#i have so many of these stockpiled and ready to go lol
ace-geographer · 2 years
Today I offer you: even more Willow characters as textposts
Tomorrow: who knows?
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Part 2/?
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
Your CC Warfare fic legit had me stressing out so bad I thought I was feeling a genuinely new emotion, lol. That whole thing was like a really bad car crash: it's terrible what happened, but you can't look away. If Strongarm had just said nothing, she would've avoided putting her foot in her mouth and getting in trouble. With how tense everything was, I see no reason why she would jump in. I understand she was trying to help Sideswipe out of that situation, but she did it in like the complete opposite direction! She should've reared him in, not back him up. She said it herself that they were war veterans. Though, I suppose that's easier said. Strongarm may be intelligible of the war records and Autobot law, but truthfully, plain intelligence pales in the face of wisdom and actual experience. Intelligence says: this war could've easily been won because of xyz. Wisdom and experience say completely otherwise. And I guess that is one of the points Optimus is trying to make: that Strongarm and Sideswipe do not have the wisdom or experience to understand exactly why things played out the way they did. I have the feeling the two simply looked at the war records itself and not any history that came before, especially Optimus' involvement with Megatron's revolution. I don't know if that would make much of a difference for Sideswipe tbh but I think Strongarm would be able to see just a little why Optimus couldn't outright kill Megatron in the beginning like Sideswipe said he should've. Even so, going back to the records itself , it won't contain legitimately every single thing that happened. It probably only recorded decisive battles and notable events. Billions of people were involved, and with that many variables, it would be impossible to say that the war could've been won if only Optimus did something sooner. WHICH BY THE WAY MAKES THIS SO MUCH WORSE. Sideswipe (and by extension Strongarm) is basically saying that Optimus is personally responsible for dragging on an intergalactic war just because he didn't off one guy as if the most wicked bots in the face of existence werent out there making lives worse on purpose under the cover of the war and would help stretch it to continue their sick actions. As if there weren't a hundred other Megatrons ready to continue the war themselves the moment Megatron died. If I could write an essay on every reason why the war dragged on, I'll be writing until I die and never come close to finishing. Even within the small game Optimus planned there are obvious reasons why it wouldn't be a quick or easy victory if they even win: limited number of fighters (no guarantee they'd hit the max min bc rallying people to fight is difficult), no details until they got to Helex (you're not always going to know what your goal is when being sent out to fight), no resources from the state (war is expensive and getting funding is difficult). So imagine that plus way more reasons plus on a planetary scale. The scope is simply unfathomable. Anyways, I think this comment has gone on long enough lol. Excellent work as always and I'm excited but also incredibly nervous to see how this all plays out. Take care!
This whole fic is one giant show. Optimus wants the idiots under Bee's control to LEARN. You've already picked up the logical reasoning behind the rules he's laid down so far. And let me tell you, its only going to get more complicated. War is a difficult and unpredictable thing. Optimus is going to make that as real as possible in this non-lethal scenario.
Is it overkill? Maybe. But if even those serving under Bumblebee don't have the barest inkling of the truth? It hints at a FAR larger problem. I am going to have so much fun writing this thing. I want to get a few chapters stockpiled and then I will post them on Ao3 and continue there :3
Thank you for enjoying my writing and giving this lovely analysis. This sort of things makes my dad and encourages me to write more.
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gamerkitten · 1 year
Template by @vincentmatthews
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Jenaè Valentine
Jenaè goes by V to everyone she isn't close to. Other than that, she doesn't have any nicknames outside of little terms of endearment from lovers.
Bisexual, male leaning
♡Hair Color and style
Jenaè keeps her hair it's natural jet black color and has never dyed it. During her time at Militech, she wore her hair in a sleek ponytail at all times but traded that for blowouts or silk presses when she was picked up by Arasaka and she continues that way until act 3 of the story where she goes for a long mohawk.
♡Eye Color
Her eyes are naturally brown, but she's had purple optics since she was sixteen. They're a deep shade, so the effect is subtle unlees the light hits them just the right way, but they glow a lighter shade of lavender when she's interfacing with programs or taking phone calls.
5'7 without heels, around 5'10 in her favorite pair.
♡Body Type
The definition of "Slim-thick" Thanks a mix of family doctors(50%), genetics(25%) and exercise(25%).
T&A with a small waist and loooong legs.
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(Also can someone tell me who the artist is for this picture?)
The face she shows the world is one she's perfected; blue-blooded corporate royalty. Beautiful, charming but aloof enough to pique curiosity. Threats hidden behind smiles like bared teeth, unscrupulous enough to actually follow through on them. Sultry enough to inflame passions but coy enough for plausible deniability. Better than you in every way.
And yeah, that is her, partly. She's cunning and ruthless when there's opportunity, but she's also fiercely loyal to the people she decides are hers and ready to bring a painful end to anyone who would harm them.
She's extremely emotional, but is definitely a bottle-that-shit-up type who would rather die than show weakness to an outsider.
She's selfish, petty, and holds a grudge like normal people hold hands, but she isn't cruel. She detests people who just like to throw stones at beggars for sport.
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None, until Johnny decided to take her body for a joyride. She was mad about it at first, but comes around. Of course, now it's a reminder of how badly she fucked up, but she'd never get it removed.
Two rings in her right earlobe and one in the left.
♡Any definable features such as: Birthmarks, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks, Accent when they talk, Lisp, Natural slurring of words, Walk with a subtle limp, ect.
After the heist, she had a pretty deep gash above her right eye from when she and Jackie had to jump off the side of Kompeki Plaza and she slammed her head on something along the way. Another one on the left side of her head where DeX shot her, but thanks to Vic it's barely noticeable. She doesn't have many others, due to her fighting style and the fact that she used to get them removed.
After Arasaka operates on her, they do her the "favor" of ridding her of all her scars. She hates it, it makes her feel like she isn't her. Cue "Am I me?" spiral.
Is shopping a hobby?
Just kidding, but not really lol. Jenaè is a fashion nut, but aside from shopping she also finds fashion history fascinating and owns a few books on the topic.
Her true love, however, is film. Specifically Horror. She has a stockpile of horror BDs and movies that she liked to force Jackie into watching with her. She could never get Jenkins to watch them, despite her begging. When Kerry finds out about this, he makes it his duty to show her some movies that he grew up on. Nightmare on Elm Street is her favorite.
This one is a little morbid to be called a hobby, but Jenae loves going "Scav Hunting". She has a vendetta against the Scavs of Night City, and enjoys venting her frustrations out on them.
♡Gang/Occupation {Mox, Max Tac, etc}
Jenaè isn't affiliated with any of Night City's gangs, but she's always down to lend a hand to Mox. Outside of that, she works with people, not organizations. At least not in an official capacity.
♡Do they smoke?
Yes. Johnny makes fun of her though, because she smokes designer cigs that smell like vanilla or cinnamon.
♡Do they drink? If so, what's their poison of choice?
Her drink of choice is usually wine, either a Cabernet or Chardonnay. If she's at the Afterlife or Empathy, she'll either get shots of tequila, or the occasional Jackie Welles.
♡What do they usually wear on a normal day?
It depends on who she's seeing and where. If she's doing work in City Center or Westbrook, she dresses well; dresses, slacks and blouses with heels are the name of the game. In Heywood, Watson and Santo, she's relaxed but still polished in slim fit pants, tank tops and jackets paired with a nice pair of boots or sneakers.
When she's in work mode, she goes for her favorite combat turtlenecks under armored coats or ballistic vests, fitted pants and sturdy knee high boots.
♡What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"? And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them {such as an "Oh they're gonna be there so I have to look my best." Or an "It's our anniversary".}
When she dresses up, she gives femme fatal realness. A smokey cat eye and glossy red lips, long dresses in either black, white or wine tones with low necklines and high slits to show off her legs in her 5inch heels. For jewelry, she has a pair of diamond studs and a beautiful tennis bracelet that Jenkins gifted her. Around her neck is a matching diamond choker, worn with a longer simple gold chain with a diamond pendant. No rings, but long stiletto nails painted a dark red.
♡What do they smell like? {For example: they smell like cinnamon flavored liquor, cigarettes, leather, and motor oil.}
Jenaè's favorite perfume has notes of Jasmine and citrus. She's been wearing it since she started working at Arasaka and always gets compliments. There's also the lingering scent of vanilla and cinnamon from her cigarettes
♡How do they walk? Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc.
Jenaè has a tendency to slink especially if there is someone she's trying to entice.
Her posture is impeccable thanks to her mother's insistence on finishing classes, which were just as awful as they sound, and she's perfected her walk to ooze importance.
♡Are they more of an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl. One of the best things about being kicked out of the corporate world is that she can sleep in. The only time she wants to see the sun rise is on the ride home after a night out.
♡If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use?
♡What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character?
Nothing unique to her, but her favorite curse word is Fuck.
♡Favorite Season
Living in California, she's not super invested in the seasons, but her favorite days tend to occur in the early spring when reconciliation park is especially green.
♡Favorite type of weather {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc}
She loves a good thunderstorm, especially when she's watching the storm roll in from her balcony or through the windows while lazing on the couch.
♡Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who?
Well, she had Jenkins but...we all know how that went.
While her and Jackie spent time dancing around each other and occasionally falling into bed, they never tried to make it official for one reason or another until the night of the heist. Too late.
So currently, in the post-Devil hellscape that is my canon, she and Goro have pretty much broken up and she's carrying on this failing relationship with River, which is about to implode.
♡Main Ship/Pairings
Jenkins/V(Internal Affairs)
Jackie/V(To This)
Takemura/V(New Tricks)
♡Side Pairings
River/V(I still don't have a ship name for them😭😭)
♡Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings
Very much Jackie and Jenae. I'm a sucker for friends to lovers and am also a messy bitch.
♡How do they show affection to their loved one?
Jenaè's love language is physical touch and not just sex. She likes to play with their hair, rub they're shoulders when they're tired or stressed or just rest her head on their shoulder or chest.
♡How do they sit in a chair?
She lounges, legs tucked to the side or she sits perfectly upright with her legs crossed either at the knee or ankles. Depends on the audience.
♡How do they sit in a chair {uncomfortable version}
Even if she's uncomfortable, she still does the above. Don't stop dancing lol
♡What do they wear to bed?
Short satin night gowns. She has a set of three in black, red and emerald and a long black robe with fur on the sleeves.
♡How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backwards, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc}
On her stomach, limbs sprawled across the bed if she's alone. If not, she rolls toward whoever's she's sharing with and sleeps on her side.
♡How do they sleep in a place they don't know? (Can't due to anxiety, in small bursts of sleep that are short lived, holding themselves,ect)
Badly. After rescuing Saul, she barely got any sleep and had to crash when she got back into the city.
♡Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc}
No, not unless you count the ambiance of Night city as white noise.
♡What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset?
The Coyote Cojo. She's comfortable there, and knows that Mama Welles won't pry but is there to talk if she needs it.
♡What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc}
She crosses her arms in order to stop herself from fidgeting and chews on her bottom lip.
♡What is their "tell" for lying?
The slight smirk and glance to the side, like she's sharing a joke with an invisible audience.(Or Johnny, once he enters the chat.)
♡What is their favorite color?
♡Favorite flower/plant
♡Favorite sweet of choice
Macaroons and any type of fried dough covered in powdered sugar.
♡Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them
She rescued Nibbles and later gets two cyber-dobermans.
♡What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down?
Sexual threats trigger her like nothing else. She's had a close call before and even though they didn't get to do what they wanted, it was enough to leave a scar on her psyche. When someone threatens her, she either lashes out or freezes depending on how capable of following through she asses them to be.
Thankfully, working for Arasaka and having her own personal life coach taught her how to deal with her stress responses and panic attacks.
♡If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why?
She would go to Anartica. She's pretty impressed that people actually live out there, and would love to see it for herself.
♡What is their favorite comfort meal?
Ramen with synth-sirloin and spicy broth
♡Do they have a food they hate?
Caviar. Why is it crunchy????
♡What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink?
Cola float
♡What are their plans for the future {if they have any}?
Once she figures out the whole "dying in six months" thing, she'd love to be a fixer. She's good with people and it's not that different from working in counterintelligence. Just safer.
♡What's a song that "fits" them?
♡Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them
Her mother did everything in her power to make sure that Jenaè would have a leg up on the competition; gene customization before birth, metabolism manipulation, etiquette classes and her own brand of psychological warfare to mold her daughter into the perfect corporate debutante. She would say she succeeded but what she did was mess up a perfectly good human. Look at her, she has anxiety.
Jenaè has an older brother she used to be really close to, but after her firing from Militech their parents ordered him to cut her off and he did. The last time she heard from him was a month after she got back from space to tell her that their mother had passed. She was not invited to the funeral.
She snorts if she laughs too hard. Jackie found this absolutely hilarious.
Unsurprisingly, Jenae desires approval from older male authority figures. She doesn't think she does, but...*gestures at dating history*.
Part of the reason she and River don't work is because his idealism doesn't just annoy her, in her worst moments it pisses her off. She resents him for still being able to assume the best in people, because she can't anymore. She and Judy clashed for similar reasons, but she wasn't as jaded during the story timeline as she is after.
♡Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.}
Please refer to this post for Jenae's backstory💕
♡Free Space! Give me any sort of extra information about them you'd like to share
Jenaè is actually pretty in tune with her heritage. Her mother's family is from New Orleans and her grandmother loved to cook when she was little and tell her stories. She would die when Jenae was 9.
To this day, Jenae likes to recreate her gumbo recipe when she has the time and ingredients. It's pretty good, even if she has to substitute certain things.
Also, she and Goro swap folktales and it is adorable.
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spenciegoob · 3 years
A Special Kind of Man
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this fic swap is for @safertokiss​​ ... I really hope you like it, emma bc this was so fun to write lol
A/N: OMG! this is a part of my first fic swap and the first time I’ve done something like this with so many people, it’s been so cool.
Summary: Spencer Reid was a virgin, you knew that. What you didn’t expect however was how much he was really holding back.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warnings: loss of virginity (spencer), mommy kink, penetrate sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word Count: 2.4K
I always knew Spencer Reid was special, and sure, everyone he’s ever had a conversation with would look at this 24 year old kid spewing facts that no human would think to ever learn about, stockpiling knowledge about, well, everything. I’m sure he amazes people with his mind, I too am amazed when he opens his mouth and the exact number of a certain model Ford truck that is bought every year falls out.
But what else I knew about Spencer that made him more special, more worshipable was beyond anything anyone outside our closed doors would know, and my god would I ever be a fool if I didn’t do just that; worship him.
I would have continued to believe that somewhere down the line, someone would have been smart enough to give that man every piece of love and attention he deserves, because let me be perfectly candid, Spencer was beautiful. His jawline that never lacked the tension of holding back every nugget of knowledge he had stored in that beautiful brain of his, and the eyes like honey that stare up at me with an innocence and desperation alike every time I straddle his lap.
Spencer Reid was not only worth worshipping, but he believed that I deserve that kind of dedication and preach as well.
I never did quite ask if he was a virgin, but in the back of my mind I always knew he had been surrounded by blind fools his whole life in the way he grasped onto my body and whimpered in my mouth every time I perched myself onto him. He would never go further than heavy petting, which meant neither did I. Spencer may be worth worshipping, but I would never push him to receive such.
