#i had to listen to it in a devotion group and made this joke to my friend but there wasn't a good screen cap so lyric picture
A small teen wolf thought I had
I’m really missing season 1 Stiles, so let’s imagine him having a crush on reader😍
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We all know how Stiles had an enormous crush on Lydia, it was absolutely devastating tbh. Like this dude was lowkey devoted to her💀💀
So what if a new student (reader) moved into town and it’s love at first sight for him. He’d bump into you after rambling to Scott about whatever was on his mind and knocks your binder and books to the ground.
Helping you pick up your stuff, right when he’s giving you your notebook, he’d look up and just. Stare. Cuz ZOOWEEMAMA YOURE ABSOLUTELY STUNNING IN HIS EYES
You’re busy thanking him and apologizing for the collision, waiting for him to let go of the notebook, voice slowly fading out when you notice him just staring at you with his mouth slightly open.
“Thanks for helping me. Can I have my book?”
“Uh huh.”
“Stiles, you know you have to let go of the notebook.” Scott is trying his best not to slam his head in a locker when his friend still doesn’t let go LMAO
Your chuckle snaps him out of whatever daze he was in, causing him to blush and apologize awkwardly. You’d smile at him and in good nature, joke about it and walk away, leaving him in awe.
Most people would normally give him the stink eye, but seeing how you joked about it made his heart flutter a bit.
Everything is HISTORY after that. If you have any classes with Stiles, you already KNOW he’s gonna try and sit as close to you as possible. Teacher assigns partner or group projects? He’s springing out of his seat and going to you first. You both have the same lunch period? He’s inviting you to sit with him and his friends. You’re having trouble with a certain class? Man, he’s already offering to help you after school, you’ll nail that test with flying colors!
You just get him! You like his sarcasm and MIRACULOUSLY understand his random references from movies and video games! With all the time you guys spend together, his crush on you grows more and more.
You appreciate how Stiles is so interested in the things you like and dislike. You love how he asks why you enjoy a certain movie despite the terrible reviews it got. Why you dislike an artist he just began listening to. You both love the same things, but have different opinions on everything, every conversation flows so naturally with him that you can’t help but develop a crush on him too.
You’ve never met anyone as eccentric and energetic as him, he never fails to bring a smile to your face teehee
Stiles is the type to remember every little, seemingly insignificant, thing about his crush. When your birthday rolls around, this dude has so many gifts ready😭 a warm feeling fills you when you open one gift to see it’s an item you’ve mentioned in a passing convo yall had MONTHS ago
He’s so sweet and kind with you too like don’t get me started. Stiles just enjoys being around you and seeing you happy makes him happy. SEASON 1 STILES IS THE DEFINITION OF PUPPY LOVE LIKE UGGHH
Takes you out on late night drives, barges into your room through the window with any takeout food you’ve been craving. Hed even take you out on a mini ‘date’ to the local arcade!!! his dad sees how much you mean to his son and is super happy that Stiles is happy. Loves when you come over to study with him, he’s always telling you stories about when stiles was younger (he would definitely cover your ears with his hands and speak loudly over his dad LMAO)
I’m telling y’all, stiles having a crush on you is the cutest thing ever, especially if you reciprocate his feelings!!!When you guys get together, cuz it’s not a matter of if with his friends, you’re the ultimate duo.
He’d confess his feelings for you in the most cheesiest way ever, probably during or after a school dance cuz why not.
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Prompt: You are blissfully unaware of how deep exactly Rook and Vil's affections run for you; of the extents they would go for you, and the boundaries they would cross in your name.
Pairing: Yan!Vil x Reader x Yan!Rook
Genre: Yandere
TW: Yandere Vil and Rook, talk of killing someone, Reader is not Yuu/Prefect.
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AN: Rook and Vil ily but why are you both so hard to write for 😭 Like, yall are fun to think for but it was so hard to write down the concept in my mind ysgshskejd. I genuinely don't know if I was able to do them justice, please forgive me if they're a bit ooc in this. This started off as a joke thing because of a friend, but then it turned yandere for some reason that I don't know but we're vibing so it's okay ^^
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You groaned as you flopped face first onto the couch in Vil's room, uncaring of the fact that you were still wearing your shoes. Vil glanced at you from the corner of his eyes as he sat at his vanity, narrowing his gaze at your unmoving form.
"(Name), remove your shoes."
" 'm too tired," you grumbled, and Rook chuckled from his place on Vil's bed. "My, my Chevalier de Beauté, how bold of you to reject Roi du Poison's order," he teased you, getting up from the bed to walk over to where you were.
" 'm tired," you whined once again, drawing out a chuckle from both of your boyfriends.
"Still, as Roi du Poison's devoted hunter, I cannot let you get away with such a grave crime," he hummed, his voice light and sweet to your ears. Kneeling on one leg, Rook carefully untied your shoelaces, gently placing your shoes on the floor by the couch. Each movement was smooth and reverent; one would think he was handling a priceless treasure with the way he made sure to not make a single noise as he rid you of your shoes.
He watched in amusement as your only reaction was to sigh and turn your head slightly to look at him. Ever watchful, he immediately zeroed in on the eyebags that you had tried to conceal under layers of makeup. Rook removed the glove from one of his hands, raising it to smooth back your hair into a somewhat presentable state.
"Pray tell, what has you so stressed?" He asked, and you could see Vil sit straighter (if that was even possible since his posture was always impeccable) at his words, no doubt listening to the two of you.
"Its nothing too bad, really. I'm just stuck with uncooperative assholes in Professor Crewel's class-"
"Language," Vill gently chided, but you could make out the concern in his voice. You continued speaking, eventually fully ranting to Rook and Vil about how absolutely bull-headed and uncooperative your group members were, and how you were practically the only one working on the project.
Both the boys stayed quiet as they heard you vent your frustrations out to them. Once you were done, Rook gave you a smile. His eyes held a dangerous light, sharp gaze befitting the hunter he prided himself in being.
"Would you like me to kill them for you?"
You felt a shiver run down your spine at his tone, the familiar smile on his face somehow turning malicious in front of your very eyes. Very slowly, like prey trying to not agitate the predator in their bid to escape, you silently sat up on the couch. Your eyes were trained on his, caution and hesitancy swirling in them (a very pretty mixture, if you asked Rook; what he wouldn't give to see that look of confusion and fear in your eyes more often-)
"No killing, Rook," Vil spoke from his seat in front of the mirror, turning completely to face the two of you. Immediately, Rook turned back into the playful boy you always knew, as he chuckled, "Ah, I jest, of course." He winked at you, and you wondered if your senses had played a trick on you as the heavy atmosphere that had been in the room mere moments ago dissipated instantly.
"Perhaps I could speak to these classmates of yours, hm?"
"O-oh, there's no need for that," you nervously chuckled. "I already informed Professor Crewel about it, and he said he'll give them a fitting punishment," you hurriedly explained. Your fingers fiddled with the cuffs of your blazer, a clear sign of your discomfort at the thought of Rook potentially talking to the people from your group. As irritating as they were, you didn't really want to get them on his (or for that matter, anyone's) bad side, especially with how... weird and quite frankly terrifying Rook had been earlier.
Your nervousness did not go unnoticed, as Vil chuckled, crossing his arms elegantly as he looked at the two of you. "Rook, you've scared them."
Vil stood up from his seat, making his way over to you. Carefully, he lifted your face to make you meet his eyes and smiled. "Rook was only joking, my dear. Don't worry." The gentle touch sent butterflies fluttering through your stomach, and the soft smile complementing his words made your earlier worries go away.
Rook looked at you, a mix of surprise and amusement in his eyes as he took your hand in his own. "Ah, dear Chevalier de Beauté, you need not worry at all," he said as he placed a light kiss on the back of your hand.
"You are precious to me, so I cannot help but wish to take care of anything that may displease you. But, my apologies if I went too far with my joke."
His voice was sincere as he spoke, and you couldn't help but smile at him despite his... slightly concerning words. Rook was a weirdo most of the time. Maybe it was just a well-intended joke that you just overthought about?
You chuckled, missing the way Vil's shoulders seemed to relax and how Rook's smile became a little less forced.
"It's alright Rook."
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"You nearly gave us away, Rook."
Vil's voice was uncharacteristically cold as he stared down at the hunter kneeling in front of him. You had gone back to your own dorm room some time ago, saying that you needed to finish one of Professor Trein's assignments, giving the two boys some much needed privacy to have this conversation.
"My sincere apologies Roi du Poison. I did not mean to, but to see their beautiful face contorted in such anger, such frustration... it caught me off guard. I was careless in my wish to take away some of their burden, and I shall accept any punishment you deem acceptable, my fair queen," Rook said, his voice repentant as he stared at the hem of Vil's dorm clothes.
Vil sighed after a long and tense silence. How could he remain cross with his beloved hunter any longer, when he was this remorseful? Besides, Vil had been quick enough to salvage the situation in time, and you were still blissfully unaware of how deep exactly their affections ran for you; of the extents they would go for you, and the boundaries they would cross in your name.
"Get up," he ordered, and the hunter rose to his feet, finally daring to look his queen in the eyes. "Go, and find every little thing there is to find about those useless students. Every. Single. Thing. But do not, touch a hair on their heads. That will be your punishment."
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Vil's voice was calm and collected, like a queen delivering a death sentence. Rook bowed reverently.
"As you wish, my dear queen."
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sicasole · 1 year
Why I Love Kpop (I think)
I’ve joked before that everyone who likes kpop secretly wants to be in a polycule, but like most jokes the more I think about that statement, the more truth I find in it. After all, kpop disrupts the way we think about homosocial relationships, and it often presents queer dynamics for its audience to ponder and sometimes even obsess over. Lately, (and by lately I mean for almost 8 years) I’ve been captivated by the question of why I and so many other queer people love kpop so much. The following is a stream-of-consiousness attempt at answering that question. I’ll be speaking from the perspective of a queer femme fan who listens to and watches mostly male idols, but of course I know this topic is richer than just this one dynamic. I don’t speak for all queer people or all kpop fans.
For as long as I can remember I’ve been listening to, performing, and analyzing music, but when I think about kpop, I’m thinking about it very differently than any other musical media. Because yes, kpop is about the music but it’s also about so much else. It’s about queerness and bodily autonomy and relationships both toxic and beneficial. I, like a lot of queer people, love fantasy worlds and characters because they present their audiences with beings who live outside the norm, people and places unbounded by logic and social constraints. They offer us an escape from a world that is unaccepting of our ever-expansive queer identities, and a vision of the possibility for a better one.
But kpop occupies this intensely fascinating space between fantasy and reality. Fans online talk about idols more like they’re fictional characters than real people, frequently speculating about an idol’s time away from the narrative their company puts out the way someone might headcanon a fictional character. These group narratives a company creates give idols an air of fantasy and mystery, allowing for this fan speculation to run amok on social media as they attempt to “fill in the blanks.” But kpop offers a grounding in reality that pure fiction cannot. Here exists a fantasy world you can really see and hear and walk through. These characters you project onto are actually real people.
So why do I love kpop? The answer changes almost daily, but lately I think it's because in many ways, kpop seems to be made to be enjoyed by queer people. The 20th century had gay men who were devoted to Judy Garland, and now we have the Jungkook lesbians.
Queers have always dominated fandom spaces. As people who are more likely to lack role models in our everyday lives, we’ll often turn to fandom media for guidance about how to love and how to be. I think “straight” mass media lately is obsessed with being “relatable” but queer people don’t usually relate to the narratives put out by the heterosexual media machine. This is why kpop is really appealing to members of the community. It’s overwhelmingly uninterested in being relatable, instead, it's aspirational. This parallels the queer self, who is often more invested in the journey of becoming than it is in running towards a more clean-cut goal like home ownership or a nuclear family.
But when I think about kpop, I also think about my own body and its autonomy (or lack thereof). I think about the performance of femininity. This feels a bit strange and vulnerable to admit, but a part of me has always been willing to hand over my body in exchange for love and devotion. This is the kind of transaction a kpop idol makes when they sign a contract. It’s easy to criticize when we see it put in front of us so plainly, but queer people (especially trans people) and those assigned female at birth have always been aware that they don’t entirely own their bodies or decide their actions.
Idols capture exactly the level of freedom I believe is currently possible for me because frequently as a queer person and a feminine person I feel like the only way I can be accepted and safe is if I offer up my body and self in a way that is sanitized and therefore marketable and commodifiable.
Queerness is more accepted today than it was even a few years ago, but there are still limitations to that acceptance. Queer people who remind the dominant heterosexual power structures of tropes and stereotypes are more accepted than those who are living their lives in active opposition to straight expectations. Of course, we know that stereotypes are oppressive tools used to dehumanize people, which is why the pressure many members of the community feel to censor their identities in order to fit into these tropes and stereotypes (while often done for their own safety) is especially demoralizing.
Kpop also relies heavily on tropes when it comes to constructing the narrative of their groups’ dynamics. We know that much of this is done to make the group marketable and commodifiable. But one positive is that a performative self can protect a kpop idol’s privacy from a world that demands celebrities provide their fans with an endless stream of details about themselves and their lives. In the same way, a performative self can protect a queer person from persecution.
