#i haven't finished the book yet
itsagrimm · 11 months
Things done to Nesta instead of just sending her to therapy:
trapping her in an isolated house in which her sister was suicidal in. working out with her DIY therapist with whom she has sexual relations with aroma therapy by a sentient, constantly observing & horny house not telling her the extend of her condition and withholding from her that she literally burned alive once re-traumatising her by letting her work at the scene of her attack, sending her into a cursed swamp, making her do spells she fears threatening her (rhysand i get it you are a stressed daddy but wtf) boot camp-esk hike over the mountain
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egophiliac · 1 year
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the recent resurgence in episode 6 talk has led me to reminiscing about Rook's absolutely buckwild backstory. man tries on a nice jacket exactly once and immediately re-evaluates his entire life.
(this has actually been sitting around for a few days because I keep second-guessing it, so uhhh sorry if it's weird! I can't tell anymore!)
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"We are going to defeat Dracula with two things: Garlic, and the ✨Power Of Friendship ✨💕💫😻😽😸🥳🫶🤩🥰🥰. Here, I made crucifix Friendship bracelets! 🥰✝️📿" - Abraham Van Helsing, Dracula
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ryllen · 9 months
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OH NO CRINGEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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s7ven-art · 10 months
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sussysatann · 8 months
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fearandhatred · 9 months
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the very first thing i did in 2024 was go insane aka i slept at 7am and among other things i drew these! they're unrefined and only two panels of a much larger thing i'm doing but since that'll not be done any time soon i thought i might as well post these first
panel 8 of panel 2
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lazylittledragon · 1 month
i know these books came out decades ago so everyone's fate is extremely sealed but i swear if anything happens to guenhwyvar i'm going to start throwing chairs
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critter-wizard · 2 years
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she is making soup :]
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toofypigeon · 9 months
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who up secreting they history rn
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hedgehog-moss · 9 months
My top 10 nonfiction reads of 2023 (the asterisked ones are in French with no translation as of yet) :
Belle Greene, Alexandra Lapierre
The Indomitable Marie-Antoinette, Simone Bertière
Reporter: A Memoir, Seymour Hersh
Red Carpet: Hollywood, China and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy, Erich Schwartzel
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty, Patrick Keefe
Servir les riches, Alizée Delpierre*
La Comtesse Greffulhe : L’ombre des Guermantes, Laure Hillerin*
Le Courage de la nuance, Jean Birnbaum*
The Book Collectors of Daraya, Delphine Minoui
Flowers of Fire: The Inside Story of South Korea's Feminist Movement, Hawon Jung
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void-dude · 2 months
Will Woods album " The Normal Album " will forever have this deep rooted connection to Bill cipher in my head. I can't explain, some songs just fit even BETTER after reading the Book of Bill
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bilberry-jam · 2 months
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A little milva and cahir doodle I found and finished off or... redrew to a more presentable level.
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floristjimin · 1 month
charles and edwin's enneagram types
ok so I’ve been seeing a lot of really good analysis on charles and edwin’s internal motivations and how they tend to react to difficult situations. I’ve also had a deep interest in the enneagram for several years, and I just started reading a book about it, and my brain immediately connected it to DBD. so here are my thoughts on what charles and edwin’s enneagram types might be, how this influences many different aspects of their personalities, how their types complement each other really well, and how they’ve supported each other to be the best versions of their true selves.
What is the Enneagram?
More than just a personality type, the nine types of the Enneagram describe the “basic archetypes of humanity’s tragic flaws, primary fears, and unconscious needs.” Most Enneagram authors agree that we are born with a dominant type, and that this type “determines the ways we learn to adapt to our early childhood environment.”
The types are not static — there are different “levels of development” that describe how each type behaves when they are psychologically healthy or unhealthy. There is also something called the direction of integration/disintegration — each type behaves like another type when they are under stress or in growth (e.g. type Nines behave like Sixes when they are stressed, and Threes when they are in growth). So two people with the same type may not behave the same way as each other, and a person throughout their own life may grow and change, but they will still align with that dominant type.
All this to say, the Enneagram is a really useful tool for self-understanding and for having empathy for yourself and others, because it gives a lot of insight into a person’s core fears and underlying motivations.
charles - type nine
A big part of Charles’s character arc in season one was the repression and denial of his own anger. This was the biggest clue for me that he might be a type Nine.
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There are so many examples of this, especially in episode 4:
the scene with Charles and Crystal on the lighthouse where they talk about the events of the devlin house (Crystal: Charles, could we just for one second talk about what happened? Charles: Crystal, I don’t have anything else to say. yes, that guy was horrible. yes, my dad was horrible. yes, I got angry. now I’m fine. Crystal: you don’t have to keep things bottled up)
the scene (1) when Charles is upset that Edwin hid the fact that he saw the cat king again, Edwin directly asks “why are you getting so angry?” and Charles immediately falls quiet
the scene where Charles attacks night nurse — he can no longer hold back his anger, and his friends are shocked (2). It is unusual for him to express his anger like this.
Ok, so why do Nines tend to be out of touch with their anger? Type Nines are “the peacemaker”, described as easygoing, reassuring, and agreeable. The basic fear of the type Nine is of loss and separation (3), and their basic desire is to have inner stability, peace of mind. “They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting.” Nines want to avoid conflict; they have seen from past experiences that anger can be a huge source of conflict, so they learn to repress their anger.