So, when we found ourselves entangled once again, my legs spread to wrap around his hips as he sat perched against the back of the couch, and I felt the coolness of his hesitant fingers snake their way under my shirt, I was surprised into pulling away from the heavy kiss we were sharing. Immediately his hands, that initially sent a chill hurtling up my spine only to fill me with warmth, returned back to my waist over the shirt, scared that he had done something wrong.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he whispered, looking down and rushing through the words with so much embarrassment and fear of my reaction as if I could ever imagine tantalizing or walking away from him.
“Do you want to?” I asked, and personally thanked whoever was listening that Spencer Reid was a profiler, because even if I wanted to, I couldn’t hide the lust in my eyes, or the breathiness to my voice. He had, unbeknownst to my partner here, left me having to take deep breaths and positively buzzing. Like I said, I always knew he was special.
“Put my hands under your shirt?” Came his reply, and I may have never been a profiler, but I could hear, behind the confusion, fear of my rejection plaguing his mind.
“Yes,” I whispered, my lips grazing his cheek where I placed a soft kiss. Spencer’s grip on me tightened as I moved towards his ear, subconsciously pulling my hips down onto him. “Whatever you want, pretty boy.”
“You!” The exclamation was a shout mixed with a gasp once I sunk my teeth into his ear lobe. At first, I had not thought to take Spencer’s words so seriously. We were in the heat of the moment, hands grasping onto one another and lips finding skin, but then my sweet boy pushed me far back only so he could look in my eyes with the confidence of a man who just won the lottery to state. “I want you.”
There were multiple things I took note of when looking down at Spencer. The first being that he had only taken his eyes off of my own in favor of glancing down at my lips, then back at me before raising his eyebrows in silent question. The second was that he had not stopped squirming underneath me, the hard on trapped in his work slacks having to be uncomfortable by now, and the every few seconds he found friction against my own clothed center could not have been helping as much as he needed.
The third, and final thing I noticed buried deep into blown pupils and wide, boyish eyes was the lust, desperation, the need for me the same I held for him. Spencer Reid wanted nothing more in this moment than to show me he was a good boy, a special boy.
“Are you sure?” I barely got through the last word before Spencer started nodding. “I need words, pretty boy.”
“Yes,” his tone was already breathy, and we haven’t even started. “Yes, please. I’m ready.”
I didn’t wait, grabbing a hold of my sweet boy’s cheeks and bringing his face down to meet our lips. The kiss was slow, passionate of course, but I wanted to take my time with him. The way I see this going is spending carefully calculated time on every part of his body, worshipping him and giving him all of my love in the form of soft bites and deliberate touches. Spencer Reid was handing me all of him, and I would be foolish not to return the favor.
Spencer and I were not going into this blind, because no matter how embarrassed he got, we somehow ended up having a very enlightening conversation in the past, even if at first it had started as a joke.
“Not everything Freud has said in his life was completely untrue,” was what started the argument. Spencer, in his oh so need to discredit the behaviorists and psychoanalysts of the past, jumped at the opportunity to prove me wrong, but I wasn’t going to let him this time. “While he may have gone about it the… wrong way, Freud was onto something.”
I had unbeknownst to Spencer got up from my seat, and was quietly tiptoeing over to him. “You don’t agree that you wouldn enjoy calling me Mommy in bed, pretty boy?”
“I-I um…” Is what ended the argument.
I pulled back, admiring his swollen lips and eyes fluttering open before pulling my shirt over my head, giving Spencer a full view of my now bare chest. The only way I could describe his face was similar to what I would imagine someone’s expression would be if they had made a groundbreaking discovery. His eyes grew wide and his jaw went slack in surprise, plus he didn’t hesitate to shift his gaze to my breasts. I could feel his hands loosen their grip on my waist, fingertips itching to move up my body to feel more of me.
“Can- can I touch them?” He whispered, not taking his eyes off the body part in question. Spencer was still looking at my chest in awestruck, and I would be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel the same way I thought of him.; beautiful, worshipable, special.
I nodded my head, grabbing onto Spencer’s wrists where his hands still remained at my sides and slowly dragged them up to chest. There was no more hesitation, he pressed his palms onto my breasts and grabbed them, pushing them together before kneading them.
“Oh my god, they’re s-so soft” he gasped, eyes blowing wide.“I w-want you. Please, M-”
Spencer stopped himself, and I could feel the muscles in his body tensing at the accidental slip of the name I so desperately wanted to pull from him now that I knew he felt the same about it.
“What was that?” I hummed against him, starting to softly grind our aching centers against each other, eliciting the sweetest moans from the sweetest boy while he continued to palm my breasts.
“Please. Mommy, please.” And there it was, my title for the evening and the reason for the growing wetness at my core.
“Only because you asked so nicely.” The buttons on his shirt were harder to undo than I would like to admit, his fingers that have moved on to tweak my nipples pulling my concentration and causing me to moan quietly as I worked. Eventually I accomplished getting his shirt open, and he helped me to push it off his shoulders and off of him.
I ran my hand down his chest, relishing the whimpers falling from his lips and my featherlight touch traveling further to the waistband of his pants.
“Bedroom,” I whispered, attempting to remove myself from his lap in favor of moving this party to a more comfortable place than the couch. Spencer had other plans.
“Wait,” he shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me back down on top of him. “I-I like it here.”
“On the couch, pretty boy?” It wasn’t that the position we were in wasn’t feasible, but this was Spencer’s first time. I wanted to make it as special as I could, starting with an actual bed.
“I want to be close to you.” If his words didn’t pull at my heartstrings, the way he looked down instead of in my eyes again did.
“Okay,” I agreed, and it was the truth, because the warmth spreading through me at the feeling of our bodies pressed so closely together was intoxicating. Spencer went to go unbutton my jeans, but I stopped him. Not because I didn’t want them off, but because he hadn’t realized that my plans for him included him sitting there and looking pretty like he always does. “Let me take care of you, sweet boy.”
I finished the job Spencer had started, getting up to unbutton my jeans and pull them down my legs. I heard him gasp at the sight of me now in only a pink thong before reaching out and making grabby hands at me. Instead of sitting back on his lap, I sunk to my knees on the floor, repeating the process on his work slacks and stripping him down to his boxers.
“Is this okay?” I asked, running my hands up and down his thighs in the most soothing manner. He responded with a hard nod and an ‘Yes, Mommy,’ shifting his hips closer to my hands in hopes that I would touch him where he craved the most. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t give him what he wanted. I didn’t use my hands, however, lowering my face to where there was an evident wet spot of precum on his boxers and placed a gentle kiss through the fabric on the tip of his dick.
Immediately his hands shot out to grab onto the sides of my face, forcing me away from his member to look up at him insead.
“I- I’m not going to last long like that,” he whispered. “Please, I need you, Mommy, please.”
I stood up, returning to my position perched onto his lap and smashing my lips to his. This kiss was much different than the ones we’ve shared previously, it was rushed, uncalculated and heavy. Tongues fought against each other and I caught his little whimpers in my mouth every time our cores rubbed against each other.
I grabbed onto the waistband of his boxers, asking one last time if he was sure. When I got his permission, I pulled them down to reveal himself to me, and my god was he beautiful. The tip was red and leaking precum, and I used my thumb to gather some and bring it to my mouth. Spencer’s jaw went slack again, watching me suck his cum off my digit and not taking my eyes off his own. I shifted once again to hover over him, pulling my panties to the side.
“Are you ready?” I asked, grabbing his hard cock and readying the tip to my entrance. He attempted to buck his hips up and enter me, but I continued to tease him by rubbing my wetness over him without entering just yet.
“Yes. Please, Mommy.” I sunk down, reveling in the way his eyes grew wide and his hands shot up to grab onto any part of me. Slowly, I inched down, feeling the stretch he provided and we both were moaning at the feeling.
“Is this okay?” I asked once more, getting a nod and a gasp at the feeling of me around him in return. His hips were trying to buck up into me, but I wouldn’t let him, lifting up slowly and slamming back down to the hilt.
“Oh my god,” he praised once again, screwing his eyes shut and panting. I picked up a rhythm bouncing on his cock with feaverish intent, neither of us were going to last long, both of us hypersensitive to each other.
Spencer opened his eyes, and couldn’t find where to look. He started with my breasts bouncing in his face with my increased speed, and moved on to where our bodies met, watching himself disappear into me. Lastly, he stopped at my face, finding me already staring down at him with my mouth agape and mewls escaping me.
From there we gazed into each other’s eyes, Spencer not holding back any of his sweet moans and gasps that sounded like garbled versions of my name. The knot in my stomach tightened further when I shifted slightly and felt his tip graze my sweet spot. He must have been close to, his hips thrusting up softly to meet my own in an attempt to chase his high. I reached down to rub my clit, wanting to fall off the edge together.
“I-I’m gonna cum,” he panted out, and I clenched around him at the sound of him whimpering. “Ah- ah ah, Mommy please!”
I increased the pressure on my clit, the coil in my stomach reaching its end when I shouted “Cum with me, pretty boy.”
Spencer’s hands gripped onto my waist with bruising pressure as we reached our highs together, crashing down with a shout of each other’s name as I felt his cum cover my pulsing walls. The feeling was indescribable, extending my orgasm and milking him for everything he has.
I slumped forward, resting my head against his sweaty shoulder as we attempted to catch our breaths. Spencer’s arms wrapped around me fully, pulling me closer to him and nuzzling his face into my neck, the sentiment making me smile.
“Are you okay?” I asked once our breathing returned to normal and the cloudiness of my post organsm brain melted. He just pulled me impossibly closer, laying kisses on the expanse of my neck he could reach.
“I’m more than okay. That was- that was-”
“Yeah, I know.” I giggled at his awestruck tone, mimicking his movements and nuzzling deep in his neck, breathing in his sweet scent.
Like I said, Spencer Reid was a special kind of man.
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pricemarshfield · 3 years
don’t go
A post-canon/canon divergence Climbing Class fic. Read on AO3 here. Does not name the monsters from UD.
The thing is, Chris never believed in ghosts.
Past tense, because though Ouija boards are definitely still bullshit, flesh-eating nightmares who are his friends from beyond made his internal perspective change, a little. Less focused on Ashley (now happily dating Sam, who'd have thunk), less focused on cleverness, less focused on everything other than survival.
The problem with that is, survival is way, way less of a concern everywhere else.
No matter how much Mike asks, Chris won't go to the gym, won't go running with Sam. Instead, he goes to the gun range and shoots, practices with a dozen different guns until he can hit a target from as far as they'll let him try. Someone asks him if he wants to go hunting, and he says, "No, thanks. I don't have the stomach for it." With a practiced, self-deprecating grin and a little anecdote about getting sick in health class after watching Supersize Me (but hey, he'll still eat fast food!), they just laugh, clap his shoulder, and say, "Well, maybe next time."
Chris knows now how to hunt. He won't go because he doesn't want to go back to the mountain, but if something happens, if Jess ends up going on her expedition to find Emily's remains like she keeps talking about, if any circumstance happens that'll force him back out of his safety, he'll be ready. He has a dozen books on how to skin and prepare wild game, has a YouTube watch history that he probably shares with a future serial killer, is slowly working his way through quizzes on edible plants in the area he can forage.
Two weeks after the mountain, his friends all found it normal. Six months after the mountain, he worries he's the only one still caught up in it.
Sam's still going out in wilderness semi-regularly, albeit with so many protein bars in her bag that she could feed a small army. Mike throws himself into whatever the hell project he's involved with. (Chris and Ashley make a point of not asking about it, just to see his face turn red.) Jess rock climbs now, but however it started, now she just seems to be having fun, and Chris doesn't want to ruin the mood by asking why she's doing it. Ashley writes, poems and prose and articles, jumping on their fifteen minutes of fame to get a foot in the door of publishing.
Josh doesn't do much of anything.
They'd found him next to the bodies of Matt and Emily and Jack Fiddler, emaciated and staring at the bodies with a hunger that had caused all of this. (Chris assumes. He wasn't there, wouldn't have been there even if he'd known he would have found Josh okay. He wasn't brave before, let alone now.)
His parents won't let him keep a handgun in the house, so he moves.
Finding an apartment is hard. Nothing to do with the publicity or lack of options or even money; he just is picky. It needs good WiFi, because he's still Chris Hartley. It needs a room without windows, easily defensible and big enough to be able to stockpile food. It needs walls that aren't painted a sickly green color that he jokes is scarier than the idea of going back.
justgidding: Terrible joke!
justgidding: Even if it wasn't in bad taste, it's just not funny.
sn0wflakequ33n: I thought it was funny Chris
gogogadget: thank you jess
screamking: Oh bro is that that place on Hilda St?
screamking: I looked at that place when I was trying to find a place
screamking: Definitely the worst
ladykiller: why did you move out, rich boy? don't you have like six bedrooms in your old place?
sn0wflakequ33n: don't be a dick, mike
smartcookie: Eh
smartcookie: Not the most dickish thing one of us has done this year
justgidding: Okay guys, let's not bring this up over TEXT!!
sn0wflakequ33n: why do you hate the internet sam
smartcookie: I always forget how much of a Luddite you are, babe
ladykiller: i don't know what that means
gogogadget: i feel like we've gotten farther from the point
gogogadget: which is how ugly these walls are
So, yeah. Apartment hunting. Would it be weird to ask Josh what place he found? He needs to move if he's gonna get a gun, and while he knows logically it's not going to help and that he's not in danger, he's pretty sure just having it around would be great for his peace of mind.
Also in the case of monster attack, but at this point, preparedness for monster attacks and his peace of mind are pretty much one and the same. Not only correlational but causal relationship.
gogogadget: josh dyou mind sending me the address?
screamking: Why, you coming over?
gogogadget: trying to find a place
gogogadget: or are you still looking?
screamking: Nah, here
screamking has sent you their location!
Chris is sure that the place Josh's sent him will be too expensive, because Chris is comfortable, but Josh is. Well. His family owned a mountain (past tense). But as it turns out, if he moves in now in February rent is cheaper for as long as he lives here. It's still a lot, but it's at the very upper range of his budget rather than completely out of it.
They don't allow pets, but they do allow (legal) guns, and Chris signs the lease right after seeing the place. The property manager seems thrilled, but Chris doesn't really care why; he's just glad to have a place.
Sam and Ashley are the only two friends available to help him move, though Ashley mostly just picks through his books. Chris doesn't have a ton of stuff, and the only really heavy things are the one box of books and his PC. It takes one trip in just the one car and then he's in his apartment, alone.
Unpacking takes the better part of a couple days, but that's mostly just building furniture and setting up his food stores. The place doesn't quite feel like his, but he's alright with that. It feels safe, and that means a lot more.
His neighbor keeps thudding against the wall, though, and at 2am, when it wakes Chris up, he bangs back in annoyance.
"Sorry," his neighbor calls.
"...Josh?" Chris responds.
