#i have nostalgic attachment to it and i have fond memories of reading it on vacation once so it sticks with me
yuridovewing · 1 year
Augh I am thinking about Legends Darkstalker now and I'm just like. Augh. There's a lot I'm still fond of but other moments have me looking at Tui like Why.
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Topsy Turvy Days in Diasomnia
Yes, I intentionally added the thorns in the background for… reasons :)) If you know, then you know—
SORRY FOR GETTING THIS OUT LATE I’VE BEEN TRYING TO WRITE SEBEK’S BROOMQUET FIC ON TOP OF SCREAMING ABOUT THE YEAR III ANNI STREAM 🤡 But with this, my blog event for TWST’s third anniversary comes to a close! Thank you for following me on this week-long writing prompt~
The Thorn Witch, and her Spirit of Nobility.
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Riddle Rosehearts…
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… stakes his claim in Diasomnia right from the get-go. Word quickly spreads, making Riddle out as the “fuck with me and find out” guy. For the students of Diasomnia, who take great pride in their magical prowess, to set Riddle off and be beheaded revokes the source of that pride. “Have you reflected on your actions? Only then will I remove that collar.”
Though he’s removed from his usual dorm, he takes care to still observe the rules of the Queen of Hearts! This earns Riddle no shortage of strange looks from Diasomnia, some of whom (mostly the strictest of Draconians) criticize his loyalty to Heartslabyul. He doesn’t relent though–Riddle tunes out the naysayers and stays true to his own ideals. His fellow queen, Vil, approves.
He’s a(n unwilling) bat magnet. Apparently, a cauldron (group) of them hangs out in Diasomnia—Riddle made the discovery when he was first strolling down a particularly dark hallway. Screeching had filled the air, and he was immediately swarmed by bats!! “I don’t understand why they’re so attached to me…!” Riddle protested, shooing one off of his shoulder. (E-Eh, isn’t it because he’s the closest in height to Lilia-shi? Idia wonders.)
The students of Diasomnia (and even Jack, a first year), he notices, are much more disciplined than those of Riddle’s own dorm. They stay in line and do their work, though with perhaps more arrogance than one would like. If only his own students were just as diligent!! Riddle gets a headache thinking about what Ace and Deuce must be getting up to unsupervised (and no, Azul is no role model for them!!)… but even so, he doesn’t wish for them to be carbon copies of the Diasomnia kids. Heartslabyul may be full of fools, but they’re Riddle’s fools and no one else’s!
He beelines to Diasomnia’s bookshelves every evening to stack texts up high before stumbling off with them to read until he knocks out. Riddle is on a quest to take in as much knowledge as he can, from new spells to tips and tricks to simplify the current spells in his repertoire–his ambition is apparent! Then, perhaps, he will be wise enough and strong enough to overcome the Malleus Draconia in combat.
Though Riddle’s specialty is practical magic, the level at which the Diasomnia students perform it is astonishing to him. He burns out so quickly, while they can change the color of a dress multiple times without batting an eye, and orchestrate many cleaning implements at once! It’s frustrating, but it’s from this feeling that Riddle is able to drive himself to work even harder to achieve his goals.
It’s so odd for him to see bramble bereft of any flowers. The sight is so depressing to Riddle, but he can’t put words as to why exactly. He’ll politely avert his eyes when he sees those ashen, creeping thorns, or make a passing comment about how the atmosphere feels dreadfully gloomy. It’s like being trapped in a cage, he thinks. Memories of his past prick him, but he is quick to dismiss them before they overwhelm him. Like a rose, he shall grow and rise above the thorns.
He develops a fondness for floral teas during his time at Diasomnia. Maybe it’s the absence of flowers that makes him feel nostalgic for the gardens in Heartslabyul. When he sips a cup of rosehip, he dreams of the red and white of the maze, of strawberries and porcelain, and the card suits that decorate his vision. Ah, he realizes, the warmth enveloping his chest. That was it—that was where his home, his hearth, is.
“I do feel as though I’ve gained knowledge in Diasomnia that I could not have anywhere else. However, the same can be said of Heartslabyul. There were many things I could only learn because I was in Heartslabyul. That is not to say that my dorm members did not get under my skin every now and again, but I will always be grateful for the lessons they have imparted in me. This, too, is an experience for which I am grateful for–but, if you would allow me to say… there is no place like home. Fufu. Perhaps I’m simply becoming too sentimental.”
Jack Howl…
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… keeps to himself and doesn’t trouble anyone—not unless they start trouble with him first. Most face-offs with Diasomnia students involve them staring each other down until they get scared off by Jack’s menacing face. In a weird way, that makes him the conflict resolver of the group—because people tend to run away rather than face him!!
Jack feels as though he’s witnessing a lot of things that he shouldn’t. For example, Riddle and Vil have made it their personal mission to whip underperforming students into shape… starting with their temporary dorm mate, Idia!! They confront him together, taking turns knocking at his door and then physically dragging him out when Idia inevitably pretends that no one is home. (Jack stares after them, wondering if Ruggie ever had to do the same to Leona to get him to attend class.)
When in doubt, Jack tends to defer to seniority. Like the good boy that he is, he’ll follow his upperclassman’s orders with barely a second thought!! … But trouble arises when Idia is the upperclassman that’s giving the order 😅 Jack takes his hyperbole seriously, so when Idia says something outrageous like, “C-Could you please not get within aggro range of me? Lmao, I could be at a single hit point and I’d still not want to deal with face-to-face interaction. Kk, thnx,” Jack just shrugs and lets Idia flounder when the Diasomnia mobs are assaulting the dorm leader with Malleus facts.
His poor nose just can’t stop sneezing!! It’s not that Diasomnia is filthy, but his sensitive nose can pick up on all the dust and the secrets littering the castle. From the ancient tomes to the artifacts and relics of the past that line the walls, there’s no place where he isn’t met with an enigmatic history that tickles his nose.
Jack’s used to doing everything himself, by hand. It catches him off-guard when he sees the Diasomnia students so casually use magic for everything. He shouldn’t expect anything less from a dorm that is full of all-rounders, but the last thing he expected to see was silverware flying across a table and serving up breakfast by itself! And… is that a clock and a candelabra fighting?! Who’s ever heard of living furniture…
He tries to incorporate some older techniques (recommended by Sebek) into his exercise routine. (”Our dormitory is well-equipped with everything you’ll need!!” Sebek had reassured him. “See to it that you use them well!”) Jack didn’t realize that it would involve hauling around weighted weapons!! He thought they were just fancy-looking wall decorations, not actual morning stars, axes, swords, and javelins! “Is… Is this really how they train in Diasomnia?!”
By happenstance, Jack discovers a single red rose blooming amid prickly thorns in Diasomnia’s west wing. He becomes strangely protective of it–maybe because it reminds him of the flowers that sometimes grow on the (just as prickly) cacti he raises in his dorm room. One might say he’s the beast that defends a beauty.
The night is especially beautiful over Diasomnia. When the moon is full, Jack watches it through his window, drinking in the stillness of the night, the shapes of the shadows and the thorns that run contradictory to the bright, silvery orb above them. In these moments, he sits back and contemplates where he is, and where he’d like to be.
“I’ve never noticed it before, but the sky looks different depending on where you look at it from. What does it look like where Leona-senpai and Ruggie-senpai are, I wonder… Maybe they’re so busy that they haven’t even had a chance to notice the moon. If that’s the case, then I’ll have to catch up to where they are! When I get back, I’ll show them just how strong I’ve become!”
Vil Schoenheit…
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… looks perfect laid out against the backdrop that is Diasomnia. His austere looks and overwhelming aura make him the perfect evil queen of the castle. Every picture he takes of himself inevitably involves his face being illuminated by sinister green flames or an imposing dragon glaring down at him. Fitted in his own Diasomnia uniform, he gives off stronger villain vibes than ever “… This is hardly the sort of thing I need for my image,” Vil sighs.
