#i have tulin and yunobo with me all the time now and they take out the blademasters for me <3 love that
loving-jack-kelly · 1 year
btw. tulin totk is my little baby boy and I've adopted him nobody else can have him
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linzerj · 8 months
Just getting this idea out there so that maybe I'll actually finish writing it one day, but -
I've been on a Legend of Zelda kick recently. Currently replaying BOTW. Never played AOC but I've watched gameplay and all the cutscenes so I know what happens. Planning to play that and TOTK again soon. But I've got this idea cooking in my head.
Theres a post that talks about "what if you could find the Divine Beasts in the Depths", and another funny post that was just "what if Teba was the sage of Wind and not Tulin?" And I remembered when BOTW had just come out, and then AOC after, and people were speculating about the characters, like Teba, being the New Champions and getting to bond to the Divine Beasts.
That didn't happen in canon, but. Hear me out. What if even just one of the Divine Beasts bonded with a New Champion... like say, the one who doesn't become a Sage?
Teba, Sidon, Riju, and Yunobo return from their adventure in the past/alternate timeline/whatever, having saved those Champions and that Hyrule from destruction. Their own timeline is still the same, but they continue on as they do in canon.
Except they all meet up shortly after returning home, and one of them (Sidon or Riju maybe) asks "hey did anyone else try going to the Divine Beasts only to get rejected" and while the rest are like "yup wonder what that's about, sad" Teba is like "no wtf are you all talking about I was settling back in with my wife and kid."
But something about it sticks with Teba. He goes home, looks up at Vah Medoh, and thinks, 'it probably won't work but I may as well try just to confirm.'
...Vah Medoh accepts him as its new pilot.
I'm unsure as to whether or not Revali's spirit will still be there for a quick hello - but if he is, he'd be like "whomst?!" And Teba would be like "if you were still alive I'd definitely adopt you because thanks to some time travel shenanigans i know that you desperately needed a parental figure in your life".
Mostly everything else proceeds as is canon up to the start of TOTK - except for the other Divine Beasts continuing to chill at their resting places, because upon hearing about Teba successfully bonding with Medoh, the others want to keep trying.
But, for whatever reason, Hylia decided that you cannot be both a Sage and a Divine Beast pilot, so the Beasts acknowledge them but never quite accept them as their pilots.
Then, TOTK. Then the chasms. Then, the other 3 Divine Beasts taking a plunge into the Depths.
Teba freaks out a little bit, but Medoh is circling Rito Village and is fine, except now there's these random floating islands but also a fuckass blizzard that's making it almost impossible to keep everyone fed, and Teba's just been saddled with Elder status so he's super in charge and Tulin is in a bit of a "I can do anything let me prove it let's go" phase and is trying to convince Teba to use Vah Medoh to fly up and stop the blizzard, but Teba is way too busy trying to keep the village from falling apart to go right now -
Then Link shows up, and Tulin runs off, and Link follows him, and the two go up and find the Stormwind Ark and fight Colgera and as the magical blizzard finally ends, Teba is just like "what the fuck".
Tulin tells him he's become a Sage, and isn't that cool dad?! And Teba is like "you're 12 and you're going to help fight a demon king?!?! Wtf?!"
But then at some point, Tulin (who knows the other Sages from that time he was in AOC, and meeting them a few times with his dad after) one day looks up from his breakfast and says "oh hey Sidon just became the Sage of Water! I saw it through my connection with Link!" And that's when it clicks into place for Teba why the Beasts never quite accepted the other "New Champions" - because they were destined for something else.
But Vah Medoh is still here. And it's pissed that it's fellow Beasts are gone and it also wants to blast Ganondorf in the face.
Unfortunately, Teba can't let it blast the castle when Link and co go to confront the Zelda illusion, because Tulin is there, Link is there, Sidon and Riju and Yunobo are there, and it's not the real demon king yet anyway.
Teba is grumpy about it, about letting Tulin go off and risk his life when he's a child and Teba is an adult, but then a huge dark dragon explodes out from the chasm below the castle and Vah Medoh is all too happy to fire upon it, knowing it's Ganondorf and wanting some sweet revenge of its own.
Teba's just surprised he can see the dark dragon, it's huge but he'd heard tales of only the young, or those chosen by thr goddesses, could see dragons. Maybe it's because of Vah Medoh that he can see this one, and the little light dragon that comes in and - hey is that Link?!
Maybe it ends with Teba going down to the Depths with Link to visit the other Divine Beasts, and suggesting that the locations stay known so that future generations may try to awaken them. They don't really need the Beasts anymore since both Calamity Ganon and Ganondorf have been defeated, but Medoh doesn't want to turn off and is happy just chilling at Rito Village with Teba. The end.
I have like 2.5k of this already written, I just wanted to use this post to write more of the ideas for the fic structure before I go to bed lol. And this idea probably doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense canon-wise, but it doesn't need to because the only reason this exists is because i love Teba and wish he'd gotten more screntime (or at least some spoken dialogue in the cutscenes!) in TOTK.
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How the sages react to the food you make for them 🥰
Some TotK spoilers below, please be warned! 
Sidon is thoroughly impressed! While he’s quite used to having his meals prepared by his staff, he’s enthusiastic about trying a homecooked meal made by your hands. You purposefully snuck behind him to ask Yona what his favorite thing to eat was - come to find it’s crab! With some finesse you managed to whip up some pretty simple crabcakes, something that had the Zora king staring at them with some consternation. Yet after one bite, you watch the shark-like eyes of your friend light up before he scarfed down the rest of it.  “Simply delicious!” he exclaimed, before waving his wife over to try one, “You must share the recipe with my staff members, I’m sure father would enjoy these as well - what a delight!”  For Riju and her court, you decided to make something rather special. Often you'd find the ladies of Gerudo town were not particularly privvy of the cultures on the opposite side of Hyrule, where dairy farms and foods on the fattier side were in much more abundance due to preservation from the hot sun being quite a bit easier. Luckily for you with a few white chuchu jellies you had no issue spinning together a fabulous dessert. A little caramelization mixed with a concoction of eggs, sugar and fresh milk from the Hateno dairy made for quite a flavorful egg pudding. Riju was respectful of your space as you baked, though the sugary sweet smell of the caramel left her and her warrior's noses rather curious. At your presentation of the dish, she blinked curiously, "It looks wobbly, is it supposed to be that way?" she asked you, poking at it with the spoon you lent her. She was more confused by your laugh, but decided to try it anyway. Immediately she was hit syrupy caramelized sugar and dense custard, a powerful combination for her sweet tooth. Snatching up another spoon she dipped into the confection, "Buliara! You absolutely must try this!" Unable to deny any request of her Chief, the Gerudo Captain takes a bite, only to be taken aback by how delectable it is before cracking the slightest of smiles in agreement with Riju. The latter of which is digging into the pudding with a squeal, "My warriors would enjoy this tremendously, perhaps you'd be willing to make several more?"
Tulin is completely invested in what you're making. As soon as you told him you had some hearty salmon on the menu (a note that Saki had mentioned to you in passing was one of his favorites), he's flapped away in excitement ever since. You thought at first it would be a little difficult being over the cooking stone with a pre-teen Rito zooming above you (you were admittedly terrified he'd singe a few feathers), but he mostly just watched you from over your shoulder. Skillful hands cleaned and cut the salmon with ease, this not being the first nor the last time you've cooked a good salmon of course. "Oooh, what's that? Did Uncle Yunobo give that to you?" he beams brightly at the jar of Goron spice in your hand that you shook onto the raw fish. You tell him not quite, though it was his suggestion to take some with you as you traveled to give your meals some kick. When the smell of the salmon becomes fragrant, you can hear Tulin’s muffled noises of elation as his giant sapphire eyes seem to nearly sparkle with hunger. You're not even able to get the words 'Okay, dig in!' completely out before he gobbles up his share in a few small bites. "Tulin, mind your manners!" Saki chides him, but you assure her it's fine, you did make sure to make extra after all. "But mom, it's so good!" he chirps before he flutters back over to you, "I can have more, right? Pleeeeease tell me you have more!"
Now for Yunobo, this required some serious instruction and skill. Consulting with Cooke at the Bedrock Bistro was your holy grail and you were very thankful that you were friends with Goron City's mining president to even get the opportunity, because although Cooke was naturally friendly - the man didn't play about his rock roasts. Your endgame: a rock roast flambé seared to perfection. It would take you several attempts to get it right; Cooke reiterated constantly the importance of temperature, wrist work and most importantly: timing. But when you finally had it, you were beyond proud...even if you couldn't eat it. With your fireproof potions at the ready, you got to work searing the slab at magma level degrees, taking care to watch the coloration of the rock and watch for its telltale signs of doneness. Fire roared in Cooke's kitchen (he was nice enough to lend it to you for the evening after you'd successfully seared your first one under his supervision), "Ooooh," mused Yunobo from the granite table out front. Another flame shot out from the kitchen, having him jump back a bit, "H-Hey! Don't burn yourself please!" But you didn't hear him, for within only a few seconds of your final flash sear - you were done. Hot as Death Mountain itself, you had to serve Yunobo his flambé on a steel plate (and with fireproof gauntlets), but it was well worth it to watch the Goron's mouth water in appetence. With his dark blue eyes aglow in thanks he tearfully whimpered out a "Thank...you...!" before cracking right into the rock roast flambé. Incoherent grunts of approval and whines of delight were what you heard from your giant friend, and it put your heart at ease when he had practically picked the thing clean. Moving him for the next few minutes was nigh impossible from him being so full afterward, but the reassuring hand on your head and a satisfied, dreamy sigh of "In...credible!" was all you needed to hear to know Yunobo had thoroughly enjoyed his meal. Bonus: Though Mineru could no longer eat food due to her body being completely mechanical, that did not stop her from sharing a simple recipe that she remembered making for herself and Rauru when they were younger. A simple dish of apples and honey, one that she was able to easily instruct you to recreate. Upon tasting it, you were enthralled at its sweetness - not at all overbearing, but beyond delectable. "I'm glad you like it, it has been some time since I've seen this dish be made...it brings back memories." There's a sadness in her tone that tugs at your heart - so without another word you wrap your arms around her otherworldly frame, thanking her for showing you such a delicious dish.
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dreamdepot · 27 days
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Dreams of the Kingdom - Chapter 18: The Prince's Advisor
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You stared at your hand, still not believing it was gone.
“It doesn’t change you,” Link whispered, gentling running his thumb over your knuckles. The group had retreated back to Lookout Landing, where you had been carried to your house and your bed. You were propped up on some pillows. Normally you’d be upset about dirtying the sheets with your sullied armor and wounds, but you couldn’t bring yourself to think about that at the moment. “You were always amazing, Triforce or not. Nothing Ganondorf does can ever change that.”
You nodded, but your eyes settled on Link’s arm. Link had the power of light and the Master Sword. Zelda had the power of the Goddess and, apparently, time. Ganondorf was the source of all evil and held not only a secret stone but most of the Triforce.
Maybe Ganondorf was right. Where did that leave you?
Prince you might be, but what did that matter in a battle of people with the strength of gods? You looked over the other sages, all of them with their own secret stones and abilities.
“Stop,” Link said. “You can’t compare yourself like that.”
“I failed them. I failed everyone. And now I can’t even fight back. What kind of useless royal am I? Can’t even protect my people.”
“Bullshit. You rebuilt most of Hyrule yourself, and you were with me on our assault on the Calamity and you were right there, first to charge in against Ganondorf today.”
“No, stop.” Link placed his hands on your cheeks, guiding you to look into his eyes, filled with fierce determination. “No buts. [Y/n], you have been working around the clock to save Hyrule. You haven’t failed anyone. We will find a way to fix this.”
Sidon coughed. “I think we should go and check with the monster control forces in town.”
“Oh okay, Link do you want to come with us?” Tulin asked.
“No, no, honey,” Riju said, patting his head. “Just us.”
“If you, uh, need anything… you know…” Yunobo said, before Sidon yanked him around the corner.
As soon as they were out of sight, Link pulled you into a bear hug, as if he was trying to crush your panic. You felt the tears start to well up. “It’s okay, you can let it out.”
You clung to Link, sniffling. “I’m sorry… I was… I just…”
“It’s okay, we’re going to figure this out.”
“Link, he has two pieces of the Triforce and a secret stone. And he has this all planned out from the start? How do we know he isn’t controlling me or that he doesn’t know exactly what we’re going to do or…”
“[Y/n] stop. He’s getting in your head. Second guessing everything and being afraid is exactly what he wants.”
“No,” Link said, cradling your head. “C’mon now, breathe with me. Four, two, six, remember? In… hold… and out… in… hold… and out…good boy.” You could feel the feelings start to recede. “C’mon, let’s get you comfy.”
Link drew a warm bath for you – you had to thank Robbie for using Sheikah tech to make a small water heater for your plumbing. While you cleaned off, you could hear Link busy in the next room. By the time you got out, he pressed a mug of your favorite relaxing tea into your hands. He made sure to get your favorite pillow and blanket, wrapping you up before easing you onto the bed.
“What are we going to do?” You finally asked.
“We are going to rest, and you are going to get some sleep.” You opened your mouth, but Link shushed you. “Please, [Y/n], I’m begging. You need to rest.”
“I…” You sighed. “I don’t want to, but I’ll try. But Link, what about you?” His face grew stony. “People are going to need help. With Ganondorf’s extra power…”
“I know,” he said. “I don’t want to leave you.”
“I don’t want you to go either, but…”
“There may not be a kingdom left if I don’t,” Link finished.
You took his hand. “I promise I’ll be fine.”
“Of course you will, you’re my prince,” Link smiled and leaned in to kiss you. “Just please take it slow. I’ll stay until you fall asleep, okay?”
“Thanks,” you sighed as your eyes drifted shut.
You woke, feeling someone sitting on the bed behind you. “Link…? Is that you?”
“No, I’m afraid not,” said a slightly familiar voice with a little chuckle. That woke you up quickly. You flipped around to see a tall spectral appearance sitting at the edge of the bed. The goatlike man nodded to you in greeting. “I apologize for the intrusion.”
“King Rauru!”
“Please, just Rauru is fine. We are family after all.” He looked over the room, eyes lingering on your photos and trinkets. “A rather humble home for the prince of our kingdom. It’s quite warm and cozy though. Sonia loved collecting little mementos too.”
You carefully shifted up on the bed, propping yourself up on the pillows. “Am I dreaming?”
Rauru laughed. “With all the dreams you’ve had lately, I can understand why you would be skeptical. But, I assure you, I am very much real – or at least as real as a spirit can be.”
“Yeah, you’re not the first spirit I’ve met,” you said slowly, pinching your forearm just to make sure. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy you’re here, but why now?”
“Well, not exactly ‘now’, I’ve been around for quite a while.”
“You have?
“Of course, I have been watching over you and Link. I’ve been with you every step of the way, since Link reunited with you after you first discovered Ganondorf.”
Your mind returned to a certain night in a tent before the failed siege, your face heating. “…every step?”
Rauru crossed his arms. “I have enough class to give you your privacy for more intimate moments, [Y/n]. I’m not so old that I don’t remember being young. My… when I first met Sonia…” His eyes grew faraway for a moment. “Never mind that, I came to see you because you’ve had quite the ordeal.”
