#i have a kinda bad math teacher tho
antisocialgaycat · 8 months
10 notes · View notes
honeypiehotchner · 2 years
gold star (Hotch x Teacher!Reader) -- one shot
Been working on this one for a hot minute oops. Just wanted to say thank y’all for being patient with me always (and we literally hit 5.7k followers even while I’ve been so inactive???? what????). Here’s a longgg dose of fluffy angst <33
Edit: I’m a dumbass and queued this for the wrong day
Summary: You’re Jack’s teacher and Aaron is basically your nemesis. Until he’s not. (Kinda enemies to lovers?)
Warnings: angst! talks of parent death, therapy, bad parenting/emotional neglect, y’know the works. Lots of fluff tho to make up for it. And a happy ending!
WC: ...5.7k-ish
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I love my job. I love my job. If you say it enough, you’ll believe it. I love my job. You glance at the clock and see your next parent is late. I love my job.
You do love your job, you really do. What you hate are parent-teacher conferences that you’re required to do. Especially when the parent is late. After having to reschedule at the last minute. Twice.
If you didn’t have a genuine concern to discuss with Jack’s father, then you wouldn’t be here still. But alas, you care for Jack more than your annoyance at his father.
Jack Hotchner is a sweet kid. Genuinely wonderful. After his mom’s sudden death a few years ago, everyone worried about him. You’re friends with Julia, who was his kindergarten teacher just a few months after it occurred. Despite being a teacher for almost a decade that year, Julia had never encountered this situation, so she looked to you for help. You lost your mom when you were in first grade, so you were able to give her more helpful tips that actually work.
Now, you have the pleasure of having Jack in your second grade classroom and he truly is an amazing student. You only wish you could share this information with his father who seems to be on another plane of existence every goddamn--
A knock on your classroom door frame makes you jump.
“I’m sorry,” Aaron Hotchner rushes out, quickly dropping his hand. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s fine, Mr. Hotchner,” you say, standing up from your desk chair, putting on a smile. “Come on in.”
“Thanks, and please, it’s Aaron,” he smiles sheepishly, walking over. He towers over the tiny desks as he maneuvers past them to yours. He sticks out his hand for you to shake. He has a firm grip, but his hands are soft. “I’m sorry I’m so late. I got caught up at work--”
“I figured,” you reply, sitting back down. You pull up your laptop and begin typing in your password. “Unfortunately, I’ll have to make this quick. I should’ve left an hour ago.”
“Oh, sorry, am I that late?” he flicks his arm to look at his watch. He sighs. “I apologize.”
You hum. “Our conference was scheduled for 4:15.” You glance down at the clock on your screen. “It’s almost six.”
“I’m so sorry,” he says again. “Would it be better to reschedule?”
“Nope,” you shake your head. “You’re already here.” And if you reschedule, then this might happen again, so you’d rather do this now while you’ve got him here. “Fortunately, Jack is doing really well. He’s struggling a little with math, but he’s not the only one, and we’re working on it. He’s made a few friends, I know we discussed that last time. He’s breaking out of his shell, I think.”
“That’s good,” Aaron says, smiling a little. “That’s really good to hear.”
“Is he doing any extracurriculars?” you ask. Last time, when you voiced your concerns to Aaron about his son being a little too quiet and shy, you suggested asking if he’d like to do a sport, or play an instrument.
“He’s doing soccer,” Aaron says.
Your eyes widen. “Oh!”
“You look surprised,” he presses.
“I guess I didn’t expect Jack to…want to do a sport,” you shrug, checking your notes for the conference to stall.
What you really wanted to say is that you didn’t expect Aaron to listen to you. Given his track record, it seemed highly unlikely that he’d follow through and actually ask his son about trying a sport, let alone go through with signing him up for one.
“Do you have any questions for me?” you ask, closing your laptop lid. Aaron has been studying your face in this lull of silence, and it’s unnerving.
“I don’t think so,” he finally says.
“Okay,” you nod, not surprised. “I did have one more thing. I know I said Jack is breaking out of his shell, and he is, but he seems…down. Is something going on at home?”
Aaron sighs. “It’s getting closer to the anniversary of his mom’s death.”
That tugs on your heart. “Oh, I see. Alright.” You pause. “Uh-- If you don’t mind me asking, is he seeing a counselor or a therapist or anything?”
“He’s not, not currently,” Aaron says.
You blink. You shouldn’t really be surprised, but you are. “Has he at all since his mom’s death?”
“Briefly, right after she died.”
“Okay.” You clear your throat. You cannot yell at a parent. That’s unprofessional. “I know it’s not my place, but I’d highly suggest finding him someone. Especially right now as the anniversary is getting closer, and as Jack gets older. I would suggest our school counselor, but I think Jack would do better with someone better equipped for his situation.”
Aaron stares at you, nodding slowly. “Alright.”
You lean over and open a drawer, grabbing the handout specifically for times like these. Given the area the school is in, parents are typically able to pay for services like these, and are more willing. You know it’s because they don’t have the time to deal with their children’s emotions, so they pawn them off on someone else, and claim it as a good deed.
In a way, you’re grateful the children are able to receive help that you didn’t because your dad couldn’t afford it. You just wish the kids also received support from their family, not just from doctors.
“Here’s a list of great pediatric psychiatrists and therapists in the area.” You hand Aaron the packet and he takes it gently, his expression unreadable. Parents are always so weirdly defensive about this. “Many of our students see someone from that list, so I trust that one will be a good fit for Jack. If you want some help narrowing it down, I can help.”
“Thank you,” he says quietly. “I’ll look into this.”
I hope so, you want to say, but he doesn’t sound too sincere. “Okay,” you smile softly instead. “That’s all I have, unless you have any other questions?”
He shakes his head. “No, I think-- I think this is good.”
“Alright, well,” you pause, opening Jack’s folder. “I just need you to sign here, so the school knows we met.” You slide the form and a pen across the table.
Aaron signs swiftly, a signature born from frequent piles of paperwork. You know he does something in the government, you’re just not sure what. Nearly every parent here works in the government, though, so that’s not a remarkable conclusion to have made.
“Thank you,” you say, taking the signed form and sliding it back into Jack’s folder. “I hope you have a good rest of your day.”
“You too,” Aaron says, standing up to shake your hand again. He’s so formal, you almost forget. He clutches the packet in his free hand, and you wonder if it’ll end up in the recycling bin at the end of the hall.
After shaking your hand, Aaron apologizes again for his tardiness, and then leaves your classroom. The clock on the wall says it’s just past six. A record for one of the latest nights you’ve been here.
Gathering your things, you do some last minute checks around the classroom before heading out, locking the door behind you.
As you reach the exit doors at the end of the hall, you peer into the trash and recycling bins. Both are empty, no signs of your pediatric psychiatrists packet.
At least that’s a win.
A month or so later, you’re waking up early to go to a soccer game. If it weren’t for your kids asking you (loudly and enthusiastically) to come to their game, then you wouldn’t be awake right now on a Saturday.
Julia, at least, is coming with you, and so is Kate, a fellow second grade teacher whose classroom is across from yours. Julia is coming to see Jack, and Kate also has a few students who asked her to come.
The three of you stop for coffee before going to the park where the soccer games are held. Walking across the field, you find an empty space on the bleachers and sit down, looking around for your kiddos.
To your complete and utter surprise, you spot Aaron Hotchner -- of all parents.
You quickly avert your eyes, looking around some more. You haven’t seen or spoken to Aaron since the parent-teacher conference as Jack is usually picked up and dropped off by his Aunt Jessica. Jack has seemed a little more present and happy, but you have no idea if that means that Aaron actually sought help for his son.
Even more embarrassing, you’ve worried about your job since that conference. It’s always a gamble, offering parents advice. You never know what will cross a line and equal an angry phone call to the principal followed by a swift withdrawal of their child from your class. Not every parent has always been so keen on your attention to your students’ emotional wellbeing.
“Don’t look, but one of the dads cannot keep his eyes off of you,” Julia whispers.
“Which one?” Kate asks, then she spots him. “Oh, him-- He’s tall. Wait, is he…?”
You glance over and sure enough, the one in question is Aaron. He can’t tell that you’ve looked at him, though, thanks to your sunglasses. “That’s Jack’s dad,” you say, looking away again.
“I knew he looked familiar,” Julia murmurs. “I’m not used to him out of the suit. His hair is longer too, isn’t it?”
“Why would I know?” you counter, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Is he the one you mouthed off to?” Kate asks, nudging your arm.
You scoff defensively, “I didn’t mouth off--”
“She told him to put his son in therapy,” Julia explains with a prideful smirk. “Rightfully so, too. I would’ve done the same if I ever saw him.”
“Damn,” Kate chuckles. “Let’s hope that he took your advice.”
“And that he isn’t pissed at me for it,” you mutter. “I haven’t heard anything since.”
Kate and Julia share a look before Julia says, “He’s definitely not mad.”
Finally, you give yourself the chance to look over at him, and to let him see you looking.
You’ll admit, it is weird seeing him out of the suit, let alone in short sleeves. You’ve never seen his arms. They’re…nice. Muscular, more than you expected. Not that you’ve wondered about his arms, though. Or any part of him. Because he’s Jack’s dad, so you should not be thinking about him this way.
Still, you indulge, just for this moment. He keeps your eyes only for a minute before his attention is drawn elsewhere to the screaming kids practicing their warmups (if that’s what those can be called). He’s smiling from ear to ear, something you’ve never seen. The tiny smiles you managed out of him during conferences hardly ever looked genuine. This, though, this one is.
“You should talk to him,” Julia whispers, nearly scaring you shitless. You completely forgot where you were for a minute.
“No,” you shake your head, tearing your eyes away. “That’s practically asking for him to yell at me.”
“He won’t do that,” Julia chides.
“Well, I don’t know,” Kate grimaces. “Parents are finicky. I got yelled at last year by one who I thought was the sweetest ever. Until her kid didn’t pass a science test.”
“See?” you say, gesturing to Kate. “We have no idea what he’ll be like.”
“Besides that he’s looking at you again,” Julia says. “So he’s clearly interested in talking to you.”
“Then he can walk over here himself.”
Julia raises her eyebrows, shrugging. “Be careful what you wish for.”
You roll your eyes. Aaron is too busy with the kids and their game is about to start, so there’s no way he’ll walk over. Even if you speak after, Jack will be with him, so nothing will be said. It’s fine.
Aaron’s mouth is dry. He feels like he forgot how to breathe properly.
He didn’t know you’d be here, and here you are. Beautiful. Except he shouldn’t think that, because you’re his son’s teacher. It’s inappropriate. But the way the sun hits your skin…beautiful. You’re beautiful.
He needs to focus. He’s supposed to be coaching the kids, not gawking at a teacher like some idiot.
To make matters worse, Rossi notices, and only silently raises his eyebrows.
Aaron told Rossi about your parent-teacher conference, and how he should’ve put Jack in therapy sooner -- along with himself. Rossi asked him if he thanked you for your advice, but Aaron never found the right time. He half-heartedly thanked you at the conference, but it wasn’t as genuine as it should’ve been.
He meant to call you, or send an email, but he never did. Truthfully, he’s been terrified. He feels incredibly stupid to have not gotten Jack help sooner, and even more stupid that he finds you as attractive as he does. Can he be any worse of a person, seriously?
And now, you’re here. At Jack’s soccer game. Which, he guesses he should’ve realized sooner that a lot of Jack’s classmates are on this team, too. And others from different classes, but still in his grade. It was only a matter of time before one of the kids asked a teacher to come. It would only take one, and clearly it did, and he’s unprepared.
Wildly unprepared. And wishing he put on a better shirt.
The soccer game is a disaster, but a wonderful one.
The kids are too young for points to be counted, so it’s just a game of fun chaos. Teams are blurred and never really followed. But they looked like they had a blast out there, so that’s all that mattered.
You, Julia, and Kate split up to see your kids and give out as many high-fives as you possibly can. You listen to their rambles and congratulate them on playing so well. The parents stand by with smiles, occasionally one piping up to thank you for coming.
Aaron is there, too, surprisingly. He’s still smiling bigger than ever.
There’s a man with him, too, who Jack calls Uncle Dave. Jack has mentioned him in class before, and he’s actually Aaron’s coworker. He’s smiling, too, just not as wide, and he keeps glancing between you and Aaron.
Just when you think you’re in the clear, Aaron tells Jack to go with Uncle Dave because he needs to talk to you about something.
You catch Julia and Kate’s eyes when Aaron is left alone with you, and your stomach turns. He doesn’t look angry, but then again, the parents never look angry at first.
“I just wanted to thank you,” Aaron begins, turning so the sun isn’t in his eyes as much. He’s still squinting, and it’s adorable. You wonder why he didn’t wear sunglasses. “I picked a therapist from the list you gave me for Jack, and it’s really been helping him. A lot, so, I just wanted to thank you for giving that to me.”
You blink, stunned. “You’re welcome,” you say slowly before you gain your composure. “I’m very glad that it’s been helping. And to see him playing soccer,” you gesture to the field with a smile. “He seems to really enjoy it.”
“Oh, he does,” Aaron chuckles. “He can’t get enough of it. He talks about it all the time.”
All the time. So maybe he’s spending more time with Jack, then. “Good, I’m really glad to hear that.”
You pause, waiting for him to say something else. The awkward silence lingers for a little too long, and you know what’s coming next.
“I was wondering,” he starts, and lowers his voice a little. “I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner sometime.”
As much as you’d love to say yes, you can’t let yourself. “I’m sorry, Mr. Hotchner, that would just be inappropriate.”
“No, no, not as a date,” he backtracks, confusing you. “Just to thank you for-- For helping me get Jack in to see a therapist.”
You raise an eyebrow. “To thank me…for telling you what you should’ve done in the first place?”
He sputters for a moment, clearly losing his bearings. “No, I mean--”
“Listen, Mr. Hotchner,” you smile sweetly, trying to contain yourself. “What would you like? A gold star? For getting your son a therapist after he went through an incredibly traumatic event?”
