#i have a lot of good prompts i want to get to but anytime someone sends me besk/instance i lose my mind
hirokiyuu · 2 years
(shoving my whole entire fist in my mouth) besk/instance
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yurmomsawh0r · 1 year
•°His Perfect Little Wife °• - p2
You and Nanami’s relationship has been a little difficult during your pregnancy and one turn of events has you ready to divorce him. But Nanami would never let you leave. You were his wife and he’d never let you go.
@delightfulmoonbanana @i-killed-a-prostutute @muzanswaifu @ebonydumbslut
Sorry it took super long! I’m pregnant with a toddler and it’s super hard to have energy to write anything, but I’m definitely coming back on here because YALL, I have soooo many ideas in my notes for tumblr and oof I can’t wait to drop them! But I hope you enjoy part 2 it’s different from part 1 because I kinda had to make it a small story but anyways enjoy 😊 💙
Prompt idea by @ebonydumbslut
“ I’m literally fina write a whole plot feel free to just take parts from it but I’m thinking For his perfect wife maybe yandere and Angst like since y/n pregnant she hasn’t been at her best with waking up on time doing things for her husband hasn’t felt like having sex so her husband hires a maid and y/n can tell that she is trying to take her husband away being to Close and saying things like “ofc I will make you food if you were my husband with how hard you work I would make sure you didn’t even have to ask he doesn’t see it but y/n does he’s also been a little distant and hasn’t been able to see her much because when he comes home y/Ns sleep y/n know this and stays up untill he’s home and by the time she gets all pretty for him she walks down stairs to see her husband and the made doing something that looks inappropriate (yk how In the movies someone walks in at the wrong time and it looks wrong) anyways she runs to her room and he goes after her to tell her it’s not what it looks like and y/n is getting ready to go to her moms house or something she tells him that he can have the maid and she’s going to leave and this is we’re the yandere starts he tells her she can’t and what about there baby and whatever else you want he makes y/n feel bad and she stays then he shows her how much he loves her by yk having sex’s loud to the maid hears everything while there having sex he tells her how she knows that she can’t leave because she needs him she’s to much of a dumb slut to do anything without him all she’s good at is being his perfect little wife y/n falls into this brain washing and promises she will never leave and that she’s his and will always be you could also put some fluff in there sorry for how long this is I Basically could have made the book for you😭”
CW - Yandere-ish, Manipulation, mentions of cheating, pregnant reader, penetration, pregnant sex, cursing, pet names, mentions of a divorce
Part 1 here
Nanami was frustrated to say the least. Between working extra hard and keeping your need’s satisfied, he definitely had his hands full. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he typed away on his computer. It was going on another late night and he had many things to get done. It always felt like he’d never have another second for himself or for you.
A knock on the door had an oh - so, very tired Nanami shifting in irritation. “What?” Came his groggy, stress filled voice. A subordinate of his walks through the door. A file in his hand. “Sorry sir. I just wanted to drop off my report you requested.”
“Place it in the black tray.”
The man did what he was told, quickly placing it in the tray and making his way out of the office.
Nanami glanced at the clock and seen that is was going on 1 am in the morning, making a sigh leave him. He knew you’d be in bed by now. You both couldn’t seem to catch a break. Nanami thought about the conversation you both had about hiring a housekeeper. You were about 4 months pregnant and you’ve grown quite a lot. It was getting hard for you to keep up your regular routine.
Nanami has even taken it upon himself to be home more to help out, but it was definitely putting him back, which resulted in him having many late nights and causing him to be way more irritated than normal. Anytime you both found a moment to yourselves, you would be to tired to do anything. You slept way more than you normally would these days, which he didn’t mind. It wasn’t your fault you ended up pregnant.
It was decided, he would take it upon himself and hire a housekeeper as soon as possible once he was able to cut back his work load.
It’s been about 3 weeks since the new maid started working for you both. She had tremendously been a big help around the house keeping things tidy and organized. Although you’ve had more help around the house, you still haven’t been able to see your husband for a while. The times you both did run into each other, he would always seem irritated with you. You knew work has been hard since he’s been catching up, so you decided to suck it up and do the things he normally liked.
“Oh! I see you cooked dinner Martha!” You honestly weren’t surprised. The past week she had been taking over in the kitchen before you even had a chance. “It was no problem. I understand that you’ve been tired lately.”
Although that was true, you usually pushed yourself to cook dinner for your husband but you haven’t been able to because she always did. It kind of bothered you, but you decided to try and be grateful for all the help.
“Well thank you, I can prepare the plates for dinner, as well as Nanami’s lunch for tomorrow. You can take the rest of the day off.”
“Oh no need ma’am. I already prepared his lunch as well as his plate for dinner.” She spoke. This was another thing that bothered you. She always took it upon herself to do more than she needed. You even seen that she left a note on his lunch one time. It was a small “Have a great day at work.” But you felt as though she crossed a boundary. This was your husband, not hers. Leaving notes wasn’t in her job description.
Before you could say anything else, the front door opened and in walked your husband. You went to greet him as usual. Helping him remove his coat and hanging it up for him. “Hi honey! How was work.”
He only grunted. “It was work.” Was all he said and brushed passed you, not a single glance your way. Not even a small forehead kiss as he usually did. An ache in your heart throbbed through your body.
In the kitchen, you could hear Martha speaking to him. As you went to peak, you seen her placing his plate in front of him and pouring him a glass of wine.
You couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt you to see the small act, but it did. Your own sensitive emotions plus being pregnant didn’t help, the tears started to flow. You turned on your heels and made your way to your shared bedroom skipping dinner that night.
Weeks had passed and still nothing had changed, well except you did. You weren’t yourself. You had completely stop doing your house work and just left it to the maid since, she took it upon herself to do everything. So you just rested in bed most of your days falling asleep when ever he felt like it.
You haven’t seen your husband for most days. By the time he came home you were already in bed passed out.
Martha had also been getting a little too close to your husband for your liking but Nanami didn’t seem to care to stop her advances so you assumed that maybe your were making things up, but you couldn’t help but think about all the little smart remarks she took it upon herself to say.
“Wow, you’re such a hard working man, if you were my husband I’d be sure to reward you everyday.”
“Would you like me to give you a massage sir?”
Maybe she was being nice? Maybe you were reading into it a little too hard. Either way Nanami didn’t seem to mind her forwardness so maybe you shouldn’t either.
Having enough of your pity party, you finally decided that it was time to put an effort in getting your husband’s attention again.
That night you got yourself all clean and dolled up in one of his favorite lingerie pieces and one of his t-shirts. He loved seeing you in his clothing. He always told you it made him feel like the best man in the world seeing his woman comfortable in his attire. It was almost 1 in the morning, the usual time he had gotten home. You had waited all night, despite being so tired, to see him. Lights shown through the curtains and the sound of a motor vehicle pulling into the drive way shook away any traces of sleep you had in you.
This was it! Tonight’s the night you and your husband rekindled.
Nanami walked through the door tired as ever. He was finally done with playing catch up and attending hour long business meetings for the month. He’s finally be able to catch a break. He felt as though he had be in a trans working and powering through his long streak, and finally he would be able to settle down for a while.
He made his way to the kitchen to look for something to eat. I was a little after 1 so he knew you’d be sleeping.
When he entered the kitchen, he was surprised to see Martha standing there in nothing but a small tank top and shorts to short for her size.
“Oh! Nanami, I didn’t think you’d be home just yet. Are you hungry?” Nanami only grunted and moved passed her and headed towards the fridge.
“Would you like wine with your meal sir?” The sultry tone of her voice rung in his ears. He eyed her suspiciously for a moment before shrugging it off. “No thank you, not tonight.”
He told her with a monotonous tone. He grabbed his plate that was left in the fridge and placed it in the microwave to warm.
“Alright, I’ll just put this back then.” She had a smile on her face as she strut her way towards the wine holder that was just behind where Nanami was standing.
Just inches away from him, she had stumbled, almost dropping the bottle in the process. Nanami kept forward, grasping her in his arms just as he was able to fall, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck as if they were lovers about to ignite in a night of passion.
She giggled, pulling him closer. “I’m sorry, I’m such a klutz! It’s a good thing a big strong man like you were here to catch me! You’re just like a knight in shinning armor. And my knight deserves a kiss for saving me.”
As she tried pulling him closer, Nanami started to pull away, but it was too late. A small gasp had them both frozen.
“Oh! My lady! I didn’t think you’d be up.”
There you stood from your stop in the kitchen, watching as your maid and husband were about to share such a passionate kiss. It brought tears to your eyes seeing how good they looked together.
You knew you hadn’t been up to par in taking care of yourself as well as him, but you didn’t think he’d cheat on you for such a small inconvenience.
“Wait! Y/n-“ He called out to you but you just turned and ran to your bedroom to grab everything you needed to leave.
Nanami dropped Martha letting her fall to the floor leaving her in pain as he chased after you.
Once he made it to your shared room, he saw that you were packing a suit case with everything valuable and important to you.
“It’s not what it looked like y/n” he tries to reason with you but you didn’t listen. “I don’t care Nami, it’s not like I haven’t noticed we haven’t been the same in a while. Especially since she got here.”
“What do you mean? I know I’ve been busy, but I’d never do something like that to you. I love you.”
“You don’t love me. If you did you wouldn’t have been all up on her. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m done.”
This caused Nanami to freeze. His voice dropped, a menacing tone sounded in his voice. “What do you mean you’re done?”
It sent a chill up your spine but you remained strong. “It means I’m done. I want a divorce. I can’t do this anymore. My own husband doesn’t even want to look at me, let alone act like I exist.”
You finished packing whatever you could and zipped it up, but Nanami was faster than you. He grabbed your luggage and threw it aside, shattering your vanity. “What is your problem! I don’t understand why you are so upset. Go be with your fucking mistress!” You yelled.
“I’m fucking upset because my wife is trying to leave me over a misunderstanding!” He cornered you. His pupils dark and expression angry. It was look you never wanted towards you.
He broke out into a laugh that boomed into the room. “You can’t fucking leave me y/n. You can’t break up our perfect little family that’s just getting started.” His hands slid up the sides of your waist pulling you closer to him.
“I take good care of you and I always will. No matter what. You are mine and I’d never let you go. I need you here with me little one. I don’t know what I’d do if you decided to break up our perfect little life.”
A flood of memories flew through your head. Even images of the future that you thought were to come. You felt a little guilty for trying to leave instead of making things work, but you couldn’t help but think about him being with another woman.
“How long have you been messing with Martha.”
Rage sparked in his eyes as he punched a hole in the wall by your head making your scream. He gripped your chin tightly and forced you to meet his gaze.
“I’ve never touched that fucking woman! She fell and I caught her, nothing more. Do you understand?” When you didn’t respond, he sighed.
“My love. My perfect little bunny, must I show you just how much you mean to me? Shall I show you that nobody can make you feel the things you do for me? Hmm? Must I show you one of the many reason that you love me?”
“Must I remind you who you belong too!?”
You couldn’t think straight. You really couldn’t think at all. The only thing filling your senses was your husbands dick penetrating you so hard and deep. Your face was wet with tears and saliva that pooled onto the pillow as he drilled into you from behind.
“Ahh, you feel so good little one.” He grunted in your ear. Nanami gripped your neck and pounded deliciously into you. The feeling of your juices getting him going.
It had been too long since you both last had sex and he was going to make it last as long as possible.
“And you’d thought I’d let you leave? With my baby in your womb? You’d thought I’d let another man have you? No, I’d kill anyone who thought they would have a chance.”
Your body shook as another orgasm ripped through you, but he didn’t let up, he just fucked you harder through it. “P-please Nami!”
But your please fell on deaf ears. “No, not until you learn that you can never leave me. You’re mine y/n. You’re nothing but my little dumb slut, my perfect little wife.” He licked up your tears grinding deeper into you.
“Say it! Say that your mine and that you will never leave me! Say that you’ll stay and be my perfect little housewife forever.”
You could feel him going deeper and deeper, skin slapping against each other in perfect rhythm. It was too much, you couldn’t even get a word out. You were moaning so loud and the bed was banging against the wall you were sure it would break. You were also sure Martha could hear everything.
“I’m waiting my little bunny.” Nanami’s voice warmed you. You gushed around his cock even more at his power over you.
He was dominating you. Showing you that you were indeed his. Nobody would make your body feel the way he did. Nobody ever could.
Just as another orgasm ripped through you, you wailed “y-yessss Naaamiiii, yessss i-im yours!”
“You’re my what?” He pressed his shaft into the opening of your cervix making you yelp. “IM YOUR DUMB SLUT DADDY!”
He moaned as he felt you squirt on him. Your essence pooling on the sheets. “Uhhh, that’s it! Let daddy have it all!”
His thrust started to get choppy as he reached his own peak. Spilling all of himself into you. Telling you how much he loved you. How he would never let you go. Ever.
As you both came down, he pulled you into his arms, gently caressing your face and smothering you with gentle kisses. You were exhausted. Falling in and out of sleep with a dazed but satisfied look on your face.
“Fire her.” Was all you could muster up. Nanami laughed and kissed your soft lips.
“Your wish is my command my lady. It always will be.”
You both laid there in each others embraces.
“But don’t think I’m done with you my love. You have awoken a part of me by just telling me your going to leave me. I need to make sure that never happens again.”
His perfect little wife, forever and always.
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ctrlsht · 1 year
Don’t Blame Me | sugar daddy!jungkook one-shot au
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pairing: sd!jungkook x reader genre: one-shot & yandere au
summary: You can have everything you want and need as long as you have Jeon Jungkook by your side. You were enjoying everything that Jungkook gives you and as long as you’re with him. You’re sure to yourself that you will never fail him but he was the one who failed you. Everything is fine until he gets too much. 
content  & warnings: sugar daddy & ceo jk, college reader, toxic & manipulative behavior, unhealthy behavior, possessive & obsessive jk, yandere, bitchy reader, jk sabotaging reader’s career. word count: 12.9K
request prompt
disclaimer: This is pure fiction and I do not condone the acts of Jeon Jungkook in the story. All events and occurrences in here are all fictional and all are part of my imagination.
a/n: to the one who requested this, I hope you’ll like it! 
It happened again. You were so busy that you are starting to forget him again. Your reasons were always valid considering that you’re in your 3rd year college yet he can’t seem to accept it. He doesn’t know if he’s just overthinking but he can’t ignore the fact that something was off. 
He read your message once again before he closed his phone. 
Y/N: Can’t make it to dinner tonight, still have to finish my research paper. Sorry babeee
It was your third time using that excuse for you not to make it to dinner. He’s been inviting you for a week already to have dinner with him yet you always refuse and you’ve already used that excuse a lot of times. This happened before and it didn’t end well. He didn’t want it to happen again. 
He rubbed his palm on his face and he brushed his fingers on his hair before he loosened up his necktie. Anxiety of fear is penetrating his body.
He doesn’t know what went wrong because he gave everything to you. Everything you want and everything you need even though you didn’t ask for it. He wanted to make sure that you’ll stay with him and you’ll never leave him yet he got the feeling that you’re falling apart once again. 
He opened his phone as he looked for your location and his overthinking got worse. Your location said that you’re not in your apartment but in a cafe. His heart beats rapidly and his hands are starting to shake. 
Why are you there and who’s with you? 
Jungkook breathes heavily as he immediately stands up from his chair and grabs his coat beside him as he leaves his office.
The thing about you is that Jungkook couldn’t read you most of the time. He can’t predict what’s really inside the pretty head of yours and he can’t see what’s behind those smiles that you always show him. You’re always good with your words but he can’t seem to see the sincerity of it. You always made him doubt you. 
You always made him feel that you can leave him anytime you want and that’s the reality that he’s avoiding to happen. 
When the day you entered his life, he knew to himself that he will make sure you will never leave.
His heart was beating aggressively when he stopped at the cafe you’re in. He looked at the glass window if you’re visible but you’re not. He grabs his phone to check once again if you’re still inside and it’s clear that you are. You’re meters away from him. 
He got out of his black Chevrolet corvette and when he entered the cafe, a lot of eyes were on him. People, especially women, were too stunned to see him. It wasn’t surprising the fact that he has such a good appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. But he didn’t have time to think of how a lot of eyes were on him because his own eyes were looking around to spot you. However, the cafe was spacious and there were a lot of people. Majority of the customers were students or a group of people hanging out. The cafe was actually busy yet the surroundings were calm. It wasn't as rowdy as normal. 
The lights of the cafe were bright enough to finally spot you. Your back is facing him but he already knows that it’s you. And you’re with someone. A guy that he doesn’t know. 
He felt like a needle prick his heart and he can’t seem to control his emotion right now. 
His eyes were glued on you as he walked towards you. You have your laptop in front of you with a coffee on the side. You haven’t noticed him and the guy that is the one facing Jungkook is the first one to notice him. When he sees him looking at you, he slowly taps your hands to get your attention. 
“Y/N.” Jungkook calls you out. You remove your airpods on your right ear as you look at the person in front of you and when you see him looking at your side, you turn your head and you are surprised that Jungkook is standing in front of you. 
You stand up from your seat to level him and you swallow down when you realize that he doesn’t look pleased. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked him as he tilted his head and glanced at the guy sitting in front of you.
“I’m here to fetch you. Did you forget?” He responded as the side of his lips raised. 
He doesn’t like the reaction that he’s seeing in you right now. You look so dense and it felt like he caught you red handed. The way your eyes move rapidly indicates that you don’t want him to be in here right now and as he realized that, he felt like his heart was crumbling. 
“Didn’t you receive my message? I messaged you like an hour ago.” You picked up your phone from the table to check whether you have sent the message and before you can even open the chat box, he caught your hand.
“I did not. But I’m now here, babe. We can go now.” He forced a smile and you narrowed your eyebrow in confusion. 
“Gguk I can’t—
He hates it. He hates it so much that you can instantly reject him in front of everyone. In front of a guy that he doesn’t even know. You never acted this way when both of you are together but right now, you act like you don’t wanna be with him and he can’t take it. 
“Look, I’ll finish this up in a min—
“I’ll be the one to finish that. Please let’s go.” He cuts you off once again as he caresses both of your hands.
The longer that he’s in here, the more suffocated he gets and the moment that you decline him again, he’ll lose it. 
You pressed your lips as you turned your gaze to Yuan—your research partner and after a few seconds, you sigh. You released your hands on his hold and you picked up your things. 
“Finish your parts and I’ll finish mine. Send it to me asap once you’re done. I have to go.” You said to Yuan and he just nodded while his mouth hung open. You walk through Jungkook and you already know that he’s following you. He keeps on calling your name and you ignore it until you reach his car. You put your things first as you hop in and you were about to close the door when he already did it for you. 
“Baby.” Is the first thing he said after a long silence between the two of you.
“A-are you… Mad?” He asked in his low and soft voice like he really sounded guilty from what he just did. 
“What was that, Jungkook?” You finally spoke and annoyance is evident in your voice. 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I just want us to have our dinner because we haven’t done it for weeks already.” His voice was still low and soft just like a child that was scrolled by his mom. 
He doesn’t like it when you’re mad. It rarely happens but when you did, he felt like he did really something terrible for you to get this angry. 
