#i have soooo many personal wips i need to finish
ugukun · 7 months
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What the WIP Wednesday am I doing?
Okay, sooo apparently everyone is doing WIP Wednesday, today. (Okay maybe not the entire internet, but you know, there's a lot of wipsday action, today.) I thought, "Okay. Sure. I can get lost in this crowd. It's a good crowd."
So, I say to @alexalexinii, @monbons, @prettygoododds, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @mooncello,
@blackberrysummerblog, @fiend-for-culture, @shrekgogurt, @bookish-bogwitch, @noblecorgi,
@drowninginships, and @artsyunderstudy (who is the devil on my shoulder today apparently XD)... You are all to blame for this. Yup. Your fault. Peer pressure! (Thank you for tagging me though, I look forward to seeing what all you have happening in your creative minds. <3)
Cause. Well. I don't usually post art in progress. I'm far too anxious a person to do such a thing. It's fine if it's a sketch that's like... finished as a sketch. But in progress? *gulp*
Well, here goes.
This is what I've been working on, usually when I'm supposed to be working on something else:
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(sorry for the low contrast, my eyes are delicate orbs that shy away from bright light...)
I did three sketches. One of which I will endeavor to color and make all nice and pretty. I've already determined it's not going to be the first one. The other two are neck-and-neck and it will likely come down to who has fins I like better. Which will it be? Tender snowbaz or playful snowbaz?
(Either way, I'm very determined to give Simon mermay wings. So that's going to happen come hell or... high water... *ahem*)
Honestly, I just really love merpeople. I'm surprised it's taken me this long to attempt this. The very first thing I ever learned to draw as a little bittle babe was a mermaid. (My teachers did not appreciate my dedication to anatomical accuracy the way I did.) Soooo Mermay? Mermay is a THING? Well, twist my arm, guess I have to snowbaz it.
(Oh, and shoutout to another guilty party, the SSCoNE server. They put the idea in my head. OH, and @cutestkilla. For general encouragment. And @hushed-chorus. For general encouragment and writing a gorgeous fic with merman Baz in it. )
Even more tagged people under the cut:
HELLO OUT THERE! @rimeswithpurple @run-for-chamo-miles @youarenevertooold @whatevertheweather @that-disabled-princess
@arthurkko @raenestee @facewithoutheart @emeryhall @agni-ashes
@skeedelvee @thewholelemon @supercutedinosaurs @tender-ministrations @bazzybelle
@ic3-que3n @imagineacoolusername @valeffelees @roomwithanopenfire @ileadacharmedlife
@aristocratic-otter @best--dress @technetiumai @brilla-brilla-estrellita @onepintobean
@palimpsessed and anyone else who wants to join in/say hi.
(I love getting tagged, because I tend to miss out on things if I don't get it stuffed into my notifications. Feel free to hit me up on Discord, too, send links. I just can't often browse tumblr as I wish. Not if I want to draw and... read... I need to do some reading...)
*Pitch Manor is still happening, I'm just taking a break to draw fish boys in between doing a few too many other things. I like being busy.
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non-stop-imagines · 4 months
Thank you for this. It kick started my creativity. I have soooo many WIPs that I'm excited to show you guys and my ideas need somewhere to land, so why not here.
I'm also gonna link this to my Masterlist so I can link the finished products to both and people are able to choose how they decide which fic to read.
(A bunch of barely coherent brainstorming under the cut 😚 And this apparently will be changing and updated whenever I think of it so keep checking back 💖)
Works in progress/ideas by driver:
Lewis Hamilton
- Something with the vibe of Angel of Mine by Monica because that song reminds me of him every time it comes on and I desperately want to try writing for Lewis again
Another song one. Ours by Taylor Swift. You both are very busy but very in love and will always make time for each other. No matter what.
Max Verstappen
Raincheck sneak peek here (Intense hatred between Max and the reader can only last so long.)
Big brother Max trying to help his sister out but is block by his father at EVERY TURN. (Tyla faceclaim and the request alone has me obsessed with her now. I absolutely love her.
Different things to add to Repeat That Au; Big sister, best friend and a lot of pregnancy talk (including something that links in the On Display Au courtesy of my ♥️ anon)
Lando Norris
Lando flirting with his PR manager who is a few years older.
Two words: Uncle. Lando.
Something to the song Making Whoopee by Frank Sinatra bc Lando seems like the type of guy to do anything for the girl he wants to fu k really badly. Wedding. Home. Baby. Whole nine yards. Big simp energy. The best type of energy
More from the Valentine Au because it's cute and I love it
Lance Stroll
Fake dating. We love when besties fake date and fall in love 😙
Oscar Piastri
Oscar loves his wife. Talks about her all the time. But no one knows they're married??? A little sneaky peek (that is barely put together):
"Your girlfriend is into astrology. I made the mistake of telling her my birthday." Lando spoke, twirling his flags, not seeing the extremely confused look Oscar was giving him.
"Girlfriend?" Lando looked up at his teammate and given him an equally confused face, believing his comment was quite clear.
"Uh, yeah? Yn?" Lando was so matter of fact, and yet had no idea how wrong he was.
"Yn's my wife. We're married."
