#i hope i can start writing more male reader drabbles too
sanjisboyfie · 11 months
trying to find x male readers is so hard on this site..even the canonically gay male characters aren’t safe from the x fem reader tag
this + i specifically look for "x male reader" and then fem reader shit comes up 😭😭 its literally a constant struggle and so fucking annoying tbh
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loganwritesprobably · 3 months
First Meetings with.. (One Piece Edition)
Part two with Zoro, Robin and Luffy Part three with Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy Part four with Benn, Shanks and Smoker
A tumblr exclusive collection of little reader insert drabbles - these won't be going on my AO3, these are just for the feral people of this wonderful hellscape
Requests are open for x reader things! I will write basically ANY kind of reader - male, female, non-binary, gender neutral, trans, disabled, black, white, latino, asian, neurodivergent, etc
I'll probably do more over time but here's three to start with - Ace, Law and Sanji. Readers are all gender neutral, but for Sanji reader is fem presenting (so he would be nice)
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"Well hey there gorgeous." A voice said behind you, startling you to the point of hitting your hand against the counter in front of you. You were just minding your business, attempting to buy some food for the week, when some random guy had appeared behind you. You had half a mind to turn around and give him a piece of your mind, when the shopkeeper's eyes widened, and whispered his name. Fire Fist Ace. The pirate. "Who do you think you are?" You asked, turning to face him with a scowl. You wouldn't attack him outright, but you were not happy with the look on his face (now that you could see it) and wouldn't let it go. "Your future boyfriend, hopefully." Ace replied, and you scoffed. You turned back to the shopkeeper and bought your groceries, before making to leave the store. Ace followed behind you closely, making no secret of the fact that he was there.
"Are you lost?" You snarked, rolling your eyes at Ace. He was persistent, you'd give him that. "Oh no, just hoping you'll look at me like that again. You're perfect." "You're disgusting." You grumbled, although you'd certainly never been called perfect before, and in another circumstance you wouldn't be mad about it. "Hey, now that's harsh." Ace replied, but he was laughing as he said it, clearly unphased by your displeasure being directed at him. You took off walking again, not walking toward your place since you didn't exactly want to lead him straight to it.
Ace, to his credit, continued to follow you and eventually began to just talk. He seemed to be able to talk forever, uncaring whether or not you were listening - though you were. He was a pirate, pretty high bounty, almost a warlord, he had a little brother who he was stupid proud of, and an even bigger family waiting for him back on his main ship. "While this is all very nice, are you going to leave me be any time soon?" You asked eventually, back on the main street of the town once again. "Are you going to tell me your name?" That was all? You told him your name, utterly exasperate it. "Well, gorgeous, you'll be seeing more of me soon." With that, he took off in the opposite direction of your home, with a swagger in his step, happy he'd gotten what he wanted. You kind of hoped that you would be seeing him again soon - you liked him, reluctantly.
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You weren't even hurt that badly. The guys were gone, and you were managing to stumble home just fine. You had a first aid kit in the kitchen that would be able to patch you up, and then you could go to the doctor when you had the time and had gotten some sleep. It was too late to go see her now.
As you stumbled down the dark street, clutching walls for stability, a man began to approach you. "Fuck off! Not in the mood." You snarled, clutching the broken shard of glass you'd gotten in the fight, a strip of your shirt wrapped around it to protect your hand. "You're injured." The guy stated flatly, and then you'd hit a stalemate. "Duh?" You said, still brandishing the shard in your hand. "I can fix it. I'm a doctor. Don't have to drop the glass, but I'd prefer if you didn't stab me." The supposed doctor drawled. He seemed.. familiar. Something about him just sparked recognition in the back of your mind, and that put you a little on edge. "You're familiar - why?" You questioned, shuffling backward to get a little further away from him while you waited on his answer. "I'm Trafalgar Law. My bounty poster is on the wall you're clutching." The pirate doctor pointed out, nodding toward it. Well, that made sense. Surgeon of death you'd heard him called - so at least that meant he was a doctor right? "Alright. But one wrong move and you'll be needing your own medical care." You threatened, and Law just half nodded. He knelt down in front of you to look at your wound, then pulled some bandages from a pocket in his coat. He wrapped your leg, doing so in complete silence and without hesitation. When he was done, he stood again and grunted as he nodded.
"Should be fine now. It'll hurt to walk still, but less risk of infection." He summarised, stepping around you to continue in the direction he'd been going. "Wait! Why did you do that?" You asked, spinning quickly on your good leg. "You're cute." He said simply, a small smirk on his face. He lifted his hand, said a word you didn't hear, and then in a flash of blue light he was gone.
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You'd bumped into him entirely by chance, and gotten talking. He was a nice guy, he was sweet if a little much when it came to women he saw. You didn't mind - you could see that his intentions were good, for the most part. He offered to pay for a drink for you, since you'd narrowly avoided colliding with him outside of a bar, and you'd accepted. He let you order what you wanted, and he paid, not even blinking. It was second nature to him. He was kind, and offered endless compliments that you withstood with a smile on your face - you weren't quite used to such a bombardment of affection.
He disappeared after an hour or so, but returned the next day. You'd tried to ask where he went, but he danced around the question and asked you on an official date. You'd had a nice enough time the day before, and so you agreed.
He took you to a restaurant, it was classier than you usually allowed yourself to go to with a modest amount of money, but it didn't seem to be any object for him. He told you that he wouldn't compromise on good food, and allowed you to order anything you'd like, with no concerns about how many beri it would set him back. It felt nice not to worry about it for once. You ordered starters, then mains, with drinks flowing easily between you, and then a dessert to share to end the experience. You'd been there for hours, but with the money that you'd spent, no waiter could argue.
The conversation between you was easy and light, he was enraptured by your every word, he couldn't help it. He looked at you as if you'd hung the very stars in the sky. "All I've done is talk. I know almost nothing about you." You said to him, and Sanji laughed awkwardly. "I suppose so. But I'm afraid there's not much to tell." He said, and just as you'd been about to argue, a woman with orange hair came bursting into the restaurant calling his name. You looked at him with wide eyes and stood quickly. "No! She's not-" Sanji said hurriedly. "How much of my money was spent on this date?" Nami demanded, fire in her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't realise you were-" You attempted to say to the woman, hoping she wouldn't direct her frightening anger at you. "Oh you're gorgeous. Well played cook, didn't think you had it in you." She praised, and then bewildered confusion fell over you. "Oh Nami, your praise is a balm on my heart." You rolled your eyes and folded your arms, raising an expectant eyebrow as you stared at Sanji, waiting for an explanation. "I'm a pirate. She's our navigator, and.. treasurer I suppose." He explained, and you sighed. "So you're not staying." "I can't." Sanji agreed, with a sad smile and nod. "But we're not leaving for another few days. So have fun while you can." Nami said, giving you a wink and Sanji a firm punch before turning to leave the restaurant.
Fun. You could do that.
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Chan doesn't usually rank very high on the pack's jealousy scale. But bring in a brat-more importantly, his brat-and a direct challenge, and you've got a recipe for disaster. (or fun. Mostly fun.)
I needed you to have this daddy dom Chan chapter I wrote in a completely crazed fever dream first.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, skz x you, skz x reader, skz!pack, poly!skz, skz!abo, omegaverse, ot8 x you, ot8 x reader, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, y/n, skz imagines, skz reactions, skz scenarios, skz smut, skz fluff
Genre: Non-explicit Smut, Fluff, Crack
Warnings: Breeding Kink, Funishment, Mentions of BC Removal, Possessive, Jealous Daddy Dom Chan (you've been warned)
Title: Punish Me
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“C’mon, sugar, let me buy you a drink. One drink won’t hurt. Let me take care of you.” 
You smile sweetly-so fakely saccharine that it makes your teeth ache-at the persistent alpha leaning against the bar beside you and take another long slow sip of your wine, still half full. 
“That is so sweet.” You purr back, putting on the act, just to see how far he’s willing to go to try and get into your pants. 
Alpha Males, you scoff silently in your head, as he leans toward you, one arm laid on the bar beside your own, reading into your reply as interest. 
He cocks a brow and gives you the start of a smirk. “So c’mon then. What’ll it be?” 
You force yourself not to wrinkle your nose at the overwhelming scent of coppery steel washing over you at his words. 
“Like I said before though,” You put on a show of hesitating, glancing around as if you’re looking for someone, and the guy follows your gaze, expression smug. You tilt your head toward him, offering him what you hope is an unsure smile. “I’m fairly well taken care of already.” 
“Don’t play coy.” The guy says, a slight sneer on his lips now, as he puffs his chest and closes the distance between the two of you, fingers looping around your wrist a bit too strongly for your liking. 
He looks down at you, and his lips curl.
 “If you’re here alone, sugar, you can just say so.” The light in his eyes goes dangerous as he leans into your space, lips against your temple, voice dropping. “I’m more than happy to take you home.” 
You roll your eyes, opening your mouth to respond, ready to drop the whole ‘agreeable, single female’ act, when a wave of thunderous storm swirls the air around you, electrifying it instantly. 
You smirk up at the strange alpha, who looks slightly caught off guard, and feel a powerful presence appear at your back. 
“Actually-” Chan’s deep growl rumbles through you, and your wolf shivers in anticipation, as his hands come down to rest heavily on your shoulders, glare narrowed in on the man standing before you, almost between your legs. “-she’s not here alone. So why don’t you fuck off back to where you came from, mate?” 
The alpha raises his hands in defeat and takes a step back, clearly wanting no part of whatever this is with Chan. 
“Fine, man. Whatever. I don’t want any trouble.” 
He disappears into the crowd as quickly as he came, probably off to bother some other seemingly helpless, lonely female. 
Chan is still tense at your back, and you bite back a smile as you reach for your wine, taking another sip, before you address him casually, “Pretty boy.” 
You set your glass back down and tap your fingers along the bar top, cocking your head, even as you stare at where the guy had disappeared only moments before. 
“Took you long enough.” 
Chan scoffs behind you, and you glance up to see him arching a brow, staring down at you, a slight smirk starting to curl his lips. 
Unlike the strange alpha from before, the look on your mate has butterflies swirling in your stomach. 
He reaches around you and smoothly downs the rest of your drink in one go. 
“It looked like you had it under control.” He remarks dryly, still wearing that stupid smirk-the territorial, slightly dangerous, amused one-that makes you want to rip all his clothes off right here and now. 
“I did.” You reply back, twirling the now empty glass on the bar, still not looking back at him. 
He slides a hand around the front of your throat, tilting your head back to force you to meet his heated gaze, his lips now pulled into a serious line that sends your heart racing in your chest. 
“I know you can handle yourself just fine, little alpha, but-” His fingers tighten slightly around your throat, and you resist the urge to shiver at the look in his dark eyes as he glides his gaze possessively down your body, his voice a low growl in your ear as he suddenly yanks you back flush against him. “-this? This is mine. And I needed to give everyone here a clear reminder of that.” 
You gasp as his teeth nip your earlobe. 
You can feel him, pressing against every inch of your back, and suddenly, getting out of this seedy college bar and back to the house as quickly as possible becomes your top priority. 
However, you’re not quite ready to give up the game-and subsequently, this hot, possessive version of Chan-just yet. 
So instead of dragging him directly to the nearest car and undressing him in the backseat, you take a deep breath, and remark calmly-like your heart isn’t currently fighting to rip through your chest, like your inner thighs aren’t already wet with heat that he and his little show put there-
“I get the feeling you’re ready to leave. But I have a stipulation.” 
