#i hope so cos georgia is an icon
okay so we all know how david tennant is an absolute fucking cutie, an extremely talented actor and my imaginary husband, but can we please please PLEASE talk abt ty tennant as job's son????? like that man CARRIED that episode due to three minutes of iconic camp behaviour and a rly cute tunic???? like look at the pose here, he is a god on earth
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and what also made me laugh so hard is that in that episode, there was peter davison (david's father in law and the fifth doctor who) playing job and david's son playing job's son, like that will never stop being funny to me
keep it in the family ig
david rly brought the family on board
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12 June 2024
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Wreck hunters have found the ship on which the famous polar explorer Ernest Shackleton made his final voyage.
The vessel, called "Quest," has been located on the seafloor off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
Shackleton suffered a fatal heart attack on board on 5 January 1922 while trying to reach the Antarctic.
And although Quest continued in service until it sank in 1962, the earlier link with the explorer gives it great historic significance.
The British-Irish adventurer is celebrated for his exploits in Antarctica at a time when very few people had visited the frozen wilderness.
"His final voyage kind of ended that Heroic Age of Exploration, of polar exploration, certainly in the south," said renowned shipwreck hunter David Mearns, who directed the successful search operation.
"Afterwards, it was what you would call the scientific age. In the pantheon of polar ships, Quest is definitely an icon," he told BBC News.
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The remains of the ship, a 38m-long schooner-rigged steamship, were discovered at the bottom of the Labrador Sea on Sunday by a team led by The Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS).
Sonar equipment found it in 390m (1,280ft) of water. The wreck is sitting almost upright on a seafloor that has been scoured at some point in the past by the passing of icebergs.
The main mast is broken and hanging over the port side, but otherwise, the ship appears to be broadly intact.
Quest was being used by Norwegian sealers in its last days. Its sinking was caused by thick sea-ice, which pierced the hull and sent it to the deep.
The irony, of course, is this was the exact same damage inflicted on Shackleton's Endurance - the ship he used on his ill-fated Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914–1917.
Fortunately, the crews of both Endurance, in 1915, and Quest, in 1962, survived.
Indeed, many of the men who escaped the Endurance sinking signed up for Shackleton's last polar mission in 1921-1922, using Quest.
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His original plan had been to explore the Arctic, north of Alaska, but when the Canadian government withdrew financial support, the expedition headed south in Quest to the Antarctic.
The new goal was to map Antarctic islands, collect specimens and look for places to install infrastructure, such as weather stations.
Shackleton never made it, however, struck down by heart failure in the Port of Grytviken on the British Overseas Territory of South Georgia, the last stop before reaching the White Continent. He was just 47 years old.
After his death, Quest was involved in other important expeditions, including the 1930-31 British Arctic Air Route Expedition led by British explorer Gino Watkins, who himself tragically died aged 25 while exploring Greenland.
Quest was also employed in Arctic rescues and served in the Royal Canadian Navy during WWII, before being turned over to the sealers.
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The RCGS team members carried out extensive research to find Quest's last resting place.
Information was gathered from ship's logs, navigation records, photographs, and documents from the inquiry into her loss.
The calculated sinking location in the Labrador Sea was pretty much spot on, although the exact co-ordinates are being held back for the time being.
A second visit to the wreck, possibly later this year, will do a more complete investigation.
"Right now, we don't intend to touch the wreck. It actually lies in an already protected area for wildlife, so nobody should be touching it," associate search director Antoine Normandin said.
"But we do hope to go back and photograph it with a remotely operated vehicle, to really understand its state."
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Alexandra Shackleton is the explorer's granddaughter and was patron to the RCGS survey.
"I was thrilled, really excited to hear the news; I have relief and happiness and a huge admiration for the members of the team," she told BBC News.
"For me, this represents the last discovery in the Shackleton story. It completes the circle."
The explorer continues to spark interest more than a century after his death.
Hundreds of people visit his grave on South Georgia every year to pay their respects to the man known by his crews simply as "The Boss."
"Shackleton will live forever as one of the greatest explorers of all time, not just because of what he achieved in exploration but for the way he did it, and the way he looked after his men," said David Mearns.
"His story is timeless and will be told again and again; and I'm just one of many disciples who'll keep telling it for as long as I can."
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Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton CVO OBE FRGS FRSGS (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) was an Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic.
He was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.
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batboyblog · 4 years
Fight For The Senate
So I woke up to the bad news that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham as set October 22nd as the day for a vote in the Judiciary Committee on moving forward on Judge Amy Coney Barrett. After a Committee vote there’s a vote of the full Senate, and if Republicans have the votes she becomes a Supreme Court Justice. I don’t know how it’ll turn out right now it’s not looking great, but we’ll see. However! if you want any hope of the Democrats being able to fill any federal Judgeships, name their own Justices to the Supreme Court or passing any bills at all, we have to ditch Mitch McConnell and give the Democrats a majority in the US Senate. How can you help? Well of course you should vote, and make sure everyone you can influence also votes! But also give what money you can, buy merchandise, etc to the Senate Candidates below, this is the close of the campaign and they need cash. If you don’t have money, or if you do, sign up to phone bank or text bank every candidate has a place on their website for you to do that. 
Doug Jones is a pro-choice Democratic Senator from Alabama which makes him like a freaking unicorn. Jones beat Roy Moore the Republican who used to creep on middle school girls in a 2017 special election. Jones is also the US attorney who brought KKK terrorists to justice for the 1960s bombing of a church that left 3 little black girls dead. The Republicans have put up a know nothing football couch who’s only qualification for office is that he loves Trump
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Dr. Al Gross is an Independent running to unseat Republican Dan Sullivan. Sullivan is all in with Trump proudly running on Trump’s endorsement. Sullivan also does not believe in climate change in one of America’s most at risk states. Gross is endorsed by the Democratic Party, believes in climate change and taking action against it. 
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After losing her 2018 election for Senate Martha McSally got herself appointed to fill John McCain’s old seat. Running to unseat this unelected and unwanted Trump supporting Senator is former astronaut Mark Kelly. Mark is the husband to former Congresswoman and gun reformer Gabby Giffords. Kelly and Giffords have been on the front lines of gun control since 2013. 
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Senator Cory Gardner has been with Trump all the way, even backing his attacks on vote by mail a system used statewide in CO. Former Governor John Hickenlooper, who passed vote by mail, is running to unseat him. Hickenlooper also oversaw legal weed coming to Colorado and he’s running to legalize it nation wide. 
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Georgia (Regular)
There are two Senate elections in Georgia, first against. David Perdue literally made money off of Covid. When Senators were privately briefed about the threat the coronavirus posed to America, Perdue helped downplay it, while selling off stocks in travel companies. He’s facing off against Jon Ossoff, Ossoff is a former aid to civil rights icon John Lewis. Ossoff is running a progressive people powered campaign in what was once a deep red state
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Georgia (Special)
The other Georgia election is against an unelected Republican appointee, Kelly Loeffler. Loeffler also dumped stock after being briefed on Covid all while downplaying the risks. She’s bet her political life on backing Trump 110%. Democrats have rallied behind Raphael Warnock. Warnock is a civil rights activist and has been endorsed by Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, Stacey Abrams, Elizabeth Warren, John Lewis, and Kamala Harris. 
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Republican Senator Joni Ernst is maybe best known for castrating pigs in a campaign aid. She’s been a good solider for Mitch McConnell and now Trump as well. Democrat Theresa Greenfield is running to unseat her. Unlike Ernst Greenfield isn't taking money from big money PACs or special interests and wants to fight to improve health care in the state, rather than take it away. 
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Dr. Barbara Bollier was a Republican who crossed over to become a Democrat because she supported trans youth in her state. Bollier is running to fill an open Senate seat running on health care and common sense. If elected she’d be the first woman doctor in the US Senate. She’s been endorsed by Democrats and Republicans in her state. 
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Republican Senator Susan Collins has long held herself up as an independent and pro-choice voice for Maine. She let down generations of pro-choice Maine voters by voting to confirm a clearly anti-choice Justice accused of sexual assault. She also failed to be independent when she voted to acquit Trump at his impeachment. Speaker of the Maine House, Sara Gideon is running to replace her. Gideon would the the first person of color elected to federal office from Maine, and the Second Indian American Senator in US history. She is 100% pro-choice and is fighting for better health care for Maine.
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Senator Gary Peters might be one of the most at risk Democrats up for re-election this year. He’s running against a slick Republican named John James, who is selling himself as a moderate black Republican, while in fact being all in with Trump. Peters isn’t flashy, and as an older white man some low information voters think he’s the Republican and James is the Democrat! But Peters is a progressive work horse who does his job well. He stood up and took a personal stand for reproductive rights a brave move in a close re-election. We need him in the Senate if we want that majority and good policy going forward. 
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Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith likes glorifying Mississippi’s confederate past, Democrat Mike Espy was the first black person elected to federal office since reconstruction. Espy was a Congressman from 1987 till 1993 when he became the first black Secretary of Agriculture. If elected Espy would be the first black Senator elected from Mississippi. 
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Republican Steve Daines left his daughter’s wedding to vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Popular Democratic two-term governor Steve Bullock is running to replace him. Bullock has reacted fast to Covid-19 putting in place one of the earliest mask mandates, and mail in voting. While neighboring red states have ignored health warnings Bullock has followed the lead of doctors. While governor Bullock has stood up for the right to choose, the rights of LGBT people, expanded Medicaid, and supported Net neutrality. 
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North Carolina
Republican Thom Tillis is on the Senate Judiciary Committee and is all in on confirming Amy Coney Barrett while Americans are currently voting for the next President. Democrat Cal Cunningham is running on improving health care for every day Americans while Tillis takes huge donations from the insurance lobby and wants to cut Obamacare. 
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South Carolina
And for the Senator who started this rant, Lindsey Graham. Graham has treated in his former best friend, John McCain, for Donald Trump. Graham is leading the change to ram Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination through the Senate. He’s up against Jaime Harrison. Harrison would the first black Democratic Senator from SC. While Graham rants and raves about Democrats like they’re violent criminals Harrison would restore sanity and honor to this Senate Seat. Harrison has been using his Senate campaign to run a campaign of service projects around South Carolina bring much needed aid to underserved communities before he’s even in office. 
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we only have a few weeks left in this election! Imagine how good you’ll feel waking up on November 4th knowing we’ve not only beaten Donald Trump, but we’ve taken a majority away from Mitch McConnell. With a Senate Majority we can appoint judges who will defend our rights, we can pass much needed bills on climate change, health care, voting rights, LGBT protections, gun control, and reproductive health. These bills have been passed by the House but Mitch McConnell won’t even allow a vote on them, we can change that. How good will it feel to elect doctors and scientists to the Senate to replace lobbyists and millionaires? We can help elect historic black candidates from the Deep South, a historic number of women, and flip red state seats, Alaska, Kansas, Mississippi, and South Carolina that no one imagined would be in play this year, dig deep, give what you can, give your time, everyone has one hour between now and November 3rd to make so phone calls, sent some texts  
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filmbefore · 4 years
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electra sohn , a member of the yale's elite , they're twenty and a sophomore majoring in theater and performance studies . they are as starry-eyed as they are non-committal . ( park chaewon ( gowon ) / she/her / cis female )
FULL NAME : electra hope sohn . NICKNAMES : el , elly .  AGE : twenty . BIRTHDAY : july 29 , 2000 .  ASTRO : leo sun , gemini moon , scorpio rising . SIBLINGS : one “ older sister ” . ( you will see why that is in quotation marks ) SEXUALITY : bisexual + biromantic . HEIGHT : 5′1″  HAIR COLOR : blonde . HOMETOWN : savannah , georgia .
electra’s mother had her when she was very young and decided to let her parents raise her baby girl. instead of being truthful about the situation, everyone told her that her mother was a much older sister. electra has actually been raised by her grandparents her whole life.
before attending yale, she used to manipulate her theater teacher into giving her nearly every lead role in school productions by promising to expose him for pocketing money from the school’s drama budget. she has barely earned any of the roles on her resume that actually got her into the theater program at yale. 
electra was born in savannah , georgia to a teen mom who was completely unprepared to raise a child . but she couldn’t just give up this precious little baby , so instead ... she decided to let her parents adopt her daughter so that she could stay in her life . instead of being honest with electra , her family just decided to tell her that her biological mom was her older sister and that she was their miracle baby that had come many years later ! 
like many southern little girls , electra grew up on female country music icons . she was constantly singing hits by loretta lynn , patsy cline , and shania twain in the bedroom she had in her parents’ trailer . but the singer that she idolized the most was none other than miss dolly parton .
electra was obsessed with dolly’s over the top looks , the sparkles she wore , and the unabashed confidence she had . like nobody compared in electra’s mind lmao
after watching the movie , steel magnolias , at the local drive in theater , electra then became obsessed with the idea of following in dolly’s footsteps and getting into theater , dramas , and the film industry . and before you know it , the girl was auditioning for any productions that would have her . 
but after continuing to get cast in small roles , electra kind of had it and was looking for SOME way to sneak her way into the spotlight . ( instead of like , putting in some extra work and just getting better at acting but whatever i digress )
during her sophomore year of high school , she “ happened ” upon some information regarding her theater teacher pocketing drama budget money and used that as leverage to secure lead roles the rest of high school . 
those roles , paired with her grades , scored her a spot in the yale theater department ! which was PERFECT because she had also been OBSESSED with the elites since she was a little girl , loving the picture of luxury they had . and she figured she may as well try to finagle her way into the group .
electra used a childhood picture she had with a former elites member and edited herself into some more recent pictures with them , somehow convincing everyone that she was a legacy’s goddaughter . and if that wasn’t enough , she also told some white lies about co-directing drama productions and being a lighting technician a few times in order to make her resumé a little more interesting . and just like that , electra lied her way into the elites !
now , she is heavily involved in the theater department at yale and still BUMPIN two doors down in her headphones as she walks to elites meetings . 
she has also altered her current style in order to fit into the elites a little better . like ,,, she really tries to wear clothes that she has seen deemed as “ chic ” in movies like clueless , but with that southern lady colorfulness that she just can’t get rid of . like she is fully dressed like cher horowitz on her way to a rodeo every day .
electra is SUCHHH a try hard when it comes to the elites tho like are you a senior member ? you want a coffee ? she will be bringing you one asap . oh you think the salad she’s eating for lunch looks good ? here its yours . a kiss ass really
miss electra is a picture perfect dilettante . loves the art heaux aesthetic , actually knows very little about art in any form . she has a superiority complex though because of ability to score lead roles in drama productions and musicals on campus . but she’s just very flighty and as i mentioned ,, non committal . good luck holding her down for anything . she’s just kinda like a moth and will fly to any flame she finds interesting and not think about anything else in the process . just generally very dramatic and intense idk bro !!! good luck haha !!
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tervacious · 3 years
I’m a free speech purist, and this brilliant review and crash course in recent history, is a really good example of why.  Excerpts:
Glasser is best known for his leadership of the ACLU after the organization’s much-pilloried decision to represent neo-Nazis who wanted to march in a suburb of Chicago called Skokie, Illinois. The shorthand outlines of that episode are known on Twitter, but the deeply thought-out reasons for the ACLU’s actions back then belong to a pre-Internet era.
The film was produced and co-directed by Nico Perrino, Vice-President of Communications for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a modern speech rights advocacy group. Perrino is 31. He met Glasser at the funeral of former Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff, and didn’t know who he was. Once he got to know the former ACLU icon, he realized that his story was “completely lost on my generation,” but also increasingly relevant, for reasons that become clear minutes into the film.
