#i hate every single person in that shit ass government
tiredfoxtf · 2 years
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
Defend Your Blurbo Submission (this is LONG—1105 words, sorry!)
Dorsal Fin Appreciation or Lack Thereof
Hear me out y’all, but Arlong the Saw seriously needs more love in this fandom than he is getting. This is not a plea to the folks who don’t go feral at all for anyone in One Piece, this plea is for my fellow One Piece fans. Why so angry?
Out of all the villains in the entire franchise, and I am 100% ignoring the Live Action by Netflix—this is about OG canon Arlong from the anime (haven’t really read the manga yet), he seems to be the most hated. I have seen more genuine love and affection for Kleenex Boi Trebol than I have for He Carries Two Fish Sticks Everywhere He Goes Arlong.
Yes, he did conquer an island in the East Blue. Yes, he did extort money from the citizens monthly (effectively making him a loan shark). Yes, he took a young Nami and had her work for him, originally under horrible circumstances. And yes, he did kill Nami’s adoptive mother Bell-Mere. I feel like y’all shut him out of fandom love simply for killing Bell-Mere.
Out of all the villains that regularly see love, he killed a whopping one person. One.
He let Bell-Mere give parting words to her girls, he let her say goodbye, and he actually killed her rather quickly. He didn’t torture her, didn’t rape her, didn’t drag anything out. He stated that if you can’t pay, you die. He didn’t lie. She couldn’t pay so she died. Arlong is very cut-and-dry, you know exactly what you’re going to get with him.
Compare him to someone like Eustass Kid, who has killed way more innocent people than Arlong ever will. Kid got his bounty based on his egregiously high civilian casualty count. His big bad bounty came from innocent blood being spilled, that’s what makes Kid so damn dangerous to the government. Because let’s face it, he fails as much as Buggy does in the whole pirating thing. He took on Kaido at least once and lost and he took on Shanks twice and lost. He doesn’t win his pirate battles; he just wins at killing people who can’t defend themselves against him. And y’all eat him up like candy.
Arlong kills one backstory character and he’s the most hated man in One Piece. He’s better looking than Hody Jones and many other characters, he’s more humane than even he wants to admit, and he had great character development too.
He started off treating Nami like a slave or a pet and in ten years’ time grew to consider her a valued officer and crew mate. He wasn’t just fighting to keep his cartographer; he was fighting to keep the only female member of his pirate family from leaving.
Doflamingo killed his own father when he was a child, murdered his own brother, murdered countless other people, and overthrew a fucking country. And y’all drool over him like a stuck pig at a luau.
Arlong was a pretty solid pirate all things considered. He plundered consistently over the course of 10 years and built himself an empire on land rather than a fleet. He had a cunning plan. He had minions within the Marines (just as Doffy did with Vergo, but Arlong’s were actual marines), so he infiltrated through human frailty. He only committed one act of murder.
He had all the maps, a creature from the Grand Line and let’s not forget he and all but one of his crew were also from the Grand Line. He kicked ass. He even had convictions; he wasn’t all about himself. He cared about his own species, every single member of his crew, and he never turned on any of them. He did exploit a loophole with Nami but regarding his own people, he treasured all of them.
When they did something wrong or disagreed with him, he never harmed them. He didn’t treat them like shit. Their lives were precious to him. Hody Jones not only abused other fishmen/fishwomen, but he also flat out killed them. He murdered his own monarch and any fishman who didn’t agree with him 100% was killed. Arlong would fall on his own sword before even letting so much as the idea of killing any of his own kind cross his mind.
When Arlong did have disagreements with other fishmen, he just separated from them and went his own way. He never killed his own kind, wouldn’t dream of it. Arlong has lines in the sand that he will not cross, he has boundaries and respects them. Arlong actually has morals that he adheres to. Hody Jones is amoral, and Doffy isn’t far behind. Hell, Arlong has more solidified convictions and morals than Sakazuki, who like Hody, kills his own subordinates if they disagree with him.
Arlong really isn’t that villainous of a villain. In my opinion, he is a deeply traumatized person who never dealt with his trauma. He bottled it all up and is slowly consuming him. He’s damaging himself by doing that and he is able to be mislead by thinking he’s doing right and following solid ideals. He truly believes his species is superior and he truly believes that they need to rise up and take their freedom.
Now, he isn’t wrong. Fishmen are treated horribly and they do need to take their freedom, but treating humans the exact way they have been treated is also wrong. Arlong is so deeply wounded that he hasn’t figured that part out yet. He was starting to with Nami evolving in his crew. He even admitted to her intelligence and skill a few times, he was slowly starting to mend his ways when she left.
Arlong is deeply traumatized, misguided, but redeemable. And yet, no one gives him a chance. How can you all heap the love on civilian slaughterer Kid, pirate failure Buggy, snotastic Trebol, familicide Doffy, royal traitor Crocodile, domestic terrorist Sakazuki (because like me, some of y’all out there love him too), fish gutter Hody Jones, delulu “deity” Enel, lard ass Blackbeard, or giant psycho Kaido with the scrawny legs that shouldn’t be able to support him but y’all can’t find three nice things to say about Arlong the Saw and his glorious dorsal fin?
I mean come on! Have you seen that sexy dorsal fin of his? He’s tall, has luscious locks, teeth that regenerate, two fresh fish sticks in his pants, a cool ass sword, decent fashion sense, and he can breathe underwater which is just so cool.
Why must you hate him so? He’s not that bad all things considered.
Defend Your Blurbo #7
Please remember this post is about curiosity and genuine fandom discourse. Be kind with your answers because this is not a debate essay, this is a discussion between fans.
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Well, in case anyone doesn't know who Arlong is, he's an early One Piece villain.
Now, this anon took a much different approach to the series than the others, so have fun with this and One Piece fandom. Defend your Blorbo
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katy-l-wood · 1 year
Delete your Threads account. You know what Meta as a company has done, you know the kind of person Mark Zuckerberg is. You've lived through Gamergate, the elections, covid, the fucking lot of it, and yet you're still willingly making an account on Threads. How can you possibly justify that?
Second ask: Scratch that, I hadn't read your most recent posts. Sorry for being so rude.
Third ask: "Still going to keep an eye on it" For what exactly? For it not to be as bad as it is? For it to get even worse before you decide it is wrong? You know who Mark Zuckerberg is. You know what Facebook is. Be up front: you don't actually care or stand for anything, you're only afraid of losing business. Have some dignity.
So you decided to be rude as fuck, "apologize," and then come back and be more rude?
I was incredibly clear in that post of why I am going to keep an eye on Threads, despite the concerns: Twitter was a valuable source of live news, especially during natural disasters, and Threads is the first potentially viable replacement for that. IDK if you actually follow me, but if you do you'll know I do a lot of work around natural disaster communication. Twitter was invaluable as a communication source during natural disasters. Full stop. It is not up for debate. But hey, if you want a source with more authority than a random tumblr blog, here, have a nice shiny research paper:
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Mind you, that was written in 2010 and the importance of Twitter as a communications tool during natural disasters has only increased since then. There is no other tool out there, no other website--news or otherwise, that can provide such granular, specific updates when shit hits the fan as Twitter did. The only better, quicker source of information I have found during natural disasters is listening to actual radio chatter from the departments involved in whatever problem, and that can be very tricky to do if you don't know where to look or have the right equipment. There is no other site where I can go specifically follow so many of my local fire departments, my local emergency services, my local National Weather System stations, and get live pushed updates from them every single time they post.
When Twitter DDOSed itself last week and put a limit on the amount of tweets people could view and forced people to be logged in to view anything at all, the effect was immediate and BAD. People suddenly couldn't view things like missing person alerts, or weather alerts. I had people messaging me because they were trying to check the National Weather System autoalerts for their area on Twitter due to being caught in a sudden storm, but they couldn't get on to check.
Love it or hate it, Twitter had an immense amount of value and it got that value--at least in the case of natural disaster communication--because the stubborn ass government decided it was big enough to be trusted with official lines of information. Very, very few other social media sites have ever had that trust from the government. Look at how they banned TikTok on all government devices. But they DO trust Facebook, and Instagram, and Meta. Which means their chances of trusting Threads and migrating over there when Twitter finally takes its last breath are ASTRONOMICALLY higher than expecting them to go anywhere else.
We can debate the privacy and moral issues of the Metaverse and those involved until the cows come home, but it does not change the fact that if my mountain is on fire I'm gonna get information about where that fire is from wherever the fuck I can. I'm not going to wait around for it to maybe show up in a "live" updates news article from CNN from some reporter half a continent away in New York who doesn't know anything about where I live and gets the roads wrong because they just don't know. I'm going to go to the website full of my neighbors and local firefighters and see what's happening right that second.
