so instead they do underleveled combat that feels boring for some hard to pin down reason#but like. the reason is even though you're nervous about the dm's description and the things the monsters can do#there is no real threat. especially in bigger parties where the players DOMINATE action economy. they are always in control#so of course it gets boring. it drags out so everyone can take their turn but it never forces you to make difficult choices#or to totally exhaust all your abilities. after awhile the combats start to feel same-y#because even if the monster is different. you never have to do anything different to defeat it#ofc this is a subjective assessment and also if youre reading this and we play dnd together this is not a gripe abt our table i love u#i think it's really easy to get trapped doing this esp in tables which like rp more than combat#because its also like. once you're used to a certain balance of combat if your dm suddenly threw you a big one#you assume that this is a uniquely large threat in the narrative as well (rather than a rebalancing attempt)#and treat it accordingly. which is to say with way too much caution because it isnt actually that big of a threat#so then as a dm when you have to maintain the feeling of threat and the mechanical threat#(especially when sometimes the mechanical line between 'cakewalk' and 'tpk' is razor thin#and is more about the initiative order and luck than anything else)#you start to prioritize the feeling of threat. which is imo the right call always#but its just after awhile when you feel the threat but nothing ever happens to anybody. the dissonance starts to affect the table#also balancing dnd combat as a dm is really hard and often requires a LOT of on the fly adaptation#because sometimes the CR is useless and you don't know how it's gonna do until the dice are on the table already#anyway. my point is that im enjoying how ironsworn handles this problem
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suddencolds · 2 months
my favorite writing reflection buddy, thank you so much for your help with putting that list together 🥰 truly appreciate all the chances we’ve had to be thoughtful about the process together and all your insight over the years! Ok without further adieu..
💘🤧💦🌞 (i’m limiting myself to 4 but i would ask you everything)
AHHH THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!! I was holding back on sending you the whole list truly KFAJKJFKH
Thank you for all the writing convos we've had after all these years!! I've always seen myself in your appreciation of literary fiction/prose and your thoughtfulness when it comes to writing process :') I feel like I've learned so much from you!!
Okay! Onto answers:
💘 - What are some of your favorite things you’ve written and why?
I've thought about this a lot :')
Bad Timing - an allergy fic (crazy for me, I know), ft. two characters I've never written together ever again? haha. I particularly like the last scene here; I think the caretaking I write is usually more tender. Rosaria's response is neither tender nor sadistic—just detached :') The novelty of that was refreshing to me.
Pretense, pt 1 and pt 2 - This one did not get as great of a reception at the time of posting, I think because part 1 is a little boring LOL. I don't have much to say, except that it's lighthearted and fluffy!
Untrustworthy - Diluc at the scene of the crime again 😭 This was a commission for someone, and it's also one of the few fics I've cross-posted to ao3. Honestly, I write a lot of stuff like this (i.e. similar in tone & character dynamic), but within the niche of what I'm most familiar with, I especially like this piece in terms of execution.
Fool Me Twice, Part 3 - quite possibly one of my favorite things I've written of Yves and Vincent, ever (and it came so early on in the series, too!) There's a certain character moment in this one (iykyk) that I'm particularly proud of :) And stylistically (as in... prose), I think I'm happy with it too.
Foreign Home - for a oneshot, this is long, but I do like the heart-to-heart I wrote at the end of it.
The Worst Timing, part 1 - this got me through the slog (jk, it was fun when it was going well LOL) of writing the 4 subsequent parts. The entire TWT mini-series is 28k words long 😭 Part 1 I think is a solid opener; I honestly have not worked up the courage to reread much of the rest.
🤧 - What’s your process for writing spellings?
I'm embarrassed to say that I've written soooo much snzfic in my life 95% of the time spellings are just something I write something from memory. 😭 That said, I sometimes reread other people's snzfics and with special attention paid to their spellings to expand like, my mental repository of consonant placings & pairings.