The 1978 case was horrifying on its face. Skokie was home to thousands of Jews, including many survivors of the Holocaust, to whom the mere idea of Nazis walking past their door evoked not only the terrors of the camps, but the shame and regret of inaction as Hitler’s party ascended in Germany. That was a time when many Jews elected to just pull the shades down as Nazis marched past, in the hopes that they would eventually go away.
What monster could agitate, in the courts, to bring about a repeat of such a scene? If ever there was a moment when speech could be “harm,” rubbing salt in the wounds of camp survivors, who’d spent decades convincing themselves that this leafy suburb in the American midwest was a safe haven, had to qualify.
Mighty Ira traces the reasoning of people like Glasser and ACLU attorneys like David Goldberger, as they connect their decision to defend Nazi leader Frank Collin in Skokie to their years of advocacy in the sixties for black civil rights workers in the South. You couldn’t have one without the other, they argue. “If you give the government the power to stop the right-wing marching in the street,” Glasser says, “they will acquire the power to decide who they think is dangerous enough to stop.”
Glasser doesn’t hide behind technicalities, either, noting that the myriad tricks localities in and around Chicago used to make the speech debate appear to have moved into the private arena, amounted to the same First Amendment obstruction. Requiring that marchers post a $350,000 liability insurance bond, when no private insurer would grant it, was equally a violation. “Those insurance bond requirements had been a classic mechanism by which white Southern towns used to ban civil rights demonstrations,” Glasser said.
Ultimately, the ACLU argued that Skokie was a Tower-of-Babel moment for American law. If you grant the village of Skokie the right to ban hate speech, or require insurance bonds, or prevent anyone in a military uniform from marching, the constitutional edifice comes down and every town in the country will soon be making its own rules. Next thing you know, Forsyth County, Georgia, might be banning Hosea Williams from marching on Martin Luther King Day. “Do you want every little town to decide which speech is permitted?” Glasser asked.
Glasser won the argument then, narrowly, overcoming significant opposition within his own organization. Once he won in court, the Nazi leader Collin decided not to march in Skokie, and was eventually humiliated first by a giant counter-demonstration in Chicago, then by a child molestation charge that landed him in prison.
The episode ended up looking like a powerful affirmation of constitutional principle, helping explain why Robert Kennedy — as Glasser notes, “hardly a man of the left… a guy who had worked for Joe McCarthy and wiretapped people” — had urged Glasser to join the ACLU in the first place. The organization held a unique place in American society, Kennedy told him, dedicated to neither right nor left, but to defending the “root ideas” that held us together...
...Mighty Ira goes shows scenes from Charlottesville and the death of Heather Heyer, which serves as the obvious bookend tale to Skokie. The two narratives are eerily similar. The locals awaiting the arrival of white nationalists in 2017 make exactly the same declarations the Skokie residents made, about how “we’re not going to have it here.”
That Charlottesville ended in bloodshed while Skokie did not is blamed on bad policing, the one moment in the movie where Glasser seems to be copping out. The reality is that Skokie could have and probably would have ended in much the same way, had Collin chosen to march. The more honest answer to the question of why Glasser chose the path he did isn’t so much that it’s the safest or most effective in preventing violence (although in the long run, I think that’s true also), but that democracy is messy, and all the other options are worse.
We hear Heather Heyer’s mother make this exact argument, saying, when asked if those white nationalists should have the right to speak again, “I do, and that’s not a popular opinion.” She adds, “I think once we take away the right to free speech, we may never get it back. My big concern is… who makes the decision, what speech is allowable and what is not?”
In the age of Trump, huge portions of the Democratic electorate are willing to take their chances on that front. As Mighty Ira goes to great pains to point out, minorities and the poor tended to have an easier time understanding the ACLU’s Skokie decision, because the history of the wealthy using restrictive power against labor, communists, and civil rights activists is so long. As a result, they tend to grasp that they’ll eventually be targets of speech rollbacks.
Skokie gets thrown around a lot to justify censorship and how bad the ACLU is (the ACLU is bad, just not for that reason), but most people don’t even know what the hell happened.  I love seeing it told here, because seriously, citing the Skokie case as an example of free speech run amok is and always has been specious at best.
I’m not a liberal, I’m a Radical Feminist, but that said there was a time when liberalism was something you could work with, when you could act in solidarity with liberal causes, and those folks of that type are now so few and far between it’s depressing.  Watching women who are ostensibly radical attack “the Left”, align with rightwingers, and uphold modern “liberalism” which honestly is just conservatism with extra steps, is even more depressing and I wish those of you who do that shit would stop it.  That so many of you don’t even know what you’re doing is somehow even worse than the few of you who think you can strange-bedfellow yourself and your various concerns into relevance.
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nicol3houghts · 5 years
STOP WATCHING THE OFFICE:   other things to watch this summer
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Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE ZIE OFFICE!! But as much as it pains me to say, the office isn’t a personality trait, so I’ve decided to make a list (e.g. Buzzfeed lists) of my top 16 recommendations for TV and podcasts to watch and listen to—since we all need to stop being basic bitches and FOCUS! 
I hope you listen to me when I say these shows are amazing and actually watch them if you have the time. I'm doing this because I care about you and your TV preferences.
I'll break it up by streaming service, starting with Netflix then Hulu, YouTube, then Podcasts last.
*I apologize in advance for the lousy grammar and lack of editing, but also not really sorry bout it.
1. Arrested Development
Number of Seasons: 5
Number of Episodes: 91
Hours to Binge: 35
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Okay, number one on my list is Arrested development. A lot of people I talk to, especially in my age range, don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, but this show is GENIUS... on G*D. I’ve watched it around four times now, and each time it gets better and better. I read somewhere that it was created as a satire of Bush-era incompetence and idiotic hanky-panky during the Iraq war. But at its heart, the show’s about a rich family with four adult children—who are all goofy and quirky. Their dad get’s thrown in jail for doing business with terrorists or something like that and Micheal Bluth (Jason Bateman) has to get them out of weird ass situations.
Above is one of my favorite scenes  (Best clip I could find on youtube!!).
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This show has a LOT of jokes and long running bits that you kind of have to pay attention to to get the storyline. It’s hella META, and at times, can be really weird (see George Micheal Bluth and Maeby Fünke’s little Les Cousins Dangereux). In conclusion, however, Jason Bateman is hot, Micheal Cera is hot, and Tony Hale is ~super~ hot.
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P.S. a lot of memes come from this show that you would know but don’t know that it’s from this show.
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2. The Haunting of Hill House
Number of Seasons: 1
Number of Episodes: 10
Hours to binge: 9
Scary as f*ck! Do not watch yourself or u will die. I warned you.
I'm not going to spoil it too much, but it's about a family living in a spooky house and crazy ass shit keeps happening to them. They eventually move out, but even 20 years after--when the kids are all adults--the haunting of the house follows them.
There's even a 17 min scene that they shot in one shot!!!!!!!! That's wiLD.
3. Schitt's Creek
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Number of Seasons: 5
Number of Episodes: 66
Hours to binge: 25
Yet another show about a rich family loosing all their money. A bit different than Arrested Development. This show is about a rich ass family loosing all their money and resorting to live in Schitt's Creek--a town in Nowhere, U.S.A. the family bought as a JOKE. It's a really easy watch. The characters in this show are SO un-relatable and mean it's hilarious--only if u f*ck wit dry humor tho.
Here's my favorite character, Alexis Rose just being iconic:
Give it a try, the first few episodes are rocky, but it gets better. That's a guarantee.
4. American Vandal
Number of Seasons: 2
Number of Episodes: 16
Hours to binge: 9
A lot of people already probs watch this show, but it's honestly so beautifully written. The show is an homage to Making a Murderer, a true crime mockumentary of sorts. It follows two guys, Sam and Peter as they try to figure out a mystery: WHO DREW D*CKS ON THE TEACHER'S CARS?
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Also, JIMMY TATRO!!!!!
Season 2 follows a different crime and it's... it's poopy.
5. Mindhunter
Number of Seasons: 1
Number of Episodes: 10
Hours to binge: 9
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YUH. Just started this, already on ep. 8, very interesting. Mindhunter is about the first FBI agents to use profiling to catch serial killers. THE CHARACTERS IN THIS SHOW WALKED SO THAT HOTCH AND REID COULD RUN.
This show is no joke and based on true serial killers like the coed killer, the shoe fetish killer, and BTK, it's very.... very creepy.
ALWAYS carry pepper spray on ya, that's fer sher.
6. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
pinot noir, caviar
7. John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid
eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs
8. The Good Place
is it really the good place?
On Hulu:
9. Broad City
Number of Seasons: 5
Number of Episodes: 50
Hours to binge: 18
One of the greatest television series of all time about two baller best fraaands who get into the schemes of the century in New York City. Illana, a ferocious kween wit ZERO f*cks, and Abbi, an aspiring artiste with a great ass. The two work min-wage jobs in NYC (so they're broke) and they're just trying to find luv and a good bacon egg and cheese.
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Think Sex and the City but fresh and new and wild. Abbi and Ilana's dialogue and schemes are relatable af, it makes it seem like you're there with them. Their co-dependency is so powerful... yet at moments, a lil destructive. I once had a friendship like this.. and let me tell you... co-dependency is a wild ride.
Some of the funniest scenes in this show is just of them talking on the street. Sometimes, when I'm walking with my friends, I pretend like I'm in the show lol.
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I recommend you start from beginning to end because of the endless callbacks and running gags, but if not start with season 3, episode 7 B&B-NYC. Blake Griffin is in it.
10. Community
Number of Seasons: 6
Number of Episodes: 110
Hours to binge: 41
What can I say about this show to make you watch it? Well first of all the fact that Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) is in it should already have you clicking over to Hulu by now.
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Community is about seven quirky misfits: a disbarred lawyer, a failed housewife, an activist everyone hates, a racist old man, a stupid jock who lost his sports scholarship, a high-strung know-it-all who took too much adderall, and abed. They all end up at Greendale Community College with a phsyco spanish teacher and a colorful dean. 
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This show is kind of a parody of a sitcom, and it is VERY meta--often referring to themselves as TV show characters. The seven get into hilarious adventures and obstacles along the way. The show also genre hops from time to time. For example, they have a whole pillow fort vs. blanket fort episode (Pillows and Blankets, season 3, episode 4) in a Ken Burns documentary style, an episode in claymation for Christmas (Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas, season 2, episode 11), and a bunch of paintball episodes in style of Quentin Tarantino and StarWars.
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Again, you should start at the beginning, but if you want to get into it quickly, I really loved Pillows and Blankets (season 3, episode 4).
11. The Mindy Project
As a "petite asian woman" who is not petite, this show is very relatable. About finding love and eating good in the big apple.  
P.S. If you don't like Kelly from the office, you're dead 2 m3.
12. Brooklyn 99
Cool. coolcoolcoolcool. Jake Peralta is the greatest detective/genius.
13. Superstore
If Walmart and the office had a baby and it was incompetent.
On YouTube and Facebook Watch:
14. The Real Bros of Simi Valley
Number of Seasons: 2
Number of Episodes: 14
Hours to binge: 4
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You straight up know these guys, fool. Four stoner/burn-outs who think your hometown's Mexican food is the best in the world. Amazingly written and surprisingly good acting. Lightweight lowkey thought they were speaking another language at first.
Jimmy Tatro, Cody Ko, Getter, and Nick Colletti. What more do you want? LITERALLY WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?
The unnecessary drama and endless quotable jokes in this show leads you wanting more with only 14 episodes totaling at around four hours.
Watch the first season YouTube here:
15. Tiny Meat Gang
Aha hah bro last night was a movie bro ON GOD.
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Noel Miller and Cody Ko talk about literally anything, but goofy. I can listen to them talk for straight up hours.
I usually listen on Apple Podcasts, but you can also watch on YouTube:
Just start listening, bro.
16. My Favorite Murder
No shade to Codel, but My Favorite Murder is my all time favorite podcast. Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark  are two hilarious women who love murder. Not murdering, but the psychology of murderers and survivors. Each Thursdays each of them tell a story about a murder. They don't make fun of murders, but it's their banter that makes it fun to listen to.
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If you're a fan of true crime at all, please listen so I have more people to talk about it with. shouts outs Jenna for putting me on to the show!
Here are my favorite episodes!
*tip: skip the first 15-20 min to the first murder when first listening.
150: How Dare You Kill Kelli
The Hanging of Alice Riley and The Murder of Reyena Marroquin
131: The Uninhibited
The Murder of Standford White and The Case of the Boys on the Tracks
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blackandbrownspoons · 6 years
#SpooniesofColor 101: Library of Disabled POC in Literature, Hollywood, and Politics
Here is an extensive list of narratives, features, and famous icons in the media and politics who are/were disabled or chronically ill people of color.
If you know of any other famous people or narratives that feature disabled POC, feel free to reach out!
(This post may contain affiliate links. See my disclaimer for more details.)
*Note: These films and novels may feature ableist stereotypes, like inspiration porn or negative tropes, or minimal features of disabled POC characters. Feel free to watch or read at your own risk.
Disabled POC Narratives in Literature*:
The Cancer Journals by Audre Lorde
Sick: A Memoir by Porochista Khakpour
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Days of Grace by Arthur Ashe
A Sick Life by T-Boz Watkins
The Pretty One by Keah Brown
The Collective Schizophrenias by Esme Wang
Hunger by Roxane Gay
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture by Roxane Gay
Resistance and Hope: Essays by Disabled People by Alice Wong, et al.