More for Girl Almighty bc we have to see how the reader and Oscar do driving against each other
Charles Leclerc
Cocoa Butter Kisses-Charles is mesmerizing by your everything shower routine and how good you smell when you're done
Rockstar-undercover soft girl-reader; another smutty one; just gotta figure out the direction I was to take it
Wedding Night-Self explanatory;smut and aftercare (almost done with the smut, just gotta do the aftercare)
More stuff from My Biggest Fan Au bc who doesn't love Charles and Gianna 🥹
Something to I Wish by 1D with Pierre. You and Charles are literally the perfect couple. The entire way through. (See the ideas for Pierre for his part in the plot)
Logan Sargeant
Thanksgiving with the Fam and our very own Mr. America gets to experience a black Thanksgiving (yes I did get that suggestion right after Thanksgiving. Let's not talk about that 😔)
Something with the vibe of Wouldn't it be Nice by The Beach Boys bc apparently I think Logan is the purest little boy on the grid and just wants to live a happy life with his girlfriend
Carlos Sainz
More for Mírame Au (stay tuned bc there will come a time where I open request for suggestions for this 😚)
Esteban Ocon
Man's will be pining for Lewis' personal assistant and it will become a viral F1 moment.
Daniel Ricciardo
Reader can't stand sisters new boyfriend, and Daniel can't stand the fact that his girlfriends identical twin sister hates him, but feelings change, just not for the better
Handled: The Backstory (How reader and Daniel meet and fall for each other 😚) yes it will be smutty
Something based off the song "Would You Go with Me" because it is very Daniel and I don't know how to explain it
What do you think the opposite of On Display would be? (Hint: jealous Danny 😚)
More for On Display, but I might make her an OC to make another fic suggestion (look under Max ideas) a bit easier to write.
Fernando Alonso
Fernando and reader are literally each other's muse, he talk about her all the time and he inspires and entire album (and makes his music video debut)
Fernando gets some plants to impress reader; now he the plant dad to her plant mom and it's an inside jokes between family and friends
Fernandos favorite pass time is picking the readers hair color
Sebastian Vettel
Sebastian only wants one thing: For everyone to know how much he loves his ballerina girlfriend. Another little sneak peek (that, again, is just barely put together):
"Yes. You are in the presence...of the first...black Sugar Plum Fairy for the New York City Ballet." Your cheeks were sore from smiling, but nothing could dull your shine right now. Your friends that were hovering around you finally crowd around and give you tight loving squeezes, greeting Sebastian on your phone and bragging on your accomplishment.
"Sebastian! How does it feel to be dating the best principal dancer in the history of the New York City Ballet?" Your friend, Julia, hooks her arms over your shoulders and presses her mouth to your temple.
"I'm just glad I get to be her boyfriend. That's my title now. Sebastian Vettel, boyfriend Yn, New York City Ballett Principal Dancer and first black NYCB Sugar Plum Fairy.
Pierre Gasly
Introducing new OC!Eve (Chloe Bailey faceclaim);my way of introducing the readers sister into the Repeat That Au; we get to start off with a small backstory
I Wish-1D; Pierre's got it BAD. Go listen to the song. His POV is the song. It's heartbreaking and I love it so much. Probably one of the first fics that doesn't have a happy ending.
Trying get someone to buy you and Daniel a drink goes wrong
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
Aforementioned Napoleonic AU! Martian !! I said it would just be a wip but then oops, I basically finished it! Ty to everyone who was interested :D
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Really really proud of these I'm ngl! I rendered in a really different way than ever before and I'm very satisfied with it :D
Ramble about historical influences(basically me being a nerd about who I consider the F1 drivers of the Napoleonic era):
So I wanted to explain my thought process because I think that the specific context behind the uniforms I drew is very relevant, as I didn't just pick them on a whim.
I drew them in Hussars' uniforms(Austrian Empire = Red Bull, but like obviously not 100% accurate because the uniform colors are based off the RBR racesuits.) Hussars are, in my opinion, the F1 drivers of their time. Let me quote several things that led me to this conclusion:
"During the Napoleonic period, hussars, as in all armies, were employed as scouts, given raiding missions or despatched to harry and pursue a defeated enemy on the run. Mounted on light, nimble horses..."
"...Their flamboyant costume and their reputation for daredevil acts..."
"...developed a romanticized image of being dashing and adventurous.
Okay....so they're dashing and adventurous, riding specifically on fast, light horses, dressed in flamboyant outfits committing daredevil acts...sir that is literally an F1 driver!!! Tell me they aren't the historical predecessor to F1 drivers!!!
I have this big book of Napoleonic uniforms(yea I'm a nerd) and I was paging through it to see what uniforms I wanted to draw(I have a habit of drawing my one oc in the Napoleonic era. So when I started drawing fanart, I'm like of course I must draw them as this!) Austria's normal uniforms in this era are soooo boring compared to France's, so I was really 😒 about drawing them, but then I came across the Hussars, and then started noticing all these similarities and thought it was perfect. Also I need to mention the fact that Austria's royal cipher at the time was literally this:
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IT'S "F1", IT IS LITERALLY FUCKING F1, WHAT THE HELLLLL!?!?!?!? I had like a partial mental crisis coming across this, at that point it was destiny for me to draw this
*I forgot to include actual ref images 😐, so here you go!!
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*I wrote most of his around when I started this drawing, which was all the way back in April. And it's really interesting to consider now that I was basically immersed in the history of the Austrian Empire for a month. I apologize to everyone in my life who had to endure my lecture on why Hussars are the F1 drivers of their time. But god I could not hold it back when I saw some of these uniforms in person. And it was cool to pull out this drawing, even if it was just a wip, and be like "oh hey I've drawn these!!" Anyways, I digress.
Obviously the martian drawing is a direct reference to this pic from Malaysia 2010:
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My thoughts on this picture:
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I almost wanted to draw Seb in the Austrian Kaiser's outfit, but it is nowhere near as slay as the Hussar uniform, so Hussar uniform it is!
I have many thoughts and opinions on the lore of this au so pls ask if you're curious but it's also just a lot.