He doesn’t say anything, and somehow that makes your anger and annoyance worse.
“Listen. The fact of the matter is that you should’ve kept your son in therapy since he lost his mother. And continue to keep him in therapy until he’s old enough to decide if he wants to continue seeing one or not. Because when my mom died, I didn’t get to have a therapist. We couldn’t afford it, and my dad was too out of his mind to even care. It nearly killed me, and my siblings. So don’t tell me that you want to thank me for something that I never should’ve had to do in the first place. You should’ve paid more attention to your son’s needs. Especially since you can afford services to genuinely help him.”
Your voice stayed quiet, thankfully, because you didn’t need everyone to hear you mouthing off to Aaron once again. You realize only halfway through that maybe you shouldn’t be saying these things in a setting such as this, but you’re too into it to stop.
Julia and Kate heard all of it, though. You can see their jaws open, eyes wide. Did you go too far? You don’t know and part of you doesn’t care. It’s the truth, and it hits far too close to home for you to say nothing at all.
Still, to cover your bases, you add one last thing. “I apologize if that was harsh, but it needed to be said. I want what’s best for my kids. And sometimes, that means getting their parents to see that they need to do better.”
You pause, and he nods, and says another quiet “thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you murmur. And to keep things from stinging any more, you walk away.
Julia and Kate catch up with you on the way back to your car, both too stunned to say a word until you’re inside.
“Damn,” Julia whispers. “Damn.”
“Holy shit,” Kate says with a small laugh. “Tell ‘em.”
“Yeah,” you exhale loudly. “Let’s just hope I still have a job by Monday.”
You do still have a job come Monday, with surprisingly no meeting with the principal, either. Or a phone call.
You’re suspicious, but trying not to be. Maybe it’s all fine.
You convince yourself that it’s completely fine until it really is. Until you start seeing Aaron occasionally, picking Jack up from school. You aren’t sure how often he’s been doing it, because the only reason you saw him is that you were forced into car rider duty. You’ve always been on the bus lane, but they needed another teacher out front, and that’s where you saw him first.
It caught you off guard the first time, honestly. It had been three weeks since the soccer game, since you told him off in front of everyone. And what did he do this time when he saw you?
He waved. He smiled. And then he scooped Jack up into his arms.
She won’t own up to it, but you’re positive Julia saw the interaction because you haven’t worked the bus lane since. Because Julia suddenly volunteered for it, taking your place.
Now, it’s a bit of a routine. Aaron picks Jack up almost every day, although sometimes there are a few stretches of three to four days where he isn’t present. Those days, you see Jessica, and she smiles at you as well, but it’s different. You got so used to seeing Aaron those days, that when you see Jessica, it feels strange. It begins to feel the way it used to feel when you saw Aaron picking Jack up.
It makes you smile. You’re glad to see Aaron taking the time to see Jack, to put in the time — finally — knowing he has the means to be able to do this.
For the rest of the school year, this is how you see Aaron Hotchner.
Neither of you say a word to each other, except for the final parent-teacher conference — which he arrives early for. The conference is entirely professional, and he doesn’t mention the past. Neither do you.
The final week of school fast approaches, and you’re looking for decorations to put up in the classroom. You try to make the last week special because you know they’re just as ready for summer break as you are.
Part of your “decorations” consists of candy that you’ll put on their desk every morning, which means you’re in the grocery store, in desperate need of candy to entertain your kids. Five different kinds. Something extra special on the last day, though. They’ll get out two hours earlier, but they don’t know that yet (the parents do).
Right as you turn down the candy aisle, you stop dead in your tracks, your cart nearly smacking into someone else’s. When you look up, you realize who it is.
“Mr. Hotchner!” you blurt.
He smiles that soft smile. “Please, call me Aaron.”
You’re not used to calling parents by their first name. You know he’s tried to get you to call him Aaron a few times, but you can’t ever bring yourself to. Instead, you change subjects, peering into his cart.
“Grocery shopping? For…” You raise an eyebrow. “I don’t even have a good joke. Why do you have so many marshmallows?” He has like…six big bags. Of varying sizes, too.
“Long story,” he says, sheepish. “Jack wants to build something out of marshmallows.”
“Does he want to build a whole country?” you chuckle.
“Sort of, yeah,” Aaron laughs. “He said he wants to build a whole city, then eat it. His words.”
“Wonderful,” you grin. “Sounds like a blast.” And a good idea. You might steal that for next year.
“What are you here for?” Aaron asks, nodding toward your empty cart.
“Candy, for the kids,” you reply. “I want to give them a different kind every day for the last week, just to make it more fun.”
Aaron smiles wider this time. “They’ll love that.”
“Thanks,” you say, mirroring his smile.
You don’t know what’s gotten into you. Or him, quite frankly. Building marshmallow sculptures with Jack? Unheard of. But you leave it alone, just glad he’s spending more time with his son.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to shopping,” Aaron says, gesturing down the aisle. “See you on Monday.”
Baffled, you blink, then nod. “Yeah. See you Monday.”
You see Aaron every day of next week to pick Jack up, and you get to see Jack’s smile grow every day.
On Friday, you head back inside to your classroom, ready to pack things up. Thankfully, you’re returning to this room next year, so you don’t need to pack everything up.
As a tradition, you, Julia, and Kate go out to celebrate the end of the year, so you have to go home and get ready for the night ahead.
Aaron doesn’t know why he let Rossi convince him to come out tonight. Jack’s at a sleepover at a friend’s house, so Aaron has nothing to do — theoretically. Until Rossi decided to drag him out.
Now, he’s sitting in a booth at a bar with a jazz band playing, and he’s wondering how many people Rossi can possibly know. Four people have already stopped to say hi, and they’ve barely been here for half an hour.
As Rossi talks with another friend, Aaron lets his eyes wander around the place, spotting the door when it opens. And you walk in.
He quickly averts his eyes, shifting in his seat. It’s enough to catch Rossi’s attention, and he gives Aaron a strange look, until he sees you at the bar with your two friends from Jack’s soccer game.
Aaron keeps his eyes trained on his whiskey, nodding absently when Rossi says he’s heading to the restroom.
What Rossi is actually doing is heading to the bar to intercept you and your friends, putting all three of your drinks on his tab.
“Thanks,” you chuckle, never one to argue with a free drink.
“You look familiar,” Julia blurts out.
“Dave,” Rossi introduces himself. “I’m a friend of Aaron Hotchner’s. I went with him to a few of Jack’s soccer games last season.”
“That’s where I’ve seen you,” you say.
Dave smiles. His back is turned to Aaron, so he can’t see Aaron glaring at him, wondering what the hell he’s doing up there talking to you.
“Aaron’s here with me, actually,” Dave says casually. “He’s at the booth just behind us if you’d like to see him.”
Kate nudges your arm harshly. “She would.”
“Actually, I don’t know if that’s—”
“Go,” Julia urges. “Why not?”
You give them both a look. “Fine,” you cave. “I’ll be right back.”
Kicking yourself for caving so easily (because you really would like to see him), you walk over to the booth where Aaron sits. Thankfully, his back is toward you, so he doesn’t see you coming.
He beams a smile when he sees you though, standing up to greet you. “Hey, what are you doing in here?”
“Kate and Julia drug me out,” you confess, idling for a moment as you both try to decide if you should shake hands, hug, or just stand here. “You?”
“Dave,” Aaron nods, chuckling. Just standing here it is. “Did he send you?”
“They all did,” you nod toward the bar, where they’re all watching like hawks, no doubt. “Mind if I sit?”
“Not at all,” he gestures to the empty space. “How are you?”
“Good, we’re out celebrating the end of the year,” you reply, walking around the table and sitting down on the plush booth cushion. This place is fancier than you would’ve chosen, but Julia heard good things about it from a friend, so you ended up here anyway. “How are you doing?”
“Good, although Dave drug me out for drinks because apparently,” he lifts his drink, “I don’t get out enough.”
“Y’know, that’s funny, my friends tell me the exact same thing,” you laugh. “Dave bought our drinks.”
“I knew he was doing something suspicious,” Aaron jokes, glancing back toward the bar. Dave and your friends have taken over three stools, clearly set on giving you and Aaron some time alone. “Sorry again if he forced you over here.”
“No, he definitely didn’t. My friends did,” you assure him, rolling your eyes. “Oh, I have to ask, how did Jack’s marshmallow city building go?”
Immediately, Aaron digs his phone out of his pocket. “I have a lot of pictures, I’ll just show you.” He unlocks his phone and goes to his camera roll, already smiling at the thought of them. “He had a blast. We went through so many toothpicks. We both had stomachaches by the end of it from eating so many marshmallows.”
He turns his phone to show you the pictures, and without thinking, you scoot closer to him. To get a better look at the pictures, you tell yourself, but you know that isn’t the full truth.
“Oh my god,” you laugh, grinning from ear to ear. “This so huge!”
“It covered our entire kitchen!” Aaron laughs with you, a sweet sound you wish you heard more often. “I didn’t tell Jessica about it, so she had a heart attack when she came over the next day.”
“I bet,” you nod seriously, swiping on his phone as he holds it toward you. “Goodness.” You look up at Aaron. “Did you guys eat all of them?”
“We’ve had a lot of hot chocolate.”
“It’s May.”
“I know,” he deadpans, feigning annoyance, but then he breaks into a smile. “I’ll admit, I’ve been snacking on them maybe a little more than I should every time I go into the kitchen.”
“I would do the same,” you chuckle. “No judgment here.”
He smiles at you and tucks his phone away back in his pocket, and neither of you move from how close you’ve gotten.
“How are you planning to spend your summer break?” he asks, taking a sip of his whiskey. You try not to stare at him too much.
“Lots of getting ready for next year,” you reply, rotating your glass in your hand, focusing on it instead. “Mostly reading for fun, I don’t get to do that a lot during the school year when I’m reading for my kids and grading and such. I plan to do a lot of nothing, basically,” you laugh. “What about you?”
“The same, hopefully,” he says, which surprises you. And he can tell, because he elaborates. “I took a lot of time off from work. I work from home now, essentially. If I absolutely need to go in, then I do, but so far, Dave’s been able to handle it.”
You knew a big change had been made, especially since he’s been picking Jack up from school everyday. But hearing the confirmation makes your heart warm. “I’m really glad to hear that.”
“Me too,” he says. “I know we’ve been over this, but I wanted to thank you for what you said, at Jack’s game—”
Mortified, you interrupt him. “Oh god, I hoped you had forgotten about that.”
“I didn’t forget—”
“I was rude.”
“What you said needed to be said and I’m glad you did,” he protests sincerely. “You shouldn’t have had to say anything, but you did, and I appreciate that.”
His sincerity stuns you. You blink, no words able to come out.
“We can move on from it now,” he says, noticing your hesitation. “I just wanted to be clear that I’m not angry with you for what you said, I’ve actually been the complete opposite.”
“Well,” you chuckle, trying to make light of this. “You didn’t call the school demanding I be suspended, so I knew you couldn’t be that upset with me.”
He stares at you, eyes widening. “Do parents do that?”
“Some, yeah,” you nod. “They don’t exactly like being told by a single teacher with no kids of her own that their parenting skills are shit.”
He laughs, taking a sip of his whiskey. You watch him raise the glass to his lips, but look away before he can catch you. You smile down at your own drink. This is embarrassing.
You thought this little crush -- or whatever it is -- had gone away since you hadn’t spoken to him since the soccer game. Sure, you started to look specifically for him in the pickup area, but that was for Jack. That wasn’t for you. Or, at least, that’s the story you spun for yourself.
“What’s on your list to read this summer?” Aaron asks, bringing your eyes back to his. He’s smiling. “I’ve been meaning to read more -- outside of the books Jack and I read.”
You remember Jack telling you about The Magic Treehouse series that Uncle Dave got him for Christmas, and how his dad was reading them with him.
“What, The Magic Treehouse isn’t enough for you?” you tease Aaron, and he laughs, that sweet sound you can’t get enough of.
You tell him about the books on your shelf at home, the ones you got years ago and have yet to read, and the others that you got this year because you couldn’t resist. He listens to each one, never once taking his eyes off of you.
“I am not going to remember all of these names,” he chuckles.
“I can text them to you,” you offer, a grin creeping up your cheeks.
He mirrors your expression. “You stole my line.”
“Oh, that was your line?” you ask, laughing as you pull out your phone. “Fine, fine, you can have it back.”
“No, you said it first,” he says, still grinning. He hands you his phone as you give him yours. “I’m bad at this anyway.”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, typing in your contact information before handing his phone back. “I’ve had a pretty good time.”
He waits a moment, just basking in your smile, the feel of your fingertips brushing against his when he returns your phone. “Me too.”
The night doesn’t end there, as the two of you continue talking. Another round of drinks is sent to your table by Dave and your friends who wave enthusiastically when you and Aaron look over at them.
“Free drinks, at least,” you shrug. “How much money does Dave have?”
“Don’t ask,” Aaron shakes his head. “He’ll never tell.”
As you both finish your first drink and head into the second, you scoot even closer. You bring your legs underneath you on the booth, getting comfortable as you and Aaron start to talk about your favorite movies. He tries to be sneaky and put his arm around you, but you notice and can’t help the giggle that escapes you.
“I told you I’m bad at this.”
“No, it’s sweet!” you protest, leaning into his chest. “It’s very nice, I don’t mind.”
He moves his arm from the back of the booth to your shoulders then, his hand resting on your arm. “This okay?”
“It’s perfect,” you smile softly, turning your head to look up at him. “What movie were we on?”
He stares so intently, searching your face. You watch as his eyes gaze over every inch, dropping to your lips, then back to your pupils. “I have no idea.”
“Me either,” you murmur, silently hoping for a kiss. Silently hoping that he’s hoping, too.
And he is. “I know our friends are watching us,” he whispers. “But can I kiss you right now?”
