#i haven't spoken to many people one on one yet but i still feel welcome which is so nice......a rarity
capn-twitchery · 10 months
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i keep forgetting to say--thank you fl community for being so nice ;; i've only been here for 2 weeks and i already feel so welcome,,,
it's been so nice i'm super enjoying it here so far!!
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allastoredeer · 3 months
hi!! I just wanted to share with someone else that I have decided to start identifying as asexual, in fact a lot of the discourse around Alastor and having so many aroace perspectives helped
For years I thought I just hadn't felt it, that special spark and I was made to believe that demisexual was something separate from asexual (and that it is more acceptable to be at that place on the scale) because asexual=without sex which I thought is what it was, I just needed the right person because I couldn't be asexual when I have such a high libido and I'm pretty good with masturbation. And then I was introduced to the concept of high-libido asexuals and the whole scale and midtones and it was like something clicked. Yes, yes, that's my experience and oh, I'm not alone, there's something wrong with me.
And I'm crying a little now and I don't know how I feel about telling my family who for years have been worried because "I'm alone" and "it's a shame you're so pretty." but I feel more comfortable starting to look for information and I no longer feel like I'm about to have panic attacks when the topic comes up because even if I don't say it I know I'm asexual and there's something comforting about that.
I'm still trying to figure out if I'm aro or not and if I experience romance and sex separately, but I feel better and more comfortable and it's all thanks to a fictional character and all the people who care about him and have spoken about their own identities.
Just, thank you ❤️
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That is so amazing, Anon ಥ◡ಥ I'm so happy for you! Seriously, I'm just (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) it really goes to show that talking about sexuality and people's differing experiences is so so crucial (and why all the people who keep acting like asexual=no sex need to STOP. It makes it so much harder for people who are exploring asexuality--whether they're ace or not--and it gives people the wrong idea of what being ace is. And it's just flat out incorrect, so there's that too).
I feel you about the family situation too. I grew up in a family that is very much a get-married-as-quickly-as-possible and a being-single-as-an-adult-for-a-long-time-is-weird type situation. I'm currently the oldest of my parents children who isn't married yet, which is so much fun to talk about in large family gatherings 🙄
I've told a few of my siblings and friends about my sexuality, but I haven't told a majority of my family. I'm not sweating it too much, no one is obligated to officially "come out," after all, especially if they don't feel comfortable doing so. We're allowed to just be.
Like you said, there's comfort in just knowing.
If you do tell your fam, I hope they're open and accepting! And I'm so happy you're feeling more comfortable about yourself too. Your ask is so uplifting, my heart feels 10x lighter T.T
It's amazing how much of an impact a beloved character can have, and all the ways people can relate with them and each other. Alastor and his sexuality means so much to me, and I'm so happy to have found a community of people who feel the same 🥹
Welcome, fellow ace! 💜🤍🖤 We're so happy to have you!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC questionnaire
Thanks @theeccentricraven here, @somethingclevermahogony here, @the-golden-comet here, and here, @happypup-kitcat24 here, @mysticstarlightduck here, and here, and @writingamongther0ses here!
Rules: answer the given questions as an OC, then provide three more questions!
Welcome to Round Three! Eight in one worked well enough, so I'm cutting it off here for now. Yes, I still have more tags in this game.
Find the Masterpost for all previous OC questionnaires here!
Some of these were a giant questionnaire but I recognized several sets I've answered before in the regular tag, so I just selected ones I haven't done yet.
See below Maddie, Ash, Noelle, Ewan, Jazlyn, Lexi, Alex, and Carmen!
#1 - Maddie
What is your favorite song/book/movie/show/game/story/tale/other media form to quote from?
“I reference Star Trek a lot. It's fun because not a lot of kids my age get it. But Wade gets them. And my sister Lexi of course.”
If you could replace one person in your life, who would it be?
“Brycen. With a nicer Brycen.”
If you could make one thing in life easier going forward, what would it be?
“Hm. I would get rid of boredom. I hate being bored.”
✨ Maddie intro post ✨
#2- Ash
Do you have any nicknames? If not, what should they be?
“Ash is a nickname. I really don't like Ashley. Ugh, just saying it makes me cringe. It's almost like Ash is my real name, haha. But I can't think of any other nickname I could go by.”
What is the bravest thing you've ever done?
“... I think standing up to Mr. Jimenez and admitting I was wrong to Lexi. Confronting those feelings and issues.”
Are you a good liar?
“... I have no idea. I don't particularly like lying. But I have to around Mary's family. I think I'm okay. They seemed convinced enough.”
✨ Ash intro post ✨
#3- Noelle
What is the most important meal of the day?
“... What, is this a trick question? Of course it's breakfast. It's a breaking of the fast from the previous night - that's why it's called breakfast. So many people skip breakfast or barely have anything for breakfast, and it's super unhealthy. Hye-Jin has a protein shake?! I'm slowly introducing my friends to healthy breakfasts that will make sure their 'not hungry in the morning' bodies get the nutrients they need to ensure they have decent amounts of energy for the rest of the day. [Pause as she realizes how much she has spoken] So, yeah, my answer is breakfast.”
What drives you to succeed?
“Drives me to succeed? That's an odd question. I just do things so I can succeed. I'm my own person, and I just do what's necessary. I also want to make my mom proud of me.”
Have you ever gambled? (Not just with money)
*gapes* “No? That sounds irresponsible.”
Other Noelle: OC in three, OC in fifteen, bingo, bag, origin, outfit, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, fun facts, picrew
#4- Ewan
If you had to decide between rescuing your beloved and keeping your clothes nice, which would it be?
“What kind of question is that??? Why would I keep my clothes nice over rescuing Jazlyn??! I - I mean, my, uh *clears throat* my beloved....”
What is your favorite place to be?
“The Farmington Theme Park. Jazlyn and I met there.”
What was the worst thing you've ever been forced to do, either by orders, or by circumstances?
“The worst thing? That's hard to say... A few years ago, Jazlyn, Tyler, and I uncovered some stuff with our friend Anathi, and we were forced to leave without Anathi. Not being able to confirm what happened to him was the worst part.”
Other Ewan: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, kiss, Picrew
#5- Jazlyn
What is your worst nightmare?
*laughs* “I do not get nightmares. I mean, if I did have a nightmare, it would probably be me fighting this one character in the amusement park and in fighting this loser, I lose control of my powers and everything catches on fire and everyone I know and love gets caught in the flames and burns alive right before my eyes while I can do nothing to stop it. But, y'know, that's if I had a nightmare.”
Do you have any favorite bedtime routines?
“I put on lotion, put my hair up, put on my nightcap, and crawl into bed. That's it. That's the end of it. It's just going to bed. Though sometimes Ewan and I will throw on a movie and we'll fall asleep together.”
What's your favorite scent?
“It is absolutely lavender. We have lavender everything in our house. Everything that can be lavender is.”
Other Jazlyn: OC in three, interview, picrew, kiss, questionnaire one, questionnaire two
#6- Lexi
How do you feel about crying? Let it out or hold it in?
“Unfortunately, I have to let it out. I can't control my crying. Honestly, I don't think you should be ashamed to cry. Like, it's natural. I mean, I'm annoyed that everyone thinks I'm a crybaby, but I'll get over it. I can't hold in my tears even if I wanted to.”
Who do you live for? Why?
“All of my friends, of course! And that includes Maddie. I have to live for them because of how much I care, obviously! I love hanging out with them and having fun! I just can't bring myself to let them down. I mean, they do so much for me! It wouldn't be right.”
What style of accessories do you wear? Is it willingly?
“Uh, yeah it's willingly! I wear some jewelry, but usually it's just a simple necklace and cute earrings. I got my ears pierced for my sixth birthday, which was before people touching me bothered me. I usually just wear studs, but sometimes I'll wear something else!”
✨ Lexi intro post ✨
#7- Alex
Are you a jealous person?
“Pffft, nooo! What is there to be jealous of? I mean, it's not like I need attention from everyone 24/7 or I'll die or anything! For crying out loud, it's okay if I share the spotlight! [Pause] oh my goodness I sound jealous. That was not my intention, I'm actually being genuine!! Great, now they don't believe me.”
Have you ever committed a crime?
“Woahhh hoolllld up, what kinda question is that? Hahaha, that's actually really funny. I've jaywalked before, I guess? *Beckons you closer, whispers* okay, I've stolen some candy bars from a convenience store before, heehee. It's not my fault they're not warding off teleporters.”
Are you neat or messy?
“Oh, so messy. So, so, so messy. Y'know that's the biggest difference between myself and Lexi. She freaks out if there's something outta place or something doesn't go according to plan, but not me! On that last question, I think the most illegal thing she's ever done is talk when the teacher is talking, hahaha!”
Other Alex: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
#8- Carmen
What's your favorite movie?
“I don't have time to watch movies. [Pause... pause...pause...] Alright, when I was younger, I used to watch this one movie called *cringe* A Love Forged In Time. Completely ironically, of course. It was about a modern chronokinetic falling in love with a scientist who was on the council that organized the database. Science fiction, of course, since chronokinetics can't travel through time. I only watched it because I liked the actor who played the scientist. [Pause as she's realized she's revealed too much!!!!!] It is no longer my favorite movie because I don't watch movies anymore!”
How do you get along with your in-laws, if you have any?
“I don't have in-laws.” She is suddenly uncomfortable and refuses to talk more about it.
What would be your favorite store at the mall?
“I don't know how Ceteri malls are, but I usually went to stores that had home organizers and stationary. Now, leave me alone to work!”
Other Carmen: OC in three, OC in fifteen, Picrew, interview, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, smash or pass, two truths and a lie, art
Woo! Finally done with this post. This was fun.
I'll tag... @elizaellwrites @kaseylynnwriting @ohnomybreadsticks @winterandwords @oh-no-another-idea
Y'all's questions are: 1) What's your favorite thing to do when you're alone? 2) Who is the person you're most jealous for and why? 3) What is one thing a person could do that will immediately turn you off from them?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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spaceheadcadet · 2 months
I've been hyperfixated with a RnM for about two months now. Fairly new into the fandom, I know. Feeling kinda late, but oh well. And I like Doofus Rick. Especially after seeing a blog that drew him so well, I just can't stop. It made me really sad that I'm two–three, eh, heck many years late into this small wonderful side of the fandom. Anyway enough about the rant. I'll just post the thing I typed.
P.s. I haven't thought of a title yet.
It's a reader insert and I don't know how slow I can get the burn going. But here's part 1. Not proof read so I hope it's coherent.
It was raining when you saw him for the first time. Right in front of his yard, just standing alone and drenched in cold…from the heavenly tears falling down the sky. How melodramatic. Not that you judge the guy. You were just concern. 
Surely he’d be sick by tomorrow. Because your weak ass immune system definitely would. 