Do we need to fix the privacy and moral issues? Yes. But we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater either. Not using Threads or any other Meta product isn't the answer here. Using them with extreme caution and only for very specific needs, for the time being, is. Long term, we need to be focusing on privacy based legislation that would finally put these companies in their place. But until then, again, I'm going to keep following my local fire departments wherever they go.
P.S.: If you're going to keep the shitty attitude, fuck right off and unfollow+block. You're not wanted here.
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thottybrucewayne · 9 months
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Every zionist, duh, but esp yall who screenshot perfectly reasonable posts and go "Um, the look at this idiot who thinks genocide is wrong" yall make my ass itch and nobody takes you seriously, MOVE. 2. The entire U.S. government but esp Joe Biden that old ass man gettin spit roasted in hell (AND NOT THE FUN KIND!) 3. DIDDY AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT PROTECTED AND DEFENDED HIM. 4. Tory Lanez whole family, his mama, his daddy, his dog? All them. 5. The nonblack people who run those Rap House Tv type blogs that are clearly trying to be shade room clones. 6. People who get all their news from the Shade Room and Whatsapp, sorry auntie, I'm sick of you tellin' me COVID can be cured by sticking cloves of garlic up my nose :/ 7. Every single one of you dirtbag leftist ass people, yall do nothing for nobody except you thousands of adoring "former nazi" fans that need to be told it's okay that they still say the n word in private. 8. N.O.R.E and every single hiphop "journalist" 9. Charlemagne Tha God and Dj Envy, they know why. 10. Everyone who made Ike and Tina jokes after Tina past away. Grow up. 11. You fanfic girlies. So many of y'all are seeing the lake of fire, But esp if you donate to ao3 or own ao3 merch. Like, that is just embarrassing. 12. It's 2024, If I see you coming up here saying shit like "Miku wroke harry potter!" or " Hello Kitty wrote Ofmed, actually" I'm sending you to hell myself. 13. Booktokers? This is yall the second year on this list, tighten the fuck up and stop being weird about strange men on the internet, now. 14. People who do LITERALLY NOTHING yet try to tell other people how to be activists. You contribute nothing to any conversation you're a part of, suck my dick from the back. 15. People who stopped masking because other people were making them feel bad. Fuck your mama not being able to see your smile, PEOPLE ARE DYING???? 16. Lana Del Ray and Taylor Swift. They know exactly what they did. 17. Every white girl on twt who tried to jump me cause I said the Barbie movie is white feminism at its finest. 18. Elon, you raggedy bitch. 19. Every single man who hit on me this year who isn't one of my friends. 20. People who don't know what transmisogyny means and make that everyone else's problem. I need yall to start reading so bad it's not even funny. 21. You "goth is a feeling" people. You gonna be "feeling" that hell fire nippin' at your ass, NEXT 22. You 35 defending fanservice of high schoolers in anime/manga all day every day...yeah, just get on down there, big fella. They waiting on you. 23. Cishet Black men on tiktok and twt who make it their life's mission to make an ass of themselves for minor ducats. You are a one-man modern-day minstrel show and you will be dealt with. 24. White Tyler The Creator fans. Y'all know what you do.
Dishonorable mentions: Shojo fans who never talk about the fucked up shit in the manga they recc you because "At least its not as misogynistic as shounen!" (yes, yes it is) Fashion tiktokkers I hate so many of you its not even funny Every person who put the image of T.D. Jakes getting his doonies beat down at a Diddy party in my mind. Like I literally never needed to think about that. My dad <3 and all my friends' dads. Patricide NOW!!!!! People who are still whining about having to boycott shut upppppp god damn. People who stare at me in public. You got a fuckin problem?????
That's a wrap! Here are the lists from last year and the year before feel free to add more in the tags <3
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rederiswrites · 1 year
Ok, I swear, this one's for the people who DON'T follow K-pop, and only know BTS as some Korean boyband that uses a lot of autotune. Just to highlight some things I'm currently enjoying the hell out of from their careers. Lemme start with some context.
So in Korea, Idol is a job above and beyond just performing onstage. You are meant to be a product. An object for adoration, specifically trained and cultivated to create the sort of parasocial relationship that sells out shows and merchandise. It is fucking rigorous. It usually involves substantial economic hardship unless and until you're one of the handful of groups that makes it big. It's also blatantly predatory, and idols are chosen when they're literally kids, at most 18 usually.
Your contract with the label frequently specifies that you're not allowed to swear, smoke, date, or generally do anything not squeaky clean anywhere you might be seen, which, since they've got cameras shoved up your ass and bolted to your bed, is everywhere. Merely touching a person of the opposite sex can set off a whole scandal and get you (or the poor unfortunate you breathed near) a huge pile of hate. They're also perfectly aware that they're "just" idols, just boybands or girl bands, to a lot of people, and not considered serious musicians, even in their own country.
Idols also have a pretty short shelf-life. Korean beauty standards are, as far as I can tell, even more youth-obsessed than in the US. The oldest female artists are like, 34. There's like, one woman over 30 for every twenty under 20. Men's careers often founder on their mandated military service, which is roughly two years (depending on branch). They've got to serve that by the time they're 30.
BTS got extensions, because they're a statistically significant percent of the entire South Korean GDP. But now the elder members have got to do their service, no way around it. Kim Seokjin (Jin) went in a couple months ago, Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) a few days ago. So the group is on hiatus, there's no helping it.
That was the background. What happens now is the fun part.
The Korean government played politics, bouncing back and forth on "should idols big enough get exemptions" for years, specifically namedropping and using BTS as a political toy. BTS themselves didn't comment on any of it, and played their cards very close to their chest and said nothing about their military service. Then they did a huge concert in Busan, Korea, where they resurrected an old rap cipher which involves chanting "Fuck you I don't care, you can't control my shit", performed it with such fire that it looked like they were legit about to start a riot, and then the next week announced that they were going on hiatus and Jin was entering the military.
Since then, let's see: nearly every member has at least posted a shirtless photo, and the three youngest members have done entire photoshoots (and in one case a music video) shirtless. Jimin released a single titled "Set Me Free"--not terribly subtle--and a photoshoot he made a point of saying he'd designed from the ground up, which is SOAKED in queer symbology. I have to emphasize that these choices are all MUCH more significant than they would be in the US. Min Yoongi put an entire album full of rage and violent imagery and painful intimacy and swearing, and smoked and shot people and performed self-harm in his music videos. J Hope released an album full of dark driving rhythms utterly unlike his previous work, and broke sales records as a solo star at Lollapalooza, even while still singing and rapping primarily in Korean.
Some of the members are quieter, clearly a bit unmoored without the thing that has shaped and dictated their entire adult lives, but they're also shrugging off the idol image with deep relief. Namjoon is philosophizing and being extremely frank about mental struggles and crying on camera. Jungkook is having regular almost uncomfortably intimate lives, where he just sings along with the music or folds his laundry or even just smiles sleepily at the camera for a while. Who the hell knows what Taehyung does. Exactly as he pleases, probably, but definitely while wearing thousands of dollars of fashion and looking like the prince of the dark sidhe.
I was looking forward to this. Not to the military service, of course. As a non-Korean, I'm well aware that it's none of my damn business, but of course I don't like it. But I was looking forward to these guys slipping the leash and having lives and careers beyond the chains of idolhood. And it's been pretty awesome so far.
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fischlslays · 2 years
Update on the Raelya Raasini situation..!
Lmao, as yall know from the last post, she was stalking me and some creepy shit. My friend @hunterxhunterisbest contacted her and guess what? She denied that she talked about me💀 bro its so obvious, and you acting stupid is actually driving me nuts💀
Like bro even took the "I always knew Mona mains can get along with Fischl mains." From my blog and said, "I wasn't talking about her, but the first one."
AND, she stalked my account long enough to know that I put her in my DNI list, here is the conversation between her and my friend. I'm rlly srry for y'all's eyes💀
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And btw, again, calling me a "bish" did nothing at all.
How you felt after calling me a "bish":🥰😍💋💅🔥
Bro pls use something else, you called me a bitch 4 times in row now, be creative. And we both know that you still have access to your goddamn account💀
Esther (my friend) had to go through hell and meet Satan to get this ugly ass mf to text back💀💀
"TELL ME" 💀💀 I don't have to say anything, do I? "I blocked her too! How-" that's even worse bro💀 and yall better be grateful for yalls ass😭 I'm rlly sorry Esther.