“Yeah,” you grin. “I was about to ask.”
“Well now we’re even,” he says, leaning closer as he smiles. You tilt your head, meeting his lips halfway, not wanting to wait any longer. You’ve quieted these feelings for far too long.
He kisses you long and sweet, his free hand coming to cup your face as yours search for stability in his shoulders. He knocks the breath out of your lungs, literally, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Aaron pulls back for just a moment, just far enough to say, “Was that worth a gold star?”
You laugh, playfully swatting his chest. “Yeah, Aaron,” you say, looking up at him. “It was.”
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amphitriteswife · 5 months
Do more of ror school au hcs please 🙏🏻 💓 💕 💗
📝✂️Ror/ Snv characters as Students📝✂️
Also am I spotting a fellow Alien stage fan??? @miserable-homo-momo
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☠️He’s a top student. On top of most of his classes, and he’s a senior.
☠️ Mostly hangs out with Qin or his brothers. He doesn’t necessarily have friends but a lot of ppl want to be tho, only he focuses on being a big brother.
☠️ Listens to a lot of music tastes. Like his play list is full of mood swings. It contains: Classic music, Pop Music, HipHop, Heavy metal ect. It kinda depends on what he feels tbh. A few of his faves would be: Tupac, Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B and Mozart.
☠️Drives a nice car which made him very popular. He used it to take his brothers everywhere but he ended up sharing it between his brothers and bought a motorbike of his own🤭
☠️ He had a lot of piercings: Ears, lip, Eyebrow…nipple…But he looks good and knows how to pull it off. Like just Imagine it. Gah dayum
☠️ He actually skipped class?? You wouldn’t expect it from him but he did skip class. It’s not often but once in a blue moon. Most of the times it’s cause he wants to hang out with his brothers.
☠️ goes to all the house parties. As good of a student he is, he also likes going out. So most of the time he gets invited to parties or hang outs.
☠️ most ppl thought he was a player but ended up being one of the ppl that married their high school sweetheart. He might have dated some ppl but they weren’t flings but actually legit relationships
☠️ probably the one person that brings snacks or drinks for the class if they have a field trip or just a hot school day y’know. Like just imagine it being a hot sunny day and you still have a lot of lessons to follow and boom, hades brings ice cream for the class?? Life safer fr🙏
☠️ He probably likes History, astronomy and psychology. He kind of has random subject but he just chose what he deems as interesting. He only likes the 🪐⭐️🌠🌌 and not the math in astronomy.
☠️ He cooks on field trips that last more days. Only if its’s necessary tho. Mainly because he’s rich enough to afford going to restaurants or the school handles it.
☠️ he’s the therapist friend fr. Genuinely knows when there’s something wrong and asks, not in public tho. He doesn’t judge but actually listens to you. He also offers comfort if you need it. What a goat
☠️ class president. Even though he didn’t want to be. Most ppl voted for him for the above stated reasons. And because he’s kind of a big brother type.
☠️ man could do anything and he wouldn’t get into trouble. Mostly because all the teachers love him as a student so shawty has a good reputation.
☠️ He’s bad at art yet has very nice cursive handwriting. Probably because he takes extra poetry lessons. Or he practiced it till he was satisfied.
☠️ Is in the chess club with Beelzebub and the birb. They often play and even have participate in Tournaments.
☠️ He’s the type that also chose languages as subjects, so like German, French, Italian, Chinese, Latin and ofc Greek. Probably because his ass has a photographic memory
☠️ doesn’t eat cafeteria food and actually goed off campus to buy food. If some of his lessons are canceled he just goes to restaurants or shopping streets to kill time
☠️ Actually doesn’t rly do his homework. He only does it in classes that check homework or give bonuses for it, otherwise he usually doesn’t do it. Besides he only studies like 2 weeks before the week where all the tests are. Unless he knows he needs more time for a certain subject. Then he catches up
☠️ Went to Spain, Germany and France because he choose those subjects and teased his younger brothers for it. He did buy them a requested item for each of em. Not Zeus cause he requested a Latina babe.
☠️ He has a place in school where he always sits when he aint off campus. So if ya eveer try to find him he’s probably there.
☠️ graduated w honors fr. Mosy of the teacher wrote nice things about them and held wonderful speeches for him since he was a good student. His quote in the year book was sum like ‘👍’.
☠️ He probably went on luxurious vacations and posted the pictures on his insta. He dont do snap or any other form of social media.
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🪷 the student that doesn’t really care about grades but does get good ones.
🪷 He’s usually eats in class. But for some reason the teachers allow it cause he ain’t causing a mess. Or because he’s actually a prince and could buy the school in a second.
🪷 Definitely choose a language as a subject and geography cause man knows a lot about different cultures. My goat
🪷 Definitely a music lover. You can always catch him with one AirPod in his ear. Probably has the latest phone too cause he richy rich.
🪷 Goes to on lot of vacations. Like every break he’s somewhere. Japan, Greece, Italy, Singapore, Canada, Brazil, he goes to many places. Brodie might start doing them travel vlogs atp
🪷 He has lots of Social Media’s. Tiktok, Tenten, insta, snap, Discord??🤨 , Be real ect. His tiktok is just goofy ahh videos while his insta is usually pics of his vacations. Like you know them influencers who have them nice ahh pics? He has that, but he just aint a influencer
🪷 Never takes notes in class. So you might wanne share em w him if you have em. In return he’ll let you munch on his snacks.
🪷 BIG supporter of Cultural day. Like he already sighed a petition and complained that every school should have one. He even offered to host them and buy stuff for it.
🪷 biggest class skipper together with Qin. He’s either off campus buying stuff, at home cause brodie didn’t wanne come or he just bailed mid way with the ‘can i use the restroom?’ Tactic. His ass almost got into trouble w the school cause of the many times he was absent.
🪷 If you have a presentation with him. Yall will score perfectly. Especially if it’s a subject he knows a lot about, brodie will carry you like how Eren carried that stone in Shiganshina (aot reference 🤨)
🪷 Deals candy in school. Like you know how some schools have the policy that their cafeteria doesn’t sell unhealthy stuff? And the stuff is overpriced asf. Yeah he broke that by buying a lot of different candies and letting ppl buy em for €1 no matter what the OG price was. He may or may not have gotten into trouble but man did not care
🪷 LOVESS LOVES LOVES school trips. He always buys snacks for em. He usually researches the place where yall is going so that he can divide the time and go see the whole place instead of just only doing the assignment.
🪷 He is friends w actually almost everyone. Almost. Except Loki. But it’s difficult. Loki HATES him. While Buddha is kinda like 😒. It got so bad that Loki had to switch classes fr. Now one may ask why? Buddha worked together Sigyn that’s why
🪷 house parties, pool parties, after school parties, just any party tbh. If he catches one he is going. And Believe me it makes it so much better. He has the music, the vibe, the photo’s everything. Man is so chill fr
🪷 lowkey good friends w Hades. Mainly because they both chose languages. They usually practice together if they have like a verbal test. They got each other’s back. And yeah Buddha’s a senior cause he skipped some grades
🪷 Ppl expected him to actually be single cause of how care free he is but they were wrong cause man was SMITTEN by Yasodharā. They were literally THE couple.
🪷 Got into a class fight with Loki. Imma leave room for yall to think how that went. Man CLEARED him. But he didn’t hit tho. He didn’t square up. He just dodged and threw chips in his face.
🪷 watched anime, reads manhwa and hd merch. But he the cool ones that keep it lowkey and dont rly act upon it
🪷 Man saved the ppl who graduated w him. He arranged that the ppl in the last year could have a week long vacation to Italy. Mainly to see art or just enjoy being free from school.
🪷 As much as he hated school. He’s the type that goes for a good time. He likes being w his friends or his glorious gf Yasodharā.
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🧿 Laid back student that barely passes but doesn’t really mind.
🧿 member of the party club! He hosts all the dances, plays, school events, parties, gala’s. Anything to do with the sort!
🧿 Also a big fan of house parties. Good music, good vibe, lots of ppl, drinks n a good home? He’s all in.
🧿 He 100% had music, art and religion as a subject. Dancing is included with art and he gives extra lessons to the youngsters. He might even have his own dance club on campus.
🧿 He’s also a fan of p.e. He 100% has a one sided rivalry with Hercules and Ares. But if it’s Ares and Hercules against each other he’s on Hercules’ side.
🧿 He hosted a Gala for the seniors and it was so goated, he even had a department for ppl who didn’t want to dance and put on game consoles on the big ahh boards.
🧿 He and Poseidon were playing Mario Kart and SSBU against each other. Half of the ppl there spectated on how the two were so focused and at each other’s throat. But after that Shiva went back to dancing.
🧿 A lot of ppl think that he’s poly but he’d monogamous and has a girlfriend. Aka Parvati. Who was his partner to homecoming. Which he hosted ofcourse.
🧿 Skips school so much that he once had to have a conversation with the school therapist to make sure there was nothing going on at home. (There isn’t) but he played it off cause he a smooth talker and got away with it.
🧿 He’s besties w Rudra. They’re the duo that everyone knows cause they’ve been going to the same school and usually have most classes together. Even if they don’t like the subject. Like you can see Shiva in some classes they don’t have together cause he just asks the teacher it its cool and most of the time it’s cool. Most.
🧿 They the duo that they meet each other in the halls cause they both got sent out of the classroom. Or they both have detention and never do any work in it there.
🧿 you can usually spot them outside going for a run or at the gym. They also share a playlist for of they go to the gym and its very intense. Or they’re goofing around and end up doing something else.
🧿 He’s also in Hades class as a senior but they aint rly close, no bad blood but they just have their own friends. Though If they were to be paired up they’d make a very good duo.
🧿 Also a big fan of Culture day. But the best part is that Parvati is in a beautiful sari, her make up done, mehendi on her hands and feet, churias on her arms, a veil on her head. Hmm perfect.
🧿 He lowkey beefs with Loki but does it in a goofy way y’know. Like he seems very intimidating cause of his physique and height but he’s lowkey chill and doesn’t bother ppl.
🧿 is lowkey a model together with Poseidon. He posts a lot of pictures on his insta, Indian weddings (they’re the best) pics of himself or if he went somewhere. Some of them are lowkey so aestheticly pleasing.
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Yuh that’s it. Might make a part 3 tho
Tagging: @mizz-sea-nymph @vilereign @tinyy-tea-cup @das-jaim3 @monstertreden @rukia-writes @snowmantita @brokensenseofhumor @itz-hel @nicasdreamer @imperfectbloodmoon @swallowtail-lotus @m3l-moony @riseofamoonycake @bumblebees-knees-threes @praisethesuuun @telvess @salmonpoki @aresarmyblog
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easybrainrot34 · 4 months
✈️ Colin Bridgerton Headcanons ✈️
This was requested by this lovely anon!! This is my first request so thank you for writing in! It would’ve come out sooner, but i currently have a mean tooth infection, nevertheless, the show must go on! Heads up, third one is a hint of spice. Hope u enjoy☺️
Characters mentioned : Gregory, Anthony, Benedict, Daphne, Edmund, Violet, Penelope, Debling, and Eloise
🎻= regency era
🧳= modern au
🧳🎻= either
Ps my request r open :)
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🧳🎻 I think he has a very realistic view on his brothers. I think he use to blindly look up to them just bc they were his older brothers, but as time has passed he definitely sees and recognizes that they both have some decent flaws. However, he really wants Gregory to look up to him the most. I don’t think he would ever admit it to anyone, but i feel like he could think a little higher of himself (not in a bad way at all) therefor he thinks he’s led the best example for how a man should be to Gregory.
🧳🎻 He gives off shy kid vibes. Like between the ages of 4-10 he was pretty shy only having like two friends. I feel like Ben specifically found this a little concerning bc he didn’t want him to have issues in school and life in general, so together they worked really hard on getting him to not only have more confidence in himself but actually practiced having convos. I also feel like once he got to the “interested in dating people” age Daphne and Ben tried their best to tech him to talk aka flirt with people.
🧳 (Lil spicy) Had a hoe phase in college. People are always shocked about how high his body count is (20+) but he was never a douche bag to anyone he’s hooked up with. I feel like when Anthony and Benedict found out on one of the weekly boys nights they have, Ben was proud and Anthony was a little shook. Anthony made him swear up and down he always wore a condom and then congratulated him lol.
🧳 Staying on the college root, he definitely gives off world history major vibes. He def was a foreign exchange student in high school (secondary school for the brit’s out there lol) and studied a couple semesters abroad in college. Specifically went to France in high school, then America, Italy, Spain, and India in college. He also makes it a point to travel every summer. I feel like he would definitely end up as a teacher of some sort tho. Like he’s definitely the cool history teacher everyone loves. Also hes definitely that teacher that gets side tracked easily if u ask him about his time abroad.
🧳 Definitely has more girl friends than guy friends, but not super imbalanced. He just gives was invited to the girls night out vibes. (I have a headcanon that i already wrote that i would definitely add Colin too). He definitely has his Boyz™️ that he hangs with all the time, but he knows they can be a little much, so i feel like when he wants to be social but have a relaxed time he hangs with the girlies. Idk colin just gives friends with everyone vibes.
🧳 I think Colin has diagnosed anxiety, and once he learned that he became more educated and aware of mental health. I feel like he started getting panic attacks shortly after Edmund died (he was 12 yrs old if i did my math right lol) but didn’t want anyone to worry about him so he just kinda dealt with it and kinda got to a point where he thought it was normal. It came up randomly in a convo with Daphne, Ben, and Violet that he gets them but at this point he didn’t get what the big deal was. I feel like these 3 took it seriously and once he got diagnosed he put work into researching how to understand mental health issues more.
🧳🎻 He LOVES to plan dates. His go to is always dinner at a nice restaurant then a show of some kind. Play, musical, movie out, doesn’t really matter to him. He enjoys a night in, sure, but what he really loves is showing you off. He’s proud to have you as his (not in a possessive creepy way, in a sweet way) and wants to show you off.