You spin on the bar stool to face him, and his expression is guarded, cautious, eyes dark and unreadable. 
When you don’t immediately speak, he growls out, “Go on.” 
You clench your thighs at his tone of voice, and by the way his eyes travel slowly down to your legs, bare in your dress, and the smirk that starts to curve his lips, you know he knows. 
You ignore him and push on doggedly. 
“You let someone in this bar buy me a drink before we go.” 
Chan’s entire body tenses at your words, and you have to bite back a triumphant grin at the immediate wave of petrichor that rolls off of him dangerously at your suggestion. 
You hold up a finger. “Just one, but you can’t interfere.” You arch a brow at him. “That means allowing flirting and touching, as long as it seems I’ve got it all under control.” 
Chan growls low and threatening beneath his breath, sending a shiver down your spine, and his brow furrows, clearly unhappy, but he finally straightens and blows out a long resigned breath between his lips, fixing a glare on you. 
“Fine.” He waves the bartender over to refill your wine glass and takes his own drink in white knuckled fingers. 
He does not look happy about this. 
The brat inside of you giggles gleefully, and you force yourself to remember to breathe as he steps back from you, eyes intently holding your own, warning written all over his serious expression. 
“But I step in immediately if something seems sketchy.” 
You nod, giving him the hint of a smile, which he doesn’t return, as he takes another backward step toward an unoccupied table in a dark corner, still in view of the full length bar you currently sit at. 
“I’ll be watching, little alpha.” 
His words send a pleasant shudder down your body, and you watch as he disappears into shadow, turning back to the bar to take a shaky, long gulp of your alcohol. 
You sit alone for several moments, intently aware the whole time of Chan’s eyes on you, making you feel hot all over. 
You sway slightly to the music, sipping your wine, and adjust yourself on the stool, making sure the long slit of the skirt you wear is in place to show your entire lower leg and tempting slivers of your thigh. 
You can practically sense Chan shift uneasily from the shadows, and you bite back a triumphant grin. 
Got him. 
You glance toward him, and he arches a brow at you, raising his glass to you in some sort of snarky salute, before he downs the rest of his drink. 
You’re well aware he knows exactly what you’re doing. 
It just makes the victory all the more sweet. 
“Hi.” You whip around to see a tall guy lean against the bar beside you, and by the immediate smell of clover and grass that sweeps over you as he waves over the bartender, you know he’s another alpha. 
Got him. 
You paste on your most innocent smile and widen your eyes as much as possible, pursing your lips as you covertly tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, focusing your gaze on the bar, trying to play shy,
“Hi.” You return, soft and husky, and the guy glances sidelong at you, obvious interest clear in his expression. 
“I haven’t seen you here before.” You fight the urge to roll your eyes at the very obvious line, but take a sip of your drink and say lightly instead, “Yeah, I usually frequent the bar on the other side of campus.” 
“Oh?” The guy arches his brow and takes a sip of his beer, turning to face you fully now, leaning into your space. “What brings you to this side of campus tonight?” 
He smiles at you, and he’s cute, you admit-white, straight teeth and bronze skin and dark hair sweeping over his brow, green eyes-but he’s not your type. 
No, your type is currently sitting in the corner, watching everything unfold. 
You can practically feel the waves of possession washing over you. 
You resist the urge to smirk. 
You take another sip of your drink and shrug, not missing the way his eyes flit to the bare skin of your shoulder as it flashes beneath your cardigan. 
“Some friends.” 
The guy nods his head, as if in understanding, and turns to face the dance floor, eyes sweeping the tightly packed crowd. 
“Yeah, I get that.” He raises his voice over the music, taking another drink of his beer as he grins over at you. “Mine ditched me for some more, shall we say, scintillating company on the dance floor.” 
You laugh, nodding like you understand, and dart a quick look in the direction of Chan’s table. 
He’s leaning back into the dark now, and all you can see are his black jean clad legs, and his knuckles, white and clenched, around the form of his empty glass. 
You bite back a smug smile, and turn back to the alpha at the bar. 
“Yeah, mine are probably puking in the bathroom by now, or on their way back to the dorms with some guy named Dan in an uber.” 
The guy laughs, and it’s a nice sound, but every nerve in your body is on high alert under the alpha’s unwavering gaze from the corner. 
You can feel the heat gathering between your thighs at the thought of what he’s going to do to you after this is over. 
This is mine. And I needed to give everyone here a clear reminder of that. You can feel the ghost of his fingers wrapped around your throat, and you suppress a shudder. 
The guy next to you places a hand over your own, and you resist the urge not to jump, as you turn a smile to him, arching a brow. 
He grins. “Can I buy you a drink?” There it is. 
You nod. “Absolutely.” 
He removes his hand from your own to wave over the bartender once more, and you sneak another glance to the table in the corner. 
Chan hasn’t moved, but you can feel his eyes boring into you. 
Alpha guy slides a shot in front of you, and holds up his own, as if in toast. 
“To being friendless tonight then.” You laugh and hold up your own glass to clink against his. 
“To being friendless.” 
You down the bitter alcohol in one swoop, and the guy beside you does the same. It burns on the way down, warming you from the inside out, but not as much as Chan’s narrowed gaze burns you up from the shadows. 
“Anyway, I-” The guy beside you starts to say, and you brace yourself for him to make a move, when you’re saved by another guy appearing from the dance floor at just that moment, hair matted with sweat, eyes wild as they fall on your male counterpart. 
“Dude. There you are!” He slaps the guy beside you on the shoulder so hard he winces. “Come dance with us!” 
The guy glances to you, and you give him a smile, before shrugging. 
“No longer friendless I guess.” 
He offers you a regretful look as his buddy, who hasn’t even noticed your presence, makes an attempt to drag him toward the writhing mass of bodies on the dance floor. 
He hesitates momentarily. “I guess.” He glances to his impatient friend, and then back to you. “See you around?” 
You hold up your empty shot glass in cheers. 
“See you around, friendless.” 
He gives you a small smile, and lets his buddy drag him off, disappearing from sight into the crowd. 
He won’t see you around, but who are you to break a nice guy’s heart? 
The sudden scent of thunderstorm makes you shiver, and hands clamp down roughly without warning on the bare, warm skin of your shoulders, Chan’s teeth against your throat making you jump slightly, letting out a gasp as he bares them and drags the sharp points of his canine across the sensitive skin. 
His fingers close around the front of your throat, holding you in place as he presses his body-and his very clear arousal- dominantly into yours from behind, and you squirm on your seat, instant, wet heat blooming between your thighs in response to the low, dangerous timber of his voice against your ear. 
“Get in the car, little alpha. We’re going home.” 
******* “Are you pleased with yourself?” Chan asks after shutting and locking his bedroom door, stripping off his jacket in one slow motion, as he keeps you pinned beneath his fiery gaze. 
You offer him a smug smirk, backing slowly away from him, toward the large bed, as you kick off your heels. 
“Yeah, I think I am actually.” 
Something minute hardens in Chan’s gaze, as he tosses his jacket aside, and takes a stalking step in your direction. 
“You like being contrary?” He questions in a low tone, though you can tell by the dangerous spark in his golden eyes and the punishing stance of his body that he already knows the answer. Another step. “You like making me jealous?” 
You cock your head and sink onto the edge of the bed with a triumphant expression. 
His eyes flash and he takes another menacing step toward you. 
“You like seeing me upset with you? Like seeing me insane out of my mind with possessiveness?” 
You nod, and your entire body aches in delicious anticipation. 
He rolls his tongue in his cheek-an angry motion, but it’s entirely too hot-and pins you beneath his gaze, taking that last step toward you before knocking your knees apart and stepping between them, forcing you to look up at him now as he towers over you. 
Your entire body quivers as his thunderous scent crashes over you in one, violent wave. 
His fingers find their way into your hair, tangling there, tugging against your scalp, and without warning, he wrenches your head back to make you look up at him, forcing a slight gasp from between your lips at the delicious, punishing sting. 
He leans down until your noses are brushing, golden, heated eyes flashing furiously, his voice dropping into a growl that makes your insides melt instantly into hot need between your thighs. 
“You want me to punish you, little alpha?” 
You nod without thinking, and when you speak, your voice is noticeably breathless, a needy little whimper, a plea to his angry alpha. 
His lips quirk wickedly, and he releases his hold on your hair, shoving you back on the bed as he crawls to straddle you with a growl, his hand going to your throat and his knees going on your arms to completely pin you in place. 
Every nerve is tingling at the feel of his weight on your own. 
“Oh, baby.” He purrs, as he arches a brow at you smugly, lips curling into a smirk that has you squirming beneath him with need. 
He runs a finger slowly down the hot, flushed skin of your throat, and a whine is ripped from your lips without your consent. 
His breath is hot against the shell of your ear as he leans down and whispers dangerously, “It’s funny how you think I care what your answer to that question is. Because we both know, you’re going to be punished for your little show earlier whether you want to be or not.” 
You swallow, your throat bobbing, and his eyes spark predatorily at the slight show of weakness. 
His fingers tighten around the column of your throat, and your breath stutters to a stop in your chest. 
“Besides-” He leans into you, his obvious hardness between your legs making you whimper, and drags his teeth down the skin of your throat, over your mating mark, before he bites down, hard, hard enough to hurt, but only enough to heighten the sudden, intense need you feel.  
You writhe in his hold, and he flicks his eyes to yours, before lathing his tongue over the stinging mark reddening your skin. 
“-I think you need a little reminder of who you belong to, don’t you?” 
You nod, breathless, and he pinches your cheeks between his fingers. 
“Words, baby. Use them.” 
“Yes. I need a reminder.” 
Pride flashes across his gaze at your consenting words, and he reaches for the buckle of his jeans, baring himself and making you shiver beneath him as you hungrily drink him in, nestled still between your legs. 
He hikes up your skirt with his other hand, and you openly pant, as he slides a finger along the skin of your inner thighs, testing your wetness. 
He openly groans, responding to your harsh intake of breath at his touch, and meets your wild gaze with the hooded darkness of his own, licking his lips slowly as he preps you.
“Listen closely.” He shifts against you, and you feel as if your entire body sparks into a raging fire at the feel of him. 
He leans one hand into the bed right above your head, holding himself above you, and you resist the urge to tug him down and crash his lips into yours. 
He’s in control right now, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Your muscles tense and quiver as he leans into you, breath hot as it washes across your skin, and lowers himself another inch between your legs, testing you. 
You suck your bottom lip between your teeth and bite down so hard you taste copper. 
Chan’s eyes flash, and his voice is a commanding growl, as he tugs your head back once more to meet his gaze. 
“You’re going to take every inch of me, without a sound, like a good girl who accepts her punishment, and then, when we’re done, I’ll reward you with a release. Understood?” 
You nod, and he gives you a hard, silent look, spurring you on to remember to use your words, like he’s always so fond of. 
“Yes, alpha.” You reply obediently, and his expression shifts, and without warning, he sinks into you. 
You bite back the gasp threatening to break from your throat, and Chan groans, low and long, in the back of his own throat, clenching his teeth against your skin as he digs his fingers into the bed above your head. 
“Good fucking girl.” He growls out, and begins to move, and you’re pretty sure you see stars. 
Being with Chan is always like this-hot and fast and punishing at first-but always completely worth it in the end. 
He lets his teeth graze down your shoulder as you arch up into him, across the still aching mating mark, and down the skin of your upper arm, pausing as his teeth brush the obvious outline of your birth control implant beneath your flesh. 
He pauses, both of you breathless in the space between you, and then he glances up from his position above your stomach, pinning you down with the intensity of his suddenly heated stare. 
