#i have chronic can’t shut up disease
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….. 9999C
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kiwiana-writes · 8 days
WIP Wednesday
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Hey, y'all. I am struggling. With motivation, with ideas, with passion. Writing has always been my outlet and when the outlet isn't outletting... it's pretty fucking killer, I'm not gonna lie to you. I haven't read anything in literal weeks, either. Brains! Who'd have em?
Thanks to everyone who has continued to tag me over the last few weeks, and to @thighzp for the tag tonight. I really appreciate everyone who isn't just letting me disappear into the Void of Writers Past, which is basically my biggest fear lmfao.
Anyway. I have no idea what this is yet, apart from an attempt at a birthday present for a friend that stalled out and watched her birthday sail past, but!
Henry Fox is—allegedly—a pillow princess. It’s not like Alex has first-hand knowledge. He knows what a pillow princess is, because Nora once got very drunk and waxed poetic about how they’re underappreciated and unfairly maligned by the sapphic community. He also knows who Henry Fox is, because they shared a [something] class in freshman year in which Henry was tall and blond and British and annoying, and Alex didn’t miss a single opportunity to tell him that. But that was a year ago now, and Alex has never had any reason to think about those two completely unrelated pieces of knowledge in conjunction, except that his absolute least favourite lacrosse teammate is functionally incapable of having some fucking decorum, apparently.  “I mean, I guess it makes sense.” It’s not the first time Alex has internally described Darren’s face as punchable while Darren is running his mouth in the locker room, and it almost definitely won’t be the last. “When you’ve got a face like that, you probably don’t need to learn how to be good at it, you know? Guys will be lining up around the block to give it to him even if he just lays there.” “Including you,” Alex points out, because he has chronic can’t-shut-the-fuck-up disease and no real sense of self-preservation.
Tagging @agame-writes @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @blueeyedgrlwrites @cactusdragon517
@celeritas2997 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @dumbpeachjuice
@everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @larkral @leaves-of-laurelin
@lilythesilly @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @myheartalivewrites @ninzied
@nocoastposts @nontoxic-writes @notspecialbabe @orchidscript @piratefalls
@porcelainmortal @read-and-write- @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail
@sparklepocalypse @stereopticons @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england
@tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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fletchingbrilliant · 30 days
🌙some wildly cheap commissions!🌙
🙃 for some even wilder reasons 🙃
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hey y'all. long post thingie but it's got cute pictures so please check it out
hey frens got something kinda somber to talk about. most of you are very aware of the existence of my beautiful fiance and co-creator of basically everything i do. zae and i are getting handfasted (marriage for pagans) in october, and have been living together for about 10 years. in 2021, zae got really fucking sick, and after a few false starts, was diagnosed with a rare for of vasculitis called granulomatosis with polyangiitis, GPA for short. it’s an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in blood vessels and other tissues, ultimately stopping blood from getting to the parts of the body that need it, affecting many areas, but primarily the respiratory system. while the cause isn’t known, it usually presents in people in their 50’s or 60’s, but complications from a third bout of covid-19 appears to have made it emerge way earlier for our boy. at least, that’s what we think. his case is extremely aggressive, advancing faster than anyone could have expected. in zae’s case, it actually attacked his kidneys first, and then went after his lungs, causing both to threaten shutting down for good. he was extremely anemic and needed a ton of transfusions, narrowly avoiding dialysis, and we spent weeks in the hospital keeping him alive. he was placed on two different kinds of chemotherapy to combat the disorder. he lost his hair, went through even more fatigue and pain on top of what the disease had already put him through, and had to accept a plethora of changes to his life that will last forever. a lot of you out there have harrowing experiences of your own when it comes to chronic and potentially terminal conditions, too, I’m certain. “it’s not fun” is an understatement. though there were a couple of really fucking close calls, zae’s GPA went into remission. his hair grew back fuller and more luscious than it had ever been before. (i later learned these are affectionately referred to as “chemo curls.”) remission for gpa is usually expected to last at least 5 years, potentially up to 20, before any symptoms resurface. but zae’s case was particularly aggressive, so of course he’s not so lucky. he’s relapsing now. his symptoms have been slowly returning, and it’s been decided that he’s going back on chemo. it’s no surprise that this shit is expensive, even with insurance. we’re still paying off the care he received last time because ‘murca. being disabled myself, work has been… let’s call it inconsistent, yeah? yeah, that’s a nice and comfortable thing to call it. no one’s doing well financially these days, so we of course have to get creative. long story short(er), i’m doing a commission special! for the next MONTH, i am offering fast commissions at crazy-low prices to try and help us create a cushion to keep us afloat and relatively comfortable while we begin the chemo process again. there’s several options for a variety of budgets, because i really hate the idea of seeking something for nothing, and i absolutely abhor having to reach out in this way. it makes me feel vulnerable and icky and… i’m sure you all understand that, too. i can’t thank you all enough just for following me, and engaging with mine and zae’s work. it may sound trite, but that really makes a difference to us, especially when we’re dealing with something so painful. so if you can’t or don’t want to partake of the sale, please know that you are still a huge help to us, and we seriously appreciate each and every one of you. like, so fucking much. thanks y’all love, fletch
Commission Options:
Flash Sketches: $5USD/character
Comics: $5USD/panel - flat color
Comics: $10USD/panel - shaded color
Screenshot Redraws - $15USD/character (complex bgs, add $20)
all of this is posted with @zaebeecee's knowledge and blessing
please DM me if you're interested in something, and thank you again
more Hungry Games, fic fanart, and Persona stuff coming soon too
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wrathofrats · 6 months
If you're comfortable with it yourself what about someone comforting Swiss over him getting a bit of a tummy over the last tour. Always feel he uses over confidence to cover up the fact he's just as insecure as everyone else (we all love the tummy and him dearly)
First of all I appreciate the asking if I’m comfortable or not, things like that can be triggering but I’m cool to write this rn, but genuinely thank you for the check, it means a lot that you thought of that!
Have some Swiss insecurity rambles, featuring small talk of body image issues, and mountain bc swissalps disease is chronic.
Honestly I think he’s a bit embarrassed of the insecurity itself. Looks in the mirror and just kinda examines himself. Gained a bit of pudge, softer around the edges. He knows rain and dew are obsessed with the new found fat judging by some of the still healing bite marks. And he’s always found aether unbearably attractive, so the insecurity seems stupid to him more than anything.
But he can’t help but judge, can’t help but to scrutinize and prod at every soft feature. Stare at every freckle or spot of discolored skin or scar until he’s ruined his day in just a couple minutes. He throws his sweatpants and a sweatshirt back on, something baggy to get him to stop looking.
He ends up in mountains room as he seems to do often these days. Better than being alone in his room, and mountain usually hoards snacks in there anyways. So it’s a win win situation.
“Hi starlight” mountain smiles as Swiss allows himself into his room. He instinctually slides over to make room for his multi, closing his laptop and shuffling it to his nightstand.
“Hi mo” Swiss climbs in to slot next to him, wasting no time to snuggle into his side. Mountain wraps his arm around him to pull him closer, giving Swiss a small squeeze.
“You seem upset, everything alright?” Mountain pets at his head.
“How would you even know that”
“I know everything starlight” mountain states
“I can just read you well, besides, your water shows up when you get sad, you’re freezing Swiss”
Swiss rolls his eyes. He knows mountains right. His skin tends to go cold when he’s not in a good mood, cool water practically coursing through his veins. His hands feel like ice cubes when mountain reaches to warm them in his own.
“Talk to me, I don’t like it when my starlight is sad”
“Just feeling … weird I guess. Gained a bit of weight on tour I think. It’s whatever”
Mountain doesn’t mean laugh. A quick chuckle and a confused look while Swiss seems ashamed of his confession.
“Just means you’re healthy Swiss. Besides, you’ll need it for winter”
“Earth and pebble always make sure they were gaining extra fat for when the harvest slows in the winter. Poor Ivy never keeps much on him, he’s a lanky thing. But earth and pebble would be proud of you”
Swiss laughs a bit at the explanation. Some earth ghoul ritual nonsense that he always enjoys hearing about. Mountain rests his hand on Swiss’ stomach, not moving, just a caring touch.