“You can say that again,” you muttered, a little mad at how childish your voice came out. “I don’t know what to do next. I don’t have the Triforce, my sword is broken… it feels hopeless.”
“You aren’t giving up, are you?”
“Absolutely not!” You gasped. “I’m not just going to hand my kingdom over to Ganondorf! If I’m still breathing, I’ll fight Ganondorf with a butterknife if I have to. How can you even-” Your voice trailed off as Rauru started to laugh. “What?”
“Determined and a bit hard-headed, aren’t you? That proves more than anything you’re my descendant.”
You moved to the edge of the bed. Rauru sat next to you, placing a ghostly hand on your shoulder. Despite your prior experience with the dead, it felt warm. “So, what do we do? I’ll fight him with a butterknife, but I’d rather go in with something that’ll actually end him.”
“There may be other ways you haven’t considered. Ganondorf prefers head-on assaults and manipulation behind the scenes. You will need to get creative.”
You thought for a moment, feeling like you were being tested. “There’s still the last piece of the Triforce, and Sharpe was adamant about his songs being important. I only know three of the five parts, so maybe Sharpe has something that will give us an edge.” You then frowned, thinking back to the confrontation. “Sharpe asked me to break the cycle. Then, during the fight, Ganondorf said Hyrule was always the story of three, insinuating I had no place in the fight against him…”
“Ganondorf has always been a master of manipulation, so I suggest taking anything he says with a grain of salt – like Link told you?” Rauru said, with a hint of the certain chastising tone only a parent could do. “Besides, he gloated about using you. You were clearly a cornerstone to his plan, as he wouldn’t have been able to get the Triforce without you.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“Patience. Ganondorf used you to get the Triforce because he knew that he nor Link nor Zelda could. He gloats about using you because he wants you to be despondent, unlikely to fight back. If you were key in his rise, you may also be key in his ultimate downfall.”
That did help a little. “But he forced me – or, err, Sheik – to be reborn, and he said my soul was bound to him. What does that mean?”
“I’m afraid reincarnation and the flow of time is Sonia’s realm of expertise, but I can give you my best guess.” Rauru fell deep in thought for a moment. “You may be the reincarnation of my friend, and his soul may be within you, but you are your own person. Like how every Link and Zelda carry the strength and burdens of their predecessors, so do you carry that of Sheik. But at the end of the day, you are Prince [Y/n], my descendant and the hero that the people of Hyrule are looking to for leadership.”
“So, what do I do? Can you like, give me some kind of Zonai superweapon? Maybe a secret stone?”
“A secret stone won’t help you, not that you need it. Think of all you’ve done without one, even before you came to this time. I am proud of you, my descendant. I know you will find the answer, but you need to think broader than just strength. Think less like Ganondorf and more like you.”
It was nice to hear but not exactly helpful. Worse, it felt like you hadn’t given him the answer he wanted. You laid back staring at the ceiling. “There has to be something I can do, but… ugh, how do I stand up to Ganondorf? He has a secret stone, two pieces of the Triforce, and millennia of preparation.”
“It does look bleak, but people like us don’t take what fate hands us laying down. We are leaders, and we must take responsibility for the wellbeing of all our people.” Rauru thought for a moment. “Ganondorf has been planning this for quite a while. His influence has been poisoning Hyrule for centuries.”
“That’s it!” you gasped. You tumbled out of bed and grabbed your pack, fumbling around inside.
“What do you have there?”
You held out the stone you found. “Not exactly a secret stone, but I know it has to do with time. I don’t fully understand it, but it helps me see the past and even let me step back in time for a bit. Do you know how to use it?” Before Rauru could respond, you started pacing as your mind raced. “If I can use it to step back in time far enough, maybe that will buy us enough time to help us build something to stop him, or maybe to drain his power! Wait no, we can use it to undo his preparations!”
Rauru simply watched you with a small smile. He composed himself when you noticed. “My apologies. Link was right, you do get a certain fiery look in your eyes when you strategize.”
“I’m sorry?”
“[Y/n], that man is obsessed with you. He would not stop talking about you up on the Great Sky Island. I had to meet you myself – though again I apologize it took a little longer than expected.” He gave you a thoughtful look before a smile bright as the sun bloomed on his face. “I may not be your father, but I have to say I approve of Link courting you and vice versa. Hyrule does need a strong symbol of partnership and love these days.”
You felt a blush on your cheeks. “Thank you for your blessing, but back to the topic?”
“Yes, of course. I was going to say I’m surprised,” Rauru said, reaching out and taking the stone from your hand, letting it sparkle in the light. “I haven’t seen one of these in quite a while. What you have is a Timeshift Stone. They were exceedingly rare, even in my time. The largest supply of them disappeared long before I was born, back in the time when Lanayru was still a desert. After the Age of Hylia, the stones mysteriously disappeared, possibly used to build something large. Others were studied by the ancient Sheikah people and used to develop their technology. The few that remained were kept by the Royal Family and used to form a magical treasure.”
“The Ocarina of Time.”
“Precisely. But considering the Ocarina of Time and any other Timeshift Stones disappeared hundreds of years ago… well, I’m certainly surprised. You might call it divine intervention that the stone ended up in your hands.”
You thought back to when you fell into the abyss. “Something like that.” You then stopped. “Wait. You knew all this already, didn’t you?”
“Guilty as charged I’m afraid.” Rauru laughed. “But as your ancestor, I wish to impart wisdom to you by teaching you to find the answer rather than just telling you. I know you will be quite the ruler, far better than many others in our family. You truly are as resourceful and resilient as Zelda said.” He gave you back the Timeshift Stone. “Now, my descendant, please understand I didn’t leave you completely hopeless in this time. This old man still has a few tricks!”
“What do you mean?”
“Ganondorf’s strength is also his greatest weakness. He is too obsessed with the flow of reincarnation and time, that he thinks he sees all the angles. He’s missing the forest for the trees, or in this case, the war for the battles. He acts like he’s been setting everything up, but there are ways to undo his preparation – as you deduced. Sheik and Sonia saw this coming long before I did, and we made our own preparations.”
“The Shadow Temple?”
Rauru gave you a sly smile. “Now how did you know about that? But yes, one of many precautions, though I believe it’s not what you need just yet.”
You thought back. “Breaking the cycle and focusing on the damage Ganondorf has done, right?”
“Yes, exactly.”
You ran back your dream in your head, trying to remember the details. “But… the Shadow Temple is locked. I need a key to get in, so… where’s the key? Or maybe I should be asking, what is the key?”
“Excellent questions. The key is a bit complicated. My sister Mineru helped to ‘design the lock’ so to speak. It’s partly magic and partly mechanical. You’ll need to go to her laboratory in the Depths, if you wish to get inside.” Rauru seemed lost in thought. “Before that though, I think you’ll need to use a different kind of key, since someone went through the trouble to make sure you got it.”
“Lady Din does like to be a bit more hands on.”
Rauru chuckled. “It is an opportunity though. That Timeshift Stone is more special than it appears. It is the key to something that will be of great help to you.”
“Something that helps us defeat Ganondorf?”
“I wouldn’t say it would give you any power against Ganondorf per se, but perhaps something that would give you the edge you need... more time in fact. Under the-” Rauru stopped, his image flickered. He rose his hand, energy glowing, as his third eye opened. “Something’s wrong. Ganondorf, he’s…!”
“Link…in trouble,” He said as he faded and flickered. “…look skyward… Great…Island. I believe in you… my…” His body faded away, leaving his words hanging like an axe over you. The words then sunk in, and you bolted out of bed, kicking the door open and running towards town.
“MOVE!” You barreled through the soldiers towards Purah’s lab; manners were the last thing on your mind.
“Prince! You’re supposed to be-” Josha’s voice trailed off as you shot up the steps. “Resting…”
You nearly tore Purah’s door out of the wall as you skidded to a stop, sending notes and books tumbling everywhere. “Purah! Where’s-” Your words caught in your throat. In the corner, Link and Sidon stood, mid-conversation frozen in time. “No, no! Link please!” Every inch of him, even Rauru’s arm, had completely turned to stone. Even the Master Sword was nothing but rock without even a drop of magic.
Purah slowly descended the stairs. “I’m sorry, I did my best to stop it but…”
“What happened?” You asked hollowly.
“I don’t know. One minute they were talking, and the next...” Purah pulled you into a hug. “It’s okay, I’ll figure out something.”
Just then the door opened again, and Captain Hoz and Scorpis entered. “Lady Purah, we… I see you already know.” Captain Hoz looked over the statues, trying to keep his face steady. “Right then. Scorpis, keep his majesty under guard. We need to figure out what’s going on.”
Your head snapped up. “But-”
“I’m sorry, your majesty. With everything going on…” He looked pained.
It didn’t take a genius like Purah to understand the implication. The words fell out of your mouth. “I’m the only one left, aren’t I?”
He frowned. “Yes sir. All of the sages, and Sir Link…���
“I see.”
“So, the five new champions and the Master Sword itself,” Purah muttered. She looked at you.
You understood the silent question. “Ganondorf wants me alive. For what end? I don’t want to think about it. He just wants me alone.”
“Is it magic? Some kind of gloom curse?” Scorpis asked.
Purah shook her head. “Solid rock. I’ve never seen anything like this. The old stories mention petrification, but that was never something related to the Demon King, more the practice of the Dark Mage Vaati. I’m sure there’s a scientific way to fix it, but it’ll take time.”
Scorpis stood close to you. “Your majesty, you should be resting anyway. Let’s take you back to your bed.”
“Just one moment, please.” The world felt numb as you stood before Link’s stony body. “Link… Please hang on, I promise I’ll save you.” Link’s now rocky hair was loose, and in his hand was his well-worn hair band – the only thing unpetrified. You took his hair band, slipped it on a leather strap, and tied it to your wrist. You leaned in and kissed his cheek, wishing it would bring him back to life like some fairy tale. Sadly, his body remained cold and still. “I’ll be back soon.”
Night seemed to take forever to come, but with the endless blood moon overhead, it hardly seemed any darker. It was just lucky that Ganondorf seemed to be biding his time, as monsters had yet to swarm you or Lookout Landing. Finally, your opportunity came. You snuck out of the house in the quiet of night, dressed in your Sheikah armor. Sneaking out of the house past Scorpis was the easy part – sneaking over to the Tower was a bit harder. You squeezed past the guards, sticking to the few shadows. With most of the town asleep, it was a little better, but everyone was on edge. The slightest twig snap would likely send your guards into a panic. You hurried across the last bit, nearly to the edge of the tower.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You froze as Purah stood at the entrance. “I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be under house guard.”
“Please Purah, I’m desperate. I need to get to the Great Sky Island.”
“You think I’m going to let the last hope of our kingdom run off alone? That’s crazy! And you’re not even fully rested yet!”
“I can’t rest if Ganondorf is still alive. I…” You swallowed hard. “I need to save Link.”
Purah stared you deep in the eyes, piercing you. “Alright,” she finally said. “What do you need from me?”
“You don’t need to do everything yourself. We’re all here to support you, okay?” She flicked you on the forehead. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell, just please be safe.”
“Thanks Purah.” You looked down at the platform. “Can you pump some more power into this? A little extra height?”
“Say less,” she smirked.
Purah soon had her tools out and got to work making adjustments to the guardian arms. You hid in the shadow of the tower entrance, only visible to her. You passed her a wrench as you looked back up at the blood moon overhead. “Purah, promise me that if things get bad, you’ll evacuate everyone.”
“It won’t come to that-”
“Purah, promise me.”
She looked at you for a moment. “I promise. But promise me something, that you’ll be careful out there. You’re working yourself too hard. You’re no good to us dead.”
“I have to do something.”
“Yes, and you have. I know how it feels to be helpless. Remember, I lived through the Calamity, I had to help keep everyone safe when Ganon burned Hyrule for nights on end.” She fiddled with some of the gears. “I know you feel guilty, but it’s not your fault.”
“I practically handed him the tools to destroy us.”
“You’re saying that to the girl who helped rebuild the Divine Beasts and the Guardians.”
You winced. “I…”
She sat up and patted you on the back. “You may be our prince, but you can’t carry the weight of the world around forever. I trust you to do what you need to do, but don’t forget Hyrule is all of us – not just the prince and his knight. We aren’t going to let any Demon King destroy us without a fight. So, promise me, Prince [Y/n], you’re gonna come home safe – for me, for the kingdom, and most of all, for Link.”
“I promise.”
“Good!” She whacked the gears, and the terminal lit up again. “It’s ready to go.”
You tightened the belts on your armor, making sure you had your light pack secured. “Alright, Purah, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” The guardian arms spooled out, this time handing you a pair of goggles. The platform began to shake.
“You better. Good luck Princey.” She adjusted her glasses. “By the way, you have Link’s map data of the Great Sky Island. You could have just teleported there.”
“Wait, wha-” FOOOOM!
Wind whipped around as you flung skyward, higher and higher and higher. The air grew cold, reminding you of climbing to the Stormwind Ark with Tulin. You popped out your glider looking down at the specks of sky islands around you in the bloody light. If it wasn’t for Ganondorf’s influence, it would have been a beautiful night.
In the distance, Zelda glided through the air above Hateno. “I bet you’re checking in on your students,” you whispered to yourself. “You’ll see them soon, promise. Once I find the Shadow Temple and whatever Rauru wanted, I’m going to fix everything.”
You landed effortlessly at the edge of the Great Sky Island. Like Link had told you, there were Constructs everywhere, but they seemed to be asleep for the night. You checked your pack to make sure nothing had fallen out. You packed light, with clothes, your Royal Guard Armor as a second set, some arrows, a bow, lamp oil, rope, bombs, and some smaller blades to defend yourself. You turned one of the Eightfold Blades over in your hand. Link had fused a Blue Lynel’s horn to it for you, giving it a wicked edge that would make short work of most monsters.
You pulled up the map on your Purah Pad and looked at Link’s notes and travel history, trying to figure out where Rauru might have been thinking of. Then, you remembered the last dream and what Sheik said.
Rauru has secrets he doesn’t realize I know. The Temple of Time only needs the key.
Your eyes fell the Zonai Temple of Time. It was a far cry from the version you knew, but the unnatural swirl of light that rose from it called to you. You could practically feel the gears turning in your head as Rauru’s words came back to you.
Something that would give you the edge you need… more time in fact.
“Rauru… what did you have in mind?”
It took a bit to safely make your way to the Temple of Time, but soon you found yourself in the main atrium. Unfortunately, without the power of Rewind, climbing to the upper floor with the Goddess Statue took longer than you expected. You looked around but nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first. Then, you realized there had to be upper and lower floors, but no clear way to get to them. Furthermore, there was something causing a glowing light at the top, but when you had glided to the island, there didn’t appear to be anything there.
“Okay Rauru, what did you hide here then?” You pulled the Timeshift Stone from your pack as you wandered out the giant doors. You walked towards the collapsed balcony that Zelda had dropped you off on after Link pulled the Master Sword. You squeezed the stone, trying to summon any kind of vision, but there was nothing. “Would’ve been nice to just jump back in time to see Rauru or Zelda instead,” you grumbled, turning back to the Temple of Time.
