#i have my reason why i hate lok
the--firevenus · 1 year
rewatching some lok analysis, listen im not a lok fan in fact im closer of a hater , but i love listening to people make analysis of this messy show, great stuff
anyway, rewatch some of these analysis videos reminded me of how much i feel so fucking bad for mako, he was done so dirty in the writing that i think i want to die a lil bit cuz hes my fav. HE WAS MY FAV AND GOD FUCKING DAMN IT IM STILL SALTY AND SAD AND MAD
he deserve so much better.... god they wasted my boy so bad, so fucking bad im still seething with anger years later god fucking dammit
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whatifitookalilnap · 16 days
Random rant post but I absolutely DESPISE THE FACT THAT KORRA LOST HER PAST LIVES!!!!!! I do not blame my queen for this of course I BLAME HER WRITERS FOR DOING HER DIRTY!
Obviously if you like this decision it’s totally fine because this blog is never supposed to be serious but me personally???? I do not think it should have been physically possible.
Like WHAT do you mean you can bring Raava back without bringing back the past lives??? Why would you even WANT THIS????? I honestly feel like Korra losing her past lives is one of the big reasons why people tend to hate on LOK.
Plus I feel like we missed so many good opportunities to use the knowledge of past lives during seasons three and four. Like idk summoning Aang or Yangchen for them to learn air nomads return to the world would’ve been cool to see.
I gotta say, I feel like Korra wouldn’t have had as hard of a time after getting poisoned if she had the knowledge and support of her past lives. We could’ve got somebody’s painful but inspirational backstory in an attempt to relate to Korra.
Like was there truly no other way to symbolize the start of a new Avatar cycle? Ugh I might just be a hater but honestly just assume in all my posts Korra magically got her past lives back bc it’s how I live my truth
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drpoisonoaky · 9 months
My brain made a theory while I was procrastinating.
Katara divorced Aang because he neglected his other two children, when Tezin was little. That’s why Tezin doesn’t visit her so much (he was more on his dad’s side) (I know it doesn’t have to be because of this but I don’t care)
So she became a divorce mom around her forties.
Azula went to therapy (a lot), worked on herself, and is now sane, happy and working for Zuko because she knows how politics works on the Fire Nation.
For whatever reason (I’m not going to do all the work) Azula ended up having to go to the Southern Water Tribe.
Katara is there, she sees Azula, she yells at her etc. but Azula tolerates all of that and unexpectedly says “I’m sorry”. Katara was shocked. Azula gave her a little explanation and Katara accepted her apology.
(This could happen in many ways like Azula saying “It was war; I’m not going to apologize” or whatever. The thing is the mutually hate is gone)
Azula is doing whatever she has to do there and they start to get along pretty well.
One day they went to dinner, Katara didn’t have to take care of her children…they made out. All the drama happened but they ended dating and Azula ended being a great stepmother.
Unfortunately she died before Korra the series happened.
So now we have a credible Azutara storyline in the LOK timeline.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk <3
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restinslices · 28 days
I see you would like Mk1 requests, I do have one but it's platonic! How about LKBS with their GN!Child who have discovered they have water based abilities? (It's inspired by a character called Valby! She has a unique ability that allows her to transform into water and swim about freely). She awoke her abilities after being attacked and crushed her enemies with the immense pressure of the water and where the lake once was, a mass of water in the shape of her was thrashing wildly. sorry for the rant, I just find the character really cool!
Tomas may be a bit shorter than the others but by then I felt like I was repeating the same things. Hope you enjoy anyway! Also not proofread because my eyes burn😭
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Being a cyromancer himself, he expects for his kids to get some sort of ice abilities 
Water is close enough 
He’s not surprised by it. Maybe he’s a bit thrown off when the whole attack happens and he sees that they’ve turned into water, but overall he’s no surprised that his kid has these powers 
He’s mostly pleased
Takes great pride in his kid also having unique abilities. If they were born powerless he wouldn’t hate them, but he’d be like “damn”
Most important part to him is training them so they have control of their abilities 
Welcome to Bi-Han’s Boot Camp For The Enhanced-
Around the clock training 
“This is too much-” hey do you want control of your powers or do you want your powers to control you? Exactly. Stop complaining
I can see him really pushing to see the extent of their powers. Is it actually just water? Ice? Steam? Can they manipulate water (like a waterbender) or do they always have to become the water?
Becomes borderline toxic but it’s for a good reason
Their powers are close so I can see a training exercise being him throwing icicles at them and they have to turn it to water 
Yall ever seen those people toss babies in a pool to teach them how to swim? That’s him
“Wow dad, the view up here is so pretty. The water looks beautiful. Hey why are we-” “don’t belly flop” “I beg your pardon?”
Listen, he gotta see how much water they can turn into. A pond? A lake? An ocean?
He’s for sure raising a little Ming Hua (LOK character) (a bad bitch)
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Kuai Liang wouldn’t expect this because he’s a pyromancer
What he expected was for his kid to be able to manipulate fire. Not water.
I feel like when the attack happens his first thought is if his kid is gonna be okay. When water just starts smacking mfs out of nowhere and he realizes his kid has turned into literal water, he’s a bit shocked 
He’s not disappointed they can’t manipulate fire. He’s just genuinely confused about how these powers work and why at that moment they decided to work instead of any other time before
Honestly I think every brother would take training seriously because having their own powers, they know that you have to have them under control 
They also all have the same occupation so making their reactions different is a lil tricky ngl
I will say tho, I think his training might include putting out fires he creates
They’re not a firefighter but in his mind, it teaches them to think and move fast
Wants to test if they can make only a part of their body water or if it has to be their whole body
I can see him trying to see if he can teach them how to do some of his moves but with water 
Like how he burnt those stone people after scrapping with Shao Khan. Can they do that, but with water. Either by manipulating water or just becoming water and being able to take out that many enemies in one movement 
“They did it before!” yeah but can they do it without being angry? Can they control it? That’s what he’s tryna see
Overall, he's happy for them but I can see him back seating them from any missions until they have the shit under control
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I won't repeat that when the attack happens, he's a bit shook. Let's just speed past that 
Now, considering he does the smoke shit, I think he could help a lot more than people think 
He can become a puff of smoke, so he has experience with this whole “I'm no longer in human form” type shit 
I imagine it takes a lot of focus to actually do something like that, so he'd be able to help 
Also I think since he can do all that, he'd help them think outside the box. I imagine when he's a puff of smoke, he can feel that the air has water too. He'd try to see if they can grab at the water in the air as well 
Y'all know how Hama was telling Katara to look for water everywhere? It'd be like that. Just minus the bloodbending 
Training could be fun lowkey. It'd be like tag. A puff of some tryna catch this thing of water 
He has smoke bombs and shit so maybe he'd try to see if they can make weapons that incorporate their whole water thing 
Another training exercise I can think of is him putting smoke down and seeing if they can pick up the water in it? Am I making sense?
I just think he could help a lot more than people expect him too
And obviously he's proud of his kid for getting these powers 
But like his brothers, he knows you gotta get your shit down cause if you don't you become a liability
So like them, he takes training them very seriously
He makes sure to praise them on what they’re doing right and remind them of how much progress they’ve made
Tomas they could never make me hate you
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ambigirl · 4 months
Why are girls so different!? Part 1
Notice: this is an au for Wind breaker characters
Characters: Haruka Sakura, Tachibana Kotoha, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Kiryu Mitsuki, Akihiko Nirei, Kaji Ren, Toma Hiiragi, Taiga Tsugeura, Tsubakino Tstsuku
Ship: Kotoha x Sakura
"Why are girls so different?"
This question has been living in his head rent free for days. It isn't like he had encountered many girls in his life! As a matter of fact, in all his life, girls had been avoiding him. It may be because of his aggressive attitude, or may be because of his heterochromia weird appearance.
But recently, a girl has entered his life. She doesn't seem to be scared of him. In fact, she stared into his eyes, face to face, and said his appearance is awesome! He felt something in his heart that wasn't familiar, so for avoiding it, he snapped and yelled. But she didn't seem scared of his attitude, too! What a weird girl...
All of this fun started from the time he met her, and now, he's in front of the mirror, weirdly caring about his appearance. He had his comb in his hands and was trying some new hairstyle that makes him look better. Suddenly, he snapped out of imagination and found himself with his hair looking like Umemiya Hajime, his senpai in school.
