#i have maybe two other daydream ideas so maybe two more people can send me book emoji. good thing I never get asks lol
thedivineart · 2 years
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the initial card is emperor this made me woahh like this person is so powerful and confident,they don't like to show any emotion in other people cause they afraid that people might think that they have a soft heart.in the card i used, the emperor stands very confidently and i am getting that whatever situation they going through they still confident to their decisions, i can sense that this person is very successful individual and have a high position in life and even their work place like they very wealthy but also a boss(such a busy people). this individual could be more older or more mature to you due what they have been experiene in life, they can be also a very private person and also know what is the meaning of the bounderies of them to other people. I am getting a vibe of expensive to this pile so maybe this person likes expensive things like shoes and branded clothes, they may also have an eye problem or eyesights is weak probably wears eye glasses or sun glasses. regarding with the house of this person i see here that they have a pretty big house or a mansion in some point, and might be the ruler of the house and may show to you how powerful they are even in home.
why i am sensing this person have been married before? anyway alot of people envy this person because they achieve so high in life like who wouldn't right? but i do see that they are not really happy in their life or they feel unsatisfied in what they achieve like there's something missing maybe it's love. they may like to wear a lavish necklace. when you look to this person eyes, it's like a deadly- no emotion at all or have a lazy eyes. they are naturally intellegent and have many great and unique ideas, they may also likes to daydream often. they may have grey, ash brown or light brown hair color. you may meet this person in somewhere who has big crowds or in shopping malls or something related to shopping or near water, i am getting a fountain at first this person may be to shy to approach you because you seems doesn't interested at all. they also good at writing and drawing or simply interested to it. they may also owned alot of art material, they may suprise you a portrait of yourself.
this person is very mysterious and doesn't let any one to know who they really are maybe they are afraid to how will people will react to them or how will people judge them for who they are. they may also loves to kiss your hand and i am also getting that you may meet them in some important party or events. they also intuitive individual and uses it to create or to made a decision, they also a proprietor of the house like i said in above, in their bussiness, and to their properties. they also very passionate and loyal to the relationship and to their partner(you) and makes an essesntial lover and a great friend. I feel this person have been broken in the past or something unforgettable happen to them that until now can get over it, or they may breakdown alot. you will meet this person in right time and place allow the divine and universe to work behind scene, all of the question you have right now will be answer in future when you already meet this person. your future spouse can be from a warm country or loves to travel in warm country where they can gain more knowledge. this person may find you unique than the rest maybe you don't socialize with other people that much. i do feel the time when you and them are already in a relationship someone will get mad at you that is way more younger to the both o you and their love language is hugging and kissing.
this pile have so strong soulmates connections, it seems this individual is so commited and passionate person, by the time you meet this person both didn't care how will people will react or what will they gonna say about the relationship as long as you love each other truthfully, marriage could be happen really fast. I see that they will be your friend first before getting to the deeper relationship or becoming physical. I'm also getting that this person makes decision in heart rather than their heart and the time you will meet this person you will recognize them really fast. their love language could be hugging and kissing and would like to take on vacation date, and it seems this person loves to travel as well. both could also share same interest in life, a foreigner or living far away from where are you from or one of you wants to live in a place like a switzerland or this person owns a large property/land. this person may also works in related to law at some point or just simply interested to it and also a balance individual. they also abundant in life whether in material and financial matters. All of your manifestations about this person has been heard by the universe, you may also dream of this person alot since they might be manifesting you, alot of good things to come when you meet this individual.
you may also meet this person in bar or clubs or in a place where it have loud people,music and happy people or your person likes to go into this kind of places and to have fun and also to get girls/boys(playgirl/boy type?), your person could be more older than you. i see that they maybe in high position into life, they also loves to play game to people however this person may knows how to respect bounderies or they are mysterious and very private individual. They may like to wear hats/cap/bonnet etc., they may also into art and may go to art museums. They may travel because of their work often or this person may work related to travel and seems to work overtime or they take their work at home. They also a wealthy or financial stable person or the married life will be very prosperous. you may also meet this person at your work place, and this person can be dedicated, hardworking, and ambitious in their early stages of career.
the time when both of you got married i think this person is not an early bird or your always the one who seems to wake up way more early, maybe because your doing something? cooking or cleaning etc., 'cause this person is the one who makes money in the house or they have big money coming always to them, i'm also seeing even though this person have beard(if masculine is your preferences) they manage to still look good, while in feminine preferences is curly hair. i see that they have jet black or light brown hair color and skin of fair or olive color and may have pinkish or red lips color . this person is naturally attractive without any effort. they make like to sleep naked and travel across water and air is their thing, marriage/ in relationship could be happen very quickly or you may be married in your early 20's?. you could alsp meet this person while travelling or while studying or working abroad(take what is resonate and do remember this is a general reading). the time your already with this person both may decide to relocate or travel the world, both have same goals yet will manage to remain independent. like i said above that there's possibility that this individual can be foreigner 3 of wands comforming it, being in a relationship/married to someone who came from other country or culture and likely to have long distance relationship. i am also seeing that this individual is successful and can be work oriented or workcholic indivual, they also ambitious and confident , and may have alot of exciting hobbies and interests or simply have strong abilities at work. when the time this person will take you to their home you may see alot of degrees, diplomas, certificates, and awards that are display or hanging in walls like they have alot of achievements in life. education can be very important to them andthey make like to take some masters, PhD, MD, or professor and seems to have healthy and fit body, they like to go in gym or exercising, financial secutity is very important to this person and may work really hard for secure future and for you.
it seems that this person is very powerful or just simply a famous person into their local, they have huge impact to other people, they can easily influence other from what they will going to say or to do, everyone listens to their advices and often take it, they can be also good at music instrumental or have good voice and i see that people will do anything just to caught their attention but the only problem to this person is that they think themselves really high like can be full of confidence or rude or arrogant(well everyone isn't perfect so). also this person is intellegent and often makes decision in mind rather than heart. there's a great tendency that most of the people envy this individual, cause mostly people who surrounds them are respecting and look up for them. you and them will have a secret relationship and like seeinh each other secretly and also i see they are kind'a wealthy individual or large inheritance?, and will be the one who may manage the money in the relationship. they also very commited and focus into their work and can be a workaholic and also patient and nurturing.
everything will work accordingly don't worry that much who will you going to end up too. with your person i see that they may have atleast 2 female friends or siblings. they may wear uniforms that symbolizes their rank or status, they also loving and supportive. they may work as bussiness wo/man and can be traditional and stubborn. this person can be capricorn person, or have capricorn qualities like beinh ambitious, hard worker, and very concerned about with material world and finances. they have dark hair, dark or brown or tan skin color, and green or hazel eye color, i see that their age may be 22-30 years old? if they are female they very pretty and sexy while if they are male they devilishly handsome and have mascular body. they may also well mannered and helpful. they can be traditional and convectional, and likely doesn't follow the trends in fashion and may wear what they want and what is suited in their enviroment. they typically quiet and reserved but not really aloof to other people, also drawn in healthy living like exercising in nature or ourdoors, they are also pet love especially in horses and dogs.
they may also like dancing and the music and be much more older or mature than you. i see that the nuptial day will be really happy especially for the feminine maybe red will be the theme of the wedding? and it will be aesthetically and i feel someone into this marriage will be feeling lucky and happy this could be you or them, moving away to a new home or from other country after marriage could happen. i see that the family of this person have alot of gatherings so they may invited you too. this made me shiver cause they are not just powerful but also wealthy person or after marriage will gain more finance. your person loves luxury and may buy things that are lavish, i see country side so maybe both will be deciding to move there or want to live in countryside. there's some differences between you could be countries, or beliefs or cultures etc.someone here believe that they have spirits guides/ guardian angel which is true. anyway if your thinking this person is too perfect no they are not cause apparently they may face alot o defeats, failure, mistakes, etc. that they will use to be strength. this person may also likes travelling or having vacation by seas. since this person is working in authority,leader and powerful position they may be the big boss, an owner, military officer, ceo, governor/politician, high class doctor etc.
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timwhore · 4 months
while i'm cooking up two full blown fics (my logan x reader and an alex summers x reader one), hear me out on mutant!Reader whose mutation is invisibility ! i've been daydreaming for a while about being in the xmen universe and having for mutation invisibility so i'll share the ideas it gave me!
Your (reader's) mutation is invisibility, but it's not just, becoming invisible whenever you want. For starters, you can choose to make yourself invisible to any and every one, or only to a few select people - or vice versa, making yourself visible to only certain people. And you can use your power on others ! You can make others people invisible, but while doing so, you can't make yourself invisible (well depend - if you train enough, you can probably pull it off) - but making someone else invisible takes way more energy than just yourself.
Of course, the downside of your mutation in itself only work on the body - not the clothes. Well, the only clothes that become invisible with you is your x-men suit (if you are apart of them).
I like the idea of being always invisible ? Maybe reader is insecure, maybe they just prefer to not being seen ! There is a few occasion where you have to make yourself visible, but they aren't the frequent. I'd like to think that most people around you, don't mind it that much ? Some ( like Scott, Jean, Jubilee, Kurt, ect ... ) probably will never have seen you and they are just used to you being, invisible. They could be more shocked to see you visible than anything.
I think the first time the mutation appeared, when you were a young teen, you were suck being invisible for a week straight and stayed cooped up in your bedroom for a few days until you had to get out of it because of your parents, and they fully lost it as why their kid was ... not visible anyone. They probably contacted Xavier themselves after researching online, what the hell was happening and stumbled onto articles talking about mutants and mentioning his school. They decided to contact him to ask if, what was happening to you, was possibly due to a mutation. And after that, you got send to his school. ( this is if your parents are ... good parents, with bad / worst one this could go so many different way )
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enhaloverss · 11 months
Chapter 1 - Do you hate me?