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"But she doesn't know one small detail" "I'm still there" bro watched a lil too much of Batman💀 its insulting to compare him to some random ugly ass mf on tumblr💀 even Esther herself said: "why is she acting so cringy? Is she going to tell me a government secret?😭"
Bro stalked for too long to see my DNI list💀💀 and yea, Esther hates you and thinks you the cringiest person to ever step a foot on this Earth. And no she ain't neutral💀
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Yes, you are the creepiest person I've ever talked to💀 and you still deny it. See? That mf admitted that she was stalking me, lmao, tbh, you though you actually changed smth💀 I already knew that you are a creepy stalker, I didn't need you to inform me, but thank anyway.
"She put me in her DNI list."
"And you still interacted?"
"Yes, because I'm not Raeyla"
"Have you lost it?"
Lmao this part got me laughing😭😭
I know you are not Raeyla, but didn't want to expose you to your sweet friends and virtual family, nor your dear followers💀, "Raasini". Tbh, I'm glad that is not your name, because it would be such a waste of a pretty name on a shitty person💀
"I called her friend a loser bc she is"
💀 mf don't get Leisel into this. You actually thought you did smth?💀💀 bro go cry yourself to sleep or smth, it would've been better for all of us💀 and for the third time, Leisel ain't a loser, and again, you clearly didn't see your self💀do us a favour and never show your fac again, and leave your blog, no one is going to miss you anyway💀 if you lied about your name, why would your followers trust you again?💀 Next time Raasini tries to act cool, remember that she likes Hisoka (a pedophile from hunter x hunter), Oliver Tree(search what he did to Melanie), and The Manni Show (master of slurs).💀
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"Idk hes hot" 💀💀 go get your eyes checked. Is this what you call hot?
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Raasini is this your man?💀💀 I don't blame you, you get attracted to shit cuz u are, rlly. U guys deserve eachother.💀
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Again, I'm rlly sorry Esther, and I sorry for everyone who's reading this except that mf, I bet she cringed too💀
"Peace✌" Bitch shut up💀 bro tried so hard to be Drake💀💀 NOT THE "..."💀
hoW dAre yOU! 💀 I swear no one cares, and I feel so bad for Esther. And btw Esther, you ate. And I agree with every single word you said.
And since that mf said that she just said what I did to her, I'm done, that's it, if you are playing that game, I'll do so too💀
Oh, by the way, remember the time you faked living in Ohio? And the time you were hard-core simping over Kaeya and Scaramouche and called them daddies but then you call me and Leisel losers for liking Fischl and Mona?💀 Or the time you acted all cringy by stuttering through text even though you weren't not Role-playing? Or the time you used the "..." so damn much that I gave my phone the nastiest side eye ever? And the time you acted all emo?💀 bro I have too much things, but I too lazy to list them all, and i don't want my followers to cringe💀
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Here is my gift for you <3 tbh, I glad not the only who thinks that💀 and Raasini, your grammar and spelling books are crying in the corner💀 victim rizz fr. and when I saw the screenshots that Esther sent me, you wrote "bulliying"💀 I didn't know ppl could fuck up the word Bullying. Bro, are you even 17?💀💀
And thx @sulli1361 for your advice, I blocked her, let's hope that mf doesn't make another account to stalk me again💀 because I'm so done with her.
Thx @notafan77 for your prayerz
And thx for @urbestgirlever and @hunterxhunterisbest for keeping up with her
And did you actually put an Oliver Tree quote on your post that was supposed to "expose" me?💀 I hope you are truly embarrassed, because if I was you I'd never show my face ever again. Not for the next 15 years at least.
And if yall want me to posy the screenshots, just tell me, I don't mind, that bitch asked for it.
"Peace out✌" this is going to haunt Mr down forever. Thx Raasini, I'm Traumatised, and so are my followers.
Tags (sry for yalls eyes): @foreveryoung @toxiccluvvv @breaking-panic @disa-ster @whatskillingthekids @vernadettachiara @sillyreadergal-blog @bleakqblake @shinobusupremecy @shinobuscanonwife @shinobu @shinobu-blogging-blog @slutsssphobia @sluttsxphobia @ask-the-insect-hashira @anime-fan- @astrox @simpinxdisrespectfully @pr3tty @notafan77 @piercingmylove @honeydazai @hunterxhunterisbest @hopperowo @toastdee66 @ask-chachamaru-kny @sulli1361 @ask-thekny @orangepegacorn-blog @booplsnoot @ilynaru @ilynes @sarahwinchester97 @mistymuichiro @mistymuichirou @reawakened-goddess @seaacutie42 @limeiscool @limebreaker @urbestgirlever @popcorn-and-other-fun-stuff @hottestcelebrities @horrorchicxoxo @delmissesryan @tomioka-pudding
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So as usual, the Brinley Brigrade remains so wedged up Lynn Brinley's ass, I promise you the smell of his shit will stick in their nostrils for the rest of their lives. I just began typing this and as expected, Michael and his "lovely" whore/girlfriend Regina are already fighting to try and shut me up, screaming through V2K: "You're guilty!" In THEIR world, being "guilty" translates over as no longer possessing the right to have a voice in any way, form or manner. Yet the entire point of me leaking Brinley's background record just last night was to show TRUE guilt on his behalf and get the implied message across: "You all are utilizing lies and deceptions in your hate campaign against me, yet your "almighty" leader has two charges on his record. So clearly he isn't squeaky clean innocent either, but you allow him to speak and live as freely as he wants. Common sense thus begs the question: Why can't I?"
I've come to understand it however in a different sense, as the minions remain deeply loyal to their god, Lynn Patrick Brinley. It's like with how Hitler was: he was having Jews abused, mistreated and killed left and right. Yet the Nazi's followed him unquestionably, rarely if ever showing any remorse for their treacherous actions. It's the same in gangstalking: once that stronghold of deception is established against you, only through the intervention of God can there be any type of breakthrough. You can hand out fliers of information on the truth of gangstalking and offer any credible evidence you may have against who you believe is leading the masses against you, but people in general remain invested in what they want to believe.
I've been accused of almost everything under the sun by Brinley and his troll buddies: I've been called a pedophile, a whore, a slut, a narcissist, a dangerous individual, everything you can think of. Despite their being no proof whatsoever behind the allegations, the masses persist in believing it and mistreating me. Michael and Regina outright abuse me via V2K and their DEW's technology every single day. Yet they turn a stiff neck away from the true documented crimes of the very man they follow.
I am very well aware many are being paid off to say and do things towards me on the downlow. But I'm also aware there are various others who fight against me, showing their evil, dark sides merely because they want to. They figure because they are backed and covered by the government, their dirty misdeeds will never catch up to them.
Michael and Regina and their family by far have to be Brinley's biggest fans and supporters. I'm not kidding when I say those involved regard Brinley as if he is their God; the backyard neighbors from hell take the cake. Even now, they remain attacking my body with their remote technology. Any time I began speaking about Brinley, they go into lapdog attack mode. I imagine if they were in person with Brinley, they'd all drop down on their hands and knees just to suck his 2 inch dick in worship, and would probably force their child to follow suit, as they've involved him before in their hate campaign against me. Michael, Regina and their daughter are going a-wall right now, trying to shut me down. All for Brinley's sake. If you gotta have that much support on your side, you've got to be the weakest man in all the world, that's all I can say. And his weakness always shines through the masses. Always. I'm no longer trying to sway anyone into seeing the evil in what's being done to me. With those involved, it's an impossible feat as it is. I suspect it is only when this entire thing is publicly exposed in a way it can no longer be denied or hidden, only then will those participating show any remorse (real or fake) and offer up guilt ridden excuses, Michael and Regina being among the firsts. Sometimes in the midst of one of their attacks, I like to imagine seeing them in court, finally being condemned for their wrongdoings against me. I can picture Michael sobbing, shoulders shaking, with Regina looking outright dumbfounded beside him, and he will be repeating shamefully how they were only doing what they were being told to do while under the impression despite my many complaints and tears and pain, it was all "helping" me. It's what they will occasionally tell me via V2K. And I'll just be staring them down, waiting for my turn to speak while seeing with my own two eyes how the tables have turned--how the power junkie abusers who once relished the corrupt authority they held over me have now been made the frightened, teary eyed victims pleading for mercy and empathy. It'll be MY turn to throw it back in their faces: "You deserve it. NOW who's guilty?" with whatever sentence they are handed. For now they're confident, thinking they'll never be caught. Funny thing is, Cointelpro was exposed before. Many scandals throughout history have been exposed no matter how long it took despite those running their underhanded deeds thinking they'd never get caught. The fact I'm being persecuted out of revenge and one man's desperate desire to have me by his side for his own wicked purposes is in itself a laughingstock, almost completely unbelievable. My enemies beef up their bs with lies to try and "justify" themselves, but as I'm still being urged to "give up" and just call my biggest enemy let's me know, the majority of this is still being done to try and grant him his own selfish wishes. Ahhh well, I've already made up my mind that's never going to happen, and will always stand by my decision of free-will.