This begs the question of how much someone can stand to perform an inauthentic self, even if that performance helps keep them safe. Lately, this is where I see myself most in the idol on my screen. Like me, I feel he is constantly engaged in a horrific balancing act, asking himself how much he can stand to inhabit a performative self for his own safety. Like me, I feel he is questioning whether an authentic self even exists and if it does, will its appearance cut him off from the audience’s love? Like me, I feel he is screaming for a way out.
These men have been locked into a performance their overwhelmingly queer and female fanbases are all too familiar with. Their personal and financial livelihood depends on their ability to appeal to their audience just as the safety of queer people is dependent on the way they are viewed by the domineering heterosexual power. The relationship between idol and fanbase is both symbiotic and toxic. Idols become what they think their audiences want, and this performance is terrifyingly reflected in the lives of their marginalized fans.
This is the point in my thinking where I ask myself what I even hope to gain from this line of inquiry. Is it some sort of twisted self reflection? Is it an unhinged brain-ego trip? Is there even anything here worth exploring? I believe (and hope) there is. I and most people who analyze media today are pushing back on the idea that someone has to be exactly like you for you to relate to them. On the surface, the male idol is nothing like me, but the aspirational nature of kpop media invites me to see him and myself as more hauntingly alike than I would sometimes like to admit. He is androgynous in ways I could only ever dream of, yet he is yearning like me. He is queer like me.
One of the pillars of anthropology (so much so that it’s almost become a cliche) is that its goal is to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange. To the untrained eye, kpop might look like a shallower reflection of our everyday world, one that’s even more image-conscious and subjugated by the demands of capitalism. It certainly can be those things, but when I look at kpop I see the current human condition distilled. Most of us alive today have been trained to constantly seek validation from those around us. Kpop is both familiar and strange because it reminds us of the ways we perform for audiences either real or imagined. It can make us uncomfortable because it shows us just how much we are willing to sacrifice to satisfy the demands of those audiences. In censoring ourselves, we become our own voyeurs and are left wondering who has more power, observed or observer?
So why do I love kpop? I’m not always entirely sure that I do. What I do know is that it’s not really about some fantasy of receiving affection. I don’t turn to idols for tenderness. I never wanted to feel loved, I just wanted to see something beautiful up close. I wanted to see someone who was suffering in the same way I was. I wanted to seek some unprovable personal truth, that perhaps this ethereal creature I saw on my screen was, in fact, just like me. Sure, they had a surface-level beauty I could never reach, but we were alike in all the ways that mattered.
And here I am now, with all of this behind me, wondering if I am (and continue to be) just some more than slightly messed up and lonely child looking for connection in all the wrong places. But then again, aren’t we all?
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rebornologist · 7 months
Gosh, do you know how much your works are valued??? I hope you do since for some, especially me, these works have been the only thing fueling my ten year long love for khr~ Anyways is it OK to request for college and romantic headcanons of Giotto?
♡♡ hiii dear! Thank you so much for your kind words. If you don't mind, I've just compiled all of my Giotto HC reqs instead of making multiple posts, since there is a (variable) amount of overlap between them.
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♡ Giotto in College & in Love ✧
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༚✧⁺˳₊˚‿︵‿︵‿୨୧ ⁺˳₊ ♡ ₊˳⁺ ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿˚₊˳⁺✧༚
Giotto was not particularly outspoken in class settings, but he was a fine student and fairly active and keen to engage with the local community. He went in undeclared and eventually settled into political science because it was simply what interested him, in addition to a lot of philosophy and some studio art electives. He’s a good writer, and can whip up a crazy effective grant proposal. He enjoys creating things with his hands, such as pottery, forging simple metal jewelry (namely rings), and painting. As he got caught up with work more, he got less and less time for those creative hobbies.
He participated in a lot of direct action groups on campus and ran for some position in the legislative branch of the associated student government. He had a group of close friends that included G and Cozart, and the group would be found floating around, sitting on grass in the quad or in the student community building’s meeting rooms, discussing various things that may or may not be related to student gov.
Giotto is a pretty hopeless romantic, in the way that.. he has a tendency to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, firmly believing in the good of humanity. While he romanticizes the grind, his partner would likely be the one that reminds him to take a step back and rest. He’s surrounded by people with big hopes and dreams, as he should, but it can be a little too inspiring. He’ll lose a lot of sleep because he spends time thinking about the good and the bad and the ugly and the beautiful.
His partner is always there to listen to him ramble about his hopes and dreams, but they’re also there to ground him, remind him to pay attention to them, to get ready for bed, snuggle up, meditate, literally anything to take his mind off of what his next move is. Sometimes, the next move should just be.. nothing, for now.
They remind him that they want to go into the ceramics studio next week, and he pauses. His breath is held still in his chest as the constantly turning gears slow almost to a stop, and he takes a moment to process before he exhales audibly, with a soft smile “...it’s been a while, huh?”
Initially, he was very formal in the way that he pursued his s/o-to-be. They started as colleagues or friends, and something about them just.. caught his eye. For being such a well-spoken man, he cannot put to words what exactly made him feel so strongly about them, but he feels it very viscerally. He opens doors for them, bringing them tea and coffee, gifting them a little painting or a handmade mug, before finally mustering the courage to ask them out to dinner with a whole ass bouquet of flowers.
I don’t see him as anything but a friends-to-lovers type of man. Even on a first date, the dialogue and banter flow as usual, and there is a natural chemistry on top of their preexisting friendship. He tries his best to pace himself in terms of what is considered a “natural” progression of the relationship, but it’s almost as if he knows that he’s all-in with his partner from the get-go. His loyalty and devotion is unmatched.
One time, as a joke, his partner referred to him as their husband. He malfunctioned right then and there. If he had a tail, it would have been wagging. He laughs it off in front of his friends, as if that was a regular occurrence. Afterwards, on the way home, he hits them with the “Do you really think of me like that?” silence… 30 seconds later, he speaks up again as he is driving, “Hypothetically, when do you think is a good time to get married?” It’s adorable. It does become a regular occurrence after that.
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I have written a bit on this before, so ngl.. idk what other bases.. to cover
He’s confident, but he doesn’t have a huge ego. The times where he feels most egotistical, actually, is when his partner is so painfully attracted to him. He’ll catch them gawking at his hands as he adjusts his watch and jewelry, and a playful smile dances across his features, golden eyes twinkling with mirth.
“Like what you see, dear?” He fans his fingers out, displaying the rings on his finger, before flipping his palm upward and gesturing salaciously for his love to come closer.
Is really sweet and enjoys teasing and worshiping every inch of his lover, just so that he can take note of every reaction. He’ll notice every little gasp, every flinch, twitch, whimper, etc. He loves a vocal partner.
Sex is something that he enjoys taking his time with, so if there’s something that you want to leverage to pull him away from his work, that might be it. He tries really hard to stick to his scheduled activities, but he doesn’t mind getting distracted by his s/o for longer than planned. At some point, he starts to account for that when he plans for the day or the week.
It’s really funny when he hits them up with the, “hey babe… my sweet.. angel, darling… I know that we have our date tomorrow afternoon, but.. I have a meeting that evening..” his s/o knows exactly what’s coming, “are you available to.. start earlier so that we can have more time together?” UM YES.
Is not particularly kinky himself, but super open minded to trying out anything that his partner may be into. He loves to please, so he’ll definitely at least be open to hearing about any fantasies they would want to fulfill. Some things are off the table, he’s not a huge fan of play that revolves around non-consent because he’s kind of.. a softie through and through, but he dabbles in praise, gentle degradation, being a pleasure dom, etc.
He’s a little more interested in group play than you’d expect, because he’s fairly romantically monogamous, but if a partner asked to bring other people into a sexual scenario, he’d be like, “oh.. oh, yeah.. are you thinking of [redacted]?” IDUNNO Y/N ARE YOU?!?!
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✧ a/n: rb with who u think redacted is
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Headcanons for the HotD!Main Three
Part 1? (Let me know if you would like more);;
Pairing(s): Aemond x Reader, Jacaerys x Reader, Aegon x Reader
Warnings: None, for once in my life;
Author's Note: just a couple of fluffy headcanons for your pleasure, to make up for the last part of the Yule Ball series;; they date back to your first meeting with the boys, and go as far as to touch close to the full-swing celebrations of the ball, during your 5th year at Hogwarts :)
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Of First Meetings And First Crushes
☆ Aemond Targaryen ☆
There is a single, undisputable fact when it comes to your life at Hogwarts - you and Aemond go way back;
He bumped into you on your first ever ride on the Hogwarts Express. While you were discoursing with your new possible housemates, he was frantically searching for his old cat, Vhagar;
"I lost my pet. She is a Siamese cat with only one ear - answers to the name of Vhagar." He said stiffly to the cheery group of people, and one 3d year Ravenclaw snickered in reply: "Shit, little guy, I'd run away too if my name was Vhagar."
His group of friends immediately started laughing and it's safe to say you didn't like that;
After a short screaming match with the rude Ravenclaws (which you effortlessly won), you decided to help Aemond find his missing cat;
"You shouldn't have done that." He chastised you with a serious tone. "They could be your new housemates."
"There is only one thing I won't tolerate in my presence, and that is a bully!" The fire in your eyes made him smile - truly smile. "Now, let's go find your cat."
Vhagar ended up being in the back compartments, with all the other caged pets; she was trying to reach for your own cat with a shaky paw, but was failing miserably
Aemond grabbed her hurriedly and you made a joke that your pets should be best friends - he turned really red after seeing your wide smile;
For the rest of the train ride, you both sat together in an empty compartment - and when Aemond got hungry, you gave him one of your P&J sandwiches that you made for the trip;
"I also added chocolate chips. The secret is to add many, many chocolate chips."
He felt really dejected when you were sorted into Gryffindor, and he in Slytherin. He thought that was the beginning of the end for your sudden friendship - but you proved him wrong when you defended him time and time again whenever anyone made a nasty comment about his hair, his height, his gloomy disposition or his "ugly" cat;
He fell in love with you very quickly: how could he not, when you were so radiant and so good to him?
Your friendship was going steady, until the end of your 1st year, when he stopped writing to you mid-summer;
You were crushed by his silence, and eventually stopped writing as well;
When you saw him on the Hogwarts Express again, you understood why he ghosted you - his left eye was covered by a black eyepatch, and a deep scar cut from his brow to his lower cheek.
A lot of drama ensued between you two: Aemond tried his hardest to push you away, but you were very determined and head-strong. Eventually, your friendship won in the face of any argument or harsh words Aemond could throw in your face;
During your 3d and 4th year, he was COMPLETELY DEVOTED to you;
He was your shadow - wherever you went, he was quick to follow.
Some students made nasty comments about it (always behind his back, of course, because Aemond had that scary presence);
When he told you about the stinging comments, you assured him that you loved hanging out with him and it would really hurt you if he stopped being near you;
Aemond.exe stopped working for 3 working days after hearing you say that - yeah, he does loves you that much, HE IS WHIPPED;
That being said, Aemond's love language is acts of service and quality time;
He "helps" you with homework (a fancy word for "he literally does it for you even if you don't ask him to") and is always there when you need someone to listen and lend you a crying shoulder;
You invited him over for Christmas during your 3d year, and he was so nervous, he wore his best clothes when meeting your parents;
He looked really chill on the outside, though, and spoke really mechanically for the 1st half of the night, like he was applying for a job or something;
Little do you know he was applying to be your boyfriend EYYY--
Everyone knows you're in love. EVERYONE. It's really annoying to look at the two of you sometimes smh;
"Celeste, he doesn't like me like that..."
He's the main Slytherin Chaser and the Quidditch team captain;
What a surprise, omg!11!!1!
He's not even into the sport, he just wanted to make a point that even with his missing eye, he can still do anything everyone else can - and better;
Okay, Aemond, we get it, you're really cool;
You're also the Gryffindor Seeker (oh-oh, athletic rivalry???) and he ALWAYS comes to your games (when he's not directly playing against you, of course);
He won't be cheering for you while swinging a butterbeer in the air - but he will curse the other seeker out under his breath and smirk when you catch the Golden Snitch;
Your first ever game was against the Ravenclaws, and when he came to support you wearing all silver and green, you gave him your Gryffindor scarf;
"So you can blend in with the enemy!" You beamed at him so innocently;
He gaslit you into believing he gave it back and you just lost it;
You didn't lose it;
He stole it from you and now hides it in his trunk;
He takes it out when no one is in his dorm and sniffs it from time to time LMAO;
He bought you a new scarf from Hogsmeade, though;
Never give it to him during a game.
He will steal it again.
And buy you ANOTHER scarf;
And repeat the terrible cycle;
It just smells like you, okay???? It's not his fault, now leave him alone;
When you win a game, and you're not otherwise engaged, he celebrates with you in Hogsmeade;
He takes you to "The Empty Barrel" (literally the fanciest restaurant the little town has to offer);
"Don't even think about covering the whole check, Aemond!"