"Oh, what?" Josh says, and then Chris' phone lights up.
gogogadget: dude what the fuck
screamking: My bad, dude
screamking: Won't happen again
gogogadget: look as long as it's not ghosts i'm okay lol
screamking: I've got some bad news for you
He can hear Josh laughing from across the wall, and Chris texts back a bunch of middle finger emojis.
screamking: If the ghosts do scare you, consider this an open invitation to come over
gogogadget: there are BETTER WAYS to invite me over dude
gogogadget: game nights
gogogadget: weed
gogogadget: just a straight up booty call
Chris doesn't really realize what he's said until after he's sent it, and then he briefly considers skipping out on his lease so he can go lie down outside and wait to die.
screamking: So if I were to do one of those now
screamking: You'd come over?
gogogadget: if you have someone over and that's what the banging's about i'll literally never talk to you again
gogogadget: just so you know
screamking: Nah it's just a tennis ball
screamking: Helps with anxiety
screamking: Dude?
screamking: If this isn't your thing we can still be friends, man
screamking: That better be you knocking on the door
justgidding: Chris, wake up!!!
justgidding: You said you'd go to the farmer's market today
justgidding: I WILL break this door down I don't care about your security deposit.
justgidding: Ashley says you're not answering your phone
justgidding: Josh is, though :)
justgidding: I'm texting the group chat
gogogadget: groupchat is one word
justgidding: Get dressed now we're going to the farmer's market!
gogogadget's phone can no longer recieve messages! This could be due to a loss of WiFi or the phone being turned off.
justgidding: Bitch?
gogogadget's phone can no longer recieve messages! This could be due to a loss of WiFi or the phone being turned off.
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1-mini-1 · 4 years
Soraru x Tonari no Sakata x SaizeP- Even if We’re at Home Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! (Gozaitaku demo Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! / ご在宅でも Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!) English Lyrics
Sorry for doing something out of my translation schedule, but I thought Soraru and Sakata’s new song was really cute and wanted to translate it ;w; I also translated all the banter in between verses and stuff. Things aren’t fun right now, but I hope this song can help cheer up those that are going through a hard time because of the pandemic!
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
Even if I wear sweats all day, no one will know
Home! Home! Home!
RAKUEN1 the Paradise
I can probably complete my life
Just by spending it at home
But I want to eat out!!!
Sakata: Hello, I’m Sakata!
Soraru: I’m Soraru!
Sakata: Together we’re~
Sakata and Soraru: Sorasaka!
Sakata: I was thinking about how I haven’t gone outside a lot lately!
Soraru:  Well, these are troubling times
Sakata: That’s why everyone’s stockpiling at the same time…Huh!? There’s a toilet paper shortage!? I need to go buy some too!!!
Soraru: Hey, don’t let them fool you! …Yeah, there are more rumors like this now.
Sakata: And there’s a mask shortage too!!?
Soraru: Like I said, don’t let them fool you!
Sakata: Hey! Stay farther than 6 feet from me!!!!
Soraru: No, the importance of social distancing…! (Pexxpa)2 Oh yeah, the three “Mitsus”3
Sakata: If I remember right, it was honeycomb, white honey, and clover honey
Soraru: Are you Winnie the Pooh!? That’s not it
Sakata: Hi Eeyore
Soraru: Who are you calling Eeyore!?
Hooray for home!
I’ll watch the anime I’m behind on
Hooray for home!
I’ll play some games too
Indulging in depravity!
My living radius is 5 meters
Wait, this is kinda bad!
Props to me for doing 4 sit-ups today!
The familiar ceiling
Even if there’s no change, tempura rice bowls are delicious every day
But obviously what makes me feel like I’m living
Is when I’m in front of my mic like normal
Hooray for home!
I always knew music was fantastic!
Hooray for home!
I’m ready to cry when my internet is bad
 A new strain4 of utopia
Don’t they remember my face
At the convenience store that’s nearby?
I’m praying in this song
That they at least nicknamed me something other than “Potato Chips”
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
When you get home wash your hands like a raccoon5
Home! Home! Home!
I’ve already sanitized my whole body
Is it just my imagination that I’ve somehow
Become shinier than I would be during a normal year?
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
Part of the enjoying telework crowd
Home! Home! Home!
I’m bare face under my mask
I can probably get 100% completion on my life
Just by spending it at home
There’s just something missing…
Soraru: Oh yeah, let’s have a virtual drinking party
Sakata: Ok!
Soraru: Huh, Sakata, you… what snacks are you eating?
Sakata: Huh? Amanatto6
Soraru: Are you an old man!?!?
Sakata: And puffed cereal
Soraru: Like I said, are you an old man!?!?
Sakata: I guess I should finish up soon!
Soraru: …What are you eating?
Sakata: Imo yokan7
Soraru: ARE YOU AN OLD MAN!?!?
Sakata: Well what are you eating?
Soraru: Huh? Tamago Boro8
Sakata: Are you a little kid!?
Soraru: And a lollipop
Sakata: No you are a little kid!!
Soraru: And my drink is orange juice, of course.
Sakata: You’re a little kid!!!
Soraru: You’re a little kid!!!
Sakata: Hey, don’t make fun of me!!! That’s also what a little kid would do!!!
Soraru: …Oh, it’s 5 o’clock. I have to go home soon ☆
Sakata: Ah, a curfew!!! Haven’t had that in a while. Wait, you’re at home right now aren’t you!?
This is super bad
After 4 sit-ups, my whole body is completely sore
But I want to feel like I’m living
For some reason, I’m shaking in front of my mic
Hooray for home!
Actually, I can’t do this so I’m gonna sleep
Hooray for home!
Tomorrow I’ll make my chocolate do sit-ups
A new strain of dystopia
Don’t they spread rumors about me
At the convenience store that’s nearby?
I’m praying in this song
That they’ve already nicknamed me “Chicken Salad”
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
Even if I stay up late, no one will know
Home home home!
It’s midnight now and I’ve been up for a day and a half
My internal clock has already become
An antique clock running mainly on radio waves
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
Sometimes I remember
No, no, no
Actually, I remember it everyday
That stage, the scene I could see from it
That distance that tied us together
Is a little far now but
I’m sure that we’ll meet again!!!
Yay! Yay! Yay!
Until this voice reaches you
Say it! Say it! Say it!
I’ll sing today too so
For the times we’re living in,
We want you to work with us and stay here!
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
For the day we can meet again
Home! Home! Home!
To you, waiting in your room
It’s a waste to finish your life
By spending it only in your house so
Until the day we can meet again
Sakata: But it’s true that just cooping up at home all the time effects your mental health…
Soraru: That’s true… staying home is fun, but sometimes I want to go see my friends. By staying inside all the time, I learned how precious my peaceful, ordinary life was.
Sakata: Right!
Soraru: I’m sure that if we all endure this together, those peaceful, ordinary days will come back, so let’s all try our best until then!
Sakata: Of course! You can’t just think, “I’ll be fine,” you also have to do it to protect the people important to you!!!
Soraru: Yeah. Also…
Sakata: Also?
Soraru: If you feel yourself getting sad, come listen to this song again.
Sakata: Yeah, maybe you’ll feel a little better?
Soraru: Ok, let’s end this how we always do!
Sakata: Ok!
Soraru: 1, 2, 3…
Sakata and Soraru: Thank you for listening to us! Bye bye!
Translator’s Notes:
1.      Rakuen means “paradise” in Japanese so I just left it because redundant line is redundant
2.      This refers to the manzai (Japanese comedy) duo Pekopa. I’m assuming they had a social distancing sketch or something that’s being referenced but I couldn’t find it so soz (also is it just me or does it look like I bleeped out Peppa the Pig or something XD)
3.      Forgive me for my inability to translate puns and putting so many footnotes lol. If there wasn’t a joke made with the word “mitsu” in the next line, I’d translate it like the “Three closes” or something. It refers to a Coronavirus prevention measure in Japan that warns people to avoid rooms with closed ventilation, close crowds, and close contact. This “mitsu” sounds the same as the word for “honey” in Japanese. Also, the types of honey in the following line aren’t exactly direct translations (shiromitsu is probably closer to being translated as “simple syrup”)
4.      Covid-19 is referred to as “the new strain of coronavirus” in the news in Japan
5.      For those who didn’t know this was a thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umbap4pDl0M
6.      Basically candied beans. In my head the closest American equivalent for an old man candy might be Boston baked beans…?
7.      Basically jellied sweet potato
8.      Mini egg Biscuits
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izzyfandoms · 5 years
Okay so I had an au idea this morning and since I have too many ideas I decided not to write it and instead I'm just gonna make a (hopefully not too long) post about it. It features Moxiety and Intruloceit.
-Okay so it starts with a typical zombie apocalypse, though I'm gonna make it so you only turn when infected, so not everyone who dies turns into one because those ones can never really have happy endings
-Our main characters are Virgil Nicholas and Patton Foster, a couple who both work at a child care centre thing (idk what theyre called) that take care of kids up to twelve years old while they're parents are at work
-When the zombie outbreak hits their area (it hit other parts of the country first, and spread quickly), most of the kids were picked up by their parents, and most of the adults left to figure out what was going on, to drop children home, or they just ran away, leaving Virgil, Patton and about a dozen children - including ten-year-old Roman Prince (the eldest of the remaining children), eight-year-old Thomas Sanders, five-year-old Remy Starlight (the youngest) and six-year-old Toby Month.
-They spend the first few days hiding in the centre, having locked and boarded all doors and windows to the outside, eating the food they had left and listening to the radio for updates. The power went out after the first two days and the phones and computers ran out of charge quickly
-Sometimes there's banging and groans from the outside, sometimes even screams, and the group just huddles up together, half the kids are crying and Virgil and Patton have to keep shushing them until the noises are gone
-It's terrifying, and, though Virgil is 99% certain that it's zombies, Patton is adament that it's something small and that everything will be fixed soon.
-However, they run out of food after a few days, so Virgil (despite Patton's protests) goes out to the nearby grocery store to nab some more food for the kids
-There's a terrifying hour of waiting and kids crying that they're hungry and Patton's trying to calm them down and tell them stories
-Virgil returns eventually with a stolen shopping cart filled to the brim with food. He's covered with goop and blood and is shaking.
-He and Patton take the food to the kitchen (leaving Roman in charge temporarily as he's the youngest)
-Virgil reveals that it is in fact a zombie apocalypse and that he didn't see any other survivors in town. He then reveals that he thinks he should go back to the shop and get the rest of the food that he can get so it doesn't get raided first. They get into an argument about it, but in the end they spend the next few days raiding all the nearby shops for food, supplies and weapons (that they keep out of the littlest kids' reach)
-The next month or so passes with minimal incidents
-A rather large horde of zombies passes through at one point, and it's a terrifying day of waiting it out and hoping they don't break the doors down - because they could have, there were enough of them - and they consider themselves lucky to have survived that
-Half the kids catch a stomach bug at one point, and Virgil and Patton are terrified that something'll go wrong, but it ends up okay (they got medicine from a local pharmacy, but don't want to risk using the wrong ones or running out)
-There were also at least three instances of children threatening to run away because they want to find their families, but those are pretty easy to deal with (Patton may not know zombies, but he knows childcare)
-At one point Roman asks to learn how to use a gun just in case cos he's the oldest of the kids and it's heartbreaking but Virgil teaches him
-They spend most of their time cheering the kids up by telling stories, some of them fiction and some of them from the past
-Patton talks about his parents and his younger brother Dorian, who he hasn't seen in years (they drifted apart and Dorian probably didn't get along with their parents)
-The kids also talk about their families (they cry a lot, but it's nice to share and talk about)
-Roman talks about his own older brother Remus, who he didn't see much (he too didnt get along with their parents) but misses very much
-Sad times all around, but they all get super close because of it and Virgil and Patton basically end up like all the little kids' parents
-Anyway back to the main plot
-A bit over a month passes since the zombie apocalypse started, and they've got a pretty decent thing going on
-One day, they're all having story time in the main room, when they suddenly hear footsteps in the hallway
-They all go silent and Patton and Virgil stand protectively in front of the kids with guns
-The door opens and oh plot twist Patton's brother Dorian walks in,,, along with Roman's brother Remus
-Patton and Roman shout their brothers' names in unison and run up to them and there's tears and crying
-Patton's first reaction is 'what the heck' and Roman's first reaction is 'what the fuck' and Remus laughs but Patton scolds him
-Virgil then pretty much repeats the 'what the fuck' (partly cos it makes the kids giggle) and is like 'okay how did you even FIND us'
-Turns out Dorian has been looking for Patton for like Weeks (Remus assumed Roman was with his parents and is lowkey heartbroken to find that Roman's been here the whole time) cos the last time they brothers saw each other was before Patton got the job
-He ended up going back to search their parents house. Their parents weren't there but he found a pic at Patton's apartment. Took him a while to find it but when he did he found a pic of the daycare and went there and there they are.
-Patton and Roman's families have lived in this area their whole lives which is how Dorian and Remus know each other. Also they're dating and have a third boyfriend named Logan Picani. Logan lives with his brother on their parent's farm and is one of those people who've been preparing for the apocalypse for months.
-Dorian reveals Logan's existence before revealing that he and Remus are dating, he basically says 'yeah my other boyfriend lives on a farm its amazing for long term survival against zombies' (but he says it fancier than that)
-Virgil (he's met Dorian before) and Patton's reactions are basically:
Patton: other boyfriend?
Virgil: you're fucking a farmer?
-That almost starts a conversation where tiny Remy asks what fucking is and Remus (who is now holding Roman and will not let go) can not stop laughing
-Patton looks just about ready to choke Virgil and NOT in the kinky way. He doesn't though he's sweet like that
-Anyway Remus and Dorian drove a van here (it's the one Logan's family used to use to transport stuff to sell (it's just him and his brother Emile left though)) so they just about manage to stuff all of them plus as much rations as possible inside
-They make it to the farm and it's got like metal fences and a big gate and yeah Logan's 100% be preparing for the apocalypse for years
-But it wasn't just the whole 'paranoid scientist' (oh yeah he's a scientist) thing, he's actually been hearing of scientists trying to resurrect the dead for a while now and it was going weirdly and he didn't like the sound of that so he was preparing
-The farm has chickens, sheep, horses and bees as well as vegetables and a pond and stuff it used to have a ton of farm hands but like they all left to find their families so it was just Logan, Emile (Logan's brother) and Logan's boyfriends (Dorian and Remus ofc) tending the farm since the apocalypse
-Also Logan's been stockpiling a ton of books with information needed to do all kinds of useful things
-Basically they all make it to the farm and it's all happy and they're safe and they can actually raise the kids properly with a good food and water supply. They set up a makeshift schooling system (Logan has so many books and they go back for the rest of the daycare stuff at some point and they raid so many librarys)
-What I'm saying is that they live happily ever after despite the tragedy that is the zombie apocalypse
-I mean if people don't automatically turn into zombies after death then the zombies will eventually rot away and die and it'll be just humans left and it'll be all good
-And I suppose you could make this angsty and add some bad shit happening but I'm not gonna for once lol
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Hi~. I was wondering... Do you write your scheduled things in advance, like do you write then in few days and then schedule, or do you kinda choose something to write and make a deadline on when it should be written? (I hope that made sense). I really wish I had some kind of schedule, but I don't know how I should go about it. So I'm curious (yeah) how others do it. ~ p.s Super excited for Wednesday and Thursday 👀 *wink wink* -Fellow k-pop writer
So for me personally, I’m an organiser at heart so scheduling ahead is what I aim to be doing 90% of the time. I prefer to be 2-3 weeks ahead with my writing but that’s not always the case with how life can pan out! Right now I am a week ahead. 