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tennessoui · 10 months
The way your snippet through me back into the hunger games au, and I LOVE it
I need an obi wan pov because they both have rose tinted glasses for each other in this au to an extent and we can all see how obis glasses are rose tinted (to ignore the blood splatters), but I need to see how low-key psycho obi is in realityyyyy
I think my fav joke of any fanfic is Anakin in that first snippet with the “ethics board”, don’t know why but I was laughing so hard at that.
(Remember when you said if you finished one WIP you might have room for more…)
Love the idea of in quarter quell one tribute sees obi wan, back turned, he could totally knife him, and then remembers during training how Anakin had stormed in, taken out a slew of the hologram men without breaking a sweat in under 10 seconds flat, and then grabbed obi wan and kissed him in front of all the mentors, tributes and peacekeepers, before glaring at everyone in the goddam room. It took an hour for anyone to move, and no one is going after obi wan after that, never mind how all their mentors went white at the mention of Anakins name.
Then Obi wan snaps in the arena and badges someone face in so bad he’s unrecognisable and everyone decides they value life too much for the crazy that is those two
I’m in love with them both being a little psychotically in love with each otherrrr
This comment is already too long (I have so many thoughts about this au I love it so muchhhhhh (Anakin murdering children then sleeping soundly at night, while obi wan shoulders all his crimes as his own guilt is SO obikin, but he’s also out here low-key psychotic as well (cough cough TCW obi wan with his goddamn war crimes) I love ittttt
I feel like there are so many good options for a hunger games au obi-wan pov!!! Off the top of my head: obi-wan when anakin kisses him for the first time, obi-wan as the mentor when anakin is in his games, trying to convince possible sponsors that anakin loves Robin but also that he’ll go far in the games and they should support him (&the pain of having to really pretend the only person to love him loves someone else), obi-wan volunteering for anakin even though he made anakin promise not to volunteer for him during the quarter quell reaping, obi-wan’s pov of immediately afterwards too when anakin corners him to scream and yell and cry at him and wondering if this is what fear of anakin feels like because anakin has never looked at him so meanly with so much promised violence, obi-wan’s pov of the games and killing people because he wants to come back to anakin as much as he wanted anakin to come back to him a year ago……..
Soooo many options for a good obi-wan pov especially of obi-wan having his own perceptions of anakin ripped away from him during anakin’s games and the lead up to anakins games but then also being a different kind of psychotic himself because he can’t imagine giving up a love as addicting as anakin’s now that he’s found it
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shitouttabuck · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 thank u bud i’m procrastinating packing and this was fun
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
129,484 which is a fake number to me
3. what fandoms do you write for?
nothing has made me as insane in my life as network television procedural drama 911 on abc, so
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you can start a family who will always show you love
let the world have its way with you
my hearts over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
like a dog with a bird at your door
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try very hard to because they make me so happy and it’s unbelievably kind of people to take the time to leave them!!! However i sometimes leave it too long and then worry it’s weird to reply after like. a month. which as a fic reader i wouldn’t give a shit about so idk what my problem is!!!! i will reply i will just maybe take a hot sec to do it
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t have any i’m a happily ever after or bust kinda guy in my own head if nowhere else…… angstiest is probably the sound of love astounds me if only because it ends post-feelings realisation but still pre-relationship
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they’re all so happy omg. i will say with great personal bias it’s my heart’s over-pumping but also i have. a sequel in the works….
8. do you get hate on fics?
no people have been very very very lovely but also sjjsjsjs i’ve not been here super long. the funniest comment i’ve gotten was on my first fic where someone was like i liked this but it is jarringly inaccurate as mcdonald’s in california doesn’t have a veggie burger option 😭 i cried laughing im so sorry to u americans. pls petition your local mcdonald’s to stock the mcplant it slaps
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
have written two e-rated fics….. it’s very fun but i don’t think i’m very good so i’d like to practice actually (maybe some sexy prompts after i finish the bed-sharing ones?) just the regular kind for now like i love buck and eddie desperately and am myself into a million things but i don’t know how kinky they would actually get in my own head. so just a little gross with it for now i guess
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no that would be SICK. @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove is podficcing bucket list fic which is so very cool of her!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no omg i don’t know how y’all do it i’m bad at group projects but also this sounds soooooo fun. if also deeply stressful
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
if that’s synonymous with most likely to get you institutionalised, uh. gestures around us. otherwise mulder/scully and i am just now right as i’m typing this realising i’ve never ever in my life actually read x files fic what the fuck. also steve/bucky but i haven’t read fic since 2017 probably
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
listen i have not written a word for x files au past that one snip i shared forever ago. i want to soooo bad i’ve talked about it to some of you very rabidly but. it does not want to be written and if it did it would have to be so fucking long which is very daunting to me. not saying i’ve put her in the ground yet but. we might need some necromancing
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m pretty good at writing in character? mostly? sometimes i struggle with buck just because i think we’re very similar and i project a little and then have to go back and fix it lmao but for the most part i think i’m good at that! and i have a lot of fun writing dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot!!!!!! and pacing!!!!!!!!!!! also my inability to write non-linearly omg if i get stuck i just get Stuck i can’t jump ahead
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oooh i love it and would love to include more than the teeniest bits i have but i’m so conscious about it sounding natural and not stiff to people whose language it actually is (shout out and a million kisses to @eddiebabygirldiaz for fixing the spanish in i love you like a dog!!!!!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
911 babey!
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance !!! not just because it was the first fic i posted after joining tumblr fandom but. idk it is so so so special to me like it makes me so happy and when i think about it i’m like. hey u wrote that. good for u my dude. and also maybe i just associate it with meeting a bunch of you whjsjssjsj
tagging @callaplums @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @rewritetheending @try-set-me-on-fire @onward--upward @anxieteandbiscuits @devirnis @athenagranted if anyone wants to do this i’m nosy soz if you already have !!!!
