#i have not read the goosefeather book
tansypaws · 2 years
Goosefeather, 2
Thank u 4 the chance been obsessing over ur art for awhile naow
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trust, you said who put the words in your head oh how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying
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cicadagaze · 1 year
yayy finally back to the reread. pinestar's choice done 👍
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siblings bonding over betraying local gods
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It looks like they are ready to from a rock band too
Following the Hollyleaf from the Nowhere/Lionblaze is Scourge AU ! The siblings reunites every cat who was wronged by Starclan or used for Starclan's entertainment. I feel like at this point in the canon, Starclan is so weirdly written. Starclan feels like it's both completely clueless on what it's doing, and at the same time it's actively trying to destroy living cats lives. They work so well as an antagonist, I couldn't not use them as a main antagonist.
Cats are :
Up : Fallen Leaves
Down, first rank, left to right : Breezepelt, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather
Down, second rank, left to right : Yellowfang, Pinestar/Pine, Frecklewish, Ferncloud (she is just so mad her incel stalker of a brother Ashfur is in Starclan right now), Snowtuft
I should have added Goosefeather too but I forgot grrr
Oh, also I wanted to include Breezepelt too because I always had a soft spot for Breezepelt. I never really liked Crowfeather, but I started really disliking him seeing how poorly he treated Breezepelt. I felt so sad when Breezepaw was getting ignored and pushed away by his father constantly when the group was in the mountains. I know a lot of people may disagree, but Breezepelt deserved so much better. Breezepelt should have been helped by the Three when they saw that he was definitely in pain emotionaly. I feel like the narrative tried to forgive Crowfeather, all the while Crowfeather was doing huge damages to Breezepelt (I read the books in French so maybe the French version just really pushed this narrative forwards ?)
Breezepelt is just a little guy I relate to a lot
If you have any ideas of cats who where wronged by Starclan too, feel free to tell me !
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fledermaus-mainblog · 16 days
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Something I think I've found intriguing in reading Bluestar's Prophecy and getting a better look at Bluestar as a character is sort of realizing a theme of growing up too fast, and trying to fight against it but being forced to give in.
We open on Bluekit reluctant to open her eyes. She's not ready to even see the world yet. The world is strange and new — She needs time to adjust to the simple fact of being alive, and take comfort in her mother's scent and warmth.
She's naturally curious as all kits are, though, and comes to want to explore. She learns quickly because she's intelligent. A critical thinker. She wants to learn, but this does not equate to maturity. Bluekit/Bluepaw seeks frequent validation from her mother and from Stormtail. Because of the heavy emphasis surrounding the discussion of being a warrior, she thinks it must be of utmost importance. The clan knows warriors are crucial to survival, and because her father is labeled as "one of the strongest warriors", she naturally is both more pushed to grow and be one, and seek reassurance from a tom that won't give her any.
When Pinestar does make Bluepaw and Snowpaw apprentices, it is sudden and startling. They don't even have time to groom themselves, and Bluepaw is later noted venting to her sister with the line, “Two days ago, I was a kit. I might still be a kit if Pinestar hadn’t suddenly decided to make us apprentices.”
Not long after, Snowpaw's catch of vole results in the interpretation of Goosefeather, which then results in the decision to launch an attack on Windclan. Bluepaw and Snowpaw, who are still very fresh apprentices with minimal training, are going to experience war. They won't fight, but they experience its grisly nature all the same.
They lose their mother in that battle, and Bluepaw realizes quickly what war is. She watches as her mother collapses, sees her eyes glazed, and tries hard to convince her to get up. As her sister grieves, she vows to take care of Snowpaw. She places the full responsibility on herself in that moment. She has decided, in that moment, to grow up and surrender her childhood.
I don't know. It's something I found fascinating and I just wanted to get it in writing because Bluestar is a very interesting sort of character to me. I actually haven't finished the book yet (I know most of what happens in it, I just haven't read it through) so we'll have to see if I have any more rambles in store.
