#i have sooooo many WIPs
codenamesazanka · 16 days
AU where Spinner and Shigaraki both knows Japanese Sign Language. Fragmented excerpts.
The moment the Stain cosplayer appeared in the room, Tomura knew there was going to be a problem.
Kurogiri knew this too, which was why he leaned towards Tomura and murmured, “Please allow him a chance.”
“Shut up,” Tomura said. “I know.”
He had decided to use all aspects of Stain - his image, his popularity, his philosophy - for his own ends. That still didn’t mean Tomura liked the guy one bit. That he had to tolerate any mention of Stain made his neck burn harder with the itch, and in assigning the blame to Stain, made him hate the man even more.
The second problem came when the cosplayer stepped up to him, and Tomura spoke.
“Real name?”
It took a moment for the cosplayer to answer. And when he did…
“I’m Spinner!” Spinner jabbed a thumb at himself. “I’m here to make Stain’s dreams a reality. I live according to his will.”
Tomura gave himself a second to suppress the desire to literally kick Spinner out. Loudly, he bit out his question again. “I said, real name.”
“Oh.” Spinner froze, his shoulders lowering slightly. The pomposity was replaced with guardedness. “Iguchi Shuuichi.”
Weird guy, Tomura thought. The way his bravado faded all of a sudden. He already knew Iguchi - Spinner - was going to be an ostentatious pain-in-the-butt, but the act disappeared much too quickly.
“Quir–” Tomura barely finished the word before Spinner spoke again.
“My quirk is… Gecko. I can climb on anything. My hands and feet can stick to basically any surface.” Spinner touched the sword at the back of his waist. “But I know how to use a knife. I can handle myself in a fight.”
Tomura considered this. Judging by the lack of details, what Spinner said about his quirk was probably the full extent of what he could do. Fighting with a knife was insufficient against most Heroes, but not entirely useless - quite a few Heroes suck at close-range combat. Tomura knew better than anyone - be fast, get close, one touch, one stab - and you’ve got a dead man.
Out of nowhere, Spinner started talking again. “Stain was right about false Heroes! There needs to be a purge. All the Heroes who only care about money, about fame, about their image—”
“No one asked,” Tomura growled. “Shut up.”
But Spinner continued, completely ignoring Tomura. “—weeded out for a True Hero Society. I—”
Tomura lost all his patience. He pointed at the door, and only then did Spinner falter and stop. “That’s it. Get out.”
Spinner looked at the Tomura’s hand, then turn to glance at the door. As if there was any ambiguity in Tomura’s order.
“Shigaraki Tomura,” Kurogiri said. “Look at his ears.”
He doesn’t have any, was Tomura’s first thought. Fitting, because nothing seemed to—
Tomura paused.
While ears - probably would be green and scaly like the rest of Spinner? - didn’t exist, there were something like earbuds on both sides of Spinner’s head. His eye-mask nearly hid them away, but something peach-colored did barely poked out from underneath the mask.
“Huh." Tomura understood. But even if he did, did he really want such an annoying guy around? Someone who couldn't be upfront… but did had the guts to still show up.
Making a decision, Tomura mentally reached into the depths of his head, and pulled out a rusty, shaky skill that he hadn’t used in a while. But it should be enough.
『O-I,』 Tomura fingerspelled, and privately enjoyed the way Spinner’s eyes grew wide and round and huge. 『Can you sign?』
Spinner nodded, just a single, slow nod. 『Yes.』
“Good,” Tomura said, giving a shake of his fist in front of his face. “So get out.”
“Shigaraki Tomura,” Kurogiri said, even though the terrified look on Spinner’s face was funny.
“If he needed to use sign language,” Tomura said, translating everything into movements of hands. “He should’ve said so from the start.”
Spinner regained his bearings, and began to sign too. 『I didn’t think…』 He paused, and started over, this time talking as well. “How was I supposed to know?”
“Write it on a piece of paper then,” Tomura snapped. “You’ve been wasting everyone’s time.”
Kurogiri cut in. “If all misunderstandings have been cleared up, then why don’t we start over?”
Spinner averted his eyes, flushing. The scales on his cheeks can apparently turn slightly pink. “Fine.” Then, with the tightest and tiniest of movements, he signed, 『Sorry.』
“Shut up about Stain too,” Tomura warned. Curling his thumb and index finger, he made a sign, tapping his hand against his shoulder thrice.
“How?” Spinner said, while he signed the rest of his question. 『How do you know how?』
Tomura ignored it. “So? Are you deaf?”
“…Hard-of-hearing,” Spinner said as he signed, with much reluctance. “It's my quirk. I have trouble with low voices. Men’s voices in general. Sounds that are too soft.”
“Even with hearing aids?”
“They help, but…” Spinner shrugged. “Not much.”
Tomura glanced at the peach-colored hearing aids. Couldn’t even afford to get ones that match his color.
“Did you hear anything I said?”
