#i have so many thoughts about this serie is unreal
You watch Bang Brave Bang Bravern and you ask yourself, how much of this was intentional and how much casual.
The girl in the box is an actual child. We see her grown up in the future, and her face and body changed, she is a child and she get adopted and watch cartoon and does not have a romantic relationship with one of the leads. But her body is still sexy, and in the beach episode she have a bikini and low waist jeans, and her tits giggle, and it is normal for tits to giggle, but was this fanservice for the classic mecha public, was it a critic to how these character are represented. She is a baby, but we see a shot of her ass, and we are not sure if the very cis very male director didn't do this scene as a consolation price to the men forced to draw oiled abs and men grinding on each others.
The CIA waterboard the protagonist, and it is a traumatic experience not even being saved and thanked can cancel out. There are two other waterboarding scenes after, one against a child and one against a giant robot. They both play comedically, because they both fail. It is just to show how the genre of the story changed, from real robot to super robot, or does it means more? Is it a critic to the system of torturing people to get information, because it will never function, and maybe waterboarding a giant robot will not get you anything, or is it just for laugh?
And you ask yourself, why are you asking these questions on a gay mecha anime, and well, i would not ask these questions if it was not a gay mecha anime.
It is a show decided to change genre three times and mix real robot and super robots in a gay romance that save the worls, and it is meant to be a love story to the old super robot genre, and to aks the question of why these type of stories exists. Maybe i should ask myself these questions.
They reference evangelion, but they are not able to give a woman character space, and you have no idea if it is for parody or for being unable to do it. There is an autistic fujoshi, and she is only an autistic fujoshi. There is the woman love the protagonist, and she save his life, but she is not important to the plot to she stay on the sideline. They tell you the military is not that bad, and you close your eyes to it because it is set in a not so far future and maybe things have changed, and than they give you two men singing a love song to each others shirtless.
And then the story tell you that the desire to die honorably, the very japanese feeling of getting out in a spectacle, is not good. It is actually what the evil guys want, to die honorably. You deserve to live, and you deserve to want to live. You can say no and hope in a future with the men you love. And if you want to live any diegetic explication for the super robot effects will disappear, and people will be able to transfer you the energy to resuscitate the commands and transform in the final gold form, and your hairs get longer and you can now defeat the final main guy, a giant angel created from the deaths of your other enemies. And since now everything does not need anymore to make sense, your partner is send to you again, for a third time, and you want to kill him for what he put you thought but you take his hand and the sky is blue and everyone is happy and the world is saved.
Where does the comedy end. Where do the serious thoughts start. How does the fanservice, and which kind of fanservice, control the plot. And it is a gay mecha show.
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mx-mystic · 1 year
So, because I know from being on AO3 and personal experience that there is quite a bit of overlap:
Good Omens fans, how are we all handling the fatal combination that has been Season 2 and the new Hozier album?
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mrslestappen · 4 months
Disease : paranoid ✦ cl16
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summary: The fact that you have to work as a Formula One driver's assistant for your final college grade is not the worst of your problems; the true issue is that no one told you that you would become a emotional support human for him.
pairing: charles leclerc x assistant!reader
tags: fluff + angst?, caring charles (tiny bit) + comfort, bad thoughts.
# part one - next part [ series masterlist ]
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Everything feels unreal. You're watching the mechanics work in the garage, and the only thing you can think is: has red always been such a pretty color?
It was the first race of the season, and you didn't have much to do yet, they told you that you just needed to make sure that Charles did everything that they asked him to do, and that was easy, thanks to him.
“Have you seen my notebook?" Charles asks as he looks around to see if he can catch a glimpse of the tiny notebook somewhere, you let out a chuckle, grab your purse from the floor and give him what he needs. 
“How is it that you always have everything I need?” he took the notebook from your hands and opened it “I try my best” he gave you a knowing look.
Charles still remembers the first time he saw you at the Ferrari headquarters in Maranello, you had just signed your contract with them and he had just been told that he had a new assistant. 
You were quite awkward and a bit clumsy when he first struck up a conversation with you. He learned that this was your first job, and he made a mental note to make you feel welcome, and also he didn't want you to leave him like the others. 
He tried his best to make you feel as comfortable as possible before the season started, he was patient and generally nice, which was what you really needed at that moment. 
When you made your first mistake and didn't tell Charles that he was supposed to be in a meeting, he took the blame and told Fred that it was his fault. 
You thought he would be angry, but he just said "It's okay, everyone makes mistakes" and in that moment you thank the angels for making him such a nice person. 
"Thank you, Mr. Leclerc" 
"None of that, we are a team you and I, if you ever need help just come to me." 
That was a month ago when you were still new and walking on eggshells trying not to make any mistakes, luckily you got better after all your final grade depended on it. 
"Have you eaten today?" Charles asks, handing his notebook back to you, just needed to check something he thought he should comment on the car in the next meeting they will have. 
"I haven't, but I was about to do so," you told him as you walked out of the garage with him beside you, trying your best not to look at him to see his face, which probably had a disappointed look on it. 
"I thought you said you already ate." 
"I did." 
"What did you have?" 
"Coffee," you mumble softly as you enter the Ferrari hospitality, "that's not food y/n," he scolds you again, you already lose count of how many times he does this.
Charles grabs a plate and starts to put different kinds of fruit on it, "you already ate," he nods, "This is for you," you try to grab the plate out of his hands, but he stretches his arm as high as he can to make sure you don't have a chance to grab it. 
"It's my food, let me grab what I want," he ignores you, grabs your wrist, and walks over to one of the tables. 
He pulls out a chair for you and you sit down, he puts the plate in front of you and sits across from you, motioning for you to start eating, which you do, but not before giving him the meanest look you can.
You take out your phone and play a YouTube video while you eat, it is a bad habit and Charles has told you several times but he still watches with you. 
When you put the phone at the right angle so that you and Charles can see the video without any problems, you notice that he is not watching.
“Mr. Leclerc" you called him but he didn't answer, you sighed softly, you know he heard you. 
"You have to stop doing that," he tilted his head as if he didn't know what you were saying, "I shouldn't call you that," "Why not?" "Because you're my boss.”
"There's nothing wrong with calling me that, besides it makes me feel old when you call me Mr. Leclerc."
"You are old" 
"I'm twenty-six." 
The look you gave him was enough to make a dramatic gasp come out of his mouth, you were already used to his tactics so you didn't apologize for calling him old. 
When the alarm on your phone went off, you grabbed it and stopped it before it could keep ringing, "Time to go, you have a meeting," you said as you handed him his notebook that he needed for to take notes. 
He gave you a quick thanks, but you grabbed him and raised your hand, he gave you a pout, but you shook your head at that, he took his phone out of his pocket and placed it in your hand, "it was worth the try," he muttered to himself. 
✦ ✦ ✦
While you were waiting for Charles' meeting to end, you took out your laptop and started to finish the assignment you were supposed to send for this month. 
You were quite happy when your professor told you that all you had to do was to send in a report on what you had done, the experience you had gained, and what you had become better at, for your monthly assignment. 
It was a pretty easy assignment since you were traveling around the world and learning things that you didn't even know existed, and since this was your first job, it was easier for you because you were learning a lot of new things. 
“Y/n?" You took your eyes off the computer and looked at the person calling your name, you tilted your head as if to ask if they needed anything but they shook their head and motioned with their hand towards the hospitality door. 
You quickly grab your things and walk to the door to greet your friend, "Did you see what Professor Brown posted in the announcements?" You shake your head and ask, "Is it something important?" "Depends, he wants us to take pictures of what we have been doing lately." 
It didn't sound too bad, if the assignments continued to be like this, you were pretty sure you'd get an easy A. 
"Did you do it?" You ask her, "I did," she nods, "but I came here to tell you because I know sometimes you don't check the announcements," you give her an embarrassed smile, "I'm not that bad," you mutter softly, and she gives you a look, which you shrug off. 
"Well, I'm going back, I'm pretty sure Lando is already out of control again, see you, take care," she gave you a quick hug before walking quickly towards the McLaren hospitality. 
You watched her go and sighed, taking your phone out of your pocket, ready to take some pictures to send with the assignment, "Hey, have you seen Andrea?" You jump a little at the voice next to you, "Don't do that, and yes he’s in your driver's room, are you okay? You've been acting weird since yesterday" you ask him with concern evident in your voice, but he quickly shrugs it off and tells you that he is fine. 
You make a mental note to ask him later. "I'm going to exercise, go to my driver's room if you need anything, okay?" You nod, take his phone out of your purse and hand it to him. 
He quickly says goodbye and walks away before you can say anything else to him, you have noticed that Charles has been acting strange since you arrived in Bahrain. 
You have been meaning to ask him about it, but every time you get the chance he seems to run away, which is so unlike him. 
You snap out of your thoughts and head back into the hospitality area, ready to take some pictures and send off the assignment. 
✦ ✦ ✦
Practice one is about to start and everyone is running around making sure everything is perfect. The only thing that seems not to be here is the driver. 
"Y/n, where is Charles?" Fred asks, you want to shrug your shoulders but then you remember that this is your job, and you should know where he is, you look at him and tell him you're going to get Charles, and he gives you a thumbs up.
You look for Charles everywhere, including his driver's room and the hospitality area. Has he left? You were pretty sure you saw him a few minutes ago.  
How can a person disappear so quickly? you even ask people from other garages and they haven't seen him. 
You tried to call him, but his phone was dead, it didn't even send you to voicemail. 
"Y/n!" You hear someone yell your name and quickly turn your head towards Carlos, he seems out of breath, and you can see his chest rising and falling faster than normal.
"Charles is in my driver's room, I don't know what happened," he said, but that was enough for you to start running towards the Ferrari driver's room. You still shouted a thank you to Carlos and that seemed to have caught the attention of other people who looked at you strangely.
But you did not care about that, you needed it to find Charles and to make sure that he was ready to get into the car. 
You reach the driver's room trying to catch your breath as much as you can, you probably look terrible with hair sticking in your face from how much you've been sweating, you want to kill him for making you suffer like this.
You were now outside Carlos' driver's door and you could hear soft mumbling, was he talking to himself?
You knocked softly on the door and waited for an answer, when you got none you decided to open the door. 
"Charles how can-" you couldn't continue as Charles was lying on the floor with his hands on his head rocking back and forth as if trying to calm himself down, your thoughts of scolding him left you just by seeing him in such a vulnerable state.
You walked as slowly as you could and bent down to his level. You grabbed one of his hands, and that was enough for him to look at you quickly. 
"I'm sorry - I can't, it's going to be like last year," he said quickly, you know from what you heard that last year was not a good one for Charles, the car didn't seem to work for him at all, you didn't know he was that affected by it, and now looking at him you didn't want him to feel that way. 
He's such an amazing person and always so happy and joking with you, but he was hiding a lot of things that had hurt him and you couldn't let that happen.
"Hey, you can do this, okay?" both your hands grab his face and you give him a tiny smile, "I can't..." you shush him and try to get as close to him as you can, were you allowed to hug him? You did not know, but at that moment he probably needed it. 
"Hey, those bad days don't define you, you're amazing and such a talented driver, last year the car wasn't good, let's leave that in the past, okay? This is a new opportunity and you're going to show everyone who Charles is, you're going to make them eat their words, so go and destroy them, champ". 
That seems to make Charles' worries melt away a bit, you told him to take a deep breath with you, and when you felt that he was better you slowly let him go. But that seems to be a wrong move, because when you do, Charles seems to look at you as if you took something away from him, but you ignored it. 
"Okay champ get up, time to make jaws drop with your amazing driving" you joked and you were quite happy because you could see the corner of his mouth move up a bit. 
"Thank you, Mon ange" 
"None of that, we are a team, you and I, remember?" 
He nodded and in that moment he let himself look at you while you smiled at him, he felt as if your smile had the power to melt away his worries leaving behind a feeling of peace, in that moment he was grateful for you, he took a deep breath and let it out, there was nothing to worry about.
He's pretty sure this season will go well with you by his side because you wouldn't leave him, would you?
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Scuderia :: @evie-119 @tempo-rary-fix @spookystitchery @boiohboii @halleest @itsjustkhaos @aphroditeisamilf @vicurious28 @lozzamez3 @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @heyheyheyggg @teamnovalak @fakeplastiqtree @michelleyw81 @lillyssh-tposts @these-books-are-ruining-my-life @kqliie @deliciousfestsalad @biitch-with-wifi @xohollie01 @charlesleclerc2003 @loloekie @elliegrey2803 @steamy-smoker @doesnt-care @delululeclerc @vip-access @theseerbetweenus @haikyuen @arian-directioner @marvelfangirl04 @melagem02 @rach3164 @zucchinimalfoy @scopeiguess @landoslutmeout @reiofsuns2001 @badussybumper @nixily @forevercaffeinated-lee @i-wish-this-was-me @gabys-gabs @entr4p3 @trouble-sistar @thef1diary @puttyly @solo2leo @f1and1d4eva @liliummz
Team radio: I hope you like! it I feel I could have done better but English is not my first language but I will do my best to improve, I will keep practicing and improving my writing every day.
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melobin · 9 months
જ⁀➴ how to get a raise 𐙚 eunseok
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part of the riize as porn plots series.
summary - as his secretary, you’re meant to be there for all of your bosses needs. so who would you be if you didn’t help him whilst he’s stressed? especially if you were getting something out of it yourself.
wc - 5.4k
warnings - boss eunseok x secretary reader, dom!eunseok, sir kink, fingering, oral giving and receiving, unprotected sex, clothed sex, big dick!eunseok, manhandling, spitting, creampie, cock slapping, face fucking, cum eating, facial.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
“sir?” you found yourself with your shoulder leaning against the door frame of your bosses office, moonlight seeped into the room from the gaps in the blinds that covered the wall wide window. eunseok looked up from the paper that was on his desk, eyebrow arching up at your appearance.
“it’s late, you should be heading off soon” 
“you’re not my boss” you laughed a little at his words, walking further into his office and sitting in the chair on the other side of his desk. he placed his pen down, looking at you with his hands clasped together “how may i help you?”
you looked at him carefully, eyes flicking over the features of his face. eunseok had always been a beautiful man, he was kind to his employees and you had the luxury of working alongside him everyday. he was your boss, you were simply the secretary that sat on desk outside of his office and took care of little errands he needed doing. he never over worked you, but he did over work himself.
that was eunseok’s downside, and possibly his ultimate downfall if you weren’t there to ground him. he spent a lot of time in his office, far too much time with his head buried in whatever work he had to do that week, too many out of office hours were spent with him still in there. you didn’t always stay behind with him, only on busier nights, yet you still worried about him.
but with his kind nature and rather unreal handsomeness, if he wasn’t your boss you probably would’ve fucked him by now. it took a lot of self restraint for you to not try and seduce him, especially with the late nights the two of you spent alone in the building. you thought maybe tonight would be the night to try your luck. eunseok was stressed and needed to relax and you would never turn down the opportunity to get fucked by an attractive man, you may even try and get something out of it yourself. you loved your job for the most part but the idea of a raise had your eyes sparkling, if you couldn’t talk him into giving you raise, you could probably fuck him into it.
“you should go home, you’ve been here since 8am” your eyes flicked to the clock on the wall behind him “it's now 10pm”
“and? shouldn’t you be the one going home?”
“and leave you here to rot at your desk? if you die i won’t have a job you know”  he rolled his eyes at you, amusement lacing through them.
“so all you care about is your job? here i thought i was getting special treatment”
“well you can have special treatment” you stood up, slowly walking around his desk and resting your ass against it when you were next to him. eunseok pushed his chair out a little to look at you “if you decide to at least take a break that is” 
“fine, what do you suppose i do to take a break?” you noticed the way his eyes momentarily dropped to the hem of your skirt that had ridden up your thighs, you stepped forward toward him. he leaned back in his chair, spreading his legs and bringing his hands forward to grab your waist. he let you place your knees either side of his thighs in order to straddle his lap, it seemed as if you didn’t have to say anything in order for him to know what you were hinting at. your hands sat on his shoulders as he looked up at you, he sighed as you dragged them down to rest against his chest. 
“how about i help you relax?” he titled his head to the side, watching you cautiously. god he was gorgeous. his dark eyes had a hint of curiosity in them and you were sure you could feel his cock growing under you, it reassured you that you’d probably be able to get what you wanted out of this. good dick and a raise.
“do what you want, doll” his voice sounded smoother to your ears, tone sending chills up your spine. he pressed the tips of his fingers into your waist “but what do you want out of this?”
“what makes you think i want anything?” you played with the open buttons of his shirt, he had already taken his tie off a few hours ago, leaving some of the buttons of his shirt undone so he could relax more. his blazer had been discarded and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows, at this point you felt as if he looked too slutty to not have a move made on him.
“a girl like you doesn’t just do things like this” you giggled a little at his words, leaning further into him and letting your pantie covered cunt press against the bulge in his trousers. his fingers fell from your hips to your thighs, inching up the skin as he pushed your skirt up “so what do you want?”
“you really wanna know?” you pushed your hands back up his chest and around his shoulders, letting them clasp behind his neck, fingers toying with the short strands of hair that sat there. you leaned your head in, breath fanning over the flesh of his neck, leaving goosebumps behind. you collected salvia on your tongue before sticking it out and pressing it against his neck, licking up the skin till you reached just below his ear, a wet, slick line of spit being left in your trail. eunseok shivered. “sir, you see, i’d like a raise” your voice was low in his ear, sultry. it was as if you knew exactly how to talk to him in order to get what you wanted.
you wanted a raise. he wanted to fuck you. it seemed like a fair deal for both parties involved.
“deal” eunseok’s voice was more of a groan when he spoke, the feeling of you sucking on his neck made him dizzy. he left you to do your own thing for a short while, wanting to see what you were planning to do. what he did discover from that was just how much of a tease you were, grinding yourself against him, littering vile little marks on his neck, full well knowing you absolutely shouldn’t be. eunseok couldn’t find it in himself to stop you though, too relaxed in the pleasure of you kissing at his skin.
he needed to do something soon though, finding himself far too worked up to let you continue your teasing. so he took matters into his own hands, rolling the wheels of his chair closer to his desk, startling you. he took the opportunity to push you off of his lap and sit you on his desk, pushing your thighs apart and bringing his face down between them, nipping at the sensitive skin.