I used to do the deadline thing and honestly, it’s just too much pressure. Sometimes, it can really work in your favour - I typically set aside Sunday as a writing/editing day each week so if I feel I have time to get more content ready for the upcoming week, I will use that time to write. And some of my favourite stuff recently has come from a time crunch so I would definitely not discard it from your bag of writing tools, but if you hate being under pressure, aim to write in advance. Sometimes that may even mean taking a posting break, just to stockpile your stories.
I find it’s not only helpful to schedule in advance so you know what’s coming up (I like to know everything lol), but it gives the story time to sit and exit your mind after writing it. If you wrote something today to post tomorrow, you are likely going to edit with the world still fresh in your mind and miss errors because your mind remembers what it wrote. Coming back to something that’s a few days old (or in my case at least a week usually) means you get a new outlook on it and can be more effective in your editing.
At least, this is how I’ve come to find the process. Everyone is different! 
Whilst I do go ahead in my entire month and write down in pencil what I’d like to put where before it’s written, it’s important to not feel trapped by having a schedule. Don’t feel like, “Oh, I said I was going to write Kihyun for Thursday. I must do it even though I’m really wanting to write about Jackson instead.” Choose Jackson. Choose what is sparking your inspiration. I cannot tell you how many times March and April content has changed about all because I randomly wrote my Jaebum series a couple of weeks ago, and now I have my new one starting on the 30th. Be flexible to your ideas even if you’re trying to schedule in advance.
I really hope this makes sense. This method isn’t for everyone but it’s what keeps this blog running as best as I can make it!
Also this upcoming week is basically a week full of my biases! I didn’t even plan it that way, but it’s happened! Wednesday’s story is super cute. Thursday’s one however, it’s spicy and I kind of love it XD 
Thanks so much for stopping by to ask this question, I really hope it helps!! If you have anymore questions about scheduling how I do it, I’ll be all too happy to go more in-depth <3
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Fifty-One: Turtle ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Healing Waters and Scorching Flames ] [ AO3 Link ]
She’ll admit...it’s a little strange coming back here now. Hinata’s first visit to the capital of the Fire Nation had been during the Day of Black Sun - the solar eclipse that had been the allies’ hope to finally bring an end to the Hundred Year War. A day when, without the sun, the firebenders were to be completely powerless. But the plan went horribly awry thanks to leaked information...and the Avatar’s group was forced to flee and leave the rest of the invasion behind.
The only successes had been the freedom of Omashu, and the final straw in the change of heart within Sasuke.
Her second (and until now, final) visit to the city had been during the passing of Madara’s Comet. While Naruto faced the Fire Lord, Sasuke went to try and finally bring reason to his older brother. Though there had been the beginnings of a duel, Sasuke’s own revelation had been enough to overcome the last shreds of Itachi’s doubt...and they’d reached a peaceful resolution. With Naruto’s defeat of Fugaku, there had been an end to the war at last.
And from there? Years and years of diplomatic reparations, finding balance, and keeping every member of Team Avatar busy enough that visits between them have been few and far between.
Hinata herself has been using the time since the end of the war attempting to undo the damage done by the Fire Nation against the Southern Water tribes. The scattered remnants had been united, and the stolen waterbenders returned to the south. Reuniting them with family hadn’t been easy...and comforting both sides had taken its toll. Both prisoners and those who remained had to face losses: captives that had died during the war, and vice versa. Many no longer had homes to return to once it was all over.
The port where the prior prisoners were released turned into a makeshift refugee camp in their own territory. Shelters were built, resources stockpiled, and displaced tribesmen kept until new paths could be made. At first unintended, it turned into a hub that eventually grew into a city. Though many tribes, once steady, returned to their various homes...some, especially those without family or homes to return to, remained and helped the new city thrive.
Only now that things have begun to settle has Hinata found any time to leave the south. Given her connections with the Avatar, and the personal growth she obtained during her months fighting, it was she without question who was looked to - and is still looked to - for guidance in the south. But...she’s earned a much-deserved break, and has agreed to meet a few of the others in the Fire Nation to just...see one another.
Kiba decides to remain to handle the mantle in her place. The one nonbender of the group, he now leads the Southern Water tribe army. There’s no one else Hinata would entrust their progress to in her absence. He’ll be missed during their get-together, but he insists she deserves the break more than he. Hinata had been unable to argue otherwise, and so, rides on a ship to the island country alone.
Passing the gates that guard the bay, Hinata can’t help but look to them somberly. Much has changed these past few years...herself among them. And given how little she’s seen of her friends since the war’s end, she can only assume their metamorphoses will be just as apparent.
As the ship docks and she makes her way topside to disembark, Hinata can’t help a pause. Rather than a small escort to take her to the palace, the second prince is here himself to greet her.
Sasuke, flanked only by two guards, looks so...different.
Having been previously weighed by his father’s expectations, his own duality, and the struggles he faced, he now looks so much...lighter. Gone is the constant furrow to his brow, or the shadows in his eyes. True, some linger under them from exhaustion, but none of them are afforded much time to rest, even now. He just seems...more relaxed. Calm.
In fact, he affords her a genuine - albeit tired - smile as she makes her way down to the dock. “Hinata,” he greets with a small bow. “It’s good to see you. Were the seas calm for your voyage…?”
Still a bit taken aback, Hinata blinks before smiling in turn. “They were. It was a pleasant trip. But I’m glad to be back on land for the time being.”
“And here I thought a waterbender could never tire of water.”
That earns a light laugh. “Water, no...bobbing and dipping in a ship, maybe. Has anyone else arrived yet…?”
“No, not yet. And Kiba isn’t with you, right?”
“No, he’s keeping an eye on things while I’m gone. Developments in the south are still very...ongoing.”
Sasuke nods, expression tingeing a bit gravely for a moment. “I understand...I’ve heard bits and pieces about what’s been going on down there. You’re doing amazing work.”
Her head ducks, humble at the praise. “It’s what needs to be done. And I’m happy to do it. Seeing my people come back from the hardships they suffered gives me hope. We’ve always been a tough people, but this has been our g-greatest test.”
For a moment, something passes over Sasuke’s face. But before she can question it, he gestures. “Well, for now, I suppose we’ll make our way up to the palace. You haven’t seen it since the repairs, have you?”
“No...this is my first trip back since the end of the war, and Itachi’s coronation.”
Surprise pulls at his features. “...has it really been that long?”
“It has,” she replies with a weary smile. “Time sure has flown, hasn’t it?”
“...yeah. Guess being so caught up will do that to you. One moment you’re just starting a new month...the next, you turn around and three have passed. There’s hardly been a dull moment since the war ended.”
A nod. “All I can hope is that it slows a bit soon. It would be nice to enjoy the labor we’ve been giving for so long. Just for a bit.”
“It would.” With her agreement, Sasuke leads Hinata toward the palace. “I can’t wait to see everyone...Naruto’s efforts in the Earth Kingdom were the last time I saw him, trying to sort out the Fire Nation occupants.”
“Was that ever resolved…?”
“Yes...and we’re working on plans to make it even better. But we can talk about that when he’s here to chime in. I think he’s got a better handle on it than I do, honestly. I’ve been more focused on aiding Itachi here as of late.”
Light small talk fills the air during their trek to the central building, and Hinata can’t help but wonder at the sheer size of it. It and the Earth Palace always make her feel so small. Nothing has ever compared to her little southern village.
“We can wait in the gardens for a while - I’ll have some tea brought out.”
Snapped from her reverie as Sasuke speaks, Hinata reflexively smiles. “That sounds great. I haven’t seen the gardens yet.”
“It’s honestly my favorite part of the entire palace. My mother and I spent a lot of time here before she...left.”
The pause earns a glance, but Hinata doesn’t press the subject.
They pass through only a few hallways before making their way into the gardens...and Hinata can’t help but stare. It’s...beautiful! Green, lush, and filled with ponds and fountains. After a lifetime in the snow and ice, plantlife and even grass still fill her with excitement. “They’re amazing…!”
“Let me show you the best part.” Approaching a pond, Sasuke takes a knee, seeming to...look for something.
Unsure what his intent is, Hinata does the same.
“...there!” Pointing, he gestures to a patch of reeds along the other end. From them...emerge several little creatures Hinata has never seen before.
Her eyes go wide. “They’re so cute…! What are they?”
“Ducks. See, they have a shell, like the great lion turtles,” Sasuke explains. “Just...a lot smaller, and a lot fluffier.”
“I love them already…” Hinata murmurs, watching as they swim their way a bit closer, quacking softly. A few turtleducklings make their way to the bank, and she gently brushes a finger over one’s head.
Beside her, watching from the corner of his eye, Sasuke can’t help a hint of a smile.
“I wish we had these back home...but I think it’s likely far too cold.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. But I guess that gives you a reason to visit, huh?”
Looking up, Hinata simply replies, “I already have a reason.”
Sasuke can’t help a blink of surprise, the bridge of his nose alighting a soft pink just as a courier steps into garden with a bow.
“Prince Sasuke, the Avatar and the earthbender will be here soon - word has been sent ahead with a...lemur of sorts.”
Moment broken, the pair glance up. “Thank you,” the Uchiha replies. “We’ll get ready to meet them.”
“Well, there goes the peace and quiet,” Hinata observes with a light laugh behind a hand.
“True...but it’ll be good to see them.”
“Mhm. But...maybe we’ll avoid showing them the turtleducks. I’m not sure the little things will appreciate the noise.”
Sasuke can’t help a humorous scoff. “...you have a point. We’ll visit them again later, when the others are busy.”
Just the two of us.
     Hi so this is technically yesterday's entry...I'm sorry it's late but I was gone LITERALLY all day and was pooped when I got home real late, so...this is me finally getting it done ;w; Sorry about the wait, loves~      But anyway! Back to the AtLA crossover...which I'm still not 100% satisfied with. Sasuke just makes so much more sense to fit Azula's role, but...I want him to be Zuko. And Itachi just does NOT fit her role AT ALL, so...hence me not being 100% sure what to do with the epic sibling battle. Whoops, lol - but that's not the focus! Turtleducks are by far (imo) the cutest AtLA fusion animal. Just...I love them. And now Hinata does too.      Anywho, I still need to do today's prompt - that'll be later! For now I've gotta run and get other stuff done, but thanks for reading!
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 214: 4th Popularity Poll and 5th Set Climax
Previously on BnHA: Deku met a Hellboy-looking dude in another one of his One For All Dreams and they had a chat! This friendly yet intimidating fella told Deku that the power that had just exploded out of him was actually the dude’s quirk, Blackwhip. It turns out that OFA hasn’t just been stockpiling physical power; all six of the prior wielder’s quirks are included in the package as well! It’s just that up until now, none of the other wielders has ever been able to access them. Before vanishing back into the dream abyss, Deku’s new friend told him he needed to gain better control of his emotions, as his anger toward Monoma was what triggered Blackwhip’s rampage and made it so difficult to handle. Back in the real world, Deku awakened unharmed thanks to Ochako and Shinsou’s efforts. But since the teachers hadn’t called off the battle yet, Monoma came rushing in to attack, with the rest of Team B not being far behind. Mina and Mineta showed up to battle Yanagi, Shouda, and Kodai (they really need to do something about that number disadvantage), while Ochako battled Monoma and Shinsou got ready to take on Deku. The teachers are still watching btw, but it seems like they want to see how this plays out.
Today on BnHA: The newest popularity poll results are revealed and I have a lot of thoughts. A lot of thoughts. Vlad and All Might question why Aizawa wants to let the kids keep fighting, and Aizawa says it’s cuz they’re all still trying their hardest to win. Mineta saves Mina’s life and then completely ruins it because of course he does, but she takes it in stride and uses him to attack the others by flinging him at high speed to ricochet endlessly off of his grapes in a Gran Torino-esque fashion. Monoma tries to attack Deku with One for All but it doesn’t do anything (fortunately for Monoma), and Ochako then takes him down while Deku goes after Shinsou. Deku by the way is fighting quirkless because he’s worried that if he tries to use OFA right now he’ll lose control and put everyone in danger again. He and Shinsou start tusslin’ and we have a flashback to when Ponytail!Aizawa (omg) was training Shinsou on how to use his capture weapon. Back in the present, Shinsou uses the scarf to send a bunch of heavy pipes crashing down towards Deku. But Deku chooses this moment to make peace with himself and his quirk, and catches the pipes using Blackwhip.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 225, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
how are BnHA’s Jump covers always so epic you guys
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Shinsou you better watch out, Deku’s fist is too close for comfort. well you’re the one who wanted to fight him again buddy
all right now let’s check out that character poll
oh, nice
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...okay so apparently the results were actually in chapter 207? but the color spread wasn’t released until this chapter wtf why
okay well let me analyze the color page first, and then I’ll go find and complain about the poll results
BAKUGOU AND DEKU’S SWORDS. okay I’ve seen this image before and I love it so much, and that is of course because it’s a sequel to the color page from chapter 120. and the two of them are now each carrying one half of All Might’s sword. basically this is symbolic confirmation that the two of them together will carry All Might’s legacy forward. this is so important to me you guys. this brings me so much joy and happiness
can we talk about what Hawks is wearing. I thought this was a medieval AU, but he’s looking rather steampunk to me. what, are you too cool for D&D, Hawks? also is that a literal hawk. that you’re holding. for some reason. huh
can we talk about what Todoroki is wearing?? and also what the actual hell is going on with his face? he’s wearing some sort of weird mask. and his outfit looks nothing like it did in the previous AU color spread. was Horikoshi just being extra or is this some indicator of a crazy plotline coming up for him somewhere down the road?
loooooool Endeavor being in the top ten must have pissed off lord knows how many people. it would have pissed me off, before the Endeavorhawks arc. but I’m cool with it now. I get it. having him as your favorite doesn’t mean you’re giving a ringing endorsement of all his actions; it just means he’s a compelling character who’s been getting some really good development lately. still absurd that he’d be ranked over Aizawa, but if I’m honest with myself it really should be Jeanist who was bumped down for that. he’s just there because Japan apparently shares the same weird tastes as myself. by the way how fucking strange is it to see Jeanist without any Jeans holy shit is that even allowed
and winding down here, (1) I’m glad to see All Might still in the top ten ranks at least, (2) Iida is a handsome boy and I love how his armor is reminiscent of his Ingenium costume here, and that he’s the one actually riding the dragon (be careful Iida or my idiot son is going to fall right off its head), (3) Kirishima is still as popular as ever I see, and lastly (4) Momo being in the top 10 is giving me life and I hope she gets some more spotlight this year! it was great to see her as the head of her respective Joint Training battle team
okay! so now let me find the list from chapter 207
holy shit, okay so first of all let me just say that apparently this poll received almost 81,000 votes. for comparison, the third poll only received about 36,000
so having said that, it is absolutely astounding that my boy Bakugou came in at number one yet again, with a margin of over 1000 votes. glad to see you being appreciated boyo
and Shouto made it to #2 for the first time! good job hot and cold! the Endeavorhawks arc definitely gave him a boost as well I think. and well deserved!