🧳 Colin is a little bit of a jealous type. We see it in the show when Pen is being courted by Debling. However, i feel like when he’s in a relationship, he completely trust his partner. If he sees someone flirting with you he will let them flirt but he will definitely swoop in with a little hey babe and a forehead kiss lol. If someone try’s to flirt with him tho, he will just start gushing about his amazing partner. I’m talking putting out the Lock Screen and going “ya look how cute WE are”. Once y’all are married tho he NEVER takes off the wedding ring.
🧳 I feel like he has a decent following on Insta and TikTok 😂😂😂. Not like influencer numbers but like 6k on instagram and 9k on TikTok. He definitely post all his travel stuff on Insta and does like little OOTDs on TikTok. Colin gives very much “gives a fuck about how he looks” vibes so i feel like he knows the fashion trends on TikTok. His “aesthetic” is like hipster mixed with old money (bc he is in fact, old money lol). Also yes, he recognizes he gets thirst comments and will play into just a little, but once hes taken he would comment “ my partner thinks so too :)”
🧳 Colin has secret tattoos. Like his friends know but he didn’t tell his family for a minute bc he knows it would become a thing lol. They r all small and in places he can cover up (shoulder, thigh, and one on his wrist he covers up with his watch) but one day he got a little careless at the beach and let them show. I feel like Violet had a “what did u do to your beautiful body??!!” mom moment, Anthony was pissed bc he didn’t tell him, Ben laughed his ass off, and Eloise congratulated him on doing something “actually risky” for once. I feel like after the initial shock everyone really likes them and he goes out and gets more in public places.
! Bonus One !
He still sleeps with his childhood stuffed animal lmfao like it’s a cute little elephant his mom and dad got him. He has had to do many repairs on it over the years lol
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 days
even more TO characters as things from my school(this years been boring af)
twobit: me cooking up the most diabolical lunch combinations. mozzarella sticks w blue pop rocks💖
dally: the several holds(less intense lockdowns) in a week and general safety threats. also just general unruliness + kids swearing at the art teacher. i feel bad for her bc shes constantly getting cussed out and im pretty sure she's senile
johnny: there being so many crickets in the fine arts hall. like multiple have to be dealt with within 30 minutes. also getting "What duh heeeaal" yelled at me while i was minding my own beeswax.
darry: english teacher wearing a "human by chance alpha by choice" shirt. a student lent it to him idk why. twas funny tho.
steve: i forgot like last year there wuz a cupcake in my bag and it turned to dust like today n spilled everywhere + the inside joke "THEY TURNED HIM INTO CRUDE OIL!!!!! THEIR REFINING HIM STOP!!!!!!!"
pony: this one kid having the most loud ass diabolical elderly man cough EVER. to give you an idea of how bad it is the teacher said to him "if you cough like that one more time we're sending you to the nurse" im kinda concerned for his health atp because this has been happening for a week
+ some girl during art screaming "STOP!!!!!" when it was silent bc a boy threw like a sheet of paper at her. it was like an ear piercing scream 2
soda: me flunking out of math within the first three weeks of school. i didn't even get consulted about it at all?? like they were just "oh yeah u failed anyways bye bye effective immediately get out" + boys yelling out the lyrics to "last christmas i gave you my heart" really loud down the hall
i mean expand on these if u want?? idk what this is doing in ur inbox I'm sorry. but something compelled me to to this
nonono this gives me the perfect opportunity to add on the shepards and my own stories in general
curly: me laying down and watching adventure time but my cousins came in running and one jumped over me but the other, i shit u not, TRIED to jump over me but put his whole body weight on my one knee🙎🏽‍♀️🙎🏽‍♀️
angela: me SWEARING my aunts house was haunted bc she had these scary masks on the wall and apparently, someone died??? in her living room once???? and the ppace where me and my cousins and sister would sleep just scared the shit outta me i was so scared to get up to use the bathroom at night 😭
tim: my sister catching me kissing the tv when i saw kuzvo from emperors new groove
bonus pony: my cousins laughing at me bc they found me on wattpad</333
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cayrola · 2 months
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𝟏-𝐀 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐡𝐜𝐬
𓂃𑁍 ࣪˖ includes: bakugo, deku, shoto, ochako, momo, kirishima, & denki
𓂃𑁍 ࣪˖ note: this is kinda bad sorry. just wanted to post something and i was having mha brainrot ˃ᴗ˂
꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ⋆゚꒰
is in mostly ap and honors classes and gets all a’s and b’s
is in a study group with mina, kiri, denki, and sero
teachers have a love-hate relationship with him (who doesn’t)
the type to argue with the teacher if they’re ‘wrong’ or if they make a mistake about something
has snapchat but doesn’t use it bc he finds it stupid and doesn’t get why anyone would use it religiously
his snap score is so low—like 1k type low
follows his favorite celebrities on insta
has tiktok but doesn’t post a single thing; mina forces him to repost all of her vids tho
plays football and basketball but was kicked pff the basketball team for being to aggressive
3.998 gpa and it pisses him off bc he wants a 4.0
lives in a gated community
band kid i fear
debate team too
has a 3.4 gpa and wishes it was higher but is okay with it
gets b’s on all of the tests but a’s on the hw
in only 2 ap classes and it’s ap art and apush
he got a 4 on his ap art portfolio and a 3 on apush
the sleepiest sleeper build anyone could ever have
only uses snapchat to ft his friends bc he doesn’t have an iphone and most of them do
deku with glasses and braces (canon)
def uses twitter religiously; tweets about EVERYTHING he possibly can. his entire life story is basically there
teacher’s pet but in a good way; all his teachers love him and how respectful he is but if they forget the hw, he will keep his mouth shut
would still love all might
easy 4.0 gpa
all of his class are ap and honors
all a’s—gets a 95% or above
loves checking out books from the library
doesn’t have social media, thinks it’s stupid
is on debate team with deku, does tennis and does track and field (100m and 200m). probably does any club he can get into so he doesn’t have to go home so early
never has hw bc he does it all at school
so many people have a crush on him, but he doesn’t acknowledge it or he just doesn’t notice
also shoto with glasses (canon)
is into photography
carries around a camera when he goes to big cities for school trips
has all of the latest apple products
also lives in a gated community
has at least one airpod in constantly
literally my pookie wookie dookie bear
neat, color-coded notes
3.0 gpa, she studies with deku and shoto when they’re not busy
isn’t in many clubs bc she works after school
i can see her working at coldstone or something
has a samsung
has a pink owala waterbottle—gifted to her by momo
wears the simplest outfits but they’re super cute (thx to momo)
def comforts girls that are crying in the bathroom
her fav teacher is her math teacher but her fav subjects are p.e. and english
likes peach rings, sour gummy worms, and strawberry pocky
gossips with mina, momo, jirou, and hagakure at football games
has the pink bow jansport backpack—her parents surprised her with it as one of her early bday gifts
i feel like she would have a fluffy white cat named snuggles or cupcake
also gated community
also has a 4.0 gpa
all ap classes
does ap art and got a 5 on her portfolio
i feel like she would be captain of the swim team
hates sodas
i saw a tiktok saying she would be a bop and wear ethikas to school and vape and omg. she would NOT.
she’s so loyal to whoever her s/o is
she would wear stuff from like that light academia aesthetic on pinterest
would never touch a vape in her life. she tries to encourage the people that vape in the bathrooms to not do it
mascara girly for lifeeee
has a whole lash routine
definitely helped ochako with her outfits and make much of what she has
smells so girlalala
only has an apple watch and iphone. she was gifted airpods from her aunt but doesn’t use them often unless she’s going for a run
spoils her friends cuz she feels like it
one of the popular kids fssss
is on the football team with bakugo and does track with shoto (same events)
knows everyone and everything about them (not intentionally tho. he just ends up finding out)
likes the c4 energy drinks—blue raspberry sour patch kid flavor is his favorite
sprays axe like it’s body mist
washes his face only with water and hand soap and has such clear skin
3.0 gpa and is proud of it
is in culinary arts bc he wants to eat before lunch starts
no ap classes, just regular ones
everyone likes him, it’s so hard for someone to not like him
watches youtube with denki on the chrome books
actually pays attention to what bakugo says during their study sessions bc he doesn’t wanna fail his tests
gets c’s and above on his assignments
try hard in p.e.
uses snap but not like denki—snap score is like 100k-200k (all from streaks)
avg crumbl cookie enjoyer
bromance with all of his friends
“i love u bro. no homo”
“i wanna kiss u so bad rn, man. no homo tho”
2.5 gpa and is perfectly okay with it. anytime bakugo brings it up he says “it could always be worse”
plays fortnite and dti with the baddies instead of studying
chronically online
brainrot humor
wyll warrior
snap score is like 700k
wears pj pants to school
avg call of duty enjoyer
has one of those kiddy backpacks from walmart. he probably got minnie mouse or bubble guppies
finishes his tests first just so he can go on his chromebook
plays papa’s freezeria when he’s done with his tests
loves p.e.
i feel like he had one of those rolling backpacks in elementary school all the way til middle school
goes to summer school every single year
gets low b’s-high f’s on his assignments (usually get c’s and d’s tho)
films the fights in the hallways
skips classes to get food (crumbl mukbangs in the car w kirishima)
he hit a vape once and is addicted now
gets made fun of for it
calls himself a nonchalant dreadhead (the exact opposite)
says “im gonna touch u vro” as a comeback
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© cayrola on tumblr. 2024. all rights reserved. pls don’t translate, copy, or steal my work in any way.
hope u enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it !! also, should i do pt2 with other characters or no ૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა
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thelunarbar · 3 months
How romantic sex on a school bus. Well ig just making out but my point still stands. And Ik it’s a dream but she’s all like ooh ok and I’m just like girl no. Make him take you to a bed at least. 
I love watching the way stiles opinion of Derek changes over time esp given that Derek doesn’t make a great first impression(not that stiles really did either but Derek’s was worse)
“Ate it?”
“No you stopped to bake in a little werewolf oven.”
Scott’s hair is sooooooooo bad 😭
Also forgot how much I hate this teacher(biology or math maybe? Idk) he’s annoying
This may very well be the only time stiles tells Scott not to cancel a date. 
Danny deserves more love 
Lydia’s thing of acting dumb is really annoying like if he doesn’t want you unless you’re stupid you’re better off without him girl
Stiles reaction to Scott asking Allison about their hanging out with Jackson and Lydia
Jackson is such an asshole but Ik I end up liking him more later on
Of all things to lie about; your bowling skills???
Gotta love stiles needing to know if he’s attractive to gay guys(the answer is yes. Just ask Derek 😜)
Ngl I’ve never been sure how I feel abt deaton bc he’s like kinda helpful sometimes but also super weird more often than not
I fucking adore Melissa McCall 
Dude I tried for literal months(tho without rewatching bc I didn’t wanna do that at the time) to figure out where the pic of Derek standing behind broken glass came from and it’s from ep three when the police officer and then Scott show up the hale house 
I feel like rains too much for this show being set in California 
Derek is so nonchalant about Scott’s freak out I love it
“Why is this starting to feel like you’re Batman and I’m Robin? I don’t wanna be Robin all the time.”
“Nobody’s Batman and Robin any of the time.”
“Not even some of the time?” I love this lil convo and esp this last line bc stiles sounds so sad abt it 
Seriously why is the lighting so damn dark all the time even when I have the brightness on my screen turned all the way up and to my recollection it only gets worse
Scott and his fucking one track mind 
Yikes Allison’s closet is so bad all like boho chic and sequiny
Again a parent walking in without knocking 
I mean at least he acknowledged he forgot to knock but like teenage girl who could’ve been like changing or smth jeez
Love that he’s clearly getting ready to go out and they decide to sneak out before he leaves 
Man I wanna go bowling I haven’t bowled in so long (related even if it doesn’t seem like it, Jackson Lydia Allison and Scott go bowling)
Jackson’s laugh is so obviously fake and it’s so obnoxious 🤮
I can appreciate that being werewolf didn’t make him good at everything(just most things) 
I love love love Derek’s car 
Why does Chris argent wash Derek’s windshield for him??? Oh yes very intimidating good job Chris 
I can’t wait for argent to grow a beard he looks so much better with it 
Breaking the window on Derek’s car was so unnecessary and rude 
Ofc now Scott is great at bowling 
Lydia using Scott to make Jackson jealous is so annoying 
Ah innuendo 
“How do you cheat at bowling?”
“I don’t know, but you did.” But for real Jackson how does someone cheat at bowling 
And Derek’s being a creep again cmon man no wonder people don’t like you when this is the impression you always give 
Call a code? You have to specify which one Melissa. I’m not even a nurse and I know that 
Yay another cringey make out scene 
“Do either of you even play baseball?”
I love that they’re both super honest and just say no when she asks if they care there’s a police enforced curfew
Scott’s angry voice is not great 
Derek’s echoy voice thing wtf is that?
Love that Scott’s first thought is to try to get Derek arrested, again, for smth he didn’t do 
Ooh jump the whole staircase he’s so cool guys you don’t even know 
Ooh he’s losing the jacket things are getting serious 
The noise while he shifted was gross and not necessary 
Also I’m pretty sure they change his shifted makeup look later on bc he doesn’t look how I remember 
Love the choice of Destroya by MCR for this totally pointless fight between Scott and Derek tho 
I mean I say fight but it’s more like Derek beating the snot out of Scott 
and now we have the rational conversation after punching each other 
Oh now you give him answers after you beat the crap out of him
How come we never really discuss the fact that Scott is part of Peter’s pack? At least until he becomes an alpha himself
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
Hello gorgeous !
Could you write an soulmate au ( seeing colour )with billy and stu but the reader is from our time line and we meet them and the gang , and when when they are alone we just confess we know everything and them nsfw happens ?