“we’re doing this to help you relax, sir,” your fingers ran through his hair, messing it up slightly, other hand gripping onto the edge of his desk as he looked up at you from where his head rested against your thigh, teeth gently sinking into the flesh.
“eating pussy is one of my favourite things to do, doll” you couldn’t suppress the whine that left you at his words “so if you want to help me relax, you’ll keep your legs open whilst i eat your pretty little pussy” he brought a hand to your panties, pressing his thumb against the wet spot that had formed on the thin material “looks like you like the sound of that”
he pushed his hand between the flesh of your cunt and your underwear, wrapping his hand around the fabric and letting the backs of his fingers graze over your clit before pulling them harshly. you couldn’t have thanked yourself more that you had decided to wear one of your flimsiest pairs this morning, they tore so easily under his grip. you shivered when you felt his fingers push into your slit, he parted them causing the lips of your pussy to open. you watched him cautiously, taking note in how his eyes sparkled at the sight of your soaked cunt.
“gonna make a mess on my desk” he presses his middle finger against your swollen clit, brushing over it in a few slow circles before dragging it down your slit. it felt like he was teasing you as he pressed it against your hole, barely pushing it in before his eyes flicked up to meet yours. the corners of his lips had turned up slightly, he was enjoying the raw neediness you felt for him.
his eyes focused back on your sopping cunt as he pushed his finger inside of you, 
letting out a groan when he felt just how tightly you were clamping around his finger. he eased the rest of his slender finger inside of you, basking in just how soaked you were around it. he thrusted it into a few times, dragging it slowly along your walls before he pressed his index finger in along side of it.
“need to fuck you open” he curled his fingers once they were completely inside of you, pushing the tips of them against your walls, consciously checking around to find the swollen spot inside of you “need you to relax, you’ll never be able to take my cock like this, doll, you’re too small and tight” you whined as you watched him spread you open with his fingers, the motion of them increasing in speed once he felt your core relax around them. he spread them apart inside of you, stretching you open as he watched the way they came out soaked, covered in your slick. 
eunseok pulled his fingers out of you properly, separating them in front of his face so he could see the way your slick joined them together, he laughed before looking up at you and pushing them into his mouth. he sucked every bit of you off of his fingers, groaning at how you tasted. he felt his cock twitch in his pants at his first taste of you, he needed more.
“you taste so fucking good, can’t believe something so sweet has been so close to me this entire time” he spoke after withdrawing his fingers from his mouth, he already felt as if he was obsessed with the way you tasted “god, fuck, i need more” his hands found your thighs, skirt being pushed up your hips as he dragged you to the edge of the desk, rolling his chair as far as he could against the desk so he could be close to you. his hands slipped down your legs to place them over his shoulders before returning to your upper thighs.
the position felt filthy, he had you completely open, lips in front of your cunt. he wanted to devour every inch of you and he finally got to when he pulled you as close to his face as he possibly could, an open mouthed kiss being placed on your swollen clit. he took you pulling on his hair as a sign to continue, closing his lips around the nub and rolling it between them, tongue coming forward to flick against it. you gasped at the sudden feeling, he wasn’t exactly teasing you, just pushing your buttons to see what made you tick. he quickly realised anything set you off if it was from him. he released your clit, a wet sound coming from him when he done it. he made quick work of flicking his tongue over your clit, not holding back with the speed he went at. 
eunseok, you had noticed, wasn’t shy when it came to being vocal. he didn’t hold back the whine that built in his throat from how you were pulling his hair, the pain mixed with how your cunt was bleeding onto his tongue turned him on endlessly. he could feel the way his cock was straining against his trousers, eunseok wanted to fuck you so bad, but he couldn’t surpess the need he felt to feel you cum on his tongue.
his hands had shifted under your skirt, hooking under your legs to grip your ass and pull you even closer to his face. you weren’t sure he had any breathing room with how he was pressed against you, but that’s how eunseok liked it, he just wanted all of his senses to be filled with you. he wanted to be completely taken over by you. 
and he was once he flattened his tongue against your cunt, nose pressing against the flesh above it, his head shook from side to side causing his tongue to move against you. slick covering your thighs at this point, his mouth soaked with you. he wrapped his lips around your clit once more, flicking his tongue over it before sucking on it. that motion inflicted quite possibly the loudest moan you had ever let out.
“sir, eunseok, fuck i can’t” you were overwhelmed, head tipping back and eyes shutting. your fingers found themselves scratching at the wood of his desk whilst his others pulled at his hair. you shouldn’t have been surprised that he knew what he was doing, eunseok was very clearly skilled at oral, you probably should’ve realised that when he told you it was one of his favourite things to do. either way though, you could get used to falling apart because of his tongue “gonna cum”
“do it, doll” he released your clit “let me taste you” he flattened his tongue against your hole, nose pressing against your clit as he soaked up all of your slick before dragging his tongue up your slit, lips closing around your clit for the final time. eunseok sucked on your clit as if it was the last thing he’d ever do, his desire to make you cum clouded his thoughts of anything else. he was sure his cock could have torn his trousers with how hard he felt himself throb at the sound of you falling over the edge, the way you were moaning and how you were pulling on his hair whilst spilling onto his tongue had him groaning against your pussy. 
he pulled away from your cunt to lean back in his chair, breathing heavily as your slick dripped down his lips
“god, you’re the sweetest thing i’ve ever tasted” you watched him as you tried to steady out your breathing, his tongue poked out to lick you off of his lips, he groaned during it “could eat you out all day” he leaned his head back against is chair, closing his eyes as he let out a deep breath. you let your own eyes fall down his body in the meantime, they lingered on his waist. his button up shirt was still perfectly tucked into his trousers, the waist band of them seemed to fit his body perfectly. the ratio of his proportions were slightly insane, his broad shoulders in comparison to his tight, small, slutty waist made your head dizzy. at this point it felt as if it was impossible for you to not become obsessed with your boss in some way.
you finally let your eyes drop to the bulge that had formed in his pants, it was big. it made you nervous in a way but the nerves only excited you more, if his cock was straining against his trousers this much, your mouth watered at how thick it much be. you couldn’t think straight in that moment due to the intensity of your previous orgasm, but you could imagine how deliciously his cock would stretch you out. god you needed him desperately.
it was as if eunseok could sense your neediness, his eyes opened and he followed yours to where they lay staring at his lap. “need something?”
“do you?” he gave you a knowing look before standing up, fingers digging into the sides of your thighs before he pulled you to the very edge of the desk. one of his hands leaving your thigh to cup your jaw, the dark obs in his eyes looked over your face before he leaned into kiss you. the kiss was anything but sweet, his tongue pushed into your mouth almost immediately, all you could taste was yourself in his saliva. it felt filthy but arousing, it seemed as if eunseok was enjoying it too “ you taste yourself?” he pulled his lips off of yours, noses barely rubbing against on another's.
“mhm” you were in a daze.
“told you that you were sweet” it took you a little by surprise when he leaned in to kiss you again, but it didn’t last long. before you knew it he was breaking the kiss and pulling you off of his desk, barely letting you stand up before he was turning you around and pressing your front flat against it. he ran a hand up your thigh, pushing your skirt all the up past your ass in order to see you properly. you felt him bring his hand down to the swell of your ass, squeezing it in his hand before letting go of you.
whilst you couldn’t see what was going on, you could hear it. the way the zipper of his trousers was pulled down and how his belt was unbuckled and dropped to the floor/ what caught you the most was the way he groaned when, you assume, he finally let his cock breathe. he rested it on the curve of your ass, admiring how his precum seeped out of his tip onto your skin.
“do you see why i had to stretch you out, doll?” he wrapped his hand around his cock, pumping it a few times before pressing it against you, tip being held against your clit “too thick for you, know your tight little cunt wouldn’t be able to take it alone” you whimpered at his words, thighs quivering at the feeling of his cock being dragged up your slit. your fingers dug into his desk as you felt the tip of his cock press into your hole, you were sure you’d leave little scratch marks in the wood but you had a feeling that eunseok wouldn’t mind, all it would be is a reminder of how he fucked you senseles over his desk. 
you whimpered when he eased his cock inside of you, feeling his hand press against your back as your eyes squeezed shut whilst you tried to adjust to the stretch. somehow, you felt it was unfair that eunseok’s cock was so big, no man should be blessed with the looks he had and a fat cock to go with it, but here you were being stretched out by it, so who were you to complain? you couldn’t anyway, mind already being cleared of any thoughts you had as you focused on how he felt inside of you. 
he let you, and himself, breathe. stilling his cock inside of you, letting out a deep, throaty groan when he felt you clench around him. eunseok couldn’t find it in himself to look away from where the two of you were connected, it felt as if your pussy was made to take his cock. you wrapped around him perfectly, swallowed every inch of him, eunseok was sure he could stare at the sight of you stuffed full of his cock forever.
with a hand place on your lower back and his other holding your waist, eunseok finally moved. the first thrust was almost experimental, he wanted to see how you reacted to his cock slowly moving between your walls. he liked your reaction. your cunt clamped down around his cock immediately, a choked whine falling from your lips. eunseok could definitely get used to fucking you like this.
he kept a steady rhythm at first, not wanting to overwhelm you right away, especially with the sensitivity you had due to your last orgasm. that didn’t stop you from whimpering every time you felt his cock fill you up, each thrust forward left you yearning for more. you wanted to see how he let loose, wanted to feel him when he turned rough, it was something you knew eunseok would enjoy hearing from you.
“sir” you voice was shaky as you spoke, you could only hope he heard you.
“hm? what is it doll?” he slowed his thrusts down, barely moving so he could hear you speak properly. eunseok may have wanted to fuck you senseless, but he was still a gentleman at heart.
“you don’t have to hold back sir” you purposely pressed your ass back against his cock, taking him deeper “be rough with me, i can take it”
“you don’t know what you’re asking for” you lifted your head and looked behind your shoulder at him.
“then show me” the only thing eunseok could do was breathe heavily, it only took a few short seconds for him to be grabbing your forearms and pinning them behind your back, large hands holding them down. his first sharp thrust forward had you resting your head back on the desk, whining when he pulled out and thrusted back inside of you. his demeanour had changed, even the way he touched you felt different. his nails dug into the skin of your arms as he fucked into you. hips hitting against your ass with each deep stroke. his pace had changed too, it was quicker, there was more power behind his thrusts. you felt as if you barely had time to process how he felt inside of you before he was pulling out and pushing back in.
you could hear him. deep, heavy breaths, groans that slipped past his lips every few thrusts and the odd low pitched moan of fuck, the sound of it made your head spin. it only increased the intensity of the pleasure you were feeling, his voice was just pure sex.
“god, i could get used to fucking your sweet little cunt” his words were slurred, they sent sparks right to your core. the tip of his cock abused your sweet spot, your knees growing weaker by the second and that only got worse when he took one of his hands off of your arm. you weren’t sure of what strength eunseok had, but you felt yourself grow wetter when you realised he had both of your arms pinned against your back with only one of his hands. 
he let out a deep breath when his fingers reached around you to touch your clit, almost overwhelmed by how slippery it felt. describing you as soaked felt like an understatement at that point, he was sure he’d never felt someone so wet before. eunseok thought it was the hottest thing, even more so when he felt how swollen your clit was under his fingers. you were a wreck at the hands of him and he loved it, so much so that he needed to make you cum again.
his fingers on your clit matched the pace of his thrusts, you were pretty certain that if the desk wasn’t supporting your weight, you would’ve collapsed onto the floor by now. your  body felt weak as he used you, fucked you like you were his own personal cock sleeve, jerking his cock off with your drenched, clenching walls whilst he played with your clit. there was no way you’d be able to tell him you were going to cum, you could barely hide your moans with your mouth shut, so if you parted your lips to speak you knew all that would come out would be broken moans and breathless whines.
he knew though, eunseok could tell from the way you were clamping around his cock and whimpering against his desk that you were close, he saw the way your hands balled into fists and how your legs shook, he was adamant on making you cum around his cock.
“let it go, doll” his fingers never stopped, cock throbbing inside of you as he felt you edge closer “cum around my cock, let me feel it” he didn’t want to cum before you, he needed you to cum so he could hold you against him and spill himself inside of you, needed to let your cum mix with his inside of your cunt. 
you followed his words, your nails digging into the palm of your hand as you let yourself go around him. he didn’t stop what he was doing nor did he relax. he kept up his pace, fucking into you until your brain felt mushy and your legs felt useless, fingers not releasing your clit until he was sure your orgasm was over. you were whimpering nonstop, drool falling from your lips as your orgasm ended, it was just in time for his to begin.
“gonna stuff you full of my cum, need you to feel full of me”
“please” your voice was weak, almost too quiet for him to hear you, but he did. he made sure to continue fucking you until he felt himself fall over the edge, pressing himself as deep as he could into you whilst he released, letting thick ropes of his cum fill up your cunt and leave you covered in it. you felt all of him, the way his cock twitched inside of you and how his cum warmed up your insides. it only took a few moments for his hand to leave your clit and wrap around your waist, other hand following suit as he sat back in his chair, pulling you down to sit on his lap. his cock was still wedged inside of you as you sat on him, he puled your legs to drape off of his, holding your side against him and letting you rest your head in his neck. the action was comforting, especially the way his hand slowly moved up and down your back.
“so how does a fifthteen percent raise sound, doll?” he broke the silence. you lifted your head out of his neck, breathing slowly evening out. you narrowed your eyes at him and smiled, pressing your hands against his chest.
“will you make it twenty-five percent if i suck your cock, sir?” eunseok laughed at your offer, sticking his tongue against the inside of his cheek. he brought his hand to your jaw and cupped it harshly, you jolted at the rough action.
“maybe if you do it good enough, i’ll consider it.” you took the challenge happily, letting him pull your mouth against his, pushing his tongue into it. you couldn’t call it a kiss, it was more like a wet clash of tongues, yet somehow it was still hot. once he broke the kiss you shakily lifted yourself off of his cock and climbed off of his lap, letting yourself sink to your knees between his legs. you felt his cum leak out of your cunt and slide down your leg once you had settled there.
you wrapped your hand around his cock, it was wet, being covered in a mixture of your slick and both of your cum. your hand moved easily along it, squeezing the base before bringing it up to the head and swiping your thumb over it, you enjoyed the way he shivered at the feeling. this was the first time you saw his cock, it looked just as thick as it felt inside of you, part of you didn’t even know how he fit inside of you due to the size of him, but what you did know was that you enjoyed it thoroughly.
“your cock is so big, sir” eunseok hummed, leaning back in his chair and looking down at you “felt so good inside of me” you didn’t look up at him, too focused on his cock that was in your hand. you squeezed it again, mouth watering as the way precum seeped from the tip. you wanted him in your mouth so bad, wanted to feel him in your throat. 
“you like my cock that much, baby?” the baby caught you off guard momentarily, it was the first time he’d called you something that wasn’t doll. for some reason it made you want his cock in your mouth even more.
“more than you know” you leaned forward, hand resting around the base of his cock as you licked up the side of it. once you reached the top you wrapped your lips around his head, tongue sliding over it, coating your tastebuds with his precum. eunseok groaned at the feeling, already falling in love with the way your tongue felt on his cock.
you took your lips off of him, collecting as much saliva in your mouth as you could before spitting on the tip of his cock, pumping your hand over it a few times before taking him in your mouth properly, instantly taking as much of him as you could. you swallowed around his cock before bobbing your head, being sure to let the tip go as far into your mouth as you could without gagging before lifting your head and going back down. with his size, it was difficult for you to take all of him down your throat so you put your hand to use, being sure to jerk off the part of him you couldn’t fit in your mouth in time with how you were bobbing your head on him.
you felt his hand reach into your hair, fingers curling around the strands as you sucked him off. he tried not to grip your hair too hard, but he also remembered how you had asked to be rougher with you. it led to him pulling on your hair, shifting your lips a little further down his cock because of it and it wasn’t long before his hips were bucking forward themselves. you took it upon yourself to pull your lips off of him, looking up at his with teary eyes from the depth his cock went to in your throat.
“use my mouth” eunseok blinked for a second, unsure on what he had heard you say, but once he was sure of what you said he stood up. his hand wrapped properly in your hair, fingers almost digging into your scalp. he wrapped his other hand around the base of his cock. bringing it back toward you, keeping eye contact with you as he dragged the wet tip along your parted lips, not pushing it in right away. instead he let it slide along your skin toward your cheek before lifting it off of you and striking it against your skin, he laughed at the way you moaned at the contact.
“slut” you whimpered before he pushed his cock between your lips, slowly letting it glide along your tongue and to the back of your throat before pulling out and repeating the action. his grip was harsher on your hair as he sped up his hips, watching you struggle to take all of his cock in your mouth, loving the way your eyes filled with tears again, a few even slipping from your eyes as he fucked your mouth. eunseok loved the sight below him just as much as he loved the feeling of your lips on his cock.
he wasn’t going to last long, just the sight of you drove him to the brink of insanity, needing to cum and make a bigger mess of you. as his actions continued, the room was filled with the filthiest sounds of you taking his cock. the echoing of his office left nothing to the imagination as he used your mouth. spit leaked from your lips as he grew closer to the edge, slipping down your chin and onto your shirt. eunseok needed to cum.
“wanna cum on your face” all you could do was nod as he pulled his cock out of your mouth, both of your hands wrapping around his cock as you jerked him off, your spit making it easier for your hands to move. his free hand gripped the edge of his desk as he came, eyes never leaving your face as he coated it in his cum, some going into your mouth as you parted your lips just to get a taste of him. his eyes didn’t even leave you after he came. he brought his hand down to your face, hand cupping your cum covered cheek before speaking.
“your raise will be a part of your next pay check, baby”.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
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myownwholewildworld · 2 months
wherever you go (a joel miller's ff) - chapter 1
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series masterlist | main masterlist | chapter 2
pairing: outbreak!2003!joel x f!reader.
summary: it’s september 29th, 2003, and joel cannot wrap his head around the fact that sarah is truly gone. as he’s about to put an end to his own suffering…
warnings: mdni. suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, deathwish. loss of a daughter / family members. please do NOT read if this is triggering for you. swear words. reader is female, no description given. no mention of age. no use of y/n.
a/n: this is my very first attempt at writing tlou fan fiction. please be nice >: one-shot (maybe?). mainly joel’s pov but then changes to reader’s pov. this is by no means lore-accurate. also this is my interpretation of how joel lost his hearing in his right ear and got the scar on his right temple ― he did imply he tried to end his life after sarah’s death so this is how i imagine it happened. finally, this is not proofread and english is not my mother tongue, so please excuse any mistakes you might spot. enjoy! (or not? cry with me pls).
w/c: ~1.3k.
