#i hate star wars fans so much
arrothededushka · 10 months
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Hanahaki AU ✿
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It’s being furious at Felony for squandering some of the most narratively interesting and thematically poignant villains Star Wars has ever come up with to promote his dumbass ocs and nostalgia bait with legacy characters (actively harming the characterizations and stories of said characters in the process!) hours again
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My hand is ungentle
When she woke to the sharp scent of Kingsfoil, Eowyn realized that she would have to watch the darkness fall. It was Aragorn’s fault, she decided. He had called her back, and insodoing he had forced her to face this.
If she had died on the Fields of Pelennor beside her uncle the king, Eowyn would have fallen in the dry grass. It would have grown over her bones and left her numb to the fact that the darkness could not be stopped. Not by a sword, not by a heroine. Not by anything.
Yet Eowyn did not die; her bones were here and the flesh around them was living. Eowyn woke in the Houses of Healing to the sight of Aragorn and Eomer standing over her with their shoulders touching. There were sounds filtering in from the hallway: heavy footsteps and the tinkle of instruments. Something like a jar being opened. Voices, high and low.
Why was Eowyn alive? Perhaps it was because she was a shieldmaiden, sword-sharp and stubborn as an ornery mule. Perhaps her will to fight had overridden her will to be a martyr. That would be very like her.
Or maybe it was just her doom to survive. The thought didn’t frighten her. She had faced down her doom before. She had done it in her uncle's halls. She had done it in armor.
Leia Organa did not die either.
Leia watched as her planet was gouged out of the sky. She grabbed her rescuer's blaster, fired blind at Stormtroopers, and escaped to Yavin with the plans to the Death Star. She was the last one out of the base on Hoth.
Now, limping to Bespin at sublight, she almost resented it. It wasn’t that she wanted to die, not really. It was only that most mornings, she woke up feeling like she might be halfway there.
They were running low on caf and were diluting it to make it stretch. After she got up, Leia would sip a cup of murky caf-water and imagine that her skin was flaking away, then her muscle, then her bones, all of it flaking away like old paint and floating through space to intermingle with what remained of her family.
If she'd ended with Alderaan, Leia wouldn't have to learn to live this way. If she'd been buried in the crumbling base on Hoth, she wouldn't be facing down the might of the Empire alone with only Han, Chewie, and her own grief for company.
Grief was the one burden that could never be put down. Sometimes, the bravest thing in the world was just to sit still in the cold of a new morning.
"I do not desire healing," Eowyn spat. "I wish to ride to war."
She couldn't, no matter how she wanted to. They had left without her. Aragorn had instructed them to leave without her, and that knowledge made her even more furious at him than the fact that he had called her back to life.
Give me my sword back, she wanted to scream and scream. When she’d fallen from her horse in the battle and risen with her sword in hand, she’d been bouncing on the balls of her feet for the joy of it.
"I am a shieldmaiden," she told Faramir, "and my hand is ungentle."
Eowyn waited for his look of reproach, but it never came. Faramir only studied her, an expression on his face that felt utterly foreign. His eyes were wide and crinkled at the edges, his mouth a little crooked and the lines of his brow smooth. He looked at her like singing, soft and melodious.
"You are beautiful," he had said. He didn’t take it back.
Funny, to be called beautiful now. She wasn't beautiful; she was at war. Eowyn had bound her yellow hair beneath her helm and only released it once, when her enemy was before her. Leia plaited hers like her dead mother had taught her, in tight Alderaanian styles that were practical for action.
When Han cornered Leia in the bowels of the Falcon, she was still thinking about Star Destroyers. She was never not thinking about Star Destroyers these days, or TIE fighters, or AT-ATs. Leia was sharp and mouthy and she never took off her blaster, even to sleep. She itched for it when she showered and left it sitting on the 'fresher counter.
"Stop that, my hands are dirty," she said when Han touched her.
"My hands are dirty too. What are you afraid of?"
Leia looked up, right into his eyes, and there weren't any Star Destroyers there, just kindness and a challenge and something almost like love.
In Bespin, desperate and out of time, Leia finally allowed herself to name it. "I love you," she said, and there was a soldier’s certainty in her voice.
"I know," answered Han. He tossed his head back and vanished into the cold.
On the city walls of Minas Tirith, with darkness billowing in the East, winter passed away and the sun shone down on Eowyn. "No longer do I desire to be a queen."
Faramir tossed his head back and laughed. "That is well," he said, "for I am not a king."
It was Eucatastrophe: the darkness was passing. Everything sad was coming untrue. A lot of things seemed possible now. She could be sharp as a scalpel, stubborn as a garden weed.