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medtech-mara · 9 months
The other day, I was searching on twitter for fan art of Robo fighting Adam Smasher, and of course ran into neo nazis, talking how Cyberpunk is lame fantasy for degen antifas, while Deus Ex was based QAnon fantasy for the red pilled.
Reminds me this 4chan comment about 2077 I saw reposted some time ago, where a dude was like "Hurr durr, corporations bad, even though the world is sure technologicalyl advanced, hurr durr"-ignoring the specific idiocy of that, what exactly did they expect?
I know everything billed under cyberpunk isn't inherently leftwing, and leftism doesn't have monopoly on hating rich people, but if you think Corporations Bad is some crazy commie shit, maybe Corporations Bad in the Future genre isn't for you?
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Don't look at Twitter for intellectual POV's because not a single one is to be found there.
My faith in the masses on a consistent weekly basis is demolished, and I am not sure I have much more to give for them.
I have said it a million times, and I will say it til I'm blue in the face. Twitter is just the village square that lets every Village idiot have the podium. These people just eat up whatever stupid ass bullshit if it has enough likes attached to it, because they lack critical thinking for themselves.
If you had asked me a couple weeks ago, I probably would have said the same as the above, except, I was naive enough to believe that the collective could and would be able to look at the evidence and come to the right conclusion. However, this week my thoughts have changed. (I'm specifically looking at YOU Jirard Khalil).
Hating the rich/megacorps has and never will be exclusive to the left. It's for the oppressed. Those who have felt the boot on their necks from those who are in charge or have enough money to sway those in charge, and that number keeps growing especially in the states where our food is becoming scop quality and the dollar isn't going as far as it used to.
Personally, I think both the Libs and the Right wingers are idiots. Neither want to admit that they are both the same coin. Both sides have valid concerns and struggles that need to be addressed, but instead, they (the government and the megacorps that pay them) want to turn us all against each other, because as long as we stand divided, we can't turn our anger to the right people. BUT THEY AINT READY FOR THAT CONVERSATION YET.
Truth is, both games (and the genre) address very real warnings that are being taken with a grain of salt and just flat out ignored because it's not amplified to that degree, so it can't possibly be the case in our world right? 🙄
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thediaryofs0nic · 2 years
I'd like to write some of my thoughts from today. Why do my parents care so much about what happens between me and my boyfriend. They act like im dating as a 13 year old, im fucking 18. Let me and my own partner sleep in the same bed, stop being fucking weird about me having sex. Yall make me listen to it every other week and it's fucking weird. On top of that bs they also like to be randomly transphobic and homophobic out of the blue but no theyre not absolutely not. I wish my father wasn't so fucking weird about every fucking thing. Literally every day hes coming up to me and reading some shit thats either racist, homophobic, sexist, or just straight insensitive, whys he gotta be such an asshole. I just want to live and I dont want to talk about him because he doesn't respect me, he's always making me feel like the dumbest person in the fucking world with his man-splainy smart-ass attitude. I try to be considerate, I try to be generous, I try to stay out of his way but noooooo he wants to try and start shit every fucking day even with I haven't entertained it forever. I seriously don't have a single redeemable feature in my mind when describing him, I mean maybe MAYBE his knowledge of cars if he wasn't super fucking lazy. If im ever compared to him I will kill myself, ok a little far but serious he is the worst person ive met.
On another note, I just want to see my boyfriend and be our of this bullshit school. I might actually like school if I could focus but I'm always do 3 fucking things at once and can't give 100% of my attention at anything. I've been super fucking lazy when it comes to doing school work and I can't handle it. It's causing so much stress but I can't do it. I sit down and open an assignment and doing it is like torture, I literally keep getting distracted and I have to find ways to stimulate/quiet my brain enough to focus. I get the most work done when I'm sleep deprived or listening to ambience for fuck sake. I need to be diagnosed and medicated for depression and adhd but I cant handle my own problems, which, by the way, are all made up. I have to surround myself with things that give me a little bit of dopamine just to get by, masturbating every day multiple times, playing mindless video games, and spending hours on the internet because life is too hard to live. I can't handle this. I'm genuinely through with life because I don't quite see a point unless it's to have my one with my partner but that doesn't seem possible either. Fuck politicians, fuck religion, fuck my jackass father, fuck these homophobic nazi cunts, fuck the world. I want to live and express myself without having to worry about being ATTACKED AND KILLED IN THE STREET. The worst part is that I cant even trust the fucking POLICE to protect me. I feel more fear from looking at a police officer than I do looking at any suspicious looking criminal because at least its a 50% chance a suspicious person will have a gun but a 100% chance a police officer will and a 50% chance they'll try to kill me with or without it if they try to talk to me. I hate the world, I hate the government, I hate my father, i hate this cursed hell scape we live on. I am plagued by fear by simply existing. I can't see a shiny easy future for me. It won't be like that. I'll be stuck in this forever. I won't get out of this bullshit. We'll curse the world to melt into the sun without a piece of the human race having survived because of our own bullshit. I hate myself and I hate that I was ever born. Why did I have to ripe everyone into this shit.
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Rant for this Fucking Issue Below
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Look, I know mistreatment of Luke and the lady characters in Star Wars is an absolute given, but this one has seriously annoyed me as of recently. They did my gurl Shaak Ti so badly in this one shot comic, I need to get this utter hatred out of my system. This big rant is just my personal opinion and pure hating of some obscure non canon media.
Quick summary. Shaak Ti, Quinlan Vos, and her loyal clones are on a mission to stop some massacre by Dooku and his new crony on some planet called Brentaal. Shaak Ti finds out the Dooku Crony is somewhere on some prison building. She, Quinlan Vos, and her clones storm the building. Shaak Ti finds out that, of course, one of the people that survived the Separatist Prison Massacre is Lyshaa, the scum that killed her only Padawan, Fe Sun (technically Shaak Ti’s adopted daughter). They’re all forced to work together with Shaak Ti promising Lyshaa’s freedom if the mission is completed.
Lyshaa is an absolute piece of shit the entire time and while Shaak Ti is a graceful character, the edges of her tolerance are pushed as she is forced to deal with the immature, mediocre woman that took her padawan away from her.
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Not surprisingly, Lyshaa betrays Shaak Ti and the others and sides with Dooku’s Crony. However, Shaak Ti, being the badass she is, makes quick work of him and stops the massacre. (Look at that smirk of hers when she shoots Shaak Ti. God, I wanted to brick her head.)
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Appallingly, Lyshaa gets the last laugh by giving herself a painless and quick death before Shaak Ti can reach her.
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In the end, Shaak Ti sits with Plo Koon, concerned and saddened about what war and trauma have been doing to her.
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I have So Many complaints about this issue. Let me just get the easiest ones off my chest.
• More Anti-Jedi propaganda. The people of Brentaal are heinously suffering because of Dooku and his little henchman, but the prisoners and population on the planet choose to blame the Jedi instead because somehow their involvement made everything “worse” and their arrival to help forces the planet to become a Republic government. How that is “worse” than Dooku massacring the entire planet and draining it of resources is beyond me.
• Awful treatment and intense mischaracterization of the clones and how they are treated by the Jedi. The clones are subtly shown to be at odds with the decisions of Shaak Ti and Vos throughout the issue. Despite this, they speak civilly to them and the Clones are fiercely loyal. But the Jedi disregard their names and instead just call all of the Clones, Trooper?? They also allow other characters to hatefully speak to them and treat them poorly. As for the Clones, they are constantly in sour moods and say Roger for some reason. Most likely in an effort to make them similar to Separatist droids and hint at their “lack of autonomy under the Jedi.”🙄🙄
Lastly, the most unattractive and annoying quality of this issue is the soggy side antagonist Lyshaa. Lyshaa is supposed to be some sexy, evil foil of Shaak Ti who apparently gives her a run for her money. She hilariously fails this in almost every single aspect. Let’s start out with the more petty stabs to Shaak Ti’s character with Lyshaa as her “competition.” Insanely, the comic tips the scales to Lyshaa’s favor, not just from her state of dress and visual appearance, but down to her demeanor and predicament.