Had life been any different, Joel would probably not be in this position.
He had lost everything he held dear. His very reason for living. He could not wrap his head around the fact that Sarah was gone. Truly gone. He could still feel the mud under his fingernails ― his vain attempt to undo the work Tommy had put into digging Sarah’s grave.
It still felt unreal. His baby girl was six feet under, just a few yards away from him. But in his mind, he was still hugging her closely against his chest, feeling her warmth. Tommy had tried to console him, but there were no words in any human language that could sooth his broken heart, so his brother left to run the perimeter and give him some space.
The last few days were like a whirlpool of pain and tears ― agony filling up his lungs, constricting his throat. Joel could not remember the last time he had cried, but he had done so many times in the last seventy-two hours. He could not contain his own emotion any longer. Such torment was too overwhelming. A father was not supposed to bury his own daughter.
It was thanks to his brother that he had been able to put his Sarah to rest. After hell broke loose in Austin and that damn official had shot at them, Joel could not bring himself to recall what had happened afterwards. From what Tommy had told him, they ran for as long as they could ― Joel still holding onto Sarah’s lifeless body. His brother was able to secure a vehicle and they drove out of the city to avoid any more unwanted encounters.
That was how they got to Sam Houston National Forest. Under normal circumstances, they would have gotten there in under three hours, but it took them almost three days. Sarah loved that nature reserve. They would vacation nearby in the summertime when Joel’s schedule was clear of contracting jobs. Sarah, always full of life, would push her dad down the hiking trail, giggling, teasing him and his old knees.
Paralysed by fear, pain and guilt, Joel had only been able to watch as Tommy put a shovel to the ground and started digging. He only snapped out of his stupor when his brother murmured something as he kneeled before him to take Sarah away from his arms. Joel could not comprehend what Tommy was doing until the younger Miller put Sarah in the hole. That was when he had completely lost it.
It had been hours and Joel had not moved yet. His back against a pine tree, hands on his lap. His eyes fixated on his daughter’s tomb. Tommy had fashioned a cross with wood branches to mark the grave, wildflowers surrounding it despite being September. The contrast between the blooming wildlife and Sarah’s burial pit was gut-wrenching. So much that Joel had to close his eyes to stop them from watering once more.
Tommy had assured him this dreadful feeling would lessen with time ― maybe even go away. Joel had just looked at him blankly in disbelief. He very much doubted it. There was no way he could feel his heart beating again when it had been ripped out of his chest. Emptiness eating him up, nothingness taking over his soul, dread engulfing his senses. There was no coming back from this.
Truthfully, he could not see the point anymore. The world was ending anyway, why postpone the inevitable? Joel was sure that he would only burden Tommy ― in this state of mind, he was not going to be able to protect anyone, let alone his brother. In fact, he would just guide him to his death, the same way he had led Sarah to hers.
Joel opened his eyes and looked down. Tommy had left a gun on the ground to his right while he patrolled the surrounding area, in case he was interrupted and in need of protecting himself. What he was thinking about doing could be considered as “protecting himself” ― from his own thoughts, his own breathtaking pain.
His right hand wrapped around the grip of the gun while his index finger slid towards the trigger. As Joel put the gun to his right temple, his eyes locked on the makeshift wooden cross. He hoped he could be reunited with Sarah in Heaven, God knew he had tried his best in this life and had still failed. It was not enough. He was not enough.
Joel took a deep breath, eyes closed, and pulled the trigger.
Houston was in shambles. You just barely escaped that godforsaken city and made it to the closest nature reserve you could think of. It was the best idea, you thought, as people would be scarce in the midst of nature. So, you walked and walked, until you came across two men who had set up camp off the main trail. You kept to the shadows, not knowing if you should trust them or not.
The youngest one left a few minutes after your arrival, so you adjusted your position in order to not be seen. From there, you could have a better look at the older guy, who seemed rather defeated, sat on the ground, his back resting against a tree. His eyes bare, his face completely blank. You assumed his crushed expression was because of the events of the last few days.
Or, at least, that was what you thought until you spotted the improvised grave in front of him.
Tears welled up, gathering at the rims of your eyelids. You knew that feeling damn too well. Not only the outbreak, but life had also taken some very important people from you. The feeling of loss ― you perfectly understood how hard it could hit.
But you could not reminisce about old times, not now, when your own life was hanging by a thread. You were alone in this world, and you knew how fucking dangerous that would be for a woman. Human nature scared you more than some goddamn virus.
So you were lingering. You saw those two men, and you pondered your options. Something was telling you that you could trust them ― if you could trust anyone while the world was ending.
You came closer, making sure you did not make a noise. That was when you saw the raw emotion painted on his worn-out face. There was something about him that drew you in. His gloomy look spoke of hurt, but also danger.
And then you also saw his hand holding a gun to his temple.
You just acted ― without any concern for your own safety.
“NO!”, a painful shriek left your mouth as you ran towards him, your knees skidding through the dirt as you stopped by his side.
You wrapped both of your hands around his wrist, trying to pull the gun away from him, when the shot went off with a loud bang. It grazed the skin on his temple and blood started to pool on the fresh wound.
“Oh, shit”, you said breathlessly, pressing the palm of your hand against the gash to stop the bleeding.
His brown eyes focused on you, a mixture of shock and disappointment.
After what felt like an eternity losing yourself in those irises, he mumbled:
You tried to talk, but the words would not leave your tongue.
“I…”, you started to explain yourself, but was quickly interrupted.
“What the heck was that?!”
You looked up and spotted the second man, the one you saw walking away a few minutes earlier, running towards you ― rifle on hand, pointing at you.
Blood rushed out of your face. Was that how you were going to die after all?
“Tommy, wait―”
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thefandomdirtymind · 1 year
How about opla!sanji being completely in love with the reader the moment he sees them?
It just hits him, bam, love at first sight. He plans to marry them kinda moment. Maybe they are in need of rescue or part of a rival crew.
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A/N IMPORTANT:  Hi Anon ! Thank you for your request. I had so much fun writing it and playing with the idea of Sanji just planning his own wedding cake at the first of the reader. I assume by your use of Them that you wanted it gender neutral so I did my best and I hope you will like !
I though I knew love
OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader Gender neutral (Them)
Sanji series : SFW Shiny Offering - NSFW The Small Favor - SFW The Mermaid Dream - SFW The Magic of a Kiss  - NSFW Casual
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
Love is a strange thing. Leading you to have affection for a thing, a pet, a person, multiple people at once, maybe, one more that another or felt head over heels for somebody at first sight. 
Not that you could tell yourself. Your love life hadn’t nothing to be told if not the term “boring” was the best to describe it. You had ,of course, a certain attraction and affection for your previous partners, but in your experience, the big true love was only things existing in books and short stories. 
However,the last thing you wanted to think about right now was love. The chain retraining your wrist was starting to get itchy, the little drop of water falling from the ceiling every ten seconds slowly gave you headaches and you could smell it in the air. The crew of Marines had become a little bit more nervous since they brought you a new cell companion, an unconscientious pretty orange haired girl. Maybe she would become your key to escape that rat hole of a ship. 
As if your thought had summoned it, you suddenly heard the blast of cannon and the scream of an eminent battle. Your brain working at full speed, you immediately start to search for a way out of that damn cell. Never you will allow yourself to be caught again, neither by the marine ,who’s without no doubt will execute you, nor by those pirates. You didn’t escape the circus or Buggy to come back in this nightmare. You prefer to drown. 
Kicking the door as hard as you can, targeting the rusty corner of the keyhole you abruptly stop when you hear heavy footsteps in the stairs and a face you had hoped never see again. 
“ They finally caught you hm ? “ Zoro nagged you, taking a look at Nami who slowly was regaining consciousness. “ Welcome back, I'll get you out in a minute. I have to decide what we do with your little roommate here. ” 
“ I suggest you let me go and forget my existence. I did what I did because I was in debt with Buggy, go hunt him down instead “ You replied,already knowing that the pirate hunter wasn’t the kind to let you go so easily.
“ I could, or you could win your freedom. Fight me and I'll let you go “ He offered, opening the door, but still blocking you the way. 
Sanji was right behind Zoro, clearing his part of the deck, kicking with all he had. Somewhere between a missing punch from a Marine and a successful attack of this part against a kneecap. He had nodded when his green hair crew member had informed him that he will go downstairs to help Nami. But, he hadn’t come back since and Sanji didn’t like it at all. How many times he will have to save the life of that ungrateful mosshead.
Getting down the stairs, the blond chef never passes the last step. What was in front of him was simply unreal.  
Sanji, though he knew love, had felt love before. But, as you succeed to push Zoro in a full blast, he realizes that he, in fact, never felt it that way. Seeing you still enchained, but still so beautifully strong, trying to defend  yourself as furiously as a tiger, with the only help of the loose chain of your restraints bracelet. Makes him feel as if he receives himself a punch in the guts. From somewhere he could hear the wedding bell and almost see the magnificent cake he will bake for the event.
Maybe a Lemon quatre-quart or a simple sponge vanilla cake with pieces of strawberry in it. Are roses will be too classic or a cascade of fresh tiger lily accros the cake would make it look to bold.
He sadly couldn’t finish his delicious pastry though. When, as in an attempt of escaping what could be a mortal blast, you enter in full collision with his body.  
As you try to get up, your eyes finally meet his. In the most stressful moment of your life, you feel yourself caught in the bluest gaze you've ever seen. And just like that, the idea of love at first sight didn’t seem to you like some literature mirage.   
“ Hello there “ Sanji smiled, laying under you, his head gently resting against a step, letting you free to decide your next move. Sure if you decided to step on him to break free, it would probably permanently break his heart, but if it would save your life, he will accept it gladly. 
“Hi…” You nervously replied, trying, and failing pathetically to not smile with him. 
“ Hey waiter, stay out of that ! The fight isn’t over come back here Y/N “ Zoro groan. 
“ In fact I think we should all get out of here “ Nami declared, as a boom and a big crash came from upstairs.
Finally untangle yourself from the blond man, still on your guard in front of Zoro, but unable to snatch your gaze of Sanji. You nod of the head and proceed to get up the stairs. 
The whole ship was a mess, every Marines on the deck was unconscious, the mainmast was down and as you can see, the only person still standing was a way too joyful young man wearing a straw hat.
“ Hey ! Did you find another crew member !? “ He asked, like if you aren’t still unchained and clearly under the dark gaze of Zoro. 
“ More like a lot of Berries in warrant “ The young swordsman replied. 
“ We can’t collect a warrant while being yourself a pirate Zoro and you had to admit it was a great fight you had. “ Nami contributed, offering you a smile. “ I was mostly unconscious but I heard you had escaped from Buggy, we are different, we could need your help in our crew.”  
“ I will gladly welcome them in the crew if they want to join, “ Sanji answered, smiling at you, a tenderness you hadn’t fully understood in his eyes. “ I can’t wait to cook you your favorite meal.”   
“ Well, I...if Zoro will not kill me in my sleep I guess that I will stick with you for a while. “ You answered, curious to discover the meaning of this strange feeling you felt earlier with the tall blond. And the woman, Nami, seems right. Even in the clown crew, you hadn’t seen nothing like their good chemistry.  
“ Whatever “ The ex-pirate hunter mumbled, clearly not happy but ready to follow ,what you surprisingly guess, is his captain.  
“ Yahoo !  I’m Monkey D. Luffy, we are the straw hat crew and I will be King of the Pirate ! Let’s get back to the ship, those handcuffs would be really uncomfortable ! “
Later that night, free of your chain and well fed for the first time in a while, you stay a little longer in the kitchen. 
Sitting at the table, the soft noise of Sanji cooking and the waves crashing against the hull . You absently dried the table knife you were previously cleaning. 
“ Y/N can you try those and tell me which you prefer ?” Sanji gently asked you, putting in front of you two slices of cake. 
A lemon quatre -quart and a vanilla sponge cake with strawberry pieces. 
At first surprise, you gave them a try, not sure of the last time you had cake. 
“ I can’t choose…They are both delicious ! “ You answered, finishing both slices. “ What is it for ?” 
“ Oh it’s for an event I plan for the future…” He simply replied, taking away the empty plates. “When we will be ready”
You didn’t know exactly why, maybe it was his soft smile when he was talking about that mysterious future plan or the gaze he was laying on you. But you couldn’t help yourself to feel your cheeks warming up a little, excited to discover more about that plan and which role you will play in it.
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accio-victuuri · 1 month
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xiao zhan elle september issue cover story Q&A
ELLE: During this rest period, do you think about things that happened on the set?
Xiao Zhan: Of course, I remember a few days after the filming was finished, I had a dream that we were still filming, and the director and I were still discussing how to say that word? How to handle that scene?
ELLE: Do you actually miss the atmosphere on the set?
Xiao Zhan: I like it very much, because I like the feeling of everyone creating together and working together to get something done.
ELLE: When you first entered the entertainment industry and your popularity grew rapidly, you said that it felt a bit unreal and magical, but now you seem to be quite relaxed. How did this change happen?
Xiao Zhan: Rather than saying it’s unreal or magical, after so many years I feel that I haven’t had time to adapt to the fast pace at that time, so when I wake up from sleep, where am I today? What am I doing? I think it’s a process, just like when you first enter the workplace, everyone is very excited, "I’m here to work, please take good care of me", "I’m here, everyone get out of the way", "I can do it, I can do it". (Laughs) But after experiencing a lot of things, I feel that everything needs to be planned for the long term.
ELLE: In several interviews you mentioned that you like to play roles that "can convey energy". Why do you have such a preference?
Xiao Zhan: Because I think it is the life of the character. The kind of energy I am talking about is not just a single positive energy in the general sense. I mean the nutrition that can be subtle and silent. I believe that every character has a complete story line in his heart. This is what I like very much. As long as you dig deep, you can move people. I don’t like to call the villain a "villain", as if it is defined as a bad character from the beginning, but it is not. He may have his own difficulties.
ELLE: It sounds like “transmitting energy” is just a general term. Is it actually about understanding different people through performance?
Xiao Zhan: Yes, if we break it down to each character, they all convey different things. But if we say they are “good guys” or “bad guys”, I think that’s meaningless.
ELLE: So do you think acting is a form of communication?
Xiao Zhan: Yes, you can say that. I think it’s great to say that (acting) is a bridge to communicate with the audience. Just like when a play is broadcast, I will read some of the audience’s comments and impressions, and feel that they have a rich feeling about the work. When I see some comments that are exactly the same as my thoughts when filming, I feel very magical, as if this bridge is really connected. We don’t know each other in life, and we haven’t communicated, but he suddenly got my thoughts at the time, and I felt that, oh, acting is a very beautiful and magical thing.
ELLE: Do you watch some science fiction movies, TV shows, and literary works?
Xiao Zhan: Yes, I used to like watching "The Three-Body Problem". I have watched some science fiction movies recently, the American TV series "The Stars", and recently I am watching "The Replica". They are all about infinite flow and parallel time and space. Because I think there may really be parallel time and space. Every choice you make will split into a different parallel time and space.
ELLE: Do you imagine Xiao Zhan in a parallel universe?
Xiao Zhan: I really wonder, for example, is he still an actor? Maybe, is he still filming now? Is he still singing now? Or is he still a designer? Is he working for others or is he his own boss? (Laughs) Really, I really wonder.
ELLE: What do you think the future will be like?
Xiao Zhan: Wow, I think the world might return to its original state at that time, and the world might become a better place, and people would return to the most basic communication with each other.
ELLE: This is very interesting. Why do you think so?
Xiao Zhan: Anyway, at least now I am a little disgusted with the ubiquitous Internet. When we were young, when there were no mobile phones, we would chat while eating, and we would call our friends downstairs to play hide-and-seek and various games. I think that time was very precious.
ELLE: Will the profession of actor still exist by then?
Xiao Zhan: I think there will be. I believe that as long as life goes on, drama will continue. Because everyone needs an output, needs emotional resonance and sustenance, whether it is images or sounds. So I think that even if the world is destroyed, as long as there are still people, drama will definitely exist.
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romanarose · 9 months
Favorites of 2023
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Hi! I've seen a lot people doing these so I thought I would too!
These are all sorts of Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal fics that delighted me this year <3
I tried to keep it to one rec per author just because I have soooooo many friends with wonderful fics and blogs who deserve recognition
If yours didn't make it, NO FEAR you are still wonderful to me &lt;3
Everything is labeled properly in the fic so be warned, many of this contains dark!
3 series that I couldn't stop thinking about
Hungry Hearts By @atinylittlepain: The Last of Us, A Bruce Springsteen themed Joel series? SHEEEEEEEESH
Yearling by @justagalwhowrites : The Last of Us, Jackson!Joel and a victim of prolonged sexual assault. If you know me, you know I love a traumatized reader healing with the power of love and friendship
The Fractured Moon by @melodygatesauthor : Moon Knight, NON CON, dark moon boys is always a slay but the way Marc is so tortured and Steven is so needy?!?!?!?! Mels characterization of Steven may or may not have influenced my Ben in ROF
Three fics that rewired my brain
On the Waterfront by @beefrobeefcal : Triple Frontier, Now, I've always loved a tubby man with a belly (who else had a crush on Samwise Gamgee in LOTR?) BUT DARK FRANKIE?!?!?!?! Turned it into a full obsession.
I can be your pretty girl by @walkintotheriveranddisappear : The Last of Us, Wow, I devoured every single chapter!!! I thinka bout it so much, ESPECIALLY that scene with Tommy... I've never looked at a pool ball the same way.
Dancing With Wolves by @hon3yboy : Moon Knight, Now, I'm not the biggest monster fucker out there, but this?!?!?!?! WEREWOLF MARC SPECTOR??? Unwell about it.
3 times men jerking off was hot
Caught by @toxicanonymity : The Last of Us, I've mentioned in the authors note for Keep Cry'n that this fic inspired it, it's one I go back to allllll the time
Take Care of me Tonight by @missdictatorme : Moon Knight, Jake is horny and lonely and jerks of..... reader helps, and makes our boy feel special <3
Pent Up by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin : Narcos, Javi is... well... pent up, needs to let loose! and boy does he.