Bonus if we have a ghostface tatto on our inner tigh 🖤
you look like you've seen a ghost | Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | Part 2 | AO3
synopsis: it was just a normal school day until you saw your favorite movie brought to life. You may not know how that was possible, but you do know everything that is happening. And, damn, you shouldn’t think that it will be a great experience but it is better than lying to yourself, right?
warnings: this is about two slashers so... blood, disrespect towards others lifes and a lovely, bloody and kinky make out session. a little bit of knife play, but just a little. and some swearwords, i made the reader a little bit offensive. actually: if you are reading about a slasher you should know that those warnings would be like that so....
note: thanks for your request my love! I take some time cuz I was sick and it was also my first time writing for slashers, hope I did well :) also: IF BAD WHY HOT???
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It was a weird dream. No. Not a dream: it was a really weird nightmare. The moment you wake up the memories we’re already vanishing, but that ferrous taste didn’t leave your mouth even after breakfast. The thing was that the dream had something more than just black and white. Everyone just see those two color until they meet their soulmates, so you are not exactly sure if you are just confused or with you really saw it.
You saw blood on your dream and it wasn’t black.
Even tho you we’re focused on trying to remember your dream, the real life called and you need it to respond. School. An essential part of everyone’s life, but somehow everyone would create and excuse to stay at home. You weren’t in the mood to go to school and spend hours listening to boring monologues about your teacher’s divorce, but you had no choice. 
Armed with headphones, you walked to school. At the school street you could see your friends, they tend to stay in front of school until everyone arrives, but it seens like the whole school had just decided to stay outside the building.
Before you could say anything, Stacy put her hands on your shoulder. “Guess who just died.” You blinked, surprised by the way she said it. “I don’t know who died but I know that a guessing game is not a great way to share the news.”
James hugged Stacy from behind, laughing at your response. “Darling, that was kinda creepy.” Stacy rolled her eyes. “Shut up”, she said. “Casey Becker was murdered last night. Murdered.”
“Wow” you said. “I am so sorry for her and her family. But, well, I don’t want to be rude, but who is Casey Becker?”
“What?” Stacy murmured. “You know her. We have science and math class with her. The blonde girl. Well, you don’t see color yet, so... the one with fringe, we watched Halloween with her and her boyfriend on the cinema. Do you at least remember Steven Orth?”
You shake your head, walking towards the building. “I really don’t remember her. Probably I am just a little bit confused.” You don’t remember Casey Becker, or Steven Orth, or watching a movie with them. You do remember hearing that name before, but not the girl. Embarrassed, you chose to lie. “I’m just having a horrible migraine, I almost can’t think straight.”
“Okay”, Stacy said, not really believing anything you told her but also not really sure if you we’re lying. On the school hallways, already on a new subject with James, Stacy stopped talking in the middle of the setence and pointed to a locker. “They are already making a memorial.”
Roses, bouquets, notes with heartbreaking messages decorated what before was Casey Becker’s locker. It was so kind and affectionate that even without knowing the girl who just died, you got sad. But when a person moved and you saw a picture of Casey Becker, sadness was nothing to you.
“She is Drew Barrymore.”
“What?” James asked. “Who?”
“She is Drew Barrymore”, you repeated. “50 First Dates, Charlie’s Angels, Santa Clarita Diet. Its a joke?” And then you remembered where you heard the name. “Its Scream’s birthday? Well, you guys get really creative. I almost believed.”
Stacy touched your forehead. “Dear, what the hell are you talking about? Who is Drew Barrymore? Did you take medication for your migraine?”
“You are really into the character”, you responded. “Fine, I want to be the helpless victim.” Stacy and James shared a look. “Are you fine?”, James said. “Do you feel dizzy?” 
The alarm sounded.
“I have english class now” you waived to them. “See ya later.”
When you disappeared around the corner, James turned to Stacy. “It is a normal part of girls... you know, special moment of the month?”
“No, James” Stacy rolled her eyes. “Act crazy is not a normal part of menstruation.” She finished the way to her class alone. “And I am the creepy one.”
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As you already thought, the teacher was using class time to talk about his divorce. Not a single lesson. And he still surprised that his ex-wife didn’t want to be with him, that men simply can't shut up.
Drawing something on your desk, what you shouldn't but you we're so bored that you almost didn't realize what you we're doing, your mind flew a little bit. Thinking about how weird it was that everyone knew about Scream's birthday except for you, Ghostface was one of your drawings.
Distracted, you dropped a pen. When you bend to grab it, another hand touch it. You look up, your mouth already moving to thank with the person, but no sound could be heard. You we're almost drooling yourself because, damn, that was Sidney Prescott.
It was like the movie came out of your and decided to go to school. It was her. The hair, the smile, the cheeks. Sidney Prescott was sitting beside you.
"Are you okay?" Even her voice was the same. She look like Sidney more than Nave itself.
"Thanks" that was all you could say. After grabbing the pen, you glance at your hands and count how many fingers you have. Ten. Not a dream. Ten fingers means that you are wake up. "You really look like Nave Campbell."
She smiled at you. Sidney Fucking Prescott smiled at you. "I don't know her, it was a praise or a offense?"
"A praise", you sit straight, tyding up your hair. "She is a actress. Did you ever watched Scream?"
She shaked her head. "Never ever heard about a movie with that name. Do you recomend it?"
Okay, that must be a really awesome coincidence. No way that she is Sidney. It is just a girl that looks like her. Things like that happen everytime. You even know a girl famous for looking like Selena Gomez. Just a coincidence.
"It is a movie for people who loves movies. Do you like horror? If you do, then you gonna love it."
"I do" she looked at the teacher, just making sure that he was still talking about how his ex-wife take his dog. "Whats your name? I don't remember seeing you."
You said your name to her. "I need it to change my class schedules, probably we didn't have a class together before. Whats your name?"
"Oh, I didn't even knew that it was possible. It is really nice to meet you, my name is Sidney Prescott. Whats your next class? Mine is history."
Okay. Just a coincidence. A really weird coincidence. Maybe she is just playing around. She is a copy of Nave, she probably just heard people saying this her whole life and decided to joke about it a little. Just a coincidence.
Things still kinda weird. Talking with her, you just remind something Stacy told you. She said that you, her, Casey and Steven had watched Halloween together on the cinema. What is weird because you never watched Halloween on a cinema. You watched it home, on a streaming service. And you also remember that Drew was on Alien so no one need to act like she didn't exist to make a joke about her appearing on Scream. And also, how could you leave your phone at home?
"And then he said: If you don't know anything, you probably just need to study more. I mean, hello, I would know if you did use your class to talk about english."
Moving to next class, that you both have together, silence didn't had space to exist.
"He is so strange. Why does he thinks that we would know something about a divorce? Just go to a therapist", she laught at your commentary. "Or to a lawyer. I am pretty sure that taking someone's dog is not a legal thing to do."
Sidney and you sit, the teacher was talking to a student about notes. "Would you like to do something after school?", you asked.
"That would be really nice", Sidney touched your arm. "What about watching a movie? My house will be empty, we could make popcorn and grab some junk food."
"That would be perfect."
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"You can choose the movie while I make our lunch" Sidney said, walking around her kitchen and thinking about what you both could eat first. "You're welcome, feel free to choose whatever you like."
"Do you feel like watching what type of movie?" You scream to her at the living room, opening the shelf with all her movies. A breeze made shivers go up on your spine. Its a cold house. "Can you borrow me a sweatshirt?"
"Of course" Sidney reply. "My room is upstairs. Open the second drawer."
You opened her room and found everything, to the furnitures to the clothes, absolutely the same way as the movie. The phone ring downstairs. She really loves to use her looks to make fun of people. What would happen next? Ghostface gonna try to kill her?
You opened the second drawer and took one of her sweatshirts. They smeel like roses. You felt so warm now, a house surrounded by trees can be really cold. Walking around her bedroom, you breath in and let the calm enter you body.
Then you heard a scream.
And a crash!
"Sidney! Are you okay?"
The noise didn't stop. Things we're being break. You heard slaps, angry screams, something heavy beating against the floor.
A baseball bat was standing beside the bedroom door. You didn't even think twice, you grab it and run down stairs. And you saw something that you couldn't explain. Something that you we're trying not to see. Something that should be impossible.
You saw Ghostface choking Sidney Prescott.
Exactly like the first scene we're they fight on the first movie. Exactly like Scream, from 1996, we're Billy Loomis and Stu Macher we're trying to kill Sidney Prescott.
It was... It was real.
Absolutely no fucking way this could be real. 
 It is just a bad dream.
You beat his back with the bat, releasing Sidney's from the killer. You pushed her, making her rise while trying to breath again, and beat Ghostface one more time.
"Are you fine?" Sidney didn't asnwer, but you both couldn't stay there. She grabbed you hand and push you upstairs, running to her room. "We need to get out of this house."
"Oh, I assure you need to" Ghostface screamed, getting up on the first floor.
Sidney locked her door and you both put furnitures in front of it. The door shake with him using his whole body to open. He was screaming and cursing, but Sidney was way smart to stand up without doing anything to protect herself.
"We can use the window", she said, already opening it.
You looked down, seeing that a fall like that would end up with some broke bones. "Better then die, right?" You we're not so sure, but when she agree with you it was like a little confidence bost. "And if we thrown your matttress?"
Sidney dropped everything that was on her bed and you both guide it to the open window. It was difficult, but it fell on the right place. Without even thinking, you helped her. It was just a dream, after all.
Standing on the window's jamb, she was scared to jump. "That is the only way", you told her.
And then, that horrible sound made of offenses, pushes and beats stopped. Ghostface was running towards you both, trying to grab Sidney to finally kill her, and you did the only thing you could.
You pushed her.
"You fucking cunt!"
It happen so fast. In a second you we're almost following Sidney out of the house, the next your hair was grabbed and you we're thrown on the floor. Your head burned and, with closed eyes, you felt him above you. Something cold, something sharp, touched the bottom of your neck.
It is just a dream. Just a weird dream.
"Open your eyes" Ghostface laughed. "Not so brave now, uh?" He pressed the knife, not cutting your skin but scaring you so bad that you stopped breathing. "I said open your eyes!"
Wishing you could wake up now, you did open your eyes. Ghostface mask was right above your face, his eyes on the same line as yours, and it was impossible to not look direct up on them.
And you saw red.
Part of your view still black and white, but a lot start burning. The red blood on his hands. The orange wallpaper, the yellow lighting. Everything was warm and soft and amazing. Everything was beautiful.
And then you realized what that means.
"You" he said. Not an offense, not an order, not a question. Just a word. Ghostface, you are not so sure if it was Billy or Stu, slipped the cold knife around the skin of you neck. "You", he said, again, and you we're not able to understand if that means something good or bad. The knife got down, he slipped it until the tip was pressing against your belly. You couldn’t breath. His other hand hold your face and it almost felt carefull. One finger slide against your lips. "You look like you seen a ghost."
And Sidney hit him with the same baseball bat you used to save her.
"You fucker!" Sidney screamed.
You don't even remember rising up from the floor. Or going down stairs and getting out of her house. You don't remember when the cops came or when they took you to the police station. You don't remember when you're parents took you home. You don't remember washing yourself or changing your clothes.
All you could thing about was how the words seens so beautiful. And how the image of a ghost didn't leave your vision.
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Part of you thought that you would wake up and everything would be normal again. But the moment you enter the living room and heard the news, noticing how that voice sounds exactly like Monica Geller's voice, you understood that everything that happened to you was real.
You don't know how, but you are into a movie. Your favorite movie on the whole world. And without even noticing, you put yourself on a killer's aim. Of course you couldn't be in a romcom. No, it has to be a slasher. What a lucky girl.
Your parents we're so worried about everything. They didn't let you go to school, what was something that you didn't mind at all, and they look like they we're suffering from a heart attack. You stayed at home, beside them all the time. You felt so bad for them that you almost forgot about the colors you are seeing.
At night, a cop called your parents. You didn't listen to what he said, but your parents said that it was important: the killer was arrested. They drove to understand how everything would work now, if they will need to do something and how the judgment would work. And, yes, they leave you at home. Alone. At night.
Something didn't feel right, the movie didn't work that way, but the movie didn't have you. So you stayed. Alone. At night.
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A movie was playing on TV, but no one would dare to say that you we're watching. Laying on the couch, all you could do was to think about everything that happened.
Even tho you are so worried about, well, being on a different dimension or whatever that happened for you to be on a fucking movie, that part of you was muted by the part that just wanted to look at everything and see colors.
It is so great to watch the lighting. How it shine and burn and how the yellow seens to fly around it. Or to look at the mirror and see the color of your hair. See your eyes. Your skin. Your nails. Everything is so colorfull and delicate that you almost cryed.
Watching your nails, the natural rose tonality, you didn't heard when the door of your bedroom, on the second room, opened. Almost sleeping, you didn't even notice the crack of the degraus. So distracted, you didn’t realize that you we’re being followed when you entered your kitchen to eat something.
That's the problem of seeing so many great things: your ears stop working.
You opened the refrigerator, but there was nothing great there. You closed it and opened again. Nothing change. You grabbed and apple, the most sweet thing you could found, and turned to get back to the couch.
The moment you passed the door that separated the kitchen from the living room, a hand pulled you and make your back crash into the wall. You hold your breath, at the same time you could feel your whole body shaking. Another time, you felt the cold tip of a knife against your throat. It was more rude, more playfull, like the person behind the mask enjoyed to see your throat being pressed.
"Hello, princess", Ghostface said to you. His other hand was against the wall, at the same line as your head, and you could felt his body bending over you. "My turn to see those beautiful eyes."
You we're scared like hell, but you know that if you found your soulmate you wouldn't kill them. You only wished they think the same way. So, slowly, you look at him.
And what you saw was cold. The blue of your TV screen. The shapes of the tile. The green walls. Your shorts. It felt like you we're drowning. Warm and cold became one. No more a world made of just black and white.
And that made you more confident.
“Whats stopping you, Billy? Are you scared?”, you mocked him. “Or this is you, Stu? I tought you would be more creative then just throwning me against a wall with a knife against my throat. Not my first time and I am not impressed.”