He felt weird, why is he trying to change his appearance!? He tried to find the answer from what he remembered from yesterday:
~ He was walking in the street with his hands full. The first year's patrol finished just half an hour ago, so, after saying goodbye to his classmates and a little chit-chat with Suo and Nirei, he met with people he helped during the patrol. For some reason, people has started to call him "captain Sakura". The sound of "captain Sakura, take this" "captain Sakura, take that" was filling the area. Sakura couldn't stop blushing, thinking about how popular he has become. He both like and hate being the centre of attention.
"This town is full of weirdos" he thought.
Suddenly, someone passed by him that caughthis eyes. His eyes widened by the sight of shiny brown threads dancing in the air.
He stopped himself, remembering how embarrassing it is to call her by her name. It loks like she was in hurry, and her face was sweaty. The weather was kinda chilly, so he couldn't understand why she was sweating this much. He took a big step and caught her hand.
She turned back with a big gasp. But then, her eyes sparkled.
"Sakura! What a relief, you scared me."
He grabbed his things in one hand, then opened his hand in front of her face.
"Let me carry your stuff"
She smiled and said: "are you sure!? Your own stuff seems heavy, but mine aren't"
"J-just give them to me already" he blushed. "A man wouldn't let a woman carry things when he's around."
Mitsuki taught him that. He never thought he'd use this on her, of all people.
Kotoha smiled and handed over all the things that was carrying.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to trouble you."
"It's nothing."
She looked her back real quick, kinda nervously.
"Uhhh, Sakura, I'm happy that I've seen you! You're a life saver." She gave him a big smile.
"Can you... please... go somewhere with me tomorrow!?" She said it while trying to open the cafe.
"Well, I wanna go shopping, and since I have a lot of things to buy, they're going to be heavy for sure. I wanted to ask Nii... I mean, Umemiya, but he's really busy."
He put all the eggs on the cabinet and said: "well, ok. What time!?"
"How about 10 a.m?"
"it's ok". He sat on the chair. "Can I have omelette rice?"
Kotoha giggled. "Ok ok. Wait a little". ~
Sakura came back to present, suddenly remembering it's 9:45.
"Gah, I wish my hair wasn't 2 coloured. I look weird with any hair style!"
He left the comb on his futon and ran outside. He didn't want to be late for...
He stopped and grabbed his head between his arms. "Stop thinking about date, this isn't a date, you're just gonna help her, that's it". Would someone as mature as her even think about dating someone like him!? This question popped into his mind, causing a pain in his heart. "Well, that hurts."
Kotoha was standing in front of cafe, with a long white and green dress. This was the first time Sakura had seen Kotoha with a dress! "She looks so pretty!" He couldn't resist this idea in his mind. "I should tell her, I think."
Kotoha gave him a smile. "Hello Sakura."
Sakura couldn't open his mouth to say "this dress suits you so much" or "you look pretty". It was so embarrassing that thinking about it made him blush wildly.
"Y-y-you have changed your appearance". He said it while trying to look away.
"Oh, you mean this dress!? Yes. I... like wearing these kind of dresses, but wearing them when I'm alone makes me feel uncomfortable." She blushed saying that, with an uncomfortable face.
"Why? It looks pretty on you!"
Suddenly, he understood that he let that slip his mouth, tried to fix it.
"I-I-I-I mean..."
But Kotoha seemed kinda sad. "Thank you, but when there isn't a man around, other men try to harass, especially when I'm wearing these beautiful dresses."
Sakura couldn't stop himself from feeling sad. She seemed really upset about it. Sakura could remember the first time they met, there were a group of boys surrounding her, trying to drag her with themselves.
"Well, now I'm here, so don't worry about anything and enjoy wearing this dress"
Sakura said it by instinct, with a blushing face. Kotoha looked at him with surprise, but then, she smiled. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." She grabbed his arm as they were entering the mall.
Sakura looked at Kotoha's face, blushing about her grabbing his arm, but saw Kotoha with a shiny face and eyes full of sparkles, with a tiny blush on her chick.
"Let's Go!!!" Her voice was full of excitement.
Sakura never had seen someone being this happy about shopping! "Why are girls always look so happy while shopping!?" Well, according to what he knows, guys mostly think shopping is a pain in the ass, and don't do it till it's completely necessary, but girls!!! He heard that girls love going into shopping malls and not coming out for hours!!!
Sakura took a long breath. "Haaaahhhh, I hope God save me from a long shop!"
"I wished we could've went back and eat your omelette rice instead of eating ramen here" Sakura said it with a pout. Kotoha gave him a small laugh.
"We're out, so why not enjoying a meal outside of what we usually eat!?"
"I-I like trying new things!!! But... I like food at your cafe more... kinda"
Kotoha gave a very kind smile. "I'm happy to hear that!" (Her face in my mind: 😄)
Sakura put the chopsticks into his mouth angrily. He couldn't help but think Kotoha is angry at him. For 3 or 4 hours straight, she was putting on different kind of dresses and showing them to Sakura.
"Does it look good on me!?"
And Sakura, while couldn't help his dropped jaw could just say: "Yes! You look absolutely beautiful."
He feels like because he kept saying that, Kotoha is upset with him. She even said: "Are you saying it like this so we can finish our shopping sooner!?"
And Sakura answer it with "No, I mean everything I say."
Sakura wished he could give his vision to Kotoha, so he could see how stunning she is with the dresses she wear!
"Do guys look this different with some outfit change!?" In his opinion, guys don't look beautiful in any clothes, they can just look cooler and cooler. And it's not like if they change their t-shirt with another t-shirt, their appearance look cooler! But when Kotoha changed her t-shirt with another cloth that was strange to Sakura, her appearance went from stunning to absolutely stunning! And Sakura's jaw dropped on the floor by witnessing that!
"I'll pay the bill." Sakura said that with a pout. Kotoha stopped eating and looked at Sakura.
"Really!? How!? Do you have enough money!?"
"O-of course I have! I've been paid for doing some small things in town by elder people."
He - was - lying!
Yesterday, Hiiragi came in front of his home, after some talk they had about things they do in school, Hiiragi said: "Kotoha-chan told me she's taking you with her for shopping, is that right!?"
"Then, have this."
He gave Sakura some money. Sakura was blushing surprisingly.
"What is it for!?"
"For tomorrow. If you two went to a restaurant to eat something, or if there were small payments like taking taxi or buying something, do it with this. It's not that much, but it should be ok for the little time you two are going to spend together." Hiiragi looked at Sakura who looked struggled, and smiled. "I'm not doing it for you, I want Kotoha-chan to have a good time, and I know she'll have a good time if you don't get embarrassed in front of her." He sighed and turn his back. "We men have different world view about everything with women, and now, you're going to experience it yourself, and not with anyone, but with someone I consider my little sister, so, just have fun and don't worry about anything, your big brother have both of you guy's back!"
He waved at Sakura and disappeared in the darkness.
"Hiiragi, thank you." Sakura thought that with a smile.
Outside of restaurant, there was a game with some prizes. And the biggest prize was a big pink bear!
"Tch, who is that idiot to give money to get a big bear!?" Sakura thought, then turned around to see if her shopping is finished or not, just to face Kotoha with an excited face of her that sparkles were flying around her!
"Eh!? Eeeeeehhhhhh!? She's excited just for a big bear toy!?"
"Do you want it!?" Sakura said it with surprised face.
Kotoha turned around with puppy eyes. "C-can I please try!?"
Sakura felt his chest was empty for some seconds. "Eh!? Where's my heart!? I feel like I'm about to die!"
What's her deal!? "Ugggghhhhhh"
"It's f-fine, let's try it." HOW COULD HE SAY NO TO THOSE EYES!? DAMN IT!
Kotoha paid for the game. It was a simple game: throw the ball to some kind of animals. If you could take down the lion, you could get the big bear. Kotoha could throw it, but it didn't take it down.
"Aaaawwwwww". She seemed so sad.
"Don't worry, beautiful young girl, you can have one of these smaller items." The man said.
"Hold on, let me try once, too!"
Sakura grabbed the ball and throw it with every strength he had. The ball hit the lion and make a hole in both lion and the decorations behind it.
"What did you do!?" The man seems so angry.
"I'm sorry for that." He gave the remaining money he had to the man. "Can we take the big bear now!?"
The man threw hand angrily. "You can take whatever ... you want!"
