#i haven't 100% forgotten about this
starrbirrd · 2 years
"Because the power chose me!"
As chaotic and noisy as the room had been seconds before, somehow the silence was more deafening. Rhaenys had finally admitted the truth. Spoken about a secret she'd kept for hundreds of years.
"That's not possible. You aren't the firstborn or the heir. The Night Court has never chosen a High Lady until I appointed Feyre that position."
"The Night Court was mine by blood, regardless of birth order. When father died, there was a delay, wasn't there? The delay that allowed Tamlin to escape. In those few seconds, the magic was trying to sink it's claws into me. It chose me. And I rejected it. That is the only reason you are standing here with a crown today, Rhysand."
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cardhamine · 1 month
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(Just to be 100% clear, pro-shippers should block me, especially if those ships involve kiddos.)
Also, an alt version below with my AU version of Vanessa (Ava) -
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(Flipped because all her scars from the wreck and subsequent surgeries are on that side.)
I didn't add the scars she gets during the last few chapters of Breached since they aren't out yet and that's Spoilers.
My main lament is that I drew this on my phone and the app I use doesn't have a good tool I can use for freckles, so the freckle-to-lady ratio is way lower than my headcanon...
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penebui · 2 years
So we all know that the reason yellow has dementia now is because they had delusions of being a lunarian before their old partners came back, and now that their old partners are with them they're having some major cognitive dissonance between the delusion that they were a lunarian the whole time and the reality that they were once a gem with partners right? And despite them now being a lunarian AND being with their old partners their mind just couldn't handle the two conflicting realities?
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a-tale-of-legends · 7 months
Sometimes, I really do wonder if my fascination with a character is wrong. Especially the ones that get a bunch of hate. Like I love trying to analyze them and theorize their mindsets and how they got to that point but then I just see people absolutely trashing said character and feel bad for even being curious Abt them. Don't get me wrong, the trashing is justified ( to an extent I must emphasize), but I dunno. I just feel bad about remotely liking a character sometimes. Maybe not even like, just being very curious about them and wanting to understand them more. This is very much a me thing, but yeah.
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
gerard way gender rant in the tags bc this is my blog so i get to talk abt what i want and it's been on my mind for a hot minute
#like... it just feels weird that ppl are taking them wearing a dress to mean that they've come out as transfem?#please tell me y'all haven't forgotten that clothes don't equal gender right. like a dress is not inherently Female#it just leaves a weird taste in my mouth. it would be 110% fine if he WAS transfem but it feels weird to just assume#he has talked abt how he relates to trans women and that he's struggled with gender and that's valid!! im not denying any of that!!#but they've talked about how they dislike applying labels to himself and i feel like im the only person who finds it weird that ppl are -#- so quick to jump to the nearest label the moment he wears something more gnc than he usually does#also like.. its one thing to say that they're probably not cis. which is very true#but another thing to be so adamant that he's a 100% binary trans woman that it comes off as more intrusive than anything#they probably aren't cis. they've struggled with gender and use he/they pronouns and use some typically feminine terms to refer to himself#and it's fine to look up to him when it comes to gender!! i admire the fact that he's so open about it and i find comfort in knowing that -#- in a way he's kinda like me!! they love their trans fans and don't rlly consider themselves cis but also hasn't said anything about -#- using the word trans to describe himself. and those things can coexist. there can be a gray area between cis and trans#idk man. it just feels weird. i dont like how ppl force labels onto someone who has made an effort to avoid labels.#are they probably queer? absolutely. im not denying that. is it still weird that folks are being oddly invasive about his gender? yeah.#we're allowed to talk about his relationship with gender/sexuality + how he's always been focused on making a welcome space for queer folks#but acting as if it's Written Fact to assume he's a binary trans person is just. weird.#to clarify: this isn't me being mad at anyone in particular. if you're one of the folks who talks abt them being transfem then whatever.#im too tired rn to have any kind of beef with y'all. in the end we all basically know nothing. the only one who understands his -#- relationship with gender is gerard themself. im no expert. im just some queer teenager on the internet.#ive just seen it being passed around and i needed to type this out for myself so i can figure out WHY it was making me uncomfortable#nobody's obligated to agree with me or to even pay attention to this. im rlly only writing it out for myself and myself only.#im keeping the reblogs turned off though bc i don't wanna start fights over it
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televinita · 9 months
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I was introduced to this tweet via ONTD, and I was too late to play there, but I'm playing now!
Also it turns out I did not read the tweet very carefully, and focused simply on choosing the first twenty songs that spark instant joy. So although some of these were picked based on positive associated memories, very little should be read into this in terms of what stirs my soul or even whether I consider these tracks my favorites, on account of I love very many sad songs, and songs with beautiful lyrics that spark Feelings, but not joy specifically. Nevertheless!
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
You Are Loved - Josh Groban
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
Wonderland - Taylor Swift
We Like It - Computer Games (a.k.a. Chuck & Darren Criss)
Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers
You Part 2 - Olivia Lane
All You Wanted - Michelle Branch
Open Toes - Katharine McPhee
When You Were Young - The Killers
Send My Love - Jacob Fox (not the Adele song)
Hips Don't Lie - Shakira
Pendulum Swinger - Indigo Girls
Life Less Ordinary - Carbon Leaf
Wildflowers - Maddie Pope
Cleveland - Jewel
N'oubliez Jamais - Isabelle Boulay (Joe Cocker cover)
Trying to Find Atlantis - Jamie O'Neal
The Star of the County Down - Loreena McKennitt
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astral-cataclysm · 10 months
Y'know what. I still don't really care for elfilin. Should've turned evil.
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svartalfhild · 9 months
Elf Lore in the Forgotten Realms for BG3 Players who are Unfamiliar
I've been seeing some...uninformed takes lately about certain elf characters from BG3, so let me just throw some stuff out there for y'all to consider.
Elves in FR live to be about 750.
They physically mature at roughly the same rate as humans i.e. 18-20.
Culturally, elves don't consider other elves emotionally mature i.e. adults until the age of 100, at which point they may choose an adult name to go by.
What does this mean, logically? Well, consider their very long lifespan. If you are going to live 750 years, your perspective on wisdom is going to be quite different from a human's. While 60 years might be plenty mature for a human, for an elf, that means you still haven't had enough time to watch all of your shorter lived friends pass, which I imagine is something of an emotional milestone for elves.
Halsin is 350. This means he's just hitting middle-age.
Astarion is 239 (Idle Champions claims he's 350, but I call bullshit because his birth and death dates are literally in BG3 and also IC frequently gives the characters bullshit ages, like they say Jaheira is 36, which couldn't have been true even during BG1). He died at 39, which is quite young, but he had the same emotional maturity as a human 39 year old at the time, so he's not Like That because he's undeveloped. He's Like That because he's a snapshot of a privileged young nobleman who then spent 200 years being used and abused by the worst sort of person imaginable. He wasn't a full adult by elven standards, though, and I'm sure there's lots of elven rites of passage he didn't get to experience because he was dead.