“It was our due date this week, Jungkook and we’re not yet done with our paper. We still have a lot of things to do and I don’t understand why you can’t understand it.” 
He’s getting anxious with how your voice sounds. You’re so pissed and he immediately regrets the actions he just did. 
You sound like you hate him now and that you regret being with him. It’s like any minute, you would open your door and leave him alone. 
By just thinking about it makes him crazy. 
He held your hands and placed them on his lips and you can feel his hands shaking.
“Y/N baby I’m sorry! I’ll promise that I’ll be the one to finish all your works I swear. You already knew that those things are only a piece of cake for me and I can finish that in no time I promise!” He speaks so fast and you feel his anxiousness within his shaking voice and hands. 
“I acted without thinking. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He added as he intertwined his fingers with yours and his lips touched the back of your hand.
He’s too scared that he has to feel you right now in order to calm his nerves because when he doesn't, you might drift away from him. 
“But seriously, Jungkook. What was that?” You asked after a long silence. 
The more that you call him by his name, the more anxious he gets because you don’t call him only by his name. 
“When I read your message—
“I thought you didn’t read them?” He looked at you in your eyes and he bites his lips. 
“I lied. I’m sorry.” He admits and you become more confused with his actions. You don’t understand what’s with him. 
“Baby, I'm uneasy and I felt that something is not right and I saw your location and I saw the guy and I don’t know, I feel like my heart will explode! Babe, I can’t sit well because you’ve been declining my invites multiple times and I don’t know what’s happening and I’m overthinking things.”
Even though he talks too fast, you understand where he’s coming from. You’ve seen this before and you know the reason why this is happening.
“So you thought that I ditched you for Yuan?” You asked, trying to hide your smile. 
“Who’s Yuan?” When he asked that, you immediately cracked up.
“Baby, who’s Yuan?” He asked once again.
“The guy I’m with. Jungkook, what the heck!” You can’t take it as you laugh so hard. 
“Babe, why are you—
“You’re getting jealous of someone you forgot! Who’s not going to laugh at that?” You speak in between your laughs. 
Your laughs continued until you realized that he doesn’t find the situation funny. Your laugh slowly fades when you see how serious he is. 
“I was just kidding! Why so serious, Ggukie?” You spoke and you clung to his arm. You still find the situation funny and you tried your best not to laugh since he’s being serious.
After  a few moments, he spoke. 
“Did you really… Ditch me?” He asked in his low and soft voice and you instantly looked at him in horror while you shook your head.
“Of course not! Why would I do that?” You respond in defense. He looked at your eyes trying to see the sincerity of your words but he’s having a hard time finding it. He looked away as he looked down and you took a deep breath.
“Babe, look at me.” You caressed his face as you moved his head to look at you. His eyes glow in the dark and you love how pleading his eyes look. 
“I understand where you’re coming from but believe me when I say that whenever I decline your invites is because I really do have to finish something. Babe, you know how I value my academics and I am aiming for a latin honor. You know that right?” You brushed your thumb off his cheek and he closed his eyes to feel your touch. 
“And Yuan? He’s just a research partner and nothing else. And please, don’t be insecure because of him. He’s nothing compared to you. And I don’t like him either.” You lean forward to kiss his forehead. 
“Don’t you ever think that I would ever like him because it’s a fucking insult. I have a standard, babe and he didn’t even meet the 1% of my standard.” You spoke in a demeaning tone before you pushed your back at the backrest. 
It was absurd that the person that Jungkook chose to feel insecure about is that Hong Yuan guy who is a nobody. First of all, he’s the idiotic person you’ve ever met. If it was not about his idiotic self, you won’t have to be in that cafe and be with him. You have to pay attention to what he’s going to do with the paper because if you don’t, you will fail with him. You would never choose to do his part and give him all the credit that he doesn’t even deserve. And second, he’s ugly as fuck. You would never choose him over the greatest Jeon Jungkook. 
You smile as you enter the fine dining restaurant where Jungkook got a reservation. You felt bad that you declined him multiple times because of your school work. You were so occupied with your academics that you made Jungkook feel neglected. But what can you do? Before you even enter into this deal with him, you clear out to yourself that your academics will still be your top priority. 
The anxiousness that Jungkook had a while ago is now replaced with a smile on his face that reaches his ears. Other than his money, his smile is your favorite thing about him. If you ever feel unhappy, his smile will make it better. It’s like a contagious virus that can penetrate into your body. 
“Y/N, did you remember when we went to Singapore and you saw the bag you wanted but the color isn’t gray?” Jungkook asked you while you were eating. 
You pause on chewing as you recall the thing that he’s talking about. 
“The LV Nano Noé bag?” You asked and you got excited when he nodded. 
“Holy shit don’t tell me–
And before you even finish your sentence, he handed you a Louis Vuitton paper bag. Your jaw drops and you slowly take it from him. 
It was really the Nano Noé mini bag that you wanted. It was a cruise 2023 collection and one of the bags you’re eyeing out. 
You already expected that he might buy it for you but you didn’t expect that it was now since it’s a limited edition bag from that collection. 
One of the things that you love to collect are luxurious bags as you believe that luxury items like bags are a great investment. Other than that, you also thought that it added elegance in you to have a bag that suits you and you are already known for always owning one. 
You also love to kill your “friends” with jealousy and bitterness towards you. You find it amusing whenever they think that they can fool you whenever they are with you but the thing that they don’t know is you wrap them in the palms of your hands. It’s unfortunate that the people you call “friends” are all fake ass bitches who're always jealous of you but there are things that you’re out of control. As much as you wanted to leave them behind, your ego couldn’t stand to be alone and to be out of friends because you find it pathetic so the only thing that you can do is to endure their shitty attitude. Well, you don’t mind though since when you’re with them, you’re always the star and they are only there to justify your main-character personality because even if you turn the world upside down, you always outclass them. 
“I super love the bag but it’s better if it’s the classic brown color.” Rae Ya, one of your “friends”, stated as she touched your bag that’s on the top of the table.
“Oh girl, you just proved to me how basic you can be.” You responded as you sip your coffee. 
Your other friends burst out laughing with your responses towards Rae Ya and you smirk when you saw how embarrassed she got.
It was another week of meeting the girls so that they can keep up with your lavish life and to play plastic with them. The only thing that motivates you to meet them is you feel the satisfaction whenever you see how envy they can get especially with this bitch called Rae Ya. It’s fucking obvious how jealous she can be and you find it entertaining to see every reaction she makes. 
“Oh how I wish to have a boyfriend like yours, Y/N.” Mitzi— one of the girls said. 
“Didn’t you have Tae-moo with you? He’s rich isn’t he?” You responded and she only rolled her eyes.
“Did you forget? I already broke up with him ages ago!” of course you would forget. You don’t even give a shit about their lives and you always forget everything they talk about. You just simply don’t care, honestly. 
“Oh yeah I remember. Condolence. Did you break up because he cheated?” You try to guess.
“Yeah. Fucking hate him so much.”
“But Tae-moo guy is hella rich isn’t he? If I were you, I wouldn't break up with him and just consume all his money. At least you still got a rich boyfriend with you.” You cross your arms as you lean back. 
“Are you saying that because that’s how you treat your boyfriend?” Eunjae said— another friend of yours.
You were caught off guard with what she said. 
“You’re not serious with Jungkook, are you?” She added. 
You suddenly ask yourself; are you taking the relationship you have with him seriously?
You suddenly laugh mentally. 
Your relationship with him isn’t a boyfriend-girlfriend thing but a sugar baby-daddy thing. It was hilarious that you made your friends believe that your relationship with Jungkook is a normal thing but it was otherwise. You will never admit it to them that you’re a sugar baby of a 29 year-old CEO of the Power Construction Corporation. The leading Construction Company in Seoul. 
Ever since you agreed on being his sugar daddy 6 months ago, your life turned out to be what you wanted. You haven’t regretted agreeing with him. Not yet. But in the present time, it’s one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. 
It’s a powerful tool to deal with your “friends” on a daily basis. You know what you want and you only grab the opportunity to make it happen. 
Being a sugar baby of Jeon Jungkook is the greatest achievement that you’ve made. Better than having a scholarship in SNU because he can practically provide your education in the same university. 
No one will ever think that you’re a sugar baby of his because with how perfect you and him look, everyone will believe that you’re a perfect couple for each other. 
“I am serious with him. But if it happens that he cheated on me, I won’t just cry and pity myself. I will use every dollar he has before I leave him penniless.” You answered. 
But he can never do that to you. He can never find someone better than you because to him, you are beyond perfection. The day he saw you in his charity gala, is the day his life now depends on you. It may be clear to you the situation you have with him but he sees you more than that. You became his world that it’s perfectly fine for him if you use him to your advantage. Anything for you. He will provide everything for you to stay with him because he may not admit it to himself, you can leave him anytime considering the situation you only have and that’s the thing that he will avoid whatever it takes. 
Even if he has to give up an opportunity for his business just for you. 
Jungkook may be whipped for you but he’s excellent when it comes to his work. Everyone admires his capabilities and believes in his principles. Other people, especially in the business industry, desire to become as wise and successful as he is; however, behind closed doors, no one knows that the only thing that can shake his knees is you. 
“The materials that will be used in that project will be supplied by the Linyang Corp. Their materials are compatible with the construction of the project.”
 Jungkook discussed with Yoona—the marketing head of the upcoming project of PCC. 
“Great. But will it be better if the company that will supply this project is Trion Infrastructure?” Yoona responds as she stands up from her seat and proceeds on walking towards him. He remained in his seat as he tilted his head and narrowed his brows. Yoona leaned forward to come close to him while she placed a folder on his table. 
Jungkook raised his brows before he responded. “What do you even know, Ms. Lim Yoona?” 
Before Yoona can even respond, the door suddenly opens. 
Jungkook’s eyes grew wide as his body froze. 
You’re standing tall in between the double doors of his office. Your eyes darken and your lips were in a thin line. Behind you was Tina—his secretary. And suddenly, he was nervous. 
“Sir Jeon, I’m sorry I can’t stop her. She was—
“N-no no. It’s okay.” He immediately jumps on his swivel chair and walks towards you. 
“So this what it’s all about, huh?” You scoff as you glance at his secretary before you turn your head back. 
“Tina, can you accompany Ms. Yoona outside?” Jungkook looked at his secretary. 
“But Jungkook, we’re not yet done discussing the project?” Yoona responds in confusion. 
You looked at Yoona from head to toe as you crossed your arms. She’s wearing a low-neck  black sheath dress that perfectly hugs her body and the slit of her breast is insanely visible. You were also amused with her pair of silver stilettos and you already knew that she was up for something, especially the way she positioned herself in front of Jungkook. 
You’ve known her ever since you met Jungkook and you’re perfectly aware how she’s madly infatuated with him. 
“My bad. I didn’t mean to distract you with your ‘meeting’.” You said sarcastically and you even act the quotation mark with your two fingers. 
You’re about to walk away when he suddenly pulls you inside his office and he gestures to Tina to get Yoona out of the office. 
Yoona was saying a lot to Jungkook but he wasn’t listening and Tina was already leading her out of the office. Before she closed the door, she caught you looking at her and her blood raised when  she saw how satisfied you looked at her. 
Jungkook’s heart was pounding as he looked at you. No one’s around except the both of you and no one can see how he looked so vulnerable right now. 
“I didn’t know that you would come.” Jungkook started. 
You didn’t respond immediately as you checked out the books that’s on the shelf near his office table. He didn’t know what to do now that you’re not even responding. He walked towards you as he closed the space between the two of you. He placed his gentle hands on your tiny waist and he inhaled your scent from your neck. You smell so good that it’s so addicting. He should be the only one that can smell you like this and touch you like this. Just thinking that another man can do this to you makes him insane. No one can have you like this. 
“What’s your meeting with her all about?” You asked as you passed your fingers out of all the books on his shelf.
“About the materials to be used with the new project, baby.” He answered in his gentle tone. 
Materials huh? You utter a ‘tsk’ before you remove his arms around your waist and you push the inside of your cheeks with your tongue. 
“You’re discussing constructing materials with a marketing head and not an engineer?” You asked sarcastically. 
“We’re only talking about the project implementation, that's why she came to be the representative.” He responds as he sounds gentle to convince you. 
You walked towards his office table and sat on his swivel chair before you looked at him.
“Do you want me to tell you something about that girl?” You speak in an orotund voice.
You place both of your hands in the arm rest and you caught a picture of you place on the top of his table. You stare at it for a second before you stretch your arms to get them. You find it amusing that the picture that he chose to frame to his office table is a picture of you in your younger years. You were smiling genuinely in the camera wearing a dress and a reading glass. You used to wear them until you decided to wear contact lenses. You suddenly miss wearing the large glasses because the last time you remember wearing them is before you graduated in your senior high. 
“She likes you, Jungkook. So so much.” You added and you placed the frame back to where it was. You returned your gaze back to him and he’s still standing to where you left him looking like a little puppy who wants to be petted. “Are you aware of that?” 
“Why are you saying that?” He asked.
“Because I want to know if you know.”
“No and I don’t care. You know that I don’t give a fuck, baby.” He answered. 
“Really?” You raise the side of your lips. “Why?” 
“Because I have you, Y/N. Why are you even asking that?” 
“What do you mean by having me? We’re not even together, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Let me remind you of that.” You intertwined your hand and rested your elbow on the table.
Your words went straight to his heart. As the seconds went by, your words were slowly sinking in him until he finally realized what you just said. He took a step back as he couldn’t believe what you just said.
But it was true, wasn't it? You weren’t really together. He doesn’t have something to hold onto you and all of it is coming to him like a massive landslide. He already treated you like the love of his life but you? You’re questioning the thing that you have with him. But there’s nothing wrong with that because you were right. You were so damn right that he wishes that you’re not. 
You still know the reality of the two of you while he’s locked up in the fantasy that he owns you. 
“Why don’t you try to go out with her? I’m sure that she would love that.” You rest your chin on the back of your hands while your eyes are still focused on him. 
“Why are you even—
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, Jungkook. You can still keep me even if she’s with you.” You smirked.
“Stop.” He turned back and pressed his fingers on his temple. 
“What? I’m just giving you an option. Besides, you seems to like the view of her breast—
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N!” You were taken aback with how his voice echoed at the four corners of the room. He’s now facing you once again and you are suddenly scared of how his eyes darkened. “I don’t fucking want her! I don’t even give a shit about her so don’t you ever push me to her!”
You weren’t able to respond. It was your first time seeing him this angry. You never see him get mad. Hell, you didn't even hear him scream once. And you know what’s crazy? You find him ten times attractive that you want to provoke him even more just to see how hot he is. 
It takes a long silence before he realizes what he just did. His darkened eyes suddenly turned soft as he bites his lower lip in guilt. 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.” He spoke.
He was wrapped in fear. He immediately regrets losing his temper. He didn’t really mean it.
His fear intensifies when you suddenly stand up from your seat without breaking eye contact with him. He was holding his breath while you’re walking towards him and when you’re now standing inches away from him, you gently stroke the black tie that he’s wearing. 
“It’s not good to get her hopes up if you don’t really like her, babe. I don’t like that.” You finally spoke in your low and seductive voice. “It’s better to cut her off before you can even hurt her.”
One thing that you don’t know about him is that he can do anything that you say. He always listens to what you want even though it’s not the best decision. He was blinded by his love for you that he can risk anything just for you. He’s already drowned in you and he can’t get out of it. He even welcomed the feeling of it. 
He never tries to understand the reason why he’s been like this to you and the only thing he knows is to do what you want because he knows that it will make you happy. Your happiness is the only thing that matters to him. 
He will do anything you want. Whatever it takes. Just for you. 
“Jeon Jungkook, what did I just hear that you pull out the project that we have with the Linyang Corp? Is that true?” Namjoon, one of the directors of the company, asked after he stormed into Jungkook’s office. It was clear how his voice was steaming in anger. 
“Yeah.” Jungkook answered without looking at him and continued on reading the files that he’s holding. 
“For what reason?” Namjoon walked closer to him and when he reached his table, he placed both of his hands and leaned forward. Jungkook only gave him a glance before he returned his gaze down to the files. 
“I made that decision last 2 weeks. Why did you ask that now?” He asked without looking at Namjoon. 
“You made a decision without discussing it with us! Do you know how I found out? The company’s sales decreased significantly. You know how Linyang Corp is one of our biggest clients, Jeon.” The disappointment is evident in his voice yet Jungkook chose to still ignore him. 
Namjoon’s blood rose up. He knows that Jeon Jungkook won’t decide on something that will risk the company. One thing that he knew about him was he handled the company very well yet the results of his actions contradicted what he expected from him. Namjoon is the financial director of the company, the reason why he is affected in the situation. 
“I’m talking to you!” He stomped his feet as he walked aggressively to Jungkook and he pushed the backrest for Jungkook to face him. His eyes were burning with anger as he looked at Jungkook. 
Jungkook is getting annoyed already. He doesn’t want to deal with him but he can’t tell him straight in his face why he pulled the project out. It will make the situation even worse. 
He throws a look at Namjoon before placing down the documents that he’s reading and standing up from his seat. 
“You want to know why I pulled out?” He spoke in a gruff voice as he looked at Namjoon with intensity. “Their funds were illegal and I won’t allow that my company will be at risk just because of them.” He added. 
Namjoon raises his eyebrows as he scoffs. 
“What are you talking about?! They have been our client for years already! It’s impossible that their funds suddenly became illegal!” 
Jungkook was taken aback. It was true and his excuse was irrelevant. 
He pulled out the project because of you. You wanted it didn’t you? You told him things about Lim Yoona and he believed you. It was true, wasn't it? You were right about it all. He doesn’t like Yoona after all and he doesn’t want to get her hopes up and that’s what you keep on telling him. 
He doesn’t want you to misinterpret things between the both of you. He doesn’t want to do things that you don’t like. He’ll do everything just to avoid problems between the two of you. Everything he does is for you. 
“Jungkook, tell me the truth. Is it really because of illegal funds? People saw you with Ms. Yoona the day before you decided to pull out the project.” Namjoon spoke again but this time, his voice calmed down.
“And what does she have to do with it?” Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.
“She’s one of the marketing heads of Linyang Corp and everyone is thinking that you have a thing with her. I know you, Gguk. You have the tendency to mix up your work and personal life.” Namjoon exhales as he rests his hand on the backrest of the couch placed in front of Jungkook’s office table. 
“Who spread that?” Jungkook clenched his jaw as he looked at Namjoon. He breathed rapidly when Namjoon didn’t answer him immediately. 
“Who fucking spread that?!” Namjoon got surprised when Jungkook suddenly punched the office table in anger. 
“Look how you lost your temper by just mentioning her!” Namjoon answered back.
“I don’t have a fucking thing with her!” 
“Then why are you acting like you have?” 
Jungkook curled his fist. rage flowed through him as he looked at Namjoon. He’s trying to control his emotions the moment Namjoon enters his office yet Namjoon is getting the best in him. 
“I don’t even feel the slightest thing with her and I never will. That’s the thing that you should mark to the head of yours and the fucking people around.” He responded emphasizing every word he said. 