4 times it got gay bc something is wrong with me and I couldn't decide
Behind Enemy Lines by @astroboots : Triple Frontier, Y'all know how much I love this series, seeing as I wrote a fic for it XD but this chapter is something i always hold close <3
Captain of the team by @writefightandflightclub : Triple Frontier, MAAAAAANNNNN this fic is why I will never be the same as a person.
Trine by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction : Sucker Punch. Anyone who reader blue jones should be reading this. Incredible.
What if he never had to go? by @velocibeewords : Triple Frontier, The infamous series I read on my friend bachelorette weekend! So good I couldn't put it down, going so far as to read it at a casino XD Benny and Santi, my babies
3 times underused characters shined
Oxford Comma by @whatthefishh : The Two Faces of January, Tell me, how does someone take a character with almost no following and make a series so damn beloved by many??? Only Mona could.
My Ex's Tapes by @runa-falls : Lighteningface, Basil Stilt AND Jake Lockley??!?! God bless this mess hnnggggg
I'm Getting What's Mine by @winniethewife : The Card Counter, dub con, I think we as a society need more William Tell, and sensory deprivation to break down reader? Amazing.
3 times they talked dirty to me *trumpet noises*
Not a Survivalist Girl by @tightjeansjavi and @chaotic-mystery : The Last of Us, when they finally fuck??? HELLO?!?!! unreal
Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line by @millerscoffee : The Last of Us, Joel is so degrading and condescending in this I think about it so much it's fucking unreal.
Making Trouble by @juneknight : Moon Knight, The fic that completly fried the brains of the moon knight fandom. "You cried like I was killing you—except you were begging me not to stop" yeah. Yeah...
3 times there were three or more
The story of us by @pimosworld : Triple Frontier, This series has a special place in heart bc Priscilla said I influenced a lo of it with the characterizations and thats such a big honor. Priscilla Is so talented and I adore how she writes these guys... and the FishBen wins my heart
Eyes on Me by @cavillscurls : The Last of Us, Soft Joel? Tommy watches? AFTERCARE?!?!?! Y'all know how much I love aftercare.... I should read this again shouldn't I?
Run the Table by @katiexpunk : The Last of Us, MORE TOMMY JOEL THREESOME! MORE!!!! This one came out recently so its still fresh in my mind
3 Times I should NOT have been into that
No Soul to Sell @atticrissfinch : The Last of Us, NON CON V DARK, this is the fic that made me like... yeah I'm into piss. No doubt. It was so dark and hot ;-;
Plushies Series by @pedge-page The Last of Us, Haru knows how much I love this, and it was a toss up between this and their piss kink but seeing as I got that above.... plushes needs more love bc its so soft and domestic and horny <3
Plaything by @missannwinchester : The Last of Us, wow, I adored this fic… then I lost it!!!! Thank you to everyone who helped find it bc it’s one of my favs. I wanna be Joel’s lil doll he dresses up 🥺
3 times I said “this is underrated af”
No One But Me by @koshkamartell : The Last of Us, Are y'all tired of me talking about this fic yet? Koshka told me my series The Wrong Way inspired this so it's special to my heart <3
Safe by @criticallyacclaimedstranger and @apascalrascal : Triple Frontier, Cal has so many good Frankie one shots it was hard to pick, but this one is sooooo soft. We love Frankie being willing to listen and learn.
Through the Scope by @ssuperficialspacecadett : Triple Frontier, Y'all know I love a traumatized reader learning to heal, but his fic is fantastic bc it's a traumatized reader who has done a lot of the work already and is strong and brave as it is <3 Also, all 4 of the guys are her friends now which is the best way to have a fic
Thank you all soooooo much for all these amazing fics and for a great 2023! Well. Not so great, I had terrible time lol but y'all were my solace <3
If you feel so inclined, check out my best of year wrapped for both RomanaRose and Romana-after-dark
I'm not gonna say 2024 is my year, I leanred my lesson XD I am approaching 2024 with RESPECT. It will be the year it is.
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dismissivedestroyer · 4 months
Hi! So I want to make a Spooky Month OC but I suck at drawing, do you have any tips or advices about drawing characters in the Spooky Month artstyle?
Okay so, I might not be the right person for this, cause I also am not all that great at drawing in the Spooky Month artstyle, but I did some character design at school so I might be able to give a few tips! Please do take everything I say with a grain of salt tho!
Spooky Month's strong suit is definitely character design. It's SO expressive and well done it's genuinely unreal. You might want to know exactly what your character is gonna be doing, or how their personality is gonna be like, because character design in Spooky Month cares a lot about things like these. For example: Radford works at a cinema, so of course he's wearing 3D glasses, but also his HAIR IS LITERALLY SHAPED LIKE A POPCORN.
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So maybe decide on a job for your character, and try to start from there, get crazy with shapes and have fun! Spooky Month characters have designs that are both extremely simple to draw, since they use mostly basic shapes, but also are extremely thought out and meaningful. Another example of great character design is Pump
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Now, I have no idea if you already had an OC in mind, but make sure to choose the right shapes to represent it. Something I see around in the fandom is people making these OCs that are like, serial killers and dangerous people and stuff, but then give them the "Lila"-like oval head. And honestly, nothing wrong with that, that's a choice you can use! But still, shapes allow us to understand a lot about how a character is just by looking at them. So you might want to experiment around a bit!
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Ovals in Spooky Month are the "good" shape, let's just say. Most character with an oval head are sweet, helpful, kind-natured! It's often paired with oval eyes, so it's mostly a shape that's used for not villainous characters.
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Circles are a bit more complicated, because Spooky Month subvertes the Circle Characters. While yes, they're also used to draw children, such as Skid and Pump, so they may come off as unthreatening at first, most main villains, such as Eyes, Bob and Dexter Doll (which is meant to represent the likes of a child, so that's a nice contrast), are mostly circle-shaped.
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There's a very wide range of Square characters in Spooky Month. Square characters are usually bulky, big and strong. They often come off as threatening (such as Moloch), but there are so many other fun things you can do with them. Like, take Frank. EVERYTHING in his design should alarm us, him being square-shaped, the black eyes, the wide smile. Yet, he has a shape of the eyes that's very relaxed and chill, so we end up trusting him. As for Dexter, he's a mix of circles and squares, so we can't really understand his intentions right away, because he's shaped in the most confusing way possible. He's just made to be unsettling and leaving us to wonder if he's a bad guy or just an oddball.
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You can do SO MANY fun things by mixing up shapes of faces and eyes it's INSANE. Also, you can mix up other characters' features to create a new one, if you're planning to do a fankid or stuff like that. Look at Ross, he's literally a mixture of all his parents' features!
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My main tips for drawing in the Spooky Month artstyle are mostly
1) Play around with shapes. Be as cartoony as possible.
2) Try to be consistent with proportions, because, based on personal experience, if you draw the pupils of the eyes slightly off it changes the whole character's expression drastically
3) don't worry too much about details, Spooky Month has a very simple artstyle. You don't have to draw a perfectly anatomically correct hand, just whip up some cartoony three-to-four fingers and you're good to go
4) try to redraw some pre-existing screenshots from the serie to get familiarity with the way Pelo draws expressions. It helps a bunch.
So yeah, that's all! Good luck with your oc :)
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lamoobsessions · 4 months
Ideal Date
Celebrity AU: Hazel Callahan x (fem)Reader
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Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: no use of y/n, very breif mentions of sex, unwanted touch (just wrist grabbing), Hazel is kind of a loser.
A/N: Very loosely inspired by the song 'boyfrined,' by Dove Cameron. I say loosely because the song's essence isn't really there, you know what I mean? It's more of a idiots in love vibe, than anything. Anyway, this is my first Hazel fic, so I hoped I captured her character well 🙏
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The idea of a gala is a lot more exciting than the execution, or at least, that’s what Hazel was beginning to think. There isn’t much to do, aside form eat food, down a few drinks, and participate in some auction; which, come to think of it, she has no idea what this gala is fundraising. Whatever organziation sponsored the event, Hazel didn’t know it. She probably should, but she simply didn’t check the invite. The moment she heard you’d be here, there was no second thought about it, she was going. And at first she was excited. 
It’s an indoor event, held in some big extravagant ballroom with shiny marble floors and dazzling chandeliers. The food is terrific, the drinks are delicious, and the DJ must have rent to pay because they were playing all the right songs. It was all going so well.
 But then you showed up with him, James Watsky, your annoyingly handsom co-star in some new upcoming action movie -She didn’t know the details of it, once there were rumors of a scandalous sex scene in the film, she never botherd looking into it too much. All she knew was that you looked great in the trailers. Your hair pinned up high, your shorts cut low, your tank top dirty with grime, and your plush lips bloodied and busted, how could someone pull off a look like that so well? As many other celebrities have experienced, there was a rumor you sold your soul for the fame, and as much as Hazel believed those rumors were only made to take away the credit from a woman’s success, she was beginning to think maybe you did. But not for the fame, but for beauty. In her eyes, it was unreal, a celestial-like beauty. 
Not only were you beautiful, but you were a joy to be around. 
The first time Hazel had the privilege of working with you was when she helped co-write for an episode of a sitcom series you had a part in. It was during the first uptick of your career, so the producers finally let you direct an episode yourself. Having no experience in screenwriting, you were sent to Hazel for help. Together, the two of you made one of the most beloved episodes of the whole series. 
The second time Hazel had the privilege of working with you was just after the series finale, and the contract tying you down to the series was terminated. To her delight, you called her up that same day and asked if she wanted to produce a movie with you -On the one condition that she starred in it with you. She agreed, though hesitantly at first. Hazel didn’t know if she’d like the spotlight. Sitting behind the scenes, re-writing dialogue, and tweaking a few storylines was more her pace. At least, that’s what she thought at first, til you came along and showed her her full potential. You were one of the few people in Hazel’s life to actually believe in her work. 
And that movie changed everything. 
She started booking more writing gigs, more acting gigs, more interviews. At first it was overwhelming, but it grew on her, and with that grew your friendship. The public loved it, the press loved it, casting crews loved it. It was a win-win all around, but Hazel wanted more. And just as she began to realize that, this whole action movie came up and took away most of your time. 
The two of you have rarely talked since, only on rare occasions like these -immense, pretentious, and excessive events that drained her social battery the second she walked through the door. 
But you were here, and it’s been three years since you’ve started that movie (production was a bitch). Now, it felt as if you were out of reach, like she was back at square one, watching the celebrity she admired most as a mere fan.
Hazel didn’t think it would hurt so much seeing you here. She missed you more than she thought she did. You in your long, satin dress that hugged your waist so well. You wearing that annoyingly infectious smile that never seemed to die down. You with your graciously pinned up hair that she was sure would be the softest thing she could ever touch.  
And still, even with your classic beauty and genial personality, you showed up with him. The douches of all douches. It hurt her to see you with him. It ached her to see you sat with your arm linked with his, as you sipped your cocktail with a smile.
Actually, it was beginning to annoy her. Why him? You could do so much better than him. Why did it have to him, of all people? What did he offer? What did he have that she didn’t? She could be a better gentleman than him, Hazel was sure of that. 
No, she wasn’t sad anymore, she was angry. Whether it be at herself for not making a move sooner, or at him from stealing you from her, or at you for being with someone like him. It didn’t matter who exactly she was mad at, all that mattered was that she was pissed. Even more pissed when she noticed your date grabbing your wrist. 
You and him were at one of the formal tables, your chairs faceing the dance floor, as he desperately tried to pull you off your seat, presumably for a dance. You seemed steadfast in your decision to stay put. But still, he didn’t relent, he tugged and pulled, as his face grew warmer with frustration. You were just as stubborn, shaking your head and trying to keep your cool with an unsteadily calm expression. Finally, the man gave in, throwing his hands up in frustration, he stormed off. 
At first, Hazel thought he was running off to get a drink, but no, he was leaving. Full-on exiting the gala. In a matter of seconds he brushed past Hazel’s shoulder, and walked out the door. All of it because you wouldn’t dance with him.
Averting her attention back to you, you seemed almost unfazed. Your eyes glued to your phone as you pressed rapidly against the screen. Okay, maybe you weren’t unfazed, you looked just as pissed as Hazel felt moments ago. 
She wasn’t sure what to do. Should she approach you? Is it even her place to try to comfort you? The two of you weren’t even that kind of close anymore, would you find it too up-front? 
You were upset, that much was obvious, and Hazel wanted to fix that, fix your friendship. It didn’t matter if it would escalates into more, she just wanted her best friend back. 
It took two shots of tequila to do it, but she finally stepped in your direction and made her way toward your table. You were still typing away at your phone, too much in a world of your own to notice Hazel right in front of you. 
“Rough night?” she asked, immdeianlty pulling in your attention.
“Oh my god, Hazel,” your expression switched, a smile now beaming from your lips. It made her want to melt on the spot. “It’s so good to see you. I was hoping you’d be here.”
You hum, nodding happily, as you pat the seat next to you, to which Hazel obliged. “I’m sorry we haven’t talked much. I’ve been meaning to reach out, but you know… work stuff.”
“It’s okay. I mean, I haven’t been reaching out much either, so…”
“Well, let’s not let it happen again, yeah? You’re like… one of the very few people in this industry I actually like.”
Hazel bites back a smile, hoping to prevent it from growing any bigger. It was becoming more and more evident as each moment passed, none of the feelings she felt for you before have diminished. Even after all this time, everything still felt so fresh. She still loved you.
She just had no idea where she wanted this to go. It’s been three years since your friendship changed, yet she still felt the same way. She still felt those same flutters in her stomach. 
“I’m… really glad you’re here.” Your words sound much more soft, much more fervent than your previously chipper tone. “Honeslty, you’re the only reason I came.”
Hazel felt stunned for a moment. She didn’t want to read too much into your implications, it’s been a while since you two have gotten to talk one-on-one. But to hear your soft, sincere tone again was a lost treasure Hazel hadn’t known she lost. 
“I thought your date would be the reason you came.” she teases.
You huff a laugh, leaning into your seat. “No, he’s- uh… definitely not my ideal date.”
“Who’s your ideal date then?” Hazel didn’t know what she wanted in an answer. She didn’t know what to expect either. 
You turn to her with a shy grin plastered on your lips, one that Hazel couldn’t quite read. “It’s a secret.” 
“Mhm,” you hum smugly. 
“If I guess right, will you tell me?”
“You’re not going to guess.”
“What if I do?”
“You’re not going to,”
“But what if?”
You narrow your eyes, brushing them over her expression, as if trying to determine something. You were so close, if Hazel just leaned in just a little, she could close the space between you two. It was tempting, very tempting. 
“Fine,” You resort, leaning back into your chair. “If you guess right, I’ll tell you.”
Hazel’s smile grows steadily, though she couldn’t be more nervous. Truthfully, she didn’t want to know your ideal date, because she knew it wouldn’t be her. But if this little game you two were playing would re-kindle your lost friendship, she’d do it. She’d do it all night if that’s what it took. 
Her eyes dart around the room, glancing over all the potential competitors. With her distraction, she hadn’t noticed your eyes glued to her, watching as she inspects the party.  
“Christopher,” She guesses.
“Which one? There are like fifty of them here.”
“Christopher Chapesky,”
“Christopher Paulmer,”
“Christopher Liam.”
“Is it any of the Chris's?”
“That’s cheating, you’ll elimanate half the party suggesting that name.”
“So, it isn’t any of them?”
You roll your eyes playfully, “No, you’re way off base.”
“So, you’re not into Chris’s. Got it.”
“I’m just not into egomaniacs.”
Hazel falls into the seat with a flail of her arms. “What? But that’s like, the whole party.”
You shrug, “There are a few gems.”
Finally, Hazel looks to you. Her deadpan expression immediately flips upon finding your gaze already on her. That same gentle, hazy expression, staring back at her, you felt so easy to subdue to. If she stared at you too long, she’d surely get lost. Time would become irrelevant, the world would stop spinning, nothing around her would be able to pull her back out. It’s a dangerous game she has herself in. Afraid to get too drawn in, she seeks refuge looking back to the crowd. 
“Do I at least know them?” She questions. 
A silence fills your end, there is no response.
Hazel, calls your name, to find you staring down at your hands, twisting and turning your rings nervously. Til, you snap out of your daze, meeting her questioning stare. “Sorry?”
“Do I know them?”
“Oh… yeah.” you nod. “You know them, pretty well actually.”
Hazel didn’t know many people at this gala. The people she did know, she only knew in passing. So, who else was here that she knew ‘pretty well’? 
“Okay…” Hazel sighs, wanting to give up. The game was turning into torment, no person she named would make her feel better. She wanted it to be her. 
“I told you, you’re not going to guess.”
“Yeah,” Hazel huffs, crossing her arms. “I’m beginning to think you’re right.”
“Always am,” You joke, nudging her side. 
She puts her tongue to her cheek, shaking her head disapprovingly. 
She didn’t know, but that look on her drove you crazy. Hazel never caught your longing glances, you were strategic with them -well, ususally. There were rare occasion where you were caught, but she never questioned them. 
Though, there’s something about her tonight. Her pristine fitting suit, her perfectly shaped hair, her sly, chasing tone. Mentally, you’ve mapped all her features. You admired them all the way from the moles on the back of her neck, to the small curvature in her nose. She was impossible not to stare at.
Your phone vibrated on the table, pulling you out of your prolonged glance. It was your manager. You exhale your disappointment. Nodding to Hazel to excuse you, as you accept the call. 
“Hey,” You greet with an even tone. 
Hazel saw the contact name, but she didn’t need to know it was your manager to sense your immediate discomfort. 
“He was being an ass and I wouldn’t take it, so he left.” You remark, as your leg began to tap up and down nervously by your chair. “I wasn’t going to tolerate it. He can’t just… I know, I’m sorry… well he shouldn’t have… no, I know… I know…”
She tried to listen to what your manager could be saying, but over all the music and the chattering commotion, it was near impossible. Whatever it was, she knew it had something to do with that James Watsky guy you were seeing. Why your manager cared, she didn’t know. 
“Look, i’m still at the gala, so I can’t really talk about it right now… well, he’s the one that left, I didn’t tell him to leave…I couldn’t have made him stay if I tried. It would’ve only made things worse…fine, that’s fine. Just…call me later, then… Okay, bye.”
You end the call, leaning your head back over the seat with a groan. 
“Everything okay?” Hazel asked. 