BG3 does not mechanically distinguish between sun elves and moon elves and simply puts them all under the high elf umbrella, but they are very much a thing in the lore and have distinct appearances, cultures, and histories.
Moon elves tend to have black, blue, or silver-white hair and have pale skin, sometimes with a bluish hue. Their eyes are usually blue or green, sometimes with gold flecks.
Sun elves tend to have blond, black, or red hair and brown skin tones. Their eyes are usually green, gold, black, copper, silver, or hazel.
Based on his appearance, Astarion is probably a moon elf, and it's likely his original eye colour was either blue or green.
There are many other types of elves than those that are playable in the BG3, such as sea elves, winged elves, star elves, wild elves, and lythari.
It's possible that Shadowheart's father is lythari, because lythari are lycanthropic elves.
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writer-freak · 4 months
Period Care | Lads men x gn reader
Characters: Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel
Warnings: Gn reader ,mentions of reader having mood swings,period cramps, english isn't my first language, haven't fully played the game yet so these maybe aren't 100% accurate
A/n: I wrote the Zayne headcanons for my bestie and I ended up deciding to also write for the others. I actually planned on writing a Valentine's fic but I haven't finished it because I was busy preparing for my Valentines date.
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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Zayne as the dedicated partner that he is has a period tracker for you on his phone. He uses it so that he can be one step ahead, ready for when your period comes around just to ensure that he is fully prepared.
He is like a walking pharmacy, he always has your favorite relaxing tees and painkillers on hand. In general, he has a period product stash, just in case you have forgotten to restock or were caught off guard. Just in case he has a secret supply tucked away.
He is a doctor so obviously he is offering some medical insight. He will probably explain to you the medical technicality with periods and all that kind of stuff. Would be the first one to tell you to see a doctor if you have bad cramps. 
He would probably also recommend some gentle Yoga stretches that are supposed to help with cramps
He has some hidden sense for your emotional needs. Somehow he always perfectly knows when to help you out and when to give you some space while on your period.
But of course, while he is a doctor and gives you a lot of practical solutions, he will also give you lots of physical affection if you need it.
He'll wraps you up in his arms holding you close and giving you all the kisses that you want. He might be a bit exhausted from his demanding job but Zayne is dedicated to being there for you.
Even if he's barely able to keep his eyes open he'll stay by your side offering you comfort and support.
Okay, now imagine this.
It's early in the morning and you are curled up in bed battling with cramps straight from hell. Before Zayne heads off to his shift in the hospital he slips into the kitchen makes you a hot water bottle and gathers everything that you could need. He brings them to you and gives you a kiss on your forehead telling you that he will come back as soon as he can.
Zayne will do whatever you need and will be especially good at giving you practical advice. And even if you ignore his advice his explanation will at least put you to sleep.
Xavier is the epitome of patience and care, he is your dedicated partner during your period.
 He's not just there, he is really present offering you a comforting presence. 
There is just something about Xavier that makes you feel safe almost like sinking into a warm hug. He really is a master at cuddling, wrapping you up in his arms, and napping alongside you.
Xavier tends to be a bit forgetful about the timing of your period. But when it's actually there he is by your side, doing whatever it takes to make you feel better.
Oh did I mention that voice of his? It's just so calming. 
If you need a distraction from some cramps Xavier's soothing voice and words will ease your mind lulling you into a peaceful sleep. And when you wake up you'll find him right beside you, probably also asleep. 
He in general just relishes in keeping you close and caring for you during this time. Even if he doesn't fully understand your mood swings he remains calm and understanding trying to support you in every way he can.
Also, any medication you need he is gonna immediately get, if he doesn't already have it, and whatever your craving he is gonna bring to you. 
I think he would maybe like to pet your head or play a bit with your hair to help you relax if you are fine with it.
And I can't forget to mention his hands, if you ask him to put his hands on your tummy to help with your cramps he will do so immediately. And in general, he would give you back or tummy rubs if you ask him for them.
Xavier just wants to do whatever you need during that time and is a very caring and dedicated partner.
Rafayel tends to only realize that you have your period when you are more on edge than usual. He isn't really thrilled about you being in a bad mood but he rolls with it, kinda finds amusement in your crankiness, and uses it as an opportunity to playfully tease you.
With teasing, he will especially do this if you are being extra clingy, but he also uses your clinginess as an excuse to be extra close to you.
He'll wrap you up in his arms and always refuses to let you go until you feel better, he loves the extra cuddle time.
While on your period he would use darker bedsheets to help avoid staining.
He isn't exactly an expert about periods but he always stocks up whatever you're currently craving or your general favorite snack just in case.
If you need painkillers he's on it, he wants to make sure that you have everything you need to help ease your discomfort.
He can't really stand seeing you in pain so he will try and shower you with extra affection, peppering you with kisses and gentle touches, claiming that it's just for your relaxation.
Playful banter is kind of his love language. Beneath that, he really just wants to make you feel better but it includes a little bit of teasing and complaining from his side.
I imagine him preparing you a nice bath if you want to, bringing you into the bathroom, and telling you that you should relax. If you ask him to join you he would probably tease you about how you just can't be without him.
But actually, he just waited for you to ask, so he happily joins you while relaxing in the tub.
And if you thank him for helping you so much during your period you could see him getting a little embarrassed, his ears turning a faint shade of pink.
Rafayel all in all is just really affectionate and loves using your period to soak in extra attention and affection from you.
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Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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sadesluvr · 2 months
Sins of the Flesh
The one where a religious housewife fights temptation with her gardener.
(JJ Maybank x Reader)
A/N: Second JJ fic! (I haven't forgotten about The Hills!!) This was based off of Charlotte & Trey’s marriage in Sex and the City, specifically the episode where she kisses her gardener! Also, based off Gaby & John in Desperate Housewives, but less weird. Reader is literally the both of them combined, with religious guilt turned up to 100. Check the tags before reading, and minors DNI.
This is a long one, so the ending is a little rushed…Enjoy!
Also credit to @starfxkr and @dulc3vida for their lamb! readers which was a big inspo 🫶🏼✨
Word Count: 5K
Tags: SMUT / Slow burn / Themes of religion / Blasphemy / Infidelity / Cuckolding / Religious guilt / Lots of discussion about pregnancy / Misogyny, kinda / Kook! Reader / Moments of soft! JJ / Unprotected sex / Oral sex, F receiving / Creampies / Corruption & Religion kink / Dirty talk (JJ is a yapper)
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Gif by @cyberpunkes !
Your dreams always started off the same.
The sun peeked through the sheer linen curtains, warm rays tickling your nose as it whispered to you that dawn had arrived. Gently, you brushed the sleep away from your eyes as you writhed amongst your silk white sheets, morning breeze making your sensitive nipples harden ever so slightly. As you awoke from your slumber, you stroked the opposite side of your bed, frowning as you found it to be empty.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, glancing around the room in search of something familiar. The hand carved dresser in the opposite corner? Check. Your Bible on the nightstand? Check. The soft, distant cries of a baby from another room? Unfamiliar.