“If it's not Yoona, then it’s probably someone. Someone that’s close to you and despised by Yoona.” Namjoon spoke—trying to provoke him. 
Jungkook didn’t speak but he didn’t avoid Namjoon’s eyes. 
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?” 
And when Namjoon saw how Jungkook clenched his jaw by just mentioning your name, he smirked. He looked around before he looked back at Jungkook. 
“Gotcha.” He said as he placed both of his hands in his pocket.
“What the fuck do you mean? She’s out of this!” Jungkook lashed out. 
“But with how I see you, she’s involved in this. The situation that you have with her is still ongoing. I know Y/N, I know you and I know Yoona so stop making me a fool out of it.”
Kim Namjoon is the financial director of PCC and a friend of Jungkook. He has known Jungkook ever since he’s still inside the tummy of his mother and he knows everything that’s going on with  his life. 
He’s a great friend actually. He will always take the side of his friends but when it comes to his work, he has no exemption.
“Yoona despises Y/N so much just like how Y/N also despises her. With the result of your decision, you have to eliminate one and you choose to eliminate Yoona.” Namjoon concluded with a satisfying smile. 
“Can you hear yourself? You’re being absurd!” Jungkook raised his voice as he breathed rapidly. 
“Oh yes, Jungkook! Yes! I can hear myself as clear as the window glass you have right now!”
Namjoon smirks as he looks at Jungkook with intensity. 
“Tell me, why did you do it? Is it because Y/N tell you to do it? That Y/N doesn’t like Yoona that’s why you pull out the project?” He added.
“Get out.” Jungkook’s lips grew thin and firm as he spoke in his low voice. 
“Jungkook, wake up! You’re not even together and you throw away Linyang Corp just for her?! She’s just using you and you should be aware of that!” 
“I said get out!” Jungkook loses his patience as he screams. He cannot hold his emotions anymore.
“Not until you realize how fucking stupid you are! Don’t risk your company just for her! She will leave you the moment she gets bored!”
Namjoon was taken aback when Jungkook suddenly went to him and grabbed his collar. Jungkook glared at him as he grasped Namjoon’s collar firmly.
“Who are you to fucking say that? Huh? You know nothing!” 
With how confident Namjoon was seconds ago, it was suddenly replaced with fear. In his whole existence, he never knew that Jungkook could be this mad. He never saw this side of him. 
He never expected that he could be like this. Mad and violent. 
He only knew Jungkook to be calm and serious at the same time in any situation. He can get mad but never like this.
“She will never leave me. You know nothing.” He spoke emphasizing every word before he threw Namjoon out of his office.
After the argument with Namjoon, Jungkook was anxious the whole day. He can’t focus on his work and he can't achieve anything. Namjoon’s words never leave his mind. He was trying to avoid thinking about it but he just can’t and it makes him insane because his overthinking got worse. 
He’s biting his nails as he looks at the photo frame of you placed on his table. He’s been thinking of you a lot more than usual. He extends his hand as he brushes his fingers on your photo frame. 
‘She’s just using you and you should be aware of that!’
‘She will leave you the moment she gets bored!’
No, you wouldn’t do that. You won’t leave him. You need him. You can’t leave him.
He pushed his hair back as he sat on the horns of his dilemma. 
He grabbed his phone to dial your number and he rocked his legs back and forth while waiting for you to pick up. 
But your phone’s been ringing and you won’t pick up.
He felt that something was blocking his chest to prevent him from breathing properly. The longer the phone keeps ringing the harder he can’t breathe. He wanted you to pick up because you are the only thing that he needs. He knew that the moment he hears your voice, he will be calmed. 
“Baby, pick up. I need you so much.”
And with that, you picked up greeting him with your softest and sweetest voice. 
“Hey, daddy. How are you?” There was a tease in your voice and just like that, he felt like a lump in his chest was removed.
“Babe! What took you so long to pick up?” He responded as he pushed his hair back and slightly pulled it. 
“Hey. I was in my last class, okay? What’s up?” 
Your voice is the softest and sweetest voice he has ever heard and he will never get tired of listening to it. It was the only thing that he needed to hear. You are the only thing he needed.
“How’s your last class?” He asked as he played with his bottom lips.
“The usual. Boring. Who would like to listen in a history class?” You spoke in a high tone and he immediately smiled at that. 
You’re being cheeky again and he loves it. He loves everything about you. 
“Baby, I miss you.” the longing in his voice is evident. He touched your photo frame once again. 
“Aw. We saw each other the other day and you already missed me? Poor Ggukie.” He smiles as he imagines you pouting on the other line. “Oh babe, by the way, I’m wearing the heels you’ve bought me! I super love it! I’ll be sending a photo!” 
“You do?” He can’t stop smiling and before he can utter another word, his phone chimes and he already saw the photo that you sent. “They were perfect, baby.” 
“I know right! Hey, I gotta go. I’ll be hanging out with the girls.” 
“Wait, Y/N!”
“Stay with me tonight.” He said as he bit his lower lips. “Let’s have dinner at home. I’ll be cooking your favorite pasta, baby.” He sounded like he was begging and he really is. 
He will lose it when you decline him. 
“Uhh, I’ll see.”
“Baby please. I missed you so much. I want you so bad.” He’s begging already. You may not say it directly to his face but he knows that you’re declining him. He has to beg because if he doesn't, he’ll lose it. 
There’s a long silence between the two of you. He was waiting for your response while you didn’t expect that he’s pleading to you. 
Actually, you don’t understand why you didn’t expect that because he’s begging you all the time. You knew that it’s a normal thing he does yet you were still confused. Maybe because he does really missed you or he wanna fuck. Either way, you have to be there for him, after all, that’s your job.
But you have to admit to yourself that you like it when Jungkook is acting like that. Whenever he begs, he acts possessive and obsessive towards you because you felt like you own him even though the situation of the both of you says otherwise. You needed him more than he needed you. You can have his wealth but not him because if the time comes that he gets bored of you, you’re now worthless. But that’s not yet happening so you should enjoy his company and his money. 
“Okay, Ggukie. I’ll be there.”
Jungkook is too much but he doesn’t know that and if he ever knew, he will not admit it to himself. He doesn’t know what boundary is as long as he has you. When the day you appeared to him, he knew that you were all he needed. 
You’re different from others. So different that he can’t have you like his past girlfriends. You know what you want and being in love isn’t part of it therefore, he offers you something that you would like and at the same time, he will benefit from it. 
But that’s not what he wanted from the start. He can give you anything you like, anything you need. Everything. He can give you the world that you wanted even though you didn’t ask for it. You don’t have to be his sugar baby because he can give you the world without asking in return. You just have to be present to him and that’s it. 
He loves you so much. 
That night, you come home to him. You may be late but it doesn’t matter. What matters is you’re now with him. That’s all he needs.
But he still can’t stop thinking about what Namjoon has said earlier. His words were coming back to his head and it’s killing him. 
He was bothered by the thought that Namjoon was right. He can’t admit it to himself because he was scared that it was the reality of you and him. 
You have nothing to hold onto because you weren’t committed to him. He will go insane the moment you decide to stop everything with what you have between the both of you. 
He was at the comfort of his bed while you were beside him. You’re already asleep but he’s wide awake as he stares at your stunning face. You were so beautiful that it scares him. What if other men can have you like this? Touch you like this? There are a lot of possibilities and it terrifies him because he doesn’t own you. You’re so young and beautiful. He wanted to own you so bad. 
He caressed your cheek as you were in your deep sleep. It was so soft and smooth. So Beautiful as ever. 
“I want you to be mine, baby. So bad.” He whispered.
He brushes his fingers down to your neck, to your shoulders until it reaches your palms. He slowly lifts your palms and kisses the back of it. 
“You will never leave me, right? You will stay by my side, right? You have no idea how I love you so much baby. I can die for you.” He slowly places the back of your hand to his cheeks and pecks it. He smiles because you didn’t even move an inch with his touch. You were obviously in your deep sleep. 
This is the only thing he needs. You, beside him in the comfort of the bed. 
He slowly placed a peck on your forehead before he lowered down his body and wrapped his arms to your waist and decided to close his eyes. 
He was suddenly awakened in his sleep and when he tries to feel your body, he can’t feel anything. 
His eyes grew wide as he suddenly felt a shortness in his breath when he didn’t see your body beside him. He’s trembling when he gets up. 
He was screaming your name in fear. He ran towards the comfort room to check and he got more panicked when he didn’t see you. 
‘She will leave you the moment she gets bored!’
Namjoon’s words repeated in his head. 
Baby, did you leave me now? Did you get tired of me already? You can’t leave me alone! 
He immediately got out of the bedroom and when he found you in front of him while holding a glass of water, he was immediately all over you. 
“Jungkook, what’s wrong? I got scared by your scream!” You said as you tried to calm him down. 
“You weren’t beside me, baby!” He said as he suddenly sobs. 
“Wait wait. What happened?” You were trying to let go to see his face but he squeezed himself even more to you. 
“I got scared when I didn’t see you beside me. I thought you left me in my sleep, baby.” He said as he buried his face into your neck. 
“Why would I leave you? I just got thirsty so I got up to get a glass of water.” You respond in your soft voice. This time, Jungkook loosened his hug and he allowed you to face him. 
You were weakened when you saw how fragile Jungkook looked. His eyes were watery while his face and lips were pale. He grabs your hand and places it on his cheeks. 
“Y/N, please don’t leave me. I’m scared to be left alone by you. I don’t know what to do if you decided to leave me, baby. I’ll go insane.” He said as he hugged you again.
One thing you love to do is to not give a fuck of what others will say. That’s the fact that you always mark it in your head. You always remember to enjoy your life to the fullest even if there are circumstances that hinder it. For you to be able to do all those things, you always need a lot of money so you have Jeon Jungkook. 
Having him is always the best because with him, you do and get all the things you want. Travel, shopping, name it. He can provide it to you in a snap of a finger. 
And now, you are with him in Italy as he does his business trip while you enjoy shopping. His money was limitless and you were always amazed by how he did it.
There are other things that you like about him other than his money. It’s given that he has the looks. He’s so damn handsome that sometimes, you cannot believe that you have him. He gives you everything you want and he treats you right. So right that sometimes, you tend to believe that you’re not just a regular sugar baby of his. He’s too good to be true. 
Of course there are things about him that are unusual for someone like him. You feel like he’s dependent on you, like he can’t function well if he doesn't see you for a day. He gets jealous easily and tends to be obsessive towards you. The fun part is, you seem to like it. 
You don’t really mind his actions towards you but this time, you notice that it’s too much.
“You went out wearing that?” His eyebrows were narrowed as he pointed out your outfit. You were back at the hotel you stayed in with him and you were surprised that he’s back as well. 
“Yeah. And?” You respond as you shrug while the paper bags are still in your hand. You walk towards the bed as you place the paper bags beside it and remove your heels. 
“Your breast is literally sticking out! And you show too much skin!” You rolled your eyes at his explanation as you sat down on the side of the bed. 
“Jungkook, this is what I wear on a daily basis and you just noticed it now? What the hell?” 
“Yes but you are alone without any bodyguards. What if there are men out there who disrespect you?! Harassed you?! Baby, we’re in another country and you’re alone.” He walked back and forth as he pushed back his hair aggressively.
“What do you think of me? Weak? You know damn well that I can fight back!” You answered back. 
One of the things that you hate the most is when people think that you can’t handle yourself. You may be young but you are smart and strong enough to handle things. Yes, you are young but you are independent and you know how to control a situation that you’re in. 
“I know! But you are alone! There are things that can happen. Just please don’t wear clothes like that.” He rubs his temple as he looks at you with his pleading eyes. 
You raise your left eyebrow as you glare at him. His words get on your nerves. You walk towards him while you keep your eye contact with him and when you’re now in front of him, you speak. 
“I will wear what I want and I won’t adjust for others.” You said emphasizing every word.
“I know that you’re strong and you can fight back but that’s not always the situation, Y/N. I don’t want to risk it.” He slowly gets your hand for him to hold. 
“Don’t worry, Gguk. I can handle myself.” You pull your hands in his hold and you turn your back but before you can even walk out, he caresses both of your shoulders and rests his head on your neck.
“Please tell me that you won’t wear that kind of clothes again when you’re not with me.” He begs in his gentle and low voice. 
“I can handle myself even without you. You don’t have to worry.” You remove his hands on your shoulder and walk away but before you can even take a step, he suddenly hugs you from your back.
“N-no no. Just please tell me, baby please. I don’t want others to look at the way I look at you.” He hugs you tightly and you can feel his lips from your neck. 
He sounds like a child that’s begging. Your heartbeat increased rapidly. 
“I can’t stand the thought that other men can see the things I see in you, babe. I just can’t.”
You slowly understand where he’s coming from. He’s possessing you again. He wasn’t like this before. He let you wear whatever you want and now, you don’t understand what got into him and you’re not liking it. 
“Just imagining it makes me want to kill them.” He adds as he slowly brushes his lips on your nape.
It’s almost a year since your situation with Jungkook happened and everything is fine. You wanted to believe that everything is fine but it’s far from that. You were trying to ignore the red flags that he’s showing you but it’s getting too much already. He’s too much.
You’re with him in his penthouse while drinking a glass of champagne. You weren’t fond of wine but you learned how to appreciate them when you met him. Moscato is your favorite out of all the wines you’ve tasted. With its unique bouquet of floral sweet aroma, you would love to consume multiple glasses of it. 
You’re swirling your wine glass as you observe the bubbles inside while Jungkook is in front of you. You’re resting your back at the gigantic window of his penthouse while he stands meters away from you. 
“I’ve thought about this a lot of times, Y/N. Why don’t you live with me?” You didn’t expect what he just said and you were waiting for him to say that it’s a joke but he was dead serious while he looked at you. 
“What? Why?” You asked and you prevent yourself from raising your left eyebrow. 
He walked towards you and held your left hand before he spoke.
“There are a lot of reasons but the top of them all is your life would be better if you lived with me.” He looked at you like your answer will change his life. You are hesitating to respond and you keep on staring at both of his eyes. You’re anxious about his reaction with whatever you’re going to answer but you don’t want to get his hopes up. And with that, you take a deep breath before you answer.
“I don’t need to live with you to have a better life. I’m fine with living on my own, Jungkook.” You answer in a low and soft voice afraid to offend him.
But he’s getting persistent. He squeezed your hand before he kissed it.
“Baby, you don’t have to pay your rent if you live with me and it’s better that you have someone with you.” He spoke, still convincing you.
“My mom’s paying my rent and bills, Gguk and my university is near my apartment. It’s–
“I’ll drive and fetch you. It’s just 20 minutes away from here. It won’t take much time.” He cut you off. He’s getting desperate and it shows in his big and doe eyes. 
You don’t understand why he suddenly wants you to live with him. You’re not in a relationship with him to begin with. His actions and decisions are getting out of hand and he’s starting to scare you. Both of you discussed the boundary between the two of you before you even agreed with this but now, he seems to forget everything about it. 
You know what you want and you don’t want to have a serious relationship with anyone even with him and most especially, you don’t want to live with him. 
That’s totally fucked up. 
You remove your hand to his hold and you step away to take a deep breath. “Jungkook, that’s unnecessary. I’m fine and I can handle myself.” You responded before you looked at him and sipped your wine. 
“Babe, I’m thinking about your safety–
You cut him off. 
“Jungkook, I’ve said I’m fine.” You can’t help but to have a strong tone of voice. He’s getting persistent and you’re not liking it. 
He was taken aback with your response. He didn’t move an inch and after his long silence, he finally spoke. 
“Don’t you want to live here?” He asked like he’s guilt-tripping you.
The thing about you is, you can easily distinguish the people who're trying to manipulate you and you don’t like that. 
You slowly walked towards him without breaking an eye-contact and when you’re now in front of him, you take a sip of your wine before you speak.
“I don’t. I can live on my own, Jungkook.” You said emphasizing every word. 
Jungkook is slowly losing his mind and his own thoughts are consuming him alive. 
Anxiety of fear is filling him because he knows for sure that you’re slowly slipping away from his hands. With the way you think and the actions you’ve made, he knows that there is something wrong with you. He’s getting scared by the thought that maybe one day, he’ll wake up and you’re already gone. 
He knows that he doesn’t have the right to keep you and that scares him the most because you can leave him without a notice. 
He doesn’t know what to do anymore and the only thing he knows is that he wants to keep you for him even though he knows that you will hate him for that. 
But that’s okay as long as you’re with him. He can endure anything for you.
Just when he thinks that everything is already messed up, you’ve told him something that he never expected. 
You’re leaving.
“I got accepted to the internship I applied to in Switzerland!” You said with enthusiasm as you jumped in your excitement. You’re giggling and you can’t stop yourself from smiling. 
You were so occupied in your celebration that you didn’t notice Jungkook sitting in his swivel chair of his office looking like the world fell into him. He can’t speak and he can’t even think of saying something. 
“I can’t imagine that I’ll be working in the most luxurious hotel for 5 months! I can't wait!” You add and you sit on the couch as you take a deep breath. You look at him and you tilt your head when he doesn’t say anything. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” You asked. 
“I didn’t know that you continued to submit an application?” Jungkook responded with an answer.
You narrowed your eyebrow in confusion. “Huh? I did. You even motivate me to apply. Duh.”
It was true, though. During the time that you’re planning to apply for an internship months ago, he was the one that pushed you to go. 
“You’re… Going?” He bites the inside of his lower lips.
“Of course! Why would I not go? That’s literally a good opportunity.” 
You’ve been dreaming of having your internship in another country as it will be a great record for you once you’ve graduated college. You’ve been establishing your future ever-since because you wanted to have a bright future ahead of you. 
All your life, you’ve been living in a life where you don’t have the means to enjoy it because you weren’t born in a wealthy family. You may enjoy your life right now because you have him but you wanted to taste a success that you’re the one who made. 
You have your dreams and you will do anything in order to achieve it. 
“You’re… You’re away for 5 months?” Jungkook slowly stands up from his seat as he walks towards where you are.
“Yeah, Gguk.” You answered and you rested your elbow on the top of the backrest of the couch as you looked at him.
“But isn’t it too long for you to be away?” He sat beside you.
“That’s just 5 months. It’s not that long, honestly.”
“Why don’t you have your internship here, baby? There are also five-star hotels here?”
Here he goes again. He’s opposing what you want again and you’re already getting tired of it.
“I know but that’s literally Switzerland, Jungkook. That’s a big opportunity.” You stand up and cross your arms as you look at him.
“Won't you have a hard time there? You’re far away and you have to live for yourself.” 
He doesn’t want you to leave the country, to leave him. Even if it only takes months. He doesn’t want you to be away even for a week. He doesn’t want it. 
“I’ve been living on my own for years already, Jungkook. Being away and having an internship in Switzerland is just a piece of cake for me.” You answered. 
“Y/N, that’s not a piece of cake. That's a thousand miles away and Switzerland is different from here.” You rolled your eyes. He’s starting to annoy you once again.
“Jungkook, I’m literally 22 years old. I can handle myself like I always did.” You said, stating  a fact. You then walk towards him and sit next to him before you lightly brush your fingers to his side hair.
