#i have. less than 600$ left in my savings account. & less than 600$ left in my chequing.& my student loan payment is coming out on the 2nd
lakecoded · 9 months
paid tuition and rent and my phone bill and my credit card bill and truly. what if i killed myself
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paper-mario-wiki · 9 months
I'm sure you've been asked this before, but I need a source who isn’t wildly out of touch with what it's like to be a normal person. how financially viable was it to move to japan as a 20/21 year old? did you move there with assistance from a study program? were you able to afford everything relatively easily without an extreme amount of financial stress? sorry for being nosy. I dont need specifics, I'm just terminally curious for a firsthand account from a person who isn't independently wealthy or a 70 year old retiree. ❤️
For one semester of tuition I (my parents) paid:
$5000 without scholarship
$3000 with scholarship
Scholarship was granted on the basis of academic promise and financial guarantor status, and some students had their fees reduced by 75% and 100%.
Tuition was the thing my parent's helped me with the most, as they had saved up for all my siblings to go to college, and only my sister and myself did. But like I said, there was also significant tuition help for students worldwide at my school. Everything else I paid myself.
Before I moved I made sure I had no less than $5000 in pocket money for paying my move-in fees at my apartment, getting a Japanese phone, bank account, insurance, and a bike. After that, home appliances and necessities. When you make your budget, you always want to over prepare. I made sure I had $1000 wiggle room on top of my budget because once youre there, YOURE THERE and home is a long puddle away.
My rent was $600 for a small 1 room apartment (pictured here) that I would have paid less for if I spoke Japanese (paid the gaijin tax by going through an english speaking rental company)
Tumblr media
I chose this apartment because of its proximity to the Karasuma subway line, which I could ride directly to school. There and back was about $4 a day, as I went all the way up town. I paid about $40 in utilities on low-use months, and up to $120 on high-use months.
Monthly insurance was $70 without student subsidy, I believe closer to $10 monthly with it. This covers basically everything healthcare-wise.
Food was cheap in Kyoto specifically. Most restaurants had meals under $10, and if you're moving there for school theres a high liklihood you'll be in the city, which means you'll rarely be more than a 3 minute walk from a convenience store which has lunch sets you can take home or reheat and eat in the konbini's sitting area (not guaranteed to have one but more frequent than not having one). I spent maybe a few hundred monthly on meals, mostly because I couldn't cook due to how small my kitchenette was (it's that little stall in the back left corner of the room in the picture).
As an international student, if you're performing above a certain threshhold in your studies you can get a baito visa, meaning on top of your studies you can work a part time job for up to 20 hours a week. This can help a lot, and I knew a few people who worked at clubs, as translators, and as baristas.
If you are making money, you are expected to either pay tax to Japan, or your home country. This is something I absolutely cannot give advice on.
All that said, in my case, living in Japan as a solo adult was easier and significantly more affordable than living in the US with 3 roommates.
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ufoend · 2 years
∆ please help us
we can not afford any of our basic needs
i usually try to keep this as light as possible, but i have put this off for long enough that i have to post this. me and my partner desperately need help. we are just two gay people trying to make it alone here with absolutely no support system. *remaking because the first post died
who we are: im j (or jet), im 24 year old trans guy whose had this account since 2014. i married my partner in 2018, we even met on tumblr when we were younger, we've been together for years. my partner is disabled (diagnosed with autism and seizure disorder and others)
what we need: basic needs, help with vet care, dental emergency assistance and general support. our cat had an emergency surgery two years ago that means he needs to be on a prescription diet (hills urinary food) for his entire life. the vet suddenly said we need to bring him in again to get his prescription renewed and we cant order any more food for him until then, which he will not survive without, and he is not allowed to eat any alternative food without risking his life. we have less than half of a 8 lb bag of it which will not last him through the next month. with the vet, food, and ubers to get to the vet and to the only place they sell the food = 200
to try to summarize our situation, we were kicked out by family and made officially homeless for the first time last year. this is right after we moved across states (wa to az) to support my partners family upon their request, only to be subjected to abuse and kicked out directly due to homophobia in an unfamiliar state after a few months. this left both of us and all of our animals entirely homeless. we luckily have an apartment now but our situation isnt stable. we lost all of our belongings at this time, everything we had built, and have not been able to replace them as we have very fixed income. my partner is especially affected by this situation, as it was traumatizing, and they have just had to power through trauma after trauma because of poverty, more than i can say.
i also have severe and painful dental problems that are not covered by medicaid in az and i have no way to afford. this includes wisdom teeth, root canals, and many cavities that will turn into that crazy expensive treatment if i don't fix it. some may remember my post about this (+this) showing the work i need. i cant keep ignoring it, because they are worried about two of the cavities becoming root canals, and i want to prevent another infection, but thats at least 250 each i also lost a cap and need to replace it to save the tooth, but that's at least 600.
we are still not going to be able to afford rent in future months because our EBT was delayed last month and i had to spend money we don't have, and without student loan forgiveness, my partner will not have loans anymore so we are in serious jeopardy even affording rent, let alone bills. our pets (2 cats 1 small dog) also desperately need vaccinations, which is dangerous to keep going this overdue without with their health problems. our dog has also been limping for the past week and he needs to be seen when that is ever possible, at least 65 plus ubers.
any donations would go first to the vet appointment and cat food, then the other needs in order of priority. will keep updating this, i know its a lot and i really don't expect anything as i know it's well over 1000 for it all, i am begging for help with any of this.
we are both students, we are trying to work towards stability, while being stuck here. i do everything i can to bring in money to support us on my own. we make 200 less than rent is monthly. i am in school to become a caseworker so i am aware of a lot of resources in my area, and have applied for everything, but we can not do this alone which is why i have to ask for help. i am so sorry for having to do this but i appreciate any support that i do have because of this website. you guys literally save my life. helping out other poor people and getting helped out on here has been the most compassion ive ever been a part of. dollars, even pennies, worth of donations has kept my cat safe, has affected me in real ways. it actually matters to us, no matter the amount.
thank you anyone who reblogs, donates anything at all, or reaches out
p*ypal email (best): [email protected]
v*nmo: @tobler707
c*shapp: $tobler707
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peggysousfan · 2 years
Opinions or Advice, please?
Tbh I need some more opinions because honestly my friends at work may be a little biased.... So long story short my mom forces me to pay rent twice a month. To some that may not be a big deal since I’m almost 21, but here’s my issue and I’ll break it down.
My mom is a retired Army Veteran who gets a check every month for compensation. She makes around $3000- $4000 a month (Which is not taxed because it is from the government itself.) Now my dad makes around $2000 - $3000 twice a month since he works a job and gets paid every two weeks. (This is after taxes so he makes quite a bit)
Now I make maybe $1000 a month which is less than $600 every two weeks. I’ll make $550 if I’m lucky every two weeks because I’m on a biweekly pay as well! 
I have credit card debt because my mother has pressured me numerous times to use it while we are out together running errands. Especially when I was unemployed and could barley make my minimum payments (Which my mom had to help me pay until I found a job) Now here’s a kicker... I own 4 credit cards and use 3 different third-party payment plans to pay for large expenses. Now currently she has a loan in my name using one of these third-party options... And three of those credit cards I only have because she needed them and couldn’t use her own anymore. 
She does not pay me for these credit cards that she made me take out. I pay them because they are in my name. I also now have my own phone bill which this month was $182 ($82 of which is not mine to pay, it’s my cousins) My mother forced me to get a phone for my cousin and add him on my bill which increased it. He has agreed to help pay it but I always have to pay my bills as soon as my check hits, therefore I will get some money back. Which is a plus side I admit. But he also has no job now so my mother has to help pay the difference which I know she is unhappy about.
To round it up I pay almost $500 a month on these credit cards and third party sources (When I have those small loans taken out. As of now the only loan out is my mothers and it’s in my name)
We never came to a set upon number to what she wants me to pay, she gaslights me into saying I should pay whatever I want to pay, so to be generous(And try to give her as much as I can without her being angry it’s not enough) I try to pay $150 every two weeks, so $300 a month... leaving me with a little over $200 a month for myself.  And I will say this, I only ever have enough every two weeks to save and put away $10 because I’m trying to save for a car and an apartment. 
In America this isn’t anything. I only have maybe $160 saved up and that took me over half a year to save. Like i said it’s barley anything but i try to set some funds aside if possible.So that’s $20 a month i put away, leaving me with $180 a month for myself at most.