When I'm writing 2 different characters, I usually have to explicitly think through how their spellings might differ from each other before I can write them! I can suspend my disbelief if two characters from two different fandoms have similar spellings/snz archetypes, because I'll never write them in the same fic 😭 But if the characters exist in the same universe, in my head, their spellings have to have some level of distinctness/non-overlap.
💦 - Are your favorite snz tropes to read also your favorite ones to write? Elaborate if you want!
AHH I love this question!! Thank you!!!
I think the most memorable snzfic I've consumed has been snzfic that has surprised me, either in terms of tropes or execution. When I'm reading original fic or fanfic for characters I'm not familiar with, I like reading things that feel very different from my own work—sharper, bolder in execution, unexpected in terms of direction, etc. :')
I think I have a decent sense of what I am already familiar with writing. I like seeing other people operate outside of that niche... so long as there's still some overlap with what I personally find hot. (So in that sense, it doesn't align exactly!)
That said! There are some tropes which I write frequently which are soooo hot to me that I could see them written 90580923 ways and not tire of them (eg caretaker catching the sick character's cold?? sign me up please!) 😭😭 I also think I don't care as much for trope novelty/new execution if I already really like the characters.
🌞 - Do you need a specific environment to write? Like music, a certain time of day, a certain type of place?
The one non-negotiable aspect for me is that it needs to be very quiet :') I absolutely can't write with music on (despite being a huge music enjoyer + songwriter). I'm not good at tuning out 'unimportant' audio stimuli, so I'd rather not have music/sound fight with writing for my attention.
Aside from that! I think I do most of my writing in my room btwn like, 7pm-12am (in part because I'm a bit of a night owl, and in part because the house tends to be quieter during those hours).
[ Question List ]
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brb-on-a-quest · 4 months
If you send me photos of cute animals I’ll literally love you forever (ok my love is not entirely dependent on that but it would make me soooo happy)
*opens trenchcoat* *speaks with a gravelly voice* Oh you've come to the right place friend i've got the goods.
Ok so actually my house is always a menagerie at any given moment and its chaos and like I love animals and I love my family but I at the moment I can not wait to leave this whole zoo behind because things are never calm ever. Like we have five animals that live here full time and my mother has a dog boarding business so in addition to the main cast of characters we have a whole bunch of side characters that have stayed like a couple weeks sometimes? (Literally if you're looking for peace and quiet ever, you won't find it here).
Also got most of these for my phone and i can tell i am more cat person than dog person because I have two videos of the actual puppy, two photos of my other dog and like more decent photos of the cats. So let me introduce you to the whole main cast of characters:
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^ This is Benji. Maltese poodle mix. We've had him since he was about 7 months old? Couple years old now and has started going into old man routine. He's very talkative and likes to make his opinion known and make sure that we greet every guest properly with due enthusiasm. Sorry to all the people who have been to my house and he's jumped on them we're trying its hard. He's currently in 4H Obedience club with my sister who adores him entirely (he puts up with her as he settles into his old man era). Fun fact about him: mans gets entirely jealous when any other dog recieves more attention than him (how dare they).
I actually don't have any good photos of Rosie (not named after @igotthisaccountunderduress, I swear but that's why I can only call you Iggy now), so take a video of our newest recruit! She's a three months old puppy? maybe four? idk how time works. She's learning a lot of things and mom's having a blast training her from scratch as we got her from a breeder rather from like a shelter as with all our other pets (my mother is obssesed with animals but wanted to do all the ground work of raising a puppy and making sure it was socialized/housetrained etc. Kudos to her because I could never. My mom is really awesome and I don't know where she finds time for this). Anyway she's kind of in her destructive menace stage still but also she hops around and it's really funny. We aquired this one after our old Corgi/lab/otherquestionable things (I just realized I don't have any pics of him) passed away from cancer. She is also the first female pet we have owned since I was a baby (mainly by coincidence I swear but it's just funny).
And now we get on to the cats. There are three of them so I'm going to start with oldest to youngest.