“You sound like you don’t want me to go because you’re gonna miss me.” You said as you smirk.
“Baby, that’s not just it—
You cut him off, once again. “I get it. You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone.” You place your arm on the top of his shoulder and face him as you slowly play with his right ear.  
“You can pay me a visit if you want. You got the money and resources, daddy.” Your smirk didn't disappear as you kept brushing his hair.
“Y/N, I’m serious. Switzerland is far away. I can offer you more than that. I can speak with luxurious hotel owners here in Seoul and give you an offer. I can even give you a bigger opportunity—
“Jungkook, stop.” You cut him off with your stone voice and after a few seconds of silence, you distance yourself from him before you stand up.
“Nothing is bigger than an offer in Switzerland. I know that you can provide me with everything but I don’t want you to interfere with my future.” You spoke in a somber tone. 
“I know that you’re concerned but you have nothing to do with this. If you ever interfere with my plans, then I’ll be forced to stop whatever we have.” You added before you walked towards the door and opened it. You turned your head to give him a last glance.
“I’ll go now.” And with that, you step out of his office and you leave him dumbfounded.
His chest tightens and he tries to breath heavily but he still feels suffocated. His mouth runs dry and he starts to sweat buckets. He wanted you back but he can’t move his body to run after you. 
You’re going to leave him and you’re already sure of that. He doesn’t know what to do anymore because you’re already unstoppable. 
He doesn’t understand you because he’s willing to give you everything he has just for you to stay but you can’t do it for him. You are leaving him and you plan it like it’s the most natural thing to do. 
You can’t leave him. Not in this state. He’s already so sure of you and he’s determined to ask you one day to be his but he hasn't done it yet and you are already planning to leave him. From the day he first saw you, he knew that you’re something else and he’s determined to find out everything about you. His time is important to him but he can waste it for you. He can drop everything just for you. 
He already established everything for you and he opted to continue it that way. He can provide you with anything and you can get and do everything you want except for leaving him. He loves you so much that he can’t allow you to slip away. 
Everything that you want, you get and Jungkook is making sure of that but this time, he can’t grant it for you because he can’t fucking take it if you are going to leave him. 
He knew how important your future is to you. You always tell him about your plans and before the thing with the both of you happened, you’ve already made it clear to him that everything that you’re doing is for your future. Maybe one reason why he’s so crazy over you is because you know what you want and you know how to reach them. You’re so certain with your plans and you will do everything for it. 
The thing that you don’t know is that you can establish your plans in a snap of a finger. You can reach your dreams without doing anything as long as you’re with him. He can do everything for you and just like what he said, anything for you. 
You don’t have to go to another country and exhaust yourself for the dreams that you want to reach. He can provide it to you just like how he provides you the basic things you need. You don’t have to suffer because you have him. 
And do you think that he will let you suffer in another country? Do you think that he wants to see you being consumed? You’re too precious that he can’t allow you to do all those things. He treats you like a princess and he won’t allow you to just be a servant in another country. He knows your worth but he doesn’t know why you don’t. 
You are again in his office. Beautiful as ever. Stunning as always. But the difference is, you don’t wear your smile that captivates him the most. The smile that will spin his head round and round. Instead, you were stiff and your eyes looked like it was aiming for its target. You look so serious. Almost mad. You weren’t like that. 
But he didn’t overthink it. 
“The company where I applied for my internship pulled me out.” You’re standing in front of him as you said in your stern voice. “They said, my profile was mixed up with the profile of the people who’s qualified.” You added.
“So you’re saying that you’re not qualified?” Jungkook asked you while he’s still seated in his swivel chair.
“I don’t know. They just called me this morning.” You said as your voice is getting suspicious.
“I’m sorry to hear that—
“But they said something. They offered me an internship but it was only in the Four Season Hotel.” 
“Then it’s a good opportunity as well, babe. That’s one of the top luxurious hotels in Seoul. Don’t you know?” Jungkook is starting to understand why you came. He stood up and took a step in front of you. 
“But the thing is, how come that my profile will be mixed with the others if I am not qualified? And it was sudden now that my flight is next week. That’s so impossible.” You said as you were trying to prove a point. 
Jungkook brushes his thumb on your cheek and if it was the most normal day for you, you would like his touch. However, it wasn’t. 
“Baby, that’s possible especially since there are a lot of applicants. You're not just the only one who applied.” He sounds so gentle but you caught the sarcasm in it. 
You step away from him and you cross your arms. 
“That’s so fucked up, Gguk. I already have my tickets and everything is already planned. The only thing that I have to do is wait until next week comes so I can go.” Your tone is rising and you’re starting to get annoyed.
“Everything is so skeptical, like something is wrong. It was obvious.” You said incredulously and you continued to look him in the eyes. 
“So you know  what I did? I did my research, Jungkook. Everything that I have to know. And you know  what I found? JCC is one of the investors in Bürgenstock Hotel, Gguk. The hotel where I am going to work.” You walk slowly towards him as you still keep your composure. 
“What’s your point?” He asked as he leaned his buttocks on the front of his office table and crossed his arms.
“Do you have something to do with it?” You asked straight to his face. 
When Jungkook used his power to pull you out in that internship, he already knew that you’re going to confront him with it but he didn’t know that you'd blatantly ask about it. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, pretending to be clueless about it. 
You curled your lips before you spoke. “I am going to ask you again, do you have something to do as the reason why Bürgenstock pulled me out?” You asked as you emphasized every word. 
“Babe, why would I do that? I’m not going to do that to you!” He was about to caress your cheek but you moved your face away.
“Jungkook, tell me the truth.” You haven’t raised your voice but it’s evident that you’re starting to get furious.
“Baby? Why are you blaming me?” You scoff at how he plays the victim card.
“Because that’s how I see it! You’re basically an investor in Bürgenstock and you are capable of doing that knowing that it’s obvious that you don't want me to go!” you Indignantly said, unable to control your emotion. 
“That’s ridiculous, Y/N! I am not going to ruin your plans—
“Then why did they pull me out? Huh?!”
He can’t tell you the truth because you will despise him. He knows how important your internship is to you but he can still provide it to you. He can give you a better life and opportunity and the only thing you will do is to stay with him.
“Maybe because you’re not competent enough, Y/N.”
He was stupid for not preparing an excuse for you. He was so occupied with planning how you’re going to not leave him that he forgot to even think on what to say when you confronted him. He thought that you won’t give it a big deal but when you suddenly got stunned to speak, he instantly regretted what he just said.
“Y/N, what I meant is—
“The last person who I expect that to say is you.” You said resentfully as you cut him off. You turned your back at him and started to walk away.
“Baby, wait! That’s not what I meant! Where are you going?” Jungkook rushed to get your hand but before he could even hold your wrist, you pulled it out.
“I’m done with you.” You glared at him before you walked away once again but he pulled you in your wrist.
“Y/N, I swear, I didn’t do anything! Believe me! I won’t do anything to hurt you, babe. I swear.” Jungkook raised your wrist as he kissed the back of your hand trying to convince you.
But you’re incredulous. You’re in this game for years already and you know to yourself that everything happens for a reason. You’re sure of it. 
“You blatantly lied straight to my fucking face, Jungkook! You know how I value my passion and you fucking ruined it!” You said as anger flooded his veins.
“Please believe me because I didn’t do it! Where are you going?! Y/N, please!”
Everything is happening all at once and Jungkook is starting to get anxious about what's happening. He panics even more when he sees that you’re about to leave. He didn’t expect this. He didn’t expect the reaction that you made and most importantly, he didn’t expect that it’s easy for you to just leave him just like that by just saying that you’re done.
You faced him once again. “You know what I hate the most? Liars. I hate liars, Jeon Jungkook. So much.” You said emphasizing every word with disgust.
His lips twitched as his jaw trembled in fear. It was like an ice cold water splash onto him.
“Y/N baby, Don’t leave! Let me explain!” He pulled your palms once again and you gave him a look. Like you just caught him.
“So you did it, didn’t you?”
“I’m just thinking about your safety! I fucking swear! I did it to protect you!” He speaks so fast without even thinking—afraid of you leaving him.
“So you really did it.” You stated and that’s how he realized that he just spit to you the truth of his wrongdoings. 
“Y/N, let me—
And before he can even finish his sentence, your palms meet his face. You slapped him so hard and he didn’t immediately recover.
“Who are you to do that?! Huh?! Who the fuck are you?!” You breathe heavily as you tremble with rage. 
“Y/N, let me speak.” He responded in a low voice but he received another slap from you.
“Who are you to sabotage my plans?! You don’t have the right, Jungkook! You don’t!” You screamed in anger. Your hands are shaking and you didn’t notice that a tear escaped your eyes already. It was messed up. 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm—
“Oh shut the fuck up, Jeon Jungkook! What?! You only did it to protect me? Did I even ask you to do that in the first place, huh?! I don’t fucking need your protection! Fuck you!” 
The only reason why you chose to live is because of money and your dreams. You may be a mess as an individual but you have a dream just like an ordinary person. It was the only thing that you hold onto and yet, he ruined it. The least person you expect it to do is him and you can’t even put into words how disappointed you are. It was beyond fucked up.
“You know how I value my dreams, Jungkook. It was the only thing that I held into.”
You tighten your throat as you take a short breath. A great sob escaped you as you covered your face with shaking hands. A pang of guilt immediately rushed to him. He never saw you cry in eleven months that he met you. You’re always confident and strong like no one can ever hurt you. But unfortunately, he was the one who put tears in your eyes. 
He slowly walked towards you and was about to hug you but you immediately pushed him back. His heart crumbled when you pushed him but he was the one to blame. 
“Don’t you fucking touch me!”
“Y/N, Four Seasons hotel isn’t bad. It’s a better option—
“Better? Are you seriously fucking kidding me?! Not because you used your fucking power to sabotage me by letting me in that god forsaken hotel doesn’t mean it’s a fucking better option! And even if you offer me the best opportunity, I will not give you the right to do so because who are you?!” You said as you harshly pointed out an index finger to his face.
“And not because you’re qualified for your Switzerland internship doesn’t mean your life will go any better! Y/N, I am giving you a life where you don’t have to experience hardship!” He argues without knowing that he is just fueling the fire.
“I don’t fucking need your help! Stop making the things you did to me as an excuse to ruin me! And also, not because you’re giving me everything doesn’t mean you have the right to control my life! You don’t have the audacity!”
“And what? You will suffer there and expect that after you suffer, you will eventually succeed?! Y/N, I am making your life easier! Why don’t you understand that?!”
His words made you stunned to speak. You didn’t know what to say nor to act because you’re speechless. He was beyond fucked up and you never imagine that he is like this. You never imagine that he can be this messed up. You just couldn’t believe it. 
You threw him with a disgusting stare before you spoke. “You’re unbelievable. You did great on disappointing me, Jungkook. I don’t even know you anymore.” You said and disappointment is evident in you. “Or do I even know you?” You added.
“You don’t have the right to look down on me just because you have everything. And do you know what’s wrong with you? You’ve been fed with a silver spoon all your life that you don’t even know what the reality of life is.” You said aggrievedly and you gave him a hostile glare. 
“I don’t fucking want to see you again.” You finally said before you turned around to leave the room but before you even got to hold the doorknob, he caught your hand. 
“You’re not going to leave.” he demanded in his baritone voice.
“You don’t have the right to tell me what to do so put your hands off me.” You glared before you pulled your hand in him but you were surprised when he suddenly hugged you so tight that you could hear his heartbeat.
His heart thundered in his chest as he started to shake. He was suddenly panicking and he himself couldn’t even control his emotions.
His nightmare came to get him and he is scared. 
He’s losing you already. 
“Y/N, no no no. Please, you can’t leave me, baby.” A tear suddenly raced down to his cheeks and he’s already losing his mind. He pulled you for an embrace but you immediately pushed him away.
“Fuck off!” Is the last thing before you leave the room.
He was blinded by love for you that it was already consuming the both of you. He loves you so much that he can’t allow himself to let you leave him even for your own dreams. You’re like the air that he breathes and without you, he will die. 
He was blinded by love for you that he didn’t notice that he was also the one who made you leave him. 
You made him like this. Your love for him made him the person he is and you can’t blame him for loving you too much that it already suffocates you. 
You can’t blame him.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
the long awaited and heavily requested part 2 to this request.
Peter knows he did something wrong, he knows he violated your trust in him, he knows how disappointed you’d be in him, how you requested he leave one thing alone and he couldn’t. 
It’s not that he planned it, he didn’t actively wait until the opportunity arose to strike his attack, it just fell into his lap. You politely requested him to pick up some of your things on his way back to the frat house from class, Peter was the one that asked you to stay another night and in turn you needed clothes and schoolwork. 
And he was more than happy to deliver, moving around your room quickly packing up clothes, even folding them for you. Stuffing your backpack with your laptop, charger, notebooks and the textbook you needed, he completed the task in record timing. 
Peter hitched the strap over his shoulder before lowering it, muttering to himself walking back to your desk. “Notes, notes, notes, vocab notes…” He opened the catch all drawer in your desk, shuffling papers around, none of them the one you needed. It has to be on top, you were just using them, Peter grabbed a stack and quickly flipped through. 
A successful grin took over his face when he found them, pulling the paper from the stack his movements faltered. Right behind was that creative writing paper, the one you refused to let him read, the one you said would make him sad and drew a hard boundary on. 
It would be a total violation of your trust, but if it’s about him, and more importantly, about the two of you, doesn’t he have a right to know? It wasn’t fiction, you didn’t draw up a make believe story, you wrote about your feelings, and it kills him to know that they most likely weren’t good. 
What if he just skimmed it, or is that just as bad and he’s justifying it? 
He wishes he had a stronger willpower, but you make him weak. 
Peter drops to sit on the edge of your bed, his eyes reading over the bright red ‘A’ and the prompt, it makes his stomach queasy. 
‘Write about a time someone in the story has a lot of hard lessons to learn.’ 
Peter closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, if he reads this he either has to tell you immediately or bring it to the grave. It’d be easier if he removes himself from the situation entirely and leaves, but he’s already reading the first paragraph. 
It’s brutal. A blow by blow of your relationship, each moment you were broken by something he did or said that he had no idea of. Peter didn’t know he made you ache so much, how many times he’s sent you home to cry. How many times you wanted to share with him but held back, how many times you wanted to reach out and hold him but were terrified he’d push you away. 
Terrified to tell him you were in love with him. 
‘I think that’s been the hardest lesson to learn, it’s impossible to love someone who doesn’t allow themselves to believe in it. It’s made me curl inwards, to crave his touch, validation, care, love. To crave what he cannot and will not give.
But don’t tell him I’m sad again, it’s not what he’s made for.’
Peter feels sick, his stomach is in knots, his palms are clammy and fuck, is he crying? 
A teardrop on the page tells him yes. 
It is what he’s made for, he wants to know everything that makes you tick, everything that makes you sad, or the things that hurt you. He wants you to reach for him anytime you want, he wants you to share everything on your mind with him, he wants so much more than what you think he wants. 
But it’s his fault you feel like that. 
Peter’s broken your character, and you still fell in love. No matter what he’s done to you, you keep pushing through the bullshit. That’s why he loves you too, but fuck that’s just scary to think about, he doesn’t know how he could ever get the words out. 
Wiping down his face and shaking his shoulders he puts the paper away. Sniffling as his phone rings, it’s lit up with your face, it brings a whole new wave of tears to blink back. Tilting his head to the ceiling he picks up, “hi, trouble. Missing me already?” 
“I just woke back up, I thought you said you’d be back at nine.” 
A sniff, “class ran late, I’m uh,” he clears his throat, moving around to grab your backpack. “Actually grabbing your stuff as we speak.” 
“You’re so good to me,” a pang hits his chest, because he’s really not. “If you say so, need anything else before I leave?” 
You hum over the line, you’re too kind, too patient, too forgiving. Why did he have to read the fucking prompt?
“Just you, handsome.” 
Peter shuts the door behind him and feels heavy, all he wants to do is make you feel as loved as you make him feel. 
“Want me to get you anything? Coffee, a redbull, or breakfast? I’ll splurge on anything you want, trouble.” 
Your giggle makes him feel warm, “how about you come back for a cuddle and we can go out for lunch?” 
It makes him feel better at being a shit human, so he agrees, and wonders if you had to hold back an ‘I love you,’ at the end of the call. 
The second he gets home and opens his bedroom door you sit up from his pillow and open your arms wide, making grabby hands. “Kisses! I need kisses!” Peter carefully sets your bag down, biting back a smile, he slowly comes to your side and leans down to give you a chaste kiss. 
You wrap your hands around his neck and pull him to you, “I said plural, Mr. Parker.” He gives you several pecks before telling you to scooch over with his hands and settling in next to you. You curl into him for a moment, he’s comfortable but you’re wide awake, and much rather see his face. 
Sitting up, you hitch a leg over his waist and take mount, your hands resting on his chest. 
You look over his face and tilt your head, “how was class?” Peter blows a breath from his mouth, “boring and long, I kept thinking about a beautiful girl laid up in my bed.” All he can think about is how many times he’d made you frown, or cry, or hate yourself for liking him. 
Your eyes narrow, a shy smile taking place, “why are you looking at me like that?” 
Peter runs his hands up and down your thighs, he doesn’t know to say what he’s feeling, he doesn’t even know how he’s looking you in the eye right now. 
“I just really like you,” his truth sends you curling in half, tucking against his chest. You drag out the ‘o’ in your words, “stop,” rubbing up and down your back he laughs, “it’s true. I really, really like you.” 
You rub your nose into his chest, “what is up with you today? You’re acting weird.” You peek your head up and he gives you a faulty smile, “nothing, I was just thinking of you and how much I love talking to you and spending time with you.” 
For whatever reason you feel an odd pull at your stomach, it wasn’t a good one. It sounds like he’s making up for something, you feel like you can’t trust him right now. You try moving backwards but he stops you, “don’t run from me, i’m doing feelings right now. You love when I do feelings.” 
You shake your head, “you sound guilty for something.” Peter’s poker face stumbles, just for a second, but you see through him and know your gut feeling was right. “Oh god, what did you do? I swear to god if you fucked another girl in this-” 
Peter sits up, causing you to slip down his lap. “No! Stop thinking everything with me is about sex! I like you, I spend time with you, I cuddle with you, I tell you about my day, I tell you about my problems, I’ve never once kicked you out after sex or told you that’s all I care about. I’ve given you more than I’ve ever given anyone else, I mean, I was made for this. I was made for us.” 
His words, the last part, it all clicked and rang true. He was guilty, and he was making up for something, he read your story. You didn’t know what to do, or say, he read all your deepest thoughts, something that you held so close to your chest. The thing you made clear wasn’t for his eyes. 
He wasn’t who you thought he was, he broke your trust, and for what? It’s not like he’s admitting anything new, he knows you love him and he’s avoiding that with a ten foot pole. The balance is uneven, he knows everything there is to know about you and you know nothing about him. 
You shake your head slowly, disbelieving he’d read your secrets, especially after you told him not to. Tears pool in your eyes, blinking once and a tear falls down your cheek. 