Sakura got angry because of the curse he said. "Calm down Sakura, calm down. Remember you promised Kotoha and Hiiragi to not fight."
He picked the bear and went to Kotoha. "Is this the one you wanted!?" He asked.
"Yes! Yes! Can I carry it myself!?"
"Yes, here you go."
Sakura hand the big bear over to Kotoha, and she get it with a happy smile.
"Why are girls so different!? How can a girl smile this bright and suddenly becomes the centre of the world!? How can the world vanish and only she stays with such a beautiful smile!?" Sakura couldn't stop the thoughts popping into his mind.
"Sakura. Thank you for getting me this. Now, I wanna share my happiness with you."
She stands on her toes and gave Sakura a cheek kiss! He got frozen, he couldn't even remember how to breathe! He tried to imprison the shout that was coming from the bottom of his heart, and gulp down all "What was that for" words that were coming up his throat. She was hugging the bear very happily and he didn't want to ruin her mood.
Walking out of mall, they saw Tsubaki on patrol.
While Kotoha tried to get Tsubaki's attention, Sakura ran to him while shouting "just a minute, I have to tell something to him".
He grabbed Tsubaki's arm and dragged him a little further.
Note: I'll write a part 2 for it, this one got too long and we're still in the middle of story ;-;
Note 2: according to official English editors of manga, the mangaka announced that Tsubaki's official pronounce is he/him.
Note 3: other characters will show up, too ;-;
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btheleaf · 2 months
What made you like Pema? :3 Just out of curiosity, I feel like she's a character many people tend to kind of ignore or dislike.
Short answer: Spite
(Very) Long answer under the cut:
Tenzin was my first love and obsession when I got back into LOK. I went to AO3 to read about him and his wife! and found the attitudes towards Pemzin... odd? The ship is way less popular than Linzin, which was strange to me at the time, considering Pema/Tenzin are literally married in canon. But hey, whatever, to each their own. Maybe people just like Linzin more. Lin is a sexy badass, so I get it. Maybe people don't wanna write about the air babies. Maybe the age gap or any other countless things were giving people the ick about pemzin. Fine. It's all good to me. I began to look for pemzin fics to enjoy and found 🥲 strange things.
Pema was usually written as some kind of man-stealing demon with a magic coochie that could make Tenzin bend to her will and stay with her despite the fact that he loved Lin more, but at the same time she was a dumb and useless broodmare? More often than not, the Pema/Tenzin fics seemed to be written by people who didn't actually care for the ship and had Linzin endgame in mind.
I thought, "Okay, I'll check out Linzin, surely with way more fics to pick from, I'll find something that focuses on Lin/Tenzin and not Bad and Evil Pema."
I was disappointed to say the least.
So much cheating and lying, so many secret babies. SO MUCH Pema v. Lin, which doesn't do anything for me. I could understand it if there were Actual Reasons, but it was like Pema was showing up to be an emotional homewrecker despite her being IN HER OWN HOUSE. I just... like what the fuck is going on there?
Why does Pema hate Lin SO MUCH? Did the stories ever touch upon that? No. She just hates Lin. Obviously. Lin dated her husband 20 years ago, so she hates her. Logical. Much logic. No explanation. Look no further. Your bad guy is here. Bye-bye interesting concepts. Pema is a bitch and a snake and a man-trap and she never loved Tenzin anyway. She just wanted to be a trophy wife who ushered in a new generation of airbenders. No explanation. Don't question it. She's one-dimensional in a 3D world.
Pema is everyone's favorite bad guy in Linzin fics all because of that one line from Book one that is honestly super fucking cringe about her "seeing her soul mate with someone else." Linzin shippers asked if anyone was going to demonize this mother of four and didn't wait for an answer.
Both Pemzin and Linzin shippers need to learn how to tag their fics for both "emotional cheating" and just straight up "cheating." Navigating this shit is terrible. I once read 50k of a very interesting concept, and then all of a sudden Pema came out of nowhere and just started acting like a jealous 13 year old for no reason and Tenzin QUICKLY left her and the kids to go be with Lin. Like?? I do not understand what the fuck is going on in some people's minds.
WHERE WERE THE FICS THAT PAINTED PEMA AS A WHOLE HUMAN PERSON WITH FLAWS AND WANTS AND DESIRES??? I think most of my comments started having "thank you for writing Pema like a person" somewhere in them.
When I first made this blog and Let It Be Known that I ship pemzin, I got a looooooot of weird anons asking me stuff about like, if I support cheating and shit? I realized that these attitudes towards Pema were not Old Beliefs. These were very real people in the year of 2024 still unable to conceptualize an interesting idea for a character that has SO MUCH room to play with.
We know jack shit about her. We know just enough that makes her entire character like candy to me. She's not around a lot in the show, but also somehow is always still right there? She goes through Some Very Real Shit in every season, and her absence from screen time is like free real estate to fic writers. I literally don't understand how so many people manage to summarize her entire being into the word "snake" and move on. The potential for expanding on her character is limitless because of how little we know. The more people try to stuff her into a box, the more I'll pull her out of it.
I didn't really care about Pema until it became clear that everyone else disliked her. The more people hate her, the more I love her and the more powerful I become.
I'm like this because of how the fandom treats her.
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shark-train · 4 months
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Adult John redesign because he deserves it
Also a follow-up on my threat of airbender John aka John is basically an airbender if you think hard enough about it.
See below if you want to hear my yap session on elements of this design vvv
Okay so, why have I done this?
I wanted to make my own take on his design because I hate seeing my boy get roasted so hard by his friends for his outfit. I tried to keep some elements akin to his child-self’s design for sake of identification. I specifically kept the appearance of a crop-top (as seen in hs2 when he wears his younger self’s outfit) but with the addition of a skin-suit underneath for some actual practical protection (as I assume he will be doing some fighting at some point in the comic). I also kept his hood (it would be a crime not too) but with the addition of a collar to make it more similar to Commander Karkat’s outfit.
I also had an idea to make his outfit inspired by a Blue Tang, as his original colors are blue and yellow. I liked the addition of darker, more muted colors to keep up with the idea that they’re adults and this world they ended up in did not end up to be all sunshine and rainbows. BUT I kept his brighter colors as accents to call back to his fact. But yeah, idk why but I really liked the idea of theming aspects of his design on this little fishy vvv.
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As far as the airbending aspect, outfits from ATLA for airbender are dynamic and move with the wind, which I felt suited John’s original outfit well. I’d imagine his hood will blow with the direction of wind which he is bending. Additionally, the reason he has a thigh back (other than its a little bit slutty) is that by having it attached directly to his thigh, he’s less likely to have it get in his way while fighting/wind/airbending.
Finally, the locket. I’m just a sap but I have a headcanon where he insists on fighting alongside his friends, BUT, that means he has to go off on his own a lot of the time, and isn’t able to see them or his son because of safety reasons. Thus, I think it is just a nice symbolic thing (especially because he is depressed) to have a reminder of people he cares about with him constantly.
I might in the future do a LOK screencap redraw from that scene where Zaheer uses airbending to take the air out of a person’s lungs, but I genuinely don’t know who John might do this to, other than random grunts.
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firelxdykatara · 8 months
you go on and on about people already hating on the show (which, fair, we haven't seen it yet, although from things being cut to wanting to appeal to got viewers i understand where the sentiment is coming from), but you are doing the same thing on the other end of the spectrum. why are you so hellbent on defending a show you also haven't seen yet? and bryke leaving the project is not really a sign for good things to come, since they also left shyamalan's production
First of all, Bryke leaving was amazing news for the project, and it was the first time that I found myself feeling actual optimism for the live action since it was announced. And secondly, they were very positive about the movie before the waves of criticism hit and they fucked off to throw Shyamalan under the bus about it and pretend it had nothing to do with them. They were Executive Producers on that shitshow and it's amazing to me that they managed to escape with so little accountability, despite the mess they made of the world of Avatar in all subsequent canonical materials (the comics and LoK in particular).
Thirdly, I'm not actually 'doing the same thing', because what I'm doing is pointing out how ridiculous the over-the-top criticisms thus far have been--what I have not been doing is making up my own idea of what the show will contain and reacting to it as if it has already come out and proven me correct.