“Besides, I think it’s beautiful on you”
“You think everything is beautiful on me mo”
“Maybe I just think you’re beautiful”
“….. shut up”
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nomsfaultau · 17 days
silly little fluff scene from Fault that I'll probably just chuck in there randomly
The one eye Wilbur had was actually a rather lovely shade of brown. A rich, loamy color, dark and intense. The underside was bruised, countless restless nights leaving their mark. Tommy stared deeply, intent even as his own gaze wanted to falter. Their wills contested against one another, and Tommy scowled as the match went on, met by a sharp smirk. Wilbur’s hand twitched, faintly distracting, but Tommy refused to buckle, staring dead on at him. A nightmarish entity lunged out of the void in Wilbur’s face, claws halfway phasing coldly through him. Tommy yelped and jolted back, scrambling to avoid getting bitten. At once, the abyss dweller scampered back in as Wilbur threw up his hands. “I win!”
“That was cheating!” Tommy shouted. “It doesn’t count if you jumpscare me!”
“But you blinked,” Wilbur said smugly. 
Tommy grumbled, but smudged another ruby tally mark under Wilbur’s staring contest score. Tommy was pretty firmly in the lead, and was proud of the fact, even though it wasn’t entirely fair since Wilbur was chronically sleep-deprived. “I don’t want to play with you anymore if you’re going to cheat,” Tommy whined. Plus, if he stopped while he was in the lead, he could hold his victory over Wilbur’s head for the rest of their lives.
“We’ll play with you,” Tubbo offered kindly.
Tommy scowled. “Shut up. You don’t need to blink.” The insectoid dropped their façade at once, disappointed. Yeah, no, Tommy wasn’t stupid, he’d noticed their eyelids were purely for expression purposes. Also, he didn’t really want to stare at Tubbos’ stupid bee eyes given they were weird and bulgey and segmented. Large, kinda like a cartoon character’s, except this was real life and such proportions were freaky. It was actually rather unfortunate how often Tommy looked at Tubbo. Like, he was used to it by that point, but still. Truly Tommy’s life was a tragedy for that reason and that reason alone. “And I can’t even do it with The Blade.”
The boar glanced up from his book. “Hey, there’s only a slight chance The Blood God would rip out your eyes!” Tommy rather liked his eyes, actually, and did not take up the offer. 
“I’m down,” Philza, incredibly amazing, salvation from boredom, hero of Tommy’s entire existence, said. Hallelujah. Tommy scrawled out another scoreboard on the floor. The dragon’s eyes were sorta catlike, a sea of gold split through by a thin obsidian slice. Philza grinned at him warmly, and Tommy schooled his expression. This was a very serious matter, after all. But the stoicism only seemed to amuse Philza further. Merriment danced in his reptilian eyes, and he flicked a flash of forked tongue at Tommy, whose visage cracked. He returned the gesture, immaturely blowing a raspberry. Philza’s tongue stretched out farther in response, well past his chin, wiggling in a way human's couldn’t. Tommy squinted, but refused to be distracted. Philza’s eyes were beginning to twitch, and he was pretty close to winning, Tommy was sure of it. 
Right before Tommy was certain he’d fail, Philza flashed a triumphant smile. Tommy’s confusion was brief as the dragon suddenly swiped his tongue against his eyeballs. Tommy recoiled, screeching. “What the muffin! What the muffin was that!?”
Philza continued to lick his own eyes. “Whah ah you ta-king ‘bou?”
Tommy wanted to cry. “Awful! You are all awful! Why can none of you have normal eyes?? Philza you cheat! I hate you.” He began to count off different fingers. “You are disgusting. You are vile. Your hair-cut is ugly-”
“You love me.”
Tommy ticked that off on his fingers. “I love you out of pity. Cho drip is atrocious. Your scales make you look diseased. You don’t even know what a meme is.”
“This isn’t very pog-champ of you.” His pronunciation was exactly as stilted and hesitant as any adult who tried out slang was. Naturally, Tommy immediately took immense psychic damage from it. 
“Please (and I mean this as kindly as possible) die.”
“Bro you can’t say that!” The Blade protested. “He’s ancient! Practically about to keel over in a stiff breeze. A baby could take him, and you want to risk even speaking the possibility out loud? What if the universe hears you and realize it forgot to kill Phil like billions and billions of years ago?”
Wilbur shoved him playfully. “Actually, Toms can suggest anything he likes as long as I’m first in the testament. I am, right? Because I’m your favorite and you got me first. Right Phil?” Wilbur asked, batting his eyelashes. “I’m going to inherit everything because you love me so much, riiiiight?” 
“You are NOT getting all his stuff,” Tommy insisted. 
“Of course I am, that’s why it’s called a WILL.” Everybody proceeded to not talk to him for the next hour, but that did little to curb Wilbur’s smirk. 
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anxiety-pickle · 4 months
Jade and Aventurine analysis pt 2
bc I have chronic can't shut the fuck up disease
I’ve been seeing a lot of rhetoric floating around that we can’t judge (or even get a good idea of) Jade’s character because she hasn’t had her character’s release yet, which I want to address, and I’m going to do so by comparing Aventurine’s 2.0 appearance and Jade’s 2.1 appearance and related context, and why I don’t think it’s going to be a ‘switch up’ situation
This might also count as a Jade + Aventurine design analysis / theory?? I’ll leave that up to the jury
For some context, I started hsr because of Aventurine in 2.0. I started maybe a week or so before 2.1 came out specifically because I was so interested in his character, and by that point I had already made my determination about his character. And let me tell you I clocked him right off the bat. Not a single part of 2.1 was actually surprising to me (as terribly awful as much of his backstory is) and here’s why:
Aventurine’s first official appearance was his debut in “White Night” which turned out to be a direct parallel to his character arc as well as 2.1’s story, with lyrics such as “you’re hosting / a magic show I cannot escape / there’s nothin’ else left for me to do / goin’ to the other side”. This directly references both Sunday’s use of Order on him as well as him traveling through the Nihility to find Dreamflux reef
More importantly for his character however are the following lyrics “There’s no one else left for me to lose / goin’ to the other side, other side / I don’t want to be alone tonight / I’ll bring to you my best disguise / ‘cause you don’t need, don’t need to know the truth”
It tells us BLATANTLY what Aventurine’s character is - we know everything about him right from the beginning, even if it wasn’t clear that the song was about him
Now let’s move onto his design: This is an even more meta discussion of his character, but Aventurine’s design does a great job of telling us everything we need to know about him. 