He ducks his head, holding your gaze, and lets his teeth graze across the implant once more, tugging at it slightly with his sharp canines in a way that makes you tingle and pant for breath. 
“Some day, little alpha-” He muses below the sound of your lost breath, running his fingers over the raised skin, and the device beneath, scratching at it slightly, enough to sting your already sensitive skin. “I’ll rip this out, and fill you up with all my pups.” 
You clench up with his searing words, and Chan sucks in a harsh breath in response, smirking up at you as you quiver beneath him. 
“Ah, you like the sound of that, hm, baby?” He grins wickedly, letting the wet heat of his mouth suck on the skin that covers the implant once more, your body convulsing in response. 
“Like the thought of alpha’s pups, hm?” He murmurs against your skin, kissing along the line of your arm, before he nips the skin above the implant sharply once more, rising up again to meet you, covering your mouth roughly with his own. “I’ll give them to you, baby, all of them. Fill you up so good.” 
His tongue tangles with yours, and he moves again, and everything blacks out in a sea of wave after wave of pleasure. 
You’re lying in the middle of the bed, still trying to come down from the high moments earlier, chest heaving, when Chan chuckles without prompting from his spot between your legs. 
You glare at him weakly from beneath the safety of your arm, flung across your face, and stick your tongue out at him. 
You jump slightly at the first feel of the warm rag he’d brought from the bathroom against your inner thighs, but instantly relax into his tender, but firm hold, as he begins to wipe down your legs, cleaning you up in smooth strokes. 
“Nothing.” He shakes his head with another chuckle, and glances at you when he gives your inner thigh another swipe. “You just really are a brat.” 
You grin and hide back behind your arm, suddenly tired to the bone with the feel of his hands on you and the warmth of being cleaned. 
“It’s what I do best.” 
He hums beneath his breath in response, and there is silence for several moments as he continues to clean you methodically. 
You feel yourself sinking into the soft mattress, your eyes and body growing heavy. 
“I know the guy, by the way.” Chan speaks up again, and you raise your head off the bed to glance at him in bleary, tired, post sex confusion. 
He shoots you an amused look, moving the rag to wipe the warmth across your lower stomach, his fingers looping loosely around your ankle to move you where he needs you. 
“The guy at the bar.” He offers in explanation, and you furrow your brow, still not catching up. 
“His name’s Sammy.” He remarks casually, before tossing the rag aside and climbing once more to straddle you on the bed, running a gentle finger down your cheekbone, across the swell of your breasts, before he leans forward to press a soft kiss to your gapped lips. “Wouldn’t hurt a fly.” 
The puzzle pieces are still clicking into place in your head, and Chan sits back, watching you with open amusement now. 
Suddenly, you gasp and shove him, hard, right in the center of his chest. 
He doesn’t even budge, laughing again, harder this time. 
“You set me up!” 
Chan’s eyes twinkle with mischief, as he pins your still flailing hands back against the bed above your head and keeps you down with the weight of his body. 
“I didn’t ‘set you up.’ I simply-” He shrugs, grinning cheekily down at you. “-couldn’t leave some things to chance. Not when you insisted on being so goddamn stubborn and putting yourself at risk.” 
“I could’ve handled any alpha in that bar tonight.” You pout, crossing your arms over your chest as he releases you, but still refusing to look at him, out of principle. 
“I know, baby.” Chan placates you warmly, leaning over to press kisses to your cheeks and mouth until you give up the pout and swat him away halfheartedly. 
“So your friend-” You question, glaring up at him, even though your outrage is slipping away as quickly as it appeared in the face of his adorable dimples, revealed by his triumphant grin, curls still sweaty and tousled from your fingers. 
“Sammy.” You repeat sourly, sticking your tongue out at him, and he laughs and leans forward, snapping his teeth as you yelp and quickly pull your tongue out of chomping range. “How’d you convince him then?” Chan shrugs easily, reaching up to rake a hand through his hair. “It wasn’t too hard.” He fixes you with a stern stare, and laughs again as you harumph and make a move to buck him off of you, to no avail. “Just told him I had a stubborn mate who was wanting to play the part of brat and make me jealous.” 
“God.” You cover your face with your hands, suddenly embarrassed. 
“Don’t worry-” Chan pulls your hands off your face, and leans down, grinning widely, as he kisses you again, slow and soft this time. When he pulls back, he’s still smiling. “-I didn’t tell him you were all hot and bothered for my possessive, dominant head alpha side. That’s our little secret, little alpha.” 
He winks at you. 
“Shut up.” You mutter beneath your breath as he chuckles, and this time, he lets you shove him off of you, stalking toward the bathroom. 
“Baby, c’mon, it’s cute!” He calls out after you, still laughing to himself at your obvious irritation. 
“Don’t come in here unless you want me to drown you in the bathtub, Christopher!” You retort back sharply over your shoulder, already seeing him rising from the bed from the corner of your eye, a wicked look on his features. 
You hide a grin of your own and flit into the bathroom, flipping him off behind you for good measure. 
“Oh, you’re going to pay for that.” Chan growls against your ear, as he catches you on the threshold, tugging you to him as you yelp and make a show of struggling. 
“I was planning on it actually.” You grin up at him sweetly, batting your eyes innocently, and he growls once more, before tossing you easily over his shoulder and touting you into the bathroom as you shriek with laughter. 
Perfect. Time for round two.
💗 Taglist:
@starlostjimin /
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ratskinsuit · 8 months
Romantic Velvette headcanon with a male autistic S/O if you can? (Can be either SFW or NSFW or both, but it’s up to you)
Velvette x Autistic Male!Reader
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A/N: Okay so I personally am not autistic, but I have a lot of friends who are. I tried to research to get more information so that I could make this accurate and not offend anyone. And huge thanks to @rdgart12345 for telling me a bit about autistic traits so I could better understand and write an autistic reader correctly! I hope that I didn’t offend anyone or spread misinformation. Otherwise please enjoy!
(Picture credits to GemSubArt on deviantart)
Okay so when you two first started dating and you told her you were autistic she wouldent really know what it is
Once you explain it to her however she would start to understand
To better understand you she would do a bunch of research and ask a lot of questions
She would try to educate herself so much so that she can be a good partner to you (Plz I love her sm)
If you don’t like certain textures of food, or clothes or blankets she will try to find something else that you feel comfortable with
Like if you don’t like the feel of a certain food she will find something else for you to eat and won’t get mad
She just wants you to be comfortable eating and not get stressed out (she will try to memorize what textures your don’t like and will try to avoid them as best as she can)
If you tend to fidgit a lot or need something to keep you entertained she got you
If you ever ask her if she has anything you can do she has a bag full
Things like fidget toys, game recommendations for phones/iPads ect-, sketchbooks, coloring books, you name it
Will bring you to work with her if you don’t work or are just free and cuddle you in her lap if it’s just in her office (if your not okay with touching you two are just chilling together)
If you two are ever out at like a party or something and get overstimulated, or everything is just too loud and your overwhelmed she will notice (even if you don’t tell her)
Once she finds out she will take you somewhere quieter and give you things like noise cancelling headphones, or music to listen to, or fidgets from her bag
And if you want to be alone, I’m ngl she would be kind of hesitant to but would, or if you want her there she would just kind of cuddle you and stroke your hair
forhead kisses (not even just for autism it’s just her in general lol
will let you talk about your hyperfixations for hours
like if you wanna talk to someone about it just call her up and she will be like “You got it pretty boy, on my way now.”
she is very affectionate, like always holding your hand, hugging/kissing you, cuddles, you name it
if you are not very touchy she will try to not do it as much but it may be hard for her.
If anyone ever insults you she will fight them
Like if you don’t like loud sounds she will ask you to leave because she will SCREAM at them
Ms girl is very protective of you and loves you with all her heart, quirks and all
It’s a lazy Saturday, you and Velvette are sitting in the couch of her apartment just spending time together, cuddling and watching shows. She has recently been working a lot and so she’s been busy and you two haven’t been spending a lot of time together.
To make it up to you, she bought you a box of your favorite candy, a little goodie bag full of small trinkets of a thing your into(your choice on what it is), full of erasers, stickers, pencils, a little squishy and other stuff.
Your laying you head on her lap, she strokes your hair and listens as you rant about your recent obsession, listening intently with a smile on her face.
You look up at her for a moment, stopping talking. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You frown.
“What? Am I not allowed to smile at my boyfriend?” She teases, pinching your cheek, leaning back with a grin.
“Ow fuck that hurt!” You complain jokingly.
“Aw you want a kiss to make it feel better?” She says, kissing your cheek, pulling back with a satisfied grin.
You blush a bit and she laughs. “Not good enough.” You joke, poking her.
“Aw man! Hm.” She thinks. “Well to make it up to you, how about we go get some of your favorite food?” She asks, as you sit up.
“Oh yes please!” You smile, getting up from the couch.
She sits up, and grabs you hand, kissing it and walking with you out the door.
A/N: First time writing an autistic reader and a male reader, I hope I did okay. Im sorry if the Drabble is not the best I had a hard time thinking of ideas.I hope you enjoyed!
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akiraruru · 1 year
HEllo! ive seen your post abt making a fic about nagi but is not sure to actually do it since you only write for genshin but PLEASEEEE we would love a good ol nagi smut. it can be anything, a drabble or a oneshot anything is good! and also if possible maybe make the reader male? if not then gn is good
A/n: hello love I'm afraid i can't really do male readers at the moment so gn will be the readers gender. this was shit <3
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At first, you thought the neediness you were feeling right now would soon disappear so you just ignored it, you never knew it would be this bad.
Nagi was playing a game for almost over 2 hours already, you are laid out on his bed, staring at the screen Nagi was looking at for hours, the light from the screen and a lamp being the only source of light around the room. "Nagiii" You whine at him, thankfully he doesn't have his headphones on so he can hear you greatly "hm?" Nagi said in response while not even sparing a glance at your, his attention was still at the game he's been playing that seems to has caught his attention greatly; highly interested in its storyline.
"Are you done? Come to bed.." You asked in hope that he actually does "wait a little bit more baby" his eyes still not lifting from the screen. You sigh is defeat, you rolled around the soft mattress to lay on your back, staring at the ceiling, the heat you're feeling right now being almost unbearable to ignore so you got up from the bed, slowly walking up to Nagi till you reached his chair, he glanced at you softly before petting his lap, signalling for you to sit while he continues to play his game. You crawled up to him and sat comfortably on his lap with your legs dangling at the sides of the chair, your back facing the pc, and your arms wrapped around his waist.
"You are just one clingy thing are you" Nagi said before lightly grabbing your chin to face him, giving your lips a peck as he lays his chin onto your shoulders. You whimpered as you started to grind on his clothed cock, Nagi let out a groan at your action as you continued to circle your hips and go back and forth, he paused the game due to your ministrations distracting him; he couldn't focus well on the game he's playing.
Nagi throws his head back and gripped your hips "Ah you.." He grunts once again before turning his full attention to you. "How about this-" He said, cutting his sentence short as he adjusted his way of position "You can cockwarm me while I game, mkay?" You look at him with glossy eyes, confusion evident on your face as you thought about it before nodding in agreement. Getting of off hin to take of your underwear before resorting to taking his sweatpants and boxers too, eager to finally feel him inside of you after waiting for so long. His cock sprung free from his boxers, you look at it for a while before getting on top of him, his hands on your hips as you slowly lowered down, moaning as it enters you before bottoming out.
You went back to hugging Nagi, content with feeling so full again.
