#i have learned my lesson
secondbeatsongs · 1 year
my skin is healing well and my scabs are falling off and everything is good except for the fact that I made the mistake of stacking some chairs and vacuuming yesterday, using more chest muscle than I have in a few weeks, and now my tits are killing me
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aggressiveanon · 10 months
made a rottmnt leo painting but the mod podge fucked up the lineart and made me hate it a lot more than i already did so
into the tumblr void it goes
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brb-on-a-quest · 7 months
You know it's fun study times ahead when your stack of flashcards uses up what is essentially an entire pack of flashcards that you need to know by ~ tomorrow~
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(stuff from Link Click S2'S first 2 eps mentioned below the cut!)
Aren't this season's op and ed also kind of like warning us to not believe everything we're seeing? Especially if the current theory going around that not everyone is from the same time line holds true?
We start with s1's intro about the rules of their jumps, and Lu Guang's warning to not meddle with the past, or worry about the future. Which then gives us a quick run of the first season's events, focusing on the final overarching plot line — a plot that occurs because CXS wanted to change Emma's fate.
Yet now we've learned that LG hasn't actually died, but Liu Min, and we're given this small comfort the trio are all together, they're ok, they're going to work this out.
But Chen Bin, one of their allies, has died (and in the first episode!! with a pregnant wife waiting for him that was so twisted of them, but I had a feeling their introduction was a death flag), bringing us back to reality: the game isn't over. There are new players, new pieces that we have yet to see where they fit — even how do current pieces fit, with all the new knowledge.
So. What do we trust?
Episode 2 reminds us no one is safe. It even ends on a cliffhanger of Lu Guang already in trouble, directly crossing paths with Red Eyes. Does he die for real this time? 2 funerals still seem to be going on, so is one for Chen Bin and another for Lu Guang (especially with the outfit in that obscured picture)? Or will they actually focus on Liu Min, someone who is shown to not be appreciated by his father?
Also, knowing CXS, he will probably try to find a way to save everyone, to get justice for everyone — and if we are to take the imagery from the ED, new knowledge of their powers could help him do that. At a cost.
Like, these lines from VORTEX:
Where do we end up when we save the world?
Wanting it all / And the whole world will crumble and fall
It's as if there will be a point this season where it seems like they've done it. Like they've won. But the rules of time remind them that they can't have everything. That everything as they know it will crumble if they get what they want.
What if reality fractures, timelines converging and distorting the truth, until we don't know where one timeline ends and another begins; which timeline each character belongs to.
Shattered mirrors our reflection
So this is where The TIDES comes in. If VORTEX is a song that blends determination to "win this silly game" with warnings of what happens when you play with destiny, The TIDES seems reflect uncovering the truth about the powers held in this world and its inner workings.
Open your eyes... passing through lies.
I got lost in the trap of time lapse / Cut through the night
The lyrics seem to act as a reminder to remain vigilant with what we are seeing, to not take things at face value. That the characters must cut through the darkness, to find their way out of the traps of the various timeliness. That there is a truth to be revealed to place all the pieces together.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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gojoest · 10 months
compared to yesterday i am sooo warmly dressed today with many layers like a cabbage and it feels so cozy and warm 😌
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mrbango · 10 months
I love delating every social media app I have when I think my mom is gonna go through my stuff🥰
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hakusins · 5 months
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noellewrxtes · 10 months
i have taken my last final of the semester, i am DONE!! what should i do with all my free time?
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wordsbyt · 1 year
Thinking back on my life journey. I know that the trip is yet to end. Time itself will pass, and so will I, but not yet. Many things I have learned.
I've learned to appreciate the small things. The dog kisses, and the smiles. I've learned that love is priceless, but you have to give it away. Which brings back more.
I've learned that relationships depend. They need to be given and taken. That a real friend not only wants you to have everything, but also wants you. Because you are everything to a real friend.
