#i have an ask sitting around asking for headcanons that i WANT to answer
whoiserenity · 2 days
Matt Sturniolo Headcanons
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Here's some headcanons of Matt during your pregnancy. Requested by @cupids-mf-arrow
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He would take care of you when you feel cramps and when you vomit and constantly tell you to get it checked up.
"Baby, you need to go to the doctor." Matt said as he handed you a glass of water and some painkillers.
"It'll pass babe, it'll pass." You responded.
He would be ecstatic when you tell him and would jump around and yell.
"Baby, I have to tell you something." You said, sitting beside him.
"What is it?" He responded, looking at you.
"I'm..." You looked at him, smiling and he's confused as hell.
"You're what?" He asked, shaking his head for the answer.
"I'm pregnant." He gasped and immediately stood up, holding his hands to his mouth.
"No. No way." He looked up at you as you stood up. He then quickly hugged you, after pulling out of the hug, he jumped around shouting, "I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad!"
After finding out, he'd make a call to his brothers, telling them about the news.
"Guess what just happened?" Matt said, looking at his phone.
"What?" His brothers, Chris and Nick, asked in unison.
He turned the phone to you, showing you in the camera as he spoke, "Tell 'em, babe."
You waved to his brothers and greet them as they did the same. "Girl, tell us what happened, you're kinda scaring me." Nick stated.
"Okay. Uhm.." I glanced at Matt, smiling then back to his brothers. "I'm pregnant!"
When you tell them the news, the only thing coming out of Matt's phone speaker are screams.
"No. For real?!" Nick shouted while Matt nodded. "Matt gon' be a baby daddy!" Chris screams as we both laughed at them.
He wasn't supposed to be inside the room with you. But he paid the doctor $10, 000 dollars. Cash.
"Come on, sweety. You got this." Matt encouraged you as you pushed through.
You pushed and pushed and screamed out the pain. Throughout the whole labor, he would hold your hand, pat your shoulder, and encourage you along with the doctors and nurses.
After the baby finally came out, he'll tell you that you did so great and thst he was so proud of you.
It's been five months and both you and Matt didn't expect for it to be today that she would say her first words.
Matt was playing with his daughter, doing silly faces here and there as she would laugh.
You both watched them with a smile while you were folding up some clothes.
"Who am I, huh? Who am I? Hmmm?" Matt said in playful voice, rubbing his face on his daughter's stomach as she seemed to like it.
"Papa." The baby muttered as Matt gasped at her words.
"Why?" You asked, chuckling. "She just said her first words!" Matt turned to you, picking up his daughter from the crib. "What?!" You asked, shocked.
"Come on, say it again, honey. Say papa." Matt looked at his daughter.
"Papa!" The baby said, laughing and throwing her hands in the air.
You gasped. "Oh my gosh." You said as Matt looks up at you, smiling.
After a year, it's finally his daughter's first birthday. He didn't attend work that day.
"Who's turning 1 today? Hmm?" Matt said as he picked up his daughter.
She yelled out things that both you and Matt didn't understand. But you knew she meant herself.
"Yes, you are!" Matt pinched his daughter's cheeks. You walked up to them as Matt said, "Look, mommy's here. Hi, mommy." He held up his daughter's hand and waved it to your direction.
"Come on, baby. You gotta get dressed for your party. Uncle Nick and Uncle Chris are almost here, you wouldn't wanna look like a mess, would you?" You chuckled as you took her from Matt's arms and brought her to the room to dress her up.
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That's all! Thank you for reading my headcanons! I appreciate it! Leave a like if you want to! Feel free to request more!
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theragethatisdesire · 23 days
Hii! How are you? I hope you're fine and taking care of yourself!🫶🏻
May I ask why reader got a thing/crush for Jean in the first place inside the poly!universe? It's mentioned that she liked him before they had sex and stuff,but why? Was it physical or emotional too?
I'm sorry if you already clarified this, I just like your poly!au a lot (both fluff and smut)
HELLOOOO nonny!! thank you for popping in with a question, and don't apologize for asking! i'm happy to answer :)
if i'm being honest, i'm really not sure. i think she just notices that eren has a cute roommate/friend at first, and she doesn't think much of it initially, because hello, she has a boyfriend, duh! i think as she spends more time with jean and gets to know him more, she just very much develops a crush on him because .... yk....jean's charming, he's a gentleman, a bit of a sweetheart. i don't think she means for it to happen, and when she realizes it, she's a bit devastated and feels quite guilty over it. that's why she takes a good bit of goading and encouragement from eren to be open to the threesome, she feels bad.
it's not in the written fics, but between the first hookup and the third hookup (where they basically approach jean about the throuple thing), she and eren have a big tell-all where they have to work through their feelings about jean, both individually and collectively, together.
i hope this makes sense !!! i would be happy to elaborate if you'd like <3<3<3 thank you for reading my dear
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catspittle · 2 months
romance & relationship headcanons! // 4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive? (and/or) 28. would it bother your muse if they had differing interests from their partner(s), or would they delight in it?
Crane is definitely a fan of strong jawlines. Not necessarily squared off as that can create a weird look in and of itself, but he likes a man who could break shit with his face. In that respect, he's a simple sort. Also - may have mentioned this before, but muscles are nice. Not a requirement by any means, he's fucked Thinker, but a reasonably toned body is pleasant to look at all the same. He's not particularly strong, himself, but nor is he immune to eye candy on any level. Does probably come off as a bit shallow, but that's intentional misdirection on his part. He doesn't exactly lie, but he also isn't a fan of people he has a shaky standing with knowing his secrets. Nothing else really matters to him; he's perceptive enough, he'll find something to latch onto about you [royal you]. He's not exactly conventionally attractive either. The underbite and connective tissue disorder are a large part of that.
And it wouldn't bother him at all; he figures that the point of having a partner, or even having friends [not that he's got a lot of those] is that people are all supposed to have different perspectives and experiences. In fact, he'd definitely find it odd if someone who was his mirror image hit on him with romantic intent. He knows his own flaws well enough, he doesn't need to see them amplified on a daily/nightly basis. He can't really physically hear anymore, but he does enjoy watching people talk.
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paperclipninja · 2 months
I'm gonna sound very old person yells at cloud but I don't care, I feel like I need to say this. We all (well most of us) know that messaging Neil with any headcanons/theories/wishes/hopes/dreams to do with the show is a no-go because it could potentially compromise the story he wants to tell or ends up telling. And yes, he is a grown up who chooses what to respond to etc and I think it's wonderful he engages with fans and answers a lot of lovely and interesting questions about his process, writing and journey etc.
However, there is another reason not to send theories and ideas about how the show should go to the show creator in the hope of a response: it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether a theory is correct, or a speculation may or may not play out. That is why fandom exists.
Online fandom is where we all come together to yell and cry and throw around weird-ass ideas and theories and look at art and read fanfic and unite in our love of characters and a show. A huge part of being in fandom, is the way fandom theories become like an understood little bit of fanon lore that some people attach to, others disregard. But it doesn't matter. And part of the fun of fandom, is when a new season or a new episode of the show comes out, you have this collective catalogue of ideas and theories and headcanons and you get to yell and scream, "omg it happened1" or "lol that that thing was ever talked about" or "thank god that theory didn't come to pass".
Wanting to know now (not that we ever will) and not wanting to wait until the next season to find out the answers diminishes the fandom experience. I cannot stress enough how much we are in the absolute peak of the fandom experience right now. The between seasons time is the ultimate time to be a part of a fandom (as I'm sure many people are well aware), knowing there's another season coming energises everyone to create and connect and speculate and it's glorious! I know it feels like it'll be like this forever, but it won't. Next season is the last and yes, there will be a flurry and uptick of all the energy and excitement once again, and I absolutely believe Good Omens fandom will live on and remain active and thrumming. But there won't be theories and what ifs and hunting for clues for the next season, and over time it will dwindle a little and plateau and some people will fall into other fandoms, and while it will probably bubble away, there won't be the anticipation that sits with us now.
My point is, fandom is where we get to throw around ideas and flail and be ridiculous and also serious sometimes, but it's all for us. For the fans. Showing Neil theories or getting in a flap about a particular speculation and asking if x, y, or z might happen isn't just about putting the creator in an awkward spot, it takes away what fandom is about. Just let this time be ours. If you haven't been in fandom before, enjoy it! Don't be in a hurry to seek definitive answers or know things either way.
It doesn't matter if any or none or all of the things that float around end up being correct or incorrect. Fandom isn't about being right. It's about being a part of a community and being able to share ideas and it's about it being FUN.
So TL;DR Stop sending Neil fan ideas because that is for fandom, not for the creator.
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ozzgin · 4 months
Hii I was wondering if u could do a yandere Kazuya x yn x yandere Daitou I’m not sure if u do character x yn x character tho
Yandere! Yakuza x Reader Spinoff
Two yakuza men who have fallen in love with their new foreign tenant. A what-if spinoff to the original story for that love triangle spice. Happy Valentine's Day!
Content: female reader, NSFW, organized crime, obsessive behavior, violence, BDSM themes (choking), threats
Credits: My boyfriend for giving me the Daitou smut idea
[Main Story] [General Headcanons]
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Kazuya is sitting on the sidewalk, checking his watch occasionally and tapping his foot. The cigarette seems to have been forgotten, hanging lowly from his lips.