In fact, I've said multiple times that I don't know if the show will be good, or if it will handle the story beats and character arcs it chose to alter well--I'm just not willing to completely write it off sight-unseen based on some out of context quotes pulled from an interview I didn't read. (In fact, I did read the interview, and I came out of it thinking that the biggest stumbling block to my personal enjoyment of the show may well be just how closely they attempted to stick to the source material. Albert Kim is a lot more reverent of it than I feel it actually deserves. But I'm still feeling optimistic!)
That said, the biggest reason I'm being so doggedly optimistic about the show is that I really want it to be good--at this point, not just to spite Bryke (though that's part of it), but also because there are so many people of color involved in the show now (not just the cast, but the show runners/writers/directors too!) and I want this to ultimately be a feather in all of their caps that could launch them to full and bright careers in the future. (Especially the kids!)
But my optimism is based on hopes for what could be in the future, not assumptions on what will be based on some very vague interview responses, and that's the difference between me and the haters.
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crownspeaksblog · 6 months
I love korra! I love the legend of korra so much!! There's so much i love about this show!!
I grew up with atla, i remember coming home from school when i was a kid and watching atla and i loved it and later on, in my late teens i rewatched atla, from start to finish and i actually absorbed everything and i loved it so much more, atla is damn near perfect of a story for me!
And then i watched lok for the first time and i loved it too! I love the expansion of the world, i love the expansion on the lore, i love seeing how the world changed and develop, i loved republic city, i love that the world didn't stop after atla and that republic city was a something that the characters of atla developed. I love how much lore we got in lok, i love knowing that the lion turtle that came out of nowhere in the finale of atla, is actually the reason why bending exists in the first place, i love wan and ravva so much! I loved finding out how the avatar came to be!
I love the villains of this show, they're so much more than just straight up power hungry villains! I know some people think that amon being a bloodbender undermine the oppression of non benders and even though I'd have loved seeing a high level non bender villain, i absolutely love the story with amon! The villains of lok are genuinely one of the best part of this show!
And i just love korra! I love her journey, her growth and seeing the way some people talk about her, just makes me love her even more!
Yes, season 2 is my least favorite, but it's still so good and so fun! Some people act like it's the worst thing in television and it's just crazy! These people are so fucking dramatic!!
Yes, lok has flaws, yes, it's not as "perfect" as atla, but it's so fucking good!! And now that I'm older, i prefer lok, because it is more mature and more complex and just very compelling.
There's probably one thing i disliked about lok and it's the love triangle from the first 2 seasons, and even then, i didn't hate it, i was just annoyed.. and you know what, I'm more than okay with having 2 seasons of annoying love triangle stuff because it lead to korrasami!! Even though they barely got any screen time and some people still try to deny their relationship, I'm so glad it exists, I'm glad that korrasami is not just some non canon ship that fans like, it's actually fucking real! The creators made it as canon as they could!
In conclusion: i love atla, i love lok, i love korra and i fucking love korrasami!!
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mal3vol3nt · 28 days
hello!! I randomly spent like 30 minutes stalking your blog and!! 2 thing!!
bro I just got into atla and WHAT IS WITH THE FANDOM DUUUDE.. what’s with all the discourse it’s literally not that serious damn and how could people misinterpret literally every character so bad 😭😭 why are people so mean to my boy aang. he’s literally just a little guy. sunshine personified literally HOW IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE TO HATE HIM WHAT!! and just. everyone misinterprets everyone so bad, zuko too, also it is kind of annoying how most of the fanworks are about him, I love him too, both he and aang are my favourite characters, but it would be nice to see stuff focused on other characters too.. also people in the fandom woobify him so bad and it’s just like. why. his flaws are what make him interesting!!! also I have no strong feelings on z/k, I think it’s a pretty mid ship but it can be done well (one of my favourite fics does it really well and the reason I really liked it there is bc IT WASNT EVEN THE FOCUS THE FOCUS OF THE FIC WAS AANG AND ZUKO’S FRIENDSHIP, and the author wasn’t even planning for it in the first place it sorta just happened with the way they wrote it, so it actually made sense in that context, so it can be done well but imo it doesn’t work within the context of the show and kataang is objectively so much cuter cmon y’all have bad taste smh) anyways yeah. atla fandom is wack as hell and I will not be joining it lol a lot of people here need to go rewatch the show bc they seemingly completely forgot what it’s about and also touch some grass (but tbh aaaall the sequels will never be canon. to me. lok and most of the comics butchers the gaang so bad and it makes me so upset so I refuse to acknowledge them as canon. there are no atla sequels in ba sing se :)
ok wow sorry for the random long ass rant in your inbox I hope you don’t mind!! have been thinking about that and I guess reading a lot of your posts sorta made me want to get that out somehwre
anyways what I ACTUALLY wanted to ask is if you read fanfiction, do you know of any good aang centric fics? since. it should not be that hard to find them he’s the MAIN CHARACTER why is he so unpopular in his own show he’s literally the little guy ever <//3 more aang appreciation pls
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AH sorry for taking so long to answer! i haven’t peeped my inbox in quite some time lol
BUT THANK YOUU and i agree 100%!! joining the atla fandom is like being dropped in the middle of a war zone so i’d definitely recommend staying away and just sticking to the actual show and fanfics lmao
now as for aang-centric fics i’m so glad you asked. lemme put yall on (a lot of this is aangst sorry)
1. 🧡
Aang's 18th birthday stirs up a lot of unprocessed grief and with the inauguration of the United Republic just around the corner and increasing expectations the pressure of it all is becoming too much
Republic City shenanigans, drunken truth or dares, complicated visits home and a semi-arranged marriage inbound!
Complete — 24 Chapters
Part 1 of the finding our way series
⭐️ now this is by FAR my favorite aang-centric fics of all time. it goes into aang’s repressed anger and grief in a way that is so well done i can’t believe it’s free to read. if you’re someone who loves aang, you will love this fic that is a guarantee. i seriously can’t recommend it enough
⭐️ this brilliant author also has another fic uploaded to the same series titled “beautiful boy” that is bumi ii and cloud family-centric. i’m currently reading it and it is a masterpiece so i’d highly recommend that as well
2. 🧡
A sound carried on the winds lead Aang and Katara to hope for something seeming long lost.
Complete — 3 Chapters
3. 🧡
Aang meets one of the firebenders who took part in the original Air Nomad genocide, and Suki deals with the aftermath.
One Shot
4. 🧡
Hakoda and Aang have both lost too much in the war. Together, they learn what it means to live.
One Shot
5. 🧡
In which, Aang still suffers from the guilt and shame after having abandoned his duties as the Avatar resulting in the Airnomad genocide and his friends, remind him that he isn't alone, not in this fight.
Incomplete — 4/6 Chapters
6. 🧡
A collection of ficlets written for Aang Week 2021, hosted by @ aangweek on Tumblr.
Complete — 7 Chapters
7. 🧡
Being the Avatar is a burden as heavy as the weight of the world. But as long as Katara is alive, she swears that Aang will never have to carry it alone. Written for Kataang Week 2023 Day 2: Injured.
One Shot
8. 🧡
Aang goes to Kyoshi for advice, and learns that they might have more in common than he imagined.
One Shot
9. 🧡
Raava was ancient. The spirit of order and light, created to serve as a peacekeeper among the spirits. That was her purpose. When she had fused with Wan, she had fully anticipated the years of strife and war.
What she had not anticipated, however, was the feelings. The feelings of love, joy, fear. The feelings of humanity.
And no such feelings were stronger than the love she experienced the first time she looked into the eyes of her newest incarnation. The first time she met Aang.
One Shot
10. 🧡
“I want you to make me a promise, Avatar Aang,” Katara whispered. This time, when she placed her hand on top of his, he didn’t pull away. “When this is all over, when the war is won… Promise me that you’ll grieve.”
(alternatively: grieving is hard. aang’s friends work harder. a series of missing/expanded scenes from a:tla exploring aang’s grief through his friends’ eyes.)
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(continuation in reblogs)
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 6 months
u know what. im in the mood to piss ppl off. heres my ranking of the 10 strongest waterbenders in atla and lok (not including avatars, and im not including anything from kiyoshi or yangchen’s era. i havent read those hehe. sowwy. strictly going off the shows).
now im doing this bc waterbending is by FAR my fav form of bending. and in MY OPINION!!!!!,,, people overlook some pretty important facts and feats and decide based more on who their favs are. this is my opinion anyways so im sure i inevitably did that too! but anyways. here we go.
