#i have a lots of thoughts about the hunt
thelien-art · 1 year
Could you do Aredhel x Celegorm with the bisexual flag (for both) please?
My own two bi disasters😔
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🏳️‍🌈CELEBRATE PRIDE WITH ME🏳️‍🌈 - send in a character or a ship with a pride flag and I´ll draw it
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Ya'll want to know the funniest shit?
I'm researching the era when Alastor was alive right now to get a better idea of both his character, the life he lived before Hell, and to hash out a backstory for him.
And so, apparently, Alastor lived through the Prohibition (which was basically the United States government illegalizing the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol because they thought it was the cause of a lot of domestic violence and child abandonment).
Alastor canonically died in 1933.
Do you know how long the Prohibition lasted?
From 1920-1933.
The Prohibition officially ended on December 5, 1933, and now my headcanon is that Alastor died December 6, 1933. Literally the day after he could legally drink all the booze he wanted.
I am learning a LOT about New Orleans and the era Alastor lived through (including the gay community in the city at the time) which has been a lot of fun, and I just wanted to share that tidbit because it is so fucking funny to me.
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elvisqueso · 5 months
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Pocahontas (1995): 3 times Pocahontas is compared to her mother + 1 time she's recognized on her own merits.
rambling lil meta under the cut
see, what's crazy about this whole situation is that it makes me wonder what exactly pocahontas's mom was like to have left such a massive impression on literally everyone in their community? there's that outright statement that "yeah, your mom's spirit is in the wind, basically, and our people venerate her as a spiritual guide (at the very least)." we know that she's the main connection between pocahontas and grandmother willow, and there's an implication in there that whatever leadership role she held in the village is expected to fall on pocahontas's shoulders someday.
i am so convinced that this role is some kind of spiritual leader/shaman position. wise-woman, priestess, whatever it's called. we don't see anyone else besides kekata performing any kind of spiritual rites, and even he isn't seen acting in direct contact with spiritual entities. kekata has to perform chants, provide offerings, and use a medium. pocahontas can just fuckign. talk to the things. how is she doing that? why isn't anyone else really able to do that? john smith could talk with grandmother willow but would he be able to if pocahontas wasn't there (i actually think he could but that's a different post)? has she ever done that for literally anybody else? nakoma never mentions grandmother willow. nobody mentions grandmother willow. apparently, the only two people who knew about her before pocahontas brought her new bf over was pocahontas and her mom.
i'm losing track of myself here, but the point is pocahontas is Highly aware of the ghost she's expected to live up to. and it sucks. and there's a lot more to her character arc about this but the eventual come-around to accepting that she has a responsibility to be more than herself and more than her mother's ghost is so heartbreaking because it also meant she had to let go of her soulmate at the same time so i c ry
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lunarharp · 2 months
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shirahama-sensei reminded me she has a thing for the teacher from pokemon s/v so i randomly went off on an au where qifrey is the professor. etc
#witch hat tag#orufrey#the first image is qifrey dressed as that guy. i'm glad she has an inexplicable attachment to some dorky pokemon man like i do#someone was like 'wouldn't it make more sense for deanreldea to be the champion' .... well no. not in my world .#it maps onto magic skill. champions aren't like the Rulers of the land they're just the most skilled at this thing#oru as a burnt out champion who's gently encouraging a kid like coco to reach him one day means a lot to me. i like pokemon narratives#agott went shiny hunting for the same thing coco had but cooler - just to impress her. she really is a pokemon rival type girl#pushing myself to the limit to prove my worth to you - to get to the summit first so i'm waiting for you..#and then realising it wasn't just to be strong - i realised i started wanting to see your smile. i wanted you to have fun.#i think coco would defeat agott at the end of victory road and then defeat oru & i'll probably draw one last thing abt that at least..#the image is very cinematic..the dialogue and music in my mind..I WANT TO FACE ORU!!!!!!!!!!#the super cool insanely powerful awesome champion is the spouse of my professor and he gave me advice at the beginning...no way....#btw the elite four would be the sages which is perfect (and maybe easthies as the first guy?) evil Team Brimhats#coustas as their renegade gladion-type figure. the gym leaders would be like sun/moon and s/v combined#travelling around facing the best students from different classes - so jujy and eunie etc.#i've barely thought about 'teams' or anything bc i care amore about the narrative side of things always lol#but idk. tetia with a swirlix - eunie would be ghost type boy - riche with small things but also a ceruledge or a steelix something massiv#and brushbug would have a final form which is really long like an eastern dragon- fluffy and with wings like a fairy. It's beautiful to me#well anyway *tries to move on to the rest of life now the brief obsession has passed*#obviously oru would be fire-type tho and qifrey would be water-type and they set off together and traded their starters etc.....it goes on
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thelassoway · 2 years
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Ted Lasso Season 2 » Paved Court