There we are, the day I’m being transferred is here. I can’t believe I’m actually leaving Beauxbâtons to go to Hogwarts. Everything sounds so weird to me, new school, new friends, new classes. I can’t lie I’m actually stressed about it all and not ready for this new chapter of my life to begin but I don’t really have a choice do I?
If only my brother didn’t go to Hogwarts and didn’t get fired for mysterious reasons.
Yes, I’m being transferred because of this idiot of a brother I have. Sam. He is two years older than me and he got expelled from Hogwarts a few months ago. My parents never knew why, the professors all claim that he was an ‘unstable’ child, and they’re not wrong tho, but my parents believe there’s something fishy about it all, so they’re sending me there to try and find more about it.
I told them it was a stupid idea and it was probably gonna get me fired too but for some reasons they believe I’m smarter than him and won’t get caught. What they don’t know is that I’m not planning to play the detectives at all. If I’m moving schools it’s to actually enjoy my time here and meet new people, what Sam did is honestly not problem, if he wants to fuck up his school years then the floor is his but I’m not gonna make the same mistakes.
The loud screeching of the train’s wheels is taking me out of my daydreaming. I’m on the platform ready to embark for my first year at Hogwarts, which is the third one there by the way. I would have rather entered the school in first year like everybody else but we can’t control everything I guess, even more when your parents are separated and one lives in France while the other lives in England.
When our parents divorced, Sam and I got separated too, he went in England with our father and I went in France with our mother, which explains why we didn’t go to the same schools.
A door opens right before me and hope on, trying to get my excessively heavy luggage in.
Once I do, I start trailing in the corridor, looking for an empty cabinet I could find peace in to enjoy my trip.
After what seems like an eternity, I stumble upon one, open the door and engulf myself inside. I drop my bag on the couch of one side and put my cat beside me. One great thing about Hogwarts that we couldn’t have in Beauxbâtons is our pets. I sit on the couch letting a sigh I’ve been holding for a century and close my eyes, this year is gonna be something, I can feel it.
I open my eyes to a voice entering my precious space and getting me out of my princess sleep.
I look up to see a girl, apparently struggling as much as I was to get her things in.
-Hum, do you need a hand?
She turns her head and looks at me in surprise before breaking into a wide smile.
-Oh, hum yeah thanks I’d like that, I didn’t see you here, sorry if bothered you.
-No it’s fine.
I got up to help her put her things in the cabinet (where it could fit because damn the girl had at least a hundred kilos of clothes), and she sits in front of me; extending her hand.
-I’m Violet, nice to meet you!
I shake her hand before introducing myself.
-Y/n, nice to meet you too.
-I’ve haven’t see you around, are you in first year, you seem older than that.
-No, I’m actually gonna start my third year, I’m being transferred from Beauxbâtons, I thought I was gonna be in first year but both schools decided and I had the knowledge needed to continue where I stopped.
-Oh that’s cool! I’m also in third year! Maybe we’ll be in the same house after your sorting.
Oh, the sorting, I almost forgot about that detail. I honestly think the idea behind is cool but honestly, putting a hat on my head in front of everyone for it tell my deepest secrets to the entire world (I may be a bit exaggerating but that’s what it felt like to me), is not really my thing.
I let out a sigh and let me head fall on the cushion behind me, while Violet grins before giggling quietly.
-Don’ t worry y/n, It’s gonna go well, it’s a bit stressful but I promise it only lasts like 2 seconds.
-Yeah? God I’m suddenly missing Beauxbâtons’ sorting method.
-By the way, why are being transferred?
-My parents made me, because of my brother, Sam.
-Wait, you’re Sam’s sister? Sam y/l/n? The Fourth year Ravenclaw that got expelled last year?
-It is me yeah, and yes that idiot is my brother.
-Oh I see, this is gonna be really interesting, Jungwon is sure not gonna like you.
-Excuse me, who?
-Jungwon. He’s in third year too this year, he’s a Gryffindor. Don’t ask me why but your brother and him despised each other, I heard that it was because of the Quidditch, your brother was on Ravenclaw’s team and he is on Gryffindor’s team. They spent the whole first two years bickering with each other about who was gonna win the cup, and when your brother got expelled Jungwon got all cocky saying they were gonna win now.
-I see, I have some stuff to dig in, but I’m gonna make sure this kid understands we are not the same person and he has no reason to hate me, and if he still does I guess I’ll have to apply to be in the Quidditch team, make him see how talented we are in the family.
Violet’s eyes opened wide before she bursted out laughing.
-I like that y/n, keep up that attitude and you’ll make my school year 10 times more exciting.
-I take that as a compliment.
The rest of the travel got by pretty fast, with Violet telling me all about the drama between my brother and this Jungwon guy, and it was honestly amusing. I just hope he doesn’t cause me trouble.
Arriving at Hogwarts was actually truly fucking amazing, Sam didn’t lie to me about that one for sure. We went to the castle by carriage in the forest and even if it was a bit cold, the ride was really appreciable. I’ve always liked the cold breeze on my face more than the sun.
When we arrived we were told our baggage would be taken to the hall and to the rooms, mine right after my sorting.
We entered the halls and a lot of students were already there, sitting on the tables, not caring at all about the sorting but only about the delicious buffet that was gonna take place after. The director, Dumbledore, an old man with a long white beard, asked for the silence and started giving his speech welcoming all of the new students. He look ahead of him and stared at me for a few second before diverting his eyes somewhere else in the crowd. Looks like someone already knows who I am.
Then, Professor McGonagall, apparently a brilliant woman by the say of my brother, explained how the sorting was gonna go. Once she was done, she took out a list and before I could understand that she said my name, all eyes turned on me, not the first year of course, and I knew it was time.
I breathed in and walked to the chair in front of the director, before turning around and sitting.
Then, I felt the sorting hat being put on my head, and seconds later it started to speak.
-Hum, I see, a y/l/n. But you are different from your brother on a lot of points. I see loyalty, for your friends and family, you’re not scared to protect the people you love. But you are on the contrary really accepting, you have a high moral and you’re not afraid to say when something is wrong or right. Hard work is also important for you and you strongly believe that you have nothing without working for it. I think I know where to put you…
I closed my eyes and breathed out, ready to hear the sorting hat decide my fate.
I guess it’s not that bad, I like Hufflepuff, from what I know from it.
I stood and started walking towards my table before hearing a voice I knew well know.
Standing right next to the Hufflepuff’s table was Violet, a smile on her face, waving her hand at me.
I smiled back and went to her, giving her a hug. We sat next to each other right before the buffet appeared. A long and never ending table of stuffed pies, rotisserie chickens, mashed potatoes, veggies, fruits, candies, cookies and so much more. Violet and I looked at each other before digging in and getting ourselves some well deserved food.
-You’re also in Hufflepuff I’m so happy, we’re gonna have all of our classes together!
-I know, I’m really happy to have at least one friend already, and actually, you were right, the sorting wasn’t that bad.
-See, told you.
-The only bad thing about it is the smell of the hat. I honestly don’t know if they washed that thing at last once in the past century.
We both laughed at that and we were enjoying the dinner, getting the know the other person I was gonna share the school year with, when I felt like someone was staring at me. I mean, a lot of people were staring at me at first but then went on with their lives, I wasn’t the main attraction, only the sister of some dude who got expelled, nothing to get excited about. But I could feel like someone was still staring at me, you know the kind of stare you can feel burning holes through your head. I turned around, trying to find the culprit when my eyes landed on the table of the Gryffindors, and on one particular boy. He was delicate looking, with sharp eyes but soft features.
Violet who was talking to me noticed I wasn’t paying attention anymore and turned around to see me having a staring contest with the boy, before I turned around to face her again.
-Don’t tell me anything, Jungwon isn’t it?
-Yep, seems like he’s already curious about the sister of his arch nemesis.
I playfully elbowed her and rolled my eyes at her comment. Seems like this year is gonna be full of drama.
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sodaliteskull · 2 months
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A much-belated Writing Questions tag game from @thesorcerersapprentice, who you absolutely need to be checking out! Check out her own responses to these questions over here!
Sending no-pressure tags to @saintedseraph, @meerawrites, and @lorenfinch. This is also an open tag to everyone, so if this sounds like your jam, get in on it!
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What is your absolute all-time favourite idea you’ve ever had?
Gender swapping my main character’s love interest in my Silent Island stories for the Island of Crows reboot. I was fully in the throes of comphet when I was working on the Silent Island, and so I felt like my character had to have an opposite sex love interest - after all, the others I was writing with were all writing opposite sex love interests for their own characters, so I guess I had to, too. And while I like the idea of a romance, as a wlw, I am not interested in the idea of romance with a guy, so despite having some interesting concepts I wanted to play with in regards to this romance between these two characters, I couldn’t bring myself to give a shit about them when it came time to put pen to page. But switching the love interest from being a man to a woman? Honey, I could not stop the words from flowing!
Is there a question you’ve been asked that really stands out to you and that you still think about sometimes?