and my boy Deku at #3, but while the difference between Katsuki and Shouto is only about 1200 votes, the difference between Shouto and Izuku is more than 7,400. basically the top two are in a league of their own here goddamn
and Hawks is all the way at #4! holy shit! more than 4,500 votes between him and Deku, mind, and Kirishima is nipping at his heels less than 200 votes away from him, but still, that’s amazing given how recently he made his debut and how relatively few chapters he’s been in. I expect the number of votes for him to skyrocket in the next poll, assuming we get more of that double agent storyline. Touya -- I mean Dabi -- is probably gonna get a boost too lol
my boy Finest Jeanist on God’s Green Earth is next at 6th, and then MOMO IN 7TH PLACE YAAAAAY GO MOMO
Iida beat All Might as well and made it to #9! though only by 100 votes
and All Might is in 10th, and then Aizawa is at 11th. oh Aizawa. you were upstaged by a crotchety old man seeking to make amends for his past sins, and a denim-clad meme who nearly made the ultimate sacrifice against AFO and then proceeded to not be in the manga for 120 chapters and counting. but it’s okay you were never in this for the fame
anyways the rest of the results are listed here, but some quick parting remarks:
Gang Orca came in at 15th, presumably thanks to his EXTRA GUIDANCE
my boy Denki is in 16th place and I want him to keep moving up! go kick Shindou’s ass. how the hell did that tool make it all the way to 14th place
Ojiro is still inexplicably popular to me. he’s a nice guy but you could replace him with a cardboard cutout of himself probably and I bet you it would take some time before anyone noticed something was off
Jirou is at 21st despite her performance in the Band AU arc and that is fucked up, people. WHERE IS THE RESPECT
Shinsou somehow went down despite finally making his reappearance in the series?? I seriously don’t understand how popularity works, at all
Overhaul beat Mirio by 3 votes and while I’m so psyched Mirio did better than the last poll (up to 26th place! these 455 people have impeccable taste), this fact is utterly depressing to me. did these people actually read the arc, for real
NIGHTEYE IS AT 27TH AND I’M SO SAD. not about him being at 27th, because that’s actually pretty good. but just, you know. because once again I am reminded that he’s dead sob
lastly, in the American popularity poll Bakugou received 38,000 fucking votes holy shit. we may not have any fucking clue how to vote for presidents but at least we fucking got something right, goddamn. and Mirio in 9th place. and Aizawa in 6th. you guys are all right, US fandom
anyways that took like 25 years and if I’d known it was going to be this long I would have saved the poll to be its own damn recap lol. but now on to the actual chapter!
Vlad this is just how we do things around here. not all of us can be ~safe~ teachers whose students don’t get attacked and abducted every Wednesday afternoon. some of us like to live on the edge and be super irresponsible because we’re lazy and also because the students will honestly manage to get into trouble regardless of whether we do our jobs or not
and anyways Aizawa says that if Deku’s quirk acts up again he’ll stop it so it’ll be fine
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and All Might’s asking Aizawa why
well it’s obviously because he wants to give Shinsou a chance to complete his examination. and maybe he wants to see how the kids deal with this unexpected twist as well. so long as nobody gets hurt, why not
oh my god Aizawa
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this man is fighting to reclaim that top 10 spot. never give up. never surrender
so we’re cutting to panels of all 9 battlin’ kids, and he says all of them are still trying to win this battle
because fucking plus ultra, in other words
sob I should be more indignant shouldn’t I. has this school actually made me come around to their way of thinking
nah, it’s only because everything is clearly fine now. had this scene taken place even 90 seconds earlier I would have been all “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, OF COURSE YOU SHOULD STOP THEM”
lol what
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he just shows his affection in some very strange ways tbh
anyway so here we go! back to the kiddos! Deku and Shinsou are each holding onto Shinsou’s scarf and staring each other down!
and now Shinsou has GONE FISHIN’
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this is beyond hilarious to me. oh my god. Deku you could just let go
but I guess he thought he could out-muscle him. like if anything, he’d be the one pulling Shinsou down to where he is. but instead he’s falling off of the platform where he and Ochako were standing
and Ochako’s running over and she’s all “Deku lost...?! in a power struggle?!”
that makes it sound like Game of Thrones lmao
Deku’s glancing back up at her and says he can’t use his quirk right now because he’s worried about putting everyone in danger again
yeah, that’s probably a good call. at least until you get a handle on your emotions. even ol’ Hellboy was all “much as I love my awesome fucking quirk, it’s been powered up to here and back now so results may vary”
Ochako says that in that case they should retreat and regroup
lol how are you going to fucking retreat. this has already turned into a melee battle, they’ll just follow you
and Deku says that if they retreat now, they’ll lose
ah, good point
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this is their chance to capture him, when he’s exposed and his quirk which relies heavily on stealth and surprise has been neutralized
Ochako’s jogging over to him
oh my god
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oh to see Katsuki’s reaction to this. sigh
oh. but Deku is dotting and he says “not exactly”
what are you up to you mysterious little chia pet
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(ETA: you know, I made fun at the time, but given all the other shit we’ve seen today, I have to give her credit for at least warning her opponents before attempting to maim them.)
and class B is just doing the same damn thing as before
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I’m surprised they’re not trying to go on offense. mind you, it shows that they have a lot of respect for Mina’s offense and they don’t feel like getting pummeled by acid this fine afternoon, which is understandable
oh shit but here we go
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...holy shit
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good job Mineta. how many panels before you say something stupid to enrage us all again
oh shit I scrolled down to the rest of the page and SO FAR SO GOOD?! wow this is like a record
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Mineta did something smart and creative and swooped in to save a teammate and didn’t say or do anything perverted to ruin it?? better get me an umbrella cuz I suspect the other shoe will be dropping shortly
(ETA: 3... 2...)
aaaaaaaaaaaand the very first panel on the next page is him being smacked into Mina’s chest as a result of the twin impact, apparently just as planned
well so much for that. he made it a whole five panels though
hey, imagine if Horikoshi had written that scene and then not thrown in that last part in for absolutely no reason. imagine if Mineta was like that all the time. underestimated and mostly overlooked because of his mascot-like appearance and oddball quirk, but impressing us all with surprisingly clutch saves at crucial moments. kind of like the little niche that Aoyama has established for himself. it honestly wouldn’t be that hard to make Mineta an interesting and actually funny character, and the fact that we’re going on five years of the same old shit instead is kinda disheartening
anyways, enough mourning what could have been, I guess. in the meantime Mina is grabbing him and hurling him lmao
and he’s bouncing around like a ping pong ball and class B is trying to avoid getting hit by him
oh my god. he is the special attack
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ain’t nobody wanna get hit by that. that’s a smart move
Shouda says he wants to pull back, but they’re kind of surrounded now and it’s hard to come up with a plan in the spur of the moment
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all credit to Mina’s astounding creative mind, which has fucking flourished in these last couple of arcs and I hope it continues to do so. she is brilliant
Tsuburaba says Shouda is having to protect the other two because they’re weak at close-range combat? say what now?? how is a telekinesis quirk weak at close-range combat, exactly?? just float some metal shit into the air and wait for Mineta to inevitably ricochet into it and concuss himself and just like that you’re free to take on Mina three against one. even someone as awesome as her would struggle with that
meanwhile, Jirou is wondering why the hell the teachers haven’t stopped the battle yet
and here’s the first we’ve seen of Katsuki since The Thing happened, so yeah you bet I’m posting that shit
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he looks openly confused, and not in his normal “I don’t know what’s going on and that pisses me off so Imma make an angry face” way. but in a more overtly “what the fuck” way. not that dissimilar to the way he looked when he was watching All Might battle AFO, but with less panic, thankfully
it definitely says a lot about how far his relationship with Deku has come that this is his reaction, though. confusion and maybe slight concern, rather than anger or jealousy or automatically thinking this is something new Deku had up his sleeve that he was purposely hiding from him. he really has come such a long way since Ground Beta
anyway so here’s Deku and Ochako taking on Monoma
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at least someone is using that TK quirk. or is that twin impact that he’s using. well either way, at least he’s doing something and not just standing there
oh look more Monoma monologuing
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officially the most dramatic motherfucker who ever lived. but more importantly,
why he would attempt to use a quirk that he has seen breaking its original owner’s bones and only MOMENTS AGO causing its owner intense pain as he flailed around out of control is beyond me. he kind of snapped here and got all go big or go home, I guess
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Deku I assure you it very much can
now Ochako’s telling Monoma to stop and that it’s dangerous! and she’s charging toward him!
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wow what??
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so he was trying to activate it but it wouldn’t work?
well (1) he’s damn lucky it didn’t, and (2) is that because Deku’s technically quirkless? or is it because the nature of OFA makes it so it can’t be copied or passed on to anyone against the owner’s will? that is really convenient if so
(ETA: or (3) he did copy the quirk but not the accumulated power stored within it. oooh I have some thoughts on that. gonna try and take some time this evening to type out that OFA essay.)
Shinsou’s trying to save his partner, but!
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oh shit
he looks so caught off guard sob. Deku are you gonna punch him. please be gentle he is still new to this
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once again, I submit for your consideration: your MVP
you see Monoma, this is how you take a supposed “supporting character” quirk and elevate it to its max potential
so now Deku’s tackling Shinsou and they’re tumbling onto the ground
Shinsou’s making another attempt to get Deku to talk but our boy is too smart for that shit now. fool him once, shame on you. fool him twice, shame on him. but you still haven’t managed to fool him thrice so it looks like he can be taught!
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and Shinsou is again saying he’s not the same as when they last fought
ahhhhhhhh we’re cutting back to the teachers now ARE WE GONNA GET SOME SHINY MENTOR FEELS
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oh my god oh my god
mentor feels! All Might you’re not the only one who’s been training kids out in the woods in the wee hours of the morning!
Aizawa is self-taught holy fucking shit this man’s talent is severely underrated
and I don’t think I’ve rambled about this yet, but! now we’re finally getting to see why Aizawa took such a personal interest in Shinsou, and I’ve been waiting and waiting for this and I’m so happy we’re finally getting to it. he sees himself in him. they both have powerful quirks capable of incapacitating even the strongest opponents, but the catch is that those quirks are mental rather than physical. physically they are essentially quirkless, and so if they ever get caught off-guard -- or pitted against giant robot opponents, or opponents who are otherwise immune to their abilities -- they’re at a huge disadvantage
so here’s this kid who’s very much like him, and Aizawa has no obligation to reach out to him, but he does so all the same, because he cares, and if he can help this kid fulfill his dreams and not have to stumble along and make it up as he goes the way he had to, isn’t that worth doing?
Aizawa Shouta let me just once again say that it’s a war crime that you were not ranked in the top ten, and I think we need to conduct a special investigation into these poll results. I’m only seeking justice and the truth
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so now Shinsou’s shouting again that he’s not the same as he was back then!
and he’s using his capture weapon to bring a bunch of heavy pipes crashing on top of them!
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(ETA: I think because it’s a reminder that all of the past wielders of OFA are just as good and pure as All Might in their own ways, and they’ve all been working tirelessly to fight evil this whole time, and it’s like Deku doesn’t have just one mentor, but he has eight now.)
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(ETA: of course he did. this is Deku, he takes and learns from everyone. I love it.)
oh my god. what a damn chapter. this recap is almost 4000 words and it was worth it. I love this arc
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mariaarnt · 5 years
Attack of the Clones Canon Divergence Poly OT3 Plot Bunny
So I dreamed the ENTIRETY of this last night, and I absolutely love it. However, since I literally need to crank out an entire YA novel by November (in addition to editing and publishing the first two in the series), I do not have the time it deserves to write it. Come December, I’ll have the new sequel to inspire me, and will likely write about that instead of more prequel stuff nobody cares about.
But, since my muse DEMANDS validation, I must share the idea with you. Because the summary I cranked out in a couple hours is very long and I respect your time and dash space, I’ll put it under a cut.
Super short version: because things went differently in AoC, Padme, Anakin, & Obi-wan end up in a Poly relationship, fight Palpatine and win, and Padme becomes Supreme Chancellor. I promise it makes sense but you gotta read the long version for that.
Follows the plot of AoC until
Padme insists on going with Anakin when he goes to find his mother. She’s able to comfort him & keep him calm. He can’t slaughter the Tusken village & protect her at the same time, so they simply leave undetected with Shmi’s body.
They arrive back in time to receive Obi-wan’s message live. The conversation is very short as Padme convinces him they should rendezvous nearby & he can use her ship’s more powerful communications array to contact the Jedi council. He quickly agrees & is able to leave Geonosis before the droids find him.
After they rendezvous, Obi-wan contacts the Jedi council & tells them about the Clone Army. When they suggest that they should use it to invade Geonosis, Padme butts in and warns the council that this would start a war they’re not prepared to fight. The clones were commissioned for the Republic, so the Senate should decide what to do with them. They reluctantly agree.
With no imminent emergency, Palpatine is not granted special powers. The Senate bickers about what to do with the army. A growing faction, including Padme, Bail Organa, & Mon Mothma, believe they should allow the Separatists to secede & have their own government in order to prevent a cataclysmic war. Palpatine is not happy with this, and his warmongering efforts cause him to begin to lose control of the Senate.
Padme continues to work with Obi-wan & Anakin to mediate issues concerning the Clone Army. Since they were commissioned by a Jedi (allegedly) but for the Republic, there’s still some question as to jurisdiction. The Jedi complain that there are too few of them to keep the peace in such volatile times, and if they were allowed to lead the army as generals they could do better. The Senate’s compromise is to deploy the Clone Army as a peacekeeping force in place of the Jedi, answering to the local government authorities. They are particularly used in areas that are being harassed by the Separatists who have expressed no desire to join them. The Separatists likewise deploy their droid armies to areas they are having difficulty holding on to. All action takes place terrestrially, and besides a few skirmishes with locals, there is no active fighting between the two forces, although there are several very tense standoffs. The end result is a cold war, with stockpiling continuing until they are close to reaching assured mutual destruction.
Throughout this time Padme, Anakin, & Obi-wan all become extremely close with each other. The unresolved sexual tension between Padme & Anakin is nearly unbearable, but Anakin does his best to respect her wishes (it’s very Victorian lol, lots of situations where they end up in close physical contact, or try to comfort each other without giving in, etc). Padme & Obi-wan find each other incredibly intellectually stimulating, often engaging in “wit-sparring” when one of them plays the devil’s advocate, until Anakin about wants to throttle them both. And as Anakin matures into adulthood, Obi-wan finds that their brotherly bond is deepening into something the Jedi would likely disapprove of. (But he made a promise to Master Qui Gon and he is determined to see it through).
Finally, one day Padme decides to take action (as usual). She sits them both down in private. First, she tells Anakin that she’s reconsidered their conversation at Varykino, and she has come to agree with him. She’s tired of pretending that there is nothing between them. When Obi-wan uncomfortably objects that maybe he shouldn’t be present for this conversation, Padme turns to him & explains that she has fallen in love with him too, she just thought it was best to tell Anakin first so he didn’t go on a jealous rampage. (They all agree she’s probably right, even Anakin). Then she notes that she may not be a Jedi, but even she can tell there’s something between the two of them, too. Obi-wan turns bright red & objects that this would be completely inappropriate to a Master-padawan relationship, while a surprised Anakin says he thought it was actually part of that relationship, and to be expected. Besides, he should have been allowed to do his trials by now anyway (he salty) so it shouldn’t matter.