No, he won't take you to Three Broomsticks. The tables there are sticky and he wants to do this right, god damn it...!
You feel bad that he always pays for those little dinners, when it should be you who covers the table;
So you shyly ask him if he wants to go celebrate one of his victories with you one day;
He wants to whisk you away and keep you all to himself with how adorable you're being;
Aemond accepts (how would he ever say no to you), but has to take an hour long cold shower after your proposition to cool off;
Anyway, you decide to take him to The Hog's Head!
"Aem. We agreed on something. Come on!"
"Did we now?"
"You're terrible. I'm never going out with you again."
But you do. And he knows not to take your cute threat seriously;
He gives you a small chuckle that makes your whole face burn in embarrassment over the things it led you to think about;
Despite the initial set-back, you do manage to one-up him that night, though! You tell him to wait in the empty Great Hall for you, and you return with a homemade apple pie and those horrible peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that you gave him when you first met;
"We never ate dessert! There's no way we can end the night without dessert."
He almost kisses you then and there, but gets scared you'll reject him;
The Portrait of Merlin ships you two. That's all I had to say.
No, but seriously, the most invested on-looker is the portrait of Merlin - he learns both your schedules every year and always keeps one of you busy with talking in between classes, so that you may "accidentally bump" into each other (see part 1 of the Yule Ball for a snippet of that);
The whole ass West Wing placed bets on who you'll end up with between Aegon, Aemond and Jacaerys.
Bonus: when you walk with Aemond, no matter the time of day, you have the biggest "scary dog privileges". NO ONE is getting close to bother you;
☆ Jacaerys Velaryon (Strong) ☆
You and Jace are also in the same year! But despite the fact that you guys have been seeing each other day and night since your sorting, you weren't really friends until your second year, when you suddenly got partnered up in so many of your classes;
You were excited to work with him, since he was so sweet to everyone, but you were also a little scared of rejection;
He came from a good family, he had a good last name, a million friends and a thousand extra-curriculars he partook in;
You half-expected to do all those projects wholly by yourself - to your surprise, Jace was incredibly serious, and the best partner anyone could ever hope for!
He never takes himself and his vision on things too seriously, and is more than happy to admit when he's wrong or when you have a better idea than him;
He smuggled pumpkin pastries into the Library for your first study meeting, and it ended up becoming tradition for the two of you;
How you never got caught eating in a forbidden space is beyond everyone at this point;
Although you never really started hanging out outside of class after your first couple of projects, you now called each other "friends" and always sat next to each other in Potions and DADA;
Unbeknownst to you, Jacaerys got into a fight over you and actually broke a Slytherin's nose when he heard him talk smack about you and your supposed weight;
"I dare you to say that again."
50 points were taken from Gryffindor that day - it was a pretty big deal;
He ended up talking so much about you to his parents on Christmas break, that they invited you to celebrate the New Year with them - you accepted, although a bit confused by the spontaneity of it all;
His family is the sweetest EVER;
Laenor made you a beautiful maroon sweater with your name designed on the collar with golden letters;
Of course, Jace had a matching one and wore his almost every day when you guys came back to Hogwarts;
He loved the fact that you were twinning your fits - even if you did it accidentally;
During your stay with his family, you got really close to Baela, Rhaena and Luke! You felt really grateful - your second year was rough for you, with Aemond's ever changing mood, and you felt so happy to be surrounded by friends who cared about you;
Jace and Luke BEGGED their parents to buy them a phone to talk to you over the summer in a more conventional way;
And they literally called you every single day while they spent their summer away in Denmark, visiting relatives;
You can only imagine how much they had to pay for all those international phone calls...
Let's get one thing straight, Jace has always been adorable.
Puberty hits this boy LIKE A TRUCK;
He looks so soft with that short fluffy hair and THE CURLS;
He also grows taller than you with half a foot;
To your (and everyone else's) mind, he was literally perfect - unapproachable;
People started calling him the school's prince, AND UNDERSTANDABLY SO;
Third year is a busy time for both of you - the try-outs for the Quidditch team are in full swing, and Jace lands himself the position of chaser (Luke follows you shortly the following year as your new keeper);
He quickly becomes the star of the Gryffindor team;
Girls swoon over him and his "sexy dimples";
You make fun of him for that and he blushes profusely, saying that he "doesn't like anyone like that anyway";
He literally sucks at Charms and Transfiguration, and he uses that to his advantage to get closer to you, since you excel at those subjects;
Jace is so, so respectful of you though, he drinks that women respekt juice every single day; he wouldn't dare touch you if you weren't comfortable with that;
If you are just as touchy feely as he is, he LOVES having a protective hand thrown over you;
He has his own insecurities regarding his paternity rumours - The Targaryens are the embodiment of those very old pure-blooded families who still believe that muggleborns and half-bloods shouldn't "mix and match";
This is why Rhaenyra is even married with Laenor (who is obviously gay, and in the same predicament as she is, due to his family - bless him) and not Harwin Strong, Jace's actual father;
He feels trapped in his own family heritage, and feels so guilty when he catches himself thinking about escaping it sometimes;
Due to all that, Jace has a tendency to over-work himself and try to be in too many places at once;
You manage to level him and bring him back to earth - when he's with you, he forgets about his worries and he's so, SO GRATEFUL;
He falls in love with you during your 3d year at Hogwarts, but doesn't realise it until the very end of your 4th year (denial is a river in Egypt...);
Speaking of your 4th year, you have a small fall-out with Jace during that time, due to the fact that he gets his first girlfriend;
She's an exchange student from Ilvermorny, and she doesn't approve of your friendship one bit (oops);
Jacaerys tries to be the perfect gentleman with both of you, and fulfil both his "friend" duties, and his "boyfriend" ones;
Unfortunately, the perfect balance he figures out is ruined the moment you come to him with an emergency, and he completely forgets about the dinner date he had with his girl;
She breaks up with him the next day, telling him that he shouldn't use people to get over others;
And he's so confused, bless his heart;
"W... That's not... That's not what that was about!";
He feels really guilty for making his ex feel that way, and eventually figures out a way to make it up to her enough to stay friends;
Jacaerys is honestly the perfect ex LMAO;
Don't hate the player, hate the game;
His face completely falls when they brew Amorentia in Potions class and the whole place starts smelling like you;
But he STILL denies it for a while;
Psh, please, so many girls in this school could wear your exact perfume.
... right?
Jace is a very, very determined person. And once he sets his sight on someone, it's on;
You can bet the moment he hugs you goodbye at the train station, he's gonna think all summer about you and your beautiful soft hair;
Bonus: Jace's Boggart is a random manifestation of his loved ones dying - the worst one for him to face is yours;
☆ Aegon Targaryen ☆
Aegon doesn't care much about you at first;
He knows you're his younger brother's and nephew's "little girlfriend", and honestly doesn't see what's so great about you;
That is until you have a heart to heart with him when he's drunk out of his mind in Hogsmeade one day, during his 6th year (and your 4th one);
He was passed out into the snow, and you - beautiful, angelic you - came to his swift rescue;
He feels your warm hands touch his cheeks and forehead, and your own trench-coat cover him;
You lead him to the castle, and give him your coughing syrup that your parents packed for a quick pick-me-up;
"What's this?"
"It's cough syrup. For when your throat is sore."
"My throat isn't sore."
He becomes completely obsessed with you after that - and shows it to you in the harmless ways that he knows how;
Endless teasing, big and small pranks, small anonymous gifts;
His love language is gift giving and physical touch, so expect a lot of both, even if you aren't comfortable with that;
He is so thirsty for attention - even more so for your approval;
But he'll never admit it;
Still, if he happens to overhear that you like boys with short hair, he'll cut his hair short;
If he hears you like that soft boy aesthetic, that's exactly what he'll aspire to look like;
Unlike his younger brother and your other suitor, Aegon doesn't play Quidditch;
He'd much rather watch from the sidelines, thank you very much, and cause trouble while enjoying a cold butterbeer;
And unlike his baby brother, Aegon goes crazy with cheering for your victories (and even your losses when he's very drunk);
"You do realise we lost... right?"
"... Oh."
"And I'm not your girl."
"... YET!"
The latter doesn't happen as often as you'd think;
It's cheesy, but you really do change him for the better. Slowly yet surely;
His support and affection for you goes as far as denying support for his own house.
"Aegon, that's the Hufflepuff Seeker..."
It's kind of obvious to everyone that he's also in love with you;
Except for you, since that's a theme;
You take his flirting as just that - Aegon flirting.
He gives you flowers on your birthday and a very expensive necklace with his initial on the back? - Nah, that's just how Aegon is.
He asks you out? - Nah, that's just how Aegon is.
He only dates girls who have a resemblance to you? - Nah, that's just how Aegon is.
Everyone gives you judgy looks when you say those things;
Aemond and Jacaerys are the only ones who are sort of glad you don't realise the depth of his feelings tbh;
You can bet Aegon and Aemond fight a lot because of you LMAO;
Oh, I'm sorry, you thought their relationship was bad before you entered the picture? Have a look at it now that Aegon's also courting you;
"You are so spoiled."
"I'm sorry? It was just a necklace. I don't understand why you're so pissed off about it."
"You know I love her."
"Are you dating her?"
snickering "I'll take that as a no, then"
"Why is it that you feel the need to go after everything I want?"
"Easy there, brother, she's not your property or something."
"She's mine."
"You've known her for five years and you've done nothing to court her."
"Not everyone sleeps around on the first fucking date."
"Some people go after what they want. I warmly suggest you start doing the same."
"You aren't worthy enough of her. You never will be."
"... We'll see."
Bonus: Aegon has a moving picture of you and him in his wallet and sometimes talks to it when his life at home gets too hard;
Now this could be cute and sad at the same time, if not for that fact that Alicent caught him reciting a love poem to it once and Aegon panicked so hard, he pretended he was schizophrenic so she'd leave him alone;
She didn't, in fact, leave him alone;
He had to go to three different psychiatrists over the summer, to confirm that he was okay;
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stronghours · 9 months
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Vampires in July was the current marathon theme. Jules was a block away with Cal at the Dairy Queen. They were depressurizing after Daughters of Darkness at 10AM and Jean Rollin’s The Rape of the Vampire at noon. Artistically jittered by Delphine Seyrig’s costuming, Jules insisted they skip something called Blood and Doughnuts based simply off the juvenile title, to be better prepared for Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu, and so Jules could sketch in his little pad – Cal toddled faithfully behind him. After Marty, and after Ava, Jules prioritized Cal; the kid, besides support groups and therapy and work (he was a receptionist!) had absolutely nothing in his life, as far as Jules knew. No close friends, no hobbies, no clubs, no events, no strong interests. He did not watch television; he did not listen to music “on purpose”. No wonder the guy was so fucked up. They spent a lot of time together that would otherwise have been devoted to Marty, who had begun to casually, supportively, ask, what are you and Cal up to this week, kid?
Once seated, Cal, courteous, asked about Marty; Jules, insane, told him about the belt situation. Explained further when Cal appeared confused. It wasn’t shocking to tell Cal these things – he told Cal, consciously and on purpose, things he’d never told anybody else in his life. Small, untalented, generic, and flavorless as he was, he possessed an influential miasma that Jules could not resist.
“That’s not so bad,” Cal insisted, after Jules tore through the belt issue in its entirety. “That’s like, a really standard category of, you know, S&M discipline stuff. That’s not bad at all.”
Cal had learned this from Jules, who had also lied to Cal after being told some of his most outrageously literal – coprophilia literal – Sadeian fantasies. “That’s not a big deal!” Jules would say. It took every ounce of strength to make it truthful on his face. “Get real, I’ve heard ten times worse than that.” And he’d been rewarded by Cal’s potent relief.
“He sounds like a nice person,” Cal continued. “I don’t know why you refuse to talk to him about this stuff. It’s not like he’ll force you to do every weird thing you ever fantasize about.”
Cal had yet to be told the full extent force factored into those fantasies, but it was still an unwise thing to say to someone like Jules, who could respond: “If you actually believed that, then a lot of your own problems would clear up.”
“Hey, that’s not nice.” Cal owned a very cute sulk. He showed it off sometimes. It almost gave him a personality. He was blond, bland, and adorable; cute as a button, in fact. In drag, he would have looked like Mimsy Farmer.
Inside his head, Jules would stuff him into frocks, make up his face, fuss with his hair, and furthermore, to think about doing so would give him serious thrills. It made him rub his legs together. This absurd stuff was so outside the bounds of both Jules’ acknowledged and denied sexuality that it had no power to disturb him.
“Maybe you want to get beat up because you feel guilty about something,” said Cal. “Maybe that’s what scares you about it.”
“What have I got to be guilty about?”
“Uh, I dunno. Being a huge dick? Skipping Group because you have a hot older boyfriend now?” Cal sulked (cute, cute!). “No, I’m joking. Childhood stuff, obviously. But I would say that. But if you feel guilty, you’re perceiving the fantasy as a form of self-harm. And your physical body knows this and abhors it – the physical body doesn’t want to die. Your body can’t commune with your brain, because your brain is responsible for pumping all this anti-life energy into your body – so you’re suffering.”