Now my latest check was smaller than I anticipated it would be, taxes ate much more than I calculated they would. So I had to pay her less rent again. Last time I could only afford $50, and this time $100. Now she is cussing me out over text (First thing in the morning after I transferred the funds) because it wasn’t enough. She doesn’t believe me when I say I don’t make anything and my bills take up most of my check. The only reason I didn’t send the extra $50 was because after my bills are all paid, I will have $67 left for myself. And this will have to last me 2 weeks. 
Now my mom also tells me to grab groceries sometimes when I leave work( I work in a grocery store btw) Therefore the money I have left over after bills isn’t always for me. Most often its for her and the house, or my cat. And with inflation so high I have to skip lunch more often than not to make sure i have money in my account for her in case she needs me to pay something for her. And I’m not a breakfast eater so I am left to eat one meal a day for over a week.
She says that she stays broke to make sure her house runs and her animals and kids are taken care of. Now I will say her mortgage did go up, which is horrible and I do feel sorry for her. It’s not fair and this country is going to shit, and we as citizens are paying the price. Once she told me her mortgage went up it made sense why she wanted me to pay her rent. But my co-workers say it isn’t my responsibility to help pay her bills and she shouldn’t make me feel bad for trying to save money for myself.
My mom, when she’s angry, says she wants me to get out and that I need a life, but yet I can;t do anything or go out if it affects her life, her household, and her plans. She belittles me and acts entitled as if I owe her every penny I make. Time out of my life, work I put into my job, money I earned. I owe it to her to help her pay her bills... but she makes almost 4 times as much as I do. Not including what my dad makes as well... 
We do live on a farm and expenses go to that as well, but my mom doesn’t know when to stop buying animals (Particularly dogs) She doesn’t think of the consequences of the costs and the lack of space in her small home. Most of her expenses could be avoided if she didn’t take on so much, but she refuses to listen to any of us when we say its not a good idea to get more animals. She says its her money and she’ll use it how she wants, and getting more animals will be hard but it’s worth it
But then turns around and says I owe her.
And I will add this. The rent money I send her she almost always uses it on Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts. I know for a fact the last 4 times I have paid her, she has gone out and used my rent money for take out. Not bills she’s struggling with or on animal feed, but luxury. Half the time I won’t even get any because I’m at work. If I’m not she will get me something. I only ever agree because if I refuse she will get angry.
I know this was a lot but I wanted to be as thorough as I could for your input. Honestly I don’t expect anyone to read or comment but... if you do, Am I wrong to be upset here? Should I try and pay her more? Or should I save up and try to start my own life? Opinions or advice please?
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oldguy56-world · 3 years
If I Had a Million Dollars
It seems every time we get into the car this is playing on the radio. Yes we listen to an oldies station. (97.3 Boom FM in case they want to send me something for the shout out. Contact my agent and/or accountant)
Before we get into the meat of the matter here I just have to say it is a bit disheartening to have songs from 1992 classified as oldies. This is the era our girls were born. I can’t think of them as oldies. What would that make us? Ancients? 
Back to our regularly scheduled blog. What would I buy if I had a million dollars? Times have changed since that song was written. Back then you could buy a house and have $800-$900k left over depending on what city you lived in. Now, where we live, you would need to entire million dollars just to buy a small house with nothing left over for furniture. Shades of my first place after I moved out from my parents home. I will avoid that circle of life nonsense.
So how would I use the money? Here are some thoughts.
- Based on the rates we currently get we could book 263 weeks at our favorite resort in Punta Cana. (Royal Catalonia Bavarro in case they want to send something my way. Please see above on who to contact) This is all inclusive so there are no other expenses. Bad news is that I would end up after 5 years + of endless buffets weighing 600 pounds but perhaps I won’t notice with all of the alcohol in me.
- 250,000 cello tubs of Ju-Jubes from Walmart. (one of these guys has to send me something!) Wait a minute. I didn’t factor in the tax on this one. Okay I will just keep buying until the money runs out. Maybe the interest accumulated will provide this treat forever.
- two space suits for my wife and I. Not for travel. I figure at the rate Covid is going we might need the protection. Do they come with zippers in case I have to pee? I will ask NASA. (no chance these guys will send me anything)
- My wife says I can use some new t-shirts so that works for me. Should have some money left over for ice cream. (no brand names. I have given up)
There are also some things that you should definitely not buy if you get $1,000,000.
- Today they are auctioning off a bottle of booze. It is expected to go for about $200k. There are several reasons people might be bidding on it:
a) They want to get drunk. Save your money. Old Sailor or Four Aces will do the same for much much less. I have some here so no need to send any. 
b) They want to be noticed. You can be noticed by spreading honey on your body and covering it with glitter. Cost is about $30. Don’t ask how I know that.
c) You want people to know how stupid you are. If you are contemplating buying this I would suggest that you have already done enough things in your life to form people’s opinion of you.
- Buy a Lamborghini or a Ferrari. Yes you will still have money left over but think for a minute. These road beasts are not built for our speed laws. You will spend the rest of the million on tickets or, if you like to drive with the top down, replacement toupees. (come on. We all know who drives these).
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Love is worth a lot more than money. Remember that.
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: Division of Labor (3/?)
“The past years, we have noticed a lot of our fresh high school graduates knew nothing about responsibilities that await them outside high school and even college. Many students do not master budgeting, taxes, household planning, loans and we hope to raise a generation who can navigate the adult world without the consequences of bad decisions they are bound to make going in blindly…”
Paradis High school starts a program incorporating adulting into their curriculum and Hange and Levi are paired together.
Note: From request of @a-golden-hearted-snk-fan. See this link for the request
Other Chapters: 1 2
Link to cross-postings: AO3
It turned out Hange did think the housing plan through.  
"It's a rent to own contract...so after paying this certain amount of rent… within a number of years… we can own the house basically," Hange explained. Her preparation was evident in the wad of papers she had carelessly spread out on the table in front of Levi.
At first glance, Levi could not make sense of what those papers were. Eventually, by carefully scanning through the therefore, herewiths, in the events, the interest rates and percentages, Levi figured out they were contracts and manuals full of buying and renting policies of one particular real estate company.
Levi looked out the glass window of the booth of the quiet diner they had chosen to work in. He had tried to use the mechanical movements of the crowds on a commute home to at least help clear his mind enough to make sense of how exactly a rent-to-own contract worked. Levi was sure Hange was at least attempting to explain everything about the buying policies of the real estate company in layman's terms. Although Levi was somewhat impressed by the dedication Hange put into it, as soon as she started to talk about the policies and agreements beyond ‘we get to own the house after a while,’ Levi ended up spacing out. The prospect of spending, even if it was fake money, caused him enough unnecessary stress.  
He turned his attention to the two flour sacks who were propped by the window of the diner booth they occupied. He had purposefully turned their ugly faces towards the window at the small possibility that Shadis, Erwin or even Zeke were amongst the crowds of people walking through the crowds and into the subway station. A testament to their determination not to waste any unnecessary funds or worse, flunk the program
"If we catch you in public not holding your baby, you pay babysitting dues or you fail." Shadis had said in homeroom class that morning.
After some discussion as a class and with some confirmation from Erwin, the whole class came to the understanding that if they went out separately, they were in no obligation to take their babies with them. It could always be assumed after all, that their partner had their baby with them. Being in public with their partner meant someone had to have the baby with them or they risk pay necessary dues. At any rate, they found solace in the fact that if they were going to look like idiots holding brown sacks with shabbily drawn faces on them, they at least had someone to look like an idiot with.
Levi looked back at  Hange to see that she had not stopped talking. Levi was not too surprised, having the disinterested equivalent of a resting bitch face, he had to master the art of looking like he cared to get past most classes.  
“Where did you get these anyway?” Levi asked, interrupting the tirade of his partner. The answer to that question would at least be something he would be able to understand.
“The procedures manual and their company policies are available online.” Hange answered matter-of-factly. Levi noted how quickly she recovered from having her explanation of policy and business jargon interrupted.
As Levi looked once again through highlighted lines and messy scrawls, he felt embarrassed that he was not even halfway done with the design they had discussed the night before. He slowly brought out his folder where he had at least begun to draw the floor plan from the link Hange had sent him the night before.
“How has the floor plan been Levi?” Hange cocked her head to one side. Levi could not tell if she was provoking him or if she was genuinely curious about the progress of his work. Regardless, the way that she sifted through the papers under her, while looking pointedly at the roughly drawn floor plan on his hands had Levi self conscious.