"Sorry I'm late." Daitou speedily makes his way towards his friend, smiling awkwardly.
"Where the fuck were you, man? We don't know how much time we have before the cops arrive."
"Uh uh, leave it to me." The cheeky grin doesn't leave his face as he pulls out his gun and carefully but swiftly inspects the barrel and safety one final time. "(Y/N) needed some help with the mailbox. I couldn't just say no, ya know?"
The blonde man's eyebrows raise for a second, but he quickly recollects himself.
"I see. That's good."
"She asked me to show her the area tomorrow, so I'll be working extra hard tonight. Hehe."
"That's good."
Daitou glances at Kazuya, somewhat wary.
"You okay?"
Stupid question. What's he supposed to answer? Yeah, he loves waiting like a dumbass while his friend flirts with the new tenant, who conveniently happens to be a cute foreigner, who's been unexpectedly nice and relaxed around them despite them explicitly stating they're part of the Japanese mafia. Fucking hell. It doesn't help that this idiot is as obvious as a blaring, blinding cluster of ads smack in the middle of Kabukicho. He can tell from miles away that Daitou's completely fallen for her. Just like that, in an instant.
They've been partners and best friends for years now, so the natural reaction would be happiness, right? Daitou has always been one scary motherfucker. Even the seniors scramble when he's in the room, let alone women. For him to find someone that isn't bothered the slightest by his appearance or background should be a celebratory occasion. Kazuya should be rooting for him. Except, well, he fell for you just as hard. Tough luck.
The Bushido moral code, often used as guidance within their own lifestyle, covers matters such as loyalty and honesty quite extensively. A true warrior remains fiercely faithful to his master or companions. And yet, love interests are more of a grey area, especially if they happen to overlap. Who dictates the proper etiquette for this dilemma? To whom is loyalty directed towards? Truth be told, Kazuya couldn’t care less. He’s always been a man of vice, impulsive and greedy. If he wants something, he takes it.
The trouble starts when the other person is of the same mindset. Two ferocious predators eyeing the same victim.
You fiddle next to the tall, dark-haired man. Similarly, Daitou is avoiding eye contact, looking around in hopes of finding something to focus on. It’s the first time he’s come over since the incident. After his little mission with Kazuya, he was tasked to “interrogate” some of the remaining members to get even more names for the hitlist. He’d completely forgotten about his promise to show you the neighborhood. Hands sticky with blood, he was in the middle of his signature act of benevolence, putting the lad out of his misery.
It was around that time you decided to be the one picking him up instead, for your grand tour. Your knocks on the door remained unheard, however, so you decided to politely make your way in.
“Sorry, I hope I’m not-”
You froze in place. A man (you assumed at least based on the few visible traits left), tied up on the chair, canvas bag roped around his head. Daitou’s hands were secured around his throat. In the few seconds of silence, you could hear a muffled wheezing, as the stranger’s chest heaved in short convulsions.
“-intruding.” You mumbled, regaining your speech.
He messed up, didn’t he? Daitou sighs and slicks his hair back. He can’t blame you if you’re now terrified of him. He had to come over for some tenant checkups and you’ve been maintaining a safe distance from him during his entire visit. What can he possibly tell you? “Hey, I know I threatened to chop you up and you’ve now witnessed firsthand I’m a legit murderer, but, uh…I have a crush on you? Dinner at seven?”
You’re terrified alright, but not of his deeds. Rather, your newly discovered perversion as a consequence of the gory scene. It’s not that you relished in the torment of another. It’s the other details that left you reminiscing. Daitou’s imposing frame, the unbuttoned shirt revealing his traditional tattoos glistening in beads of sweat, his flexed, brawny arms, and large hands. You’re scared of your shamelessness. It can’t be normal. Yet you can’t stop thinking about it. Just a glimpse into this memory and your cheeks become burning red.
“I’ll be on my way then”, the yakuza announces politely.
Though he immediately stops in his tracks, and you realize you’ve unconsciously grabbed onto his sleeve. Uh oh. What now? You mumble an apology without releasing your hold. Being this close to him makes your heart drum inside your chest.
To hell with it.
“I might say something terribly inappropriate right now, but…”
“Sorry?” He stares at you, dumbfounded.
“Do you have anything planned after this?” You ask quietly.
“Would you mind staying over?”
“Huh? Sure…w-what for?” His mouth is dry, and he searches your eyes in confusion.
“You know…” Choke me until I pass out and such, you think to yourself sarcastically.
He turns to face you, lips pursed awkwardly.
“You’ll have to be clear with me, Miss (Y/N). I’m not good with all this tiptoeing around and I might get the wrong idea.”
Your ears perk up hearing his final words, a deep blush now spreading over your flustered features.
“What wrong idea?”
Daitou fidgets with his glass prosthetic nervously.
“Well, uh, a man can only dream, ya know? Especially around a cute girl like you.” He reveals with a stutter.
“Suppose I’d be willing to go along with anything on your mind. What then?” You twirl your hair, gazing shyly at the floor. Not even you can believe the audacity leaving your lips.
The tall man steps before you, towering above with a certain gleam in his eye. It’s yearning. Your knees weaken.
“Don’t tease me, please. I can hardly control myself around you as it is.”
You release his sleeve and instead cling onto his shirt with both hands, looking up through your lashes.
“I’m dead serious.”
He ponders his next move with a click of the tongue, then cups your cheeks between his hands and lowers himself until his hot breath tickles your nose.
“Are you? There’s no going back after this. Can you handle it?” His voice is suddenly deeper, raspier.
Before you can respond, you feel yourself lifted and you yelp, surprised, instinctively wrapping your limbs around the yakuza. In between the greedy kisses that leave your lips bruised and swollen, you don’t notice the movement back towards the seating area.
As you pull away to gasp for air, he throws you onto the couch, flipping you over in the process so that you’re kneeling away from him. Your nails dig into the soft fabric of the sofa. You hear Daitou unbuckle his belt and you squeeze your legs together, heavily aroused. He presses his palm gently into your back, arching it. You sense his fingers grazing over your core and you whimper.
“G-go on, please.” You beg, swaying your hips tentatively. “I really can’t wait anymore.”
“As you wish, Miss.” He reassures you with a grin.
He adjusts himself and carefully makes his way in. You don’t have time to enjoy the feeling; following almost instantly is his belt looped around your neck, tightening under his grip as he pulls the ends towards him. Your head is forced back, and you groan. You can hear the leather stretch and creak over your assaulted skin, the constriction briefly cutting your oxygen intake. Hot drool trickles down your chin and your eyes almost roll back in pleasure.
“Look at my little Miss (Y/N), taking it like a champion.” He bends over and bites your earlobe playfully. “Does that mean I can be as rough as I want?”
You nod erratically.
The grip around your throat intensifies and your vision becomes blurry.
“Hey, don’t pass out now.” He inserts two fingers in your mouth, pulling you by the cheek and tilting your head to look him in the eye. “Not before you show me that you understand your situation. You’re mine. Is that clear?”
He drags his fingers downwards, aiding your response as you struggle to contract your muscles.
“Attagirl.” He concludes, satisfied.
In the morning you wake up with a dreadful soreness, and you can quickly see why. Your body is peppered in bruises. Daitou is smoking by the window and promptly flicks his cigarette out once he realizes you’re no longer asleep.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” He begins, remorseful, and squats in front of the bed. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
“I will need a day or two to recover before the next time, but otherwise I’m fine.”
He beams with delight upon registering your words: next time. You can’t help but snicker at his childish enthusiasm. It’s a mystery how Daitou can switch between ruthless killer and cute partner with such ease.
Although it’s no secret, really. It’s you.
“Thanks for driving me home, Kazuya.”
You smile and unbuckle your seatbelt, reaching for the door handle. Daitou has been busy with work for the past days, so Kazuya took his place in looking after your needs.
“Huh?” You rattle the grab handle one more time to make sure. “It’s still locked.”
The blonde raps the wheel impatiently with his fingers. Is he to silently accept his loss? Does it even count as a loss when he hasn’t even had the chance to present his piece? Daitou has been quiet about it, but he can read that bastard like an open book. Something definitely happened between the two of you and the mere thought drives him insane.
Ah, this is so unlike him. There are few things he cares about. His pride, his Family’s honor, his freedom. Women aren’t exactly on that list, yet somehow, you’ve snuck your way to the very top of priorities and he’s realizing it just now. It’s becoming harder to ignore his maddening urge to have you. Out of all the things…He’d give Daitou the world. But not you. He can’t. He can’t.
“Kazuya? Are you listening? You forgot to unlock the door.”
“Say, (Y/N) …ever fucked in a car before?”
“What?” You ask, baffled.
“Come here for a moment.” He swiftly slides his seat all the way back and pats his thigh.
“Are you out of your mind?”
He answers your inquiry by pulling out his handgun and lazily pointing it towards you.
“I’m only going to ask once.”
You clumsily climb over the center console, straddling the yakuza with a slight pout.
“Someone’s in a sour mood, that’s for sure”, you complain. “It’s not even loaded.”
“Even I’m not crazy enough to risk shooting my Princess.” He smiles apologetically, throwing the gun on the backseat. “I thought it’d be more threatening that way.”
He removes a strand of hair from your face, gazing at you intently. His hand lingers for a second, before sliding its way down, tracing the side of your body. You shiver.
“Can you truly blame me when there’s such a pretty girl right before my eyes?” The blonde exhales and focuses on your shirt instead. “Won’t you let me prove myself?”