Right from the beginning, there is already a stark contrast between Shaak Ti and Lyshaa visually. Shaak Ti with her dark eyes, red skin, blue and white montrals/lekku, and her body mostly covered in heavy brown cloaks and skirts. Meanwhile, Lyshaa has pink skin, pink hair, purple eyes, bright yellow cropped tank top, and blue pants. Lyshaa is also flirtatious and dangerous. Constantly with a fugly smirk. Putting her fingers on her ass-chin or lips in an attempt to be coy and sensual, paired with gratuitous ass and tit shots. The artists and writers are working overtime to make sure you know she’s the “More Attractive” one. They push this story detail with such obsession, but it just ends up hilariously backfiring. The Manipulative Sexy Femme Fatale trope is ruined and overturned in every way for Lyshaa.
The effort put into the artwork to make Lyshaa look sexy, ends up making her look absolutely horrendous. Yes, she shows skin. Yes, her eyes are a pretty purple. She always gives that smirk and “Did I do that? Oooh I’m so Bad.” expression with her fingers tapping and touching her face. But the colors of her outfit are terrible and clash with her tone. Bright wet floor sign yellow, toilet cleaner blue, and flushed pink skin that looks like it’s seen better days. The attempt to make her stand out of the grimy backgrounds, make her something alluring, instead makes her an absolute eyesore. This costume design is wrapped around a hilariously contorted body to make sure the reader can see Lyshaa is sexy at all times, with her pretty eyes and crazy, hot grin.
As you can see in the panels above, they focus so much on that smirking grin and those pretty eyes, it makes the rest of face weirdly look out of proportion. Her forehead is constantly the size of mount rushmore and her ass-chin is so overly pronounced, they’re all you can fucking look at. Shaak Ti is arguably strange as a pure alien, but has an elegance to her features. Her montrals and long lekku balance them out, give them a form of regality. Lyshaa is supposed to be a near human Zeltron and she just looks like a mess.
Then there’s Lyshaa’s “powers.” As a Zeltron, she has the ability to manipulate individuals and push emotions, mainly through skin contact. Yet, another subtle inclination of her “sexual prowess.” Another stab at Shaak Ti’s lack of appeal. I think the funniest example of how this is overturned, is by this background shot of one of the comic panels. Up until this moment, nobody has fallen for Lyshaa’s tricks. Now, here she is trying to influence a Clone Trooper.
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The look on his face is priceless. I can Feel the disgust radiating off of him. He’s seriously wondering why this smelly bitch is trying to flirt with him when he is more than happy to be there with Jedi Master Shaak Ti. It’s clear that her powers only work on extremely weak minded and slack willed individuals. The only person who Immediately falls for the influence of her abilities ends up being Dooku’s Crony. Now fine, sexual persuasion, that’s respectable. But Lyshaa was only able to manipulate one person the entire issue. She’s not good at getting herself out of situations she got herself into. This is seen from when Shaak Ti had to save her ungrateful ass from that laser chamber Lyshaa activated by accident (when she was trash talking Shaak Ti btw). It’s ridiculous how the comic props her up as this Dangerous and Lethal Individual.
The Only Thing that Lyshaa has going for her as some villain is that she literally is just plain evil. She likes hurting people and murdered Shaak Ti’s padawan simply for status and rubs it in her face. Only regrets not having time to savor the perks of the status. She was going to fuck Dooku’s Crony in front of Shaak Ti’s dead body. She’s fucking disgusting, that’s for sure. But then the comic Also Fails this aspect by trying to make Lyshaa into some victim of the Jedi. Tries to make the audience boo hoo at her backstory of not being respected as justifiable reasoning behind her actions. If you’re going to make someone an asshole, just keep them an asshole and then End Them Like One 🙄🙄 But once again, the comic is unsatisfactory. Lyshaa spends the entire issue being aggravating, ugly, and arrogant. Instead of sympathy, it’s visceral hatred you feel for her. The audience expects retribution, justice, but instead Lyshaa gets to decide her idiotic fate. She dies painlessly and Shaak Ti is almost Blamed for wanting Lyshaa to pay, sitting and wondering how she is “changing for the worst.”
Lyshaa is inconsistent and half assed. Pure sex fantasy, with a horrible failing on actual sex appeal and glamour. Their attempts at getting you, the reader, to take her seriously and sympathize with her are done so poorly, it’s funny as well as infuriating. What’s worse is that the artists/writers make her strut all of this in absolute confidence. Their effort to make this Memorable Femme Fatale for Shaak Ti ends up trickling to a sexless, Harley Quinn knockoff. Less iconic, less charming, less intelligent, less capable, and double the desperate try hard. All that is poorly designed and filthy as hell because she spent time rolling around in the sewers and in a rundown prison. She literally stinks. Now, if Lyshaa had achieved any level of good characterization, I most certainly would not have liked her more, but acknowledged her as an actual character worth remembering.
But instead, they just pit this classless and sloppy Loser against Shaak Ti. The Shaak Ti. I honestly believe that this was just some writer’s fetish OC that they wanted to catfight Shaak Ti for some reason. Whatever, if you’re going to do it, at least do it right. This was just sad. Shaak Ti deserved to kill that piece of shit. This isn’t anything important, at least this Legends issue isn’t canon. But it’s just another reminder of how they failed another one of my fave characters of Star Wars in one of the most heinous ways possible. That’s all. I just wanted to talk about it. Lyshaa is practically fanon, Shaak Ti is canon and, as far as we know, alive. In the end, I try to take comfort in that.
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mr2swap · 2 years
the incident:Cupcake!
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-HON! I'M HOME!- The clean and fresh air of our rose-scented apartment was quickly overshadowed by the stinky musk that emanated from my boyfriend Kamnan's hairy armpits. With his huge feet, he entered the apartment while removing his sweat t-shirt AND his huge, dirt-filled sneakers further adding to the stench throughout the apartment.
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Without saying a single word I started to pick up all the shit that he left around the apartment walking behind him and inhaling the stinking stench that he left behind like a fucking servant, we had already argued about it actually, we had had several fights lately since …the incident. For me, it was easier to stay quiet and ignore all the changes in the personality of Kamna, or Kam… as he called himself now instead of unleashing a long fight that would end up ruining my week.
We don't know why or how it was that a madman stole several tanks of experimental gas from the SwapCorp company and released the gas cloud in the city's subway, just when my boyfriend was coming back from work.
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The entire city was on high alert but neither the Government nor Swapcorp could catch the culprit, much less return everyone to his original bodies. Kamnan was quarantined for a week before being able to return home like countless other gas-stricken citizens living trapped in some stranger's body, she could only speak to him on the phone, her once shrill feminine voice. now it was incredibly powerful and masculine.
When I saw Kamna for the first time in his new body I could not believe that the adorable and delicate boy with whom I shared my life was now inside that enormous gorilla of almost 2 meters and smelly, I knew that it would be different but I never imagined that I would end up in the hot body of a 20-year-old bodybuilder. As soon as he saw me he ran towards me to hug me taking huge steps with his long hairy legs, he wrapped his long muscular arms around me and squeezed me so hard I could barely breathe - cupcake! I've missed you so much!-his voice was much more imposing and masculine in person.
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I forced a smile on my face immersed in my boyfriend's huge pecs that I could only achieve after trying to remember the 3 years of theater that he studied in high school so as not to make Kamna feel bad about his new body. Perhaps it's a bit ironic that Kamnan will end up in the body of a sweaty, masculine gym rat before he became one he used to hate such disgusting men...
-By the way, some “brothers” from the gym will come at night to watch the game and we're going to make a lot of noise tonight! could you go to the store and buy some light beer? for me and 6 other people?, thank you cupcake you are the best- He didn't let me say a single word before throwing his sweatpants and his dirty and wet underwear in my face.
Before he locked himself in the bathroom for 2 hours for a long beauty routine he winked at me, smiled, and flexed his amazing body for me completely naked, his entire body was incredibly muscular, it was the body of a much younger stud than I was and extremely attractive today, had he shaved his chest this morning, maybe he would have some bodybuilding competition soon or be that today?
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we used to have a lot of interests in common but now the only thing we share is the bed! but now he is with his new friends all the time. Sometimes I wonder why I'm still with… Kam is no longer the sensitive and mature man I fell in love with… damn, who am I kidding? Of course, I know why I'm still with Kam.