It was Tuesday afternoon, less than 24 hours since she had bombarded him with messages. Less than 24 hours since she dropped a pdf file of the floor plan and went MIA, Levi guessed it was to prepare all the documents which Hange had just laid out in front of him that morning. As he compared his own progress to hers, he also became aware of one more reality, their first outputs were due tomorrow. Begrudgingly Levi had to admit, despite her naivete and overenthusiasm, Hange had a better sense of urgency than he did.
“I planned everything out already. I just need to outline it.” Levi said, trying at least not to sound as defensive as he felt.
“But can you do it alone? I didn’t sleep at all last night to get this done.” Hange looked more concerned than anything else.”
As Levi looked back at a skeleton of a housing plan that lay in front of him, he started to understand her concern. The house they had selected was huge and designing would take hours if he actually wanted to put thought into it.
“I mean even if we take out the 1800 from our budget of 3600 dollars a month, we still have to consider furniture and it might take you a while to come out with the pricing right? I guess we could leave out 1000 dollars for that….”
Furniture? Levi had stopped listening at ‘furniture.’ Somehow Levi had assumed that it would have been fully furnished when they bought it and they just had to rearrange furniture. “We’re buying an unfurnished house?” Levi had hoped Hange was pulling his leg.
Hange knitted her brows in confusion. “Did I say anything about a furnished house?”
                                         Division of Labor
“There are two methods of accounting used in modern day society: cost accounting and accrual accounting or as I’d like to call them: an idiot’s sorry excuse for accounting and actual accounting.” Zeke wrote the two terms on the board and plopped himself on the teacher’s desk. “Really though, why the hell do people still use cost accounting in modern society, it’s fucking stupid, barbaric, might as well go back to bartering…”
Levi had no idea what either of them were. As he looked around at his classmates, they looked as lost as he was about the mini rant that Zeke gave about the two accounting methods he had failed to define.
After a few minutes of ranting, Zeke finally noticed the blank faces of his students. “Okay Social Experiment.” Zeke cocked his head to the side. “Actually, let’s call it an IQ Test.  Jean stand up.”
“Yes sir!” Jean followed way too enthusiastically.
“You got the investment banker occupation so ideally you should be the most knowledgeable on money among everyone in the room,” Zeke continued. “You have zero dollars and I gave you 100 dollars right now. How much do you have?”
“100 dollars sir,” Jean answered.
“That’s a smart boy.” Zeke slapped his desk so hard, Armin and Eren jumped, having sat so close to the teacher’s desk. “Okay, so if I lent you 100 dollars, how much do you have?”
“100 dollars.”
“So, you’re gonna run away with my money? No plans of paying me back?”
Jean tensed up in confusion. “No sir. I’ll be paying you back.”
“Then is it your money?"
“It’s with me sir… So I think…” Jean paused for a second. “So it’s your money sir?”
“Tell me. The money is with you after all. Is it your money or my money?”
“It’s my money sir!” Jean answered too quickly, probably without even thinking.
“I lent you the money. I expect it back so it’s mine. Calling my money your money is practically stealing Kirschtein. I can call a lawyer on you.” Zeke narrowed his eyes at Jean for a few seconds before shrugging in defeat. “But you’re not a criminal. You’re just an idiot who relies on outdated accounting methods. Don’t take that with you when you become an actual financial advisor. Sit down. I’m calling someone else.” Zeke turned back to the class list on the teacher’s table. “Okay, anyone in this list with a finance related position...” Zeke’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked through the list. He looked at the class with a cat-like grin, his eyes focusing on one boy in the front row. “In my almost sixteen years of knowing you, I did not expect you to be suitable but it looks like you’re the only one in this list other than Jean with an accounting related occupation.”
“Really? It’s accounting related?” Eren had never been one to be good at Math. Everyone in the class agreed and as their professor hinted at his assigned occupation, many began to whisper, possibly theorizing as to what Eren had gotten.
They did not have to theorize for long though, within seconds, Zeke continued to discuss. “Okay Eren, let’s discuss your field of expertise --- insurance.”
Eren slowly nodded in return. It was a nod which everyone in the room had understood at first glance. Insurance was not Eren’s field of expertise.
Zeke did not seem to care though. “Case study time! I have 3000 dollars. Eren the insurance salesman sells me $200 dollars a month worth of insurance and I buy one years worth of prepaid insurance. By the end of this month, how much worth of assets do I have left?”
“By assets, you mean money?”
“Check a fucking dictionary.”
Eren sat down for a second. From his seat, Levi could hear some whispers from Mikasa and some clicks of a digital keyboard, or possibly a calculator.
“600 dollars.”
“Final answer?”
“Yes. Final Answer.” Eren seemed so sure of his answer.
From seeing Zeke’s face at the answer, Levi could not help but think, maybe phrasing it as a question was the better option for Eren.
“This is why your generation is so shit at saving. With this type of attitude, you‘re all gonna get into some shity Ponzi scheme with yourself and some sad saps who actually pitied you enough to lend you money without assessing your credit rating that’s just gonna continue riding on some endless cycle until you all go to jail or declare bankruptcy.” Zeke ranted again as he punched the buttons of the projector, turning it on. “ Scratch that. At this rate, none of you would probably even know how to declare bankruptcy.”
Accounting 101 . Those two words flashed on the screen, the contrast of black words in a default font to the white background of a hastily made powerpoint only getting clearer as the projector whirred to life.
“The amount of debt you can get into in the real world will fuck up your life. So to simulate the real world consequences of unpaid debt, we decided to make your fake debt by the end of the year one of the main determinants of your final grade. And we will be using real accounting to determine your debt. Any questions before we start?”
It was Sasha who raised her hand from the back of the classroom.
“Yes?” Zeke asked with shoddily hidden annoyance.
“So which one is cost and which one is accrual again, Sir?”
                                      Division of Labor
"I told you. I'll handle the accounting," Hange said. "We can make this work." Her words were not at all assuring.
It was Wednesday afternoon. They had submitted their selection for their house that afternoon in class so that meant no more takebacks. Their house plans were due midnight and Levi was not even halfway done. To add insult to injury, Levi was still reeling from Zeke’s lecture just a few hours ago.
Initially, Hange had suggested they buy the furniture in installments. The prospect of buying in installments though became all the more terrifying with the accounting system Zeke had introduced to them that day and the weight of a negative balance sheet on their grades.
As soon as you buy something and enter into debt, the money owed is not yours anymore. Levi shuddered as those words echoed in his head. He narrowed his eyes at Hange. "Really Hange? Can we? After deciding to spend half your salary each month on an unfinished 3 bedroom house?" Levi asked as he gestured to their next tall order that stretched over two aisles. They were in the baby's section in the supermarket.
It was their third round around that aisle, trying to look for a brand of diaper and a brand of formula that would not cost them a total of 400 dollars a month.
“I mean, we still have 800 dollars on groceries if we put our furniture installments budget at 1000 dollars a month,” Hange explained. “So if we spend 400 dollars on baby stuff, we should have 400 left.”
“400 dollars for a month’s worth of meals for a family of four.” Levi clarified. “There must be something here we could choose not to spend on.” Or maybe we could find a cheaper place to buy things in. Levi thought back to the supermarket nearer to his house and made a mental note to check it. The output was due on Friday anyway.
"Hey, Armin and Annie are here too!" Hange said enthusiastically.
Too enthusiastically. Levi clarified to himself. That was not at all good news. If other groups were going to that supermarket, that must mean they think they have the financial leeway to spend there, That could also possibly mean he and Hange had somehow fucked up financially as a pair, struggling to make ends meet. Armin was a studious student with a good head on his shoulders and he chose to shop in a more expensive supermarket. Are we spending too much?
"Let's ask Armin…" Levi did not need to finish his sentence. By the time, he looked to his side, where Hange stood or at least was supposed to be standing, the latter was already on her way to the blond boy..
Levi did not waste anytime. As Hange chatted up Armin, Levi made a few rounds through the two aisles again, his phone calculator on hand.
Just in case. Levi told himself. Just in case they had miscalculated the minimum expense of 400 dollars.
                                      Division of Labor
Hange had a long talk with Armin. By that point, Levi had lost count of the number of rounds he had made around the aisle. He had stopped counting at five. He had done his research on discounts and made some fake accounts and the expense still clocked at $390 dollars.