You were on your way to the old house that night,  the house you inherited from the man who made you never acknowledge the word father in your entire dysfunctional life. Just another ordinary night under the wailing sky, on your way to that cold shelter after a tiring day at work. You were fairly new into the neigborhood so you ignored him at first. Days turned to weeks and the rumours soon reached your notice, giving you more reasons to ignore the man with a blue bowl-cut hair. 
They said he was weird and something else you decide to dismissed until proven. 
Still it made you no better than the rest of the people that always belittles the man, turning your head the other way, passively you were still considered as an accomplice. But what good will it even do if you’re a nobody trying to survive just for another day. 
So, you carried on, passing by him multiple times whenever it rains or whenever you saw him into a nicer weather, you ignored him. Nothing but a coward hiding behind the mask of indifference and excuses. 
On some occasions you would see a glimpse of an entirely different persona on the man, whenever he was interacting with the next door neighbors. He was all smiles, naivety emitted from his demeanor, like a child wearing oversize clothes to pass off as an adult. Entirely different from the times you saw him standing under the rain. He was also a soft spoken fellow with an occasional stutter either caused by anxiety or a condition. 
You never understood how he could keep acting like he wasn’t ridiculed between hushed conversations and judging eyes. Always been optimistic or simply keeping himself into this safe bubble of blissful ignorance. Or how he was still treating everyone with kindness even though most of his efforts to reach out were usually reciprocated with a cold shoulder. 
And you were no different from them after he knocked on your door one morning, offering to help clean up the overgrown and neglected yard, another attempt to get to know you. Although his intention was pure coming from the polite offer, you halfheartedly decline. You didn’t want anything to do with him. 
Annoyingly on the next day it made you finally mow the lawn and clean up the overgrown in the backyard. It took a few months of ignoring the state of the house before you finally got the motivation needed to clean and fix the damn place, all thanks to the neighborhood's doofus(it’s mostly what you’d been hearing from the people around) knocking on your doorstep. You hoped that would be the last he would bother you. Since the first(giving you a box of cupcakes as a welcoming gift) interactions you got from him immediately garnered side glances in your direction. 
Sometimes you wished you were not so emotionally restrictive sometimes. To have even a miniscule amount of care to enact compassion instead of sticking by the comfort of apathy. 
Maybe time would come when you gathered enough courage to do something, even a small act of kindness. But for now you turned your head the other way, in the safety by him getting out of your field of vision. 
Neon signs and street lights blur behind the window, droplets of the rain started pelting on the glass. The sound of it stirred you out of your shallow-dazed sleep. It’s raining again. A tired resigned sigh fogged the cold material seeping through your forehead. 
Everything felt heavier, sluggish, and dizzying. You blinked off the dizziness fogged your vision.
Fucking great. 
Soon the bus slowed into the halt reaching the bus stop, it was your stop. Unsteady from intoxication you stumbled almost tripping forward, when the driver finally hit the break. You really hate your aunt sometimes, showing herself unannounced in your work, and dragging you to have a drink with her. 
A hasty apology blurted out of your mouth when you grabbed into one of the steel pole, startling the old man near it. You continued scrambling out of the bus until you get out with slurred thanks for the driver, and then run towards the waiting shed. Resting a bit on the bench you rummaged inside your bag for the folded umbrella. The rain went harder as if the sky was punishing you. You’re going home with a pair of wet socks and shoes again. Ugh, it didn’t help that you were barely walking straight. But the urge to eat and drink something just to remove the aversive sweetness at the back of your tongue, along with the burning emptiness in your stomach, maybe even brushing your teeth twice to be sure afterwards, was enough motivation for you to finally move your drunken ass. 
The umbrella opened with a pop and you walked towards the direction of the house with a slight sway in your gait. 
Your lips curved from a wince when the cold water started seeping through. Soggy fucking socks never felt good, one of the reasons why you always hated the rain. 
Hate. You always hated things. The prominent emotion you had growing up, so you grew to hate things that were constant in your life, just like the rain, just like the taste of the alcohol coated on your tongue. You hated that you had to walk wet all the way through the house. The damn house that was thrown into you because it was old, ugly, rotting, along with the people that had never been part of your life, either physically and emotionally. You hate–
Damn it! 
You stopped, eyes casted down on your shoes. You needed to stop or your thoughts will spiral back into that dark room. 
The hollowness in your chest itched the urge for a smoke. To fill your lungs, the sting, and burn down your throat just for the momentary feel of fullness expands in your chest. 
Desperate for a distraction to latch on to something, anything that will prevent you from further fanning the flame of self-hate just to keep the empty coldness in your chest consumed you.  
You couldn’t keep doing this to yourself. Sighing heavily you looked up again, walking with more urgency this time. After taking a right turn, although your vision blurred a bit from moving your head faster towards the certain direction, a routine your attention gravitated to without fail, again he was there. 
Another variable that becoming constant in your life. 
Fueled by spite and vodka you stop on the other side of the street right in front of his house. This guy, what was so bad in his life that he have to stand under the fucking rain every time. Why does he act like the most pathetic human being right now? Why couldn’t he stay smiling and be naive? Why did you have to see this every time? 
The march came to a halt when you reached his unmoving figure, head tilted up in the sky, eyes shut from the world around him. Up close he looked…mournful. Calmly making peace with the antagonizing torrent around him. Like crying through his eyes wasn’t enough anymore that he had to cry along the sky. 
Stretching your arms forward you extended the umbrella towards him. Coldness started cascading the side and back of your head down to your nape, easing a bit of the heat caused by the alcohol and temper.  
He must be so deep in his mind that he hadn’t noticed your presence, but soon enough the lack of the rain hitting his face tugged him back in the moment. At first he only looked at the dark underside of the umbrella, then his head dropped, aligning his vision in your direction. He stared at you for a while, eyes still in deep before the awareness slowly stirring. 
A shake in your arm from the ache urged you to grab his cold hand guiding it on the handle. Both of your hands pressed his to secure the hold on the handle before you let go. And without saying a word you left. 
You pretend you didn’t hear him but you overestimate your ability to stride when your legs were barely stable, you were on the verge of puking your guts out, and head throbbing from the heaviness of exhaustion. 
So, color you surprised when a hand landed on your shoulder and the force of his pull easily knocked your balance. You forgot to take into account that your clumsiness shines whenever the alcohol was absorbed into your system. 
Stepping behind to rebalance yourself only resulted in slipping onto the wet surface before gravity won, once again. 
“Aw, geez, you slipped. Are you alright?” 
In an instant he was helping you, pulling you back up. The umbrella crookedly wedged between his neck and shoulders in an attempt to keep the umbrella upright.
“You shouldn’t have followed me,” you grumbled while stabilizing your balance again. 
“Why shouldn’t I? You just left your umbrella, not that I don’t appreciate the gesture but now you are all wet. And I’m already drenched, so I don’t think I will need the–”
Damn you forgot that he rambles. “Keep it. You look like you need it more than I do.” You said ignoring most of his ramblings. 
He kept following you though and trying to cover you from the rain with the umbrella you’d just given him. Annoying long legged creature. 
“But I already own a few. I don’t need–”
“Then maybe use it next time. That’s its purpose after all.” You spat a little when a drop of rain hit your mouth.
“If you know its purpose then why are you giving it to me? You own this after all. You shouldn’t. You.. Why…why are you suddenly doing this?” 
You really wanted to reach your–the house faster and puked until your vision get hazy from tears, puked until you were sobbing and barely holding yourself up from the intensity of it, then maybe just maybe it would expel all the hate festering your insides, leaving holes. Then maybe you could stop latching into the battered mask from the accumulated resentment, finally let yourself grief, be free. 
“Because I need to feel the rain.” 
The crack in your hardened voice oozed the pain underneath the piled bricks of hate, built up like a pillar where you placed all other emotions you have. High, unreachable, detached from the world around you. And the crumbling pieces get into your eyes looking up in resignation, watching your stability crumble. 
You didn’t bother looking back, not even a glance to make sure he was still following you, not even when you no longer heard his footsteps. 
Trickles of hot and cold contradiction trailed on your cheeks. You just wanted to rest your tired eyes, lay down and just sink even for a moment, in the pool of your bottled up emotions. Then maybe this time you would be soaked enough of it to fill the pit inside. Hold all of it back inside and hope you are strong enough under pressure, the weight of it all the love that left nowhere to go.  
Fingers tapping hastily on the screen of the phone, you promised you’d never walk under the rain ever again. You didn’t regret it, but you were not doing it again. 
An itch in your throat spasmed a cough out of you. It came into strings, chains of events that after the bouts of scratching your throat in a form of dry coughing, now you feel it all raw. Sore throat was one of the signs your immune system had been compromised. 
You tapped the send. A simple notification for your supervisor that you couldn’t make it in the studio today. You even used your Aunt for a lame excuse, it’s her fault anyway. Forcing you to have a girls night which always entails consuming a large amount of alcohol. Always easier to blame others than hold yourself accountable, wow, you really do progress—ing further into being a POS. 
As you waited for the reply you grabbed the jar of honey in one of the cupboards for your tea. You clicked your mouth shut after the yawn, wincing from the pain when you swallowed again. 
In your temporary office, multiple boxes were still stacked in the corner of the room, a faded silhouette of squares and rectangles left on the obnoxious green wallpaper(not even the nice shade of green), some parts were even ripped from the posters you tore. You clean the questionable room and attempt to convert it into a small studio. But you still have a lot of work to do, for the room to be in your standard. Yet in the meantime it was better to have a clean workspace. 
When your dopamine was a poltergeist your motivation was equivalent to non existence at this point, except from the few hauntings every now and then.
So, yeah, for now you’d stick with a clean workspace. 
Knowing your supervisor the moment you open up your email you already got a job order. Man, even the concept of life and death didn’t jolt your supervisor even a bit, always the diligent asshole. 
An hour of editing later you needed another cup of tea for your throat and maybe food for your grumbling stomach. You almost grabbed a packet of cigarette and lighter, staring at the item contemplating if you would risk it. At the end the cigarette left untouched. 
Back in the kitchen you stood in front of the open refrigerator blankly staring inside the cold contraptions. You close it taking a deep breath before opening the ref again as if you were expecting the food in your mind wouldmanifest itself. 
There were times when you hated this tedious part of living. This was one of those days. 
Grumbling a curse in your native language you gathered the remaining vegetables and chicken breast. Chicken soup was better than nothing. 
You were in the middle of making another tea after dumping all the ingredients and seasoning in the slow pot cooker, when a knock on the door startled you.
Uhm, you were not expecting a visitor today or even ready to acknowledge the existence of your Aunt just yet. 
Yeah, you were not expecting him standing on your doorsteps again. You stepped back on the door after peeking through the peephole. This is for getting involved, you guess. 
The lock clicked and the door swung open. 