As you walked back through the doors, the stone vibrated in your hand, softly starting to glow and pulse. You then heard the splash of footsteps. Below, you saw another echo of the past, but this time it was Sheik, dressed again in his robes reminiscent of Farosh as he strode through the cistern. You leaped down after him, but he disappeared as quickly as he came. Shimmying behind the waterwheel, you squeezed into the damp alcove to find a hidden door. It groaned on its hinges as you forced it open. You walked inside and followed the hidden staircase down into the darkness of the temple’s hidden levels.
It was a short walk to the lowest chamber, lit by a few dim Zonai lamps. The room had a small raised altar with a pillar made almost completely out of pewter. “So, are you the Shadow Temple?” you asked the open air. You wandered the room, not finding any other hints of hidden doors. Tapping the walls with your sword revealed nothing but solid rock. “Don’t suppose there are any torches for me to light either,” you muttered, before turning back to the conspicuous pillar. You climbed the altar, examining the strange object. It was cool to the touch, and lined with runes that were too faded to read in the dim light, even if you knew how to. There was, however, a notch in the center, just below a winged herald.
The Timeshift Stone leaped from your hand, as if magnetized and snapped into the pillar, leaving a smooth surface. For a second, nothing happened, but then all of the runes lit up with a blue light. A hum filled the room before the pillar burst into small blocks. A chill spread up your spine as the gravity suddenly dropped, and the blocks floated all around you. One by one, they spun and fit together into new shapes, slowly forming a giant circle. Then, with a burst of light, the shape smoothed into a giant gear, etched with the symbols of the goddesses and inscriptions that looked like music notes. The Triforce was proudly emblazoned in the center. Portals opened from the ceiling and two more gears dropped down, fitting into place perfectly. With a clunk, the gears began to turn.
An odd energy filled the room, making your skin tingle and your hair float. For a moment, you stared in awe but then it dawned on you. Your mother’s stories described it perfectly, as did some of the books you borrowed from Zelda. “The Gate of Time. Oh Hylia, the Gate of Time is real…”
You paced back and forth, mind racing. “Okay, not the Shadow Temple. Rauru, you weren’t kidding about more time.” You approached the gate, watching as the symbols faded away to reveal an endless tunnel of gears inside. “Yeah, this changes things. I can try to undo what Ganondorf did, but… where do I even go? Where do I start?” You tentatively pushed your hand into the tunnel, feeling the energy tingle. Slowly, you pushed a foot inside and entered the gate.
“Okay – not sure how to direct this exactly.” You wracked your brain. Then, a plan hatched in your mind. If you could ask Purah for help in the past, then Purah would have a hundred years to research a solution! She could unfreeze Link and then you could get Rauru’s help again. You could even ask the Champions for help, or maybe Sharpe could tell you what he meant by his five songs! “Please, take me back to before the Calamity!”
The tunnel pulsed with energy, acknowledging you. You started to run through the seemingly endless hall of gears, the light from the entrance fading, and a new light growing at the other end. Energy of the ages flowed by you, and you couldn’t help running faster and faster. The light grew brighter until it was nearly blinding…
“Oh, the poor dear, is he okay?”
“Such strange garb, he’s not a thief, is he?”
The voices shook you from your grogginess. You found yourself flat on your back, staring up at a picturesque blue sky.
“Oh, he’s getting up! Give him some space!”
You slowly sat up to see you were surrounded by people on a wide cobblestone street.
Wait, what?
You patted the ground, realizing the last time you saw well maintained cobblestone streets was before the Calamity. All the cobblestone roads left were near Castle Town, and none of them looked brand new like this. At first, you wanted to leap for joy – it worked! You had gone back in time! But then, you realized this town wasn’t like any other you had seen before the Calamity. You looked around the cozy but prosperous village. There was a nice plaza with a weathervane and a marketplace. You rubbed the back of your head. When and where exactly did you land?
“Okay everyone, let’s stop treating the poor man like a spectacle!” A rough voice said. An old man in yellow robes with a carved wooden staff walked up. He stroked his long white beard, looking you over. “Come now, can you stand?”
“I think so,” you said, getting up to your feet a bit shakily.
“Good, come with me.” You followed him up a hill to a large but plain home. He led you inside where an elderly woman was setting out some teacups.
“Please sit,” he said, pouring you a cup. “It’s not every day one falls out of the sky on our village – especially for someone wearing the mark of the Sheikah clan. You seem to have traveled quite a distance.” He set his staff down and sat across from you, removing his cap. “I am pleased to welcome you to Kakariko Village, traveler. My name is Sahasrahla. What is yours?”
7 notes · View notes
fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - Chapter 14
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ] A/N: This chapter's formatting may not read very well on Tumblr. See the AO3 link as an alternate.
Booting… Booting… Boot–
%%% A problem has occurred and the Purah Pad will now shut down to prevent further damage. 
%%% Shutdown process: Initiating…
### STOP: 0x0000008E (0xHE000000LP, 0x0ME00000)
### pp1371hud.sys – Address F87D91-HELP at F87DA0-ME
%%% Beginning memory transfer…
%%%Transfer Complete.
%%% C  ontact your the Pur  ah Pad technical admini5trat0r for furthe  r  #  H##ELP! 
> Director’s Log, 104AC, 8th month, 6th day. I’ve made a start on the repairs to Link’s Purah Pad, but progress is slow. It was pretty badly damaged in the fight, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to save it. To think, just yesterday Link asked me to give it a once over. 
As a stopgap, I’ve booted up a prototype Purah Pad and transferred all of Link’s data and inventory across. Its hardware is barely holding together, so I’ve asked Robbie to return from Hateno Village to help out, but he’s still a day away.  
I’m using the guidance stone console to recover what I can. It looks like most of the data survived, but everything logged in the past week is completely scrambled. I’ll sort it out. I have to. 
I know how much Link’s notes mean to him. Salvaging them is the least I can do. 
[ Corrupted data packets identified ]1040802-logtypeTEXT.pkg 1040802-hyrulegarrison-053.img1040804-logtypeTEXT.pkg 1040804-lookoutlanding-055.img 1040805-logtypeAUDIO.pkg UNKNOWN-PRINCESSZELDA.img
Re-compiling… 1040802-logtypeTEXT.pkg Recovery 12.5 / 100%
Log[]da[][]: 10:45. 8th month, 2nd day ##VALUE! Location: Hyrule Ga[][]is[]n [][][][][] Weather: %%UNRECOVERED
%[...]%Glad Tulin and Riju are with me. Have a bad feeling, about all this%[...]%Too many memories in Hyrule, and one over every rise and along every path%[...]%but Riju said I had no need for guilt, and Tulin said it was probably an accident%[...]%
< ~File corrupted, unable to display image > 
Re-compiling… 1040804-logtypeTEXT.pkg Recovery 32.3 / 100% 
[][][] d[]te: ##VALUE! 8th [][][][][], 4th day 104AC ~~~ation: Lookout Lan[][][][] Weather: Mild
%[...]%Robbie’s upgraded the Message Medallions and made one for each Sage%[...]%I’ve briefed the Sages that I think it could be a trap, but we haven’t told the people of Lookout Landing. They’re so sure it’s her. They have so much hope. Who am I to take that away?%[...]%
A half-corrupted photograph, the shapes and colours decaying into noise. To describe it in more detail would be to describe peeling the Purah Pad back layer by layer, and unearthing the wriggling wires, blinking lights and humming components underneath. Look too long, and something starts looking back. 
Caption: C an you% %see m e?
Re-compiling… 1040805-logtypeAUDIO.pkg  Recovery 49.0 / 100% 
RJ | 12:30 %[...]% made it to the Library%[...]% looking worse for wear. 
UNKNOWN | 12:30 Roger that. Yunobo and I are ###here##in here, I’m##in here## 
UNKNOWN | 12:31 Checking in! The Docks are clear but ###Gl# %% %.
YNB| 12:31 Plenty of Gloom here too, goro!
UNKNOWN | 12:32 What about you?%[...]%
LNK | 12:32 I’m at the second gatehouse. And I… 
RJ | 12:32 ##[PURAH]? What’s going on?
> Director’s Log, 104AC, 8th month, 7th day - After a day of work and no sleep, I’ve barely made it halfway through the data. I sent Josha off to find me some coffee but Goddess be good, she’d never heard of it. I guess they don’t make it in Kakariko anymore. 
Robbie’s not far away. It’s possible it’s the damage to the Purah Pad itself that causing all the isues. But there’s a lot of noise in the data, more than there should be. Maybe someone’s been messing around with the backend somehow.  
I just hope we can sort this all out before Link gets back. It would help if we knew where he went, and for how long, and why. Scorpis sent scouts, Harth too. They haven’t come back with anything. I told them he’s the Hero of Hyrule for the Goddess’ sake, look harder! 
Okay, I think I’ve nearly cracked the entries made on the day Link and the Sages infiltrated Hyrule Castle. Hopefully something in there will help us find him. 
Recompilation complete: 1040804-logtypeTEXT.pkg Recovery 61.7 / 100%  
Log date: 14:45. 8th month, 4th day 104AC Location: Lookout Landing Weather: Mild  
Made it to Lookout Landing with Tulin and Riju. Sidon and Yunobo were already here. All of Hyrule has come for 'Zelda'. 
We’ve spent the morning planning the ‘rescue’. Robbie’s upgraded the Message Medallions and made one for each Sage, so that we can all go to the Castle together and communicate freely. The plan is to hit each main entrance – the Docks, the Library, the Dining Halls and the Gatehouses – all at once. 
I’ve briefed the Sages that I think it could be a trap, but we haven’t told the people of Lookout Landing. They’re so sure it’s her. They have so much hope. Who am I to take that away? 
And there is … another possibility. I can’t promise them Zelda is just an illusion if the opposite is true, but it’s too terrible… What would we do? What would we do, Zelda, if it’s really you causing all these problems in Hyrule, and really you who has turned on us? Goddess, what would we do?
A colourful photograph of Lookout Landing, with the banners of each land of Hyrule visible. Hyrule Castle stands in the background, brightly lit by the sun despite the Gloom that pours out of it. 
Caption: Time to find out. 
Re-compilation complete: 1040805-logtypeAUDIO.pkg  Recovery 85.5 / 100%
Audio log transcription date: 104.08.05  Time: 26 minutes 31 seconds. 
LNK | 12:27 Testing… testing… Can you guys hear me? 
RJ | 12:27 Loud and clear! Wow Link, it’s like you’re right here. 
LNK | 12:27 Thank Robbie. This was his idea. 
TLN | 12:28 Cadet Tulin checking in! Or, no, can I be Officer Tulin?
RJ | 12:28 Sure you can, kid. 
TLN | 12:28 Who are YOU calling kid?
RJ | 12:28 Only the Chief of–
YNB | 12:28 Hey guys! President uh… Yunobo, checking in! Is that the right term?
TLN | 12:29 You are President aren’t you?
YNB | 12:29 No the ‘checking in’ part.
TLN | 12:29 I guess?
SDN | 12:30 I am also here! 
LNK | 12:30 Are we all in position?
RJ | 12:30 I’ve made it to the Library. This place is looking worse for wear.
TLN | 12:31 Roger that. Yunobo and I are in the Dining Hall. 
SDN | 12:31 I’m at the Docks. They’re clear but there’s Gloom everywhere. 
YNB | 12:31 Lots of Gloom here too, goro!
RJ | 12:32 What about you, Link? 
LNK | 12:32 I’m at the Second Gatehouse. And I…
RJ | 12:32 Link? What’s going on?
LNK | 12:32 I can see her. 
SDN | 12:33 The Princess? 
TLN | 12:33 Zelda?
LNK | 12:33 I… I don’t know. Hold position, I’m going in.  
SDN | 12:33 Uh, no need for alarm but, there’s something here…
TLN | 12:33 Wait… I can see something too. 
YNB | 12:34 Do you think that’s…?
RJ | 12:34 Zelda!? But, she’s in the Gatehouse! What is she doing here?
SDN | 12:34 It’s… moving. The Gloom is moving…
LNK | 12:34 [roaring, crashing noises] Ack! Everyone! It was a trap! I repeat a trap!
TLN | 12:34 Yunobo watch out!
YNB | 12:34 Monsters! 
RJ | 12:35 They’re everywhere! What happened to Zelda?!
LNK | 12:35 She was bait! Get out of there!
SDN | 12:35 [gasping] H-Help me! Help! It’s got a hold of me! 
LNK | 12:35 Sidon! I’m on my way–
SDN | 12:35 [strangled] No, don't–! You damn-! Hyack, hyah! I’m… I’m free!
LNK | 12:35 Run! Don’t try to fight it!
SDN | 12:35 [screeching in the background] Okay, running!
TLN | 12:36 [arrows whooshing] One down!
YNB | 12:36 Yes, ha hah! We got this little guy, don’t worry!
TLN | 12:36 Not! Little!
RJ | 12:37 [thunder crashing] Take that! And that!
LNK | 12:37 Second Gatehouse is clear. Heading to the west apartments. Everyone report in. 
TLN | 12:38 Roger that, we are nearly–!
YNB | 12:38 Done and done! Dining Hall is clear.
RJ | 12:39 So is the Library. Phew, that was quite the fight. And– oh, Sidon!  You made it from the Docks!
SDN | 12:40 [out of breath] Indeed. 
RJ | 12:40 Those marks on you… what was down there?
SDN | 12:40 I do not know! 
TLN | 12:42 So did we… find Zelda?
YNB | 12:42 I think she left, after those monsters came. 
TLN | 12:43 So it wasn't really her?
YNB | 12:43 Iunno…
RJ | 12:44 Link? What should we do now? 
RJ | 12:46 Link? Say something. You’re scaring us.  
YNB | 12:47 Is…is he alright?
SDN | 12:48 He’ll be fine. Maybe his talking stone is not functioning. 
YNB | 12:49 It’s more of a talking rock.
TLN | 12:49 Looks like a pebble to me.
SDN | 12:49 It is distinctly a glowing stone, the markings typical of–
RJ | 12:48 Can we please focus?! Link, come in! 
LNK | 12:49 I’m here, sorry. Monsters in Zelda’s old room. Caught off guard. Heading to the Inner Sanctum. Everyone else retreat. It’s too dangerous.
SDN | 12:49 No. We will join you. 
TLN | 12:50 We can’t leave now!
YNB | 12:50 We’ve come all this way!
RJ | 12:50 We’ll fight together!   
LNK | 12:50 Okay. I… Thank you.  Approaching the inner sanctum. It seems clear but… 
LNK | 12:51 …Zelda? 
TLN | 12:51 Is it another ghost?
YNB | 12:51 Is it another trap?!
LNK | 12:52 No it’s… it’s really you, isn’t it?
RJ | 12:52 Link! What do you see?  
LNK | 12:52 [softly] You came back…
RJ | 12:52 Link, wait! Wait for us to get there! 
SDN | 12:52 We’re moving as fast as we can! 
LNK | 12:52 I missed you…
RJ | 12:53 Link, answer me! Link!
LNK | 12:53 Zelda… you… wait. No–! [screaming]
RJ | 12:53 Link!
Connection terminated. 