By the time he and Hange called it quits, the sun was setting. Hange seemed lost in thought and she had been that way since she had finished her conversation with Armin. Levi decided to take over keeping both sacks for the night. He made a small detour to the grocery store nearest to his flat. It was smaller, a little dirtier but it meant a little more room for spending and a bigger chance of saving his grade and graduating. Begrudgingly, sanitation became the least of Levi's issues.
He wrote out all the prices of the important items they had seen in the grocery store. When he got home, he made sure to write them all on a google sheet complete with weight, quantity and prices and sent the link to Hange through an instant message. For some reason, he felt a twinge of disappointment when all he received was a heart react in return.
Of course, Hange still had a lot of things to calculate. Even as they separated less than an hour ago, she had seemed distracted. Levi guessed Armin had told her something game breaking about the accounting process.
What did Armin tell you? You need any help?
Will explain soon. Send the meal plan and house design by 9 pls.
Levi managed to submit the meal plan by nine. He had copied and pasted from some random family cooking website, changing a few ingredients to fit what he thought would be cheaper options. He did not need to think too much of it either. He lived a life many would consider the complete opposite of excess and as a result, had mastered the art of improvisation when it came to food.
His main problem lay with the floor plan of the house. Hange had agreed to handle worrying about the expenses. That was one problem out of his plate.
Even with the money problem out of his hands, Levi found himself working until late anyway. Or not working… Levi was only reminded of his lack of productivity when his phone lit up with a notification.
Hange Zoe
Levi only realized then that he had gotten a little carried away with the problem of where to put the washing machine.
                                 Division of Labor
It was a genius idea.
That Wednesday night, only a few hours before the house plan was due, Levi had had fifty tabs open from German and Japanese house designers showing bathrooms and laundry room designs highlighting the novelty and practicality of putting the washing machine in the bathroom. Levi had spent hours pondering the logistics of making it work for the house design Hange had sent him only for her to shoot down the idea an hour before the housing plan was due.
They rented an American style house with a bathroom in every bedroom and the impracticality had dawned on him particularly when it was fifteen minutes to 12am and they were still arguing in chat over how to design the house. In the end, Hange had gotten her way, having brought up the issue of accounting furniture and the fact that they probably did not even have the financial leeway to pay for a washing machine anyway.
Having to deal with the disappointment of losing the opportunity to design the house the way he wanted to and having his unfinished design shipped off to Erwin’s email, with little regard for the effort he had put into the intricacy of both the toilets and the laundry room, Levi was a little pissed. He also considered the fact that he had respected the effort and detail Hange had put into choosing a house and had allowed her to submit a potentially overpriced and unfurnished house as their final product.
And she could not even reciprocate the respect for his whims.
Levi decided then to take a break from it all. It was a silent agreement on both ends. Or there was no need for an agreement anyway. They had finished their deliverables for the week by Thursday.
Everyone had ended up cramming theirs anyway and Levi found himself walking home alone and spending his time outside school hours bingeing whatever was new on Netflix.
By Monday, Levi had not expected to do much. Their breakdown of responsibilities was due Friday, 12am on Thursday to be exact according to the file that Erwin had sent. It was a one page paper with a few questions that just needed answering. They could easily start on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Levi wanted to spend at least just his Monday, peacefully, not considering the program which has been plaguing the start of their junior year since Shadis’ announcement just a week ago. He allowed himself to clear his mind, making sure to just note on his phone to start on the next output by Wednesday. Hange would probably remind him anyway.
He had deluded himself well into thinking the adulting program was limited to those once a week outputs. An announcement was made to meet in the kitchen after lunch for home economics class. His mood that Monday had him living in complete denial of what could actually go on in a school kitchen and for some reason, Levi imagined having a lecture in the kitchen was a completely normal expectation, even with the reminder to bring aprons and gloves. Maybe we just need to put them in lockers or something.
As the students filed in though, some of them panicked and that was when Levi figured out that something was not right. The counters were all lined up with ingredients. Some of the students had recognized the ingredients. Levi looked to Hange to see that she was blank on what the hell the pattern was behind the types of ingredients set out.
There were the essentials--- flour, sugar, eggs. There were exotic ingredients Levi could not even name or pronounce.
“Cardamom, Star Anise, Rose water. What the hell?” It was Jean speaking from behind Levi.
“I’m glad you see the pattern. I’m assuming that means you’ll all do well?” Erwin waited while the rest of the class filed into the room before he raised his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. “Today we’ll be having a pop quiz just to make sure you all know what you’re writing when you make the meal plans. In the tables assigned to you, you will see the ingredients for one of the meals you put in your meal plan. Please use them accordingly to make a full course meal from what you had submitted.”
Levi could not remember for the life of him what the hell he had put in that meal plan a week back
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elizabethplaid · 4 years
I was somehow mildly productive?
PSA - I’ve got a bunch of reblogs queued up, from clearing my drafts. It’s old stuff, so don’t pay it much attention.
While digging through said drafts, I found a FANTASTIC song and immediately bought it. Which meant asking, “Do I have a BandCamp account already?” (Nope, and still don’t.) They said I didn’t, but I clearly remember buying music in Jan 2013.
Which led to digging through my email inbox, trying to find where I stashed those emails. Found ‘em and cleared out a bunch of old emails. Most were just Lion Brand stuff I saved, so I’d check the pattern links later.
The oldest messages were from 2011, though I’ve had the account since like 2001. Saddest part: the facebook message from 2014, when my friend said she was naming her baby after me. (Her baby passed away a couple years later.) It’s very bittersweet to read that again.
So yeah, inbox mostly cleared. And by “cleared”, I mean that the important stuff from friends got sent to folders, and there’s less than 20 messages left in the inbox. [Not discussing the 600+ message threads in my other email account, ooof.]
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holylacydoll · 3 years
they don't care about my feelings. the only reason i even got a therapist is because i tried to kill myself. you can't really call it an attempt, because i was stopped before i took enough pills to do any damage and didn't even go to the hospital. but of course, i told mother i wanted to die many times before this happened, and that i wasn't okay. she asked me, "then how do you think i feel every day when you're like this?" she said i was being overdramatic and lazy, and that i'd never worked a day in my life. and she always mocks me for wanting to die when my life is "so easy".
everyone says my mother is so nice and supportive, because she's two-faced and is good at fooling other people when they're around. my teachers, even my therapist says she seems fairly supportive, but she did notice she talked over me. answering questions my therapist asked me, and not letting me talk. she's good at fooling me sometimes, too. i can't even say i hate her, because then i think of all the times she does nice things for me. sometimes she'll make me eggs and rice for breakfast, and it's really good.
but at the end of the day, she doesn't care how i feel. she said it to me herself just yesterday. then when my grandmother stopped by, suddenly she wanted to be mom of the year and act like everything was okay, like she hadn't been mad at me all day. i called her out on this in front of my grandma, and both her and her wretched husband told me to watch it.
if i get upset or show any negative emotions at all, they're not really valid because according to them, it's my meds making me irritable and rude. and she tried to guilt me into keep taking the meds im on now instead of switching prescriptions again, even though they don't work. she says i "seem better." i don't feel better, and isn't that the point of the pills?
she guilts me for asking to go to the store when i have no groceries, like today. i keep it as cheap as possible, and make a list so i don't have to go often. but she still gets mad and impatient, yet if i get impatient at all during her errands, she calls me ungrateful.
i am grateful that she feeds me, but i hate the guilt. it's even more motivation to eat less, so my food lasts longer. they also think i'm some sort of glutton.. and while i do binge sometimes, usually i eat less than anyone else in the house because i have an ed.
she gets mad when i spend her money on groceries, yet she won't let me get a job or even have a bank account. the only money i get is because my grandma helps me out every month and gives me 50$. so i get 600$ a year for personal use, which i of course am very grateful for. but i put it all into savings, so i can get out of here as soon as possible. i don't buy myself anything really, even though i really wish i could sometimes. i'm firm with myself.
i wish i had something to pursue hobbies and things i want to enjoy, like sewing and embroidery, but i can't. and i know better than to ask my mother to buy anything like that for me. so i just have to be patient, i can do that after i've left.
i'm moving with alex before this year's out, at least i hope so. i can't even tell her i'm planning on moving, because she'd probably not allow it and isolate me even more.. so i'll probably end up springing the news in the same week i leave. but i'm a grown adult, so i can, whether she likes it or not.
but, i'm worried about leaving my brother here, because that means she'll take out everything on him alone.. she probably won't let him even call me, either. i'll find some way to keep in contact with him, because i can't just leave him completely alone.. even though i already feel guilty about this much..