// @blues-hub-blog
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the-owl-tree · 8 months
so I haven't read goosefeather's curse yet... how exactly does stormtail gr**m moonflower???? not denying it ofc, moreso morbidly curious
Nah all good! I have to add, the book in itself doesn't seem to have made this an intentional choice. The ire of their relationship comes from Stormtail and Goosefeather's hostility, that Stormtail is bad because of how he treats Goosfeather (which is valid) but not how that in turn affects Moonflower. You could make an interpretation of this where Goosefeather is too emotionally immature to recognize what's going on and that's why it isn't tackled....but seeing with multiple wonky age gaps under our belts by now, I reckon that this was an unintentional and irresponsible choice on part of the authors and editors.
I'm just gonna do snippets of their relationship, recapping all of GC wouldn't do much good lol
We're introduced to Stormpaw, an older apprentice, who has been visiting Moonkit in the nursery and teaching her fighting moves as well as bringing her gifts. WC ages are wonky, I know, but I think we can assume by this period that Stormpaw is a young adult while Moonkit is not even six moons old yet by the time he is named warrior (Goosepaw is named early).
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^ This is a repeated pattern where he's earning her trust and is able to separate her from both her brother and her mother.
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And here is the ceremony, Stormtail is now a full warrior and Moonkit is still a child (not even old enough to be an apprentice).
This relationship continues when she's an apprentice and he continues to actively pursue her.
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We can also infer, even if it's not canonical, that he is distancing her from her brother. We see multiple scenes where Stormtail mocks Goosepaw and in turn Moonpaw is concerned that Goosepaw will embarrass her. This sort of isolation of victims is incredibly common and it's concerning how no one in the book seems to bat an eye - which lends to my belief that the authors saw nothing wrong with what was happening. Stormtail is bad because he's mean to Goosefeather but the fact he has been pursuing Moonflower since she was a baby is something the book hardly brings up.
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justapigeonn · 11 months
sorry sorry i'm on a full on dotc ramble rn cause i'm properly reading the arc for the first time but i wanna know why this value was later overturned. it'll probably 'explain' later on in the arc but tall shadow correctly points out that your loved ones are most important and should never be cast aside for 'the greater good of the group', yet the modern clans have such a toxic opposing mindset
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clear sky is very obviously painted in the wrong here so why is it his rhetoric that gets adopted and carried on through generations of cats?? “if you are not useful to the group, you are nothing to us”..... the rhetoric that tore so many cats apart and ruined lives. again the books will probably make up some lame excuse later on but i’m completely stumped here
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also ofc i’m aware that the cruel ableism influencing clear sky’s decision here has been MOSTLY phased out (briarlight, cinderpelt, longtail and brightheart for example are still loved and accepted within their clan, though the 4 of them still struggles with issues of self worth and for a period of time, only feeling as though they are valued if they’re ‘useful’ to the clan, which is incredibly sad and often influenced by their clanmates’ behaviour, even if it’s sometimes unintentional), but this also extends to cats who have been forced to choose between their clans of the cat(s) they love - always frowned upon and shunned if they choose the latter. it’s the same thing i discussed in an earlier post regarding bluestar; how she’s forced to give up and forget every cat she’s loved and lost ‘to save her clan’ because according to goosefeather “her loss is small compared to the fate of her clan”. how this value is framed as an obvious catch by mapleshade as she manipulates crookedstar as he’s forced to watch everyone he loved die around him as he wails to take back his promise.
there are so many mixed messages regarding this value cause despite the agony it caused it was carried on through the clans for decades and is only *just* partially starting to get phased out with the code changes in asc. still baffles me tho. sorry might have gone a bit off tangent there but i had to get my thoughts out lol
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crystalsandbubbletea · 6 months
Looking back at my early Warriors days and I realize that some characters deserved better-
Here's my list of cats who I think deserves better:
1) Snowkit, honestly it would have been pretty cool if there was a deaf warrior, but nope, they decided to kill him off. :/
2) Jayfeather. A blind warrior would have been so cool! (Also I ended up throwing my book across the room when Jayfeather ended up becoming a medicine cat, I was really hoping he would end up being a warrior-)
3) Leafpool and Squirrelflight, do I really have to explain?