It was always then that you’d wake up, coming to realise that your dream wasn’t so far from reality after all.
You lived on Figure Eight, a place where only the wealthiest and most desirable citizens resided in white palaces with acres of greenery surrounding them. Of course you were no exception; having married an heir to an automotive company just under a year ago.
It wasn’t as if you were unfamiliar to a life of luxury - you’d been born a preacher's daughter right up until you’d become a wife - and had always been told that God had intended for you to be more fortunate than those around you. Yes, you worshipped the crucifix, but yours had always been diamond encrusted. It was just what God wanted.
Much more than anything else, it was your duty to continue his wish by remaining a virgin until you were married, and subsequently continuing the lineage with children of your own.
Apparently, that part did not come as easy.
Hank, your husband, had insisted that it was nothing more than a case of trying, yet at every turn seemed to fail. You’d begun to have a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t a problem on your end, but his, despite his growing insistence otherwise.
Each passing day meant that your biological clock ticked away, and it was weighing on you that you were failing at the one thing you’d given most of your life towards. On days like these, the only thing that brought you peace was your garden, its lush greens and vibrant purples reminding you of the hours spent at the community garden of the chapel of your fathers church.
Things, whilst relatively breezy, just weren’t so simple anymore.
Gasping, you tightened your baby pink robe around your body as you dragged yourself out of bed, hoping to at least greet Hank with a beverage before he went to work.
You practically glided through the house as you made your way along the mahogany floors, down the grand staircase and out of the double doors, careful not to fall down the porch steps as the slight humidity hit you.
Your husband was by the steps, but he didn’t seem alone.
“Honey, I’m sorry, I —-“
You paused once you realised he was speaking to someone. A young man, with blonde hair, a loose fitting tee and shorts, was sitting on the stairs - as if he were being told off - his face seemingly lethargic and uninterested. You caught his eye as he angled to face you, and he quickly adjusted his cap, shifting the brim around so that he could see you clearer.
You flashed him a brief, somewhat uncomfortable smile before you were pulled into a side hug, with Hank placing a kiss to your lips.
“You were asleep, I didn’t want to wake you,”  Hank said softly. “We did get rather rowdy last night, didn’t we?” he murmured, and you patted his chest, not wanting an outsider to hear of such unsavoury things.
“This is the time, I feel it,” he announced before nodding at the blonde. “That’s why I’ve hired a gardener. Now I know you love your plants, and you can still go about the little things, but all that labour just isn’t going to work.” he told you. “We need you in top condition, especially once the baby arrives. The smallest things can affect our chances, you know.” he finished, and you nodded.
There was certainly no denying that Hank was a good husband. What man would want their young wife out in the North Carolina sun for upwards of two hours a day? Not to mention all of the wild plants that could’ve lurked. Even if you weren’t yet pregnant, it just made sense, right?
“I’ve given him a basic rate,” he said, adjusting his tie before lowering his voice. “Money’s on the table and our valuables are in the safe. He’s one of those Pogues…just watch him, you know how they are.” Hank warned quietly, but loud enough to assert dominance.
With a final kiss he was off, and you were left with the strange Pogue boy on the front porch. As odd as it sounded, perhaps the boy’s presence would be a blessing, for as much as you loved solitude, it was rather lonely at times. You supposed it would give you something to do.
“Blink twice if you need help,” a cool voice said, causing you to whip your head towards it. You hadn’t noticed that the blonde had been staring at you, nor that you’d been momentarily zoned out. 
“Kidding, I know how you Kooks operate…” he said, vaguely judgmental as he stood to his feet. Even though he was on the step below you, you couldn’t help but notice that he was bigger than you, in height and muscle, making you step back in shock and bunching your robe up in your hands.
“I’m not going to do anything to you, Lady. I’m just here for the money. ‘Names JJ by the way,” he said, and you were surprised to see him stick out his hand.
Regaining your senses, you shook it back, giving him your name and a soft smile. He didn’t respond, instead allowing for a smirk to appear across his face before shoving his hands into his pockets.
“So, uh, where d’ya want me to start?”
༼ ♰ ༽
The first time you’d had an unsavoury encounter with JJ Maybank had actually been later that day. The boy hadn’t been shy - in the slightest - about staring at you, peeking over the bushes as he watched you prune your bonsai on the deck, face as close as possible to its leaves as you made sure it was immaculate. Unfortunately, this had meant that you were hunched over, giving the blonde a view of the top of your cleavage; not enough to be considered adulterous, but enough to tempt him into some lewd thoughts.
You’d made eye contact with him, and he’d made no effort to break it with yours, instead smirking and flashing you a disingenuous nod. Pursing your lips, you remembered the look in his eye; as if he were trying to figure you out and yet simultaneously seeing right through you. Being a preacher's daughter, it was a look you’d been given a thousand times before, and yet you’d never been so unsure of its intentions until now. Perhaps it was because he was a Pogue boy, and you were a Kook housewife, alone in a house together whilst your husband was at least an hour away. You’d heard all the stories about their savagery; how life in The Cut was so brutal that everyone was on edge, just waiting for an opportunity to go off.
What was JJ capable of? Would you be a good enough wife and Catholic to withstand it? 
More importantly, why did it worry you so?
“...The bush is lovely, by the way.”
His voice drew you from your thoughts.
“Excuse me?” you blinked.
“Your bush,” JJ said with a grin, pointing to the plant in front of you. “It’s all nice and shit. It’s trimmed perfectly,” he mused. “Either you’ve got a lot of time or you just have magic hands…That’s because of all your Jesus stuff, right?”
You sucked in a breath.
“I adore plants,” you said rather bluntly. “They keep me busy.”
“Funny. I usually prefer to smoke mine…I guess you don’t have much going on anyway,” he continued, dropping the hedge scissors to his side as he stopped his motions, giving you his full attention. “Other than what? Look pretty and have babies? You Kooks are swimming in so much you don’t even know where to begin —“
“Are you rather done?” You interjected, ignoring the fact that he’d complimented you. “We’re not paying you to talk.”
JJ chuckled and scratched the back of his head, seemingly enjoying your outburst.
“Hey,” he shrugged. “What your old man doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
༼ ♰ ༽
The other time came after a particularly strenuous lunch with Hank’s parents at the country club. As expected, you were met with the question of grandchildren, to which all you could do was nod and drink your sweet tea, insisting that you were “praying to God”. Of course, that wasn’t an entire lie within itself, but the nature of your prayer was much more defamatory to their very son - something that would make your father’s head spin with utter disgust if he’d ever heard. All of the trying, near misses and downright failures were beginning to take a toll on you, and the deepest, most hidden parts of yourself were questioning whether you wanted a baby at all.