Let’s start with the general card motif. The first thing I noticed was the recurring Spade design which is all over his outfit (and later turned out to be the suit that he applies to himself with his shield). In the Tarot deck, Spades are associated with intellect, action, air, and death, so already we have some morbid connotations with his imagery
Next is his general outfit: it’s very extravagant and superfluous; there’s obviously an element of seduction to his design (both with the choker and the chest window), which is likely a reflection of Aventurine’s views towards using himself as a chip (which I’ll get to later). This immediately illustrates to me that he has no problem using whatever means he has at his disposal to do what he needs to, even at risk to himself (which was later confirmed by his language towards himself in 2.0)
Finally onto the choker and the bracelets. Both are inherently restrictive pieces of clothing. The choker particularly calls reference to a collar (you might notice that Topaz, an indentured servant, also has a choker in her design, whereas Jade’s neck is bare). In Aventurine’s case, the bracelets and choker were particularly noticeable to me after Ratio and Aventurine’s staged 2.0 conversation wherein he’s called a “doomed Sigonian thrall” or openly called a “slave” in the Chinese dub
All this is to say, every element of these character designs are thought out and we can glean relevant information from them
Now let’s talk about Aventurine in 2.0
Initially, he deliberately antagonizes himself by playing up his frustration at the Astral Express taking up time when correcting a room-booking issue, and establishes a point of negotiation between himself and Himeko, who he perceives to be the leader
He ends up giving the Trailblazer his room (which he went to great lengths to get) at no benefit to himself - in fact, it’s a very large inconvenience
Multiple times he emphasizes that we, the player, should feel free to “use” him, once again showing he has no regard for his own life at all
The most damning piece of evidence, however, is that Acheron straight up clocks him the second she lays eyes upon him, “There are people who possess unwavering resolution and faith, even unto death, and they do not wield such conviction for good. One who wears a blade must use it to cut eventually. And when a gambler has nothing to lose on the table, he will surely go for broke and bet it all on a final hand.” (The Youths Who Chase Dreams)
In the ten minutes we see Aventurine on screen, he’s already 1) given up his room (to his detriment), 2) used dehumanizing language towards himself and 3) someone else who’s seen him for 2 seconds went wow that bitch looks suicidal (and she was right)
My suspicions were then confirmed by the following conversation with Ratio and Aventurine (which we now know to be scripted)
When Ratio says “doomed Sigonian thrall” we see the camera pan down to the brand on his neck while also showing the discomfort on his face → and to be honest, the sheer amount of people who weren’t immediately aware that the brand represented something dehumanizing at the least was a little surprising to me, because there were no positive connotations (or even neutral ones) in that scene. It made it very clear that it was something bad, maybe something done against his will / was outside of his control
The last important scene in establishing Aventurine’s character foundation is with his conversation with Sparkle (again, the reception to that conversation made me… a little uncomfortable. The way her comments were received freaked me out a little I’m ngl)
She first makes comments about his eyes, so we immediately know that they’re uncommon
She then tells him that Sigonians belong in the sewers (which is a crazy thing to say) and essentially says all of them are liars and thieves, so now we have real in-world prejudice against the planet that Aventurine comes from. Now we can identify the even more specific prejudice that Aventurine’s ethnic group, the Avgin, experience. Sparkle makes it clear that his eyes are distinctive and can be used to identify him as Avgin, immediately thereafter telling him that he and his “thieving people” belong in the gutters
Aventurine also says that the Dreamscape is “frivolous, vain, and flashy - and that suits me just fine” (Gentleness, the Name of Nocturne)
The worst part imo was when she mocks him, “Did you strip yourself naked, apologize to him on your knees, and promise that IPC would never harm Penacony?” (Gentleness, the Name of Nocturne). This remark is exponentially worse now considering his full circumstances, but it was already bad just as it was stated. A lot of people just took this as a joke, but I can read so I didn’t. There is a very clear power dynamic being established here - between Sunday and Aventurine (which ends up becoming relevant in 2.1), but it also establishes that there’s a power imbalance between Aventurine and the rest of the world. It doesn’t help that Aventurine doesn’t say anything to that - he doesn’t even appear offended. I assume that’s hardly the worst thing he’s ever heard said about him. The backdrop of “all Sigonians being liars, thieves, and social manipulators” definitely doesn’t help that either - playing on the assumption that because he’s Sigonian he must also be a whore
So this is yet another instance of someone (Aventurine or other) making a remark about Aventurine using himself as a tool to get what he wants → so, both internal and external instances of people using dehumanizing language towards him
This informs us that both Aventurine, and the world around him, do not value him
All this is to say it should have been abundantly clear to anyone who was paying attention what Aventurine’s character would turn out to look like: he is very clearly posturing through the entirety of the quest, he is very clearly self-destructive, and his self-esteem certainly can’t be very high
And I was right! I was exactly on the money. So now, using what we’ve seen of Jade, I’ll analyze why I don’t think Jade is in a similar situation as Aventurine (or even Topaz)
Now we don’t have nearly as much Jade content as we had Aventurine content at the time I made my determination about his character, but I feel I have enough material to make an educated guess as to what Jade and her motivations actually are. Let’s start with character design
First thing’s first: the snake. This is very clearly a Biblical allusion to the snake and the Garden of Eden. Broadly, snakes are already symbols of trickery, deception, lies, and sin (all of these having culturally to do with the christian hegemony). 
So basically, Jade has THE symbol of sin and temptation
Now, this COULD be a red herring, but so far her actions match up to her motifs - if anything, the snake is a reflection of herself rather than some kind of disembodied act / third-party-manipulation
In her splash art, the snake has an apple in its mouth (representing “sin”) that literally bleeds onto a contract she’s signing. So already we’re not painting a pretty picture here
Back to the jewelry around her neck: her necklaces are in no way as restrictive as Aventurine or Topaz’s chokers. I believe this was an intentional design choice, especially when comparing the “openness” of her outfit to Aventurine’s. Despite his attitude and posturing, he spends much of the quest making defensive gestures (such as crossing his arms or holding his arm behind his back, and largely keeps space between himself and others). He is also almost entirely covered up, aside from the chest window. This could just be due to hyv being weird about women, but I do think there’s something to be said about the relative flowy, open gestures of her outfit - Jade doesn’t dress like a woman who’s afraid
In her splash art, we can see her standing at the bough of a tree (perhaps representing the garden of Eden) and a man crawling towards her, offering jewelry and other valuable items. This man does not seem well, and the audience can extrapolate that he is not doing this of his own free will / there is coercion of some sort at play
Another comparison I’ve seen made of her clothing, and one I have to agree with, is that of a Southern Belle, and given the whip, animations, and the context in which we see her for the first time… let’s just say she’s not beating the allegations
This is a more minor character design choice, but note that her nails are sharp and pointed in her splash art. This is usually done to appear “animalistic” in some way; prescribing nonhuman traits to human characters so that they’re associated with a particular trait. In this case, the pointed nails are likely a reference to either the snake or the “demonic” connotations of “sin”
Her stone itself, jade, has different meanings in different cultures. In Chinese culture it is commonly used to symbolize success, good fortune, and prosperities. In ancient culture it was also believed to connect humans to the divine realm. I find this interesting because Jade herself works as a symbolic “connection” between the rest of the world and Diamond, who might be considered “divine” in some senses as he is an emanator. She says that she is the only person working directly with diamond, so I wonder if her stone was chosen accordingly?
‘Jade’, as in the stone itself, is also a ‘catch all’ term for both nephrite AND jadeite… so, Jade isn’t even an actual ‘designation’ of stone, referring rather to a spectrum of stones. Nephrite and Jadeite can be distinguished by their toughness and translucency. 
It’s somewhat ironic that aventurine (stone) is considered a cheap counterfeit (and Aventurine refers to himself similarly throughout 2.1) meanwhile Jade isn’t even its own individual category of stone. 
Next let’s look at her in the 2.1 plot
The first time we see her, she’s acting as a JUDGE. That is important to emphasize because people consistently downplay her role in his sentencing. I’m not sure why she was acting as a judge in this case (it might have something to do with the massive amount of money and infamy the case caused, or maybe there just wasn’t anyone else with high-enough clearance to take the case, or maybe she expressed personal interest in Aventurine and wanted to hear his piece in person), but she was literally the SOLE acting authority
I’ve already discussed Aventurine’s suspicious lack of legal options, so we know that Jade is basically the only thing that stands between him and literally dying
Immediately, she’s the first thing we see on screen, and she takes up the entire screen - domineering, pushing Kakavasha into the corner even in his own memory. This establishes another very clear power dynamic between them. Jade is sitting above him in her perfectly styled clothing while he stands beneath her in chains. The first thing she says to him is to assign material worth to his body, and goes on to admonish him for killing a slave owner - so, we know whose side she’s on, basically
Granted that Kakavasha basically just “exchanged hands” within the IPC, that’s not surprising that she’d have such a blase attitude
Here, we also see the shift in Kakavasha’s voice - I’m not sure when the change happened, but I do think he ends up mimicking her (both with the hat and the manner of speech). We already know Aventurine has the unfortunate habit of picking things up from the people who’ve hurt him (eg “all or nothing”)
I think it’s honestly a shame that people aren’t willing to engage with Jade’s character as it’s presented because that incredibly unhealthy mentor/mentee relationship is much more narratively complex and imo worth exploring than whatever it is they’re doing over there
Jade clearly has all the power over this transaction - Aventurine makes her an offer, and she accepts, but it was her choice to do so. She could have just as easily sentenced him to death, but she figured that she could get something out of him - notice how her tone sharpened after Aventurine made his wager. As soon as money was on the table, her attitude changed.