4) Yellowfang, pretty self-explanatory.
5) Mapleshade. Look, I know what she did was wrong but she deserved a better character arc, and Appledusk was a real jerk. The Erin's also used the 'Mental Illness makes you a murderer and insane' trope. :/
6) Petalkit, Larchkit, and Patchkit. Oakstar I know they were the children of the cat that murdered your son, but those kits had NO control over who their father was, and let's not forget all three of them believed BIRCHFACE was their father.
7) Moonflower, Stormtail was NOT a good mate. If it was up to me to write Bluestar's Prophecy, I would have made it where Moonflower survived, and had her and Stormtail break up, then have Moonflower end up with Sunstar/Sunfall.
8) Goosefeather, he never wanted to be a medicine cat, and reading Goosefeather's Curse made me feel really bad for Goosefeather.
9) Bluestar, also pretty self-explanatory.
Will make another list in the future about cats that deserved better-
Also feel free to share any other characters you think deserve better!
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bonefall · 1 year
Three things
1. Crowfoot is absolutely perfect cuz like Crow would already know he’s name cuz I can imagine Tallstar wasn’t being subtle about it
2. With how rigid Goosefeather is with fate, would he be the one coming to get Hazeltail?
3. Squirrelflight’s horror, interesting, may we know the horrors?
REALLY good feedback on Crowfoot over Crowwing. Especially @elkpoint's suggestion to have people call him Crowfood as an insult. Unless there's sudden turnaround like my informal Marshkit vs Applekit poll, Crowfeather's pre-Honor Title name is Crowfoot.
Goosefeather Fetch
He deserves to rest! Besides, I want Jayfeather to fight someone who can fight back. Goosefeather never had combat training.
I like to think Goose is a dreamwaver in StarClan. He helps craft dreams and omens, his time on the council mostly behind him by Po3. He wouldn't be one of the cats who does retrievals, more of a homebody type guy.
Squirrelflight’s Horror
Oh, if you've read Squirrelflight’s Hope you know what her horrors are. It's one of the books that will be the least changed by the redux; but this time, I plan to really focus on how bad of a leader Bramblestar is. A lot of things come to a head in this book, establishing how the Clan went so long not realizing he was possessed
Squilf and Bramble split years ago, Jesse 'cat divorced' him, and Squilf was practically a mother to his daughter Sparkpelt. Bramble feels like he's losing control of his life and blames Squirrelflight for a good amount of it-- and you know what happens when he feels like he's not in control.
I think at the start of this book... Squilf is even considering getting back with him. But obviously, by the end, she firmly realizes she never needed him at all.
And the Trial...
The point of the trial in the original SH is to give Squirrelflight and Leafpool a reckoning with their lies, because the original book condemns the two of them for it. Obviously, I don't agree. I don't think she did anything wrong-- and in my rewrite with the Queen’s Rights, her actions aren't condemnable in StarClan either.
So instead, I think I'll use this to put her actions with the Sisters on trial. Instead of the council weakly concluding, "well, we all broke the code so we cant be mad at you guys for breaking it either idk" it's more of a treatise on if StarClan will abide by the way Squirrelflight applies Fire Alone as an ideology, extending it to outsiders.
And speaking of outsiders, Scourge died in OotS fighting Tigerstar. In Squirrelflight’s Horror, he replaces Blade as the cat she speaks to after the rockslide, helping guide her to StarClan. He chooses not to live there, but he can still show her the way.