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cheesybadgers · 3 months
okay soooo tell me your favorite thing about writing the epic beast that is OHDH. i want the directors cut lol
Ahhh Alex, bless you and thank you for sending this question ❤️😘
And oh boy, where do I start?!! It’s hard to pick just one, so here are three main things:
1) I think one of the trickiest yet most satisfying parts of the process was figuring out a) how any canon divergence made sense for the characters and their motivations and b) what the impact of those changes were on future canon events. It was such a fine balancing act and I had a lot of lightbulb moments in the shower (I swear my shower is some sort of creativity portal lol) solving plot problems. I had someone comment on AO3 saying how much they liked the ‘butterfly effect’ of the canon divergence and that sums it up so well, because one change at the start of the fic has a domino effect on everything else.
Sort of linking on from this, I also had so much fun making characters interact who never met in canon, or only had very minimal screen time together. Horacio and Chucho obviously never meet in the show, but their paths crossing in OHDH led to a whole new subplot and ultimately helped shape the ending of the fic. I wanted this to be a transformative work rather than a re-hash of canon, so if I achieved anything, I think it’s safe to say I achieved that!
2) I was also surprised how much I immersed myself in fic research, more so than I ever did for my degree back at university 😂 I knew I was going to have to do some research when the story got to a certain point, but I just kept falling down different rabbit holes and it expanded my reading list in all sorts of directions I wasn’t expecting. It got me back into the habit of reading books too, which I’m embarrassed to say I hadn’t done much of in recent years. But knowing I needed to read X or Y in order to progress with a certain scene or chapter was great motivation.
I must confess, my knowledge of Colombian history wasn’t great before (it’s not something the British education system covers), but my reading actually made me question and challenge the source material in ways I hadn’t before. So, shipping might be considered just shoving two characters together like dolls, but hey, at least I learnt some history along the way lol.
3) Getting to make up a tonne of backstory (especially for Horacio, who is a bit of a blank slate in canon) and create OCs. I’d never created proper OCs before this fic, so it was fun building them around the main pairing, giving them their own personalities and histories but also letting them affect the story. I think the different locations throughout the fic were like OCs of their own too (I’ve been contemplating a holiday to Madrid since I wrote the chapters set there lol), so the world building aspect of it was a fun learning experience too, and not something that came naturally to me at the start.
I’m sure there are so many more things! I will also say it’s been the steepest of learning curves re: my writing skills as well. I’m probably not even consciously aware of everything I’ve learnt, but going back to earlier chapters has been difficult, because I was obviously much more inexperienced back then lol. The urge to do re-edits has been real, but I don’t think I have the energy for that right now (and it was posted as a WIP, so by its nature it’s going to show the progress of my writing from start to finish).
Back in 2020/2021, I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone (I think it was around a time during the pandemic when I realised how uninspiring my day job is and how little motivation I have for it anymore, so pursuing creative hobbies away from it seemed like a better use of my time), and it's safe to say I managed that with this behemoth 😂 It's been a huge journey of self-discovery and realising what I'm capable of. Fic used to be something I thought only other people wrote, so there were times I'd pull a metaphor or certain phrasing out of thin air and laugh at my laptop in shock, because I didn't think I had it in me to be poetic lol.
So, my advice to anyone reluctant to start a creative project because they don't feel skilled enough, please, please, please do it anyway. Seriously. Because you will muddle through, learn so much along the way and surprise yourself ❤️
Ok that was a bit of a ramble, but you did say director’s cut, so here we are 😂 Thank you once again for sending this, I've been in such a reflective and bittersweet mood since finishing, so it's nice to focus purely on the positive aspects of the experience 😘
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crepuscularqueens · 7 months
tysm for the tag @sambambucky <3 <3 <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
marvel (mostly sambucky but i've played around with other pairings), the magicians (penntin, queliot, wickoff), ofmd, and one black sails fic (despite that being my main fandom i guess lmao, it's so hard to write for because i can't make it better. i just have to make it worse. and boy do i have plans to make it Worse.) (also i do have an rnm fic, almost forgot about that! i would love to write more i just need the inspiration and motivation to hit at the same time lmao)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
he kisses me softly to wake me up (by a wild amount, which i think was just luck of timing with that fandom blowing up overnight) flowers for the gentleman (first published sambucky fic. looking back on it it's like... cute but could be better. natasha is in it though) held by you (felled by you) (my fav of the ofmd fics i put up, personally) what you wanted (first of my tfatws series that accompanied the show. literally wrote each fic as the episodes came out, it was so fun and idk how tf i kept up with it) hear my name in your mouth and i'm done for (hahaha. yeah.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i love responding to comments hehehe! bc i love getting responses when i comment on other author's fics idk it just feels so fun! and when you notice the same people commenting on your fics idk it's just. holding hands with all of you love you sm <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
omg uhhhh jinx i think mine also be a samsteve one lol. stuck in the bed where we lie bc i love writing angst but i usually resolve it? but they're my favorite tragedy forever.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmm i guess after it all calms down? resolution of my tfatws series
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not on anything that's still up teehee <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
it's mainly what i write haha oops
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
crossover is when there are characters from two separate medias in one fic right? not like taking characters from one universe and putting them in the other? if it's the first then... no not anymore. no further questions.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of (i'm not like... overly concerned by the idea)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
someone once translated a teen wolf fic i wrote into russain
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but i am open to the idea of collaborating like that (i've done events where i drew art to accompany a fic which was really fun and i miss that event a lot)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i am so so bad at picking favorites, but if you want to go by what i have the most fics and wips for it would be sambucky
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i want to finish shores begging for big moons so badly im so sorry to everyone because. it was so so fun to write! and i had this big grand plan and knew how it would all work out and then.... i hit a wall and now it's been years and i cry for her every day. i could save her! i could do it! but i also need to reread it bc i can't remember the details anymore lmao. it's a daunting task.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think like... rhythm if that makes sense? like i get into a groove of this is what is happening, here are the beats, this is the action and this is the dialogue and it flows so nicely and has a good rhythm to it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
focusing. i get distracted soooo easily, what is that all about haha. ha.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i love seeing it in fic! i'm always scared to include it bc i don't want to mess anything up, so i usually have it from another character's POV and that they don't know what's being said. which is a cop out, i know. i should probably be better about looking into translations!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
harry potter (i know. there is no need to talk about it)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
how do i choose! tbh it's a tie between i bit the fruit and holy water. don't read into that.