“A word here and there.” Spinner frowned. “And you have that– mask, so I can’t see your mouth! I couldn’t read you at all!” He gave Kurogiri a brief look, and Tomura remembered that, yeah, Kurogiri didn’t have a visible mouth. Or any facial features besides his wispy eyes.
In that regard, Kurogiri wasn’t unique. There were heteromorphs who just didn’t have mouths or any means to speak, so they became sign language users. But overall, most sign language users were deaf, and wore implants. And the majority weren’t heteromorphs. So speech and speechreading reigned over pure signing.
The sign language officially taught in Japan had existed since the pre-Advent days, and then some. It largely followed spoken grammar and structure, so it wasn’t too hard matching signs to words, though Spinner sometimes skipped over his spoken words, and had a tendency to just trail off halfway as his hands finished the sentence.
Spinner signed with accents, too. Hokkaido signs popped up here and there, but his main accent was from his claws. His signs were careful, reserved, unwilling to take up too much space. The fists he made were loose; it was his claw tips that touched, rather than his fingertips.
Watching those claws was interesting.
“How do you know sign language?” Spinner asked again, though this time his demeanor was more demanding.
“Multilingualism,” Tomura said.
“Are you also–”
“No, I’m not deaf or hard-of-hearing.” Tomura huffed. “Don’t be so surprised. Hearing people can learn it, you know.”
Tomura moved on. “Spinner. Why do you want to join the League of Villains? Nothing about Stain. Why do you want to join?”
Spinner took his time answering. He looked at his hands, as if reading the scales on his palm and claws at his fingertips. Reading the history of his life recorded upon them.
When he finally looked back at Tomura, it was with no uncertainty, and no false front. Only true conviction. Each sign he made was clear, each word he spoke enunciated.
“I want to change the world.”
Five fingers, and anything he touched got decayed. He pinched things as if he was a germaphobe. He held his consoles with his pinkies sticking out. For a firm and tight grip, he doesn’t use his index finger.
Only when Tomura signs, can he make use of all his fingers.
(Spinaraki occurs, as in canon. Fine, also add a bit more spinaraki. Then jumping alllllllll the way to Act III, at Mt. Fuji)
He touched his left hand to the ground, flat with all five fingers, that was all that's needed—and then indulged the whim to use his right hand as well. But only his index finger: touching the ground where the fingers of his left hand are resting. He drew a line outwards, across the cracking earth. The word; the promise, the dream, finally made real.
The horizon.
Spinner, Tomura thought. It’s here.
All signs that are described are accurate Japanese Sign Language.
The sign Shigaraki uses for 'name' is Kansai dialect.
••• I headcanon Shigaraki having grown up in Kansai - that's where Jaku and the hospital and the Doc is; where there was once also a town named Shigaraki (different characters tho), in the former Koka district (using the same character as AFO's Koga Construction company...).
irl, lizards have a hearing range of 100Hz and 10kHz. Humans have a range of 20Hz and 20kHz. So people can hear a wider range of pitches than lizards - like low voices. Spinner's quirk is Gecko, so...
In this AU, for a few years after being picked up by AFO, Tenko/Tomura continued to be mute due to trauma. So he was taught JSL.
The sign for horizon in JSL
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lowquats · 7 months
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inspired by this post which is sooo true and correct <3
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mercymaker · 29 days
today i'm lost in the sauce elbow deep in bodily fluids completely submerged in this malstarion smut let's gooooo
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fifarts · 2 years
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guess who’s back ✍🏾
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broodlords · 5 months
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rah rah big ricky wip
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lylahammar · 8 months
art block sucks obvs but it might be even worse to have a TON of inspiration but very little creative energy to work with >:T all I wanna do is create a million things but my dumb brain put me in artistic time out
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sentientcave · 29 days
Have some fruit, Charlie! 🥰
🍐, 🍇 and 🥝? (If you’ve answered them, sub or skip, your choice. ☺️)
Hi Gemma!! Thanks for stopping by I love you
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Soap's death!! I don't care for it. Not only from a narrative perspective (it should have been Price) but also because he's my little pookie. And I think it's more compelling from a fic perspective especially to put him through like, dealing with disability and rehabilitation and learning to be something other than a soldier again. I have a WIP that's set after Sparrow that centres on his injury and what comes next (and Morgan getting pregnant and coping with a similar loss of autonomy). I just find like, death can be a powerful tool in fiction, but I think living is much more interesting.
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Honestly this is probably going to sound self-centered, but my own continuum of connected fantasy novels. They're all separate and stand alone but share like a world so it's fun to like, add little references to them through mentions of history. Other than that, COD is the first fandom I've really made content for and I'm having fun but like, I probably don't have a million fics in me. Maybe a million words though. I've only been at this for like 4 months and I've written like 250k for COD we may crack the million given some time.
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
Love a why choose or Polyamory fic. Also like I mentioned in Sy's ask, marriage tropes. Forced proximity my beloved. Kidnapping? Love that. Daring rescues? Hell yeah. Also dog/handler dynamics. Maybe that's not so much a trope but I'm still into it. Also love instant attraction/obsession. If we aren't getting a little unhealthy with it what's the point?