Indeed, Diasomnia can be quite archaic in its ways–but in coming from Pomefiore, Vil brings with him a certain sense of respect for the old. He recognizes the past as not superior nor inferior, but as a basis for which the future is forged from. To him, it’s crucial to understand and to be aware of what came before so he can build himself up from that. This philosophy is what guides him as he learns to adapt to the lack of modern amenities in Diasomnia.
Like Riddle, he is keen on doing his own thing, regardless of the comments that others make. (Since when has a queen like him let the thoughts of his subjects dictate his behavior?) That means rising bright and early to train with Jack, engaging in a thorough self-care routine, and maintaining a healthy diet and sleep schedule. Unlike Riddle though, Vil’s anger is more icy than fiery. If someone offends him, they’re met with a cold shoulder and perhaps a cool tongue lashing.
For the most part, Vil acts courteous to his other dorm members–for it is easier to attract bees with honey than with poison. His natural charisma and charm get him in the good graces of some students, who pass on their knowledge of certain potions and curses. One sleeping curse he hears of is so powerful that it could only be broken by true love’s kiss! Vil shivers, praying that such a thing would never come to be weaponized.
He continues to work on crafting his own homemade cosmetics. Vil has to change up the ingredients in them, since he no longer has access to the same things he’d have back in Pomefiore. Thanks to his new connections, he’s able to obtain rare plants from the Briar Valley to use in his lotions and liquids. Vil also experiments with repurposing the creeping bramble around Diasomnia in various forms—dehydrated to brew a tea, powdered as a setting product, pounded into a paste for a wash-off mask…
He changes up his style to feel more “at home” in his new territory, adopting more vintage clothing and accessories to suit the era which the castle comes from. At any given point, Vil will look like he has just walked out of filming for a historical drama or a period piece.
Vil had always thought that Epel would be his biggest problem child… but hey, Idia is a close second. While Riddle harps on his in-person attendance, Vil focuses on how Idia chooses to present himself in both appearance and behavior. “For Sevens’ sake, you’re the son of the distinguished Shroud family. It’s high time you started acting like it,” he chides his peer. “You’re wasting your good looks with that gloomy expression and hopeless slouch!!”
After witnessing how well-trained the students of Diasomnia are, Vil has a newfound respect for his fellow dorm leader, Malleus. It’s not like he’d ever share the compliment out loud, but for him to have a positive opinion of the man who constantly misses dorm meetings is still a step up. It seems that they do have some things in common.
“It is said that the Thorn Witch boasted great grace and decorum. If Diasomnia is a reflection of her character, then I can say with confidence that my expectations have been met. Beyond the superficial aspects–although I do find them to be in good taste–there is a noble spirit that runs throughout the dormitory. As much as it pains me to say this, not even Pomefiore would be able to replicate such elegance. Hmph, we’ll just have to polish our own unique traits such that our sparkle rivals Diasomnia’s.”
Idia Shroud…
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… couldn’t be more unenthused. Not only has he been forced out of his room and deprived of his vast collection of tech, anime, manga, and games–but now he’s trapped in the same living space with all kinds of super strong personalities! It sounds like a plot straight out of a meta harem manga where the main character wants no part in any of it, he grumbles. S-Save me from this living hell, Ortho!!
He tries to minimize his presence as much as possible, but it’s difficult to do when his flaming hair makes him easy to spot in every dark corner or amid the sconces lit with green flames. (Everyone’s so quick to hone in on him, it gives him near heart-stopping fright!!) Because of this, Idia has chosen to wear his hood up most of the time (in hopes of diminishing any light he’d be giving off). 
He’s so disappointed that he didn’t at least get lumped into a dorm with a cute cat (Idia had been praying for Grim, but even Leona would have been acceptable). But nooo, instead he gets stuck with a muscly dog man. Why’s my gacha luck so bad IRL?! Cats are obviously far superior to dogs, NO QUESTION!! (Jack wonders why Idia stares so intensely at him, but maybe it’s best he doesn’t ask…)
Diasomnia has wifi, but it’s not nearly as fast as Idia would like for it to be. He constantly complains about missing the high speed internet of Ignihyde, though he supposes it’s sufficient for gaming. Idia laments to his online gaming buddy, Crimson Muscle, who reassures him that all will be well; Gloomy Samurai will surely get over this rough patch!!
This man can’t be left alone to just be a nerd in peace!! Idia could be playing a fantasy game, watching an anime, or reading a manga, and out of nowhere a Diasomnia kid will pop up and lecture him about how actually the depiction of dragons in that game/anime/manga is inaccurate, or how it spits upon Malleus’s image to indulge in such materials. Idia often doesn’t have the energy or the confidence to fire back, so he’ll pack up his stuff and rush away. In his mind though, he’s cursing out the killjoys! (Idia gatekeeps on a regular basis, but he can’t take it when others do the same to him.)
He doesn’t get the hype around all the Draconians who stan Malleus or claim him as their oshi. Idia’s just smart enough to know when to zip his lip so as to not incite an angry mob. (What’s so great about that guy anyway? It takes more than being an OP character to get Idia’s attention!) Unfortunately for him, a Diasomnia mob mistakes Idia waving green glow sticks for an online concert as a sign that he, too, is a massive Malleus fan. This leads to Idia being introduced to other Draconians (he was too timid to correct them) and thus getting locked into a miserable cycle of being force fed boundless praise for their dorm leader and expecting Idia to echo their sentiments.
He takes solace in knowing that the biggest Draconian of them (Sebek) all isn’t around to shout in his ear about WAKASAMA this, and HUMAN that… but it’s honestly just as bad to have Riddle nagging him in one ear and Vil nagging him in the other! Idia feels like he’s playing a stealth level every time he has to exit his room—cuz once either of them catch wind of him, it’s Game Over!! It’s safest for him to just hole up forever…
Because Ortho begged him to try and make new friends, Idia attempts to try and start a D&D (or whatever the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of it is) campaign up. Something simple that allows for socializing! … The problem is, the Diasomnia students are WAY too competitive and take the game super seriously. They even have the gall to defy HIM, the DM! (“Womp, womp, womp. Your character died! Sure sucks to be you, hihihi!” “I roll to stab the DM and claim his position as god of this world!!” “LOL, you can’t do that, dude…” “… I roll to stab the DM.” “I LITERALLY JUST SAID THAT’S A NO-GO!!”) They get nowhere, so Idia has to shut it down.
“D-Did all the elements of the world come together one day and decide to dunk on me or what?! E-Every time I leave the safety and comfort of my bedroom, th-there’s some kind of world-ending event thrust in my face... I-I’ve been kidnapped by a ghost, pulled out of school to run tests on my classmates, possessed... B-But even worse than all of that is... being forced into social situations I didn’t ask for!! Seriously, not a single soul wanted that birthday interview ‘oh, if you had to pick a different dorm to join’ hypothetical to come true!! If this is some kind of cruel and unusual joke, you can pop out and point and laugh at the geek already! J-Just get it over with so I can go back to my uneventful otaku life already!!”
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jedipoodoo · 4 months
What's the best Indiana Jones movie for you?
Ohhhhh Amalthia you've opened up a whole new can of worms 😂😂😂
I'll come clean and say I've seen all of them except for Temple of Doom, because it has too many horror vibes™, but I read the chapter book adaptation instead and Short Round is such a cutie. I first became familiar with the Indiana Jones adventures by playing the LEGO video games with my dad, so I have a fond attachment to the first four movies because of such, but not so much for Dial of Destiny. Here's my personal ranking of them:
Raiders of the Lost Ark: Best Cold Open, Best love interest (MARION MOTHER FRIGGING RAVENWOOD-WILLIAMS), Best Villain (Rene Belloq), Best comeuppance for the Nazis, Best Artifact (Ark of the Covenant).
Temple of Doom: Best Sidekick (Short Round), Best setting (India (which is almost never seen in American media, so I love the allusions to Indian history and Hindu lore) especially the elaborate mine system).