absolute no pressure tags for @dr-lizortecho @unwholesome-gay @verdanthoney @nymhciv !
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heyyyy💖 your wips sound amazing! Looking at 'in a west end town and dead end world like' 👀👀👀 will this be a multichap or a one shot?
And for the asks🤭 (Hope it's not too much?)
From the first one J & K and and from third one 13, 17 & 22?
HI MARI!!! i have answers for you, friend 🫵
so first off, in a west end town already has three chapter out of four out 🥹 i have one chapter left in the works, so it stilll counts as a wip?? if you'd like it to?? i CAN talk about the last remaining events tho (spoilers just in case you want to read it urself before): aziraphale and crowley's reunion. i am SO excited to show the world that bone crushing hug fr‼️ crowley has been through so much these last six years and deserves to know that aziraphale is still here and still loves him despite his mistake🫵🫵🩷 also having the reassurance that no matter what heaven or hell might do in response to all this, they'll get through it TOGETHER AND THATS ALLL THAT MATTERS pardon me. im emotional
J: What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
i gotta go for them presumed dead/fake character death thangs 🗣 i will genuinely NEVER get over it, its just so MMMMMMMM. im gonna read more of them tonight actually, this has just reminded me i wanted to. and as for writing it...the closest ive done is it comes and goes and that one kid from jersey, but not exact exact. but two of my bang fics do involve it for a little while!!! 🔥🔥
K: Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
watching characters be angry at the universe. specific, yeah, but this little trope can be molded in soooo many ways and i'll eat it up EVERY TIME!!!!!! imagine it like the "show me a great plan" scene. THAT anger, whether it be obvious or not, KILLS ME. i have crowley get close to these of moments multiple times in my fics, even if its not always noticable. sometimes that anger is masked for aziraphale. ougj
13) what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
write what you have energy go at that moment? wanna write chronologically? go ahead. wanna write the climax when you havent even wrote the first scene? right-o. wanna write one scene in the second act that makes you feel all soft inside? hell yeah. do whatever you want forever!!!!!
17) what do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
step away for a while (from either a couple days or weeks), read other fics, and shower. those are usually the go-tos, because most of time whenever i cant write its due to some external force like tiredness or boredom rather than "i dont know what to write". i know what to do, i just cant DO it because it feels like miniscule progress in comparison to what i want when its meant to be finished. doing something else usually helps :)
22) are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
first person pov, accidental pregnancy, and smut are the rock solid nos, but everything else is possible (though some things need a lot more convincing than others). and that "everything else" is very fluid. i am very attached to hurt/comfort and pain tho
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 29 days
for the 'bored fanfic writer' ask game
25, 27, 29
Thanks for sending these questions! :) (Link to the ask game)
29) Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Found this paragraph floating in isolation at the bottom of the doc for a random Sloanshir idea that never really got going. But this random paragraph definitely slaps:
He rolled over and stared at the armchair by the porthole. Empty, but for the pall cast on it by a memory. It was funny how many years of pleasant memories—how many books from Garak he’d read while curled up there, how many lovers in his lap—had been overshadowed by a single interaction. But getting rid of the chair, or even moving it elsewhere, would have meant giving Sloan the power to destroy any part of his life simply by touching it.
25) Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Haha yeah... T_T Usually I'm fine if I know the fic is gonna work out okay (or if I can at least picture a happier potential post-fic future), but if I know that the ending of the fic or projected future is also a big bummer then I run a very high risk of upsetting myself so much that I don't finish the fic lollll.
So, I don't actually upset myself at all while writing horrible creepy sloanshir hurt/no comfort or whatever, because even if the comfort's not in the scope of the fic, I so strongly believe in Garashir ending up together in any given scenario that I just extrapolate in my mind that it'll be fine eventually. XD
The only real problem comes in when I attempt to write Garashir bad endings (for the ship or for either person involved). Like... I REALLY wanted to finish writing my wip about the events of "The Quickening" making Julian slowly go full mad scientist once he's back on the station, but writing it made me too sad because it was important to the concept that it needed to have a devastatingly tragic ending. T_T
27) Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Literally every single fic I've ever written. XD But that's not a helpful answer lol.
I always feel extra nervous posting rarepair fics. With Garashir, there are TONS of canon interactions to model their behavior after, and I've also read soooo much fic about them, which means I have a very good understanding of their dynamic at various points in the timeline of canon, and I know what characterization choices work for me and what doesn't. With Siskarak, there are not that many eps that show the two of them interacting so there's more extrapolation involved in figuring out their dynamic and how to translate that into a sexual relationship, and in terms of fic I have written a solid chunk of what's even out there so I usually put tons of pressure on myself to make sure it's good. And not only good, but like, meshes well with canon and actually follows from what we know about the characters, because I want people to understand how I got from point A to point B.