Thanks for asking!!
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butch--dean · 5 months
pspspsps please tell me about the father & son dean amv im dying to hear about the father & son dean amv can we talk about the father & son dean amv
I don’t actually have anything in progress for this one yet BUT these lyrics make me so insane:
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This is the bit that makes it a Dean amv to me - but I think there’s absolutely room to investigate a cas-specific theme there too! Especially this bit at the end of the song:
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Idk I don’t really have much to say about specifics but. There’s something there to the John’s influence and compulsory heterosexuality w Lisa……… and John’s idealism wrt Mary…. And how that impacts dean’s understanding of romantic relationships……...
(🌀🌀🌀 you want to ask me about my wips…. 🌀🌀🌀)
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kierpyr · 1 year
take this for i have nothing else to give you
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darlix747 · 10 months
can you tell me about the ai8 au?? i'm so curious
sure! the primary idea was: what if haruka was seen as a success and placed in trigger? then tenn would have grown up without kujo’s influence, so where would he end up? and so it goes! i’ll organize some basic outline-y stuff in bullet points:
• tenn gets scouted by takanashi productions alongside riku
• first couple episodes are basically the exact same, but instead of iDOLISH7 we end up with idolish8, written in japanese as 愛ドリッシュエイト with the character for love. i shorten it to 愛八 or ai8
• since that’s a lot of guys for one stage all the time (yeah yeah i know all about seventeen, stray kids, etc in real life but this is idolish7 i do what i want) tsumugi propses a subunit plan with two units: ai1 and ai2, informally called the princes and the knights repsectively
• ai1 consists of: tenn, sougo, tamaki, and nagi
• ai2 consists of: riku, iori, yamato and mitsuki
• there are of course full group songs, but having some songs be just one unit makes it more manageable
• as far as trigger is concerned, there’s only one major change: to avoid confusion between mint green/teal and blue, i lightly say that ryuu’s color is a honey gold. ryuu and gaku spend a fair bit of energy trying to figure out what in the world is wrong with their center bc he’s a little messed up
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mutxnts · 7 months
ace attorney/pokemon AU for the wip game!!!
this is an au i've been talking about with @kayfarafey!! we have SO many headcanons for the specific pokemon each aa character would have hehe. this scene is also something we were talking about, and it's a scene early on in 7yg where trucy learns about mia for the first time and how important she was to phoenix!
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lizpaige · 4 months
Do you mind if people write fics based on the ideas you post?
hi anon! 👋👋👋 i do not mind at all! i brain dump those pynch fic ideas on tumblr with the hope that someone will either reply to me with a fic that already exists or will write the fic for me to enjoy lol if i post an idea that i plan on writing myself i normally reblog it or drop a comment. so go for it!!!
i got two asks for ya in return:
pls send it to me because i wanna read it 👀👀👀👀😍😍😍😍😍
and pls credit me for the idea either by an author’s note/comment on the fic on ao3 or if you’re feeling extra generous gift it to my ao3 account so other folks can find it! 💜💜💜
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thecollectionsof · 8 months
For the word game!! :) “idea” “cry” and “hand”
hello my beloved <3
bakery au:
Groggy, disheveled, a little lost, and stumbling through the door of the darkest cafe she could find—forgetting her sunglasses in sunny California with this hangover had her regretting the last few shots, even if she had called it the “best idea ever” last night.
ghost au:
She doesn’t immediately shoot the idea down this time, something she knows the apparition of Crystal next to her notices and takes as a win.
soulmate au:
They want to scream, already planning a patent-pending Methyd Power Cry (as Heidi has lovingly dubbed it, and the name caught on through their friend group) in the staff bathroom in the back as soon as Jan comes in to take over in the afternoon.
(i already posted this sentence in a wip wednesday a while back but shhhhh)
bakery au:
She’s inching towards the door, but the first step she takes backwards sends Gigi’s hand shooting out, grabbing her sleeve gently from across the counter. 
“Go do real cooking,” she says, gently nudging Crystal out of the way with her hip and covering the hand holding the knife with her own.
ghost (?) au:
Gigi knows how that smile makes her face light up, how she leans forward when she laughs, how her hair moves and her hand comes to cover her mouth sometimes.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Me trying to finish the final hands painting - got angry at how it was going and painted half of it out to try again 😬😬😬😭😭😭
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thanaticas · 9 months
trying to put together a commission post but feeling self-conscious about my art examples and wishing i had newer better things to show but if i wait until i have better examples this is just never gonna happen and rrrgggghhhh
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mumscarian · 2 years
I just want you to know that I've now officially looked at each of the 130 mumscarian fics on Ao3 and I'm now starving. What do you mean I have to write them myself.
anon i feel your pain sooooo much. My advice: if you have an idea, write it down as soon as possible. just the summary. that way you wont forget it later, and if you decide you're never going to write it, you can post it as a prompt for someone else.
otherwise... oof. good luck, my friend
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