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Since he's in the body of some guy coming home from a killer workout routine we can't stop fucking, he's so hot, young, and "hung" that every time we're in bed it's like he's an animal in heat, it's the best sex I've had in years! Of course, Kamna's original body it was great but he was always so shy and weak that I used to do all the work.
Before he splits my ass in 2 with his huge cock, he lets me worship his huge musky biceps and kiss his firm pecs as he browns himself and poses in the huge full-length mirror he bought with his first personal trainer salary.
I know that the gas attack in the subway is something that most remember as a disgrace on a national level and I try to get everything back to normal between us 2 As I promised Kamnan when I saw him in his new body but I fucking love it to the new “Kam”! 
Versión en idioma español: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13NTL1sc1K98xOEa_qRIKKKLhXsmrFVK859JkNBJrkd4/edit
sup guys! I posted this story on my patreon earlier this month, if you like my stories and want to support me to write more bodyswap stories check out my stories on patreon, I have a lot of stories that I haven't posted here on tumbrl. I also have a discord if you want to chat for a while
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this is also NOT a jancy post, just a jonathan post that talks about how jonathan is in the relationship
Jonathan Byers' antis have always made me pissed. because they pull the most absurd shit out of their asses, and twist it, and always make him out to be the bad guy, and when they can’t do that, they just call him ugly and say they needed to scream because they saw him, or that his face ‘traumatized’ them. but now they just make me feel..unsafe? unsafe isn’t the right word, it’s like a..lesser version. i know i’m safe, but it does however reinforce one of my biggest (mental, not physical like body) insecurities. it makes me feel that sort of sad-upset, and it adds on to a certain self issue i have.
the hate on him for season four, is what i’m talking about.
him ghosting nancy, not telling her about his collage plans, those are the big things they hate on, and they’re things people do, things i do, because of self issues and being a people pleaser. and even being high.
and i hate every single person that complains about jonathan and those surrounding topics.
because guess fucking what.
to anyone that complains, “OhhHhHhH, but he LIED to nancy about college and ditched her🥺🥺” or “he had the pErFeCt opportunity to tell her when they were fixing the cabin, bleughh🥺🥺such a bad boyfriend!!” or “oHHHHHh all he did was be high, fucking bitch”
i want all of those people to remember that he ditched his dream since he was six for her. and then he couldn’t do that- because of money issues, and his family. throughout the seasons, we know Jonathan is Will’s father at this point. Jonathan had become an entire parent to Will and like a parent in general since he was probably in middle school. do i need to remind everyone that, at the ripe age of 16, he was working shifts to pay rent? since an early teenager, he has been required to be there, as a brother, son, and father. and after all the upsidedown shit? especially with Will? the government with El? yeah, he’s going to be afraid of leaving. he won’t want to, because of his early life experiences, because he is so used to being a parent, and protecting and putting everyone else before himself, and we all know the last guy to leave Jonathan’s life. it’s perfectly fucking reasonable to be scared of what would happen if you left. and with being high- shut up. he has never had even one person to comfort him. even in season one, Joyce, his mother, admits that she barely checks in on him, and she feels bad. he has no outlet, and everyone shits on him when he rightfully explodes, and then you all shit on him when he finds an outlet and uses it.
he literally talks about his fear of telling Nancy that he can’t leave his family to be with her. he says that they’re “Going to end up like his parents and his kids hate him.”
so, he has this crushing guilt because he can’t please everyone, and now he feels guilty.
and he avoids her because, oh shit, i can’t do what she wants, and i really do not want to talk about it because i’m afraid.
and that’s the issue i have.
i can not, for the life of me, say ‘no.’ if i can’t please everyone, i don’t feel good. i have been in, so far, three (technically four, one person had two) romantic relationships, and i can’t even legally drive yet.
do you know how many hours adults have vented to me, because i can’t say no, or tell them that, hey, i’m a kid. i do not need your life story, Uncle Kyle, i do not want to here this, especially considering ive known you for two years tops, and barley see you, because your not actually my uncle, your just my moms boyfriends brother, and i don't like you.
but i'm a people pleaser that can't say no, and would do anything for others, like jonathan.
back onto the direct topic- the issue i have with myself that Jonathan has, and the lack of understanding or empathy for him
Because i'm a huge people pleaser- but i'm also a guilty wreck, that gets that miserable anxiety pit gut feeling whenever someone has an opinion opposite of my own. Because- well, i can't tell them my opinion, it could all go south if we have an argument!! they might not like me- or maybe they'll use it against me, twist my words? what if they hate people that have that opinion? endless what ifs and the horrible anxiety feeling. well, one way to avoid all this is to never talk about it! if i don't talk about it, they can't get mad at me, and we’ll always be happy! Yep!
and furthermore, if i can’t please someone- i feel so guilty that i can’t even talk to them.
example- one of my friends asked me to watch a few videos, all about an hour or more. i had zero interest in what the videos were about, so, between not wanting to, and the fact that they were all an hour minimum, i didn’t watch them all that quickly. and i couldn’t stand to talk with the person- so i didn't chat with them for a few days, but still couldn't bring myself to actually watch the videos. and that's only a few examples- i have a history of this, where i can’t bring myself to please someone because i don’t enjoy it, so i wind up with a huge guilt and anxiety pit and ignore them. but each day i ignore them, it gets worse, because now, they’re going to be mad at me for not doing what they wanted, but also not talking.
and i hate this. i hate it more than anything that i’m essentially incapable of saying no,and i have this urge to please people, but then when i can’t, i get this horrible feeling. i hate it so damn much.
and the fact that that's what Jonathan is dealing with, makes me feel…glad..? glads not the right word, but it makes me feel… uuh...represented? not the right word either, but the fact that i can look at a character and relate to them, and that i'm not totally hopeless- that makes me happy.
but then Jonathan Antis came storming in here, and they make me feel like an endless pit of anxiety again. and i know my small things aren’t as big as college, but the same still applies.
and so, as someone who has a similar ‘mindset,’ if you wanna call it that, as Jonathan, all jonathan antis can fuck off.
do you know how much anxiety it feels like to have to tell someone that you can't do what they want? that you have bigger things, that it's just not for you, and how terrified you are of them being mad, so that's why you haven't talked, and your sorry, and so damn scared of how they'll think of you if you do tell them, so you can’t just tell them, especially not randomly, and you keep digging this anxiety pit, but nobody is there to pull you out of it?
because if you did know what that like, you wouldnt shit on him for this.
or, to put it short, @skylergisondo’s post;
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Do you really hate this county? Or were you just ranting?
Sigh. I debated whether or not to answer this, since I usually keep the real-life/politics/depressing current events to a relative minimum on this blog, except when I really can't avoid ranting about it. But I have some things to get off my chest, it seems, and you did ask. So.
The thing is, any American with a single modicum of genuine historical consciousness knows that despite all the triumphalist mythology about Pulling Up By Our Bootstraps and the American Dream and etc, this country was founded and built on the massive and systematic exploitation and extermination of Black and Indigenous people. And now, when we are barely (400 years later!!!) getting to a point of acknowledging that in a widespread way, oh my god the screaming. I'm so sick of the American right wing I could spit for so many reasons, not least of which is the increasingly reductive and reactive attempts to put the genie back in the bottle and set up hysterical boogeymen about how Teaching Your Children Critical Race Theory is the end of all things. They have forfeited all pretense of being a real governing party; remember how their only platform at the 2020 RNC was "support whatever Trump says?" They have devolved to the point where the cruelty IS the point, to everyone who doesn't fit the nakedly white supremacist mold. They don't have anything to do aside from attempt to usher in actual, literal, dictionary-definition-of-fascism and sponsor armed revolts against the peaceful transfer of power.
That is fucking exhausting to be aware of all the time, especially with the knowledge that if we miss a single election cycle -- which is exceptionally easy to do with the way the Democratic electorate needs to be wooed and courted and herded like cats every single time, rather than just getting their asses to the polls and voting to keep Nazis out of office -- they will be right back in power again. If Manchin and Sinema don't get over their poseur pearl-clutching and either nuke the filibuster or carve out an exception for voting rights, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act is never going to get passed, no matter how many boilerplate appeals the Democratic leadership makes on Twitter. In which case, the 2022 midterms are going to give us Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House (I threw up in my mouth a little typing that) and right back to the Mitch McConnell Obstruction Power Hour in the Senate. The Online Left (TM) will then blame the Democrats for not doing more to stop them. These are, of course, the same people who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton out of precious moral purity reasons in 2016, handed the election to Trump, and now like to complain when the Trump-stacked Supreme Court reliably churns out terrible decisions. Gee, it's almost like elections have consequences!!