Padme asks, and stresses that she’s asking, not requesting or demanding, if they would be willing to leave the Jedi order & get married. 3-person marriages are not unheard of on Naboo, and before Kings & Queens were elected, they often had multiple spouses (as many as 5) as the emotional care & support of a regent was often too much work for one person. Anakin immediately agrees without hesitation. He’s had it up to here with the Jedi order, and he would do anything for her. Obi-wan is a little more reticent. He had considered leaving once Anakin passed his trials, as his duty to his own Master would have been fulfilled. But he feels the need to disclose his previous & ongoing love for Satine Kyrze. Padme says she can certainly understand if he would rather go to her, although it pains her to say so. Obi-wan simply smiles sadly and says “she never asked me to leave, though.” He just wants them to know the relationship exists. He doesn’t want to go into this with secrets.
That decided, Padme reveals that the reason she is asking now is that Bail & Mon Mothma (among others) have been encouraging her to make a bid for the position of Supreme Chancellor. Palpatine’s insanity is starting to show, and while it’s uncommon for subsequent Chancellors to come from the same planet, her calm & reasoned handling of the Two Armies Incident has garnered her a lot of support. It’s becoming clear that a war would last decades, if not centuries, and would probably only end in the entire dissolution of civilization as they know it. But she doesn’t think she has the strength to do it without them, and if they remained with the Jedi there would always be rumors that she was being used as a puppet. The Jedi are still largely out of favor as they seem resentful for being removed from their role as peacekeepers in the galaxy and relegated to spiritual leaders only, despite it being more consistent with their philosophy. Freed from their responsibility to the Jedi, Obi-wan could act as an impartial advisor to those things concerning the Jedi. Anakin says he’s not sure how he could help beyond emotional support, he’s terrible at politics, and they both kind of stare at him for a moment. “Anakin, you can be very intimidating sometimes,” Padme tells him. “Uh, thanks?” he says sarcastically. Obi-wan catches on easily. “Sometimes, it’s easier to get things done quickly if there’s a little intimidation behind the request,” he explains. “Oh, so I’m going to be the enforcer?” he asks, a little offended. Then he sits there and thinks about it a minute. “Yeah, I could do that. I’d probably be good at it,” he grins. “Do I get a title? A lot easier to be intimidating when people have to call you “lord” so-and-so.”
This leads to a not-unrelated conversation where Anakin admits that Palpatine has said some very concerning things to him & he is beginning to suspect he may have dabbled in the dark side of the Force (he’s also not sure how he feels about that). Padme agrees and admits that one of the reasons she’s been so resistant to a relationship with Anakin for so long was partly because her old mentor seemed so bent on pressuring her into it. It seemed wrong, especially when Anakin was so young and she thought it would essentially ruin his future. Obi-wan also agrees that it often seemed that Palpatine seemed to be trying to supplant his place as Anakin’s Master, but as he often found himself at a loss for how to guide him, he couldn’t gainsay the additional advice.
Padme & Obi-wan begin to discuss the logistics of them leaving the order (this will be his 4th time so he’s old hat at it) and getting married so as to minimize the political scandal. Anakin seems to be having trouble paying attention & keeps staring at the door. Padme makes a joke about him being impatient as she is to get it over with, but he says “Something’s wrong. Something’s… coming.” Just then the chime for her front door sounds. They sit in silence for a moment, and Obi-wan says the classic “I have a bad feeling about this,” line. Padme decides to answer via an interior room’s communication panel, rather than at the door. Anakin & Obi-wan take places to ready for an attack. At the door is a young woman, one of Palpatine’s aides. No one else is visible on the security camera, but Anakin says he can sense at least 5 more people, and Obi-wan agrees. Padme turns on the audio and says she’s in a private meeting and asks what it is the aide needs. She’s informed that Palpatine has sent to make sure that Padme is alright, as there is breaking news of Jedi attacking Clone Army units & local government throughout the galaxy, and he understood she was likely to be in the company of two Jedi. (In truth, he’s executed order 66 and spun it as incited by the Jedi). Padme responds that no, she’s just fine, and thank you for your concern.
Apparently, this is the wrong answer. The door bursts open, and a unit of clone troopers storms in. These are men that Anakin & Obi-Wan know personally, have worked with, and it’s extremely unsettling to be fighting them. In the process, Anakin’s arm is cut off when he hesitates. (Is he distracted by Padme or Obi-wan getting hurt? Does he freeze when thinks he must kill Commander Cody, a friend? Haven’t decided). But the three of them manage to prevail until they have one injured Clone Trooper left - Commander Cody. Despite his injuries, Anakin uses his pain to gain the power to pull the necessary information from his mind (think Kylo Ren, definitely dark side stuff). He learns the truth about Order 66, and breaks the chip. They rush Anakin and Cody to a medcenter, where Padme turns on the holonet and they see the violence unfolding all over the galaxy. Because the Jedi were not actively working with the clone troopers, it has not been as quick or as successful. The Jedi temple is under siege. Anakin expresses concern for the fate of the younglings within and argues that they should go fight to liberate the temple, despite the fact that he is actively being fitted for a prosthetic arm. When Obi-wan protests, Anakin argues that he can just use the pain to his advantage. Obi-wan chastises him for giving in to the dark side, but Anakin just yells “does it matter which side I use if I’m saving lives? If I’m protecting people???” Without a good argument to the contrary, Obi-wan shuts up.
Padme, however, does have a good argument. Vigilante action is likely to just get them killed along with all the other Jedi. She’s just received word that an emergency session of the Senate is being called. If they can bring Commander Cody’s confession as evidence, it’s more than enough to get Palpatine impeached for abuse of power. They rush to the Senate building, and Bail has already started proceedings for a vote of no confidence. When they present the evidence, Palpatine loses his shit and pulls his “I AM the Senate!” nonsense. Think Yoda-vs-Palpatine in the 3rd movie, but the whole Senate is there and it’s Palpatine vs. Obi-wan & Anakin together. But by now, they’ve learned how to be an effective team, and Anakin has the element of surprise as he absorbs Palpatine’s lightning and throws it right back in his face. (There’s some comment along the lines of “bitch, please, you’re the one who told me how to do this shit).
At the end of the fight, they have Palpatine pinned but they won’t hold him for long. Obi-wan is arguing that they should try to find a way, that he must stand trial, but Anakin is arguing he’s too powerful. They both look to Padme. She knows that this will probably destroy her shot at the Chancellery, but it’s the right thing to do. She tells Anakin to do what he thinks is right. He kills Palpatine. They retrieve Commander Cody, and he helps them figure out how to rescind Order 66. A lot of damage has been done, but the Temple held fast and the losses, while significant, are not even half of the Jedi order as a whole.
In the aftermath, the Jedi Council rules that while killing Palpatine was likely the right course of action, Anakin’s use of the Dark Side makes him ineligible to become a Jedi Knight and he must leave the order. He has the distinct pleasure of telling them the equivalent of, “you can’t fire me, I quit.” A beaming Obi-wan declares that he’s out, too. Bail Organa has been given interim control of the Senate, but he makes it clear that it’s only until things calm down. Padme, Anakin, and Obi-wan are married in a quiet but public ceremony. Shortly after, the Senate reconvenes and surprisingly elects Padme anyway. Apparently, her decision to support Anakin’s argument was actually widely accepted (it’s pretty clear the trial would have ended in the same way anyway). She almost immediately becomes pregnant (dammit Anakin and his super-special chosen-one Force-sperm lol) but she’s confident navigating that at the process of reforming the Republic into a Federation. The galaxy has grown too big to be ruled directly. It will be split into individual factions who agree to a loose constitution of basic rights and laws, but the particulars are left to the rule of the region. The Separatists are offered a seat at the Federation table, and surprisingly, they take it (without Palpatine pushing his buttons, Dooku makes a remarkably capable leader). Peace reigns in the Galaxy, Padme retires the role of Chancellor and they go to live on the estate that Obi-wan apparently now inherits (along with lots of money) and all raise a very happy and well-adjusted Luke & Leia.
Anakin still kind of wants to strangle Padme & Obi-wan when they argue though.
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kpopboops · 5 years
Baby- Astro
Genre: fluff, D. Store is a cafe, so many uwus 
Word Count: 2245
Based on the Baby MV which was so cute I’m crying, also got inspiration from this post: https://kpopboops.tumblr.com/post/183789192747/astro-dstore-head-canon by @nojam-secrettime
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A/N: Before this starts, I’m just going to go over each member’s flavors (like each person’s soda thing in the mv lol) and their job at the cafe. 
MJ: orange, cashier, helps out with barista-ing 
Jinjin: green apple, manager, helps out anyone that needs it, well-rounded
Eunwoo: blueberry, cook
Moonbin: strawberry, barista
Rocky: grape, bus boy/ baker
Sanha: lemon, waiter
LOL the fic actually starts now--------------- <3
Jieun walked into D. Store, the bell tinkling cheerfully as she pulled the door open. “Hi there, Jieun. What will you have today?” the cashier greeted from behind the register. She pondered for a moment before declaring “Grape soda with a strawberry cake slice.”
D. Store was a cafe that opened up in June 2017. The D stood for dream and the design of the cafe clearly emitted that vibe. The neon sign that lit up in rainbow colors always flickered a few times before turning on which was part of the charm. The rainbow “Open” sign was a welcoming addition and the entire store was surrounded by greenery and flowers. The polished wooden door added a nice touch and added to the entire look.
On the inside, benches accented with a sky blue coat of paint and a wire backing lined the walls. A record player sat on a metal stool, playing songs from old vinyls. The white counter and light colors were complimented by the flower vases and the vines that hung on the wooden walls. Two clear refrigerators allowed customers to take their own drinks and a white display case next to the counter showcased the various sweets that D. Store offered. The cafe gave off a secret fairy garden vibe and Jieun had been a regular customer from the start.
A gasp brought her back to reality. She looked up to find Jinwoo at the counter. Even though all 6 boys who worked here opened the store together, Jinwoo was still dubbed the boss. “I’m so hurt,” he said, putting his hand on his chest dramatically. “How could you not pick my flavor when it’s obviously the best.”
Jieun sighed. “Hello to you too, Jinwoo.” Another gasp.
“Oh no, you’re not even calling me what you usually do!” he gasped, raising his voice. “Shut up, Jinjin,” MJ stated as he walked past, giving him a smack on the back with a promotional poster for their new strawberry banana crepe. Jinwoo huffed as he gave Jieun a number. “Go sit down, your order will be ready in a minute,” he muttered. Jieun plopped down into a seat that was tucked into the corner of the separation, the closest one to the counter.
Eunwoo gave Jieun a small smile as he walked up with the strawberry cake slice and grape soda. “Hey,” he greeted before sliding into the bench across from Jieun. The rainy Wednesday weather didn’t attract many customers with the exception of Jieun. The cafe was rather empty, or to be more specific, Jieun was the only customer that day.
Jieun squinted at him. “Hi sorry I don’t have my contacts today. Who are you?” she rambled. Eunwoo chuckled as he slipped her a pair of spare glasses she left at the cafe. Her frequent visits led to the stockpile of products in case she forgot something. Jieun put on the glasses. “Oh hi Eunwoo,” she blinked. “Eat your cake, the whipped cream is melting,” he replied blankly.
The tinkling sound from the bell made everyone turn towards the door. “You’re back,” Rocky stated, coming out from the kitchen, as a dripping wet Sanha and Moonbin walked through the door. “I was just trying to buy some sunflower seeds but then the weather was like ‘YOU THOUGHT WRONG, CANCELLED, GO HOME IN THE RAIN THOT’ so we’re here now I guess,” Sanha grumbled. Moonbin laughed as he pulled out the various plants and seeds they had bought. As he set a pot of hydrangeas onto the front windowsill, he sighed audibly.
“Jieun’s here and you’re not even going to greet her?” MJ asked as he came back from putting up promotional posters. Sanha did a sharp turn but as he turned, his shoelace got caught in the doorway and he ended up sprawled on the floor. Rocky laughed loudly as he wiped his hands on his apron, hanging it up afterwards. The cuffs of his white shirt were rolled up and slightly wet from washing the dishes in the back. Jieun glanced at his sleeve.
“Shouldn’t you get change out of that? You’ll catch a cold,” she said, concerned.
Rocky blinked out of surprise before realizing that she was talking about his wet sleeves. “I don’t think wet sleeves are going to give me a cold but ok,” he teased as he slipped into the staff room. He came back out rather quickly in a few minutes, dressed in a simple black tee. The rest of his attire was the usual D. Store uniform. Black slacks or jeans and dress shoes were a must but no one listened to Jinwoo and everyone always showed up in sneakers. Rocky’s distressed black jeans were paired with a rather new pair of Nike Air Force 1s. Jieun glanced down at his shoes.
“They’re new,” Moonbin announced, drying his hair with a towel from the staff room. “I bought them for him a few days ago.”
“What was the occasion?” Jieun questioned, finally picking up her fork and taking a bite of the strawberry cake. Moonbin smirked slightly before he ran over to Rocky and threw his arm over his shoulder. “How could you ask that?! It was the first day that we ever met,” he exclaimed. Rocky blinked in confusion before escaping his grasp. He grimaced. “Sorry, I don’t recall meeting someone like you on that particular day. Moonbin gasped before clinging onto the nearest person, which just happened to be Jinjin.
Jieun sipped her grape soda, glancing at Eunwoo who was behind the counter, drying mugs. She caught his eye and he gave a slight shake of his head, showing his disapproval. Jieun smiled, taking another bite of her cake which was halfway done. Suddenly, Sanha slipped into the seat beside her, thrusting a napkin into her face. “You have cream on your nose,” he stated matter-of-factly. MJ silently crept behind Jieun as Sanha got the cream off. Just as she was about to pick up her soda, MJ screamed.
“GOT YOUR NOSE,” he shouted, pinching Jieun’s nose. Jieun jumped in her seat as Eunwoo came out from behind the counter, smacking MJ’s head with the cake menu. “Ouch,” MJ muttered, rubbing his head. He moved over to the other side of the bench to make space for Eunwoo. Since Jieun was an interior design major and a physics/chemistry minor, she always brought her sketchbook around. She was always in D. Store, nearly everyday, so the 100th time that she walked in was the time that they all decided to buy her an actual sketchbook. Jieun carried her sketchbook from Daiso for $1.50 into the cafe everyday until she got her actual sketchbook, a Strathmore 300 pg one.
“So Jieun, since Mother’s Day is coming up, I wanted to offer a special cake and I’ve been thinking about flavors and stuff. Can you draw up a cake and see if we can make it?” Eunwoo asked. “Yea sure. Since it’s supposed to be special, we can probably do 2-3 layers and for Mother’s Day, we can write that in frosting. We can probably use fondant to make some roses and daisies and stuff,” she stated, flipping to a new page on her sketchbook. Within a few minutes, she had a rough draft of the cake done and Moonbin, Jinwoo, and Rocky slid into the bench across from her to look at it. “Does this look good?” Jieun asked, turning the sketchbook around so that the boys could see the product. “Ooooooh,” they chorused. “Now we have to try and make it,” Eunwoo announced. “Can we make it lemon flavoured?” Sanha whined. “Only if there can be strawberries too!” Moonbin exclaimed, looking over at Eunwoo.