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contactingcashapp · 3 years
How to Activate your new Cash Card - Cash App
Have you ever lined up to purchase something with your Cash App but then realized you ran out of battery or the network isn’t working? Not only is this embarrassing, but it’s also unnecessary when you could have had your activated Cash App Card to save the day.
In this guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about the Cash App Card and outline the steps necessary to get one for yourself. There are two ways to activate your Cash App Card: with your CVV number or QR code.
Step by Step: Activate Your Cash App Card
No matter what method you use, activating your Cash App Card takes less than a minute. However, both activation methods require that you have the physical Cash App Card on hand. Once you have that with you, you can proceed to choose what way is more convenient for you:
Method 1: Activate Your Cash App Card with your CVV number
This method of activating your Cash App Card requires manually copying the CVV number of your Cash App Card and typing it into your App.
·         Open Cash App
·         Select “Cash Card” or the rectangular icon on the lower-left part of the screen
·         Tap “Activate Cash Card”
·         Select “Missing QR code” and then select “Use CVV instead”
·         Enter your CVV code and card expiration date on your Cash App Card
·         Click “Confirm”
If you want a more fool-proof method that requires less effort, you may use the QR method below.
Method 2: Activate Your Cash App Card with QR Code
To activate your Cash App Card with a QR code, you may do so using your mobile phone or device camera.
·         Open Cash App
·         Select “Cash Card” or the rectangular icon on the lower-left part of the screen
·         Tap “Activate Cash Card”
·         Scan the QR code using your mobile phone or device camera
Keep Your Cash App Safe
With these two methods, you’re now able to access your Cash App balance using your Cash App Card with ATM networks and Visa Network merchants, even without your Cash App open.
Like any card, make sure to keep your Cash App Card details safe from malicious intent by never taking photos of your card and posting them online, and not sharing your debit card information with anyone.
How to Order Your Cash App Card
In just a few clicks, you can order your Cash App Card using the Cash App. To order your Cash App card, follow these steps:
·         Open Cash App
·         Select “Cash Card” or the rectangular icon on the lower-left part of the screen
·         Tap “Get Free Cash Card”
·         Choose your desired color (black or white)
·         Select “Tap To Customize”
·         Write or draw your signature and select “Done”
·         Enter your mailing address and tap “Next”
·         Confirm your first and last name and tap “Next”
·         Review the fees, terms, and conditions and tap “Continue”
After around ten days, your Cash App should arrive at your designated address.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Cash App Safe?
Unless your log-in details are compromised, your money stored in your Cash App Balance is safe. However, Cash App is not FDIC-insured. If you accidentally send money to the wrong person or have had your account details compromised, there are no insurance claims.
Can I have a Cash App Card without a linked bank account?
No. All Cash App accounts require a linked bank account, so it is impossible to request a Cash App Card without one.
Does the Cash App Card have hidden fees?
The Cash App card by itself does not charge annual or minimum balance fees. However, loading your Cash App at Walmart will have a $3 fee, and withdrawing from ATMs will cost you $2.
Can I withdraw from an ATM for free using Cash App Card?
Yes, if you withdraw at least $300 direct-deposited paycheck every 30 days, ATM fees are reimbursed by Cash App. Cash App has ATM withdrawal limits at $310 per transaction, $1,000 every 24 hours, and $1,000 per week.
How long before balance changes reflect in Cash App after using Cash App Card?
When you use your Cash App Card at a Visa Network merchant or withdraw money at an ATM, it will reflect in your Cash App balance instantly.
How does Cash App Card get a bank account and routing numbers if it is not a bank?
Cash App has a partnership with Sutton Bank that enables them to generate these account details for their users when availing a Cash App Card.
How can I add money to my Cash App Card?
Adding money to your Cash App Card is the same as your Cash App. You may add funds to your Cash App balance through bank account transfer, debit/credit card, or loading at Walmart.
Who can have a Cash App Card?
Cash App users over the age of 18 with a validated account can request for a Cash App Card. To validate your account, key in your full name, date of both, the last four numbers of your SSN, and your mailing address.
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grisdidthis · 4 years
The Glenn Legacy: G1, Entry #7
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START HERE | PREVIOUSLY ON: Bimby made best friends with Jamie and had a blast hanging out with him. Shit hit the fan after nightfall when a burglar snuck inside, and this house without an alarm, what do! (Call the police and peace out back to bed, obviously. Frankly, it’s sort of uplifting that our girl is now well-off enough to invite robbery. We’ve truly come a long way since ye olde days of “we need a damn ceiling stat”.)
It’s been 28 days since Bimby moved into... not Kleinestad anymore, though for all intents and purposes we’re pretending she’s still there. I didn’t mention it in the last entry, but it turned out that the hood was an unfixable crapshoot, which thankfully was always a foregone conclusion, meaning that I had her house packaged and her info saved and could remake her wholesale along with everybody she knows. Her days remaining until elderdom and the time-on-lot counter have been adjusted to account for the time already elapsed, so we’ll pick up right where we left off and pretend that NOTHING WHATSOEVER changed. Even if the house’s surroundings are slightly different and some people have been townie-fied and mysteriously improved their appearances. 
(Eventually she’ll get to move for realsies, acknowledged in-story, blah blah blah blah. It just won’t be happening for a while, since she may not be dirt poor anymore but doesn’t yet have enough spare cash to drop on a new house. We’ll get her there.) 
Another significant change is that I replaced the lifespan mod I’d been using with this one, as 600 days as an adult is... waaaayyyy too long. We’d be stuck on G1 forever. Bimby now has 144 days left before becoming an elder, which feels a ton more reasonable. 
She’s about to spend three of those tinkering with her junkyard car. In her pajamas. Girl.
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By the end of day 3 she’s still painting and painting and painting, because some dumbass didn’t figure out until she went and asked Google “why the fuck won’t my sim finish painting car” that you can’t get the job done if the heap of junk was placed with move_objects on and isn’t sitting on a driveway. Once that has been sorted out, Bimby finishes in five seconds and hauls ass to her bathtub. 
(I am, by the way, extremely salty that there’s no option to make this car pink.)
Anyway, Bimby has a car now. Majestic, innit?
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...we’re selling both it and the driveway for 5.350 simoleons. Because yellow is very much not Bimby’s color, and because she needs to start saving up money so that she can haul ass elsewhere. Which inevitably means leaving behind all the women she came to know and fell in and out of love with (yay!) plus Jamie, with whom she just reached Best Friends Forever status. 
*sad trombone noise*
Look. It’s either that, adopt and risk ending up with a kid who looks like Goopy, or get kidnapped by aliens and have green spawn with a disaster of a nose. Per the new lifespan thing, it will be 80 days to make baby happen and raise it to young adulthood. If this business is to be sorted before she’s old and gray, we do need to do long-term planning and, yes, start putting away our leftovers instead of leaving them to rot on the counter. You goddamn wastrel. 
This also means that now is a LESS THAN IDEAL time to roll a want for a pet, Bimby! 
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Oh, fuck all kinds of duck, you whiny little...fine. FINE! One (1) dog, and make it an old one, so that it won’t stick around long and die before you have kids whose faces it may conceivably maul.
...who am I kidding, the way this is going, the sun and the stars will die of old age before you get around to reproducing. Have your stupid pet, then!
...the shit is that thing. 
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Urgh. We’re calling it Chef Express. Bimby loves him - because of course she does, she’s an idiot. Now on top of the adoption fee, we have to also waste money buying him a bed to sleep in, plus toys so that he won’t go to town on the furniture, plus bowls and food to fill them. To add insult to injury, he’s too old to get a job and earn his keep. I already regret this whole thing and the mutt hasn’t even made it inside the house yet. 
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Bimby immediately rolls a want to play with CE, but we’re having none of that and instead getting her ass on a chair and working on her next novel. 
Unfortunately, the computer is in need of repairing. 
Fortunately, Bimby spent enough time building up mechanical skill whilst working on the junk car that she doesn’t need to call in a repairman, and it’s not long before she can start tackling her next bestseller, Arresting Fish Party... in Hawaii. (A modern day retelling of Titus Andronicus, with fewer murders and a ton more surf. Predicted to sell like hotcakes.)  