10 strongest waterbenders:
honorable mentions: kya- listen. she is my GIRL. and also she is very strong, but at the end of the day, shes a healer. she has very little combat experience, and she was up against some real monsters in tlok. and shes known to be a great healer, but we dont even see that much of that. for this reason, she cant be top 10:/. eska and desna- they are GOOD. and their synchronized waterbending is super interesting. unfortunately i just kinda think everyone else in the top 10 is stronger. and i feel like the reason they are so strong is because they’re a unit. if they were separated, i have doubts.
10. tonraq- right off the bat im wondering if im going off biases LOL. but i love him. i love his style of bending. he is arguably my fav waterbender to watch waterbend. but unfortunately, in most of his fights, he’s kindaaaa getting worked (im on s2 of lok rewatch now. so i may be forgetting some stuff. but the big fights that stick out for me are him vs unalaq where he gets worked and him vs zaheer and korra where again, he gets kinda worked.) very clearly strong, but does not have all that much to show for it in the show. but he fights with all the big shots for a reason, and he led the water tribe army or something like that. so. hes good.
9. huu- i honestly don’t remember a whole lot of him, but swamp style of water bending is super interesting, and he clearly does it the best. i know we dont see a whole lot of him, but i cant overlook that he is THEE swamp bender.
8. pakku- obv. hes a member of the white lotus and was the master waterbender of the northern tribe. a slayer for his time but i do think he is outclassed by most waterbenders we see in tlok. cannot deny his strength tho. he was the goat at one time for a reason!
7. hama- as far as we know, she is the first blood bender. aka the strongest aspect of waterbending. she is a LEGEND. but again, i think she was a master for her time, but would have trouble holding her own in modern day bending esp without a fully moon.
6. ming hua- the way she uses waterbending as an extension of herself is clearly masterful. and i feel like we never see anyone utilize waterbending anything like how she does. unfortunately, she cant be any higher bc we dont see any extraordinary sub-water feats (healing… i think???? don’t remember lol. bloodbending, spirit healing). but clearly, she was an insane threat to everyone around her.
5. unalaq- so like. MAYBE he should be 4, but i really hate him lol. but i cannot deny he is an EXCEPTIONAL waterbender and pretty much no other waterbender (that we see in s2) can even TOUCH him. hes got the spirit healing, and hes got the skill. somethin somethin vaatu vaatu. idk. i hate him and i dont rly like this season lol. moving on.
4. katara- ok. she was the best in atla. no ifs and or buts. HOWEVER. she gets outclassed in lok and i think we know why. BUT. she was a complete prodigy as soon as she started training with pakku. there was no extension of waterbending that she could not do. she clearly thrived learning waterbending how she did, in such a fast paced, high pressure, and high stakes situation, and thats not even HER PRIME! she was waterbending for under a year when we see her. and we still got the greatest waterbender of that time. there was no one like her, and no waterbender could hold a candle to her by the end of atla. and once again, was only 14. only waterbending for a year. whos doing it like my sis?!
3. tarrlok- unfortunately for katara, the bloodbending family, without a doubt, outdoes her. bloodbending without a full moon? done and done. sorry! i believe katara COULD bloodbend outside of a full moon given the extensive training tarrlok and noatak were given but unfortunately, we will never know, so i cannot in good conscience put her any higher than 4. tarrlok was a master waterbender in itself and pretty much a master blood bender.
2. yakone- he bloodbent. a whole courtroom. with his mind. we dont see anything else from him, and we really dont need to. sorry. it is what it is.
1. amon- he bloodbends with his mind. and learned to take away someone’s bending ability with blood bending. katara, the best healer in the world, could not restore korras bending. granted, she was probably going about it wrong, but the point is, she couldnt do it. taking away someones bending with bloodbending just takes the cake. that aside, even in a combat setting, when he wasnt even trying he was wooping on all other benders of all kinds bc he was controling their movements w his mind. imagine him openly using waterbending AND having his mind control technique?! he would be unstoppable. im ngl i dont love how lok handles waterbending/bloodbending in general. i kinda think they made it TOO strong with little reasoning). also we do see him do an awesome lil water tornado at the end. so. not that we needed that, but its a cute lil cherry on top to his waterbending. hes the strongest waterbender. sorry!
want to finish this by saying had katara learnt to bloodbend outside of a full moon, she would be number one. and i do believe she could have learned. but she didnt. so she cant be first.
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Am I the only one that really, really , really, HATES how mixed kids are portrayed in LOK.
Like why is their so much waisted potential, and it makes me so mad because I would really love to see one person embrace both of their parents nations therefore, by inheritance, ALSO THEIR OWN NATIONS. Like don’t just embrace the nation were their bending comes from or the nation of which they look like the most. *cough cough* Mako and Bolin.
Like we all know this is about Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin,
And like I know that Aang was the last of his people so it only made sense for Tenzin to take on more of his air nomad or air nation side, and I know it could be the parents fault that children don’t embrace both cultures, and I could get into the whole argument of *why didn’t Aang teach Kya and Bumi* and all of that, but one you have already heard that like a billion times, and two yes Aang SHOULD have helped them embrace their air nomad side more after all they are part of the few people who still carry air nation genes. And lets leave Aang bieng a better father at that (which by the way am still very mad that they wrote him like that.)
Let’s get back to the kids becuase it is the little things they could have done and didn’t do, as an example why did Tenzin not give Pema a bethroval necklace, like in my mind he did and Pema wears it but we can’t see it cause her robes hide it OR why didn’t we see Tenzin wear a Parka (I know airbenders don’t get cold just hear me out) when he was in the South Pole just because its his culture and he can embrace it down there. Or why doesn’t Kya carry around the necklace that Yang Chen, Gyatso, and Aang have, correct me if am wrong but I believe that they are used by air nomads to meditate, and she enjoys meditation even taught some of the knew air nation. I imagine she wouldn’t wear it around her neck but have it wrapped around her wrist or wear it on her hip like if it was hanging from a utility belt and then when she meditates she would USE IT. Imagine it is the necklace Aang used to wear so it would become parallel to katara wearing her moms necklace. And this are small details because I know Tenzin is the last airbender for a while and Kya is one of the few waterbenders who originally come from the southern water tribe, so they wouldn’t be able to embrace both their cultures so much. But lets talk about the other one… BUMI, in my mind he doesn’t only dress in water tribe clothes but his outfits are the perfect mix between both his cultures, he is a non-bender he doesn’t owe anyone anything, but the writers are cowards. And for me thats the bare minimum anyway, if it were really up to ME THEY WOULD ALL EMBRACE THEIR CULTURES.
Then again there is also the issue that whatever traditions or customs Tenzin does or practices will probably be copied or passed down to the air acolytes and the new air nation. We see this in LOK in one aspect, the nuclear family’s, Tenzin was raised by Aang and Katara in a reasonably big family ,water tribe style, this is something him himself carried on to do. This is not the traditional way to raise or procreate as airnomads, but it would have also been very hard to to due to there only being one airbender. Air nomads get raised in air temples with several other people they aren’t or don’t know if they are related too. So Aang and Tenzin did have to have a nuclear family, but the way Tenzin family is is very much representing of how he was raised. In the water tribes I ca imagine is more common to have big family’s and a little detail that is a clea water tribe family aspect I noticed in LOK is when Tenzin and Pema are sleeping in bed and we see Meelo right in the middle also sleeping until he answers the phone. I imagine this is something Tenzin learned from his own childhood, to have little kids sleep between both their parents while they are still toddlers or very young children, we can’t be sure but it will probably happen that this would be seen in Meelo, Jinora, Ikki, and Rohan, when they are older in their own families, if they have kids. Either way when we think about the air nation having a mixed of aspects of the water tribe culture we can’t ignore the fact that the new air nation will most likely also bring Earth Nation traditions into the air nomad culture, I mean Opal isn’t going to completely leave the traditions she was raised in and she is still pretty young imagine an older person having to cut off the traditions they have known all their lives. So at the end how much effort does Tenzin need to put into keeping air nomad culture as alive as it can when the changes that are going to happen to it are so clearly going to continue. I mean am sure Aang knew for a fact that air nomad culture was never going to be the same again. It wouldn’t make a difference in the world if the culture wasn’t the exact same, it would be a great loss in history and extremely saddening for a entire culture that was so different to others be changed(one of the reasons I don’t want to read Yangchens books is to not see how much of this culture was really lost), but it is not crucial to the balance of the world. What was crucial was for their to be airbenders, how this people go on about bieng airbenders doesn’t really matter to the safety of the world.
