#i have the potential to reach great heights. but as young as i yet am i still have a lot more to learn and experience
alcarinquestar · 10 months
My Presentation on 93
Professors, friends, and esteemed guests,
I have the honour to present to you today an unparalleled book: Ninety-Three by Mr. Victor Hugo, whom we all recognise as a giant—not just of French letters, but of the world. To our great shame, although other works by Mr. Hugo are frequently read today, Ninety-Three, his last novel, has been largely forgotten; indeed, at this present moment no reputable publishing company is printing it in the English language.
I am here for the express purpose of reviving Anglophone interest in Ninety-Three. I consider this book a work of French Romanticism par excellence, for several reasons. First, it is an exercise of Hugo's literary theory, set forth as early as 1827 in the Preface to Cromwell, though never until now so perfectly demonstrated; second, in it we see the author’s reflections on a momentous point in history, the French Revolution, itself full of dramatic and philosophical potential. Additionally, the book is well-paced— which is perhaps the most difficult achievement of all for a work of this author. In sum, this book has everything that is required for a novel to ascend to the literary pantheon of the western canon: it has drama; it has depth; it is entertaining; it is true. Let us hasten, then, to place it where it deserves to be.
To understand the genius of Ninety-Three, one must understand the symbolic significance of its characters. But before I go any further, let us provide a general idea of the plot. In one sentence, it is a tale of the struggle between republicans and royalists in the Vendée (that is, Brittany), during the height of the Reign of Terror—hence the name, which is short for Seventeen Ninety-Three. Hugo divides the novel into three parts: At Sea, In Paris, and In la Vendée.
The story begins with a sort of prologue, an encounter between the republican Battalion of the Bonnet-Rouge and a Briton peasant woman and her three children, who are fleeing the war. They are quickly adopted by the battalion. We shall soon see why they are important. For the present our attention is redirected to the island of Jersey, an English possession, where a French royalist crew is preparing for a secret expedition. An old man boards the ship. He is in peasant dress, but by his demeanor seems to be an aristocrat. In the rest of At Sea we become acquainted with this jolly royalist crew—only to see them all perish in a naval battle before they ever reach the coast of France. Yet the old man escapes with the sailor Halmalo, and they land in Brittany in a little rowboat. He sends Halmalo off to rouse a general insurrection. Then, upon reading a placard, learns that his presence in Brittany has been known, and that someone named Gauvain is hunting him down, which sends him into a shock. Despite his dire situation, our protagonist is recognised by an old beggar named Tellemarch, who conceals him. We discover that he is none other than the Marquis de Lantenac, Prince in Brittany, coming back to lead the rebellion.
In the second part, In Paris, we are introduced to another character: Cimourdain. Cimourdain is a revolutionary priest, a man of iron will, with one weakness only: his affection for a pupil he had long ago, who was the grand-nephew of a great lord. At this period, however, Cimourdain dedicated himself completely to the revolution. Such was his formidable reputation that Cimourdain was able to intrude upon a meeting of the three terrible revolutionary men, Danton, Marat, and Robespierre, and cause his opinion to prevail among them. Robespierre then appoints Cimourdain as a delegate of the Committee of Public Safety, and sends him off to deal with the situation in Vendée. He is told that his mission is to watch a young commander, a ci-devant noble, named Gauvain. This name also sends Cimourdain into a shock.
Gauvain, in fact, is none other than the grand-nephew of the Marquis de Lantenac, in whose household the priest Cimourdain had been employed. Although they have not met for many years, there is a close bond between the master and pupil, and both adhere to the same revolutionary ideal. Hugo has set the stage. In the last part, In la Vendée, these epic forces are hurled against each other in the siege of the Gauvain family’s ancestral castle, La Tourgue. On the one side, we have the republican besiegers, Gauvain and Cimourdain, and on the other, the Marquis de Lantenac and his Briton warriors, the besieged. The Marquis has one last card to play: he has, as hostages, the children of the Battalion of the Bonnet-Rouge. For the safety of his party, he offers the life of the three children, whom he has placed in the chatelet adjoining the castle of La Tourgue, which will be burned upon attack. The republicans refuse. The siege begins, bloody for the republicans, hopeless for the royalists. At the last moment, by a stroke of fate the royalists contrive to escape, leaving behind an exasperated republican army, and a burning house. The republicans try to rescue the children, but find this impossible, as they can neither scale the walls of the chatelet, nor open the iron door that leads to it. As this is happening, the Marquis hears the desperate cries of the mother in the distance. Beyond all expectation, he returns, opens the door with his key, steps into the fire, and saves the children. Thereupon he is seized by Cimourdain, who proclaims that Lantenac will be promptly guillotined. Yet unbeknownst to Cimourdain, Lantenac’s heroic act of self-sacrifice set off a crisis of conscience in the gentle Gauvain, who fought for the republic of mercy, not the republic of vengeance. The final battle takes place in the human heart.
I will not divulge the ending. Already we can see that these characters are at once human, and more than human. “The stage is an optical point,” says Hugo in the Preface to Cromwell, “Everything that exists in the world—in history, in life, in man—should be and can be reflected therein, but under the magic wand of art.” Men assume gigantic proportions. They become ideas. The three central characters each represent a force. In the lights and shadows of their souls, we have symbols of the lights and shadows of a whole age. The fifteen centuries of feudalism, the Bourbon monarchy, the France of the past, when condensed into an object is the looming castle La Tourgue, and when incarnate is Lantenac. The twelve months of the revolutionary terror, the Committee of Public Safety, the France of the moment, is as an object the guillotine, as a man Cimoudain. The immense future is Gauvain. Lantenac is old; Cimourdain middle-aged; Gauvain young.
Let us look at each of these characters in turn.
I admit that Lantenac is my favourite character. In his human aspect he is impressive, and very compellingly written. Almost immediately upon introduction, he manifests a ferocious justice in the affair of Halmalo’s brother, a gunner who endangered the whole ship by his neglect, and who saved it in a terrifying struggle between vis et vir, between an invincible brass carronade and frail humanity. Lantenac awarded this man the Cross of Saint-Louis, and then had him shot. To the vengeful Halmalo, his justification is this: “As for me, I did my duty, first in saving your brother’s life, and then in taking it from him [...] He has failed his duty; I have not failed mine.” This episode sums up Lantenac’s character. True to life and true to the principle of romantic drama, Lantenac contains both the grotesque and the sublime, sometimes even in the same action. Like the Cromwell that inspired in posterity such horror and admiration, he shoots women, but saves children. He martyrs others, but is at every point prepared to be the martyr.
As an idea he is the ultimate embodiment of the Ancien Régime. Though himself unpretentious, Lantenac is perfectly aware of the role he must play. He demonstrates perfectly, unlike conventional aristocrats in literature, the principle of noblesse oblige and the justice of the suum cuique. He believes that he is the representative of divine right, not out of arrogance, but as a matter of fact. “This is the question,” he tells Gauvain in their first and last interview, “to be a Great Kingdom, to be the ancient France, [is] to be this magnificent land of system [...] There was something fine and noble in this system. You have destroyed it [...] like the miserable ignoramuses you are [...] Go! Do your work! Be the new man! Become pygmies! [...] But leave us great.” The force which animates Lantenac is his duty, merciless, towards the old monarchical order—until the principle was overcome by the man, who was still able to be moved by helpless innocence.
The first thing that Hugo felt it was necessary to know about Cimourdain is that he is a priest. “He had been a priest, which is a solemn thing. Man may have, like the sky, a dark and impenetrable serenity; that something should have caused the night to fall in his soul is all that is required. [...] Cimourdain was full of virtues and truth, but they shine out against a dark background.” There is an admirable purity about him: it is symbolic that we always see him rushing into the thick of battle, but never firing his weapon. He aids the poor, relieves the suffering, dresses the wounded. By his virtues he seems Christlike, but unlike Christ, his is an icy virtue, the virtue of duty, not love; a justice which knows not mercy—“the blind certainty of an arrow,” which imparts to this sublimity a touch of the ridiculous. It is a short step from greatness to madness. Still, there remains some humanity in Cimourdain, on account of his love for Gauvain. Through this love that he is able to live, as a man, and not merely as the mechanical execution of an idea.
On the surface Cimourdain has renounced his priesthood. But, Hugo reminds us, “once a priest, always a priest.” He is still a priest, but a priest of the Revolution, which he believes to have come from God. There is a similarity between Cimourdain and Lantenac, though they are on the two diametrically opposed sides of the revolution. Both are bound by duty to their cause. Both are ferocious. When Robespierre commissioned Cimourdain, he answered: “Yes, I accept. Terror against terror, Lantenac is cruel. I shall be cruel. War to the death against this man. I will deliver the Republic from him, so it please God." Quite appropriately he is represented by the image of the axe—realised in the guillotine erected in the final chapter. As with Lantenac, the Cimourdain of relentless revolutionary justice eventually finds himself face to face with the human Cimourdain, the spiritual father of Gauvain, the embodiment of mercy.
Gauvain at a glance seems to be a character of simple conception: his defining characteristic is an almost angelic goodness. He is also the pivotal point in the story: on one hand, he is the son of Cimourdain, a republican, and on the other, he is the son of the Gauvain family, Lantenac’s heir. Through him, we are reminded that the Vendée is a fratricidal war. Allusions abound in the novel, for example, when Cimourdain declared his brotherhood with the royalist resistors, a voice, implied to be Lantenac’s, answered, “Yes, Cain.” Gauvain finds himself caught in the middle of such a frightful war. At first, he was able to overlook his kinship with Lantenac, on account of the older man’s monstrosities, but with Lantenac redeemed by his self-sacrifice, it becomes impossible to ignore his threefold obligation: to family, to nation, and to humanity. It is because of this that duty, which seemed so plain to Cimourdain, rose “complex, varied, and tortuous” before Gauvain. The fact is, far from being simple, Gauvain's goodness is neither effortless nor plain, and we are reminded that the most colossal battles of nobility against complacency often happen in the most sensitive of consciences.
Indeed, the triumph of Gauvain is a triumph of the moral conscience, the light which is said to come from the great Unknown, over the dismal times of revolution and internecine strife, “in the midst of the conflagration of all enmity and all vengeance, [...] at that instant [...] when everything becomes a projectile [...], when [...] justice, honesty, and truth are lost sight of [...]” To Hugo, the Revolution is a tempest, in the midst of which we find its tragic actors, forbidding figures as Cimourdain, Lantenac, and the delegates of the Convention, some supremely sublime, some utterly grotesque, and many both: “a pile of heroes, a herd of cowards.” But, at the same time, “The eternal serenity does not suffer from these north winds. Above Revolutions, Truth and Justice reign, as the starry heavens above the tempest.” Gauvain finally comes to peace with this realisation, and we hear him saying, “Moreover, what is the tempest to me, if I have the compass? And what difference can events make to me, if I have my conscience?”
But Ninety-Three is, after all, a tragic book. We might ask whether it is not the case that Gauvain is too much of an idealist. He wishes to found a Republic of Intellect, where perpetual peace eliminates all war, and where man, having passed through the instruction of family, master, country, and humanity, finally arrives at God. “Gauvain, come back to earth,” says Cimourdain. To this Gauvain cannot make a reply. He can only point us upwards, by self-denial, and by his love, towards the ideal.
And the task of the novel is no more than this, this reminder of the reality of life. The drama was created, as the Preface to Cromwell declares, “On the day when Christianity said to man: ‘Thou art [...] made up of two beings, one perishable, the other immortal, [...] one enslaved by appetites, cravings and passions, the other borne aloft on the wings of enthusiasm and reverie—in a word, the one always stooping toward the earth, its mother, the other always darting up toward heaven, its fatherland.’” And did not Ninety-Three achieve this? The legend of La Vendée, like the stage, takes crude history and distills from it reality. Let us conclude with this passage from the novel itself:
“Still, history and legend have the same end, depicting [the] man eternal in the man of the passing moment.”
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champagnepodiums · 2 years
Let's not overlook here that it's not an exclusive situation of "older" fans bullying teenage fans because they somehow forgot what it was to be young,. there's lots of fans that have outgrown the teenage phase that kick in all directions because they somehow live under the impression that you don't deserve fun and hobbies after your 'best before' date (i.e. 30) is through. which sucks, because yes for a lot of women past 30 who bow to a patriarch society past 30 means no hobbies, but not because they don't want to, or because they don't feel the need to anymore, but because they simply don't find the time or because younger people in their fandoms managed to alienate them so much that they didn't feel welcome anymore. and specifically for the fanfiction topic - don't like, don't read is the first rule, and people should just apply that and we would all be happy. writing is a craft that gets better the longer you hone it. yes, there are amazing young writers. but many, many writers develop their real potential after many, many years. same with any art form - be it painting, digital arts, gif editing - don't alienate the fandom elders or we'll lose some of the greats. getting back to the point made - yes, don't bully the teenage girls, even if from the viewpoint of someone older it seems cringy. it's their god given right. it's their social role in society. it's part of growing up to have to deal with a ton of emotions you don't have figured out yet. but also to everyone who feels like they are at the height of their being - be kinder to anyone who's in a phase you have not lived through yet - nobody has ever reached their full potential until they have died and can't achieve more than they have. sorry, got a bit long. I guess in general my wish would be that we stop trying to divide ourselves into groups sorted by age when we should flock together by shared interests.
okay first and foremost because this is the second day in a row that people have taken my response to an anon as my whole response/feelings on a situation and scolded me for it — most of the time when I am talking to an anon, I am only giving my opinion on specific thing the anon said. i do not have time to write essays for every anon where i explore every nuanced thought and idea to a concept. i’m not overlooking it, it just was not a part of the conversation.
and to be honest, i’m annoyed enough by this whole anon that i don’t have anything super nice or thoughtful to say so I’m just going to leave it. If saying that I feel particularly protective of teenaged fans alienates fandom elders, I guess I don’t care. so be it.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
emet-selch brainrot
#spoilers#tag later#still thinking abt when we first enter etheirys n#emet-selch as 'familiar voice' and hythlodaeus as 'familiar stranger'#I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC SO MUCH AS WELL#UHH i'm an azemet shipper but#there's smth really comforting thinking about. emet-selch n hyth as friends to lovers. i think dynamics w that are cute#oh no#i'm in philosophy class rn n#i think i'm gna be overwhelmed#bcs i think about this sort of thing a lot n it's really hard for me to put into words bcs it's really complex in my head#i think a lot. i have a lot to write about.#it's. weird. bcs i can think both simply and complexly#more like i think my thought process is really deep & i have the self-awareness to yeah#but i can break it down to smaller bits#only when my mental health is good enough for that though lmfao#i wld consider myself on the way to becoming a wise person i think#i have the potential to reach great heights. but as young as i yet am i still have a lot more to learn and experience#that curiosity n desire i have to keep on learning n to understand more helps me forge ahead unto tomorrow#aaaa that aside as well tho i have realized that#most ppl i know my age don't think as deeply or introspectively or as reflectively as i do#n even for those who are. they lack a certain openness still#it's rather painful though for people like me bcs#i can't live simply. i can't force my mind on just a singular aspect of life#they say intelligent ppl are lonelier right? :')#i don't really know if i have a place where i really belong#in society or wtvr yes i have my family and friends to return to. i love them all. but it's still just lonely at heart#i love being alone but i think it just gets tiring when i feel lonely bcs i don't want to feel left behind :/#maybe if i just keep on writing more i'll gradually understand more
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existslikepristin · 3 years
Impromptu Review
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Thanks for editing this one goes to momirene and Worldsover, and for helpful beta reading feedback from them and one dork who wants to remain anonymous.
Tags: TheLounge, Red Velvet, SNSD (Girl's Generation), Joy, Sunny, loneliness, potential traumatization of cats, a hoard of hell-themed sex toys, a strap on, a butt plug with Jiu's face in it, and bisexual problems.
The front door of Sunny’s apartment swung open so fast that Joy felt a breeze from the vacuum it left behind.
“Joy! You’re here!”
Joy blinked. “Yeah, I said I would come over.”
“It’s been so long since we’ve met up! Come in, come in!”
“It’s only been like a month though.”
Sunny grabbed Joy’s hands and pulled her through the doorway. “It feels like so much longer than that!”
Joy smiled and took her shoes off in the entryway. “You seem more excited than usual.”
“What? How so?”
“Well for one,” Joy said, pointing at the kitchen, “It looks like you prepared for a whole party in here.”
The kitchen’s island was covered in plates of snacks and several variations of alcoholic beverages. Additionally, Sunny was noticeably sweaty, like she had just run around the house preparing for guests. Joy figured it would be best not to bring that up.
“What? No. That? That’s… yeah, that’s a lot of food, isn’t it?” Sunny’s posture drooped, as if she’d already expended all of her energy on her greeting.
Joy pulled her into a side hug. Her height served to straighten Sunny back up. “What’s going on, girl?”
Sunny sighed and leaned her head on Joy’s chest. “I dunno. I’m just excited. Haven’t had a good social night any time recently.”
“Aw! But what about these cutie kitties?”
Sogeum popped her head out from behind the wall and gave Joy her signature droopy, grim stare without so much as a meow. As soon as Joy shuffled in her direction though, she turned and went back into the living room.
“Well, you know. Can’t really have a real conversation with the cats.”
Joy hummed her agreement and stepped into the kitchen. “I’m always happy to talk to you Sunny. They don’t call SM a family for nothing.”
Sunny groaned, loudly.
“Um. Okay,” Joy said when Sunny didn’t elaborate. “Not a family? Just a bunch of really close friends?”
“Yeah, that’ll work better. Not a fan of the family motif.”
Joy picked up a cracker and chomped down. “Gonna… explain? Family is normally a positive thing, isn’t it?”
Sunny grabbed a bottle of wine and yanked the cork out. “Yeah, totally, for sure. Hey, do you like Chardonnay?”
“I…” Joy didn’t want to skirt around whatever issue Sunny was having, but was well-aware of her stubbornness. “I sure do.”
As fancy glasses of white wine were generously poured, Joy made note of Sunny’s slow, unsteady movements. She worried that perhaps Sunny had already started drinking, or wasn’t getting enough sleep.
* * *
“Can you believe that, Joy?”
“No way. It’s just inhuman.”
“Completely! It’s not like green onions are suddenly more expensive to dry out!”
The conversation had started with gossip and cheese snacking when the sun was high. As the sun set, the discussion shifted to the price of instant meals, and the snack plates were all but empty. Joy had to fight the constant urge to fall asleep, as the topics were never much more interesting than that. But she let Sunny lead the talking as much as possible.
Joy was simply relieved that Sunny called her over before diving into her liquor storage. “You should start a petition to regulate the price. I’d be the first to sign it.”
Sunny’s tipsy grin matched Joy’s. Though the alcohol consumption had been slow-going, they had been doing it for several hours. “Oh that would be great press. ‘Washed up idol upset with ramen manufacturers.’”
With an exaggerated roll of the eyes, Joy pointed at a set of boxes in the corner of the living room, currently being used as a lookout tower by Sogeum. “You’re not washed up yet. Look at all of those sponsor gifts. Those weren’t here last time I came over… Wait, they weren’t, were they?”
Sunny giggled. “No, they’re, uh… new.”
Their corporate sponsors weren’t something that Joy, Sunny, or any of the other SM idols discussed often. There were usually so many vying for their attention that it was pointless trying to keep track. But Joy reasoned, somewhat drunkenly, that talking about it might be therapeutic to someone so down on their social status. “Who are they from, anyway?”
A blush deepened the red of Sunny’s already tipsy-glowing cheeks. “Uh… Nobody. Just a regular sponsor, ya know?”
Joy grinned. “Oh, come on. You can tell me. What am I gonna do? Call a press conference to tell the tabloids who’s contributing to your paycheck?”
Sunny rolled her eyes. She shot off the couch, spilling a drop or two of her wine in the process. From Joy’s naturally higher perspective, Sunny didn’t seem that much taller. “Fine,” she said, wobbling, “but you better not make fun of me.”
“I’ll make fun of you for other reasons, like how much I love you, bitch!” Joy blinked at her own shouting. She didn’t know when the alcohol had hit her, but she was beginning to think that she was a little more intoxicated than she previously thought.
Thankfully, the joviality in her voice seemed to encourage Sunny to play along. She set her wine on the coffee table and picked one of the smaller boxes off of the pile. “Disclosure first! We haven’t agreed to any deals yet. They sent me this stuff to try to convince me to shill it. I didn’t reach out to them.”
Joy waved the disclosure off like a mosquito, but Sunny still tossed the box in her direction. The weight inside of it was awkwardly distributed. Joy attempted to catch it, but it wound up ricocheting off the tips of her fingers and nearly knocking over an open, mostly full bottle of soju.
“The fuck is in this thing?”
“I’ve got some ideas but I just know who it’s from. Open it and find out.”
Joy tore into the box with no regard for the care that went into the packaging, which itself was surprisingly discreet. A smirk cracked her lips when she thought about what sorts of deliveries required such discretion. But the smirk faded right away when she got a view of the inside and realized that the packager apparently had the same idea.
Inside was a pair of plastic sheets wrapped asymmetrically around a roughly water bottle sized blob of blood red silicone. A small bit of pink cardboard advertised it as a five-speed, rotation-simulating, self-cleaning, pattern-switching, USB-charging, automatically-lubricating, remote-controlled vibrator with a speaker at the bottom for replicating a set of desired moans and a specialized charging dock.
Joy cleared her throat and stared at the horrifically fancy dildo, and its label, “Dante’s Dive,” unsure if she should toss it back to Sunny, considering it was clearly a personal item.
Sunny reached into what was left of the box, procuring a pretty little decorated card. “Dear Ms. Lee, we at Second Ring Inc were very pleased to hear your impromptu review of our products on a recent episode of ‘Welp, I Guess We’re Talking About This Now’ and wished to send you some additional items to show our appreciation. These are in no way a request for further public review,” Sunny was briefly interrupted by Joy’s disapproving snort, “but should you be interested in a partnership, we have included a phone number at which I, the chief executive officer, Lee Youngjoon, may be reached. Optionally, my username--”
Joy missed a few words as she was shocked by the extreme sound emitted by the vibrator when she pushed a button on the remote control.
“--is ‘worldsover’. As you know, Second Ring specializes in sexual wellness products, of which we’ve sent you a wide variety. They can be enjoyed by couples, or can serve as a fantastic outlet for power singles like yourself…”
Sunny trailed off. Joy was afraid she knew what was coming. “Damn, Sunny. You say so much as three words on national television and they scramble to get right up on your ass, eh?”
It was too late. Sunny was already tipping up the bottom of the soju bottle. A few drops spluttered back out of her mouth as Joy pushed it back down. “Sunny! You’ve said it yourself! You don’t want to get married!”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not still lonely!”
Joy wrapped her arms around Sunny. “You’ve got me. And a million other friends!”
“Fans don’t count.” Sunny’s voice was partially muffled by Joy’s shoulder.
“Ouch. Time for me to delete my Sone club membership. But fine. A hundred other friends. It’s not just me. It’s my members. Your members. And plenty of others. All of NCT would be--Okay, nevermind. Aespa though! They love you too.”
“But I don't want to inconvenience you." Sunny ended so matter-of-factly that Joy had to pause to process the short conversation.
"You know how… You know how you take a road trip, and there's a road block, or really bad construction, and you have to take a detour?"
"Yeah. I'm a detour."
"Come on, Sunny. What you are is the scenic route!”
There was a long silence.
“Was that the end of the metaphor?” Sunny eventually asked.
“I am very drunk.”
“You’re not that drunk.”
“Drunk enough to be shit at metaphors.”
“It’s…” Sunny extricated herself from Joy’s hug. “It’s okay. I think I know what you’re getting at, and I appreciate it. It’s just that a few words don’t really fix a brain, you know?”
Joy nodded slowly, watching as Sogeum casually stalked across the room. “Yup. But believe me. I’m here for you, at least. So if you need a friend, or some company, I’m at the top of your list.”
The cat plopped herself on the floor, right up against Sunny’s leg. Joy giggled. “Fuck off, kitty. I just said I was the top.”
It seemed the topic of conversation was ready to change. Sunny smiled, and it was enough to indicate her understanding.
“So!” Joy moved things along. “A pile of free, top of the line sex toys in your living room. What’s a young woman to do about that?”
Sunny snorted. “Well I’m not going to masturbate while I have company over, that’s for sure.” She grabbed another box from the pile and handed it over, doing her best not to disturb Sogeum’s new resting place.
The new box took mere seconds to open, this time revealing a black silicone butt plug with a red gem in the base. The casing suggested that a picture could be inserted beneath the gem, and it appeared there was one already there as an example. Joy had to flip it around to a variety of angles before she could make out that it contained a headshot of Dreamcatcher’s Jiu making finger hearts on her cheeks. She cocked her head, wondering if the image had actually been authorized.
Another box swapped between the womens’ hands. It took Joy a little longer to open than the last, but it turned out to be that way for a good reason, given that it was gently holding some fragile cargo: A red-tinted glass bottle of lube, labeled as “Juice from the Fruit of The Tree.” The lengthy product title had a snake winding through the letters.
“Well now they’re just really doubling down on this theme, aren’t they?” Sunny asked as she worked out how to open the next package, using her bottle opener as a makeshift knife.
Joy laughed and picked up yet another, now eager to see what kind of wild object it would contain. “Yeah, they really are! No lie, they’re starting to give me some ideas. Talk about sinful.”
“‘Oh I know,’” Sunny mocked the company, as SM artists often did, fingers still struggling to find their way under the first cardboard flap. “‘Let’s send Sunny a whole pile of sex junk. Bet she’s sinful enough to use it all.’ Like, come on Love-eye, or whatever your name is. What’s a single woman gonna do with all this? Hold up a pillow fort?”
“Hey, maybe he doesn’t know you’re single. Maybe there’s some stuff in here that takes two to tangle with… Fuck. Choerry’s got me using alliterations.”
Sunny barely managed to get her fingers inside the box, but her knuckles were turning white from the tightness of it. It seemed that she had left a portion of the packing tape uncut. “I said I was single on the show, though. I don’t think there will be any couples’ toys in here.”
“Oooh, I’m gonna make it a bet now.” Joy smirked. Her next sentence bypassed her verbal filter through the holes left in it by the alcohol. “If you get that thing open and there’s a strap on inside, you have to fuck me with it!”
A jerk of her arms snapped the remainder of the packing tape. Sunny chuckled. “You’re on. There’s no way it is.”
Joy had to admit that Sunny had a point, considering how small the package was. Surely it couldn’t fit a series of leather straps, or a dildo any larger than a couple of inches in any direction. The little voice in the back of her mind that told her making such an offer was stupid quieted down somewhat.
There was a moment of quiet. Sogeum rolled away from Sunny and made her way to the kitchen. Joy picked up another box, confident that she hadn’t just placed herself in an awkward situation. Sunny shook her head, amused. And then…
Joy looked back, but wasn’t quite sure what she was looking at. It was a sort of mass of black string with some silver discs hanging off of it. Another piece of pink paper fluttered to the floor, where Joy picked it up and read aloud.
“‘The Obol.’ As Charon ferried Dante across the Styx and into the hole that is Hell, so too shall this state-of-the-art magnetic harness ferry our exclusive Dante’s Dive dildo into your… partner’s hole…”
There was more to be read, but both women seemed to get the point. The only sound in the room came from Sogeum chomping through some hard cat food in the kitchen. Slowly, their eyes raised and met. They both spoke at the same moment.
“That was a bet’s a joke bet right?”
Their drunken minds needed a moment to detangle their words into distinct sentences. Sunny’s “That was a joke, right?” and Joy’s “A bet’s a bet.”
Sunny started again first. “You know, we don’t have to.”
“I will if you want to.”
Every sentence being exchanged was followed by a palpable stillness. Joy’s heart beat loudly in her own ears, and she swore she could hear Sunny’s too.
“Do you… want to fuck me with that, Sunny?”
Sunny answered instantly. “Yup.”
There was a flurry of action, though it was slowed here and there by a tipsy stumble or two. Sunny gathered up an armful of the items on her coffee table, both sex toys and the bottle of soju, and sprinted for the bedroom. Joy rushed after her, messily attempting and failing to remove some of her clothes on the way.
Sogeum was spooked by the sudden kerfuffle and fled out of sight.
The bedroom was no less hectic. Sunny dropped everything on the bed except the soju, which she took one more swig of directly from the bottle before setting it dangerously close to the edge of her desk. She wiggled out of her shirt and bra, which attracted Joy’s attention instantly.
Joy struck at Sunny’s cleavage, wrapping her fingers as far as they could go around the legendary orbs, and her lips around one of the budding tips. Their differences in height made it awkward, but they very soon found their way to a horizontal state that eased that tension. Unfortunately, it was not on the bed, but on the floor, but they weren’t about to let something like that stop them.
What clothes they were still wearing exploded off their bodies. Joy’s shorts and shirt, Sunny’s pants and socks. All of it ended up in different sections of the room, thrown under and over furniture.
Joy was no stranger to encounters like this, and neither was Sunny. They had shared countless stories with each other… and some spit. But neither had considered their prior make out sessions to be precursors to explicitly sexual action. For her part, however, Joy considered this one differently, and Sunny’s hands searching half-blindly for Joy’s ass confirmed to her that Sunny thought the same.
Backs arched. Legs ground against one another. Open mouths met, trading the alcoholic scents that the women no longer cared to distinguish. Their minds had devoted themselves entirely to the search for physical pleasure.
A lot of exploratory prodding led Sunny’s fingers to the entrance to Joy’s pussy, failing to notice the number of pokes that ended up at Joy's exit. She took some time familiarizing herself with the drenched outer folds.