I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai
Bodymap by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Disabled POC Fictional Characters in Literature*:
Maddy, “Everything, Everything” by Nicola Yoon (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency)
Precious, “Push” by Sapphire (PTSD, HIV)
Disabled POC Narratives in Film*:
Unrest (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)
Wilhemina’s War (HIV/AIDS)
What Happened, Miss Simone? (Bipolar Disorder)
Irreplaceable You (Cancer)
Everything, Everything (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency)
Richard Pryor: Icon (Substance Abuse Disorder, Multiple Sclerosis)
Frida (Polio, possible Spina Bifida, Accident-induced Spinal Injury)
Ray (Glaucoma, Blindness, Substance Abuse Disorder)
The Soloist (Schizophrenia)
Basquiat (Substance Abuse Disorder)
Precious (PTSD, HIV)
Bohemian Rhapsody (HIV/AIDS)
The TLC Story (Sickle Cell)
Disabled POC Fictional Characters in Film/TV*:
Aunt Violet, “Queen Sugar” (Lupus)
Maddy, “Everything, Everything” (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency)
Stevie Kanarbin, “Malcolm in the Middle” (mobility impairment, undisclosed pulmonary issues)
Duc, “Here and Now” (Ulcerative Colitis, PTSD)
Ramon, “Here and Now” (Psychosis)
Dr. Farid Shokrani, “Here and Now” (Bipolar Disorder, PTSD)
Precious, “Precious” (PTSD, HIV)
Helen Paterson, “Being Mary Jane” (Lupus)
Penelope, “One Day at a Time” (PTSD, Depression)
Disabled POC Artists, Writers, and Actors:
Frida Kahlo, artist of “Self-Portrait” (Polio, possible Spina Bifida, Accident-induced Spinal Injury)
Audre Lorde, writer of “Sister Outsider” “The Cancer Journals” and “Zami”  (Cancer)
Amy Tan, author of “The Joy Luck Club” (Lyme Disease, Epilepsy, and Depression)
Salvador Dali, artist of “The Persistence of Memory” (Parkinson’s Disease)
Maya Angelou, writer of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” and “And Still I Rise” (PTSD, Selective Mutism)
Lorraine Hansberry, writer of “A Raisin in the Sun” (Pancreatic Cancer)
Nina Simone, R&B singer of “Feeling Good” and “Mississippi Goddamn”  (Bipolar Disorder)
Jennifer Lewis, star of “Blackish” (Bipolar Disorder)
Mariah Carey, singer of “The Emancipation of Mimi” (Bipolar Disorder)
Kanye West, rapper of “The College Dropout”, “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” and “Watch the Throne” (Bipolar Disorder)
Demi Lovato, singer of “Confident” and “Sober” (Bipolar Disorder, Eating Disorder)
Richard Pryor, comedian and star of “Blazing Saddles” and “The Toy” (Substance Abuse Disorder, Multiple Sclerosis)
Montel Williams, host of “The Montel Williams Show” (Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke)
Michael Jackson, singer and creator of “Thriller” “Bad” and “This Is It” (Vitiligo, possible Lupus)
Nick Cannon, creator of “Wild ‘n’ Out” (Lupus)
Selena Gomez, singer of “Revival” “It Ain’t Me” and “Back to You”, star of “Wizards of Waverly Place” (Lupus)
Toni Braxton, singer of “Unbreak My Heart” (Lupus)
Seal, singer of “Kiss From a Rose” (Lupus)
J Dilla, member of Slum Village and hiphop producer for The Pharcyde, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest (Lupus)
Freeway, rapper of “Flipside” and “What We Do” (Chronic Kidney Disease)
Morgan Freeman, star of “Shawshank Redemption” and “Bruce Almighty” (Fibromyalgia, Nerve Damage)
Halle Berry, star of “Monster’s Ball” and “Boomerang” (Type 1 Diabetes)
Sherri Shephard, co-host of “The View” (Type 2 Diabetes)
Anthony Anderson, star of “Blackish” (Type 2 Diabetes)
Danny Glover, star of “Lethal Weapon” and “The Color Purple” (Epilepsy)
Lil Wayne, rapper and creator of “Tha Carter III” (Epilepsy, Asthma)
Bernie Mac, comedian and star of “The Bernie Mac Show” and “The Original Kings of Comedy” (Sarcoidosis)
Larenz Tate, star of “Love Jones” (Sickle Cell)
T-Boz Watkins, member of TLC “CrazySexyCool” and “Fanmail” (Sickle Cell)
Prodigy, member of Mobb Deep “The Infamous” (Sickle Cell)
Aubrey Plaza, star of “Parks and Recreation” and “Ingrid Goes West” (Stroke, chronic TIAs)
Padma Lakshmi, star of “Top Chef” (Endometriosis)
Tia Mowry, star of “Sister, Sister” and “The Game” (Endometriosis)
Gabrielle Union, star of “Bring It On” and “Being Mary Jane” (Endometriosis, Adenomyosis)
Jessica Williams, star of “The Daily Show” and “2 Dope Queens” (Endometriosis, OCD)
Whoopi Goldberg, star of “The Color Purple” and “The View” (Endometriosis, Dyslexia)
Monica, R&B singer of “The Boy is Mine” and “So Gone” (Endometriosis)
Halsey, singer of “Bad at Love” and “Eastside” (Endometriosis)
Wendy Williams, host of “The Wendy Williams Show” (Graves’ Disease)
Missy Elliot, rapper of “Supa Dupa Fly” and “Under Construction” (Graves’ Disease)
Gina Rodriguez, star of “Jane the Virgin” (Hashimoto’s Disease)
Adrienne Bailon, member of 3LW and the Cheetah Girls, co-host on “The Real” (Hashimoto’s Disease)
Robin Roberts, co-host of “Good Morning America” (Cancer)
Stevie Wonder, singer of “Songs in the Key of Life” (Retinopathy)
Ray Charles, singer of “Georgia on My Mind” (Glaucoma)
August Alsina, singer of “I Luv This Sh*t” (Autoimmune Hepatitis)
Solange, singer of “A Seat at the Table” (Dysautonomia, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD)
Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen “Bohemian Rhapsody” (AIDS)
Disabled POC Athletes:
Magic Johnson, LA Lakers (AIDS)
Muhammad Ali, boxing (Parkinson’s)
Arthur Ashe, tennis (AIDS)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, LA Lakers (Leukemia)
Venus Williams, tennis (Sjogren’s)
Serena Williams, tennis (Pulmonary Embolism)
Tiki Barber, NY Giants (Sickle Cell)
Wilma Rudolph, track & field (Polio)
Jackie Joyner-Kersee, track & field (Asthma)
Curtis Pride, NY Mets (Deaf)
Simone Biles, gymnastics (ADHD)
Disabled POC Historical Figures:
Harriet Tubman (TBI, Epilepsy, Narcolepsy)
Fannie Lou Hamer (Polio, CKD, Forced Sterilization)
Rep. Tony Coehlo (Epilepsy)
Rep. Barbara Jordan (Multiple Sclerosis)
Rep. Donna Edwards (Multiple Sclerosis)
Rep. Lauren Underwood (Supraventricular Tachycardia)
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (amputee)
NY Governor David Patterson (optic nerve damage)
Bradley Lomax of the Black Panther Party (Multiple Sclerosis)
Malala Yousafzai (TBI, hard-of-hearing/Cochlear Implant)
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searchingwardrobes · 6 years
Captain Swan is My Favorite Rom Com: Twister, Chapter 4
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Hurricane Florence has made me more sensitive about this particular AU. I would probably have delayed posting the next chapter if it wasn’t a tame one. This chapter is all about emotional conflict, not forces of nature. However, if you are just discovering this story and decide to catch up, please know that the rest of the story involves peril in violent storms. The prologue in particular portrays loss of life and property (though not graphically). So if you have personal experience with that kind of trauma or have anxiety over the possibility, this may be triggering for you. Please be safe and take care of yourselves! I am praying for all in the path of Florence. My own state has even declared a state of emergency, even though we are not supposed to be directly hit. So my posting this in no way implies that I am making light of the situation.
Rating: T (for triggers, see above)
Words in this chapter: 2,000 + (cut is there, but ya’ll know tumblr . . . )
You can catch up on Ao3
Tagging @shipsxahoy @tiganasummertree @artistic-writer @kmomof4 @hollyethecurious @thejacketandthehook @shady-swan-jones @bethacaciakay @teamhook @cat-sophia @coliferoncer @dassala @branlovesouat @allofdafandoms-blog @flslp87 @pocket-anon @whimsicallyenchantedrose @snowbellewells @kday426 @snidgetsafan @jennjenn615 @delirious-latenight-laughs​​
Emma collapsed on the edge of the musty motel bed as she rubbed a towel vigorously over the ends of her hair. She had honestly expected to be halfway back to Atlanta by now, in a decent hotel with a hair dryer. She sighed as she took in the tacky “art” hanging over the bed, the faded avocado bedspread and the ancient television with the slightly fuzzy reception. At least there was cable. A re-run of The Office flickered on the screen, the sound muted. Emma had it on more for comfort than entertainment.
It hurt to think Killian implied this was the reason she left – the lack of material comforts on the road. Did he really think she could be that shallow? Such thoughts took her mind to her little boy – that precious child who had become her whole world in a way she never could have imagined.
She turned on her phone, smiling at her lock screen photo. Henry had found her phone and managed to take a selfie. The inquisitive look in his bright blue eyes, and the little adorable “o” of his mouth had been so beautiful to her, she had saved the picture. She swiped her finger to unlock her phone and smiled again at her wallpaper photo – her blowing raspberries on Henry’s cheek while he giggled. No pictures of Graham, just her and Henry. Shouldn’t that have been a clue?
She hit the icon for her Skype app and pressed Elsa’s number. Soon her blonde roommate was smiling back at her.
“Emma, hey! Someone here wants to see you!”
Elsa reached down and pulled a confused Henry onto her lap. Emma chuckled. Yeah, her son really wanted to Skype. But when he saw Emma’s face, he gasped, and his eyes widened. He cocked his head curiously, and it suddenly occurred to Emma that Killian had the exact same mannerism when he was trying to figure something out.
“Yes, kiddo, it’s me! Are you having fun with Aunt Elsa?”
“Yeah,” Henry answered, leaning back against Elsa’s chest, “we ‘ad ice cweam!”
“Ice cream,” Emma laughed with a shake of her head, “I’m shocked.”
“Hey now,” Elsa retorted with mock offense, “he had vegetables at dinner, and when he asked for dessert, I told him no, you already had ice cream today.”
“But Kwistoff ga’ me wowwy pops!” Henry crowed, throwing his pudgy hands up in the air.
Emma gave Elsa a smug look. “Lollypops?”
She shrugged, “Ok, so Kristoff showed up with those when he picked Anna up for their date. That wasn’t my fault!”
Henry started to fuss and wiggle, so Elsa put him down after he blew Emma a kiss. Emma pretended to catch it, then made gobbling sounds as she put her hand to her mouth.
“Yum, yum, yum, ate it!” Then she blew one back to Henry, and he caught his too.
“Um, um, um, ate it!” he cheered, then ran off.
Emma sighed, her heart full. “Thank you for watching him,” she told Elsa.
Her friend waved her off. “Nonsense, he’s so sweet!”
“Well,” Emma said hesitantly, “that’s good, because . . .”
“You’re not coming back tomorrow.”
Emma’s jaw dropped. “How did you know?”
Elsa leaned closer to the screen and lowered her voice. “Is Graham around?”
Emma cut her glance away for a moment. “About that . . . “ She wasn’t sure how to explain, so she just held her empty left hand up to her cell phone screen.
“I knew it!” Elsa exclaimed.
“You don’t have to sound so smug about it! I feel awful for Graham.”
“That man won’t stay single for long, believe me,” Elsa assured her, “and it really is for the best.”
There was a pause that Emma wasn’t sure how to fill. Thankfully, her friend knew her well enough to change the subject.
“So how long are you staying out there?”
Emma rubbed her forehead wearily. “I don’t know. I’ll have to get a flight out of Oklahoma City probably, but we’re out in the middle of nowhere right now. Another storm hit and ruined the camper’s windshield, so we’re stuck here in this cheap motel until the mechanic scrounges up a new one.”
“We, huh?” Elsa asked, arching one elegant brow.
Emma scowled at her friend. “Don’t go there.”
Elsa was her first friend in Atlanta, though she had met Anna first. Anna was a co-worker at The Weather Channel, one of those “weather girls” Killian had spoken so condescendingly about. Though Anna had just as much educational credentials as Emma; she was just more perky on camera than prickly Emma. When she found out where Emma was living, she had flipped out.
“Are you insane?” the red head had shrieked. “Grove Park? I’m surprised you’re still alive!”
Emma knew her apartment was in a shady area, but she hadn’t known the city at all when she moved, and her realtor had sucked. Not to mention that the cost of living in Atlanta was much more expensive than rural Oklahoma.
“My sister and I are looking at a place in Atlantic Station,” Anna had told her.
Emma had rolled her eyes. Atlantic Station was one of those planned neighborhoods where everything you could want was in walking distance; sort of like living in an outdoor mall.
“No way can I afford that.”
Anna had grinned slyly. “Splitting rent three ways with sisters who don’t mind sharing a room you could.”
If the baby hadn’t been on the way, Emma may have kept the Arendelle sisters at arm’s length, but she worried about bringing a baby home to that dump in Grove Park. So she had moved in with Anna and Elsa. The latter clicked with Emma immediately. The two of them were so much alike, it was uncanny. Emma had honestly been relieved to find Elsa to be reserved and even a bit distant at times. She couldn’t have handled two bubbly, chatty Annas. And it had been Elsa who had walked into the apartment to find Emma sobbing over the ultrasound photos the day she found out she was having a boy. And only Elsa heard the whole story about where Henry got his blue eyes, dark hair, and inquisitive nature. Only Elsa knew why she had been so resistant at first when Kristoff introduced Graham to Emma. And only Elsa knew her well enough to be concerned when they announced their engagement.
“How did Killian take the news?” Elsa asked now, voice gentle.
“Pretty much the way I expected.”
Elsa frowned. “I’m sorry.”
Emma shrugged, though her chin wobbled. “I can’t blame him.”
“Well, take all the time you need,” Elsa told her sincerely. If they had been across the kitchen island in their apartment, Emma knew her friend would be grasping her hand.
“Love ya, sis,” Elsa told her with a wink.
A genuine smile tilted Emma’s lips. “Back at ya.”
She ended the call and fell backwards onto the bed, tossing her phone aside. She felt restless and lonely in a way she hadn’t since she was pregnant and living alone in Grove Park. She hadn’t realized how much Anna, Elsa, Henry, and Graham had kept the pain at bay. Even Kristoff with his corny jokes and ridiculous sweaters. He was probably the only male in the state of Georgia who owned sweaters. She had been blessed to find another quirky pseudo-family in Atlanta, though it didn’t have the history of this one in Oklahoma. The only missing piece had been Killian. He had left a huge, gaping hole that she should have known Graham could never fill.
Emma heard raucous laughter coming from outside her window. She pulled the curtains aside to see light spilling out of a dive bar across the street. She pressed her lips together in thought, then making a decision, grabbed her phone off the bed, stuffed the hotel key in her pocket, and headed out the door.
The crowd in the bar was sparse. Smee and Ruby were on bar stools, laughing and doing shots. They saw Emma and waved. Smee was already so drunk, he almost lost his balance and fell to the floor. She shook her head and laughed. One more thing that still hadn’t changed.
She looked around, equal parts relieved and disappointed not to see Killian there. Ariel sat alone at a table in the corner. Emma made her way in that direction.
“Can I get you something?” the bartender called out.
“Rum,” she told him, and he nodded.
“Killian Jones has got us both hooked I see,” Ariel quipped as Emma sat across from her.
Emma didn’t answer until her drink arrived. She took a sip, watching the redhead over the rim of her glass. “You’re not talking about the rum.”
Ariel caught her eye, more sad than embarrassed. She didn’t attempt an explanation.
“Are you still together?” Emma finally asked, her stomach clenching as she awaited the answer.
Ariel sighed. “No. And I don’t know that it was ever real anyway.”
Emma hated the hurt that radiated off the other woman. “I always knew you had a thing for him.”
Ariel’s bright green eyes widened. “I would never have betrayed your friendship, Emma. I hope you know that. You’d been gone a year before we . . . ,” she trailed off and took another sip of rum. “I was his rebound, I know that now. He was hurting so badly, and my heart just broke for him. And you’re right, I’d pined for so long, I guess I Iet myself believe it was real.”
“What happened?” Emma asked gently.
“Ariel gave her a sad smile. “Isn’t it obvious? I wasn’t you.”
The bar filled up as the night wore on. Ariel had excused herself early though Emma tried to get her to stay. Now she was playing a round of darts with Ruby and Smee. Or attempting to, anyway, considering her two companions were three sheets to the wind.
“Now that’s just bad form, Swan, playing against such inebriated opponents.”
Emma was so startled by the sound of Killian’s voice behind her that her aim went wide and the dart went pinging off the edge of the board. When she turned around, he was standing there with his hands in his pockets. He still wasn’t smiling at her like he used to, but at least anger was no longer in the set of his jaw. He inclined his head to the table in the corner that Ariel had just vacated. Emma excused herself from the game, though her old friends were too drunk to notice.
As she tentatively took a seat, the bartender asked Killian if he wanted anything.
“Just a beer,” he replied.
Emma’s eyes widened in surprise. “That’s all?”
Killian inclined his head to the pair stumbling toward the dart board. “We can’t all have hangovers in the morning.”