“Do you think about hurting yourself ever?” Jules asked, trying to cut through all the somatherapy. “You to yourself?”
“Yes,” said Cal, who leaned so well into Jules’ cuts. “Every second of every hour of every day. Are we gonna be late to Nosferatu?”
No – a problem with the reel delayed the screening. The Vampire Lovers slipped in its stead.
Jules and Cal cuddled in the back, not Jules’ normal survey when he attended the movies alone. Jules, who was nineteen years old before he could step foot in a movie theater, now had a favored spot to sit at the movies. Gran did not like indoors that were not her house. If you were indoors in a place that was not your house, if you continuously put yourself in strange indoors, ever closer you came to being indoors at the same time as an anti-social terrorist with a gun, or a brown terrorist with a bomb, and he’d blast your brains all over that structural interior. You would get your fucking brains blown out (Jules, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, looking up headshot victim on the family computer) (Jules, same, looking up Columbine security camera feed on the library computer in Ellettsville) (Jules, copy/paste, rotten.com, computer, The Gaping Maw, at least until 2005 – oh well!) At fourteen, he could cook a thanksgiving meal for five, draft original dress patterns, play Arabesque Op. 18 in C Major on the piano. At fourteen he didn’t know who Shakespeare was, had been shaky on the differences between continent/country, but goddamn did he know the visual aftermath of a suicide bomb. Him, indulging these perversions, while Cal four hundred miles southwest in Missouri, got his brains raped out.
He and Cal held hands. They did this at the movies. Jules and Marty held hands sometimes, while they laid down together. Jules would get the idea Marty was staring hard at the back of his head, trying to figure him out. Jules felt the eyes. He stared hard at the wall, stared intentionally, blinked intentionally until the wall lost meaning, and disappeared. In this same manner he could stare at a movie screen when he could not focus or had seen the film before. His brain was an accordion mirror he could flatten or zigzag until pleasantly refracted, and so deeply separate from his meat, it could chew and swallow details and discard others without his input. In this buzzy state, he held Cal’s hand, and after this state, it would be difficult to stand or speak or be unhappy.
Not like that, it’s not meant to be worn over a bodice. It would ruin the shape. Take it off. Go on!
Oh well…alright.
“You’re not even watching,” Cal hissed.
…the dress you have is very pretty, but it’s for a country girl! In town, you must be more sophisticated…
I’ve never worn anything so daring – what will my father think?
He will enjoy it. All men enjoy such things. But I fear it will be too large for you.
Cal tugged Jules’ hand. Jules was currently Ingrid Pitt, a pale-eyed pair of professional breasts, nude before her vanity mirror. Call tugged harder. Cal was the current topless brunette ingenue in the bedroom, bobbing trimly over her discarded undergarment.
“I’ve seen it before,” Jules said, and put his arm over Cal’s shoulder and pulled him hard within so Cal could embrace him and rest his face in Jules’ neck. The armrests in the old theater did not fold up so this was painful but expected. They’d done this many times before and Jules was not physically capable of feeling guilty – he’d already told Marty a little about his feelings about Cal and the mild physicality that occurred between them. He was not guilty at all, not even over their occasional kisses, which was nothing like the nasty fuck-kissing he did with Marty.
And Marty, in his nice-man voice, had said: I think it’s important for you to have relationships with boys your own age.
Marty, art-wise, was active in New York City from 1980 to 1988, and the bulk of the stuff Jules was really interested in, the videotape trade material, had dematerialized with the closure of the bars and clubs that hosted the libraries. Marty estimated he’d helped produce what would have amounted to 150 films. The leather house where he’d done his training supported itself with this entrepreneurship, filming harder scenes by host request, and occasionally free and clear when the inspiration struck. Three of these tapes survived within Marty’s possession, housed at his real place in San Francisco. Two were so delicate he was afraid to touch them without better technical help – one, a stouter character, a friend had digitized and burned onto a CD, which Marty stored in his laptop. He showed Jules one free afternoon.
Scene: a dim, stone cellar interior that bears a creepy resemblance to Jules’ illegally zoned basement apartment. A powerfully built clone, made more tantalizing by the fact he��s in his thirties, no waify queen this, stands rod-straight, his arms chained and shackled behind his back. His chest thrusts and heaves with desperate breath, and the tendons in his neck bulge against a choke chain –
“This was a huge craze at the time,” Marty explained.
Several cuts focus on the man’s straining wrists, his writhing pectorals, his twitching thighs. In these standing shots, he is filmed only from the top of his pubic line. Thankfully, the man’s huge cock inexorably rises, and cuddles up with his hairless abdomen. A well-timed zoom catches its delicate, minute twitches, its graceful widening –
“Hello,” Jules said, and stroked his throat automatically.
Another man enters the scene, also of powerful build, but with less delineated musculature. His authority is symbolized through the costuming of his large belly; that he wears a beard and a cross-chest harness; that he holds a length of chain which he uses to flog the bound man’s thighs and chest. The man howls –
“This is kind of general to be representing a craze,” Jules observed.
“Wait a second.”
“You have flouted the authority of my house. You have sown chaos and discord among my slaves. You have insulted those you should have adored and respected as masters. For these crimes there can be no trust, and because there can be no trust there can be no forgiveness, and because I cannot forgive you, I sentence you to death!” Panning shot across a table. On the table: a thick rope noose, solemnized by its usage of a traditional hangman’s knot.
“Okay,” Jules said, enlightened.
Protracted hanging scene: Some budget ingenuity is exercised to immerse the viewer in this woeful situation. A long time is spent on the executioner looping the noose through a hook system drilled into the stone ceiling. The condemned man gasps when the choke chain is removed but does not plead his case. The noose is tightened around his thick neck. Several isolated shots are devoted to the rope twitching and tightening under its mortal load. Several shots are devoted to the man’s face and neck, which gradually redden, then purple. Veins stand out on his forehead. His temples throb. The executioner begins to flog his nonetheless dripping cock. The pain improves its size and the victim’s mouth fish-gasps wordlessly, webbed with spit. The cock is, frankly, the bestest, most prettiest cock on the face of the planet –
“He was a pretty popular guy,” Marty said.
The man heralds his own death with a massive comeshot. It arcs away from the terminal body and destroys itself under its own velocity and is instantly lost in poor lighting. The tight length of rope just above the noose knot is abruptly cut with shears and a heavy THUMP is heard –
“I was so angry they cut the rope,” Marty said. “It took me about a hundred tries to tie that damn knot. We could have used it again.”
Jules thought the cross-sensory coupling of the cut rope vanishing from the frame, and the audio of whatever they threw on the floor to represent the load of a dead body had been genuinely good filmmaking, so he just said “Hmmmmm.”
An intimate pan of the victim’s dead muscles, his sweaty, peaceful face, the manly, diminutive eyelashes of his closed lids. Then another abrupt cut, to the sheared noose on the table, laid out in the same position it had been introduced. Cinch.
“There you go,” said Marty. “From ’83 to ’84 all anybody wanted to see was extremely muscular men die and orgasm in simulated hangings. The old guys told me it was a minor fad in the early sixties, and then it came back for a blip.”
“And it was one hundred percent faked?”
“Our standing-up ones were,” Marty answered. “The ones with those real dramatic nooses, yes. We didn’t even stick them on top of a box. He was standing on the floor the whole time.”
“I’m glad there weren’t any shots of his like, feet rising up on tiptoe,” Jules said. He closed the laptop. He enjoyed exercising some minor authority over Marty’s belongings. “You know, from heel to tiptoe and then cutting away the second he’d have to start being lifted into the air. That would get old fast.”
“There was no shortage of people who had actual safety harnesses for hangings,” Marty mused. “Plenty of groups doing the same thing as us could have shown someone strung up and dangling. But I never saw them in videos when this was popular.”
“What was the hanged guy’s name?”
“Robert. Robert, never Bobby. The people who could call him by a nickname called him Bertie. He’s got some land and a cute little piece in the Adirondacks, now. They stay up there in a cabin and live a wholesome life.”
“Him, his piece, and his massive dick.”
“Hey, now.” Marty was currently Big Spoon. It had been pecking rain and humid all day, and it made the hours long. Jules had risen at the crack of dawn to bang out some necessaries in the shop basement, departed for a half-shift at Domino’s, and adjourned to Marty’s sublet, where he liked to lie down after work. Marty’s request for one private get-together a week had been overindulged to the point of becoming unnecessary – Jules gave him most of his free time, now. He skipped Group. He’d stopped volunteering for Roscoe’s various community events. Roscoe, a big fan of the whole Marty/Jules thing, was not snippy about it, though Jules could have gone without the maiden-aunt looks of indulgent approval Roscoe was inclined to grant him, these days. “He was so, so insecure about his dick. He thought he would never find true love because everybody would only love him for how big and beautiful it was.”
Jules cooed sympathetically. It mimicked an unconscious noise he made during a good deep necking, and so well that Marty automatically, helplessly, rooted toward his neck and cheek. Jules stretched away, chastely.
“He was a celibate person when I knew him. He went kind of hypochondriac in the 80’s. A lot of guys did.” Marty, chastened: “He was lucky he was so talented at solo work. But he stayed healthy and now he has some money to enjoy, thank god.”
“Who was the fat dom guy?”
“That,” Marty explained, with some serious acid, “was Magister Gary.” Jules cackled. Marty rolled him over onto his back and held him down by the stomach, as one would with a gentle and forgiving cat. “And he was such a great big fucker. He was such a dick. That execution speech wasn’t scripted. The man really talked like that.”
“You, you, you have sown chaos and discord among –”
“Trainee Martin,” recited Marty, “you have allowed three granules of powder to remain atop the Barkeeper’s Friend canister. This flouting of order cannot stand. Without the caning I am about to visit upon you, these three granules of powder will grow into a mountain of chaos and discord.”
“Aw, you got caned?”
“All the time,” Marty said. “I was a pretty bad kid.”       
“That’s sexy.”
“Oh, well, if you say so.” He rolled over on top of Jules, framed his waist between his knees and stared down, his expression an ambiguous sketch. “How would you feel,” he said, after an awkward period of meeting one another’s eyes, “if I said I wanted to film you?”
“I’d say,” Jules answered, “that it sounds like you want to film me.”
Jules pondered if 18, 19, 20, 21, 22-year-old Marty, in accordance with what the old guys at the bar called the good old days of tradition and ritual, had been obligated to give up ass to the corny greyhairs ruling his leatherhouse. He wondered if Marty had to suck dick he wasn’t attracted to, take on unnatural poses, wear stupid outfits, go by generic, boring names (you, boy!) to filigree the dour concept of going through what everybody else around him had gone through to win their cute little leather caps they kept so special in pussy-ass octagonal velvet-lined corrugated boxes.
But I learned more self-control, Marty later hedged. He was careful to balance his acid moments with diplomacy around Jules. I learned some self-control, some useful skills, and I learned what I wanted to prioritize in my own relationships. But, he continued, none of that guarantees you’ll know how to utilize that knowledge, because you’re still a stupid asshole in your early twenties.
Jules inquired how his own attitude would have flown around Magister Gary and the gang.
You would have been thrashed on principle about thirty times a day, Marty answered instantly. Or, Marty edited, you would get away with murder constantly. Fifty-fifty chances.
Jules took this as Marty’s polite way of telling Jules he was also a stupid asshole in his early twenties, and furthermore, that Marty was kind enough to let him get away with murder. Jules wondered how much longer he could possibly get away with the scam he was running on the poor guy.
Being filmed was not a titillating experience. Jules thought there wasn’t much point in filming if you weren’t having real sex, which he and Marty were not having, due to Jules being insane.
Scene: Jules hunkers down on the floor; Marty sets up the camcorder on its three little legs; Jules gives head; Cinch.
During, he felt he was being watched by an annoying little housepet left in the bedroom by accident. Jules hated animals, pettable domestics especially (cats, wary of; dogs, terrified of). What pure relief he felt, though, that this kink was not, after all, another repressed freak thing he’d have to deal with, a sexual curveball he might have failed to control himself under if he’d actually been into it – to survive this relationship, he would have to accept occasional curveballs – but it made him so sad to feel apathetic about sucking cock, the one thing he purely, truly, sincerely loved to do, beside kissing and being kissed.
Imagine! She bled 300 virgins to death!
Thinking back, he had no idea where he’d found the courage to ask Marty to stick his hand down his throat. He never asked again and Marty, wiser than Jules, didn’t bring it up. And Jules never asked for Marty to put the cold towel over his face again, or to rub him all over and scrutinize his body – so revolting and yet so interesting –
“Maybe if we watched it together later –” Marty suggested, elsewhere in the real world where adults like him could survive and kids like Jules could not.