“Yeah, sorry about that.” You apologizde, grabbing your drink off the table to take a few swigs. “I hired a new manager recently, and he’s… kind of the worst honestly.”
“Why don’t you drop him?”
“I can’t. Signed a contract, I’m stuck with him til the end of the year.” 
“Damn, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” You say, a smile retuning to your lips. “He’ll probably drop me anyways, which isn’t a bad thing, cause that’s the only way I’ll probably get out this mess soon.”
Hazel could didn’t want to pry, knowing you probably didn’t want to talk about it. Not here, not now. You were at a gala after all, weren’t these things supposed to be fun? 
An idea popped into her head, one that could get your manager to drop you in an instant. She told herself it was solely for you, that there were no selfish intentions behind it. Though, she wasn’t fooling herself one bit. 
“Do you wanna dance?”
“What?” you asked with a smile. You heard her perfectly clear, but, admittedly, you wanted to hear her say it again. 
“Do you wanna dance?”
Suppressing an embarrassingly wide grin, you bit down your lips and nod. 
Hazel stands and holds out a hand, her sliver rings gleaming under the chandelier lights. In that moment, you really do wonder if looks can kill. 
Her hand is cold to the touch, as she guides you through the main floor. In your eyes, she couldn’t seem less nonchalant about it, but in reality, Hazel’s heart pounded in her ears. She never danced with anyone before, not in the way everyone else was dancing with their partners. The last time she checked the dance floor, the moves were loose, uncoordinated. No one danced with any sort of plan, they just moved. But now, step after step, they swayed with elegance in their every move. Slow, suave music carrying their motions. 
Hazel placed her hands on your waist, simultaneously steadying her tremble. Your hands met her shoulders, and finally, you could see through her calm facade.  
“You never slow dance before?” You ask with a subtle simper.
“No,” she laughs breathily. 
“that’s okay, I’ll lead.” You gently place your hand on hers, lifting it from your waist and interlocking your fingers. Hazel watches you intently, her eyes trailing from your hands, to your waist, to your lips, til finally, she meets your careful gaze. 
You begin to sway your hips, hoping to initiate some movement. Though, Hazel was enamored, nervous and stiff beyond repair. Her feet felt rooted to the floor, she hesitated before even thinking to move. Yet, with the gentle music and your attentive touch, she began to settle her stiff form, and follow your lead. With each slow step, left to right, front to back, you fall into form. 
Hazel and you have always walked a thin line between intimacy and amity. At times, it felt restraining, like you were stepping on egg shells around each other. But now, it felt like balancing on a tight rope, teetering with hitched breathes, as you sway side to side. 
There were moments you wanted to push her away, as if simply being around her felt like too much. But, in that same sense, you wanted to pull her closer. You wanted to pull her close and never let go. 
And Hazel couldn’t keep her eyes off you. You were intoxicating, especially in that dress. It made her want to inhale your very essence, like it was her oxygen. Bewitched, enthralled, fascinated, charmed, you name it. Hazel was all of the above. 
Moments pass, and not a single word has been uttered. There was a silent understanding that if anything was spoken, it would break the threshold. If this was intimate or platonic, that very concept would be revealed the moment either of you decided to speak. So, neither of you did. Instead, the both of you reveled in this small bubble of time, wishing it would never burst. 
Slowly, as the dance progressed, the two of you drifted closer. You found Hazel’s chest pressed to yours, and your chin tucked under her shoulder. In the back of your mind, you can see the nosey rumors, the catchy headlines, the snarky articles. Surely, your manager would drop you after this. But, in a freeing sort of way, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. None of that mattered, not when Hazel was finally back in your life. 
The past three years have been hell, though nothing in those recent years could top being with her. To be in her arms again felt liberating. Even now, you felt the same giddiness you felt the day you met her. It’s like you jumped right back to where you were before with eachother. Nothing had changed, not even the intense surge of adrenaline you got around her. That never left. 
“You know it was only a PR thing, right?” you say, feeling the sudden urge to inform her.
Hazel pulls back, her eyes looking down at you. “What?”
“James, he wasn’t a real date.”
“Oh,” the weight that had been sitting on Hazel’s shoulders since she saw you with him,  finally lifted.”Right, yeah, I knew that.”
She did not in fact know that.  
“I would never go out with someone like him,” you admit, hopelessly attempting to drop all the hints you could. “I mean, I would prefer not going out with men in the first place, so…”
Very briefly, her eys dart to your lips. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” You breath. Whenever she said stuff like that it made you feel like a giddy schoolgirl with a stupid crush. It was much more than that of course, but she made your stomach flip all the same. 
“So, your ideal date is a woman?”
“How long were you going to let me list off half the men in this room?” she laughs. 
“Well, I was pretty amused by it, so… forever maybe?”
She playfully rolls her eyes, “You’re the worst.”
“Aw, you love me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” She dismisses. 
You don’t know when it happened, but Hazel had taken the lead, and suddenly, you were following her steps on the dance floor. 
“You really want to know who my Ideal date is?”
“I don’t know,” Hazel sighs, her demeanor suddenly switching. The idea of you wanting someone else devastated her. She felt nervous all over again. “Do I?”
“I think you do,” your voice is barely over a whisper, but Hazel still heard your words clearly, and that lifted her confidence just a little. “She’s sweet…charming…funny,” You list each factor, hoping your voice didn’t tremble as much as your hands did. “She has short, brown hair, soft blue eyes, a nice smile. She’s an okay dancer, I guess. But you know, she didn’t have the best teacher…”
The rest of the words get caught in the back of your throat, as Hazel’s hand untangles from yours, and meets your jaw instead. She had heard enough by then, and with her enraptured stare boring into yours, the gap between you two closed and your lips locked. A fit of sparks burst in your chest, as Hazel’s one hand on your waist tightens its grip, further deepening the kiss. It’s slow, soft, and gentle with each tug of her lips. 
You’re positive no durg or substance could ever achieve a high equivalent this one. Her mere touch made you feel impossibly lighter. 
“You’re my ideal date too, by the way.” She utters against your lips. 
“Good,” A light laughter escapes you, before you pulled her in once more. 
Her lips curved upward, as both her hands travel from your neck to you hair, tangling her fingers in the loose strands. She wasn’t sure where her body started and where yours ended. It felt as if you had consumed her whole, that the two of you are now of one being. She had been waiting for this moment for so long, never had she thought you would feel so good. 
She couldn’t believe she had at one point regretted coming here. She almost went home. But, god was she glad she didn’t, cause you were here, in her arms, kissing her. Hazel had changed her mind, maybe these gala things weren’t so bad. 
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thotsofadepravedwoman · 2 months
Serpentine Nights Chapter 3
Livin' on a Prayer
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Pairing: Benny Cross x Fem!Biker!OC
Fandom/Universe: The Bikeriders
Summary: Azzie and Benny Both feel the first pulls, neither of which wanting to admit it, as they wait for Johnny and the other Vandal's.
Trigger Warnings: None really, Azzie and Benny just checking each other out and not admitting it to themselves, this chapter is pretty fluffy, The next chapter wont be though,
Notes: I swear this gets better, I promise. Work kicked my ass today and yesterday, so I couldn't post this chapter as quickly as I wanted to. Let me know if there is anything yall want to see going forward!
Series masterlist Main Masterlist
When Azzie awakes, she stretches, her soft bedding curling around her limbs. She had cracked her window open to let in the cool autumn breeze before she fell asleep, and now all she hears is hushed mumblings of curses and quieted scolds to keep quiet. Azzie giggled at the familiar voices on the other side of the glass. her brothers and sisters may not have been the most inconspicuous bunch, but they surely respected the sleep of their fellow Vipers. 
She pushed herself off the bed, her bare feet quietly padding across the floor as she reached into her closet for a cardigan, the weather cooler than yesterday, and definitely calling for a sweater of some sort. Just as she pulled her arms through the black wool, she heard another thud, something dropped outside followed by even more hushed laughter as she shook her head, opening the door to her room. 
As Azzie walked past her brother's room, she remembered the man that was inside. She assumed he would be awake by now, likely awakened from the commotion outside, so she had softly knocked on the door. When no answer came, she knocked slightly harder, still with no response. She cracked the door open, peeking her head into the room, scanning the dark room for Benny. Azzie wasn't sure what she was expecting to see, but the sight before her was far from whatever she was envisioning. 
He was asleep, sleeping on his stomach, his one arm under his head, the other splayed out besides him. It took her a second to realize he was shirtless, his bare back rising and falling with his breaths, the toned planes appearing extra defined from the small amount of light leaking through the drawn blinds. Benny was well built, and his biceps alone almost seemed unreal. He wasn’t overly muscled, but he was built well, with lean and defined arms no longer covered in oil and ash. Azzie had been awake long enough to hear him turn the shower on, but she hadn't expected him to look so dazzling underneath all the grime he sported the day prior. 
She caught herself smiling at the sight, and for a split second, she wondered what his back would feel like under her hands. The thought was quickly pushed away before she could delve any further into that train of thought. He was a handsome man, surely, built like an angel, his halo of now fluffy golden hair accenting his tanned skin well, but he was a biker. She had heard many stories about bikers and their tendencies in relationships, and even if she was one herself, she wouldn’t fall under the spell of those intoxicating blue eyes. 
Azzie closed the door before she could dwell on the beautiful stranger much longer, instead making her way into the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. She pulled two mugs out of the cupboard, her mug that she used almost everyday, and her fathers mug, placing them both down on the counter. She opened the fridge door, reaching for the cream when a loud boisterous laugh caught her off guard, making her jump and accidentally knock her head against the top of the fridge door, a dull pain reverberating out as she hissed. 
“You alright there Darlin’?” Benny’s unexpected presence startled her once again, Azzie’s shoulders tensing as she sucked in a quick breath.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph-” She took a steadying breath as swung the fridge door closed. “Don't you know better than to sneak up on a lady?” Setting the cream down on the countered Azzie finally turned to face the man behind her. 
All other words died in her throat at the sight before her, Benny still shirtless with the biggest pair of sweatpants she could find from her fathers closet hanging snug and low on his hips. He looked truly divine, much more enticing than when he was asleep, and his devilishly sug smirk pulling at his plush lips, Azzie swore she would commit every sin in the world if it meant she could feel his skin against hers. The thought rattled untamed in her head, her coffee nearly forgotten. 
Benny chuckled at the obvious staring, his eyes growing more amused by the second that passed as the woman before him gawked at his half naked form. “Got a starin’ problem I should know about?” he teased.
His words sent Azzie tumbling out of her daze, quickly spinning to face away from him as she placed the carton on the counter. Her hands grabbed the edge as she steadied herself,taking a deep breath to calm the raging blush coating her cheeks. Her normally steady hands nearly shook as she reached to grab the coffee pot, any witty remark dying on her tongue. 
“You uh-” Azzie had to admit, her words came out weaker, more rattled than she had anticipated, having to clear her throat before she could finish her sentence. “You want cream or sugar?”
“I’ll take mine black.” Benny answered, his bare feet moving to stand behind Azzie, looking over her shoulder at her hands, the deep red manicure beginning to chip around the edges from wear and tear. The light scarring around her knuckles had reminded Benny of his own battered knuckles. It was obvious that she hadn’t been in a fight, or at least hadn’t thrown a punch in quite some time, the scars barely noticeable, and far past the pinky twinge of freshness, were still there, faint against her otherwise unmarred complexion. It made him wonder if she simply didn't get into many fights, or if she preferred knives. He wasn't sure which possibility was more enticing to him. 
Azzie turned, having to lean back against the counters edge to stop their chests from brushing, a look of surprise pulled at the saturated hues in her eyes, making Benny take a mental note to see how that look would look in a different context. 
Quickly shaking that thought away, Benny gently took his mug of black coffee out of Azzies hand, accidentally brushing their fingers together. The contact chaste, yet somehow sensual in his eyes. Her skin, so soft, so warm, in contrast to his rough, dry skin was a feeling Benny wanted to treasure. He simply maintained eye contact while he took a sip of his coffee, the sleep now long gone from his eyes, and a new, unreadable emotion taking control of his deep blue irises. 
“Thanks for the coffee.” He said, stepping away and making his way over to the dryer, pulling his now clean clothes from the machine, cradling them against his chest with on arm, the other, still holding his mug, balanced on top of the small pile, his hip making contact with the dryers door, swinging it shut, and making his way, once again, back to the bedroom he slept in. 
“...Yeah, anytime.” 
Azzie sighed as she pulled her jacket over her form, the call from Johnny just under two hours ago had her walking out to the yard, turning towards the group of lounging men that sat in the couches and chairs in front of her trailer, a request to make sure all the Vipers were ready for a emergency meeting leaving her lips. The sound of the trailer door opening and closing once again drawing the attention of the men before her. Questioning looks came her way, and with a simple look of ‘you'll find out in a minute’ the guys got up, beginning to make their way around the trailer park to spread the message. 
Azzie looked behind her, motioning with a quick quirk of her head for Benny to join her. “Johnny and the rest of your men should be here soon.” she said.
A soft grumble came from him, a deep reverberating sound of acknowledgement coming from deep within his chest as he came to stand next to her. 
Azzie turned to face him, her head tilting back so she could make eye contact with Benny. Her hair now pulled up into a loose bun, a few strands framing her face, her eyes accentuated by makeup, the deep smokey eye making her eyes appear as if they were glowing. Benny was entranced, he knew it. Something unintelligible pulled him towards her like gravity. If she was a black hole, Benny would gladly spend the rest of eternity being dragged into her center. 
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foreverisntenough · 7 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestive, smut love bombing, little sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 13 - ‘You’re Mine’
While you were still naked in his bed, Trent trotted down the stairs making his way to the kitchen to grab the water he desperately needed. His brothers were sitting eating breakfast at a big table in the extended room talking about something but their conversation came to a crashing halt when they saw Trent open the refrigerator door, his back to them.
“You both are aware she’s not going anywhere right?” Tyler spoke loud enough for Trent to turn.
“Huh?” He was confused opening his water.
“Bro.. literally your back right now is.. just you, right now in general look like..” Marcel couldn’t get the right words to describe it. Trent stood there in the kitchen, the overhead lighting highlighting the scratches, bruises, and one pretty dramatic bite mark on his skin from the intense sex you two had. “I couldn’t even sleep.” His brother tried to explain alluding to how loud you were. .
“You’re being dramatic.” Trent quipped looking down at his chest inspecting his skin.
“I’m not, like… mum 1000% heard.” Marcel pointed towards the direction of the room Dianne would’ve been in.
“Nahh” Trent didn’t want to think about that so he just dismissed it.
“No…” Tyler said, wondering if what Marcel said was actually true and Trent had been that loud..
“Yes bro!” Marcel confirmed. Trent threw his head at his younger brother's information. Disregarding his opinion.
“Anyways… I’m going back upstairs.” Trent said shutting the refrigerator door.
“Well… relax, she’s here.. you don’t have to be a masochist about it” Tyler joked.
“Alright, come on…I’m not.” Trent was actually a little annoyed. He just wanted to be with you, not get his brother’s feedback so he continued making his way back upstairs. He could feel his chest get warm, his heart beat a bit faster as he got closer back to his room, back to you. He knew he had to ask you now. He wanted it and it couldn’t wait..
He came back into the room and you had dozed off into a light sleep, stirring when he climbed into the bed again.
“Baby” he said quietly, pulling your arms, only for you to move where he wanted you instinctively. You laid over his torso. Your arms resting on his abs, your head laying over your arm, looking up at his face.
“Hi,” you cooed sleepily.
“You’re unreal” he said with a kiss to your forehead. Your naked body was pressed onto his. He was trying to stay focused though and he was getting distracted by you so he ran his hands over his face to reset.
“I wanna ask you something,” he said in a more serious tone.
“Yeah? Okay.. you can” tilting your head to listen.
“Uhh.. yeah okay. Well..” he stumbled trying to find a way to phrase this. He had thought about this moment so much that he had overworked it and lost all train of thought. “Fuck” he muttered and you giggled at his obvious frustration.
“What is it?” You said sitting up on full display for him, not helping his ability to focus. Trent got up from the bed and walked to his wardrobe without a word. You were confused so you just sat in his bed waiting.
“Put this on” he said pushing a t-shirt of his towards you helping you put it on. “I can’t think straight with you like that” he said, a little less frustrated now, then reaching over to place something else you couldn’t see over on his nightstand.
“Okay…baby,” he situated himself back on the bed and grabbed you. He pulled you over to sit on his lap. You straddled his waist, his arms wrapped around you to feel your warm skin under his t-shirt you now had on.
“Yesss?” You cooed with a sly smile, very confused with what he was doing but you were also very interested. You made a point to not let yourself look towards the nightstand so he could get to it himself.
“I got a question.” He started again.
“I know” you giggled.
“I was thinking... I don’t want you to beg.” He said with a smile forming, he had gathered himself remembering his plan a little more now, gaining his confidence back. Your eyes squinted not totally understanding what he was saying.
“I’m the one begging you. Embarrassingly… I’m a total melt for you.” He blew out some air in an attempt to keep his composure. “I’m sorry it took me this long but I wanted us to be together but I hope you know I’ve known since… since day dot. You’re so important to me, you’re so beautiful, so special, so amazing, just perfect.” He was babbling a little but you didn’t mind, it was adoring words and you weren’t complaining though still not sure where this was going. You caught on quite quickly though when he pulled an olive velvet box off the nightstand towards you two.
“You’re fucking insane..” you said sternly, your jaw slacking a little.
“I’m not..I know what I want and I know what you said. I want to give you absolutely everything, baby. Anything you want, anything you need, I want to spoil you. Take care of you forever.” You hummed a little with a smile when his fingers fussed with the clasp on the box, popping it open. Your eyes immediately shut. You couldn’t look. Your lips rolled into a pout, shaking your head.
“No, T… no” you could barely get the words out. You could feel the tears building behind your eyelids, scared to open them.
“.. baby, look at me please.” Placing the box down on his body between you two, his hand coming to brush over your cheek holding your face. You opened your eyes slowly. Tears filling your lash line. “I want you to be my girlfriend.” He said as a fact opposed to a question.
“What the fuck.” The black velvet interior of the box acted as a pillow for the necklace you had once lusted over months ago in New York. It was the 10 motif Alhambra Van Clef & Arpels necklace in white gold, covered with diamonds. It glittered in the morning sun coming through his bedroom windows. You could remember your words falling out of your mouth not thinking anything of it at the time.