The Last Crusade: Best soundtrack, Best emotional journey, Best Sallah moments.
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Comfort film, it's not really the "best" at anything, but I have a nostalgic attachment to it due to the LEGO games and sets. The first time I watched it, I just put it on late one evening to watch with my sister, and our parents both wandered in and sat down to watch it with us, and that memory always makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
I'm gonna circle back to Raiders for a second because people will point out that Indiana's involvement in it was a moot point bc the Nazis would have all been wiped out by opening it anyway, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!! It would be a good story, plenty of people would like to just watch a movie about Nazis melting alive, but that's nowhere near as compelling as the emotional attachment we get to Indy and Marion and their relationship, and their story.
Plus, if the story wasn't about Indy, we wouldn't have gotten Last Crusade.
Tldr; The Best Indiana Jones Movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark, with Crystal Skull and Crusade coming in close behind.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
uhm hello hi this is for the match up thing
so uh looks wise i’m a 5’6 female, extremely fucking pale😭😭 i have dyed dark red hair that’s like quite long. i have light blue eyes and i have freckles. fashion style wise uh i’d say it’s like kinda like sort of fairy grunge in a way if u know what that issss but my makeup always varies between like what i’m wearing/how bothered i can be... idk where this should go but i am a scorpio who was born on halloween so i pride myself on that!!!!
uh personality wise i’d say i keep to myself and my close friends a lot i can be pretty talkative if i’m talking about my passions tho, i’d say i’m loyal cause like i’ve had the same friends for years and i’ve never replaced any of them for anyone ever, i can get quite jealous easily but that’s down to attachment issues (womp womp) 👎👎👎 my friends say i’m a really funny person so!!! does nostalgic count as a personality trait?? because like people always speak to me if they want to like feel like the old times but that’s because i’m stuck in the past a little too much and have like quite a good memory…..errr….i’m good at comforting people i guess and at giving advice since i was my friend groups like therapist friend.. people have told me i look quite intimidating at first glance but when they get to know me i’m not but that’s just cause i have like a raging rbf😭😭 i’ve been told i’m quite like helpful aswell and i like doing favours for people i care about tho so!!! i’m also very sentimental. and i am almost worryingly competitive….i will throw whatever is in arms reach at you if i lose…but i guess i’m just quite a quiet person unless you’re in my close friends circle then i can be quite loud and energetic…but i do have like crippling anxiety so…..slay….
okay uh interests wise i really like painting, reading, baking, listening to music, photo taking, i’m like really into the paranormal and like spiritual shit like crystals, incense, and i’m currently learning tarot!! i’m also very into history. my music taste is like all over the place so i can’t name any specific genres but some artists are; ghost (obvs), lana del rey, fleetwood mac, mitski, kate bush, abba ykkkk
here is some add on info!! : my favourite colour is purple. my favourite animal is cats, and i have a black and white one called crystal. i have like an uncontrollable obsession with candles and incense….i am a hoarder for that shit. my fav board game is uno because i am literally the master but i will throw the cards at your face if i lose….my favourite season are autumn and spring because i’m indecisive, favourite weather is rain but only if i’m indoors if i’m outdoors then it’s snow. i am a just dance PRO. my fav movie is phantom of the operaaaa, my fav tv show is either modern family or what we do in the shadows. my fav book genre is either fantasy or romance. if i was one of the seven sins i would def be fucking gluttony cause like i am snacking all day everyday, i have such a sweet tooth omgg…..
sorry if this is very vague especially for personality wise i just have no sense of my personality and would need to be told what i’m actually like to know….but my friends are asleep…..so!!!! 😭😭😭
Your match is... Secondo
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To him being born on Halloween is just the coolest thing. He always gets carried away with your birthday celebrations.
He can handle you getting jealous, he understands it comes from attachment issues.
He loves how loyal you are. It's a trait he values highly in people.
This man is an expert at uno so you won’t always win.
While your competitiveness greatly amuses him (he’s very fond of it), if you throw cards at him, he will raise an eyebrow with an amused smile. The smile that means you are in trouble.
If you allow him too, it will most likely end in him pinning you down on the table and punishing you in a very enjoyable manner.
He is very impressed by your good memory. He will often ask you to tell stories of your first dates together.
He also loves hearing about your past to learn more about you.
He doesn’t open up much about his feelings but when he needs to talk he’ll go to you.
You both look very intimidating before people get to know you.
When you are feeling anxious he’ll spend the day with you. Baking, reading, photography or painting. He loves doing that stuff with you.
He helps you learn Tarot
He is very fond of your cat Crystal (don't tell another soul).
Because Crystal is black and white he’ll call them 'Papa Crystal'.
Ps I’ve just seen your other ask re this matchup, I will add this: He always leaves food on his plate for you to eat. He says he’s full but really he just enjoys seeing you happy when you steal his food.
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ended on July 15th.
Written by Nyx
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justhere4thevibez · 1 year
tag game
tagged by: @majicmarker thank u babe 💛
name: vibez
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home: a very weird, tiny apartment that I dearly love
favorite animal: it's been pandas since second grade and I refuse to abandon them now
cereal of choice: fun fact I rarely eat cereal for breakfast, but love it as a late night snack. captain crunch has been a recent fave
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: visual allllll the way! if I can't read it, I'll have a really hard time learning it
first pet: golden retriever 💛
favorite scent: if we're talking perfume, vanilla or something lightly fruity (like pear or berry). if we're talking food, warm chocolate or the smell of yeast bubbling to make bread
do you believe in astrology: well, my sign is the exact opposite of my personality, and i believe humans are excellent at finding patterns in randomness even if no pattern actually exists. that's all i gotta say on that, bc people i love are very fond of it
how many playlists do you have on your music service of choice: oh gosh, 80 maybe? i'm a playlist girly all the way, babyyyy
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies. i never use highlighters
song that makes you cry: Next Stop, Disneyland by The Bear That Wasn't. it's the SADDEST song about nostalgia and childhood and dreaming things are better than they are, but being disappointed when reality doesn't meet your expectations
song that makes you happy: Dancing In the Moonlight by King Harvest, i have so many nostalgic memories attached to that song
and finally, do you write/draw/create: yes! i write (fic, obviously, and original fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) and i do various artistic endeavors for fun. my recent obsession has been watercolor and embroidery fusion!
tagging: @jenniebellie @lokinightfury @sloelimbs @hellcheersmovingcastle @1lostsoul0fishbowl @bisexualchrissycunningham @ofhawkinsandvecna and anybody else!
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Coco Moon
HI! Thoughts on Coco Moon here: It was YAY! It is really good. Really fun, love the Christian themes and songs. (Got a teeny bit emotional when someone pointed out that Meadowlark sounds kind of like Country Hymn from Corduroy Road because AAH, that's one of my favorite scores.) I love the little samples and whatever the musical term is when you use the same instruments or tools or whatever from other songs. (Dunno much about music production lol.) There was a lot I didn't understand at first like the meanings of songs (like Kelly Time and Cast Away apparently and that Coco Moon is the name of Abbey's favorite coffee shop?) but I got a whole mess of information I needed from Reddit and other sources. Dinosaur Park is one of my favorites, Learn How to Surf also has it's really good moments. Again, the Christian songs, I'm always on board and cheering for. (I love that he's always saying "God bless.")
I keep reading people saying they feel like this is Cinematic done better but I'm ngl, I liked Cinematic a lot more. Our opinions and stuff are always affected by the time and headspace we were in when we first watched/listened to/consumed the media in general. When I first listened to Cinematic, for example, I was in middle school and I have very fond memories of that time (surprising, huh?). So, naturally, I'm going to be very nostalgic for that album. (Also yesterday I found out that it's been 5 years since Cinematic and that blew my mind.)
There was a couple things in the album that had me saying "well... that was a choice." But I'm glad that Adam is making music that "is quirky. It is odd. It is unapologetically myself. I made an album that is exactly the way it was supposed to be, not an album that popular culture, or algorithms, or analytics, or anyone else on planet Earth told me to make. I wrote me. Average, ordinary, weird me."