Joy, however, noticed the poking at her ass. Her mind swam with serotonin, thoughts of other people, and alcoholic fumes that seemed to rearrange the letters of her thoughts into nonsense. Or possibly into inspiration.
Inspiration relevant to the happenings at the prior year's award shows, that is.
Joy tried to pull back the moment Sunny’s fingers dipped inside her. She had opened her mouth to speak but instead groaned and arched herself further into Sunny’s grip on her sanity. "S-Sunny. B-bed."
At least that message was received loud and clear. Sunny dragged her fingers against Joy’s G-spot as she, disappointingly, pulled them out, nearly causing Joy to scream. The same fingers plunged into Joy’s mouth and quieted her as she diligently sucked her own juices from them.
The action transferred to the bed. Fingers immediately found their places again, and Joy bounced on her back in time with Sunny’s brutal shoves. Packaging bounced all around them. It was like a desperate, distracted game of Vegetable Shinobi for Joy, swiping at the jumping dildo. Sunny’s fingers were divine, eye-wateringly so, but Joy wanted something unholy.
Sunny muttered Joy’s name, catching her attention again. She lifted her head to meet for yet another imprecise kiss. Their legs twisted around each other. Joy could hear the desperation in Sunny’s moans, vibrating all the way down her throat, burning like the alcohol. She snaked a hand between them and found Sunny’s clit.
The moans freed themselves as Sunny bucked backward, almost out of Joy’s longer reach. Joy noted the exceptional reaction, and flipped Sunny onto her back, following immediately and putting herself in the position of power Sunny had initiated.
“You’re gonna fuck me with the strap on… right, Sunny?”
Sunny’s eyes widened, and she grabbed the toys.
“No, not yet,” Joy stalled in her most seductive voice. She slid down, nearly falling off the bed, and wrenched Sunny’s legs wide open with her elbows.
Sunny clenched her fingers around the hell-themed dildo for dear life. Joy’s name poured through her lips over and over again as Joy’s lips poured over her pussy.
Joy had to fight Sunny’s strength to keep her spread thighs from clamping around her head. She wanted to keep hearing her senior beg, loud and clear. To that end, she dug in her tongue, unable to penetrate far, but far enough to open Sunny up and feel the wetness flow into her mouth.
“Please… Joy… I’m close… Joy, please! Joy, don’t stop!”
The thought flitted through Joy’s head, that perhaps denying Sunny her orgasm would be fun, but something about the way she said it made Joy wonder if Sunny’s neediness was rooted in her loneliness, more than in her desire to get off. She shifted herself to wrap her arms under Sunny’s legs and pulled. It wasn’t possible for them to be any physically closer than they were, but she wanted to make it feel like they could be.
Sunny’s voice cracked, choked, and broke into a scream. Joy winced as her tongue was squeezed uncomfortably, but she wasn’t about to stop. The back arches, hair grasping, and pained gasps that followed were worth it.
Joy kept it up until Sunny’s body fell back down and her muscles relaxed. Only then, she removed herself to ask, “Need a break before my turn?”
A smile crept up Sunny’s mouth. Her fingers tightened around the dildo she still had in her hand. “Get… back down here.”
If there was any benefit Joy appreciated most about idol training, it was recovery speed, and Sunny still had it. Joy picked up the strap, quickly figuring out how it was supposed to fit and sliding it up Sunny’s legs. The motion doubled as her approach for another make out.
Of course, Joy was still immensely horny. Her interest in making out with Sunny was overshadowed by her desire to get fucked savagely, but she had the wherewithal to hold out, to let it happen naturally. She was always good at letting others take the lead. Whether they led from the top or from the bottom didn’t especially matter to her.
The alcohol made her more impatient than usual though. She forced herself to wait for the five-speed pounding she’d get, but she ground herself against Sunny’s leg in the meantime. Thankfully she didn’t have to wait long. Sunny threw her to the side and attached the vibrator to the unusual strap with very little trouble. Joy fingered herself as she watched.
“Fuck, yes, Sunny. This is going to be so goo--”
Sunny practically tackled Joy. Their lips collided again, strap hovering somewhere between Joy’s legs, but not close enough for her to feel it.
The moment she did, though, Joy grabbed Sunny’s ass and pulled. The lack of accuracy was made up for by the inhuman amount of lubrication present; both Joy’s and the curious synthetic compound that the dildo exuded seemingly of its own volition.
It was almost too much for Joy. The dildo was certainly longer than any she had used before, and bottoming out at full speed meant it hit her rather painfully in the cervix. She hissed, but otherwise just readjusted her legs in Sunny’s way to prevent the same thing from happening so easily again.
The strap held the dildo in place on Sunny’s body well. Despite its genuinely small frame, it seemed to prevent all wiggling. Every one of Sunny’s movements, including the less delicate, more intoxicated ones, translated to sensations that felt to Joy like a biologically attached dick, albeit with a plethora of extra features.
"You're so pretty, Joy," Sunny said. Even though she was doing all the work now, she wasn't nearly as winded as before. Knowing she’d affected Sunny made Joy grin into another kiss.
“No you,” Joy said with a smirk. She knew this would be good, but she truly underestimated how great it would be to see Sunny’s famous tits jiggling with the effort of fucking her. The sheen of sweat covering them would ensure the night wouldn’t be forgotten, even if Joy had another drink or two.
Joy’s first orgasm struck quickly and unexpectedly. Her breath stopped and a shudder spiked through her body from her core to the tips of her toes and fingers and head. The ability to think normally left her for a brief moment. She only kept the fleeting question of whether or not Sunny was able to feel Joy’s climax. Stars popped in and out of existence, obscuring Joy’s view of Sunny’s fantastic body.
It all faded relatively soon after, but it wasn’t enough for Joy. As soon as her lungs refilled, she screamed, “More! Sunny! Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh god!” She was practically numb everywhere, except for every square inch of her that the dildo rubbed, slid, and vibrated against. Her arms and legs wrapped around Sunny on their own.
Joy, eyes half closed, barely registered when Sunny slowed down to grab and open the extra package. She did, however, notice the sudden prodding feeling at her asshole.
She couldn’t even finish Sunny’s name before something slipped its way into her butt. Her vision cleared up enough to see that even while she continued thrusting, Sunny had one hand tucked between them, and it was the source of the extra intrusion.
A couple more thrusts though, and Joy was lost to the pleasure again. She started to pant instead of scream or moan, or perhaps she was whimpering, or speaking fluent Polish. Joy couldn’t have said one way or the other. Another orgasm hit. And another. And another. She knew some time was passing between each one, but whether it was seconds or days between no longer mattered. Her mind was fading out of existence.
Until, that is, it wasn’t.
With seemingly no provocation, Joy suddenly remembered Cheungae. She had been meaning to talk to Sunny about him before they had gotten drunk. Her mind wandered, far, far more than it normally would during such intense sex.
Cheungae had taken her out several times since their first, less-than-professional meeting at the MAMAs with Wheein. Even though Joy knew he was struggling financially, he always insisted on paying for coffee, but would give up if he saw the bill when Joy took him to some of the much higher end restaurants.
He was always so polite, genuine, and humble. He didn’t even question when Joy told him they couldn’t be in a relationship, but instead insisted that they could be friends. Joy wondered if it was fair to him that she was treating him as a boyfriend in every way but name while she was still having a grand old time fucking everyone else in the industry. Cheungae knew about it, but wasn’t part of it.
And yet, sex with Cheungae made Joy feel good. Great, even. She could recreate the sensations in her mind for days afterward. His slim, toned figure hovering over her, his face contorted beautifully in adorable agony, his admittedly mediocre cock managing to hit her just right with every move. She couldn’t stop picturing him.
Another orgasm smashed through Joy’s illusion. The mental image of perfectly human Cheungae was instantly replaced with the very physical image of god-like Sunny. As tended to happen, Joy held her breath as the climax coursed through her. Her muscles contracted until she was holding Sunny in a deathly grip.
“F-fuck. Sunn-ny. Slow… slow down.”
It seemed that the request was desperately needed by both lovers, because rather than simply slow down, Sunny fell over. Joy’s pussy immediately craved to be filled again, but she knew she needed to clear her head. And besides that, she still had an odd full sensation. When her muscles relaxed enough for her to move of her own volition, she reached beneath herself and recoiled again at the feeling of a drenched butt plug. Her fingertips carried a puddle of mixed cum and lube back up.
“I’m sorry… Joy… I think that’s all I have left in me,” Sunny said between gasps.
Joy made note of her own throat and how dry it was. Whatever sound she was making while she borderline hallucinated, she’d be regretting it for a while. “All good. I was losing my sanity. That was unbelievable.”
Sunny giggled. It sounded painful. “The vibrator… or the surprise plug?”
Joy giggled back. “The plug was definitely a surprise. Was that the one with Jiu's face in it?”
“Cool,” Joy sat up, her head swimming in the aftermath. “But I just think it was you using the stuff that made it so good.”
Sunny seemed invigorated by the compliments. She smiled and reached under the bed, making some noise and bringing up a bottle of water. The two of them swapped it back and forth until it was empty and then collapsed into one another, idly feeling each others' bodies up the whole time.
“Does that mean you’re up for another… night like this? Or day?” Sunny asked as she fondled Joy’s tits. It sounded like she had sobered up, at least most of the way. Joy was too afraid of what she would see to look at a clock.
“You fucking know it,” Joy responded while she brushed her fingers up and down Sunny’s inner thighs. It was a reflex for her to agree, but she cringed inwardly as soon as she did, realizing how much more sober she had become herself, and how she wished she wasn’t. She was thinking about Cheungae again.
There was a barrage of light kisses all over her face, neck, and chest. Sunny looked far too happy for Joy to feel okay about retracting her statement.
“Maybe not right now though,” Joy said, just in case Sunny was already getting ideas. “We should really get to bed.”
She didn’t hear any arguments. They simply got up, and only long enough to flip up the duvet, flinging all of the remaining sex toys off, and jumped underneath.
It took a minute for Joy to realize she needed to remove the surprise butt plug. It was easy enough, and she ended up tossing it to the floor without looking at it.
Joy wrapped herself around Sunny. She was usually the big spoon, not that it bothered her. Sunny’s bare back felt comfortably hot against her chest and stomach. Cheungae liked being the big spoon too. He’d swap with her all the time…
“Hey, Sunny?”
“Mmm?” Sunny was on the verge of sleep, it seemed.
Joy lowered her voice, barely above a whisper. “Have you ever thought about… Settling down, I guess? Just being with one person?”
She didn’t expect Sunny to have an immense store of wisdom, but she hoped for more than what she got: a snore.
“Good night to you too, Sunny.”
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raddifferent · 3 years
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I'm late but I'm in the middle of switching jobs so who cares! Here's Day Two of @rosemarymonth2021: Fantasy! This is Chapter 1; Chapter 2 will double as the Chapter 4 prompt because I want to finish this fic rather than do medieval with no fantasy elements. It's my writing project and I make the rules!!
Anyways, as usual the link will be in the replies and the fic is below the cut!
The esteemed Duchess Lepidopterina Dolorosa of the House Maryam, Baroness of the Misted Isles, Devotee of the Midnight Spiral, and Serene Lady of the Obsidian Blade, first of her name, was having a bit of a shit day. As some of her many fancy titles would suggest, she was an adept swordswoman, and she had been honored to be invited to the wedding of Duke Egbert’s daughter. She was more familiar with Lady Egbert than her betrothed, another Duchess of the Troll kingdom, despite being a troll herself. That was one of the side effects of spending an inordinate amount of time in the borderlands fighting off the blasted undead, as she found herself doing now.
Her traveling party had been journeying through the Cresting Mountains for a fortnight now, having crossed the mountain peaks worn oddly smooth by some ancient ocean and cracked in half on their tectonic ascent. The scraggly pines of its forests were dense in places and opened into large clearings in others, creating an unpredictable landscape full of pockets of zombies. Three of the party had fallen when the undead felled their horses, and she’d lost sight of the other two of her companions when the pack had separated them. Now, she fought the beasts alone.
Kanaya raised a shining hand, turning some of the undead near herself. She had a moment to catch her breath and assess the situation. A crowd of about fifteen undead humans and trolls had her backed against the base of a thick pine. At her feet lay a pile of bodies twenty-strong. Her black leather boots were shiny with rotting ichor, and splashes of guts, grime, and gore adorned her oiled outerwear. The Duchess twirled her twin blades, each a deep, midnight indigo sparkling with obsidian glitter, and also with a little magic. Her hands were covered with snugly-fit leather gloves, but beneath the animal hide Kanaya knew the sigils of the Church of the Midnight Spiral gleamed on the backs of her hands. Indeed, her skin itself glowed from the inside, although that was more of a side effect of being a Blessed Resurrectionist. Kanaya lived thirty five years, and died, and was brought back by The Bright Light in the Dark Sky to walk again some fifty more years. Those outside the Church would call her another, luckier undead. A vampire.
Her groaning, festering foes began to clamber close enough to swipe at her again. Kanaya whirled and sliced, removing limbs and heads as the undead shuffled within her reach. Eight more fell, leaving seven standing. Kanaya tried to wipe a smear of viscera from her face, but she feared the back of her sleeve only made the mess worse. She was breathing heavily. The dampness on her boots and the height of the bodies was beginning to impede her. She needed to reach high ground, and soon.
Just then, a golden light shone from deeper in the woods surrounding this clearing. Kanaya jumped to the side just as a zombie swiped at her head, leaving her in the perfect position to see a glowing arrow pin her assailant’s head to a tree. There must have only been one archer aiding her, as only one or two arrows came at a time, but they still landed more rapidly than Kanaya’s own battle maidens could achieve. In seconds, the battle had ended.
Still breathing heavily, Kanaya attempted to wipe her blades off on her jacket before sheathing them. She began to walk towards where the arrows had been coming from.
Kanaya was met at the edge of the clearing by a figure in a deep purple cloak. Her skin was a deeper, redder brown than Kanaya’s own, set in sharp contrast to their white-blond hair. Kanaya met her startlingly purple eyes, which were bright, intelligent, and a little mischievous. She had a golden lip ring down the center of her mouth, and a thin golden chain as a choker. Her clothing was modest but fine, Kanaya’s keen eye picking out expensive brocade in the shirt.
“To whom do I owe thanks for such gracious assistance?” Kanaya offered when the stranger did not speak.
The stranger spoke in a slightly raspy voice with a short, clipped affect. “Arrows rained upon your general area moments before, and yet you walk towards a potential source of danger? Moments after your own life was at risk? You must either be assured of your skill, or very stupid.”
“I like to think I am the former, although there is always time to prove the latter.”
The stranger smiled. “You think it is inevitable you will be proven unintelligent?”
“I find it imprudent to assume one will never make a mistake.”
The stranger raised an eyebrow, the corners of her mouth quirking upwards. “Ah, a pragmatist. We may get along yet.”
Kanaya pursed her lips. “I find I get along with people much better if we have something to call each other by.”
“You would still like my name, then.” It wasn’t a question. They seemed to be hesitating. “I suppose you can call me Briar,” she said with a wry smile. “I’m just a traveler in these woods. There’s nothing I have to claim that involves fanfare.”
Politely, Kanaya did not mention the clearly magical bow, or the fine clothing. “I do have a bit of a fancy title, but I think it best not to rattle off the entire thing. Suffice it to say that you can call me Kanaya.” Hopefully, her rescuer would be equally polite about her weaponry and dress.
“May I ask where you’re headed? I wouldn’t mind some company, and you certainly seem like you need the assistance.” The last was delivered with a smirk, which Kanaya bristled a little at.
“I have been traveling with several others, thank you; we just found ourselves separated after that large group of undead descended onto us. I had almost dispatched all of them when you arrived.” She made a sweeping gesture back towards the not-immodest pile of re-deceased zombies surrounding the tree she had been up against.
Briar smirked harder. “So my assistance is not desired?”
“No, that is not-” Kanaya broke off her objection with a huff as Briar began to laugh. “I would, actually, quite like your help locating my companions. However, I would like to know why you would want to help me. You seem to be taking great pleasure in needling me about needing it.”
The other traveler sobered slightly. “I just know what it’s like to be traveling alone, and the drudgery of not having someone to talk to, no stories to tell around the fire or on the road. It can be better to group up, even temporarily, just to kill the boredom.”
“Did you lose a companion recently as well?” Kanaya blurted.
Briar raised a thin eyebrow. “Not recently, as it were. But yes, I have previously parted ways with those whom I enjoyed sharing a story or three.”
“I would be happy to share tales with you, stranger. My companions would likely head towards the closest inn if they were sure they were separated from me, as that was our next destination. Does that align with your path?”
The other woman smiled. “That it does. When last I consulted my map, the next inn was a half-day’s walk up the road. Shall we?”
As they walked up the road, dappled light gently touched the faces of both travelers. Briar hummed an aimless tune, kicking up dead, brown leaves. They traveled in silence for quite some time, neither quite willing to speak up after such an abrupt introduction. About an hour into the walk, Kanaya opened her mouth and was about to begin some sort of small talk about the weather when they reached the top of a hill. Below them, the trees opened up to reveal a path curving down and around a small, ruined stone structure. What had previously been a large castle town now lay in disarray, the abbey wall crumbling and holding nothing at bay. The peasant houses must have been constructed of wood, as all but their foundations had long rotted away. All that remained was a small stone castle with a single, thin spire reaching high into the sky. Small was relative; the property would have held a baron comfortably in his keep with acres of holdings, but from the vantage point it felt like a child’s plaything.
“Well, that certainly looks interesting.” Briar broke the silence with a chuckle.
Kanaya did have to agree. Ruins such as this one, so deep in the woods, were possibly undisturbed, and might have strange and magical treasures hidden within. At the very least, there would be a few monsters to kill, and get some of her frustrations out. “We should explore it. There is still light in the sky.”
Briar’s smile faded slightly. “You know, I grew up not too far from here. When I was a little girl, we were told a tale in whispers. It was the sort of fairy tale that adults would laugh off, but forbid you from speaking about ever again. Would you like to hear it?”
“Right now?” Kanaya asked, the question coming out more incredulously than she intended. “While we’re stopped in the middle of the road?”
The smile was back. “I can walk and weave words, miss.”
“Well then, far be it from me than to stop you.”
“A long, long time ago, a young king killed what he thought was the last dragon in his lands. His fields were free from fiery terror, and his people lived prosperously for three decades. One day, a winged shadow drew over the land again, smaller than the scourge that had last plagued the land, but still enough to wreak havoc. One dragon spawn had survived, and had lived long enough to exact its revenge.”
Briar stopped to hop over a river, holding out an arm to steady Kanaya as she crossed. Her hands were warm, heat thrumming through Kanaya’s thick gear to her palm where she clasped Briar’s. She let go, and they continued. Kanaya’s hand felt cold.
“The dragon landed on the top of the castle of the now-middle-aged king, and told the king that he would leave the lands be, if only the king would offer his daughter. One life in exchange for the kingdom’s safety.”
Kanaya laughed grimly. “I suppose it was an easy deal to make with the dragon staring him down.”
“I suppose it was,” Briar replied. “He brought his daughter to be scooped up in the dragon’s claws and carried away. The kingdom was quiet and safe for another thirty years, until the king’s son had borne an heir and several daughters, and a new ruler was crowned. The dragon once again flew across the land, and once again sat atop the tower and demanded a companion. Every three decades, the dragon would return, larger than before, and more imposing.”
“And how long ago was the last time the dragon came to the land?” Kanaya asked, playing along.
“Well, that’s just the thing.” Briar held a branch up so Kanaya could pass under it. “The dragon hasn’t been sighted in over fifty years.”
“Do you know why?”
The first crumbling pieces of stone that formerly lined the road to the castle began to rise up from the sides of the road. “No one knows. Some of the bravest in our village once described traveling deep into the woods and seeing a castle with a tall tower, a sleeping monster curled around the top.”
Kanaya squinted ahead, trying to spot the castle. “Did you put much stock in their tales?”
“When I was younger? Not really. Now? Also no, not really. I think if a dragon had a castle, he’d sleep inside of it, not on top.”
Involuntarily, Kanaya burst out laughing. “That’s your justification for why they’re wrong? Not that your country doesn’t have a history of missing princesses, or that you happened to live close enough to the dragon’s castle to find it, but not so close that it bothers you?”
Briar put her hands on her hips. “Would you sleep out in the rain and the cold if you had the option not to?”
“I make a habit not to when I have the choice,” Kanaya ceded.
“Then you admit there’s some logic to what I say,” Briar smirked felinely.
Kanaya rolled her eyes, smiling. “Begrudgingly. At any rate, there was no dragon on that tower when we saw it from above.”
“No,” Briar said. “There wasn’t.”
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zenalios · 3 years
Untamed Seas; 2 - Snake
Index (R18+)
Amphitrite, sea goddess, and daughter of Nereus, is less than willing to marry an Olympian, let alone Poseidon, the very god who overthrew her father. She does so nevertheless, in a desperate move to protect her sisters following Nereus’ absence.
The marriage is beneficial to them both: Poseidon gains legitimacy through a union with her, effectively solidifying his control over the seas, and Amphitrite guarantees her sisters' safety, along with all prestige due her status as queen.
The catch? She finds his domineering personality utterly insufferable, and he, the most fearsome god, resents being stuffed into an unwelcome marriage.
They have all eternity to make it work.
TW // Abuse - Verbal and Physical ; Abusive Relationship ; Forced Marriage
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It came to pass that the night of the dance itself, the few amongst Nereus’s daughters who had stepped foot onto Crete were:  
Amphitrite, the eldest of fifty Nereids and her sisters’ keeper; pretty Thetis, who came hoping to expand her social circle beyond the seas; sprightly and mischievous Galatea, twin to Galene, poise incarnate; another set of twins, Proto and Doto, who oversaw their voyage; and last but not least, the young Erato, loveliest of all her sisters, not yet a maiden, but who looked forward to the dance the most.
Thetis immediately set off for a nearby crowd of dancers, and the twins grouped together in search of the banquet tables. This left Amphitrite with Erato. The former rubbed at her temples, stifling an urge to groan. This was not going to be an easy night. In the week leading up to the event itself, all her family could talk about was the dance, her sisters boasting to the others about all the things they would do and the people they would meet; in turn, this only reinforced their mother’s worries for their safety, and led to further nagging imposed on her, the oldest. She felt a little squeeze from the small hand in hers. Amphitrite looked down. 
“Wow, they just ran off like that,” Erato laughed, her radiant face enough for Amphitrite’s own lips to twitch upwards. 
“They certainly did.” She agreed. 
“Phi!” The pair turned to a beautiful nymph gracefully striding towards them in a cloud of blue satin, the swell of her belly prominent but never once hindering her movement. “Aunt!” Erato let go of her hand, rushing forward to tackle said relative. Amphitrite also drew near, brushing a swift kiss against the Oceanid’s smooth cheeks. 
“Eurynome,” Amphitrite smiled, though it did not quite reach her eyes. “How have you been?”
A tinkling laugh burst forth from the Oceanid akin to that of a bubbling brook. “I have been just fine,” She chucked Amphitrite on the chin, then looked down at her belly, “And so has this one.” A silky hand reached for Erato’s head, ruffling it fondly, “And this one too, I see.” The older nymph peered at Amphitrite, the latter flinching backwards when a finger attempted to prod the space between her eyebrows. “Don’t frown, Phi, you’ll age faster than my children will be born if you do.”
“I’m not frowning!” Amphitrite protested, even as she felt her brow pulling together, which she rectified at once. At this, Erato erupted into giggles, still clasped at Eurynome’s legs, who soon joined her little niece in peals of laughter, till even the nymph being teased could not help but grin, her shoulders rolling with silent mirth. After they had calmed themselves, Amphitrite’s face was drawn in by Eurynome’s hands, both gently pinching and caressing her cheeks. “I am so sorry about your father.” Their aunt said, a sorrowful look passing over her gorgeous features. 
Amphitrite leaned into Eurynome’s touch for a moment, then swallowed and removed her hands, “It’s alright.” However much she craved physical intimacy, it reminded her too much of what her mother was like once, all warmth and tenderness, now left tense and anxious in the wake of her husband’s loss. The sea nymph let out a good-natured huff. 
“But thank you all the same,” she maintained despite the doubting look her aunt gave her, allowing her fingers to intertwine between Eurynome’s to give them a brief squeeze of reassurance. After that Eurynome had lingered a little longer to ask after Doris' state, leaving her nieces only when persistently called upon by a group of other similarly pregnant nymphs. 
“Make sure you join the dances, alright?” She quickly squeezed Amphitrite’s shoulder, “I know how much you love to dance.” With one last kiss and ruffle to Erato’s head, Eurynome disappeared just as Thetis had, leaving the two Nereids standing in a corner. 
The older of the two turned to her sister. “So,” She began, “What do you want to do?” 
Erato shrugged, staring up at her. “I dunno,” she blinked. “I’ll do whatever Phi wants to.” Amphitrite felt a lump rise in her throat. Even in her childish innocence, Erato’s brilliance could not be concealed. There existed several reasons everyone called —no, expected —her little sister to become the loveliest Nereid of them all, one in particular being her smile, bright enough to charm all sea creatures in the near vicinity. On top of this, Erato’s eyes had taken on their father’s murky green ones and blossomed into a pair of emeralds coated with a ring of honey, made all the more obvious by the firelight now dancing in their depths. 
For all their mother’s nagging and accusations of complacency, Amphitrite was by no means negligent when it came to her sisters, least of all if it involved Erato, nor had she brushed off Doris’s warnings as to Erato’s safety. 
In truth, she was all too aware of how lovely her younger sister was and the numerous looks they had received upon arrival. Everyone present knew Nereus had disappeared, his wife and fifty daughters ripe for the picking in his absence despite being left in Oceanus’ hands. For all the powers they possessed, the Nereids were not related to the new king of the seas, effectively nullifying their royal status and the protection it conferred, the river god’s old age only worsening matters further. If others held back, it was only out of respect and common decency, a show of sympathy for the family during this period of mourning; once over, Amphitrite had no doubt they would pounce. She slowly exhaled. And even then it did not hurt to be cautious around the Olympians. 
Amphitrite knelt before her sister, brushing away a wisp of hair that had fallen into the child’s eyes, provoking a little whine from Erato: “I can do that myself!” 
“I know,” She returned with great affection. “I just wanted to do it.” 
It was a little habit the eldest Nereid had picked up after many years spent watching over her siblings, something their mother found irritating as of late. Try as she might, however, Amphitrite remained unable to suppress her maternal instincts towards her younger sister, especially in such an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by potential predators. 
She offered her hand to Erato, “Let’s dance?”
And dance they did, if only for a brief moment. Though Amaltheia had initially bleated out instructions regarding specific steps designed to depict Zeus’s triumph over Kronos, the goat nymph’s voice was rudely drowned out by the growing multitude of intoxicated revellers. At this, Amphitrite saw their hostess’s lips thin with disapproval. Further mortification ensued when it was discovered several amphorae had already been emptied of their contents. Soon after, the whooping crowd whipped itself into a frenzy, many a dancer grasping for a partner to twist and writhe against. 
Amphitrite merely watched from the side, one hand on her hip, the other still holding Erato’s sticky palm, which had since tightened its grasp on hers at the display before them. “What are they doing?” her sister whispered to her, to which Amphitrite promptly responded, “Just dancing.” The older of the two could already hear her mother screaming for her to remove Erato from this indecency, or if she would not, then to at least cover the girl’s eyes —to do something, anything about it. Amphitrite glanced down at her sister. She had tried the latter, but Erato’s response was to tug her hand down and plead her case for watching. 
At this Amphitrite sighed: her sister possessed the same level of persistence and curiosity as she did when younger; she permitted it on the condition that Erato did not ask to join, something Erato readily agreed to anyhow. Fortunately, the dancers' movements were beginning to resemble the very steps Amaltheia demonstrated at the beginning, albeit in a much wilder fashion. After they had stopped hollering, each danced in time to the tune of a pipe, some singing along and others only chiming in at certain strains, about a snake that swallowed its own. 
“Many an egg did the snake consume, and still more it hungered to pursue.” A pinched voice intoned above the rest.  She leaned down to whisper in Erato’s ear, tapping her foot along to the beat, “The snake is Kronos, the eggs are his children.”
“Oh.” Erato frowned, confusion evident from her voice alone. “Then where does Zeus come in?” Amphitrite tilted her head, humour colouring her voice, “When do you want him to come in?” 
The words had barely left her when she felt a tap on her shoulder. The Nereid instantly whirled around, instinct driving her to pull Erato behind in the process. “What do you want?” She demanded of the satyr standing before her, whose first reaction was to look utterly terrified. Serve him right for disrupting their peace and quiet, a savage little voice echoed within her; she, who knew better than anyone it could not have been Erato, whose head barely reached her collarbones still. Did they take her for a fool?!
“Uhh,” the satyr began, flinching when Amphitrite drew herself to full height and snapped at him again as she so often did towards any unfamiliar male specimen: “Speak up!”
Only the faint sensation of something tugging at her arm jolted Amphitrite back to reason. She glanced over her shoulder at Erato, instantly feeling as though she had committed some kind of unforgivable crime. Curses, she was getting good at guilt-tripping. Had Thetis been teaching her? Amphitrite ran a hand through her hair. In doing so, she threw her head back, sucking in a deep breath. Fine. She nodded and let go of Erato’s hand, catching the grateful glance her sister sent her way.
Amphitrite folded her arms with an air of impatience. Was he going to speak or not?