HAH. “What kind of drugs/alcohol were you on when you came up with that idea?!” That question stands out because I HATE it! Ever since I was little, I’ve heard so many people say that about any kind of story that was a little bit off the wall. Frankenstein, Alice In Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, Dune, “cLeArLy NoNe Of ThOsE cOuLd Be WrItTeN sObEr!!!” Shut the fuck up! It gave me this weird mindset for the longest time that I wouldn’t be able to write an “interesting” story unless I did so under the influence. Because of this, I had so many half-baked ideas and half finished things that I thought I wouldn’t be able to complete until I was able to get inebriated? Like I somehow wouldn’t be able to unlock the “true potential” of them or something?! So I try drinking (tastes nasty, makes me feel wretched) and drugs (weed: tastes WORSE and makes me a total space case, shrooms: mildly better tasting but gets me way too hyper to focus on anything), and attempt to write while under the influence, and surprise! Everything I came up with was trash! Bad! Nonsensical, but in a stupid way, not a fun creative way! It turns out that the real way to improve your writing is to sit down and actually write, and not wait for what is essentially a magic potion to make you a better writer!
What is your favourite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
I really dig the brainstorming phase, mostly because I can do that pretty much anywhere! LOL THE AMOUNT OF PROFESSIONAL, WORKING HOURS I HAVE SPENT JUST FULLY MALADAPTIVELY DAYDREAMING IS MAYBE A LITTLE CONCERNING, WHOOPS! But the stage where you get to metaphorically throw everything at the wall in order to see what sticks, I really love that part! The whole, more modern trend where you have to become an influencer if you want to get published? Not a fan of that!
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Shittily executed stories, hands down. When a work has a kernel of something cool under layers and layers of metaphorical feces, that inspires me way more than something that, to me at least, has been expertly crafted. Breaking down the essence of something that works for me in a bad story and moulding it into something of my own? Love doing that!
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
Honestly, it’s the one about how if you’re stuck, then the problem is three sentences back or whatever. I used to try and brute force my way through roadblocks in my writing, but I’ve never been satisfied by the results of those methods. Rereading to find trouble spots when I hit those kinds of stoppages has done wonders for me, personally!
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
Gonna go off on a tangent for a sec, so stay with me! When I was little, like toddler little, I didn’t quite understand how writing worked. I knew that books held stories, and I fucking loved stories! Like most kids, I made up all kinds of weird little scenarios with my toys, and I thought it would be rad as hell to keep a record of them so I could go back and read them. I somehow came to the conclusion that if I just thought about what I wanted to write while I wrote, then my thoughts would just, I don’t know, psychically imprint themselves on the page?! So I made a bunch of little books by cutting up loose leaf paper into smaller sheets and stapling them together with a construction paper cover, and I would “write” my stories by grabbing whatever book or magazine I could find and copying the letters on the pages into my “books” while I thought about what I wanted the story to be like. I would then go back and “read” my books, but it was really just me daydreaming about whatever the story was supposed to be about, which I knew more from what I’d crayoned the cover to look like, rather than any of the actual contents on the pages. It wasn’t until I started kindergarten that I learned that letters are sounds, and that the sounds put together make up words, and the words put together is how stories are made. So the thing I wish I knew when I first started “writing” would be how words actually worked!
What is your favourite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
I’m going to cheat because it’s technically not complete, but the Silent Island stories that I wrote with my pals. We wrote them, off and on, between 2003 and 2015, so that is the majority of my life! It’s an inextricable part of me at this point. It’s not something that’s going to be traditionally published, but having it up online is probably going to be in the cards for this beast. LOL ALAS NOT ANY TIME SOON! Still gotta sort through it all!
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
For me, personally, the character with the most controversial mindset would be Ransaran, who is the antagonist for the Starcrossed Cycle. A “god” that only sees people as a natural resource to be exploited, I modelled a lot of its behaviour and mindset after people I find deplorable in real life - people like Bezos, Trump, Musk, and Epstein, to name a few - people who take, and use, and destroy for their own pleasure, with absolutely no thought or care for anything beyond their own selfish desires. People like that are the antithesis to everything I value as a person, so when I think “villainy”, those are the types of people that come to mind.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
I think younger me would be blown away by the sheer volume of writing that I’ve produced over the years. Alas, most of it incomplete, or half baked planning, but I have written a metric fuckton between then and now! But hey, here’s hoping that the me from now would be blown away by the amount of actually completed works the me ten years in the future will have under her belt!
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symptoms-syndrome · 1 year
1, 3, 5!
Thank you!
1. Do you have an inner world? If yes, is it something you consciously made? What is your inner world like?
Yes, kinda? And it's sort of in between. I had a sort of "inner world" type thing I would imagine myself in a lot as a kid/teen. It's not like how some other people describe inner worlds where it's like. A place parts hang out in, it's sort of like a daydream. A mental safe space. It's a big big willow tree with some rooms inside, mostly a big foyer with a fireplace and comfy chairs. Tardis-esque in like. Inside vs outside size. It's also got sort of a moat around it, between the trunk and where the willow branches reach the floor, with clear, cool water.
And in therapy, my therapist suggested I create a "meeting room" and a "safe space," so I already had the safe space down. The "meeting room" is based on a classic diner I used to go to a lot, with booths and a counter. Like the kind that look like they're in an old train car. Like this:
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But more blue/teal. I was sort of intimidated by the idea of a "meeting room" because something like a conference table makes me feel like I'm in trouble. A diner is more friendly because parts can be in the same place but still have their own space. Like they don't need to all be around the same table and that's less intimidating. It feels less like a forced meeting.
The first time I used it Aslan just colored on the paper placemats while Tomas (who was the one like. In front during that session) sat with him. I haven't really used it in therapy for any actual meetings yet, I think it takes getting used to first.
3. Do you experience your disorder as overt or covert? What does that mean to you?
It's hard to say mostly because it's hard to isolate one of my disorders when talking about how I'm perceived. I generally say overt just because I'm noticably mentally ill, but it's not like people generally go "oh DID." When I told my friends about it though they did say that it made my behavior make more sense.
Though I have had two therapists at this point tell me they were genuinely astonished that I hadn't been diagnosed earlier. Apparently I am very visibly DID to clinicians. I don't really know what that means.
I am like. Very secretive about my actual diagnosis of DID IRL/everywhere except here and with my closest friends. I don't generally announce parts or switches or anything, I think my friends just know that they need to remind me of things more often and that I can act really differently at times/have different opinions on things (like food, which could be relevant to a hangout) so they ask about that kind of thing more often than I think they would for someone without my condition.
TLDR overtly mentally ill but try not to make a big deal about it.
5. Are there parts that are more able to communicate with each other than others?
Definitely. I call one group of parts (of which I am a part of, no pun intended) the "raspberry" because we're like. Parts that make up a bigger thing. Like the little cells of a raspberry. Even among the raspberry there's slightly varied levels of communication, but generally we're able to communicate with each other about some things. Outside the raspberry is definitely harder. There's some parts that have very clear communication only when they want to and are hard to reach otherwise, some parts that seemingly send one-way messages, and some parts that are totally or almost totally isolated. Or maybe just don't want to talk. Hard to tell.
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v1rtualv4mp · 8 months
✮⋆ ──── ⋆ 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ⋆ ──── ⋆✮
Do not be afraid to ask any questions, even those I already have answered
1 — You can never have sex
2 — You can never drink or do drugs
3 — Never, ever, ever under any circumstances say "I'll be right back", 'cause you won't be back
▪︎About my fanfics:
Read everything, please. If you have any doubts about my rules or what I'll write, feel free to send an ask.
I will be writing:
▪︎Character x reader
▪︎Poly relationships
▪︎Child reader (platonic only)
▪︎Any gender reader
▪︎Neurodivergent reader
▪︎Genderbend characters
▪︎And much more
I will not be writing:
▪︎Pedophilia as in adult character x minor reader, but if it's something like trauma the reader has then it's fine
▪︎Incest, same as the first one. I feel like I shouldn't even have to clarify those two but there are disgusting people everywhere
▪︎Sexualization of minors
▪︎Character x character
▪︎Oc x character
▪︎Extreme age gap in romance (19+ year difference)
▪︎Smut, only suggestive themes allowed (might change in the future)
▪︎Werewolf stuff
^ Anything that's not on this list is completely fine!
01 — I'll never mention the reader's appearance or nationality so people can imagine themselves better into my stories. Unless if it's relevant to the plot, I will continue doing it so.
02 — Reader will always be gender neutral with they/them pronouns. And once again, it can be changed if it's relevant to the plot
03 — The AUs part isn't necessarily specified, it can mean anything: genderbend characters, crossovers, plot changes... Anything. Idc if your idea seems crazy, give it to me 😤
Just so everyone knows, I write anything so if you want a long oneshot or a little moment with your favorite character, or just my headcanons – that's completely fine, I do both. If you don't specify what you want I'll assume that it's up to me to decide. I'll give my best.
(Constructive criticism is appreciated)
▪︎About my MBs/SBs
I am willing to do literally anything; concepts, aesthetics, animals, multiple characters from multiple fandoms... Anything. If you are not sure if your request meets my guidelines then just send it anyway and I will say if it's approved or not.
▪︎About my blog
There isn't much to say, actually. I'm really not a judgmental person but I'd appreciate if proshippers (and people who even just slightly enjoy the content) don't interact with my account, if I see that you're a proshipper and already had contact with me— you will be blocked.
Feel free to send anything to my inbox! Thoughts, daydreams, questions.. Anything. Don't be shy, I love talking to people! Vents are also allowed, but I won't be answering any of them, I suck at comforting others. Maybe, just maybe I will try to give advice if it's a topic I've already had experience with.