Sighing, you remembered how you barely had had a break, as the moment you’d taken your heels off JJ had arrived - surprisingly on time - ready to get to work. It had seemed like he’d just come from the beach; his signature cap jumbled around his blonde locks and his button up rather undone, exposing his toned chest. Whether it had been from the droplets of the ocean, or beads of sweat from the long journey up, you found yourself strangely enticed by the condensation on his chest, only visible when illuminated by the sun, as if it were his own spotlight.
“Afternoon, ma’am,” JJ nodded, flashing you one of his signature cheeky smiles. You mustered a soft, vaguely curt smile, instead taking interest in his necklace. 
“Shark tooth,” he said, watching you with wide eyes. “I think it’s pretty cool, but I don’t think it would match with your getup…Those things eat girls like you alive,” he finished, running his tongue over his lips as he let out a smooth hum. 
Surprisingly, you laughed.
“I’m not a girl, JJ,” you insisted. “I’m a woman,”
“Yeah,” he scoffed, shifting his weight as he glanced at you, a distant, but glossy look in his eye. “You may be married, but you’re still just a little girl playing make-believe…You and I both know something’s missing.” he finished assuredly, cocking a brow knowingly. 
Instead, you bit the inside of your cheek and shook your head.
“Nothing’s missing,” you said through gritted teeth. “And even if it were, it’s between me and my husband.”
“And God?”
You tutted. 
“And God.”
You could hear him chuckle at this, and imagined his cheeky smile as you turned to make your way into the house, with JJ following after you, parting off into the garden as you disappeared into another room. 
You didn’t know how long later; perhaps thirty minutes or five, but you found yourself by the window to the back door, watching JJ through the sheer curtains as you took in his physique, specifically his lithe fingers and firm grip as they pushed the lawnmower. For some reason, he’d stripped his shirt off, and there was no denying that the sight was making you forget about your terrible afternoon, much more causing a tingling in your loins. You knew all too well that it was the feeling of sin.
Distracted, you hadn’t realised that JJ had caught you looking. He grinned, nodding his head in your erection before he hunched over the handle, flexing his chest muscles in the process.
“I hope you don’t mind, it's pretty hot out here,” he shrugged, a brazen glimmer in his eye before he glanced down at his body, and back up at you. “Plus, I know you liked the look of my necklace, so…”
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“This is the third smoke sesh you’ve almost missed,” John B said, brow raised as Sarah nodded. “What’s up with that?”
JJ chuckled, shaking his head as he sat down on a chair next to Pope and leisurely cracked open a beer. Around him were faces of intrigue; though more concerned if anything (given his nature), and he tapped an index finger on his lips.
“Getting some of that sweet Kook cash, my friend,” he drawled. “You all should try it sometime,”
“Since when do you work overtime?” Kie snorted, cocking her head.
“Since the day I found out that the business dude's wife is a total MILF,” JJ shrugged, rolling a blunt. “And she’s not even pregnant yet!”
Kie and Sarah scoffed and rolled their eyes, with the tanned girl flicking her hair back before she spoke.
“You know she’s only like, 26, 27? Hank’s like 45 or something, it’s kinda weird…” Sarah said leisurely. “She seems sweet though, even if all the other wives are weird about her,”
JJ excitedly slapped the table before raising his hands in victory.
“So I’m in!” He declared before turning to Pope, who was, if not a little uncomfortable, certainly wide eyed. “I’m telling you, man, say the word and I can get you in on this. It’s like those movies, y’know? Except it’s way hotter because she’s like super religious and is practically a virgin…You should see the dresses she wears - oh, man - they’re like all girly and proper…She’s like the First Lady, bro — I’m telling you, I’m like, in love with her —“
Pope shook his head.
“...That’s not love, dude.” 
“It’s gotta be, cause we haven’t even hooked up yet,”
“Yet? She’s married!” Kie exclaimed.
“Marriage doesn’t mean shit, trust me,” JJ shrugged, leaning back as his legs bounced uncontrollably. “I’m this close!” he said, making a motion with his fingers.
“Hank will literally kill you!” Pope spluttered. “And by de facto that probably means us too!”
JJ shrugged, thinking of the way the sweetheart neckline of your sundresses clung to your chest and rode ever so slightly up your thigh as you’d sit down.
“Hey, of all the ways I could die, that would definitely not be the worst,”
༼ ♰ ༽
“Did you take it properly?”
“Yes, Hank,” you sighed, masking your frustration as much as possible. “It’s negative. Perhaps we should wait a while, maybe a family isn’t part of our journey yet —“
“Nonsense,” he interrupted, wiping his hand across his mouth. “We’re inviting the pastor over this Sunday and we’re talking this out. It may be embarrassing but…”
You couldn’t bring yourself to listen to him much longer. What more was there to say? You’d tried every diet, been to every specialist and had tried some rather strenuous positions in bed all to knock you up, and yet somehow it was still a problem on your end. Hank was a stubborn man, and no amount of prayer would change that.
Instead, you noticed JJ, leisurely cutting at your rose bush as he listened into your conversation, his head cocked and jaw clenched. He was dressed in one of his vests; the sides split dangerously low as they exposed his muscular arms and toned stomach, and you hated how much you wanted Hank to leave right there and then so he could peel it off and work shirtless. From your usual view by the window you never noticed how impressive his legs were either; how his calves curved perfectly as they rose up and disappeared into the material of his shorts, nor how they rode up slightly when he’d bend down, exposing his large thighs. He reminded you of all those boys - the ‘charlatans’ who, according to your father, only wanted you for one thing. 
It was painfully ironic that this was the one thing you were craving.
Hank was still talking - though the subject had inexplicably changed - when you noticed that JJ was staring at his index finger, squeezing it as red liquid oozed from his fingertip. Your eyes widened, and you seized the opportunity to finally send Hank away.
“Bandages are in the bathroom under the stairs,” you said, turning to the blonde, and breaking the older man from his thoughts. JJ nodded and walked off, all under the watchful eye of your husband.
“You shouldn’t let him in there alone,” he murmured, and you sighed, distracting yourself by fixing his collar.
“He’s been with us for three months now…I trust him,” you said softly with a shrug.
Hank grunted.
“Maybe if you stop talking, I could go in there and supervise him.” you said with a soft, inconspicuous chuckle. He seemed to get the point, and you quickly said your goodbyes, sending him off with a custom kiss to his lips. On all the other days you’d done this, it had felt special, but today it was noticeably empty. Perhaps you needed the pastor more than you’d thought.
As expected, JJ hadn’t returned outside, instead leaning over the marble countertops of your island, a bloodied tissue balled up in front of him. He looked a little different than he did in the direct sun; possibly due to the golden haze affecting your vision (and judgement), as the cool tones of the interior made the cerulean of his irises pop just a little more, showing off his pupils, widened under the wanting glaze in his eyes. You never felt scared around JJ - rather the opposite - but his fixed gaze and silence in the moment was particularly ominous. 