In addition to that, the longer the fic (or the longer I've spent on the fic), the more nervous I feel when I post. More words, more potential to write something unclear or OOC. XD More time spent, more critical I am of it by the time I post it, because I feel like it should be better than it is given the amount of effort spent. In all honesty drabbles (100 word fics) or other very short ficlets (anything <1000 words) don't make me all that nervous to post anymore, purely due to the time spent writing being so low, which is why I've been posting so many short fics lately lmaooo. If I can bang something out all at once and post without thinking, that's ideal, because then I agonize over it waaaay less beforehand and I don't feel bad if it doesn't get many readers. XD
Posting explicit fics also always makes me a lil nervous, due to the potential embarrassment of what if I've gotten something so wrong that it takes the reader out of the steaminess of the moment.
All that said, my "Second Skin" Siskarak fic, you're a criminal as long as you're mine, recently made me very nervous to post, because it's rarepair smut and it's the second longest thing I've written all year, haha. (Everyone PLEASE go tell me I did a good job, I worked so hard on it.)
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excadrill · 10 months
tagged by @yj-98 ilyyy 🫶🫶🤍
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
tag as many people as their are wips.. eep.. sorry i'd put this under a cut but it's not working on mobile 😭
ankhgiveaway.sai [i held an art giveaway in february and havent finished the prizes even tho i keep looking at them and going 'i need to and Want to finish this..']
yuukigiveaway.sai [same as above but the person who requested this one deactivated so i. don't know if i'm still gonna finish it]
sonomomo.sai [my current priority 'For Me' wip.. ive shared this wip w some people but ive never done a proper piece for the 'cycle of life and death' thing for them so that's what this one is..💙❤️]
exozinewip5.sai [pokemon zine oc piece, not supposed to share zine wips so idk if i should say more but it's of my beloved gymsona.. this zine will be free + digital and i'll ofc be promoting it more when it's done but it's soooo cute keep your eyes out for this one :3c '5' not bc im contributing multiple pieces but bc this piece is big and slightly intimidating for me so i keep saving different versions when i do major merges]
pocketzine-nymble.sai [another pokemon zine piece, so i can't really say more But it's not the only thing im contributing to this zine, ive just finished all my other stuff already]
oczine-thumbs.sai [thumbs for an oc zine i signed up for that i'll probably drop out of bc im not feeling like a vibe w everyone else there >w>;;; ]
philip.sai [philip piece ive had sitting around basically since i finished W.. about a year ago now i think ? but i transferred it to my '23 wips folder bc i still wanna finish it..it was supposed to be a 'this one will be quick and easy so i'll have smthn i Finished this month outside of zine stuff' but. zine stuff took up all my time and energy oops]
mrtourism.sai [this one's a silly post-canon kirihiko art i've Also had sitting around for like a year. i chip away at this one sometimes but then keep restarting bc im unsatisfied with the lines i wish i could just sit down and finish it bc i Love Him]
platform.sai [ummm silly ryotaro thing i drew after watching the den-o final stage ^__^ not a high priority one but it's cute so like. maybe one day]
punkjackhelmet.sai [file name was bc i was originally doing helmet studies before it turned into a full sketch. punkjack with the beat buckle bc i was doing this right after his special came out 🎃🫶]
colourwheel.sai [ummm well. yeah im not good at finishing art memes when theyre still on trend. i did all the sketches for these but i probably won't finish at this point..]
poppyangel.sai [poppy ex-aid i sketched as a break between big stuff the other day that i like a lot so. maybe will finish but might just post unfinished if i cant find the energy to get to this one sooner. feel bad that i like ex-aid so much but don't have any clean art done for it..]
millirider.sai [toku oc planning :3 i was saying last night i finally figured the helmet out which ive been struggling with for ages so hopefullyyyy i get around to doing a proper ref sheet]
im not at my laptop rn so im doing this off the top of my head but i THINK that's everything.. tagging umm @ankhisms @heartvisor @madaraki @circeancity @horrorcomedies @yu3s @pleuvoire @kosukeiichi @danothan @seashrine @asticassia @eclipse-song @kirider only if you guys wanna 🤍🤍
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 8 months
Tag Someone You Want To Know Better!
thank you soooo much for tagging me @violetdisasterzone !! <3
Favorite Color: any shade of purple, but lilac and lavender are favorites, pale pinks, mint green, and light blue! anything floral basically.
Last Song: don't really remember, but it was probably some sort of track from the chainsaw man soundtrack...
Last Movie: I rewatched Nope (2022) recently! one of my fave movies to come out in recent years. I like anything with some sort of spooky vibe and some interesting visuals.
Currently Watching: gosh, i'm in the middle of watching so many things. I'm almost done watching mob psycho 100 season 3 (very much enjoying it!), also watching the thousand autumns donghua as i wait for more volumes to get translated (shen qiao getting screwed over: the series), and im almost done with my yearly saiki k comfort rewatch (saiki my aroace icon <3), and i really need to start jjk season 2 when I find the time!
Currently Reading: ahhhhhhhh i have so many things I need to read on my shelf it's ridiculous! I did recently finish volume 1 of remnants of filth a couple days ago and my self control to hold off buying volume 2 is crumbling at an alarming rate. I have a bunch of batman comics waiting to be read and also that chainsaw man buddy stories spin off burning a hole on my table. eagerly awaiting husky and his white cat shizun volume 4 and the final heaven official's blessing volume and im being so brave about it (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-)
Currently Listening: anything by Joey Valance and Brae to feel like a person before I start my day. double jump is a favorite!
Currently Working On: ummm *hides my dusty fanfic wips and dnd campaign outline i haven't touched for months* not really working on anything really. same old same old.
Current Obsession: I live and breath svsss. I have thoroughly exhausted the tag on tumblr and ao3 and now I am in the middle of rereading the entire bingqiu tag on ao3... I do not have a problem!