I love that he's making music for himself, about him, for his loved ones. We're lucky to be here and get to listen, have a sneak peek into what's on his mind. Overall, though I love all the albums that came before this one a little more (some may be surprised to hear that Mobile Orchestra is one of my favorite OC albums) because of the attached personal connections I have with them, I can't wait to listen to Coco Moon more and form those connections with it. It is a beautiful album made by a beautiful person. To conclude, I can't wait to see what more Adam has in store for us and God bless.
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mortal-kombat13 · 10 months
Let the research begin (+story time)!
For this new game that I wanted to make I felt that I wanted to truly cater to old fans more so than new ones. Mortal Kombat has a stable fan-base, but the fans of this current generation would have not played older iterations of the franchise. By solely bringing back and reviving old characters from a dead era it attracts the old fan-base whilst still creating the ruse of being 'new' characters to rope in new players. ​
The reason behind me taking this direction with the game and trying to win over old fans is because every couple years when a new Mortal Kombat game releases I will buy it and as a tradition I play the game with my brother. We've been playing Mortal Kombat since I was able to hold a controller, (don't worry I turned out normal). I have so many fond memories attached to Mortal Kombat. I used to steal my brother's copies of the games because my mum was not always able to buy me games. Eventually on my 9th birthday my mum had just re-wrapped my brother's copy of Shaolin Monks thinking I wouldn't notice but I did because his cover of Shaolin Monks (I still remember) had a slight little tear but I didn't care I still played the hell out of the game. I also remember taking his copy of Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe and my Xbox 360 kept scratching discs for some reason so when I returned it to him he got mad that it was all scratched and his Xbox wouldn't read the disc but worked fine for me (I got a free game, and a couple punches). I was surprisingly good for a child at Mortal Kombat. I mean maybe my brother just sucked because every time I kicked his ass at Mortal Kombat Deception he would get mad and never let me do a fatality. It took me forever to remember those fatalities down too because they weren't integrated into the move list in that era so I re-call going on our intel Celeron powered Compaq that sounded like a jet engine starting up just to write down the fatalities on a piece of paper Another fond memory of Mortal Kombat was me forcing my mum to sew me a sub-zero and scorpion outfit it was so fun running around cosplaying and beating up my sister (I had to fight someone and she was always around).
Anyway, nostalgic rant aside, returning to my initial point, I'm doing this for the old fans and also because in recent years I played Mortal Kombat X and Mortal Kombat 11 with my brother and he would constantly remark how terrible some of the new characters would be and would always nit-pick at any character that were not an original roster character. With the release of Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) it was the first time I saw him compliment the roster and appreciate the re-designs which got me thinking, scrap new characters and let's revive old characters, it's such a lucrative demographic (old-fans) that isn't been tapped into enough and utilising it's full potential in Mortal Kombat games. This is the best way to rope back in older fans whilst keeping new fans interested. ​
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Slash Ships Get to Know Me
Thank you for tagging me @animeangelriku​
Rules: Name at least five (but no upper limit) slash (M/M) ships you love. Each from a different fandom.
1. Puzzleshipping (YuGiOh!)- To anyone outside the fandom, it may not make sense, and when I was originally in the Yugioh fandom circa 2006 it didn't make sense to me either. It confused the hell out of me because I was a baby ace ignorant of anything other than what media spoonfed me. But I did value their relationship deeply and knew they did love each other to come capacity. It wasn't until I finally got to watch the subtitled version as an adult that it clicked. It's so very special to me because even though I had preferred the platonic version of it as a kid, it's still incredibly nostalgic for me and it came back into my life at a time when I needed it 
1. Ozbert (Pandora Hearts) - Controversial, I know, (It used to be the most popular ship in the fandom) and I have not engaged with this ship in some years since it got in the line of sight for a lot of antis. I actually left a Pandora Hearts discord server over the harassment I saw. But again, I am asexual and aromatic, and this relationship was the first slash ship I got heavily into when I was a teenager. It's got tons of nuance and angst, and as someone who has read a lot of period fiction and is very aware of what was socially acceptable at the time, I view this completely differently from a modern-day setting. My enjoyment of this ship has morphed and is actually not romantic now, but it's on this list for leaving an impact on me. For those who balk at the idea that Oz is 15 and Gilbert is 24 for the main story arc, keep in mind that due to plot reasons, this is a very specific scenario, with supernatural elements and actual time travel involved. In the beginning, Gil is 14 and Oz is 15. So this is someone who had a childhood crush, clung to that love for ten years, but now his crush is back and hasn't aged a day. For me, it's exploring the complexity of that, and it's tragic. Gilbert is such a wonderful character, and any way you look at his feelings, you just know that even if it's not romantic, he and Oz are family.
3. VaNoe (The Case Study of Vanitas) - Same author as Pandora Hearts, and I just know she is going to hurt me again. And I will thank her. We have a reversal of the usual dynamic seen with vampire series. This time, it's the sweet naiive cinnamon roll Vampire, and edgy dark Human with a mysterious past and a broken moral compass. They are foils for each other and have so much chemistry it just works so well! At first, Noe does not like Vanitas at all and wants nothing to do with him, this draws Vanitas to him because he enjoys bothering people who catch his fancy and hate him. Then while his affections are on another, Noe learns more about him and he becomes very attached to Vanitas. Realizing now he has actually made emotional connections, it's clear that Vanitas is now afraid and is pushing them away. There's a push and pull here, and I'm both apprehensive and excited to see where their journey takes them. Even though we know it's going to end badly, based on the first chapter. I'm here for how much Noe has learned about his strange partner, to the point of figuring out a way to speak Vanitas' love language. Also, they both have no flipping clue what Love is, and the entire scene that unfolds during is gold. Vanitas is the kind of character who has never been treated gently by anyone, so I enjoy seeing depictions of him getting that from Noe, because it catches him completely off guard.
4. SidLink (Legend of Zelda) - This one is casual, because I actually have not played Breath of the Wild (I fully intend to though!!) but fandom content of this ship sucked me in. I found one fanfiction that was so incredibly sweet, and fell down a rabbit hole with that writer’s works and have fond memories of reading it. I will definitely have the ship goggles on once I play, I adore Sidon as a character, and I don’t know, giant peppy shark man and tiny human...what is there not to love? 
5. SoRiku (Kingdom Hearts) - Another more recent ship, as I was not in the Kingdom Hearts fandom in its heyday. I did not have access to the games, but saw plenty of fandom content of it and honestly, it was always a place of nostalgia even before I watched the Let’s Plays that were online. I’m so glad I did, and many others who adore this ship have laid out all the reasons why better than I could. I just haven’t explored it for myself outside of canon as much as I would like to, but I love it for the same reasons I love the other ships on this list. I guess that says a lot about me because all of these ships but ONE are riddled with Angst. What can I say...I like my Hurt/Comfort fics. I also enjoy seeing them in AUs where they get to live in better timelines. It’s a sort of Catharsis. Now, since the games are still going, where their relationship ends up in canon remains to be seen. I hope it ends well! 
And because I like to go ne step further:
6. Natsume x Tanuma (Natsume Yuujin Chou) - It’s so stinking sweet and I’m so soft for it! This series is actually my favorite, and I have revisited so many times for the atmosphere and combination of supernatural horror and slice of life. Natsume lives between worlds, he did not make connections with people because he faced ridicule and was unwanted (he scared people) and he hated Yokai because they interfered with his daily life to the point he did not fit in with humans. He could not share what he saw and suffered. As the series goes on he is able to make connections with both human and Yokai and one of the first people he opened up to about seeing them was Tanuma. Tanuma has some level of spiritual power that allows him to see phantom shadows, so his awareness of Yokai is such that he immediately accepts Natsume and wants to help him. He’s pushing through that wall Natsume has spent most of his life building. Even though he can’t see them and may put himself in danger, he wants to be there for his friend. They share secret knowing glances and smiles, and gradually Natsume is more and more accepting of his help, and opening up to him. Such as being able to admit he can’t see the fireworks at the festival because a giant yokai is in the way, and Tanuma smiles and offers to find a new viewing spot. This series is in a Shojo magazine and the manga-ka chose to make her protagonist male so that she wouldn’t be forced to write a romance. As a result, the girls he interacts with are friendly, but definitely don’t have a lot of romantic potential. Natsume is still way closer to Tanuma than anyone else, even with Taki hanging around. I feel like he and Taki have a friendship, but it ends there as she had never suffered the hardship the boys have. She’s just more likely to team up with Tanuma as a Protection Squad to intervene in the dangers Natsume faces.