“...How’s your hand?” you said, clearing your throat.
“Fine,” he mumbled, glancing down at them before looking up. “I’ve had worse,”
“Let me see,” you announced, walking around the island to sit next to him, closing the gap between you. You took his lithe fingers in your own, analysing how red and raw his knuckles were. For a young man, his hands were somewhat aged; likely because of his life as a rogue, which both somewhat scared you and made you sympathise with him more. 
Fixating on his finger, you tried to ignore the way he leaned into you, shifting his weight so that he appeared taller, the warm skin of his arms pressing against your own. He smelt fresh, if not admittedly a little musty, and the smell mingled with your own daisy perfume, making your heart skip a beat.
“You’ve got a splinter,” you continued. “This has to be removed or it could get infected —“
“It’s not —“ JJ said defensively, and you cut him off with pleading eyes.
“Please, I insist,”
He softened, nodding his head before you moved around the room to find your first aid kit. You’d done it with such ease; as if you were some kind of Mary Poppins - or better yet the Virgin Mary - and he suddenly couldn’t seem to figure out whether he wanted to take advantage of your kindness, or be on the receiving end of it. As much as his cock throbbed at the idea of fucking the repressed, religious housewife and cucking her POS husband, he couldn’t help but think of all the times he’d fallen - literally and metaphorically - and all the times his ‘dad’ had hit on him, ultimately coming back to how much he’d needed someone to nurse his wounds. In an alternate world, you could’ve been that somebody, but he was lucky enough to have his friends.
Once you'd made your way back to him, you sat down on one of the stools, careful as you handled his slightly swollen finger, going through the motions of wiping it with antiseptic before you began to poke at the skin with tweezers.
Moments passed, and you’d spent it in silence.
“Any luck?” JJ perked up.
You nodded and wiped the tweezers on a section of gauze.
“It’s all out now, just make sure it’s cov—“
“With the baby,” he said, cutting you off. Your blood ran cold, and you dropped his hand, staring him in the eye. Part of you was mortified, no matter how obvious it had been that JJ was listening in earlier. 
“That is far too inappropriate to talk about with you,” you stammered.“And it’s really none of your business,”
JJ pursed his lips and flexed his limbs as he watched you scramble. It was as if this were amusing to him.
“My bad,” he snorted. “I just think he’s an asshole, y’know, and you’re so good to me…” he said, pausing to run his tongue over his lips as he stared at you. “Other than the money, why are you with him? Isn’t the whole point of the Bible to be nice to people and stuff?”
Pitifully, you chuckled at his childishness as you shook your head.
“It’s also about being a provider. He loves me, JJ, he really does —“
“Yeah, ‘cause you being a virgin had nothing to do with it…” he spat, causing you to anxiously tug at your crucifix,  “He can’t even give you a baby,”
“…I mean, that’s the thing you want most, right? What does it say that he can’t even give that to you?”
The statement rang true in your head as you ran your palms down the sides of your sundress, strangely desperate to hit something. Was that the right emotion? You couldn’t tell; you just knew that your body was hot, your heart racing as the pulse of blood flooded your ears, and there was an inexplicable urge to surrender, even though you wanted to run. You couldn’t even face the boy as you spoke, instead beginning to make your way out of the room.
“JJ…I-I think you should go…” you stammered, burying your face in your hands as you left, the sound of JJ’s boots hitting your marble floors telling you that you weren’t going to be alone anytime soon. He shook his head and bit his lip in frustration as he followed after you into the sunroom.
“Hey, wait — fuck — I didn’t mean —“
“JJ please!” You begged, facing him as your chest heaved and your eyes were as wide as saucers. You shouldn’t have strolled into here; the heat that poured in from the glass was unbearable, and you longed to open the doors and indulge in the feeling of cool air. If you could just do that, perhaps you’d feel better? If not, you’d certainly be seeing the Reverend about a dip in the water of penance.
Either way, everything was too much, and you had no clue about just how much worse things were about to get.
“You’re not crying, are you?”
“No,” you sighed. “I-I just feel awful. I’m a horrible person, I’m going to hell, I –”
You wanted to fight against the fact that JJ had pulled you into a hug, but as you buried your face into his neck you felt otherwise. There was something strangely arousing about his musky smell, and judging by the feeling of his cock against your thigh, he felt the same.
As if you didn’t know that.
“Shh, it’s okay…You’re fine…” he whispered, pulling away to glance down at you, gauging your reaction. “Let me take care of you…”
“JJ, I can’t —“
Your words were swallowed by his kiss; his lips hungry as they attacked your own, whilst his hands invaded your body, planting themselves on your hips before moving down to grope your ass. You let out a soft moan as he gave it a gentle squeeze before he made his way back up to your face, cupping your cheeks in his hands. He pulled away, eyes burning into your own longingly, yet still a little dumbfounded; and stayed there, his grip unwavering.
“I’m dying for you, Mama,” he said earnestly, gaze flickering down to your heaving bosom, your crucifix twinkling in the sunlight. “Daddy’s gonna take care of you, ‘kay?”
You nodded as you peeled the straps of your dress down your shoulders, heart pounding as you revealed yourself to a man who was not your husband - and yet it felt like your wedding night all over again.
JJ sucked in a breath as he watched you undress, unable to hide his smirk as he shifted off his shorts with ease and palmed his cock through his boxers. He could see the outline of your nipples peeking through the lacy, baby pink material, and knew that he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself once he had his hands on you. Fuck, he could barely even do it now.
“C’mere,” he commanded, silver rings glistening as he beckoned you over. A heat began to pool in your stomach as you walked over to him; sensually, reverently, skin breaking into goosebumps as his fingers danced along the skin of your back, swiftly unhooking the material of your bra. You were straddling him now, running your fingers through his tousled hair as you kissed him, gently grinding along his clothed cock and making JJ let out a soft groan. He revelled in the feeling of your warm skin against his own, and slid his hands down your body to grasp your hips, pushing them down with gentle force against his pelvis.
“JJ…” you gasped. Your heart fluttered, not ready to accept the fact that you were about to take another man’s cock - one that was longer, and probably far more satisfactory. “It’s –”
He shushed you again.
“I’ve got you, baby, I’ve got you…Just let go…” 
You couldn’t deny how good the act of dry humping felt, the folds of your aching clit tangible through the sheer material of your panties as his cock traced and embedded on your core; a blob of precum spreading across your inner thighs. JJ’s pink lips were latched onto your nipple, sucking and biting at your skin, determined to leave a mark.
He wanted your husband to see that his property had been defiled - by a Pogue boy no less - all under the watchful eye of God.
After a few moments, he flipped you, your head falling to the other side of the couch as you now found him on top of you, his necklace dangling in your face as he gazed down at you.
“ ‘He ever eaten you out before?” he said snarkily.