‘If someone ever bought me this, I would beg them to be in a relationship with me.. would have to be my boyfriend..’
“What you crying for?” He cooed, placing a kiss to your cheek pulling you down onto his chest, the box pressed between your bodies. “Are the tears good or bad?… I gotta know.” He joked a little knowingly.
“Stop.. you know good.” You said tapping at his chest, sitting back up. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting this or I don’t know, I didn’t know what you actually thought about us.”
“So.. yes, baby?”
“Oh.. Yeah, yes, yes. Please. Definitely.” You spewed words out with a big smile on your face. You grabbed at the box again to actually look. “You know this means you’re boyfriend right?” Clarifying the obvious for him.
“Yeah… kind of the point.” He said sarcastically to you with a goofy smile, reaching out to help you get the necklace out of the box.
“You wanna wear it?” He said while moving your hair to one side.
“I’m kind of scared.” You giggled tears still in your eyes
“Of what?” He looked at you quizzically, confused.
“It’s a lot, T.”
“It’s not for you. Nothing is” He told you with such certainty but this was absolutely insane. A designer bag was one thing but a necklace the price of a car felt like a fever dream.
“Why the fuck did you do this? You didn’t have to do this to ask me.” You questioned and told him as he clasped the necklace around you. It fell perfectly over your collarbones.
“I don’t want you to ever beg for a thing, baby. I got you. You’re mine officially now.” His words sent a shiver up your spine. You were so safe with him. You felt dizzy in contentment.
“When did you even get this?” You were quizzing him trying to figure out what the hell was happening.
“You honestly want to know?” You hummed needing to know.
“In New York, I knew I wanted you. This had to work. I wasn't very confident but I thought if I pulled the trigger on things… it had to, I had to have you.”
“You’re mine, T. You’re crazy, but you’re mine.” You said, pressing a heavy kiss to his lips giggling. Your giggles quickly subsided into a gasp when he flipped you over, getting on top of you, pinning you down. Your eyes widened at him.
“And you're mine, right?” He said placing kisses along your neck. You were unable to gather any composure, moaning at his touch, his hands siding under the t-shirt to come and knead your boobs, fingers rolling your nipples between them. You just nodded. “My girlfriend.” He sucked on your sensitive skin particularly hard.
“Oh my god” you whimpered. Things had shifted very quickly. You went from teasing him for fumbling words to being his girlfriend underneath him moaning.
The word girlfriend sparked something in you, you could feel the coil from him saying it in your gut. You were caught in your own thoughts for a second before you noticed Trent had left your neck, working his way down your chest, taking your nipples in his mouth, sucking on them, rolling his tongue over them one at a time, teasing you relentlessly. You could feel your core practically dripping onto the sheets. His hands slid over your stomach down to your pussy seamlessly gliding between your folds.
“Always so wet f’me, baby. Hmm?” He was smug. He had finally got what he wanted.
“Yeah, ye-yeah, always for you, fuck, baby..” you whined, his fingers circling your clit. His lips trailed down your body. He kissed everywhere but where you needed him most. “T, please.”
“Okay, okay baby. I’ll take care of you, yeah?” He hummed. The heat from his breath on your pussy felt heavenly. You nodded desperately. His fingers dragged through your folds again spreading you open for himself, his tongue slowly following in the wake before coming back to flick your clit. His lips sucked on it softly. It felt so good, way too good. He picked up your legs to rest over his shoulders. His face completely buried in your core. He dipped a little lower, his tongue pressing into your entrance, his nose brushing your clit. You grabbed at his head to hold him there. He laughed and the vibration pulled you closer to the edge. His hands rubbed over your hips, holding you down into the bed. You were shaking, falling apart above him, curses falling from your lips.
“T..” you whined again. He took your cue and returned his attention back to your clit. His one arm moved to lay across your hips to continue holding you in place, his other hand sliding to slip two fingers into you slowly. You gasped and your thighs clenched at the sensation but he continued to slide them in and out of you picking up the pace and intensity while stroking your sensitive clit harshly with his tongue. His tongue felt so good you couldn’t think straight. You came undone when his fingers hit a little deeper. You could only muddle out his name, cumming all over his face, squirting messily.
He stayed there, tongue lapping up all of you greedily. He glanced up at you with the most wholesome smile like he wasn’t doing anything remotely dirty. If you weren’t shaking before, you were now. He wanted more of you but his face pulled away happily covered with your slick wanting to hold you now.
“So good, baby.” He cooed, placing kisses on the inside of your thighs working his way back up covering your body with more kisses before holding, cuddling with you closer than ever.
“You’re not staying at the hotel you know that, right?” Trent spoke quietly as you both stayed awake but with eyes shut.
“Hmm?” You questioned him.
“Baby, I’m not spending one second I don’t have to without you. You’re staying here.” He was stern and you weren't going to fight it.
“Whatever you want me to do, baby, I’ll do.” You said kissing down his jaw line lazily, hands rubbing all over his naked chest. You two stayed in bed as long as you could but you reminded Trent he had to go to his post match rehab at AXA, Liverpool’s training center. He reminded you that he needed to take you down to your hotel to get your things to bring to his house before that. To be fair, you never wanted to stay there from the start. It was a dumb to be apart when all you wanted was to be together but it was a thoughtful precaution.
You finally dragged both your bodies out of bed after a few more kisses. You opted to stay in Trent’s t-shirt because you didn’t feel like parading around in his jersey in his own home. You pulled on your pants from yesterday and went and found him in the bathroom moisturizing.
“Bougie boy,” you poked fun picking up his bottle of Byredo body lotion. He just rolled his eyes playfully ignoring you.
“Come on,” he walked past you grabbing onto your waist dragging you with him. You walked downstairs and a similar game occured to the one last night only this time you were pinching at him, causing a stir of giggles from you both.
Dianne was in the kitchen, eager to meet you. She and Trent had talked about you a lot but she needed to get the real picture not his distorted tunneled version. Your laughs entered the kitchen before you, Marcel still at the table, rolled his eyes, he was over this whole thing already.
“Wow… I haven’t heard that laugh in a long time.” Dianne spoke as Trent just about pushed you into the room. You were very scared, a mum of only boys was intimidating.
“What?” Marcel quipped at his mum’s comment.
“Haven’t heard that since he was a little boy. Good morning sweetheart” she said, coming over to give a hug to Trent. You were terrified, Trent was excited, Dianne was skeptical, Marcel was bored.
“Mum.. this is Y/N, my girlfriend” he cooed more talking in your direction, elated with the label, than his mums. His arms were wrapped around you standing behind you. He nuzzled his face into your neck before finding a place of rest on your shoulder. Dianne’s eyes widened, never seeing her son this affectionate before. You opted to wiggle out of his hold gently to properly introduce yourself to her.
“Hi, I’m Y/N, it’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard so much about you from Trent. Thank you for letting me visit.” You were polite, you had good manners. She looked over your appearance. You were beautiful, she had seen photos but in person your features were more prominent, not lost on her that you were in her sons clothes but she didn’t care, you still looked elegant, you had a fresh glow to you; unbeknownst to her it was caused by her son eating you out a little bit ago but what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. Trent sat at the island before pulling you between his legs, his arms back around your waist. Dianne was satisfied, frankly, just seeing how happy Trent was with you was enough.
“Girlfriend! When did we get the courage?” She teased him before coming to give you a hug pulling you out of Trent’s hold.
“Heard nothing but wonderful wonderful things about you sweetie” You felt a huge sigh of relief that she was actually as nice as Trent had painted her out to be.
Trent held your hand as you finally left the house getting back in his car. You got to look at his home in the daylight, the amount of cars in the driveway still confused you, but the house was as beautiful as you had presumed.
“Why’d you try to tell me your house wasn’t nice?” You giggled
“I never said that” he was short, focusing on reversing the car in the driveway.
“You told me I couldn’t see” squeezing at his arm.
“Because you couldn’t!” Trent wasn’t very good at concededing, he was going to push this till you agreed with him so you dropped it and just shook your head smiling.
You liked driving with him. It felt so comfortable, so domestic. You were processing the differences between here and home, when you eventually pulled into the hotel’s entrance.
“I’ll just find a spot instead of using valet so I can help you.” Trent said thinking his plan to come upstairs was a good idea.
“Erm no.. just stay here. I’ll be really quick!” Starting to get the room key out of your wallet ready to go in.
“I’m being serious.. just let me help you.” He said with some attitude.
“And I’m being ‘serious.’” You were mocking, exaggerating his accent on the word playfully.
“Okay, that..that’s not funny.” He said, breaking into laughter despite his contrasted words. You giggled just hearing his sweet laugh.
“I’ll be back,” kissing him on the cheek before jumping out. It actually was a really quick task, you didn’t need him. You gathered up all your things. You changed your outfit quickly, wearing last night's clothes and your slightly torn lingerie thanks to Trent wasn’t cute. When you got back down to the lobby with your things and a new outfit the woman who had checked you in was working again and she was quick to ask how the match was.
“Did you meet anyone!?” She asked with a sweet smile. You just smiled not wanting to lie.
“Those boys.. what a lot right?” She kept talking, you felt bad not indulging her so you responded.
“They’re definitely cute.” Looking out the doors to see Trent’s car waiting for you. “Do you have a favorite player?” You asked, seeing yours.
“Oh gosh! If I had to pick it’s gotta be our own, Alexander- Arnold, so handsome.” She placed her hands over her heart feigning an ache.
“So handsome.” You giggled back knowing the handsome player was now your patient boyfriend outside
“Need help with your luggage? I’ll carry it out to the car.”
“No, no, no!” You actually started to panic a little. What would the woman do if she saw Trent? “I’m okay. Really.” You said gripping your bags.
“You sure, hun?” She came round the desk to you.
“Yeah, yeah all good! Thank you so much!!” You practically ran away from her. Trent started to get out of the car, seeing you exit to help you with your bags but you waved him to stay in his seat so he obediently sat there. You opened the boot of his car to place your bags.
“What’s up?” He questioned your bizarre change in behavior turning back to see you.
“You’re too handsome, that’s what.” You said with a little bit of a grunt picking up your heavy suitcase.
“Let me hel..” he wanted to assist but you shut the door before he could finish his sentence.
“All good.” You bounced back into the front seat again.
“Going to give me any context?” He said a little bewildered but laughing. You shook your head thinking about it.
“The woman working teased me about getting with a player before the game yesterday and then just now she told me you were her favorite, so obviously I can’t have her coming out here and seeing you! She’d think I’m hoeing around, pulling you randomly. She’s like 50, she’d judge me!”
“Baby..” he couldn’t stop laughing. “what!?” His smile was so big.
“Stop! It would look bad for you too!” You tried to explain to him.
“I don’t care what people think of me.” He told you flat out, totally honest.
“That’s can’t be true” you questioned his authenticity.
“I mean I value people's opinions surely but I’m not basing my life on them. Maybe specific people I care but… like I care what you think.” He explained his hand reaching to hold yours.
“Wow.. I don’t feel that way at all.” You laughed. “That’s all I care about.” Joking but also incredibly serious; you were such a people pleaser.
“Don’t” he said, kissing your head, you couldn’t suppress a smile.
Later in the day, back at the house you were tucked in Trent’s bed while he was out doing some sort of rehabilitation thing at AXA. He’d be gone for a few hours and you figured with the jet lag you just needed to nap and maybe shower, so you did. You definitely snooped around his room a little first though. Combing through what he kept in his shower, looking at pictures, inspecting his shoe collection, nothing too invasive, mostly because you didn’t want to find anything you didn’t want to know about but also because you respected his privacy. You were in a towel under the blankets back in his bed after your shower when your friend called you.
“Hiii” she squealed. You were also happy to talk to her especially since you now had a boyfriend to tell her about.
“Guess who has a boyfriend!!” You were trying to be quiet not to embarrass yourself in case his family were to hear but you were really excited.
“No…Wow, so the trip is a success already?” She asked smiling knowing the answer to her question but her face seemed to be hiding a different emotion.
“Very.” You cooed beaming.
“Okay, sooo I’ll just cut to.. you know how I’m like very. Very good at stalking.”
“Erm yeah.” You suddenly felt a little dizzy, not sure what she was going to say. She was right, she was very good at stalking, especially on social media. The pair of you could be in the FBI with the information you’ve gotten from people’s profiles.
“Well I was just seeing if Trent won the game, trying to see how your night was going to go..” She said cheekily. “You know, without bothering you but it just led me to this rabbit hole of like their fans..”
“And..” you were anxiously waiting for what bit of information she could’ve found. As silly and sexual you and Trent were with one another, the thing that connected you were your emotions. You actually had a really good relationship in terms of communication. You both had shared a lot about your lives with the other, more than you had with any one else before so you prayed there was no hidden secret.
“No, just well I got to this page that follows the team right… they take all these videos and photos of them before and after the game, I guess arriving and leaving? I couldn’t really piece together the timeline.”
“Kay” she kept talking as you followed along.
“Anyways I’m swiping through this carousel on Instagram about the player’s cars, again it was a real rabbit hole, but there you were!”
“Sorry?” You were shocked. “What do you mean?”
“Like it’s a photo of you… and obviously Trent, in his car, he’s holding your hand!” Your face completely dropped.
“Are there comments? Like what's happening with it?”
“Well then I kinda paper trailed a little and there were some reposts of the photo from like fan girlies being like ‘who the fuck is that?’ But don’t worry, you look skinny!”
“I don’t care if I look skinny!”
“Erm you definitely do but fine moving on it’s cute! Just wanted you to know you’re officially out there.”
“I guess thanks.. so there’s like discourse on this?”
“There’s not a lot else out there and they don’t have your name so” she shrugged. The conversation lulled and after you caught up on her life happenings, you said your goodbyes and slumped down in his bed. What was he going to think about this? Did he want to be public with you? What were people saying? You did the worst thing possible and went online to look. His tagged photos on Instagram flooded with the one image. Fan accounts flipping a shit… this was crazy.
When Trent came home he roamed around the house trying to make out where you might’ve decided to hang out but he was told by his brother you had stayed in this room and he suddenly felt bad, hoping you didn’t feel like you had to. He ran up the stairs to come find you.
“What you doing in here beautiful?” You were caught in a doom scroll not noticing he walked in. He laid on the bed next to you and you finally paid him mind.
“Hi” you cooed but it was laced with sadness. ‘She’s not even that pretty’ comments lingering in your head.
“Okay?” He asked but you just hummed. He sat up against the headboard spreading his legs and picking your body up, placing you to sit in between them, your back pressing into his chest. His cheek pressing against yours “hmm?”
“I don’t.. I’m not sure…” you stuttered trying to deduce if this was a big deal or not..
“Just tell me. Go on…” his words were comforting but you were anxious.
“Like..” you let out a big breath. “Do you want people to know about us, about me?”
“What does that even mean?” He tried not to sound too patronizing but he was laughing.
“T..” you were serious.
“Okay, okay. Erm, I asked you to my girlfriend and you said yes correct? yeah?” He questioned still smiling.
“You’re not taking me seriously!” You whined, a sadness washed over your face, the one he really didn’t like.
“I am, I am, baby” he said, holding you a bit closer to him. “I’m sorry, just explain it to me a little more.” Trying to get rid of that look on your face fast.
“Like, do you want people to know you have a girlfriend?”
“Obviously or I wouldn’t have asked you to be mine, I’m off the market sweet girl.” His words were so cute but you needed more.
“But, do you want them to know it’s me?” Your voice quivered a little. The worry in your eyes made Trent understand this was important to you and clearly something was going on so he decided to be a little more transparent.
“Baby, let me start off saying that this comes from immense care, affection, and the need to protect you. I’ve never been more happy to have you finally be my girlfriend…” he blew some air out of his mouth. Having to preface something never felt like a good thing so your anxiety was rising rapidly. “If we are being honest… in an ideal world, what I want to is show you off to everyone, let everyone know how fucking lucky I am but in reality, no, it’s not something I want given my life right now.” When he paused he saw your face fall into utter hurt. “Wait baby, hold on, hold on!” Placing a million kisses on your face holding you tighter than he was before.
“It’s only because of what I’ve told you before. Once people know information and start digging you can’t reel it back in and I need to protect you. It’s the social accounts and news outlets I’m worried about. I can’t put you through something you didn’t sign up for.”
“I’m with you for you, I am signing up for this. All of you and that includes your whole life T.. I don’t want to be hidden away… I don’t know that kind of hurts.” You started to cry at the reality that you would just be a secret no one could know about. What were you to him then. Just a stay at home, be there only when he wants you?
“Baby… baby.. I’m not doing a good job explaining.” He huffed annoyed at himself. He turned you around to properly look at him.
“You are my life, the most important thing in it. I know I have to tend to my job’s schedule which might make it seem otherwise but my heart is yours. The genuine people in my life, they know you; friends, family, the team. I want you with me every second I can be. You’re coming with me everywhere; to every event, we will go out to dinners, coffees, shopping, wherever, you’ll be at my games, hell I’ll make out with you in the middle of packed anfield, but doing all of those things together is because you're mine and I am yours forever. It’s not some show.. it’s our life.”
“What I was alluding to, is your personal private life, our private life. I want to try to keep that between us the best we can. People don’t need to know your life, that’s for me to adore. You didn’t sign up to have strangers writing about you, I can’t see you get hurt. Does that make sense? If anyone asks… I’ll rant for days about my beautiful girl. I’m never going to change the way I touch you, talk to you when we’re together.
“Okay..” you responded, barely making a sound sniffling away a few tears.
“Okay? Promise baby. I just want to keep you safe.” He cooed, placing a kiss to your lips.
“My friend called and showed me this photo on Instagram, I don’t know if you’ve seen…” you hesitantly looked into his eyes.
“I caught it. It’s okay, beautiful… really but this is what I’m on about. You’re upset. It’s too much. I worked my whole life, inching towards this, preparing to have it, you didn’t.. It’s different. Please try to understand.”
“I understand, I’m sorry, T. Thank you for explaining and taking care of me. I guess I just didn't know what to expect and then it’s like day one it’s all over the internet.” You sighed.
“We’ll keep our relationship for us, yeah? Anyone asks.. of course you're mine but we’re not together for them. Just don’t want your personal information exploited.” You hummed, pressing your face into the crook of his neck as he engulfed you in his arms. “I care about you so much.” He whispered. He knew he loved you, but he was still mustering up the courage to tell you, he didn’t want to overwhelm you and this inadvertently became a step towards his confession.