From this distance, despite the dim lights, you can discern his features in agonizing detail. His long lashes, his fleshy lips, currently parted, the luscious locks of hair casually thrown back. Kazuya has always been effortlessly handsome. It’s not just his good looks, but his overflowing charisma. He always knows exactly what to say and do. A devilish power to have over people, and you’re presently his victim.
His slender fingers play with your first button and cheekily undo it. You can only observe it, entranced. Your legs are weak, and your arms are stuck in place, resting limply over his broad shoulders.
“May I?” He glances up at you with a pleading expression. “I won’t be able to hold back afterwards.”
You bite your lower lip, distracted. Whether or not this is a wise choice, you can’t currently tell. You squirm in his lap and suddenly feel the pressure coming from below.
“Go ahead.” You finally confess.
He doesn’t hesitate and slithers his hand underneath your shirt, popping the rest of the buttons open. Like a hungry animal that has stumbled upon a feast, he sinks his teeth into your neck, leaving mean, wet kisses on his way down.
One hand is greedily kneading your curves, encouraged by your soft whimpers, while the other strokes your thigh in anticipation. With a bit of readjustment, he finds the right spot between your trembling legs. You jolt at the sensation of his cold fingers.
“My, you’re already dripping. How lewd.” He whispers between breaths. “Do you want it now?”
He nonchalantly slips out and undoes his own pants. You lift yourself expectantly and let a moan escape your lips upon feeling the erection throbbing right below.
“Well then, can’t forget our manners, can we?” He announces, visibly excited. “What should I do?”
You glare at him, feverish.
“Stop teasing me.”
“Come on, be a good girl. Tell me what to do and I will do it, Love.”
Why, this…You lower yourself to his ear and answer in a lulled whine.
“Isn’t it obvious? I want you to fuck me.”
Words enough to send the blonde man over the edge. He abruptly clutches your thighs for support, easing himself in before continuing with increasingly aggressive thrusts. Husky whimpers roll out of his mouth, desperate and starved.
“Oh, I’ve waited so long for this. My darling, perfect little (Y/N).” He presses his forehead into your chest, indulging in the moment. “Now say that you’re mine. Please. Please say it.”
“I’m…ah…I’m all yours, Kazuya.” You manage to blurt out, growing dizzy.
“That’s my girl. Such a good girl.”
Once the deed is finished, you flop your head over his chest, trying to catch your breath. Kazuya smoothens your clothes meticulously, holding you with one arm for support. Can’t leave a lady all disheveled, after all.
“Won’t Daitou be upset?” You point out, somewhat anxiously.
His muscles are tense for a second and he furrows his brows.
“That’s one strange way to thank me for making you come at least twice. Mentioning another man’s name.”
“I’m just…” your words trail off.
“What? Worried? You think I can’t handle it or something?”
Far from the truth. Both Kazuya and Daitou are violent, dangerous men. Given their stubbornness, you’re rather certain they’d end up killing each other. Not your favorite outcome.
“I don’t want either of you to get hurt.”
He sighs loudly.
“I’ll tell you what. Under normal circumstances, I’d probably dismember whoever had the guts to even entertain the idea of meddling with you. But…just because it’s Daitou, I might be willing to share. Nothing more than that.”
Kazuya ruffles your hair and chuckles.
“Aren’t you glad I’m such a diplomat, Love?”
“More like batshit crazy, both of you.” You retort, stretching.
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mandomaterial · 10 months
Jasper Hale dating headcanons
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- this man is definitely, definitely still very old school, very chivalrous and a western gentle man. Stuff like opening doors, kissing your hand and leading you on his arm is a must.
- This man loves showing and teaching you new things 100%. Oh you’ve never really played baseball?, hell show you exactly how to hold the bat and hit the ball with precision. Hell stand behind yo, his arms wrapped around your body, his hand pressing to to yours as Alice pitched the ball, it came at such speed and you were a little frightened, but he led the movements with ease.
- He definitely takes you to a ranch to show you how to ride a horse, western of course. You’re sitting in front of him on the sturdy leather saddle as he’s handing you the reigns, his ands moving to your waist instead. He’s giving you detailed instructions as he gives the horse a little nudge with his heel. He tells you to softly pull the leather straps in the direction you want to go and the horse follows, he’s definitely praising you every chance he gets.
- He definitely has a thing for keeping you close, always holding your hand, or resting or around your waist, he wont allow you out of his weight until he bids you good night at your window. By the way, he’s definitely no as creepy as Edward by watching you sleep. Jasper definitely respects your space and leaves the second you give him a kiss good night. Thats unless you ask him to stay, then he’ll gladly lay down with you, cuddling you close but making sure that you’re always covered with a blanket so that you wouldn’t freeze while laying in his arms.
- Jasper will show you his battle scars once he’s sure that you’re ready and of course you’re a little shocked, but at least now you know why he always wears long sleeves. He allows you to grace them with your soft warm fingers as you ask questions about them, of course he answers truthfully, having come to terms with them a long time ago. He even tells you about Maria and her army, but what he didn’t expect was that you’d start crying, big round tears rolling over your chest. He coos and takes you into his arms, comforting you and telling you that he’s alright all while you’re whining about the story being unfair and sad, he cant help but smile.
- He definitely introduced himself to your family as on as your relationship got serious, you couldn’t stop him from meeting your father and making himself known in your family. Unexpectedly, your father actually liked him, he could tell that he wasn’t just going to keep you round short term but that he’d planned his future around you, going as far as to ask your father for his approval of the relationship.
- Jasper definitely knows how to play the guitar, i mean, he’s a cowboy? Hell play anything and everything for you, in his room , at the beach, in school or anywhere you want. He’ll definitely attempt to teach you at least a few songs so that the two if you could duet, but he soon finds that you rather enjoy watching him instead of playing yourself, swaying softly to the tunes and humming along.
- Jasper defiantly takes it slow with you, just like a true old-school gentle man. He’ll kiss your hand whenever he picks you up and he’ll drive you to a secluded romantic spot, the beach for example, hell sit down with you and just bask in your presence, he’ll kiss you, sure, smiling every second and laughing with you at the awkwardness, only to kiss you again. He really does love you.
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
alastor x reader where they already have kids and it connects with the headcanons about reader being insecure about their stretch marks but this time it's after she starts loving them and when they're alone, alastor is just like "how about we have another baby?" over and over again and reader constantly gets flustered because she/they knows what he wants to do
Alastor having MORE kids???
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Suggestive, Husband and wife are NOT properly communicating IMPORTANT topics
Description: ☝️⬆️
Being a mother was difficult but definitely rewarding, it was something you had wanted for so long and now you have it
All because of your wonderful husband who fought against the impossible just to make you happy
And you like to think that Alastor is happy with his life too, he certainly seems happy
Well, he's always smiling so..
He's always doting on his babies, practically beaming with pride at every little thing they do
And he doesn't neglect his duties as a husband either 😏
Your confidence is higher than ever and you're living out your dreams with Alastor by your side
You thought your husband would be content with two adorable babies, seeing as the second one was a surprise
Apparently not, he wanted more, your greedy husband
He springs the question on you while you two are alone, enjoying your uninterrupted time together
You barely have time to catch your breath before Alastor is kissing and biting at your neck
His claws scrape ever so slightly against your stomach, caressing your marks and reminding both of you of your miracle pregnancy
He pulls away to admire how disheveled you look now, the happy gleam in your eyes as you stare back at him
"Let's have another baby, darling~"
He doesn't answer you, instead going back to kissing the life out of you and leaving your knees weak
The next day, you almost think you imagined it, wishful thinking and all that because Alastor is completely normal with you
You almost believe that all the way up until lunchtime with your babies, you're feeding and cooing at them when Alastor comes in
You can feel him watching you from the doorway as you try to get your little boy to take a few more bites of a new food
His sister is, of course, devouring her own food with no problem
Your husband slinks around behind you and wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder
"Mm... they're such beautiful children, aren't they?"
You're so blissed out by the presence of your husband and children that you don't realize where he's going with this
His hands are creeping down to your stomach, rubbing soothing circles into your sides
"Wouldn't it be lovely if we had another one, my dear~?"
Before you can even turn around to ask him if he's serious, Alastor is picking up his daughter and cooing at her
You're left flustered and confused, picking up your son who was getting fussy
You go through weeks of this bizarre ambush tactic of his, your husband never just sitting you down and talking with you
You're in the shower? Alastor slips in, turns the heat up between you two then asks for another baby
You're cleaning up after your babies? Suddenly your husband is there doing all the work and helps you relax afterwards before bringing up more kids
You're not even safe when shopping with him, he brings you tiny baby socks and clothes while lamenting that the twins don't fit in clothes this size anymore
All his little tricks are starting to work on you though
You're definitely getting a second round of baby fever, especially whenever you bump into your husband
You honestly don't know who's jumping who at this point, you just know that you both simultaneously have decided you want another baby
Alastor has you blushing and following after him with just a look
You have him stumbling out of his pants to get to you with just a few curls of your finger
You put the babies down for a nap? Your husband is suddenly right there pulling you into the bedroom
You go into a closet for cleaning supplies? He's locking the door behind you both, and it's a suspiciously long time before you two walk out
Alastor is up in his radio tower? Guess who's strolling in and interrupting his show
Nobody is shocked to find out that you're pregnant again, you two haven't been subtle
But it would've been nice if you guys had asked the rest of them first-
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everlastlady · 4 months
Husk Boyfriend Headcanons.