Ghostface seens to freeze. He lower his heigh, making his face stay right in front of you. You could heard him breathing. "I prepared to you a set of jokes! All you needed to do was wait. How could you do this to me?" He take his mask off, releasing Stu’s face from the fabric. “Don't be so rude, dear, that gonna break my heart.”
“I hope it hurts you as much as you rocking my head againd the wall did to me.”
“It was supossed to be a surprise” Stu explained. "I was trying to create a good first impression."
"Didn't work, Shagy."
“You gonna understand it in a few years”, you swallowed, the knife was touching you again. “Where is he?”
"Seens like I made a good first impression, Shagy. You should learn something from me" Billy came out of a dark corner. He was wearing another Ghostface fantasy, but without the mask. "Hello, doll."
"I tought that I was a cunt" you remind him of last night. "Gonna try to cut me and give up like a fucking pussy again?"
"You should wash your tongue with soap."
"And you should try to stab yourself. I promise that it would be really fun." You smiled. "At least for me."
"Damn, she is..." Stu stopped talking. He look at you like you we're a secret combination he was trying to memorize. "Perfect."
"I told you", Billy come closer. Stu had his hand at your right side, Billy did the same at the left one. You we're like a noisy prey: say whatever you wanted, you still a prey. "And she knows how to defend herself too. My back still hurts, doll. You shouldn't be so mean to me."
"Drop the knife and I can think about being nice", you demand.
Without hesitation, Stu responded: "Explain how you know our names."
You thought about it. Not so sure, you choose to be honest. "This is a movie."
"This is a famous movie on my reality. Don't know how I end up here." They would never believe on you. "You both are trying to kill Sidney because of an affair her mom had with your dad. Casey died after saying that Jason was the killer on Friday 13th, but it was his mom. She almost survived, almost. Honestly, you should try therapy. You would save money, time and lives."
Stu and Billy looked at one another. They know that it was impossible to someone to know all of that. "It is a great movie?" Stu asked.
"It is. I am kinda of a fan. I even have a tatoo." You said, sure that it would make them interest enough to forget about the knife. And you knew that you we’re right when you saw Billy's eyes shining. "Show me."
“No!” Stu shouted. “Show me.”
“I will show for you both.” You said, looking at Stu. “If you drop the knife. Now.”
"As you wish", and Stu did it. It almost fell on your feet, and it might be your a optimism talking, but you think that he new that it wouldn't hurt you.
You pulled up the fabric of your skirt and show them the tatoo on your left inner thigh. It was a little Ghostface with a bloody knife. How ironic.
Billy came closer and touch your skin. His fingers slipped across the tatoo, touching more than only the painted skin. “So” Billy said with a smirk, mocking you. "Are you a fan?"
"Don’t flatter yourself.”
Billy’s hand hold your thigh, his fingers cherish your skin but it didn’t change how possessive the act felt. He wasn't just touching your thigh, he was holding you. “It seens like you are the one flattering me. You know our names, our faces, our stories. You even have us on your body. And don’t forget the fact that the universe itself decided that we should be together.”
“You talk a lot” Stu complement, his mouth against your ear. “But you didn’t scream. Or run. Or fight back. Does that dirty mouth of yours just bark?” Stu touched your face, his nails scratching your cheeks, and you didn’t deviated. “All you had to do is say no. Say you don't want it. Say you don't want us.”
But you couldn’t.
Billy pushed Stu aside and hold your waist. “I saw her first.” He pulled you closer, almost pulling you off the floor, and your chest joined his. “Did a cat got you tongue?"
You tried, but you couldn't respond him. You just closed your eyes.
When his lips we’re almost touching yours, Stu grabbed him by his clothes and took you on his arms. “Not my fault if you are slow.”
Stu hold your face, and he was faster than Billy. His lips meet yours, his tongue explore your mouth, his hands slide by your body. Stu leaned over you, so your only option was to cling to him.
Bewitched, being separated from Stu thanks to their inherent competitiveness between then both was disappointing.
"My turn."
Billy was more agressive. He didn't leaned over you, he pulled you close. Holding your thighs, Billy lifted you off the ground and made your legs cling to his waist. Billy laid you down on the couch, fitting between your legs, and the kiss that took your breath away ended so that he focoused on your neck.
"My parents," you said, trying to recover your sanity. "They could see us."
"They won't." Billy licked your neck. "We planned everything, doll. It was supossed to be a surprise, but thinking about that skirt you choose to wear tonight I think that your we're waiting for us."
Billy was squeezing whatever part of your body that he could.
"You will not exclude me." Stu said. His voice was weak, Stu was enjoying that little show of yours.
You sit on the couch, and Stu sit beside you. He kissed your face, your neck, your shoulder. His hands grabbed your thighs, your waist, your chest. Stu was whorshiping you.
And while he explore the your upper body, Billy knelt between your kness. He took off your underwear with his teeth, nibbling the soft skin of your thigh and licking where the tatoo was.
Billy's was having fun doing you. His tongue was dancing into your legs. You grabbed his hair, moaning direct into Stu's lips.
"Fuck." Stu groaned. "How can you be so perfect?"
You put your hand inside his pants, grabbing his cock and jerking it off. The little moans he let escape from his mouth made you felt even hotter. "You can thank me later."
Kissing your mouth, Stu took off your blouse. Licking everything he could, he smirked. "I will."
Billy sucked you with so much pleasure that you started to ride his face. You could feel his nose rubbing against your clit and you knew his face must be soaked, but it didn't seem to bother him. "I want to feel you."
When Stu touch your clit, rubbing that sensitive spot, added to Billy's tongue, you couldn't do nothing but to cum loudly.
Still shaking, you kissed Billy's wet face while making Stu cum in your hand. With a smile, you got up and walked towards the stairs. "I will wait in my room."
They got up immediately.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @amournoir @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
Feedback/reblogs would be greatly appreciated! Support your content creators! Likes are appreciated, but comments and reblogs are golden!  
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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laughingfcx · 10 days
so as u know i was ill last week (was that even last week I CANT REMEMBER BUT IT WAS RECENTLY) and i was coughing up a storm at school on monday and tuesday IT WAS HELL ITSELF I SWEAR.
SO I HAD LIKE,, 7 TESTS? THIS WEEK? I THINK? a ton!! like wdym im getting a test thats not writing in journalism class? WHY ARE WE HAVING A HISTORY TEST IN THIS CLASS THATS SO WEIRD TO ME??? anyway... that and a spanish test and two math tests and two tests in my ap class and an english comprehension test i was not thriving this week
yesterday i went to the school football game with my friends!! our team kinda demolished the visiting team dude 😭😭 IT WAS LIKE?? 68-0???? LIKE DAMN OKAY LET THEM GET UP BROTHERS 😭
HONEYPIE BY JAWNY !!!!! erm big yap under cut methinks..
my freaky english teacher likes me. a h a h a anyways ive been getting into art moar >:3 again so i spent like half the time drawing and stuff help .. not when i needed to concentrate tho !!! i drew a fish person ish i will show u later. apparently everyone flunked the maths test so like i may end up on the news tho... my last three assessments were all straight A's but the highest grade in the entire class in this one is a B and idk man i might Die. also i think i did well in english bc.. the teacher seems satisfied w me.. SCHOOL IS CLOSED TMR SO I WILL LOCK IN AND WRITE MY SILLY SMAU METHINKS
my friend who i sat beside today let me draw my fish on her bandaid :33 she calls me fish too and i call her cat it's a long story basically but in eighth grade like.. back in 2022 we exchanged discords and my nickname was fishie and hers was neko so like .. fish and cat. oh and once a physics teacher referred to me as fish too help
im super eepy rn help.. started raining in the morning n i got hopeful that school would be cancelled but NO bc the universe HATES me
im going to change & pass out now i think highkey.
OK NOW !!! UR THINGS LETS SEE omg yes this week was so fkn long ewwww
football game is insane (never seen one) 68 - ZERO ??? IS THE HOME TEAM THAT GOOD OR IS THE OTHER ONE JUST BAD PLS... ALSO LIKE WHAT !!!! kiss cam sounds like sm fun !!!!
okay pause to say that this ask is literally makign me so happy rn idk bro but im kicking feet i feel all warm n fluttery inside
OK BACK ON TOPIC im so glad u had fun <333 that experience seems so amazing like omg !!! ik youll remember it for a WHILE i long to experience that kind of fun again omg
OKAY ANYWAYS MY DAY RIGHT !!! i cancelled on my maths teacher + postponed his class to tmr bc i want to sleep and grind genshin and watch a movie or 2 !!! im thinking everything everywhere all at once ive wanted to watch it forever but never really had the independence to do so like i do now !!!! my big toe hurts for some reason idk :/// AND IVE BEEN HAVING SUCH BAD NAGI BRAINROT RECENTLY OMHHHH LIKE MY MAN.. MY MAN..... SAVE ME NAGI SEISHIRO SAVE ME..........
aaaaa where was i !!! oh yesyes so i was thinking moot tags right ... bc i need smth cute for u.... bc ur so cute....
UM YES THATS ALL FOR TODAY I HOPE UR SLEEPING WELL & DM ME WHEN U SEE THIS !!! not for any specific reason just say hi bc imy (we literally talked a few hrs ago) ily sav !!!! PS CONGRATS ON MAKING THE MAGAZINE TEAM IM SO PROUD OF U !!!!
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maochira · 1 year
Hi :> could I request hopeless romantic kaiser x gn!reader slight enemies to lovers where the reader is kinda a nerd and ends up getting stuck tutoring him for some of his classes, like when the teacher pairs the really loud kid next to the quiet one
Hope that made sense, thank you :D
I LOVE HOPELESS ROMANTIC KAISER AAAHH I didn't really do enemies to lovers for this but I did the rest!!
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader x hopeless romantic!Kaiser
-Kaiser tries to flirt with you all the time, but you're oblivious to it and never notice he's flirting
-it has him a bit frustrated but he's not willing to give up
-you're the best student in pretty much every class, and Kaiser is amazed by that
-because Kaiser is bad at some specific subjects, your teachers suggested you should help him with studying. At first you shrugged it off because you didn't expect Kaiser to agree to that
-to your surprise, Kaiser seriously asked for your help. It wasn't even because he wanted it, but his actual intention was to get closer to you
-silly oblivious you didn't think much of it, so you invited him to your home to study for the next Maths test
-for some reason, Kaiser expected you to be a very clean and tidy person, so he was a bit surprised to find out your room is messy. Not super messy, but a lot of school stuff just lying around on the floor and all over your desk
-while you study together, Kaiser keeps trying to get closer to you. Over and over. He talks SO MUCH in attempt to get to know you even better, but you're always like "Uh this isn't about maths" and return to the maths problem you're currently working on
-Kaiser isn't used to not immediately getting what he wants, and after multiple tries he just gets so frustrated he thinks about going home early
-feeling your soft hand on his when you grab the pen out of his hand to fix his mistake in the math problem keeps him there, tho
-at some point, he just can't stand it anymore. How are you so oblivious to his flirting and how close he's getting to you?
-he gets too tired of it so he just asks "Don't you realize I've been flirting this entire time???" And You're just confused and respond with "You have?"
-Kaiser starts explaining the ways he's been trying to get closer to you but it just makes you laugh to see how desperate he is
-you tell him that he should have made his intentions clear and ask you on a date instead of studying maths together
-he ends up asking you out to an actual date, and of course you accept his offer
-Kaiser likes to tease you for being so oblivious to his flirting, so you usually tease him back with the fact that he was so desperate to get you, he kept flirting even when you didn't notice it
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tr4gictea · 2 years
Maybe Al Haitham helping Gender neutral teen reader with homework because their having some trouble on a problem?
(I can see Alhaitham being good a math)
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Tags: kinda Crackfic, alhaitham is bad at teaching, crying reader, you suck at math
A/n: Hi! This took me way too long to post even tho it was just sitting in my drafts. There are definitely spelling mistakes in here, please let me know how i can improve pls. Love u all <3
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- Um, this homework session may not be as wholesome as you thought. Did your dad have to help you with homework and when you didn’t get it he would get frustrated with you and then you’d start crying. Yeah, that’s how this is going to go.
- Alhaithem is a bright man and I can see him getting math concepts easily. But he’s terrible at explaining them and when someone doesn't get the concepts as easily as him he gets a bit frustrated and goes through 5 stages of grief:
1. Tone Change: He won’t yell at you but his tone will get deeper after the fifth or fourth time you got the question wrong.  
“Sigh, (Y/n) I don’t know why this is so hard for you.” Alhaithem said, sighing “The book even explains how to do it in the book.” 
“But what if I have two variables on both sides?” 
“Then you get rid of it.”
“So like this?” You said as you took the eraser and erased the x out of the question 12+x = 30+3x.
“NO, didn’t your teacher tell you how to get rid of variables?”
“Yeah but she was talking too fast and I got behind.” 
“I don’t understand what’s so hard about it even if the teacher was talking too fast you should be able to catch up easily.”
2. Movement: He’ll sigh and lean back in his chair, hands over his eyes, and aggressive pointing or tapping.
Alhaithem had his head in his hands and his elbows on the table. The problem was so simple, how could you not get it? He could do these kinds of problems in under a minute when he was half your age. 
“Alhaithem,” He had been silence for about 10 minutes and all he was doing was leaning back in his chair and groaning. 
“I still need help with my homework.” 
“Well until you find what 12 x 8 is then I can’t help you.” Alhaithem said after aggressively tapping the equation. 
“You seem like you know so why don’t you just tell me?” 
“Because you need this experience,”
You decided that you weren’t going to get any kind of help out of him so you tried figuring it out on your own asking if a certain number was correct and each time he said no. 
“I-i Don-n’t know.” After the 12th try you broke down and started crying.
“(Y/n) don’t start crying now,”
3. Talking: Talking about how he doesn't wanna spend all day trying to help you with math and he doesn’t know why you're crying right now.