Faramir kissed her then, in sight of the whole city. He kissed her, and she knew that she loved him, and then both of her hands were on his face. Their hair intermingled like dancing and Eowyn tried to imagine a world in which she was a healer and a gardener. With this man, in this world, maybe it was possible.
Eucatastrophe: Leia's family was not all dead. She had a brother. Luke was her brother, and somehow in all the great wide universe they had met and become friends before they even knew.
In all the systems and all the planets in the galaxy, Luke and Han had met in a lousy Tatooine cantina, and then they'd come to find Leia. They'd become friends: Leia and her brother and the man she was going to marry.
It wouldn't have made sense to her if she'd been told it two years ago, but Han was gentle. She was learning to be gentle too.
Han had his arms around Leia now, and her head was on his chest. With the wreckage of the Empire falling down around their heads, she imagined a future where she could put her blaster down and train herself to use weapons of peace.
A sword, a lightsaber. When she was finally ready to heal, Eowyn put it down. Leia picked it up. The Jedi academy on Yavin IV was very green and in Ithilien, flowers bloomed.
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ancientbread · 1 year
Star Wars VII breaks my heart a little bit because I LOVED Rey in the force awakens. Scavenging for parts no makeup wearing an old x wing pilot helmet chewing with her mouth open marking the days on the wall. Bonds with every droid or human she comes across. Scrappy and alone and endlessly optimistic. I wanted to see HER character arc. But instead she lost every defining personality trait, became the world’s most generic protagonist, and kissed the man who psychologically tortured her and also committed genocide.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
why am I still giving off “talk to me about Star Wars” vibes. why is this always happening to me. what god did I piss off. also WHY does it always happen with the most generic SW shirt possible, it’s happened like four times with this one t-shirt alone.
(normally I know better than to wear a SW shirt out of the house because FOR SOME REASON I attract Men Who Want To Talk About Star Wars, but I wasn’t expecting to go anywhere today. also no I didn’t destash all my SW shirts, this is like 3/4 of my t-shirt collection and no one wants old t-shirts.)
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illustratingari · 10 months
Mostly about Sabine in the Ahsoka Series.
I’ve seen a couple comments about Sabine getting stabbed and being like “I hate it when someone gets stabbed by a lightsaber and survives”. Dawg, Maul got CUT IN HALF and he still survived. I didn’t hear any of complaints when that happened.
And another thing: I’ve also seen people complaining about Sabine being an apprentice as if it was “disrespectful to the Jedi”. One, the Jedi Order doesn’t exist anymore. Two, Sabine never said she wanted to become a Jedi, she just said she’d be a lousy Jedi. Three, have you ever heard of Tarre Vizsla? Y’know, the first MANDALORIAN JEDI? She could be both if she wanted to, but I believe that she’s just using the lightsaber as another form of defence. In Rebels, she trained with Kanan and Ezra and learned how to wield the Darksaber and a lightsaber. She defeated Gar Saxon with a lightsaber. So what if she would become a Jedi? She wouldn’t be the first Mandalorian to do so.
All in all, these are just some things I wanted to rant about cause sometimes this fandom drives me nuts. I loved the first 2 episodes and I am dying to see more! Let’s stay positive, let’s stay optimistic and trust in Dave Filoni’s vision 💙
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fairyreblogs · 6 months
man i dont know why (i have theories but hold on) but the fandoms Ive been in on the internet have been a little meaner these last few years. like i dont get nice comments on my fics anymore. i get ones with no reading comprehension or i get angry ones or i get ones that are enthusiastic and delighted but instead of any decorum they are like. aggressive in their delight. usually just a demand for more content. something has definitely changed in how people in fandoms interact with one another. my theories are just like. younger generations more comfortable with the internet not being as polite as older people on the internet are combined with quarantine kinda ruining a lot of peoples ability to interact socially (mine was ruined too to be fair). but like lately ive been in search of a fandom thats not the markiplier fandom that is nice to me and not aggressively-enthusiastic-weird (but i might take this too) and its kinda hard to find one. i dont know if i just dont have interests that align with happy communities, or what.