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✦- Author's Note: I'm still trying to upload 400 Hazbin Hotel Icons on Pinterest. And those 400 Icons are just from episode one of Hazbin Hotel and Pinterest has an upload limit so I hit that upload limit for the second time today, so until I can upload the rest of the icons, I decided to post the Husk boyfriend hcs. Husk is my favorite character from the show; it's an absolute delight that David Keith is voicing him since David Keith was important in my childhood and he's my favorite voice actor, so him voicing Husk makes me love the character even more. Also update! I have medicine for anxiety and medicine for sleeping finally, so I'll be adjusting my schedule, I'm sorry that I didn't update Bloody Legend but I will soon, I promise my little roses. Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✦- Important: Reader is gender neutral, Protective Husk, Husk can sometimes be an ass, Reader is a singer at the hotel, & Just Cuteness.
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✸- Husk was a loving and caring boyfriend. But sometimes he can be an ass from time to time. But at the end of the day you know that your fluffy boyfriend can be a sweetheart. He loves it when you sit at the bar while he's drinking or serving drinks. He'll listen to you talk about your day or songs that you have been writing. When he's talking about his day or people that pissed him off, you'll listen. The bar is likely where you two are mostly seen when it's not your rooms or the streets of Hell. Husk isn't afraid to tell other guests to fuck off if they come up and try to flirt with you. And you aren't scared to do the same if people try to hit on Husk or disrespect him if he refuses to serve them another drink.
✸- When it comes to laying in bed, Husk doesn't mind being the big or little spoon. But he very much prefers being the big spoon. He likes it when you run your fingers through his fur or use his fluffy chest as a pillow. It's hard for him not to let out little purrs because of how you play or stroke your fingers through his fur. He'll rub gentle circles on your back or hips. He'll watch a nice movie or show with you. Maybe even rock you to sleep, he'll whisper sweet nothings into your ear and tell you how much you mean to him. He'll place kisses along your face and cover you up a bit when you finally fall asleep, don't worry he's not going anywhere because he'll fall asleep next to you.
✹- You're both losers! You and Husk both know that you are losers. You both need through painful things when alive and when in Hell. Maybe you are both still dealing with painful things but you both know that at the end of the day. You have each other and can yourselves around one another. That nothing will stop you both from living through the shit streets of Hell. To never be scared to express oneself or speak your mind.
✹- You find it fascinating that Husk was once an Overlord. You ask him so many questions and he'll happily answer all of them. When you ask him if he ever had a chance to go back to being an Overlord would he? And his answer is always no because he isn't sure if the happiness he had as an Overlord was truly real happiness. He doesn't want to be an Overlord but he also doesn't want to be on Alastor's leash. But you promised to find a way to free him from Alastor one day.
✸- Husk favorite thing to do with you is taking you on a romantic dinner then having a night stroll in the park. Hand in hand the two of you will walk and Husk will sing a song to you. He'll pick a flower and had it to you. Tell you how grateful he is to have such a beautiful and special demon in his life.
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spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
Baby Fangs
Synopsis: Baby Alethaine is severely sick, and Astarion is afraid his daughter is going to die.
Tags: hurt/comfort, dadstarion, dhampirs
Alethaine's age: 5 month
Thanks @queenofthespacesquids for beta-reading!
Read on AO3
Astarion has never been so afraid in his life.
Not when he was dying in the streets of Baldur’s Gate. Not when he thought Tiriel had gone. Not when Cazador had inflicted tortures on him.
It just can’t compare to the fear of losing a child.
“She needs to make it till morning,” the healer says. “If she is alive by sunrise, she will get better.”
“But can we do anything?” Tiriel looks as if she is going to fight. “There are healing spells, potions, anything!”
“And most of them aren’t fit for a five month old child. Astarion, Tiriel, I give you my word. I’ve done everything I can. There are probably some clerics and wizards who can heal your child immediately but none of them live in Daggerlake. I am sorry.”
The healer walks away, leaving a dreadful silence in the house.
Astarion sits on the bed, clasping his hands together. Of course, things couldn't be this good. Of course something had to go wrong! How could he have been foolish enough to believe that things could be good for him?
His little daughter, Alethaine, is such a miracle, such a gift. When he first held her in his arms, he dared to hope that everything would be all right from then on. And now they tell him she's dying? That she would be dead by morning?
Alethaine whimpers weakly. She is already too tired to cry.
Tiriel looks terrible. She is a warrior, a fighter, but for the first time in her life, she has no enemy to kill. The enemy is her daughter's fever, and she can't beat it the way she beats monsters.
The baby starts coughing.
Astarion doesn't need to be a vampire to feel his daughter's pain. Her muscles are too tense. Her breathing is ragged and her heartbeat is too weak. Alethaine is suffering at this very moment, and there is nothing her parents can do about it.
Can’t give her medicine. Can’t soothe her pain.
There is a grip of death around her tiny heart and neither Tiriel nor Astarion can unclench it.
Tiriel sits on the bed, cradling Alethaine in her arms. Astarion wraps his hands around them.
“So what do we do?” he asks.
“We wait,” she answers. Her voice sounds exhausted.
He nods.
Yesterday, Alethaine was perfectly healthy. She tried to sit up, but each time her head proved too heavy and she fell on her back. Then her black eyes clouded over and a fever rose. She refused to eat and only cried like a wounded animal.
“What if she doesn’t make it?” Astarion asks.
Tiriel doesn't answer and he sees tears flowing down her cheek. “We will keep living. Could you please bring a blanket?”
Astarion reluctantly lets them go and picks up a thick fur blanket from the floor. Then they sit together with their backs against the wall, covering their sick daughter with the blanket. Only a desperate cough echoes through the room.
Children die all the time. Mostly little kids like Alethaine. Daggerlake isn't a very big town, but Astarion knows that at least three babies have died this year. From disease. Small children like this are too vulnerable. It happens all the time.
There's a chance that tomorrow Astarion will have to dig a grave and put a tiny bundle in there that never had a chance to grow up.
It's so unfair that it makes Astarion want to howl.
"Astarion," Tiriel touches his curls. "Let's talk. The silence is killing me."
“What do you want to talk about, my sweet?”
“I don't know… Anything.” Tiriel places the girl in his hands and Astarion flinches sensing the heat of Alethaine’s body. Fever. A terrible killing fever. “Do you think she is a dhampir?”
“She is an elf like I was before I died.”
When Tiriel was pregnant, he read as much as possible about dhampirs. Deadly and fast, half-vampires don’t need blood and can live in the sun. But they have vampiric strength, can walk on ceilings, and regenerate much faster than mortals. No wonder vampires are often jealous of their children.
But at the same time, the life of a dhampir is full of hardships. Neither a vampire, nor a mortal, they are doomed to be alone. Once they feel bloodlust for the first time and fangs replace the canines, they are outcasts often disowned by their own mortal families.
But does it have to be like that? Astarion has been fighting the odds against his vampiric nature for the last twenty years. Why can’t his daughter?
But Astarion is afraid they will never learn the answer to either of their questions. Alethaine opens her mouth and makes a deep breath as if suffocating. Something doesn’t allow her to breathe and she makes hissing sounds. Her little eyes are watery - by this time she can only cry.
So can her parents.
“I wouldn’t want to, I think,” Tiriel says. “If she is dhampir it means she is alone. Even if other spawns have children too, what is the chance she will ever meet them?”
Astarion kisses Tiriel’s cheek. if Alethaine dies, they bury her and leave. Daggerlake is a welcoming town but it will be a place of sorrow for them.
Tiriel adjusts herself a bit.
“Fuck” she mutters. Astarion immediately smells the blood. Tiriel’s thumb is bleeding. “A fucking splinter.”
Alethaine cries at the top of her lungs.
Astarion stares at his daughter with shock. She screams with the strength they didn’t know she posseses. It’s desperate. Angry.
This moment she doesn’t sound like a child. She sounds like a little beast.
Before Astarion makes up any coherent thought, Tiriel puts her bleeding thumb to Alethaine’s lips, making the blood pour into her mouth.
“Tiriel, what are you doing?”
Tiriel doesn’t answer. The girl makes sucking movements as her mother squeezes drops of blood from her finger.
And then her dark eyes turn red.
They glow in the half-lit room like two tiny lights.
Tiriel puts her fingers away and Alethaine makes a disgruntled sound. Her elven ears twitch.
The eyes stop glowing so intensely and return to their natural black color.
And then Alethaine laughs.
She is kicking her legs and stretching her arms to her parents.
The girl is happy. Happy like a well-fed vampire.
“Astarion, look at her gums.”
Two baby fangs. Very small, almost kitten-like.
“It wasn’t a fever,” Astarion mutters. “It was a bloodlust.”
Of course… If she was older she would just try to get blood from somewhere.
But when you are five months old you can’t do a lot of things.
Poor girl, how she suffered those two days.
Is dhampir bloodlust the same as vampiric? Was she feeling her stomach being ripped apart, her throat hurting and bleeding? Maybe it was even worse for her? Maybe her mortal nature was fighting the bloodthirsty monster, causing Alethaine to cry in pain?
Helpless baby alone with her pain and fear while her parents didn't think of the most obvious explanation.