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jamneuromain · 1 year
Highway to Hell - Shared
Series Masterlist
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Series summary: A failed mission brought you once again back on earth, a punishment that’s more pleasurable than you'd normally expect punishments to be. Your punishment? Corrupting people’s thoughts. It’s easy, in a very simple way: sexual pleasure. Turns out no man can resist such a beauty like you.
And who were you? Oh, just the devil's child.
A/N: This is a drabble of what would the four men do when they find out you have been dancing among them. Spoiler alert: they decide to share. Applause to the amazing @rogerswifesblog / @rogerswifesblog-updates who help me write this series and provide many excellent ideas to put in the fic <333
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Pairings: Cop Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Priest Steve Rogers x Reader, Bartender Ari Levinson x Reader, Uncle Curtis Everett x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Gangbang, Dub con, Double Penetration, P in V, Anal, Oral (Male Receiving), Handjob, Unprotected Sex, Age Gap (implied), Power Imbalance, Spanking, Threesome (implied), Overstimulation, Creampie (implied), Cum Play, Dummification (just a little), slightly dark(?
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On second thought, you shouldn’t have trusted Steve, who told you he needed to speak to you in somewhere private.
And you trusted him. Following him to where he said it would be “peace and quiet”.
Or else, you wouldn’t be cornered by four fuming men in a hotel room, all knowing that you have slept with them separately, while thinking they must have been your only one.
Who would doubt an innocent girl that did nothing than to accept their “generous” offer?
Lloyd, obviously.
“Smart move, sunshine.” The man with a moustache twitches his lips, far from amused, “Telling us that you are shy and rather we won’t tell anybody? Intimate moves forbidden in public? Too bad your little plan didn’t work out.”
“I didn’t plan anything.” You lie to their faces. While in fact you did, carefully choosing your “target”. Lloyd was the unexpected one of them though, since he asked you to pull over as you should have gotten a speed ticket.
“Public?” Steve grinds his teeth before growling, his temper on the thin line of exploding, “I fucked her right in the church. There were only two of us. But still…” Drawing a cross in front of his chest, Steve murmurs a few prayers silently, regardless of the other three men watching him in curiosity.
Lloyd snaps his head back to you, flashing a wolfish glint in his eyes, “The point is, you made us feel very bad about ourselves, sunshine.”
“Yeah, well, you should be proud of yourselves. I wasn’t planning on expanding the list of the men I’ve slept with.” You snap back.
“And we’re supposed to … what? Gloat?” Curtis casually says, taking off his coat, blocking the window, and probably your only hope of escaping, as Lloyd leans on the door.
“If you don’t like it. Feel free to cancel my monthly subscription.” You retort his sarcasm, crossing your arm in front of your chest.
“Gentlemen,” Ari hums in a low voice so that everyone could pay him some attention. He’s been silent ever since Steve led you into this room, “obviously we need more than a ‘monthly’ drop-by.”
The men nod in unison.
“Although we haven’t clarified the specific terms, I believe we should use her whenever we please. And, of course, as we all agree to, share.” Ari smiles at you, but says the darkest thing you could ever imagine.
This was definitely not part of your plan.
“I’ll ask Jake whether he wants to be part of this.” Curtis throws an icy glare at you, “I doubt he would be a problem though. He has shared with me before.”
Lloyd mutters a “fuck”. While Steve is still mulling over his sin-clarification.
“Shall we start?” Ari is shrugging off his leather jacket as he speaks, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt.
“You can’t-” You cry in panic as the four men close in, surrounding you in the middle, “this is against the law … or something at least.”
“Oh sunshine, I am the law in this town.” Lloyd grabs your chin, his psychopathic grin gives you shivers down to your spine, “and you should be glad we decide to forgive you and share you. Or I could tie you up in my basement and invite my new friends over, occasionally.”
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You draw a deep breath.
Tears burning. Your jaw hurting. Your dripping holes spreading wide open for two cocks.
“You like that, don’t you?” Lloyd groans as he squeezes your hand tighter, guiding you to stroke his hard cock.
“Yeah she does.” Steve agrees quietly before you could answer. He knees on the couch to push his cock further in your swollen pussy, “Christ. She’s so tight.”
“Wait till you’ve tried her ass, Priest.” Ari brings his hand firmly down your ass cheek, painting it red – as if it weren’t pink and hand-printed already, “that ass is fucking heaven.” He chuckles darkly, kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear, gripping your waist, making sure you are fully seated on his thick member, “or should I say hell?”
Stuffed to the fullest with two cocks in both of your holes, you couldn’t do more than let out a mere whimper.
“Can’t believe I’ve bought her stupid acts.” Curtis spits out through gritted teeth as he feels your throat takes his cock again as far as it could, your whimper vibrates his cock. In return, he tugs your hair without mercy, “all those innocent girly acts. Fuck.”
“We all bought it.” Lloyd eyes Curtis, raising his eyebrows, mocking Curtis, “and speaking from a man that has shared her with his son before, seriously? Innocent?”
Curtis huffs but does not bother to answer.
“My turn.” As Lloyd pulls your hair, and choke you on his cock, leaving Curtis slightly irritated.
You were used by these four men for hours. Each has painted your body, both inside and outside in milky-white substance, bringing you orgasms after orgasms. Your holes red, leaking, and abused.
“No more.” You grip Lloyd’s thigh to keep balance, sniffling when he lets your head go and breathe, battling your eyelashes, but they are heavy with tears that you can’t see his expression, “hurt too much.”
“Heard that?” Lloyd barks out laughter, wiping his cock on your face, leaving traces of your saliva and cum on your rosy cheek, “she said she can’t take it, boys.”
Ari grunts out of disagreement, his fingers dancing around your rim, attempting to squeeze one in alongside his cock, “she was screaming and moaning just fine for hours. Lies.”
“Ari, please,” The helplessness inside you bubbles and fuels to your tears, “I just can’t.”
Steve peppers a trail of kisses down your throat, nibbing your shoulder, while toying with your sensitive clit, “I guess you have to be a strong girl for us then. Don’t you want to be good for all of us, hmm? We’re prepping you. More might join, you know.” He speaks softly, comforting you as always. The panting on the joint between your neck and shoulder increases when your pussy grips him. Still, he mouths your breasts, sucking little red marks on them.
“Steve-” You feel torn apart. The four men bringing you pleasure, but in their own way. As if your body belongs to them separately. And the coil in your stomach threatens to snap with greater pain and pleasure than you could withstand.
A rough hand grips your chin, forcing you to turn the other way.
The hand that has hold you for countless times, on your back with a friendly pat.
“She’s not dumb yet. She can still talk.” Curtis talks about you as if you are an object in front of him, having you clench down your thigh involuntarily. It’s degrading, but it arouses you so much than you should admit. “I’d say she could take more.” The dark brooding man inspects your teary eyes and your cum-stained face, “yeah she’s alright.”
“Heard that, sunshine?” Lloyd taps your forehead with his knuckles, “not brain-dead yet.” He grins, “but it does sound empty, folks.”
Steve wipes the cum from your pussy lips, a mixture of the previous men who has thoroughly used it before he did, onto your soft stomach, which compliments your pretty skin and your cute bellybutton. He smiles warmly, though you are not even certain at this point, “she’s always the smartest. I’d say we work harder to satisfy this little devil, hmm?”
With the element of surprise, Ari starts bouncing you on his dick, shamelessly putting his flexing biceps to use, which earns him a few strangled sounds between cries and moans from you.
He simply shrugs, on receiving three other men’s looks, “I am working.”
And you gulp in fright. When Lloyd, with his sadist grin, taps your lips to open for his heavy cock as you still struggle for air.
This would be the start of some many long nights with men more than you could handle.
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Taglist: @rosedpetal @dankoiseori @katcutie @peachlle @mrs-marc-spector
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
So You Can Do Yours
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part two up now: whatever you say, president-nim wc: 2k pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: none? i guess reader is not on good terms with father but to be fair their father is a chairman of a company so he probably is objectively not great; literally fluff and mostly platonic/you're his boss so but suggestion that wookie has a crush on reader at the end... and reader is supposed to be 19; super unrealistic but just a fun little fictional concept lol summary: uselessCEO!reader has fired every new assistant they've had in the past few months, but newassistant!gunwook thinks he might be the right man for the job. ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ this is a cute one :) gunwook is baby. gunwook is son. protect him at all costs. i've been wanting to write more for gunwookie for a while, but i was super hesitant to because i got a really freakish comment about the only small drabble i wrote for him. so five months later i'm ready to try again. please remember this is just a work of fiction and its crazy fluffy. i really hope you like it! also expect more writing from me this month-- i'm taking the rest of summer off from school so. i'll need to stay busy 😤
“President-nim?” A voice calling through the intercom on your desk breaks your concentration. You huff annoyedly as you lean forward and press the microphone button.
“What is it?”
“Your new assistant is here to meet you,” Secretary Lee responds cautiously. You groan; quickly shoving what you had been working on into the hidden compartment of your desk. Not another assistant.
Every Monday for two months now, a new bright-eyed young woman had walked through the doors of your office ready to kick-start her career as a company president's trusty assistant. And sure enough, by that Friday afternoon every single one of them had run out in tears; unable to handle the pressures of the job. Was that pressure almost entirely due to the fact that you had no idea how to do your own job? Unimportant, but--
“Annyeonghaseyo, President-nim!” A male voice shakes you from your internal monologue as you look up to find that a young man in a 90 degree bow has appeared in front of you. He looks up at you, his gaze drifting to your right hand. 
You follow his line of sight to find a watercolor brush still in your hand-- dripping a bit onto your desk. Lifting up your desk compartment slightly, you toss the brush in with the others. You clear your throat a bit awkwardly-- smoothing down the lapels of your suit jacket with your fingers. “Annyeonghaseyo,” you mumble.
“I’m your new assistant, Park Gunwook,” he introduces politely, standing up straight. It’s now that you suddenly realize just how young this man appears to be. His face is round with youth and his lips resemble that of a baby chick. “I hope to serve you well.”
“When? After you get out of school each day?” You joke, brow furrowed in suspicion. “How did you get this job, huh? You look like you’re late for hagwon.”
Gunwook’s brow stays raised for a moment, but a surprisingly cheeky smile eventually creeps onto his face. “Couldn’t I ask you the same, President-nim?”
You exhale an unamused laugh. Guess this one thinks he’s clever. “I graduated two and a half years early.”
“That must look impressive on a resume,” he agrees genuinely with a nod. “Your father being the Chairman of the Board also must look pretty impressive on a resume.”
Stunned by this kid’s audacity, you just stare back at him.
“Nothing to be ashamed of President-nim,” he reassures, clasping his hands together behind his back. “I happen to know someone that works here, too.”
Figures. “And which one of those geriatric, good-for-nothing money bags on the Board is your daddy?”
“None of them,” Gunwook says with a smile. “Secretary Lee is my eomma. Might seem small, but a connection’s a connection.”
Secretary Lee hired her own son? After the way she’d watched all of the sobbing girls run out of the building screaming ‘I’M NEVER WORKING EVER AGAIN’’ each week?
What terrible thing had Park Gunwook done to be handed such a fate by his own mother?
You stand up from your desk and meet Gunwook at the front of it. Walking in a tight circle around him, you examine every inch of him curiously as he stands at attention.
“Um, President-nim?” He asks without moving a muscle. “Can I ask what you’re doing?”
“Absolutely not,” you answer, bending down to look at his dress shoes. They’re more than a few years old and definitely not a designer brand, but somehow... they’re condition is nearly immaculate. Not to mention, the black, thin laces are tied in perfectly symmetrical bows. Huh. It’s pretty uncommon for a boy your age to care that much about the tidiness of his shoes.