“Someone wishes to speak with you, my lady.” The satyr blurted, his voice trembling all the while. The Nereid lifted an eyebrow. Who? She echoed the question her mind had set, albeit a little more vehemently, which brought about another flinch from the satyr. “Uh— Ah, they said they wished to meet you. That… that is all.” 
Someone wanted to meet her. Amphitrite squeezed the tip of her tongue between her teeth as she tried to process the satyr’s message. Someone wanted to meet her without revealing their identity. She parted her lips to speak, then closed them again, finding her judgement insufficient. No, that was not all, she mused. There was something more to this. The nymph focused on a point just above the satyr’s shoulder, staring ahead at the banquet table where she now spotted the twins. 
Amphitrite snapped her fingers. Surely it was their aunt? Despite the fact that pregnancy did not exactly hinder their movements, all Oceanids suffered from swollen ankles and feet, requiring them to rest every now and then. “You should have just mentioned her name.” She chided the satyr, who gave her a strange look. “Her name?”
“Yes, yes,” the Nereid filled in for him a little more cordially this time. “Eurynome. Our aunt.” 
Despite the change in her tone, the satyr’s face had paled. Amphitrite now wondered what her aunt could possibly have said earlier to frighten him thus.  Or maybe she had been too harsh on him after all. “Ah.” His mouth opened and closed repeatedly, much like that of a fish’s, Amphitrite thought bemusedly. She turned to her sister, who she found had moved to stand beside her. “Let’s go then, Erato—”
“Wait!” Amphitrite halted. “What is it now?” She allowed a sense of restlessness to enter her voice. The satyr seemed to shrink beneath her gaze. “They— They said you had to come alone.”
Amphitrite felt she had sighed one time too many tonight. Still she did so, it being the only outlet for her to express her annoyance. The Nereid lifted her chin at the being before her, “Why not?” Erato’s hand nudged hers, immediately causing her expression to soften once more. “Maybe Aunt Eurynome wants to ask Phi something really important.” And leave Erato alone like this? 
As though the child knew what she was thinking, her skirts were being pulled in the direction of the banquet table; Amphitrite lifted her head, following the girl’s arm until four of their sisters came into view. “I can stick with them.” 
Erato had a point. There they were: Galatea, Galene, Proto, and Doto, all loading heaps of food onto their plate as though they had been starved for eons at their grandfather’s home. Where they had been this entire time Amphitrite had no idea, nor did she want to know what sorts of mischief they had been up to. “Well, better than Thetis,” she deadpanned at last, who was nowhere to be found even. “Fine.” 
At this, Erato tackled her in a big hug, both lingering for a while in each others’ embrace. 
“Be good.” Amphitrite had tapped her sister’s nose, so turning and following the satyr into a nearby bend. 
And that was how Amphitrite presently found her path obstructed by a ridiculously muscular god who had introduced himself as Zeus, king of the gods. You’re lying, she wished to say, but could not on account of the bandages wrapped about his fists —only Kronos had the ability to inflict bodily damage severe enough to warrant medical intervention, and Zeus had been the only recipient of those affections. Unfortunately, these observations only served to worsen the situation as she saw it. Hadn’t Amaltheia sworn to her mother that Zeus would not be coming? That he desperately needed his energy to recuperate? 
Amphitrite grit her teeth in vexation. The god standing before her did not even seem to have just fought a massive tournament and won. Aside from a hideously distorted jaw and crooked nose, both of which warranted a copious number of bandages about his head, he looked to be in the pink of health. 
“You are Amphitrite right?” She had been raised to respond to questions like these, but the sheer absurdity of this entire situation said she should not. Against convention, she went with the latter, dismissing the question with a glare; he ignored her silence, continuing to speak as a slew of questions swirled through her brain akin to the whirlpools her father used to create. On top of it all, how could she have been so foolish? The satyr had not given her a strange look because her aunt had chastised him, he could not possibly have known the name of a goddess he did not serve. 
Stupid, stupid, shit, stupid, she cursed internally. It almost made her wish this was a confession instead, from some random god that had fallen for her upon arrival. Almost.
“It’s very simple, Phi.” Their new king was saying, arms akimbo. Though he was no taller than Pan, who was the height of a young cypress tree, the width of his shoulders and position in which he stood made it difficult enough for her to attempt escape from this god she felt no desire to speak with. Amphitrite scowled; firstly, at the sheer audacity and disrespect he showed by using her pet name, a privilege she held dear and bestowed only upon her parents and sisters, or her future husband; secondly, at how her neck had begun to ache from craning upwards to look at such a disagreeable face. 
The likelihood of him knowing she was displeased and enjoying her reaction was all too high. What a swine, she would have liked to call him. But that would only be a slight on the entire species itself. 
Her eyes darted to and fro, searching for some form of escape, be it in the form of her sisters or aunt ─anybody, really, who could help. To her dismay, there was none. Thetis, who she had spotted flirting with a satyr when making her way here, was now nowhere to be seen, and the rest were likely still blissfully unaware of the present danger that lurked in the form of Zeus. He reminded her of a lamprey: one that had latched onto her, its prey, and now refused to let go. Amphitrite grit her teeth. He looked like one too.
“You see, ever since my brother went to claim his new kingdom,” He began as Amphitrite stretched her neck to stare over his shoulder at pair of amorous guests making their way in this general direction. “He’s been having some trouble dealing with its inhabitants ever since.” Which brother? Hades? Amphitrite groaned internally at the shadow cast over their faces as the two unknown revellers drew closer still, then stopped for yet another passionate kiss. Ugh. 
Come on, just a little more, she urged the couple silently. “I’m sure he’s more than capable of subduing you all by himself, but that would only end in senseless slaughter.” Did he just say slaughter? Her heart thumped. Even if she was only half-listening, she knew what he was talking about —her people. “I don’t want that to happen since it’ll make me look really bad now that I’m king, so I need you, O daughter of Nereus, to help him legitimise his position.” Wait, Amphitrite squinted. They were moving, she realised. The couple were still on their quest for privacy, now at least a cubit away from the god king’s back. The nymph tensed with anticipation, waiting for them to bump into him. Closer. One foot. She grit her teeth. Come closer!  
At that very moment, however, Zeus’s face suddenly appeared exactly half a foot away from her line of vision, as he swerved to avoid the couple altogether. Amphitrite sprang backwards immediately. Her only opportunity to flee had just been thwarted by this monster of a god. She bit down hard on her tongue to keep herself from screaming aloud in fury. Zeus studied her, an eerie grin on his features. “I’m sure you know who I’m talking about.” 
“Hades?” She blurted, only catching the glint in his eyes after finally responding to his statement. 
No, Amphitrite felt her cheeks drain. No. She refused to enter a conversation regarding the one god she detested the most in the entire cosmos, even more so than the one standing before her. And now she had broken her silence, she regretted falling for his provocation all the more. “So you do know.” He finally declared, evidently delighted at her expression. “I knew you were a smart thing.” Amphitrite cringed inwardly, her throat beginning to constrict. 
“What do you want from me?” 
Even as Zeus’s chuckle rang through her ears, his answer left her reeling back a few steps. “I want you to marry Poseidon.” What? The name itself made Amphitrite’s throat tighten further. The king of gods may as well have punched her in the gut. The nymph shook her head numbly. This had to be a nightmare. She secretly pinched herself, desperately hoping it was all a dream, that she was not presently trapped by Zeus on some mountain in Crete, that Doris had never, in reality, accepted Amaltheia’s invitation, and that she was instead tossing fitfully in her bed at this very moment. 
But as fate would have it, the ensuing sting only confirmed her worst fears. There was no way she could conceal her anguish at the name Poseidon itself, the event fresher than Zeus’s own battle scars with Kronos, and far more short-lived as well. Everyone had heard of the Titanomachy, and how Zeus had earned his title as the strongest god in the universe, just as they knew of the lots drawn by Zeus's older brothers. 
The first had earned the underworld, the second the right to conquest, and the third, authority over the seas. That third brother was Poseidon. 
The very day Nereus set out to face his challenger, he had sent his wife and fifty daughters away to live with their grandfather Oceanus despite vehement protest from all, fearing the worst if he lost. Only, the worst did happen, and it was the last time Amphitrite saw her father ever again. Her fingers curled into fists at the very thought; they should have stayed or allowed her to remain at the very least. Ultimately she had not even seen Poseidon nor witnessed the battle itself. Instead, she had been forced to comfort her wailing sisters as all the waters in the cosmos trembled from the blows her father traded with some intruder from Olympus. 
And on the fortieth day, when the ocean’s plates stopped quaking, the old sea god was nowhere to be found, his successor long gone, leaving only clippings of blond hair amidst the rubble. The ocean itself had opened wide and swallowed her father upon defeat. The memory alone caused Amphitrite’s chest to heave in short, jerky, breaths as she struggled to pull herself once more from this immeasurable, overwhelming, sense of grief the god before her had reignited. 
Zeus grinned at her, “Can I take your silence as a yes, then?” 
At that she froze over. There was a tightrope somewhere within her gut, she was sure of it. One that had been cut at with a blunt object and left to rot following her father’s disappearance. Then her mother and now the king of the gods, both of whom treated her like a child, insulting and stretching her limits beyond measure, every strand and fibre of her being fraying with every word they spoke. Above all however, lay the question of her marrying the very cause of her misery. 
Help him? When he had destroyed her home and family? A strangled laugh escaped her. He was the main reason she, a saltwater nymph, who lived and breathed the ocean’s air for decades —centuries, even, was torn from her home in the wake of his victory; the reason she, eldest of fifty Nereids, had been unfairly charged with the overwhelming task of ensuring her sisters’ safety amidst a pack of wolves waiting to jump them all; the reason her mother no longer held any regard for her simply because she reminded Doris of her own lost love. Her? Marry Poseidon?
The rope snapped.
“No!” Amphitrite yelled for all the world to hear, losing her temper for the first time in her life. 
“I will not!”
1 - Prologue ; 3 -  Enalios, α
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thenewlyfreed · 3 years
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What is your full name?
“Deepak Gupta.”
Where and when were you born?
“Union Street, Bristol. The story was often told to me, in fact. I was about a week overdue, by the- the estimate of my mother’s friends. They tried about twenty different methods meant to bring about labour, and then, just when they gave up and my mother thought she, or I, would die, it came on. Labour took about a day, then there I was. Born in the attic room. Midday, September second 1879.”
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
“My father’s name was Kali Pada Das, my mother is- sorry, was called “Hin-doo Lizzie” most of the time, though I’m sure that wasn’t her real name. I only know that her family name, and mine, was Gupta. As to their occupations and personalities…
“I never knew my father. I saw him twice as a child, and all I really remember thinking was that he was tall, and not very handsome. He was a servant, same as I, and I know he reached valet before I was five. When I was fourteen, he followed the family he was serving back to India, where he had come from as a boy. I don’t know anything else. I don’t know if I care to.
“My mother… She is- was a woman often judged, and I am sure I shall be judged by the same standard. She ‘worked’. She was a bibi, or you may say a floozy. She was… hard. Tough. You had to be. But she could be kind, too. She kept me, after all. I can’t say the same for other children born in that house.”
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
“No. Not that I know of, either way. I suppose my father may have a family in India now, who knows.”
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
“I’m now living in Clevedon Court. I have… a good room there, and good company. The family I serve are the Conways. Lady Conway is neat, kind, intelligent, and quick-witted. A refined woman. Lord Frederick Conway is… Eccentric, in the way of young London folk. He had good intentions, and a taste for the modern. 
“Of my fellow ser- employees, as Lord Frederick calls us, there is Mrs Fletcher, the cook, who has an intense character and great skill, especially in recreating some Indian dishes with the ingredients available here. The young Mr Qureshi, the footman, who excels in his position. Mr Bannister, the butler, who is a traditionalist, and a proud man. Miss Beatrice Hall, the maid… I do not think I have met a woman so unassuming and yet so full of- ability. Potential. She is, if I might say it, admirable. Then there is Mrs Goldsmith, Lady Conway’s maid. I have worked with her for many years, at Tynthesfield Manor. Finally, the Housekeeper Frau Bauer. If there is a match for Mr Bannister, I should say she is it.
“Of Clevedon Court… The Conways are still settling in, but it is a grand estate. I do not doubt it shall soon rival the other great houses in St Maur.”
What is your occupation?
“I am Lord Frederick’s valet, though it should be noted my Lord is a modernist, and prefers a less… attentive valet than others might. But I am still his valet.”
Write a bit about your physical appearance. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
“I shall take a few moments to write it. Will you want it read out? Alright…”
“...Done. Ah-hm. ‘I am a man of four and twenty, standing at a little over six foot. I have been defined as having a slim build, and straight shoulders. I am of Indian background, with both of my parents having come from India to Britain at a young age. My hair is black, my eyes are brown, and my skin is dark. I dress in Black Livery, as a valet should. On my day off, I wear a black suit that is, in reality, very similar to my usual uniform. I have scars. I shan’t define where. My nose leans a little to the right, as the result of a break.’ Will that do?...”
“I don’t think there is much that distinguishes me from others, no. I am not meant to stand out, I am a servant.”
To which social class do you belong?
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
“...I am of sound body.”
Are you right- or left-handed?
“Left. By the time I began attending school it was thoroughly entrenched. I can use my right hand for many tasks asked of me, but continue to rely primarily on my left.”
What does your voice sound like?
“Like this. A bit soft, a bit quiet. I know most can tell I’m from Bristol the moment I speak.”
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
“Yes, Sir. No, Sir. My apologies, Sir. Of course, Sir.”
What do you have in your pockets?
“A handkerchief. See? And a watch.”
“That? Oh… it is a mint humbug. I have a small packet of them in my room, and some pear drops. Would you like one? Sometimes, I’ve found that a sweet can go far to changing a person’s mood.”
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
“No. Pardon? …Oh. Yes, the tremor is… intermittent. I’m sorry that it was noticeable. I’d rather not talk about it.”
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thenightling · 4 years
In defense of Tom Sturridge (Already!?)
Apparently Tom Sturridge needs defending from our own meager fandom... already...
Disclaimer:  Though it is looking more and more likely that Tom Sturridge has the role of Morpheus in Netflix’s Adaptation of The Sandman this has still NOT been confirmed.   We are still riding on pure speculation.  However, I will defend the man.
Though it is not officially confirmed that Tom Sturridge will be playing Morpheus in The Sandman there are already people in the fandom complaining about the casting. (See the Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Facebook group.  The one with over three-thousand-members that I left.)  
In this post I will be addressing each and every complaint that I have seen thus far.   
And you wonder why they’re keeping the cast a secret from us for so long?  This.  This behavior would actually be worse if you knew for certain who was in the cast.  
When these negative reactions are in regard to who “might” be playing Morpheus, without any actual footage, or even images of him in character, they were wise to keep it a secret from us.
Now, let us begin.
1.   “He looks too much like Robert Pattinson.”  The hatred of Robert Pattinson is bizarre and irrational.  It is as if a great deal of the population cannot separate him from a character they despise.  The irony is Robert Pattinson never liked playing Edward Cullen anyway.  He did it strictly for the money.  And as far as vampire fiction goes, there is far, far, worse out there than Twilight.  Twilight is not good but there is worse out there.  It seems the hatred of Twilight is almost a knee-jerk reaction- a compulsive raw contempt against anything that appeals to teenage girls.  I do not like Twilight but I do not irrationally hate an actor just because he was in the films.  So what if Tom Sturridge resembles Robert Pattinson a bit?  You’ll condemn an actor because of his bone structure?  Because he “Kind of” reminds you of a man who played a character you don’t like?  Really?  I thought most of this fandom were grown ups.
2. “He’s too young to play Morpheus.”    The casting call was for men between the ages of twenty six and thirty six.  Tom Sturridge turns thirty-six this year.   It’s true that a man in his forties or even a youthful fifties could probably play Morpheus perfectly well and Morpheus did have crows-feet wrinkles in the first issue but to condemn an actor based on his age is merely ageism.  In this day and age a man can look any age with the right makeup.  Look at the lead in the silent film of Faust, directed by F. W. Murnau (Director of Nosferatu).   It’s impressive to know a thirty-six-year-old played elderly and youthful Faust in that film, and that was back in 1926.
3.   “He’s too old to play Morpheus.”  ...Seriously?   What did you want?  A CW teenager or early twenty-something college kid as the ten-billion-year-old dream lord?  Yet again, I know a man can pretty much play any age with the right makeup.  All else is ageism, even my cynical statement about the CW, that’s ageism.  
When Lestat the musical was on Broadway the actor who played Lestat was forty, the woman playing his mother was only about two years older than him.  
The actor playing Barnabas in the original Dark Shadows was in his forties.  The character was (According to Dan Curtis) only twenty-five when he became a vampire.  The woman playing his mother was only five-years-older than him.  
Tom Welling was still in Smallville as pre-Superman Clark Kent and he was older than the actor who played Superman in Superman Returns.  With good acting and makeup age doesn’t really matter.        
4.   “He’s a terrible actor.”    The man has about ten acting credits in total according to IMDB.  Most are bit parts and two are from when he was ten and eleven-years-old respectively.  
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Are you judging him on roles he had before he hit puberty!? 
I have my doubts you ever saw him act in anything yet.  You’re probably leaping to conclusions because the pictures you found of him are a stoic pretty boy with beard stubble.
5.  “If he’s playing Morpheus that’s automatically a deal breaker.  I’m not watching.”   Okay.  Okay, fine. Don’t watch it.   You don’t have to.  No one is making you watch it.  However, you should be aware that Neil Gaiman watched the auditions.  He had a say in the casting.  If Tom Sturridge is playing him than this is the man HE chose. If Neil Gaiman doesn’t know who should play Morpheus, than no one does.  I thought James McAvoy did an excellent job in The Sandman audio drama and I will not automatically assume Tom Sturridge is a bad actor just because there are people pre-determined to hate this.
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6.  “He shouldn’t be played by a white man.  It indicates that The Endless are all white and white people rule the universe.”   Morpheus likely will still have his bone-white (not human-white) skin from the comics (and I hope, the black void eyes with star pupils).  This was pulled off successfully with the Frankenstein monster in Penny Dreadful, with his own inhuman skin and yellow eyes.   
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Morpheus’ bone-white skin, improbably thin build, and black void eyes are supposed to be without distinct race.  He’s not a human being. He’s not Caucasian.   He might be played by a white man, yes, but the actor was chosen based on talent, not racial background.  
I saw the casting description. Race was not a factor.  Since actual non-human / humanoid entities devoid of distinct racial background were unavailable, the show simply had to make do with a human being, instead.  The real Endless were unavailable or refuse to act.  You know how temperamental anthropomorphic personifications can be.    
7.   “He’s not thin enough.”   Okay, look. A lot can be done with CG.   I don’t want an actor killing himself for this role. 
Back in 1976 David Bowie was close to ninety-pounds when playing Thomas Jerome Newton in The Man who fell to Earth.  He was so under-weight that the wardrobe department had to buy his clothes in the children’s department of a store.  Yes, the character was really that thin in the Walter Tevis novel that the movie was based on.  But in the book Newton had hollow bones, like a bird, David Bowie, however, is a human being, not an alien.  And Tom Sturridge is a human being, not an anthropomorphic personification.  
When David Bowie played Newton he was on a diet mostly consisting of cocaine...  He could have easily died.  Thankfully Bowie cleaned up later, but he was not in a healthy state when he was in The man who fell to Earth.  We do not need a return of The Thin White Duke.  Not like that.
For a human to reach Morpheus’ comic book weight- that might require very unhealthy behavior, it would potentially be dangerous.  This is something they can adjust with camera tricks and computer effects.  He does not need to look like he’s dying. 
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8.   “They should find an actor whose cheekbones stand out.”   See above...
9.    “He doesn’t look anything like Morpheus.”   I am certain you have not seen him in costume yet.  Neil Gaiman has (hypothetically speaking).   Let us trust the author and believe that his character looks the way he intended.    Remember how Henry Cavill went from Superman to The Witcher.
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 10.   “I wanted Henry Cavill to play him.”   ... What?   
Have you... have you read Sandman?   Henry Cavill is under contract to do The Witcher.   He needs to stay buff for that role, and you want him to play “rake thin” Morpheus?  Yeah, a lot can be done with CG but Henry is an action hero actor.  He can act.  He’s a good actor.   But this is probably not the right role for Henry Cavill.
11.   “He looks like an American Youtuber.” He’s not either of those things.  Stop judging by appearances.   
12.  “He’s too pretty to play Morpheus.”   Stop judging by appearances.
13.  “He’s not attractive enough to play Morpheus.”  See above... 
14.  “He’s too short to play Morpheus.”  / “I heard he’s only five foot three.” / “I read that he’s just five foot eight.”    According to Google and IMDB he’s 5′10.  That’s the same height David Bowie was.  That’s average adult male height.  If they want him to look taller that’s easily done. Remember, Tom Cruise was The Vampire Lestat.  
It’s just lather, rinse, repeat, when it comes to fans.  Every adaptation the same thing.   “Tom Cruise can’t play Lestat.” (Anne Rice apologized for leading that charge, when she saw him in action).   Or “Michael Keaton is too wholesome to play Batman.”  or even “Ryan Reynolds should never play Deadpool after what he did in Wolverine.”  
People never learn.
Just give Tom Sturridge a chance. The casting isn’t even official yet.   And if he is Morpheus- try and wait to actually see how he plays the role before you decide he’s the worst thing to happen to The Sandman.  A few publicity photos don’t tell you what he is capable of as an actor.   You might be pleasantly surprised. 
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war-of-the-words · 4 years
A December Night
A very merry Christmas and happy holidays to my @dcmkkaishinevents giftee, Clef! I sincerely hope this gift makes you smile! -Two
Kaito hated wearing heels. They weren’t any problem for him now, he could wear them for hours if he had to, but that doesn’t mean he enjoyed them. And when you’re disguised as an attractive young woman at a private auction for high-priced items, heels were practically mandatory. Plus, heels made his legs look fantastic.
He hadn’t sent an advance notice this time. He just wanted it to be a quick in and out kind of deal. The majority of this decision was because Nakamori finally got time off and he promised Aoko that he would spend the day holiday shopping together. Aoko had been so excited to hear it, and Kaito thought that they both deserved some father-daughter time.
Unfortunately, that meant that Kaito had to spend more time than he liked weaseling an invitation for his disguise from the organizers. It never ceased to amaze him how sleazy “high class” people could be. But he was there now, circling the buffet table like a shark and eating his fill of the pretentious mini desserts. 
“Excuse me?” a voice said from behind him. An incredibly familiar voice that made Kaito’s blood run cold.
“Hm?” he hummed, turning around and giving the intruder a warm smile. The face wasn’t one he wanted to see. Kudou Shinichi stood there, looking incredibly handsome in a fitted charcoal suit, a smile on his face. Kaito hated how he couldn’t help but notice the way one side of his lip always pulled a little higher than the other.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you babe.” What did he just say? 
“Um, I think you’ve-” Kudou tilted his head ever so slightly, a sharp look in his eyes. Kaito slid his gaze to where Kudou indicated and noticed one of the more sleazy organizers orbiting a little too close for comfort. It clicked, Kudou had seen a woman in potential danger and stepped in like a knight in shining armor. “-got the wrong idea about why we came here, dear. The jewelry is great and all, but you know I can’t resist a good dessert table!” Kudou laughed, it made Kaito’s heart do backflips. Why, of all the people that could materialize at a secret KID heist it had to be him.
“How did you think I knew to find you here?” Kaito was about to respond, but the organizer finally decided to make his move.
“Miss Yamagi!” He said, walking over from where he was not so subtly eavesdropping. “I didn’t know you knew Kudou Shinichi!” His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, he thought he was catching Kaito in a lie here, whether for leverage to get Kaito alone or to make a fool of him like the rich often like to do.
“Of course I do.” Kaito said, pushing as much honey into his voice as possible. He ran a hand through his long blonde wig. Yamagi was an aspiring model after all, a good cover for being taller than average, and a wonderful opportunity to use one of his favorite wigs, but she was best for winning over unruly men. Kaito watched the way the organizer followed Kaito’s hand as he played with his hair, winding the soft locks around his finger. How easy this would be. “We’ve been seeing one another for a while now, but its a secret.” Kaito pushed out his bottom lip into an adorable pout.
“Her modeling career hasn’t taken off yet, and my darling refuses any help from my family. She’s determined to get there on her own terms; that’s why she insisted on getting her own invitation to this event instead of being my plus one.” Kudou said, moving closer to Kaito’s side and smoothly wrapping his arm around Kaito. Kaito didn’t want to think about how easy it was to lean into Kudou’s side. 
“Is- is that so?” The organizer looked like he was trying very hard to refrain from mentioning the PDA. “Well, be careful that the press here doesn’t see you.”
“We will,” Kudou said with a cold smile, letting the organizer know his intentions were known, “We’ll just be on our way, excuse us.” And with that Kudou guided Kaito out towards the balcony, which was devoid of people thanks to the chilly weather.
“Thank you,” Kaito said once they were out of earshot of the rest of the guests. He could’ve easel handled it himself, but it was nice to be given help.
“You’re welcome, although I have to admit I had ulterior motives.” Kudou shimmed off his suit jacket and wordlessly placed it around Kaito’s bare shoulders. Suddenly, Kaito was very thankful he had worn a strapless dress.
“Oh, and what might those be?” Kudou probably didn’t know he was KID, he hadn’t even sent a notice so there should be no reason to even suspect that KID would be here.
“I just wanted to know why such a beautiful girl would look so lost.” He gave Kaito another killer smile and Kaito could feel his face flush. This man is criminal. 
“I have no idea what you mean.” Kaito averted his gaze out to the clear night sky. The moon wasn’t even half full but the winter night was bright.
“Hm, my hunches usually aren’t wrong.”
“Well, this one was.”
“If you say so.”
Kaito was about to say, ‘I do say so’, but something made him stop. He chanced a glance at Kudou; he was staring at the sky too. His face was soft in the moonlight, the usual tension eased. Kaito never got to see him like this, and he was usually the reason why. He found himself playing with his hair again, he found it soothing. He called Kudou the “Great Detective” for a reason.
“You promise not to tell anyone?” Kaito cringed out how quiet it came out, how obviously nervous.
“Cross my heart.” The words hung in the air for a while, Kaito desperately trying to regain control of the pounding of his heart. It was so loud he was sure that Kudou could hear it.
 “I guess I’ve just been overthinking a lot of things lately.” The words felt thick in his mouth, and they fought to stay in his throat. “I know everyone acts differently in front of others, but sometimes I feel like I’m an extreme case.” The irony that Kaito was saying this in a voice that was not his own was not lost on him. “My jobs requires me to be someone else, but all of those people are me in one way or another. So when I’m alone I guess I don’t really know who I am. Which one of those masks are actually my real face, you know?”
“Probably, not to the same extent as you, but yeah, I think I do. You would be amazed out how often.” Kudou let out a low chuckle. Kaito laughed too. It was sweet that Kudou was trying, but he highly doubted Kudou could understand this gnawing feeling Kaito had been trying to ignore for months.
He had been changing faces as KID for so long that when he was “himself” it started to feel like an act too. Especially in front of Aoko. The amount of times he wanted to tell Aoko about his plans for a heist, a trick he was developing for KID, were piling up. Not to mention all the times Aoko dragged him shopping but he found himself shopping for his different personas instead of his best friend. He’s caught her casting suspicious glances at him when he’s spent a little too long looking at clothes Aoko would never wear. But Yamagi would, although at this point that’s the same as saying that Kaito would. His appearance had become completely detached from who he actually was. Even as the faceless Kaitou KID he put on a mask.
“It’s harder when you have no one to lean on.” Kudou interrupted his thoughts. He was still facing forward, eyes to the sky, a soft smile on his lips. “But it’s hard to find someone to lean on when what you feel feels so earth-shattering. No one can carry the weight of the world but Atlas after all.” Kudou turned to look at him, still wearing a smile Kaito never had the privilege of seeing before. He reached out and tucked a loose strand of Kaito’s hair behind his ear, and Kaito shivered but not from the cold. Kudou let his hand linger on Kaito’s cheek, it’s warmth a stark contrast to the night chill. Kaito was sure now that Kudou could feel his racing pulse, and the sound of it nearly made Kaito miss the announcement that the auction was about to begin. It was a chance to escape, to slip away from this dreamlike moment and return to his reality.
“Kudou, I really appreciate what you did for me tonight, but I-”
“Of course, this is an auction after all. But what did you come here for?” Kaito contemplated it, it couldn't hurt to tell him, right? Kudou just thought he was an attractive young model-
He never told Kudou he was a model. He never had a chance, Kudou just said he was a model to the organizer. Did he just guess? He was a detective after all, and considering Yamagi’s height it wouldn’t be that big of a stretch… “A necklace,” Kaito said tentatively.
“I thought so,” Kudou was still so close to Kaito, he could feel the detective’s hot breath on his face as he breathed out a laugh. 
 “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but this is the first time we’re meeting, isn’t it?” Kaito tilted his head in the way that made most men swoon and gave Kudou a pretty little smile. If Kudou had suspicions he had to dissuade them as quickly as possible.
“Mmm, no. It isn’t.” Kudou’s lip pulled up into that smirk that made Kaito want to simultaneously flee and kiss him senseless. He reached into his pants pocket, and Kaito had to physically fight the urge to run as fast as possible. He did not need to make a scene. Instead, he closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing. Stupid crush, making him act all stupid. He should have just thanked Kudou as quickly as possible and ran. He hadn’t made any announcements on purpose. And why had Kudou said ‘I thought so?’.