He does note, offhandedly, that the way has gotten longer since he last visited. "Perhaps I should stay there for a while this time... it would be a terrible thing to not be able to find my way back." Foreshadow Ashfur messing with StarClan's borders
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talonpaw · 5 months
messy bluestar’s prophecy thoughts
finished bluestar’s prophecy (finally)
i very much enjoyed the story’s exploration of grief. i was shocked how much bluestar’s experience of grief resonated with my own lived experiences of grief, particularly as an adolescent. kudos to kate for capturing that particular feeling of melancholy rage-despair-nihilism
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i also enjoyed the character relationships here—particularly the bond between bluefur and snowfur and the rivalry between bluefur and thistleclaw.
the relationship between bluefur and stormtail, while minor, is also interesting. reading bluestar’s prophecy as a kid, i definitely picked up on the fact that stormtail is an emotionally absent father, but it hits a lot harder rereading the story as an adult
not to mention the LOADS of interesting plots unfolding in the background— pinestar’s ineffectual leadership, guilt, and resignation; goosefeather’s deterioration and loss of respect among his clanmates; thistleclaw and tigerpaw’s radicalization. this version of thunderclan feels real, unlike modern thunderclan, where characters don’t really exist outside of whatever’s going on with the main story arc
unfortunately, one relationship that doesn’t measure up is the relationship between bluefur and oakheart. despite attempts at buildup over the course of the novel, it still feels like their fling comes out of absolutely nowhere.
the pacing here is roughhhhhh. to be fair, most of the super editions with the lifespan-time jump format have similar issues with pacing. but there are certain parts of this book that REALLY drag.
i am still trying to make sense of what the novel says about motherhood and how i feel about the portrayal of the “bluestar gives away her kits for the deputy position” plotline (are the erins making intentional commentary about misogyny and gaining power as a woman? or are they having another Misogyny Moment? this is a question for someone who is smarter and better at literary analysis than i.)
might come back later with more intelligent thoughts later but right now i am #exhausted 🥲👍
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wc-confessions · 1 year
ok but to be fair about not reading the books, I think people have a right to be mad over Spottedleaf's Heart, whether or not they read it. The book depicted actual fucking grooming and then Spottedpaw just never told anyone about it. Fuck, Goosefeather KNEW and didn't even try to do anything about it. Yeah, read the book if you're comfortable with it for the full picture. But this is a book series for CHILDREN, that was not the right way to handle the subject, and I think people 100% have a right to be pissed about it.
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Have been having thoughts on a TNP AU
- Leafpaw goes on the journey too. Mostly she’s there because the group needs a medic on site, but also as a Skyclan stand-in. Half of Starclan insists that Skyclan should be involved in this journey, and the other half says that Skyclan was only just rebuilt and need time to get their footing as a clan before they’re ready to take part in something like this. Since Leafpaw is named after Leafstar, and her mother and father were the ones to rebuild Skyclan in the first place and thus are technically former members, Starclan comes to a compromise with sending Leafpaw as well as Brambleclaw from Thunderclan. Squirrelpaw is Leafpaw’s plus one. Also this helps set up LeafCrow for the latter half of the arc because they’ve had all this time to become friends first.
- Feathertail is the leader of the group. For the first couple of days, nobody’s really sure what’s going on and nobody can get along, so Feathertail steps up to get things done. Her approach to getting everyone to work together is to encourage each member to use their personal strengths to the group’s benefit. For example, Crowpaw feels out of place, so when they’re crossing a field full of sheep Feathertail said “Crowpaw, doesn’t Windclan deal with sheep on the moor sometimes? What do you guys do then?” It gets him to participate, particularly with something that he’s good at, so the rest of the group is now like “wow thanks Crowpaw we’re sure glad you’re here!” and it brings the group closer. Feathertail still dies in this AU, but I’m thinking by showing off her character first and making her the binding force in this team, it’ll make her death a more impactful moment in the story. Like first of all, she’s the leader, she’s gotten to know all her companions and loves them dearly, so of COURSE she’s going to punch a lion in the face for them. She’d do ANYTHING to make sure they get home safe, even if it means she doesn’t. And in the wake of her death, the group is now bonded, having all been made better for her presence in their lives, and they make it back to the clans. They wouldn’t have been able to do it without her, but this next leg of the journey they WILL have to do without her. It’ll be hard, but they have each other to lean on still. 
- There is no tribe. I don’t remember being a fan of the tribe when I first read the books, and also just. The tribe only exists so the clan cats can prove how much better they are and I don’t like those implications. I’m instead imagining a slow burn horror where, as they enter the mountains, the group realizes something has been stalking them but they don’t know what. Sharptooth gets revealed, and then the team has to come up with a plan to get rid of him so they can get out of the mountains alive, and to be sure they won’t be leading Sharptooth back to the rest of the clans. 