So yeah I got a bit side tracked, cause airbender culture is a whole other topic
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eponastory · 6 months
Why Waterbending is underrated... and how Earthbending can be used on the human body...
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It really is underrated, and I hate that the potential was never really explored other than bloodbending bad and taboo.
The human body is this amazing machine of water, organs, cells, bones, muscles, bacteria, acids, elements, and minerals. Just to be clear, everything with two or more elements is either a chemical, compound, alloy, or mixture. Most compounds are solids, most mixtures are gas or liquid, and chemicals can be solid or liquid. Alloys are almost always metals. Anyway, getting off track here with chemistry.
In LoK, we get a bloodbending villain. It's been a while since I've seen the show, and when it was airing on Nick, I kinda stopped watching it after season two because it kinda got boring to me and I really didn't like the writing for the show. It was... well it wasn't that great because there could be more to it that just wasn't explored. It sucks that they didn't. But I really don't care for the show. Back to the bending side of it, the first two seasons kinda explored bloodbending enough to where we got the basis of Bloodbending is bad.
But how can waterbending be used on the body besides the blood? Well, I'm about to tell you.
Starting off with bone marrow, it is the stuff that blood is made in within the bone structure itself. Yeah, I was shocked to learn that too, but if you are in the medical field, you know what I'm talking about. The spleen has the other major blood duty, but it's the marrow where it's made. Knowing that opens up some dialog.
Blood cells, in particular, have a certain amount of water in them. So does the plasma they inhabit. But your muscles, organs, skin, and soft tissues also contain water. A waterbender like Katara could literally tie your small intestines in a knot if she wanted. Talk about a bad day. She could dislocate a joint with the flick of her wrist by manipulating the fluid in those joints. I wonder if she could do something about those ganglion cysts in my wrist? But the point is that waterbenders can do some crazy amazing shit and the surface was only scratched in the show. We get a taste of what can happen with Hama. Imagine pulling blood through skin? Yeah, that can happen, too. Draining the body of blood through the skin, then using that blood to fight... creepy, but really cool.
Actually, it's probably a good thing we only got a taste. No one wants to see Avatar: Bloodwar... although that's a really cool title for a semi horror story in the universe. But I'm pretty sure stopping the heart is only one thing. Exploding heads? Oh yeah, I'm sure that is possible. Not literally exploding the head, but the brain is surrounded by spinal fluid, which is also made out of water... you get where I'm coming from.
Bending also comes from the intent of a bender as well. All bending can be dangerous and used for nefarious reasons. Just like a fork can be used to eat with or to stab someone in the eye... it's the intent behind the person wielding it that makes it a weapon or a tool.
Just like how Toph could use the very small amount of metals in your body to do harm. She's not going to because she is a good person. She doesn't bend to harm. It's the same with Katara.
Now, Ozai and Azula on the other hand... their intent is what makes them powerful. Azula intends to make people fear her. Ozai intends to eliminate entire cultures... that is what makes their fire deadly.
Where as Zuko never intends to harm anyone. He does by accident, but that's really all we see.
I really wish they explored bending in more depth, especially with a hard magic system in place. Waterbending is only limited by morals and intent. Most bending is, but I truly think waterbending is the most powerful form. Earthbending is limited by the land at the benders feet. Firebending's limitations haven't really been explored except by the Sun and Sozin's Comet being the draw for energy. I go more into depth on the lighting post. Air is not really explained much either... but it's similar to water in that respect.
But yeah, more concepts with bending would be lovely.
What do you guys think?
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
Are you anti aang because you’re anti kataang? Or are you anti Kataang because you’re anti aang? It’s a legit question, totally not a hate mail or anything.
If you go through the anti Aang tag on my blog (and admittedly that might take time because Tumblr's archiving is trash), you'll see I list a TON of reasons why I hate Aang- his lack of true empathy, his horrible leadership skills, his condescension of SWT culture in particular, his laziness, his short-sightedness, his complete lack of real growth throughout the series and beyond, his terrible parenting skills, his flirtation with anti-miscegenation and his immediate backtrack when he realized that rule would apply to him, too. And let us never, ever, ever, EVER forget the Lava Fissure Incident.
It's hard to list the reasons why Aang is terrible without mentioning Kataang, but only because his worst traits seem to show up where Katara is involved, like in the aforementioned Lava Fissure incident, or in his disrespect of the SWT culture, or his brush with anti-miscegenation. Shipping is actually pretty low on the list of reasons I hate Aang, all things considered, although I do hate Aang for Katara's sake. Aang was an awful friend to Katara in the show, an awful boyfriend in the comics (particularly pre-LoK backlash), and I shudder to think how Bryke handled an actual marriage between them. Yet they make Kataang such a big part of his arc (such as it is) that you can't ever completely separate any criticism of him from it.
Aang is not a good person overall, imo. He's just cheerful and bubbly, so people ignore his worst offenses, which I find extremely frustrating because it means people reduce my dislike of him to just me being a bitter shipper being angry that my ship didn't sail. There's no version of Kataang that I would have shipped, but there was a version that I at least could have tolerated. That version involved an Aang who had an actual growth arc.
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hey if you feel up to it could you do one about Jega? one where there's no mention of his death, he acts increasingly sweeter towards the reader, isn't too violent, and is protective? if not thats completely fine!
I assume this was meant to be a short story but I decided to try and experiment with those kinds of fics that's like a hybrid of HCs and a short story so I can experiment with a plot for this :0 Sorry if this is what you wanted and it took too long, still trying to get back into the swing of my side blog.
I kept the pairing general, I hope it all came out okay!
Jega 'Rdomnai being protective/caring of Reader
(HCs and Story Segments - Halo Infinite AU)
Synopsis/Summary: HCs and mini interactions/story pieces of Jega 'Rdomnai showing softer behavior towards reader and ways if could work.
Content Warning: Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character pairing, Romantic/Platonic pairing, OOC Jega 'Rdomnai at times (Normally a sadistic character), Canon typical violence/death, Sangheili/Sangheili pairing mentioned, Human/Sangheili pairing mentioned, Dark themes mentioned, Mature language.
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Jega is a Sangheili that joined the Banished due to his cybernetics.
He is also much more bloodthirsty than most Sangheili, even befriending Escharum despite the animosity between their species.
He is part of The Hands of Atriox and is a Spartan Killer.
Many fear him and his sadistic tendencies during his hunts.
He's killed many humans and is merciless to enemies.
Which is why the concept of him being softer towards anyone is foreign.
No one really expects Jega to have any sort of soft side.
He's a cold killer... for the most part.
In terms of how reader could meet them, here's some ways I think you could be compatible.
You'd have to be part of the Banished, be you taken in as a prisoner before joining or joining willingly.
Jega's affections towards you would be quicker if you were Sangheili as well, both betrayed and abandoned by your kind.
When you first met Jega it was a relatively cold greeting. Both of you haven't had the best interactions with your own kind. However, The Banished promised to give you a fresh start to make your own life.
Most of the time you two ignored each other. He was often off hunting the UNSC while you had your own duties. Yet you hoped the relatively cold interactions wouldn't last long.
After all, part of you felt intrigue towards the Sangheili, despite his Cybernetics.
Maybe he even felt similar to you and just did not show if as of yet, instead opting to walk by you with a passive glance.
If you're a human, another option I enjoy the thought of, Jega would take longer.
Even though you're part of The Banished for your own reasons, he still sees you as one of the many weak humans in this world.
However, part of him may feel particularly fond of you despite the opinions he expresses.
Humans are indeed part of the Banished. Be it soldiers no longer willing to be loyal to the UNSC or humans who were willing to make business, everyone had their reasons. Reasons they did not have to share if they did not wish to.
All that really mattered was you were Banished now and you worked with the group loyally.
When it came to Jega you tended to stay away most of the time. He's known for killing humans and you'd rather not piss him off. Any sort of proximity to Jega was usually met with you shuffling away and nodding at him to pass by from a distance.
Despite this the Sangheili often passed by you during work. You thought it was because he didn't trust you. Yet it was so often it did make you wonder if he had other intentions.
After all, if he hated you, why would he come by so often?
Either way, Jega would be someone who's slow to show anything other than stoic emotions and sadistic violence.
Unlike Chak 'Lok, Jega isn't as polite as The Tower's torturer.