So, again, my opinion has been thoroughly substantiated by the way she acts: I think she is sinister and cunning, like Aventurine, but in the opposite way - Aventurine makes himself out to be an incompetent fool to trick others into underestimating him, whereas Jade uses a soft, kind voice to lure others into a false sense of security.
We can’t say for sure how Jade perceives herself, but I think that’s irrelevant to the discussion of her character analysis. By this I mean her motives for doing this seem entirely geared by profit, but the reason she seeks that profit is unknown. Regardless, I don’t think there’s a backstory in the world that could make me “switch up” on her. Now I’m gonna move on to 2.3 leaks so if you don’t want to see those be warned
*leaks start here
I’ve already gone through her eidolons (the clearest reflection of her soul) and they all pretty much just reference her position as a loan shark. So, predatory and exploitative in nature
Jade’s kit sucks HP from her teammates
Being a capitalist parasite is literally baked into her kit that is SO funny
Her skill drains 5% of any ally affected by Debt Collector → if Debt Collector is applied to herself, she does not lose HP but she does not receive the associated buff. So, the opposite of the self-destructive behavior we see Aventurine show (who, in his kit, literally applies a higher taunt to himself so that he’ll get hit more often than his teammates)
She may affect enemies with “blind fealty” which prevents them from attacking
She quite literally profits off of her teammate’s suffering. This is so incredibly funny
As for her light cone: THEY DELETED THE LEAKS I FOUND
If anyone knows where to find them. Please lmk. Everything I could find on tumblr, tiktok, twitter, and reddit is literally gone. I had a post saved from 2 days ago that got deleted. Idk where the crackdown is coming from (especially since Firefly’s animations are completely untouched). Maybe they’re fixing her unrendered-ass animations 
Anyways, from what I remember I think the light cone is called “Hope is Priceless” or something along those lines, which SEEMS like it should have a positive implication about her character, but if anything it feels… ironic? Maybe even mocking? When compared to the names of all of her talents and eidolons. I’m going to interpret that as “hope is a good investment because I pay nothing to achieve it”. We’ll see how that interpretation goes in the next couple of weeks I guess
Anyways, comparing that to Aventurine’s kit, which literally focuses around protection (once again showing the division between his carefree mask and his actual character), Jade straight up stealing her allies’ HP is just. So funny. Like yeah that makes sense. She’s a debt collector. Taking people’s shit is her whole job and she takes that gig seriously
From what I remember reading on her light cone, she was fixing an orphanage (or something like that? A place with a bunch of small children), and I was getting a menacing sort of vibe to it. Maybe take that with a grain of salt because I literally cannot find it to quote right now. And if/when I do I will edit this but it’s literally nowhere
**leaks end here
Notably, we have no leaks pertaining to Jade’s past or anything like that, which implies that it has no bearing on the plot of 2.3. Especially compared to Aventurine’s pre-2.1 leaks. I’m going to go out on a limb here and wager that Jade’s backstory isn’t particularly important to her character - at least, not the way Aventurine’s backstory is important to his character. At the moment, I don’t think her character or the overarching narrative would have anything to gain from trying to make her seem sympathetic, as they’ve done a pretty good job of painting the IPC workers as a morally gray entity between the IP3. You have Topaz, who is happily complicit in colonization - but an indentured servant to the IPC all the same, and Aventurine, who is unhappily complicit (note also that Aventurine was specifically assigned to the Penacony case because his methods are significantly more peaceful than whatever Opal had planned) and who is property of the IPC. From that alone we have a pretty broad gray-space of morality to work from, so I’d prefer if they went even darker with Jade (as far as motivations go).
Basically, you can’t build a villainous corporate entity off of sad backstories alone, and since the IPC references so many real irl corporations, I think it would be kind of strange if they decided to sob-story everything they’re doing away. 
If they were to go down the path which attempts to absolve Jade of her guilt by giving her some tragic backstory, or otherwise shifts the blame of her actions up the chain of command (which also doesn’t really make sense, since that would take away a lot of her autonomy and also the only person above her is DIAMOND), I feel that it would… cheapen her character as well as the story. Gray morality =/= sad backstory!!
I was also a bit confused about why Jade is becoming playable now. Like, we’ve seen maybe 30 cumulative seconds of her onscreen, and we don’t really have many story-relevant leaks right now like we did with Boothill. But Jade actually has a lot of Christian symbolism, which is significant to me because Ena has been associated with Christianity throughout the entirety of Penacony. Now, the snake alone might not have been able to convince me that this was intentional, but the tree/apple/garden of Eden imagery makes it almost impossible that it’s a coincidence. Now, does that mean Jade has connections with the Order? I have no idea, but I do think it’s interesting that she has such strong Biblical imagery right as we’re getting to leave Penacony (and with the Order, an allusion to Christianity and the Christian god)... Maybe she’s intended to be another parallel to Sunday, I can’t be sure yet. I’ll revisit that after her release.
In conclusion critical thinking is a skill and too many people haven’t practiced it
(Sorry for typos/errors/whatever I started drinking halfway through writing this)
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darkmaga-retard · 2 days
10 headlines the media didn’t report today.
The Vigilant Fox
Sep 24, 2024
#1 - Diddy predicts his own demise in newly-resurfaced video.
“They probably gonna be arresting me.”
“Your parties are the hottest ticket around,” an Entertainment Tonight reporter told Diddy in a 1999 interview. He replied, “They won’t even give me a permit for the parties, man. They don’t want me to throw the parties no more.”
“You gonna hear about my parties, they gonna be shutting them down, they gonna probably be arresting me, doing all types of crazy things, just because we wanna have a good time.”
READ MORE: https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2024/09/24/sean-diddy-combs-predicts-his-own-demise-over-his-parties-in-resurfaced-interview-theyre-probably-gonna-be-arresting-me/
(Keep scrolling for more stories)
#2 - Alex Clark lights up the childhood vaccine schedule during chronic disease roundtable.
"Today, a child following the recommended vaccine schedule will receive up to 70 shots by the time they turn 18...Are all these shots producing healthier kids? According to the data, no. Are we allowed to even ask? Also, no."
Credit: https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1838374805571047697?t=Kaqn7tSSNX-5rs4H1vcEUA&s=19
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#3 - Popular YouTube influencer astonished at number of fellow YouTubers dropping dead.
READ MORE: https://vigilantnews.com/post/popular-youtube-influencer-astonished-at-number-of-fellow-youtubers-dropping-dead/
#4 - Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 but was rebuffed.
#5 - Former AG Barr 'dumbfounded' at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin.
#6 - FCC fast-tracks George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election.
The stations reach 165M Americans. This has never been done before.
Credit: https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1838562719672259032
While you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to this page for more daily news roundups every weeknight.Subscribe
#7 - Cardinal Dolan mocks Kamala Harris for refusing invitation to the Catholic Al Smith dinner.
“We’re not used to this. We don’t know how to handle it. This hasn’t happened in 40 years since Walter Mondale turned down the invitation. And remember, he lost 49 out of 50 states…Senator Schumer said to me, ‘I don’t think she made the decision. I think her schedulers are saying she can’t make it.’ So we’re not giving up. We hope she’s here.”
Credit: https://x.com/CortesSteve/status/1838551916197941274
#8 - U.S. lawmakers prepare for “Mass Casualty Event.”
#9 - Censorship regime scores victories on Telegram and X.
• Telegram will share user data with governments following CEO arrest.
• And X will comply with Brazilian government’s censorship demands.
#10 - Idaho man charged after allegedly making nine or more phone calls threatening to “personally” kill Donald Trump.
“I want Trump in a body bag.”
Credit: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1838659215633846630
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BONUS #1: CNN's Eva McKend completely demolishes Kamala's "I'm tough on the border" routine in the classiest way possible.
"So for her to go down there, and characterize herself as tough on the border, it isn't consistent with a lot of the policy positions that she previously has espoused."