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This is Zorro (my favorite) out of all the cats. He was acquired shortly after George when we found mice in one of our old houses. He put up with George, but after mom started getting more and more animals into the house Zorro became more and more fed up and trying to get out and away from all the whippersnappers so he's an outdoor cat now (don't worry he has an electrically heated house and is fed wonderfully and is still living his best life). He's also the only one who will actually sit on my lap and let me pet for long periods of time (I love him he's my favorite, when I move out for reals I kind of want to take him with me so he can get as pampered as he wants in his older years but IDK how much he would like adjusting back to indoor life again). He's very grumpy old man but like would die for him yk? Bebe.
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This is Rocky (short for Rocket, although no one ever calls him that ever.) The reason he is called Rockey is that when we brought him home there was so much fighting and indecision over what we should call him (including much bribery and corruption when my dad tried to call a democratic vote -> one of my siblings tried selling his vote for a snickers) so we ended up just by calling him by the nickname he was given at the shelter. And it stuck. Rocky kinda forgets he is a cat sometimes and acts more like the dogs that he grew up around like by wagging his tail and like chirps instead of a proper meow. He also can never sit like a normal cat and I find him curled up in probably the most strangest positions known to man that can't be comfortable (i have a few pics but not nearly enough of all the ones he does)
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This is Tigger. Tigger came from my Grandma tricking us into taking the psycho. Do not let his baby face fool you this cat is a menace to society. He was with a friend of my grandma's who liked antagonizing him and taught him to play really rough and maybe neglected him? Which is really sad because it taught him so many bad habits that means he is the menace that he is. Anyway, parents got him while I was away at college and adopted him on my birthday (when i wasn't there). But even though none of the human peoples like him all that much, Rocky does and also we would all feel really guilty about rehoming him because if we rehomed him he'd probably be euthanized or something because he's not a friendly cat. Or rather, let me put it this way. I think he's very friendly he's just too violently playful. His favorite game is hiding in like darkened corners and under covered tables and then jumping out and scratching/biting people (traumatized lil 7yo sis bc of it so she stays far away from him now). The funniest thing is that he'll still keep the baby face and he looks like he has no thoughts behind his eyes and the next thing you know he's clawing off your hand. We've been trying to train the agression out of him but it's really not as easy as training dogs.
like don't get me wrong I love murder cat (as I have dubbed him) but also I fear him and he knows it. However his eternal baby face gives me much meme material so he do pull his own weight around the house. He's also the only cat to have ever caught and killed a mouse inside. So we're grateful to him and glad he's part of our family but he's more effective than either of our dogs if a burglar breaks in. Actually, I should put the other pic here as well.
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He may look cute but don't believe him. It's all part of his plan to get you in your sleep. (JK JK, murder cat, if you learned to read and are watching me as you sit behind me, please know that I do love you even though you frustrate me to know end pelase don't eat me).
Bonus: some very raw (still alive) baby birbs found by a friend of mine. Still alive as far as im aware. Also all of them are at my school so thankfully far away from my murderous pets.
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vrnvuld · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i'm not entirely sure but i think late 2015. i was a sophmore in high school, i think i was in my high school's computer room killing time and looking for a new group. i don't remember which tag i was in. it could have been #royal rp but atst i don't think it was. i was sold immediately because i thought it would be awesome to play a finnish royal. i messaged the player who had the finnish princess because she had a wc up for a brother. i was so impatient and i didn't wait for her reply but applied for viveka. then she got back to me and i picked up a second character on my third day or something. i was super excited. that was almost 10 years ago. in those ten years i've graduated high school, worked here and there, acquired my master's degree, and now i'm working for the government. it's been an adventure !
which characters have you written over the years ?