“...You know if you just listened to your teacher during the lecture you would be having this much trouble with math. When I was you age…” It was about 8:00 pm and Alhaithem was giving a you a lecture on how not hard math is and this is simple. “...and I don’t know why you're crying right now, I’m only trying to help you…” 
4. Kaveh: He asks Kaveh to help you because he needs to get work done.
After he finished with his lecture he said he couldn’t do this and he had work to do. He asked Kaveh to help you with your math problem. While he’s doing his scribe work he’s think of how much trouble Kaveh is going to have trying to explain the problem to you. He thinks that if he can’t help you none can.
5. What do you mean he’s better?: When he comes back out you will be done with your homework and surprised when you told him Kaveh explained it better.
“I don’t understand what you're being such a grump about. They got the concepts easily.” Kaveh said with Alhaithem wondering how Kaveh, a broke architect, could have explained it better than him, who has multiple degrees in math. 
“And you got this done in 10 minutes?” Alhaithem questioned.
Unconvinced that Kaveh didn’t just do the problems for you he marched towards the couch where you sat and stood in front of you and crossed his arms. “(Y/n), how do you get rid of the number in 2x?”
“You divide the 2 by the 2 and do that on the other side of the equation.” 
“What do you do first in an equation? Multiple, divide, add, or subtract?” This was a trick question so there was no way you’d get it corr-
“You’re supposed to do the equation in the parentheses first but if there are no parentheses than multiply.” You said without looking up from your book.
Alhaithem was in shock, “I-I have work to do…”
-if you don’t have trouble with math then he won’t even try to help you
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Pls send in request
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spacedlexi · 8 months
sorry if this is a personal question ... 🐛... but what are you doing for college and how did you decide to go for it?
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im going to school for animation but im realizing how much i love storyboarding specifically (and how little patience i have for full animating/not having the time i need to make animations that arent quick and stiff to meet a deadline (also i want adobe animate obliterated off the earth)). ive cried about how much i love boarding LMAO its that serious. but i love working with Little Guys and putting them in Situations plus theyre characters i dont have to make up myself?? im adapting a script?? but i might still be able to have fun with it? and as a lover of visual mediums i get really excited about being able to control a camera/composition for Maximum Emotional Effect, plus the idea of leading a viewer through a scene. knowing "rules" and breaking them with purpose. im in an editing class rn thats got me really excited aha
it was NOT an easy choice to make. im going back to school so late because i kept telling myself i shouldnt do it and should pick something non art related but well.... here i am.... (my mom kinda pushed the idea even tho the concept of going into art school debt keeps me up at night 💀)
i stumbled around community college for a few years hoping something else would Click for me but in the end i just kept taking art classes. i knew i would be miserable doing anything else. its still Work but its a kind of work i still derive enjoyment from even when im tired or frustrated. i think i would hate the academia world when it comes to my more scientific interests, and i dont have the patience to put up with the bs of being female presenting in a male dominated field like engineering (plus my math brain got broken by a bad calc teacher so...), so instead im taking those inspirations and using them for my art :) im a little engineer at heart so being able to apply that kind of thinking to my art inspires me (and i hope maybe something i make one day will inspire some scientists too lol). plus i dont think i would be happy if i wasnt surrounded by other artists
i doubt my choices every day 😭 but i really do love it a lot. im hoping that my passion and vision takes me SOMEWHERE in the industry, but its scary for everyone out there right now... i mostly try not to think about it honestly
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hii Cas!!! This is bagel anon. Andd
I've kinda gotten the sleep situation under control but I can't help put off sleep even if I have nothing to do. I have this anxiety about sleep cause I overthink a lot and all of my most horrible moments always come just when I have to go to sleep. Which is very annoying cause my mood goes downhill pretty quickly and when it does, I feel like the worst ever. Then I overthink some more and even if I go to sleep at atleast 10, I might as well fall asleep at 12.
Also I've kind of recovered from the burnout too? For past 2 days, I've just... not been studying much and honestly it feels so good to lay off for a bit and relax. I'm still procrastinating a lot and my stomach ache hasn't gotten better but I managed to start my math worksheet and I'm so glad! There's still so much work left but my school teachers are so nice. I felt sick once and asked to put my head down and my math teacher agreed and asked if im okay now. It was pretty small but it made me feel so nice for some reason.
Also my mom and I had a talk and she hasn't been saying so much about how lazy I am. I haven't properly talked to her about the stuff she says and how it hurts me a lot and honestly I have no idea how to because I suck so much at confronting problems. I once told her that I didn't like how she always comments on how fat I look (even tho i look decent) and I get how she has a lot of insecurity from being obese herself but she's always pushing this insecurity on me and I hate it so much (she still says it sometimes). Its made me so bitter towards her sometimes and even me. And even though she looks out for me a lot and understands I'm having a bad day, she never understands her own mistakes and i just snap at her so much nowadays which makes me feel like shit. She acts like I'm the worst person ever now even tho she doesn't realize how she is like. Taking a break with my door closed is useless cause she'll just come in randomly and start giving me lectures so i normally lock my door and just lay down and read something (normally with a excuse that I'm changing clothes or smth). But she screams so much if I lock my door. She never acts on it but it makes me so scared of locking it.
But other than that, my studies are almost complete and that makes me feel so happy. My best friend had gone on a trip for a week and normally we dont talk about deep stuff, just basic 'so whats up' (we travel together to school and live in the same area) but her presence makes me feel really calm so thats really nice too. And the rain is sooo much and the roads are literally flooded but damn do i love rain.
Soo anyway, tysmmm for the advice, it really helped to hear someone say I need to relax cause i really really did. I hope you have a wonderful dayy!!!
On a side note, Good luck babe by Chappell Roan is so good. Its literally on repeat in my mind!
Hi hon! I’m glad you’ve gotten a chance to relax a bit!
First, would it help to know that just closing your eyes and resting has been scientifically proven to be almost as helpful as actually sleeping? I know for me, I used to stress so much about sleep- “OMG I only have 6 hours to sleep. Well now I’ve been stressing and I only have 5.5. And now only 5. And so on…”
But if you just close your eyes and breathe it has almost the same benefits. It really helped me relax when I go to bed.
Also what your mom is saying to you is not okay and I’m so glad you realize that. Whether or not you are overweight (it shouldn’t matter) she shouldn’t be making comments like that. Being overweight doesn’t make people look “bad” and the way your mom is pushing her insecurities on you is super hurtful. I’m glad you know that she’s doing that, and your weight and your looks are separate from her. I’m sure you slay every outfit ❤️
Agreed, Chappell Roan is the loml
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tubatudiaries · 2 years
You and i discovered the sky at 5:53~
Genre:- fluff with slight smut
Beomgyu x f!reader
TW:- praise kink, usage of nicknames like <princess> , <babe> , fingering, nipple play. please let me know if I missed out anything
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You and beomgyu had exchanged phone numbers so you were talking to each other on a daily basis. It was as if without his text your day felt incomplete. Even though you were completely unaware, beomgyu felt the same.
It was only now that you felt blood rushing into your cheeks whenever you met him when you guys hung out. Every small action of his like buying ice cream for you, going shopping together and having a movie night made your heart flutter. Did you fall in love with your best friend that you've known for 6 months? Is this really love or..?
Alone in your home, absorbed in your thoughts whether you loved him in a best friend way or a lover way, thinking about it felt like a math equation which seems impossible to be solved without help from teachers. Therefore you decided to call up your teacher aka your friend Yunjin to solve the impossible equation aka your feelings.
"Heyyy y/n long time no see "
"Seugmin in the buildingggggg~"
You both laughed having the same broken humor.
"What's up gurl, all okay? You usually don't call at this hour "
She was right, you did not think about your actions , it was 11pm and she could've been sleeping . You felt really bad for calling her up really late.
"You're right, I'm sorry Yunjin , you should sleep it's not right to disturb you right now"
" Whoa, whoa y/n calm down it's okay I wasn't sleeping I was completing my assignments you can talk to me about anything you have "
" Yeahh.....sooooooo , it's not about me, my friend made a new male best friend, they are hanging out for around 6 months, but now every little action makes her heart flutter and she blushes really hard around him. She is confused whether she's in love with him or she loves him in a best friend way"
"Are you done with your bullshit" .You got confused as soon as Yunjin said
"Yunjin...... "
"Tell me his name, and stop with this hypothetical situation when you are talking about yourself "
"Hehe, you know me too well, by the wayyyy his name is ..... Please don't tell anyone okay? "
"That's kinda sus tho, but okay"
"Beomgyu". As soon as you said that you could hear your bestie gasping so hard and she suddenly started screaming.
You felt your eardrums might explode because she yelled so loudly you're pretty sure someone must've heard her.
"YAHHH, YUNJIN KEEP IT DOWN WILL YOU?! I had my reasons, we met by accident and he told me to not tell anyone about our friendship, he's an idol please understand his position "
"Sorry for overreacting, you're right. How about you tell me how you guys met! "
"Okay! "
You told her the entire encounter, all she was responding to was "awww", " My hearteu" , "stop pressing my hEaRt button please"
"You both are adorable :3 Movie nights! That's like a whole date in itself , I'm jealous but at the same time happy for you"
"You are saying as if me and beomgyu are together, please decipher my feelings queen Yunjin"
"Okay so my girl hear me out.... YOU ARE LITERALLY IN LOVE WITH HIM . The way you talk about him is so evident. Oh shit , it's 1:30 gotta sleep I can hear my mom coming upstairs since the lights are on, love ya! Byee! "
"Byee! Love you too! "
You started blushing and kicking your feet, choi beomgyu your bias is your crush, not everyone has this privilege but you do . But again, what if you get rejected and it ruins your friendship leading to never meeting ever again?
You were once again caught up with your thoughts and you didn't realized when you slept.
The next day , you woke up and saw the time, it was 8:30am , this is the time you should've left your house for your uni.
"Oh shit, I'm late, this can't be happening:<"
You got ready and just then got a notification
*𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺! 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘣𝘦𝘰𝘮𝘨𝘺𝘶 𝘢𝘵 3!*
A sigh left your mouth, your sleep was ruined because you thought today was monday, but seeing beomgyu's name made your heart do somersaults. You forgot about the fact you had ruined your sleep, you went straight back to getting ready even though it was just 9 in the morning. You were determined to look you best today because you had decided to confess your feelings because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE (YOLO~)
you rummaged through your wardrobe and found a pretty corset floral dress , and you took out earings and necklace and painted your nails.
You tried on the outfit and felt pretty. The thought of beomgyu made you smile like a fool.
IT WAS 3PM , the wait was over!
Beomgyu came to pick you up and his jaw dropped when he saw you coming down the stairs smiling, you were looking like an angel who had descended from heaven. Whereas you were mesmerized by his beauty he looked so ethereal even though he was wearing only a simple white button up shirt paired with a light wash jeans, he truly was the epitome of beauty. He opened the door of the car and you sat in the passenger seat .
You both vibed in the car to TXT's music and many other artists. You were unaware where you both were going , so you asked him
"Beomie where are we off to today? "
He grinned and replied " Just wait y/nnah you'll see"
The way he was gripping the steering wheel made him look so hot while his expression made him look like an angel.
As soon as the car stopped, you were thrilled to see that he chose amusement park for today's hang out session.
" Beomgyu this is amazing! Thank you for bringing us here I love you"
You said that without thinking anything, you both stared at each other and suddenly looked away,
" Haha, I'm glad you liked it " He said to break the silence.
You both were having so much fun but because of your dress you were facing some problems, beomgyu noticed that you felt uncomfortable and took you to the ferris wheel so that you can enjoy and relax.
You were looking outside , the sky was looking beautiful, the clouds scattered so beautiful you couldn't stop looking at it and didn't notice that beomgyu was staring at you with eyes filled with only love and affection, he adored you as much as you did but was afraid to confess and ruin the chance of being with you. To him you were his everything, his blanket in winters, his sunshine sunshine in rain , his oxygen, you were just too important for him to loose over a confession.
Just when you reached the top of the ferris wheel, you heard a mechanical noise and the ferris wheel moved slightly then stopped. The worker shouted that they will fix it right now, something went wrong. You both looked at each other and it well like forever. Suddenly you remember the surprise you bought for him.
"Beomgyu, show me your hand"
She showed his hand you kept a tiny envelope and closed his hand
"Please only open it when you reach home okay?"
"Okay :)"
"Umm... Beomgyu, I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time".
" Go on y/nnah I'm listening"
His soft smile made your heart flutter, you were thinking about both of you , the beautiful moments you've spent together. You sat up straight and held both of his hands. He was taken aback by your action , even though you couldn't see completely, our cutie beomgyu melted when you held his hand and was blushing hard.
"Beomgyu, you're my amazing friend, we've spent so much quality time together including today, we both have made so many memories together , you take care of me so much, the way you look at me, whenever you help me out and flash that smile my heart crumples , I want to make more memories with you and be with you, take care of you, look after you, hear you out whenever you don't feel good, I want to look at your face forever, I want to look at you and call you mine, I want to be yours, Choi Beomgyu I love you, you drive me crazy, you make my heart flutter and do somersaults, you truly are only one of your kind, you make me the happiest person I am, you are my sunshine, the one who lights my day"
Beomgyu was immensely touched by your confession, that tears started to fall from his eyes , he never felt so loved , he knows moas love him a lot but to be loved in this way, he always longed for such intimacy, he truly felt he chose the right person to spend the rest of his love, you, someone who loves him like this .