 – or to grab him hard at the nape (she hung them up by the wrists and whipped them until their tortured flesh was torn to shreds) or by the hair on the back of head which was the perfect length to be nabbed, (then she clipped off their fingers with shears) to hold his head and fuck his face, slap his face hard if he gagged, (she pricked their bodies with needles) slap him again just for the hell of it, slap him again and again – Jules lost track. Force him, (she tore off their nipples with silver pincers) to purely, truly, sincerely force him to accept real sex, (she pushed white-hot pokers into their faces) to force him to come from it, to force him while he kept his hand around Jules’ neck and tell him if he did not come he was going to choke him out, (and when they parted their lips to scream she shoved the flaming rod into their mouths) he would choke him until he was dead, call him a bitch and a whore and a slut for taking money from Phil and for not waiting patiently for Marty to appear on the horizon before sucking dozens and dozens of other men, to submerge his head underwater while he did all of the above, to thrash him on principle thirty times a day, and more explicitly, to beat him heavily, ass to ankles, with a belt, and a belt only; ass to ankles, then his chest, force him to (she pierced their veins with rusty nails and slit their throats) look.
Jules could tamp down the reams and reams of rape fantasies – rape realities, as they rapidly matured – mounding up and dirtying his affections, but he could not ignore the belt. He could not put away the inevitable fact that if Marty beat him with a belt, he would get hard, and if Marty continued to beat him with a belt, he would come from it without being touched. The belt existed without dressage, existed intrinsically unto itself. Jules snooped through Marty’s drawers once to make sure none of his existing belts lived up to the image – they did not. A problem? He would think it over.
“It was fine,” Jules reassured Marty, after he’d brushed his teeth. “We can try it again later, maybe.” And he looked into the mirror over the closet door to remember if he was wearing clothes.
Their white bodies pumped out young blood over her naked skin, blood, beautiful red blood over her hands and her arms and her legs and her face.
He hadn’t known, not at ten or twelve or sixteen, what Gran had been looking for when she frisked him so thoroughly for signs of adulthood, used all her selectively cogent faculties toward his body and not toward the computer or his movies or his music or his friends. Jules knew he was wising up because he couldn’t look back at those times without marveling at how stupid he had been. And if he had to focus, intentionally focus, not to hear now your chest, now your underarms, now your wee-wee when Marty touched him up kindly, then that was his own fucking fault. Marinelli’s were dumb, poor, fearful, inbred, uncommunicative, but they did not whine. No, they were not whiners. They could not. He would not. Her hands and her arms and her legs and her face. Blood, beautiful red blood. Gag.
One day, Marty would frisk Jules himself and divine what his little sweetheart really deserved. It was in his body, and it was in his pictures and his sound. And there was nothing Jules could do but grow up.
In town, you must be more sophisticated.
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hedwig123 · 7 months
Back to the Counselors & Taylor Swift
Let's discuss exactly how much a Swiftie each of them is
(Just for the record, one of the first things I did after watching the game was make a TikTok about how unrealistic it is that the game takes place in the summer of 2021 and yet not a single one of them makes a joke about "not dying before hearing the 10 minute version of All Too Well" and I STAND BY THAT)
But anyway, I think the certified Swifties of the group would be Kaitlyn, Dylan, and Emma. Kaitlyn and Dylan based on vibes and Emma based on the fact we share a name and have almost nothing else in common, so she's a Swiftie because I say so.
Dylan's the longest serving Swiftie. I think he's pretty much always been a music boy, and when he first heard You Belong With Me at like age 8 he was going through his first kiddie crush on a boy in his class, and just went "This lady gets it. She has my undying devotion."
Kaitlyn's been one since 1989 (age 14) because she doesn't do country music. Even as a tween she was very firm on that stance. (She eventually made an exception for Taylor but it took like a year of obsession with 1989 for her to go "alright what else has she got")
Emma's actually a post-Reputation Swiftie. Like completely missed the drama of 2016 and just caught the LWYMMD music video at the VMAs when it premiered and went "OK slay?" and advanced from there. (She's sad to have missed the OG Red era but THRIVES in the Red TV era if she lives to see it)
None of the others would call themselves Swifties, but in order from closest to farthest from it:
Max is honestly pretty close to being a Swiftie. Like he had Ariana Grande playing in his car at the start of the game, he feels no shame whatsoever in listening to pop music. His favorite album is Lover, because duh.
Laura listens to Taylor almost as much as Max does, but he usually initiates it. She doesn't have a favorite album, but her favorite song is Blank Space.
Jacob doesn't listen much but he could name most of the singles. He's definitely made a TikTok to a Love Story remix.
Abi does not give Swiftie vibes at all, I'm sorry to say. Post-game Emma might convert her, though.
Ryan, my sweet boy. I love him so much and it is with a heavy heart that I say he does not listen to Taylor Swift. NOT in a toxic masculinity way, he just doesn't vibe with pop music. On the other hand... Sarah is a baby Swiftie. She's played music where he can hear it enough that he can actually name some songs and say his favorite is My Tears Ricochet. (Also he has a soft spot for Shake It Off after Dylan played it for the kids at camp a bunch of times) (Also also post-game Sarah does a midnight listen to Red TV and Ryan hears his middle school age sister sobbing across the hall to ATWTMVTVFTV and has to interrupt like "Who hurt you?? Should I be worried???") (Also also also when Midnights comes out and Sarah or Dylan plays it for him, Would've, Could've, Should've makes him cry and he doesn't know why)
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xx-carnage-xx · 1 year
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• Listens to Motley Crue
• Was originally serving eleven consecutive life sentences in Rykers Prison (and was fully prepared to make it 12 after killing his cell mate Eddie Brock cause Eddie was annoying him with his constant exercise/clapping)
• Was convicted of eleven murders but bragged about a dozen more
• Symbiote is described as being made up of black and blood by an eyewitness to Carnage’s first string of crimes
• Calls Spider-Man “Webster” the first time they fight
• Writes “Carnage Rules” on walls in either his own or his victim’s blood after he kills someone when he first becomes Carnage. It’s like his calling card
• Apparently had a stuffed teddy bear named Binky back when he was put in St.Estes Group Home. He also eventually (still as a child) burned down said group home
• Certified Cop Killer™️ (and this is just in his first slew of appearances)
• Allegedly (as of The Amazing Spider-Man: Carnage Part One) pushed a girl in front of a bus. He presumably did this as a child still.
• Before he was captured he was said to have been a ‘quite man who paid his rent on time’ by his landlord.
• Was described as a “Strange Lad. Poor Student,” and apparently there was some tragedy that happened at homecoming when he was still in school that presumably had something to do with him
• Carnage doesn’t trigger Peter’s Spider-Sense
• Can solidify his “costume” in a way Venom never could according to Peter
• The Carnage symbiote when detached from the “main body” can’t maintain molecular integrity (ie: if Carnage throws a symbiote projectile that detaches from his body it will disintegrate shortly after impact)
• He was a “Family Annihilator” (in criminal minds terms at least) in regards to how he became a serial killer before the symbiote. Kind of, he also killed on an individual bases often.
• Sometime after being defeated in Carnage: The Conclusion (I’m presuming) Cletus is incarcerated at: “Ravencroft, a maximum security institution devoted to the study of the criminally insane” - according to Ben Reilly in Web of Carnage Part Two)
• Has been calling the symbiote “Red” since Carnage: Part Two
• Likes grey poupon mustard on his sandwich (a sandwich that he was making in the house of one of the people he’d killed’s kitchen. The scene was still yet to be discovered by authorities)
• More susceptible to sonic (high frequency noise) attacks than to heat, as Carnage fell onto the third rail at Penn Station that “thousands of volts” of electricity were being channeled into and brushed the heat off with a joke. On the other hand he’s defeated in Carnage: The Conclusion by Spider-Man setting the speakers at Maddison Square Garden to the same frequency as the Fantastic Four’s sonic emitters. Carnage also goes down (by virtue of being younger than the venom symbiote) faster than Venom.
• Uses Webster & Webstinker in reference to Spider-Man. (I’ve pointed out Webster already but I just think it’s that adorable)
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Headcanon: Orc’s Songs, and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Artist Residences Sponsored by Your Local (Un)Friendly Dark Lords
Just recently I realized apparently there is this song “Where There's a Whip, There's a Way” from the 1980 animated movie “The Return of the King”.
It was treated mostly like a joke, because we all know orcs are pathetic creatures created by Morgoth as cannon fodders to be used, exploited and disposed. How can they sing so well and so cheerfully? How can the orcs or their dark lords care about making songs? We know Morgoth and Sauron mostly just love to create mockeries of beautiful, wonderful, and kind things created by other people’s hard work.
When I was listening to the song, there has been this uneasy feeling constantly growing in the back of my mind, until suddenly it made sense; it all made sense.
It actually makes sense for such songs to exist in Arda Marred.
What if, the song of orcs is a mockery of someone else’s work?
Such songs were not created by orcs; they were not created by Morgoth or Sauron or other dark creatures. (I do headcanon it was originally Sauron’s idea to develop them.)
They were created, with love, by Elves and Men and Dwarves and other sentient beings who were free, ONCE.
Then they got conquered, captured, tortured, enslaved, including their most brilliant musicians.
And Sauron took a look at these musicians who created beautiful music with love and devotion, and decided, “Well, I can make use of that.”
He took them from their people, and made them rewrite their songs.
You can insert whatever tortures Sauron could threaten or break them with, but when there is a whip, there is a way to break someone. There always is. (Like, just threaten them “If you do not rewrite this little song of yours, I am going to peel skin of this cute child of your friend slowly and artfully like peeling a little grape. Do you really feel your song is more important than the dying scream of such a beautiful, innocent child?”)
And in this way, such songs were made into mockeries of themselves by the hands of the artists who created them. Their power, that previously belong to the people, became one more tool (a poisonous candy, a dangling carrot stick) for the dark lords to enslave them, and other people, better and longer. The whips enslave their bodies and the songs enslave their minds.
For this specific song... Well my headcanon is it was created by a musician in a group of mortal refugees escaping from their home destroyed by troops of Sauron. They were traveling, tired and exhausted, hopelessly looking for somewhere safe where they could live again. The musician wrote this song to encourage people to cheer up, stay hopeful, keep walking and move on despite everything was obviously awful, because where there is a will there is a way, and they will find their way.
Then they got captured by Sauron, all hope was lost, and Sauron demanded him to rewrite his songs, in exchange for slightly better treatment for his people. So he did. 
Sauron was especially fond of this particular song. As reward, he offered the musician an opportunity.
Sauron led him to a lava pit. It was an one time offer; the only chance for him to actually CHOOSE. 
And the musician jumped.
When much later, troops of Sauron sang this song marching to war, completely conquered the area, people would learn to fear and loath its melody. Nobody will ever remember the original song, that little one about keeping your hope to find your way to freedom.
(Sauron did not care about the songs. Yes, they were useful. Even made by hands of mortals, they had powers. But he could achieve his goals without them. It is just so much more efficient and fun this way. Being a dark lord sometimes was boring and he did need some entertainment occasionally.)
(The songs actually still worked in their original intentional ways, to some extent. Troops singing these songs on their way in general had lower death rate and more of them could reach the battlefield. Even the orcs felt their constant pain more tolerable, and was able to survive a little bit longer.)
(Was it a good thing? Was it a bad thing?)
(Arda was marred. That is bad, for certain.)
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karma-simp · 1 day
More character redesigns for Ass Class
Here are some more of my assassination classroom redesigns of characters
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This one is really contravertial because everyone loves him so much but I don't really get the hype. In my AU, he's more human like and is less of a perfect teacher but more like a really informed, fun teacher that makes learning fun, tells jokes and seems to know everything. He loves telling jokes, is always there to talk to and is the more approachable teacher. He always had a passion for teaching and helping people and longed for something more than his assassin life (also he's known as the grim reaper for being a quick, cutthroat assassin, not the best one). He starts teaching during one of his jobs and enjoys it so much he starts to live a double life. One of his students (Grim reaper 2.0) feel he is too professional and cold (which he is in this point in time due to his job) and finds out about his life, then sells him out. When experimented on, he's angry, but mostly disappointed he couldn't teach more until Aguri steps in. She teaches him how to be fun. When she dies, she hands over her class and Korosensei realises while teaching them that he doesn't want to die, he wants to keep teaching.
Karasuma Tadaomi
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Serious, strict and proffessionl teacher that gets stuff done and is very practical and organised. Although he started off distant, he starts to care for the students nad grows closer to both Irina and his students over time. He might not be as friendly as Korosensei or Irina, but you can always trust him to listen and make the right call.
Irina Yelavić
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Younger teacher that know the gossip, plays matchmaker, knows the lingo and how to sound like a native speaker in a new language. A bit of a diva and trashy y2k lover. Grew up oversexualised so doesn't understand why that's wrong until she realises that what she went through wasn't normal and she wouldn't want her students to experience that. She then starts a journey of healing her past trauma and gets a happy ending with Karasuma (and their adopted child, Karma).
Class parents/ leaders:
Megu Kataoka
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Class rep #1. Ordered, likes rules and organised. Has a lot on her plate. Her grades dropped when she had too much on her plate so grades weren't her top priority. She learns to balance her work load and look after herself.
Yuuma Isogai
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Class rep #2. Friendly, approachable, kind and calm. Very warm and although he always seems to be under pressure/stressed, he is a strong, thoughtful leader that is very condiserate and humble. Can be passive aggressive and 'fake.'