“Hi, neighbor. You must be c-confuse why I’m here again. I won’t take long of your time–”
As he explained his reason for his sudden visit you hear the annoying high pitch voice of the next door neighbor. You purposefully leaned out of the door frame and stared in their direction to announce your presence. Ticked off by the obnoxious one sided conversation the bitch is having with her mother, you started talking back. 
“I know hearing aids are a bit expensive but you better invest some of yourself a pair then maybe you’ll know the difference between inside voice to outside voice. Not that I care about your opinion though,” you clear your throat “I just don’t like hearing your whinny grating voice Susan.” 
Although Susan(not her real name) starts talking shit, her mom winces since she understood the sentiment, while you winced for a different reason. 
“That’s not nice,” he whispered. 
You looked up at your visitor, hand still covering your mouth as you cough. How long did you have to talk? It was irritating your throat. 
“I’m not nice,” you just set the stone further. 
He frowned, disappointed that didn’t shy away from his expression. 
“And not a liar,” you didn’t know why you added that. It kinda slipped out…for some reason. You sighed and held out your hand. 
Blue hair swayed to the side as he tilted his head displaying his confusion. God, your patience was already wearing thin when you could still hear the annoying neighbor’s voice now muffled by the confine of their house, the mom must have dragged her inside. 
“The *ehem umbrella. You said you’re here to return it.” Totally ignoring the other part of his speech. 
He looked even more disappointed when he unfolded both of his hands from his back, handing the umbrella to your waiting hand. 
A glimpse of the tupperware still in his other hand further confirmed the source of his disappointment. 
“How long will the muffins last?” 
And like a puppy finally getting his headpats he perked up. Still his enthusiasm had a pinch of confusion. 
“If you must know, these will last for five days if you keep it in this container,” then he showed you the tupperware. “Although the muffins taste the best when you eat it on the same day it’s baked. I was hoping you would like it freshly baked. W-why are you asking?” 
Unfolding your arms you point your throat. “Sore throat. Can’t eat sweets for a while.” 
“Oh, no. You got sick because you left your umbrella to me last night.” 
You waved off his concern. “It’s already sore from all the tequila shots from last night’s drinking. Along with my smoking habits,” you really wanted to end this conversation. 
The lanky blue haired neighbor on the other hand had something else on his mind as he pushed the tupperware in your arms. 
“I’ll be back,” he even gave you a reassuring smile
You watched him run towards his house, perplexed from what was that all about. What did you just get yourself into?
Not even a full hour until you heard knocking on the door again. Shoving your phone in the pocket of your sweater you slowly made your way towards the door. Before you open the door though you pull up the hood of your sweater enough to ease the chills on your nape. 
Your expression stays neutral as the guy greeted you with his signature buoyant smile, emphasising his buck teeth further. 
“Here, I made you a medicine for your throat,” he proceeded to show you a labelless bottle. “You just have to gargle fifteen millilitres of this for forty-five seconds. Make sure to time it right. Although this tastes more unpleasant than the regular oral antiseptic solution, it will soothe your sore throat in an instant.” 
This guy really talked a lot. You're just being polite listening to him till the end of his speech, but sometimes you wished he would make it short. And did you hear him right? He made it? Examining the labelless bottle, watching the orange liquid with concern. More concerned about the possible taste instead of the possibility of something horrible. 
“Thanks,” you cleared your throat again as you croaked. 
“You sound worse than before.” 
You just hummed this time. You’d been coughing a lot earlier, even nauseous since you are still recovering from getting stupidly drunk last night. 
“Have you eaten anything yet? Do you n-need help with anything else?” concern became dominant in his tone and he had this look like the two of you were already a long time friend. 
His sudden full blown concern didn’t settle well with you, even though you knew he was all good with his intentions you’re not used to genuinity. And you couldn’t berate him since you felt like sand had been poured in your throat. 
“Don’t bother. You’ve helped enough already,” you stepped back and held the door but you paused, having a second thought to just be a piece of shit as usual. “Thank you again, Rick,” you gently closed the door behind you but not without noticing the surprise, opening his eyes wider, looking comically wide awake than ever. 
The door clicked shut. 
Well, you survived. 
The medicine the neighbor gave you was indeed effective. The day after you were back to normal. Still the same indifferent bitch but cured of common sickness for a fragile peasant like you. 
As for the neighbor that helped you, only a few small things had changed. Like a simple nod from you when he waved in your direction. At first he looked utterly confused, eventually he seemed to accept that was the only form of greeting he would get from you.
You also received small packaged treats hanging on your door knob since you only get home twice a week because of a major project the studio got recently. 
Torn from this development you kept glancing on the cookies packed in a small plastic packaging secure with a baby blue ribbon. 
With a deep breath you let your back slumped on the backrest of the office chair. You raise your hand and reach for the anti-rad glasses your Aunt gifted you, and removed it. 
A groan prompted out of you when you stretched your back, arms extending, another tense muscles unravelled, before dropping your arms. 
Dull white ceiling encompassed your vision. You couldn’t wait for the project to reach its completion. Cramped up in the office for too long was making you sick.   
Curtains of brown hair and a pair of gentle brown eyes appeared on the edge of your vision, peering down at you. “Hey, wanna take a break?” 
“Not yet, T. Go take a break without me. I’m just stretching my back a bit.” 
His face moved out of your vision like he was pulled away. “Alright, but maybe you should stop teasing yourself with that cookie,” he left with a good natured chuckle on his trail. 
“Mind your damn business, T,” you grumbled feeling a bit annoyed. 
Silence ruled the small room, making your thoughts louder once you were alone again. 
Long deep breaths sucked the cold stale air through your nose, for a second you held your breath before slowly blowing it out through your mouth. You repeated the breathing exercise and stopped when lethargy was comfortably sitting on your shoulders. A push from your arms you pulled yourself upright and reached for the glasses beside the graphic tablet. As you pushed the glasses back your eyes it landed back on the cookies on the corner of your desk. 
The sound of the plastic crinkling disturbed the silence of the room. Up close you already had a feeling that the flavor of the cookies was another miss. 
It seemed like he made the whole thing a guessing game for the lack of feedback from your end. Might as well try it since everything he gave you so far was all good. 
Soft chime of laughter rippled into the stagnant quiet room. 
“Soooo, are you gonna tell me why you asked for a drive to the grocery store?” pair of brown eyes peering suspiciously at you from the rearview mirror. 
“Please stay being my good friend, T.”
“First of all, I’m your only friend which instantly gives me the vacant spot for the best friend position. Second, you never cease to be creative, especially when you are avoiding something. Third, I am your best friend, not your complacent pleb,” he checked on you again through the rearview mirror. 
“Now I feel attacked.” 
“One of the privileges.”
“I’ll take it back then. This is an exploit.”
“Sorry no take backs. Nuh, uh. The pack is permanent and you sign it, Helen even witnessed the exchange of agreement. You shall face my wife’s wrathful curses if you stop respecting the pack. And it will be a very ugly affair,” he said with the voice he usually used when he was doing the impersonation of his wizard oc.  
“Oh, my, god! Stop it you nerd,” although you were shaking your head you were having a hard time holding your laughter from the fond memories. “Ok, ok, you got me. I suddenly crave a home cooked meal. Getting fed up with consecutive days of take out.”
This time you saw him looking sad, possibly missing his son and wife. “Yeah, me too. I miss Helen’s cooking and my pyjamas.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I want to sleep on an actual bed. I need my heavy pillow.”
T, makes a gagging sound. “You need a boyfriend, asap.”
“Can you not! The pillow is like the equivalent of a weight blanket.” 
“The need to have something heavy beside you, is an equivalent of unmet need for physical touch, buddy.” The car finally stopped. “You can’t stay living like a single goblin for life.”
“Oh, I’m telling this to Helen,” then he started doing his evil laugh. 
Head shook from hilarity but the giddy babbling in your guts kept stretching your lips into a tender smile. “Damn it, Thomas! Don’t ruin my goblin life fantasy.”
Chuckling as he tucked the stray strands of his long hair behind his ears, he finally exited the car. “No can do. Now come on. The goblin lord needs to do their shopping.”
Familiar smell of the savory seafood dish in your home country continued teasing your appetite. Sure you missed the place from time to time, paid a visit multiple times a year as much as possible. But that was before. Now all you could do was just reminisce about the old times. 
The egg almost slipped out of your hand while peeling the shell, getting lost in your head again. Your shoulders sagged, the sound of your huff was thick of nostalgia, homesick to the place that was never yours. 
You shook your head and redirected your emotion at bashing one of the eggs on the countertop harder than necessary. This time you pick up the pace of peeling the eggs for the toppings. 
Maybe it was time for another cigarette break. 
You swore the next door neighbor will be the death of you. You stepped out of the damn house just to smoke in peace, and next thing you were helping old poor Victoria pulled the dumb raccoon out of the gap in the wooden fence. 
While Susan screamed in the background. 
“Vicky. Ma’am for the sake of my eardrum, calm your daughter down,” you said, almost pleading with the older woman. 
Dumb raccoon and its fatass. You tried prying the wood so it could wiggle out of the gap but you forgot this furball doesn’t have the ability of the cat. And the only way to remove the helpless animal was to pull it out. 
You made sure the sleeves of your hoodie were down just in case the furball decides to get too feisty. It screeched louder when you pulled it bit by bit. When you unstuck half of its upper body you grabbed it by the nape. 
The raccoon kept fighting in your hold as you carried it towards the elder woman. 
“Throw it! Throw that ugly thing away!” Susan kept chanting. 
And being the shit you were, you swung the animal towards her. The woman screamed bloody murder while she scrambled away. 
“You shouldn’t keep feeding this fatass, ma’am.”
“Oh.” Vicky’s face sagged upon frowning. “I always wanted a pet. But you know my daughter’s husband. He didn’t like animals,” she said as she played with the hem of her blouse. 
You looked up in the sky and hoped you had enough patience remaining not to get involved. It hurt you that the old lady couldn’t enjoy doing what she loves because of some asshole’s opinion. Vicky was old and she deserved to live and enjoy what she wanted. 
“I’m sorry, Vicky.” 
“No, it’s ok. Thank you for helping me. You are right though. It got bigger,” chuckling Vicky took a last look at the raccoon, there was a sadness in her eyes as she smiled in resignation. 
“It’s fat for getting spoiled by a sweet old lady,” you said smiling back at her as you readjusted your hold on the animal. 
Vicky chuckles but it didn’t sound cheery per usual, waving goodbye at you on your way out of their lawn. 
On your way out though you saw another neighbor standing on the doorstep of the house. The whole interaction with Vicky already drained your social battery, added that there was still this fatass in your clutch you needed to take care off. 
Back facing you, his shoulders look wider from the lack of his usual white coat. So, he owned other clothes besides his usual get up. Kind of remind you of Thomas from the initial stage of getting to know the guy. 
“What do you want?” you asked in a tone firmer than earlier. 