Thank you for continuing reading! Comment or message what you think of the series so far… 🤍
Next part - Chapter 14 xx
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britswriting · 1 year
The Announcement | Quadruple The Love H.S
Follow Y/N + Harry's journey from being a family of two, to a family of six! Also know as, Harry + Y/N have quadruplets! This series will contain blurbs, social media posts, interviews and everything family + fame!
full masterlist qtl masterlist Read on Wattpad
harrystyles and ynstyles
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♡ liked by: annetwist, niallhoran, liampayne, and 3,765,874 others harrystyles: Been busy on break
annetwist: I can't wait!!
gemmastyles: I've already bought onesies 🙈💞
liampayne: Welcome to the club, mate!
ynstyles: You owe me £5 for not spilling the beans!
harryfan1: OMG WHAT
harryfan2: She said.. I'm having your baby! ↳ harryfan3: And it's ALL OF HIS BUSINESS OMG
harryfan4: Guys... we're getting dadrry. I repeat, we're getting dadrry!
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ynstyles: First trimester diaries! 🍼 First things first, finding out your pregnant, at least.. when you're trying, is the best feeling ever!!!! Harry and I took so many photos and videos (far too personal to share, (See slide four to see me on the verge of screaming and crying over the fact that I'm pregnant lol) you see me cry enough as it is lol) and we sat on the bathroom floor in pure happiness and disbelief. (and a lot of concern on my end..) I couldn't stop looking at my stomach and bubbling nonsense to Harry as we began our true first steps into parenthood. (I'll eventually talk about our journey, but if you're new, it hasn't been an easy one💝) As we watched my stomach grow, we couldn't stop touching it! The idea of feeling a kick, or a flutter... or even just the thought of a baby inside of me; pure happiness. (Pst, Harry sleeps with his hand on my belly and it's my new favorite thing ever!!!! It's so cute!!!) For those wondering, Morning sickness is brutal. I'm already losing sleep, vomiting my guts even in the middle of the night and much to my dismay, awakening Harry every time I scurry to the bathroom. (If Harry looks extra tired on camera, I apologize! - he'll tell me off for this, shh!) Tiredness is unreal. I mean, I figured growing a human would be hard, but I'm convinced I'm asleep more than I am awake. I wake up, vomit, eat some crackers take my meds, sleep repeat. Ultrasounds are the craziest experience ever!! Harry and I lost our minds and Harry's soft smile when we saw the screen is burned in my brain forever. He's honestly already such a good husband but I know he's going to be an even better father! I honestly can't wait!! @harrystyles I love you so much! Thank you for making me a mumma <3
annetwist: Congrats! I'm excited to finally talk about it!
yourbff: I can't believe you didn't tell me for 3 weeks smh ↳ ynstyles: It was unbearable for me too!
comments on this post have been limited
"Love, staring at it won't make the line appear quicker" Harry tried to ease, his hand on my back as my eyes laser locked on the pregnancy test.
"The line has to show at some point!"
Harry snatched the test off the counter, my mouth a gape, ready to throw protest when he grabbed my hand and led me to sit down on the cold tile with him.
"Harry! Give me the test!" I whined, my tear ducts filling as the past couple months of worry begun to spill over.
"Y/N, babe, just sit down with me. We're dong this together, alright?"
I reluctantly sat next to him, Harry setting the test on his thigh, his right hand clasping my left as we stared down at it.
"What if it's just one line?" I asked softly, my biggest fear being vocalized once again.
"Then we'll try again" He repeated instantly, a singular tear rolling down my cheek.
"Harry, it's our sixth round in three years" I cried, my eyes squeezing shut as the emotion left glistening trails down my cheeks.
"Y/N, we don't have to do it again" He told me calmly his thumb rubbing against my knuckles, something he did frequently to quietly soothe me.
"You already know how I feel about adoption" I whimpered, guilt encasing my chest as I slowly opened my eyes, my blurred vision attempting to peak at the test.
"I know" He replied, not offering much else as he starred at the test.
"I'm a horrible person" I begin to cry again, taking my hand out of his as I covered my face.
"You're not a horrible person, y/n"
"What woman doesn't want to adopt, Harry?! We could! We could have already had a family! What kind of person is afraid too adopt?!"
"A person whose thought about every avenue. Y/N, it's perfectly normal to want what you want. Can you open your eyes please when I talk to you?" He asked, His green eyes were full of hope, my throat tightening as I glanced away. "Y/N" Harry warned, getting me to look back at him. "I know you're afraid of everything that comes with adoption, and if it's a huge fear of yours, whether it's that you won't love them the same, or they won't love you, or all of the separation issues you've read about.. it's just a different journey that we'd take together. We'd figure it out. You're not the first person to be nervous to adopt if that's a path we need to consider. However we start our family, is how we start our family. I know having a biological baby means a lot to you, but if that's not where life takes us, I think we both need to prepare ourselves to come to terms with that" He told me honestly, my lips pursed as I nodded.
It was true.
As horrific as it made me feel, I was afraid that if I adopted, I wouldn't love that child the same way I would my own. Maybe it was silly.. but my dream was to always have a baby of my own, and now that it's became an entire ordeal including medical professionals and obsessive calendar counting, I knew I needed to let my brain dance with the idea again... but could I really do that to a child? Bring them into this loving home.. and not love them the way they deserved? Would I ever view that baby as my own? Or would it feel more like a godparent babysitting situation?
IVF has been a rough path that Harry and I have walked down. One we didn't take lightly, and one we definitely probably over researched before even attempting such feat.. but with all the cons.. there were the pros.
So we tried, and we tried, an we tried.... and we gave up. Adoption maybe? Foster care? Surrogacy? Egg donors? There was a million routes.. but none of them felt like my dream. I wanted to have sex one night and wake up pregnant the next morning with my husbands child, and I struggle a lot with the fact that that isn't how it's happening.
It would be so easier if I could blame Harry, and his annoying sperm.. but the reality is, Harry is perfectly capiable impregnating someone.
I'm the problem.
Learning that you're supposed sole duty of a period every month wasn't even worth it... definitely landed me in some pretty intense therpary.
There has been more dark days than light for both Harry and I.
I'd be lying if I said divorce had never crossed our minds.
Things got bad, before they got good again and now here I sat next to him, wedding band on my finger as tears streamed down my cheeks, ready to be once again disappointed by my body.
"Can we just see what this test says and go from there, please?" I asked quietly, Harry nodding. "Can you look? My eyes are blurry"
I did my best to clear my vision when I heard the inhale of Harry's sharp breathing.
"What?" I asked, panic making my body tense. "What?!"
"It's two lines! Y/N! You're pregnant!" He practically yelled, my entire body stilling.
"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" He yelled, scurrying off the floor, helping me up and yanking me into a hug and a kiss.
"Oh my god" I exhaled, my vison thankfully clearing as I snatched the test, seeing the two pink lines for myself.
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"That has to be fake" was my immediate reaction as I held the test up to the light, the pink line darkening right in front of me. "Where is the clearblue one?" I asked Harry, Harry's arms wrapping around me, his palms resting against my stomach as I pulled open one of the drawers, finding my stash of pregnancy tests.
The drawer was probably my most opened drawer in the entire household; which meant it was also my most hated.
All it held was dreams and disappointment.
"Can you grab me a few water bottles, please?" I asked, setting the test aside as I opened one of the more expensive pregnancy test boxes.
"Baby, it's so dark" Harry showed me, crease lines between his brow as his dimples pops from the smile he had.
"I know, I know.. I just.. want to be sure. I need to pee again! Water, please!"
Three water bottles later, I found myself peeing on yet another stick and plopping the capped test onto toilets paper on our counter.
I hated waiting.
"Babe, are you going to look?" Harry asked, a goofy smile still on his face as he leaned against the door frame.
"What if the test was wrong?" I asked again eyeing the drugstore pregnancy test next to Harry.
"Baby, they're supposed to be one of the most accurate tests"
"But false positives are a thing!" I shouted, shaking my hands as I paced the space between the toilet and the bathtub.
"Y/N" Harry sighed, "I know you're worried, and we can make a doctors appointment to verify.. but baby, I think this is it. I think we've done it"
I hesitantly walked up to the counter, my eyes locked on my mess of a reflection in front of me before slowly finding the test.
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"Oh my god" I exhaled, the bold "pregnant" staring back at me. "Harry!" I quickly showed the test, a smile starting to form at my lips as my eyes welled up with tears again, "I.. we're... oh my god!" I shrieked, jumping a little as I waved the test next to me.
I quickly pulled out my phone, the video shaky as ran over to Harry, kissing him before showing the test to the camera.
"We're pregnant!" I yelled out, Harry grinning as he leaned down to kiss me again, the video stopping and I turned to the camera, Harry snatching the drugstore test, both of us holding up the tests as we took countless photos before posting in the mirror, taking all sorts of different angles of my belly.
I can't believe we're pregnant.
"I told you you weren't fat" he chuckled as we inspected my bloated stomach.
"I'm fat with your baby!" I laughed, my hand running over the puffy skin. "God, I'm going to get more stretchmarks"
"Good thing you married a man who happens to love them" He pecked my cheek, his hands on my hips.
"We need to make a doctors appointment pronto and make sure these tests are correct" I informed, setting the plastic test on the counter.
"I know, I know! I just.. I want to be sure, okay?"
"I know. I love you no matter what, but I really think this time.. this time is it"
Hello! I've had this idea for a while, and I thought it would be fun to make kind of an open ending series? Meaning we can work on this for as long as we want! From finding out, to their birth, and just watching them grow up! If you have any requests, feel free to ask! I don't plan on posting them in order (like birth, growing up etc), but I will have them posted in (hopefully) chronological order in the masterlist!
Feel free to leave requests in the comments or on my ask via my profile!
If you have any baby names, let me know! I have the sex's picked out, but not the names!
I wanted to make this longer, but Tumblr has a 10 photo limit so...
I'm hoping as I get into it, I can write the blurbs better, just with their storyline, it was a bit hard to make it very happy and fluffy lol.
Welcome to my Quadruplet series! (I might post it on wattpad, I'll update the masterlist with a link if it is!!)
pst. my little circles won't stay where I want them to, if you know how to fix that lmk, otherwise we can both be annoyed together!
-Brit <3
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tonyspank · 1 year
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: fluffy
Words: 2.0k
A/N: I was like awww writing this chapter
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series masterlist | main masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
"There have been speculations that Y/N didn't deserve her spot in the NBA...but now with eight seconds left on the clock of the game, she led her team to a championship in her first season ever. She silenced all the critics and proved that she belonged in the league.
—Her leadership and determination were undeniable and she earned her spot as one of the best players in the game, so young and so early on. She is now one of the most inspiring figures in the sport and a role model for many young players, dreaming of making it to the big leagues. She has set a high standard for future generations, showing that dedication and hard work can make even the wildest dreams come true."
You bend down, your emotions overwhelm you. In three seconds your team has officially won the 2022-2023 NBA Championship. You raise your arms to the sky as tears of joy roll down your cheeks.
You look around to find your teammates, and they are all in the same state of pure elation. They rush over to you, hugging and celebrating. You take a moment to soak it all in, and you can't help but smile. The dream has become a reality.
You look up at the crowd, thousands of cheering fans, and you can't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. You can't help but think about how far you have come, and the journey you have taken to get here. You realize that all of your hard work has paid off.
The team manager places a hat on your head, smiling as she congratulates you. You take a deep breath giving LaMelo Ball a tight hug. You two being one of the best duos to take the court in a while. You close your eyes, feeling the moment, knowing that no matter what happens, you will always have each other's back.
You break away from the hug and look around the room, your teammates cheering and celebrating your success. You laugh, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
"Y/N!" Your head turns at the sound of your name, and you're met with a few cameras pointed your way. You smile and share a look with your manager before walking over to the cameras. Lisa, an interviewer, shakes your hand and introduces herself.
You take a few moments to compose yourself, and then you start to answer her questions. "Y/N, we feel the emotion. Where is it all coming from? How do you feel after leading your team to the championship?"
You adjust your hat, letting out a breath. "I'm honored and proud. It's been a long journey, full of hard work and dedication. I'm thankful to everyone who has been a part of it. Never would I have thought I'd be the first woman to ever play in the NBA, nor even be in the finals in my first season.
—It's just so unreal and I just can't be more grateful for the opportunity I've been given. But at the same time, I know I'm here for a bigger purpose. Representing women everywhere, showing them that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I'm ready to make history and show the world that no dream is too big."
Lisa nods at your words, moving the microphone back to her to ask another question. "Did you feel a lot of pressure on yourself being the first woman in the NBA? If so, did you use that to your advantage and how did you?"
You glance around before answering. "I didn't feel pressure because I knew I was capable. In fact, I embraced it and used it to fuel my drive to succeed. I never let the fact that I was a woman stop me from aiming for the highest achievements."
A crowd begins forming around you which includes your teammates, coaches, managers, and family members. You spot Eli in the crowd and he brings you into a tight hug, and whispers in your ear, "You did it! Congratulations!" He holds you tightly for a few seconds, and then pulls away, patting your chest. You nod at his words, smiling at your best friend.
"You almost got us in the conference finals." Eli gave you a mischievous smile and winked. "Next year, we'll get our get back on you and LaMelo." He laughs. You grin and playfully punch his shoulder. "You think you can handle us?" you asked. "Bring it on," he replied confidently.
Your eyes then meet the ones you've been looking for this entire night. Jenna blows you a kiss as she walks toward you. You dramatically drop your jaw, holding a hand over your heart.
Eli laughs at your reaction. You laugh, eyes still fixed on Jenna. She slowly moves closer, her arms outstretched. You lift her up, spinning her around in a circle. You both laugh, and Eli makes his way over to your parents. Jenna presses her lips to yours, and you swear you can feel sparks between you.
You reluctantly pull away, a giddy smile on your face. You look around, and you can tell your parents and Eli are all sharing the same joy. You have found something special in Jenna, and it feels like it is something that will never fade away. Your parents begin walking to you, holding someone out for you to take.
You smile at your son, who looks as lost as ever and taking him from your parent's grasp. He looks up at you, his eyes brown doe eyes wide. You rock him a bit, smiling at him before you glance at your parents. They smile back at you, proud of who you've become and how much you've accomplished.
Even though you having a child was a complete shocker and scared the living hell out of them, they couldn't be more proud of the parent you have become. They're happy that the two people they care about so much have found peace in each other, and that you have created a beautiful family.
They are confident that you will be able to provide and care for your child with unconditional love. They are relieved and happy that you have found each other and are creating a loving home.
Jenna smiles at you and Kian, taking in the sight of her family. You smile back, feeling a wave of relief and joy. You hug your child tightly, grateful for the opportunity to be a parent. You know that together, you will all be okay.
Jenna laughs at Kian, "He's like what's going on right now? He's so lost." You laugh with her, wiping a bit of drool off his lips. "I know right." Kian looks up at you both with a wide, toothless grin.
You and Jenna both awe at the sight, the innocence of his smile warming your hearts. Jenna leans in and gives him a kiss on the forehead. "He's so cute," she says. Eli speaks up. "I've smiled at you before Jenna and I never got a kiss on the forehead."
Jenna giggles and looks up at Eli with a twinkle in her eye. "That's because you're not as cute as Kian," she says, laughing a bit. Eli just rolls his eyes and then laughs along with the rest of them before taking Kian from you. Eli lowers his voice, whispering into Kian's ear. "If you weren't so cute, I'd fight you about it."
Kian grins and wraps his chubby arms around Eli's neck. Jenna and everyone else laughs as Eli kisses Kian's chubby cheeks. "You're the cutest, Kian," he says, laughing.
Your parents then come over and congratulate you, pulling you into tight hugs as happy tears fall down their faces. It was more than obvious that they felt like they had accomplished something extraordinary. They were so proud of you for all your hard work and dedication. They had seen you grow and mature and were relieved to see you reach your goals.
"We're so proud of you honey." You smiled, clearly overcome with emotion. You couldn't believe that your hard work had finally paid off. You thanked your parents for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout your journey.
Your dad shrugs you off, giving you a warm smile. "It's all you, kid." He pats your shoulder and you can't help but beam with pride. You knew that your parents were always there for you, and you are so grateful for their love and support.
Now back at home with Jenna, Kian, and Eli, you sit in the living room with a bowl of ice cream on your lap. You take a spoonful of the ice cream before sending a glare at Eli, "Please shut the heck up." He smiles, "Look at you! Being a good mom and not cursing in front of your son."
You shook your head and smiled. Kian just continued to crawl on the large black carpet that covered the marble flooring in your living room, oblivious to the bickering between his mom and his uncle.
Jenna walks into the living room, smiling. "Why don't you bother Olivia and not me?" Eli rolls his eyes, leaning back against the couch. "She's on tour! I miss my girlfriend."
You laugh, shaking your head. "You know she's coming back soon." Eli sighs, closing his eyes. "I know. I'm just impatient." Kian looks up, clapping his hands and squealing with laughter.
"Kian!" Kian's head turns at the sound of Jenna's voice, his face lighting up. Jenna kneels down on the carpet and opens her arms to Kian. "He's so whipped man." You mumble, Eli nods in agreement, "I would be too."
You send another glare at Eli before throwing a pillow at his face. Kian lifts himself with help from the leather couch in front of him, taking his first-ever step. Eli ducks the pillow and laughs, while Kian continues to walk to his mom. You sit up in your seat, a huge smile on your face.
Jenna's face matches yours, encouraging Kian to keep walking. "C'mon, baby, come." Kian's movements are still unsteady, but he manages to make it to his mom's.
Jenna gives you a look as her eyes begin to water, and you feel your heart swell with pride. You look at Eli and he smiles, his eyes twinkling with joy. "Oh, my flip-flop," Eli mutters, shocked as he just watched his nephew take his first steps.
Jenna bursts into tears of joy and pulls Kian in for a tight hug. Kian wraps his arms around his mother, his little face filled with joy. You stand up from the couch, walk over to Jenna and Kian, and wrap your arms around the both of them, Eli joins in, jumping up and down in joy.
"He walked! He walked!" Eli says, still jumping up and down. He soon stops, smiling at Kian. "Hi, five!" Kian reaches out his hand, and Eli eagerly gives him a high five. They both laugh, and Eli pats Kai on the back. "You did great!" he says, taking him from Jenna's arms.