Aside from my exasperation with the death-cult right-wing fascists and the Online Left (TM), I am sick and tired of how forty years of "trickle-down" Reaganomics has created a world where billionaires can just fly to space for the fun of it, while the rest of America (and the world) is even more sick, poor, overheated, economically deprived, and unable to survive the biggest public health crisis in a century, even if half the elected leadership wasn't actively trying to sabotage it. Did you know that half of American workers can't even afford a one-bedroom apartment? Plus the obvious scandal that is race relations, health care, paid leave, the education system (or lack thereof), etc etc. I'm so tired of this America Is The Greatest Country in the World mindless jingoistic catchphrasing. We are an empire in the late stages of collapse and it's not going to be pretty for anyone. We have been poisoned on sociopathic-libertarian-selfishness-disguised-as-Freedom ideology for so long that that's all there is left. We have become a country of idiots who believe everything their idiot friends post on social media, but in a very real sense, it's not directly those individuals' fault. How could they, when they have been very deliberately cultivated into that mindset and stripped of critical thinking skills, to serve a noxious combination of money, power, and ideology?
I am tired of the fact that I have become so drained of empathy that when I see news about more people who refused to get the vaccine predictably dying of COVID, my reaction is "eh, whatever, they kind of deserved it." I KNOW that is not a good mindset to have, and I am doing my best to maintain my personal attempts to be kind to those I meet and to do my small part to make the world better. I know these are human beings who believed what they were told by people that they (for whatever reason) thought knew better than them, and that they are part of someone's family, they had loved ones, etc. But I just can't summon up the will to give a single damn about them (I'm keeping a bingo card of right-wing anti-vax radio hosts who die of COVID and every time it's like, "Alexa, play Another One Bites The Dust.") The course that the pandemic took in 21st-century America was not preordained or inevitable. It was (and continues to be) drastically mismanaged for cynical political reasons, and the legacy of the Former Guy continues to poison any attempts to bring it under control or convince people to get a goddamn vaccine. We now have over 100,000 patients hospitalized with COVID across the country -- more than last summer, when the vaccines weren't available.
I have been open about my fury about the devaluation of the humanities and other critical thinking skills, about the fact that as an academic in this field, my chances of getting a full-time job for which I have trained extensively and acquired a specialist PhD are... very low. I am tired of the fact that Americans have been encouraged to believe whatever bullshit they fucking please, regardless of whether it is remotely true, and told that any attempt to correct them is "anti-freedom." I am tired of how little the education system functions in a useful way at all -- not necessarily due to the fault of teachers, who have to work with what they're given, and who are basically heroes struggling stubbornly along in a profession that actively hates them, but because of relentless under-funding, political interference, and furious attempts, as discussed above, to keep white America safely in the dark about its actual history. I am tired of the fact that grade school education basically relies on passing the right standardized tests, the end. I am tired of the implication that the truth is too scary or "un-American" to handle. I am tired. Tired.
I know as well that "America" is not synonymous in all cases with "capitalist imperialist white-supremacist corporate death cult." This is still the most diverse country in the world. "America" is not just rich white middle-aged Republicans. "America" involves a ton of people of color, women, LGBTQ people, Muslims, Jews, Christians of good will (I have a whole other rant on how American Christianity as a whole has yielded all pretense of being any sort of a principled moral opposition), white allies, etc etc. all trying to make a better world. The blue, highly vaccinated, Biden-winning states and counties are leading the economic recovery and enacting all kinds of progressive-wishlist dream policies. We DID get rid of the Orange One via the electoral process and avert fascism at the ballot box, which is almost unheard-of, historically speaking. But because, as also discussed above, certain elements of the Democratic electorate need to fall in love with a candidate every single time or threaten to withhold their vote to punish the rest of the country for not being Progressive Enough, these gains are constantly fragile and at risk of being undone in the next electoral cycle. Yes, the existing system is a crock of shit. But it's what we've got right now, and the other alternative is open fascism, which we all got a terrifying taste of over the last four years. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to go back.
So... I don't know. I don't know if that stacks up to hate. I do hate almost everything about what this country currently is, structurally speaking, but I recognize that is not identical with the many people who still live here and are trying to do their best, including my friends, family, and myself. I am exhausted by the fact that as an older millennial, I am expected to survive multiple cataclysmic economic crashes, a planet that is literally boiling alive, a barely functional political system run on black cash, lies, and xenophobia, a total lack of critical thinking skills, renewed assaults on women/queer people/POC/etc, and somehow feel like I'm confident or prepared for the future. Not all these problems are only America's fault alone. The West as a whole bears huge responsibility for the current clusterfuck that the world is in, for many reasons, and so do some non-Western countries. But there is no denying that many of these problems have ultimate American roots. See how the ongoing fad for right-wing authoritarian strongmen around the world has them modeling themselves openly on Trump (like Brazil's lunatic president, Jair Bolsonaro, who talks all the time about how Trump is his political role model). See what's going on in Afghanistan right now. Etc. etc.
Anyway. I am very, very tired. There you have it.
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
Could you do another yandere all smite purge one please?
“This is not a test “ Echoed through the empty streets as the final safety doors slammed shut, leaving poor souls who were too late in the open and in the vicious line of sight for those looking to hunt. “Your government is announcing the commencement of the lovesick purge. All participants must obey the rules given and indoctrinated-” the message drones on, turning to muffled booms as you rush through the alleyways and stomp through the puddles in your way.
God you hated this time of year. You were never prepared for it, never ready to handle the horrified screams and gunshots going off until morning rise. Praying never brought the sun up any faster but hey, it passed the time. This year you just wanted to hide away in your room like last time and blare music through your headphones, hiding in a cupboard or maybe that hallway closet. Last time it was kinda cozy.
You have to actually get home first, but why wouldn’t you? You knew your shortcuts, your danger zones, and how to fight dirty incase someone picked a fight. You’d like to think you could handle yourself.
You slide into another alley and catch your breath, watching as three people rush past and argue over where to go and what to do. You didn’t bother getting involved or helping, it was every man for himself and kindness could very well get you killed. You wait to see what happens to the three, and when nothing but silence follows, you try not to think about the outcome.
Cracking your neck, you take a breath and begin to run again, having just a few more blocks to “safety”. That being a building thats very easy to bust into and a door that could be broken by just a breath. But it was home, and home is where we subconsciously think no harm will come.
A large hand on your shoulder stops you dead in your tracks, yanking you back into the darkness of the alley. You begin to fight, kicking and biting while trying to escape the grip of your possible killer, your fists making little to no impact with every blow.
Well that’s embarrassing. You thought you were stronger than that.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. I’m not gonna hurt you” the voice pacifies, a deep chuckle following as the male forces your arms behind your back. You recognized that voice, hearing it speak on the news and on social media constantly.
Not in a heroic manner, not in some savior like way. This man was the tormentor everyone feared. This was the infamous villain All Smite. The man who can kill without remorse and destroy with a smile on his face, has you in his grip for god knows what.
“Silent now? I pegged you as a screamer” he joked, watching you roll your eyes at the innuendo. “I don’t exactly know what to say. I know begging won’t do shit” you admit with a nervous swallow, trying to avoid pissing him off and making the situation worse. Panicking wouldn’t help, no matter how good of an idea your brain made it seem.
The bulking blond laughs, and presses his head against the nape of your neck as he tightens your bonds. “This is why I love you. You’re so calm and calculating yet shy and timid. Cute and sexy. Just my type”. Wait, wait, just his type? Wasn’t he tying you up to like, throw you in a river or something? Break your bones and take your money? No! No there’s no way in hell this man is your yandere! You weren’t even given a warning letter!
Then again you suppose he’s a villain, why would he go by the rules? You not knowing gave him a larger advantage on catching you. You shiver feeling his large hands roam over you, as if checking for weapons and hidden items, but also a cheap way to cop a feel. “P-Pervert” you bit out, knowing that no matter what you said, what you did, you’d only lose and be his entertainment. He loved it when his victims begged and sobbed.
You wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.
All Smite gently lifts you, cradling you as he begins walking down the street with bravado. Dude always has to put on a show. “You’re just going to kill me after this aren’t you? Hurt me, bruise me up, and slit my neck?” you asked bitterly, accepting your fate a bit faster than mentally healthy. Unless of course you were dead on the inside like the author.
All smite gave you an odd look. Brows furrowed in what you dare call concern, as if you were the one acting odd and dangerous. “I don’t think you fully grasp what’s occurring. You’re mine. Captured. My lover to be unless you escape the next purge. Bonded to me and me bonded to you”.