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miwtual · 3 years
#kai.txt#im thinking abt hp again and i just#i want to let go of it and just let it exist as a fond nostalgic memory that i dotn have to post about#but theres so many parts of my life that were directly tied to hp and the idea of letting go of that is so so so difficult#i know the author is so fucked and i shouldnt be so emotionally attached to a series#and i know it shouldnt be so hard to let go of it like im making it to be#like. i started studying more in school because i looked up to hermione and now im in college which i dont think#wouldnt have been possible if i didnt read the books when i did and start taking my education seriously when i did#and that series made me more comfortable with being the 'weird' kid and being different than other people in so many ways#and i know none of that should blindside me from the fact that jkr has hurt so many people and is continuing to do so#i know that and i acknowledge it#but just... the grieving process of having to let smthn go of something so important to me#and smthn that has BEEN so important to me for so long is just. its hard to do#sorry for rambling in the tags but i just needed to get this out of my system but i didnt want to talk to anyone in particular#if ur reading the tags pls know im trying to let go#its just hard to do when theres parts of my life that wouldnt be possible without it#this also isnt @ anyone in particular its just been on my mind for the last couple of days#and i need to get it out somewhere else so i can actually think abt other things lmao
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lizhly-writes · 2 years
I'm bouncing on my heels at the "main party loses memories but the others don't" thing (OrV, I think it's called game plus one au???)
DO YOU HAVE ANY MORE THOUGHTS ABOUT IT MAYBE? sorry if asks aren't- open about that one-
Let's see, let's see. I feel like generally, I stick to stations of canon - easier that way, and generally I play around with kdj and stations of canon is kind of his thing, but this au in particular has the chance to throw things horribly off the rails, which could be very exciting if I pull it off correctly.
If everyone knows everything, everyone is going to try enacting all their plans at once.  Some things are going to collapse.  It’s going to be utter chaos. It’ll be fun!
I have not read the novel in two years so I am probably getting things wrong, but in no particular order, let’s have a list.
Bihyung makes a bid for Dokkaebi King early. 
Considering that dokkaebi get their power from viewership, and a lot of constellations are probably going to into still tune in into their favorite blorbos’ channel...
He’s going to shoot up in power real quickly.  And what he’s going to do with that power is kinda unorthodox.  In 1864, by the time Kim Dokja comes back from the Demon Realm, he’s started issuing rather toothless scenarios.   Exposure to Kim Dokja has granted him with a different kind of belief on how stories should go, and one of those things is “maybe killing random incarnations is bad.”  He’s gotten attached.  Scenario 1 is going to be grudgingly issued, and depending on how much power viewership is giving him, he might be to issue a scenario 1 that maybe does not involve murder at all.
Considering that, at the end of it all, he voted for KDJ’s story at the end of all things, and, in fact, was the only one who did, in his Dokkaebi Council or whatever the fuck it was... I think he’s going to play this pretty differently.
Remember all those constellations that fought against our company at the end?
I don’t!  But I do remember that 1) it happened 2) they’re probably still kind of mad.  I think maybe the only thing that’s stopping them from immediately trying to fuck up KDJC is the lack of Probability -- you don’t get that much in the early scenarios, if I remember correctly.  
I’d need to reread the novel to figure out exactly how this works out, but like... these are a lot of very powerful enemies that are now there very very early, and our main party does not know about them.
Yjh gets out of the train by grace of god.  
He has zero memories and a full train of people that remember him murdering them.  The ONLY thing that’s saving him is OD’s (and maybe also SP’s) interference.  
OD, by the way, is not happy.  Neither is SP.  Or the 999 gang.  With the reset of everyone except KDJC, OD’s back behind the Wall and his guardians want him back.  They get involved early, trying to urge KDJC forward.  Except, you know, only SP knows everything that’s supposed to have happened so I guess he’s in a role that’s very similar to what he took up in 999.  I bet it’s this weird blend of uncomfortable and nostalgic at the same time.
Anyway, since, again, this YJH has no memories, he’s not going to be inclined to like, blow up the whole carriage, or whatever he did in 1864.  More people survive this scenario than before.  Whether this is a good thing or not depends on how much I feel like fucking this up.
Also, YJH is going to start getting messages from OD, who definitely no longer content with only observing.  YJH is not aware this is strange, but it totally is and KDJ’s mind is blown.
“My sponsor says--”
“You have a sponsor?”
“...Didn’t everyone get assigned one?”
[ Constellation ■■ thinks Incarnation Kim Dokja is dumb. ]
On the topic of Biyoo
Sure, the disasters come.  Sure, 41!sys lands in a meteorite on earth and comes out.  Yes, she is absolutely addressing KDJ and Bihyung as parents.  Yes, she’s quite fond of them both.
This disaster concludes very amicably.    
Things on 1863!hsy’s side are WEIRD, Probably
1863 gang is not thrilled with the fact that their captain abandoned them for 1864, essentially (you could have stayed with us!  what was the point of reaching the perfect end without you???). They guilt 1863!hsy a lot. YJH is dealing with so much confusion, he’s probably getting some memory leakage from 1864.  They can probably form a pretty perfect ending, though, though, since at this point, the world is USED to following 1863!hsy’s lead and uniting against YJH.  They’re probably kind of leery of this version of YJH.  They work it out though, probably.  YJH maybe still regresses.  
KDJ LSK relationship speedrun
I imagine a lot of KDJ’s constellations are egging this on. I mean for a lot of them KDJ is their poor little meow meow.  Their annoying little blorbo.  Sure, they know KDJ and LSK fixed their relationship eventually, but what’s wrong with giving them a little nudge.  A little exposure of the truth.  Considering the sheer amount of people that LSK led in 1864, there’s probably a bit of this on their side, too, considering Cho Youngran already wanted KDJ to stop hating LSK so much. 
Actually, the moment the scenarios start, people probably almost automatically try shoving leadership on LSK who is... confused.  Really confused.  Why do so many people think she knows what she’s doing.  Why are they telling her to mend her relationship with her son.  Why do they all want her to wear this cool mask and lead them to victory.
Hey, does anyone remember Cheon Inho?
Yeah there are gonna be a lot of people who are going to want to preemptively murder this guy.  Like, so many people died or were otherwise taken advantage because of him.  He ain’t making it out of this alive unless some constellation thinks it’s really really funny.
Did I mention HMO is a demon at the moment?
This is a logical extension of the whole ‘main cast keeps their powers/xp’ kind of thing, yes.  But I forgot about this and had to realize it while I was writing this, and it blew my mind, so here you go. 
Wow, he’s probably not going to have a good time!  I don’t think he ever rose above Asmodeus’s power/authority, and Asmodeus is like.  Alive again.  So that’s awkward.
KDJ is SOOO uncomfortable
Why does everyone know so much more than him?  Why does everyone know so much about him????????? 
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fairydollsteps · 3 years
Itadori Yuji as Your Boyfriend
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Itadori would be the type of boyfriend that will be very loyal and caring towards you. So consider yourself to be lucky to have him as your boyfriend as he would give the whole world to you.
We have seen Itadori mentions that his type is someone tall and has a big ass like Jennifer Lawrence which had me choking on my water.