The beer arrived, and he took a sip. Her mind flipped backwards to nights like this in the past. Then she was right next to him, as close as she could get, his arm flung over her shoulder, his posture easy and relaxed.
“You don’t seem pissed at me anymore,” Emma said hesitantly.
“No,” he said softly, “just hurt. Honestly, I wish I was still angry.”
Emma nodded. He had never been anything but honest with her, even when they were kids. She pulled out her phone and unlocked it. She opened up her Instagram account and selected the album titled “Henry.” She then slid it across the table to Killian.
“Do you want to see pictures of him?”
Killian blinked, his hand trembling slightly as he took the phone. As he scrolled through, he swallowed and clenched his jaw. Emma knew the pictures would go from most recent to the day Henry was born. The longer Killian scrolled, the more emotional he became. He alternated between small smiles and unshed tears glistening in his eyes. When he finished, he set the phone down and covered his face with a shaking hand.
“He looks like you,” Emma whispered
Killian’s hand slid down his face. “He has your smile, though. And your chin.”
Emma silently closed her phone, not knowing what to say.
“You have an Instagram account?” he asked her in a choked voice.
Emma bit her lower lip. “I only have five followers. It was really just a place to store my photos. As back up, you know?”
Killian just nodded. Emma fiddled with a napkin, first crumpling it into a ball, then twisting it. He closed his eyes for a moment before speaking.
“Listen, Emma, about your fiancé leaving . . . I never wanted to see you hurt. No matter what’s happened between us, I could never take pleasure in seeing your heart broken.”
Emma managed a smile as his eyes met hers. “It isn’t broken.” She shrugged. “And that was the whole problem.”
“Why were you with him then?” he asked softly, the hurt filling his eyes again.
“Why were you with Ariel?” She couldn’t keep the harshness out of her voice.
His eyes widened. “How did you know?”
“Ariel told me, though she didn’t have to. I’m not stupid, Killian.”
Anger flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to speak, but then seemed to think better of it. He rubbed his eyes wearily instead.
Emma deflated. “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. I didn’t expect you to turn into a monk when I left.”
“I was never engaged to Ariel.”
Emma swallowed hard, her gaze lowering to the table. “Fair enough. I guess I let things go too far with Graham because he was safe.”
“You mean because he doesn’t chase storms for a living?”
Emma blinked to keep the tears that welled in her eyes from spilling over. “No. Safer for my heart.”
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csnews · 6 years
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Heartache in the San Juan Islands: Locals grieve as resident orcas face extinction
Jamie Hale - September 14, 2018
The orca calf lived for only half an hour, but the mother spent 17 days carrying its body on her nose this summer, crossing the Salish Sea from the San Juan Islands into Canadian waters and back in a visceral display of animal grief that captivated whale watchers around the globe.
Tahlequah, also known as J35, was far from the first mother to grieve. Her population of southern resident orcas hasn’t seen a successful birth in three years. Over the last two decades, three-quarters of their calves have died.
Ken Balcomb, lead scientist at the Center for Whale Research on San Juan Island, said the three pods that make up the most iconic killer whale population in the Pacific Northwest have rebounded from loss before, but this time they seem to be headed in one direction.
“Extinction,” he said. “They’re not going to make it.”
Other populations of Pacific Northwest orcas – like the northern residents that live off the upper coast of Vancouver Island, and the transient killer whales that roam the ocean freely – are doing fine, Balcomb said. It’s only the southern residents that are in trouble.
The humans closest to the southern resident orcas consider them family, and already people are beginning to grieve. It’s a heartache that tears at the cultural fabric of the San Juan Islands, where residents’ lives are deeply intertwined with the creatures.
The problem is not only a dwindling food supply, but also the heavy pollution in the Puget Sound, where orcas have been feasting on salmon runs for tens of thousands of years. Orcas are apex predators, capable of hunting anything in the ocean, but the resident killer whales of the Pacific Northwest eat a diet that consists almost exclusively of chinook salmon – a food source that has steadily declined since the 1980s.
The recent struggles of the southern residents have garnered international headlines, and locals in the San Juan Islands hope it will lead to quick action by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and his new task force dedicated to helping the three local pods. Marine researchers like Balcomb are calling for the breaching of four dams on the lower Snake River in southeast Washington, a plan that could provide the orcas with much-needed salmon. But the idea has already galvanized fierce opposition from lawmakers who argue the dams provide a crucial source of electricity, irrigation and recreation.
“Here we are stuck in the human paradigm, and [the orcas] are stuck in the human paradigm too,” Balcomb said. “There will be extinction with the current trends. We need to change the trends or just write them off.”
Jeff Friedman steered his boat around the edge of Patos Island, where tall black dorsal fins emerged from the water. The view was phenomenal – the Patos Island Lighthouse framed by Mount Baker – but all eyes were on the killer whales, which were busy feasting on an unlucky porpoise.
After sharing the meal, the orcas rounded the island and swam into the Strait of Georgia, where another small pod came to meet them. As the sun sank behind Vancouver Island, the orcas rolled over one another, slapped their tails on the water, and leapt from the water in unison.
Everybody on the boat was struck with awe, Friedman included. “It’s so emotional, spiritual – it’s deep, it’s a deep experience,” Friedman, captain and co-owner of Maya’s Legacy Whale Watching said. “Orcas are definitely my religion, and this is my temple.”
Friedman, however, recognized an important distinction: these orcas were hunting porpoise. That means they weren’t southern residents but transient killer whales, which eat other mammals instead of relying on salmon. They don’t call any one place home, but they’ve been coming to the San Juan Islands more often in recent years, and while tourists might not know the difference, to locals they’re not the same.
The humans who have inhabited the Salish Sea have always had a strong relationship with the local pods of orcas. But it wasn’t until the 1970s that anybody knew much about the ancient, mysterious creatures, and not until after people began killing and capturing them in large numbers.
As recently as the 1960s, fishermen shot at the predators with guns and harpoons, considering them pests and a public threat. But local aquarium owners in the ‘60s and ‘70s saw value in the animals, developing techniques to capture orcas and make them prime attractions at places like SeaWorld.
The public became enamored of the beautiful creatures, which boosted aquarium profits but also caused a backlash against methods used to obtain orcas. In 1975, after mounting pressure from both activists and lawmakers, the U.S. government allocated funds to research killer whale populations in the Pacific Northwest, with one big question in mind: How many orcas were left?
Ken Balcomb, fresh from a stint with the Navy, proposed a fresh idea: documenting the local orca population by photographing each animal’s “saddle patch,” a unique marking underneath the dorsal fin. The method was first developed by marine biologist Michael Bigg, and Balcomb put it to use.
Starting in April 1976, he spent the spring and summer following the southern resident orcas around the Salish Sea. He learned that the population was divided into three distinct pods – dubbed J, K and L – each with its own social structure and behaviors, like clans within a tribe. He also got an accurate count of their population: 71 animals, far fewer than anyone thought.
That same year, Washington state declared a moratorium on capturing orcas from state waters, and in 1982, his research helped convince the International Whaling Commission to enact a worldwide ban on commercial whaling.
With protections in place, the southern resident population rebounded, reaching a population of 98 in 1995. But since then, their numbers have steadily decreased alongside dwindling salmon runs and researchers remain skeptical they will bounce back again, headed for what Balcomb calls a “slow-moving extinction.”  
The youngest of the southern residents, a 3-year-old female called J50, was feared dead Thursday despite weeks of scientists’ efforts to help the emaciated, ailing calf. Her death would bring the population to 74, the lowest number since 1984. If calves continue to die for the next five years, Balcomb said, the population will become functionally extinct.
“You might have some living whales at the end of this century, but we’re likely to have no reproducing whales at the end of a decade,” Balcomb said.
Researchers like Balcomb have been coming to the islands for decades to study orcas. Most populations live in the open ocean, where it’s next to impossible to track them, but in the Salish Sea their behavior is more predictable – they follow the salmon. That fact has forged an unusually strong bond between the ocean predators and the humans with whom they share the sea.
“They are the charismatic megafauna of the marine environment around here. They absolutely captivate you to watch them,” Balcomb said. “You’re in the presence of something that’s obviously bigger than you and maybe spiritually beyond us too – socially they are. They’re pretty awesome.”
It’s hard to overstate how important these particular orcas are to the San Juan Islands. Locals have become accustomed to regular sightings in spring and summer, both onshore and in the water, where the animals nuzzle the underside of their boats and swim up to their kayaks. In Friday Harbor, killer whales are depicted on murals, emblazoned on signs, sold on T-shirts, bags of coffee and in the form of plush toys.
Becki Day, executive director of the San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce, said the most common question the visitors center receives (after “where are the bathrooms?”) is “where can I see the whales?” She said the extinction of the resident orcas would definitely affect local businesses.
“The community loves them, they really do. Everybody loves them. We want them to survive and not just for the business part,” she said.
For Friedman, who runs about 250 whale watching trips every year, the loss carries more of an emotional impact than economic. Because even if the southern residents go extinct, there might still be orcas in the Salish Sea.
Lack of salmon may be forcing local orcas to go off in search of food, but the plentiful supply of seals and porpoise have been attracting more transient orcas to the San Juan Islands.
According to researchers, the presence of the transient orcas won’t help or hurt the southern residents. The two populations are considered subspecies that speak different dialects and generally don’t interact. If anything, the absence of the southern residents might allow the intruding transients more freedom to hunt around the islands.
To tourists, an orca is an orca, but for locals it’s not that simple.
“As interesting as they are, and as much as we connect with them as well, the identity of Friday Harbor and this region was built on southern residents. You can’t just swap out one population for another and say nothing’s changed,” Friedman said.
Balcomb agrees. When you go out on a boat, “you’re hoping to see a southern resident,” he said. The southern residents are easy for experienced whale watchers to identify, distinguished by their behavior, social structures and saddle patches, which researchers like Balcomb have long since learned by heart.
The transients, on the other hand, are strangers. Many have been identified, but nobody knows when they’ll come and go or how long they’ll stick around. The people who live in the San Juan Islands are used to the regularity and familiarity of their neighborhood orcas, the animals they’ve lived with for decades, through baby booms and, for the foreseeable future, tragic deaths.
“They are the most family-oriented animals I have ever seen – everything is about family,” Friedman said. For him, losing the local orcas is like losing members of his own family. “You can’t help but break down in tears knowing what’s going on and knowing how difficult it is for these animals.”
For San Juan Island native Gordy Petersen, 65, it’s all made for a strange few decades. In the 1950s and ‘60s, fishermen didn’t think twice about shooting at orcas, he said. But by the ‘80s, locals were organizing whale watching tours just to see them. Now, there’s talk of the resident orcas being gone completely.
When he was a teenager he witnessed a capture in a nearby bay, watching from a boat as captors worked to wrangle an orca.
“I didn’t like that. It was fascinating, but it was sort of disturbing at the same time,” he said.
Now the owner of a building in downtown Friday Harbor, Petersen still has mixed feelings about the struggle of the southern residents. It would be sad to see them go extinct, he said, but nature will fill the void somehow.
Transient orcas will still probably come, whale watching boats will still go out, and businesses in Friday Harbor will hum along, telling tourists the sad story of the orcas that once called this place home.
“Friday Harbor has been here before the whale craze and it’ll be here after,” Petersen said. “People come here because it’s a beautiful place and that’s not going to change.”
Your best bet to see killer whales anywhere is on a whale watching boat in the San Juan Islands in Washington. Most tour companies are based in Friday Harbor, but Anacortes has some as well. You’ll likely see southern resident and transient orcas, but you might also see humpback whales, gray whales and porpoises. Oregon
Orca sightings are rarer on the Oregon coast, but they do happen regularly. The southern residents are known to occasionally feast on salmon runs at the mouth of the Columbia River, but you’ll need some luck to see them. The same goes for transients, which show up unannounced to feed on sea lions and seals. Canada
If your passport is current, you can cross the border and find orcas around Vancouver Island, which has whale watching outfits based in Victoria, Sidney and towns along both coasts. On the north side of the island, you can see the northern resident orcas, which feed along the Johnstone Strait in summer and fall.  
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
November 23, 1965 on CBS
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Directed by Seymour Berns
Produced by Henry Jaffe, Seymour Berns
Written by Hugh Wedlock Jr., Charles Isaacs, Alan Manings with Carl Reiner and Aaron Ruben
Cast (in order of appearance)
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Dick Van Dyke (Host, Himself) was born Richard Wayne Van Dyke in West Plains, Missouri, in 1925. Although he’d had small roles beforehand, Van Dyke was launched to stardom in the 1960 Broadway musical Bye Bye Birdie, for which he won a Tony Award. He reprised his role in the 1963 film. He has starred in a number of other films throughout the years including Mary Poppins (1964) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968). From 1961 to 1966 he played TV writer Rob Petrie in “The Dick Van Dyke Show.” He also starred in “The New Dick Van Dyke Show” (1971-74), “Van Dyke & Company” (1976), on which Lucille Ball guest-starred. Van Dyke was often compared physically to Stan Laurel.
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Lucille Ball (Woman in the Park) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon, which was not a success and was canceled after just 13 episodes.
Ball has no spoken dialogue in her sketch.
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Buster Keaton (Painter in the Park) was born in 1895 to parents who were vaudevillians. His legendary film career began in 1917.  He became a star known for his slapstick comedy, pork pie hat, slapshoes, and deadpan expression. In 1960 he was given an honorary Oscar. Lucille Ball worked with Keaton on the 1946 film Easy To Wed. He died in February 1966, just two months after this special aired.
Keaton has no spoken dialogue in his sketch.
Harvey Korman (Policeman in the Park) is best known as part of “The Carol Burnett Show” (1967-77).  He made five appearance on “The Lucy Show” as various characters. In 1977 he had his own show on ABC which lasted just one season. At the time of this episode he was a regular on “The Danny Kaye Show” (1963-67) which aired Friday nights on CBS. He died in May 2008. 
Korman has no spoken dialogue in his sketch.
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Bob Newhart (Himself / Uncle Freddy) is a stand-up comic with a deadpan delivery who headed two eponymous  television sitcoms: “The Bob Newhart Show” (1972-78) and “Newhart” (1982-90).  
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Audrey Meadows (Pearl) is best remembered as Alice Kramden on “The Honeymooners” (1955-56), a role that won her an Emmy in 1955, against Vivian Vance as Ethel Mertz on “I Love Lucy.” She also played Lucy's sister on an episode of “Life With Lucy” (1986). Meadows died in 1996 at age 73.
Meadows has no spoken dialogue in her sketch “The Perils of Pearl.”  
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Cesar Romero (Rod, Leading Man) was born in 1907 in New York City to Cuban parents. Despite earning more than 200 screen credits, Romero is perhaps best remembered for playing the Joker on TV’s “Batman” (1966-68) and in a Batman film in 1966. He played Ricky Ricardo’s buddy Carlos when “Lucy Takes a Cruise to Havana” (LDCH 1957), the very first hour-long episode of “I Love Lucy” set in Cuba in 1940, as well as Lucy Carmichael's date in “A Date for Lucy” (TLS S1;E19).  He died on New Year’s Day 1994 at age 86.
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Tina Louise (Wilma, Leading Lady) is best known as 'the movie star' Ginger Grant on “Gilligan's Island” (1964-67).  This is only appearance with Lucille Ball.
Louise has no spoken dialogue in her sketch.
Leonid Kinskey (Silent Movie Director) was born in Russia in 1903. He played a variety of Russian and middle-European characters. One of the few to share film credits with Stan Laurel, they were both seen in Hollywood Party in 1936. He died in 1998 at age 95.