His thoughts were cut short as he felt hands brush the side of his neck and a weight fall onto his chest. Startled, he opened his eyes and took a step back. “What?” Kaito stammered, confused. Glancing down, he saw his target, glimmering in the moonlight. “What?” Kaito said again, searching Kudou’s eyes for answers.
“It really suits you, KID.” And Kaito probably would have run if Kudou’s voice hadn’t been so damn gentle. “I knew it would suit you as soon as I saw it.”
“Okay Meitantei, you’re going to have to break this one down for me.” Kaito said, with his own voice this time. It didn’t seem to faze Kudou.
“I knew it was you as soon as I saw you walk in. Your presence fills the room, KID, even if you don’t mean it too.”
“I think you’re the only person with that problem, Meitantei.”
“I would never call that a problem, KID. But after I saw you, I was sure you were here for something from the auction.”
“But I didn’t send a notice, how did you know I wasn’t just here for fun?”
“And free dessert? Just call it a hunch. And the knowledge that Nakamori was very excited to have some time off to spend with his daughter.” Kaito let out a sigh.
“I hate how much you know about me.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Oh, cocky now, aren’t we? So, what’s the catch, you’ve got me collared,” Kaito gestured at the very expensive piece of jewelry around his neck, “are you going to turn me in?”
“What, I can’t just get you a Christmas present?”
“Seriously? Shinichi, I know what the starting price for this was going to be, and I don’t want to know how much you paid to buy it before it could even be put on sale. This isn’t something you just give to your favorite rival.”
“Hmm, I suppose it isn’t. But rivals also don’t call each other by their first names.”
“I, um, well-”
“Look, KID, I like you. A lot. I’m drawn to you like a moth to a flame. I’ve come to terms with that now, and if the way you’ve reacted to me tonight was anything to go by, I might have a chance.”
“You haven’t been flirting with me all night because you think I’m a hot supermodel?”
“I’ve been flirting with you all night because you’re Kaitou KID. It’s just a bonus that I got to see you looking like a hot supermodel.”
“But that whole thing I said about-”
“I told you, KID, it’s so much easier to share it with someone, and I desperately want to be that someone. You’re not Atlas, and even if you were, I’d carry the world for you.”
“So you don’t care that I’m-”
“KID, you could fill in that blank with anything and my answer would be the same.”
“I’m the magician here,” Kaito laughed, “I’m supposed to be the one to leave you speechless.”
“I might know a way you could shut me up.” And there was that smirk again, but it no longer made him want to run. And so he kissed him senseless, underneath the bright December sky, where it felt like it was only the two of them in the entire world.
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lyndibs · 3 years
OTP/Shipping positivity post! 💖
It’s been such a late night that the sun is starting to rise, and your OTP(s) are starving. Where do they hit up for breakfast?
Hmm good question and which of my many OTP's do I choose for this question? Lol I will go with Birkinfield as I've been really into them again lately.
After a long night full of reading files, searching for answers they needed for a mission they were currently working on, Chris finally looks at his watch, it was already hitting 6AM and they both hadn't had dinner.
Sherry's stomach growls and it's very audible. Her face slightly reddens in embarrassment. Yet she didn't dare look over at her partner afterward.
Chris puts down the document he has in his hands and looks over at her, the young woman that he's grown so close to, the woman he has fallen in love with. A smile grows on his face as he can tell her embarrassment as plain as day.
'She's so cute.'
"I don't think there is anything left to read here. But either way, we both needed a break and I don't know about you. But I'm starving." Chris said with a smile.
A smile he finds himself wearing a lot more because of the blonde across the table from him. Sherry looked up from the document she was half way through, already knowing Chris was right and that the documents were pretty worthless and gently chucked hers on top of the pile of other files she had already when through.
"You're right." She replied as she started to stretch in her seat.
"Where were you thinking?"
"Not sure. It's early... So not many places will be open yet. But I will let you choose." He said as he stood up, feeling the great need to stand after hours of sitting.
"Hmm.... Oh! iHop!" Sherry replied and turned her spinning chair toward him with a big smile on her face. The image of chocolate chip waffles filled her mind.
The complete look of happiness written on her face when straight to his heart. He would deny it, but a redness very lightly grazed his cheeks. If it would keep her smiling like that, he would take her anywhere she wanted to go.
"It's a date." He replied.
He started collecting his belongings. Afterward he looked back up at his partner who was just staring at him, her face clearly red. He wasn't sure why, until it dawned on him that he just called their plans a date. He resisted the strong urge to smack himself over his choice of words. He didn't know if he should correct himself or just let it go. Her reaction was very intriguing to him though. She didn't seem to be weirded out by the idea of them going on a date. Did he dare allow himself to think maybe she felt the same as he did?
'He said date! Calm down! He probably didn't mean it the way you wanted him too....'
She shook her head, snapping herself out of her thoughts, realizing she was basically gawking at the man like a school girl.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" She quickly replied and hurriedly began collecting her stuff as well.
"Are you alright?"
"Oh yeah! Of course." she grabbed her phone. "I am all ready if you are."
Looking back up, Chris was no longer standing across from her. Instead Chris had walked over to her side of the table and now stood beside her, rather closely. Due to their height difference, she had to look up to see his face.
Chris reached his hand out toward her shoulder, gently grasping it.
"Are you sure everything is all right?" He asked one more time, trying and hoping to get a better understanding on her reactions.
"Yes I am sur-" Sherry wasn't even able to finish her sentence when she took notice of the intense look in Chris's eyes. A gaze that made Sherry feel all warm and tingly.
Their eyes met and locked in on each one another, it got very quite in the office, besides Sherry's rapidly beating heart, that was hammering against her chest. She hoped he couldn't hear it.
Chris's gaze went down to her lips, he hadn't meant to look, but his feelings for her were getting harder and harder to push down and hide. He wanted so badly to kiss her. Without even realizing he was doing it, his hand went from her shoulder to her soft cheek, ever so gently cupping it; his face began inching closer to hers. Sherry barely moved or breathed, worried that any movement she did would stop him from what he was doing. Their lips were so close to claiming each other that they could feel one another's breath upon their lips.
Before their lips could touch, Chris's phone began to ringing, filling the once deafening silence. The abrupt sound making them both jump back.
Disappointment ran through them both as Chris forced himself to remove his hand from her cheek and to back away from her, from the insanely intimate moment they had been having. They stood there for a few seconds looking at one another before Sherry broke the silence between.
"You should take that.... I'll wait for you outside."
"It could be important." She said and gave a understanding smile to him.
Upset that the moment they had shared ended, Chris reluctantly took the work call as Sherry made her way out the office double doors.
Moments later,
Chris made his way out front, opening the automatic doors to the outside. The night sky was slowly becoming bright as the sun started making it's appearance.
It was summer and the weather felt just right at this time of day. It was one of the only good reasons to be awake at this time in the morning.
Chris eyes landed on Sherry, whom was sitting on one of the mental benches, looking lost in thought. Maybe their was two good reasons to be awake.
As he got closer to her, their eyes meet again that night. Neither one of them knew if they should bring up the intense moment they shared only minutes ago or to act casual and go from there.
As much as she wanted to talk about what happened between them and what almost happened back there, she decided maybe for now she should go for acting casual.
"Anything urgent?" She asked genuinely concerned considering their line of work, him being a BSAA captain and her being a DSO agent. Their jobs were tough, but worth it.
"Not really. They were checking up on our research process." He replied with a touch of noticeable disappointment in his
Disappointment that was weighing heavily on Chris's mind, over two very different things. Being unable to find anything worth something in those files and missing out on the chance of kissing the gorgeous, kind and caring woman sitting in from of him.
"I gotcha. Don't worry Chris, we will figure it out together." Sherry said, mainly referring to their mission. Although as soon as the words left her lips, she knew it had also sounded like she could be suggesting they could figure out what was clearly happening between them. She choose to leave what said alone, because she did in fact want desperately to future that out as well.
The corner of Chris's month perked upward. Sherry always seemed to know just what to say to make him feel hopeful.
"Aye, aye Ma'am."
He extended his hand out to her,
"Are you ready to go?"
Sherry instantly took hold of his hand, "Absolutely!" She happily replied with a bright cheerful smile plastered on her face.
Their hands didn't let go as they made their way to Chris's hummer. He opened the passenger side door for her like the gentlemen he was and then made his way around the hummer to join her.
Wordlessly, their hands found one another again, fingers entwining this time.
When the time was just right, Chris would tell Sherry how he truly felt about her. After the start of this wonderful morning, he had a feeling it would be sooner than later that he would confess. But for now, he would have to settle for taking her out for breakfast.
If he were to be perfectly honest, he was content with that. Because when he was with her, everything felt whole and right.
And off they were to iHop, with a new found hope in their hearts for a potential romance in their future.
That future was just beyond the horizon
Thank you for the ask! I really never expected one! So I went out for it and made a short one shot! 💓💓💓💓
EDITED: I wanted to make it better. I feel better about it now. Lol
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rhaenyratargeryn · 4 years
Pairing: Takemura Goro x (female) V Rating: Mature Summary: When his plans for revenge fail, V and Takemura are left right where they once started. A dying thief and a disgraced soldier, with as much in common as they lack and an improbable bond that holds them to one another. Notes: Post-Canon, Nomad ending. Spoilers for post-game! Read on AO3 Read Ch. 1
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The first awareness was that of light. Warm and bright behind his lids. The second awareness was ache. Persistent, painful and sharpened to a razor’s edge at every small movement.
Takemura begrudgingly accepted consciousness, finding the will somewhere inside him to open his eyes and look towards where the offending ray of sunshine was being allowed in.
The tent flap was being held open, just a sliver, and a pair of soft brown eyes, large and doe like in the middle of a tan-skinned face stared at him with interest. She had full round cheeks, youthfulness in every aspect of her cherub like features. The child froze as their eyes met, but slowly she smiled, a dimple in each corner of her mouth.
It was the height of spring, when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom and their petals scattered over the still pond in the gardens of the estate. Small pink ships, sailing endlessly on the vast sea.
Takemura was twenty-nine, three years dedicated already as an elite Arasaka soldier and known for his discipline, his dutifulness and his loyalty. When he did not pace the nearby halls, or stand at attention near Saburo-sama’s side, he was allowed to sit kneeled on a small mat on the wooden floor. His hand would remain on one hip, poised over his katana and another over his gun, his eyes sharp and his cyberware readings keenly attuned to every person who may move within the family halls.
It should have been a point of great shame for him then, that the tiny stumble of socked feet did not catch his attention until he found before him a small girl, her cherub cheeks puffed with a smile. She held up a drawing, or rather, scribbles upon paper in varying shades of black and red and tanned peach, all forming together to make a familiar silhouette.
“Taka-san, I drew you!”
In his duty, Takemeru was not to engage with others. He was meant to be as the room, as furniture or a tool left out. A knife on a table. What he was not meant to do, was speak to Saburo-sama’s three year old daughter. She was Saburo-sama’s joy, his greatest treasure, a child he doted on and who went everywhere at her father’s side.
Takemura looked to him now, for guidance, he told himself, but the look he gave Saburo-sama was more aligned with pleading.
“My daughter has presented you with a gift, Takameru. Be polite.” his master said without another glance, turning his attention back to his tablet.
Hanako waited patiently, expectantly. Takemeru found it difficult to even bring the words forth, his tongue sluggish and thick from so long hardly speaking much at all.
“Thank you, Hanako-sama. It is… lovely.”
She beamed, her smile drawing wider until a tiny dimple dotted high on her cheek. With insistence, she held it out for him and with equal amounts of hesitation, Takemeru took his hand from his blade and slipped the paper from her hands.
A voice called out a name, the sound hazy and muted on Takemeru’s ears. The girl turned, answering the call without looking back, leaving only the sway of dropped tent flap to ever prove she was there at all.
Takemeru let his eyes drift back closed, trying to recall the lines, the colors of the drawing. He had kept it, folded and safe beneath his armored vest for several days… but where did it go? What had he done with it after? It had been eighteen years since the blossoms and yet the few months he had spent alone, masterless and exiled, felt so much longer.
The tent opened again and Takemura groaned when the light flashed into his pupils.
“Morning.” a voice spoke, the man who had sewn up his shoulder and his side coming to sit near the cot Takemura was still shackled too. The man, too his wisdom, kept a good distance between them still.
“Is the pain bad? We scrounged up some MaxDoc to help take the edge off if you’re needin’ some.”
Takemura did not reply.
“Also need to change your IV. Sometimes the old ways are the best ways when it comes to saline and good ole H2O…. unless you’re feeling up to drinking some water?”
Water. The very word drew Takemura’s attention to how dry his throat was, how paperlike his tongue felt against the roof of his mouth. Water. His body pleaded to his mind. Water.
Takemura nodded, short and curt.
“Great. Hold on— “
Takemura watched the man as he moved around the tent, doing a good job still of keeping out of arm's reach. As his eyes traced his movements, he noted a change to the room.
There was a second cot set up at his other side.
In the second cot, was V.
Takemura felt a snarl build up near his teeth, a look of disgust and outrage ready to mar his features… until his eyes caught up with his emotions.
V looked terrible. Worse than terrible. Her skin had an unhealthy pallor to it, greyish and clammy. Her breaths were short and slow, as if her own lungs were too tired to make more of an effort. Some strange band was attached around her head, monitors fixed to her temples as a nearby computer beeped and monitored large spikes and numbers that made no sense to Takemura.
The doctor caught him staring as he returned with a cup of water. Takemura sat up as best he could manage, unsurprised when the doctor called in another to stand guard with a gun in their hand while he held the cup for Takemura to drink from. He was not to be unrestrained it would seem, though his prey lay but a scant few feet away.
“Another seizure. Hit her hard. Been out as long as you now, but… well. We’ll see what happens.”
Takemura frowned, “‘What happens’?”
He cursed himself for speaking, but the words were out before he could catch himself.
“If she wakes up. Every time it seems she has one it takes longer and longer… one day I figure she just won’t.”
V had succeeded in removing the relic, had rid herself of her demon and in doing so had thought to free herself from impending doom… and it had all been for nothing. Saburo was dead. Hanako was dead… and V was still going to die.
Takemura refused food when offered and drank only a little, the pain of his wounds a welcome distraction for the turmoil in his chest.
He never would have thought nomads would have such tech available to them, but in the large tent there was enough equipment and cases to fill a small clinic. This man is what Takemura could only imagine was their version of a ripperdoc, but he didn’t have to worry about the man trying to invoke his sympathies towards V for long. A young woman entered the tent and the ripperdoc gave her a respectful nod.
“She good, Tom?” the woman asked and Tom nodded, “Okay. Take a breather.”
She shrugged toward the tent entrance. Tom frowned, but he didn’t argue, getting up and exiting the tent and offering Takemura a quick view of the guards outside. They were still present. Not a good tactical advantage.
The woman set her fists on her hips, eyes narrowed as she scrutinized him with dark brown eyes. She has no visible cyberware to speak of, but it was common for Nomads to reject enhancement, at least in his limited experience.
Takemura, despite his feelings, spoke politely enough.
“I am Takemura Goro. If V has not already informed you.”
The woman looked a bit taken back by his easy words, but after a moment that surprise resumed an expression of suspicion.
“She did. Now you wanna tell me how you found us? And who else knows where we are?”
Takemura frowned, “It is considered extremely rude not to introduce oneself. Even to enemies.”
The woman’s face flushed red down to her neck and her teeth set against the inside of her cheek. She had a short-temper, but also a position of authority and respect given how the ripperdoc had so easily relented to her requests. She was a leader, but a potentially weak one, Takemura set that information aside for later.
“You attack my people and you wanna school me on manners, Corpo?”
“...You have someone I want.” Takemura stated, a simple reasoning for why the young Nomads he encountered were threatened.
“Too god damn bad. Now who else knows where we are?”
Takemura fell silent again, a sigh held back in his throat. V stirred slightly on the cot nearby, drawing both of their attention to the other woman as she flinched and jerked slightly in sleep. The monitors sped for only a moment and then slowed again, whatever neurological event passing quickly.
The Nomad woman’s expression had broken apart quickly from one of stubbornness and annoyance to worry… colored with affection and familial concern. She cared for V. She cared for V very strongly. That would complicate any attempts of persuasion or negotiation, but then again, Takemura had not considered those to be strong tactics to begin with.
The woman looked down at her boots and then, curtly spoke, “I’m Panam Palmer.”
“It is good to meet you, Palmer-san.” Takemeru said, but his words were filled with polite detachment that would make it quite evident even to Panam that they were simply a platitude.
“How did you find us?”
“Simple reconnaissance. I visited towns. Spoke to people. It was difficult for several weeks, but then…” Takemura paused.
“You and your people became lazy.”
Panam sucked in her cheek again, but controlled her emotions.
“Are there others coming?”
“Wow… I mean, wow. Didn’t expect you to just offer that one up.”
“I have no reason to lie. My purpose is simple. You and your people are responsible for the death of one I held in utmost regard and respect. I am duty bound to end the life of the one who commanded it.”
Silence followed the end of his words, the steady beeping of the monitor filling the room. Suddenly then, Panam scoffed out a laugh and Takemura jerked his head up to glare at the young woman, forgetting himself.
“Jesus christ… you Corpo’s are really crazy, you know that? You’re ‘duty bound’? By who? You aren’t Arasaka. You aren’t anything. You come here and try to kill my sister because of some deluded belief you owe a buncha criminals and psychopaths? Who don’t want you?”
With each word her volume increased, the look of revulsion so prominent on her features that even if she had chosen not to mince her words, her distaste would have been clear. Negotiation it would seem, was not a viable option.
Takemura felt her words, but only in that they stoked a growing tension edging through his limbs and fueled a gnawing want to snap this crude woman’s neck. He let his anger stream out from his chest and into his hands, clenching them a bit tighter to try and relieve some of the pressure his growing anger exuded.
“This is what is gonna happen,” Panam began, her voice having grown colder, “We’re gonna dump you out on the sand with a quart of motor oil and a pistol and take bets on whether you shoot yourself before or after the thirst makes you crazy enough to drink it.”
The image was certainly— vivid. The sadism of such a statement catching Takemura slightly off guard.
“Wow. ” said a voice instantly recognized by both of them as V’s , “I mean, that is one stone cold line. I think I’ll steal that.”
“Shit, V— you need me to get Tom?” Panam had all but forgotten about Takemura, moving around to V’s cot to try and prevent the other woman from getting up.
Yes. An indignant Johnny-Silverhand-induced auditory hallucination said quietly in the back of her mind. Maybe one day she’d get lucky and forget what the guy sounded like, then her head-voice would go back to just being her voice.
More importantly, she was nauseated as all fucking get out and Panam’s hand on her arm was doing a great job of making V feel a bit more grounded. She heard a faint click, the sound of someone chidingly clicking their tongue against their teeth and looked up to see Takemura had turned from them both, staring pointedly at nothing. But it was nothing away from V.
“No execution by desert, aight?” V said, lulling her head back towards Panam.
“Sure. Fine. Execution by bullet works just as well.” Panam said, shooting Takemura a dirty look that went unnoticed.
“Talkabout it later.” V said, only slightly slurring her words as she pulled the band off her head and peeled the monitors off a moment later. The computer made an alarming noise and V had a funny feeling it was becoming quickly overcrowded and overly loud for the former Arasaka bodyguard.
“Got an idea to make everyone happy.”
Takemura’s interest had been piqued. V caught him casting a look out of the corner of his eye at her.
What the fuck, V. Panam's voice still rang in her head, rolling around in her ears and in her skull and fueling an oncoming headache. For once, the voice didn't sound like Johnny though and maybe that was a good sign.
Of course Panam would hate the plan. But in the end, it wasn’t her choice. It wasn’t her life and although it had gone over about as well as V expected, for now, things were set. When she came back inside the tent, Tom had provided Takemura with an old t-shirt, the design on the front so faded it was barely more than a static of print.
His hair was down, which shrouded the grey near his temples and made him look somehow… younger. Less stiff. The look in his eyes though had not changed. Steel resolve and hardened granite. He had built a wall between them and V could hardly blame him for it… in the end, she hadn’t kept her end of the deal. But then again, she was still right where she was at the start. Sick, dying and Arasaka’s most wanted. So he could hardly say he kept up his either.
“Option one,” she began, “I’m dying. So honestly, killin’ me at this juncture would be a relief from what I got coming for me. It’s gonna be slow. It’s gonna be awful. I’m offering you front row seats to watchin’ my body slowly eat itself alive.”
Takemura’s eyes narrowed.
“I know what you’re thinkin’. ‘But you’re lookin’ for a cure’. We are. Which brings me to option two. We let you stick around while we look. If we find one and I get fixed up? You get your pistols at dawn or whatever. Get the satisfaction of knowing you got to kill me when I’m not already dead. Hell, not gonna lie. You killin' me after all this bullshit and then after I save my life too? That would be... well, I’ll give you a genuine fight for my life. If that’s what you want.”
V shrugged, “And you’ve already heard option three.”
“These options require me staying with this caravan for an unknown amount of time.”
“Six months, actually. Or five rather. So yeah. Five month wait..”
“How do I know they will not kill me before either of these things happen?”
V grinned.
“I asked them nicely.”
Her smile faltered.
“Why not pick option three for yourself?” Takemura said, offering the most practical and simple solution. The one she was sure right now, if they were in reverse situations, he would take.
It was a good damn question too. And V was certain she had a good damn answer half a second ago, but now with Takemura staring at her, grey eyes shrewd and with just a flicker of uncertainty… shit, seeing him at all… it made the words sound so ridiculous.
“I told you I didn’t mean for what happened to happen. I owe you, for a lot and this is the only way it’ll… sit right. For us both, I think. You don’t seem the type that would get much satisfaction outta killing me how I am now.”
V laughed, a nervous bubble of sound as she turned her eyes away and picked at a frayed thread on the knee of her pants.
“Also...guess cause we were friends once I feel like I should give you some closure. Not somethin’ I’ve gotten much in life, but welp. Here is my chance to give some.”
“...You wish to die with some honor restored.” Takemura’s voice for once held no trace of disgust, no edge of hatred. His voice was quiet, resigned. Understanding. It was not a tone V had ever thought to hear again from the man.
“Yeah, sure... if you’ll let me.”
Neither of them met each other's eyes. Two people, staring holes into opposite sides of a tent, as if refusing to acknowledge one another would somehow make them feel less.
“It is two options, not three.”
V looked up at the remark.
“Option one is, remain to witness your death or be the cause of it should you recover. Option two is motor oil and pistol.”
V held back a smile just barely. How could someone remain this pedantic even when discussing such a morbid topic?
“I accept option one.” Takemura met her eyes, only briefly, “I am patient man. I can wait.”
“Plus it gives you time to actually heal and then say fuck it and off me in my sleep or something.”
Takemura wrinkled his nose, “I could ‘off’ you now if you’d like.”
He pulled up his arm, revealing that at some time during all this chatting and debating he had gotten out of one of the cuffs.
Takemura casually used his other hand to put his thumb back in its socket, finding it impossible to miss how V did a full body shudder at the sound.
“Hard pass.” she said, still cringing.
“I will honor my word,” Takemura said, easily making work of the other handcuff and tossing it aside. He flexed his fingers, bringing them up to begin pulling his hair out of his face. V, for some reason, felt compelled to avert her gaze. It felt weirdly intimate, like she was watching him undress. Takemura brushed his fingertips over his wrist, frowning to himself before letting his hair go, falling back around his shoulders.
“You need a scrunchie?” V asked, unable to stop the small smile from forming at the corner of her mouth. What could she say? Johnny had tried to kill her once and she forgave him. Her standards were never exactly high. And a part of her, a small hopeful part of her thought maybe there was still time to make something right before she died.
Wrong city for happy endings. Her inner voice chided in Johnny's flat tone. But they weren't in Night City anymore.
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gothpanda · 4 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch.32: Los Angeles
A/N: lol I’m not dead. Just had finals
TAGS: @madamsixx​ @emariehorror​
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May 31st, 1987
Oakland, California
"... At the dollhouse in Fort Lauderdale! Girls, Girls, Girls! Rocking in Atlanta at Tattletails,"
Sammi groaned loud from the music through the speakers, lightly banging her head against the metal shelves aligned with cassette tapes. It was a brand new song that seemed to play 24/7 since being released, Sammi wanting to rip her ears out of her head. It didn't help that she was in a record store where most of the employees were goth or punks. As Sammi rested her head on the cold metal, Athena couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's dismay while browsing the selection of pop tapes.
"Why are you so dramatic? I thought you'd be happy the band is being successful," said Athena, side-eyeing Sammi's pouted lips.
"I would be happy if I didn't have to hear or see them all over the place. It gets annoying after a while," said Sammi, walking down the aisle of music, finding something new to entertain herself in. Athena followed in her little sister's footsteps, keeping a safe distance from her. It was Athena's idea to check a music store as Sammi showed her around the Bay Area, never having been able to visit until today.
"Well, it's not like you've been avoiding them or anything like that. Of course, it would get annoying,"
"I am not avoiding them," mumbled Sammi.
"Are you sure? You have done a pretty good job if you ask me," said Athena, grabbing a new Aerosmith cassette for her walkman.
Sammi stopped dead in her tracks, turning to glare right at Athena, who had a playful smirk. "I have not, Athena. I've been busy. " There's a difference," said Sammi, turning into the magazine aisle near the shop's cash register.
"Really? You could've fooled by the way you haven't been home in a year. When was the last time you talked to mama or dad?"
Sammi sighed out. "I'm sorry for missing out on stuff, but school has been a bigger pain in my ass than I thought. And I have spoken to mama and dad,"
"You've missed: Tommy's birthday, Mama's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday-"
"Okay, I get it, Athena! You don't have to remind me. I'm going home for a month aren't I?" asked Sammi with a sting of sarcasm, glancing at all of the headlines from the gossip tabloids.
"And thank god for that,"
"Why L.A isn't living up to its potential anymore?" joked Sammi.
"Exactly. Everything has been moderately boring since you left. It's not fun hanging out with Tommy after he got married. Our lovely sister-in-law isn't up to crazy fun. And all of my friends are acting like full adults now with 9 to 5's," said Athena.
Right as Sammi responded, her eyes fell on an issue of 'Rock Secrets,' another gossip magazine amongst the hundreds. The cover for the tabloid made Sammi's heartstrings get pulled in different directions. Nikki in the arms of another woman, both smirking. Sammi knew the woman from the party scene of Los Angeles, a dancer for every music video but nothing more. She was the complete opposite of Sammi in every single way. The woman was someone taller who was almost the same height as Nikki in heels. She was slimmer than Sammi and tanner in comparison to Sammi's pale cheeks. Sammi didn't want to believe Nikki running out to get new girlfriends after she left but knew it was bound to happen at some point. It had been a year. Sammi was never one to feel self-conscious about her appearance but seeing someone so different from her have Nikki wrapped around their finger stung. As Sammi stared longer at the cover, she was able to see the haze in Nikki's eyes that she hated, the girl almost matching him. Sammi reached for the magazine, facing Athena with a ghastly face, a cocktail of anger and sadness show. Athena pressed her lips tightly together, taking the tabloid for herself to examine.
"She isn't close to being as pretty as you," said Athena in hopes of cheering Sammi up. Sammi scoffed. "And Tommy hates her with his whole being. Apparently, she's some crazy attention whore. That's probably why she's on this stupid cover,"
"She is pretty, don't lie. And I don't care if Tommy doesn't like her or she's an attention whore," said Sammi, yanking the magazine from Athena's hand. She curled her lip as she stared at the cover, turning pages to see more photos of the couple around Los Angeles. With the luck of being around drugs and partying, Sammi could see when Nikki was high in the images. "Her name is Veronica?" asked Sammi.
"Yeah. Don't let her get to you, she's just some background dancer who's gotten with other musicians," answered Athena, skimming through a Rolling Stones magazine.
"Still. She has a pretty name," mumbled Sammi under her breath, unable to look away. When it finally felt too much for Sammi, she threw the thin tabloid down the aisle with all her force in one quick motion. Athena whipped her head fast, snapping her eyes wide open in shock.
"Sam, what the hell?" asked Athena in a sharp whisper. Sammi only continued to walk into a different section of the music shop. "Was that really necessary?" asked Athena, raising an eyebrow at Sammi.
Sammi shrugged her shoulders, pouting slightly. "It felt good for a second, now I'm just annoyed again,"
"It's great to see you've moved on," teased Athena, throwing her arm around Sammi's shoulders.
"What? I can't be bitter if an ex got a new girlfriend?" asked Sammi, folding her arms across her chest.
"No, because you're supposed to be the mature one, remember? It shouldn't get to you,"
"I beg to differ on being mature,"
"Hey! You can't throw around the magazines!" yelled a young goth girl, picking up the crinkled magazine from the floor, frowning at Sammi and Athena.
"Sorry, she had a temper tantrum. Won't happen again!" answered Athena, trying her best to hide a chuckle. "But seriously please don't do that again. I like to come back to this place next time I visit you,"
"Oh finally you're thinking about visiting?" asked Sammi with a smile, crossing her arms against her chest.
The sisters continued exploring the record store a moment longer, buying cassette tapes to listen to on the drive back home. When Sammi would scan down the rock section, she couldn't help think about what Nikki would like. It was a habit she couldn't break yet. The Oakland streets were beginning to grow busy with summer vacation coming around, Sammi seeing more tourists than usual. "So, I know you don't want to talk about Motley but I should probably tell you this," said Athena.
Sammi kept her dead stare ahead of her, scowling into the distance. "What is it? No one's dying or in the hospital right?"
Athena scoffed in amusement. "No, nothing like that. They're going to be back on the road soon," said Athena, lighting a cigarette as the sisters walked down east.