Peter’s hand reaches out, “hey, c’mon trouble, no reason to cry. I’m sorry if I didn’t… what’d you say?” You can barely get the word out, you feel like all the air has been knocked from your lungs.
“No.” It’s a whisper, it’s all you can get out, you can’t say anything else; you can’t even look at him. 
“No?” Peter pulls at your waist, it’s like you’ve been brought back to life. You rip his hands away, scrambling backwards until you nearly fall off the bed. You feel sick when he has the audacity to look confused, while you’re staring at him in horror from the foot of the bed. 
“Are you okay, trouble?” 
You snap, “don’t!” You gasp for air, “don’t call me that.” Standing you back away from him, scared to turn your back in case he tries to block the door. Peter’s slow with his movements, raising his hands in surrender when he stands with you. 
“Trouble, let me just-” 
You take a step back when he takes a step forward, “don’t call me that, you don’t get to call me that anymore. You don’t get to call me anything anymore, Parker.” 
Peter’s shoulders drop, “hey, c’mon, don’t be like that with me.” He takes a small step forward, your back hits the wall, you see your backpack on the ground and pick it up, holding it in front of you for a buffer if he dares come closer. 
“Curiosity kills the cat.” 
Your back slides against the wall until you find his door. You know, he knows, you know, at that moment. It’s all over his face, but you don’t want to hear it, you don’t want to hear him, you can’t believe you’ve got enough adrenaline to look him in the eye. 
Opening the door behind your back you speak before he can try to get you to stay, your knees feel like they’re trembling.
“And this is dead. I hope it was worth it.” 
The second you stepped through the doorway he called out, “trou- fuck,” then shouted your name when you stumbled down the steps, your heart raced when he followed you down, terrified he’d trap you in until you folded. 
“Okay, you’re pissed, and that’s fair! But if we could just-” he pauses, pushing the front door shut from above your head, you pull at the handle but he had too much force keeping you in. “- talk about this, and, and, and, if you could see it from my side maybe-” 
You can’t listen to him, you need to leave, you can’t breathe, you feel like a caged animal. He’s too close, too loud, he’s holding you hostage. You feel hot, a primal urge to scream and protect yourself running rampant. 
You tug at the door so hard his hand jumps, when he pushes in further, and talks louder you lose all focus and control. 
Spinning to look in his face, tears and all you scream, catching the attention of everyone on the first floor. 
“You’re scaring me!” 
You gasp, you can’t breathe, it feels like you’re fighting for air. Peter’s pushed away from you, you’re not sure by who yet, but they tuck you under their arm and open the door. It’s bright, and it makes you squeeze your eyes shut, but you’re able to get a gulp of air. 
“C’mon, I’ll take you home. You’re okay, I got you.” 
Ethan. Of course it’s Ethan. It’s comforting, you can’t take another step, you collapse in his hold and sob. No words are needed, he holds you and pets your back while you cry. When you felt like you couldn’t cry anymore you pulled away with a sniffle and apologized for ruining his shirt. 
“It’s a stupid shirt, wanna go home now?” 
You nod and sniffle every so often until you get to your room and send Ethan away with another hug and a promise you’d be okay. 
The second you get inside you hightail it to your desk, fishing for the story to shred it. You wanted no reminder of it, you never wanted to see or read it again. You never wanted anyone else to see or read it again. 
You felt numb the second it was over, the only thing on your mind was crawling into bed and never leaving again. The thought of seeing Peter on campus made you sick, maybe tomorrow you’ll look into a semester abroad. 
You thought you cried it all out, but there’s a new wave and it’s more ferocious than the last. 
If your roommate set you up for this, you’ll kill her. 
‘you doin anything today?’ 
‘nope, why?’ 
‘forgot to take my keys, hoping you’ll be around to open the door for meeee.’ 
‘i’ll be waiting.’ 
And you did just that, it had been three days since you last saw or spoke to Peter and it was slowly getting easier. But when you see something of his, or something he gave you it sends a spike through your heart. 
The knocking on your door filled the empty air, it’s been hours of silence. You lug yourself up and open the door, not even bothering to look before spinning back for your bed and dive bombing. 
“Welcome back. And, before you ask me, yes, I want to die. Glad to catch you up.” You answered every question she would have in one go, you wanted to wallow in silence. Nuzzling in deeper to the sheets, you waited for a response. She didn’t give one. She must know you need alone time, maybe she’d make herself scarce for the night. 
You groan when your phone dings, “I swear to fucking god, Ally, if this is him again I will actually change my number. ‘But what if he’s super sorry!’” you mimicked her words from earlier, “don’t care! He should’ve thought about that before he…” 
Who the fuck did you just let in. 
Because, Ally just sent a text saying she was sleeping at her boyfriend’s. 
You fly up from your sheets, a sheepish Peter Parker rubbing at the back of his neck waved at you. 
“Oh, that’s sick. You are so sick, get the fuck out of my room.” 
He looks like shit, his clothes are wrinkled, he’s got bags under his eyes, his hair’s undone and greasy and he’s got a spreading bruise on his jawline. You have to swallow down your worry, it’s not your problem anymore. 
“Trouble, can we please-” 
“I told you not to call me that anymore.” 
Peter sighs, he rubs at his eyes and looks tired. Clearing his throat, he starts again with your name, “can we please talk, please?” You shake your head and cross your arms, “no, I can’t trust you anymore. Everything you say could be a lie.” 
“Stop. I did a shitty thing, I invaded your privacy and I fucked up. I know I did, I can eat that. I took every bit of trust you had in me, in us, and violated it. I know what I did and I knew how heartbroken you would be, and I own that. But you can’t act like this is who I am, or who I’ve always been.”
“Maybe not, or maybe it’s the person you are now.” 
Peter shakes his head, “it’s not, you know it’s not. But, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.” He shifted his weight against your dresser, “when you said I scared you.. I.. fuck, I don’t know. It killed me, like, drained me to nothing. I never, ever wanted to scare you.” 
It makes you a little happy to know you made him feel just as bad, but that’s only because of his actions. 
“You hurt your own feelings, Peter. I’m not sorry for shit, you terrified me and broke me in one go. You finally accomplished what you were scared of, you fucked this up.” 
He feels hopeless, “so there’s nothing I can do to fix it, or save us?” 
You shrug, “not really. You created a power imbalance, you know all my feelings about you, including the massive one you’re pretending doesn’t exist-” 
Peter looks up, “what, that you love me? I’m not avoiding that, trouble, that’s all I’ve been thinking about, that’s why it’s so important I fix this.” He’d tell you he loves you too but he doesn’t want you to think it’s his easy way out, when he tells you, he wants you to believe it. 
He shouldn’t have done it, and not that it matters, but you’ve been craving to know. 
“Why did you read it?” 
Peter sucks in a breath, “I didn’t plan on it, I came across it when I was looking for your vocab notes. And I knew I should’ve put it down but I read the prompt and remembered you told me I’d be hurt by it, and I couldn’t stop myself.” 
You nod absentmindedly, “I’m not trying to excuse it, but recently it felt like you pulled away from me. And I wondered if it was something I was doing, and yeah, it was.” 
Does he not understand anything? You pull at your blanket, “and you didn’t ask me? I would’ve been honest, not about the love part, but about feeling like you don’t want me around sometimes.” 
“I know what I should’ve done, but it’s not what I did. And I have to own up to that.” 
He hurt you. He hurt you and broke you in more ways than one and you don’t know how you can go back. 
“It’s unfair, you know too much and I don’t know enough. It doesn’t work.” 
Peter’s quick, “anything you want, I mean it. I’ll answer anything or do anything to keep you, keep us.” 
There’s only one thing you can think of that could balance the scale, and he’d never go for it. 
“I wanna meet your aunt.” 
Peter shakes his head like he couldn’t hear you, “huh?” You nod your head, confident in your decision. If he wants it to go back to how it was, that’s what you needed in return. You needed him to take you home, meet his aunt and have you sleep in his childhood bedroom. He needed to make it clear, to the number one person in his life, how much you meant to him. 
“I want to meet your aunt,” you paused between each word, making sure he knew exactly what you wanted, loud and clear. He chewed on his bottom lip, you tell he’s bouncing it around in his head. 
“If you want to fix things, if you want everything to go back to normal, that’s what I want. I want you to take me home for a weekend to meet your aunt.” 
Peter coughed, “a weekend, not a dinner or brunch?” 
You grin, “we can do both of those things during a weekend visit.” Peter pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded, “when do you want to do this?” 
You play nonchalant, “oh, whenever. I’m free on the weekends, you have a frat to run and oh, I’m sure you have to tell May who I am first.” 
“May knows who you are.” 
Peter pushed away from your dresser and took a harsh inhale, “if you’re serious about this, we can go next weekend, I’ll call her and set it up.” 
Too easy, you don’t trust it. 
“Really, that easy, you’re agreeing just like that?” 
“You set your price, and I’m paying. Unless there’s something cheaper?” 
He has a whole lot to make up for, and that’s just the start. But that would speak a whole lot, it’s a giant step forward, one he couldn’t take back no matter what. If he lets you meet his aunt that means he might love you too. 
You kiss your teeth, “I think a few days made you find out just how priceless I am.” 
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sociopathicartist · 7 months
Comfort headcanons
I feel like he has a tad bit of issues with being able to comfort others. Like, sure, he can assure you nothing is wrong and hold you, but I guess he’s probably just not good at actually being prompted to do so.
He’s a bit of an awkward skeleton, to say the least. Sure, he’s good at talking with strangers and loves cracking puns, but if you just came to him and crumbled in his arms with tears in your eyes he’d probably be a bit confused on what to do.
“uhmmm…… you want some water?”
Now, that's not to say that he wouldn’t try and learn how to comfort you to your preference, whether you're in a romantic or platonic situation. If you have meltdowns frequently he’ll learn what to do. Crying? He’ll heat up your favorite tea. Bad day? Movie night!!! He tries for you because he didn’t try on anything for so damn long, He doesn’t want to lose what he has with you just because he’s feeling lazy that day.
He’s probably a very good listener, just as he is a talker (Boy does he talk a lot), so he’d be amazing company for listening to any rants you have. If you’re more on the platonic side, he’ll just sit down and listen to you talk for as long as you need, several ‘mhm’ ‘yeah’ ‘no way’ ‘s being made to show his current attention to you. If you’re dating, he’ll rub your back in small circles, holding you in his arms until you’ve spilled everything off your chest of what happened that day with several kisses in between words to make you smile.
Since he is a bit awkward with trying to comfort someone, holding you and letting you rant or cry will almost always be his go-to for comforting. It’s the easiest thing he knows since he’s seen so many people comfort others that way, and he wasn’t keen on physical or emotional closeness with others before he met you. All this is still pretty new to him.
It’s also just an immediate instinct to want to hold you close until you feel better whenever he sees you sad. You’re the closest bond he has (other than papyrus, but sibling affection and talks only go so far), he doesn’t want to let go of that anytime soon. Anytime at all.
If your mood isn’t cheered up after his attempts, or if you’re just not a big fan of physical touch, he’ll go with his last best resort. He used to take Papyrus out to the only movie theater in the underground, (when he was little) which was pretty far away from Snowdin, so if you’ve had a bad day or you’re just feeling off, he’ll try and do such as similar since it was the best method he knew.
Grillby’s would be a first option, but a bunch of people all around you is probably the last thing you want, especially since most of them talk to Sans. If you’re more of an outdoorsy person (or just take a high interest in the stars like him) he would take you stargazing at his favorite spot. A spot he hasn’t shown anyone but you. Don’t like that? He’ll take you out to the movies and buy a bunch of overpriced snacks with you to share, only to end up laughing the entire time and not even paying attention to what you were watching. Not a big movie person? He’d take you somewhere else you like. Somewhere he knows eases your mind. He doesn’t care if he’s not the best at comforting people, he’s trying the best he can because it’s you.
If you’re a lot closer and have an established romantic situation, there would be other ways to make you feel a bit better. Not that it would be an immediate resort, but just another way of showing affection to you. How much he loves you.
hiii:3 have been a bit down recently and i wrote these for a slight cheer up. i’ll try and get in the hang of posting more often on here. should i write more for UF and US sans? or any other sanses? i have a soft spot for some of them. hope you enjoyed !
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atom-writings · 1 year
Nice blog! You wouldn't mind if I took a little chomp out of it yeah? :D
Mmmmm can I request France,Germany,England, Prussia and Russia with an s/o who really likes there accent and voice. S/o would listen to them talk all day just to hear there voice/accent? There just mesmerized by it.
Much appreciated partner and have a great day🙏🙏‼️‼️🔥🔥⁉️⁉️🪑🪑🪑🪑
(France, Germany, England, Prussia & Russia x Reader) S/O that loves their accent!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N have fun eating my blog but beware. Theres poison sometimes :)
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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Oh, you do not need to tell him that. He knows. And he adores how obsessed you are with just his voice. Don’t worry, he won’t tease you too bad
But expect to be woken up a couple of times by him reading you love poems in French. Actually, he’s doing that all the time. Anytime that he can speak to you in French, he’s doing it.
“My beautiful language for a beautiful person, no?”
It’s also pretty obvious that he exaggerates his accent for you. Sure, he’s been speaking English for centuries, but you’d never guess that from how he talks to you. It’s a little childish, but he just can’t get enough of your face whenever he says anything even remotely romantic in that silky voice of his.
Whenever he catches you staring, he can’t do anything but grin, promising himself that he’ll spoil you sometime soon for being so cute.
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Ludwig has never really liked his own voice that much, so at least someone does for him. He always complains it’s too harsh and too loud. And years of people judging him for his accent didn’t help that…
But he trusts you completely. If you say you want to hear him, he’ll talk as much as you want. But since you’re not giving him a prompt, you’re hearing about 1870s train logistics. He doesn’t make the rules.
He would try to be all affectionate and sweet like you want him to… but that is really not his forte. He tries! But you’ll just both end up blushing and stuttering and getting nothing done then. If it’s just his handsome accent you want though, you’re all good. He can make a manual on building an IKEA chair sound hot.
He’d rather hear YOU ramble than do so himself. Even if he does love how adorable you are when you’re so infatuated with him.
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No surprise there. You’re not the first partner of his to love his voice, and you won’t be the last. Luckily that means he’s got a whole lot of experience, so he knows exactly what to say to melt your heart.
“Come on, Darling, don’t look at me like that.  Why don’t we get out of here, just me and you? How about that, Love?”
He’s not much for rambling, much less talking about himself, but he can absolutely fulfil your need for his voice elsewhere. A lot of your nights spent together will be him reading some ancient novel to you, his voice soothing as ever, until you inevitably fall asleep cuddled up next to him.
He must admit, he loves having that power over you. Being able to make you fall in love with him using nothing but his words? You’re just so cute, he can’t resist flustering you on purpose.
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Well, of course you do! He’s spent centuries making sure he sounds hot as hell! But… you’re being serious right? You aren’t annoyed by how high-pitched he can get? Ok, thank god.
He is so excited once you tell him that. It’s hard to stop himself from immediately teasing you about it. After all, there isn’t a single sight that’s cuter to him than your pretty face all lost in love for him.
If you’re ever feeling down, he tries to distract you by simply telling you a long, overly complicated story from his past. Which, with those purple eyes fixed on you and a goofy smile plastered across his face, all the while his voice drips with accent, it’s hard to not get distracted.
He loves talking about himself anyway. It’s a good thing you like hearing him. Most people don’t. But that’s just what makes you two meant to be <3
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Oh, you like his voice? He’s confused. You’re being serious? … why?
The poor guy is really insecure about his voice. He worries his accent is too strong, too ugly, and his voice is way too high-pitched. It seems like no one likes when he talks… they say he’s rude and weird. So… your adoration for him and how he speaks is a real shock.
Whenever you ask him to talk more, he gets all embarrassed and doesn’t know what to say! Especially if you compliment his accent, then he just freezes up and dismisses you. Anywhere you are, he’ll start talking all quietly and cover his face with his hands. But you can still see him blushing underneath them…
But once he’s used to it, he loves just narrating the things he’s doing. Sometimes you’ll wake up and come downstairs to see him coming up with some silly song about the breakfast he’s cooking you. Learning that you like hearing him has definitely made him include stuff like that in his daily routine. 
Plus, now when he wants a reaction out of you… he’ll lean into it. Rolling his r’s dramatically, whispering to you in Russian… when he wants to be, he’s quite a tease.
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toxic3mmy · 7 months
prompt: alex is jealous
angst, jealousy, lovey dovey, first time hooking up
warning! 18++
mentions of; sex, curse words, etc.
george was in town and you’d spent practically all day with him at your house. although he’s been friends longer with alex, he recently had gotten a lot closer to you. you and alex were roommates and you guys figured that george could come over today and you all could stream together and have a good time. the entire night, however, alex had distanced himself from the two of you. he saw through george and his antics. he saw the way he stared at your cleavage when you weren’t looking and how he’d watch your butt anytime you got up from your seat. he knew the lustful look in george’s eyes and he was not happy about any of it.
“okay, well i’ll see you guys later. thanks again for having me over!” george smiled and gave you a hug
you waved politely as he pulled out of your driveway. you looked over at alex who was leaning on his own car with a sour look on his face and it worried you. you walked over to him and asked,
“hey… is everything okay?”
alex watched you as you came closer to him. he groaned, visibly annoyed as he looked you up and down, practically rolling his eyes at your revealing outfit.
“i don’t know… why do you care? you’ve been way too busy with george all day” alex huffed
you were dumbfounded, as this seemingly came out of nowhere. before you could even respond, alex added,
“i seriously don’t like him flirting with you like that… and i hate that you let it happen too”
“alex… are you kidding me?! he was not flirting! we’re just friends! and even if we were flirting, it’s none of your business. im single, im young, so who cares if i was flirting with him?”
alex growled as he creeped up closer to you and in a low voice responded,
“well i know for a fact that you were definitely flirting back, weren’t you? and if you wanted for guys like George to stop making moves on you, then i would definitely get rid of your little “emo” and slutty outfits.. i know for a fact that you’re fishing for attention just from the things you wear” he growled intentionally
you once again were at a loss for words. how could he talk to you this way? who did he think he was? your father?! no… this wasn’t okay.
“let me ask you something alex… are you my boyfriend?”
alex was silent with a bright red face, he finally responded with a stuttering,
“exactly, you’re not my fucking boyfriend. so if i want to prance around in a tiny bra and tiny shorts, then that is my business, not yours! and if guys flirt with me, so what?! i can’t help it if they want me, you asshole. i’m done here”
you make your way into the house angrily. alex followed you and you slammed your bedroom door in his face before he could get inside. you couldn’t help it if someone like George really was flirting with you. you angrily let tears fall from your face and threw off your jewelry and accessories. you felt ugly, you felt uncomfortable after alex pointed out that you shouldn’t wear revealing clothing. but so what? you’re your own person.
you stiffled your sobs as you remembered that alex was waiting outside your door. he knocked lightly and you quickly tried your best to dry your tears.
“come in” you said just above a whisper
alex came in slowly. it seemed he was less angry now and more worried as he saw your runny makeup and heard your soft sobs.