I know now that evil never sleeps. It stays awake to try and take your soul. That it will try and own you, but you have to not let it in. It needs to be invited.
I know good is all around me. It's not in the news or on TV. But good lives in peoples hearts. You don't have to ask to see it to believe it. Just believe it.
I've learned that Karma is your attitude. That bad creates bad. That doing good creates good. Giving creates receiving. Actions cause reactions, and that positive beats negative. In mind and spirit.
I know that nothing good is immediate. When you earn something, the dividend is worth the toll it took. That hard work can be it's own reward. Satisfaction in a job well done, is priceless.
I've learned a hello hug is much better than a wave goodbye. That familiarity should not breed contempt. That if you have people, make sure they know that. That they are yours and you are not giving up, giving away, or giving nothing back. Your people are like a bank account, and your riches grow larger when they there.
Mostly I have learned to accept myself. I am no better than I was 10, 20, 50 years ago, but I am more secure with who I am. That my self acceptance brings peace that allows me to not worry about others accepting me. I am okay. I know that.
Life has a way of teaching you. But you have to listen.
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nytfythfhtyf · 9 months
guys i had my first bad weed experience on monday night (my mom gave me covid and i got angry so i hit my pen after being clean for like two months and it was too much) there was a horrible ringing in my ears that i couldnt tune out and it felt like my body was bouncing up and down and shaking back and forth and my brain was convinced i was the disappointing addict husband in a tv drama who relapsed (i dont even want to quit weed. it was not a moral failure) and my friend and boyfriend were soo disappointed in me (they were not) and my life was over forever. i knew that none of this was true and i was just chilling in bed but i just kept feeling scared and thinking about these false perceptions
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nefamphetamine · 2 years
chainsaw man deep dive chapter 4: power
warning: this post will contain spoilers for the entirety of the csm manga as this is a re-read and analysis
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this is probably my absolute favorite illustration for chainsaw man. it's funny, a bit cheeky, but also eerie and a fantastic visual summary of denji's situation. he's the government's mad dog now.
simple pleasures
denji is finally experiencing the fruits of his labor!
aka, the bare minimum a human being deserves.
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he's got a nice tub (i know bathing is seen more as a luxury at least in america, but im pretty sure japan has a strong bathing culture where they both shower and bath. i think.) where he can enjoy the warmth for onxer. he's got a variety of jams and spices for food, also warm. and he's got a toilet to sit on, rather than squatting in the woods or using a public washroom.
denji's pretty much just vibing comfortably, exploring like a kid (which he is). at first glance we can easily see how his behavior can be considered uncouth, what with his messiness and how long he takes to bathe and use the restroom. so aki's increasingly irritated response is pretty funny. fujimoto's depiction of aki's expressions are hilarious. they bleed through the pages.
on aki's side, i interpret this, from a hindsight point of view, as both aki's innate inflexibility as well as his inclination to feel things strongly. we know from learning more about aki, particularly through himeno, that despite his rough exterior he can't quite hide his overwhelming emotions. aki's pretty sensitive, so it makes sense for him to cry often, have difficulty with change, especially when it comes to things he can't control, and feel all of his emotions deeply.
this comes to a boiling point, once again, when they're out in the field.
a clashing of traumas
denji and aki are called in to take care of a fiend/devilman hiding out in a home. the regular cops know aki, which makes sense since aki's been doing his job for 3 years and there are only 1000 devil hunters in the tokyo area, less in the public safety bureau, if i remember correctly.
aki learns that denji has no clue what a fiend is, which is interesting. it seems like aki keeps underestimating just how bad denji's life was up to this point.
aki quickly explains as they enter the house and ascend to the second floor where the fiend awaits them, eating the pet parrot (yum).
aki exercises his authority (lol) by ordering denji to show his power as a hybrid and kill the fiend. denji instead takes his hatchet and oneshots the guy. annoyed, aki asks why denji didnt whip out his devil powers and denji bullshits an answer about a merciful death.
sufficiently pissed off, aki leans in to denji and explains that his family was murdered by a devil and that he has a responsibility to and along with the officers standing outside. here is the fundamental difference between denji and aki where the two were victims of violence, ended up alone, yet on complete opposite sides of the spectrum in terms of how they view devils.
aki had a sense of community with people, with human beings. denji was nothing more than a dog, a weapon, and a cheap gofer. denji was so desperate for connection that he made the unlikeliest of friendships and became family with a devil.