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This could also be part of the reason why Charles decides to stay (4) with Edwin when they first meet. Going with Death would mean having to fully accept the fact that he is dead, and that’s upsetting to him. Nines are also known as “chameleons” and tend to mirror/blend with those they are around (a way of avoiding conflict) — “being a separate self, an individual who must assert themselves against others, is terrifying to Nines. They would rather melt into someone else or quietly follow their idyllic daydreams.” So it makes sense that staying with Edwin feels like the safest option to Charles.
Some other scenes that make more sense through the lens of Charles being a type Nine:
Any time Edwin tries to initiate a serious conversation, Charles’s immediate reaction is to downplay things, and give a lighthearted response in an attempt to minimize tension (ep 6 (5), ep 7 (6)). There’s also that flicker of emotion on his face before he promptly represses it and tries to present a more reassuring reaction (ep 6 (7))
“Every (8) day, I’m fuckin’ smiling. ‘Cause who else is gonna be the one holding it together and keeping spirits up? … What good am I even doing? I couldn’t stop Devlin from murdering his family over and over, I can’t stop Crystal from hurting, I can’t stop whatever it is that’s going on with you, I can’t stop anything! I sure as hell couldn’t stop my dad from beating the shit out of me. No matter how good I was.” — This directly points to his desire to create harmony in his environment (and taking on way too much personal responsibility (9) for it)
The scene in ep 5 where Charles admits he is afraid (10) that he’s like his dad, and Edwin’s response (11) — this is a really important moment where Charles finally allows himself to acknowledge his feelings, and Edwin learns to respond with patience and mirrors the reassurance that Charles himself so freely gives.
edwin - type one
One of the things we learn about Edwin in the very first episode of season one is that he deeply cares about solving cases and helping others.
“Our (12) deaths didn’t matter. No one ever solved them. Now you are sharp and fun, but this is not a game. We are solving cases that would never be solved. Police don’t know what to do with a fucking witch! We didn’t matter. He and I. So these cases matter. They have to matter!”
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Type One is “The Reformer”; they are described as principled, purposeful, and self-controlled. The basic fear of the type One is that they are corrupt, evil, and defective (which makes it even more devastating that he spent 70 years in hell), and their basic desire is to be good, have integrity, and be balanced.
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This description above reminds me a LOT of the conversation he has with the cat king in episode 4:
Cat King: Why do these cases of complete strangers matter to you so much? Edwin: Not that you would understand, but I help ghosts whose cases would go unsolved. I right wrongs. [after Cat King forces him to tell the “truth”] Edwin: I’m also doing as much good as I can, so that eventually if I have to go back to hell, I can make my case for leniency … I’m ashamed. It’s selfish.”
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A lot of Edwin’s repression definitely has to do with the time period he’s from, but I think it also points to that type One desire to be “good”.
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Does this not perfectly describe Edwin’s entire journey (13) of self-discovery in season one? See also, his remarks about emotions (14) and human connection (15).
Lastly, I’ll link to this post (16), as well as the fact that it took me a lot of thinking to figure out that Edwin was a One — he does not fit the usual stereotype of a One. He’s not overly perfectionistic or highly critical, he’s not afraid of making mistakes. Instead, we see a One at a healthy level — principled, a person of integrity, who is able to see that imperfections are part of perfection, who is able to work on undoing those patterns of repression. Additionally, type Ones tend to look like Sevens when they are in a direction of growth — Sevens are described as spontaneous and playful, constantly seeking new and exciting experiences. We definitely start to see this side of Edwin, and I think part of why he is able to grow in this direction is because his friendship with Charles has given him an environment where he feels safe and comfortable.
charles & edwin - the relationship between Ones and Nines
Even more interesting, there is a section on the Enneagram site that discusses relationship dynamics between different Enneagram types. This part highlights how the One and the Nine have different ways of reacting to stress and how they express (or don't express) anger:
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For Edwin, this perfectly captures his prickliness and snippiness in the first few episodes towards Crystal.
And for Charles, this lines up with his emotions (17)/reactions starting from episode 3 in the devlin house and how he tries to ignore his emotions and repress his anger
Lastly, on a more positive note, this part really describes their partnership and synergy perfectly:
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I also think this ties in to Charles’s direction of growth — as a type Nine, Charles would look like a type Three in his direction of growth. Threes are described as adaptable, driven, and energetic (as well as attractive and charming). I think he exhibits all of these traits -- being friends with Edwin for the past 30 years has definitely supported Charles in this direction of growth.
Overall, I think all of this really speaks to how realistic and complex these characters are. If you read this whole thing, THANK YOU. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this, if you agree with these types, if you have any more examples you can think of in the show, if you think they fit better with a different type, etc.!! And if you’re interested in learning more about the Enneagram I’ll leave some sources below.
The Enneagram Institute website
The Sacred Enneagram by Christopher L. Heuertz
Sleeping at Last podcast feat. Chris Heuertz, about type One and Nine
One by Sleeping at Last
Nine by Sleeping at Last
references: 1 - @that-ineffable-devil 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 - @mellxncollie 3, 7 - @homoquartz 4, 13 - @nikossasaki 9 - @asidian 16 - @abeautifulblog 17 - @melefim
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theroyalkat · 3 months
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It would seem I forgot to post this here, but I remembered to do so on Instagram pfff, haha
(Mostly, Mxtx's characters)
Top: Wei Ying & Lan Zhan
Top left: He Xuan & Shi Qingxuan
Second: Binghe & Shen Qingqiu
Third: Hua Cheng & Xie Lian
Lastly: Meatbun's Mo Ran & Chu Wanning
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rotisseries · 2 years
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they lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
photoshop manipulation by@adoorgayskull
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