** Astarion sits at the doorstep with a plushie doll in his hands. The toy has white hair and elven ears, and now Astarion is stitching small fangs to its mouth.
The tears prickle his eyes.
He’s condemned his child for a life of hardships. For loneliness, for constant war against herself. If someday Alethaine shows up at his doorstep blaming him for all her tragedies, he will not even try to defend himself.
“No, kitten, I don’t care if you don’t like it! I can’t breastfeed you anymore and I am not giving you any blood! You eat normal food!” He hears Tiriel’s voice from inside the house.
Alethaine isn’t going to comply easily.
Then he hears footsteps from behind.
“What are you doing?” Tiriel asks.
“Adding fangs to her toy.”
Tiriel sits beside him.
“You have mash in your hair.” Astarion notices
“I know. You should see the other girl. How do you feel about giving her a bath?”
“I don't think you should ask. It’s my child. It seems like… even more mine now.”
“Hey, don't be upset. We knew it was possible.”
“I just… Her eyes, Tiriel, you saw them.They were like theirs… My siblings…Cazador… the same fucking glowing eyes as if she was a vampire, too!”
“It’s because of blood. She doesn’t have to drink it, she can eat normal food.”
“We should have found the cure before making a child.”
“But we didn’t find any.”
Tiriel takes a wet piece of rag and wipes her hair. “Astarion, I am going to talk to you seriously and, please, pay attention to every word I say.”
“I am all pointy ears, my love.”
“I was beaten and humiliated daily for who I was. My family didn't even give me a name because they despised me. But when I met elves for the first time they called me “garbage” - Biir. Half-something, half a person. Half elves aren't uncommon. There are surprisingly many in big cities. But I’ve been taught to despise my body, to hate my ears, to be embarrassed of my own existence. And our daughter is a dhampir. And I am sure there aren’t many like her. This world will have a thousand opportunities to shove her differences up to her nose. This world will teach Alethaine to hate herself. I can guarantee you she will try to pull her fangs out or maybe will ask someone to knock them out. She will cover herself not to let people see how pale she truly is. And we must not be a part of her problems.”
“Tiriel, I would never - “
“She is a girl, Astarion. Her image of herself will be formed mostly by you, not by me. The way you will perceive her will be the way she will see herself. And if she sees resentment, if she senses your sorrows that she isn’t a normal child, she will start hating herself. She will feel it. And it will stay with her till her long days are over.”
“Tiriel, what exactly in my behavior tells you that I am going to mistreat her? She is my child! She is…”
“I didn’t mean to ignore the fact she is a dhampir. You must cherish her differences. We must love her for being a dhampir. We must form this idea that it’s good she is a dhampir.”
Astarion chuckles. To be honest, he has never accepted his vampirism. It happened against his will and he would give anything to get rid of it. It is a curse. And now… his daughter is cursed as well.
“Astarion, this is important. Even the tiniest things will affect her. And we will have to deal with the consequences.”
The girl cries for her parents, and Tiriel, planting a kiss on Astarion’s forehead, returns inside.
Several hours later, when a washed and clean-clothed Alethaine is happily lying on her parents' bed and trying to make some coherent movements, Astarion finally finds enough moral strength to accept the reality.
He takes his daughter in his arms and walks up to the ceiling. The girl laughs and tries to bite him.
"Aren't you the cutest dhampir in Faerûn?" he mutters. "I can't wait to teach you how to use those fangs in battle. You will be deadly, my princess! But don't bite your mother, that's my prerogative."
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96
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baldval · 2 months
do you also do polyamorous things? could we have romantic headcanons with the vee's and a very childish reader? (sorry, I'm very silly!!!)
would prefer a gn!reader, but fem or male is always fine too!
if you don't do poly things, then just velvette is fine!
-🍋 anon
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characters: velvette, valentino, vox, x gn!reader (poly)
warnings: cursing, nfsw headcanons later on.
a/n: i respect all ships, but personally i am a firm believer of poly!vees and, obviously, love this request!!!!
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ʚɞ without fail, vox would be the one to wake up eary and make breakfast for all of you.
ʚɞ "you're all so fucking lazy, perhaps you could try to do something?"
ʚɞ secretly, he loves to cook.
ʚɞ he'll never admit to it but you all know it.
ʚɞ as vox's alarm wakes you all up, velvette gives both valentino and you sweet good morning kisses.
ʚɞ meanwhile, valentino grumbles something into the soft flesh of your thigh.
ʚɞ very much not a morning person.
ʚɞ vox is used to hammering away for hours alone in his office, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t get a bit lonely.
ʚɞ would be delighted to find you and velvette lingering to spend time with him and watching him work.
ʚɞ whereas valentino is pretty much the exact opposite.
ʚɞ 'clingy' is an understatement.
ʚɞ constantly all over the both of you.
ʚɞ genuinely doesn't matter who is around, he will hold your waist and plant a kiss on your lips natural as anything.
ʚɞ a hand on your hip as he hugs velvette by her shoulder.
ʚɞ "come on vox, you've been in there for hours." you whine
ʚɞ "i'll be done in a minute darling."
ʚɞ when she's between work, velvette loves to experiment with novel ideas for her clothing line.
ʚɞ often shows new things to you first to get your opinion.
ʚɞ one day you asked her to teach you how to sew, to which she answered with such excitement it was almost to the point of giddy.
ʚɞ val loves it when he's working and you just enter his office and sit on his legs.
ʚɞ his arms surrounding your figure.
ʚɞ vox loves when you play helpless damsel with little things, even when he knows you're exaggerating.
ʚɞ enjoys seeing you struggle
ʚɞ and when you give him puppy eyes.
ʚɞ watches you with a loving smirk.
ʚɞ "let me take care of it, darling"
ʚɞ you all love riling vox up when you know he has somewhere to be.
ʚɞ "what if we made out right now? would you still want to leave?" you tease.
ʚɞ he’s embarrassingly affected by your kisses and caresses.
ʚɞ and how you all always manage to make him late.
ʚɞ velvette tends to be a very rough and demanding top.
ʚɞ topping velvette is rare, but absolutely a glorious experience to be a part of.
ʚɞ whereas vox is much more giving.
ʚɞ he still needs praise tho.
ʚɞ "you look so good on top of me, it's amazing".
ʚɞ "hmm... please- keep doing that."
ʚɞ valentino is the textbook definition of a power bottom.
ʚɞ he's always the one to get impatient and jealous during sex.
ʚɞ especially when velvette or vox are taking up too much of you for too long.
ʚɞ "hurry up," he'd mumble while sucking at the skin of your neck.
ʚɞ but velvette ignores him, her mouth steadfastly doing the lord's work between your legs.
ʚɞ she's fond of the brat but not about to rush your pleasure over it.
ʚɞ besides, she know you all can think of a few better ways to shut valentino up.
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helluvapoison · 3 months
okay those wedding headcanons for Lucifer were amazing and I am dying for the honeymoon if you're willing ♡
It was far from the first time you two have had sex… but it was his first time as your husband— and he’s fixated on that detail
[part i]
warning: 18+ only, minors DNI, gender neutral reader
• “Say it again,” Lucifer pants, his warm breath fanning your skin and sending a shiver throughout your body, “Please angel, wanna hear it again.”
• “Husband,” You purr, tugging his hair purposefully and stopping his newest mission of sucking a collar around your neck
• A terribly precious whine leaves him at the title. It’s his new favorite, it’s better than king
• Lucifer’s eyes were heavy and clouded with lust, a rosy blush spreading out from the apples of his cheeks and his mouth slightly agape
• “You’re a sinful sight, my dear husband,”
• “Again,” He breathes, finally shrugging off his shirt like it was holding him back
• You sit up with him, helping unbuckle his belt. The leather joins its ensemble on the ground with a loud protest that goes ignored. Lucifer eagerly kicks off his trousers and briefs, hovering over you once more
• While he meticulously places kisses along your jaw, you repeat his favorite word. It becomes a moan before long
• His hands wander down your sides and leave goosebumps in the wake. Suddenly he grabs your hips and drags them to meet his own with strength you forgot he possessed, his cock hard and weeping against your pelvis
• His lips crash against yours to swallow the next noise you release. All of them belong to him anyhow
• You pull him impossibly closer, one hand snaking into his hair and the other scratching down his back as his tongue invades your mouth. He’s all too eager to reclaim every inch of you he can
• You buck up against his length, silently asking for that relief you crave but a low growl from the back of his throat is your answer and it only makes the fire in your belly blaze with passion
• “Let me serve you,” Lucifer whispers desperately against your lips, “Tell me I can, my love, just say the word.”
• You know exactly which one that would be
• “Husband—“
• He’s pushing inside you before you can finish
• Lucifer keeps you lip locked with one hand on the back of your head, taking all your moans for himself, using them to fuel his desires. Serve you; love you; bring you pleasure like you’ve brought him.
• You, you, you, nothing else exists
• He chants your name like he’s casting a spell but it’s him that’s enchanted. He’s entirely focused on bringing you to your peak first even though he’s already dying to cum. The first round is usually the shortest but this time is different. The thought of claiming you inside and out is too much, the coil in his belly is furious at him for holding back but he has to focus on you
• Ducking his head back into the crook of your neck, he bites the junction of your shoulder. His arms wrap around to hug you tighter, keep your chest pressed against his as he ruts into you
• Tossing your head back with a cry you praise him as you drag your nails down his back, “Oh fuck! F-Feels so good. Fuck, ngh, Luci! L-Love you s’much.”