His voice was breaking as he was saying
"y-y/nnah , I truly love you, I love you more than myself, ever since I might you, never was there a day where I felt unhappy, you've always been my motivation and my driving force to always go on even when things become hard, you're texts always gave me energy to not give up. I too have always thought about us spending time together and making more memories being more than just friends, but I was always afraid of losing you, you mean a lot to me, you are my everything it felt too hard to risk it all, but now i feel relieved that I don't need to worry no more, I love you y/n"
And just after saying this he lips went crashing onto yours, you kissed him back and both of you smiled through the kiss while also shedding tears. It all felt too unreal . You both broke the kiss while foreheads touching and hugging each other and smiling while looking at each other. The sky was adorning hues of pink and blue and it reminded you both of Taylor's Lovers album, indeed the sky was celebrating this new relationship . You looked at time, it was 5:53 ,
The blue hour.
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘺 𝘢𝘵 5:53 ~
It was getting late so you both sat in the car to go to your respective houses. Beomgyu stopped the car in front of your house. Just when you were about to get out of the car, he held your hand and turned you around , holding your jawline with one hand and waist with the other he passionately kissed you one last time. When he lets you go, he could see that you were as red as a tomato (even though he hates tomatoes, but you are just completely different, extremely cute:))
But this was not the end of your hangout session. He too got out of the car and stood behind you , when you turned the key and opened the door without waiting for you , he took both of you inside while kissing you again.
He's beomgyu, he always is in need of love and now that you too are officially couples he wanted to fulfill his heart's desire.
Beomgyu's kisses went from slow to passionate and you were moaning in between the kisses. He started kissing your jawline trailing off to your collarbones and before he could move any further down , he looked up to you for consent to take things to the next level. The tension was rising, you nodded and you could see his lusty eyes. A smirk spreaded across his face, he took you to the couch and without wasting time he took off your top, then your bra to reveal your tits. "Babe you are so gorgeous" , and he hungrily attacked your tits , sucking on your nipples while holding the other breast in his hand while the other hand was busy playing with the hem of your skirt. He bit your nipple and you moaned "aah b-beomgyu i need you p-please".
Beomgyu lifted to look at your pretty face begging him to drive you crazy. " My princess is so pretty, begging me to ruin you, I'll give you what you want princess " . He took off his shirt and unbuckled his belt and took off his pants and his boxers revealing his pre-cum on them.
You were drooling at the sight of his toned body and you gasp loudly at his sheer size . The sight of naked beomgyu turned you on.
"Eyes here princess" blood rushed to your cheeks and you made eye contact with beomgyu who's ego was on another altitude thanks to you drooling for him ̶i̶t'̶s ̶b̶e̶o̶m̶g̶y̶u ̶l̶i̶k̶e ̶w̶h̶o ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n'̶t .
"So obedient and pretty for me" He teased your wet entrance by circling his slender fingers around it and then pushed his cold digits in you. He had a smirk on his face, he knew what he was doing and his effect on you because you bit your lips and started panting.
you try and ride his fingers, but he just lets you attempt to jerk him off though your hand is much too small for all of him. he grunts, bucking every now and then. your thighs squeeze round him, trying to close in, walls starting to spasm, and he suddenly pulls out, a string of your slick forming. beomgyu just brings his digits and the strong of wetness up to his mouth, sucking and licking loudly the remnants of yourself. as if wanting to share the fruit of your wetness, he brings his mouth down to yours, fingers shoving themselves, too, to give you a proper taste of yourself. you taste the metallic of your blood, too, and it makes your head spin even further.
“you sure you want this, baby? it’s okay if you change your mind…” he offers through heavy breaths, but you nod so eagerly, cutting him off. “please, fill me with your big cock, beomie. i don’t know how much longer i can take without you being inside me!” you sound so pathetic, but judging by the throaty groan of his, he doesn’t seem to mind. seems like he likes it. Beomgyu surprises you when he throws himself over you, feeling your entire body witburying his face into the soft of your breasts, inhaling. his body is rock hard, unfeeling, but you whine and pull him off to try and get a look at his abdomen. beomgyu only laughs, sitting up but letting you look. as you check him out, biting your lip, you fail to see beomgyu aligning himself to your sopping opening. it’s when you feel his fat tip slap against your cunt innumerable you come back to reality, squirming and moaning before he smacks the side of your ass at your petulance with a growl.
he finally quits his teasing and starts inching in, slowly, to which you cry out, bouts of silence from your soundless screams in between your sweet, pathetic cries as your pussy stretches. “c’mon, talk to me, doll. tell me if it’s too much,” he grits his teeth, no longer moving, letting you try and cope with the stretch for a few moments. you struggle to breathe but nod to reassure that he isn’t hurting you. “just slowly, gyu. y-you’re so… big!” only his tip is inside you but he can feel your walls so hot and juicy pulsating around him, it takes everything not to come right there. he looks down and moans loudly; your pussy is stretched wide and throbs so much as his shaft twitches in response.
“fuck me, gyu!” you sob, legs wrapping around his waist. “you feel too good!” he growls some more, pulling out some more to thrust a little deeper. “that’s my line, baby…! pussy so perfect for me, fuck, could do this all day!” your cries get louder at his words, walls getting tighter around his cock that gets deeper and deeper in you.
“i-i… mmm… ‘m so close, beomie!” you moan out, legs squeezing around his waist. beomgyu throws his face into your neck, teething along your collarbones and gouging them deeper along your tits. the stings of pain hardly faze you, warmth of your blood running down your chest. “f—fuck! me, too, yn, me too. just hold on a little longer, please…” he groans, sniffing, wounding, licking, all at once.
“are you gonna come for me, baby? go ahead, when you’re ready, my love.” as soon as he says it, you gasp, walls clamping down, hips spasming rapidly on his big cock. beomgyu goes even harder if at all possible, thrusts getting slower but tip hitting your cervix dead on until you reach your high, a very long cry erupting from your sore throat. beomgyu feels your pussy tighten up but flood around him, unable to help but milk himself deep inside you. his teeth dig in, gouging and grazing pointedly, you’re so dizzy and weak, but so satisfied, still moaning, mouth hung open .
you try and sit up, but it’s too much ultimately, so you opt to staying half sitting up and half laying down, eyelids heavy.
You both hug each other and beomgyu looks at you lovely "y/n i love you " Surprised with the sudden confession, you shyly said it back "me too beomgyu, I love you "
"Let's clean you up babe , you did so good today, thank you for doing this on the first day our relationship , it was really quick but I couldn't control you smell so good " He said sheepishly.
You giggled and squished his cheeks "I'm glad babe you loved it, I love you gyu"
He carried you in bridal style to the bathroom and cleaned you and himself up.
You both changed into fresh clothes and cuddled the rest of the night.
You both stopped kissing to catch your breathes. Beomgyu looked at you with love filled eyes "y/n you are extremely precious, I love you"
His sudden confession made you blush "gyu I love you too" .
It was pretty late you suggested beomgyu to stay the night over at your place. You both changed into fresh and comfy clothes.
You had changed before him and decided to set up the bed so that you two could cuddle, just the very thought of you cuddling with beomgyu gave you butterflies in your stomach. Just then you felt beomgyu holding your waist from behind and hiding in the crook of your neck and whispering " Babe , are you doing all this for us", you looked back at him, him smiling boosts your dopamine, "yes gyu , all for us "
You both got into bed and cuddled. Just then you realised you both had forgotten about the envelope . "Beomie did you open the envelope I gave you", " No babe not yet , should I? "He replied concerned and curious.
" No it's okay babe , we're all comfy , you can open it tomorrow "
"I'm getting curious now what was in it? " He gave you those puppy eyes and pouty face
"Aww don't look at me like that, you're too cuteeee. Okay so there was a paper ring in it and a teeny-tiny letter "
Gyu was extremely touched by your efforts , he wanted to see that ring and letter right now but he didn't wanted to leave your side.
"Babe you are so adorable, first thing in the morning is to read that letter"
Next morning~
Beomgyu woke up before you and as soon as he woke up , he kissed your forehead and tucked your hair behind your ear. You looked like Aphrodite to him, so ethereal while sleeping. He caressed your cheeks and then went to check for your envelope in his clothes which were tossed on a chair in a different room.
The excitedly opened the envelope and found the pink paper ring with a heart in the centre and a letter which read " Gyu, words will not do justice to describe my love for you, so i made this paper ring for you so that whenever you would look at it you would be reminded of us and my love for you, which is deeper than the Pacific Ocean . Gyu remember I don't care whatever might happen between us regardless I would lie for you , I would die for you ~ your y/n"
"Beomgyu hyung what is that in your hand " Kai asked beomgyu ,
Beomgyu looked at his hand and looked up to look at kai " It's my driving force , it's my everything " And he walked smiling while leaving a confused kai.
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guess-ill-dye · 7 days
Vent post
Everyone is so nice to me. I liked a very depressive vid abt how i hate talking abt how i feel (tumblr rlly helps honestly) and my friend saw it and said she would always be there for me and now I'm wondering why was she nice? What did I do to deserve this? Why are all my friends so nice? I am just loud, easily get angry and I'm not even that funny, I'm just rlly socially stupid and they think it's funny. Now that I think about it, I can't remember being as nice to them as they are for me. Am I just a bad person? Yn I had philosophy and we talked about that. We are all bad persons. But how can they be?? Is the world that unfair? Its the 2nd day of school and I'm already done with it. I loved the classes part, it's more all the expectation I'm putting on myself to get all 20s, go into medicine and be a doctor and then... idk.. but I've been so anxious abt it. I feel me whole heart tighten, my throat tighten, I want to vomit, my stomach hurts, just at the mere mention of how important grades are. I know I have potential. I'm smart. I used to be smart. Then I needed to study because my bare intelect is not enough anymore. I'm no longer the person that when the teacher asks who got the highest grade I'm the obvious answer. That happened. Twice. In three years. But 12 yo me would be ashamed of my 60%s and 50%s in 8th grade and 9th grade. I would cry. I didn't cry. I just accepted I was dumb now. No-one told me that. I just knew my parents thought it. They never seem proud of me. I had such a good grade in my 9th grade exams. 94 in maths and 92 in portuguese. It was splendid. I was so proud. I even won a bet. They seemed so apathetic. Like it was another 70 something on a test if actually tell them about for once. I need to be smart again. For a long time I thought all that was goof abt me was that I was smart. MY FRIENDS THINK I AM SMART. I DONT UNDERSTAND. HOW?? They didn't see old me. Before I changed schools. When I was someone and everyone knew my name and I knew theirs. Is it the glasses? Do they make me look smarter then I am? IS IT JUST THEM BEING NICE AGAIN?? being nice to me even tho I don't deserve it. I cant be nice. When I try to I just run out of words and trip over my syllables and then what comes out is and utter mess of what I wanted to say. I'm so sure that if someone sees this they will say that I'm nice and I deserve it but I can't believe it. I write so many nice words for everyone. My pinned post. I just can't say them to myself really. I wish I could be in peopled heads. I wish I knew what makes me worth being around. My Internet name is Alien exactly because I always felt so alienated from others. Like they speak a secret language I don't. Today at lunch my friend asked me if the person she used to like then disappointed her had any red flags and which. I just answered I didn't know him, but he looked kinda ugly. I was honest. Then they laughed. I didn't get it at all. He did look weird in the one photo I remember seeing him. I asked what was funny and they said my tone of speaking. I talked like I usually do. Maybe that's it. Idk sorry for this I'm just super anxious bcs of school. Yeah
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floenz · 9 months
dfk 2023 thoughts in more orderly and english under the cut
- the whole thing feels sörta soulless and empty
- and in my amateur opinion the screenplay is nor very tight and even clumsy at points
- which im turn hindered the actors (Mrs Kreuzkamm falls victim to a bad script and Justus too at a slighlty lesser rate) and especially the kids actors
- regarding the kids: Jos characterisation is.....wrong
- like literally doesnt have anything to do with johnny
- nothing
- Matz and Uli were also just not it i cant explain it it just didnt hit
- but i actually enjoyed the martina storyline and execution
- but in general it did not feel like they were trying to tell the same story as the book
- like this doesn't feel like an adaption this feels like it wants to be something completely different
justraucher et al.
- justus is a math teacher and it bothered me at the beginning
- but thing is it fits this Justus vibes perfectly
- because he is kinda idk cold?? he doesn't feel kind so all the interactions with the kids fall flat
- "[...] you're not allowed to greet me for 14 days"~justus "thats all 🤨"~jo <- dragging two characters into the mud in one single exchange
- the nichtraucher tho holy
- ive read jinx say most bisexual nichtraucher yet and
- yes
- he sure has the vibes
- my only criticism for him is that he also doesn't really radiate kindness but ill allow it because he is kinds cunty and serves that so
- but yea his outfits, his ring, his nail polish
- king shit
- while we're on the topic: justraucher
- they are still very much dads but divorced dads which is actually an interesting interpretation
- when the kids reunify them the nichtraucher is sexy woodchopping in a sleeveless shirt and glowering at justus and im not saying the scene radistes sexual energy but slso it kinda did like at one point he is glaring at justus and ripping apart wood with his bare hands
- and then they meet again after uli fell down the wall and its like to exes meeing suddendly like fanfiction level of miscommunication but 👉👈 i enjoyed that
- justus gets angry and the nichtraucher goes like 🥺
- they make up over long and intense eye contacts during the play
- ok im done talking about justraucher
- the other ships:
- sorry cnka uli und matz is...not it in this movie none of them feel like fully realised characters and it's just very...distant
- matz just kinda stands there when they put uli in the rubbish on the cupboard
- martina and jo starts rough but they have some nice cute scenes in the end
- jo kinda mellows out in the end and then they start to get along
- matz really does get one hit K.O.ed after saying its not fair to fight cos he's a professional.......
- "when i was five my mum abandoned me in a disco😔"~jo killed me i had to stop the movie to laugh
- uli climbs a wall to prove he's not a angsthase and everyone's like nobody managed that before but the wall is like 7 m high 🤡
- justus always goes like ⌚️👀 its so late i have get some work done ⌚️👀 when the writers didnt know how to end a scene hkkcgkkbgjjvvk
- the train cart looks really cozy and cottagecorey here and i like it so much
- the nichtraucher is honestly just living his live vibin and being bi its wonderful
- he plays chess with himself
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