“Didn’t think so,” 
Before you knew it, he’d disappeared between your legs, sliding your panties down in a swift manner and burying his tongue inside of you. He hadn’t given you any warning, but the hot, wet sensation was surprisingly pleasurable. 
JJ was touching you like no man had ever before; using his mouth and hands to explore your crevice, flicking and lapping at the obscene amount of juices that coated your folds. You whimpered and gripped a pillow, frantic to find some sense of security - only for JJ to pull it from you, tossing it to the other side of the room.
“Nuh-uh,” he began, his voice muffled. “Fuck the pillow. You hold onto me, baby…” he drawled, a hand sliding under your ass and onto the curve of your lower back to angle you higher; silver rings digging into your skin as he held you there. Biting your lip, you fought the urge to blaspheme and laced your fingers through his hair, digging at his roots as he fucked you with his tongue, searching for that oh-so sweet spot.
“You taste so good, Mama…” JJ cooed, lost in your walls, borderline breathless from the way you were squeezing his head between your thighs and drawing him deeper. “…I bet that pussy feels like heaven,”
Perhaps it was the mention of paradise, but his dirty talk sent you over the edge. It was as if you’d been shocked; as if an electrifying pulse of light had run through you, making your back arch and toes curl, swallowing JJ’s face whole. 
It was incredibly obscene. 
You’d barely caught your breath when JJ had climbed back up, indulging you in a passionate kiss and smearing your juices all over your face. Tracing your fingers down his spine, you didn’t break eye contact with him as you pushed down his boxers with one hand and palming his aching cock. It was somewhat heavy with a considerable length, and he chuckled as you shut your eyes and said a silent prayer - not only for what you were about to do, but just how much you were going to enjoy it.
“Hold still,” JJ commanded, breaths shaky as he began to push into you. “‘Imma give you what you want baby…Fuck –”
JJ was loud, but you didn’t care.
It was all too overstimulating; from the dull pain that came from your legs spread so pornographically as they dangled off of his shoulders, to the sound of his pelvis slapping against your own as he rutted into you. You left graceful scars along his back as your manicured nails dug into his sun-kissed skin, crawling at him as you begged for him to go deeper.
“You like this, huh? I know Jesus probably wouldn���t be too happy about this, but pretty girls like you deserve to get what they want…Shit…” he groaned, sliding in and out of you with ease. “Besides, if I give you a baby it’s just me being a good neighbour, right?”
A baby.
That had been the whole reason for your foul mood as of late.
Would Hank ever know? Could you explain it away? How could you function with JJ still around? Your family, your friends…God? How could you ever atone for such a sin?
Realistically, none of that mattered now. Especially not when JJ was fucking you like a rabbit; his hair buried in the crook of your neck and his legs bent as he pressed you into the sofa, yearning to consume you. 
“JJ…” you whined, “I think I’m gonna –”
“Shit, me too baby,” he groaned. “This pussy is so fucking good…Just swallowing me up ‘n shit — I should’ve started working earlier…”
His balls were slapping against your skin now, and you began to see white as he fucked into you, his tip hitting your sweet spot and making you clench around him, legs trembling as you came. It wasn’t too long until he followed after you, your clear juices mixing with his hot cum as he continued to fuck you, rolling his hips in a slow but sensual manner as he made sure you felt - and were filled - with every inch of him.
Which was why it wasn’t surprising that you found yourself pregnant two weeks later.
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shepscapades · 4 months
HI everyone i know i've been like (wiggles fingers) a ghost lately-- for anyone who doesn't know I'm in my final semester for my masters degree and i have a freaking 100 piece show i'm putting up in two months!! (screams really loud) so all of my art brain is being consumed by my personal projects/comics so i haven't had any brain space for dbhc or posting art or anything :(
i definitely haven't abandoned dbhc though, or destruction, or anything like that! and I really want to put the master post together but its like such a big task in my brain and i haven't gotten around to finding enough motivation to tackle it :( so i apologize to all of you who've been asking for master posts and dbhc stuff <3 i have not forgotten about you or this blog i promise!
Since i've been working so much on my studies and teaching, i've actually been playing a lot of pokemon in my downtime (my background hyperfixation surfaces!!) so if theres anyone who would be interested in my posting that or streaming it or anything i might consider it :]
(or honestly, if anyone would be interested to see me working on my exhibition stuff! its an original mc-rp inspired comic series set to a playlist so its just been a bunch of comic work :3)
but yeah just wanted to give a little update and apologize for virtually disappearing!! <3 love u all okay byebye
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atrirose · 2 years
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˖ ft. enha members | g. fluff ˖ warning. f!reader , none | theme. sfw , headcanon | TIKTOK SERIES
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# . — HEESEUNG : "what? repeat what you said" did not believe his ear, did you really call him that "I said can you pass me the remote pretty boy" shook, speechless, will cry any minute, you took mental note to call him pretty boy everytime you talk to him, its a must, he needs to hear it more, he deserves it. no one should make him feel otherwise, protect this boi :(.
# . — JAY : "what are you doing my pretty boy" not surprised, barely had any reactions but his inner self is screaming, jumping, rolling, silding down the wall, "nothing much just working on this song, about you" now its your time to get excited but yours is visible, you shake him asking more about the song "wait what really jay, tell me more about it-" — "its pretty boy" he pulls you on his lap as he shows you his notepad "it really got to your head didn't it?" you said "your fault" .
# . — JAKE : "hi pretty boy" that was a mistake in a sense, firstly he choked on the ramen he was eating and secondly you think he is not breathing, just looking at you with big eyes "wow jake you are so dramatic" walks towards you as he sits himself down and rubs his cheeks on yours "yeah maybe! but that just made me happiest man for the next 10 no 100 years" he is quite vocal about it and it made you embarrassed "call me that infront of the members okay?" he smiled as you buried your face in his chest "its embarrassing" squeezes you in a tight hug "no its not hehe, im sure they will be jealous"
# . — SUNGHOON : "YN ! HOW DO I LOOK?" he was excited it was your 1st anniversary and he did his best to do his hair and put on his best clothes "you always look good, pretty boy" he brushed his hands across the table to find the perfume he bought "yeah and- wait what? what did say?" looks at you with a serious face "you look good, my pretty boy?" you almost thought you offended him until you saw him blushing and hiding his face "yn im already madly in love with you. how much more do you want me to fall" you smiled at his behavior "insanely"
# . — SUNOO : "yn can you please hurry up, we are not going for pairs fashion week, its just THE MALL" he said frowning with a very kissable pout which you did peck as you got of the bathroom after your millionth try of making your eyeliner symmetrical "lets go pretty boy" you said as you took his hand "pretty boy?" would not let it slide, respectfuly asks you to NEVER call him sunoo because its only pretty boy from now on "I guess I will let you slide this one time but hurry up next time"
# . — JUNGWON : "did you eat it" jungwon stood infront of you towering you "eat what? pretty boy" there goes his attempt to intimate you, yes you did eat his precious curry he saved, which he physically defended against jay "yn you can't do that" squats down and hids his face "do want?" you asked tickling his ears, he brushed your hands off lightly "say things that make me nervous-" you know he likes it but apperently you have to make fun of him "so you don't like it?" looks at you with a panic look "no no i did not say that, I mean I like it, I was- yeah keep calling me that" the curry was completely forgotten as you survived once again.