Credit: https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1838638130855055391
BONUS #2 - Joe Rogan goes there on drag queen story hour.
Finally, someone is speaking some sense.
“How weird is it that it's an argument whether or not drag queens should be reading books to kids? ... Whose idea was this?”
“How about guys on parole for violent crimes? How about them reading to kids?”
“How about corrupt politicians: have them read to kids?”
“How about CEOs who've been arrested for embezzlement? How about them reading to kids?”
“People convicted of violent assault, but they wouldn't do it again. It was a bad move. How about they read to kids?”
BONUS #3 - Medical doctor warns America is racing toward a genocidal health collapse.
Big Food and Big Pharma are literally poisoning us, and you won’t believe how bad it is until you see these stats. According to Dr. Casey Means:
• "Metabolic dysfunction now affects 93.2% of American adults."
• "Americans live eight fewer years compared to people in Japan or Switzerland, and life expectancy is going down."
• "For each additional serving of ultra-processed food we eat, early mortality increases by 18%. This now makes up 67% of the foods our kids are eating."
• "82% of independently funded studies show harm from processed food, while 93% of industry-sponsored studies reflect no harm."
• "95% of the people who created the recent USDA food guidelines for America had significant conflicts of interest with the food industry."
• "1 billion pounds of synthetic pesticides are being sprayed on our food every single year."
• "99% of the farmland in the United States is sprayed with synthetic pesticides."
• "Recent research from just the past couple of months tells us that now about 0.5% of our brains, by weight, are now plastic."
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gravyhoney · 10 months
Sorry I have can’t shut the fuck up disease. It’s chronic 😔
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impromptu-sketches · 1 year
Because nobody asked, here’s an example of why I love Giovanni so much - especially compared to some other common BL tops that are also presidents/directors at their company.
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First, relatable ¯\(ツ)/¯
Second, he literally just wants to go home to be with his new lover ♡♡
In the beginning, Giovanni is kind of shown as a common BL top trope: rich president with a bad personality - also seductive and stubborn. 
But unlike others, Giovanni doesn’t really care about his status or wealth that much. He’s shown to be a huge giver to the people he loves, mainly to Felix and Felix’s family, and he doesn’t use his position to get things unfairly.
(slight spoiler in this paragraph) - When bad things happen out of his control and Felix gets hurt/is in trouble, he literally gives up his COMPANY for Felix in order to protect him. Idk about you, but other characters would just kill someone, threaten someone, or use their connections to get what they want. But Giovanni? He didn’t have a lot of options and he chose to give away -everything- he worked so hard for. And that means a LOT when you know that Giovanni was an orphan and has the chronic disease of always being cold - always being uncomfortable (which kind of explains some of his bad personality because I too am a bit snappy when I’m freezing cold for a long time, kind of like being hangry. But I digress). Yes, he was adopted into a nice family and his brother is also a president of a company who has his back - and he does use that to get into a new position - but that’s motivated by him wanting to keep an eye on the person who hurt Felix!! Before that, you see him and his brother working together and keeping work completely separate from their relationship, he even declined a project to Giovanni’s company and Giovanni was like ‘it can’t be helped.’ Just saying, he’s not one to abuse his power (unless it’s to help or protect someone else).
He is just so down to earth and where other characters choose questionable methods, he gives what he can give in order to protect the one he loves. And honestly, this is just a reflection of his whole personality. He's very ‘I don’t care about anyone or anything but you’ and I love that about him ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
I could go on... and I will.
Thirdly, when you think about Giovanni’s past, it’s actually so sad. His family abandoned him when he was young because of his condition, he was an orphan, got adopted into a nice family, and worked his way up to be president of a company. But for his whole life he can’t feel warmth at all. He even gets bullied because of his condition. So he goes through life cold, freezing, and as far as we know, pretty much alone. He does have his family but from what we see in the story he only interacts with his brother Leo, and that’s mainly through work and Leo calling to check up on him. Multiple times Giovanni threatens to never speak to him again if he oversteps (little bit dramatic if you ask me). He lives alone in a huge place - Felix even points it out, ‘no wonder he’s so cold in a place like this.’ It’s shown that he’s not that close to his subordinates at work or anyone else in his life.
~ Until he meets Felix ~ But it’s hilarious that Felix was just like ‘I love you, please go out with me’ and Giovanni was like... ‘nah, not interested.’ And it was only when they touched hands and he felt warmth for the first time that he gave Felix any attention.
I mean, when Felix first approaches him, Giovanni is drinking alone at a bar, not looking like he’s in a good mood. When Felix tries to sit with him and flirt he shuts him down and leaves looking annoyed. But when their hands touch, he feels warmth and so he gives in.
The story starts there and as the story goes on we see that the only person he cares about, really the only close person in his life is Felix.
(spoilers in this paragraph) - Felix on the other hand, has his mother and sister and is basically being threatened to do what he’s doing to keep them safe. And later we learn that Giovanni picks up on this and - thanks to the persistence of his brother - learns that Felix is using him. And he lets him. Mostly because he doesn’t want to give up that warmth he -finally- feels in his life. Also because he starts having feelings for Felix, but they’re really one in the same. He finally feels warmth, he finally feels love, he finally receives love. It’s no wonder that a large plot later on is that he’s worried Felix will leave him.
I also think it’s the cutest thing that Giovanni has Felix’s contact saved as ‘Miracle ♥’ and has this photo of him sleeping as his background
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In conclusion, I love Giovanni
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Hello ! This is pukey Saeyoung anon.
I’m comin off anon bc honestly that shit is too much work. Pretty sure being sick this long has fried any last sense of inhibition or shame in my brain and I think everyone deserves to know how much I love Saeyoung smh. The extent to which that is my Mans. I will publicly gush if I so please. 😤😤
Plus! I’m pleased to report that I haven’t actually thrown up in about two weeks! So like. Hashtag recovery life I guess. 💀
But that’s what I came here to update you about. :’D
I feel like I kinda left you with a cliffhanger there with the whole bone cancer thing. (If it makes you feel any better, the hospital did too 👁👄👁)
November was very much,,, a terrible horrible no good very bad type of month. I spent nearly two weeks waiting for them to get back to me about my dumb bone marrow autopsy only for them to cancel my appointment last minute. And in the meantime I was just getting sicker and sicker… I ended up in and out of the hospital again a couple times,, but by the third time I was scared to go back bc the second time I went they didn’t even admit me overnight. They basically just charged me $700 to take a four hour nap. And cha boy doesn’t have that kinda money. 😭
But it got to the point that I really physically couldn’t take it anymore… I have never been in so much pain and discomfort in my entire life. Which unfortunately with the life I’ve had,, that’s a high ass bar lmao.
And it was just CONSTANT… I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t look at any screens. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t stand. I was literally too weak to even pull a blanket up over myself. I literally was spending every night sobbing/shivering/barfing myself to sleep. It was baaaaaaad.
Luckily my roommate at this point had probably started to get annoyed by hearing me crying from pain all night and was like “dude I’m taking you to the hospital again”
And my third hospital visit !! They FINALLY gave me an answer as to wtf is going on!
Good news is…? Not bone cancer. I don’t have to enter my Deadpool era Quite yet.
Bad news…? Apparently I’ve got fuckin Lupus 🤡
Which is super cute and fun because,, you know. Incurable lifelong chronic illness. I’m literally gonna be dealing with this shit for the rest of my life. :)
But like. It’s a perfectly livable disease. As long as it’s, you know. Actually being taken care of and treated. Which I now have enough info to actually do haha.
(Hit the self-loathing so hard that even my own fuckin immune system was like, oh shit we gotta take this bitch DOWN 💀)
I’m soooo glad to be home and back from the hospital… but it’s been very strange too. I’m still really sick and I can’t really do much on my own and,,, my brain physically doesn’t know how to process being like,, taken care of. Honestly it kinda sets off alarm bells in my brain 😳 but I’ve had to accept pretty damn quickly that,, I don’t really have a choice rn. I’m so used to just being on my own pushing through all my pain and just. Waiting till it goes away on its own. But if I do that in this case… the pain will just get worse and my body will quite literally shut down on me and I will literally die. Sooooo like,,,, 🤡 I guess maybe I can stand to be taken care of for at least a little while.