Sumire Hara
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Class mom with a big purse instead of a schoolbag. Has a comical amount of supplies in there and a medkit. Does many scoldings and even Karma will listen to them. Comfort eats and bakes so will often randomly come to school with cookies made at 3:00am.
Toka Yada
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Pretty, entitled girl who learnt how to get away with things. Learns to take responsibility for her actions via Megu and realises she doesn't actually like men, just what they can do for her (lets go lesbians). Fell to E-Class due to failing to manipulate boys to do her work. Learns that manipulation is bad and to be herself/childish. Looks up to Miss Bitch.
Yukiko Kanzaki
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Gamer girl that seems more refined than she is. Likes RPGs to cutomise avatars and likes to be the 'leader' in groups/be in control because she feels like she isn't in control of her own life. Can be really really passive aggressive but after learning how to accept her flaws, she becomes more chill. Likes Sugino and his devotion to her.
Asano Gakushu
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This isn't a personality change, just an appearance change.
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Questions and suggestions
1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
Nothing for me truly feels better than going out down town with my friends. I love downtown with all of my heart so getting to show my friends my favorite place feels so magical. I love the book store down town i need to buy more books for sure!
2. What type of music are you into?
I am into so much music which I know is a generic statement but its true if I ever had to pick a favorite genre it would likely be old female jazz music. women talking about the reality of life how sometimes ur not beautiful sometimes you just cry and chain smoke cigarettes.
3. What was the best vacation you ever took and why?
When I was in the 6th grade before i came out i had a secret girlfriend and her family was SUPER rich. she and i went to montanna and then Wyoming i got to see yellow stone and also smell all the sulfer. everycorner had an icecream shop it was also the first time I went ziplining/ tight roping which was terrifying but perfect!
4. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
I would absolutely love to go to the JIm henson mueseum. I have always admired the whymsy of his art especially fraggle rock and dark crystal!
5. What are your hobbies, and how did you get into them?
About 2 years ago i left a toxic friend group I used to have to devote all my time to them so when I left I had so much time to pick up hobbies. I draw,scuplt, throw knives, dance, sing, crochet, read, paint, thrift, and many other things.
6. What was your favorite age growing up?
8 was the best age for me. I was very smart compared to the rest of my  class back then along with that I also had my best birthday that year i asked for a mystic doll with a reverseable head and I also got a tiny donut keychain. It was perfect
7. What was the last thing you read?
Of mice and men. I havent finished it yet but holy shit it sad. I feel for Lennie very heavily i know what it feels like to be confused or to like something that ends up being something someone takes.
8. Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?
Extrovert! my whole life everyone told me I was an introvert but I truly dont think I am. I am just an anxious extrovert.
10. What was the last TV show you binge-watched?
Beef on Netflix was so good truly and had a lot of nuance especially in the art world.
11. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music?
I can get down with podcasts. I love the whole concept of chatting to a stranger.
12. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?
Halloween. it's so unifying it the one day you can be anyone you want and act a way you to and not be questioned.
13. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Easy peasy pb and j. I have really bad stomach issues so I started eating blander food so i dont have to constantly take meds.pb and j can be made so differently along with that it give you everything you need!
14. Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching at home?
I love the theater its so fun to share the movie experience with strangers it makes me happpy to spend time with people.
15. What’s your go-to guilty pleasure?
Probably alittle drink. especially somthing strawberry flavored YUM!
16. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?
as far back as I can remember I have had 2 celebrity crushes,beast boy from teen titans and donetello from the ninja turtles
17. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Usually just a nice compliment does it for me.
18. Do you have any pet peeves?
When people make jokes about my struggles with addiction its just so uncalled for.
19. Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
20. What song always gets you out on the dance floor?
Tainted love by softcell
21. What activity instantly calms you?
Painting its hard to be angry when you are creating art 
22. Ideally, how would you spend your birthday?
Surrounded by friends and family with a big cake and lots of hugs.
23. What do you do on your commute to/from work?
Usually talk to my mom about what i am gonna do after work so i get in a good mood for the shift
24. What's your favorite season and why?
Fall its perfect and calm
25. What's the phone app you use most?
Easily pintrest!
26. Would you rather cook or order in?
Cook especially if I have company
27. What's your favorite board game?
28. How do you take your coffee?
I like all coffee alot but black coffee hits so different!
29 What's your most prized possession and why?
Probably my fnaf circus baby funko pop. my dad got her for me when i needed someone to care about the way i felt i needed that reassurance that someone cared
30. What would be the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery?
Give it to my family and friends. I feel content with how I live my life so anything I can do to help them!
31. How do you enjoy spending your alone time?
I like to draw alot but anymreo i crochet when i am alone and when im with people.
32. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
I have never been to a concert sadly 
33. Do you have a favorite type of exercise?
34. What causes are you passionate about?
I am really passionate about alot I believe everyone should have equal rights i am also very passionate about drug abuse being a disease and not a crime along with safe abortion.
35. What’s your favorite content genre (horror, sci-fi, rom-com, etc.)?
Horror comedy 
36. What’s an essential part of your daily routine?
 I try to say high to everyone i know even vaguely so they feel validated and knowo i care idk what i would do without doing that!
37. What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received, and what did you do about it?
I am a pretty thankful person so for me atleast i feel like anything is good
38. Who or what never fails to make you laugh?
My cousin Jay THEY ARE SO FUNNY FOR NO REASON! And I love them so talking to them brightens my day!
39. Do you like group activities, or prefer doing things solo?
40. What's your ideal first date?
A walk around the town and then get food an tell each other everything we know about ourselves- just really have  a heart to heart 
41. What would your perfect day look like?
Wake up at a decent time and have donuts with my parents then go out for a while with friends and then work and then back out with friends and maybe a fair!
42. Do you collect anything?
I collect alot of random shit- clowns,crystals,hotwheels, tech decks, batman figures, fnaf figures , candels
43. What's the best gift you've ever received, and why?
The best gift I ever received was probably my huge jar jar binks animatronic i got for free at a down town toy shop. 
44. What would your perfect meal look like?
Lots of veggies like a charcuterie board with fruit,veggies,cheese,meat, honey and crackers, and maybe baked beans<3
45. What's your favorite podcast?
Violating community guide lines
46. Is there one job you’d never ever do?
Honestly the only one i probably wouldnt do is be a hitman
47. What’s the first thing you do after getting home from work?
Change i hate smelling like sweat and syrup
48. Who or what inspires you in your career?
I am very inspired by small time creatives anyone who exspiriments with art.
49. How do you approach taking time off from work?
I am honest and only take off once every 3 months or so
50. What’s something an outsider wouldn’t know about your industry?
I am actually working for a mlm but our shop is a front HAHA
51. Do you have a morning routine at work? If so, what it’s like?
I work afternoon shift but the first thing I do is wash my friends put on 60s music and make  a cucumber drink.
52. Are you able to work from home, and if so, do you enjoy it?
I am also a part time illustrator other than a tea bar tender and yes i absolutely love it
53. Do you get along with all your coworkers?
54. What’s your favorite thing about your current job?
The people they all are so kind and respectful
55. What annoys you the most about your job?
Hmm not alot honestly probably just people who yell at me but i also understand they are struggling 
56. What’s the career highlight you’re most proud of?
The first book i got published it meant everything to me!
57. What type of role do you want to take on after this one?
Hmm I am not sure I just do what the world offers me!
58. Are you more of a "work to live" or a "live to work" type of person?
Live to work i want to always to enjoy everyday and just working to live would be miserable
59. Does your job make you feel happy and fulfilled? Why or why not?
YES the smiles and the nice words do it all!
60. How would your 10-year-old self react to what you do now?
She would be confused but in the end happy
61. What do you remember most about your first job?
The time i saw a lady with no teeth eat coleslaw with her hand
62. How old were you when you started working?
16 but before that I babysitted 
63. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Cracker Barrel waitress holy shit it was bad. 
64. What originally got you interested in your current field of work?
I loved the tea we made and i drank it so much they asked if I just wanted a job HAHA
66. Have you ever had a side hustle or considered having one?
Yeah I have a few I sell art and clothes and other trinkets along with illustrating and babysitting
67. What’s the best career decision you’ve ever made?
The best career decision I ever made was speaking up I truly cant suggest anything better than takung what the world gives you and making it yours
68. What’s the worst career decision you’ve ever made?
I very often get burn out but I am working on it!
69. Do you consider yourself good at networking?
Absolutely not but thats okay!
70. What career advice would you give to your younger self?
Speak up you have valid things to say bby!
71. Do you believe in having a "five-year plan"?
Yes i think thatr considering the future is so important
72. When will you know you've "made it"?
I feel as though I already have  i have family and friends and a home and thats enough
73. Are you looking forward to retiring, or do you plan to work as long as possible?
I would like to work as long as possible
74. Have you ever had imposter syndrome?
Not  sure maybe just a  little
75. What qualities do you look for in a boss?
76. Do you have a professional mentor? If not, do you want one?
I would love one but i dont have one!
77. What energizes you about your career?
The kindness and the delicious taste of the tea
79. How do you motivate yourself in your career?
I Remind myself i need money to pay for the things i love and do things to help others
80. When you started your current job, what most surprised you?
How people who are normally kind to me at school are much ruder at work.
81. How do you pick yourself back up after making a mistake at work?
I Dance a lot. If i mess something up real bad i will fix it laugh and do a little dnace
82. How do you deal with work stress?
I remind myself everything is temporary 
83. What's one work-related thing you want to accomplish in the next year?
I want to host a sip and paint
84. Who has had the biggest impact on your career choice?
My mother she always helps me find new things and step out of my comfort zone
85. What does your family think of your career?
They are very proud of me
86. If you could do it all over again, would you pursue the same career? Why or why not?
I am not sure no matter what i would do i will continue to do what is offered to me 
87. Does your work routine vary, or does it look the same every day/week?
It varies a lot depending on the week 
88. What do you typically wear to work?
Employee teeshirt and jeans!
89. Have you ever had to relocate for work?
No  not yet!
90. Would you ever relocate for work, if you were asked to?
I would do whatever I needed to do for a good job
91. Have you ever been on a cool business trip?
92. How do you handle career setbacks?
I take a minute to reset and get back at it
93. How much time do you spend with your family?
94. Who do you most like spending time with and why?
I honestly enjoy spending time with just about fanyone I love hearing other peoples ideas alot!
95. Which family member makes the best food?
My parents cooking compliments each other perfectly mh father learned how to cook in a restaurant while my moms mom passed down recipes and technique to her so its amazing!
96. How has your opinion of your family changed over the years?
When i was younger i use to be dumb and be upset at my mom all the time but now i am so much closer with everyone
97. If you’re close with your family, what’s the hardest part about spending time away from them? I miss my moms laugh and my dads funny jokes when we are apart. :(
98. Do you wish you had a bigger family, or are you happy with its current size?
HOnestly i am happy with what i have but the more the merrier 
99. Which family member has had the greatest impact on you?
My mother easily she is truly my rock
100. What’s your favorite story about your grandparents?
Probably the time my grandma with a broke arm tried to arm wrestle me over math homework
101. Have you ever mapped out your family tree?
YES my grandma is actually a genealogist! 
102. Were you close with your family growing up?
No sadly i was not
103. Who in your family makes you feel the safest?
Probably again my mom she is so strong!
104. Do you want a family of your own?
YES SO BADLY i want to have children so i can show them true love not challenged by generations of trauma
105. If you could change your relationship with a family member, would you? If so, with whom?
My nana i would love to be closer with her but she so unkind its very hard
106. What was it like growing up as the youngest/oldest/middle/only child?
I was the youngest but was always supposed to take care of the oldest i think that might be why i get such bad burn out because i started doing things everyone in my grade did but 2 years earlier
107. What’s your favorite family memory?
Hmm i have many but last summer my family played frisbee golf and then went to dairy king
108. Do you ever wish you were raised differently?
Yes and no is parenting hard yes were situations handled badly when i was younger often yes.
109. What’s the best piece of advice a family member has given you?
Once when i was younger and much more aggressive and frustrated i stayed up to late and had a panic attack and then my sibling said stop taking everything so seriously this isnt the end 
110. Do you wish you had more siblings? If so, why?
Yes and no i feel it would be nice but also i am content with one
111. Did you ever hide anything from or lie to your parents?
Yes but i dont blame them for it
112. What's your favorite way to spend time with your family?
Board games i am incredibly bad at games and it makes everyone laugh!