— Last updated august 14th —
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quinloki · 8 months
omg it's so hard to be a responsible adult and not stay up and have my little daydreams while I listen to music xD and I unfortunately have to work tomorrow since our company doesn't consider it a holiday T_T I'm glad I could send you something in return to kill you bc you always kill me <333
I think I can officially say I got the sabo brainrot, damn (jk)
omg okay so I was also thinking how you'd meet ace and I'm like duh school a man like whitebeard would prolly want his sons to go out and experience the world especially if they're running a major business! and I'm like omg imagine ace in college it opens up so many dumb shenanigans that you both have so much dirt on eachother and you really give him a good wack when you find everything out because you overlooked so much it made you mad! like ace would always treat for meals or drinks and you obvi talked about his job after college, but he never mentioned WHERE he was going to work in a mailroom!! or that it was his dad's company!! that bastard
lolol and for some (mild) tension you meet shanks and he is just like heavyyyyyy flirting and izou finds it hilarous how annoyed sabo and marco look (and pops is like leave my future daughter in law alone xDDDD)
the tension in that hotel room after everyone is aware of the shower xD throw in a little bickering over who should sleep where, bc obvi you're so shaken up right? and they argue over who's bed you should sleep in so they can comfort you >>
the polycule would be interesting I won't lie idk how the dynamics with those two in particular would be tho bc honestly they give me such similar vibes sometimes. I mean I read sabo/reader/ace sometimes but ace is a puppy dog so it's a different dynamic >>
I could picture like, sabo does the more dangerous work, so you're officialy dating marco the ceo and you get dressed up and go to events with him but sometimes his little brother offers to take you home bc you're soooo tired from interacting with all those business peeps and sabo is just such a good younger brother to take care of his bro's girlfriend such a gentleman (nvm that you're going back to sabo's room and not marco's) like rather than a poly they just both share bc you couldn't pick they're just both too good IDK MAN I JUST WANT THEM BOTH SO BAD T_T
ok but the riskiest part of being the weakness is the fact that pops basically parades you around and calls you his daughter in law and nobody can figure out exactly what it is that got him to favor you so much but you run with it when you need to (like when ace/luffy are being a little shit)
also random thought before anyone officially starts dating, you start going to events with ace bc you get hired for the company or something (maybe ceo's secretary >> since ace is gonna be the boss someday!!) and people just assume you're dating and when pops calls you the daughter in law they're like oh congrats to the lovely couple and you both just look at eachother disgusted bc ew, no (like you'd also rather lick his face than anything romantic bc you've seen him eat food off a bar floor and other disgusting habits and absolutely not) and then everyone is just confused (incoming shanks flirting at that moment sounds perfect xD) then you realize getting called the daughter in law means pops has some idea of what's going on and now you have to figure how much and how mortified you should be
So there's a comic out there called something like Him & Him & Him, that's basically a girl and three guys (an uncle and twin nephews), and it's porn with a dash of plot, but I like the way it was done. That comic makes me think of what Sabo x Marco x Reader would be.
Which, to make it concise, in the comic, the lady marries the uncle legally, but all of them live together, and it's like you were saying "Oh what a good brother he is, looking out for Marco's fiance like that."
So yes, yes I like that head canon very much. We were going to split this into two different Pick One endings, but fully polycule works too.
It certainly turns into Two Against One though, cause in this situation the reader is the puppy dog >.>
Gods the kink and dynamics I could explore....
heck, Kaz, HECK I already have plenty to work on but this is killing me. Marco brainrot is real, and Sabo is just rushing the gates I swear, and now all this - ALL THIS DELICIOUS chatter and idea swapping and head canoning and world building KAZ I NEED TO WRITE THIS.
The world can blame you, I'm making notes, it's going into the primary rotation. I'll finishing Birds of a Feather and put this in its spot and I hope you're happy (affectionate).
I love the secretary idea too and the misunderstandings XD
And I think Pops likes the reader because she's a capable fighter, and not afraid to defend people, and also his sons want to protect her and he's like "Yeah, no, I get it." but less romantic and more "This smol creature reminds me of Ace and I love them both." sort of thing XD
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7 Snippets 7 People Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @tabswrites! :D
Here are seven snippets from Silver Glass (contains spoilers, obviously. Also contains homophobia, someone being forced into marrying someone they hate, murder, and descriptions of horribly-mutilated corpses):
If Reverend and Mrs. Grantley knew what was happening under their noses they would probably die of shock.
Lennox — Alexander — is only in Cambridge for three days. (Five, if you count the night he arrived and the morning he leaves.) Then he's going to visit some relatives in Scotland. David tells himself it's for the best, that he is just as infatuated as Louis and in a few weeks he'll have forgotten about Alexander. He can't quite make himself believe it.
Alexander spends two days mostly with Reverend Grantley and other ministers, discussing dates and places that go over David's head. He can't find an excuse to hang around the house for long after breakfast, so he reluctantly leaves. He goes to the library and the cinema, but spends most of the time daydreaming about following Alexander to Scotland.
On the second day he also learns Alexander's age. He spends that night using all the maths he knows to try to reduce the difference between being born in September 1894 and being born in December 1897.
On the third day he volunteers to show Alexander around Cambridge.
"Of course, of course," Reverend Grantley says. He beams at David. "It's good to see you're making friends, Eames."
David's face heats up as his mind conjures up images of exactly how friendly he'd like to become with Alexander.
In hindsight they were far too careless. They assumed that because no one had discovered them yet, that meant no one would discover them ever.
David can't remember what they were talking about. He remembers sitting on Alec's coat spread as an improvised blanket, next to Alec with his head on Alec's shoulder. He remembers really wanting to kiss him. And he remembers Alec kissing him back.
They end up lying on the ground. David is half on top of Alec. They're still kissing. Alec wraps his arms around David's waist and pulls him completely on top of himself. David can't wait any longer. He starts to unbutton Alec's shirt. Alec reaches for David's belt.
"Jesus H. Christ!"
They disentangle themselves and leap to their feet at the first word. David's vain hope that the newcomer hadn't got a good look at what they were doing dies when he sees who it is.
Gwladys Whare has just appeared at the side of the summer-house. From where she's standing she had a perfect view of them. And there was really no way to mistake what they'd been doing.
She stares at them both as if they're something she's scraped off her shoe. Alec rebuttons his shirt. David tries to smooth his hair down into something approaching respectability. A profoundly awkward silence descends.
Alec breaks it. "Miss Whare, I apologise for— We had no idea you were nearby. I beg you not to speak of this to anyone."
Miss Whare begins to smile. Her smile widens into something truly sadistic. "Oh, I bet you do. But what if I go right back to the house and tell them all? Maybe you can buy your way outta trouble, but your little tart will go right to jail."
David has never seen Alec so furious. He advances on her with a downright murderous expression. Her eyes widen and she clearly begins to regret the chance that brought her here. David wraps his arms around Alec's chest and holds him back.
Alec stops, but he doesn't relax. "What do you want?" he practically spits at her. "Money?"
Miss Whare recovers. Her cruel grin returns. "'Course. But more than that. My pa wants me to marry one of you lords with your fancy titles. Problem is, you lot don't seem so eager to marry me."
"I can't imagine why," David says under his breath.
"Now here you are. A lord with a title, and a secret that could send you to prison. Even if you bribe the police, I can go to the papers and ruin you in a day. So how about it? I get a title, you get money, I keep your secret, and you can keep him around to warm your bed. Lord knows I won't do it any more than I have to."
There's a stunned silence. David can't believe what he's hearing. Alec is shaking.
"Are you blackmailing me into marrying you?"
Miss Whare nods as if there's nothing unusual about the situation. David would like to punch her in her smug face.
"Think about it," she says. "Answer me tomorrow. If it's no, I'll phone the police."
The clock chimes six. It's still dark outside. The room is cold and Alec is warm, but Davit forces himself to get up anyway. The servants will be along soon to light the fires. It won't matter if they find his own bed empty, but it most certainly will matter if they find him in Alec's.
Alec gets up too. He buttons Davit's shirt for him. They hold each other's gaze. It feels like they have an entire conversation in silence. Alec smooths the wrinkles out of Davit's shirt. He's wearing only his dressing gown, and it leaves a v-shaped portion of his chest exposed. Davit pulls it closed, then brushes a strand of hair away from Alec's eyes.
He takes the ring out of his pocket and puts it on.
"When are you going to tell her?" he asks.
Alec flinches. "It'll have to be early. Before she has time to tell anyone." He turns abruptly and goes over to his desk. He rummages through it until he finds his cheque book. "There's a house in London. Belonging to my father, but I use it when I'm in town and my father never leaves home any more. I'm giving it to you. Here's two thousand pounds— No, I won't take any argument. You should have much more; everything I own is yours now." He finds a writing pad and begins to scribble a letter. "This is to the housekeeper telling her that you have my full permission to live there."
"You'd better give a reason," Davit says, moving over to lean against the back of Alec's chair. "Tell her I'm your research assistant and gathering information on Orthodox Christianity."
Alec addresses the envelope and seals it. "I'll post this today. We... We can't spend too much time together. Nothing to give her more against us."
Davit sits down beside Alec — difficult when the chair was only meant for one. He ends up in Alec's lap. Neither of them is complaining.
He buries his face in the crook of Alec's neck. Alec pulls him close and holds onto him like a drowning man clinging to a rope.
He and Alec have only one short meeting in private before Alec leaves too. They meet in the garden again and make their own arrangements: Davit will live in London until Alec divorces Gwladys. Alec is optimistic it shouldn't take too long. This shows every indication of being the shortest marriage in history.
"I know she's already writing to another man," Alec says. "As long as we stay apart she'll have no evidence against me."
Davit is slightly less optimistic. Once Gwladys has her claws in Alec, he can't imagine her letting go easily. "What if you have a child?"