I'm very hesitant to tag anyone because i don't want to be a bother, but uhhhhh @oh-no-boi and @zack-thebisexualtrashcan !! please feel free to participate if you are interested!! thank you <3333
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cock-holliday · 1 year
I was tagged by @vexederolo Thanks for the tag!!
3 ships: Hmmm there are so many! Some of the biggest fandom-based ones are Root/Shaw from Person of Interest, Vex/Percy from Critical Role Campaign 1, and we gotta give it up for Scully/Mulder of The X-Files of course.
1st ever ship: Not to give credit to HP but I wasn’t terribly interested in romance as a kid and wasn’t interested in seeing kissing so READING about Tonks/Lupin was the first time I didn’t get grossed out, and I was WIIIILDLY fascinated by their dynamic. Ultimately, this ship introduced me to fanfiction because the books did not remotely give me what I wanted, and when I finished the series and was like ??? FF.net and message boards had my back and had fix-it fics, aus, and entire books from the series from the perspective of these two characters, filling in the gaps. And man, then *I* started writing fanfiction for them because there were STILL aspects of their story I couldn’t find. It was the first fics I printed out and kept haha man, fuck JKR forever, but thank you early 2000s fandom for your influence.
last song: Been listening to a lot of Kodaline this week, and Don’t Come Around has been on repeat.
last movie: I was struggling to think if I’ve seen anything more recent, but I think it is still rewatching Fight The Future with my girlfriend.
currently reading: Listen...at any given moment I have so many books in the rotation and I will be completing none of them.
currently watching: Allegedly watching through season 8 of X Files. I’m soooo slow about it, though.
currently consuming: I assume this means media-wise? I had been scarfing down X Files. Been playing Dead By Daylight with friends, which is always fun. Other than that, kinda been busy with life stuff so I haven’t been quite as absorbed in media right now.
currently craving: I NEED to work on my WIPs, I’ve been behind on my deadlines, and unfortunately the guy who assigns them is a massive pushover. I’ll get back on track. Right now been a bit happily preoccupied. :)
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pink-tea · 1 year
Girly please don’t put too much pressure on yourself! I feel you on so many levels. When I first started this writing blog (it wasn’t a domme!/sub! focused blog; I was as a normie as they came) until a certain fandom (AHS+ other interests) started awakening something in me. 😭
When I started this blog I wanted to write for a certain character in AHS but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Idk why but I only came up with a couple drabbles/scenarios and I kept saying “I’m going to do this plus this+”, it was a never ending cycle of adding more to my plate than I could handle. Right now? I’m only focusing on 3 things my sub!taemin, sub!hyunjin wips and my most recent idea.
Please 🙏🏼 don’t stress yourself! I personally do this for fun and to challenge myself. I’ve seen so many mutuals leave tumblr because of the amount of pressure others and that they also put on themselves, I don’t want you to do that. Write because you enjoy and have fun with it✨
Please keep this In mind also I’m sending you lots of love 🥰
you're so sweet, thank you so much :((( it took me i think a whole year?? of just lurking and finding out what i really liked, taking inspiration from people's writing styles and improving my own till i started this blog and now i'm really happy that people like what i put out. i know how despairing it felt to refresh the dom reader tag and not see anything i was interested in </3 so i at least wanted to write both to satisfy my own fantasies and to help out the people who might not be able to/want to write, y'know?
i think i just have a habit of having an idea in my head that i find hot, but then getting discouraged over how long it takes me to write. like, i think dumb blonde took me at least two or three nights, and while i love what i wrote, i got soooo impatient </3 there's nothing in my drafts that i wouldn't enjoy writing, and answering the requests i had gotten was so fun cause it really let me explore deeper into some things i liked and writing new situations!
if i'm ever overwhelmed or need a break, i am ready to just put writing on a hold and refresh myself, but thankfully it hasn't come to that yet! getting into a headspace where i can just keep writing till i finish the project is a little difficult, but please rest assured that i won't push myself to a place where writing isn't fun anymore. i'm both too selfish and love writing too much to ever let that happen.
it also helps that i'm so deep into my obsession with txt and they're just, the most perfect muses <3 thank you so much for your worry and your words, it hurts my heart in the good way, and i send you tons of love as well !! <3
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
2! 7! 14! 22! 26! 35! 41! 50! 63 [LDOMLK]! 72! 74! 77! / I'M SORRY 😭😭😭
these are GOOD questions 🫠🤠
OMG SARAH!!!! STICKING MOST OF THIS UNDER A READ MORE... YOU DEMON...... (thank you and i love you 😭😭)
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
legit anywhere, everywhere. sometimes in movies or tv shows, sometimes from songs, sometimes from random shit i see on the internet, sometimes from my personal life 🤭 and sometimes my brain just goes "hey wouldn't it be wild if X" so like i have to assume those come straight from god lmaooooo
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
one day i'll finish park and ride 3..... but for now i'll give you the intro ~under the cut~ 👀
Tumblr media
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
in my mf bed lmaooooo or on my couch. i'll write basically laying down with my laptop on my stomach bc anything else makes my back hurt because i'm NEARLY 30 👹
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
this can happen anywhere along the line. sometimes i'll steal the title from a song, either one that inspired the fic ("party on you" comes from charli xcx's party 4 u, "heartless" comes from the kanye west song) or didn't but the specific song line feels correct ("the shape of your body" comes from taylor swift's cruel summer, which.... does not fit the plot at all but i thought it worked well for the themes of bodies/art). sometimes the title comes first and i build the fic around that theme ("babygirl"). sometimes i finish a whole fic and i'm like what the fuck do i call this and i pick something that feels obvious and fits with the story ("park and ride", "two in one").