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Louis Nye (Mood Music Musician) was a character actor skilled in accents and voices. He appeared with Lucille Ball in the films The Facts of Life (1960) and A Guide for the Married Man (1967). He died in 2005 at age 92.
Fred Gwynne (Herman Munster) was the star of two iconic television series: “Car 54 Where Are You” (1961-63) and “The Munsters” (1964-66), the role he reprises here. This is his only time working on the same show as Lucille Ball (although the two TV icons share no scenes together). He died in 1993 at age 66.
Gwynne has no dialogue in the sketch.
Danny Kaye (Himself) was born David Kaminsky in 1911 and left school at the age of 13 to work in the Borscht Belt of Jewish resorts in the Catskill Mountains. It was there he learned the basics of show biz. In 1939, he made his Broadway debut in Straw Hat Revue, but it was the stage production of the musical Lady in the Dark in 1940 that brought him acclaim and notice from agents. Also in 1940, he married Sylvia Fine, who went on to manage his career. She helped create the routines and gags, and wrote most of the songs that he performed. Danny could sing and dance like many others, but his specialty was reciting tongue-twisting songs and monologues. In 1964 he appeared on “The Lucy Show” as himself and Lucy appeared on his special in return. He died in 1987.
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Phil Silvers (Himself) was born Philip Silversmith in 1911 (the same year as Lucille Ball). He started entertaining at age 11. He made his Broadway debut in 1939. In 1952 he won a Tony Award in the Broadway musical Top Banana in which he played a TV star modeled on Milton Berle. His feature film debut came in 1940. Silvers became a household name in 1955 when he starred as Sergeant Ernest G. Bilko. In 1963, Ball and Silvers performed the classic ‘Slowly I Turn’ sketch for “CBS Opening Night.” In December 1966 Silver guest-starred in “Lucy and the Efficiency Expert” (TLS S5;E13). A year later Ball and Silvers both had bit parts in the film A Guide for the Married Man (1967). He died at the age of 74.
Bern Hoffman (Pop / Street Bully / Cop) was a burly character actor seen with Lucille Ball on the first season of “The Lucy Show” and in the film The Facts of Life (1960). He was seen on Broadway in the original casts of the musicals Guys and Dolls (1950) as Joey Biltmore and Li'L Abner (1956) as Earthquake McGoon, a role he recreated in the 1959 film version.  
None of Hoffman's characters speak.
Mary Foran (Mom / Tango Dancer) was a heavyset character actor usually cast for her size. She appeared as one of the women at the health club in “Lucy and the Countess Lose Weight” (TLS S3;E21) earlier in 1965.
Foran does not have any dialogue.
Gregory Peck (Himself) was one of the most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s. Peck received five Academy Award nominations winning for his performance as Atticus Finch in the 1962 drama film To Kill a Mockingbird. Although Peck and Lucille Ball never appeared together professionally, his name was mentioned several times on “Lucy” sitcoms.  He also never worked with Stan Laurel.  Peck died in 2003 at age 87.
Archival Footage
Stan Laurel (Archive Footage) was born as Arthur Stanley Jefferson in England in 1890. Laurel began his career in music hall, where he developed a number of his standard comic devices: the bowler hat, the deep comic gravity, and the nonsensical understatement. He began his film career in 1917 and made his final appearance in 1951. From 1928 onward, he appeared exclusively with Oliver Hardy (1892-57). Known simply as Laurel and Hardy, the pair became one of the most recognizable comic duos in history. Stan Laurel passed away in February 1965, eight months prior to this tribute show.  He was 74 years old.
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Oliver Hardy (archive footage) was born Norvell Hardy in Georgia USA in 1892. He appeared with his comedy partner Stan Laurel in 107 short films, feature films, and cameo roles. He was credited with his first film, Outwitting Dad, in 1914. In some of his early works, he was billed as "Babe Hardy". He died in 1957 at age 65.
Dorothy Coburn (Nurse in “The Finishing Touch” Archive Footage) was ideally cast as a perennial foil for Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in films like The Second 100 Years (1927) where Stan inadvertently covers her bottom with white paint; Putting Pants on Philip (1927) in which she is being chased by an over-amorous, kilt-wearing Stan Laurel around town; and as a dentist's nurse in Leave 'Em Laughing (1928). She died in 1978 at age 72.
Edgar Kennedy (Cop in “The Finishing Touch” Archive Footage) was seen with Laurel and Hardy in more than a dozen films. He was also seen in three RKO films with Lucille Ball in the early 1930s. He died in 1948 and his final film was released posthumously.  
Betty Grable (Pat Lambert in Footlight Serenade Archive Footage) was a starlet who did three films with Lucille Ball from 1933 to 1936. In 1958 she appeared with her husband bandleader Harry James as themselves on an episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour.” Footlight Serenade (1942) was also supposed to feature Lucille Ball, but she refused to be loaned out to Fox to play a secondary role. 
Stan Salute Trivia
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The tribute was not well-received by critics, who opined that the program felt less like a celebration of Laurel's career than a promo for the new fall shows; the same critics were, however, in general agreement that Van Dyke's devotion was palpable and heartfelt. Consequently Laurel and Hardy biographers tend to regard it as well-intentioned, but ultimately inconsequential. Wrapping up the season in April 1966, TV Chronicle's Neil Compton would dismiss the special’
"Not much of a tribute to the late comedian (who appeared briefly in a number of film clips brutally hacked out of their original context), and did not enhance the reputations of participants such as Dick Van Dyke, Lucille Ball, or Phil Silvers."
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Dick Van Dyke (who was also one of the producers) reportedly complained that his vision for the Salute had itself been hacked to pieces by network corporate types. Van Dyke had delivered the eulogy and Stan Laurel's funeral. An appearance by Fred Gwynne in full Herman Munster regalia clearly had more to do with CBS (home of “The Munsters”) than with Laurel. A lengthy biography of Phil Silvers in the show's second half also has little to do with Laurel. On the whole, the special is a tribute to both Laurel AND Hardy, who passed away eight years earlier.
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The Salute aired opposite new episodes of “McHale's Navy” and “F-Troop” on ABC and “Dr. Kildare” on NBC. It was preceded on CBS by “Rawhide” (starring Clint Eastwood) and followed by “Petticoat Junction.”  
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The day before (Monday, November 22), “Lucy and the Undercover Agent” (TLS S4;E10) was aired for the first time.  In the episode, Mrs. Carmichael goes undercover as Carol Channing to break into a government installation! 
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One year after this special aired, Lucy Carmichael and Mr. Mooney were put under hypnosis by Miss Pat, “the hip hypnotist” (a nightclub entertainer). Their hypnotic suggestion was to imitate Laurel and Hardy. Lucy, naturally, was Stan Laurel.  
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The underscoring of the Salute makes liberal use of “Dance of the Cuckoos” which was Laurel and Hardy's theme music. It was written by Marvin Hartley as the 'hour chime' for a radio station. It was first heard during a Laurel and Hardy film in 1930.  
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This was the last comedy performance of Buster Keaton, who had been diagnosed as terminally ill and would die a few months later. Lucy and Keaton were there own mutual admiration society, Lucy considering him her mentor and Keaton championing Ball's talents, even before her TV fame.  In the above photo, Keaton and Ball watch the dailies from their sketch on the Salute. 
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Although Buster Keaton never guest-starred on a “Lucy” sitcom, he did visit the set of “I Love Lucy” to see his now successful protege.
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The Salute begins with a production number called “Stanley” featuring singer / dancers dressed as Laurel and Hardy inter-cut with film footage of the pair and the opening credits. 
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After the first commercial Dick Van Dyke introduces the show. He says that he never got to meet Oliver Hardy, but did know Stan Laurel. Film excerpts from “Wrong Again” (1929), which was re-released by MGM as “Laurel and Hardy's Laughing 20s”, a compilation of Laurel and Hardy shorts.  
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Lucille Ball and Buster Keaton perform a silent sketch set on a park bench. Harvey Korman plays a cop. The sketch is without words, but includes background music, exaggerated sound effects, and the ubiquitous laugh track. 
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After a brief clip from the Laurel and Hardy short “Putting Pants on Philip” (1927), Dick Van Dyke gives a lecture on comedy rooted in observing physical pain in others. He notes how comedy has changed, all the while having a series of funny accidents. This “comedy lecture” was specially written by Carl Reiner and Aaron Ruben.
Blooper Alert! When Van Dyke gets a waste paper basket stuck on his foot, he kicks it offstage. It apparently collides with someone off-camera, which makes Van Dyke laugh and apologize. Just before this happened, the boom microphone dips down into the frame.  
The 'lecture' ends with Van Dyke tripping over a footstool on his way out, something he did in the opening credits of his show.  
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Bob Newhart talks about his research on Laurel and Hardy.  He does his impression of a stereotypical kiddie show host named Uncle Freddy. Such TV kiddie shows were often the outlet for showing Laurel and Hardy shorts.
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After a clip from “Call of the Cuckoo” (1927), an audience at an old time cinema sings about seeing ‘The Perils of Pearl’, the type of serial melodrama that typically played alongside a comedy feature by Laurel and Hardy. 
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Audrey Meadows plays Pearl, in a variety of her 'perils':  As a women about to be bisected by a mill saw, a harem dancer pursued by an over-amorous Calif, a cowgirl burned at the stake by Indians, and a woman sitting atop a giant time bomb.
Movie-Goers: “Will they blow up little Pearl?  Is her life at stake?  To be continued [the look into the camera] ... after station break!”
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After the commercial break, the movie-goers are still looking at the camera. They look back at the movie screen where Pearl is still atop the bomb.  
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Pearl laughs and her hat falls off.  The matinee audience is suddenly onstage in a full out dance number! 
Dick Van Dyke introduces a comedy sketch about the filming of a silent movie. 
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It stars Cesar Romero as The Leading Man, Tina Louise as The Leading Lady, Leonid Kinsky as The Director, and Louis Nye as The Mood Music Musician (aka violinist). 
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The comedy comes from Nye trying to stay out of the pantomimed action while providing the mood music to help the actors emote. After destroying several violins, Nye himself falls out the window.
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Crashing through the door comes his replacement, Herman Munster (Fred Gwynne) playing the fiddle!  This is the first time a 1865 TV audience has seen Gwynne in color, although his green complexion would be on display in a 1966  Munsters movie.
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Danny Kaye is sitting beside Stan Laurel's honorary Oscar, which Kaye accepted for Laurel in 1961. A clip of “The Finishing Touch” (1928) shows Laurel installing a window. 
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Color (but silent) footage shows Laurel polishing his Oscar from his home in 1961.  
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Sitting among a stack of film reels, Dick Van Dyke introduces another clip from “The Finishing Touch” (1928) in which Laurel and Hardy are renovating a house.
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Phil Silvers compares Laurel's youth as “a little man” to his own life story.  A sketch shows a bespectacled Silvers in a baby bonnet and crib with his mother and father beside him. His teen years (in a page boy wig) feature his cracking voice singing “Shine On Harvest Moon.”  
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The mini-biography tracks Silvers' career from street performer to vaudeville. 
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In Burlesque, he plays Linksy's theatre (a pun on the real-life Minsky's Burlesque) wearing the same huge plaid cap that he wore onstage and screen in the musical Top Banana ten years earlier.  
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Actual footage from his big break in movies shows Silvers and Betty Grable in Footlight Serenade (1942).  Silvers finally brings his story back to Stan Laurel, but not without a few quick clips of him in “Sergeant Bilko”!  
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Gregory Peck closes the program by thanking everyone and giving a last pitch for the new MGM film compilation of Laurel and Hardy's shorts.
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The singers and dancers who opened the show return for a final chorus of “Stanley.”  The number ends on a shot of a painting of Stan Laurel.  This same painting inspired the creation of the show.  
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Dick Van Dyke returns for yet another pitch for the MGM film compilation “Laurel and Hardy's Laughing 20s”. Van Dyke gets a face full of cake at the very end, inter-cut with Oliver Hardy slipping on a banana peel while carrying a huge cake excerpted from 1928's “From Soup To Nuts.”  
This Date in Lucy History – November 23
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"Redecorating the Mertzes' Apartment" (ILL S3;E8) – November 23, 1953
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"Lucy's Contact Lenses" (TLS S3;E10) – November 23, 1964
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“Lucy and Jack Benny's Biography” (HL S3;E11) – November 23, 1970
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memorylang · 4 years
February’s Holidays in America | #50 | February 2021
Been feeling great! 2O2I goes well for me. I’m excited to have received more word from the Peace Corps that they’ll be in touch when they have a final timeline for reinstatement. Till then, I’m savoring my weeks still stateside. 
February 2O2I encompasses many holidays, including Lunar New Year, U.S. Presidents’ Day, St. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday. Some Americans may consider the Super Bowl a holiday, too! (Ah, if only Kansas City could make lightning strike twice this year.) Anywho, this month’s tales are on how I’ve spent my holidays. I’m ecstatic to have gotten in another national parks trip!  
Lunar New Year 2O2I
I begin these tales from Lunar New Year’s. (I’ll double back to recount January adventures toward the end of my tales in this blog story.) This year, my LA sister who was in wanted to celebrate the Lunar New Year with more activity, so she’d returned to Vegas, she decorated, we wore red, and we cooked. 
We made dumplings and 包子 /bāozi/, which were tasty. I enjoyed getting to show my sister how Mom had shown me how to pinch them. I remembered too cooking with my Mongol host family two summers ago. This year, our older brother and his girlfriend came over to celebrate, as well as a couple of my sister’s friends. 
This year’s Year of the Ox is my zodiac year. It’s the first one I remember, since in that year when I’d turned 12, I’d been still adjusting to life in Vegas after having moved from Indiana with my family the year before. Here in 2O2I, though, at what was midnight in China, I called our relatives over WeChat. We chatted briefly in Chinese and English. Many got confused about which of my sisters was which, which amused me. I felt glad to have gotten to reconnect. 
For the rest of my friends and relatives, I shared photos from Tsagaan Sar 2O2O. Last year, I hadn’t posted much amid hastily packing as a Peace Corps Volunteer to evacuate Mongolia. This year’s been calmer. 
Later that Lunar New Year’s Day, I and my national parks friends like Victor Del Valle embarked on a new adventure, this time to Utah’s sites. Having my driver’s license felt empowering. 
The Mighty Five
By our trip’s end, I’d reach 14 national parks! I look forward to getting to share these experiences with folks abroad who want to visit the States. 
On Friday, our first day, my friends and I visited Canyonlands National Park then Dead Horse Point State Park. I enjoyed seeing the canyons within canyons. Since the Wednesday before was a virtual high school reunion, I decided to wear my ol’ student council shirt. 
That night we checked into this awesome and affordable place, the “Rustic Inn” in Moab, Utah. I recommend it to anyone coming through the city. It was so fantastic that I wrote a Yelp review. 
On Saturday, we reached Arches National Park early, standing below the iconic Delicate Arch before rain picked up. Despite the cold wind and rain, I loved the hike to the Double O Arches. The trek involved rock scrambling what I call the ‘rock vault’ and walking across elevated slabs that I consider the ‘train cars.’ On rock scrambles, I felt like Spider-Man. Across the elevated slabs, I felt like Violet Evergarden or Captain America. We’d taken so many cool photos that day that my recap post for social media contained numerous photos from Arches. 