#Ted Lasso#Shannon Hayes#Jason Sudeikis#Hannah Waddingham#Brendan Hunt#Sarah Niles#*mine: gif#*mine: TL Scene#*mine: TL theory#1k#at the beginning of Season 2 I was thinking about the office scene angle/framing with Ted and other characters gifset I made#with that in my head while watching season 2 I thought this was similar#I'm always interested in the framing and choices for scenes#the first time they go with Shannon here because Beard is having relationship problems#next episode (bonus episode) we have Ted and Rebecca I mean something something relationship going on a date#episode 5 Beard wanting to know the ending of the joke from season 1 about owls something something that's a long time to wait#Dr. Sharon Fieldstone coming to Ted who is having a panic attack...in episode 10#something something relationships with our parents.........#Last episode 12 Ted alone after the article#just breaking these 5 scenes down tells a lot but I had a feeling that first time with Shannon that this alleyway was going to be important#don't get me wrong I giffed Paved Court for season 1 which shows up 5 times there#but those scenes don't feel as big as these ones#I thought about putting all the gifs together in one set but originally I only giffed the season 2 bits#that was where my head was with this but figured I should do season 1 too#so really it was an after thought#wait maybe the season 1 scene here are just as important#or it all means nothing and I just watch things a bit differently#I still have only watched season 2 three ties through and I've lost count on season 1#note to self you still need to make that Coach Beard and Ted set and making a Shannon one
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oneluckydragon · 5 months
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Started writing a fic back in early October and had to abandon it for a while due to IRL situations. But I've started working on it again little by little, and I am so excited to eventually share it with my mutuals and followers. I hope you guys enjoy it (I am trying my best to get it done)!
TBH my only motivation anymore is thinking about my friends having a good time reading it when it's finally posted (I love all of you very much). I cannot wait for all of these ideas to be fleshed-out on paper at last.
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Over 16,000 words and I am nowhere near satisfied yet. I feel like I can write WAY more. Stay tuned!
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horreurscopes · 1 year
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i."Revelation - It's Grand Climax at hand!" Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, 1988.
ii. "Pure Worship of Jehovah​—Restored At Last!" Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, 2018.
iii. Watchtower magazine, April 1989, May 1989.
Illustrators uncredited in publications and therefore unknown. 
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malicious-fisheeves · 2 months
i really do appreciate laois doing things that are absolutely bonkers. Like i did have a thought wrt him going So Ham on the dog impression but it occurred to me thinking about a shapeshifter who can read your thoughts you really would have to Go All In, and while it is still presented as being comical (bc it is objectively funny to watch him get on all fours and bark like a dog while the camera's doing barrel rolls) it didn't feel like Just A Joke. This is unsaid, maybe it wouldn't be necessary, but i think it demonstrates the strength of laois's convictions. It's what makes him so good at what he does. he really does have that dog in him....
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greenerteacups · 2 months
Do you think a patronus and an animagus need to be, or are likely to be, the same animal for a person?
Likely, yes; necessary, no. We know that patronuses can take forms it's not possible to become as an animagus, because Tonks's patronus becomes a werewolf after falling in love with Lupin. (I guess we don't rightly know you can't choose a werewolf as your animagus form, but the idea feels janky, like it's not reeeeeally what the magic system was conceived to do.)
My general philosophy of Patronuses gets explored a lot in an upcoming chapter, but the TLDR is I think they're a token of something that makes you happy. Harry's is a stag because his connection to his father brings him joy; Tonks, a representation of Remus; Snape, a representation of Lily; etc. That's also why patronuses can change when you seek joy/meaning from new places. Nowhere in the books do we see the kind of "spirit animal" reading that crops up in personality quizzes about it. Yeah, sometimes the animals happen to fit their characters, but why do McGonagall and Umbridge — two very different characters — have the same patronus? Wouldn't it make more sense if they were just two dames who like cats?
In contrast, your animagus form is said (extracanonically, so Doesn't Count, if you ask me, but whatever) to be involuntary and based on your personality. (This is part of the reason I don't think you can use animagus abilities to become a werewolf, because what would that even mean about the person doing it?) The animagus is supposed to function as a "spirit animal" type of thing, because it's technically still you.
So if your patronus and animagus form happened to match, I'd read it as a good indication that the things bringing you joy are closely related to things you like about yourself. It would be an indication of strong self-esteem and satisfaction. James Potter being one such character, and someone who's established in canon to think pretty highly of himself. Minerva McGonagall is a god damn delight and she knows it. Interestingly, Lupin's patronus is a wolf, but not a werewolf, which could mean any number of things — for one, the word "Lupin" being a cognate for wolf in Latin means that his patronus could reference his family or parents, or just his own identity as a person outside of his lycanthropy.