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Induced dreams
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Pairing: Surprise!
Word count: 1777 words.
Summary: Appearances deceive, Steve and you have come out for a few years, yet on a mission everything could change.
Warnings: A little smut, not very explicit, swearing.
A/N: The text message is in italics and bold.
Flashbacks are in italics.
This is my entry to the @whistlingwillows‘s Hayley’s 1.5K Writing Challenge with the prompt #12:
“I will not die today. The same cannot be said for you”
Also is my entry to the @the--sad--hatter ‘s The Weird & The Wonderful-Challenge with the quote prompt #14:
“One person’s craziness is another person’s reality”
My entry to the @thinkoutsidethebex ‘s Bex’s 600 Follower Writing Challenge with the prompt #3:
“Two heads are better than one”
And my entry to the @waiting4inspiration’s Stay safe, Stay home Writing Challenge with the prompt #19:
“Frankly, my dear. I don’t give a damn”
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
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You wake up to feel the sunlight that was already beginning to seep into the room that you shared with Steve, in a few days it would be his third anniversary, then on that day he would ask you to marry, he had already planned everything.
If someone asked Steve how you had met or your love story, he could tell it in great detail, he did not forget anything and he believed that he would not find someone to share his life with until he met you.
"Good morning doll" he greeted you when he realized that you had already woken up.
"Hello," you murmured.
Steve started kissing your shoulder, you smiled.
“I was thinking…”
"About what?" You questioned.
"How much I love you," he replied.
“I love you too.”
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, "he said and he kissed your neck now.
"I feel lucky to have you," you replied.
He continued kissing your shoulder and your neck, he lowered a hand to your thigh to start caressing him, you turned around, put yourself on top of him and caressed his face with one hand, he continued to caress your thighs, you kissed him and they began to caress each other increasing the intensity until the mobile phones rang interrupting the moment.
"Right, a mission," you complained annoyed.
You had less than an hour to reach the base and leave for the mission.
 Everything is ready
 You smiled at the message you had received, you immediately saved your mobile phone, the mission was only for Steve and you, so nothing complicated appeared
"Are you ready?" He asked, standing next to you.
"Always and you, babe?"
"If you're with me, yes."
He kissed you and you got on the ship, you were not going to allow your nerves to take over you, you had to have everything under control as you always had, you couldn't make a single mistake.
As soon as you reached the abandoned base where the mission was, you decided to separate to cover more places and finish the mission more quickly and effectively.
"Y/N, position," Steve asked.
“Coming upstairs and yours?” You asked over the comm.
"I keep checking the first room," he replied.
Suddenly Steve thought he heard a scream, he left where he was and started running towards where you said you were.
“Y/N? Y/N status? Y/N?”
He was worried because he did not receive any response, distressed about what could have happened, he hurried to get to your location immediately, he could not lose you.
As soon as he entered he saw you unconscious and one of the enemies was gagging you.
Right at the moment when he was going to throw his shield, he felt a needle in his back, his body stopped reacting, he couldn't believe it that was not supposed to be possible, and he was supposed to be immune to that kind of thing thanks to serum.
He tried to raise his arm to reach you, he didn't feel it anymore, and he couldn't move, he didn't want to lose you, he needed to do everything possible to avoid being hurt.
Steve in a first attempt wanted to open his eyes without success, he noticed that he was tied to a chair perhaps, he tried harder until he managed to open them, he immediately looked for you, he needed to make sure you were there, you were equally gagged in a chair next to him.
"Doll?" He asked fearfully.
"Stevie ...”
“Are you fine?”
"I think so, I just don't know, I don't understand what happened, I can't get away," you answered confused.
You heard a very heavy door open and footsteps tried to turn around but couldn't, so you waited until the person was in front of you.
"Wow until great Captain America woke up!" Brock exclaimed mockingly.
"I thought this would be more difficult, but it was easier than taking candy from a child," said Brock.
He crossed his arms facing you.
"Let her go, she's innocent," Steve asked.
Brock smirked and turned to see you, they looked at each other for a few seconds before you opened your mouth.
"Untie me," you ordered.
Brock approached you, untied you, he gets up, Steve kept his eyes on all the movements, he would do anything to save you, whatever it took, you and Brock saw each other again, you smiled and kissed him.
"What the hell?" Steve asked,
You separated from Brock and you got closer to Steve bending down a little to be at the height of his face
“Y/N, what does this mean?” He asked furiously.
"Oh, Captain America fell in love with me!" You teased.
"And who isn't if you're charming," Brock commented.
“You see Stevie there is something we want to prove because we have a very important mission.”
Steve started struggling to getaway.
"Oh, don't try hard, you won't make it, we made sure to achieve the objective of our mission, it was something simple but slow," he continued.
Steve stopped and stared at you trying to process what he was hearing.
“Our mission? What do you mean?”
“One person’s craziness is another person’s reality.”
You got close to his face, you kissed him on the cheek.
"Hail HYDRA," you whispered in her ear then licked her earlobe.
You separated and went to where Brock was.
Steve was stunned, he couldn't believe it, it had all been a lie, he had fallen into the trap and he never suspected a thing.
"You're pathetic, don't worry. HYDRA will take care of everything," Brock said.
Steve felt betrayed, he truly loved you, and he had never expected you to do something as low as that.
"Did you really think I was going to change my ten years’ relationship with Brock by being with you?"
Brock giggled.
"If they gave me this mission, it's because they knew I could complete it perfectly," you said.
"I can't believe it, it was all a lie, and I thought you were a good person, you were always so charming."
"Frankly, my dear. I don’t give a damn”
"As soon as I get out of here, I'm going to kill you," Steve said.
You ignored the threats Steve kept saying, Brock saw you again, you moved away a little to go to the table that was in the place while Rumlow watched him, and you took a syringe containing a green liquid.
“You see Steve we need to study you well, in fact, I took care of it as well as the collection of some samples that would be useful, our scientists analyzed them to create some substances that Erskine's serum could not assimilate, then they will subject you to another procedure, believe me, HYDRA has great plans for you.
"You're not as immune or invincible in the end as they made you think Cap," Brock scoffed.
“Everything that you used to tell me was a lie, wasn't it?” Steve asked, his voice sounding hurt.
"You fell so easily into the story that I was a weak girl and I needed that the great Captain America to protect me," you scoffed.
"You bitch, you are going to pay me, I'm going to kill you," Steve threatened.
“I will not die today. The same cannot be said for you”
“I'm going to get revenge, I'll make you pay Y/N.”
"No, you won't, you won't remember any of this."
"Sure, they sent you because they didn't think Rumlow was enough."
He was going to change his strategy, if he could get Rumlow to get close to him, then he could disarm him and escape, he didn't want to hurt you, he would take you hostage and make you confess everything.
“Two heads are better than one.”
You had considered the possibility, so Brock did not move from his place, you approached Steve and injected the contents of the syringe, Steve twisted, the sensation was worse than when the serum was injected, he felt as if his veins burned in the fire.
"How long will it take to take effect?" Brock asked.
"They told me that in a normal person fifteen minutes, in him five," you replied.
“Did they tell you what effects did you inject?”
"He will remember all the things he feels guilty about all his life as if he were there again, witnessing them."
“Wow, you're the best.”
“I know.”
You kissed him again, he began to caress your back, you knew that as soon as you had time he would give you your reward, now only had to observe the behavior that he began to show since it seemed that the liquid began to take effect.
Steve was sweating as if he had a fever, his breathing began to accelerate, he closed his eyes tightly, in his mind, a cluster of images began to appear, it hurt, and he felt a lot of pain.
 He remembered his dying mother in the hospital, the months before he got sick he had been working longer to buy his medicines and everything he needed if he had not been so weak, if he had not told him that he wanted to go to university She had not had to try harder, it was her fault that she had become ill with tuberculosis and then she died.
He saw Bucky fall from the train again, it was his fault that his best friend, he must have done something more to prevent him from having that fateful fate, he felt that he had betrayed the only person who was there supporting him after losing his mother.
He could see every single face of the people he hadn't been able to save over the years, he should have done something else.
 “How long will it take for our agents to arrive?” You asked Brock.
“Half an hour.”
"If you did what you promised me?" You asked, pretending a sweet voice.
"First we need to make him Captain HYDRA, then as soon as there is a chance we will have the trio that you love so much," he assured you.
"That's why I love you," you said.
"No, you love me because I'm the best," he corrected you.
Both laughed.