> Director’s Log, 104AC, 8th month, 9th day - I’ve managed to recover more of Link’s logs, but Robbie wants me to hand over the Purah Pad ASAP. He took one look at it and shook his head. You’ve outdone yourself this time, he said. I told him I knew my behaviour was not becoming of a Lab Director. He agreed. 
The logs don’t tell me much. I know Link was anxious about going to the Castle, and I know they had a hard fight once they got there, but when he and the Sages returned… he was in hysterics. And the Sages say they just found him like that.  
But it wasn’t all for nothing. The Sages had good and bad news. The ‘Zelda’ we have been seeing everywhere was actually a puppet of the Demon King Ganondorf, who has survived to this era. It was Ganondorf that they fought in the Castle, and Ganondorf that caused all this Gloom and chaos. But the Sages believe there is still one of their number to be found, a fifth Sage, and that with their power they’ll be strong enough to take him on. But Link… 
He said that he didn’t care about the Sages, or Ganondorf, or Hyrule. He said he had to find Zelda and that he had to do it alone. I told him to cool it, and that we must approach this as a team, but he just kept saying he would let us all down, and that we were better off without him. 
I’ll be honest, I lost my temper. Pull yourself together, I said. The whole Kingdom is relying on you to defeat the Demon King, or we’re all dead, don’t you understand!? Zelda will have to wait, if she isn’t lost already! 
He gave me the darkest look. When he grabbed his Purah Pad to teleport away I…I ripped it right out of his hands. He tried to grab it back and there was a tussle and the next I knew, the Purah Pad was smashed against the ground. There was silence, the worst kind, when you know you’ve done a terrible thing. 
I have to repair it. It’s the only way I can think to apologise. And in the time I’ve been working on it, I’ve felt a judgement on me. Watchful eyes, deciding my guilt. I can’t believe I’m saying this but… I feel there’s something alive inside the Purah Pad, something that’s been rattling around in the circuits and is finally awake. I think it knows what happened here. 
Maybe if I keep recovering what I can, I’ll figure out what it is, and maybe I’ll fix everything else too…
Well. Back to work.  
Incoming transmission…Processing…
Message Medallion activated.
Connection established.
PRH | 09:00 Hello? 
UNKNOWN | 09:00 Hello, Purah. May I call you that?
PRH | 09:01 Who are you?  How are you — No, I know.  You’re whatever’s living inside the Purah Pad.
UNKNOWN | 09:01 Indeed, I apologise.  I hope my occupation will not be permanent. 
PRH | 09:02 So you tapped the messaging function in order to talk? That’s pretty brilliant.    
UNKNOWN | 09:02 Thank you! I’m glad you think so.  The Purah Pad has been a comfortable home. I am glad to meet its creator.
PRH | 09:03 Oh, it was nothing. I didn’t even know you were there. Anyway – WHO ARE YOU? 
UNKNOWN | 09:04 I would prefer not to say.  I was instructed to reveal myself only to the swordsman, Link. I do not know who I can trust.
PRH | 09:04 You can trust me, can't you? 
UNKNOWN | 09:04 I did call out for you to help me.
PRH | 09:04 And I got your messages.
UNKNOWN | 09:04 The Purah Pad has survived the damage, I see.
PRH | 09:05 Yeah, sorry about that.  That was my doing.  
UNKNOWN | 09:05 And it was your doing to save me.  Very well. I am Mineru, the Sage of Spirit.
PRH | 09:06 A Sage? The others are looking for you, you know. 
MNR | 09:06 I would prefer you allow me to speak to Link and Link only.
PRH | 09:07 Well he’s not here right now.  Something happened at Hyrule Castle.  He never told us what. 
MNR | 09:07 The Castle, yes.  Ganondorf’s cruelty is as boundless as the sky.
PRH | 09:07 You saw what happened?
MNR | 09:08 I see what the Purah Pad sees. Thanks to you, I can finally communicate.
PRH | 09:08 Mineru, we need to know what it was.  If Link abandons us, I don’t know what we’ll do. 
MNR | 09:09 I understand, Lady Purah.  It will be easier to show you.
A series of photographs, or perhaps more accurately the memory of them. These images are reconstructed out of others and are more akin to illustrations than true-to-life pictures. The first is an image of Link, stepping into the Inner Sanctum of Hyrule Castle, restored to its former glory. Waiting for him there is Princess Zelda, bright as the sun. She beckons. 
Caption: The puppet Zelda controlled by Ganondorf led us here, but this time when Link laid eyes on her, something was different. He was entranced. 
An image of Link embracing Princess Zelda. He appears to be weeping, they both are. The Princess’ face then darkens, Gloom seeping from her body. 
Caption: You must understand, Lady Purah, that even the tiniest sliver of hope was enough to tempt him. He had spent weeks knowing that this Zelda was not our Princess, but in that moment, it didn’t matter. 
An image of Link crying out in shock as Zelda grabs him by the throat and throws him to the ground. She then goes limp, as the ghostly image of Ganondorf taunts Link from above. 
Caption: I have never seen such rage. Link would have burnt the whole Kingdom down at that moment if it meant destroying Ganondorf. But the Demon King is cruel as he is cowardly. He would not face Link directly. 
An image of a phantom form of Ganondorf which has appeared to face Link. He and Link do battle as the puppet Zelda looks on. The image shifts – the puppet Zelda takes a dagger, and begins to attack at every opportunity. Link dodges her as he fights Ganondorf, unable or perhaps unwilling to retaliate. One of the puppet’s strikes lands across his side, and draws blood. 
Caption: Her betrayal would have been less painful were she not still so graceful, so beautiful. Her image was the one thing Link had wanted to see, and it turned on him with such violence.  
An image of the four Sages approaching the Inner Sanctum to join Link. The puppet Zelda hoists her dagger ready to throw at the intruders. Link cries out and, to prevent her murderous action, sinks a blade through her chest. The puppet falls into his arms, blood staining her white gown. Link holds her close until she dissolves into ash. 
Caption: He was inconsolable. The Sages found him weeping on the stone floor, and when they tried to help him stand, his rage boiled over. It’s a miracle he didn’t kill any of them in his rampage. But they managed to restrain him, and had to listen to the Demon King’s threats of destruction while their Hero shook in their arms. 
A final image of Link, back at Lookout Landing, arguing with the Sages and Purah. There is an altercation, and the Purah Pad falls to the ground, broken. Link departs in a huff, and the image fades to white. 
Caption: This was where he left us, or left me rather. The Sages do not hold anything against Link, but they do not understand. They did not see Zelda, in the Inner Sanctum, as he did. They do not know what he was forced to do to save them, even if it was only a puppet. You say he is missing? There is a log of his yet unrecovered that I believe may set you on the path to find him. Go, and find what you seek. 
Re-compilation complete: 1040802-logtypeTEXT.pkg   Recovery 100 / 100%
Log date: 10:45. 8th month, 2nd day 104AC Location: Hyrule Garrison Ruins Weather: Sunny
Short stop over in Hyrule Garrison before we head to Lookout. Tulin was flying over Hyrule Field and spotted us so he joined us on foot. One hour in and he was already complaining about how slow we move. Then he and Riju got talking about which Sage’s Vow is the best, and they’ve been hounding me for my opinion. I’ve convinced them that as Hero of Hyrule I don’t have favourites.
(It’s Tulin’s.) 
Glad Tulin and Riju are with me. Have a bad feeling, about all this. It’s peaceful being alone, but company is good too. Too many memories in Hyrule, and one over every rise and along every path, sometimes. 
One came back to me when we were exploring these ruins. I was young, when I was first sent here, though not sure how young. Did I already have the Sword? It’s all gone now anyway. 
When I was first starting out I was all brute force. The quicker boys, or the ones that didn’t play fair, always had the upper hand. One day I just got fed up. I thought I could dole out some justice. Didn’t know how hard I could hit. The first time I cracked another boy’s skull was the last… but I never really forgot the sound. 
The old me, the original Link, figured out how to quash that anger somehow. The current me is still afraid of what it will do, if pushed too far. I told Riju and Tulin all this, last evening by the fire. I thought they’d be disgusted, but Riju said I had no need for guilt, and Tulin said it was probably an accident anyway. I don’t know. I barely know anything, these days. But I do know I have friends at my side now, and ones I can confide in. Maybe that’s how he figured it out, the Link of times gone by. 
Well, present day Link has to press on, no matter what dread he’s feeling. Hyrule Castle is only a day away, and Zelda is waiting. (As is the gear she made me, hopefully) 
A photograph of Hyrule Field, with the looming Hyrule Castle on the horizon. It bleeds Gloom and beckons, forebodingly. 
Caption: I miss the times we had there.   
[ All corrupted logs recovered. ]
> Director’s Log, 104AC, 8th month, 10th day - It’s done. The Purah Pad put back together and given a polish thanks to Robbie and Josha respectively. 
I think I know where Link went now. It’s the only place no one thought to look, because it’s the one place we were sure he’d wouldn’t go. Zelda spoke of it, half a year ago now, and of the treasure she left him. I’m going to go there myself to deliver the Purah Pad to him, and make my apology. 
Before I go: Lady Mineru, I know you can hear me. I’m looking at the Purah Pad right now, all but talking directly to you. I have to wall you off again, Mineru, I’m so sorry. Your awakened presence in the Purah Pad is frying its circuits. I don’t know how you even got in there in the first place. Maybe you’ll tell us someday, but for now our priority must be keeping you alive. I’ll tell Link that the Purah Pad is the key to the fifth Sage when I hand it to him. I’m sure he’ll get you out of there somehow. 
I’ve also decided to delete the images you showed me of what happened in the Inner Sanctum. I don’t know how to tell Link what I know, or if I even should. But I will tell him I know how he’s feeling. We all miss Zelda, so very much. Our world ended twice over when we lost her. I can’t offer him much more than that, but I think that’s okay. Sometimes hope isn’t what you need. Sometimes all you need is to cry, and when that happens, it’s easier if you’re not crying alone. 
Okay, back to work. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. One of them will be our day. 
Log date: 17:10. 8th month, 10th day 104AC. Location: Mabe Village Ruins Weather: Cool.
Ah, the relief, having the Purah Pad back. You start to rely on this tech, once it’s part of your day-to-day. And there's no way to lose your memory if you write it all down. It's funny, Purah was the one who found me, in the Throne Room. There wasn’t much to say. We were both pretty sorry. Hugged it out, shed some tears, patched things up. Then I showed her why I'd returned there: the new Champion Leathers, bespoke made by Zelda. 
They fit perfect, a good blend of the old tunic and some new additions. Not sure what prompted the memory of her note about it, but I just knew I wasn’t going to let Ganondorf take that place from us. Zelda and I met there, after all, a long time ago now. 
Head’s still muddy. I don’t like thinking about what happened in there. Nearly let my anger get the better of me, nearly let it hurt my friends. I thought the Sages would abandon me for it but, they stuck by me, and carried me kicking and screaming out of that Castle. It’s so easy to let rage destroy you – when someone holds you back from that, it means something. I’ll find a way to thank them, in time. For now, I've apologised at least three times over. 
After all that, I think I’m not afraid of the anger, anymore. It’s just a part of me, as much as any other feeling. Old Link stamped out his feelings. The new one is going to try and roll with them.  
Heading south. There’s more geoglyphs that way, more ruins to explore, and pirates in Lurelin (apparently). Kind of excited about the last one. It’s been a rough few weeks. I promised the Sages I wouldn’t get too sidetracked, and would definitely find the fifth Sage in no time. But, come on, pirates! Let us have one fun thing to look forward to… 
A photograph of the waters of Mabe Prairie lake. In the reflection is Link, holding the Purah Pad, the impassive camera eye looking back upon itself. Garini of Lurelin Village is by his side, waving.
Caption: Me and my indispensable travel companion, and also Garini. 
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The Tears give the champions their powers! (Tears of the Kingdom theory)
I’ve had this theory stuck in my head for the last few days so just hear me out as I go off about this.
Ok, so in the recent trailer we see small gemstones that we now believe to be the titular ‘Tears of the kingdom’.
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Zelda is seen holding one but we also see more in the possession of the ‘new champions’
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On Sidon’s hand
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On Tulin’s talon
So it seems that all the champions will have one, but it seems Ganondorf also managed to get one on his forehead here:
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So we got a handful of Tears (presumably 7 based on other theories on murals and such) But what do they do?
Well people have already made the connection to the new recall ability symbol and the that Tear Zelda (and also the Zelda like woman) have.
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Perhaps this Tear is what gives Link the time rewinding ability (and perhaps what sends Zelda back in time if that theory is to be believed (Which I do))
I actually believe the below image is the scene where Link sends the Master Sword to the past to be fixed by Zelda (or just keep it there for a while as just time seems to heal the Master Sword) and Zelda gives Link the Recall Tear, thus giving him the ability.
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Ok so, the yellow Tear gives the Recall ability, but what about the rest? What do the others do and what are the other races using them for? Well this theory was spawned from this shot in the trailer:
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Riju appears to be using Urbosa’s lightning ability! An ability she never used in BotW and AoC so it was presumed she didn’t inherit it, and yet here she is using it now, but how?
Well if we look closely in this shot we can see....
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She has one of the Tears on her ear! Is it possible that the Tear is what gives her this lightning ability???
Is it possible that the 4 previous champion’s unique abilities were actually a result of Tears that they kept on them?
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Perhaps these 4 abilities (Lightning, Shield bubble, Updraft and Healing) all originate from Tears that the champions were given from the royal family when they became champions?
There are a few plot holes though... so I’ll try to fill them.
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Firstly Yunobo. He seems to have inherited Daruk’s Shield bubble ability. But perhaps what he actually inherted was the Tear that he keeps on him at all times? Maybe he’s not fully aware on what it truly does, or he sees it as a ‘protection charm’?
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Then there is Revali who calims to have perfected his unique updraft ability. Perhaps the tear’s ability was a bit unruly at first and needed to be trained. Or perhaps other Rito gave it a try but none could control quite like Revali.
I get there is a bit of a leap in logic here but I just can’t get the idea out of my head. It just makes sense to me on how these particular individuals gained these bizarre abilities. I really can’t imaine how Urbosa for instance managed to gain control of lightning. I get she could just be a powerful magic user and that still may be the case but still.
Finally I want to talk about Ganondorf. I believe his Tear allows him to transform into this:
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Some crazy powerful suped up (possibly immortal) version of himself (no I don’t think this is Demise. I think there is too much evidence to state the contrary) But anyway it’s clearly made him even more powerful than before.
I think he craves this power in this game and has stolen the Tears and Link has to get them back for the champions. As we know they don’t have the tears all the time from the gameplay and artwork:
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No Tears in sight.
And I actually think this shot (below) actually takes place near the end of the game after all the tears are recovered for them.
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So anyway, that’s my theory, I just had to get it out there before I exploded. I’m all good now.
I have other theories like how the rehydrated Ganondorf scene actually takes place in the past and his Tear made him immortal and thus that’s why his mummified body is still alive despite it being thousands of years. But I’ll leave that for now.
Thanks for reading!
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"Hey, Zelda." Link gave the dragon a watery smile, sitting down and patting the fur next to him. "It's been a while, sorry. Penn needed my help with a story."