viveka, viljo / vaughn, vanamo, viggo, minenhle, arnauld
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
i think i have three: farnauld break up summer, i think it was different from my usual stuff for arnauld and i enjoyed getting to write him at his most manipulative, and then at his most vulnerable. it was interesting and i was very active ! but i think i will have a massive soft spot for viani. it's so embarrassing that i'm just naming ships but idc, i'm an honest bitch. writing viggo as a young adult into an adult adult was really satisfying and i don't think it would have happened without armani / j. and then i have viveka and imogen. i think imogen was the reason why i stuck around at chambordrp. i really think i might have ghosted without the dynamic. it was the first angsty exes plot i EVER wrote and i was very happy with it. if i now read the stuff, i'm probably shed tears of blood because the writing was so bad. but the ship is also the reason why i ever started listening to halsey lmao kgbdkjgb
what about other people's plotlines ?
i really enjoyed reading annexei. there was a lovely amount of angst. i alsoooooo loved the beginning of layslan. it was full of drama and it was fun to follow ( okay i was a bit involved but i wasn't involved a lot ). there's been so many amazing plots and if someone now gave me a list of all the shit we've written together, i wouldn't be able to keep this section short. i will miss the energy :(
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
viveka and arnauld. i think viveka will have a special place in my heart because she is closest to a self insert from all of the characters i've ever written and what happened in her story i sort of learned from ? idk how else to explain it but i feel closest to her and she became a very strong figure in my life despite being fictional. i enjoyed writing her, especially the times when she showed her ugly side. in her i wrote some of my best stuff in the sense that the emotions felt real. arnauld was kind of a caricature so he wasn't that nuanced imo. but i had soooo much fun with him as you could probably see. when i picked him up after a year long break, i was sure i'd lose muse because writing characters in their 40s was not easy in a group with young characters. somehow the group made it work and the political plots also became more important and i could do so much !!! it was fun to write someone truly horrible. someone whose behaviour was disgusting. i am so glad that i was given the opportunities and allowed to write a villain into the group <3
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
this is too difficult !!!! for nostalgia i might choose this one event during chambord that was a trip to paris. it wasn't very eventful but i think... IT WAS SUCH A LONG TIME AGO. i want a piece of that youth.
a plotline that i enjoyed from start to finish would probably be the roman vs romanovs thing. it was complex and it moved surprisingly smoothly. it got dragged out but not as much as it could have gotten. i also loved the short skit when sylvia found the ultrasound pics. it was a funny week. and all of the nye events have been amazing. every first week of the past 8 years have been some of the funniest of my life. i also have a soft spot for the beginning of varbie. it was so natural and i don't think i've written anything like that afterwards. it was us saying yes to each and every idea. i loved their happy moments and their problems. there were times when they felt like real people with real feelings instead of just characters that were used to write a story.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i wouldn't edit anything but like isa said, i'd finish farnauld quicker. i would have loved getting to write a bit of fluffy farnauld. because it's something we never really got a chance to write because even when farnauld was doing well the shadow of tekla and the croys was present. fanni had a lot of issues, arnauld was busy hiding tobias... i'd also give vanamo and valias more attention. i know we could have accomplished more but my muse was flaky.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
farnauld. i'm embarrassed since i've given it most of my time here at hshq but i still would have liked to write a bit more.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
oooooooh it would have to be some of the crazy muns. like at the time the moments weren't funny or nice but the stories are now. and i think it also brought me and j and others closer to each other akfbdsjgbs evy mentioned honesty hours and i agree with that too ! and i have to give a special mention to naomi. idk which particular thing but she has the best energy <3
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i'll be here and on discord so don't be afraid to shoot me a message if you wanna write ! but i do think this might be the time for me to retire from tumblr / rp scene.
what else would you like to say ?
i've known some of you longer than some of my best friends. you know a side of me that no one irl does. i don't think i will be able to express how grateful i am for these years and the HOURS we have spent writing together. not everyone gets to experience this and it's been an honor. i've had so much fun and i honestly don't see myself forgetting this place. i wonder what will be the thing in the future that makes me think of something that happened at hshq. this is a very bittersweet moment for me and this honestly feels worse than graduation. hshq was more than a rp group to me and i love you guys <3
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