“Weirdo,” you mutter under your breath as you stand back up. You have to crane your neck a bit to look Gunwook in the eyes; not only is he quite tall, you also realized you’re standing a bit too close to him. Stepping back slightly, you take a seat on your desk-- crossing your arms as you glare at him.
“Something not to your liking, President-nim?” He asks, eyebrows raised in question. 
You don’t answer. Instead, you ask a question of your own. “What makes you think you have what it takes to be my assistant?”
“I’ve been President of my class since middle school. I’ve placed in national debate competitions. I’m organized, responsible, and competent,” he responds confidently. But a little mischievous sparkle appears in his eye as he adds, “From what I’ve heard, those are qualities the President's office might need more of.”
“YA! Do you want to die, you little--...” As you threaten him, Gunwook has already gone back to his default polite smiling. “What’s wrong with you, huh? Don’t you know I can blacklist you for life with one phone call? Tell me why I shouldn’t--.”
“President-nim!” Gunwook interrupts your thought excitedly; pointing to a stack of papers sitting on the corner of your desk. “Are those spreadsheets that need executive review? I’m experienced in Excel if you're... too busy for them.”
You frown, picking up the papers in your hand and sifting through them. They are spreadsheets that need executive review. You’ve been putting it off for a week, because, believe it or not, you didn’t get a very spreadsheet-centric education at the fine arts university you attended. To think, you could be painting in your own studio all day every day. But instead your father wanted you to do something “sensible” and “respectable” that “made you worthy of receiving his estate some day”.
Not that you cared much about an inheritance. But at this point it was the least you were owed for sacrificing your life’s passion to goof off in an office for the rest of your life. It wasn’t like you particularly enjoyed being unhelpful or unproductive, but at just shy of twenty years old with a BA in Fine Arts... you hadn’t exactly been well-prepared for such an important job.
You look back up at Gunwook. He’s practically salivating at the mouth to get his hands on your routine paperwork. You hand him the stack of spreadsheets with a sigh: “Knock yourself out.”
Gunwook’s concerningly large hand snatches the papers from yours with lightning speed; hugging them to his chest happily. “Thank you, President-nim! I won’t let you down.”
You’re almost starting to believe him. 
“Right,” you agree, chewing your cheek as you walk back behind your desk. “Well, you get to work on those and have them back to me by... Uh...”
You’re struggling to think of a reasonable time frame for the spreadsheet reviews to be completed, since you’d never once been the one to finish them. Gunwook sees this and answers for you, “Tomorrow at noon, I think you were going to say, President-nim?”
“Tomorrow at noon,” you echo with a frown. You’re not sure you like how familiar this kid was becoming with you already, but at least he’d been far more eager to do your executive work for you than anyone had been thus far. You’d know by tomorrow at noon if he was truly capable or not.
“And where should I put them for you if you’re not in your office, President-nim?” He asks thoughtfully.
“Oh, um,” you stumble, looking around for a good spot. You land on the thin drawer at the center of your desk and point to it. “In here is fine.”
Gunwook quickly walks behind your desk to see the drawer, stopping at a respectful distance. He reaches towards the drawer, but when you realize his fingers are pulling the wrong handle-- the top of your desk is already lifting open before you can stop him.
“Whoah,” the boy whispers in awe as he stares at the giant watercolor landscape painting you’d been working on for the last week or so. You both stand in silence for a moment as you watch Gunwook take in every detail of your latest work. “This is incredible.”
“Thank you,” you reply softly-- folding your arms across your chest uncomfortably at the compliment. No one had seen your artwork for a while now; even mentioning it in your father’s presence sent him into a spiral.
“If you’re this talented, then why--... Why are you the president of a tech corporation?” He asks, eyes meeting yours now. He’s curious and concerned and confused. When he realizes he forgot to speak formally, he bows in apology. “I’m sorry, President-nim.”
“Sometimes a 'connection' isn’t what you wanted,” you say after a moment, sitting back down in your desk chair.
Gunwook swallows from beside you, taking a few steps back to the front of your desk. “I’ll help as best as I can, President-nim. I’ll do my work so that you can do yours.”
You blink back at him, a bit speechless. “O-... Okay.”
He bows, another 90 degree one. “Should I get started on these then, President-nim?”
“Yeah,” you agree, nodding slowly. “Yes. That would be good.”
Gunwook nods. “Thank you, President-nim,” he says, turning and walking towards the door.
“Gunwook-sshi,” you call suddenly, causing the young man to let go of the door handle in his hand and turn around. His eyes are wide as he waits patiently for you to continue. “Why did you apply for this job? Besides the fact that your mother works here.”
The boy smiles, answering simply, “I thought I would be a good fit.”
You exhale a laugh, rolling your eyes. “We’ll see.”
Gunwook’s smile turns to a grin as he nods again-- walking out the door and closing it behind him.
The end of the work day comes surprisingly quickly (and it may or may not have something to do with Gunwook). 
Okay, it has everything to do with Gunwook. 
To your very pleasant surprise, the teenage boy had been your best assistant yet by a considerable margin. All in the span of six hours, he’d color-coded your weekly schedule, ghostwritten five urgent emails to executives from partner companies, brought you your lunch order exactly how you prefer it, and reorganized your entire desk for you all while you painted next to him.
He didn’t ask you any unnecessary questions or disturb your peace; he just did his work so that you could do yours. Just like he said he would.
The end of the day came so quickly that when Gunwook knocked on your door to ask you if you were heading out for the day, you thought he was making one of his insulting-but-somehow-also-charming remarks about your lack of presidential work ethic again. But glancing at the clock, you see that he’s right-- it’s almost 7 P.M.
“I’m actually gonna keep working for a little while longer,” you respond before you catch Gunwook’s eyebrows raise. “You can go home now though. You have to be well-rested for another day of high school tomorrow.”
He sticks his tongue in his cheek and smiles at the joke. “I actually go to university now, President-nim. Part-time, but still.”
You find yourself trying to picture what Gunwook would look like on a campus: a grey hoodie, jeans, and his hair flopping into his eyes. In another life, one where you had a different father, maybe you’d still be going to university, too. Maybe you would've run into Gunwook and been his sunbae instead of the Guinness World Records holder for youngest president of a national corporation. Would you have noticed each other? Would you have been friends? Rivals? Something else?
Returning his smile, you dismiss, “Have a good night, Gunwook-sshi.”
“Have a good night, President-nim.”
You work on your painting for another hour before finally gathering your things and heading out the door for the night. On your way out, you see Secretary Lee typing away at her desk. When she spots you, she grimaces nervously.
“Oh, President-nim,” she greets as you walk over to her. “I hope you’re not too upset, but I thought that my son could--.”
“Could be the best assistant I’ve ever had?” You finish for her; watching as her face relaxes at your compliment. “You were right. And you better keep up the good work, Secretary Lee: Gunwook-sshi would make a great secretary.”
Secretary Lee swallows and nods at the hint of a threat. “Understood, President-nim.”
You smile, starting to head toward the exit before your curiosity stops you in your tracks. You turn over your shoulder to call, “Secretary-nim?”
She looks at you expectantly; if not also a bit nervously.
“Why did Gunwook-sshi want to be my assistant?”
She considers for a moment before replying, “After your... poor luck... with assistants these past few months, I couldn’t help but think my son had what it takes to change that. He’s always been such an overachiever. But he wasn’t really interested at all at first."
“Why did he change his mind?” You ask; wanting to understand a bit more about the incredibly competent, but slightly odd assistant that showed up at your office today.
Secretary Lee laughs quietly. “Well, to be honest... He only handed me his completed application after...
... I showed him a picture of you.”
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
Could I ask for Miguel taking care of a gn reader who’s overwhelmed from a migraine? Like super sensitive to just about any noise even their own voice at a whisper, can barely open their eyes or it makes everything worse, practically nauseated at any movement type of migraine. If not that’s totally fine I understand ♥️
Callate... - Miguel O'Hara x GN! Reader headcanons + drabble
I tried my best to write for this, I don't personally have experience with migraines but I know how it is to help people who experience them, I hope I did you justice anon!
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Super understanding and honestly loves taking care of you
I feel like if he could get away with it (convince himself to give into his desires), he’d take the day off to make sure you’re okay
If they’re more common he would definitely find ways to have you stay with him at the spider society in his little office/platform room just to keep his eye on you
Keeps the room dark for you, has small snacks and water on standby, and doesn’t speak loudly if at all
He would deadass become a bedside nurse for you
Cup of tea? He’s already boiling the kettle
Need your meds? Bottle in hand with a cup of water
More blankets or pillows? Say less
His first time experiencing one of your migraines probably didn’t go so well, but he’s definitely gotten better with practice
Waking up one morning (y/n) didn’t even try to get up, too overwhelmed by the feeling of their head pounding from the migraine. Staying as still as possible, they could hear Miguel start to wake up as well, the ringing from his alarm only making the migraine worse. Slowly moving a hand to their ear, (y/n) covered both as their eyes were screwed shut, sighing slightly as Miguel turned his alarm off. 
“Good morning mi amor,” Miguel turned over to start cuddling (y/n) but was quickly swatted away when he tried to turn them over to face him. As they slowly turned over to face him, their eyes were still shut and their voice barely registered as a whisper.
“Callate…I have a migraine,” Miguel was very confused but quickly nodded in understanding, even if (y/n) couldn’t see him do so. Slowly getting out of bed, he quickly went to the bathroom to grab some Excedrin and to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, only returning to the bedroom once he had both in hand. When he spoke this time, his voice was much quieter, matching (y/n)’s from earlier.
“Take it slow, I’ll be here to help you” He set down the bottle of pills and the water on the nightstand before sitting down beside (y/n) on the bed, gently rubbing a hand over their arm, a smile on his face at the thought of helping his partner.
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valyrou · 2 years
hii can u write some fluffy cuddles or smthn with ghost and a male reader...everything is either f reader and there's very few gn readers for him im asking for crumbs at this point lolololollol
A/N: HELLO! It’s a short Drabble but I hope you enjoy <33
Reader is not in any special forces or anything, he is a citizen :) also I’m sorry I usually write Gn so I don’t mention the gender often, but I hope you still enjoy this ;D
Warnings: NOT PROOF READ LOL but otherwise none really? Maybe some suggestive smut but not actually implied, Gun is mentioned. If there is more please let me know ;)
Simon „Ghost“ Riley x (Male) Reader
Your partner Simon had left around 7 weeks now for some „super top secret mission“ or something. You knew he had to do this, that it was his job and all but it was like you started to grow distant. You loved him, but you weren’t sure if you could put up with this much longer. He left when he was called, even after he just had a mission. It was just frustrating, but you grew to live with it. Just recently you noticed your frustration with it.
It was around 8 in the evening when you heard noises from your front door. Immediately you rushed as silent as possible to your living room shelve, pushing some books away and grabbing the gun, ghost left for you in emergencies. You knew ghost was a known man amongst many other people like him, which put you in danger as well. People could look for you, kidnapp you or kill you, just so Ghost would be vulnerable enough to eliminate. Of course you two tried to keep things secret for the sake of you, but you could never know.
You held the gun close, slowly cocking the safety off and pointing it at the front door. You snuck behind the door just in time before the door opened. Slowly. So very slowly. Your heart was pounding like you’ve just sprinted 10 miles without stopping. A tall man in a hood walked in, almost sneaking in. You could only see the back of the strangers head. When the stranger was inside enough you put the gun against their back and closed the door „Identify yourself“ you demanded, yet in a calm and low voice.