But I believe Itadori would look more on personality than appearance and would be fond of someone gracious and compassionate. That will make him fall for you.
If you have a crush on him, you don’t have to worry about rejection from him as long you are a good person. But definitely tell him why you love him cause I don’t think so Itadori would love someone without a valid reason.
At the beginning of the relationship, Itadori would be shy and nervous around as you are definitely his first relationship so he has no experience. He did read some romance manga and tries to act how the male protagonist act to his lover.
Like how the male protagonist act all smooth and suave, with a rose on his mouth while holding his lover’s waist but Itadori mess up as he is so stiff and awkward because you are SO close to him.
He immediately covers his face with his hand after realized how he makes himself a fool but you reassure him and take the initiative to give him a kiss on his cheek which makes his heart skip a beat.
Eventually, he got used to the attachment and become confident. He would act like a complete puppy who becomes excited when its owner finally comes home, always wanted to be holding you.
Itadori would always be thinking of you lovingly, smiling like a lovesick idiot. He would text or call you to get off his constant thinking, wanting to know how you are doing.
His little secret is that he would always look at pictures of you affectionately before he goes to sleep. Is his way to fall asleep quickly. Or he can just go to your room to sleep by your figure instead. That will be better.
Being a Jujutsu sorcerer, Itadori is often assigned to a mission so he would always give excuses to tag along to a mission together mainly because he wanted to be by your side and protect you.
He is so damn talkative but you continue talking with him anyway cause you enjoy being around him. This leads him to text or calls you a lot. He would be spamming a lot of memes and “I love you “ to you. He just wants some attention from you so reply to him quickly.
Speaking of “I love you”, he is the first one who says it and is completely an accident as he in a daze, looking at you full of adoration. When he finally got into his senses, he would become a tomato and might explode when you also give him an “I love you” back verbally.
But as the relationship process, he would become bolder and starts to says random “I love you” to you every time he sees you. You would make his day when you also reply the same thing to him.
I am pretty sure his love language is Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.
Words of Affirmation: Itadori always wanted to hear praises from you. When he exorcises a curse, he would look at you, wanting to know if he did great from you.  As carefree and cheerful Itadori is, he has his insecurities. So if you are ignoring him or keeping your distance from him, negative thoughts would cloud around his head which leads him to overthink. So always take hints of his current state and reassure him with sweet words and comforting hugs.
Quality Time: As mention before, being a Jujutsu sorcerer, he is always assigned to a mission and has not much time to spend on you. When he completed his mission, he would immediately want to spend time with you. You both would binge on watching anime and reading manga together. You both would go out either at some dessert place or at the amusement park. Some memorable places to create memories with you.
Physical Touch: Itadori craves your touch and always whiny when your attention is not on him. His favorite is head pats and hugs from you, he probably receives them a lot from his parents so it feels warm and nostalgic for him. Whenever you are going out with him, Itadori would always be holding your hand or clinging your whole arm. 
Overall, Itadori would be a great boyfriend who would always care for you and never judge you. He would let you cry on his shoulder and makes sure you are feeling all happy and content. You would never feel alone when you are with him
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That’s all from me now. Sorry if this is too short. Here take this as you leave. Bye and have a good day.
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brown-little-robin · 3 years
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott!
never heard of | never read | want to read | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | nostalgic | a strong influence on everything I write
Little Men! O frabjous day!
I was very attached to Little Men as a child. I’m less attached to it now, because I have found books that are more in line with my interests (fantasy / superhero genres make brain go brr) but I still love it and feel its impact on all of my writing.
Little Men can be a bit preachy, with its view of the Perfect School, but it’s cozy and dramatic enough to make up for it. Unlike Little Women (sorry to y’all Little Women fans—it’s just not my cup of tea), it has no romance. And homeschooling about a dozen boys and a spitfire girl while chasing two toddlers? Bound to have some fun incidents! And boy, does it ever.
Nat and Dan were my favorite characters; I was fascinated with their dynamic and especially Dan’s gradual painful path to becoming part of the family. Little Men spawned at least four daydream universes, including one particularly dramatic alternate universe where Dan was a were-red-panda and Mr. Bhaer found big ol’ tracks around the house for several weeks before Dan was reunited with the family. Nat was a vampire and his fiddle was hundreds of years old. Emil wanted to be a monster hunter. Ah, fond memories. And the tradition of adapting Little Men has continued—last year I was thinking of an X-Men AU, which slowly morphed into a whole separate thing involving angels and superpowers and a cast of over twelve original characters.
I think it’s becoming clear that I have a type—traumatized children slowly finding their way into a family, preferably with magic involved.
Thank you for the ask! It was fun reflecting on this, if uncomfortably revealing of my psyche.
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simibraun · 4 years
Attack on Titan, chapter 137 analysis.
Chapter 137 has put everyone to thoughts by giving the answer which is so obvious and simple, an answer that is right before our eyes every single day, regarding the meaning of life and its beautiful simplicity. This chapter has some beautiful parts and I feel that Isayama completes my complex thoughts as a human being. After all, this is why I am so passionate about the story of Attack on Titan, because in one way or another, in the last 11 years reading his story, Isayama described to me, teached me, gave me answers and helped me in his way, to understand my journey in life. I have a lot say and I could write endless things regarding this matter, but I expressed many things in the following texts, regarding the conversation between Zeke and Armin, which is the most interesting part of this chapter. The following texts are a mixture of chapter analysis and personal expression. Let's begin with the quote Zeke said: “Maybe the end of your days are being manipulated.. all in the name of multiplication. Without ever knowing if it means anything at all.” The meaning of life sure is a complicated matter, but as far as we can understand life, a human is able to give and leave behind more things to this world, than just multiplication. A man is born to feel the completeness of his/her journey in life. But nowadays we are mostly lost in the heaviness of a dark life that we created by our own actions or created by others. We forgot the beautiful, meaningful and simple things that exist in our world and we lost our connection to them. Isayama made a story that most of it contains life struggles, we felt many times sadness and heartbroken while reading a chapter. The things that happen in his story and the experiences of his characters, are reflections of our reality and in each reflection, there is a part of us or a part of someone we know. Those reflections evoke to us the emotions from something that happened in our life, and we keep it in our memories. We too struggle in our reality, nowadays we are so busy dealing with problems and we mostly forget to observe and enjoy the beauty of the simplicity that surrounds us, because we are lost in worries and we are blinded by fake sights. I bet you can feel it too, you can see it too, how our daily life is filled mostly with problems, antagonism, people with fake personalities who cannot  even understand their own selves, showing something that they are not. And the result? Spreading misconception which can lead to hatred, setting high standards, do bad actions only to offend other people and see their downfall. That is something that happens too in the story of Attack on Titan, we see reflections of our reality. A human is not born to be lost in the worries and heaviness of a cruel world, which is something that has been created by his own actions. A human is born to connect to life, create, daydream, philosophize and feel its completeness in his/her journey. When Armin held that leaf and then the baseball, he said while showing it to Zeke: “To my eyes, even if there's no need for something like this in order to multiply, it's still something incredibly precious.” And Zeke said: “It doesn't mean a thing but.. you are right.” Reading this part, I can only think of how it is also in our reality, how some people became pragmatists-realists to the point as if they are paralyzed in their own thoughts and cannot allow themselves see and feel the simple beauties in life, feel fondness towards something. Some people cannot understand someone's fondness-affection towards some things. They believe that some things we love, are meaningless, because they don't have a specific purpose in life, rather than just being lifeless objects. You can see it every day around you, each one of us has different interests, different passions, some people may even ask you about the things you love and cannot understand why you love them so much. Regarding the things I love, these are some of the questions I've been asked and not only from people I don't know that much but from people who are very close to me: “Why do you buy all this merch?” ”Why would you spend so much money for these stuff?” “Why are you so obsessed with this anime-character?” “Why do people give you their money, to draw them a fictional character?” “It's funny how you people get so obsessed with these things, why do they even pay you to draw something that is not based in real life people or events? Let me bring you back to reality, they don't exist, there's no meaning to it.” To each one of these questions, the