# . — NIKI : "hi pretty boy" looks at you with most horrid reaction "what..?" you repeat yourself for him to spourt nonsense "you can't say that shhh!! what if someone hear you" you almost want to slap him "and what about it-" — "iT HURTS MY MANLINESS" bro was 💀 "niki shut up or I will really hurt your 'manliness' ye" he can't be serious right now "call me handsome bruh" smirks for no reason "pretty boy" then you guys went on arguing until you came to the deal that calling him pretty was only to be done private
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AN. I'm sorry I'm really inactive and haven't answered any asks but I wanted to write this 😔 also I would get butterflies even if I utter the word pretty for anyone, but just on that note you all are beautiful, and im proud of you, keep going 💖💖
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directdogman · 6 months
ANOTHER quick thank you and an update on Dialtown in early 2024!!!
Hey, so, since I already made a very sappy thank you post very recently (foolishly not anticipating I'd have reason to write another so soon HHHHH), I'll largely try to stick to the topic of what's to come for this one, essential thank yous aside.
So, the two newest dialtown merch campaigns ended last night and the GITD randy plush hit 1038 sales & the pins hit 590. Wow.
To say that I didn't expect to sell 1628 units of Dialtown merch in the last 30 days is putting it mildly. DT game sales have also been really good during this Steam Winter Sale, selling over 100 copies per day consistently for the last few days. I'm absolutely FLOORED by the output of support this community has given DT (and me) as of late and for that, I must say thanks again.
Admittedly, I feel a lil bad that I'm not much further along in developing the Roger route DLC, as I teased it so long ago. This year has been somewhat privately turbulent and I did not anticipate I'd need to move places TWICE during the year, back when I confidently stated that Roger's route would drop by the end of 2023.
But, I'm committed to bringing you guys the content that you wanna see most in 2024 & will be making a big push in early 2024 to get the DLC ready, with at least another teaser in the early new year before the next campaign starts. I will get things back on schedule. As amazing as all this high quality DT merch is, I haven't forgotten that I'm a developer first and foremost, and new DT content, I shall bring in the new year - now that I have a reliable space to work in again.
To those who bought, posted about, drew fanart of and otherwise promoted the new DT merch releases... Thank you SO, so much. It helps keep the lights on, believe me. I'll be very busy this coming month, as DT's 2 year anniversary is just a month and a half away, and with it, the launch of a Phonegingi plush and more pins (you guys are free to speculate who'll be depicted in the next set :))
I'm mentioning these now so the dual-releases don't annihilate your unsuspecting wallets, heh heh (as two dual launches in a row without warning could be a tad cruel, otherwise.)
So, to circle back, thank you all again. And ofc, in particular, to my dear friend and valued collaborator, @uvfozz, who designs the DT plushies/pins and to the eternally supportive and diligent minds over at Makeship who are always a pleasure to collaborate with (and to whom I will send my direct thanks once everyone's back from Christmas break in the new year!)
2024 is gonna be a really busy year for DT with a lot on the horizon. I'll keep you guys posted in all things I do, but again, thanks. For everything. I'm very excited to see what 2024'll bring for Dialtown. Thanks, everyone! :)
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hanafubukki · 13 days
Kingsroad: The Sword for the Crown
We assume that The Knight of Dawn was forgotten by history because we haven't heard about him until recently in Book 7: Part 5. But, what if that is not the case? What if his story was passed down orally? What if Princess Leah lived and that's how his story was told?
And it was right in front of us all along? Specifically in Rook's Endless Halloween card, as can be seen below.
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I talked to Mumble, @irafuwas, about this and isn't the lyrics rather interesting and very reminiscent of the Knight of Dawn?
King of a Land, Knights that he led were capable, fact that Lilia is singing and telling this story to Malleus. The parallels with Lilia, who's also in history books. (Altered as we know now, in this case, it might apply to KOD as well since we don't know much about him yet.)
Rook never mentions his name, but as we don't know the King's name, we also do not know the Knight of Dawn's (please tell us soon twst devs). This song symbolizes the Knight of Dawn from his hardships to his contributions to his kingdom.
On a further note, look at the lyrics. Those lyrics can apply to the KOD but they can also apply to Silver.
Hear me out. There is a sword in RSA. What if that is the KOD sword? And the one who pulls it out is Silver?
There are many connections of the lyrics with Silver: he's KOD's son, Silver has the sword symbolism, and the title also is "Kingroad: The Sword for the Crown," It can have two meanings here. Silver, who is the prince of a fallen kingdom, but he's also The King's Sword. The Sword of the Crown (Malleus' Sword).
Additionally, Silver has fought in land, the dream squad has been traveling by air In the dream world and I wouldn't be surprised if we fight Malleus in the air if we have a fight with his dragon form. We might even fight in water in Octa dream chapter thus fulfilling the lyrics in this musical. (As if it is a prophecy, as if it was foretold, who else do we know that can "see" the future? 👀)
Let's also think about Silver as a character. The current struggle can be considered a King's road, trying to bring back Malleus to his senses. Also, Silver as the Sword for the Crown, does this not also remind you of Silver's determination? His embrace and renewed dedication to Malleus and Lilia. He wants to be a knight and he's more determined than ever to bring a smile back to Malleus' and Lilia's faces.
Now let's talk about Princess Leah and her role. It was never confirmed she died, but that she ran away when the castle was being invaded.
What if Princess Leah lived and helped founded the RSA and helped pass on the memories of her kingdom. After all, we don't know much about the curriculum of RSA nor do we know who they look up too. With the Inter-School SpellDrive possibly being in Book 8? We might just get some of the answers we seek.
Moreover, RSA seems to be a newer school especially since General Vanrouge never mentioned RSA. He mentioned NRC but not RSA. Knowing General Vanrouge? Who made fun of NRC's capabilities? Would he not have also made fun of RSA if it existed back then?
According to Book 5, Ambrose mentions that if they win the inter-school tournament in May, it would be their 100th victory. So the school is at least 100 years old.
This tournament is also in May, and do you know who else's birthday is in May? Silver's, the one who this musical has such great ties with. It also brings into thought, Silver was recently found and woken up, he's 17. What we know now from Lilia's dream world, the treaty with the humans was signed around the time Silver was found. All of this has some interesting timing. 👀
(maybe it took so long because of the treaty negotiations, because it takes time to found a school and their dorms, maybe Ambrose's ancestors plays a role since we saw those animals in part 5 of Book 7, but you have to admit; the timing is all suspicious, especially considering that the dark mirror has been picking students since only a hundred years ago. 👀)
If I extrapolate even more, we saw RSA students using wands like how the “Fairy Godmother” does. If the Fairy Godmother is an actual fae and a diurnal one at that, would that not be another connection?