He blew a strand of hair away from his face, wrapping the wings of his glide suit around him as protection from the wind. "It's stupid that I'm doing this again, isn't it? I spent a year putting off fighting the Calamity, and now I'm just wasting time exploring the Depths and Hyrule again. I found Mineru three months ago, for Hylia's sake." He gave a weak laugh. "Although I don't think Josha would call it a waste. You'd like her."
"I know what you'd tell me– 'The Demon King dealt a great blow against you, Link.'" His voice shifted, mimicking her accent. "'Taking time to recover is not a waste, and if you throw yourself injured into a fight again I'll drag you back by the ear!'"
Zelda let out a low rumble.
"Yeah, yeah, I know you hate it when I do that." He sighed. "But I am nearly healed. Almost all of the gloom's effects are gone, my arm nearly always feels like it's mine." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, have I told you how the others are doing?
"Sidon and Yona are doing pretty well– the official wedding is coming up soon. Sidon's really growing into being king. Yunobo and the kids are doing good too, last I saw, but I haven't been over there in a while."
He rubbed the sages' rings with his thumb. "Tulin's been training pretty hard; I think Teba is getting worried. He reminds me a lot of Revali, actually, with that. I still don't remember much, but I do know that he was always training. Probably just to show me up, but still.
"Riju…" He picked at his nails. "I understand why she gave me access, but I miss being Link, Hylian vai, and not Link, hero of Hyrule and the princess's guard. I don't think most of them have connected the dots, but even if I do find my vai clothes again, it won't be the same. Now that they've seen me as a voe, they'd figure it out right away. 
"Is it… weird, that I liked being a girl?" He closed his eyes, leaning back against Zelda's mane. "It was… nice. I don't know how to explain it, but… I wouldn't have minded living in Gerudo Town. Being 'little Hylian vai' for more than just a few trips.
"What do you think Riju would've said if I told her that? Would she have allowed it?" He laughed bitterly. "I'm only telling you this because you can't understand me. Pretty messed up, right?
"I asked Mineru about draconification, if she had found a way to reverse it after all these years. She just looked at me. Probably would've talked me out of coming up here, if she knew. Seems like that type of person."
He sighed. "No more royal line, huh? I think Hyrule will be okay, though. They survived for one hundred years with the Calamity still hanging around, I'm sure they can find a new leader, especially with the groundwork you laid."
He smoothed a hand over her fur. "The kids in Hateno miss you. I haven't told anyone what's happened to you yet. Impa and Cado know, but only because I started crying when I saw your final memory, and they got– worried."
He ran his hands through his hair, dislodging the mask, and sighed. "Do you want to know something weird? I think I saw you before. Flying over Hateno, when the Calamity was still around. I thought it was just Naydra, but… it makes more sense if it was you. It was practically destiny for me to fail you again, huh?"
"Fuck. Fuck." He pressed the palms of his hands against his eyes. "I miss you. I miss seeing you wake up in a bed next to me, I miss hearing you and Purah talk about where the shrines went. I miss seeing you smile, hearing you laugh at my stupid jokes, watching you spend hours focused on your research."
Tears dripped from his hands, falling onto Zelda’s head, and she let out a low, mournful cry. A dam broke, and Link shuddered, resting his head in his arms as the tears poured out.
"I can't do this." He gasped. "I can't pretend everything is normal, when you're gone but you're right here and– and–"
His fists slammed down, but stopped before they could touch her head, instead gently smoothing out along her fur. "I hate this. I hate my arm, I hate how Tulin was forced to grow up, I hate how much Hyrule has changed, I hate how you had to give your life just to fix the sword I broke."
His voice broke. "You're always cleaning up my messes. You held back the Calamity, and now you did this. I should just– just go and find him, before all of this is in vain. Ha, who cares if I'm not ready? As long as that bastard goes down with me, I don't care. We all know I should've just stayed dead."
Zelda growled, long and low.
He wiped his eyes. "Probably just tired of me being up here, aren't you. It's not very comfortable, is it? It's not because you can understand me, I know you can't. Mineru made it very clear that even a moment of lucidity would be impossible.
"But… I'm still coming up here. Still talking to you, like as soon as I beat him everything is going to go back to being normal and fine, even– even though it's not. Even though you'll still be up here, forever. Just a dragon. Never Zelda again."
More tears replaced the ones he had wiped away. "It should have been me, stuck like this. I've always just been a failure, and I saw how strong you were, how your abilities started to grow. If I had– if I had just died fighting against the Calamity like I was supposed to, maybe then you wouldn't even have gone down there and he wouldn't have woken up!"
He sniffled. "Goddesses, what am I supposed to tell people? 'Sorry, Zelda turned into a dragon thousands of years in the past, and no, sorry, only like ten people in the entirety of Hyrule can see her, and yeah, sorry, it's all my fault again.' That's going to go over well."
Zelda growled again, tossing her head. 
"I'm sorry. I'll go now." He ran a hand over her mane, smoothing out a few windblown tangles. "...I'll visit you again before I go fight him. Say goodbye. I don't think I'll be coming back from that, and even if you can't understand me, you deserve to know."
He stood up, wiping his face one more time and securing the mask over his eyes, and leapt into the sky.
A low cry echoed from the sky above him, and Link's eyes burned.
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jarino · 28 days
Giving up the Ghost: Chapter 18 (Eternal Peace)
Link and Zelda meet with the sages and determine the future of Hyrule.
AO3 Link
Link and Zelda slowly made their way back to Lookout Landing. When they arrived, Purah and the sages were there waiting for them.
When Sidon’s eyes landed on the pair, he immediately sprinted forward, scooping Link up into his arms. He planted a series of desperate kisses all across his face, holding him close.
“I was afraid for you…” he murmured, his voice warbled.
Link gently patted his cheek, leaning back slightly so he could meet Sidon’s gaze. ‘I’m sorry for worrying you. I’m okay.’
Tears pricked Sidon’s eyes and he pulled Link in for a proper kiss. Link returned the affection with everything he could, tilting his head for better access.
Zelda coughed slightly, which forced the two of them apart, each blushing deeply.
She giggled and said, “It seems there’s a lot you’ll have to catch me up on.”
Sidon set Link back down on the ground and rubbed the back of his tail awkwardly. “My apologies, your Highness. I must say, it is so good to see that you are safe and sound.”
She gave a gentle smile. “Thank you. I’m just glad everything worked out in the end.”
“You’re sure you’re okay?” Purah asked. “No residual…draconic traits?”
“Draconic?” Riju asked in confusion.
Zelda let out a small sigh. “There’s so much to tell you all. I’m not sure where to start.”
“I have an idea,” Mineru suggested. “Perhaps we could all convene at the Temple of Time. You can explain everything along the way.”
Smiling, Zelda said, “That sounds like a good idea.”
Thankfully, the Purah Pad was able to teleport the entire group to the Great Sky Island. They all walked through the landscape, admiring the view as they went. Zelda told the sages everything that had happened after she fell below the castle, detailing all she could.
When they reached the temple, Mineru left her construct outside, her spirit emerging and floating alongside them.
As they neared the walkway outside, Yunobo and Sidon both looked over the edge, admiring the view.
“Wow…I’ve never been this high up before, goro,” Yunobo said in wonder.
“Thank you for coming. I wanted to share this view of Hyrule with you all,” Mineru uttered with a smile.
“What a sight it is…” Riju said, mild awe in her voice. She turned to the princess and asked, “And Zelda…you were roaming the skies this whole time?”
“Yes, although…I don’t really remember.”
Mineru spoke up then, theorizing that Rauru and Sonia channeled their light and time powers through Link in order to return Zelda to normal. Link had a suspicion that that was the case, but it was nice to have a more concrete answer. He glanced down at his right hand, flexing the fingers.
He still carried Rauru’s arm. It was likely he would have it for the rest of his days.
When Link looked up again, he saw that Mineru was beginning to slowly fizzle away. She looked down at her hand, a solemn expression on her face. “Now it seems…it is my time.”
“Mineru…” Zelda said sadly, taking a step toward her.
Smiling, Mineru told Zelda not to worry. They had overcome the Demon King and Zelda would be just fine without her.
Tulin hummed in consideration before letting out a hurried exclamation. He turned to Link and the other sages, conveying his thoughts with his eyes. Ah…Link had told his friends on the way here about the sages of Rauru’s era…about the oath they had taken to pledge their loyalty. This must be what Tulin was suggesting.
The sages nodded to each other in agreement before taking a few steps back, making a semicircle that faced the princess. Once Zelda curiously turned to face them, they began to speak in unison, with Link signing along.
“Those of us gathered here swear on our lives to support Princess Zelda, and…”
They lost their rhythm for a moment, each chuckling and looking at each other awkwardly for a moment. Riju cleared her throat to get them all back on track.
“…to support Princess Zelda and safeguard the land of Hyrule.”
Zelda looked shocked for a moment before she began to smile.
“Rauru and Sonia will be pleased to hear this,” Mineru said warmly. “And I’ll let them know just how much you care.”
Zelda turned to her, her expression saddened as her friend began to disappear for good. She watched as her spirit dissipated, floating into the air around them.
Zelda gave a soft sigh. She was silent for several moments before she spoke again. “King Rauru, Queen Sonia…Mineru…the ancient sages…They sought to bring eternal peace to Hyrule. I would dedicate myself to that goal.”
She turned to face the sages, a determined look upon her face. “With your help, I believe I am ready to take on the title of Queen. Please, stand with me, and we will make Hyrule a place safe for all.”
Link and the sages approached her then, smiles upon their faces.
‘Are you okay?’ Link asked her.
She met his gaze, her eyes melancholic, but her lips pulled into a grin. “I will be. With all of you beside me, there’s nothing we can’t do.”
Link pulled her into a hug, which she easily reciprocated.
A week later, Link and Zelda sat at their home in Hateno. Link rose to his feet, a look of hurt upon his face.
‘You’re…firing me?’
Zelda gave him a solemn smile. “I’m letting you go. You’re free to live your life.”
‘But…who will protect you?’
“There are the royal guards, and with more time, I will be able to fully master my powers. Besides, at this point, most of the danger has passed.”
‘What about the Yiga? They’re still a threat.’
Zelda sighed softly. “Link…I know you worry because you care. That is precisely why I’m dismissing you as my knight.”
He gazed at her in confusion.
“This position…it has caused you so much pain. The last thing I want to do is be the cause of your suffering. You should be free to do as you please, without being stuck by my side.”
‘But…I want to be there. I’ll always be here for you.’
“Exactly.” She exhaled deeply. “Link…I know that if I ask, you will come running. But until that time comes, I want you to live your own life. You needn’t be bound by an oath you made over a century ago. You deserve to be happy, with Sidon.”
Link’s eyes widened and his cheeks heated up.
‘I can’t convince you to change your mind?’
“I’m afraid not,” she said with a good-natured smile.
Link turned his gaze to the floor. He couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t at Zelda’s side…the Calamity and Upheaval excluded. He wasn’t sure what his purpose was, if not to be her guardian. But his thoughts turned to Sidon then and he paused.
In the years after the Calamity, he saw Sidon so infrequently. If he wasn’t at Zelda’s side, he would be free to see Sidon whenever he pleased. Maybe, he’d even find his home at the Domain.
Turning his attention back to Zelda, he asked, ‘Are you sure you’ll be okay without me?’
Smiling warmly, she answered, “Positive.”
He sighed before stepping forward and pulling her into a hug. When he pulled back, he signed, ‘Don’t hesitate to call on me. I’ll always be there for you.’
“I know. Thank you.”
When Link arrived in Zora’s Domain, Sidon instantly spotted him and came running to meet him. He pulled Link into the tightest hug, squeezing him close. “My sapphire! It is so good to see you again.”
Smiling, Link looked up at Sidon and signed, ‘Can we go speak at Mipha’s Court?’
“Of course!” Sidon exclaimed. “Come, you can ride on my back!”
When they reached the top of the waterfall, Link took a seat in the crystal-clear water, kicking his legs nonchalantly. Sidon sat down beside him, nuzzling his crest against the top of his head. “What did you wish to speak about, my pearl?”
‘I’ve made a decision,’ Link said, ‘about the arrangement.’
“Ah! And what have you decided?”
With a grin, he answered, ‘I would love to be your consort, if you’ll have me.’
Sidon’s beamed at him, his teeth shining brightly. “That is marvelous news, my love! Of course I will have you!” He pulled Link into a hug, nearly crushing him in his grip.
Link let out a series of giggles, squeezing Sidon just as tight.
When he pulled back, Link added, ‘I’m also no longer Zelda’s personal knight. I can stay in the Domain, if that’s okay.’
“The news just keeps getting better and better! Oh, to think you’ll be here all the time…I cannot wait.”
Link looked to the sky, watching as the sun began to dip below the horizon.
This was really happening. He and Sidon were going to be together and he had finally found a place he could call home.
Grabbing Sidon’s cravat, he pulled the zora down so that he could kiss him. Sidon let out a small squeak of surprise before he began returning the kiss in full.
Link thanked Hylia for allowing him this happiness. It had taken a lot of time and a lot of work, but he was finally getting his happily ever after.
Sitting in the sunset and kissing Sidon, he smiled.
Hyrule was safe, and he was free to be with the one he loved.
Finally, he could be at peace.
And so this story comes to an end. I'm still shocked I was able to write both of these fics within a month and a half… I don't have any plans to write more Sidlink, but I could change my mind in the future, we'll see. Thank you to everyone who's enjoyed this story! I really appreciate every one of you! <3
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ofstormsandfire · 9 months
OH OH sages of the calamity if you will…
I will indeed!
so. spoilers ahead for both botw and hyrule warriors: age of calamity if you want to avoid them. like, the Main Plot Twist of age of calamity. also some plot spoilers for the sage quests in totk. putting the rest under a cut o7
sooo. y'know how hyrule warriors: age of calamity had a really fun plot twist of "the people who helped link take on the divine beasts in the botw timeline got brought to the aoc timeline to help save the champions."
(also now that I think about it they might have foreshadowed tulin being your main buddy for the rito questline in totk... because it was teba who came to help revali, tulin just got yoinked by accident too)
the botw timeline, presumably, still exists. and is progressing at roughly the same speed as the aoc one.
imagine, if you will, that a repaired terrako Notices Something's Up There. passes this info on. and, well, the champions are well aware that they'd be dead without help from the warriors of that future.
they can help! (also, they're like. the only ones who can help due to something something "things get a little weird if you have multiple versions of the same people in the same world for long, we're lucky it worked out at all with the sidons")
(...I may be planning to try and use that plot point to bring back the main timeline's champs? maybe. if I can make it work and it doesn't feel narratively unsatisfying to me. We Shall See.)
anyway. when link wakes up on great sky island, he wakes up with terrako there. he's confused. rauru is confused.
he gets A Lot More Confused (and so does tulin) when they're midway through the rito questline and aoc revali comes crashing in (somewhat reluctantly) to help.