“y/n… im really sorry, i didn’t mean to upset you, i didn’t mean for things to turn out like this” he rubbed his neck awkwardly and avoided eye contact
“alex… i like the way i dress. and i will not let you make me feel bad for anything i do”
alex nodded and said,
“i just hate seeing so many guys have all their attention on you… it’s really annoying”
“but why? i thought of all people it wouldn’t bother you..”
“what? why wouldn’t it bother me?” he snapped back at me way too quickly
“you’re my best friend alex… i thought you’d want the best for me, i thought you wanted me to get out there more”
alex was quiet as he thought of what to say next. he sat down next to where you were sitting on your bed.
“do you honestly expect me to be okay with these guys to drool all over you? it’s annoying… i hate just standing by..”
“well.. am i doing too much? am i being too flirty? what’s the issue here ‘lex?” you were beginning to get impatient
“no y/n.. you’re not intentionally being flirty, you’re just being you and guys take advantage of that… they don’t shower you with compliments just to be friends you know?”
you understand what he was saying but it still felt like he was trying to be your dad and have a say in every move you make
“alex.. i can do what i want okay? i get that you’re being protective but im a big girl.. i don’t need this”
alex hesitated as he tried to explain what exactly the issue here was,
“y/n… i… i was jealous okay? there, i hope you’re happy”
“w-what? why were you jealous?” you asked genuinely
“god you are so fucking dumb…” he murmured as he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance
“um, excuse me?! what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!”
“i uh… i-”
“tell me what your issue is, what gives you of all people the right to get jealous just because im getting a little bit of male attention?!” you cut him off, tired of beating around the bush
“because… i want to be the only one flirting with you! i want to be the only one who gets to see you in your revealing outfits! are you seriously blind?! i don’t want anyone else to be with you but me..”
the both of you were silent as you take in everything he said. he wasn’t being an asshole just because?
“are.. are you serious? you’re not joking, are you?”
“no y/n… i mean it… i hate to admit it but yeah uh.. i can just um give you some space now i guess”
and with that, alex was gone. he didn’t bother you for the rest of the night. he didn’t even check up on you as you cried in the shower while trying your hardest to wash off your worries.
when you finished showering and doing your nightly routine, you laid in bed with all the lights off. you could hear your own breathing as the house was achingly quiet. after a few moments, you began to hear a song play softly nearby. it was “niki fm” by hawthorne heights, your favorite song at the moment. how did alex even know that you couldn’t stop playing this song recently?
you walked out into the hallway, avoiding any creaky spots on the wooden floor. the sound of this song was coming from alex’s room. did he want you to go inside? was this his way of saying things that were left unsaid and unanswered? you didn’t know. but for some reason, you couldn’t stop yourself from opening his bedroom door. you couldn’t help it if you crawled into bed next to him. and you definitely had no say in what happened next.
as you got into bed with him, you felt his strong hands grip both sides of your body by your hips. in one swift motion, you were straddling alex. even in the dark you could see his smile.
“hi..” you managed to squeak out
“y/n… what are you doing here?”
“i…. i don’t know…” you said honestly but you knew. you knew that you couldn’t stay away from him, you never could
“are you here… to seduce me?”
it was silent, until alex broke this silence with loud laughter
“oh fuck you”
“okay” alex whispered and he began to leave soft kisses to your shoulders. he moved up to your neck, making you jump from the shivers you felt run down your spine
“what?! what are you doing alex?” you whispered
“you can tell me to stop, you know? but i know you won’t… i know you came in here because you wanted more… you didn’t want tonight to end the way it did, did you mamita?”
your breath hitched as you heard his words. how did he know that you wanted him? was it that obvious?
“n-no… i mean, maybe i just wanted us to make up with a little cuddle?” you were trying to convince yourself at this point
“yeah? or did you want to come in here, profess your love for me and then proceed to beg me to fuck your brains out until you couldn’t walk properly?”
and again, his words left you breathless
“alex… what makes you so sure i even want you? let alone in that way…”
“well, for one… you’re still here and two, you’re letting me leave sweet little love bites all over your hot body… aren’t you? you just love my lips on your skin… you love the way my touch feels, don’t you princesa?”
he didn’t even give you any time to respond as he suddenly switched your position and now he was above you, his cold necklace dancing between the two of you.
“tell me to stop and i will y/n… just say the words” he whispered hotly in your ear as he sucked and bit the side of your neck while he simultaneously held both your wrists in one hand of his, and pinned them above your head. you couldn’t breathe. you couldn’t speak. all you could do was let out a sorry little whimper from the pressure of his tongue on your sweet spot.
“i thought so… so tell me y/n… did you think about what i said?”
you nodded silently
“and what do you feel about it all?”
“alex… i-i… i feel things for you… so many things” you stuttered out and that was enough for him to hear before he leaned forward and kissed you
“i really like you y/n.. i have for months now… and i want to show you exactly how much i like you… is that okay?”
again, you nodded silently
alex began to kiss you again, this time he pressed into you and let your wrists free as he supported himself above you. your hands instinctively went to his hair, and as you closed your eyes, the kiss deepened. it was slower than before but very intense. his tongue slid alongside yours and insisted for dominance. he led his hand down to reach underneath your shirt. he quickly pulled off your shirt and started to suck on your hardened nipples
“a-alex…. please” you moaned out
“use your words sweetheart, what do you want daddy to do?”
“please don’t stop… i need you so badly, i’m so fucking wet for you ‘lex”
he chuckled as he worked his way down your body with his lips.
“you don’t understand how much i’ve wanted this, how ive wanted you…”
“tell me more?” you asked him
“i… i touch myself every single night just imagining your sexy body, god do you turn me on y/n. you walk around our house wearing practically nothing on purpose don’t you, you little whore? be a good whore for me huh? show me exactly what you’ve been flaunting around me for months, mami” he started to play with your swollen clit and it just about made you cum right then and there
“you touch yourself to thoughts of me?” you asked innocently, in between a mix of moans of course
“how could i not? my cock is always aching and ready to burst inside my jeans each day i see you. you and those revealing fucking outfits. fuck, your tits always one tiny inch away from tearing open your tiny shirts from how huge they are. and don’t even get me started on your ass y/n… the things i’d do for just one back shot… im so fucking hard just at the thought of it… god i need you y/n, get on your fucking knees”
you obliged and you work quickly to undo his jeans and free his leaking dick. your mouth watered at the sight and you didn’t hesitate to take him into your mouth completely.
“oh… ah- y/n, p-please slow ugh… slow down mami, i want to enjoy it”
as you slowed down, your hand wrapped around his base. you looked up at him through your long eyelashes and his hips stuttered as he just about came. it was a beautiful sight seeing you eagerly waiting for his seed and your swollen red lips and hearing you out of breath. it was everything he imagined and more
he whimpered at every move you made. he couldn’t take it anymore, he yanked you off him and he settled down between your legs
he wasted no time in slipping two fingers deep into your warm cunt. he moaned at how slick and tight you felt
“mami, que bonita eres…. your pussy is so pretty”
all you could do was claw at his skin and moan in response as he curled his fingers up and against your g spot. he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you while he suck and licked fast circles around your clit. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he kept a steady rhythm
“a-alex, please! need you, need your cock in me!”
he simply smiled and licked your sweet juices off his fingers. he positioned himself at your entrance. he slowly pushed in and the second he bottomed out, he looked at you for consent to continue
the lewd sounds and colorful curse’s leaving your lips were enough to encourage him to continue
“you’re so tight… so much tighter than i ever imagined princesa. tell me how you feel y/n”
“i can’t think, your ah! your cock is so good, im so fucking full alex. please don’t stop!”
and he didn’t stop, he went a steady pace
“i love your beautiful body so so much ah- can’t wait to paint your pretty face with my load mamita”
you moaned loudly as he hit the perfect spot. you grabbed his face and kissed him feverishly while stuttering out,
“right there, please don’t stop”
“que rica te vez corazoncito… i won’t stop”
he sped up his movements, every slam went right to your g spot and you were so close now
“almost baby? corre para mi… that’s it princesa, viene para mi”
and your legs trembled as your core felt tighter and tighter and your walls clenched around his hard cock. you were tipped over the edge and you came around him with a lewd yell of his name
a few more thrusts and alex came inside of your pulsating cunt
the two of you caught your breath and laid side by side. you couldn’t help but look at alex with admiration and lust
“i hope you don’t think this is all i want from you… although that was definitely the best i’ve ever had. i want more. i want all of you. i want to call you mine, mamita. is that okay?”
“of course it is alex… you don’t understand how long i’ve had a crush on you…”
“then is it okay if i take you out tomorrow? on a date?”
you roll your eyes at him teasingly,
“a date after fucking, very romantic”
you both laughed and soon you fell asleep in each other’s arms
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lovelywritinglady · 1 year
You know this been crossing my mind but this is a request but short here is the new request is short if you think about
Where tengen was fighting daki and gyutaro but he didn't know about a new demon sibling this one is far stronger and well this man fall in love with this demon
If is possible if that the demon is a another male but much more bild then daki and gyutaro
( and if possible tengen as a genderfluid)
Just in case this mysterious demon is a male reader or y/n
I'm sorry 🙏 if I'm asking much but this cross my mind so forgive me and have a goodnight/ day
This is super interesting, so I’ll do my best to make it work.💜
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Another One?
Female Tengen Uzui x Male Demon Reader
Angst, Kind of Fluffy, Tengen having a crush on reader. Badass demon reader. Pretty fluffy and reader being indifferent to his siblings. I changed it up a little from the prompt.
Tengen Uzui pov
The battle was over and our wounds were too great. The entertainment district was in ruins now, but at least those pesky demons were killed. The brother took my hand and my eye, but other than that I'm just fine. Especially after Tanjiros sister, Nezuko, healed me. My husbands were releved and so was I. The boar head kid and the ugly one were pretty roughed up as well, but they were still alive. I tossed my head back against the wall with a sigh. My husband Sumio was still crying on my chest, Makio was checking my injuries, and Hino was touching my face gently. I was glad that I was still alive so I could still be with them, my sweet husbands. Just then, I started shaking as a deep chuckling voice as steps approached us. Groining, I got up despite the protests from my husbands, ready for another fight.
"Hey, no need to stand up pretty lady." The voice said.
As the footsteps got closer, my worst fear came true, another upper rank demon. He was tall and well built with large shoulders and a small waist. His hair was h/c and his eyes were a vibrant shade of green and e/c. He wasn't ugly like the other demons I just fought and I found myself surprised that a demon could even be handsome.
He then kneeled down and smirked at me. As his eyes takes across my battered body. Unfortunately, this caused a blush to grace my pale bruised skin. My mind was in a frenzy not just because of the fight, but because of the sight before me. He might have been the best looking demon I've ever seen. Hell, he even put humans to shame, except for my husbands of course.
"Get the hell away from us." Makio threatened in a protective stance.
"Woah there, I'm not here to hurt ya. I just want to talk." The demon said as his eyes never left mine.
"Who the hell are you?" I coughed
"Y/N, and those two demons you just killed were my siblings. I just came to say thank you." Y/N stated sitting down.
"Wait, why are you thanking me." I asked
'Because sweetheart, I really hated those two. Always nagging at each other. Especially Daki, gods she was a pest." Y/N groaned
"But they are your siblings, you shouldn't say that." Tanjiro yelled at him.
"Hush now kid, save your strength. They weren't much of siblings to begin with. Shouldn't love someone if they refuse to love you back." Y/N proclaimed with an 'I don't give a fuck attitude'.
"Are you gonna try and kill us?" I questioned him
"Nah, you're not really worth my time. It's a shame though, I watched you fight and I gotta say I'm impressed. Not a lot of people who fought my little brother managed to walk away alive, let alone kill him. Although, no one has ever come close to beating me either." He boasted.
"Thanks, I guess." I said
"Anytime sweet heart. Say, you want those wounds healed?" He questioned scooting closer.
"Do not touch Lady Tengen!" Hino screamed pointing his blade at him.
"Calm down handsome, I'm not gonna kill him." he yawned
"How do I know its not a trick?" I asked confidently. He then came closer, much to the protests of my husbands. Y/N then lifted his hand and tilted my chin up so he could look in my good eye.
"It's a shame that my brother had the audacity to take out of of these pretty eyes. Eyes like these should never be hurt." He cooed
His other hand then made it way to my stomach and glowing light appeared out of his hand. It was slightly painful, but that feeling was overshadowed by the way he was looking at me. My blush was even deeper now and I felt myself wanting nothing more than to feel his lips on my cut lips. His other hand was still on my chin as his eyes never left mine.
"Close your eyes." He commanded
As I closed my eyes, I could feel his blood demon art working through my body. It felt as though he was reconstructing every cell and replacing it with a stronger new one. It was a strange sensation, but one that left me wanting more.
"Now, let me see those pretty eyes of yours." He cooed
Opening my eyes, I looked around me seeing the releaved faces of my husbands and the kids. I looked down at my hand to see if it was still gone. Except, it was now back, nail polish and all. It was like magic and I felt myself for the first time in my flashy life, being fully and completly thankful to a demon. I looked up to see his towering figure doing the same to my husbands and then to the kids. A wide smile graced my face, knowing that they had recovered.
"Well, I'm off then. The sun is almost up and I really don't want to end up like my siblings." He stated smiling down at me.
"Wait-" I yelled getting up and making my way to the demon.
"Hmm what is it pretty girl? Ya sad to see me go." He asked
"Absolutely not." I lied
"Then what is it?" He cooed
"Thank you." I whispered
"What was that?" He asked bring up one of his hands to cup his left ear as he smirked.
"Oh you heard me." I sassed
"Whatever, I gotta get goin, see ya." he said as he began walking away.
"Thank you!" I exclmained rolling my eyes
"Anytime, pretty lady." He screamed back
"My name is Tengen Uzui, you oaf." I sassed putting my hand on my hip.
"See you around beautiful Tenge Uzui." He responded and in a flash he sped away from my sight.
"Lady Tengen, what just happened?" Sumio questioned with a tearstained face.
"Honey, I've got no idea." I said thinking to myself the same thing.
These last few days were nothing but chaos. I went from losing a hand and an arm, to them magically appearing back in moments. And everyone's wounds disapearing as if in thin air. I stood there as the sun peaked through the mountains questioning if I it was real. And a horror of a thought came across my mind. Was I falling in love with a demon?
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Thank you so much for reading!💜And thank you to @bendymonter for requesting. Hope you enjoyed this one.
Please feel free to request, comment and reblog
Click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE for my master list.
•I do NOT own any characters except Y/N•
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miloformula123fan · 9 months
Can i also request 15, 17, 3, and 4 from the dialogue list with lando?
I’m not gonna pretend anymore. I’m still fucked up from it all and i don’t know when it gets better.
Why do you stick around? What is it you think you see in me?
You’re my person
No, i don’t wanna have to talk to anyone else right now. I just want you.
TW: Mentions of 2019 AH19 Crash, rest in peace Tonio and brief mentions of Dilano’s crash, rest in peace.
lando norris x reader
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
“And, OH that’s Y/L/N, Y/N Y/L/N, off into the gravel and the rear of the car colliding with the wall, and that’s their race over. Thankfully, not a recreation of his 2019 crash, but still that is their race over. And that brings out the safety car which will help Lando and Oscar, the McLaren boys as they dive into the pits… and as an update we can see Y/N getting out of the car unaided, a little bit shaken but they otherwise seem unharmed, and as we watch…”
Y/N flicked the TV off before throwing the remote against the wall, and curling up in a ball, pulling at their hair trying to calm their breathing down. During and after the crash, watching the replays, despite all their complaints against the FIA, when Dilano had died early this year, their changes had slightly worked. The changes had saved their life.
And yet, here they were. Panicking over something that hadn’t even happened. They heard another knock at the door, screaming in their mind for their PR manager to fuck off. They didn’t want to do media right now, hearing the 50 journalists all ask them the same question, comparing 2019 to now. When the door opened, Y/N was ready to scream profanities at poor Janelle until she fucked off, and then they saw the curly hair of their boyfriend and allowed a small smile to grace their face. It fell off pretty quickly as they looked down at their wrists, heavily bruised from the impact.
They saw Lando open his mouth to speak and quickly beat him to it.
“Lando…Why do you stick around? What is it you think you see in me?”
“...What? I-I’m with you because you’re funny and pretty and a damn good driver if I ever saw one, and damn it, you’re my person!…I know that today was hard, but it is all gonna be okay. Do you want me to maybe go and get Pierre or Charles, or your team psychologist, someone for you to talk to.” Y/N quickly shook their head and opened their arms for Lando to fall into.
“No, i don’t wanna have to talk to anyone else right now. I just want you.”
“Okay, I do think you need to talk about it though, so how about it? Talk to me, even if you aren’t gonna talk to anyone.”
Y/N took a deep breath, “I’m not gonna pretend anymore. I’m still fucked up from it all and i don’t know when it gets better. It seems a little ridiculous to me that I am still scared of an event that happened 4 years ago.”
“I think it is completely understandable. Your life was changed then. You lost a good friend and you had to rethink your life about whether you wanted to do this or not.  I think anytime we come to Spa, people admire your bravery and determination to race here every year.”
“Thank you Lando…that…that helps a lot.”
“It’s what I’m here for darling. Now, can we go back to the hotel room and binge the new season of young royals?”
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piscespixiewastaken · 4 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream & Ponk - Rabbit
(Did I totally misread the prompt and have to reword the fic to make it work? No, totally didn’t, no idea what you’re talking about)
(Also, thank you to @simplepotatofarmer for inserting rabbit!Dream in my head. May have accidentally stolen an idea from their Rabbit Run fic. If you haven’t yet, go read Rabbit Run, it’s very good! Can’t stop thinking of c!dream as prey hybrid types now.)
Sixteenth Day Event:
Dream & Ponk - Rabbit
Ponk finds an injured Dream in the woods by his house after a prison break. He’s not one to leave an injured man to die.
“So, I’m not the only one Sam decided to fuck with,” Ponk muttered.
The masked rabbit hybrid in front of him shrugged. He stared down at the hand Ponk was wrapping with bandages. He sat on the kitchen chair stiff and uncomfortable. There were more bandages wrapped around his torso and limbs under his trousers. His rabbit ears were heavily bandaged, which wasn’t helping his already damaged hearing. His right foot was missing, a rudimentary prosthetic attached to the stump of his lower leg. Ponk didn’t want to consider the implications of a rabbit hybrid losing a foot. Especially when he knew Dream could shapeshift.
“Seriously, what the hell did he do to you in there?”
Another shrug. Ponk sighed.
“Dream, you’re going to have to talk to me at some point. I can only help with so much if I’m guessing what hurts and what might be infected. You’re lucky to be moving while missing a foot like that,” he chided.
Dream’s ears wilted as he hunched his shoulders in response, as if trying to curl in on himself despite the fabric wrapped around his body. Ponk’s eyes softened.
“Just take your time, okay? I’m not turning you back over to Sam anytime soon.”
“What about the others?” a hoarse voice coughed out of Dream’s throat. “Would you turn me over to them?”
Ponk sighed. He’d been doing that a lot lately. When had the server become like this? His best friend taking his arm over a couple of tokens. That same person torturing their former friend. The Egg corrupting the others and driving them to hurt and kill on a whim. When had it all gone so wrong?