For the Feast of St. Valentine, that Sunday, Feb. 14, my aunt who’d visited last summer had mailed ahead candy. Her gift was a pleasant surprise. Coincidentally on that Sunday, my friends and I saw Capitol Reef, to which she’d taken me last summer. But, my friends and I entered from a different side than when I’d seen with my relative. My friends and I also hiked to Cassidy Arch, along a remarkable trail that I hadn’t seen on our first trip. Though I first overshot the destination by a half-mile, I enjoyed the sights! That arch reminded me of Sedona’s Devil’s Bridge. 
"A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one”
On Monday, my friends and I had meant just to see Bryce Canyon but fate had other plans. Winter snow and ice limited our Bryce options such that after experiencing its safe sites we went to Zion. Still, we enjoyed the Dr. Seuss-like sound of “hoodoos” and questions like, “What do the hoodoos do when who doesn’t?” 
Zion felt like Disney, with its wonders at every turn. I’d never seen rock formations like those of the park. Its overlook path, which my friends insisted wasn’t even one of its best hikes, blew my mind. I wish that we’d had more time to see Zion. Our time was short. I resolved to return someday. 
Up next is Redwood National Park in a few months! I’m so excited. Redwood was one of the first national parks of which I’d heard when I was young in Indiana reading about California. I hope that those tall trees are amazing indeed. 
From 2O2I’s First Week 
Presidents’ Day made my friends’ and my trip possible this month. So, in honor of Presidents’ Day, I want to share some January 2O2I experiences with its major event, Inauguration Day! With all that led to it, this year’s was one to remember. 
I kick off my Inauguration Day stories with Wed., Jan. 6, an especially tense day for Americans. That morning, I’d been still in Reno, having arrived to ring in the New Year. That Wednesday, my folks and I were following results from the Georgia run-off election. Georgian friends said not to hold my breath. Well, I felt amazed to see that the two Democrats won. 
But later that day, when I and my D.C. friend were to begin our usual 3 p.m. EST video call on my week’s Bible readings, we began with a different conversation. She asked me if I’d heard about what was happening at the Capitol Building. I hadn’t. She said that police were trying to protect Congresspeople from rioters who’d broken in—American rioters. 
I hadn’t imagined that day that I’d be praying for the safety of our leaders, but I felt moved to do so. I tried not to let the news get to me, too much. I hoped that things would sort themselves out. I’d underestimated. 
“What a year this month has been” 
The next Monday, Week 45 (Jan. 8–15), I felt a bit ashamed to try explaining to my group of Mongols learning English about the U.S. Capitol events. I wasn’t certain about the facts, beyond that rioters opposed the certification of our November election’s results. Ultimately, I suspected that the media had overplayed the drama of the events. Still, I felt ashamed that not outsiders but American citizens had attacked our own Capitol. 
That week’s Sunday, I also attended and later spoke at a Zoom service in remembrance of my late supervisor, Rich Siegel, co-chair of the Honors Community Advisory Board for which I’m secretary. Many on the call wondered what that man, a champion of the American Civil Liberties Union, would have thought about the violence at the Capitol. He would surely have condemned it. After our service, I spoke briefly in gratitude for Rich’s mentorship. A woman at the service contacted me with thanks for sharing my experiences with him. 
On a later week, my English-language learners in Mongolia asked me to weigh in about my trust in the election results. I explained my usual position that I tend to believe whatever our courts conclude about the security of our processes. Our courts declared the election secure, so I trusted our results. Regarding America’s Capitol riots, to my amazement, my Mongol friends compared them to moments in Mongolia’s young democratic history of riots outside of their parliament building and leaders resigning. I felt strangely comforted by similarities. 
Inauguration Day
At last came Wednesday, Jan. 2O. I was back in Vegas, glued to the telly from dawn till dusk. This was the first Inauguration Day I could recall when I wasn’t in school, so I decided that I’d watch the whole thing. By that day, I’d also finished much of the yard work and had even gotten halfway through the “Kafka on the Shore” book to which I’d been listening. 
On Inauguration Day, I kept downstairs with a Snuggie, sitting in a soft rocking chair with a space heater between me and the TV. I set the telly to a channel showing four stations at once—this time showing CNN, FOX, MSNBC and the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC). I liked most the JCCIC broadcast since its hosts sounded passionate about our inaugural setting, having usually given tours of the Capitol. Commentators felt delighted that despite the violence just two weeks earlier, the area was safe and secure now. 
I felt a little disappointed to learn that President Trump had decided not to attend the inauguration, instead taking off quietly from Washington. I’d loved seeing U.S. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama gathered. I hope that in the future, Trump stands among them as a fellow past leader of our great nation. 
As President-elect Biden and VP-elect Harris arrived, I felt moved. I remembered my time as a young journalist reporting live during Election Night, November 2OI6. Seeing our new administration arrive in January 2O2I, I remembered the faces of people, many of color, who had felt saddened half a decade prior. 
Though I live in Vegas, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy much Lady Gaga’s performance of the national anthem. Generally, I’m not that interested in her music. Well, I felt awed. I found her rendition of our anthem among the most moving versions that I’ve heard. She performed in ways like a guide on our nation’s musical journey. 
In terms of speeches, I enjoyed hearing Rev. Dr. Sylvester Beaman bring to light important issues of diverse communities and felt blown away by the poet Amanda Gorman. Her words resonated powerfully. Her references to “Hamilton” were wonderful, too. That the Biden-Harris administration had given the green light to this magnificent speaker of my generation gave great hope. 
Inauguration Night
I spent the rest of Inauguration Day texting friends as I watched the feeds on traditional Day 1 activities of new U.S. presidents. I especially loved watching that afternoon the Biden-Harris administration’s first press conference. We’re returning to transparency. 
That evening, I saw the virtual concert commemorating our day. I enjoyed seeing talks and performances by Bon Jovi, Foo Fighters, Yo-Yo Ma, Broadway stars and John Legend. New to me yet delightful still were “Better Days (feat. Justin Timberlake)” by Ant Clemons and “Colors” by Black Pumas. Our sun set on what felt for many a renewed nation. 
I didn’t see much other inauguration coverage besides a James Corden treat. He’d made a parody of “One Day More,” which I showed many. I found its lines, “What a year this month has been,” and, “Politics are dull again,” so comical. 
As days went on, I felt delighted to see Dr. Fauci on TV looking far more chipper than during preceding weeks. I felt amused by Stephen Colbert’s return to jesting about political norms instead of contested facts. Thus our world turns. 
Back to Reno
After my Week 49 (Feb. 11–16) Mighty Five Utah parks trip with my friends, I returned from Vegas to Reno. That Tues., Feb. 16, I got to drive the hundred miles from Tonopah, Nev., to Hawthorne, Nev.! I felt delighted. Seeing the sunset while listening to my friend’s party music evoked joy in possibilities of where I can go and what I can do in life. 
The next day, Feb. 17, was Ash Wednesday. That day I returned to my college parish since I’ve been singing for this year’s virtual “Living Stations of the Cross” production. Revisiting the parish and chatting with our staff returned to mind among my favorite undergrad experiences. Meanwhile, our student coordinators have worked so hard to make their office into a recording studio. I look forward to sharing our performance video when it goes live this Lenten season. 
With Ash Wednesday as the first day of the season’s fasting, I had a bagel and tea for breakfast then water throughout the day. That evening, after a series of delightful meetings, I saw a long-time friend when he had a moment free. The homie was Darren Dang, one I’d met when we’d lived in the same residence hall, fall 2OI5. 
That afternoon, Darren and I visited Roberto’s Taco Shop down the street, where we caught up like we’d done a couple years ago, before I’d graduated the University. COVID causes weird circumstances, but we make the most of them. Coincidentally, I’d reconnected too with a mutual friend, through a Pokémon GO group chat when I’d asked what I’d need to do to complete the week’s challenge. 
My friend wished me Happy Lunar New Year in a traditional Vietnamese greeting! I enjoyed that greatly. I knew informal New Year’s greetings in Mandarin and Mongolian, so I said those in exchange. Seeing long-time friends warms my soul. 
Lent 2O2I
Later this February marks the first anniversary since I learned that I’d evacuated from Mongolia. So by the time I next blog, I’ll have been back in America for a year. Expect March tales to feature my reflections. I’m coming back to Vegas in March to see off my LA sister before she moves for work in Seattle! 
The rest of February, I mean to focus on singing for the church production and revising my research for resubmission by early March. I’ve enjoyed seeing WandaVision while not working. My language and outreach projects continue. 
This Lent I've also resumed my habit of praying a rosary a day in addition to daily walks and stretches. I've added, too, Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer. Let me know if you'd like to pray with me! For now, I leave you with this copy of the text that I’d found cited on Wikipedia (195I): 
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time, Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Taking, as Jesus did, This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it, Trusting that You will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will, So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
You can read more from me here at DanielLang.me :)
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rockrevoltmagazine · 4 years
IBOTW: The Midnight Preachers
Irish rock band The Midnight Preachers released their new single titled “Pusher Woman” to all digital outlets via The Label Group/INgrooves. The band also released the official music video for the single that was drawn by the band’s very own Emer McLaughlin on her iPad.
Pusher Woman (Official Video) – The Midnight Preachers:
Or hear the song here 
  “Pusher Woman” was written by Eoghan MacSheain & Emer McLaughlin, produced by John Henry and mixed/mastered by Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal (Sons Of Apollo, Asia, Guns N Roses).
Formed in the north-west of Ireland in late 2017, The Midnight Preachers blasted onto the Irish music scene with a distinctive hard rock sound. Avoiding the modern trappings of overexposure on social media, the band’s approach is to leave more to the imagination of the listener, and to make the music their priority. Featuring rich vocal harmonies, Fender Rhodes piano and classic rock style riffs, their first single “California” debuted at #2 on iTunes in Ireland, on New Years Day 2018.
Following an Irish tour which culminated in a headline show with legendary guitar player Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal (solo artist / ex-Guns N’ Roses guitarist), The Midnight Preachers returned to the studio, recording their upcoming debut EP Desert Hymns.
Eoghan MacSheain – Singer / Guitarist / Pianist & Producer
Taking influence from the wild on-stage presence of Rory Gallagher, Eoghan provides an energetic and ‘out there’ performance. As a guitar player, his hard rock sensibilities have led to him touring and performing with Bobby Kimball (Toto), Chris Slade (AC/DC), and signing endorsement deals with DiMarzio Electronics, Vigier Guitars, AMT Electronics and Breedlove Guitars.
Emer McLaughlin – Singer / Bassist
Emer’s voice has been compared to Stevie Nicks, Kim Carnes and Norah Jones, and her bass playing to that of Phil Lynott. With a blues infused alto range, she sings lead, as well as backing vocals, and co-writes all of the band’s material.
  Emer McLaughlin answered a few questions for us to help you get to know the band a little bit better 
Why did you pick your band name?
We chose the name ‘The Midnight Preachers’ because we think that it summons a really strong set of visuals that amplify what the music is about, or at least set a tone of intrigue, which is something we’re really interested in as artists. 
  Anything you would like share, from new merch to upcoming shows/tours or songs/albums? 
We recently released our 3rd single, ‘Pusher Woman’ and its available on all major streaming sites, we hope to release our final single in the coming months and tour in the new year, if Corona allows it! We will also have a new merch store up and running where you can purchase our EP, T’s, hats, fun stuff like that! 
  How do you describe your music to people? 
Like Skynyrd and Fleetwood Mac got in a bar fight. And Skynyrd won 🙂 
  How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
Happens to everyone so it’s usually best to laugh it off and call it Jazz! Sometimes mistakes can make the performance more interesting, or a whole new idea can stem from a mistake – that has happened to both of us in our songwriting. 
  What are your immediate music career goals? (Next 1 to 3 years.)
Our immediate goal is to focus on the music as much we can in these hectic times as we’ve been given the rare opportunity to take our time, refocus and explore creatively. We will release the final track of our EP, ‘Desert Hymns’ in the coming months, followed by our debut album in the new year which we’ve been working on for some time and cannot wait to have out in the world – And beyond that, touring as much and as safely as we can in coming years and continuing to do what we love. 
  What type of recording process did you use? Who produced your recording?
Our recording process has been an epic learning curve, from recording with our producer, John Henry, who we worked with on ‘Desert Hymns’ to learning to record and produce on our own, we’ve found the experience thus far to be hugely educational. We’ve also been fortunate enough to work closely with Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal, who mixed two of our EP tracks and mastered them all. 
  Tell us the brief history of your band. 
The band came together in 2016, Eoghan asked me to join soon after and since then we’ve performed shows all over Ireland and have been fortunate enough to be the band at the Bumblefoot music camps. We’ve recorded our EP and hope to release our debut album next year. 
  Which instruments do you play?
Eoghan plays guitar and keys, Colin drums and I play bass. 
  Describe your first instrument. Other instruments.
My first instrument was a JC acoustic guitar which I managed to steal from my older brother as I was jealous he was getting lessons and I was not 🙂 
I swapped guitar for the bass when I was 16.
  Who are your musical and non-musical influences?
Our shared musical influences include Fleetwood Mac, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, Skynrd and Rory Gallagher. 
Otherwise I find inspiration in artists such Agnes Martin, Georgia O Keefe and Andy Warhol 
Thank you so much! 
    Connect with The Midnight Preachers (click icons):
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IBOTW: The Midnight Preachers was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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architectnews · 4 years
Foster + Partners Architects Office, UK
Foster + Partners Architects UK, Office Buildings, Projects Photos, Architecture Studio News
Foster + Partners, Architects
Contemporary Architectural Practice in London: Major Design Office in England, UK
Foster + Partners News
Foster + Partners Architects News, chronological:
7 Oct 2020 Norman Foster addresses the first United Nations Forum of Mayors in Geneva
Norman Foster has given the opening keynote to the first UN Forum of Mayors, a platform where mayors presented their experience dealing with the COVID-19 health emergency and other challenges their cities are facing. Marking the start of this year’s Session of the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management, mayors from 41 cities as diverse as Belgrade, Glasgow, Kazan, Milan, Pittsburgh and Reykjavík, sent a clear message that healthy populations require more resilient and sustainable cities.
Forum of Mayors 2020. Sami Kanaan, Mayor of Geneva, Switzerland. Co-Chair of the Forum of Mayors; Norman Foster, Architect; and Olga Algayerova, Under-Secretary-General and UNECE Executive Secretary. Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, October 6, 2020: photo © UNECE/Pierre Albouy
From introducing temporary public spaces where people can walk or cycle while practicing social distancing, experimenting with new means of public transport, to decarbonizing heating systems, Norman Foster’s speech to the forum outlined how the current pandemic can be seen as an opportunity for mayors and other civic leaders across world.
Forum of Mayors 2020. Norman Foster, Architect Special address: “A message to Mayors”. Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, October 6: photo © UNECE/Pierre Albouy
Norman Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners, said: “Many have questioned the impact that the pandemic will have on cities. Significant issues have been raised about their future and as an architect and urbanist I am honoured to have had this opportunity to address Mayors and civic leaders from around the world as part of this important initiative by the United Nations.”
photo © UNECE/Pierre Albouy
Speaking about how it is ‘vital that Mayors lead public debate on how cities can be remoulded into greener, healthier, and more liveable places’, he lauded the initiative, urging civic leaders to be ‘at the forefront of change.’ His address illustrated the challenges and opportunities at both the urban scale and at the level of individual buildings with ‘sustainable principles hardwired into them’. He went on to showcase how these are not novel ‘trends’ but moves that have already taken place in cities around the world, from Madrid to Seoul.
photo © UNECE/Pierre Albouy
“Cities are the future, statistically more so today than ever before. City centres will have the potential to be quieter, cleaner, safer, healthier and vitally, if the opportunity is grasped, to be greener,” added Foster.
Click to read Norman Foster’s keynote speech.