"Oh. Good for them," said Sammi, wrinkles deepening between her brows. "When are they packing up?"
"Third week in June? Tommy hasn't given me all the details yet except for one,"
"Which is?"
"He wants to throw this huge kick-off party at his and Heather's,"
"Okay," Sammi shrugged.
"I wanted to let you know before Tommy gets so incredibly excited to tell you, he forgets to ask if you're okay," said Athena, blowing out smoke into the air.
"Athena, I'm fine. I just needed to let out my frustrations for a second,"
"Sammi no you're not and please listen," Sammi stopped her steps, sucking her teeth as she faced Athena. "You can admit to not wanting to see Nikki when you get back home. It's understandable to not want to see an ex. You shouldn't tough it out for the sake of Tommy or anyone else. If you're not okay just tell me,"
Sammi sighed out heavily, gazing up anywhere but Athena. "It's okay. I'm okay. Yeah, it hurts Nikki moved on, but what am I supposed to do? We haven't talked in a year, and we both messed up," said Sammi, continuing to walk with heavy steps.
"How did you mess up?" asked Athena.
"I got up and left without telling him. I didn't tell my boyfriend anything about me leaving, and I just left him. You don't think that's a little messed up?" asked Sammi, scrunching her brows together with a frown.
"You two broke up before you left," reassured Athena.
Sammi stopped again in her tracks, looking right into Athena's eyes. "Did you know Nona died last year? Nikki's grandma" asked Sammi.
Athena bit her lip. "No, I didn't. Tom never mentioned it," muttered Athena, looking down at her feet.
Sammi bit the inside of her cheek, shaking her head slightly and continuing to walk. Instead of spitting out venomous words, Sammi pulled out a cigarette from her crinkled pack of Camels, lighting it in silence. "You've been busy, Sam. Don't be hard on yourself," said Athena.
"This conversation is going way longer than I want," muttered Sammi, staring dead ahead of her.
"Fine. Are you ready to go home then?" asked Athena, looping her arm around Sammi's. Sammi sighed out with a nod. The sisters continued their walk through the city streets until finding the car park, silence forming between them. Sammi only wanted to go home to her family.
June 2nd
Los Angeles, California
"Sammi!" screamed Emma excitedly from the apartment balcony, smiling down at her best friend. Sammi slammed the backseat door, swinging a duffle bag on her shoulders as she smiled back at Emma. Sabrina soon rushed out behind the sliding door with a smile on her face. "Do you need any help?" yelled out Sabrina.
"No, I'm good! I'll be right up!" answered Sammi, racing up to the second floor of the apartment complex. As Sammi reached Emma and Sabrina's door, Emma swung it right open, engulfing Sammi in a lovingly tight hug. Sabrina wrapped her arms around both the girls, everyone smiling gleefully. Once finally pulling apart, Emma grabbed Sammi's duffle off her shoulders, playing a great hostess.
"We've missed you so much," said Sabrina, kissing Sammi on her temple.
"Come on and welcome to our very adult apartment," joked Emma, swinging her arm around Sammi's shoulders, walking into the apartment. It was perfect for Emma and Sabrina, enough space for both with extra for Sammi. Anyone who visited could see the elements of a future lawyer and a star athlete, a mix of color and neatness. Sammi admired the decor from every corner, noting the purple sofa and accent chair in the living room.
"I like everything. You girls really got the place up and pretty," said Sammi, dropping herself on the sofa.
"Thanks, we did have a year to get it clean for you," teased Sabrina with a smirk, sitting down on an accent chair. Sammi glared at her, matching Sabrina's smirk as Emma took the duffle bag to her room.
"Ha. Ha. I just wanted to give you two all the time in the world,"
"In that case, you better love every single corner of this place," said Emma, prospering herself next to Sammi. "But enough about this place! How's San Francisco? Is it great and gay as I imagine?" asked Emma with a goofy smile.
"Is school going great for you? I know my mom wanted me to move there for college," asked Sabrina, almost on the edge of her seat.
"Are the nightclubs totally amazing like I hear? We should go to one when we visit next month!" exclaimed Emma.
Sammi only looked down at her hands, checking her nail polish with a forced thin smile on. She shrugged her shoulders, trying her best to think of something great. "San Fran's pretty, don't get me wrong, but it's so… cramped and stiff. It's nothing but an overpriced tiny island," scuffed Sammi, pouting at Emma and Sabrina.
"Really? You made it sound so nice on the phone when we'd call," said Sabrina, scrunching her brows together.
"I also make those phone calls short if you two recall," said Sammi, Sabrina and Emma exchange worried looks. "The only nice thing I can think of was the food. Great Japanese restaurants. But school is school. One year down, one more to go. The people I've met have been incredibly rude. One was some Christian freak who said the boys were satanic, and I wasn't any better hanging out with them,"
"Wow. Wait until you tell her you like to hang out with a lesbian," joked Emma, earning a smile from Sammi. "Sam, you should've said something about not being happy. We could've gone up and hung out for a weekend," Emma suggested.
"And brought some company with us," said Sabrina, pressing her lips firmly together.
"You'd really make Emma sit in a car with her ex? Even if they were my sister?" teased Sammi.
"No, I think she was talking about another ex," said Emma, biting the edge of her thumbnail. "And not a blonde ex,"
Sammi looked back down at her hands, grabbing a pillow to hug. "I think Nikki is already pretty busy with his new girlfriend. He wouldn't want to come to San Francisco," shrugged Sammi.
"You sure? I think he would drop everything if we asked him to tag along. The guys haven't been on tour yet," said Sabrina.
"Yep. I'm sure. Nikki was never a fan of San Francisco,"
"Sabrina is right about Nikki dropping everything to see you, Sammi. It wouldn't matter if he has a girlfriend or not. He hasn't seen you in a year or talked to you-"
"He's tried, mumbled Sammi.
"What?" asked Emma, scrunching her eyebrows deeper.
"He tried and I tried, but I just fucked it up," sighed Sammi with a shaky breath.
"Sammi, please talk to us," said Sabrina, leaning forward on her legs, hands closed.
Sammi sighed out, resting her head from the side in the palm of her hand. "Nona passed away. Nikki left a voicemail, sounding messed up and I didn't do anything about it. I didn't call him to check in on him. I didn't call his grandfather to check in on him. I didn't do anything. I would call him in the middle of the night and then hang up right away after I first moved. He would be high," said Sammi, wiping away the forming tear that could fall.
"Sam," said Emma softly, reaching out to hold Sammi's hand.
"Please don't tell me I didn't fuck up because I did," pleased Sammi, looking at Emma and Sabrina.
"Okay, the both of you have had bad communication skills, but it still isn't considered  fucked up ," said Sabrina. "You're home for a month. Maybe now it's a better time to speak to him,"
Sammi shook her head. "There's more than just that. I slept with Vince after we got drunk," admitted Sammi. "I fucked up,"
Sabrina and Emma stared at Sammi for a moment, glancing at each other to find something to say. "How bad do you feel about having sex with Vince?" asked Sabrina.
"No Em, I'm just asking a question. Sammi, why did you sleep with Vince? And why did you feel bad afterward?" asked Sabrina again, this time in a stern voice.
"Because it didn't feel right after I sobered up. There were no rekindled feelings within me for the person I dated. I was drunk and Vince kept saying how great Nikki was doing. He didn't sleep with me because he missed me. It felt like he just wanted to get back at Nikki," said Sammi running a hand down her face.
"Did Vince tell Nikki?" asked Emma.
"I don't know. When we spoke, I told him it was a one-time thing and to keep it between us," said Sammi.
"I still think you should talk to Nikki," suggested Sabrina.
"You're going to have to someday," said Emma, swinging her arm around Sammi's shoulders, bringing her in for a hug.
"I know. I have to do it next Saturday," groaned Sammi. "Tommy's going to throw a party before the guys leave on tour and I have to go,"
"You mean we have to go," added Emma, Sammi scrunching her brows together. "You seriously think we're just going to let you be alone where Nikki is? What kind of friends do you think we are," teased Emma, smiling at Sammi.
Sabrina walked over to the sofa, perching herself on the sofa's armrest, placing her chin on the crown of Sammi's hair. "You'll be fine. Things may seem like shit right now but I promise you, there's always a glimmer of light after a storm," said Sabrina. Sammi only smiled at the two girls, nerves slowly thawing out and relaxing.
June 13th
"What time does Tommy want us to show up?" shouted Sabrina from her bedroom into the hallway, scowling down at the multiple outfits on her bed. Sammi shuffled into Sabrina's room, undoing the last hair roller from her dark locks.
"He said 8:30," answered Sammi, seeing a digital clock read 8:40. When it came to times for parties, they were only a suggestion for the girls. Tommy never meant the time he really said. Sammi scanned the bed before picking up a blue strapless dress. "You should wear this one. It's a nice summer color,"
"So happy to have you help with my little dilemmas," smiled Sabrina, grabbing the dress to change in the private bathroom. "Is Emma ready?" Sabrina shouted through the restroom.
"Yeah, I just needed to finish straightening my hair," entered Emma, ready to go in her purple jumpsuit. "Are you ready, Sammi?" asked Emma.
Sammi scrunched her brows together. "Oh yeah, I'm already dressed. I only need my heels,"
"I don't mean physically ready even though I love that black dress. I meant ready to see the guys again. Specifically a certain bassist,"
Sammi pursed her lips out. "No, but it's going happen sooner or later,"
"That's the spirit! I'll call us a cab while Sabrina's changing. Remember it's still going to be a fun night!" cheerfully said, Emma.
"If you say so," said Sammi with hesitation.
From the grand driveway, guests from the party scenes had already flooded the mansion, either inside or outside. The girls walked up the front steps, smiling politely and maneuvering past people they didn't know until inside. Sammi scanned the foyer and living room, hesitant to find familiar faces just yet. It wasn't until Sammi heard her name yelled out in a high pitched voice.
"Sammi! Finally, you're here!" yelled out Heather in excitement, walking as fast as she could in her heels. She swiftly hugged Sammi tightly, ignoring the presence of Emma and Sabrina. Sammi embraced back with less enthusiasm but still happy to see her sister-in-law. "It's been so long! I have missed you so much!" said Heather, releasing Sammi from her grip. "Did you all just get here? Let's go to the kitchen for a drink!" suggested Heather, grabbing Sammi's hand, pulling her further into the house. Sammi flashed anxious wide eyes at Emma and Sabrina, the two only shrugging their shoulders and following. A few people began to recognize Sammi as the four passed through, almost remembering Tommy's other sister. The kitchen wasn't better in the number of people, some others herding in the quarters. Heather let go of Sammi, playing hostess, as she filled up three glasses of expensive champagne. Soon another person in the herd approached the absent girl, clearing his throat to gain her attention. Sammi's eyes lit up, as did her smile when realizing who it was.
"Mick!" exclaimed Sammi.
"How have you been, Little One?" said Mick, smiling his best as the two exchanged a small hug. "I'm not one to be needy, but how come I haven't heard much from you?"
Sammi shrugged her shoulders. "School has been kicking my ass. It's harder than I forgot," joked Sammi.
"I'm happy that's your reason. It's been quiet without you,"
"How can it be so quiet? I'm the least crazy out all of you," teased Sammi.
Mick shrugged his shoulders. "Quiet for me at least,"
"Here you go, Sammi. Heather had to find Tommy," said Sabrina, passing her the champagne glass.
"Hey, Mick! Enjoying the party?" asked Emma, forming a small circle between the four.
"As much as I can for a little while. I'm just waiting for my girl to stop by then I'm taking off," said Mick, earning wide eyes from all the girls.
"You have a girlfriend?" asked Sabrina with an amused smile.
"That's so nice!" said Emma.
"Who is she?" asked Sammi, cocking a raised eyebrow.
Mick began to smirk, taking a sip of his alcohol of choice. "Her name's Emerson. She's a backup singer, but please don't tell the guys. The three of you can't tell them,"
The girls all scrunched their brows at Mick. "Why? Is she someone they know?" asked Emma.
"We hired her to tour with us. That's how we met. But I know they'll just bust my balls for liking her,"
"Mick, you shouldn't let the guys dictate who you want to like. If you really like this girl then they're just going to have to deal with it," advised Sabrina.
"Unless she's mean to you then we're going to have a problem," said Sammi, winking at Mick.
Mick scuffed at the girls. "Whatever just please keep it yourselves, for me. That is all I ask,"
"Promise," the girls said in unison.
"Thank you. Come on let's find your brother and sister, they've been wondering about you," said Mick, taking the lead to leave the stuffy kitchen. Right as Sammi stepped out, her eyes couldn't help but fall directly onto a man far away, almost making her freeze. Nikki staring right at her, back against the wall. Sammi swallowed hard, continuing to follow Mick and the girls, eyes looking down. This didn't stop Nikki; he followed every step Sammi took until disappearing behind a wall. Sammi couldn't help but finish the champagne in one gulp, placing the glass on a random table.
"Sammi! Finally! I was starting to think you were going to show up!" yelled out Tommy in excitement, hugging the youngest sister. "And ladies, always lovely to see the two of you!" Emma and Sabrina giggling alongside Tommy. Athena appeared right past Emma, only smirking at her without a word. She kissed Sammi on the cheek, passing her a refreshed drink of vodka. "I see Mick got to you before anyone else. Let me get Vince!"
"Tommy, it's cool. I have all night to talk to people," said Sammi, biting her lip.
"Besides Vince is wrapped around a new blondie's finger," added Mick, sitting down on a nearby sofa.
"Vince got a new girlfriend?" asked Sammi.
Tommy shrugged his shoulders. "She's basically a look-like of Sharise. I give it two months while we're on the road,"
"When did you know about this?" Sammi asked Athena.
"About an hour ago when he walked through the door. She seems like a nice girl if I'm being honest," said Athena.
As if his ears were burning, Vince sturt his way to the group with a young woman wrapped around him. "Sam! What a surprise!" said Vince with excitement. Tommy shot a look between Athena and the girls, sitting down beside Mick. "Babe, this is Sammi. Tommy's other sister I was telling you about,"
"Hi, I'm Hayley. I've heard a lot about you," said Hayley extending out a hand, trying her best to not seem uncomfortable.
Sammi smiled politely, accepting the handshake to not be rude. "All good things I hope,"
"Of course all good. I'd never talk bad about you," said Vince, smirking lustfully at Sammi.
"Yeah, like how smart and nice you are," said Hayley. The tension between the two girls was incredibly thick. Anyone could cut it with a knife. Suddenly, the music changed from its rock sound to a techno beat, blaring even louder than before. Tommy jumped up to question, only to let out an annoyed groan when seeing a wild hair woman jump on the coffee table in the middle of the room. To the music's beat, the woman danced faster and faster, almost too fast for the music. Emma couldn't help but curl her lip at the woman, wrinkling her brows at Tommy. Sammi hitched her breath, caught in her throat when realizing it was Veronica.
"Who the hell is that?" asked Emma.
"Nikki's new girlfriend," groaned Tommy, pouring some whiskey into his solo cup. "She's a bitch," he whispered to the girls, noting the somber expression from Sammi.
"I don't know how Sixx deals with that. Come on, babe, let's go out to the pool," said Vince, wrapping his arm around Hayley's waist. "Later, Sam," winked Vince.
Sammi remained silent amongst everyone, sinking into the sofa to watch the unfortunate show display in front of her. People around the grand living room gathered to watch Veronica, snickers from other women as they watched. Muttered comments going around on the visible state of Veronica being high on some type of drug. This went on longer than anyone wanted, Sammi beginning to wonder if anyone had the heart to stop her. Most found it entertaining, while others didn't. Sammi glanced around the room, wondering where Nikki was during all of this. It wasn't until Heather stomped up to Tommy, bringing him down to her level to whisper in his ear. Sammi was able to read the anger on Heather's face, seeing her fold in her arms right at her husband. Tommy shook his head, marching straight to Veronica, and one swoop brought her off the table, clinging onto Veronica. Tommy tried his best to shuffle out of the living room even when it was becoming difficult.
"Let go of me you asshole! You demon!" shouted Veronica, her weak legs making her almost sink to the floor. As Tommy lifted Veronica back on her feet, Nikki appeared from thin air confused. Tommy couldn't help but throw the intoxicated girl at his best friend. Nikki didn't bother to help her stand on her two feet, letting Veronica stumble by his feet. Sammi could see the three frowning at Nikki's careless attitude toward Veronica.
"Was she dancing again?" asked Nikki, scowling down at Veronica.
"Yeah. Now can you please watch your chick? Some of us are trying to enjoy our night," said Tommy, going to the stereos to finally switch the music to something more bearable. He walked over to Heather with his classic Tommy smile, kissing her on the lips to melt any anger away. Grabbing Veronica by her arm, Nikki dragged her up on her feet, quickly turning away from all staring eyes. Nikki grinds hard his teeth when his eyes fell on Sammi for the second time of the night, being able to see the worry from her. The dysfunctional couple disappeared from within the house, everyone soon forgetting about the little show—everyone except for Sammi. Sammi stared down at her drink, Sabrina sitting right next to her.
"Ready to talk to him?" asked Sabrina?
Sammi bit the inside of her cheek, glancing up in the direction of where Nikki was. "Will I ever be?" scuffed Sammi, taking a swing from whatever was in her cup.
"Probably not, but it wouldn't hurt to try another time. Nikki already saw you. He knows you're here. And he's leaving in a couple of days. I'm only suggesting because I care about you,"
"I know. I'll be right back," said Sammi, passing Sabrina her cup as she stood up while fixing her short dress.
Sabrina wrinkled her brows at Sammi. "You're going to talk to him now?"
"No, but if I just happen to go missing please come find me," answered Sammi, carefully passing through the sea of people.
"Why do you keep making a scene everywhere we go?" whispered Nikki from behind the closed door. Sammi paused from touching up her makeup in the mirror, remaining completely still and silent to listen. "You're high again aren't you?" asked Nikki. Sammi pressed her ear to the door to listen better. She knew there was no point in hiding in the bathroom, thinking of Emma and Sabrina looking for her.
"So what if I am? It's a party!" shouted Veronica.
"That I didn't invite you to!" said Nikki. The silence between the two soon followed for a moment, Sammi slowly opening the door. She tried her best to not make her heels clank loud on the tile, walking into the hallway with small steps. The hallway's right end was utterly empty, causing Sammi to drop the cautious act as she shut the bathroom door behind her. "Sammi?" said Nikki, Sammi jumping in her skin when hearing her name. She peered over her shoulder, Nikki looking dead at her for the third time, somewhat softer finally. Veronica leaned slouched against the wall with a deadly stare, unhappy to see Sammi even if she was a stranger. It was clear to Sammi Nikki looked better than most days, Veronica appearing to be the only one under something. Sammi didn't peep a word, unable to say anything to Nikki, especially with his new girlfriend by his side.
"I know who you are," slurred Veronica, stumbling on her feet to regain balance, dodging Nikki's attempt to hold her down. She fought the urge to fall onto the floor, wanting to be right in Sammi's face. Sammi couldn't say or do anything, freezing at the taller woman looking down on her. Sammi could see the pin needle pupils in Veronica's eyes. "I know exactly who you are. You're the one corrupting Nikki. The one corrupting everyone," Sammi scrunched her brows deep together, looking past Veronica to Nikki. "No! Look at me! You're nothing but a devil. A devil!" shouted Veronica, inching closer to Sammi's face. Before having the chance to grip onto Sammi's bare arms, Nikki yanked Veronica down to the floor with no care if she got hurt.
"Don't fucking talk to her! You don't get to talk to her!" yelled Nikki at Veronica, scowling at her. Veronica laid flat down on her back, pouting up at Nikki. Nikki didn't care about Veronica's state of being in this moment, only wretched when Sammi appeared scared. "Leave her alone and leave me alone," Nikki said, grasping Sammi's arm lightly as he led them away from Veronica. Sammi couldn't help look back at Veronica, wondering if she had any idea of what was really happening. Nikki took Sammi to another empty hallway, the music almost a bit louder from where they stood. Sammi rested against the wall, unable to look Nikki in the eye even when she could feel Nikki's on her. "Got nothing to say?" asked Nikki.
"Thank you," mumbled Sammi, looking down at her feet.
Nikki scoffed, shaking his head. "Is that really all?" Sammi stayed silent. Nikki stepped closer to Sammi, lightly taking his hands to cup Sammi's cheeks, cradling her face. He brought her eyes to meet his, a loving brown meeting a foggy hazel. Just from the simple tough of something so innocent, a flush of pink stained Sammi's cheeks. Nikki couldn't help but crack a small smile, missing the sweet face. Alas, the unfortunate always comes. "I know you and Vince had sex," said Nikki, dropping his hands and stepping back.
"What?" uttered Sammi, lips parting in shock, deep wrinkles setting in between her brows.
Nikki only shrugged his shoulders. "I guess you aren't that great anymore to keep him around," said Nikki.
Before Sammi could say anything, Nikki headed straight for the front of the house, hands in his pocket as he ignored everyone. Everything came like a tsunami wave; all Sammi could see was red. Instead of beginning to cry, Sammi marched her way through the party, ignoring the calls of her name from Athena or Sabrina. When reaching the outside, Sammi was able to find Vince in a short second, making a fast b-line to him. Vince didn't pay any attention to his surroundings, talking to a friend by the pool without Hayley. Vince was soon heavily pushed into the body of water in a blink, drink flying out of his hand. When he came up to the surface, Vince was ready to fight until realizing Sammi was scowling down at him.
"Sammi, what the fuck!?" yelled Vince. Tommy and Athena were quick to run out to get Sammi, Sammi pushing away their grasps.
Hayley rushed to Vince's side. "What's wrong with you?!" asked Hayley.
"Why did you tell Nikki?!" screamed Sammi. "You promised!" Vince bit his lip, looking at everyone but Sammi. "Huh?!"
"Sam," whispered Athena, softly pushing her away from the edge of the pool. Tommy pulled Vince up out of the water, glaring right at him for answers.
"Why are you so mad you slept with me?!" asked Vince, Athena, and Tommy, eyes opening wide at Sammi.
"Because it was a drunk mistake!" shouted Sammi. She shook her head at Vince. "You didn't give a shit about me," spit Sammi.
"You had sex with Vince?" asked Athena, concerned. Sammi didn't give an answer.
Emma and Sabrina delicately put a hand on Sammi's shoulders, being the only people who didn't get shoved off. "Sam, we're going home," ordered Emma, grabbing her hand as she shot daggers at Vince. Sammi didn't protest, letting the girls engulf her in protection from stares. They didn't need anyone to judge Sammi as she was only a stranger to everyone. Mick had already left from the madness, knowing he would hear from the grapevine. Once the girls were in a cab, Emma turned to Sammi. "Are you finally going to talk to Nikki? And this time like adults?" Sammi only dropped her head against the fuzzy middle seat, nodding with another word.
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therewasatale · 4 years
Kindred spirits
On Ao3.
There are countless interdimensional service and food establishments across the multiverse. In some cases, the building or the interior itself is travelling from world to world, sometimes buying items in one dimension and selling them in the next one. In other cases, only the opening door appears in different or even multiple worlds, and the interior is situated in some kind of pocket space. Probably because the rent is cheaper that way.
One of these latter places was the "Beasts Den", a small smoky pub which served as a refuge for everyone who was obsessed with exotic or magical animals. It was a strange niche for an establishment but considering the vastness of the universe, it would have been stranger for it not to exist. As it is all people in the multiverse who had that strange gentle insanity which led to someone naming a twenty-meter-long scaled beast with claws longer than kitchen knife and multiple tentacles "Fluffy", had the potential to find this place.
It appeared as an old wooden door scratched and burned multiple times with the letters "Beasts Dean, Animals welcome" hammered into it in metal letters. It was usually found when those aforementioned people were at a low point in their life, and they needed some company aside, or with their little house pets.
And if someone, Rubeus Hagrid was in need of something to get the weight off his mind, and some stiff drinks would have been a great start. Honestly, he would have considered it a great continuation, and probably finish as well, but it didn’t turn out well the last time. He was heading towards the Hog's Head but turned down between two houses when he noticed something unusual. He knew Hogsmead like the back of his hand but he never saw that battered door before.  And now he was in front of it in a back alleyway.
He knew he shouldn’t.
Unknown new doors appearing in a wizard village were usually the result of some prankster, or something even more sinister, but Hagrid didn’t care anymore. It looked like an inn, seemed welcoming, and he really, really needed something to drink. He pushed down the door handle, and to his surprise, there was no shower of confetti or fart noise, but it opened into an actual pub.
The room was filled with the smell of something acrid, smoke, alcohol, and thousand more, not many of them pleasant. There were perches, boxes, and cages everywhere, hiding serpentine or furry shapes which watched the patrons with suspicious eyes. On the perches sat a variety of critters from birds seemingly made out of pure crystal to a lemur kind of primate which had membranes under its arms. To Hagrid's surprise the patrons were just as varied as the animals.
There was a person wearing a trench coat and a matching hat, feeding chicken nuggets to something similar to a small demonic dog. There was also a young man around his twenties with a red and white patterned baseball cap playing with a couple of similarly designed small balls and drinking a half-emptied mug of beer.
On the other side of the pub a muscular woman wearing animal pelts was letting her bear drink from her wine glass as she gently petted the animal's head. Hagrid didn’t even get the usual stares regarding his height and stature as he lumbered in. He walked to the counter and took a seat beside a solemn looking brown-haired woman who wore slightly singed thick letter clothing.
The barstool barely creaked under him when he sat down and as he moved around it adjusted to his size. He leaned against the counter and let his earlier melancholy flow back into him. It was a wonderous place, but right now it just reminded him of what he had to give up. He sighed as he raised his hand.
A big man, almost his size stepped up to him on the other side of the counter He had a mass of scars for a face, and an eyepatch, but despite this he wore a surprisingly gentle smile on his face.
"Good evening. What can I get for you?"
"Evening. A pint of beer, and after that keep it coming, please. I had a rough day. "
The barkeep nodded with an all-knowing smile. During his long time as the barkeep in the "Beasts Den" he seen this countless times. In his opinion a good barkeep didn’t asked if the patron didn’t want to speak, and more importantly never judged. He just provided a port in the storm.
"Aren't we all. " Huffed the woman right next to Hagrid. She was drinking sherry from a wine glass and wore an expression just as downcast as his own.
"Mhmm." Answered Hagrid as he got his mug of beer. He contemplated to say something or not, but after a bit of deliberation he decided that he needed it off his chest, and besides if someone, the strange people in this pub would understand it.
"I had to give up my pet. He grew up to be too big, and the principal said I couldn’t keep it around the school where I work as a groundskeeper." The half giant sighed and emptied his glass in a couple of big gulps. "I loved that little rascal. "
"I am really sorry." Said the woman with a gentle expression and patted the man's shoulder. "I know how hard is can be to lose a pet. Sybil Ramkin by the way."
She extended her hand the groundskeeper of Hogwarts took it into his shovel sized ones and shook it.
"Rubeus Hagrid. And yes, its, really hard." Hagrid could feel tears welling up in his eyes. He reached into his pocket and started dabbing them away with his half-charred handkerchief." He…he was feisty, but I know its jut because that’s how he showed his love. I-I will always miss him. I remember when he was little, he always tried to bite off my fingers." Sobbed Hagrid slowly and heaved a mighty sigh.
"It's all right, just let it all out," smiled gently Sybil and petted the man's giant hand.
"My poor Norbert is now away somewhere in Romania in a sanctuary. I don’t even know if he will like it there. Anyway…" Hagrid shook his head and wiped away his tears as he got another pint of beer from the barkeep. "…I don’t just want to vent on you. Why are you here? You said you had a bad day too?"
"Oh yes, I have some problem with poor Thaddeus here." She leaned to her left and patted a big carrier box beside her chair. Something hissed at her as an answer. "He is a rescue, but he is bit cranky, have a dull color and already an adult, so I'm afraid no-one will want to adopt him. I can't keep him with the others because he is really territorial with them. I am afraid I will have to put him down." Sybil sighed and it was her turn to take out a handkerchief and use it to wipe away a couple of big tears from her face.
Hagrid nodded solemnly as he looked at the box, when a sudden wild idea appeared in his head.
"I could take him." He said before his head managed to consider any consequences.
"Don’t say things like that." Waved the woman as she got hold of her emotions. "You don’t even know what he is."
Hagrid deflated a little bit and nodded. It was true, and, he had a habit of picking up all sort of critters without first learning how to properly take care of them. He emptied his mug of beer again before starting to speak again.
"Sorry, I just feel empty after losing my dragon, and…" Sybil choked a bit on her own drink and placed it down between a couple of big coffs.
"Dragon…Your Norbert was a dragon?" She coughed as Hagrid nodded again wondering what became of her.
"Yeah, a Norwegian Ridgeback. He became too big, and I had to give him away to a Dragon Sanctuary. What?" Asked Hagrid because the women were looking at him as intently as if she was trying to stare holes into him.
"How big is too big?" She asked suddenly.
"I…what?" Asked Hagrid completely baffled.
"How about, two feet maybe? No bigger?" Asked again Sybil hurriedly and leaned closer with a very determined expression.
"Uh…If Norbert would have been just two feet long there would have been no problem keeping him, yes. But he wasn’t, and…"
Sybil reached down and raised the small box from beside him, eliciting a disapproving gurgling noise from its resident. Through the holes on its side one could see a serpentine body, little stubby legs, a dull green color, and two suspicious little eyes.
"Have you ever had a Narrowe-Eared Smut?" Asked Sybil as she deposited the box in the lap of his drinking buddy.
Hagrid blinked a couple of times and gently wiggled a finger near one of the holes. The answer was a small but spirited gust of flame.