“No, I won’t be. I’m not a snitch, Dream. Have a little faith that I have some sort of conscience after all this,” he huffed, letting out a small, humorless chuckle.
Dream turned away. As much as Ponk would have liked to see Dream’s face, see the expressions he was making… he understood Dream’s desire for privacy. It seemed to have been ripped from him in prison.
The tension building in the room caused Ponk to switch subjects.
“Why did Sam… why did he torture you? Was it supposed to be a punishment?” he winced at the words leaving his mouth. But he also couldn’t help his curiosity. His need to relate to someone who had suffered abuse at the hands of the same person.
Dream flinched. Ponk bit his lip to keep down the concerned reassurance that tried to leap from his throat. Dream wouldn’t want that, not right now.
“It… Sam didn’t lift a finger. Not really. He just… he just condoned it,” Dream mumbled. His voice was so quiet Ponk almost didn’t hear him.
“What? He let… he let someone else torture you? In his prison?” Ponk couldn’t keep the incredulous tone from his voice.
Dream nodded.
Ponk swallowed. He could see Sam torturing someone. Hell, he counted what he went through as torture, and that only lasted a day at most. But to hand someone else the tools and sit back and watch…. That was almost worse.
Just who on the server would feel comfortable to get close enough to Dream of all people to torture him?
“It was Q-Quackity,” Dream said, voice breaking ever so slightly on the other’s name.
Ponk frowned. He didn’t know Quackity particularly well. He had seen the other when they had gone to the vault to detain Dream. But otherwise, they barely interacted. The younger man must be power hungry then, enough to try and take something from a man already locked up and unable to touch anyone.
“Huh.” It was all Ponk could think to respond.
There another long silence. The air felt thicker and stuffier by the minute, and Ponk debated opening a window before deciding against it. It would cause Dream to panic more, and Ponk had barely managed to get the young rabbit hybrid to his house after finding him bleeding out in the woods.
Ponk turned back to the masked hybrid to finish off the last bandage. His frown deepened as a line of blood dripped from Dream’s chin.
“Dream, is your head bleeding?”
Dream flinched, before reaching up and dabbing the skin under his mask. His fingers came away red with blood. Ponk watched as the young man’s chest stuttered, his lungs not quite working properly as he began hyperventilating.
Ponk took his hand and held it firmly but gently, rubbing circles on bandaged knuckles.
“I need you to breathe, Dream. It’s all right. You’re okay. I can treat the injury if you take your mask off. Can you do that for me?”
Dream went still, ears flattening against his head. His hands clenching and unclenching repeatedly. He shook his head. Ponk’s eyes softened.
“I promise no one will hurt you, Dream. I just want to make sure it’s not infected, okay?”
Dream was quiet again. For a good moment, Ponk thought he would have to leave the wound alone and pray it wouldn’t become infected.
And then Dream slowly raised his hand to the white disc that sat on his face. He undid the strap and lowered it.
The face that stared down at the ground was covered in scars and burns. As if a hot knife had been dragged across his cheeks. His little nose was inflamed and torn. His whiskers were almost shaved, which couldn’t possibly be good for his stability. There was even a small “Q” dug into the jawline. No part of Dream’s body had been spared the torture then.
Ponk was glad his own face was covered, but he knew his eyes would betray his horror. He quickly composed himself and got to work on the gash in Dream’s forehead, newly opened from whatever activity Dream had done after escaping the Vault. The young man stayed quiet, despite flinching at how close Ponk got. His dull, green eyes never left Ponk’s hands as he worked, and his ears were still pinned against his head.
“Why are you helping me?” The question was unprompted, maybe to deal with the unsettling silence that had fallen over the two of them.
Ponk sat back for a moment. “Because you used to be my friend, Dream. And you’re injured. I don’t actually enjoy seeing people suffer.”
Dream scoffed but remained silent.
Ponk placed the last plaster on Dream’s skin and stood from where he’d crouched beside the other. He stretched his arms over his head.
“Well, that should be everything. You can stay here for the night, and I would highly recommend you do so. I don’t want you to tear open any stitches,” he said, gesturing to a nearby pullout couch.
Dream shook his head. “I… I have somewhere to go. Thank you, though. I appreciate it.”
Ponk wished he were more surprised by the sincerity in that remark. It would have hurt less to hear than the gratitude oozing out of Dream’s voice, how his ears perked up just a little at Ponk’s offer. As if Dream thought he should have died out there alone and afraid.
“Of course, Dream. My door is open if you need anything, all right? And I promise, I won’t tell anyone.”
Dream nodded, strapping his mask back on.
“Thank you,” he mumbled as he pulled his hoodie back on and donned his armor.
He stood from his chair and almost immediately stumbled, catching himself before Ponk could react. He waved Ponk off and grunted as he stepped towards the door. It swung open with a push, and Dream peered out for a moment, glancing at the surroundings. And turning back to Ponk one last time, he nodded his thanks.
And then he was off again, hobbling down the path to the woods nearby.
Ponk stared out the open door to starlit sky above. He sighed, closed the door, and moved to clean the table of bandage rolls and dots of blood. A deep sorrow built up inside him as he thought of the dull eyes of a man he had considered a close friend. And of the maniacal look on their abuser’s face when he’d taken Ponk’s arm. One he probably had when Quackity had taken Dream’s foot.
When had it all gone so wrong?
(You thought, oh cute fic prompt, maybe fluff? No, you get angst instead. No comfort, only hurt).
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mooodyblue · 1 year
I found your blog about a week ago and I love it !!
I was wondering if you’d write gn reader with Austin who’s just super casually dominant. Like he’ll always keep a hand on them, lead them around when out, buckle their seatbelt for them, engulf their small hand in his etc! Maybe leaning towards cg austin?
thank you friend 🫶🏼 i am absolutely obsessed with these sort of concepts/prompts!!! i just know austin is probably exactly like this 🥺 hope you don't mind that i did headcannons instead cause i could not for the life of me finish the fic i started for this, thank you for the request !! ty @kiankiwi 4 the inspo ~
austin butler h.cs | (sfw) dom!austin
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austin is the sweet, domestic boyfriend we all need in our lives
the way he is towards you is not something your used to tbh
but austin loves feeling needed!! so he loves doing little things for you, almost coddling you sometimes honestly
anytime he sees you struggle to reach for something, he comes right up behind you and grabs it for you. sometimes he'll lift you up slightly so you can get it yourself
you pout at him and he just gives you a lil kiss and goes on with his day
he wants you to ask him for help!! he doesn't want you to struggle :(
fills up your water bottle constantly for you, knows how to make coffee the way you like it just so it's ready when you get up in the morning
he used to be terrified of just ordering food or having to talk to other people, now he does it for you when you get too anxious about it
he loves hand holding!!! the way your tiny hand fits in his, he thinks it's sooo cute
"why are your hands so big?" "i don't have big hands, yours are just tiny"
tbh, always has a hand on you whether at home or out in public, but especially out in public
literally all public photos of the two of you, he has a hand on your back or waist, or he's holding your hand.
opens and closes the car door for you!!!!!!!!
if you open it yourself, he will literally roll his eyes, close the door and open it himself
buckles you right in too ! even if you fight him saying he doesn't need to be doing all of that lol
if you get nervous at public events with him, he notices right away. he'll take your hand and squeeze it tightly
you tell him to not worry about it and let go of him and he gives you a stern look saying "stop it, give me your hand and don't let go of it. not letting you leave my sight."
lots of "if you're not feeling good, we can go home. just say the word and we'll leave right now." and you're always like "austin i'm fine" and he always comes back with "no, you're not fine. don't lie."
safe to say he is very protective of you so if someone tries to interview you on the red carpet, austin shows up out of nowhere and makes sure you're comfortable
doesn't hesitate to shoo off paps if he has to
sigh. i love him
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terabyteturtle · 5 months
So, considering it says "gate: open" i assume requests are open? If so could I please get a Nina Williams SFW alphabet? im sure youre already swamped so if you dont want to then please just discard this, and I hope you have a good day:)
💜 Nina Williams SFW Alphabet 💜
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Yes indeed, anon! Anytime the garden gate is open, that means you can put in requests. Hope you enjoy!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Nina isn’t really that affectionate, especially not in the beginning. For the majority of her life, she’s had to keep people at an arm’s length, with her loyalty being bought and sold with every job she’s taken. You’re probably one of, if not the first, person to ever manage to get this close to her, both physically and emotionally. At the start of your relationship, she’s incredibly reserved when it comes to affection. For a while, Nina won’t go beyond giving you a quick peck here and there. If you want anything more, like a hug for example, she’ll either awkwardly give it to you or just straight up deny you. It takes her a while to adjust, and even when she does, there are still a lot of steps that you have to take before you can properly establish a comfortable routine of affection. The problem with Nina is that she doesn’t think to do it unless prompted to, which might stem from operating behind others’ shadows for a living. As the relationship goes on, though, she’ll start getting better at it. Just don’t expect PDA. Ever.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It would certainly take a lot to start a friendship with Nina, but once it starts going, she’s the cool, badass friend that doesn’t care about what anybody thinks. Once you get to know her, she’s the perfect partner-in-crime and will have your back no matter what. If you ask her about her opinion on something, she will give you an honest answer. Nina doesn’t care about how blunt or brutal she sounds—she refuses to spare anyone’s feelings. Truth hurts sometimes; that’s just how life works. Nina’s also an amazing listener and will help you through whatever issues you might be going through, giving you sage advice with that velvet voice of hers. The friendship would probably start out with you serving her coffee at Smith Coffee. Nina enjoys going there when she has some time to herself, and she finds the atmosphere there nice and calming. She’s become a regular customer there, and you already know what she’s going to get each time she comes in. Despite normally being a cold-blooded assassin, she warms up to you quite a bit and talks to you whenever she sees you.
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)
Nina is a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. If you need comfort, she’ll sit by your side, place a hand on your shoulder, and place a kiss on your temple, silently letting you know that she’s there if you need her. If you’d like to talk about it, she’ll listen carefully, following every word and responding if necessary. As someone who’s seen and been through a lot in her life, Nina is very wise and gives amazing advice. If she has some to give you, it’d be in your best interest to hear her out. Even if you think you don’t need it, it might come in handy later on. If you’d rather not speak about it, she’ll kiss your temple and remind you that she’s there if you change your mind. For someone so generally cold-hearted, she’s actually great at comforting you. She always knows the right thing to say, and her presence is surprisingly soothing. She herself doesn’t need comforting. Or that’s what she says, at least. It’s extremely difficult to tell when Nina’s upset, as she always has a stoic expression on her face. If you ever believe that she’s distressed, the best thing to do is show her you care in the best way you know how.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Before she met you, Nina hadn’t given settling down a single thought. She’d focused solely on her work, and when she had time off, she only intended on relaxing. She’d never thought she’d fall in love with anybody, let alone settle down with them. But after Nina met you, that all changed. She was reluctant to accept it in the beginning, but now that you’ve been together for a while, she realizes that she’s completely enamored of you and that she’s willing to put everything else aside to be with you. Nina’s skilled at both cooking and cleaning, as she’s had to take care of herself for a long time. When she was younger, she had to pick up a lot of household duties alongside her sister. However, she’s not going to do any of it alone. Nina will make sure you hold up your end of the load, just as she’ll hold up hers.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)
Like with most things, she’ll be blunt about it. Nina will keep a straight face and act as though it doesn’t affect her, but you’ll notice small things that tell you otherwise, like the way she’s hiding her eyes with her sunglasses or the way she clenches her fists by her sides when your heart breaks in front of her. Having made it this far with you, Nina doesn’t see herself ever needing to put an end to things. Unless you betray her trust, she intends to stay by your side.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Until she met you, commitment was never something she thought about. Hell, her whole life pretty much centered around having no true commitment at all. But there’s a first time for everything, and for the first time in forever, Nina feels genuine loyalty for someone, and that someone is you. She would wait for a long time to get married. First, Nina has to get comfortable in the relationship before she gives marriage a single thought. It's a big step, and she won’t be ready to take it for a while. She wants to know that you're in it for the long run and that this isn't just some casual fling for you. In exchange for her loyalty, Nina wants to have yours. Even when she is ready for commitment, there's still matters of her job that have to be worked out. It's going to take a long time, but it gives you a chance to prove that you truly love her. 
G = Gentle (How tender are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Initially, Nina will be very rigid with you, both physically and emotionally. Any sort of affection will feel awkward, especially since you have to ask her for it most of the time, and her icy demeanor won't be easy to melt. Over time, though, she’ll soften up. Physically, as she grows used to affection, Nina will be gentler. Emotionally, she’ll be tender when it comes to your emotions, but will remain closed up when it comes to hers. It can be somewhat frustrating, but with enough patience, Nina will eventually realize that she can take her walls down around you.
H = Hugs n' Cuddles (Do they like hugs/cuddles? What are they like? How often do they happen?)
Nina doesn’t like them at all, at least not initially. In fact, she practically despises them at the start of your relationship. For a while, all hugs and cuddles will be tense, awkward, and somewhat forced, as you would have to ask if you ever wanted some from her. Sometimes, she’ll just outright reject you, and other times, she’ll at least try to be normal about it. As time goes on, however, Nina will finally relax, and affectionate actions will come more naturally to her. When it comes to hugs, she has a penchant for wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder. When it comes to cuddles, she likes having an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to her side. Nina won’t admit it, but she has a protective instinct when it comes to you, and the way she cuddles you is subtle proof of that. She’s always cool to the touch for some reason, so if you’re feeling a little too warm, just rest your cheek on her shoulder and you’ll be all set. At the start, hugs and cuddles hardly ever happen unless you explicitly ask for them, but once Nina gets comfortable, they become more frequent.
I = I Love You (How quickly do they tell you they love you?)
Nina doesn’t vocalize her feelings very often, and even when she does, she usually doesn’t convey emotion through her words. Essentially, it will take forever for her to tell you she loves you. Even if you say it first, she won’t say it back to you. She’ll either nod or reply with a snarky comment like “A horrible decision, really.” Don’t be deceived, though—despite how she acts, Nina has a heart; it’s just shielded under many layers of ice that need a whole lot of warmth to melt. With time, that cold exterior will thaw to reveal a side of her that’s capable of feeling things, regardless of whether or not she might want to. When she finally tells you she loves you, it sounds so flat and terse that it almost doesn’t sound like she means it. But she does, and the fact that she’s saying those three words alone means that she’s genuinely trying to be more open to you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
You wouldn’t be able to tell, but Nina can get pretty jealous. She’s hot and she knows it, but she worries that someone more “passionate” might come along and make you theirs instead. Nina does NOT want to risk this happening, so anybody who tries to talk to you will instantly earn a look of disapproval from her. If they’re someone you’re cool with, then she’ll tone it down a bit, but she’ll continue to stay on guard as she does not trust anyone aside from you. If the other person is openly flirting with you, then she’ll shoot them down immediately, saying you two have more important things to deal with. Nina won’t wait for any sort of bold move or sign of discomfort from you; she’ll handle the situation before it can even start. Anyone reckless enough to try harassing you at any point will regret it instantly. Her deadly assassination arts, combined with piercing insults, will have the other person apologizing to you in seconds.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Nina’s kisses, for the most part, are short and simple. Quick pecks are her go-to because she finds them convenient. They’re subtle gestures that save time and energy, and they’re perfect for when she has to go do something important (which, considering her job, is almost all the time). However, there are times where Nina likes settling down and diving a little deeper with her kisses, making them slower and more involved than a simple peck would be. This would occur later on in the relationship, typically after a long, tough day. She usually likes to kiss you on the cheek, as she finds it’s the most accessible place for her. Meanwhile, as much as she hates to admit it, Nina indulges in lip kisses. Despite her attitude and tendency to be unapproachable, deep down she wants to be loved. She might tense up a bit and act threatened at first, but that’s only because she’s not used to it. Nina truly appreciates the love you give her every day, and lip kisses are a special reminder to her that you’re on her side.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children and what are their thoughts on them?)
Nina tries not to interact with children very much. She finds them obnoxious, irritating, and difficult to deal with. If she finds herself around one, she won’t be blatantly rude, but she won’t take on a sort of caring, motherly role toward them. Nina will try her best to ignore them, and if that doesn’t work, she’ll just give them terse replies until they get bored with her. Over the years, she’s found that if you just sit there and do nothing, kids will quickly lose interest. She’s great at doing this, and she’d rather not waste her time and energy interacting with someone that she doesn’t care about. This is why Nina refuses to have kids of her own. Even if it’s something you want, she won’t go through with it. She just knows that she wouldn’t be a good mother. She doesn’t care much for her own son, whom she had without knowledge or consent, and the way she grew up doesn’t really give her much of a basis to go off of. If Nina were to have a kid, one that she actually planned for, she would have no idea what to do. Her whole life experience has left a bad impression on her when it comes to having children, so unless you can somehow convince her, she’s going to be dead set against it.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are usually pretty chill, as Nina’s more of a night owl than an early bird. She won’t say much—she’ll just drink her coffee or some tea with milk and sit there quietly. She might look out a window, or read the newspaper, or listen to whatever you might have to say. For breakfast, she’ll usually opt for something quick and easy, as she usually has to get ready for work and head out the door as soon as possible. If she has time, Nina will be happy to make you something as well. If you’re still asleep while she’s awake, she’ll silently get ready and leave you a note before she leaves. On days Nina doesn’t have work, she’ll sleep in with you, and you’ll often go out for breakfast together. Smith Coffee is her favorite place to go, as she really enjoys the food and atmosphere, but she’ll be open to try anywhere new if you have any suggestions.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Nina are just as quiet, if not more so than mornings. After everything she has to go through on a daily basis, she barely has the energy to do much other than relax. She might talk a little bit if you ask her about her day, but everything she says will be short and to the point. On most nights, you won’t get any long-winded sentences out of her. Nina enjoys pouring herself a cup of scotch, putting on some TV (preferably Tom and Jerry), and hanging out on the couch until one of you falls asleep. The night typically ends with one of you falling asleep and the other having to wake you up when it’s time for bed, but there have been times where both of you will fall asleep and just spend the whole night in the living room.
O = Open (At what point would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or take their time with it?)
Between her reserved personality and the hidden trust issues that have developed over the years, Nina will take forever to open up to you. It might seem like an impossible task, especially during the early stages of the relationship, but with enough patience and time, you can get her to open up. The fact that she’s even in a relationship with you is evidence enough that she values you more than the average person, so that alone shows that earning her trust is achievable. During the first few months, you’ll learn more about her basic likes and dislikes. Nina might mention her sister in passing, but she won’t really get into detail about her until way later. As months turn into years, she’ll gradually reveal more and more about herself. You’ll learn about her various jobs, her rivalry with Anna, and her atypical childhood. If it’s late, and if she’s had a little too much scotch, Nina might become more vocal about more sensitive parts of her life. She hides a lot of regret beneath that cold-blooded exterior, and with time, you’ll become the first person she’s ever spoken to about any of it.
P = Patience (How patient are they?)