• A pathetic whimper escapes him at that, one tinged with the slightest hint of disappointment but he couldn’t tell you why even if he wanted to. He was busy lapping up the blood and sucking the sweat from your skin, making sure it would be a royal purple for his royal beloved
• “Husband!” You correct yourself with a cry that gets cut short as Lucifer’s pace quickens, thrusts becoming sloppy, “L-Love, oh shit, I love you!”
• Your hole greedily sucks him in, squeezing around his cock and dragging him into ecstasy with you
• His response is a choked moan as he rams into you once more, filling you to the brim with his cum. Immediately after he all but collapses over you while sucking in a ragged breath
• “Fuck,” Lucifer pants, “Sorry angel, I—“
• You squeeze him against your chest and crane your neck to stamp a rough kiss to the crown of his head. “Not another word, my dear husband. You were perfect, as always.”
• A pleased, relaxed smile spreads across his face. He allows himself to lean into your affection for a moment,
• “You don’t think I was done do you? That was only the first course, my love.” Lucifer purrs, feeling himself harden already, still snug inside you
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after-witch · 3 months
Yandere Overhaul first time having sex headcanons
Title: Yandere Overhaul first time having sex headcanons [Yandere Overhaul x Reader]
Synopsis: Headcanons for yandere Overhaul's first time having sex with reader.
Word count: 1000ish
Notes: Kidnapped reader, dubcon, descriptions of sex, reader is afab
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Preparing For Your First Time
Your first-ever kiss was impulsive. It was the first truly intimate skin-to-skin (well, lip-to-lip) contact and it took you both by surprise.
But this? This is not impulsive. This has been put onto his schedule, both the flat calendar he keeps on his desk and on his phone. He has, he says, cleared out the afternoon through tomorrow morning. You’re not sure if that’s flattering or not.
The schedule is not the only thing that’s been pre-planned. 
Overhaul gave you a checklist. Brush your hair. Brush your teeth. Shower–three times. Once to rinse yourself off, another to scrub with soap and rinse. And another scrub and rinse, for good measure. 
He’ll be doing the same, he told you, as if that lessened the feeling of shame. When he saw how your hands trembled holding the list he tilted your chin up with a gloved finger. “You’re not… dirty, darling. But one can never be too careful.  You understand, don’t you?” And you do, of course. So you head into the shower and force away nagging thoughts.
There’s a silky white nightgown waiting for you when you step out of the shower. That doesn’t surprise you: it’s how he prefers you dress at night. What does give you pause is the small vial sitting on top of it… a perfume. A scent you used to like from before. He stopped letting you wear scents when you came here. It’s a gift–one that makes you smile from ear to ear. You put a little behind your ear and relish the scent of it.
Your First Time Together
He leads you into the most sacred of places: his bedroom. His bed is just as you imagined it. Black sheets, freshly pressed. Standard pillows in cases that you’re sure are antimicrobial. It would kill the mood, so you don’t ask. 
Your stomach starts to do awful flips as soon as he gently directs you to sit on the bed. Is this the right step forward? What if he hates it? What if you hate it? Are you even supposed to want to do this with him? But to answer that last question would undo the protective web you’ve built up around yourself over so long, and you force it away
Overhaul gently pushes your shoulders down so that you’re propped up on his pillows.
“Stop thinking so much.” Gentle, firm. An order, all the same. “You’ll worry yourself into hysterics.” 
Yes, you will. So you smooth over all the worry and guilt and remind yourself that Overhaul, that Kai knows best. Always. 
Yet that knowledge doesn’t stop the oppressive flutter of your stomach when he crawls on the bed and lifts up the hem of your nightgown. He leaves it on you, bunched up around your hips; the soft fabric tickles your thighs.
He takes off his own clothing, however. You watch as he neatly folds them and places them in a laundry bin against the wall marked DIRTY. A bin next to it is marked CLEAN.
When he returns to the bed, you finally get your first sight of his erection, pressed up against his stomach, covered in the thin clear material of a condom. Your heart hammers. It’s happening, isn’t it? 
It’s then that you notice–he hasn’t removed his gloves. “What about…”  You ask, looking at his hands. 
“I need them,” is what he says, with a tone that means it’s not to be questioned. 
Still, you squeak out a “But–” before he crawls onto the bed and gently pushes your legs open wider.
He ignores your utterance.. A smile is on his face. “You’re so sweet, aren’t you? My angel. Now try to relax, it will make this easier. I know it must be… anxiety-inducing.”
There is some small part of you that wants to snap back. To tell him that you’re not all sweetness and nightgowns,, that you’ve had sex, for fuck’s sake, just not like this. Not with him. Not under these circumstances. 
But that isn’t what Overhaul, what Kai wants, and you don’t want to ruin everything. Really, he’s right, isn’t he? You do think too much. It makes things too complicated.
So you lean your head back and go quiet and he takes that as a sign to begin. His gloved finger goes inside you too quickly, and your breath hitches. 
“Relax,” he says. It makes you think, abruptly, of when he takes you into the clinic. The tone he uses when he’s about to stick you with a needle. Relax, relax, relax.
Another finger begins to rub your clit. It’s meticulous and practiced and feels almost clinical. Your breath begins to stutter on cue, you feel yourself getting warm and wet, but it’s like your mind is blank even as the pleasure builds and builds.
You can feel yourself starting to lose control. Your thighs tremble so much you’re worried he might stop, your breath comes out heavy, and sweat begins to bead at the back of your neck.
You orgasm on his gloved fingers and he lets you ride it out, clenching his digit, before he removes it. He pulls off both gloves (he hides his distaste, at least you think so, and it makes your heart flutter) then tosses them into the DIRTY bin, and leans over to retrieve a clean pair from his nightstand.
Then he’s leaning over you and you finally feel the warm, firm press of his cock lining up against your entrance. 
It hurts at first. Uncomfortable with a dash of pain–you feel  too full, too tight. Enough to make tears prick at your eyes. But not for long. He did prepare you, after all, and it’s not long before the uncomfortable tightness gives way to a more pleasurable friction.
You want him to come undone. To look vulnerable. But he doesn’t, despite his thrusts getting faster, despite him pressing his palms against your wrists to keep you in place as he begins to grunt softly above you. 
“Relax,” he tells you, when he catches you staring. “You’re doing so well for your first time, aren’t you, angel?”
You want to correct him, but you know of the few options you have in a moment like this, it would be the worst one. So you nod and bite down a whimper when he thrusts particularly hard.
He’s in control, even now. Like always. It was silly to think you’d see him come undone above you, even like this. 
He finishes inside and kisses you for the first time during the whole evening during his afterglow. He coos at you, gloved fingers holding your chin, praising you for how well you did. 
After he pulls out, he quickly disposes of the condom in the DIRTY bin, along with his gloves. New ones get snapped on. 
He goes to the bathroom and returns with a clean rag and a bin of water, so that he can clean you up. He tells you to roll over on your side, explaining in calm detail what will happen now. “You’ll be sore,” he says, “and it might feel a little funny. Don’t worry about that. It will pass. It won’t be as strange the next time.” 
All you can do is pretend he’s right and listen to your breath hitch as he wipes you clean. 
You stare at the bins pushed up against his wall.  DIRTY, CLEAN. Which one would he put you into, if he tossed you over?
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scatteredskittless · 3 months
hello!! i saw you wanted requests and I was wondering if you would be willing to write some platonic headcanons for the Hazbin Hotel crew with a reader who has chronic pain. (i totally get if you don't want to) thank you so much and I'm excited to see what you write in the future 😺
Hazbin Hotel Crew x Chronic pain having! GN! Reader
A/n: tysm for the request !! This is my first time writing something like this so I hope it’s okay :3 (if there’s anything I got wrong, please correct me)
Warnings: Mentions of chronic pain and disability (but like.. that’s pretty obvious lol)
Fluff✔️ Comfort✔️ Angst❌ Smut❌
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‧₊˚✧ Alastor ✧˚₊‧
📻𖤐 After a while of Alastor observing you, as he does with most, he’d notice your body language and think the way you acted was a bit odd…
📻𖤐 Not in a bad way, he just didn’t understand at first why you sometimes visibly look like you were in pain or even just hobbling around to get somewhere
📻𖤐 it definitely raised his brow…
📻𖤐 Before actually approaching you and asking you about it, I’d like to think he made one of the egg boiz spy on you like he did in that one episode 😭😭
📻𖤐 I don’t know what he was expecting though. The only somewhat valuable piece of information he gathered from what the little talking egg had told him was that it saw you taking pain medication. Which did not narrow it down at all and not much of his curiosity had been quenched quite yet..
📻𖤐 So, one peaceful and early morning in the hotel, he decided it’d be best to just ask you about it.
📻𖤐 “My dear, are you feeling alright? You look to be quite discomforted…?” He’d ask casually as he took a sip from his coffee mug, one brow raised and his eyes fixed on yours, pretending like he hadn’t noticed this before today.
📻𖤐 After a chat, he was informed you had something called “chronic pain”. He asked a few questions, nodding when he got the answers and once he was satisfied, he walked off back to his quarters in the hotel.
📻𖤐 After all, he had so much research to do.
📻𖤐 Adding onto that last once I do feel as though Alastor would do more research on it when you decided to tell him about your condition.