"Not yet." Answered the half giant with a warm tone in his voice. "But I would like to try."
"Well, I have a small booklet with me." Smiled Sybil gently. "Someone who loves dragons can't be a bad person, and at this point I would do anything to spare poor Thaddeus from the chopping block. " The woman's hand disappeared inside her pockets and she deposited a couple of items into the counter beside her sherry glass.
A golden pocket watch, a couple coal tablets, a small metal spoon, a notebook and a couple chewed up pencils. Finally, from the bottom of the pocket appeared a small booklet titled.
"Swamp Dragons and you: The Narrowe-Eared Smut and its care." She slid the paper towards Hagrid and smiled.
"There, everything is there that you need to know about the breed. "
Hagrid, still a bit shell shocked nodded, and slid the booklet inside his own, just as cluttered pocket. As Sybil slowly put everything back into her pocket, she glanced at the pocket watch she took out the first time, then flushed.
"By the gods, it's this late already? I have to be at the palace in half an hour and I need to change before that. Sorry Hagrid but I really have to go.  Hello, dearie." She patted the box gently as she stood up and placed a handful of coins on the counter. "If you have any question find me at the Ramkin residence, you two have a dragon of a time together. " Chuckled Sybill before storming out the door.
Hagrid only caught a glimpse from view outside, but the graffitied alleyway seemed much different from the one which he stepped in from.
"Wai-" The half giant tried to say something, but his talking partner was already out of the door. "Palace? Ramkin residence?" He muttered as he glanced down at the little box inside his lap. "I have never heard of such places."
The strange little creature answered with a small bubbling noise and belched a little cloud of smoke.
"Neither did I heard of swamp dragons. Well…It looks like I have something else to do instead of just moping." Hagrid smiled and placed a couple of coins on the counter before taking the box with him stepping out the door.
He found the alleyway just the same as it was when he stepped in. It wouldn’t be polite from a magic bar to not make sure that people somehow always get home after a night of heavy drinking. Glancing back, he wasn’t even surprised to see that the door had disappeared behind him.
"Well, I don’t really know what happened but one thing I do know." Hagrid looked down at the creature which was trying to scratch out the side of the box. "We are going to get along like a house on fire. " Smiled Hagrid and begin to walk home.
What he didn’t know that it was in fact a hut on fire, multiple times. And more than a few scratches and bites. But despite that, he wouldn’t have traded Thaddeus for all the treasures of the world.
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adrianodiprato · 3 years
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+ “Your breathing. The beating of your heart. The expansion of your lungs. Your mere presence is all that is needed to establish your worth” ~ Lyanla Vanzant.
Sunshine Heights Primary School
This afternoon I paid a visit to the first primary school I ever attend, Sunshine Heights Primary School in Sunshine West. I left Grade 4 at the school in 1981 to enrol in a local Catholic primary school for Grades 5 & 6.
I have two memories of my time at Sunshine Heights. The first was that I remember having one of my wisdom teeth removed by the on-site dentist. Yes, I said dentist, and I too have no idea why the primary school had a dental clinic on site. But I do recall the pain of having numerous anaesthetic injections and asking the dentist to stop with the injections and just pull it out. And so, she did!
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The second is this photo above. Under the photo was my Christian name, home address, and the following few statements:
I like to ride my bike and play with my toys.
Alan is my best friend.
At school I like to do my sums.
I like reading.
In this picture I am looking at the board.
So, I was keen to return after almost 40 years, to see what else I could remember from my childhood experience at Sunshine Heights. Although this visit didn’t necessary bring up any old memories, apart from recognising the location of the tuckshop, down ball courts and some of the classroom structures, I encounter something far more significant.
I encountered a Principal in David Cocks who is a living embodiment of a school leader that leads from the construct of permission. That rare commodity that only a small percentage of school leaders possess. It was abundantly clear that David operates from the deep position of trust, trust in the inherent ability of his highly dedicated staff and trust in the inherent possibility of each young person in his care. He gives all in his community the permission to operate from their true selves, and the space to be genuinely seen, heard, known, and loved. Powerful.
During my visit today I encountered this poem, which stands before you is what Sunshine Heights wants for their students, teachers, leaders, staff and community to aspire to:
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David embodies the aspiration of this poem, granting permission for all learners to enter a space of awe and wonder, or as I like to call it, a pedagogy of encounter, a deep encounter and tuning in with self, place and the other. Real, raw and vulernable. This pedagogy of encounter is embedded into the daily practice of the staff, students, and parents of Sunshine Height, manifested through their four pillars of courage, connection, commitment, and collaboration. Wherever you walk on the campus you’ll encounter these four pillars, not just in word but more profoundly in practice. Collaborative learning is complemented my staff forming intentional connections and positive relationship with the young people and vice-a-versa. All in a harmonious environment, equally deeply committed to the strength of their multicultural diversity and inclusion, through leveraging their courage to aspire to simply be more, for self, place and the other.
At Sunshine Heights Primary School, students are actively involved in learning experiences that focus on building understanding through explicit instruction using an inquiry approach and play learning opportunities. I witnessed creative and inquisitive learners, where laughter, play, pride, joy and happiness were a constant thread across all classrooms and in the spaces in between. Most uplifting.
We are in an interesting time in human history. There has been a real paradigm shift from the industrial age to one centred around connectedness like no other time in our history. For the first time in history most of us have the chance to decide what to do next, what to create and how to deliver it. The problem is that most people won’t take that chance because they are not prepared to be vulnerable.
Well, David and his staff are not afraid to be vulnerable, with each other and with their students. Being open to the construct of permission, means we enter a space where one thing is liking to occur, either we learn through failure, or learn through success. Being open, giving ourselves this permission to new continuous learning and unlearning teaches us the value of vulnerability in the way we can ultimately learn, lead, live and work.
Today's blog message is therefore about imploring a commitment to learning that is personal, that requires the guts of a deep tuning in, that calls for active participation, and that has the potential to change everything for the individual and our collective humanity. If you believe that you have no talent, in anything, then you are hiding. Life might scare you, sharing your thinking with others might scare you. Leading might scare you. But doing nothing by standing still, instead of standing up, should scare you the most. For there to be courage, there must be risk, being open to our own possibility through the profoundness of vulnerability.
The harsh reality is that there isn’t a pain-free way to achieve one’s goals. It takes the determination of foundational pillars like Sunshine Heights’ courage, connection, commitment, and collaboration, to navigate the internal ocean of our ups and downs. Some haven’t succeeded with their learning yet, or their leading yet, not because they can’t figure it out, but because they haven’t been willing to try and simply do it. Always claiming it’s all too hard, or what will others think. Nonetheless through action comes liberation of one’s heart and mind. The permission to triumph.
We all know that pain is real. It’s the pain of possibility, vulnerability and risk that hurts the most. The easiest way to avoid this pain is to lead and live a life that numbs you, simply existing. It is time however for all school leaders to consider the notion of vulnerability in all aspects of their leadership. To be vulnerable is to be new, fresh and risky, the natural antagonists of predictable, boring and safe. Education and knowledge are not limited to just gaining control and power. Leading learning communities and building collective knowledge is transformational. Transforming self is everything but predictable, boring or safe. Each school leader is capable of being bold, of changing more than they are willing to admit. Neil Young once stated, “Holding back is close to stealing”. Don’t rob yourself of greatness. Greatness comes to those that honour their inner truth through authentic participation in all opportunities.
The path that is available to us all is to reach higher than we’ve thought possible. Yes, by taking risks one becomes vulnerable. However, life is about an attitude and it is available to anyone who chooses to adopt it. Today I witnessed an educational leader in David Cocks with an infectious positive attitude in actively finding ways he and his school community can be better than they were yesterday, by simply saying yes to self, place and the other, this permission to being vulnerable.
One of the most common human failings in many schools is that some school leaders settle for too little, mainly the status quo. It is easier to fly low as a school leader because it feels safe. By flying too low we short-change ourselves and the community that we serve. We settle for low expectations and small dreams. Often society reminds us about the dangers of standing up, standing out and making a noise. I say it is time to say I am HERE!
I will finish with this passage I love from Brené Brown’s in her book, Dare to Lead:
As you think about your path to daring leadership, remember Joseph Campbell’s wisdom: “The cave you fear to enter hold the treasure you seek.” Own the fear, find the cave and write a new ending for yourself, for the people you’re meant to serve and support, and for your culture. Choose courage over comfort. Choose whole hearts over armour. And choose the great adventure of being brave and afraid. At the exact same time.
Thank you, David, for your generosity of time and of your heart today. The young people, of my old primary school, are in the capable hands of a dynamic school leader and a staff that understand that people matter, all people and all their individual stories of being and becoming. Expect the unexpected when you visit Sunshine Heights.
Ps: I don’t remember who Alan is, but he was my best friend. And I still like reading.
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irwinkitten · 5 years
feisty | a.i | part two
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notes: so this was deff requested after i posted feisty about 8 months ago lmao i got sent an anon who literally astounded me with their idea and so working off that, part two started to get created and honestly i love it so much. however, as i posted the other day, it reached 16k and i was like “this isn’t even halfway done i need to stop and reevaluate this” so i’ve decided it’s gonna be three parts with part three already started.  request: Hi I was thinking ab Feisty (I’m the one who requested a pt 2) but like I was really thinking about it and I absolutely adore the way Cassie was written. She’s strong, she’s powerful, and she knows what she wants. She never turned her back on the idea of a pack and being part of one even tho she’s human. I was wondering if maybe you could incorporate the idea of her having a wolf, but that wolf is locked inside of her, but it slowly makes it way out in different ways. Like the idea she’s a 1/?  Like one day she’s getting extremely riled up and all of a sudden only her eyes shift and everyone around her is like “um the FUCK Luna???” And no one knows how she was able to do that but then maybe she finds some sort of ancient script ab humans among werewolves and they’re actually extremely powerful and something to be feared bc they’re sent to guide the pack and all of a sudden it makes sense bc Roxanne and Trixie are both extremely smart and intelligent and the other humans within 2/? The pack that have come around during her time also have the same intelligence and wisdom that the wolves tend to overlook and it look Cassie for the packs to understand and appreciate their power and it’s like up to her to continue to push forward and make sure that all packs respect the humans as if they were a wolf themselves but inside the humans is a wolf more powerful that they’re in tune with which is why they are able to lead the pack and point out the flaws in plans and makes them so 3/? Valuable to the packs in different forms and she’s out here being bad fucking ass and she won’t take no for an answer and she just has all this power and she knows she might just be a human in many of the wolves eyes forever but she’ll be damned if she doesn’t go down trying to change that bc no one, I repeat no one, should disrespect her or the others like her bc they are not less than the wolves and idk that might not be the way you were thinking of taking it but it’s just what I imagine 4/? Bc I think it would be really cool to see the other wolves reactions to her having some sort of power within her that’s untapped, along w the other humans and the backlash and rebellion that could ensue. Like how are these ~humans~ so powerful they’re just that, filthy, disgusting humans and I think that would be a really cool spin on it but that’s just me lol. Tbh it’s time to go reread feisty again and just revel in how well written Cassie is and how much I am DYING for a part 2 5/5 ALSO sorry I was just thinking that you could make Roxanne’s mate someone powerful as well, showing that even those who are tortured are destined for greatness warnings: mentions of murder, death, word count: 14.2k lmao am i ever gonna write a small one shot that’s an oc? probably not.
part one
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The low alarm that keened throughout the small town of werewolves, it was one of both comfort and panic. The panic was of those who had been living on the edge, scared to step from the packs boarders without a warrior or two within distance or sight. 
The comfort resided within the Alpha and Luna, both who had planned and expected this to happen. 
There was a traitor.
The pair peeled themselves away from the bed, both fully focused on the fact that what they had seen, what had been pointed out to them had come to fruition.
“Luna?” A soft voice came from one of the rooms below theirs as they reached the next floor below, both dressed in similar attire, yet the Alpha’s attire was less restrictive than the Luna’s.
“You were right Trixie.” The soft tone of reassurance did nothing to stop the teenagers lip from wobbling. 
“So many are going to be hurt.” She whispered dejectedly as the Luna opened her arms out to the young girl. She stepped forwards into the embrace.
“Come, the elders will insist you are awake.” 
Nothing was spoken as the young woman and her charge continued further down, heading into the office that was located on the ground floor.
“Luna Cassidy, it’s about time.” The scathing tone of the Elder of Vinewood Pack reached her, Cassidy Irwin drew herself to her full height, meeting the Elder with a hard glare.
“Trixie Teller is the one who foresaw this. Need I remind you that she is but a child in all of this? They may be rogues but they are waging war, Elder Greydown. The knowledge of such a thing being right is distressing for any wolf, let alone a human teenager.” She snapped in return. The Elder scowled but did not refute her argument.
“Elder Greydown, I do not want to remind you, yet again to respect my Luna.” Cassidy watched as the Elder bowed to her mate.
“My apologies, Alpha Ashton.” Cassidy ignored the slight against her and bundled the trembling teenager into the spot between herself and her mate. Ashton did not hesitate to let his arm wrap around the teenagers shoulders, and she leaned gratefully into her Alpha’s comfort.
“Beta Hemmings has made contact with the warriors on patrol. They know not to engage, and survey the attempted attack.”
“Who knew of the council meeting?” Another Elder spoke up. It took a second before Cassidy realised it was Elder Maybanks.
“None outside this circle were told. Not even young Trixie knew of this.” Eyes fell on the form of the still shaking human teenager whose eyes were heavy and her body exhausted.
The silence of the alarm was deafening and the howl that followed in its wake was pain filled.
“They found the traitor.” Trixie whispered. Cassidy wanted to shield her from the pain, the dull reminder of her loss of Talon still serving her as a constant reminder of the failure that haunted her dreams.
“Should the human even be here?” Elder Greydown spoke, his tone condescending.
“You are coming very close to insulting someone under my protection, Elder Greydown.” Cassidy snapped. She received a scoff in return and Elder Maybanks exploded.
“You teach our pups to be tolerant, yet you cannot be tolerant of the two humans who have served our pack faithfully! It begs the question, what kind of tolerance are you filling the pups heads with in the first place?” 
Ashton held back the growl of frustration. He knew the Elder’s struggling attitude with the changes that Vinewood Pack had undergone. 
“Now is not the time.” Cassidy spoke, her tone stern and unrelenting. Elder Greydown huffed, but did not argue with her. She shared a look with Ashton and Elder Maybanks. They knew that they would be asking Greydown to step down before the week was out.
A sharp hiss escaped from Trixie before it turned into a whimper. 
“He’s hurt. Abel is hurt.” She got out as Cassidy held her face, forcing the teenager to look at her.
“You are here and safe. Alpha Irwin is tracking each of the warriors.” She knew better than to make the promise that he would return safely.
“His brothers are with him. He’ll be healed before he gets home.” Ashton reassured the teenager who gave into the tears. Cassidy understood. She allowed the teenager to cling to her in comfort as Ashton moved to his desk, tapping away at the laptop.
“Rosewood has confirmed that it’s Leo.” Ashton muttered and she sighed as Trixie finally relaxed against her. She carefully lay her down on the couch, tucking the blanket around her.
“How bad?” Cassidy finally asked once the teenagers breathing evened out.
“Sixteen wolves were injured. Two are serious, but the pack doctor with them has reassured me that they’ll be okay eventually.” Ashton murmured and his gaze returned to the two Elders in the room.
“We will require you at the offices by noon.” Both of them bowed to Ashton. Elder Maybanks bowed to Cassidy, Elder Greydown did not.
“If he wasn’t an Elder, I’d have Calum break his neck.” She muttered darkly once Ashton nodded that the two Elders had indeed returned home.
“He’s going to be retired from his position. Are your new teachers ready to take over the position?” She sighed.
“I think so. But there’s still some animosity between Roxanne and Gwen.” Ashton sighed.
“Gwen believes that Roxanne is the reason for her Aunt and Uncles’ demise and her cousins restriction, doesn’t she?” Cassidy nodded.
“Gwen is still openly hostile with her, and as much as I have tried to ingrain that Roxanne was the victim, she will see nothing of it. Personally, I’m close to pulling Gwen off the course and moving her to something that isn’t so potentially volatile.” Ashton nodded at his mates words, allowing her to talk freely.
Ever since they had returned so many years ago from his first visit to her old pack, she’d planned with various teachers about teaching the pups to practice tolerance and acceptance of humans within the pack. It became more so when more humans had been born.
Only a handful, but Ashton could see that each of them were gifted. Born years apart, the youngest only being just shy of a year old, and the oldest at the age of six already, Ashton knew that changes needed to be made and fast. 
The human girl they had rescued so long ago, Roxanne Teller, had been a significant trigger for the changes. Cassidy was determined that no child should suffer the fate that she had suffered.
Just shy of her twenty first birthday, Roxanne had been determined to do her adoptive parents proud. And she had excelled with Cassidy as her mentor.
Her younger sister, Trixie, was in a league of her own. Freshly turned fifteen year old was an extrodinaire with technology. Ashton had been the one to encourage that. But when she had turned thirteen, she’d been gifted with prophetic visions.
The Moon Goddess, Selene had appeared to both Trixie, and the Irwins, to explain the prophetic nature of the teenagers dreams.
They were dreams that could not be altered by choices or decisions. They were outcomes that the fates had decided themselves. Cassidy, was rightfully angry with her Goddess for placing such a burden onto the shoulders of someone so young.
“They will be prophecies of the years you will experience and the years you will never see. They are to guide my children into the rightful acceptance that you have started.” 
Cassidy knew she could not remain angry with the fates if they had deemed Trixie their host to record prophecies for years to come. 
Many had complained of Ashton taking both girls under his wing, but at the Alpha’s conference, both Ashton and her previous Alpha, Isaac Lockard told them of the successes that Cassidy had. 
That was the day the first laws began to change. Abuse of a human born or mated into a pack would be met with penalties and jail time. Anything that could be seen as an attempted murder will be met with either exile or execution.
Alpha’s grumbled about that until Cassidy stood up on the podium, her eyes sharp as she snatched a dagger from one of the security wolves belts and sliced her hand open like she did to her own pack.
Alpha’s watched in fascinated horror as her blood trailed down her hand, dripping onto the stage. 
She’d forcefully pointed out that any attack on a human could be considered attempted murder because there was no accelerated healing. 
The High Council has been quick to distinguish parameters of what was considered abuse and what was considered an attack.
It wasn’t a lot, but it had been a start for Cassidy.
Both were used to sleepless nights, and this one was no different. Ashton had his werewolf stamina to keep him going, Cassidy relied on caffeine to keep her afloat.
When Trixie stirred, she jolted awake in shock, a short gasp of hair escaping as black curls seemed to fly everywhere, wild eyes searching the room.
“It happened.” It wasn’t a question but Ashton nodded anyway.
“We had some injuries, but they’ll make a recovery. We found the traitor.” 
The tone in Ashton’s voice had dropped from reassuring to deadly in seconds, and Trixie couldn’t help herself as she shuddered. Part of her was grateful to her Luna that she demanded Trixie be kept away from any kind of interrogation. 
She didn’t want to be on the end of Alpha Ashton’s tone.
The shrill ring of the phone made the teenager jump in fright and Cassidy smiled as Ashton answered the phone.
“Morning Isaac.” 
Something was spoken for a second as Ashton placed the phone handle face down before hitting the speakerphone button.
“You’re on speaker now, Isaac. Trixie is with us.” 
The other Alpha did not need to be told the warning in Ashton’s tone. Keep it teenager friendly.
“Leo was injured last night. Hope nailed him good, however he was rescued by a wolf waiting on standby. It looks like there are a few traitors from packs within their cause.” Cassidy sighed.
“We managed to catch ours, or at least the only one we hope we have. What about your side?” Cassidy finally asked.
“Dead.” Came the blunt response and Trixie gasped.
“Isaac.” Cassidy snapped back as she took a hold of Trixie’s hands. “There was nothing you could do for them, sweet girl.”
“My apologies Miss Teller. Unfortunately, there would’ve been no saving this wolf. The rogues had clawed into their very minds and warped their entire views.” Trixie finally nodded before a blush crept up her skin. 
“It’s forgiven, Alpha Isaac.” She finally got out and Ashton smiled at her reassuringly. “If I can be excused? I know that Rox wanted to meet for breakfast and she’ll crucify me if I’m late.” Ashton nodded.
The excuse was weak, but she was still too young in Ashton’s eyes.
Once the door had closed, Cassidy moved herself to Ashton’s lap, his arms winding around her waist.
“Who was it, Isaac?” 
“Gregory Sampson.” Cassidy closed her eyes at that, her heart sinking at the fact the sweet boy she knew had turned traitor. 
“Who discovered him?” She felt Ashton’s hand on her hip, his thumb rubbing slow circles into her skin. 
“Kallie Tyson.” Came the amused response and Cassidy snorted. 
“What tipped her off?” 
“She was there the day Leo was exiled. Apparently he hadn’t bothered to dampen his scent and she smelled him all over Sampson. She’s been wary of a lot of wolves after the whole debacle years ago. When she realised the scent, she went to patrol and alerted them.” Isaac explained and she sighed. 
“Was Sampson executed immediately?” Ashton’s tone was a lot more calmer than the harsh tones he’d spoken earlier. 
“No. We got him for all the information that he was worth. I know that another two packs caught traitors, not including yours. Cassidy I’d say collate with the other strategists. Get the information any way possible and work through it.” A low sigh escaped her lips and Isaac paused. “Cassie?” 
She tried not to groan, she knew that when her old Alpha called her Cassie, it was his way of checking in with her as her surrogate family member and not her old Alpha. 
Before she could speak up, Ashton cut her off, giving her an apologetic glance. 
“Elder Greydown has been testing her patience. He’s been the one who has been teaching other pack Elders for tolerance with humans. However he borderline disrespects Cass in front of other Elders and pack members.”
Cassidy found she couldn’t be angry with Ashton as she laid her head on his shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek to convey that she wasn’t mad at him. 
Isaac growled audibly. 
“I’m assuming that his position is about to become open to other Elders?” 
“Yes and no.” Cassidy answered calmly. “I’ve been training pack members to take over that role. However there’s been animosity between the two of them so I may ask for an outside Elder to come in and learn but then teach other packs.” 
“I’ll speak with Elder Orion. You know he forever asks after you.” Cassidy grinned. 
“That’s because I’m respectful to my elders, old timer.” She teased and Isaac barked out a laugh. 
“Alright trouble. Get in touch when you want to plan with the strategists. I’ll spread the word to the other packs.” 
“Appreciated Isaac.” Ashton muttered before the line went dead and Cassidy sighed. 
“How long do we have until we need to be at the offices?” This earned a tired groan from Ashton. 
“I don’t want to have to deal with Greydown’s disrespect. I’m hoping that the other Elders being there will reign him in but I’m not going to hold my breath. We need to start moving now if we want to get there on time.” 
Cassidy moves from her mates arms, but not before giving him a gentle kiss. He smiled in return before pushing himself up and the two headed to get changed from the black outfits they’d worn in preparation. 
Part of Cassidy was raging. Angry that rogues would make this attempt. Another part of her was filled with sorrow, knowing full well that there would be packs that would collapse from that kind of onslaught. 
By the time the two had reached the offices, her mind was whirling. She greeted the Elders that were gathered, unsurprised at the lack of respect from Greydown. 
It hit her. 
She kept her body relaxed, refusing to give away her realisation. She knew that the moment he was discovered, it would either cause more problems or give them their solutions. 
Taking Ashton’s hand in hers was always normal. Absentmindedly, she began to trace letters into his palm, making out soft patterns at each space so the game wouldn’t be given away. 
The Elders knew she was very touchy with her mate for good reason. They eventually got used to their Luna’s quirks, barely concealed amusement on their lips at the resigned look on their Alpha’s face when she threw herself into the architectural planning of new homes. 
Ashton understood her message, immediately switching to plan B. They’d concocted this plan when lay together, her mind frazzled with worry of a traitor being someone so close to them they’d never suspect it. 
“Yes Alpha?”
“Tell me Greydown, why do you respect me but not my mate? And if you utter a word about her humanity, I’m sure she will take gleeful pleasure in throwing you from the window.” Ashton’s casual comment was met with a look of fear. 
He pinned the older man down with a dead stare, the mirth gone from his face. 
“She doesn’t know how to run a pack. And as your Luna, she still falls under your command yet flounces it regardless.” Both Irwins could see the hesitation. His words were just another dig at her humanity without outright saying the words. 
“Tell me Elder Greydown, I have ever disrespected your authority?” Cassidy started. Ashton leaned back with a smirk. 
“No, Luna.” 
“Have I ever been found lacking with my leadership, especially when I was appointed the Head of the strategists?” His smirk grew wider. Greydown became slightly flustered, his cheeks dark as he avoided looking at her. 
“No Luna.” 
“Look at me.” Her voice rang with the authority she held as the Alpha’s mate and Greydown’s head snapped up, staring at her in shock and awe. 
“Why do you believe that my humanity is a problem then? Everyone knows a wolf's mate is their ultimate weakness. Why is my humanity a deciding factor in that too? Or do you just hate humans on principle?” Greydown kept his lips pressed shut. “Answer me, Elder Greydown.” Her voice rang with the authority once more and he found himself unable to keep his mouth closed much longer. 
“They’re a disease that needs to be taken under control. We’ve had six runts born since you arrived and clearly it’s knowledge of a disease to spread to packs, to ruin the hierarchy.” 
Ashton’s smirk had fallen from his lips, standing from his chair as he stalked forward, closing the distance between the two. 
Cassidy didn’t even try to stop her mate. She’d learned fast he was a possessive mate at the best of times but anyone disrespecting her? 
She could only hope for Greydown that Ashton was in a kind mood. 
“Watch how you speak about my mate, Greydown.” The growl was low, a warning. 
Greydown scoffed in return. 
“I will speak of the human how I want. She wants to believe she’s Luna so badly.” 
The room froze at the Elders words, Ashton glancing back to his mate who had closed her eyes in rage and frustration. 
She paid no mind to the others as she rose from her seat, her eyes snapping open and glaring at Elder Greydown. She didn’t miss how his eyes widened and his cheeks drained of their colour. 
“You have no right to speak to me like that. Let alone the other humans in this pack who will outsmart you six ways to Sunday. You’re relieved of your duties of teaching tolerance. Tell me, would Leo Lockard treat this failure with the retribution he tried to give to me?” 
The shock turned to horror. He attempted to move but found himself being pinned down. 
“Sit still.” Cassidy snapped, her anger flooding dangerously. Greydown froze and didn’t move. 
“Get him out of here.” Ashton snapped to the two guards that had restrained Greydown. His attention turned to Cassidy. 
“Love, you need to calm down.”
“Why?” Ashton didn’t respond to her, merely pulling her to the mirror that sat in the office. 
She stared at herself in shock, fingers reaching up to touch her skin, her eyes focused on the amber coloured eyes that stared back in shock. 
Her gaze met Ashton’s as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“We can ask around other Elders. They’ll have something we can work on, with what’s going on.” Cassidy found her voice lost as she looked back to the mirror, watching as the amber coloured eyes faded, leaving her bright green eyes confused and tired.
It’d been days since Greydown had been exposed as a traitor to the pack. Ashton had kept the techniques used quiet, but he relayed all the information that Greydown had given them. 
Part of Cassidy was screaming at her, telling her that something was off with the information.
“Ashton, I’m not saying that I don’t believe you-” The gentle smile from her mate as he cut her off relaxed her tense shoulders.
“-but it feels like something is wrong. I know sweetheart. But we’ve tried every tactic.” Ashton climbed into bed with her, her body automatically pressing against his as they fell into their positions easily. 
Sometimes Cassidy marvelled at the bond. Their first year together was almost purely physical, like they were trying to reconnect their souls. And she’d guessed that in a sense they were. But the smallest thing would set Ashton off, and vice versa. 
They learned what buttons could be pressed and what they needed to avoid. And after the first year, it calmed down so fast part of her wondered if it had just been a bizarre yet realistic dream. 
When it had come to nights, they could share the night easily, no hastily ripped off clothes or pushing their delights into the early hours of the morning. Some days Cassidy just enjoyed being held by her mate, and others she enjoyed the way he ravished her until the early break of dawn. 
Tonight was a night where she was content to lay in his arms, fingers trailing up and down her skin.
“Would you be willing to let me try?” Her question made him tense, but she was surprised he didn’t outright reject the idea immediately. This caused her to turn her head towards her mate who was wearing a contemplative look on his face.
“That wouldn’t be a bad idea. He wouldn’t expect you.” 
“And we can see if what happened the other day happens again. It looked like he couldn’t even fight my orders, although he must’ve tried.” Cassidy’s tone was convincing, hardly daring to believe that her mate was even considering this. 
“It’s one way of looking at it. But also, if he’s the only traitor to the pack, he’s the only one that knows about your eyes and the slight change. It means we have an avenue to look into that people may underestimate you for.” She could see that his mind was disappearing down various ideas. So she reached up and kissed him softly.
“We’ll keep considering my handsome mate. But both of us need rest, especially if I get to do this tomorrow.” The tease was delicate but Ashton could only grin. 
“As you wish, my love.” 
The following morning, Trixie was waiting for the couple at the breakfast bar. The majority of wolves that lived in the main pack house had either gone to school or work, or they’d be returning home from their shifts in the next few hours.
“Alpha.” Ashton took in Trixie’s exhausted state, her hands trembling but the determination set on her face intrigued him.
“Yes Miss Teller?” 
She’s following formalities, Cassidy mused as she remained at Ashton’s side.