Nina is usually very impatient with people. She can’t stand it when people aren’t direct with their answers, and incompetency of any sort just gets on her nerves. It annoys her even more if it interferes with her work. If her patience wears thin, she’ll let it show through her voice, giving terse remarks and replies that are even more cutthroat than usual. When it comes to you, she’s not much better, but she tries her best. If you make a mistake that Nina finds idiotic, she won’t hesitate to let you know. At the start of the relationship, she’ll borderline antagonize you for doing something stupid, but as it continues on, she’ll start to learn that being brutally honest isn’t always the best way to go.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail or kinda forget everything?)
Nina has to remember a lot, considering her job, but initially, she’ll become so consumed by work that she won’t remember much about you. Later on, however, Nina will start devoting more time to you and learning more about your likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, and other things. She’ll find that she enjoys hearing you speak about distant happy memories or something you’re enthused about. At random points throughout the day, Nina will find herself looking back on various things you’ve said with a smile on her face. In short, nothing will come easy to her initially, but that’s only because of her devotion to work. Once the relationship progresses, she’ll have every little detail memorized and repeated in her head daily.
R = Remember (What is one of the most important moments of your relationship?)
The most important moment of your relationship was probably when you opened up to her about something really personal. It was a sad and sorrowful moment for you, and you greatly needed someone to share it with. Seeing as you cared for Nina so much, and that she was a great listener, you figured you could talk to her about it. You waited for her to come home and settle down before getting into it. Once you started speaking, you couldn’t stop. Unfortunately, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling either. As you continued to talk, your voice choked up and your eyes stung as they began to well up with emotional tears. Nina watched you as you cried, every heavy sob and light sniffle weighing down on her heart. This moment made her realize that she cared about you far more than she previously had thought. It unlocked something inside of her that just wanted to hold you and make all of the pain disappear. Silently, she wrapped her arms around you and ran her delicate fingers through your hair, showing you a new, caring side of her that only you were allowed to see.
S = Security (How protective are they and how would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Once you’ve completely gained her trust, she becomes extremely protective over you. Nina doesn’t trust anyone aside from you, which makes everyone else a thorn in her side. She’ll want to meet everyone you’re close to and evaluate for herself whether or not they’re safe to be around. There are times where she might be a little quick to judge, or just overboard with her judgment in general, so you’ll probably have to act as a voice of reason when it comes to someone she might not like. To protect you, Nina will use everything she has in her arsenal. Insults, assassination arts, guns—hell, she won’t hesitate to bring out an army of Jack-8s if she has to. You know that saying every rose has its thorns? Well, you’re the rose and she’s the thorns. When it comes to protecting her, she’d like to be protected the same way. Nina will never admit it, but defending her from anyone hostile and untrustworthy will earn you boundless admiration and respect, which is saying a lot when it comes to someone like her.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
Honestly, Nina doesn’t even have to try when it comes to this stuff. Once she gets into the swing of things, knowing what to get and where to go for special occasions comes so naturally to her. Dates are always fabulous, anniversaries are always amazing, and gifts are always generous. She gets enjoyment from seeing your eyes light up whenever she brings something home for you, and you can tell by the little smirk that appears on her face that she takes pride in doing stuff for you. For dates, she’ll stick to the places that mean the most to you, as she knows that you’re always happy there. When your anniversary comes around, expect to be taken on a vacation—Nina needs it just as much as you do. If she has to be away for work, she’ll always bring you a cool souvenir that she knows you’ll like. Rest assured, Nina will take you to your favorite places, bring you to your dream destinations, and buy you whatever your heart desires, all without breaking a sweat.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Nina has a bad habit of closing herself off, which isn’t surprising considering that’s what she’d been used to doing for pretty much her whole life. She can also come off quite bitter and prickly at times, which can become frustrating to deal with or can hurt your feelings if she’s not careful. Whoever said words can act as weapons is certainly right—Nina’s sharp tongue often leaves deep wounds.
V = Values (What do they value in a partner?)
Nina values someone she can be honest with, as not many can handle what she has to say. Oftentimes, it’s not what she’s saying, it’s how she’s saying it, so she needs someone that can handle her terse, dry manner without taking too much offense. Additionally, Nina values loyalty. As someone who hasn’t seen a lot of it over the years, such a quality is rare to find in her eyes. Someone who will remain by her side, through thick and thin, is something she deeply craves and will hold onto like a priceless artifact.
W = Wedding (How are they on the big day? How do they help plan it out? Are they emotional or stoic?)
Nina’s shocked, to say the least. She never thought this day would ever come. Hell, she didn’t think marriage in general would ever be in her future, yet here she is, dolling herself up for the big ceremony. She’ll help you with anything you might need, but she doesn’t want to interfere too much with aesthetics. Nina wants you to pick out whatever you want for the wedding day. She doesn’t care what theme it is, where it’s located, or what’s being served as long as it’s something you want. Throughout the ceremony, Nina’s composed as usual, but the smile on her face tells you everything you need to know about her feelings for you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
If she thinks she’s alone, Nina will hum to herself. Her voice is beautiful and melodic, so it serves as a shock to you whenever she refuses to hum a tune for you. Whenever you bring it up, she denies ever having done such a thing.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they can't stand, both in a partner and in general?)
There are a lot of things that annoy Nina, but one of the biggest things is sheer idiocy. She can’t comprehend how anybody could be so stupid, and it annoys her even more if they have a big ego and think they’re super intelligent.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Nina’s a very light sleeper who will wake up at the drop of a hat, so to help keep herself relaxed, she always has a drink of tea before bed. For the most part, she doesn’t cause any disturbances. She’s pretty quiet and doesn’t move very much. While asleep, she’ll remain on her back with her hands placed on her stomach. Initially, she’ll refuse to sleep in the same room as you, but as the relationship progresses, Nina will become more comfortable with sharing a bed. For some reason, Nina’s always cool to the touch, so if you ever find yourself getting hot during the night, just lay your cheek on her shoulder and you’ll be good to go.
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creepling · 1 year
hi! happy 1k <3 may i request a piece with johnny x single mom reader + the prompt “will you stay?” “of course, i’m not planning on leaving anytime soon.”? i thought it’d be interesting if reader was formerly captured by the sawyer family, while she was on vacation with friends, but johnny relented and decided to let her go because of how badly she begged for her life & at the time her baby was only 2 months old, which she told him. so johnny being johnny as well, he was able to track her down a month later — at first just to check up on her, but he decided he wanted to help her raise her kid & kind of switch up his life since the baby’s father is (willingly) out of the picture. also reader is a young mom (early 20s), around the same age that johnny is, he’s just a lil older. they’re still warming up to each other/developing their relationship but to the reader’s surprise, johnny’s really good with kids & has done a lot to help reader out to give her a break? AAAA THIS IS A LOT OF INFO IM SORRY but i hope it makes sense & that you have fun with making something out of this <333
AAAA ok no but i love this, idk it makes sense for the sawyers to spare a victim if they have a kid?? the whole "family" motto would get to them lol. i love all your info but i apologise if i've missed out on anything. i've made this drabble more like a time passing sort of thing so i could include everything.
tags: angst. single-mum!reader. reformed!johnny. kid is gn (use of they/it). descriptions of trauma. johnny feels a lot of guilt. mild blood ment.
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“Drop the god-damn knife, Johnny. She’s got a kid for crying out loud!” Drayton barked.
Johnny’s adrenaline shot through his body, tensing his muscles and trembling his hands. “Is that true?” He growled, eyes shot out at your petrified stare.
You pulled a Polaroid picture out of your pocket, your bloody hands staining the corners. You beheld it to Johnny, trying to steady your shakes. Johnny gazed at the picture, the newborn clouded in white, its eyes closed in a peaceful sleep.
“My baby . . . My baby. I need to go home to my baby,” You sob, begging on your knees, hysterics maddening all parts of your manner.
Johnny’s knife dropped to the floor, and he thought about every bad thing he had done. There was no coming back from this.
It had been a month of silence. A month of sleepless nights and looking over your shoulder. Breastfeeding became agonising. Your baby’s cries sent you into uncontrollable alertness. Your hair was brittle and your skin shallow, the stress shivering through your body like a ghost entering your soul.
The letters came around that time. Off-white envelopes with a few dollars in cash. All that was left was a note,
For the Baby, I’m sorry.
Meeting him again after the kidnapping was an anxiety-driven step, bouncing your baby on your lap as you waited in the diner booth. You convinced yourself you lost your mind, wanting to rekindle with your kidnapper. But you hadn’t heard from anyone since the birth; the baby daddy became non-existent. Your family refuse to return your calls. The only person willing to help you was Johnny.
He was silent across from you for a while. The only words he uttered were to order from the menu. He shovelled down an apple pie while you bottle-fed your child, lulling them to their afternoon nap.
“Why are you helping me?” You remember asking. Visioning Johnny’s deep gaze, his subtle glances at your first-born, a tinge of sadness glazing his eyes.
He said he owed you too much. Your baby deserved to grow up with a male figure in its life, and you deserved someone to protect you. The sight of your youthful features withering away from stress, the permanent damage he inflicted on you, ached your eyes and down-turned your smile. It kept him up at night thinking about you, struggling with the fussing cries and flashes of his brute force. He wanted to step up. He was ready for redemption.
He drove you back home, watching over his new companions with careful eyes. His arm outstretched as he turned the wheel, hoping not to disturb the baby’s slumber. The rascal woke up eventually, full of energy the minute you invited him inside. “Would you like to hold them?” You asked, unable to ignore his loving stares.
He felt like crying, holding something so precious. Knowing he nearly orphaned this child, ridding it of a beautiful mother. He swore to protect the kid, holding its gentle head and leaning it into his chest. His gentleness surprised you, the warmth filling your smile for the first time in months.
Johnny never left the house. He hadn’t seen his family in months and had no plans on returning. Your little one was proliferating, and Johnny got used to using his strength to pry the ankle biter from dangerous objects. He ditched the knives and retired into swinging the kid until they were out of breath from laughter. He stepped up, got a job, and brought money in to keep you secure.
He was a different man, and he changed you as a mother. He repented for his sins. He begged for forgiveness with every stare your way, with every gentle touch. You finally forgave him, praying that his presence is destined to be everlasting.
“Will you stay?” He held you in his arms as you choked up, clinging to his body. 
“I’m not plannin’ on leavin’ anytime soon.” Johnny kissed the top of your head, his arms around you. Your loving touch soothing the aching heart he’s adorned for decades.
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conkers-thecosy · 1 month
My ask about asks I forgot to send you.
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's you want to talk about
art/drawing do you draw and like to get asks about it?
your writing
blog specific only is your blog specific to a fandom or something that you only want asks about related things
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hi there!!
I'm sorry this took me so long to answer - I know there's no pressure (which I appreciate immensely!) but I really want to answer them, I'm just super slow!
Self, Job/Work: Honestly I'm super happy to talk about anything like this! With all my social links on my pinned posts it wouldn't be too difficult to find out a lot of stuff about me and my life anyway! Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Okay so while I enjoy all of these fandoms, and more besides, I get real single-minded about my special interests. Right now it's Bagginshield, and that's really all my brain has room for! OC's: I would genuinely loooove to talk about my OCs, so very much! As I said above, bagginshield is really my main focus right now, but I have two half-written original novels that I really hope to pluck up the courage to share one day. Honestly I would love so much to have the opportunity to talk about them more here, but I know there's not a lot of interest. Folks are here for the bagginshield stuff, and that's totally fair! But, I'm going to write these stories either way and I really would love any excuse to gush about them and my OCs! art/drawing: I don't draw, I'm afraid! I wish I did, I'm always in so much awe of people who have that skill! I paint a bit, but not often and just for fun, and it's always some weird abstract stuff, haha! your writing: Love to talk about writing! It's all that keeps me going some days, and any excuse to chat about what I'm doing, what I'm planning, ro even giving advice to other writers is just so much fun to me! blog specific only: Nah, this blog is a mish-mash of everything! Happy to talk about whatever! Pets: So I have a dog! His name is Wilfred, and he was a rescue! He's my boon companion, and I love any excuse to show him off, haha! Garden and Hobbies: So I do garden, but I'm new to it! I never had a garden before until about 3 years ago, and it's been super fun to learn as I go! Other hobbies are funny, because I do a bit of everything. I'm fairly crafty so I've done pottery, sewing, jewellery making, painting as I mentioned, a bit of knitting, etc. I also used to have my own small business, running a perfumery, so I've made all sorts of bathing products, soaps, bath salts, candles, etc! Like being tagged in things: I do, but you may have noticed, I'm a bit slow at responding! I do try to keep on top of them and I never mind being tagged, but it ebbs and flows, for sure!
Okay, I think that's everything!!
Thank you so much for sending this! I will answer your others at some point, but my alarm has just gone off and now it's writing time, haha!
Thanks again for these lovely asks you send to people, it's really such a wonderful thing you're doing!
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lunarsaturn88 · 7 months
It's Never Your Fault- Hawkeye Pierce
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Pairing: Hawkeye Pierce X Reader
Prompt: It’s all my fault. 
Warnings: Angst/Fluff
Words: 727
You let out a groan as you came out of the surgical unit pulling off the white gloves that you wore, before quickly removing your mask from your face. Today was a harsh day so many wounded had come in and there was one patient too many that had come through there. One happened to be a patient you were trying to work with Frank Burns trying to save the life. 
You had made one small mistake and it cost the poor kid his life in the end. Tears filled your eyes as you could hear Burns yelling at you about your incompetence. It wasn’t your fault that he had told you the wrong implement to use that would cost the kid his life in the end. 
You shakily leaned against the wall sniffling as tears came to your eyes. 
Hawkeye had come out of the surgical unit with a look of worry. He was concerned that you had taken a beating from Frank yelling and screaming at you. It wasn’t your fault for what had happened no matter how much Frank wanted to blame you for what had happened. “Hey, Y/N…” 
You looked up at Hawkeye with tear-filled eyes. 
“It’s alright.” He said coming closer to you so you didn’t have to talk too loud. He slowly put his hand on your shoulder knowing that you needed a bit of comfort after all the insults that you heard. “Frank is an asshole.” 
“He’s right though…” You sniffled softly as more tears slid down your cheeks. “It’s all my fault.” You shook your head lightly. “I should’ve known which item that he needed.” 
“Y/N.” He put his finger under her chin causing her to look up. “None of this was your fault. If anything it is on Frank. Look we’re all under a lot of stress and lack of sleep. But what happened today no matter what Frank says isn’t your fault. You got that?” 
You sniffled looking up into his blue eyes wondering if he meant it. “You’re not just saying that to get something from me?” You questioned softly knowing that Hawkeye was a ladies' man and loved women. He would do anything to get into a woman’s pants, but this seemed genuine. That he was truly concerned about you and that was something that melted your heart a little bit.
“Of course not. I know that you want a real relationship and I am not going to mess with what you want.” He admitted softly rubbing your back. “Next time have me or BJ be the doctors that you work with to avoid what happened with Frank.” 
“But Major Houlihan wanted me paired off with him.” You said softly wiping your tears from your eyes as you began to calm down. 
“Well, I’ll talk to ‘Hotlips’. We’ll make sure that this won’t happen again to you. You’re a good nurse, Y/N and you’re always proving your worth.” 
A small smile came to your lips. 
“Now there’s that pretty smile.” He said softly his blue eyes twinkling in delight to know that he had made you feel better with what had happened. Granted it didn’t take away from the pain of losing a patient, but it was at least something that he could add to his good deed of the day. Making a woman smile was something that he enjoyed. He hated to see anyone being down when they were in this hell trying to save as many people as they could. 
You let out a soft chuckle. You hadn’t expected that the ladies’ man would be someone to cheer you up. Normally you would keep to yourself when you were down and out. But this was a welcome change to your normal tactics of trying to feel better. You leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “Your payment for being such a gentleman.” 
His lips quirked as his hand went to his cheek where you had kissed him. “I’ll take that as payment anytime Y/N.” He teased with a small smile. 
You let out a soft chuckle knowing that he was either teasing or meant it. Sometimes it was hard to understand him at times, but Benjamin Pierce was certainly someone that you were going to have to keep an eye on to learn more about him.
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measurelessdreamer · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier, and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Oh, hi! Thanks for the message! I honestly didn't know that asks are no longer as common as they used to be. I've never been a good candidate to receive them since I don't have so many followers (I always thought you needed at least 500 to get asks lol) and I'm not much of a creator. I usually just reblog stuff that makes me happy and occasionally (like once in three years) I share a fic I wrote here so I never had high hopes which is why I was very surprised when I received this ask and it made me so happy! Seriously, you're so cool for doing this, especially when people don't expect it at all. Even though it's through social media, it requires a bit of coming out of your personal bubble and putting yourself out there and I rarely do that in my life no matter how safe the space is. So it's really cool and thank you. I received probably like 2 asks aside from this one in my whole life, but yeah, I enjoy it a lot. ^^
As for what kind of asks...
Self, Job/Work: I'm good with sharing some stuff as long as it's not something that hits too close to home, but I would probably say that's the case. Asking about how I'm doing in general and what I do and what I enjoy about it is probably fine.
Fandoms: Asks about fandoms would most definitely be my favourite. I always enjoy ranting about stuff I love with other like-minded people. I love Bagginshield, The Hobbit, LOTR (Faramir especially), Ted Lasso (and particularly royjamie), Star Wars (obikin is very close to my heart), The Walking Dead (rickyl is the goat ship of that fandom for me), and probably my favourite otps are superbat (superman/batman) and spirk (kirk/spock) so I enjoy these fandoms too. Fandoms where I have no ships but I enjoy them all the same are Mass Effect (only the original trilogy) and The Witcher (the games, I only read two books so far sadly, I ship geraskier from the show but I don't like the show otherwise). All these things are something I enjoy talking about. ^^ I also like Johnlock/Sherlock and I played the Dragon Age trilogy (but I enjoyed Origins the most and aside from the Cullen romance and meeting Alistair and Morrigan in Inquisition, I didn't enjoy that game very much).
I write fanfics sometimes. I haven't written many and it usually takes me a lot of time to finish anything, but I enjoy it. I'm happy to talk about my writing any day even if it frustrates me to no end.
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Not sure about this. I think receiving them is nice, but I wouldn't be able to do anything about them aside from talking and speculating about them. I'm not very good at writing something from a prompt, so probably no story would come of it, but if it's only discussion people seek, then I'm happy to provide! And if it turns out to be very interesting, then I'm all for taking it further!
Pets: I have lots. I'm happy to talk about them any time.
Garden and Hobbies: Not much of a garden person, I'm afraid, but I enjoy nature more than anything. I live in a very Shire-like country, which is the best thing when I want to let my imagination roam. I enjoy running (but I started only recently so I'm rubbish), reading (fantasy and romance especially), learning French, playing video games, hiking, watching movies and tv shows, and I recently started to learn how to play the Irish tin whistle.
I like being tagged in things, sure! Something funny or heartwarming is usually the best, but I love posts with random facts which are super elaborate and interesting. It can't have anything to do with politics, though, tumblr is my escapist haven. :D
I think I answered everything to the best of my ability. Sorry that it's so long! Thank you again for sending the ask! I hope you have an amazing day!
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