📻𖤐 Mostly for his own benefit of learning something new since he hadn’t heard of this before… but it came in handy if you ever needed a bit of a helping hand.
📻𖤐 Like, if you happened to have a flare up or just a particularly bad day he’d sit with you and made sure you rested up.
📻𖤐 He wouldn’t verbally express it but he did take pity on you. How unfortunate you were in constant agony.
📻𖤐 He is a sadistic little fuck though so he’d probably find it mildly entertaining or at the very least fascinating to see what’d make you tick or was a challenge for you
📻𖤐 Although he’d try to be careful not to push you too much.
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‧₊˚✧ Angel Dust ✧˚₊‧
🕸️ᥫ᭡ We all know Angel Dust doesn’t have much of a filter so it wouldn’t take him long to ask you why you could barely stand upright for too long or look like you’re genuinely struggling all the time.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ In fact, he’s more perceptive than people would like to think he is. He noticed it shortly after you two had met.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ He’d probably come off a bit strong, saying something along the lines of “toots? Ya alright over there? Ya don’t look so uhhh.. you don’t look too hot.” As he gave you a one over.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ You could tell he wasn’t trying to be insulting to you though, he was just concerned and wanted to know what was troubling you. It showed ever so slightly on the spiders face.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Once you explained to Angel your condition he felt bad. Like, huh? Whatdoya mean you sometimes have trouble even getting outta bed in the morning because of how much pain you’re in?? Sometimes you neglect your own basic needs because you’re in constant pain?
🕸️ᥫ᭡ As he tired to wrap his head around the thought, he’d ask if there’s anything he could do to help. Of course though, there wasn’t much he could do.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ From that day on, Angel would try to make things at least a little easier for you. You had earned the title of his friend, after all. Why would he let his friend suffer alone?
🕸️ᥫ᭡ He loves to cook and is pretty good at it so expect a few homemade meals on him at least a few times <3
🕸️ᥫ᭡ If you ever had a flare up you better fucking believe he’d sit there with you and just talk. He rambles like an old man lol
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Also 100% has movie nights with you with both of you guys’ favourite snacks.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Oh and of course his pig Fat Nuggets would be joining you two
🕸️ᥫ᭡ And thankfully the little guy adores you. Which gains some points with Angel
🕸️ᥫ᭡ The piggy would crawl into your lap if you were up for it. He’s pretty light and his oinks and squeals are bound to make you crack a smile
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Angel is no stranger to feeling pain, so he knows how much it sucks.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ That’s why I believe he’d be one of the best people to tell. You’re his friend and wants to make sure you’re okay as possible.
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‧₊˚✧ Husker ✧˚₊‧
🍺🃁 Husker, much like Angel, would notice almost immediately that something was up with you…
🍺🃁 At first Husk couldn’t place it. He just knew that he didn’t often see you standing up straight for long periods of time and that you looked like you were constantly unwell.
🍺🃁 Was it just bad migraines? He’s never really seen you drunk before so it’s not like it could be really bad hangovers.
🍺🃁 Plus, this has been going on since you arrived here so that seemed highly unlikely.
🍺🃁 Husk was the type of guy to keep it to himself though. If it didn’t concern him, why bother saying anything about it?
🍺🃁 One day though, you sat yourself down at the bar and asked for some water. This time however, you looked worse than usual, practically doubled over as you stared down at the bar.
🍺🃁 Even though Husk usually kept his mouth shut.. he couldn’t help but ask if you had a headache or something and if you needed some migraine medication.
🍺🃁 He wasn’t heartless.
🍺🃁 When you shook your head no slowly and told him you were just having a “flare up” he asked what you meant to which you gave a brief explanation of the condition you have.
🍺🃁 Suddenly, it all made sense. That’s why you looked like you were constantly in pain. It’s because you were.
🍺🃁 He slid you the ice cold water gently and observed you for a few moments before going back to wiping the glasses as he spoke to you.
🍺🃁 “If you need something don’t be afraid to ask for it.” He’d say, his deep voice trying to be as comforting as it can while also maintaining somewhat of a nonchalant tone.
🍺🃁 Then, after that, it became routine for you to sit at the bar with him.
🍺🃁 He definitely wasn’t complaining. It was nice getting to know you and since you had a place to just sit and rest, he got to see you more often.
🍺🃁 you swiftly became good friends with him and he was pretty helpful when it came to your condition.
🍺🃁 he’d do his best to check up on you often :)
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‧₊˚✧ Vaggie ✧˚₊‧
🗡️☪︎ Vaggie heard about your chronic pain from Charlie so there wouldn’t be a need to tell her about it lol
🗡️☪︎ I have a feeling she’d be a little awkward with attempting to help you out…
🗡️☪︎ Like it’s not like she can really make you feel better so it’s a bit of a struggle for her..
🗡️☪︎ But she does try her best though because she cares about you. You’re her friend.
🗡️☪︎ After a few motivational words from Charlie she’s good to go, attempting to comfort you.
🗡️☪︎ I have a feeling she’d try to help by grabbing you stuff you wanted or needed and chatting with you.
🗡️☪︎ She’s actually quite fun to converse with, she’s pretty sweet when she wants to be and can hold good conversations :))
🗡️☪︎ She’s a good listener so if you wanted to vent or just had something on your mind, she’d listen.
🗡️☪︎ During flareups, Vaggie would just stay by your side and wait it out with you, if you needed anything, she’d be on it and would be back pretty fucking quickly too 💀
🗡️☪︎ Would put a random show on if you wanted a distraction and might let you rest your head on her shoulder if you so desired
🗡️☪︎ I can’t think of much else for her other than the fact she’d try her best. Maybe mess up a few times but ultimately she means well and tries to be as understanding as she possibly can be <33
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‧₊˚✧ Charlie ✧˚₊‧
⭐️☀︎ The first thing you did when you arrived at the hotel was inform the very excited daughter of Lucifer that you had chronic pains so you might have to take it a bit slow when showing you around the Hazbin Hotel..
⭐️☀︎ And of course, Charlie being who she was, was very understanding and accepting of that fact.
⭐️☀︎ She’d heard about your condition before so making accommodations for you wouldn’t be an issue
⭐️☀︎ She’s a sweetheart so quite literally your biggest supporter
⭐️☀︎ Like, oh? You need something??Ohmygodwhydidntyoutellmesoonerhereitis :33
⭐️☀︎ Much like Vaggie, she’d sit and talk with you during your flareups
⭐️☀︎ Maybe make you a tea and discuss future plans and such for the hotel to get your mind off of things. Works sometimes surprisingly enough.
⭐️☀︎ She’s nice to talk to, very comforting vibes
⭐️☀︎ But it may get a bit annoying how many times she asks if you’re sure there’s nothing she can do to make your pain go away somehow lol
⭐️☀︎ Or even just how many times she asks if you need something. “Do you need anything? No? Are you sure? Okay…. But are you really sure?”
⭐️☀︎ Might stress herself out on occasion over it tbh😭🙏
⭐️☀︎ But she only means well, you know that.
⭐️☀︎ Her cat Keekee I’m sure would love to cuddle, the cute cyclopean kitty pushing its forehead against your hand for pets (only if you’re up to it, of course.)
⭐️☀︎ Asides from Angel, Charlie would definitely be the best person to tell in the hotel because like… genuinely she just wants to help In any way she can lol
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‧₊˚✧ Niffty ✧˚₊‧
🧼𐙚 Niffty is quite blunt as well, very out there and doesn’t really think before she speaks half of the time it just kinda comes out 😭
🧼𐙚 So.. she’d probably take one look at you, and ask why you’re in pain.
🧼𐙚 To which you’d explain to the little one eyed maid your condition, she’d think about it for a moment before asking a shitload of questions about it to which you answer :))
🧼𐙚 Other than that I don’t think Niffty would like… really do much?
🧼𐙚 Maybe clean for you
🧼𐙚 But there’s not much else she would do, realistically, she might forget about it and then ask again. Once you remind her she remembers tho lol
🧼𐙚 During your flareups I do believe like the others she’d sit with you for a while…
🧼𐙚 Before spotting a roach and scurrying off to go take care of the pest. Once done, she’d come back and the cycle repeats.
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/writing/headcanons without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittless
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inf3ct3dd · 4 months
loser!ellie headcanons pt.6
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summary: ellieeee my chiquitita my baby my love
warnings: none :3
authors note: ik yall missed herrrr
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masterlist. help palestine.🇵🇸
- ellie tries to be soooo cool and wear her cool people jackets (leather jackets, canvas, those carhartt hoodie jackets etc) but they’re very not helpful against the cold and you’ll be out with her and shes just SHIVERING the whole time…
- she’s obsessed w those “general knowledge quizzes” on tiktok. that girl is a hoe for trivia she’s sitting on her bed at three in the morning saying her answers OUT LOUD while she watches them. she gets so upset when she gets literally any wrong… “man…im not a quiz master 🙁”
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- ik in the games she walks around with her little journal and shit but i feel like shes definitely jus constantly typing shit in her notes app… random thoughts and jokes and shit that she most definitely shows you at the end of the day
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- she barely ever baby talks to babies… she’ll go up to a baby and just be like “wassup dude” and have a full blown conversation with him while the babies just sitting there babbling and giggling at her
- thinks those “im nothing like yall” slideshows r so hilarious…. like you’ll be on the couch and she’s just giggling at her phone at paracetamol 😞
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- references the most niche memes ever constantly and literally googles them to explain herself. you guys went camping and she said “boy you want hot dog” and you were like ????