Mayors of 41 cities participated in the forum including: • Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan, Italy • Abdulah Skaka, Mayor of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina • Jan Vapaavuori, Mayor of Helsinki, Finland • Remigijus Šimašius, Mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania • Gergely Karácsony, Mayor of Budapest, Hungary • Jānis Vilnītis, Chairman of the Liepāja City Council, Latvia • Viktoria Mozgacheva, Deputy Mayor of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan • Konstantin Georgieski, Mayor of Ohrid, Republic North Macedonia • Conxita Marsol Riart, Mayor of Andorra la Vella, Andorra • Peter Danielsson, Mayor of Helsingborg, Sweden • Hazel Chu, Lord Mayor of Dublin, Ireland • Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, Albania • Kostas Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens, Greece • Hayk Marutyan, Mayor of Yerevan, Armenia • Maia Bitadze, Deputy Mayor of Tbilisi, Georgia • Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Israel • Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv, Ukraine • Jahongir Ortiqkhojaev, Mayor of Tashkent, Uzbekistan • Zdeněk Hřib, Mayor of Prague, Czech Republic • Nina Abrahamczik, Vienna City Council, Austria • Martin Horn, Mayor of Freiburg, Germany • Morten Wolden, Chief Executive of Trondheim, Norway • Marcin Krupa, Mayor of Katowice, Poland • Kishwar Shamirov, Mayor of Khorog, Tajikistan • Carlos Carreiras, Mayor of Cascais, Portugal • Tomaso Rossini, Captain of the Castle, San Marino • Zoran Radojičić, Mayor of Belgrade, Serbia • Lucia Štasselová, Deputy Mayor of Bratislava, Slovakia • Gregor Macedoni, Mayor of Novo mesto, Slovenia • Alec von Graffenried, Mayor of Berne, Switzerland • Dagur B. Eggertsson, Mayor of Reykjavík, Iceland • Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council, United Kingdom • Ilsur Metshin, Mayor of Kazan, Russian Federation • Ion Ceban, Mayor of Chișinău, Moldova • Andres Jaadla, Vice Mayor of Rakvere, Estonia • Pierre Hurmic, Mayor of Bordeaux, France • Bill Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh, USA • Lisa Helps, Mayor of Victoria, Canada
22 Sep 2020 Hankook Technoplex in Pangyo, South Korea photo : TIME OF BLUE Hankook Technoplex in Pangyo Building on the successful partnership developed during the Hankook Technodome project – the company’s integrated R&D centre in Daejeon – Foster + Partners has designed Hankook’s new headquarters in Pangyo, on the outskirts of Seoul.
17 Sep 2020 Apple Marina Bay Sands, Singapore photograph : Finbarr Fallon Apple Marina Bay Sands Singapore A new distinctive 30-metre-diameter structure is a fully glazed dome with a black glass base, complementing the sister pavilions through its scale and materiality.
11 Sep 2020 Magdi Yacoub Global Heart Centre, Cairo, Egypt image courtesy of architecture office Magdi Yacoub Global Heart Centre Construction has started on the newest outpost of the Aswan Heart Centre founded by renowned Egyptian surgeon Sir Magdi Yacoub and provides free state-of-the-art treatment for the people of Egypt and beyond, in particular those in sub-Saharan Africa.
12 Aug 2020 Apple Central World, Ratchaprasong, Bangkok, Thailand, South East Asia Design: Foster + Partners with Architects 49 Ltd. photo © Apple Apple Central World Bangkok Store Apple Central World in Bangkok welcomed its first visitors. Located in one of the city’s iconic urban centers, the new store establishes a quiet sculptural presence at the heart of the bustling Central World Square on the intersection of Rama I and Ratchadamri roads.
6 Aug 2020 Pitt Street OSD and metro station, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia image © Foster + Partners Pitt Street Over Station Development Sydney Designs for a mixed-use over station development at the heart of Sydney have been revealed. The new 39-storey premium office building on the corner of Park and Pitt streets will create a vibrant mixed-use hub offering flexible office space with an elevated lobby and retail plaza in the heart of Sydney’s retail, dining and entertainment precinct.
3 Aug 2020 Apple Sanlitun, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China image courtesy of architects Apple Sanlitun The design is the result of a close collaboration between Apple’s teams and the integrated engineering and design teams at Foster + Partners.
27 May 2020 Foster + Partners’ machine-cut visor obtains CE Certification
The all-purpose face visor designed by Foster + Partners for medical professionals has now received full CE Certification. We have updated our free open source data accordingly and this raises our hopes that more companies will investigate and adopt this type of design and method of manufacture.
29 Apr 2020 Plus: The new Journal of Foster + Partners launched
Plus – a new journal from Foster + Partners – was launched today as a ‘digital-first’ publication on fosterandpartners.com. Every month, new articles will be added, showcasing both the in-depth research and the broad array of the firm’s interdisciplinary collaboration within the practice and pertinent issues affecting the world around us from independent writers.
It provides a forum for non-traditional stories and case studies on the innovation and processes that reinforce the diverse projects in the practice, as well as a platform for industry experts and more. The articles will offer insights into ideas that underpin our work, creating connections between projects and the wider issues that affect the built environment today.
The inaugural features include an exploration of the practice’s work with metal 3D-printing in ‘A Journey to Digital Manufacture’; ‘Structure of Support’ – an in depth discussion on the structural design and of Maggie’s Manchester, examining the close relationship between architecture and engineering, coupled with the vital supporting role the centre plays; and ‘Biophilia in Design’, developing a greater understanding on the importance of this aspect of environmental design.
Future articles will explore the development of SandBOX, a conceptual design system created by researchers and analysts at the practice; an anthropological investigation into the importance of public space in Chinese city life; and a study of spatial configuration and staff movement in healthcare.
8 Jan 2020 Alibaba’s new HQ, Shanghai, China image © Foster + Partners Alibaba Shanghai HQ Building by Foster + Partners The architectural firm win the ompetition to design the new headquarters for the Chinese ecommerce giant. The HQ is set to showcase the Chinese company’s unique working culture to the public.
6 Dec 2019 COP25: Foster + Partners launches its sustainability manifesto
Foster + Partners has launched its sustainability manifesto, revealing its methodology for greener projects and demonstrating the practice’s ongoing commitment towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Outlining a holistic sustainable approach, this methodology enables the measurement of embodied and operational carbon in each project.
Over the last five years, drawing on the practice’s experience, expertise and in collaboration with others, Foster + Partners has created a unique system that can effectively determine carbon emissions at every project stage. This process gives greater insight into the different aspects that affect the environmental impact of a project and provides tools to mitigate and lower their carbon content.
As part of the COP25, the practice has been invited to present this methodology and tools by UNFCCC, UN Environment and the European Commission at their respective events in Madrid. It is also represented at the UK Pavilion demonstrating sustainable and green innovations at the event.
Applying the manifesto’s principles to its own operations, Foster + Partners has been purchasing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources for the past three years. In addition to this, the practice is also fully offsetting its annual global carbon emissions associated with transport (airline and vehicular), as well as those associated with heating and waste from its London campus.
Download the Foster + Partners Sustainability Manifesto 2019.
Oct 24, 2019 Comcast Technology Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA photography © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners Comcast Technology Center Building Located next to the existing Comcast Center, the Comcast Technology Center rises 1,121 feet (341 meters) as the city’s tallest building. The Comcast Technology Center is vertically stepped, with loft-like work spaces and state-of-the-art television studios for NBC10 and Telemundo62, with a 12-story Four Seasons Hotel above.
28 Sep 2019 Le Dôme Winery, Saint-Émillion, Bordeaux, France Le Dôme Winery in Saint-Émillion, Bordeaux Foster + Partners’ designs for the new Le Dôme winery in Saint-Émillion have been unveiled. Nestled in the rolling hills of Bordeaux, the design of the new building aims to blend seamlessly with the landscape.
25 Sep 2019 Gabriela Hearst, London, England, UK photography : Nigel Young / Foster + Partners Gabriela Hearst London Store Gabriela Hearst, the sustainable global fashion brand with an uncompromising commitment to the environment, has opened its first London outpost, designed by Foster + Partners.
Foster + Partners News 2018
Dec 12, 2018 425 Park Avenue, Manhattan, NYC, USA 425 Park Avenue Building News Topping Out news: the tower’s form is a pure expression of its function. The building is divided vertically into three distinct volumes: a seven-storey base, knitted to the urban grain at street level; a recessed central section; and a slender formation of premium floors at the top.
12 Dec 2018 The Tulip City, city of London, England, UK image Courtesy Foster + Partners, Architects The Tulip City of London Building A planning application has been submitted by this celebrated British architecture office to the City of London Corporation for a new public cultural attraction which would be sited next to 30 St Mary Axe.
Jul 5, 2018 Norman Foster Wins Prestigious American Prize for Design The Architect of the World’s Most Iconic Works of Contemporary Architecture as the new $5 Billion Apple ‘Spaceship’ Headquarters, the famed ‘Gherkin Building’ in London, and the British Museum’s Great Court is Honored for His Achievements in the Field of Industrial Design. Norman Foster Wins American Prize for Design 2018
2 Jul 2018 Apple Cotai Central, Macau, China Architects: Foster + Partners photograph © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners Apple Cotai Central by Foster + Partners Apple Cotai Central offers a calm complement to the buzz and excitement of Macau, responding to the desire for an inviting, contemplative space, where technology, entertainment and arts come together to make a positive contribution to the city.
30 Jun 2018 Bloomberg London Shortlisted at World Architecture Festival 2018 Awards
Bloomberg European Headquarters in London is one of 536 shortlisted entries across 81 countries: photograph © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners World Architecture Festival Awards 2018 Shortlist
22 Jun 2018 50 Scollard Apartments, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Architects: Foster + Partners image courtesy of architecture office 50 Scollard Apartments Toronto A unique amalgam of community-based amenities, heritage restoration, high-end luxury residences, and public green space, 50 Scollard lays the foundation for a rich social anchor within a vibrant district in downtown Toronto.
20 Jun 2018 Axis Madrid – Plaza Colón Building Refurbishment, Madrid, Spain image Courtesy architecture office Axis Madrid The comprehensive refurbishment of the Plaza Colón building, at one of the most major intersections in the city, the project seeks to completely transform and revitalise the existing structure to create a new iconic landmark that reflects the prestige and importance of the site.
9 May 2018 DJI’s new HQ, Shenzhen, China Architects: Foster + Partners image : Foster + Partners DJI HQ Building Vision unveiled for the new headquarters for DJI, the world leading robotics company, currently under construction in Shenzhen.
1 May 2018 DP World Cargospeed, Dubai, UAE image Courtesy architecture office DP World Cargospeed Dubai Building Foster + Partners has created a video that describes a vision for the future of high-speed transportation. DP World Cargospeed, a collaboration of cargo giant DP World and Virgin Hyperloop One aims to create an infrastructural network that forms a fundamental part of a new ecosystem, in which urban centers, rural landscapes, people & nature are all interconnected. This is a unique project with far-reaching global implications that could have its first step based in Dubai.
29 Mar 2018 Vatican Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale, Italy image courtesy of architects Vatican Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale Foster + Partners, in partnership with Tecno, will build one of the chapels located in a wooded area at one end of the Venetian island of San Giorgio Maggiore.
25 Mar 2018 Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich, Norfolk, England, UK photograph ® Nigel Young – Foster + Partners Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts Building by Foster + Partners Opened in 1978, the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts was the practice’s first cultural project, and one that embraced several themes that have remained at the core of our unique design approach – a strong belief in the integration of architecture and engineering, a commitment to low-energy, sustainable design, and a never-ending drive towards innovation.
19 Feb 2018 The Murray, 22 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong, China image courtesy of architects Murray Hotel Hong Kong The Murray Hotel, re-imagined and designed by Foster + Partners, officially marked its completion at a plaque unveiling ceremony in Hong Kong officiated by guest-of-honour, Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the HKSAR along with Mr. Peter Woo, Chairman of Wheelock Holdings Pte Ltd. The Murray, converted from the previously known Murray Building, is one of several historic landmarks under the Conserving Central Initiative Project to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the HKSAR.
24 Nov 2017 Marseille Airport Building Extension, France image courtesy of architects Marseille Airport Building Extension The competition winning entry for the new Marseille Airport extension was revealed today at a grand ceremony in the presence of JC Gaudin, Mayor of Marseille; Renaud Muselier, President of the region; Martine Vassal, President of the Departmental Council; JL Chauvin, President of the Chamber of Commerce, and several other dignitaries.
17 Nov 2017 Ocean Terminal Extension, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China photo © Foster + Partners Ocean Terminal Extension in Hong Kong A new gateway for thousands of international cruise liner passengers, the extension to the Ocean Terminal in Harbour City, Hong Kong has opened. With stunning new outdoor spaces for dining and leisure capitalising on the unmatched panoramic views of the harbour, this new expansion creates a new landmark for Hong Kong.
6 Nov 2017 Ashburnham Primary School Playground, West London, England, UK photograph : Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners Ashburnham Primary School Playground London The opening of the new children’s playground at Ashburnham Community School in West London was met with shrieks of delight, as the children got a first taste of the recently transformed school grounds.
25 Oct 2017 Bloomberg European Headquarters, Bloomberg Place, London, EC4, England photo © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners Bloomberg European Headquarters in London The new European headquarters of Bloomberg LP has been launched at an event hosted by its founder Michael R. Bloomberg, in the company of Lord Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners and Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London. Located between the Bank of England and St Paul’s Cathedral, the building responds to its historic context, yet is uniquely of its place and time. It is a true exemplar of sustainable development, with a BREEAM Outstanding rating – the highest design-stage score ever achieved by any major office development.
Aug 10, 2017 Apple Retail Store, Carnegie Library, Washington DC image Courtesy of architects Carnegie Library Apple Store Design This interesting project aims to renew the Carnegie Library building as a retail and education facility.
5 Aug 2017 Oceanwide Center Building, Transbay Area, San Francisco, California, USA images courtesy of Foster + Partners Oceanwide Center San Francisco Building The Oceanwide Center buildings comprises two high-rise towers, along with new public spaces and pedestrian links through downtown. The two buildings provide 1.35 million square feet of office space and 650,000 square feet of residential units.
2 Aug 2017 Foster + Partners to Re-purpose Bee’ah Landfill in UAE Foster + Partners is transforming the landfill site of Bee’ah, the leading sustainable waste management company in the Middle East, located in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. The city is expected to reach its goal of zero landfill waste by 2020, and once it does, the current landfill will no longer be of use. Foster + Partners is redeveloping the site with a sustainable masterplan that reflects Bee’ah’s “vision of a world where clean energy is generated sustainability and utilized both sparingly and efficiently,” according to the British architectural firm. The site is located next to the yet-to-be-completed Bee’ah headquarters, a sustainable, renewable-energy powered complex designed by Zaha Hadid Architects. Link: https://ift.tt/2tpchCn
11 Jul 2017 International shortlist revealed for architects to design landmark Centre for Music in London DS+R are shortlisted to develop a concept design for a new concert hall in the City of London. The Barbican Centre, London Symphony Orchestra and Guildhall School of Music & Drama are leading the competition, backed by £2.5million in funding from the City of London Corporation: Centre for Music London Competition
21 Jun, 2017 Bloomberg’s New European Headquarters, City of London, UK image © ChopsMoxie/Foster + Partners Bloomberg’s New European Headquarters Building Opening this autumn, Bloomberg’s new European headquarters in the heart of the City of London is the first wholly owned, designed and constructed Bloomberg building globally. Conceived in collaboration with Foster + Partners, it reflects founder Mike Bloomberg’s long-held belief that workspaces should foster collaboration, innovation and productivity.