The stranger didn’t move, slowly putting his hands up in the air before turning around, too fast. Way to fast for you to react in time. Your wrist got twisted what made you drop the gun and hissing at the pain running through your wrist. You tried to defend yourself but oh boy was the stranger strong. The tall man pushed you against the door, to your disbelief rather gentle. As your eyes looked with those of the stranger you gasped „Simon!“ you let out a sigh of relief
You didn’t have to see his entire face to see that he had a smirk on his face „We really need to resume your self defends training, love“ his familiar, British voice was like music to your ears. You chuckled and stood still for a second, taking all of him in before an idea came to your mind. You used his distraction to your advantage to pull him close, sneaking a leg behind his and sweeping him off his feet, causing you and him to land on the floor. Immediately you locked him in, you on top of him while ghost was on his back facing you. Your legs and thighs blocked his arms to his side so you really just sat on top of him.
„We have to resume what?“ you teasingly said while smirking at the Lieutenant. Simon didn’t say anything at first before chuckling. You didn’t really know why, if he really thought you surprised him or something else? Definitely something else because from a moment to another ghost had your legs locked behind him, holding them tight but not enough to hurt you. He lifted you up with ease and just walked to the bedroom, throwing you on the bed.
A shiver ran down your spine „Well.. maybe I do need to resume the training“ you eventually said. Exhaustion hit you like a truck in that moment. You didn’t realize how tense you were the whole time. You sat up and looked to your partner „Come to bed. It’s late“ your voice was less teasing, more like a whisper. Ghost came closer, eventually joining you on the bed. He reached for your face, caressing your cheek with one „I‘m sorry I took to long.“ His dark eyes locked in with yours, you couldn’t help but smile at him softly „It’s okay.. I will always wait for you. Always“ you assured him. You leaned into his touch before reaching for his face.
You gently pulled off his mask, revealing the face you fell in love with. You two sat there for a while before ghost grabbed the blanked and pulled you in. Your head laid in his chest, while his arms embraced your body. You breathed in his scent, fearing you will one day never smell the scent off your lover again. You closed your eyes and remembered why you never left Simon‘s side. You loved him. Unconditional love. It was Love that kept you going, love you felt for him that made you stay with him.
And ghost knew that. The way he held you was a way that screamed ‚I love you‘ and you valued it. Ghost wasn’t a guy that was good with words, it was the way he handled you, but even you knew that at times, Simon would express his feelings for you in words „I love you. I can’t believe what luck struck me when I met such an amazing man like you y/n“ he said. His voice a mere whisper as if it would break if he talked louder „I love you too Simon..“ you whispered.
His chest rose regularly up and down but his heard was beating fast. Fast for you. He stroke your back while big spooning your embrace. Your feet were tangled together as you slowly drift into sleep, but before you did you spoke your mind „Simon.. please don’t leave soon. Stay with me for a while“ ghost chuckled and sighed „I will. As long as I can“ with that conformation you drifted into a nice sleep. The nicest sleep you had in 7 long weeks.
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aeoncss · 1 year
crave | professor!john price x f!reader
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a/n: hey! first time posting my writing abt price on this account so i’m a teensy bit nervous, but i hope y’all enjoy this small drabble regardless.
warnings: smut (MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY), ‘forbidden’ relationship, female reader, fingering, not proof read lol
based off of this song
it was so easy falling into the space of john’s arms without ever thinking about the consequences.
the smell of his aftershave and the lingering scent of his woodsy cologne blocked all your senses of thinking clearly – inhabiting any coherent thought that you had about him, and about the relationship the two of you shared.
you two fell into a rhythm so easily – starting with longing stares from across his classroom, to idle touches whenever you stay a few minutes after his lecture to ask a simple, easily answered question.
you didn’t care. all you wanted was john’s attention, and without you ever knowing, he wanted yours as well. craved it every second when he would see your innocent smile from your seat.
but the two of you know better. know that it’s a horrible craving that either of you can’t crush, can’t bring yourself to break away from because the addiction is too much.
too pleasing.
so the thoughts of morality and future endeavors escape your head when everything about him fills your senses, leaving you wreck-less. it’s pathetic, almost; the way your brain can’t seem to gather it’s circulation when john whispers such filthy murmurs into your ear, two fingers curling slowly inside your slick walls. he pumps them to the tune of your heartbeat - his breath fogging against the curve of your neck as you flutter around him, completely surrendering yourself to him.
“price..” his last name slips so easily from between your lips, and the older male sitting below you can only reply in a seductive hum.
“yes, love?” john’s voice grows rough, more timber when the taste of lust coats his tongue.
it truly drives you mad.
“don’t—“ your words cut short when his middle finger gently presses against a spot he’s abused several times before, leaving your head spinning, lips parting in a desperate gasp. “don’t s-stop, please.”
your professor smirks against the your sweat-sheen skin, his warm tongue barely slipping past his swollen lips to deliver an open mouthed kiss to your bare collarbone. your body shudders on top of him, john’s eyes adorning the sight of you slowly coming undone, and he hasn’t even started with you yet.
this addiction - he’ll never bring himself to step away from it. not when your breathy moans are so pretty. not when the sound of you whimpering out his name is forever engraved into him.
he’s a lost cause, all thanks to you.
it’s a restless cycle that leaves you feeling breathless without him next to you - without feeling his embrace, no matter if it’s only raged by pheromones and the promise of his seed. you’ll keep finding yourself back to the place you call home, where the name ‘john price’ is stamped right above it.
consequences? damn them to hell.
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
The Walking Dead Masterlist
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I will be including all of my Walking Dead works here! If you have a character you would like me to write for that is not on the list, feel free to ask!
Feel free to send in requests. Whether it be headcanons, NSFT alphabets, Oneshots/Imagines, or just to talk about the characters! I am super invested in this series right now haha
Slasher Masterlist || Borderlands Masterlist || Request Rules/Characters I Write For
(Before interacting: If you are 17 or under I will be blocking your account. I do not want to feel like I am providing for minors, if that makes sense. I hope y'all understand!)
Daryl Dixon:
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I Love You, And I Don't Say It Enough (pt. 1) (Smut - AFAB! Reader)
Daryl Dixon returns to his S/O after escaping Sanctuary when Negan took him from his family. When he comes back to you he's hurt, but he needs you. A happy little reunion between the both of you quickly turns into a lot more.
Baby, It's Okay (pt.2 - AFAB!Reader)
After the little reunion that turned into an intimate moment. Daryl's S/O later finds out she's pregnant due to the help of Carol. She planned on waiting to tell the man so he wouldn't worry about her, or react poorly to her being pregnant. He's ecstatic over the news though, even if it did come as a surprise.
NSFT Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Just as said. Some NSFT Headcanons for Daryl from an Ask Game
Open Up Your Heart For Me (GN!Reader)
Daryl found you back when this all started and he took a liking for you from the beginning. When Rick comes back into the picture, though. Shane gets a little desperate and tries to seduce you, but you aren't interested one bit. Daryl keeps you close, and makes sure you're safe. Later on at the farm he's losing it over Sophia and you're there to comfort him. He understands that you're the person that he wants to survive for. It isn't until the prison that he finally opens up and lets you in, though.
You Know You're Right
Daryl finds a scared stoner and takes them under his wing. After taking him with him to hilltop about a month later. He shows him he was listening to everything he told Daryl by showing up with a battery-operated CD player and their favorite songs. A little weed later, and feelings are being shared through actions.
No Happy Ending
A little Drabble where Reader gets bit and Daryl has to deal with it. Sort of a writing practice but I'll like it here if y'all wanna read it.
Dirty Secret
You're Glenns younger sister and Daryl winds up having a thing for you. You take notice to it and go out of your way to try and initiate a relationship with the archer. With the help of Carol and some of the other girls at the camp, of course. This is set in S1 and I am working on a part 2.
Reader with Vocal and Motor Tics
General Head canons on Daryls reaction to a reader with tics. Could be Romantic or Platonic.
Rick Grimes:
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NSFT Headcanons (GN!reader)
NSFT Headcanons from an Ask Game
Hey there, cowboy (MALE!READER - smut)
Rick had been checking you out for months, and the tension between the two of you only seemed to grow. You're a previous rancher and he wants to know more about ranching, even if there isn't too much you can show him. After you dropped your hat though, and he puts it on. You inform him of the "Hat Rule." He seeks you out after Maggie and Daryl inform him on what that Rule means.
Jealous Rick Headcanons
How I depict Rick would react when jealous.
How Rick Acts Before and After Getting In A Relationship(GN! Reader)
You are Daryl's little sibling and Rick is slowly discovering a love for you. These are headcanons on how he would react to discovering that he likes you, and how Daryl also reacts to it.
You Drive Me Crazy (GN!Reader)
A jealous Rick x Reader fic where Rick does not like the way Spencer looks at you. The two of you had been dancing around feelings for months and after you all get to Alexandria you finally convince Rick to let loose and pretty much be your date for the party Deanna and the others were throwing for you all. Spencer gets a little touchy and makes you uncomfortable. Rick is fast to sweep in and save the day. Leading to a little more when he finally gets you back home.
Rick Grimes - Breeding Kink
General Headcanons of Rick with a Breeding Kink
Rick Realizing He Likes Men - (Male!Reader)
Headcanons of Rick discovering his sexuality
Why Can't You Be Mine Already?
This is a continuation of the headcanons "How Rick Acts Before and After Getting In A Relationship". You are Daryl's little sibling and when you get into Alexandria - after months of you and Rick beating around feelings - Rick finally starts taking the reins on whatever your guy's relationship is. He gets jealous over how Spencer is talking with and looking at you. Stuff finally goes down between the both of you after you yell and ask him exactly what the hell you two are.
The Supply Closet - (FTM!Reader/NSFW)
You and Rick go on a supply run to one of the nearby towns from the prison. When you both get there Rick is in utmost awe for you when he realizes you were getting supplies for his kids and looking out for their interests. He's tired of beating around feelings and teasing, so he pulls you into a supply closet and things get a little heated.
Love Letters (GN! Reader)
Super Angsty fic about Rick dying and killing Negan and the letters he left to you and a few of the others. Sort of a fic I used to just get some emotions out.
Safe and Sound
Rick finds out that Deanna sent you and some of the others on a supply run with Aiden and Nicholas. His blood is boiling and he hates that she's sending his people with others that he hardly knows let alone trusts. How does he react when you come back hurt? Not well.
Reader with Vocal and Motor Tics
General Head canons on how Rick reacts to a Reader with Tics. Could be Platonic or Romantic.
Glenn Rhee:
[photo here]
Reader with Vocal and Motor Tics
General Head canons of Glenns' reaction to a reader with tics. Could be Romantic or Platonic.
Eugene Porter:
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Hold Me Please - Reader is Maggies little Sister
Negan Smith:
Eugene and Reader are stuck hanging out in the library while everyone else is falling asleep or already asleep. An innocent conversation and an innocent gesture soon turn into a little more. Eugene finally gets to see if you feel as soft as you act, and you get to kiss the brainiac that slithered his way into your heart. Like everything else, it doesn't last for long.
Aftercare Headcanons
Just as it says. Aftercare headcanons with Eugene.
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C'mere, Honey-Bear(GN!Reader - Alludes to sexual themes, nothing graphic)
Negan is finally reunited with you after years of not seeing you. He lost you before the world went to hell and due to Rick's group you're safe. You're on your knees at the lineup, and due to seeing you. He lets the others go and you come with him. Both of you expressed how much you missed one another.