answer is: “Because in every part of these things, are memories and memories evoke emotions." and it's also the opposite, there are emotions that evoke memories. There are some things that people fail to understand, even if they think they do and still they believe that the things we love are meaningless, in reality they are not. A memory is evoked by emotions that are connected to something that happened in our life. Be it a story, a fictional character, an object, an image, these things can connect us to those memories, those emotions that we once felt and to life in general. This is why we love owning some things and are passionate about them, because we see a part of ourselves, they make us feel comfortable, they remind us beautiful memories and emotions, simply they give us life. Nothing is meaningless, no matter if some people cannot understand some things, the emotions that are being evoked through the things we love, will always be personal, not everyone is able to understand them completely and we don't always have to explain to them, simply because they are personal, only we are able understand them deeply. Those who have been following me throughout the years, you may remember some of my comments or talking on livestreams regarding this story, that the reasons for being so passionate with AoT and feeling so attached to it, are reasons so deep and personal. Armin describes his memories, about enjoying the simplicity in life and when describing those moments, he feels peaceful. We often recall memories that evoke a nostalgic feeling about the good old days and somehow, even for a moment, we feel as if we are there living that moment again and we feel peaceful and complete. Those are the moments that connect us in life. As Armin describes some of his beautiful memories and thoughts to Zeke, I want also to describe to you some of mine. Memories that I keep remembering and still cling to them. Some of the memories I keep remembering, are the days I've spent in nature when I was younger, my first house was right in front of the sea, so daily I used to play around the shore and on the other side of the sea, was visible mount Olympus. What a beautiful sight it was. There was a small harbor close to my house and I remember we dived there with the other kids from the village to take out the starfish that were laying on the harbor, we brought them out to the shore and we observed how they were moving their legs and slowly went back to the sea. As Zeke misses and feels about Ksaver, that's how I feel about my grandfather, I remember how I walked with him and his two dogs in a beautiful forest that was close to his house, and specifically I remember the image of a path we walked deep inside the forest. The image of sunlight falling among the branches still frames my thoughts so clearly. I really miss him and those moments, I even saw these memories in my dreams. It felt like I was living it again. Another memory of a village I used to visit, which is among mountains, we used to climb on the mountain's slopes with some kids and we had a specific spot of a rock that was very slippery. We called it “the slide” it was our playground. As Armin remembers that sweet warm breeze, I can also remember that chilly breeze of those moments in the mountain and the sight of its wild nature. I sure cannot forget these memories. Every time I think of them, I feel peaceful, moments so simple yet they make me feel complete, because I was completely connected with life. I remember someone asked me a question on one of my IG livestreams: “What is inspiring you? How do you convey your inspiration into art?” and here also, with this chapter Isayama completes my answer to this question: I said that, anywhere I go, be it for a walk, travel somewhere, even when I just have to go to work, from the moment I step out, I observe everything around me. I don't like to look down as I walk, if I do, it will be only because I am lost to some thoughts that take me to another place. I always observe the things around me, observe the sky and its colors, the clouds and the sunlight, the birds flying, I observe the flowers how they dance in the breeze, I will catch a glimpse of the gaze from the person walking past next to me, sometimes I see beautiful sad gazes, sometimes bright ones, sometimes a smile, it's as if I live in my own world and I see everything in a cinematic view. I love observing, and I love to see things beyond of what I observe, I love trying to understand the deeper part of what I see. And all these emotions along with personal experiences, make me create worlds in my mind that I convey into art. I guess this is why I am so passionate about this story, because it completes my complex thoughts. When Zeke says “So I suppose, I'll thank you. Dad..” to Grisha, it's like what we are used to say regarding some of the hardships that we've been through. That no matter how rough some of our experiences have been, in the end, these experiences made us who we are now and made us stronger. We saw and understood a different part and meaning in life. If Zeke wouldn't have been through those hardships from Grisha, he wouldn't have met and have those precious moments with Ksaver. Although, sometimes we wish that it would be preferable not to have been through these hard times, but still, isn't it somehow a magical thing that we are able to feel such deep emotions that were evoked through hardships? A human is made and is capable to withstand all the hardships of the world. This is also a part of life, to be able to understand its different perspectives, both good and bad ones. These moments and memories give me joy, and I want to continue to create more beautiful memories, even if there will be sad ones too and even if I've been through really tough hardships so far, I still want to feel its completeness. Which beautiful memories and experiences, are the ones that you keep remembering, have the nostalgia to go back to and live them again? The ones you think about, are the ones that prove that you were truly connected to life. Thank you for reading my thoughts.
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Folktale and cupboard! (I love people's stories)
folktale: what stories remind you of your childhood?
I assume this means like, comparative / nostalgic ??? It's naturally all and everything moomins related, you simply couldn't escape it here !!!! I have a particular fondness for the flooded theatre book. I have not read it since I was a kid (I should!!!) but we used to have it on casette and I feel like. It just went well with my brain as a kid. Odd small events from an odd place in an odd situation, tangled up, all confusing and so lovely because of it. I've always been extremely strong on visualization in my head, and I can still see clear as day the ways I imagined the settings, etc.
Similiarly a lot of other moomin clips.... the sorcerers diamond story is pretty stuck in my head....
cupboard: a good childhood memory
I have reeeally spotty memory? I mostly remember moments when I realized / learned smth amd those r usually attached to anxiety ; w ; i dug around and the ooone thing I remember rly fondly is following my mom around sets as a kid (she used to do theatre & movie sets) and watching her work on miniatures. She's why i'm an artsy person in general but like, she was my first major inspiration & motivation to create too. I jsut remember watching from the side when she would be focused on getting some texture right or smth and thinking like, that is the most wonderful thing in the world, I wanna experience that intense love for creation too. Not in those words, but yk. My memories of that stuff is a lot of vivid blue colors and intense lights and dark corners, stone walls and dressing room mirrors and listening to my mom joke around w other staff? And seeing people in costume. That was WILD.
Anyways I spent Most of my childhood imagining things instead of havinh real experiences i was..... just thinking a lot
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sesskag · 4 years
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Fic Recs under the break :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@nonsensicalsoliloquy submitted:
(since an obvious - though no less important - choice would be Resmiranda’s Tales from the House of the Moon, (and it was applicable - and used - in the earlier ‘classics’) i decided not to choose it despite its strong significance for me)
Title: Second Alliance Author: Imani Joain Fic Rating: MA Link: dokuga or ao3 What do You Like About This Fic? I fell in love with this piece from the beginning. In fact, i was so invested that i (very very stupidly, please do not do this) stayed up for 3 days straight to read it in its entirety - TWICE. The plot was not only compelling and well developed throughout, the canon characters just as beautifully done, but the (many) original ones were spectacularly formed as well. They came across as real and investing as our usual characters; and along that vein, i felt inuyasha was one of, if not the best characterization for how he could/should have matured that i’ve ever read. All in all, to me, this fic has become a staple :)
Title: Unspoiled Author: forthright Fic Rating: T Link: here What do You Like About This Fic? This was one of my earlier fics in the fandom and i just adored it, still do. It might have been one that, as forthright said, takes the 'scenic route’ through the plot, but i thought that suited it perfectly. The characterizations in this one stuck out so well to me, and the world created, both past and present, was wonderfully done. This fic was definitely formative for me and has remained a special one to this day :3
Title: Chain of Love Author: Chie Fic Rating: MA Link: here What do You Like About This Fic? This was also one of my earlier fics - i even drew fanart for it way back when (gosh it’s been over a decade now..).  I loved their characterizations (unsurprisingly, ha), especially the slow burn of their interactions, which were sometimes very humorous. Honestly their slow burn was amazing, i truly loved the progression of how they went from enemies/reluctant allies to friends to lovers so nicely. This fic is yet another that i can’t help but look on with great fondness ^-^
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@mythicamagic​ submitted:
Title: Utter Doom & Impending Doom Author: Tally Mark Fic Rating: M Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4265186/1/Utter-Doom What do You Like About This Fic?: I re-read these two probably the most because they remain hilarious even after all these years. They might not be huge sprawling epics but they’re fun and give me the giggles, and sometimes that’s just as important.