(also - unsure if I want to go this route, but it's entirely possible that the people who went to the aoc timeline straight up Don't Remember their time there. maybe they never remember it. or maybe they remember it again once they run into the other timeline's champions. there are a lot of loose threads I have yet to figure out but it would be a really cool fic y'know?)
highlights include -the climb up to colgera being Much Less Of A Hassle thanks to revali's gale. when he can be convinced to use it, anyway. -daruk might show up a bit early specifically because I want him to see yunobo being Weird. (and also I think it would be funny if link had to drag him away from the marbled rock roast he might be too old to eat anyway) -there is so much fucking crying between sidon and mipha and dorephan. I don't think :) she can heal :) dorephan's injuries :) I also think it would be funny if she showed up to help with the sludge like at mipha's court and then Turned Around. -fun fact! riju can die during the gibdo assault on gerudo town. it's fucking heartbreaking. she drops to one knee like urbosa did during the aoc cutscene and everything. I think the ~parallels~ of urbosa showing up Just In Time would be fun. also, like, more lightning where gibdos are concerned cannot be a bad thing -throughout the fic zelda is in contact with the champions via terrako. totk link really wants to talk to her and then just kind of starts crying once he does.
so yeah uh. another fic that would be really cool if I had more solid ideas for it lol (and if ao3 would separate the damn botw and totk tags like they should have to begin with-)
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One personal critique of totk of mine is the Sage abilities
All of them - except Tulin, his is A+++++ I'm so proud of him - they all... kind of suck. They work for their respective dungeons yeah but once you finish them? 😬 The second best I'd have to say is Yunobo's his roll ability is really useful when it comes to cave exploration and depths voyages for rock breaking but then you have Mineru's who is handing for traversal in gloom and lava situations but not at all in combat, Riju's which I only use for when I need emergency extra damage in critical situations and Sidon's the actual fucking worse with his discount Wish dot com Daruks protection and the water slash ability that doesn't hit the opponent 80% of the time.
And then things get even worse when you're running around and the following you and either constantly in your way or constantly spawning and despawning and respawning every five fucking seconds it gets annoying where I only now have Tulin and one other sage to handle whatever situation I'm in and if there is none I'm only traveling with Tulin because he's the best and most reliable, important, all around useful to have and the only time I turn him off is rare situations where I specifically don't want him to kill certain enemies like the rock octarocks that can fully refurbish your weapons because he's THAT GOOD. He's like a little feathery death machine.
Honestly the Sages (except Tulin I CAN'T stress that enough) are such a downgrade game play wise in comparison to the champions in breath of the wild. The champions were all balanced, reliable, and each one important and tailored to each aspect of the overall the the entire time you played:
Revail - focused on vertical traversal, got you places quicker and convenient. Also could be such a life saver to be escape from dire combat situations like you don't know how many times this bird helped me survive guardian encounters. Tulin's ability is a lot like his in a way and serves the same purpose, only sending you horizontal instead of vertical and while I do miss the vertical wind I do get why they made it that way since we have asend now which sort of does the same thing but on a slower, situational scale but I do very much appreciate the horizontal wind and it's also just as helpful.
Daruk - focused on defense, gives you three free hits before enemies can damage you and can absolutely save you life in dire encounters there's not much left to say, it's a fairly simple ability but it's one of the most helpful that will you will use and probably never take off for the entire game the moment you get it. Sidon's is the equivalent of this. It sucks. A lot. Only has one use and you have to walk your way over to his tall lank ass to activate it instead of just pressing a button (we will come back to this point later)
Urbosa - focuses on offense, my God. This is the most overpowered combat focused ability like. Ever. No wonder its the second largest to take to charge. There's so much versatility when it comes to this move, it activates as you charge up an attack you you get that charge move you'd get anyway without it AND an enemy deleting area of effect in such a large radius???? Insane. Riju's is sort of the equivalent but you have to do it with arrows (again and the bullshit walking up to her to physical activating it which I've personally accidentally triggered her ability at least A THOUSAND times when I'm just mashing A to collect stuff) and it's a lot less powerful, which hey I get this one I'm not too mad at being less stronger than the original with just how insane stupid overpowered Urbosa's fury was.
Mipha - health/life, this is the one ability that statistically probably doesn't get used as much as the other three (depending on what kind of player you are 💀) but I'd argue it's literally the most helpful out of the four. It's quite literally you're free fairy in a bottle, your free escape death because your stubborn horse Romeo kicked you off the bridge of Hylia twelve separate times card (true story) If you're stupid plan fails and you get practically one shotted by a lynel it's Mipha whose saving your ass AND SHE EVEN GIVES YOU EXTRA YELLOW HEARTS!!! Mipha is amazing and it sucks totk didn't give an equivalent ability because it would've personally helped me during SO MANY frustrating moments in my first initial playthrough it's such a same.
My point here is the champions abilities were all as equally useful and balanced, as you unlock them you use them all playthrough and never really stop using them and they naturally become a part of the game play loop and it's nice. The Sages aren't like that besides Tulin and a occasionally Yunobo and Mineru they're just... meh. Forgettable. AND THE WAY YOU ACTIVATE THEM??? THE ACTUAL FUCKING WORST. In breath of the wild the champions abilities were so easy and each of them had a dedicated button to hold down (except Mipha's whose activates automatically the second you reach zero hearts) and it was all so convenient. There's no reason the Sages powers should work the way they do, having to run over to them mostly during battle to press a for the ability to come up only for them to run away from the the mere second you need them and just keep doing so again usually in battle when you NEED them (I'm looking directly at you Sidon) AND GOD FORBID YOU TRY AND PICK UP A GROUP OF ITEMS LYING ON THE GOUND. It's all so miserable. There's no reason Nintendo thought it'd be better than convenient dedicated button presses like the last game there was no reason!! But at least and not shockingly Tulin proves again to be the best sage and his ability has it easy to use and the prompt automatically pops up when you pull out the paraglider, when you're the most likely to use it anyway.
I hope but highly doubt in enviable story DLC that we get enhanced versions of the sage abilities like botw did and maybe, just maybe the option to toggle button use for them. I feel like that would help even just a little bit.
I don't know how to end this post but look at him. I'm proud of him:
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Best Sage :)
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tumblingdowntheway2019 · 11 months
Master List Here!!
Ao3 Version!!
Yoooo!! @hyrulerbnb was awesome to allow me to write a fic based off of a short comic the have made set after TotK. It's not perfect, but I'm glad for this opportunity to write properly again. Due to the length of it, we have decided that it'll be best to have it as a multi-chapter story. It allows me to focus better on the next part rather than feel like I missed something with the sheer length this would be. I have linked about an Ao3 version as well so you may read whichever version is easier for you.
I hope you enjoy the fic!!
Word Count - Three Thousand, Three Hundred and Thirty-Six. (3336)
To Cherish These Moments - Chapter One (1).
It was a beautiful day in the fields of Hyrule. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and on a day like this, the Sages, along with Purah and Josha, were wishing that they could at least go out and enjoy it. Princess Zelda had requested a meeting with them about the future plans and projects for the Kingdom.
They hadn't anticipated that it would be a two-week-long affair with towering paper work. From requests to reports, the months worth of them and the time added due to double-checking each were still valid and required. Thankfully, they were prepared with reports from their homelands before departing for Lookout Landing. The time was only there because of the sheer number of forms, signature lines, and reports that needed to be filled out.
Oh yeah, did they mention the many reports?
Thankfully, each representative who had previously journeyed to the Landing, Buliara, Harth, and Muzu was familiar with and well-experienced in helping with the arguable task. Allowing each of the Sages to have their much-needed breaks to eat and sleep. Teba had also arrived to help since Tulin had no clue how to do reports properly yet. They can't help but feel jealous of the freedom the young Rito Warrior had. And he openly joked about it; none were offended but longed to escape the stuffy, makeshift barracks they currently occupied.
"Princess Zelda, I think now would be a good time for us to take a break from this work." King Sidon suggests it on the morning of the ninth (9th) day as he watches his fellow warriors and leaders drag themselves to the building like clockwork. "It seems that everyone has grown weary of the task at hand."
Said Princess was still oblivious to their plight as she looked up at the Zora King, hair dishevelled, a messy pile of paper scrunched in one hand, and a pen in the other. "But we're so close to finishing now. We only have to double-check the request and transport the supplies to the Hebra and Gerudo regions. Then we'll have to-"
"Princess, forgive my tone when I say that we need a break. Our fellow sages and elders are about to burn out. Take a look." Sidon pleaded as a subtle thud was heard from inside.
Zelda reluctantly followed him to the doorway to the room and found that the eccentric scientist's head had hit the table; the thud they heard, her arm used as her pillow, and light snoring were heard. Her young protégé poked her with the recorder that she normally held with very little reaction, other than a weak attempt to wave her off and crossing her arms as she got more comfortable. Josha was more awake than the others, than all of them, a dead giveaway that Purah had taken over the bulk of the work to save the child from the grasps of the exhaustion that claimed her.
The Rito's feathers were puffed as they tried not to doze off as well. It was a clear sign that tiredness had made them more sensitive to the cold of autumn mornings. Valiantly staying awake to get this job done.
Yunobo, who was sitting on the floor next to the table, only let out a yawn as he shook his head a little, the action making him accidentally fall onto his back and then onto his side. He just looked at the paperwork from that angle with no effort to get up.
The most surprising was from Gerudo. Normally, the Gerudo would no issue with having to battle in all elements, from the scorching sandstorms of the desert to the unforgiving cold of the Hebra, they were able to incorporate shield surfing into their combat when in the slippery lands of Lanayru, always training to hone their skills and be ready for the next battle at a moment's notice. But there they were, battling to stay awake. Riju curled up at Buliara's side under a blanket as her guardian took a gulp of the roasting, hot, and bitter coffee.
The young chief had always spearheaded efforts to get the job done as efficiently as possible. But here she was, dozing off wrapped in Buliara's arm. She wasn't allowed to have more coffee, or "Nectar of the Gods," as they all liked to call it.
Looking at Muzu and Sidon, Zelda noticed that their scales were not as shiny as before, a sure sign that the climate of the area dried them out a little faster than normal, a cause for concern as they normally have a slight smooth and squishy feel and not the dry bumpy feel that's starting to show. Their colours also seem to have dulled.
Turning to Sidon, "Forgive me, I failed to realise that the work was strenuous for everyone."
Sidon let out a chuckle. "It is ok, Princess. I believe we have failed to realise that we, for the moment, tire at a slower rate compared to our companions."
It was true that ever since her transformation and reverting back thousands of years later, Zelda had lacked the need to sleep for as long as Link did, and rightfully so. She knew this effect may not last long, so this meeting and paper work were what she felt needed more priority, thus seizing the opportunity to get the job done. She can't help but be jealous of how the Zora can be up for days at a time before they even begin to feel the need to rest. Maybe it is a part of why they age at such a slow rate as well?
"Young Tulin had found a beautiful spot not too far from here, and Link confirmed that it's free from any possible threat. Why not have a picnic of sorts as a way of thanking them for their efforts?"
A picnic, of all things, is being suggested. Zelda would have protested and would have just given them a few hours of rest before noticing that Josha was starting to yawn too. She wasn't fully spared from all this work. The guilt of the very thought she just had was terrible. A few hours of rest was no reward for those who put the time and effort into their tasks. She knew firsthand that it was terrible. It was lonely. No, she wasn't her father. A picnic it shall be; the fresh air would do them all some good.
But first.
"Josha, please try not to damage Purah's glasses." The young Shiekah nearly dropped them before calming herself to put them on top of her own, claiming to have felt smarter in that very moment. Then I got a pen and drew little whiskers and a swirl on both sides of the sleeping scientist's face. "Josha. Why?"
Tapping her fingers together with a devilish little cackle, all she said was "Revenge." Then proceed to meet up with Robbie, with the red-rimmed glasses still on and the recorder proudly held in her hand.
Zelda and Sidon looked at each other before chuckling. Well, if that new happy feeling wasn't a sign to have some fun, she didn't know what it was.
"Everyone." She started, giving a single clap to get their attention. "I apologise. I have failed to realise how tiring this task has become. As Princess of Hyrule, it is my duty to make sure its people are cared for. But both as a princess and to have you all as my closest friends, I have failed in that very task. Forgive me."
"Now don't you worry about that, Princess." Teba chirped up. Princess was actually being used as a nickname rather than a title. A fatherly gesture that was only understood between them and Purah, who also only ever called her this as a nickname. "This is certainly a task we wouldn't have you do all by yourself."
"Especially when you didn't have all the current papers from each region to begin with." Riju added as she lazily lifted up a folder with the Gerudo symbol on it, not bothering to sit up from Buliara's side. "The travel alone would take quite a bit of time. Then transporting all of it here, even with teleportation, is too much for one (1) person alone." She glowed at her guardian as she was denied the nectar of the gods.
Zelda chuckled a little at the sight. Riju has certainly grown into a fine leader and warrior, a proper Chief of the Gerudo. She was confident then too; don't get Zelda wrong. Riju was but a young child when tasked with leadership, caring for her people, and Vah Naboris on top of that. Then add the upheaval on top of that. She was lucky the women understood her plight; that was one of the few little things that made her task easier.
Just like how Zelda was lucky to have her friends here to help her in her plight, The things she saw in her short (not counting the years sealing away Ganondorf's) life—that calamity, the sacrifices of the Champions, Link's sacrifice, his battle to save her while still amnesiac, then helping him recover the rest, his injury to the mummified Demon King, witnessing the loss of her ancestors firsthand She just spent thousands of years as a dragon, and they all bid farewell to Mineru as she passed onto the spirit world not long ago. And all that time, from what Link had told her, they did all they could to help her, although some of that was Puppet Zelda's doing, but those closest to her knew something was up; they all ran into danger when they thought she was in danger. No, she can't have them overwork a second longer!
Her father may have only given them a couple days to "rest" by doing lighter loads of work, but she is not him. She is no longer dictated to by him to do what's right for her kingdom. Fellow leaders included. She has every right to rest and not do as much work when everything is caught up with that, and her friends are allowed to do the same thing. His nagging words can just stay there in the back of her mind, easy to ignore.
"Everyone, please take the next few days off to do as you please. We thankfully have the majority of it finished, so the paperwork can be another day's problem."
They can't help but be confused; it wasn't even ten (10) in the morning, and they just got here. Zelda then gently shooed them all away, insisting that she'd be taking a break too, and if they wanted to go home, they should do so. Just don't work! If anything were to happen, they'd know via the Secret Stones and Purah Pads. So they did, barring the still-snoozing Purah, whom Buliara and Riju stayed with in the office, and pulled Sidon off to the nearby gate. From there, they planned how they could take them all out to the spot and surprise them with the picnic. The Shiekah mentioned that back home in Kakariko Village, there were to be celebrations of their own for Impa's long-awaited retirement and Paya's newly appointed role as village elder.
Then the young Rito excitedly flew over to join in, practically exclaiming to Zelda that he found the "absolute best spot for a picnic and hangout in all of Hyrule!" She couldn't help but match his excitement. She said she heard that he's done a great job, and that's truly appreciated.
"Then it's settled, then!" Sidon cheerfully says, clasping his hands together in excitement and finality. "We shall set up their favourite food and beverages as a way to thank them for all they've done."
"And I guard them from any pesky enemy that may steal our food!" Tulin chirps as he puffs out his chest and wings at his waist. "Lest The Great Tulin blow them away with his amazing skills."