His shoulder hitched, obviously startled from hearing you out of the house. 
“I’m just checking if you are ba–why do you have a raccoon?” he asked, pointing at the wriggling furball in your hold. 
“Tried being a food burglar next door. Fatty got stuck on the wrong gap of the fence.” 
“You helped Katrina?” 
What a waste of a good name for an awful person. 
“If you mean the screeching pig next door Susan, no. I helped Victoria.” 
That woman didn’t deserve her mother’s love. It kinda pissed you off that was why you never acknowledged the woman by the name her mother bestowed.
“Screeching pig? That’s not a nice thing to say. And her name is not Susan,” he said, reprimanding you again. 
“I’m not nice. And she does sound like a pig. Anyway, what are you doing here?” 
He followed you all the way to the backyard. Searching for something to temporarily contain the raccoon before bringing it to the nearest animal shelter later. 
“Aren’t you releasing the raccoon?”
You breathe through your nose before expelling the air through your mouth, so closed on snapping at the man. 
“Can’t. Not here.” your jaw clenches as the trash panda continues thrashing. “I’ll bring this fatass to the animal shelter or Victoria’s son in law will hunt this one,” too. 
But you can’t find anything of use. You doubt the box will keep the feisty thing contained. 
“I-I have a carrier if you want you can borrow it.” 
You look at him like he just told you the project in your work is magically done. “Yes, please. Because my fingers are starting to feel numb and this fucker is really, really heavy.” 
“Oh, ok. W-wait here.” Then he was running, long legs stretching into a wide stride. 
The raccoon squirmed again when you switched the hold to your left. 
“Sorry buddy but you have to be away here or you’ll be eating rat poison next time,” Victoria will definitely be devastated again if another animal stinks up dead somewhere in their yard. 
Soon, the lanky neighbor returned with the white carrier, just in time before the ache in your fingers became unbearable. He even helped get the feisty creature in the container. 
“Are you going now?” 
Huh, you almost forgot he was still here. Crouched in front of the faucet washing your hand, you remained quiet. 
Did he think he could meddle with your business just because he lent you the carrier? 
Shaking the water off your hand and waiting for it to dry you took another look at the raccoon. 
“Yeah, why?”
When your hands were less wet you proceeded to rub it on your pants. From the wooden bench adjacent to the wall laid the cigarette and lighter, you grabbed it and about to light one, but paused when the man with buck teeth spoke of the information that entirely slipped out of your mind. 
“Do you k-know where the nearest animal shelter is?” 
Dumb moments, eh, it's natural you got some of those. Although you knew an animal shelter, it was a bus ride away. 
Blowing a long string of smoke to your side away from the standing man near you, you notice him fidgeting, fingers tapping at his side. 
“No. Do you?” you asked even though you have an inkling he’ll start running his mouth again. 
“Oh, yes, I know. In fact it’s the same place where I brought Ms. Carrot—before. I’m still sad about that last visit but I don’t mind taking you there,” and indeed he looks sad, heartbroken even. 
If he fucking cried you swear you’d gonna lose it. 
“Hey, you don’t have to come if it brings back sad memories. Just give me the address and I’ll take it from here.” 
Conflict was obvious by the furrow right in the middle of his unibrow. Hesitation took form by the multiple times his lips parted, words just kept hanging right on the edge, unsaid. 
“It’s fine. Just tell me the address,” you pull out your phone and tap the notes. “I’m still going to drop by for the carrier afterwards.” you held your phone towards him. 
He stares at it for a moment then stares back at you. 
“I’m sorry but I only o-owned a landline phone,” he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. 
What? Did he just thought that–
Your other hand holding a cigarette moves toward your face, the heel of your palm digs into your eye, rubbing it. You couldn’t level with this guy anymore. 
“Type the address on the phone,” your jaw clench shut in an attempt to grind the insult you choose to keep to yourself. 
Shame colored his face flush of red and he scrambled to grab the phone to save a bit of his dignity. 
“I-I’m sorry. I thought you wanted to exchange numbers with me. N-not because of s-something else. Definitely not s-something else,” awkward chuckle shakes his hunched shoulders. “I’m not trying anything, I swear. J-just wanted to be friends,” he looked all tense as if he was already anticipating some backlash, from the way he moved with caution. 
You took the phone back as he gingerly held it out to you. And a quick apology stuttered out of him again before rushing out of the property.  
Guess you broke the dork without even the intention of doing so. He’s lucky you have a high tolerance for a guy like him.  
A friend, huh?
The cigarette butt scrunched under the force from getting pressed into the ashtray. You just noticed the stickers on the carrier now that you were staring at it with your full attention. 
“A carrot cake? How can vegetables turn into a cake?”
You asked the old woman smoking beside you. 
“That’s the magic of baking and cooking my little sweet tooth. You can make anything taste good if you know what you are doing.” 
Stretch of genuine smile pulled on the darken wrinkled lips of the blurry face looking down at you. Reminiscent from juvenile years slowly faded by the passing of time, yet you still latched on to the pieces of those memories like a lifeline. 
“Time for a walk, fatso,” you said pertaining to the raccoon circling inside the container. Off of the bench you grabbed the carrier and left after checking the location through a gps app.
Not expecting the whole 360 of your entire afternoon, you were now standing in front of Rick’s doorsteps, waiting for the door to open and be done with all the socializing for the day. 
The door creaked open, it stayed ajar for a bit before it slowly swung open. Rick greeted you with an awkward smile force on his lips, and before he could speak again you handed him the carrier. 
“Thank you for letting me use this, Rick. And, yes, the visit went well. The volunteers will release the trash panda into the wild tomorrow where it belongs. That’s all.” 
Not waiting for any response you turned around and left. Hungry and mentally drained, you just want to get back in the house. 
Two steps more and you were out of the property but you were still compelled to stop, human curiosity you guess. You cocked your head urging him to speak. 
“I want to apologize for earlier, for assuming that–that you’re asking for my number. I got a bit carried away, got a bit confident–that we are some sort of friends now.” 
Huh, your brain was no longer braining because of the grumbling of your stomach. Besides the fact that you already got a lot going on in your brain and he just had to add himself in the chaos.
“Look, I’m not upset about it. But about the friend thing. I don’t know about that. Acquaintance, maybe?” you offered. 
“Oh. Yes, of course. Acquaintance. That made sense.” 
Disappointment was nothing new to you. But seeing it on someone with a genuine intention did sting. Especially when you knew he didn’t have a proper connection with people around him, you even heard from Vicky that the man has been alone ever since moving in the neighborhood, no family or relatives visiting, no significant other…nobody. 
“I better get going. Thank you again, Rick.” 
“Ok, goodbye–” The sound and the way he uttered your name was like the clutch from the sleeves, scared…desperate. 
Although you were used to jumping off the boat even before the boat barely sailed away from the shore, it didn’t mean it gets easier to swim. 
Each step still weighs heavily on your ankle. Another chain of shackles was added to the collection.  
Ugh, why do you keep getting involved with lonely people. 
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omi-nor · 1 year
Rules and brief about!
Welcome! This is a rp blog for ygo characters. Probably going to just stick with mostly Yami Bakura right now. But I might add others later.
Here are some general things you should know:
- I am very new to rp still. And still not super familiar with Tumblr. Still a lot of things I don't know or have never done before, so please keep this in mind
- It almost feels like my first time ever encountering ygo.
I've just picked up the manga for the 1st time about three days ago too.
- I am an adult and would prefer characters and muns to be 18+. No nsfw stuff with minors
- I really do try to read and remember everyone's rules, but sometimes I forget my own rules, so please forgive me if I forget something
- On that note, I am pretty forgetful, in general. I try to jot down notes to help with this, but there is a chance I may forget an ic interaction
- Try to give me about a week before giving me a reminder, though.
- I am VEEERY slow a lot of the time. Like, many days, maybe a week, slow. Sometimes more than a week. Not always, but just giving you a heads up.
- I try not to spam notifs or dash, but, it might happen, occasionally. I will always reblog from the source, unless the mun has made it explicitly clear that they actually prefer it be from them or don't care either way or, for some reason, I can't get to the source.
- I am kind of the exact opposite of most people, it seems. I actually would LOVE it if you went on a like spree. And I actually prefer it if you reblogged memes from me (as long as we have spoken at least once). And dash spam almost never bothers me. You can also come into my ims, that doesn't really bother me either.
- I'm not the best at # tagging stuff. I haven't really got a system going yet
- I follow #omi-nor and #ominor, but I don't look at tags very often
- Please don't be afraid to @ me for dash games, lmao. I usually love those. May not always do them, but yeah.
- I am a very heavy cell phone user, but, so far, I don't think I've run into trouble because of this. Trimming is the only big thing I have doubts about still right now.
- Rules could change. I tried my best to give some solid info here, but it could change. I'll probably make a post if there is a change?
(I really hope I'm not forgetting something because I am writing this from memory.)
- I am pretty anxious about stuff. I'm trying not to be, but it's hard.
Like, sometimes I look at a meme and there's a part of me that wants to do it, but there's also a little pang of anxiety a lot of the time. Lol, I dunno, man..
- I may not answer every ask or do everything thing. And I'm trying to get better at sometimes saying no to things. But I don't want people to get discouraged about interacting, either, lol.
I also try not to pressure other people and a lot of stuff coming from me doesn't have a whole lot of expectation attached to it. (Like, if I @ you in a dash game, for example)
- One important thing about communication: I always feel like I'm in a tug of war of trying not to talk too much to people because I'm worried I'm bothering them just a bit and then realizing I may not be talking enough, so I'm basically a stranger to them.
- "Plot something out" kinda scares me a bit, cause all the rp I've ever done - I think - was just off the cuff. Maybe it's not as scary as it sounds and maybe I've technically already plotted without knowing it. But yeah.
- I might need to take 2 or 3 weeks off from time to time. Just giving you a heads up. I'll try to say something.
- Going by Rainy for mun name. It just kinda stuck, lol.
- It's very easy for me to feel a bit overwhelmed. A part of me hates to do this, but I may need to temporarily shut down my ask box and not accept @s or #s for a bit if I feel like I have too much to do. I may need to make a very short ooc post just to let people know?
- I'm going to say, yes, all my memes have no expiration date, though.
- On a similar note, I think it's very possible I will go through your posts and send in stuff from a very long while back, in some cases. I usually assume there is no expiration date for other people's memes, but I usually try to ask first. But if there is, please feel free to ignore.
- I may or may not use icons
- If I see a reply to a thread and I am super tired, I won't read it until I've slept long enough for me to feel better (which could be a long time). I feel like being tired while reading really distorts things, so I like to only read it after I've gotten some sleep.
Honestly, the same is usually true for even ooc conversation. I just don't do well when I'm sleep deprived and sometimes I will just pass out for, like, 12 hours. (I LOVE it when this happens, though. I feel great afterwards.)