Alec makes a disgusted face. "There's no chance of that. I have no intention of ever consummating this marriage."
"If you don't she'll use that against you." Davit pulls leaves off a stem of ivy clinging to the old summer house. "Consummate the marriage, play the loving husband when others are around, make sure she has nothing she can use against you."
Alec looks at him in surprise. Davit can guess what he's thinking. That this is odd advice for him to give. But Davit knows Gwladys is a genuine threat to both of them. The best way to deal with threats is with deceit.
"What do you want to do as soon as I get the divorce?" Alec asks.
Davit knows it won't be nearly as easy as that. But for once he allows himself to dream. "I'd like to travel. Visit Armenia. I've never been there."
"You're not from Armenia?"
He shakes his head. As he answers he can almost smell the blood and death and fire. "I was born in Adana."
From Alec's lack of reaction he can tell he doesn't recognise the name.
"We could go there too," Alec suggests.
Davit forces a laugh. "No. I wouldn't like that at all."
He doesn't look at Alec, but he knows Alec is staring at him.
"Davit? Davit, what's wrong?"
Ever since that night Alec has called him Davit. Sometimes he forgets how to pronounce it and says it like David with a T.
Davit rubs his eyes. He isn't crying, but his eyes sting. Alec puts his arm around him and pulls him close. He doesn't say anything. Davit takes a deep breath. He rests his chin on Alec's shoulder so he can't see his face.
"Have you heard of the Adana massacre?" he asks. His voice is flat. His chest feels like it's going to cave in.
Alec inhales sharply. "I remember now." He tightens his arms around Davit. "You were there?"
Davit nods. "I can't talk about it."
They say nothing for a while. Alec simply holds Davit, and Davit tries to piece himself back together.
Yo-han had witnessed some grisly spectacles in his career. The man whose chest had been sawn open and all his internal organs removed held the title for the most grisly. He had fierce competition, though, including the woman who had lost half of her face in a bear attack, the man who had spilled acid on his arms, and Rachael Patton-Langdale with a chunk blown out of her skull.
His history gave him an advantage. He could examine the murder victims relatively impassively while the police constable was trying not to be sick.
Both victims were hung by the neck from different branches of the tree. Both ropes had been cut from the same length of rope, which was unusually thick and had probably been taken from a boat. The bodies had been dragged over to the tree from somewhere across the lawn.
Victim one: Mrs. Lennox. She was fully dressed in a plain white frock, not an evening dress. Her hair had been pinned up. Now most of it hung loose and was matted with blood. Her expression was mildly surprised but not frightened. She hadn't seen her death coming.
She had been struck in the back of the head with a heavy, blunt object. The murderer had hit her with such force that part of her skull had caved in.
Victim two: Çelik Bey. He was shirtless. His face was contorted into a ghastly silent scream. He had certainly seen his death coming.
It was a cliché of crime novels to say someone's throat had been cut from ear to ear. Yet that was the only way to describe it. The murderer had slashed so deeply into his neck that they had almost decapitated him. The rope holding him up was looped around his chest under his arms, because his head would have been pulled off if the murderer tried to hang him by what remained of his neck. His chest and arms were sliced all over with shallow cuts.
Yo-han leaned in to get a closer look. All of them had been inflicted with a long, sharp blade. The cut throat had probably been inflicted with the same weapon.
He was used to gory sights. All the same, he was glad the news had arrived before he had time to have breakfast.
Yo-han turned away from the safe, and almost tripped over those damn slippers again. He kicked them out of the way in annoyance. Then he stopped.
"Mrs. Lennox was wearing outdoor shoes when she died," he said slowly. "So she took off her slippers herself. But the more natural place to leave them would be near the top of the bed."
He looked at the bedside cabinet. It had a cupboard at the bottom. He placed the slippers in front of the cupboard door and tried to open it. They were in the way.
"The thief also went through Mrs. Lennox's cupboard," he said. "Why? No one keeps valuables where they can be discovered so easily."
Until now Constable Martin had been hovering awkwardly by the window, looking like he felt there was nothing for him to do but couldn't think of how to leave. Now he came over to investigate too. Eames moved to the side of the cupboard to get a better view.
Yo-han moved the slippers out of the way and opened the cupboard. It had one shelf, which had small dividers splitting it into three squares. One of the squares contained a notebook. The other two were empty.
He lifted out the notebook and flipped through it. Some pages were torn out. The rest were blank.
"Do you have a pencil?" he asked the constable.
Martin hunted through his pockets, then produced a pencil. Yo-han scribbled over the first page. Faint outlines showed through.
"I thought so! She leant heavily on the previous page and the impression came through."
"But what does it mean?" Eames asked. "Half grim? Baron nine thirds? That's not a proper fraction!"
Most women would have been alarmed to hear their neighbour had been murdered and their guest had been called in to investigate. Phil, who had accidentally caused one death and discovered a murder, was only mildly upset.
"I suppose her husband did it," she said when Mr. Seo returned for lunch.
"No, I think I can say with certainty that he's the only person I can rule out," he said, to her surprise.
The dining room windows faced over the lough. Mr. Seo looked out at the other bank as if he expected to find the answer there. "Miss Patton, do you have a boat?"
Phil sensed where this was going. "Yes, over at the jetty. You think the empty house has something to do with the case?"
Mr. Seo nodded grimly. "From there the murderer could see everything happening at the house. If I search it I'm sure I'll find proof someone was hiding there."
Phil finished her sandwich. She got up. Her brown-and-white day dress was too good for a boating expedition, but she had an old grey dress which she normally used for gardening. "Give me five minutes to change, then I'll row you across."
Tagging @violets-in-her-arms-writes, @authortango​, @saltysupercomputer, @writingat-night, @kaiusvnoir, @autumnalwalker, @cosmiccoincidence, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
Also adding Glass’s taglist: @writingpotato07, @oh-no-another-idea, @sarahlizziewrites, @lightgriffinsect, @kittensartswriting, @acertainmoshke, @author-a-holmes, @sam-glade, @late-to-the-fandom (Let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
hey!! so i'm rereading something just like this right now to prepare for reading the new chapter and i was just wondering if you've ever thought about making a traditionally published book?? of course fan fiction is a legitimate form of artistry and i don't ask this to demean your work AT ALL but ur writing style is so elegant and descriptive while being easy to digest and i think that you would make and absolute killing in the industry if u ever did decide to write a traditionally published book
anyways feel free to disregard this ask if it's something you've already answered before or don't feel the urge to answer!! i love all of your work and am waiting patiently yet intensely for more!! thanks for everything that you do<3
Hello!!! You are very sweet to say so, Anon, lmao. I would love to make a killing in the industry. 😌 Some monies for fancy manicures and iced lattes and other lil treats. 😌
I actually have thought about trying my luck pursuing traditional publishing! I mean—I have a finished manuscript, LMFAO. It’s the first in a duology! It needs editing (rewriting, really), because I finished it in like, February 2020 and then proceeded to get distracted by the lockdown and the terrible decision to download tiktok (which opened my eyes to BNHA and self-insert fanfic), but it’s done. 📖
It’s Young Adult, because I am always writing for the teenager I was, and is multi-POV’d between our three leads (a grump of boy and the two girls that now have to protect him) and involves them causing wilful damage, in order, to some downtown traffic, the school grounds (multiple times), a grocery store and lastly each other’s (and their own) feelings. 🥹
For a long time I lived in this story, like I do now with my fics—talking to everyone about it, making it everyone else’s problem, fretting over plot choices, etc etc. Taking it from a tentative idea to a outline to finally finishing the first draft was the first time I’d ever completed one of my stories. 🥺 I’ve drawn the main characters over and over again, made them playlists, dedicated notebooks to the story and it’s world—I believe in it fully and absolutely, not because I think it’s anything groundbreaking, but because it’s exactly the kind of story 16-year-old me would’ve curled around and used to daydream with. 🥺
But idk. I’m not very ambitious by nature, lmfao, and you have to be in order to jump through the hoops you need to when it comes to traditional publishing. If there was a way to protect my lil story and still share it freely, without worrying about someone stealing it and sending it to a publisher with their own name slapped over the top, then I would. 🥹 I’ve always liked telling stories. Verbally, to the younger kids in the neighbourhood. In a school notebook that I made my friends read. On roleplaying forums. Uquiz! I’d love to be able to walk into a bookstore and find my book and be like “hehehe that’s mine >:)” but if it never panned out for whatever reason (not finding an agent, for example, or a interested publisher) then—oh well! I did my job; the story got told, even if it was only to me. 📝🌷
Either way, tbh we have more important things to worry about—a traditionally published book is a far-off, future maybe dependant on other people that might never happen. Finishing the Deku fic, on the other hand? It’s right here, right now, and is something I can do by myself. 😌 I will work hard on giving it the end it and u deserve, Anon. 😌 Thank-you for being here. 💖🌷🪻🌾
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leannan-sithe · 2 years
I have a godspouse which is not really a god but one of my guides. I just wasn’t aware there was a term or community for it
What is some advice to better connect? Like how can I properly do dates with him…? Could I ask more questions in dms if able? Sorry it’s an anonymous ask I’m just really shy speaking to new people ;;
In short, the community I'm a part of (not necessarily the global community) uses godspouse as a catchall term and a model for other terms.
For example - godspouse is spouse/partner of a god. So spiritspouse, therefore is the spouse/partner of a spirit. You can use any words instead of god or spirit -- angel, demon, hero, etc.
If you're unsure or don't want to be specific, otherspouse is a term in my community that refers to your non-corporeal partner but doesn't reference who or what they are. It's a good word for speaking to mixed groups!
