#i have faith in you
writeywritey · 1 year
ok ok ok I have to rant specifically about how PERFECTLY they adapted and changed Joel for the tv show
because in my opinion, his characterisation has changed the most and it’s absolutely geared towards character development we don’t see in the game
in the first game, after the prologue and beyond, Joel does not change. the text and subtext makes it explicitly clear through his involvement with hunters, to the breakdown of his relationship with Tommy, that he has always been violent and cruel when it comes to his own survival. his humanity died with Sarah; it does not return with Ellie. to save himself the pain/grief of losing Ellie, he (potentially; arguably maybe not) dooms humanity.
Ellie changes. Ellie grows up; the first game is her bildungsroman.
but in the game, we’re POV Joel. we don’t want him to change; we dig in the trenches with him and by the end of the game, we’re gonna save his kid no matter what it means- fuck the fireflies.
this is a fantastic choice for the game, but it would not work for a tv show.
we don’t want to watch an already-formed character lead in tv shows. we want to watch them change.
Joel in the tv show, Joel right now, is not completely hardened. he’s not a murder machine who would torture Robert over guns and watch Tess blow his brains out and say nothing about it. hell, Tess of the tv show doesn’t seem like she would do that, either. neither of them are framed as the untouchable trafficker badasses they are in the game.
Joel in the tv show wants to get to his brother. Joel has PTSD. Joel is, despite the alluded-to argument, still motivated by interpersonal connection, and love.
anyone who has played the game knows what happens next- knows the amount of people Joel loses over the course of crossing the country. and instead of being an already-hardened, stoic, untouchable badass who just takes the losses on the chin, over and over again, Joel is going to hurt. Joel is going to feel every single one.
and then he’s going to deliver Ellie to the fireflies. they’re going to succeed. and they’re going to try and take her away from him.
and that is going to be the moment he becomes Joel from the game.
‘the world has already taken one of my daughters away from me; this is the one thing I cannot let be. you cannot have her.’
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maxemilianfastlap · 7 months
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Always the bridesmaid, never the bride 😭
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primopinku · 4 months
do you have any beginner tips for someone wanting to create beautiful fan art? I’m just learning how to draw with procreate but my people don’t look very realistic lolol
Hoping this doesn't sound too redundant, but what I like to do is gather reference pictures of said characters in different poses/facial expressions into a folder on your comp. I don't save it on my iPad due to limited space and I only use my iPad for procreate. When I draw I'll have my refs up on my screens to refer too.
Most importantly, give yourself some space to practice, you will get it in if you continue to draw your favorite characters over an over. It's tedious and takes a while but eventually you'll get better and better. Also use the horizontal switch tool constantly! If your feeling like the entire piece isn't looking "right" but you can't pinpoint why, the horizontal switch tool will show you.
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I know this is easier said than done but don't be too hard on yourself. Frustration is normal, take breaks, but always come back to finish or hell, even start another.
Draw what you like, if there is pose you like and want to see a character posing as such, draw it. What I see in my head and what comes out from my hands never match up 100% but I learn to find that is okay, you'll find the charm in it either way.
Your opinion on your art can change. I can't tell you how many times I've picked apart my creations to the point of disliking the entire piece. Just to come back hours later to find it really isn't as bad as I thought it was.
There's also a lot of good videos on YT to help navigate procreate as well as learn how to draw certain things. Remember those videos are just how they do things and isn't the end all be all process on how to draw.
Sorry this is long, but drawing can have an emotional and mental impact on you without realizing it.
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
heyyy mind sharing some of yours ideas for detective IF? I'll gladly steal one ;) ;)
okay but real quick, none of my ideas are anything concrete. they're just (kinda vague) starting points that you can build on.
mc is a detective who keeps seeing a ghost that helps them solve the case they're working on.
you could make the ghost someone the mc knew or someone who was involved in the case. you could make it so the mc really is seeing the ghost or if it's just the mc hallucinating/trying to deal with their trauma. or you could even just base it on ghost whisperer.
i don't know if you've ever watched house but there was an episode where house was seeing the ghost of a character who died the previous episode and she helped him solve a case (and almost kill another doctor) but it was really just his subconscious the whole time. i probably could've explained that better but that's where i got the idea from.
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alphinias · 1 year
This fandom (Jiara) needs new/more ff…I’ve read them all and now I’ve resorted to reading JJxReader pretending the main character is Kie 💀💀
Oh no soldier stay strong until Jiara week 🙏🏻
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effable-as-f · 7 months
I’m nowhere near that part in this story but I swear to god if this game doesn’t let me hug Astarion because I stopped romancing him
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reginrokkr · 1 year
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❝With so many sources for lubricant creation such as plants or even animal oil, why focus all of one's interest in a single source alone? Is it lost to these days the molecule that segregates lubrication's distinction in order to replicate said molecule synthetically and thus allow a mass-fabrication of that recommendable item for intimate endeavors?❞
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i gotta think of a good insult for cody rhodes for mondays
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megaclaudiolis · 1 year
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Xiao Ruoteng for Asian Games promo
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zephfair · 2 years
Um... hi? I’m still here, around, somewhere. It’s been a rough summer as most everyone seems to have dealt with. I basically shut down for a couple months due to health issues and the overwhelming worry about them. I still have to see a specialist then a surgeon and get a biopsy but I’m trying to just not think about it. All the other tests have come back okay (THANK GOD).
Soooo, I wanna jump back into fandom. Get more fanfics finished and actually post them. Reblog all the goodies. Interact like I’m a real person and not an overly anxious opossum hissing and crying behind my keyboard, too terrified to respond or engage.
If anyone is still lurking around I just want you to know I see you and love you. Sorry I haven’t been a good friend.
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chaoticwistfulness · 1 year
TW: Not of this Earth?
Me: Oh, Barry, what have you done this time?
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What's next? A Council of Wells Deans? 🤪
Haven't figured out what exactly is going on -I wanna be surprsied- but I'm having a lot of fun 😂
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dafukdidiwatch · 1 year
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Ok! Ok my guy! You are alone in a staircase! Just the two of you! Your daughter is going on a rescue/diplomatic mission to save the day! In Danger!
WHAT! Do you WANT! To SAY to your DAUGHTER!
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halfagone · 2 years
Hi there! Love your Danny Luthor fic! Do you have a Ko-fi or Patreon by chance?
Hello! Sorry I missed this ask. I'm so happy to hear that you like lex luthor's ascent!!
But no, I don't have a Ko-fi or Patreon, in this capitalist society I believe that the one shred of happiness I have in this world should be free. But if you do have a request for a fic or even a spin-off idea, feel free to share it! If you're interested in a specific self-indulgent request for lex luthor's ascent, then I can whip out a one-shot or fic for you if you give me a rough (or detailed, if you've thought about it a lot) idea for what you're interested in or looking for!
If you do want to pay me in some way, then all I really ask for is comments or other types of response/reaction. I go feral with instant gratification.
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Quite possibly the funniest shit I have ever seen in my life
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montanabohemian · 11 months
if i see a single one of you pissed that your faves canceled an event or a con appearance because they're striking for fair wages then imma come for you in your sleep 🔪🔪🔪
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(direct that fury where it belongs: AMPTP and the execs)
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inkskinned · 4 days
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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