My Yami Bakura is, right now, based off of anime English dub canon, for the most part. But now that I have the manga, it might slowly start to change a bit. Not sure.
I kinda wanted to try Ryo, but I haven't found Ryo in the English dub to be very inspiring, so far. A lot of his screen time was him just kinda flatly explaining the duels. Poor Ryo. You see glimpses of an actual character, at times, but it's rough, man.
I was debating keeping Ryo or not, but just to avoid confusion, I'm gonna wait to see what the manga has to offer.
Can I lastly just say? I really like the ygo rpc so far.
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alarrytale · 1 year
(a rant about nicks sexuality) k the whole "is Nick is Nick not" is giving me a headache. I've been wanting to talk about his sexuality for a while but it seems like no one wants to dive into it out of respect for him stating he identifies as straight in the variety interview or "he already said he's straight and an ally stop making ppl gay for your own fantasy" so here's a little rant hope you don't mind haha
from my point of view as a bi man he's sexuality is just clear as day. this beautiful man is Not straight lol. ive seen his early interviews and he was just as mature and well spoken as he is now. i have yet to see any 20 yo straight man as thoughtful, mature and well informed on LGBTQ/gender issues as him. in an early interview he said he was too sensitive for the school system and suffered from anxiety and depression from an early age. throughout the whole interview he was so mature with his words but he'd throw some sentences here and there about wanting to "have a beautiful gf haha" which feels very out of context and forced, seems to me he was overcompensating. plus he said his type was Angelina Jolie(very typical answer for closeted men to give when asked about these type of questions.taylor answered angelina in his pre-rwrb interviews as well) and his buddy austin is just as gay if not gayer than him. those are dead giveaways. idk why people even question that this guy would be not on the spectrum lol
Hello, anon!
You can rant all you want, i don't mind. From my limited time following him and his fans, what i see is a man with a lot of queer fans (disproportionate compared to other fandoms of other straight men), due to his many queer roles. They are young though, and are 'puriteens'. They want to be respectful, but at the same time it's very obvious that very few of them buys that he's straight. At least it's like that among those fans i follow. He's inviting and affirming the fantalk too by the way he acts (babygirl likes and the fact that the people around him call him cupcake, bambi and babygirl) so it appears to me that he doesn’t mind the way people see him and the speculation.
Speculation is welcome on this blog at least! Like i've said many times now, i still haven't formed an opinion that i feel confident about. There are several flashing neon lights for me, but there are also still arguments the other way. So i'm still not ruling out that he's straight. Very unusual if that's actually the case...
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deathfavor · 6 months
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@yeonban said: "just stay like that and let me admire how beautiful you are." It's half a teasing order, considering the hands that continue to roam all over Seiroku's body even after Soma's paused his previous endeavor, as well as half an unadulterated desire to take in everything Seiroku is presently gracing him with before continuing - from every insignificant detail of his body, to the pose he's holding, to the sounds and movements now forever ingrained in his memory.
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A breathless laugh gently finds its way past his lips as lithe limbs lay amongst rich fabric. His skin glistens in the dim lantern light, reflecting in the dip of his collarbone. Stray strands of midnight hair stick to his cheeks, alongside his throat and shoulders while vibrant blue gaze up at Soma above him. He sucks in a sharp breath when he feels fingertips glide over his sides, coming to rest upon his hips when the order is granted to him.
" You say that as if I have a choice. " Seiroku teases back, lips drawing into a relaxed smile ( if a bit playfully scheming. ) In truth, he probably could change it if he so desired. He is a strategist after all, and should he wish to turn the tables, there is no doubt he could find a moment to enact a playful scheme. Though he also knows well that he need only voice such wants and Soma will grant them. But Seiroku is happy to let Soma have what he wants, to enjoy the teasing orders and power play even if it is for fun. It makes for an interesting dynamic ; to have two people who yearn for the other's enjoyment above their own.
Perhaps that is how it is meant to be. The desire to sate the other that in turn leave both pleased. But for his experience, he cannot say he's ever met someone so intent on his pleasure above their own. Some have cared, some haven't. But those who did was not to this degree. It makes his chest ache with a painful warmth like a welcoming fire after hours left in the cold. No matter how many times Seiroku is reminded of this, it never fails to flood him with warmth. He could almost cry from that alone, not to mention the looks and words that are granted to him too.
" Soma. " The name rolls from his tongue, euphonious and lovingly spoken to draw his beloved's attention towards him. He lifts his chin slightly in an unspoken wish for him to draw closer and give him a kiss. A kiss that he fully sinks into, where he can press his love into the slide of their lips together and his hands move to slide over Soma's shoulders and keep him closer. I love you. Each kiss, each breath, every movement so full of the overwhelming affection. When Seiroku does pull back, it's with a warm smile, lips pressing to his jawline. " You look like you're at a feast ~ " He murmurs playfully; but he enjoys seeing the open desire on Soma's face. He enjoys hearing what Soma craves and wants even if it is as simple as to be admired. ( Even if it causes shades of pink and red to paint over his skin. Such sweet words still never fair to fluster, especially behind closed doors in private intimacy of each other where they ring twice as powerful and true. )
One hand slides down from Soma's back, gently roaming down his shoulder and his arm. He can feel each muscle, trace their curve till he reaches Soma's hand, splayed against his own hip. He shifts one leg, baring himself a bit more to Soma's gaze even with the knowledge that Soma already knows every inch of his skin as it is. It takes nothing away from the playful tease and invitation of the moment, on the contrary, to know what is there might only make the yearning stronger with the promise of what is at hand.
" You can do whatever you'd like, admiring included. " Seiroku murmurs, smiling against Soma's throat. " Although if you choose to only admire the whole time, I might have words. " Sweet, clear laughter chimes in the air with a lighthearted cheeriness to it. Yet it is truth both in this scenario and any other, so great is his love for Soma.
He presses one more kiss to Soma's lips before he relaxes once more, lashes lowered halfway in invitation to the desires. " I'm yours. " A simple statement, a powerful promise.
0 notes
Stay With Me (Pt. 03 of 09)
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Word count: 2.1 K
Summary: Daryl found you surrounded by the dead, stuck in the backseat of a car. You were wishing for death to take you away for quite a while now, but, as you slid back and forth into consciousness, there was only one thing keeping you alive. Him, the man with blue, worried eyes and kind voice. Your beaten up body was ready to give up, too wounded and broken to keep going. But this man, who went out of his way to save your life is the only thing in the world holding you up. And, because of him, you feel something you haven't felt in a very long time: hope. Wherever he's taking you, you want to get there, and not only to be buried. For what it feels like the very first time, you want to live. He takes you back to Alexandria, but even there, the nightmares and the terror from all the torture and pain you've been through keeps creeping closer, and Daryl, your hero, is the only one who can keep that all away.
Warnings: Mentions and description (not graphic) of past abuse; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); some violence at the end of the story (a little bit graphic, but not so much); blood.
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{The Walking Dead Masterlist}
I want to thank my awesome friend @jodiereedus22, who helped me (and still does) a lot to get this story done. She's also a writer and she's amazing so please go check her work!!
Memories From The Past
“I was with the same group of people since the world fell apart. Me and six other people.” Slowly you start, keeping your voice down so Daryl will be the only one to hear it. “We were fine and... One day we had to leave the house because there were too many dead around... So we... We left and this group found us. They were good, they offered help.” How stupid you were to believe it. To go with them and trust their kindness. Kindness, now, is rare. It's used as a trick, a trap. And you fell for it. “They had a couple of houses, lived well together and... It was normal, for a week it was normal. I-I was starting to feel safe when...” Your body shakes, like a leaf, and Daryl moves closer, pulling the blanket over your shoulders. “The men started making... Propositions. And I would never do that, and-and in the beginning they were okay. They respected my decision, but soon, it... They started getting aggressive. I told my group and we decided to run away during the night but they found out.” You're crying, sobbing, a hand on your heart. “They got us. And-and all the others were useless. Four men and two older women, so they killed them. They had t-these dead tied up and they made me watch as my friends were eaten.” It's hard to continue, to push the words out, to revisit that day. Those days, endless. The hours that never seemed to end.
“ ‘S alright. That's enough.” Daryl says, but you push the blanket away, freeing your arms from underneath and holding his hand. You just need to make sure he's real. That he's here, the man who saved you, who won't let anyone hurt you again.
“They locked me up after. They... They told me they didn't want to... Rape me... They wanted me to enjoy what they did. T-the humiliating, degrading sex, the extreme bondage, the cuts, the wounds, the pain. All of it.” You decide to just say it, spill it out, as fast as you can just to get it over with. “But I wouldn't. I wouldn't and I was thinking they'd just kill me. I was ready but they didn't. They came every single day, I stopped counting after a month, to ask me to surrender but I never did. They beat me, kicked me, cut me, spit on me. They used to drag one of the dead to the basement and leave it there, groaning at me for days.”
“That's enough. Ya don't have to–”
“Then a herd came. I heard it. I heard it killing them so I just pushed myself up and crawled through a window.” You look down at your arms, the grazes, and scratches from the glass. “I fought with a man for the car, and he gave me this–” You tilt your head to the wound on your left thigh. “–right before one of the dead got him. So I started driving, and I kept driving until the gas was over. I stood there as the dead came, surrounded me and I just wanted to die.” You're head is spinning, and you feel like you're just about to faint. “I wanted to die until you found me.”
The look on his eyes kills you. Why is he in such pain? Why is he looking at you like... Like you're breakable. Like you're broken already. Maybe it's because you are. And you will never speak of it again. You will never let these words come out of your mouth. The memories are more than enough to torture you day after day.
“Nobody will ever hurt ya again,” Daryl says, his voice filled with anger, a kind of anger you never witnessed before. “I promise ya. Never.” He pulls you into a hug, carefully, but you just move into his chest, biting back a wince when pain spreads through your body. You're sobbing, uncontrollably, and you're sure the tears are soaking Daryl's shirt. It hurts to cry. “Shh. ‘S alright, babygirl. Calm down, ‘M right here with ya. ‘M right here.”
“Will-will they kick me out?” You stutter, still hiding your head on his chest.
“No. Yer not going anywhere, hear me?” Daryl pulls away, just enough to look into your eyes. “Hear me?”
“Can you stay with me? Please.” Holding on to his shirt, you beg, unable to bear the thought of being left alone.
“Of course.”
Relieved, you pull him, moving to the side a little despite the pain. Daryl hesitates a bit before moving, resting his back against the headrest as you move to lay your head on his chest, pulling your legs up, basically curling into him.
You're not sure how long he stays there, in silence, a hand caressing your hair. But when you start getting hungry, you know he'll have to leave eventually.
“(Y/N),” Carol calls from the door frame. “Can I bring your lunch?”
Nodding weakly, you watch as her smiles and leaves.