You can also change the -spouse bit if you want. Godpartner. Spiritpartner. Etc. Partner and mate are most common substitutions, but you can also use wife or husband.
You're welcome to DM if you want. If you want long-form advice, sending asks like this is helpful! It lets me write out all my thoughts and publish them so others can see and maybe get help from your questions.
In terms of how you connect, it's important to know two things.
First, that humans have gone thousands of years speaking to and enjoying deities' (etc) presence without direct confirmation or contact. Getting a clear and concise reply is not always mandatory.
Second, if you do want a direct reply, it often takes time and effort. A lot of it.
Try guided meditations to help get used to visualizing, if you're able to do so. Then you can attempt to connect with your partner through the astral.
Tarot and runes and oracle decks are always a go to for conversation.
Sometimes your partners will communicate through dreams, daydreams, even your own creative works!
A lot of what godspousing is, is going to be faith. Blind faith for a while.
Invite your partner to have dinner with you. You may not hear or feel their presence, but you extended the invitation. Do this for dates, events, anything you'd like. Get used to the idea of them being around and try to listen -- either astrally or with your emotional sense. You might find you can "sense" their presence over time.
Anyone is free to send asks in with questions, but be sure to DM me (not asks) if you want to talk about the godspousing discord server.
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22degreehalo · 2 years
Something that I’d really like to do, that I think is actually on the more achievable side for me, is an interactive fiction game I’ve been mentally calling ‘ADHD Simulator.’
Do you remember Depression Simulator, from the mid 2010s? The one that GamerGate theoretically sorta started around? The whole premise of that was that you were playing from the perspective of someone with depression, but the obviously ‘correct’ options (like asking for help etc.) were all greyed out, representing that even if you knew that was the best and healthiest thing to do, you just didn’t have the energy or stability to do them. 
It was a great message, but as was pointed out by a few people, that still left you the option with the next best/healthiest choice (like spending time with other people rather than alone), which did indeed give you the best ending if you consistently chose them. So arguably, the greyed out choices didn’t really make much gameplay difference.
For years now I’ve sorta had in my head a vision of a version of that where no choices are greyed out, but the ‘right’ choices are actually completely unpredictable and messy. Like, maybe pushing yourself to do something difficult is good for you one day, but another day it just elevates your stress levels so high you get nothing done. Daydreaming about your hyperfixation instead of doing work or talking to people actually is fulfilling and good and calming and makes everything better.
The whole point is to represent what is honestly one of the biggest issues with ADHD to me: the unpredictability, and the difficulty explaining it all to other people. It seems obvious that procrastinating doing something difficult is a bad thing, but what if you genuinely can barely concentrate on one sentence at a time right now, and there really is a good chance that reading will be easier later? But then you also raise your chance to forget entirely and not do it at all. These are the sorts of decisions I have to make in my head constantly, many many many times per day, and unless you can experience the unwinnability of it all yourself, IDK how to make it clear that it’s not just that I don’t know the right thing to do.
The way it works I think is that it all works against an energy/motivation/stress meter. Whenever you do something, you’re notified how much it’s probably going to impact the meter, and if your tension goes too high or whatever you freeze up and can only stumble through unthinkingly through the rest of the day. But sometimes things unexpectedly add a lot of stress (like, checking your hobby social media causes you to see a Bad Take that makes you feel awful about yourself) or vice versa, and sometimes things just happen without need for any choice at all, while at others even things like ‘get up and have a shower’ require a choice and added stress.
There’s other narrative meaning in the choices, too. Sometimes something seems like it should be a choice, but the option never comes up, like you’re prepared for an option to remember to do something later but then the scene just happens and then your character is berating themselves for not doing it and not being able to explain why. Because that’s what forgetting is actually like. Or sometimes when something is really gruelling, I can ask the player to repeatedly make tedious choices over and over (like ‘give up’ vs ‘read the next line’ 20 times in a row). Or when trying to think of what to do right now, I can overload the player with 30 options, only two of which - buried in the sea of unimportant trivial shit - are actually ‘healthy’ or ‘important’ ones.
I first came up with the idea a few years back when I was looking for law jobs and I’ve always imagined it having that setting: you’re living at home, sending out job applications into the uncaring void with 0 clue if it’s doing anything at all, while also balancing friends and family and your hyperfixation. In my plan, at the end of the week (or whatever time), you get notified that an application you put in three months ago has lead to a job. Nothing ‘productive’ you did that week actually made any difference at all. And your ‘best’ ending - the one where you’re happiest and feel the best about yourself and your life - comes from repeatedly choosing to daydream and write fanfic rather than the most straightforwardly ‘healthy’ choices. Because that happened to me, and that is indeed what I think most fondly about when I look back on that time.
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
When you get this, answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! 🥰 If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you to talk about your works, and celebrate with you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
1. What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
2. How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
3. Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
usually Idea is the only one who can get away with this (sending me chain asks), but I'll give you a pass this one time and talk about Romance Story, since apparently it's here to stay.
I'm most excited to write dialogue and descriptions that suit the regency era. I love the way they word things, and how much you can convey just in the way you say something, how easy it is to politely insult people, or answer very factually without being truthful. you can do this with modern language too, but it's not as fun. and I can stretch my descriptive muscles and talk about pretty locations and mention people traveling places and such. all my current wips have people in one place. except mercenary story but I'm stalling on writing that.
it hasn't changed yet, except that it was just a passing fancy and now it's a room in my archive that I keep visiting. I don't know if I'll keep it as Romance Story, either, because there IS romance, and I conceived of it as a romance, but I realized a large chunk of it is just found family and slice of life and coming of age. so maybe it'll be Crossover Story or Regency Story or something. or it might stay Romance Story because none of my other wips have romance in them.
unsure, because I haven't focused on writing any of them yet, but it could very well be John Rusalo, the private investigator and secret crime novelist. I'm so tempted to give him and Katherine a Benedick and Beatrice relationship but I'd have to invert their current personalities. as it is, he's the Javert stand-in and Katherine is Eleanor. we'll see. I'm not opposed to more than two crossovers in this wip.
thanks for asking, I guess
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parasiteking · 2 years
hi arc no pressure to answer this but i was just wondering if you felt comfortable answering could i ask how did you know you were bigender? slash maybe how do I know if I might be bigender?
hi leo!! yeah, i'm comfortable answering that! this may be a bit long but like- im telling a lot just incase it any part of it helps you realize something. (i also enjoy talking about my identity & the journey of how i got here TBH)
im specifically male & female bigender. i also identify with a lot of xenogenders, but (what i call) my primary gender(s) is being male & female bigender. bigender can be any two genders though!! but this will probably mainly apply to male & female (or similar genders like demiboy/demigirl, ect.) bigender experience.
growing up as a girl, i always felt a connection with guys. i always wanted to be included in what they were doing! in school, i had primarily male friends while only having a very small amount of female friends (irl wise. i had a lot of female friends online) the only time in my life i had primarily girls as my friends was in elementary school, but i wasn't ever happy.
i was always very happy when guys would treat me like they treated other guys- not in a "treating me like decent respect" kinda way, but just treating me as if i were a guy.
ive known i was bisexual since i was 7 or 8, so i've been in queer spaces online since i was very young. since i was young, i was also very easily influenced by older people. i ended up in a lot of transmedicalist spaces. i never thought about exploring my gender identity because i liked being a girl! but in the back of my mind, i always wondered what it would be like if i made an alt account and pretended to be a guy, using he/him pronouns n stuff. at one point, i did run an account using he/she pronouns because "the mascot im using uses he/him but i use she/her but idc if people refer to me as he/him ONLY because of the mascot" <- complete fucking lie i was in denial becuz i was friends with a lot of transmeds, but didnt know i was also a guy at the time. just liked he/him
its a long story, but a mix of my boyfriend realizing he was a trans and openly supporting xenogenders & neopronouns, us cutting off a toxic transmed friend, and me entering fandoms that were more inclusive made me realize like. hey maybe this stuff is ok. and immediately i was like oh fuck. im bigender.
i looked back on my experiences and it just. fell into place. one time i received major gender euphoria because a guy hugged me in a way that guys stereotypically only do with guys, and it was still such an important memory to me over a year later (and still is 4 or so years later even though i havent seen the guy in forever.) everytime i was referred to with he/him on the acc i went by he/she pronouns on, i felt so damn happy. i daydream being a guy, not because i hate being a girl but because i just loved the idea of being a guy so much, and not out of like, being tired of sexism or anything. i just wanted to be a guy just cause!!
gender dysphoria was never apart of discovering my identity for me, i only developed it after the fact. my gender dysphoria is different than others (from what ive seen from The Average Trans Person) & im shy to talk about it publicly so if you do wanna ask about that just send another ask & ill answer privately. that being said gender dysphoria is NEVER a requirement to being trans, and i wouldve never found out i was bigender if i didnt get rid of that idea.
ANYWAYS, thats just me!
for you, my advice is to self reflect i suppose! think about your relationship with whatever genders youre considering being bigender of, how do you feel about those genders? how do you connect to them? how do you feel being referred to as pronouns typically associated with those genders (i know pronouns dont equal gender, this is just smth that helped me) or terms in general that are associated with those genders? would you feel happy as both?
im not good at advice im just a silly kid on the internet U_U anyways i rlly hope this helped u in some way. if u have anymore questions id LOVE to answer!! <3
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The Good Doctor is over. I can't believe it, and I probably won't for a while xd.