“Do you think I should have told him about his best friend?”
"Better find out later, I assure you that by having the two super soldiers on our side, HYDRA will dominate the world."
You sat down to watch the show he was offering as you waited for the rest of the team to arrive.
No mission has ever been so easy before.
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halfpennythoughts · 4 years
How I Spent My Unemployment Money and Why It Matters
I don’t usually get political here, but watching the discussion of whether to extend the extra COVID $600 unemployment past July because “some people are making more on unemployment” is a hard thing. So here’s my answer, not that anyone is listening:
Firstly: so many people need that money to get by. It’s a desperate crisis. Even now, with things reopening, very few everyday workers’ salaries are the same. Restaurants are allowing 25% capacity, so waiters are getting 25% of the tip money they usually count on. Hourly workers are being barred from overtime as the businesses look for ways to make up lost profits. There are heaps of stories of people for whom this financial support will literally be the difference between life and death.
Now, on to the argument that this lifesaving support might be too generous for a small percentage of recipients:
I make more on unemployment than I do in my job. I have a college degree in my field, and before covid gutted my industry, I worked 10+ hour days, Monday through Friday, and was more or less getting by. Money was tight, in the way that it is when you keep a mental map of which gas stations are cheaper per gallon and a $1/hr raise changed the way I was living. I’m on standby now, meaning once business resumes I will have work--but it will be a while before business resumes, and longer still before I can go back to my usual schedule and salary.
So when I started on unemployment, I found myself with an extra $300 a month, more or less. Chump change to some folks, but not to someone like me. What did I do with that money? *The very first thing I did was donate a bit back, to charities supporting health, human rights, and other support for those less impacted than me. Good fortune needs to be repaid in kind, and it’s only right that those who have something to give support those who do not. *Then I went online and checked all my favorite local stores, both here and my hometown, to see which ones had transitioned to online sales. As small business, not many of them were set up for that, but of the ones that were, I purchased ‘luxury’ items--books, shirts, Christmas gifts for friends--that I normally would call “beyond my means.” Purchases of $20, $30. Trying to keep businesses afloat in hard times while also, FINALLY, buying a shirt “just because” and not because I needed a new one, without agonizing over the decision, without waiting to see if it would end up in clearance. Just, “Hey, this is neat, I’m going to get it, add to cart.” Amazing. Do some people live like this all the time?
*With the support of unemployment, I didn’t have to ask my landlord--a kind and wonderful guy--to tighten his own belt and accept reduced rent payments. I was happy and proud to keep paying my rent each month in full. 
*I went to the doctor, and then I went to the follow-up appointments scheduled, for long-term health issues I had had that I had just been living with without getting it checked out.
*I started saving aside $25 regularly so that when it becomes safe to travel again, I might be able to go on a weekend trip to Vegas with my brother. That’s money set aside with the intent to go right back into the economy--vendors, travel companies, hotels, performers, artists, restaurants.  *I bought gifts and started assembling care packages, to mail via the US post office to friends and family, in order to brighten their spirits and support them in hard times. I could afford real gifts for Mother’s and Father’s day, not just a handmade card. *I bought supplies to make crafts, and I taught myself new skills--crochet, weaving. I focused on self-improvement. My new hobbies encourage me to spend on them in the future, save up for new yarn and supplies. In the past, the tighter my budget, the more I engaged my time in free endeavors, things like watching Youtube or playing free app games. Now my dollars are being fed back into the economy.
Now if that $600/week extra was cut, that means I would be making, instead of an extra $300/month, over $1600 LESS a month living on unemployment. I would suddenly not only be unable to contribute back to society, I wouldn’t even be able to pay my rent, let alone buy clothes or food or gifts or any non-critical purchases like yarn or books. It would be dire straits. Cutting that support isn’t just carving a bit off the top so I wouldn’t be making “extra,” it would mean making half of what I need to get by on.
My point here is... so what? So what if, with the extra support, a small percentage of us make more now than we did when we were working? Especially when for so many people, their regular wages aren’t even enough to live by? 
Isn’t the whole point to “stimulate the economy”? Sometimes when people have a lot of money, they get used to the idea that that money sits in accounts somewhere, gets put in savings, gets hoarded like a dragon’s gold in a cave. That’s not what’s happening here. Having the blessing of this financial support allows us to use that money to push profits at businesses, so the government doesn’t have to bail them out or add more unemployed to the ranks of those who need aid. It allows us to donate money to services that work in tandem with government services to get resources to medical workers, food to the hungry, aid to the sick. It allows us to invest in disinfecting products and practices (like ordering no-contact delivery instead of going out) to keep ourselves safe and reduce the spread of disease.
That support is contingent on the pandemic crisis we are in. None of us have some sort of silly illusion that we can kick back and enjoy “handouts” and not have to go back to work. I MISS work. All my coworkers talk about is getting back to work. Being trapped at home is no picnic, and it’s not the nature of the human spirit to be content with doing nothing--we would much rather carve out our own destinies, be self-sufficient, self-reliant. But the fact of the matter is, this crisis is not behind us yet, and would only worsen if the people who need it most are abandoned now.
So again, if the argument is that “some people” are making more now than they did before, I think it bears remembering that those of us who do are not rolling in bathtubs of bills like Scrooge McDuck. We’re spending that money, dumping it like grease on the slow-grinding gears of the economy, trying to keep it running smoothly until we can all get back to work. 
And we must remember that for every one of me, there are hundreds if not thousands for whom this financial support is not about the new revelation of having spending money left over--for them, it is what they need simply to live, to feed their babies, pay their bills, and keep the lights on. And I personally would be sickened and horrified if someone used my situation to deny them of their most basic human needs in this time of crisis, when what we really need is to be pulling together as a community and a nation.
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mrwyx · 5 years
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Ladies and Gentlemen, meet a character in my cartoon universe. Lady Botessa. A 600+ Year Old (Remember, other planets may be more advanced than us. Including over 600 years ago.) Multi Robot and AI Fusion Lady Who founded and leads a space pirate vigilante gang going around the universe, planet to planet taking things into their own hands wreaking havoc on bad guys. She started out as a curious worker bot who at some point had an Advanced AI uploaded into her. the digital minds ended up interacting with each other and merging into a personality. Botessa is a robot with 8 AI's merged together interacting with each other into their own personality. Part of them were other robots Botessa encountered and fused with.
She likes being a protector and having fun and upgrading and modifying herself. She'd be described as an Antiheroine and wild Card. She also has tons of nanobots inside her helping her upgrade, help keep her multiple AIs under control interacting with each other and not going haywire and other things.  She's kind of a spunky, wise and eccentric woman. She'd save people from evil and corrupt, she'd wreak havoc upon those who deserve it. And of course she'd also grab loot and do it for the thrill. She'd rob loot from her victims and she'd share it with both her crew and others. And get some thrills doing so.
Having 8 AIs, it's like having multiple personalities working together as one. It's like a hive of knowledge in there. Her personality develops over 600+ years of experience and the additional AIs downloaded into her. Having each AI downloaded into her would feel both like becoming a new person and kind of like inviting someone else into your house, them getting comfortable, and starting to live there. Then, over time, they start doing more stuff around the house, like cleaning, cooking, etc. Being in close proximity to one another means you both start influencing each others choices and making each other better as a result. Then, at one point, you realize that there's no longer two people in the house, but that person has left enough of an impact on you that it seems like they're still there. Like that, but a lot faster. Though another thing that happens upon fusing is that the fusion feels weird. Like watching 2 TVs of the same show outside through a window. How long it takes to adjust depends on cooperation. 
She started out as Yes 07 Worker Bot #7F33K1. A curious worker bot with a simple AI (Still sentient) who's still trying to develop a personality. 7F33K1 stumbles upon an advanced AI's AI core room over in wherever she was built and works. They hit if off and get to know each other, and one day, 7F33K1 decides to download the AI Matrix into her. She does it and was not the same anymore after that. 
After that, she finds a bunch of nanobots and puts them inside her. She got bored of working, so she decided to turn to piracy and vigilantism to fill her emptiness she was filling.  It was simple for her go around doing things universe, but her true desire is something only she knows and wants. I imagine one of the things that changed was that when they became one, she got a little more mischievous, rebellious, geinus and scheming. Please note that her body changes every time she has an AI downloaded. Wether the AI is in a robot body or not. 