Yeah...ok you’re kidnapped. That should be sinking in, this shouldn’t be so casual, this shouldn't be so calm as it is. You just don't feel a fight in you. Almost like...like you wanted this to happen. Like you wanted to be caught and give up. You should be fighting more than this, tied up or not, but instead you’re empty and waiting for a fantasy that isn’t to come.
The villain gently brushes your hair away from your face, and sighs lovingly “You’ve been hurting for so long. You’ve been abandoned by those who are supposed to protect you, been cut by those who say they love you. You’re tired”.
“Shut up” you spit “You don’t know shit! You’re just playing mind games”.
He only gives a hum in response, opening the door to his hideout while you try to ignore the fact he hit some nerves. “I’ve watched you for a while, you know?” he plops you down on his couch, watching your eyes avert his gaze as he continues. “I’ve seen the hurt those people gave you. The condescending tones over your achievements, the scolding you when you finally come out of your shell, the audacity to belittle you when you’re doing your best and trying to survive and they only sit on their asses”.
You glare with tears in your eyes, spitting out bitterly “What’s your fucking point? What you-you wanna break me down and start from there?! See how deep those fucking scars go? Want me to tell you how they used to beat me-”
He hushes you softly, making you choke back a sob as he just holds your head in his large hands, wiping away your angry tears. “I want to be here for you. Help you heal yourself and show you that I can be the only person you need. A strong person like you deserves to be spoiled and worshipped. “ he kisses the top of your head, holding you as you shudder out more confused tears. Relief and grief, pain and soothing, it was so odd.
Could you really trust him? He’s probably just manipulating you for some sick game of his! “L-Like I can trust a single word from that snake like mouth” you meekly comment, fists clenching in their bindings as All Smite just continues to stroke your hair. “You can’t. Not yet. But I plan to prove that you can trust me, and plan to show you how devoted I am to you and our love”.
You squint in disbelief once again “I’m not in love with you”.
A wicked grin spreads on his face as he steals a quick kiss “You will be”
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yanderepuck · 2 years
Spoopy I'm taking your reblog and talking shit on America.
So (sadly) I am American. For reference, America as a country is about the size of Europe. This is my personal experience . I live in the north east part of the USA, Pennsylvania to be more precise.
Now I don't care for all of American History, but mainly the American Revolution, American Civil War, and a good bit of WWII.
Every morning you stand and pledge allegiance to the US flag. This means in every classroom of every school there is an American Flag. The moment I learned that America is the only country who does this. I stopped. Which could have actually gotten me expelled in some cases. There is a flag outside too most churches also have a flag. Government buildings, municipal buildings. Cemeteries. Some restaurants have a flag outside. YOUR GODDAMN GROCERY STORE. You will see plenty of trucks with American flag decals on them. That's how many we see in a day.
Moving on to that WWII part I brought up. It wasn't until 3, years of ACTIVELY RESEARCHING AND LEARNING about the European war did I finally beat out of my brain that "America won the war!!!" We are taught to believe that by America joining the war that AMERICA WON THE WAR. If a single country deserves the credit it's Russia tbh. WE. ARE. NOT. TAUGHT. THAT GERMANS WERE AGAINST HITLER!!! WE WERE BOT TAUGHT THAT THE ALLIES REFUSED TO HELP JEWS!!! WE WERE NOT TAUGHT THAT AMERICA HAD CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR FELLOW JAPANESE-AMERICANS (let alone not even confirming if they were Japanese and just took in any east Asians). WE WERE TAUGHT THAT AMERICA IS GREAT! THAT AMERICA SOLVES ALL ISSUES! THAT AMERICA CAN CREATE PEACE!
We view Europe as either "Whoa. Exotic. Beautiful. Futuristic", or else "wow they are stuck in the middle ages"
GERMANY????!!!!?!?!! sorry but a good amount of people here still think you're Nazi Germany.
ALL OF ASIA???!!?? I'm sorry. I don't even want to bring up the stereotypes Americans have. "Indians aren't Asian" WHAT CONTINENT ARE THEY ON THEN. "Oh wow the Chinese are so dirty" "Japanese and Chinese what's the difference?" "There's two Korea's?" JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!
As much as I HATE it here....you really can't blame Americans for their own stupidity of how the world works outside of America. It's how it's written in our text books. You can tell someone to pick up a book, but that doesn't mean it's actually going to tell them any different.
If you don't actively look for things wrong with America, you really aren't going to see it. You can't trust the news, or what you'd see online. So what the hell are you supposed to trust??? Published books are filtered too.
America would be great if it actually became what it was supposed to be.
People came here to get away from religion and the royals. To start a new life and become rich off the land.
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cblgblog · 3 years
Hey, I’ve been wondering since FAWS, is there an official/unofficial story about operation paperclip and why Shield went with it? Or anything Marcus/McFeely or the Russos have said? I’ve been looking for anything related to it because I’m getting tired of constantly being reminded on tumblr that Peggy ruined the world every time Shield is brought up in the MCU.
Not that I know of, and I can’t really tell you anything new besides what I’ve been saying for literal years now—God I hate this fandom—which is that the people who constantly bring that up simply refuse to acknowledge the basics of how the US government works. Probably like, all the governments, actually, but the shitty US one is the only one I can speak to with any semblance of authority.
Peggy Carter had bosses. I don’t know if it was the World Security Council at that point—dunno if that existed when she was in—but we know she had bosses. Not just because of basic common-sense logic, but because Fury did. Remember when the Council made their stupid ass decision and he elected to ignore it? It’s kind of a big meme, you might have seen it?
The point is that she runs one (1) government agency. She does not run the CIA, the FBI, or any of those related intelligence acronyms. And—see the meme—she has bosses who can and will override her. The same way Fury got overridden on things all the fucking time, because that is how government bureaucracy works. If you want a job where you get unquestioned decision making power, you’re gonna have to go become a tyrannical dictator of a non-US country.
But wait, you say, Fury ignored the decision! Peggy shoulda just done that, you moron!
Fury ignored a decision that unquestionably, inevitably, would’ve killed millions of people. He had only minutes to act. That was a very extreme case. Read on.
These people who act like Peggy personally welcomed a hoard of Hitlers at the airport and then made them a 5 course welcome to the states meal like any good ‘50’s lady should? You’re not going to convince them otherwise, because they are idiots who hate the character. No, they are not idiots because they hate the character, they are idiots because they use this dumbass logic to pick at anyone who doesn’t agree with them. They’re the same people who routinely call her a cunt, just a piece of ass Steve went back for, etc, etc, all because their pairing didn’t go through. You’re not going to get intelligent discussion with these people because it’s all Peggy’s a Nazi cunt this, Peggy’s a Nazi whore that, Peggy takes it from Nazis…and you can tell just from the way these people talk that they aren’t worth listening to.
That said, I’ve heard the somewhat more reasonable complaint that well, if I was there, I would just quit, I’d never work with Nazis, I have principles! Which is a kinda sorta more valid response, so let’s at least touch on that.
A lot of these people want Peggy to quit rather than dare do something so traitorous. Which sounds great, but also…no? Not to throw out Godfather references on main, but “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” is a thing. If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer is also a thing, as per Natasha. Agents of SHIELD basically says outright that they had to wait for Peggy Carter to leave before they could really get their Hydra shit moving.
There’s also Steve’s thing to Fury in Cap 2, we did things that made us not sleep so good all the time, but we did it so people could be free. Yes, paraphrasing, I know. Peggy could walk out over Paperclip because moral high ground, but she’d never work in intelligence again because every single organization has deals going with shitty people. Every. Single One. She leaves, not only is she locked out of having any idea what the wolves in the henhouse are doing, she also can’t do any of the good things she did while at SHIELD.
@followingyourbliss made a really good post about this that talked about the impact of these former Nazis on the space program, among other things, that I believe also talked about how naïve and ultimately stupid it is to blame an actual, real live government operation solely on one fictional woman, and I wish I could find it right now but maybe someone else will, because it’s the best post I’ve ever seen on this topic.
Anyway, because people won’t ever stop beating this horse…just realize that they won’t. Most of the people still making these arguments are just hateful idiots, pure and simple, and you can tell just from how they phrase things. And they’re not going to shut up about it because they have nothing better to do, and they can’t stand the fact that Peggy’s still here, still kicking ass, and not going anywhere any time soon.
But no, to my knowledge, none of TPTB have discussed this issue in detail. And even if they did, and even if they had a perfectly reasonable argument (besides, you know, actual history) the morons would still be being morons about it.
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