I've been watching this show for about 3 or 4 years, I believe. I'm not exactly sure how long xd. I think I started watching after season 3, maybe a bit into season 4. I'd have to look somewhere, because I truly have no idea lol. I honestly don't even remember why, I think I just liked the idea and had seen a couple clips of it.
But what I also didn't know was how much this random medical show would come to mean to me. It's gotten me through hard times, put me through hard times xD (looking at you, sobbing over Asher's death), and I don't know how I'm gonna live without it lol. Well, I know how, and I have other shows, I'll be fine. It's not even one I've been watching since the very beginning, or the longest, or whatever. I don't have the most thoughts about like, daydream wise, I haven't written the most fanfic about it (I don't think - there are like 4 wips and one posted today though xd). But it just means something special to me. Nothing can replace the hole it will leave in my heart, the place it will always have there. It taught me a lot, it showed me characters I'd never seen before that meant so much to me. I don't think you understand what it meant to me to see neurodiverse characters, disabled characters, queer characters, or a specific one, Asher rediscovering his relationship with religion a bit at the end of his storyline. This show has meant so much to me over these past years and I am so grateful for it <3.
Thank you. Thank you sooo much to all the cast, and for all the amazing jobs they did :')). They are seriously all amazing actors, even the one off patients in one episode each. All wonderful <33. And thank you sooo much to the crew, who made such an amazing show possible :'D! It couldn't have been done without a single one of you <333. I know what behind the scenes stuff is like, how much work they put in, and I'm so grateful for it <33. Thank you to everyone who made this show possible, and made it what it is :')).
And thank you to you guys. There's not too much of a fandom, and what there is I'm not active in much, but let me tell you all that I seriously appreciate you. Every little post, every like, every small conversation, every ask, I have felt a little bit more community for this show. I have found someone else who loves this show like I do, someone who knows what I'm talking about. Thank you all for making this the even better experience it has been :')). I hope we all continue to love this show and write and create and post for it <333. You're all really cool, and even if I don't know you, I don't want to lose you :')). I love you all so much <33.
And hey, thank you to the people, whoever they are (and I assume mainly one person), who keep sending me asks :'D. It makes me smile and so excited to see I have an ask about The Good Doctor, and I really appreciate it :)). I hope you do too <3.
The Good Doctor is an amazing show. It's not always perfect, and yes it's made plenty of mistakes, but I love it anyway. Nothing's perfect. And it doesn't have to be <333. It has taken me on a journey for these past years, and I will be forever grateful for that <3. Even if the journey has now ended :'). It's just time for part two :'D. We're just switching buses, getting on a new road. A new track for a train. It's a different leg of our journey, chapter of our story, but it's going to be an amazing one as well :')). I'll miss this one, so much, but I know the future's going to be absolutely slay in its own way <33. A future of thoughts, fanfic, daydreams, and loving this show :'DD. And that kinda makes me feel okay :').
Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Through all my emotions, all these liveblogs and reviews. I do truly, genuinely appreciate it <333.
I guess this is me signing out for The Good Doctor :'). But it isn't, really - there's a review to come, and I promise not to abandon this fandom, this show, now that it's over. Even if it's mostly in my head or my Google docs lol :'). So, I guess, just,
Thank you, The Good Doctor. And I'll see you later :'))
Goodbye, The Good Doctor ❤️
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brigittttoo · 3 years
there can be 100 people in a room followers on a blog and all it takes is one, etc <3 i love you, anyways lmao okay:
I had an idea way back in december for a paleontology/palaeobio au that would probably require about as much research as it took me to get to the last year of my PhD and so will exist in daydreams for as long as it takes for me to muster up the energy (and also finish some other wips. RIP).
I even started plotting part of it out in a .txt document like some kind of animal but never finished doing that, surprisingly. The fic would progress simultaneously in two parts:
the first is that Obi-Wan is a paleontologist within the star wars galaxy (but one where jedi, clone wars, etc don't really exist, just let me play with made-up planet histories). He's some associate fellow with a university and working in the field on Tatooine(?,, tbd) to unearth a specimen. He's up for some kind of promotion or advancement of status that would be great career-wise but would leave him with less time for field aspects. He and Cody are already in an established relationship, and I have in my .txt notes that Cody is a "mountain climber, photographer, loves logistics of digs", so, good for him :) . The impetus for the rest of the fic is that during the excavation, Obi-Wan gets injured and has to end the dig early, letting his team finish the extraction and spending the rest of his time writing up, arguing with Cody about whether he should take the promotion because it means he won't have more chances to get hurt, and generally considering the disparate possible paths of his future.
the second is actually the paper itself, the one that Obi-Wan writes about the find on Tatooine(?)! The structure would follow through various excerpts of sections (abstract, intro, materials/methods, results, discussion), mixed in with other in-universe literature, media, indigenous histories, etc. I haven't quite narrowed down the science of it, but my notes say "new fossil specimen of known species. associated skeleton and new bones with implications of lifestyle for particular evolutionary lineage of (alien) animal" which roughly translates to: "new find of bones preserved in place reveal that what prev scholars thought was this animal's ecology is actually wildly different". I'm thinking along the lines of like, fully aquatic ancestor of krayt dragon here because I love prehistoric marine reptiles.
so of course these two parts, intermeshed, would ideally provide a really compelling story about evolution, adaptation, and abrupt change, relationships with one's environment and relationships with one's partner. Yknow, daydream stuff! <3 thank you so much for inquiring <3
| Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about. |
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wannabemurdock · 3 years
My bunny, Remus Lupin
Pairing: older!Remus Lupin x fem!reader
Summary: The mutual pining and sexual is getting to be too much
Word count: 2801 words
Contains: mutual pining. slight angst? smut. degradation. thigh riding. authority kink. praise kink. penetrative sex. unprotected sex. Sirius’ attitude. (let me know if i need to add anything)
Notes: Here’s part 2 for Bunny! I don’t know how it ended up this long but here we are! I can’t believe how many people enjoyed part 1! Thank you so much for the support. Make sure you read part 1 if you haven’t. Please send in some requests. I have ideas for what I want to write next but I’d love to hear from y’all
Minors do not interact
Requests are open
not my gif
Tumblr media
part 1
Oh. my. god. Oh my god. What just happened? Why is everyone staring at me? Okay maybe it’s not everyone. Why is Remus staring at me? What did I do? Did I say something out loud? Did I moan out loud? Oh god, I’ll just move away. Does Charlie need company in Romania right now? I could totally work with dragons. Am I going crazy? I feel like I am. What if I ask Sirius? No, that would dig me into an even deeper hole. Is Moody still fucking talking? Oh fuck, can this meeting be over already?
Your mind races, your thoughts feel like they’re tripping over each other. Your heart’s beating so hard you’re sure everyone can hear it, let alone Remus and his heightened senses.
Moody begins to wrap up the meeting quickly after clearly losing the attention of the three of you at the end of the table. You hear Moody mention something about “Tweedle-dee and Tweedledum over here” before you tune him out, your daydream still in the forefront of your mind.
Remus’ eyes haven’t left you, not that you’d notice, too busy staring at your lap like it’s the only thing worth looking at. Sirius though, hasn’t stopped giggling since the second he called you out, bloody idiot. You kick his shin under the table.
“Shut up, dumbass.” You whisper before letting out a giggle. You can’t help but laugh at your own embarrassment. You just know an interrogation with ensue once the rest of the members leave. The two of you are the worst people to have in a room together. While you two are acting like a couple of idiots, you don’t notice Remus across from you, his hands clenching so hard, his knuckles turn white.
Remus wasn’t a jealous man, until it came to you. He didn’t know what was wrong with him but seeing you with anyone made his stomach churn, even Sirius. Over the past few weeks, he’s been visiting you and Sirius a lot more than normal. Making up any excuse under the sun to see you. It blew his mind that you didn’t notice how he’s stumble over his words when he’d talk to you or when he’d blush seeing you smile.
Sirius has noticed and is over it already! He reckons you two just need to fuck and get it over with because he cannot deal with the longing stares across the room and all the tension between you and Remus. He is ready to bang his head against a brick wall the next time you giggle at whatever Remus has said this time. He feels like the most uncomfortable and annoyed third wheel ever.
The meeting wraps up and people start to leave, not that you three notice. You mindlessly mumble your goodbyes in return, all brewing in your own minds. Deafening silence surrounding you the three of you.
“So, uh, Y/n,” Sirius starts, “what was going through that pretty little head of yours that was so much more important than listening to Moody.” he smirked like he already knew. How? I don’t even know but I would not doubt that man ever. Remus perks up, he felt like he was being too hopeful. Desperate even.
“None of your bloody business, Black.” You laugh as you stand up, going to put the kettle on.
“Well, you made it our business with that uh, interesting, mumbling of yours” he leans forward on his elbows, wiggling his eyebrows. The colour drains from your face, heart beating so fast you thought it might burst from your chest.
oh fuck
“Did I now? Pics or it didn’t happen.”
yeah, good save
“Oi Moony, what do you think about her little whispers?” he chuckles, throwing all the attention on Remus.
“Huh? Oh, I didn’t hear y/n say anything.” disappointment lacing Remus’ tone, while you let out a quiet sigh of relief. Sirius picked up on it immediately, he knows the two of you too well. Remus felt Sirius’ eyes on him like lasers burning into the side of his face, his cheeks heating up. The jealousy from earlier came creeping back up his neck. Remus shot up and out of his seat.
“I- I’m going to head to bed. Good night.” he practically sprints out of there so fast, you’d think he actually had somewhere to go. Sirius chuckled at a love struck Moony. It’s not often you see Remus express strong emotions, but this is amazing. Remus has a big ass crush on y/n and is absolutely horrendous at hiding it. That’s pure gold. How you haven’t noticed would completely stump him if he didn’t already know that you were head over heels for Remus.