"Just so long as he doesn't also blow all the food away... again." Sidon adds in faux concern, placing a hand on the Rito's head and getting a squawk in return. "Poor Link has to chase after those well-earned apples before they roll off the cliff edge and float away."
"Knowing him, he would have swam after them regardless." Zelda laughs. "Even if it was freezing out!"
"He did, actually. Sometimes he was just in his boxers too." Tulin joins in, laughing only harder when Zelda exclaims, "What?" in surprise.
"Why are you surprised? He did it even a hundred (100) years ago; I remember that much." Sidon reminisces. "He certainly doesn't hesitate to fish that way either; he always helped Mipha and me when he was growing."
Well, if Zelda wasn't doing her best impersonation of a fish out of water before, she certainly is now. And then insisting he tell that story at the picnic. Tulin also said there was a nice lake nearby, so a nice swim and a live example from Link are certainly settled. Sidon asked if their representatives would join in too; they did just as much work as the Sages and Leaders did. Of course!! And those in Lookout Landing are free to party as well. They've all been at it during and since the end of the upheaval. Celebrations are in order!
With that, the plan is set. Sidon bid them farewell for now in order to catch up with Muzu and make their way home to Zora's domain. The swim there will rejuvenate their scales and aching joints from being on land for too long. Tulin stays behind with Zelda; she did promise him that he could show her Rito's way of braiding hair after all. They do it with their talons, but he's been putting in a lot of practice with Saki, his mother, just to show the Hylians and Gerudo how much he truly appreciated the opportunity to help in the cause. He is a fiesty and cocky warrior, but he is still just a kid after all. He put her in mind of Revali. They may not be related by blood, but they were in spirit. The Rito Champion would certainly be proud of the young Sage of Wind just as much as the Rito were proud of him.
At Tulin's insistence, she made the little hike towards the spot. It was only thirty (30) minutes away, but when she finally made it, it was beautiful. The Sages would absolutely love this spot. Tulin had certainly inherited Saki's keen eye for beauty, as it turned out. Just, uh, don't bring that up in front of the others. He didn't want to appear girly. The excitement grew when they were talking about what they could do there for the day as they returned to the landing.
Upon their return to the barracks, yelling and the sounds of a struggle were heard. The Princess and the Rito looked at each other before charging through the door. The sight before them made Tulin burst into fits of laughter, with Zelda joining in once she had registered what was happening before her, though not half as loud as Tulin was. There, with her head stuck between two (2) fists, was Riju! Purah had done this to limit her movement.
"Tell me, I say!" Purah demanded with an amused smirk. "Tell me, and I might not mess up your hair!"
"I refuse!" Riju protested, trying to pry her head free from the Shiekah's hold by pulling at her wrists. "Dammit, how are you this strong?"
"What's going on?" Zelda asked Buliara, who was standing by the entrance with a smirk on her face.
"Lady Riju thought it wise to inform Purah that her current appearance was amusing and made a number of cat puns, which Purah played along with, which is not unusual. The thing that ultimately set this off was when Lady Riju refused to disclose Miss Josha's whereabouts and said that Purah would "have to fight for the answer, but it wouldn't be an easy one." The Gerudo Guard retold the events, adjusting her grip on the blanket she was wrapped up in. "Yeah, Lady Riju lasted all but ten (10) seconds in that skirmish, and I'm surprised that Purah had gotten a hold of Lady Riju. The Shiekah are far more terrifying than I initially thought when faced as an opponent."
"You should have seen Impa back during the calamity. She would take out numerous monsters and various Guardians with her clone abilities quicker than any Gerudo Chief shooting lightning." Zelda gave a fond smile as she added, "Even Urbosa was unable to match her speed most times. Fury or no fury."
Buliara looks at the princess with a gentle smile as she places a hand on her shoulder. She understood how much of a mother figure Lady Urbosa was to the Princess, and they would be damned if any harm came to their closest ally. Riju, being her direct descendant, had the same personality quirks as the Gerudo Champion but was still her own person all the same. Zelda vowed to care for her just like Urbosa did for Zelda.
The mini-skirmish ended with Purah the victor; she had indeed messed up Riju's hair a decent bit. She then left to hunt down the young scientist in order to reclaim her glasses, plotting with herself how to get revenge.
"All clear." Buliara then says it out of the blue. Tulin and Zelda looked at her, confused, before seeing the blanket begin to move on her back. "I don't think I could cover you again should Purah return."
Sure enough, with the blanket dropping down and folded over the Gerudo Guard's arm, was the little gremlin that is Josha. She had Buliara piggyback her and throw the blanket over them a few seconds before the scientist caught up to her again.
"Thanks for your help. I have a comb right here, and I best make my escape back to goggles. BYYYYEEEE!!" Josha hurriedly says, leaving the comb beside Riju, who has yet to sit up from the ground, and hurriedly out the window towards the lookout.
Zelda informed Buliara of the plans for the picnic idea; she would have the extra muscles to carry the goods to the spot and keep Tulin company while guarding them. She thought it was a wonderful idea; it would allow the young chief to finally be in the company of friends after such a long time since travel to and from the desert is a great task for those unaccustomed to the climate and terrain. A party at Lookout Landing would be a great morale boost for the occupants and maybe even allow them to get to know their fellow warriors more. While Zelda quietly informed Buliara of the rest of the details, Tulin sauntered over to Riju.
"Oh no, the mighty Gerudo Chief has fallen! Whatever shall we do?" He proclaimed this, dramatically shaking his winged fists above his head.
"Leave me be; my hair is a mess; therefore, I can't possibly return to the land of the living like this." Riju replied in faux sadness, lifting her head slightly towards him. "Take care of Patricia for me, my dear friend."
"I don't know how to care for a sand seal." The Rito was now poking her arm gently with a clawed talon, enough to nudge her. He took notice that she lacked her chief's headpiece and only had clips in her hair. "So does this mean I get to do your hair now?"
Rolling onto her back before sitting up with a cheer. "Of course! I'm excited to have it done."
"Even if I mess it up? I practiced a lot, but I don't think it'll be perfect."
Riju stands up and places a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be perfect because my friend, no, my brother, did it. It's a great honour."
And with that, Riju fixes her hair enough for Tulin to get started.
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Hi Ray! Uhh it’s your resident lurker, the one who wrote that long-ass ask about Link and Tulin being so similar? Y’know how I said the colors post was giving me some brainrot? Yeah, uh.. this is in part inspired by that. I hope you enjoy? A!! (And seriously, no pressure to respond!! + if you'd like me to remove this for whatever reason, then please let me know!!)
(Also a warning, this is long as shit, like. Almost 2000 words according to google docs, so it is MOST CERTAINLY under a read more! There are TOTK endgame spoilers so. Watch out, reader, if for whatever reason you haven't gotten that far!)
Ganondorf could not kill them. Nor could he kill their spirits, their drive, their care for eachother.
But what he did do to to them sure as hell killed Link’s creativity, for a couple months.
Even now that Sonia and Rauru had returned his arm to him, unscarred and without its old aches and pains, Link found it harder than ever to create with that hand. Maybe the aforementioned is all the reason he needs- it feels nothing like how it should feel. It doesn’t feel like his anymore.
It was one thing when his pains were tangible, physical- he could do something about them, or take something for them. But the phantom pains, both from his scars of days past and his time with the ‘gift’ of Rauru’s arm? There’s so little to be done about them.
But eventually, Link does what he has always done: fight through his discomfort and pain to achieve his goals. Now, that doesn’t mean it isn’t slow going, but he doesn’t bother to note it as often as he used to, these days. Time passing, ‘wasted’, is no problem, now that the threats to his home and friends are gone once more.
He has a new project he’s working on. Gifts, one for all of his friends- Zelda, the sages, so many people that have helped them all along the way. Yona especially, a marriage gift for her for when the time comes.
He makes Zelda’s first. A scarf, themed after her dragon form and lined with beads made of the shards that would break off the spikes of her spine. She has mixed feelings when he first presents it, but the way the beads help her relax turns the tide, and Link doesn't miss how she takes very cooler day as an opportunity to wear it.
Yunobo’s has to wait until Link has all his strength back- it requires stone-carving and metal-working, and he can’t do that comfortably yet- not from a pain standpoint, more inexperience. Same for Sidon and Yona’s gifts, but theirs will come first.
Riju gets a new plush for her collection, fashioned after her favorite sandseal. It wears a plush version of the Lightning Helm crooked on its head, and Link very kindly does not comment when Riju starts getting teary in his home, after a dinner with him and Zelda. The two of them have always been rather sentimental people, at heart, and he will allow her to keep the facade of being anything else if she so wishes.
Then comes Tulin. Tulin, for as long as Link can remember, has been an adventurer at heart. He has all he needs at his home village, all he could ever ask, and the wilds give him all he could ever want, but comfort in the latter isn’t easy to come by sometimes. So Link's idea is something.. seemingly simple, but not so much to make.
Link takes months to make it, longer than any of the other gifts. He has to mine and buy rubies, both of which take time and energy. He has to carefully dye all the thread and fabric he needs, but Sayge is kind enough to lend their services- as well as their keen eye for color. Riju takes the rubies to Gerudo Town so they can be prepared by a proper expert on them, the best anyone could ever know. Link loves the jewels that come from Isha, he knew when he got the finished product returned that he made the right investment.
And eventually, a rhythm builds. Piece by piece, color by color, the gift comes together. And it’s ready by the time Link goes to Rito Village next to join Tulin on a journey.
The day goes as it always does, when Link visits. Tulin still wears the Secret Stone around his ankle, and the colors of the band holding it are still as vivid and clear as they were the day he received it. He even wears a similar, braided band Link made to ‘counterbalance’ on the opposing ankle.
Green, Red, Yellow. May the Windlines carry you far, and come home to me alive. You won’t fight alone.
Link had made it, admittedly clumsily, when Tulin first became a Sage. Link promised to make a nicer one, when he could, but Tulin had refused. He was attached to the gift, it seemed. For the best- Link never found the time to make a better one, as much as he hated that fact.
Link finds Tulin in the Village, assuring and reassuring too many times over that he would be fine. He’d be back in a few weeks with Link, and it wasn’t like they were going to go fight Gleeoks or anything- though Link was sure Tulin would beg to do so.
Maybe they would, but Link would be the one to determine that.
They spend about an hour at the nearest Skyview tower after, Tulin watching the Purah Pad over Link's shoulder as the Hylian points out all the destinations he wants to hit with Tulin- major hotspots for big monsters (no Gleeoks yet, to Tulin’s disappointment), historic landmarks and cool scenery he thinks Tulin would like. There’s no shortage to what he wants to show the young Rito, and there is no shortage to what Tulin wants to see.
So they head to the Leviathan Skeleton there in Hebra, first. Then through the snowfields, carefully avoiding the Gleeok there, to Mount Drena. Tulin meets the Great Fairy (after Link has a long, long talk with Mija about appropriate behavior with Tulin, which she respects) and gets some of his gear upgraded.
Then they go farther east. They check out Thyphlo Ruins, and that’s where they stop for the night, next to the Skyview tower. They set up camp, with Tulin helping clear out and scatter any monster bones they find so that no Stal-monsters pop up first, and then they start to settle the camp itself.
Tulin usually brings a hammock to sleep in, when they go on trips, and when Link returns from checking for any wandering monsters, Tulin is setting up the poles for that. Link takes a deep breath, hand resting on the Purah Pad as he walks over.
Once he’s gotten the boy’s attention with a couple of short, chirp-like whistles, his hands rise to talk. “So, before you set that up any further, I wanna show you something.” He signs slower than he normally would, knowing Tulin can understand him but not always keep up.
“What’s that? I thought we saw all there was to see here.” Tulin perches on one of the poles he has set up, a perfect T-shape for doing so. “Is it something you brought?” His head tilts, eyes shining with a youthful curiosity that Link has to adore. The boy still has that, Link kinda hopes he always will.
“Yes, I actually made something. It’s a gift for you. I’m sorry it took me so long to make it for you, I wasn’t sure what to make until a couple months ago."
Tulin perks up, hopping off the perch and landing right in front of Link, making the older step back a little. “Really? It better not be a new band, I told you I didn’t want a new one!"
“No no no,” Link signs rapidly, “It’s way cooler than the band. Step back and cover your eyes, I want you to be surprised.” When Tulin doesn’t do as Link asks, Link repeats the instructions twice before Tulin finally groans and walks away, wings over his head.
Link quickly lays out his gift next to Tulin’s setup, making sure it’s not too close to the fire and smoothing it out as best as he can.
When it’s ready, Link whistles again for Tulin’s attention, and he is flying over in an instant. He lands next to the laid out gift, and he seems confused for a few moments before he starts bouncing and flapping around, excited enough to start chirping.
It’s a new hammock, made in the same standard adult size that Tulin usually uses for long trips. Technically it’s far too big for Tulin now, not that the other one wasn't, but it should last long enough for Tulin to grow into. It’s all quilted and embroidered, a feat that took him almost every second of the months he spent on it.
It's all made of the same durable material that Link’s paraglider is made of, made to last and endure the elements- all the elements, even Death Mountain in Link’s experience.
The quilted part itself is an image. Tulin from the front, head bowed, hands cupped to hold his Secret Stone. The symbol on the Secret Stone is embroidered in white and blue, and the symbol is repeated on the backing as well. Green and blue swirls behind the young Rito’s image, like the shrines that have long since dissolved from Hyrule.
The border of the quilt is a rhythm of colors.
Yellow - You’re part of my family, and I am part of yours, as long as you will have me.
Orange - I aspire to keep up with your skill, your stories will be told with awe as you grow.
Dark Green - The Windlines favor you, as your family does, as I do. May they carry you far.
White - These Colors don’t define you though. Don’t be tied down by them, make your own. I know you can. I know you will.
Red - Above all, brother, come home to us, and come home safe.
Every Red patch bears a ruby, and every Yellow patch a piece of the Light Dragon’s spikes, all rounded like beads, all held there by thin but sturdy wiring sewn under the patch, and Link knows the magic in them will keep Tulin warm in any blizzard, any horrid winter. Link won't let him be stuck in a mess like that unprepared, not again.
Tulin looks like he might cry. Link isn’t sure if all he wants to convey to the boy gets across quite right, but Tulin seems to understand the gist of it, judging by how he outright tackles Link after a little bit of Tulin's excited hopping.
He starts rambling, and Link stumbles around a bit as he wraps his arms around the Rito who’s clinging to his torso like he’s a tree in a storm. Link can make out a vast appreciation of the gift, he hears an I love it somewhere in there, and if Link wasn't already grinning (he was), he wouldve then.
Eventually, Tulin untangles from the Hylian, and they set up the hammock together. Tulin is far too careful as he hops in, and Link laughs, signing that “you don’t need to be so careful Tulin, just don't purposefully rip it with your talons and it’ll be fine!”
And that night, Tulin sleeps soundly, deeper in his dreams than a Frok in the Depths. And Link finds himself proud. He thinks he made the right choice, as he himself drifts to sleep. He will not have such a peaceful sleep, he rarely does, but it is made slightly more gentle by the knowledge that Tulin will.