We know KOD was blessed by a diurnal fae and we saw Silver was put to sleep by them too. Wouldn’t it be interesting if RSA was somehow connected to diurnal faes? Especially given the fact that Silver took part in the Fairy Gala If Event with said type of faes? An event where he wishes for all races to live in harmony?
This card is also interesting because we have Rook, Idia, and Malleus in it. Characters we have seen recently in Book 7 part 8. Who are talking about kings, knights, and history. Topics that have been emphasized in both gameplay lessons and in Book 7.
Geographically, Briar Valley is considered "North" in the twst world map. The king in the musical ruled a small northern country. Meleanor's castle could also apply here could it not? After it was taken over?
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Recently, we have also seen an emphasis on music and dance and its importance. Giving us more clues to focus on this tidbit of lore. Importances in cards such as Ace's Endless Halloween Card, this Rook card, Malleus' Glorious Masquerade, Silver's Platinum Bday. (Events and characters who might/have play a important role in the future)
History being passed down orally usually has some ties with music and dance. Even now, in modern times, such methods are used. With the musical being one of the three greatest in the twst world? It will never be forgotten, so the Knight of Dawn will never be forgotten and will always be loved.
I can't wait until more lore is revealed. I feel many of our questions can be answered when we find out more about RSA, especially in terms of the Knight of Dawn and Princess Leah. I always find it amazing how cards and events from the past still gives us main story hints even now and how intricately laid out the entire twst lore is. It always has me in awe. 😊💞🥰
Translations and Credit to @/mysteryshoptls
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episode 100, mr raven what the fuck
obviously since i'll be talking about episode 100 i'm going to just put it out there that if you haven't read episode 100 yet then do not read this. then again, this is all in vague reference to the episode and i'm mostly just using bits and pieces to back up my previous idea.
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(this is taken from ep 99 pls chill i'm not dishing out spoilers)
anyways, if we continue to ep 100, we see MORE EVIDENCE FOR THAT WIERD DEER THING BEING THEO.
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"and for you, especially" shouts to me specifically about this. as previously stated, i have the most insane and stupid thought that the weird deer-monster-bone-tree thing from episode one (you know what i'm talking about), is theo's spectre.
as stated before, the most compelling evidence i have for this is the fact that theo was known to hunt deer a lot, and the thing we see in episode one looks a lot like a deer skull, just with loads of red eyes placed into the cracks and such. and we know from the first episode that it seemed to flock towards lenore and annabel. or at least i think it sort of seems to go towards them.
and you, know i could've been wrong– except look at this from ep 100:
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now, obviously the first part practically proves the fact something is following lenore, and that this something is (potentially!!!) theo's spectre. but i think what proves it more is what mr raven says next.
"close as a second shadow"
someone on tumblr (i cannot remember who) pointed out that annabel and lenore's like fates are almost reversed? and how lenore who once had nothing to loose now has everything, and annabel is vice versa. and you know, first of all, amazing take. delicious. fantastic. whoever this was, please please please make yourself known to me pookie i'm gna worship the ground you walk on because you've given me thoughts !!!
from this "second shadow" talk, i wonder if the idea of reversal spreads through more than just lenore and annabel's relationship. in life, theo was the star violinist whilst lenore was the accompanist, the piano player.
musically, lenore was his shadow.
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of course, this is a very generalised take. as somebody who plays both piano and flute, i'm not going to go out and say that the piano player is just background noise when it's a duet, but more often then not the piano stands aside so that the violin (in these situations) can shine.
n life, lenore lives behind theo's shadow, and when he dies she's haunted by it.
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when she looks in the mirror, she sees theo as she cuts her hair. she sees him everywhere. in his life, she was the the dark shadow that loomed– but in death he always behind her, always the dark looming figure that follows her. her guilt binds with his memory and forms that dark looming thought that nobody wants to discuss.
and so, to me, it makes perfect sense that this little deer-tree-bone-monster thing is theo.
but then, obviously, as i look at all of this, there is the glaring question of why in the first episode this monster looked like it really wanted to chomp on lenore and annabel's limbs. and you know, typically, siblings don't want to cannibalise each other.
i see your point, and i respond back with these three panels:
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lenore goes on to explain that their bloodline has been plagued by madness, misfortune and death. then, take a look at what the raven says of how spirits "oft" are "driven to madness" by their desire for souls.
i think this connects, because idk i just think it does. could be totally wrong, but i think (???) theo (???) somehow escaped to try get back to lenore and go to the threshold (???) but got trapped in that spooky place, and his only defence left was his spectre (???) and so, by staying in it too long, he too was "driven to madness" which probably wasn't helped by the vandernacht curse (???). he might be half forgotten in his own mind, but he knows one thing right now: he wants to find lenore, his sister. he might not remember her as his sister, but he knows her name and an image is there in her mind. so when she arrives, he must get to her.
anyways guys, that's it. ignore me. i yap a lot. i know i don't know a lot and i'm sure there's a few fastpassers out there who are laughing because i'm being silly, but let me delude myself :)
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wordswineandwhimsy · 7 months
Just some thoughts on Ashton's choices tonight...
That was a lot, and I'm seeing ppl feeling a lot of different ways about it (and all of those are definitely valid feelings after this roller coaster)...but what else were they gonna do?
Everyone agreed that the shard was either going to Ashton or Fearne and Fearne had just told him she.didn't.want.it. Plus, in 4 sided dive this week, Ashley explained exactly why she/Fearne was afraid to have the shard. Yes, they 100% should've told the group what was happening and planned better. HOWEVEVR the last time everyone was talking about the shard, most of the group was kinda pushing Fearne to take it so she and Ashton could be emperor and empress.
I think Ashton had the wrong motivations for the most part, and it was risky as shit, but with Fearne adamantly not wanting the shard, I get it. Also, it's a very in-character choice whether you like that character trait or not. I personally loved the big move that even Matt wasn't expecting.
It was a HUGE swing, just like Vax running after a dragon alone, Grog pulling from the deck of many things in the last moments of a campaign, Jester trying to pull one over on a powerful hag using a cupcake and some magic dust everyone else had forgotten about, or Caleb pulling out the beacon for the Bright Queen. It's not like Tal is the first one to take a big dangerous swing that could've ended badly for everyone. He's not even the first one to make a big swing like that with no real plan after step 1: do the thing.
All of those moments go down as memorable and sometimes even amazing once they worked out/the stress level was down, and I think this one will too.
Side shout out: That druid-cleric healing tag team work from Ashley and Sam was some of the smartest/most resourceful DnD I've seen at their table. They really pulled it out and did the impossible with a huge assist from Aabria.
I also haven't been this stressed over a DnD game in years, and never for one that I wasn't playing in. I can't WAIT for next week!
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