He thrives off the suffering of others, so when it comes to you he isn't used to being so... close?
His companionship towards you is definitely slow to occur.
It takes some interaction between you two, maybe even some favors, in order to grow close.
He finds it understandable that he'd want to be close with a Sangheili, but a human puzzles him.
Why does he want to be close to the very prey he kills?
For some reason... when you aid him as a member of The Banished regardless on your species, he finds companionship towards you.
It's like how he felt with his fellow brothers before he was tossed out of his entire society.
He finds comfort in you despite the bloodshed he reigns in.
Just maybe... you're someone he should keep an eye on?
Jega wasn't sure why he felt such a... fondness towards you. It wasn't quite like how he felt towards Escharum. With the Jiralhanae he felt something more like a brotherhood relationship.
When it came to you he felt more... calm? He felt something that he hasn't felt towards anyone in what felt like forever. It was only when he met you that he felt such a way.
Jega decides to make a silent promise to himself to check in with you more often. Maybe if he becomes a closer member with you he'll find why you make him this way.
He just hopes Escharum will allow him to explore such a curiosity.
Once Jega catches wind of his own affections to towards you he would definitely be one to scope out why.
He doesn't want it conflicting with his duty so he spends free time hunting you down to look into this interest of his.
As expected, someone of his infamy has trouble connecting with you.
Part of you expresses that you're impressed, however if you're human you certainly express more discomfort.
He tries his best to listen to conversation that you bring up, finding himself listening closer than he thought when you bring up pieces of your backstory.
He appears hesitant to speak about his own but eventually he'll share pieces of how he got here.
Honestly through conversations, favors, and time... you could probably unlock some sort of softness in Jega when you're alone?
Jega isn't going to be the type who is overly affectionate or anything like that, most Sangheili just aren't.
He shows his care for you in subtle ways.
You notice his tone is less gruff and he eases it to be softer around you.
To you it appears he cares, but it's subtle enough others don't really notice.
Or if they do, Jega threatens them to keep quiet.
He's still violent, it isn't going to change, but never towards you.
In fact he's more protective and loyal towards you, similar to Escharum but softer.
His protective tendencies over you are done out of respect.
He knows you can fight if you're a Sangheili, yet will stick beside you just to make sure you do come out fine.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here, Spartan Killer." You comment when the infamous Sangheili materializes out of his camo beside you.
"I was called here." Jega answers simply, following you as you continue your patrol.
"Really? Last I knew someone of your skill is never called for patrols." You say back, a teasing bite in your tone.
"... seen anything?" Jega answers simply.
"No, if I needed back up I'd call for it." You slowly turn to him. "However... I don't mind the company, since you're so free."
Jega says nothing else and cloaks beside you in silence until he's called to slaughter another demon.
When it comes to if you're a human he appears to stick around more.
Fear is not in Jega's vocabulary, he just feels if your base is attacked you'll need a strong warrior to help.
You're both Banished partners after all, regardless of species.
"I want you to hide." Jega's order is demanding, a warning.
"Aren't I supposed to fight, Jega? For the sake of The Banished?" You ask, hiding the fear in your gut.
"And get yourself killed? Stay out of this. That's an order." Jega growls, shoving you out of sight.
Jega doesn't care if you're an ex-spartan, far as he knows he's going to treat you like a weak human. You've managed to make an impression on him and he isn't going to lose you to something stupid. He doesn't care if others look at him in disgust or amusement...
If you're alive and under his protection, he can rest easy.
He makes a mental note to see Escharum about moving you to somewhere more secure.
The most I can see Jega being when it comes to affectionate is him rewarding you with his protection and companionship.
He could see you as simply another Banished ally he's close with, or something much more.
He's already been cast out from his species by using forbidden cybernetics, he's already befriended Jiralhanae, at this point he does what he likes.
If he wants to dedicate himself to protecting you and caring for you, he will.
Jega cares and maybe even feels love towards you in his own way.
He may not be very affectionate or "loving" in the "traditional" sense.
But there is certainly a sense of care there when it comes to you.
"I used to be intimidated by you." You say softly towards the taller Sangheili.
"You're not now?" Jega scoffs.
"Don't get me wrong, you're infamous and terrifying at times. But between me and you... I feel safe." You go on with a slight laugh. Jega listens softly, eyes flicking to you.
"What are you implying?"
"I'm saying... I care about you, from one Banished to another." You finish, leaning against a wall. Jega soaks in your words before nodding softly, checking to see if you're still in private.
"... I can say the same." Jega admits. "You provide a sense of comfort no one else can. For that, I thank you."
You shine him a small smile.
"That's a first. I hope we can keep such a thing going?" You ask in a hopeful tone.
"Don't let it get to your head..." The Sangheili grunts before softening his tone. "... but I think the same."
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hedgethemaze · 11 months
I stumbled upon this meme, a couple of days ago and I thought, since it's been quite a while since I posted anything LoK related reblogs don't count it would be cool to give it a go, while also freshen up some of my views on the series and... *he he he* while I was hoping for some of them to have changed over time, I see that most of them didn't🤣
Original template done by: purfectprincessgirl on deviantart
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A bit of analysis is under 'keep reading', plus, some silver medals because like half of these weren't as easy to sort out as I thought 😅​
WARNING: Long post ahead!
Favorite Character
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Asami is no silver medal, she's the gold for me! Honestly, she should be the one in the image above (my n°1 favorite character in the series). The main reason I chose Korra for it was for the sake of not having repeats (she's my 2nd most fav character) 'cause Asami is unarguably my number one pick in another category (more on that way below)
Least Favorite Character
The author of the meme describes this category as follows: "LoK character you dislike the most, and they either annoy/bore you too much to ever enjoy their presence whenever they're on-screen"
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Raiko embodies this definition to a tee, yet what Zaheer does to Korra during their confrontation in the Book 3 finale is plain torture and really painful to watch. I don't just dislike Zaheer, I hate the guy!
If it wasn't for the airbenders' intervention, he could and would have killed her - something Raiko would never be capable of, or even think of doing. Basically, he gets a pass for being harmless lol
Favorite Episode
This one may have been the hardest I had to consider. The runner-ups are too many to count, so I had to resort to the author's meaning yet again, to decide.
Long Live The Queen is an exciting episode with a lot going on - some of it being quite serious and grave, but with enough lightheartedness to not be an agonizing watch.
Watching Korra and Asami working as a well-oiled machine to escape not only imprisonment by the Earth Queen's men but also the dangers of the desert is a blast (plus, the more Asami gets to show off her skills and have relevancy in an episode, the better). Meanwhile, Mako's struggle and failure at getting Bolin to metalbend, Lin finding Naga and Pabu, and Korra getting to meet Zuko for the first time on screen are moments that lift off some of the tension from the fact that the Red Lotus are rapidly gaining on their hunt for the Avatar the on-screen assassination of the Earth Queen.
It's because of the balance between these elements that I chose this episode over the one I consider to be the best episode in the entire series.
Runner-up (among many!)
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Korra Alone is a masterpiece of animated media and one of the best written episode in all of the avatar-verse.
To me, it cemented the titular character as one of the most significant, ground-breaking and inspiring protagonist of all time - I could go on and on about how great of an episode this is but I don't think I need to - yet, it's because of the heavy topics it deals with that I don't prefer it over many others...I love the episode immensely, but to see Korra go through such despair and torment is not exactly my idea of a good time😅
Least Favorite Episode
Quite the opposite to choosing a favorite episode, my least favorite episode has always been clear, no runner-ups needed.
In short, Beginnings is my least favorite episode because it is the answer to a question I never asked, as I stated at the end of this post of mine almost two years ago (see n°34). It is really hard to sit through these episodes for me.
Now, if you want a more fleshed out explanation - which, in turn, touches on some of the reasons why I picked my least favorite season as well - I encourage you to watch THIS video on youtube by Hello Future Me, if you're interested.
Favorite Season
I made this choice easier by counting how many episodes I love from each season, against how many I just like, otherwise it'd take me more than a day to make up my mind. As a result, Change won with me favoring 10 out of its 13 episodes, giving it a score of 77%.
With that in mind, the runner-up is...
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Me loving 9 out of its 13 episodes gives it a score of 69%.