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amnesiacsleepy · 1 year
Alright so ive had time to think about it and I believe I finally realize why TotK's Sage system is so much more annoying to use than BotW's champion abilities (spoilers for TotK btw. i mean its been a month+ since release but yeah)
When you get a new champion ability in BotW, it's mapped to an appropriate button, or is the next best thing. Daruk's protection is a forcefield that is passively on the shield button, Revali's Gale is an updraft on the jump button, Urbosa's fury is a charge-attack upgrade in the attack button, and Mipha's Grace is a fully passive heal that functions like a fairy except it's a full heal.
All of these powers are set to their own button, making them intuitive to use. This even applies to the Master Cycle, which is a rune, which is a completely separate button, the L button.
In TotK, however, none of the abilities the sages have are passive. You have to run over to them, press A, and then you can use it (in Yunobo's case you have to press a AGAIN which really disrupts the flow of gameplay). The closest comparison I can make is Persona 4 using awful menuing and scrolling a bunch to Persona 5's use of unique buttons, except they did this backwards.
This doesn't even mention when you want to use one sage's ability, but end up using another one because they all go if fighting enemies even if you dont want them to. I genuinely have not used Riju's lightning strike since finishing the Lightning Temple despite how god damn strong it is.
None of this even touches on how much of a one-man army Link is, especially after grabbing a full set of attack up armor. The sages become borderline irrelevant (minus Tulin, he's AWESOME).
Even when you get a fucking mech that you can fuse thing on to like flamethrowers and rockets its still not worth losing the flurry rush and other faster and straight up better attacks you can do off the mech, which also takes battery power and you can still take damage on. And if you use it to get over gloom/lava then a hoverbike is just more convinient for how cheap and fast you can make them.
Something else I have a problem with is the Sage's Will system which essentially lets you deepen your connection with the sages for four per sage. This is supposed to mirror BotW's Champion's ballad quest, where you go around the map collection emblems for each champion and then getting a faster recharge tike for each, which I have my own problems with, but thats for another time.
Each sage bond you deepen increases their damage. That's it. It doesn't enchance their abilities at all, which is a real disappointment.
They could have made Sidon's water shield last longer/for three hits, to closer mirror Daruk's Protection. Riju's lightning could have become a fusion to your arrows, Tulin's gust could have blown farther, and Yunobo's could have created a bigger explosion or have him roll faster. But then, I guess the Sages would have had to become stronger themselves, which maybe that's future DLC? But we don't know now so I'm not giving the benefit if the doubt.
As for how to fix it, Sidon's could be just a bonus to your shield like Daruk was. Riju's could,as previously mentioned, been an arrow fuse with a cooldown.
As for Yunobo and Tulin, I'm not as sure. But instead if forcing them onto a button, why not just... make the buttons reprogramable like in OoT, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Wind Waker, the Oracle games, A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds, and MORE.
Why Nintendo did away with the reprogrammable buttons system is beyond me, but being able to put a specific rune/weapon/sage ability/throwable material/zonai devine/etc. would make things a lot more manageable.
The kicker is, there's already a SUPER watered-down version of it, with the rune, shield, weapon, and bow buttons. You cant swap what's on there in the sense you cant have multiple weapons or runes, but you CAN choose which one is used when you press the buttons.
But then we need to figure out which buttons would be reprogrammable, and I propose that first we swap the jump button to A like in so maby other games. Does it screw up muscle memory? For sure, but by doing this we can have Y, X, L, R, D-pad Up, D-pad Left, D-pad Right, and D-pad down as reprogrammable (you can manually put in whistle too I guess). This would free up a bunch of space for the player to put things, and allow for a bunch of freedom on what is put onto the reprogrammed buttons. To change them, you coukd just go into your menu and choose from there, whether its a weapon, a sage ability, or anything else mentioned above.
I'm not completely certain this would solve all the problems the game has, but I do think it would be a huge QoL. Maybe too big, they might have to make that system in a whole new Zelda game in like 15 years.
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Still more thoughts about Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS! like seriously. in this one)
I love this game
So much
I had to find a guy for a quest but was like
"Im going to check out this well first"
Alao the brown breakable rock break with one hit, blue with two and black with three
Matches the bombs it takes to break them
Tulin, whose village is dying, watching me search for pretty clothing
"Link please my family is dying Link we have to go Link"
The frostbite set is stunning
Finally a hairdo that lets Link have long hair
I hate the Sages
Not really but my god did they make their AI absolute trash
Theyre always in the way except when you need them to solve a puzzle
And if you have more than one Avatar present good luck getting the one you need
Not as much as I hated Queen Gibdo but
Why was crossing a spider and scorpion necessary
"Brave Fledgling"  what if I cried
Tulin is so good
So is this making it canon that the time 10 000 years ago was still after every other game
I dont know the timeline is weird
But if there was both Zora and Rito at the time of Rauru
This is so confusing
Ive both heard and seen Rauru sacrifice himself multiple times now can these dead Sages give me new info
Zelda my beloved
Marry me please
Also so the only other Demon King we have ever had was Demise so is Ganondorf him or after him
The Sage calls Tulin "my brave fledgling"
Someone call me something so loving one day
Tulin is so excited to be a Sage
He is so happy to fight alongside Link
Hes so happy to save the world
I love him
What a boy
Boys will be boys is from now on only about Tulin
Shortest Hylian
I got a third ring
Bring a gerudo bow to this boss fight if you can it makes life so much easier
I havent been to Death Mountain at all yet
Done all other Temples and fully mapped Hyrule before ever going near Gorons
The extra snow melted
REVALI IM SO PROUD OF OUR BOY *shakes the ghost of Revali*
Was already my least favorite in BOTW
But now he is a major asshole too
Fuck that
Im not helping him
Im gonna go blow up his company
If this guy becomes a Sage I swear
I'll drown him in Death Mountain myself
The ember headdress is probably the best headpiece in the entire game
The Ember set is genuinely the best set
Its so pretty
Im gonna go see what these look like dyed
After that beating up Yunobo
But fashion comes first
I love Cece
She is the only person matching my love of fashion in this game
I just realised why the evil Zelda is wearing Zonai clothes
Or maybe Im dumb
"Oh Yunobo was wearing a mask making him evil" no Yunobo is just like that
This sucks I hate everything to do with Death Mountain
Worst place
I have to use the machines AND GO TO THE DEPTHS??? NOOO
Nintendo you will be hearing from my lawyers
When I die Im going to ask Rauru wtf were the Zonai doing in the depths
No because if youre going to have a cutscene and then make a second cutscene three steps further just fucking make it one cutscene
Yunobo is a "young little rock"
Left that for now
Found Champions leathers
Found Royal Guard boots??
They were in the king's study
King's diary wasnt there so like is it canon Zelda was able to read it?
Misko was a good guy actually, hiding all these clothes for me
Me, in the depths: I wonder where this strange Sheikah tower leads
The Yiga hideout in Akkala:
The only ancient sheikah tech still working is Hateno Tech Lab travel point
I spent some time in the depths and FOUND THE ANCIENT CENTRAL MINE
Fought Kohga
Finally the shrine censor
And travel medallion? You treat me so well
Already had that prototype
Badass feeling
Omg Robbie's compendium database is so cute
Got all three upgrades immediatly
Fully stocked purah pad
I like to kill the hebra great game because they drop gourmet and prime meat and cooking those and they sell for a good price
Horse and bullet time
Many coins
Zelda's memories are so sad
Been giving my friends a fashion show of my favorite clothing
I am again so gay for Sonia and Zelda
My god
I am sobbing crying screaming
Im so upset
Zelda being the light dragon is so unfair for her
She deserved happiness and freedom
Not losing her humanity and personhood
I went into the strange thunder cloud
Why is it taking me into the depths
Not again
Alright Sage of Spirit
I'll make your mech suit for you
That took a while
But owl head statue
Mineru my beloved
Oh.my god this is hell
Worst part of this game so far
Im leaving this temple also undone I DONT CARE THIS FUCKING SUCKS
I hate it
Fuck this
Why do game devs come up with shitty awful bad as hell stuff to do in their games AND MAKE THAT MANDATORY
I just quit the game no lie
Fuck that
I did it and I was being dramatic, it wasnt that hard
Mineru is so goddamn gorgeous
They designed this game for me specifically
I should get back to drawing furries
Mineru holding my hand which is her brother's hand
Mineru I love her
I have not beaten Fire Temple yet
I just cant
Darkness and puzzles and fire
Also dont like Yunobo
I feel so bad for Mineru
Zelda :(
Why doesnt Link get a secret stone
Where did Zelda's special stone come from when its a time stone and Ganon stole Sonia's time stone
Mineru I will not go get the Master Sword
Demon Ganon is hot idc
Ganon: "Link. I look forward to meeting him" goes into slumber
Damn all of Rauru disintergrated but his hand
I have to find the light dragon
The dragons dont have schedules in this apparently
Mineru so was in love w Zelda
Everyone is putting too much weight on Link's shoulders
Fine I'll finish the fire temple
*2 hours later* I hate it here
I did scam those puzzles as much as I could
Worst puzzles
Worst boss too
Marbled gohma
Fucking awful
I nearly died about 11 times
Rip my food storages
I really need to cook more
Special stone for Yunobo booo
Little rock is adorable pet name tho
Ancestor Goron is fine af
Ive heard this story four times now
Fucking hell cant we get anything new
Someone give me a 200k word fanfic where Ganon awakens but is not evil
I need Ganon Zelda Link friendship
End the cycle
Watching Brian David Gilbert and Unraveleds rn
We have established this is not a PG channel
Ok fine I like Yunobo
Daruk was better tho
Ive found most memories why cant I say anything to these people about thats not Zelda
I know Zelda is the light dragon
Running around Hyrule Castle for 'Zelda'
About to do bossfight w Ganon
Can I do a flurry rush? No
I just hit or die
Life is like that
No clever tactiques just caveman brain and trying
Evil "Zelda" is fun
Why is Ganon like one of those movie posters here
Why is he still not rehydrated
Ganon I have dick to suck hurry up
"You will not live to see another sunrise" Ganon the sun is rising rn
Woo Phantom Ganons
Fuck yeah
Lets see if I can kill them aka can I finally take on Gloom Hands (I wont)
Ganon's so arrogant
Not Lynels
Still the hardest enemy in game
Ok so if youve found Mineru and have the Master Sword already, the convo after the fake Ganon fight Purah goes "Youve already found the fifth sage? AND you have the master sword? Why didnt you say so before"
Usually youd get quests for those
It was funny
Why is the limit of horses I can have ten ::((
The Charged shirt is actually so so slutty I love it
So I finally cleared The Deku Tree's little stomach bug
And like it is so funny how easy the Gloom Hands and Phantom Ganon become when youre in late game
I was sweating about it and then it was so easy
And Im bad at combat
Ok not to brag but I killed a white lynel. First time ever. Also first time ever I killed a lynel without Urbosa's help
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minijenn · 1 year
I just beat Tears of the Kingdom
Thoughts under the cut because golly I have soooo many
Ok, enough screaming, time for coherent thoughts. Sort of. First of all, the gameplay. Its SO fun. Honestly all of the arm mechanics are great; I still need to flex my creativity with ultrahand now that I’m done the game but once I do ohohoho  it’s aaaaaaall over for you nerds. I used ascend SO much tbh, way more than I probably should have, same with recall. The puzzles are really nicely open ended in a way that allows you to use any of these abilities in whatever way you’d like really to solve them. The world itself is so much more fun to traverse using them and speaking of that world its HUGE. Like I’ve barely even scratched the surface of the Depths and I’m gonna be spending a lot of my post game trying to finally map it all out. I do wish there was a bit more going on in the sky but ah well. Exploring what’s there is still fun. The dungeons are pretty good, not the best the series has ever seen, but a major step up from the divine beasts for sure. Same with the boss fights. Though the final phase of the final boss was such an insane spectale like seriously I’m still struggling to believe something that cool happened in a Zelda game imo
The game performs... mostly well, though I did notice a few framerate dips here and there but I’m rarely one to get too worked up over that sort of thing. The way it takes a world that was familiar in Breath of the Wild and makes it look so fresh and new is outstanding. And the music? Amazing, like seriously this game’s main theme slaps so hard, not to mention the final final boss music? ohohohoho godddddd. 
Ganondorf is exactly the despicable piece of shit I was hoping he’d be, the new characters like Rauru and Sonia and Mineru are fantastic editions to the Zelda cast and I can easily see them all becoming fan favorites. Seeing characters like Tulin, Yunobo, Sidon, and Riju have some major time to shine was great, and adventuring through the dungeons with them is a ton of fun! The side adventures/quests are also a lot more involved in this game, NPC interactions in general are just more fleshed out, and there’s just so much to do all across Hyrule, which leaves me with so much more to still get to now that I’m finished with it (still haven’t gotten all the shrines not to mention bubble gems; I’ll be playing this for a good long while even now that I’m done with it) 
Then of course there’s the story which had me theorizing and second guessing myself right up to the very end. Like seriously, I yelled and laughed and screamed, and of course sobbed like a BABY over the ending. It took so many turns I wasn’t expecting and I really liked that! If botw already made you care about Zelda, this game took it too a whole new level. The memory cutscenes fucked me up and this game personally victimized my emotions and I’ll never recover but I love it so much for that. I’m already thinking through several fanfic concepts centered around this game even as we speak so yeah, like I said, I’ll never recover. 
But anyway, overall, my first experience with ToTK has been an incredible one. It was well worth the wait, even better than I anticipated it would be, and will no doubt go down in history, just as BotW did before it, as one of the greatest games of all time. It certainly is in my book, anyway. 
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capnsaltsquid · 1 year
TOTK Sage Ranking
Now that I've gotten used to all the sages in Tears, I have a definite set of strategies and preferences for them. I don't dislike any of them, but I certainly have my favorites:
#1: Tulin
Best friend. Probably wouldn't remember how to glide without him. Crits enemies so I don't have to. Occasional accidental gust doesn't bother me. The only time I dismiss him is when I'm repairing weapons so he doesn't shoot the octoroks.
#2: Mineru
I know I've thrown some shade Mineru's way, but she makes a great travelling companion. She can walk straight through gloom, lava, and freezing water, and she can mine ores with her fists so I don't have to use up weapon durability. She also makes a great jumping platform to get emergency bullet time. Just don't equip her with a cannon, beam emitter, or elemental weapon. Rarely dismiss.
#3: Riju
No one does crowd control like Riju. She also helps with the other sages by stunning enemies so the others can line up their shots or weapon swings. Mildly disorienting when I accidentally trigger her ability, but harmless since the attack won't trigger unless you shoot. She's also the most effective against those stupid walking trees. I keep her out most of the time for that alone.
#4: Sidon
I don't make much use of Sidon's abilities. Having to find him in order to trigger his shield negates much of its usefulness. However, his long reach is good to have in a melee and his water shield turns the lightscale trident into a devastating weapon, so I usually keep him out.
#5: Yunobo
Of all the sages, Yunobo is the one I usually keep dismissed. Too many times I have tried to pick up bomb flowers and accidentally activated his ability, destroying both the bomb flowers and myself. I used to use him for mining, but he sends the ore flying everywhere. That said, his melee attack is useful in Monster Forces battles and he is indispensable when it comes to busting through rock walls.
Feel free to add your own preferences, I'm really curious to hear everyone's take on the sages.
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