Doc says with all the damage that’s been done to my organs and stuff this past year, they caught it early enough that the damage is reversible. But I need to undergo a really strict recovery treatment,, and they estimate it’ll be at least 18 months before I’m able to get back to my ~normal healthy baseline~. Which is insane… like am I really gonna be out here living like a sickly hermit for a damn year and a half?? I’m gonna keep feeling better, I know. And I’ll slowly be able to do more again. But I can’t go back to my job. It was causing me waaay too much physical and mental strain. :( so that’s gonna be fun to figure out.
They also put me on literally 12 new medications when I left the hospital to help control my symptoms. Each of which I have to take 1-3 times a day. So that’s super exciting. Love a big bowl of pills for breakfast every morning.
It was torture at first because I hate swallowing pills. But it’s been about a week and I’m honestly getting used to it already. And better yet? Even after only a week… they’re noticeably helping my symptoms… and I’m actually starting to be able to do things again… I *almost* feel like, 60% of a normal human person again,,, maybe even 65%! I’m slowly starting to regain my appetite finally… and I can do little things again… like play the new Pokémon game, or watch anime, or draw, or call a friend on the phone. Which… god what a relief 😭 words cannot describe how good it feels to be able to do those things again… frankly,, it was traumatic having to spend the last few months watching my body physically deteriorate in real time… so now that I’m starting to feel like myself again, if only a little. I’m like. Hey?? I actually love myself so much???? I think I’m a pretty cool fun interesting person. Thank GOD I’m making a comeback 😭😭
Saeyoung of course has been a great source of comfort for me throughout all of this… he always is one of my biggest sources of comfort in life… literally even just imagining him being in the same room as me is enough to put me more at ease…
When things were at their worst a big part of how I dealt with shit was vividly daydreaming about making up silly stories with Saeyoung to distract me. This is something I’ve done for years when I’m too upset or stressed to sleep,,, it’s been a reliable source of comfort for me for a hot minute. But it’s never gotten to this extent haha.
We have a whole ass story going,, I’m actually starting to get pretty attached to the story and the characters… which is stupid AF because it’s literally just. Me and Saeyoung Choi as fantasy self-inserts wherein he’s a court jester and I’m a knight and we’re going on a quest to ~find a cure for my mysterious illness~
But a part of me is like 🥺🤔 what if I actually wrote the story tho? Lmaoooo
Amongst other coping mechanisms and distractions,,, I’ve also been falling HARD into my online shopping addiction. But also, idk, can you blame me…? I’m a material gowrl at heart and I haven’t been able to go shopping in person for months 😔😔 I need little treats to get me through the day.
Mostly I’ve been spending an UNGODLY amount of money on plushies. Like… idk if I could count them and I don’t even wanna THINK about the prices fhdhdjd-
Mostly Pokémon and Sanrio characters. But a few other random critters as well.
And tbh?? I don’t regret a single purchase. They’ve literally all helped me feel more comfortable and joyful these past couple months, which I’ve really needed. So, even if my bed is starting to look RIDICULOUS from sheer volume of plushies…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m living my best life
A few days ago I got a giant charmander plushy… and like. Ordinarily I’m not even the biggest fan of charmander (shut UP ABOUT CHARIZARD GAMEFREAK. IM OVER IT. GEN 1 IS POPULAR WE GET IT)
But I swear to god this young man is changing my life. It may be the softest squishiest most huggable plush I’ve ever encountered. I’ve been carrying him almost everywhere,,, starting to feel like the “ahh yes. Me, my partner, and their life sized mareep plushy” meme for real 💀💀
((How do you think Saeyoung would feel about me turning our bed into a literal mountain of plushies? Or having to compete for attention with my charmander? Hehe. ))
If you’re actually taking the time to read all of this,,, holy shit thank you. And thank you for providing lonely bitches like me this outlet c’: to be able to talk… and share comfort… and express our deep love for these characters without fear of judgement. It’s really just such a lovely blog and I can never thank you enough.
But the last topic I wanted to touch on!!!
Ugh,,, I read your answer to the ask about Saeyoung with an MC into pastel goth fashion and…
That made me so happy 😭😭❤️❤️
I love fashion,,, so much. Truly one of my greatest joys in life is getting into a really cool fun outfit and strutting around Knowing that I’m cool as fuck and I look like a sexy badass 😤😤 it’s simply the most powerful feeling.
Love when I’m wearing an outfit I know looks fire and I can’t stop smirking haha.
And I just,,, love being flamboyant and silly and having fun with it. I’m 100% the type of person to walk into a store and go “this is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. The colors and patterns are such a mess they’re practically nauseating. I NEED IT.”
I have a collection of tacky button up shirts that could probably blind a man lmao. And JACKETS?? Don’t get me started on jackets. Boots,,, cargo pants,,, earrings,,, big colorful sunglasses. Ugh. <3
Since I’ve been so sick I haven’t been putting much effort into my appearance. My outfits were so joyless for a while… and then, well. I’ve spent the last month and a half wearing exclusively Pajamas and Hospital Gowns 😭
Considering that my main fashion inspirations ordinarily fall somewhere between Elton John, Lil nas x, and Jojo’s bizarre adventure…
Quite the glow down haha
I don’t think I realized fully how much I missed that until I read your ask…
You inspired me to go looking for some fun new clothes online. And now I’m feeling so excited and impatient for them to get here because I can’t remember the last time I got to put together a fun outfit… I actually wanna like,, get up and get dressed for the first time in so long c’: if only to waltz around my apartment a little bit and take a few selfies.
I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get back to my FULL level of glamour,, my inflammation is still pretty bad so my face and body are kinda weird and swollen and lumpy right now 🥴 and again,,, standing and walking are still very much a challenge. Idk if I could wear heels right now haha I’m wobbly enough on my feet already.
But I can’t wait to get back into it…
Like you were saying in that ask too… another part of why I love fashion defs has to do with my gender expression… and I LOVE LOVE LOVE when people bring that up with Saeyoung 😭 it always makes me grin and fills me with so much adoration to think about Sae getting to have fun and experience that euphoria with clothing and fashion as well… and especially the thought of us getting to do it together….? c’:
Literally a concept that is SO important and special to me 😭❤️❤️
Idk what kinda wonky matching outfits we’d be putting together but I know that we would look so fuckin cool and hot 😤😤 and best of all we could have so much fun. Which… tbh, there’s nothing more I could ask for in life.
Plus of course,,, there’s always the added fun of self indulgently getting to imagine Saeyoung admiring and complimenting me on my fashion :’D and like,,, thinking I’m cool or whatever 😭
Anyways! Those are all the things I wanted to say.
If you’re still reading this,, //what’s wrong with you bahaha I’m such a rambly mess
But like. Thank you. And deadass if this is too long to read or respond to feel free to leave it in your inbox or just delete it.
Honestly it was just really nice to be able to type out all these thoughts just to sorta. Get it out and decompress, ya know…? c’:
I hope you have an absolutely beautiful day.
While I am happy to hear that you have a better understanding of what's going on in your life, I'm sorry you're going through this transitional time when you discover that you have chronic illness. That has to be the most difficult time for a lot of people. You have to make a lot of adjustments and make changes that you may not be happy with to make sure that you're taken care of. I empathize and understand this because I deal with multiple chronic illnesses. If you ever need a safe space to vent about it, this is always a safe spot. Whether you want it to be posted or not, you can always scream into the inbox.
I hope you don't beat yourself up over the new limitations and changes that are coming into your life. It'll be hard for a little while to get used to everything. But it'll be okay. I can't promise that it'll be easy in the long run. This journey is a lot different for everybody. I think what helps when you feel lonely and isolated in that regard, is to find comfort in the things that make you happy and if that is this video game, then I'm glad that you have it. It's been there for me through all of my experiences so I'm also grateful for it.