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6footeel · 6 months
the way the fandom talks about arthur sometimes is…. really interesting
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giyuulatte · 2 months
has anyone made spider-buck fanart? if so please point me in that direction. thanks !!
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Given the way BNHA genetics work, where the kids look the most similar to their mothers, Shinomori might have been Bruce's nephew
Y'know, I didn't think about that, but yeah- a lot of characters look like their moms (Midoriya, Bakugo, Uraraka, Jiro, Koda, etc)
I actually think they might've been cousins. Subscribing to the idea of [most kids take after their mothers], maybe they're cousins through their mothers?
Having OFA for 18 years and dying at 40 means Shinomori received it when he was 22. Shinomori being 22 years old seems close to how old Bruce actually could've been when he was alive himself.
Shinomori being Bruce's nephew is a cute idea though. I still think they'd be close in age, but Hikage can call Bruce "Uncle" to mess with him
Hikage: Uncle-
Bruce: Please don't make me feel old.
An adult that's a few years younger than you, calling you uncle. So like. Bruce could've been the babysitter / older cousin / uncle to weirdo Shinomori and he's just so used to babysitting that it automatically translates over to patiently dealing with Kudo and being protective over him (+ anyone in his care)
(Bruce gave OFA away before he went to go fight, so he really was protecting what was put in his care [Yoichi + Kudo] so they didn't disappear with him. Even if it was just a responsibility and basically their last organ that happened to manifest consciousnesses)
Bruce has Kudo. Shinomori has Banjo. Both are shorter, more risk-taking people that lead the way, but need someone level-headed by their side because they might charge in otherwise.
If they're related, that means Bruce probably also ages well too. And it means Bruce also might have a baby face like Shinomori-
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(They look alike. They're also very so cute)
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mbat · 3 months
i think its really funny that with every other ghost hunting channel ever, a good chunk of the appeal is 'woah are they gonna find real ghosts?' or whatever and they make these really over the top videos about it acting like every single thing is definitively ghosts and cant possibly be any other thing (or they completely faked it themselves) and they dont really shine as people quite as much and theyre probably trying to appeal to kids with this style of video, or just make it exciting so it doesnt feel like its just people in an empty old house blah blah
but then we have shane and ryan who have literally never found proof, they dont really pretend theyve ever found proof (ryan has thought so a few times but he doesnt exactly sit around going 'holy shit remember that piece of proof we found one time that totally proved we found ghosts!' which a lot of channels do in my experience)
no we just all kinda stick around cause we love the dynamic. the shenanigans. if they ever proved ghosts were real it probably would be overshadowed by some funny thing they did they episode aside from that lol
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revenantghost · 10 months
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I somehow managed to go into Trimax with no spoilers as to who Razlo was and MAN that was a good twist, hats off to you Nightow for making this fun little mystery
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thelien-art · 1 year
if you're still taking requests for rarepairs can I ask for Nienor/Mablung?
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I think Nienor is a very underrated character... there´s so much going on in her life, how does she hold on so long!? And her end!? With Glaurung?? Amazing! Mablung too is underrated but not in the same way, he´s an interesting character, to say the least. I like his friendship with Beleg.
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rotisseries · 6 months
"she met a pinecone's fate" was hysterical the first time around and it's still funny but the longer I think about it the more unsure I actually am about the line
#it just feels so. callous. or like. it doesn't FEEL callous cause it's not portrayed that way and you laugh and I'm still laughing#but like. it's callous that is a callous thing to say and it's not like percy doesn't have dickishness to spare#but on this specific thing? really? he's not like that#like. this is after being told the full story so he knows what happened to thalia#and his response to effectively hearing about how this girl died for her friends and not just any friends but the people he's with rn#is “she met a pinecone's fate” a like. dismissive joke about what happened to her#like in the books percy empathizes with thalia's situation he feels for her it's tragic it's a somber moment😭😭#she was a demigod more powerful than the others she was hunted even more than they usually are (percy relates)#and she died for her friends (definitely something percy relates to and would value lol)#and on TOP OF THAT. to say this in front of grover and annabeth? who clearly loved her a lot??#like. percy doesn't like annabeth atp but he doesn’t hate her enough to be crossing those sorts of lines??#and GROVER. is literally his best friend. can you not figure that thalia's death probably weighs on him#oh wait I just remembered at that point in the episode he doesn't know grover was with them lol sorry ignore that bit#anyway. like I get it it's funny and they have a lightly antagonistic relationship in ttc so it's funny!!#like haha he's ALREADY getting his digs in!!#but. idk. feels a bit mean :/#pjo#pjo tv#dropping episode 3 thoughts mere hours before episode 4 lmao#I'm not gonna be able to watch 4 tonight though lol
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