113. How do you show your family you love them?
Gifts hugs words treats stuff like that helping them in general
114. What’s your favorite family tradition?
Going to my grandmas on christmas
115. What's the most important holiday you spend with your family and why?
Christmas and because it just always has been i wonder when that started
116. What's something your family would be surprised to learn about you?
Probably just how bad my addiction was  i dont want them to be sad or view me as sick so i don't really tell anyone
117. Which family member do you confide in most?
Hmm honestly all of my nuclear family hears it all
118. How do you deal with arguments between family members?
I apologize and ask what i can do to help them feel better/
120. What's more important: family or friends?
Both i truly cannot pick
121. Do you have any friends you would consider family?
122. What physical traits do you share with your relatives?
We all have large noses lol
123. What stories did your family members tell you growing up?
My dad used to make up stories for me and my sibling about them being a ballerina and me being an animal whisperer and wed do on adventures
124. How did your parents (and/or grandparents) meet?
The city cleaning center haha
125. What makes you proud of your family?
I am proud of them for everything they do
126. What can always bring your family together?
A new marvel movie
127. Do you share a name with anyone in your family?
Sadly no but iw ish i did
128. What activities do you like to do with your family today?
I love to paint with them
129. What activities did you love to do with your family growing up?
Probably play board games again lol
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
a message I sent or say, to helpful groups or individuals
thanks guys, keep well
I will always be doing the same,
once i psylock, eternal expectations will not allow for new amounts of traffic.
so my intent of this message is just to say thanks.
for the bits or parts any of you do,
in keen oversights, even if faster hypotheticals or even small innocent lies, or jokes,
can do a world of helpfulness specially after “dog piles” or brutality groups are being stocked on.
I grand father,
and I psylock as a collective eternal hive.
I dont accept new information,
if the threshold of justice is broken as a specific amount of magnitude.
specially if the country itself has collapsed in target crimes that they’ve clearly over extended on me…
anyways, without the wordiness,
i am just saying thanks, for pure intentions
and to expect I will keep gridlock eternity.
thats justice available to all lives.
zero shame
zero abuse
100% war wick
100% gridlock
and my gratitude for any honorable intentions that make it past ‘fog of war’ corrupt agent count and double bet on.
1) my thanks, as in means not always hot motived messages
2) your truthful to life itself honest ways to improve and make a difference
all in all,
i shift my focus, however slowly,
for i will not accept bolstering men who already had their way with me, and thousands of citizens,
honor cant be stolen.
and thats one of my main messages to anyone in projects of deciphering how many damages have been done across our countries, worlds, etc…
I live guilt free
I live free as free gets,
and my free soul shouldnt of never became agents hyper addiction,
but since I became similar to a “martyr”
I did my best duties to draw forth ALL of the members and networks involved in illegal actions on our lives and every life form..
i never expected to find primarily white business, hospitals, and jails, all marketing off world detriments…
i mean, outright disgusting,
and to hear those same agents cover their tracks with “job plays” or “acts and skits” and “scenes” and “this is all standard as usual”
eternity is eternity.
I am only 1 person.
just imagine the horror…
if all this madness was done, just because 1 person made a hobby out of catching crimes in government…
lol… honestly…
insane america!
for me…
life is an eternal devotion.
ETERNAL.. literally will never end.
Honor is all that holds us together.
and as for my works in government or pro life missions,
all charity,
all hobby,
this is a keen reason why and how I can ideally catch most crimes…
i have no motive.
except Pro Life 99%
and for all lives to keep their personal needle eye 1%
Pro Life 99% all can practice
1% personal, all can respect and leave be.
after all my messages, this isnt any sort of grand gesture, i just wanted to say thanks, for feedbacks that have been positive in effect.
besides all the gritty arguments.
1 word, charity.
Thanks again,
and if anyone in ur offices investigates,
i just encourage you to scan maps of americas locations, and hot names used, and work over diligence, or just try to make the interactions more fun… rather than too ‘coded’
all the codes tends to feed into maniacs who are already positioned as falsely ‘legal’ agents..
as in double agents really…
or flat out corrupted agents..
thats all they listen for all day long.
codes and how to make excuses..
codes and excuses,
thats their life.
and periodically checking whats the new ability or new take over plans…
all garbage motives…
but thats all they have, in their poor society
for me, this entire world is a hobby…
although not entirely true because i keep eternal devotions to pro life and honor each and every being to voice for themselves..
its really difficult to keep my attention…
because i am mostly charity and hobby
if you get my attention, expect intensity or means of pro life 99, however wont be to parallel responses in most situations,
for I only priority Eternity foremost.
so most words and interactions are absolutely irrelevant… specially if they dont unlink garbage agents who never stop trying to extort or speed spread hog ball games.
anyways, wordy wordy,
i was half asleep, and just wanted to say a positive more easy message, acknowledgement,
more than only directions and heat, or orders
1) thanks
2) eternity (or any word which means the same)
easy justices,
ask a bunch of innocent or ridiculous questions, to ventilate fools that dont know how to execute themselves lol jk…
anyways bests to you,
and all whom may be involved.
Fair Eyes.
Jasper Red,
not casper blue
zero, as in stop lab science or mark ur own karma
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duracel-battery · 2 years
LGBTQ communtiy on june 1st:
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
BTS Reaction || You Laugh Yourself Awake [Request]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - June 2022
Whenever it would happen you would instantly wake Jin up because he always loved to hear about the dreams that were able to make you giggle yourself awake.
"It happened again?" He chuckled tiredly as he turned around to have you lay in his arms, his hand rubbing your back as you nodded. You laid your head on his chest, listening to his heart as you giggled a little more.
"What made you laugh in the dream?"
"You were telling dad jokes, but for some reason you had the body of a horse," You mumbled tiredly, your eyes too heavy to keep them open as you giggled at the joke again. Jin smiled brightly as he tried to stay awake to listen to the dream in-depth with you.
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Yoongi adored it whenever it would happen and he was awake, he would always grab his phone so he could record it happening. He just wished that there was something for him to be able to see what it was that was making him laugh so much in his sleep, 
"I did it again, didn't I?" You questioned when you saw his phone pointed at you, he laughed softly and nodded his head, bending down to kiss your forehead.
"It's cute," He tells you as he begins to show you the video, you'd seen all of them that he had on his phone. There was a full album devoted to you on his phone Dreaming Yn. The idea of the folder existing was enough to make your whole body burn up.
"I'm going to show the boys," He warned you as you attempted to grab his phone and stop him from sending it to the group chat that he was in with the others.
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When it had happened the first time it freaked Hoseok out. He'd woken up before you and was going to get up to make breakfast when you started giggling in your sleep, he instantly tensed up and turned to see you with a smile on your face,
"Baby?" He questioned, your eyes were still shut as you continued to giggle and laugh a little, your body shaking as if you were fully awake and laughing at something. It suddenly began to feel uneasy as he approached you a little, about to wake you up when you sat up.
"Fuck, Yn," Hoseok whined as he realised you'd been laughing in your sleep,
"What?" You laughed tiredly, rubbing your eyes a little as he whined again.
"You were laughing in your sleep, I was so scared! It was like one of those horror films," He grumbled as he held his hand over his chest where his heart was racing,
"Sorry baby. I can't remember what it was that made me giggle," You laughed a little as Hoseok came and laid down beside you, your head laying on his chest.
"Do you do it a lot?" He questioned, a little interested to know if this happened while he slept and you nodded.
"A lot," You laughed before beginning to explain when all of it had started for you.
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"You can't seriously be jealous?" You looked at Namjoon, a little confused as to why he was jealous over Jin making you laugh in a dream,
"It was a dream babe," You whined as Namjoon continued to pout out his bottom lip a little,
"But he was able to make you laugh so hard in your sleep that you woke up," He looked at you and sighed a little, he wasn't extremely jealous maybe just a little even though he knew it wasn't real,
"But you make me laugh when we're awake," You attempted to comfort him as he sighed cuddling into you, 
"I'm sorry,"
"Don't be, baby. It's no big deal," He shakes his head at you, it was a big deal. He shouldn't get jealous over something that wasn't a big deal, it wasn't as if you were in love with Jin.
"I'm getting jealous over a dream," He mumbled as you pressed a kiss against his shoulder softly and smile at him,
"You take over all of my other dreams though baby if you know what I mean?" His skin began to flush as he whimpered a little, kissing you deeply as you pulled him to lay down against the bed with you.
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You were laid down on the sofa with your head on Jimin's lap, he was running his hands up and down your shoulder while he spoke with the boys. 
"I was just going to-" Jin stopped talking when you let out a giggle, your hands clutching onto Jimin's leg and continuing to let out small laughs. 
"What's going on?" Jin questioned as Jimin looked down at your smiling face, a giant grin beginning to take over his face as he realised you were about to laugh yourself awake. It was something that happened a lot whenever you took naps during the day and Jimin found it the cutest thing in the world.
"They're laughing in their sleep. 3...2..." Before Jimin could get to the one you woke up and whimpered when you saw that all of the boys were looking at you. You groaned as you realised what had happened and you covered your face with a pillow,
"I did it again?" You questioned as you looked to your boyfriend for the answer, Jimin was grinning from ear to ear while nodding his head.
"You did baby, it was cute." He laughed bending down and kissing you softly as you felt your body heating up at the thought of all of the boys seeing you laughing in your sleep.
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Every single time it happened Taehyung would wake up beside you, he would feel you shaking in your sleep and immediately wake up ready to fight away your bad dreams. Only to smile and sigh in relief when he would open his eyes to see you giggling at yourself, 
"A good dream?" Tae questioned as he ran his hand over your cheek softly and smiled as you snuggled into his touch, 
"What happened this time?" He moved so you could snuggle into his chest and tried to remember everything that had happened within the dream. It was something Taehyung looked forward to whenever you would wake up laughing, he wanted to hear whatever happened in your pretty head. 
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Jungkook laid there totally confused as to what was going on as you continued to laugh in your sleep, your hands clutching onto the pillow beside you as he watched.
"What in the world?" He laughed softly, it was the first time he was ever seeing you laugh in your sleep and it was confusing. Most nights the two of you would sleep through the night but this was the first time he'd come home to find you asleep without him, 
"Baby?" He chuckled as you laughed yourself awake, looking at him and whining a little when you saw he was staring down at you.
"What was that about?"
"What?" You frowned, looking around and back at him as he poked your cheeks softly. 
"You laughed yourself awake," You whined hiding in the pillows you went on to explain when and why it happened and Jungkook couldn't help but ask more questions about it. Jungkook wanted to know if something triggered it happened, like how cheese caused nightmares for certain people. 
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tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @agustdjoon @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @taeechwitaa @justbangtanthingz @stillwithlix @kookiekuu @lolalee24 @hopeworldd-2 @totallynoanalien @yubinism @ethereallino @heyjiminnie @aerastus​ @tinyoonsblog​ @cherrybubblesandvodka​ @kimahnjung98​ @halesandy​ @snigdha-14​
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Dreams of Coffee and K-pop pt.2
An: I found the emoji!
Tw: yandere, implied murderous intent
Disclaimer: Yanderes are abusive, this is not love.