“I need to talk to Rick,” Daryl says, carefully moving to stand up, making sure you'll be comfortable against the headrest. “Him and Deanna. So they'll stop bugging ya about... What happened before.”
“Will you be back?” You ask as he stands up, holding his hand.
“I promise I will. I won't leave ya alone.”
Nodding, you force yourself to let go of his hand. Carol brings you lunch and you struggle to eat without her help. It always takes a while, and Carol talks through it, even though you don't answer. You should though, she's been so kind to you, patient, doing everything she can... It's unfair to give the silent treatment.
“Thank you.” You say when you're done eating, handing her the empty plate. The words still sound low and weak, and you don't feel as comfortable as you feel with Daryl. “For... For everything.”
Her lips break into a smile, bright and sweet. “You don't have to thank me. I'm happy to help.” Carol moves to hold your hand, but you're quick to move it away. “I'm sorry.”
“No, I just...” Looking down, you feel another tear rolling. “Sorry.”
“It's alright, honey. It's good to see you feel comfortable around Daryl.” The mention of his name warms your heart. “I've never seen him so protective of anyone.”
“Daryl is...” Your hero, your anchor. He's the only thing holding you up, keeping you from falling apart.
“I know. I can see it in your eyes.” Carol stands up, giving you one last glance before heading to the door. “And I see it in his eyes too.”
You're left alone again, with your thoughts and memories. Daryl only comes back a few hours later, telling you he had spoken to both Rick and Deanna, and your stay in Alexandria was allowed. He says they usually make a small gathering to welcome new residents, but it'll only happen when and if you want it. You don't. In fact, you don't think you can leave this house just yet. You haven't even left the room, just for a few minutes every morning, when the streets are empty to get some sunlight. Anything else doesn't feel safe.
Later that night, you're wide awake after a quick nap brought the memories back as nightmares. So you just lie there, facing the ceiling, in the dark, shaking like a leaf. Even though the silence, the walls, and blankets covering you, you feel unprotected, exposed, vulnerable.
“The morning is coming.” You tell yourself, whispering, barely hearing your own voice. The sun will come back, the darkness will vanish and... And you'll probably feel pretty much the same way. “The morning is–” You're cut short when you hear footsteps, quickly pushing yourself up, biting back a moan when your body hurts. But your whole body relaxes when you see Daryl walking by, through the open door. He stops when he sees you, confusion on his face.
“What are ya doin’ up?” He asks, stepping inside the room.
“I'm not sleeping.” You mumble, not sure if the answer makes much sense. “I don't sleep. Not much.”
“Why?” Daryl sits on the edge of the bed, and you lie back down, holding his hand as usual.
“Bad dreams.” You admit, your eyes on his. You can't see the blue in this darkness, but you don't have to. Feeling his stare is enough to calm you down, make you relax. “If you... If you stay here– If you sleep here I– Maybe I can...” The words get all confused, as you understand what you're asking of him. But you need him, you're suddenly aware. If he's here through the night, you'll feel safe. You'll be able to sleep, knowing he's around.
“Ya want me here?” Daryl says, his voice low as if he didn't want to disturb the night.
“Yes, but... If you don't want it's ok. I– I'm just...” Restless, you move a little, feeling stupid for asking Daryl such thing. But you need him so much. Tears start rolling down, so you look away, breathing fast.
“Alright, alright.” You feel when he starts moving, and you do the same, sliding to the side to give him space. “Careful.” He says as you push yourself up a little, heart beating fast at the sensation of having him here.
You're not thinking much, and when you use your left leg to push your weight up, you feel a sting and a sharp pain spreading through your leg. A groan leaves your lips at the same moment, and you wince in pain, freezing in place. You feel wetness on the wound, and you quickly push the blankets away, all air leaving your lungs when you see blood staining the white bandages.
“Calm down.” You hear Daryl's voice, but you're hyperventilating, the agony of the flesh wound reopened bringing tears to your eyes. “Carol!” He shouts, startling you a little. “Lemme see.”
You nod, lying back down as he moves the blankets away, his hands just brushing against your skin. “It's ripped.” You moan, trying not to move, despite how your body is shaking.
“What happened?” Carol gets here quickly, her eyes wide.
“Go get Denise.” Daryl's voice is urgent, and it sounds like an order. She doesn't say anything before bolting away. “You'll be alright. I'll remove the bandages, ‘s that ok?” With your eyes closed, you nod, barely feeling his fingers on your skin as the dressings are removed. Soon enough you feel the cold wind on your flesh. “Some stitches are ripped. Not all of them.”
You barely hear his voice above the agony, covering your face with both your hands. “It hurts.” You mutter, feeling stupid for stating the obvious.
“I know. Denise will–” He's still speaking when Denise comes in suddenly, saying something you can't understand.
She's soon working on your leg, applying local anesthesia before anything else. You're relieved when the pain starts to fade, but you can't look. You feel the blood flowing out, and if wasn't for Daryl holding you, you'd lose it.
As Denise stitches you up, you have your back on Daryl's chest, his arms encircling your waist. You try not to shake, not to move, but it's hard. The tears come flooding again, as the memories try to haunt you. “ ‘S alright, babygirl. You'll be alright.” Daryl says on your ear, and you close your eyes tight.
He stays even after Denise leaves, still holding you as you hold on to him. The silence is comfortable, safe, and you feel yourself slowly drifting off to sleep.
“How long have you carried me here?” You ask, voice low and weak.
“Four days.”
“Four days?” You move to look at him, but his grip gets tighter, holding you in place.
“Careful. Ya gotta move slowly.” Settling back into place, you nod. “I had my bike but I didn't think ya could hold on so I carried ya.”
“I'm sorry...” Whispering, you grab a handful of the fabric of his shirt. “It must have been exhausting.”
“Don't apologize. All the way I was prayin’ I wasn't bringin’ ya here just to bury ya.” His chest vibrates, moving up and down as he breathes.
“You kept me alive.” Taking a deep breath, you rub your hand on his chest, as if making sure he's really here. Your hero. You will never understand why he did that, or how much trouble he put himself through to get you here, to save you. “Your voice was the only thing calling me back into consciousness and... For so long I just wanted to die already but you... You made me want to try. To live.”
“And ya will live now. I promise ya, (Y/N).”
A small, quick smile comes to your lips. Even though it's gone too soon, it feels good to know you still that the capacity to do such a thing.
And it happens again, in the morning after, when you open your eyes to find Daryl still in the bed with you.
@funeral-7 @heyyy-hey-babyyy @twdeadfanfic @soraitmnt @winchester-angel @bvbwestfall @shawtygonemad @cameronsails @pulplorrd
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kooktaebear · 3 years
If Only I Knew
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Status: ONGOING (this is my first AU AHHH I’m excited to write the next couple of parts, but I hope this story gets a lot of love :~>)
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Y/N abruptly moved to Seoul after spending 21 years living alone in her hometown, Busan after the death of her parents. She now discovers through her best friends that drama can be a lot to handle, but as she starts to meet new people, she discovers that she had completely forgotten an important part of her past.
Warnings: mention of guns, blood and violence,
Genre: angst, WHOLE LOT OF FLUFF, slow burn
Word Count: 3.2k
Part One:
I step out of the bus and a gust of cold wind hits my face as I board the train. Why did I think of not wearing enough layers in the middle of winter? I take my seat and look out the window to see the number of people who are about to board the train. I grab my phone and start listening to ILYSB. I like LANY, their music is perfect for travel.
I know this isn't such an interesting event in my life since I know that many other people have flown to see Seoul, capital of Korea but hey, give me a break. I’m finally going to meet my best friends after living alone for 4 years. This is what pays to be travelling, a provincial girl like me? I doubt I would ever survive the city life.
As a 2 hours pass, I wake up to hear the advisory that I’m about to reach Seoul.
I look out the window, close my eyes, and whisper.  
"Mom, Dad, I made it to Seoul."
I lost both my parents during a hostage that happened in our own home. My mom happened to answer the door and was shot first. The culprit saw me and asked me to go get my dad. At first I was confused, but it so happened that there was an issue with the family business and this guy was after the money. I was 13 at that time but I still couldn't figure out why something like this had to happen to our family. However, as soon as my dad had agreed to the terms of the killer, he pointed his gun at me and pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes to prepare myself for the pain that comes next but instead, I felt warm liquid on my hands and felt something heavy fall on me, it was my dad. I screamed at the sight of both my parents suddenly vanishing from this world, a sudden pain struck my chest and I couldn't breathe. I fall to the ground slowly losing my vision as I see the blue and red lights of police cars approaching my house.
"Miss? Are you okay miss?" the person right next to me calls my attention and brings me back to reality, "Oh, yes I'm fine. Have we arrived?" I look around to see almost everyone out of the train. "Would you need any help getting off? Are you new to the city?" the lady asks me. I shake my head and give her a smile as I head down the aisle to the exit.
I follow the rest of the passengers to exit the station as I turn my phone on to contact Jennie and Lisa, my two best friends. Their parents had offered to get us three an apartment we could all share just so that they could both keep me company. Lisa and Jennie aren't sisters if you were wondering, they just had agreed to live under one roof with me and I'm eternally grateful for that. Not to mention they’re idol trainees.
"Y/N?" I turn my head to see Lisa's straight black hair, "Lisa!!!" We both jump around and giggle, "Wait but where's Jennie?" "Oh, she's getting us another cab because your arrival got delayed." She helps grab my luggage and we both start catching up with each other, as if we’ve never spoken in weeks. This was the first time I had ever seen both Lisa and Jennie in person, all our moms were best friends when they were younger too but since we couldn't visit them often, we met and talked through video calls.
"Well if it isn't our beautiful foreign friend Y/N." I turn around and meet Jennie’s eyes, "JENNIE!!!" I run to hug her and Lisa joins in and I finally don't feel alone anymore. "Girls, the cab is waiting outside, we better hurry." On our way to our new apartment we were all catching up with each other as if we really didn't talk as much already. "Oh hey, Y/N you have to make sure that you're ready to go to school by 7am okay?" Jennie cheerfully said. I was so confused, school started at 8am so why would I have to be ready an hour before school when our place was literally like 10 minutes away. "Wait why do we have to be ready an hour before school? I know our place is like 15 minutes away from school. It's not like you guys take that long to fix yourselves up right?" Lisa and Jennie smiled at me suspiciously, "Well....Y/N you know, you may not know everything about us yet..." "What's there not to know? I've known you guys since the moment I was able to talk." Lisa elbowed me softly, "We’ve got new friends! Like actual men type of friends." My eyes opened wide despite the tiredness I've been experiencing,
How could these two end up befriending guys and just suddenly "forgetting" to tell me about it when they know and are fully aware that we all don’t normally interact with the opposite gender?  
"Fine, I'll be ready by 7am on Monday." I say as I roll my eyes, "YAYYY I'M SO EXCITEDDD!!!" both of them scream.