Botessa at one point met and befriended an assassin bot named Essa. They got to know each other, fell in love, and decided to merge into one. Her AI was downloaded into her and her former shell was absorbed into her. 
After they fused, Botessa became slightly more caring and more independent. Although Essa was less caring at 1st, getting to know 7F33K1 warmed her heart up, and would gradually become more so after fusing. So, basically, kind of a Tsundere bot. Or something. It is then she became known as Botessa. 
Next, she finds an AI that turned out to be a dummy account be a hacker bot named Eyera, who's described a cross between Ed from Cowboy Bebop, and Futaba from Persona 5. They get to know each other, she recruits her as her 4th AI, download and absorb body. This would make her a bit aggressive of a hacker. And would also increase her determination. 
Next, she encounters rogue robot named Ryxt who was made by an evil dictator of a planet and ended up switching to the side of good. Ryxt could start out controlling herself too much. If she works under the rule of an evil dictator at first, maybe she forces herself to not step out of line, show any negative emotions, or do anything that may showcase her independent thoughts. It's only after Botessa shows up that she decides to take the first step in expressing herself, by rebelling against the dictator and joining her. She's reluctant to fuse her AI at first, as she sees her habit of restricting herself as something that could be a detriment if added to a greater collective. But over time, she figures out how to express and control herself in moderation, and ultimately everything works out with her. They got to know each other, fought for the planet's freedom and decided to merge together. AI downloaded, body absorbed. 
She gained more self control. #6 was Poli, a police AI computer tired of being cooped up inside a computer. She wanted to explore the universe. Any Authority who hasn't warmed up to Botessa is on the hunt for her. So she needed a Police AI. Lady Botessa almost caught by the A.I.'s clever trap, but Lady Botessa convinces her to not only let her go, but join her as well. I guess they talk to each other and she realizes, she isn't evil, just a wild Card still trying to do good. She should find herself her own Commissioner Gordon Sometime. 
AI uploaded to the club, and Botessa's personality addition becomes something that says supportive and help, but keeps her authority figure persona. Her next one would be a journey to find the smartest, greatest, most advanced and sophisticated AI Computer in the universe. She finds exactly that. Zita, a carefree, hopeful, peaceful and super intelligent AI who calculates and comes up with ways to fix things and stuff. She is surprised, but Lady Botessa can be very persuasive. They bond over shared desires, like desires to protect, save things punish evil, do things when the law won't help, etc. 
And then she's downloaded into Botessa and that makes her more carefree and hopeful. Her most recent is a Tortessa Tessa AI prototype that evolved into a more perfect form. She visits the the Tessa and eventually, Tessa became part of Botessa and she is now where she is today. The Tessa A.I. would make Lady Botessa more smart or able to locate better thanks to Tortessa Tech.
Botessa speaks with a hot southern accent that's also a bit tough. And she's like 8 feet tall or so. I personally imagine Cristina Vee voicing her. What do you think of her? I hope you like her! Special thanks to my awesome friends for helping me. Including @vincentaaronstauffer @azurath-alex and @astridzircon1528.
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forebodingowl · 4 years
To-Do List: To Buy
-pillows &bedding set: $100 ACTUALLY SPENT: $68
-Desk: $150 ACTUALLY SPENT: $158
-Piano stand and bench: $150 ACTUALLY SPENT: $143
-storage chest: $60 ACTUALLY SPENT: $67
-dresser: $200: ACTUALLY SPENT: $148
-tapestry: $20 ACTUALLY SPENT: $21
-nightlight: $20 ACTUALLY SPENT: $25
-plants: $30 ACTUALLY SPENT:
-more storage boxes: $30 ACTUALLY SPENT: $22
-shoe stand: $20  ACTUALLY SPENT: $10
-vanity(unnecessary) : $200 ACTUALLY SPENT: $200
-rug: $40 ACTUALLY SPENT: $34
$1,040 ~ I’m gonna round up to $1100. 
$997.44. plus the plants will be ~ $1020. So I’m $80 less than expected cost. But all my bedroom furniture is done for the month of May!!!
(food stamps didn’t come in yet, so i ended up also having to pay $180 for groceries on my move in day)
I have $no money after that lol, and 3 more $600 checks coming in. I will have $1200 on the last Tuesday of the month. I’ll have to pay the $850 for the room, and $100 for phone and spotify. and the $450 to my roommate. So at the end of the month I will have $200, but then on tuesday in June i get another $600 so i will have $800, and then i will pay the $450 i still owed, leaving me with $350. 3 more paychecks after that gives me  $2,150 at the end of the month. after bills leaves me with $1,000. save that this whole month. only work on sewing, piano, and drawing and reading/writing in your grimoire and practicing, focusing on fitness, opening planet fitness membership, and making business cards. 
Art Things! (Need money to make money things): 
with 1,000 left over for june, plus 5 tuesdays in july, i will have $4,000 at the end of the month. then after bills paid, i will have $3,000. I will NOT have the money for everything I want, and I also want $2,000 saved in my account at ALL TIMES. So I expect to only have $1,000 left over at the end of the month. I also want to save this as best as I can. I’m going to cross out the streaming. i want to spend $500 on art, and then $500 on clothes. NOTHING ELSE. Keep saving until you have $2,000 in account and then you can spend on art and clothes. and then you can keep saving more after that. you can work on art and cooking videos that you will have to set up nice with your iphone. 
also, if you can somehow make any money with wag, D O I T. if you have anything left over for Wag you can work on saving for the PC. when you have $4,000 saved i will allow for the PC, and streaming equipment. which will then leave me at $2,500 saved. and then i will have everything i want at that point, so everything else can be saved until i can pay off all my credit card debt AND have $2,000 saved.  i am going to try to make $2,400 a month with Wag. $600 a week. it’s going to be tough when i start working again but i really want to pay off all my debt. so i end july with $2,000, i start work again in august, i’ll have $4,400, after bills i have $3,400. so i will save $1,000. If I save $1,000 every month, I can have $10,000 in April. That’s the goal. Then after I pay off my debt, I’ll be left with $3,000 most likely. then I’ll keep going, and have $7,000 still saved by the end of the year. By the time I am 27, I want to have $19,000 saved. By the time I am 28, I want to have $31,000, 29, $43,000, and 30, $55000. With this money, I want to put down a down payment on a house. I want to flourish in my 30′s. Let’s see if I can do this with pet sitting business and art on etsy business. and streaming. 5 years plan is own my own house, and business(es). When I’m 30, I can also finish school finally. Yayyyy, successes. Maybe I can even publish my own books. 
-dremel for 3-D pen: $50
-mini clover iron for 3-D pen: $30
-webcam for streaming: $70
-microphone for streaming: $100
-pc good enough for gaming: $1000
-new makeup: $300
-stuff for candle making: $20
-skin care stuff: free except for containers. maybe $20
$1,590 ~ rounding up to $1,650 
New Things Necessities for Self: 
Clothing: $200
Underwear/socks/bras: $150
Casual shoes: $100
Misc. (razors, deoderant, etc.): $20
$470 ~ Rounded to 500 
$3,220~ ROUND TO $3,300.  The goal is to spend way less than $3,300 estimation. So I’m going to track here how much I ACTUALLY paid for any of these items, and compare my estimation vs. reality. 
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valkerymillenia · 6 years
Dad and I are about to lose our home... Again!
If you were around my blog last year, you'll know that we had trouble with our apartment. Luckily with help and a lot of effort we managed to pay most of what we owed, although we were still left with more or less 600€ in debt to pay this year.
On top of those 600€ came this year's condo bill and due to construction being done on the building it ended up being more than usual (again). So in total we now owe around 1400€.
We have no idea how to afford it because I used all my savings on the house last year and have none this year (in fact my account is in negative balance), plus my dad is still on disability leave and barely affording meds and treatment while he waits for his last surgery, and my freelance work is lower than usual due to new hires. 
Normally we'd try to negotiate a payment plan or even get a loan but we're overextended already and the new building management won't negotiate, if we don't pay until March they are more than willing to start court proceedings against us, specially since the building is under new, and less lenient, management.
So... We are very screwed and I'm such a pile of nerves I can't even function and my dad is honestly on his last leg too.
I know I've posted requests for help a lot these last few months and I thank everyone for the reblogs and best wishes and the few donations that kept us from going hungry, I debated a lot about whether or not to post this but my father himself asked me to do all I can so I'm posting this and asking for help everywhere I can in hopes of a miracle.
So please share to help us out and every donated penny helps.
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