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aki, no matter how alone he was without his nuclear family, had the privilege of a home, food, and education. he wasn't a nonperson the way denji was and currently still is. he has a record and a life. he has people and a home; a job and a purpose.
this is a neat way to bring a sense of realism and depth to the characters since fujimoto used their clash last chapter to foreshadow makima's manipulation and false charm.
the clash of traumas is truly between denji and aki's traumas, not a manipulation of vulnerabilities we saw in chapter 3.
even if aki and denji had the emotional intelligence to communicate all this to each other, their experiences, while similar in many ways, put them in such opposite situations that they would be hard-pressed to not harbor dislike towards each other even if they could sympathize.
i think it's also neat to note that denji is actually very chill in general. he knows how to take things in stride, not including the more severe stuff where he blocks it out and pushes it far, far away. i suppose you could say he has a high tolerance for bullshit. he's easy to please and open to new experiences. he's also particularly kind and generous. he's like a young child (a dog too, actually) eager to explore and learn the world around him. even if the people around him are not safe, he still will go towards them with open arms. and that's what gets him hurt.
unfortunately, aki sees these traits through a lens colored by his experiences. he assumes denji isnt taking things seriously. but he also doesn't seem to truly understand denji's situation either. aki can leave at any point. denji cannot. denji is chained to the government.
denji's perversion
i think denji is warring with himself here, when he goes for the dirty magazines. so far, denji's mind turns to lust when all other context implies he wants true connection. denji only understands and processes this human emotional need through animal instinct, because he was never taught or socialized to know the difference. he knows the situation is off and it doesn't quite feel right, but how can that be if he's getting everything he's ever wanted?
it is very likely that denji was only exposed to crass behavior and occasionally media, probably porn, growing up. he probably subconsciously adopted the mannerisms of the people around him during his formative years, which was mainly the yakuza.
because of this and his lack of human connection, denji isn't able to differentiate between lust, especially hormonal teenage lust, and a need for genuine love and connection. and not just romantic love; denji needs mentorship (parents), friendship, and eventually romance. he needs to know he's appreciated and worthy.
and makima knows this.
enter power.
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thanks for reading.
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raekensluver · 1 year
i take back what i said ab richie. i was too infatuated by jack quaid and his beauty and it got the best of me and i became dumb.
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northforwinter · 1 year
Looking for rwby amv for Someone you loved and Before you go (sorry for that image) because I hate myself and BOTH TIMES the FIRST RESULTS WERE FOR PYRRHA/JAUNE. I know I was asking for it but jeez
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sylviareviar · 1 year
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Her voice is gone. No matter what she tried to say, only the sound of air moving could be heard when she opened her mouth. Oop-- and now she's having a coughing fit. Sylvia buried her face in her hands. God, she felt miserable.
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blorbohoarder · 2 years
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I don't know what it is about this man but he brings me comfort
But he's nowhere near my favorite-
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
Double socking up to wear the red docs for a football game because it’s been raining for two days straight and there are puddles everywhere and these are my only waterproof shoes also they’re my schools colors but also the boots are like maybe a size 8 but they were on sale for like 70% off when I got them but the first time I wore them I didn’t realize that there could be injuries associated with wearing them so I wore a single pair of SHORT socks and then got blisters on my legs from the tops of them and me being me picked the scabs and I now have like two or three permanent round scars on both legs because of the shoes and also me being an idiot.
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