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
the first draft 💀 i LOVE outlining, and i LOVE polishing/detail editing stuff once i have a first pass written, but getting that first pass out.... it's like pulling fucking teeth. every time. like do i even like writing 🤣
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME CHOOSE A FAVORITE 🔪 i love all my children for different reasons.... we'll go with the shape of your body for now just because i really didn't know if i could write something like that, it was such an undertaking, and i've reread it in bits and pieces multiple times because it's so comforting to me 🥰
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
i have an insaaaaaane soft spot for fratboy jk from the spins. i wanna write something else with him SO BAD. i wanna give him a motorcycle 😩
50. How would you describe your writing style?
ashdfjkadf this is hard !!! i strive for realistic, character-driven, humorous, thoughtful, accessible, poetic, honest, and horny. so hopefully.... some mix of those 🤣
63. What was the hardest part of writing [LDOMLT]?
heavy emotional bits aside...... it's probably going to be writing the fucking grammys like i have any idea what the fuck goes on there LMAO 💀 gonna need to watch some youtube videos for research
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
anytime i get compliments on queer aspects of my stories and specifically hear that it resonated with someone or allowed them to better understand/embrace a party of their identity, i just.... fucking melt 🫠 i've heard that several times with the shape of your body and it kills me every single time. it is the highest honor of my life 🙇‍♀️
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
babygirl lmao!!!!! justice for jk with his butterfly clips 😭 but i get it that one is uhhhh. deeply self-indulgent
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
so many reasons! i love to connect with people. i love to capture my thoughts on the world and the human condition and how we interact with and treat each other. i love to make myself and others feel less alone and more seen. i love to manifest the shit i'm trying to find in my own life 😩 and of course i love to pay my own little horny artistic tribute to OT7 given that their art has done soooo much for me!!! 💜
stuck in the airport ask game party: fanfic writing asks
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starlit-bawka · 6 months
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
No way I got tagged by the really awesome @h4mm132l1c3, and ill tag a couple of other people too probably
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
Currently I've got 59 things on AO3!! There are a couple more on my long-defunct wattpad though, and I've got a bunch of December whump I need to catch up on too so there will be more
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
72,774!! Wow!!! And like...90% of that is oneshots! Go me!
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Currently writing for DSMP and QSMP the most atm :O I also write for the PJO fandom, Homestuck, and DR on occasion, too. I get very tempted to write for Stardew Valley and Scott Pilgrim, and I have been. More than tempted to write CareBears stuff too. I'm in deep chat
4: Top five fics by kudos?
(Un)Lifetime Achievement Award, Take Your Secret Son to Work Day, Las Nevadas and the Frozen Fox, Alone I Began, and Of Lost Gods!
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
For the most part yeah! I don't get too too much interaction and I just get!! So excited when I get comments! I love seeing what people say and I love to respond! But sometimes I don't, often cause I don't know what to say lol
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm,,,good question! Probably Why Do I Cry? or maybe Famous Last Words? Gone are the Joys I Knew? I don't really know! I write a lot of sort of mopey sad fics ig LMAO
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
mmmmmmm,,,,not sure for this, either! My Fundy Fluff Week stuff is all supposed to be sorta fluffy which is probably happy
8: Do you get hate on fics?
Not hate, per say, but comments on the accuracy of my characters, which kinda stabbed my ego a bit lol. It was a nice comment! But the way it was worded was so ouchie!
9: Do you write smut?
I've. Been tempted. As of right now I haven't, though!
10: Do you write crossovers?
Another one of me being tempted!! I haven't yet but I LOOOOVE to read them and so I'd love to write one sometime. (We aren't counting my old VLD Steven Universe au.)
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so! Fingers crossed it hasn't happened lol I doubt it would
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! But if someone were to want to, I would say go ahead! Just send it to me so I can see :D sounds so cool!
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Very recently was my first time doing a proper co-write/collab, which I did with my lovely friend Seven! I would love to do more they're so fun (and probably one of the only ways I'll easily end up writing a multichap KEKW)
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
ouuuuu ive got a lot of pairings I really really cherish. Jercy my beloved, uhhh Valgrace is so silly, I like to consider myself one of The Kamuegi writers ever, and Pumpkinduo kind of holds an insanely special place in my heart
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
(Un)Lifetime Achievement Award as sad as it sounds. I love it so much and I'm so insanely proud of it and I love the story but there's soooo much planned and the person I was planning it with hasn't spoken to me in a while. I have hope that I'll finish it someday! Or at least get another two chapters out!
16: What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhh,,,,I don't. actually know! I do a lot of flowery sentences ig? and I think I'm pretty good at angst and similar things
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Making (and completing) multichap fics, getting ideas to write, finding the motivation to write, and I am definitely bad at planning things out in advance
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it pretty sparingly in the past, because I want to incorporate other languages and loooove language, but don't know any of them very well aside from English. But I try to do a lot of research before I add something in, and am 100% open and insistent that someone correct me if I messed up, or if there's another way to go about saying what I'm trying to say, or just to tell me more!
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Never published because I was a kid and it was. So Bad but !!! It was actually for the Minecraft Roleplay series Mary and Dad's Minecraft Adventure (MADMA) back around 2011-2013. I've been in mcrp hell for. a LONG time jesus christ
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
ohhhh good question. Fullbury Records is very special to me and I'm ALWAYS thinking of what to add to that series, and (Un)Lifetime Achievement Award ofc is also very special to me. I think Heart to Heart is going places once I get back to writing the next chapter, too But I'm also veeeerrry proud of Famous Last Words, and it's very special to me as a projection piece LMAO
Tag time!!
@dyke420-69 @sparrowsong07 and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it lolol be sure to tag me so I can see :D
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