#markiplier fandom nice to me forever and ever.#sometimes they get me on edge when they demand i update and dont even say like 'nice fic i liked this' they just say 'update'#but thats literally like the meanest fan ive met so 👍#fnaf fandom is interesting. you definitely gotta treat them the way you want to be treated or theyre not gonna be nice#unfortunately this means you cant joke too much with them.#uh. moment of truth. percy jackson fandom kinda mean. ok they are mean. no kinda. also no reading comprehension#definitely a fandom that bonds by choosing something to nitpick and hate together. which sucks if you liked that thing they chosen that wee#my little corner of the xmen fandom has actually gotten nicer as time goes on. but also more obsessed with details and accuracy#but my corner of the xmen fandom was still nice enough that i adore them even if i havent been in it in ages#marvel is very so-so depending on where you are in the fandom but its such a large fanbase it is what it is. normal#witcher fandom from my experience has been pretty chill but i havent done much as a content creator for them to really know#d:be human is. decent. unfortunately a lot of outside hate there that it kinda outweighs how polite the fans are#star wars.... well. if you find your niche good for you! nice people. but if you get too generalized with your niche. rip#sw fandom when you study mando'a or dai bendu: hai X3 !!#sw fandom when you get too generalized and talk 'prequel vs sequel': die#vent#this is funny because i was really nice about this sw comment. but its generalized. which means someone will tell me to die.#why do i know this? because ive made this comment about the sw fandom before. =_=
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anakindoodles · 2 years
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coolauntlilith · 6 months
I had a really good discussion over actual reasons for different pov on OFMD...
And now we're back to stupid fucking takes. Please watch The Crown or something if you want a serious show. Please watch 90s Charmed if you want girl boss women.
I really enjoyed messy women characters. I like Ann and Mary. I liked that Archie is in the crew and she's a himbo. I like women who are not always socially correct, who are messy, who can't fucking cook lol, who are silly in whatever way.
Please pick a different show. Go away.
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kindlythevoid · 9 months
Well, I’m usually super supportive of whatever fandom I’m in. Like I’ll go all in, little to no shame, if it’s my problem it’s yours now, too. But the moment I get back into Supernatural I just. Ultimate Cringe Moment. I sit there staring at the screen and feel tears streaming down my face. Why am I writing these silly little stories for these silly little guys? I wasn’t even invested in Supernatural ten years ago and suddenly I am transported to those vibes as soon as the first word is typed out by my silly little hands. How dare I write Supernatural fan fiction in the Year of Our Lord 2023? Sam? Dean? Cas? Why can’t I be obsessed with a respectable fandom like Merlin or Pacific Rim or even Violet Evergarden? Yet here I am, gripped by my 96th fic idea for these idiot brothers and their idiot angel and their idiot son that I Must write out Immediately. Disgusting. I finish a 60k crossover fic and Perish.
#I feel like it’s important to note that I love this show so so much#I love it like Star Wars fans love Star wars#What tumblr user was it who said:#You may not love Star Wars unless you hate it and you may not hate Star Wars unless you love it#Because that is my feelings towards supernatural#I am in many niche and cringe fandoms but nothing#Nothing#nothing is as cringe for me as supernatural is#No don’t look at my ocs (they aren't finished)#No don’t look at my crossover fics (posting them soon I promise)#Pay no attention to my bookmarks yes they’re public spn recommendations yes you are supposed to ignore them (read them read them pls)#I will defend these characters and I will reblog their fanart (not right now but there's a queue)#But the moment anyone looks upon it and realizes I am in fact a spn fan I die a little (i have a BOARD and i have a FOLDER and a PLAYLI-)#Yes I recommend the show no I will not explain why (or?? no actually probably not)#There is only pain and suffering and half-finished hunger games crossovers (I won't explain. Only read and write and suffer.)#I am Forever Angry#supernatural#just yelling into the void#also I forgot to mention that I AM in all of the aforementioned fandoms#Just not obsessed w them at the moment and that is the real tragedy#not me (crying) desperately trying to divide my fixation time between lotr criminal minds and spn in that order#also this will be the only spn thing for rn because I refuse to indulge it on tumblr until i finish my lotr re-read#Edit: it’s really ironic I mention Merlin considering right after this I found out it was the 15th anniversary and so posted a bunch for it
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
Main take from Morgan Elsbeth being a Nightsister is that this is exactly how my Rattatki! Asajj agenda can still win-
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februarys-wednesday · 10 months
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oh my fucking god
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tmae3114 · 1 year
You are the DragonFable person, there's not much room in my brain for more than one adjective per person cx there's also a book that takes place between the 2 games called Battle Scars, and I can highly recommend that too :D
That is fair! Dragonfable definitely comprises more of my online identity than Star Wars does XD And oooh, I hadn't heard about that book, I'll have to track it down!
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twistedsickopath · 1 year
no one could ever actually hate star wars as much as us star wars fans do. and yet i love it so much despite how fucking awful it can be. why.
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spectroscopes · 1 year
Just seen someone on twitter saying James Cameron was trying to deradicalise the anti-imperialist messaging of Star Wars on a clip of him asking George Lucas leading questions so that he could say explicitly that’s what the movies were about. Because it makes so much sense that the man who hates cops so much he even put one in Titanic to remind you they’re evil and is working on a five-movie franchise about how America is evil and must be destroyed … would want to do that.
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ohsnapitzmarvel · 1 year
sorry to ppl who followed me for marvel content , I’m in my Star Wars era rn
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