Ugh, 30 minutes have just passed since I arrived in Seoul and I'm already experiencing stress.
As soon as we got off the cab, both my friends had rushed to bring down all my belongings so that I could finally take a look at the place we rented out. Jennie reaches her hand out to me and in her palm, my key to our place. "Hey, have you guys figured out how we'll be getting to school on Monday?" Jennie giggles, "Y/N, you’re lucky we attend the same school. But the guys will pick us up! Plus..they promised to bring Jungkook." Jennie winks at me and flashes me her brightest smile.
Jungkook? I know I've heard that name somewhere, but I just can't remember where.
"We're here!!" The elevator door opens, "Apartment 735" I mutter to myself. I walk along the brightly lit corridor. "732....733...734..." I continue counting, "735!!" The girls rush to my side, "Y/N, this is your first time in our apartment, so you'll have the honor of opening the door with your key" Lisa says with a smile. I reach out for my keys, close my eyes and take a deep breath before turning the key to unlock the door. I hear the light switch turn on and I open my eyes. The apartment was beautiful. I walk in to see the kitchen, it has a small island where I could serve meals to my friends. I honestly enjoy cooking to relieve myself from whatever stresses me out, whether it be school, people or something about football. I’ve loved sports for as long as I can remember but it gets frustrating since I could be quite competitive.
I walked into the next room and I saw our living room, there was a large L-shaped sofa sitting in front of a huge television. In between the sofa and TV, I saw a small wooden table that is most probably multipurpose as being both a study desk and a place to put our snacks when we binge on shows during our free days. Beside the sofa I see a balcony that showcases a beautiful scenery of the city. I walk out and feel the cold breeze on my cheeks, I look up to the sky and I see that the sky had a welcoming gift for me as well. The stars greeted me as they shined brightly upon the night sky and I just can't help but admire the night sky. To my right, I see a bean bag that fits 2 people. I plop down to the bean bag and stargaze for a while.
Mom? Dad? I know you can hear me, I promise I'll make you proud, I'll succeed here in Seoul and become a great doctor.
"Y/N?" I snap back to reality and see Jennie’s head appear, "You haven't even seen your room yet! Come onnnnn!!" I stand back up and follow the girls in another small hallway, there I see 3 doors. "So basically, it's not that we don't want you to have your own room but we wanted one room to be our sort of walk-in closet because I mean who has not dreamed of having one?" I open the first door I see and the place is indeed full of clothes. There were 3 closets in the room, each of the closet doors have our first name initials on it to indicate who owns which closet. I laugh at my best friends, we all enjoy watching all those Barbie movies where they have spectacular closets and I guess you can say that this is the closest we can get to our childhood dreams.
I walk out of the room and take a few steps into the hallway. Lisa rushes to get past me and hold the doorknob, "Okay Y/N, this room is a little different. I know it's not really our style whatsoever but we created a study room." I scrunch my eyebrows, "A study room? Really now? For all of us or for me?" Lisa tucks a stray hair into her ear, "Well, more for you than for us since we know how hard you work and how much more you'll be working to get into med school. But it's a double purpose for a practice room for us too!" I take a step back to look at both my best friends and their grinning faces,
What did I do to deserve these two psychos in my life?
I call them in for a group hug, "You guys, I know you want to make me feel like there's nothing missing anymore in my life and I love you guys for that. I hope you all still remember I'm not a robot though and even if I'll be working hard to get into med school, I'll still be around to party and experience what any normal teenager should be experiencing." I hear Jennie sniffling at my right, "Aw Jen" I rub her back soothingly, "We know that Y/N, we just want the best for you too. We'll always be here rooting for you any time." We all take a step back, "Okay!" Lisa says, "Guys, it's our first night in our own apartment and we're already crying." Everybody laughs, "So I guess this last room is our room?" "It sure is." Jennie opens the door and I see three twin beds side by side. Just like our "walk-in closet" our first name initials are hanging above our head, brightly lit to recognize who owns which bed. I see my initial on top of the bed that lies in between both Lisa and Jennie's.
I drop my luggage off at our closet area and plop back down into the bean bag on the balcony. I take a deep breath in and close my eyes.
This is the start of my new life.
"Take my hands now, you are the cause of my euphoria"
I woke up to the sound of Euphoria, my favorite song in the whole wide-
And of course, the voices of my two best friends singing their hearts out and getting the lyrics messed up.
"Y/N!!! Come on!! It's your first day of school. Did you forget about our breakfast plan?"
Right. Their so-called "breakfast plan" before school. I stand up from my bed and stretch a little before I start making my bed. I stop by the closet first and pick my outfit for today, I pick out a tied crop top, white sneakers, and jeans. I grab my bathrobe and head to the bathroom. I step into the shower and play some music that would help wake me up and get ready for the day. As I continue to wash my hair, I hear a knock on my door, 
"Y/N! Are you done?!!" 
I roll my eyes. Jeez, they finally got themselves guy friends and now they're going crazy about finishing on time. I wrap a towel around my head to dry my hair. I head back to our dressing room and open my luggage. As I look for my blow dryer and straightener, Lisa barges into the room, 
"Y/N Y/L/N, you seem to be too relaxed this morning. You have 30 minutes left to get ready and if you're not ready by then I'm going to drag you to the car." "Don't worry Jen, I'll be done on time. Now can you please stop bothering me so that I can start dressing up?"
I quickly blow dry my hair and put it up in a messy bun. With the remaining time left, this is the best I can do to tame my natural curls. I look at myself in the mirror and check to see if something is missing. I reach out to get my makeup bag and I put on a little blush and add a little lip tint. I search through my accessory bag and look for my small stud earrings. I get my glasses from the table and look at myself in the mirror once more. I'm ready for my first day of school. I leave the dressing room and meet my best friends in our kitchen. 
"Oh my goodness Y/N, let's go! We're already 5 minutes late." I grab the schoolbag I prepared last night before heading to bed and leave the apartment. We head to the basement by elevator since Lisa got her license just recently. "Wait Lisa, if you had your license already by the time you picked me up, why did you guys use a taxi to pick me up?" "Oh, uh..I was too lazy to drive that late at night so I just got us a taxi." She starts the car and we head to the exit.
It was my first time ever seeing Seoul in the morning light, the sun hit the skyscrapers so beautifully that it was as if the city was welcoming me as their new citizen. Numerous cars were already out by the time we hit the road because of the rush hour most of them were experiencing. Our school, Seoul National University was just 10 minutes away, our apartment was located a couple blocks away As I was looking out the window, I saw some sort of diner come into view. It looked huge for my definition of a diner since I always saw diners as small joints made for meals, but this diner was different. As Lisa pulled up in the parking area I could see a little bit of the inside, students like us were dining in there as well and there seemed to be a game room on the other side of the dining area.  It's around mid-February so the breeze was still cool, Busan was a little warmer during the winter so I had to find a way to adjust to the cooler weather in the city. As my friends and I make our way to the entrance, I notice three heads that turn our way. As we enter the diner however, the smell of freshly made bread, waffles, and eggs hits me and I feel my mouth water. I've been starving and I couldn't wait to try whatever the diner had been serving.
I see three boys in a booth and I make eye contact with one of them, the weird thing is...I felt butterflies in my tummy. I've seen those eyes somewhere, he feels familiar which is of course impossible because I've never met these people in my entire life.
I've never had any guy friends at all. I've always thought about making my parents proud and everything so I focused on getting good scores on all my tests so that I could get into med school. This is all so new to me...having friends of the opposite species. I mean okay, I've watched rom-coms and movies that revolve around love, seeing your friends being treated the way I see couples act in the movies is something I never thought I would be interacting with boys at this point of my life.
"Y/N? Earth to Y/N!" I snap back to reality as Jennie calls my attention. "This is Jimin, Taehyung and the guy still sitting in the booth is Jungkook." Jungkook? I think I know a Jungkook from back home but it's still pretty hard to remember a lot of things. "Sorry, I'm being rude." Jungkook stood up and walked to me, "Jungkook." He held out a hand for me to shake, "Y/N." I say in reply. As our hands touch, there's a familiar warmth that gives me goosebumps. I quickly try to mask the reddness in my cheeks. We all take a seat in the booth and based on the impression of these boys, they seem like athletes. "Hey Y/N," Jimin says, "You should try their Bacon and Waffles here. They sell out like crazy in the mornings." I take a quick glance on the menu and scan quickly for the meal Jimin was talking about. I raise my hand excitedly to call in the waitress to take our orders, "1 Bacon and Waffles, 2 Pancakes and, 3 orders of the Waffles and Chicken all with Orange Juice on the side." The waitress says, "Thanks." I give her a smile in return.
I glance back at my friends after giving the waitress the menu I was holding, Jungkook and I make direct eye contact, his big brown doe eyes, another flood of goosebumps crawl on my skin as he turns away to talk to Taehyung. Why is it that Jungkook looks at me as if he’s seen me before?
The waitress returns with the orders and I start to take a bite off my first meal of the day.
“So Y/N, how was your first night in the city?” Taehyung asked as he picked a strawberry off one of the pancakes, “I stayed up in the balcony just looking at the city lights, the stars were very bright last night. I couldn’t stay up for so long though, it got really cold.” “Y/N loves gazing at stars, she used to try to make Jen and I see the stars in Busan every time we video called.” Lisa says giggling, Jimin gasps and turns to point at Jungkook while eating his waffle, “Jungkook used to drag us out of our homes just to meet at a park to stargaze!” Jungkook shyly looks away and takes a sip of his juice, “Yah” he finally speaks, “You make me sound like a really weird kid Hyung” I laugh at his statement, “Don’t be too embarrassed Kook, looking at the stars are my favorite past time” He tenses up with the nickname as he looks at me, I realize I just gave this guy a nickname on the first day we met. Shit. “Uh, is it okay that I call you Kook?” He nods in return as a smile crept onto his face.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 10 "Thanksgiving"
Listen. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I don't think I can bone you right now.
My wanger is way stressed out.
I've killed for our love.
I just gave her a little push.
You and I can pick up right where we left off.
You can bring me home for Thanksgiving and introduce me to my future in-laws.
What did you do with the body?
I put it in the meat locker. It's where we've been putting all the dead bodies.
I need to see the body.
Look, we can have a three-way with the body.
I'll show you the body, but not so you can have sex with it.
I'll show it to you so that you and I will share a dangerous secret that will strengthen our relationship and bring us closer together.
I don't understand how this keeps happening!
Is this meat locker, like, a wormhole to an alternate universe or something?
She'll probably stop at nothing until she gets her revenge by murdering you.
No one wants to spend a room service Thanksgiving alone.
Are you going to talk at all?
You shouldn't be mad at me.
We're the sane ones.
Now, I know you've got other plans today, and for alibi's sake we need to protect your cover, but I am not letting you leave on an empty stomach.