- Midnight the Badger never made any sense to me so I’ve replaced her with Purdy, I’m not even kidding. The group gets to the sun-drown-place just to meet Old Man Purdy, a mysterious old cat who despite not being clanborn, has near Goosefeather level abilities for sharing with Starclan. He travels with the group upstream from the river that empties out into the sea, and brings everyone to the lake. The journey cats all get to explore the new territories for a couple of days, Purdy hangs out in the horseplace with Daisy, and then he directs them a shortcut back to the forest through the mountains. Once the clans arrive by the lake, Purdy just goes home with Thunderclan. 
I’ll have to come back with a part 2 because I have some Very Cool Ideas for Hawkfrost and his relationship with Brambleclaw in this AU but I want it to be accompanied by a fun drawing :3
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everybody-loves-purdy · 2 months
This isn't something I exactly want canon but something I just find fascinating
The headcanon/au of Reedwhisker being Curlfeather's dad
Mostly because of the many people I see doing art about it.
Like this whole thing already has related cats scheming together, so why not. Make this a whole family affair.
However, the only reason I don't think I want it canon is simply. I don't think Curlfeather and crew's motives would work with killing "Dad".
Also I don't actually know how well it works timeline wise. (Like Warrior Cats timeline isn't a mess)
There are just many things you could get out of the idea, though.
Like if it was canon, your kid must not have liked you for them to plan your death.
Curlfeather and Podlight, Frostpaw, and her siblings would distantly be related to Goosefeather. (More reasons to dislike Starclan in their eyes, maybe?)
More easiness for nepotism for Curlfeather cause Mistystar and Reedwhisker are obviously mother and son.
There are just interesting interactions in the story with Duskfur and her kits with Mistystar.
Also, those interactions make me sad knowing the future.
It can be seen as a leader being a leader in canon, but this thought is for fun.
Anyways, this was originally just supposed to be "What do you think of this headcanon/AU"
I like reading your thoughts and such.
I do like this headcanon/ theory/ AU myself, it does originate from Kate saying that was her headcanon. Timeline wise it seems to work out fine, Duskfur just kind of spawned from nowhere as a warrior with her own apprentice in Eclipse so I would imagine her and Reed aren’t too far apart in age. But you also make some very good points about how that would affect Curlfeather’s characterisation and motivations.
So what about he is her father, but she never knew, maybe it was just a quick fling with him and Duskfur, and/or the two fell out before the kits were born and just agreed that it would be best if he wasn’t a father in his children’s lives, so no one but Dusk and Reed knew the truth. Essentially meaning that Curlfeather unknowingly plotted to kill her own father and manipulate her grandmother for power.
And I read Mistystar’s Omen recently and ASC really changes that book in hindsight, seeing stuff about Misty, Reed, Curl, Pod, and Dusk, knowing what the future has in store for them all.
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chromacatto · 2 months
spoiler warning for super edition: bluestar's prophecy [talking abt it while reading it]
reading bluestar's prophecy at the park and i have to try so hard not to cry at moonflower's death like i love goosefeather but... the omen got the clan wounded AND NOW TWO KITS ARE WITHOUT A MOTHER
and the book so far makes it seem like his omens are often inaccurate but i'll see... but damn actually almost cried? damn?
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the-owl-tree · 8 months
i like how much you could interpret this battle affecting Bluepaw even before Moonflower's death. The way she sees the politics of the Clan firsthand, that the leader's choices are not unquestioned and even her own apprenticeship could be seen as a ploy to distract the Clan from thoughts of war. I like how much she seems to learn from Pinestar, even if she's not recognizing it.
The sign as well is super interesting because we never really know how real it is, or if the battle-hungry Clan was more than happy to take whatever shred of evidence they could to raid WindClan. Was it real and was StarClan at the time divided? Did the TC cats of StarClan send it? Was it real because Moonflower's death was needed to set Bluestar on her path? Did Goosefeather misinterpret it? Or was there never a sign? I like the ambiguity of it, you can have different readings of the scene depending on where you are in the books and how much you know about StarClan.