“Why are you looking at me? I’m not the baker, Rocky is,” Eunwoo grumbled. Sanha and Moonbin switched their puppy dog eyes to Rocky who threw his hands up. “Fine, I’ll do it,” Rocky said, exasperated. Jinwoo glanced over at Jieun, who sighed and banged her head on the table.
The next few days were spent in the cafe once Jieun finished school. They worked on the design, flavors, batter, etc. Rocky collapsed onto the flour sacks in the corner of the kitchen. “Finally, it’s done,” he groaned, proceeding to scream into the nearby bowl of whipped cream. The two-tiered cake featured lemon zest and extract mixed into the batter with strawberry slices in the whipped cream between the layers that each tier had. The top of the cake featured sliced strawberries organized into roses alongside fondant daisies. Rocky had managed to write Happy Mother’s Day in lemon jelly across the top. The frosted outside on the lower tier was a cherry blossom pink and the cake looked like something from an actual bakery.
In the process of making the cake, Eunwoo had decided to create a special French toast in honor of Mother’s Day. After they had made the cake sketch, Eunwoo had sent Jieun a text with lots of puppy dog eye and heart emojis, begging her to design a french toast plate. It was his usual French toast, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cut into triangles. However, instead of the usual dollop of sea salt creme and scoop of ice cream, there were various fruits and whipped cream with a side of chocolate syrup and your choice of 2 ice cream scoops. There was also lemonade and mocha on the side.
Mother’s Day came around and as Jieun walked into D. Store for her usual morning coffee, she blinked in shock at the amount of customers. It was flooded with mother-child pairings, all of which were trying to place an order for the cake or the french toast. Luckily, they had done lots of the preparation beforehand. Since the orders for cake were flooded along with the french toast, Jinwoo abandoned his usual overseeing mode to help Rocky with the cake as MJ abandoned his coffee post to help out with the french toast. Sanha grimaced as he ran in and out of the kitchen, placing plates of french toast onto the wooden tables.
As he stepped on his shoelace which had come undone yet again, the plate of french toast went flying. It would have crashed to the ground had Eric not caught it. He leaned back in his chair, handing it to a flustered Sanha. “Oh now the plating is ruined,” Eric sighed. “I’ll pay for it.”
Moonbin turned around from his coffee making station. “Eric Nam? I haven’t seen you for a while,” he said before walking to Jieun and handing her a compostable, eco-friendly cup full of her usual coffee. “Thanks,” she smiled before weaving her way out of the crowd of people.
“We’ll have to talk later about your new single, Runaway. I need to get these orders in first though,” Moonbin grinned. “I’ll help out,” Eric announced, rolling up the sleeves of his white sweater. “You sure? Wouldn’t want you getting that sweater dirty,” he said. Eric smirked. “I think that you’re forgetting that I used to cook lunch for all of you when you were freshmen in high school,” he laughed before throwing on an apron. “Whatever you say,” Moonbin grumbled, laughing out loud just moments after.
Jieun walked back to the cafe in the spring sunlight after she had finished her classes, planning to finish the rest of her work at D. Store like she usually did. She skipped into the cafe before hearing a “Sorry we’re closed.” Eunwoo looked up from where he was slumped on the bench. “Oh it’s you Jieun,” he sighed before collapsing completely on the bench. “Rough day huh?” she questioned before sliding into the seat across of him. The rest of the boys stumbled out from the back before each falling into a bench. Jinwoo crossed his arms, leaning on them from behind the counter. “Hey at least we made a ton of profit. That means all of you get bonuses.”
“WAIT REALLY?” Sanha screamed, bolting upright and managing to hit his elbow on the table in the process. “Yep. I’ll include them in your paycheck,” Jinwoo grinned. Rocky came out of the kitchen, balancing 3 plates of the huge french toast dish and 7 slices of cake on his arm. “Here,” he said, sliding a piece of cake and a plate of french toast in front of Jieun. “Share it with Eunwoo. “I don’t want it,” Eunwoo groaned, waving his white handkerchief in the air like a flag. “I’m so sick of that dish after testing 34 different versions of it. I don’t think I’ll be eating French toast anytime soon.”
Rocky chuckled a little before sitting down beside Jieun and sliding the next table over. “I don’t think so buddy,” MJ announced, sliding onto the chair in front of her. Everyone gathered around the table, fighting for a spot near a person they liked. As Rocky set down the plates of food, a disheveled Eric came out from the back, sidling next to the closest person but failing to do so and instead falling onto the floor. Everyone laughed as he stumbled to a nearby chair. The sun set slowly outside D. Store. Time was passing but most of all, he warm atmosphere convinced Jieun that she would never find better friends anywhere else.
A/N: I don’t like the ending of this but I have no idea how to end it so lol. Below are drawings of the Mother’s Day special dishes that I feel like they would make. I drew it in class so it might be a lil messy. The graphite from my other drawing also kind of transferred onto it ;-; anyways. Hope you guys are in soft boo hours after that. Roses on cake by @10hour11minute
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uraviteas · 6 years
「my bnha ch184 reactions」
hello everyone, i decided to start sharing my reactions/opinions on the latest chapters of bnha, just so i have somewhere to drop them and look back at later on! obviously, spoilers ahead.
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FIRST, i screamed. dadzawa is canon, guys. aizawa is the main ‘guardian’ of eri’s. we will get our panel of him doing her hair. i believe it. i’m also kind of shook that eri was basically “adopted” by the entirety of UA. so UA is now in charge of eri and they’re like all one big happy family. i’m crying.
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i’m not really sure why, but this panel here made me a little emo. i know mirio is smiling and being positive just like he alwAYS is but just the fact that he said “student-on-hiatus” made me think about everything all over again (like i so often do, and then proceed to cry myself to sleep). i hope this hiatus isn’t too long because how can one properly graduate after being on a hiatus for soo long. HE CAN’T GO FROM NUMBER ONE STUDENT TO DROPOUT(?)/UNABLE TO GRADUATE. *slams fists aggressively on table*
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BUT THEN WE HAVE TAMAKI HERE, MAKING THINGS BETTER. i screamed, first of all, because it’s been waaaay too long since we had any miritama. also though, i really needed this reassurance that things weren’t all lost for mirio, and i’m glad tamaki said that (’: don’t worry guys, the return of the peerless hero might not be so far away.
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birb boy sneeze. this is the cutest thing to happen in this series.
click 'keep reading’ because this ended up being a bit longer than i expected!
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AAAAAAH, it’s the return of the wild wild pussycats and i was so excited to see this. what an ADORABLE crew, i absolutely love them. and RAGDOLL IN THESE CUSUAL CLOTHES. i’m living. why is she so adorablE?
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okay this part.... i was actually ready to cry. it’s funny because my sister and i were talking about how we needed more kouta in our lives (bc we remembered how much we love him from the anime) and then BAM. HE APPEARS IN THIS CHAPTER. I LITERALLY SCREAMED. not only did he APPEAR, BUT WE GET THE CUTEST INTERACTIONS IN THE WORLD. look at this, he’s such a tsundere!!!!!!!!!!! and not only that but he wrote midoriya a LETTER. LIKE A LITTLE FANBOY (but on a deeper, more personal level obvs). and i’m sure that’s the first letter midoriya has received like that, so it must really mean a lot. ugh. i’m getting emo all over again thinking about it.
i didn’t include this panel but the little “shoes” thing. BREATHES. kouta is seriously a ‘deku’ fanboy and i absolutely LOVE this concept.
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and things got a little serious here. i kinda got a little worried thinking about the importance of this page. i almost forgot about AFO for a little while. but i’m just sitting here thinking....... this major villain who has stockpiled a butt ton of quirks is in solitary confinement with some things holding him down. i mean, if you could steal ALL THE QUIRKS, can some restraints really keep him down forever?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe he’s just waiting for the perfect moment? I DUNNO. i’m not good at making predictions, all i know is that i’m worried.
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it’s been far too long since we saw kirishima cry over how manly someone was. look at this boy. and look at kaminari telling him to shut up, LOL. i love all these friends. i love all these children.
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SHOUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. i’ve missed you. he had a total of like.... 5 words in the last arc, and i’m feeling it in my bones, this is a todoroki (not just shouto) arc coming up. enjoy this one up close panel of him.
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oh look it’s my hot girlfriend. she’s so cute.
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wait, what. WHAT. a literal washing machine is the number eight hero, LMAO. i have so many questions. (i mean, i’m assuming most of this is sheer popularity. judging from the fact that they said he’s ‘from the commercial.’) but my real question is: how is one ever born a literal washing machine? i mean. HOW. can this washing machine ever have children? if so, HOW? does this washing machine have internal organs??! does this washing machine bleed?! if this washing machine doesn’t have any parts, is there a gender?!
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KAMUI WOODS AND MT. LADY. i should have seen it coming, but i didn’t.
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THESE TWO ARE REAAAAALLY COOL LOOKING. i want miruko to absolutely CRUSH ME. with those muscles she could destroy me with her thighs alone and i would say thank you. that costume though. peep at that crotch area that is.. really something. god bless horikoshi and his female character designs. ninja dude is funny and hot. “silence this is a public space”
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this guy is REAAAAALLY COOL LOOKING. he reminds me of... angel? from x-men? i think? lmao. i don’t remember. but anyway, i think (hope?) we’ll be seeing more of him in the future. uraraka mentioned him earlier in the chapter after tokoyami sneezed so i’m assuming we will be seeing more of him. plus he’s the number two hero AND plus he was one of the silhouette figures when the pussycats first mentioned the jp billboard stuff.
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aaaand, the final page of chapter 184. i knew it was coming, but i was too afraid to click to the next page. someone needs to throw a bucket of water over this man and his excessive flames. SOO, judging by the fact that this chapter (the first-ish chapter of the new arc) ended with a page talking about how ‘flame hero, endeavor’ is now the number one hero, i’m kind of expecting some kind of todoroki/endeavor arc.
redemption arc?
persecution arc?
i’m hoping for the latter. listen, before this man can be forgiven (IF HE SHOULD EVER BE FORGIVEN. I PERSONALLY DO NOT AND WILL NOT FORGIVE HIM) he needs to be found guilty first. maybe this will be the arc where the truth about endeavor comes out. maybe FINALLY the public will know about his un-heroic ways and the ways he’s treated his child/ren? 
anyway!! another great chapter! i’m excited for what’s to come! we got BOTH OF OUR CHILDREN IN THIS ONE CHAPTER. ERI. AND KOUTA. IN ONE CHAPTER. god i really wish they could have met and bonded over deku because i need that in my life. missed opportunity. cri.
thanks to anyone who read this! if no one did, that’s fine, too, LOL.
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joulethieves · 6 years
time for another episode of ‘riley wants attention for her writing but hasnt written anything so she will now publish a random draft in her stockpile of 70 drafts’
stellazzio preview again! lol
When Balthier wakes, he finds the view no different whether his eyes are closed or open. He does it again - closes, opens. But only darkness greets him, black as pitch. Damn it.
He wills himself to swallow the instinctual fresh panic lighting his nerves. It would do no good here in Nabudis. Around him he can feel the rubble closing in on him despite the fact it likely has not moved since it fell two years ago. He shifts against stone, patting his hands around the dark only to find cold debris.
“Vaan.” His voice is a raw whisper, guttural with the rasp of dehydration. He tastes ash in his throat when he breathes the boy’s name, an echo of the trap that felled him so swiftly.
“Vaan?” Balthier whispers again, though he dare not an octave louder.
But there is no answer. No Vaan lingers in this dilapidated hideaway, no telltale warmth of another beside him in this decrepit grave. When Balthier shifts to move, pain spikes through his ankle like a flame, and he bites on his lip until he can taste blood from the scab already there. It breaks beneath his teeth too readily, flesh softened by the bruise of his fall, and blood fills his mouth.
He spits. Then freezes, realizing his mistake. No doubt Baknamy can scent blood through the filters of their masks. For a long moment, he dare not breathe.
Outside, he can hear the cloying crawl of mist, can feel it, even, seeping through the cracks where Vaan stowed them both away. His ears strain for the telltale pap pap pap of Baknamy feet. But none come.
Clever boy, Vaan had been to hide them here. Where the mists cannot pry, neither can fiend. They likely won’t tread here.  With a sigh of relief, Balthier leans back against the jagged rubble and waits for the searing pain to subside in his ankle.
If Vaan has left to get help, he’s none the wiser to do so. The Dalmascan said it himself - his mana is drained, and a solo trek through Nabudis is a fool’s errand, if not a direct invitation for death. Balthier grits his teeth. He can’t even give chase to drag him out of trouble (never mind that it was his fault this happened).
Damn the boy; Balthier has yet to properly teach Vaan how to flirt with death, and doing so in a place already filled with it is not the way. To flirt with death is merely for show. It’s not meant to be taken literally.
He’ll not die with Vaan in this place. There are too many ghosts here, and he’s terribly unfond of crowds as it is.
With newfound determination to get moving, Balthier crawls in the dark, learning the space around him. It’s smaller than he initially even imagined, barely longer than the stretch of his legs, and narrow enough for two bodies only. He knows now that the closeness Vaan had with him earlier was not entirely out of choice. As for height, from his seated position Balthier barely raises a hand above his own head before he feels the jagged edge of stone meeting his palm.
The panic from earlier wells up again, instinctive and tightening.
It is befitting of a coffin, buried deep inside a grave that once housed a nation,and the realization grips Balthier, steals his breath like a phantom grip to the throat. To become a ghost here would not be so unheard of. They would be one of thousands.
Balthier gathers his senses, what little of them he has left. His gun still sits at his side, and after some fumbling he finds his pouch is still filled with shot.
If he treads carefully, the traps won’t trick him.
If he treads quietly, the Baknamy won’t hear him.
If he shoots swiftly, they won’t have time to, either.
Balthier peers through the cracks to find the slanted hall void of fiend, thick with mist. If he’s quick, he can make it; call for Vaan, if he’s still alive.
The possibility swells that old panic back within him and again, Balthier wills it away. This is not how either of them will go. He will make sure of it.
Years of sky pirating, he thinks, has perhaps made him a bit soft. It’s a cushier life than those of his would-be rivals. Flying about in the Strahl, dipping in danger only when he’s sure he can flirt himself out of death’s door, only to take off again in the comfort of his own home.
His life is a calculative sort of risk and he has constructed it so. He makes his choices deliberately to siphon the high of adrenaline, brush the tendrils of death, only to spirit back away into the clouds with gil and gall intact. It is loads better than a life behind a mask, weighed by iron, chained to an Empire; but even that life had its boon of comfort, of structure, to the right man. Ffamran was not the right man. Usually his devil-may-care stunts are built on the skeletal structure of a plan. This, like everything since meeting Vaan, has gone according to anything but.
And here, he’s left to punt.
Balthier takes a sharp breath through his nose, wills the pain in his leg away the best he can, and counts down from ten.
By three, his gun is loaded and cocked.
By two, he moves to crouch, ready to sprint.