“Selene came to me last night. She has instructed me to oversee the next three days.” Immediately Ashton tensed and Cassidy wondered if he was going to change his mind about her dealing with the traitor.
Then it dawned on her that the techniques he’d most probably used wouldn’t be good for a fifteen year old human to see.
“What were her exact words, Miss Teller?” Ashton’s response was calm, but Cassidy knew her mate better.
“Tell your Alpha that the next three days are crucial for you. A prophecy will be in play that you do not understand, but must follow through.” Ashton hummed as he took in her exhausted appearance.
“What happened in the dream, Trix?” Her body seemed to sag at the use of her name as tears flooded her face.
“It was Roxanne.” Dread filled Cassidy’s stomach.
“She was h-hurt so badly. But no one cared about her!” Ashton was quicker than Cassidy as he soothed the distressed teenager. “S-she was dying, in the middle of a road. They hurt her so much. Tied her to a kennel and left her in the wilderness.” Cassidy froze. 
“Sweetheart, what else happened?” 
“She was crying for our Luna, but they laughed. They-they-” She was sobbing into Ashton’s chest now, her words cut off from her sobbing but when the two mates shared a look, they knew exactly what she had seen.
Her nightmare had been a mixture of what had actually happened to her older sister with her own nightmare of Cassidy never answering the call she’d made as a child. Cassidy left her mate to comfort Trixie as she called Roxanne.
“Luna?” Her voice was groggy and tired.
After the prophetic dreams began, Rae Teller had requested that Trixie remain in the pack house, knowing that the urgency and frequency of these dreams would be too much for the teenager. It’d distressed both the sisters and parents when the move first happened and Trixie was struggling, feeling like her parents were rejecting her.
However Rae called her every night for a month and visited as often as her new job would allow. She’d rediscovered her talent in peacekeeping, and often went on envoys with her husband to attempt to settle various conflicts. 
Trixie then understood the need of her job and was the first to convince her parents to make the first trip when she was fourteen. Roxanne had already moved out of the pack house by that point but the sisters would meet for lunch before their respective school hours and work hours and almost always shared dinners together.
“You’re needed at the pack house today.” She responded softly.
“Is Trixie-”
“Your sister is fine. I’ll explain when you get here.” Cassidy cut her off calmly, knowing that she needed to be the voice of reason at this point.
Roxanne hated her past, she never opened up about it to anyone apart from the therapist that Ashton had convinced her to see not long before her eighteenth birthday. She’d resisted till she broke down in front of her Alpha. That was her turning point.
She’d never talked about the details to her parents, but they knew she’d been abused. However it had been some kind of unanimous agreement that Trixie would never learn of the horrors Roxanne suffered.
Their Goddess had taken the decision from their hands and shown her in her dreams in the worst way possible.
When Roxanne arrived, her hair dishevelled and clothes seemingly the first things she could pull on-sweatpants and a tank top-Cassidy intercepted her at the door.
“I need to tell you so it doesn’t shock you. Our Goddess came to Trixie last night.” Immediately Roxanne was wary, her dirty blonde hair falling in front of her eyes as she pulled it into a loose bun.
“Luna, what did she show her?” 
“There’s something that’s going to happen today, I’m going to see the traitor we caught,” Roxanne’s eyes widened, “she was told she needed to be with me as it happened. However, the Goddess emphasised her point by showing you.” 
“Specifically, what happened to you before I found you.” Cassidy watched as Roxanne took a step back, her face filled with shock followed by anger. Then resignment.
“It scared her, didn’t it?”
“She’s clinging to my mate sobbing her heart out, distressed because she saw you getting hurt. Apparently you called out for me and I never came.” That in itself was distressing for Cassidy, to turn her back on someone in need.
Roxanne didn’t hesitate to hug her Luna tightly.
“You came for me regardless. And you came for her too.” Cassidy felt slightly guilty, her own distress at the words eating her up. But Roxanne didn’t relent as she pulled away and looked towards the kitchen.
Cassidy needed no further encouragement as she led Roxanne to the kitchen to find that Ashton had sat on the bar stool, Trixie was sat cradled in his lap like a child. His voice was soothing, the sobbing having receded to gentle hiccups of noises as his fingers worked through her dishevelled jet black curls. 
All Cassidy could think at that moment was how good a father he would be when they were ready.
“Trix?” Roxanne’s voice was hesitant and Cassidy watched as the younger sister scrambled off Ashton’s lap, launching at her sister, the tears still streaming down her face.
“Alpha told me that it was real. Please, please tell me he’s lying.” Cassidy could feel the tears prick the corner of her eyes. Roxanne’s were falling down her cheek.
“Alpha wasn’t lying, baby. Before Luna saved me, those nasty people who had me, hurt me in the worst ways. But then Luna rescued me, and brought me to you, where momma was the first wolf to show an ounce of love towards me.” 
“R-rox.” the younger Teller’s voice trembled as she gasped her sisters name, but Roxanne shushed her, soothing her back curls with her hands as she pulled away to look her sister in the eyes.
“Then you came in, sat atop our Alpha’s shoulders and asked me to be your sister, that your warrior would protect us both and we’d have big brothers who are teddy bears.” Cassidy pressed her lips to stop the giggle at the description of Josh and Jacob. 
The twins had lived up to that description, both of them forming solid friendships with the girls as they got older. No other wolf dared to insult the girls, knowing that it would get back to the warriors and they’d be facing a pissed off Alpha.
“I was reborn that day because of you, Trixie. You, momma and pops gave me a new life that I wanted. Whatever our Goddess showed you was probably true, I was treated with cruelty and hatred. But I found love in abundance with you.” 
It wasn’t much longer till Trixie had calmed down enough to let her sister go, only to return to her Alpha and accept the hug that he offered her.
“I’m assuming our Goddess showed you that to show what could most likely happen. She’s done it before so we’ll follow her guidance for now. But any signal that you want out, just show and we’ll get you out of there, okay?” Trixie nodded against his shoulder before he moved and began to make breakfast.
Roxanne sat down, throwing a cheeky smirk to her Alpha.
“It’s not often you get an Alpha making breakfast for you Trix. Maybe I need to come by more often.” 
“You can make your own breakfast, ratbag.”
“Hey, I came over here at your mates request! I was lying in the most comfortable bed at the time.” Roxanne whined in return, earning a laugh from Ashton.
“I doubt your mate would appreciate you calling him a bed.” Roxanne snorted.
“He makes the bed worth the comfort, but he doesn’t match the comfort of that bed and he knows it.” Ashton laughed, Trixie’s own soft giggles joining in and Cassidy smiled as she realised their ploy. 
To make the teenager giggle. 
When they reached the pack offices, Trixie was a lot more relaxed. Roxanne had foregone this trip, not entirely comfortable with the idea of watching an interrogation.
Ashton didn’t begrudge her this, instead asked her to coordinate with the other Elder’s with Elder Maybanks. The Elder never questioned the change, knowing that the disrespect would never have gone unpunished in Ashton’s eyes.
Cassidy felt her nerves, knowing that pack eyes were on her whether they’d announced this or not. People looked to how she dealt with situations and this was another one.
Calum greeted them with ease, pulling Trixie into a bear hug which made her giggle. 
“Everything okay little bird?” His voice was quiet and she nodded her head, glancing at Ashton. He nodded it in return. 
“Selene came to me last night.” Calum raised a curious eyebrow at that. 
“She decided to show her something that involved her sister.” Cassidy’s voice was tight and Calum gave her a confused look before she shook her head subtly. 
He took the indication and moved the subject forward. 
“So that was what drew my mate from me first thing? Sounds fair. Didn’t think I’d see you here though, little bird.” The statement wasn’t laid with curiosity as the group finally moved, Trixie pulling away to move back to Cassidy’s side. 
“I was told to be here.” Was the only reply she could give. Ashton smiled at her before motioning to his Head Warrior to hold fire. 
Calum fell silent as they made their way through the offices, his stern glare making wolves pause in their approach. 
Abel held no such qualms when he realised who was with his Alpha. 
“You’re safe.” Trixie breathes before rushing to meet him, her arms going around his neck as she held him tightly. 
“I’m sorry. Jacob got to me quick enough so it’s only desk duty for a few days rather than weeks.” He murmured in return and she simply held him a little bit tighter. 
Cassidy watched with relief as he comforted her and she shared a small smile with both Ashton and Calum. 
Abel had been invaluable to the Tellers. After his discovery that Trixie was his mate, he made every effort to help them get Roxanne settled into what should’ve been a life that she should’ve experienced growing up. 
Trixie was kept in the dark about her mate until she moved into the pack house and finally understood that loving her best friend the way she did was okay because he was hers. 
When Ashton offered to allow Abel to stay in the pack house she shook her head almost immediately; to Ashton’s confusion and Cassidy’s amusement. 
“I-I don’t want that with him. Not yet.” Her voice was timid and Cassidy understood. 
Ashton wasn’t quite so understanding. 
“But he’s your mate?” Cassidy took pity on her own mate. 
“She’s not ready to explore that side of their relationship. He’s her best friend and she’s comfortable enough to admit that she loves him but this is new territory for her. Not to mention, I doubt she wants anything untoward happening under her Alpha’s roof.” Cassidy’s explanation had sent Trixie red as a tomato, her eyes unable to meet her Alpha or Luna’s gazes.
But she nodded.
Then the light-bulb clicked for Ashton and he pressed his lips to hold back a laugh. He knew that laughing at the young human would distress her. 
“Don’t be ashamed of your choice, Trixie. You know Abel will wait for you.” Ashton finally managed without choking on the words. 
She’d fled soon after and then Ashton had laughed at the fact that she was so mortified. 
But in that moment, the way her hands fluttered around his face-her eyes and hands searching for any visible injuries-it was painfully obvious how much she cared for him. 
“Abel, with us if you will?” Ashton instructed as the group began to move once more. Trixie was torn between her Luna and her mate and Cassidy simply came up to her other side so that she was sandwiched between them. 
Two more wolves followed behind whilst Ashton and Calum took the lead. 
The group remained silent until they reached the elevator, only daring to talk as they passed underground level. 
“Why is Trixie here, Alpha?” Abel finally asked and Cassidy just nodded at Ashton’s brief glance. 
“She’s here because we found the traitor. Elder Greydown. We’ve tried to get all the information, however we’re not sure to trust it so religiously. So my mate is going to take a crack at him. According to Selene, Trixie must be with her.” Abel felt his stomach jolt as they reached the lowest level. 
Cassidy took pity on the warrior wolf, his eyes darting to an oblivious Trixie. 
“She was shown what happened to her sister.” Calum blanched at that, his sharp gaze meeting Cassidy’s. 
“She didn’t.” He barely got out, his eyes flickering to Trixie who had seemed to hunch in on herself once she’d registered the conversation. 
The group reached the first offices available to them which in turn gave Calum a second to pull his own composure as he sat down with Trixie. 
“Have you spoken to Rox since the dream, little bird?” She nodded her head. “Do you understand what happened in the dream?” 
She hesitated. 
“I understand some of it. But not all of it.” She whispered and Calum wiped his hand down his face, a slow breath escaping him. 
“Calum, I do not need her distressed before the interview.” Ashton warned and Cassidy sighed. 
“She needs to understand it. As much as I hate the fact that Selene took the decision from all of us, she needs to understand the actions of those wolves and the consequences that followed.” Ashton frowned at his mate but did not contradict her as Calum leaned forward in his chair, elbows resting on his knees as his chin rested on his clasped hands. 
“Tell me what the Goddess showed you, little bird.” 
She described the dream in horrific detail, registering every mark and cut that had covered her sister's body in the dream. 
Abel had fallen into his stoic face, Cassidy belatedly realising he was there that day to see the aftermath. 
Calum was patient and wiped the tears that appeared on Trixie’s face as she described how both girls had been calling out for their Luna, but she never came. 
“I’m so sorry you had to witness that, little bird.” Calum murmured and she took in a shaky breath at his words. 
“Why did she show me that?” She finally whispered, the tears still in her eyes. Glancing to his Alpha, Calum rubbed his face with his hands before pulling away, a sigh escaping his lips. 
“Our goddess is showing you that we’re on the right path. That had Alpha Lockard not cared for our Luna like he did, she would’ve died. That the packs would’ve potentially fallen to rouges if this continues.” Cassidy felt her stomach twist as Ashton’s arm wrapped around her possessively. 
She couldn’t even find it in her to tell him to leave her be, because she knew on some level that hearing your mate might never have survived was difficult to hear. 
“Humans are at the centre of this. There’s something in play that we don’t know about yet, but Greydown knows something.” Ashton finally murmured and Calum nodded his head as they finally stood and made their way to the interrogation rooms. 
“If you need out, hit the door once. Twice if you need help.” Ashton murmured to Cassidy. She took a moment to see that he was genuinely worried, his eyes anxious and she placed her hand on his cheek, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“We’ll be cautious.” She murmured, knowing it was entirely pointless but she needed him to know that the thought was there. 
Greydown openly smirked when they both entered the room, his arms bound behind his back, legs shackled to the chair he was sitting on. 
“The big bad Alpha decided to send the humans? Ha. That boy was never an alpha. He wanted to so desperately believe but letting humans do a wolf's work? Pathetic.” Cassidy kept silent, her eyebrow lifting up being the only indication that she was listening. 
This unnerved Greydown as Trixie followed her Luna’s example and kept her face impassive. 
‘Don’t say a word. He’ll crumble.’ A voice whispered to the young human. She gave no indication, no acknowledgement. Simply stared at Greydown. 
“Humans have been a bane to all the packs, to the lives we lead. Why should they be the ones who don’t have to hide?” 
Silence was his only answer once more. 
“Infections. The old prophets believed humans to be some kind of saviours of the packs. You’re nothing but thorns in our sides.” Cassidy moved. 
“You believed words of a prophet?” Her tone was empty, and Greydown sneered. 
“They were heralded as truth for centuries. But no humans were born to packs until now. Their words are nought but lies and desperation.” Trixie hid her smirk. 
“Why were they lies and desperation?” Cassidy kept her tone impassive once more and Greydown scoffed before spitting at her. Trixie stiffened, the disrespect sending something akin to fury down her spine. 
“The human born to wolves of lore, will hold the knowledge of Alphas unsure. To train and love and win the days, the wolves must seek their human mates. The one who shows the righteous path, will guide the Alpha to their new start. The prophet, the hurt, the broken and bent, will bring new times of peace and death. The dead reborn shall hold the keys, to start anew with the springtime breeze. The lonely wolf with no chance to escape, shall tear one from life to meet their fate. The humans born to wolves of lore, will lead the packs to glory and more.” The words were intoned, emotionless as another scoff followed. 
Cassidy shared a look with Trixie. 
“You will tell me how much Leo knows of this.” There was a firm edge to her voice and Trixie witnessed her Luna’s eyes flash amber. 
“Leo knows nothing of the prophecy. He refused to believe in something that would, in his eyes, be wrong.” Greydown responded before his eyes widened and his lips clamped shut. 
“Tell me what you know of what is happening to me.” Trixie felt a tingle run down her spine. Something in her was begging to submit to her Luna. Something she’d never felt before. 
Greydown’s lips parted despite his obvious attempts to keep them shut. 
“There were prophecies, that depicted the human born to wolves would possess the wolf. The human would have control of the wolf inside but there would be no change, no transformation. It would mark the start of an era that would either succeed or collapse. The prophet never said.” 
Greydown’s words were forced, reluctant. But Cassidy paid him no mind as she turned her attention to Trixie. 
Cassidy watched as Trixie stiffened, her eyes rolling back into her head as she let out a harsh breath. Her first instinct was to reach out but Greydown twitched and she froze. 
“The traitors are gone, the cause is done but the wolf that roams alone will continue. The wolf that was denied will fight and the wolf that has sprung forth will thrive. The traitors are gone and the cause is done.” 
Greydown stared at Trixie in shock as her head tilted forward, her eyes refocusing before her knees gave out. 
The door burst open, Calum and Ashton storming in. Calum went to Trixie, scooping up the teenager with ease whilst Ashton wasted no time in knocking Greydown out before his attention returned to Cassidy. 
“It’s answered a lot of questions. We’ll need to go to the Elders to learn more about this prophecy.” She nodded, but her focus was on Trixie who had taken in a startled breath. 
“I’ve got you little bird. Abel is waiting for you.” Calum’s voice was gentle as they reached the meeting room they were previously in and Abel wasted no time in getting to his feet, cradling his mate so gently as she trembled. 
“That was scary.” She finally whispered, her eyes finding her Luna who was pressed against her mate, relaxing to his touch as his fingers massaged her temples. 
“It means you’re a strong prophet little bird. And we need to talk to the elders sooner rather than later.” Calum piped up and Cassidy sighed. 
“There’s a lot we need to discuss with them. And maybe we can get this worked out before Leo decides to try his hand at another ambush.” Cassidy muttered as she sent Trixie a reassuring smile, leaning into Ashton’s touch. 
When the Elders met, Cassidy brightened upon seeing Elder Orion. And despite her ingrained sense of respect, the second he opened his arms in greeting, she allowed the comfort of her previous elder wash over her. 
“You truly have thrived, Luna. Your father and old Alpha pass on their wishes.” She found herself smiling at him before greeting the other elders. 
“Luna Cassidy, what happened after we dispersed?” Elder Maybanks went straight to it once they were sat down. She sat protectively next to Trixie, her mate on the other side. 
Abel realised there was more to the situation and remained silent as he comforted his mate, knowing she needed that more than anything. 
“A lot of things have happened, Elder Maybanks. Our Alpha has been interrogating the traitor, when Selene came to young Trixie once more. She was shown what happened to her sister upon a decision that was made to use the new skills I’ve acquired,” she hesitated but Elder Maybanks nodded, “he told us about the prophecies.” 
Elder Orion's gaze sharpened at her words and Elder Maybanks sighed. 
“What else happened, Child?” Cassidy found herself hesitating, glancing at Trixie. The young girl took in a deep breath, her shoulders determined, but her hands trembled. 
“I gave a prophecy.” 
The Elders froze. 
“Are you sure?” Elder Maybanks words were sharp, a steely glint in his eyes. 
“I saw it with my own eyes, as did Head Warrior Hood. She’s a true prophet and a strong one.” Ashton cut in before Cassidy could snap. She bristled at the silent accusations of deceit from the Elder but Ashton had stopped her from putting her foot in it. 
The worried looks shared between the Elders caused the Alpha and Luna to exchange worried looks. If this was concerning the Elders, what was happening? 
“This changes a lot of things.” Elder Orion muttered as he leaned back in his chair. “Luna Cassidy, do you remember what I taught you about prophets?” 
Cassidy could feel every set of eyes on her, and she determinedly ignored the look of shock from Elder Maybanks as she tried to remember what Elder Orion was discussing.
“I remember when you taught me about the witch trials, how packs were found by hunters who were seeking out witches and razed towns to the ground, no man, woman or child surviving. You mentioned something about prophets being saved by other packs but I don’t remember much else.” He nodded his head, turning to the other wolves in the room.
“Whilst Cassidy was growing up, Alpha Lockard assumed that she may have been a prophet. Not to say that she wasn’t extremely clever in her own right, but she seemed to predict the wrong moves that were made. We later realised that she had a strategic mind, a mind that calculated every potential move. There’s not been a prophet within the packs since the 1700’s. After the witch trials, they simply vanished.” Elder Orion explained.
This caused an alarm for Trixie, her grip on her mates hand getting tighter.
Elder Orion noticed immediately and smiled kindly to the distressed teenager.
“It is simply believed that prophets moved packs and never spoke about their gifts. We have always watched out for potential prophets in the more recent years, but in my own living history, I’ve never seen or heard of a prophet until you, Miss Teller.” This did little to soothe her, but Cassidy placed her arm around Trixie in comfort.
“Why is any of this important?” Calum finally asked, his eyes flickering between his mates little sister and Elder Orion.
“Because if Selene has truly gifted her as a true prophet, it will change the tide with the rogues. But also she will be sought out by many other packs, determined to bind her to their pack with a mate of their choice.” 
Those very words were the wrong ones to say. 
Abel growled lowly, the noise startling Trixie as his own body seemed to fight the transformation, amber coloured eyes glowing.
Cassidy felt her stomach swoop before Ashton stepped in.
“Abel, if you shift, you will hurt her. I’m ordering you to calm down.” The power of the command was heavy, his eyes falling shut as he went to move his arms around Trixie, but he froze.
Without any prompting, the teenager moved so that she was sitting on his lap, allowing him to pull her closer, his face pressing into her hair as he took in slow, steady breaths.
“I think that answers that.” Ashton muttered and Cassidy just felt the absurdity of the comment hit her, a giggle breaking through her lips before she was laughing, her head resting on Ashton’s shoulder.
“I think Luna has lost the plot.” A soft whisper came from beside her and she found herself struggling for air as she shook her head.
“I haven’t lost the plot. Just my mates comment, and the whole absurd idea that Abel would even let anyone near Trixie if she were in danger.” The teenager understood her Luna's words immediately and the two shared grins.
Ashton merely rolled his eyes at his own mate fondly, a soft smile on his lips before his attention turned back to the elders. 
“Is there anything we can do for now?” 
Elder Orion shook his head.
“The best thing we can do is protect her secret. Greydown will have to die regardless of his knowledge. He heard her prophecy.” This sobered the room up immediately, Trixie’s smile fading as she realised the implications.
“Is that because of me?” The question was timid and Elder Orion paused, his gaze turning to Cassidy and Ashton who turned their attention to the timid teenager.
“He was a traitor to the pack regardless of him hearing your prophecy. Traitors to the pack have two options. Exile or death. Greydown knows too much to be allowed exile.” Ashton explained softly and she sighed, a small nod following seconds later.
“I understand.” Cassidy could see that she did understand, and grimaced slightly, but there was nothing she could do.
“We also need to discuss what happened to Cass. Her eyes turned amber when she interrogated Greydown when she realised he was the traitor. Do you have any ideas?” 
The two Elders shared a look before Maybanks spoke up this time.
“There is something, Greydown wasn’t wrong when he said that Elder’s across the globe believed that prophecy to ring true. We need to get full facts from some contacts. When we know more, we’ll sit down with you, if that’s okay Luna?” 
Cassidy nodded her head.
“That works for me Elder Maybanks. It’ll give us a chance to deal with the consequences of today before we look into my own changes.” The two Elders nodded before the group dispersed and they went back to the main offices.
“Abel, finish up today and then take the next couple of days off. It’ll help your healing so long as you do nothing strenuous, so no weights and no shifting.” Calum finally muttered and Trixie stared at him in shock before turning to her mate.
Abel seemed to break into relief, his lips curving into a gentle smile. He knew a gift was being given to him at this moment and he decided to take it.
“Thank you Warrior Hood. I’ll be sure all paperwork is done and then take my leave.” He pressed a kiss to Trixie’s temple before making his way back to the small cubicle that was his whilst the rest of the group headed out of the pack offices.
“I’ll take Trixie back home.” Casidy hummed and Ashton nodded, his lips meeting hers in a short, sweet kiss.
“I’ll handle the problem. If there are any issues, I’ll call. Drive safe.” And with those words, they disappeared back into the pack offices and her gut knew what was going to happen. But she ignored those thoughts. Greydown was beyond saving, so it would be a mercy. 
The ride back home was silent.
When they returned home, Trixie disappeared into her room, causing Cassidy to sigh before she made her way to her office.
It was one thing she was insistent on when her move to the pack became permanent. 
She knew that Ashton had nothing to hide from her, and he knew that she had nothing to hide from him. However they both realised that being up in each others space wasn’t going to help either of them. 
So she convinced Michael to stay on as strategist, however he then convinced the Elder’s to make her appointment not only official, but put her up there with the other Alpha’s. Within three years of moving to Vinewood, she was appointed the Head Strategist for all of the continents packs. 
She accepted the title with grace in public, but within the confines of Ashton’s office, she voiced her ways of brutally murdering Michael as payback for putting this on her shoulders.
However, she shone as she went from strength to strength and that was when both her and Ashton decided to install an office for her and her alone. It meant that any confidential information would remain as so, but also it gave her the space that was not only hers, but also showed her hard work and the results of that hard work.
Once ensconced within her office, she contacted the other packs that had been attacked, gathering the information about the traitors and anything they had in common. That was what they needed to discover before Leo twisted his claws into more wolves. 
It was easy to work in the silence, tapping away at her computer as she emailed back and forth with a few of the other pack strategists. 
It was only when a gentle knock on her door made her pause, tearing her eyes away from the computer.
“Come in.” 
There was a second of hesitation before the door opened to reveal a red eyed Trixie Teller and she felt her heart going out to the teenager.
“Sit down sweetheart.” Her tone was reassuring and gentle, coaxing the young girl to try to relax.
Once the door was shut and Trixie was seated, Cassidy studied her for a moment before she resumed typing away, knowing that the young girl would speak when she was ready.
She’d been dealt with a lot of knowledge, some of that being the death of a pack member because they heard her prophecy. It was a lot for anyone to take in, let alone a teenager.
The silence seemed to stretch on for longer than Cassidy had expected, but she’d glanced over a few times to make sure she was still there. 
She was, but her eyes were glued to the floor, not even glancing up.
So Cassidy stopped, switching off her monitor and resting her hands on her desk.
“Talk to me sweetheart.” And finally, Trixie looked up, a frown upon her features.
“Today has been a lot.” The statement was simple, but it spoke volumes for Cassidy.
“It has. What do you want to talk about first?” 
“Elder Greydown, well I guess he isn’t an elder anymore, but still. Why would Alpha kill him instead of exiling him? Even if he didn’t know of the prophecy?” The question was a good one, and Cassidy had been expecting it.
“You see, Greydown had continually disrespected me as Luna since day one. This has been six years of abuse that’s been building up. However, he committed treason against the pack. He willingly put young wolves in danger because he believed us to be diseased.” 
She watched as Trixie’s face dropped.
“You wanted to redeem him, didn’t you?” The question wasn’t accusatory, and one look upon Cassidy’s face helped Trixie understand that. So she nodded.
“I didn’t want to think he was that bad that he deserved death over exile.” She finally whispered and Cassidy sighed once she realised that they’d stumbled onto the crux of the matter.
“It’s nice to try and see the best in people, trust me I did that for years. It was how I met my best friend. But sometimes, people just don’t have any good qualities in them. Greydown was one of those wolves who refused to see silver linings. He did not teach tolerance to the pack pups like he was meant to, he could have knowingly sabotaged that ambush that resulted in Abel getting hurt.” 
She hated using Trixie’s mate as a point, but she needed the teenager to know that he’d arranged for it to happen in such a way. Mates were sacred, and had he succeeded in killing Abel, she would’ve been a shell of a person, either choosing to live like her sister had done and pray for a second chance mate, or follow after him.
And Cassidy was certain that she would’ve chosen to follow after him.
“He’s the reason why Abel got hurt?” There was a steely glint in her eyes, her jaw clenching and Cassidy hesitantly nodded her head.
“Ashton uncovered his treachery. It’s another reason why exile was not possible. He actively worked against the pack that nearly resulted in a death. The last time that happened in any pack and they chose exile, it led to the rogue issue that we have currently.” 
“Leo?” Cassidy nodded. “What happened?” 
And so the two sat there as Cassidy told her stories of her best friend, of how he had put faith in her plans but Leo-the jealous son of the Alpha who favored her-sabotaged her plans, therefore worked against the pack that resulted in Talon’s death.
Trixie remained stunned as she heard this tale for the first time, her unease slowly slipping away as she found herself engrossed in the story that her Luna was telling her.
By the time that Ashton had returned home, both girls had migrated down to the kitchen, choosing to cook a small meal together as Cassidy told Trixie tales of her childhood. 
And despite how the day had gone, the heaviness that weighed on his chest, seeing the two of them giggling together over something that his mate had done when she was a child, it lifted Ashton’s soul from the floor back to the heavens where she’d first lifted it when he met her.
Trixie greeted her Alpha with ease, despite knowing what he had done, she realised that this was simply consequences of an action that nearly killed her mate. 
“Alpha. Did you get a chance to eat today?” Cassidy smirked at the jet black haired teenager, Ashton shaking his head at his apparent new keeper.
“Not today little miss. There was plenty of deskwork with the field work that we had today, so not much was consumed food wise. I’ve certainly had my fair share of caffeine though.
This made Cassidy giggle.
“My mate seems to drink coffee like it’s water.” The look of disgust that Trixie gave her Alpha made Ashton smirk.
“When you have to patrol so many nights in a row whilst still remaining upright in the middle of the day, coffee would be your best friend too. I know that Calum is just as addicted and drives your sister up the wall with it.” His arms wrapped around Cassidy as he pressed a kiss to her cheek in greeting. 
Trixie snorted.
“Yeah well, she likes the stuff too. It’s no surprise that they’re mates really.” Ashton laughed at her statement and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t let her catch you saying that otherwise she might skin you alive.” He teased her playfully as she finished up the meal, elbowing his stomach as she moved to get some dishes.
This was what Cassidy loved. It was simplicity at its finest but also it was Ashton teaching Trixie to stand up for herself. If she could stand up for herself against her Alpha, then the world had no chance.
“Yeah well, she’d skin you alive first so I’ll just hide with my Luna under the nice, new, wolf skin rug that we’d end up acquiring thanks to my sister.” This set Cassidy off as they finally sat down to eat and she noticed that the dark cloud that hung over her mate had slowly disappeared.
“Brave words, tiny one. How about you and me do some training this week?” Her eyes lit up as a grin stretched across her face.
“Absolutely. Do you think we could include Abel this time so that he knows that I can protect myself? I know he’s my mate and he’s always going to worry, but I just want him to worry less.” She explained in a rush, Ashton nodding to her request.