I know what it feels like to be lonely and afraid. Having my blog like this... it’s a place where I’m able to help everyone’s dream. It’s simple, it’s small, but I know even the smallest response of “Yes, your favorite character would do this for you today!” means the world to someone on their worst day. I hope that you’re able to find some spoons to dress up and feel good very soon. It’s hard to find a good day sometimes, but you’ll have soon, I’ll cross my fingers for you.
Imagine that, I mean, imagine Saeyoung gushing over you because you found the energy to get up and show off your new outfit. There’s dazzling sparkles in his eyes as he looks at you. His hands are pressed to his mouth, and he looks like he’s going to keel over in delight. He’s absolutely enamored and in love with the sight of you. “You’re so handsome! I can’t take it! I’m in the presence of the best lover! I think I’m the luckiest boyfriend in the world!” Cue him pretending to faint before you ask him if he’s getting dressed, too.
That’s when he springs back up: “Wait, wait, wait, I’ve got the perfect dress that’ll match this. I’ll even let you pick my hair style for the day!”
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lifestyle-hub · 14 days
Sleeping In on Weekends: Healthy Habit or Myth?
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Image Credit: Ketut Subiyanto
After a long week of running around, cramming deadlines, and, let’s be honest, not getting enough sleep, those extra hours under the covers feel like a well-deserved reward. But, does sleeping in on weekends really help us catch up on sleep, or are we just fooling ourselves 🧐?
The Truth About "Catching up" on Sleep
We've all been there (at least I have) burning the candle at both ends Monday to Friday, then trying to make up for it by sleeping until noon on Saturday. It feels good, right? But the science says otherwise. When we don't get adequate sleep during the week, our bodies don’t just press a reset button on the weekend.
Sleep researchers (the smart nerdy guys) have discovered something important, “you can’t really catch up on lost sleep”. Sure, a few extra hours might help you feel more refreshed temporarily, but serious sleep deprivation can't be erased by two days of sleeping in. Your body and brain miss out on deep, restorative sleep, and no amount of weekend lie-ins can replace that.
In fact, studies suggest that irregular sleep patterns like skimping on sleep during the week and overcompensating on the weekends can mess with your internal clock, making it harder to establish a healthy routine. So, while that Saturday morning snooze might feel wonderful, it’s not a quick fix.
How Your Body Tries to Compensate
Now, here’s where it gets interesting, (your body is smarter than you think). When you repeatedly cut corners on sleep, your body compensates in subtle ways. It might trigger more light sleep instead of deep sleep, or even alter your mood and energy levels throughout the day.
But note that your body’s compensation mechanisms can only do so much. Over time, chronic sleep deprivation leads to issues like weakened immune function, mood swings, and increased risk of serious conditions like heart disease and diabetes. In other words, nature tries to balance the scales, but you’re not getting away with poor sleep habits scot-free.
Breakfast: A Helpful Tool
So, what can you do if you're struggling with sleep? “Don't skip breakfast”.
Yeah, yeah, I know it might sound unrelated, but eating a nutritious breakfast can actually help regulate your body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, which controls your sleep-wake cycle.
When you have a consistent morning routine that includes breakfast, it signals to your body that it’s time to wake up and be active. This sets you up for a more predictable sleep cycle later on.
Plus, a balanced breakfast can help stabilize your blood sugar levels, which might reduce those mid-afternoon crashes that often have us reaching for caffeine, more on that in a bit.
Go Easy on Your Coffee
Speaking of caffeine, let’s talk about the role it plays in this whole sleep equation. If you’ve been relying on coffee to power through your tired days, you’re not alone.
Sure, it gives you that quick jolt of energy, but it also disrupts your sleep cycle, especially if consumed later in the day. Even if you fall asleep after your afternoon espresso, the quality of your sleep might be compromised, leading to that groggy, sluggish feeling when you wake up.
Instead of relying on caffeine, try focusing on hydration and energy-boosting foods like fruits, nuts, or a quick walk outside to reset your energy levels naturally. Trust me, your future self will thank you when you can fall asleep more easily at night.
Tips for Better Sleep (No Lie-ins Required)
Here are a few tips to help you get a better night’s sleep without needing to play catch-up:
1. Create a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your body’s internal clock. Yes, even on weekends.
2. Limit Screen Time Before Bed: The blue light from screens can interfere with your melatonin levels, making it harder to fall asleep. Try to shut off your devices at least an hour before bedtime.
3. Wind Down with a Routine: Incorporate relaxing activities into your bedtime routine, like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing deep breathing exercises.
4. Get Moving During the Day: Regular physical activity promotes better sleep, just make sure you’re not exercising too close to bedtime.
5. Keep Your Sleep Environment Comfortable: 'Different strokes work for different folks' but a cool, dark, and quiet room is key to falling and staying asleep.
With all that said, it doesn’t mean you need to give up the occasional lazy Saturday morning, but don’t let it become your go-to strategy for managing sleep.
After all, consistency is key, and small changes to your daily routine can have a big impact on your overall health.
Signing out, Kad👌
Harvard Medical School. (2020). "The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Body."
National Sleep Foundation. (2019). "Caffeine and Sleep."
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
If I met you in real life I think I'd be a real life version of
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This is potentially very true!… until you realised I have chronic can’t shut the fuck up disease 😂
['If I met you in real life...' Finish it in my ask.]
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mehrangaiz · 2 months
The Breath I've Been Holding
I never understood it I never knew what was happening I was too young to know what it meant for my family Or how it stopped me from ever living a “normal” life
With the picture perfect parents With the white picket fence With a house that felt like home But I still remember the feelings
I still remember the haze; the smoke that never cleared out Did someone forget to open the windows again? Blurs of a white door; always shut and never opened Afraid the flood that will drown us all if we ever spoke ours truths
Distant screams; argument after argument Yet the violence never stopped, did it? The perfect life fading away like a heart that forgot to keep beating It just always has to be us with the shortest end of the stick, doesn’t it?
I watched the faces of my brother and sister; expecting to see devastation But it happened too many times for us to not see it coming The same emotion; the same silence that hung over us The same noose that waited to take our lives Has become the necklace that has been chained to our throats ever since
There’ll always be bruises that won’t ever heal There were words said that can never be taken back There were actions that can never be undone It’s tragic when I think about how it was like back then But it’s even more heartbreaking when I remember that we never recovered We never bounced back, we never found the cure to this god forsaken disease
We were always trying to find a distraction; always finding happiness in the small things And those moments were precious; they’ll always be But how long can we go trying to pretend the small things matter, When the perpetual emptiness is a looming figure in our lives?
I can almost feel the grief when I close my eyes I will always empathise with my mother’s pain I can almost remember the darkest days Now that the world has spun around a few more times I understand that the darkness never faded; it’ll never go away The grey clouds still hide the cruel sun who stood us up The rain still pours; there’s no point in hoping for any rainbows or fairytales We’re chronics; tragedy finds refuge in our hearts and malady is embedded deep in our bones
It’s like I’ve gone my whole life never knowing what I’ve been missing out on A father figure, another parent, the first man that should’ve loved me unconditionally When I search for him, when I search for any signs of life, I find nothing Instead, all I find is a shadow An emptiness with a ferocious appetite A hollow deep within my cursed heart
I search for the love I crave I search for the love I deserve But I return empty-handed All I see are people with loving fathers And only then do I ask myself, “What have I done that makes me so undeserving of his love?” The problem is not within me, I know But wouldn’t it be nice to have him right where I need him, just once?
I wonder if my life would’ve turned out differently If I was born into another family What if he came back home everyday? What if he wasn’t a stranger? What if he cared? Maybe it would make this easier Maybe it would make it easier for me to say goodbye to you
We haven’t talked in a while And maybe that’s okay with me Our conversations always feel so empty So forgive me for not texting you back, will you?