My Two Favorites (Transmasc! Reader - NSFW
Negan picked you up and took you to the compound towards the beginning of all of this. The two of you have been around each other a lot and trust each other more than you would care to admit. You have walls, and don't know how to feel when he's finally starting to talk them down brick by brick. After he denies you the ability to leave the compound on your own an argument breaks out between the both of you, and things get a little heated after feelings are told.
Negan Reacting To A Pregnant S/O - AFAB! Reader
Just as it says. Very wholesome content that I enjoyed writing for. Papa Negan is my favorite.
Father of Mine - Pregnant!Reader
Negan and Reader were together before he started killing people for sport. When Rick comes around she helps the sheriff take him down in promise that Negan stays alive. When they get to Alexandria she lets him know of a little surprise she was keeping back.
Rick and Daryl Poly Stuff:
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General Poly HC's with Rick and Daryl
Just some Poly Daryl and Rick Stuff. Probably won't write anything more for them since I'm not the biggest fan of writing for Poly relationships (Nothing against them! Just not my cup of tea to write for.) So this may be all you get from me, chums.
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(These are playlists for characters of songs I think they would listen to, feel free to suggest bands or songs for me to add to them!)
Negan Smith - Oldie Country music, Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Grunge, and a couple Nu Metal songs.
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shidouyosa · 1 year
Hi there!! Can I request barou and his boyfriend having sex for the first time. Whereas barou is scared of putting his dick in because his boyfriend is way smaller than him and he's scared of breaking him but the boyfriend is like "just put it in already :((("
Doesn't matter if it's a drabble, fic or just headcanons <3
Hope you have a great day and don't feel pressured to write this!!!
Ahh sorry for taking so long with writing this😭😭 tysm for your request!
Tags: male!reader x Barou, soft top!Barou, bottom!reader, anal, cumming inside, oral (reader receiving), a little fluff at the end, I'm kinda rusty with writing smut but wanna get back to it </3
It's been over an hour since your somewhat innocent makeout session turned into much more. It all started when you sat on your boyfriend's lap and a kiss turned into making out and suddenly you found yourself being pinned to the bed with all of your clothes gone.
So by now, you're a desperate, needy mess.
But Barou is still hesitant. Every time he's about to enter you, he pulls back a few seconds later and says "Let's prepare you a little more first" before he goes back to fingering you. And sure, that feels good to you, but you're extremely desperate to find out what his cock feels like inside of you.
Barou is used to doing whatever he wants when and how he wants. But with this, it's different. As much as he wants to fuck you, he's afraid of hurting you. No amount of preperation feels enough to be sure he'll make you feel good without any pain.
"Come on... just put it in already..." You say, almost in a begging tone while holding tightly onto Barou's shoulders so he can't move awar from you.
"No, we should do a bit more of p-"
You quickly interrupt him. "We've done enough of that, Shouei. Just... come on... Fuck me already..."
"And what if it hurts?" Barou is about to pull away from you, but then decides to stay in place.
"It'll be fine..." You reassure him, thightening your grip on his shoulders. "We can always stop if it hurts.. you know?"
For a moment, your boyfriend goes silent. You expect him to pull away once again, but then get caught off guard when he leans in to kiss you passionately.
He continues the kiss, only getting more heated each second when he suddenly starts rubbing his cock against your ass again, just more eagerly than the times before. And this time - kind of to your surprise - he slowly starts pushing into you.
You quickly pull away from the kiss to gasp for air, which has Barou worried that he's hurting you so he's about to pull out again. Before he gets to do that, you wrap your legs around his waist to pull him even closer.
"F-feels so good... don't pull out.." You whisper with a soft smile on your face.
Barou looks back at you, not saying anything yet. He's a little in disbelief that this is actually happening right now. It just feels too good to be true.
Without a response, Barou slowly starts moving. He's carefully moving in and out of you, only using half of his length because he knows if he pushed all the way in, you'd be in pain. It's actually a little hard for Barou to hold back right now, but he doesn't want to get rough with you. Not yet, at least.
Time seems to pass by quickly and not at all at the same time. You and Barou are getting so lost in the moment, neither of you have no idea how much time is passing by. Everything about this feels so good, you just don't want it to end.
You had expected Barou to be more aggressive and rough during sex, it would fit his personality, after all. But he's being so gentle and careful with you, it's like he's showing a whole different side of himself to you.
After a while, Barou slowly feels an orgasm building up so his pace increases a little bit, but he's still trying to be gentle. Just now, he's starting to push more of his length into you. Still not all of it, but you notice the difference and it leaved you wondering how his entire dick would feel.
"Can you push all of it in?..." You ask between your moans.
"...Are you sure?" Barou responds with a hint of worry in his voice.
"I'm very sure..."
So now, with each thrust Barou pushes in a little deeper, until his entire length is burried inside of you. And after this, his speed gets faster once more, as he's now getting closer to cumming.
"Fuck..." Barou grunts and leans down to kiss your lips, "I'm so fucking close..."
It doesn't take much longer before Barou cums inside of you, but he doesn't stop moving yet. He thrusts in and out of you a few more times before pulling out and collapsing on top of you.
"That was so good... Thank you..." You whisper while gently stroking his hair.
Barou catches his breath a few moments later and sits up. "Don't think we're done already."
"Hm?" You look at him with a confused expression. "What do you mean?"
"I still have to make you cum." Barou says before lifting up both of your legs and lowering his head towards your crotch.
"Oh, you mean you wanna- A-ah- Shouei-" You get interrupted by the feeling of your boyfriend's lips around your cock.
He's not hesitant at all about taking your entire length into his mouth. All he cares about is to make you feel good - and besides, he already loves doing this.
Barou continues sucking your cock, eager to make you cum. His hands grips your thights tightly and you already know there are going to be bruises later.
"Shouei... I'm so close..." You whisper, expecting him to pull away.
But no, Barou only increases his pace. His grip on your thigs also tightens a little more, which causes you to whimper slightly. Although that gets overshadowed by your moans.
You end up cumming into Barou's mouth, which he immediately swallows after pulling away.
Both of you are still catching your breaths when Barou lies down next to you. He firmly wraps his arms around your body and pulls you into a tight embrace.
"That was so good..." You tell him, still breathing heavily. "Can we do this more often, please?..."
Barou gently runs his fingers through your hair. "Of course..." He then places a soft kiss on your forehead. When you look up at his face, all you see is an expression full of love.
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prismuffin · 2 years
Hello! Hope you doing good my friend!
Can I request Luther Hargreeves x himbo male reader. It can be headcanons or one-shot I don't mind.
Don't feel pressured to do this I understand if you don't wanna write it. But if you do thank you!
A/n: MARK ONE OF MY FAVES ofc you can have a Luther Hargreeves x male reader fic🫶🫶 I chose headcanons but who knows maybe I'll do a little drabble with this idea too
Jacked Dumbasses
Luther Hargreeves x male!himbo!reader (Headcanons)
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( summary: you’re a himbo Luther keeps seeing at the gym and he can’t help but gain a crush on you from afar [headcanons] )
Warnings?: Light swearing, two golden retriever boyfriends, readers kinda a gym bro
!more under the cut!
Pre-Relationship Tingz:
-The first time Luther ever saw you was at his local gym
-The first thing he noticed was how jacked you were, obviously
-as a gym bro himself he respected your grind and found himself watching you whenever he took breaks
-he started to notice more things about you besides your muscles like, well, your face, specifically how attractive he found you. But when he'd first started finding you attractive he would just brush it off as him having a little but of envy even though he was bigger than you (muscle wise)
-when he started noticing himself becoming sad whenever you didn't show up to the gym that week he knew he was in deep shit
-^started looking forward to gym days even more just knowing that he could see you
-one day you guys happened to have lockers near each other in the changing rooms.
-Que flustered Luther trying not to stare and do double takes as he sees you in nothing but a towel
-^You noticing Luther's stares OH SHI-
-^^Him immediately throwing out some random question to make it seem as though he just turned to ask you something.
-"Do you think fish get thirsty?" "...Probably, but then they could just open their mouths and get a drink...damn fish are really living on a different level."
-Thank god you entertained his stupid random question.
-Since that day whenever you spot Luther you'll give him a big smile, wave, maybe make some small talk
-Giving Luther your Instagram after a while of being gym bros
-^Him playing it cool but completely freaking out when you leave
With the help of Allison, Diego, and Klaus (Yes, it took that many people) he finally makes an Instagram account and adds you. After basically stalking your Instagram he finally decides to shoot you a DM telling you that it was Luther
-and so, the both of you started talking in and out the gym which eventually led to the two of you becoming friends
-You were the first one to ask the other to hang out. As Luther was spotting you, you'd just asked him if he wanted to get drinks with you later that night. He deadass almost dropped the barbell.
-He was very nervous to hang out with you outside of a gym setting but it didn't turn out as terrible as he thought. I mean he freaked out a little bit when he woke up in your bed but you assured him that nothing had happened between the both of you, he was just such a lightweight that he ended up blacking out so you had to carry him home.
-^Hold the fuck up, did you just say you CARRIED HIM????
-He asked if he did anything bad and you just told him that he ranted a ton about the moon and his dad and then started crying. But you helped him calm down and got him back to your apartment so that he could rest.
-^^He was very embarrassed but was glad that you had his back
Relationship Tingz:
-Super touch starved so he adores hugs from you, especially if you lift him up.
-You're both very macho men so doing things like cuddling can be a little difficult for the both of you, specifically because of Luther's mutation.
-^Still you do often show him that it's not impossible by allowing him to be the little spoon or carrying him to bed when he's too tired
-You guys cuddling together turns into two grown buff men just sprawled out in all directions on the bed, it truly is a sight to see.
-His love language is Physical Touch and Words of Affirmations so he's almost always touching you in some way
-Loves it when you kiss his jaw and forehead
-If you're somehow taller than him he'll just be infatuated with you even more
-He's very impressed by your strength and vice versa. It's both a blessing and a curse for the both of you.
-Things constantly breaking in the apartment from your clumsiness and him not knowing his own strength at times.
-^He's broken the microwave and washing machine doors multiple times whenever he tries to use either of them after waking up.
-^^One time he felt super guilty about breaking the microwave and you didn't want him to feel bad so you told him it was fine and that it was a completely normal thing that can happen, (it's really not), and you showed him this...by breaking your toaster, just smashing it and then going "See?? Happens all the time." :)
-You guys having compliment wars where you'll go back and forth about who's stronger, prettier, funnier, etc.
-You both tend to get very excited over little things and it just makes the entire relationship more wholesome. One time you saw a frog at the park while the two of you were on a walk and you guys spent 10 minutes gushing over the frog and taking pictures of and with it.
-He loves seeing you happy cause it makes him happy and seeing him happy makes you super happy which in turn makes him extremely happy, its just one big happy cycle.
-When he tells you he has superpowers you were actually very hype about it. You asked him what it was and when he said super strength you thought he was just making a joke about being really strong since the both of you work out a lot. He eventually had to just prove it to you by like throwing a car and punching through a brick wall without any consequences. After he bent a post-light into a balloon dog shape you believed him. The rest of that night was filled with him doing a ton of cool stuff with his powers to make you laugh. Yes, there may have been tons of vandalism but at least it was all super cool to watch.
-He was hesitant on you meeting his family for many, many different reasons but when you did finally meet them they were shocked and yet they were expecting exactly this at the same time. Klaus was pretty much just like "Yep. This is what I expected." Though he was very fascinated with your muscles which you were more than happy to show off, flexing and such as he pokes your biceps which made Luther pull you back a bit. Viktor and Allison were very happy for Luther while Diego and Five were just shocked that there was someone out there even dumber than Luther. Of course Ben was also just happy for his brother :) ...but he was also questioning how anyone could be dumber than Luther. Diego tries to tease you but stuff just flies over your head and Allison just finds the whole thing so adorable.