Looks like I'm on the boat that considers the second half of the series to be the "better" half, huh. I still would've placed Book 1 as the runner-up, thought - for two reasons only: Asami's untapped potential in that particular season and having more screen-time and dialogue than in Book 4, and me liking the main antagonist more (despite some issues I ultimately have with his execution).
*ehem* Anyway, Balance also has a far better finale in its favor, so it wins its silver medal fair and square!😁
Least Favorite Season
Even without giving it a score - which I still did, 43%, 6 out of 14 episodes - Spirits is my least favorite season, bar none.
Though, much quicker than talking about what I didn't like about this season (again, you can watch THIS video by Hello Future Me), is to talk about what I did like:
Delving into Korra, Tonraq and Senna's family dynamic (Unalaq gets included here but only for the first 4 episodes of the season), the introduction of Bumi and Kya, and their sibling dynamic with Tenzin and the appearance of Uncle Iroh! - these are the aspects, I think, the season touches on perfectly.
Then there's the not-so-perfect bits I still enjoyed, even though they went nowhere or got resolved in an unsatisfying way, like: Mako's detective work on the bombing of the SWT Cultural Center and finding out who's stealing Future Industries goods, which pushes Asami to having to sell a controlling portion of her company to no other than the one making profit out of the civil war between the tribes😱 Speaking of, Varrick's partnership with Bolin and the introduction of movers war propaganda, was fun but.....well, this is on the not-so-perfect stuff that I liked about Spirits so, yeah.
Most Overrated Character
One of the reasons for me to choose Kuvira is because I never shared other's fascination about her (which in most cases I've seen, it boils down to be either because of her looks, her fighting/bending skills, or both), nor did I ever bought into the parallelism they tried to draw between her and Korra.
But the one thing that could never get me on the Kuvira-train is the show going out of its way to try and give her the Avatar equivalent of Hitler seemingly redeeming qualities. Nothing Kuvira did since her raising to power across the EK, up to the end of the series, is justifiable or excusable.
Even so, I can't ignore the one thing I do like about her and that is Zelda Williams' flawless performance. I especially remember her speech in The Coronation, her delivery gave me chills! Throughout the season, honestly, there's like a haunting quality to her voice - it's like, I don't like the stuff she's saying, yet I still wanna listen lol Truly, she did incredible.
Oh! Almost forgot about the runner-up:
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Originally, it was going to be Meelo (a petty choice on my part, I know) I can't believe I'm still salty about Patterns in Time
But I'll give the silver fairly to Zaheer because I seriously cannot get the hype for this guy. Even if he's my first exposure to an airbender actually murdering someone...even if he unlocked the ability to fly.
He may be a skillful martial artist, but if it weren't for the other members of the Red Lotus, Zaheer wouldn't be half as terrifying, imo. And he's also a coward.
Most Underrated Character
*sigh* Asami Sato, my beloved...do I need to elaborate on why this category (in my eyes) goes to no one but her? No matter, I've done it already: here (see n° 25)
It's also quite masterfully, and better explained here by Unicorn of War.
Ironically, I gave this category not one, but two runner-ups
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Technically, Mako should be the runner-up.
To me, Korra is just as deserving of being the most underrated, underappreciated, and underestimated character in the whole series as Asami (then again, no repeats) - yet, Miss Sato is also mistreated (no pun intended) not only by others within the series but its creators, as well.
First thought of as one of the bad guys, Mike and Bryan created such an extraordinary character - with a killer design to boot! - who in spite of having less appearances and fewer lines than other 'main' characters, spoke loudly enough to write her own narrative. From the very first time we see her in Book 1, Asami pulled all the stops: She could've been a rival to Korra, an enemy to her friends, an ally to her hateful father...still, she ended up being one of the most compassionate, kindhearted and loyal characters in the series...despite all that, more often than not, the creators simply didn't know what to do with her💔
Now, imagine I didn't write all of that. That I don't put Asami above anyone else here.
Korra is the most underrated character in her own series, everybody knows this. The amount of complaints and criticism she gets to this day, unfairly so, is insane!
As for Mako, let's check the autho's definition of this category: "LoK character that you think doesn't get enough attention, as they're usually almost always forgotten about/bashed-on for the lamest of reasons in your eyes"
Well, in my opinion Mako does get a fair amount of attention, and while he does get forgotten from time to time, so are Asami and Bolin, so that doesn't bother me much. It's the last bit that gets me...
For the most part, he's hated because of the love triangle fiasco - a mess of a plot line that happened literally a decade ago. If to hold that sort of thing over one character isn't lame, I don't know what is - and I say this as a Korrasami shipper, an Asami simp and a Korra stan.
Moreover, these people easily gloss over the fact that both Korra and Asami moved on from that rather quickly, forgave Mako and still are good friends with him. More than underrated, I feel like he's misjudged - because those who complain about him don't take into account why he is the way he is, or rather, was.
They forget that, pretty much like almost everyone in LoK, he had a struggling childhood and went through his own share of trauma (like witnessing the murder of both your parents at the age of eight is no big deal) not to mention he had to be a parental figure and look after his little brother from a very young age, while fending for themselves on the streets...but besides all that, Mako was a 18 y/o teenager putting up a brooding front when the triangle happened, he should be expected to make stupid decisions, jeez!
If I had to blame someone for that mess, even today, it'd be the writers. To those who still shame and bash Mako for it, I'd tell you to either grow up or move on (if you're dumb enough that can't do both)
Favorite Villain
[I feel like, at this point, I've held anyone that's still reading this at gun point for too long. Let's speed up!]
Amon is my favorite villain of the series because of how entertaining he is to watch, maybe part of it has to do with the way he kind of resembles a classic horror movie baddy - he's definitely got the best design out of Korra's main antagonists (and I'm talking about masked Amon, not paint-faced Noatak). Steve Blum's performance is also a hook.
One of the first things I remembered when having to pick this one is how incredible I thought it was, back in the day, to have the first season's main threat be a waterbender. I know they did it first with Hamma in ATLA but she wasn't exactly a main villain.
Anyway, I'm aware Book 1 is quite contrived and it has lots of issues going on and off screen that I don't care to unpack. At the end, Amon is a fraud and, as a thread, he falls flat rather quickly. Despite being wasted potential, he had a good run. At least, he had one thing over Korra no other antagonist has and that's a frightening first impression.
I don't think I have one...
Least Favorite Villain
Well, I already got Zaheer and Kuvira up there, and there's my 'no repeat' self-imposed rule. Btw, did you notice that it's a rule now? XD
I think it's fitting that my least favorite season has my least favorite villain. Give it up for UnaVaatu! One of the most bonkers concepts this show ever came up with is the 'Dark Avatar' ugh! because an Avatar shouldn't be either pure Light or Dark, sorry, not sorry. Also, spirit energy shouldn't be equal to laser beams - at least Kuvira had crazy engineering and mad science to make it so. UnaVaatu just...did it😂
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I had to give Varrick the silver medal, simply because he isn't even a villain (ultimately, that is)...talk about wasted potential, this guy is frustrating in this regard, because he could've been a good one.
But...he had to conveniently spring a conscience in the middle of the last season, he had to turn good (sort of) and have a wedding. Well, at least he's a fun character *shrug*
Favorite Couple
It's all been said before - Korrasami belong together. Their relationship is supportive, caring and loving, and their characters fought against all odds to make it happen. Even if Korra is to answer a bigger calling as the Avatar, and Asami has to be at the helm of the largest company in Republic City, I just know, these two will always be there and committed to each other.
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I almost didn't pick a runner-up, because I noticed that besides Korrasami, I don't give too much mind to shipping in this series. Then again, I can't deny that Tenzin and Pema's marriage is refreshing. I love how their personalities gel so well together and how she brings out the best in him.
Least Favorite Couple
When the description for this category said that non-canon ships can apply, well that is it...First, let me say that I never cared what other people ship and I still don't. You ship whatever you want! But I'll be damned if I don't find this revolting...and if there's even the tiniest need for me to explain my distaste for this pairing then there's something very wrong here.
How could anyone ship someone with the murderer of their last living relative - the one they were starting to rekindle their relationship with?! (*sigh* I explained it anyway) Not only Kuvira did it in cold blood, but even after the fact and wanting to atone for her other crimes, she never showed Asami any remorse for it.
(Feel free to correct me if it did happen in the comics, I honestly don't remember)
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I know I sound like an hypocrite, I'm sorry. But shipping Amorra should be illegal. Ugh, I hate that I know what their ship name is.
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