Circular Quay Tower, Sydney, NSW, Australia
19/06/2017 – Foster + Partners wins design competition for Circular Quay Tower, Sydney
Foster + Partners has been selected as the winners of an international competition to design a new office tower for Sydney’s Circular Quay, close to the city’s harbor and iconic Opera House. Located between George and Pitt streets, the tower will serve as a centerpiece of the urban district’s reinvigorated masterplan, featuring a scheme characterized by its array of pedestrian pathways that cross through the site at multiple levels. The laneways will be lined with retail shops, cafes and bars.
“We wanted Circular Quay Tower and its surroundings to be of its place, taking advantage of its topography and unique location near Sydney Harbour,” said design team leader Gerard Evenden, Head of Studio and Senior Executive Partner at Foster + Partner. “The tower will form the centrepiece of an urban regeneration precinct that will reshape the northern end of the CBD into a vibrant community contributing to Sydney’s status as a global city.”
images courtesy of architects office
The tower will feature an innovative façade made up of a series of external cross-brace members that put the building’s structural engineering and load-tracing on display. On the south elevation, three bays of transparent elevators will be book-ended by the building’s concrete cores, animating the façade and articulating the structure’s vertical elements. By offsetting the core to one side and pushing the structure to the exterior, the interior floor plan can remain open, allowing for flexible arrangements for future tenants.
May 5, 2017 University of Pennsylvania Hospital Pavilion, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA image from architects University of Pennsylvania Hospital Pavilion Building by Foster + Partners The University of Pennsylvania announced the groundbreaking for the construction of a new hospital on Penn Medicine’s West Philadelphia campus designed by Foster + Partners as part of PennFirst, an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) team.
25 Feb 2017 National Bank of Kuwait Building, Kuwait City photo © Adrian Welch National Bank of Kuwait Tower Located on a prominent site, the 300-m-high headquarters tower for the National Bank of Kuwait will have a distinctive presence among the high-rise buildings of Sharq, the city’s growing financial district.
31 Jan 2017 Jabal Omar Hotel Development, Mecca, Saudi Arabia image courtesy architects Jabal Omar Development in Mecca Foster + Partners’ competition winning scheme for a new luxury hotel and serviced apartments in the heart of Makkah has been revealed. Inspired by traditional Arab architecture, it’s design reinterprets the traditional dense building clusters, creating a new contemporary vernacular that respects its sacred location.
18 Jan 2017 Andhra Pradesh Capital Competition, India Foster + Partners has won an international competition for a new £500 m capital for the state of Andhra Pradesh in south-eastern India, reports the Architects’ Journal.
The architecture studio, working in partnership with Mumbai architect Hafeez Contractor, was chosen for the prestigious commission ahead of an undisclosed shortlist of international firms last month.
Planned to complete in 2022, the project will create a new municipal capital for India’s eighth largest state, which lost its former capital, Hyderabad, to the newly formed state of Telangana two years ago.
The 365ha masterplan will deliver a new civic core for the planned 200km2 settlement on the southern banks of the Krishna river, known as Amaravati.
16 Jan 2017 The RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship 2017 launched Applications are invited from schools of architecture around the world directly by the RIBA to put forward one applicant each. Entries will be assessed by a panel of judges which will include Lord Foster and RIBA President Jane Duncan: RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship
Foster + Partners Architecture
Foster + Partners – main page : current architecture news (this page)
Fosters + Partners Architects – Key Buildings List
Foster + Partners Architects Designs : Projects from 2013-16 image courtesy architects
Foster + Partners Architecture : Projects from 2011-12 picture © McLaren
Foster + Partners Designs : Projects from 2010 photo : Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
Foster + Partners Architecture Designs : Projects from 2008-09 image : Foster + Partners
Foster + Partners Buildings : Projects from pre-2008 picture from architect
Foster + Partners Exhibition
Key Architecture Projects by Foster + Partners
Swiss Re, London, UK photograph © Adrian Welch Swiss Re Building : London skyscraper
Crystal Island, Moscow, Russia picture : Foster + Partners Crystal Island tower : 450m high tower
Spaceport America, New Mexico, USA picture : Foster + Partners Apaceport New Mexico
Millau Viaduct, France photo © Nick Weall Millau Bridge
Overview of the Practice
Lord Foster runs one of the most celebrated architect offices in the world of the last century. Not only prolific, the architects practice has consistently pushed boundaries, especially in terms of materials and technology, but also of form and building envelope.
Norman was born in Manchester in 1935. Having moved to London, and worked in Team 4, he established Foster Associates in 1967. This continued the Hi-Tec (or High-Tech) style of Team 4 with influences from Archigram. Prefabrication and modular design were clear goals with a passion for good detailing.
One of Norman Foster’s key early works was the Willis Faber Dumas building (1974) in southern England. It eschewed traditional wet trades for the facade and compartmentalised space within. This design, along with the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts at UEA and the former Renault Distribution Centre, celebrated technology and notions of flexibility in architecture.
Related architects at this time (early 1980s) included Nicholas Grimshaw, Richard Rogers and Michael Hopkins. In fact, this reaction to the doctrines of Modern architects Corb and Mies can be traced back to the late 1960s, for example Norman Foster’s Reliance Controls Electronics Factory (1967).
During the Postmodern years the Foster + Partners style became a little more colourful but never strayed from technological rigour. In the 21st century – with new computer technology – forms have become more flowing, for example Beijing airport and the Swiss Re Building.
Over the years a stunning array of buildings and bridges has emerged from the Foster + Partners architects office. We selected the key designs by the practice, in chronological order below.
Major Buildings by Foster + Partners
Willis Faber & Dumas Headquarters, Ipswich, England (1974) Sainsbury Centre, Norwich, England (1977) Renault Distribution Centre, Swindon, England (1982) Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, Hong Kong (1986) Stansted Airport Building, England (1991) Carré d’Art, Nîmes, France (1993) Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong (1998) Reichstag Building, Berlin, Germany (1999) British Museum Great Court, London, England (2001) 30 St Mary Axe – aka Swiss Re Building, London, England (2004) Millau Viaduct, France (2004)
Comments on the selection welcome. These Foster + Partners designs aren’t selected simply due to their fame – we’ve excluded London City Hall and the Millennium Bridge for example – but because each design signified a strong creative achievement.
Adrian Welch, e-architect Editor
More Architecture by Foster + Partners online soon
Address: Riverside, 22 Hester Rd, Battersea, London SW11 4AN, United Kingdom Phone: +44 20 7738 0455
Architecture Practice Information
Architecture stuido headquarterd in London, UK
London Architects
Architecture Education
Manchester University School of Architecture, England
Yale University, USA
Team 4 architects, London with his wife, Wendy Foster + Richard Rogers & Sue Rogers
Foster Associates, London 1967- Norman was knighted in 1990
Norman Foster : Architecture
Pritzker Prize architects Winner in 1999
Norman Foster, architect – RIBA Gold Medal 1983 Winner
American Institute of Architects Gold Medal winner : 1994
Buildings / photos for the Norman Foster Architect page welcome
Website: www.fosterandpartners.com
The post Foster + Partners Architects Office, UK appeared first on e-architect.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Lupita Nyong’o Pens Painfully Beautiful Tribute To Chadwick Boseman + Funeral Service To Be Held In S. Carolina + 'The Wire' Star Clarke Peters' Regretful Comments About Chadwick
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Lupita Nyong’o penned a heartfelt tribute to her Black Panther co-star Chadwick Boseman that will have you wiping your face after you read it. Get into her painfully beautiful tribute to her friend, plus details on Chadwick’s funeral services and more inside….
It’s been almost two weeks since we learned we lost an icon in the making. On August 28th, Chadwick Boseman passed away after a long battle with colon cancer. He was 43.
After news broke about his passing a slew of celebs – including his Black Panther co-stars, former co-stars, athletes, politicians, entertainers – you name it – posted touching tributes to honor his legacy. Everyone felt it. It hit hard. It was unexpected. And the shocking news was too much for Black Panther star Lupita Nyong’o as it took her while to gather her thoughts in order to honor her co-star/friend in the most eloquent way possible.
The Oscar winning actress took to her Instagram to share a touching tribute to the real-life superhero. And we can’t get over how painfully beautiful it is.
"I write these words from a place of hopelessness, to honor a man who had great hope,” Lupita wrote on Instagram attached to a picture of them laughing. “I am struggling to think and speak about my friend, Chadwick Boseman, in the past tense. It doesn't make sense. The news of his passing is a punch to my gut every morning."
If you didn’t know, Lupita played King T'Challa's love interest, Nakia, in the blockbuster film. While she said she hadn’t known him a long time, he will always be in her heart.
"Chadwick was a man who made the most of his time, and somehow also managed to take his time," she wrote. "I didn't know him for long, but he had a profound effect on me in the time that I did. When we came together to make Black Panther, I remember being struck by his quiet, powerful presence. He had no airs about him, but there was a higher frequency that he seemed to operate from. You got the sense that he was fully present and also somehow fully aware of things in the distant future. As a result, I noticed that Chadwick never seemed rushed! He commanded his time with ease."
        View this post on Instagram
                  Happy belated birthday to the King. May the Sun continue to shine upon you that you may continue to brighten our lives! #betterlatethannever #sometimesvacationmakesoneforgetful
A post shared by Lupita Nyong'o (@lupitanyongo) on Nov 30, 2018 at 5:29pm PST
  Although Chadwick had been battling cancer for about two years before Black Panther came out, Lupita said he made sure to show up to "every rehearsal and training and shoot day with his game face on."
"He was absorbent. Agile. He set the bar high by working with a generosity of spirit, creating an ego-free environment by sheer example, and he always had a warm gaze and a strong embrace to share. His large hands would descend on my shoulders and give them a squeeze that relieved me of the tensions I did not realize I was holding. Chadwick's hands were strong enough to carry the weight of the film and free enough to clasp mine when I needed it."
"He cared so deeply about humanity, about Black people, about his people,” she wrote. “He activated our pride. By pushing through and working with such high purpose in the films he chose to commit to, Chadwick has made the infinite his home.” And in a poignant statement she said, “His power lives on and will reverberate for generations to come.”
Read her touching tribute in full below:
        View this post on Instagram
                  For the beloved #ChadwickBoseman. #TakeYourTimeButDontWasteYourTime
A post shared by Lupita Nyong'o (@lupitanyongo) on Sep 8, 2020 at 6:07am PDT
  Beautifully written.
Speaking of his co-stars...
Actor Clarke Peters reminds us why we should always be concious about how we judge others because you never fully know what a person is going through. After the Oscars last year, Clarke went to work with Chadwick on Spike Lee's "Da 5 Bloods." During an interview with "Good Morning Britan," the esteemed actor shared he made some comments about Chadwick that he now regrets.
"I have to say with a little bit of regret that I probably wasn’t the most altruistic in that environment, but hindsight teaches us a lot of things,” he said. "What I'm addressing is, basically, my wife asked what Chadwick was like. I was really excited to work with him. I said, 'I think he's a little bit precious.' And she said, 'Why?' And I said, 'Because he's surrounded by people who are fawning over him.'"
He talked about how Chadwick had a Chinese practitioner, who is massaging his back when he walked off set, he had a makeup lady massaging his feet and his (then) girlfriend was there holding his hand.
"And I'm thinking maybe the Black Panther thing went to his head," Clarke said.
After learning what the treatment was REALLY for, he has regrets.
"I regret even having those thoughts because they were really looking after him,” he said before getting super emotional.
Peep the clip above.
Whew! That def hit home. We all could learn a lesson from that.
While we're all still coming to terms with his untimely death, funeral arrangement have been announced to bury the real-life superhero. The MARSHALL star will be laid to rest in his hometown of Anderson, South Carolina. The actual date has yet to be determined, but it's reported it'll be private.
The "Get On Up" star's funeral arrangements were overseen by the Marcus D. Brown Funeral Home in Chadwick's hometown.
“It’s an honor to make arrangements with this family,” Marcus Brown told WYFF-TV. “I’ve known them for many years, so it’s an honor but it humbles me as well.”
Also, his hometown has begun working on a major statue and murals throughout the city to honor their hometown hero. Before the official funeral, a special tribute was held for the actor in his hometown:
A special memorial service was held Thursday in Anderson at the Anderson Sports & Entertainment Complex. The event, which was free and open to the public, featured speakers including the daughter of James Brown, Deanna Brown-Thomas, and Boseman’s pastor, Samuel Neely.
During the service, Brown-Thomas called Boseman “the epitome of black excellence” and recounted a story in which Boseman visited her family in Augusta, Georgia, ahead of his filming of her father’s biopic.
The mayor of Anderson, Terence Roberts, and Brown-Thomas both described Boseman as humble.
“He wasn’t Hollywood, and that’s what I loved about him,” Brown-Thomas said.
Over the weekend...
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Black Panther co-stars Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, and Winston Duke jetted to Malibu for a private memorial to pay their respects to the late actor. The cast hugged one another and also Chadwick's grieving wife Taylor Simone Ledward.
    Michael B Jordan and Black Panther co-stars join Chadwick Boseman's wife and family at Malibu memorial for brave actor https://t.co/fhYDmJGlZ4
— Penelope Nankunda (@NankundaPenny) September 6, 2020
You can see pics from the memorial here.
Rest in Power, King!
  Photos: Lupita's IG/Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock
  [Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/09/09/lupita-nyong%E2%80%99o-pens-painfully-beautiful-tribute-to-chadwick-boseman-funeral-service-to-be
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visawords · 4 years
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ADELAIDE, Australia, July 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Coach, columnist and architect Abbie-Lea Verco creates a roadmap to ascertain one’s accurate potential. She debuts in the apple of album and self-help with her new book blue-blooded “Harness Your Hero” (published by Balboa Press AU).
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The book offers a 12-step action for one to ask adamantine questions with no judgement. One will alpha their adventure in designing and active their ideal activity through creating a “Massive Action Plan.”
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Through the advertisement of “Harness Your Hero,” Verco hopes to transform readers to become a renewed and bigger adaptation of themselves.
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
Learn All About Acrylic Landscape Painting From This Politician | Acrylic Landscape Painting
ABERDEEN – By day, Allen Lockhart is the administrator of anatomy and the lab at Monroe Regional Hospital. By night, he’s a painter. He afresh donated a painting of the hospital to be afraid amid the bench elevators, bringing an acknowledgment from co-workers of a aptitude they didn’t apperceive he had.
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“[Hospital CEO] Chris Chandler and I were talking one day about how they were activity to be redoing the lobby, and again COVID came along. Everyone was gloomy, so I absitively to accord this painting. It angry into a acceptable chat allotment because so abounding bodies said they had no abstraction I painted,” Lockhart said.
He started painting while in aerial academy as a amusement but gave it up until his granddaughters, Sydney Kate and Marion Elizabeth, developed an absorption in art.
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“That got me aback on board. I do acrylic, watercolor and oil-based, and best of my paintings are landscapes and animals. I’ve got paintings in Texas, Tennessee and Georgia,” he said.
The hospital painting was already in the works afore the pandemic, and a mix of the building’s architectonics and 30 years alive there aggressive this piece.
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“I like this place. I like Aberdeen. Everyone’s like ancestors here,” he said.
Chandler commended Lockhart’s ignment on and off the canvas.
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“Allen is a abundant archetype of what all our advisers are. He’s committed to our ociation and amorous about our patients. His candor and caring personality are apparent in the painting he created,” he said.
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