"I think he just stole our son," you mutter to Jenna. Kian giggles as Eli carries him around the room. Jenna smiles and takes your hand in hers. "He's in good hands," she says, and you both laugh.
She then takes your hand, leading you into the kitchen with a huge smile on her face. "How does it feel being the first woman in the NBA and leading your team to a championship?"
You pause and take a deep breath, looking at Jenna before responding. "It feels amazing," you say, squeezing her hand. "I'm so proud of what I've accomplished, and I'm so lucky to have you and Kian here with me."
Jenna looks lovingly at you and says, "We're all so proud of you. You've worked hard and it's paid off." She gives your hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it, a warm smile on her face. You smile back at her, bringing her into a kiss.
You hold each other close and savor the moment. You feel a wave of gratitude and love for Jenna, "I love how you get me." You mumble against her head, swaying her back in forth.
She looks deep into your eyes and holds your face in her hands, "I love you too, my love." You kiss one last time and pull away, feeling an indescribable peace.
taglist - @alexkolax @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23 @tai-hdg @crazyoffher2
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eldritch-spouse · 15 days
If I saw weird alien bussy so do you
THAT'S SO GOOD THOUGH. I've seen this Tweet before.
Ngl people give Romulus some shit for being ""nothing new"", but I think it was exactly what the franchise needed to get its legs back up. Not to mention that people complained when "something new" was added, the prequels and their lore. I wish the comics could be explored in the big screen...
And I like that big bastard too (the monster, I'm not talking about the actor, obviously). He's very close in appearance to a promethean/engineer, and I don't hear anyone talking about the implications of such. The black liquid makes a another appearance but I, like many others, still can't nail down a proper timeline for the series.
Did xenomorphs predate engineers? Did the engineers find them and extract the black liquid from them? Did the deacon specifically exist before xenos and did the prometheans worship it? Was it truly David who engineered the xenomorphs we know today? I haven't heard anyone put it all together in a way that leaves no holes.
Anyway, I still like the Newborn more than this guy. At least the Newborn thought of Ripley as his mom and clearly didn't have much of a murderous impulse towards her. This new offspring in Romulus hesitated to kill his mother, but maybe it didn't quite have a fondness like the Newborn did.
I know you probably wanted me to theorize about his alien dick, but I just have so many lore question about him- It's unreal.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
Desire & Duty (1)
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I. Fire & Blood
Summary: Aemond finds a way to take his pleasure in his duty
Pairings: Helaena x Targaryen!sister reader, Aegon II x Helaena, future Aemond x Targaryen!reader x Helaena
Warnings: Medieval ASOIF Customs, canon incest, cursing, polyamorous, incestous polygamy, Aemond is more savvy to girl on girl love 😂,  mentions of war and death, blood, unreal ceremonies involving fire and blood, blood drinking, lip slicing, polyamorous marriage, jiji you know what this is about
Wordcount: 3.4k 
Notes: I’m going to do what I think the TV series is going to do, Maelor, (Aegons’s and Helaena’s youngest son) isn’t alive (yet maybe?), Helaena doesn’t lose any children, I want only love and sex for our beautiful Helaena. ALSO, maybe spoilers… this will be smoother, like I said, I want it to be short, sweet and kinky, so I’m not going to dwindle on details jiji 
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Two years later
Too much had changed
Too many had died 
Too many loose, too much war and trauma
The entire country was destroyed, burned, people were merely joining together after being divided by war. 
He had to put together a new council, his grandfather died, so it all stood between Tyland Lannister, as the master of coin, Corlys Velaryon as the master of ships, and other old men. 
And now, as he was recently made King, everyone, his mother specially, were urging him to take a wife.
All the surviving Targaryen children had proposals for their hands…
But he already knew what he wanted, he had wanted it for years
First, since he was a child, he always wanted to marry his younger sister, she would always follow him around, even though if her dragon hatched and his didn’t, she would always be kind to him, they would read together, take their lessons together, when he lost his eye, she comforted him, and wouldn’t leave his side for months. He always knew they were destined to be together, to marry in the tradition of their house. And he had always loved Helaena deeply as well, he always resented the way Aegon treated her, and a fierce need to protect her was born in him. 
And then he learned about you both, spending your nights in each other's embrace, and he thought he would lose his mind.
When the war broke out after he accidentally murdered Lucerys, he had to put all his fantasies about his sister in the back of his mind. He needed to have a clear head, but he never forgot about everything he heard and saw.
Everything he did he did for his two sisters, all of it, he fought with determination against Daemon and prevailed, only with the thought of seeing you both again, only with the determination of telling you how much he desired you and loved you. He won.
Even though you were in the battlefield as well
He was King now, his brother, Aegon, was dead, his half sister Rhaenrya, was dead, his nephews were dead. The only ones he had left were his beautiful sisters, Helaena, her and Aegon’s children, and (Y/N). Also his mother had survived the rage of Rhaenyra.
They had won
He sat the Iron Throne as a Regent, waiting for his nephew to come of age, but he was in all effects, a King, the King of the Seven Kingdoms 
So when his mother suggested you marry a Lannister, Helaena be sent away to Dorne, and he a Baratheon girl, he lost it
“I will not sell my sister away!”, he barked, “she has been through enough!”
“She is a young woman…”, clarified Alicent, “she still has her children by Aegon… but she can still have more children, we need to make alliances”
“What we need is to make the House of the Dragon strong again, diluting our blood with those houses will not help us”, Alicent looked at him in terror, deducing what he was saying 
“You cannot wed Helaena… it will look terrible to the smallfolk”, she warned, thinking about how they raised against them, supporting one of Aegon’s bastard children 
“A dragon cares about the opinion of sheeps then?”, he mocked
“Our family had been decimated”, he barked, “The Targaryen line is in the brink of extinction, we need to keep the family pure”, Alicent looked like she had been struck
“It is not wise”, she begged, but sending her daughter away didn’t pleased her either, Helaena was the… gentler… of her children, and she would not wish to see her part from her home and her family. And Aemond seemed determined, so she sighed loudly, “Helaena has her children by Aegon”, she repeated, but she relented, “and what about your other sister?”, she asked then. Aemond chuckled
“I will take them both to wife”, and right there, Aemond thought fleetingly that Alicent has survived the Targaryen civil war, but this just might end up finishing her off.
“No”, she sentenced, Aemond only smiled
“I will take them both to wife, Jahaerys will succeed me either way, no matter what I do, I’m just King Regent”, he said mindesly 
“No Aemond, you can marry (Y/N) if you want, but not both”, she said, but there was nothing she could say to prevent it
She could argue that the faith would oppose it, but it was terribly weakened, almost to extinction, by Rhaenyra when she attacked the city, that was a blow thrown directly at her, and her faith. 
“You better let me marry both, as I will take Helaena as a lover either way”, he warned, and Alicent’s eyes filled with tears
“What did I do wrong with all of you?”, she lamented, finding it incredibly unfair that she couldn’t pass down her faith to any of her children. “this is twisted! you are not Aegon the Conqueror”
Targaryens, as their dragons, didn’t answer to neither Gods nor men, Alicent often failed to remember that
“I might as well be”, he said dismissively, “I will wed my sisters, and have children with both”
Alicent just cried silently, but said nothing.
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Many things have happened in the last few years. A war broke out, a war for the throne. There was no time for anything else, you never got betrothed, you were dispensable, now that your sister and brother were Queen and King, Helaena couldn’t fight on dragonback, but you could.
And so you offered yourself as a dragon rider, even against your mother’s wishes, but Dreamfyre was already grounded, your dragon Vhaelar was needed in the battlefield, and so were you. You had burned armies to the ground, you had commanded the death of people by the thousands.
Now wearing dresses and jewelry was almost foreign to you, as the maids helped you dress with a beautiful crimson red gown. they braided your hair and placed rubies between your silver strands, they placed a necklace with the same precious gems around your neck, and you put multiple rings on your fingers 
You saw your sister entering your chambers, and you smiled brightly at her sight
“Is it odd that I find dresses incredibly comfortable after being two years dressed in riding gear and coat of mail?”, you asked her cheekily, she only shook her head
“It isn’t”, you hugged her tightly and she hugged you back, burying her face on your neck
“It’s finally over”, what marked the end of the war was the defeat and surrender of the Northerner army. Cregan Stark finally yielded after the ship were Rhaenyra’s last sons had sunk in the Narrow sea after a final attack from the Triarchy’s fleet
You did not cheer for their deaths, they were only children after all, innocent little children, your nephews, if you managed to get a hold of them, they were going to be raised in the castle with princess Jahaera and Jahaerys, but no. Fate had other plans
The wolf had surrendered and pardoned, marching North as you both held each other, the last one standing
The war was over.
You were preparing for weeks of celebrations, but you only wanted to be in between your sister’s loving arms.
But again, destiny had other plans
You mother entered the room, enthralled in her own mind to notice the not so sisterly embrace, you and Helaena separated to greet your mother. The Queen Mother now
“I have something important to discuss”, you guessed it couldn’t be anything good, she had that scowl on her face
“what is it dear mother?”, asked Helaena
“Your brother, the King”, you noticed she had a sort of fascination for saying his title, “wants to take a wife”
You didn’t know why, but a bitter taste installed in your mouth. Was Aemond going to get married?
You always believed you were going to marry your brother, you loved him, but you also believed your mother had only betrothe your eldest siblings to avoid Helaena being married to Jacaerys, and you then believed you were going to be married to Jace, but then the war happened, Jace had died.
“Who does he intend to marry?”, you notice that Helaena was frowning, clearly not thrilled with the news as well as you
You two had always been so jealous with Aemond, when there was discussions of Floris Baratheon marrying him you wanted to feed her to your dragon. In your mind, Aemond was yours, you were born to be together, you were born younger than him to be his wife, as the tradition of your house dictated.
Helaena grabbed your hand and held it tightly,making you wince, your mother didn’t seemed to notice
“He intents to take you both to wife”
And different emotions filled you
In a first instance it was bittersweet because your mother truly looked like she was going to be sick, her mouth twisted in disgust. But you felt incredibly happy and relieved, joyous even
Helaena did as well, and she held your hand tightly and smiled at you
That your mother did notice
“You will say no”, she demanded
“Why?”, you couldn’t help but ask, and she looked at you like she wanted to strike you
“Because it's an aberration!”, she screeched, Helaena walked until she was behind you, hiding from her own mother, and you gladly protected her
“If our king wants to marry us, who are we to say no?”, you mocked, and her face twisted even more. Her mouth turned into a horrible expression of disgust and horror, as her eyes shined with tears of anger
“All of you…!”, she seemed to gather air, as the words that would come out of her mouth tasted like poison in her tongue, “... ARE SICK!”, it didn’t take long for her to place two and two together, she believed you both were going to be horrified by the news of her, she never thought you BOTH would like the prosper of sharing a bed with your brother Aemond, “I FORBID IT”
You had never seen your mother like this, she lost it, completely lost it, and if it weren’t for Helaena, and her trembling frame behind you, you would have been scared also, but you couldn’t afford that luxury, when you felt Helaena whimper behind your back, you felt the need to protect her, even if you needed to protect her from your own mother.
“I RAISED WHORES!”, and she cursed you all, Helaena, you, Aemond, all of you, cursed by your own mother. She screeched, threw around everything she could get her hands on, you turned back and hugged Helaena against you, trying to cover her ears as Alicent destroyed everything around you.
But she couldn’t destroy your love…
The guards posted outside your doors heard the commotion, and ran to get the King’s guard, and as two of the white capes ran towards Helaena’s, (the Queen’s) rooms, one of them fetched Aemond
Three white capes ended up entering the room, Aemond trotting behind them, and under his command, they grabbed your mother, firmly, but gently, and removed her from your space 
You said nothing but grabbed Helaena’s hand and led her to your own rooms, which were still quiet. 
They were small, but still in Maegor’s Holdfast, you had insisted in this room because it had big windows, looked into Blackwater bay, and still got sun for most part of the day.
Aemond quickly followed you 
When he decided to marry you both, he knew he was going to face opposers, he knew his mother, and her strong beliefs, he was also reminded she betrothed her two oldest children to prevent Rhaenyra on insisting to marry Jacaerys and Helaena 
She did not share the Valyrian customs.
That and the civil war that killed her father, Aegon, and almost her grandchildren, had left her in the brink of mental collapse 
But it didn’t hurt less, having your own mother scream at you like this.
As soon as you arrived in the comfort of your room, you took Helaena’s hands in yours, she was still shaking, and you kissed them, caressing the back of their hands with your thumbs, immediately soothing her, but yet not enough.
You looked at Aemond, who was standing by the door
It was strange
Every time you saw him, you immediately felt relieved, like everything was going to be alright. Like you were lost in the sea and he was the light of the lighthouse, guiding you back home.
The last two years, you had been separated by the war, and you had just got back home after months leading the Green Army of Old Town, you still had to welcome in each other's lives  
But Helaena holds tight to you, and in that moment, nothing else matters. You turned to her, she leaned in and you made your forehead touch, your hand went to softly cradle her cheek
“Everything is going to be alright”, you whispered, and she nodded slightly, “We are together again, nothing will come between us, not even her”
“She hates us”, she whined, “her own blood”
“She doesn't hate us, she doesn’t understand us”, you said simply, she just shook her head, and hid in your neck, you hugged her tightly against you
“I send her to her rooms in the tower of the hand”, he offered, “until she can think about what she did”, you barely nodded, but Helaena wasn’t pleased with that decision 
“It is not going to change her mind”, she whispered sadly, She squeezed your hand in hers
“Is it true, brother?”, you asked softly, “that you want to marry us?”, you sounded hopeful, and innocent, and that made Aemond tight in his breeches embarrassingly fast
But he regained his composure, he grasped his hands behind his back, and straightened his posture, looking at the both of you with respect, and also devotion
“I can’t stand the thought of anyone else taking you both away from here, away from me”, he admitted 
He had to be straight forward, he had known you for all your life, he wanted you both, he desired you, and he was going to have you
“Our mother has forbid us”, you said, and he smiled when he saw a hint of a smirk on your lips
“I will send her away”, he said simply, “she will benefit from being in Old Town, with her family”, he took a step towards you both, and you didn’t move, you just looked back at him, “the real question is, what do you both want to do?”, you looked at each other and smiled
Aemond looked at your intertwined handsome and smirked as well
“I know about both of you”, he said, he walked until he was within your reach, he reached for both of you, and you reached back, soon all of your hands were intertwined, “I will protect you”, he said softly, looking at you and then looking at Helaena, “together we will rule the seven Kingdoms, like Aegon did with Visenya and Rhaenys by his side”, he said, and even though you didn’t believe that was the right reason to join in marriage like Aegon had done, you nodded, and looked at Helaena who nodded as well. 
You both turned to Aemond
“My beautiful sisters”, he whispered, his voice thick with desire, “I couldn’t stand the thought of any other man having you”, he leaned in, first towards you, and trapped your lips with his, it was sweet and passionate, it took your breath away, but before it could escalate he abandoned you and turned to Helaena
She was expecting him and devoured him with need and passion. 
“No one is ever going to touch you ever again”, he said possessively, “you will be mine, and mine alone, you will give me heirs as well”
“Mother will never allow it”, she whispered
“We are the blood of the dragons, and dragons answer to neither gods nor men”, he growled
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Aemond led you to the Dragonpit, and from there, you took your dragons, Helaena on her beautiful she-dragon Dreamfyre, Aemond in the monstrous Vhagar, and you, in Vhagar’s hatchling, or so they said, Vhaelar. 
He had grown to be a male, you and Helaena discovered both your dragons coiled together in the pit, you had heard Vhaelar sing to Dreamfyre, and since they had been seen together, Dreamfyre had laid various clutches of eggs. It was so sweet.
Aemond led you, and it didn’t take long for you to realize you were flying towards Dragonstone. 
As soon as you landed in the Dragonmount, the Dragon keepers received you.
They knew, you knew, it was an immediate understanding.
Before the end of the day, you and Helaena were fixing each other's headdress and ceremonial robes.
“We will not be married to one another”, she whispered sadly, fixing a silver string that framed your face
“We will”, you whispered
“We will be both married to Aemond”, she said then… and you just giggled
“And that will be enough, we will be together forever”, you said with a wide smile, she smiled back.
So you joined hands, and together, you walked towards the beach
The night had already fallen over the Island, but yet, thanks to the fires lit all over the beach, you were able to see clearly Aemond and the Dragon keepers 
 Aemond looked so handsome, his eyepatch was missing, his beautiful sapphire shining thanks to the flames of the fire, his hair loose, neatly combed back, he reached for the both of you, taking one of your hands and one of Helaena’s
In a strange way, you always knew this was going to be the beginning for you. Even though that for Helaena, it was like a second opportunity, and for Aemond… for Aemond it was his dream come true. 
The night was calm, a nice summer night, the star were shining brightly, there was no wind, none, the only sounds that could be heard where the ones of the fires crackling, and the soft voice of the Dragon Keeper, reciting the vows
You knew High Valyrian, it was the only thing your father had ever insisted regarding the education of his children, but for some reason, you couldn’t quite pay attention. Your sole attention was on Aemond in front of you, and Helaena by your side.
The touch in your hands, where Helaena and you hold hands, the breathing of your siblings, and soon your spouses…, the night was magical, you could feel it in the air.
You could hear your dragons singing, you could feel the words of the keeper
Fire & Blood
The words that bound you, the words that led your house.
Amond took a knife made of dragon glass, he gently sliced Helaena’s hand, and then yours, you winced at the sting, but it passed quickly, you then grabbed the knife together with Helaena, and asliced one of his hands.
Your blood flowed freely to the chalice underneath, the blood of the three of you.
Then Aemond sliced your lip, and then Helaena’s, and then you sliced his. with the blood from your lips he drew a symbol in your forehead, looking straight into your eyes you got lost in his, he then drew on Helaena. 
He kissed you sweetly, the tangy flavor of blood mixing in your tongue, then he leaned in and kissed Helaena. But then, you turned to your sister, and kissed her as well, surprising Aemond, and the dragon keeper as well
You were marrying her too, not only Aemond… 
But now, you are married.
Married, bloodied, bonded together
In Fire and Blood.
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taglist! ❤️❤️🔥🔥
@sloppy0bitch @sweethoneyblossom1 @aemondsdelight @floofdeloop @fangirlninja67 
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