By one, he peers around the corner,
right into Vaan’s eyes.
It startles them both backwards. Balthier, at least, has a mind not to make noise, but Vaan’s yelp is swallowed by the mist before he swoops inside the rubble’s crack, heedless to the entanglement of their limbs it results in.
“By the gods–Vaan–”
“You scared the hell out of me.”
“Easy for you to say,” Balthier retorts as a strange relief washes over him. Vaan reeks of mist and he can feel the boy’s pulse against his wrist in their awkward proximity. “You’re not the one who woke in a tomb all alone.“
“Sorry I didn’t leave a note,” Vaan says drily. He at least has a mind to keep his voice hushed again, and clambers off Balthier into what little space he’s given. “Anyway, I was out finding help.”
“Help?” Balthier can’t keep the hope from his voice. “You found the others?”
“Not exactly,” Vaan murmurs. In the dark he can barely see Vaan, save for the muted flaxen of his hair. It is the only beacon in the blackness, glittering in the mist that seeps through the cracks.
Balthier’s eyes narrow suspiciously, though the gesture is lost given their circumstance. “What are you getting at?”
The subtle pop of a curative reaches his ear, and that is his only answer until Vaan shoves a potion unceremoniously to his mouth. “I found a Baknamy merchant. Drink this,” Vaan offers unhelpfully, but the quiet urgency to his voice is what prompts Balthier to obey.
Against his better judgement, Balthier cups the potion, brushing his hands over Vaan to grip the vial. “I beg your pardon - my ears must be clogged with soot. Did you just say you befriended a Baknamy?”
“No,” Vaan murmurs, uncorking a curative of his own. He chugs it in one fell swoop before dropping it to the floor. “He had wares. I had gil. Drink up, would you?”
The potion stings the open wound at his lip his teeth worried open earlier. But it tastes no different than any other, and he feels relief seep through his nerves.
…A relief that increases tenfold when the telltale warmth of Curaga goes right to his ankle, and suddenly it is as though there was never any pain at all. It’s like a thorn plucked from his side - instantaneous and not without a sigh from the pirate. For a moment, their tiny private hideaway is lit aglow by the magicks. In the cramped proximity the spell illuminates brighter than normal, and Balthier watches Vaan’s face as it gazes intently at his leg, his hair billowing briefly in the wake of his spell, lips parted with the incantation that falls from his mouth as easily as air.
It should not be such a captivating sight, especially given their circumstances, but once again Balthier finds himself taken with it, helpless to the draw of the white mage.
“You know,” Balthier says, flexing and rolling his ankle experimentally. When he finds there is no pain from that, he bends his knee to press it against the stone. “You are proving to be ever more useful yet.”
In the darkness he cannot see Vaan’s smile, but he hears it in his voice. “Wish I could say the same for you. C’mon. Can you stand?”
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🌞This has been a great week for finishing up projects!! Happy to say that after today most of the last run should be all set. I'm sure there's a few that got drips which I'll have to re-sand and re coat but hopefully it's not many lol. 🤪 A million thank-yous to my people for patiently waiting on these. This last run took me a bit longer to complete than I'd have liked but sometimes things just keep poppin' off and we do what we can. We've been getting more wholesale orders recently so in an attempt to better serve my people I'm going to go right back into making another massive run of pinecones as to hopefully develop a bit of a stockpile. This will make wholesale orders much more quickly available. Right now it's typically 2 weeks to a month-ish (or more😬) lead time on larger orders but I hope to lessen that or eliminate it entirely if I can generate enough. It's tough though, cuz there's no rushing the pinecones - to get beautiful results you have to respect, appreciate and take time with all steps of the process which can get tedious but totally worth it in the end when I see how happy they make everyone!🥰🛸 Here's a few pics of various stages of the process. Hope everyone has had a productive a week and getting ready for a beautiful weekend 😊 Much Love!! - - - - #shopsmall #smallbusiness #pinecone #pine #jewelry #nature #pendant #pin #pineconepin #pineconependant #art #fashion #fractal #mandala #makerslife #madebyme #crystal #studio #stones #love #ps5 #project #woodworking #shopupdate #minerals #minecraft #zen @twistedcreationsjewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/CQjgaYRHwm0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The Smurfs That Canon Forgot, Ch.2
AO3 link | FF.net link | Can also be read right here on this post!
Ch1 here
I’m posting this chapter late because I was busy nearly getting fully taken in and deceived by a Chinese company lol. It’s longer than the first chapter though, hope that makes up for it a bit. Also, chapter updates will be weekly from now on, at least for all the future chapters that are already written out. Enjoy!
Everyone slept in longer than usual. Once Harmony was awake, he made sure to rouse everyone else with a blast of his horn, much to their chagrin. As the smurfs had awakened one by one, Father Time was bombarded with questions and he was burdened with the unpleasant task of informing them that there had been no miraculous return while everyone was asleep. This was quickly apparent to the smurfs who had slept outside and yet they asked hopefully after Papa and the others anyway, in the off-chance that they had slept through the return, and that the seventeen smurfs had come back and were currently catching up on much-needed rest in their homes where they belonged. A couple of smurfs came running out from their homes at different times, eagerly asking for updates and prepared to be angry if they had been left to sleep through the return.
Once Harmony’s horn blared, the remaining smurfs came quickly running out from their homes or sat up from their makeshift beds on the snow outside.
Actor Smurf got up as usual, hungry and ready for breakfast. To him, all that he knew was that a loud noise had woken him and in his sleepy state confused it with the breakfast call. He went outside expecting to be greeted by delicious smells but instead stopped short when he was met with many smurfs milling about aimlessly and – Father Time?!
The events of the previous evening all came rushing back to him and it hit him that they still hadn’t come back. There were seventeen smurfs unaccounted for right now, and he was thinking of breakfast?! He’d just assumed they’d return during the night.
The villagers were starting to exchange looks of concern and a muted kind of panic was beginning to spread among some. Everything was supposed to be sorted out yesterday, and barring that – this morning. No, they were probably getting worried prematurely. They could be back any minute, so there was no use getting worked up right now. Right?
“Th-th-th-they still aren’t back!” Scaredy covered his eyes and shook.
“Aw, that’s enough of that! It’s early in the day. They have all the time in the world to get back to us, yeah! Why don’t we give them the benefit of the doubt, huh? The last thing I want is for them to get back from a time-travelling adventure to a bunch of miserable smurfs!” called out Tuffy Smurf. “We gotta be a little bit more patient, that’s what we gotta do!”
“You’re right. Have a bit of faith, smurfs!” Harmony agreed.
Father Time stood up from his sitting position and all eyes turned to him. If this was his only reason for standing, it was entirely unnecessary considering that he towered above the smurfs even when he was sitting down.
“Yes, I don’t necessarily think we have cause for concern right now. After all, Papa Smurf is with them, and so we can rest assured that the expedition is in good hands – of course, you don’t need me to tell you that, heh. In any case, I think there may just be a slight delay in their return for some logical reason currently unknown to us, and so for the time being, all we can really do is continue to wait. I’m afraid that I do have some matters that I need to attend to today, but you can be sure that I will return here this evening to check up on the village, and if you need me before then you can come to my dwelling to find me. But I think that the chances are very high that all of your fellow smurfs will be back before sunset.”
The smurfs bid Father Time farewell and Nanny told him firmly to make sure to get some rest too. And once he was gone, it was a matter of consciously maintaining a positive atmosphere, keeping their spirits high, or distracting themselves. Some smurfs were better at it than others…
“I’m really hungry…” Sloppy Smurf announced, and was met with a chorus of agreement. None of them had eaten breakfast yet, after all, considering that there had been no Greedy Smurf around to make it.
“I should have thought of that...” Nanny muttered, “I should have realised someone would need to make breakfast… I could have done that, easy.”
“No, Nanny. We all expected Greedy to be back f’r breakfast. And we’ve all been busy thinkin’ about other things, no need to claim the blame for this” Woolly patted her on the shoulder.
“So... what are we going to eat?” Tracker asked.
“Well, don’t be silly, we’re smurfs, aren’t we? And do we not have a huge stockpile of smurfberries? So what are we waitin’ for!” Nanny steeled herself and replied incredulously.
“Well… Of course, we don’t usually just eat smurfberries and sarsaparilla leaves for breakfast. Greedy, well, cooks us up something nice, normally…” Poet pointed out.
“Well, fiddlesmurfs!” Nanny laughed, “You smurfs’ve been spoiled rotten for far too long, don’t you know that food’s food? Now c’mon, let’s go get our breakfast!”
Everyone was hungry and so no-one was about to complain. Smurfberries and sarsaparilla leaves tasted just fine – it’s just that, it wasn’t the same compared to something like Greedy’s porridge or Greedy’s pancakes. It didn’t feel like breakfast, but then again, this was no ordinary breakfast under ordinary circumstances in the first place.
“Boy, I sure hope Greedy is back in time for lunch” Nosey Smurf said ruefully and garnered a few laughs.
“We don’t know what Greedy went through – er – is going through in the dinosaur ages, he could be really tired when he gets back! Would we really make him cook up our lunches right away?” Weakling Smurf objected, having taken the statement entirely at face value.
“Well, knowing Greedy… making a meal is just what would cheer him up and cause him to stop feeling tired!” Nosey grinned.
Weakling Smurf couldn’t help but smile, “More like eating a meal.”
Scattered good-natured laughs gave way to sighs. “I do hope we all get to see Greedy again today. And not just because he makes the tastiest meals you can imagine.”
Suffice it to say, Greedy was not there to make them lunch. All the smurfs had for themselves was a bowl of smurfberries for breakfast and a bowl of smurfberries for lunch. It was starting to look like they’d be having smurfberries for dinner too.
Some smurfs were torn between attending to their own matters or milling about in the main village to be at the ready for the return of the missing smurfs. Others took to passing their time in the village itself – two birds, one stone.
“Maybe they won’t arrive in the same place they left?” Poet wondered, “What if they landed somewhere in the forest?”
“Well then they could be anywhere! We can’t just go around searching the whole forest, especially in these kinds of temperatures!” Timber said in exasperation.
Poet sighed, “You’re right. Well I sure hope they arrive in the village, or that they’re making their way here right now.”
The sky started to grow dark, and everyone started feeling rather hungry. No one wanted to bring up the issue of dinner. No one wanted to concede to eating another meal without the missing smurfs.
Father Time returned to the village as promised.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I took an afternoon nap once my tasks were done and slept a bit through my alarm. Have Papa Smurf and the others returned yet?” He needed only to glance about at the glum faces before him to determine the answer to that question. “...I see. Well, that is quite troubling...”
He sat down heavily on the ground and the smurfs all gathered around.
“Just what is going on with them, Father Time, what’s up with those time crystals!” someone called out.
“Could they have landed somewhere else – say, in the forest, for instance?” Timber asked, echoing Poet’s earlier remark.
“I – I don’t know. Not unless there was a malfunction with the crystals or some kind of mistake was made, I – I just don’t understand it” he said softly, looking at the ground. Everyone fought to keep their panic and their despair at bay. Just one day, it had only been one day, it was nothing, it was no big deal.
Except when you’re time travelling, when you have the ability to go to any point in time -
No, there could be any number of reasons why they weren’t back yet – you have the ability to go to any point in time – except if something went wrong -
Father Time looked at them all.
“There’s no reason to worry too much just yet-” he began.
“Of course not!” Tuffy shouted, more anxiously than anything else, “I’m not worried at all. Those smurfs’ll be back soon. We can’t just…!”
“Yes, of course,” Father Time continued, “There’s many different possibilities here. I must admit that it seems not everything has gone according to plan, but it could simply be the case that the time crystals are malfunctioning somewhat, throwing off their time of arrival back to us or their destination. So their return could be off by a few days – a week – a few miles –“
Scaredy sunk to the ground, shaking all over. None of this sounded promising. So they could land somewhere dangerous? They could land right in the middle of Gargamel’s lair! They could-
Father Time went on. “The possibilities are... endless. But Papa Smurf is with them, it’s surely a minor setback they’ve encountered-”
And there was no guarantee they even survived the mission to return that little dinosaur back home.
“What do you suggest we do?” Nanny demanded, “You yourself stand there sayin’ the possibilities are endless, yet you tell us everything is probably fine?!”
“I’d continue to remain on the lookout over the next few days, with luck Papa Smurf and Grandpa Smurf will be able to get everyone back-”
“What do you think went wrong with the time crystals, Father Time?!”
“Everyone, please try to stay calm. As I said, it could be a problem with the time crystals malfunctioning. How they might have malfunctioned, I’m not entirely sure. Or – well, I’m sure, I mean the time crystals and their key are in good hands. I’m sure neither Papa Smurf nor Grandpa would have misplaced them-” Father Time didn’t sound fully convinced.
“But it wasn’t just Grandpa and Papa who were sent back in time like it was supposed to be… What if they did lose the crystals or that key you were so worried about?!” another smurf spoke up.
“Well...” Father Time hung his head. “If we are considering those as possibilities, then… It’s possible that they are all… lost in time...”
Some smurfs let out cries, some slumped, and others remained frozen where they stood.
“Without the crystals they wouldn’t have a method of travelling through time, without the key… They wouldn’t have a way to return to our specific point in time…”
“If I could just TRACK them!” Tracker yelled unexpectedly – he practically screamed the word “track”. “But no, they’ve travelled through time, there is no trail for me. But can’t you track them?! You’ve got to have some way! You’re Father Time!”
“Couldn’t you just go after them? We know where they went – back to return that creature! We could just travel back to that point in time and find them!”
Father Time was shaking his head sadly. “The dinosaurs were around for… a while. I don’t know which specific point they went to, or the exact place they landed, nor do I know what crystal combination they used, we could search for forever and not find them...”
“But you’re Father Time” someone muttered bitterly, “Doesn’t that mean that you have all the time in the world?”
And how could they know the poor missing smurfs hadn’t simply had some tragedy befall them all soon after arriving back in time? Or if something went wrong and they had no way of travelling elsewhere, they would have lived for the rest of their lives surrounded by dinosaurs and be long dead either way. What practical difference did either of those scenarios make to everyone right here, right now?
“Those time crystals are just about impossible to track… I would need to have a very clear idea of exactly where and when to look. But at least we have some inkling of how far back they went… I will start making some investigations into it when I return back home, although I’m afraid that I can’t promise anything will come of it. As I said, I think we should all also continue to hold out hope for some time. If there are any new developments, please come and see me immediately, and I will continue to stay in close contact with all of you. I must be going now… I’m terribly sorry that you are all going through this...” Father Time took his leave with his head hung low.
Nanny commanded everyone’s attention once Father Time left.
“Alright smurfs, you heard what Father Time said earlier. The others may be coming back at any time, so there’s no use moping around for the time being. And Father Time just might be able to find some way to track them too, you never know! Until then, we all need to make sure that we keep this village running smoothly, y’hear me?”
Discussion broke out amongst everyone. The missing smurfs could be back by tomorrow, or they could be back next week. Or-
Waiting until tomorrow was one thing, but it was true that they all couldn’t afford to neglect their duties and their day-to-day lives until the other smurfs returned, seeing as they had no way of knowing exactly when that would be.
First thing’s first -
It was time to have a bowl of smurfberries for dinner.
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