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Art cred: Kackaorz1 on Twitter
It was the day of the concert. You had been listening to the 4NEMO music that your friend had been recommending you and had gotten quite familiar with it. Now, you were dressed in your favourite outfit, ready to attend the concert with your best friend. It was two hours before the concert started, but Venti advised you to come early so you and your friend could hang out with them and watch them warm-up. 4NEMO had gotten closer to you in the time before the concert. The boys texted you constantly and you got attached, welcoming them into your tight little circle of trust. You even all had a group chat with just you and the boys. They proved to be a pleasant way for you to blow off steam from your classes and relax so you welcomed them. Just a week after you all had met, 4NEMO had a new hit album called "Coffee Dream". It had become your new favourite album from them, containing all of the things you loved in music. Almost as though it was made with you in mind. You even set your ringtone to the instrumental of one of the album's songs. A beep resounded from your phone as you looked yourself over in the mirror. A text from Venti, " Hey cutie, just wondering if you need a ride to the concert, I'd be happy to give you a ride!" The nickname 'Cutie' had been something that sort of just happened, no inside joke, just Venti teasing you. You smile and chuckle a bit then answer him. "Yeah sure, I'm already ready so you can come now and I'm sure that they're ready too so you can pick us up now." Five minutes later you received another text telling you that Venti was now at your apartment. Making sure to fix your hair, you went outside. Outside was a black limousine waiting for you. "Get in, cutie! The others are starting warmups!" Venti called to you as you got in the limo, admiring the interior of the vehicle. Vent pulled you to his side, thighs touching. You were confused at his actions but then Venti slung his arm around your shoulder and explained. "Well we've got to make sense for your friend, right? Ehe." He giggled at the end. In return, you shrugged but it did make sense so you didn't mind. Plus, this was Venti, he's always like this. Once you got to your friend's house you saw them with a 4NEMO glow stick in hand and wearing a 4NEMO tee with the group's logo on it. "Hey, bestie! And Venti!" You laughed at the stupid nickname and replied. "Ok, you know you are my best friend and I love you platonically, and that I would die for you if necessary, but do not call me bestie. You can call me anything else, hell I'd even prefer if you called me your 'stupid butt-kicking partner in arson,' than whatever that was. Now, let's pretend that never happened and erase that from our memories. 'Kay?" This was just harmless teasing as you two had done much more stupid things and had many more inside jokes that no one except for you two knew about. "Aye aye, captain!" You talked about random subjects as the car ride went on. And Venti held onto you the whole way, almost as if he thought you might disappear. Maybe even a bit more than usual. Once you got to where the concert would take place, Venti escorted you both to the private room where the boys were practicing. "Hey, guys, I brought a little something!" Venti called to the other 4NEMO members, a hand on your shoulder tugging you to him. All the group looked up from what they were doing. From Kazuha trying out different chords on the electronic piano to xiao going over some dance moves that you hadn't seen yet, to Aether doing vocal exercises. Aether and Kazuha meeting you with soft smiles. Xiao looking away from you after he met your eyes. "So that's what you went off to do, and I almost thought you were trying to skip out on practice." Xiao retorted. "Well it is nice to have you here with us, and you too." Aether addressed you and your friend. It was surprisingly relaxing watching them warm-up for the concert. The practice was flawless, clear that everyone had already gotten everything down to the most minuscule detail. "4NEMO, you ready? Shows about to
begin." One of their workers called, you fairly remember her name being Rika or something along those lines. The boys nodded already dressed in their beautiful yet casual costumes. "Wooh! Go 4NEMO!" You called to them as you and your friend headed for where the audience had already situated itself. (On the other side) That past week, they had been almost three times more productive with you as their inspiration. Starting and releasing a new album dedicated to you in just a week. With you on their brains, inspiration was abundant. They were more devoted to you than even some of their superfans, Kazuha even stalking your social media in secret so he could make sure that his next compositions were to your taste. 4NEMO had been trying to express their love for you in the clearest yet unsuspicious way they could. Even referencing the day you met with the album. Nevertheless, you seemed to be only interested in friendship. No matter, everything would go their way in the end. Venti had put in so much effort to have you by his side, even if it was for just before the concert. Having to sneak away from the group without being noticed to go get you, paying the limo driver extra as he was only supposed to have driven 4NEMO there. Even holding back what we wanted to say to make you ditch that lousy friend of yours. Just for you to voice your feelings of devotion for them while he was in the same car!? So oblivious, so innocent, he had to protect you. The other boys were also surprised to see you but welcomed your presence. They all thought you would only show up at the concert, not before. But they all loved to indulge in you, so no one really minded Venti's little stunt. 4NEMO appeared on the stage. Smiling at the crowd with meaningless movie star smiles. At everyone except for you of course. All their eyes scoured the crowd for you, happy to see that you were close to the stage. Close enough, to tempt them into pulling you up to be with them. But, they had an image to uphold. So they held off on the longing looks at you and just focused on impressing you. "Hey, guys! Who's ready for a 4NEMO concert!?" Aether grinned and asked the crowd? The audience wooed back, even you, something the boys genuinely smiled at. "Well then, we've ought to get this party started!" Venti cried as the first song started. The boys knew that this had been your first concert as you preferred more quiet, secluded ways to spend your time while your friend was the one dragging you to interact with the outside world. And they were determined to make it special. Make this day the one that makes you as head over heels in love with them as they are. They started with a fast fan favourite, the one that you had as your ringtone. The one they created as a way to only express a fraction of the passion they felt for you. Xiao moved beautifully and elegantly as he sang. Venti hit a flawless high note that even most female singers couldn't reach. Kazuha harmonized with them in such a beautiful way that it could take one's breath away, rapping clearly and rapidly. Aether was the one who pulled it all together, he was the leader after all. 4NEMO was pleased to find that you were enjoying the change of environment. Moving your head and singing along with some of the songs you knew. Just one small problem. Though it was an irritation, the boys kept up in the perfect way only they could achieve. The problem was that you just had to bring your friend with you, Venti told the others what he had heard in the car, about how you would even die for them. And they just had to separate you two, it was too much jealousy to handle. It drove them even further, made them crave your praise even more. Even just a small compliment would suffice. So they worked their hardest at this concert. Making sure you have the time of your life. The concert was finally over and now you could be reunited with the boys. They swarmed around you once you had arrived at their private room. Asking you how the experience was and was delighted that you said that it was "absolutely
surreal" and that you loved it. It might not have been a direct 'I love you.' But it would work for now. Though they couldn't be with you in public due to their status, they would still have you. They would still make you theirs. They would remove anyone to make that happen. And it seemed like your friend was going to be the first.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝙎𝙐𝘾𝙆 & 𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙒 ☆ 𝙨𝙖𝙥𝙣𝙖𝙥 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩
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∘ request: 
goddamn your writing is so good 🥵 any chance you’d be able to write something with sapnap where you’re both at a party and know each other through friends but not well and you’re both a bit tipsy and he just can’t control himself and drags you into a bathroom? kinda fluffy where there’s lots of kissing but also desperate and accidentally rough (because the idea of someone wanting me so much that they lose control is a major thing of mine)
∘ pairing: sapnap x fm!reader
∘ warnings: nsfw (18+),  party scene, drinking, crude language
∘ links: ao3
∘ word count: ~2000
a/n: Thank you so much for the request! I literally have the exact same thing so i think we’re soulmates or something. I hope you enjoy!
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For the duration of the day, you’d been waiting for this moment. Your hair tangling amongst itself as you danced to the music with a group of your friends was almost a baptism for you. No longer were you restricted into your business casual attire and socially acceptable behavior. Now you were free to forget your name and responsibilities as mashups of different genres of heavily bass boosted music pulsed in your ears.
The large house was swelling with people, melding together as if their lives depended on the superficial human connection the beat could bring them. Many of them you recognized from some of your lectures; it had been a day where your classmates had planned a party for someone’s birthday. You hated to admit it, but you didn’t know or care whose party it was, you were just happy to have an excuse not to study.
You’d already lost one of your rings and your clothes were sticking to your body from the layer of sweat glistening against your skin, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. As cliché as it sounded, going to random college parties had equated to your own kind of religion. These senseless addresses were homes to a different kind of worship, but one you had quickly become devoted to. The smell of another girl’s perfume rubbing off on you and the nameless identity of the boy that offered you hard liquor were your new sacraments.
As the song died out, beginning a new string of beats to thunder around the room, you found yourself out of breath. You gestured to your friends that you were refilling your drink, but really you were in search of air that was a bit fresher. You wove through the heavy crowd, ending up in the kitchen and beelining for the fridge. There was a small group of boys standing around the keg, one of them filling his cup as they discussed something a few of them were getting heated about.
You tucked a cold water bottle against your side and grabbed a clean solo cup. As you got closer, you would hear what they were talking about. “I don’t know how you don’t remember that. It was like a big thing a few years ago?” One of them grumbled as his eyes narrowed at the liquid streaming into his cup.
“Sorry, Nick. I forgot they were selling kids on eBay. I honestly don’t see-” They continued on into overlapping ramblings that you couldn’t help but laugh at. One of them, that had been referred to as Nick, looked almost too familiar to you. Yet as you stood there, you couldn’t remember even if your life depended on it.
Nick’s eyes drifted to you as if just realizing you were standing there. “Sorry, do you refill?” He asked, mustering a somewhat shy smile. You snapped out of your train of thought, handing your cup to him.
“I didn’t mean to seem like a creepy, sorry,” you stated, sending him an awkward laugh. His lips parted in a smile. His dark hair was slightly ruffled, probably just from the weather earlier in the day. You weren’t sure if it was your slight buzz or the close proximity, but God, he looked good to you.
“No, I was hogging. It was my bad,” he answered. You brushed your hair off of your warm forehead and he looked up at you from what he was doing, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. “I think I know you from somewhere,” he mumbled before something clicked behind his eyes as he handed you your cup back. “Oh, you’re Clay’s friend, right? I’m his roommate, Nick.” At his words, your brain clouded with embarrassment as memories of him finally fled your brain.
You smirked slightly. “Oh! Yeah, sorry I didn’t recognize you. You look…” You paused for a second. Where were you going with this statement? Hotter? “Grown-up,” you wheezed, making him chuckle again. “- I mean, since freshman year English, I guess.”
He chewed the inside of his cheek, attempting not to grin wider. “Yeah, you look… grown-up too,” he offered, sending you a slight smirk. “It’s weird how close you and Dream are and I never see you around anymore,” he continued.
You chuckled a bit, wetting your lips. “Yeah, I told Clay I had a crush on you and he kicked me out,” you joshed, making him laugh. For as quiet as you remembered him being, you were shocked he was engaging with you in the way he was. Maybe it was just the atmosphere and the alcohol that had him loosened up. Whatever it was, you found yourself partnering with him in beer pong and spending most of the night at each other's side.
You sat closely to him on a couch in one of the several living rooms, your heads set close together as you listened to what he was saying over the music. “Hey, you too found each other,” a deep voice bounded, making you jump slightly, almost spilling your drink on Nick. Clay plopped down on the other side of you, wrapping his arm around the back of your section of couch to tug on Nick’s ear.
“Why didn’t you tell me Nick was a stud now?” you joked, slightly cringing about how bold you sounded. Nick chuckled at your words, swatting Clay’s hand away from him and taking another sip from his cup.
Clay setted further into the spot beside you. “You guys wanna play ‘suck and blow’?” He stated, more to the group of people around you guys. You furrowed your brows at him, almost wanting to roll your eyes at Clay’s blatant mission to set you and Nick up together. But who were you to avoid his attempts.
The card was passed successfully around the group, until it got to Clay, whose breath you could practically feel on the other side of the thick paper. You turned to give it to Nick but dropped it at the last second, making his lips press against yours. It was almost like he was expecting it because he was utterly calm at your action, nearing leaning in on his own accord. There were cat-calling noises made from the group as the kiss ended briefly. “Ope, looks like you guys are gonna have to leave the circle,” Clay stated with an almost sing-song tone in his voice. You were thankful that you had turned towards Clay enough that Nick couldn’t see your jokingly scornful look.
“Well, that’s just too bad. We were so good at this,” Nick chided as the two of you stood to leave. You ruffled Clay’s hair as the two of you left, following Nick into another room. “Would you want to… go somewhere quiet?” Nick asked, his eyes flashing to yours. Your eyebrow perked in his direction before you wordlessly slipped your hand into his.
You found yourself in the bathroom, Nick's hands settling on your hips as he pressed his lips against yours. You let out a sharp moan as he ground his hips against yours, yearning for more friction. Your fingers dug into his hair as his tongue slipped into your mouth, hungry for your taste. His breath was like a drug for you as he groaned into your mouth, moving against you.
His lips left your mouth but only to caress your jaw before settling against your neck, sucking on the skin with a slight sting. You tilted your head back, giving him more access to you before wrapping a leg around him, begging him to go further with you. He chuckled at your neediness, his warm breath fanning over your neck. He tugged the strap of your dress down your arm, pressing his lips against the newly exposed skin, grinding against you. The taste of cheap beer passed between the two of you.
One of his hands slipped beneath your dress to squeeze your ass, pulling you tighter against his jeans, encouraging you to ride his thigh. "I want you," he moaned unevenly in your ear, sending heat straight to your core. You wanted him to completely ruin you, to show you what was hiding beneath the surface of his reserved nice guy barrier.
You answered his words by attending to his zipper, slipping your hands into his jeans and stroking him against his boxers. A moan broke through his teeth, his lips crashing against yours as you egged him on. His erection grew stronger with each of your movements. You could tell he was becoming desperate to ravage you with each of his restrained breaths.
Your teeth dug into his bottom lip, your fingers pushing his pants to the ground as he pressed himself against you. He pushed your underwear aside, answering your silent pleas. Pressing his lips against your neck again, he drove himself into you, earning a blissed out moan from you. A breath of pleasure and relief escaped his chest at the feeling of you instantly tightening around him.
He thrusted into you, as if testing the waters as you moaned his name against his skin. One of your arms tightened around his shoulder as he held you in place, setting his pace. The mix of alcohol and pleasure you were feeling with each snap of his hips was sending your head reeling. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, fingers digging into your skin. You moaned against his lips, sending him to speed up his movements. A sense of roughness came out in him as he pounded into you harder, and you were eating it up. You fingers dug into his hair, pulling tightly to earn a groan from him.
Your hands slipped beneath his shirt, raking against his back, urging him to use you like a flashlight. "Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, voice husky with some type of forced restraint as if he wouldn't let it come out evenly. You tightened around him, moving in what little space he'd given you to grind against him.
With that, he began to thrust into you harder, as if he was finally giving into whatever he was attempting to hold back. His teeth dug into your shoulder with each pulsing movement, driving himself deeper into you. Ungodly moans left your lips, only confirming his actions as he hungrily chased his high, dragging you with him.
His paces became less rhythmic and more sloppy as he gripped onto you, your fingers digging into his skin as you felt your orgasm was just within reach. You tightened your leg around him, your head swimming as he began to hit your sweet spot repeatedly. With a nearly choked out moan of his name, your body flushed with relief, your climax ripping through you. Nick succumbed to his own as if he'd been waiting for you, the two of you leaning against each other for support as you rode out your highs.
After you caught your breath, you reapplied a layer of lipstick, eyeing Nick through the reflection of the mirror as he stood behind you, straightened his clothes. "Let's not tell Clay about this, purely because he'll make it weird," you stated, turning and evening out his hoodie strings.
He chuckled slightly. "Oh, I agree completely. Don't tell Clay." His sly smirk nearly drew you in as you pressed your lips against his again, a promise that you'd definitely be seeing each other again.
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