- so strangely particular about how her stuff is arranged 😭 her desk looks like an absolute hot mess 90% of the time but SHE UNDERSTANDS IT and if u try and organize it for her she just puts it back how it was
- always says “guys” and “yall” when she’s talking to literally one person. and CHAT. she just constantly adds it into conversation like “chat how are you today”
- loves asking if things are “fire.” she’ll cook you something and you take a bite and shes like “is that shit fire???” she has to know
- obsessed with “i barely know her” jokes. the second someone says something ending in er shes like “rider??? i barely know her!!” and she’s laughing her ass off
- that girl will go HAM on some mac and cheese. but it can only be really good baked mac or the shitty kraft mac and cheese. she puts like- hella pepper and red chili flakes in it and eats it straight out of the pot 🔥 its always at like three in the morning and you just walk in the kitchen to her with a pot in her lap watching glee or some shit
- SPEAKING. OF. glee is most definitely one of her guilty pleasure shows…like shes rewatched it a million times and glee cast was one of her top artists on apple music wrapped
- shes an apple music user. send tweet.
- got yelled at by an old lady once cuz she picked her flowers out of her front yard and gave them to you
- when i tell you that girl goes ham on those tiny clementines… she’ll eat like 10 in one day and theres just PEELS. EVERYWHERE.
- also she fw grapes heavy. especially green grapes (shes a weird little freak red grapes are so much better)
- OBSESSED WITH THOSE BLIND BAG SHITS. especially mini brands oh my god she definitely has the whole lil grocery store set and she’s so obsessed with it.
- her house slippers are definitely just a pair of crocs with the fur inside and a bunch of stupid ass jibbits. she buys the mega packs off amazon and changes them whenever shes bored
- has SO MANY drafts on tiktok and they’re all her trying filters staring at the screen like 😯
- most annoying person to sleep next to ever . snoring, sleep talking, moving around CONSTANTLY and hitting you accidentally, the only way she sleeps peacefully is if you’re holding her or she’s holding you, otherwise shes insane
- weirdly into linguistics…that girl is using humongous words for no good reason just for fun and half the time she has no idea what they mean and when she googles them and shes right about the definition she does that little fist pump and “fuck yes”
- speaking of. that girl is SPEEDRUNNING DUOLINGO . she’s fluent in (bad spaniard) spanish from it, and just learns random languages for fun. you speak a different language? she’s learning it immediately. definitely leaves notes for you in random languages she learned and you have to pull out a translator to understand wtf shes talking about… she also sleep talks in spanish sometimes and its so funny
- loves trying out different recipes…like i said my girl is a CHEF she will be at home fucking up a salmon bake she made and making you homemade pho for dinner
- had a phase when she was younger when she was really into the la bamba movie and dressed like richie valens for two years
- also cried so hard when she watched selena with you…that girl was devastated 💔 every time she hears “dreaming of you” she almost sheds a tear
“when that yolanda bitch gets out of prison….im shooting someone . its obvious who its gonna be.”
- she definitely begged joel to buy her a gun for christmas and he would take her to the range all the time so she can SHOOT. that girl is goated at lazer tag she gets down…does not play
- thought that candy cigarettes were the coolest thing ever when she was little… everywhere she went she had one hanging out of the side of her mouth and shed hold them between her fingers like they do in movies. if you two go to a candy shop shes for sure buying a pack
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blueparadis · 2 years
I feel bad about sending you many thirst but I am so obsessed so if you wanna ignore this, it's your choice BUT LIKE HEAR ME OUT-
Rin and Sae having a very clingy and horny girlfriend ever!! She just constantly needs to be touched by her beloved boyfriend. Rin obviously doesn't mind!! He absolutely loves that almost every night you wake him or Sae up to touch her!!
Anyways hope you have a good sleep/day because idk what timezone you're in!! <3
as you can see, I couldn't hold myself back. No, no dear. You're not a bother. Keep them coming :> & don't ever feel bad for being corny hahah <3 i was kinda confused if this was supposed to be a polyamory but I did them seperate >~<
— f!reader, smut, boyfriend headcanons + scenarios, more as individual warnings + ft. Itoshi brothers.
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implied somnophilia, multiple rounds,fingering overstimulation, cockwarming, service- dom!Rin
It's admirable how Rin’s hands slips under your top during every movie night. The moment you sit in between his legs, all his attention diverts from the movie on to you.
And lucky for him, you cannot seem to concentrate on the movie until you feel the familiar touch of his hands on your skin. He likes to play with your boobs, kneading them, eyes watching you, your low little gasps as you watch movie. Sometimes his hands slip into your underwear and he ends up playing with your pussy too.
Also, likes to come up behind you while you are in the kitchen, kiss your shoulders, and tell about his day while he slowly eases two fingers inside you.
He won't admit it ; his ego won't let him. But he loves how you take him so well. All the time, not just in bed, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the couch. . . It's just drives him crazy how you are always so needy and who is he to deny when you whine in that pretty voice?
“Yes baby? What? now? Like now now?”, he coos in a sleepy voice words toppling over one another, his nose grazing your neckline, heavy breaths hitting your earlobes occasionally as you keep fidgeting with his cock. “um-hm”, and that's all it takes for him to fuck you witless.
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voyeurism, dacryphillia, branding, cunnilingus, sensory deprivation, pleasure-dom!sae
It's astonishing how Sae has not grown tired of you, your continuous whines begging nothing but to touch you. What's more astonishing is that how shamelessly you succumb to his touch, every damn time.
Sae is a bit territorial as well as wild. Unlike his brother, he wouldn't waste any time in fingers fucking you for multiple times.
Instead, he lets you beg.he lets you ride him while he won't even move a muscle. Sometimes, he would just watch you touch yourself with every last bit of desperation threatening your sanity because he knows only his fingers, his cock, his touch can make you feel good.
Kisses are his forte. Just when you are close to your orgasm, your fingers being clammy, muscles stiff from imprecise masturbation he pins your hands above your head with one hand while the other curls around your neck as his lips matches the desperation you seek.
He loves to leave marks on your body, basically the intimate parts : inner thighs while eating you out, wrists while hammering his cock inside you, necklines when he lets you ride or cockwarm him.
“you ’kay baby? Or do you want more?”, he would ask after pulling a fourth orgasm , nose and lips glistening with your slick while you pant and huff to give an answer.
@tokyometronetwork + tap here for more.
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justporo · 6 months
Headcanons about Astarion pulling his partner out of a bad mood
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I'm not feeling super great today so this is another very self indulgent headcanon post which is possibly a little unhinged but I hope you'll still enjoy it.
Astarion himself is no stranger to feeling whimsical or even throwing full blown temper tantrums; that's also why he knows how much of a drag it can be
So granted he isn't in a massively bad mood himself, he'll keep nudging you until you are out of your current bad mood
If you're both annoyed at each other though (like after an unnecessary fight) it might be that you're both sitting around brooding - that is until you can't take it anymore; Astarion might act like he's still pissed, but when you come closer (still with a pout even) and wrap your arms around him, he can't resist (even though he will make a show out of it): "Do you mind? I'm still brooding!", Astarion says but lifts up his arms crossed over his chest so you can hug him better. "Still love you though, you rat arse", you reply furrowing your brows dramatically, you don't even feel that angry anymore. "Love you too, you idiot", Astarion answers and presses a kiss to your cheek - with a teasing eyeroll and grimace. Not shortly after the mood's a lot better, the fight forgotten.
This man shows as much mercy with you when you're feeling down and grumpy as on the battlefield: none!
"I like you in bed, my love. No - in fact: I love you in bed. But not like this - get up, my sweet, you can dissolve into a puddle of misery later when I'm done with you."
He will absolutely fuss if you don't go along with what he's doing to lighten your mood; and he will keep doing it until you're either punching him or are rolling on the floor laughing
This might involve the following: "Do you know what you look like right now, my heart?", Astarion asks and then makes the most excessive grimace. You're still scowling at him. "Love" he sighs then "furrowing your brows at me will just give you wrinkles. We don't want that, do we?" And he pinches your cheek with his long fingers until you're getting up to beat his ass. "See, wasn't it easy getting out of bed after all?" "You'd also be astonished how easy it is to be put IN A COMA!" (But you have to agree with him)
He will also shower you with praise, no matter what about, until you believe him (at least for the moment)
Or he'll be so disarmingly cute until you can't help but fall into his open arms for a comforting hug
If really nothing helps, Astarion just stays with you
Maybe just talking to you so you have something to focus on, massaging your shoulders, your neck, your hands
Or just cuddling with you, holding you, until his presence alone eases the knot of negative feelings in your chest (and then maybe nibbling a bit on your ear when he feels that you're doing better)
He's also masterful in just helping you let out any anger you might feel ("That BITCH!" "Yes love, how could she!? Honestly you should've just stabbed her right then and there." "RIGHT!?")
Other ways of coping might involve a bottle of wine and him handing you some stuff you can smash angrily ("You really showed that mug, love, impressive... Remind me to net get on your bad side, darling.")
In short: Astarion is as good with putting you in a bad mood sometimes as getting you out of it
I just need Astarion to tell me "Keep going, you beautiful thing" every day for the rest of my life, is that too much to ask?? We love a supportive king.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @azukiel
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