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nanistar · 1 year
Ggggoosefeather honest takes 👀👀
goosefeather my fucking beloved
sexuality headcanon bisexual but doesn't really have time for romance (too busy being cursed)
gender/pronouns headcanon cis hehim
rate them out of ten 100
favorite thing about them how fucked up and miserable he is <3
least favorite thing about them i dont really think i have any dislikes for him directly, but i dont like how he was forced into apprenticeship early
why i first started liking/disliking them when i got back into warriors i saw a bunch of maps and vids about him and i was like "who is this guy he sucks" nd i read his book. loved it. he sucks <3
do i relate/project onto/kin them? nah
favorite quote/moment i like when his fuck-up killed his sister. i want this man to suffer also this quote is pretty good
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my fav ship goosefeather x crowfrost (my oc not the canon one)
my fav platonic friendship him and featherwhisker. i dont really think featherwhisker had much of a personality in any of the books (maybe more in bluestars prophecy but i hated that one lol so im not rereading it) but i imagine learning under goosefeather gives him a better understanding of his condition so he can sympathize with him more. i also imagine that towards the end of goose's life featherwhisker took care of him more as a patient. i think i remember in BP that cats called him lazy and useless? towards the end of his life and i think featherwhisker would be irritated by that because he spends enough time with him that he can see his decline.
a ship i hate i don't ship things
do i prefer canon or fanon? canon
random headcanon when he dies and goes to starclan he is utterly disturbed by the lack of noise in his head and has a really hard time keeping his "form" at first because he keeps losing it i also hc that he abuses poppy seeds
what color do i picture them as blue
cat breed headcanon might have some persian in there somewhere, but i dont see moonflower having any of those traits so he might just be fat n fluffy tbh
unpopular opinion i think he gets woobified too much in fanon
things i associate with them geese.....
song i associate with them touch tone telephone sorry for being basic <3
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them soft parade but i doubt that one is getting finished ):
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I have so much to be thankful for when it comes to Shakespeare, the musical Something Rotten, new words added to our lexicon and phrases that we say everyday, and the one line in a play I did where I was a character called Goosefeather based on a Midsummer's Night Dream - the real high point of my acting career (hehe).
I recently finished reading and listening to the plays (I feel like if you can listen to or watch as you read the play, the words are far more interesting and really come to life from the page for you, as some of these need nuance especially to fully take them in).
To celebrate the bard's birthday, these are my favourites
Much Ado About Nothing - I loved the characters in this book and the speech given by Beatrice in this play is incredibly delivered. A speech that pushes the actor who delivers it as Beatrice boils over with rage at Benedick, this speech is something that needs to be heard in the beginning of Scene 4, Act 1. I highly recommend checking out this play, if you want an incredibly powerful female character.
A Midsummer's Night's Dream - Pretty much everyone's favourite Shakespeare, reading it you realise why this is. Characters that burst from the page and a plot that twists and turns, Elizabethan England really got lucky getting to see this one in the flesh straight from Will's quill. The character of Bottom is perfection here and the scenes with Oberon, Titania and Puck are never less than excellent.
Measure For Measure - I promise not all my favourites begin with the same letter. Measure For Measure for me stands out because of Isabella. Isabella is a young woman who plans to become a nun and then finds out her brother has been arrested and could be executed for getting his fiancee pregnant, to get out of this she is told let me sleep with you, and I'll save your brother and a bad bitch plot begins.
King Lear - He has such poor judgement when it comes to the character of those around them, and who can't relate to that? The story of a man who sees everything he built fall apart after giving his lands to everyone but the daughter her should, King Lear is definitely one of those stories which has incredible humanity and shows Shakespeare at one of his finest moments.
What are your favourite Shakespeare plays? I'd love to hear from you about your own standouts!
Others I feel like deserve a mention include Othello and Macbeth, which are two of of the most dramatic and brilliantly written plays in Shakespeare's oeuvre.
Vee xo.
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