Is that what quail is? I thought they were bigger.
You know what I was picturing? Pheasant.
Time to slice off those breasts.
I feel like this holiday is all about family, and, well, as you know, I gave up on my real family a long time ago.
I mean, at this point, the closest thing I have to family is. . . you.
I understand that Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family and being together and thanking God that we were born rich in America and not in Uganda or Venezuela or any of those other African countries.
You're late. The game's just about to start.
What do you think would happen if those instructions were incorrect?
This family's fortune is built on being right on time.
There's nothing better than sitting together as a family, watching the game. Laughing, smiling, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company. That's what it's all about today. Togetherness.
I hate defrosted food.
Why is it called Italian Style Chicken Cacciatore? All chicken cacciatore is Italian style.
This is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be.
A bunch of my sort-of friends have been killed and no one has asked me about it.
Oh. And I'm starting a new family tradition. It involves me never coming to any family occasions ever again.
Would you stop with the screaming?
It's more like a stay of execution until no one is looking.
I've never cooked before, but that should be fine, since I usually just pretend to eat.
Well, I can cook and eat for the both of us.
So we've decided to have an orphans Thanksgiving all together.
I mean, I guess you could come over here if you wanted.
And this year I'm so thankful for the lax indecency laws in Eastern Europe that inundate our Internet with millions of hours of hard-core porn.
You know, ever since I was a little boy, I knew what God wanted me to do and that was make money off the backs of creative people.
I am so thankful that he, for whatever reason, has not murdered me yet.
You have such a vast future ahead of you.
You'll meet so many new and different women. So many wonderful women to go out with and break up with and move on from.
You should be thankful that this table is too long for me to reach across and strangle you, bitch!
What are you doing here? How are you alive?
When I woke up and regained consciousness, I felt better than ever.
The only thing you're carrying is water weight, you bloated little tramp.
I have a little game to play that's gonna make the time fly right by.
No, I've never killed anyone as far as I know.
Okay, there is no evidence at all that mass murder is genetic.
I would say that is more than a little suspicious.
I have bathroom shame issues. I always wait until everyone is asleep and then I sneak down to poop in the little powder room downstairs.
I mean, don't we all agree that those babies are the killers?
That seems like an unnecessarily complicated cover story.
I think we have plenty here to go to the police.
What, are you drunk?
You know, the one time I call you for a little advice, you're hammered.
I suppose we should discuss the matter of payment.
I'm asking you to name your price.
Are you propositioning me?
No, I'm asking how much money it'll take to make you go away.
My family is super-gross rich.
That outfit screams desperation.
I am, however, willing to write you a check for $50,000 if you will leave now and never come back.
It's a lot of money for a family like yours.
What is the best part about Thanksgiving?
Tastes like Henry VIII just barfed in my mouth.
Well, I don't want to sound like a dick here, but have you ever considered maybe you should leave?
I brought some of my famous eight-meat stuffing. It's beef, venison, alligator, buffalo, rabbit, goat, rattlesnake and Spam. I cut all of the meats super thin, so that you're guaranteed every meat in every bite.
I thought you said you were leaving forever or something like that?
Have you ever even cracked open a book?
You did say just the other day that the only way to live is to play the long game.
I really hope you can come up with something better than that.
I can prove that you're the only person in this room we know for a fact is a murderer.
I saw you in the coffee shop the other day, reading one of your old Playgirl magazines.
Okay, look, there's just some stuff that doesn't add up.
Look, I've gone through all the suspects in my mind, and I can explain away all my suspicions for everyone except you.
Can we just talk this out, so you can help me see that I'm wrong?
I mean, it would fit in with your whole hard worker, let's find out the truth, never take no for an answer, awful personality.
Anything to redeem your beloved dead mother.
I can't rest when the killer's still out there, so I stayed behind to do some more research.
You're skinny and pretty, so that's a plus, but it's highly competitive, so you'd better be rich, too.
You know how at the beginning of the year, I was always secretly following you so I could just keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe?
I heard you talking to someone, but I couldn't hear what it was about.
Thank you for letting me talk about this, talk this out, and hear your side of the story.
Um, homely, ugly.
Gold digger! Not welcome.
No, no, too chunky to wear that outfit.
I'm fairly certain this board game's been tampered with.
And while my motivations were airtight and my conscience clear, still, I'm sorry.
I mean, no one deserves to be spoken to like that, particularly not by what is, without a doubt, the most awful family in America.
I've honestly seen more tasteful decor at a Sizzler.
And you, sir, give the kind, hard-working, deeply moral people who work in such a wonderful industry as Hollywood a bad name.
I am walking out that door and never speaking to you again.
How could such a stud evolve from a boy who was so clearly a douche?
Oh, please, look, I-I was so bombed at that party. I mean, I remember I puked while I was making out with some girl, but there is no way that I could've found my way back down there 20 minutes later, let alone 20 years.
This is really embarrassing, um, but I started the paleo diet, because I'm back on the dating scene now, and I-I wanted to lose some weight.
I never saw a body down there.
I-I was a bit of a man slut back in the day, and it was the '90s, so nobody wore condoms.
I'm obligated to take it to the police.
What are you gonna do with the money?
didn't take the money, idiot.
Okay, first of all, I experienced extreme emotional trauma this evening, and second, I'm the one delegating tasks, thank you very much.
I couldn't find any matches.
I was sharpening this knife.
You haven't eaten yet, have you? I knew it!
You've come back. You've chosen me over your awful family.
First of all, my family is awesome. How dare you?
So, without further ado, dinner is served.
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jjmaybanksblog · 4 years
Where Were You in the Morning?- John B pt 4
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Summary: Based on 'Where Were You in the Morning' by Shawn Mendes.
Word count: 1,252
Warnings: None
You paced in your bedroom. 'Why did I leave him? I felt something there, but I was a little bitch and left.' You thought to yourself, combing your hands through your hair, noticing you were still in his clothes. 
You took a look at yourself in the mirror, suddenly feeling disgusted with your  actions. You had walked out on one night stands before, but in this case it felt as though you had a 300 pound weight on your chest. 
You never expected to care so much about someone, especially someone you had just met. You changed out of his clothes and folded them neatly, placing them on the bed. Staring at the items of clothing, you were unaware about how you would get them back to him.
You nervously nibbled on your bottom lip, until you realized there was only one thing you could do. Pulling out a notepad, you took a pen and wrote 'I'm so sorry. Whenever you're ready please text me.
Y/N xxx-xxx-xxxx"
Closing your eyes, you tried to remember where his house was. After getting a mental image of which way John B drove, you realized his house should be close to yours. You hopped into the car with the pile of clothes in the passenger's seat. You gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning a shade of white for a moment. You backed out of the driveway, and headed to his house, sitting in silence, but your thoughts louder than ever.
'I can't believe I just left him like that'
'He deserves so much better'
'Im such a whore. I'm disgusting.'
'But I'm also just another girl who got passed along.'
'He was so different from the others, why?'
Your thoughts wondered to imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with John B, how much of an amazing person he is. 'He could treat me right. In that one night I got him, I felt much more than a physical connection. He understands me, solely from taking one look in my eyes. He welcomed me into his life so easily, like it was the easiest decision he has ever made.'
You squeezed a small tear drop out of your eye, quickly wiping it as you approached his house. Parking the car, you placed his folded clothes on his front step. You made a fist and was about to knock on the door, but abruptly stopped. 
Backing away from the door, you took one last look before heading back into the car. As you sat in the driver's seat, you slammed your head on the wheel, accidently honking the horn. Jumping from the noise, you turned on the car and drove away. Slowly watching his house leave your vision.
*1 week later*
John B turned around in his bed, and saw the blonde girl he had met last night at a Kegger. His eyes stared at the back of her head, not satisfied with how things went. 'She doesn't compare to Y/N, why did I even bother trying?' This was his 4th time trying to get over you, but something about you kept drawing him back.
'Y/N.' That was the only thought on his mind as he stared at the unknown girl. You left his clothes at the doorstep with your number, and he has been so tempted to text you. Tell you that he couldn't get you off his fucking mind. Fuck it. He reached behind him, grabbing his phone.
"Meet me at this park at 3 p.m. Keep walking till you get to the lake, there's one bench next to a rose bush. I'll see you there- John B"
He sighed, running his hands through his hair. The mystery girl shuffled, turning herself around to look at him. "Thank you for last night." She flirtatiously smiled at the attractive brunette.
"You're welcome." Was all he said before getting out of bed.
Your heart raced as you stared at the text. 'Am I ready to talk to John B face to face? Even if I wasn't, I can't just leave him, again.' It was 1:30, giving you plenty of time to get ready. Never have you ever been this anxious to see somebody. 
You showered for a bit taking your time thinking about what you would say to him, how to explain how you felt. Why you left him like that. You wished you didn't, he was the best guy you had ever come across, and you lost him because you were too worried about your own feelings.
You sat down at the bench, waiting for John B. Your leg began to shake as you got anxious, your stomach felt empty even though you had eaten before. Your heart was racing, hands were shaking, you felt like you were on the verge of throwing them. Rustling of leaves behind you made your nerves worse.
Faster than you knew it, the familiar scent of his cologne filled the space next to you. You didn't look at each other, instead simply stared at the lake in front of you two. 
For a few minutes, the only thing that could be heard between you was the sound of the wind, the bushes rustling, and birds tweeting every now and then. "I'm so sorry." Your breath hitched. "Leaving you there was one of the shittiest things I've ever done." 
"Do you know how much it hurt? Thinking that maybe we could've been more than a one night stand?" John B sighed, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. 
"I was scared of falling for you. I know that sounds so fucking stupid but please let me explain." For the first time, John B turned his head towards you, looking right into your eyes. You didn't want to blink, starting into his eyes was so intimidating. 
"I get so attached to it easily. With everyone I get attached to, they end up leaving me, hurting me. It's been that way since my childhood. It was like a lesson, every time I tried, I would get hurt. I'm afraid to let people in because the more I let in, the more it will hurt when they leave."
"I would never hurt you." John B mumbled to her, his thumbs fiddling together. "I know that now. And when, when we were in bed, even before that, I felt this connection with you and that scared me. Because it was so easy to feel something with you, I knew that this feeling wouldn't last and you would leave. When I woke up and you had your arm around me, everything felt so right. It was like a dream I didn't want to wake up from." 
John B reached over and held onto your hand. "When I woke up and you weren't there, I felt like I wasn't enough for you. I tried to stop thinking about you, I really did. So many nights I tried to find someone new, but they didn't compare to you, Y/N. I didn't feel anything next to those girls. But when I was with you something in my mind felt complete. I honestly don't know why but you're one of the only girls I have spoken to that haven't just used me for games or to get what they want." 
"What does this make us?" You asked, looking down at your locked hands.
"I don't know yet, but I would like to find out." 
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