“It shouldn’t be too difficult. But we’ll get Cass involved so she can sit on him to stop him from shifting and protecting you from me. Sound fair?” She nodded at his words as they dug into the meal and a feeling of peace settled over the trio.
Cassidy knew better than to think that this would last, but she was going to enjoy it whilst she could.
The first training session had been a disaster. 
Abel hadn’t known what to expect, and watching his Alpha phase and launch at his mate was not on his list. Cassidy hasn’t had a chance to stop him before he shifted and crouched in front of Trixie. 
It took Abel more time to come down from that bout of anger, but they left the session at that and Abel had kept his silence. 
The next session was better. He was able to stop his initial reaction, especially after a firm talking to from his Luna, he watched. 
And even though her techniques needed refining, he could see how she handled herself. That was when he began to understand why she wanted him to see her train. 
Cassidy stepped in from time to time as well, showing the teenager some of her own moves. Ashton stepped back when this happened and Abel began to understand why his Alpha only had mild concerns for his mates safety. 
She was a badass.
By the end of the session, Abel was relaxed in the knowledge that should anything happen, she could take care of herself. 
“Why not make something like this mandatory for all of the humans in the pack, Luna?” Abel questioned as the quartet headed inside. They would grab some food before the two males would head back out to the pack office buildings.
“Because they’re children. They rely on adults to protect them.” 
“And Trixie doesn’t?” Cassidy smiled at him.
“No. I don’t think she’s really relied on anyone since that day six years ago. It may seem simple to you Abel, but human children are so fragile compared to a young wolf. We’ve got a couple of the older ones in a self defence class, anymore at this point would be too much. When they hit thirteen, they’ll come to me and I’ll start teaching them then.” 
“Two styles to switch it up, then?” And Trixie grumbled as Cassidy grinned.
“Someone in the pack who uses their brains.” This earned her a confused look and Trixie sighed.
“Luna had to practically spell it out to us why we were in self defence classes as well as training with her.” The way her cheeks turned pink had Abel grinning as he squeezed her hand gently.
“I have a step up since I’m one of the warriors. I can guarantee you other wolves would not think of it that way.” Ashton glanced at his watch and sighed.
“Practice with Cass, T-bird.” The teenager grimaced at the nickname as she ducked from the hair ruffle that her alpha bestowed on her as he walked past to kiss his mate.
Her own mate laughed before doing the same thing and kissing her forehead before he got up and headed out, Ashton following seconds later. Trixie hid her face in her arms, her hair a mess thanks to the two men.
“Stupid Alpha and stupid mate messing up my hair.” The grumble had been loud enough for Cassidy to hear, earning a round of laughter.
“C’mon, I’ve still got some time before I’m expecting a call. How about we take a look at your English papers.” The groan that followed from Trixie made Cass laugh as she all but frog marched the teenager upstairs to her office
Barely fifteen minutes in and her phone goes off, earning a curious look from Trixie as Cassidy picked up the call.
“Luna Irwin of the Vinewood pack. Who am I speaking with?” 
“Cassie, thank god.” The relief in Issac’s tone caught her off guard.
“Two seconds.” She tilted the mouthpiece away as she looked to Trixie. “Would you mind finishing off downstairs? I’ll join you when I’m off.” The teenager didn’t argue as she gathered her things and shut the door behind her as she left.
“Cassie it’s been mayhem.” 
“Issac slow down please, what’s happened?” 
“There’s another traitor in the pack. But they killed a human child.” Her heart stopped at his words.
“That’s just it. We don’t know. I was sent an email, and god Cassie it’s gruesome. I thought it was a wolf at first because the kids' eyes were amber, but when we checked the registry and the young boy that was murdered was definitely human.”
“Fuck.” The whisper might as well have been a scream. “It’s been happening to me, the amber eyes thing. The Elders believe it’s a prophecy in play. Fuck.”
“I’ll forward it to you, but it’s brutal.” And with that, she opened up her computer, clicking through until the video uploaded to her screen.
And as she watched, she felt sick. Tears burned her eyes as she tried not to cry out, but when the final blow was delivered, she couldn’t stop herself.
Issac had stayed on the line for her, his steady breathing being the only thing that stopped the panic attack overwhelming her.
“I need to contact Ash, fuck, Issac this is big. The Elders are going to get involved.” Her brain was going miles a minute. “Have you found the little boy yet?” 
“There’s a team working on it now. We’ve already been in touch with their parents. It was Demela’s and Mason’s youngest lad. Joseph.” And she felt her body lurch uncomfortably. 
“Issac.” His name came out as a sob.
“I know.” He soothed. 
Joseph had been one of the four children born into her old pack after she left. He came from a family with six older brothers who doted on him regardless of his status as a human. The first time she’d visited and she’d been introduced to the family, she’d clicked instantly. It had also been the first time that she’d really considered having a child. 
“I need Ash. He needs to know.” Part of her felt disengaged and heartbroken, the other part of her was planning out how she’d skin the traitor for this.
“With the state of distress, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on his way.” 
Issac’s words rang true when there was a firm knock at the door before it opened.
“Cass? Baby?” His frantic eyes searched for whatever was causing her this kind of pain. But she couldn’t get her words to work, only pointing at the video that was still open on her computer.
Issac spoke up.
“It’s something you need to watch, Alpha Irwin.” 
Ashton realised immediately that if something could make his mate this distressed, then it was a bad thing.
And so he clicked play.
Cassidy tried to block out the noise, the images. But she couldn’t. Her heart broke all over again. But she could feel her mates anger through the bond. Anger that was mounting into fury and she grasped his bicep.
“We can’t leave this. We need to find the traitor.” Her words were quiet but determined. Ashton nodded once, his jaw set.
“We’re flying out to you, Issac. Expect us by nightfall with the Elders.” The decision was firm and Cassidy immediately moved and headed to their room to pack a few bags. 
“Trixie will need to come with us.” Ashton’s words made her jump in fright, her hands trembling as she continued to fold the clothes up before packing them.
“She cannot see that video. And so help me goddess if Selene decides to take that decision from our hands because I will march up to her fucking door and demand judgement.” Her tone was harsh, but Ashton could hear her fear, her pain under the words. “He was a child.”
And her composure slipped into tears, Ashton pulling his mate closer as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
“We’ll explain in basic terms to Trixie. We will warn her that should Selene take the choice out of our hands, it is gruesome. I need to call an emergency meeting. We need to get a warning to the families as well.” Ashton rattled off and Cassidy took in a deep breath.
“Calum, Luke and Michael need to see this. They need to prepare.” Ashton nodded at her words as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Finish packing, I’ll go talk to Trixie.” She didn’t argue as he left the room. She knew that there was no way that she’d have been able to even describe what happened.
By the time that the trio had packed and gotten to the offices, Ashton instructed Trixie to stay with Abel until they left. He didn’t miss the frown, but Cassidy simply gave her a reassuring smile.
“Protocols need to be followed, Trix. Twenty minutes tops and then we’re heading for the airport.” Trixie nodded at Cassidy’s words and turned her attention to her mate, the two of them quietly discussing her latest pet project with an old computer.
When the Irwin’s reached the conference room, she fought down the need to be sick as Ashton played the video for the other three as well as the remaining Elders. Their reactions were ones of horror, but it was Elder Orion who had tears down his cheeks.
“Little Joseph, Demela and Mason’s youngest, correct?” He whispered and Cassidy nodded as she tried to wipe her tears away once more.
“Issac is searching for-for the place. He’s contacted the family. This was a brutal attack but it also means that there are potential traitors we don’t know about. Sleeper cells, if you will.” Calum nodded at her terminology.
“We’ll talk to the other families which have human children and see if we can convince them to the pack house. It’ll be easier to defend rather than trying to split our forces seven ways to protect the land.” Ashton nodded at Calum’s immediate response.
“Every wolf we have available has to be on this. Four teams on rotation for the pack house and double the patrol on the borders. No one gets in or out of the pack lands. Trespassers are to be captured and interrogated immediately, any violence is to be met with full force.” Calum nodded at his Alpha’s orders. 
“Michael.” Cassidy’s voice was softer, but caught the blonde’s attention.
“Yes Luna?”
“I’m going to be coordinating with other packs on this. See if there have been any-any other murders.” She stumbled over the words and he nodded his head in understanding. “Also I’m going to place you in as my second in command. If any other strategists get in touch, they’ll be redirected to you. As of right now, I will be uncontactable until further notice.” 
“Has it been approved?” His eyes glanced to Elder Maybanks who nodded in return.
“We cleared it last week. It was intended to be a surprise for you, but as you can see that’s had to change immediately.” Cassidy held back a snort.
“Luke, it’s basic day to day running as possible.If anyone asks, there’s been a credible threat with another pack that needs to be dealt with. Shutdown pack lines until we return home.” Luke nodded at that before Ashton returned his attention to Calum.
“Trixie will be coming with us. She’s already told her sister she has to go but not why. You need to make sure she doesn’t follow us. It’s going to be tough enough with the devastation from my Luna.” Calum nodded once more as he let out a breath of air. 
Ashton and Cassidy were gone once it was confirmed that everything had been set in place.
They collected Trixie from Abel who looked unsure and the trio were up in the air quick enough. It wasn’t unusual for packs to have access to small airports, most preferred to travel by car or by shifting. But this wasn’t an option and it was the fastest way for them to get there without causing widespread panic. 
Matthew was there to greet them and didn’t hesitate to pull his daughter into a warm hug as Ashton helped Trixie off the plane. 
He greeted her with the same amount of ease and Ashton a firm handshake before they were bundled into the car and off again. 
“Who else knows?” Ashton’s question was quiet but Matthew shook his head. 
“The trees have ears.” Was all he replied with, causing Ashton and Cassidy to exchange alarmed looks. Nothing else was spoken about as they made their journey to the pack offices. It spoke volumes of the tragedy that had happened because there was no one else greeting them when they arrived.
They entered the building without being looked at twice. Cassidy stopped herself from going over to Demela and Mason when she spotted them. The couple looked exhausted and their children looked equally tired. 
When they reached Issac’s office, Trixie had shrunk into Cassidy’s side, the intimidating and unfamiliar wolves unnerving her. Cassidy was briefly reminded of Hope as her dad knocked on the door before letting them into the office.
“Cassie.” Her eyes snapped to her younger sister who looked relieved to see her. She wasted no time in moving around the desk and launching at her older sister.
“Alpha Irwin, thank you for coming at such short notice.” Issac’s voice was tired and Ashton waved him off.
“You do the same for us, Issac. This young lady here is Trixie Teller.” Ashton gestured to Trixie who found herself feeling like a deer caught in headlights.
“Miss Teller, I’m so pleased to be finally meeting you, I just wish it was under better circumstances.” She gave him a wry smile in return.
“Likewise, Alpha Lockard.” 
“Looks like humans can be taught manners, brat.” Issac’s voice carried to Cassidy, Trixie shooting a confused look to her Alpha who simply shook his head when Cassidy laughed.
“Oh no. With her own Alpha, she’s worse than what I was. With her sister, they tease him relentlessly.” She fired back before letting the girl go.
“Trix, this is my sister Hope. Long story short, she’s next for the Alpha title.” Trixie nodded as she shook hands with Hope.
“It’s nice to meet you Hope, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Hope gave her a crooked smirk.
“All lies, I assure you.” And Trixie giggled.
The giggle broke some of the tension and Issac’s shoulders slumped as he ran a hand down his face. 
Cassidy truly saw her previous Alpha in that moment, the tired lines around his eyes. 
“How’s Pandora?” Cassidy’s question brought a smile to his face. 
“Good. Little Jessie is driving her mother mad.” This made Cassidy laugh. A few years after she’d left the pack, Issac had announced his mates pregnancy with sheer glee and she loved getting updates from him about the rascal. 
“At least Pandora knows how to handle rambunctious pups with no sense of self-preservation.” Issac chuckled as he rummaged through papers before handing them over to Ashton. 
“I understand the need to keep Miss Teller protected but does she need to be here for this?” Trixie remained silent, only casting a glancing look to her Alpha. 
“She’s a true prophet.” Issac’s jaw fell slack, a gasp of air escaping from Matthew. Hope held a look of polite confusion. 
“ Touched by the goddess herself.” Matthew whispered and Trixie shifted uncomfortably under the stares. 
“Pack it in. She’s frightened enough and doesn’t need you two confusing her.” Cassidy snapped at them both and the two men exchanged looks. 
“Cassie, you remember when we thought you were a prophet but instead you were scarily smart?” Matthew tried to keep his awe from his voice but didn’t quite succeed. 
“I only know what you told me. I don’t remember much else.” At this, Matthew sighed before sitting down. Issac pressed his lips together. 
“Do you want me to tell her?” Matthew shook his head. 
“Tell me what?” The hesitation was in Cassidy’s voice as she looked between her dad and old Alpha with  uncertainty. 
“Parts of your memories don’t remember it because the Elders locked it away. When you were seven, you’d been stolen from under our noses.” 
Her body went still. 
“We believe that it’s linked with this killing. There’s no recognisable scent and it was a child who was not only human but one we’d been watching for prophetic tendencies.” 
“You’re not telling me everything.” She could see the tears in her dad's eyes and then she slowly realised. 
“No.” The word was a whisper but Matthew flinched. 
She could never remember her mother’s death. She was told that it was a sudden death, that there was no notable cause for it. She’d been seven at the time because her eighth birthday had been the first one without her mother. Jamie had been three. 
“They killed her in retaliation to us rescuing you.” She could feel her heart shatter. It was too much and with the situation going on, she couldn’t take off like she wanted to. 
“I need to go.” She was up and out of the room, the tears running down her face as she took off for her old home, using one of the pack cars they’d arrived in. 
Ashton didn’t even have a chance to try and stop her, the sudden heartbreak catching him off guard mixed with the overwhelmed feeling. 
“I take it that the Elders locking the memory away was for her benefit?” Ashton couldn’t be angry. He understood to an extent that to watch a child suffer like so was difficult. 
He watched as tears rolled down his father-in-law’s face. 
“She awoke every night screaming. There were days when she would fight to get out of the house, her trauma so much that she couldn’t tell that I was her own father.” Matthew sounded so broken, Issac’s hand coming to rest on his Beta’s shoulders. 
“Alpha?” Trixie’s voice was nervous and Ashton turned to the teenager and noted the pale pallor her skin took. 
“Trixie? Are you okay?” The second he said that, her body slumped into the chair and Ashton swore. 
“This is too fucking much Selene.” He snarled, scooping the teenager up, cradling her carefully. Hope looked stunned for a second. 
“Selene?” In truth, although Ashton had known she was there, she’d kept herself quiet enough to have become background noise, something he wouldn’t have noticed had she not spoken up. 
“Young Trixie usually has prophetic dreams, only once has she gone into a trance. But with the prophetic dreams, if she is awake at an inconvenient time, she will suffer in such a way until she passes out. Cassidy believes this to be because she is young and therefore is not trained to handle the drastic changes.” 
“Your mate may be onto something there, Ashton.” Issac finally hummed. 
The young human twitched and the colour began to return to her cheeks and Ashton sighed. 
“You love her like your own, don’t you?” Matthew murmured, his face clear of tears but his eyes rimmed red. Ashton nodded. 
“She has kind and loving parents who love her and her sister. It’s not a parental kind of love, more like I see her as a younger sister, someone to protect. It’s the same with her older sister. The only instinct that is stronger is my bond to Cass.” Hope giggled. 
The giggle once more eased the tensions that had been building up and he felt the heartbreak ease in his chest. She was somewhere safe. 
“And what’s so funny little miss?” Matthew teases his youngest child, unable to stop the smile at her cheeky grin. 
“Sounds to me that Alpha Irwin got bitten by the same thing that had Cassie practically adopt me so many years ago. The only thing that was stronger than the bond she has with me was the one that Leo created. It’s why when the bond was broken, my bond with her was what eased it and helped me function.” Hope explained gently and Ashton understood. 
His awe for his sister-in-law increased tenfold and she found herself blushing at his impressed look. 
Matthew finally chuckled. 
“Somehow we thought she was just an anomaly, however the fates certainly matched you two well, Ashton.” And Ashton grinned. 
Trixie finally stirred and her cheeks went dark as she pressed her face into Ashton’s shoulder. 
“It happened again didn’t it?” 
“Unfortunately so, my favourite human.” At the muffled curse, Ashton laughed. 
“Selene really picks her moments.” She finally pulled away and retook her seat, eyes locking onto Hope. 
“When Luna returns tomorrow, you and her will need to head to the next city over, without guards shadowing you. One to drive and one as a backup but they stay in the car. A rogue is unsure and has the information we need. Selene wishes for him to be tried under pack law and for Luna to use her gift on him to get the truth.” Ashton knew better than to voice the outrage but he tampered it down to a raised eyebrow. 
Issac and Matthew however, disagreed entirely, voicing their displeasure. 
“Hope that’s an ambush at best, suicide trip at worst!” Issac snapped and Trixie turned her gaze to the other Alpha. Ashton recognises the look immediately and turned his attention to the other three. 
“You will listen to my avatar on this earth Issac James. The rogue is unsure about the goals of the rebellion and is pulling away. Cassidy Helen will set things right for another pack and give Hope Rose a second chance.” 
Both Issac and Matthew froze. 
“Selene.” They whispered in unison. Hope was speechless. 
Ashton tried not to smirk as Trixie returned her attention to Ashton. 
“I will visit Cassidy Helen tonight. Do not panic if you feel your bond fall dormant. I’m most proud of you Ashton Fletcher.” He simply inclined his head before he watched Trixie give a little shake before meeting her Alpha’s amused gaze. 
“At least it wasn’t in front of a prisoner this time?” She offered timidly and Ashton burst out into baritone laughter. 
“Life will never be dull with you and your sister around, Trixie. Issac, Hope, Matthew, we will see ourselves down to the canteen for some food and let you digest this information. As you realise, this cannot be known by anyone, not even Jamie until Selene deems it safe. Like you said, the trees have ears.” 
Issac could only nod weakly before Ashton escorted Trixie down to the lower floors where the canteen was situated and they got themselves some food. 
Trixie remained by his side, unwilling to stray towards the unfamiliar stares. She felt like she was under such scrutiny but once those eyes turned to the man next to her, their gazes dropped and they never cast a look in her direction. 
Confused, Trixie turned to Ashton to question the strange behaviour but then she saw the murderous look upon her Alpha’s face and understood why they averted their gazes so fast. 
Unsure how the other wolves would take her teasing her Alpha, she kept herself formal. 
“Alpha, will Luna be okay?” Ashton glanced at the teenager and noted her shy hesitance. He smiled kindly at her as they collected food. She didn’t protest when he paid for it. 
“This was just a step too far. She needs to process that before she’ll come back. She’ll always come back to us, but much like when you hide away after it’s been an overwhelming day, it’s been an overwhelming week for her. We just need to give her space.” Understanding dawned as they sat down and ate silently, listening to the steady flow around them. 
It was towards the end of their lunch that Hope appeared, paying no mind to the small bows from her pack. Trixie frowned. 
“May I join you?” Hope’s question was met with a nod from Ashton but the frown on Trixies face didn’t let up. 
As Hope sat down, she finally caught the look on the teenagers face and raised an eyebrow. 
“Everything okay Miss Teller?” The use of her last name startled her and a blush coated her cheeks but she remained silent. Hope wasn’t too sure how to take this and Ashton snorted. 
“She takes offence to ignoring your pack when they acknowledge you. It’s not something I like to practice unless I’m in an emergency.” Ashton explained softly, and Hope had the decency to look ashamed. 
“It’s still something I can never believe. Alpha Issac is still working on that with me.” Trixie nodded but remained silent as she took another bite of food, clearing the plate.
Ashton had pushed his plates to the side long ago but waited for the teenager, knowing her discomfort.
“Would you like to see her training? Your sister has been training her so far and it’d be nice to get an outsiders opinion of her progress who knows where she should ideally be.” Trixie grinned and Hope returned it with a smile of her own. 
“I would be delighted Alpha Irwin. Miss Teller, if you would follow me?” And the trio left without another word between them, the stares of the pack members following them out of the doors. 
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                               Mirabile Visu
Summary: Sister Agatha Van Helsing discovers she’s in over her head when a competitive game of chess ultimately results in her becoming pregnant with the child of her worst enemy, Count Dracula. Now tied by a bond deeper than blood, the two must learn to coexist and adapt in a world that could be potentially hostile towards their offspring. Parenthood has never looked so batty.
Characters: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Chapter: 15/15 COMPLETE
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N It’s finally COMPLETE! My very first Dracula story is finished! Thank you guys for this journey! Thank you all! If you have the time, even if you haven’t before I’d love one last comment! It’d mean so much to know your final thoughts! I hope you stick around for my other works! Love you guys! -Jen
                                      Transylvania, Romania
                                         Three Years Later
"Down, Mummy, down! I want to see the castle!"
The dark haired, cherub faced little boy struggled in his mother's grasp. Agatha held him steady as the car door slammed shut behind her. She didn't need to turn to know who was approaching from behind, the sound of earth and stone crunching beneath their feet. Dracula joined his wife's side, placing a hand on her lower back as he gazed up at the place he once so long ago called home. Sorina too stood close, fingers intertwined with those belonging to Jack. A distant memory. Had a century really passed?
"Now, Ivan, I don't want you running off and getting hurt." Agatha scolded as the boy finally broke free. "I want you to stay where I can see you."
"To the top!" Ivan gestured, pointing at the tallest balcony. "Riri, to the top!"
Riri. A nickname Ivan had come up with early on when he struggled to say "Sorina". It was cute to say the least and his sister didn't mind it at all. Looking to her parents for confirmation, she smiled and took his chubby hand. His eyes were bright, dark like her father's. From the beginning, Agatha was instant that he was the spitting image of Dracula. Whether that would turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing, only time would tell.
"Alright, Iv, but watch your step. Hold onto me." His sister instructed as they made their way to the stone fortress. "Don't let go of my hand."
"Hold onto me, Sorina. Don't let go of my hand."
The young girl's eyes met those of her father as she took wobbly steps towards the spiral staircase. She'd just learn to walk and while she had taken to doing so quickly, she was still rather unstable in some aspects. Her mother watched from nearby, clearly nervous that her husband had insisted on teaching the toddler how to walk up to such a height.
"I don't want her getting hurt." Agatha said, arms cross over her chest. There was uncertainty in her tone. "Be easy with her, Dracula."
"I am, I am." The vampire huffed before returning his attention to little Sorina. "Nice big steps. Good girl. Look at you go!"
"Look at you go!"
Ivan clambered up the stone slabs so quickly, he almost slipped away from his sister's grasp. Almost. As they reached the second floor, a wave of nostalgia struck Sorina right in her very chest. After decades and decades, she recognized this very hallway so well. Inhaling deeply, she led Ivan alongside her towards a room. Her room. Placing her free hand on the door, she pushed it open.
"Good stacking. Can you tell me what this letter is?"
It had been a set of wooden alphabet blocks that Dracula had come across. They were delicately painted and had become one of the former nun's favorite toys their daughter owned. Educational. Just how she liked it. Sorina picked up the block in question and studied it.
"A." She finally settled upon.
"That's right!" Agatha beamed proudly. "And what about this one? It's a hard one, pay attention to its shape."
The toddler's brow knitted in concentration. "U!"
"Nicely done, Sorina," her mother clapped in excitement. "What a clever, smart girl you are!"
"Can I keep it?"
The halfling was snapped from her thoughts at the sound of her brother's voice. Gazing down, she saw him cradling a worn, nearly decayed piece of wood in his hands. As she squinted, studying it closer, she realized what it was. Block U. She inhaled, her lips curving into a small smile.
"Of course," she agreed. "It's yours."
Ivan grinned and happily-awkwardly-tried to stuff the object into his pocket. It hung out haphazardly, but the boy didn't seem to care. Holding onto his sister, they continued onto their path towards the balcony he so desired to see. A place that even Sorina had yet to truly appreciate.
"Count Dracula, could I maybe talk to you for a second?"
There was great hesitation in the man's voice as the vampire turned to look at him. When the doctor still held his ground, Dracula sighed. He hadn't even wanted the human to come along, but Sorina insisted. If Jack didn't go, then neither would she. Agatha gave Jack a knowing look, smiling softly as she excused herself. Now the two stood alone.
"What is it, Dr. Seward?" He questioned, sounding completely uninterested.
"I'd like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage." That woke the Count up. Before the vampire could snap back, Jack continued. "Even if you say no, I'm still going to do it. I just wanted to ask out of courtesy. I love Sorina. More than anything. And I attend to for the rest of my life...forever how long that will be…" He paused."So I hope you'll say yes for her sake. Because I know more than anything she'd want your blessing. But I'm going to ask her no matter what." He inhaled deeply, still utterly terrified. "Whatever you say, that's-"
Jack blinked. And blinked again. Had he heard him right? "Yes…" He ventured, still very unsure if Dracula had realized what he agreed to.
"I'll never like you, Jack. As much as you may try, I won't. I don't think you are a bad man. But no one will ever be good enough for Sorina," he paused. "But I believe you might be the next best thing. But if you ever hurt her. I swear, I will make you suffer in ways you didn't think possible." Dracula's eyes darkened, but he showed no signs of acting in physical malice. "You have my blessing to marry my child. For her sake, not for yours."
That had gone completely better than Jack could have ever anticipated. He grinned widely at Dracula who didn't return the expression. Feeling the box in his pocket, he quickly turned away and headed towards the castle before the vampire could change his mind. From behind, Agatha approached and touched his arm.
"I'm proud of you." She smiled, meeting his gaze. "That was very mature."
"You knew?!" He pulled away in surprise, almost offended by her words. "Why didn't you…"
"A mother always knows." Agatha explained, reaching out for his hand. "Come, let's take a stroll through the grounds. I never really had the chance when I stayed here so long ago…"
"You can't find me!" Sorina chirped out from her hiding spot. She never really understood the game of hide-and-go seek. "Come find me, Mama! Find me, Papa!"
The sound of nearby footsteps caused the little girl to giggle. Sorina pressed her small hands to her mouth, trying to suppress the sound. They were calling her name. Almost as if they were singing the words. Both Dracula and Agatha knew very well where she was. It wasn't hard to find a three year old squeezed behind a door. Just as she was about to give up, a pair of arms snatched her up. Dracula playfully growled as he tossed her lightly in the air, Sorina squealing in delight.
"You found me!" She declared. "You found me! You found me!"
"I'll always find you." The Count promised, pressing a kiss to her temple as Agatha made her way over smiling. "No matter where you are. We'll always find you."
"Promise?" The little girl said looking into his eyes. "Promise, Papa?"
"Promise, Micul mea liliac," Dracula murmured. "Always."
"I found it! I found it!" Ivan exclaimed, pulling his sister towards a large set of heavy doors. "The spot! The spot!" He turned to her, his brown eyes glistening in excitement. "Open, Riri! Oh, please open it!"
Just as she grabbed the brass door handles, she heard the sound of hurried footsteps from behind. Jack was bounding towards them completely and utterly out of breath. She smiled, taking a step back from the doors causing her brother to frown in disappointment.
"Jack," she began. "Is everything okay?"
"Yes," he smiled. "Yes everything is fine. Just perfect! I…" His attention landed on Ivan who was scowling deeply. Clearly he had interrupted something and the toddler was not pleased. "Were you two about to do something."
"The doors," Ivan answered, pointing at the entrance. "The top!"
Sorina threw her boyfriend a smirk as she pushed back allowing the bright light from the sun to flood in. As Ivan tried to run out, she grabbed him by his wrist. He struggled in protest, but she didn't let go. Together, the three of them stepped outside into the warmth.
"Up!" Ivan gasped, looking to his sister. "Riri, up!"
Giving into his demands, Sorina lifted her brother so he could take in the view. Endless trees that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. There was a creek that fed through the stone, worn down by its constant flow. It was beautiful. A sight she never thought she'd see, even in her dreams.
"Breathtaking," she exhaled.
"Yeah, it is." But Jack wasn't focused on the scenery. "Sorina...I want to ask you something."
Sorina. That was odd. Jack never called her anything but Sunny. Letting Ivan down, who immediately gripped onto her pants' leg, she turned to face her boyfriend. Should she be concerned? She felt a little uneasy. He sure looked to be himself.
"Listen, I've never been good with words. You know that." He swallowed hard, trying to moisten his incredibly dry mouth. "But these past years with you, especially these past three have made me realize something."
"Go on…" The halfling said slowly, a hand resting on Ivan's head.
"You're the most beautiful, talented, smart, different-" he quickly added. "...in the best way possible, woman I've ever met. And if you'd allow me to…" His fingers shook as he began to dig around in his pocket for the box. Oh Christ, where had it gone?!
"I think you dropped this."
Jack spun around to see both Agatha and Dracula in the threshold. In the vampire's outstretched palm was the tiny, black velvet box. Ivan hurried to his mother's awaiting arms as Dracula tossed the object into Jack's hands. Sorina's heart began to pound as the doctor dropped onto one knee.
"Sunny," he said softly. "Will you marry me?"
There wasn't a single pause. Not a second before Sorina leaped towards Jack, wrapping her arms around his neck. He stumbled back a little, but caught himself in time. She smiled at him, tears brimming in her blue eyes.
"Yes." She beamed. "Yes, of course I'll marry you!"
As the newly engaged couple's lips met, Dracula and Agatha stared upwards towards the sun. At its bright, ever glowing glory. How interesting life truly was. What had brought them together. Where they stood now. The former nun rested her head on the vampire's shoulder. Even after all of this time, in the end, things were finally right.
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