-Because of your physique you often get girls and some men coming up to you for compliments or asking for your number. Luther tends to get jealous very easily but a simple kiss on the cheek and a hug can knock him out of that state pretty quickly. At times you're oblivious to the flirting and usually Luther is too, but when it hits him that a person is flirting with you he'll get very anxious and triggered and he'll end the conversation as quickly as possible and he'll be very touchy with you afterwards. You usually won't notice the switch in attitude since he's already a very touchy person so you don't think much of it when he pulls you a bit closer, you'll just hug him tighter and smile at him which unknowingly calms him down.
-Overall, the two are a couple of jacked dumbasses but that's fine. At least you both care and love each other :)
sorry if this felt a bit short
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are OPEN so feel free to request anything! Just make sure you check out my Request Info!
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yeonkaiwrld · 1 year
hii :) could you write a yeonjun x male!reader drabble where the reader has insomnia so yeonjun sorta cuddles him and spends time with him until he falls asleep? (if ur not comfy with writing about a male!reader then gn is also fine :) thank u! i hope u have a nice day <3)
warnings: fluff, so much of it… soft make outs, crying, mention of a single curse word, insomnia
dynamic: bf!yeonjun x m!reader
a/n: hi!!!!! im ecstatic to write this! i don’t see enough m!reader and as a trans guy this makes me very happy to write <3 i also did not proof read this…
you stared vacantly at the walls of your bedroom, taking in a shaky breath. you’ve been trying to sleep for two hours and your boyfriend snoring behind you didn’t help.
you sat up, shooting an annoyed glare at yeonjun’s sleeping figure. tears were beginning to flood your vision and your bottom lip quivered. burying your face in your hands, you began to quietly sob.
“y/n?” yeonjun rasped from behind you.
when you didn’t reply, yeonjun sat up and wrapped his arms around your torso. he rested his head against your shoulder.
“prince, what’s wrong?” he spoke again, shifting even closer to your weeping figure.
you sniffled and wiped at your face. after a deep, shaky breath, you leaned into your boyfriend.
“i can’t get to sleep… and it’s upsetting me.”
yeonjun hummed in response. his hand trailed up from your torso to tangle in your hair. he pressed a kiss to your cheek as he thought of how to help.
“you hungry? i can make you something.” he asked after a moment, squeezing his arm around you.
you nodded slowly, feeling yeonjun’s smile against your cheek. he patted your stomach and slipped away and out of bed.
when you didn’t follow, he stood in the doorway with a hand on his hip, “are you not coming with me?”
it was hard not to smile as you untangled yourself from the sheets. you followed after yeonjun who was already pulling pots out of the cabinet.
“how does ramen sound?” yeonjun chuckled when you slipped your hands just under his tank top.
“mm, just not too spicy. my nose is already running.” you buried your face in yeonjun’s neck as you spoke.
yeonjun hummed once more, waddling around the kitchen with you attached to him. he did his best to fill the pot with water and turn on the stove.
he turned around in your hold, smiling at you. yeonjun brings his hands up to cup your face and he wipes your residual tears.
you pouted a little, leaning into yeonjun’s touch. he nuzzled your cheek before pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
when you kiss him back, it’s hard to miss your boyfriend’s slight smile. he snakes his hands back into your hair, not pulling away after just one kiss.
both of you relished the soft make out as you waited for the water to boil. you couldn’t help but hum happily as you kissed.
yeonjun tapped your shoulder and pulled away. his gaze was trained on your lips for a long moment before he looked up.
you broke into a smile at yeonjun’s slightly dazed look, “aw, you’re so cute!”
yeonjun laughed and moved out of your hold. even in the low light, it was easy to tell you had flustered him.
he busied himself by putting the noodles in the boiling water and stirring (even though he didn’t really need to.)
it didn’t take long for the ramen to be done and served. both of you ate in near-silence save for the sound of slurping.
when you were done, you placed the bowls in the sink and claimed cleaning them was a problem for future you.
“darling, c‘mere.” yeonjun beckons from the bedroom doorway. he disappears into the dark room once you start to follow.
you flopped down onto your bed as your boyfriend set up his laptop. you lifted your head and gave him a slightly confused look.
“we’re gonna watch your favorite movie and cuddle.” yeonjun said a matter-of-factly voice.
“babe it’s four in the morning…” you frowned, pushing yourself upright.
“and?” he furrowed his brows and pouted his lips. that was enough for you to drop it and just crawl under the covers.
“okay.” you murmured, watching yeonjun set up the movie and move under the covers. he pulled you in closer by the waist and snuggled up to you.
the feeling of yeonjun’s warm body against yours while your favorite movie played on his laptop was enough to make you feel drowsy.
as you drifted off, you could faintly hear yeonjun’s voice, “i love you, my prince.”
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aritsukemo · 8 months
Rules for Requesting 🤍🌼
Last Updated: Jan. 15, 2024
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Requests are officially open! Feel free to request to your hearts content! 😊
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Hello, reader! Since you're here, I'm assuming you want to request something but want to know my rules and boundaries regarding requests, right? If so, I want to first thank you! For you to like my writing enough to want and request more of it makes me really happy! I also want to thank you for being considerate enough to read this and not just request something all willy-nilly! ( Although I'm not upset at those who do! I simply want to give my thanks to the people reading this post! )
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↠ First and foremost, I do not write nsfw content! I'm not exactly uncomfortable with it, but I definitely don't have it in me to write it so please don't request it!
↠ I don't mind writing for other genders! Whether it's a character x fem!reader, character x male!reader, character x gn!reader, or any other gender, I don't mind! Like I've said before, my goal is to expand my writing horizon and ultimately get better at writing so please, don't be afraid to request x character fics/drabbles/headcanons with genders other than female!
↠ I write for female and male characters! As someone who loves men, women, and everyone in between, I am more than willing to write for fem x fem, fem x male, male x male, etc!
↠ For the most part, it will take a while for your request to be completed! Not all, but majority of requests I get won't even be started until weeks or even months later due to how shotty my motivation can be at times and because of everything I'm juggling with in my personal life! I hope you don't mind too much!
↠ I will write fluff, angst, fluff to angst, angst to fluff, au's, hurt/comfort, certain tropes, etc! ( These can change in the future! )
↠ I will not write anything that involves pedophilia, incest, racism, anything transphobic, etc! ( These will not change but more things can and probably will be added in the future! )
↠ I don't mind writing about more serious topics like suicide, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and things like that! As someone who struggles with/have been familiar with these type of things, I'm more than willing to write about it, however requests like that may take longer than others!
↠ I don't mind writing poly fics, drabbles, etc! As long as it isn't anything weird like adult!character x reader x child!character or anything along those lines, I will write it!
↠ I don't write for child characters! I tend to write more romance than platonic fanfictions so please do not request child ( Ex. Klee ) x reader of any kind!
↠ Characters like Alhaitham, Tsukasa Yugi, Douma, and Dottore are less likely to be written for! As of right now, I have trouble writing characters I don't know much about/don't understand. ( And in Dottore's case, I simply dislike him ) You can still request these kind of characters of course, ( except for Dottore ) but most likely I won't write for them. I apologize if this comes off as disappointing.
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If you have any further questions that weren't answered by this post, don't be afraid to message me and ask! Once again, thank you for reading this post! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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kaneaken · 2 years
hello kaneaken! congrats on 100+ followers :3, I really like your writings<3 if you'd allow me to request, I think peter pan with venti would be so cute<3
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author's note; hi :D sorry this took a bit to get released, but i'm happy you like my writing and i'm happy to do your request! venti does remind me of peter pan, so this was a fun drabble. i decided on wendy and peter pan's actual first meeting for this one. enjoy <3
content notes; gn!reader, possible ooc characters, kinda diverges from the peter pan's canon bc venti and reader are older, mention of reader being a mother, but venti doesn't really understand the concept of mothers, so reader is still gn (if that makes sense), based off the disney animated film, the ending is kinda just me making up things, kinda rushed ending bc i was making it really long on accident
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you are awoken by a loud 'bang!' you sit up quickly and search for the source of the large crash. you gasp at the sight of the male
" venti! "
you throw your sheets off you to head over to venti
" oh, i knew you'd come back! "
venti scoots a bit from you, a sheepish smile forming on his face as you approach
" i saved your shadow for you. oh, i do hope it isn't rumpled "
you watch as venti scrubs a bar of soap aggressively against his shoe. you let out a small laugh before you offer your assistance
" let me help! sewing would be the proper way to do it. although, come to think of it, i've never thought about sewing on a shadow before "
you chuckle as you walk over to your desk to grabs your sewing supplies
" i made sure to save your shadow until you came back for it. and here you are! "
with your sewing supplies in hand, you approach venti once more. he seemed to be taking a step back for every step you took forward. was he scared of you?
he slowly reached your bed and you tell him to make himself comfortable, hoping to ease his nerves
" it shouldn't take too long " you say, smiling at him
you begin to talk about your grandmother, the one who had found his shadow in the first place. you hope that a little conversation would make him more comfortable
as you thread your needle, venti speaks up
" you talk too much, " he grumbles
" oh, heh "
alright, so conversation wasn't the way to go? a small silence passes over the room, but it is soon filled by venti's lyre playing
" i came to listen to the stories. that's why your grandma found my shadow, " he says
you perk up. he came to listen to your stories?
" my stories? but they're all about you? "
" of course! that's why i like 'em! " he says, " i tell 'em to the lost boys "
" the lost boys? oh, right! they're your men! " you say, finishing off your sewing
" yup! " venti answers, jumping off your bed
he walked around the room, making silly poses with his shadow
you giggle before speaking, " oh, i'm glad you were able to drop by tonight or else i might have never been able to see you again "
" why? " venti asks, glancing back at you
" well, i have to leave tomorrow "
" leave?! " venti stops and faces you completely, his face in complete shock
" tonight's my last night here in the nursery "
" but, but that means no more stories "
you give him a sad smile, " unfortunately, you're correct "
" no! i won't have it! " venti cries, grabbing your hand, " come on! "
" huh? but where are we going? " you sputter out
" the neverland! you'll never have to leave me if we go to the neverland! " venti says, giving you a big smile
" oh, well, that would be wonderful! " you sigh, happily
but just as venti is about to drag you out of the room, you stop
" but what would my mother say? "
" mother? what's a mother? " venti says
" well, a mother is someone who cares for you and tells you stories and- "
" good! you can be the lost boys' mother! " venti cheers as he pulls you towards your window again
" hold on, just a minute! " you pause, letting go of venti's hand. you pace around your room
" i have to pack and i have to leave a note because i can't stay too long, " you start listing off all the things you must do before you go
you sigh happily as you think about going to the neverland.
" oh, i'm so happy i could just kiss you! "
" kiss? "
" oh, well, um, " okay, he wasn't supposed to hear that, " it's a gesture that people do to a person they care about "
" oh, so then, you care about me, right? " venti says, grabbing your hand, " you'd give me a kiss, right? "
" um, well.. "
venti looks at you, eagerly, and you aren't entirely sure what to do. before you can decide for yourself, there is someone pulling venti away from you
" owie, hey! don't pull so hard! "
a tiny figure appears in front of venti's face, looking as if they're scolding him
you stand, confused. oh boy, what position did you put yourself in?
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