It would’ve been better if we never knew each other, Than for us to pretend we’re anything more than strangers You don’t know me; the same way I don’t know you I can’t keep on breaking open my heart to let my blood pour out Just for you to keep yours locked up, safe and sound
I want to tell you; I really do I want to have long talks, I want to pour my heart out on this very paper But I just wished you were someone else
Someone better Someone who wasn’t a criminal Someone who wasn’t as cruel Someone who wasn’t a cheater Someone who wasn’t a heartbreaker But alas, we find ourselves returning here like always Talking to walls; avoiding the elephant in the room; trying to substitute each other
It’s fine, honestly I’m sure I’ll have enough time to make peace with you by the time I’ll be gone So maybe I don’t have to try to change anything I shouldn’t have to change this You need to figure it out on your own, for once in your disgusting life
Can’t you tell I’ve been waiting here this entire time? Can’t you see my trying to hold on? Do you really think checking up on me every few months is called parenting? Because it feels as though you’re just making sure I’m not dead And that feels pretty fucking tragic To feel like a chore for someone else to dp Do you know how that feels?
But maybe I’m just bitter Could you honestly blame me?
I hope you get the worst case scenario I hope you get the shortest end of the stick I hope you don’t get anything good I hope you pay up for what you did wrong I hope she leaves you the same way you left my mother I hope you never think of me again I hope you die a lonely man I hope you never get to feel relief I hope you never sleep at night I hope you never get respite from your nightmares I hope the words you said haunt you before you close your eyes I hope you get a taste of your own medicine I hope karma takes care of you Because it’s all you deserve There’s a special place in hell For those who’ve broke apart a family
The devil called me and said assuringly, “A seat is waiting for you father, I’ll have him ready.” And only then did I find the relief I was searching for Only then did I exhale the breath I’ve been holding since I was in my mother’s womb
-May 20, 2023
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dying4urlove · 7 months
i really can’t explain the way i feel right now. i feel like there’s so many different emotions swirling around in my heart and head right now and they’re all jumbled and interacting with each other in a way that is messing with me. is it me? am i really just overthinking? i don’t feel like it’s just a me problem, but every time i bring it up, you shut me down. you say “you’re just overthinking” and that messes with me. when you say that, it makes me want to go back into my shell and never say anything that will create that situation again. my heart is telling me that i should tell you how that made me feel. to let the full force of my anger and frustration out. “even if i’m overthinking, have you considered the reason why i’m overthinking? i know you said you have a shell (you said it was something else), but that doesn’t excuse what you’re doing to me right now. why are you shutting me out? did i make you feel unsafe? i’m sorry that i did that.” would you be receptive to that? i think it would be harder for me if you weren’t and that scares me. it’s so easy for me to give advice to others in this situation, but now that i’m in it myself, i see how hard it is. how courageous you have to be to be honest with another person about the way you’re feeling. how you have to figure out what is going on inside of yourself.
i’m reading the “when the body says no” by gabor maté. (i started reading it for you btw.) he talks about how all the people who have all of these illnesses and diseases have dealt with chronic stress in their daily life for extended periods of time. i thought of you and how much you’ve dealt with. i spent today worrying about if you were okay. if you were alive because there’s so much going on inside of your brain. i cried for a bit (like two minutes but still) thinking about you. i’m writing this and it feels like my heart is getting heavy and my chest is tightening and tears are welling up and i’m so fucking sad and angry at you. at myself and these feelings. this doesn’t feel healthy, but i don’t wanna give it up because it feels unfair to you and to myself. i said i wanted to be human and i didn’t wanna pathologize and label everything because i feel that’s what everyone does to get out of dealing with the hard stuff. but
“gaslighting.” “emotionally unavailable.” “insecurely attached.”
sometimes, things needs labels, so we can make sense of it. i hate labels. i don’t want to put you in a box. i don’t want to put me in a box.
thich nhat hanh said to go to your loved one when you feel wronged by them and say, “dear one, i’m suffering. please help me.” i don’t know if you’ve wronged me, but i feel wronged. please help me. i keep hoping you’ll see it in my words, but you never say anything more. i don’t expect you to read my mind (even though you do it often). but can you just push a little more? please please please
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rametarin · 1 year
ah, don’t I love talking to mom.
She has nothing of any value to say, but she still wants to take up my attention and priority as if she did. So, what does she do?
Try to strike up conversation about..
Every god damned item on her grocery list. She’s a chronic overbuyer of absolute garbage, so her shopping lists are enormous, excessive and financially depleting. Deliberately. Because she hoards piles of shit she has no immediate use for and it largely rots.
And then she wants me not just to bring it in and find some way to stack it atop the other piles of shit she refuses to organize or take care of, but interface with her about the garbage, too.
Do you know how obnoxious it is for someone to try and have a conversation with you about fucking pickled beats or poptarts that you don’t give two shits about? No matter how many times you say, “No thank you,” it’s not the answer she wants to hear, so she just stacks slight variations of the question posed earlier on top of it and deliberately ignores the, “please leave me alone I am so fucking uninterested in long drawn out conversations about breakfast cereal” vibe given off.
So even trying to prematurely kill or abort her fucking disease of a conversation, just saying “No. No thank you. No thanks. Naw. Nope. Not interested” over and over again, to every pedantic line, she’ll refuse to take the hint and JUST. KEEP. FUCKING. ASKING. No matter how much you try and mash the fucking point home YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT HER FUCKING SHOPPING LIST, she will make sure every item takes a 2 minute quota out of your life whether you want to talk about it, or not.
And then proceed to do that for the next 150 items you don’t care about. Want your THOUGHTS on misc. shit she buys- and “I don’t know” or “I don’t care” are not answers, so she’ll just ask again until you give it thought.
To be quite honest, she’s lucky to be female. A man treating me this way, I would’ve broken their fingers behind their hands, their hands behind their elbows, their elbows behind their shoulders and then tied the bloody broken things behind their head. I absolutely fucking DESPISE being bothered for hours about NOTHING WHATSOEVER. And it’s just a thinly veiled, “hack” to forcefully extract time and attention from someone that doesn’t want to give you anything, because they have nothing of any interest or value to say. I absolutely fucking hate and abhor telling people in so many words to get to the point and then leave me alone, just for them to supersede my wishes and keep blathering at me to be in my space and on my time.
Even trying to shut down this Jason Voorhees of an interaction and speed it up, this fat fucking cow just drags it out to waste as much of my time as possible to say absolutely nothing but how much she wants to control where I am, and what I’m doing, for how long.
Just further emphasizing how I have no freedom here. I can’t even begin working to get out without this selfish piece of shit deciding “rent” is however much I’m making, just to ensure it’s impossible to plan to escape with any money squirreled away. In her eyes, any cash I have belongs to her, and she doesn’t want me slowly saving up to escape; she wants me dead and in a ditch if I’m not going to do exactly what she wants, when she wants it, how she wants it, why she wants it, if she wants it.
Selfish fucking cunt.
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princecharmingtobe · 1 year
Had a dream about V essentially getting possessed by his god who then sort of calls out Jack and Rowen on certain things.
It starts with the three of them being in combat, and V is dealt a mortal blow. As he’s lying on the ground dying he manages the strength to say a prayer to his goddess and essentially casts a form of Divine Intervention, which manifests as her inhabiting his body and channeling her powers through him directly to finish the fight. Jack and Rowen aren’t as grateful as they probably should be and are, by their nature, immediately distrustful of the goddess, basically telling her to gtfo. She informs them that she’s the only thing holding him together, and if she left now he’d die. They still don’t trust her and ask if she intends to stay there, using him as a puppet, and she assures them she only means to get him to a healer. 
They agree to this, but still aren’t happy about it. She comments how beautiful it is that someone so wicked (Rowen) could have such unconditional love for someone so good (V). Rowen tells her to fuck off. He won’t talk to her much, but Jack has chronic Can’t Shut Up disease and so she interacts more with him. he has a very low opinion of the gods, seeing them as only using their followers, of it being a very uneven relationship, where mortals are expected to make great sacrifices for the gods while the gods make no such sacrifice in return. She tells him he doesn’t understand how it works, that they sacrifice more than he knows.
They do eventually get him to Pennie, who is presumably able to heal him (I woke up around the time the goddess left his body so he could be healed)
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