Title: Unspoiled (and anything by this author) Author: forthright Fic Rating: T Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5348115/1/Unspoiled What do You Like About This Fic?: It’s a classic but I don’t feel intimidated about the prospect of consuming it, if that makes sense? Like I can’t re-read Tales from the House of the Moon because it feels like a huge commitment and will impact your emotions and leave you exhausted by the end (a great fic of course but still). Unspoiled more gently eases you into reading and kind of feels like reading someone elses nostalgic memories. Therefore I feel more attached to it.
Title: Drowning Sorrows Author: Tally Mark Fic Rating: T Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4991711/1/Drowning-Sorrows What do You Like About This Fic?: I’ve mentioned this one before so I’ll just say it’s a personal fav for me, hits my emotions just right.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@sagemcmae​ submitted:
Title: Healing Carefully Author: Caedes Fic Rating: MA Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/9378/1 What do You Like About This Fic?: I have always loved the idea of Sesshomaru seeing value in Kagome’s healing power and that being a way for them to bridge a way to a new relationship.
Title: Swimming in Silk Author: mythicamagic Fic Rating: MA Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/10744/1 What do You Like About This Fic?: The characterization and development of their relationship was so rewarding to read.
Title: I Found A Reason Author: The Hatter Theory Fic Rating: MA Link: http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/7073/1 What do You Like About This Fic?: The years these two spend coming together is painful, though believeable for how stubborn they both are. It’s a gorgeously written oneshot about how two souls who seem so different on the outside can be so perfectly matched.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    💙    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@delicatesoulturtlewagon​ submitted:
Title: Transgressions Author: wonderbug Fic Rating:  rating M  Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9547499/1/Transgressions  What do You Like About This Fic?: Honestly, I couldn’t imagine that this fic will be my absolute fave, but still I can admit that. Apart from some dark and explicit part which I’m not fan of, this is a really good and profound work and all parts of it are necessary for the plot. To cut it short (which is hard for me), I must say its fantastic! The inner turmoil of Sesshoumaru as a person is depicted in great detail and talent. This is what it takes to be a demonic nature transformed into mature loving full value person capable of trust, care and sacrifice. Through a lot of impediments, trials and gross mistakes the two of them finally become transformed as individuals and make right decisions. Bravo!
Title: Chain of love Author: Chiera  Fic Rating:  rating: M Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5096644/1/Chain-of-Love What do You Like About This Fic?: Wonderful and worthwhile piece of art of great depth and quality. I liked everything about this story: the characters, plot, slowburn, development and sincerity. Again my favourite theme about development of both characters through lessons, trials and hard choices, but nevertheless their loyalty and faith leading their way.
Title: Convivial Author: TheHatterTheory Fic Rating: rating: M  Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7510724/1/Convivial  What do You Like About This Fic?: The first time I almost quit reading because I didn’t like the beginning but totally fell in love with this fic further on. It is rather truthful, eleborate and quite belivable, I almost saw them living this life in modern era. Good, interesting and breathtaking development of the story. SessKag are so good and natural together which made me belive they are true canon and fantastic.
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tortue-souris · 3 years
Parchment + candles + corduroy + violin + library +leather + canvas + feather + shadow + clock + orchestra + fire + tweed + dust (but if you really are bored you can do all of them or come to my flat to wash the dishes 😈😈😈)
parchment: what area of philosophy interests you?
Philosophy ? What is that ? Never heard of such a thing
candles: favorite quote?
Depends on my mood haha. Today I’m gonna go for this one from Anouilh’s Antigone :
“La vie n’est pas ce que tu crois. C’est une eau que les jeunes gens laissent couler sans le savoir, entre leurs doigts ouverts. Ferme tes mains, ferme tes mains, vite. Retiens la. Tu verras, cela deviendra une petite chose dure et simple qu’on grignote, assis au soleil.”
corduroy: any big past regrets?
You mean Many big past regrets? Yep.
violin: favorite composer? favorite piece of classical music?
It’s suuuuch a hard questiiooon dammmnnn my favorite piece of classical music would be between Tchaikovski famous violin’s concerto of course and Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue so pick one of these pieces and one of these composers to answer the question sowy :’)
library: preferred study environment?
It used to be my room, 100%, wouldn’t work anywhere else but that was when studying meant learning by heart, so now that I have some actual research and stuff to do and I apparently can’t get ANYTHING done when at home I’d say the 2nd floor of the INHA library... it feels so special and secret and magical !
leather: favorite book(s)? what makes them special?
Favorite and very special books are the Pierre Bottero serie “Ellana”, they left such an impression on the child I was haha, I cherish their story, their universe, their characters...!
canvas: is there any work of art that resonates with you? why?
I hate u :’)
It’s hard to chose but honestly Chardin’s paintings get me everytime. I knoooow they have “nothing special” at first sight but they’ve always made me feel something I cannot describe with words... It’s like it’s not those big paintings with epic actions and History that make you go “waow impressive” but it’s taking you by its sense of truth, idk the atmosphere, the games of textures and colors... It’s so real and surreal at the same time... Like ordinary life, but with a veil of... I don’t know nostalgia I think ? Like a memory in a way. A very small detail you would pass by without noticing but once it became a memory, or once a memory is attached to it, you notice it, and it has this special kind of glow to your eyes... Anyway Chardin was the best to turn everyday life into a work of art and that is truly inspiring and special and ahhh i love it. It’s probably why I also love Manet so much, but I’m particularly fond of his less known paintings, his still lifes, just look at the pictures below it makes me feel very emotional (yes it’s just a lemon im aware of that)
Here is Chardin La Tabagie (it’s very small) (It’s in the Louvre) (the picture is unfair to the beauty of this work)
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And here are two of my favourite Manet works but the picture don’t do them justice either :’(
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But it was honestly very hard to chose and you can check Odilon Redon for works that I adore without being able to tell why, some Vallotton in the same spirit... And then I could have talked for ages about Titien of course cause aaahhh... the light, the skin, the atmospheeeere... And don’t even get me started on sculptures cause that would be endless. Honestly can I answer this question twice or maybe 15th times ? xD
feather: favorite poet? favorite piece of poetry?
I don’t read enough poetry to have a favourit poet im afraid :( (omg not having a favourite piece of poetry ? I would be SO disapproved by the Baudelaires)
shadow: what makes you feel nostalgic?
Top five : thinking of my childhood and the games we were playing, hearing a piece I played with my orchestra, eating something that tastes like my childhood (like LAIT CONCENTRE SUCRE), have a drink or a diner on a terrace in Paris (my heart is dying now), and... life in general haha
clock: early bird or night owl?
Early bird... but... old owl :p
orchestra: describe the songs on your most played playlist
Well it doesn’t work very well with me because I don’t listen to music that often and when I do it’s often do discover new stuff or to listen to a whole album or random playlists... So if I look at my “on loop” playlist on spotify it really doesn’t make any sense... And since I don’t have the app I cannot have access to my top 2020 titles... But I’m pretty sure that would be Pomme everywhere XD These days I listen to Arlo Parks a lot cause I’ve just discovered her and I love what she does :D
fire: which of the seven deadly sins do you find yourself leaning towards?
I think we would both agree about that : definetely gluttony xD But wrath is coming close too :(
tweed: any languages you want to learn/are learning?
Hmmmmmmm perhaps arabic ?
dust: biggest fears?
Well THAT kept me VERY BUSY so THANK YOU and also NOPE SORRY I can’t come to wash your dishes because TONIGHT I have to watch RATATOUILLE with my SILLY VIEILLE CHOUETTE DE SOEUR :p
So now I tag oh no wait it’s not one of them :p
Bye bye vieille chouette ! SEE YOU SOON !
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