“Love is blind, aye.” He mumbles out loud.
“What’d you say, Sirius?” you ask confused.
“I’d love a cuppa, doll.” Sirius not even trying to make it sound similar, not that you would notice. Too busy wondering what’s up with Remus, you walk out of the kitchen trying to follow him. Your earlier daydream still floating around your head. He stops in the musty, cobweb filled doorway.
“What are you doing y/n?”
“Remus, I wanna talk to you,” worry lacing your words. The thought of his hand around your throat and being called bunny getting louder and louder in your head. You need to tell him how you feel. You feel like you’re going crazy with all this pent up sexual frustration. You take his silence as a sign he’s willing to listen.
“Remus, I really have to get this off my chest. I’m really into y-“ he cuts you off.
“I know Y/n. I can see it every time you look at Siri-“ you cut him off. It’s only fair.
“Seriously Rem, can I tal-“ he cuts you off again. Your blood is starting to boil. Frustration evident on your face. He’s lucky he’s cute.
“Y/n it’s fine, really! You don’t have to spare my feelings.” Remus is doing anything he can to save himself the embarrassment as he walks away. You follow behind him, hot in his heels as he walks into the dim lounge. You shut the door behind you.
“Oh god Remus, stop interrupting me, I’m trying to tell you I like you! Really, I love you!” You place your shaking hands on your waist while trying to steady your breathing. This is the last thing you expected to happen today. Your confession has you shaking in anticipation of his reaction.
“Do you mean it? Do you really mean that?” His voice catching in his throat as he whispers. You push him back so he’s sitting on the couch in front of you to give yourself space to move around.
“Of course, I mean it, Remus. I mean it with every fibre of my being. I feel like I’m going insane not being with you all hours of the day. I want you. Only you.” Your chest heaving as you pace.
Remus drags you onto his lap, his hands on your waist so softly like he’s scared you’ll break.
“You don’t know what you do to me. Do you, bunny?” You shake your head, before running your hand through his hair, your thighs tensing in either side of his.
“Yours.” You whisper. Remus grunts in confusion before you place both hands on his cheeks, looking him in the eyes.
“Your bunny.” smiling, you run your hands down his neck, tangling a hand in his hair at the nape of his neck.
“My bunny. I like that. Oh Merlin, I love that.” He buries his face in your neck, surrounding himself in the smell of you. He could die a happy man in this very moment but he wanted more. More of you and more of this closeness with you. He’s thought of this moment hundreds of times but he never thought it could actually happen.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulls you impossibly closer. The drag of your jeans against creates slight, delicious friction. Your eyes flutter closed before you try to recreate the feeling. You drag your hips back against his, the pleasure shooting up your spine.
“Didn’t know you were this desperate, bunny. Bit pathetic, aren’t you?” he holds your face in his large hands. A mock pout on his face throws you headfirst into a never ending wave of embarrassment.
“If you’re so desperate, you can get yourself off on my thigh.” he leans back, draping his arms over the back of the leather couch.
“Don’t get shy now.” smirking condescendingly, his head falling to one side. Propping up on your knees, you reposition yourself over one of his thighs before lowering yourself back down. Nervousness comes creeping up the back your neck, the little hairs standing on end. With the first drag of your hips, you feel like you're already floating on air. Your head rolls back, giving Remus a perfect view of your throat. He leans forward to give it a small kiss, for encouragement, he could argue.
You draw your hips forward again and again, building a steady rhythm, your jaw hanging open in ecstasy. The couch creaking with every movement. Soft pants and moans escape your open mouth, and it was like music to Remus' ears. He’d flex his thigh every so often, sending you even closer into your climax. The knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter but it’s just not enough.
“I need more, please sir.” He’s taken aback by the title. He slacks growing even tighter at such an innocent name turned so filthy. He lifts his arm, wrapping a hand around your throat, applying enough pressure to send you hurdling over the edge. You ride out your high, pathetically grinding against his thigh. He lets go when your orgasm is over. You lean forward, resting your head against his shoulder, trying to get your breathing to steady.
“You couldn’t even get yourself off without my help, you’re my pathetic little bunny, aren’t you?” He tilts his head to the side, looking at you with mock pity.
“On your knees, bunny,” he says in an authoritative tone. You didn’t think you could get any wetter. With shaky legs, you drop to your knees. The hardwood of the floor already causing your knees to bruise. You rest your hands on his thighs, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
“You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?” he leans forward, a hand under your chin, he connects your lips for only second. You whine at the loss.
“Go on, bunny.” These words are music to your ears, your hands flying to the band of his trousers. Not wanting to waste any time, you unbutton and pull his pants down to his knees. Your mouth already watering in anticipation. Your hands trace the waistband of his underwear before pulling it down to his trousers. His cock springs up, hard and begging for release. You spit in your hand before wrapping it around his shaft starting to pump him slowly before kitten licking his tip. He shudders before throwing his head back. He never thought he’d ever feel this good, but then you take the head into your mouth. Teasing the tip with your tongue, you pull off and trace the thick vein down the back of his cock looking him in the eyes. Taking him back into your mouth, you bob your head, sliding him deeper and deeper. He moans into his fist, trying to be as quiet as he can knowing Sirius is just down the hall.
You hollow out your cheeks before taking him as deep as you could. You nose brushes the soft curls at his base. His hand laces through your hair giving it a sharp tug, a moan escapes you, sending a vibration up Remus’ spine. He pulls your head off of his cock.
“I- I wanna cum in you, bunny” he pants out before kicking off his trousers and pulling you up off the ground onto his lap. He flips the two of you, your back now pressed against the couch as he hovers over you. He leans down, capturing your lips with his. It is the most love and lust filled kiss you’ve ever experienced; it makes you dizzy with euphoria. He pulls away before helping you undress fully. Taking a moment, he stares at you, bare, beneath him. Nothing in the world can compare to your beauty. He strips off his remaining clothes, feeling nothing but love radiating from you.
He grasps his cock, pumping it a few times before teasing it through your dripping folds. Your eyes rolling back as he bumps your clit, a quiet moan escaping your lips. The sensitivity from your earlier orgasm still evident. His tip catches at your entrance, he pauses making sure you really want this, you try to buck your hips forward which is enough confirmation for him. Remus groans from deep within his chest as he sinks into you. Your tight, warm heat feels like heaven on earth.
“Rem- Remus.” You stutter out. Your mind fuzzy with arousal.
“Use your words, bunny.” His words make you wetter as you search your brain for anything that makes sense.
“Please move, Rem- Sir.” You somehow correct yourself; your mouth feels like it’s on autopilot because there’s no way in hell that anything coherent would come from your brain right now.
Remus starts to slowly move his hips, the patch of hair at his base giving your clit beautiful friction. Your eyes roll back and you moan much too loud for Remus’ liking.
“If you want me to keep going, you’re going to need to be quieter. You don’t want Sirius walking in here, do you?” he tsks a tone of disappointment is present in his words.
You nod your head quickly, needing him to continue what you two had already started.
“Words, bunny. I won’t repeat myself again.” He tuts.
“Yes, sir. I’ll be quiet.” You whisper as to prove your point. He smiles softly at you for a moment before he nearly pulls out of you entirely. He thrusts back in to the hilt almost immediately, all the air is pushed out of your lungs, leaving you gasping beneath him. Your hand flies to your mouth, not trusting yourself with so much pleasure coursing through you in that moment.
Remus pulls back, lifting your leg over his shoulder, his hands on your waist. The new position has you flying closer to the edge, he’s hitting a place in you that you never thought existed. Your moans muffled by your own hand is still enough to have his thoughts going a million miles an hour. His hips moving steadily. One of his hands leaves your waist, snaking its way up your body to the base of your throat.
“P-please sir, please.” You beg in a hushed tone that make you sound like you’re whimpering. Remus never thought about how perfect you’d sound when you beg and now, he can’t wait to hear it again and again. His hand slides up your throat and starts applying pressure to the sides. Your back arches at all the stimulation you’re receiving, your body feels like its being overloaded in the best way possible. His pace unrelenting. The knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter.
“I’m so close, can I cum please?” you say breathlessly. Remus looks at you in a way you don’t recognise. His pupils so dilated that only a sliver of green is visible. Pure hunger and lust clouding his mind.
“Beg for it.” He tries to repress a moan at the thought of you begging for him. You immediately give in.
“Please please please, sir. Please I need to cum. I want to come for you. I just wanna be your good bunny. Please sir.” Your words fly out, stumbling over each other, filled with pure desperation.
“Cum for me, bunny.” He growls. His voice is enough to push you headfirst into the seemingly never ending waves of your orgasm. You tremble, your back arching, thighs shaking. You are the most beautiful thing Remus has ever seen. The sight of you in the throws of your own euphoria sends him of the edge. His hips stutter and still, hips flush against you. Hot topes of his cum spills out around his base.
Remus leans down, laying his head on your chest, his arms supporting himself. You put the last bit of energy you have into running your hand through his hair. Both of you basking in the post orgasmic, love filled bliss. You wait for your breathing to return to normal. You two don’t even notice the door opening or even Sirius’ footsteps coming into the lounge.
"Really guys?" Sirius can’t help but feel relieved.
Part 3 coming soon!
@getawayfrommewerewolf @dontjudgemyobsessionpls @withyoutilltheendofthismess @invisiblegirl360 @mypiledriverwaltz @dilf-alert
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